#actually my motto tho
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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“Do you think love can bloom even on the battlefield?”(Monaco 2010-2013)
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duck-woamn · 7 days
If you could talk to Nagatha, what would you talk to her about?
I would just want to talk shit about these dumbass kids at my school (the school pew pew threats are still going around and its starting to feel real to people who thought it was fake at first) or I would talk to her like I do to my friends🤷‍♀️
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justasillylad · 9 days
tw for disordered eating
ooo weighed myself for the first time in a but
oh lord that was a bad idea
havent had an urge to relapse in a hot minute
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29121996 · 1 month
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Ellie isn't allowed to travel alone Anymore
So! Ellie was raised in a Lab by a Genuine Bonefied Supervillain. She was raised to be a Villain as well, so her Moral Conpass is a little skewed.
Sure she *mostly* knows what is right and wrong from Danny's quick lesson before her Adventure around the Country, but she still has trouble separating what is moral and what is not from time to time.
So it's really no surprise that the moment she left Amity Park she somehow ended up being branded a Villain.
Look, it's not her fault she didn't know not to attack the flying guy in Blue Spandex when he approached her! One of Danny's biggest warnings shen she left had been Stranger Danger! She did what any 12 year old girl would have done when approached by a strange Older Man!
Its also not her fault that her powers (being Magic based), managed to affect him! She didn't even use her full power! (She maybe should have kicked him in a different place tho...she hopes he wasn't planning on having kids...)
So she did what her instincts told her to do. She took any money he had on him and ran the hell away!
It wasn't until she was 2 cities over when she saw a newspaper titled, "Little Villain Girl Mugs Superman in Broad Daylight!", that she realized she may have screwed up...
After that, she really had no excuse.
She knew that she probably shouldn't have kept Mugging the Heroes who approached her, but she wasn't a Fenton for nothing! Her Family Motto had always been "Commit to the Bit", and she was gonna stick to it!
So when the Fast Red Guy tried to tie her up, she phased off all his clothes and took off with his money (not the mask, she knew enough not to take that off)
And when the Grumpy Bat Guy tried to corner her with some weird papers he pulled out of his Belt, she just distracted him while her clone picked his pockets and made off with the wheels of his Car. That one made her a pretty penny!
The flying Green Guy was fun, his attacks were just throwing Ghost Candy (pure willpower) at her. He did stop doing do after she nicked his fancy talking Ring however, but it was fun while it lasted
Then she came across a Orange Fish Guy, and he actually seemed nice enough. But she was committing to the Bit, so she took the fancy Trident he had and sold it at a nearby Pawn Shop for some extra cash. He would probably be able to find it, that's why she chose a nearby location.
All in All, her Adventure had been really fun! So she decided to visit Amity Park again to tell Danny all about it!
Aquaman walked into the meeting room of the Watchtower, a very frustrated look in his eye.
Barry spoke up first, "Oh! I know that look in your eye! She got to you too didn't she!"
Arthur just glared at Barry for a second before walking over to his Chair, sitting down with a thump. "She is certainly a tricky child."
"What did she take this time?" Clark asked.
"..mttrident..." Arthur grumbled out quickly.
"What was that?" Asked Barry with a twinkle in his eye. He heard it, but he wanted everybody else to know.
"She took my trident, Okay!" Arthur shouted out.
"I feel ya man." Responded Hal, "At least with me she threw it back at me when she realized it wasn't making 'candy' anymore. What did she do with yours?"
"She sold it at a Pawn Shop!" Arthus yelled in frustration, "She managed to steal one of the most Powerful Magical Weapons in the world, the Symbol of the entire Atalantean Royal Bloodline, and she sold it and a Pawn Shop!"
"...how much did she get for it?" Asked Hal.
At this, Aquaman just collapsed to the table and groaned.
Alternatively she could have just kept all those things, and gradually built up a collection of all the JLA's most treasured possessions.
She has Supermans Wallet, not very important to him but it was her first mugging
She has Batmans Utility Belt (trackers removed) along with his Tires
She took Flashes Costume Ring (his civilian clothes still stuck inside)
She took Green Lanterns ring as well, but unfortunately it managed to escape after a few days. It was feisty.
And her crowning Jewel is the Trident she took from Aquaman.
(She avoided WW, cause she likes her too much to steal anything from her)
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renegadeguild · 1 year
Renegade Edible Book Day 2023
And that's a wrap!
(actually, it's more like a taco?)
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While efforts to wrangle the first annual Edible Book Week may have been a bit half baked, some of us are calling it a success! Two baking classes, a number of WIP edible photos shared, and enough puns to choke on-- we're here. April 1st! Edible Book Day!
Members of Renegade did not disappoint! Behold the tasty treats offered for your viewing pleasure!  And if you'd like, feel free to vote in our joke poll -- it's all for fun because clearly every entry is a winner!
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Sushi Book 
created by  rhipiduridae
i like sushi and normally it’s smol and round and quite おいしい but now it’s flat and tho i’m shook i pick it up i lik the book
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The Breakfast Pages (Pancake, egg, green onion and cilantro)
created by Lauren
If I would attempt this again I would experiment with adding flavor to the pages and the pancakes. While edible unseasoned and basic, not the most tasty.
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Renegade's Other Motto
created by Daemonluna 
Nori cover ornamented with tofu skin, corn tortilla pages and mushroom letters attached with umiboshi paste, bound with cilantro stems.
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I Don't Actually Like Ham
created by Lark
I would not make this again
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A Sweet Snack
created by six
Dehydrated mango covers, crepe pages, pamphlet stitch with Twizzler. Very tasty!
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Gingerbread tablets
created by Rachel Kadel
Writing practice, some cuneiform and some roman alphabet.  The cuneiform is mostly gibberish but says "Ashurbanipal" at least once.
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created by anonymous
dyptic made of shortcrust and salted caramel, text written in blue food colour
My naym is Dyptic  and when of old  the peeple were sick scrolls to hold They split in half  now don't be schook a piece of wood to make first book
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ryker-writes · 2 years
TWST characters as parents (Staff)
proud bird dad
literally he is so proud of anything you do and will share your achievements with the rest of the staff
he also has a box of things that you've completed/given to him
childhood artwork, cards you've made, old gifts you've given to him, your first assignment and test, and even some of your old stuffed animals from when you were a kid
he also has a thick photo album full of pictures of you growing up
the kind of parent who takes so many photos
he looks through that photo album a lot to look back on the precious memories
the box and the photo albums are protected using magic
he will cry is something happens to them
pretty sure he lives at the school so you grew up at NRC
you know the entire layout of the school, visited every dorm, and even met all the ghosts
the ghosts all love you
they watch over you when Crowley and the other staff are busy
naturally you become a student of NRC when you're old enough
and once again, Crowley is so proud of you at orientation
he's taking photos as you walk up to the magic mirror and get assigned a dorm
he's so happy no matter what dorm you end up in
and if you want to change dorms, say no more it's already done
he's a little bit protective
loves when you make friends
he already knows if they're generally good people because he has their student files
it's a bit different if you have a romantic relationship tho
he's scared and will look into your partner more
will express his worries, but not to you
the other staff members hear it
"my child is growing up too fast!"
if you get involved with any of the overblots he is terrified and hovers around you afterwards
other students have mixed feelings about you
some will want to be on your good side because you're close with the headmage
others will be cautious of you because they worry if they offend you then they'll get expelled
and some (Azul) may try to take advantage of you
he's also painfully supportive
if you play any sports at NRC he has set up a cheering squad for you and you alone
also probably going to ask you to help him with his work
"won't you help your dear loving and hardworking father?"
when breaks come up he will give you the choice to stay at NRC or go on vacation with him
even if you say no to going with him he will try to convince you
he calls it parent child bonding
while other students may say he's not a very good headmage, he thinks he's great
he doesn't mind what the other students say, but if you were to say it...
he may start to consider that he's not as good as he thinks
what would really make him realize they were right was if you somehow overblotted
if you did overblot, he's full on crying and heartbroken
of course he's going to save you from the overblot
but afterwards he's going to just hug you and cry
he can be a bit of an overbearing father at times, but it's because he loves you
a more strict but loving father
he absolutely loves raising you
he calls you his pup
unlike Crowley, he won't keep a million photos of you or collect your first assignments or anything
but he is proud of the things you do
if you present him with some art you made or something cool you did he will be proud
the type of dad to keep your art on the wall
he also will spoil you
like you won't even know how much he spoils you
you'll be happy just to get a new coat and it's actually one of the best brands that costs so much money
his motto is "Only the best for my little pup"
this motto perseveres throughout your life
when you attend NRC, he's super proud no matter what dorm you end up in
when you attend school is when the slightly more strict side of him shows itself
he wants you to pass all your classes and will help you study
you might not get many breaks until he's sure you understand the concept and know how to do it
of course he's not as strict with you as he is with other students
they might not even get breaks
he will push you to get good grades but he always knows when he starts to push too far and will stop himself
if he accidentally does push you to hard he will apologize and try to make it up to you
Crewel is a bit of a protective dad
he pays attention to what his students are like so when you mention your friends he already knows them
he doesn't mind as long as they're good people
if you're in a romantic relationship he's a bit more protective
remember that motto I mentioned earlier? yeah that comes into play here
he thinks you deserve the best and will not tolerate your partner giving you anything less
he can be very critical of your partner and you may have to tell him to back off
he may also give your partner more work in class than other students
Crewel likes to make sure that you're dressed well and will tidy up your appearance when he sees something out of place
very loving father
he already has daughters so you aren't an only child
you know how he treats Lucius? you get similar treatment
he is a doting cat dad and a doting dad
he spends a lot of time with you and your siblings as you grow up
he never wants to miss any part of your life
also will hang your artwork on the wall
he'll even bring some to his classroom and hang them up there
he will go on and on about you to his students if they ask
some may do this to get out of doing classwork
they find out later that they still get the assignment but now they have no explanation of how to do it
he's very proud whenever you complete assignments or get good grades
and he's very proud when you finally get to go to NRC
he won't really mind whatever dorm you get into
but he will worry if it's Savanaclaw
students in that dorm are more prone to fights so he's worried
like Crewel, he's a bit of a protective dad
he will slightly judge your friend choice depending on who they are but won't interfere with anything
unless they get you in trouble, then he'll say something
if you're in a romantic relationship, he will silently judge them too
will also be more strict towards your partner in his class
he will not tolerate them slacking off in any way
well...he doesn't tolerate anyone slacking off in his class but even more so your partner
when you're in his class, he is much more relaxed with you
while he won't let you sleep you can still get away with spacing out or not paying attention
you also get Lucius' attention while you're in the class
most students find the cat annoying and Lucius will glare at them, but Lucius loves you!
he'll lay on your lap during class and purr very loudly
whoever sits next to you may be nervous not to disturb the cat
whenever Trein and Lucius get separated he gets really panicked
unless he knows Lucius is with you
you're the only one he trusts with Lucius
Lucius himself is protective of you
if anyone gets too close for the cat's liking, he may scratch them
while Trein is more passive aggressive with his protectiveness, Lucius is more outwardly disapproving
proud dad #4
he's unashamed to be your biggest fan
no matter what you're doing or where you go he's cheering you on
he probably has you playing at least one sport growing up
wants you to be super fit and active
and he'll also feed you all sorts of healthy foods
he wants to be your role model so bad
he just wants to hear you say even once "I want to be just like you Dad"
if he does hear it, he's fallen to his knees and overwhelmed with emotion
he won't cry, but he comes close
super proud when you become a student of NRC
he doesn't really mind what dorm you get in, but he secretly hopes it's Savanaclaw
Savanaclaw is the most athletic dorm
no matter what dorm you end up in, he is cheering as soon as the magic mirror says it
Crowley has to tell him to calm down
he's not a protective dad
he encourages you to make friends and doesn't mind them at all
he doesn't mind when you have a romantic partner either
in fact if you introduced them he would simply hug them and get straight to bonding
your father has now stolen your partner for bonding time
where did they go and how long will they be gone? nobody knows
when they do come back Vargas will say he's part of the family now
when you're in his class, he already expects you to participate and stay fit
so he's not as worried about you as he is for other students
if you play any sports in school, he is coming to all your games and cheering for you
he will be the cheerleader
he's over there with pom-poms and everything
you are such a spoiled child
like really anything you want, you got it
and I do mean anything
he has connections so he can get ahold of anything
you are his special little imp
he treasures the little artwork you make as a kid
it's the one thing he won't sell
he often trains you on how to run the store
so even though you may be small, he may still have you work in the shop
he won't have you do anything too big of course
but little by little you learn more about how to work and run the shop and you get to bond with him too!
but people are more likely to come again and buy things when there's a cute child
so having you there is also a business strategy
he's such a fun dad tho
he loves to play with you a lot and will generally do anything you think is fun together
he's happy when you finally become a student at NRC and it doesn't bother him which dorm you end up in
though if he had to choose he would say Octavinelle because they got the business strategies
he's not a protective dad either
he encourages you to make all sorts of friends
he even encourages you to make friends on the other side but never specifies beyond that
he doesn't mind if you have a partner either
they shouldn't expect a discount unless they are really good to you
speaking of discounts
you don't have to pay for things while you're at the school
he gives them to you for free
but he will ask if you want to help him out at the shop sometime
some students may try to get close to you so they can get more discounts (Ruggie)
and some may try to get close to you so they can get some of those business connections (Azul)
Sam hopes that in the future, you may be able to take on ownership of the shop
it's been in the family for a long time so he hopes he can pass it on to you
you have a while before that tho
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gloria123idk · 3 months
Yuu is missing home :( (Part 4)
(Ps. I did silly art to visualise how they look like :D)
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(Im so sorry Ace you remind Yuu of a girl, you shouldnt be born ginger AND a bitch at the same time 👍) (YES. They're actually based on IRL people I know. Paul, Victor, Igor, Kati and Bartek are real ✨) (And I love em very much)
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Yuu: "...You guys look... Stupid... Like..." Laughing and in verge of crying
Grim: "Are those happy tears?"
Yuu: "Yes Grim, they are. No but seriously... You guys look... Very similair to them, minus your weirdly colored hair obviously"
Deuce: "Riddle would kill us for hair dye..."
Jack: "I already agreed for curly hair. I wont take more."
Epel: "I would be on Vil's watch list..."
Yuu: laugh "Okay... That's understandable..."
Ace: "So... For today's night, we'll be your 'normal world friends', just... Act as we are them"
Yuu: "So that's why Deuce needed info about them... Alright... So... I can do basically whatever I would do with them?"
Deuce: "Yeah, Basically"
Yuu: "I am still impressed you got both SEBEK and JACK into this idea..."
Grim: "Call that Magic of Friendship"
Yuu: "Well then" takes a football ball "Up for a round???"
Sebek: "YES!"
Jack: "Sure."
Ace: "Why football tho?"
Yuu: "It's the most popular sport in my school, most of us are playing it, I was even in football school team!"
Epel: "That's pretty impressive"
Yuu: "Alright hoes and gays, you two." kicks ball towards Jack and Sebek "Are choosing teams. Grim, you're referee!"
Grim: "Im right on it!"
Jack: ". . . Uh... So who's first?"
Yuu: "Well normally when we cant decide we do one turn of rock, paper, scissors, works everytime because you cant cheat"
Jack: "Fair enough"
Sebek: "ALRIGHT"
— — —
Grim: "10 to 8, Jack, Epel and Ace are winning!"
Yuu: "Who's goddamn idea was to play without goalie??"
Deuce: "Mine?"
Yuu: "Obviously..."
Deuce: "Fuck you mean obviously?!"
Jack: "So uh... We won... What now?"
Sebek: "I think we should head back to school. Its already REALLY LATE! My liege-"
Ace: "We are not going back."
Sebek: "Huh-?"
Ace: "For ONE night, we are not ourselves and rather people Yuu knew. No. We are not going back to our dorms now. We will come back in the morning"
Deuce: "Riddle is gonna collar us..."
Ace: "So what, Deuce? Today we dont know Riddle, we dont know anyone from our school. Right now we are having fun so... What we should do?"
Yuu: "Lets go to the forest!"
Jack: "Why...?"
Yuu: "Because why not? Motto of my group 'If you can do something, do it'. You wont believe how many of them nearly didn't graduated because of that..." side eye on Deuce, Sebek and Epel "Also I have great idea how we can reward Jack, Epel and Ace for a win!"
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faithdlee · 2 years
Soooooo back when the first Indy Ref was going on, I was a English person, living in England. My spouse and I were in Scotland for the Fringe, visiting a friend, and we saw a *lot* of shows, talks, plays, and political panels about the ref (the Fringe isn’t just comedy, but the comedy that year was gold!) It seemed like a done deal. I was delighted for Scotland to be getting away from England.
When the vote came in and a Scotland had decided to stay in the union I was FLABBERGASTED. It made no sense to me, tho I’ve since learned a lot of Scottish people were told they’d lose access to EU is the left the UK (ha bloody ha). Even back then, it was obvious what England was turning into, and the long term effects of Tory austerity was going to be. People were already dying as a result of the disgusting DWP and wider government policies.
Brexit wasn’t even on the horizon.
Now, in 2023, I live in Scotland. I watched Westminster say that Scotland couldn’t have a 2nd referendum, and the High Court back that decision. Now I’m watching Westminster highjack a Scottish law, passed by a Scottish cross-party majority, and try to dismantle it.
And OFC it’s a law that might actually make the lives of trans and non-binary people just that little bit better, that little bit easier. Because hey, let’s kick the vulnerable when they’re vulnerable - the unspoken motto of right wing bigots of the world. There’s a reason the Tories are called the Tories, after all.
God I hope they’ve overreached themselves this time. That for once they’ve fucked up so badly they might actually lose - not just in the polls (though that too, please); but in the very centre of them: Their gross ideologically driven culture war, their always successful divide and conquer strategy, their precious ‘empire’ and ‘union’, their fucking entitlement to just ride roughshod over people - always the people who have the least chance of fighting back - to get what they want.
Scottish independence cannot come fast enough. Bring. It. On. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🏳️‍⚧️
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mimpinightmare · 1 month
TOPIC: Riano (Headcanons)
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Been thinking about Riano for the past few days, because absolutely miss the guy. (and can I say: HOW UNDER UTILISE HE IS IN THE SHOW??!??! GIVE US MORE RIANO!!!)
And I've been thinking about some headcanons for him about how he was born and raised as a kid, and how it affect him until he's an adult, but torn which one I like more:
Number 1) My first headcanon of him is that he wasn't born in a very wealthy household as a kid. His parents had low income jobs, and try their very best to support their kid and themselves (even so far, both of them need to have two jobs). Sometimes the struggles came of a cost where, rarely at times, Riano's parents fight (they usually fight where Riano isn't around, unfortunately Riano has been eavesdropping his parents sometimes if they fought). Despite this tho, they still are a very loving family and Riano's parents support Riano through and through.
I like to also think the line "Finding your own style of play" from Riano in "Instinct Extinct, S1E7" is actually from his parents. Riano used to be frustrated as a kid that he wasn't as good at football like the other kids, that his parents (despite knowing little about the sport) advice him to "find your own style of play". That line always stuck to him until now, that it his main motto, to the point, authenticity is very important to him. If you don't play your heart out with passion and authenticity in football, what's the point of it?
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His competitiveness came from where he used to be made fun of from the big kids where, at the time, he wasn't great at football yet. So, he wanted to prove them that he can be as great (and better) than them. He also wanted to prove his parents that he can be great at it too, despite them knowing, he IS great at it. (Their proud parents, I tell you) There is also a hint of love language there from Riano, where pretty much, ever game he plays, it's always for them.
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Despite of his competitiveness though, he always been a good sport. His parents raised him well to know better then to sulk immaturely and have grudges towards his opponents playing well, after his team lose. His competitiveness is also only (AND ONLY) limited to football. (The guy is passion with the sport) I've seen him being SUPER UNINTERSTED with any other competition event made by Miss Altivo, like in "Living and Kicking, S4E3" when Miss Altivo explaining the reason why they were invited, he gave such uninterested facial expression, like he regrets coming. Reason he stayed tho, is because of Shakes, and want some quality time with him. *COUGH COUGH he also has a crush on him COUGH COUGH* Also in "Your Latest Trick S7E3" there are brief moments that Riano is not really into the prize, nor the competition. He's just... Looking at his phone, that's it. And immediately got eliminated because he wasn't doing a trick, he was just resting in the park- If it's just a silly little competition or event to get viral, views or some over aggerated prize, he wouldn't care-
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His dedication with honesty and sincerity came from learning about people taking advantage and being dishonest to his parents. His parents will do anything to have a stable life , but they unfortunately will meet deceitful folks in their way. They never told him about the mistreatment they face, because they wouldn't want to make him worry, but Riano knows. (Pretty much knows this by the eavesdropping from one of their fights) After learning this, he has a reluctant distaste towards dishonest people. (Also, I headcanon that the "actual" reason Riano fired Golari, is because of his dishonesty. They patch up their relationship of course in S1E6, and Golari swears not to be dishonest to Riano and his players again)
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Number 2) (This one have some inspired headcanons by @sahara-solaris-solace headcanons of Riano)
The other headcanon is the opposite of the first ones, that he was raised in a wealthy home. But, unlike the first headcanon, his family in this headcanon, are not so loving. His parents are more neglectful and have high expectations for their son. When Riano told them that he loves soccer as a kid, they weren't happy about it and told him it's fine to play it, but never fully support the idea to be a professional football player, to the point, they don't allowed him to go to soccer practices in schools. To solve this problem, he sneaks out from his home, just to go to soccer practice.
Number 1 headcanons of him being authentic, sincere and honest are mostly because of his parents. Well here is the opposite too, his parents are snarky, arrogant and constantly show up with a friendly face in front of guests, and when they immediately leave, they will say the nasties things about them behind their back. After Riano getting repulsed by watching their behavior from afar, he swore deep down NOT to end up like his parents. (AND THANK GOD FOR THAT-)
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Despite him born into a luxurious life, he HATES expensive and flashy stuff. Growing up into a neglectful, rich family made him uninterested anything that reminds him of his old life (and technically, almost all the rich people he's ever met are annoying to be around) This is pretty much another way I see in "Your Latest Trick S7E3", he just does not care about the grander stuff. He's a simple man, want a simple life. The only thing "GRAND" in his life is his football career. (This can be a headcanon as Number 1, except he was raised humble. No EXTRAVAGANT things for him)
His still is a good sport, and wouldn't change that for anything. But I kinda headcanon (this can implied to number 1 Headcanons as well) he has a *TINY* mischief side to him. When he was young, MOSTLY he always avoid getting into trouble, but sometimes he joins some troubling kids, and start doing shenanigans with each other- This headcanon was inspired by a scene in "Your Latest Trick" where Skarra was driving his *MASSIVE* Stalliano, and Riano was recording him- (Habits dies hard, huh?) He wouldn't, of course, do this for fun. He doesn't enjoy doing them, but again, he likes seeing dishonest people get karma-
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Also headcanon Riano being a very charitable person. If there's is a charity event going on, he will be interested and pays attention to the cause. He wants to give back to the people and bring good to the world, unlike his parents. (This one is also can be a headcanon for Number 1, except in that headcanon, he sympathies with people (and animals) who are struggling, because that's what he and his family has gone through. And people shouldn't suffer under terrible conditions.) This one is inspired by, of course, one of @sahara-solaris-solace headcanons, and "Cool Aid S6E12", where he joins the cause, "Balls 4 All". (THAT'S SUCH A HILARIOUS TITLE NAME IN THIS DAY AND AGE-)
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This is @sahara-solaris-solace Headcanons dedicated to Riano, if you want to read them :D :
.... Okay, that's pretty much it-
If you read this till the end, HOW PATIENT ARE YOU???? Jokes aside, thank you so much! This took me 4 HOURS TO WRITE-
If you have anything to discuss about the headcanons, please don't hesitate to give me your thoughts on them! Which one is your favorite between the two? Share your headcanons if you like! :)
THIS WAS INCRIBLY FUN TO WRITE- Maybe this will be a series(????)
(Sorry if there are incorrections with the grammar or the episodes. I will edit them if I spot them)
- MimpiNightmare
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candywife333 · 11 months
You Can Have Him
Summary: I am having Jungkook's baby. That's right bitches, you heard me right. We had a one night stand and now I am going to make him pay in cash and chocolate doughnuts-- currency of the gods. No emotions, just mucho dinero. That's the motto for today. There's no way he can fall in love with a virtual freeloader right? Let's all pray that he doesn't for my sake and yours.
chubby reader x idol (loaded) jungkook
Disclaimer: This character of Jungkook is not a representation of the real life Jungkook. Keep in mind this is all fiction.
Mini- series
(haven't decided on how many parts. I guess however many it takes me to get my thoughts across)
PART 2 of Only Here for Food
You know when your bladder just can't hold in the piss and it has to empty itself under just about any circumstance? Well that was me right now, as I sauntered into HYBE. I used the wonderful bathroom on the first floor and with a jolly grin on my face went to the cafe. Their desserts were simply exquisite. "One new york classic cheese cake with a boba tea please". I clapped my hands , giggling in glee as I saw all the other options I couldn't wait to try every time I visited the HYBE building.
I took my aesthetic picture of the desserts as the employee who handed me the food smiled at me. Happiness is contagious, just like the plague and that is the best part about it. Trudging over to the BTS waiting room , I saw my favorite super squishy couch and sat on it, ready to eat my dessert and some bibimbap with pork belly I had made for lunch today.
I kept all my food on the table, having brought an abundant amount for the guys as well. They may like it, and if they didn't I had so many neighbors I could just distribute the food to. I dove into the bibimbap, moaning as the flavors hit my tastebuds. This is truly what I lived for, fatty oily sweet and savory rice loaded with greasy meat, spiced vegetables, and fried egg. Taehyung walked in, clearly surprised at what I had brought and my presence. "Hey Y/N , what are you doing here? Jungkook is in the recording room".
I smiled, "Oh, I didn't come for Jungkook necessarily. I was just going to give him papers that my lawyer drew up in case I saw him around the building. I actually just came here to eat and brought some food with me in case you guys wanted to try any. Made it all early this morning after my mommy pilates class". I chewed loudly with fervor, "Why don't you also try some food? I made bibimbap, japchae with tiger shrimp, fish cake stew with sausages, and kimbap. It's all home made".
Taehyung reluctantly took his first bite, and then it was game over. He sat there eating the food with me as I showed him reruns of different series I was watching. I showed him how I was midway through death note and my plans to dress up as a Shinigami this halloween. I was also knitting a shinigami inspired scarf with apples laced all throughout. He chuckled and laughed with me.
The rest of the guys filtered in, behooved to see Taehyung get along so well with Y/N. They saw the abundance of food, and Jin was the first to serve himself a plate, exclaiming and gesticulating ,"So good Y/N, so good, you are truly a goddess. I was just missing home made food so much". The rest of the guys also decided to chow down, trying to steal the cheesecake from Y/n as she was slowly eating it, attempting to prolong the experience.
Jungkook walked in, sweaty and tired from recording his new track for a feature when he saw Y/n. His face contorted into disgust. What the hell was this girl doing here again? Wasn't setting up a child support plan after his unfortunately positive paternity test enough for her?
He loudly stomped in the room, slapping his doc martens against the ground. Y/N heard the noise and looked up to see him. "Hi JK, want to try some food? I just made it this morning. Took me two hours, but I wanted to bring a treat for all of you just in case. Was supposed to go on a picnic today with my boy toys but I thought I would feed you guys instead". Jungkook nodded his head with pure defiance and rage, till a singular word filtered through his brain, boy toys?!?!! He shrieked in a fury, "What the hell do you mean by boy toy women? What type of males are you frolicking with? Are you getting run through by every damn male out there?"
Y/N weakly smiled, "I mean, I wish I had the braveness to cavort with every handsome man I met. But I am just too scared of STDs you know. Trust me on this though JK, if STDs never existed, I would fuck my way through an entire fraternity. I have the stamina of a stallion". She proceeded to imitate a neighing of a horse, as the boys all tried not to choke, aspirate, and die on their food.
Y/n continued, "I just came here to talk to you about honoring the part of our agreement that talks about baby time twice a week. Twice a week I will be here so we can have our baby interaction time , so as a dad you can be close to the baby". Jungkook was ready to rip all his hair out of his head. What the hell was she talking about? Then he remembered the part of the contract which stipulated that he was supposed to meet her twice a week to interact with the baby as it was in the womb and for one year post partum.
"Just let me know once you are ready, and we will go into a private room so you can touch the baby directly-- you know skin to skin contact and all". The boys tried to not laugh openly at Jungkook as he stared at y/N horrified of her request. They all filtered out immediately. Namjoon stated somberly, "Jungkook you can use this room with Y/N, I will close the door so you and her can have private time with the Baby".
Jungkook timidly walked over to Y/n and sat next to her. She emanated the scent of fresh laundry and coconuts, very appealing and nothing that he had ever smelled on any of the girls he usually bedded. Y/n lifted up her dress and Jungkook was shell shocked to see red lacy panties stretched down due to a surprisingly round baby bump the size of a small melon. Her thighs were thick and glistening with moisture . He almost had the urge to bite her thighs. Wait, what the fuck, where was this thought coming from?!
Y/N lifted one eyebrow, "Aren't you going to touch the baby? Don't be scared by my pussy, don't worry, it won't bite. It will maintain its distance, it is well trained and domesticated". Jungkook's hands slightly trembled as he placed both of them on either side of her stomach. He felt the warmth of her silky skin radiating through his hands, as an unwarranted image of Y/N with his cum stuffed up her pussy and his cum sprayed all over her pregnant stomach ambushed him. He jolted away, hands moving away due to the sudden unbidden thought invading his mind, infiltrating his brain.
He asked softly with concern, "Is this normal for your stomach to be this big for two months?" Y/N cooly replied, "They are actually twins. I am preparing cribs and clothes for them. Double the work actually, but I can't wait". She giggled, nose scrunching up and mirth in her eyes. Jungkook saw how beautiful she was, for the first time since he consciously met her.
Y/N squealed out, "Ok now Mr Jungkook. Hands off the goodies. Visitation hours are over". She flipped down her dress as Jungkook now couldn't get the image of her ripe swollen stomach and panties out of his mind. She clouded his thoughts so quickly, no wonder he got her pregnant he mused to himself.
The members came back in as Y/N stared at her phone, watching death note on youtube with Jimin who snuggled up next to her. Jungkook felt a flash of envy thunder through his body as he saw the mother of his kids so close to Jimin. He shouldn't feel this way, but he did. A model named Jin Hee, from one of their previous photo shoots came over to Jungkook and sidled up to him.
Jin Hee held on to Jungkook's arm and started talking to him, flirting with him, as Y/N watched the scene unravel from the corner of her eye. She had great peripheral vision, took her vitamin A and carrot intake very seriously, thank you very much. As Jungkook sat down now, Jin Hee sat so close to him, she might as well be on his lap. Jin Hee was clearly trying to prod Y/N to breaking since the news had spread quickly about Jungkook's baby momma. Everybody knew who Y/N was in the HYBE building.
Jin Hee, a stereotypically thin model had been vying for Jungkook's attention for the longest time. She did not want to lose to a fat pregnant non celebrity baby momma. Y/N calmly put her phone down next to her, to the confusion of Jimin. In a calm voice that could slice a human's flesh with its sharpness, she drawled out firmly, eyes facing Jin Hee, "You can have him you know. I don't fight over community dick. If you want him, you can have him. You clinging to him like a baby koala is making you look desperate. I am not jealous of you in the least. My eyes are on a different prize, and Jungkook is not it. I eat leftovers usually, but if Jungkook was a left over, I would throw him in the trash".
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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“Constantia et fortitudine” - Emperor Sebastian I “der Sieghafte”
#i dont ever want to look at his face(blatant lie)#i love him and i love staring at pics of him but jfc trying to draw them. absolute murder to ME#well anyways. happy with this. took too many late like 4 hour sessions tho LMFAO#watched uhhhh animal documentaries and casino royale again :)#OKAY ANYWAYS ITS NOW YOUR FAVORITE! CONTEXT! INFO! LORE!#so ive mentioned before seb is charles vi. obviously. but i love to steal stuff from Joseph I as well 🥰#seb is a mix of both bcs he obv doesn't have an older brother in this au so yeah!#'Constantia et fortitudine'(by persistence and courage) was Charles motto!#i think that fits seb so well no? 🥹🥹#'der Sieghafte'(the Victorious) comes from Joseph I! bcs he was so successful in battle 🥰#again! so seb right???#i think so fucking often about him and nando's nicknames in this au#'the spirited' for nando's perseverance....'the victorious' for seb's well. victories haha#i think they fit them incredibly well both in this au and real life!!#even if this fucking murdered me to paint i like it a lot :) i thinm the hair was a lot of fun#actually im not even mad w this one! it was pretty fun once i got past a certain point honestly!#but the secondary expression whoch will be in a different post....jfc i wanted to throw my ipad away 😭#it doesnt help that it was 4-5 am when i was working on jt LMAO#but i believe in courage and perseverance! i will paint constantia et fortitudine 🥹#anwyaysyyyyys!!! hope you like!!!! i think i got him pretty accurate???? im pretty happy w the fsce tbh#wish i could draw his crown but i dont think ill ever subject myself to painting thay monstrosity#also dont really undertsand how they wore crowns back then alongside their giant periwigs?? dont crush the curls :<#sebastian vettel#f1#formula 1#boy king au
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I can't design or draw properly, so I'll try to explain in detail how I imagine Tenko's pro-hero suit:
First of all, he dresses mostly in black in honor of Eraser Head and Nana Shimura. One of them is his favorite pro-hero and the other is the pro-hero who inspired them to join UA.
Although he does wear black to pay tribute to his biggest inspirations, there's a deeper reason to his choice. With such a dangerous quirk, Tenko was assigned as a rescue specialist. He should avoid fighting at all costs. He's also been encouraged to create new alternatives for himself, which he did.
Tenko's priorities as a pro-hero are endurance, adaptability and stealth. His motto is that if you can resists long enough, you can beat anything.
Black is the color of those who don't want to be noticed until it's too late. Perfect to blend in and perfect for someone like Tenko, who relies on the fact people normally don't pay attention to him. He's been told he looks really creepy, more like a villain than a pro-hero. Tenko doesn't really care. There are a hundred other flashy heroes with equal flashy quirks to admire. All he wants to do are the jobs that no one else takes, no one else wants, no one else wonders about.
Tenko's suit covers him almost completely, from the elastic like high neck that covers his scratches to the boots designed to make his steps silent. He asked the base of his pro-hero suit to be made of a tight yet flexible material, with thicker parts to protect his vital zones. He relies on his speed and range of motion during attacks and rescues, so he needed a suit light yet resistant to any possible scratch or wound from debris and other objects around him. As a rescue specialist, he can't allow himself to go down. The suit is also designed so Tenko can decay parts of it without decaying the whole, in case of emergency.
The cape is what gave him his pro-hero name and the most distinguishable detail of him.
The inside of it is fashioned to look like the wings of a moth. Outside, it is black and fire resistant. On the inside, it has a kaleidoscope of pearlish hues of purple and red, with a plush feeling to the touch. Since his suit is already creepy (you'll see why), Tenko decided to add something to bring comfort to the victims in his rescue missions, something that would also protect them from the damage of a danger zone. The best secret of it is that the cape are in fact two pieces of clothing superposed at the collar, like a wing folding on each other. They are big enough for him to cocoon a person inside of it if he needed to.
Tenko doesn't use his cape often in battles. Most of the time, he's quick to leave it with the heroes managing the safety zone for the civilians to use or he waves them to call civilians to follow him.
When he uses the cape in battles tho, he's one of the most insufferable beings alive. Combined with his other gear, he shields himself from explosive or fire quirks with the capes, he obscures the field view of his enemies or camouflages himself for a sneak attack. He tries not to get them damaged, since the repairing / manufacturing process can last weeks and he'd be a bit defenseless 'til then.
From afar he doesn't look much different from the Tomura we know at the beginning of the manga: A young man dressed in black, mopey blue hair covering the scars around his eyes. It'd be very funny to see him evolve from an awkward teen in a "creepy butterfly suit" to an actual pro-hero who fills up the suit and the expectations.
If you need some visual reference, his pro-hero suit looks a lot like the outfit he used when he woke up on the War arc. The difference is that this one doesn't have the armor parts on the legs.
Now, my favorite part: hero gear and details!!!!!!
So far I think the suit is too simple. The cape is great, but I've already said he doesn't use it a lot, right? You know how the UA class 1A kids have special gear for special missions? Think of the cape as that.
The gloves are an obvious choice.
They're not to regulate his quirk, despite what you all might think. Tenko has perfect control over his quirk, he's grown used to using only four fingers and can switch without problem between safety mode and action mode, how he likes to call the four fingers vs five fingers grip.
The gloves are to protect his hands from the materials he handles during a rescue mission. He is often dealing with ruined sites full of glass and debris. He also comes in contact with multiple toxic elements or dangerous surfaces, such as the hot metal of doors, for example.
My absolute favorite hero gear is his belt, tho.
Since Tenko cannot fight using his own quirk (he must not decay the villains of course), he invented his own version of Aizawa's scarf:
Positioned at the extremes of a retractable chain, there are hands that work like grappling hooks. By throwing one hand at a certain surface (ex. maybe a windowsill or a balcony), Tenko can make that hand close around the object and attach the other extreme of the chain (the other hand) to himself, using the retractive function to move from one point to the other. Other usages range from the creation of safety perimeters on a catastrophe zone, restraining villains, catching objects far away from the user, to the ability to combine them to create webs capable of breaking the fall of a person, etc etc etc.
They're Tenko's primary tools both during rescue missions and active fights.
Compared to Aizawa's scarf, the chains are not as unbreakable and they come separately, instead of in one piece. Tenko shares with Aizawa and Nana Shimura the fact that he uses mostly his human abilities to fight, relying on their quirks only to take advantage of the situations. Still, Nana and Aizawa adapted their styles to make the most out of their usual territories (for Nana it was the skies and for Aizawa, urban sites).
The advantages of the hand chains include being able to use them separately, being more intuitive to use than Aizawa's scarf, actually being able to punch people lol and of course, being creepy.
Tenko has used them before to lure villains to his traps. By placing them strategically, it looks like there is someone around the corner or under the rubble. He has also used them as cupholders...
Unlike the hands we know from the manga, these open and close so as to mold their form to any surface. They don't have a golden base and the tubes covering the chains are transparent, with a finish that makes it shine like spiderwebs under the sun. They fist on Tomura's belt with the chain retracted, hanging on his sides, next to the back pouch that has his first aid kit and mask.
The general opinion is that the moth pro-hero is creepy as hell. He's pretty obscure, following the path of Nana and Aizawa, but it balances nicely Hana's popularity as the butterfly hero!!
Hana inherited the floating quirk from their grandma. She dresses brightly in yellow (taken from Nana) and purple (taken from Midnight) with details in black (to match Tenko). I imagine her cape being longer and butterfly-like, just one piece unlike Tenko's. She's probably a fight type, maybe more of an important side quick??? She is probably very popular because she's really pretty and daring.
Tenko and Hana are like the bugs pro-heroes lol.
Anyway, that's exactly how I imagine Tenko. It can look a little goofy at the start, just like when Izuku first wore his suit. Yet, combining the moth suit with Tenko's later white long hair and physique?? Now, that's the cryptid feeling I'm talking about.
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bozawarriorsposting · 5 months
Following up from my last post about this AU, this is some info about the four damned souls on 'probation' and their Overseer
The ““““Leader”””” of the group
Spent his entire life with the ambition of becoming leader, grew up with stories of his great ancestors and what a Warrior should be
Devoted himself to his clan and lived every second of every day as the ideal Warrior cat, revered the Stars and it seemed it payed of as he was made deputy
Stolen from him and given to some sniveling coward making googly eyes at a Thunderclan kittypet
VERY bitter
Tries to take charge in every situation, the other three tend to fight him on this depending on how dire it is
Gruff, blunt, cold, and easily irritable
“Ends Justify the means” as a lifelong motto, and they are doing Starclans will, so the Ends MUST be good
Despises the other three, but this goes for all of them
Does find some enjoyment in these missions, it's something to do, a chance to prove himself,
makes it feel less like his life is over
Can manipulate mud and physical matter as a spirit, very good for dropping trees on cats, Starclan has a sense of humor
Felt fully vindicated by Starclan’s decision to let him in, and was happy to watch as Squirrelflight and her wretched family suffered
Yet… they did cope with it, and while everyone back in the real world recovered, Ashfur was still dead, still alone
His obsession emerged again as Ashfur found that his death was as empty as his life
He HAD to do something…
Yeah, Starclan decided to nip that one in the bud
PISSED at them for shunting him here
He thought he was proven right with his entry into Starclan, then they let his murderer in too
WILL try and take revenge on the stars… at some point
Dubious honor of being the most amoral out of the four
I mean, its neck and neck all the way down
Tends to keep his unhinged nature in check
Pretty good liar,  capable of disguising his true self
Still gives everyone else the creeps so they still don’t trust him
Thinks he is far more clever then he actually is
Generally acts as a moody, if very vindictive. Will sometimes just get very Overdramatic about something tho.
Ability to possess living cats, that and also limited emotional manipulation for more discrete methods
Out of the four, the one that most recognizes she messed up
Which isn’t saying much, she still sees her rebellion as justified, and Rowanstar as being more culpable just because of how weak he was
Rebellious teenager turns into a very rebellious ghost
She isn’t doing this for Starclan’s approval, she wants to be in Starclan when Violet dies so she can apologize for everything
Has something resembling a moral backbone
Still self serving in the end, and it’s not hard to have moral standard higher then zero
She tends to go along with the plans, but makes her displeasure abundantly clear
Is very caustic, snapping at everyone more than the others usually do
On the lighter end, she might play pranks on the rest of them, the others will find it funny as long as it doesn't happen to them.
Sometimes plays contrarian just for the sake of it
She is surrounded by stuck up fanatics that will do whatever Starclan tells them to, so why not screw with them a little?
Doesn't actually mind this As much as the others, She was bored and tired in Starclan with nothing but constant reminders of her mistake, now she is a ghost and gets to do spooky stuff occasionally, kick ass.
While Needletail is bothered by some of the stuff they do, doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy scaring some apprentices out of a forest because "Starclan's Will" or something.
Power is either luck control or something that similarly is unpredictable and upends everything
Is having the worst time
Was looked down upon in Starclan, he was an average warrior, and is now solely remembered as a consequence in what is the equivalent of an old wives tail
He wasn’t particularly ambitious or anything, but it does sting to be known as nothing more than what happens when you have a cross Clan relationship
Then suddenly THIS happens
Out of the four, he is the most afraid of ending up in the dark forest, for obvious reasons
Would have the thing most resembling a moral compass, but has absolutely zero spine
Is essentially resigned to doing whatever Starclan tells him so he can get back up there
Has also been dead the longest out of the four, so there is some disconnect between him and actually living, more like a loose memory at this point
In life was a smooth talker, real womanizing charmer, a real sleazy asshole
And he still acts like that occasionally
But under the surface he is just exhausted, wants to go back up to starclan and rest until he fades
But nope, he is going back down to the mortal plain, risk getting murdered by his ex, and have to work with a bunch of War Criminals
His power is warding of some kind, while the other three affect the physical world, he makes sure they don’t get attacked by the things lurking in the forest, or for other starclan spirits to find them and ask exactly what they are doing
Clear Sky
Very much enjoying getting to lord over other cats again
This was more or less his idea with what to do with at-risk Starclan cats, is trying to keep it on the down low in terms of activities
Not a secret, he did get the thumbs up from the rest of Starclan, but he does keep their operations vague in terms of what exactly happens
Starclan gets what it wants, prophecies come true, who is paying attention to the details
What does it matter if some mortal lives get ruined
Been dead for so long that the idea of a mortal life is almost unimaginable to him
Is proof of why Fading exists
Represents Starclan at both its most self righteous and amoral
He is morally right because he is the stars
You know the Vast from TMA? that's essentially what he can do
If you piss him off, you will be getting the worst case of vertigo of your life at best
Falling forever in a pocket dimension at worst
Falling from the very real sky and into the very real ground as a sort of midpoint between experiences
On the mortal plain, a clear sky means that he can observe almost everything from above
The Four learn to fear a bright sunny day and a cloudless blue sky, for it means that their “Benefactor” is watching
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mychlapci · 8 months
Im supposed to be going to sleep bc I just got off night shift so sorry if incoherent or with errors but I was just struck by the thought, as per that last ask I sent with megaratchlock + hot rod (I'm also hyped youre writing something - lets both feed this absolute rarepair)
But yeah so:
Hot Rod taken in by the decepticons bc his ass got grabbed too and I mentioned in the tags of my rb that he would just claim he can totally top megatron too
Hot Rod, convinced hes gotta be some kinda milf magnet now: trust me. This is for the War Effort. Prime will even give me a medal if I can slow down the Decepticon advancement by knocking Megatron up
Ratchet, who just spent the last 3 hours convincing Megatron not to kill Hot Rod bc he's just a young and dumb bot doing his best to be helpful to him and Deadlock/Drift due to them both being sparked: you WILL die
Hot Rod: what a way to go tho 😩 bet its tight
Ratchet: youre going to die because IM going to kill you-
And Megatron is... Considering Hot Rod because hey he's already got the autobot medic sparked, why not keep going- (and Ratchet def asks if the new Decepticon plan is to just knock up every autobot he can)
So for a while Megatron and Hot Rod are just kinda 🤼 at each other bc both refuse to back down.
But because Megatron went and pulled an absolutely INSANE stunt like openly breaking into an autobot base, kidnapping a defector, the already carrying medic and Hot Rod, high command are freaking out. V much clashing with the whole /freedom/ part of OP's motto. So Megatron has gotta go deal with that.
And enters the dark horse: Soundwave
Bc if he had hair he'd be tearing it out after the shit Megatron has pulled with TWICE kidnapping Ratchet and now additionally Hot Rod. And SOMEONE had to be looking after Deadlock's sparkling when he had "defected" bc obv Megatron was busy planning to get his mates back.
And now he's stuck monitoring the two autobots they've got in the base whilst Megatron is away, one of which is about to pop out ANOTHER sparkling he'll have to care for.
And of course reckless Hot Rod just HAS to frustrate Soundwave with his antics because fuck being spied on to the point it reaches a boiling point and
Ratchet, bed bound bc that sparkling will come any day now: have you seen Hot Rod anywhere?
Deadlock, happily tending to his sparkling: hm. About an hour ago? He was at the command centre making new cassettes with Soundwave
Ratchet: what?... WHAT?!
All to say that nothing has disproven Hot Rod's milf magnet theory (even tho he'll shortly be joining the club)
Hot Rod has exactly 0 fucking self-preservation instinct in this scenario and I love it. But tbh getting to spike both of Megatron’s sparked up mates and not getting punt into the ground by Megatron’s fists afterwards would make a mech feel special. 
He is so convinced he’s gotta knock up Megatron now. And he definitely isn’t very subtle about it, which amuses Megatron greatly and now he’s actually considering sparkling up Hot Rod as well, because he already has two mates, and he could always keep three by his side. Deadlock and Ratchet already seem to be fond of the kid, after all… Of course nothing happens between them for a loooong time because they’re too stubborn and also Ratchet and Deadlock keep getting in the way. 
I love Soundwave coming in. He’s already lost all faith in Megatorn’s sanity the moment he had the medic tend to a sparked up Deadlock for the first time, now he’s pretty sure that siring coding had turned Megatron into a loose cannon and what’s worse is that he’s forced to babysit his sparklings when Megatron is gone and his mates are too exhausted by their own carrying. I think this is where Hot Rod steps in because he’s not knocked up (yet) and he’s pretty sure Soundwave is spying on him anyways, so why not shove himself into his face, if he’s so fucking persistent? Cue Hot Rod doing something incredibly stupid, such as trying to knock up Soundwave, since the Megatron thing didn’t seem to work out, and Soundwave is very willing to have a good hate-fuck. Damn Hot Rod, he gets why Megatron’s stupid boyfriends have chosen him, kid knows how to pump a mech full of transfluid…
Honestly, Megatron and Hot Rod are now in a race of how many members of the enemy faction they can impregnate before the war ends… Megatron gets one up on Hot Rod though, because oops, you know he knocks Hot Rod up. Now he’s in the early stages, Ratchet had just popped out his first, and Deadlock is about to have his second.
Add a knocked up Soundwave and soon enough Megatron gets to sleep surrounded by four pregnant bellies… Call that a lucky sire.
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earlgreytea68 · 7 months
A Note on Olivia's Speech -- Kinda
OMG this is so much babbling but I wrote it all down in case it might be interesting to anyone else who feels vast amounts of guilt over writing about guys all the time??????
When I was a younger writer, I used to write a lot of het. That's what I wrote all through my teenage years and into my early twenties, just tons of traditional male/female romance novels, which honestly was mostly what I read through those years, too (aside from the classics that I was forced to read for my degree in English, which was exactly why I majored in English lol). Even when I started writing fanfiction, which wasn't until my mid-twenties, I wrote het.
But then at one point I started writing m/m love stories, and I never stopped. And I worry a lot about that, like, is this betraying internalized misogyny on my part? Why am I writing about men (and often white men), who get so many of the stories anyway? I should write more about my actual gender identity, which is cisgender woman. But every time I did, it felt so weird and stilted to me. And my motto is that unless I'm writing for money I write makes me happy, so I kept writing m/m fic.
Once, years ago, I went to a presentation at an academic conference where they discussed the phenomenon of cisgender women writing m/m fic. I know this often gets characterized as just some kind of sexual kink, and I just don't think that's what's going on with me, and that presentation noted that cisgender men are the default, so to speak, in our society. And so characters with a cisgender male gender identity are allowed to be blank slates that can be absolutely anything you want. Whereas as soon as you make a character a cisgender female, suddenly there are all these societal pressures on that character. And that did resonate with me, that try as I might I couldn't just change the pronouns of the cisgender men I was writing and ta-da! They were cisgender women! Because there's just so much other baggage that comes with being a cisgender woman that they were freed from if they were cisgender men -- even if I resented that that was the case!
But I've been doing a lot of reading this past year, and not of romance novels, of quote-unquote "serious" novels (an adjective I strenuously do not agree with, as a writer of romance lol). I read Elif Batuman's books (both hilarious but both kind of fell apart about halfway through), I read Checkout 19 (which I pretty much hated), I read Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (weird book), I read The Farewell Tour (which surprised me and I liked much more than I'd thought I would). Every one of these books had a cisgender female protagonist (or co-protagonist), and every one of these books had a major plot point where that protagonist has a terrible, unhealthy relationship with an obnoxious cisgender guy. Every. Single. Book. And sometimes it was more than one unhealthy relationship, and sometimes it was more than one female character within the book. Like, you're going along reading about these delightful and interesting adventures these fabulous women are having, then -- bam! they run up against some guy not nearly as interesting as they are and not deserving of their time and then they waste a bunch of their life (and the book) all hung up on him. And I was just like: It's the year 2023, and this is STILL what the female narrative looks like? This???? We can't tell other stories about women that don't revolve around what men do to them???
It's not that these books aren't critiquing that part of society (which I understand is still omnipresent all around us). All of the books are very conscious that the relationships are unhealthy and diminishing the woman (except maaaaybe the relationship in T&T&T, but that book also is really mean to its arguably asexual MC and basically implies that he'll never be of importance in his BFF's life because he doesn't want to have sex with her, so the book had other issues, tbh). Not a single one of those books actually, you know, has any apparent repercussions for the guy in question, who just seems to go on and live their life pretty carefree and the woman whose life they stomped all over is barely a second thought, to us the outside observer. And I'm sure that's also very true to how society works. But, all the same, it was striking to me that, even if critical, THIS WAS STILL EVERY WOMAN'S NARRATIVE. EVERY WOMAN'S NARRATIVE WAS ABOUT SELLING HERSELF SHORT FOR SOME GUY. Can we not imagine better for ourselves????
And so, Idk, I do try to put people of other genders in my m/m fics but when it comes to a character like Olivia, and thinking of what her happy ending looked like, I just could not make myself put her with a guy. And you might say: she could have gone with a woman! And yes! She could have! But I think I am craving female narratives that aren't about romantic and sexual love. Because every narrative I read about a woman is alllll about romantic and sexual love. The woman belittles herself to squeeze herself into the box of romantic and sexual love, cutting off all of the interesting parts of herself because she's been told THAT is the end-all-be-all. But I am a believer in all kinds of love, and how all of those kinds of love can give you a good and well-rounded life, and it's silly to pretend that there's only one type of love and that we should pursue it at all costs to our selves.
And then I think, well, gee, that's hypocritical of me, given that ALL I DO IS WRITE STORIES ABOUT ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL LOVE. But then it occurred to me that in writing them about two cisgender men, it does feel more like a narrative that needs to be told. Men get so many stories...but they don't often get THESE stories. They don't often get the love story. They don't often pursue their romantic love as if it will fulfill their destiny...because society tells men that their destiny has other shapes and sizes beyond who they sleep with. Maybe, I think, the world needs more narratives about guys who just love, unabashedly and deeply and fulfillingly, and THAT'S the narrative. That's the whole story. Just that. The way it so often is for women.
When I think about Olivia, and even as I sit and struggle my way with Megan in the Regency AU sequel, it's like...I want more for them than that. Like, for so long I grew up with exactly the expectation that Olivia talks about, that I needed to find a husband and that was the most important thing about me. And I watch the younger women I know still get that message. I've got a great career, went to good schools, do interesting stuff, and still a shocking number of people want to know why I'm single. What about everything else I can be????? I have great friends and a great family and I honestly like my life. Who can ask for more than that? Like, isn't the most amazing thing that could happen to Megan, especially in the Regency era, is just that she lives the life she wants??? And maybe that means she gets married and maybe it doesn't but it's cool either way and she has the freedom to choose it!
I don't mean to imply that I don't have internalized misogyny, because who knows lol. I also don't mean to imply that women shouldn't get married!!!! I have many cisgender female friends in very happy and healthy heterosexual relationships!!! It's awesome for them and it works for them and it's cool and I love them and the lives they have built for themselves. Lives come in all shapes and sizes, and that's great. But I finished yet another book with yet another female protagonist in yet another unhealthy relationship for the fifth time this year or whatever and I was just like, No wonder I gave Olivia that speech. No wonder I'm looking for another narrative.
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