#actual pinned post lets goo
loverboybreakdowns · 1 year
pinned post! (pls at least skim it)
about me:
[plain text: “abt me” end plain text.]
-prns: he/him fag/fags ⚣/⚣s rot/rots
-age: 17
best friend: @endren :)
boyfriend: @hauntedestablishments <3
boyfriend 2 (platonic edition): @the-fag-with-the-swag :3
-heres my pronouns.page & heres my drawing box
-i draw ( @loverboydraws ) and write (https://archiveofourown.org/users/speakingofprettyboys) :)
[pt: “tagging” end pt.]
#needs id/ids/vd/pt = posts that need image and/or video descriptions, or plaintext transcriptions
#ask me ask me ask me = ask games
#asks! = asks ive answered
#rambling = my original posts
#me and him = stuff that makes me think of dirk and me
#me & him = stuff that makes me think of az and me
trigger tags i use: “#flashing”, “#blood”, “#self harm”, “#​self harm mention”, “#sui mention”, “#food issues mention”, “#rb bait”, and “#unreality”
i also have tags for various ocs—im not gonna list them here but theyre all formatted as “#oc: [oc name]”
[pt: “dni” end pt.]
-w*ncest, w*ycest, any kind of incest shippers
-bigots (including terfs/tehms/transphobes)
-ppl who believe that transandrophobia doesnt exist, that its possible for any trans person to be ‘transmisogyny exempt,’ or that transmisogyny doesnt exist
-ppl who dont want minors interacting w them (I AM 17 YALL..)
[pt: “byf” end pt.]
-i reclaim slurs like faggot and tranny. i dont trigger tag for them. im not gonna trigger tag for them.
-i mass rb stuff pretty often
-if you reblog my personal posts without saying anything there’s a 99% chance you’ll get blocked.
where else to find me:
[pt: “where else to find me” end pt.]
my other acc: @loverboythrives
my other, other acc: @cowboyneutrality (currently not in use)
my cohost
also i have discord server for transmasc teens ‼️ (co-run by az, digs & me) (all genders can join but its transmasc focused)
& another discord server this one has no real focus
blinkies userboxes etc under the cut !! (flash warning)
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aspideronmywall · 6 months
Be preped for this long post, kind of a wordy think I'm having at 10:48 pm about Top Gun Maverick...
"No wife, no kids. Nobody to mourn you when you burn-in."
No kids.
Pete definitely thinks of Bradley as a son, his godson. Bradley's cool, collected, brutal implication of that line that tells Pete that he doesn't think of Mav as a father figure absolutely crushed me when watching the first time.
I got to thinking, what if Mav died instead of Ice? Bradley at first would feel relief actually, that the one man standing in the way of his dreams is finally out of the picture, tha man who he thinks ruined the Bradshaw name and legacy. Does he show up at the funeral? Of course, not to mourn him, but to have his final say over the man who he thought tried to ruin his career out of spite. He's there ready to get his closure, but in fact it's the opposite of what he feels when he sees the amount of other people who showed up.
The ones who are left of the '86 class, Slider Hollywood, Sunny, Wolfman. I'd think there would be a missing Chipper due to is own health problems. You get Viper, Mavericks own surrogate father figure, Cougar and Merlin Bradley learns that Maverick didn't have a father figure either, learning how his dad's reputation prevented him from joining the academy initially.
Then the regret sets in. The regret of not letting Pete explain his actions. Of listening to the words Maverick would tell him time and time again.
"Bradley, it's not a bad thing to keep yourself conservative, but a lack of taking risks can get people killed too. Your father taught me that."
Other people are gathered the dagger squad, other Top Gun classes that he taught, even people from the experimental plane program that he was part of, Hondo, Cyclone, Warlock.
Admiral Kasansky was the top ranking officer at the funeral and as the procession moved on Ice began to shake. His dumbass of a captain was gone, no one to smile or wink to calm his nerves, not like Maverick could. He stepped up to the casket and placed his wings on the cool black wood, and as jets flew overhead he would slam. His fist down onto the pin to solidify them in their spot forever. Ice would have tears streaming down his face as he shook with grief.
Bradley would be there, standing shoulder to shoulder with his squadron, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob and the others looking on as they watch the legendary Admiral who's ice cold demeanor could never be melted, shattered and battered in an instant.
Bradly would then receive a letter stating his inheritance from Mav, the keys to the hangar and a small F-14 Keychain. When he makes it to the hangar, seeing the motorcycles the plane, and way in the back the assortment of pictures of his two fathers and some pictures of himself growing up. Bradley would find some old photo albums, the one with the name Bradshaw worn beyond repair. Bradley would flip through them delicately as to not make the damn thing fall apart and gasp as he saw an entire section dedicated to him. A lot of the younger photos he saw had been taken by his dad. But then he started to see ones from his flight school days, his top gun class, different squadron as he got assigned to different carriers. He would be baffled, calling some of his old crew, old WSO'S and other deck people, they would all tell him the same thing.
"Yeah this guy was interested in every picture we took of you man. He said it was for a gift for you, the dude practically drained my phone battery that day as we talked for ages, he loves you man, whoever he is."
Bradly would have a full breakdown then, hating himself so much for pushing Maverick away. When all he wanted to do was be the father he lost, not just because Maverick felt responsible for Goose's death, but because he loved Bradley like his own damn son. Bradley would eventually find Goose's helmet, not the one he died in, but the brand new shiny ones they were supposed to wear that day with the top gun insignia on the inside of the lining. Goose had only worn it once for a fitting and then kept it away as his old helmet had worked perfectly fine anyway. Bradly would put it on, clipping the mask over his face and lay in the small bed in the hangar for hours, staring at the ceiling before falling asleep.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 5 months
I'm new to hunting and your post about suppressors made me curious, if you don't mind divulging: what sort of cartridges do you guys use for all the stuff y'all hunt up there? Particularly moose? I'm definitely only hunting whitetail for a long time yet because I'm quite inexperienced and cartridges are so confusing.
Alright so I have good news and bad news.
Good news: Cartridges are not nearly as complicated as they seem.
Bad news: The organization of rifle and handgun cartridges is a fucking nightmare because they use Metric, Imperial, and i/another/i measuring system. All at the same time. On the same damn box. And that's why the whole thing seems complicated.
So let's start with a simple bit first, and we can work our way up to the complex nonsense.
So, your cartridge, also called a round, has four parts.
The bullet itself
The shell, also called a casing, also referred to as brass
The gunpowder
The primer
We're going to pretend that's a bulleted list and the rest is going under a readmore
General mechanics: trigger pull makes the firing pin hit the primer, which works more or less like one of those stomp rocks fireworks. The primer ignites the gunpowder which explodes and sends the bullet down the barrel of the gun. There are different ways to clear the action and reload, I'm going to assume you have a bolt action rifle, and that you know how that works.
So the shell is what defines the caliber of the cartridge and what gun it can go into. Some are measured in millimeters and some are measured in thousandths of an inch. Why? Because fuck you that's why. It is not even as simple as American companies sticking to Imperial and everyone else using metric because specific sizes have been standardized over the years and now everyone produces everything. Some shells are just old designs that have been modified, I think it's the 6.5 which is just a .308 cartridge that's been cut down.
(Remember that hyperfixation by association i mentioned earlier? Sunshineman took over the living room and is resizing .223 shells into 300 blackout. By hand.)
But the shell is just the bucket that holds everything together and fits in the chamber of the gun. The thing that controls the energy output of the gun is the amount of gunpowder and the amount of bullet you are using. If you have a tiny bullet and a lot of gunpowder that bullet will go very fast. But it doesn't have enough mass to really transfer that energy into whatever it hits.
Both the bullet and the gunpowder are measured in grains. It is a measurement of weight, and I don't know what it converts to, but I don't actually need to because gunpowder and bullets are only ever measured in grains. If you are buying bullets, like a normal human being, the grain listed on the box will be the weight of the bullet. The box will also have a muzzle velocity listed, the speed at which the bullet comes out of the gun. This is more useful information than just telling you how much gunpowder is in the round, because different casing shapes and bullet compositions will make that powder react differently.
I am going to talk about wound channels and bullet expansion now, so if you are squeamish this is the place to tap out.
So, a bullet hitting a living body does more than just poke a hole. The energy transferred to the tissue by the bullet creates a hydrostatic shock, basically a ripple through the water inside the cells. As you might imagine this is bad for the cells and turns them into goo. The goo is referred to as the bloodshot meat, and depending on your processing standards of the meat, it is generally discarded as inedible.
However, if the bullet remains perfectly intact and transfers no energy and only pokes a hole, unless you had a perfect shot on a vital organ, the animal will usually just walk away. This is why bullets are made out of lead and copper, anything harder would simply go through. The lead squishes or "mushrooms" and the copper which is just slightly harder, controls where the expansion of the bullet goes.
OK, so now that I've rambled on about cartridge mechanics for several paragraphs, I'm actually gonna answer your question. The cartridges I used to hunt vary wildly based on what I am hunting. General wisdom is You need a gun and a cartridge big enough for the biggest animal you would need to shoot. For me that is a grizzly bear which is not unlike shooting a bus if a bus had claws and teeth and a million years of predatory instinct and the ability to just sit on you and squish you to death if they got annoyed.
But I am usually not hunting bear. So usually what I do is I have a Glock 29, which is a sub compact 10 mil, in a chest holster and a rifle more suited to whatever I'm hunting. The glock honestly sucks to shoot and it is a break glass in case of emergency situation, because it is literally the least amount of gun for the maximum possible bullet.
I also have a 6.5 Creedmoor which is too small for bear or moose, but it is the only other gun that is actually mine and not borrowed from various family members. It works for caribou if I use a solid copper 140 grain bullet and it's great for varmint. My original idea for the gun was goat hunts but I can't convince anyone to go with me and I'm not dumb enough to try a solo hunt.
The 6.5 Creedmoor also has the virtue of being a very well marketed gun. The 6.5 swede has been around for 120 years and is not markedly different than the 6.5 Creedmoor, but a handful of years ago somebody got the right idea to market this thing as a target round for a high precision gun with a mild recoil. So now every bro who thinks he's Chris Kyle has one, which is annoying, but you can always find ammo for this thing because its so popular. It is a small and relatively underpowered gun, but I am a small person and as long as I am hunting small things I feel no need to drag a cannon with me over hill and dale.
As far as hunting for bear and moose go, the rounds used are .308 and .223. I'm sure other people use other things but that's what I'm used to. I would have to check on grain size, but I'm inclined to guess it's up around 200. Those are almost never solo hunts, simply because there's so much work associated with butchering and processing the animal, but also because you really want backup if things go sideways.
Oh, and I use a .22 for birds. And biathlon. That round is so tiny that the entire cartridge is the size of my pinky fingernail and the primer is built directly into the shell rather than being its own thing.
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Still Into You
Written By: Taylor York & Hayley Williams
Artist: Paramore
Released: 2013
A very upbeat and happy number off their fourth studio album, Paramore, that seems to wrap up lead singer Hayley Williams and lead singer of band What’s Eating Gilbert/New Found Glory guitarist Chad Gilbert’s relationship. Still into You is the ninth track on the album and the second to be released as a single. Still Into You peaked at No. 24 on the Billboard Hot 100, at the time the second-highest a Paramore song had ever reached. Hayley talked about its commercial success when the song was played during her hosting appearance on the Sirius XM Hits 1 Weekend Countdown: “This song, I’m so so happy that this song is getting played on the radio. It’s probably my favorite Paramore song that we’ve ever written, actually. It’s about commitment to that one person that you just fall in love with and you have to just choose and you have to work so hard to stay in love. It’s not an easy task. It’s not a walk in the park, if you will.��
[Verse 1] Can't count the years on one hand That we've been together I need the other one to hold you Make you feel, make you feel better It's not a walk in the park To love each other But when our fingers interlock Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause after all this time, I'm still into you [Chorus] I should be over all the butterflies But I'm into you (I'm into you) And baby even on our worst nights I'm into you (I'm into you) Let 'em wonder how we got this far 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you [Verse 2] Recount the night that I first met your mother And on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved ya You felt the weight of the world Fall off your shoulder And to your favorite song We sang along to the start of forever [Pre-Chorus] And after all this time, I'm still into you [Chorus] I should be over all the butterflies But I'm into you (I'm into you) And baby, even on our worst nights I'm into you (I'm into you) Let 'em wonder how we got this far 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you [Bridge] Well, some things just, some things just make sense And one of those is you and I (Hey) Some things just, some things just make sense And even after all this time (Hey) I'm into you Baby, not a day goes by That I'm not into you [Chorus] I should be over all the butterflies But I'm into you (I'm into you) And baby, even on our worst nights I'm into you (I'm into you) Let 'em wonder how we got this far 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you [Outro] I'm still into you I'm still into you
Written By: John Rzeznik
Artist: The Goo Goo Dolls
Released: 1998
“Iris” was written for the 1998 film City of Angels starring Nicolas Cage. John Rzeznik explained: “When I wrote it, I was thinking about the situation of the Nicolas Cage character in the movie. This guy is completely willing to give up his own immortality, just to be able to feel something very human. And I think, ‘Wow! What an amazing thing it must be like to love someone so much that you give up everything to be with them.’ That’s a pretty heavy thought.” “Iris” eventually became one of the Goo Goo Dolls' biggest and most recognizable hits, eclipsing the movie it was written for.
[Verse 1] And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't wanna go home right now [Verse 2] And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later, it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight [Chorus] And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am [Instrumental] [Verse 3] And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive [Chorus] And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am [Instrumental Break] [Chorus] And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am [Chorus] And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am [Outro] I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am
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dumbdomb · 1 year
Reprogramming the Subject
Read my pinned post BEFORE you interact: like, reblog, reply, dm, ask, or follow. Must be over eighteen years of age to interact. 18+ only. You do not have my consent to Like this post without reading my pinned first. MDNI.
description of dehumanizing hypno procedure using a form of intox balms and tinctures. bondage, pronoun play (you/it), pain, fear, medical laboratory prison-like setting. some parts italicized to emphasize my inner thoughts or to break up text upon reading it over. the experimentation of breeding with an unknown, or possibly alien, substance. also, a mention of tickling and feet... ♡
breeding kink but it's actually a medical procedure where i immobilize your body and put on sterile gloves before i begin touching anything else. cutting lines in clothes, then slowly peeling away the fabric. knowing you can feel the cloth brushing against your skin, under my intent gaze. tracing my delicate fingers over the exposed, ticklish body. placing a small, comfortable bite and gag over the mouth and intentionally letting its eyes watch me work. using a vibrating toy on the necessary place to force it to climax for me. inserting a tube inside the hole to fill it with an unknown substance, and carefully plugging it closed. opening a jar containing a thick, ointment-like goo and rubbing it onto the inner limbs, torso, and neck. removing my gloves and setting a timer, as the medicinal properties begin to cause a slightly burning sensation. i make notes on the duration and volume of the subject. when it begins to calm, i shine a light in the eyes to check dilation and alertness. after approximately fifteen minutes, i put on a specialized respirator mask and glove up to remove the plug, wiping away any leaking excess fluid that has accumulated. i shake a small bottle of liquid and spray the contents over the same areas treated before. after thirty seconds, i draw a curtain and retrieve a few items out of view. i return to place a blindfold over the subject and make sure the body is positioned correctly before clinically inserting a lubed metal toy in the hole. i wait for the effectiveness of the spray to become noticeable, which never takes more than two or three minutes. when it begins to writhe from the subtle irritating sensation, i assist in how fervently and carelessly it tries to plunge itself on the device. i try my best to maneuver my tools as the device thrusts deeper and longer inside the hole. when the subject climaxes again, i instantly remove the device and my gloves. using an appropriate pen, i mark dots along the body from shoulders to thighs and routinely clean and place electrodes on each spot. i bring a table tray closer to my seat and turn on the power, electrical signals simulate hot, cold, stinging, and thuddy sensations associated with pain (differing from one subject to another). as the simulation continues for six minutes, i further clean and sanitize the feet. during the cool down period, i use my hands to touch each toe and hold the foot still as i softly kiss each sole. if the subject pleads too much or is too calm, i place a vibrating toy inside the hole to make this process easier on the subject. another round of simulated pain is necessary before completion and can coincide with any alternative methods, customized to the treatment plan. the subject receives another dose of the inserted serum, and any blindfolds are removed before placing the full scale mirrors around it. the final climax is done with the subject watching (some may require additional headgear to stabilize and keep the subject aware). when it is complete, a solution is used to cleanse the body externally and mobility is restored. new clothing is provided in it's storage room, which the subject will be transferred to via wheeled bed. (if necessary, do not restore mobility and transfer assistants will comply with a regulatory sedative to move the subject without harm or pain.) it will rest well, awakening with a brand new understanding of your usefulness.
Read my pinned BEFORE you interact. 18+ only.
NO: lurkers, likes only, inactive, empty, or blank blogs. DO NOT LIKE MY CONTENT. DNI. ♥️
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lord-shitbox · 6 months
whole ask game with mezumaru
Why do you like or dislike this character?
many reasons. he's silly and pathetic but also has his fucked up&evil (silly style) moments + very transgender coded + the skull is baller + he comes as part of a 2-guy set so i can think long and stupid about him & gozu. i am Almost Always insane about a set of characters because I like looking at how they go together
Favorite canon thing about this character?
umm prob the fact that he wears the skull because his face is really girlish. [trangdesnder flag emoji]. i like his hair too. the fact that hes over 400 yrs old is funny but also gives me eternal headaches because iirc nurarihyon married yohime when he was like. 106 years old or something? so hes fucking 500? i think i just spent an hour looking for the panel that specifies nurarihyon & yohime's ages [something something youre turning 17 and im turning 107 ? i dont think it was 1007] but i cant find it. whatever
Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i could dislike nothing about mezu.
ok actually the fact that hes a minor character & a lot of fine details abt the gyuki clan often contradict or dont go along with other worldbuilding because theyre minor characters and shiibashi forgot 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
um... i think a form of animation that uses interesting media would be extremely swag. like stop motion or the mob psycho whiteboard effect or the collage-style animations that look like moving quilts. gyuki clan spinoff series when
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
reminds me of him. tonchinkan feast & villain teniwoha also
What's something you have in common with this character?
long hair and trans gender
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
not post or care about him ever (me and the character with 2 moments of plot relevance)
Could you be roommates with this character?
ummm. i think so. I'd make him do the dishes
Could you be best friends with this character?
having a hard time with this one. his best friend is already gozu and im Sorta like him but I don't go with him as well
Would you date this character?
if he didnt look and act like twelve years old
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
gyuki clan has few to no women in it so it takes him A While to figure out women are real. he thinks women are just dudes in drag or something
What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
👾🐸 :3
Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i dont have the flavor of gay that lets me remember what any of those are. overalls and lots of pins/patches. converses. loose sweaters. colorful (but not super vivid) wardrobe
What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
gozumezu idc if its platonic or romantic
What's your least favorite ship for this character?
have i mentioned how like 3 people on the planet ever post him. gozumezu is the only ship if at all. but i would not like mezu x rikuo (not much chemistry imo, especially night rikuo)
What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
have to make up another ship for this.. wait maybe kappa x mezumaru has been a thing? i get that.
How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Gyuki & Mezumaru are pretty close i enjoy that. Like even though Gyuki was in his merciless evil scary era he had a little guy clinging to his leg. found family for Real
How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
N/A i would like to see him develop a good one w/ rikuo's friends though. apologize to maki & torii & yura for trying to kill them in the bath
Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i write stupid little drabbles of them sometimes..gotta keep him silly thats all
If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
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he's a significant character in 2 of these and one of those is in French.
Favorite picture of this character?
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What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
sugihara kei from yakuza's guide to babysitting is the same genre of "silly/pathetic guy that gets bullied by his buddy with bonus moments of scariness"
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
uhh. this would've been like. over 3 years ago so i don't Remember but I know it was favorable. here's the first time I drew him (late 2020) holy shit i did not know what was coming to me
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umm ok so I think the gyuki clan gets a gaming console & gozu obviously has bad violent gamer rage but will calm down when removed from the situation. however mezu in gamer voice chat picks up the foulest nastiest language ever & will not stop spouting shit for days. gyuki and gozumaru have to regulate his gaming time severely over this. also he will NOT leave animal crossing once he picks it up
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odysseys-blood · 7 months
7, 8, 13 for the nosy asks :o?
HI SHAN GOO MORNY!!! lets see here
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
oh i want tattoos SOOOOO badly. my mom was supposed to be paying for my first one as a graduation gift...we r 6 montha past that but i forget nothing so im holding her to that still (<- guy that still bothers my dad abt an unfulfilled promise from when i was 5).
the first one i want to get is my birthday playing card over my heart! its the 10 of hearts and i love the design of a pack of galaxy print playing cards i got so i want to have it done like this! (i believe the actual set is the bicycle stargazer)
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other than this one i'm not 100% sure what else i want. i know i want the twewy player pin sigil somewhere, maybe the back of my neck or inside my wrist and id love a half or full sleeve but thats so expensive and would take forever...so if i dont do that id like to have a snake running up one of my arms. i would still want more past that however which is evident by this album in my gallery where i just collect tat photos/little stickers and designs i think would make nice tattoos
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13: Biggest turn ons?
i havent been in a relationship so i'm contractually obligated to post the gif.
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but i love me someone who is extremely whimsical and silly and ive been betrayed (not really) by at least 3 different girls with the most beautiful smiles and cutest/funniest laughs falling for some beast of a man when im RIGHT HEREEEEEEUHHHH
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mysteriaqueen · 1 year
welcome to my pinned post. it's a wip. ao3 | watpad
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hello I'm MQ. i'm a poc minor writer artist vn dev and prolly a lot of other things.
most of my posts are queue. i do like, 5 posts a day. i'ma prolly cut it down to 4 tho. i think i cut it down to 3 actually. i try to tag all the queued posts with #deja queue but I'm not perfect so I forget. Asks Wanna send me an ask? Please do! Even if you don't want to. I want an ask. Nothing NSFW but besides that I don't care. Don't know what to send? Here's a list of stuff you can ask/command of me.
write something for fotmm
doodle and doodle n post it
write something for fnf
do your heckin art requests ya weirdo
write something for idea no.1 (olba)
do some jumping jacks
write something for idea no.2 (xoxod)
fave color?
make sure all ur writing hath been posted everywhere
talk about a hyperfixation? MASTERLIST POST IS HERE LETS GOO (i'm still working on it so uhhhhh give me some time lol) Friday Night Funkin Remixed: Main Story: Prologue | CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 Oneshots: Original sneak peak (spoiler warning) Other Oneshots: BF x Shy Reader | Starving Artist x Reader Genshin Impact The Traveler's Journal: Main Story: Day One Part 1 | Day One Part 2 | Day One Part 3 | Day One Part 4 | Day One Part 5 | Day One Part 6 |
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“Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love” by Isthisselfcare (commentary, not a review! Just my inner thoughts as i read)
Day one: Of course I couldn’t wait and started reading last night 🫠 Currently on chapter 4 and i’m already laughing out loud and loving the small details. It’s so refreshing after reading three rather “serious” fics before… glad i made that choice! I think i’ll be updating my reading process in this post! So I’ll be editing it as i go and have it pinned to the top of my page for easy access… let’s goo!!
Day one update: how fucking GREAT and literally up my alley it is that this fic HAS VISUAL AID for places and such???! I’m the type of person who NEEDS a clear mental image so the story can flow in my head, whether is the layout of a house, a characters clothing, etc. (I literally have to remind myself how would 20-30’s Draco or Hermanione would look like bc i’m so used to them being teenagers in my head. I will look up more recent pictures of tom and emma to get an idea (is it only me who finds is hard to imagine Draco with a beard/facial hair and as an older guy still with white-blond hair? It’s like Tom but with bleached hair) and also VOICES, i can literally hear them talking in my head while reading dialogue… I know, my head is very stubborn and weird with the way it forms images and characters, am I the only one? Anyways, loving this “plus”!
Day two: how is it possible to LAUGH OUT LOUD SO MANY TIMES? My face hurts from it! I’m on chapter 8 and i’m so obsessed with Draco’s charcter: he’s witty, funny, sarcastic and charming while ALSO being a prat lol this is right up my alley, gosh I’m so happy right now… And Hermione’s demeanor is so well done! I love that this is more of a “draco’s pov” because all of the ones i’ve read are more from a Hermione’s pov and i find myself more drawn to know D’s thought process rather than H’s, i guess it’s bc we get to know much more of her through the canon storyline… ah, joy!
Day three: currently on chap 15. This HAS to be the best thing that i’ve ever laid eyes upon. It’s so well thought, places and references amazingly described and REFERENCED (i can’t get enough of it). The french references and dialogues, ah! Fabulous! the author said they’re half french so I love how much they included it. Anyways, i’m GIDDY every two minutes, i laugh my arse off with every joke and “quirky moment”, this is definitely a “slow burn” but it’s so well done, you can *actually* see it progressing but it’s so effortless that it just makes sense. I have a feeling i’ll finish this one before the weekend ends and i’m already sad! Will update soon!
Day four: ah! Finally, a kiss! I have to say, i’m loving this slow burn, because there’s so much interesting stuff happening in between, i can’t complain; love their outings, and parties and intimate dinners and everything! It all feels so organic and it’s entertaining, the story advances flawlessly. I love that, even when there are no romantic things happening, the story in itself is so good and captivating… you know i love my references, and they add the perfect amount of *pzaz* to help my brain create an entire scene.. As always, BRILLIANT! Favorite characters so far (aside from d&h): Henrriette is the GOAT; Nott, always a fave through the fics i’ve read; Crooks, a king as always. And honorable mention to the Magdalena’s skull, she was iconic!
Day five: UNHINGED NUNS!!!! Chapter 33 was So fucking good! I’m at the end of it now, only a few chapters left i believe, and i’ve enjoyed it so much! Honestly, what a beautifuly worded story, i’m in awe of the genious of Isthisselfcare, i don’t think i’ll ever be over this fic! Final stretch, here we go!
Update: ah! It’s over, me heart is full, i laughed until my face hurt, i screamed, i squealed, i felt every emotion possible~ and it was perfect! Thanks to the ppl who said i should read it first after The Fallout (which was rather dark at some points), because it gave me the dose of chill/happy/funny dhr i needed before jumping on to the next fic! I believe i’m leaning toward MoaM or should i grow some ovaries for a change and go straight into Manacled? Help! Anyways, just to conclude, of course this gets 5 out of 5 freaking golden, shinning, up-in-the-sky stars! Cheers!
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webbedphantom · 9 months
Drabble #1 Explanation
Okay, so since I posted that drabble yesterday (linked here if you missed it), I figured it was a good idea to explain a few of the bits that go unexplained, since this is kinda in the middle of a larger story.
First off, the most obvious one; Shiho's disappearance. Why'd I do that? Well, for one thing, Aaron would've already had his powers by the time she "heads for the roof," so there was no way in hell he would've let her hit the ground. If he saw her up there, like he does in the game, he'd dive out the window to save her, no hesitation. Which would mean his secret would be out immediately, and that would severely limit what all I could do, so I took a different route.
Secondly: Did Kamoshida actually kidnap her? No. Surprisingly enough he had absolutely nothing to do with that, something that would later be proved by the "evidence" Aaron did all this to steal. But he was the prime suspect, and even if he wasn't, he still needed to go down, so down he went.
Third: So who did take her? Wouldn't you like to know~ But seriously, if you've been keeping up with these au thoughts posts, (don't blame you if you haven't. They're kinda all over the place) you can probably put together the pieces from what I've said about the first semester
Fourth: Why does Aaron's costume change mid-fight? And why was it different in the first place? The way I like to look at it is that his costume was unfinished before then. His awakening was unnatural and kind of forced, so while he had these powers, he didn't accept them. But each time he decides to put on the suit, he gets closer to that, culminating in the scene with Arsène at the beginning where he truly awakens to his power for the first time. But it still wasn't finished. He needed to test his resolve. And that's what happens during the fight. It's him deciding that no matter what happens, no matter what it costs, or how much it hurts, he will keep fighting for what he believes in. And because of that, he's able to access the rest of his powers, aka the webs.
Fifth: Okay, but why do the webs not act like webs? Why is it just a glob of sticky stuff? That ties into something I've explained before, and something that's in his character info doc. He has to wear some special bracelets he later invents to use the webs properly. But since he hasn't done that yet, it's just goo.
Sixth: What was with the headache at the beginning? Why's it brought up there, only to never happen again. That's something I probably could've done better, but basically the headaches are a result of him not accepting Arsène, yet still having him anyway. His mind is fighting itself, actively rejecting his other half, yet because of his awakening, he's also technically accepted his shadow. It's a paradox of sorts. He shouldn't have a Persona, but he does. Hence the headaches. Then once he actually accepts his Persona, no more headache.
Finally, what was up with that Makoto bit at the end? What was she talking about?
That is in reference to a scene from the fanfic proper (which I will link in my pinned at some point) but here's a quick rundown.
Basically, Aaron snuck into ShidoCorp for Futaba to get some more info on their parents, and more specifically, their deaths. Makoto catches him, but lets him stay because she didn't see him as being a bad guy.
But then he betrayed her trust, and snuck into his father's old lab, where the spider bite happened... among other things-
And you can bet, that breach of trust is gonna come back to haunt him eventually.
Anyways, that's it... I think. Might update this later if I think of anything else I need to clear up.
0 notes
winchester-girl67 · 2 years
Spin Cycle
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Summary: Dean and the reader stop at a laundromat in the middle of the night after a hunt gets a little extra messy.
Prompted by a post by @idkhowbutifoundyou​: “somebody write a supernatural oneshot (dean x reader perhaps but not necessary) where we’re stuck at a laundromat late af at night bc we ran out of clothes on hunts. maybe we’re all bloody, idk, acting like it’s no big deal. i need something domestic. something really human. please i’m begging idk how to write that well 🙏🙏😭😭😭”
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,433
Warnings: language, blood, half naked in a laundromat, slightly creepy pizza guy, pining, kissing, mainly fluff
A/N: Came across this prompt and decided to give writing it a shot because I liked the idea. Enjoy :)
"What's the chances this hick town actually had a twenty-four hour laundromat?" Dean chuckled lowly.
"Apparently pretty good," you said nonchalantly, pushing past him and into the laundromat, your duffle bag full of dirty clothes slung over your shoulder.
None of the machines were taken, which didn't surprise you. You didn't expect anybody else in the small town of Nowheresville, USA to be separating delicates and scrubbing stains at this hour. It was either really late or incredibly early, you couldn't decide which.
You lifted your bag on top of the washer and yawned into your palm, closing your eyes for a moment. What you wouldn't give for a hot shower and some comfort food, followed up with curling up in bed next to Dean. He was always so warm and most of the time he'd let you cuddle him without grumbling about it. But that only happened on the hunts where it was just you and him, like it was now. You still thought it was reckless just the two of you hunting a nest of vamps on your own, especially when it turned out to be a family of ghouls instead.
When it was the three of you, Dean usually made you share the bed with Sam. He was always trying to push you two together, though both you and Sam only saw each other as friends; good friends but still friends. And Sam didn't cuddle, sure there were spacing issues with motel beds being so small and Sam being a moose, but that was the extent of it. You never woke up as the little spoon in his arms like you often did with Dean. Hell, half of the time you were the big spoon and you'd wake up with his fingers laced with yours as he held your hand to his chest. The feel of his steady heartbeat always calmed you and lulled you back to sleep in those early morning hours.
The hunting life was hard and you weren't embarrassed to admit that you didn't like sleeping alone, even with someone in the bed next to you. At first, you didn't think Dean would understand but now you had your suspicions that he felt the same. And you weren't convinced that that was the extent of his feelings for you either.
"What's wrong?" Dean questioned, following you into the laundromat.
"Nothing,” you shrugged, “why?"
"You were just staring off into space and you've been quiet since the state line." He explained, furrowing his eyebrows at you and you noticed the concern in his equally as tired eyes.
"Just tired, I guess... and hungry and sore." You complained, arching your spine to ease the pain in your lower back. Hunting was a game for the young, not that you were super old but you sure as hell felt like it right now. "And I desperately want to get out of these gross clothes."
"Me too," he said, sniffing his shirt and scrunching his nose. "How about I wrangle us up some grub and you can get started on filling up the machines?"
"I am not doing your laundry. No offence, Dean, but I can smell that bag of yours from here." You winced, waving your hand in front of your nose teasingly for emphasis.
"Says the one nearly covered head-to-toe in Ghoul goo." He smirked and chuckled when you frowned at him.
"Are you saying I smell, Winchester?" You asked with your hands on your hips.
The hunt had left you covered in blood when the last ghoul jumped you out of nowhere and pinned you to the floor. Dean had gotten angry and protective, making the kill unnecessarily messy. Luckily for him, gravity was in his favour and the blood only covered yourself. You were pretty grumpy after that, mainly annoyed with yourself that you’d gotten caught off guard and partially because Dean made you sit on a towel he stole from one of the many motels you stayed at to protect his Baby.
You had tried to wipe most of the blood from your face but there was only so much that you could get off without a shower and you could feel the dry patches on your skin now. The front of your shirt still soaked through, making the material cling to your chest uncomfortably.
"I'm saying, it would be a miracle if you didn't," he looked you over and laughed, his eyes shining.
"You asked for this," you said, wagging a finger as you sauntered over to him.
You raised your chin, grinning up at him before you quickly wrapped him up in your arms, squeezing him tightly. The blood from the wet patch on your chest soaking into his own shirts before you pulled away to giggle at him, impressed with your handiwork.
"Oh, that was a smart move, sweetheart. Now who's gonna get the food 'cause I can't go anywhere looking like this." He tsked, gesturing to the stain on his chest.
"You started it," you shrugged.
"What are you six?" He grumbled.
"We'll just order a pizza, everything on it?" You asked, pulling out your phone and searching for a local restaurant that was both open and delivered. "Found one, closes in an hour though so we should order now." You hit dial.
"Get a meat-lovers too," he mouthed to you as you were ordering, "and drinks."
Dean pulled off his shirts, tossing them into one of the machines along with the rest of his laundry. His jeans followed next and you held your breath, his tight boxers doing nothing to hide him from you.
“Um... what are you doing?” You cleared your throat, trying to avert your gaze.
“Laundry, Y/N, what does it look like I’m doing? You can’t exactly stay in those clothes either.” He said, he was right, you looked like an extra from a slasher film in your current state. “Don’t worry, I’ll get the pizza when it comes.”
He dumped some detergent and fabric softener on top of his clothes and shoved some coins into the machine, hitting start and a second later the washer came to life with the sound of rushing water.
You debated switching your clothes for some only slightly smelly ones in your laundry, but decided against it. Why not? It was just Dean, you shared a bed with him regularly as of late. He wouldn’t judge you, right?
"Turn around," you said, chewing on your lip.
"I've seen you in your underwear before, Y/N."
"Yeah, but that was in dingy motel lighting. These fluorescent lights are not flattering." You shook your head and tugged at the hem of your shirt nervously.
"So, I can't look at you for the next couple of hours or did you forget how long this is gonna take?" He teased, tilting his head at you with a grin.
"Might've forgotten a little... I'm tired, give me a break." You whined, slapping your hands on your thighs.
"You know I think you're beautiful, fluorescent lighting isn't going to change that." You smiled to yourself, your cheeks burning. Yeah, he definitely had a thing for you.
"Ugh, fine... but no comments.” You pointed at him and glared.
"Y/L/N, just shut up and strip." He smirked, belting out a laugh at the bitch-face you gave him.
You twirled your finger in the air and he rolled his eyes and spun around. You quickly stripped out of your clothes, dumped them in the adjacent washer and picked a wedgie. You heard a snicker and glanced up to find Dean peeking.
"Now, those are cute." He smirked, his emerald eyes staring at your ass.
"Excuse me." You asked, over your shoulder.
"Polka dots, huh?" He said, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips. "What? That wasn't a comment, it was a compliment."
"No compliments either." You shook your head, Dean motioning to his heart, drawing an 'X' over it as if to promise he wouldn't say another word.
You didn't trust it though and scowled back at him, grabbing your bag of dirty clothes and dumping them into the machine and starting it. Dean coming over to add some detergent and softener to your load as well.
"Come here," Dean said, placing his hands on your bare waist and hoisting you on top of your washing machine when you shut the lid.
Your breath caught at the feel of his calloused fingertips on your soft skin as he pulled his hands away and opened the lid to his machine which was still filling with water. He reached in and pulled out one of his shirts, running it under the stream of water and ringing it out so that it was damp and free of soap. Then he pushed your hair back with his free hand and began wiping the dry blood from your face.
You shut your eyes and hummed, he really was a totally different guy without Sam around. He wasn’t busy pushing you two together and actually let himself get lost in the moment with you. Maybe too lost when you felt him nip at your lips with his for the very first time, so softly you weren’t sure it had actually happened. Your Y/E/C eyes flipped open to meet his green ones gazing back at you, his face so close you could feel the dampness of his breath on your cheeks.
“Shit. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorr-” he breathed but you cut him off.
“Don’t be,” you kissed him back hard, firmly pressing your lips to his in an unmistakably real kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him closer until you hugged his waist with your knees, deepening the kiss and making him grunt. The heat of his body seeping into yours at the feel of his skin against you and you sighed. It was a nice break from the chill of the drafty laundromat, but you shivered just the same.
"Why’d you do that?" Dean asked, finally pulling away, his eyes lingering on your kiss swollen lips.
"'Cuz I wanted to and I knew you weren't going to." You panted slightly, starting to think that maybe you had crossed a line, maybe there was a reason he didn’t fully kiss you. You were getting anxious just thinking about it, your mind spinning. "D-did you not like it?"
"I mean, I'm not complaining... s'just unexpected-"
"-unexpected in a good way, Y/N." He smiled, his hands caressing your thighs as he pulled you impossibly closer and pecked your lips again.
"Why do you keep pushing me and Sam together?"
"Perfect timing as always, sweetheart." He sighed, pulling away from you. "I want you to be happy, both of you and you guys deserve the fudging world. I know where loving me will get you and I want better for you than that. Sam is better, he'd treat you right."
"Sammy is my friend and practically a brother to me. I don't see him that way, I never have and he feels the same." You explained.
"How do you know?"
"Because I know. We talk."
"You do?" He asked, you nodded. "How come we never talk?"
"You always brush me off, 'no chick flick moments'.” You mocked him in a low voice that hurt your throat and made you cough, it lightened the mood and he chuckled at your attempts to tease him. "We're talking now and we're close in other ways. I know your favourite flavour of pie is apple, you secretly watch Dr. Sexy M.D. when you think I'm asleep. And you do sweet little things for me all of the time, like finding a way to wipe the blood off of my face when there's no washroom to clean up in, for one. Giving me chocolate on my grumpy days and hugs on the harder ones. I can tell when you're bottling things up inside and pushing your own feelings aside because you think you're doing the right thing; which in this case, you're totally not. I get to fall for whoever I want, Winchester."
"So, no chance of you and Sam-"
"You sure?"
Dean leaned in and kissed you again, feeling goosebumps prick your skin under his touch. You squeaked and jumped when the machine started to spin beneath you, sending vibrations up your legs and eliciting a giggle from you and Dean.
"Good, 'cause I really like kissing you," he mumbled against your lips, making you hum.
You broke apart when you heard the bell above the laundromat door and the sound of someone clearing their throat. A delivery man standing in the doorway with a sly smirk, holding a couple of pizzas and two cans of pop sat on top of the boxes.
He set your order on the small table in the corner and eyed you as he began to walk over. Dean’s expression quickly turned sour as he blocked you from view and ushered the man outside, grabbing his wallet and paying for the order before returning inside and pausing at the door.
"Did you just lock the door?" You laughed, watching Dean roll his tense shoulders.
"Yup," Dean said, popping the 'p' and nodding.
"Why? He already saw everything." You shrugged, hopping off of the machine to join him at the table as he opened one of the boxes.
"Because that douche had the nerve to ask me if you were single and if you're going to be with me, I'm not sharing." He explained, pulling out a piece of pizza.
"I would never ask you to." You said, stealing the slice from his hand and giggling at the glare he gave you. Smiling as you sunk your teeth into the cheesy goodness. "Didn't take you for the jealous type, De."
"I think we both know how protective I am over you." He said, grabbing another piece and taking a seat.
"Trust me, I know,” you glanced down at the state you were in, half naked in a laundromat because of him. “It goes both ways though, just so you know.”
“Uh-huh,” he hummed, making room for you to settle onto the bench next to him. Noticing when you shivered, "cold?"
"A little," you admitted and he wrapped an arm around you, tugging you closer until you were tucked into his side.
"Better," you sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder as you chewed on your slice of pizza.
"Sam's an idiot,” he muttered, kissing the top of your head between bites. He couldn't ever see you as just a friend.
 Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​ @laycblack​
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moxfirefly · 4 years
So an ask @teenage-mutant-ninja-freak got really has me thinking. So I’m hoping on the train and giving my own two cents on the guys with an s/o who’s ovulating and what goes down.
@tmntspidergirl did her own version so give it a looksie and some love!!
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Liste my peeps, wow, what y’all getting yourselves into
Donnie KNOWS, ok and it’s not just cause he’s the smarty pants of it. You once told him when you were on your period and boy just made the calculations and knows when the next cycle happens
But here’s the thing, the little issue. The first time you spend a week with him post menstruation and ovulating?
You know somethings off with him. He’s acting all off and he’s so grabby with you especially in public (like in front of his brothers) I mean this man is straight up making you sit on his lap, he’s pawing at you and when did he become ok with kissing you like t h a t in front of people?
Don’s a private lad when it comes to you and his alone time
But he’s got you pinned against the sink one night while you were doing the dishes. And he’s so tall like when he leans down and nuzzles your ear and inhales the life out of you when he noses your hair the shivers my dudes
‘I wanna put a baby in you’ he whispers against your ear
Well you just broke Leo’s tea mug
‘Excuse me??’ You try to turn your head but he presses you hard against the sink and his hands slide to your stomach
‘You heard me’ and it’s such a territorial tone like you have to make sure this isn’t Raph and some fever dream. But not it’s Donnie, your big lovable nerd and why are you so for this idea all of a sudden?????
Let’s just say when you end up in his bed, Donnie absolutely railing the life out of you. Not once, not twice but an amount that leaves you so close to drunk on your own dopamine that you’ve forgotten how to speak properly
You don’t question when this large fucking terrapin is holding your legs to your chest after spilling himself in you.
He’s breathing so hard, sweaty and grinning ‘Don’t move love, keep all of me in you’
You nod breathlessly not even registering what he’s just said but boy do you not move an inch until he tells you that you can
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Drunk Drunk Drunk off your scent
I can’t even begin to explain
He’s in a stupor almost
Mikey.exe has stopped working
He’s lowkey confused tbh like yes you’re hot but f u c k what is it about today that has you so HOT™️
He’s so transfixed by you that you gotta ask
‘Ok do I have something on my face? Is there a stain on my shirt??’
Mikey is just eying you up and down and shakes his head
He scoots closer to you and he’s not rocking that goofy smile. He’s legit studying you. It’s so bizarre seeing him so hyper focused and serious.
And obviously you’re somewhat alarmed when he straight up starts sniffing you
Your neck, your shoulders, your chest
When he starts trailing down your stomach and you’re alarmingly looking around the living room cause MIKEY PEOPLE
It takes all of your resolve and actual praying when he just straight up buries his face in your clothes crotch and the ‘holy shiiiiiit’ and full body shudder that leaves him to not moan out into the open living room
The movie is background noise at this point and whatever has taken over your orange clad boyfriend is somewhat worrisome but not at all un welcomed
Especially when you find yourself trying to muffle your noises because Mikey had straight up slide you down the makeshift couch and onto the floor. Crawled over you and begged to be inside of you
Begged, like he was going to die if this didn’t take place immediately
It’s so not you and his usual style, there isn’t the usual flirting and playful dirty talk Mikey gives you. He straight up telling you that he will Protect you, if anybody goes near you or tries something against you, omg they gonna be d-e-a-d. This lad has never been this serious.
He’s promising you everything. You’re his, and he is yours.
‘Your my mate baby, you’re my mate oh god’ and how is such a simple word turning you into actual goo??
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My condolences to your cervix seriously bro r.i.p pour one out for that homie
But here’s the thing and ima do it to y’all
Sub!Leo has entered the chat
This is a time period you must take full advantage that he’s not gonna lowkey embarrassed about his subby tendencies
He’s ready for you to boss him, use him, make him beg and plead for you
All with the most stupidfied and endearing precious look on his face
So obviously you’re convinced that maybe he’s having one of those days™️ cause Leo has days where he needs to to take over (we can delve into that subject later my dudes)
And in this state he’s been all afternoon while visiting you has been weird but naturally y’all end up in the bedroom
And you end up riding him (which he absolutely fucking loves when he’s being a freaking sub)
And god he’s so mesmerized with your hips tonight, grabbing them. Pushing you harder down on him (because he’s allowed per your commands) he wants to bury himself so painfully in you, he’s a man possessed about it
He begs for it, begs for you to allow him to push into you more and more ‘please please’ he says and he looks like he’ll go mad if he doesn’t
So you allow him to switch you guys up
He’s on top but he’s still not running the show
‘You’re so good baby- fuck Lee yes yes’ and he is hiiiiigh of that and your scent how are you smelling this good, feeling this good? It’s more than the usual senses that he’s experienced with you
And I hope you don’t become a complete puddle when this lad starts pleading
Fearless Leader himself yes you heard it here first folks
He’s pleading to cum inside of you, an absolute mess, he wants to mate with you, he wants to make you round with his child. He wants all of this only if only you allow it
He coos just how beautiful and glowing you would look and wow does the very thought of it make his thrust so pathetically sloppy
You’ve never felt so empowered then watching Leo cum completely undone and bury himself so far in you unwilling to pull out because he wants every last drop in you
‘I’m yours, I’m yours...please have me’ he sounds almost drunk
You hold him so close, kiss all up on him and tell his trembling self you’ll gladly carry half of him and you inside of yourself
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Your legs have left the chat
You don’t know what being vertical means
Hi possessive Raph™️
Hi territorial Raph™️
The only time on the clock is baby making time
He is living, breathing and eating up your scent
Hooked on it, that shit is a drug to him and if you think his sex drive was high before
R.I.P to you my friend
This man isn’t letting you leave the bed unless it’s for a bathroom break and some Gatorade and a protein bar
No area is safe in your house. He is going to fuck you in every part, against and/or on any possible surface
It’s just a primal lightbulb turned on to the brightest setting in his head
All he knows is that he has to mate you, mark you and knock you up
All his dirty talk is focused on knockin you up. He wants to make a mother out of you, he wants you big and round with his child
And it ain’t gonna be one 😅
Big bara wants a bunch and he’s gonna do everything in his ability to give you a good amount in the first round
Seriously I fear for your well-being
But you’re absolutely OBSSESED with this side of him 🥴
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Reader being the one to fight Matt and they reunite!!
Request 2: Hi. So uh, can I request a Voltron story? Where the reader used to date Matt Holt, but after he disappeared reader changed from the nerdy quiet girl she was to like a badass, and starts dating Keith. Thank you. Have a great day.
Request 3: any thing Voltron where reader gets hurt!!!
Summary: Now that Matt is back, he can’t help but feel that his (ex) girlfriends teammate is taking her away from him. Reader has to break to Matt that she has moved on after his disappearance and is now with the paladin of the black lion.
Date started; February 2, 2021
Date posted; March 1, 2021 (Jezus)
Warning(s); Cursing, fighting, blood, jealousy, angst.
Was not proof read.
Matt and reader have a past. This story is a Keith x Reader.
A/N: We’re slowly but surely getting things posted. Life’s been a bish lately so I haven’t been motivated to write. I had absolutely no idea how to end this, so it just cuts off.
Tagged; @boiled-onionrings
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“What is this?” Your eyes narrow in thought. Narrow at the footsteps that close in behind you. Widen when you turn, and a man is swinging his blade straight at your head.
Your body is quick to push back, into the control panel so it flickered and powered off, your hands pushing off in an attempt to roll to the side.
Your hand pulls your bay-yard from your belt, twisting in time for your weapon to collide with your opponents, both grunting at the impact.
The figure shoves forward so you fall onto your back, gasping as your bay-yard slides feet from your reach, pushing to sit up and reach for your weapon.
The quick swipe of the males blade causes you to hiss and clutch your shoulder, lifting your foot high enough to kick him backwards, into the control panel like he had done to you prior.
You reach out and lift your bay-yard, slinging your arm out so it hit your opponent in the jaw, knocking his mask off and over his shoulder.
You lift your head, jaw clenched and weapon drawn, eyes widening as your lips part in a gasp, when you meet the gaze of your opponent,
“Matt?” You squeak, dropping your bay-yard so it clattered on the metal floor and quickly retracted into its holder, free hand pressed hard to where your fingers slowly held blood,
“Y/N,” Matt breathes, his body pushing to stand up from where he fell to his knees, arms pulling you tightly into his chest so you hissed a second time, his hands holding your arms as he leans back, examining your injury,
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” He exhales, your head shaking as tears burned your eyes from behind your helmet,
“Oh my god,” You heave, bloodied hands pulling your helmet off so he could fully look at your face, “Oh, god, you’re alive,”
“I’m alive,” Matt nods, hands caressing your head so he could lean his forehead to knock against yours, your eyes pinching shut before you lean back, opening your eyes.
“Just wait until Pidge sees you, and-and Shiro,”
“Wait, they’re with you?” Matt knits his brows together, as you glance down at the blood through your amor. It’ll be fine.
“Well, on their own mission,” You exhale, “Any chance you’ve heard of Voltron?”
“Of course I’ve heard of Voltron,”
“Well,” You repeat, smiling shyly as you look up at him, “We’re all Paladins,”
“No way,” Matt shakes his head, “That’s so cool!” He reaches forward to twirl you around, pausing when noticing you flinch at the movement of your shoulder.
“Come on,” Matt pulls back, hand at your arm, “Let me fix your shoulder,”
“Actually,” You lift your helmet off the floor, placing it over your head, “I have somewhere we can go,”
“HEY, look, Y/Ns back!” Hunk and Lance turn at the white lions appearance, the team of five moving forward as the lions jaw opened, your figure stepping out with a hand on your shoulder,
“Whoa, what happened to you?” Pidge asks, eyes narrowed as she moves up to you, but you smile, her brows pinching as footsteps sound behind you, her gaze looking over your shoulder and widening at Matt’s figure,
“Matt!” Pidge gasps, your smile softening as you step to the side, Shiro crossing his arms as he moves up to you,
“How’d you find him?” Shiro asks, calmly, your eyes flicking up to him.
“That so called secret base?” Shiro nods, “It was Matt’s. He returned as soon as I went in. Started fighting before we realized each other,”
“You did a good job,” Shiro smiles, and you nod, looking over at Pidge and Matt pulling out of their embrace, “Does he know?”
Shit. No. He doesn’t. He hasn’t even met Keith yet. “No,” You murmur, sighing as you turn, “I don’t know how to tell him,”
“That might be something you talk about in your own time,” Shiro raises his eyes from your shoulder to your eyes, watching you nod and brush past him, missing Matt’s worried glance.
“FOCUS, Keith!”
“I am focusing! You’re the one not focusing!”
“Now you’re just fucking with me,”
Matt stops at the doorway of the training deck. By now he had gotten a feel of where each room was located on the ship, which lead him to sneak off and search for you.
He watches silently as you slung your bay-yard at the red paladin- Keith, Matt thinks- leading Keith to jerk back and knock his own weapon to the metal, pushing you away from getting a hit on him.
It’s a quick tuck and roll as you duck away from Keith’s swing, your foot hooking around his leg to knock him on his back, your teammate grunting loudly at the impact his body made.
Knees pinned at his sides, your hands pin his shoulders down, lips pulling upward in a snort as Keith rolls his eyes, head dropping against the floor in defeat,
“You win,” Keith huffs, hands at your thighs as you raise your eyebrows, eyes flicking between his.
“Nice,” You grin, dropping one eyebrow, “Rematch?”
Matt frowns as Keith lifts his head, lips nearly against yours, “Absolutely not,”
“So you admit I’m better than you,” You lean back, sitting up so you were sitting on his legs, “I’ll take it,”
Keith narrows his eyes, gaze then shifting to the side, so you turned and your smile dropped.
“Matt,” You call, when the dirty blonde turns and exits the deck. You send a short glance down at Keith, pushing to stand up, “Matt, wait,”
Huffing at his refusal to turn around, you fasten your pace, “Matthew Holt, look at me!”
“Oh, so now you care?” Matt turns, sharply, arms crossed as he watches your brows furrow and footsteps stop.
“Matt, I always cared,” You breathe, shaking your head, “You’d been gone for years. I had to do what was right for me and move on. I should have told you when you first came back, but I didn’t know how,”
“So you two?” Matt’s eyes flick to the door of the training deck, and you nod, gazing down.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” You say, lifting your gaze, “As the paladin of the white lion, my main focus has always been saving earth. Im not the girl you once knew, who only read books and was afraid to talk to anyone outside my little circle. I’m a paladin now. I save people,”
You glance to the side, silently moving back to the training deck where Matt frowns, jaw clenching in defeat. He had lost you, years ago.
“ARE you two okay?”
Lance and Hunk skid to a stop into the abandoned ships control room, both breathing heavily through their helmets, “We’re fine,” Lance heaves, “But we need to get out of here, now!”
“Why?” Pidge rushes, “What happened?”
“It was-,” Hunk pauses, shock still in his system, “Monster- blue flash- I had rotten food goo,”
“Wait,” Lance stops his teammate, eyes narrowed in thought, “Where’s Keith and Y/N?”
YOUR eyes scan the empty hall. Galra bots float, lifeless, Keith and Kosmo floating beside you, “Hello?” Keith calls, Kosmo growling in defense,
“What are you?” The robotic voice of the remaining Galra bot causes you to pause, eyes squinting. The bot repeats his question, Keith raising his flashlight to the bots face,
“My name is Keith,” Keith starts, head barely tilting towards you, “This is Y/N. We are Paladins of Voltron. Paladins of the Black and White lions,”
“Wait,” You speak, “Yordum Bering Exus. Is that you?”
“Where are the rest of the Galra?” The bot asks, your head turning to look at Keith,
“They’re still on Planet Ryker. Why?”
“Planet Ryker,” The robot repeats, before it pushes forward, your eyes widening at the large monster behind it.
“Keith,” You alert, reaching to grab his arm so he tugged you into him, sharply, avoiding the sudden purple blast ray that the monster- Sentry- send, his shield coming up to block the second shot, shoving you and him both into the metal wall beside you.
You grunt out in pain at the impact, Keith pushing you to the side so you rammed into Kosmo, who quickly teleported next to Keith, Keith grabbing your hip protectively as you vanish.
“Keith, Y/N and I were in communication before we got disconnected,” Pidge explains to Lance, hearing Matt in her earpiece ask in a panic,
“You lost contact with them?”
“Keith and Y/N can hold their own together,” Allura breathes, “We need to figure out what that thing is,”
You reappear in the control room, gasps wheezed in fear before you push away from Keith, eyes wide, “What the hell was that?”
“What?” Pidge rushes, “What did you guys see?”
“Some- monster!” You heave, hearing Matt’s voice glitch in your earpiece as it gained connection,
“Oh thank God,”
“The base you sent this fleet to plunder, was it Warlord ranveigs?” Keith rushes, flying up to Lahn.
“Yes. It was,” Lahn answers, shortly, Allura glancing at you in alert.
“Keith, what’s going on?”
“The creature on this ship is a superweapon designed to destroy the Galra, and only Galra,” Keith starts,
“Warlord Ranveig would never create such a thing,” Lahn hisses, Keith shaking his head.
“Ranveig found the creature in the Quantum Abyss and experimented on it with Lotors Quintessence,”
“How do you know so much on this, Keith?” You ask, floating up between Pidge and Allura.
“Krolia and I let it lose so we could escape Ranveigs base,” Keith sighs, eyes fluttering shut, “This is all my fault,”
You shake your head, ignoring the glare Lahn sends your teammate, “Pidge, can you set a protocol that could self destruct this place? We need to get rid of the ship, and that monster,”
“Once I set it we’ll only have two minutes to leave the ship,” Pidge rushes, fingers pressing buttons, before she turns, waving a gloved hand, “Go. Go!”
You turn, jaw clenching at Sentrys appearance at the side door, “All Galra must perish,”
You yelp as the monster lunges forward, darting to the side before flying up with your jet pack, rushing for the door. Your front slams into the now shut door, fist curling to punch the metal before you look over, realizing Keith, too, had been trapped.
“Guys!” You shout, eyes wide in terror as you face Sentry, pulling out your bay-yard as he flew forward, you and Keith dodging in different directions so Sentry slammed into the doors front.
You hiss as Sentrys tail wraps around your body, pinning your arms at your sides, your gasp cut short as his tail flicks, hard, sending you into the metal wall feet away.
Your vision swims black, growing blurry as your lungs gasp for air, the sudden pain in your ribs causing you unable to move. Keith looks over as Sentry roared, rushing to you, Keith’s body protectively shielding yours as his shield protects himself, shoving you both into the wall a second time.
“Stay awake, Y/N!” Keith demands, rushes, arm at your lower back keeping you from floating away from him. His bay-yard shifts into a large gun, blasting at the monster before he turns and aims, shooting a hole into the locked door.
“Go!” Keith demands to his team, jet pack activating as he rushes forward,
“What happened to Y/N?!” Lance rushes, looking back at the distant explosion, where his eyes widen at the fire rising.
With a heatwave, the team of seven are thrown into space, the black lion quick to catch you and Keith so Keith landed on his feet, looking out his front visor where the white lion floated in front of his own.
“Let’s get her to the castle,” Keith demands, looking down at where your hand pressed to your rib, blood at your lips, “Stay with me, okay?”
You whimper, head tilting back before it leans to the side, dropping onto his shoulder.
“WHAT happened?” Matt and Shiro move forward towards their friend, Keith moving past them with you in his arms,
“The thing we had to destroy, attacked us, twice,” Keith hisses, teeth bared as he bends down to stand you on your feet inside the healing pod, stepping back in time for it to zap shut,
“She only seemed to be in danger around you,” Matt seethes, Keith looking over his shoulder to glare at the dirty blonde,
“What was that?”
“Do I need to dumb it out for you?” Matt steps up, ignoring Shiros call, “You’re the reason she got hurt. You’re the reason she left me!”
“Y/N left you because you ran off into space,” Keith snarls, Shiro and Pidge both jumping between the two so Keith stepped back, jaw clenched.
“Now is not the time to be fighting,” Shiro orders, Pidge nodding then shaking her head as she points to your unconscious, healing figure,
“Y/N needs you both right now, as much as you might hate it. So shut up and be here for her when she wakes up,”
Matt’s eyes shift from Pidge to Keith, Keith firmly crossing his arms over his armored chest before facing the healing pod.
Matt watches as Keith’s eyes drift to his bloodied gloves, glare faltering before looking back up to you.
Pidge exhales a heavy breath and follows Shiro, reluctantly, out of the med-bay, Matt crossing his own arms and scanning his eyes across your face.
“I’m sorry I came out rude,” He starts, Keith barely side glancing him, “It just, sucks. Coming back from being in space prison to find out your girlfriend moved on,”
“Y/Ns a lot different now than she used to be,” Keith reminds, “When I first met her I was an asshole and she was quiet. We didn’t click right away. But I found a meaning to my team and she’s apart of my team. It just- happened,”
“She’s definitely different,” Matt chuckles, Keith raising an eyebrow, “When I ran into her, I didn’t know she could fight like that,”
“She didn’t learn from me, that’s for sure,” Keith smirks, which instantly falls as the heal pod beeps, opening so Keith’s arms shot out to catch your leaning figure,
“That was quick,” Matt mutters, Keith shooting him a glance before you lift your head, brows pinched in discomfort,
“What happened?” Your eyes shift from Matt to Keith, who’s muscles visibly relaxed to see you up and moving. Matt noticed.
“We’ll tell you about it later,” Matt steps up, smiling lightly, “I’ll let the others know you’re okay,” Matt’s eyes meet Keith’s, his nod short before he steps back and out the door.
Maybe, just maybe, Matt forgave him.
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 years
Archive of laughter
A/N: Natasha realizes that Clint’s motivation is at a new low and tries to shift his mind away from the present. When he accidentally offers her the perfect method for doing so, she does not hesitate. Set in the What if… episode 1x08 with post-apocalyptic Clintasha vibes. I missed them.
2766 words
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„Aw man aw man aw man.“
Natasha looked up from the sheets in her hands with a reprimanding look in her eyes. „Clint!“
„What?“ With a sour expression he sent her a glare over his metal shoulder from where he stood in front of a gigantic shelf, stacked with boxes full of documents. „If I don’t get to bitch about this, I doubt I’ll live through it.“
Natasha’s annoyed countenance made room for worry when she saw how large the shadows under Clint’s eyes were. How dark and hopeless they looked over the left-over shelves of the Archive. Hundreds of them, holding God knew how many files they had to look through to find answers.
It wasn’t like Clint was being dramatic. He was at the limit of his strength, at the far corner of his already fragile mental stability after years of running, hiding, bleeding and grieving. After years of trying to endure the fact that him and Natasha were, as far as they were informed, the last two living beings not only of their planet, but of the entire universe. After Ultron had destroyed everything and everyone else.
Natasha knew what he felt like, knew how hard it could get to keep it together, to not succumb to madness. Especially when faced with an enormous Russian Archive stacked with billion sheets of paper that may or may not offer them a solution in a single printed line or a minimal percentage of about 0,0001 percent of the files at hand.
She could see the horror Clint was experiencing in connection to the possibly hopeless workload that lay ahead of them and she was scared of the thoughts that were currently running through his mind, unseen, pondering dark questions and possibilities she did not dare to even consider.
She had to do something.
Slowly she lowered the files she held in her hands and stared at Clint’s back while he was already busy flipping through boxes again, his head hanging almost as low as his shoulders.
„Hey,“ she gently addressed him, making him stop and look over his shoulder again. Such tired blue eyes. She’d never seen them look this tired before. „Clint, I promise, this will be worth the effort. We will find something that will make all this go away again. Something that will defeat Ultron. I know it.“
His eyes lingered on her for a few moments longer, sadness reflected inside them. Then he turned around again, his shoulders as heavy as before. „Yeah. Sure.“
Now Natasha’s shoulders slumped down as well.
No, no, no, she could not leave him be this way, she could not let this slip and act as if everything was a-okay. She was acting cheerful for the sake of the both of them. But she knew it wouldn’t be good for anything if Clint continued faking smiles and showcasing his I-have-no-hope-left-but-I’ll-do-this-for-you expression.
He didn’t want to worry her. Which was the exact reason why she was so worried.
„Clint?“ She tried again, smiling, despite his loud sigh as he put his box away and turned around another time to face her. With one hand resting on the shelf to support himself he looked at her, softly, despite his obvious frustration. „Yes?“
„Can you imagine that we once thought being caught in an airvent for two days was basically the worst?“
Something in Clint’s posture changed at that. He opened his eyes a bit more and suddenly huffed a short laugh, nodding at her words. „Yeah. Two days. How laughable that seems now.“
„It sure does. But we made the most of it, didn’t we? How did we keep ourselves distracted back then?“ 
Clint pushed himself away from the shelf with a smile, his thoughts obviously shifting from the dark corner of his mind to a brighter one. Natasha’s smile widened.
„Well, you took an awful load of time to find out that I repeatedly wrote the same word during our Hangman matches.“
Natasha had to laugh out loud at that. „Okay, to my own defense: I did not yet know how stupid you actually were back then!“
„Touché,“ Clint grinned, the shadows under his eyes vanishing slightly. „You did find out about quite a few things while we were hiding out up there. The worst part being that you discovered how ticklish I was. Not exactly fun times for me.“
Natasha smirked at the memory. „Oh no, those were actually reeeeally fun times for you. I remember you laughing incessantly in fact.“
„Do you now?“ Clint squinted his eyes at her in mock anger, a warning spark shooting through them.
„Especially when I tickled you in that one particular spot… where was that again? I think you actually begged for me to stop when I got you th-“
„Tz, shut up!“
Natasha gasped in fake indignation as Clint suddenly turned his back to her, his voice altering to a slightly more embarrassed tone and his hand waving her off, as if to tell her not to dwell on it too much. Of course, that was, in her opinion, the most adorable reaction he could have possibly chosen and she would now dwell on it even more than before. Slowly she moved out of her cross-legged position on the floor, threateningly wiggling her fingertips around. Wasn’t this actually the perfect way to cheer up her favorite person in the world? Why hadn’t she thought of this before?
„Wait, I think I actually do remember. Would you mind if we test this memory, just to make sure-“
„Now is not the time, Natasha.“ He gently tried to reason with her, a meaningful look in his blue eyes when he shortly turned his head around to glance at her.
Natasha lowered her hands. But a teasing smirk remained on her face. „The time for what?“ Clint tried to appear unimpressed by her attempt to make him say it. He seemed determined not to step into her trap this time. Not after all those times he’d already made that mistake.
„You’re not gonna make me say it.“
„Say what, Clint?“
Natasha noticed that he kept looking over his shoulder ever so slightly, as she started approaching him, taking note of her sneakily coming closer. The smallest smile played around the corners of his lips.
„I said you’re not gonna make me say it.“
Natasha felt a wave of happiness course through her stomach at the way Clint’s voice altered ever so slightly. He was smiling, she could tell. Now she was going to make him laugh.
Clint sighed as Natasha came to a halt right behind him. By now he had to be able to feel her breath on the back of his neck.
Natasha’s fingertips were itching to search for some ticklish spots.
„Don’t!“ He said gently, without any conviction whatsoever, the small smile still audible in his words.
„Don’t what, Clint?“ Natasha asked again, her hands slowly nearing his sides from behind.
Clint sighed, his shoulders moving up and down. It was a sigh of defeat. The sigh of someone who had accepted his own fate. Probably already had on the day he’d met her. A fate filled with being Natasha’s favorite victim. She could feel anticipation surge within her as Clint tried to mentally prepare himself for the consequences of his actions. Or rather of her actions.
„Tickle me!“ He submitted with a slightly panicked ring to his voice.
And Natasha didn’t allow him a moment to second guess. „My pleasure.“
Clint was on his knees in no time, dropping the files he’d held in his hands and throwing his head back against the awful feeling spreading on his sides. He instinctively tried to press his elbows to his sides to limit the access for Natasha’s ticklish scratches but she easily wormed her way past his defenses, making his suppressed groans turn into giggles effortlessly.
„NO!“ He huffed, trying to bend over more, further away from her, giggling madly as Natasha’s fingers managed to weasle their way under his arms to scratch at his ribs. „Noho plehease!! Tasha!!“
Natasha chuckled triumphantly and tried to climb her fingertips up higher, tried to get them past his ribcage to wiggle them right into his most ticklish spots, right under his arms. But Clint was trying his utmost to keep her from reaching that spot.
„You are saying no, but you asked me to do this, remember?“ Natasha teased, chuckling when Clint tried to snarl at her, with the emphasis on „tried to“ since any possible effect fell flat due to his laughter mixing in loudly.
„Stahahhaap I mean it!!!“ Clint barked when she suddenly pulled her hands away from his ribs to sling her arms around his chest and pull him down on his back, trying to climb on top of him to pin him down properly. He had to laugh at her antics as he in return tried to grab a hold of her arms or legs or basically any part of her body to have a minimal chance of coming out of this without ridiculing himself senseless.
He didn’t stand a chance though, for his bones and muscles already had to start feeling like useless goo, his laughter wouldn’t seize and he couldn’t see properly through his closed eyes. Natasha couldn’t stop smiling either as she could witness all the beauty of Clint melting underneath her touch - into a tiny puddle of giggles and shrieks.
„No no NOO!! AHahaha GET OHOHFF MEE!!!“ Clint yelled when she accidentally pushed a knee in his stomach in their grappling for the upperhand, resulting in her managing to sit on his hips properly, keeping him down where she wanted to keep him.
„Youhohu fohohoul cheheeater!!“ He laughed when her fingertips started crawling up his sides again and he only had limited space for flailing and turning anymore, his laughetr sounding deeper and more breathless already.
„Cheater? Really? What, just because I hit you here?“ She questioned, making him choke on his laughter when she scribbled her fingers on his stomach.
„Dohohon’t!“ He shrieked, hitting his head against the floor by accident and laughing even more in the aftermath. „IT TICKLES!!“
„I know, honey, it’s why you’re laughing!“ Natasha explained in a playful voice, before she had to free her wrists from one of his iron defensive grips in protection of his upper body, which didn’t stop her for long as she merely had to lean down to blow a raspberry on his unprotected neck, making Clint who had not expected this at all squeal with laughter.
„TH-THAHAT’S NOT ALLOWED!!“ He argued, letting go of her hands and trying to push her away from himself again, laughing helplessly when her fingers were back on their way up his ribs in no time. „Stahahap it already!!!“
„No! We haven’t yet tested my memory!“
„It’s my armpits!! I prhohohomise!! No need for tests, rehehheally!! rEHEHEALLY!!“
Clint kicked out as hard as he could behind Natasha’s back as she managed to wiggle her fingertips the slightest bit underneath his biceps and metal arm to get at the sensitive spots. She smirked and tried to distract Clint by blowing air into his face, chuckling when she saw him squeeze his eyes shut even more. „StAHHAP THAT!!“
„Come on, lemme! Just for a second!“
„Nohoho wahahay!!“
Clint’s laughter was flowing completely freely by then. He had seemingly let go of all things depressing for just this small amount of time, giving in to the unrelenting ticklish feeling and not trying to fight his own laughter anymore. Natasha hadn’t seen him this carefree in years.
She could not stop now, where she was seconds away from making him lose all track of thought. Just for a little while. Determined she moved up a little further on his body, sitting down on his upper stomach and almost making his eyes pop out by the sudden shifts of weight. He couldn’t form a coherent complaint though, since Natasha quickly moved her hands behind her back to dance her fingers down his sides, that were now completely at her mercy due to their new position.
„NHOHOO!! Nohoohoho!! stAHHAHP!! I can’t bREHEHEATHE!!!“ Clint’s eyes were shining from his laughter by now, the bright blue of his iris taking Natasha’s breath away. She grinned at his futile attempts to get a grip of her hands and took this opportunity to push her knees up further, blocking Clint’s ability to defend his armpits any further. He realized this immediately and barked out a single „SHIT!“ before her fingers attacked, making him arch his back and give in to a defeated laughter that came straight from his belly and sounded deeper and richer than all the sounds he’d already made. He couldn’t get another word in, as his laughter kept pouring out of him, merely started shaking his head around and kicking out less than before.
Natasha smiled fondly as she listened to his hearty laughter, the one she hadn’t heard in so long and saw how it brightened up his features.
„I think this proves it alright.“ She chuckled, removing her fingers from his armpit to allow him a breather before she evilly snuck them in again.
„NO NO NO PLEHEHEASE!! STAHAHP!!“ Clint barked out, his laughter sounding a tad bit hysterical as he tried to move out of his fatal position now. But Natasha immediately stopped at his request and gently shifted back to sitting on his hips, allowing his arms to cover his ampits again.
She chuckled softly as he gasped for air, noisily, sounding as if he’d just ran a marathon, his head falling back to the ground. She put her hands on his stomach and grinned when he flinched underneath her touch, gently patting the spot in an offer of peace.
„No more tickling, I promise.“
Clint sighed in relief and moved his head up to look at her again. They glared at each other for a little while, before they both had to laugh - about each other, about themselves, about the fact that they had just done this in the midst of an apocalypse.
Clint groaned and tried to stop chuckling with a pained expression. „Ah, I can’t laugh no more. My stomach will explode!“
„What can I say, Clint, you asked for this!“ Natasha smirked, chuckling when Clint squinted his eyes at her dangerously.
„Oh, you better watch it! I know that you’re not immune to this either!“ Clint tried to poke her in the side, but Natasha snatched his wrist and held on tightly.
„You wouldn’t stand a chance!“
Clint grinned at her, a grin she hadn’t seen in quite a while.
„I’ll attack when you least expect it!“ He purred in a voice that sent a goosebump down Natasha’s arm. Damn, she’d missed this Clint.
„I’ll always expect it then,“ she retorted and stuck her tongue out at him, getting back to her feet and offering him a hand but dropping it again before he could reach for it. Clint chuckled at that. Slowly he pushed himself off the ground as well to get back to where he’d been so rudely interrupted previously.
With his hands on his hips he looked over the shelves of the Archive and sighed. „If you keep doing things like that, we’ll never be done here.“ Clint remarked, bending over to pick up the files he’d dropped earlier.
Natasha waited until he was standing upright again, before she took a step closer to him and threw her arms around him. Clint gasped in surprise, the files flying from his hand to the floor. With a tired huff, he ignored the mess and gently wrapped his arms around Natasha as well. She could feel his warm breath on her head and snuggled closer to his chest.
„It’ll be okay,“ Clint suddenly whispered, stealing her line. She moved her head away from his chest in surprise to look at him. He was smiling, nodding - and she realized that it was all she’d needed from him: reassurance.
She turned her lips into a thin line and nodded as well, a weak smile on her face.
„It will be,“ she agreed, meaning to move away from him and get back to work. But his grip tightened around her. She looked up in horror.
„You didn’t expect that.“ He smirked and Natasha could not believe that he had turned the tables this sneakily until he lifted her into the air, threw her over his shoulder and tickled her sides until her laughter and her fists to his back grew weaker.
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queerlykat · 3 years
for the bnha prompts, could I ask for bakukami with 27 (did you just say you love me?), 28 (I didn’t know you could be romantic), 29 (you’ve never kissed anyone before?), or 30 (I notice when you stare at my lips) thanks!
Ahhhh yes!!!! Sorry it took so long to get to but holy fuck was this fun to write, though I may have gone a little overboard considering the other ones have all been under 1k words so... oops.
I hope you like it!
Anyway, here it is! And I'll be posting it to AO3 soon as well.
Word Count: 1,703
Genre: Fluff
Prompts: 28. "Wow, I didn't know you could be so romantic." | 29. "You've seriously never kissed anyone before?" | 30. "I notice when you stare at my lips, you know."
"Oi, dunceface, I'm not an idiot, you know - I fuckin' notice when you're just starin' at my lips and not actually paying attention and if you're not gonna take this seriously, I -"
"Sorry!" Denki interrupted in a squeak, a red flush spreading across his face. "I - uh - Fuck, sorry," he repeated when Katsuki set him with a murderous glare.
That glare softened and shifted to something not quite as furious after a moment, more contemplative than anything. A few long seconds passed before Katsuki sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "You didn't take your Adderall today, did you?"
"Heh - it's that obvious?" Denki asked sheepishly, grimacing as he looked down to stare at the corner of his textbook.
"Well you sure as shit ain't paying attention to the stuff you're supposed to be," Katsuki scoffed, reaching over Denki to slam the book closed. "We'll study tomorrow when you can actually fucking focus."
"Sorry, man, I was trying - really," Denki rushed to say, but only got a disbelieving look in reply as Katsuki grabbed the pen and notebook that belonged to him and stuffed them in his bag. "No, seriously, dude. It's just hard to when my brain won't slow down and let me process shit and then I guess I just kinda... check out? 'Cause I know I won't understand it anyways and then when you were leaning over you got really close and I noticed that you actually have really nice lips which... sounds really creepy now that I've said it out loud. Fuck. I didn't - uh - mean it like that. 'S not like I want to kiss you or anything. Er, well, not that I wouldn't or don't want to but I uh -" Denki swallowed hard as he realized just how deep of a hole he had talked himself into, face burning red as he buried his face in his hands, "I'm shutting up now."
Katsuki huffed wordlessly and Denki heard him zipping up his bag. The lack of response quickly ate away at Denki's nerves and he was lifting his head to start speaking again when Katsuki cut him off.
"So? Which one is it?"
Denki tilted his head at his friend, "What...?"
Red eyes pinned Denki to the spot with the sort of intense shine to them that was usually reserved for extreme challenges; the same faux-confident look Katsuki wore before taking on something he wasn't actually sure he'd succeed at.
Katsuki took in a deep breath, rolling his eyes and glancing away as he let that breath out in an annoyed huff. "You keep givin' mixed fucking signals, dumbass. So I'm asking, do wanna fucking kiss me or not?"
Denki felt his jaw drop open at the sudden blunt question, eyes going wide as his ever-racing thoughts screeched to a halt and all he could think about suddenly was how adorable Katsuki looked in the moment. Anyone else would think he looked pissed, but Denki knew Katsuki well enough to know that the particular scowl on his face was one of uncertainty and not anger. Not to mention the red flush across his cheeks and how he was glaring directly at a spot on the table, refusing to look at Denki.
He was nervous and that was just,
"So cute."
The words tumbled out of Denki's mouth in an awed whisper and he didn't even realize he had said them out loud until those red eyes flicked towards him, going wide for a moment before narrowing back into a seemingly angry glare.
"That's not an answer, you idiot!" Katsuki shouted, that red flush on his cheeks spreading over the rest of his features all the way down his neck and up to his ears. "And I ain't askin' again, so -"
"Yes!" Denki blurted out as his mind caught up to the situation all at once - along with the added urgency that this may be his only chance.
There was a split-second hesitation that seemed to last for hours, freezing Denki to the spot before a hand was grabbing the front of his shirt and yanking him forward.
Flailing for balance, Denki barely managed to grab onto Katsuki as their lips collided with bruising force and ow, that actually hurt.
A small whimper came from Denki at the rough treatment, followed closely by a muffled shout of surprise when he felt Katsuki's tongue soothe over the sore spot on his lip. Katsuki took that as an invitation to slip his tongue into Denki's mouth, momentarily sliding over Denki's before pulling away completely.
"Fuck," Denki mumbled in a shaky exhale, still gripping onto Katsuki's biceps and staring dazedly at the spit-slick lips he'd just been kissing. "That was... wow. Um," he cleared his throat, head still spinning, "Didn't - uh - didn't expect my first kiss to be like that. Guess I should've since it's - it was y'know, with you and -"
"Wait," Katsuki interrupted roughly, "You've seriously never kissed anyone before? The fuck?"
Denki felt his face go hot, undoubtedly a bright shade of red, and he couldn't help but drop his forehead against Katsuki's shoulder to hide. "Y-yeah," he mumbled, face burning even hotter when he heard Katsuki laugh. "Shut up!" he whined.
"Nah, don't think I'm gonna," Katsuki teased, though Denki couldn't help but relax a little when he felt a pair of warm hands land on the curve of his waist and pull him closer. "Wish I woulda known, though, wouldn't have done it like that if I knew it was gonna be your first kiss," he snorted.
At first, Denki couldn't help but grumble in protest at the continued teasing before an absolutely genius idea lit up his brain. "Well, uh, what - what would've you done if - if you knew?" he asked, tilting his head to look shyly up at Katsuki even as a small, mischievous smile tugged at his lips. "You could... show me, if you want," he suggested, idly tracing patterns against one of Katsuki's arms.
A soft, albeit amused scoff came from Katsuki as he rolled his eyes. "Well I woulda taken you out first," he said before pausing a moment, glancing off to the side again, "If you - uh - if you'd want that."
There was no way Denki could stop the grin that spread across his face at the implication that Katsuki actually wanted to date him. "Yes!" he gasped excitedly. "I mean - um - yeah. Yeah, I'd... I think I'd like that," he added with a sheepish chuckle when he realized how desperate he must've sounded.
The warm, soft laugh that came from Katsuki flooded Denki's stomach with butterflies, chest swelling with pride at managing to get such a genuine laugh from the other. "Yeah. Well. I'd do that."
"And then?" Denki prodded.
"What'd'ya think, dunceface?" Katsuki snorted, "I'd walk ya to your door 'nd kiss you there. Y'know. All proper and shit."
"Hmm," Denki hummed thoughtfully, tilting his head so he could look at Katsuki better, "Okay, but that still doesn't tell me how you'd kiss me. Just... when and where. And I dunno about you, but I really think a demonstration would be the best way to explain it."
"Of course you do," Katsuki scoffed, but Denki didn't miss the way Katsuki's cheeks flushed a little.
"Well?" Denki asked, lifting his head from Katsuki's shoulder, "Are you gonna or not?"
He got another eyeroll in response, before those red eyes focused on him again all sharp and intense in a way that never failed to make it hard for Denki to breathe. He felt one of Katsuki's hands trail up his side and over his shoulder before the backs of Katsuki's knuckles were lightly brushing over his cheek.
As if Denki wasn't already struggling to breathe, the way those gorgeous red eyes softened their gaze and dropped to stare at his lips made him completely forget how to breathe at all. He found himself leaning in, guided by the hand now cupping his cheek, until he was close enough for their noses to brush.
"Can I kiss you?" Katsuki asked, all soft with only a hint of his usual gruffness.
If it weren't for how hard Denki's heart was pounding, he would've worried that it may have already melted into nothing more than a pile of goo. The same couldn't be said for his brain, though, which Denki was almost certain had long since turned to soup.
Which made it rather difficult for Denki to formulate any coherent words, let alone verbalize them so, instead, he nodded his consent.
A small smile graced Katsuki's lips for a mere second before he was tilting his head and pressing their lips together with a gentleness that Denki didn't think Katsuki was even capable of.
"Wow," Denki breathed shakily when Katsuki pulled away, feeling even more dazed than after the first kiss. "I didn't know you could be so romantic," he mumbled, barely even realizing he had said that out loud.
"Hah?!" Katsuki huffed offendedly, "The fuck is that supposed to mean? Didn't think I'd be a good boyfriend or somethin'?"
"What?" Denki gasped, eyes going wide at Katsuki. "No, I - w-wait. Wait, did - does - are we - boyfriends?" he stammered when he fully realized what Katsuki said.
"You agreed to go on a date with me, dumbass, so yeah," Katsuki scoffed even as he shoved Denki away - much more gently than normal, Denki noticed. "Meet me in front of the dorms Friday night at 6 'nd I'll take you to the carnival or something," Katsuki said, walking to the door. "And don't be late!" he added roughly as he left, slamming the door shut behind him.
Still trying to get his brain to catch up with everything that just happened, Denki found himself staring blankly at the door for several long moments before it finally, fully sunk in.
He had a boyfriend.
And that boyfriend was Katsuki.
"Holy shit," Denki whispered to himself, a grin slowly spreading across his face as giddy excitement bubbled up inside of him and spilled over in the form of incredulous laughter.
For the rest of the day, Denki couldn't stop smiling even when it started to hurt and he's never looked forward to a Friday more in his life.
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garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: men being shitty and creepy!! possible trigger for sexual assult Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place. Notes: things are taking an odd turn, right? (sorry this is posted so late) 
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taglist: @valleyd0ll​ @satingrass-maidensfair​ @guitarfingers​ @thebohemianpenguin​ @peaceisouranthem​ @oblvions​ @hansonobsessed​ @myownparadise96​ @lara-gvf​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies​ @bigblack-catattack​
You woke up to the shrill chiming of an alarm cutting through your head like a circle saw. The unexpected noise made you sit up instantly, putting your gaze directly on a desk, the top of it overflowing with sheet music. 
Josh started to stir next to you, his hand reaching out from under the blanket to grab his phone from where it sat in between you.
The sore spot on your ribs made you wince, and your eyes drifted down to find your own phone, pressed into the mattress from you sleeping on it. 
When the screen flicked on, you let out a sharp gasp. 
“Josh, we have like fifteen minutes to leave!” you yelped, hopping instantly out of bed and finding your knees a little wobbly. 
He sat up then, rubbing across his face. 
You gazed back at him, frowning at the odd setup; he was laying on top of the comforter but under a different blanket.
“Shit, I had yesterday’s alarm still set for my late class,” he murmured, inching himself toward the end of the bed. 
“Oh my god,” you whined, racing to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth way too quickly, knowing in your heart that you did a poor job.
When you returned to Josh’s room for your phone, he was pulling a clean shirt over his head.
  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, sounding somewhere between asleep and awake.
“It’s okay, I should have set my own alarm,” you admitted, snatching your cell from the bed and scooting past him again. “It’s really okay. Are you going to be ready to leave in like ten?”
He nodded as he ran his fingers through his curls. “Yeah, you?”
“I’m praying.” 
On the walk to school, you remembered. 
“Fuck, my presentation is today. And I got high and didn’t practice.”
He chuckled under his breath, clasping his hand around your shoulder. “You’re going to be fine- just breathe and stay calm. If you mess up, take a pause and keep going.” 
You nodded furiously. “Okay. Okay. Can you text that to me? What if I forget?”
He laughed in earnest then. “Yes, I’ll text you.” 
You exhaled a lengthy breath, nodding as you tried to calm your nerves. 
In front of the entrance to the B hall, he spun you around to face him, holding the biceps of each of your arms. He mimicked taking a deep breath, prompting you to do the same without another thought. 
“Relax,” he instructed coolly. “And I’ll see you at lunch.”
You had your hands clasped tightly in your lap, nervous enough that your palms were sweating. Getting up and speaking to a room of people was high on your list of things that felt like torture, especially since you hadn’t had time to shower or do anything with your mess of hair besides pinning it up into a bun as best you could. 
You thanked a divine power that the outfit you had thrown on in a haste ended up looking surprisingly presentable. 
As it neared your turn, you got your papers in order and straightened up your posture. When your name was called, you promptly stood, descending the steps and ending up down at the podium. 
You had just opened your mouth to start when your phone chimed in your pocket. Your eyes popped open wide, hoping you’d hallucinated the sound instead of forgetting to silence your ringer. 
The professor was giving you an unamused look as you gave a weak laugh.
 “One sec, sorry,” you muttered, fishing out your phone. You flicked the little button down on the side, but as the screen lit up, you got to read what the message said. 
Josh      just now Just pretend everyone’s me or pretend they’re naked. Probably not both though.
You couldn’t help but huff a laugh as you tucked it back away. The nerves that had you so on edge started to dampen, just a bit. 
That afternoon, you walked home alone. Josh had texted you that he’d be staying until 5 or 6 to make sure the production was going along smoothly, but when he returned to the apartment, it was with a bottle of wine. 
You were doing some of the dishes from the previous day and had to wipe your soapy hands on a dishtowel before he crossed the room and pulled you into a side hug. 
The two of you had talked about how well the presentation went when you met at lunch, but you hadn’t imagined he’d make such a big deal about it. 
“I had Jake pick me up and take me to the liquor store, and I got this so we could celebrate,” he informed, his voice kind of soft - either sheepish or tired, you couldn’t quite tell. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you replied, but couldn’t suppress the huge grin splitting your lips. 
He nodded, offering a soft smile. “I know.” He set the bottle down on the table pointedly. “I wanted to.”
You fished the make-shift corkscrew from the utensil drawer, brandishing it like a knife to earn a melodic laugh from Josh. 
He popped the door of the fridge open to peer inside. “We might be able to make something special for dinner. Or, at least more special than mac and cheese or sandwiches.”
When the idea popped into your head, you crossed the room and grabbed your purse. 
“I still have about,” you paused to count the bills in your wallet. “$34 from shopping. I was saving it for something nice, so why don’t we order something in?”
He grinned at you, leaning back against the wall next to the fridge and letting his head rest against it. “What kind of take-out are you thinking? You should get to pick.”
“Oh, please,” you huffed, playfully rolling your eyes as you started unwrapping the foil around the rim of the wine bottle. “One, I could have never done so well if it weren’t for you. And two, you’re from here, so you’d know what’s worth ordering.”
His pink lips tilted up into a smirk. “I’m not from here though.”
“Close enough.” You took a moment to think before continuing on. The tip of the corkscrew was broken, leaving a blunt edge and he watched you struggle to pierce the cork with it. “Is there any kind of Indian? Or Thai maybe?” 
He nodded. “There’s an Indian restaurant downtown. It’s pretty yummy if I remember right.”
“That kinda sounds perfect, right?” 
He held his hand out, flicking his eyes down at the corkscrew and then back up at you until you reluctantly handed it over. He picked up the bottle and popped it open with ease, his smirk only growing. 
“Yeah, perfect.”
Thursday evening, Trevor showed up around five, just as you were finished making your bedroom look like a cute study nook. You weren’t entirely sure how much studying either of you planned on doing, but since he only brought one notebook and nothing else, you weren’t very hopeful about getting any work done. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to have a roommate,” he said in a playful tone.
“I do. When I moved here, I knew I couldn’t afford to live alone, so I rolled the dice. He’s a great friend, as it turns out. Do you want something to drink?” you asked as he stepped through your doorway and set his stuff down on your bed. 
“That’d be cool.”
“We have juice and milk and water and iced tea.”
He shrugged with a smile. “Anything but milk, please.”
You nodded. “I’ll bring you some juice.” 
Josh, who was seated in the sitting chair in the living room, working on his own homework, looked up at you through his eyelashes with a mischievous-looking smile.
You shot him a scowl. “Don’t be weird,” you whispered, and then in a normal tone, finished with, “Would you like some juice too?”
He huffed a laugh, shaking his head at you. “That’s okay, I can get my own. You just worry about him.”
Trevor happily took his glass as you handed it to him, giving you a “thank you”. 
“Of course,” you replied as you sat next to him on the bed and pulled your stack of textbooks onto your lap. “Where should we start?”
“You actually want to study?” he mused, sounding disbelieving.
You bit your lip. “Probably for a little while at least, right?” 
He shrugged back at you, but you tried to brush off the odd attitude. Maybe you’d given him the wrong impression as to exactly what this would be, but you could fix it. 
“So, we’re supposed to read chapters ten through sixteen and then do all the questions,” you informed, flipping the book open. “You want me to read it out loud?” 
You thought maybe offering to do most of the work would brighten his mood, but every time you looked over at him while you were reading, he was scrolling through his phone. He had a bored expression painted across his features, and it took him nearly a full minute to realize you’d stopped reading. 
When he finally looked up at you, he gave a smile that you knew he thought was the most charming thing you’d ever seen.
You could hear a knock on the front door and Josh shuffling around in the living room. 
“Have you been listening to any of this? You look like you’d rather be anywhere else.” You tried to keep your tone from sounding annoyed, but you knew you couldn’t hide it as well as you wished. 
“I’d rather be doing anything else if I’m being honest.” There was not a single shred of an apology in his voice, and when you spoke again, you knew it would be even less put together.
“Why did you want to come over for a study session if you didn’t want to study?” It was less of a question and more of a scathing review of his character, or at least what you’d seen of it so far.
He frowned at you, looking a shade on the accusatory side for your liking. “I feel like you should have known what that actually meant.” 
You could hear a conversation going on in the kitchen, and you silently wished you were out there instead. The longer you heard them talk, the more convinced you became that it was Jake, and you wondered if Josh invited him over on purpose, or if he just showed up.
“You said you thought I was good in class and that part of why you asked me out was so I could help you with classwork.”
He rolled his blue eyes. “Yeah, if I hadn’t, I can’t imagine you would have invited me over.”
You had your mouth open to snap a response, but somehow, his words hurt you. Not much, but just enough for your chest to feel tight, and not just from anger.
 “Did you think you could manipulate me into having sex with you?” you asked quietly, your brows threaded close together in a frown. 
He gave a long, bored-sounding sigh. “Don’t act like I’m a bad guy, here. Everyone does it. Give some fake compliments and then make your move, you know?”
For emphasis, he placed his hand on your thigh, a little too high up. It made your teeth clench, jaw tightened by rage.
“Don’t touch me. You should go,” you stated. 
He huffed a sarcastic laugh as he inched his hand a bit further up your leg. He moved toward you until his face was nearing your neck. “Come on, what’s the big deal?” 
Before you could stop yourself, you reached a hand out and slapped him across his face, your palm making contact with the hollow of his cheek. You hadn’t been expecting the crack of noise when you made contact; it ripped through the room, and out into the living area if you had to guess. 
It took him a beat to realize what happened, but as soon as he did, he stood from your bed. You picked up his notebook and handed it to him, and he ripped it from your grasp, a dirty look on his features. 
“You’re a cockteasing bitch,” he snapped, nursing the red spot on his cheek. 
He was already halfway through the living room when you moved to stand in the doorway of your room. 
“Fuck off,” you called through clenched teeth as he opened the front door and let himself out. When he was gone you realized that Josh and Jake were both looking at you with similar degrees of concern from where they were sat on the couch. 
“What happened?” Josh asked, frowning up at you. 
Embarrassed, you flicked your eyes over to Jake who had one eyebrow quirked up at you. 
“Oh, you know. Just boys lying to me so they can fuck,” you snapped as you retreated to your room and closed the door. You instantly felt bad for being short with them, especially since Josh is just about the last person you could ever imagine being mean to, but you’d apologize later. 
Right then, you were going to curl up in bed.
After a couple of hours, Jake left and you wondered how long it would take before Josh came in to bug you, but he didn’t. You listened for his footsteps coming toward your door, but you could hear him in the living room, turning the page of a book every now and again. 
Eventually, you couldn’t help yourself - you threw the blankets off and stood. The stiffness in your muscles was a poor consolation prize for the day. 
He looked up at you, shutting his book instantly, his homework caught between the pages. 
“Hey,” he greeted quietly. He patted the spot next to him on the couch. “I’m sorry your...thing went so poorly.”
You were too annoyed to care anymore, so you laid your head on his shoulder, letting out a long sigh. It surprised you when you felt a tear drip down your cheek and you could feel your face start to warm in response. 
He heard you sniffle and his form stiffened immediately. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you tight to him. 
“Did he hurt you?” It sounded like Josh’s throat was tight, making his words hoarse.
“No, he just,” You weren’t sure how to finish that. He hadn’t really hurt you, per se. “He just tried to touch me. And then he didn’t stop when I told him to.”
“What?” His tone was charmingly offended on your behalf. 
“It’s okay,” you assured, wiping your face with the sleeve of your sweater. “I’m more angry than anything. I just kind of can’t believe I fell for that, you know? The whole ‘let’s study’ thing.”
“Stop that - it’s not your fault.” You could feel the hesitation as he laid his hand against your ear, but you leaned into it, grateful for the comfort.
It was quiet for a long moment while you calmed yourself down. His presence was more of a reassurance than anything else you could have imagined at the moment.
“You’re my best friend,” you breathed, turning to nuzzle your nose against the fabric of his sleeve. “And I’m lucky to have you.”
Through a smile, you heard him say, “Me too.”
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