#ace of staves
fickes · 4 months
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Aces of the Lord of the Rings: the potential, the seed, the beginning of the beginning
☞ buy the deck
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Maxwell from the Don’t Starve series is Ace Hypersexual!
Requested by Anon
Flag seen is here!
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Got my COVID booster yesterday and feel like I got hit by a fucking Mack truck. So if anyone wants to send me asks today, please do. I need the distraction.
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artschoolglasses · 2 years
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Bone Maul, my beloved. 💚
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
bought myself a lunchable and a smoothie like a kid getting a little midday snack in the summer
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fandoms-x-reader · 1 month
MC Faints
Requested By: @space-dragon-ace
Summary: The brothers (individually) react to MC who faints. Word Count: 4,146
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This time of year had been the most stressful for you.
The brothers were always fighting for your attention, so you rarely had time for yourself. 
You felt like the second you got home from RAD you were being pulled left and right by one brother or another.
And while you appreciated that they wanted to hang out with you, exams were coming up and as an exchange student, there was an immense amount of pressure on you to do good.
And since you were under that pressure, you had to find time to make sure you were studying.
Which unfortunately meant cutting into your sleep schedule.
You were overworked and exhausted and the only thing that was keeping you upright was the anxiety of knowing that the exams were in the next few days.
Lucifer was a very overworked person himself. So, he had a hard time noticing when someone was struggling to keep up with their workload.
It’s not that he couldn’t pick up on the signs of your exhaustion, it’s just between student council business and keeping his brothers out of trouble, he didn’t really have time to look for those signs.
So, when you fainted in the middle of a student council meeting, he was more surprised than anything.
You had been standing there, looking just as you usually did with no noticeable signs of distress.
And then the next second you were on the ground with his brothers surrounding you.
After the initial shock, Lucifer began thinking of reasons as to why you may have fainted and that’s when all of the little signals suddenly became clear to him.
It’s as if they were bright neon signs that stated you were overtired and ready to collapse.
And Lucifer suddenly became very protective of you, telling his brothers to give you space before whisking you away to the House of Lamentation where he could properly take care of you.
Lucifer held your hand the entire time you were asleep, gently touching his other hand to your forehead occasionally to make sure you weren’t running a fever or anything like that.
When you finally woke up, Lucifer gave you a small smile, apologizing to you for not noticing the signs of your suffering earlier.
“It’s not your fault, Lucifer,” you reassured him before adding, “I just need to do a better job of managing my time.”
Lucifer planned on helping with that.
He already planned to have a long talk with his brothers about respecting your time so that you didn’t have to sacrifice your own health just to keep up with your grades.
On top of that, Lucifer invited you to his room after school much more often. 
He claimed that it was to help make sure you were staying relaxed, but in reality, he needed a break just as much as you did.
And you were the only thing that helped him relax. 
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Demons didn’t get sick the same way that humans did.
That was one thing you had come to learn during your time in the Devildom.
They didn’t have a flu season and they didn’t get shots to stave off illness.
So when you started feeling sick, you didn’t think to mention it to the brothers.
After all, you were sure it would only end in a very long conversation consisting of you trying to explain your sickness while they bombarded you with a hundred questions.
You did your best to hide how awful you were really feeling, wearing a smile and doing your best to not look shaky or pale.
And it seemed to work because the brothers were as persistent as ever about spending time with you - especially Mammon.
And you loved spending time with Mammon. You thought it was adorable how he always fought for your attention.
But, today, you were hoping that he would get tired of going out and doing things and let you return to the House of Lamentation.
You would be fine even if he wanted to watch a movie with you at home. Then, if you fell asleep, you could just say you were really tired. It’s not like Mammon would be mad at you for very long anyway.
But, of course, when you were feeling very under the weather,+
Mammon decided he had a full day planned for the two of you.
From shopping to watching him do a photo shoot to trying out new restaurants - Mammon just wanted to spend the whole day together.
You did your best to keep up - to act like nothing was wrong.
But at the end of the day your ailment caught up to you and as you were standing next to Mammon at the casino, you felt incredibly lightheaded.
“I think I’m going to go sit down for a moment,” you told Mammon and he gave you a small frown.
“But, I’m about to win the jackpot!” Mammon argued and you once again smiled at him, agreeing to stay.
Moments later, Mammon did win the jackpot. He let out a victorious laugh and turned to celebrate with you only to find you collapsing into his arms.
His celebration was cut short as he was now freaking out trying to get you to wake up and gently brushing your hair out of your face as tears threatened to form in his eyes.
He rushed you back to the House of Lamentation and after Lucifer and Satan looked over you, they determined you had just fainted from being sick.
They gave Mammon some medicine to give to you when you woke up and then left.
Mammon stayed by your side the entire time and he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders when you finally opened your eyes.
His lips were turned down into a frown as he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
“I didn’t want to ruin our day together,” you replied and it only made Mammon more sad as he pulled you into a hug.
“I thought you died,” he admitted, his arms tightening around you, and you could see how affected he was by seeing you faint.
“I’m sorry, but I’m okay. It’s just a cold,” you told him and although he was satisfied with your answer, he wasn’t letting you go from his arms.
He needed to hold you there for a little while longer, just as some extra reassurance that you were okay.
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Levi was absolutely determined to finish the new game that he had bought.
It was a two-player game that he specifically purchased because he thought you would enjoy playing it with him.
Which meant that you were being dragged along for the ride whether you wanted to or not.
Levi wanted to finish the game as quickly as possible so that he could be the first person to review it and in order to do so, he had you pull two all-nighters back to back.
You were exhausted and ready to call it quits, but Levi was very convincing when he wanted to be. 
He knew all of the right bribes to offer you to keep you awake and playing.
On top of that, you were genuinely happy to be spending time with Levi.
But as the alarm clock rang after the second all-nighter that happiness you were feeling was overtaken by your exhaustion. 
You let out a groan as you sat down your controller, looking at the clock in Levi’s room as if it betrayed you by signaling it was time to get ready for school.
You and Levi still hadn’t finished the game and you couldn’t help but stare off into space with dread as you realized that meant that you would be in Levi’s room again after school today trying to finish it.
And no amount of caffeine would help you survive a third all-nighter in a row.
You didn’t say anything to Levi as you left his bedroom to get ready for school. In fact, you didn’t say anything to any of the brothers all day.
You weren’t trying to be rude, you were just too tired to care.
It wasn’t until you fainted at lunch that they realized something was genuinely wrong.
They all clamored over to you as you went down in the middle of the room, the other students whispering and asking what happened.
The scene caused quite the commotion which led to Diavolo finding out quickly. 
 As you rested in the infirmary, Diavolo questioned the brothers about what could have caused you to collapse.
Lucifer turned to Levi, claiming that he had been spending the most time with you lately.
Diavolo asked Levi if he noticed you feeling unwell and Levi innocently told him you looked like you were fine during your two all-nighters together.
“Wait - did you say that they hadn’t slept in two straight days?” Diavolo questioned and all of the brothers looked at Levi incredulously. 
Levi’s words suddenly registered in his own mind as he realized that he was the reason you fainted.
He immediately started panicking as his mind tried to come up with ways to make it up to you.
And as if his guilt wasn’t punishment enough, he had to endure a multiple-hour-long lecture from Lucifer about the importance of sleep for humans. 
Levi was afraid to face you the next time you saw him. He was afraid that you would hate him for forcing you to stay awake with him.
You reassured him that you had fun playing the game with him.
“Next time, maybe just let me get a couple hours of sleep in,” you teased and a blush rushed to his cheeks as he nodded his head.
Levi was really happy that you still wanted to play games with him despite what happened and he made a promise to himself to prioritize your health over the game from now on.
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Between his brothers and the busy life of being a member of the student council, you and Satan didn’t get a whole lot of free time to spend together.
So, when the opportunity did present itself where Satan was able to steal you away, the two of you liked to take advantage of it.
There was an outdoor festival happening up in the human world and Satan wanted to take you to it.
He knew that it had been a while since you visited and the festival had an overall theme that he knew you would both enjoy.
You were ecstatic when he asked you to go with him and the two of you left almost immediately after.
The festival was absolutely gorgeous and it was full of things that you and Satan could do together.
You shared the cuisines, you bought souvenirs, and you even participated in some of the side activities they offered.
And while you were enjoying your time with Satan, there was one problem - the heat.
The Devildom had no sun to shine brightly or warm the weather so you had grown accustomed to the weather there.
But in the human world, the sun was at large, beating down on you.
You hadn’t prepared for it to be so hot and were starting to feel light-headed.
Satan was usually so attentive and would recognize something was off the second that you started to not feel good.
But, he was so distracted by everything else going on that he didn’t notice.
He was like a kid in the candy shop, holding your hand as he dragged you from stall to stall.
He was talking to a vendor about a necklace they had when you felt like your head was starting to spin.
Satan turned to ask your opinion on the piece of jewelry with full intentions of buying it for you.
But, when he faced you, he saw how flushed your complexion was.
He barely had time to react before you were collapsing.
The necklace was long forgotten as Satan easily caught you in his arms.
He immediately went into doctor mode, doing his best to recall everything he had learned about humans.
His mind was racing with possible reasons as to why you could have fainted. The possibilities seemed endless.
Until he placed his hand on your forehead and noticed that you felt hot to the touch.
And it was like everything had clicked into place as he was suddenly rushing you back to the House of Lamentation.
He laid you in his bed because he figured it would be easier to take care of you there since the other brothers wouldn’t barge in.
When you woke up, it took you a moment to figure out where you were and what happened but a deep blush coated your cheeks as you began to comprehend the situation.
“I’m sorry I ruined our date,” you stated, refusing to look at Satan.
He immediately leaned forward and cupped your cheeks before tilting your head up to look into his eyes.
“You didn’t ruin our date. I still had a great time - did you?” Satan questioned and you nodded your head.
He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before telling you, “I’m just glad you’re alright.”
You leaned into his touch and he pulled you into his arms, attempting to calm his heart rate that had been racing since your first collapsed.
As calm and composed as he remained, Satan had been so scared when you fainted and now he was going to keep you in his arms for however long it took to convince himself that you were okay.
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You were heading home after school when Asmo suddenly approached you.
He had such a happy smile on his face when he saw you and you could hear the excitement in his voice.
Asmo had been invited to a special event that night and he asked if you would be his plus one.
You could see the jealous looks you were getting from miscellaneous other people as Asmo stood before you with a hopeful look.
When you agreed to go, Asmo let out a happy noise of excitement before taking your hand and leading you into town.
The two of you needed to start getting ready right away!
He wanted the two of you to have matching outfits so he took you to Majolish to get new ones.
The two of you spent a while there trying on different outfits, attempting to find matching ones that fit both your and Asmo’s styles.
And you had finally found an outfit that had a mix of both. 
There was just one problem - it had a corset. And in true corset fashion, it was quite restricting. 
Asmo was dying over the way you looked in that outfit, giving you compliment after compliment and looking so happy while doing it.
You didn’t tell him about the corset being too tight, instead agreeing to buy it.
The event would only be for a little while, so you figured it would be fine. All you had to do was last until the end of the event.
And you had managed to do just that, albeit with a bit of a struggle.
You felt like the corset was somehow getting tighter and tighter as the night went on and you were starting to feel short of breath and hot. 
Asmo could see that you weren’t feeling one hundred percent, so he suggested that the two of you head back to the House of Lamentation.
Though, he didn’t understand why you weren’t feeling well. Did you have something to drink when he wasn’t looking?
The two of you barely made it to the House of Lamentation when everything went black and you fell to the ground.
Asmo panicked immediately, shouting for Lucifer to come outside and help you as his hands shakily held your head, not knowing what to do.
When Lucifer inspected the scene in front of him, he noticed the corset and demanded Asmo take it off.
Lucifer was so sure that the article of clothing was the cause of your fainting so Asmo quickly rushed you to your bedroom and took the corset off you, staring intensely at your face as he waited for something to happen.
You woke up shortly after and Asmo let out a loud sigh of relief as he pulled you into his arms, blinking past the tears that had formed in his eyes.
He stroked your hair as you took deep breaths, the feeling of your lungs expanding fully was something that felt strangely nice.
“If the outfit was too tight, we could have gotten you something else,” Asmo told you softly.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to look good for your event,” you replied and Asmo pulled away from the hug to cup your cheeks and look you in the eyes.
“You look perfect in everything. You didn’t have to suffer all night - I wanted you to have a good time,” Asmo replied.
“I did have a good time, Asmo,” you reassured him and he pulled you back into his arms.
“Just don’t ever do that again,” he said quietly as he tried to push the image of you fainting out of his mind.
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You were running late to breakfast and the brothers had noticed that his had been a recurring thing with you lately.
The day before, you were late for breakfast because you overslept after staying up all night studying.
And then you were also late to dinner later that day after Solomon unexpectedly asked for your help with something.
And today you had sent them all a message letting them know you would be late to breakfast due to a shower mishap.
Asmo attempted to ask you to explain in further detail, but the others didn’t press the subject.
They knew that you would be a little late, but it was only a few minutes until everyone had to leave to make it to RAD on time.
Beel had been staring at your plate of food the entire time, doing his best to restrain himself. 
He knew that after missing both breakfast and dinner yesterday you would be hungry. But, if you weren’t going to eat it, he wasn’t going to let it go to waste.
After waiting a couple more minutes, Lucifer let out a small sigh before allowing Beel to eat your food.
Just then, you came bounding into the dining room with a look of shock on your face as you watched Beel gobble up your food in one bite.
“Hey, that was mine,” you said with a small pout and Beel looked like a deer in headlights as he sat your plate down.
“You were late,” Lucifer retorted before adding, “Time to go.”
You had a small frown the entire way to RAD and Beel felt guilty every time he heard your stomach rumble.
He was determined to make it up to you by getting you extra food at lunch.
But your hunger was starting to really get to you and by the second class you were starting to feel lightheaded.
You tried not to act any differently but you could feel Beel’s eyes on you during the class and it was only adding to the myriad of things you were feeling right now.
You felt overwhelmed by everything and as soon as the bell rang signally class was over, you stood up - only to fall right back down.
Beel managed to get to you just in time to catch you, but he started panicking when he saw that you were unconscious. 
He immediately lifted you off the ground and carried you to the school infirmary. 
The guilt he was feeling now was eating him alive. He knew that you had fainted because you were hungry.
If only he had a little more self-control and didn’t eat your food then maybe you wouldn’t have fainted.
When you woke up, you were immediately met with Beel’s concerned eyes.
“How are you feeling?” Beel asked you and you sat up slightly as you realized what had happened. 
“I’m fine,” you replied, though he suspected that wasn’t one hundred percent true.
You looked around the room and noticed Beel had bought a ton of snacks and drinks and laid them out on the bed next to you.
As soon as he deemed you were okay enough, he handed you snack after snack and apologized profusely for eating your food.
He would make sure you never fainted from hunger again. 
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You and Belphie shared such romantic moments sometimes.
Other times, he acted like such a brat.
It seemed like one of Belphie’s favorite things to do was to mess with you. Especially when he was feeling particularly testy.
Lucifer woke him up from his nap? I guess that means you wanted to pick a fight with him too so now he’s relentlessly trying to wrestle and tickle you.
Beel decided to eat his food that morning? Well, then you don’t get to eat either. But, you don’t mind, right?
And you would always retaliate which would end up leading to a war between you.
And both of you refused to back down.
In fact, sometimes it got to the point where the other brothers avoided the two of you, afraid of being collateral damage.
You wanted something to drink in the middle of the night, so you made your way to the kitchen and grabbed your favorite from the fridge.
You poured yourself a cup and sipped it quietly, immediately regretting it as you did so.
The taste was awful and you could hear Belphie’s snickering somewhere nearby.
You swallowed the drink and glared at the entrance to the kitchen as Belphie entered, holding his sides from laughing.
Why was he only awake at the most inconvenient times?
You decided to make Belphie pay for his actions.
“Belphie - did you put something in this?” you asked him, holding a hand to your stomach as if you were about to be sick.
“You should see your face right now,” he replied, continuing to laugh.
You placed one hand on your head and started fanning yourself with your other hand.
“Okay, but you made sure it was safe for humans, right?” you asked him and Belphie paused. You were just pulling his leg, right?
You took a few strained breaths before asking him, “Is it really hot in here?”
Belphie’s expression had turned from one of amusement to one of slight panic as he watched you, trying to figure out if you were lying or not.
He was positive what he put in your drink wouldn’t harm you, but he didn’t exactly look it up to check.
Belphie’s eyes were wide and he felt like he couldn’t breathe as you collapsed to the ground.
He was panicking as flashbacks of what once happened between the two of you overwhelmed his mind.
Did he just kill you? Again?
He felt like he was starting to have a panic attack as Beel suddenly entered the kitchen.
“Belphie?” he questioned, not expecting his twin to be there. He was just trying to get his midnight snack.
“Beel - I think I…,” Belphie stated, frozen in shock.
Beel’s eyes widened as he saw your body on the ground and he immediately rushed over to you, placing his fingers on your neck to check for a pulse just like Satan had taught him.
When you could feel Beel’s shaky hands, you knew the prank might have gone a little too far and you gently grabbed his wrist and opened your eyes.
Beel and Belphie looked at you confused for a moment and then Belphie realized what happened.
He gave you the biggest death glare and you noticed the tears that had started to form in his eyes.
“Belphie-,” you began but he stormed off to sulk in the attic. You followed him, only to find the door shut. 
“Belphie, come on let me in,” you told him. You could see him lying on the bed, turned away from you.
“I opened this door once before, I’ll do it again if I really have to,” you added.
Belphie let out a sigh of frustration before getting up and opening the door.
You immediately pulled him into a hug as he did, wrapping your arms around his torso and his arms timidly wrapped around you as well.
“I’m sorry,” you told him, genuinely feeling bad for taking things so far.
“Don’t ever do that again,” he stated, hugging you tighter before pulling you over to the bed with him.
Your punishment was to spend the night with him so that you were there whenever he needed some extra reassurance that you were okay.
Despite his pranks and brattiness, Belphie really loved you and he couldn’t imagine what he would do without you.
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It’s that time of the month where I wish I could dropkick my uterus into a cardboard box with messy black marker scrawl that reads FREE TO A GOOD HOME and leave it on the curb for anyone who wants it because I sure don’t.
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officialtokyosan · 2 years
i cant show it so i have to say it. i want to let you know, cipher's wish before falling back into the sea was that pixy caught him. he wished somehow his hand would reach out a clasp him saving him from the cold abyss. and as he sinks, despite all that happened, his death was wrapped in a warm memory of seeing his smile
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fairestwriting · 7 months
I saw and loved your piece about an S/O that's like a heater. What about the absolute opposite? I'm always kinda cold. Would love to be warmed up by Jack :) thank you ever so much!
Ace Trappola
Knowing how easily you get cold, Ace is ready to be a little bastard and put his cold hands on your neck first chance he gets. What he didn't know, though, was that even your neck already felt like an icicle in this weather, maybe even colder than his hands?
Despite his occasional little bastard-ing about it, he thinks it's sort of endearing. He tries to play it cool most of the time, to be the suave boyfriend who lends you his jacket when you're cold. This fails pretty miserably because he starts freezing his ass off, but you can tell he cares.
You can get your revenge for his little prank (which he will repeat, because even if it doesn't startle you a lot, it still startles you) by making he experience how chilly you feel whenever you cuddle up to him. He'll get startled and complain about it all dramatic, but you can sense that he feels sort of proud that he's warming you up now.
Deuce Spade
Takes every opportunity to fuss over you, gets all worried if he doesn't see you wearing a jacket. Like Ace, he'll lend you his without hesitation, except he manages to be "cooler" about it since he doesn't get cold as easily. He's still all worried about you, though.
He's easily flustered by touch no matter the circumstance, but he's also dead set on keeping you warm. Initiates hugs a lot more, the possible excuse of "not wanting you to catch a cold" makes him a little bolder. It's hard for anyone to pry you off each other.
He probably has things like scarves and sweaters his mother knitted for him that don't fit anymore, and if they fit you, he's downright overjoyed to hand them over. Some of them look a little silly in the way that homemade knit clothing usually does, but it's kind of impossible to refuse him. He loves them, and he loves seeing you on them.
Jack Howl
Yeah, he is the ideal boyfriend for this scenario. Having lived in a cold place for most of his life, he does know a lot about how to stay warm!
...Which means, he knows when he doesn't have to be cuddling you for you not to freeze, but one time or another, he'll use it as an excuse to stay glued to you for a bit, saying it's the best you can do now to stave off the cold. He blushes while he mumbles out his very clear lie.
Even harder to pry him off you than it is with Deuce. Whether it's summer or winter. You know, he is way warmer than a human, so when it's hot, it's his turn to cool down on you. It's the perfect excuse to get all that PDA he's usually too shy to go for.
Epel Felmier
Out of the three who would try to play the "cool boyfriend giving you his jacket when you're cold" trope, Epel is the one who actually pulls it off perfectly. He does get worried, of course, but he's not nearly as fussy as Deuce, and he's pretty tolerant to cold. Maybe a little too much. You two will be an interesting sight during winter, when he's walking around wearing a scarf and gloves at most, and you're all bundled up.
If you like hot apple cider, or apple pie, or anything warm that involves apples, you're getting an endless supply of it. Some from leftovers he gets after visiting his family on werkends, and some made by his own hand.
(He's a little embarrassed to admit he made them, though, because while they're good, aesthetics really aren't his forte. But he's trying his best.)
Sebek Zigvolt
Still runs considerably colder than you, but it still spooks him. You're not fae cold, sure, but still? Is that really normal for a human? He expects answers.
Winter is... not very kind to either of you, needless to say. It's not that he gets cold in the traditional way, but it does a number on his energy. Even then, he'll still spare some to scold you if he thinks you're underdressed.
...Sometimes Sebek exaggerates a little. It's honestly just because he doesn't know a lot about how warmth works for the human body. But giving you a second pair of earmuffs when you already have one on is still one of his ways of showing that he cares about you.
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Homebrew Mechanic: Fixing D&D’s Gameplay Loop with Item Degradation
Normally I have snappy titles for these, but in this case I wanted to be super upfront with what I was getting you all into. 
Some people are not going to like the idea of introducing item degradation into the game, and they’re ABSOLUTELY right to be hesitant. Just about every attempt I’ve seen (includig both RAW versions from previous editions, examples from videogames, and those I’ve put together myself in the past) have been horribly clunky exercises in beancounting that only ever existed to needlessly slow down gameplay for the sake of joyless realism. 
I’ve come at it from another angle however, but to explain we’re going to need to get into some game design talk. 
The basic gameplay loop of D&D is supposed to be: 
Seeking adventure leads you to face challenges
Overcoming challenges leads you to rewards
Rewards Help you get stronger 
Getting stronger allows you to seek tougher adventures
After a while this system starts to break down specifically with regards to gold as a method of reward. Even if you’re the smart sort of DM who flouts the rules and gives their party access to a magic item shop, there’s an increasingly limited number of things to spend gold on, leading to parties acquiring sizable hordes of riches early on in their adventuring career, completely eliminating the desire to accept quests that pay out in gold in one form or another. This is a pretty significant flaw because adventures that centre around acquisition of riches ( treasure hunts, bounty missions, busywork for rich patrons that will inevitably betray you) are foundational to storytelling within the game, especially early on in a campaign before the party has gotten emotionally invested.  Most advice you can find online attempting  to solve this problem tends to dissolve down to “let them pour money into a home base”,  but that can only really happen once per campaign as a party is unlikely to want more than one secret clubhouse. 
TLDR:  What I propose is the implantation of a lightweight system that forces the party to periodically drop small amounts of wealth into maintaining their weapons/armour/foci. The players will be motivated to seek out gold in order to keep using their best stuff,  giving value to treasure drops that previously lacked it.  Not only does this system act as an insulation against powercreep at higher levels, it also encourages a party to engage with the world as they seek out workshops and crafters capable of repairing their gear. 
The System: 
Weapons, armour, shields, and caster foci (staves, holy symbols etc) can accumulate “ticks” of damage, represented by a dot or X drawn next to their item entry on the character sheet. Because you get better at handling your gear as you level up, an item that exceeds a total number of ticks equal to its bearer’s proficiency bonus breaks, and is considered unusable until it is repaired. 
Weapons and Foci gain a tick of damage when you roll a natural 1 on an attack made with them, or if they are specifically targeted by an enemy’s attack.
Armour and shields gain a tick of damage when you roll a nat 1 on a saving throw or when an enemy beats your ac by 5 or more. A character equipped with both can decide which of the two items receives the tick
Creatures with the “siege” (or any “does double damage to objects” ability) deal an extra tick when attacking gear. 
A character with a crafting proficiency  and access to tools can repair a number of ticks of damage equal to their proficiency on a four hour work period. This rate is doubled if they have access to a properly equipped workshop.  A character with access to the mending cantrip can repair ticks on any kind of item, but is limited to their proficiency bonus per work period.  
Having an item repaired by an NPC crafter removes all ticks, but costs vary depending on the rarity of the item:    5g for a mundane item, 10g for a common item, 50g for uncommon, 250 for a rare, 1250 for a very rare, 6250 for a legendary.  The DM decides the limit on what each crafter can repair, as it’s likely small towns have access to artisans of only common or uncommon skill, requiring the party to venture to new lands or even across planes if they wish to repair end game gear.
As you can see, degradation in this system is easy to keep track of and quite gradual, leading players into a position where they can ignore obvious damage to their kit for the sake of saving their now precious gold.  It likewise encourages them to seek out NPC crafters (and potential questhooks) for skills they do not possess, and encourages the use of secondary weapons either as backups or to save the more potent items in the arsenal for a real challenge. 
Everyone knows the old joke about players hoarding consumables from the first adventure past the final bossfight, it transcends genre and platform, and speaks to a nature of loss aversion within our shared humanity.  However, giving players items they’re never going to use amounts to wasted time, resources, and potential when looking at things from a game design perspective, so lets work on fixing that. 
My inspiration came from witcher 3, which encourages players to make frequent use of consumables by refreshing them whenever the character had downtime. The darksouls series has a similar feature with the signature estus flask, which provides a limited number of heals before it must be refreshed at one of the game’s checkpoints.  When the designers removed the risk of permanent loss and the anxiety it creatures, players were able to think tactically about the use of their consumables confident in the knowledge that any mistakes were just a resupply away from being fixed.  
My proposal is that while the party is in town they can refill the majority of their consumable items for a small per item fee. Just like with gear degradation, this encourages them to seek out crafters and do quests for the hope of discounts, while at the same time encouraging them to explore new realms in the hope of discovering higher level artisans. 
The price for refills is set at: 5g for common, 25g for an uncommon, 125g for a rare, 625g for a very rare, 3125g for  legendary.  I encourage my own players to keep a  “shopping list” in their inventory with prices tabulated so they can hand out a lump sum of gold and have their kit entirely refreshed. 
Characters with a relevant skill and access to their tools can refill a number of items equal to their proficiency bonus during a four hour work period. With access to a proper workshop, this rate doubles.   ( At last, proficiency with brewers supplies, carpenters tools etc become useful) 
I encourage you as a DM to check out this potion flasks system, which I’ve found adds a delicious factor of uncertainty back into the mix.  Attached is also my super lightweight rules for tracking gear and supplies, which I absolutely refuse to shut up about.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Alastor x High energy!Fighter!reader
Platonic leading obviously, still trying to figure out how to write relationships with alastor, given that the ace and aro spectrums...are well.. spectrums!! Also kiss and stuff aren't the end all be all of relationships
You know?
Still on mobile so typing is gonna be a little HOOFFUCUSHHD!!!!
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He thinks it's a little funny how you so casually throw yourself into fights
He can step in at any time and put a stop to the fight with a simple snap of his fingers, but unless you seem to be in real genuine danger.. well hes fine just standing to the side
I think it would be funny if he became an announcer of sorts during any fight you get in.. which may distract you.. or the other person
Talks about it while watching you patch yourself up, talking about your form as well as any mistakes you made
Will lend a hand if you need some help treating a wound you cant quite reach
He copes well with your energy, even if he doesnt match it
In a way he keeps you in check, helping you regulate yourself in social events and interactions
You two probably talk about some other sinners or even some other overlords, usually you initiate it
Alastor doesnt have many close friends, but you're definitely one of them! You help him stave off boredom, and he gives you someone to hang around with
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milkteasweetheart · 1 month
『just like heaven, chapter 1, part 3』
this part contains riddle’s dream sequence. 
housewardens x reader
author’s note: i depict nrc as an actual college, so first years are 18, second years 19, etc.
summary: crowley has the bright idea of a bonding experience, specifically in the form of a dream potion.
characters: (riddle rosehearts), leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, idia shroud, malleus draconia / platonic mentions: dire crowley (ew), grim
genre: romance, fluff, smidge of angst
warnings: female reader, reader is yuu, reader is around ace and deuce’s height, sappy, marriage, mentions of potential children, some suggestive themes
「dream scene: rose colored reverie」
Everything is going Azul’s way. Last week the prefect told him he has nice handwriting, his academic rival is suffering, and everyone is a bit on edge, especially Idia, who just tried to conspire with Jamil to figure a way out.
Azul is not nervous. He doesn’t have dreams, except those he’s already decided on. Goals is a better term for it. He is curious as to what the prince of Briar Valley wants. Perhaps he could make a deal? A bit ambitious, but… such is business. Speaking of Malleus, Azul is sure he hasn’t blinked in a few minutes.
(Y/N) is sitting on a chair, turned away from the scene. No thoughts are currently moving inside her head in order to preserve sanity for upcoming tomfoolery. “Sweet potato, do you remember what your dreams are about?” Vil hopes they involve him. “I can’t really remember. I just blackout from exhaustion when my head hits the pillow.” His face isn’t exactly pleased. “Stress isn’t good for you. I’ll talk with the headmage. Just so you know, you’re always welcome at Pomefiore.” Preferably permanently.
“Let’s go to the main event, my love.” Dream (Y/N) extends her hand to Dream Riddle, who gladly takes it. (Y/N) is pretty sure she heard someone shriek a bit when the cafe warped. 
The scent of roses wafts through the lakeside park. Stars dot the sky. (Y/N) is yet again quick to recover, and sees the couple on a checkered picnic blanket.
Riddle wants to run away. This is the conversation that happens at the end of each of his dreams. It’s blatant wish fulfillment, but it staves away most of the yearning during the day.
He finds his words. “...please. Let me preserve my dignity.” His face is comparable to the strawberry tart from the cafe. Leona ignores his plea and lies down on the grass near the couple. “Nah. Besides, I bet octobitch will have an even worse sapfest than whatever your brain could come up with.” Azul makes a face. “Mind your words.” He is ignored.
Jamil and Vil have settled onto the bench facing the meadow where the couple are laying. Dream Riddle has his head on Dream (Y/N)’s arm, and they are holding hands.
Riddle knows the coming conversation beat by beat. “It’s beautiful.” Gray eyes wonder at the sky. “So are you. More so, I’d argue.” Her voice is quiet, but confident. Like she’s speaking facts. “We’ll be together longer than the stars will twinkle in the sky.” A lovestruck smile crowns the statement. “You mean it?” The voice it’s spoken in wavers with the threat of tears. “I know it. We’ll live here, with our friends, and each other. We won’t have to do anything we don’t want to. I’ll take you out every night and day, if you want it. I’ll do anything so you’ll be happy.” The real Riddle is currently staring at the prefect. She isn’t reacting, but her gaze is soft. Is it pity she’s feeling?
He sighs. He’ll be clowned on for the rest of his life by Azul, and he pleads to the Seven that Ace and Floyd will never have any word of this. He jumps at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder.
“...Hey. Don’t feel bad. Dreams come from the subconscious or something.” (Y/N) considered her next words. “We can go hang out somewhere cool if you want. Just ask.” She figured his mind has just blended some old romance movie and his want for rebellion without punishment together. “Thank you, prefect.” Riddle smiles with a relieved look.
That’s the queue for Malleus to change the dream into Leona’s.
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scottpilgrim-kgl · 8 months
[Art by Mod Popee!]
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Some surprise promo art to stave the insatiable over! /lh /pos
Totally an Ace Attorney spoof. Sue me. Pun intended.
- 🍪
(PS don’t think too hard about the secondary character role choices. Unless you want to, who am I to stop you!)
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hi! i saw ace is one of your favorites (your other suggestive writing with him is so cnxmznxmcnzmbcnz) i was wondering if you could write #10 with ace?!
pairing: ace trappola x gn!reader cw: suggestive, possessive ace a/n: anon i was so happy to write more for him, thank you for both the compliment and giving me an excuse to indulge!
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send me a number + character!
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You were asleep in bed when the abrupt, resounding clamour of someone knocking filled your petite dorm, each pound precipitating dust and moulder to descend from the roof. Who could it possibly be at this hour?
With gentle yet swift fingers, you picked Grim up off your chest and settled him back onto the mattress—as inflexible as it always is, it was handy in this case so as not to disturb the little monster—and you hurriedly made your way to the door.
“I’m coming-!” And as you pried open the door, you discerned Ace standing there; the opaqueness of the night accentuating his unreadable expression. Which almost looked oddly⋯ surprised, for an ephemeral moment?
“Hey, [name], did I wake you up?” Of course there wasn’t a trace of contrite lingering within his voice or eyes.
“Any normal person would be asleep at this hour,” you retorted as you staved off a yawn by taking in his appearance more carefully, noting how he was unadorned in a collar, “Did you and Deuce get into a fight or something?”
“Yeah, we did!” Ace briskly answered, folding his arms across his chest with a moue twisting on his lips, “I could hardly get any sleep with all his snoring, and things devolved from there until he and the others kicked me out for the night. So! Prefect⋯”
“Tch. I didn’t even ask yet!”
“Pfft,” you chortled softly at the characteristic, asinine banter between the two of you before opening the door further, “come on in, Ace.”
The subdued, hushed click of you shutting the door and subsequently locking it resonated with Ace’s relief—he was thrilled that his little lie granted him access to you. He had already prepared a multitude of stories on the way here to inveigle you into letting him inside, yet you sanctioned one to fall right onto his lap.
But it’s not as if you fought him much on it to begin with. You really did cherish your friends, didn’t you?
“Choose any spare room you like, at least half of them are cleaned by now,” you pointed down the hall, a sleepy smile still arched on your lips.
Watching as you gyrated on your heel to leave, Ace reached forward and grasped your hand; his cheeks powdered with a cherry-coloured blush, just faint enough that you felt a twinge in your heart. “Stay with me a little longer? Just a little! Please?”
Acquiescing, finding yourself enthralled with that glow illuminating his countenance and that wistful plea, you nodded your head and the two of you planted yourselves down onto the couch in the foyer.
It was pretty rare for Ace to speak so desperately with you—perhaps he was feeling guilty about his little quarrel with Deuce? That didn’t seem likely, you thought with beads of sweat dropping from the side of your face.
“You know, [name], I was just wondering,” Ace began, glimpsing over your frame leaning on the couch and swallowing, “⋯ do you wear that as your pyjamas every night?”
“Hm?” You peered down at the oversized shirt you garbed, just large enough to conceal the edges of your underwear when you stand. “Yeah. It’s usually just Grim and I here, after all.”
Well, besides the ghosts, but they normally minded their own business most of the time anyway.
“Ehh? Is that so?” Ace seemed insouciant as he hummed, yet you got the unshakable feeling he was vexed. “Did you even check to see who was at the door before you answered it?”
Tilting your head as you raised an eyebrow, you riposted, “Does it matter?” There’s no way he came over to lecture you on safety? After all this time?
“Of course it does! What if it was someone else at the door?” he hissed, a scornful and exasperated mien contorting his ordinarily mellow face.
“The only people with enough guts to visit me in the middle of the night are you—and Deuce.”
“Someone other than me.”
Those virulent words surged a white-hot frigidity down the column of your spine, disquieting you in your seat.
Why couldn’t you just be a little smarter? And why couldn’t he be a little dumber?
Gripping your thighs in a taut clasp and spreading them apart, Ace slotted himself between them before setting a hand on the arm and back of the couch simultaneously; caging you in. And, for some reason, it felt so intimate to you.
“You don’t know what you do to me,” Ace, with a pitiful torture in his voice, spat, crimson eyes transfixed on your underwear hiding your heat, “How much I hate any bastard who looks at you⋯ when you should be mine, rightfully so. Why can’t they understand that? Why can’t you?”
Not once had Ace ever felt so tormented, so deeply, with or about any one of his previous exes—that girl he ghosted, or that boy who broke-up with him and the only thing on Ace’s mind was ‘ah, this juice is bitter’ as he unemotively sipped on it through the straw.
They both meant nothing to him.
He only really agreed to go out with either of them because he thought it’d be fun, a way to beguile the time.
Ace realized that the way he viewed love was in the same way someone would look at a dessert or afternoon snack—deliciously tempting when he saw others enjoying them, but the sweetness never filled him up, and he always grew bored of having the same thing over and over again. Sooner or later, he began to crave a new taste; or go hungry altogether.
Everyone around him wasn’t like him, they endlessly sought to savour that one dish. And he thought he’d never feel that same way.
Until he met you.
The irresistibly helpless—and cute—prefect.
Now Ace found himself greedily hoarding each and every morsel of attention you gave him like a starved, ravening man, afraid to consume even a crumb because he wouldn’t be able to receive them forever. Whether it was because you went back to your world, or you found someone else entirely.
“A-Ace, I—”
“⋯ I love you; so much that it’s laughable,” Ace sniggered ironically, a bitter smile curving on his lips as he brought his mouth closer to yours, “Aah, I won’t let you say no, [name].”
And Ace kissed you, conceding to his desires—because anything was better than the emptiness.
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Insufferable (1/7)
My sick!Vox fic is finally up, or at least part 1 is! Decided to break into what I think will be 2 chapters. Featuring an insufferable bastard, plus caretaking from the Vees.
Next chapters: 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wavs: 1 3
“Why are the lights so fucking bright in here? Are you trying to give me a headache?” Vox was often a bit of an insufferable prick, but today he was far worse than usual. His interview for Voxtech Angelic Security was just an hour away and he’d already managed to insult pretty much everyone in the room. The lights dimmed, he returned to a previous complaint. “And why haven’t you turned the AC colder already? It’s like a sauna in here!”
“The AC is already as cold as it goes, sir.”
“Then fix it! God, what am I even paying you for?” He paused, then pulled out his cell phone. “Hey Val, are you free right now? I got an employee I’d like you to knock some sense into—or rip the limbs off of, whichever you prefer. I could do it myself, but I know how much you enjoy that thing.”The employee shuddered. “Great, thanks! See you soon.”
Vox looked around. “Where is my water bottle? There should be one on the interviewing desk. Is anyone around here doing their goddamn job?” Another employee rushed over with a water bottle. “Finally.” He took a sip and immediately grimaced. “Where did you get this? Normal water doesn’t scrape my throat like that! Disgusting.” He threw the water bottle aside, pausing only to make sure the lid was on first.
He took a deep breath, which immediately triggered a coughing fit, his voice crackling like a broken speaker. His screen went grey and fuzzy, static flaring with each cough. “Who did the last maintenance on the filtration system?” A sheepish woman stepped forward. “Fix it! Actually, no. Get out. You’re fired. The air is so thick in here I can hardly breathe.” She hung her head and wandered off. It wasn’t like she was the first to be fired on a whim, and at least Vox didn’t literally tear people apart. “I’ll take a look at it along with the AC, then, sir,” the employee from earlier offered.
“You’d better. But don’t think that’s enough to save you,” Vox said, standing so close the employee could hardly hear anything over the fan. “Val’s still on his way.” The employee gulped.
Valentino began shivering the moment he stepped in the door, but he ignored that and made a beeline for Vox. “Where’s the victim?” he asked with a grin.
Vox pointed to the man cowering in the corner. “He won’t fix the AC.” Val nodded, still shivering. “He says it’s already as cold as it can go, but I’m boiling here!” Val raised an eyebrow at that. A loud whirring started as Vox’s fans kicked in.
Val put a hand on Vox’s forehead, and jerked it away almost immediately. “Amorcito, you’re incredibly hot!”
“Save it for later, Val,” Vox chuckled.
“No, I mean it’s hard to believe how much you’re overheating. And in a freezing room, no less. I thought my hand was going to burn!” Vox crossed his arms and shook his head. “I mean it, Vox, you’re obviously running a fever!”
“Shut up. I’m fi… hi…” his screen flickered with each hitch. “Hi’tzzzcht! Fine.”
“Sir?” The employee raised a finger tentatively, regaining some boldness now that neither of them was ripping him apart. “One of the lights just broke.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me? Just fix it! Ugh, it’s a wonder anything gets done around here.” He gave a long sniff, trying to stave off the buzzing tickle. “And send a cleaning crew in. It’s way too du… huh… huh… hut’TZZZZSHT! Dusty in here.”
“We just cleaned yesterday…” the employee said weakly, trying not to look at the speaker that had just popped.
“I didn’t ask you when the last cleaning was, I asked you to clean the damn studio! Now get on with it before I change my mind and let Val rip your arms off.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” The employee practically ran off to begin his tasks as Val gave a toothy grin, looking menacing despite the intense shivering.
“There you go. I’ll be back here for the sound check. And this place better be fucking spotless.”
Vox and Val walked out the door. “I’ll catch you at the penthouse,” Vox said, activating his teleportation powers. He only made it a few feet. “Hhh’dzzzzcht!” The hallway lights flickered.
“How about we walk together?” Val offered, wrapping his arm around Vox. Vox sighed, but it wasn’t like he had a choice. Repeatedly teleporting a few feet at a time sounded even more annoying than walking. While they walked, Val pulled out his phone with his free hand to text Velvette. “Meet at the penthouse ASAP.”
Velvette almost dropped her phone when she saw the pair of them walk through the door. “Walk” was actually a bit of an overstatement. Vox was practically staggering, leaning heavily on Val for support. His screen was dimmed, except for a bright spot in the center where his nose would be, if he had one. His fans were still whirring loudly. His normally immaculate suit was wrinkled, as if he’d crumpled in on himself repeatedly. The man was, quite obviously, a mess.
Velvette stared in silence for a moment. “Wow. He really does look awful, doesn’t he?”
Vox glared. “I’m fine. I’m just taking a quick break before the studio’s ready for my interview. Those morons still have a lot to set up.” The pair stared at him.
“Um, Vox? You sure now is the best time for an interview?” Velvette asked.
“I’m fine,” he insisted, his hypnotic eye swirling so slowly it might as well be a broken Ferris wheel.
“Right,” Velvette said, rolling her eyes as Vox’s screen flickered again. “Totally fine, and definitely not about to sneeze.”
“I’m not going to… hih’tzzzzch!” He opened his mouth to protest more, but no sound came out. Damn it, were his audio drivers glitching too? Or was it just his vocal cords? He smacked the side of his head with a grimace. “The interview has to be today. If I delay it, it’ll look like we’re hiding something.” Thank god that worked. Vox without his voice was… well, he really didn’t want to think about that.
Velvette raised an eyebrow. “You literally just smacked yourself in the head cause you couldn’t talk. You really think you’re in a good state to be giving an interview?”
Vox’s screen brightened for a moment. “I’m fine! It’s fixed now.” His screen dimmed again, then started flickering. “I’m perfectly heal… heh… hhh… healthy! Just let me go to the godda… ehh… ahh… hah’TZZZZSHT! The goddamn interview.” Valentino’s phone instantly shut off. Velvette, seeing this, clutched her phone tightly to her chest.
Val tried turning his phone back on, but it was unresponsive. “You broke my phone, Vox. You broke my fucking phone! What else are you gonna break if you go back in there?”
Vox frowned. Loath as he was to admit illness, it really was in his best interest to minimize property damage. Especially with a live audience.
“I’ll do the interview,” Velvette offered.
Vox gave a laugh that quickly turned into a coughing fit, his screen a sputtering mess of static again. “No offense, Velvette, but I’m pretty sure you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of the system.”
“And I’m pretty sure you’re not recognizing you don’t have a lot of options. Would you rather send Valentino?”
The other two recoiled at the suggestion. “God, no!” Vox replied. “Ugh, I guess if you really want to, go knock yourself out. My notes are on that tah… hhh… ahh… hah… hah’TDZZZCHT! Tablet.” Said tablet was now stuck in bluescreen. “Shit.” He rubbed his aching head, trying to think.
“Are the notes backed up like the rest of your files?” Vox nodded, not even trying to speak this time. “I can pull it up on my phone, then. I’ve got this. Backbone of the Vees, remember? You just stay here and get some rest,” she said, blowing a kiss as she left.
Velvette strutted out the door, taking with her the responsibility that had been keeping Vox together, and it was like a switch had been flipped. Vox immediately plopped himself down on the couch, limbs dangling limply. “Everything huuuurts, Val.”
“I know, Amorcito, that’s why I’m here.” He gently stroked Vox’s arm. “Now, is it really everything? Or can you be a bit more specific so I can actually help you?”
Vox’s mouth moved, but no words. A frown. A throat clearing sound. More mouth movement, still no words. A deeper frown. A self-inflicted smack on the side of the head. Still no words. The fans kicked into high gear as Vox was about to spit steam out of his head.
“Shh, gentle, Voxy. Let’s try not to blow out the power grid again, hm?” Val patted Vox’s screen. “I’ll get you something for your throat.” He searched through the fridge for some Gatorade. Electrolytes had to do something for an electric being, right? In the absence of any speech from Vox, the fans were even more noticeable. Better grab a cold compress from the freezer too, then. He placed the cold pack on Vox’s screen and handed him the bottle. Vox took a sip and shook his head. His voice still failing him, Vox made images appear on the screen. Val blinked, trying to figure out what he was looking at.
“Something wrong with the drink?” A nod. “Tastes bad?” Head shake. Val tried to think what could possibly be wrong with a drink. “Too liquidy?” Vox rolled his eyes. “Wrong color?” A facepalm. “Uh… too cold?” Vigorous nodding, and then a wince and a dizzy expression. “I got it. Just rest here, Vox. I’ll find you something.”
Val returned a few minutes later with a steaming mug of tea. Vox’s screen was dim and pale, the colors washed out. His weak fingers could barely grasp the handle of the mug. “Oh, Voxy, you poor thing,” Val said, his wings wrapping around Vox for support. The steam from the drink got into Vox’s vents and his screen started flickering. Val noticed immediately and set the mug on a nearby table, holding Vox through the buildup.
“Hhh… hhhh… hhh… hhht’dzchhht! Hhhh’zzzzch! Hhh’ZZZZZSHT! Htchh’RRRRGZZZZZZT! Ugh.” The demon clawed at his throat, then paused in realization. “Fucking hell that hurt!” He winced. “Talking hurts.” Still, better to have a functioning voice, he supposed. He gestured to the mug, and Valentino handed it to him. He took a sip, grimaced, and then finished the rest of the mug in one gulp. Val surveyed the room and realized that a few of the TV screens were out. “Let’s get you into bed, hm?” Vox raised an eyebrow. “Not like that! Unless you want to, of course…” he added, licking his lips. Vox shook his head, exhausted. Val led Vox to the bedroom, the TV clinging hard to the moth as he took a few shaky steps. Val paused, then nodded to himself. He hoisted Vox over his shoulder, ignoring the spluttering protests. “Amorcito, you can barely walk. Let me carry you for a bit.”
Vox huffed, and Val felt the static shock. “You could at least have the decency to carry me like your partner instead of, I don’t know, a corpse?”
Val chuckled. “Have you seen yourself, darling? You practically are a corpse at this point.” Still, he switched to bridal carry.
After what felt like an eternity, dragged out by Vox’s complaining that he was on death’s door, they finally reached the bed. Val laid Vox down and sat next to him. “Now then, does everything still hurt? What can I get you?”Vox’s lips moved silently, then rapidly into what Val assumed to be a string of curse words. Hard to tell without audio. Val sighed. “You really are feeling awful, aren’t you?” Vox nodded. Val stared at Vox for a while until the moth’s singular brain cell finally came up with an idea. He blew a puff of smoke in Vox’s face. Vox flinched, and his screen flickered rapidly. “Hhh… hih… hhhh’dzzzzzzcht! Hih’tzzzzsh! Hah’TZZZZZCHT! TZZZSH! Tzzzsch’TZZZZZST’dzTZZZZZSSHHT! What the fuck, Val?” He rubbed his throat. “Oh. Uh… thanks, I guess? I don’t know. That fucking sucked.”
“If you’d rather not repeat that, then I suggest you get your words out now before you lose your voice again.”
Vox scowled, but he knew it was a valid point. “I just… I’m sore all over. It’s not fair! What did I do to deserve this?” Val raised a finger. “Besides everything that got me into hell.” Val shrugged. “Ugh… my throat hurts, my head hurts, all my muscles ache, there’s this constant buzzing in the back of my head that won’t go away, everythig is blisterigly warmb whatever I try… oh for fugck’s sake, I get congestiod dnow too? Ughhhh…” He groaned and rolled over, faceplanting into the bed.
Val tutted sympathetically. “You never do anything half-assed, do you?” Vox nodded, dragging his screen across the blanket. “Vox, if you’re feeling so warm, why are you still wearing all those clothes?” A pause. Vox wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “There’s no image you need to keep up right now, Vox. Let’s get you comfortable.” Vox sat up and let Val get to work. The crumpled suit was set on a nearby chair. The sweater and shirt were pulled off and tossed to the same chair, Vox dropping his arms instantly the moment he no longer needed to put in the energy to keep them up. The shoes were removed and the pants taken off and folded up with care. As soon as it was done, Vox collapsed face down into the bed again, breathing heavily from the effort.
“You said you’re sore all over, would you like a massage, Amorcito?” A thumbs up. Val got up to find the massage bar. They’d found that using a more solid form helped avoid any accidents… they did NOT need a repeat of the time poor Vox got massage oil stuck in his vents. Val began massaging Vox’s arms, but paused when he felt Vox’s shoulders shudder.
“Hhhh’dzzzzzzchmp!” The sound was muffled into the bed. Vox slowly dragged himself up until he was facing Val. “Hit’chZZZZZZZCHT!” Sparks flew from Vox’s screen and landed on Val’s arm.
“Keep your sparks to yourself, Vox!” he said, wincing at the static shock. “Hmm… that might explain the electronics failures…”
“Sorry, Val.” He said, rubbing his screen. “Wasd’t expectig it to comb that fast.” He gave a long sniff. “Hhhhh’dZZZZZZT!” He pointed at the massage bar. “Can you put that away? I think the scent is too strong right now, my sensors must be acting up.”
Val switched to an unscented massage bar and resumed the massage. A few soft moans from Vox let Val know that his attempts were effective. Eventually the sound dropped off entirely, except for the occasional sneeze, which Val assumed meant the video demon’s voice had given out again. After a while, there was no sound at all except for congested breathing. Val gently turned Vox on his back, revealing closed eyes. Val breathed a sigh of relief. The man was much less exhausting when he was unconscious. Maybe now both of them could get some rest.
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qkayoostudio · 2 months
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Happy beach episode! 🌊🐚
Hi dear friends,
I'm going to be taking some time off this month.
There's a lot of different real life things I'm dealing with at the moment, and I'm starting to feel burned out. Unexpected vet visits, a death of a parent, going through medical applications for a recovery program, lots of legal paperwork for several different things--and those are just at the top of the list.
My patreon will as always continue to update, so check that out if you're looking for some extra monthly content!
I hope the rest of your summer is lovely with plenty of AC to stave off the heat.
much love,
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