#agent Savannah
samtheacesheep · 2 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Milo Murphy's Law Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Balthazar Cavendish/Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase & Milo Murphy & Zack Underwood, Melissa Chase & Milo Murphy, Milo Murphy & Zack Underwood, Vinnie Dakota & Milo Murphy, Balthazar Cavendish & Milo Murphy, Zack Underwood & Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Melissa Chase & Savannah Characters: Milo Murphy, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Savannah (Milo Murphy's Law), Brick (Milo Murphy's Law), Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb), Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Epithet Erased Fusion, Alternate Universe - Epithet Erased Setting, Action/Adventure, Comedy, Light Angst Summary:
In the world of Danville City a lucky few are born with powers attached to their very souls known as "Epithets". An Epithet stems from a single word that can grant its user any kind of power. Words like "Protect", "Capture"... or "Steam". A magical artifact known as the "Arsene Amulet" is rumoured to be able to steal an epithet from a person, and they say it’s hidden somewhere in the Danville Museum... Thieves burst down the doors in the middle of the night! Inscribed warriors do battle in the dark of the abandoned exhibits! Dinosaur bones come toppling to the floor!
And trapped in the middle of it all are Milo Murphy and his friends. They must survive and escape, but around Milo anything that can go wrong… will! So will they be able to escape from the criminals, or will their epithets be erased?
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Lisa just moved in and now she’s like “give me a reason not to leave.”
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Selling a House Without a Realtor In Savannah
Selling a house without the help of an agent can be intimidating but it doesn't have to stay that way. Savannah Cash Home Buyers is here to make your life easier by providing fast cash offers when you are ready. With their experience and expertise, they understand the nuances of selling in Savannah and get rid of all the hassle so you can move on with what's important--getting out from under your current home as quickly and painlessly as possible. Whether one needs money now or just wants a fair offer, their team at Savannah Cash Home Buyers helps make the process simple for everyone involved!
Table of Contents
Understanding the Pros and Cons of Self-Selling Property in Savannah
Essential Steps to Sell Your House Without a Realtor in Savannah
Navigating Legalities of Selling a Property Without a Realtor in Savannah
Effective Marketing Strategies for Selling a Savannah Home Without a Realtor
Finalizing the Sale: Closing a Property Deal in Savannah Without a Realtor
Understanding the Pros and Cons of Self-Selling Property in Savannah
You may be considering selling a property in Savannah without seeking the help of a Realtor. This can bring both liberating and daunting feelings as there are many unique advantages associated with self-selling, but it also has its drawbacks. It is important to take time to understand all aspects before embarking on this endeavor so you can make an informed decision about which route is best for your needs. At Savannah Cash Home Buyers, we provide customers with an easy way to sell their home quickly and for cash – minus any hassle or stress related to taking on the task alone!
Benefits of Selling a House on Your Own in Savannah
You might find it daunting and intimidating to sell your home on your own in Savannah, but with proper planning and research you can have an efficient, cost-effective sale that gives you more control over the entire process. You'll save thousands of dollars in commission fees without having a realtor involved as well as keep all profits from the sale without paying out commissions or buying expensive advertising packages. Moreover, selling by yourself also provides flexibility when setting asking prices—you are able to set them at whatever price point is suitable for both buyers and sellers alike! It’s important however that if you decide to take this route you do extensive homework before beginning so nothing surprises you during negotiations whether it involves market trends or repair costs/desired updates. Allowing yourself enough time prior ensures success while avoiding any potential hiccups along the way!
Risks Involved in Independent Home Selling in Savannah
You may be considering selling your home in Savannah without the use of an agent. While this could potentially save you money on realtor commissions, there are hidden costs that must be considered such as appraisals and paperwork. Furthermore, navigating pricing expectations during negotiations is tricky when you lack experience or access to market expertise—which agents can provide—and neglecting those aspects could end up costing thousands more than originally anticipated. To conclude: independent house sales are possible here but it's important to proceed cautiously due to your unfamiliarity with local regulations and conditions.
Essential Steps to Sell Your House Without a Realtor in Savannah
You can sell your house without the help of a realtor in Savannah, but it may be overwhelming and confusing. To ensure a successful sale that will get you top dollar fast, careful planning is necessary. Researching the area's housing market to accurately price your property, preparing any desirable interior or exterior repairs before listing for sale so potential buyers feel comfortable viewing your home, using professional photography services to draw more attention from interested purchasers online - all these steps are key! Finally, contact cash home buyer companies like Savannah Cash Home Buyers who specialize in buying houses quickly from motivated sellers regardless of condition or location within city limits – an amazing option if speed is important to you! Utilize these four tips while selling on your own and there’s sure to be good offers coming in no time!
Preparing Your Savannah Home for Sale: Staging and Repairs
You are selling a house without a realtor in Savannah and it can be both daunting and overwhelming. It is important to maximize your home sale potential so that you sell quickly while also providing maximum profit. Preparing your Savannah home for sale through staging and repairs are two starting points to increase interest in your property on the market. Staging ensures furniture placement, décor accents, artwork arrangement, lighting fixtures etc., maintain appeal for prospective buyers which will ultimately result in higher offers from them or faster sales of your house. Repairs should address any issues raised by inspections such as small improvements with framing/doors/windows around the interior or exterior of the building among other items listed on an inspection report that may detract potential buyer's attention away from purchasing if not addressed adequately beforehand Working with a professional team like Savannah Cash Home Buyers gives you peace of mind knowing you have hired experts who specialize in getting homes sold quickly when preparing their property for listing at its optimal value point.
Setting the Right Price for Your Property in Savannah
You may find it a difficult task to correctly price your property in Savannah without the help of a realtor. However, if you choose not to enlist one then gaining knowledge about what is realistic and practical for market value is essential. That's why reaching out to experienced cash home buyers like Savannah Cash Home Buyers could make an immense difference when aiming at selling your house promptly and accurately. The professionals at Savannah Cash Home Buyers have numerous years of experience within Georgia properties, thus they know precisely which factors should be taken into account when establishing reasonable but profitable prices on houses that will assist in guaranteeing both seller fulfillment as well customers getting great offers too! With their insight, counsel, and proficiency; homeowners can easily set realistic expectations with regards to pricing while also putting themselves in good positions to discover potential purchasers who search such reasonably priced homes!
Navigating Legalities of Selling a Property Without a Realtor in Savannah
You may find it tricky to sell a house without a realtor in Savannah, but if done correctly you can save valuable time and money. At Savannah Cash Home Buyers, they understand the legalities involved with selling property and are dedicated to ensuring that their clients are fully informed throughout the process. They provide all of the necessary advice for navigating through each step of this often intimidating process – from understanding any potential zoning regulations that may affect your sale to helping ensure one receives fair market compensation for their home or investment property. By leveraging decades of experience and knowledge about local trends within the greater Savannah metro area, their team is committed to guiding clients through every turn while delivering exceptional results on your timeline.
Understanding Savannah's Real Estate Laws and Regulations
When you are selling a house without the help of a realtor in Savannah, Georgia it is important to understand all applicable state laws and regulations related to property and home sales. At Savannah Cash Home Buyers, they are knowledgeable about local statutes that pertain to homeownership transactions within their area. It's essential for potential sellers of residential properties in this region to comprehend topics such as deed filing requirements, ownership transfer procedures, occupancy rights before closing the deal with a buyer or another investor - including those regarding taxes owed on capital gains. They make sure that you have an understanding of each aspect when considering selling your home maximizing profits while minimizing stress along the way!
Essential Paperwork for Selling a House in Savannah
You may find selling a house in Savannah without the help of an agent daunting, but you can be successful if you understand and adhere to all essential paperwork. This involves signing disclosure forms that outline any problems with the property such as termite damage or water leaks, as well as acquiring a Certificate of Title from your lender showing that one's loan is clear before attempting to sell. You will also need copies of both sides' identification for finalization along with other documents required by law like income tax statements, pay stubs, credit reports and more. Do not forget about getting necessary permits including zoning regulations to make sure everything has been completed correctly according to local government officials. Fulfilling these vital legal papers should guarantee smooth sailing when it comes time for closing day!
Effective Marketing Strategies for Selling a Savannah Home Without a Realtor
You can sell your Savannah home without the help of a realtor if you have effective marketing strategies. Crafting an appealing message and using creative tactics are necessary for successfully reaching potential buyers in this competitive market. Utilizing social media channels, such as Facebook or Instagram to spread your sales pitch by creating picturesque posts that highlight the home's best features will get attention from people near and far. Investing into search engine optimization (SEO) elements, like strategic keywords on certain landing pages, can also assist in drawing more people towards your property listing when searching online. Additionally, leveraging word-of-mouth promotion through family members or close friends could lead to many interested parties even if they do not know about your listing directly! Selling efficiently in Savannah without having outside assistance takes dedication and insight; however these key strategies should allow you to offload swiftly like nobody else!
Online Advertising Tactics for Savannah Home Sellers
You may find it complex to complete the sale and post-agreement procedures after selling a house without a realtor in Savannah. It is of utmost importance to make sure that all necessary taxes are paid up front, documents filled out correctly and filed away, escrow funds have been distributed if needed - amongst other things. To simplify this process for those looking at Selling their House Without Realtor In Savannah, having an experienced lawyer on hand who comprehends local rules and regulations can offer invaluable support in making certain everything goes well from beginning to end.
Open House and Networking: Traditional Marketing Methods
You may be considering selling a house independently in Savannah without going through conventional channels, and open house and networking are two traditional marketing methods that could prove invaluable. Hosting an open house gives potential buyers the chance to walk through your home, visualizing themselves living there and becoming part of the community. Networking also provides incredibly useful information about local markets, helping you get an idea of what kind of offers might be available for your property and any unique features that could increase its value or saleability. Taking advantage of these tried-and-true strategies ensures maximum return on investment when navigating this process solo!
Finalizing the Sale: Closing a Property Deal in Savannah Without a Realtor
You may feel daunted by the prospect of selling a house without the help of a realtor, but it doesn't have to be. Making sure all legal documents are in order and understanding the process are essential for ensuring your property sale goes smoothly. Savannah Cash Home Buyers can make this even easier with expert guidance throughout every step involved in closing on a home deal— minus any commissions or fees! Our signature cash-offs provide fast closings while making certain that everyone is taken care of during each phase from paper signing to getting full payment quickly. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority here at Savannah Cash Home Buyers; so if you're looking for an easy way to finalize your next sale, look no further than us!
Negotiating Offers for Your Savannah Property
You may find negotiating offers for your Savannah property to be a difficult process. Knowing how to get the most out of potential buyers is key when selling a house without an agent in Savannah, and that means understanding how to negotiate an offer effectively. Savanah Cash Home Buyers understand this challenge which is why they provide their Sellers with practical advice tailored towards obtaining the best value from any given offer on any given property. With experience across multiple markets, they know what it takes to close good deals and help you gain maximum profits from every sale.
Completing the Sale: Post-Agreement Procedures in Savannah
You may find it complex to complete the sale and post-agreement procedures after selling a house without a realtor in Savannah. It is of utmost importance to make sure that all necessary taxes are paid up front, documents filled out correctly and filed away, escrow funds have been distributed if needed - amongst other things. To simplify this process for those looking at Selling their House Without Realtor In Savannah, having an experienced lawyer on hand who comprehends local rules and regulations can offer invaluable support in making certain everything goes well from beginning to end.
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HELLA spoilers in the tags but
When I first started watching Criminal Minds I noticed there was a focus on friendship instead of romantic relationships and I thought that was so cool but now I'm kind of like can they stop fridging girlfriends and wives
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ddejavvu · 10 months
Hotch with a totally shy medical examiner!!! He always visits her although sometimes it would‘nt be necessary ... 🫣🫣 Hotch got a crushhhhhh !!
The team notices that Hotch seems to be injuring himself more and more now that Quantico has a medical wing installed. Because of a rather unfortunate incident on floor 4, where a woman had an allergic reaction and no one was able to find her an epipen in time, there's now a mini-clinic located just across the elevators on floor 5.
Hotch doesn't even bother notifying his team of where he's going this time. He simply barrels towards the glass doors that shield the BAU from the hallway outside, but JJ doesn't let him escape that easily.
"Hotch, is everything okay?"
She expects him to say that there's been some sort of emergency at Jack's school, that he needs to pick the boy up. But she shouldn't, she should have expected what must be the most frequent phrase out of his mouth in the past three weeks.
"Fine. I've got a headache, I'm going to the clinic."
He offers no room for his team's replies as he pushes through the glass doors, standing by the elevators and waiting impatiently. His gaze is so intense on the metal doors that he's surprised he doesn't burn right through them, but the elevator finally reaches him, and he steps inside without looking back into the BAU to see his team members staring.
"He's so full of shit," Derek scoffs, "He doesn't have a headache."
"I think he's got a perpetual headache," Reid muses, and Rossi, who'd been working on stirring his third cup of coffee for the day pipes up.
"I would, if I had to manage you bozos all day," The man grins wryly, but doesn't exclude himself from the conversation; for all his teasing, he wants to gossip about Hotch too.
"Nah. He just wants to see the hot nurse," Derek insists, "I've seen her. She's cute, and all, but she's no Savannah."
"Maybe I should have a headache later," Emily muses, lost in thought and toying with the necklace resting on her chest.
"He's gonna have to start finding new excuses," Derek leans back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other with his ankle against his knee, "Maybe he'll ask one of us to shoot him just so he can get her hands all over him packing up the bullet hole."
"And that is my cue to leave," Rossi grimaces, "I don't often like mixing sex with wound care."
The older man pointedly ignores Derek's comment about how that's probably why he's thrice divorced; he's not freaky enough. He shuts his office door behind him and conversation putters out among the bullpen, each agent stuck with a residual smirk on their faces as they get back to their paperwork.
"Agent Hotchner," You smile kindly up at the man who steps through the doors of your clinic, "I'm not sure why I even looked up, I should have known it was you."
He chuckles bashfully, hands tucked into his pockets, "I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so I've got a pretty persistent migraine."
"Is it hard, sleeping after a day at your job? The things you see," You trail off, reaching into a drawer at your desk to retrieve a bottle of excedrin, "I don't think I'd be sleeping either."
Aaron's suddenly flustered by your concern for him. He'd intended for his poorly crafted excuse to come across as light insomnia, too much coffee during the day or a scary movie at night. But as you reach out to hand over two tablets of medicine, he meets your eyes with a fond gaze.
"I'm alright," He assures you, his voice soft and earnest. He touches you more than necessary, taking your loose fist in his hand and uncurling your fingers for you so that the excedrin falls into his other palm bumped up against the heel of your hand.
You're surprised your hand doesn't start sweating at how flustered you've become, but you're glad for it. He secures the medicine in his fist, his hand still humming with the ghost of your touch.
"Sleep tonight," You warn him with a slightly weak voice, watching as he downs the pills with a gulp of water from a delicate paper cup stored by your sink, "Get off of any electronic devices for an hour before bed, read something boring, and keep the lights dim. And if none of that works, take sleeping pills, I can give you Tylenol PM if you don't have any at home."
"I'd love some," He smiles, lingering by the edge of your desk, "Thank you, Doctor."
"You can call me Y/N," You avert your eyes to your desk drawer, your voice feeble, "We see each other every day, you ought to be more familiar with me than that."
He chuckles, a soft exhale that sends butterflies with it into your stomach. You offer him the pills and again he takes your hand in his own, only making the fiery heat that burns at your cheeks more intense.
"Thank you. And you can call me Aaron," He takes the pulls from you, tucking them into the breast pocket of his button-up.
"Goodbye, Aaron," You grin, barely able to stop the expression from growing an embarrassing amount.
"Bye Y/N," He smiles back, eyes glimmering with fondness, "See you next time."
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justleaveatnine · 1 month
pink in the night - matty healy. part one.
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you join the 1975 on tour as an actress starring in the narrative portion of at their very best alongside the lead singer, matty healy. he’s got big ideas and wants to redefine what a concert is, blurring the lines between fiction and reality. on stage together each night, it starts to feel less and less like acting. but is it the same for him?
a/n: long time lurker and now i am writing! i hope you all enjoy, we've got some fun ahead of us.
cw: none — wc: 1.6k
Seeking actresses 25-35 for a role in touring company for a musical act. Time commitment of 4-6 months away from London, potentially extended. More details will be provided throughout audition process. Please send demo reel and headshot to [email protected].
The glow of the laptop screen illuminates your face in the dark of the bedroom as you stare at the email forwarded to you from Savannah. You flick your eyes back to the top of the email where her message sits.
Hey girl!
I know you've been looking for acting jobs, we are trying to cast someone for a spot in one of our flagship artist's upcoming tours! I'm sorryyyy but I can't say much more or Jamie will have my head. They told us to begin with sending to any actresses we know and can vouch for, so OBVIOUSLY sent it you. I'm sorry I have to be all cryptic, but PLEASE send in!!! I promise it'll be worth it.
Xxxxxx Sav
You know Sav is in marketing at Dirty Hit, one of the most prominent indie labels in the country. You have no idea how she could possibly have an acting job for you. It’s not exactly often you see bands preforming with actors alongside them. But at this point, you’ll take anything. You’ve been filming auditions non-stop for almost 2 years now, constantly pestering your useless agent for more auditions. You’ve read side after side of spots on long-running serials, shitty student films, and cheeseball commercials. But all you’ve managed to book is a series of insurance commercials, the residuals of which are the only thing keeping you in your flat.
You like screen acting, sure. But you miss the rush of performing for an audience. That unparalleled, indescribable feeling of having an entire audience's attention on you. Holding them within your grasp, and taking them on the emotional journey you put yourself through night after night. The pounding of your heart, the rise and fall of your chest, the grin on your face as you bow at the end. The cheers, the applauses. It's more powerful than any other drug you've tried, any other adrenaline rushes you've chased.
You stare at the email for longer, hovering your cursor over the reply button. It’s Sav’s company. You love and trust her. If she says this is worth it, it has to be something of note, right? You’ve never seen a casting call so vague. They want a 4-6 month time commitment but can’t even tell you who the hell you’d be working with?
You let out a sigh, reading over the email one more time. The residuals from your commercial series have been dying down, and you really need to book something. Who knows, maybe 4-6 months away from home could be fun? The lack of competition you’ll hopefully be facing since it’s only been sent to those in Dirty Hit’s employees' networks should help your chances, too.
“Fuck it.”
You attach your demo reel and headshot, and send it to the email. You let out a sigh and fall back asleep.
You weren’t expecting a response for at least a week, so the email in your inbox the next afternoon as you wash your dishes comes as a surprise.
Good afternoon,
My name is Jamie Oborne, I'm the owner and President here at Dirty Hit. We really loved your demo reel, and would love to meet you in person for a chat to get to know you. Not an audition, so don't worry about preparing anything. I know this sounds a little unconventional, but I promise I can give more details once we are in person. Can you give me your availability in the next week?
Jamie Oborne Founder and Owner, Dirty Hit Records
“Holy shit,” you exclaim loudly. A little too loudly, as it startles your cat Luna who is curled around your ankles. You give Luna an apologetic pat, and head towards your laptop on the couch.
Does this mean you have the role? You’ve never had an audition process like this, where they want to just meet you rather than have another audition. Was that demo reel really enough?
You quickly write up a response, and schedule it to send in 10 minutes. Punctual, but not too hasty.
Hi Jamie!
Thank you for taking the time to review my submission. I'd love to meet with you and the team over at Dirty Hit, I'm available Wed-Fri all day.
You sign off the email and send it over. A laugh escapes you. You don’t even know what this job is, but you have a good feeling about it. You might just finally get a break from the constant rejections, filming take after take of material you can barely bring yourself to read.
The idea of touring as an actor with an artist seems so strange. What kind of show could this possibly be?
You open another tab and search up Dirty Hit. You know Sav works with some of their less popular artists, managing marketing for 5 of them all on her own. Other than that, you haven’t got a clue who this label represents.
You find their website and begin to view the artists, and you recognize some of the names immediately. beabadoobee has been a constant on your playlists for the past few years, and Been Stellar has a song you’ve been really enjoying the past few weeks. But your name is immediately drawn to The 1975.
Your mind immediately flashes back to 2017, your flatmate at the time dragging you to a show of theirs. You remember being in awe of the show, the energy coming off of the lead singer. You found yourself joining all the girls around you screaming for him, clearly already devoted to him. He was electric up on the stage, unable to draw your eyes away from him as he held the crowd's attention. You can’t quite remember why you didn’t start listening to them much after.
You continue to stare at the picture of the band and wonder. Is this who you could be acting for? Dirty Hit doesn’t represent any other artists of their level of fame, and you’ve heard of their boundary-pushing creative endeavours in the past.
Your phone buzzes. Jamie sure does not let an email sit in his inbox for long.
Let's do Thursday at noon. I'll have my assistant send you the details of getting to the office and where to meet.
See you then,
Jamie Oborne Founder and Owner, Dirty Hit Records
You feel like you could cry with relief and excitement. If they are meeting with you, this has to mean they want you for the role, right? Even though you still have no idea what exactly this entails, you have faith that this will be the reprieve from the drought of fulfilling roles you've been experiencing.
You spend the rest of the night listening to The 1975 for the first time in years, dreaming of getting to perform on stage once more.
As you walk into the office, you feel a rush of nerves. You had felt confident the whole morning, knowing that job interviews or anything similar had always been one of your fortes. But as you stepped through the doors, the nerves began to overtake you.
You stop. Take a deep breath. You have got this. You still don't even really know what this is, but you know you want it and need it more than anyone else.
As you walk up the stairs that the secretary at the front desk directed you towards, your breath steadies. You turn the corner and, through a glass window, see a man and a woman sitting on one side of a small conference table.
You enter the room with a natural smile on your face. He introduces himself as Jamie Oborne and the woman beside him as his assistant.
He once again tells you they loved your demo reel, and you can't remember the last time you felt so good about booking a job. You make a joke about the neighbourhood. They both laugh, unforced. You've got this.
He begins to tell you some details about the role, saying he can give you more once you have signed some documents. He says you would be acting alongside the lead singer of one of their acts, and something in your stomach stirs.
He tells you the show was written by the lead singer, as well. He says that he wants to push the audience’s idea of what a concert can be. You're in awe. From the little information they are giving you, you know this show would be good. In your mind see yourself in the future, on stage in front of a crowd again. Acting alongside a blurred image of a band, smiling at an unidentified singer.
The singer. You're about to ask Jamie just which band it is that you'd be performing with when the door of the room opens.
He looks different than he did when you last saw him on stage. His hair has more grey, but you think it suits him. His hair is straighter, sticking up in every direction and pushed off his forehead. He's dressed in a brown sweater and black pinstripe pants. He mumbles an apology for being late and pulls the sunglasses off his face onto his grey-streaked hair. He looks at you and begins to speak.
"I'm Matty."
You smile.
a/n: lmk what you guys think :)
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the-au-thor · 5 months
Bestfriend Blurb #5 | Spencer Reid
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This one's for the beautiful creature who kindly asked me for another blurb and gave me ideas for it. I know is not exactly what you asked for but this is the first part of your request. Hope you can enjoy it!
This is part of a series of blurbs that you can find down below:
Summary: Spencer and Reader are bestfriends who are in love with each other but they don't know it yet. Let's see how they find out.
Words: 1.5 k
Warnings: Go to this link!
"Are you okay?" you asked casually from your seat to Spencer, who was enjoying a glass of iced tonic water with lemon slices and mint. "Want to leave? We can go."
He smiled playfully and shook his head. "Of course not. Enjoy your margaritas, and we can leave when everyone else does."
That night marked the end of your exhibition. A photography magazine even interviewed you, which you found utterly crazy. The whole team attended the gallery, including a couple of other FBI agents and your old friends from college. After the gallery, Penelope and Emily insisted on celebrating at one of their favorite karaoke bars. When you arrived at the bar, Spencer extended his arm in front of you, palm open, asking for the keys to your car and officially declaring himself your designated driver. "You don't like driving," you argued, but he flashed one of his childlike smiles and shook his head, "It's your night, and I know you want to enjoy your margaritas. I'll drive us home."
Spencer's apartment had been infested with mold a couple of months ago, requiring urgent renovations. You couldn't resist pointing out it was due to lack of ventilation and his habit of keeping the curtains constantly closed. His landlord promptly announced that Spencer needed to leave the apartment for him to repair the whole mess before the mold spread to other units. That was the day Spencer became homeless and the day he started calling your home his own. It wasn't strange for him to bring his things to your apartment and take up the guest room. You got used to his quirks, like his clinical cleaning sprees when anxiety hit. Being roommates with Spencer was great, but what you never got used to was the warm and terrifying feeling whenever Spencer called your place "home."
"It's been a very long day," you murmured. "I'll have this last margarita, and then we can go," you promised, relaxing back into your seat, watching Derek and Savannah share a drink while following the music of a song Penelope and Emily were singing—or rather, destroying.
Lizzie, by your side, sipped her gin and tonic with a somewhat strange look. She seemed miles away inside her mind.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
She snapped out of her reverie, momentarily startled.
"If something's bothering you—"
"No" she quickly answered.
"Yes," you insisted confidently.
She furrowed her brow. "No."
"Yes," you retorted, imitating her gaze until she finally rolled her eyes.
"Oh, you're a pain in my ass. I'm just tired; it's been a long night," she admitted, then smiled, nudging your shoulder. "But I'm proud of you; you stepped out of your comfort zone and succeeded."
Your cheeks blushed slightly, but you couldn't deny it. You were happy to have done it, and finally, the photos you had taken over the years saw the light. You took the last sip of your margarita and hopped off your chair with a light skip. Amir and Emma, your old college friends, convinced you to join them for one last song before leaving—a karaoke favorite: "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5, full with choreography.
"That was amazing. It's always so much fun when you guys do that," Spencer exclaimed with a smile as he put on his jacket.
You had introduced Amir and Emma to the team years ago, and they occasionally met up in a bar to catch up and sing. Karaoke had become a tradition, and it wasn't the first time Emma, Amir and you pulled off such a performance you had prepared during your college years.
"It is fun. Maybe we'll convince you to join us someday," Amir replied with a smile, not expecting an immediate response from Spencer. He planted a kiss on each of your cheeks and cradled your face affectionately. "I'm so proud and jealous of you. The exhibition was fantastic. If you weren't doing such a wonderful job at the FBI, I'd try to persuade you to leave it for photography," he said, bidding you farewell and hugging Spencer.
You said your goodbyes, knowing that Emily, Penelope, and Lizzie would stay a bit longer that night. You and Spencer left the bar, facing the cool night as you crossed the street toward your car parked on the edge of an alley.
"Oh no," Spencer whispered, searching for something in his bag before getting into the car.You looked at him, furrowing your brow as he stepped into the passenger seat. "What happened?"
"I left the notebook you gave me at the gallery... do you think we can go get it now?"
You patted the inside pocket of your jacket where the keys to the gallery were, keys you would return tomorrow when picking up the photo frames you left hanging. You nodded, getting into the car.
"With all that eidetic memory, and you forget your notebook at a gallery," you teased, laughing, and then nodded again, making the keys jingle outside your pocket. "Let's go."
"It'll only take a moment," he promised quickly.
You knew how important that notebook was to him. You had given it to him as a kind gesture a few years ago. You didn't know him well then, having recently joined the BAU, and you had made an effort to get along with everyone by giving them a small gift to break the ice. It had worked wonderfully with Spencer. You still didn't know why that little notebook had made him so happy or why it was imperative for him to carry it everywhere, but the thought that he liked it so much pleased you.
"I hate that these things have so many locks," you complained, unlocking the last latch and pushing the door open for Spencer and you to enter the gallery. You turned to the entrance to switch on the lights. "Do you remember where you left it, or do we have to comb through the whole pla—?" Your sentence cut off because suddenly, you were breathless.
The walls were no longer adorned with your photographs (the ones you had left there just two hours ago). You silently took a step forward to scrutinize the first large canvas. You looked at Spencer, who was studying you attentively with a mischievous smile trying to hide.
"What is this?" you asked with an excited smile, not really knowing what to make of the photo that had immortalized the day when everyone decided to go for a long walk and picnic. On the way back, Penelope had twisted her ankle, and you and J.J. had decided to carry her in turns. In the photo, you were holding Pen in your arms, both smiling tiredly at the camera. "Spencer?" you looked at him again, waiting for an answer.
He smiled at you again, this time slightly moved, and took your shoulders to guide you to the next photograph. "You always portray us so we won't forget the good times we spend together," he explained, stopping you in front of a picture where you were painting Henry's face while wearing raccoon ears and having your face covered in makeup. You were sitting in front of him looking concentrated, while the little guy smiled with his eyes closed. "I don't want you to forget that you, too, are worthy of being photographed, and these moments are important."
Moved, you looked at him with teary eyes and turned back to hug him.
"That's why Lizzie was acting strange. She knew," you said when you ended the hug.
Spencer smiled."Yeah"
"Did you come up with this? Only you?" And he nodded "why?"
He furrowed his brow, looking at the photograph and then at you. "I don't know," he honestly admitted. "I just wanted to make you happy."
Your heart skipped so strongly that you couldn't stay near him without doing something foolish.
You looked around, distancing yourself from Spencer to explore the gallery at a safe distance, seeing all those photos he had compiled. Then you answered back.
"Just look at me, Spence," you pointed to the photos. "I'm already happy."
And you were. You were happy with him. For him. You were happy with your work and your friends. Right now, if allowed to exaggerate, you were the happiest person on earth.
You walked a couple more times, remembering those moments with Spencer, laughing at the anecdotes encapsulated in each photo. Occasionally, in silence, you wondered why you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. You were calm, though, as if you had been anesthetized by that emotion you felt when seeing Spencer's surprise. In the silence of the place that accompanied you and Spencer, it would never feel forced or uncomfortable.
Happiness and peace.
On the way home, you carried with you the trunk full of photographs that Spencer had taken the trouble to print and hang in the gallery. You didn't know where to put them in the apartment you shared, but you couldn't leave them lying in the gallery, not with everything they meant to you. They weren't special because you were in them; they were special because they were Spencer's gift, because he had taken them.
You brushed your teeth after taking a bath and changed into a loose and comfortable pajama. You walked down the hall to Spencer's room and tapped on his door gently. When he opened it, he was, like you, with wet hair and ready for bed.
"I just wanted to thank you for today," you murmured, then gave him a broad and honest smile. "It's been the best day I've had in a long time."
Spencer's eyes did that thing they usually did; they smiled, rising with appreciation and something more, a kind of intimacy that cut through the air in your lungs and made you feel dizzy.
"It's nothing," he replied. "I'm glad you liked it," he said, embarrassed.
"Goodnight, Spencer. Tomorrow, I'll make gratitude waffles."
Spencer accepted without hesitation; he couldn't refuse your traditional mountain of waffles with melted chocolate in the middle and small bacon muffins decorating the plate.
"Goodnight," he bid you farewell. "See you in the morning"
You hurried your steps to your room and locked yourself in as if you were escaping something dangerous. Your heart started pounding again.
He was so special, Spence. You just couldn't live without him. He was just....
Panic ran through your veins with adrenaline. You threw yourself onto your bed, typing quickly in your chat with Lizzie.
"I like Spencer."
Three simple words, and three dots that moved hyperactively on Lizzie's side of the chat.
"Okay, good. Now try again." She finally wrote back.
You bit your lips until they hurt.
"I love Spencer."
Another three simple words, but now they were the right ones because just writing them made you feel like a heavy burden had left your body. Your lungs filled with air again, and tears welled up in your eyes without you realizing they had been waiting a long time to be released.
"I mean I'm also in love with him" you clarified.
"Ding, ding, ding!!" She wrote back as you locked the screen and let out a tiny scream.
You stretched out on your bed with this new realization knocking you out, and you looked at the ceiling completely relieved. Many things now made sense, and at the same time, everything looked terrifying. You were in love with your bestfriend. The man who was in his room sharing home with you.
Spencer, on the other hand, stood behind his bedroom door, where he hung the only photograph he decided not to show you in the gallery because it was too accusatory. Derek had taken it when they went for coffee in Utah during a challenging case investigation. Derek waited for them in the table while you and Spencer decided what to order at the counter. You were studying the menu written on a huge blackboard with concentration while Spencer smiled at you, playing with your hair, unbeknownst to you.
That photograph made him think about all the times he had done that without realizing it. He became even more aware that he didn't touch people, but certainly he didn't have that problem with you. He felt vulnerable but also free. And as he looked at the photo with a smile, he wondered why the hell, when you asked why he had bothered to prepare that surprise, he didn't answer that it was because he had recently discovered that he loved you.
He was in love with you.
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blues824 · 1 year
Can we get the TWST dormleaders with an S/O that is a FBI agent for the BAU? I enjoyed reading the one with the Obey Me brothers!
My search history looks like I’m committing every single crime to every single degree. But, this fic is a victory for Yuu/YN/Mc, and you’ll see why.
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Riddle Rosehearts
He is definitely intrigued, since you don’t seem phased by your chosen profession. You’ve been faced with actual serial killers to try and find the motive as to why they did what they did, and you don’t seem to be affected mentally or emotionally.
What freaked him out was during a small date between the two of you in the labyrinth. You both were taking a small break for tea, when you told him that one of the leading reasons for homicide was because the perpetrator had suffered through too much abuse. 
That’s when he realized that he might want to consider therapy, since he is one step away from actually killing someone. After living with his mother for the 17 years of his life, he doesn’t want to risk hurting you because of a psychotic break.
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Leona Kingscholar
He didn’t care at first, until you started digging into the issues within everyone. You told him that jealousy was one of the leading motives for murder, and you tried to make a light-hearted joke about him being one step away from just offing his brother.
Well now he’s really looking at and assessing himself to see if he needs to go to counseling because you were right: he was one step and a psychotic break away from just killing the monarch of the Sunset Savannah because he was tired of being seen as #2.
You give him an overall summary that everyone at NRC already has a motive for committing a serial crime, so now he’s definitely concerned. Mans will stray as far away from anyone (*cough cough* Malleus *cough cough*) since they’re all ticking time bombs.
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Azul Ashengrotto
For someone in your profession, you seem calm. It does make sense, however, since if the person you’re assessing can get under your skin then that wouldn’t be any good. You still terrify him though, since you fly through NRC with ease.
You were unsettling and intimidating to him, even though you were very polite and courteous. It was during a Housewarden meeting where you brought it up to Crowley that he might want to consider investing in a school counselor. Azul was genuinely frightened when you explained that everyone was a pin’s drop away from killing a peer, and the Headmage couldn’t argue against you since you were a professional.
Well, the campus has been more stress-free because they now have the option to talk with a different professional rather than dumping all of their issues on you. Even the sneaky cecaelia himself went to counseling and felt a large burden being lifted off of his shoulders. 
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Kalim Al-Asim
He honestly didn’t know what a BAU agent was until you told him that you basically found the reason why someone committed a federal/serial crime. Then he was very worried about how you survived for this long.
This man would one day ask if you could read his psyche, and he was pleasantly surprised. He was one of the most mentally stable people on campus, but then you told him that Jamil was one step away from going batshit.
Your efforts in trying to establish a system of mental and emotional support paid off, and Kalim took part in funding it. You both made a huge difference and now there is a school counselor at Night Raven College. 
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Vil Schoenheit
He’s only heard of the occupation through films, so as he does your makeup he will ask you more questions about it since movies don’t always get it right. This man’s eyes went wide when you told him how you had to sit with federal criminals and try and evaluate them to determine their motives.
So, what you were saying is that you constantly put yourself in danger by sitting with criminals who could attack you at any point? Oh, no. This wouldn’t do at all. All he can say is that he’s glad you’re here and not risking yourself for your job (don’t let him hear about the field operations of the FBI).
Then, you made the mistake of telling him that since he’s constantly jealous of Neige, he’s only a few steps away from just ending either himself or the Snow White look-alike. He’ll be right back, he’s booking a therapy session right now.
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Idia Shroud
He’s also only heard of your job through movies, so when he gets more comfortable around you he is asking questions left and right. Instead of being appalled, he’s intrigued as to the most common motives that you’ve seen.
Mans could listen to you until his ears bleed. Idia comes from a family that studies blot, which is accumulated through strong emotions. So, aside from the obvious, the jobs you two had were more similar than one would think.
This man also supported you in getting Crowley to establish a system of support for the students, but he didn’t help financially. He helped by making a threat to the old crow and told him that if he didn’t, he would use his family’s influence to link the bird not hiring a school counselor to the overblots.
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Malleus Draconia
He didn’t know anything about your job until you brought it up during one of your nightly walks. He tried to keep calm as you told him that you were constantly put up against federal criminals to try and find the motive behind their crimes, but it was taking all of his willpower.
The Prince found it interesting, sure, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of your mental or even physical health. He was angry that your employers would put all of this responsibility on you, but you assured that the more dangerous people were put in a straight jacket. That totally made him feel better.
You teach him about the power that emotional support can have, and he helps establish a system at NRC. Since he is one of the five most powerful mages, Crowley couldn’t exactly refuse. He can see the difference that you made, and he congratulates you by giving you a rose on one of your walks.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: actor Steve??? Singer Eddie at the grammy's??? Eddie's band winning a Grammy & Eddie proposing to Steve accidentally in his speech???? & Steve crying and nodding yes but he is in tears & can't stand up??? Ok but then at the Oscars Steve actually proposes on stage because he had broken his leg & Eddie helped him on stage. But his proposal is the same as Eddie's because he also asks during his speech & Eddie cries and they get engaged again ❤️❤️❤️❤️
BABYYYYYY!!! NOT ONE, BUT TWO MARRIAGE PROPOSALS?! YES! PLEASE! I love the idea of Steve being prepared to propose to Eddie, has a whole plan, and then Eddie gets so emotional when he wins a Grammy that he does it before Steve gets a chance. Steve CANNOT be outdone, so obviously he does it too. We love love! - Mickala ❤️
Somehow, against every odd, Eddie Munson made it.
Corroded Coffin, through hard work and a pinch of luck, were nominated for a Grammy.
They’d spent years climbing their way to the top (hard work) and finally got signed to a huge record deal when an agent saw them opening for a metal band at a festival (pinch of luck).
Their first album broke records in ways that hadn’t been seen since Metallica stepped onto the scene.
Their first tour sold out in minutes.
Their second album had a lot of hype to live up to, and according to the Grammy nomination, it far surpassed the expectations.
He hated that Steve couldn’t walk the carpet with him, but he was happy he was waiting inside with all the significant others of the band.
Probably already drinking wine and champagne. Maybe even shots.
Dammit, Eddie hated walking the carpet.
Steve was a fun drunk, but he was even more fun when he’d only had a couple. His filter shut off, but he wasn’t quite at the point of bitchy. He was silly.
Steve was rarely silly.
Fun, funny, happy.
But never really silly.
Not like Eddie was.
But after a couple drinks? Downright clownish.
Eddie tried to rush through the remaining interviews, and the guys could tell, throwing him shocked looks. Eddie loved the spotlight, so it probably was a little shocking.
When they got inside, they were stopped by just about everyone who lived on planet Earth.
Eddie was ready to grab Steve and run.
Fuck the Grammy.
But he couldn’t do that. This was a possibly once in a lifetime thing. Wayne was watching at home even though he “doesn’t have time to watch those stupid awards.”
If they did win, Eddie had to give a speech, they had to go to afterparties, he had to fuck Steve against the window in their hotel room.
He shook his head, trying to clear it of any of those thoughts. Now wasn’t the time.
He walked into the main room, suddenly overwhelmed by the crowd and the vast expanse of tables and seating and stage area in front of him.
He caught a glimpse of Steve at a table not too far away, laughing at something Jeff’s wife, Amy, was saying. She’d almost skipped tonight, her pregnancy far enough along that getting all dressed up didn’t sound remotely appealing. But then she’d heard Steve was going, and she’d called her sister to alter her dress immediately.
Gareth’s fiancé, Sam, was sitting away from everyone, still not sure of her place in the group. They’d had a bit of a whirlwind romance, and Eddie would be more worried if Sam wasn’t completely head over heels in love with Gareth in high school first. But she’d only just met everyone a month ago, and this was the first public event she attended with everyone. She was visibly nervous.
Grant’s wife, Savannah, was clearly trying to make conversation with everyone.
And Eddie knew that Steve and Amy weren’t purposefully making it harder, but they certainly weren’t making things easy for her.
They were laughing so much, he couldn’t even be sure they were laughing at something.
He sidled up to Steve’s side, plopping down in the empty chair to his right.
“Eddie! Amy’s here!” Steve smacked his arm excitedly.
He was at least three wines in.
“I see that, sweetheart. Hi, Amy.”
“Hey, Eddie. He’s drinking for two,” Amy smiled fondly as Steve took another sip of wine.
“And she’s eating for two!” Steve said as he reached out to touch her belly. “I can’t believe I don’t get to have your babies, Eds.”
Eddie snorted. Amy let out a loud laugh.
“I’m sure we can give it our best shot later tonight,” Eddie whispered in his ear, smirking to himself when he saw Steve shiver.
They all continued chatting, occasionally getting interrupted by guests: producers, musicians, agents, even some kids who were big fans.
When the show started, Steve was drifting. He’d had maybe one too many, and he’d reached the sleepy part of wine drunk a lot sooner than he should’ve. Maybe because he barely slept last night. Maybe because Eddie fucked him in the shower and the couch and the bed, and then woke him up early to fuck him on the counter before he had to leave for an interview with Good Morning America. He was tired.
Eddie was tired too, but he was used to a lot of late nights and early mornings over the last couple of years.
Plus, he was running on so much adrenaline at the thought of winning a Grammy, he was pretty sure he could stay awake for another 12 hours.
Steve’s head rested against Eddie’s shoulder, his hand entangled in Eddie’s.
For seven years, Steve’s been his biggest fan, his person, his everything.
And for three years before that, he was his best friend.
He was there at grungy bars, outdoor festivals in rain or shine, that one fundraising event at the mall that was a total disaster. He was front row at their first opening gig for a Midwest metal band, and front row at their opening gig for Ghost. He was backstage for their first headlining tour, in the studio when they recorded their first and second albums, and on the tour bus when he could miss work.
It only made sense that he was here for this.
He wanted him here for everything.
This wasn’t the first time he’d thought that, probably not even the hundredth. He’d wanted to marry Steve for years.
But Steve was focused on building his own career, and Eddie insisted that he do what he wanted to do no matter what Eddie did with his career.
It meant a lot of time apart, a lot of FaceTiming at weird hours of the day or night because it’s the only time their schedules would sync up, a lot of missing each other.
But they believed in their relationship the same way they believed in each other, and they kept making it work.
He had a ring. He bought it years ago. Wayne had it so Steve wouldn’t find it, but they’d already planned on him taking it with him on his next stop in Hawkins.
He let himself relax a bit. Had a glass of wine, then champagne, and a beer. Their category was almost the last of the night, so they were able to relax for a while.
Steve knew a lot of people in the industry because of his acting career, but he’d made it very clear tonight was about Eddie to anyone who tried to talk to him.
The night was long, longer than Eddie could really handle.
His nerves were through the roof and Steve had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
When their category was announced, Eddie nudged him awake gently.
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m either about to be a Grammy winner or get a lot of great sympathy sex from you,” Eddie whispered in his ear as a camera guy settled in front of their table to get their reactions.
Steve was suddenly wide awake, the realization that this could be one of the biggest moments of their lives making him grip Eddie’s hand like a lifeline.
“And the winner for Best Metal Album is…” the announcer paused for dramatic effect. “Corroded Coffin with Reanimate!”
The whole room was cheering, but their table was going wild.
Steve jumped up the moment they said Corroded Coffin, jumping up and down and pulling Eddie up on his feet.
The next minute was a blur as they made their way to the stage, his boys surrounding him and clapping each other on the back excitedly.
They’d all worked hard for this, dealt with endless bullying in high school because their music was different, fought through the struggle of trying to appease bar owners and small town festival organizers with “softer” music so they could get in front of the right people. They spent thousands of dollars they realistically didn’t have to travel to places where metal was more welcome.
They had to take out personal loans to get studio time to record a demo and send it in to every record company they could think of.
Steve gave them 25% of his inheritance to buy their first tour bus because “it’s a good investment, and it’ll save money on hotels and eating out.”
When they got to the stage, Eddie realized that he’d have to speak.
He’d kind of prepared a speech, but he also didn’t want to get his hopes up too much so he’d just let it go.
“Uh, wow. Okay. Thank you guys so much!” He started. He could just barely see the faces of everyone at their table, but Steve’s beaming smile was enough. “I didn’t prepare much other than that because I just didn’t think we would win. I know we’re talented and we work hard, but this is the biggest award you can win in the music industry and we still have a long way to go to really feel like we can even be in the same room as most of these talented musicians.”
He was killing it!
“I need to thank these guys up here with me, all the guys who work with us in the studio, everyone who makes tour possible, my Uncle Wayne, who probably is crying but won’t admit it when I talk to him later.” Everyone laughed. “But I have to thank Steve more than anything. I think the guys would agree he’s been the guy there for us through everything. He’s not just my boyfriend, he’s our first and biggest fan. Sorry to all the wives and future wife at our table.” More laughter. “I don’t know where we’d be without him, but I really don’t think I’d be who I am if not for the way he loves me, the way he’s always loved me. Even when it’s hard, even when we go months without being able to see each other, we find ways to make us work. We keep doing the damn thing even when the damn thing is hard. I didn’t plan to do this tonight, and Wayne is gonna kill me, but Stevie, sweetheart, I can’t go another day without knowing. Will you marry me?”
The room erupted into cheers, the guys on stage jumping up and down. He saw the camera guy zooming in on Steve’s reaction as they broadcast it on a screen by the stage.
But Eddie didn’t need the screen. He could see the tears streaming down Steve’s face as he cried, his smile bigger than life as he nodded.
“He said yes!” Jeff yelled.
The crowd cheered louder as Eddie handed the Grammy award to Gareth and ran down the stairs back to his table.
Steve jumped into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist.
Eddie’s hands immediately went to his thighs to support him, and Steve’s hands cupped his face.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” Steve sobbed out.
“I can’t believe I haven’t done it earlier,” Eddie responded.
They kissed in front of the hundreds of people here and the possibly millions watching at home.
It was one of the best kisses they’d ever shared. The room around them went quiet, at least to them, as their lips moved against each other passionately, but with a gentleness they rarely had with each other anymore.
They pulled apart after a few more seconds, foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath.
Eddie gently let Steve down, using his thumbs to wipe away some of his tears and giving him a beaming smile.
“Wayne’s got the ring. I have a feeling he’ll be making us come for a visit very soon so I’ll put it on you then,” Eddie whispered.
The rest of the band had trickled back to the table to collect him for post-win interviews backstage, but he couldn’t go without one more kiss.
Steve gave it willingly, always giving love in whatever way he could.
“Okay, I gotta go answer some questions. We’ll be quick,” he said with one more kiss to Steve’s forehead.
“Love you. So proud of you,” Steve said as he pulled away.
“Love you so much!”
Steve’s engagement ring glistened in the spotlight hitting their table at the Oscars.
The Oscars.
Steve Harrington, almost Munson, was sitting at the Oscars because he was nominated for two awards: Best Actor in a Drama and Best Actor in a Comedy.
Eddie was sitting next to him, somehow more nervous here than he was at the Grammys.
His leg hadn’t stopped bouncing up and down since they sat down 20 minutes ago. The other people at the table were luckily good friends and didn’t think anything of his anxiety.
Eddie never got nervous before shows, or interviews, or photoshoots, or even his award shows. But when it came to Steve, he was a nervous wreck.
Before auditions, before appearances, before red carpets. He was on edge whether he was with him or not.
Tonight was no different.
They’d had incredibly busy schedules after the Grammys, only seeing each once over the last three months. But Eddie had told his manager nearly six months ago that he would not miss this for any reason, that Steve supported him at all of his big events, and he wasn’t going to ask permission to support his fiance, he just was.
Except it turned into more of Steve supporting him as the night wore on, the realization that Steve could very well win both categories keeping Eddie strung out.
It was actually a little cute.
The comedy category was first, and he had tough competition. Anytime you’re going against people like Jonah Hill and the people at Disney you have to be ready to lose.
And he did lose. Well, Eddie kept saying “it’s not a loss, it’s just not a win”, which was really the same thing.
But Steve wasn’t as upset as he expected to be. Comedy wasn’t really his forte, he’d only done a handful of comedy movies and shows over the last few years, and none of them were major roles.
It was the drama he cared about.
He’d put his heart and soul into this film. It was regarded as the breakthrough queer film of the year, up for enough awards tonight to be considered an Oscar Sweep.
He never would have gotten here if not for the man next to him, so he could handle his nerves easily.
“Drama is next,” Eddie breathed out, his hand squeezing Steve’s knee.
“I know, baby.”
“What if you win? Oh my god, what if you don’t? No, no. You’ll win. This is your best work. Seriously, don’t know why I would ever think you wouldn’t.”
Steve smirked as the announcer started saying all the nominees’ names.
The camera focused on him was probably capturing a lot of Eddie’s mumbling under his breath, but luckily they weren’t mic’d up so it would be easy to explain away.
“The winner for Best Actor in a Drama…Steve Harrington!”
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Steve I can’t feel my legs, I can’t feel them. Or my arms. I think I might black out, oh my god,” Eddie immediately turned to him with tears in his eyes.
“Baby, I need you to help me on stage. My leg’s broken, remember?”
And that was a pain in the ass. His last role required some stunts and Steve was an idiot and insisted on trying one for himself. It didn’t go well and he’s lucky it was just a broken leg.
Steve kissed Eddie’s lips softly, quickly, to get him to focus.
“Right! Okay,” Eddie stood up and held his arm out for Steve, who was using a single crutch to get around this evening instead of two. “Off we go!”
Steve giggled, and nodded at people clapping as they passed them on their way to the stage. Eddie was so busy looking ahead, trying to get him to the final destination safely, he missed the announcer making a joke about Steve earning the drama award by breaking his leg.
When they got on stage, Steve stood at the mic while Eddie stood at the side of the stage. He was crying, much like Steve had when he got his Grammy award.
“Sorry for taking my sweet time. As you can see, I thought I was able to do what stunt actors do and forgot that they’re actually very in shape and talented.” The room laughed. “Hey, no laughing, I didn’t win in comedy.” More laughter, louder this time. “I have to thank everyone who worked on this film; It’s truly one of those films that will continue to change lives. It was the most difficult job I have ever had, and I am so grateful for everyone who gave me the chance to prove that I could do it. I’d like to thank all my kiddos, who aren’t kiddos anymore, for all yelling at me in the group chat when I almost turned this down because I didn’t think I could do it. My agent, who goes through a lot of amazing opportunities but always manages to find the perfect one.” Steve looked over at Eddie and let himself finally tear up a little. “And Eddie. Can’t forget that guy. My support, literally.” He saw Eddie snort out a laugh between his tears. “Would not be standing here without him and not just because he had to walk me up here. Every time I thought about giving up, he made me go to one more audition or read one more script. Every time I’ve not gotten an offer I really wanted, he’s been there to remind me that there’s something better coming along. Like this one. I’d been turned down for a show I really wanted the same day I sent in the audition tapes for this role. I cried for hours on the phone with Eddie and he told me, I’ll never forget his exact words, ‘You’re meant for better and better will find you.’ And it did. But the best is you, baby. You’re the better that is at the beginning and end of all my days. I could never work again and I’d still be the happiest guy in the world because you’re mine and you want me just as much as I want you. Eight years ago, I was closeted, telling myself that the way I felt when my best friend hugged me was just because he was my best friend. Now, I’m winning an Oscar for playing a queer man in a deeply moving film about finding love for yourself even when love from others isn’t an option. I’m marrying you, that best friend who probably knew exactly what he was doing when he hugged me. And I know I’m wearing your engagement ring, and we’ve already set a date and picked the cake, but I feel like I should ask. Eddie, you’re the only one who gets me at my best, and you also get me at my worst and still love me anyway. Will you marry me?”
He watched as Eddie’s brain ran through a million options at once, finally settling on joining him at the microphone.
He pulled him against his chest, hand against the back of his head.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes, it’s a yes. Fuck, yes,” Eddie sobbed out.
The crowd was cheering, and the cameras were circling around the stage getting every angle of the moment that they could.
“Next time you’re on this stage accepting an award, you’ll be Steve Munson,” Eddie teased.
“It’s got a nice ring to it,” Steve said against his shoulder.
They pulled apart enough to kiss, much like they did at the Grammys: soft, passionate, but slow.
“Do you have a secret ring hiding at Wayne’s too?”
“No, no ring. Just wanted to show the world I love you as much as you love me.”
“Oh, so it’s to show off. Got it,” Eddie poked him in the side, smirking when he laughed. “Get your trophy before they kick us off the stage.”
Steve grabbed his award, waved to the crowd with one final thank you, and let Eddie help him off the stage.
They were getting married in three months, honeymooning in four. They’d just bought their first house together, spent the last seven years renting apartments wherever life took them. They started talking about taking a break after Corroded Coffin’s next tour and Steve’s next movie so they could start a family.
They had so much to look forward to.
But most importantly, they had the backseat of a limo entirely to themselves on the way back to the hotel.
If they left a $500 tip for cleaning after, it was their business.
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unholy-reids · 9 months
Don't Give Up On Me.
Summary: Hotch is late again, and you've had enough, He properly reminds you why you should stay. [Pairing: Fem!ReaderxAaron Hotchner] Warning: 18+ Smut, Cursing, Fluff. WC: 2.5k
A/N: This was inspired by a prompt I found by @criminalmindswriting thanks so much for the inspo! <3 Also I apologize if I butcher Hotch, this is my first time writing him to the best of my ability. Enjoy!
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You sighed, looking at your watch, it was two in the morning. You’d been waiting all evening, planning for tonight, making things right around the house, you even cooked his favorite dinner, set aside his favorite robe and the DVD player had his favorite movie on standby, it was supposed to be just the two of you, but again, his wife—the BAU hauled him off as if he was the Captain America of the world. You always understood his job, you knew what Quantico meant to him, and the degree of importance he held for his position as senior chief, what you didn’t understand was how other staff came home at a decent hour, Rossi was home with his French diplomat, JJ was home with Will and her boys, Derek was home with Savannah, Reid was home with his books and Garcia was probably devouring the interwebs,  yet Aaron had to be the last to leave a case.
Staring out your window you watched the rain draw droplet patterns against the glass, glancing at the empty driveway with just your car you knit your brows together his SUV should be there too, you should be enjoying the orgasms Aaron were to give you had he come home on time, letting the curtain go and hugging yourself, you remembered how much you loved fall in Virginia, the fluffy cardigan Aaron had gotten for you on your birthday, wrapped around you like the hugs he used to give you in the mornings, fall nowadays felt like winter due to Hotch’s absence, you headed to your room and left the dinner covered on the table, not before snuffing out the candles you so carefully picked out, how could he have forgotten—yet again? 
You knew what you signed up for, but this was just ridiculous, a tear left your eye without warning, swiping it away you laid in bed, curling up into yourself, the silence inside the house was deafening, pretty soon that single tear turned into a full crying fest, you hugged your pillow to drown out the screams you were placing in it, your thoughts weren’t any better, the desire to have normal worries about the man you loved was strong, you’d rather know he was at a bar with friends, instead of taking on caseload after caseload that further drifted him from you, tonight was a chance to bring you together after months of seeing him leave, after days of him bringing the work home with him, and waking up to him gone to yet another case, the thought of having an agent at your door at any moment, to inform you that the love of your life had died in the line of duty instead of being stuck in traffic was heavy on your chest. Normal shit.
Your tears and screams subsided, and you managed to calm the anxiety attack that was threatening to knock at your door, you’d finally decided it was enough, wiping your face from the rest of your tears you packed a bag to leave for the night, you didn’t care where, Aaron Hotchner’s face was the last thing you wanted to see tonight, not after this, making your way to the kitchen to make yourself some tea, being that it always calmed you down, that’s when you heard the locks click open, the alarm being disabled and enabled again, and you saw the lights from the foyer come on, you were familiar with the thud his briefcase made when he left it on the floor beside his shoes, and you recognized the sigh, Aaron always let go of once he realized he was home with you, the way your heart thumped in your chest was undeniable, the way you loved this man was unreal, it was hard not to run into his arms and forgive him for absolutely everything. 
“Fuck,” You heard him mutter—he’d seen the table setup, and his keys clinked next to the empty wine glasses, his footsteps slowly made it into the kitchen where you stood with your favorite mug in hand, once he laid eyes on you his eyes closed in shame and hurt. “Honey, I’m sorry,” He came toward you but you raised your hand, taking it off the mug. “Aaron, don’t…” You stopped him, drinking your tea and slipping past him into the living room, the rain picked up, now sending crazy loud patterns against the glass windows, the living room was dim. 
“I should’ve called,” You heard him say softly from the kitchen as his steps were right behind you, “You should’ve called, but you didn’t, you could’ve… But you never do Aaron.” He looked down at you, his height towering over your small frame. “I’m sorry doesn’t cut it anymore, I can’t do this.” Your voice broke, and he held you finally, taking the mug from your hands and setting it down on the coffee table. “My job isn’t the most accommodating—” You cut him off before he continued. “No Hotch, you don’t accommodate me around your job, there’s a difference, I bet your entire team is home, while you stay behind looking for God knows what! Who are you trying to save?” The tears started to fall and Aaron’s face was filled with hurt. “Y/n…” He couldn’t bare to see you cry, it broke him worse than any case he’d tackled before. “I’m trying to make the world a better place, and that includes you, y/n…” 
Your shoulders dropped, you felt defeated, yet not surprised that this was perfectly rational for him. “The world can’t be a better place, when the man I love is never here,” you tightened your lips and shook your head, this was too much, the room was spinning. “And I’m sorry I’m never here, but you knew how it was going to be, why did you think it would change?” His tone was stern, he was still very much in section chief mode, this hurt even more. “You know what Aaron, you’re right, I should’ve known this was who you are and that this was never going to change, I just wish you would’ve kept me as the woman you fucked, instead of the woman you’re now engaged to,” Sliding off your ring you dropped it on the coffee table, storming back to the bag you’d already packed. “I’ll be back for the rest of my stuff, I wish you and the BAU eternal happiness.” The last thing you saw as you grabbed your keys was Aaron with his hand on his waist, and a surprised look on his face, pressing the alarm on your car you threw the bag in the back seat, you were dripping wet in seconds, and just as you unlocked your door to step inside strong hands grabbed your arm, the same arms turned you around to face him, his hair sopped as he looked down at you. 
“Don’t you give up on me now; we’ve come too far and I love you way too much to lose you now.” You tried to give your best rebuttal, but his lips crashed onto yours and you knew you were done for, pretty soon, your legs were around his waist and he closed the door to your car taking you back inside, sure, you were both dripping wet and the wooden floors would pay the price, but you didn’t care, once inside the house, Aaron slammed you gently against the wall, his large hands touching everything, the sounds of wet clothing dropping on the floor, his soft groans and your heaving breath invaded the foyer. “Room, room.” You instructed, but Aaron didn’t listen. “Not tonight honey,” He ripped you away from the wall, you were both down to your underwear, his magical fingers undid your bra single-handedly, something you always found impressive as men never knew how to work a bra.
Cupping your right breast, and using his thumb and index finger to pinch your nipples slightly rolling said fingers back and forth, his mouth left yours, attacking the free breast, biting, sucking and licking your nipple until you moaned out loud, it made him smile mischievously while your nipple was in his mouth, letting it go with a soft pop, his hands tangled on the waistline of your panties, he maintained eye contact as he lowered them slightly and leaving you halfway exposed to him. Looking down at him you realized his eyes never left you, in fact it seemed he was worshipping you, your body heat, your shaky breath whenever he touched one of your spots. 
Hooking his finger around your panties but he didn’t take them off yet, instead he kissed your mound, again in the same worshipping fashion, taking in your scent he finally made the thin fabric drop, his hands sliding up your body, between your breasts, without a second thought his index and middle finger were in your mouth, once you suckled enough, Aaron brought them back down and spread your folds, a slight breath of satisfaction left him when he saw how wet you already were for him, keeping his eyes on you he licked a flat strip up your slit, the taste of you driving him to spread your legs wider, hooking his arms around your legs so you didn’t get a chance to slip away, instead he pulled you closer to his mouth causing you to moan his name out loud. “Mhmm.” He moaned as he flicked his tongue on your clit, sucking it delicately, until your orgasm made your back arch up off the couch, kneeling before you and making sure you were now dripping for him, Aaron slid himself inside you, teasing with just the tip, when you closed your eyes he almost growled. “Keep your eyes on me baby.” 
He felt so good, it was so difficult to let your eyes stay open, but the tease in him would pull out his cock just enough whenever you did close your eyes, the smile of satisfaction knowing he was pushing you over the edge really got him off, the last time you closed your eyes, he allowed himself inside you with his full length, his thickness stretching you out. “Aaron, fuck oh my go—” Was all you managed to spit out as he began to dig for your G-spot, his hips moving sensually, he rested his weight on you, hugging you tightly as he made love to and ravished your body at the same time, both your moans and his grunts filled the living room, nothing else mattered, no unsubs, no phone calls, just you and Aaron, making love as the rainstorm outside continued. 
Wrapping your legs around him to keep him there, a small action that made him chuckle. “You don’t want me pulling it out do you?” You shook your head no, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately as your body received the pleasure of having him inside you. “Come for me, y/n.” He orders, knowing you’re close, the pleasure is so intense you can’t utter a single word, only moaning and “Right there’s” fill the room, his experienced hand finds its way to your clit, where he starts rubbing and slamming into you at the same time. “You’re so wet for me, y/n, now I need you to come for me, can you do that baby?”  His voice is like honey, as his hands circle your clit, getting you closer. “Oh my God, yes, yes, yes, I’m coming!” Your yeses fire in rapid succession as Hotch’s hips pick up speed as well as the fingers on your clit, he can feel your pussy clenching around his cock, and the perfectly shaped O your mouth is currently in lets him know you’re there, right over the edge, making him want to go over with you, “Fuck, y/n I’m coming!” He groaned, filling you up with his warm cum, and that was just the first round, despite the mess you both left on the couch, Aaron carried you to the bedroom, where round two ensued. 
It was now daybreak and Aaron was already up, he’d made coffee and picked up the wet clothing from the floor setting them in the laundry, thankful that the wooden floors were intact, he was now standing in the doorway, admiring your naked form under the blankets, he hadn’t watched you sleep this peacefully in months it would’ve been a sin to wake you, but his phone rang and he quickly ran to find it before you woke up, he took the call in the kitchen, the team was in desperate need of his help, Aaron traveled back to the room ensuring you were asleep, while Spencer quickly briefed him on the current sick bastard the team was hunting down. “From what I understand, if you’re trying to get anything out of him, you have to praise him, he’s the dominant and thinks he deserves it.” You heard him say on the phone, “I have to go, y/n needs me more than you guys do, you’ll survive a couple of cases without me, if the going gets too tough just push it to Strauss, I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to go into the field.
“A couple of cases?” You asked causing him to turn around and take you in as you were wrapped in the sheets. “Were you eavesdropping on my conversation?” He came closer to you, tugging your head back gently and placing a tender kiss on your lips, your hands reached out to grab his mug instead. “After last night you don’t need caffeine, you need to hydrate…” He looked at you, placing another kiss on your lips and replacing his mug with a fresh bottle of water. “And yes, I said a couple of cases, I’m staying home with you for a few weeks, I have to make up for upsetting you, the vacation will come in handy, we can go anywhere you want, y/n.” His eyes softened as he grabbed your engagement ring and placed it back where it belonged. “I believe this is yours, don’t ever take it off again.” With a nod you looked down at the simple yet sophisticated ring on your finger as you looked back up at him. “I love you.”  You muttered, but he heard it clearly, pressing a kiss to your forehead, he left you standing in the kitchen, you watched him put away his briefcase, and shutting off his phone, the surprise on your face made him give you another kiss, he grabbed his laptop. “Now what was that Airbnb in Maine you wanted to go to last month?” He asked as you excitedly sat next to him on the couch still wrapped up in the sheets.
The words he said yesterday rang in your head and you looked at Aaron, as he enthusiastically typed in the name of the getaway you planned a month ago, he remembered…  Your serious, sweet, no nonsense Aaron, made you remember why he was the love of your life…
“Don’t you give up on me now; we’ve come too far and I love you way too much to lose you now.” 
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samtheacesheep · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Milo Murphy's Law Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Balthazar Cavendish/Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase & Milo Murphy & Zack Underwood, Melissa Chase & Milo Murphy, Milo Murphy & Zack Underwood, Vinnie Dakota & Milo Murphy, Balthazar Cavendish & Milo Murphy Characters: Milo Murphy, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Savannah (Milo Murphy's Law), Brick (Milo Murphy's Law) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Epithet Erased Fusion, Alternate Universe - Epithet Erased Setting, Action/Adventure, Comedy Summary:
In the world of Danville City a lucky few are born with powers attached to their very souls known as "Epithets". An Epithet stems from a single word that can grant its user any kind of power. Words like "Protect", "Capture"... or "Steam". A magical artifact known as the "Arsene Amulet" is rumoured to be able to steal an epithet from a person, and they say it’s hidden somewhere in the Danville Museum... Thieves burst down the doors in the middle of the night! Inscribed warriors do battle in the dark of the abandoned exhibits! Dinosaur bones come toppling to the floor!
And trapped in the middle of it all are Milo Murphy and his friends. They must survive and escape, but around Milo anything that can go wrong… will! So will they be able to escape from the criminals, or will their epithets be erased?
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chirpingfromthebox · 3 days
The status of PWHL New York's roster after the draft
The Draftees:
Emmy Fecteau - F
Sarah Fillier - F
Elle Hartje - F
Gabby Rosenthal - F
Noora Tulus - F
Maja Nylén Persson - D
Allyson Simpson - D
Kayle Osborne - G
Under Contract:
Chloe Aurard - F
Alex Carpenter - F
Jade Downie-Landry - F
Jessie Eldridge - F
Abby Roque - F
Jill Saulnier - F
Jaime Bourbonnais - D
Ella Shelton - D
Micah Zandee-Hart - D
Corinne Schroeder - G
Currently Free Agents:
Alexandra Labelle - F
Paetyn Levis - F
Savannah Norcross - F
Madison Packer - F
Kayla Vespa - F
Emma Woods - F
Taylor Baker - D
Johanna Fallman - D
Oliva Zafuto - D
Abbey Levy - G
Lindsey Post - G
Total players you can have on your roster (not counting reserves): 23
Those currently under contract + the draftees = 18
Available spots left: 5
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Sell a house fast Savannah - McIntosh Realty
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sinfulspencer · 2 years
Double espresso.
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Prompt: Derek notices Spencer has a crush on the bartender at the local coffee shop, so he does his best to play match-maker.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Rating: fluff
Warnings: //
Words: 4.2k
A.N.: I had this idea in mind for quite some time. I came out exactly like I wanted to. I hope you like it. x
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“I hate Mondays.”
Spencer takes off his jacket and leaves his leather satchel on the chair. “You know, there are actual physiological factors involving the body’s natural cycle that can explain why Mondays are so rough. Especially for those, like us, who follow traditional Monday-to-Friday workweeks!”
Derek glances at him, picking up the menu of the coffee shop. “I’m pretty sure I hate Mondays because I usually hang out with Savannah and her friends every Sunday night.”
The young doctor turns to his friend, chuckling. “Ah. I bet that’s true. What did you do last night? Did you take them to the cinema?”
“Worse. They were celebrating Savannah’s third year of not being single anymore.” – Derek explains, shaking his head – “I didn’t even know you could celebrate that!”
“The world never stops to amaze me.” – Spencer mumbles, shrugging and glancing at the entrance of the bar – “So, uh, what do you want this morning? Two espresso?”
His colleague furrows his brows, crossing his arms to his chest.
This is the first time Spencer decides, on his own, to order for both of them. It’s quite unusual: the coffee shop is always busy, just like today, and Spencer doesn’t really enjoy crowded spaces – which is exactly the reason why Derek has always asked for his order and got that for him.
It’s not that he wants to go today, because he’s really not in the mood to end up in another crowd of people who are yelling at the three bartenders inside to get their coffees. He’s just curious to know why Spencer has changed his mind.
There must be something in there that has captured his attention, Derek is not stupid – and he’s a profiler. He can read Spencer’s body language pretty well.
“Oh? Are you going to be a waiter today?”
Spencer gives him a nervous smile, glancing again at the entrance of the bar. “You’ve done it for the past two months and three weeks! I thought you could catch a break, you know. Especially after last night.”
Derek crosses his arms to his chest. “Thank you, Reid. Are you sure?”
“Hm, yes!” – exclaims the younger agent, pulling out his wallet from his pocket – “I’ll be right back with your coffee. What was your order again?”
Once Morgan has reminded Spencer that he knows his order pretty well, he sits down on the chair and moves it to the right. He has to be subtle, but he also needs to see what’s going on inside of that coffee shop – Derek might already have an idea about Spencer’s new interest.
It’s not just the new type of coffee branded on the glass of the entrance, which made Spencer already excited. No, there’s also a young girl – probably the same age as him – making coffee and handing out all of those cups.
Derek smirks when he sees Spencer approaching the counter, patiently waiting for his turn while keeping his eyes on the young woman’s face. Derek noticed that bartender as well when he and his colleague started to get their coffee there; he has always thought she’d be the perfect fit for Spencer, because they just... Look nice together.
It wasn’t really a personality-reason, obviously. Morgan never talked to her if not while ordering his and Spencer’s coffee, but she has always been kind and gentle with him. Even while there were at least ten people waiting in line and yelling at her to be quick because they had to go to work.
Spencer is now talking to her, his fingers moving quickly as he explains what he and Derek want for breakfast. The young woman stares at Spencer for a few seconds and then, when he pulls out a nickel from behind her ear, she laughs.
Derek shakes his head.
Spencer is using magic tricks to flirt with her. While she’s working.
He’s lucky there are not many people in line, otherwise she would’ve probably kicked him out.
However, she seems intrigued by Spencer’s actions because she leans forward and looks straight at him with a huge smile on her lips. Derek wonders if Spencer has been rehearsing that magic trick for days, over and over until it’s more than perfect – he probably has, and that’s what makes Derek realise that he has to be the match-maker.
He needs to ask that girl if she’s interested in Spencer, and if she is, he needs to set up some kind of date.
They look too cute together.
Derek is sure Penelope will be more than happy to participate in this plot.
It’s been so long since Spencer has gone on a date. After his disaster with Lila, he has always been alone – Derek knows that a partner is not essential, especially for someone like Spencer who’s already found love in books and psychology and physics.
It would be nice to see Spencer with someone, that’s it.
Derek is going to organize that date and that’s it. If Spencer is interested, he’ll go. If he’s not, he won’t – and neither Derek or Penelope will pressure him into doing something that doesn’t make him comfortable.
They would never.
Spencer heads out of the coffee shop with two cups in his hands and walks back to the table, a satisfied smile on his lips that he immediately hides when Derek stares at him.
“Hey! What has gotten into you today?”
The young doctor puts their orders on the table, clearing his throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Derek chuckles, tilting his head. “Oh, I’m sure you do. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about her, but I saw you.”
Spencer doesn’t say anything, pretending to have not heard a single thing from his colleague. He knows very well that the bartender has a crush on him, just like he has one on her. Spencer is sure that she’s made for him. It’s difficult not to believe so, when his heart flutters every single time he spots her behind the counter smiling to every single customer.
She’s just so endearing to watch, which is why Derek has always ordered for Spencer. Because he loves watching her. He finds it so attractive that she never loses her smile – not even when a client is rude to her, which happens pretty often.
“So you’re not gawking at the cute bartender right now, are you?”
Spencer takes a sip of coffee, immediately looking away. “No.”
“Wow. You need to get better at lying, kid.” – Morgan says, chuckling again – “I don’t blame you, she’s really pretty.”
Spencer tries his best not to get defensive right now, crossing his arms and moving his eyes on his colleague’s face. He’s well aware she’s gorgeous beyond words, everyone can see that, but he’s a bit jealous.
Derek would never flirt with her because he’s married.
“Did you finish your report for Hotch? He’s going to kick your ass if you haven’t.”
Derek notices the shift in the topic and he decides not to pressure him to talk. “Nope, which is why I was hoping you could help me out this morning.”
The conversation isn’t over.
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It’s Thursday morning, four days since Spencer flirted with the bartender and his conversation with Morgan. Spencer made sure not to go to work on Tuesday and Wednesday because he had to go to DC for something he didn’t say, so Derek couldn’t ask any more questions about his situation with the bartender.
Spencer walks beside Derek, going straight to his table outside the coffee shop. He hasn’t said a word since they’ve seen each other, except their usual greeting, and Derek is worried: did something happen to him? Did he fight with somebody at home or in DC? Did he see the bartender with somebody else?
“Hi, good morning Agent Morgan! I’ll be right there! Usual?”
The young bartender waves at him, washing her hands. She had been waiting to see Spencer, but his colleague came in instead – he’s also a beautiful view, she can’t deny that, but she’s more interested in the guy on the other side of the door.
“Hey, good morning. Yes, the usual.”
Spencer is fidgeting with his leather satchel, pulling the strings before twisting them into a knot – and releasing them right after with a sigh. Derek looks at him from where he is, leaning against the counter with his elbow.
“Here it is. Double espresso for Agent Reid, Americano for you.” – the bartender says, catching Derek’s attention – “Is everything alright?”
Derek looks at her, nodding. “Yes. I didn't see you yesterday.”
She immediately blushes, biting her bottom lip. “Oh, yeah. I was... I was with my mother. She came here to visit me for a few days.”
She wasn’t here two days before, just like Spencer.
Derek decides not to read too much into it. “I understand. Well, I wish you a wonderful day. And please, if my colleague comes back tonight, pretend you’re surprised.”
The young bartender lingers for a few seconds in front of the agent, glancing between the doctor sitting outside and his colleague right in front of her. She wants to say something, which is why Derek waits for her to talk, but then she grabs another empty cup of coffee and turns around.
“Thank you for the heads up, Agent Morgan. I will.”
Derek gives her a smile, waving at her colleague before heading out of the coffee shop with his two cups of coffee in his hands. He did his job, now he’s going to wait for Spencer to accept his offer and come back later.
It’s Thursday, so unless they have another case waiting for them at Headquarters, Spencer is free for the whole evening.
The young doctor has a book in his hands, but his eyes are not on the pages – no, they’re gawking at the bartender. Obviously.
“Come on, Reid. Now this is getting weird.” – Derek says, sitting down with him – “Just go inside and ask for her number!”
Spencer widens his eyes, frantically shaking his head. “I can’t do that. She’s working!”
“You performed a magic trick for her while she was working!” his colleague exclaims
That’s true, but he did it only because she asked him to. She overheard him and Morgan talking about magic last week, and she asked Spencer if he knew any magic tricks – obviously he did, and he used one to his advantage.
It was amazing to see her smile just because he made a nickel disappear and reappear from behind her earring. Derek knows that this is Spencer's way of flirting with somebody, and the reaction he got from the girl was self-explanatory. She likes Spencer and Spencer likes her.
What could go wrong? Well, everything if one of them doesn’t make the first move.
“That’s different.” Spencer mumbles
“If you don’t ask for her number, I will. For you.” Morgan tells him
“Would you do that? Really?”
“I’d do anything to make you stop staring at her like some kind of creep. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything about the way you keep staring at her.” – his colleague rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his espresso – “Or you could come here this evening and order your double espresso, with her number.”
Spencer bites his bottom lip, playing with the lid of his cup. “That might be a good idea.”
Derek pats him on the shoulder. “That girl likes you. A lot.”
“Well... We’ll see. I’ll come back this evening.” – the young doctor glances at the woman behind the counter and she waves at him, making him blush – “This is the best coffee shop ever.”
“I wonder why.”
Spencer laughs along with his colleague, still glancing a few times at the young bartender busy with the coffees and the cupcakes she’s making. When their eyes meet, he waves at her - and she smiles.
Spencer feels his heart jump in his chest and immediately looks away, tightening his grip on the book on his thighs. Morgan doesn’t seem to notice that exchange of looks and even if he did, he doesn’t say anything - he doesn’t want to make Spencer uncomfortable.
“What should I tell her?”
Derek raises his brows. “Well, approach her and ask her how her day went.”
“That’d be predictable.” - Spencer mumbles, shrugging - “I don’t want to be predictable.”
“I’m sure she’d appreciate your interest in her day, Reid.” - explains the other agent, taking another sip of coffee - “See how she reacts to your presence here and ask her if she’s busy tonight.”
Derek nods. “Yes, tonight. Are you doing anything tonight?”
“No, but…”
“Then ask her if she’d like to hang out with you after work.”
Spencer huffs loudly, tapping his fingers over the hardcover of the book. “I can’t do that, Morgan, she might think I’m a creep.”
“If you keep looking at her like that, she might.”
“Oh stop it! I’m just… admiring her from afar. I’m not doing anything bad.”
Derek looks at the watch on his wrist, standing up from the chair. “You’re not, but I think she’d appreciate you talking to her. Come on, we need to go to work. My report is not going to write itself.”
Spencer throws the empty cup of coffee in the trash can beside their table and takes another look inside the coffee shop, watching the bartender bend over to pick up a napkin from the floor. When she gets back up and turn around, she sees him standing there with a smile on his face.
The bartender flips him off.
Spencer grins and shakes his head, following his colleague to his car.
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Spencer leans against the wall of the elevator, with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.
He woke up early this morning and instead of waiting for Morgan, he took the metro to get to the coffee shop before his colleague. He came up with an excuse of being late or wanting to go for a walk, and spend at least an hour inside of that coffee shop.
The bartender didn’t have much time to talk to him, but Spencer didn’t mind.
Looking at her and admiring her beauty from afar were more than enough for him, which put a smile on his face for the whole morning.
Spencer gets out of the elevator and instead of being greeted by a smile, he finds Morgan right in front of him with a confused expression on his face. Spencer pretends not to see him and walks straight to his desk, rolling his eyes when the question arrives to his ears.
“Did you ask her out?”
Penelope gasps, hurrying towards Morgan. The loud echo of her heels against the floor make Spencer realise that he’s not going to get to work that easily – especially not if those two are going to pry him with questions about his personal life.
Spencer finds this amusing.
“Who? Who asked who out?”
Spencer rolls his eyes, pulling the strings of his satchel. He just arrived at his desk and his colleagues are already pressuring him to talk about something that has obviously happened. It’s not that Spencer wants to keep it a secret, because that’s not the case, it just... Sometimes he likes to have a little privacy.
“The cute bartender.”
Penelope furrows her brows, puzzled. “What? What cute bartender? Do I know them?”
Spencer sits behind his desk, leaving his phone inside the leather satchel. “Me and Morgan found a coffee shop not too far from here. There’s a young bartender who works there and serves us every single day. I might have mentioned having a crush on her. Now Morgan is not letting it go.”
Derek walks behind him, putting his hands on Spencer’s shoulders. “Ah, ah! That’s not all.”
The young doctor crosses his arms to his chest, allowing his colleague to continue his speech.
“I convinced Lover Boy to ask for her number two days ago, but he hasn’t said anything yet. I’m assuming either she said no, and left him hanging, or she said yes, and he doesn’t want us to ruin anything.”
Penelope widens her eyes, sitting right in front of Spencer’s desk. “Oh! Wait, are you talking about the coffee shop next to the florist? The one with roses on the entrance?”
“Yes, that one!” Derek replies
Emily, who has overheard the whole conversation, turns on her chair. “You have a crush on Y/N!”
Spencer hums, immediately looking up at the sound of her name. “Do you know her?”
“Oh, yes! Of course I do!” – she says, crossing her arms to her chest – “Now that I think about it, she’s perfect for you. She’s obsessed with magic.”
“Do you have a picture of her?” Penelope asks
Emily clicks her tongue, leaning forward on her desk. “No, unfortunately not. I used to go to the old coffee shop she worked in before it closed, she was a sweetheart and very pretty. Always smiling, always running. Just adorable.”
Derek opens his arms. “See? She’s perfect for him! And he doesn’t want to say anything! That’s not fair, I was the match-maker. I need to know if I did my job.”
Spencer looks up, patting Morgan’s hand.
There are so many things he’d say about that bartender, but he’s not going to do that – he loves keeping Morgan on the edge, it’s so funny, considering that he’s the one who basically started the whole thing.
“I don’t want to say anything because there’s nothing to say, besides the fact that she told me you warned her I’d come over in the evening.” – Spencer explains and Morgan holds back a laugh – “That wasn’t very nice. You ruined my perfect plan to approach her.”
“I was trying to push you to make the first move.”
“I understand and I appreciate the help, Derek, but I think I can do it by myself.” – the young doctor says, making Emily and Penelope gasp at the same time – “Also, I’m not going to tell you what happened. I like my privacy.”
Emily laughs, shaking her head. “Yeah, but you love to gossip with me. Can’t we gossip about a girl you want to date?”
Spencer’s nose twitches. “It’s not just a girl I want to date, she’s...”
“Yes? She is what, Reid?” Derek winks, waiting for his friend to say something else
That’s when Spencer stops talking, a smile spreading over his lips. No, he’s not going to spill out anything – it’s not the right time, and definitely not the right place. They all need to get back to work and save lives, not listening to Spencer’s love life.
Even though it’s more interesting.
Penelope pouts, crossing her arms to her chest. “Just tell us if she gave you her number or not!”
Spencer ignores her, turning on his computer and grabbing one of the books on his desk. He’s not going to spill out what really happened, because it’s none of their business – he loves his friends and he’s dying to tell them everything, but they’re going to wait.
Derek gets back to his desk, keeping his eyes on Spencer the whole time.
“Hey Reid, we’re planning on going out for a drink this weekend. Are you going to join us?” JJ asks, having no idea about the conversation that just happened
Spencer looks up at her, giving her a smile. “Yes. I’d love to join you.”
“Wonderful! First round is on Derek because he didn’t bring us doughnuts today.” – Penelope exclaims, following JJ to her desk – “Hey, talk to Spencer and ask him if he asked a bartender for her number.”
JJ raises her brows, turning to Spencer. “Oh? I didn’t know you were...”
“Penelope! I can hear you, you know.” Spencer mumbles, a shadow of a smile appearing on his lips
“Sorry! I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.” – Penelope answers, tilting her head – “JJ, if you find something out, please tell me.”
Spencer can’t help, but laugh at his colleague’s behaviour.
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“Where’s Spencer?”
“He’s a bit late. He was stuck in traffic.” – JJ chimes in, looking at the text he sent her – “He should be here in a couple of minutes.”
“Alright, alright.” – Derek says, leaning against the counter – “We’ll wait for him, even though I don’t think he’s going to drink.”
Penelope hums, crossing her legs underneath the table. “Just order the usual for him.”
David and Aaron couldn’t make it tonight, but the rest of the youth decided to hang out anyway to blow out the steam of the week. Even though they didn’t work on any particular case, sometimes it’s just to spend some time with your co-workers and enjoy a drink or two.
Will and Savannah come back inside the bar, after calling the babysitter that has to keep an eye on Michael, Henry and Hank. Derek promised Savannah he wouldn’t get drunk just like what happened on Sunday, but it’s obvious he’s not going to reject a drink or two with his friends.
Emily already has a glass of red wine, Penelope a glass of white.
“Hey! You didn’t wait for us!” JJ exclaims, leaning against her husband
“We were thirsty! And I need to be drunk for the karaoke session with Penelope. There’s no way in Hell I’m gonna get up there sober..” – Emily explains, lifting her glass before turning around towards the entrance of the bar – “Wait, is that...”
Penelope follows her gaze, finding the same view Emily is admiring. “Oh my God.”
“What?” Derek furrows his brows, turning around
It doesn’t take long for him to spot Spencer, right next to the door of the bar, holding hands with the bartender of their coffee shop. She’s waving at the owner of the bar, probably because they know each other, and she looks around to see where the rest of Spencer’s colleagues are.
He whispers something to her ear and she turns around, kissing him on the lips.
Derek was not expecting to see that.
Not because it’s disgusting, don’t get him wrong – he’s ecstatic to know that his friend has finally gotten the courage to ask the bartender out, but they’re already kissing and holding hands. Did it really take such a short amount of time for them to get close?
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
Emily widens her eyes, the realisation hitting her. “Shut your mouth! That’s...”
Derek glances at Savannah and silently tells her that he’s going to walk over to Spencer. He has to confront him because he can’t believe Spencer hid his relationship from everybody – and pretended to flirt with a stranger.
That’s just... Incredibly smart.
Spencer yelps at the voice from behind him and he turns around, smiling softly when he spots his best friend right in front of him.
“Hey Derek.”
“Agent Morgan, hello!”
The bartender waves at him, smiling softly. “You two...”
The young doctor shrugs, pulling his girlfriend’s hand. It’s fun to see how Morgan pieced everything together so late, Spencer didn’t know him and his girlfriend were such good actors – but they were, because Derek truly didn’t notice anything.
Spencer never held back when he went to the coffee shop, especially when he lingered inside for more than one minute just to share a quick kiss with his girlfriend – right in front of her colleagues, and Derek as well.
It’s just that Derek never looked inside. If he had, he would’ve seen them.
“You were the best match-maker in the world, unfortunately for you we’re already together.”
“But thank you for pushing him to pick me on Thursday! I didn’t want to take the bus and he didn’t really want to drive all the way to my apartment.” – she tells him, rolling his eyes – “Which is weird, because he does it almost every night.”
Derek is speechless. He wasn’t expecting this at all.
“Derek, is everything okay?” Spencer asks, chuckling
“Yes, I’m processing everything that has just happened. I’m shocked, I wasn’t... I didn’t notice you lying to me. I guess my profiling skills are not as good as they were before.” – Derek jokes, feeling someone approaching them and smiling when it’s Savannah – “Well, it’s very nice to meet you Y/N.”
Spencer’s girlfriend gives him a smile, bowing her head. “Pleasure to meet you officially, Agent Morgan. And you must be Savannah, his wife!”
Savannah holds out her hand. “Yes! And you must be Spencer’s girlfriend. He has told me so many things about you.”
“Uh, excuse me! What?” Derek raises his brows
Y/N bites her bottom lip, turning to her boyfriend. He’s giggling like a child and he leans forward.
“It’s my fault.” – Spencer says, lifting his free hand up – “I talked to her about Y/N because they know each other and she introduced me to my girlfriend. I wanted to see how long it would’ve taken you to figure out I was already in a relationship with her. I guess... A whole month.”
Derek shakes his head, pretending to be hurt. “I can’t believe it.”
Savannah playfully taps him on the chest. “Don’t beat yourself up, Derek. Just take another profiling class, maybe next time it’ll happen you’ll be more ready.”
Spencer lets out a laugh, following Savannah and Y/N inside the bar.
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instantpansies · 19 days
Haiii againn :3
I was wondering what your general mml hcs are :p
okay i think i'm finally prepared to answer this question!!! i'll preface this by saying i'm much more obsessed w phineas and ferb than milo murphy's law. i love mml very much but i don't have nearly as many Thoughts(tm) about it as i do pnf... even so here's what i've got
i'm not just saying this bc he's the voice actor, i think milo would listen to weird al. that and like '90s-'00s pop hits (basically canon anyway)
melissa has adhd and can't function without variety. she's always multitasking, fiddling, taking hard classes to keep herself occupied
definitely she's the type to really want one of those treadmill desks
that's part of why she gets along so well with milo, it's never the same with him. he's exciting
melissa is the most online of the main kids i think. she probably plays fps games and argues with people who disagree with her on twitter
i think melissa would be a vocaloid fan, lydia got her into it and she passed it on to amanda
btw lydia has been a miku stan since third grade
also melissa likes metal. i have no proof of this but i think she'd like it. good for studying
zack cannot stand metal though, it's grating and he can't hear the lyrics
on the topic of the main kids, i'm not super into shipping or anything but my philosophy is, they all have two hands. so casually speaking i really like the dynamic of simultaneous milo/amanda, amanda/melissa, melissa/zack (i'm not wild about them but if we don't go overboard zalissa is fine), zack/bradley, bradley/milo. they are in a circle holding hands and i like them a lot :3
however like i said that's just for funsies and i dont really really ship anyone there. i do like the dynamics of that particular arrangement though lol!
sara was a tumblr user during the equivalent of superwholock, now that that's not really a thing anymore she's gotten more into analysis and the more geeky side of dr zone fandom. she still watches the old edits though
okayyy i'm kind of obsessed w cavendish and dakota so they r always spinning around in my brain
i think brick and savannah are newer agents than dakavendish, which is why cav is kinda bitter. despite working for the agency for longer, he got stuck with the worst equipment and the most unfulfilling job possible
cav is probably a little frustrated at dakota because of this, but i'd think after so long working w him he's realized that it's not dakota's fault they can't seem to climb the ladder. they're just like that. but obviously he hasn't accepted his fate as we see in the show
dakavendish have been in the same semi-romantic semi-platonic situationship forever. neither of them has said a word. if they knew what a qpr was they'd really like that but they've never heard of it so instead they're just stuck Like That. hopeless idiots my beloved
cavendish watches ancient aliens and all those other sorts of shows about supernatural conspiracies. he half believes them. dakota watches them with him, ironically.
anyways back to the kids. lydia and buford met once at a concert for some famous orchestra, they don't really hang out but they email back and forth sometimes and exchange recipes.
lydia and amanda have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. it sometimes seems like lydia is just amanda's sidekick, but she just prefers to step out of the way and do her part from behind the scenes. it's less stressful for both of them.
amanda hates candles. just can't stand them. they smell too strong, or never smell right, or they pose a fire hazard, or the shape doesn't fit the vibe she's going for.
related to that i think amanda has some pretty strong sensory aversions, especially to smells and certain textures
milo's backpack is essentially a pocket dimension. it's his hammerspace, so he doesn't need to think too much about what fits or not. he packs it every morning, but the stuff basically comes from already in that hammerspace. there are times when he packs the wrong things (which we see in one episode), but that's because they aren't stored in the backpack and are instead inaccessible to him
basically im saying milo is mary poppins and he can hypothetically access anything he needs at any time. issues only arise when he is caught unaware and unprepared, and that is very rare
milo and sara really like going to creeks. especially when they were little they would go to the nearest creek or pond and wade and look for creatures in the water
baljeet ran a boy bands fan blog back when the lumberzacks were active. he was shouted out once on their old social media and it's still one of his proudest accomplishments.
this isn't really an mml hc but baljeet kind of reminds me of a friend who runs a blog and a youtube channel about some really niche tech and programming stuff, and is also just a normal guy on the internet, so i think baljeet probably does smth similar
amanda and melissa have been academic rivals for a long time, but they have a mutual understanding and it's never gotten nasty. bradley thinks he's melissa's academic rival but honestly she doesn't see him as competition at all
bradley has a pretty big sweet tooth. i'm basing this off the whole carla thing if it wasn't obvious, but he definitely stops by coffee shops after school and gets the sweetest drink he can. ice cream fan as well
tbh i unfortunately do not think much about mort or chad. i dont have any hcs about them
same with the murphy parents :( i like them a lot but i dont have any thoughts abt them rn
elliot is bradley's older cousin who never really got along with him but their parents made them hang out when they were little. i'm going off vibes only here
okay so yeah that's all i can think of for now!!! i'm sure i will think of more later lmao but anyways. mml is such a good show
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