#actually i wonder if he talks to other plants or if it's just that tree or anomalies?
danieyells · 4 months
Re: Towa's voicelines
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What do you mean we don't know his blood type.
They run health checks on everyone and you're telling me in the year he's been here they somehow haven't found out? They have everyone else's bloodtypes, firstyears included, but Towa's is unknown?? If anyone else had an unstated blood type it'd be a little less suspicious but like. . . .
Next, his stigma. He controls weather. That's like six powers in practice? I know he has an incantation because he has an audio clip of it in the files, but he uses it exclusively in his head so far and. . .i find it hard to believe he's always reciting it when it responds to his emotions? Like his instinctive response to any minor irritation is to recite his stigma in his head? Maybe that's just me but it seems unlikely?
He's also constantly running around and using it even in casual situations. The only other person who uses their stigma that much is Leo and that's because he's using it to spy on people. Towa just silently changes the weather for fun and because he's been angered or offended or Haru was hurt or Ren was mildly irritating or whatever. He causes whole snowstorms and lightning and rain showers at the drop of a hat. Most people don't even realize he's doing it and just blame the weird weather!
Not to mention that when he was gone for more than a day Jabberwock's nature was suddenly in chaos??? The waters dried up, the sky was dark, he's the only thing keeping that place kind of temperate.
So his control of weather understandably makes anomalies obey him--animals know not to fuck with nature. But in the undersea palace the anomalies didn't know that, he just. . . .
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Jin would be jealous at how easily things just do what Towa tells them to. He just MAKES THEM SO INTIMIDATED THEY KNEEL BEFORE HIM AND STAY OUT OF HIS WAY. Young anomalies like Peekaboo and Calamari don't even need him to do anything around them before they feel scared of him--just having him nearby stresses them out sometimes afair? That's not him using his stigma. That's just him. Anomalies are just obedient to him and scared of him. Considering the weather responds to his emotions it's entirely possible the entire island anomaly Darkwick is on is scared of him and just changes patterns if he gets upset to try and get rid of his problems.
Speaking of the undersea palace, why can he smell Haru? Maybe I'm misremembering but even Taiga, the guy who eats people, never seems to suggest he has any scent awareness of them? Also they're underwater, several hallways away??? But he still smells him?????
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And he just follows Haru's scent to him, down the halls, under the sea. . . .
Next. . .Towa's total lack of regard for the lives and wellbeing of others. When told that people went missing in a way that says they're almost definitely dead, he was happy. Haru had to tell him, no that's a bad thing. Based on his expression I'm not entirely sure he agrees.
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Towa is clearly capable of self-determination. He has no problem whatsoever doing things without instruction. But if he doesn't want to do something he needs to be given an explanation he likes to comply. Even if it means saving the life of someone he cares about. You beg him with tears in your eyes to save everyone and he still thinks about it before deciding he'll do it. Even though he's the one who told you to ask him.
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TRY GROVELING HARDER. HE LIKES IT WHEN THEY BEG. it has the feeling of 'i'll grant your wish but you have to wish for it' y'know? like a demon? remember when Taiga showed you his demon impression and did something similar?
Another thing relating to the wellbeing of people he enjoys. . .he adores Haru. He electrocutes animals that even remotely offend Haru let alone hurt him.
Also, he handles Haru with 0 delicacy despite his broken leg.
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And when you're in the water and he sees Haru and wants to rescue him he drags you back under the water with 0 warning.
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Another thing displayed there and that he mentions in his home screen lines. . .he can see near perfectly in the dark? That water is pitch black, you cannot see Haru down there, but he can.
The last thing is. . .he speak to animals and plants? He already has like three other powers--he can 1. see in the dark; 2. control weather and electricity(even able to use his ability UNDER WATER, making what I think was a cyclone that was so fast and sharp it started to cut apart anything caught in it? May have been astonishingly controlled lightning though. I assume his near-flight jumps are controlling the wind to carry him higher up and he can't also almost fly); and 3. anomalies are so intimidated by him even when he can't electrocute them that they obey him and kneel at his feet!--but on top of that he can also understand any living thing that isn't a human? Like he is the only one who's exhibited the ability to understand what plants and animals say. Haru even knows and says 'you're the only one who can do this, ask the Kraken for help'.
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In his voicelines he mentions the tree telling him something about it waiting for a long time and crying. And he cries and hugs the tree too--he's more affected by the emotions of a tree than the wellbeing of his loved ones lmao
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The tree must be connected to something important. Of note, the background with this particular tree is called "kibou" in the files. "Kibou" can mean either "hope/wish/aspiration" or "ruse/trick/deception" depending on the kanji used. the positive meaning of 'hope' is more common i think--but I wonder if the double meaning is intentional? maybe i'm reading into it too much.
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apparently Towa spends a lot of time on this hill--to the point that he didn't go to the assembly where you were introduced. I assume he spends a lot of time talking to this tree. Maybe the tree knows what's going on too. Towa could be helping by way of the tree. . .but the tree could also be evil. Maybe someday we'll learn. Speaking of him not going to the assembly, when Haru mentions that you were there, Towa acts like he knows this, but Haru says he was on the hill and didn't attend. Towa proceeds to look confused, like it doesn't sound right to him that he wasn't there or wouldn't have had that information. Maybe the tree told him? Maybe he remembers things from other timelines too, like Taiga might???
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The one thing that's suspicious but also not thanks to that Taiga's also got an inhuman feature is that his pupils are a non-human shape. They look more like goat or octopus eyes than human eyes(most likely meant to be goat since he eats so many flowers.) But since Taiga's got big pointy teeth for chompin' that may not be an issue. I don't think Taiga's suspicious for having inhuman features, so Towa's eyes don't really make me feel like they're a huge point of suspicion--aside from that they add suspicion when combined with everything else ofc.
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A lot of it could be chalked up to mental illness just unique personality of course. But that doesn't explain why he's halfway to being nature incarnate.
Kaito is more believably suspicious imo because he exhibits connection to other aspects of the world in a somewhat suspicious way but like. . .Towa seems imbalanced in terms of power and abilities compared to everyone else. Everybody else gets one power and an artifact. Towa's got like 5, not including the bubble wand. And a lot of them are connected to nature.
However one could argue that his wish was to be closer to nature--and the demon took his ability to speak during the day(and perhaps took most of his empathy) in exchange for the ability to communicate with animals and plants. This is really very likely when you think about it. But it doesn't explain a few other things. Maybe he made multiple pacts or swallowed multiple demons? It'd be nice to learn someday.
Now to be fair!!! Moby, one of your teachers, is a humanoid tentacle horror anomaly who doesn't have human features so his facial expressions have to be portrayed via screen! So it's possible that Towa isn't a ghoul, he's a humanoid anomaly and he's allowed to be with the ghoul students instead and nobody explained that he's not an ex-human like everybody else--nobody seemed surprised by Professor Moby's apperance so 'anomalies as members of society' are probably somewhat normal at least by the time you're a second year. But. . .just. . .seems shady to me. Which is not a complaint i love shady characters and villains lol
BUT YEAH THOSE ARE MY LITTLE OBSERVATIONS ABOUT TOWA THAT MAKE ME SUSPECT THAT HEY MAYBE HE'S NOT HUMAN MAYBE SOMETHING'S UP. But also, thanks to the nature of that things here are anomalous to begin with, it's hard to say that these are for sure something to be suspicious over. Towa could just be insanely powerful. Maybe the demon he made a deal with was high ranking or something. Who knows. I really hope the game lasts long enough for us to find out lmao
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mochie85 · 9 months
I'll Follow You
One Shot Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: You came back to the compound, a year later after you left to make your own career, and you are worried about meeting Loki with how things ended when you left. Pairing: Romantic!Loki x OC Female Reader (Foxglove is her Superhero alias.) Word Count: Over 5.3k Warnings: Explicit. Fluff. Angst. Smut. Oral (female receiving). Shadowplay. Hallucinations.
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Loki flipped through the magazine at a hurried pace, not looking at the photos or any of the articles. His hands needed something tactile to do. Or else, he feared, he might choke someone with them.
He paused when he saw an advertisement for a watch you were modeling for. There you were—a close-up of your beautiful face. Your eyes were bright and round. Your lips were dewy and sensual. Norns, he missed those lips. Especially when they were wrapped around his…
Ugh. Why can’t I stop thinking of her?! Loki snarled under his breath as he threw the magazine halfway across the room. It landed on the floor right by Sam’s feet. “You dropped this!” Sam said picking it up from the floor. He held it up in the air, not even looking, his attention fully absorbed on the TV screen.
Everyone had gathered to watch the talk show you were appearing on tonight. They couldn’t wait to see you come out and gossip about your life or inconsequential things. The entire team supported you in your decision to leave and start your acting career—everyone, except him.
Loki wanted to leave the room. He should’ve left and not agreed to come and watch the show with the others. He was about to stand up when-
“Shh. Shh. Guys quiet down. Here she is!” Wanda said shushing the entire room.  Loki watched the enormous television, enraptured. The camera panned over to the audience, their loud applause and cheers were deafening. Signs and pictures were held up from a time when you were an Avenger. He couldn’t help but sink further into his chair and get caught up with your grace once again.
“So, Foxglove- can I still call you Foxglove?” The host asked as you sat down.
“Of course, you can,” you beamed at the man behind the desk.
“I- I don’t know the protocol for these things. Do you get to keep the name even though you’re not an Avenger anymore?”
Your practiced laugh showed through your gritted teeth. “It doesn’t work exactly like that. Foxglove is the name I gave myself. I had it with me when I started with the Avengers and took it with me when I left. It wasn’t a title or anything.”
“And did they just let you leave? I would think it was like being in the mafia. ‘You know too many of our secrets. We can’t let you out alive!’ sorta thing,” the host said, thinking he was being clever.
“My friends and colleagues have all been supportive. And I remain in close contact with most of them.”
‘Most of them.’ That statement swirled the emotions Loki was feeling inside. He was not one of those who supported you and was very vocal about it. The fact that you still keep in contact with almost everyone here left him envious.
“And that’s actually part of the reason why I’m here tonight,” you continued. “My dear friend Tony, whom many of you know as Ironman- again, not a title…” you chuckled. “…Is throwing his annual charity gala this spring. This year he decided to make it a month-long occasion with different charities and events happening once a week culminating in the yearly gala at the end of the month.”
“That’s wonderful! That’s all he does when he’s not out saving the world, is party, huh?” the host said looking straight into the camera.
“Asshole!” Tony sassed under his breath, earning a few chuckles from the team.
“And what exactly is your part in this month-long event?” The host asked you.
“Well, I plan to raise money for The Nature Conservancy here in New York. I ask everyone to come and help us plant new trees or donate. Every dollar will be matched, and we can help restore some of the forests, in other parts of the country.”
“The Nature Conservancy is a special organization for you, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s where I first worked. It’s where I first started noticing my powers.”
“Your powers are amazing! You can talk to plants!”
“Well, it’s a lot more complicated than that,” you said with restraint. “Chlorokinesis allows me to excel a plant’s growth to a thousand times what they normally can. I can also enhance their natural defenses and abilities. And like my namesake, Foxglove, I can give you hallucinations when touched.”
“Can we get a demonstration?” the host asked to the cheers of his audience. You reached out to touch him “No, no, no!” he said nervously. “I don’t need any more hallucinations right now!” you both chuckled. “Thank you. But maybe you can make a flower grow?” he suggested, and the audience cheered you on.
“Sure, of course,” you smiled, happily. You rotated your wrists and flicked them around, gesturing for a plant to grow from the host’s wooden desk. The branches wrapped around itself forming a steady trunk. Soon the branches grew out further and further. Blooming wisterias in varying colors began to sprout, amazing the audience.
You used to be unstoppable. You used to tear down enemies left and right, numbing them with your visions before you cut them down and made them regret opposing you. Now you do party tricks for the camera so you can get a laugh from people who don’t care about you. Who didn’t even love you! Loki was furious.
Once again, Loki made to get up. He was almost through the exit of the room when he heard the next question that made him stop.
“So, Foxglove, will you be attending these events alone?” The audience ‘ooh’d’ at the question when the host decided to get a little more personal. “I heard you were cozying up to a certain superhero. Do you like those types? Do you have a type? What does Foxglove look for in a partner?”
You laughed embarrassedly. “These rumors! I swear they pair me up with someone new each week.”
“Oh, but you were seen leaving a nightclub with your costar, Superman himself, Henry Cavil.” The photo was put up on the screen. A picture of the two of you laughing in front of a busy club as Henry gingerly put his arm around your shoulders. The entire room of Avengers whooped and hollered cheering you on.
“We were celebrating. We had just wrapped our movie and it was my first time in London. So, Henry just wanted to show me around. Very friendly. All platonic.” You smiled, blushing. Loki noted that blush. I’ll break him like a twig!
“Ok. Ok. What about your former colleague, Loki of Asgard?” The host asked as a picture of the two of you replaced the one on the screen.
It was a photo taken when the two of you had gotten back from a mission. You had failed and cried about it on the flight back. Loki was wiping the tears from your face, trying to cheer you up. You didn’t know the PR department was there taking shots as all of you disembarked off the jet.
The camera cut back to you and you blushed harder. Once again, Loki noted that blush. He let out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding and swallowed. Does she miss me too?
“Loki and I have remained good friends. I look forward to seeing him again,” you told the host.
Lies. Not a single word was exchanged between the two of you since you left. The last words you said to him were “I hate you! I never want to see you again!” Loki couldn’t detect any falsehood when you screamed those words at him. That hurt the most.
Everyone turned to where Loki was standing. Some, like Thor, were smiling. Mostly everyone else was shocked.
“What?!” Loki snapped back at them, making everyone turn back to the television.
“Oh! Did you hear that? She wants to see him again.” The host embarrassed you. Your powers grew erratic as a new sprout of branches grew from the tree.
The whole audience was eating it up, clapping. You tried to hide behind your hand, but the different cameras provided different angles of your mortification.
“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Foxglove, everybody!” The host said pointing towards you clapping. You laughed and waved at the audience as Wisteria petals fell from the ceiling.
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Weeks later, you sat in the back of a Maybach that Tony hired to chauffer you to the gala. This year it would be held at the compound which garnered more donations because everyone wanted to see inside the heavily guarded facility. Your intricate beaded dress fit you snuggly and covered you from shoulders to toe. It ensured that no one would accidentally come in contact with your skin. Especially with how crowded Tony’s parties got. The only wrinkle was from all the times you’ve grabbed it in anxiousness and wrung the fabric.
Why did I let Tony talk me into this?! I should’ve faked sick or something! What if Loki’s there? Of course, he’s there. Where else would he be? What if he doesn’t want to see me again? What if he has a date?! Maybe I should’ve invited Henry? No, no. He’d get the wrong idea. Just drop in, say your hellos, then leave. I don’t have to stay. I’m a grown adult. I can do what I want! FUCK! What if Loki comes and talks to me?
Once past the gates, the car crawled through a winding road with lanterns adorning the pathway. The car stopped at the front steps of the Avenger’s compound and you could hear the heavy bass of the music pounding through the car windows as bright lights and lasers littered the night sky.
You made your way through security to the massive, yet highly decorated, quinjet hangar and a sweeping staircase that descended to an impressive room below. You smiled, reminiscing about all the parties and events you attended as an Avenger- sweet memories that erased the worry you had when you were in the car. Picking up your gown, you gracefully descended the staircase. Keeping your eyes trained on the steps below, you tried not to look around, to look for him.
“Fox! I can’t believe you’re here!” Wanda shrieked as she ran up to you. She squeezed your sleeved arm and pressed her cheek on your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you, Wanda!” you said kissing the top of her hair.
“Come on. Everyone’s here- well, almost everyone,” she corrected herself. “We haven’t seen you in so long. Everyone wants to catch up.” She led you along to the bar where you were greeted by your former teammates. You were grateful that Loki wasn’t among them. He always loved these parties. You actively refused invites the past year just to avoid him. Awkward hugs and pleasantries were shared. Drinks were offered along with your first few dances promised to Sam and Wanda.
After hours of conversations with the team, and some drinks with Tony, you fell back into a sense of belonging and family. You didn’t realize how much you missed your friends here. How much you missed being an Avenger. It got so lonely most nights not having anyone to talk to. At least here, you would have had Nat or Bucky to train with in the middle of the night.
Or Loki to keep you company.
You groaned internally. You couldn’t help but be on edge all night, thinking about him and wondering if Loki was ever going to show up.
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Before leaving for the night, you excused yourself to get some fresh air. There was a greenhouse in the back glades of the compound that you frequented most nights just to be alone. You used to make the hedges grow all around, giving you a private garden away from the rest of the world.
Inside, it was as if you had never left. The plants stood tall as if to greet you. Bright flowers bloomed in different colors as if in competition to win your adoration. And in the back corner, hidden behind large monstera plants, was a cove of plush blankets and chairs that you hid from anyone ever finding. Everyone except, “Loki?”
Loki sat in the rattan chair; his legs crossed reading a magazine with your picture on the cover. He looked as breathtaking as the first time you saw him, like trouble and a promise all wrapped up in his pressed monochromatic black suit. His mischievous smile appeared, tempting you closer.
“Hello, Foxglove,” he greeted you. His voice sending shivers down your spine. Fight or flight? Fight or flight? You kept repeating in your head.
“I…didn’t know this spot was taken. I won’t bother you. Goodnight,” you hastily said as you turned to leave.
“Wait!” he cried standing up. You could feel him grab hold of your wrist. You looked down to see his shadow holding on to you like a dear friend, shadow to skin. It’s been so long since you’ve been touched. It’s been so hard to be intimate with anyone because of your body’s defense mechanism. And here was Loki, the only man who figured out a loophole to your little enigma.
“I just wanted to say…” Loki paused, staring only into your eyes. “Y-you look beautiful tonight.” You pulled your hand away from his shadow and stayed quiet. “I saw you. We… the team… saw you on the talk show. You’ve done amazing things this past year. One movie, a television show, countless endorsements.”
“Still don’t think I can make it?” you challenged.
“Fox, it was never about that!” he argued. His sudden outburst propelled him like a predator. He stalked his way closer to you, making you back into the glass wall of the greenhouse. You caught whiffs of his cologne mixed with the tropical scent of the flowers all around you. He stopped when he realized he had alarmed you. “I should not have advanced on you so quickly. I apologize.”
“It’s all right. Just habit, I guess.” You were always conscious of people touching you and getting too close. You never wanted to be the cause of their hallucinations. Loki felt relieved that he hadn’t scared you off. His shadow stood ahead of him, rubbing your arm with the back of his fingertips, trying to mollify your anxiousness.
Loki watched and waited as you settled. Jealousy festered in his body at the sight of his shadow being able to comfort you and he couldn’t. “You look… breathtaking, by the way.” He tried to soothe.
“You already said that,” you said curtly, blushing. Loki loved your blush. He loved getting under your skin and teasing you.
“Is your new lover here with you tonight? Got sick of the real superheroes, had to get yourself a pretend one?” he tried deflecting. Loki smirked looking through the glass and out to the party to see if he could spot Cavill.
“As I recall, you wanted nothing to do with me once I stepped foot out of your room,” you said quoting him from the last time you spoke. “So, it’s none of your business whether or not Henry and I are together.”
“But you are…together?” he asked. His stare was unwavering, demanding an answer to his desperate question.
“I don’t need this right now!” You were angry and speechless. He doesn’t have the right to question your life’s choices especially when he wanted no part of them in the first place.
You moved to get away from his shadow’s hold and out of the greenhouse. Loki followed you close. “Fox, please. Stop.”
“Why are you even here, Loki?” you called back, briskly walking towards the exit. “You knew this was- This was my spot. MY SPOT!” you yelled, turning abruptly towards him.
“Because I wanted a chance to talk to you in private! Without the cameras or the paparazzi. Without some life-or-death mission hanging over our heads. I needed to see your face again, without all these people trying to steal your attention away from me.” He stopped and watched you reach for the door to go outside. “I’m sorry, Vixen.”
Feelings you thought you had buried deep down inside of you started to resurface. All because of that name he used. The one he would whisper as he called for you in his arms late at night. The name he used when he made you laugh so hard the only way to stop you was to kiss you.
The one name he knew would stop you in your tracks… because it was the one name he used when he was about to touch you himself.
“I am sorry if I ever made you feel…”
“Unworthy? Incapable? Useless?!” you turned as you accused him.
“Unwanted,” he finished.
Real tears fell down your face now. Loki cupped your cheek and wiped it away with his thumb. You could feel the heat in his touch. The energy. You’ve felt it with his shadow, but there was always something electrifying and passionate when Loki touched you himself.
It was a luxury to feel this connection with someone. To feel the warmth from his fingers. The callouses in his palms. You imagined feeling his soft lips on you once again until you stopped yourself. It was a dangerous path to have such expectations right now. You opened your teary eyes to find Loki watching you.
His eyes darted around to your surroundings before he closed them and tried to focus back on you. “You are very much wanted, Vixen. I just couldn’t admit to myself how much I wanted you back then.”
He opened his eyes to yours. The swirl of emotion in them was breathtaking. It was then that you saw his true face for the first time. His emotions. His thoughts. He was stripped of his armor and his pretenses. You felt as if you two were the only thing that existed in that time and space. As if he were holding his life, right there cupped in between his hands.
Your heart pounded in your ears as he continued his confession. “I am a jealous god. You know this. I didn’t want to share you with anybody. I wanted to keep you to myself. To keep you from the world. I was afraid that you would tire of me like you did with being an Avenger. Cast me out after seeing what the world out there could offer you.”
Loki placed his forehead to yours, feeling your breath on his lips. He bared it all for you tonight. He admitted something you knew was difficult for him to confess.
But could it erase what he made you feel for wanting to follow your dreams? Horrible and selfish. Untalented. Unwanted.
“I love you.” Your eyes grew wide at his expression. “I loved you then. I’ve loved you since. I am still deeply in love with you. Even now, when you’re about to run away from me, my heart won’t let me forget you. I was afraid that I would have no place in the world that you were creating for yourself. So, for that, I am sorry.” You closed your eyes and lingered in his touch a while longer.
“I wanted to apologize. I never got a chance to see you again after our fight, and I regret that I never made amends to you. You had every right to follow your path. I shouldn’t have stopped you. I should’ve supported you.” His thumb caressed your cheeks back and forth. You always did have the softest skin, unblemished by anyone else’s touch, he thought.  “You don’t have to say it back. You don’t have to say anything at all. And if you want to leave now, I won’t stop you. Never again. But I just needed you to know how I felt.”
Do you love him? You asked yourself as you looked into his variegated eyes. Did you spend every night thinking about him? Did you ignore the compound, and your friends, this past year just to avoid seeing him again? Afraid that he would have someone new in his life? Did you miss his voice when he says your name? His kisses? His touch?
“Yes,” you answered yourself. Loki’s brows knitted in confusion. “Loki, I understand now. Thank you… what I said to you back then, I was angry, but...” you tried to start.
Loki smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “We were both angry and said things we didn’t mean. Me more than you. Please don’t apologize. Least of all to me.” He exhaled as his eyes darted around again. You nodded your head, accepting his grace- forgiving you without having to apologize.
You looked up at his eyes, filled with wonder, “What do you see? When you touch me?” you asked gently. All this time you never thought to ask him.
“I see what I always see. Since the very first time I touched you. Do you remember?” You shook your head no. “They showed a picture of it on the talk show.” Realization sunk in. “I was wiping your tears just like now.”
Loki looked around again and smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. “I see home. I see the woods that used to grow behind the castle walls. Thor and I used to sneak out when we were children and climb the trees. The same woods we used as hunting grounds when we got older. Would you like to see it?”
No one had ever asked you that before.  No one had ever had the power to do that before! You nodded and faint green smoke rose from his fingers. Your vision got blurry as the greenhouse was replaced by a dense forest. The trees were tall and luscious. Strands of warm light filtered through the canopy above shining down on the emerald grass below.
“Come with me.” Loki held your hand as he walked further into the woods. Dead leaves and twigs crunched at your feet as a soft breeze blew through the lace of your dress giving you goosebumps. “There’s a glade up ahead where we can just lay on the grass. I used to spend my free time there, letting the hours idle away.” The thought made you smile.
Sure enough, a clearing began to form up ahead. Long, soft grass weaved itself as it grew amongst large wildflowers. The filtered light from the canopy above made the blooms shine like jewels on a bed of velvet.
“I have yet to see anywhere comparable to this place on Midgard,” Loki said circling the glade, a look of homesickness in his eyes. “That metropolis has nothing compared to the splendor of these woods.”
“It’s beautiful.” You said walking towards him. A path of small wildflowers blooming with every step you made.
“Thank you. It is beautiful. But still an illusion. We are still very much in the greenhouse by the compound. You’re just seeing what I’m seeing at the moment.” You reached out towards a tree and felt cold glass instead of bark.
“You see this every time you’ve touched me? Every time we’ve…”
“Hmm,” Loki nodded solemnly. “Sometimes it's these woods. Other times it's my bedchambers in the palace. Yet, every time I’m with you, I see this- my childhood home. I haven’t been back since you left.” Loki bent down and picked up a wildflower that had grown in your stride. “I try to conjure it myself, but it never feels the same. The colors aren’t as vibrant. Not as much warmth.” He placed the flower on your ear, pushing your stray hair back. His hands ventured further down, tracing the beads of your sleeves.
“I’ve missed you,” he admitted.
“You’ve missed me? Or you’ve missed my powers and that they can bring you home?” you asked slightly jilted.
Loki looked deeply into your eyes as he turned you into his embrace. Your hands fell onto his arms and the look he gave you stole your breath away. “You are my home,” he confessed with a passion and honesty you’ve never heard from him before.  
He wasted no time. He gave you no warning as he conceded to his urges and kissed you fervidly. The soft lips you were fantasizing about earlier painted a poor picture of his actual kiss. Soft yet demanding. Giving, yet always ravenous. It was as if no time had passed between you two. You were back in his arms kissing him and it felt like he described it. Home.
“All I ever wanted was to have you here in my arms,” he breathed in between kisses. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling him back to you for another kiss. His arms wrapped selfishly around you, holding you tighter to him.
The heat was too much. It’s been so long since you’ve been held so intimately. But with Loki’s lips devoted to your neck, you would burn gladly. You would die happily on this pyre- as the last thing you would hear would be Loki moaning in your ears.
You were lost in his haze, caught up in the moment with the feel of his body against yours. He pushed you against the tree and you felt the cold glass of the greenhouse against your back.
Loki towered over you, “Tell me you want this,” he whispered onto your noxious skin. “Tell me you’ve missed this and want this with me.” He looked into your eyes, imploring something deep and vulnerable inside you.
“I do, Loki. I want this with you” You moaned holding tight against his grip. You felt his hands gather your dress skirt. Slowly his hands wandered, savoring the feel of your soft skin. His hallucinations were getting more and more vivid. Believable. Or perhaps it was just his kiss, sending you into slight delirium yourself.
Loki hurriedly took off his suit jacket and flung it across the room. He knelt in front of you, in between your parted legs as he raised your left knee above his shoulders- kissing his way up to your inner thighs. “Loki is this real?” you asked looking around you.
“Gods, I hope so,” he prayed, leaving a mark on your thigh. He kissed his way up to your core and licked you through the fabric of your panties. You heard the sheer cotton tear as his fingers brushed up against your eager clit.
Your fingers ran through his hair, pulling when he licked a wide stripe in between your folds. Your knees buckled at the sensation and soon you were reaching around yourself for something to hold. Something to keep you up as Loki lost himself in your wet arousal.
The cold glass of the greenhouse was replaced by the feeling of something warm and sturdy behind you. You looked up to see that Loki’s shadow had positioned himself to where his chest was flushed against your back- his dark hands roaming your body. His arms reached forward to hold your dress up above your waist, aiding Loki in his endeavors.
You felt a kiss on your neck, a quick peck as if he was asking for permission or giving you a warning. You yelped as his shadow quickly lifted you by your hips and Loki pushed both your knees up for his shadow to hold.
“Yes, my love?” he asked as he continued to latch his mouth and draw on your aching cunt. Loki’s shadow spread your legs. You were splayed open and exposed. Leaving Loki to devote his tongue to you. You reached up and ran your hands through his shadow's hair, pulling as he sweetly kissed your neck.  
You couldn’t help the moans and loud whimpers escaping your lips. You bucked your hips onto Loki’s face as your head reared back onto his shadow’s shoulders.
“Come for me, Fox. Let me hear you,” he commanded as he continued his consumption of you. “Let me taste you again. Give me what I’ve been missing. What I’ve been craving.” He said the last words to your tormented clit. You shuddered violently as moans and whimpers of his name fell from your lips. “That’s it. There you go, Vixen,” he cooed as he drank your arousal and lapped around your thighs.
His shadow laid you down gently and you felt the plush pillows and cold blankets from the greenhouse corner underneath you. A warring sensation against the heat of Loki’s body pressed on top of you. A bit of reality mixed in with the illusion Loki was scarcely hanging on to.
His hands fondled your every curve and every soft line. You cupped his face and led him to your kiss. His soft lips quivered when you reached in between your bodies and stroked his clothed erection. So hard and so tight. He breathed a sigh of relief when you unzipped his pants and stroked him.
“Fuck,” he moaned. Your name followed next as he bucked his hips into your hand. “Vixen…tell me you’re mine,” he panted. He kissed you hard, not letting you reply, afraid of your answer. You lined him up next to your expecting cunt and pulled him inside you.
You bit your lip and moaned as the look of pure pleasure radiated through your face. “Tell me…” he tried again as he pushed his hips into you repeatedly.
“I love you, Loki,” you moaned. His eyebrows slanted skeptically, stilling his movements and letting your words sink into his thoughts. “I’ve always been yours.” You admitted.
His kiss was magic. It was passion and life. Remorse and reconciliation all at once. He began his movements again at a steady pace, savoring your tight walls around him. You could feel the ridges on his shaft with every euphoric pull and thrust. His head bowed at the sheer power of your declaration. “Say it again…” he whispered.
“I’m yours,” you moaned.
“…say it…” he bit his lips. “…ag-again…please…” His eyes were closed as he focused on the agonizingly drawn-out movements of his hips to yours.
“I love you, Loki,” you cried as he slammed against you. You squeezed around him finally pushing him off that edge. Loosening the tight hold he had on his pleasure and pouring it all into you. The wave of bliss hit you hard and you came onto his throbbing cock at the same time.  
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Spent and panting next to you, Loki held you close. His kisses were endless. Your cheeks and jaw would be bruised tomorrow from the affection he was showering you with. His hands were always touching you. Your neck, your face. Your thigh that was wrapped around his legs. You lost all track of time being with the god of mischief and soon the bright sunlight that trickled down to the forest floor was replaced by the harsh glare of the greenhouse overhead lamp.
Loki had little strength left to keep the illusion up any longer. He seemed weary but content. You kissed him fleetingly as you sat up back to reality. “Stay,” he said softly. “The one thing I didn’t say last time…I’m saying it now. Don’t go. Stay.” His hands held yours tightly.
So many feelings were attached to that one word. The weight of it crushing your heart. “I’m not asking you to give up your life. I’m not asking you to stay just for the night either. I’m asking for you to just be,” he smiled at you. “Be who you want to be and I will support you like I should have.”
You crawled back to him, settling your head on your propped-up elbows, while your other hands played with the buttons on his shirt. “And if I decide to go?”
“Then I’ll do the one thing I should’ve done last time but didn’t.” he smiled as you looked at him expectantly. “I’ll follow you.”
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A/N: This was a request sent in and I'm sorry to say it took this long for me to finish it. I hope you like it my lovely @gruftiela. I tried to stick to the vibe of the song. But I also added lyrics from one of my other favorite Depeche Mode songs. See if you can spot it 😝.
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @psychospore @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @cjand10 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @chrisevansmaindish
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mushroomates · 8 months
merry headcanons
as a child, he sincerely believed he could talk to cats. this ended at age 13.
can do cartwheels. pippin cannot. this is brought up in arguments more frequently that imagined
has a filter, contrary to some of what he says. he also acts as pippins filter
possesses an uncanny ability to sniff out weed. can tell the quality of such by smell alone. can also tell you where it may have come from, and how it was grown
has a small patch of cannabis growing in a back room of his estate. it used to be a sunroom but is now a greenhouse/weed lab.
merry religiously documents it’s growth, soil conditions, exposure to light, and most importantly: potentness
unfortunately this has manifested in a very strong but unpleasant tasting plant. this sort is hearty, can grow under any conditions, but really just tastes/smells. absolutely awful.
he did try and recruit sam into helping him until sam realized what was going on and wanted “no business in such a practice”
uses samples saved from the whole Saruman takedown and propagates what he can. also keeps some for comparison. he is very organized with this and has a whole spreadsheet he references frequently
merry also likes to know where everything is at all times. he’s not super weird about it but everything does have its place and he will know if you move it
got into furniture making. makes. questionable, ‘innovative’ ‘contemporary’ and ‘unique’ pieces
in reality it’s because he likes to make chairs that specifically make people want to leave because of how uncomfortable they are
like. he loves his family. but sometimes they get the squeaky chair. there’s a table with one leg slightly smaller than the rest that makes everyone uneasy. a couch that is just too low to the ground and cushy, so that you sink in but your legs are cramped. there’s a chair with the back curved slightly too steep, so when someone sits in it their posture is terrible. it also has a shorter than normal seat so you can’t scoot forward either
it’s not torture. people can endure it. it’s just mean to make sure no one does for very long.
this set is strategically in the foyer, so if he likes you well enough you’re granted entity into the living room with normal furniture. which is very tastefully decorated and has framed artwork of his many nieces and nephews.
he absolutely adores the littlest members of the shire and will spoil them however he can
draws maps of the most absurd things. just. maps that no one even asked for but are delightfully absurd
“directions to bagend, avoiding all dogs, aunts, sheep and red mail boxes” “brandybuck estate, but only the trees” “every pub in the shire, and who to avoid on your way back from a good time”
and, famously, “pippins brain”
this is a circle, and in it, two singular dots
one saying “pipe weed” and the other “bad ideas”
there use to be a third dot, that said “lack of cart wheels” but that has been a angerly scribbled out (culprit is still a ‘mystery’ )
decent navigational skills
of course, no one listens to him.
judges the annual pie contest
is actually. really good at it. has a very defined palette dispute the copious amount of weed he smokes
“is that rubarb? it adds a wonderful complexity to the strawberry and pistachio- though, i’d recommend not using molasses next time instead try brown sugar.”
like. merry. why do you know these things.
also judges the pie EATING contest. this is because there is a scandalous amount of cheating and he was part of a huge pie-in-the-trousers bust and now sits in the jury as an esteemed member
pippin thinks he’s a traitor to the cause. this is because pippin was a primary perpetrator in said pie-in-the-trousers bust.
has two pet rabbits. by pets i mean fellow members of the “raiding farmer maggots crops” club, who he saved from a few rodent traps and took home
merrys morals, to recap, does not allow him to permit pie-crimes, but he is totally okay with casual thievery
did not have the heart to said rabbits as they were cut from the same cloth. he let them out the back yard once he got home and they just. kind of. stayed
their names are gandalf and gandalf because ones gray and ones white. many hobbits have been taking after that and also naming their animals gandalf. this of course pisses gandalf off to no end.
is a great babysitter. mature enough to not get into trouble but still has a childish sense of adventure, and lots of stories
he is the trusted fun uncle. pippin being the reckless fun uncle.
he acts stories out more than tells them to the kids, as his way with words is not so great as his way with sound effects.
also makes his own sock puppets and will occasionally put on small shows for the kiddos during family gatherings. fan favorites are “merry takes down the witch-king” “the march of the ents” and “the hobbit who couldn’t cartwheel” (the last ends with the hobbit simply learns to accept that everyone has different talents- something not true to life because pippin still hasn’t accepted this)
is high key very smart. doesn’t do a lot with this. he prefers to enjoy the simple things in life, and has found that so long as he makes sure he and his are looked after, life can be very easy.
that being said. he is not as care free as he’d like to be
is very prepared and well organized. has rations for days and a go-bag, even in his later years. everyone mocked him for years but it took him maybe ten minutes to grab everything and join up with frodo and sam. he also has extra go-bags, which is why it only took pippin 15 minutes (an extra five because pippin lost his bag about two seconds after merry gave it to him)
merry got the “anxiety” hobbit gene that manifests in being (only slightly) a prepper. there’s cans of beans and fruit as well as bottled water hidden in the cellar of the brandy-buck estate. enough food to last nearly five years, but for a hobbit, three.
this gives him peace of mind, as he knows he is prepared for whatever life gives him
he also knows he has braved many things before and anything that may come now will be significantly less of a hardship
he will never have to face down another witch-king, or more importantly, go without second breakfast
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cheerleaderman · 16 days
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[SR] Flori and Rolene Orielle - Golden Frost Festival
Event by - @the-rini-rush
Flori-The Forest here is just as lovely as at home
Rolene (they/them)- So many huge trees! What to see who can climb higher
Another RSA student pops in but in all seriousness Rapunzel has twins in EAH and these two were raised as twins for the majority of their life also based from Rapunzel so I had to put both.
Mention of Hopper @theolivetree123 and Flori @bunniehunn
Voice lines under cut
🏵️- Flori ? I didn’t think she would agree to come…our names? It’s not that difficult to tell which Flori people are talking about if not others would just refer to us by our last names.
🏵️- I wondered what plants I could find around here…oh! look at this one I never seen something like this before.
🏵️- I enjoy walking in woods it’s calming and of course I got a good amount of supplies in my basket here.
🏵️-Jack seems a bit embarrassed about his outfit but he looks good in it.
🏵️- Rolene would be at the top of those in seconds, do I know how to climb? Of course I chased Them up trees plenty of times thinking that they could escape me.
🌤️- Hopper is more relaxed here than at school, look he even got a bunch of leaves in his hair.
🌤️- I don’t have a problem with NRC students but Flori said that they take the rivalry more seriously and even give him some flack for being nice to us…
🌤️- I asked Jamil about Flori and I got told of the time he drank poison at their dorm and argued with the housewarden about it. I’m not really surprised actually…
🌤️- I grew up mainly in the forest so I’m not really scared at all make sure not to provoke anything.
🌤️- Tired? Let’s ask everyone to take a break then and eat up while we’re at it
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Please Fix the Story pt 28- The Higher Realm
New part is up! More with Liam and Bel!
Masterpost linked here
A few days passed, and although it couldn’t be said that I grew stronger in this realm, at least I wasn’t any weaker. Every morning Liam would bring me a cup of his blood, and I would drink it silently, pretending not to notice the strange color and taste.
Despite the need for blood to keep me alive, the days were surprisingly fun. Liam and I would go out each morning and explore the forest. We would find more rocks for his collection, and the rare patches of fruits or edible plants that had survived in this life-stealing realm. We spent the time talking, learning about each other.
“You know I actually like this forest quite a bit.” He said one day as we walked, his hands idly picking dying leaves from the branches as we passed by.
The confession caught me off guard. “I thought you called this place your cage.” A cage for a monster, in fact, which Liam is the furthest thing from.
“Well that’s not the forest’s fault! It might seem a bit lifeless and dull at first, but the close you watch it, the more things you can discover!” He grinned, the expression bringing a warmth in my heart. “There’s the stubborn trees and flowers that survive, the occasional crow and insect! Sometimes when I’m fly… when I’m running through the forest, I see so many different types of life I can’t even count them! There’s something new to find every day!”
Soo.…Liam can fly, right? He definitely said fly.
I didn’t say anything to him about it, though. He clearly was hiding something about himself. He was just as clearly extremely bad at keeping secrets. But I never pressed him. I just hoped that when he felt comfortable enough, he would tell me. Watching him laugh and talk about exploring his realm… his cage... and finding the beauty in it made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. What a wonderful person…or whatever it is that he is.
I watched him continue to explore with an excited look, unable to hold back a smile myself.
No matter what Liam really is, nothing could be worse than the company I was keeping in the higher realm. I forcibly turned my thoughts away as they drifted towards Adonis and his betrayal. No use wasting any time or energy on him.
Looking ahead, my eyes widened in shocked delight as a I spotted a familiar object.
“Are those apples?!”
Liam rushed ahead, still much stronger than I was even with his blood, and examined the fruit closely. Finally, he picked one with a broad smile. “It is! I didn’t even know there were any apples in this world! See I told you! Something new every day! Let’s take a break!”
He cleaned off a tree stump and helped me sit down, before leaning on a tree nearby. I pointed at the fruit in his hand, unable to contain my excitement. “Can I have one too?” I had eaten nothing but meat for the past few days, and although Liam’s cooking had improved by leaps and bounds, I was still craving something else.
“Of course, no need to ask!  This one is for you!” Liam pulled a knife from his belt and began peeling the apple. His actions were neat and efficient, with the ease of familiarity. It took only a few moments, and then the freshly peeled fruit was passed over to me.
I held it in my hands, confused. “Liam… How did you know I like peeled apples?”
Liam grabbed another fruit, preparing to peel that one as well. “You told me.” He seemed unconcerned.
“No… I didn’t.” I thought back to our conversations over the past few days. Apples had never come up.
Or had it?
“Why the hatred for the apple peel?” The young man seemed genuinely curious from his tone of voice as he handed me a freshly peeled fruit.
A brief memory, flashed before my eyes.  
“No… you did… I think.” Liam’s hands paused and his brow furrowed, something deep within his eyes seemed to flicker and grow.
Silence stretched between us.
Unnerved, I tried to stand up. At the quick movement, I felt lightheaded, almost falling to ground. Liam rushed forward, the apple in his hands dropping to the ground, and caught me, hugging me tightly in his arms. His eyes stared into mine, with only a short space between them.
His eyes were so familiar. I could feel it, even if the memory was just out of reach.
My hand brushed his face, tracing his eyes.
“Who are you, Liam?” I whispered. “How did I know you before I met you? How do you remember things about me I’ve never said?”
Liam turned bright red, but his hands tightened around me, refusing to let me fall. “I’m sorry Bel. I don’t know the answers to your questions.” He gently set me back down on the stump.
“I don’t really even know who I am, other than what others have told me. I’m a villain. I’m a monster.”
He picked up the fallen apple from the ground, cleaning it on his shirt.
 “But even if I don’t know much…  I know what you are, Bel.”
I watched his actions, curious. “What am I?”
He smiled, then turned and walked back to the tree to pick more apples to take home.
“You are a treasure.”
I didn’t know what he meant or how to respond to that, so I sat in silence until he came back to help me up. Together we went back to the cave. Back home.
*** Soul transfer 37% complete. ***
After the apple incident more days passed. Without Liam’s blood I knew I would be close to death. But together, we had found our own little peace in this barren world. I was happy, happier than I had ever been in the months in the higher realms traveling with Adonis. Our forced, stifling partnership had been my only social interaction for so long, that I had become resigned to it, considered it normal. Now, I was slowly getting used to being around someone who actually listened to me… cared about me. It was frighteningly addictive, this caring. I wouldn’t, I couldn’t go back to the higher realm, even beyond the desire to spite Adonis and his stupid fate.
But as happy as I was, there were lingering concerns:
First, was the knowledge that Adonis would come back. As much as I hoped never to see him again, I knew it was the inevitable outcome. He had sent me here, yes, but not to die. I wasn’t sure yet what his plan was, but I knew it was going to involve his eventual return.
Not being willing to sit around moping about, I quickly began planning about how to “welcome him” when he did. A few mornings I left into the forest on my own to set up the surprise. Liam was a little concerned when he saw me sneaking around, but I persuaded him it would be worth the wait. I let out an evil laugh as I did so, and strangely enough, the sound seem to reassure him.
The laugh also prompted another change in the glowing blue counter that followed me.
*** Soul transfer 49% complete. ***
The counter was the second concern. It had gone up steadily over the time I had been in this realm, with no clear indicator for the source of its growth. I did think that Liam’s presence might be a catalyst given how slowly it had grown over the time I had been in the higher realm, but I couldn’t quite figure out what about him or my interactions with him was driving it upwards.
Even more infuriating, since the counter had hit 49 percent, it once again was stuck and hadn’t moved. I had grown used to it slowly ticking upwards throughout the day, but now 2 days had passed and it didn’t budge. Any experiments to recreate moments that had led to prior growth ended in failure. I found this incredibly frustrating, wishing I could find whoever was responsible for putting this counter in my head and beat them to a pulp. As that didn’t appear to be a viable option, however, I finally decided to ignore it again.
There was one last thing that kept my time in this realm from being truly happy:
Every night, Liam was forced into a lower realm.
It took me a while to realize it was happening so regularly. I had seen him fall out of the portal when I first arrived, but had heard no similar sounds since. He would say goodnight to me with a bright smile, close the door to my room, and when I woke up in the morning, he had breakfast ready with the same happy demeanor. He never gave any indication that something was wrong, or that he had suffered in any way, and so I continued forward in blissful ignorance.
Until last night.
I had gone to bed, and Liam and wished me goodnight and closed the door like usual. A few minutes later, however, I had a strange feeling that something was wrong. Unable to shake my uneasiness, I stood back up and opened the door. From a different room I could hear the clinking of metal and a muffled grunt of pain. Following the noise, I opened a different door, to a room I hadn’t explored before, not since he had expanded his cave during one of my solo wanderings. As the door swung open, I felt my heart drop.
Liam was in chains.
A glowing portal, similar to the one I had seen him fall from before, hovered before him. Metal chains had extended out from the edges of the portal, wrapping themselves around Liam’s arms and legs. He looked defeated but not surprised by his binding, fighting it uselessly. Slowly the chains started to retract, pulling him into the portal.
“Liam!” I tried to run forward but struggled to move as quickly as I wanted. Liam looked up at my shout, his face shocked for a moment before giving me a sad smile.
“Don’t worry, Bel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“No!” I cried out, reaching out just as the portal closed around him. My fist slammed on the bare wall that was left behind.
I felt uncontrolled rage. The sight of him in chains… his sad resignation… I couldn’t bear it. I thought about Liam calling himself a monster.
BAM! The skin of my hand broke under the force as I slammed it again. Red blood stained my fingers, dripping down onto the ground, the bright red color quickly dulling and turning greyish as the world absorbed the energy from it. For a moment in my mind, I saw the bright gold blood Liam gave me each day, his insistence that it was “normal, human blood.”
There’s still so much I don’t know about him.
I sat on the floor, staring at my bloody hands. I prayed silently, desperately, that his words were correct, and that he would be back in the morning. Until then, I could do nothing but wait.  
It was a long night.
After what felt like countless hours, the portal opened up again. Liam dropped down onto the ground onto his back, his hands holding his head, his whole body shaking with pain.  It was too similar to the incident that happened the night I arrived.  
“Liam!” I hugged him tightly, ignoring his shocked yelp as he was yanked into my arms.
“Bel?” He took a deep breath, steadying himself, and then sat next to me on the floor. “Have you been waiting here to whole night?”
“…” I hugged him tighter. Liam hesitated, then slowly wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
“Bel… are you okay?”
I buried my face against his chest. “I was scared.”
“Scared you weren’t coming back.”
“…” I could feel him freeze in shock at my words, and then a happy chuckle echoed in his chest. “Of course I came back, Bel! You’re here waiting for me. Nothing could stop me from returning to you.”
“What if you found a way to escape this cage? Wouldn’t you take it?”
“Only if I’m bringing you out with me.” One hand slowly rubbed my back as he spoke, a soft, comforting motion. “It’s not really freedom if I’m leaving you behind.”
Finally, after a long while, I backed out of his embrace, ignoring his sad puppy eyes as we moved apart. “What happened tonight? Did you get pulled into a lower realm?”
Liam nodded silently.
“I’ve seen this twice already, on both nights that I left my room. Does this happen to you every night? Have I just been completely clueless and left you to suffer alone?” I felt my eyes fill with tears but held them back.
He panicked, “No it’s not that bad, it’s not every night!” He paused, seeing my silent stare, and slowly admitted. “Okay, so it’s most nights, but still, there’s nothing wrong with you sleeping while I’m in the lower realm. You’re weak from this place sapping your energy, it’s better that you rest so you can do what you want at other times.”
“What about you? How could you be getting enough sleep?”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine!” He waved a hand. “I hibernate every few months for a day or so… I mean…" He blanched. "... I sleep a normal human amount…”
“Right... Liam, I want to go with you next time.” I interrupted his ramblings on normal human sleep. “Don’t do this alone.”
“…” Liam fell silent, looking uncomfortable.
“Don’t worry, I’m used to traveling the lower realms, I can watch your back!”
“No I know. You are extremely capable.”
I met his gaze. “So why do you look so concerned?”
“… I don’t get assigned very good roles to play in these worlds.” His hands wrung together his eyes not meeting my own. “Sometimes weak, sometimes powerful, rarely beautiful, often grotesque.” He hesitated again. “Always evil.”
“Just because you’re assigned the villain role doesn’t make you evil.” I laughed bitterly. “You’ve already seen what the so called ‘hero’ is capable of. I don’t care what character they force you to be. I’ll be there to protect YOU.”
At my words, a smile slowly spread across his face. “Okay then. Let’s go together next time.”
The next night, we waited for the portal, hand in hand.
“We’ll have to move quickly once it arrives.”
I nodded in agreement, and then had a thought. “What about the chains?”
“Those only come out if I try to avoid entering the portal.” His voice was calm, but I winced at the memory of him being dragged into the lower realm. It’s okay. I’ll protect him this time.
Before I could say anything further, the portal appeared, hovering in the center of the room.
“Let’s go!” Liam grabbed my hand and rushed forward. I closed my eyes, leapt through the portal, and then in the darkness between worlds immediately lost the sensation of his hand within mine.
“Liam!” I reached out, but I could feel nothing, see nothing, hear only the sound of my own ragged breaths.
And then the darkness cleared.
Someone threw wine in my face. The smell of alcohol overwhelmed my senses, and I felt the room temperature liquid run down my neck and soak my dress.
What a great way to start off. The sarcastic thought quickly came and went as I sighed,wiping my hand across my face. I could now see that I was in a crowded room of well-dressed strangers. The woman who was the likely wine-throwing culprit, stood in front me with a gloating smirk. She was clutching an empty glass in one hand and a man’s arm in the other. The man with her was watching me with disdain, his expression ruining otherwise classically handsome looks.
“Oops, my mistake.” The woman shrugged and gave a fake laugh. “My hand slipped.”
The man beside her smiled with approval at her action, chuckling at the site of me. “Looks like red is your color.”
Hmm… No idea what kind of story this is, but one thing IS for sure…
I grinned, and punched the woman in her face.
I’m gonna make sure they regret trying to humiliate this lady. I could still feel my character’s deep sadness and sense of betrayal. Whoever these two were, they weren’t good people.
The woman fell backwards from the blow, clutching her face. I watched her fall with a smile, all while speaking in a monotone voice. “Oops, my hand slipped, my bad, teehee.”
Stating the word “teehee” out loud particularly seemed to enrage her, which only encouraged me further.
“El, don’t be childish!” The man snapped, only to break off with a shriek as I kicked out his knee, knocking him to the ground on his back besides the woman.
“Oh no. Look what totally happened by accident.” I continued blandly, while stepping carefully on his crotch. “I’m just so clumsy you see, and it gets so much worse whenever I’m confronted by stupid.”
“You Bit…AHHHH!” The man broke out in another cry as my stiletto came down again.
“Bitahh?” I shrugged. “Haven’t heard that one before. Perhaps you meant, ‘awesome’? I would have also accepted ‘terrifying’.”
He gasped for air, his eyes filled with rage. “Pretend all you like, I’ll never love you!”
I felt a stab of pain in my chest, a holdover from the character I had become, but all they saw from me was a broad grin. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
I walked away, leaving a stunned, silent crowd behind me. As I hurried away, a phone in my pocket went off. I grabbed it, pulling up the familiar text.
**** NEW WORLD: Love is Torture ****
This is a dramatic romance story featuring the bright and innocent young Ella and her husband, the rich, handsome, dark and broody Cameron.
“Oh, you got to be kidding me!” I nearly threw my phone. “I’m married?!”
This dark tale of lies and misunderstandings focuses on the forced marriage between the two leads. Cameron, under the false impression that his younger sister was murdered by a rival in business, dedicates his life to revenge. Forcing the man’s daughter, Ella, to marry him to save her father, he spends his energy trying to break her spirit, hoping her pain would hurt the one who killed his family. He insulted her, humiliating her both publicly and privately. He brought his mistresses to public events, encouraging them to bully her as well.
“So Cameron is the villain, right?” I groaned. “Why did you say he was the lead?”
Little did he know that his sister was not dead, but had in fact suffered amnesia and was living quietly in a small town nearby. In fact, Ella was the kind stranger who saved her life. His deep misunderstanding of her, however, causes a large amount of drama as he fights his growing attraction to her.
The first book was met with mixed reviews, as most of the readers struggled to support such an abusive male lead. As the story continued, and more and more controversy circled around it, the author abandoned the whole series in disgust, leaving the world unstable.
The Author’s regret was not being able to bring a happy ending to the heroine of the story, leaving her trapped in an abusive relationship and facing a dark future. Your mission is to give the heroine a happy ending.
YES?                                           NO?
“…Does the ending have to involve a relationship with Cameron?”
“Great!” I tapped the "Yes" button with a grin and found a corner to sit down in as I slowly accepted the memories of this poor character.
“Oh dear, this was worse than I thought.” I muttered.
Ella, the poor girl, had been so very innocent. She had no thought but to save her father, whose business had been crushed by the mis-aimed revenge of a madman. After the marriage, she resolved to make the best of the situation, trying to get to know the handsome man who had become her husband.
Her efforts only brought her pain.
Fortunately, he avoided touching her at all costs, which limited any physical abuse. But the constant insults, tearing down her appearance, her talent for art, her speech. Any perceived flaw was trotted out and exposed for all to see, breaking her heart each time. He flaunted his affairs in front of her, shattering her dream of any loving, committed relationship, frequently and vulgarly comparing his conquests to her which only further spiraled her self-confidence.
I frowned as the memories moved forward in my mind. I hate drama romance leads the most.
This party actually marked a turning point in their relationship. After having wine dumped on her by Cameron’s mistress, she had cried and gone upstairs to change. There, a triumphant and intoxicated Cameron had forced her mid-change against a wall, kissing her. He had soon left, disgusted himself for succumbing to his attraction to her, This was the first time they had had physical contact, and from then on Cameron had found himself more and more drawn to Ella, and she felt trapped, unable to refuse his advances, hoping to protect her father.
I leaned over, puking into a trashcan.
Ella’s memories all too clear about her suffering.  After emptying my stomach, I stood back up, wiping my mouth with a shaking hand. I should have crushed his genitals harder. I was so relieved at having derailed the plot.
Now to go derail it further....And then I need to find Liam.
Following Ella’s memories, I went straight to the home she shared with Cameron, only changing my clothes once I was back in my own room with a locked door. Grimly, I put on loose, comfortable clothing, and packed a bag with Ella’s original belongings in it. I ignored the expensive, shiny jewelry on the dresser, leaving behind anything that could be traced to Cameron’s money.
I also made a phone call to one of Ella’s father’s old lawyers, who agreed quickly to bring the requested paperwork to the house within the hour.  
And then, packed, dressed and papers ready to go, I sat on the couch with a hot cup of coffee, and I waited for my hero to arrive.
Cameron rushed into the house, his face red with rage. Seeing me sitting calmly he paused, as if confused, but then stepped closer with his fist raised threateningly.
“I’ll make you regret what you did tonight!”
I smiled. “Actually, unless you want my knee in your crotch and my hot coffee in your face, I suggest you sit down and talk to me like a big boy sociopath.”
“…” He didn’t seem able to process my words, but in his shock he sat down on the chair across from me so I counted it as a win.
“Good job!” I applauded briefly. “Now, onto the important stuff.” I tossed the partially signed paperwork onto the table. “Divorce.”
“No.” His voice was an unrecognizable growl. “You’re mine! You are stuck with me. You have to pay for your father’s sins.”
I sighed. “Okay, Mr. Broody McPsychopath, as much as I’ve NOT enjoyed playing house with you, listening to your abuse, and watching your affairs, I’ve got more important things to do.”
“I AM the most important thing to you! You OWE me!”
I tossed another paper onto the table, this one with a photo and an info sheet. “ I heavily disagree with that statement, however, I also would prefer you not stalking me in a pitiful attempt at misguided revenge. So take a look:”
He picked up the paper. “What is…” His eyes widened in shock as he recognized his sister.
“She’s not dead. I saw a picture of her on your desk today, and recognized her as a person I helped out of a car accident several years ago." I made a reason for my sudden knowledge of the plot with ease. "She had amnesia, and settled in a nearby town. The info is written there.”
“You’re lying.”
“No, I know this is foreign, but what I’m doing is called COMMUNICATION. It’s where we talk clearly about things to avoid stupid and painful misunderstandings.” I pointed at him. “First: you forced this marriage to punish my father, under the foolish impression that he arranged for your sister’s death. Two: Your sister is alive and well, and even a cursory investigation into the car accident will help you find the actual people responsible for the accident. And finally…” I pointed my finger at myself. “I only married you to protect my father, and thus with this misunderstanding resolved would like to be free of you.”
“…” He seemed overwhelmed by the concept of not having misunderstandings. I nodded sympathetically and sipped my coffee, giving him time.
“You won’t leave.”
“Pardon?” I asked, confused.
“You can’t resist me. I’ve felt your eyes following me,” He smirked. “Even if I divorce you, you’ll be back and begging for more within a week.”
“Hmmm… Okay. Let’s totally go with that delusion, and have you sign the divorce papers to prove me wrong.”
He reached out, now overly confident, his pen hovering over the paper. “Are you sure, Princess? This is your last chance to have a claim. After this you’re just like any other woman to me.”
I struggled to keep a straight face. “You mean less to me than the house plant that I killed, and that was made of plastic. I think I’ll take my chances.”
He signed the paper, shaking his head with a smug look and a light chuckle. “Here.” He passed it off, trying to brush my fingers with his but I took the papers with kitchen tongs I had brought instead. No accidental physical contact for gross jerks! ”I’ll see you in a few weeks when you come to beg me to take you back.”
“Sounds good, buddy.” I stood up and waved, taking my signed divorce papers happily. “And don’t forget to leave cookies and milk out for Santa while you’re at it. He’s about as likely to visit you as I am!”
I walked out, with a hearty, evil laugh, the sound familiar and comfortable.
And now… I have a villain to find.
I found Ella’s car and drove out of the long private drive from Cameron’s mansion. As I traveled, my phone rang. I quickly answered, whistling cheerfully.
“Ella!” My character’s father’s voice rang out, clearly worried. “What happened? I’ve heard all kind of rumors…”
“Oh hi Dad!” I called out cheerfully. “Great timing! I just lost some weight! A whole load of abusive, nasty annoying dead weight.”
“I divorced the dirtbag! Aren’t you proud of me?!”
“YOU DIVORCED CAMERON?! It can’t be official, right?!”
“Already uploaded the signed paperwork to our lawyer! Should be submitted any minute now and I’m a free woman.” I thanked my lucky stars for the unrealistic insta-divorce setting in this world, which was great for generating quick drama that a years-long court heavy process wouldn’t.
“GO BACK AND QUICKLY TELL HIM YOU ARE SORRY!” Ella’s father yelled, panicked. “Hurry, he might still take you back!”
“Oh, dad, I’m so sorry…”
“You should be…”
“I didn’t realize you were in the throes of dementia.” I sighed dramatically. “I guess age catches up with us all! Don’t worry Pops, I know a few great nursing homes where the staff are nice, the colors bright and the food soft and easily consumed without teeth.”
“It’s okay!” I interrupted, speaking slowly and loudly. “I’ll take good care of you!”
“Stop being ridiculous!”
“I’m not the one talking nonsense, old man." My tone was now serious. "Cameron is a psychopath, abusive, piece of trash. If you had any mental capacity left, you would be absolutely cheering at the news that your daughter was free of him.”
“What about my business?”
“If you can’t run your business without your daughter’s marriage to protect you, then you are better off leaving the business world and moving to the nursing home. And I’m happy to help you do that.” I paused and then added with emphasis. “Anytime. Just try me.”
I then hung up, betting internally on whether or not he would come to his senses.
I headed over to a club on the fringe of the city, called “Fortress.” From my character’s memories, I knew I would find the villain there.
A mysterious club owner who rarely showed his face, the club was a front for his secret criminal organization. His group has clashed several times with Cameron’s, leading to a growing feud between the two men. At the end of the first book, close to the end of Ella’s memories, the villain had kidnapped Ella to try to force Cameron into giving up on a business, only to be shot and killed by Cameron in the rescue attempt.
Most likely, Liam had become the club owner/crime boss villain of the story.
I parked in front of the non-de script club, and knocked on the front door.
A very large muscular man opened the door, a deep scowl on his face. “We’re closed.”
“I’m a friend of the owner.”
“Sure you are, lady.” He tried to close the door, and I shoved my shoe in the way, glad I wore boots.
“Trust me, if you call him, he will definitely want to see me. Just tell him Bel is looking for him.”
With much more convincing, I finally managed to enter the club. TO my dismay, Liam wasn’t there. I sat awkwardly on the couch in the VIP lounge, snacking on peanuts, waiting patiently.
I could here the men in the background arguing.
“How could you bring her here?”
“She says she knows the Boss!”
“I thought the Boss hated women.”
“The Boss hates everyone.”
“True… should I get rid of her? I already called him!”
“I think…”
The door slammed open, and a panting disheveled man in a suit came tumbling in. In one hand he held a large baseball bat, the other clutching a cell phone. I studied the man carefully, taking note of his dark hair, a face covered in scars, including a long diagonal slice across one eye. His eyes however, were a familiar blue.
I jumped up, and threw myself into the man’s arms. “Liam!”
After Liam calmed down, we found a quiet place to talk.
“Are you okay?” Liam asked, quietly clutching my hands in his.
“I’m fine.”
He let out a sigh of relief. “I was so worried! When I got here, I saw the story… saw what was going to happen to you at the party… and I rushed over.”
I thought of the baseball bat he was carrying. “What were you planning to do when you got there?”
“Education.” Was his firm answer.
I couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“But when I got there, it was just a bunch of crowds of gossiping people, and a really loud woman who kept screaming about how she was going to kill someone. That’s when I got the call you were here.” His hands squeezed my own. “I’m so relieved you are okay!”
I explained to him my actions so far, which caused him to laugh and congratulate me on my quick divorce.
I added, “Fortunately, I didn’t feel Adonis’s presence in this world.”
“Yeah, he’s been less frequent about coming into the lower realms since pushing you into my realm.”
I thought about that. “Wait, so are you in every lower realm I’ve visited?”
“I don’t know for sure." Liam shrugged. "I get set to a different realm every night.  Sometime Adonis is there, sometimes both of you, plenty of times it’s just been me.”
I had a strange realization as I thought back to the last world I had gone to, the two kingdoms realm. Remembering the familiar feeling I had gotten from the kingdom-destroying beast... “Liam… you wouldn’t happened to have been a large monster before, would you?”
“WHAT?! I have no idea what you are talking about!” He turned pale and panicked at the question, avoiding eye contact.
“Really? In the lower realm where I was the princess? Didn’t you help me take over the world?”
Liam grabbed his chest and let out a sigh of relief, “Oh THAT’s what you meant!” He nodded. “Yes that was me.”
“…” I once again knew I was missing something, but felt too awkward to keep pushing. Instead, I explained to him the mission given to me, to have a happy ending.
Liam offered to hand over all of his underground criminal organization resources to my disposal. “What do you want to do?”
The question caught me off guard. I'm still not used to having someone ask me what I wanted to do, instead of trying to force me to follow a plan or some predetermined fate.
I smiled at him. “I think the best revenge for a woman who was humiliated by her ex-husband to get revenge on her father, and who was sacrificed by said father to save his own business… is to become more rich and powerful than both of them.”
"Sounds good." Liam nodded. "Let's go to work!"
And so, we got to work.
I had lived in more than enough lower realms that centered around business, and was fairly comfortable with how to build a company up, (especially in the cheat worlds of romance novels where rich, handsome men who somehow spend zero time on their company abound). With Liam donating some starting capital, I was able to grow a business over the next year that became the talk of the town. Soon I pushed my father’s business into a corner, and began a forced acquisition. His horrified and bewildered expression once he realized it was me in charge of the mysterious rival company, gave me a nice warm feeling inside and prompted another villainous laugh.  
As for Cameron…
He had reunited with his sister, and through the magical medical treatment available in the novel, gotten her memories back. He had tried to contact me twice that I knew of. Once after finding her, and another a week later. I blocked his number and ignored all other attempts. Taking advantage of his distraction, I snatched up a large portion of the big deals from his company, using the memories of Ella and the previous story of this world to be able to pinpoint which ones to target.
I was quickly becoming the richest person in the world, and my mission progress bar was slowly up-trending.
In between becoming a rival CEO to destroy my father and the male lead, I spent the rest of my free time with Liam. It became the norm for us to spend time together every day. We always found time for something, whether it was eating a meal, going for a walk, watching a movie, or just sitting next to each other while we dealt with the paperwork of our respective business empires. We told jokes and laughed, plotted and schemed against the male lead and my insufferably self-righteous father, and overall continued the comfortable existence that we had lived in the woods of Liam’s realm.
One night, we both fell asleep on the couch at “Fortress,” me holding a laptop, him clutching a remote and a bowl of popcorn. The next morning, I woke up and looked over to see his scarred, strange but still familiar face. I had a sudden urge to reach out and touch him. If I had woken up in this world, and the man I had been married to was Liam instead of Cameron… I would have been happy to just stay married.
The realization of that thought hit me hard, and I stood up, confused.
Do I have feelings for Liam?
He was a strange person, much like me. A mysterious existence with too many secrets. One I knew very little about. But he was also kind, gentle and caring person. Someone who I wanted to protect with everything I have, and who I trusted to protect my back no matter what.
Liam woke up, seeing my staring. “What are you looking at. Do I have something on my face?”
“…” I hesitated unsure of what to say, but after taking a deep breath, blurted out:  “Liam… let’s get married!” I looked away, filled with horror once I realized what I had just said, but at the same time, felt no desire to take it back. Why not? What better happy ending for Ella on top of being rich and powerful than being in a nice healthy relationship with someone wonderful?
“…” The silence stretched on. I finally worked up the nerve to look over to Liam only to see wide eyes filled with shock, and a bright red face.
“Bel…” He finally said with an embarrassed look. “Before I give you an answer, I need to tell you something: We talked about your mission in this world, to save and stabilize it… but you never asked about  what MY mission was.”
“You have a mission too?” I asked, distracted and mildly confused as to why this was relevant to my sudden marriage proposal. “What is it?”
Before he could answer, a man burst into the room. Behind him in the club, the sounds of fighting and shouting could be heard. The man stood before us with a vicious grin, holding out an outstretched arm.
He was holding a gun.
“Cameron what on earth do you think you are doing?!” I shouted, standing up. Liam got up next to me, his hand grabbing mine.
The look in Cameron’s eyes was feral. “I’m saving my wife from this villain!” He snarled, pointing the gun at Liam.
I stepped in front of Liam. “First of all, that’s ex wife to you! Second of all, why would I need saving from Liam?”
“He kidnapped you! I know everything, Ella! He built up a rival corporation to compete with me and your father…”
“No that was me…”
“He even forcibly acquired your father’s company!”
“Still me…”
Cameron kept talking, as if he hadn’t heard me. “And I know that he’s been preventing you from contacting me, or answering my phone calls.”
“No… I blocked you. And I didn’t want to see you.”
“It’s okay!” He smiled at me, but the expression sent chills up my spine. “I’m going to make things right, by getting rid of this snake first.”
I held my arms out. “You’ll have to go through me.”
“Bel.” Liam whispered.
“What is it Liam? I’m kind of busy.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“For what…?” I broke off into a horrified gasp as he stepped around me, distancing himself and moving into a clear line of site from Cameron.
Liam fell to the floor.
I saw red.
Grabbing the baseball bat, I swung it as hard as I could at the man’s offending hand.
I felt his wrist break from the blow. He let out a scream of pain, looking up at me with a confused expression. “Why are you doing this, Ella? I’m saving you! I love you!”
I glared at him,  kicked his gun away, and swung the bat again, hitting his chest. He fell to the floor with a grunt.
“Love? You call your madness and selfishness love?”
Crack! I broke his other arm.
“No, you’re just a petulant child, whose mad because he thinks that other kids might play with his toy.” I smiled coldly. “Well guess what?”
I kicked his chest, knocking him onto his back. “I’m not your toy. And just like you don’t really love me, I don’t love you.” I put my foot in “crotch stomping” position.
“And I’ll make you pay for killing the man I lo…”
“Bel!” Liam’s weak voice called out, interrupting my rant. I dropped my bat, causing it to hit Cameron’s face as he let out another groan of pain and rushed to Liam’s side.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
He nodded, showing the clear wound on the muscle of his shoulder. Just a few inches to the left and the bullet would have… I shook my head, and hugged him, trying to avoid the injured arm.
“Why would you step out like that?”
“I tried to tell you... my mission.” He held up a cell phone, and to my surprise, I saw an interface very similar to mine.
100% complete.
**** You have finished the mission! ****
I stared at the words. “Your mission was to get shot?”
His smile was faint and bitter. “That’s the villain’s job. To create conflict and then to get defeated. My ending was liked by the readers. They didn’t want it to change.”
“Is every world like this?” I was horrified.
“Pretty much.” His expression became happier. “But on the bright side, since I’ve been shot, but didn’t die, I can answer your question!” He blushed, but pushed forward with a whisper. “Yes.”
“Yes?” I was confused, and then realized what he was saying, and coughed, trying to cover up my embarrassment. “Well then, I guess we have a wedding to plan.”
A strange voice called out. I looked over to the bruised and beaten Cameron, who was staring at me with an incredulous look… and with contained rage.
I knew that look.
“Adonis.” I said quietly, positioning myself in front of Liam to protect him. "Welcome to the party."
“Why are you here? Did you get dragged through the villain’s portal?” He shook his head. “Even if you try to escape, you can’t. I’m your only salvation. Only the hero can save the princess from the monster.”
“I think you and I have very different definitions of the word ‘monster’.” My phone chirped and I looked down to see a notification that the latest deal had gone through, officially making me the richest and most powerful person in this small world. Between that, and an upcoming happy wedding… I waited a moment, and sure enough:
100% complete.
**** You have finished the mission! ****
My mission was complete as well.
Adonis try to scramble to his feet. “Wait, Bel, what have you done?”
“Fixed the world again. Without you. The usual.” I tilted my head, staring at him with a cold smile. “Don’t try to come after me again, Adonis. You won’t like what will happen to you.”
The portal opened, swallowing Liam and I both.
I waved cheerfully, and Liam flipped him off as we disappeared.
We were back in the villain’s realm. Immediately I felt tired, as the drain of the world set back in. I leaned against Liam shoulder, which was fortunately no longer injured and gave him a grin.
“So… when’s the wedding?
*** Soul transfer 59% complete. ***
Liam stared at me, shocked. But before he could answer, he stopped in his tracks, and seemed to sense something. “As much as I would love nothing more than to talk about this, Bel, we’ll have to save it for another time.”
“What’s going on?”
His serious gaze met my own. “Adonis is here.”
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marcmarcmomarc · 22 days
I told you I would bring up @pmpknsoup’s post more times.
Feel free to comment or reblog how you think this would have gone.
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(In Theodore’s office in Shade Academy at early evening, Team RWBY and Jaune Arc face the main members of the Remnant Alliance, consisting of Team JNPR plus Oscar Pine/Ozpin and Emerald Sustrai, Team STRQ, the Ace-Ops, the Happy Huntresses, Winter Schnee, Team SSSNN, Team CFVY, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee, Klein Sieben, Maria Calavera, Dr. Pietro Polendina, Ghira Belladonna, Kali Belladonna, Ilia Amitola, Bartholomew Oobleck, Peter Port, Glynda Goodwitch, Theodore, Xanthe Rumpole, and Zwei.)
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RUBY: Listen. Thanks, everyone, for your patience.
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RUBY: It took a while to figure out how to tell you, and I know being left in the dark about our whereabouts over the remainder of the winter, the whole spring, and the summer has left you anxious, but now, I’ve decided it’s time to reveal what’s been going on. Robyn, I’ll need your Semblance to prove all of this correct.
ROBYN: Uh, okay.
(Robyn steps away from the group, removes her glove, and joins hands with Ruby. Her Semblance turns on and glows green with every piece of information Ruby gives.)
ROBYN: So, you guys didn’t make it out of the pocket dimension before it collapsed. Where did you guys fall to?
RUBY: Well, after I fell, I regained consciousness on a beach surrounded by giant seashells. I tried to hone in on a giant tree, but just ended up looping in circles. Eventually, I had to stop, then found a mouse trying to pull a plant out of the ground. I pulled the plant, which turned out to be a cheese plant, out for the mouse, and fed it to them. After the mouse revealed that they could talk, I named them Little, and they decided to stay by my side as I tried to get home. Then we found Weiss and Blake captured in vines by a whole village of talking mice. It didn’t take much convincing to get them to let them go. Then we went to look for Yang and found a creepy Grimm-looking creature moving jerkily. And I mean very creepy. (IMITATING JABBERWALKER) “Stalking. Searching. Waiting. Listening.” (NORMAL VOICE) Then Yang came barreling out, already fighting the creature while missing her arm. Then Blake realized we were in our favorite childhood fairy tale, The Girl Who Fell Through the World.
(Confusion and wonder all around. “That fairy tale?” “The Ever After?” “It’s real?”)
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OSCAR: That fairy tale actually happened? And the Ever After is real?
RUBY: Which means the creepy Grimm-like creature was the Jabberwalker from that story. Also, Weiss had a very hard time wrapping her head around the Ever After’s absurdities.
(Weiss blushes with embarrassment.)
WEISS: I did not.
RUBY: Our hands are glowing green, Weiss. Robyn’s Semblance never fails. Then we went to the village in the King’s Acre to barter with the Jinxy Peddler, who had stolen Yang’s arm. Well, they don’t “steal”, they just “take things others aren’t looking at”. Fair is fair, right, Little?
ROBYN: Sounds like a legitimate businessperson.
WEISS: Right?
EMERALD: So, what was the Jinxy Peddler like?
VELVET: Was he cute?
WEISS: Cute? He was adorable!
RUBY: And, despite being older than he was in the book, his strategy was the same, selling treasures that are really other items in disguise. If my memory serves me right, he had a yellow scepter, a pink rabbit statue, and a marionette-like doll. Toy soldiers won the scepter, and we only got it back from them because Little tried stealing the marionette, exposing Jinxy’s treasures as fakes. The rabbit statue was another mouse, the scepter was Yang’s arm, and the marionette was one of Penny’s Floating Array swords. The soldiers followed us to arrest us for stealing Yang’s arm, or “royal property”, before I traded Penny’s sword, and told them she was the greatest warrior to ever live. “She was touched by magic, and she gave her life for thousands. She took a message of hope to the stars, and she saw the world through better eyes.”
(The gang gets emotional, especially Winter and Pietro, who are comforted by their loved ones.)
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RUBY: The soldiers escorted us to the Crimson Castle for the birthday of who we thought was the Red King, but turned out to be the Red Prince, who was more of a spoiled brat than Weiss was at Beacon.
YANG: (nudging Weiss) Heh-heh.
RUBY: We challenged him to a game of chess, where he shrunk the girls to the size of chess pawns. Not that it hindered their performance against the Prince’s pawns. When we revealed that we’re humans and beat him, he threw a tantrum and wanted us beheaded, and the Curious Cat rescued us.
(More interested chatter. Nora Valkyrie gets giddy.)
NORA: The Curious Cat?!
REN: Were they as chatty as the book made them out to be?
RUBY: Mm-hm. Not to mention easily distracted. Anyway, they took us to look for ingredients for a Growgurt Parfait in the Garden’s Acre, and we told them our life story, but because we kept getting distracted with our internal conflicts, we kept losing them over and over again. After the third time, when they asked me how I’m supposed to save the world now that Salem has two out of four Relics and that Atlas is gone, we met an herbalist, a caterpillar named Herb. He seemed to be asking us questions to figure out what medicine he needed to make to help us. Looking back, he was being reasonable, as too little medicine is useless, but too much medicine is toxic. Eventually, Herb just decided to smoke a hookah for a bit and drugged us with leaves that made us see our past selves tempting us to “go back”. To be free. To be simple. To be whole. To be different. The other girls rejected and had already accepted their failures as something to learn from, but I almost gave in, before the Cat stopped me, then got Herb swallowed by a hole in the ground.
(The gang chatters in moods ranging from confusion to nervousness.)
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TAI: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. You guys did drugs?
QROW: Don’t let alcoholism be next, girls.
RUBY: Anyway, the Cat led us to a market to keep looking for the Parfait ingredients. Along the way, they told us about a process that occurs when an Afteran is no longer doing their assigned role, triggered by them losing their ways, wearing out, doubting themselves, or even just finishing their assigned tasks, upon which they are taken to the Great Tree and repurposed into someone or something else with a new identity, personality, and role. Their memories are erased in the process, but the heart very rarely forgets. They don’t die. They ascend.
(Such a concept catches the interest of the gang.)
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EMERALD: Talk about a potential existential crisis.
RUBY: Hence why there was no Red King when we got to the Castle. He lost his game and ascended into the brat we encountered. And the hole that swallowed Herb was him starting his own Ascension. Anyway, after we arrived at the market and got all of the Parfait ingredients, the market was attacked by Jabberwalkers using Neopolitan’s Semblance. Oh, yeah, Neopolitan fell with us, too.
(Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Emerald grow worried.)
REN: Uh-oh.
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TAI: Neopolitan? Who’s that?
RUBY: Remember Roman Torchwick, the criminal from Vale? Neo was his partner. She held me responsible for his death at the Fall of Beacon and wanted me dead to avenge him. She expressed herself through gestures and facial expressions because she couldn’t talk.
RAVEN: Was she that chick I saved Yang from on the train on Mountain Glenn?
RUBY: Yep. Then I disposed of her by opening her umbrella on an Atlas airship in the sky during the Fall of Beacon. Apparently she survived that fall without any of those Grimm surrounding us eating her.
OSCAR: Team JNPR and I last fought her right after Ironwood declared us fugitives.
RUBY: Then she fought us in the pocket dimension between here and Solitas. Heck, she was the reason Yang, Blake, and I fell. Anyway, we made the Growgurt Parfait and the girls grew back to normal size just as we got assistance from the Rusted Knight riding his white rabbit.
WHITLEY: Did Weiss go goo-goo eyes the second she laid eyes on him? She had a crush on him when she was younger.
BLAKE: I think everyone had a crush on the Rusted Knight at some point.
RUBY: Well, things didn’t help when he turned out to be a grown-up Jaune with longer hair and a beard, who grabbed a fruit that sent him back in time twenty years right after he landed.
(The gang gasps at the new knowledge of the Rusted Knight being not only Jaune, of all people, but Jaune thrown backwards in time, grown older, and living without his friends for so long.)
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NORA: Oh, my Gods!
REN: Jaune, that really happened to you?
JAUNE: I was stuck there isolated from other human contact, too.
YANG: Weiss certainly loved how mature he was.
RUBY: And the white rabbit was a jackalope Jaune named Juniper.
NORA: After his team? Aww!
RUBY: Then Jaune told us his perspective on the Tree, that he believed it was death, that Alyx backstabbed her brother Lewis, the author of the fairy tale, who wrote the story the way he wished it happened, and that the Cat couldn’t be trusted. Before long, we got caught in a “punderstorm”, which creates a physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem. Jaune, Weiss, Juniper, and I were sent to metaphorical and literal crossroads, while Yang and Blake were sent to two broken, wooden, rickety bridges connected to a giant pillar that they could only make more planks to advance toward if they were honest about their feelings for each other. Yeah, Yang and Blake are girlfriends now.
(As Yang and Blake blush at each other, everyone’s hearts melt, all proud for the Bees.)
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NORA: See, Ren? I told you there was more going on!
KALI: Our baby girl found love?
TAI: With my sunny little dragon?
RAVEN: Wow. She really is your daughter, Tai.
TAI: What’s that supposed to mean?
RAVEN: A tall overconfident blonde flinging dad jokes and puns and a brooding dark-haired beauty? A tale as old as time.
RUBY: Then the Cat bailed on us after mistaking us for selfishly using them to get home, and once the storm passed, Jaune let us spend the night in his house in the Origami Acre, then he introduced us the next morning to a village of paper stars called the Paper Pleasers. They seemed very dumb and clumsy at first, because of the daily disasters they were causing, but, at the end of the day, were very hospitable. He also named them after all of us. On his to-do list, I saw Ren, Ruby, Oscar, Nora, Neptune, and Pyrrha.
(Not a word is spoken as everyone exchanges concerned and uncomfortable looks with each other.)
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RUBY: Anyway, a Paper Pleaser told us they kept causing disasters because they wanted to ascend, because their purpose was long since finished, but Jaune was stopping them because of his belief that the tree was death. They told us that the Tree isn’t death, but resurrection, rebuilding, and rebirth.
JAUNE: That must have been our waiter, the Blake Paper Pleaser.
RUBY: Then Neo’s Jabberwalkers attacked, and while we were distracted, the Paper Pleasers finally managed to off themselves by destroying the koi pond dam and drowning in the flood, then when the girls asked me to help comfort Jaune, I blew up at them for caring more about everyone else’s feelings or getting home, taking my mental health for granted and ignoring my problems…
(Everyone leans in anxiously. Things are getting even more interesting, but not in a good way.)
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(Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Jaune exchange looks of guilt.)
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RUBY: …then I ran away, came across the Abandoned Acre, and entered a mansion, where Neo had made clone illusions of Roman Torchwick, Penny, Pyrrha, Professor Lionheart, Clover, Ozpin, and Ironwood, and used them to physically and psychologically abuse me, beating me up ruthlessly and blaming me for their deaths, and when the chaos was over, I felt no will to live or be myself anymore, not helped by Torchwick’s question: “Do you really think you can stand to watch more of your friends fall? Or are you ready to admit the truth, that the world would just be better off without you?”
(The gang regards Ruby with sorrow over her being trampled by her trauma. Ozpin can be heard sniffling.)
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RUBY: Then Neo offered me tea made from leaves from the Tree intended to wipe me from existence. The Cat blasted her away, but then turned out to be evil and tried to possess me, while revealing that they had been trying to wear me down the whole time, then Neo fought them off and stomped Little to death, then I finally gave in, drank the tea, offing myself, and got swallowed by the Tree.
YANG: (tearing up) Oh, Rubes.
RUBY: Then I met a Blacksmith, who I also found at the market, or, rather, she found me, and then she presented me with a choice to either change my identity or be myself. I saw my mom’s weapon and was treated to a vision of the night she left with Raven on another one of Ozpin’s secret missions and never came back.
(Tai turns accusingly at Raven.)
TAI: Raven?
YANG: She lied? She left with you?
RAVEN: Yeah… Hey, like I said to her, “First time for everything.”
(The gang gives her a look.)
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RAVEN: Really? Sheesh. Tough crowd.
HARE: (to Ruby) Wait. What did you say your mother’s name was again?
RUBY: Summer.
HARE: (muttering) So, her uncle is Qrow, her father is Taiyang, and her sister’s mother is Raven. All are members of Team STRQ. Summer, Summer, Summer… (out loud) Summer Rose, the leader of Team STRQ, was your mother?
REMNANT ALLIANCE: (walla) Summer?…Summer Rose?…The previous silver-eyed Huntress?…That’s Summer Rose’s daughter?
RUBY: And then, I remembered my mom’s words, “I love you just the way you are,” chose to be myself, and came back to help the girls fight the Cat. And we won.
(Cheers and applause all around.)
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RUBY: And then Neo killed the Cat by using the Jabberwalkers to eat them. By the way, Jabberwalkers are the only creatures to prevent Ascension if they eat Afterans.
BLAKE: On my count, there were a whopping five of them.
REMNANT ALLIANCE: (walla) Five?…Five of them?…Five Jabberwalkers?
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SUN: Talk about overkill.
ELM: (after doing the multiplication math in her head) That’s gotta be over ninety teeth!
RUBY: And, according to the girls, Neo was possessed by the Cat, and she chose to accept Torchwick’s death and undergo her own Ascension. Oh, and Little ascended, too, into who we called Somewhat, and succeeded Jaune as the protector of the Ever After. By then, we had made it to the Tree by coming to terms with the truth, we’ll never be perfect, that even the most skilled Huntsmen and Huntresses have failed, and we walked through the door back home, landed inside the plane of the Tree, and met the Blacksmith again at her workshop. When we noticed two statues of the Brother Gods, she told us their backstory. That the Ever After was overfilled with plants and dangerous wildlife in its primordial years, but the Brothers were created to clear it out. Then they created the Afterans as well as the different acres for them to live in. They designed new creations that would replace them in maintaining the Ever After. This was how the Cat was created. They later created the Jabberwalker as a form of destruction. However, the two disagreed on whether it disrupted the balance or not and began to wage war.
OSCAR AND OZPIN: (both scoff) What else is new?
RUBY: The Blacksmith told us how balance isn’t supposed to be two opposing forces locked in battle; balance is an ecosystem, an organism, and a living thing, thus balance isn’t restored with force or manipulation, it’s restored naturally, requiring love and patience to see it through to the end. The Gods got to Remnant because the Ever After created a door to a “greater beyond” for them, so they can leave and experiment in creating new worlds as much as they like.
REN: Huh. So the Ever After existed before Remnant.
NORA: (snickering) So the Tree basically said, “You think you have life sorted out? Then get out of my house”?
RUBY: Pretty much.
(Everyone laughs at the Brother Gods basically being “kicked out of the house” by their “mom”. Some Gods they are.)
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YANG: Oh, my Gods, that’s such a hilarious way of looking at it. Thanks, Nora.
RUBY: Anyway, the Blacksmith told us that we impacted the Ever After significantly, just like Somewhat, Alyx, and Lewis, and that the Cat caused a bad impact. Then she de-aged Jaune, but let him keep his memories, which explains the white streak in his hair, and made us a portal in the desert on the outskirts of the city, and now you’re all caught up.
(Ruby lets go of Robyn’s hand. The freedom fighter rejoins the rest of the Alliance.)
RUBY: So, I’m happy to announce that I’m not giving up the fight to save the world anytime soon! Between Academies and Kingdoms going down and our friends’ lives being forced to abruptly end, we’ve had a lot of ups and downs over the past two years, but we always pulled ourselves back together at the end of the day, and we won’t stop now! With global unity right at our fingertips and the ability to keep moving forward and accept our failures as things to learn from, things the villains would never even fathom, we can stand up to Salem and her forces! And no longer will we be putting the entire burden of the world’s safety on one individual! My name is Ruby Rose, and I am a Huntress!
REMNANT ALLIANCE: (walla) Yes!…Great!…Alright!…Thank goodness!…Welcome back, Ruby!…Good to have you back, kid!…Way to go, Ruby!…That’s my girl!
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YANG: We’re so proud of you, Ruby.
RUBY: Thanks, guys. You and your support mean the world to me. And I’m just as proud to call you guys family. All of you.
(Everyone looks at Ruby with warmed hearts.)
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Starring the voices of:
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Cristina Vee as Robyn Hill
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Caiti Ward as Velvet Scarlatina
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Jason Liebrecht as Qrow Branwen
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Anairis Quiñones as Harriet Bree
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Dawn M. Bennett as Elm Ederne
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Additional Voices (no individual lines, but can be heard chattering, sobbing, gasping, cheering, laughing, and exclaiming, “Ooh,” and “Aww”):
Sena Bryer as May Marigold
Ashley Burns as Coco Adel
Tiana Camacho as Glynda Goodwitch
Cam Clarke as Bartholomew Oobleck
Michele Everheart as Fiona Thyme
Dave Fennoy as Dr. Pietro Polendina
Gavin Free as Scarlet David
Caitlin Glass as Willow Schnee
Mick Lauer as Marrow Amin
Cherami Leigh as Ilia Amitola
Marissa Lenti as Joanna Greenleaf
Joe MacDonald as Yatsuhashi Daichi
Aaron Marquis as Nolan Porfirio
Elizabeth Maxwell as Winter Schnee
Max Mittelman as Fox Alistair
Josh Ornelas as Sage Ayana
Anthony Sardinha as Peter Port
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Keith Silverstein as Professor Theodore
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Anne Yatco as Xanthe Rumpole
37 notes · View notes
thespiritssaidso · 1 month
Yeah, But That Backflip Though
Summary: Shawn and Gus need to interrogate someone who frequents a place called ‘Aerial Acrobatics’. Unfortunately, Shawn’s caught the eye of one of the teachers, and now has to revisit an old friend of his: gymnastics.
Notes: Is this just an excuse to write gymnast!Shawn? Yes. Is this also just an excuse to sneak in my absolute most favorite (and currently only) OC ship? Perchance. 
And yes, for anyone wondering, the title is a vine reference. If you don’t know which one I’m talking about, here it is
Gus pulled his car into park in front of a large building that looked vaguely like a warehouse. He thought it was a warehouse until he saw the large sign above the glass double doors saying ‘Aerial Acrobatics’ in big pink calligraphy. “Why are we here again, Shawn?” 
“For the last time, we’re here to interrogate Drew Oberon. The dead guy only had a few close friends, and she was one of them. They got together every other week to just paint.” 
“How do you know that?” 
“Well for starters, all the paintings in his house? Every single one had the initials M. T. signed on the top left corner. Not the best signature, in my opinion. Like, at least make it something cool-”
“-Also his calendar was open and I saw the dates he’d marked for when he’d meet up with Drew. And his other friends for other activities. He’d color coded the whole thing, it kind of reminded me of the calendar you’ve got hung up in the office.”
Gus tried to steer the conversation back to the original point. “So you think she poisoned him with paint?” 
Shawn hummed. “That’s a good idea. Too bad it’s wrong.”
“No, this guy was killed by something else. Something interesting Woody found in his stomach.” 
“How interesting?” 
“Mushroom interesting. Something called ‘The Destroying Angel’.” 
Gus couldn’t help the surprise that crossed his face. “The Destroying Angel?! Those things are incredibly toxic! It causes severe nausea and vomiting, hallucinations… it practically melts your liver! It’s one of the worst ways to go out.”
“So is it above or below bellyflopping on water from ten stories up?” 
“It’s above it. Way above it.” Personally, the mushroom’s side effects really unnerved Gus. Not because of the general grossness of it all, but because once you actually showed symptoms of being poisoned by the fungus, it would be too late. 
“I doubt that. But anyways. This girl, Drew, she likes to post pictures on her Twitter account of the different places she goes hiking. And you’ll never guess what was in the background of some of those pictures.” 
“Destroying Angels?” 
“Yahtzee! She probably picked a few while on one of her extraditions-” 
“You mean excursion.” 
“I’ve heard it both ways. Anyways, Drew used the mushrooms she’d gathered to poison the poor guy.”
Gus nodded. “Okay, what’s her motive?”
Shawn unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door. “That is why we’re here now. It doesn’t make sense. Drew has all the means, but no motive. I need to talk to her. Read her. Feel her, maybe. I need her side of the story.”
Gus followed him out the car and into the parking lot. “Have you told Juliet and Lassie about all this?” 
“You kidding? If Lassie even got wind of the fact that Drew breathed the same air as the murder weapon, he’d have her arrested faster than you can say ‘poison mushrooms’.” Shawn went quiet, and made a face. “Not gonna lie, that wasn’t my best.”
“Okay, fine then. So, again, why are we here? The last time I checked, this is not a forest.” And he was right. There was a few trees here and there, but they were all planted in the sidewalk. There was no reason for them to be at a gymnastics building in the middle of the city. 
“Well, a little birdie told me that Drew comes here every day at noon and hangs around for about an hour before leaving.”
“Was that little birdie named Twitter?” 
“The name of the birdie isn’t important, Gus. If you looked at the time, you’d see it’s currently… 12:03. Which means she should be here.” And with that, he pushed the double doors wide open and walked in. 
Shawn strode up to the counter where there was a woman sitting behind the desk, enraptured by something on her computer. He knocked on the countertop, startling her. 
She recovered quite quickly, and looked up at them with a smile that was almost too big for her face. “Hi! How can I help you two?”
“Hello, my name is Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner Evan ‘Starfish’ Spencer. No relation of any kind. We’re with the SBPD and need to talk to someone named Drew.” 
Gus shook his head at the new nickname. He didn’t know how Shawn managed to come up with a new and weird nickname for every case. It was definitely commendable, that was for sure. Shawn’s imagination never seemed to run dry. At least this time he was semi-honest about their intentions. He’d been ready for him to come up with some ridiculous job that most certainly did not exist yet the other person would somehow buy into. 
The lady behind the desk sat up at the name. “Why? Are they alright?” She asked, although she seemed just a tad distracted, not taking her eyes off of Shawn. Her eyes continued roving his body as she stood up from behind the desk. 
“We just need to ask her some questions, Ms…?” 
“Schulz. Charlie Schulz.” Okay, she was definitely distracted. She’d completely circled around the counter and was now standing right next to the two. “And they won’t be here ‘til later.”
“Ooookay… uh…” he trailed off as she walked even closer to him, going so far as to slightly shove Gus out of the way. 
“Hey! What-”
Charlie held up a hand to shush Gus. “Hold- hold on, can I just?…” Without waiting for confirmation, she began to circle Shawn, sizing him up, hand to her chin, as if she were looking at something new she wanted to test out. She was nodding to herself, and mumbling words like ‘sturdy’ and ‘probably flexible’. The last one didn’t sound very reassuring. 
“Okay, what is this, some kind of shakedown, minus the shaking part-” he was cut off by Charlie poking the space between his shoulder blades. “Woah! Look, don’t touch!”
“Oh hush, you don’t have to worry about me, bestie.” She hummed and nodded to herself, as if reaching a decision. Then she reached out to grab his hand, marching off to the locker rooms with Shawn in tow. “I’m sure there’s a spare leotard back here that’ll fit you!” 
“Woah woah woah, I didn’t say anything about-”
“I know you didn’t, that’s why I’m doing it for you! I’d take a guess we probably have your size. Now come on, I want to see if those hips can fit into our standard leotard.”
“No no no no no, I haven’t- I’m not-” 
The door slammed shut, cutting off the conversation from Gus. He heard muffled sounds of protest, arguing, and then silence. 
Eventually, Shawn resurfaced from the locker room, wearing a green and yellow sparkly leotard. He was walking awkwardly, and reaching down every once in a while to pick at the fabric stretching around his crotch. 
Charlie reached down and slapped his hand away. “Quit picking at it, man. You’ll just make it worse.” 
Shawn dramatically pulled his hand away. “Ow! Watch the package!” Shawn stopped and looked at Gus’ expression. “I don’t want to hear it.” 
Gus unsuccessfully hid a grin, and held up his hands in defense. “I’m not saying anything.” 
Charlie clapped her hands together, only slightly startling the two men. “Okay! Let’s go. Stretches first, of course. Then, we’re going to see how well you do on the bars-”
“What about the part where we talk to Drew? When do we get to do that?”
“They texted me that they were running late. Something about misplacing their gouache. But right now it’s gymnastics time, pretty boy!” She started to excitedly jumping up and down on the balls of her feet. “This is gonna be great!”
“This is stupid.” 
“Quiet. Just keep your leg in that position for another fifteen seconds.” 
Shawn groaned, and looked over to Gus. “You alright buddy?” 
Gus didn’t feel alright. He actually felt ready to pass out. Shawn had managed to kick up his leg perfectly vertical to his torso and was only holding it up with only one hand. The other exercises he’d been fine with seeing, even if some made him a little uneasy. But this was just plain unnatural. “I’ll be fine when you put your leg down. Since when have you been able to do…that?!” 
“Since forever? You don’t remember my dad shipping me off to gymnastics every week on Tuesdays and Fridays?” 
“All I remember is you disappearing for 2 hours twice a week.” 
“And you never questioned it?”
“I thought it was a little weird, but I assumed it was just more of your dad trying to train you!” 
“Well, you’re not entirely wrong there buddy.” Shawn let go of his leg, allowing it to fall on the floor next to his other leg. 
Before he could get another word in to Gus, however, Charlie interrupted. “Okay, not a lot of time on the clock here, so we’re just gonna have you on bars. Good?” 
“I don’t actually have a say in this, do I?” 
“Nope! Here.” She handed Shawn a tub of chalk powder and some bandages. “I’m sure you know how to use these?” 
Shawn slumped forward as he took the objects. “Yeah...” 
As he wrapped up his hands up and dusted them with the chalk, Gus just continued watching from the sidelines. He had no idea if Shawn was actually any good at bars, let alone gymnastics. It didn’t really help that he’d never actually seen Shawn do any exercise of any kind either. Well, not in front of him, that is. But there were some… odd moments that were now surfacing to the front of his memory: Shawn lying down on the floor of the psych office; finding a mat stashed away in the closet; him sounding out of breath on the phone when Gus knew for sure that Shawn was at home. The list went on. 
“Okay, you ready?” 
“Well, I’m about put my life on the line. Actually, technically my hands’ life. And my back. And my neck. And face- yeah, my whole life. But it’s all good!” He placed a smile on his face, but it was just a little too big. 
Gus knew that tone. It was how Shawn sounded when he was deflecting, making jokes when really he was more than just nervous. Like right now. He could see it all over his face. He may have the body — Charlie’s words, not his — but he probably hadn’t done this in a while. It was making Gus nervous for Shawn too. 
Shawn dusted his palms of any excess chalk, a small cloud puffing from bandaged hands. 
Gus watched as Shawn stood underneath the bar and jumped up, grabbing the bar tightly in both hands. He hefted himself up in one fluid motion and leaned against the bar on his core. Smoothly and gracefully he pushed himself up in a plank, legs hovering in the air as his arm muscles shook minutely. 
Gus couldn’t help the look of surprise. Shawn, the man whose only exercise he’d personally witnessed was running away from bad guys, was successfully lifting his lower body into a handstand 6 feet above the ground on a 2-and-a-half-inch thick piece of plastic. 
Charlie began clapping from the sidelines. “Woooo! Nice cast, Shawn!”
But Shawn wasn’t finished. The look on his face was one of pure concentration, focusing on not face-planting into the bar and breaking his nose. He pursed his lips as he began tilting backwards, hands loosening just enough to allow his quick descent. 
As Shawn circled around the bar �� all while keeping his body perfectly straight in a handstand — he quickly and expertly let go of the bar with one hand while in the peak of his arch and spun his body to face the other way before falling once more in another giant circle, but facing forward this time. 
Gus’ eyes were bugging out of his head at this point. He was currently seeing a whole other side of Shawn, one that was graceful and smooth. He continued ogling as his friend did yet another handstand, but this time one handed. 
He still couldn’t stop staring as Shawn put his hand back on the bar and let himself fall in a swing once more. Except this time, in what was probably an effort to show off, he did a flip — a flip — and landed perfectly on his feet on the mat, arms spread in a t-pose.  
Shawn was heavily panting, sweat beginning to bead on his face. He licked off some of it that was lining his upper lip. “How was that?” 
Charlie clapped very short and small claps, jumping up and down. “Wow, that was amazing! See, I knew you were gymnast material!”
Behind them, the sound of the door opening echoed through the gym. Gus and the other two turned to see who it was, and saw a… man? No, no, a woman. It was hard to tell, the androgynous figure not giving much to go off of. They were carrying a simple drawstring cloth bag in one hand, the other swinging nonchalantly by their side. 
“Hey, hun!” They greeted, completely ignoring Gus and Shawn. 
Charlie ran up to them and practically tackled them. “Drew! Did you get my lunch?”
“Sure did.” Drew reached into the bag and grabbed an opaque Tupperware. “Chicken parm salad, your favorite.” 
“Oh my god, you’re the best.” She eagerly grabbed it before her expression changed to suspicion, squinting her eyes. “You didn’t make this, did you?” 
“You crazy? I’m pretty sure if I did, all you’d be getting was a box fulla smoke. Nah, I had Parker make it.”
Charlie’s expression morphed back into one full of fondness. “You’re so sweet.” 
“Pretty sure that’s you, sugar.” 
They had both been inching closer and closer together before Shawn interrupted with a cough. The distance between the two didn’t change, instead they whipped their heads over to the men who were both awkwardly watching the couple. 
“Oh right! Drew, this is Shawn Spencer and his friend Evan Spencer-”
“Starfish. No relation.”
“Uh- yeah. They’re here with to ask you some questions.” 
Drew looked at the two suspiciously. “What’s so important that they have to ask me instead of you?”
“Well, they’re with the police, so-”
“Really? Come on, I already answered all of Detective Flat Stanley’s questions. If you really worked with them, you’d know that.”
Gus watched Shawn wipe off the sweat from his brow before he said, “That’s the thing, Drew. You see, I am no normal man. I’ve tried, but I’m just too amazing. I’m actually a psychic. And I’ve been getting some serious vibes from you.”
They raised an eyebrow and crossed their arms. “You have, have you now?” 
“Yes, in fact I’m getting something right now.” Shawn theatrically sucked a breath through his teeth, and shut his eyes as a hand flew to his temple. “I see… you, surrounded by green, lots of it. And brown. There’s a little gray too. Ehh… maybe some purple-”
Gus swiftly elbowed his friend in the arm. 
Shawn gave a short yelp. “Ow!” He shook it off and resumed his ‘vision’, this time with his eyes open instead of shut for dramatic effect. “You like to hang around the woods. No wait, scratch that. You don’t just hang out there, you like to hike there!” He winced. “Ew, you do that for fun?” 
Once again, Gus had to elbow Shawn. This time, he managed to dodge it, only barely. 
“I’m seeing plants, Drew. Grass, ferns, trees, moss, and mushrooms.” He paused, and turned to Gus. “Are mushrooms even plants?” 
“It’s still up for debate what fungi really are.”
Drew cut in with, “They’re not plants.”
“Unimportant! You harvested those mushrooms, the Demolishing Demons-”
“Destroying Angels, Shawn. I know you know what they’re called, you said it before-” 
“-Destroying Angels, cut them up, cooked them into a little meal, and gave them to your poor, probably innocent, definitely unknowing friend Matthew Timons.” He lowered the hand from his head. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” 
Before Drew could say something to defend themself, Charlie cut in. “I have several things to say on Drew’s behalf, actually. First of all: Who the hell do you think you are to accuse my girlfriend of killing off their friend?!”
Shawn and Gus jumped back at the unexpectedly harsh tone coming from the small woman. It was a monumental turnaround from the attitude she had shown just moments ago. She’d seemed so full of positive energy not long ago. But now she looked as though she could spit fire.
“Second of all: they can’t cook for shit. The last time Drew was in the kitchen they burned a pot of water trying to make Kraft Mac and Cheese as a surprise for me.” Charlie sucked in a breath and turned to her girlfriend. “I’m sorry, that was harsh. You’re not that bad-”
Drew gently put an arm around Charlie. “You’re fine, sugar. I really am that bad at cooking.”
Gus thought back to earlier, when Drew had presented the Tupperware box to Charlie. She’d asked them if they had made it in a wary tone, as if she was experienced in Drew’s cooking. And what she said just then practically confirmed it: Drew couldn’t cook, so they couldn’t have made something to get Matthew to eat it. He looked over to Shawn and saw that he was coming to the same conclusion. 
“Shawn? Gus?” 
The unexpected voice caused the four to whip their heads towards the source. It was Juliet, and right beside her was Lassiter.
Juliet’s eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. “What are you two doing here? And what are you wearing, Shawn?”
Shawn opened his mouth, then closed it. Even Gus didn’t know how to explain why he was wearing a leotard of all things. Charlie had just sort of dragged him into the locker room and forced him into the outfit. 
Drew looked at the two detectives in confusion. “What’s- what’s goin’ on here? I already answered your questions.”
Lassiter spoke up first. “Drew Oberon, you’re under arrest for the murder of Matthew Timons.” 
Again, Drew was cut off by Charlie. “On what grounds?” 
Lassiter took the lead. “Well, after we questioned Ms. Oberon — who was hostile at best during her questioning-”
Drew cut him off. “Yeah, you interrupted shroomie time, ‘course I was gonna be pissed-”
“I’m sorry, shroomie time? What, is that code for ‘Drug O’Clock’?” 
“No, it’s when Charlie and I-” Drew’s face turned red. “When we, uh- cuddle on a pile of mushroom plushies she’s collected over the years.” Their face didn’t stop growing red, seemingly embarrassed at having to tell strangers that they and their girlfriend had a specific time set aside to lounge together on top of a mound of toys.
They all stood in awkward silence before Juliet broke it. “Uhm, we did some background checks on her, and it turns out that she has a degree in mycology.” 
Drew looked like they were about to say something, probably to defend themself. But, once again, they were interrupted, this time by Shawn. “What- what is that, the study of colons?” 
Gus clicked his tongue in annoyance. “It’s the study of fungi, Shawn.” 
“How do you just know this stuff?”
“It’s common knowledge!”
“Oh yeah, mycology. It’s right up there next to the word for the fear of rubber bands.” 
“For your information, that’s lastihophobia.”
“You’re really not beating the allegations here, Gus.”
“Would you two shut your yaps?!” Lassiter nearly shouted at them. He continued where Juliet left off. “Matthew Timons was poisoned by a mushroom called ‘the Destroying Angel’. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you? I’ll answer that for you: you do.” He brought out a pair of cuffs from his suit pockets. “Hands behind your back, please.” 
Drew couldn’t even say a word, too shocked by all the evidence currently stacked against her. All she could do was numbly follow Lassiter’s orders.  
Charlie was equally stunned. “What? You’re taking them away? Just like that?!”
Shawn stepped forward and in an effort to calm her, said, “Look, Charlie, I didn’t mean-”
Shawn physically recoiled, and Gus winced in sympathy. It looked like it had hurt. Heck, it sounded like it hurt, too. 
Juliet quickly reacted, pinning Charlie’s arms to her sides to keep her from potentially harming Shawn further. Lassiter simply watched from the side — still keeping a strong grip on Drew — eyebrows raised in surprise. Charlie didn’t resist, letting herself become entrapped by the detective. 
Shawn turned back around, now sporting a red handprint on his left cheek. He gently tapped it with a finger, and sucked a breath through gritted teeth. He looked back to Charlie, who’d stood still and only moved to blow a strand of hair from her face. “Charlie, I promise you we’ll prove Drew is innocent.”
She just shook her head. “Don’t bother. You’ve already done enough.” Charlie pulled free from Juliet and stormed out of the building to follow after Lassiter and Drew, who had already made their way out. 
Ao3 link
For anyone curious, here’s the list of the moves name’s that Shawn performed in order:
Pull up from hang: The pull up from hang is a skill that requires you to pull your body up towards the bar using only your upper body strength. This exercise helps build strength in your arms, shoulders, and back.
Cast to horizontal: In the Cast to Horizontal, the gymnast casts up and levels out in a position parallel to the ground, requiring core strength and control. It’s easier than Cast to Handstand as the gymnast is only extending into a level position rather than completely upside down.
Cast to handstand: This skill is an extension of the basic cast, where the gymnast casts up into a handstand position. It requires strength and control.
Giant: The Giant is a fundamental skill where the gymnast performs a full 360-degree rotation around the bar in a handstand position, essential for building momentum. (Shawn does the backwards version)
Blind Change: The Blind Change is a turning skill where the gymnast rotates 180 degrees while in a handstand on the bar. It’s a difficult skill but once mastered will allow gymnasts to switch the direction of their swing and add a wider range of skills to their routine.
Front Giant: The Front Giant involves a forward giant swing, where the gymnast maintains a handstand position while circling the bar. It’s key for developing momentum.
Salto Dismount: A common dismount, the Salto Dismount involves performing a salto (flip) off the bar, landing on the mat. It can be executed in various forms.
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The Haunted House
It's boring being a ghost. At least Virgil has two lovely boyfriends to spend his afterlife with.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: non-graphic talk of death
Pairings: Anaroceit
Word Count: 1008
@anaroceitweek day three is here! The prompt here being 'Ghost'.
This is genuinely just short, cute and fluffy, I love it.
Honestly, being a ghost sucked, for the most part. Virgil couldn’t touch anything, he couldn’t interact with the living beyond causing a chill in the air when they walked past him, he couldn’t read books, he couldn’t watch TV, he couldn’t even clean the dusty ass master bedroom he slept in.
At least, amongst all of that, he wasn’t lonely. 
“Virgil darling!!” Came the booming voice of his partner through the house, “It’s raining out! Your favourite! Would you like to go for a walk?”
Virgil floated through the ceiling to appear downstairs before his partner - Roman, a victorian actor who had died mid-way through performance, leaving him in the dress of the woman he had been portraying. Roman wasn’t actually upset by that turn of events. 
“Hello love,” Roman said, voice quieter now that Virgil was in the room with him, “It looks like we’re in for a bit of a storm, let's hope that old tree doesn’t come down…”
He looked out of the window to see the old, gnarled tree that Roman was talking about - it looked primed and ready to fall on the falling apart conservatory the last owners of this house had build.
“Well - no point dwelling on that,” He said brightly, “What would you like to do? We could go out for a walk in the rain, reenact sad scenes of your ‘movies’ you liked - we could even drag Janus out of his corner to cuddle together on the window seat of the library if you’d like!”
Reenacting movie scenes was definitely tempting, though neither of his boyfriends really ‘got it’. Roman was better than Janus, being an actor, but he always ended up slipping back into that fancy old talk that he was used to when acting. Virgil didn’t fault him, but it made playing pretend a little awkward when Virgil barely understood what he was saying - Virgil had slacked off when they studied Romeo and Juliet in highschool. 
Janus was even worse at it, he had barely even grasped what the concept of a movie was, being some kind of con-man (Virgil hadn’t quite figured out exactly what he had done) in the early 1700s, he was definitely a shady guy and Virgil had never managed to get his profession out of him. Virgil liked him anyway, but no matter how much he tried to explain certain modern concepts, he simply refused to understand. Part of Virgil thought he was messing with him. 
Virgil was the most modern of the ghosts, in fact he had only died a few years ago - an embarrassing story, certainly, he had been exploring the ‘haunted house’ and he’d tripped over something and fallen down the stairs and died. He could never work out what exactly had tripped him - he must have fallen over his own feet. 
He didn’t exactly like being dead, but it did certainly have the perks of two beautiful boyfriends to spend eternity with. 
“Hm…. Kinda feel like cuddling right now, if Janus wants to,” He said, taking Roman’s offered hand. At least they could persuade him to join him.
“Wonderful!” Roman said, grinning as he lead Virgil towards the stairs - Roman had always preferred going the alive way, if it was Virgil’s call they would’ve just floated up through the ceiling to go and find him, “Oh Janusss-!” Roman sang, peeking into the study where Janus preferred to hang around. They were right, he was sitting in the chair by the window with one leg crossed over the other. Janus looked up and tipped his hat to the two of them.
“Hello you two,” He said with a smile, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“It’s raining!” Roman said excitedly.
“Isn’t that when you two usually do your strange modern tragedy reenactments?” Janus asked, tilting his head and glancing out of the window.
Shrugging, Roman walked over to plant himself in Janus’ lap, wrapping an arm around his neck and smiling when Janus looked flustered - it was hard to make Janus flustered, Virgil grinned, “Our darling dark little stormcloud wants cuddles instead.”
“Oh really?” Janus says, smirking at Virgil before shoving Roman off of him so he could get up and walk over. Janus was taller than Virgil by, a bit (not a lot, at all, Virgil wasn’t short, shut up) so he was easily able to lift him up and spin him around, making Virgil squeak in surprise. 
“Hey! Put me down, asshole!” Virgil cried, whacking Janus’ arm and making him laugh. 
“Awee,” Janus said, kissing Virgil’s cheek before putting him down, “The library?”
Nodding, Virgil took Janus’ hand and reached for Roman and led the both of them to the library after Roman took it. It was a little sad, in his opinion, that they had so many books and they couldn’t read any of them. Roman could interact with the environment just a little, but not nearly enough to lift a book from the shelf. He was working on it, but he still couldn’t quite get it. 
Janus’ power was by far Virgil’s favourite, he could be heard by the living - as a whisper - though it wasn’t exactly helpful in finding activities for them to do whilst no-one living was there. 
Thunder rolled outside and Virgil really hoped that today wouldn’t be the day that the old tree finally fell, but right now Virgil wasn’t trying to worry about it. Right now, Roman was sitting down on the cushioned bay window seat and opening his arms for the other two. Virgil happily followed Janus into his embrace, cuddling up between him and the window so that he could watch the sheets of rain fall down over the countryside beyond the land on which this house sat. 
Janus curled up to Roman’s other side and draped himself across them both and even though none of them were warm anymore, Virgil still felt a warmth in his chest as he closed his eyes and curled up with the lovely, beautiful, boyfriends he had to spend his afterlife with.
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierreblogs @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @littlerat2 ( if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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yuckydraws · 1 year
A lil oneshot that I'm thinking might become the start of an ongoing fic? We'll see.
Pairing: (HT Sans/reader) with hints of (UT Papyrus/reader)
Build Up My Heart
It’s fucking hot.
You wipe the sweat off your brow and sigh, looking at all the work you and your team accomplished today. You’ve finally finished the framing for the guest house this family of… rather odd skeletons, have hired you to build. And you understand why.
This already large, cabin-like home is practically overflowing with them.
In your time here, you’ve counted at least twelve.
Twelve people. In one home that, yes, is large, but can’t hold more than maybe five or six bedrooms. 
It’s a wonder they haven’t ripped each other’s heads off - you’ve overheard a fight or two when you’ve taken your lunch on the lawn… and man do some of them argue.
When you first started working here, you swore you were going crazy. Almost every time you saw one of them it was one you’ve never seen/met before. Yet they all seem to look alike in some way, though you’ve kept that to yourself. Maybe that’s just how it is for skeleton monsters, who are you to say something ignorant like that?
Sans and Papyrus, the two skeletons you’ve spoken with the most, have been patient with every setback this project has had, though you can almost see the exhaustion in their sockets every time they pop over to talk progress. Makes you wonder if they’re the “peacekeepers” of the home.
But, then again, you suppose you shouldn’t be wondering too much. You’re just here to work, get the job done, and eventually move on to the next. Which will likely be another cookie cutter house in a subdivision.
… you’ll admit, though, that you’re going to miss seeing some of the wacky things they do.
And seeing that absolutely gorgeous garden of theirs.
It’s basically your dream. It packs an impressive variety of fruits and vegetables all neatly growing in raised garden beds. Marigolds are scattered about, likely to keep pests away, and there’s much more flowers where that came from - all of which look happy and content if their blooms are anything to go by. Whoever planned the garden, took convenience into account as well. An array of herbs grow right behind the decorative arch to the entrance of the garden. Just in case anyone just needs to grab a quick little something for a recipe.
Stars, you’d love to trade your apartment windowsill, grown out of an old milk jug, herbs for a lovely stroll to this garden. Who wouldn’t?
It also has a line of fruit trees lining the north side of the garden, likely so as not to block the sunshine. Whether those were here when they purchased the land and they planned the garden around it, or not, you wouldn’t doubt that whoever planned this garden would have the foresight for that. 
Currently, ripe peaches hang from one tree, and apple blossoms grow on another. Makes you wonder what the other two trees produce, but they must not be in season at the moment with their bareness. 
As if all that wasn’t enough, they also topped off this garden with strewn lights, stone pathways, and goofy gnomes.
A garden like this looks like a full time job, yet you’ve never seen who tends to it. You’ve seen some of the household members pick from it, but never who makes sure the weeds stay away, or who manages the more sensitive plants.
You wonder who it is.
“Hey, didn’t ya hear?” A voice calls you from your thoughts. You pry your gaze away from the garden and meet your coworker’s gaze. “It’s quittin’ time.”
“Yeah, I heard.” You confirm, slipping your gloves off. Not that those gloves protect your hands from the rough calluses littering your palms, but they do help them feel less sore at the end of the day. “The boss wants me to meet with those skeletons to go over the next step.” You thank whatever is up there that you actually have an excuse for your daydreaming this time.
“Right, I forgot that you’re a bigwig supervisor now.” He teases. You roll your eyes, that title hardly means anything yet. “Well, we’re all meetin’ at Al’s for drinks, if ya wanna join later.”
You would rather not.
“We’ll see, thanks Ron.” You neither accept nor decline. He gives somewhat of a salute before slipping away with the rest of the bunch.
Slipping your hardhat off, you await the arrival of your boss, scrolling on your phone in the meantime. It’s not long until you hear the rumble of his truck pulling up, and you quickly pocket the device in your hands. 
Out hops Ted, clipboard in hand and that aggravating smile on his face.
He’s nice enough, but something about him has always felt a little fake. However, playing nice with the boss was what got you this promotion, so you’re not about to jeopardize that now. Waving you over, he greets the skeleton brothers who approach him rather quickly. Must have been waiting just like you. Eager wouldn’t begin to explain how much they want this project to move along.
You catch the tail end of greetings, shaking both Sans and Papyrus’ hands as you’re formally introduced (though, you’ve already had multiple conversations with them while working). Your boss cracks some jokes that you half laugh along to, before he finally gets down to business. Listening intently, and chiming in when necessary, you learn what you already knew. Plumbing, HVAC, electrical, etc. needs to happen before you and your team can continue. It’ll be contracted out, yadda yadda yadda.
Just as you’re beginning to think you have no reason to be a part of this conversation, it’s… over. Yeah that was a waste of a half hour, though you suppose you may be giving clients this talk at some point so it’s likely important to hear.
Ted wraps things up, shakes their hands again, and takes his leave. Sans slips away after that, claiming that he has something that he needs to get back to. You almost follow and take your leave as well, but Papyrus, who’s always been more social, gets you pausing.
“WELL, HUMAN, I SUPPOSE WE WON’T BE SEEING YOU FOR A LITTLE BIT.” He says. You’ve long since gotten used to his loud voice. You smile.
“Gonna miss me that bad?” You tease. Oddly enough, a light flush of orange rises to his cheekbones. Interesting
“W-Well… I ALWAYS ENJOY OUR TALKS WHEN I BRING OUT WATER.” He blurts. Ah, yes, the water. Ultimately unneeded, but very much appreciated.
“It’ll be a few weeks, at most.” You remind him. He beams at that.
“YES, I SUPPOSE YOU’RE RIGHT.” He agrees. It warms your heart that he seems to care even that much. It’s not often homeowners even talk to you and your crew, let alone be as kind as Papyrus has been. “WELL, YOU’VE HAD A LONG DAY, I WON’T KEEP YOU.”
You check your watch and wince.
“Yeahhh… I still got to run to the store to get some tomatoes for this recipe I’m making, so I should-”
“WE HAVE TOMATOES!” Papyrus all but blurts. You blink up at him. That orange flush is back.
“We U-Uh… WE HAVE THAT GARDEN, I’M SURE YOU’VE SEEN IT!” You tilt your head at his words, not wanting to assume where he’s going with this - he is a client after all. “WE HAVE PLENTY, YOU SHOULD PICK SOME AND SAVE YOURSELF A TRIP.”
At any other jobsite, you’d have quickly refused… but something about his hopeful smile and genuinity of the offer has you softening like butter. Plus… you’d get to see that beautiful garden up close.
“You sure? I don’t want to overstep…”
“Bear?” You ask, wracking your brain for which skeleton he’s referring to. You haven’t been introduced to many of them.
“Well, are you sure he’ll want me wandering in there, then?”
You hesitate. This Bear obviously enjoys gardening in the peace and quiet, who are you to interrupt that? However… it’s nearing 7pm and you’re ravenous. A trip to the store sounds like torture. 
As if sensing your dilemma, Papyrus pivots, placing a hand on your shoulder and urges you back around the house. “I’LL GO WITH YOU, TO ASSURE YOU ALL IS WELL.” You just nod and follow along, both because it feels like nothing you do will change his mind, and because of your selfish desire to just get done with this day sooner.
Your workboots sink into the plush clover lawn as you both make your way across the backyard to the garden. Your eyes are captured once again, by said garden, and you almost don’t notice the rather large skeleton tending to the flowerbeds in towards the front until Papyrus speaks from across the short fencing.
You look to where Papyrus is speaking, and the first thing you see is the gaping hole in this skeleton’s head.
Holyfuckisheokay?? How-
You look to Papyrus in concern, but see him just… smiling down at you? Confused, you look back to this skeleton, crouched behind a garden bed and lock eyes (eye?) with the bloated, bright red eye-light filling the socket that isn’t scarred from his head wound. You… can’t tell what he’s thinking, with that blank expression of his.
But seeing as this is apparently normal for him, you’re now worried you’ve offended the guy.
Maybe magic helps monsters survive the seemingly unsurvivable? It’s not like he has any internal organs in his skull… maybe that’s why-
You’re pulled from your thoughts as this apparent behemoth stands up.
Oh my.
You’re beginning to understand why he’s called ‘Bear’. He’s certainly a bear in every sense of the word. Large, imposing, intimidating… and did you mention huge?? Now, you aren’t small. You’ve kept up in construction for almost a decade now and it shows… but you still feel like a twig, craning your neck to look up at him.
However, the dirt covered overalls he’s wearing, definitely takes away from some of his initial intimidating demeanor.
“... sure.” He rumbles, blank expression still giving no clue to where his mind is.
Holy fucking baritone-
Papyrus pats you on the back and beams at Bear.
“THANK YOU! I’M GOING TO START ON DINNER, OKAY?” You numbly nod, trying to force your thoughts away from where they want to go. “SEE YOU IN A FEW WEEKS, HUMAN!” Tearing your eyes away from Bear, you wave back to Papyrus and watch him retreat into the home. You wait until he’s inside to take in what you hope is a subtle deep breath.
You about leap into the air, when you turn around and find Bear right behind you, at the entrance of the garden. Clutching your chest, you remind yourself to relax. How’d he get there? And so quietly, too…
And you swear you see this giant quirk the smallest of smiles at your jumpiness. 
He thinks he’s funny, huh? Asshole.
You stare up at him, flushing and definitely not pouting. “Ah, uh, thanks for letting me steal some tomatoes, you’re saving me a trip to the store.” You decide to be polite. After all, you were the one to gawk first, perhaps you deserved a bit of payback.
He just grunts.
And you both just… stand there. After a few moments of silence, you speak up.
“So… where are they?” You inquire, glancing around at what you can see of the garden, but it’s hard when you have a seven foot wall of solid skele-man right in front of you. 
“where are… what?” He asks.
You tilt your head. He just said…
“The tomatoes?” You try, maybe he spaced out when Papyrus asked him if it was okay… and when you just mentioned them a second ago?
He seems to recall something, if the twitch of his bone brows are to say much. Nodding, he turns and lumbers through the rows of flowerbeds. Assuming that’s an invitation for you to follow, you rush to fall into step behind him and his large strides… but, you quickly fall behind as you start to admire the garden’s beauty up close. Your steps slow as you stroll past the growing cauliflower plants. These can be incredibly hard to grow… how did he…?
You gingerly touch one of the leaves, and look up to Bear, who’s stopped and turned to look at what’s keeping you.
“How do you get these to grow so well?” You ask, smiling excitedly at him. He blinks, large shoulders relaxing a bit, as if he was expecting you to ask something else.
He reaches into his overall pocket, and slips out what looks like a very well-loved notebook. You watch curiously, but patiently as he opens it and flips through it. You’re unsure what the notebook has to do with his answer but you’re willing to wait and find out.
He pauses on a page and looks back to you, seeming to ponder something before deciding ‘fuck it’, as he approaches you and hands the book to you. It’s got various dirt stains, and some pages have been taped back in where they’ve come loose, so you treat it with care as you take it from his grasp. And there, on the page you see notes in small, neat handwriting. Research notes, with drawings and everything. The topic being the little cauliflower plant you’re standing next to.
Some of it seems to just be information taken from the internet and put in short form, while others seems to be from actual trial and error. You skim his writing, noticing that he’s scratched some things out but towards the end, he seems to have figured out the perfect schedule for the plant to thrive.
You’re tempted to flip through the book and read more, but you refrain. That seems like an invasion of privacy.
“Wow, that’s really cool that you go as far to take all these notes. You must really enjoy this, huh?” You ask, handing it back to him. He stares at it in his hands for a moment, before putting it back in his pocket.
He just nods.
“Not much of a talker?” You tease lightheartedly, trying to see if you can get any sort of… anything out of this guy other than blank staring and slightly intimidating silence.
He shrugs, and turns back around, leading you again.
But you’re not done.
“You’ve really built something beautiful here, ya know?” You continue. He just keeps walking. “This is amazing! It could almost be considered a small farm! Though, I guess with all your housemates to feed, it’s just a garden, huh?”
Still no answer, but you swear he starts walking a little faster if the way you have to almost jog to keep up is anything to go by.
“The flowers too? Man, this must be a full time job that, I’ll be honest, I’m a little jealous of! I’d be in here all day if I was able to! This is absolutely gorgeous, Bear! Do you take care of this all by yourself? You really have a talent, I hope you know that.”
Suddenly Bear stops, leaving you to walk right into his back… which given his height means you faceplant right into his spine. He barely budges, yet the force of it knocks you on your butt. You grunt and rub at your smarting nose. Damn, this dude is solid.
His red light stares down at you, from the corner of his good socket. He doesn’t apologize, or offer you a hand, just simply points to the tomato plant in front of him.
“... tomato.” He mutters, then takes his leave, stepping over your sprawled legs and heading back to the flower bed he was working on.
… huh, you could’ve sworn, you saw the faintest hints of blue on his cheekbones.
Chuckling to yourself, and once again, thinking that these skeletons are silly, you pick yourself up and dust off your pants. Not that. You really need to dust off your already dirty work clothes, but it feels right.
You lean over the tomato plants in question, finding quite a little variety in the garden bed. Roma, cherry, black krim, campari - and those are just the ones you can name. Dinner in this house must be full of all the most delicious, fresh produce.
Once again, you’re a little jealous.
You pick a few ripe and tasty looking romas, and call it good. While you’d love to experiment with some of the others, this was a kind offer from a friend and given to you by an acquaintance, you’re not about to take advantage of either of them. Holding your goods protectively to you, you wander back to the entrance of the garden, where Bear is once again knelt in front of one of the flowerbeds, tugging at some stubborn looking weeds.
He glances at you as you approach him. You hold up your three tomatoes and grin at him. “Thank you for these, you saved me a trip to the store!” A nod is all you get. “And… speaking of the store, I feel bad just taking these, I have cash?”
That gets him to fully turn his skull to look at you, and you take that as a yes.
“This is about a pound, I’d say, so how about I just give you an even $5?” You offer. Yet again, he just stares. 
“... I mean I can look up how much it is at the store or you can give me a price too, if you’d rather…” You ramble, feeling a little awkward under that stare of his. You just met the guy today, and he’s proving to be extremely hard to read.
You’re about to just reach into your pocket and pull out a $10 (way too much, but you’d pay anything to get out of this awkward silence), when your stomach growls rather loudly. His stare moves to your belly.
“Ah, uh, yeah it’s dinner time, huh?” You try to joke it off. His light flits back to your face, and finally, he just waves you off.
“... You don’t want money?” You ask tentatively. He shakes his head.
“... go home.” He rumbles, yet his tone isn’t rude, “go eat.” He adds. Your shoulders release tension you didn’t even quite realize was there and the awkwardness finally fading, and you offer him a grateful smile.
“Thank you, it’s been a long day. I really appreciate it.”
He hums.
“... and I hope you know you don’t have to wait until our team leaves to tend to your garden. This is your home, we’re just working here.”
He raises a skele-brow at your words, looking unimpressed as he gestures to the sizable hole in his skull. You hold back a wince as you remember your reaction. You know the guys you work with, and you also know that your reaction is probably going to be the most tame one he gets.
“Right… I uh, I’m really sorry for how I reacted, I thought it was a recent injury and I was worried you needed an ambulance or something cause humans can’t survive something like that, but that was really insensitive.” You murmur. His stare seems to slightly soften at that, but you barely notice that as an idea pops in your brain. Instantly, you brighten. “Wait here! I’ve got an idea, I will be right back!”
And with that, you start a careful jog to your old, beat up truck - not wanting to drop your precious produce. Once there, you deposit your small bounty into your upside down hardhat to keep them from rolling around, and then pop open your rather dirt-covered glove department. You’ve never really found the point in cleaning your truck that often when you just dirty it everyday after work. Digging through the mess of papers there, your hands find that knit fabric they were looking for.
“Ah hah!” You exclaim excitedly, closing your vehicle’s door and rushing back around the house to the garden that you left Bear at. He’s since moved on to a different flowerbed, but no amount of kneeling would hide that big frame of his and he’s rather easy to spot because of it.
Hearing the crunches on your loud footsteps in the gravel, he turns, seeming a little surprised that you actually came back.
You hold up the beanie in your hand, grinning at him as you let him connect the dots, it was one of your first crochet projects… and you misread the amount of links you’d need for it, resulting in a beanie that was ridiculously large for your head. You had meant to toss it or take it apart for the yarn, but it found its way into your glove department, and that’s where it’s stayed for almost a year. 
However, it seems to be the perfect size for this skeleton giant in front of you.
“Wanna see if it fits?” You ask, stepping closer. In your excitement, you don’t connect the dots that his skull might be a no-touching zone, and reach to slip it on. He quickly leans away from you, eyeing the beanie warily.
“Oh, right. Sorry, here.” You hold it out in an offer. He hesitantly takes it, staring at it for a long moment before glancing up to you. “It’ll stretch, if you’re worried about it catching those edges.” You assure him, not sure how sensitive the area around his injury is, but figuring it’s better safe than sorry.
After a few more moments of silence (that are beginning to feel a little less awkward), he slowly and carefully slips the beanie on his skull. He makes sure to stretch it and hold it a little ways away on his injured side of his skull, and soon it’s sitting nicely on his head.
A perfect fit.
“There! Now it’s hidden!” You say. He tilts his head. “I know it’s not fair that you can’t just waltz out here in broad daylight while we’re here without worrying about feeling judged, but it’s also not fair to have to hole yourself inside and wait until we leave to do your thing. I mean, it’s almost dark and you’ve got a lot more to do, and these string lights only illuminate so much.” You explain.
He nods, slipping it off and moving to hand it back to you, as if he’s not aware it’s a gift.
“Keep it, think of this as a trade for the yummy tomatoes! Plus, I think you look cute in it.” You say, smiling again as you see the slight blue return to his face. “If you decide you don’t like it, feel free to do whatever you’d like with it, it’s not like it’ll fit my head anyways.” You say with a little laugh.
A low rumbling noise escapes Bear. You tilt your head, and it doesn’t click until you see the smile on his face and his shoulders bouncing slightly. He’s chuckling at you.
You ignore the growing warmth on your face at hearing more of that very attractive voice of his, and let out a few little giggles of your own, closing your eyes as you do.
So, you’re none the wiser when Bear slips the beanie off of his head and moves closer to you in that silent way he does. It’s not until he plops the article onto you that you sputter and open your eyes, only to be met with your lashes brushing against the yarn and your vision being hindered by the way the beanie practically reaches the bottom of your nose. Reaching up, you lift it up and find Bear grinning at you.
“... no, it doesn’t… does it?”
He’s making fun of you. Again.
Jokingly pouting, you slip it off and toss it back at him, where it bounces off his chest harmlessly and falls into his lap. He guffaws at that, his little chuckles turning into a deep belly laughter. 
It’s infectious, and soon, you’re joining in again.
It’s not until your stomach makes your hunger loudly well known again, that he sobers, looking serious once again.
“... you need… to eat.” He reminds you.
You smile sheepishly, and try not to be too disappointed at having to leave. You were just getting him outta his shell a bit!
“Yeah, I do. Your dinner will be ready soon, too, I bet.” You say, shifting your weight on your feet as you stall just a moment longer. “I uh, hope to see more of you.”
He just stares again, but there’s a sharpness missing in his light.
“Goodnight, Bear.” You say, pivoting to take your leave. He doesn’t say anything right away, and you just assume he won’t, given what you’ve learned about him today.
But as you start to walk back to your truck, you hear a quiet, “goodnight.” from Bear. You smile again, turning to give him a little wave that you don’t see if he returns as you round the corner of the house.
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capobegone · 2 years
What I think Kny Character’s Spiritual Realms would look like
Alright, we all remember the spiritual realms of Kyojuro and the Kamaboko crew:
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I was thinking about these the other day, and it got me wondering: if Enmu somehow had a way to get into the mind of the other main figures of the Demon Slayer Corps…what would their spiritual realms look like??
And this is what I came up with!
Kagaya: just a giant, epic library. His spiritual core would be a Regina music box, if you’ve ever seen one of those. Like the core would be the disc itself. I have no explanation for this other than it would be sick as hell. The guardian would be his childhood self before he became Oyakata-sama, like in the lil kimono and everything. I think he’s the type to have some level of awareness over his own consciousness, so it would make sense to have a manifestation of himself.
Gyoumei: Mountain clearing with bigass, thunderous waterfalls. Kind of like where they did his Hashira Training! His spiritual core would be inside of a humble little temple. Protected by big stone statues.
Muichiro: Essentially a bit of a void. Very foggy and nearly impossible to navigate. However, I believe that his spiritual core would actually be nice, probably in a little pocket of peaceful forest among the fog. I think it would be a nice autumn forest, like his childhood home. Because his true self is essentially lost in his subconscious, I think that would be reflected in his spiritual core. Maybe a manifestation of himself as a child—or maybe of Yuichiro instead? Who’s to say?
Giyuu: I think his spiritual realm would be unexpectedly pleasant. A nice lake like the ones on Mt Sagiri, maybe in early spring. His spiritual core would be protected by Sabito. Not necessarily Sabito’s actual spirit, but a manifestation of him that Giyuu holds dear to his heart and soul.
Shinobu: Shinobu’s spiritual realm would probably be quite a sad place. I would imagine some rubble and calamity due to all of the anger she represses in there. However, there would also be beauty in the wreckage. Little butterflies, medicinal plants, etc. I could see her spiritual core as being quite strong, seeing as she is one of the best at holding herself together and hiding her true emotions out of all the Hashira.
Obanai: I think his spiritual core would be very gentle. Under all the layers of awful self loathing and “cursed blood”, he’s really just a boy who wants to be loved. I do think it would be pretty well guarded, though—my first instinct is big dark forest, although I’m not totally sure why. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s got a giant serpent in there to protect it. (Bonus: Kaburamaru’s spiritual realm is probably a peaceful little tree, like the one that he and bestie Obanai hang out in for Pillar meetings. I think he would like to drape himself over the branches if he could.)
Mitsuri: Cherry trees. Absolutely 100% cherry trees. Like, you know that scene in season 2 where Kagaya is talking to Tengen and his wives by the cherry tree with that pretty bridge? Yeah, just like that. I think Mitsuri’s would be similar to Tanjiro’s in that it doesn’t have anything guarding it. She has so much love to give to everyone, and is so willing to trust other people, that I really think her spiritual realm would be very joyous and open to visitors!
Tengen: Big time fireworks. Super flashy. Would probably give any intruder a seizure from all of the unbridled flamboyance, which serves as protection on its own. I’m getting nighttime city summer festival from him, but bumped up about ten notches.
Sanemi: His outer realm would be TERRIFYING. I feel like his feral ass would be like Zenitsu and manifest in his own subconscious to torment any intruders. My gut says mountain setting, terrible weather, being hunted by an enraged Wind Pillar. Yikes. At his very core, though, I think there would be a little pocket of light. This is where he stores all of his love for his brother and lost family, which he never allows to see the light of day.
Nezuko: I wonder if hers would be different because she’s a demon? Based off all of her interpretations of the world in relation to her lost family, I think that her spiritual core would be similar to her childhood home in the mountains. Perhaps her human consciousness would reside there, hidden away in the subconscious realm like Muichiro.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve got for now!! Let me know if I forgot any of your favs or if y’all have any ideas because I wanna hear them✨
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lorablackmane · 10 months
ISAT Act 5 Missable Interactions
I missed a shitton my 1st playthrough bc I was on that Siffrin mindset during act 5's loop and I realized afterwards I had a save in the meadow b4 everything. So I decided to compile stuff I found I missed 4 others who might've missed things too! Please keep in mind that below will be spoilers for this act and the next, and that there are some concerning things about Siffrin found here that I've labeled this post with a few trigger warnings. Check them before reading to decide if you want to read!
Please note the section on the favor tree has new info!! If you don't want to know how a secret boss fight goes please skip the 2nd to last dot.
• Literally every kid in town is terrified by Siffrin now, ignoring him or telling them to go away. You'll walk away from the shopkeeper if you try to talk to him, causing Odile to look at Siffrin with concern. He eats the pain du chocolat in one bite, concerning the pastry maker.
• Says stepping on the banana peel isn't in the stage instructions if u try to use it now.
• Everything that had a smell in earlier chapters now smells like sugar.
• If you interact with the cookies on floor one Siffrin will try to eat one. It's as hard as a rock.
• Interacting with the landscape drawings in the broken egg key room makes them hysterically ask if they'll ever see anything outside this loop ever again.
• A new group of drawings are also here of Siffrin with his face completely blotted out like the friendship drawing.
• The dictionary makes him scream that he isn't taciturn anymore, is he?!
• Interacting with the "grape juice for adults" makes them say they hate alcohol (jlmfr) b4 taking a swig.. only to discover its actually just juice. They remark hysterically they can't even get drunk in peace here!
• Mira's dying plant reminds them of someone, and they remark how there's four happy, never changing plants all together on the other desk before hysterically laughing. Rubs their arms when passing the desks to try to simulate the human contact they'd get in earlier loops from their family.
• Says they'll make all the wishes come true if you Interact with the Head Housemaiden's wish survey.
• Rips the info on the King, if interacted with again they attempt their breathing exercises to no avail then suddenly smell sugar again.
• Looking at the drawings in this office will make Siffrin start thinking about defacing them, but remarks he doesn't have a pencil as he hysterically thinks scribble, scribble, scribble.
• Mocks themself for thinking odile is there if u interact with the checked out book list in the library.
• Gets upset if Interacting with the diary area bc they still can't say the name of their home country. Calls himself a stupid blinding idiot.
• Gets upset at the theater scroll section, stating why read one when you're in one. Tells themself to stop going off script and go if interacted with again.
• Wonders if they'll ever carve again when Interacting with the carving wood. States they'd like to carve the King if so so they can snap him in half if interacted with again.
• Interacting with the cupboard with eyepatch makes them say they're cold, their stomach hurts, they can't stop shaking and a headache is forming from thinking about their mistakes. Then they take the painkillers, one over the recommended dosage for their size.
• Interacting with food shelves makes them ask why their stomach hurts so much and they're so hungry like they haven't eaten in years.
• The croissant cookbook makes them grip their coin.
• The anthology of horror stories makes them repeat the scene with their family, before they mock themself again for knowing it by heart since they have always wanted to never forget
• Breaks one of the statues on the change God shelf in the pottery room.
• Refuses to take the gizmo, stating a fair fight or none at all.
• The clothing closet where Isabeau talks about your cloak makes him repeat the scene though says he's had this cloak forever in shaking text. When Isabeau goes to check the cloak Siffrin says that he doesn't touch them because they're disgusting. They say they're so cold. This time they realize they're hallucinating the others being there when they are going to do the final reply.
• They tell themselves to stop monologuing if they try to go towards the bathrooms.
• You can see the House inhabitants if you leave the final room!! And go back to Dormont to see the party they were getting ready for. The others will join Siffrin out of corcern for his mental state instead of stopping him which is nice. There's a bunch of interactions here I won't note but they're delights.
• Loop is gone, but Siffrin will leave their silver coin where they sat in a custom from his homeland.
Edit: thanks to @cleverretortnotfound for the hint that this changes! Instead of nothing there u find a silver coin. If interacted with he'll remark its the exact same as his own and call out to Loop, then ask if they should call them by their previous name... and Loop reappears. Silently they let Siffrin look them over, and though they don't have any features that mirror Siffrin's own... he knows. Theyre the same person. He takes their own coin out, flipping it before sending it to Loop who catches it without thinking. They look at it for a moment, before saying, "Oh stardust... so, you've won, haven't you? You broke the loops? Defeated the King? Talked to your party? Realized that all along, the reason you were stuck here was because of a stupid blinding wish you made? Awww. I'm soooo happy for you. You got your perfect ending, after all. And now... I have nothing left to say to you. So you should go."
Siffrin doesn't reply, causing Loop to ask why they're there still. What does he want them to say? WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY? HE'S WON!
Once again, Siffrin doesn't reply. Loop laughs, before saying "oh, Stardust! You know, you know I was just like you once! A stupid, aimless traveler, trying to find any reason to keep going! And then, I met everyone! And I felt that finally, I had people i could count on, people I could love! And then, I got scared! And made the exact same mistake you did! Make a stupid blinding wish, hoping I could stay with them! Went through the House, tried to fight the King, tried to win! Did that for so long, I couldn't even give you a number! And then... I couldn't do it anymore. ...You see, not unlike you a few hours ago, I did a very special kind of giving up. But unlike you, who gave up on your wish, and almost destroyed the world in the process... I gave up on my wish, and destroyed myself.
And made another wish instead. I wished it could be over. I wished I could get out of here. I wished for someone to help me. For someone... Anyone, to help me!!! And someone did help me, right? The Universe did! They got me out of here! And trapped me in some other Siffrin's loops instead!!! And it was fine. It was different. It was even peaceful, for a while. I didn't have to stay inside the House, trying to defeat the King. I didn't have to fight, I didn't have struggle, I didn't have to do anything.
(Note: during the last paragraph, during the I wished section up until the scream for anyone to help,, we see stills from the intro animation where Siffrin eats the star. Theres a new still though, a close up of Siffrin crying out before he ate it.)
I just had to watch, and be happy that at least, I wasn't the only idiot out there who trapped themselves eternally in time. I just had to be happy that at least, this time, it wasn't me. And now. And now. AND NOW YOU-!!!
So! Since you won't leave, here's what I'm thinking... let's fight, you and I! Let's have a cute, minuscule, old-fashioned little fight like a bonded couple. Okay~?"
Once again, Siffrin doesn't reply and Loop laughs, "nothing to say, still? Haha... HAHAHAHA!! STARS, killing you would make me SO HAPPY. (note: during this sentence temporarily Loop turns into Siffrin and looks rather... concerning) Are you ready?"
Siffrin tries to speak up, but Loop says they don't get a choice.
The battle commences, with Loop saying let's just get to it. Loop strikes with stars but isn't very strong, they loop back the 1st time you win, the 2nd, the 3rd, and on the fourth the photo changes (will add link to another post with pics later).
At the end of the battle Loop looks away before saying, "you... Siffrin, Stardust, whatever our real name actually is... just kill me."
Siffrin is shocked and asks why. "Why," they say, "Are you stupid? Isn't it obvious?! I wanted to kill you!! So I could take your place!! I wanted what you have!!! Stars, I still do! You... you don't.. you don't want another you walking around. You should just kill me and get on with your stupid life!!"
This makes Siffrin laugh and reply their self-hatred isn't strong enough that'd they'd kill another version of themselves. Loops laughs at that and says he's got weird priorities... then say but what if they're asking him? What if Loop wants this? What if dying is the ending they want?! Siffrin doesn't reply and Loop starts to beg, "Stardust, please, please just kill me!!! I don't want to be here! What else is there for me now?! You've won, so I should be gone!! I can't go back to how it was before, because that past is gone! I can't go back to my friends, because they wouldn't recognize me!! There's nothing else for me to do, no script to follow, no Universe to lead me, I-"
They can't continue, sobbing. "Why.. why did it have to be you...? I could've... I wanted to... if only back then, I... if I had held on longer... maybe then..."
Oh Loop, Siffrin thinks. But don't you get it, he says. Loop asks what is there to get. The reason he succeeded, he replies, but Loop still doesn't understand. They take Loop's face into their hands as they say Loop was the reason they succeeded! Without them, he would've given up too. Because they were by Siffrin's side they continued going. Yes they didn't tell him everything, yeah they didn't know what to do... but knowing they were here and he wasn't alone...
They tearfully reply he's lying, but he says he's not. They shout again Siffrin is lying, but they reply again they're not! They try to scream it again, but siffrin stops them by saying, "Loop. Mira sends her thanks, by the way. They all do." Confused Loop repeats the word thanks, adding "...to me...?"
Siffrin laughs, and reminds them they helped the others get to the King. That they sent their thanks for leading them to Siffrin. For helping them save him. Loop can't reply, and Siffrin says, "See?"
"Stardust... why couldn't it have been me...?" Loop asks, to which Siffrin replies they don't know. Maybe it was the script, maybe it was the Universe, or maybe... maybe it's no one's fault. Loop is silent once more and he replies, "I'm sorry, Siffrin."
Finally using Loops real name. Then adds, "And thank you, Loop. Without you, I would've given up a long time ago. Thank you for helping me, this whole time."
Loop doesn't respond and Siffrin goes, "Loop, we can-"
Loop cuts them off, "Siffrin." He flinches as they continue, "Please, you're going to have to talk to them, from now on. No more keeping how you feel from them. We both know where this leads. And if one day, no matter what you do, everyone's paths and yours diverge... you'll have to learn to be okay with it. We cant... we can't do this again. Hold them hostage, against their knowledge, against their will, just because we're lonely. Learning to talk to them... learning to let go... it'll be hard. It'll feel impossible. You might think you'd rather die than share how you feel. After all, isn't bottling things up the reason you managed to break the loops? You didn't have to tell them anything until the very end, and it turned out fine didn't it?"
Siffrin is silent, then attempts to say but, but if I talked to them earlier, then maybe - then gets cut off by loop, "Yeah, dummy. If only you had been strong enough to talk to them, maybe this whole story wouldn't have happened at all. If only... oh well. It doesn't matter now."
Loop starts to disappear. Siffrin asks where they'll go now? Loop sadly replies, "Oh, stardust... I don't know! I'll join you so we can become one? I'll Die? I'll stay under this tree forever? Does it matter?"
You can choose between it does and I guess it doesn't. I won't update this with the other, I'm sorry but this is taking a toll on me, so I'll atleast tell you what "It does!" Leads to.
They laugh, then say Siffrin's sweet. "Aww, don't worry, Stardust. Somehow... I'm sure I'll see you again. You... and everyone else. Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie. I need to accept their thanks in person, don't I? That's just basic etiquette. And I'll need to give you back your silver coin eventually!"
Siffein agrees, and Loop continues, "...hmm. I'll see you all again soon enough, Stardust. I promise! I super promise! I super duper promise! So don't forget me, okay?"
The screen fades, leading us back to the gang. They welcome Siffrin back and ask if everything's okay. He says he thanked Loop, to which they're relieved. Odile says she was hoping they'd bring em back so she could thank them in person, and the others agree though Isa says they looked shy so maybe they were too embarrassed. Which is too bad because he had so many questions, and so he hopes they see them again soon. Bonnie says they wanted to know how Loop glows and how it felt, to which Mira chides them saying you can't ask someone how they glow. Bonnie is flabbergasted, making the others laugh.
Odile adds she hopes Siffrin told them they can see the gang anytime. Sadly Siffrin smiles before saying he did, and how they too hope Loop says hi again soon. The others note Siffrin looks sad while saying this to which he replies he was thinking of Loop. The others tell them they'll have to tell the gang more about them then soon. Like how they met and why they're a star. Also how they knew about the loops. They then go back to the final room.
• The best artist ever has something new in the epilogue.
Silver coin
B4: grips it in his pocket.
Epilogue: remarks that it's been with them through it all and feels like it could've been used for something. Backstory no longer unlockable, but can be used at the Favor tree.
Drawn card
B4 epilogue: says it's a traveler walking to their death with open eyes, rips it apart.
The end: looks at the card and just says "it's you!"
Epilogue: says it's a traveler starting a new journey, the card is labeled the fool.
Bright flower
B4 epilogue: tears off all the petals then discards it
The end: says it's still here.
Epilogue: you still have the flower, he says before deciding that it's theirs now!
Friendship doodle
B4: Siffrin's face is blotted out, no reaction to viewing this..
Epilogue: their face is no longer missing. Unknown whether this was a hallucination on their end or not.
B4: presses it between their hands to try and help them with their breathing exercises.
The end: squish, squish they say.
Epilogue: Clay they say, before making a star. 
Piece of glass
B4: uses it to self harm by piercing it through a bit of the back of their arm multiple times. Says stars afterwards, can't tell if being sarcastic and calling the dots they made that or screaming the word like a curse as usual. (Updated: if used a second time Siffrin says they're making more tiny stars. Concerning)
The end: they say hide it, hide it don't make the others worried.
Epilogue: they become scared and startled, saying they need to be careful. Then they toss it before they can hurt themself.
Broken doll
B4: fixes the clothing on it, if u click on the cupboard it's from again tells it it'll see the end if it's the last thing it does.
The end: turns the doll so it can see everything.
Epilogue: they hold it close as they look at the sky, saying they both made it.
Crumpled poem
B4: genuinely could not read this the first seven times but using the capture reveals after reading it Siffrin repeatedly says they want to go home.
Epilogue: they read it, then say they'll never go home again, but maybe they can make a new one. They can't wait to see if they can.
Mirror picture
B4: no reaction. Says its of them and the actors despite no one being there.
Epilogue: they grip it tightly before tossing it, saying it's in the past now. That they're fine, they're fine! And if not they will be soon.
Long thingy-thing
B4: tosses it, saying it's not needed anymore.
Epilogue: they say it's their long thingy now.
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nanabansama · 8 months
Hi! so I was just wondering about Nene and Hanako! you know that Nene is a ningyo and the story says that her husband grew old and died and she lived a long life ! Do you think something like that can happen in the story? If Hanako can be human again and they get married or something like that !?
Hi! You must be talking about the story Yao Bikuni. Yes, in that story a girl eats the flesh of a ningyo (Japanese term for a half-human, half-fish creature) and becomes effectively immortal. She stays young and marries several men over the course of multiple centuries, but after seeing so many of her husbands and friends die she becomes a Buddhist monk. Then she travels the land helping others and planting camellia trees before eventually she perishes in a cave at 800 years old.
Some fun similarities to the story of TBHK are that a girl eats part of a mermaid, said girl lives EIGHT hundred years while Yashiro's last name infamously contains the kanji character for 8, and that the girl in the story is connected to the camellia, a commonly recurring flower in TBHK and one heavily associated with Hanako/Amane in particular. Indeed, when you examine all of this together, it's hard to imagine that AidaIro wasn't a bit inspired by this story.
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To answer your question, I think it's possible that things could end up like you say. But just eating the flesh is what made the girl from Yao Bikuni immortal, while all eating a scale did for Nene was give her the ability to turn into a fish and bind her destiny to Hanako's. Optimistically we could take this to mean Nene will be saved from her premature death and that somehow, the Mermaid's Curse means that Hanako can't leave her and they get to live happily ever after...but considering the story of TBHK already contains several differences from Yao Bikuni, I wouldn't be surprised if things take a darker turn.
On the other hand, Yao Bikuni is still quite tragic since the girl has to watch all of her friends and family die while she stays forever young, not so dissimilar from a ghost...so maybe cursing Nene to such a fate is still somewhat dark in itself. Considering Hanako also ate the scale of a ningyo, though, maybe he would be her sole companion? That would be more bearable. :)
Thank you for the ask! I actually didn't know about this story beforehand and had fun picking it apart. Maybe you guys have other theories of what could happen based on the Yao Bikuni story?
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
Kendall! Can we talk more about dad!ume? What is his reaction when you tell him that you’re expecting? Does he talk to your bump each day? Call them fruit nicknames according to the baby’s size? What is his first ‘present’ to your baby? Does he plant a tree in your garden so hopefully by the time your child is old enough he can attach a swing to it? 🥺
had to take several deep breaths and pace myself fkdkdjsksjdkdk thank you so much for asking 😭 dad and husband ume can be a passion of mine as u know…..
tbh i expect him to be a crier but he’s actually just like grinning so huge, the smile of a man whose dreams are coming true. keeps saying “i can’t believe it” and kissing my face and rubbing my belly and :(((((
he has full on convos with baby. gives them his entire day’s rundown from am to pm. “woke up next to your wonderful mom now im going to sleep next to your wonderful mom, isn’t that crazy?” is how he ends every convo.
we also find a really old piano out when we’re walking one day and he tries to teach himself how to play it to be able to play lullabies for them wah wah wah he fixes the piano up and sands and stains it and hopefully it’ll be in the family forever
we will end up having five kids (I know I know) and he plants a tree for each of them! plum for our oldest son, satsuma for our eldest daughter, apple for our middle daughter, yuzu for our youngest daughter, and pear for our youngest son! they have something that will literally grow and provide for them their entire lives at that point
and (additional sap sap time) we picked approximate fruits based off of how big the baby was when we found out we were expecting them! as you can see some happened later than others lmao
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shenevertricks1831 · 2 years
Eddie Munson X witchy!reader Headcanons
AN: is this self indulgent? Absolutely, but I fully believe this sweet nerdy boy would be more than pleased with a witchy woman lol please enjoy my babbling, I actually have more thoughts on this subject so there may be a part 2...
Warnings-some language, some suggestive content, read at your own discretion
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Eddie totally gives her cools rocks he finds.
Sometimes he'll be walking to his usual dealing picnic table and something on the ground will just catch his eye.
Its not at all uncommon for him to gift you little pieces of nature he finds that remind him of you.
A rock he found on the shore of Lovers Lake that he swears is the exact same shade as your irises.
A white pebble that reminds him of the moon, which in turn reminds him of you.
A single wildflower he came across that just happens to be your favorite color.
He appreciates that you enjoy and see beauty in little things.
He doesn't have much money, but for once he doesn't feel like he needs to. Yes, he'd love to be able to take you out more and spoil you like you deserve..
But there's something about the way you blush and your eyes sparkle when he gifts you a little piece of nature with no value, other than it made him think of you, that could make him totally forget about the existence of money.
Has no problem just wondering around the woods with you.
You wanna go look for mushrooms for your photography class, he is down.
You wanna go look for animal bones? He's, well honestly at first he's basically just this...
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But no seriously at first he was a little creeped out.
Once you explained to him that it was nothing more than you finding them beautiful and fascinating. He is absolutely down.
After listening to you talk about how much they intrigued you and seeing how dreamy your eyes get when you mention something about "finding beauty in death" or something poetic like that; anyway ya, he was down, totally down.
Seeing you wandering the woods though was a totally different thing, way more than he was ever prepared for.
He'd often stop behind you for a moment, and just watch you. He'd take in you're movements. The way you almost seemed to float through the trees, with your long flowy dress and your 'Stevie Nicks' shawl.
You look ethereal. You reminded him of an elf or a fairy, something from one of his fantasty books or games.
When you stop and bend down to a bunch of flowers, picking two before silently thanking the plant. Placing one flower behind your ear you skip over to Eddie and place the second flow behind his ear.
You leave a soft kiss on his cheek before grabbing his hand and skipping on, with a wide eyed Eddie training behind you.
He hates to admit it, but he totally pops a boner over the whole ordeal.
He can't help it! He's been into D&D and Lord of the Rings for years! Of course he's thought about fucking some sort of fae in the woods!
This is so so so fucking close to a dream come true.
Now only one question, would you let him fuck you in the woods?
Okay actually another question, would you be down to wear some fake fairy wings while he fucks you in the woods?
The answer to both of those questions is yes.
100% wants to try some sort of ritualistic sex stuff.
He is quite honestly just a little bummed when you break it to him that you don't know anything about ritualistic sex stuff, so that probably won't happen.
You wind up letting him fuck you in the dark with a circle of flickering candles surrounding you, and a couple other things thrown in to add to the ambiance.
It may not be actual, real, ritualistic sex; but you're sweet Eddie is nothing if not theatrical, so you're more than happy to indulge in the theatrics for him.
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brella · 10 months
Peeta pov "She came here with me." ? or him planting the Primrose for her. ?
Haymitch had thought, at first, that he was joking. Peeta can hardly blame him. Who with half a brain would expect the truth from a Tribute? Joke or fable or bald-faced lie, it’s all the same—a good story on Caesar Flickerman’s show is the surest way to get sponsors. Only, Peeta could come up with better stories, and better lies besides, than being in love with Katniss Everdeen.
You’re a good showman, I’ll give you that, Haymitch had said, once he realized that Peeta was serious.
Peeta’s skin had crawled under the soft lighting in the suite. Making a show of what he felt for Katniss seemed immoral, somehow. It was meant to be a whisper under an oak tree, shaking hands and secret wants—not a tool, not a spectacle. Then again, he knows he’d never have the nerve to say it to her face. On live television, to an indifferent Panem, is much less frightening. And even though it’s sooner than later that he’s six feet under (as the old song goes), he doesn’t want that secret to be buried with him.
So: a show it is.
Caesar is almost blinding to look at in person. His immaculate wig, his sun-white teeth, his spray-tan and the baubles on his suit: Capitol excess incarnate. But he’s easy to talk to. Most people are when you’ve got years at the register under your belt, when saying the right thing to your mother could spare you a bruise—Caesar, though, is something else entirely; he’s got a kind of charisma that could stop Death itself for a minute or two. Peeta can’t help but study him. Everything is measured, everything has value: timing, cadence, eye contact. It’s easier to mirror than Peeta expects.
“Tell me,” Caesar says, once the pleasantries and banter have run their course. “Is there a special girl back home?”
Even though just about every Tribute, every Games, gets that question from Caesar, Peeta has to wonder if Haymitch had pulled some strings. His pulse quickens with anticipation, but he keeps his cool. Be coy. Build suspense.
“Nah,” he says, slipping in a little of a District 12 drawl. It makes for a bashful tone. “Not really.”
He has to make it obvious he’s fibbing, but not too obvious. He ducks his eyes, focusing on the tips of his shoes. Patent leather. Probably cost enough to feed a family. Have other Tributes worn these? Surely the cost would make it impractical not to reuse them.
“No? I don’t believe it for a second! Look at that face!” Caesar exclaims. “Handsome man like you…”
Oh, Peeta thinks. So I’m a man now.
“Peeta.” Caesar leans in, so congenial, so inviting. Behind his charming eyes, though, Peeta sees nothing. Nothing to recognize or remember. “Tell me.”
Now is the time. Make them ask you twice before you answer. Peeta can feel the audience’s attention, swelling in the room, almost symphonic.
“Well, there, uh…” He pauses, gathering his guts. That’s where the best acting comes from, he’s found: truth. “There is this one girl that… I’ve had a crush on forever.”
Crush—so half-baked, flourless—but he knows the Capitol will eat it up. Sure enough, Caesar nods his head, eyes twinkling.
“But,” Peeta goes on, “I don’t think she actually… recognized me until the Reaping.”
That, too, is the truth. Why should Katniss remember him at all? She had lived—she had not died. That was all that mattered. What she remembered from that rainy day, he expected, was the hunger—a kind of hunger he had never had to know.
What he remembers is her face—clearer than his mother’s fists, clearer than the pain.
Clearer than any pain in the world.
“Well, I’ll tell you what, Peeta,” Caesar says—almost encouraging, like an uncle giving advice to his favorite nephew. It’s the first time in the interview that Peeta has felt genuinely, truly sick. “You go out there, and you win this thing—and when you get home? She’ll have to go out with you.” He turns back to the audience, drawn by the sound of applause. “Right, folks?!”
There’s that laugh of his: brassy, gleaming, perfectly rhythmic and perfectly pitched. Peeta’s body wants to laugh along, purely on instinct. He lets a fraction of it through. Just a fraction.
“Thanks, but, uh… I don’t think winning’s gonna help me at all.”
“And why not?”
Here. Right here. Peeta’s breath shakes on its way out of him, hollow at the center. How to answer? How to explain to Caesar Flickerman, to the glittering Capitol, to the Districts who couldn’t give a damn about him—how to explain Katniss Everdeen’s braid in the sunlight on the walk to school, the gentle clarity with which she’d sung the Valley Song, the sight of her and Gale Hawthorne and their pocket-knife-smiles in the schoolyard, the devotion that she had to her sister, the calluses along her fingers from a bowstring—how to make them understand the constant, quiet heat of her, and all the winters of life through which it had kept him warm?
This is the time to be exact. A sound bite is worth a thousand speeches. If you’re gonna do it, Haymitch had said, with a kind of cutthroat pride, do it so it breaks their hearts.
“Because she came here with me,” Peeta says.
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marcmarcmomarc · 3 months
If there’s one thing I don’t like about RWBY: Beyond, it was the choice to make it fully voice-acted. While I do absolutely love what we were given, it’s really obvious that CRWBY was working with whatever resources they had left, and were unable to get many of the show’s voice actors back before Rooster Teeth shut down, so they couldn’t make many stories for the miniseries.
So, what I think would have made for a good RWBY: Beyond episode is @pmpknsoup’s post featuring Ruby and Robyn that I’ve brought up too many times on this blog.
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This will be the third time I touch on that post, but I can’t promise that it will be the last.
Feel free to comment or reblog how you think this would have gone.
(In Theodore’s office in Shade Academy at early evening, Team RWBY and Jaune Arc face the main members of the Remnant Alliance, consisting of Team JNPR plus Oscar Pine/Ozpin and Emerald Sustrai, Team STRQ, the Ace-Ops, the Happy Huntresses, Winter Schnee, Team SSSNN, Team CFVY, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee, Klein Sieben, Maria Calavera, Dr. Pietro Polendina, Ghira Belladonna, Kali Belladonna, Ilia Amitola, Bartholomew Oobleck, Peter Port, Glynda Goodwitch, Theodore, Xanthe Rumpole, and Zwei.)
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RUBY: Listen. Thanks, everyone, for your patience.
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RUBY: It took a while to figure out how to tell you, and I know being left in the dark about our whereabouts over the remainder of the winter, the whole spring, and the summer has left you anxious, but now, I’ve decided it’s time to reveal what’s been going on. Robyn, I’ll need your Semblance to prove all of this correct.
ROBYN: Uh, okay.
(Robyn steps away from the group, removes her glove, and joins hands with Ruby. Her Semblance turns on and glows green with every piece of information Ruby gives.)
ROBYN: So, you guys didn’t make it out of the pocket dimension before it collapsed. Where did you guys fall to?
RUBY: Well, after I fell, I regained consciousness on a beach surrounded by giant seashells. I tried to hone in on a giant tree, but just ended up looping in circles. Eventually, I had to stop, then found a mouse trying to pull a plant out of the ground. I pulled the plant, which turned out to be a cheese plant, out for the mouse, and fed it to them. After the mouse revealed that they could talk, I named them Little, and they decided to stay by my side as I tried to get home. Then we found Weiss and Blake captured in vines by a whole village of talking mice. It didn’t take much convincing to get them to let them go. Then we went to look for Yang and found a creepy Grimm-looking creature moving jerkily. And I mean very creepy. (IMITATING JABBERWALKER) “Stalking. Searching. Waiting. Listening.” (NORMAL VOICE) Then Yang came barreling out, already fighting the creature while missing her arm. Then Blake realized we were in our favorite childhood fairy tale, The Girl Who Fell Through the World.
(Confusion and wonder all around. “That fairy tale?” “The Ever After?” “It’s real?”)
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OSCAR: That fairy tale actually happened? And the Ever After is real?
RUBY: Which meant the creepy Grimm-like creature was the Jabberwalker from that story. Also, Weiss had a very hard time wrapping her head around the Ever After’s absurdities.
(Weiss blushes with embarrassment.)
WEISS: I did not.
RUBY: Our hands are glowing green, Weiss. Robyn’s Semblance never fails. Then we went to the village in the King’s Acre to barter with the Jinxy Peddler, who had stolen Yang’s arm. Well, they don’t “steal”, they just “take things others aren’t looking at”. Fair is fair, right, Little?
ROBYN: Sounds like a legitimate businessperson.
WEISS: Right?
EMERALD: Wait, you guys met the Jinxy Peddler?
VELVET: Was he cute?
WEISS: Cute? He was adorable!
RUBY: And, despite being older than he was in the book, his strategy was the same, selling treasures that are really other items in disguise. If my memory serves me right, he had a yellow scepter, a pink rabbit statue, and a marionette-like doll. Toy soldiers won the scepter, and we only got it back from them because Little tried stealing the marionette, exposing Jinxy’s treasures as fakes. The rabbit statue was another mouse, the scepter was Yang’s arm, and the marionette was one of Penny’s Floating Array swords. The soldiers followed us to arrest us for stealing Yang’s arm, or “royal property”, before I traded Penny’s sword, and told them she was the greatest warrior to ever live. “She was touched by magic, and she gave her life for thousands. She took a message of hope to the stars, and she saw the world through better eyes.”
(The gang gets emotional, especially Winter and Pietro, who are comforted by their loved ones.)
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RUBY: The soldiers escorted us to the Crimson Castle for the birthday of who we thought was the Red King, but turned out to be the Red Prince, who was more of a spoiled brat than Weiss was at Beacon.
YANG: (nudging Weiss) Heh-heh.
RUBY: We challenged him to a game of chess, where he shrunk the girls to the size of chess pawns. Not that it hindered their performance against the Prince’s pawns. When we revealed that we’re humans and beat him, he threw a tantrum and wanted us beheaded, and the Curious Cat rescued us.
(More interested chatter. Nora Valkyrie gets giddy.)
NORA: The Curious Cat?!
REN: Were they as chatty as the book made them out to be?
RUBY: Mm-hm. Not to mention easily distracted. Anyway, they took us to look for ingredients for a Growgurt Parfait in the Garden’s Acre, and we told them our life story, but because we kept getting distracted with our internal conflicts, we kept losing them over and over again. After the third time, when they asked me how I’m supposed to save the world now that Salem has two out of four Relics and that Atlas is gone, we met an herbalist, a caterpillar named Herb who seemed to be asking us questions to figure out what medicine he needed to make to help us. Looking back, he was being reasonable, as too little medicine is useless, but too much medicine is toxic. Eventually, Herb just decided to smoke a hookah for a bit and drugged us with leaves that made us see our past selves tempting us to “go back”. To be free. To be simple. To be whole. To be different. The other girls rejected and had already accepted their failures as something to learn from, but I almost gave in, before the Cat stopped me, then got Herb swallowed by a hole in the ground.
(The gang chatters in moods ranging from confusion to nervousness.)
TAI: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. You guys did drugs?
QROW: Don’t let alcoholism be next, girls.
RUBY: Anyway, the Cat led us to a market to keep looking for the Parfait ingredients. Along the way, they told us about a process that occurs when an Afteran is no longer doing their assigned role, triggered by them losing their ways, wearing out, doubting themselves, or even just finishing their assigned tasks, upon which they are taken to the Great Tree and repurposed into someone or something else with a new identity, personality, and role. Their memories are erased in the process, but the heart very rarely forgets. They don’t die. They ascend.
(Such a concept catches the interest of the gang.)
EMERALD: Talk about a potential existential crisis.
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RUBY: Hence why there was no Red King when we got to the Castle. He lost his game and ascended into the brat we encountered. And the hole that swallowed Herb was him starting his own Ascension. Anyway, after we arrived at the market and got all of the Parfait ingredients, the market was attacked by Jabberwalkers using Neopolitan’s Semblance. Yeah, Neopolitan fell with us, too.
(Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Emerald grow worried.)
REN: Uh-oh.
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TAI: Neopolitan? Who’s that?
RUBY: Remember Roman Torchwick, the criminal from Vale? Neo was his partner. She held me responsible for his death at the Fall of Beacon and wanted me dead to avenge him. She expressed herself through gestures and facial expressions because she couldn’t talk.
RAVEN: Was she that chick I saved Yang from on the train on Mountain Glenn?
RUBY: Yep. Then I disposed of her by opening her umbrella on an Atlas airship in the sky during the Fall of Beacon. Apparently she survived that fall without any of those Grimm surrounding us eating her.
OSCAR: Team JNPR and I last fought her right after Ironwood declared us fugitives.
RUBY: Then she fought us in the pocket dimension between here and Solitas. Heck, she was the reason Yang, Blake, and I fell. Anyway, we made the Growgurt Parfait and the girls grew back to normal size just as we got assistance from the Rusted Knight riding his white rabbit.
WHITLEY: Did Weiss go goo-goo eyes the second she laid eyes on him? She had a crush on him when she was younger.
BLAKE: I think everyone had a crush on the Rusted Knight at some point.
RUBY: Well, things didn’t help when he turned out to be a grown-up Jaune with longer hair and a beard, who grabbed a fruit that sent him back in time twenty years right after he landed.
(The gang gasps at the new knowledge of the Rusted Knight being not only Jaune, of all people, but Jaune thrown backwards in time, grown older, and living without his friends for so long.)
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NORA: Oh, my Gods! Jaune!
JAUNE: I was stuck there isolated from other human contact, too.
YANG: Weiss certainly loved how mature he was.
RUBY: And the white rabbit was a jackalope Jaune named Juniper.
NORA: After his team? Aww!
RUBY: Then Jaune told us his perspective on the Tree, that he believed it was death, that Alyx backstabbed her brother Lewis, the author of the fairy tale, who wrote the story the way he wished it happened, and that the Cat couldn’t be trusted. Before long, we got caught in a “punderstorm”, which creates a physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem. Jaune, Weiss, Juniper, and I were sent to metaphorical and literal crossroads, while Yang and Blake were sent to two broken, wooden, rickety bridges connected to a giant pillar that they could only make more planks to advance toward if they were honest about their feelings for each other. Yeah, Yang and Blake are girlfriends now.
(As Yang and Blake blush at each other, everyone’s hearts melt, all proud for the Bees.)
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NORA: See, Ren? I told you there was more going on!
KALI: Our baby girl found love?
TAI: With my sunny little dragon?
RAVEN: Wow. She really is your daughter, Tai.
TAI: What’s that supposed to mean?
RAVEN: A tall, muscular, boisterous blonde who tells bad jokes pining after a brooding dark-haired beauty? A tale as old as time.
RUBY: Then the Cat bailed on us after mistaking us for selfishly using them to get home, and once the storm passed, Jaune let us spend the night in his house in the Origami Acre, then he introduced us the next morning to a village of paper stars called the Paper Pleasers. They seemed very dumb and clumsy at first, because of the daily disasters they were causing, but, at the end of the day, were very hospitable. He also named them after all of us. On Jaune’s to-do list, I saw Ren, Ruby, Oscar, Nora, Neptune, and Pyrrha.
(Not a word is spoken as everyone exchanges concerned and uncomfortable looks with each other.)
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RUBY: Anyway, a Paper Pleaser told us they kept causing disasters because they wanted to ascend, because their purpose was long since finished, but Jaune was stopping them because of his belief that the tree was death. They told us that the Tree isn’t death, but resurrection, rebuilding, and rebirth. Then Neo’s Jabberwalkers attacked, and while we were distracted, the Paper Pleasers finally managed to off themselves by destroying the koi pond dam and drowning in the flood, then when the girls asked me to help comfort Jaune, I blew up at them for caring more about everyone else’s feelings or getting home, taking my mental health for granted and ignoring my problems…
(Everyone leans in anxiously. Things are getting even more interesting, but not in a good way.)
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(Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Jaune exchange looks of guilt.)
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RUBY: …then I ran away, came across the Abandoned Acre, and entered a mansion, where Neo had made clone illusions of Roman Torchwick, Penny, Pyrrha, Professor Lionheart, Clover, Ozpin, and Ironwood, and used them to physically and psychologically abuse me, beating me up ruthlessly and blaming me for their deaths, and when the chaos was over, I felt no will to live or be myself anymore, not helped by Torchwick’s question: “Do you really think you can stand to watch more of your friends fall? Or are you ready to admit the truth, that the world would just be better off without you?”
(The gang regards Ruby with sorrow over her being trampled by her trauma. Ozpin can be heard sniffling.)
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RUBY: Then Neo offered me tea made from leaves from the Tree intended to wipe me from existence. The Cat blasted her away, but then turned out to be evil and tried to possess me, while revealing that they had been trying to wear me down the whole time, then Neo fought them off and stomped Little to death, then I finally gave in, drank the tea, offing myself, and got swallowed by the Tree.
YANG: (tearing up) Oh, Rubes.
RUBY: Then I met a Blacksmith, who I also found at the market, or, rather, she found me, and then she presented me with a choice to either change my identity or be myself. I saw my mom’s weapon and was treated to a vision of the night she left with Raven on another one of Ozpin’s secret missions and never came back.
(Tai turns accusingly at Raven.)
TAI: Raven?
YANG: She lied? She left with you?
RAVEN: Yeah… Hey, like I said to her, “First time for everything.”
(The gang gives her a look.)
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RAVEN: Really? Sheesh. Tough crowd.
HARE: (to Ruby) Wait. What did you say your mother’s name was again?
RUBY: Summer.
HARE: (muttering) So, her uncle is Qrow, her father is Taiyang, and her sister’s mother is Raven. All are members of Team STRQ. Summer, Summer, Summer… (out loud) Summer Rose, the leader of Team STRQ, was your mother?
REMNANT ALLIANCE: (walla) Summer?…Summer Rose?…The previous silver-eyed Huntress?…That’s Summer Rose’s daughter?
RUBY: Yeah. And then, I finally remembered my mom’s words, “I love you just the way you are,” chose to be myself, and came back to help the girls fight the Cat. And we won.
(Cheers and applause all around.)
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RUBY: And then Neo killed the Cat by using the Jabberwalkers to eat them. By the way, Jabberwalkers are the only creatures to prevent Ascension if they eat Afterans.
BLAKE: On my count, there were a whopping five of them.
REMNANT ALLIANCE: (walla) Five?…Five of them?…Five Jabberwalkers?
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SUN: Talk about overkill.
ELM: (after doing the multiplication math in her head) That’s gotta be over ninety teeth!
RUBY: And, according to the girls, Neo was possessed by the Cat, and she chose to accept Torchwick’s death and undergo her own Ascension. Oh, and Little ascended, too, into who we called Somewhat, and succeeded Jaune as the protector of the Ever After. By then, we had made it to the Tree by coming to terms with the truth, we’ll never be perfect, that even the most skilled Huntsmen and Huntresses have failed, and we walked through the door back home, landed inside the plane of the Tree, and met the Blacksmith again at her workshop. When we noticed two statues of the Brother Gods, she told us their backstory. That the Ever After was overfilled with plants and dangerous wildlife in its primordial years, but the Brothers were created to clear it out. Then they created the Afterans as well as the different acres for them to live in. They designed new creations that would replace them in maintaining the Ever After. This was how the Cat was created. They later created the Jabberwalker as a form of destruction. However, the two disagreed on whether it disrupted the balance or not and began to wage war.
OSCAR AND OZPIN: (both scoff) What else is new?
RUBY: The Blacksmith told us how balance isn’t supposed to be two opposing forces locked in battle; balance is an ecosystem, an organism, and a living thing, thus balance isn’t restored with force or manipulation, it’s restored naturally, requiring love and patience to see it through to the end. The Gods got to Remnant because the Ever After created a door to a “greater beyond” for them, so they can leave and experiment in creating new worlds as much as they like.
NORA: (snickering) So the Tree basically said, “You think you have life sorted out? Then get out of my house”?
RUBY: Pretty much.
(Everyone laughs at the Brother Gods basically being “kicked out of the house” by their “mom”. Some Gods they are.)
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YANG: Oh, my Gods, that’s such a hilarious way of looking at it. Thanks, Nora.
RUBY: Anyway, the Blacksmith told us that we impacted the Ever After significantly, just like Somewhat, Alyx, and Lewis, and that the Cat caused a bad impact. Then she de-aged Jaune, but let him keep his memories, which explains the white streak in his hair, and made us a portal in the desert on the outskirts of the city, and now you’re all caught up.
(Ruby lets go of Robyn’s hand. The freedom fighter rejoins the rest of the Alliance.)
RUBY: So, I’m happy to announce that I’m not giving up the fight to save the world anytime soon. No longer will we be putting the entire burden of the world’s safety on one individual, for we are Team Remnant, led by us, Team RWBY!
REMNANT ALLIANCE: (walla) Yes!…Great!…Alright!…Thank goodness!…Welcome back, Ruby!…Good to have you back, kid!…Way to go, Ruby!…That’s my girl!
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YANG: We’re so proud of you, Ruby.
RUBY: Thanks, guys. You and your support mean the world to me. And I’m just as proud to call you guys family. All of you.
(Everyone looks at Ruby with warmed hearts.)
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Starring the voices of:
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Cristina Vee as Robyn Hill
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Caiti Ward as Velvet Scarlatina
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Jason Liebrecht as Qrow Branwen
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Anairis Quiñones as Harriet Bree
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Dawn M. Bennett as Elm Ederne
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Additional Voices:
Sena Bryer as May Marigold
Ashley Burns as Coco Adel
Tiana Camacho as Glynda Goodwitch
Cam Clarke as Bartholomew Oobleck
Michele Everheart as Fiona Thyme
Dave Fennoy as Dr. Pietro Polendina
Gavin Free as Scarlet David
Caitlin Glass as Willow Schnee
Mick Lauer as Marrow Amin
Cherami Leigh as Ilia Amitola
Marissa Lenti as Joanna Greenleaf
Joe MacDonald as Yatsuhashi Daichi
Aaron Marquis as Nolan Porfirio
Elizabeth Maxwell as Winter Schnee
Max Mittelman as Fox Alistair
Josh Ornelas as Sage Ayana
Anthony Sardinha as Peter Port
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Keith Silverstein as Professor Theodore
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Anne Yatco as Xanthe Rumpole
“One Day More” section here.
Moodboard index here.
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