#actually drinking tea instead of spilling it
the-kr8tor · 14 hours
we need a Blob and Hobie alliance for like one thing they're tryna get from R, similar to Crowley and Hobie Of course this alliance is going to last from a few minutes to an hour or two depending on how stubborn R is, I feel like... After the tea has been spilled however they're going right back to bickering... "I made em spill, actually. you were just backup" (Angry bhbhbhhbhbhb noises) "shut up thats not true"
Yay Blob request! Thank you, angel ❤️
Paring: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Blob the symbiote cat AU, cat symbiote AU, CW description of illness. FLUFF
“You're sick, love.” Hobie says whilst he leans on the doorway of your makeshift office, aka your dark room that has your ac blasting and your humidifier blowing right across your sweaty, puckered face. “Rest, you can finish that tomorrow.”
“‘m not sick.” You declare, clearly sick, nose congested, sneeze rising up to your throat. “I have to finish this today so I have a free day tomorrow—!” A loud sneeze interrupts your sentence. The noise finally awakens the beast on your lap. Your typing hand briefly brushes along Blob's slime-like body, black tendrils wrapping along your wrist as if he's trying to keep your hand in place. But alas, you have work to do. “Sorry, Blobie, pet later okay?”
The alien snaps his big milky eyes wide open, disgruntled is an understatement, he expects to be coddled the second he wakes up. He meows, agitated, a deep roar that doesn't even faze you.
“In a minute, Blob.” Blob, you haven't called him that since he tried to bite a chuck off of Hobie's guitar. Speaking of said man, he saunters inside, eyebrows furrowed. Blob would open his maw at the close proximity of Hobie, but the alien has been around you two long enough to notice what's happening. Blob's big eyes flick between your sickly form to Hobie's concerned ones.
“At least drink some meds.” The foil packaging crinkles as he places it next to your laptop. A second later a cup of water that has you looking up at him through the thick fog of fever. “Drink—”
“I'm not sick.” You stubbornly huff.
Hobie sighs, palm reaching down to your clammy forehead. Within a second, your fever seeps through his skin, searing heat making him flinch away and has him more worried. “Love, drink, please.”
Blob, ever the sweetheart (just for you) leaps up to your keyboard, blank eyes staring at you intensely. He opens his mouth, jagged rows of teeth showing, long snake-like tongue flicking from side to side.
“Are you threatening to eat me, Blob?” You sniff, glaring at the blobby alien in front of you. “I'm working right now, so can you two please give me some space?” Your tone isn't even angry nor convincing. Yet, the two rivals move away from your feverish form.
Blob shuts his large mouth, hopping away, looking back once before following Hobie outside. Hobie keeps a close eye on you through the open door while he grows wary of the alien that is conveniently near biting distance from his ankles.
Leaning on the back of the settee, arms folded over his chest, Hobie thinks of a way to get you to finally rest. Or at least take some medicine. To his surprise, Blob hops right next to him. He sits all prim and proper on the back of the couch, white eyes narrowed at your hunched form.
Hobie nods once at the so-called cat, “you got any ideas?”
Blob doesn't hiss, or even scowl at him. Instead, he meows lowly, still vastly different from a regular cat's tone but close to it.
“You've got an idea then?”
Blob's black gooey tendrils inch closer to Hobie, to which he flinches away. “No, never in a million fuckin' years. Get a better idea, you parasite.”
Blob chirps, a sound that Hobie has never heard the alien make. He thinks you've never heard of it too. He blinks, smirking. “Can you do that again?”
With a Cheshire cat smile, Blob looks at Hobie mischievously.
You have no idea how you got into bed with the covers properly tucked around you. A minute ago you were cooing at the chirping Blob, his eyes were so cute that you forgot that he can wrap you around his tendrils. With your vision filled with nothing but black gooey skin, you blink and suddenly you're in bed with a thermometer in your mouth.
Hobie checks your temperature whilst you wrap your mind around at what happened. Blob is on your chest, guarding over you as if you can move under the thick blankets.
“38.5.” Hobie winces. Eyes full of worry, Blob sports the same look, he lays down on top of you, blinking slowly, tails tucked under him.
You frown, feeling the heat under your eyes, “I'm sick.” Finally admitting your illness.
“I know you are, love.” Hobie brings his palm over your cheek, his cool skin grants you reprieve from the fever clawing at your body. You lean into his touch, nodding as he gives you your medicine. “Sleep, we'll be 'ere when you wake up.”
As you drift off to sleep, head laying on Hobie's thigh while he soothingly rubs your head, Blob purrs on top of you, tongue peeking between his sharp teeth. His eyes says it all, “no thank you?”
“You were a good distraction,” Hobie whispers.
Blob stands up, eyes narrowed into slits, huffing and puffing angrily.
“Fine, thank you.” Hobie scoffs the words out. Blob makes biscuits on top of the thick blanket, nails purposely digging into the cloth, stitches coming undone. “C’mon, that's my favourite, you fuckin' gremlin.”
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panda-malfoy-93 · 9 months
Am I, an avid coffee drinker, about to order Earl Grey tea just to experience why Henry likes it?
Well.. Yes
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murdrdocs · 7 months
I've been thinking non stop about Mike liking Abby's new daycare teacher but is too shy to do anything so Abby just casually mentions that her big brother has a crush on you and is doing weird things like checking his hair and only wearing the same pants two days in a row instead of four. So when u spill that Abby told u he doesn't know whether to be mad at her or not bc if ur wasn't for her he would have a date
you’re sweet, patient, professional while managing to slip in some casualness to the conversations that you and mike have (short and cordial always) that make him feel like you’re more of an acquaintance and not just someone he indirectly pays.
you’re young, around his age he assumes, and he confirms his assumptions when he’s questioning abby.
“your, uh, new teacher,” he starts as he’s finishing up dinner (spaghetti again).
abby hums from behind him. “what about them?” mike turns to glance at his sister who sits on the counter, her feet thudding against the cheap cabinets with the way she kicks them.
he turns back to the stove, shrugging and scratching at his ear. “nothing i was just wondering about them. like … are they … cool?”
and mike is so glad that abby has always been the more talkative one out of the two of them because she’s immediately thrusting herself into an analysis of your quirks and how you really care about the children.
long story short, abby likes you just as much as mike does. even more, actually.
she’s always running to hug you when mike drops her off and picks her up, and he distantly wishes he could do the same. he thinks he’s playing it cool, sending you tight lipped smiles and waves that are a little too disjointed.
but abby is more perceptive than he thinks.
each time he tells himself he’s going to have an actual conversation with you. maybe mention the band tee you wear on a casual friday or ask about the song you were humming before he’d arrived. there’s intentions for him to get to know you and eventually ask you out.
but he backs out each time.
leaving abby to play matchmaker.
when mike comes in one thursday afternoon, hoodie soaked from the thunderstorm outside, he greets you and notices that your smile is a little more bashful than usual. abby is running around with her friends inside, playing an intense game of indoor freeze tag, and mike is trying to get her attention but you stop him.
“they can play for a while longer. i couldn’t let both of you go out in that storm.”
he looks out the window and notices that somehow, it’d gotten stronger.
“uh, do you want something hot to drink? hot chocolate? tea? coffee?” you sound shy, maybe, but mike can't figure out why.
he's just grateful for a chance to spend time alone with you.
“coffee would be great, actually.”
you and mike end up in the kitchen of the small cafeteria, each drinking your respective drinks in silence, until you speak.
“um, i hope i’m not overstepping.” mikes ears perk up because that’s never a good start. “but abby told me that you have a crush on me. is that true?”
fucking abby.
his ears redden immediately, head dropping as he considers how to play this. but before he can even decide, you’re speaking again.
“because if so, i just want to let you know that i feel the same.”
he lifts his head too quick, a little bit of his coffee spilling out of the loaned mug with the movement. he doesn’t care about that, though, at least not immediately. instead, he focuses on you. he searches your face for a joking smile, maybe a little bit of mischief in your eyes. but there’s nothing but honesty in them.
he takes the plunge.
“would you wanna do something … sometime?” not very descriptive but you smile at him anyway.
“i would love to.”
god bless abby.
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dark-frosted-heart · 28 days
The Owl’s Sweet Judgment - Matias
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An “If you were lovers” story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Matias and I were lovers…
Matias: So this is your home…
After having a fun date with him while he visited Rhodolite, I dragged Prince Matias to my house.
While he was distracted by my room, I locked the door and peeked out the window.
(No one’s following us. That’s good…)
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Matias: A woman’s room should smell nice. ……Ahhhh, it’s better than I imagined.
(Just what were you imagining…You know what, let’s not think about that)
Emma: Since you’re here, I’ll go prepare some tea.
Matias: I’ll help.
Emma: No, don’t worry about it. I’m the one who dragged you to my home.
Matias: I see... Then I’ll take you up on the offer.
Even though I was treating him, Prince Matias followed me to the kitchen.
It was like he didn’t even think about making himself at home, and his earnestness had me smiling.
Emma: As you might expect, this is rose tea.
Matias: Rhodolite even uses roses for tea? You’re very consistent.
Emma: We’re the Country of Roses. It’s delicious.
(I’ve never seen it in Achroite so I’m sure this is the first time Prince Matias has been offered this drink)
After retrieving the tea set from the shelf, I started preparing the tea.
Meanwhile, Prince Matias just stood and watched.
Emma: …Isn’t this boring?
Matias: Not at all.Your every movement has my interest. Moreover, should you spill the tea and stain your clothes, I’ll need to take action. Or perhaps you’ll need my help retrieving equipment from a high place. I’ve fantasized about such situations happening and I’m confident in my ability to deal with those incidents.
Emma: That’s promising.
(...Just how many ideas unfold in Prince Matias’ mind?)
There were 100 questions I could’ve asked, but I kept them to myself.
Matias: By the way, why did you invite me to your home? That wasn’t part of our plans…
Emma: I’m sorry…There wasn’t a particular reason, I just suddenly felt like wanting you all to myself.
Matias: You always have me. I only have eyes for you.
Emma: I don’t want to get too greedy.
(Prince Matias really hasn’t noticed)
While we were walking around town, all the women we passed by would turn and look at Prince Matias.
They were like butterflies lured by sweet nectar—
It seemed like the tremendous amount of charm Prince Matias unconsciously gave off affected women left and right. 
(I had no choice but to escape because his charm was turned up more than usual)
I didn’t want other women to share the same experience of having my heart race and body heating up, and feeling charmed just by being around him.
That selfish pettiness what brought us to our current situation.
(...I lied, but I don’t want him to know my true feelings)
Matias: …Sorry.
I took out the necessary amount of tea leaves and was about to put the jar back on the shelf when Prince Matias, who was standing beside me, grabbed my hand.
Matias: I always thought I was focusing my efforts on conveying my love, but… I guess I haven’t been doing enough to make you greedy for me.
Matias pressed his lips on the back of my hand and his sex appeal was unleashed with a bang.
(And here I was thinking about going outside again when this overflowing sex appeal settled down)
He nipped at my index finger and the charm increased in proportion to my racing heartbeat.
(This is dangerous…Very dangerous!)
Emma: Prince Matias, you show your love well…Really well.
Matias: Is that so? I was considering unleashing the rest.
(The rest?! This wasn’t all?!)
Emma: Don’t do that or I’ll die!
Matias: Wha…You’ll die?!
Emma: That’s right, people die when they get too excited!
(I haven’t actually heard about that being a cause of death, but…!)\
It wasn’t a lie, and it could happen if Prince Matias’s villainous sex appeal grew stronger.
Matias: Is that so? I wasn’t aware. I need to show how I love you without making you worry…That’s truly a challenge.
(I’m sorry, Prince Matias)
Instead of apologizing, I wrapped my arms around Prince Matias’ waist and hugged him.
Since he was a former soldier, it was obvious his body was well-trained, even with all those clothes.
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Matias: Can I hug you back?
Emma: Of course.
When I nodded, Prince Matias gently wrapped his arm around me as if holding a fragile item.
Matias: You’re still so small… But I think you’re hiding something in this small body of yours.
Emma: Huh?
Matias: What exactly are you hiding?
Emma: I’m not h-hiding anything—
As I looked away, Prince Matias played with my hair.
Matias: Since we entered your house, you’ve been acting suspicious and haven’t stopped looking around. That’s usually how liars react.
Emma: …
Matias: If you’ve been lying in any way, then you’d be guilty of fraud. Are you really not hiding anything from me?
He placed kisses on the ends of my hair and I got dizzy from the sensuality that reaped my sanity.
(It’s not good…I can’t hide it)
(I wasn’t planning on saying anything…)
Emma: …I really want to have you all to myself. I couldn’t stand the suggestive looks you got from the people we passed by…
Matias: That happened?
Emma: It did.
Matias: Is that so? I didn’t notice. I was only looking at you.
(This guy…)
Matias: No wonder you’ve been acting strange the whole day.
Emma: …Are you disgusted?
Matias: Why would I?
Emma: I thought I was acting petty…
Matias: Really? If you call that being petty then I’d like you to be more petty. So much that there’s no place for anyone but me.
Emma: Prince Matias…
It was like that sincere smile before me saved me.
Matias: …However, fraud is fraud.
Emma: Huh?
Matias: You lied by hiding your true feelings, didn’t you? I’m the Guardian of Law…Therefore I need to punish you impartially.
Sweet, dewy eyes the color of shadow on snow, completely different from those aimed at criminals, approached and I closed my eyes.
The sensation of the savory kiss and feeling of his palms caressing my waist added on to the suffocating charm.
(...I’m going to melt like ice)
Matias held me up as I was about to collapse.
The wet sensation on my lips raised my body heat a bit more.
Emma: It’s a punishment…but it’s very sweet.
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Matias: You’re special.
(Ah…I’m feeling more intolerant)
(With Prince Matias, there’s no limits…)
It doesn’t seem like we’ll be leaving my house any time soon because of the Guardian of Law’s sweet judgment.
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hi coveyyy !! i hope you’re doing good and i was wondering if you could maybe do a hc for leo valdez x daughter of zeus if you havent already ?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x daughter of zeus! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x daughter of zeus! reader hcs warning: language bc i can't be stop lmao author's note: trying something new...idk if i like or not, you guys tell me!! really...tell me. bc ill go back and change them all to match (bc id rather DIE A TERRIBLE AND ATROCIOUS DEATH than have them all be different) or i can change this one back to normal bullet points. also i realized i hadn't written for my manz in so long, which is CRIMINAL. get ready for the leo flood to come your way (hopefully. please stay away writers block im begging rn)
✧ there is nothing on this planet that leo loves more than a woman that could actually kill him lmao-
✧ so no one was all that surprised when he fell for you
✧ im mean, jason and thalia weren't exactly happy...but they also weren't surprised
✧ leo likes asking you to help him weld things
✧ he thinks it's funny when you use your finger with some electricity to weld whatever he wants together
✧ avid debates are held over who get's the nickname 'sparky'
✧ "what did you just call me?"
✧ "mi novia, mi amor, mi princessa, mi media naranja-"
✧ "andddddddd?"
✧ cue huge sigh
✧ you like to ensure that leo doesn't overheat by sending soft breezes through bunker nine while he works
✧ and while it's very unlikely that the boy who can light himself on fire will overheat, he appreciate the gesture more than you know
✧ being the good country boy he is, he's a big carrie underwood fan
✧ like, unironically (he just like me fr)
✧ thinks its the funniest thing to serenade you with 'blown away'
✧ OH and 'hurricane' by bridgit mendler
✧ in turn, you never let him go a day without hearing 'girl on fire' by alicia keys
✧ or 'fireball' from mr. 305 himself
✧ likes to throw himself from high distances, knowing you'll aways catch him with a breeze or fly up and save him all supergirl sytle
✧ "ladder? nah, i've got my girl, we're good!"
✧ "climb down? i've got a short cut. and her names yn."
✧ you get stressed out and also reprimand him for this
✧ but he thinks you look hotter when you're yelling at him so he doesn't mind much (or really hear your words as his eyes slowly drift away from yours and downwards)
✧ loves you nearly as much as birds love yo ass
✧ key word is nearly - there is no competition, those little shits are winning
✧ it's giving disney princess the way the crowd you, you sometimes gasping at the rapid pace in which hummingbirds tell you gossip
✧ which you then repeat back to leo, who is gasping right along side you
✧ leo even built you a bird feeder, putting it up outside cabin one while you stood there, arms crossed and totally watching him work and not just starting at the way his muscles clenched or how good his lips look tugged between his teeth-
✧ what were we talking about?? i think i got distracted by something
✧ jason loves it to, the both of you sitting criss cross outside the cabin early in the morning, listen to the birds as they spill the tea while you and jason drink coffee and eat donuts, jason's book long forgotten
✧ ALSO leo easily won thalia over, presenting the daughter of zeus with all the silver jewelry that turns into weapons she could want
✧ that girl was instantly switching sides, happy to rave with you about how sweet leo was and how well he treats her- er, you! how well he treats you!
✧ jason was a little harder but after an in depth talk and totally zero threats against leo's life, they came to a peaceful agreement
✧ bro gave up on appeasing your father and instead prays to hera for a long and happy marriage with you and that zeus never finds peace again
✧ which instantly made him a fan favorite from hera
✧ he knows when you really want a kiss or when your mad at him because you legit just get super staticky
✧ like his hair starts stand on end and he's like 'either i pissed her off or she needs a kiss. either way, i got to seek my girl out.'
✧ both end with you kiss leo, so it doesn't really matter lmao
✧ in fact, most interactions with leo devolve into make out sessions
✧ and, really, who are you to complain??
✧ sparky + (other kind of) sparky = true love
✧ yall that's math you can't argue with it i dunno what to tell you
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auroreliis · 9 months
Ughhhhh i love love love the one with Bruce protecting the reader from her brothers I've already read it like idk 5 times? Maybe 6 can you do the same thing with the other boys it reminds me of my brothers and their shenanigans and our happy days
Platonic Yandere!Bruce Wayne
Summary: Your father protects you from your brothers #2
CW: no warnings
(not edited or proofread)
You crossed you arms and furrowed your brows as you were forced to endure the constant mouse clicking and keyboard clatter.
A sigh escaped your lips as you looked around the messy room in boredom. Your brother, Tim, really wanted to spend some time with you, but he had so much work to do, so he forced you to sit on his lap instead.
It felt like you had scanned over this room at least a tousand times. He tried to clean it regularly so you would at least enter it, but it was still messy.
On the desk in front of you sat a mug filled with coffee. Right when you looked at it, he grabbed it and drank from it.
The steam which once protruded from the mug had faded away long ago.
"How can you drink cold coffee?", you were the first to break the silence.
He simply shrugged and smiled, "You get used to it."
You hummed, eyeing the mug. If you were to knock it over, perhaps you could have a reason to leave his room.
Your only worry was that he would figure you out immediately and remove the mug from your reach, so without thinking, you pretended to accidentally knock the mug onto your lap.
"Oh! Whoops...I should get changed...", you looked up at him expectantly.
The look he gave you indicated that he knew why you spilled coffee over yourself and him, but he just sighed and told you to leave.
You wasted no time exiting his room and closing his door after leaving, but you heard it open again as you were walking away.
You turned around. He was also exiting his room.
"Do you mind helping me clean up?", he asked innocently, "You did spill my coffee on me, after all." He saw the opportunity to clean with you.
Your eye twitched at that. Just when you thought you had gotten away.
"Oh...I am sooo sorry, but dad actually wanted to talk to me about something, so I will be doing that, if you don't mind?", you stuttered.
The slight frown idicated that he knew you were lying, but he had to make the most of it, so a smile returned to his face as he caught up to you and wrapped his arm around your waist.
"Sure, I also have to talk to Bruce, so let's go together", you glanced at him, very convinced that behind that grin, he was lying.
What made Tim so annoying was his perseverance. He just never gave up, did he?
He took you to the batcave, where your father was sitting at the Batcomputer, and patted you on the back, waiting for you to initiate your conversation.
"Heeeey...dad?", you waited for him to turn to you.
"Sooo....you wanted to talk to me about something, right?", you had taken a few steps towards him, in order to hide the fact that you were gesturing to Tim with your eyes.
He immediately caught on and closed the file on the computer before getting up, "Yes, I had an idea to improve your stay here, let's discuss it over some tea, alright?"
Bruce placed his hand on your shoulder as he guided you out the cave.
Tim was left there dumbfounded, before he remembered that coffee left stains.
"Hold still!", Damian all but shouted.
"I've been sitting here for hours!", you complained. "Just take a picture of me and use that as reference!"
Currently, Damian, your youngest brother, was using you as reference for a painting. In order to assure you would agree, he cuffed you to a chair in his room.
You looked up at him to see why he didn't reply to your protest, only to see him with furrowed eyebrows. Perhaps he was focused. Maybe he was angry. You could never really tell when it came to Damian. Seeing as he wasn't responding to your whining, you just sighed in defeat.
A knock on the door caused you to startle.
"Damian? Have you seen-", Bruce entered the room before looking at you. "Ah, there you are. Do you mind if I steal them for a moment?"
Damian mithered, "If they move now, the pose won't be the same later. I'd like to finish this painting first."
Bruce walked over to inspect the painting Damian was working on.
"It's nice, but won't that take a while? How about you take a picture of them, then the pose stays the same and they don't have to be present."
"It's not the same, besides I'd rather spend time with my actual sibling instead of a picture", Damian gave his best puppy eyes.
Bruce hummed before looking at you, who was trying their best to look sad. Apparently that wasn't working, so you'd have to change the subject.
"Dick is going back home tomorrow, right? He told me he wanted to spend time with me and Damian, perhaps we could do that?", your eyes darted between the two of them, seeking both of their approval.
"Aww! That's so sweet!", a new voice chimed in. Crap. That was Dick. When you said that, you hadn't actually intended to spend time with either of them, but now you would have to.
You laughed awkwardly as you looked to the door and saw Dick leaning on it.
"Hi", was all you could say with the way your throat was constricting.
Bruce looked at Damian questioningly. To be honest, you would rather sit in silence with Damian than talk to Dick, but the choice was not up to you anymore.
"Very well, we shall spend time with Richard. However, I will be taking your picture first, as I would like to finish this painting. I suppose it would take too long with the amount of detail I would like to add, so you may be absent this time", he explained, snapping a picture of you before uncuffing you.
You rubbed your wrists. They were all red. The handcuffs used to hurt, but you had gotten used to them by now.
"Hey, why don't you also come along?", you looked up at Bruce, who was still looking at your wrists.
If he was there, then he would have some control over the others, so you were elated when he agreed. In fact, you even grabbed his hand as you were following Dick.
You did notice the smile on his face, but you pretended to not see it, simply smiling to yourself.
How bittersweet. The man who kidnapped you protected you like a guardian angel would.
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koiir · 1 year
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— In which they’ve had too much to drink… how do they act?
Pairings - kazuha, diluc, Kaeya, xiao x reader
Genre - fluff, comfort with some angst
Cw: mentions of alcohol/drinking, cursing, getting inquired due to being intoxicated (more like just being a dumbass) a bit suggestive on Kaeya’s part, not proofread
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Kazuha who is known to not handle drinks very lightly, which is why he tends the avoid them even at events. Yet he always finds himself taking a drink or two (mainly because of the crux) this then ends up in Kazuha becoming a mess. A mess that you usually will have to take care of. Yet this is the loving romantic that you fell head over heels for, so of course you would do anything such as watching over him and helping him in his (desperate) need of time.
It’s a good thing that you live in the city of liyue, otherwise it would have been a hassle trying to get Kazuha to cooperate with you. With events, came drinks. One thing you honestly dreaded, mainly because of your lover who couldn’t handle himself after just one. He would cling onto you the whole night, tell others of his love for you, him proposing his love to you over and over until you shut him up (with a kiss to be exact).
Your name would spill out of his lips, slurred due to the intoxication of the drinks he has consumed. Still, the loving tone still holds even when his mind is clouded. “[Name]…cmon my love, please let’s just stay…” you knew it was not a good idea to stay, who knows what the poet would do if you decided to stay.
Once in the comfort of your home, you dragged him the your room. Laying him down preparing him for sleep. “Kazu, here drink this. It’ll help, you know.” You handed Kazuha the tea, hoping it will make him more at ease and less lightheaded. A small *hic* came out before he spoke once more to you. “The things you do to me… my songbird…heh.” Thats a new one, you thought. It was a common occurrence for kazuha to come up with a new nickname name for you whenever he was drunk. Ah. It must have been because you had been forced into a little karaoke event… where you didn’t notice but Kazuha had been looking at you with loving eyes (as he always does).
“I love you… so much…my love,” Kazuha said, he looked at you with hooded eyes, his hand crawling to yours and holding it softly. You moved, kissing him in the lips before you stood up. “And I love you more, kazu. I have to go finish up some things, I’ll be back soon though.” You got up to leave, yet you never ended up leaving the room
Instead up ended up tangled in your lovers arms falling asleep due to him pulling you on top of him. Not wanting you to leave him.
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The idea of drinking made Diluc get the ick. Quite ironic for someone who owns a bar, yet that didn’t mean anything to him. He always tried to avoid drinking no matter what, yet even he can’t always follow this rule he has set for himself.
It was a small event set in the Dawn Winery manor, meet ups and a gather up for those who had worked together in the past and Diluc had been offering drinks to those who came. But ever one makes mistakes right? What he thought was grape juice was actually wine similar to grape juice. He didn’t think straight and poured himself a glass before heading over to you. The effects of the drink hit him hard, making it easy to notice something wrong with the man.
It was in the way he was clinging onto you that surprised you, Diluc does this often, but only when it’s the two of you. Not around others. Yes he would wrap his hand around your waste but never he never displayed this much affection in front of others. He started to lean into you, tuck his head under your chin, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. This was something a sober Diluc would never dare to do, especially right now with some of his acquaintances.
Some started to snicker about his behavior, never seeing this side of him before. “Luc, cmon,” you nudged your lover hoping to get him off you for just one second. “No, let’s just stay here…please.” It almost came off as a whisper, like he was unsure about it.
You then decided to drag your lover outside of the room and into his office. The atmosphere was more comfortable and cozy with just the two of you in there, intimate with the one you loved. “Come here,” diluc said. Pulling you to sit on his lap at his office chair. Usually it would be you placing yourself, not the other way around. But you weren’t complaining, especially not after all the affection you’ve gotten. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck while giving you a soft kiss. “I love you [name].” Even after hearing this multiple times in your relationship, you never could never stop blushing after hearing him tell you. “Well I loved you more luc.”
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It was often that you saw Kaeya intoxicated in the bar that belonged to his brother, chatting about whatever and whenever until you had to pick him up. Almost as if you were a mother picking up your child from school, in this case the child was Kaeya with the way he was calling out your name while cursing.
“Fuck fuck fuck…. Is [name] here?” You watched the scene unfold right before your eyes. Your boyfriend held his head as some of his drinking buddies swarmed around him. You walked towards him, not without laughing though. “And just what happened to you?” Kaeya looked up at you, a small frown appearing on his face once he saw you laughing about what had happened. “Don’t laugh… cmon, give me a hug pretty.” Before he could do anything, you grabbed him by the hand and left the tavern with your lover.
Thud. “What was that?!” You looked behind you as Kaeya made a small “ah” sound. He hit his foot on the sign and now was grunting from the pain to his foot. “Shit, again…”
“Again?” “Yeah I hit my head in the bar…heh.” You groaned while your lover laughed. So that’s what happened at the bar. “This is what you get for drinking to much Kaeya.” “You can’t stay mad at me forever, you love me to much you know.” You looked away, not wanting him to see the smile appearing on your lips. “And if I don’t?” You didn’t miss the small put that came from his face, but the soon turned into a smirk. “Then I’ll prove my love to you right here and right- Wait! [name] come back! I was just kidding you know!”
“You didn’t have to leave me like that you know, what if I had hurt my pretty face again?” You rolled your eyes, Kaeya had just gotten home after you left him when he made that silly comment. “It would have been deserved.” You said, he gasped and went on to exaggerate about how you are so cruel to him. You two ended up cuddling in bed, giggling about the events that had happen due to all the drinking Kaeya had done.
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You never thought this could happen to Xiao, if anything if would happen to you, not him. It was a small event being held at wanshung inn so it was only natural for you to drag xiao out into the balcony and get some food to dine with one another. Yet he made the mistake of drinking the wrong drink, which was an alcoholic drink. Xiao was never one for drinks, or any type of drink other than water. So when the substance hit tongue, he knew something was off.
But his curiosity got the best of him, so he ended up take small sips of the drink, over, and over, until you came back. “Xiao, I’m back” you said. You came from behind him and wrapped your arms around him. Usually he would get flustered and mutter something under his breath, but the only he did was lean into your embrace and sigh. “I missed you.” He turned around making eye contact with you, something that wasn’t usually for him. You looked at xiao, something off about him.
His gorgeous face with flushed, his eyes seemed to sparkle and were more hooded, he was gorgeous. You could never deny that, and you admired him in the moment. “You’re so pretty xiao, I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.”
That’s when he looked away, blush apparent on his face. “You don’t mean that, you’ll get tired of me eventually.” You know xiao was scared of this, your relationship and what it would become. It didn’t matter if you two had been together for years, he would often doubt himself because he knew he wasn’t the best with his emotions, even worse with others. Yet for he you he did his best, and you knew that.
“Don’t say that xiao, I know you better than anyone else. I know that we will work out no matter what, I would never leave you.” You placed a hand on his cheek so he could look at you. The two go you were silent for a while, admiring the other. Xiao the made the first move to nuzzle his face into your neck, holding you tight. “Still, I’m scared of what might become of me. Of something that I might do to ruin us.” This was something you knew xiao had trouble with, you know that the moment you two got together. “And I’ll be there for you xiao, I knew that when we first got together.” You hugged him tighter, but that’s when you noticed it. “But… have you been drinking xiao?” He looked up at you, making a face that made you giggle. “What? No, why do you think that.” He mumbled. “Because, you’re never this straightforward unless I force you. And you’re more open to my affection.”
He sighed, tired to argue which was unlike him. He stayed in your arms, wanting to you feel your warmth. He wished the two do you could stay like this for an eternity, holding one another knowing that you will stay by his side no matter what.
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It’s been a while since I’ve made a post…
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x idol!reader
genre mostly comedy, maybe fluff ? reader is in zb1 🤝
warnings mentions of food/drinks in hao and hanbin’s
notes hi anon, thank you for requesting ! i didn’t want this to be romantic as idol life is,, something.. but still, i hope you enjoy this ! 🫶
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— zhang hao
you’re playing drinking games
and before you ask, no. it’s not actual alcohol
you mix up the most unhinged drink combinations
like soy milk + tea + mountain dew 😃
the drink literally has particles in it
you play the ‘of course’ game and it turns ugly real quick
“you know that i’m better than you at everything, right?” zhanghao says, feeling proud
“of course! zhanghao.. you know that hanbin loves me more, right?” a smirk tugging on your lips that zhanghao so desperately wanted to slap off
loses the game because of that and has to chug down every drop (he’s ok tho i think)
“you’re lucky we’re live right now.”
— sung hanbin
since he was a barista, you guys are making drinks
he teaches you some tips and tricks but it’s more complicated than you think
his drink is so much more visually pleasing than yours although you both followed the same steps 😭
like pretty gradient colors that blend well together
but it’s expected cuz he’s a professional
you do a taste test
and his drink tastes like heaven 👍
you offered yours to him and he tries it
ngl, you were nervous about his opinion
“uh, it’s definitely a new experience.”
— seok matthew
some kind of crafts live
where you both are making those bead bracelets
you make ones for eachother and also the other members !
and matthew is all like ‘oh, you’re gonna love what i made for you’
he’s so proud of his creations
and at some point he accidentally spills every bead onto the table 😭
and you both take a look at eachother like 😐
and it becomes quiet for a whole 5 minutes as he picks everything back up
after that, you both continue making bracelets for the other members 🫶
“jiwoon hyung likes this color, i know him better than you!”
— shen ricky
painting live
you guys are making paintings to hang on eachothers walls
it’s actually pretty chill with ricky 👍
but then he accidentally splattered some paint onto his designer white shirt
his honest reaction to that: ☹️
but its okay, he can just buy a new one. maybe get a car too while he’s at it
since ricky is really good at arts
you wanted to paint him smth nice too
so you just put your autograph onto the canvas
he loves it tho and keeps it in his room 😔
“i can sell this!”
— park gunwook
workout stream
it was actually supposed to be a live for gunwook and matthew
but matthew had to do smth else
so you offered to accompany gunwook instead !
gunwook shares his workout tips and you just nod and agree
you both share your workout routines and people make articles abt them 🫢
‘zb1’s gunwook and y/n workout routine: is it effective?’
oh and you also get thirst trap edits bcuz of this
flaunting your muscles and abs and stuff idk 😭
“do you guys wanna know the secret to my godly physique?”
— kim taerae
from the content we have now..
it’s 100% a karaoke live
wbk he loves singing and he wanted to invite you to ‘taerae show #2’
has his anpanman guitar, ready at hand 🤝
you both have a blast singing and taerae becomes main rapper at some point
he’s so immersed in the ballad songs, he prolly starts crying for effects 😔
biggest hypeman
like he’s all ‘OH MY GOD WOAHHHH’
and he also harmonises w you
don’t be surprised when you get a compilation of ‘y/n and taerae: 5th gen main vocals’
“100 points?! i’m so good!”
— kim gyuvin
q&a stream
answering fan questions and basically fan service
“is a butt one or two?”
gyuvin actually thinks about it for a second and is like “oh my god.” 😭
it got too confusing though so you continued reading the comments
someone asked what he did today and he started thinking
“uh..” “sorry, i forgot.” you joke, making gyuvin stare daggers to you 🫢
he looks back to the screen
and with a wide smile he said
“i’m sorry zerose! i think we have to end the live here. thank you for watching!”
— kim jiwoong
makeup stream
where you do his makeup
and he’s giving you those eyes yk 👀
the comments are going crazy bcuz of it
and when you do his lips, he smiles and it curves so perfectly (ahdguajskshaikahdh)
you accidentally went overboard with the glitter
but jiwoong pulls off everything so it still looks amazing
everyone loves what you did and your makeup style is trending 👍
“i think some glitter got stuck in my eye.”
— han yujin
i don’t know why but you both are face painting
but instead of face painting on yourselves, you face paint eachother
“i’m gonna make you into a piece of art” he says as he paints a streak onto your face
he stops to take a step back and look at everything from a bigger picture
and bursts into laughter 😃
you’re so worried abt what he did to you
he tries to regain his composure but laughs every few seconds
“what’s wrong? what did you do?” “nothing! i made you look very.. cool.” 😁
and then you look into a mirror and you look like shrek's offspring (yes, you get turned into a meme)
“this is my best piece yet! should i leave my signature too?”
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© keiwook
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alienaiver · 5 months
Rotisserie Chicken
Suna Rintarou x gn!reader
warnings: none! this is pure fluff wordcount: 1.2k content: fluff, SFW, genderneutral reader, bodypositive and poc friendly reader, domestic fluff, established relationship, post-timeskip, canon compliant, not beta'd, youre married and pretty handy in regards to like. building stuff LMAO, light humor and banter, no use of y/n, i googled rotisserie chicken a thousand times to make sure i spelled it correctly. it looks wrong no matter what i do
notes: this is part four of my domestic life with suna series! i should really make a masterpost actually. anyways, your 10 year old bed that you lovingly bought together at the start of the relationship is creaking; you fix it. suna has his thoughts and secrets are uncovered!
go to part 1, 2, 3 (but can be read as a stand-alone)
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Suna walks into your bedroom with a cold bottle of tea in his hand and his phone in the other, eyeing you for only a moment before throwing himself onto the recliner in the corner. You’ve been forced to take PTO days before they expire and so the recliner, dubbed the Laundry Chair, is actually available to sit on. Suna doesn’t hesitate.
Silently, he lifts his phone to stare into the screen again, making a point out of not commenting on your work. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees you popping up from behind the bed frame to see if he’s looking at you. When he isn’t, you pop back down and fiddle with the screws. Profanities have been said because your small power drill hasn’t been charged over night like you planned yesterday (you forgot to turn on the outlet itself before joining Suna on the couch for a late night Netflix evening).
He knows that you’re hoping for an offer of his drink but he’s as stubborn as you are; you’re fully capable of asking, he reasons. You grumble out some more words before you turn to the next screw. He bites the bullet, “why, oh, why has the mattress been lifted from my perfectly functioning bed?”
The way your head rises up and your smile beaming has him rolling his eyes already, “I’m just tightening the screws. The creaking is making me insane.”
“Oh?” he says, unscrewing his bottle, “I find the clown bicycle honks kinda hot when you do your half-hourly rotating.”
You narrow your eyes but before you can speak he continues, “I wonder who would’ve been correct in saying that IKEA furniture that’s been disassembled before is shit. Who could’ve saved us the trouble?” He looks to the ceiling and around the room before his eyes lands directly on yours, “that’s right. Me.” he says dryly, challenging you with a raised eyebrow.
You snort before you turn back to your task at hand, the mattress balanced hazardously up against the walk-in closet that’s currently half-open. Not a dangerous thing at all, no, he observes to himself.
After a moment of silence you forego his scolding and ask, “what the hell do you mean half-hourly rotating? Who does that?”
He scrolls social media as he chuckles, "you. You do that. Like a little rotisserie chicken but instead it’s all natural, no electrical wires needed.”
The wide stare you give him is enough to make him crack a smile, eyes still theatrically trained on his screen. “Is that why I’m called rotisserie chicken on your fucking phone!?”
Bingo. Suna sits up straighter with as neutral a smile as possible, stretching his arms above him, “of course. Everyone knows I call you that.”
“Everyone!?” you shriek, completely forgetting about the screws that urgently needed tightening only a few short minutes ago. Suna groans from the stretch, “yeah, my boss ate it up.”
“Your boss? Who, the trainer? The physiotherapist?” you ask with a laugh spilling from your mouth; unbelieving but at the same time awed that Suna talks to someone about you. Those are useless details to share.
“No, the bald guy who sponsors the team. The one who loves hugging you when you stop by practice and matches.”
You make a grimace at the memory. He’s truly a kind, middle-aged man but he is very touchy-feel and while you don’t mind a hug once in a while even from acquaintances, it is shrewd how many he tries to squeeze in there. Then, you shake your head at your husband, “you’re unbelievable you know that, right?”
You pretend to throw the screwdriver in his direction and he mock-dodges to the left and wipes his brow in relief when he successfully avoids the sharp object, “what is unbelievable is the fact that we brought the bed from our first apartment to our house. I feel like we deserve something to go with the rest.”
You grunt as you reach a screw that no matter how much you tighten it, it seems to go loose. You realize it’s not even the same as the others on this metal… thingy. “Rin…” you say and it sounds like a warning. Suna’s muscles tightens for a moment, “why is this screw different from the rest?”
he gulps loudly. He’d forgotten about it; spent so long hoping you’d never notice (or that the bed wouldn’t fall apart underneath you) that it disappeared into the back of his mind. He gets up to take a look as if he can’t imagine the exact screw you’re fiddling with.
“Oh, that one,” he tries to say breezily, hoping casual will be the correct path to take. You look up at him when you realize that he knows something; he shoots a picture of you instead before he continues, “uh, we couldn’t find the screw so Atsumu just put that one in, saying it was the right girth.”
Your eyebrows shoot to your forehead in such a speed that Suna’s sad he didn’t capture it on video, spluttering out incomprehensible sounds that might’ve been words, accidentally spitting on the floor in your vigor. Probably something about different screws having different purposes. Then, you close your eyes and take a deep breath, “and why didn’t you just call for me? I was right downstairs when you and Osamu assembled the bed! Why did Atsumu suddenly help you?”
Suna avoids your gaze by looking pointedly out the window; snow was falling and staying. Winter would be cold this year.
“Suna Rintarou,” you say sharply and a shiver runs up his spine. You enjoy seeing the reaction. He deflates, “you were sitting with my nephew who’d gotten hurt. I didn’t want to… I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You warm at his confession. His nephew had gotten hurt, running around as family and friends were carrying furniture and boxes into the newly bought house; a box he’d been curious about had fallen over him. All it needed was a kiss and a band-aid and he’d been fine, but you had sat with him and sang until he calmed down. You even think you scolded the box together with him.
You shake your head, “well I guess this screw has been holding out. We’ll just continue using it then.”
Suna rolls his eyes, “why don’t we just buy a new bed?” the question makes you laugh, “we have one that works perfectly fine, don’t we? We even upgraded the mattress when you first got on the National team!”
Suna rolls his eyes, “next time the clown bike’s back, I’m buying us a new bed.”
You give him a thumbs up before you crawl out from the frame, “yeah, yeah. Now put the mattress back with me, will you?”
“Sure, Tjiken.” he says with a sly smile. It’s the nickname his niece once started calling you out of nowhere. Your eyes widen and mouth drops open in an ‘o’ shape as you realize.
“Is my cute, familial nickname a child abbreviation of the word chicken!?”
He can’t tell if you find it funny that his whole family’s calling you chicken, or if you’re slightly horrified. Personally, he’s amused that you’re finally learning the truth that’s been common knowledge among his family members.
He can’t wait to start his own family with you someday, hopefully soon. Then, he’d find an equally silly name and teach your child to call you that. His eyes twinkle with excitement at the thought that you might do it back, too.
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stuckinthesun · 1 year
Reincarnation — Part 3
Series Masterlist
We’re keeping this pic as the banner cuz apparently it’s also a coffee shop au
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Warning: angst
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Maybe you should’ve found a new coffee place.
You run into Levi again two days later, this time the two of you heading towards the coffee shop at the same time.
Your first instinct is to turn around and run the other way, but unfortunately Levi sees you before you get the chance.
The man stop’s just before opening the door, looking at you with a raised eyebrow and asks, “You stalking me?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” You chuckle awkwardly, stopping in front of him.
The barest hint of a smile passes his lips, something most people would’ve missed, and you feel almost pathetic when it makes you’re knees grow weak.
Levi opens the door then, and instead of walking through, he steps back and nods his head for you to go first. Your heart soars, so much so that you have to fight back tears.
Is this what it would of been like? If the two of you had met in this life first? If the two of you had fallen in love now?
“Thank you,” You say walking through the door and pushing those thoughts away for later, when they’ll no doubt keep you up tonight. Levi follows behind you and just nods, sparing you another once over before heading over to the counter.
“Uh, l-let me pay for your Tea!” You say before you can stop yourself, and you wish for a hole to open up a swallow you right now. Levi stops and turns back around to look at you again, eyebrow raised in obvious confusion, so you continue, “To make up for spilling your other one!”
The look on his face changes to exasperation and he turns around, heading for the counter again, “No need, I told you we’re even after I spilt your coffee, remember?”
“I still feel bad!” You insist, quickly following behind him.
“That’s your problem.” Levi quips before ordering his tea, and this time you’re to busy pulling out money to get worked up over how easy it still is to be around him, even now.
“One black tea, will that be all?”
“Alright, that’ll be $3.99-“
“Here!” You basically shout, slamming down a $5 on counter while staring at the man next to you.
Levi glares at you before angrily pulling out his wallet, “Fine, then I guess I’ll pay for your drink.”
“Wait what? No that’s not necessary-“ You started, shaking your head dismissively.
Levi’s glare only hardened, “Well apparently we’re all doing unnecessary things today, so what’s your laxative order?”
Your eyes widened and a blush over took your face, “Don’t call it that, oh my god!”
Levi only snorted, and you couldn’t even appreciate it with how embarrassed you were. You told the barista you’re order, which they took with an amused look, and the two of you paid.
The two of you waited for your drinks in silence. You wanted to talk to him, but every question you could think of was too personal. You wanted to know what in his past had changed and what had stayed the same, if he knew anyone from your previous life.
You really wanted to know what he was doing with his life since there were no giant monsters to kill.
Levi had dedicated his whole being to the scouts, so who was he without them?
A simpler question you had though, was why he was getting his tea at a coffee shop, instead of making it at home.
You remember the way the man was about his beverage in your previous life. It was actually one of the things that brought the two of you together. Levi liked the way you made tea, so much so he refused to drink anyone else’s. If he wanted tea and was unable to make it himself, he would literally send scouts to find you to make it for him.
You found it annoying at first, but as the two of you grew closer, and the more you fell in love with him, the more it just became apart of your day.
Making tea for the man you love.
“Here you two go,” The barista said, placing your drinks down in front of you, cutting off your thoughts.
“Oh, thank you.” You said, smiling politely and grabbing your cup.
“Thanks,” You heard Levi say, and the barista nodded before walking away.
“Well, thank you for my drink.” You say. Thinking about the past brought back those feelings of sadness, and you try not to let them show as you look at Levi and smile.
“Yeah,” Levi replies, and the look he wears is one you recognize. It’s the one he would give you when he could see right past you, when he knew something was wrong but would wait until you were ready to open up.
Your chest tightened.
Somehow, He still knows me, too.
“Well, see you around.” You quickly say, walking around him and slipping out the door. You don’t hear if he said anything else to you, the only thing you hear is the doorbell of the coffee shop.
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Everyone who asked for a part three
{ @laraackerman @imlevisoneandonlywife @angrynotsat @xiaotopia @keigoswifee @mauve-galaxy-427 @hanahxki @megumimind }
Atp let me know if you want a taglist
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I will be doing a part 4 dw
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theladyofbloodshed · 1 year
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Chapter One
My little brain worm has wiggled in with another Lucien x Nesta idea despite my many other projects.
This fic is set a few months after canon ACOSF. Nesta has doubts about her mating bond and life in Velaris. She feels as if she's drowning but nobody notices - except Lucien. Lucien sees Nesta cutting out parts of herself to please the Night Court and is reminded of his mother. He offers Nesta a lifeline to be a neutral party to vent to and a travel companion.
The theme for this fic is Would That I by Hozier!
Tea poured from the spout of the porcelain teapot, filling the cup almost to the brim.
Nesta’s eyes swept over the tray. ‘Lemon?’
‘I’m sure I can find one for you.’
Her eyes trailed the male as he stepped into the kitchen that wasn’t his to find lemon for her tea. It was a noisy evening. The wine had been broken out long ago as stories were traded over raucous laughter. Elain had been part of it until Lucien arrived late, during the third course, so she had slunk away into the safety of Azriel’s shadows rather than risk a conversation with him. The two wraiths were keeping an ear out of Nyx whilst he slept upstairs and Nesta had wanted to sneak upstairs out of the way before Lucien had occupied the chair beside her.
It had been months since the ordeal of the Blood Rite, months since Nyx was brought into this world through Nesta’s intervention, and months since the lavish mating ceremony that she had thought would fix everything. It hadn’t. With every day that passed, Nesta felt less and less like herself. She glanced over at Cassian who had one leg slung over the arm of a couch and his head was in Mor’s lap while she squeezed his cheeks together, both laughing. Everybody was laughing, even Azriel. And Nesta sat on the outskirts of a group she didn’t belong to, as always.
‘Found one,’ said Lucien, as he brandished a wedge of lemon at her.
The juice dribbled into her tea as he squeezed it, but his eyes were also on the group. A crease appeared between his brow but he did not pass a comment.
‘How was the Continent?’
‘Enjoyable. I was in Rask.’
‘I don’t know it, I’m afraid.’
Lucien seemed to come alive now that there was an opening in the conversation. ‘It’s obscenely wealthy – worse than here. Their army is vast and all have gilded armour. The actual country is beautiful too. It has deep mines filled with jewels. Palaces built into the clouds.’
‘And the people?’
‘Like any nation. Intelligence is valued in Rask. There is no king or queen, but instead an elected council of strategists and dreamers who strive for greatness. The people vote every decade and there are year-long campaigns for positions on the council.’
It sounded unreal to Nesta. A place where birth right or a marriage of opportunity was not the only way to climb high in society.
‘I wanted to go to the Continent,’ she shared. ‘Years ago, when I was dreaming of a life away from our cottage, before all of this.’
‘You still could go,’ said Lucien.
There were still uneasy relations between Prythian and the Continent due to the war that happened five centuries ago. They had poor opinions of mortals – and some nations had almost allied with Hybern again during the most recent war. Nesta knew it edged too close to Koschei as well for her to ever be allowed to go there.
‘I don’t think Cassian or Feyre would be happy for me to go there.’
A strange expression twisted Lucien’s features then he let out a sigh. He brought his cups to his lips, deep in thought.
Elain’s eyes flickered to the pair of them, worry rendering her silent as if Nesta was spilling all of her secrets to her unwanted mate.
‘Would you like a glass of wine like the others?’
Nesta shook her head quickly. ‘It’s better if I don’t drink.’
‘Who said that? You or somebody else?’
Nesta’s lips pursed. Many people. Mor. Amren. Cassian. Feyre. Rhys. They all had their opinion on her life.
‘It’s better if I don’t.’
‘Then how about a drop of honey in your tea?’
She let out a soft exhale. ‘Sugar is not good when I’m training. Lacks any real energy.’
Lucien’s fingers tightened around the spoon, poised to dollop a spoonful into his own cup to sweeten it. ‘You’re not training now. If you want it, say so.’ He blinked a few times then dropped his voice. ‘They don’t sound like your words, Nesta. If you want it, have it. It’s a bit of honey, for goodness’ sake.’
She gave a stiff nod. The tea did taste better with it, far sweeter as she preferred. It was the only sugar she was likely to get in the next few days besides. Weeks earlier, Cassian had steered her away from a decadent new bakery overlooking the Sidra where everything was fried or pumped with cream or rolled in sugar. She was still dreaming of it.
In silence, they sipped at the tea, letting snippets of the group’s conversation meet their ears. The high lord and lady were being their usual nauseating selves by managing to slip innuendos into every topic. Their hands pawed at each other regardless of the audience. Even after all the time that had passed, it still made Nesta uncomfortable to bear witness to it. She was becoming used to the highly charged comments that seemed to be a currency in Prythian, but others were not as sex-obsessed as her sister and her mate. There was a time and place for that impropriety – the living room with everybody looking on was not it.
This could not be her life forever. Before Lucien had sat beside her, it could not have been more apparent that Nesta still sat on the fringes of this group. She had sat alone with only a book for company while they clustered together near the open windows, chatting with an ease she didn’t possess after dinner. She had tried so hard to fit in – to be like them. Nesta attended every dinner but when they became a nightly ritual to eat, drink, chat, she began asking Cassian if they could have time as just the two of them. He wondered if she had argued with her sisters. The idea that Nesta wouldn’t want to spend every free evening with his family was unfathomable to him. She had only wanted his company sometimes, not all of them. Nesta stopped asking. And for her sisters, Nesta visited them whenever they requested. She cared for Nyx but he spent so much of his time with the wraiths so Feyre and Rhys could remain locked together as they ruled their court. Elain could only talk of gardening and Feyre could only gush about her baby or her mate.
If Nesta did not have Gwyn and Emerie, she would have been so lonely. It was their company that kept her standing. These last few weeks had felt like trying to hold together a crumbling building – but she felt as if she was the only one who saw the damage. Cassian didn’t seem to notice how muted she was. Nobody asked her about training. They didn’t ask about her friends. There was no expectation for Nesta to do anything now except be Cassian’s mate. And she hated herself for having no goals for the future. This could not be her life, night after night, sat on the edge of a group she didn’t belong to, trapped in Velaris. There had to be more to it.
Lucien settled his cup down on the small table in front of their couch. ‘I’m quite tired from my journey. It was nice to talk to you, Nesta. I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you a lot previously.’
‘I was a viper before my mating.’
She had meant it as a jest, but part of Lucien’s expression fractured into something like pain. He nodded then made to say his goodbyes to the others.
‘I hope you don’t mind, but we’ve set up a room for you in the House of Wind while you’re here,’ Rhys said, a hand tangling in Feyre’s hair. ‘Nyx is cutting a tooth and he’ll keep you awake otherwise.’
Lucien shrugged to show he didn’t mind, but he added, ‘It’s not my house. Cassian, Nesta, if you don’t mind?’
‘No problem, Vanserra. You’re welcome to join training in the morning. The females can show you what they’ve been learning.’
‘Not for me, but thank you for the offer, Cassian.’
Rhys stood to winnow him. Nesta leapt to her feet too. ‘Can you take me too? I’m quite tired.’
It wasn’t unusual for Nesta to leave early. Often, she feigned tiredness or a late-night meeting in the library with Gwyn. She’d rather sit alone at home than sit alone here.
Cassian reached out his hand to summon his mate to him. He couldn’t stand up because Mor had her legs draped across him. Nesta pressed her wrath down and let him kiss her on the lips, even if she hated to do so in public. But he liked it. There was a lot that Nesta did to please her mate.
Rhys didn’t linger after winnowing them onto the roof. He gave a short goodbye before disappearing into the night. Lucien followed Nesta as she walked the lengthy corridors, peeling back doors to find which room had been designated for Lucien while he stayed a couple of nights in the City of Starlight. A plush room overlooking the city was his, complete with a desk and rug from Sangravah.
‘I hope it’s to your liking,’ she said.
Lucien’s fingers enclosed around her thin wrist. The heat from his skin sizzled like a brand against her own. Cassian would scent him on her when he came home.
‘How can you bear this?’ His voice was quiet, hurt.
Her brow furrowed at his question. Was he asking about the unbearably tender way his thumb stroked over her veins or her life in general?
‘This is your house, apparently. And I am a guest because the high lord decided it. Not you. Not your mate. How are you not angry, Nesta?’
‘I don’t know what you mean.’
‘Do you like this? Any of this? You live in a fucking house you cannot escape from.’
‘The house is my friend.’
‘It is a house! You cannot leave without your mate allowing it. And still the high lord uses it for his official functions so it is not truly yours. He has put me in your home as a guest without your consent. None of these rooms were decorated by you. You own nothing here. You are a glorified prisoner.’
It should have made her angry. Her rage should have been a wild, violent thing but Lucien’s words had rattled around in her own head for weeks. She wanted a garden to potter around in when they had fair weather, a nook cut into the window to read her books in as the sun kissed her skin, a place for just her and Cassian that wasn’t a communal space. But in the last couple of weeks, she had wanted a space for her, without Cassian. She wanted a break from him sometimes. There was no joy to be found with him. Nesta no longer looked forward to him returning from lllyria – she dreaded it. Whenever their bodies weren’t slick with sweat from coupling, they had little to talk about. She listened to him speak of Illyria or Rhys, but she had nothing to share with him. He was with her when she trained, with her for dinners. The only time she had alone was when she was sent to work in the library or when she read – and Cassian didn’t care for books.  
‘Do you even want to train?’
‘It makes Cassian happy when I do.’
‘And you?’ He stared at her in disbelief. ‘What joy do you get from it?’
Nesta tried to leave. He was throwing truths at her that she’d been trying so hard to ignore. That hand stayed clutching her wrist like an anchor that Lucien would not let go of.
‘Nesta Archeron, you changed your anatomy for that male after he made you march in the Illyrian mountains until you collapsed. They have torn out your claws and ripped out your fangs to make you more palatable. How can you not be angry when your mate has his head in another female’s lap? When he cannot even be bothered to say a proper goodbye because her legs hold him there. How are you not angry about the way he treats you?’
‘I am angry,’ she roared back, her rage flooding out of her in a wave she could not longer control. ‘I hate it. I hate all of it. I hate who I am – worse than before. I hate everything, Lucien. I feel like I am drowning and nobody can see.’
He gripped her other arm so he stood in front of her. ‘I see you. I see a female who is cutting out parts of herself to please others – and you will have nothing left, Nesta. Do not become my mother. What has Cassian changed for you? What has he altered in his life for you?’
‘Nothing. He has changed nothing. He has given up nothing. And I have given up everything for him.’
A sob broke out of her. She hated to cry, hated anybody else to bear witness to her pain, but Lucien wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him as she cried.
On the dawn of her mating ceremony, her stomach had been in knots. She’d wanted to call the whole thing off, but Elain and Feyre had convinced her that nerves were normal. If it was her wedding morning as a mortal, then she’d feel the same cold feet and reluctance so she had gone through with it. After, when Cassian danced with Mor and Feyre instead of her, she had cried on Gwyn’s shoulder. Nobody had noticed she was not even there for the final few hours. Emerie had told her that a mating ceremony was supposed to fill her with absolute joy – not dread – as she’d rubbed a hand along her spine. She had known a handful of people at the mating ceremony. They were all associates of Rhysand. Nesta had felt like a shiny trophy that was showed off by the Night Court; a prize that Cassian had finally won.
For weeks, Nesta’s mind played the same thing on a loop: not right, not right, not right.
Without Cassian, without the Night Court, Nesta had nothing. No money, no home. And she had lost her last home, lost the wealth that the High Lord of Spring had provided, lost her damn mortality due to the Night Court’s interventions. She had lost it once, lost it twice. There was no happiness here. Nesta couldn’t even say if she loved Cassian or the idea of him anymore. She could lose it all for a third time. Start again and try and find the happiness she deserved rather than the one she tried to give to everybody else by trading in the parts of her she had once liked.  
‘I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.’
Nesta managed to pry her head from Lucien’s chest. She hadn’t shared those words with any – not Gwyn or Emerie – and shouldn’t have admitted those things to Lucien. A mating bond was supposed to be a happy thing. They ought to have been happy. But maybe Lucien knew better than any how wrong a mating bond could be.
‘Tomorrow, why don’t we take a walk in the fresh air? Consider me a neutral party to your woes.’
‘I have to train tomorrow.’
‘Have to?’
It was almost a year since she began the rigorous daily schedule laid out by her sister in that terrible meeting. Wake up, eat, train, eat, go to the library, eat, rest, repeat. She had barely missed a day. There was little variance to her days. It had panicked Nesta once, to think of a life without that steady, predictable routine. Now, she loathed it. It was a monotony that was slowly killing her.
‘In my personal opinion, it is better to step out now rather than one hundred years down the line. You do not want to look back and think of how much time you gave to people who did not deserve it. Time is the one thing we can never have again.’
His words made sense, but it was terrifying to go against the grain once more.
‘Let’s say ten by the market. If you’re there, you’re there. If you’re not, I won’t be cross.’ Lucien finally released his hands from her body, and she felt suddenly cold without his warmth. ‘Nesta, do what is best for you. They surely will do the same for themselves.’
That night, she was unable to settle. Her mind churned with worries and possibilities. In the rare time that Nesta had ever expressed to Cassian the desire for more, he could not understand it. For him, Velaris was everything he needed. He was settled. He’d had five hundred years here and wanted five hundred more. That thought terrified Nesta. There was a whole world out there and she would never see it if she stayed here, confined to the secret city.
When Cassian came to bed, he stunk of wine. He lumbered through the doors with his heavy steps. If she had been asleep, the light streaming in from the open door and the noise would have woken her. Nesta forced out a breath to try and calm her before she snapped at him. It wasn’t uncommon for him to come crashing into their bedroom after drinking with Azriel or Mor, sometimes even Feyre and Rhys. It was fine for them to do such a thing. Of course, it was. She forced out another breath, trying to calm the waves of anger that had been coming more frequently recently.
A heavy arm landed on her, pinning her to the bed, then a wing. It had once been something she craved. Now, Nesta knew she had only wanted comfort. Cassian had provided release to her when all other opportunities were taken. His weight was too heavy, suffocating even. And as Nesta tried to sleep, two words rang out again in her mind: not right, not right, not right.
The quilt was slowly pulled from her body as Cassian attempted to wake her. Nesta had slept terribly, adrift with worries and stress. It had not been far off dawn when she had finally managed to close her eyes and sleep.
‘I drank half a brewery last night and even I’m up before you.’
‘You smell like it,’ she said, before she could jail it.
‘Someone woke up pissed today.’
Last night, Nesta had prepared reasons to excuse herself from training. They had ranged from feeling unwell, her cycle coming, having plans with Gwyn which would require her to race to the library and ask her friend to also not attend. All of them disintegrated. She didn't owe him - or anybody - a reason.
‘I’m not training today.’
Cassian folded his arms across his chest. ‘Why not?’
‘Because I’m not.’
Her mood was prickly already like she had been months ago. It didn’t matter how many times Nesta had cut off her spikes, they always grew back.
‘That’s not a reason.’
‘I need to be flown to Velaris this morning, please. Otherwise, I should begin taking the stairs.’
Cassian raised his brows, but did not say anything else. It almost disappointed Nesta because she had been hankering for an argument. That was their most effective way of discussion. When Nesta tried to breeze past him, Cassian stopped her. ‘Breakfast.’
Nesta was in that mood. It had been a long time since she had let herself feel that way. As they sat at the table for breakfast, the house deposited a bland bowl of porridge for her. It had become her staple breakfast. Occasionally, a handful of berries might appear in it too, but it was usually plain porridge with water – not even milk. She added a heaped spoon of sugar into her porridge, under Cassian’s watchful eye.
‘That much sugar is not good for you, Nes. You’ll have no energy.’
Nesta nodded, used to the lecture, and added another spoon of sugar because that mood meant she was ready for an argument.
‘I want sugar. Porridge is the most boring meal I could ever envision. At least some sugar makes it bearable.’
‘If you must sweeten it, try a mashed banana.’
‘If I must? Yes. I must, because it is my breakfast and my body, Cassian. You do not have authority over it.’
Cassian threw up his hands so Nesta knew the battle was already won. ‘Ask Az to take you to Velaris. I’m not dealing with you this morning.’
Another person in their house.
Nesta watched him leave, satisfied and angry all at once. A banana appeared on the table near her bowl. She frowned. ‘Don’t listen to him. I hate banana.’
The house reclaimed it.
Knocking on the bedroom that Azriel tended to sleep in was always intimidating. He never ever let Nesta see an inch of the room. He’d slip through the gap and stand in front of her, closing the door behind him or obscuring it was shadow. Her, Gwyn, and Emerie had once spent an evening wondering what nefarious things he might have inside of it to make him so secretive. Emerie was certain there was a body in there. Or several of them.
As expected, he quickly hid his room from view.
‘Please could you take me into the city?’
‘Where’s Cass?’
‘Not dealing with me this morning,’ she replied brightly. Not a single part of Nesta felt bad about irritating Cassian over breakfast either. ‘Can you?’
Azriel nodded. ‘I’ve just taken Lucien’s to Rhys. Do you need to go now?’
There was about forty minutes until Lucien’s suggested meeting time, but Nesta wanted out of this house. ‘You sound irritated about that.’
‘I’m not a delivery service,’ said Azriel.
Nesta gave a shrug of her left shoulder. ‘Then maybe I shouldn’t be forced to live in a house that I cannot enter or leave without assistance. And maybe Rhys shouldn’t invite people into my house who have the same issue as me.’
She clapped her hands together. The words were leaking out, words that she had spent months clipping and locking away so that she would be seen as nicer and softer and kinder and gentler. Nesta was sure the moment that Azriel came into contact with Cassian, the males would discuss how difficult she was that morning, because as soon as Nesta stopped being compliant to their every whim, she was difficult.
If Azriel was annoyed, he did not show it. Gently, he lifted her to his arms and flew her into the city. Flight still made her queasy. The sudden drop made her stomach lurch no matter how carefully an Illyrian flew. She was set down on a street where she could look up to the House of Wind cut from the mountain. ‘Should I collect you at a certain time or send Cass?’
‘I’ll figure something out. Thank you.’
Without lingering, Nesta turned on her heel to examine the streets that she rarely got to explore. It was a pretty city, undoubtedly, but a city did not feel like home to Nesta. Neither did a crumbling cottage in the woods. Home had existed for a brief number of months. It had been the manor provided by Tamlin that straddled the forest and society. Nesta had enjoyed stepping into civilisation as much as she had enjoyed taking a step back and savouring the peace and quiet that the grounds had allowed. She wasn’t likely to find that in the Night Court, although perhaps Illyria could provide that if the males weren’t so decidedly hateful towards females, and especially towards her. It would be a life of fear there. Nesta had stepped foot once in Illyria since the Blood Rite and it had almost sparked a war. None would listen to her pleas that she had not wanted to enter it, that reaching Ramiel hadn’t been a goal, but the only way for her friends to survive. She had needed to be whisked out of Windhaven as a mob grew. They claimed she had made the ground unhallowed. No, Illyria would never be home.
With every passing minute that Nesta had her own independence, she remembered how much she had loved it. Nobody barking orders at her. Nobody thrusting her into a hole that she didn’t fit through. No expectations, no judgements. Just her.
Although Nesta did not have her own bank account, she had access to Cassian’s, as his mate. Until it was time to meet Lucien, Nesta pottered amongst the shops, gazing wistfully at the items. If it was her own money then she’d have happily splurged on more, but she settled only for a notebook with a darling illustration on the cover. The market was busy so she kept to the edges, peering over shoulders or through the gaps of bodies at stalls. The rich scents of spices filled the air, making her long for the far-off places that she would never visit if her life remained this way.
‘You freed yourself of the shackles of the House of Wind then?’
Nesta rolled her eyes at the sight of Lucien’s grinning face. ‘You are a bad influence.’
‘I’m glad you’re here, all the same.’ Almost instinctively, Lucien moved towards her and placed a kiss on her cheek. It ought to have been nothing – she was used to such behaviour from mortal men though they tended to kiss a hand with quivering lips from the icy glares she would give them. Yet, Lucien’s touch kindled something in Nesta.
‘Have you eaten?’
‘I had porridge. Two spoons of sugar, much to Cassian’s annoyance.’
Lucien’s mouth dropped open. ‘You’ll cause a scandal. Sugar. Not training. Whatever next?’
Nesta rubbed her hands together with delight. ‘You see there is a recently opened bakery that my lovely mate forbade me from entering. He claimed there was no nutritional value in any of it. So, Lucien, I should like to stuff myself silly, if that’s quite alright?’
An arm was extended for her to take. ‘Have Illyrians never heard of eating food simply because it tastes good?’
‘If it’s not chopped from a dead animal, it’s not worth it.’
It was surprisingly easy to talk to Lucien Vanserra. Nesta could not help but think how well Elain would get on with him if she actually bothered to have a civil conversation rather than hiding, the wretch. He was well-mannered and personable, guiding her through the market while sharing details of his morning meeting with Rhysand. Nesta had to wonder if he shared it simply because he also had nobody else to talk to beyond Jurian and Vassa in the mortal lands.
The bakery was painted a navy blue with silver lettering broadcasting the name. As Nesta stared through the window, she made an audible groan.
‘There’s too much choice.’
‘Eat it all. We have time.’
Lucien led the way to a table tucked into an alcove, out of sight from prying eyes. The few customers had opted for tables outside in the sunshine, but he had joked that his eye would blind Nesta if the sun hit it at the wrong angle. She found that she liked his jokes. They tended to be at his own expense rather than hers.
For starters, they shared a pot of black tea with milk, a scone heaped with jam and cream that they cut in two and a slab of carrot cake.
‘Cheers,’ said Lucien, knocking the brim of his teacup to hers.
‘Not far from here is a tavern that I used to go to when I was the Night Court’s nightmare.’
‘And now you are their dream come true.’
Nesta grimaced then gulped down a mouthful of too-hot tea. ‘Not this morning.’
She explained how she had been happy to incite an argument with Cassian but he’d not quite risen to the bait, then had been brisk with Azriel. Lucien didn’t berate her for it or tell her to be grateful that they trained or who flew her. He just let out a soft, tinkering laugh. ‘If that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel. You shouldn’t have to constantly stamp on yourself.’
Nesta shook her head. ‘But I’m not a nice person, Lucien. After the Blood Rite, after what happened with Feyre and Nyx, I vowed to be better. I want to earn their love.’
Lucien made a scoffing noise in the back of his throat. ‘Earn it? Fucking hell, Nesta, you saved the high lord, the high lady, and the heir. And you think somehow you have to earn their love?’
Before Nesta could speak, Lucien held up a hand. His brows had bunched together. ‘What have they done to earn yours?’
‘They gave me a home.’
‘After they tore down your apartment and evicted you from it.’
‘No, I mean after I left the mortal lands.’
‘Because they meddled in your life. Because Rhysand promised to have guards protect you, but when it came to it, they were not there and you went into the Cauldron.’
When it was put that way, the altruistic side of the Night Court was tinged more with necessity. Nesta swallowed against her dry throat. A small part of her had known that the only reason the Night Court had extended the branch of friendship to her was due to Feyre’s mating bond.
‘I wasn’t in a good place last year, Lucien. They helped me.’
‘They put you in that bad place, Nesta. They locked you in a house to keep you safe but trotted you out into danger when it suited them. You were taken to one of the most dangerous places in Prythian – the Bog of Oorid – so please forgive me when I say, it was not about your safety. It was about keeping you where they could see you.’
Urgh. Curse this male for striking at the truths that Nesta pretended not to see so that her anger didn’t seize control of her limbs.
‘I was fucking anything that walked.’
‘You weren’t fucking the right male, pardon my crude language. It wasn’t about the other males, it was the fact it wasn’t Cassian. If it isn’t true then why couldn’t you train with Azriel? Why couldn’t he be your chaperone? Why did they trap you with Cassian who has had his eyes on you since the moment he met you? Why did they never help you to train your magic?’
Nesta shoved the last wedge of carrot cake into her mouth, to give her a chance to think of rebuttals to all of Lucien’s very valid points. When she could think of nothing, Nesta said, ‘You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this.’
‘I have,’ he said swiftly. ‘I couldn’t sleep last night. I worried about you. You reminded me of my mother too much. It made my conscience restless.’
‘I was pissing their money away in taverns.’
‘And they are short of money.’
‘It’s not the point,’ Nesta said, sweeping her hand in the air. ‘It was not my money to spend.’
‘Except you fought in the war and told your story. Were you paid for those things?’
‘And now, you are paid?’
‘What should I be paid for? For exercising? No, Lucien. I use Cassian’s money.’
It all sounded ridiculous. It was as if she was holding up a sheet and Lucien was stabbing holes into it. Everything he said made sense so Nesta couldn’t understand why she was still trying to argue in support of the Inner Circle.
Lucien folded his fingers together, watching as the waitress took away their dirty plates with the promise of bringing macarons and biscuits for their next pot of tea.
‘So that I understand, you no longer have any income whatsoever. You are reliant on your mate’s money. You are reliant on your mate to come and go from your own house. You follow the same schedule every day with no room for deviation. because it might upset your mate if you want more.’
A bland smile was plastered on her face. ‘That sounds about right.’
‘How can you be happy with a life that is so…’
The male choked on his laugh. ‘I was going to say stagnant.’
‘It is shit, Lucien. I know that. I am so bored already and I have an eternity of it, of being Cassian’s pretty, docile mate. I am losing my mind in this city. I hate it. I hate it. We have already run out of conversation and we haven’t even been mated for a year. The only thing he talks about is Rhys or Mor or Feyre. I want to scream.’
‘Scream then.’
Her grey eyes scanned the quiet bakery. ‘What, here? Just scream?’
‘Why not?’ he teased.
‘You are insane.’
‘I’m not the one giving up on myself to please people that do not care.’
Their heated discussion was interrupted by their second course of desserts. In silence, Lucien poured a fresh cup of tea for them both that Nesta dunked a biscuit in so aggressively that tea spilt over the edge onto the pristine, white tablecloth.
‘I’m not giving up on myself,’ she muttered.   
‘Where are your dreams, Nesta? This cannot be your forever.’
‘I know,’ she said with a desperate plea in her voice. ‘What would you have me do? Nobody liked me when I was a viper. You didn’t like me.’
‘I never disliked you. You terrified me, yes. I admired that unbending spirit, the fact that you didn’t care who you stood up for yourself against, whether it was mortal queens or Rhys or my father. They have smoothed all of your sharp edges. The moment that they find another thing that doesn’t fit their perfect ideal, they will remove that too. Nesta,’ he sighed, ‘get yourself out of here.’
‘But Cassian’s my mate and I can’t just give up on that.’
‘He is five hundred and unlikely to change his ways. Do you want to spend every evening watching him with his arm around Mor?’
‘No. I wanted to gouge their eyes out yesterday.’
‘Me too. I nearly asked them what they thought they were doing.’
The thought made Nesta smile. Maybe there was somebody else in her corner rather than her alone. ‘Whenever I raise the topic, I’m brushed away. They’re just friends. They’re like siblings. Do you see me giving Elain a foot massage? I don’t feel good enough for him, Lucien. I can never compare to Morrigan.’
A thumb brushed against her cheekbone. There was real hurt in Lucien’s expression. ‘You are worth ten of them.’
Once they had both hit a wall with the amount of sugar they could ingest, they took a laboured walk along the river’s edge. Nesta kept one hand on her protruding stomach. ‘I am so full.’
Lucien murmured in agreement.
They followed the curve of the river all the way until the outskirts of the city where they crossed over one of the final bridges still within the boundary of Velaris then began their return on the other side of the Sidra for a different view. Nesta shared with him that this city did not truly feel like a home. And how could it when it wasn’t a home she had chosen? Not even a damn pillowcase was chosen by her. Their trailing feet led them to the sprawling river estate belonging to the high lord and lady of the Night Court. They’d have to scrounge a return to the House of Wind that way. Somebody would have to winnow or fly them both. If it annoyed them then good, Nesta thought, it annoys me that I cannot get into my own house.
‘I’m off again tomorrow for a few days. There’s a place for you to accompany me – if you’d like it.’
‘Dawn Court. It’s safe. Still Prythian.’
Her body gave an involuntary twist of worry. ‘Cassian wouldn't be happy with me going with another male.’
'We're just friends. Tell him that, just as he and Mor are just friends.'
'You play a dangerous game,' she warned. 'Cassian won't-'
‘Fuck Cassian. What do you want?’
‘What’s in the Dawn Court?’
‘Only one dreary meeting with their emissary who is about as old as Prythian itself. Beyond that, golden hills and white sands. Beautiful plants, the brightest minds, and I’m sure lots of bakeries.’ Lucien threw her a wink. ‘Please, consider it. If you have to lie that you want to be emissary again or it’s for Gwyneth’s research, do it. Get out anyway you can.’
She felt her lips twisting into a rare, true smile. ‘To the Dawn Court then.’
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avocado-writing · 2 years
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Tried my best to hit the brief on this one while not making it too long!
Tagging: @venusthepirate @lunarpansexual @sinfulrefugy
Reblogs appreciated, Requests open-let me know if you want to be tagged for future works!
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(thank you for the gif coupleofruits!)
You remember when he was a teenager, still trying to grow that ridiculous moustache. Of course back then it was more like fluff that had gotten stuck on the top of his lip. He was full of a bravado he would eventually, mostly, age out of - though his penchant for stealing never went away. 
He first approached you at some shitty little bar you both frequented back when you were in your youth. Far too full of swagger for your liking. As if he was certain he’d pull. You looked at him over the rim of your pint and your appraisal found him wanting.
“Alright, darling?”
You’d rolled your eyes.
“What do you want?”
“To buy you a drink.”
He was definitely not old enough to be in a pub, but you’d entertained him anyway. Let him get you another beer. Ignored when he reached over the bar and thieved a bag of peanuts. Listened to him as he blustered and bellowed about himself. Then put the empty glass down, patted him condescendingly on the cheek, and walked off while he was too stunned to know what to do.
You ran into him a couple of more times, before he started getting jobs. He was still as full of himself as he had been that night.
Then he killed someone for the first time.
You found him shaking in an alleyway on your way home, curled up foetus-like against the wall. White shirt stained red and next to a pool of blood. You groaned and, against your better judgement, trudged over to him.
He looked up at you with wide, wild eyes. The eyes of a man who hadn’t felt it sink in yet.
“Where’s Lemon?” 
You liked Lemon, actually. Lemon was a laugh. Liked Thomas the Tank Engine a bit too much but hey, there are worse flaws for a bloke to have.
“He’s getting rid of the body.”
A long, drawn out sigh that you forced between your teeth.
And then he was in your flat, you were making him a cup of tea and helping him clean up. His hands still shook and he spilled some of his builder’s brew on your carpet. Your carpet, however, had seen a lot worse, and you weren’t upset about that.
“You’ll get used to it. The first one is the hardest.” 
You could see he doubted that, but he let you take off his knuckledusters and clean them down for him. Your fingers were surprisingly gentle on his own. As if he hadn’t just become a killer.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, love.”
And from then on you really ran in the same circles. You knew he found out that you were right. The first one was the hardest. Because you saw him take his next life, some cunt who was stalking you home one night with a knife, and there wasn’t a flicker of regret in his eyes. 
As the two of you got older the severity of the jobs you were both sent on worsened. It was a good thing he had Lemon by his side. The two of them would not shut the fuck up with their bickering, but they kept each other grounded.
You? You worked alone. Didn’t mean when you would bump into them on an assignment you weren’t happy to see them, though.
One night you found yourself in a little hole-in-the-wall joint in Dublin. Small place, crammed full. He was standing so close the two of you were touching hips.
“Let me get you a drink.”
His voice was a low rumble in your ear.
An eye roll that was practically second nature when he was involved.
“One drink, Tangerine. And no more.”
And that’s what it was. That’s what it always was.
Outside the train windows, Japan flies by. He’s in the middle of berating Lemon for not reading the briefing when he sees you. He stops mid-sentence and lets his mouth hang open.
“What?” Lemon asks, furrowing his brow and following his brother’s gaze. When he clocks you, he lets out an incredulous little laugh. “Ha! What are the fucking chances?”
Tangerine doesn’t stop to engage in banter. Instead, he’s on his feet, striding down the carriage towards you.
You’re looking through the baggage. You don’t realise he’s there until he’s next to you, and he makes you jump so hard that you almost yelp.
“Tangerine!” you laugh, amazed. He’d never admit it, but he feels his heartbeat quicken in his chest. Him. You’re pleased to see him. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Maybe it’s the fact, even in the harsh lighting of the train, you can’t fail to look fucking enchanting - or maybe it’s because you’ve always had a special place in his soul from the day you first met in that bar. But either way, he’s entirely serious when he speaks.
“Let me buy you a drink. A proper one. Actually, fuck it - let me take you out for dinner.” He’s not begging, but he’s not far from it. You blink in surprise. And for the first time you consider it.
“Alright, Tangerine. Alright.”
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A Little "Ouch" Moment...
Sorry... Not sorry... Thought I'd just share... This is one of the scenes that got added to BOTH versions of Born of Starlight. Honestly, I wasn't sure how it would turn out, at first, but it quickly became a wonderful blend of angsty "ouch" and beautiful softness all rolled together.... Well, you decide for yourself.
Crowley looked over the room, anxiety prickling through him as he triple-checked everything was set up perfectly. He'd been trying -- unsuccessfully -- to get Aziraphale to try different foods over the past week. So far, his stubborn angel was clinging to whatever convinced him he shouldn't want to eat, and that denial of pleasure kept extending into so many areas of the angel's life. He rarely read unless it was connected to his Heavenly duties. He would drink an occasional -- very occasional -- cup of tea, but no cocoa and absolutely refused to even contemplate alcohol. He wouldn't eat. And while Aziraphale's appetite for sexual pleasure was most definitely present, he fought it so intensely at times, it was ceasing to be sexy and was instead starting to worry Crowley.
Crowley didn't have his angel back. Not yet. He wouldn't know he had his angel back until he saw the familiar sparkle of joy in Aziraphale's cerulean eyes over the small pleasures most humans took for granted.
Which was where tonight came into play. He'd had to offer the chef over at Marguerite's an absurd amount of money to get the man to make what rested, keeping warm, under the cloche at one of the table's seats. Why the Parisian was so opposed to the dish, Crowley neither knew nor cared. All he cared about was that it was a favorite of his angel's.
To create the ambiance he wanted, Crowley dug out the candelabra he hadn't seen Aziraphale actually use since 1941 and swallowed back his own momentary panic as he lit the three candles -- battery operated candles weren't going to cut it, for this -- and snapped his fingers, dimming the other lights in the shop and filling the air with the quiet notes of their song. His plan was to surround Aziraphale with everything that reminded him of what they shared, what the angel loved about Earth, and who he really was. Just because he was the Supreme Archangel of Heaven, now, didn't mean he had to become one of those holier-than-thou wankers they destroyed during the Second Coming. Aziraphale was better than all of them for so many reasons, but especially because he loved Earth and found wonder and joy in all sorts of things it offered. Crowley was determined to remind him. He'd even gone to the effort to memorize a few lines from one of Shakespeare's sonnets, just in case. Whatever it took, tonight, he would get Aziraphale to eat.
He heard the front door open, then Aziraphale's confused "What on Earth...?"
"Back here, angel," Crowley called out, stepping out to where his angel could see him.
"Crowley, why's it so dark in here? Is that Vera Lynn I hear? What in the world are you... up to?" Aziraphale came to an abrupt halt, his eyes widening, as his attention landed on the carefully set table and waiting bottle of wine.
Fresh nerves pelted through the demon. If this didn't work... He refused to flinch away from the cerulean gaze that lifted to his. A small, nervous smirk flickered at his lips.
"C'mon, angel. Sit." He nodded toward the chair where the cloche was situated.
"Oh, Crowley." Aziraphale's expression softened, and he stepped up before the demon, lifting one hand to stroke Crowley's cheek. "You silly, wonderful demon. You didn't have to--"
"Yeah," Crowley snagged Aziraphale's hand and brought it to his lips to place a kiss to the angel's palm, never breaking their joined gazes, "I did. I need you to eat, angel. You promised me you'd try, and I can't bear to watch any more of the light go out of your eyes. Please."
Aziraphale's eyes widened, tears gathering there before spilling down his cheeks. Nodding, he leaned up to press a soft kiss to Crowley's lips. Then, without another word, he settled himself at the table. Crowley stepped up behind his chair, leaning to nuzzle a kiss against the side of Aziraphale's head as he reached for the cloche and whisked it away, revealing the Crêpes Suzette beneath. Against the angel's ear, he murmured, "Eat. I know they're your favorite."
He moved around the table and sank into the seat at a right angle to Aziraphale's, pouring them both a glass of Aziraphale's favorite Chateauneuf de Pas as he watched his angel's eyes light up at the sight of the food on the plate in front of him. Unfortunately, he also saw the dimming of that light under the weight of whatever fear was holding Aziraphale back. His heart wrenched and his throat tightened, watching the angel's hand tremble as he slowly picked up the fork. Aziraphale swallowed hard and glanced up at Crowley with eyes that screamed save me before the fork dropped from his shaking hand to clatter against the plate.
Crowley's heart plummeted. Moving to Aziraphale's side as the angel's eyes welled with tears, the demon crouched beside his angel's chair and wrapped his arms around Aziraphale, long fingers burrowing in blond curls as he cradled the back of his lover's head, feeling Aziraphale's tears dampening his neck where the angel's face was buried. His heart wrenched again when his angel clung to him, trembling hands fisted in the back of Crowley's shirt.
They stayed like that for long moments, only the soft tones of Vera Lynn's voice and the notes of musical instruments floating in the air as they clung to one another, an angel quietly sobbing and a demon uncertain if he was more pained that he couldn't help, or angry that Heaven had caused enough harm it might not be fixable.
No. He pressed his lips to the side of his angel's head in silent promise. He wasn't going to let the Metatron win. The wanker was gone -- burned to fucking ash. He didn't get to take Aziraphale's happiness with him.
"I love you more than life, angel, but I can't help if you can't tell me what's wrong," he rasped against Aziraphale's ear.
Aziraphale heaved a watery sigh, but only clung tighter as he mumbled an inelegant, "Th-they t-told me I... I sullied myself, t-that I was d-disobedient, and c-couldn't be i-in c-charge until I l-left b-behind Earthly th-things."
And just like that, Crowley wished he could resurrect the Metatron and all his sycophants, just for the pleasure of taking them apart one tiny piece at a time. They died too easy.
"They're gone, angel. You're still here. And, might I remind you, God left you in charge of both Heaven and Earth, this time. Seems if anything the Metatron said had any bloody merit, God wouldn't've done that, yeah?"
Aziraphale sucked in a small breath, and sighed again. "Even Gabriel said--"
Crowley hissed. If Gabriel was behind this, Crowley was about to incur the wrath of the former Grand Duke of Hell, because he'd rip Gabriel apart with his bare hands. He couldn't believe he'd let Aziraphale talk him into helping to protect the bastard.
"You," he eased back enough to lay his hands on either side of Aziraphale's head and look him right in the eye, "are amazing. You're the most brilliant being I've ever known, and you're like a bloody ray of pure love and sunshine, with just enough bastard buried under there to remind people who's in charge when they get out-of-line. And one of the best things about you is how you throw yourself into every-fucking-thing, nothing held back. You get joy out of things humans take for granted, and you remind them how wonderful those things are, in the process. I've been watching you inspire their courage, honesty, grace, and love for millennia." A soft smirk tugged at his lips. "For fuck's sake, you even got a demon to love. You can't change that, angel. The world needs that. Heaven needs that."
Aziraphale was listening, his expression full of wonder, before he slid his fingers along Crowley's cheek, his palm cupping the demon's face. "And you?"
A small laugh stuttered from Crowley. Was his angel seriously even asking this question? "Angel, I need you."
Aziraphale's gaze flicked toward the plate of crêpes, and he wet his bottom lip nervously. Then, with a small nod, he met Crowley's gaze again. "All right."
With a resolute nod, Aziraphale turned in his seat, picked up the fork again, and cut off a small piece of crêpe. He paused, sitting there with the bite suspended between the plate and his mouth, a thin line of syrupy orange sauce dropping from the fork back to the plate as the angel stared at it and swallowed hard.
"It's not going to bite you," Crowley assured him gently. "It's made proper, I promise. I got the chef from Marguerite's to make them for you."
Aziraphale's surprised gaze settled on him, even as the angel raised the bite the rest of the way to his mouth. Crowley forced himself to keep drawing even breaths of air, acting like this wasn't the monumental event it was. His heart thundered in his ears and hammered in his throat, transporting him back over the millennia, leaving him once again face-to-face with an angel contemplating the wisdom of that first bite. Only, this time, that angel wasn't just a potential ally. That angel was his whole bloody heart and soul, and it would destroy him if the answer to this entreaty was ultimately "no."
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mxliv-oftheendless · 7 months
Alice in Borderland characters at Thanksgiving
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I am aware that this is incredibly dumb because Japan doesn’t have Thanksgiving lol but I just thought this would be funny. So enjoy!
I could see Arisu not even being there because his family sucks and doing a little Friendsgiving thing with Karube and Chota instead
But for fun, let’s say he does go
He’s become a master at finding places to hide and play his games and knowing when and how many times to resurface to make it seem like he isn’t hiding
Sits at the kids table
The kids definitely love him more than the adults
He encourages his cousins to steal money to pay for Fortnite skins
He ends up being the one the shyer kids open up to about their interests, and lets them because he of all people knows how it feels to get put down for your allegedly stupid interests
He (begrudgingly) lets his little girl cousins drag him to the bathroom to raid the makeup drawers and put makeup on him
He dramatically gasps and tells the girls he loves it to make them happy though
Doesn’t get involved in the family drama, but definitely loves to watch the shit go down
Avoids his more conservative relatives and their political conversations like the plague
Last to arrive, first to leave
Also sits at the kids table because they’re way more fun than the adults
He gets food with his shyer cousins so they don’t have to go by themselves
His designated contribution is the alcohol (he also brings pop for the kids)
Sometimes he’ll make a side dish and it’s always surprisingly completely eaten by the time the night’s over
Tries not to get involved in the political debates… but he almost always gets involved because of that one homophobic uncle
That one homophobic uncle always leaves with a black eye
He watches the family drama and definitely spills the tea to Arisu and Chota at their Friendsgiving
First to arrive and is immediately put to work in the kitchen
He helps cook everything and actually gets stressed out himself in the process
He texts Arisu and Karube that he’s a horrible cook everything will taste awful this is a disaster… then two minutes later goes “Oh ok the pudding’s thickening now nevermind”
His aunts love how helpful he is and always says he’s such a Sweet Boy for helping them
Also sits at the kids table (let’s just say most of these characters sit at the kids table lol)
Knows from being Arisu’s friend that some kids will hide by themselves for a while, so he tries to make sure they don’t miss out on dinner and dessert
Has become a master at guilt tripping his more conservative family members
If one of his uncles starts saying trans kids have something wrong with them, he turns to him with the look of a kicked puppy and tearfully asks him why he would say something so mean
He doesn’t get involved in the family drama and doesn’t know the context, but when the shit starts going down he texts Karube and Arisu live updates
“Oh shit Aunt Janet told Aunt Carol she’s jealous she doesn’t have a husband OH SHIT AUNT CAROL THREW HER DRINK AT HER WHILE I WAS TYPING THAT”
Doesn’t like Thanksgiving because of both the history behind it and her family, but always decides to suck it up and go anyway
Arisu keeps inviting her to Friendsgiving, but she doesn’t want to impose on the guys’ little tradition
If nothing else, than at least she won’t have to cook dinner for herself for once
She quietly helps out in the kitchen
If she brings anything, she brings a side dish that’s not too difficult to make
Either sits at the kids table or sits by herself
She sadly becomes the relative that listens intently to everyone else’s stories and chatter, but gets cut off when she tries to talk about what she’s been up to
She doesn’t get involved in any political debates, but has become an expert at humbling relatives who have awful takes with Judging Looks
She does get a little vindictive enjoy from telling her male relatives that politics makes them really emotional and she doesn’t want to talk to them when they’re so high-strung
Shares the family drama that goes down with Arisu and they laugh about it together
Hates Thanksgiving and everything about it
Only goes for three things: the food, the wine, and the drama
Inadvertently ends up becoming the babysitter of his toddler-age cousins
He has no idea why or how, but at least the toddlers provide some entertainment
Never brings anything, except a bottle of wine that he exclusively keeps for himself
(And maybe his teenage cousins if he feels like being an enabler)
He could hypothetically destroy any of his conservative relatives in a political debate, but chooses not to because he thinks it’s a waste of time
If there’s one thing he does live for at Thanksgiving though, it’s the drama
He’s the one who keeps track of it all and fills family members in on the context of the powder keg that’s exploded this year
“Yes, Aunt Janet, we’re all aware of your devotion to essential oils. It’s too bad you couldn’t find one to keep Uncle Carl from divorcing you.” he says, calmly taking a sip of wine.
He’s been designated as the one who brings the wine because he always gets the best
Always arrives fashionably late in a flurry of flashy yet tasteful clothes and cologne
He probably ends up drinking more wine than eating the food
Jumps between sitting at the kids table and sitting with the adults
He’ll sit at the kids table because he always manages to get the kids (or Little Gremlins, as he’s affectionately nicknamed them) to spill the hot gossip to him
He’s become the relative that the younger queer relatives feel the safest coming out to
Because this man is as pan as the day is long and you cannot change my mind
Listen I genuinely feel like if I came out as non-binary to him he would cheer loudly, ask me my pronouns, then get me a celebratory drink
If any of the kids accidentally get drunk on Thanksgiving, it’s entirely his fault
He LIVES for the family drama
He not only participates, but actively instigates it
“Tell me, Carol, is Ken having another affair or was it your bleached blonde head I saw blowing him in his car?”
Then he sends Aguni pictures of Ken’s face as he tries to explain himself to a fuming Carol
Always makes sure to bring a main course dish to show off how good at cooking he is
If any of his relatives tell him his cooking sucks, he laughs and flips them off
The one all the other cousins are scared of
And yet the one the great-aunts and grandmothers all think is a nice boy
Somehow gets along with his youngest cousins the best (they’re not old enough to think he’s weird yet lol)
Eggs on their roughhousing
His four-year-old cousin is kicking his sister, his sister is kicking back, and there’s Niragi on the couch with them going “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
Could outdrink his uncles and does
Absolutely hates football games. Only puts up with them because he likes to make bets with his relatives and win every time.
Fuels the fervor of political debates by being a troll, just sits there and grins like he thinks Uncle Jim is so fucking stupid for having such incorrect opinions.
Eggs on drama from the sidelines.
Aunt Carol and Aunt Janet are squabbling, and he’s off to the side with a glass of wine going like “OHHH, are you gonna let her talk to you that way, Aunt Carol???”
Just contributes to all the chaos and does not help fix any of it lol
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ineffablelunatics · 2 months
Food/ Drinks Throughout GO2
This is a comprehensive list of all of the food and drinks in Good Omens S2. Some of these are references to food or drinks. Some are things that are consumed like the laudanum. It also mentions if they were finished. Let me know if there has been anything missed or if something is incorrect.
Episode 1
Maggie orders a flat white which Nina calls a skinny latte
Jim drinks hot chocolate given to him by Aziraphale
6 shots of espresso in a big cup nothing else, Aziraphale orders something calming which turns out to be Eccles cakes(they are not eaten and they get left on table somewhere in the bookshop)
Maggie orders an herbal tea, mint/chamomile? It never shows which one
Nina gets wine out of the back which looks to be a cheap white
Episode 2
large sherry for Azirphale, large talisker (whiskey) for crowley
Crowley drinks the wine says its promising and Aziraphale eats the ox ribs
Job’s children ask if Aziraphale brought the wine for the party
Episode 3
double americano with oat milk and hazelnut syrup for Ms. Sandwich’s girls
Aziraphale gives Muriel a cup of tea whilst he drinks his own. Muriel mostly stares at it and likes the way it heats their hands
Aziraphale eats the travel sweets in the Bentley
Crowley, Aziraphale, Dowrimple, all drink whiskey whilst talking as doctors
*when Az goes to the The Ressurectionist pub, he never drinks
Elspeth gets the poison from Dowrimple with the money says she’ll buy wine with it instead of gin(gins faster, wines fancier)
Crowley drinks the laudanum
Episode 4
fire in Hell that Furfur spills on himself and Shaz chugs
Crowley gives the bottles to Mrs. H but they were broken. 80% proof whiskey
not actually food, but something thats eaten was the zombies eat the man that was singing once they wake up
Zombie eats the magic man
AzCrow drink some type of red wine at their 1941 date
Episode 5
Crowley drinks red wine after he finds out he is in love with Aziraphale 
Finishes his wine bottle when he goes to see Gabriel
Crowley makes Jim hot chocolate
The Ball people drink wine and eat tiny little dinners from Gabriel not sure what they are though
Episode 6
Demons make fun of Aziraphale wanting “big human meals”
Gabriel offers demons hot chocolate
Peanuts in front of G and B
Some liquor that humans normally consume or two regular pints for G and B with a packet of crisps, neither drink or eat
Maggie goes gets different milks for Nina
large oat milk latte with a dash of almond syrup for Aziraphale ordered by the Metatron(then later he says a hefty jogger of almond syrup) then says it totally should be delish 
Crowley says an extremely alcoholic breakfast at the Ritz
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greetingfromthedead · 2 months
Green Horror (Wolfwood x GN!Reader)
Plot: You catch a cold and Wolfwood has a magic remedy you aren't too happy with.
Pairing: Wolfwood x GN!Reader
Raiting: Everyone
Tags: domestic fluff, sickfic, hurt/comfort, flu, common cold, caretaking, banter, play fighting, forceful administration of medicine, some swearing, WW is a little shit
Word count: ~ 1.1k
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Author's Note: (H/Cr)appy flu and cold season! A Wolfwood sickfic to match Vash's.
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You woke up with a scratchy throat but chose to ignore it completely, certain it would go away on its own. But instead of leaving you alone, the sore throat continued to worsen throughout the day. You keep your talking to a minimum, afraid your voice will be gone before long. You keep a low profile, avoiding Wolfwood and slinking between the kettle and the bed. You really don't want him to know that you're feeling a bit poorly. It's better to just soldier through and hope it passes soon. You'll get better with tea, rest, and willpower; you're sure of it. Just stay quiet, and hope he doesn't notice.
As you settle into bed after getting your fifth cup of tea, you feel the scrathing getting worse. You hurried a little too fast out of the living room, where he was tinkering with something you didn't see. Now you are a bit winded, and the heavy breathing causes your lungs to spasm violently. You try to muffle the sound with your blanket, but it's too late.
"Did I hear you coughing?" Wolfwood's voice sounds from the other room.
"No, you didn't!" you reply, nearly starting another coughing fit.
Footsteps approach, and you see his figure appear in the doorway as you settle into bed, holding the cup and book with as much composure as you can muster. You look over to him with a forced smile. You're not very good at acting natural around him when you have something to hide.
"Really?" He leans against the doorframe and acts nonchalant. "Man, I must be hearing things then. I could have sworn I heard some coughing. I must be wrong."
"Wouldn't be the first time." You turn your gaze to the book again, but you have completely lost where you left off.
"Yeah… Guess my eyes are also playing tricks on me, and you don't actually have a red nose and puffy eyes, Doll."
You can feel his eyes on your skin, and you shift the book to hide your face from him.
"Yeah, you should get them checked, or perhaps go take a nap. You're being delusional." You swallow, but you manage to do it just a little bit wrong, irritating your throat in a way that makes you cough again, and you nearly spill some tea. You quickly cover your mouth with your arm, trying to hide your face from him.
Wolfwood lets out a laugh, and you glare at him.
"I'm glad it's just a cold!" He chuckles with his arms crossed. "I thought you were mad at me! You've been avoiding me all morning! A cold I can deal with. But if you were actually mad at me, I wouldn't know what to do."
He pushes off the doorway to head out, and you know what's coming next.
"No! Nico! Come back!" you yell after him as he disappears. This outburst was too much and leaves you coughing again.
"I will be in a bit! Stay put!" You hear his voice calling out to you, and a shiver runs up your spine.
You put aside your book and sip on your tea, comforting your burning throat. You're halfway done and feel much better by the time Wolfwood comes back, and you see that he is holding something.
"No! Go away!" You try to be commanding, but you see the grin on his face.
"But, love, it's my duty to take care of you. In sickness and in health. Right?" He approaches you, and you see the green liquid in the shotglass he is holding.
"Lucky, we aren't married. Feel free to leave. Don't bring that near me!" You point at his hand holding the mysterious concoction.
"Oh, Poppet, don't be like that." He is unable to mask the amusement in his tone. "I'm here to cure you! It's Miss Melanie's recipe! All the kids in the orphanage got rid of their cold with this magic potion."
"I don't care. I'm not drinking that." You scoot further along the bed after putting away your mug. "It's horrendous!"
"Don't be dramatic, darling," he purrs as he reaches your bed. "It's just a little booster, and you'll be all better."
"I don't need it!" You say a bit nasally, "I just need to drink tea and rest. I'll be better tomorrow!"
"But this will fix you in an hour." A mischievous glint appears in his eyes like a cat hunting a mouse for sport. "Won't you take it willingly?"
You shake your head rabidly. "No thanks. I'll stick to my tea."
Your mind is more sluggish than you realized, since before you can truly react and roll away from him, Wolfwood has already bounced. He left the green horror on the nightstand as he wraps you tighter in the blanket and sits on top of you.
"Piss off!" You try to fight him off, but he catches your arms and tucks them under the blanket that he keeps tightly around you like a straitjacket with his knees. "You little shit! Get off me!"
You feel another fit coming on despite your soothed throat. Wolfwood just laughs and says, "Calm down; it's for your own good."
"Never! I know what an atrocious concoction that is!" You try to wiggle out of your captivity with no results. Wolfwood smirks and reaches for the shotglass. "I'll cough on you! Then you'll be sick too!"
"No worries, Poppet, I'll just drink one of these and be better in no time." He raises the glass like he is cheering you, "Now do me a favor and hold still."
To your surprise, he downs the horrible green liquid himself, but before you realize what is happening, he grabs hold of your face and presses his mouth on yours. As a reflex, your lips part a little for the kiss, but that's your mistake, since the bitter and sour taste of the so called medicine engulfs your tongue as Wolfwood forces it into your mouth. You don't want to taste the horror, so you swallow it quickly.
Wolfwood loosens his grip on your face and pulls away with a satisfied expression.
"Wasn't so bad, was it, baby bird?" he laughs.
"Bleh!" you let out a disgruntled noise and stick your tongue out. "I hate you!"
"I love you too, Doll!" He chuckles and places a gentle kiss on your forehead before getting off you. "You'll be better in an hour, promise!"
And that annoying fucker is right.
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