#actually the best shot is the one right after that where diego turns around in his cell
northbndtrain · 8 months
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Talk to Don Benjamín. Find out who wasn't at the meeting, and don't let him ever enter the hotel again.
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Hangman x female reader
Hangman falling in love with wolfmans daughter,she was so overly sweet and gentle,she couldn’t ever stay mad at someone and he didn’t understand why but she was the one girl who truly made him feel weak to his knees.They we’re best friends and she never once judged him for how he held himself around others,through the arogence and the cockyness somehow she saw straight through it all an when he was having a really hard night and nobody seemed to know because he was great at hiding that,she ended up just sitting in his lap after he finished playing pool and running her hand through the back of his hair not saying anything at all,it was her just trying to relax him though jake found himself making getting excited about something else.
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southern belle
pairing: jake “hangman” seresin x fem!reader
warnings: none
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i hate to be THAT person but sorry this took so long, i had this uncompleted in my drafts and i scheduled to post it last week but a hurricane deadass annihilated my state but anyways i decided to make jake and the reader in an already established relationship i hope that’s okay!
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“I’ve been hearing some talk about you around base, Bagman,” Natasha said while finishing her turn in pool.
“Well, what can I say? Pilots are big talkers,” he responded, bending over the table to take his shot.
“Saying you’ve got someone back home,”
Jake looked up at her, “Yeah, you didn’t know that?”
“So it’s true?”
“Are you fucking with me, because it’s not funny.”
Bob, Javy, Bradley, and Mav walk up to the area where they normally hang out in the back of the Hard Deck.
“What’s Jake doing this time,” Bradley asks, handing a beer to Natasha.
She takes a sip of her beer and looks around at everyone, “Is Jake actually married or is he fucking with me?”
“He’s married,” almost everyone says in unison.
“Bagman? Like Jake Seresin? Is married?”
Maverick laughs, “Yep, his high school sweetheart if I’m correct,”
“Yes sir,”
“How do you know that? How did everyone know he’s married?”
“He’s married to my Goddaughter,” Natasha’s mouth dropped open and it was like her jaw was going to hit the floor.
“And one of my childhood friends,” Bradley added.
“Yeah. None of us have met her but Jake’s said things here and there about her,” Javy says, taking a seat and pointing in between himself and the rest of the squad, excluding Jake, Bradley, and Maverick.
“This is unbelievable. How is Jake Seresin married and I’m not?”
This weekend was one that wasn’t too busy for the aviators, so you decided to come up to go house hunting with Jake. You wanted to be with him, but you also wanted him to stay at his base in San Diego. So you compromised and decided to move out to California.
Of course you were going to miss your little place in Texas, but it was worth moving if it meant you would be with Jake again. You had been apart for almost 3 weeks while he worked and you got the moving details sorted out.
You flew in around 7 and texted Jake that you were there. He told you to come down to a little bar called the Hard Deck. You heard your stomach rumble, yeah, you could eat.
You managed to get a rental car and drive yourself out there. When you arrived, you couldn’t help but to feel nervous. You hadn’t met any of his fellow pilots or friends in California, well except for Maverick and Penny.
You grabbed your phone and hopped out of the car. Walking in, you spotted Jake across the bar, and you felt like you had butterflies in your stomach. Even after 6 years, he could still make you feel like a high school girl with a crush.
You divert your attention away to behind the bar where you spot Penny. You walk over to her and lean against the bar. She’s pouring a beer, “I’ll be right with you,” she slides the beer down the bar and turns to you.
She gasps and smiles widely, exclaiming your name. “What are you doing here?” She tells someone to cover for her and walks out from behind the bar. She engulfs you in a big hug.
“I’m up here for a while to look for houses with Jake. I mean he’s got a place but we just figured we would rather have a bigger place with a yard, you know, just in case,” you winked.
“I see,” Penny smiled back. She worked her way back behind the bar, “Well what can I get for you tonight?”
“Get me one of whatever Jake is having,”
“I’m on it,” she winked and smiled while going to pour your drink. You kept yourself leaning against the bar.
Jake spotted you from across the bar and got butterflies. Even after 6 years, you could still make him as flustered as the day you met. He set down his cue stick and walked over to Natasha, “Hey, Trace, how much do you bet that I can get that girl’s number,” he pointed over to you.
She looked at him confused, “I thought you were married?” I mean, he had to have a little fun tonight. Jake pretended to slick back his hair and made his way over to you. Natasha watched with a shocked face, but Maverick knew exactly what was happening, this wasn’t the first time he had pulled a stunt like this.
He finally got to where you were standing and leaned against the bar next to you, “Hey, Darlin’, what are you drinking tonight?”
You turned and smiled at him, “You know, I’m havin’ whatever my husband is havin’,”
“Shame you’re married, we could’ve made a good match,” he pretended to pout. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and he leant down and kissed you softly.
Across the bar, Natasha dropped her pool cue in disbelief. She watched Penny come back with a beer and talk to Jake and the mysterious woman. The woman grabbed her beer and Jake grabbed her hand, leading her back to the group. Natasha’s mouth was still wide open.
The pair came over, laughing. “This is my wife,” he introduced you to the Dagger Squad. Natasha shut her mouth, which was now dry and she watched your interactions with the rest of the team. You walked over to Maverick first and he engulfed you in a fatherly-like embrace. “It’s good to see you kid,”
“You too, Uncle Mav.” Okay so Maverick wasn’t lying about you being his Goddaughter. This was unbelievable for Natasha Trace. How in the world is Jake “Hangman” Seresin, married to a sweet thing like you?
You made your way around the area, introducing yourself to all of Jake’s friends.
“Bradshaw,” you smile.
“Wolfe,” you squint your eyes at him, “Not anymore, Bradshaw, I’m a Seresin now, I have been for a while too,”
“Really? You’d rather take on this dip’s name, rather than keep the cool one?”
“Alright, Bradshaw, that’s enough slander on my humble family name,” Jake cut in. Natasha watched the interaction between the three of you, well I guess Bradley wasn’t lying about you being childhood friends.
Maybe she’s in some sort of nightmare, this can’t be real. You walked over to Natasha last, “Hi,” you tried to introduce yourself to her, but Jake interrupted you, “This is the Mrs.,” he said proudly.
You rolled your eyes at him and introduced yourself to her in the way you wanted, “You must be Natasha, I’ve heard so much about you from Mav. He says you’re an amazing pilot,” you smiled at her and she smiled back, in a forced kind of way. She wanted to reach out and touch your face to make sure you were real.
“So you’re married to Jake?”
“Yes, ma’am,”
“Like, you?”
You giggled, “I am,”
“Natasha, seriously–”
“Jake, this is your wife? But she’s so sweet and you’re so… not,”
You gasped, “My Jake? He could never even hurt a fly, his momma raised him better than that. He’s the sweetest man I know!” You knew he wasn’t, but you had to have a little fun. You’ve been with Jake for 6 years, of course you knew he had a temper, teasing tendencies, and a bit of an attitude, but you’d never admit it out loud.
“See, thank you, sweetheart. At least someone has my side,”
“Of course, baby,”
You spent the rest of the night trading stories and sipping beer. The bar began to empty and soon enough it was only your group in there.
Jake was sitting across from you, watching you tell stories of when you two were in high school. He didn’t know how you did it, but just the looks you gave him made him weak in the knees. He began to get more tipsy and more emotionally overwhelmed.
He came over to you and sat down, he laid his head on your shoulder and you didn’t even think twice. You ran your hand through his hair as he lay down, you didn’t even blink when he came over, you just continued to tell your story.
When you were finished talking, he pulled himself up to your ear and whispered to you, asking to go home. You nodded and waited for Bob to finish his story.
When the end of the story came, you stood up and grabbed Jake’s hand, “I think it’s time for us to head out. It was wonderful to meet you all tonight, we should do this again soon.” You all said your goodbyes and you dragged Jake out to the rental car.
“Baby, my truck,” he pouted.
“We can come back for it tomorrow, honey, right now let’s get you home,”
He nodded and followed you to the car, you helped him in and you got into the driver’s seat, you having had much less to drink than Jake. You pulled out of the parking lot of the Hard Deck and began to make your way home to the apartment.
A perfect ending to a perfect night.
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eternalsams · 2 years
Country Boy ⇴ J.Seresin
pairing: jake seresin x fem!reader
warnings: tiny innuendos at the end. that’s it.
summary: Jake goes back home to his family for a few weeks and has quite a hard time convincing some girl he’s a pure Texas boy.
words count: 1 124
notes: this one shot was DIRECTLY inspired by this gif from Everybody Wants Some, i freakin’ love this film !
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Home sweet home ! Jake came back to his home city when Admiral Simpson allowed the whole Dagger Squad some vacation after the mission. Jake really needed that. He needed to see his family. His parents, his sisters, the kids. Everyone. As soon as he was dismissed from the Admiral’s office, he booked a flight back to Austin and sent a text to his mom, telling her he was coming home the next day. He slept during the whole flight, completely exhausted by the training and then the mission. The moment he stepped out of the airport, two little blond heads jumped on him. He stumbled back and chuckled, taking his nephew and his niece in his arms and resting them on his hips. He greeted his mom and sister before taking a seat in the backseat on his mom’s car, between the two kids.
He spent the first day resting at his parents’ place, either laying on the couch watching a Disney movie with the kids or sitting in the kitchen and talking with his parents. The next day, the whole Seresin family went to the park and when the sun eventually started to disappear, Jake decided he wanted to go out. He wanted to see if the bar in which he used to go as a student was as great as he remembered. He pulled his best stetson hat out of his closet and took his jacket before kissing his mom’s cheek and leaving for town. When he parked his truck, he could hear the catchy music and hear some boots hitting the wooden floor. He felt home.
He tipped his hat back on his head and walked in the bar. It was crowded but he’s seen way worse in California. He sat down on a stool at the bar and waited until a waiter came and asked him what he wanted to drink. Jake only ordered whiskey and when he got his glass, he turned on his stool to rest his back against the counter. He looked around him and felt someone sit down next to him. He quickly glanced at the stranger and had to do a double take when he noticed the beautiful woman looking at him. You.
“Hi!” You smiled and he chuckled. Texas girls, now he really felt home. He turned to face you and smiled. “Hi to yourself. How can I help you?” He licked his lips and tasted the alcohol remaining on them. “My friends back there didn’t think I could come and talk to you, so here I am. How’s your night going so far?” You cocked your head to the side and pulled your stool closer to Jake’s. “It’s going really good, but even more now that you’re here with me.” Sweet talker. You thought, but you didn’t mind. You could feel chills running up your back as he grinned at you and you introduced yourself. He repeated your name like a prayer and shook your waiting hand. “I’m Jake, nice to meet you.”
“So, Jake, where are you from tanned like that?” You didn’t try and hide the fact that you were checking him out. He liked the attention you gave him, reminded him of the girls at the Hard Deck back in San Diego. “The tan is from California. But the guy is from our sweet Texas actually.” He gave you his Hangman signature grin and swallowed up what was left in his glass. You slightly chuckled before bursting into laughter. Jake’s smile dropped and he frowned, thinking about what in what he said could have been funny. But you enlightened him right away. “You? From Texas? No way.” You pretended wiping tears under your eye and looked up at him. “Well, I am. I swear I am, you can’t find anyone else more Texan that I am.”
“I don’t believe you. You’re the typical California boy. Tall, blonde, green eyes, arms that could do wonders throwing foot balls. But you cannot be from Texas.” You raised your eyebrows with a sly smirk and that’s when Jake snorted. “First, thank you for the compliments. Second, how can I prove you that I’m from here?” He leaned in to get closer to you and he quickly glanced at your lips when you sank your teeth in your lower lip. “Get on the bull.” You grinned, getting even closer to him. “What?” He slightly backed off. “Get on the bull and hold on for a minute. One single minute and I’ll believe you.” You nodded towards the mechanical bull a little further. Jake lowered his head and sighed in defeat. It’s been so long he hasn’t ride. But he really wanted to impress you and he knew it was the first step to get your number. When you saw him lower his head, you thought you finally cracked him. Poor California boy. But your grin faded when he stood up and walked to the bull, asking you to follow him with a simple finger move. You didn’t hesitate and grabbed your drink before following him through the crowd. You saw him say something into a guy’s ear and and went to jump onto the bull’s back.
He looked like he’s been doing that his entire life. But you still didn’t believe him. Let’s be clear, he needed to hold onto the bull for a whole minute. He placed his hand correctly and hold onto his hat before nodding to the man. And here we go! 
2 minutes later
Speechless. You were absolutely speechless. Not only Jake held on for more than a minute but he did it the hottest way you’ve seen anyone do it. The way his hips rolled and hit every bang of the bull. You could see the way his hand gripped the handle and his veiny arm keeping him from falling. And then he decided to grab his hat off his head and throw it to you. You almost missed it by how mesmerized you were by his body but quickly caught it and held onto it for dear life. You watched him walking to you and he reached out to you. You weren’t sure what to do so you only put your hand in his. He looked surprised but only chuckled before kissing your knuckles. “I wanted my hat back but your hand is fine too.” He rubbed the back of your hand.
You looked down at the beige stetson you had in hand and looked back up at him. Then back down at the hat and put it on your head, earning you a grin from the Californian Texan. “Okay, take me home, cowboy.” You kept his hand in yours and made your way out of there.
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Cricket
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Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt was the youngest in the family and born the same year as Baylie, her sister and best friend. It was hard on Beau and Katherine having all three children under five, but they made it work. And as soon as the girls could walk and talk, trouble could always be found.
It only got crazier as the girls got older. At eleven, after TK had done it first, the girls followed his lead and hopped on a hog’s back and rode it around the barn. When they turned fourteen, the girls stood on their horse’s back for the first time, scaring the shit outta Leo. He still gets worried that Duckie and Cricket’ll fall off and break something.
Mischief was one of the girls’ favorite past times, and would recruit Leonard to join in too. The friends had lots of fun jerryrigging a sled to the back of a side by side after it rained and taking turns driving around the pastures and over hills to try to slide the passenger off, riding a horse backwards, going frog gigging at midnight (the best time if you asked them), and going to corn field parties during the summer.
As the three musketeers got into high school, relationships changed and feelings got hurt. It was mostly Leo doing dumb shit and the two idiots pinning after each other that caused the most damage. It didn’t matter though, they always made up and went back to as if nothing had happened. The first big fight that the friends had, was at Prom. It lasted for weeks before he apologized for what Macy Jensen did.
The next big fight was started because of a pact they had made the summer before senior year, agreeing to stay the whole year. Amanda only needed one class left, but it was full until the last semester of school, so she couldn’t graduate early. As for Leo and Duckie, they had taken the class the semester before and could if they wanted too. Long story short, Leo broke the pact and then got the hell outta dodge to basic for the Navy. It hurt the girls as they dreaded walking across that stage without their other friend.
After high school, Duckie and Cricket didn’t go off to college, like their parents would’ve liked, they wanted to stay to help out on the ranch. Even though both were kind of mad at Leo for leaving so abruptly, they still wrote weekly letters to him. The girls started to realize that Leo never wrote letters back to them, so they thought it was because he was busy. It shocked them to know that his family were receiving letters from him, but not his best friends.
As the years went by the letters slowly stopped being sent to Leo, it’s not like he’d ever respond anyway. When not helping around the ranch, Cricket took up bartending at the local watering hole known as Jack’s. There’s always good peoples around and great tips offered. Cricket sometimes flirt with some of the young guns if they come up to the bar, but mostly acts friendly and welcoming.
It was surprising to hear that Leo was coming home and bringing a friend. The girls, especially Cricket, didn’t expect to see him ever again. He was a big shot RIO in San Diego now, no way would he wanna come home to a sleepy town. The first day back, when he surprised his friends, Cricket was madder than a bull seeing red! How could he just mosey up to the door and walk in as if nothing had happened, like he didn’t ignore Duckie and her for years! Even as she sat on her bed, she could hear all the chatter from the kitchen.
After being told that it was actually her parents taking the letters and he’d been holding out for Cricket all these years, their friendship started back up where they left off. You could probably call it puppy love, young and sweet, innocent flirting and touches. You would think that Leo and Cricket would jump the gun and go right into a relationship, but they’d been apart for so long they wanted to learn about each other again.
Even with his fellow aviators in town and staying on the ranches, he stayed his goofy self. The pilots saw a different side of him, the easy going one, the one that’s always up for trouble. They shared stories about Leo, and so did the Wolfe’s and the Pruitt’s. It was one of the best nights that they had since Leo came home. Duckie and Cricket even met some of the greatest people, that they would form a strong bond with, Whiskey and Dragon.
While the aviators stayed, they helped around the ranches. After breakfast the second day, Leo brought down one of his cowboy hats from when he was a toddler and put it on Bradley’s head. He was the cutest little cowboy, and a big help to Cricket and Duckie. When the work day was over, Leo picked him off of the horse he rode in with Duckie and the boys headed for the barn. Later, when asked to get the men for dinner, they saw Leo teaching Bradley how to rope with a cow skull hung from the wall.
The whole week that the pilots visited, the days were always filled with laughter. Bradley spent most of his time with Duckie and Cricket, he said it was ‘to learn how to be a real cowboy’ and when Leo asked ‘then why not me?’ Little man stood straight up and said, ‘cause Uncle Leo, you been outta the game too long!’ Leo pouted pretty much all day, which made it even more funny to the others. It wasn’t all work, the adults had games and activities on slow days around the ranch. Beer, Bourbon, and Whiskey were gone by the end of the week too, which they mixed in with the fun.
The last days that the group were here, the Wolfe’s brought out the big guns, Ruth’s great grandma’s famous homemade chili with all the fixin’s. Great Grandma Thatcher liked her chili spicy, so Ruth fixed a special batch just for Bradley and anyone else who couldn’t take the heat. It was very amusing to watch as the pilots took their first bites, only to quickly swallow and chug their cold beers. Cricket always ate the chili from the not too spicy pot, knowing that she’d never finish her bowl if she couldn’t feel her mouth. Rick’s face turned red, but didn’t want to seem like a baby, so he kept eating. Cricket thinks it was to impress Duck, but by the way she was smirking, it didn’t work.
It was a couple of days later that Leo and Cricket finally said their true feelings towards each other and agreed to go on a date before he had to go back. During said date, someone had made a hurtful comment about Cricket, and Leo saw red. It ended up in a fight, that Cricket had to pull Leo out of to stop. The drive home was silent, the only noise was the radio. The next day, after going over to the Wolfe’s ranch to say sorry, she found out that the man in question had left.
Cricket stayed in bed days afterwards, heartbroken and guilty. Seeing that her daughter was sad, Katherine tried to convince Cricket to take a leap and go visit him in San Diego. After many days of nonstop pestering from her mother and Leo’s, Duckie and Cricket hopped on a plane and went to their boys. They had exchanged numbers with Dragon and Whiskey, and had gotten his off-base housing address from them.
Once they landed, they headed to their best friend’s and waited on the porch swing for him to come home. They could recognize the sound of Leo’s old Chevy truck anywhere as it came down the road and stopped in the driveway. He launched out of his truck and hugged the girls tightly. When he finally let go, he gently grabbed Cricket’s face and gave her a kiss. Leo gave Duckie one more hug before she left to go find Rick’s housing and visit him. Finally alone and not fighting again, the new couple went to dinner to officially finish their first date.
Cricket and Duckie went home after being in San Diego for two weeks, but are in constant contact with their boys and the others. Every couple of months, Duckie and Cricket hop on a plane and visit, which are some of the best weeks that the group have all together. After this pattern going on for a year, the boys finally asked Duckie and Cricket to move in with them. It was one of the best decisions they ever made, the boys got to see their women every day and anytime they wanted instead of only reuniting every couple of months, but Leo knew that the ranch needed the girls more at that time.
It had been a little over four years together and they still acted like it was puppy love. A few months earlier, they had been to Rick and Duckie’s engagement party. It was so beautiful, it’s hard to believe that Duckie didn’t like him at first. She still calls him ‘Pretty Boy,’ but now more as a pet name then anything else. Leo had acted weird that night at the engagement party, so it wasn’t as of a big surprise when Leo asked Cricket to a date night the following week. The couple went to a fancy restaurant with a dress code and Leo had been so nervous he was sweating bullets all night.
After dinner, dessert came to the table and while Cricket was distracted by her favorite sweet, which couldn’t possibly been served here, he carefully got on one knee and took her hand. Tears were already falling from her eyes as she realized what was happening, Leo swallowed a lump before saying some romantic, or as romantic as he got, speech and held the beautiful ring to her finger, waiting her answer. Cricket pulled him up and said, ‘finally you dumbass!’ Before smashing her lips to his. It was certainly a night to remember.
Leo and Cricket got married the next year back home in the Wolfe’s barn, it was a gorgeous wedding and reception, definitely a western wedding with lace and warm tones. Duckie was the Maid of Honor and the Bride’s Maids were Whiskey, Dragon, and Carole. The Best Man was of course, Rick, and the Groom’s Men were Ice, Ron, Charles. Little Bradley was also in the wedding party, being the ring bearer. He looked so adorable in his suit. After the wedding, the couple couldn’t be more thankful for that visit and all the meddling.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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they said I did something bad
Her heart was pounding and yet, it was in these moments when Zoya looked more determined and deadlier than ever. Chaos flooded the Little Palace after the explosion, shots were fired and Diego was injured. He and Perseus were supposed to help her to free Alina, but now she was alone after she dismissed them and told them to leave and heal Diego. She was scared, yes, but it could be a good thing, fear was a great motivator.
She knew it wasn’t going to last for long, sooner than later she would be replaced, the Czar didn’t trust her anymore. A part of her wondered what he would do to her, would he kill her? Would she run the same fate as every head of the Oprichniki did even though she wasn’t one?
Zoya knew things, she knew enough to become a real threat. In the past, all the information she gathered went straight to the true King of Ravka, but now all she had was a shit ton of intel that she wasn’t sure how to use yet.
Not that it mattered, right now, all that mattered was to get Alina out of here. The future of Ravka depended on her and Zoya wondered if she was truly aware of it. She couldn’t fail again. She crossed the corridors, walking as fast as she could, trying to not draw attention. After all, she was heading in the opposite direction of where the explosions occurred.
Hopefully, Alina would understand that this was the time and she would be ready to leave. Zoya turned right and ran towards the Sun Summoner’s room, only to find the door open. “Fuck”, her heart skipped a few beats as she approached to it.
Zoya entered to the room only to find it empty. No Alina Starkov in sight. Fuck, fuck, fuck. “Where the fuck are you, Alina?” She murmured worriedly, wasting no time to get herself out of there. She needed to find Alexei and they had to leave, or at least make sure he left while, once again, she played the Sun Summoner’s childish games.
Sometimes Zoya wondered if there was any chance, they could do this without Alina since she wasn’t the most reliable person out there. Why would the cosmos give such gift to someone who wasn’t willing to embrace it? It was an unfair situation, not only for the people of Ravka and Grisha, but for Alina too. Maybe she didn’t want any of this, but the pressure was too much, especially knowing how many people were counting on her.
“Zoya?” A confused yet extremely familiar voice called her.
Zoya stopped on her tracks and felt her blood turning cold. Slowly, she turned around and found him. Kirigan stood there in his full handsome-ness. Oh, how infatuated she had been. His attention and approval had been everything Zoya craved for. She had worked so hard to make him proud, to keep him happy, to be a good soldier.
She had admired the man who stood in front of her, she had been her most loyal soldier, she had been an eager lover and everything he needed her to be. Zoya believed everything he said, every promise, every sentence. His words had been like honey, so sweet and mellow, and Zoya fell for every single one of them. He had her full and unwavering loyalty.
Why was it that she had always been trying to please the wrong people? Why would she seek for validation from people who never truly appreciated her? Her mother, Kirigan…
She was a difficult person, yes, with a bad temper and not very likeable, but her intentions had always been good. For someone who claimed to not care about anything, Zoya bled and shed way too many tears for her country and Grisha.
“Moi Tsar” she responded, her posture straightening up, she could feel her heartbeat pounding so hard that it might actually break free of her ribcage and run away.
He seemed weak and confused, clearly, he wasn’t expecting to see her there. But not so deep down, he knew, and Zoya knew that. She had played her part as best as she could and fooled him for many years, but perhaps it wasn’t enough to fool him until the very end. He was a smart man after all, which was one of the things that drawn her to him in the first place.
“I should’ve known you were behind this, you power grabbing whore” he spat, the hatred in his voice was venomous and while those words would’ve made her cry at some point of her life, now they felt surprisingly good. It felt great to be free from his mind games, it felt amazing to finally be on the other side of this conflict. Terrifying, but amazing.
“Guess that after all these years, I might’ve learned a thing or two from you, Sir” she responded, her lips even daring to curl into a small smirk. She was most likely going to die anyways, be cut in half, she might as well speak out her mind.
It was now or never.
Zoya positioned her hands over her chest, crossing both forearms and forming an X, and then threw a strong gust of wind in his direction. She wasn’t really expecting much, but her eyes did widen in shock when she saw him flying backwards.
As much as she wanted to stay and see the potential damage, she wasted no time and ran. Zoya ran as fast as she could, using the power of her own wind to help her go faster. She hasn’t mastered the flying yet, but there were a few tricks under her sleeve to help her.
She ran for her life, the survival instinct kicked in and right now, she needed to find Alexei and leave. She couldn’t stay, not anymore. But she was going to come back, this was her home and no one was going to take it away from her. Zoya didn’t stop running, even when she was positive that she wasn’t being followed by Kirigan or any of his shadows.
She only began to slow down when she saw the familiar blonde hair waiting for her, but only enough to take his hand and drag him along with her.
“Run” she commanded, leaving no time for explanations, there would be time for that in the car.
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Remember(The Umbrella Academy x Female Reader)
Relationship: Everyone x Female Reader
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Warnings: sad, anger, threats, character death, angst
The last thing I remember was loud sounds. The sound of a broken arm, the sound of a gun cocking, and the sound of a gun shot. The last thing I felt? Pain shooting through my heart. But it only lasted for a few seconds before I’m opening my eyes once more.
“Klaus.” I absentmindedly call my adopted brother. It was almost a whisper as I looked around the room. This isn’t where I was. How did I get here?
Klaus, after shakily bashing someone in the head with a broken chair, looks up from his name being called. He brushes his hair away with a smile. “Oh, dear sister! Where have you been all this time? You know, we missed you. You went off on your own and scared us half to death!” He sounded so light hearted. Using his casual joking personality.
I remember now. Leaving the gang to cover the top floor of a building that was heavily filled with people from a commission Five claims to have formerly been in. I took many of them down skillfully…but somehow…somehow I was caught in gunfire.
I touch my chest just above the heart. No wound. “Klaus.” A familiar voice warns, but speaks no further.
Slowly looking up I see Ben, our brother who died a very long time ago, staring at me. I smile, tears brimming at the corner of my eyes. “Ben… oh my god. I can’t believe it’s you.” I wanted to hug him, but I couldn’t move. Was I too scared to move?
Klaus smiles, looking over at his ghost buddy all this time. Soon, his smile turns into a frown when realization comes to mind. “Wait- (Y/N)? You can see Ben?” He asks, eyes widening. “No…No, no, no…” He practically crumbles to the ground. “No!”
I flinch. Deep down, I could feel his anger. He was upset…because I’m dead. My legs finally move, walking closer to my beloved brother. I kneel down to him and settle my hand onto his shoulder. I felt no warmth from it, to my utmost dismay.
“Klaus…I’m dead…I know it’s a shock. It is for me too-“
“No!” He shouts. His face lifts up, tears running down his cheeks. “You can’t be dead! You just…can’t…”
The tears fall freely as I do my best to hug him. I knew he couldn’t feel me, and I couldn’t feel him either, but he wrapped his arms around me anyway. His cries were loud, echoing through the room.
“I’m so sorry…” I sniffle.
Klaus stumbles his way into an opening. A massive room, almost like a lobby for the building they were in, full of dead bodies and bloodied siblings.
Luther, Diego, Allison, Five, and Vanya stand in a half circle. They looked exhausted and dirty.
“So…they can’t see me?” I ask to no one in particular as Ben and I follow Klaus down the stairs to the main floor.
Klaus didn’t bother to answer, probably too shocked to acknowledge my situation. Ben decided to answer for him. He gave me a sad smile. “No, they can’t. Only Klaus.”
“Klaus, you survived.” Five says sarcastically.
Klaus didn’t answer to his brother. His eyes were focused on the floor half the time. A half scowl-half pout splayed on his face.
Allison showed slight concern for her brothers nonexistent response. “You okay?”
He mumbles a bit before actually letting out some real words. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just that…(Y/N) is dead…” He says bluntly.
The group became silent for a few seconds. “Wait…” Five was scowling, his lips curled upwards into a wicked smile. Knowing him, it was to cover up his true pain and sorrow. “Are you playing some kind of joke? Cause it’s not funny.” The warning was clearly there.
Klaus scoffed. “You really think I’d joke about our dear sister?” He chokes a sob. “She’s right there.” he points to an empty space. Well, an empty space to them. I was standing right where he was pointing.
“You mother fu-“ Five stomps forward.
“Stop!” I suddenly call. I stop after taking a step forward, realizing they couldn’t see me.
That is, until all their faces went into shock, staring right at me. I had the same expression and looked at Klaus for any answers. His hand was glowing a bright blue. He was using his power to help me be…half alive. I guess so they could see me.
“Look! She’s right there!” Luther points.
“No.” I blurt out. They freeze. “Guys…I’m really dead.”
Vanya takes a few steps forward. “No…that can’t be. How?”
“I was shot. Upstairs. Right here.” I point at my heart. “I’m…I’m so sorry.” I sob. “I’m so sorry! I love you guys so much.”
Most of them cry at the hard news. Some tried to hold them back. Five turned, holding back his tears as he paced. Allison cuddled up to Luther as they cried together. Vanya sat on the floor as she processed everything, also crying. And Diego stood in his same spot, staring at nothing in particular.
“I can’t hold it for much longer.” Klaus says sadly.
I nod to him, smiling. “I’ll be watching over you guys, okay? Just…I’ll be with Klaus. Protect each other. Always.” Soon enough, the blue light around Klaus’ hand dissipates.
Klaus sat down himself. The room is silent, despite the cries and hard thinking of the siblings. Ben held my hand tightly as we sit on the stairs behind Klaus.
“Everything will be alright.” Ben encourages. His hold on my hand tightens.
“Yeah…” I sniff. “It has to be.”
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29
Pt 29 - Sir Reginald and the Kids of the Round Table
You watched as Five disappeared and Luther walked out of the building with Diego trailing behind. You continued to face towards the downstairs area as you mumbled,
From behind you, you can hear Allison question curiously,
"Number Zero, huh?" Allison
You turn around to look at her, annoyance written all over your face. You didn't want to deal with the conversation like this, let alone at all.
"It wasn't my choice. You think I wanted to be reduced to a number? I didn't care in the slightest that zero came before one." You replied, "I'm a person with a name, not an experiment and I made sure he followed that."
"So you are dear old daddy's favorite. Y'know I always kind of figured so. Never understood why though since you're the exact opposite of what he wanted his children to be." Klaus says with a drunken laugh
"Hell if I know. Our relationship has always been...complex." You state as you cross your arms over your chest
You couldn't quite grasp if they were just curious about the revelation or if they were actually upset by finding out their dad had called you number zero. Even if Luther was done with his dad, he still seemed to care a lot about it and unfortunately, they all still had their issues with their father so you had no clue how they might feel. You hoped it was just curiosity because you had never wanted to be zero and you really couldn't think of a circumstance in which you would accept such a name. It would have to be the only option left to agree to such a thing but Five and you all were going to stop the apocalypse so it wouldn't be a worry. You stand around awkwardly as a silence looms in the air over those of you who were still in the apartment. Wondering if and when the rest of them would come back, you all waited for a bit. After a few moments though Klaus broke the silence and said,
"This had been nice but you know, I could really go for some tacos right now. Allison?"
"Tacos? Shouldn't we wait?" Allison questioned
"You know those guys. I mean, it could take forever for them to bro it out. Vanya, tacos?" Klaus replies
"Is there any way that tacos are gonna cause the end of the world?" Vanya asks
"I mean, there's only one way to find out, right?" Klaus remarks
"Sure is." Allison chimes
"Let's go!" Klaus exclaims
"Where are you guys going? We need to figure out how to stop the...apocalypse" You tried to exclaim but it was no use
You stood at the top of the balcony as you watched them leave. You were starting to understand how Five felt dealing with his siblings. From behind you, you hear a voice say,
"I've missed you all...so much."
"If it means anything, I missed you too." You state as you turn back around looking in Ben's direction
He turns his head to face you and replies,
"It does."
He looked at you and you cocked your head to the side slightly, intrigued at the sight before you. You realized what had felt off about him earlier. You hadn't quite noticed it because when he sat on the TV stand he was so far away but with him up close you realized, you could see him. Clearly. Before when you saw him he was more so just a giant blob of moving particles. Sometimes you could make out a head or arms but it was like static on a TV, no picture was clearly there. But now everything was so defined. It was as if the static had cleared and now you could see him in high definition. You could see his hair, his face, actual appendages like hands and fingers, and...ghost clothes? The point was he looked more like a person. He was still just a bunch of disturbed molecules but now he looked real. All that visualization practice with Charlie finally paid off. Slowly, you approached the seat he was sitting in and leaned down so you were face to face with him. Ben looked back at you confused. You were so close and he didn't know what was going on.
"Are you okay?" Ben asks concerned
You pull back and stand up straight.
"Stand up, Ben." You command
"What?" Ben questions
"Stand up."
Ben hesitantly stands up. You had never been so demanding with him before and he was highly confused about why you were so adamant about him stand up. He looks at you silently as you tell him,
"Lift your arms up, like this." You demonstrate to Ben
"T-pose!" Charlie exclaims
"Correct, but not in this instance." You say turning your attention to Charlie before turning back to Ben "Just trust me."
Ben looked at you and although he was confused there was a genuine look in your eyes. Unlike his siblings, you were trustworthy, you had never done him wrong. Slowly, Ben raised his arms like you had instructed before he got his arms up fully you wrapped your arms around his torso. You were hugging him. It wasn't a perfect hug because he wasn't solid, and if you held him too tight your arms would go through him, but you could feel the barrier of molecules where his back was and tried to balance your arms there. It took a second for Ben to register what was going on but once he did he carefully wrapped his arms back around you. This was the first hug he had gotten in years. He couldn't remember the last time someone held him but at this moment he forgot that he was a ghost and for the first time in years he felt like a person. Ben leaned more into the hug as he took in every second of it. He had wanted this for so long. He tried to wrap his arms around you tighter to bring you, the only other person who could see him, closer. But as he did so his arms went through you and he remembered a glaring fact.
He was still dead.
Although he was disappointed by the reality of his existence and the façade of normalcy he felt a moment ago, he held on anyway. With the way things were going he didn't know if he'd get this ever again. After a bit, you pulled away and shot him a smile. You wondered if Klaus was kind to his brother with no real autonomy but you also hoped that Ben was kind to his evidently struggling sibling. You looked around the place and saw that no one had returned as of yet.
"Hmm. Five would've been back by now." You comment
"Unless he ran off to do something," Charlie retorts
"Good point. I'm going to go take a look around outside real quick." You state before turning to Charlie "Charlie talk to Ben while I'm gone."
"Where is he? I can't see him like you can." Charlie asks
You use your arms to gesture to the space before you where Ben was standing. Charlie approaches albeit confused but tries his best to stand in front of him. With that, you start to walk away to head outside to look for Five but as you do Charlie calls out,
"Wait! He can't reply. What do I talk about?"
"I don't know, Russian Literature?" You shoot back
"That's a big no-no in my house. Y'know with my dad working for the government and all."
"Right. 1960s anti-Russian sentiment. Uh, just talk about something he can relate to then." You reply as you walk away
Charlie turns to Ben and the last thing you can hear is him asking,
"Do you want to hear about my shitty dad?"
With that, you walk out to try and find Five but he would be nowhere to be found. After seeing Lila on the roof he immediately started to chase after her. One, because he absolutely despised her and wanted her dead but also because he didn't want her anywhere near you or his family. If he played along with her little chase game he could get her further from you and his siblings. Five follows close behind as Lila continues to run, leading him away from the main part of town towards the industrial sector. Five keeps his distance as he follows her to what looks like an abandoned paint warehouse. He hides behind a wall as he sees her grab a small plank of wood and smash open the window of a door, letting herself into the building. Cautiously, he trails behind her. Looking into the building he makes sure the coast is clear before spatial jumping behind Lila. Lila turns on her heel to look at Five. He shoves his hands into his pockets and with a sarcastic smirk on his face he questions,
"What's your game, crazy lady?"
"Who cares? You said if you saw me again, you'd kill me." Lila comments
"Oh, I remember." Five states
"Well, come on, big talker. Let's get this done." Lila taunts
"All right." Five replies
Spatial jumping Five attempts to attack her from behind but somehow Lila anticipates his movement and roundhouse kicks him in the jaw knocking him backward. Five grabs his jaw and attempts to get up while Lila runs away. Five chases her down a corridor of the abandoned warehouse, spatial jumping in front of her stopping her in her tracks. He then rushes her, jumping into the air to kick her but she leans back and dodges his attack. Landing on his feet Five immediately spins backward to kick her and lands a hit on her jaw. The two of them go blow of blow landing some hits on each other and missing others. Taking a few steps back Lila jumps over a large piece of concrete and Five follows. Looking towards where she should be Five finds nothing. He stops in his tracks but then hears,
"I'm waiting."
Five looks over to where the voice came from and there across the room stood Lila. He looked at her confused. How did she get over there so quickly? That didn't matter. Five jumped over to where she would be but once again she was nowhere to be found.
"Fed up yet, Five?" Lila mocks
Five turned to where the voice came from and there she was standing across the room again. Five stopped for longer and stared in her direction. The confusion and frustration of this situation built up inside of him. Looking around Five finds a pipe on the ground. Picking it up he spatial jumps over to where Lila was standing but instead of hitting her, he hits an electrical box. Turning around he sees her behind him and as she lifts one of her legs up to kick him he sweeps the other one out from under her making her fall to her back on the ground. Five then step on her neck keeping her in place. Through a choked voice Lila comments,
"You're better than I thought."
"And you are entirely average." Five belittles before calling "You can come out now."
Five can hear the familiar clacking of heels on the floor behind him. The Handler.
"Well done. You figured it out." The Handler says
"Well, it wasn't very hard. She fights like every one of you Commission drones." Five retorts, his focus still on keeping Lila down
"Hmm. No matter, here we are. Together again. I've gotta ask...did you miss me, you little shit?" The Handler questions
Five looks at her. His expression filled with subdued anger. There's a silence in the room except for the distorted laughter of Lila from the floor.
"You've got a good nose." The Handler comments
"You know, planting her in a psych ward, taking advantage of my simpleton brother, that was smart." Five replies sarcastically as he presses his foot down harder on Lila's throat causing her to struggle
"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The Handler states as she looks down at Lila
Five's head whips towards the Handler.
"She's your..." Five starts to question
"Daughter. Yes. And she's my only one, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe." The Handler answers
Lila continues to struggle but Five reluctantly lifts his foot off her throat letting her go free. She gasps for air as she stands up and makes her way to her mother's side. She then slowly approaches Five getting in his face and states,
"I am so going to enjoy killing you someday."
"Lila, darling, would you give us a minute, please?" The Handler requests
"Yes, the grown-ups need to talk." Five adds with a cocky smile
Lila looks to her mother in hopes that she changes her mind but to no avail. Lila rolls her eyes and walks away to the other side of the room annoyed, angrily flipping a piece of metal so that it clatters to the ground. When Lila is far enough away Five takes a step closer to the Handler and in a low voice asks,
"What is it you want?"
"Do you like jazz, Five?" The Handler asks back
"I'd rather lick a cheese grater." Five retorts
"Aww. Jazz is like a beautiful woman. Complex, emotional, hard to please. She doesn't just give it to you...she makes you work for it." The Handler explains as she walks around the room
Five places his hands in his pockets and turns on his heel to face her. Keeping his distance he replies,
"I have no experience with the type of woman you're talking about so I'm really hoping that you're going somewhere with this analogy."
The Handler walks back over to him and with a smile adds,
"Under my leadership, the Commission would sound more like...jazz."
"And what about the board of directors?" Five questions critically getting up in her face
"Well, that's where you come in." The Handler replies tapping his nose with her pointer finger
Five takes a step back away from her and cocks his head to the side. In a firm tone, he states,
"Nope. No, it isn't."
The Handler walks around Five to the space behind him and elaborates,
"In exchange for the assassination of the board, I'm willing to get you, your family, and that girlfriend you love so dearly out of this timeline and back to 2019 where you belong."
"And what about World War III that's due to kick off in just a few days?" Five inquires turning to look at her
"Once you, your girlfriend, and your siblings are gone, that goes away."
"And the apocalypse when we get back to 2019?"
"That too."
Five leans in looking at her critically. The cynic in him was screaming about the nonchalant nature of her statements. This was a woman who would do anything for power so Five knew there was some type of plan she had in her head. In a lowered voice Five angrily criticizes,
"I distinctly remember you telling me that that apocalypse had to happen, that it was supposed to happen."
The Handler walks around Five once more so she is directly behind him. As she walks she explains,
"Back then I was toeing the company line, but once I'm in charge..."
The Handler then presses herself up against Five's back leans in closer to his ear. Five didn't like how close she was and tensed up as he felt her against him.
We can riff." The Handler whispered in his ear
Five took a step forward putting a small amount of distance between the two as he stated,
"Exactly." The Handler replies as she walks in front of him again
Five turns and walks away from her scratching the back of his neck. Taking a breath he turns back around to face her, a sizable distance now between them. Looking at the Handler, Five questions,
"What about the board of directors, hmm? I mean, nobody knows who they are."
"Correct. But once every fiscal quarter, they get together for a board meeting."
"Where?" Five asks looking at her curiously
"The question is when. They meet somewhere in the timeline but never in the same place twice. The exact location and date of these board meetings is the most closely-guarded secret in the Commission."
Five looks around, an unsurprised smirk appearing across his face. He turns away for a second as he comments,
"But you know where it's gonna be, don't you?"
"Would I be any good at what I do if I didn't? Listen Five, don't think about it as killing the board for me, think about it as getting to live out the rest of your newfound life with (Y/N)."
With the sound of your name leaving her mouth and hitting his ears he quickly turns on his heel to face her. A wave of adrenaline and anger coursed through his veins as he flashed closer to her. He stared her down with malicious intent as he demanded,
"How do you know her name."
"Oh calm down Five. I work for the commission how could I not? Truly, your love story is one for the ages, don't you think?" The Handler remarks in a cheery yet malevolent tone
She walks towards him that facade of kindness and charity not fooling him in the slightest. As she walks around him she details in that false-kind tone,
"Two best friends fall in love at a young age before being separated for years on end. You witness her death and swear to go back and prevent it with only some book and a necklace to remember her by. How sweet."
As she comes back to stand directly in front of him she comments,
"I bet you're wearing that necklace right now, aren't you?"
Indeed he was. Hiding under the shirt his academy uniform was the locket you had given him all those years ago. Unconsciously, when she mentioned it he brought his hand up to cover where it rested as if trying to protect it from her. Trying to protect you from her. Five lets out an angered huff before commanding firmly,
"You leave her out of this. Whatever game you're trying to play is between you and me."
"Fine. But remember, doomsday's right around the corner, and the way things are going, I'm your only option to save her."
Five takes a step towards her and looks her dead in the eyes.
"Not yet you aren't."
And without another word, he flashes away. He was going to get you and his family out of here and he was going to do it without her help.
You on the other hand had gone outside to look for him but he was nowhere to be found.  As you turned and walked back towards Elliott's place you mumbled to yourself,
"Hopefully it doesn't take him four years to get back."
Teleporting yourself inside the building you can hear Charlie say,
"And then when I was ten my mom died and my dad hired a nanny to take care of me instead of you know doing it himself. Because he sucks."
"I wish you could hear me because you are so right!" You can hear Ben yell back
You smirk a little at two of your friends hanging out and bonding over shitty dads. You still couldn't relate but it was funny to hear them so passionate about it. Transporting yourself upstairs you tell the two of them,
"Can't find him."
"Well, the good news is he's like a boomerang. He always comes back." Charlie replies cheerfully before adding "I don't blame him though. That family meeting was shit."
"He has a point. It was so bad." Ben comments
You plop down on the couch across from the two of them and ask aloud,
"When was the last time we actually had a good family gathering?"
"Our 13th birthday party," Ben answers just a little too fast
He wasn't wrong though. Granted, you had never been to a family gathering again until Reginald's funeral but from that experience, you were sure that there were probably plenty of awful gatherings before as well.
"I guess it was better than it could've gone though. It was mainly a lot of arguing and only one murder attempt this time." You comment
"You base how well a gathering goes on how many attempted murders there are?" Charlie questions
"Partially," you answer
"I say this with the utmost respect but y'all are fucked up." Charlie states
"Yeah. I know." You reply nodding your head
You kick your feet up on the coffee table trying to find some type of relaxation after all of the mess that had occurred. It had felt like a week's worth of activities was shoved into less than 24 hours. If only you could put a stop to this whole apocalypse mess. You lean back more on the couch and as you do so Ben asks,
"So you've been living with my dad in this time?"
"Yup. I didn't choose it though, it was more of just a domino effect of events. Dropped in the alley, found by mom, who was an actual person in the '60s surprisingly, we met your dad, human mom adopted me, human mom started dating your dad, and then we just permanently moved in with him." You explain "But it's alright, I typically just hang out with Charlie and we avoid people most of the time so it's been fine. Right, Charlie?"
"It's decent," Charlie says with a shit-eating grin
Ben gets a laugh from Charlie's impersonal response and you roll your eyes.
"Okay, wow." you respond sarcastically before turning to Ben and asking "What have you been up to Ben?"
"Reluctantly following Klaus and his cult around for the past 3 years because I had nowhere else to go."
"You know I'm both surprised and not surprised that Klaus started a cult." You respond
"From what you told me it seems pretty on-brand for him (Y/N)," Charlie says
"Well, he rolled the highest charisma stat of the family." You responded
"Huh?" Ben questions
"Don't worry about it. It's not important. Just an old D&D reference that my friends would get." You reply to him, your voice dropping off
You missed your friends. You missed a lot of things from 2019 but the experiences and memories with them are what you missed most of all. You loved being with Charlie and you wouldn't trade his friendship for anything but it was the little things like weekly D&D or going out and wrecking criminals or Wii Just Dance competitions that you wished you had back. You had to get out of this timeline at some point so you hoped you'd see them again.
"So where have you been staying now since you've been back in Dallas, Ben?" Charlie questions somehow forgetting he can't hear the response
"The cult has a sprawling estate in the more affluential part of Dallas. It's been pretty abandoned but we're all back now." Ben answers also forgetting that Charlie can't hear him
Charlie and Ben stare at each other in silence waiting for someone to say something. You snap out of your thoughts and burst out laughing realize what was going on. It was even funnier because while you could see Ben looking back you knew anyone else viewing this would see Charlie just staring off in the distance. Through your laughs, you chime in,
"Charlie, you can't hear him, remember?"
"Oh right," Charlie replies with a small chuckle
"Anyway, he's living in the abandoned estate near our houses. I guess it's not so abandoned anymore though since the whole cult is back."
"Oh, so that's whose cult lived by us. Small world I guess." Charlie says
"It must be interesting living with a cult." You remark
"It's a mess," Ben replies
"A mess? It can't be that bad can it?" You question
"You should stop by and visit tomorrow. See it for yourself." Ben suggests
"Well, we'll have to see where the day goes tomorrow given the...everything." You explain gesturing vaguely
You were about to say more when you suddenly felt a quick flash of disturbance. It was a familiar feeling and knew exactly what it correlated to. Turning your attention towards the downstairs portion of the building you called out,
"Five, is that you?"
After an unfortunate encounter with the Handler, Five was in a poor mood, to say the least. But there was just something about the sound of you calling his name that made him feel a bit better. A small smile came to his face and he spatial jumped once more up to the top part of Elliott's building. He saw you sitting on the couch and asked,
"How did you know I was back?"
"I can feel the disturbance of your spatial jumps. Feels like the back of my neck got flicked."
"Ah, I see." He replies
He then walks over to the couch you were on and sits right down next to you. Wrapping one arm around your shoulders he pulls you closer and places a soft kiss on your temple making you blush.
"Where did you go, Five?" Charlie questions
"Unfortunately, I had a run-in with Diego's crazy girlfriend and found out her mom is my former boss." Five explains
"So she wasn't just some random girl. She was a plant." You comment
"Yes. She was trying to get to me the whole time." Five adds
"Of course Diego would be the type to fall for a plant," Ben said sarcastically
You rolled your eyes but he had a point. You loved your brother dearly and in many cases, he was very tactile and smart but when it came to women and his emotions he had some room for improvement. As you all sat there you could hear the phone ring from the other room. Charlie promptly gets up and goes to answer it.
"Hello? Oh hi. Yes, I can put her on the phone." Charlie says before calling a bit louder "(Y/N) it's for you."
You were curious as to who could be calling you so you got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen with Five following along behind you. Taking the phone from Charlie you place it to your ear and say,
"Oh, (Y/N) sweetie it's so good to hear your voice! Charlie had called last night but said that you had gone to bed already. I was so worried about you. Are you doing alright?" Your mom asked
"Yes mom, I'm doing alright," you responded
"Oh thank goodness. Listen, Charlie's dad said it's safe for the two of you to come back home." Your mom added
"Oh, okay. I'll let him know. We'll be back soon." You reply
"Okay, sweetie! I love you!"
"Love you too Mom."
You hang up the phone and turn around to look at the group of people behind you. Focusing your attention on Charlie you tell him,
"Your dad said it's safe for us to go back home."
"Oh." Charlie says "That's unfortunate."
"Very." You reply with a sigh
Everything was moving so fast. You had just gotten your boyfriend and you barely got to spend any time with him. Sure you two had a few sweet moments together but with the looming threat of the apocalypse again you didn't know how many more you'd get and when. Your poor mother though. She probably stayed up all night worried about you. You didn't want to prolong that worry because it wasn't something she deserved. You turn your attention to Five and place a hand on his cheek.
"I swear we never get enough time together," you say as you look into his eyes
Five wrap his arms lightly around your waist and looks at you with love in his eyes.
"No time is ever enough time with you, ma chérie."
"Perhaps you're right," you comment
"I know I am." He jokes
You roll your eyes at him. Even in the most chaotic of times he always managed to make your heart skip a beat.
"Well, I better head out then." You state
Five leans down and places a kiss on the top of your head, holding you closer in the process. Oh, how you loved this boy. Tilting your head up you placed a peck to his cheek before slowly leaving his embrace. Gently, you pull your hand back from his cheek and see how he leans into your touch. You smile at him,
"I'll see you soon my love."
"As soon as can be." He replies
You and Charlie then started to make your way out of the building with Five following the two of you until you reached the door. You looked back at him one more time before finally exiting and making your way to Charlie's car. The two of you get in the car and Charlie drives the way back to your house. When you arrive, you both exit the car and head inside. You had barely stepped through the door when your mom threw her arms around you pulling you into a tight hug in the same manner as when you came home after your car being shot up only a few days before. Your poor mother having to deal with so much stress about your safety in only a few days' time. You wouldn't wish this on anyone.
"I'm so glad you're okay, sweetie." Your mom exclaims
"Me too, mom." You reply
From the corner of your eye, you can see Reginald approaching you all. You let go of your mother and turn to face him along with Charlie and your mom.
"I see that you managed to bring her back safely," Reginald says to Charlie
"Yes. Not a scratch on her, sir." Charlie states
"Very well. It's pleasant to have you back at the manor (Y/N)." Reginald states
"Thank you." You reply flatly
You all stood there for a second but you didn't want to be there much longer. Trying to make a quick getaway you start to walk towards the stairs but look back at the others saying,
"I think I'm going to change out of this gala dress and into something more comfortable so I can relax after such a day of tension. How about you go home and do the same Charlie and then we can all have dinner together."
"Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I'll be back." He says before leaving the manor and heading to his car
You continue to walk while looking towards your mom and Reginald and accidentally bump into Marie causing her to drop a piece of paper on the ground. Bending over you pick up the paper as she profusely apologizes to you. Quickly, you skim over the paper and see what it reads.
From the Office of Sir Reginald Hargreeves
To My Pursuers:
I, Reginald Hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the 20th of November, 1963, at half-past seven o'clock.
1624 Magnolia Street Dallas, Texas
You knew that location and you had a strong hunch of who those pursuers that were being addressed were. Looks like you knew what you were doing at 7:30 pm tomorrow. You hand the letter back to Marie and accept her apologies saying that you were not paying attention to where you were going before heading upstairs to your room. The rest of the night went on without a hitch and as usual, Charlie slept over for the night. The two of you stayed up late as you discussed the events that had occurred in prior days and how the dots were starting to connect together. You also detailed the letter you had read and your plans for the following day.
That was not a smart decision though as it led to both of you sleeping in significantly late. By the time you two woke up, it was already the afternoon. Trying to make sure you were able to do everything you wanted to do, you both quickly got ready ate a small meal, and sped off down the road towards Klaus' cult estate. Both of you had wanted to see it in person and wondered what went on behind the closed doors. And you were already invited by Ben to see the chaos of cult life so why would you turn such an invitation down. As you approached the driveway to the estate Charlie slowed the car down. Turning into the driveway Charlie carefully approached the building. Once you were close enough to it you stepped out of the car and walked the short distance to the entrance as you did so a woman in loose blue clothing and a flower crown noticed the two of you and smiles.
"Hello, friends! Are you here to meet the prophet?" She asks in a kind voice
"Why yes, we are." Charlie states
"A spirit of your prophet invited us to come today." You add
"How lovely! Please follow me." She instructs
The two of you look at each other before following the woman inside the house and down a corridor. As you follow her you see lines of people kneeling on opposite sides of a door. Some are playing tambourines while others hold baskets in their hands. Suddenly, the doors to a room open and you watch as Klaus walks out of the room in only his underwear. That was not a sight you ever thought you would have to see and yet, you did. The followers who held baskets in their hands threw flower petals at Klaus. Whatever was going on had barely even started but you could see why Ben had called it a mess. You and Charlie approach a little closer and see a large room filled with people in blue clothing sitting on the floor. You and Charlie give each other a side-eye glance before looking back at the scene before you;
"Okay, thank you. Sit down. My name is Klaus, and I am an alcoho...Sorry, that's the wrong meeting." Klaus starts
Klaus lets out a nervous laugh but the group is unfazed. You watch as the followers look on with eager eyes as they listen to every word he says. Realizing he needs to say something Klaus continues,
"Uh, in my walkabout, I did a lot of thinking, searching, ruminating, and there's something that I'd like to share with all of you. I'm a fraud. Yeah, I- I've been lying to all of you from- from the start, and, uh...I'm a complete and total fraud." You can see Klaus look over to Ben after finishing his statement and Ben giving him back an acceptable nod. The crowd murmurs to themselves but not long after one man stands up from the crowd and looks around at the others. "Me too. I- I'm a fraud too." The man says
"What is going on?" Charlie whispers to you
"I don't know." you reply quietly
The man approaches Klaus and knees before him continuing,
"I'm the worst kind of fraud. I- I am a fraud to myself. But your scriptures say, As long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive."
"He used the song I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor as his "scripture" to these people. I bet he did, I bet he stole it." You comment quietly to Charlie
Right after you finish your statement to Charlie, Klaus replies to the man, "But that's not scripture. Okay? That's a song lyric by disco diva Gloria Gaynor, and I stole it!"
"Called it." You state
The crowd murmurs the name Gloria Gaynor to each other in confusion as they wait for Klaus to speak more. Klaus didn't know what to say though and you could see him cracking under the pressure of trying to admit his falseness to the group.
"Look, eh, you guys don't wanna follow me. I can't lead you anywhere. I'm not a guru, I'm not a messiah, I'm...I'm a...fraud! And I don't know what I'm doing up here. I- I don't. I'm just, you know...making it up as we...You- You people should all just...go back to your families." Klaus rambles
The man who had kneeled in front of Klaus before could be heard crying. Letting out a sigh Klaus approaches the man, places his hands on the back of his neck so he will look at him, and in a hushed tone states, "Keechie...Stop, stop, stop, stop. Look, look, look at me in the face, okay? It's okay. It's okay, though. Listen. Everything is gonna be okay. Okay?" "I understand." The man replies
"Good," Klaus says "When we admit our own fraudulence, only then can we experience true humility." The man continues "No, no, no, no, no, no! That's not what I meant. It's not what I meant." Klaus exclaims turning to the group
All the members one by one stand up exclaiming aloud how they are a fraud. You look across the hall and see Ben there standing with a shocked face. As Klaus climbs up the few stairs to stand in the archway again the lady who had brought you into the house approaches Klaus and says,
"Prophet, two visitors have come to see you."
Klaus takes a look in your direction and sees you and Charlie standing there. Opening his arms wide he exclaims with a smile on his face,
"(Y/N)! Come here!"
Reluctantly, you approach him and bring him into a hug. It was quite awkward given the fact he was only in his underwear but yet it was kind of sweet. Even with all the stuff he had done and was currently doing he was still the same Klaus you knew as a kid. You could hear as the crowd of followers went from exclaiming their fraudulence to quiet whispers.
"What brings you and your friend here (Y/N)?" Klaus asks
"We were invited by a spirit of yours,"  you answer
Klaus takes a look over towards Ben before replying,
"Must've been the pushy and annoying spirit that dragged you here."
"Prophet, who is this (Y/N)?" Keechie asks
"Ah. (Y/N) is my...soul sister..." Klaus lies "We have walked similar paths in life, seen similar things, and although we were physically separated as children our souls are intertwined."
There are oohs and ahhs that come from the crowd of people in the room before you and from behind you, you can hear Charlie trying to stifle laughter. Turning to look at him you shoot him a death glare. This was not entertaining.
"Oh soul sister to the prophet, do you have wisdom of your own that you can bless upon us?" Keechie asks as he kneels before you
"Oh jeez..." You mumble pinching the bridge of your nose "what did I get myself into?"
"Klaus, don't put (Y/N) through this." Ben comments from the sidelines
"Uh..." Klaus says "Hey soul sister, do you have anything for them?"
"Oh my god, Klaus," Ben complains
From behind you, you can hear Charlie start a slow chant,
"Knowledge. Knowledge. Knowledge."
You whip towards him and exclaim,
He does not stop though, instead, he just continues to chant and encourages the followers until all of them are chanting,
"Knowledge! Knowledge! Knowledge!"
"Fine!" You exclaim
All the people in the room quiet down and look at you intently. Taking a deep breath you wrack your brain for something to tell them. Completely bullshitting this whole ordeal you take a page out of Klaus' playbook and start to quote a song lyric,
"If you're lost...you can look, and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall...I will catch you. I'll be waiting. Time after time."
You then turn to Klaus and simultaneously you both repeat,
"Time after time."
When the two of you finish there is an uproar of cheers. People excitedly repeat the "knowledge" that you had blessed them with to themselves and to each other. These people were so brainwashed, it was ridiculous.
"What the fuck..." You say to yourself
"Yeah, I know." Klaus responds "How about I go put on some clothes and give the two of you a tour?"
"Why not? I guess..." You reply confused
Klaus goes and puts clothes on but as he does so many of the members of his cult come up and bow before you or touch you. it was odd, to say the least, and you definitely wanted it to stop. When Klaus came back out with his clothes he told the members to disperse as he took you by one arm and Charlie by the other showing you around. the estate was nice, but every time you ran into a member they'd look at you and Klaus in odd reverence. After what felt like forever you and Charlie decided that it was time to leave and never come back. You said goodbye to Klaus and waved goodbye to Ben, although you were sure that you would see them quite soon. Making your way back to Charlie's car you saw another person walking up towards the estate building. You can see Charlie's expression change from neutral to surprised.
"Hey, Dave." Charlie greets slightly confused
"Oh hey, Charlie. How are ya?" Dave asks
"Doing pretty well. How about you? The hardware business treating you well?" Charlie replies
"It's going well. I'm actually joining the army. Shipping off in about a week." Dave answers "But who's this Charlie? Your girlfriend?"
"Oh no she has a boyfriend already. This is my close friend (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Dave, we went to high school together but he was a grade above me. He was one of the only people who was nice to me." Charlie says
You extend your hand out to shake his and he grabs your hand shaking back.
"I haven't seen you around before are you new to the area?" Dave asks
"Oh, I dropped into Dallas about four years ago. I live with my mom and her partner down the road."  You explain
"Well, it's very nice to meet you (Y/N). It's unfortunate we didn't get to meet sooner, but hopefully when I get back you, Charlie, and I can all talk and get some floats down at the diner." Dave says in a cheerful tone
This poor boy. He's so sweet and innocent. You just met him and you wished you could stop him from going off to war. Especially since he was probably head to Vietnam. It was an unnecessary war. All of the proxy wars were bullshit but you couldn't do much about it. You put on a smile as best as you can.
"That sounds lovely. I look forward to it."  you comment "But we must get going, I have a family dinner to attend to, and I really don't want to be late."
"Alright, well it was nice to see you Charlie, and nice to meet you (Y/N). Hope you have a nice dinner." Dave says
"Thank you." You respond
"Thanks, Dave," Charlie adds
With that Dave heads off towards the mansion and you and Charlie head towards the car. When the two of you get into the car Charlie comments sarcastically,
"Oh, I dropped into Dallas about four years ago. Real clever."
"Shut up and drive." you retort
Charlie rolls his eyes with a smirk on his face and pulls out of the driveway heading towards the hotel where the dinner would be taking place.
While you were headed towards the Southland Life hotel, Five had already arrived. He looked down at his invitation to make sure he was at the right place but once he had done so he headed towards the entrance and inside the building. Making his way up an ornate staircase he looked around a bit before finding the elevator. Calling the elevator, the doors opened and Five stepped inside. He looked at the panel of floor buttons before pressing one of them and waited for the doors to close. None of his siblings had shown up. He was going to have to deal with the old man alone. He was prepared to do so...somewhat. But still he had hoped for him and his siblings to go together to confront him. Five stared off as the elevators started to close trying to build up thr confidence to face his father after all these years. He wished you could've been there by his side, but you had no reason to be invited, you weren't a "pursuer". Right as the door were about to shut and hand comes in to bring the doors back open.
"Wait up." Diego says entering the elevator "Hold it." Allison adds "Hey, everyone." Klaus greets drunkenly
Vanya enters the elevator silently as Luther follows quietly saying, "Excuse me."
Five looks around at his siblings. They all came. Five faces forward and a small smile appears.
"Good. We're all here." He says
Five's face returns to a neutral expression as the elevator doors finally close and they head up the floors to where they would be meeting their father. As they do an awful smell starts to spread within the elevator. "Oh..." Allison says
"Oof." Five complains as he pinches his nose closed
"Luther!" Klaus exclaims
"Oh, my God." Vanya comments "Sorry, I'm nervous." Luther apologizes
When the doors open to the floor everyone rushes out trying to get away from the toxic environment inside the elevator. Walking into the tiki bar where they were meeting the siblings catch their breath and take in some clean air. As they all make their way around the table in the center of the room Five turns to his siblings and says, "All right, when Dad gets here, I'll do the talking, okay?" "Got a few questions for him myself." Diego responds
"Hey, we don't wanna scare him off. He might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home." Five retorts annoyed "No, we need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president."
It was ridiculous that he was still continuing on with this whole "Dad is going to kill Kennedy" thing. Could he not give it up for a day? For an hour? Of course not. That would require some form of critical thinking, of which he had none. "This is a matter of life and death, you imbecile."  Five chastises   "Okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking. Yeah?" Vanya suggests picking up something from a nearby table "Here, whoever has got this conch shell gets to talk." "Vanya, we don't have time for a debate, okay?" Five replies already frustrated at the group "Maybe I should lead. We all know I'm a better public speaker than the rest." Allison suggests grabbing the conch from Vanya "Okay, Daddy's girl." Diego comments sarcastically "Oh, jealous, Number Two?" Allison retorts "Hey, no more numbers. No more bullshit." Diego demands as he approaches Allison "Uh, Diego. You don't have the conch." Luther mentions politely
Diego gives Luther a smile before grabbing the conch from Allison's hand. Once he fully has it though he quickly proceeds to throw it at a wall smashing it to pieces. "Classic." Allison comments, rolling her eyes
As the siblings argued upstairs you had just arrived at the building. Charlie had parked around the back so you wouldn't been seen by anybody who may have arrived for this meeting. Before you got out of the car Charlie questions,
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I should be there. Whatever is happening is important and I should know about it." You reply
"This is going to be a family gathering but with Reginald. I can only assume it will go worse than the events of yesterday. Do you really want to deal with that?" Charlie asks confused
"No. But I feel I need to be there. This an issue for all eight of us."
"Okay but how are you going to get in unnoticed? You weren't invited after all." Charlie inquires
You step out of the car but lean down so you can look at him through the window.
"I'll just go in invisible. I'll only reveal myself if necessary."
"Alright. I'm going to go park a block away on North Griffin Street. Come find me after." Charlie says before adding "Good luck."
"Thanks. I'll need it." you respond
You stand up and watch Charlie drive away for a bit before turning to face the building. You take a breath before turning invisible and making your way inside. Taking the back entrance you head up towards the lobby and press the button to call the private elevator. You had been here plenty of times before for various meetings and parties that Reginald had to attend so you knew your way around pretty easily. Any regular person would take the main one but in a side hallway there was a special one used for grand entrances. Thinking that everyone must already be up there you knew that you could get in relatively unnoticed by using this elevator. When the doors open you stepped in and turned around, but as you were about press the close door button Reginald walked in to the elevator.
You sucked in your breath quickly and covered your mouth trying to be as quiet as possible. You couldn't be found out. Not like this at least. Quietly you moved to the left of the elevator and tried to stay out of the way. Reginald reached for the button to the tiki bar floor and soon enough the doors closed and the elevator start to rise. When the elevator doors open Reginald quickly storms out of the elevator pushing through the private entrance doors. Still invisible you slip out of the elevator and through the door. As you enter the tiki bar you can see the shocked faces of all the Hargreeves children present. It had been a long time since any of them had actually interacted with their father. You head over to a seat near the table as you watch the scene unfold before you. Reginald approaches the table that the rest of them were surrounding and takes a seat. Once most of the Hargreeves had sat down as well he criticizes,
"Not only have you burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into the Mexican consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have, on numerous occasions, called me..."
He is cut off by Klaus though who sits down with a drink and greets, "Hey, Pop. How's it hangin'?"
Reginald looks over at Klaus annoyed before finishing his statement,
He looks back to the group and continues, "My reconnaissance tells me you're not CIA, not KGB, certainly not MI5, so who are you?"
There are a lot of deep breaths and looks off to the side. Saying they were his kids was probably a more difficult task than it looked from the outside. You could see your boyfriend shifting nervously in his chair as you then realized this was the first time he was face to face with Reginald since he ran away. Quietly, you approach him and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. You can feel him jump slightly as he turns his head back to see what was there. He looks confused for a second as he sees nothing but you squeeze his shoulder reassuringly and he realizes that it's you there with him. You just couldn't be seen. As no one continues to answer Five turns back to face his father and speaks up for the rest of the group, "We're your children. We're from the future. In 1989, you adopted us all and trained us to fight against the end of the world. Called us the Umbrella Academy."
You notice as Klaus drunkenly raises his martini glass after Five mentions the academy. What an odd thing to cheers. Then again you went and saw the cult that Klaus ran and compared to that it wasn't as odd. "Why on earth would I adopt six-" Reginald starts to question but is cut off by Allison
"Seven." Allison corrects "One of us isn't here."
"Dead. One of us is dead." Diego solemnly adds
Five reaches up and places his hand on top of your invisible one. To others it just looked like he was touching his shoulder but really he was reaching to you. He was glad that he had you there with him. From not too far away you can see Ben sitting at a table behind Klaus. "Dead, yes, but I'm here. Klaus!" Ben exclaims to him
Klaus turns to what looks like empty space but is really where Ben is and says, "Yeah, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba."
"Tell them I'm here!" Ben demands "Enough of that now." Klaus retorts
Reginald and the rest of the Hargreeves look on at Klaus' unexplained behavior. When Klaus turns back around Reginald looks at the group once more and harshly asks,
"Regardless, what would possess me to adopt seven ill-mannered malcontents?" "We all have special abilities." Five elaborates "Special? In what sense?" Reginald inquires "In the superpower sense." Luther adds
Reginald sits up straight, a stern look on his face as he critically remarks,
"Called me old-fashioned, but I'm a stickler for a pesky little thing called evidence. Show me." "Everybody wants to see powers all of a sudden..." Allison complains taking a sip from her drink "We're not circus animals, okay? We're not gonna bounce balls on our noses and clap our hands like seals for your amusement." Luther retorts
Immediately, Diego pulls out one of his knives and throws it forward redirecting it so it just barely passes Reginald and lands in a wooden post across the room. You could tell by the look on Diego's face that he was frustrated. Reginald looks down at the notebook he had brought with him and starts to jot down notes. All of the Hargreeves lean in to try and see what was being written down. "What are you writing?" Diego asks "You are zero for two, young man." Reginald taunts
Quickly, Diego stands up and tries to make his way over to but Five flashes in front of him. Putting his hands up to hold Diego back he whispers to him, "Stop!"
"Now that is interesting," Reginald states as he looks on surprised
Diego sits himself back down and you decide to go sit at the bar. From the way things were going you felt it could get messy and you didn't want to be a part of that. "All right, uh, quick rundown. Luther: super strength. Klaus can commune with the dead. Allison can rumor anyone to do anything." Five starts to explain as he heads back to his seat "Except she never uses it." Diego jabs
Allison turns angrily to Diego and rumors, "I heard a rumor you punched yourself in the face."
As the rumor said Diego punched himself in the face. "Aah! Damn it!" He cried out
Allison slurps on her drink and gives him a pointed look even if he wasn't looking back. Five uses his hand to gesture to Reginald his point about Allison's power. Reginald then turns to Vanya and questions, "And you?" "Uh, maybe we don't take Vanya for a test run," Luther interjects "Oh, yeah, that's probably not a good idea," Klaus adds "It's fine. I can handle it." Vanya replies
"Handle it? Last time you handled it, you definitely blew up the moon." Allison states
Vanya doesn't listen though and instead picks up a spoon from the table and brings it back. Her siblings watch on as she brings it forward to hit it against her cup. "No, Vanya, don't!" Five exclaims
Vanya does not stop though and hits the cup causing a soundwave to ring out. Focusing the sound energy on the plate of fruit in front of her she causes it to explode. The fruit splatters onto everyone, except you since you had walked away. But although you didn't get hit with the fruit you did get hit with the soundwave. Doubling over from the pain of the disturbance the soundwave had created bite your tongue not trying to make any immediate sounds to alert the others to your presence. You would only become visible if it was necessary. Taking some quiet breaths, you sit on the bar top and are able to get back to normal and focus again. "Oops," Vanya says softly as everyone wipes the fruit off of them "That was impressive." Luther comments "Look, we know that you're involved in a plot to assassinate the president," Diego explains getting up from his chair
"You were recently hospitalized, isn't that correct? You still appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia." Reginald rebukes "Am I? Explain this." Diego retorts as he pulls out a photo of Reginald and shows it to him "That's you. That's two days from now on the grassy knoll at the exact spot the president's gonna get shot."
Reginald takes a glance at the photo before looking back up at Diego and commenting, "Well, I suppose you've solved it. You've single-handedly unearthed my nefarious plot."
You can see a slight glimpse of hope in Diego's eyes but it's cut short as Reginald ridicules,
"Is that what you want to hear? You fancy yourself a do-gooder? The last good man who will save us from our descent into corruption and conspiracy? This is a fantastic delusion. The sad reality is that you're a desperate man, tragically unaware of his own insignificance, desperately clinging to his own ineffectual reasoning. More succinctly, a man in over his head."
From the bar, you watch as the light in Diego's eyes slowly starts to fade and is overtaken by sadness and disappointment. Slowly he sits down more and more as Reginald's words cut deeper. You had seen them look on his face many times before, it was the same expression he would take as a child after Reginald harshly criticized him. Anger began to rise in you as you saw the trauma of his time in the academy and the feeling of not being good enough take over him. When Diego sits back in his seat he looks directly at Reginald and stutters out sadly, "You're wr-wrong."
Reginald ignores this though and starts to continue,
You were done with this man and his mistreatment of your brother. Nobody talked to him like that. Not on your watch. Quickly, you whip out a knife and throw it in the direction of Reginald having it land in the spot on the table in front of him. The group all looks at the knife in shock.
"Enough." You yelled
They all turn to look at you. Jumping down from where you were sitting on the bar you slowly walk over towards the table.
"That was a warning, so I'd choose your next words carefully. I have nine more of those on my person and if you recall my 20th birthday" You firmly state "I don't miss."
Everyone was shocked to see you there, but most of all was Reginald.
"What are you doing here? You weren't invited to this affair." He demands
"Oh Reggie, I think it's highly important for me to be here." You say in a sarcastic tone
"How did you even get in here?" He questions
"I took the elevator with you." You explain "And then I sat around here for a while."
"Impossible. I didn't see you." He retorts
"You know Reggie, for someone who touts his intelligence you really can't put two and two together can you?" You sneer "Whatever do you mean?"
"I really have to spell it out for you, huh?" You say as you take steps closer to him "I'm. One. Of them."
"Oh really? So what can you do then?" Reginald asks in an insulting tone
"I can do a lot of things."
"Well go on then." He requests
You then start to explain your powers to Reginald. He didn't deserve an explanation but you did want to shove your abilities in his face.
"Well, there's a plethora of things I can do. You already know I can go invisible." You say as you make yourself disappear
"I can jump from place to place on a whim." You continue as you hop to different spots around the room
I can go through things and things can go through me." You add as you walk through the tables and walls around the room
"I can make things denser or lighter. Luther catch." You say as you throw him a glass
He catches it but is immediately pinned down to the ground and can't get up. You walk over to him and pick up the glass before turning back to Reginald.
"I can change the state of matter of an object." You explain as you turn the glass into a liquid and smoke before turning it back to normal and placing it on an adjacent table
"Hell, I can make things blow up by just thinking about it enough." You add with a smile as the glass blows up behind you
"I can create fire and water and smoke out of practically nothing. And I can see and feel disturbances in the world. I can do just about anything and you know why?" You ask rhetorically
"Why?" Reginald asks as he vigorously writes down notes
"Because I can control the things that make up this entire world. Molecules." you finish before adding "Was my demonstration to your satisfaction, sir?"
"Perhaps. Though, I am appalled that you were living under my roof for years and said nothing of your abilities."
"Why would I tell you about my abilities? You work with government. I wasn't about to be sent away to the MK Ultra project or used as a weapon of war. Now, let me get a drink before we really jump into things." You state walking over to the bar
"Absolutely not. What have I told you about drinking?" Reginald calls
"Yeah yeah, your mind is like a gold statue alcohol will only dull the brilliance, yadda yadda yadda." You mock "I'm still getting a drink."
"No." He demands firmly
The Hargreeves look back and forth between you and their father. The conversation between the two of you was contentious and yet there was something off about the way Reginald talked to you.
"And why not Sir Buzzkill?" You retort
"Because I'm your father and you'll respect my wishes." He states
And there it was. Reginald saw you as his kid. The way he was talking to you was odd because he was talking to you...like a parent. All the real Hargreeves children look on in shock. Their eyes wide and their jaws dropped at what he has said. There's a lull of silence before you burst out laughing.
"HA! You're not my dad. I have a dad. He's dead, but I have one." You say in an amused tone
You then head towards the bar and start looking through the drinks as you complain,
"Just because I live with you or you're dating my mom doesn't make me your kid. You tried to do this before, numbered your kids one through seven based on how much you liked them pretty much, and then were like you're number zero because it comes before one. No. I'm not a number. I'm not your favorite kid. I'm not your kid at all. I'm (Y/N)."
When you finally find something good, you grab a glass and start to pour it as you continue,
"Furthermore, If I were your child, I would've turned out like those sitting before you. The closest you'll probably ever get is the unfortunate title of father-in-law."
There's silence once more as everyone takes what you said in. You take a sip of your drink as Reginald looks on taken aback.
"You..."  he inquires confused "are partnered with one of them?"
Grabbing your drink you walk over towards the table as you say,
"Yes I am and I don't appreciate that comparison type tone you used when saying that."
You continue to walk and go stand behind Five, placing a hand on his shoulder once more. You take a sip of your drink before adding,
"Honestly I'm surprised you're not happier. A woman of my stature coupled with one of your sons? And might I add, he's the most competent of your sons.”
"Hey!" Diego exclaims
"When you decide to leave JFK alone I will reconsider." You reply
"Look, forget about the president. We have a catastrophic war coming in five days. We need to figure out how to stop it." Five interjects
"War? Men will always be at war with each other." Reginald replies
"No, this isn't just some war. I'm talking about a doomsday. The end of the world." Five elaborates "Well, you're the special ones, aren't you? Why don't you band together and do something about it?" Reginald suggests
You all stare at Reginald but as you do you solely hear Ben yell out, "All right. Screw it."
Ben then runs and jumps into Klaus' body causing his arms to go up in the air and his body to start shaking. He was possessing him. You had no words for the given situation but the others did. "Is he having a seizure?" Allison wonders "Overdosing probably," Diego suggests "Should we do something?" Luther questions
"Klaus! Now is not the time. What are you doing?" Five questions
Klaus, or rather Klaus' body turns towards Reginald. It looked like a struggle though.
"I'm..." Klaus' voice says "Out with it, boy." Reginald commands  "...Ben!" His voice forces out
Immediately after he falls to the ground and starts gasping for air. You can see Ben's passed-out figure next to him. Reginald looks on disgusted before stacking his papers and commenting, "Well...thank you for coming. I've seen about enough."
Reginald then gets up and starts to walk away from the table but Luther slams his hands down, stands up, and rips his shirt open exclaiming,
"Look at what you did to me. Look at it!” "Oh, shit. Why?" Five complains as slouches back in his chair
How did his siblings manage to completely mess up everything again, like it was the only thing they knew how to do. Downing more of your drink to deal with the progressively awkward nature of the situation you stood next to your boyfriend's side. Five reached up and took your hand in his. If none of his siblings were going to support him at least he knew he had you. Reginald looks at the scene before him before turning to Five and asking, "You in the culottes. A word, in private?"
He then walks away from the table and goes to sit over at the bar. You and Five look at each other as the rest of his siblings make their way to the elevator to leave. As Diego passes you let go of Five's hand and grave Diego's wrist stopping him in his tracks. He turns towards you and you can tell he was still upset from what transpired earlier. Without saying another word you bring him into a hug. No matter how upset you were at his actions you weren't going to place that above your love for your brother. Diego held you tightly, you were the only one who stood up for him when his father was beating him down. You were the best sister he could've asked for. From the elevator, Luther can be heard calling,
"Diego let's go.”
Diego pulls back from the hug and looks at you once more before silently turning and leaving. You hear the sound of the elevator door close and all that is left is you, Five, and Reginald. You turn to Five who is getting up to head over to talk at the bar and he turns to you.
"Just give us a moment." Five states
"Are you sure? I can pretend to leave and stay." You suggest
"No, darling. I need to do this myself." Five replies
You look at him softly and bring a hand up to his cheek. He places his hand on top of yours holding it in place as he gives a kiss to your palm. He then closes your hand up into a ball before gently holding it on the space above his heart.
"I'll meet you down in the lobby." Five says quietly
"Okay." You whisper back
Five lets go of your hand and the two of you split, him walking over to Reginald at the bar and you walking toward the main elevator. As you press the button to call the elevator up you hear Reginald call out behind you,
"(Y/N) I expect you home promptly.”
You let out a huff as you turn to face him.
"Fine...just don't get mom involved in this. She's already gone through so much with me." you softly ask of him
"I will not get your mother involved. Not even I want to place that stress on her." Reginald responds
"Good." You say nodding your head, a far-off look in your eyes "...good”
The doors to the elevator open and you reluctantly enter it. You press the button to the lobby floor and as the doors close the last thing you see is Five taking his seat next to Reginald. You hoped he would be okay being in front of him without you.
"You seem to be the sensible one, or as described, the most competent of the bunch." Reginald comments
"That's because I'm the oldest. You know, technically, I'm older than you right now."
Reginald looks at him slightly confused but when a bartender appears and places a bottle of brandy on the counter he offers,
"Just a smidge." Five says with a half-smile "The other night you quoted Homer at me. Why?" Reginald questions "You forced us all to learn it as kids. In the original Greek, no less." "You know, your dear companion called my coworker and ignorant ass in ancient greek the first time I encountered her." Reginald states
"Sounds about right. She has a sharp tongue and an independent mind, I admire it." Five explains, an amused smirk rising to his face as he thought of you. 
Reginald slides him a glass of cognac and the two of them give silent cheers before taking a sip. Five places his glass down and his tone changes to a more serious one,
"This world ends in five days if we don't get out of the timeline."
"Worlds end. Paleozoic, Jurassic, and so on." 
"We can do something about this one." Five states
"Man's greatest flaw: the illusion of control." Reginald retorts "I need your help. All right? You're my last sane option. Otherwise, I gotta make a deal that I really don't wanna make. What do you know about time travel?" "In theory?" Reginald asks
"In practice."
"I know it's akin to descending blindly into the depths of freezing waters and reappearing-" Reginald starts
"As an acorn. Yeah." Five finishes unenthused
"What transpired when you tried traveling before?" "I botched it. Big time." Five complains
"I jumped too far forward in time. Accidentally brought (Y/N) with me and she got stuck 11 years in the future. Then I jumped without her and got stuck in an apocalypse for 45 years. Then I jumped too far backward, except this time I brought everyone with me." "Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities. Start small. Seconds, not decades." Reginald suggests "Seconds? Look, no offense, but I need a bit more time for what I'm trying to accomplish." Five remarks "So much can change in a matter of seconds. One could overthrow an empire." Reginald starts before pausing for a second "One could fall in love. An acorn doesn't become an oak overnight."
"I was really hoping you had more than that." Five admits
"I'm sorry I can't be of more help." Reginald apologizes "I'm sorry, too. I gave you such a hard time as a kid. I didn't know any better." 
Reginald looks over at Five before raising his glass and saying,
"No skin off my teeth, old man."
The two of them sit in silence and when Five finishes his drink he gets up and leaves. Taking the elevator down he finds you in the lobby. When the doors open you quickly make your way over to him and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. Five holds you close but pulls back to look at you. Something was off about him.
"Did everything go okay?" You asked
Five looks away from you and off in the distance.
"Yes but..."
"But what?" you inquire softly
Five lets out a sigh and looks back at you. This was not the situation he wanted to be in at all. In a solemn tone, he answers,
"If I'm going to get us out of this timeline I need to go make deal with the devil."
"Well then, you lead the way and I'll follow you out." you reply "Just promise me something.”
"Don't turn around until you're sure we're all in the clear." you respond
Five pressed his forehead against yours as he held you close. 
"Of course my love." he whispered
You tilted your head up towards his and place a soft peck on his lips before stepping away.
"I'll see you soon," you said
Five quietly nodded his head in response and with that he flashed away to go play some jazz with the devil in hell.
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @shadowycreationcupcake @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777 @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender @moatsnow @give-the-boy-a-hug @narikyuwu @whenyouregrungeaff
181 notes · View notes
dumdumsun · 4 years
Of Starlight
A/N: Honestly one of my favorites
Word Count: 3040
Warnings: mentions of violence, guns and blood
Chapter 6: The Best of the Best
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For what seemed like the hundredth time, the video footage of Grace standing by as Reginald writhed in his bed flashed before (Y/N)’s (e/c) eyes, along with the eyes of her siblings who stood beside her. Though the evidence stood true and before her, her gut was begging her not to believe what she saw. Swallowing, she tuned in to hear what Vanya had to say, “I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?”
“You haven’t been home in a long time, Vanya,” Luther turned away from the television to his sister. “Maybe you don’t know Grace anymore.”
“If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner’s report.” Diego stated matter-of-factly, (Y/N) nodding in agreement. But Luther hadn’t been so easily convinced.
“Well, I don’t need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes.”
“Then your vision’s fucked, dingus,” (Y/N) moved closer to the television, clicking a button to rewind. “Look. Dad has the monocle on, then Mom stands up, the monocle is gone.”
“Oh, yeah!” Klaus chuckled, the clone from earlier still standing at his side. Diego walked away from the television.
“She wasn’t poisoning him. She was… taking it. To clean it.” He guessed. Everyone’s bodies turned towards their vigilante brother, Luther in disbelief.
“Then where is it? No, I’ve searched the house, including all her things. She doesn’t have it.” A moment of silence passed before Diego raised his hand.
“That’s because I took it from her. After the funeral.”
“You’ve had the monocle this whole time? What the hell, Diego?!” Allison leaned away from the pillar she was against. Luther stuck his hand out immediately, demanding Diego give the monocle to him.
“I threw it away.”
“You… what?” Luther blinked as Allison scoffed, going for a drink from her glass. (Y/N) rubbed her temples as Diego explained himself,
“Look, I knew that if you found it on Mom, you’d lose your shit, just like you’re doing right now.”
“Diego, you son of a bitch.” Luther took a couple threatening steps forward as Diego got into a fighting stance. (Y/N) and Vanya immediately got in between the two of them, halting both their actions.
“Hey. No. Calm down. Look, I know Dad wasn’t exactly an open book. But I do remember one thing he said. Mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker, but… also as a protector.”
“Oh, yeah,” (Y/N) slowly nodded in realization. “She was programmed to intervene if someone’s life was in danger.”
“Well, if her hardware is degrading, then… We need to turn her off.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait,” Diego’s voice rose in panic and anger. “She’s not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet! She feels things, I’ve seen it!”
“She just stood there, Diego, and watched our father die.”
“I’m with Luther.” Allison shrugged.
“Surprise, surprise.” Diego muttered.
“Shut up.” She shot back as (Y/N) crossed her arms.
“Well, I’m with Diego.” She voiced her opinion, her brother gratefully smiling at her. She returned the expression as Luther scoffed.
“And what does your opinion matter? The moment you moved out, you went and found the woman who gave you up the moment you were born-”
“Don’t you ever, ever, speak about my mother that way!” She boomed as she pointed a finger at him. “That woman has done more for me than I’ve ever asked of her and has supported me through everything I’ve done since I left this shithole! You have no right to give your fucking opinion on her! Even with that said, Grace is my mother as well and I will treat her as such. We were all raised by her, so my opinion matters just as much as yours, Apeman.” When she stepped back, Diego rested his hands on her shoulders from behind to steady her. Luther only stared at her in shock, not expecting her to blow up at him. Backing down, he turned to Vanya, as well as everyone else, to hear her opinion. The woman looked between her siblings, stammering out her answer before Diego interrupted her,
“Yeah, she shouldn’t get a vote.” He removed his hands from (Y/N) and moved away from them. She and Luther were going to start yet another argument between them when Vanya finally gained some confidence.
“I was gonna say that I agree with you.”
“Okay! She should get a vote,” He concluded before turning to Klaus, who leaned against another pillar. “What about you, stoner boy? What do you got?” Klaus looked up at them with raised brows.
“Oh, so, what? You need my help now? Oh, ‘Get out of the van, Klaus!’ ‘Well, welcome back to the van!’.”
“What van?” Allison questioned, clearly not understanding the situation that happened earlier. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at her druggie brother as Luther scoffed.
“What’s it gonna be, Klaus?”
“I’m with Diego, because screw you!” He furrowed his brows as Diego pointed at him, pleased that he and his brother agreed on something. “And if Ben were here, he’d agree with me.” A second afterwards, he hissed at the air beside him, (Y/N) guessing that Ben had disagreed with Klaus, but she wasn’t going to voice that. She sighed and turned to Luther.
“That’s three, Spaceboy-”
“To two.” Diego finished, holding the numbers up with his fingers.
“It’s not final. Five’s not here.” Allison pointed out and (Y/N) sighed. He wouldn’t be here to give his say on the matter, anyway. Diego groaned.
“Oh, come on, he’d just agree with whatever (Y/N) has to say.” He motioned toward Number Eight, who bristled to argue with him.
“No, everyone in the family gets to vote. We owe each other that.” Allison shook her head as Luther and Vanya agreed with her. They all left the room, minus Diego, who stayed with a look of defeat. (Y/N) pat his shoulder as she left. She truly didn’t want Grace to be shut off. Granted, it was suspicious that she watched Reginald die without acting on it, but she would never hurt anyone. She showed the most care to them as kids and she couldn’t disregard that for anything.
As the night washed over the sky, (Y/N) found that she would not have been much use to Five. When she left the Academy to join him, she saw that he still sat in that van, still watching that building. As much as she had begged to help, she was slowly starting to realize that Five wasn’t letting her in on everything. She knew he hadn’t been lying about the apocalypse, but she wished he would’ve told her whatever else he was in on. She felt horrible about it, but without even alerting him of her presence, she left him and arrived back at the mansion. As she wandered, she still felt tension between her siblings, and decided that it would be best not to interact with them for now. However, she felt a tug pulling her towards the bathroom. This familiar tug was what alerted her of her clones’ presence nearby. She followed the pull and peeked inside to see Klaus taking a bubble bath, her clone still watching over him. She quietly giggled at the sight, startling her brother and causing him to sit up quickly, some water splashing over the tub and onto the floor.
“Christ, (Y/N)! Don’t scare me like that!”
“You okay?” She whispered, side-eyeing her clone. Klaus sighed and relaxed once again.
“Yes, dear. Now can you take your robot with you? It’s been following me around for hours!”
“No, I still want it to make sure you don’t die. It’ll help if you, uh… drown or something,” She grinned before leaving the room, ignoring Klaus’ calls to her. As she continued to wander around, she found Diego, who seemed to be in deep thought. When he caught sight of his sister, his tense posture relaxed before he went to stand at her side. “Hey, what are you doing?”
“Just thinkin’,” He answered. “About what you said about Mom… how she raised us all and cared for us… makes me wonder how Luther could just choose her over Dad…” He shook his head and clenched his jaw. (Y/N) surveyed his expression, gently nudging him.
“I just don’t think Luther has much of an emotional connection with Mom… Not like you do,” He turned to her with a questioning gaze. “Oh, come on, Diego. You are a Mama’s Boy and you know it. But it’s not a bad thing! It’s not like Dad gave a shit about her. It’s good that someone checks up on her and actually takes her thoughts and emotions into consideration. You have no idea how good it feels to hear your kids ask how you’re doing.” The two shared a soft chuckle as they headed towards the rooms again. They halted their steps, however, when they heard guns cocking. Slowly turning in the direction it came from, they saw two people in suits and creepy kids’ masks pointing guns at them, ready to shoot.
“Shit. Go, go!” Diego pushed (Y/N) forward, the two bolting down the hallway as gunshots zoomed past them. Right as Diego launched his knives and hit the intruders, a bullet grazed (Y/N)’s right outer thigh. She cried out in pain and nearly fell if it hadn’t been for Diego catching her. Without a second thought, he lifted her onto his back and ran further down the hall, swiftly swinging around a corner and hiding the best he could. As gently as possible, he set (Y/N) down to her feet, the girl holding in a wince as she supported herself on the wall.
The sound of footsteps echoed and increased in volume. Just when they were right beside the two, Diego jumped out of their hiding place and attacked the taller intruder with his knife. (Y/N) heard him call out for his partner to shoot, but they couldn’t get a clear shot of Diego, not being able to see (Y/N) from where they were. Diego kicked his opponent against the wall before taking off down the hall, but not before grabbing his sister. She tried to ignore the throbbing in her leg as they ran just above the parlor. Without warning, Diego wrapped his arms around her and threw them off the bannister, landing on the couch in the parlor. Since he had broken her fall, her body nearly knocked the wind out of him, but he didn’t let himself recover. He jumped off of the couch with (Y/N) and hid behind a table. Once his arms were removed from her frame, she tried to stop the bleeding in her leg by pressing down on her wound. Diego placed his own hand down over hers, eyes moving around frantically before they landed on the portrait of Reginald on the wall across from them, bullets lodged into his face.
Footsteps approached the parlor and his head snapped in their direction. “(Y/N), stay here.” He whispered right beside her ear. She looked up and shook her head.
“No, I wanna help-”
“Do not help. Stay fucking here.” He violently hissed before starting to shuffle away, but he didn’t get very far, for bullets started flying towards them. Diego quickly wrapped his arms around his sister again and threw them down to the floor, his body curling over hers. The bullets stopped and they heard fighting, (Y/N) recognizing Allison’s grunts. Diego moved himself from his sister and allowed her to climb onto his back again. She whimpered as she willed herself to move and wrap her legs around his waist, arms around his neck. When Diego stood, the two intruders had been thrown out of the room by Luther. Allison whirled towards Diego with wide eyes.
“Who the hell are these guys?! (Y/N), did they hurt you?!”
“Yeah, kinda…” She sighed as Luther turned to them.
“You’re welcome.” His words made (Y/N) groan as Diego shifted her on his back.
“I was doing fine!”
“Oh, yeah, you really had them-”
“(Y/N) is fucking hurt, what the hell did you want me-” Diego stopped talking when the intruders started shooting once again, everyone ducking down. In his haste, (Y/N) had fallen off his back and landed on the ground. She started to do an army crawl out of the room along with her brother, who yelled for Luther and Allison to go. When the two were on their feet again, Diego grabbed her hand and continued to run, the intruders heading to the opposite direction. “We need to get you to a safe place!”
“Nowhere is really safe at this point!” (Y/N) let him drag her wherever. He eventually stopped and turned her towards him. Sweat covered her forehead and blood seeped through her pants. Her eyes met his, full of concern. She shook her head and shakily sung her tune, her clone appearing beside them. Hating the order she was about to give, she clenched her teeth. “Protect me,” Immediately, the clone went to attack Diego, but (Y/N) stopped it, climbing onto its back. “Follow Diego.”
Just as the three headed towards the basement, where the shorter of the intruders had followed Allison, Klaus had been dancing around the house, completely unaware of the threat around him due to the headphones he wore. (Y/N)’s clone from earlier simply followed, standing to cover him if any bullets came near. When the three entered the basement, they saw that Allison had just been struck and was now leaning over the pool table, her lip bleeding. “You wanna rumor this psycho?” Diego questioned, Allison wiping her lip.
“I don’t need to, because this bitch just pissed me off.” She spit before turning to the woman.
“We just want the boy.” She tried to explain before Allison attacked her. Five… These bastards are looking for Five… (Y/N) thought. That information alone made her blood boil. She hopped off her clone’s back just as Allison was kicked to the ground by the intruder. Diego whistled as he approached her, the two starting their own fight. Following its second order, the clone stepped forward to follow Diego, but turned back to the stumbling (Y/N). It was confused, and she could tell. (Y/N) quietly cursed before commanding it to help her fight. The intruder broke away from Diego and Allison and headed towards (Y/N) and her lookalike. Number Eight smirked and grabbed her clone by the hand, using all her strength to swing it around. It used its legs to kick off the wall and then the woman in her chest, causing her to fall to the ground with an “oomph!”. The clone, after landing on its feet, steadied (Y/N) by her arms. This gave the intruder time to stand and make her way out of the room, but not before Diego launched, what (Y/N) could only tell as something sharp, into her leg. She cried out in pain, but continued up the stairs. The four followed her not too long afterwards, but lost her once they were at the top. (Y/N) whimpered again and hummed her second tune, the clone disappearing.
“You good?” Diego held onto her, receiving a nod in answer.
When the three made their way to the entrance, Allison cried out to Luther, who was laying on the ground in pain. (Y/N) wanted to join the two in helping him up, but her strength was wearing out, so she leaned against the wall. Looking up, she saw the female intruder going to mess with the chandelier. Luther had noticed at the same time, for they both called out for their siblings to watch out. Luther pushed Diego and Allison out of the way, allowing it to land on him. (Y/N) slumped to the floor as her breathing got shallow. She could only hope Luther had been safe before she blacked out, but not before she sang her three-note tune almost silently.
(Y/N) awoke to a sharp pain in her leg. She almost shot up, but felt a hand on the flat of her chest. It was Allison. “H-Hey, hey, it’s okay, sis. Just patching your leg up…”
“W-Who?” (Y/N) turned her head to see her clone, silently stitching up her leg. She let out a breath and relaxed against the cushions of the couch she was laying on. She turned her head to Vanya, who was nursing her own bleeding head with a rag. “Shit, Vanya, I didn’t even know you were here. You okay?” She received a nod from her sister before she heard footsteps. Diego walked in, his breathing shaky. Vanya looked up and called out to him softly. He turned to her with a cold stare.
“What are you still doing here?”
“I’m just trying to help-”
“No, you could’ve been killed! Or got any of us killed. Shit, we’re lucky (Y/N) didn’t die from blood loss!” He yelled before leaning closer to Allison. “She is a liability.” He muttered before heading towards (Y/N). Kneeling in front of her, he watched her face scrunch up in pain as the clone lifted her leg slightly to wrap it up. She reached over and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m okay, don’t worry…”
“I told you not to help.” He slightly growled and held the hand on his shoulder. Past the growl, (Y/N) detected a whimper. Looking into his eyes, she felt the pain in his stare. Only it was a type of pain she knew all too well.
“Diego, what happened…?” She whispered just as she saw Vanya stand from the corner of her eye. She and her brother turned and watched her leave.
“Vanya, wait.” Allison tried to rush after their sister, but Diego told her to just let Vanya go, that it was for the best. (Y/N) heavily sighed and let her head fall back against the cushions. She hoped Five was doing fine, wherever he was.
Taglist: @melinda-hargreeves @43sparrows @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya
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singtotheskiies · 4 years
dream come true // five hargreeves x fem!reader (royal au)
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summary: prince five longs for a taste of the world outside the marble walls of the castle he’s always known—and when he meets you at the annual ball, he discovers that it’s even more beautiful than he could have imagined.
request (by my absolute favorite anon): I was wondering if you'd be up for writing an AU one shot? I can't get the idea of something similar to a Cinderella (or prince/princess royalty AU) out of my mind. At some point Reggie throws a Grand Ball for some reason and thats where Reader and Five meet and fall in love and well idk if there would be conflict regarding Reggie and his approval (not like Five would ask) but happy ending? Whether Reader is a princess or a commoner or something else I'll leave up to you.
words: 2000
warnings: none besides reggie’s shit parenting lolz
a/n: i,,,,,, am BLOWN AWAY by this request it is so cute!!! i feel like i really could have done more with this, but here’s a lil unedited smth for you all to enjoy!!! (i wouldn’t be 100% opposed to writing more for this au at some point either)
Five rolls his eyes to the back of his head for what seems like the thousandth time today. If he has to listen to Luther and Diego tear into each other for five more minutes, he thinks he’s actually going to go insane.
He can see Allison glare at him from the corner of his vision, and he raises his hand in a choice gesture without bothering to look at her directly. Reginald’s cane comes down hard on the floor, voice slicing through the room and silencing Luther and Diego’s bickering.
“Five, your behavior is absolutely un—“ “Spare me the lecture, father.” Five cracks a humorless smile. “I already know what you’re going to say—the future of the kingdom is in our hands, all of us must be prepared since we never know when our moment will come, and so on and so on. Well, I’m tired of this! So tired. All we ever do is sit here and listen to those two—“ he pins Luther and Diego with an angry stare— “argue on and on while you just sit there all self-righteous and above it all, never having the decency to tell us who’s going to inherit—“ “That is quite enough,” Reginald snaps, voice taut with rage. “Out.” Five’s eyes narrow. “Out!” And so he finds himself outside the throne room for the third time in as many weeks, head lolling back against the cool marble. I’m really not cut out for this, he thinks. If this is all royalty is—just endless arguing and politics day after day—then I don’t want it. The mid-morning sun breaks through the clouds, shining through the huge glass panes that line the hall. Gold trimmings catch the light, and a glimmer hits Five right in the eyes. He stands up with a sigh and makes his way to the window, looking out on the courtyard and the distant hills beyond. He’s spent hours looking outside at those hills, longing to run for them with all his might. Small homes dot the slopes like beads on a necklace, and Five wants to walk among them, feeling the ground against his feet and listening to all the villagers greet each other as they go about their days. He longs to be free of marble walls and false smiles and instead feel the freedom that he imagines comes from interacting with real people. An impossible dream, perhaps—but a lovely one all the same. And when Reginald calls Five back to the throne room for a talking-to, it certainly helps take his mind off things. Maybe someday, he thinks. ✖️✖️✖️ The sun beams down bright and warm, and you’re grateful for the shade of your stall in the market. It’s been a slow day for selling, and you can’t help but wish that the time would go faster so that you can be free to roam about as you wish. As much as you love selling your jewelry, there’s other prospects that spark more excitement in you—namely, the yearly Presentation Ball being held in just two days. A smile spreads across your face at the thought of it. It’s going to be beautiful, you imagine, full of normal people trying to be their best for one night. And, of course, the royals will be there. Now, you’re not one to gush over a family who’s never seen in public, but a tiny part of you has to admit that the allure of the elite is tempting. This is the first year you’ve ever been able to go, and you wonder if the stories you’ve heard of rulers more statue than person are true. You hope to get a glimpse of them—just to see if they are, in fact, human. The pads of your fingers brush over the necklace in your pocket you’re saving for the ball, and a smile stays on your face for the rest of the day. ✖️✖️✖️ “You had better redeem yourself tonight, boy!” Reginald says to Five, all rancid decorum and thinly-veiled contempt. “I think it unreasonable to expect that I will sit still like—like some puppet all night, Father,” Five shoots back. “Not when our people will be there—I fully expect to speak with some of them.” “What have I always told you and your siblings ever since you were young? Commoners—“ “—Are to be avoided at all costs. Yes, I know. And I am telling you that I believe we cannot be true rulers without knowing who we are reigning over,” Five speaks earnestly, face flushed. “You are a disgrace to this family,” Reginald shouts, all traces of civility gone. “Your siblings would never—“ “Well, I am not my siblings! And I am certainly not going to sit there next to them and feign pompousness,” Five spits. “I’ve had enough of doing things your way.” His turns his heel, moving to storm out of the room.
“Where are you going, boy? The opening introduction will start any minute!” Reginald shouts after him.
“Do it without me! I’m going to be where it really matters—with my people.” Five yells over his shoulder.
Defying Father feels better than he ever could have imagined—and so he takes a deep breath and enters the crowd with a growing smile.
It’s quite possibly the most exciting night of your life, and you’re completely, heartbreakingly late.
You curse under your breath as you run up the castle stairs, dress gathered up in your hands to keep from tripping. Guards stand on either side of the grand, gilded entrance, and you breathe a sigh of relief when you see a small knot of people entering just before you. You reach the doors and hold out your invitation, smiling at the guard as he nods in acceptance. “Enjoy,” he says, and you beam back.
“I will.”
The ballroom is just as stunningly beautiful as you’d imagined. Gold swirls along the white marble walls, accents of royal red adding to the decadence. The huge room is chock-full of people smiling and drinking and making eyes at each other. You breathe deeply in awe, eyes shining as your head moves side to side, hardly knowing where to look next.
After several moments of looking around, your eyes land on the grand throne at the very front of the room, furthest from you. King Reginald is seated in all his harsh glory on it, flanked on either side by two of the princes. They’re dressed in brilliant royal clothes, trying their best to look as commanding as their father. Four other beautiful royals sit next to them, but your eye is drawn most to the empty throne at the end of the row. If you remember correctly, there should be five princes and two princesses—but only four men are sitting with the king. You wonder where the other is—perhaps sick or off on royal business? The kingdom rarely sees the royals outside of the balls, so it’s impossible to tell which prince is missing.
You turn away from the thrones, curiosity overcome by your thirst. Maneuvering your way through the packs of people is a bit tricky, but you manage to reach the refreshments table without any major accidents. A servant pours you a drink, and you thank him with a smile. As you turn to leave, you nearly bump into a boy about your age.
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaim, before continuing on.
“Wait,” his voice comes after you. You stop and turn back around, pleasantly surprised. “I’m sorry too. What’s your name?”
You tell him, and he smiles.
“I’m F—“ he pauses. “Felix. It’s very nice to meet you.” He reaches for your hand and plants a soft kiss on your knuckles with surprising grace. He’s really quite handsome, you think—slender, searing green eyes, well-groomed, thick hair. Most endearing of all is a dimple in his cheek that deepens as he smiles at you.
“Very nice to meet you too, Felix,” you grin, still-tingling hand slowly coming back down to your side.
“That’s a beautiful necklace,” he says with admiration. “Where is it from?”
“I actually made it myself! I sell my own jewelry at the market on weekdays,” you beam. “The wire is made from metal mined right here in the kingdom. It’s purer here than in any surrounding region.”
“That’s amazing,” Felix says with another soft smile. “You must know all sorts of things about jewelry.”
“I guess I’ve learned my fair share,” you laugh quietly. “Jewelry is how I make a living—and it’s one of my passions, so I suppose you’re right.”
“Tell me about how you make pieces,” he asks as the two of you find a relatively quiet place to sit, voice genuine and curious.
And so you do.
You’re the most beautiful thing Five has ever seen—high praise from a boy who’s lived in splendor all his life. As he watches you talk about your craft, he can’t tear his eyes away from your animated face and hands. How had he lived this long without realizing how beautiful people were? He’d never known something as small as a wisp of hair falling over an eye could make his heart swell nearly to bursting.
“Felix? Felix!” Your voice cuts through his daze, and his eyes snap to yours, embarrassed.
“Sorry, just got, um—distracted.” Was Felix really the best he could come up with?
“Am I boring you?” you ask teasingly, the corners of your mouth tipping up. He looks into your eyes, sparkling with amusement, and finds that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, he’s so overtaken by his thoughts that he blurts them out loud.
“N-no. No! Absolutely not! I think you’re fascinating—and so beautiful.” He curses his voice for whispering those last words, and averts his eyes in shame.
“You’re too kind,” comes your voice, soft but somehow makes the pounding of his heart even louder. “If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re quite handsome yourself.”
Years of lessons in diplomacy and etiquette have done absolutely nothing to prepare Five for the feeling that washes over him when you say those last few words. He has absolutely no idea how to respond, and the best his mind can come up with is a “really?”
“Yes,” you giggle, and he’s suddenly aware of just how close you are to him. You smell so nice, and the skin of your wrist is brushing his forearm—and next thing he knows, his fingers are flickering over yours, filling up the spaces in your hand. The look you give him is so beautiful that he wishes he had met you years ago so that it would already be ingrained in his mind.
Your head is nearing his shoulder now, and he’s afraid to breathe in case he ruins your descent. The moment your hair brushes against his neck, he hears his name from behind him. He whirls around to see Klaus with an enormous grin on his face.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself, brother,” he quips. “Unfortunately, dear old father has just about reached his limit with you. If you’re not on your throne in the next few minutes, he’s going to send some guards to find you.”
Five’s eyes are wide as he meets yours. “I’m so sorry. I can explain—“
“No, I apologize, your highness,” you say. “I’ve no doubt broken some sort of royal rule tonight.”
“You were perfect—you are perfect,” he whispers, shaking his head vehemently. “I will find you later tonight—I promise.”
Your smile is more precious than any title he’s been given. “Then I will wait for you—Felix.”
He presses a lingering kiss to your soft hand, unwilling to tear his eyes away from you. And, when he still doesn’t feel satisfied, he moves his lips to the tips of your fingers, your palm, your wrist. He’s only drawn away by the sound of Klaus clearing his throat pointedly.
And for the rest of the night, Klaus’ endless teasing and Reginald’s equally endless scolding are mere echos in his ears—his head is filled with only you.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Uptown girl --  You know I can't afford to buy her pearls, But maybe someday when my ship comes in, She'll understand what kind of guy I've been, And then I'll win!”
~“Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel
Bill Weasley had always had trouble relating to kids his age. As the oldest of seven kids, he’d pretty quickly slipped into the role of support for his mother Molly, parenting and looking after his younger siblings while his father Arthur was at work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. Even when he was little, there wasn’t really anyone his age in his tiny hometown of Ottery St. Catchpole. All of the other magical families with kids in the area were much younger than Bill, and it was always a tricky proposition trying to play with the Muggle children who lived closest to the Burrow, with the Statute of Secrecy looming large. So when Bill got to Hogwarts, he found himself almost inevitably falling back on how he acted around his younger siblings, even with kids his own age...which, in turn, made Bill lose his footing, when those kids his age didn’t respond well to being coddled or “looked after.” And given Bill’s rather modest, people-pleasing personality, he wasn’t the type to force anyone to listen to him or do what he said...and so, almost inevitably, he found himself at a loss about how to interact with someone without looking after them in some way, on completely equal footing. And thus Bill Weasley, sweet and amiable as he was, actually found himself largely alone in those first two years he spent at Hogwarts -- and that solitude was something he found out pretty quickly he really didn’t like. 
Bill was relieved when his younger brother Charlie started his first year at Hogwarts. Although Bill had trouble admitting to his family just how unhappy he’d been those last two years, the eldest Weasley was secretly relieved that he’d now have some family at school too. He had always been closest to Charlie out of all of his siblings, given their closeness in age, so it was comforting to know he’d at least have one friend to spend time with, when he wasn’t in class. Charlie’s year, however, also included a ginger-haired Slytherin girl called Cromwell -- the same surname as the infamous “delinquent” Jacob Cromwell, who’d been expelled from Hogwarts and disappeared mysteriously a few years ago. 
Bill first heard about Jacob Cromwell’s sister Carewyn through Charlie, who’d heard that she’d stood up to another Slytherin in their year, Merula Snyde, for bullying Charlie’s timid dormmate Ben Copper and even defeated her in a duel with a Disarming Charm, a spell not taught until at least Bill’s year. Despite himself, Bill actually felt a bit relieved -- he hadn’t known Jacob Cromwell at all, but he figured it had to have been really difficult, for someone to lose their only sibling. Even if he didn’t know Carewyn Cromwell at all, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her...but at least if she was still confident enough to stand up for herself and others, then it probably meant she was doing okay, even with what had happened to her and her family. And his analysis seemed to be confirmed when Carewyn sought Bill out to get his help the following year with breaking the curse on the Ice Vault. From the moment they first met, Bill made up his mind -- Carewyn Cromwell needed someone to look after her, so he would, until she found her brother again. And so Bill and Carewyn became friends. 
In Bill’s fifth year, he was named Gryffindor Prefect. It was a rather obvious choice for Minerva McGonagall, considering Bill’s predisposition to “look after” and mentor younger students, but it still filled Arthur and Molly Weasley with immense pride. It was also the first year that Bill and Charlie invited Carewyn home for the holidays, upon hearing that her mother Lane had been commissioned by the Ministry of Magic for an international assignment and wouldn’t be able to be home in time for Christmas. When he heard Merula Snyde also wouldn’t have anyone to spend the holidays with, Bill made the remarkably kind move to invite her to the Burrow as well, even with Charlie and Carewyn’s misgivings -- but that holiday ended up being one of the best all four of them had ever had. Merula and Carewyn were even able to mend fences enough to sing Christmas carols together, the first’s clear Soprano voice hovering ethereally over the second’s warm, emotional Alto harmonies. That Christmas was also the year Carewyn gave Bill his very first record -- an album called An Innocent Man, by an Muggle artist named Billy Joel. Arthur Weasley was almost more thrilled by the gift than his son was, and he immediately brought out the Muggle record player he’d...”been allowed to take home” from work so Carewyn could show the Weasleys how to play the record on it. And for the rest of the winter break, it wasn’t uncommon for one of the Weasleys to put the record on in the background while doing dishes or playing a game of Wizard’s Chess in front of the fire. The song from the record Bill found himself humming the most, even after returning to Hogwarts, was the first song on side two of the record. He’d liked the tune immediately just because it was fun...but it also reminded him of a girl in his year he’d been trying to muster up the courage to talk to -- a very pretty and daring Gryffindor named Emily Tyler. 
“And when she's walking, she's looking so fine, And when she's talking, she'll say that she's mine... She'll say I'm not so tough, Just because I'm in love with an uptown girl!”
Emily Tyler was the most popular girl in Bill’s year, as well as one of the most popular in Gryffindor house overall. She’d made a name for herself at the Dueling Club, where she remained Gryffindor’s main champion -- it was likely only thanks to Hufflepuff’s own dueling prodigy, Diego Caplan, that Emily had any competition at all. She also was top of her class in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Bill’s favorite and best subject, even managing to Stun an entire flock of bats with one spell. And coupled with that talent was a lot of style, confidence, and ability to captivate and charm others. She never seemed uncomfortable in a crowd and never seemed to be at a loss for words around her peers -- something Bill himself still struggled with. She’d even expressed some interest in Cursebreaking post-Hogwarts, gushing about the acclaim and glamour of the profession. In short, in Bill’s eyes, Emily just seemed amazing -- a bit out of his league, sure...but maybe if he was brave and put himself out there, she might give him a chance!
So one day, right around spring break, Bill passed Emily a note in Defense Against the Dark Arts, asking her to meet him in the castle courtyard. The eldest Weasley was kind of an emotional wreck on the inside, absolutely beside himself with nerves, but he put on his bravest face anyway. He’d even brought a pink rose, which he tried to keep out of sight in his back pocket until Emily arrived. It was the flower that caught Carewyn’s eye, when she was passing through the castle courtyard. 
The third-year Slytherin had been planning on meeting up with Ben and Rowan in the library so they could study up for an upcoming Charms test, but she put that on hold, seeing her friend Bill sitting alone in the courtyard, as if waiting for someone. Normally she would've gone over to say hello, but the pink rose in Bill’s pocket made her give pause -- a fortunate thing too, for not long later, Bill shot to his feet as Emily Tyler entered the courtyard. She was dressed head-to-toe in bright pink, with her dark hair tied up in a high ponytail and her makeup impeccably neat. She wasn’t alone -- several other boys and girls were with her, all talking to her animatedly. They reluctantly waited for her at the edge of the courtyard, their eyes locked on her as she approached Bill. The scrutiny from Emily’s cohorts clearly intimidated Bill, but he didn’t let it rattle him. He faced his crush with the best smile he could.  
“Hi, Emily,” he greeted. “Thanks for coming -- I know you’re pretty busy with the Dueling Club...”
“I am,” assented Emily. Her voice was matter-of-fact. 
Bill gave a weak, uncomfortable laugh. “Well, uh...I won’t take up too much of your time, then. I just wanted to...er...”
He took the pink rose out of his back pocket and offered it to her. Emily blinked down at it in surprise. 
“I wanted to...give this to you,” said Bill with a modest smile. “Pink is your favorite color, I’ve heard. Not that I’ve been eavesdropping on you or anything,” he said very quickly, “I just heard you tell one of your friends that once, last month, and...”
Carewyn felt very uncomfortable, listening to this. Deciding at once that the whole thing really wasn’t her business and that Bill deserved his privacy, she turned to go. She probably would’ve walked away, were it not for how disdainful Emily's voice sounded, when she spoke.
“Is this...some sort of confession?”
Carewyn immediately stopped and turned back around. Emily was looking from her friends on the sidelines to Bill, her face twisted in a very critical, flabbergasted sort of look. 
Bill, to his credit, somehow managed to keep a weak smile on, even as her brought up a hand to rub behind his neck uncomfortably. 
“Well, uh...yes! I guess so. I...was sort of hoping we might be able to hang out sometime...maybe get some butterbeers in Hogsmeade or something -- ”
Emily’s eyes had widened little by little with every word out of Bill’s mouth until, finally, she brought them to an abrupt halt when she started to laugh. 
“You -- you’re serious?” she said incredulously. She glanced over to her friends on the sidelines and then around the rest of the courtyard, as if expecting someone to jump out from behind a nearby pillar. “This is a joke, right? Tell me this is a joke.”
Her laugh and slightly louder voice had caught the attention of some other students close by. Her friends over by the entrance of the courtyard were exchanging disbelieving looks and whispers among themselves. 
Bill’s smile faded. 
“A joke?” he repeated blankly. “No -- it’s not a -- ”
Emily fixed Bill with a rather pitying, condescending look as she slipped the pink rose out of his hand. 
“Look, Bill,” she said very coolly, “you’re cute and all -- but you really think you’re my type? You’re a Weasley. Prefect or no, you’re still a blood traitor in messy, second-hand clothes with younger students always tagging along after you like ducklings and a father who chases after Muggle airplanes and scooters rather than work a job that can pay the bills.”
She carelessly dropped the pink rose in the fountain and turned her back on him. 
“Maybe actually make something of yourself, and then we can talk.”
Carewyn had been furious at the things Emily Tyler had said -- but it was the absolutely devastated, heartbroken look on Bill’s darkly flushing face that made her snap. In an instant, the third-year Slytherin had barreled right up to the pink-dressed Gryffindor as she rejoined her snickering friends at the side of the courtyard. 
“How dare you!”
Emily’s friends all stopped laughing to look down at Carewyn. 
“Excuse me?” said Emily, looking down at the much smaller girl with a very condescending eye.
“Bill bared his heart to you just now, and you don’t even care!” Carewyn said fiercely. “Talking about his family being poor and liking Muggle things as if it’s something to be ashamed of...clearly Bill couldn’t have liked you for your personality, because it’s disgusting!”
Emily’s nose wrinkled as she glanced around at her friends. “I don’t think anyone’s surprised you’d throw in your lot with a Weasley, Cursebreaker kid. Your family’s got even less reputation to be proud of -- not to mention your clothes are just as out-of-date as theirs are.”
The boys in the group all gave a low “ooh,” sniggering among themselves. 
“Well, fortunately, unlike you, I could care less about my reputation,” Carewyn spat. “And I’m frankly glad of it! Bill is a kind, hardworking person who always puts others first and puts his whole heart into everything he does! If his family’s reputation makes it so you can’t appreciate any of that, then I’d say you’re the one who needs to ‘make something of yourself’ -- ”
Carewyn felt a hand coming down on her shoulder, almost holding her back. She looked up, to see Bill standing over her. His gaze was locked on Carewyn rather than Emily and his face was very scarlet, but his voice was low and forcibly level. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he mumbled. 
Carewyn looked at him with concern. “Bill...”
“It’s okay,” said Bill. He forced a thoroughly unconvincing smile. “Let’s just go.”
Carewyn stared at Bill for a long moment, feeling very reluctant to let the issue go. Her eyes then fell away, drifting away -- it seemed they’d acquired an audience, in the rest of the students scattered around the courtyard.
Bill would probably be even more embarrassed, if I escalated things further, she thought guiltily. 
Exhaling quietly, Carewyn shot one more very dirty look in Emily’s direction and walked off with Bill. As they walked off, some of Emily’s friends shouted taunts after them.
“‘Mother Duck’ Weasley strikes again!”
“Follow along after Mama, little duckling!”
Carewyn forced herself to keep walking and not turn around. She shot a furtive glance at Bill, and saw that he was doing the exact same thing, even with the ruby red flush in his cheeks and the slight shine to his eyes. 
Carewyn followed Bill out of the courtyard, down the hall, through the large double doors, and out onto the castle grounds. The eldest Weasley seemed to be walking with no destination in mind, his gaze endless and his steps aimless. Carewyn could practically feel the misery, shame, hurt, and embarrassment coming off of her friend, and it made her heart hurt. Her gaze fell to her feet as they walked side-by-side together. 
“...I guess...it was her, wasn’t it?”
Bill straightened up. He’d clearly forgotten for a moment that Carewyn was there. 
“Huh?” he said, before uncomfortably adding, “...W-who?”
“Who you were thinking about, whenever ‘Uptown Girl’ came on.”
Bill flushed a dark red. “What? No, I...what makes you...think there was anyone I was...?”
“Oh, come on, Bill,” said Carewyn with a pitying look. “Your eyes were always so bright, whenever side two started up. I thought...well, there had to be something special you were thinking about, when you heard that one. Even if it wasn’t a specific person...it just felt like that song was something that spoke to you, I guess...”
She offered him a weak, sad smile. 
“...It kind of reminded me of when I sing certain songs. Like even if the words are someone else’s, you can sing them like they’re all yours.”
Bill considered Carewyn for a minute. Then, his flush darkening further, he bowed his head. 
“...Yeah. I suppose that’s true.”
He gave a low sigh.
“...What did I do wrong, Carewyn?” he asked. “Did I come on too strong? Should I have sent her a note, or asked to meet her somewhere more private?”
Carewyn whirled on Bill with an incredulous look. “What? Bill, you didn’t do anything wrong!"
“Sure feels like it,” mumbled Bill. 
Carewyn stopped right in front of Bill, putting her hands on her hips and fixing him with a very reproachful look. 
“You listen to me, William Weasley,” she said fiercely. “I may not know anything about that snobbish twit -- ”
“Emily Tyler.”
“ -- I may not know much of anything about her, but I know you, and I know you deserve so much better than how she treated you. Even if she doesn’t feel the same way about you as you do about her, there’s no excuse for how cruel she was to you...all clearly just to save face around those awful friends of hers...”
Bill blinked in surprise. “You reckon?”
“Yeah,” said Carewyn. “She kept glancing at her friends, the whole time. She rejected you that soundly because she thought they wouldn’t approve of you.”
Seeing the look on Bill’s face, she added, “But that shouldn’t matter, Bill! If Emily thinks impressing her friends is more important than being a decent human being, that’s her problem. And if her so-called ‘friends’ are the sort of people who look down their noses at good people like your family...well, clearly Emily Tyler’s a rotten judge of character.”
Bill looked a bit comforted by Carewyn’s words. He tried to smile again, but it still looked halfhearted at best. 
“Thanks, Carey,” he said lowly. “It’s just...well, she’s just so amazing. Talented and pretty and perfectly brilliant -- you should see her in Defense Against the Dark Arts, I reckon she’s on the NEWT level already. She even said she might like being a Cursebreaker, when she graduates -- travel everywhere, and become world-famous...”
Carewyn brought a hand onto Bill’s shoulder and gave it a supportive squeeze. It felt a little odd: he hadn’t really talked to anyone about his feelings for Emily, and just talking his feelings out, rather than listening to someone else’s...it was something he could only really ever remember doing with his parents, and only occasionally. It was weird, but it felt...nice.
“I just...didn’t think she’d react like that,” Bill admitted. “Not that I expected I’d sweep her off her feet or anything, but...I’d sort of hoped that she’d give me a chance, and that when we went out, we’d get on, and maybe even hit it off...”
He sighed heavily. 
“Guess I really don’t know much about love at all, do I?”
Carewyn frowned deeply. “That’s not true at all! You know plenty about love. You love your brothers and Ginny, and your parents...and you love your friends too!”
“That’s really not the same thing,” said Bill. 
“It should be,” huffed Carewyn. “Love is love. If you love someone, you care about their happiness more than your own. Sure, maybe when you marry someone, there’s a lot more kissing and you want to have kids together and stuff like that...but well, the important part is that caring, right? Without that, what does the rest of that stuff matter?”
Bill’s face softened slightly. 
“...I guess you’re right. And I guess...when I am looking for that person...I should find somebody who’ll care about my happiness just as much as I do theirs.”
Carewyn nodded with a smile. “Definitely.”
She took Bill’s hand.
“And maybe someday when your ship comes in,” she sang brightly, “she’ll understand what kind of guy you’ve been...”
Bill’s face flushed again, but this time it wasn’t out of embarrassment -- this time, it was accompanied by a bright, touched look in his brown eyes. 
“And then I’ll win,” he finished, in a much less trained, gravelly singing voice than Carewyn’s. 
Carewyn beamed. She walked on ahead, pulling lightly at Bill’s hand so as to coax him to walk next to her. 
“And when she knows what she wants from her tiiiiime~...”
Bill gave a laugh, but followed Carewyn’s lead, recalling the words by heart. 
“And when she wakes up and makes up her miiiiind~...”
Soon Carewyn and Bill were back toward the castle, swinging their linked hands idly back and forth as they sang the rest of the song together, getting louder and louder with each line. 
“She'll see I'm not so tough, Just because I'm in love with an uptown girl! You know, I've seen her in her uptown world -- She's getting tired of her high-class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys.... She's got a choice! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”
Before long, all the two thought of while singing that song was hanging out together and being silly, while not caring what anyone else thought. Not a single word of the song brought Emily Tyler back to Bill’s mind -- and in the years to come, Bill would continue to enjoy the song with no negative connotations whatsoever, instead only remembering when Carewyn and he sang it at the top of their lungs to make him feel better. And that moment did indeed signal a shift in the dynamic between Carewyn and Bill. For Carewyn, it made her feel like she was walking home with Jacob again -- like she had an older brother who she could look after, the way she used to for Jacob. And for Bill, it made him feel like he’d acquired a second younger sister -- one who emotionally supported him the same way he did his real siblings. 
One thing was for sure, though -- it was this moment, among many others to come, that cemented Bill and Carewyn as the very best of friends. 
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Tagging @the-al-chemist​ and @oneirataxia-girl​ for expressing interest in this prompt! 🤗
Carewyn’s dress is based on the design on the left 💗
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Death Awaits (Vanya Hargreeves x Reader)
Summary; When Vanya Hargreeves wife is put in a coma thanks to Hazel and Cha-Cha, the apocalypse arises. The other Hargreeve siblings must do all they can to stop the apocalypse, starting with making sure Y/N wakes up from her coma.
Request; Umbrella Academy Vanya story- where reader isn’t apart of the 43 children but she has powers, and she is with Vanya when Cha Cha and Hazel attack the manor, and she helps the others fight them off-her powers being able to control earth, and water, and air to where she can like cut off people’s breaths lmao fiesty- but Cha Cha gets a shot at the reader and Vanya has to watch the reader collapse with blood loss? Thanksss
Request 2; I know you said you haven’t watched Season 2 yet (Or even finished Season 1) but AH please write a story with Vanya where the reader somehow finds Vanya after they are thrown into the 1960s and Reader actually lands with Vanya and she’s scared Vanya won’t remember her?
Warning(s); Gunshots, fighting, near death, angst.
A/N; I finally finished the show! I had a lot of fun doing this story. It is EXTREMELY long. Sorry.
Another A/N; Leonard is JUST A FRIEND. Like, reader and Vanyas best friend kinda shit.
Date started; Demember 16, 2020
Date published; December 16, 2020
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. . .
“Too high,”
Vanya grunts in slight irritation at your comment. Her hand slides up her violin to fix the miss-pitch of her note, eyes barely glancing at where you sat on her bed in the manor.
Your legs gently swayed, wearing black riding boots- acquaintanced with a checkered shirt you had bought not too long ago with dark jeans. Leaning on your knees, you watch as Vanya repeated her line of notes, smiling when the wrong note is now fixed,
A slight jerk of her hand causes Vanyas note to hit too low, her shoulders dropping in defeat as she huffs a breath, “It’s never right,”
“Not if you give up that easily,” You raise an eyebrow, your wife copying your motion, “Breathe, baby. You’ve got this. There’s no one else in the room but me,”
Vanya smiles, tilting her head down before raising her violin to her shoulder, starting from where she had first messed up.
A muffled gunshot directs your attention to the door, going unheard by your wife due to the music right against her ear, so when she sees your brows pinch and your body move to stand up, she stops to watch, “What is it?”
On cue, two more gunshots ring, louder, Vanya setting her violin down gently enough despite being in a rush, following after you with you already feet ahead,
You skid to a stop at the bottom of the stairway, two masked figures standing back to back with Luther on one side, Diego on the other, and Allison opposite of you,
“Stay back,” You demand to the woman behind you, Vanyas eyes shifting to the back of your head before she steps back, moving to the empty hall feet from her,
You move three steps forward before raising a hand, fingers curling as you watch the earth under you raise, the masked killers looking down when the ground cracks beneath their feet, both pushing away from each other to avoid being dropped into the earths crust, now raising their guns to you,
A gust of wind forces their guns into the air and behind them, free hand raising to throw off their masks, revealing one male, and one female,
Your fingers clench on your left hand to wrap an invisible field around the males neck, his hands instantly raising in reflex in an attempt to pry the false pressure off,
Before the woman could run back for her gun, a bubble of water wraps around her head, and the Hargreeves siblings are forced to watch her hold her breath in a panic,
“What do you want?” You hiss, moving closer to slightly drop the water from her mouth, allowing her to gasp in a choked breath,
“We just want the boy,” Cha-Cha spits, your eyes narrowing- Five. “And we’ll be on our merry way,”
“Well he’s not here,” You flick your hand to where Cha-Cha is thrown back into the wall, turning your attention to the male, Hazel. He has now turned blue due to his circulation for air being cut off, a slight smile in your face.
You drop your hand so Hazel dropped forward with his hands on his knees, gasps wheezed as he coughs and hacks for air. You lift both hands so walls of rocks came from the ground, pinning at his sides so he yelled in pain at the pressure of his body.
Then you feel it. Vanya sees it. They all see it. Your powers screech to a halt when the bullet pierces the front of your shoulder, the bolders dropping to release Hazel to collapse, your eyes widening when you see Cha-Cha lower her used gun.
Diego is first to lunge forward, catching the top half of your body before you could fully collapse, your vision already falling black before Vanya could make it to your side,
“Y/N!” Vanyas voice is high pitched, breathy, in alert, “Oh my God,”
“Get Grace,” Luther demands, jabbing his finger to Allison, who stood in high alert,
“Now!” Diego and Vanya shout, Vanya pulling off her button up so she was left in her sweater, pressing the button up to where your white and black shirt was already stained dark red,
Vanya forces herself to look up to your face, eyes shut and skin pale, Diego’s finger pressing to your neck in search for a pulse,
“We can’t wait for Grace,” He hisses, moving to lift you off the debris littered floor, Vanya following, staring at the blood that stained the ends of her sleeves,
She’s quick to follow after her brother, the robot she called her mother calmly waving Diego into the medical room that had been used too many times, Diego lowering your body into the table so Grace cut the front of your shirt, revealing the bullet wound that Vanya forced herself to look away from,
“Pogo,” Grace calls, softly, pulling on gloves as she glanced to the ape, “Please escort the children out,”
“Wait,” Vanya pleas, brows pinched as she steps up to the table, but Diego is swift to catch her at her front, leading her backwards to the door Luther and Allison stood, “I need to be with her,”
“Grace has excellent medical experience. Miss Y/N is in great hands,” Pogo reassures, Vanyas eyes snapping up to your face, before she allows the door to shut, her chest tight with fear.
. . .
“I always knew your family having powers was weird,” Leonard lowers his steaming cup from his lips, frowning, “But now it’s just scary,”
“I know,” Vanya murmurs, stirring her cup mindlessly, “Y/N was just trying to protect my family,”
“How-,” Leonard clears his throat, “How is she? By the way,”
“She’s resting. At home. She hasn’t woken up yet,” Vanya shuts her eyes, pressing her hands to her eyelids, “My tryouts for the front chair is this afternoon. I don’t know if I can do it,”
“Dont do that,” Leonard shakes his head, Vanya lowering her hands to pinch her brows, “Dont put yourself down because Y/N isn’t physically here. Just,” Leonard pauses, hand waving in thought, “Is there anything that Y/Ns ever said that just- stuck to you?”
“Breathe, baby. You’ve got this. There’s no one else in the room but me,”
Vanya smiles, nodding, slowly, “Yeah. Just this one thing. It’s always been a constant reminder she gives me when I’m rehearsing. No one else but her is in the room. Even when someone else really is in the room,”
“See?” Leonard chuckles, sipping the last bit of his coffee, “Y/N gives off that effect to make you believe what she says. She knows it’s a sense of comfort for you,”
“She’s always been good at that,” Vanya murmurs, watching Leonard set down his mug and nudge her arm, standing up,
“C’mon. I’ll walk you home. We can get your apartment nice and cozy for when Y/N gets back,”
. . .
“What is your name again?”
Vanya regrets it. She regrets everything. Coming to this audition, letting you nearly give your life for her family. She regrets it.
“Vanya,” She cant stop how low her voice is, but the conductors booming, louder, please, demands her to state, “Vanya Hargreeves,” Four notes higher.
“Right,” The conductor clicks his tongue, looking up at Vanya on the stage which makes her want to run off, “Well?”
“Breathe, baby,” Vanya nearly hears you say, as she lifts her violin to her shoulder, “You’ve got this,” She raises her bow, “There’s no one else in the room but me,” And plays,
She finishes her last note with a pause, terrified of opening her eyes, but when she does and sees the conductor staring at her in awe, she can’t help the breath she lets out, head tilting back with a smile of relief.
She had gotten the front chair.
. . .
A short gasp enters your lips. Whining out in pain, you force your head to the side. Home. How did you get here? The academy-
You sit up, shortly, crying out at the sting of pain it caused to your shoulder, eyes pinching shut before you raise your head, looking around.
“Three new voice messages,” The voicebox of your phone startles you to cover your face, heaving out an exhausted breath, “Hey, Y/N. Just checking on you in case you wake up and I’m not home,” Vanyas voice speaks, your head raising. “I’m currently at rehearsal, on March 29th, about four in the afternoon. I love you. Call the Academy or the theater if I’m not home,”
“Y/N, it’s Allison. I haven’t heard from you, not sure if you had woken up. But if you have, please call me back. Vanyas went missing. I think she’s with Leonard,”
“Leonard?” You push off the bed, stumbling into the kitchen. You lean against the wall beside the phone, running a hand down your face. Vanyas keys were gone. As was her violin,
“Hey, Y/N?” Diego’s voice comes next, “You remember that apocalypse? Yeah. Vanyas the cause. Get your shit together and meet us at the theater the night of the concert. We need you,”
Your eyes widen, flickering around for your shoes before you grab your keys, moving out the door with a shaky hand on the door, “That’s tonight,”
. . .
“What the hells going on?” Your voice startles four of the Hargreeve siblings to turn around, all watching you rub your patched shoulder,
“Y/N!” Klaus cheers, arms up, “Youre awake!”
“Vanya has powers,” Luther hisses, your eyes flicking to him, “She’s out of control, starting with slicing Allison’s neck,” He jabs a finger to said woman, where you see a patch at her neck,
“Why are we here?” You exhale, Diego stepping up,
“The apocalypse starts today. And you had hell of fucking timing waking up. You’re going to be our distraction,”
“Distraction, how?” You demand, Allison holding up her finger before jotting down words on her notepad,
She’s been scared you wouldn’t wake up. She may calm if she sees you.
“What triggered them?”
“Leonard?” Diego questions, “Yeah. He manipulated her for her powers. Good thing he’s dead now, huh?”
“Leonard’s dead?” You hiss, Luther shaking his head at you,
“We don’t have time. You need to go. Vanya needs to see you,”
You nod, shaking your arms out and wincing at the pull it gave your shoulder, moving forward to the entrance to the audience.
Your footsteps remain slow as you move down the walkway, eyes firm on Vanyas seated figure at the front of the stage. Her eyes remained a bright blue- nearly white, on her paper.
Her eyes flick up at the sight of movement, meeting your own so you stop your footsteps, smiling tearfully at where she sat. Her lips pull into her own smile, pausing slightly,
“There’s no one else in the room but me,”
Her hand is quick to catch up to her song, your feet moving back down the walkway, screeching to another halt when her head snaps to the side, in time for Diego and Luther to rush out onto the stage,
You watch in alarm as she stands up, a wave of blue thrown off her bow so Diego and Luther are knocked off the stage, the audience around you shrieking in fear and running off in large groups,
“Vanya!” You call, over the panicked shouts of the men and women around you, moving up to the stage, “Baby! I’m here!”
Her glowing eyes force themselves to look down at you, waving her bow so the musicians behind her sat back down, her jaw clenching,
“Y/N, get down!” A rough tug on your injured arm causes you to cry out, Vanyas eyes opening to see Diego pull you behind a row of seats, your back falling against his chest with a short gasp, your hand pressing to your shoulder,
“I need to get to her!” You heave, looking across the walkway to Luther and Allison, “She’ll listen to me!”
Allison shakes her head, gesturing to her own arm. “Screw the gunshot wound,” You hiss, Diego’s attempt to catch your arm when you stand up failing, where you stand in the middle of the walkway,
Luther and his siblings are quick to surround you, “Here’s how it goes!” Luther starts, “We go at her from all angles,”
“I call front,” You state, moving around him to jump onto the stage, stopping feet from your wife, “Vanya!” You plea, hand up as she continued to play, her suit now white, “Baby- it’s me! I’m okay!”
Her eyes don’t leave yours as you take another step forward, before she raises her bow, your body quick to drop before the wave of blue could hit you, the four boys behind you lifted into the air, her power quick to suck the life from their bodies,
You look up in a panic, pushing to stand up in a rush, crying out when a gunshot rings through, dropping the four brothers to the ground. Your arms jolt out to catch Vanyas fallen figure, your shoulder screaming in pain as you lower yourself to your knees, Vanyas head rested in your lap,
“Vanya!” You cry, hand running down her hair as your free pressed to her neck, “No! No, baby-,”
Your sob cuts short when feeling her pulse and no blood, looking up at Allison behind you with a false gun in her hand. “You didn’t shoot her,” You choke out, looking back down to the woman in your hands, “Oh, my god,”
You lean down, lips pressing to Vanyas forehead, sniffling as you clutched her hand in yours on her chest, “I’ve got you, sweetheart. You’re okay,”
“We did it,” Luther heaves, Klaus moving to point at the window in the ceiling,
“Then what’s with the giant moon rock flying towards earth?”
You look up, eyes blurred with tears, sniffling as you look back down to your wife, fingers tucking her hair away from her eyes.
“So much for saving the world,” Klaus mumbles, your head leaning against Vanyas as your eyes shut, hiccuping.
“This doesn’t have to be the end,” Five rushes, moving next to you and Allison knelt by you, “I have a way out of here. I just need you to trust me,”
“Five,” You call, now looking at him, “I trust you,”
You feel your body lift off the stage, Vanyas body leaving your arms so you flailed in mid air, yelping when you are dropped onto the concrete just seconds later
Dallas, Texas, 1963
“Shit,” You whisper, looking up at where the blue vortex vanished, “Shit. Shit! Vanya!”
“Miss?” You look over, to a blonde woman standing with her son, panic on her face, “I have a woman saying her names Vanya. Might she be who you’re looking for?”
“Oh my gosh,” You mutter, nodding as you push off the floor and follow her to her car, where you see two bystanders helping Vanya off the floor, “Hey! Vanya, are you okay?”
“I think so,” She murmurs, taking your arms as she stands, her eyes flicking to your patched chest, “What happened to you?”
“You don’t remember?” You whisper, brows furrowed, your hand sliding to her cheek. You turn to face the woman from before, “Ma’am, do you have somewhere we can go? She needs to be checked up on,”
“Did I cause it?” The woman, Sissy, panics, moving up to you, “I didn’t see her, I swear,”
“It’s okay,” You breathe, and look back to Vanya, your eyes teary, “You’re okay,”
She nods, warily, letting Sissy move you to her car.
. . .
“I’m sorry, I still don’t understand,” Vanya exhales, leaning forward on the couch you both sat on in Sissy’s house, “We’re married?”
“Yes,” You nod, licking your lips in fear, “Is that okay? We- we don’t have to,” You pull your hand from where you reached for her own, Vanya shaking her head as she takes your hand, tightly,
“No- I mean- yes, it’s okay,” She smiles, your own lips pulling upwards, tiredly. You lean forward, allowing your forehead to knock hers.
“You two look like you’ve had a long day,” Sissy speaks up, handing you a cup of (favorite/warm/drink), “I only have one guest bedroom,”
“I can take the couch,” You heave, reassuringly, Vanyas brows pinching as she tugs at your hand,
“We can share, Y/N,”
“You barely remember me,” You murmur, clenching your jaw and laughing, tearily, “Why would you want to sleep with a woman who you don’t know?”
“I may not know you but I trust you,” Vanya states, raising your hand and hers to show the rings you had, “You say we’re married. I will keep trying to regain my memories as long as I can to remember our wedding day,”
Your eyes flick up to hers, smiling, weakly, with a nod, sniffling as tears began to refill your eyes. Your hand raises to wipes your cheek, Vanyas smile dropping in worry as her hand touches your jaw, directing your attention to her, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” You whisper, shaking your head, “It’s just been a very long day,”
You suck in a deep breath and sniff, looking up at Sissy who smiled, sympathetically, “Do you kind if I borrow your shower? And maybe some help rewrapping this?” You lift your bandaged shoulder, Vanyas hand falling from your face to her lap as Sissy nods, gesturing you to follow her down the hall.
You run a hand through your damp hair, silently shutting the bedroom door behind you,
Your eyes shift to Vanya on the bed, resting in a pair of Sissy’s clothing, same as you, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” You move to the bed, Vanya looking up at you- finally seeing the exhaustion in your eyes. What had happened to you today?
“Of course,” Your wife murmurs, extending her hand for you to take so you slide underneath the covers,
“I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” You whisper, now on your side to face her, “You don’t even know me,”
“But I feel like I do,” Vanya corrects, watching as the tear in your eye slipped from the corner and down your nose, “I’m trying to understand, but I can’t do that without you,”
Your lips purse to stop the sob in your throat, hand raising to cover your pinched eyes. “Hey,” Vanya panics, shaking her head as she slides her hand to the back of your head, guiding you to rest against her chest, “No no, please don’t cry. I’m sorry,”
You let your arm slide to her backside, tightly, hiccuping against the skin of her collarbone, “No, I’m sorry. I’m so emotional and tired, and I want things to go back to normal,”
“I know,” Vanya brushes her lips against your hair, her free hand dragging her nails soothingly across your upper back, “We don’t have to talk about it anymore. What do you want me to do?”
A pause, “Just hold me,” You whisper, leaning your head back to look at her, “Please,”
Vanya nods, quickly, her eyes flicking to your lips before she looks back up to your eyes, your body pushing forward to force your lips against hers.
Vanya exhales sharply against your mouth, her fingers tightening in your hair as you peck her lips, once, twice, barely pulling away so you still felt her breath on your skin,
“I love you, Vanya. I wish I could’ve helped you,”
Vanyas brows pinch, wanting to question what you had meant, but she only finds herself pulling you back in, allowing her lips to recollide with your own, slow against the darkness of the bedroom.
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dadsbongos · 4 years
Not Now
Movie/Game/Show: Umbrella Academy Dynamic: Five Hargreeves/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: none? Summary: Five reunites with his favorite sister after decades apart. ~~~
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Five muttered, finally taking notice of his sister’s absence now that he wasn’t busy making a fluffer-nutter sandwich. Great, he comes back to fix the timeline, and one of the reasons he comes to fix it isn’t even there for their father’s funeral.
Vanya was the first to pitch in, “At work, I think…”
“Well,” he stressed out the first consonant, “where is that?”
“Griddy’s,” just as the time-traveler was going to thank his brother, Diego continued with a small smirk, “Do you need a ride?”
Forcing on a plastic smile, Five declined, “I think I’ll be fine, Kraken. Thanks.”
(Y/n) heaved a sigh, ready to throw her exhausted body onto her bed after a rather boring shift at work. At least there was Agnes, an endlessly sweet woman with an affinity for anyone that walked through her donut shop doors. She sluggishly shoved her own closed once inside, kicking off her shoes before going to untie her apron. All without noticing the intruder sitting on her favorite chair.
Five rolled his eyes, hoping his sister hadn’t magically become a ditz since he disappeared. If he was a murderer, she surely would’ve been crafted into mincemeat by now. He leaned over, pulling on the string light to a side table lamp, causing the woman to jump.
Her eyes widened at the familiar face, “Five? It- it can’t…”
Nodding, the boy gestured to his own body, “I may have made a tiny miscalculation in my jump back home.”
“How did you know where I lived?”
“You always said this was your dream house, no?”
“Well, yes but… how did you know I was already living in this house?”
Oh, after I saw our siblings’ corpses at the manor in the Apocalypse I was trapped in, I went looking for you and found you in the wreckage of where this house is. You looked terrified and in pain and I can only hope you were at peace in the afterlife because there was no way I could rewind and fix it until some forty-five years later in which I never spent a second not thinking about you and the rest of our family. You can never understand how worried I was that I would never be able to see any of you again.
He shrugged, “Call it a lucky guess.”
Placing a hand over her heart, (Y/n) turned towards the staircase, peeking up at the second floor before sitting across from her brother, “You probably shouldn’t just show up like this, what if my family found you?”
Eyebrows shot into his hairline, “You have a kid? That wasn’t in Vanya’s book.”
“Two, actually,” she smiled brightly, as if just the mention of them elated her, “I asked her to keep them out of the book.”
“Oh,” they weren’t in the rubble when the Apocalypse hit, “what’re their names?”
“Ben and Harley,” (Y/n) reached over to give her brother a small pat, “I would’ve named Harley Five but I didn’t want him to get bullied.”
“Understandable,” Five chuckled lightly, looking around and finding no pictures of any sort of co-parent, “Is there a dad? Mom? Another parent?”
Nodding, she gestured to the ceiling of the first floor, “My ex, they’ll be having custody time in just a few days now.”
Great, he comes back to find out that not only does he have a niece but also two nephews that he can’t get to know before the Apocalypse. Anytime he’s hoping to spend with the boys can be cut in half, if he’s lucky - because he still has to stop the very thing that will be the end of them.
“You can take my bed if you need a place to stay,” (Y/n) offered, “If you’re not staying at the Academy, anyway.”
“I’m not taking your bed,” he immediately refused, standing up from the chair, “Can I… see them? Ben and Harley?”
“Of course,” the woman nodded, standing as well and beginning to lead her brother upstairs. Coming up to the first room, she pressed a finger to her lips before quietly and carefully sliding the door open so they could both enter, “This is Ben.”
Glow-in-the-dark stickers illuminated the ceiling and some of the actual room. Dark blue walls cornered in a messy, cluttered room with the ground littered with plastic race cars and Legos. Even with his shoes on, Five could practically feel the fuzzy green rug under his feet. A rather large mahogany desk was pushed into the farthest wall, looking out a window. It was coated with clunky books and paper piles with a new pen every few inches. The boy himself had ink-black hair as if Ben Hargreeves was trying to peek through from beyond the grave.
Harley’s room, however, was much different. Short brown carpet paired with black walls, an abyss of dirtied clothes and torn pieces of paper strewn throughout the room. Makeup was scattered across every flat surface, markers and colored pencils being no better. A canvas to the right of the bed, post-it notes marking over every inch with ideas and plans to make the blank white material into a masterpiece he’d look back on in five years and gag. Posters for various bands and movies lined the walls in a crooked, chaotic fashion. Similarly to his brother, Harley’s hair was black as the night sky.
“Reminds me of Klaus,” (Y/n) muttered once they were out of the room, “Not how I pictured he’d turn out, but not unwelcome.”
Five stuffed his hands into his shorts’ pockets as he went back down the stairs, “They’re cute.”
“They’re about your age.”
“Fifty-eight?” he shook his head before looking down and remembering, “Thirteen, right. Wait,” turning, he looked at his sister, “thirteen?”
 She scratched at the back of her neck, “Allison and Diego already gave me hell. Pulled the ‘what would Five think’ card a few times.”
“I’m sure,” Five sighed quietly before taking the moment to make sure she was secure, “You know I’m not judging you, right? You were young, are young, but you’re a great mother.”
“You haven’t even been here while they’re awake.”
“Don’t need to be,” he shrugged, “I should get back to the Academy, but I’ll come around tomorrow. I want to meet my nephews that I didn’t know I had until now.”
“Oh, wait,” rushing back to her apron, (Y/n) pulled out a small bag before handing it over to her brother, “they’re probably not the best, but I can’t let you walk out of here without some food. Agnes lets me bring home a couple after my shifts.”
Five peeked into the bag, a few donuts that she took from Griddy’s, he rolled the top up before awkwardly nodding in gratitude, “Thanks.”
“Of course.”
The door was useless as he teleported out of the house and onto the street. He wouldn’t tell (Y/n) then, not when she already had two kids to worry over. Only when it was necessary, would he say something. Five hoped that day wouldn’t come.
Not that he planned on jumping between Icarus theatre and her home, but he knew he wouldn’t do it differently if it meant his sister wouldn’t die.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Family (Five Hargreeves x Fem! Reader)
A/N: Hi, it's time for a ... Five Fiction, lol. Danny didn't appreciate my joke, but ok. Again this is a one shot, it's just me wanting to share my ideas, I hope you like it. - Val
Important announcement: We still have spots for you to request!
Another important thing: In this one shot, Five’s 19 years old and not 13  like in the series... 
Aaaaaand this is from season 2.
Words: 1,334
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From the office of Sir Reginald Hargreeves,
To my Pursuers:
I, Reginald Hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the 20th of November, 1963, at half past seven o'clock.
"Okay, we'll go," says Luther getting up from a chair.
At first, Luther didn’t want to go, but a little speech from Diego convinces him. Together with Vanya and I, we walked towards the stairs of Elliott's little apartment. Luther turns to look at me and stops me with his arm.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
I look up at him. "You just said we'll go, come on, we don't want to piss off Daddy Hargreeves!" I take another step, but again, Luther stops me.
“Y/N, I don't think you can go," he says looking at his siblings.
"Why not?"
“You're not part of the family, our father will get confused with all the info, your presence will worsen all.”
“Excuse me?" I say offended.
"What Luther is trying to say,” says Diego, approaching. "Is that, we know who we are dealing with, he’s not the best person.”
"I know that, you’ve told me repeatedly,” I roll my eyes. "Stop whining, all of you seven have powers, I'll be fine.”
"Yes, I thought that too and ended up stabbed,” he growls, “Listen, I just think it’d be dangerous,” he says unsure.
"We've been through worse things," I cross my arms.
“It's different.”
"I don't see a problem with Y/N being with us,” adds Vanya.
"Thank you!”
"Vanya has amnesia, it doesn't count," says Luther.
"What?" She complains.
"Anyway, Y/N you can't come, it’s not right.”
"Oh please, Luther, look around you, none of this is right," I complain.
He looks at me and makes a face.
"Don't make me do something that I might regret.”
“Luther," says Diego, but his brother ignores him.
"What are you planning to do, Ape brain?"
A very bad phrase towards a man with super strength to someone who has no powers. Suddenly Luther takes me by the waist and puts me on his shoulder. I try to avoid it by kicking and screaming, but obviously nothing works.
"Put me down!"
Luther takes me to the roof of Elliott's store where he has all his photography equipment, drops me to the ground and takes my arm and then handcuffs me -I did not know where those came from, and I do not want to know- one of my wrists, to a building’s pipe.
"You got to be kidding!" I screech trying to break free.
"It's for your own good," he says and returns to the building.
"Luther!" I shout. "Diego!" I wait for a few seconds without receiving an answer. "Son of a bitch…” I whisper leaning my head against the pipes.
Truth be told, this doesn't surprise me on Luther's part, but at least I thought Diego would do something.
“I'll avenge myself.”
While Y/N prepares her revenge on the roof, the other Hargreeves head towards the place where their father indicated.
The first to arrive is Five, who walks to the elevator and presses the correct button, but when the doors begin to close, Diego stops them. Little by little, the others arrive, but Five frowns when he does not see the girl.
“Where’s Y/N?" He asks, looking at his brothers.
"Tell him, Luther,” Diego mentions reproachfully.
"Tell me what?" says Five. "What the fuck did you do?"
"Not now, Five,” answers Luther and the elevator doors open, Five uses his powers to confront Luther.
"Tell me exactly what happened if you don't want me to use your ape hand to make a keychain.”
"I'm not one of the family…” I whisper through my teeth. "Stupid Luther, if it weren't for me, he'd be in a circus."
"Just when I thought you were the sane one of the team…"
I jump when I hear another voice. I turn to find Five walking towards me with his hands in his pockets.
"If you just come to tease, I'll throw you off the roof.”
"I don't think you can do much handcuffed to the pipes," He says, sitting next to me. I sigh.
We’re silent for a few seconds until Luther's words return to my mind. I look at the boy.
"Do you think I'm not part of the family?" I ask.
"You're not," He says shortly and I nod, looking down.
At this point I'm used to Five's cutting and sarcastic comments, most of the time I talk back, but what he says is true, I can't deny it and I hate that.
“I just wanted to go with them. I know that your father is something delicate and I know that he was a horrible person who did a lot of harm. I thought that, just being there as moral support, I could help somehow…”
He laughs at my words.
"Dinner would have ended very differently if you had…”
I frown.
"What happened?"
“We showed him our powers, he asked questions. Luther finally rebelled against him after being his puppet for years, Diego was traumatized by constructive criticism, Klaus acted weirder than usual, Vanya exploded the fruit, Allison used the rumor again and I- Well, I thought he could help me, but I'm still clueless.”
I analyze everything he tells me and it may sound strange, but I’m no longer surprised by the Hargreeves family reunions.
“Yep," He turns to see me. "Let me help you with that…” he says lifting the handcuffs, he gets up and opens them.
I stroke my wrist as I get up.
"Come on, I've got a revenge on Luther waiting for me…” I walk up the stairs. "Diego also deserves it, he didn't do shit to help me.”
I stop and turn to see him a few feet away.
"You may not be part of the family," He looks away. “But I think you are the most important person in the group."
I’m surprised at his words. Five is the least to express any feeling other than anger.
"You think?" I ask with a smile.
"Without you, we would be lost," he says, smiling a bit dryly.
"Awww, you're so sweet, Five!" He rolls his eyes and I laugh. I open my arms and nod, ”Come here…”
“Y/N,” Five complains, but I wrap him in a hug. He sighs and not long after I feel his arms on my waist, his body relaxes.
"It's just a hug, grumpy," I say over his growling. "Thank you…” I whisper as I step away, putting my hands on his shoulders. I smile and then kiss his cheek.
"Aw! Guys come here!” Klaus's voice makes us jump apart. The others follow him closely. "Luther, how can you say that she’s not in this family? She’s getting closer to being an actual sister!” He says pointing at us.
"What!?" I feel my cheeks burn and the others laugh.
"Ben says he hears wedding bells," Klaus adds, clapping his hands.
"Shut up, Klaus!" The boy and I say at the same time. I may be embarrassed right now, but I can't help but smile a little.
"Maybe I was wrong before,” says Luther and my smile disappears completely.
"Oh I'm going to show you how wrong you can be…”
"I don't like that look," Luther backs up a bit and then goes downstairs.
I laugh at his action, it’s not the first time that I carry out a promise, so I follow his steps without hurrying. When we get to the apartment, the others scatter around the place while I rejoice in Luther's agony trying to apologize.
"Who would say that such a small girl can scare someone like Luther?" Allison scoffs, then walks into the kitchen.
Then a blue light flashes behind me.
“That’s my girl…” Five whispers close to my ear and then teleports back to another location.
I feel my face burning again and I grin like an idiot, but that can wait for now.
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memes-saved-me · 4 years
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TW for abuse and homophobia below the cut
The sound of the front door slamming shut ran through Billy like a shot of adrenaline, his body telling him to get out of there. Fight or flight kicking in as the loud footsteps approached his room and his door swung open, hitting the wall and sending a tapped up poster sliding down to the floor to reveal a half drunk but very pissed Neil. His entire demeanor becoming even angrier once he set eyes on his son. He stormed towards him, grabbing him by the collar with such force he stumbled back into the shelves.
Billy had only ever seen his eyes like that once, the time he thought he might actually kill him. That’s when he knew what had caused this, why he was being held against the hard wooden planks with his father’s hands keeping him there.
“Who is this Steve Harrington? Huh?” He asked and Billy froze. Froze at the fact he knew his name, he wasn’t just some boy anymore. No, he was a person to Neil. A person he could hurt and ruin. “I thought we…talked about this.”
“He’s a guy at my school-.”
“Don’t lie to me! You know what happens when you lie,” That was when Susan appeared in the doorway to watch as she always did. To try and do something only to fall under his anger herself. “You’ve been seen…touching this boy all over town.”
For a moment he bargained with if he should argue, mainly to protect Steve from being outed or targeted. Except, he had done this before. Tried to cover the fact he was seen under the peer back in San Diego, hand down a surfers shorts and his lips running along his neck. Said it wasn’t him, that whoever told him must have mistaken him for someone else. That was until he realised it was Max who saw them, Max who let it slip not knowing any better.
So, he stood there silently as his secret began to pour out from his eyes alone. “So, it’s true. You don’t learn do you boy?”
“No, sir,” Billy subdued.
“Not even after teaching you a lesson last time?” He sighed and looked away, shaking his head only to tighten his grip and push Billy harder against the shelves. “No running off to that other faggot’s house. You will not climb out of that God damn window after this. You hear me?”
“Yes, sir.”
Billy was too tired of fighting back only to lose everytime. His mind freezing his body the second he felt even the slightest pain, a shock response that resulted in nothing more than a scared boy curled in a ball until he knew it was safe to move. To crawl into bed and cry himself into the morning.
He watched as his father smiled, nodded his head and then…sent his fist into his stomach. Which would have sent him to his knees but he was still being held up by much stronger hands. “I said I won’t!” Billy couldn’t help it.
“I don’t believe a thing that comes out of that nancy mouth of yours”, Another hit and then another. It was then that he felt his body fall, his knees hit the ground and his arms finally wrap around his waist as the pain set in.
Except, he wasn’t given a chance to feel it because then a boot was swinging straight towards his chest, sending him backwards against the bookcase again. His head smacking against one of the shelves, causing the room to blur momentarily as he instinctively tried to block the next kick with his hands. Only to feel it hit his thigh.
It all blurred together after that, just as it always did but this time it never seemed to stop. His body was aching, bruising and most definitely fractured but his face was left untouched. No evidence to be seen, no questions to be asked but his body told another story.
When the nausea kicked in he heard his bedroom door slam and the lights go out. Not that he could move, even stand to get into bed or take off his jacket. His chest hurt to breathe, ached as the sobs began and the tears rolled over his nose and onto the floor. There was still light coming from outside as he lay there curled in on himself until the pain took over and he blacked out.
The morning sun woke him, his eyes rejecting the light as his body rejected movement. Yet, he knew he needed to get up and drop Max off at school. Even if he would be skipping to nap in his car. He knew he needed to tell Steve that people might know, that they might be in more trouble than they had ever imagined.
His door creeked open and he looked to see Max standing with her backpack on and her skateboard under her arm. “I’ll walk.”
“No. Just give me a second,” Billy groaned and finally sat up, his head spinning. “Go wait in the car.”
She stood there, clearly wanting to protest but she didn’t. The door closed quietly and Billy used an empty box to get to his feet, an action that only intensified the ache of his muscles. Muscles that had spent the night in the same possible on a drafty floor after taking hit after hit for…Billy didn’t know how long he had lay there being beaten and he didn’t want to know.
He looked at his watch, still enough time to get to school and tell Steve before class. Warn him at least. Just enough time if he didn’t get changed or clean himself up, so he grabbed his sunglasses to hide his puffy under eyes from the crying, buttoned up his shirt to hide the bruising and made his way to the front door. Thankfully Neil had already left for work so he wouldn’t tell him to stop with the limp.
Billy struggled to the car and dropped into the drivers seat, forcing his legs to do what they were trained to do and pulled out of the driveway. Making sure to concentrate on the road as he took his time towards the school. Max didn’t speak, didn’t ask because she knew the answer. The bell was ringing when they pulled up, she jumped out with a quiet thanks and ran for the entrance.
The Beamer was there but Steve wasn’t around so he didn’t bother to get out of the car, he instead turned off the engine and sunk down into his seat to finally relax. Let his body release the tension from hours of being on edge, fully aware of his surroundings. Just as he felt his breathing steady someone knocked on his window and startled him right back to where he started.
“Let me in,” Steve said just loud enough for him to hear so he did. Within seconds the brunette was sitting beside him smiling like he made his day better just by existing. “Where were you?”
“He knows,” He blurted out before he could overthink it. But he couldn’t look at Steve, couldn’t face his reaction. “My dad. He knows about us.”
“And what did he do when he found out?” Steve asked, his voice firm and controlled but there was definitely anger beneath it.
“Billy, did he…” Steve went quiet.
“Look, I don’t wanna talk about it,” Billy replied to the silence.
“I’m gonna kill that bastard son of a bitch!” He smacked the dashboard and stared straight ahead. His entire body screaming that he might actually do it, that in that moment he was ready to drive straight to wherever he was and stab him until he had no hope of recovery.
And for a moment Billy believed it. The anger in his eyes as they finally met was enough to convince him that much. “I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Me? I know who he is and what he does to you,” Steve reached out to touch Billy’s forearm and he winced at the pressure. “Let me see.”
“Let me see!” He didn’t wait for a reply, instead he reached for his jacket and pulled open his shirt to see the dark blues and purple covering his chest and ribs. “Holy shit…”
Billy didn’t have a reply to that because his reaction was warranted. He knew that more than anyone as he looked down at his own body, damaged and trying its best to heal. “Do you think Joyce will have a look because I think it’s real bad?”
“Yeah, of course,” Steve snapped back and looked at Billy with such care and worry for a moment the pain faded, but only for a second. “Get in my car so people will think you’re here.”
He let Steve help him out the Camaro and into his car. Let him take his hand as they headed for the General store where the only adult they could trust would be able to help. Do something because anything would be better than going to Hopper or the hospital and explaining why he could barely breathe without wanting to cry.
Why he thought his own father was going to kill him and that in all honesty he still might, even if it did finally send him to prison. Billy knew he would rather rot in a cell than have his only son seen holding hands with another man, a fact that made his fingers grip to Steve’s for any chance at life. Even if it was slowly dimming with every day. Steve was there to help brighten it again.
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5csbin · 4 years
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txt x neutral reader !
WARNING !: cursing! knifes! haunted house! JYP AND 6IX9INE!
a very crack and dumb one shot i made.
“MANE IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP!” taehyun shouted as they were walking up to the line since everyone began to nag.
"this is why i wanted to go trick or treating instead." beomgyu pouted and folded his arms as he and the rest of the group waited in line to go inside of the haunted house.
well it was more like a haunted barn, where they would all get on a hayride and be driven throughout the barn and be spooked supposedly. "trick or treating?? how old are you again?" kai mocked him,
"no offense but i'm starting to think you were right when you said beomgyu was still mentally 9 years old because.. this is starting to get worrying. what 19 year old is trying go trick or treating?" yeonjun added in agreement, while taehyun shot him a dirty look for throwing shade at his best friend.
beomgyu’s first instinct was to scoot closer to (y/n), but he then fired off a clapback of his own. "the only thing that's worrying is that wig you're wearing, who the fuck are you even supposed to be? lord farquad on crack?" gyu fired back at yeonjun, who was now touching the short black bob on top of his head.
soobin couldn't help but laugh, even though it was his own boyfr- bestfriend getting flamed and soon, everybody else in the group let out laughter at gyu’s clapback. even taehyun, who couldn't stand beomgyu, was practically crying laughing at what was said.
"actually, i'm supposed to be dora," yeonjun replied, gesturing to his pink t shirt and bright orange jeans. "and soobin is.. well diego." he pulled soobin closer to him after saying that and kissed his forehead, before ruffling his blueberry curls a little.
"wait.. ain't dora and diego supposed to be cousins?" taehyun asked, his mouth curling in disgust, "i don't think that's positive..." kai added.
“cousin lovers.” (y/n) said making yeonjun smack their arm.
it was a wonder how they didn't annoy the others waiting in line for their ride, since they would fight every second. meanwhile as the group turn drew closer and closer, beomgyu found himself regretting agreeing to come here.
it was weird.. he loved horror movies, but he despised haunted houses because even though both were fake events, being in a haunted house was just so up close and personal you know?
if it wasn't for it being (y/n)'s birthday (lets just pretend ur birthday was on halloween.) beomgyu wouldn't have came, and he would have probably just stayed at home and took pictures of his costume for instagram before going over to hyunjin’s to watch scary movies.
(y/n) noticed that beomgyu looked uncomfortable amongst all of the roasts and jokes flying amongst the group and they decided to ask what was wrong.
"gyu, why do you look so sad? being sad is my job," (y/n) asked as the group continued to move up in the line. "i'm not sad," beomgyu answered. "i'm just nervous, i don't like haunted houses.. i had a really bad panic attack the last time i went to one, and i don't wanna have one and ruin your birthday or anything.. i probably should have just stayed my ass home."
"nah, you not going to ruin my birthday, you're my friend and i care about you... it won't be that scary, it's literally a haunted barn. you know what barns have? cows and chickens. now who's scared of cows and chickens? nobody. except blades of grass."
the little pep talk made gyu feel slightly calmer. "thanks," he replied, fumbling with the thick leather choker around his neck. "your costume is really cute by the way. i like the face paint."
"thanks, it was kai’s idea actually," they responded with a chipper edge to their voice. (y/n)' costume consisted of a sweatshirt and sweatpants with a skeleton printed on the front, and his face was made up to look like a skull.
after beomgyu was calm, he found himself overhearing a conversation between hueningkai, taehyun, and his knives.
"no tae, you can't bring your knives in here with you," hyuka shook his head as taehyun kept asking if he could run back to the car real quick and grab his knives "cmon kai, just in case a demon wanna try some shit"
"well.. can i get my ouija board?" tyun asked, his lips twisting into a devious smile. "i just wanna talk to the demons, it's halloween, and if it's any day i should be allowed to do this, it's today."
"ain't there no demons.. this is a barn. you wanna talk to demonic horses and shit?" yeonjun pokes in the conversation and raised an eyebrow.
"yes? of course i do, the fuck do you think i am?" taehyun whined, pointing to the devil horns on top of his head as the group finally made it to the front of the line and were waiting for the tractor to come back so that they could get on the hayride.
finally, after they all stood around and handed in their tickets to the clerk in front of the line, their tractor was ready, pulling along the hay covered cart as it came to a stop in front of the barn entrance, waiting for the group to board it.
"wait, hay? y'all ain't say there was going to be hay..." soobin complained, his skin already itching just by looking at all that hay. "y'all do know i'm allergic to hay right?"
"bitchhh, we been said it was a hayride involved," hueningkai snapped, "what you done caught the (y/n) disease where you forget everything every minutes or what?"
"aye i don't forget everything, i just be high," (y/n) cut in as they handed in their tickets to the clerk. "and i'm allergic to hay!" soobin cried out, scratching his forearm.
soobin actually is allergic to hay, but it wasn't something severe, he just got irritated by it and it caused his skin to rash up, not like his skin didn't already look as if it was full of rashes.
(that not true btw)
"oh well," hueningkai replied in a deadpan tone, shrugging. "guess you'll just die then."
after they've all handed in their tickets, everyone began to board the hay filled cart, with everyone obviously choosing to be closest to their besties.
when they got onto the cart. soobin was snuggled up to yeonjun, playing with his diego the explore backpack trying to ignore the itchy feeling the hay gave him.taehyun was resting his head on (y/n)’s shoulder, whining about his knifes, beomgyu was clinging onto kai for dear life, because he was still scared after all.
"i better not hear none of y'all screaming like no pussies after we get in here," yeonjun started after the tractor began to start up and drive them into the dark, cool barn. "how y'all gon be scared of demons when i'm taehyun a whole demon. y'all scared of him now?"
"actually, yes, i'm scared of him just a little bit," beomgyu answered, his tone groggy.
"considering he tried to kill me on multiple occasions and almost succeeded, yes yeonjun, i'm scared of taehyun and he make me fear for my life." soobin added on, slightly flinching at just saying the word taehyun.
"that was before i became positive," taehyun suddenly flashed soobin and beomgyu a toothy smile, "just like i'm positive that none of these demons or zombies or whatever the fuck is in this barn is gon' do shit to us."
"tae if you don't shut your ass up, there’s no demons in here, nor is there any zombies, they are paid actors. you wish you was in a horror movie so bad," hueningkai cut in, once again ruining tyun’s fun.
as of right now, nothing scary was going on. just the typical music playing throughout the barn, random screams, and plastic skeletons appearing out of nowhere. shit that made little kids be scared of, but anyone else wouldn't be phased. not even beomgyu was phased by what was going on, and he was the main one who was scared to come along.
but then.. things started to get more spooky. the people who were sitting on the edge would start to get grabbed and poked without warning, and people would come up on side of the cart out of nowhere and scream or otherwise bring attention to themselves, which would catch them off guard obviously, but shit like that was to be expected at a haunted house.. or in this case a haunted barn.
but soon though, things began to get downright creepy.
as they were sitting in the cart, slightly startled and caught off guard by the jumpscares, but not too shaken up, not even beomgyu was that scared, as he made sure to sit in the middle of the cart to avoid being randomly grabbed or touched by these strangers in costume, and it was just amusing to people like taehyun or (y/n), they weren't prepared for what started to happen next.
soon the music that sounded as if it was from a demonic nursery cut out mid note, and it was replaced by an old, gravely sounding voice that began to sing happy birthday very terribly and off key.
and they thought this was creepy, considering it was gus' birthday, but they considered it was a coincidence. "damn (n/n), they singing happy birthday to you, that's wild," yeonjun noticed, laughing at the 'coincidence'.
"see, i told y'all they’re really a skeleton, how else would they know that we're here for their birthday, hmm?" beomgyu added matter of factly causing the others to let out laughter.
so even though it was somewhat unsettling, it didn't become horrifying until the voice replaced "happy birthday to you," with "happy birthday (y/n)."
the place then became a chorus of "did yall hear that shit?" and "yeo what the fuck?!" after they noticed that, with (y/n) in particular being especially shook that there seemed to be a demon singing specifically to them, and their eyes went wide as the voice continued to serenade them, albeit poorly.
"see, this ain't it no more." soobin announced and hueningkai nodded in agreement. "h-how do they know it's (n/n)' birthday? much less who (y/n) is?" beomgyu asked as he held onto (y/n) even tighter than he was before. "i'm scared now."
"that's what we all want to know," yeonjun answered before reaching up to adjust his wig, before feeling nothing but his real hair tied back. he knew his wig didn't fall off or get snatched off, he had it secured with bobby pins, because it was one of his mother's wigs and he didn't want to lose it, but it had just completely disappeared.
"uh...my wig is gone," yeonjun announced and soobin just nodded. "same."
"no i mean it's for real gone... my dora or lord farquaad or whatever the fuck wig i was wearing earlier just.. disappeared into thin air." yeonjun continued to explain as he continued to search the surrounding area for it, just in case it fell out of his head but it was actually gone.
"see, i told y'all asses there were demons in here, but y'all didn’t wanna listen now y'all getting your shit taken, and demons are singing happy birthday to (y/n) and shit, and now y'all shocked," taehyun added with a huff.
"tyun, ain't no demons in here. if there were demons in here, they would do a lot worse than steal hats and wigs and sing happy birthday, believe that. they'd be torturing us psychologically, and- wait, where the fuck is my sheep hat?" hueningkai touched the top of his head, where his costume top was missing from, and now he was heated.
"yeah, we gotta get outta here."
more shit like that continued to happen with the voice continuing to reference them by name, and reference stuff that only people that know them would know, like soobin almost running someone over once, or yeonjun’s furry suit,and then, near the end of the ride, it all came together in the worst possible way.
a single echoing voice with a thick new york accent screaming "SCUUUUM GANGGGG!" followed by a laugh in the distance that sounded a lot like jyp’s laugh.
and in that moment, all of them literally hopped off of the cart and ran towards the exit.
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Interlude - Rewrite mini series - Harry Hook x reader - Part 10 (final)- new vks
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-(July 1st 1:17 am, the mines underneath the Isle of the lost)-
Hadie stared down at the almost blank application, he had taken one nearly a week after they arrived on the isle and had yet to do anything more than write his name. and the first pick-up day was today at 4 pm sharp.
Hadie sighed and buried his head in his hands, his father, Hades, had encouraged him to turn in an application if only to be finally able to be with his mother and sister; Persephone and Melinoe. Hadie had been taken away with his father to the isle at only a month old, so he hardly knew his mother beyond stories from his father and he had seen his sister on the tv a few times.
But in turn he would be leaving his dad on the isle, and while his dad wasn’t the best person in the world, he wasn’t a horrible father or husband…well, other than that one thing his father did 19 years ago but Hadie had blocked that from his memory. But- Hadie rubbed his face and pushed his hair back, looking down at the application - his father had told him to fill out an application…
Hadie picked up his pencil and started to write.
-2:00 am-
Claudine sighed in relief; she was finally done filling out the transfer application. She had hidden her application away from her father to prevent him from taking it and keep her from leaving the isle. But she had to get away from him, she just had to. She signed her name at the bottom and inked her thumbprint onto the corner square. She waited for it to dry as she got dressed to sneak out to go turn it in.
Thankfully the ink had dried for the print as she finished tying off her boots, she then grabbed the application and folded it, sliding the paper into her shirt. She grabbed a hoodie and pulled it on as an extra layer to combat the isle chill.
Claudine slowly opened her door, freezing as the floor creaked under her boot. She waited for twenty seconds before moving again, stepping onto the spots that wouldn’t creak that had been ingrained into her mind after so many years of sneaking out.
Claudine unlocked the front door and slipped through, locking it again behind her and setting off towards the main market where one of the application drop-off/pickup spots were.
As she finally arrived, Claudine gasped and took a step back into the shadows.
Hadie, the son of Hades was at the drop-off spot, setting down an application. Claudine had never had a personal problem with Hadie but her father always went off about how he and his father were preachers of the devil, being beings that didn’t go in line with her father's beliefs so he called them sinners and were in line to be with the devil. He didn’t believe in the gods of old that were very obviously real.
And Claudine knew there were always people that followed her father's beliefs around and about at this time of night and would rat her out if she was even seen near the son of Hades. So Claudine waited until Hadie had walked back towards wherever he had come from and she bolted forward, sliding in her application into the large box that only allowed applications to be inserted but not taken.
She pulled her hoodie closer to her and turned to run back home, praying to whatever gods were listening to help her get off the isle.
Ginny couldn’t believe she was actually doing this; she was actually applying to transfer to Auradon. She stared at the drop-off spot which was being surrounded by hundreds of kids doing last-minute application pickups and others dropping off their filled-out applications.
Over two hundred kids and young adults had and were applying for this transfer program, and only six would be picked twice a month, and Ginny knew it was going to be a long shot for her to be picked by any of the original six vks. Maybe Harriet would put in a word for her old “friend” but Ginny wouldn’t put her hopes on it.
Ginny waited until most of the crowd had cleared to drop off her application, some of the younger vks jumping out of her path to avoid her as she walked toward the table. She ignored them and slid the paper into the box, turning on her heel and bumping past Diego as he did the same as her.
Ginny paused for a moment, waiting until Diego turned again and started to walk back to where ever he had been before turning in the application “You applying too?” Ginny asked, stuffing her hands in her dress pockets and walking in stride with Deigo, who gave her a mean side-eye “Hey I’m just askin’” Diego rolled his eyes, sidestepping a running kid.
“Yeah, so what? You can't blackmail me for it since you did the same thing” Ginny grinned, patting Diego's arm and giggling as he pulled away, brushing off the place she touched.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic, I’m just bein’ curious, you think you might get picked? You do have family over there” Ginny was reminded of Carlos, Diego's cousin, and due to that Deigo probably had the best chance of getting picked first round.
“Maybe, maybe not, I dunno, now beat it” Diego snapped, taking a sharp right towards the abandoned theater and disappearing into the market crowd. Ginny hummed and rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips.
“What a drama queen” Ginny muttered, yelping a bit as an arm wrapped around her neck.
“Hey~” Colin cooed and started to drag Ginny off towards the salon “What are you doing out here~?”
“Turning one of those applications in” Ginny muttered, loosening Colin's arm around her neck and standing straight, pouting as Colin’s heels still gave them an advantage over her. “Why are you out here?”
“Same actually!” Colin gasped, giving a teasing smile to Ginny “why’d you apply? Just wonderin’?”
“…” Ginny just gave Colin a look, the look many vks shared when one of the more ‘proud’ vks asked who and why they would even want to go to Auradon. Fresh air, real grass, actually changing seasons, fresh food that wasn’t supplied by the ships and had actual different things than the constant same old same old the isle got in its provisions.
“Oh, okay, gotcha” Colin laughed, taking their arm from Ginny's shoulders and rubbing the back of their neck.
“Why’d you apply?” Ginny shot back, pausing as a loud shriek of rage echoed out from within the queen of hearts salon “I think I just heard the answer to my question”
“Yep” colin popped the ‘p’ and sighed, closing their eyes “My mother’s a pain in my ass and I can't wait until I don’t ever have to deal with her or her issues again, do you know how many times I've heard ‘off with their head’ in one day? Too many to count I’ll tell you that” Ginny was once again dragged by colin as they grabbed her wrist and took her inside the salon “Come on, you’re gonna help me deal with my boredom”
Ginny let Colin push her into a chair and start messing with her hair, it was high time she needed a haircut, it had long grown out of its bob-undercut she liked and now rested below her shoulder blades.
“Go nuts” Ginny sighed, closing her eyes and letting Colin work their magic.
Celia huffed as she raced through the marketplace, trying to get to one of the drop off spots to turn in her application before the applications were picked up. She had gotten the application almost immediately after they had been delivered but she had been so busy with fortune-telling, being Hades errand rat, and school that she hardly had time to fill it out and get it to the drop-off spot.
But she had finally signed it off only ten minutes ago and now was racing to turn it in in time. She slid to a stop in front of ‘Carlos' house’ and ran in, gasping for breath as she slammed her hands onto the table and slipped the paper into the box. “Uhhhh, Celia, you good?” Jamie, one of Umas ex-crew members, placed her hand on Celias back, staring at the younger vk in concern.
“Out” Celia gasped between each breath “of, breath, ran, all the way, from, arcade.” Jamie sighed at Celia's response and helped her stand up straight.
“What took you so long in turning the application in? the pick-up times in ten minutes” Celia looked to the clock on the wall and winced. It was already 3:50, only ten minutes until the Auradon guards came to pick up the turned in applications “Whoop” Celia felt herself be picked up and moved to the side as a crowd of vks rushed into the room, all holding an application “Well…that’s a lot of last-minute turn-ins” Jamie laughed, setting Cellia down and watching as the vks climbed over each other to try to get their application in. Jamie patted Celia's shoulder and walked over to the large group, calming them down and quickly getting them into an orderly fashion to make sure not one application got left behind.
Just as the last paper was slipped into the box, an Auradon guard stepped into the room, giving a kind smile to the vks and picking up the box, making sure it wasn’t tampered with before turning on his heel and rejoining his fellow guard outside the shelter.
The vks all looked at each other for a moment before they all decided to follow the guards, Celia pushing to the front and watching as the guards loaded the six boxes filled with applications into the sleek black car, the Auradon symbol adhered to the back doors.
The guards closed and locked the back doors and one offered the watching vks another kind smile. The guards climbed into the car and it drove off, the crowd parting as it made its way to the bridge.
“Well,” Jamie muttered, stepping up to stand next to Celia “it's all up to luck now huh?”
“Let’s just hope the future is on our side” Celia mumbled back, turning on her heel and heading back to the arcade, mind racing as she thought about her possible future in Auradon.
“Cher! You’re back! How’d it go, did you get the application in?” her father greeted her as she stepped into the arcade, in the background the games were being set up by the arcade workers as school had ended the day before, and now her dads summer hustle needed to be up and running by the end of the day.
“Yep, and now we wait” Celia leaned into her dad's side as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her back towards his fortune-telling table.
Celia sat across from her dad and watched him as he shuffled through his cards “Something on your mind cher?” her father gently asked, looking up at her under the brim of his top hat. Celia shrugged, slumping in her seat and resting her chin on the table.
“Just the application stuff, kinda hard to believe it’s actually happening” her dad hummed at that, laying down his cards in a swift motion. “…do you think I’ll get picked?” her father drew three cards, laying each one down.
The first was a mask with two sides, one happy one sad, her past. A miserable life on the isle but taken care of by her father. He drew a second card, a rolled-up application with the words awaiting on the front. Her present, her application, and her hope of being chosen to go to Auradon.
He drew the last card, smiling at her.
It was her, wearing her favorite outfit nonetheless, sitting on top of a large pile of coins and cash, a big grin on her face as king Ben's castle rested in the shadows behind her. “I think you don’t need to be worried about a thing cher,” her father said softly, picking up the cards and shuffling them again.
Somehow, even though the barrier blocked all types of magic, her father was able to predict past, present, and futures perfectly, and while she more often than not scammed her clients, she had this same ability.
Her father had said his cards weren't connected to the shadow realm but his own abilities, so Celia guessed that’s why it wasn’t affected by the barrier.
Eh, it was too much of a headache to think of now, Celia sighed and stretched in her chair as her father stood to check on the arcade set up. Celia smiled and took out her cards, shuffling them in her hands as the arcade workers bustled around her getting ready for the surge of teenagers wanting to play.
-July 16th, at (y/n) and Harry’s house-
“And we are officially! Moved in~!” you dusted your hands off and closed the garage door with your foot, sharing a grin with Harry as he stood up from packing away the last of the cabinet food and wiped his hands on his pants.
“An’ tha’ last two weeks haven't been official why?” Harry joked,  cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders as you skipped over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Because I have officially unpacked and put away the last box~ ha ha ha!” Harry snorted at that and cupped the back of your head with one hand as the other grabbed your hips, smiling at you.
“Yeh got meh there darlin’” you grinned and bumped your head into his, humming as he tilted his head to kiss your forehead. “How bout some root beer floats to celebrate?”
“Hmmm, I would love to but-“ you pulled out your phone and unlocked it, showing him the vks + Ben and Doug group chat where Ben had announced the arrival of the approved applications from the council “-you have applications to go through and Ben wants us over there in an hour…and you need a shower” Harry pouted at the loss of the celebratory dessert and sighed, kissing the top of your head and dropping his hands from you, moving around you to head to the bathroom. “We’ll head out in thirty okay!”
“Kay!” you nodded and pulled your slightly sweaty shirt (another you had stolen from Harry) and hummed, deciding to use the other bathroom to take a shower as well.
Mal groaned in greeting as you and Harry stepped into Bens room at the castle, he had decided to have the ‘’first official application choosing” in his room after seeing the number of applications the vks would have to go through. Harry made a face at seeing his pile of applications, they had been sorted through “favorite vk” so each of them had a pile or three of applications where the isle kids had chosen them as their favorite.
“This is gonna take forever” Harry muttered, giving you a pout as you smacked his arm “yeh denied meh a root beer float, I’m gonna be grumpy”
“I have provided snacks and root beer floats” Ben laughed, gesturing over to the large folding table holding many snacks and a tray of cups next to a tub of vanilla ice cream and a big bottle of root beer.
“Beasty boy, yeh have gained points, (y/n) yeh loose some” you rolled your eyes as Harry almost skipped over to the table and began to make himself a float, you walked over to Harry’s pile and began to sort through it, happy that the council had actually approved of a good amount instead of stinging on the vks and approving only a handful.
“Welp” you clapped your hands, sharing a grin with the already ‘tired of this bullshit’ vks (they were still happy to get more kids off the isle but sorting through all the applications was gonna get boring after a short while) “let's get this started shall we~?”
-three hours later-
Harry sighed as he placed his last application into his ‘first group’ pile, which was at least a good half foot tall and he would have to choose between the vks in that pile but he was done with the majority for now. You, Doug, and Ben had been great helps in taking their applications they had both sorted through and had yet to go through and organized them into ‘favorite vk, age, and big/small villain parent’ (which sounds biased but it helped choose)
“As much as I want to get more kids here, I never want to look at another application for the rest of my life” Mal groaned, flopping into Jay's lap and blowing a raspberry as he flicked her head for blowing over one of his (thankfully small) piles of applications.
“I never want to look at the Auradon logo ever again” Evie groaned from her place on the floor, halfway behind Carlos who was finishing off his pile. He turned and smiled at her, patting her face twice in empathy.
“So,” Ben sighed, setting down his drink and smiling at the vks “who are we picking?” everyone looked to each other before Harry took the top paper from his stack and held it up.
“Before we go through the papers again, I jus’ want ta’ point out the council actually approved Hadie” Mal sat up at that and snatched the paper from Harry, who glared at the purple-haired fae for a moment before turning back to his stack.
“Wow, and here I thought he’d be one of the ones to be denied” Mal snorted, Hades was one of the most feared villains on the isle, he was big and strong, even after losing his powers to the barrier, he wasn’t seen all that much though, even during the early days.
“Whose Hadie?” Ben asked, leaning over to look at the application.
“Son of Hades” the vks answered at once, making Ben laugh a bit, Mal continued to explain “he’s like, the oldest vk on the isle, I think he’s even older than the isle actually?” Mal peered at the written birthdate “when was the isle made exactly/”
“July 4th 1995” Doug quickly answered for Ben beginning to help Evie go through the papers once again to look for Celia’s, to which Jay handed it to her as Celia had written him as her favorite vk. Mal nodded and played with the application in her hands.
“Yeah, Hadie was born about a month before the isle was created, doesn’t he have a sister or something? I remember him mentioning that like, years ago” Ben raised his brow at that, before his eyes went wide.
“Oh, do you mean Melinoe? She’s Persephone's daughter…and she was born June 20th 1995, could she be?-” Mal nodded, showing Ben the application and pointing at Hadie’s birthdate. “Oh wow…well now I know the reason for the 1995 blizzard, Persephone must’ve caused it in reaction to Hadie being taken with Hades. Honestly, I don’t blame her, I would rage too if my barely a month-old child was taken from me” the vks nodded, remembering their parents telling them of the Auradon winter that happened soon after the isles creation that lasted almost into the spring of next year before it stopped, assumed to be the other gods telling her to stop before Auradon collapsed before it really began.
Mal smiled as a thought came to mind “I think I’m going to choose Hadie” Ben and the others tilted their heads in confusion as Evie seemed to understand what Mals thought process was. “Well, I just thought, ya know, im the daughter of the evilest villainess in the world, why not chose the son of the evilest villain? Ya know, keep the train going and all that” Ben grinned and leaned over to kiss Mal's cheek, who blushed and giggled at the affection.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea” Ben hummed, smiling as Mal reached over him and grabbed the “approved” stamp, and then used it on Hadie’s application “All right, one down, five to go!”
Two hours later and the six new vks were chosen. Mal had chosen Hadie, Evie had chosen Celia Facilier, Carlos had chosen his cousin; Diego De’vil, Gil had chosen Claudine Frollo, Jay had chosen Ginny Gothel, and Harry had chosen Colin Hearts.
“Well,” Ben clapped his hands, standing from the floor and offering his arm to Mal to help her up as well “that’s it! We’re done! All that’s left to do is register them to their schools and then announce them on vk day!” the group cheered and Harry stood, helping you up as he did. “it’s been three and a half long years its finally happening, on the 17th we’ll officially celebrate the three-year anniversary of your arrival as well.” The group cheered again as they all stood and stretched from sitting on the floor for several hours. “So, enjoy the rest of your day guys, I’ll be here” Ben sighed and laughed, looking at the large stacks of applications he now had to put away "doing king stuff”
“yeah” Mal sighed, patting Bens shoulder, keeping her face sympathetic as he gave her a ‘you wanna help?’ look “well, im going to go back to bed, bye benny~!” she kissed his cheeks and raced out of the room as he attempted to grab her, cackling as she went.
“Imp!” Ben yelled, grinning as Mal's laughter echoed back. He turned back to the rest and smiled “thank you guys, really, none of this would have been possible without you”
“We wouldn’t be ‘ere without yeh beasty boy, so thank yeh” Harry pulled Ben into a side hug, Ben laughing a bit and squeezing Harry's side. “Really, Ben, you saved us from a life on the isle, we owe yeh our lives” Ben felt himself get teary-eyed as the rest of the vks nodded along with Harry, all smiling at Ben.
Mal popped in head back in and grinned, holding her thumb up in agreement “I would still be under my mom's thumb if it weren't for you, thank you Ben”
“I would still be afraid of dogs and my own shadow, ” Carlos laughed, Evie squeezing his shoulder as he looked at her.
“I would still think beauty over brains, thinking that I needed a prince to be happy” Jay gave a somber smile as Evie spoke, and crossed his arms, rubbing his thumb over this Auradon class ring.
“I would still be alone, sleeping on the floor of my dad's shop” Gil stepped on Ben's other side, squeezing the shoulder opposite of him.
“I wouldn’t be living my best life alongside you, and I would still be the dumb sidekick for everyone” Harry titled back into Ben's vision after Gil spoke.
“And I wouldn’t have met (y/n) or gotten away from meh father if it weren't fer yeh, so really, thank yeh Ben, if you ever need anything, anything at all, we’re here fer ya. We’ll always have yer back” Ben let out a quiet cry and the vks crowded him in a hug, Mal bounding back into the room to join in as you and Doug cooed from the side, letting Ben and the vks have their moment.
“I love you guys” Ben’s voice wobbled out from the pile of vks and they echoed it back at him. After a few moments, they separated and Ben wiped his tears “I should thank you all as well, without you I wouldn’t be the kind of king I am and I would probably be under the council's thumb or something, anyways enough with the sob fest im starving” you snorted and lifted your arm as Harry stepped next to you and pushed into your side.
“All righty then, we’ll see yall later, bye!” you and Harry walked out of Bens room and headed to the parking garage to head back home to chill for the rest of the day as really the only plans you had was doing applications and it was only 3 pm.
“We have dinner with your sisters tonight, right?” you asked as you pulled out your phone, checking on your calendar to make sure your brain was correct.
“Aye, somethin’ bout Hettie getting her sailors license, so celebratory dinner fer tha, but until then, nap time!” Harry opened the passenger's door and gestured for you to get inside, you did so and Harry closed the door behind you, walking around the front to get to the driver's seat and sliding in as you buckled up.
After Harry started the car, you clicked on the radio and jammed out to the song playing as Harry drove back home, keeping your eyes on the ocean as you did.
Uma this whole time had stayed ‘on the run’ even though Ben had confirmed to the kingdom that she would be forgiven for her ‘crimes’ which had caused some questioning but he gave some insight to the isle and it calmed the situation quickly. You had asked her time and time again if she wanted to come back to the mainland with you or to tell Harry and Gil about her presence but each time she declined, why you didn’t know but you didn’t want to push.
‘ I'll visit her tonight, give her an update on everything’ you thought to yourself, eyes going down to your phone and turning it on, tapping in and out of random apps.
Hours later and it was almost midnight, you once again trekked through the bush towards one of the coves against the Strait of Ursula, smiling as you found Uma sitting on the shore, her hair had changed once again, now in teal locs that stopped at her lower back. “I like the hair” you hummed as you set the bag full of food next to her, sitting down as she unzipped it and started to dig through.
“Thanks, wanted to try something new” she grinned as she took out a box of chicken fettuccine alfredo and a fork, she popped open the box and dug in “dang, Gil needs to go to culinary school, and I really should have had him cook more on the isle” Uma muttered, dancing as she ate while you snorted.
“Actually, this is Tony’s restaurant cooking, we ate out tonight with Harry’s sisters” Uma stopped for a moment then resumed eating.
“Huh, alright then, compliments to the chef then” she stuck a piece of chicken in her mouth and turned to you, cheeks puffed as she chewed “any updates?”
“Uma, it's chicken not see food” you joked, holding up your hand to cover your view of her mouth, laughing as she rolled her eyes and smacked you “sorry, I had to. But yeah, all six vks for the next round have been picked, Hadie, Colin Hearts, Ginny Gothel, Claudine Frollo, Celia Facilier, and Diego De’vil”
“Only one person in that entire selection is high school age” Uma muttered, raising her brow as you shrugged.
“Eh, we weren’t going to strictly high school age, more just…villain kids. Celia will be attending Auradon prep, while the others will attend a quarter at Auradon prep to get started then spend the rest of the year at Auradon city community college, then they can do what they want from there.”
Uma slowly nodded, looking out onto the ocean where the moon was setting behind the isle. “How long do you think it’ll be before all the kids are off?”
“Well,” you sighed, looking up at the stars with your lips pursed in thought “twelve kids a month from now on? There's what probably…I don’t know let's say a thousand kids on the isle?...maybe less than three years? Give or take? So not the fastest process ever but hey at least somethings going to be happening now instead of just waiting, and the fresh food and necessities program will continue even after we get all the kids off so even the villains won't be living under human rights violations” Uma hummed at that, setting down the now empty box of her ex-dinner and curling up, setting her chin on her knees.
“I know Ben’s been doing his best, you all have…even the imp from what I've heard” Uma grumbled, hesitant to ‘compliment’ her old bully. She was still unsure of Mal even after you told her about Mal going to therapy and agreeing with Ben to ‘forgive’ Uma for her ‘crimes’. Mal had been cruel and relentless for years so Uma really had many reasons not to trust Mal one bit. “But it still feels too little too late”
“Blame the council for that, if Ben could he would just let kids go from isle to Auradon willy nilly and he would have done it years ago, but the main council are a bunch of old goons who are still scared of your parents and refuse to see that these kids don’t deserve any of this” you gestured to the isle, your jaw clicking in anger as thunder rumbled above it “Ben actually had to threaten them to get them to go through all the applications in time, or to make unbiased disapprovals. If they had their way, everyone would be back on the isle by now”
Uma huffed at that, standing and dusting off the sand sticking to her legs and skirt “you have a point” she went silent again, looking out at the isle “well, I guess now we wait again, at least we know things are happening now…keep me updated” she started to move back into the ocean but you stopped her.
“Do you want me to tell-“
“No” she interrupted you once again, looking back at you with somber eyes and a watery smile “I-…I don’t think im ready to face them yet…even after three years…I’ll see you later (y/n)” Uma dived into the waters and disappeared in a golden glow into the deep.
You watched the waters crash against the shore for a minute before you grabbed the bag and empty food boxes and packing them up. You sling the bag over your shoulder and turned on your heel, heading back through the bush to where you parked your bike and headed home.
When you arrived home Harry was already in bed, probably asleep by now. You quietly unlocked the front door and stepped inside, sneaking through the house and putting away the empty boxes in the dishwasher, then hanging the bag in the closet. You undid your shoes on the couch and rested them next to the door the next time you passed it to go to your room.
Harry had kept the door cracked for you so you slipped in and smiled at the crumbled form of Harry on your bed, his body mostly on your side of the bed as his face smushed into your pillow, light snores pouring from his lips.
You got changed into one of Harry's shirts and a pair of sleeping shorts and slipped into bed next to Harry, resting your head next to his on your pillow and tossing your arm over his shoulder, smiling as he unconsciously pulled you into him and buried his face into your air.
“I love you Harry” you whispered into his shoulder, unable to keep the grin off your face as he, in his sleep, replied back.
“I luve yeh too”
-End of Interlude-
Part 10!!! Part 10!!! Interlude is finished!!! Thank you all for reading this and finale will be coming in August! Oneshot showing the relationship development between (y/n) and Harry coming at some point before that but again thank yall for reading!
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @verboetoperee​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
@imtryingthisout​ @rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
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