#aled last protection squad
barcaatthemoon · 4 months
sniffles || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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you try to hide your sickness from the team.
you weren't really sure what was wrong with you, but you felt awful. it was the kind of sick that would have gotten you off from school whenever you'd been living with your parents. things were a bit different in barcelona with alexia, but you knew that she'd make you miss practice if she found out. sometimes, you wanted nothing more than a break from everything, but there was a big game coming up and you wanted in the starting squad.
that was why you had woken up extra early to make sure that you looked healthy. alexia was none the wiser, even if she had given you weird looks for wearing makeup. luckily, she didn't quiestion it much since a few of the girls had been teasing you for your very obvious crush on another one of the younger players.
"don't take too long getting ready," alexia warned as she let you stop into the locker room. unlike her, you hadn't just worn a training kit in. but you also didn't like to literally start things off by running some laps. you thought alexia was crazy for warming up for her warm ups, but you suspected that was what she needed to stay in such good shape after her injury.
"oi, little chick, are you feeling alright?" ona asked as she stepped up beside you. the team liked to tease you for being wound up for certain things, and your posture was one of them. you were a stickler for perfect posture, unless you weren't feeling well.
"just a bit tired, ale woke up me up earlier than normal." it wasn't a complete lie. you reminded yourself to stay sitting and standing straight for the rest of practice. occasionally one of the other girls would come up and ask if you were alright, noticing that you did seem a little off. luckily, you could pass it off as being tired, but as the day dragged on, it was getting more and more difficult.
your cover had nearly been blown in the gym during the day's lifting session. since you were trying to build up a bit more muscle mass, you trained with the keepers. you had counted on sandra being protective in the motherly way that she always was, but you hadn't expected cata to be keeping such a close eye on you.
"drop the weight down and step away," cata ordered. she had been spotting you on the squat rack. you were still in the lighter part of things and definitely shouldn't have been making the wheezing sounds that you were. "you know the rules. are you trying to hurt yourself?"
"what's going on?" if it was just sandra or alexia, you could have gotten away with claiming that cata was just being mean to you, but when irene joined the group, you feared the jig was up.
"there's something wrong with (y/n), she's wheezing!" cata exclaimed. alexia reached out to feel your forehead, but you ducked out of the way. unfortunately, sandra was able to grab you and irene placed the back of her hand on your forehead.
"she's warm, but she was also going really hard today at practice," irene said. she glanced over at alexia to help decide what they should do with you.
"she's sick, probably with whatever bruna had last week," cata said. you sent her a nasty glare, but the older girl was unphased by it.
"how do you feel?" sandra asked as she turned towards you.
"i feel fine, maybe a little tired, but alexia woke me up this morning. i'd like to finish my workout please," you said sweetly. cata scoffed as sandra let you go. sandra, irene, and alexia all kissed the top of your head as they apologized for interrupting you. cata was obviously mad at you, so you walked over to finish your workout with lucy and the other defenders.
at irene's insistence, you kept things lighter. you didn't notice cata telling alexia to keep an eye on you, so you had no idea that alexia was watching your every move after your shower. she cursed herself as the two of you got home when you let the facade slip a bit. it was obvious with your makeup washed off that you were not well. she should have listened to cata the first time and made you go sit down.
"what game are we watching tonight?" you asked from where you had already curled up on the couch. alexia sighed as she glanced down at you. it was usually a hassle to get you to watch games, and as much as alexia wanted the win, she also wanted to instill good habits in you as well. there would come a day when you'd go somewhere that she couldn't keep an eye on you, and it terrified her a little bit.
"we can start watching a game later, i wanted to talk to you first. how have you been feeling today?" alexia asked you. she made sure to use her gentle voice, knowing that you didn't do well wtih being lectured otherwise.
"well, i've been a bit tired, but otherwise okay. did cata really get it in your head that i'm like, sick or something?" you tried to make it as believable as possible that you were feeling fine. one pointed look at alexia had you mumbling out the truth with tears in your eyes.
alexia sighed as she pulled you into a hug and reassured you, "you're not in trouble this time, but don't do it again." you nodded with your head against her chest. you did start crying, and soon the tears turned into a pretty nasty coughing fit. alexia was quick to get up and get you a glass of water and some medicine. she took your temperature and texted jona whenever it came back way too high.
"i don't want to miss the game," you whined. alexia didn't seem to care as she tucked you into the couch. "i've worked so hard to get to play. please, ale, i want to play."
"if you feel better by the end of the week, we'll see about you subbing on. that just means you need to rest up until then," alexia told you. you'd do anything that she told you to if it meant that you'd get to play in the game. alexia seemed to know that because she had you spending the week watching all of the game film and taking notes that you could manage. whenever she had to be away, she left you in the care of olga, who definitely slipped you more sweets than alexia would ever allow and watched tiktoks with you on the couch for hours at a time.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
La Reina and La Diosa (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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A/N: It only seemed fitting to write a fic to celebrate Alexia's return to the squad and to post it seen as though we’re through to the final!
In a way it felt like yesterday when you got the call telling you that Alexia was hurt when in reality it was 296 days ago. In those 296 days you have witnessed Alexia's strength and determination first hand and it inspired you to play every minute as if it was you last and dedicate every game to her as she watched on in the stands or at home.
It wasn't easy been on the pitch without her, in fact in the 10 years you have been with the club you can count on one hand the amount of games where she hasn't been on the pitch with you. It's why the energy is different as the team travels from El Johan to Camp Nou.
Alexia has a smile on her face that you hadn't seen in a long while. The two of you, as well as some other players, sit at the back on the bus, she sits opposite you but your feet are touching under the table, every so often you would give each other a nudge as if you were school children.
"Something's changed. The team is happier than normal" Lucy says from her seat beside you.
"Ale's back. Her presence puts everyone at ease" You look at the brunette who sits across from you.
"You more than anyone else. I haven't seen you this peaceful since before you got the call back at SGP"
It wasn't a memory you were fond of and the days that followed were some of the most challenging. You told the lionesses you were withdrawing from the Euros and it sparked outrage amongst the majority. Since been in Barcelona Lucy and Keira saw first hand what you wanted to protect and if put in the same position again they would encourage you to go home and be by your wife's side.
"Everything is better when I have her by my side"
Little did you know Alexia had heard what you said. She kicks you gently and when you turn your attention to her she mouths 'I love you' to which you respond 'I love you more'.
Whilst you enjoyed the company of the english defender beside you, you did have a pre match ritual which starts with you blocking the outside world out. Taking your headphones out of you bag, you place them over your ears and play your playlist that had been curated for this season specifically.
"She's found it hard without you" Mapi tells Alexia "she tries to hide it, especially from us but we see the moments when she is with Lucy and Keira"
Mapi was telling the truth. The entire team felt the absence of Alexia but as Captain it was your job to lead them and you couldn't do that if you were obsessing over the fact that Alexia wasn't there with you. They saw the moments of frustration when you play balls to Patri who doesn't react because you do so without out saying anything. That's how it was with Alexia, she knows how you play and what your are thinking, words aren't needed between the two of you.
"Don't take offence to whatIi'm about to because I love you all, I really do but I can't want to back on that pitch with her, it's where I belong. For years it has been Y/N and Alexia"
"La Reina and La Diosa" Mapi adds the fan given nicknames that you and Alexia both loved and hated at the same time.
"Right, well for years it has been us and by her side her playing football is where i'm the happiest"
"You two are disgustingly cute" Alexia gives Mapi a look "Oh please you have been playing footsy under the table since we left the car park"
Like every game you are the first off the coach but you wait near the door until the team is off, Alexia is the last one to descend the steps. She stops on the last step, out of sight, and you see the hesitation on her face.
"You ready baby?" you are aware of the fans and cameras around you so you keep your tone low so that only she hears you.
When she nods you step aside and the fans erupt upon seeing the player that they have been waiting for.
"Wait a minute" you grab her hand as she walks towards the entrance "Listen to that, they're here for you, take it in"
Alexia turns around to face the fans. They chant her name, the sound gives you both goosebumps. When you see her close her eyes you know that she is savouring the moment. The way you look at her is hard to describe, saying it was the look of love didn't do it justice.
You don't realise you are staring until you feel her tug you hand. The small act of PDA sends the fans wild as they rarely get to see you and Alexia interact with each other in this way.
Jona had talked with you about Alexia's return and when it should happen. The setting was perfect; La Reina makes her return at Camp Nou but you wouldn't risk her career.
"Remember what we talked about?" He says just before you leave the locker room.
"Yes. The decision is mine, I'll you know if I think it's the right time"
"I'll wait for your signal Captain" with a supportive pat on the back he leaves you be and after a few moments you walk through the tunnel and to your rightful place at the front of the line.
The game is close, too close, with both teams scoring making it 2-1 so when Jona asks you at half time you reply saying that a 60 minute sub is not an option.
70 minutes into the second half Chelsea are pressing hard and it feels like a goal is imminent. AKB goes down and requires treatment so you take this time to talk to the team and regroup.
"Time is running out, he needs to bring Alexia on" It is the first thing Mapi says causing you to roll your eyes.
"No, that is not an option and it's not his decision, it's mine"
"What do you mean?" Aitana asks.
"Jona isn't on the pitch, he doesn't feel the intensity that this team is playing with so he left it up to me to decide if Alexia comes back in this game. Right now Chelsea are fighting and some of their tackles are dangerous, I myself have been on the end of some gruelling ones and I won't bring her on only for her to get hurt again"
"What do we need to do?"
"Score. We need a comfortably lead. If we make it 4-1 in the next ten minutes I'll give him the signal"
With a purpose other than to get to the final the team go back to their positions, ready to do whatever it takes to get Alexia back where she belongs.
If Chelsea thought Barcelona was attacking heavily before this point they would be mistaken but everyone on that pitch is playing with a new found energy and it caught the blues off guard making the home side unstoppable. When Mapi finds herself in space just outside of the box there is only was option going through the blonde's mind, she winds her leg back and hits the ball with the most power she has this season so it comes as no surprise when the ball hits the back of the net.
"That's one" Her arms are wrapped around your neck as you make your way back to your side of the pitch "Now are you going to be the one to score the goal that lets her play?"
It wasn't like you were't trying. You had scored a goal in the first half but the Chelsea defence was a back 4, 3 of those players where your national team mates who knew you very well. It made your job very hard but the way Mapi worded her sentence made you want to, no you needed to be the person to score the next goal.
When you get fouled a couple of meters away from the box, Barcelona are awarded the freekick. Mapi, Mariona and yourself stand over the ball but you all know who is taking it, the other two are simply there for a decoy.
When you turn to face the bench Alexia is up on her feet, she knows what's coming and she is ready to celebrate. The faith she has in your in infectious. You face the goal, close your eyes to block out the noise and imagine that it's one of those countless times where you and Alexia have stayed back to practice free kicks. The ball hits the top corner leaving AKB with no chance of stopping it. You and the team celebrate in front of the ultras and when you are back in your place you look towards Jona and hold up your index fingers, making the number 11.
It is time.
Alexia is subbed on for Keira and the whole stadium erupts in a sound of applause, players on the pitch join in, even the Chelsea players. Nothing compares to the happiness you feel knowing that someone you care deeply for is happy. You are overcome with emotion as Alexia runs onto the pitch.
"Are you crying?" Frido asks.
You are unaware of your glassed over eyes, the only thing you focus on is the Catalonian who is smiling from ear to ear. Not wanting to be caught by anyone but the Swede you bend down and pretend to tie your laces. You stand up just it time for Alexia to reach you. You wanted this moment to be special so you take off your captain's armband and pass it to her, this was her moment after all.
"No" Alexia pushes it into your chest "You've been by my side as my wife this entire way, now I want you by my side as my captain"
"Welcome back La Reina"
"Good to be back La Diosa"
The next ten minutes, Alexia will remember them for the rest of her career. The way the ball felt at her feet as she ran up the pitch, the way she saw you running down the middle. It was something that she has seen before and when the ball travelled towards you she knew the weight behind it was perfect. You header the ball into the back on the net and it means more than any other goal you have scored thus far in your career. Alexia is standing arms open wide waiting for you.
"Bloody beautiful" you praise her assist.
"You never did miss those shots, nice to see some things haven't changed"
After playing 4 added minutes the final whistle is blown, you had done it, you were going to Eindhoven and more importantly Alexia made her long awaited return. The team celebrate the latter more than anything because this team was a family and it was a special day for one of their own.
As captain and POTM you are called over for media much to your annoyance but you also know if you don't do it then they will call for Alexia and you wanted her to enjoy the moment and not have to worry about journalists.
By the time you are done Alexia is stood in place talking to Mapi, the person who didn't leave her side when she first got injured. It was a personal moment and you didn't want to interrupt so instead you turn to the crowd in search of the person that will be feeling the same overwhelming emotion as you, Eli Alexia's mother. She stands proudly with her hands clasped over her heart as she blows you a kiss, one which you happily return.
"Y/N" hearing your name being called by her never get's old.
You pick her up and spin her around whispering praise and congratulations in her ear as you do so. Alexia's legs wrap around your waist and in an automatic response your hands travel downwards to her bum so you can hold her up.
"I did it" Alexia only ever voiced her doubts to you but you told her time and time again that she would come back stronger.
"I told you so"
You look her in her eyes, those hazel eyes that you could get lost in. Her happiness was evident in the way they sparkled under the Camp Nou lights.
"It's the first time I've played in this" she brings her left hand in front of of you and shows off her taped finger "It feels weird"
"You get used to it" you tap your ring finger on her bum.
Her arms remain around your neck as you put her down. You could hear the screaming fans but they were nothing more than background music for the moment you are currently having with Alexia.
"I want to thank you Y/N. You never gave up on me, not even when I gave up on myself which happened more times than I'd like to admit"
"We made a vow Alexia. In sickness & in health, for better or for worse. I broke them once and I will never do it again"
"How many times do I have to tell you that you didn't break your vows and you didn't betray me. You had a country to lead last summer and watching you play, watching you win those awards at the end of it and lift that trophy, it inspired me more than you could ever imagine. You were my source of motivation every day whether that be in rehab, in the gym or on the pitch"
One thing is for certain, you are in awe of the woman standing in front of you. You often had moments like this where you freeze in front of Alexia so that you can see her, really see her.
"What?" Alexia brows furrowed upon feeling the intensity of your gaze.
"You're amazing and I'm incredibly proud of you. You say you gave up but you didn't. Look around Alexia, you have just made your comeback in front of a sold out Camp Nou and you get to play in yet another Champions League final"
"We can get play in the final. It's me and you Y/N and I'll never take this" she points at the stadium around her then at you "for granted"
Oh how you wanted to take Alexia home and have her to yourself for the night atlas it was wishful thinking. Sensing that your conversation was coming to an end Jana runs over and pulls Alexia over to the fans so that they can celebrate. She ushers for you to follow and you do so happily albeit a little bit slower so that you could enjoy the sight of your wife celebrate the moment she has been waiting the last 9 months for.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 years
Ugh Himbos...
I love himbos so much, and you should too! So have a Himbo appreciation post!
Starting with Obey Me!
We have his royal highness Prince Diavolo!
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This man just does things to me I swear...
Next we have the demon who can do no wrong; The Ever-Famished Sixth Born Beelzebub or BeelyWeely as I like to call him.
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He's so god damn precious! Look at 'im! 🤧
Next is Twisted Wonderland!
First, our loner wolf boy Jack Howl!
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I'll sit on his back as he does push-ups, I'm supportive like that...
Next up, we have a lowkey umcomfy but somehow likable merboy, Floyd Leech!
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This picture makes hungry for banana cream pie. 🥲
Our next twst himbo, though more of a slimbo, the sultan of the scorching sands; Kalim al Asim!
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Certified member of the Kalim protection squad!
Lastly, Our very own half fey and dragon simp himself; Sebek Zigvolt!
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I love this boy so much, we're both simps so when have things in common!
Our last franchise on this post is; Genshin Impact!
The first himbo being; Kaeya Alberich!
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He's so pretty! 😭
Next is our favorite clumsy adventurer; Bennett!
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I'd call him a himbean instead... I've adopted this child, and I'll love him forever!
Here we have our handsome but bloodthirsty number 11 of the fatui harbingers; Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax!
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Have you listened to his voiceless about snow in Schnezneya? That shit's concerning...
Next we have Mr fake my death himself; Zhongli!
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Do you think mora is made from his tears? Y'know since those who share the memories are nowhere to be found....
There's only ten images per post so I might make a part 2....
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Mas‐ter‐list!
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lovinglonerhybrid · 6 months
So I’m in a bit of a mood for sadness.
Impactor and megatron ended up having a sparkling in the mines. She was a femme and impactor took the most responsibility over her. Unfortunately during a riot in the mines the young spark was crushed by some unruly miners. Megatron Al way blamed himself for riling up the miners with his words of freedom. Ratchet was put in charge of a young medic not to much older then a sparkling and unusually short for his frame type but he worked hard and was always willing to help in ratchets free clinic after hours. Rachet was called away to the senate leaving his young apprentice to close the clinic for the night. Unfortunately that night some thugs broke in looking for some kind of drugs rachet never really found out what ones when he returned to the clinic the next day his apprentice was dead on the floor his injuries partially repaired. From that day on ratchet pushed his friends away to scared that primus would rip them away with no warning. Hot rod was friends with a lot of people in nyon bot his best friend was another racer. His friend was really good at getting out of trouble and had a love for exploring the underside of cybertron. Hit rod went to find his friend one day and found him at the beginning of a tunnel collapsed and barely online. At the medical clinic hot rod was informed that his friends spark was not big enough for his frame and he would continue to deteriorate. When sentinel came to nyon hot rods friend was unable to leave his apartment hot rod got one last word from his friend as he set of the charges ‘you’ve freed us all’. Rodimus keeps this words engraved on the back of his chest plating beer his spark as a reminder that his people never hated him for setting them free.
In another universe there a boy who is friends with a prime he loves going fast and is the only human to explore the underside of cybertron. But there’s always something he feels is wrong when he looks at the prime he feels there should be once instead of blue a smiling face instead of a face stressed by the war. There is a boy who is unusually short for his age who follows a medic around learning all he knows he makes friends with those less fortunate and always has a helping had ready. He doesn’t like to be Akon and is always warry around bots who are overcharged. There is a girl who I sent afraid of anything and wants nothing more then to be strong and to protect those she loves. She listens to all the story’s she’s told but loves the ones about a miner who joined the opposite side of all those he knew to become the leader of the best squad in there vast army. These kids who the autobots think where brought into there live unexpectedly feel more at home with cybertronins and they may never know why.
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chxrrylime · 2 years
❝ soap pun. ❞
GHOST ANON REQUEST IS NEXT!! I just could not get this out of my fucking head...
Soap x FTM!Reader ↪ 1892 words — 18+ / SMUT.
Content tags — trans male submissive reader, cis male dominant Soap,  unsafe sex, fem terms used for trans male reader’s genitals, mild overstimulation, referenced/implied transphobia, reference to a interrogation/torture scene, mention of pregnancy, vaguely established relationship, Cpt. Price’s trans ex-girlfriend, cunninglingus, pussy worship, very mild breeding kink, mild size kink, penetrative sex, and vaginal sex. 
You and Soap had gotten rather close over the last few weeks or so—ever since he nearly compromised the mission in El Sin Nombre’s compound (the one you’d insisted on going with him on) just because of Valeria getting a little handsy with you following her purred “I like this one.”
She hadn’t appreciated Soap growling to stay away from you, and in all honesty Soap hadn’t planned on saying anything until the words were out of his mouth. It wasn’t until after he realized he’d been jealous. Protectively so. Luckily, things had worked out, and the two of you escaped with El Sin Nombre relatively unharmed.
However, Soap wasn’t a man to sit and wait on those types of feelings. After things had died a bit down with the Al Qutala–Narcos–Russians fiasco he’d pursued you, and you’d happily let him. 
It was really the same old same old, just without the rest of the squad. The two of you at the bar together, or playing poker in either of your quarters. A few nights spent in each other's cots. You’d kissed a few times, heatedly made out once. Testing the waters.
Of course, until now. Johnny had hit the shower after sparring with Ghost and couldn’t stop thinking about you—had marched his way right to your quarters. It was late, but not late enough for you to be asleep. 
You hadn’t had the chance to tell Soap about your… situation. Price was the only one who knew taskforce wise, and he made sure it stayed a need-to-know basis type of thing. Doctors and certain higher-ups and the like. 
But Price accommodated you. Let you use his private shower so you wouldn’t be subjected to the group ones. Said he’d had a girlfriend years and years ago that had been trans—said he’d started and ended enough bar fights protecting her, and that he wasn’t particularly inclined to be throwing fists in the task force if he could avoid it. Not that he suspected any of the close knit soldiers would, but there were friends he’d had back then he’d thought the same about, only for them to end up in a bloody pile on the floor.
You hadn’t really had found a good moment to tell Johnny. You knew he was bisexual, so odds were in your favor, right? He seemed like a pretty laid back guy. Live and let live, maybe, ‘long as you weren’t hurting anybody. But there was always that niggling fear that he wouldn’t be into it, or that he’d be entirely repulsed, or that he’d hurt you. 
And so it isn’t until he’s lowering down your body, trailing kisses over your shirt-clad chest, making his way down to your crotch, that you start to feel anxious.
“You don’t seem as excited—getting a little shy here,” Soap chuckles, nuzzling his stubbled cheek where your packer lumps in your pants.
“Shut up,” you shoot back light-heartedly.
“I’m teasin’. Takes a lil’ bit to get you there, huh?”
“You could say that,” you breathe.
“I do love myself a challenge,” he smiles, leaning back to quickly tug your pants and boxers down in one swoop. The packer of course goes with it, and you hold your breath, staring at the wall caught between desperately wanting to see Soap’s reaction and being too terrified to know.
“Fuckin’ hell…” he groans. You jolt slightly, shivering as a thick calloused thumb swipes curiously through your folds, “damn beautiful, this. You just get better n’ better, love.”
“You don’t mind?” You eye him warily, mind going a little fuzzy already from how he continues to thumb just above your mound.
“You know my preferences. It’s just the best of both worlds, yeah? Lovely braw like you with an even prettier pussy—shite, uh, if those type o’ words are, y’know, fine with you,” he tacks on, demeanor shifting to something a little more nervous, like he’s worried he might’ve offended you. The thought makes you smile.
“I don’ mind, Johnny,” you murmur, looking up at him eyes half-lidded, cheeks flushed. 
Johnny smiles soft, eyes tracing back down to your folds, his smile turning into a sharp grin as a thick glob of slick leaks from your hole and between your cheeks.
“Aye, I don’t think she minds either,” he chuckles, reaching down to spread your folds for a better view. He thumbs at your cocklet, staring enraptured. He’s never seen one before—a clit so engorged and thick. It looks so much more like a small little cock than a normal clit, and he curiously pulls the thick foreskin down over the little mushroom head before leaning down to lick at the sensitive little nub with the tip of his tongue, wondering if you’re just as sensitive there as a cis man. 
He gets his answer when you gasp high and squeaky at the sudden overstimulation, his tongue swiping down beneath the ridge at the little bumps there. It makes you burn with pleasure, like a raw wound being dug at. Soap growls when you grip a hand tight in his mohawk, tugging hard at the strands. The vibrations make you moan in return, his mouth moving to envelop the rest of your cock in hot, wet suction, bobbing his head ever so minutely up and down the small length. 
Soap looks pure blissed out, eyes—darkened by his enlarged pupils—staring up at you hazily, or fluttering shut as he moans and growls against your cunt, licking into your fluttering hole. His bulky arms are looped around your legs, hands holding hard onto the fat on the top of your thigh, grip squeezing and desperate.
The assault on your pussy quickly crescendos, the overwhelming heat in your lower tummy bursting as you rock your hips against his mouth, facefucking him as you cum. 
Soap fucking whimpers, lapping desperately at your leaking slick like he’s worried he can’t get it all into his mouth fast enough. He licks you long after you’ve finished, making your hips twitch with overstimulation. 
When he finally pulls away, your body’s lax and loose, and you realize it’s probably exactly what he wants, and even though you know how loving and caring Johnny can be it still surprises you when he puts an arm either side of your head, holding his weight above you as he noses at your jaw until you bare your neck to him.
He presses sucking kisses to the flushed skin there, his hips rocking gently against your thigh. You can feel his hard cock through his jeans, how it jumps and twitches in the fabric everytime you whimper or moan from his attention.
He pulls back, hand gently cupping your chin to make you look up at him. He smiles so, so soft. It makes your heart flutter and drop.
“Would you wanna go further with me, love?”
You hum, hand in his short hair again to pull him closer to you, mumbling a “fuck yes,” as your lips collide. He groans, kissing you slow and forceful—with an intent you can’t quite decipher. 
“Good boy,” he rumbles.
You can feel, can hear, as he starts to try and shimmy out of his pants without separating your mouths. You worm your arm down to grab at his wrist and he pauses, looking up at you with questioning eyes.
“Leave them on?”
He smiles.
“Anything you want.”
He sits up, reaching down to go and pull himself out, but you stop him again. You sit up with him, which he didn’t quite expect. Then you’re tugging at the hem of his shirt.
“Off,” you demand. He happily obliges you, lifting his arms to help you pull it off.
You’re immediately on him, hands cupping his weighty pecs, thumbing at his pert nipples. He bites his lip, pectoral muscles flexing as he arches into the touch.
You lean forward to lick at his nipple, taking the hard bud into your mouth to suck hard. He groans, a hand resting gently at the back of your head, neither pushing nor pulling.
“That’s damn good,” he groans, low and rough. You hear the shuffle of fabric and open your eyes, pulling back to see Soap’s cock, thick and hard and dripping as he furiously strokes himself, biting back his gravelly noises.
“Johnny,” you purr. He opens his eyes—doesn’t remember having closed them—and meets yours half-lidded and drunk, “fuck me already.”
He steadies the hand on his cock, holding it tight at the base as his free hand gently pushes at your chest to lay back. He positions himself, hauling you into his lap with only one hand on your hip. He slaps his cock against your mound, groaning at the wet crack that emits.
“Condom?” He grunts—sounds out of it. Less than an afterthought as he starts to gently slide his cock between your slick folds.
“No,” you grunt, arching your hips until you feel his cockhead catch on your hole, “can’t knock me up.”
“Christ, isn’t that a thought,” he huffs with a smile, starting to press his hips forward, your muscles still lax from your orgasm providing little resistance. 
“Fucckk,” Soap groans out as he slides into the hilt, “mmm, y’little cunt’s squeezin’ me so tight…”
“Fucking hell, Johnny—“ you gasp out at his words, back arching and hips pressing down, feeling how the thick girth of his base spreads your entrance that ever slight bit more.
He starts to rock his hips, quickly picking up a brutal pace that has you clawing at his back. He shivers at the thought of the other’s seeing the markings later in the showers. Wonders if they’ll be able to tell who did it. He sucks a hickey onto your shoulder for good measure.
“Listen to ‘er squelch,” he growls, teeth bared against your throat as your face heats. He’s right, though—the obscene, wet sounds of your pussy adjusting to his massive girth sends a thrill through the both of you. 
You’re unbelievably wet, slick gushing out of you nonstop. He can feel it against his balls every time they slap against your ass, and they draw up tighter at the sensation each time. 
Soap’s rambling something in scots against your ear, voice deep and gravelly as he rocks into you. The denim of his jeans rubs your thighs deliciously raw, cunt squeezing tight around the other’s cock from the onslaught of sensations. 
Your orgasm sneaks up on you, though not unexpected. It rocks through your body, vision whitening as your hole spasms around Soap’s pulsing length. He shouts your name as he cums mere seconds after, burying to the hilt, thick ropes of spend filling your insides, hot and sticky. 
He groans through it, hips rocking jarringly as your pussy coaxes every last drop from him. He stays buried in you, even as he softens, carefully resting his weight upon you with a satisfied moan. You pet at his hair, the both of you coming down from your highs ever so slowly.
Soap sniffs, pets at your hip, and glances up at you through thick lashes.
“When I pulled your pants down? There was a good second there I’d thought your pecker had fallen off,” he grins.
You push him off of you with a laugh and he tackles you back down, struggling to kiss you through the both of your wide smiles.
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
🔅Wed morning SUMMARY - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Real Time
🔻no overnight rockets.
🔸ISRAEL : holding strong
Regardless of some media reports and US president Biden’s statements, both Israel’s political class and the Israeli public is holding strong and steady.  
There is a lot of room for political maneuvering due to the war, but for the most part the politicians are staying quiet and waiting for the future.  Recent polls show the public strongly supports the war, and while they expect new elections - not in the midst of the war.
The distraught hostage families are holding their protests, doing what they think will help - and a bit of anti-govt protestors have glommed on to their events. While they get media attention, they’re not growing.
And the extremely divisive national topic of draft exemptions was brought before the High Court, but the govt and the leading parties have, for the most part, quietly taken the topic to the back rooms.
🔸LEBANON : tit-for-tat continues
The night before last, Israel attacked Hezbollah weapons warehouses in BaalBek - distant from the border.
Hezbollah's response yesterday: launching over 100 rockets and firing along the entire border.
Counterattack by the IDF deep in Lebanese territory in the Bekaa valley, hitting Hezbollah military operations buildings.
Response: IDF attacked "sensitive" Hezbollah targets, as well as a strike at Hezbollah sites in Syria.
🔸GAZA : battles and targeted attacks continue
Yesterday’s hotspot was Deir al Balah, south west Gaza. Forces maneuvered in, artillery strikes, and targeted bombing.
Continued operations in Hamad, Khan Yunis in south Gaza, including capture of an enemy compound with full stock of military weapons and supplies, battles with enemy squads including a squad trying to sneak up and bomb an IDF position.
The IDF also captured and destroyed another enemy rocket launch site.
Targeted bombing is also occurring in Rafah, targeting leadership and command locations, but giving evacuation warnings due to the concentration of civilians.  For the moment Israel is not pushing into Rafah.
🔸JUDEA-SAMARIA : ongoing counter-terror
Ongoing reports of security force activity throughout Judea-Samaria, significant concentration on trouble hotspots Jenin, Tulkarm, Shechem, Tubas.
Almost daily reports of security raids capturing terror suspects - often kicking off firefights when they resist which get serious with shoulder rocket launches at buildings and drone strikes.
Not only does this capture violent militants, it gives them a target or worries about defense instead of potentially performing attacks.
🔸IRAQ : they keep trying
Iranian funded and armed Iraq Shia Militias keep trying to attack Israel and putting out press releases on their ‘success’. Because of the distance the only weapons they have are long distance suicide drones, and so far they’ve had only 1 get near Israeli airspace, which was immediately shot down by F16.
🔸HOUTHIS : major impact to the world
The Houthis are attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden daily, successfully sinking, damaging, and causing ships to be abandoned. 
World shipping costs have increased 240% since the Houthis started their attacks.
The shipping protection coalition, with the US, UK, India and various EU countries, is stopping a fair number of the attacks, but even daily airstrikes is not deterring the Houthis.  Making it worse, the US/UK airstrikes on Yemen are minimally effective because they don’t know where to hit.
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This Is Only Temporary - Part 1 of 3
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(moodboard made by me, Top Gun Maverick screencaps by hd-screencaps, the rest is unsplash.com)
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x afab!reader x Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Rating: M – MDNI 18+
Word count: 5591
Warnings: Bob and Hangman being menaces, and so is reader (oops), smut, protected PiV (reader is on birth control as well), oral (f!receiving), fingering, voyeurism, threesome (MFM – in part 3), beginnings of polyamory, Hangman being a flirty dick who wants what he thinks he can’t have; I’m neither US Navy nor American, so reader isn’t either – meaning there might be a little, uh, criticism here and there (also, we all know aviators are cocky af, right?), alcohol consumption, not beta-read but I did try to proofread a bit
Summary: After months of irregular phone and video calls, and constant e-mailing back and forth, you finally get to visit your boyfriend, Bob, in California. What you didn’t count on, was the fact that the guest room in his new house was temporarily occupied by one of his colleagues. The same cocky aviator, who can’t help but hit on you when you first meet – and even after he knows, you’re taken.
Read on ao3
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3
Taglist: @formulapierre (If you wanna be added to the taglist, just lemme know)
A/N: This got a little longer than expected – but I’m also VERY rusty with fanfic and smut in particular. Anyway, part one of a little thing I just couldn’t get out of my head. Oh, and do yourself a favor and listen to Please by Saro while reading the smutty half of this. Cause I listened to it while writing and it just fits so fucking well.
The moment you stepped over the threshold of the Hard Deck, you felt his eyes on you. The noise of the other patrons hit you, as soon as you entered the bar, but you didn’t mind the anonymity that came with it – this time, at least. It didn’t take you long to find him in the crowd, sitting at the back of the bar in a corner surrounded by what you assumed were his new squad mates. Bob was staring shamelessly at you, and even from across the room you could see the surprise on his face.
You smiled to yourself. Originally, the plan had been for you to arrive in California on Sunday. But you’d managed to book an earlier flight without telling Bob, wanting to surprise him – and, admittedly, get to spend a little more time with him. The surprise seemed to have worked, if you were to judge the way his eyebrows shot up as he watched you walk over to the bar.
Although you wanted nothing more than to run straight to him and throw your arms around him, you decided to draw out the greeting a bit. You weren’t sure how much Bob had told his coworkers and new friends about you. He’d hardly been able to tell you anything about the last detachment that had taken him back to Top Gun, and probably into more danger than he’d wanted to admit to you. Now, he was set on staying in California for the foreseeable future, had even bought a house.
You finally reached the bar and were greeted by an older woman and a warm smile. “Hi, what can I get ya?”
“Can I get a Whiskey and Ginger Ale?” you asked. The woman nodded and you thanked her, paid for your drink and then turned back to face the rest of the bar while you waited for your drink. Again, your eyes landed on Bob, who still hadn’t let you out of his sight, and you were reminded of the first time you had met.
Dicky, a friend of yours and pilot for the Royal Air Force, had invited you to join him at an air show in Austria – a rare occasion, since Dicky usually didn’t go to these. Just like now, you’d been standing at a bar and Bob had been staring at you from afar. That was until Dicky had introduced you two.
‘It’s not often I meet a US naval aviator at these things. What, is there another war brewing in Europe that you need to save us from?’ you’d joked and had relished in the way Bob’s face had turned an embarrassed shade of crimson, before you’d apologized for the joke.
‘Oh no, no. Please, don’t apologize for that. It’s just... Don’t usually get called out like that,’ he’d replied. And the rest was history. You’d asked him out that same night and you’d developed a long-distance relationship that you had never thought you’d agree to.
Somebody clearing their throat next to you pulled you from your memory. You turned your head and were met by a thousand-watt-smile in a handsome face. Green eyes were looking down at you. “Haven’t seen you here before, sweetheart. You’re not Navy are ya, I would have remembered a pretty face like yours.” The Texan drawl sent a shiver down your spine, while the blond man’s words made you roll your eyes.
“Let me guess,” you said and looked him up and down for a second, taking in the khaki uniform, the golden blond hair and the tan, “you’re an aviator. Pilot by that grin. And you’re lonely, otherwise you wouldn’t be standing here and flirting with me? But you’re right, I’m not Navy and I’m not from here, either.”
The grin faltered for a second, before he turned up the wattage. “I like a woman with sharp eyes. And a brain. I’m Hangman.” He extended a hand towards you, and you took it, despite yourself. While you had to admit, he wasn’t bad looking, you weren’t interested in flirting with another cocky pilot. You got enough overblown male egos to deal with at home.
Still, you decided to play nice. “Y/N,” you replied. Then you took your drink and pushed away from the bar. “Just gotta say, uh, Hangnail: I’ve got a boyfriend. So, while this was … admittedly weird, I’m not interested in flirting with you. And I’m going to go find my boyfriend now, thank you very much.”
The grin turned into a smaller smile, but it didn’t lessen the sparkle in Hangman’s eyes. If anything, you felt like you’d just given him a challenge and he’d jumped at it. Your pulse quickened at the thought. And you remembered a conversation you and Bob had had two years into your relationship. About your feeling like you might identify as polyamorous. Sweet, darling Bob had reacted the way you thought he would: a little shy at the idea of adding other people into the mix, but not fully turned off by it.
“It’s Hangman, sweetheart,” the blond pilot corrected you, but didn’t step closer to you. A point for him. His lips were still curled into a smile, and for a second you feared, you’d given away your earlier thoughts. But before he could say anything else, you cut him off.
“Whatever. I like Hangnail better; you can hang your big ego up on that callsign of yours.” You turned and finally made your way over to Bob, who’d watched the whole exchange quietly.
You weaved your way through the crowd and finally reached the corner with the pool table where Bob was sitting next to other aviators. Your heart skipped a beat when your eyes met his beautifully blue ones, as it did every time you looked at him. You ignored the confused looks from the other aviators, pushed past a darker-skinned man, who was bending over the pool table to take his shot and who you would soon learn was Coyote.
Bob slid off the stool where he’d been sitting and crossed the last few steps towards you. Without hesitation, you flung your arms around his neck while his hands came to rest on your waist, and you pressed a long, yearning kiss to his lips. You felt Bob sigh and practically melt into it. Your own tension and all the anxiety and worry of the last months drained away while your lips moved against his. It had been too long since you’d last seen him. Been able to touch him, kiss him, even just look at him without a screen in the way. Had your heart skipped a beat only seconds before, it now slowed, content and reassured that your Bobby was safe and sound.
“Hi,” you whispered against his lips when you both pulled away for air.
He smiled, before he breathed a “Hello to you too, darlin’” in return. One of his hands came up to caress your face, while you toyed with the strands of blond hair at the nape of his neck. “I missed you. So, so much.”
“Missed you too, Bobby,” you replied and wanted to add how worried you’d been. That for the last month before you’d gotten the call that he was safe and had returned from his mission, you’d felt like you could hardly breathe. That just holding him here like this in the crowded bar had lifted that weight off your chest. But before you could, Hangman interrupted. And with that the rest of the bar that had fallen away as your lips had met now came back into focus.
He pushed past you, deliberately stepping closer than he needed to. “Say, Bobby, why’d you never tell us about your girl here?” The sparkle in his eyes seemed to say, ‘Where have you been hiding her?’, but Hangman just opted to lean against the pool table instead.
Bob blinked at him. “Uh, well, it never came up. Right, I should introduce you to everyone. Darlin’, you’ve already met Jake – or Hangman.” He then pointed out everybody else in their little corner: Coyote leaning next to Hangman, Halo, Fritz and Yale sitting behind the pool table. Next to them were Rooster, Payback and Fanboy. “And Phoenix gotta be around here somewhere, too. Guys, this is Y/N.”
You said your hellos with an awkward wave and slightly wobbly smile. You’d wanted to meet Bob’s new squad mates, sure, but you hadn’t counted on that being tonight. Besides, the newly acquired knowledge that Hangman was part of Bob’s squad had you slightly mortified at what you’d said to him. Although given the way he was eyeing you, it didn’t look like he minded all that much.
“So, Y/N, how’d y’all meet?” Hangman asked, and only now did you notice the toothpick he was toying with in the corner of his mouth. God.
You quickly glanced at Bob, who was tugging you closer into his side, to check if he would mind you telling this story. He just nodded lightly at you, a wordless go-ahead. You turned back to the group, squeezing Bob’s side for a second. “We met at an airshow … six years ago. Well, almost. I was there with a friend, who flies for the RAF. Dicky introduced us and the rest is history, I guess.” You turned your head and smiled at Bob at the memories you two had made in the years prior. He blushed under your gaze, but didn’t break eye contact, mumbling a quiet “Yeah, and you asked me out” under his breath.
“Really? Would have thought, Baby on Board would have made the first move. With all the charm he’s got goin’ on,” Hangman replied. You scoffed at that but felt Bob’s fingers dig deeper into the flesh of your waist at the comment. And then you remembered something he’d told you weeks ago about a particular training day. How one of the pilots was getting under his skin and he was really trying not to let it get to him. But witnessing his reaction now, you knew, there was more to it than just Hangman making off-handed remarks about how you were out of Bob’s league. (Something Bob agreed with but would never admit in front of him.)
“Well, I didn’t really give him a chance to ask me out first. But at least I don’t hit on people that are already taken,” you shot back. Hangman blinked at you in surprise and a low groan went through the rest of the group. You guessed, the people he usually flirted with rarely put up a fight – and you would be right. But that didn’t stop your body from flushing with heat at the way he was staring you down now, a slight smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth, while he moved that damned tooth pick around with his tongue.
“Sorry, I didn’t know, you were with Bobby boy here, since he never talks about you.”
You knew what he was trying to do. Trying to throw another punch in Bob’s direction because he probably knew, he was getting under his skin. And to make himself look better. But it didn’t take. You just shook your head at him.
From that moment on began the onslaught of questions the rest of the Daggers lobbed at you. From what you did for work (photographer for the RAF) to where you were from and what you were most excited about seeing in California, apart from Bob, since it was your first time here (the sea, you admitted, even though you’d been to the coast in the UK and other countries in Europe before).
You’d lost track of time, but as you were sitting in Bob’s lap and telling the story of how you’d come to work for the RAF (a complete accident, actually), you were starting to feel the effects of the jetlag. Bob’s arms around you tightened for a second to get your attention before you felt his hot breath against your ear.
“If you wanna go home, just say the word, darlin’.”
Goosebumps erupted across your skin and a shiver ran down your spine. God, how you wished, he were using that low voice of his in another way right now. You turned slightly to face him. “Actually, yeah. That might be a good idea. Before I fall asleep right here.”
Bob smiled that lopsided smile of his that still made your heart beat faster every time you saw it. “You know, I don’t mind you fallin’ asleep in my lap.” He leaned in closer again to whisper in your ear. “But I was hopin’, we could get out of here to do something else…”
You felt the heat creep up your neck at the thought alone. Being alone with Bob after you hadn’t been able to touch each other for months? Who were you to say no to that? “Let’s go.” You slid off his lap and took his hand.
“Alright, guys, we’re gonna head out for tonight.” Bob threw an arm around your shoulders and began to steer you into the direction of the door.
“We still on for Dogfight Football tomorrow?” you heard Rooster ask. To which Bob replied with a “Sure thing. Need to get my girl some Beach time, after all.”
Your stomach still lurched when you heard Bob call you his. Even after almost six years together, the thought still made your body flush with heat. That you were his and he was yours. This sweet, shy-looking man, who hid a goof and a heart of gold as well as his undeniably masterful skills in bed behind those silver-rimmed glasses of his.
“I’ll see you two at home, Bobby,” Hangman said and gave you a nod and a light wink. You rolled your eyes at him. He really couldn’t help himself, could he?
His words didn’t even register until you were standing in the car park and Bob was asking about which car was yours. You pointed to the rental parked almost right in front of the door and were in the middle of handing him your keys when it hit you.
“What did Hangnail mean when he said, he’d see us at home?”
You watched Bob’s reaction closely, watched his pale face flush with red as he scratched the back of his head. “He’s, uh, staying in my guest room right now.” When he saw your eyebrows shoot up and your eyes widen, he lifted his hands in defense and added: “It’s only temporary. A pipe burst in his apartment and I offered to let him stay until he found another place or got it fixed. Whichever is faster.”
“Why?” It was a simple question, just one word. And honestly, it was the only word you could think of right now.
“Darlin’, he’s really not that bad if you get to know him a little better. Admittedly, I don’t like that he’s flirtin’ with you either. But that’s Jake for ya.” He snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against him. “I swear, it’s only temporary and you won’t even notice he’s there. He usually stays over at the places of whomever he could pick up in a bar that night, so he’s hardly ever there.”
You sighed. It wasn’t your place to judge this arrangement anyway. Besides, it was sweet of Bob to offer his friend a place to stay. Even if you didn’t quite understand why, yet.
“Alright, can we go home now?” You put your arms around his neck and pulled him a little bit closer still.
“Of course,” Bobby breathed before leaving a quick peck against your lips. “I thought, you were tired?”
“I’m not that jetlagged, Lieutenant Floyd. Now, take me home.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He grinned as he pulled you to your rental car.
The moment you stepped through the front door, Bob’s hands were on you. Well, it wasn’t like they’d ever left you the whole car ride over from the Hard Deck. But now he didn’t have to concentrate on driving as his hands roamed your body, and he pressed your back against the door. Your backpack and suitcase forgotten in the entryway next to you.
“I thought, I was going to get a tour of your new home?” you teased. But any thoughts of Bob leading you around his house and showing you all the different rooms left your head as he wedged his thigh between yours, his knee brushing against your clothed core. You couldn’t help the whimper that left your mouth at the feeling. If you weren’t sure you’d already soaked through your panties and jeans, you would have now.
“Tomorrow, darlin’. It’s been too long since I touched you. Tasted you. Just gotta have you right now before I’ll burst. Please, may I?” His lips were brushing against your just ever so slightly while he spoke, and you just nodded before lurching forward to connect your lips with his. You both groaned into the kiss, all tongues and teeth and mingling breaths.
Bob pulled away first, his thumb stroking your cheek while the rest of his hand easily engulfed your neck. “Out loud, baby. You know I need to hear you say it.”
“You have me, Bobby, always.” Your eyes met his and you could swear, you could see his pupils dilate at your words. Then he was kissing you again and pulling away from the door. His hands grabbed the back of your thighs, and he easily pulled you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist.
You shed your clothes somewhere along the way to his bedroom, until you were both left only in your underwear. Panting, standing in the middle of the room while Bob dove in to nibble at your neck. You were sure, he would leave marks, but you admittedly didn’t give a fuck. You could cover those up. He was pulling you flush against his skin again, you could feel his hard length pressing against your hip in his boxers, while he was leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin as his lips travelled lower.
Your head was spinning, your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest and run away with you following closely behind while the flames of desire ate their way through your veins, igniting your skin and that pool of arousal in the pit of your stomach. But before Bob could fully go down onto his knees in front of you, you stopped him. “Wait, Bobby. Wait.”
His eyes were on you in an instant, full of concern. Had he done something wrong? Were you too tired after all? “What’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing, just … Slow down, baby. We got all the time in the world. No need to rush this, hm?"
His chest was heaving with every breath. You were sure, he felt the same fire in his veins as you did. He stopped for a moment, just staring at you. “You’re right.” Then Bob swallowed, nodding his head quickly, before his lips quirked up into a smirk only you ever got to see. “I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry.”
You cupped his cheek before you leaned in for another quick kiss. “I never doubt that, babe.” A giggle escaped you as he maneuvered you to his bed, gently pushed you down onto the mattress before moving to hover over you.
“We do have all the time in the world to hear you scream for me, darlin’.” His eyes flitted over your face, searching for any hint of doubt or discomfort. But he didn’t find any, would probably never find any. Not when you were finally getting a chance to hold him again.
He dove down, pressing his lips against yours. You moaned into his mouth when his tongue entangled with yours. One of his hands wandered down your side, over your thigh to your knee before moving back up. You squirmed against his body; his fingers so close to where you needed them. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and gently pulled them down your legs before flinging them into a corner of the room.
“Robby,” you sighed when he finally used his fingers to swipe through your folds.
“So wet for me already, darlin’. God.” He groaned, a low sound that you thought you could feel vibrate down to your bones. Bobby hung his head low, pressing a couple open-mouthed kisses to your neck and collarbone, sucking on the skin where your neck met your shoulders. “I’ve been thinkin’ about this every day since you told me you were comin’ to visit.”
“Please, Robby. Please, please, please,” you chanted as his thumb circled your clit. You wanted to tell him how much you needed him. How you needed him to meld to your bones, melt his body into yours and to never let you go. How you felt like your desire and love for him were going to burn you alive if he didn’t do something about it right the fuck now. But you couldn’t get the words out. Only a strangled moan managed to escape you as he pushed his middle finger in.
His other hand came up to caress your hairline, he lifted his head, pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Breathe, darlin’. Tell me what you need.” His voice low, raspy, his accent sliding down your spine, making you clench around his finger.
You breathed in through your nose before huffing in frustration. He was giving you what you needed, but it wasn’t enough. You needed him closer still. Needed to feel all of him. “Need you to … fuck my brains out until I stop thinking. Please. I think, I’m going to die if you keep this up.” You looked up into his eyes, putting all of your emotions into your gaze.
You heard his breath hitch in his throat, and he let a low moan slip out as you grabbed his ass and pulled his hips closer to where you needed them. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?” He pushed his body up and away from yours a bit, pulling his finger out of you in the process. The movement made you whine in protest and paw at his biceps, his shoulders, anything you could get a hold of to pull him back down onto you. “I know, you need me to. And I promise, I will. I’ll give you everything you want. Just let me taste you first. ‘Cause I think, I’m gonna burst if I don’t do this first. Been too long, sweetheart.”
You groaned as he slid down your body, settling in between your thighs. One of his large hands came up to grab your right thigh and pulled up your leg until it rested on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your skin. Then looked up at you and paused. There was a pleading look in his eyes, one you rarely got to see. “Please, baby. Need to feel you,” you whispered.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Bob whispered back. And then he dove in. His nose bumped against your clit; the frames of his glasses dug into your skin as his tongue began to lap at you like a starved man. His low groan sent vibrations through your core, you moaned at the feeling. One of your hands shifted to tangle into his curls, pushing his head closer while you pushed you pressed your hips further against him to get the least bit of friction.
“Fuck, Robby. Keep going,” you mumbled. When he moved his face to suck at your clit and instead pushed his middle and ring finger into you, you made a noise between a moan and a sigh. You shifted your hips to get his fingers to go deeper to that spot where you needed them. Bob hummed in response.
You could feel yourself barreling towards the edge, but you didn’t want to let go just yet. While you didn’t think, Bob would make you cum just once this night – usually, if you hadn’t seen each other for a while, you both liked to take your time with each other and, well, sometimes you’d spend the whole night in a tangled mess of limbs.
Hearing Bob’s low “Let go, darlin’. I’ve got you. Just relax and let go” though, told you that you were in for a long night. And it was also the last little nudge that you needed to fully let go. The emotions coursing through your body heightened your senses and your first orgasm of the night hit you like a freight train.
“Fuck ... me,” you gasped before you went to chanting Bob’s name like your prayer as he helped you ride out your high with his fingers. He pulled his mouth away from your clit, instead pressed feathery kisses to your inner thighs.
“I thought that’s what we were doin’, darlin’,” he replied with a chuckle. It took you a second to figure out what he was getting at, but then you joined into his laughter.
You lifted your head, chest heaving and heart pounding in your chest as your core still ached for more. You still needed him inside of you, needed to feel all of him. To come undone on his cock and have him follow suit shortly after. “Depends … how you define sex, baby. Some people don’t count oral as sex.”
“I’d say, those people are idiots,” Bob grumbled and pushed himself up until he was face to face with you again. You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your mouth at the sight of his slicked-up chin. Then he was licking his two fingers clean; and you thought, you might pass out at the sight. How the fuck was your sweet, gentle Robby this fucking hot – and admittedly deservedly smug about his skills in bed? Even if that side only came out in your presence. Bob’s lips pulled up into a grin and he winked at you. “I know, my greedy little princess.”
He bent down to kiss you; you moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue. “Well, can you blame me? I haven’t been able to fuck, let alone touch, you in months. All I could think about the last few days was you. Your fingers. Your mouth… your cock. The way your body moves against mine … I could barely hold it together at work.”
“Jesus, Y/N. You sure, you never want to try out writing poetry or prose?” He kissed you again, only a quick peck that had you lean up to chase his lips.
Already, you could feel the burning desire for him build again in your stomach. You reach down to palm him through his boxers, and smiled at the hiss that escaped him. The way his eyes screwed shut in pleasure and his hips bucked against your hand. You reveled in the fact that you weren’t the only one being this affected, but that it was the same vice versa.
“Why? You like what I got to say?” Your other hand stroked over his cheek; he was leaning into your touch. But then you moved on, tangled your hand into his curls again – and tugged on them. He moaned, loudly, a sound that reverberated off the walls. And your smile only grew brighter. His hips bucked against your hand again, before he snatched your wrist away, pinning it to the bed above your head.
“You’re not fightin’ fair, darlin’.” He was practically purring now as you continued to play with his hair; sometimes tugging on the strands or scratching your nails over his scalp and down his neck.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. “I’m not fighting fair? Take your pants off, Lieutenant, and fuck me.”
Again, you thought, you could see his eyes darken. The usual bright blue now stormier as the same desire raged in his veins that was ready to wreck yours again. “Yes, ma’am.”
He shimmied out of his boxers, and you couldn’t help but stare as his thick cock sprang free. He was rock hard, and you wondered why he hadn’t let you do something about that. But that was your Bobby. Always making sure you came first, even when he was less gentle and gave in to his darker, more dominant side. He leaned over you again, giving a softer smile as he opened the bedside drawer and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube.
He made quick work of the wrapper, but before he could roll it down over his length, you put a hand on his arm. His eyes flicked up to yours in a silent question.
“Let me.”
He nodded, swallowed and handed you the condom. You took it and carefully rolled it down his shaft. You bit down on your lower lip when Bob hissed lightly at the contact, but he didn’t stop you. Instead, you could feel his gaze burn itself into your face. You squeezed a bit of lube onto your hand, gave him a couple quick pumps when you were done and grinned at the groan that rumbled through him.
Then his hands were on you again and he lifted you onto his lap, maneuvering one of the pillows around so he could lay you down onto it. He laced the fingers of one of his hands with yours and pressed it the mattress next to your head while he lined himself up with the other.
“Oh, fuck,” you groaned as he entered you, slowly, so he wouldn’t hurt you and you had time to adjust to the sheer size of him.
“Darlin’,” Bob whispered over and over against your lips before you lifted up your head and crashed your lips against his. Your legs wrapped around his hips and you sighed as you pulled him closer, deeper into you. Your free hand ran down his back, digging your nails into the skin of his lower back.
He began to move, slow and deliberate strokes. But it didn’t take long for the tension to build in your stomach again. Not with the continued praise and sweet nothings that fell from Bob’s lips, joined by you telling him what a good boy he was for you, how proud you were of him, how good he made you feel. When he let go of your hand and his thumb found its way to your clit again, you couldn’t hold back the second orgasm that washed over you. You were sure you screamed his name as you came – unable to give a fuck about what the neighbors might think. And yet, you could tell Bob was holding back. Which was strange, because he wasn’t usually one to have one go and be done for the night, Bob had more stamina than you’d ever thought possible with a man.
So, when your head had cleared and your breathing had calmed down again, you took your chance and – with your legs still wrapped around his hips – pushed to have him roll over on his back. You straddled his hips, slowly pushing yourself back down onto his cock until he was fully seated inside of you. You could feel him twitch at the anticipation of you riding him.
You pulled him up by his shoulders as you began to slowly grind your hips against his. “Why are you holding back, baby? You’ve been so good for me. Want to feel you cum for me. Please, Robby.”
“Fuck,” he huffed out and leaned his forehead against yours. While your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him as close as you possibly could, his fingers dug into your hips and thighs, trying to get you to move faster. “Want you to cum with me, darlin’. Please. Need to feel you squeeze my cock again.”
“Almost there, baby,” you replied and hid your face in the crook of his neck to suck at his pulse point. And it was true, while you kept grinding your hips against him and whimpered at the friction against your clit, you could feel your third orgasm build up.
“Fuck, that’s it, darlin’. Keep going. Don’t stop. Take what you need from me.” He moaned and his fingers dug even deeper into your hips. You were sure, he would leave bruises for you to see in the morning.
You screwed your eyes shut as another orgasm crashed down over you, still hiding your face against his neck to muffle your moans. Bob wasn’t far behind; you could feel him twitch inside of you as he drove his hips up into you. He bit down lightly on your shoulder as he came with a groan.
But what you didn’t know, was that you two had gotten an audience. Some time between your second orgasm and this one, Hangman had come home. And he had no qualms standing in the darkened hallway, watching you ride Bob as he wrung out every last drop of pleasure from you. You didn’t know that Hangman stood there, growing harder as he watched you. But Bob did. He locked eyes with the other man before squeezing them shut as he came. Bob might not have said anything in the moment. But you also didn’t know what this small act of voyeurism would lead to. Would have never expected it to lead to where it did.
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ao3feed-narlie · 1 month
your freckles lead the way
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Lc50Ys2 by hrtstcppr Charlie will never get enough of Nick’s warm skin on his or how tactile he is with him, always reaching to take his hand, locking their fingers whenever he’s in reach, pulling him in for a hug whenever he sees him as if they haven’t been living together for the past six months.   Nick dips his head into Charlie’s shoulder and his delicious smell of sandalwood and cinnamon permeates Charlie’s nose and it all becomes so overwhelming. Nick’s smell accompanied by his body pressed up against Charlie finally causes him to break. He physically can’t take the pent up emotions that he’s harboured for their entire friendship. He needs to talk to Nick now.   Or: Nick and Charlie have been best friends since secondary school. Now Charlie has something he needs to get off his chest after a night out with the paris squad. Words: 8800, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tao Xu, Elle Argent, Darcy Olsson, Tara Jones, Aled Last, Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper), Imogen Heaney, Sahar Zahid Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson & Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Friends to Lovers, they’re in love your honor, author used way to many italics, theyre just goofy boys, Boys In Love, nick nelson is smitten, Fluff, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Smuff, Alcohol, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Protected Sex, Making Love, Grinding, Nonbinary Darcy Olsson, They/Them Pronouns for Darcy Olsson, author is american (derogatory), One Shot, this one shot is unnecessarily long read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Lc50Ys2
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
Eris (OC)
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(picrew is @naylissah's, moodboard is by @negative-speedforce, I use both May Calamawy (pictured) and Alia Shawkat as faceclaims bc I can't decide XD)
Full Name: Eris, sometimes uses al-Abbas as a surname Pronouns: he/they/she (agender pansexual)
Nicknames: wartime (from Rick) Pet Names: honey, darlin', baby (from Rick)
Relevant Tags: #oc eris
Birthday: Unknown Age in Chapter One: Over a thousand years old, exact age unknown
Universe/Fandom: DC, specifically The Suicide Squad (2021)
Physical Traits: 5'7", has a lithe and wiry fighter's build with slightly feminine-leaning features. Appears to be vaguely North African or Middle Eastern in appearance, though described to have an "ancient" quality to their features. Has warm-toned brown skin with a lot of freckles, a soft nose, full lips, and sharp dark brown eyes. Has short, coily black hair, often cropped somewhat haphazardly to keep it out of the way. Has various scars from their lifetime of fighting.
Character Traits: ruthless, chaotic, sarcastic, vibrant, enjoys fighting and violence but is protective of the ones they trust, somewhat reckless when it comes to safety, dislikes showing vulnerability or softness, enjoys being contrary and argumentative
Relationships:  -Family: Diana Prince, other Amazonians (effectively cousins) -Friends: Harley Quinn, Digger Harkness, Robert DuBois, Cleo Cazo, other members of the Suicide Squad -Romantic Partner: Rick Flag
Additional Information: - Fights using a spear or javelin, and dislikes guns - Is a metahuman with advanced regenerative abilities, heightened strength and reflexes, and temporal immortality (they do not age but could be killed through other means) - Has the ability to shapeshift into a lion, though they usually use this as a last resort since it is exhausting and difficult to sustain - ^ This lion form appears as a lioness with a light, wispy tush (mane), comparable to the lioness Zuri at the Topeka Zoo - Was sculpted from clay and grew up on Themyscira - Once he left Themyscira, he spent years following Earth's wars and battles to fight wherever he could - Met Rick while he was in the military and quickly grew close, and decided to tag along once he shifted to managing the Suicide Squad - Has severe time blindness from being alive so long, struggles to differentiate months or whole years of time - Doesn't need to sleep or eat for survival, but is stronger when she has consistent rest and food - Is representative of discord and strife, and is stronger when they're around conflict (e.g. they heal faster and are more adept in battle)
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 months
MerMay 2024 Day Twenty-Seven Merm Protection Squad
{You couldn’t have said something last time?!}
“I didn’t want to upset you guys!”
{It was more upsetting to have that happen out of nowhere!}
“For someone who is projecting his thoughts, you are shouting quite loud, Jameson,” Schneep muttered.
Jameson clutched the power stone tighter. {I can be as loud as I want, the humans can’t hear me! Jackie, I am being so serious right now! You should have told us!}
Jackie flinched. “Well, I-I couldn’t just—I-it was—was surprising, a-and..” His gills fluttered in the power stone’s image. “I didn’t... want to... think about it... for longer than I had to.”
Jameson softened slightly.
“You still should have said something,” Marvin muttered, picking at the blue bandage around his tail. “Or you should’ve, Jack.”
“I didn’t know what it was!” Jack protested. “From my perspective, I just woke up here!”
“With weird bandages!” Marvin retorted. “You didn’t think that was important?!”
“I—I forgot!” Jack stammered. “I was overwhelmed with being able to talk to you guys!”
“Guys, guys, we do not have much time!” Schneep shouted. “I have something important to share.”
{Go ahead, Schneep,} Jameson said.
“Lise asked me if she could... It took a couple times for me to understand what she was asking, with her rephrasing things, but... she asked if she could use a camera to take pictures of me writing things,” Schneep said. “She said... it would... h-help us get out of here.”
“Did you say she could?” Jackie asked.
Schneep nodded slowly. “I... w-was not... too happy.” His voice trembled. “It... made me... w-worried. But... if it would help the rest of you, I was... willing.”
“Schneep,” Marvin whispered. “That... that must’ve been so difficult for you. With your history with these guys. You were so brave.”
{You really were,} Jameson assured him.
Schneep let out a breath. “Thank you.”
“Um... wh-when was this?” Jack asked. They hadn’t been able to contact each other for a few days, as Jameson was unable to fill the stone with power while his injuries under the blue bandages healed.
“Shortly after our first group conversation,” Schneep said.
“So... maybe she’s done something with that by now?” Jackie asked. His eyes widened excitedly. “Maybe we’ll get out of here soon?!”
“Whoa!” Jack suddenly gasped. “Something’s happening!”
“What? What?!” Marvin asked.
Jack swam across the colorful background of his tank. “It’s... a bunch of humans,” he reported. They’re gathering up. And now they’re leaving through a door. Oh! Lise is there!”
{This must be part of her plan,} Jameson said. {I’m going to end the communication now. I’ll start it again in a couple hours so you can update us if you see anything new on your level.}
“Got it!” Jack said. “I’ll keep an eye out.”
Jack felt the connection drop. He stared out at the humans as they all slowly filed through a door on the side of the tank. There were a lot of them, most wearing the same blue coat that Lise did. He hoped that all these people would be able to... do... something. Anything!
...a while passed.
Jack swam back and forth in his tank, making sure to keep that one door in view. He watched it until it opened again, and out came—that human man in gray. He was practically running, and the reason why soon became clear. The group of humans were chasing after him! Even through the thick glass around the tank, he could hear their voices! Though they were muffled to him, he could tell they were yelling. Lise was in the front, her sharp voice being the loudest.
The man in gray walked up to the wall of Jack’s tank, looking up at him where he was swimming. And Jack... shrank back. He could see a difference between the way this man looked at him, and the way Lise and some of the others looked at him. It was... empty. That was the only way he could think to describe it.
Jack cried out, covering his ears as the man in gray banged a fist against the glass wall, causing a sound that echoed through the water. The human voices all faded. The man in gray turned around, clearly talking, and the other humans stayed silent. Some looked angry, but many of them looked... cowed. He swam up to the glass, pressing his hands against it, and tried to plead with them silently.
Some of their expressions softened. But many of them avoided his gaze.
Jack’s heart sank.
“—and that’s final!” Visser shouted. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, then turned and sharply walked out of the room. The crowd parted around him, staying entirely silent until the moment he disappeared.
Lise stared after him, boiling anger filling her chest. It almost physically hurt. She knew that the TridentCorp higher-ups were all concerned with profit, but she didn’t realize the extent of their stubbornness. She turned to look at the rest of the group. The allies she’d managed to gather over the past month. Many of them looked reluctant now.
“We cannot listen to him,” she said, keeping her voice steady. “Did you see what he did? He hit the glass. Even children know not to hit the glass in aquariums.” She pointed at the discus merm watching the rest of them. “He hurt this wonderful, beautiful creature! And there are others who have done the same!”
A murmur traveled through the crowd.
“These people do not care about this new species,” Lise said. “If they lead the way, they will hurt them. And this species—they are not just animals. They are intelligent! You have seen the footage of the one upstairs writing! Keeping them in tanks is the same as kidnapping them!”
“But what’re we supposed to do?” someone shouted. “We can’t lose our jobs!” The crowd muttered in agreement.
Lise hesitated. “We cannot do things here.” She glanced around the room; she knew there were security cameras around. “But we are not helpless.” She walked to the nearest person with a clipboard. “Can I borrow a pen and paper?” The person nodded and handed her some. Lise wrote something down: a set of coordinates and a date. The coordinates for the island where she has been meeting with the two merms and their human allies. “Pass this around and copy it, if you can,” she said. “If you all truly believe in this, you will meet here at the time and day listed.”
It may be time to bring in more people.
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brittlefcrged · 2 years
VERSE. ( dc. / caladrius. )
     so this verse is an extension / spin off of the loosely plotted ‘weaponized’ verse that i wrote up yesterday.  this one is specifically tailored to dc and is based off of plotting and main interactions / events that will occur in threads with @masquenoire ; roman ; black mask.
     trigger warnings for gaslighting, neglect & abuse w/in a mental health care facility (but lbr it’s arkham so), brainwashing, corruption, violence and more. proceed with due caution. 
under a read more for length & content.
reese’s life up to the last couple years, around 20-21 yrs old ish, remains the same as her base history.  musical prodigy, parent’s died, she loses her tenuous grip on her mental health that was already being manipulated by her manager who was also abusing her; she ends up in his custody until he dumps her in a psych ward after a suicide attempt - she can’t produce, she’s no good to h im. she gets adopted; not a great situation but she has a little brother she adores until tragedy strikes and he falls through the ice while they’re skating - she tries to rescue him, they both drown - she’s the only one that can be resuscitated.  she gets dumped back into the system, this time in america, and her father’s sister gets a hold of her and primarily the royalties from reese’s music, the family inheritance and then a piece of the pie of reese’s art until reese turns 21 and the aunt has to turn over everything to the legal team that handles reese’s estate to then handle on her behalf.
the aunt has already abused the situation, taking reese’s weekly allotments, throwing out family albums and other things that she got with the estate and was not above trading reese’s company for favors with politicians et al that help keep the aunt’s black label escort ring from being targeted by anyone. needless to say they don’t get along and that’s not counting the actual physical abuse, psychological trauma and the fact that the aunt has killed at least four of her husbands in the last decade.
in this verse, this is where things diverge.  after a particular bad ‘episode’ reese gets admitted into arkham against her will by her aunt.  at some point, someone, could be crane, could be another shrink or some spec ops / psy ops / magic super secret squad / someone looking for potential recruits to the suicide squad or -whomever- realizes through reese’s records, her art, her ramblings etc. that she actually has some sort of ability and arranges for her to be sent into some sort of echo chamber / super soldier type psychological warfare conditioning to turn her into a weapon / tool that they can then turn around and sell to the highest bidder once she’s one; realized that she actually sees things that have happened or might happen, can be broken down and conditioned and all of the other things that go into that.   she’s officially declared dead at some point in all of this.
in this spin off, she ends up in the hands of the black mask.  it takes time, but eventually they begin to come to a more agreeable working relationship as she begins to bond / imprint on him - still admittedly freaked out by the blood and violence and all of the things that happen in gotham to start with, let’s be honest, but he (generally) treats her well, looks after her, pampers her, etc. there’s bound to be some rough spots but that’s to be expected.
he creates a personae for her within his organization, caladrius.  since she’s technically dead and since he wants to protect her identity / his investment, he gets her a half skull mask in white; she tends to be dressed in very elegant but non effeminizing three pieces suits of the same bone white and always wears gloves.  not a lot of people know what she does but there’s a lot of rumors that she’s a witch, she’s a psychic, she’s a mind reader - what it does boil down to is she’s one of the tools roman uses to decide someone’s guilt or innocence and whether or not they can be trusted.  
(roman mythology sets the caladrius as a healer or predictor or death; this white bird played an integral part in the lives of ancient romans; they believed the caladrius had the ability to extract diseases and illness from people by touching its beak to the lips of the informed.  if the caladrius turned away from the person and refused to cure them, it was a sign that the person was doomed to die. - with reese this works a very similar way, if she kisses them on the forehead etc it’s a basically innocent verdict, if she doesn’t, then roman knows that the person has something to hide)
now as time goes by and reese adjusts to everything, she and roman become lovers.  no one should be surprised it takes very little at all to win her over when she’s not been set up to need to make someone happy okay.  he begins to teach her how to use certain weapons, how to fight (or at least probably survive) and begins to introduce her to the art of torture and or breaking down people’s resistance et al.  at some point he asks if there’s anyone she would like to see suffer and eventually he gets her to confess some of the reasons why she would like her aunt to be the top of that list.
katrina gains a gory demise and things slowly begin a darker and more toxic route with reese & roman and reese’s interactions / place in his group as she gains confidence, skill and self reliance in general as well as with her likelihood of survivability & general power levels. 
a momentary diversion her bc i need to mention that she has three general styles of fashion in this verse; the bone white suits & masks & gloves for her personae; the audrey hepburn does fashion look that’s her general ‘social’ look and then the grunge gremlin when she’s incognito or lounging around the house or whatever.
she probably spends some time out and about that she thinks no one knows about where she goes incognito and volunteers at soup kitchens / homeless shelters / wherever she can help out people on the streets - always an eye out for places worthy of charity donations cause she has zero need for all the money that she’s got at that point from her aunt & her family’s estate that roman stole back for her - and probably does some low key snooping around of other villains / rogues on the peripheral out of curiosity and to see what info she might be able to bring back to tell roman.
she’s convinced he doesn’t know anything about these outings.  whether he does or not, - who knows -. 
so yeah there’s a lot of potential for plots and interactions with other people that have a gotham / dc genre verse ranging from in arkham, all the way to any point in the modern plot with roman.  it could be someone that knows her as reese from before or someone she knows as lily in her fake identity / gremlin personae, or someone that knows her as caladrius, roman’s mysterious partner in crime maybe more.  i’m literally up for plotting with whomever would like to.
i am not going to say that this is a group verse per se because i am not going to make anyone that wants to write with me or @masquenoire in this general plot write with the other one / third party if they don’t want to.   i will say that the main plot points of what happen with ^ roman will effect the general story line of this verse and i am absolutely down for three person plots or threads if anyone wants to but it’s not a necessity to interact with other people in this verse to write with me in it and it isn’t a necessity to read / follow any other threads; i’ll keep a general timeline somewhere or make sure to mention anything relevant in overlapping plot points.
that being said, i would love a batman to plot with bc we had this plot idea where roman has somehow been isolated from his crew or his crew has already been beat down and the batman is going hard core on roman trying to capture him.  caladrius finally catches up, literally throwing herself between them and trying to fight off bats - at some point in all that she ends up coming skin to skin contact with him and gets just enough of some flashes of visions to recognize who he is - she freaks out bc she knows roman hates bruce wayne and would probably actually declare another world war if he realized bruce & bats were the same, and she’s wanting to protect roman, so she basically hisses at bats to back off or she’s going to tell everyone who he really is (roman at this point being semi unconscious enough to not hear the exact interaction); shortly after more of roman’s people show up and one way or the other the bats leaves empty handed.  
(small, fun, psychological warfare nod, after that encounter, she wears a pearl necklace with avian bones woven into the design and three small bird skulls on it as well - just bone and death oriented enough to fall in line with her weird personae but - if bruce pays attention, will probably recognize as just this little ‘i’m watching you’ kind of warning)
this is really long and honestly there’s more i could throw in here but i’m going to try to curb it and just say if you wanna plot something in this verse with her please don’t hesitate to let me know.  reply here or send me some memes specifying this verse or throw some starters out or answer some open starters that might fit into this verse and just let me know that’s what they’re for!
i did think of @intcthatgoodnight & @rubiesintherough and possibly @orphanedshadow / & phel or whomever - also possibly @innerwar or @smokedanced off the top of my head but literally whomever wants to scheme poke me.
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kapitaali · 1 year
PSL statement: Free Palestine, free all Palestinian political prisoners, end all U.S. aid to the Israeli apartheid regime!
The unrelenting oppression, murder, torture and occupation carried out by the Israeli apartheid regime has precipitated a counter-offensive by Palestinian resistance forces. The Israeli war machine and its attendant systems of oppression are bought and paid for by U.S. imperialism. U.S. tax dollars fund the grinding oppression of the Palestinian people to the tune of $4 billion each year.
Resistance to apartheid and fascist-type oppression was labeled “terrorism” by U.S. politicians when the African National Congress took up arms against the racist, apartheid regime in South Africa. The same false “terrorism” label is being applied to the Palestinian people. 
The PSL says: Resistance to apartheid and fascist-type oppression is not a crime! It is the inevitable outcome for all people who demand self-determination rather than living with the boot-heel of the oppressors on their necks.
The people of the United States are going into the streets right now to say “free Palestine!”, “cut all U.S. aid for the apartheid regime” and “free all Palestinian political prisoners!”
Israel is currently carrying out a massacre of historic proportions against Gaza and all throughout Palestine, slaughtering hundreds. The bombs and missiles that are raining down on Gaza right now are paid for by U.S. tax dollars. Instead of using money to meet people’s needs, the U.S. government has shamefully extended Israel a long-term military aid agreement worth $38 billion. 
The corporate media and politicians want the public to believe that Israel is simply defending itself from “terrorism.” That’s a lie. The actions of the resistance over the course of the last day is a morally and legally legitimate response to occupation. It was brought about by escalating Israeli oppression on numerous fronts. 
Less than a year ago, a new, far-right government came into office in Israel. Regardless of which party is in power, the Israeli government has always imposed occupation and apartheid. But the new administration — which includes openly genocidal, fascist senior ministers who control the police and prison system — is intent on taking this to unprecedented heights. 
A wave of killings is under way in the occupied West Bank by Israeli troops, cops and vigilantes that has claimed over 200 Palestinian lives so far this year. Already horrific conditions for the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails deteriorated even further. Far-right mobs stormed the al-Aqsa mosque on numerous occasions under the protection of Israeli police. The construction of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land was hugely expanded. The new government announced its intention to create a “national guard” — a thinly-veiled death squad that would operate under the personal command of the main fascist politician in Israel, Itamar Ben-Gvir. 
To provide diplomatic cover as this was taking place, the U.S. government has been aggressively lobbying countries in the Middle East to sign “normalization” agreements with Israel. Since the state of Israel was established amid a deadly campaign of ethnic cleansing in 1948, most neighboring countries have rightfully refused to officially recognize Israel’s existence. But in the last few years that has begun to change. In exchange for what amounted to massive bribes from the United States, the reactionary governments of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco established formal relations with Israel. In recent days, the United States was reportedly on the verge of securing the biggest normalization agreement of all with Saudi Arabia. 
It was in this context of an existential threat to the Palestinian people’s very survival that the resistance organizations chose to launch a bold counter-offensive. This does not constitute terrorism. It is a basic fact of history that any people who are subjected to an occupation will resist that occupation.
The Israeli government is carrying out a bombardment of unbelievable proportions targeting Palestinian civilians in an effort to take revenge on the resistance. Shortly after the war broke out, Lloyd Austin pledged that, “Over the coming days the Department of Defense will work to ensure that Israel has what it needs.” The U.S. government is just as complicit in this massacre as Israel. Now is the time to mobilize and demand freedom for Palestine!
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
World Aquatics adds open category for trans women athletes
World Aquatics, the governing body for international water sports, announced on Tuesday the establishment of an “open category” that will welcome transgender women in competition. The announcement was made at the 2023 World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka,  Japan. --- Related Stories Reporter slammed for asking Moroccan soccer player if she has gay teammates The reporter’s employer has already apologized for the question that others said puts people in danger. --- “This is a very complex topic,” said the governing body’s president Husain Al-Musallam. “But I am delighted to tell you today that we are now making plans for the first trial of an open category, and we hope to be able to confirm all the details soon.” Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. “Our sport must be open to everybody,” he said. Al-Musallam said the category would apply to multiple events and would take place in the future, but provided no details.   World Aquatics, formerly known as FINA, is the federation recognized by the International Olympic Committee for administering international competitions in water sports. “It was very important that we protected fair competition for our female athletes,” Al-Musallam said. “But you have heard me say many times there should be no discrimination. Nobody should be excluded from our competitions.” The announcement came after World Aquatics joined several other sports organizations banning transgender women athletes from competition over the last year. The restrictions followed a string of high-profile wins by trans women that earned international attention. In March 2022, University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas became the first trans woman to earn a national title with her controversial win in the women’s 500-yard freestyle at the NCAA championships in Atlanta. Thomas joined the women’s team at the University of Pennsylvania after competing for three years on the men’s squad. In April, trans cyclist Austin Killips won the women’s Tour of the Gila in North Carolina, becoming the first transgender cyclist to win a sanctioned event.  After initially supporting Killips’ right to ride, in July the Union Cycliste Internationale banned transgender women who have “transitioned after (male) puberty.” At the same time, President David Lappartient claimed cycling was “open to everyone, including transgender people.” Track and field’s, triathlon’s, and rugby’s governing bodies, among others, have all issued bans of trans women athletes competing in those sports. http://dlvr.it/SskfYF
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Overlord: Dungeon Crawl
It was a peaceful day, the fish grew in the prototype farms of the lizardmen tribes, Carne villagers hummed to themselves as they toiled in the noon sun, and a dual black and white haired woman fiddled with a toy that shouldn’t exist for centuries. All of that (and more) was interrupted when the World shook, knocking most of the population (save the more elite like the aforementioned toy-fiddler, a wise and compassionate knight-captain, and a blue haired bandit) flat on their asses.
A massive pillar of blue energy pierced the heavens themselves, those in Carne and the Lizardmen swamp (or those skilled in Divination like the Toy Fiddler’s subordinate/ally) saw a huge rock mass descend in the pillar of energy. Again the World shook as the rock mass impacted, jolting the hidden innards and leaving the inhabitants toppled like the World outside. The impact was much closer to Carne Village than it should have been. Eleven unseen tendrils phased through the walls and various protections of the rock mass, reaching outwards to the world. Wrapping themselves into a cord or cable in the process.
Like the northern skylights, the cable spread across the world hidden in the upper layers of the World’s Magic and the lowest layers of Space. Before dividing again and again and again and again as the tendrils plummeted downwards, connecting themselves to everyone in the World. Save, of course, the inhabitants of the rock mass. Putting the exact location of the rock mass into everyone’s head and whispering sweet, maddening, nothings and the promise of the Adventure (and reward) of several lifetimes.
While there were many other threads, they lacked the pull of the cable. The individual threads were like a human child blowing on the ocean. Yes, said action will create ripples, but nothing that affects the entirety of the ocean. The cable on the other hand, had the strength of the Moon on all of the World’s water.
For the Power of entire worlds condensed into a roughly human sized object is foolish to contain, even more foolish to hoard. And the Great Tomb of Nazarick? Hoarded Eleven. 8 more than the next highest Hoard of World Items in the entire game of Yggdrasil.
For this is Overlord: The Dungeon Crawl.
Message magic flew to the Slaine Theocracy’s Black Ops squad to halt their attempt at assassinating Gazef Stronoff and hold the line near the tomb until a specialized team was formed to craft a Dungeon town. A Courier of the human variety was sent by Gazef’s King to redirect his Personal Sword/Warrior-Captain to investigate this ‘Tomb’ forced into everyone’s minds.
A few days passed as Gazef and his men rode to the location, easily tackling the hills (which unknown to them didn’t even exist the week prior) surrounding it. The sound of earth crumbling and falling echoed across the hilly plains. Around one last hill the warriors rode and a cloud of dust settled, revealing a young Dark Elf girl grasping a stick-like staff as tall as she was. A clump of her blonde hair in her free hand. But most importantly was the wall she was standing on, the wall which refused to have a speck of dirt on it. The wall which perfectly fits the location affixed in every New World’s mind.
“I-If I can’t d-doo th-this simp-ple task, th-hen Lord Momonga will leave us!” the Dark Elf Druid let go of her staff to cry into her hands.
The sound of hooves jolted the girl out of her sorrow. Gazef’s men stopped near the wall as she bent down to pick up her staff.
“H-Hal- Oh, you al-already did that.” the girl muttered. “U-Um, why have you come to Lord Momonga’s Great Tomb of Nazarick?”
“So, you are unaware that your tomb has embedded itself and its location into everyone’s minds three days ago?” Gazef frowned, rubbing his chin.
The girl yelped and fell on her ass, raising a hand to her ear and rapidly muttering into the air.
Gazef eyes narrowed, “who uses Message any more?”
AN:I was very stuck on how to do this story past the point where Gazef and his men met Mare. and then I remember “Slaine Theocary probably dealt with this before”. So the safe dungeonering bits? Blame ST.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
What is this Al Nassr squad??? At this point they should establish their own team, because 😬😬😬😬
France is always full of drama lmao. WHAT AM I HEARING KAKA LOOKALIKE, bestie did you know I used to be a huge Kaka girl when I was in primary school absjsjdbdjhshahshahsjaa. Okay but did Pepe even have hair in his life, he's like Zidane to me, seeing them with hair would be so weird 😭
Well, well, well Baek that's karma lmao. But I hope your knuckle is fine. An iron. Fell. 😭 My hair is indeed too long right now, gotta cut it actually. Can it be a braid instead? Not a fan of ponytails on myself 😅
Ooooh if they had a daughter she'd experience so much misogyny 🤡 but hopefully she wouldn't be out there proving Fr**d was right like Harry 🔪 but honestly I'm not sure, obviously things would be a bit different, but I don't think anything major
I know Lookass' Chinese stans are obviously protecting him, but most international fans are against him, so... weird move. THIS COMPANY IS SO FUCKING BAD .Btw SM, I have some ☕ to spill from a trusted source 👀
Yunjin supremacy <3333 But?!??!! I'M CHOKING
Yes Eunhyuk the black haired one, he's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but Mr Dohwa has redeemed himself he's cute, maybe him and the girl end up as friends, so hopefully no love triangle, but let's be honest... we'll never escape the 🔺️
I'm unfortunately a Draco apologist. I mean I wanna slap that lil bitch, but also he wasn't that bad.
Damiano you're a 99 liner, there's no need to go to the army yet 🔪🔪🔪🔪 the day Ethan cuts his hair though...💀
I'd be the last person to judge you for liking cat boys, so I get it osisoduejwhwiwjs
Hwa on a dance show as a judge, yes, but meanwhile some people don't even consider him to be in the dance line so 💀💀💀💀
I think snakes are cool looking, I have snakes tattooed on me, but I'd never own one! Spiders especially the big ass hairy ones though?! I'M MOVING TO A DIFFERENT PLANET NO THX
I'll die on my Tasir hill, idc, he realised he loved Latil and since she chose him as her main consort this can't end like this I REFUSE!!!! The story is probably fair from over though. Latil doesn't really care for her other baby and the baby father, so I'm not sure if the second time will be any different 😭😅
Krystal's solo DO NOT EVEN
Ravi??? 😬 if it's true then he's done for
God I'm obsessed with him. Anyways let me pass the fuck out real quick
But he's so fucking cute?!?! totally the blushing man in a manhwa/anime vibes, kicking his feet, twirling his hair etc
Shakira's diss track?! - DV 💖
What is this Al Nassr squad??? At this point they should establish their own team, because 😬😬😬😬 //// France is always full of drama lmao. WHAT AM I HEARING KAKA LOOKALIKE, bestie did you know I used to be a huge Kaka girl when I was in primary school absjsjdbdjhshahshahsjaa. Okay but did Pepe even have hair in his life, he's like Zidane to me, seeing them with hair would be so weird 😭
ex-real madrid fc im into this actually,, france is so dramatic, from witchcraft to zidane slander 🔫🔫 KAKA LOOKALIKE BFWMBDKW BRO GOT A RED CARD AT HIS DEBUT W CHELSEA 😭😭 KAKA SON omg really??? bestie u were stanning the prettiest men i SWEAR & now ronaldinho’s son??? if he’s at the wc 2026 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 that’ll be a game to watch omg, the magicians son on the field 🤌🏻 and barca madrid for supercopa again????
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no bc pepe suits hair,, zidane tho i think he looks better w none <3 but zidane’s wife??? 🤲🏻
Well, well, well Baek that's karma lmao. But I hope your knuckle is fine. An iron. Fell. 😭 My hair is indeed too long right now, gotta cut it actually. Can it be a braid instead? Not a fan of ponytails on myself 😅 //// TWO OTHER PEOPLE SENT ME THAT HARRY SHIT TO ME WHAT'S GOING ON, WE'RE LOSING THE PLOT HERE HENRY
LMFAOOOO HOW THE TURNT HAVE TABLES it is very fine just that internal redness <3 it looks nice tbh but its fading fbsbdhc YEAH. YEAAAAAHHH fun times i tell u <333 IM SORRY BUT QUIRKY YN ONLY GETS TO HAVE PONYTAILS tho ur bad boy only good to u can braid it for u 🥰🥰,,, NO BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON 😭😭😭😭 WE LOST THE PLOT BEFORE THE BOOK CAME OUT, “we want privacy!” “here’s my dic-“ HARRY HAROLD NO 🔫🔫 i cant escape them theyre eveyrwhere but i agree w this
Ooooh if they had a daughter she'd experience so much misogyny 🤡 but hopefully she wouldn't be out there proving Fr**d was right like Harry 🔪 but honestly I'm not sure, obviously things would be a bit different, but I don't think anything major //// I know Lookass' Chinese stans are obviously protecting him, but most international fans are against him, so... weird move. THIS COMPANY IS SO FUCKING BAD .Btw SM, I have some ☕ to spill from a trusted source 👀 //// Yunjin supremacy <3333 But?!??!! I'M CHOKING
oH UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT,,, tbh i think, hot take, ive heard charles and dianna rly wanted a girl as their second child and were disappointed it was a boy and how their marriage began to collapse from the small threads it was hung by,,, hot take but id think maybe their marriage would’ve worked 🤚🏻 MAYBE 🤚🏻 i believe the daughter would have brought at least some stability <3 i think it would’ve been a situation of siblings like charles and anne, the nicer siblings and not heir spare drama 🤚🏻 but then again charles only liked one person, so i guess it wouldn’t make a difference 😭😭
THIS COMPANY IS SO MAD THEYRE TRYING TO GET A WRESTLING BID UNDER THEM????? FOR WHAT??? TO PUT WHO AGAINST WHO???? the nct thing???? are they mad??? IN THE SAME HOTEL???? NO??? sm always setting their artists up i swear i think they’ve done this w exo before until it got out of hand,,, have they not learnt what the hell?? ok but imagine picking up a pizza delivery from ur door and u see yangyang at the end of the hallway dancing
omg please do tell, my ears are open 👀
Yes Eunhyuk the black haired one, he's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but Mr Dohwa has redeemed himself he's cute, maybe him and the girl end up as friends, so hopefully no love triangle, but let's be honest... we'll never escape the 🔺️
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we will never escape the love triangle and u know the miscommunication trope is also coming bc someone’s going to do something that someone will see at the wRONG TIME I CAN ALREADY SEE THE ANGER
I'm unfortunately a Draco apologist. I mean I wanna slap that lil bitch, but also he wasn't that bad. //// Damiano you're a 99 liner, there's no need to go to the army yet 🔪🔪🔪🔪 the day Ethan cuts his hair though...💀
he really wasn’t 😭😭 it was quite sad to see him go thru, and i made a mistake to see this and i don’t think i have wanted a redemption arc for draco so bad ,,,, the way he’s a 99 liner surprises me bc ive always thought he’s at least 27+ 😭😭😭 OH THE DAY HE CUTS HIS HAIR?????? I APOLOGIZE FOR THE PERSON I WILL BECOME
I'd be the last person to judge you for liking cat boys, so I get it osisoduejwhwiwjs //// Hwa on a dance show as a judge, yes, but meanwhile some people don't even consider him to be in the dance line so 💀💀💀💀
LMFAOOOO FBANBDWNHDKAHDKS i am actually obsessed liking a furry, i never knew id join ur group 😔 but to add to that list, brendan fraser in the mummy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 not consider him in the dance line???? what does he put a whole performance for ?? tbh all of them are dancers, it’s their best, strong suit is their dancing and if not for that maybe they wouldn’t have made it,, so it’s so weird that people don’t think of every one of them as dancers! ANON RHAKDJWK CORSET HWA
I think snakes are cool looking, I have snakes tattooed on me, but I'd never own one! Spiders especially the big ass hairy ones though?! I'M MOVING TO A DIFFERENT PLANET NO THX
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U DO?????? anon u surprise me every time, how big are they??? do u have a name for them, or is just lefty righty 😭😭 STOPPPP THE HAIRY ONES AND THOSE DIFF COLOURED ONES IM SHIVER ME TIMBERS ID PASS OUT U WONT SEE ME UNTIL NEXT TIME,, i once saw one crawl up someone’s leg, i disliked them so i never told them abt it <3
I'll die on my Tasir hill, idc, he realised he loved Latil and since she chose him as her main consort this can't end like this I REFUSE!!!! The story is probably fair from over though. Latil doesn't really care for her other baby and the baby father, so I'm not sure if the second time will be any different 😭😅
tbh why’s the story not even finished 😭😭 is this becoming a new true beauty or i love yoo again 😭🤚🏻 SEE TASIR IM SO GLAD THEY LIKE EACH OTHER BUT I WILL FORVER WAIT FOR SONNAUGHTS REDEMPTION I WILL NEVER LOSE HOPE ON HIM, MAYBE MY HOPE DIMS BUT IT WONT BLOW 🤚🏻 latil in her toxic era
Krystal's solo DO NOT EVEN /// Ravi??? 😬 if it's true then he's done for
brings back pstd,,,, krystal w her dark energy would’ve embodied the concepts,, the witchy red light type of mv too >>> yEAAAAAAH ravi’s,, i think theres some timeline mishaps 😭😭 and ppl are bringing taemin into this
God I'm obsessed with him. Anyways let me pass the fuck out real quick //// But he's so fucking cute?!?! totally the blushing man in a manhwa/anime vibes, kicking his feet, twirling his hair etc //// Shakira's diss track?! - DV 💖
this is seonghwa cullen, oh my god sTOP ONE MINUTE HES A VAMPIRE THE OTHER HE LOOKS LIKE A FANTASY KING,, this??? this is that bad boy hwa u wanted anon, he is alive and he’s KILLING ME TBEMBDMD & this guy here,,, he’s giving phoenix
shakira distrack and pique’s at his shitty behaviour again
and?? 😭😭😭😭 the song is actually rly good! reminds me a bit of teach me out to dougie x justin timberlake tbh dbdbdns
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
🔹Rockets from Gaza… short range, 1 round, near-Gaza town.
▪️GUNS IN INCUBATORS… not in the baby basket, pistols in the heating element controls.  Essential medical equipment.  Found in a Gaza hospital.
▪️HERO SOLDIERS FALL… 3 fall, one killed in a Lebanon border suicide drone attack, two in Gaza fighting.
▪️PM NETANYAHU… Netanyahu on the question of why he did not cancel the Oslo Accords: 30 years you accused me of preventing a Palestinian state, now you accuse me of not?
▪️RETURN TO NEAR-GAZA TOWNS?  Defense Minister Gallant: The evacuees of the south will soon begin to be returned to their homes.  Heads of Near-Gaza towns:  "We will not return until the threat is removed."  ME: Rockets this morning at near-Gaza town (and literally daily, multiple times a day).  These are the towns being considered: Zikim, Karmia, Yad Mordechai, Erez, Nir Am, Kfar Gaza, Alumim, Bari, Magen and Nir Yitzhak.    The heads of the towns are furious about the intention to return residents soon because the threat has not been removed, they have not yet restored security or created new security protections, nor provided any funding for recovery or safety! 
* The kidnapping deal was a major Israeli achievement. The negligible payment in released terrorists (only 3:1) shows how much the military pressure had an effect.
* No one in the cabinet blocked the deal.
* There is no realistic offer on the table.
* It is possible that "there is no victory without the return of the hostages” but it is clear that the return of the hostages in itself does not constitute a victory, merely a reduction of a humiliating defeat.
* Victory will be the eradication of the Hamas murder organization's ability to launch rockets and carry out murderous campaigns within our borders, and then when we have returned our hostages. It would be a sad victory without parades and fireworks, but without it our lives here would be hell.
(( He writes “lives here would be hell”… too mild.  Nobody will voluntarily live near the Gaza border nor near the Lebanon border if Israel doesn’t have a strong victory and major deference.  Or in other words, 30% of the country becomes uninhabitable. ))
▪️HAMAS SAYS… Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan, last evening:  There is no prisoner exchange deal before the ceasefire and acceptance of the "resistance" conditions.  The senior official of Islamic Jihad, Ali Abu Shaheen:  We are ready for a prisoner exchange deal only after a ceasefire and we stand by this condition.
▪️GOOD DOGGY… IDF publishes video of IDF K-9 identifying an explosive device and saving soldiers from an IED attack in the Gaza Strip, causing a storm and outrage among Muslims on social media.  Why?  The doggie’s name is Aisha, a name of one of their prophet’s wives.  Wikipedia “A preponderance of classical sources converge on the prophet’s wife Aisha being 6 or 7 years old at the time of her marriage, and 9 at the consummation.”  
▪️JUDEA-SAMARIA NIGHTLY ANTI-TERROR ACTIVITY CONTINUES… Drone strike against terrorist squads in the Noor al-Shams camp in Tulkarm, after which they fired at our forces and threw explosives. According to reports, several wanted terrorists were killed or wounded.
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