#all of them in astronomy together and regulus knowing everything
sweetmoonlight7 · 6 months
20. Emotional
@jegulus-microfic | March 20: Emotional | word count: 588
All week something had been feeling off…
Regulus couldn’t exactly place why people were acting all weird and emotional around him. Even Remus, who is usually the only person Regulus can trust to be normal, is acting off.
Every time Regulus walked into a room everyone would stop talking or very clearly change the subject.
If he tried talking to Remus he would get all nervous constantly looking around and then would leave.
Barty and Even were no better than cutting off their calls and canceling the weekly lunch.
Finally, he decided to ask Sirius about it hoping that his brother would be honest with him. To his surprise, his brother took one look at him turned around and left without a word.
Normally this would frustrate him, but after trying to talk to his brother yesterday he’s just worried…
His only option left was to wait for James to come back from a trip and ask him if he knew what the hell was going on.
This went on for two more excruciating days.
At last on Monday, when he should be having lunch with his best friends he wakes up to his name being called.
“Regulus…Regulus, wake up love”
He opens his eyes and sure enough, his boyfriend who should still be in London is in front of him and he’s kneeling…?
“What are you doing James?”
“Look, I have been trying to come up with ways to do this for months. Finally, I gave up and asked our friends but nothing sounded right… a dinner and a walk, going to the astronomy tower where we fell in love, shouting in the great hall, every grand gesture of love… but none of them seemed to like us.”
He notices the box James is fiddling with. It wasn’t big or flashy but it did have stars painted in silver all around it. He wonders if it came like that or if James put them there himself.
Slowly James opened the box and took out two rings.
“James what-“
“Just one second of love, okay?”
“..okay…” he’s still a little sleepy and disoriented but he knows what was coming, he can feel the tears begin to well up in his eyes.
“Regulus, I have loved you my entire life. Even when I didn’t know I loved you, I knew I needed to be around you. All my life I felt like I was chasing the wrong people, like I was getting caught up with the idea of love before falling in love. I didn’t even understand how strong it could be until I met you. Every year we have spent together has been perfect, even in the middle of a war, even when we fight, or when we weren’t sure what was going to happen the next day, everything has been perfect because I have you by my side. So-“
“I haven’t finished yet!!” He could see James holding back his tears, a smile splitting on his face, and could feel his spilling down his cheeks,
“Fine, fine go one”
“So Regulus Black, would you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“Yes James yes I’ll marry you” he cries out, his voice sounds watery, so different from his normal speech.
James fumbles with the rings and puts one in his hand.
It’s beautiful, just a silver band with a small stone in the middle, inside J.F.P with a little sun carved in. On James’ hand a matching one with R.A.B and a star.
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic | march 14 choice | words: 479
hi so i wrote this hangover and half asleep on a train after a gig so it’s probably not very good but hey it’s here! feel free to point out any mistakes and enjoy <3
Regulus walked down the stairs, pretending not to hear James calling his name. They just had an argument. Well, not really—Regulus was trying to convince the older boy that he wasn't worth his time, while James was trying to deny it. At one point, Regulus simply rolled up his sleeve, showing the Dark Mark on his forearm, and asked, "Do you still think I'm worth it? With this shit and everything it means?” He felt that tears were slowly flowing down his cheeks, but he didn't look away. James just stood there, stunned, staring at the black ink on Regulus' skin. It felt like he had been waiting for hours for the Gryffindor to look him in the eye, and when he finally did, all he saw were tears of what he assumed were pain.
And that’s how Regulus found himself, almost running down the stairs from Astronomy Tower, crying silently. As he reached the corridor leading to the stairwells, James finally caught up to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hidden alcove.
“Why are you running?” James asked breathlessly.
“If I stay, you’ll hate me,” he answered in a whisper. The other boy looked at him with still-glistening eyes and slumped shoulders.
“Oh, love,” James sighed, pulling Regulus to his chest and holding tight. “I could never hate you,” he added to his hair.
At that, Regulus fell apart, gripping James' shirt as if to tear it off, sobbing and shaking, grieving the life they could’ve had.
They stood there for a few minutes, Regulus crying hysterically and James gently rubbing his back, both holding on to each other for dear life.
"I know you, Reg," the taller boy began after a while, his voice trembling a little. “I know you are a good person; you care about others, and although you could hurt anyone if you wanted to, you wouldn't do it to an innocent person. I know where you grew up, I know what they are like, and I'm sure it wasn't your choice. So no. I don't and never will hate you.” When he finished, Regulus felt his hair become wet with tears falling from his lover's eyes. He took a step back to look at James. Even now, with all the crying and snotty noses, Regulus could see the other boy was being honest. James still loved and adored him.
“Do you?“ he hiccuped. “Do you mind if I stay the night at yours?” In response, James just smiled at him and slowly led them to the Gryffindor Tower.
They knew they would have to explain everything to Sirius and find a way to keep Regulus safe. But now, in the middle of the night, they just lay in bed, cuddled together, pretending there was no war going on and no trouble coming their way—tonight they were just teenagers in love.
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maraudersmoonysblog · 2 months
The Black Brothers
Were both forced to learn piano as part of the Black Family tradition and actually secretly loved it
Hate being told what to do
Reg supports Sirius and Remus’ relationship - just in private
He’s in awe of Sirius but refuses to openly state so
Regulus got the chance to tell Sirius everything he did to help win the war (Sirius being very proud of him)
They talk shit about their family together
Reggie tells Sirius that he’s not mad about Sirius running away and leaving him behind and they both end up crying together
Weekly kitchen raids- except the house elves are in on it
Always wearing black all the time
Sirius teaches Reg how to put on winged liner
But he refuses to teach him to put on nail polish only because he likes putting it in on reg himself
Reg is allowed in the the gryffindor common rooms at all times and vice versa for Sirius because everyone knows them
Sirius is very overprotective towards reg but denies it
He will literally stalk anyone he thinks regulus might potentially like “To make sure they’re going to treat him well Rem”
Sirius gets a tattoo in honour of his little brother
They both share their love for astronomy
- SB
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cressthebest · 1 month
my favorite jegulily fics under 10K. feel free to add your own!
show me all the scars you hide
2.5K - no rating - completed
do i hate snape? yes. do i like him in this fic? a little. he’s on thin ice. *squints* also it’s about baby harry pointing out how his scar matches everyone else’s scar. it’s super cute. background jegulily tho :/
secret love song
3.7K - rated g - completed
it’s just really cute hogwarts years fluff about how their freinds find out they’re dating. (but only seeing two together at a time, so they’re really confused at first) also it’s a five part series that i really need to read
There’s no better love that beckons above me.
7K - rated t - completed
uh this fic actually shaped my jegulily world view. so um. there’s that. it’s literally about them getting high together in the astronomy tower all year and then falling in love. it’s that type of tragic where everything happens so realistically that it hurts, even if nothing bad or tragic actually happened. ya know?
3.7K - rated g - completed
it’s a modern au with regulus’ employees seeing reg kiss or flirt with two different people (knowing he’s already with someone!!!!) basically it’s concerned employees worried that their boss is cheating, while he’s actually in a loving polyam relationship. it’s kinda silly
date night
2.4K - rated g - completed
this forms half of my domestic jegulily vibes and opinions. it’s so them <333 also it’s jily having asked out regulus months ago, and him not realizing they’re all three dating, feeling like he’s always intruding on james and lily’s life and date night. it’s really fluffy and sweet
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reggie-kin-forever · 3 months
Okay so i love the trope ‘loves person A like it’s breathing’ and person A ‘thinks they’re unloveable’ especially for jegulus but i want to switch it up. What if it’s james who thinks he is unloveable.
Hear me out: James potter who has the biggest heart in the world and is friends with almost everybody who give out his love, no conditions and he loves that about himself, but then he slowly start to hate that part of himself and that’s where the problem starts.
He started to hate that part of himself after he noticed how he’s make plans with sirius or lily or marlene a week in advance and on the day of, sometimes minutes before, they’d call or text and cancel because they have other things to do with other people that ‘just came up’ and it’s always such a melancholy experience to have had plans with his friends played out ready to go and excited and for them to just cancel.
At first he told himself that they were just busy, or that he was okay with it but he remembers days where marlene really needed help trying to impress dorcas on a date and he dropped everything leading to him being up until 4 in the morning working on a potions essay, or when he and remus were meant to go study in the library because James was falling behind in transfiguration because he didn’t want Minnie to know and then Sirius intercepted them and said that “studying is boring” and so they all decided to go do something fun and james dropped a letter, causing Minnie to pull him after class and have a talk.
It really was just small things but as time went on he noticed more. More how when he tried to make plans his friends would say yes and then never show because they ‘forgot’ or wanting to hang out, even if it was just sitting in silence together and they would say that they couldn’t for whatever reason. At first he tried to reason that he made plans with everybody so often that well they just didn’t consider canceling one hangout was that big a deal, and it wasn’t. But after the 5th time in a row lily canceled on there weekly tea and book, where james made tea and lily told him about what book she was reading because he found literature so astounding he himself was just unable to sit and read them, the idea kinda just swam off in his train of thought.
Slowly he stopped asking his friends to hangout and they didn’t seem to notice. He kept giving them the love from himself but he could hardly ever pinpoint exactly where anyone else was giving him the love right back. It was enough for him to be unable to believe in love. His own friends seem to be actively pulling away from him and it is just so daunting that he had no idea what to do.
And then there’s Regulus. Regulus black. Slytherin house’s Casanova. The boy who received at least 3 marriage proposals a day. The boy who is known for his stubbornness, and resilience, and his celibacy. Most think it’s because of his family name and knowing that he’ll be married off to someone which is why he doesn’t date, but the truth is that from the moment he stepped into hogwarts the only person he has ever been able to look at his golden boy James Potter. James Potter who is captain of the quidditch team. James potter who is nice and friendly to about anything that moves. James potter who even though fits the stereotype of an empty headed jock to a tea is #4 in his graduating class rank right behind Lily Evans.
It really was astounding to anyone who might sit and ponder just how it happened. James potter the boy who is willing to love everyone and everything even if it kills him, and Regulus Black, the boy wanted by almost everyone in school but rejects them all in favor of his own time, end up together.
Well one day after james felt extraordinary left out he went to the astronomy tower to watch as the starts in the night fled from sight, just out of reach for the one thing they were chasing after. He sat there for a while, probably 2 hours. He wondered if his friends noticed he was gone, it was only 7 o’clock when he left. By the time it was 8 a body sat down next to him. He didn’t bother looking over, assuming it was sirius by the black hair he could see in his peripheral.
“What’s up stranger?” it was a voice he was unfamiliar with, and far to smooth the be sirius’. He looked over at the boy and saw what he could only determine as a greek god sent down from above to give him the gift of true beauty for once in his life.
It really was an odd situation to those who may ask. They had no idea how james the fun loving idiot was the one self conscious of himself and how the stubborn genius was the one who protected him with all he had in his body.
After harry was born he was told the story 2 different ways, from both parents’ point of view.
Regulus told a story of a beautiful popular boy, locked away in his own head, afraid that he gave too much love for anyone to soak up logically. Then came alone his sponge with Black hair and gray eyes who was willing to give him the world even if it meant the end of all things.
James tells it that he was sad one night and a greek god with tantalizing gray eyes hypnotized him into falling in love in an instant, and he never had to worry about being unloved again.
Harry grew up seeing unconditional love at its very core. The little they did fight, was never serious and when it was, it never faltered how much they loved and respected each other. It’s the love written out in muggle love story’s and it’s the love everyone wishes to achive
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ebestelle · 11 months
James hangs his head, muttering a silencing spell, before facing Regulus, who’s looking at him apprehensively, not sure what to expect. James doesn’t blame him. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do either.
“You bastard,” he whispers. Then, louder, “You fucking bastard .”
Regulus can’t meet his gaze.
“Look at me.”
He doesn’t.
“Please?” James almost whines. “Just look at me. I deserve that at least. It’s just me, Regulus.”
“That’s exactly why I can’t,” comes the boy in the chair’s quiet response.
“Fuck you,” James bites. Then, his expression crumbles. “You know me. And you know I would’ve helped. You should have told me.”
“I didn’t want you involved. You could have gotten hurt,” Regulus says quietly, still looking at the floor. “I wouldn’t put you at risk.”
“Well, a fat lot of good that did me, huh?” James is angry now. He can’t keep it in; it’s just bubbling over, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. “I would’ve gotten hurt either way. And I did! I got—” He runs his hand through his hair shakily, thinking of the astronomy tower, of his parents, of his loneliness. Of how much he’s missed Regulus just being near him. “I got hurt so fucking bad, Reg. And you weren’t there.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“Fuck sorry!” James raises his voice now, making Regulus flinch a bit. Good , James thinks. A part of him relishes it, and the other part, the biggest part wants to crumble for it. “I needed you! And I know you needed me. You know I would have done anything, anything at all to help you if only you’d’ve told me .” James throws his arms out helplessly. “But, you just have to go and do everything alone, like always. Doesn’t matter what you do to yourself as long as you don’t drag me into it, huh?” His eyes well, lip quivering. He’s on the edge, and he knows he’s going to tip soon. “Did it ever occur to you that the only thing I ever cared about was what happened to you? If you were okay, and happy, and safe?”
Regulus just closes his eyes, looking like he’s physically pained. “What was I supposed to do, James? He would have killed you. He could have gone into my mind, saw how much I—I—” He stops himself. “He was going to kill you if I didn’t cooperate—didn’t stay in line. You—you know what he did to my mother and father. He—”
James’ brows draw down. “Regulus,” he says, and his tone causes Regulus to open his eyes and miserably look up at him, finally . When James says his name, it’s low and dangerous. “Why did Voldemort kill Walburga and Orion?”
Regulus’ eyes slip shut again, before he opens them and looks up at James with such remorse that his heart aches at the sight.
“I figured out how to kill him.”
James gasps slightly in surprise, eyes going wide.
“I’m—” He stops again, but this time because he seems to not be able to get his next words out. “I’m here to ask for help in destroying him.”
His word choice worries James. Regulus can be cryptic, sure, but he always says what he means. He’s about to ask, but Regulus forces another string of words out.
“I can’t do it alone. Not this time.”
James’ heart simultaneously melts and breaks at the same time. And he just knows that he would do anything this boy asked of him without a moment’s hesitation.
“I’ll do it.”
Regulus’ head shoots up. “What? James, you don’t even know what it entails yet.”
James wants to hold him close, and never let him go.
“Baby, all you’ve ever had to do is ask.”
He watches as Regulus’ lip quivers, his eyes overflow, and suddenly he’s weeping. He’s weeping, tied up to a chair right in front of James. He’s right in front of James. This is all it takes for James to snap. He flicks his wand, banishing Regulus’ magical bonds, before tossing it to the floor and scooping the boy up in his arms. Regulus flings his arms around James’ neck, but his knees buckle, bringing them to the floor together in a heap.
“I’m never going to forgive you, Regulus. I could have kept you safe. I’ll never forgive you for this.” The words flow from his mouth like the tears from his eyes, and he can feel the truth in them.
Regulus just sobs. “I know, Flower. I know.”
“I would’ve kept you safe, kept you forever, but instead you broke my heart,” James cries because he can’t stop now. Regulus’ shoulders shake violently. James pulls away from him, looking into his eyes. He holds Regulus’ chin between his fingers so he can’t look away from him.
“You can’t do it again. I can’t handle it. Promise me that you won’t do it again. I need you to promise me, Regulus,” James pleads.
Regulus whimpers, “I can’t trust myself to make that promise. But believe me, I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I can’t stand to see you wilted.”
‘I don’t want to hurt you anymore.’ It’s a phrase that rips James’ heart out of his chest, and then plunges it right back in like a breath of fresh air. It’s an echo of all those years ago in the astronomy tower, an echo from the day all of James’ stars fell from the sky, never to rise again.
Regulus raises a shaky hand to cup James’ cheek tentatively. More tears spill down to drip off of his chin.
“I’m so sorry, James. I’m so, so sorry.”
And that’s all it takes.
James’ heart calls out for Regulus, almost beating out of his chest to reach him. His vision blurs, and now he’s losing it, losing all of it, every part of himself. Regulus whispers choked up sorry’ s and I know, Flower’ s in his ear, and it isn’t much, but James never asked for much from Regulus. He never needed it. He just needed him.
James Potter has always prided himself on his ability to keep himself together.
Regulus Black has always had a crippling effect on James, though.
And, now, with the soft whispers of sweet nothings in his ear, the steady heartbeat beneath his hand, and the feeling of being enveloped by Regulus Black, James can feel his broken pieces begin to crawl back to their place, the place that left him four years ago. His heart was gone, it had left him, but now it’s back, and James is hoping with all his being that it won’t leave him again. But he’s blind in this: Regulus is his own person, and James can’t hold him down. It’s Regulus’ choice. He knows what he would choose. James would choose to love Regulus every time. He burrows his head in Regulus’s shoulder.
He quietly hopes that he’s not as alone in the sentiment as he feels he is.
— Under the Doorway by ebestelle on ao3
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
valentine's day headcanons
they have dates in the astronomy tower where they smoke and talk about anything and everything
sirius writes remus poetry, remus writes sappy cards (he tries to make his handwriting readable)
they avoid madam puddifut's. neither of them like it, it's too flashy for their taste. they've gone once, though; she was a dear, but the shop was not their kind of thing
the only day (when they share their cigarettes with each other) without bickering
hold hands under the table; love all the decorations that the school puts up
their absolute favorite holiday as a couple, so they try to make the most of it
dorcas makes marlene jewelry, and marlene somehow manages to find flowers to give dorcas
their date is the three broomsticks and then zonko's. neither of them would miss a good prank, even on valentine's day
go off and crash everyone's dates for fun (none of them actually mind it)
stop by at madam puddifut's but they don't stay; they just say hi to her and off they go
the king and queen of being saps
james writes very cheesy and extra poetry (think eyes as green as a fresh-pickled toad) and lily gives him little handmade gifts throughout the day
they love madam puddifut's, and they would go there even after they graduated
have breakfast in bed (james cooks it; lily always wakes up later than him, and she's not the best of cooks)
lily bakes cookies, though, with little hearts on them, white chocolate and cherry filling; james adores them
regulus pretends to hate valentine's, but he doesn't fool anyone. when he's with james, everything's brilliant
regulus writes poetry; james brings regulus flowers, always a different sort ("a change of decor in your gloomy room, ay?")
they have a picnic outside, even though it's bloody freezing; they do some heating charms and they can keep staying there
lots of affection
raid the kitchens for sweets
madam puddifut's! regulus pretends to hate it, says it's too pink, but he actually likes it, especially if he's there with his friends
lily gives both of them handmade gifts, regulus writes james poetry and lily, love letters, and james writes sappy poetry for lily and gives regulus flowers
at the end of the day, each of them has a huge bouquet of flowers to match
lily and james wear silly little valentine's outfits; at some point, regulus joins them in doing so, too, and they all love it
it's kind of become their thing
mary gives lily jewelry, lily gives mary flowers and sweets
they stay in their dorm, at least in the morning, doing each other's make up and trying on clothes
they have matchy valentine's outfits and make up
their dates always get crashed by dorcas and marlene but at the end of the day they just mix up and the whole thing becomes a double date
both of them stumble in the gryffindor tower with lipstick stains on their faces
they both give the other knickknacks and cool rocjs they found
they walk, together, around hogsmeade and the grounds, and they visit hagrid to meet all the new weird animals he's gotten
xenophilius suggests hunting for nargles and pandora, although she knows they don't exist, joins him in his quest (she never saw anything, but xenophilius swore he saw something in the bush next to the forbidden forest)
they also have a picnic with food they made themselves
they give each other little kisses all the time
narcissa pretends to hate valentine's too, but she can't help herself when alice is her valentine
alice gives her sappy cards throughout the day, and narcissa writes her love letters and gives her jewelry
they spend most of the day in their dorm, giving each other makeover and trying on each other's clothes
alice makes the fudgiest brownie ever and she makes both of them two of them and they get eaten immediately
they're even more affectionate with each other tha usually
give each other (handmade) jewelry
talk about their crushes
always have picnics. it's their thing, and it doesn't matter when marlene and dorcas crash their date, they welcome them to join them, and it turns into a double date
hold hands literally everywhere, at all times
help put up the valentine's day decorations, and make some of them themselves. those always look the best out of all of them
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seductive-snail · 1 year
Moonwater Propaganda pt 2
wrote a little microfic for the darling @mo0n-water (Happy Birthday <33)
Remus Lupin had no intention of spending the night on the astronomy tower with Sirius' younger brother. In fact he had no intention of being up there at all that night.
It had been a particularly exhausting day. Two nights after his latest transformation and he'd still been struggling to recover and it didn't help that he'd quite literally told all his friends to "fuck off" and being the understanding people they were, they did, (the idiots).
So there he was leaning on the railing of the astronomy tower, under the pretence of finishing his star chart, his books and quills scattered on the ground, gazing up at the stars and not really thinking about anything, but somehow still thinking of everything.
It was lucky it was such a warm night, lucky that the waning moon was shining so bright, lucky that years of sneaking around with his friends had made him alert.
For if he'd even been spooked the slightest by the boy who'd just stepped out of the shadows, he'd surely have toppled off the ledge and into the darkness.
"Hello..." he turned to survey the boy. He recognised the features on his face almost immediately, his cold grey eyes the mirror of his brothers, and though they were significantly shorter than the waves that fell from Sirius' face, his dark curls matched his brothers perfectly.
Regulus continued to stare at him, and for a second Remus considered just leaving the boy be, but then he spoke, "You're his friend."
Remus shrugged. He decided not to notice the way Regulus had emphasised the "his". He knew too well about the things Sirius had gone through, but he wasn't going to hold it against the boy. Sirius had been through hell, but somehow his grey eyes had the brightest of look to them, so different from the coldness in his brothers. He could tell they had handled it differently. They were so different.
"How did you hear me?"
Remus almost didn't hear him say this, it was barely a whisper.
"I don't know. I just knew I wasn't alone."
This wasn't entirely true. Yes he knew he wasn't alone, but he didn't necessarily know it was a person. He'd only spotted the black cat when he'd placed his books on the ground, deciding to pay it no mind. Now looking around, said cat was no where to be found, and it didn't take much for him to put two and two together.
A Black cat and a Black dog. He almost let out a chuckle.
"Would you like to join me?"
Remus half expected Regulus not to respond, or outright refuse and walk away, yet he walked over to stand beside him, placing his hands on rigidly on the railing as if not sure where to place them.
Remus turned to look at him, dropping down, before inviting him to do the same. He did so, still not meeting his eyes but not running from them either.
"Are you going to tell anyone what I am?" he whispered. The short haired boy was now turning to look at him, he had a kind of guarded expression, there was a hint of fear in his eyes, but he still looked prepared to hex him if needed.
Remus tilted his head, "I don't have any reason to, it's not that big of a deal is it? Being an animagus?"
It was Regulus' turn to tilt his head, he opened his mouth to say something before seemingly choosing to remain silent.
"I can keep secrets, Regulus." Remus whispered.
Regulus seemed to start at the mention of his name, Remus didn't know why, but again said nothing of it. He wasn't going to force anything out of him. It was his choice.
So they sat there in calm silence, not speaking, 'til the next thing they knew the sun was rising, waking them up to the realisation that they'd fallen asleep next to eachother.
Wow i did that. I had writers block today but anything for moonwater guys anythinggg
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bambistan · 1 year
CW: Suicide attempt/suicidal thoughts.
James was tired. He was more than tired. He was exhausted. He had no energy, and everything seemed absolutely meaningless. He really tried to just smile and be "happy," but he couldn't. Not this time.
As he made his way up the steps of the astronomy tower, he started having second thoughts, but then he caught a glimpse of a figure standing on the ledge and he just had to go on.
The person didn't notice him. They were anxiously shifting their weight on their feet and looking at the seemingly endless drop off the tower.
James didn't know what to do. He knew he should say something, but what? What if he accidentally spooked them and they fell? He'd never forgive himself and probably throw himself off right after them.
"What are you doing?" He settled for, but still not his favourite choice.
The figure, whose face was still covered in darkness, turned around quickly. They didn't say anything, just stared.
"You should probably get down from there," He says, "You could fall."
"Well spotted," the boy said in a snarky tone, yet he carried such sadness in his voice. Still, he doesn't get down.
"Alright then," James mutters as he climbs up next to him on the ledge.
"What are you doing?" The boy says hurriedly, sounding anxious.
"I thought we were gonna jump together?" James replies like it was obvious.
He reaches his hand out and grabs the other boys hand. It's small and his fingers are thin with somewhat long nails.
"Are you mad?" The boy almost shouts, yanking his hand away and jumping down to the safety of the towers floor.
He turns around, and that's when James finds out who it is. The stars illuminate his face, his porcelain skin almost glowing in the moonlight.
"Regulus," He breathes, surprised yet not at the same time .
James jumps down as well and notes the look of realisation on Regulus' face.
"Potter," Regulus says like he's been caught doing something he shouldn't have. Which is true.
James stays silent for a minute. Searching his brain for a sentence that won't make the young boy angry or walk away.
"Do you... Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, internally praying that he doesn't get slapped. It would only affect his mood more, although at this moment, James didn't feel anything apart from the desire to help and protect Regulus.
Regulus looked offended, then confused, and then sad again. He sighed and looked at his feet, his shoulders slumped and cheeks wet with tears even though his eyes were dry.
"I don't know," he said, then cried because of how frustrating it all was. He wasn't supposed to get caught. He was supposed to jump and no one was supposed to know.
James stepped closer hesitantly. When the boy didn't back away, he wrapped his arms around him tightly. He felt the boys body relax then tense up again as it shook from his sobs.
"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know," He repeated into James' chest, "Everyone expects me to be perfect, to be the heir. They don't care what I want, they don't love me, everybody leaves me. I'm just so tired. I want it to stop, I need everything to stop. I just -" He cried harder and James tightened his grip.
"It's okay," he whispered into Regulus' hair, feeling his pain as though it transferred to him from his touch. "I've got you."
Regulus looked up at James and then cried even harder, burying his head back into his chest.
After a few more minutes of James whispering calming things into his ear, Regulus stopped crying. He didn't leave James' arms, though, and James didn't mind, so he just let him lay there anyways.
Regulus turned and looked up at him, "Would you really have jumped with me?" He questions.
"Nah, I wouldn't have let you jump in the first place," he shrugs, and Regulus just nods.
"Why were you up here anyways?" Regulus presses, and James breathes in deeply.
"Honestly?" Regulus hums. "I was going to do what you were doing."
Regulus quickly gets up and looks him in the eyes. James realises how much he misses the warmth.
"What? Why? You're, you're perfect Potter. You- I don't understand," He blurts out all at once.
James let's out a sad laugh, "I wish."
He pulls Regulus back in, and he doesn't object, which makes James a little bit happier.
"I'm fine," he starts, "I just get I these moods sometimes, it's hard to explain."
"Well, I suppose when you're publicly one of the most happiest people ever, then it only makes sense that privately you're the saddest," Regulus says matter-of-factly. James just hums and agrees.
"You can talk to me, you know? Whenever you want, I don't care," James says, pressing his nose into Regulus' hair and inhaling softly. He smells of lavender and milk.
Regulus doesn't say anything at first, and James fears that he's scared the boy away by trying to help, that is until he gently nods his head and whisper an "okay".
"You can tall to me too," Regulus states, and even if it's out of obligation, James is happy.
"So it's settled," James says, "we meet here when one of us has something on our minds."
"Yeah, okay."
And they did just that. Any time one or the other had something they needed to talk about, they would do so late at night in the astronomy tower in the arms of the other.
For months, this had been going on, and soon, James started to realise how strongly he felt for the other boy. He wanted more than just to protect him, he wanted him.
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kiwi2229 · 1 year
Never ending song
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 606 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: silver
The wax drips from the candle by an almost finished letter. The prince with dark curls is quickly scribbling an instruction to the boy he can’t ever love openly but is not able to let go. Meet me behind the old willow in the back of the garden after midnight. I will be waiting for you. I will always wait for you. The letter says and Regulus let’s few drops of the wax fall on the envelope and presses his silver ring to the seal.
The stars are flickering as the two students against all odds meet every night in the astronomy tower. One Lion, one Snake. And yet they fit together like they were made for each other. They fall into each other arms and it feels like coming home every time.
The wave melts into snow-white foam on the beach as a child laughs loudly with happiness looking at his two fathers building sandcastles just for him. James grins at his son. “My tower is bigger, Reg.” He teases his husband as he dumps a bucket of sand on his side of the castle.
The walls shook with the force with which James slammed the door behind him, leaving Regulus alone and cold with black ink on his forearm and a broken heart. It was inevitable. He thinks as he accepts the fate his family set for him too tired to fight anymore.
The steam comes from the coffee machine as someone calls his name. “Cold brew for Regulus.” He turns around to take his order just to see a tall boy with a spark in his eyes grinning at him. “I like your name.” The boy says as he hands Regulus the cup.
The wind is ruffling James’ hair as he examines the map spread in front of him. The goal is clear here. Another treasure to gain. To embark on the next adventure. He eyes the land they are aiming for. The Black family is supposed to rule over this area. “Rais the sails!” He commands and watches the black flag unfurl above him.
The train slowly starts moving as his brother leads him to the compartment on the train to his best friends. He doesn’t know them, and he is not sure he even wants to. Everything is new and it’s moving too fast, and Sirius doesn’t stop. Counting on Regulus to follow him even though he can’t catch his breath. Sirius opens the door and suddenly everything stops. “Oh, hello there. I’m James, James Potter.” The boy says and extends a hand towards Regulus.
The sun is shining, and two boys are lying on the grass laughing about some silly joke James made. And Regulus can’t resist. He has to kiss him. He knows he can, they were dating for a year now. But sometimes it doesn’t feel real. And he has to make sure. To feel this boy against him. James lets him, every time he lets him kiss like this. And Regulus is light. He is flying not caring if he is getting too close to the sun. He would gladly burn for this boy.
And the song goes on and on and on. Like a never-ending song. There is something tragically beautiful about these two. Because no matter the time or place, they always find each other. Drawn by inevitable fate never knowing if their story will have a happy ending. Their laughter and tears, love confessions and arguments, misunderstandings and apologies in tears, all of the feelings firmly written in the stars. The same stars that are watching them meet all over again in every lifetime.  
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elilelibeli · 8 months
In the Noble House of Black everything is new and pristine, nothing can look used, nothing looks loved or enjoyed or lived in.
Both Sirius and Regulus are used to this and it’s strange for them how some of the books Remus has are falling apart, how many scuff marks his boots have, how James’s journal has billion stickers and loose papers sticking from it. They are wearing identical uniforms, yet even if they are in pile, mashed together you can tell which is Pete’s robe cause it has little chess piece King pin on it.
Regulus has rings but they are shiny and they are just rings, unlike Barty’s whose rings are old and the stones in them are scratched and some even missing. How Evan and Pandora have matching bracelets that never come off their wrists and are so distroyed it’s beyond regulus how they haven’t fallen apart already.
All of Sirius’s and Regulus’s things are clean, new, shiny, expensive but they don’t have life, they are not Regulus’s or Sirius’s, they are just things and it’s terrible.
The first time they have truly their own things is because of each other. They have strained relationship and it’s hard to talk and even harder to listen but convinced by their friends Christmas is time for families so they give each other gifts.
The boxes are wrapped perfectly and they are neat and colorcoded and don’t have anything personal on them to be distinguished. Regulus gets annoyed because the box has no name so he has no idea who is it from. Sirius gets annoyed because he knows it’s from Regulus by the way the box looks and it’s annoying cause he assumes it’s one of those “I am getting a present because it’s a polite thing to do” type of gift. Until Sirius tears his box and sees a bracelet with cool metal spikes on it, each spike can be opened and there are phases of the moon under each spike. Sirius loves it, he wears it and it never comes of his wrist.
Unlike Sirius, Regulus neatly opens his box, it is a ring with a tiny telescope on it. There is a small scribble under the box saying “Rotate the Telescope” and when he does the tiny telescope becomes a fully functional one. Regulus loves it, he wears the ring and it only comes of when Regulus wants to observe the stars.
These things become truly theirs. Sirius’s bracelet soon has scratches, each of them telling a story of pranks, detentions, parties. The bracelet was chosen for Sirius, because Regulus learned that gifts will be perfect if they make other person happy and Regulus remembers how much Sirius always talks about the moon and how it means so much to him and now Sirius gets to carry it everyday with him. The ring was chosen for Regulus, because Sirius learned that sometimes making something with your hands can be greatest gift of all and Sirius remembers how much Reggie loves stars and astronomy tower and now Regulus can observe what he loves whenever he wants.
They were theirs from the beginning and they became more theirs with passing time, with every scratch, dent, discoloration and imperfection those things were truly theirs and it was amazing.
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sweetmoonlight7 · 7 months
Icarus- Jegulus Microfic- Word Count: 766
Ever since he was little Regulus was fascinated with Icarus. Something about him drew him in like there was a connection between the two. Chasing after something unattainable, something bigger and brighter than the whole sky. Sometimes it felt like he was born to chase after the things he loved. He could change the way he looked, the way he talked, even the way he walked. But he could never change his fate. He was born too long for the sun.
James Potter was arrogant. That was it, he was mean, arrogant, and insisted on making dumb childish pranks constantly. Never knowing when to stop….So how was it that whenever he saw him across the hall he felt like he was seeing the sun itself. He wasn’t a nice person, not really. At least not to anyone around him that wasn’t part of his stupid group of friends. That didn’t stop Regulus from thinking that James radiated light. He thinks it might come from his brother’s perception of him. When they still spoke to each other, Siri had told him that James Potter had the biggest and most caring heart of anyone they could ever meet. That for his friends he was capable of tearing it out of his chest with not even a second thought towards himself.
So yes, Regulus was Icarus. Dumb, naive, in love Icarus who flew too close to the sun and burned. Most of the time that was what it felt like to be touched by James. Like his entire soul was on fire and he couldn’t breathe. He wasn’t really sure how or when or even why it happened. It scared him a little to think that it was written by the fates, always destined to happen but fail.
All he knows is that over the years James began to mature. Long gone was the boy who would cause scenes in the great hall and find it funny. He tried to pretend that he didn’t know why he had matured so much. In reality Regulus had always known why that was. If he thought about it for longer than the second it took for him to start burning, James and him maybe weren’t so different. After all they both chased after someone who they knew they could never have. When they had first started this he had deluded himself into thinking that maybe just maybe they could work out. Now, as he watched her and James dancing, spinning around and laughing like they were the only people in the world he knew. He knew that James did manage to win her over, he was able to reach the sun and not recoil with its heat.
That didn’t really stop him from thinking about James. He had been replaying everything in his head from the moment James had told hiked it was over. The time they spent together at night curled up in the astronomy tower. When he would teach him about the constellations his family was named after. How James would come to him excited about a prank they were going to pull or to complain about an assignment he could easily do but had no interest in. Back then he really believed that he had managed to win him over. He thought they would fall in love and eventually tell Sirius and he would be mad for a while but eventually he would come to terms with it because he loved them both so much. That thought allowed him to sleep at night when he began to overthink all of the whispered words James told him.
He could understand why Icarus built his wings. Why he would risk his life to get close to the sun even though some part of him had to have known that it would only end in pain. It played like a movie in his head, meeting James agreeing to see him, building his wings. He flew out and for a second he thought things would be fine, that he would be with the one he loved. That the heat from the sun was not burning him but simply grazing over him. But just like Icarus he had been wrong. The more he looked at them happy and in love the more he felt like the wax was dripping down his body. Slowly melting and burning him the longer he stared. He wonders if hate is what Icarus felt as he was falling down being burned alive. Although perhaps like him, he was too blinded and mesmerized to even realize he was burning.
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obliviatemyheart · 11 months
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Hermione being forgotten by everyone she ever cared about would've been her bad ending. Basically she gets Xion'd (Kingdom Hearts reference)
I'm glad she basically got a happy ending even if I don't ship Romione or like Ron as a character.
She's definitely the best person to ever have been given the title Minister of Magic.
She's the best character for that job. Arguably, the only one who should be permanently in that role. JK Rowling has made a character that's essentially the closest thing to a potential vigilante you could have in Harry Potter. If she didn't become part of The Golden Trio, I'd imagine she'd end up like Anakin Skywalker.
What do I mean by that? Well, basically, she'd be the key to changing everything about Harry Potter's story by falling from grace. Just like Anakin's fall to the dark side is the entire story of Star Wars. Hermione's fall would mirror that perfectly imo.
She's already the closest thing to a Chosen One for Muggleborns. She's the only character deeply concerned with the injustices of the wizarding world. She'd be far more dangerous than even Voldemort if she turned completely evil. But just like Anakin, she'd never be too far gone from saving. In Anakin's case, it was Luke. In Hermione's case, it would be Draco Malfoy.
Draco, just like Hermione, is in a role that parallels Anakin's. Anakin chose wrong by believing in Palpatine. While Draco never had a choice at all.
His options were kill Dumbledore or you and your mother & father will die. He likely would've been tortured for a very long time before being killed knowing how sadistic Bellatrix is.
In conclusion, Hermione & Draco's best possible ending is with each other. In every universe. That is a fact that will not be denied.
Dramione is the best future for the wizarding world. Even JK Rowling's own messed up mind thought Dramione was the answer to who Hermione would end up.
I love that Dramione would be compelling in any universe but most importantly in their own.
I love that Dramione could realistically go any direction and still eventually get their happy ending. What's most fascinating about it is how Hermione would eventually love someone who really understands her. The real her. Not just Harry Potter's Best Friend. Not just the second choice for Ron Weasley.
Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy's character development throughout the story of Harry Potter really shows how dark the universe is, and I love that. Hermione isn't some pure hearted heroine. Draco's a bad apple with a rotten attitude but a good heart underneath. A family rotten to the core with a few exceptions (Narcissa, Andromeda, Regulus & Sirius)
I really love the idea of Hermione learning about both of Draco's family lines, The Malfoys & The Blacks. Her learning about Regulus from Draco. Her learning that Draco actually looks up more to Regulus than his own father after learning the truth from Kreacher.
Draco trying to destroy the locket Horcrux but needing Hermione to help him since he knows their strongest together.
Hermione learning about Draco throughout their years because she's convinced herself that to know your enemy is the best way to beat them. Hermione starts stalking him more than Harry because she's got much better skills doing that than him. She is also far more frightened by the emptiness in his eyes after his coming back to Hogwarts.
Harry tells her about Malfoy wanting to throw himself off the astronomy tower if he has to endure going back to Hogwarts for another two years. Of course, Harry brushes this off. Hermione doesn't. She takes this very, very, very, very seriously. She realizes what that means not only for his mental health but their own chances of survival.
If our biggest enemy in school wants to fucking off himself because of reasons I intend on discovering, then what chance do we have? Hermione thought.
Hermione Granger would not let Draco Malfoy die.
Hermione's development after Malfoy's hesitation & refusal to identify Harry would be insanely important to their relationship going forward. It would also strain her relationship with Ron. Which was already strained & nearly destroyed when he abandoned their mission.
He was a coward at that moment. But the loathsome, evil, little cockroach wasn't? Her entire worldview would likely be turned on its head by what she experienced at Malfoy Manor.
Draco showed a level of bravery & character that she never thought existed until that moment. She would draw strength from knowing he does have a good heart underneath it all. Meanwhile, her fleeting romantic feelings for Ron were getting crushed time & time again. With his decision to abandon her & Harry being the straw that broke the camel's back.
Draco Malfoy was someone who, like an unsolved mystery, kept her wanting answers. Her desire to solve the riddle that was his life leading up to that fateful day at Malfoy Manor consumed her. She needed to know why he saved The Golden Trio. He definitely got punished for being unable to identify Harry. Bellatrix is far too evil to let her dear nephew get away with anything less than a few torture sessions disguised as Death Eater training.
Hermione wouldn't let her kill the good in Draco Malfoy's heart. His heart belongs to her. And her alone.
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murderoushag · 2 years
i have a never ending list of headcanons i came up with while listening to songs so... here's a few i guess <3
Kiss Her You Fool- Kids That Fly
it's playing at a party and lily is listening. very. intently. and psyching her self up. and finally, after a generous shot of firewhiskey, she marches across the common room and just full on snogs mary. and then mary drags her out of the common room and they run around in the cool, evening air, laughing, with the song playing in the back of their heads the whole time.
Teenage Dream- Katy Perry
regulus is drunk. like, very drunk. and he somehow ends up singing along to this song at the top of his lungs and looking over at james every. other. second. and james is literally choking on his drink and trying not to die. because what the hell is he supposed to do with regulus singing "imma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight"? and sirius is just like... "hm.. that's funny, i'm sure there's no underlying reason to any of this"
Everybody Talks- Neon Trees
marauders band au where they perform this song. that's all i have to say. sirius and marlene are absolutely in the band and remus and dorcas are practically swooning from the audience.
Untouchable- Taylor Swift
this song just screams quiet jegulus nights in the astronomy tower. specifically on a late spring evening when the air is just slightly cool from a light wind but still warm. i swear everything in this song is something james would say to regulus. by the end of the night he's blushing furiously but luckily it's too dark for james to see.
Dancing Queen- ABBA
mary, marlene, and lily doing this at karaoke and being the iconic trio that they are. lily and mary are a bit tipsy and marlene is absolutely pissed. mary is a good singer and nobody knew because she definitely would not be singing in front of any of them sober. and marlene is just dancing like an idiot and having the time of her life. and lily is going along with all of it and smiling and laughing and loving enjoying this moment all together.
London Boy- Taylor Swift
i know this makes absolutely no sense but this song gives me jily vibes. i'm just picturing them going on all the little outings in the song. and also a picnic in the park! specifically they're eating fruit and lying on a blanket by a river. and this song comes on and they're both smiling and laughing and just being happy.
Marlboro Nights- Lonely God
literally just remus studying in their dorm room on a sunday night and sirius living in his own little world having a dance party and begging remus to take the day off tomorrow so they can spend time together. that's it.
Space Oddity- David Bowie
picturing regulus up in the astronomy tower, leaning against the railing, or sitting in the window frame, looking up at the stars and listening to this song and just letting the rest of the world fall away, and his worries get lost to the stars, if only for a few minutes. he closes his eyes and takes some deep breaths "for here am i sitting in a tin can, far above the world" and enjoys the peace before quietly walking back to his dorm and falling asleep easily.
okay that's enough for now. might post some more later. but song headcanons make me happy :) and i hope somebody else will get to see this and make them at least a little happy too <3
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Hey! Congrats!! Your writing is impeccable— you deserve it.
May I please have option one (romantically with Sirius black??
I am a 5’6, entj 3w4, cancer, slytherin with brown hair and green eyes. I’m very extroverted & adventurous but ironically I hate taking risks. I do extremely well in school and have a knack for science and math. I am enamored by astronomy and astrophysics. I like always being right LOL and school is a big priority in my life— Im also very ambitious and have very big dreams. At the same time though, I adore human interaction. I find beauty in places like airports and museums because I like to see how cute little humans intertwine their lives with one another. I am constantly striking up conversation with new people and I can talk to a wall if I wanted to because I am very chatty. I’m not necessarily uptight but I do color in the lines and follow rules with fail. I am very easily annoyed and very critical on myself but I try my hardest to treat everyone with compassion because I’m kind of a people pleaser and I like to see others happy. I consider myself a very thoughtful friend and I dedicate a lot of time to picking out the absolute best gifts for my friends (most inside joke based) and writing them paragraphs yearly so they know how much I appreciate them. I’m literally always smiling because of that— many people have told me my energy can light up a room. Of course I’m not always that manically happy all the time but I can’t even call it a fake smile because it comes about naturally. There are so many things that excite me. I tend to overthink but I try to be outwardly optimistic about everything. I am very outwardly confident as well— most of the time I know exactly what I want and what I need to do to get it. On the flip side, I’m also a huge klutz. I have been dancing for years now and I love it but unfortunately I still find myself frequently falling down stairs, dropping things, and tripping over my own feet. Although I have a great appreciation for the arts, I absolutely suck at anything relating to creating art. However, when I come across a poem or painting I will analyze it and it is very important to me to understand the meaning behind all types of art because I find it to deeply move me.
Thank you!
hi! thank you for participating :)
i think you and sirius would have a little bit of an academic rivals thing going on, a little enemies to lovers. you’d never truly be enemies, but he’d be a little wary of you at first because you’re in slytherin (i’m one too :) that’s cool). you’d probably be friends with regulus at first, but have a bunch of classes with sirius. he couldn’t help it, he’d be drawn to you. plus, i think remus would like you a lot, you’d click as friends pretty early on, and he’d convince sirius to get over himself and just talk to you. and sirius would be so glad he did, knowing he misjudged you. you’d make it really easy for sirius to talk to you. he’s a very educated and well cultured person, i do think he’d have an appreciation for certain types of art, and would actually enjoy talking about it with you. he’d love how passionate you were about it. there’d always be something to talk about, whether it be school or art or whatever little drama you witnessed that day while you were people watching. i think you’d both enjoy people watching together. for your first real date, he’d take you up to the astronomy tower so you could look at the stars. you’d point out all the little constellations and planets you could see, telling him about them all. he’d enjoy that you were a bubbly person. it would take a little bit of the pressure off him to carry conversations.
his friends would find it easy to talk to you as well, i think james and lily would also really like you. you’d sit with them at meals on certain days so you could spend time with them all. learning to accept the pranks sirius and his friends pull would just about give you a heart attack. you had to admit, they were funny, but you’d worry about them getting caught or punished. they somehow always got out of it with nothing worse than a detention. it annoyed you and lily to no end, but there was no debating that with the boys.
sirius would hate how critical of yourself you are. he’d see how kindly you treat others and how much of an effort you put in to make them feel good, and he wouldn’t understand why you can’t do that for yourself. he’d make it his mission to get you to be kinder to yourself, constantly reminding you of all the things he loves about you. he’d definitely make you a little more confident and comfortable in yourself. i think he’d leave you little notes in places, saying something sweet to make you smile throughout the day.
he would find you being clumsy absolutely adorable. he’d get very used to quickly grabbing your arm so you didn’t trip over, or holding your waist when you were walking. he’d always be watching, knowing when he’d have to catch you. he would try his best not to laugh at you when you did fall, but sometimes he wouldn’t be able to help it.
he’d hold out his hand, offering it to you to grab so he could help you up. “how is it that a girl with dancers feet could be so incredibly clumsy?”
“how is it that a boy so academically inclined is still behind me in the class rank?” you’d tease, brushing your clothes off as you stood.
“hey! i’ll have you know i could be top of the class if i wanted to. i could beat you, moony, and evans if i wanted to.”
you’d smirk at him. “is that so? put your money where your mouth is, black. i’ll believe it when i see it.”
he’d narrow his eyes at you, grinning. “do you want me to stop catching you? because if you’re going to be mean to me, i’ll gladly start letting you fall.”
“you’d never. you like me too much to let me fall.”
he’d sigh, securing his arm around your waist again. “yeah…unfortunately i do.”
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turnin9pag3 · 5 months
bro regulus being jealous when lily sits with james is killing me. because u alr know he was so unsure abt the whole james thing but decided he needed a win so he was like fuck it im gonna get with him. and once again i keep thinking abt him staying up thinking about james and talking to him and looking over at him from across the great hall only to see him with lily and the part that says “the pain splintered through” LIKE HE WASNT AN ANGRY JELOUS HE WAS JUST SAD BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE FOUND SOMEONE JUST FOR HIM SOMEONE WHO WANTED HIM WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID AND THEN HE SEES THEM TOGETHER AND THINKS ABT HOW PERFECT THEY ARE AND HE FEELS LIKE HES UNWANTED AGAIN AND EVEN IF ITS NOT TRUE ITS STILL DESTROYING ME INSIDE BECAUSE HE PROBABLY THOUGHT ABT THAT ALL DAY FROM BREAKFAST TO WHEN THEY ARE IN THE ASTRONOMY TOWER TOGETHER LIKE HES BEEN SUFFERING AND HE FEELS REPLACED IM CRYING AND HE THINKS THAT HE AGREED FOR NOTHING AND EVERYTHING WAS USELESS CUZ HE WAS GONNA BE THROWN TO THE SIDE LIKE NOTHING (which isn’t true but u get the idea) AND HES NOT READY FOR IT TO END YET BECAUSE HE LIKES JAMES
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