#already curious to explore if it’s something you’d want to see too you know what I mean? i don’t know what I mean
Tbh I had this already written. Poll had the shortest time as a day. HELLA warning though, this isn't non or dub con but it IS gorey. I wrote this shit at like 11pm and I was stressed the hell out and kinda pissed. (well the outline of it anyway). I'm a gore enjoyer, not in a weird way I just like the way it's written or drawn i don't like actual gore. Anyway the gore here isn't that bad but there is some so I'll say there is gore as a warning. I also put a small border for the people that don't wanna read the smut since there is some story.
The Cute and Obsessive You
Yandere Shanks x Male reader. Reader matches Shanks's freak. Smut so minors read something else until I write not smut. top male reader. Violence warning. 4,135ish words.
Your boyfriend is very cute, you know that of course, you also know that he gets just a little worried when you’re out of his sight. That’s why when you opened your eyes to an unfamiliar place, tied to a chair, your first thought before worrying for yourself was ‘Oh no, I hope my boyfriend is gonna be okay.’ and you were correct in your worry, because Shanks is not okay.
“(Y/n)!?” Shanks calls out as he searches around for you. “(Y/n)!” He calls out, his heart racing. Where are you? Did you run away? Finally getting tired of him and leaving? How could you do that to him, when he cares about you so so much!? He gave you everything! Something clicks, what if you were gone unwillingly? What if someone took you. Took you from him? “(Y/N)! Sweetie, please come out if you’re somewhere around here!” He’s been searching for a while now, feeling stupid. Of course you wouldn’t leave him, you loved him, but he had thought this island was safe. Shanks had taken his eyes off of you, busy with the townsfolk swarming him. He hadn’t been to this island in a long while so they were excited to see him, and you had told Shanks you were going to explore nearby. Shanks trusted that. Trusted that this island that was friendly to him would be friendly to you, there should’ve been no danger to you. That’s not to mention you weren’t weak either, but people don’t always get what they want by being strong. A pretty looking flower is what it took, you’d been interested in the local flora so you went to check it out. It was only when you took a closer look that you realized it looked unusual, by then it was already too late. The fake flower had let out a gas and knocked you out. Now here you were, in a place unfamiliar to you.
“Hello?” You call out, but there’s no answer. Your weapon has been taken, but they’ve made a mistake, not finding the knife that you keep on you for emergencies. That means you could cut yourself free… but what then? You don’t know where you are and the door is locked, and to be honest.. you’re a little curious. You don’t feel like you’re in any real danger, and Shanks is probably going to find you eventually. The thought of him finding you, desperate to see you with a crazed look, fills you with satisfaction; so you wait. Eventually a woman comes down from the stairs and enters the room holding a long blade.
“Hello.” She greets you. “You’re lucid, good. Do you know why I’m doing this?” You think for a moment, Shanks had said this place was friendly so you’re not sure, but she answers the question for you. “I’ll just answer anyway. I did this because you bother our chief, clinging to him like a leech. You’re not nearly as strong as him or the rest of his crew, I even managed to kidnap you with some fake flower. It’s dangerous for him to have someone by his side, especially someone so weak. He’d be better off without you.” Her words sting a little, she has somewhat of a point. If it weren’t for the fact that it might be impossible to leave Shanks this could’ve even convinced you to.
‘Wow.. my cute and obsessive boyfriend knows some people that act similar to him.’ You think to yourself as she points the knife to your neck, pricking you. ‘Uh oh.’ This got much more dangerous quickly. Meanwhile, Shanks is still searching for you, finally finding flattened grass where it looks like someone was dragged.
‘He didn’t run away!’ Shanks is almost relieved before he realizes you being kidnapped and in danger isn’t much better. He clenches his jaw and quickly follows the flattened grass to a cottage in the woods, entering and looking around. “I don’t have time for this.” He mumbles to himself and decides to destroy everything until he finds you, crashing things to the floor and breaking through walls to find his lover. You hear the sounds above you and try to yell out, but your mouth is quickly covered by the woman. You take a deep breath and instead tip over your own chair and let yourself slam to the ground. The sound alerts Shanks and he looks down, realizing there's a room underneath this cottage. He needs to get to you, that thought sticks to his mind until he breaks a hole into the floor and drops into the room with you and the woman; though there was an entrance he could’ve found had he looked a little longer.
“C-Chief!” The woman stutters, panicked. “You, I-I” She doesn’t know what to say, turning silent when she looks at Shanks and finds someone she doesn’t recognize. Someone unlike the kind person she’s been doing this for. Crazed eyes look from her to your fallen and tied up form.
“Baby, are you okay?” He goes to you, ignoring her.
“I’m alright, just tipped my chair over.” You reassure him and he’s about to sigh in relief when he catches sight of something. Blood on your neck from the prick she had given you earlier. Blood, your blood. His vision quickly goes red and he grabs her, slamming her onto the ground.
“Chief, please let me exp- AAHH!” Her words are interrupted by a scream of pain when he stomps on her arm, shattering it. She starts to cry but it’s too late, he’s seen your injury and the blood you’ve shed is worth more than she could ever be.
“How dare you, how dare you. Mine, You hurt my boyfriend. My boyfriend.” His voice is laced with rage as she cries, screaming as he stomps on her limbs. Hands, arms, legs, it’s not long until they’re reduced to a mess of flesh and bone stuck to her by her skin.
“sorry sorry ‘m sorry it hurts.” She can’t even struggle, having screamed too much already. You stare at this, then try to move out of your restraints. Pain shoots up your leg.
“Ow!” You yelp and Shanks turns to look back at you, anger replaced by worry. “I’m okay! I think I just twisted my ankle a little when I fell.” You explain, feeling a little embarrassed you yelped over such a small injury. He looks back at the woman and she realizes, in her final moments, that you were so much more than she could’ve comprehended. Shanks grabs her by the hair and slams her head into the wall, creating a crater with the impact. What’s left of her head splatters across the concrete, and he drops her crushed corpse to the ground with a thud. He can hear the blood rushing through his ears, only snapping out of it when he hears your voice. “Shanks!” The redhead turns back to you, walking over and crouching down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I let you out of my sight and doubted you when you were stuck here. This is my fault-” He starts but you interrupt him.
“Shanks you’re very lovely like this but please untie me first.” You ask him and his eyes clear.
“R-Right. Sorry.” He quickly cuts the ropes with his sword and you stand while rubbing your wrists. Once you’re both standing he starts to shake, emotions filling his psyche. Anger for the ones that hurt you, guilt he let this happen, sadness you got hurt, relief you’re still alive. They swim in his head, crowding and messing with his mind. You notice this and pull him into a soft hug
“It’s okay~ It’s okay~” Your fingers run through his red hair, ignoring the blood mixing in. “I’m okay, I’m alive and safe. You didn’t fail me, I’m right here.” He clings to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.. I’m so happy you're safe.” He says, burying his face in your shoulder. Shanks still feels guilty, but his emotions calm with you in his grasp. You feel him clutch onto you tighter and you can tell his anger is coming back now that his emotions are more sorted.
“It’s not the townspeople’s fault, honey.” You tell him, sensing his thoughts.
“They let this happen to you.” His voice is cold. This is their fault, they don’t deserve his help or his protection. They don’t even deserve their lives.
“Not all of them could’ve known.” You respond and he doesn’t answer. You sigh and pull him back enough to look into his clouded eyes. “Let's do this, we can go back into town, find out who helped this happen, and you can punish them. Okay?” He stares at you, considering what you said, then nods. “Good, thank you for understanding.” You give him a kiss on the cheek.
You and Shanks walk through the town, ignoring the horrified looks of townspeople seeing him covered in blood. Once you’re to the town square he yells out. “Everyone gather up!” They begin to gather in front of him while the Red Haired crew puts any children inside. They don’t need to see this. Shanks’s eyes scan the crowd until they finally land on a married couple, a wife and husband; they look guilty. Unlike the others who are scared and/or confused they look visibly jittery, as if they’ve done something wrong. What's more, when they meet your eyes they look away, as if from shame. ‘It’s them, they did this, they helped this happen.’ He walks over and stops directly in front of them, staring them down as they start to tremble. “You two have done something.” He says and they flinch. Some townsfolk try to ask Shanks what’s happening but Beckman and the others are smart, quickly leading the rest back inside so they don’t see their chief do this; or get caught in the crossfire. The couple try to deny it at first but eventually the wife breaks and starts to cry.
“Chief I’m sorry, I didn’t know she would go this far. We did this because we were worried about you.” She pleads with him and he stares at her.
“Worry? Worry!? You think your worry for me is enough of an excuse to do this? To harm what’s mine? No no no this isn’t how you’re going to escape responsibility.” Shanks is angry, angry that the town he trusted could do something so deplorable as causing harm to his boyfriend. He looks down at her with disgust and grabs her by the collar of her shirt. “You put your hands, your disgusting hands on my everything while I spent my time entertaining this town.” He moves his hand so it’s wrapped around her neck, gripping it firmly. "Was it amusing seeing me smile with you all, oblivious, while your friend was about to kill the love of my life?" She cries out and tries to struggle but it’s no use, he’s too strong; even as those struggles turn to scratches from his tightening grip, she's unable to make him budge as her vision goes dark.
Shanks drops her lifeless body to the ground, red eyes trailing to the husband. He looks at the body of his wife, dead, and tears roll down his cheeks slowly. “Oh gods, please, chief please. I’m sorry.” His pleas are weak and useless as Shanks’s eyes bore into his. This is it, he can’t do anything. Even if he tried to run away he knows it’s futile, he wouldn’t even make it a step. His only hope is you, turning his head to look at you. You meet his eyes and give him a nervous laugh.
“Well it is kinda your fault, right?” You say sheepishly and his hope is gone, looking back to Shanks.
“Don’t look to him for help, you don’t deserve it.” The redhead states coldly and the husband closes his eyes, the world going black as Shanks cuts his head off of his shoulders. It rolls pathetically on the ground, and he stomps on it for good measure. The two previously pleading people full of life now reduced to lumps of soulless flesh. Shanks stares at what’s left of them, emotions still raging. It's unhealthy, you know that. This look of his is dangerous, the proof and symptom of his instability, but to you it's so so beautiful. The eyes of the kind, friendly, and lively red haired captain everyone knows are unlike everything about him. They're obsessive, crazed, uncaring, the light in his irises replaced by the unhealthy darkness you bring out of him. So beautiful.
“Shanks.” You call out and he quickly snaps his head to you, chest heaving with emotion. “You’re so cute like this.” You can’t help it, your crazy yandere boyfriend is so endearing when he’s obsessive like this. His face flushes slightly, caught off guard by the sudden compliment despite the gore around him.
“Really? Cute? N-Now??” He asks, he wouldn’t have been shocked if he turned to see you looking at him with disgust, disappointment, or even fear; but instead you look at him with your cheery and warm expression, nodding.
“Mhm!” You walk over to him and cup his face. “You were worried about me, right? I’m okay now, you saved me and punished the bad guys.” At that his shoulders finally untense, his sanity slowly coming back.
“Of course I was worried, I couldn’t bear the idea of anything happening to you.” Shanks says, letting out a held breath as his expression softens. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment before opening them to look at you. The brown of his eyes are replaced with red, his pupils dilated. You love it, the unsettling look in his eyes is so nice to see; even when they change back to brown. Like this, the crew in the background see their friendly captain as his yandere self, and his cheerful boyfriend who turned out not normal either. The captain can feel their gazes on him, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is you, you you you. The you that’s in front of him, touching him, loving him, the you that’s safe.
“Your eyes are creepy like this, y’know.” You say and place a kiss on his forehead, making him sigh in contentment.
“Creepy huh? That’s one way to describe em… Do you like it?” He asks, a bit insecure.
“And if I don’t? What’re you gonna do then?” You respond and Shanks’s heart sinks at the thought of you not liking anything about him. He loves you too much, he wants you to feel the same. He looks into your eyes, trying to gauge how serious you’re being. When he can't tell he speaks with hesitance.
“I’d.. change them.. I don’t want you to dislike any part about me.” Is his respnse. You hum, kissing his cheek.
“Hmm~ How would you change them?” You continue the question and Shanks tries to think through the chaos in his head, almost tempted to say he’d rip them out for you but managing to think more rationally.
“Colored contacts.. or try to appear less obsessive. Tone it down a bit.” He seems a little sullen talking about it, the idea that he would have to change himself for you is bumming him out; even if he would do it. You can tell he's unhappy, letting it go.
“That sounds like a hassle. It’s good I like them then!” You say and a weight is lifted off of his heart, your words always have so much effect on him. “I like everything about my crazy and cute boyfriend.”
“Good, because this crazy and cute boyfriend of yours loves you. A lot.” He speaks with a sigh, wrapping his arm around you to pull you into a tight hug.
“Mhm~ I love you too.” You rub his back as he buries his face into your shoulder and inhales, relishing in your scent.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I love you. I love you.” He murmurs into your shoulder, muffled by your skin as you soothe him through his love confessions. He doesn’t even notice he’s getting blood on you. "You mean everything to me. You're the light in my darkness, the reason I keep going. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you, I couldn't bear it. I love you more than anything in the world." His hand moves up to thread through your hair. "I love you so much. Never leave me." His voice is almost pleading at this point.
“Shh.. I’m never gonna leave you. You’re the only one for me, you’re my crazy and cute boyfriend. Look at me.” You tell him and he pulls back enough to look at you. “Hi honey~ I love you~” His expression falters, his heart warming. He’s still affected by what's happened but he’s here looking at you, and that makes everything feel better.
“I love you too.” Shanks kisses your palm. His voice is soft now, but still laced with a possessiveness that makes your own heart feel full “I’m looking at you too and I love you too” So happy, and just from being with you. You run your fingers through his red hair, scratching his scalp lightly, and his eyes close from bliss as he lets out a small content hum. When you use both hands a small shiver runs up his spine from your touch and attention. Can’t help it, too enamored with you.
“You’re so adorable.” You say and kiss him, feeling the way he melts into it. So pliable for you, and the slight jolt he gives when you roll your hips against his is satisfying to feel. ‘So reactive too’ you think to yourself as he lets out a small moan, trying to hold in another as you continue. It's to no avail, giving you the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth. Shanks hums, the both of you making out in front of the two corpses of the people Shanks killed for you. Oh and is it all for you, he doesn't even remember them right now. Your hands go to his hips and pick him up, walking a few feet away before laying him gently down onto the grass. He looks up at you, eyes foggy with lust and confusion.
“(Y/n)?” He asks and you wrap his legs around your waist, grinding your dick directly against him, causing him to curse with a moan.
“Sorry, my obsessive boyfriend was too sexy while protecting me.” You say as he pants underneath you, his face flushing. The crew, forgotten, slowly make their leave.
“You think I’m sexy? Even like this?” He asks you, not understanding how you can look at him with such caring lust when he just committed such a vile act. Even if it was for you, he didn’t need to make the deaths as gory as he did.
“Of course! My boyfriend is the cutest and sexiest in the whole world!” You say it as if it’s fact and it sends a shock of happiness and pleasure through Shanks’s body.
“In the world..” He mutters and you nod.
“Yup~” You’re pleased seeing him like this, and your hand goes to slide under his shirt, making him flinch. “The whole world~” Your hand slides up to his chest along with the fabric, showing his bare torso to you as his back arches slightly to follow your touch.
“B-Baby.” He tries to speak but it comes out as a whisper as you run your hand along his chest, stopping at one of his pecs to squeeze. “(Y/N)!” His back arches more and you lovingly circle a finger around his nipple, tapping it with the pad of your finger as he lets out soft gasps. “Fuck...” You’re teasing him, but he’s just too cute not to tease. Alas, you won’t keep him waiting, especially when the captain has been so good for you. You press the pad of your finger onto his nipple and he lets out a breath, your other hand moving to his chest as well as you grope and fondle both of his pecs. He loves it, you can feel it from the way he hardens against you and hear it from the grunts escaping his lips. His chest is nice, big, muscular, reminders of his strength along with the few scars that run along his body. You lean down and kiss one of them before flicking your tongue onto one of his nipples, earning a cuss from above. He grips onto your hair, blood coating your locks as you bite and suck his chest, moving from one pec to another; but never leaving one unattended with the help of your hands. You wonder for a moment if he could cum just from this, but you’ll leave that for another day, taking your mouth off of him with a lewd pop. The sound makes Shanks’s breath shaky. You sit up and look down at him.
‘So beautiful..’ You think to yourself when you see your boyfriend. Covered in the blood of townspeople he slaughtered in your name, eyes cloudy with lust, and shirt lifted up with perked up nipples. “My sexy honey is so sensitive, even when near the corpses of people he’s killed.” You grind against him and he grunts. “Do you care? Should I stop so I can take you somewhere else?” You ask him and Shanks struggles to form a coherent thought, mind clouded by you.
"No.” He starts, his voice shaky. “I don’t care about the bodies, I want you, I need you.” He responds, needy.
“Awweee~” You coo to him and lift his hips up, sliding his pants away enough to expose himself to you. You put your fingers to his mouth and he parts his lips to wet them. “You’re so good for me, my perfect boyfriend~” You praise and he lets out a small happy whimper, his heart racing. He always gets like this when you’re more dominant, sometimes it’s the only way to get him to calm down. Of course, that’s not why you’re doing it right now.
“Hahh.. hahh..” He pants and then gasps when you slip a finger inside him, something about his unstable emotions right now is making him more reactive. Maybe it’s the adrenaline or the relief of knowing you're safe, maybe both.
“I love you Shanks.” You say while putting another inside, relishing in how he squeezes around the digits. “Do you love me too?”
“Yes yes I love you I love you. Please, I need you.” He says, voice strained as you stretch him out.
“Are you sure? I get a little insecure sometimes.” You pull your fingers out and tug down your own bottoms, grabbing your dick to rub the tip around his entrance.
“Fuck.. I-” He’s interrupted by his own long whine as you press into him slowly, his head going foggy until you give him a smooch. “I love you, I love you more than anything, you’re my love- Ah~!” you start to move. “You’re everything to me can’t live without you I love you so much it hurts but feels so goOD~!” You lift his hips up to slam into his prostate, making his eyes roll back as he pants and groans.
“Good boy I love you too, you're doing so good for me~" You praise while bullying his prostate, Shanks’s mind going numb.
“I love you more than anything and everything I love you more than treasures or air or breathing or- ah~! or even myself~! I need you you’re my home and purpose my love and the blood flowing through my veins!” He’s happy, he’s happy you love him and he gets to say everything he wants to without worrying about your disgust. “You’re the reason I get up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep-” He rambles as tears prick at his eyes from pleasure “m-my life and my purpose. I want to spend every second with you, I would give up everything for you. I love your voice and your laugh and your skin your hair your fingers and the way you feel i-inside me~!” His back arches, he’s close. “I can’t hold back any- ah~! longer!”
You kiss his neck, sucking marks into the skin. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back. Let everything out.” With that, he opens his mouth and lets out a loud keen as he cums.
“You’re all mine you’re m-mine! No- nngh~! one else’s mine mine~!” He rambles absentmindedly as you fuck him through his orgasm, repeating posessive words before you slam into him as much as you can and coat his insides. He whines, aftershocks continuing as your dick throbs inside of him with each burst. Once you've emptied you lean down and nuzzle his cheek affectionately before kissing him.
“You’re right. I’m yours and no one else’s. I’m never gonna leave you, because you’re my boyfriend and I love you.” Your words of confession make his heart feel full. He can’t think about anything other than you, that he’ll never let you go. His legs wrap around you and pull you into another kiss, happy. You’ll clean up in a bit, you’re still in public after all and the townspeople can’t be inside forever; but for you’ll indulge your cute and obsessive honey. Just because you love him so much.
There you have it. As for the Jealous reader x Shanks that's still gonna happen, the poll was just to choose which one I focused on first. I still do whatever by the way, I'm not gonna become smut focused or anything.
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sku11s1asher · 8 months
Hi omg first time requesting from someone, but like soulmate aus?!?? Can you pretty please (if you can) make one of like arataki itto and the reader (male obvs) where its the first words of your soulmate and ittos first words are like something completely stupid??? Thabk you if you can but its alright if you dont wanna!!
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itto x gn/male reader (soulmate au)
notes: i love itto, sorry this took so long bae; i had a fic already but my friends said it sucked so here’s this. i actually need to get a beta reader..i finish fics but i look into them too much and delete it without an actual reason. beta readers hmu frfr ;3
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⊹ you always knew your soulmate was the brightest crayon in the box, you got a reminder of it every time you looked at your wrist, ‘worm’ was there.
⊹ though you won’t lie, you were very curious on who they were..who wouldn’t be?
⊹ you lived in liyue, you looked everywhere trying to find your soulmate, but there wasn’t anyone that dumb. at least not that you knew of..
⊹ you complained to your friend, kazuha, about it a lot. eventually he had enough and decided to take you with him on his next trip to inazuma.
⊹ once you arrived in inazuma, you kinda maybe forgot about your soulmate and explored the city looking for interesting things instead of your soulmate.
⊹ you were walking around town talking to kazuha, “what compels someone to do something so stupid?” you asked, “well if you knew him, you'd know he's the definition of stupid,” he responded. all you could think about was how and why a grown man would battle against children, with beetles. “what’s his name again?” “arataki itto.”
⊹ once you heard the man’s name, it immediately reminded you that you needed to look for your soulmate. “kazuha, you’re distracting me from my mission!” “your mission?” “finding my soulmate..?”
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⊹it’s been around 3 days, and still no soulmate. you were walking around the city, sulking to yourself about how you’d be alone for life since your soulmate obviously died. you didn’t see the person in front of you since you were too busy thinking about how you’d be alone for life.
⊹ bump. “what the..” it felt like you walked into a brick wall, but before you could fall you felt arms wrap around your waist. “you good, buddy?” the brick wall had a voice?
⊹ you looked up and felt your heart stop, “oh my god.” you were looking at the finest man you’ve ever seen in your life. once you snapped out your gaze you quickly composed yourself.
⊹ “ah, yeah, my apologies.” you took a step back, getting out of his grip. when you apologized, he let out a big smile, “it’s no big deal, im glad you’re okay.” while he was talking, you couldn’t help but take a look at his chest.
⊹ it was like his pecs were basically asking for you to touch them, but you decided to be a good man and not touch this strangers chest.
⊹ “you make me feel funny, like we have a deep connection even though we just met.” his words caught you off guard, “what?” “you must be my soulmate!” he said after a moment.
⊹ you looked at him like he was stupid, “how did you come to that conclusion? you know what, i don’t even want to know. what’s your name?” you asked him with a sigh.
⊹ “arataki itto!” he exclaimed with a huge smie. you immediately busted out laughing. you didn’t expect this guy who looks like he could pick up a house by himself, to be the guy who fought children with beetles.
⊹ you immediately apologized when you saw him pout, “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to laugh. i just didn’t expect you to be the guy who does the beetle fights.”
⊹ “let me see your wrist.” he asked but he grabbed your wrist before you could answer. after a few moments of closely looking, he hugged you, “i knew it, you’re my soulmate!!”
⊹ you could barely move your arms to hug him back, he was sucking all the air out of your body with the tight hug.
⊹ “cmon, i need to show my soulmate to the gang!” “gang..?”
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extra 1:
⊹ “please, just one touch.” you whined while leaning onto ittos chest, your hands slowly going up his stomach.
⊹ “why are you so obsessed with my chest?” he asked with a laugh, but allowed you to touch them.
extra 2:
⊹ “are you really that proud with yourself for beating children?” you asked unimpressed when he bragged about winning matches.
⊹ “you don’t understand! that kid normally beats me! this is a huge accomplishment, y/n!”
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vivid-ink · 1 year
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Hey folks! Annalise here. 😄 Welcome to my blog where I compose works of fiction based on whatever fancies my brain fixates on.
🔞 A word of caution - The content of my blog is mature and not suitable for minors under the age of 18. If you are a minor, please do not interact with my content and please feel free to block me if you wish. 🔞
My requests are currently CLOSED, but I'm still happy for you to chat to me! 😄
HUNGER GAMES: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes MASTERLIST
A TURN OF TABLES - Coriolanus Snow x Lucy Gray (oneshot)
- SHOW ME & TEACH ME - {Neteyam x fem!Omatikaya Reader} 18+ MDNI (Complete)
You were an inconsequential member of the Omatikaya clan who had failed your rites of passage once already. You were born to heal, not hunt or fight. So, why had the tsahìk designated Neteyam of all people to take over your training?
What business did the future olo’eyktan have mentoring you? But it was too late now. You should have known better than to fall in love with your mentor. You had known this day would come; the day when your success would mean losing his company. You should have clung on tighter to your heart while you still had it…
- TO KNOW YOU AGAIN - {Neteyam x fem!Omatikaya OC} 18+ MDNI (Complete)
“Do you remember our last night here? The night before my family left?” The warm, rumbling timbre of Neteyam’s voice washed over her.
“Yes,” Naia whispered. How could she forget?... She had replayed the memory of his lips over and over numerous times.
One corner of Neteyam’s mouth lifted in a small smile as his eyes tracked over the delicate bridge of her nose and over her steadily flushing cheeks. His gaze stopped to rest on her lips, “You gave me something that night. I think it's time I returned it."
Set 7 years after TWoW: An exploration of what if Neteyam had to leave a girl he was close to behind when his family fled to the reefs to seek refuge.
-THE LOVE SHACK - {Neteyam(23) x fem!Omatikaya Reader(21) x Lo'ak(22)} 18+ MDNI (Complete)
You’d heard the whispered speculations and stifled giggles during the daytimes. You’d seen the furtive glances that the other women cast at Neteyam and Lo’ak through coquettish eyes, cheeks stained a blushing mauve as they exchanged coy smiles with the two brothers.
And during the nights? Hell, you’d heard the moans and wanton cries for yourself… You were definitely curious, but did you have it in you to go through with their proposition?...
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***~ VividInk AO3 ~***
Want a novel-length adventure with a strong narrative? This one is 20 chapters (152k words) & too long to put on Tumblr, but I'm most proud of it! It's a real rollercoaster with a completely original plot!
- VIOLET EYES - {Neteyam x fem!Avatar OC} *Complete* 18+ MDNI
Also on Wattpad HERE
Violet Eyes Summary:
Ria’s gaze paused at his handsome face. Good God, he had grown… She remembered his striking face from years ago in a time of battle at sea, it had been softer with youth then. He had barely been taller than her. Now, he towered over her...
Neteyam lifted his gaze to hers; green-gold clashed with striking violet. Yes, he remembered those eyes. Even the years that had passed in-between had not made him forget.
He lowered his face, his lips curling in a snarl, “I should kill you.” The English words were stilted as he spoke, “But I will not. A life for a life.”
AU where Neteyam lives - set many years after The Way of Water, after the defeat of the humans.
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richeeduvie · 1 month
Can you possibly do NSFW drabble (or what you find most convenient) Nacho and reader first time please? 🔥 I adore the way you wrote Nacho in your stories and I'm curious to see him in this situation 🚀
Nacho Varga x Reader
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X READER. Can be read as Madman reader if you like. Sorry this took so long my lovely mutual! I hope you enjoy how terrified I am of writing Nacho WARNINGS: SMUT. 18PLUS. PIV SEX. FOREPLAY -- 2.8K WORDS --
Nacho breathes into you. He holds onto you like your body will turn itself over to the air. 
He’s so beautiful, his chest bold against your breast - in the way he breathes heavy into you, you can barely breathe at all. 
“I can’t…I can’t,”
He feels like a fucking boy, he feels like he can’t exist outside of you. It’s getting worse with every day. And now…now Nacho knows it’ll be over for him the minute he puts himself inside you. 
He sweats, his heart beats. You swallow down every nerve because you want him. 
“Are you going to want me?”
You nod, a movement too vigorous against Nacho’s cheek. 
His voice is thick, quiet - but there’s a trembled emotion there. He grabs your bicep. 
“I do. I do.” 
Your voice literally trembles as Nacho’s hands take your cheeks. 
“I’ve always wanted you. Always.” 
And there, aroused nerves fade into the quickening beat of your heart. But Nacho’s only grows, the blood in his ears rushes louder and louder because he can’t turn away from you. He can’t not touch you after this. It’ll be over. 
“I want you now, so much.” 
Nacho doesn’t blink. 
It’s already over. 
He doesn’t smile, but Nacho lays you out on the bed and the air is almost as thick as his voice. The room is warm, but everything about the way he stretches you out against the sheets buries a fire at your stomach. 
He breaks your words with a kiss and it’s so firm. He buries his tongue in your mouth.
 And it’s nothing harsh, but it’s all of his need on his lips. 
He’s not going to stop, not when you’re everything he’s ever wanted, needed - what he’s promised to protect. 
It’s only been seconds, but Nacho’s cock grows harder with his skin touching yours, lips touching yours. He kisses harder, pressing in.
Even with what feels like a blood rush at his hands groping you, you can feel Nacho taking his time. A great, heavy-breath savoring and he’s so beautiful. His hands, big and gentle but entirely insistent lets your spine roll underneath him. 
Everything pools inside you. 
Nacho’s hands are rough, calloused as they explore your skin.
You’re so soft. 
Your heart races and he goes in deeper, deeper - his breath at your ear and teeth grazing your earlobe. 
You search his eyes with yours wide, looking, hoping he’s enjoying the first sight of you. You hope you’re beautiful, that your body is enough. But, even when his fingers trace the line between your breasts, the middle of you - you don’t know Nacho’s intent on making sure you know you’re more than enough. 
That you won’t be able to get him off and out of you. 
He can’t burn with the guilt of his sudden desperation, not when he was you to take care of. And maybe, he’ll be selfish. 
Your eyes are unblinking when your body is bare to the walls of the room, as Nacho leans back and if you think about it, you’d say his brown-eyed gaze is intense. 
Taking in the sight of what he’s always wanted. 
Your heart hammers away in your chest, but you remain still, you want him to feel all of you. If he wants you. You hope he wants you. 
Nacho hopes he’ll be able to move on from the sight of you under him. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers it against your skin, eyes dark in the dark. “I don’t know why you came into my life.” 
He can’t let the moment just be. He can’t let it just be both of your bodies. He has to say something too fucking desperate, rough in intensity. Nacho closes his eyes as blood rushes, below and above. His cock twitches. 
“I’m glad I was there. I…” 
Nacho can’t fucking handle of the idea of having to hear the way you try and play nice with what he says, never knowing your heart just can’t quit at his words. So, you can only gasp when he lowers his head with a warm and ragged breath to take your breast into his mouth. His thumb traces lazy, but meaningly circles around your other nipple - both harden beneath his touch.
This is the first time, but it feels like it was always supposed to be this way. It’s that sharp, slight pain of sensitivity with all the pleasure of Nacho’s tongue. 
Nacho closes his eyes at your soft moans. 
“I’m gonna try and make you feel good. So you just relax. I’ve got you.” 
“..What about, what about-” 
What about you? It’s something you want to ask, but you can barely get a word in with the bolts of wet shocks to your nipples, all the feeling bolting throughout your body when Nacho’s hands become everywhere. You would think the word exploring. 
But it’s claiming. Worshiping. It’s a hunger that matches your own even if you don’t know it. You feel it with every shiver and the fire at your hole seems to burn bright, tightening around nothing. 
“What about me trying to make you feel good?” 
You stare at the ceiling, but you feel Nacho’s tongue still. 
“...I promise you, you don’t have to worry about that.” 
Your fingers find your way onto his head, then his cheeks. You pull Nacho in closer - to urge him. Please, please, please. 
His hand cups your other breast as he continues to let his teeth graze your hard nipple. Hot, wet jolts that stuff his mouth with you when you can’t help but curl. 
You think your moans are met with your name so quietly. 
If he had it in him to be confident, not sure - not focused, but confident, Nacho would think it was your name as a prayer. But you feel like the letters drip off his tongue, water he drank too fast as if he’d never drink again dribbling off his lips. 
His touch is so beautiful that you need more of it. You always needed it, you can’t believe this is the first time you’ve ever had it. 
You try and press your legs together, but of course, Nacho’s squeezed in the middle. 
Your head nuzzles into his when he comes up and you can feel a hardness pressing against a bit of your crotch and thigh. You focus on how bold and strong his chest is in his own skin. 
You need to get rid of his boxers. Now. Now.
Your hands slide down the warmth of his spin and curve to his waist, pulling at the band before you can barely breathe. There’s noises from him and for your own selfishness, you’ll take them as good noises. 
His muscles ripple and he tries not to tremble. He can’t tremble. It’d be you to make him fall, but he’s not going to when he has to take care of you. 
You tug at his shoulders. 
“I need you.” 
It’s your voice barely there over the sounds of the both of you. But somehow, brown eyes grow darker and Nacho can feel his body failing him. Everything taking over. 
His cock is fucking painful and you’re too beautiful, and he just wants to fuck you, and he’ll fuck you - and he’ll bury himself inside of you. 
You pull at the band fully, just until his cock springs out - long and throbbing. 
He’s perfect, in the way you hope all of you’s perfect. 
Your face grows even more warm at how Nacho pulls himself up as his cock, bare and slightly sticky, presses against your leg - but it makes all of your warm, your pussy ready to take him. Almost. 
He should touch you with those perfect hands, big and clean. Shaven? 
“I need this to be a night you’ll love. Can I do that for you?” 
Fuck. He needs to feel you. He needs to feel how his fingers and cock fit inside you and needs to hear what noises you make. It can be nothing like what he’s dreamt of. Perfect. Better. Real. This is real. 
Nacho traces the curve of your waist and hip before he lets his hand trail down your cool, soft skin, just to your crotch. 
The opening of you is beautiful, and he wants it wet, warm - he wants his name in your mouth, selfishly. He needs this to be good so he can stuff himself with you over and over and over again, if you’ll let him. 
He sucks at your neck. 
“So beautiful. So…”
He sucks at your neck, then at your collarbone, and you gasp and breathe with an uneven, passionate rhythm when he puts a finger to your clit. He presses in, and in. A button to press and you clench around nothing. The pool of heat grows into an ocean as he sucks and sucks and lets another finger slip inside you. 
If you were dry before, you aren’t now. 
It’s so much, his finger, gentle but not unfocused in how it pumps in and out of you. 
“That’s how you feel. That’s how you-” 
Nacho makes a noise that’s almost a hiss when you grab at his cock, softing pumping there. When you get wet enough, you try - with all your unfocused and only feeling, taking your slick and letting his cock get wet too. 
You pump at his cock, twisting your wrist as you roll your head into the pillow. The finger is a welcomed burn that grows into pleasure and the sight of you leaking. 
And when Nacho puts another finger inside you, he just takes a moment to look at you, taking himself back, sitting up on the bed as his sights linger. 
He can’t fucking look away. He was never able to look away. He needs all of you, and whatever he thought he touched. He didn’t, he needed all of your skin and soft body, perfect, pretty body under his palms. 
He runs his other hand over your thigh. He opened you up, legs like a butterfly. 
You’ve already been naked for long moments, but you have never felt more open. You spread your legs wider, ready. But he can stretch you out with more fingers and more fingers and all of him if he wants. 
There, there comes a sudden dark, his fingers slipped out of you to grip at your hip bones. 
He knew he wanted to hear his name here, from your mouth - but Nacho didn’t know that’d be what would make him lose it. 
He can’t even feel guilt, he only feels the rush to his head and looks at the sight of you under him. 
Where you should be, maybe. For the rest of his life. A place where he can always take care of you. 
His cock pressed at the tight, wet opening with one finger pressing like a feather-fucking touch over your clit. Then, it's Nacho pressing the bad of his thumb against your clit, wanting to see every face you can make. 
You only thought it would’ve taken so long at how he took a long moment to cup your pussy, pulling his cock away from how it clenched and became ready. 
It’s already waves of pleasure, the ocean of both of you, the water’s of fire, maybe. But this is where you should be. You spread your legs even further, pulling yourself up on the bed. 
You’re already hazy and gasping out with his cock stretching through you, it slips all the way in. Slowly, but never coming to a full stop inside you. 
“Ah! Oh my god, oh my go-” 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” 
Both of you breathe in a sweaty, even rhythm at the first time he comes inside you. You watch the way his cock just looks so…big. It’s the first time, and it burns slightly, but you know it’ll go away and it’ll be him and you and you’ll want him to fuck you. Make love to you. 
“You like this? Baby?” 
Nacho watches him watching where you two meet before he takes the real, finally real image of how his cock stuffs itself in your pussy. 
“...Oh my god.” 
It feels too good. He’d die too happy, and then he’d die guilty. 
Nacho says your name over and over, something you can’t hear but feel in shivers. His hot breath reaches the chills of your body before he starts to rock himself. 
His cock slips almost out before him fucks himself back in, slowly. 
“Oh, Baby. You’re so…” 
He struggles in taking your leg up over his shoulder, but he does. He breathes into your skin, shoving his face into your body as his hips manage to quicken. 
It’s too good. It’s too much. 
It’s the sound of your bodies meeting slowly coming into the air, soft and wet as he goes fast. Hand on your breast, thigh, breath - knee. You cup his heavy heavy and you try to hope that it feels good, but you can only think about how good it feels. 
Your body’s laid out flat and stretched before he begins to fuck fast, your hole clenches and leaks, grows hot at the hole and at the hilt as you move like filth. Maybe that’s what it should be, your breasts bouncing and all of you getting groped under curses and mewls, but it’s beautiful. 
The first time is beautiful under the moonlight. 
He stop feel how your pussy feels as he fucks you, how it clenches. He can’t stop watching how your eyes roll back or how your tits bounce. Nacho doesn’t even mean it when he gropes a bruise into your breast and waist. He’ll throw his mind into a fire of shame at that later, but now - he feels how beautiful you are around his cock. 
The thrusts sound out with his grunts. 
“Do you like the way I’m making you feel?”
“Yes! Nacho-” 
“Fuck. You don’t have to worry. Baby, you’ll never have to worry.”
And it’s minutes going by that way, a beautiful stretch as the long girth of him slips out, only to slam back into you again. 
“You’re beautiful. You’re so-” 
And then, Nacho slows. You’re already curling over, you wouldn’t have thought slowing down and going softer meant he’s getting close, but you watch his body twitch as you do. 
He comes over, chest pressing into your breasts as his arm snakes under you. It’s a hold, tight and warm with something that feels like….
You don’t know, in your eyes - in his, neither of you will say it’s love, not during the first time. 
But he stares into you, unblinking as your back arches, making his arm fit between you and the bed. He’s slowed, but each thrust is hard. You would say it’s harsh if it wasn’t for his eyes. 
Brown, black in the dark - but that hesitant kindness you know so well. 
Your arms come around to grasp at his bicep and shoulders. Every pump of his cock slaps against your pussy, hits his hot, twitching tip at the hilt. 
He’s stuffed, buried, and yet, the way he buries his face in your neck gets at you. 
“I’m cumming, Baby. I’m-” 
And there, Nacho’s hips buck into yours, balls slapping as his body rocks the bed with you. He puts his finger to your clit, making quick, but struggled circles as his fucks the way he cums. 
He cums for a while, you feel him spurting inside you as you cry out in how you chase your own high, riding your arch into his orgasm to get yours. 
You cum moments after, moaning and crying into Nacho’s heavy sighs. 
And then…it’s over, his cum leaking out of you with everything else, the ocean draining out into a pool. It becomes an aftermath of your first time with him. 
And you couldn’t have had it any other way. 
Nacho comes at your sigh, still breathing heavy - but it gets more even. You try to focus on his chest rising and falling, so you can remember where you are after the way your toes curled. 
Then you replay it all in your head, hoping to God it’ll happen again soon. 
“Come…come here.” 
You don’t have much room to go anywhere, but Nacho’s order follows itself in him taking your knuckles and kissing them, not over and over - just one long kiss. 
Water to a man who’ll never see a drop again, air to a man underwater. He keeps his eyes closed. 
“...That was…Nacho…that was perfect. Was it…was it go-” 
“I can’t-I can’t think. I can’t think. Just let me…let me breathe, Baby. Relax.” 
He hopes you’ll listen to him, because for him to find his breath after the first time. After the first time, he’ll need to keep his face in the skin of your knuckles for a little while longer. Just until the sun comes up.
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inuhalfdemon · 4 months
No One Can Know...(15/?)
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Word Count: 2,135 Words
Rating = Explicit (SMUT)
Chapter 15
"Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep em' on a leash..."
- Hozier
Curiosity got the best of Alastor and days later he and Lucifer were naked together again, in his room. Lucifer theorized that if Alastor wanted to chase his subspace; find out what brought it on and explore its depths - it might benefit them to re-visit what they were doing in the place they had been doing it in.  
All of this…exploration…they were considering doing together - of course - was very out of character for Alastor. He might have waged internal battles with himself heavily over it if not for Lucifer…Lucifer assured him that whatever Alastor discovered in these sessions; it didn’t have to be something that contributed directly to his identity.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong.” Lucifer had explained. “Many people do like that part of it. They like being the dominant or the submissive and that’s something that they stick to but…it doesn’t have to be one way or the other. I doubt you’ll find enough interest in it for me to delve deeper into all of the terminology and whatnot that’s associated with it but, what I’m really trying to get at is this: do what feels good to you and don’t worry about what anyone else might think or like to call it. Just – don’t worry about that part of it.”
Just like before, Lucifer sat at the edge of the bed and Alastor knelt on the floor, facing him. It felt different – somehow more awkward – with the planning that was involved with this whole scenario now.
Alastor placed a clawed hand to each of Lucifer’s thighs and paused, hesitating.
This just feels so strange… His ears leant back, wondering if this ever really was something worth pursuing to begin with.
Seeing Alastor’s sudden reservation – anticipating it – Lucifer asked him, “Would you mind…very much if I suggested we try something?”    
It was a risk. Alastor very easily could be feeling too overwhelmed with what they were already trying to do here and adding something to the mix could make him balk from it further…or, it might just occupy his mind enough that he could push past it. 
Lucifer adjusted form and his long devil’s tail slid beside him.
“Give me your hands.” He instructed, holding his own out; palms up.
Alastor placed his hands in his and Lucifer slowly and purposefully folded Alastor’s together; his tail coiling and wrapping itself firmly around Alastor’s wrists.
Something in Alastor rebelled against this minor restraint and his body tensed; ears standing straight.
Lucifer immediately loosened his tail; but didn’t take it away.
“I can remove it.” Lucifer told him – waiting for him to decide.
“No, I’m-“ Alastor breathed, releasing his tension. “I’m good. I just wasn’t ready for it.”
Lucifer’s tail moved, winding itself so that it added more coils to Alastor’s bound hands without ever tightening the hold.
“Aren’t we supposed to have a ‘safe word’ or something if we’re going to be doing this?” Alastor asked, trying to distract himself as he relaxed his arms and let his hands hang limply bound in front of him.
Lucifer smiled. “If you’d like one, certainly. I promise you won’t ever need one with me, though. I’m very good at reading body language. I am curious to know though, what you might choose.” The tip of Lucifer’s tail was moving: rubbing gentle, soothing circles into Alastor’s arm.
“I really don’t have any grand ideas…” Alastor admitted, he could feel himself adjusting to the feeling of Lucifer’s tail wound around his wrists and he was incredibly thankful that Lucifer had chosen it and not a chain or a rope for their first time with them trying all of this.
“Does the word ‘Jambalaya’ make you feel safe?” Lucifer teased him,
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Hm…that is the idea, isn’t it…” Lucifer’s voice lowered. “Now, Alastor…come here –“ Lucifer’s tail pulled back; pulling Alastor’s bound hands and encouraging him closer. “- and show me that you can.”
Lucifer leant over and Alastor rose up on his knees to meet him.
Gripping him by his hair; Lucifer pulled Alastor’s mouth to his and kissed him roughly.
Alastor felt an unforeseen effect of his restriction – though it was meant to be minor – rather quickly. He had been so focused and concerned with how the binding of his hands would restrict his movements, that he hadn’t properly considered that he also wouldn’t be able to touch Lucifer with his hands. Lucifer was emphasizing this to him presently by raking his own hands, fingers and claws through Alastor’s hair; scratching pleasantly at both bases of his antlers and fondling with his ears.
Gasping; Alastor broke away from Lucifer’s mouth as he processed all that he was feeling. Lucifer readily took the opportunity and quickly busied himself with nipping and sucking at Alastor’s jawline and neck. 
Alastor’s body was somehow already responding to the feeling of being touched differently now that he was unable to touch; the pleasurable sensations feeling like they were striking him now ten-fold. Blood pooled deep in his belly and he felt his arousal quickly building. Alastor shifted; not quite testing the restraint of Lucifer’s tail but straining against it – feeling an incredible aching need to touch Lucifer with his bound hands. Lucifer responded by very subtly tightening his tail, and Alastor groaned at the feeling of restraint and frustration.
Lucifer pulled his face away from Alastor’s neck, shifting himself on the bed, and Alastor saw that Lucifer was very clearly hard now. Lucifer caught him considering the erection. Gripping Alastor’s antlers - their bases growing thicker and points stretching and widening in long and stretching branches – he tilted and pushed Alastor’s head down; widening the space between his own legs and lifting his pelvis.
Alastor’s mouth readily slid over the lifted cock and Lucifer moaned at the wet heat.
Suddenly, Alastor felt that slipping, sinking feeling again…that sub space. Lost in a building euphoric haze, he bobbed his head against Lucifer’s length; feeling the tip pushing and scraping against his hard palate and sliding toward the back of his throat.
Lucifer stiffened with a delicious tension; seeing that Alastor had slipped below the surface. Loosening his tail, he released Alastor’s wrists; the coils sliding away from the demon’s hands.
Alastor immediately took advantage of his freedom; wrapping his arms around Lucifer’s legs and pulling him roughly to him – claws digging into the skin; his mouth still clenched to the devil’s swelling shaft.
Lucifer’s tail snaked downward and finding Alastor; it slid itself over the sinner’s throbbing and seeping length. Lucifer flicked and teased at Alastor’s tip with it, sliding loose coils over the length and softly stroking. Alastor shifted himself with a deep and needy groan,  giving Lucifer better access to him. The coils looped and tightened around Alastor’s sex, resting with a hooked point pressed against Alastor’s balls. Gripping and holding Alastor in that way…his tail began moving; slowly sliding up and down - stimulating him.     
With Alastor’s groans building against Lucifer’s own length, he leant back and his hips jutted sharply forward. Gasping, he tried to reign himself back but then Alastor pressed himself further down – taking more of his length into his mouth and throat; Lucifer’s tip pressing into soft wet tissue. Lucifer bucked involuntarily and Alastor gagged and choked against him.
“FUCKING, FUCK! AL! That’s deep!” Lucifer bucked again when Alastor slid himself up only to come right back down.  
Alastor’s tail was frantically wagging.
Lucifer’s back arched and Alastor started growling appreciatively, sending humming vibrations to Lucifer that sent him into a frenzy of involuntary thrusts. Alastor’s claws dug deeper into his skin and Lucifer’s tail loosened as he tried to focus on restraining himself just enough to not completely wreck Alastor’s throat with his jutting. Lucifer’s tail began to slip away. Releasing one leg, Alastor reached for himself. He was incredibly hard now and desperate for relief. Gripping himself, his hand wrapped tightly around – clenching Lucifer’s tail in his fist as he began to pump himself in earnest.
Fuck! That hurts! Lucifer clenched his teeth, but the pain quickly became lost to pleasure. His hips bucked into Alastor’s mouth and the demon met his jut; somehow sliding himself so that Lucifer’s entire length was jammed inside. If Alastor could take that, Lucifer could deal with a crimp in his tail…     
Alastor was on the brink of it; and Lucifer’s tail tightened underneath his hand when Lucifer gave one last and final thrust; Alastor dipped his head down – firmly bit into the hard muscle - swallowing his prize as he simultaneously came with the King; cum slipping between his fingers and oozing onto Lucifer’s tail.
It didn’t take much coaxing for Lucifer to get Alastor into the bed with him; wrapped in covers and each other as the post-coital chemicals settled in their systems. Lucifer was familiar enough with sub space to know that: no matter the intensity of a session, aftercare was essential; and though this scenario had all been rather tame for him - the effect it had on Alastor might be very, very different. 
It pleased him incredibly to find that Alastor was much more cuddly afterward. Lucifer had lain down; lifting the covers so that Alastor might slide in beside him, but the sinner had surprised him. Alastor, instead, had crawled underneath the covers with him, pulling Lucifer closer to him by the waist so that he might lay himself across his stomach, resting his head comfortably on the angel’s chest.
A soft radio static hummed from Alastor once he settled and Lucifer couldn’t help the smile that touched his face at the sound.
Shifting his position just enough so that he had room to do it; Lucifer spread his wings – stretching the feathered limbs out briefly before folding them close and encasing him and Alastor in a gentle embrace.
“How was that? You feeling ok?” Lucifer asked Alastor.
Waking up from their post-sex nap, they had moved themselves into Alastor’s shower; Alastor was presently drenching himself under a burning hot jet of water while Lucifer hung back, wanting to adjust himself to the heat.
“Hm…yes.” Alastor croaked. “Very much ok.” His smile twitched. “I’m feeling quite wonderful actually, almost like I’ve been drinking.”
“You’re still coming down from the high, then.” Lucifer noted, stepping under the hot water with him now, his skin turning a vibrant red under the spraying jet. “We’ll finish up here and then we should eat; get you some tea for that throat, you fucking masochist.”
Alastor chuckled; the effort costing him a bout of coughing. Lucifer absently flicked his tail; feeling the reciprocating bruising he had sustained to the small vertebrae.
Lucifer was glad that Alastor seemingly wasn’t reading too much into his attentiveness. Lucifer had had his share of sub drops and didn’t wish the experience on anyone…better to avoid it happening to Alastor, if he could.
“Well, we’re doing something right.” Lucifer told him, reaching for Alastor’s shampoo. Grabbing the base of an antler; he pulled Alastor’s head down to him so that he might begin lathering the soap into the deer demon’s hair and fur. Alastor hummed, enjoying the special attention he was receiving.
I’ve never seen him so relaxed and so…clearly happy. His tail is even flicking about like it’s on parade.
“Did you dislike the restraint?” Lucifer asked him, claws working the lather gently into Alastor’s scalp.   
“Surprisingly…” Alastor gulped, clearing his throat. “No, I didn’t. At least, not once I…adjusted.”
“It might have helped…it generally helps me get into that…mindset.” Tilting him by the antler, Lucifer moved Alastor’s head into the water to rinse the lather from his fur. Once he was rinsed; Alastor shook himself, bringing his head back down to Lucifer so that he might start on the conditioner.
“Lucky, that you tend to be so touch-averse after…this isn’t something we should be doing all of the time. It gets…addicting; chasing that high. I kind of went over-board with it myself when I first discovered it.” 
“Hm…I could see why.” Alastor allowed, grinning like a happy idiot while Lucifer continued to work at his hair.
“Jesus, you are gorked.”
Alastor hummed his agreement.
“We should have enough to go off of now, though…we know where to start when we try again, if-“ Lucifer paused, finishing with the conditioner and letting Alastor go so that he could rinse himself again. “If you’re interested in pursuing more with it, of course. We really don’t have to.”
 Alastor shook himself again, turning to Lucifer and taking him softly by the face with one hand; claws swiping gently against wet skin. “I think I might like to pursue anything more when it comes to you, Luci.” Leaning in, he kissed the angel softly upon the lips, saying softly: “I think I might like that very much.”  
Chapter 16
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petersbaby · 2 years
Somebody else - Eddie’s girl x reader and stepbro!eddie x reader
Warnings: stepcest, oral (f x f receiving), smut, very light angst, it’s a lot and a little confusing
Inspired by this ask:
This isn’t exactly what you wanted, I put my own twist on it. I hope you still like it. <3
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Your step brother Eddie had been seeing this new girl. You had mixed feelings, mostly grappling with the idea that you almost don’t want him to have anyone but you. You decided that if he can have a girl, so can you. It’ll just so happen to be the same one. You’re bi, but nobody in your family knows, including Eddie.
You’d been picking up on the feeling that she may be too. You hadn’t missed the way she’d look at you just as much as she did him, the soft smiles traded, and the subtle but present flirtatious vibes you gave each other often. It all leads up to to this.
A Saturday morning, a morning after she spent the night with Eddie at your house. She comes downstairs to the kitchen, the house is quiet. So quiet that you scared her when she sees you standing there, leaning against the counter.
“Jesus, you scared me.”
“Sorry. Eds isn’t up?”
You knew he wasn’t, it was too early in the morning.
“No, I thought I would come down and make some coffee, is that okay?”
“Already made some. Here.”
You grab a mug from the cabinet and pour her a cup, adding milk and creamer until it was a nice light brown color.
“How’d you know the way I like my coffee?” She half-laughs, taking the cup from you appreciatively.
“Dunno. You’re a sweet girl, I can’t imagine you like anything less than that.”
She clearly blushes as your flirting caught her totally off guard.
“Thank you.”
“You need it after staying up late fucking my brother, quite loudly, may I add.” You shrug, nonchalantly. Her face beats up even more.
“Oh, I- um… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be loud, I feel a little embarrassed now.” She says, tucking hair behind her ear.
“Thin walls. Don’t be, it’s not like I don’t know it’s happening. I was wondering something, though.”
“Okay… what is it?”
“I’m just gonna ask you, do you like girls? Because personally, I think I could make you feel a lot better than he can.”
She shifts awkwardly, clutching the cup in her hands.
“I don’t… wow, that’s a lot,” she starts, overwhelmed with the ambush she got from you upon coming to the kitchen. “I don’t know. I’ve never, uh, done anything like that before. So I’m not sure if I do.”
“I’ll ask you this. Do you think I’m pretty?”
“Of course.”
“Do you think I’m attractive?”
“So why not try, with me?”
“I mean, I have a boyfriend.” She states as if you’d forgotten.
“I know, but he doesn’t have to find out. No pressure, just, if you’re curious. You know where I’ll be.” You wink at her.
You head back up to your room and leave her standing there in awe of everything that was just said. She thinks, really thinks, and knows it’s not smart but finds her legs carrying her body up the stairs to your bedroom door. It opens softly.
“Hi.” You smile at her from your bed.
She enters, shutting the door behind her. She stands there for a few moments.
“So… what do I… what do we do?”
“Well first off, you need to come here. You look scared, I promise I don’t bite. Unless that’s something you like.”
She walks towards you, and you take her hands, pulling them down and pulling her down all together onto the mattress in front of you.
“You wanna start with a kiss?”
“Mhm.” She nods.
You bring your hand to the side of her face, holding it gently before leaning in to press your lips against hers. They’re soft and they taste sweet and you instantly decide you can’t get enough. You deepen it, letting the kiss grow more intense and start to move your hands.
They glide down her shoulders and snake around her waist, grabbing and holding onto it, and you swipe your tongue against her bottom lip to request permission. She grants you access to her mouth, letting your tongue enter and explore, and letting hers dance against it. Your hands fall once more, now down to her hips.
Your fingers creep beneath the fabric of her shirt and you run them up her body til you reach her tits, cupping them roughly in your hands. At this point, she’s breathing hard and fast, panting against your lips.
You decide to give her a break by separating and you take that as a chance to get her shirt off. Underneath was a plain black bra, a push-up, but her tits were still really nice. You return your hands to her sides and go in to kiss on her neck.
“Shit,” she breathes, and you silently take note of that. She likes that. She likes it so you continue, spending lots of time licking and gently suckling on the most sensitive skin at the bend of her neck and shoulder.
You made sure not to leave a mark on her, though. You try to be gentle, having to periodically remind yourself she’s never had an experience like this and is exploring.
“So pretty,” you say quietly, admiring her torso. “Can I see ‘em?”
She nods, reaching behind herself expertly unclasping her bra. You tug the straps down and pull it off her body. Now, you push her back onto your plush comforter, sort of hovering over her body.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth, already perfect and pebbles for you, and suck on it. Her chest noticeably rises and falls with each breath. You give the other one attention as well before pausing.
“Do you like this? Do you still want this?” You searched for updated consent.
“Yes. Fuck, yes, please. Can I see you too?”
“Of course.” You oblige.
You pull your t shirt off over your head, and that was that, no bra underneath, and she sits up a little. She stares at your chest, definitely intrigued and interested. This time, she touches you, reaching out and gently grasping your waist.
They can’t help but keep moving, and they reach your tits. They stay there, unmoving. You look at her and nod, giving reassurance that it’s okay, and she kneads your breasts in her hands. You smile as she looks at you with wonder.
“We kissed,” she whispers, “what now?”
“I can eat you out. Would you like that?”
“Yes, please. Very much, yes.”
“Your manners are so cute. Such a good girl.”
She blushes at this and tries to hold it back.
You start to trail kisses down her stomach until you got to the waistband of her sweatpants. You kiss each of her hip bones before hooking your fingers in the band, tugging them off.
Little black panties too. Matching set. She kicks her pants off her ankles and lets her legs fall open as you situate yourself in front of her heat. You lean in to place a kiss to her clothed clit, and she wiggles in place. She’s antsy, desperate to get down to it, and you show her mercy.
“These off, too.” You state, and she helps remove the barrier between your mouth and her cunt. The panties fall somewhere to the side, maybe in the floor. Didn’t matter.
“I’m gonna do this, but if you don’t like it, tell me and I’ll stop. Okay?”
“Okay.” She looks down at you with blown out eyes, nodding dumbly.
You lick a stripe from her wet hole all the way up to her clit, and she gasps loudly. You repeat that a few times, then focus completely on her clit. You tease it with your tongue, switching between licking and sucking on it. When you suck on her clit for the first time, she becomes vocal.
“Oh, my god. Oh god, holy shit.” She moans.
Sounds straight out of a porno. She had thrown her head back and shut her eyes tight, thoroughly enjoying your talented mouth.
You’re focused in, but can’t help but hear when your door creaks. You momentarily look, and see your sleepy step brother in the doorway, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake himself up more.
When he focused in on you two, he was in complete shock and awe. He wanted to be angry with you, knowing you were absolutely the one that was behind this, but he also really, really liked seeing it.
You make eye contact with him, smiling slyly, then returning to what you were doing. She didn’t notice, not one bit, blissfully unaware that her boyfriend and your brother was watching you. You knew, and you let him.
He watched as you gave his girlfriend the best head she’s gotten in her life, as you made her cum all over your face til her legs were shaking. When you slide a finger in, she opens her eyes, only staring down at you first.
Then she sees him in her peripheral vision. She gasps and jumps, squeezing her legs shut, and you back away, wiping your mouth off on the back of your hand.
“How long have you been standing there, Eddie…?” She asks, eyes wide.
“Yeah, how long, you pervert?” You join in, knowing damn well you knew he was watching you for a hot minute. Shit eating grin on your face.
“You… you’re fucking my step sister.” He says plainly, looking at her now.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie, I don’t know what got into me.” She scrambles to get the words out and to find all of her clothing.
“I can explain.” She offers once fully clothed again.
“I think it’s best you go home. Okay?” He tells her.
“What the fuck happened? I woke up and she was gone, then I found her in here…”
“Well,” you start, but are cut off.
“You’re not gay. I know that, because we’ve fucked a million times.” He tries rationalizing.
“You’re correct, I’m not. I like both. She was pretty, and I wanted her.”
“You did this for attention. You wanted me to catch you, didn’t you? You wanted to steal my girlfriend?”
You shrug.
“You’re such a fucking whore. You ruined my relationship, and I’m really mad, but I need to be mad later.”
“It was hardly a relationship. A month is nothing.” You remark, not really listening to him.
“I can’t look at her again without seeing you. You knew that. Now I can’t be with her.”
He shuts your door behind him and locks it this time. Now you’re listening, now it’s intense.
He lifts up his shirt to show you the massive hard-on he has tucked up into his waistband.
“You’re evil. You’re evil, but god, that was so hot.”
You just smile, knowingly.
He climbs into your bed, roughly flipping you over onto your stomach. He grabs your shorts at the waistband and tugs them off, leaving you fully undressed and you sit your bottom half up on your knees. You excitedly arch your back, ass high up in the air, spreading your legs.
“Fucking hell.” He comments under his breath at your eagerness. In just a moment, he’s pushing his pants and boxers both down his thighs and letting his erection spring free. You feel it slap against your ass when he does, practically drooling and needing him so bad.
He spits down into his hand, coating his cock with it and pumping himself up and down a few times. He grabs both sides of your ass hard, fingernails digging in deep to the flesh.
He brings you closer, he’s right up against your entrance, but isn’t doing much more. You push back, trying to get him inside you, but you only get the tip before he realizes.
“Stop.” He warns. “I’ll give it to you when I want, you’re in no place to be demanding right now.”
“Sorry.” You say quietly.
You sit and wait, only for a few seconds, until he sinks down into you almost all at once. You moan out loud and long from the feeling of being completely empty and then completely and totally full.
“Mmh, fuck,” you moan, partially trying to keep yourself quiet by burying your face in your arms as your elbows prop you up.
You were getting what you wanted. You turned him on so bad that he had to fuck you senseless before he could even think straight. Once he came, he’d process that he’d kicked out his new girlfriend in favor of his stepsister, proceeding to fuck her when the other girl left.
Any time, any place, any situation, if it was you or someone else he would pick you. Every. Single. Time. You knew he’d pick you. The truth is that you didn’t want her as much as you just wanted her gone. You wanted Eddie to remember that you’re his #1 girl and he only really loved you.
You don’t mind the sting of his nails digging into your skin, or the rough way he was handling you. He fucked you hard and fast, leaving you crying softly and mewling, without words.
Every thrust, you swear, knocked the wind out of you. It was animalistic, passionate. You can hear him grunting behind you. He was focused. Chasing his release. Pounding into you.
“This ass, this pussy, so fucking perfect. God, so perfect.”
You don’t mind the sting of his nails digging into your skin, or the rough way he was handling you. He fucked you hard and fast, leaving you crying softly and mewling, without words.
“Mmm, oh fuck,” you whimper, his ferocity at an all-time high and his cock hitting your spongey spot over and over and over until…
“God, Eddie, please.” You whimper again, barely audible, shortly before feeling your lower stomach tighten up and then spasm, the walls of your pussy squeezing hard around him.
Your white, sticky fluid coats Eddie’s cock, you can both feel it. Even after you rode out the orgasm, he didn’t let up. It was so much, so good.
“Goddamn it, I’m gonna fill you up.” He mumbles, still concentrated and thrusting at a steady pace.
“Please, please.” You beg. Of course you want that, you want nothing more than that.
“Fuck, shit.” He groans, thrusting one last time before spilling as deep inside you as he could go. You feel his cum inside you, warm and comfortable as it always is, making you feel whole again.
He waits a little while until he pulls out, but finally does. You let your body fall limp on the bed, not keeping your ass up any more. You roll over onto your back, just to see him. He was sweating, flushed, pink cheeks.
“Evil.” He breathes.
“Who, me?” You ask, with big blown out eyes.
“You.” He grabs his sweatpants, pulling them on, then plops down next you you in your bed.
“I love you lots.”
“I love you too. You know that.”
“Then why try to replace me?”
He is silent for a minute.
“Good question, baby. I won’t, never again. I’d love to see you fucking another girl again, though.”
“Hell yeah. Just not one you took from me.”
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I love your TMA swap AU so much and love seeing posts about it
do you like, have any more info on it you haven’t shared yet?!? you don’t have to share if you want to, it just kinda consumed my mind 👉👈
I absolutely have info and I love talking about it — It’s consumed my mind as well!
I realise I haven’t really talked about one of the key aspects of the AU which is Elias and his slow descent into becoming a vessel for Jonah Magnus, albeit with a twist.
I’m always particularly fond of Swap AUs that really play around with the idea of characters in different roles, and for Elias, that meant he couldn’t simply be the Archivist. While Jon’s story revolves around humanity, Elias’ story in this AU is more an exploration of identity and how the lines blur.
I had to play around a bit with canon, give reason as to why Jonah hasn’t just taken Elias as his vessel yet or taken someone else, and is having to retreat to his old body, using the last few years it has left in it. The idea I settled on was that his vessels need to be specific, preferably someone already touched by the Eye, and a body who he Knows can withstand the shift. These potential vessels aren’t as common but he knows one will been drawn to the Institute eventually.
The problem with Elias Bouchard, is that he still has people left who would notice the change, people he’s close to - Sasha, Tim, Gwendolyn, etc. I have mentioned before that this is why he was made Head Archivist. The Archive is the most dangerous place to work and the easiest place to set Elias on the course of becoming an Avatar himself, making him even more suitable, and isolating him, whether it be through his friends dying, or him isolating himself due to the stress and/or paranoia. Anything like that really.
And, while he isn’t the Archivist, he does develop his own set of abilities, more centred on Watching, similar to Jonah. In late s2 for example, his eyes have started to adjust to Seeing, and he becomes distinctly aware of Not-Sasha, hence his attempt at attacking her with a metal pipe.
He doesn’t view these abilities as negatively as you’d think really, namely because they give him a sense of purpose, a feeling of importance and power which he has longed for his whole life. He often believes he deserved better than what he has, deserves to be respected, stemming from his relationship with his father. He only realises a little too late that what’s happening to him isn’t a good thing, and that he’s losing the people he cares most about.
It’s during his coma in s4 that the identity aspect truly comes into play.
Jonah decides this is the perfect chance to take Elias’ body, and Martin is left with the task, mainly due to Jon being in jail and Martin’s ability to go unnoticed. This is one of the things Martin would really rather avoid doing but Jon asked, and so he obliges.
It doesn’t… work out though. He’s only able to replace one eye — very clumsily at that — before someone walks in, and while they don’t see Martin, they do see the mess he’s left behind.
Elias unfortunately wakes up not long after, and Jonah decides to put the other eye on hold for a short while. He’s… curious, really. He wants to Know what will happen, what this will feel like for the both of them.
S4 is probably my favourite era of the AU solely for the exploration of Elias and Jonah and how the other characters interact with that. They don’t know what’s happened to Elias, a man who had looked an absolute mess for months, suddenly looking pristine, with his hair cut short — he’s always hated short hair — and an eye that definitely isn’t his own. I should add, before now, he’s never gone by Elias. He never liked it, mainly due to the disappointed or angry tones it was often said in by family. He insisted on being called Eli, but, in s4, suddenly he’s rather insistent on going by Elias.
It’s disturbing, to say the least, and the thing is, he’s aware something is wrong, aware he’s acting differently, that his dominant hand has changed from right to left, that his wants and beliefs are being clouded by something else, but he doesn’t know what’s happening anymore, and he doesn’t know how to convey his own distress. He’s acting in ways he otherwise wouldn’t, and it just comes naturally to him. Anytime he even considers breaking down, begging someone to hear him, to recognise he’s just as scared as they are, he’s struck with the thought he doesn’t want to do that.
Everyone tells him he’s changed, and he knows, and he can’t do anything about it.
I’ve wrote a lot already so I’ll probably go more in depth on that another time, but for now, I did actually start writing a Transcript Style thing for an interaction with Gwen, who’s convinced her brother has been replaced entirely, so I’ll share a snippet of that!
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I am so very normal about the Swap!Siblings <- lying so badly
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universe-friday · 8 months
Hello. I hope somebody is listening…
Ok, no, I know what you’re thinking.
You think I sound weird.
Well, not weird, I hope but… New! A little different…?
I’m trying something out here, and it feels pretty right. It still feels like me, it still sounds like me.
Thalia has been trying to teach me to step a little more out of my comfort zone… And, she already got me to do that when I searched the clubs for her, so why not listen?
We have been hanging out a lot recently, not much else to do in the City, especially being alone.
I’ve just been inspired by her, old sport.
Her voice just sounds like falling asleep on fresh, new bed sheets for the first time… Sinking more and more into the mattress with every word…
I wanted to sound like that. So, I hope you’re feeling comfortable, old sport…!
It can be harder sometimes though, days where I sink into that mattress… But I start to dream about you again, February, as her voice fades into yours.
Your voice is the one I ultimately fall asleep to February, but I can’t stand to only hear you in my dreams anymore. I just want to truly hear your voice again, with your comfort and touch as a package deal… It’s been so, so long.
You would really like Thalia, February.
You’d just love her. She’s really helping me open up, something you always wanted me to do. But, I suppose, the City is a better place to do so. We would never want me to burn as bright as you ever did; to steal your spotlight. Thank you for hiding me in your shadow… if only you would turn around now, February.
While I got to explore the City day by day, discovering its secrets so few people know of… I never seemed to do the one thing I could do in the City… explore who I am. So many people don’t know me… But do I even know me?
I have a funny little anecdote for you, February.
Thalia has so many variations of this dress - a floral dress, of different colours, lengths and styles.
[Chuckles softly] Perhaps I should be taking notes with my suits…
She showed me so many different ones, yet I had my eyes fixed on this beautiful white dress with blue flowers… it had these frilly, long sleeves and the skirt would flow all the way down to your ankles.
She insisted I try it on.
I won’t lie, I felt a little silly. Not because I’m used to my suit, no… but I did have my gloves on still, of course. They did not match the dress.
You would've been proud of me though, February. Right? I don’t know why I did it though… I swore to myself no one would’ve ever been able to get me out of my usual style. I like my style! But there’s something so liberating about twirling around in a dress, a sense of freedom. Just how a suit gives me that boost of confidence.
You always did care about your clothes, February. You were right, I get it now. You’re always right.
Do you feel free, February? Up there, in the sky, with all of those other shining stars. They do say the sky is the limit… But when you’re there, what else is there to stop you?
You know what’s funny? People say the sky is full of freedom, and they say the same about the City… yet, have you ever noticed that the places said to be full of freedom seem to feel the least free? Perhaps the idea of ‘being free’ is just having too many options. And no one is ever going to agree with every single one.
While no one in the City would ever care enough to judge, the freedom almost feels too free… do you understand me, February? You have the opportunity to do anything you ever wanted to do, but no one to praise you. No one to care. Is it worth it…?
If only you could see me too, February. Would you think of me as pretty? Handsome?
Or am I just me?
NOTE: as inspired by the week #1 prompts of february friday events as organised by @februaryfridayevents! this week's themes were voice / freedom / expression ... these were super fun to explore!
if you are curious as to how i interpreted these into this week's excerpt, i have posted a behind the scenes here on @friday-answers! go check it out!
as always, see you next week!
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mondaychildsworld · 1 year
One Night Only - Din Djarin x Reader (ONESHOT)
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Rating: E
Word Count: 4.4k
Summary: You and Din get down and dirty in a fancy hotel room in Coruscant. That's literally it. Just pure smut.
Warnings: Fingering, oral (M receiving), unprotected P in V, light spanking, ass play, ejaculation inside of reader, smut and fluff, the helmet stays on
A/N: I don’t know Star Wars well enough to write a whole fic (yet, my bf has agreed to watch through all the movies with me). So until then, here’s a Din Djarin oneshot. Because he’s hot. I’m already blushing OK BYE. 
Also, I know I promised the next chapter of I Know The End to be up soon, but my brain is just fucking fried and I spent all weekend writing this instead. I need to catch up on life a bit because I've been writing like a mad woman these last couple of weeks so I'll have to give myself some grace and focus on me right now. I'll be back to I Know The End soon! ily 🧡
cute divider by @saradika 🤍
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The night sky looked like deep blue velvet, scattered with small stars dancing above your heads. Even though it had been night for quite a while, the city wasn’t sleeping. There were lights everywhere you looked, bright neon colors flashing by, streets and buildings filled with life wherever your eyes landed. 
You glanced up to the man standing beside you. The colors and lights of Coruscant's night life reflected in his beskar armor. The thought of him made you shiver, you were equally shy around him as you were fascinated by him. Which made you nervous. 
As you walked the streets towards your destination you could see how his eyes roamed the streets, scanning your surroundings. Of course, you couldn’t really see his eyes. His face was always covered by the helmet, which he never took off. As much as you were curious of what he looked like under there, you were just as understanding with the fact that you’d never know. And you were okay with that. 
The way of the Mandalore went before anything else. So, the helmet stayed on. But it hadn’t stopped him from removing other pieces of his uniform before. You remember when you had lifted your dress up and graciously lowered yourself onto his beskar covered lap. He froze in his movements and asked you what you were doing. It didn’t take long for him to get the hint, turn the crest into autopilot and then let you bring him pleasure in the cockpit. You had to brush away the thought, for now, you were outside, with other people around. So you had to keep it all together. 
You knew he was on a mission. He had to hunt for his next bounty. But you had never visited Coruscant. When you asked to come with him, he immediately said no. When you said you didn’t want to join him on his hunt, just see the city, he hesitated. When you asked him to just spend a night with you outside of the ship, he agreed eventually. 
So you had spent the evening in this huge, gleaming city. You had seen the Skydome Botanical Gardens and walked by the incredibly tall 500 Republica building, with the mandalorian just a step or two behind you at all times. The things you’ve only read about in books or heard distant stories about became true when you explored the city. You grew up far, far away from here. So naturally Coruscant had felt like a fairytale in real life. 
But now, it was getting way too late. You were tired after the evening outside of the ship, and the mandalorian was guiding you to the inn where you had planned to sleep. That’s what you had said, that you would sleep there. None of you had spoken a word about the tension in the air between the two of you. The way you had tried to lock your eyes with his under the beskar helmet, and the way he held a hand at your lower back when guiding you through the city. You just acted as if it was just normal between the two of you. But the gloved hand on your thigh under the table while you were ordering something to drink in a too crowded bar told you otherwise. He tried to hide his small actions of affection towards you in public, but you knew. This wasn’t normal. The two of you weren’t used to this kind of relationship outside of the crest.
His ship had been a safe space. Where it didn’t matter what time or day of the week it was. You could be yourself, slowly but surely reveal more about you. He wasn’t the talkative type. You didn’t know much about each other, but you knew how to make each other feel good.
But this was different. You had roamed the streets of the city, and actually held a conversation beyond the usual talk, about whether or not the child had eaten, or where he’s heading for his next bounty. He had asked about the place where you grew up, and you told him your favorite color was orange, since you were a little child and watched the incredible sunsets on the planet you called home. You asked if his family also were Mandalorians. He explained to you about how the Mandalorians rescued him when he was orphaned, so he was raised with the Creed and didn’t remember much from before.
It was nice, sharing small bits and pieces about yourselves. Slowly unraveling each other's stories. It was clear he was not the nostalgic type, and you didn’t want to intrude, so you took it slow. 
But now you’re peeking through the curtains of the window in your room and can’t help yourself to wonder how you ended up like this, in a hotel room with him. If someone told you a year ago that this would happen, you’d just laugh in their faces. You glance down. Everyone down on the street looks so small. Like tiny ants making their way through the maze of Coruscant. 
The room was nice. Almost a little too nice. You had tried to protest when he handed the woman in the reception around 400 credits. But he had just squeezed your waist tightly against his beskar side, nodded to the woman over the desk when she wished you a lovely evening and guided you away towards the elevator. 
”You shouldn’t put that amount of money on a room.” You say, still watching the people on the ground. 
“It’s too…” You trail off as you feel gloved hands softly placed on your hips. You didn’t realize he was right behind you. “It’s too fancy for us.”
“You shouldn’t worry about that.” The modulated voice says. “It’s only for tonight.”
You close your eyes and lean back as his hands slowly explore your body. He starts to hitch your dress up slowly, over your knees, over your thighs, over your…
You quickly turn around to face him. He drops the dress and if you could see him now, he’d probably raise his eyebrows. Looking at you with an expression that said should I stop? but all you see is a dark visor. 
“No?” He asks after a couple of seconds of silence, his grip on your hips loosened. 
“Din.” You say, looking straight into the visor. You’re alone now, so you can say his name. He asked you to only call you Mando out there. It was too dangerous, he said, too many eyes and ears. It was bad enough a fully armored Mandalorian was walking down the streets. You could never know who was listening. He only told you his real name back in the crest. When the two of you were safely wrapped around sheets and darkness, after he’d made you climax twice in a row. No man had ever done that before.
You were so incredibly turned on by now, but you felt a bit ashamed about it. You felt just a tiny bit disgusted at the money he spent, which made it possible for him to have you gently pressed up against the window right now. 
“Yes.” You say. “Of course I want to, but you just put an insane amount of money on this room...”
He stays quiet, waiting for you to explain. All you hear is his low modulated breathing through the helmet. 
“...and on me.” You confess quietly.
He sighs and takes a step closer.
“You’re telling me I can’t spend my money on things I enjoy?”
“That’s not what I mea…” A whimper escapes from your lips and cuts you off. He squeezed your hip.
“That I can’t spend money on you?”
You just nod.
“Such a shame.” He says and his hand goes up to cup your cheek.
“I’m sorry.” You breathe. He’s so close, and you feel so stupid. So fucking dumb to bring this up. Who are you to complain? You asked to come here. He didn’t want to at first. But he agreed because you asked him to. You should be grateful. 
“Don’t.” He lifts your chin up a bit. “Don’t apologize.”
His thumb slowly caresses your lower lip. You shiver. You want to say you’re sorry for apologizing, but that would just be stupid, and maybe annoy him to the point that he would let go of you and leave the room. So you just nod. Silently agreeing.
You can feel your skin prickle when he pushes his thumb into your mouth. You gasp and part your lips for him.
“Good girl.”
Your knees go weak and you blush. There’s a warmth growing in between your legs. You’re in a really fancy room, standing incredibly close to Din, with his gloved thumb in your mouth. The feeling of guilt and shame is washed away by the fire burning inside of you. 
You slowly bite down on his glove, and he slides his hand out. You open your mouth a bit and let the glove drop to the floor.
You take a shaky, heavy breath as Din once again starts to hitch your dress up. His ungloved hand strokes your leg up, up, up until his fingers reach your hip. He follows the seam of your underwear down to your middle. He hovers just above your core for a few seconds. Teasing you.
A dissatisfied moan escapes from your lips when he doesn’t give you the friction you crave. You close your eyes when the teasing gets too much. 
“Look at me, pretty girl.” He whispers.
You open your eyes and stare straight into the visor. He rewards you by pushing your underwear aside. You feel him drag his fingers through your wet folds. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, so silently this time that you almost didn’t hear it. Like it was meant to only be a thought, but somehow the words escaped from his lips. So you try to ignore the compliment, even though it makes you shiver. 
He starts rubbing your clit in slow circles. You have to grab him by the shoulders when your knees go weak, you need something to hold on to. 
He’s in no rush. He’s taking his time with your sensitive bud, adjusting his movements by the expressions on your face. But you crave more. Your hands travel down his body and reach for the zipper of his flight suit.
He’s quick to notice, because his other hand suddenly and firmly grabs yours as they’re about to start working on the zipper. 
“You want more?” He asks you. You nod, not breaking the eye contact you just know you have, but can’t see. You wonder what the color of his eyes would be, that you could see, if he wasn’t sworn to the Creed. You respected it, but it did drive you mad in times like this. 
“I’ll give you more.”
He pushes a finger up inside you and sets a slow pace. You moan. His gloved hand still holds your wrists together and you have no way to keep yourself up other than to lean your back onto the window. 
He adds another finger and increases the rhythm. The stretch is bittersweet. It’s not painful, you’ve been too turned on for too long for it to hurt, but you’re never ready for the way he fills you up. 
You moan and the back of your head bumps into the window when you throw it back in pleasure. The nightlife of the city is still very active, and you hope that no one outside notices you squirming against a window with a Mandalorians hand between your thighs. 
Ironic, since he didn’t want to draw more attention to him than necessary. A Mandalorian fucking a girl against a window will most definitely create some interesting headlines. 
The build up of your climax increases at the same rate as his modulated breathing. You think he can sense it too, because when you’re close he pulls his fingers out, to your disappointment. 
“Not yet.” He says when you look at him with pleading eyes. 
“Alright.” You say with a heavy breath, drunk on pleasure. “Let go of me then.”
He lets go of your wrists. You immediately place them on his chest, slightly pushing him backwards towards the bed. The back of his knees hits the bed frame. He sits down and watches you as you start to undo his armor. 
You work your way downwards, starting with his shoulder plates. You fumble with the straps but once they’re off you start with the chest plate. Din just patiently sits there watching you work. When you had removed the chest plate you sank down to your knees and put it on the floor next to you. 
Now you’re sitting right in between his legs, nervously glancing up to the visor quickly before you start undoing the armor on his thighs. 
He grabs your arm with his ungloved hand before you can start. 
“You don’t have to.” He tells you, calmly. The hold he has on your arm tells you otherwise. He’s everything but calm. His grip is slightly shaking, and you can feel his pulse beating fast. 
“I want to.” You give him a reassuring smile and he lets you go. Once all of his armor is gone, you lean onto his lap and slowly drag the zipper of his flight suit all the way down. 
The exposed skin beneath the black fabric is smooth and tanned. Shining like gold in your eyes. Your hands travel down and reach into his pants. 
You hear him grunt as you pull his cock out. He’s already hard. You give him a few pumps up and down, and you expose his swollen tip. You lick your lips and slowly drag your mouth up against his length. He tries to still another grunt, but it’s clear he’s far beyond the point where he can keep it all together.
When you’re just about to put the tip of his length in your mouth you look up and fix your eyes to his. You know you do, because his breath hitch from the look of you on your knees, face just inches away from his erection, looking straight at him. 
His whole body jerks a bit when you slowly slide your mouth down his cock and you start sucking. You bob your head up and down and hear him pant above you.
“Maker.” He mumbles, his voice is strained.
“Mmhm.” You mumble in response while you keep bringing him pleasure with your mouth. 
His hands reach for the back of your head. His hand rests on your neck and he grabs your hair. He pulls it all together so it keeps strands from falling over your face. After a few minutes of you setting the pace he jerks his hips up just a tiny bit, as he pushes you down further with the help of his hands around your head. His length glides right down your throat, and your eyes water a bit. 
He mumbles something you don’t understand, probably in Mando’a. Even if you could understand, he’s too far down your throat for you to be able to answer. So you just moan in response when he thrusts into your mouth. 
He gives your mouth a few last thrusts before he lets you go and you pull back for air. He takes a few heavy breaths. 
“You’ ready?” He asks and you nod, still trying to catch your breath.
He leans forward just a bit, grabs you under your arms and drags you up to your feet. His movement is quick and simple. You see his exposed muscles flex when he lifts you up. 
“Take them off.” He commands and you know exactly what he’s talking about. You’ve been in this situation before, so there’s no question about what he wants. You grab the hem of your dress, lift it up, grab your underwear and slide them down. 
You climb onto his lap, where he sits on the edge of the mattress. He then snakes both of his arms around your back and you straddle him. He removes his other glove and finds his way under and up your dress. He places his palms on your buttcheeks and gently squeezes. You bite your lip and align your hips with his. 
With one arm wrapped around his neck you use your free hand to guide his cock to your entrance. He squeezes your ass harder and you slowly sink down. 
You both moan when you finally get what you crave. Instinctively, you want to kiss him. The realization that you can’t taste his lips makes you a bit sad. You gently place your lips on the cold beskar and start to move yourself up and down. 
The rhythm is yours to set, when you’re on top. It’s like a silent agreement between the two of you. It’s always clear who's in charge. And when you’re the one straddling him, you’re the one to set the rules. And he’s never been one to complain. 
After you’ve adjusted to having him inside you, filling you up all the way when you grind down on him you decide you need to feel him more. So you grab the collar of his flight suit and slide it off his back and down his arms. He lets go of you and helps you free him from his clothes. 
“Mesh’la, I’ve been waiting to remove the dress from you all day.” He says and pulls one of the straps down. “Yo-you’re beautiful like this.” 
He plays with the hem of the fabric. You blush. You’re not used to getting compliments from him. He’s called you sweet and pretty before. But never beautiful. That one is new. 
“What does that mean?” You ask and place your hands over his exposed chest. 
“What? You’re obviously wearing a special dress tonight, aren’t you?” He asks and pulls the other strap down. You shiver. If he continues like that he’ll soon expose your whole chest. And he was right about the dress. You had never worn it before around him. It was too nice to be worn on a regular day in the crest. But tonight was special. So of course you put on your best dress, and he noticed. But that’s not what you meant.
“No. You said something in Mando’a.”
“Ah, yeah.” He breathes and his hands travel to your back. He fiddles with the zipper. “Mesh’la.”
He slowly drags the zipper down in silence and the light blue fabric pools around your hips. Your breasts are exposed to the air and his gaze. Your nipples immediately turn hard. One of his hands briefly brushes over your breasts, gently cupping one of them and squeezes until you let a moan slip. 
“Mesh’la means beautiful.” He lets go of your breast and lifts you up from his lap. You stand in front of him as your dress falls to the floor. “It means that you’re beautiful.”
He grabs your hand and your heart beats fast. You don’t know what to say. You think he can sense that this conversation is a little too much for you right now, and not what you were expecting for tonight, so he just guides you onto the bed. 
“But you’re even more beautiful on all four.” He says and you can hear the change in his voice. When he explained to you the meaning behind the Mando’a word and when he slipped the dress off of your body his voice was tender, sweet, caring. Now, he speaks with the dark, lust filled tone you’re used to.
So you do as he says and climb onto all four. He gets up on his knees and shuffles closer to you. A second later you feel the tip of his cock pushing at your entrance and you let out a shaky breath.
You arch your back and wait for him to push his cock all the way inside of you. But when it doesn’t happen you’re wondering what he’s waiting for, but before you can turn your head around to look why he doesn’t move there’s a sudden, smacking sound. A second later there’s a bittersweet sting to the cheek of your ass. He spanked you, and you feel how instantly wet you get from it. 
The tension in the air vanishes, and is replaced by filthy lust. You’re so incredibly turned on by now that it’s almost painful when he doesn’t fuck you straight away, he literally has you on all fours, ready for him. 
“Please.” You beg. 
Smack. You gasp loudly. He hit your asscheek again, harder this time. 
“P-please.” You’re desperate. You like it, but you’re desperate for more. 
So you slowly lean back, pushing yourself towards him. You feel the head of his cock entering your core, and you hear a loud modulated sigh as you do. 
He grabs your hips and shoves you back, filling you up more than before. This time he’s the one to set the pace. And it’s not the same steady rhythm you went for before. This is persistent, rough and just… wonderful. This is what you were craving. 
“Oh stars!” You moan out loud. He fucks you relentlessly, just like he does when he has to blow off some steam after a particularly difficult hunt and you join him in his personal quarters. 
In there, you fumble in the dark and claw at metal walls. Here, the light is comfortably dim, warm and you clench your hands around soft, expensive sheets. 
His hands on your hips are warm. The skin to skin contact makes you tingle, everywhere he touches you. Maybe that’s how it is when you spend your time around someone who’s always covered up. So when you do feel him, it’s like your nerves are extra sensitive. 
His pace falters a bit and he gives you a few extra hard thrusts, grunting as he drills extra deep inside of you. 
“Mesh’la.” He says again. Your whole body shivers by his words, now that you understand them. “Will you let me?”
He stands still behind you, the only thing moving is one of his hands that travels from your hip down to your asscheek once again. But he doesn’t spank you, or stop there. His fingers trace your curves down to your middle and stop right above the hole he’s already filled up. His thumb caresses the tight ring of muscle, where no one’s ever been. 
You freeze for a couple of seconds while you consider it. No one’s ever fucked you there, and he knows that. He’s never been pushy about it, but the subject has been brought up before and you’ve always told him that you don’t do that. But now you’re intrigued and so horny at the same time. 
“I m-mean…” You stutter out. He’s waiting for your answer. “Only you… only your hands.”
“We don’t need to.” He reassures you. “I’m just asking.”
“It’s okay.” You breathe. You’re turned on by the situation, him touching and exploring you where no one else has ever been. 
“Let me know if it gets too much.” He says and adds some pressure with his thumb. 
A moan escapes your lips and you nod eagerly. He picks up the pace from before and pushes his thumb just a little harder when you relax a bit more. You feel him entering your other hole with his thumb while he keeps fucking the first one. 
It doesn’t hurt, but it burns. It’s a sweet burn, the satisfaction shoots up your spine and you groan. This new sensation drives you mad. It’s so incredibly filthy, the things that you’re doing right now. You’re glad you’re not standing by the window anymore. 
He keeps his thumb just like that, and doesn't push you too far. He doesn’t move it, just let it sit right there as you adjust to him. You feel your climax closing up on you as he grinds his cock into you with a perfect pace. 
”Din.” You moan and let a hand snake its way down to your slit. Your fingers reach your clit and you start pleasing yourself. 
Din moans under his helmet, the view of you touching yourself is almost too much. His hips stutter a bit and you know he’s insanely close too. 
“I’m gonna come, Din.” You moan his name. 
He grunts and removes his thumb from your ass and grabs both of your hips again. 
“Come for me, pretty girl.” His voice is shaky, barely holding it together. 
You clench around him and come undone, your whole body trembling like a leaf under him. He gives you a few last thrusts and you feel the soft warmth of his cum covering your insides. 
He collapses over you and you both crash into the mattress and fluffy pillows. He rolls off of you and lays on his back. You both breathe heavily as you come down from your climax high. 
After a minute or two he zips his flight suit back up and you scooch closer to him. You nuzzle your head into the crevice right below his helmet and sigh into his neck. 
You’re slowly brought back to reality when you remember that you have to go back to the crest when you wake up, and he has to start his next bounty hunt. The thought makes you heavy-hearted. You wish you could stay like this forever. 
Din rests one hand at the curve of your hip and waist. He turns his head to you. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asks.
“Nothing.” You quickly answer. You glance up towards the ceiling and around the room. 
“I’m just happy I’ll get to spend the night here, with you.”
“Don’t get used to it.” He chuckles. “It’s only for tonight.”
“Yeah, only for tonight.” You say sleepily. He turns you over, pull the sheets over the two of you and put his arm safely around your waist. 
You lay like that for a while, Din keeping you close to him. You feel his cum slowly seep out from your core. You don’t even bother to get up to the equally fancy bathroom connected to your room to get you cleaned up. You want him close. You’ll deal with the mess tomorrow. Your eyelids get heavier by each minute and you’re soon drifting off to sleep. 
The last thing you hear is a mumble, so silent it’s almost a whisper. 
“Mesh’la.” He says, and pulls you even closer just as you fall asleep.
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Here's a bonus for you if you've read this far:
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ju-berry · 2 days
FANFICTION Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Summer vacation had finally arrived, and you and Melissa decided to take some time off, escaping the hustle and bustle of Abbott Elementary. Your relationship was still a well-kept secret, but now, far from school and prying eyes, you both felt free. The chosen destination was Brazil, a place you'd always wanted to share with her—full of stunning beaches and a light, carefree energy that felt perfect for the moment.
After days of relaxing by the ocean, exploring small coastal towns, and indulging in the local cuisine, you both decided to spend the evening at a beachside bar. It was a small place, with string lights hanging from the trees, live music filling the air, and a laid-back vibe that perfectly matched the warm tropical night.
You and Melissa sat at a table near the stage, where a local band was playing soulful tunes. Melissa looked completely relaxed, sipping on an ice-cold beer, laughing at something you'd just said. The way she tossed her head back when she laughed made your heart race—and you knew this was the perfect night to finally do something you'd been planning for days.
As the band wrapped up their current song, you stood up, flashing a playful smile at Melissa. "I'll be right back," you said, motioning toward the stage.
She raised an eyebrow, curious, but let you go without asking too many questions. When you reached the stage, the band’s lead singer grinned and handed you the microphone, and you asked to play a special song. "This one's for someone very special," you said into the mic, your eyes locking on Melissa.
The band began to play the first chords of *Hipnotizou* by Melim, one of your favorite songs. The smooth rhythm, mixed with the sound of the waves and the warm breeze, felt like the perfect soundtrack for the night. You took a deep breath and started to sing:
*"Foi como um raio que cruzou o céu e me encontrou, uh, uh..."*
As your voice filled the bar, you saw Melissa’s smile soften, her gaze fixed on you, as if she knew the song was for her. Her green eyes sparkled in the starlight, mesmerized by you, and each word of the song carried the weight of everything you’d always wanted to say but had never found the right moment for.
*"Hipnotizou, o tempo parou...*
*Quando a gente se olhou..."*
The song perfectly captured what you felt for her—that moment when everything changed, when the fleeting glances at school became something more, something neither of you could deny.
As the song ended, the bar erupted in applause, but all you could see was Melissa, her lips curled in a soft smile, her eyes shimmering with emotion, clearly touched by your performance. You walked back to the table, your heart racing.
“I knew you could sing, but that… that was something else,” Melissa said, her voice low and a little husky, the smile still lingering on her face.
You grinned, feeling nervous now that the moment was over, and sat down next to her. “That song… it’s the first one I thought of singing for you since the start of this trip. It’s about how I felt when we met—that moment when time just stopped, you know?”
Melissa stayed silent for a second, her expression softening as she absorbed your words. “I know exactly what you’re talking about. Because, for me, it was the same. I just… didn’t know how to say it.”
You smiled, gently taking her hand under the table, feeling the warmth of her skin. “Well, now you don’t have to. I already know.”
Melissa let out a soft laugh, squeezing your hand back. “You really know how to surprise me.”
You looked at her, your heart feeling light and free, like this moment was the beginning of something deeper between the two of you. Here, in Brazil, under the stars with the sound of waves crashing in the background, there were no secrets, no hiding.
With a final smile, Melissa leaned in, her lips brushing softly against yours in a kiss that said more than words ever could. There, in that little beachside bar, you both gave in to the moment, completely hypnotized by each other.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
StolenMoments!Series - Part One: First Date - Vostanik Sabatino x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @novamariestark @words-and-seeds
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You try not to like Sabatino, you really do. He's a spook, a CIA Officer, a master of manipulation but there's just something about him that captures you. You know that the outcome of that last mission weighs on him, you can see the regret in his eyes when he talks about Brendan Broake’s death.
Murder is what you’d thought when you’d first encountered him under his alias.
Accident is what he had told you in the aftermath.
You believe him, despite yourself.
When he’s not wearing a persona, he’s captivating. He talks with his hands, the left side of his mouth quirks up into a smile, his accent is sharper, more defined. It’s a far cry from the alias he was using when you first met him, an insurance adjuster called Roger who simply spat out the word lawyer.
“I heard you had to cancel a date tonight for this?” He says as he sits beside you in an unmarked car, watching the building across the street.
You’ve been here for a couple of hours, keeping an eye on your target. He hasn’t done anything more interesting than pass by the window a couple of times with a glass of top shelf whisky in his hand. In comparison the two of you are now eating Chinese from white take-out boxes with chopsticks.
“Sam and Michelle are trying to set me up with a teacher friend of theirs.” You tell him, your eyes fixed on Sidorov’s window.
“I’m guessing you weren’t looking forward to it.” He says, digging through the noodles in his box in search of the chicken.
“Trust me I much prefer being here with you tonight.” You utter, grimacing as Sidorov lingers in front of the glass with his robe open. “I never know what to say when they ask what I do for work…”
“Because if you say law enforcement, they either lose interest or they get a little too interested.” He summarises, nodding knowingly.
He’s been there, he was DEA before he became an operative for the CIA, he’s met his fair share of badge bunnies. They’re good for a night but anything more than that and they start to get a little crazy.
“I had a guy take me home to show me his murder wall once.” You reveal and suddenly his interest is piqued. He tilts his head towards you.
“O.J, JonBenét Ramsey or Jonathan Luna?” He asks because he’s been on the receiving end of the first two before and the third is more of a personal favourite, he’s listened to it recently on a true crime podcast.
“Technically two of those are already solved.” You remind him and he almost spits out his food because there’s not a person in his very small circle who knows who Jonathan Luna is, despite how weird the case is. The fact you do…
It makes him like you just that little bit more.
“Jonathan Luna’s not solved.” He protests, pointing the chopsticks at you. “There’s not a chance in hell that was a suicide. You can’t convince me otherwise.”
The edges of your mouth twitch up into a smile and his gaze meets yours. A blush creeps up his cheeks because he’s just betrayed a part of himself, shown you something that he’s passionate about. You want to explore that a little, hear his thoughts, his theories. You want to hear all about those true crime podcasts you know he listens to.
“It was The Golden State Killer.” You respond to his earlier question “Before they caught him.”
Boring, he thinks. Every man and his dog had a theory on that one before Paul Holes had managed to track down the killer. He is curious though…
“Was he close?” Sabatino asks, picking up his soda from the cupholder and sipping through the paper straw.
“Not even a little.” You laugh and he shares a smile with you because he gets it entirely. He’s lost count of the number of parties he’d attended before he turned CIA, where people would literally assault him with their theories. It’s a hazard when you’re law enforcement.
“I can’t even keep a plant alive let alone a relationship.” He confides in you, before gesturing between the two of you. “This is probably the best date I’ve had in years.”
“It’s in my top three.” You say with a humorous lilt. “Stuck together in a car, eating Chinese food while we wait for Sidorov to finish fucking his mistress. It’s dinner and entertainment.”
He laughs then, it’s a rich, warm sound that resonated through his body. It catches him off guard because for the first time in a while it’s genuine. He’s used to pandering to other people, making them feel comfortable, it’s part of his job. However, sitting here with you tonight, it’s the most real he’s been with another person in a long time.
“I guess the second date will have to make up for it.” He says, setting the takeout container on the dashboard before he wipes at his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh, you think there’s going to be a second date, do you?” You tease before setting your own little white box onto the panel so you can hunt down the carrier bag. He pulls it out with a flourish before holding it open for you. A clean stakeout space is a happy stakeout space. He waits for you to deposit the trash before he fastens the bag, and he tosses it in the back seat before he turns his attention back to you.
You’re an attractive woman, he thought that the first time he met you but it’s more than that. There’s a connection between the two of you, an undertone of something. He finds himself slipping back to the person he used to be, the man beneath all the identities. He hasn’t been that person in a very long time.
“I’m kind of liking the vibe we have, aren’t you?” He says dipping his head so that he can meet your eyes. “And I can promise you that I don’t have a murder board at home, that’s strictly for office use only.”
“You’re serious?” You ask him and he smiles.
It’s his real smile, the one that no one else gets to see. You can tell because his eyes crinkle at the edges.
“Yea.” He says quietly as he leans in a little, his gaze lowering to your lips. “There’s an Italian place not far from the Boatshed. A little dinner, a little wine, we can get to know each other better.”
“You can tell me about your true crime podcasts.” You murmur as he reaches out, his thumb ghosting over the apple of your cheek. The scent of his aftershave floods your senses, something woody with a citrus undertone. His nose trails along the length of yours and you tilt your chin up so that your mouth brush over his.
You’re surprised by how soft his lips are, how tender he is with his kiss. His thumb chases along the line of your jaw and already you know you’re falling for him. And that’s ok, because he’s falling for you too.
“Sidorov’s on the move.” Sam’s voice comes across the radio. “Back exit.”
The two of you break apart reluctantly before pulling on your seatbelts.
“Tomorrow night.” He promises, his gaze focusing on the road ahead as he starts the engine of the car. “We’ll do it tomorrow night.”
The second date never happens.
Instead, the two of you end up sharing a cigarette outside of the Boatshed. He lost a friend today; a partner and you can see how much it devastates him. It’s in the way he pinches his brow when he strides outside to get some air, his hunched shoulders. He’s barely keeping his shit together.
“I have to go to Washington tonight.” He tells you wearily and you nod your understanding. You’d heard they were setting up a taskforce to bring down Sidorov, you know he has to be there. That even if it was a choice he’d still go. You didn’t like Synder, but he deserved better than being shot to death on a basketball court.
“Nik.” You say his name and his head inclines towards you.
Your fingertips brush over his cheek and he raises his hand, clasping your palm to his face. He closes his eyes for the briefest of moments, savouring your touch because he knows it’s the last time he’s going to feel it.
“I’m sorry we missed our moment.” He says, his lips brushing over the hollow of your wrist.
“Yea.” You whisper with a sad smile. “I am too.”
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melinoelliones · 2 years
Valentines Akira Fluff
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You and Akira had decided to spend the night together once again, however today was no ordinary day, it was Valentines Day.
2.1K Words  
This is pure fluff/hurt/comfort, all SFW 
Happy Valentines Day Rena my love!! Yes, I got you for the server exchange and believe you me, it was hard to keep it a secret. I know you’re an Akira lover so I tried my best, oblivious bf x obvious gf realness. 
This reader represents Rena and how she acts so just be aware. Also she/her is used.
I got the idea from The Neighbourhood You Get Me So High.
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Oblivious. If you had to describe Akira in one word, that would be it. You could gift this boy a million roses and a diamond ring yet he’d still have no clue unless you spelt it out for him, you’d know that better than anyone.
You and Akira had been close since the day he transferred to Shujin Academy; trips to  Akihabara together, staying round one anothers houses, you had even joined The Phantom Thieves of Hearts for him. You were joint at the hip, the usual quiet and well mannered Akira was the complete opposite when around you, you brought out a new side to him. You were what Akira had needed to come out of his shell and truly live up to the title of “Leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts”.
Those feats aside, you had a soft spot for him, not the Leader, not the Joker, just Akira, his regular old self. One could say you had fallen for him, but you wondered what was the point if the other showed nothing back, especially considering the amount of times you hinted at wanting to explore something further.
“Can you get in already, it’s getting cold under here” you whined, Akira was allowing a draft to make its way under the duvet as he was lightly perched off the side of the bed, “Alright alright im coming”. He carefully slid himself under sheet, making sure to cover any possible openings as he knew you loathed the feeling of letting ‘warmth out’.
You were spending the night at Akira’s place tonight, this was super common for you guys as you spent what seemed like every waking minute together, his home slowly became your home. No hidden motives or agendas, just a casual ‘night over’ as you will, however the following day was a special one, or so you had hoped anyway. 
The small silence was followed up by some idle chit chat between you too, the usual rundown of your day and what to do the next. “What time is it by the way? My phone is charging” you asked, just curious as to how late it had possibly gotten while you talked, “It’s….. almost 12, what? We should probably get some sleep while we can, everyone's coming over to the shop early tomorrow” Akira exclaimed, his eyes in shock as to how quick time passed when you guys spoke.
“Oh, okay that's fair, but just curious, you do… know what day it is tomorrow right?” you questioned, the slight glimmer of hope that he’d remember or even care for that matter slowly fading as he responded, “Feburary 14th? What about it?”, confusion written all over his face.
“It’s Valentine's Day Akira?”, you scoffed in utter disbelief. “So? Is there something I'm not getting at, it's just like any other day is it not?”, Kurusu stared blankly, the nonchalant tone in his voice tipping you over the edge but you attempted to hold it in. Your heavy heart almost pushing tears to your eyes.
If he didn’t see the importance of the day then why show him any signs that you did? You knew deep down that he wouldn’t feel the same way you did, yet you would always try and dig for the minute signs that would tell you otherwise. Delusional is what Ann would always say but that wasn’t always a bad thing to be, but in this instance yet again, she was right. 
Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you turnt to face the wall, covering yourself with the blanket you simply let out a sharp “Maybe to you it is, but whatever Akira, night”. The boys eyes fixed on the ball you had curled yourself into, sheets over your head to muffle your sorry attempt at controlled breaths to halt the flood of tears which were starting to trickle down your cheeks. You hoped he would assume they were soft snores however he could hear them clear as day. He went to tap your shoulder before catching himself, he watched on as the sheets shifted around as you repeatedly wiped the tears for him not to notice.
His heart sank, why were you so distraught, he didn't feel as if he had said anything out of the ordinary. In roughly an hour it was Valentines Day, what about it was special? You both weren't in any couple, you had no upcoming plans other than the meeting tomorrow, so it was just a regular Tuesday.
Akira slid out from his side of the bed making sure to grab his phone from the nightstand before silently slipping away.  “What was that all about?” he muttered to himself as he crept down the stairs from his attic room, “I feel like i’m missing something but what is it?”. 
The neverending unanswered questions engulfed his tired mind as he hit the cafe floor. Pulling out his phone he decided to text the group chat for advice, if he ever needed honesty those people were the ones to go to.
Akira - ‘Is tmr an important day? I’ve been made to feel like it is but with no explanation?”  
Morgana - ‘........’
Ann - ‘You did not do what I think you did.’
Ryuji ‘Fucking idiot’
Ann ‘We’ll be there in 10, don’t do anything else stupid’
Akira ‘I didn’t even finish?’
Seen by everyone
Taken slightly aback by their responses Akira slumped himself across one of the booths in the cafe, the sound of the clock ticking away as he waited. Morgana emerged from the corridor not too long after the last message had sent, without a word he curled into a ball on the edge of the table, “hmmpth”.
As the minutes went by Akira could feel himself drifting off, before he could act on said feelings he was rudely awoken by the front door slamming open, any home training those two had been given were long gone. “AKIRA KURUSU” they bellowed in unison causing Morgana to shudder off the table.
The new group members begun to make themselves comfortable as Akira perked up, the aura in the room wasn’t the usually upbeat one, he knew he had done something wrong just by that and the looks on their faces. 
“Who knew Akira was as stupid as Ryuji” Morgana splurted out sarcastically, changing from his cat form to regular form, “HEY? STUPID CAT this isn’t about me” Ryuji spat back, “anyway back to the matter at hand here, you really don’t understand why tomorrow is a big day?”. Akira shook his head in response, he truly had no clue, if he did he’d probably be fast asleep like he wanted to be.
Deciding to add her two cents into the conversation, Ann lent over the booth Akira was sat on, “she likes you Mr Phantom Troupe Leader, you can’t truly be that blind can you? I told her you didn’t feel the same but she doesn’t liste-”, “what are you talking about Ann? I do like her, I have always liked her?” Akira cut her off, his tone showing genuine confusion as he perked up in his booth.
“If you liked her, why did you act as if tomorrow was a regular day idiot? It’s not as if she hasn’t given you endless hints and clues…. let's be honest here”, Morgana choked out, he couldn’t contain his laughter any longer, the situation was beyond humorous to the little cat guy.
“Maybe I am blind, I didn’t see any of the hints, signs, any of that. I thought I was chasing something beyond my reach” Akira sighed as he slipped himself out of his seat and towards the locked cabinet opposite the stairs, the group watched on, heavily intrigued as to what he was doing. “Let me just show you guys” he huffed, pulling a key from the grate by the stairs to unlock the overflowing case.
Akira grabbed an armful of items from one of the shelves before aimlessly scattering them across the booth table the rest were sat at, their faces as if they were deer in the headlights. “What IS all this?” Ann spoke up, asking what everyone else was thinking. “Look closer” was all he responded with.
As they all rummaged through the items the pieces started to piece themselves together little by little. Lying before them were heaps of items from trips they had all been on ranging from figures and manga from Akihabara to photographs of you and Akira doing day to day activities, some of them were simply of you sleeping and pointing at things. 
Ann looked up at Akira, his eyes softening as Morgana shifted through the photos, “You do like her, don’t you” she asked sincerely, her hand tightening on his shoulder as a cheshire cat smile emerged on her face, “I have an idea, have you got anything to wrap with? A bag even?” she quizzed him as she paced back and forth.
Walking back over to the cabinet he pulled out a gift box, “I have this from one of the prizes I won on a crane game?” he suggested, unsure as to if that would be okay, “Perfect, everyone pick one item to put inside, this will be her gift!”, Ryuji added, trying to immerse himself into the activities. ”So you caught on I see” she chuckled to herself. Everyone carefully placed an item inside, Akira slipping in a few of his favourite photos at the top for you to see.
Taking a step back to admire the last minute gift, the group silently patted themselves on the back for the fast thinking. Ann passed Akira the box, her brows narrowing as she spoke, “go give this to her, but in all seriousness Akira, no one should go to bed upset. We’ll see you tomorrow”, her sincere tone clinging to him as she proceeded to leave the cafe followed by Ryuji, “She’s right u know” he chipped in as the door closed behind him.
Akira’s eyes shot to the cat facing him head on,”have anything to say there?” he asked sarcastically, “absolutely not, go to bed” Morgana hissed, strolling past him, tail held high. Akira sent a quick thank you text to the group before taking himself back to his bedroom, not before locking the bookcase, that was to be a secret between him and the others, for now anyway.
Akira slid into his side of the bed in hopes of not waking you but failed, you rolled over to notice him with a large box, the tense smile on his face baffling you. As you sat up he passed you it, “did you really go out at this hour and buy stuff just because of our conversation? What makes you think i want your pity gifts? Goodnight Akira” you scoffed, as you attempted to roll back over he placed his hand on your shoulder. 
“I love you”, the boy blurted out, the newly found frown on your face deepening before he continued. “I love you, I have for quite some time to be fair, I’m an idiot to have not taken the hints you sent me seriously, I shouldn’t have even needed you to show hints for me to muster up the courage to say it. This is also no pity gift, inside are items I deem thoughtful, every trip we take you point and I watch your eyes light up at your favourite things but you always say “I can't justify it”. You deserve more than any item on a shelf but in here are a couple things I noticed that piqued your interest in stores along with photos I took of you when I found you the happiest, I’ve had these for a while I pay attention to all that you do and take note of any little thing you say. You’re my best friend, and I’ll love you forever, Happy Valentines Day.” he spilled, letting every thought on his mind free. 
Speechless, you watched as Akira cupped your tear stained cheeks, his thumbs wiping the tears you hadn’t realised had started to fall. Pulling you closer you whispered “you’re sweet when you speak your mind”, an innocent smile making its way to your lips. “Is that so” he cheekily smirked, placing your lips on his, your lips gliding over one another effortlessly. The kiss was short but sweet, pulling away you could feel your cheeks heating up as your nervousness kicked in.
Akira planted a quick kiss on your forehead, he could tell you were flustered, “can I open this in the morning? I’m exhausted” you asked softly, he nodded whilst you placed the box on your bedside table. Akira let out a yawn as he slid deeper into the bed, “we need to be up early tomorrow, we should get atleast some sleep” he laughed, arms out for you to lay with him.
You allowed yourself to be pulled into him, his arms wrapping around your waist as you rested your head on his chest, “goodnight Akira, I love you”, you giggled as you noticed his heartbeat speed up as you spoke, “Goodnight my love”.
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hotforharrysheart · 2 years
You were feeling particularly frisky. It’s like the minute the plane landed in Amsterdam something happened to your libido. Maybe it was something in the air, the cool overcast weather with the smell of the canal water was intoxicating. Maybe it was just the closeness that you felt after Harry poured out his secret behind the song Little Freak while you were in Paris, because since then it was as if your hearts were split wide open and more and more of yourselves were pouring out. God, you loved him and felt his love for you; the intimacy your shared was felt bone deep. Maybe it was the fact that you couldn’t stop thinking about the seedier side of Amsterdam that no doubt crossed anyone’s mind who visited, but was, for whatever reason, sparking a curiosity you wanted to explore with Harry. I mean, what girl wouldn’t be frisky at the thought of a walk through the Red-Light District with Harry Styles holding her hand?
Wow, you think to yourself as the car pulls up to the sensual Hotel Twenty Seven. This boutique suite hotel was so sensational; decorated with such an intimate, boudoir flare of rich colors and brocades draped over the a solidness of stone and hardwood. And the personalized service made you feel like you were in an underground club catering to your every desire. Perhaps it was just the fact that you were feeling frisky and curious.
You and Harry were staying in the Imperial Terrace Suite that, much like Paris, had a view to die for. The room and living areas were immaculate. They almost made you feel like you shouldn’t sit on the couches, chairs or disrupt the neatly folded and displayed towels or someone might jump out and scold you for being careless. It was the best, and Harry wanted you to have a taste of the best of life while travelling.
Arriving early on the day before the show gave you both time to get some work done. You had a conference call with a private investigator and Harry had some work to do with Alessandro on their Gucci collection. Mitch and Sarah had asked if you and Harry would be interested in getting together that evening for supper at the hotel restaurant Bougainville.
Excited at to have a double date evening, you decide to wear some sexy lingerie…barely there panties and a sheer bra. The silk feels so good against your skin, and you shiver as you put it on. It was chilly in Amsterdam at night, so you opt for a tight sweater dress with a cowl neck collar, thigh high tights and knee-high boots.
Harry’s wearing the black and white striped pants from Paris and a black Harry’s House sweater. He’s traded in his sneakers for a pair of red Gucci boots. It’s all you can do to get out of the hotel room without tackling him to the ground. He’s immensely amused at your neediness and touching you in any way that he can to rile you up even further.
You sit down to dinner all a little amazed at how fancy the dining room is. “Are we dressed nice enough?” You ask the table, gawking at the prices on the menu.
“Feel like I’m in overalls or summat,” Sarah says giggling.
“I know…wow. And these prices!” You close your menu. “Should we go somewhere else?”
Harry laughs his breathy little laugh and kisses your temple. “No, my love. Think I can loosen the purse strings fo’ one nigh’ an’ treat ma girl ta a nice dinner out, yeah?”
You giggle and lean into him. “I know you can Mr. Moneybags.”
“We’re fine too. Mr. Moneybags pays pretty well, though we might have to take a few quid from the wee ones college fund after this!” Sarah says, and you all laugh.
“Oh, I see how it is! Blame me fo’ ya son no’ goin’ ta college already!” Harry says, laughing. His hand lands on your thigh, fingers wrapping around your leg making you shiver.
“Cold, love?” He says, smirking.
You grip his fingers on his thigh. “I’m quite warm, thank you.” You say, blushing.
You place your dinner orders and drink the delicious wine and after dessert and coffee, Harry asks if you’d all like to go on a walk.
“Oh, I’ve never been here! We should go to the Red-Light District!” You exclaim.
Harry’s eyebrows go up. “Ya wanna order a prostitute, Jezebel?”
You hit his shoulder. “No! Well, I dunno…maybe, but I want to see it!”
“Let’s do it, H. Give the girl what she wants,” Sarah says, hugging you close.
“Oh believe me, I give her wha’ she wan’s don’ I honey?”
You blush and roll your eyes. “Can we go?”
“Two votes fo’. Wha’ ya think Mitch?”
Mitch shrugs. “I vote we go.”
“Majority rules. Looks like ya get ya way, darling,” Harry says pulling you in for a side hug.
“All the naughty things!” You say clapping your hands as everyone laughs.
Your eyes are as wide as saucers as you walk through the Red-Light District. You didn’t know what you were expecting but it wasn’t this. Prostitutes were standing stark naked in windows and there were sexy shops and hash shops on literally every corner. You decide to stop in at a hash shop that Mitch heard about. He and Harry are at the counter discussing all of the different strains while you and Sarah wander over to the sex shop next door. You’re both gawking at a full body latex suit when you feel his hands on your hips.
“Shall I order one in your size?”
You and Sarah giggle. “Maybe…it’d be hella hot to play drums in but…”
Mitch’s eyes go wide and he grabs one off of the rack in her size. “Ya can play the drums for me in this.”
Sarah’s eyes get big. “Guess we’re checking out then,” she says as Mitch drags her to the cash register.
“See anything in here you want?” You ask him.
“Already found it,” he says holding up a bag.
You gulp. “Will I like it?”
He smirks and leans in close to you. “Ya gonna love it.”
You turn to mumble in his ear, “Oh really? And just how sure are you about that mister?”
“Oh, I’m countin’ on it. Ya interested in a boat ride down tha canal?” he says kissing your cheek.
“Dunno, if that is code for a ride down your cock, then how fast can we get back to the room,” you say looking side to side to ensure no one is looking and running your hand down the front of his tight pants.
He leans forward for a kiss not giving a fuck who might be watching, “’M gon’ fuck ya so hard tanight, baby, need tha day off tamorrow….”
Mitch pipes up from the doorway, “Are ya comin’?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely, cummin’,” you whisper against his lips
“Tryin’ ta,” Harry says against your lips at the same time.
You both chuckle.
“Let’s go rock the boat, baby,” you say with a saucy smile and a twirl toward the door.
He’s left staring for a split second before he follows you.
All of you find your way to a private canal boat for a ride back to the hotel. Although the boat is covered with a canopy the lights, sights and colors of the Red-Light District glow through the cool night. There’s a sensuality and sexiness in the air; not to mention the faint smell of hash all around.
Harry sits side-ways on the bench seat while you tuck your back against his chest and lean your head back on his shoulder. The lights reflect magenta on your face and your eyes glisten in the neon flashes. Mitch and Sarah are equally snuggled across from you whispering back and forth as Sarah takes a picture with her phone.
The boat slows to a stop while making room for another long passenger boat to pass. You look up to the second story floor of a shop with the flashing neon words “Palace on the Canal”. In one window, lit with purple neon, is a topless woman with long auburn hair. It’s hard to distinguish the definite color due to the lighting, but as she comes closer to the windowpane you can see her in clear light. She has breasts larger than yours, perfectly shaped and beautiful voluptuous curves. She sways to music you can’t hear but can imagine. She leans forward and places both hands on the window and sways her hips back and forth causing her breasts to gently sway as well. Then the light switches to a pale pink and she comes into a much better view. Her head gently slants downward and suddenly it’s as if she is looking straight at you. She stands straighter and runs her hands up her body, cupping her breasts.
Just about that time Harry, pulls your hair to one side and kisses behind your ear. “Wha’s got ya attention, Jezebel?”
“I think that woman is looking at me,” you say and nod toward the window not wanting to point like a gawky tourist.
Harry looks up over your head, “Second floor, middle window?”
“Yes, she’s so sexy and flirty, but I swear to god she’s looking at me…look!” you whisper-shout.
“Bet she’s turned on lookin’ at ya…fuck knows I am.”
As Harry places wet kisses on the side of your neck, you watch the woman dance as she watches you. You can’t imagine what things she must have seen from her window perch.
The boat engine putters louder and begins to move suddenly. The entire time you’re slowly pulling away she watches you and moves and touches her body. You can’t keep your eyes off her and along with Harry’s touch you can’t deny the arousal that is flooding your body that causes you to shiver.
“Ya cold, Jezebel?” He asks wrapping his arms tight around you.
“A little,” you say watching as the woman blows a kiss to you as the boat takes you out of view.
“We should be gettin’ close ta tha dock by tha hotel an’ Mitch an’ I have something ta warm our girls with” he says looking over at Mitch who winks back at him.
The boat docks and you walk back to the hotel cuddled up because it’s gotten colder since you left.
“Come to ours, yeah?” Mitch says as you get on the lift.
You bury your head in Harry’s chest to stop the giggles. It makes you laugh when Mitch talks British. You know he doesn’t realize it…he’s just surrounded by Brits and it seeps in. You remember it happening to you too.
“I know you’re giggling at me,” Mitch says.
You pull your face up from Harry’s chest. “I’m sorry. It’s cute. It really is. It happened to me too. It’s these damn Brits,” you say giggling causing Mitch to chuckle.
“It’s nice having another Yank around,” Mitch says.
“It is!” You say holding up your hand for a high five, and all of you laugh.
Mitch and Sarah lead the way to their suite, and you get comfy on the sofas…Mitch and Sarah on one sofa and you and Harry on the other.
“Thanks for coming out with us tonight,” Sarah says.
“You’re welcome. Was nice ta get out,” Harry says.
“Shall we?” Mitch says pulling a joint out of his pocket. He was clearly in a mood to try out his purchase.
“Well, light it then, love,” Sarah tells him.
Mitch fishes in his pocket for the lighter and lights it up, taking a drag and passing to Sarah. He throws the lighter to Harry and then it’s his turn to light up and pass it to you. There’s something very sexy about sharing a joint with him and you blush as you take a hit. You pass it back and Harry smirks at you.
“Ya cute,” he says kissing your cheek.
“You ever shotgun?” Mitch asks, taking another puff and passing to Sarah.
You and Harry shake your heads no.
“Aw man, you’re missing out. You should give it a try.” Mitch says, giggling.
Sarah moves to straddle him. “C’mere,” she says, taking a big drag and then pressing her open mouth to Mitch’s open mouth, letting the smoke enter his mouth from hers.
You gasp and press your legs together. The sight of them kissing is working you up.
Sarah pulls away from Mitch’s mouth. “Go on, give it a try you two.”
Harry looks at you and you nod, moving to straddle him. Your dress pulls up, showing off your thigh highs and Sarah bites her lip at the sight. You’re pressed against him and you sigh at how good he feels beneath you. His left hand is resting just at your upper thigh, thumb lightly rubbing on the hem of your sweater dress.
He takes a big drag and you open your mouth and watch as he presses his open mouth to yours. It’s an incredibly odd and sensual experience as you feel him blowing the smoke into your mouth.
He pulls back slightly, eyes boring into yours while you close your mouth.
“Good, yeah?” Mitch says with a knowing smile on his lips.
Both of your heads whip around to him. “Yeah…it’s,” Harry licks his lips, “really good,” he finishes, smiling.
“You look good together, the two of you,” Sarah says.
You blush. “Thank you.”
Mitch leans up and captures Sarah’s mouth with his in a kiss.
You turn your head back to look at Harry. “I wanna do this again. I wanna do this naked with you. I need to feel your skin,” you whisper in his ear. “Need to feel you pressed up against me,” you say, lips kissing down his neck.
“I think…think we’re gonna head out,” He says, helping you move off his lap, tugging your dress down your legs.
“I know, man, I know.” Mitch says with a knowing smile.
You both take a final drag and then he drops the joint in the ashtray and you say your goodbyes.
“Get her naked, man. You gotta do this naked. It’s intense,” Mitch says in Harry’s ear on the way out of the room.
In the hallway, he grabs your hand and heads toward your room dragging you behind him. You skip ahead to keep up, giggling. “Slow down, mister, my legs can’t keep up!”
“Can take care of tha’,” he says bending over to toss you over his shoulder.
You shriek in laughter, flipping your head up with your hair flying all over the place. Once the sound registers in your ears you slap your hand over your mouth and he pops his hand on your bum, “Shh, babe, don’ wanna wake up tha whole fuckin’ floor,” he whisper-shouts.
Truth be told, that slap felt better than you care to admit so you groan and find your hands grabbing his bum cheeks. God, he has one sexy ass, even upside down. “Love your bum, H,” you say with a grunt as your tummy bounces on his shoulder. You can’t help the giggles that bubble out as you float both literally and figuratively down the hallway.
He can’t resist turning his head to kiss your hip. Once on the lift, he puts you down only long enough to promptly push the stop button so he can pull your dress up around your waist. He looks down at your teeny panties, “So pretty, hope y’not attached to ‘em,” he says as he snaps the strings on both sides.
Your jaw drops and your hips pull forward as he pulls the bits of fabric from your skin. “Harry Styles, you ruined those!”
“Not before you did, Jesus, baby they’re s’wet.” He stuffs them in his pocket then props his elbows on either side of your head leaning into your ear. “How’d they get tha’ way, Jezebel, hmm?”
You bite your bottom lip and brace your hands on the rail attempting to steady yourself as he kisses down your neck and back up. “It’s this city, honey…sex…the joint… watching that woman and then watching Mitch and Sarah…I..I’m floating and feel so free…I want you so much, H.”
“Ya do? Tell me baby, wha’ d’ya wan’ from me,” he says reaching down to cup your warm cunt, “And before ya answer, be specific, Jezebel, cause I’m really hard righ’ now an’ I need ta know wha’s gon’ on in tha great big, beautiful brain of yours.”
You lower your voice demurely, “I want all of you, Harry, however you want me, I’m yours.”
“More specific,” he says biting your earlobe.
“I want you to use my body. Show me how bad you want m-m-me,” you studder as his warm breath tickles the side of your neck. “Harry, fuck me, please and do it…hard.”
“You think this pretty, pink pussy can take me?” He asks lifting you and pressing you against the elevator wall. “Can smell ya, baby, ya want ma cock?”
A loud alarm sounds over the overhead speaker, “Is there an emergency in the elevator?” A gruff crackling static accented voice says. “If there’s not an emergency, please select your floor. If the elevator does not resume in thirty seconds, the fire department will be automatically contacted.”
You both burst into giggles faces buried in each other’s necks, “Guess we better get goin’, swee’heart, ‘sides, I hav’ an emergency in ma pants at tha moment.” He says rutting into you before setting your legs down on the floor making sure you’re steady before he kneels to straighten your dress down. “These fuck me boots, Jezebel…” he says shaking his head then standing to punch in the access code to your penthouse suite.
You eye him from your stance against the wall, but he doesn’t move from the other side, he just stares, lips sucked in, eyes roving up and down your body. He’s not physically touching you, but his eyes already have you undressed and spread open for him. He knows how to fuck you with his eyes almost as intensely as he does with his cock. God, you want his cock so much. He starts to move forward but you hold your hand up to stop him. “Can’t have you close right now, H. It’s just too much. Just… just get us to the room,” you whine shifting your weight from foot to foot.
“Baby, ya wanna play tanight?”
You suck in a deep breath, your eyes drift closed and you nod slowly.
He runs his hand through his hair and swallows a gulp.
The elevator dings indicating you’ve arrived and the doors slide open to your suite.
He holds the door open button and says, “Take your dress off.”
You look up at the camera.
“Pay it no mind, they’ve already had an eyeful, do as ya told, Jezebel. Take off tha’ pretty little dress, do it now.”
You cross your arms and pull the dress up and over your head, your hair falling in ribbons back down on your shoulders. You stand in a beautiful lace and silk demi-bra with your nipples poking out through the fabric, thigh high stockings and your boots.
Harry takes two steps toward you and brushes your hair down the side of your face, “S’beau’iful. Wan’ ya to go kneel on the floor in front of the couch, please.”
You smile, nod and turn to walk out of the elevator as he watches your bum jiggle with the sway of your hips. You walk to the middle of the couch and crouch down to the floor siting on your heels, placing your hands on your thighs.
He steps into the room and slips his shoes off before stepping to you and petting the top of your head then cradling your chin and gently pulling your gaze to his. He’s tenderly smiling, his eyes dark with arousal. He runs his thumb along your bottom lip before you open and he slips it inside. As you suck on it, his other hand palms his cock through his trousers. “How ya feelin’ ma love?”
Popping off his thumb, “Good…wet,” you say looking up at him through your lashes.
He simply groans taking his shirt off then fishing the joint and lighter from his pockets and placing them on the table in front of the couch, “Wanna try somethin’ wi’ you baby. Take ma pant’s off first.”
You turn your body and rise on your knees to unbutton and unzip his trousers only to discover he’s not wearing underwear. You can’t help but run your fingers through his pubic hair before leaning forward to place a kiss just above his hard cock still nestled away, and his breathing picks up. He helps you get the trousers down before he sits on the couch to kick his shoes off and get them the rest of the way off. Between his legs you sit on your heels again and rest your head on his thigh as he brushes the hair from your face. “I love you, H.”
“I love ya s’much,” he says cocking his head to the side and smiling softly. “Wan’ ya ta light tha smoke for us, baby,” he says jutting his chin toward the table.
Picking up the joint and placing it in your mouth you flick the lighter.
“Eyes on me.”
You meet his stare from beneath your lashes and light the joint taking a deep puff. Harry reaches for the smoke and you hand it to him. He pats his lap, “C’mere, baby.” You crawl up in his lap straddling his thighs. “Tits look fuckin’ amazin’ in tha’ bra,” he comments as you settle your bare bum on his thighs, aware of how wet your thighs are with your arousal. He pops the smoke between his lips and pulls you in close to him.
“Shotgun wi’ me, Jezebel?”
You nod and look down at his hard cock nestled between your wet thighs, resting against your swollen clit and you can’t help but reach down and pull his cock against your clit just a little closer and swirl your hips.
“Getting y’self wet for me?”
“I’m already dripping, H.”
“Show me.”
You reach down and collect your wetness and hold your fingers up for him to see.
“Put it on ya lips, love”
You paint your lips with your juices, before flicking your tongue out to lap the rest of your fingers.
“Shit, baby, s’goddamned sexy.”
He takes a deep pull on the joint then pulls you toward him for a kiss and exchange of smoke.
“Mmmm…,” he hums, licking his lips and watching you lean your head back holding the smoke for a few seconds. He reaches up and runs his hand from your chin down between your breasts, over your tummy and to your swollen clit; His hand rests on your tummy, thumb on your clit rubbing gentle circles.
“S’it feel good?” he asks as you exhale and train your bleary eyes on his. “We’ll do it again an’ want ya ta get there, babe, cum when ya exhale, yeah?”
You nod and roll your head as he continues to thumb your clit. “Feels so good, Harry. Wanted to cum so bad all night.”
“Did tha’ woman watchin’ ya turn ya on, Jezebel? Ya such a good girl, s’good fo’ me. Ma dirty baby wi’ the drippin’ cunt…ya wanna get fucked don’cha?”
“Yessss…,” you hiss leaning back to rest your hands on his knees and rock your hips.
He’s watching you closely eyes moving between where his thumb is rubbing your hard little nub and your face as you look so relaxed and blissfully fucked out.
“I’m so close…” you slur on a moan.
“C’mere,” he says as he takes a deep puff and pulls you close to exchange the smoke, just as he does he presses his middle and ring finger in deep and curls them on your g-spot. You lean back again holding the smoke and rocking your hips on his fingers.
“Yeah, baby… fuck y’self on ma fingers… keep goin’… Jesus Jezebel, ya break my fingers… keep goin’, love… oh my baby, don’t stop cumming… soak me.”
You blow out the smoke, panting hard your tummy contracting with the intensity of your orgasm. “Oh Harry, oh my god! oh my god!” you sob out, tears streaming down your face.
“Good girl, my angel baby, so fuckin’ hot, I fuckin’ love watchin’ you cum s’hard.”
“Fuck me, Harry! I need you to fuck me hard! Need it so bad. I feel so light and I want you to fuck me, please…. Please… can’t wait any longer!” you scramble off his lap and push the table out of the way. Down on your hands and knees you tilt to your bottom back toward him, presenting you pussy, peeking out from between your thighs. “Spank me Harry and fuck me from behind, please. Leave your rings on and spank me.”
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ baby,” he says, scrambling to his knees on the floor behind you.
Your skin breaks out in goosebumps as you feel him pressed against your bum. He closes his eyes and takes a couple of deep breaths. He grabs the joint from the ash tray and takes another hit, trying to get some control of his body back. He places his hands on your hips and squeeze as he takes two more deep breaths.
“Ya ready?”
You push back against him in response.
He turns his initial rings around and then lifts his hand and brings it down on your cheek with a loud crack.
“Ungh!” You sob out. “Again! Do it again!”
His nostrils flair and he does it again, and another loud crack sounds out.
“One more. Harder!”
“Fuck!” He lands another hard smack on your bum, this time high on your cheek.
“Haahhhh! Fuck!” You sob out, body rocking forward again at the force of his blow, your arms buckling and falling to your elbows, fingers digging into the rug.
You’re both panting. He rubs his hand soothingly over your bum.
“Gon’ hurt fo’ a while, Jezebel. Got ya pretty good,” he says, looking at your skin already starting to welt, his handprint visible on your bum. “Fuckin’ hell,” he says, wiping his hand down his face. His cock is throbbing and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold out.
You turn around to meet his eyes, tears running down your cheeks, mascara staining your face.
“Need…fuck…need ta fuck ya. Ya ok?” He asks, noticing your tears.
“Yes! God, please! Need you!” You say, pushing back against him again.
“Ya wan’ it hard?”
You nod frantically. “Yes!”
He lines himself up, and not even thinking, he grabs the back of your bra, tugging on it and using it to pull you back onto his dick.
You gasp at feeling him bottom out but also the feeling of the lace against your nipples. “Mmmmm…”
He pulls back and his hips snap back into yours, over and over, each thrust causing the material to rub against your nipples.
“Ahhhh…hahhhh…ohhhh…” you moan out as he keeps thrusting.
His nostrils flair at the sight in front of him. He can’t quite believe how good this feels. His lips pull back and he comes to a stop.
“Ohhhh…Harry…don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”
“Gotta make it good fo’ us,” he says, panting. “Gonna make it s’good fo’ ya.”
You clench around him and you feel his cock twitch inside you.
“Gonna play like tha’, huh?”
“Ya wan’ it tha’ bad, take it then. Push back on me.”
You moan out and start moving back and forth on him, and gasp when he pulls hard on your bra, pulling you flush against him on each of your movements back.
“Fuck, look at ya. S’greedy fo’ it ya jus’ gonna use ma dick ta get off, aren’t ya?”
“Yes! You feel s-so good!”
He rolls his hips as you move back on him and you cry out his name. His hand lets go of your bra strap and moves down so his back is flush to yours and his hands still your hips. “Ya’ve no idea how fuckin’ sexy ya are, how much ya turn me on, how good ya feel on me, do ya?”
“No,” you whimper.
“Been tryin’ ta show ya fo’ months. Wouldn’t mark ya if ya didn’t drive me crazy,” he says, lips kissing your shoulder.
You moan.
“Ya no’ gonna be able ta sit down fo’ a coupla days, Jezebel. Gonna hafta fuck ya like this,” he says, pulling back and snapping his hips into yours again. It’s fast and hard. He’s waited long enough and wants you shaking underneath him. His hand slips around to your neck, thumb putting the slightest pressure on your pulsepoint. “Waited long enough. Cum fo’ me.”
There’s something about his raspy voice in your ear that sends you over the edge. Everything goes white and the only thing you can feel is your orgasm.
He can’t hardly move you’re squeezing him so tight, he’s not sure if it’s the pot or the anticipation, but it feels like forever before he can move again. You finally let up and it only takes three more thrusts before his orgasm hits, his arm dropping from your throat and landing on the floor as he holds deep inside you.
“My god, Harry…,” you pant feeling his breath hot on your neck, “Are you ok?”
He turns his head to kiss your ear, “’M good, baby. Hang on,” he says and slowly pulls out and causing you to groan out a soft, “mmph” and wince.
“Ya good swee’heart?” he says running his hands up your arms and then down your back as he sits back on his heels.
You slump over on your side. “You wrecked me, H,” you whimper.
He brushes the hair away from your face so he can make eye contact he brows immediately furrow, “Babe ya been crying, ya ok?”
“I’m fine,” you pull your knees up closer to your chest, “I just don’t understand why I get like that with you…I feel like I just… can’t get…close enough. I feel too much and can’t express it,” your eyes water, “I can’t be yours enough…all at the same time.”
He rubs your thigh, “Baby, nothin’ ta try ta understand, s’ok to lose control wi’ me, I can take it. Best feelin’ in tha world ta be needed by ya, I mean, it hurts to see ya cry, but ya don’ have ta hold it in either. I’m yours, I’m so in love wi’ ya.”
“It’s not that kinda cry though, I’m not sad or hurt, at least not in a bad way…it’s just painfully frustrating to need to please you so deeply and to need to feel you equally as deeply,” you whisper trying desperately to express your thoughts. “It’s the most intense feeling. Feel it in my cells.”
You begin to sit up and your eyes go big then squeeze shut as you grimace and hiss. “Oooo, my bum…sssss, whew, that smarts. Help me up…I wanna see it!”
He shakes his head as he stands up and bends over to pick you up making sure your bum doesn’t touch anything as he carries you toward the bathroom. He stops just inside the door so you can flip on the light, then bends down to set you on your feet. “Lemme see, angel,” he demands turning you around before you can make your way to the mirror. “Oh babe, it’s welped up,” he says running his fingertips along the red hand print paying particular attention to the HS initials from his rings.
You step closer to the vanity mirror, turn and look over your shoulder at the beautiful marks on your bottom.
“Never question ‘f ya mine, yeah? Look at tha’ an’ know it won’t last forever, but I’ll put ‘em there anytime ya wan’ ‘em,” he kisses the top of your head, “ya mine, hear me? Mine. I gotta put some cream on it though. Have tha’ sunburn cream in ma trunk, hold on.”
“Ok, I gotta pee anyway.”
As he walks out you very tenderly sit on the commode and do your business. When he walks back in you’re in the middle of wiping, he smiles at you and winks causing you to relax at the beautiful familiarity of the whole thing. You flush and wince as you stand and walk to the sink to wash up. Piling your hair on top of your hair, you brush your teeth and wash the smeared make-up from your face and he does the same.
“Go lie down on ya tummy an’ I’ll rub this cream on an’ we can go ta bed, yeah?”
You do as he asks and he tenderly rubs the cream on the sore spot of your bum. The cream is cool and soothes the handprint, but interestingly it’s your lower tummy that twinges with a low cramp. You flinch slightly but don’t think much of it. After all, you did just have some pretty active sex. When you sigh loudly, he speaks up.
“Tired Jezebel?”
“Mmmm, yeah…worn out,” you answer with a languid smile on your face.
“C’mon s’have a cuddle an’ get some sleep.”
He crawls in under the duvet and you snuggle up to him on your side, resting your head on his chest. To be honest even the duvet feels tender on your sore bum, but you’re sleepy and so deliciously relaxed from the pot and the orgasms. “Thank you, Harry.”
“Wha’ fo’ my Jezebel?”
“For listening, for knowing what I need when I’m not even sure what I want,” you say kissing his chest just above his nipple, “Thank you for loving me,”
“Oh, Jezebel, ya s’easy ta love.”
You both drift off peacefully.
**** 2 hours later ****
You wake with a dull ache on your side and a need to pee. You kiss Harry’s chest, untangle yourself from him and scoot to the edge of the bed. As you walk to the bathroom you feel a sticky feeling between your thighs, a reminder of the sex you had just hours earlier. Once in the bathroom you forgo the light opting to just make your way to do your business. It’s then that you discover the stickiness isn’t from sex, you’re bleeding. “Doesn’t make sense,” you say in the dark thinking that you aren’t due for your period for a week yet. Then you remember that you just got your birth control shot about a month ago and that Dr. Wallis said it could possibly cause a disruption in your cycle. Wiping you move to wash your hands and make your way back to the bedroom to grab a tampon from your trunk. Before you can make it to you the trunk you see the red on the sheets. “Shit.” You make a bee-line for your trunk in the closet first. Digging around for a tampon and some panties, you reach blindly into a side picket and accidentally stab yourself with the pointy end of a teasing comb, “Damn,” you say immediately popping the finger in your mouth.
“Babe? Babe?” Harry is calling out for you switching on the bathroom light.
“I’m in here!”
“Jesus baby, ya ok, there’s blood on the sheets…”
“Yeah, I started my period.”
“Did ya hurt ya hand, too?” he asks eyes focused on the finger you’re looking at.
“Yeah, I stabbed it on a comb looking for a tampon.”
“Here, lemme find one,” he says digging in the pocket, “Wha’ else do ya need?”
“Get me some panties, too.”
“Ok baby I’ll get all this an’ call housekeeping fo’ new sheets,” he says stopping to kiss your forehead.
“I’m gonna jump in the shower real quick and do a quick wash, god my tummy hurts.”
“Ya feel sick?”
“No, just feels like cramps.”
“Ya sure I dinna hurt ya, ya don’ ever complain abou’ cramps. Kinna freakin’ me out, baby.”
“I’m sure, Dr. Wallis said I might have some changes this first month after the shot.”
“Go shower babe, I put the stuff on the counter. Ya sure ya don’ wan’ anythin’ else?”
“Unless ya have a hot water bottle, I’m good,” you answer with a pout.
You take a quick shower and true to his word you step out to a pair of comfy panties, one of his shirts and a pink packaged tampon.
In the bedroom, he’s straightening the duvet back on the fresh sheets. On the side table sits a electric heating pad, a small plate of wrapped gourmet chocolate truffles, a cold bottle of water and two paracetamol.
“Oh Harry…,” you say walking up behind him to wrap your arms around his waist, “You’re so good to me.”
“How ya feeling, swee’heart?”
You frown to one side, “Actually I’m cramping on one side around to my back,” you say running your hand around your side.
“Jesus, I fucked ya ta hard. That’s gotta be why ya hurt,” he mutters wrapping you up in his arms.
“No, that’s not why I have the cramps, H. My period has always been so light since we’ve been together and I’ve been on the shot, in fact I usually have little to no period that’s why it’s never been much of a problem, but this time is different, it’s not a big deal,” you explain to him.
“Let’s get tucked in tagether. Is there anythin’ else ya need? How abou’ a towel under ya jus’ in case.”
“Ok,” you say your brows furrowing with the dull ache causing you to lean forward.
“Oh baby, sure there isn’t something I can do ta make it better?” he asks heartbroken to see you hurting.
“Just cuddle me, ok?”
“Ok,” he says, going to grab a towel. He gets it situated on the bed and then crawls in the bed and wiggles his fingers for you to get in.
You pop the pills in your mouth, take a sip of water, and close your eyes hoping that the pain will go away soon. You spot the truffles and open them up before grabbing the plate and crawling into bed, snuggling up next to him, your back to his, plate of truffles on the bed next to you.
He grabs the heating pad and places it on your lower tummy. “Here?”
You moan out because the heat feels really good. “Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you.”
He kisses your shoulder and cuddles up next to you, careful not to put too much pressure on your bum.
You grab a truffle, take a bite, and hold out the rest for him.
He leans up and eats the offered truffle, lips grazing your fingertips.
You smile as he leans in for a kiss. You finish up the truffles and have some water and snuggle back in next to him.
“How ya feelin’ baby?”
Your brow furrows. “It hurts. Hoping the paracetamol will kick in soon.”
He smoothes your hair back and kisses your cheek, tightening his arm around you.
You both drift off to sleep but it’s fitful because you keep waking up due to the cramping.
He holds you and kisses you, turning the heating pad back on everytime you wake up in pain.
You wake up again at 7:30 am and you’re nearly doubled over in pain.
Your movements wake him up and he blindly reaches for your phone. “‘M callin’ Dr. Wallis righ’ now.”
You’re in too much pain to contradict him. He finds the number and puts it on speaker. It rings and rings and you give your info to the answering service. They assure you that the doctor will call you back within ten minutes.
He sighs. He hates seeing you in pain. “How’s your bum? Can I see?”
You nod and roll over onto your tummy and he pulls the sheet down and his mouth drops open. His hand print is gone but the initial marks are still very visible and he can see the bruising around them blossoming. He gently runs his hands over your cheek and you flinch. “Oh Jezebel, ya bum is pretty bruised. Gonna get the cream.”
“Ok,” you whimper.
He grabs the cream and gently rubs it on your bum. “My sweet girl. All mine…wi’ tha marks ta prove it.”
You sigh as he applies the cream and close your eyes.
He gets it all applied and capped back up and just gets settled back in next to you when the phone rings.
You answer the phone and he immediately changes the setting to speaker so he can hear too.
“Yes, hello. I’m just retuning your message.”
“Hi, Dr. Wallis. Thank you. I’m cramping and bleeding. I know you said that the shot can mess up my cycle…”
Harry jumps in. “Hi, ‘m Harry, her boyfriend, an’ she’s in a lot of pain an’ ‘m worried…we uh, we had sex las’ nigh’ an’ it was…intense. Wanted ta make sure tha’s no’ why this is happening.”
Your hands fly to your face in embarrassment as he’s talking. It’s not like he didn’t know you weren’t having sex but still!
Dr. Walls listens to everything and then responds. “Hi Harry. I understand your concern, but I doubt having vigorous sex is what’s causing this. This is normal after getting a shot. When did this start?”
Harry breathes a sigh of relief. “Las’ night, right after we had sex.”
“Have her take it easy today. Take 800 milligrams of paracetamol, use a heating pad and drink plenty of water. If she doesn’t feel better in two days, have her call me again.”
“Thank you, Dr. Wallis,” you both say.
“There are other natural things you can do to relieve the cramping.”
“Like wha’?” Harry asks.
“Orgasms are a great natural pain reliever, if you’re both comfortable with that. My suggestion is a hot shower and an orgasm…or two.”
You and Harry are blushing furiously. “Uh, thanks for the suggestion, doctor.”
Dr. Wallis chuckles. “You’re welcome. I think she’s in good hands with you. Feel free to call me if you need anything.”
Harry says his goodbyes and then hangs up. He runs his hands back through his hair and then looks at you and smirks.
Your bum is feeling better so you’ve rolled onto your back and you meet his eyes.
“How do ya feel abou’ sex on ya period?”
You puff out a breath. “I dunno…I’ve never done it, but if it makes me feel better I’d be willing to try,” you say blushing. “How do you feel about it?”
He shrugs. “Doesn’t bother me. An’ if it makes ya feel better, then yeah, I’m in,” he says, fingertips lightly circling your nipples. “Ya breasts sore?”
You shake your head no. “No, just really sensitive. Feels good.”
“Good,” he says and waggles his eyebrows. “Lemme get ya some paracetamol and then get you into a nice warm shower, yeah?”
You nod and smile.
He brings you the pain meds and you take them before he helps you into the en suite. He turns the shower on, and you get undressed then use the toilet as the water heats up.
He steps in and then pulls you to him and shuts the door. He cups your cheeks, “I fuckin’ hate to see ya hurt, kills me,” he says pressing his lips to yours. He licks the seam of your lips, “Open fo’ me, baby, I’m sorry ‘f any of this’s my fault…”
You open and he licks into your mouth. You press your body closer want to feel more of him and return the kiss “Stop, you didn’t do this, just part of life. You would never hurt me…and this,” you kiss him deeply, “is making me much better.”
He turns you toward the water and rubs you lower tummy, “Here?”
“Mmmm…” you say, as the hot water hits your tummy.
“C’mere. Let’s see if we can make ya feel better, hmm?” He says, his hand sliding down to cup your mound. His other arm wraps around your waist, holding you tight to him, gentle presser on your lower tummy.
“You’re good to me, H.”
He smiles and kisses your temple. “I like takin’ care of ya.”
You smile and your hands move to cover his on your tummy. You turn your head to look at him, “You sure you’re ok with this?”
“Babe, nothin’ abou’ touchin’ ya will ever bother me, ok? Please, can I touch ya, make ya feel better? It is doctor’s orders, yanno,” he smirks.
You giggle. “Wellll…if it’s doctor’s orders…”
He chuckles and his long fingers dip down to your clit and starts circling softly. “Wan’ ya ya cum like this and then cum on ma fingers. Can ya do tha’ fo’ me?”
You lean your head back on his shoulder. “Yes,” you say breathily. “Feels so good.”
“God, ya s’fuckin’ beautiful,” he says, as he watches your back arch and your breasts lift.
“Feel good?”
“Yes!” You can feel your tummy quivering.
He moves his fingers faster and you cry out his name, fingers tightening on his arm.
You’re surprised that you’re so close, so quickly but all you know is that you’re gonna cum soon. “Harry, Harry, Harry,” you chant as your legs shake and you cum for him.
He works you through it, holding you tightly to make sure you stay upright. “How’re ya feelin’ now?” He says in your ear.
You’re panting and you realize that your cramps have lessened considerably. “Good. I feel good. I can still feel it, but it’s a lot better!”
He smiles against your cheek. “Good. Ya owe me one mo’. Ya ready?”
You nod.
He smirks against your cheek as dips his middle and ring fingers inside you, curling up to find your g spot, his thumb hovering over your clit.
You gasp as you feel him curl his fingers. Everything is so much more sensitive. “Mmmm…feels so good. I’m…I don’t think I’ll last long…”
“Ya sensitive?”
You nod frantically.
“‘S’ok baby,” he says as he starts moving his fingers against your g spot.
You’re moaning and gripping him hard, back arching as he moves. Your eyes squeeze closed and you pant as you feel yourself pulse around his fingers.
“Ya close? Can feel ya. Doin’ s’good fo’ me baby. Cum fo’ me. Love watchin’ ya cum fo’ me.”
You gasp and then you’re orgasm hits hard and deep. You can feel the deep contractions in your core. As you begin to relax your body slumps against his.
“I got ya. Ya ok,” he says, tightening his arm around you. He pulls the handheld down and washes you both off as you gradually come down from your high.
You lean your head back on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
He smiles and replaces the handheld. “Ya welcome. Jus’ wan’ ya ta feel better.”
“I do, thank you. Kiss me?”
He smiles. “‘Course.” Holding your cheeks, he places the sweetest kiss on your lips deepening it after a few moments.
“I love you Harry, I’m sorry I interrupted our sleep with all…this,” you say motioning around with a pout to your expression, “and I’m so thankful for how you take care of me, even in my most embarrassing moments.”
“Baby, please don’ be embarrassed, ‘m not, I love ya. Was scared at first, the though’ of causin’ ya pain, makin’ ya bleed…,” he’s shaking his head and brushing the hair out of your face so tenderly as if his touch might make it worse, “was like that time ya passed out at the cottage all over again.”
You put your hands around his wrists turned your head to kiss the inside of one palm. “Hey…, I’m good, the pain medicine is helping and,” you grin shyly, “the orgasms relaxed me. Let’s go back to bed, you have a show tomorrow and you need your rest.”
***The next afternoon. ***
You both slept in and spent some time just relaxing. You were feeling better, the cramping had finally lessened. Sarah suggested some edibles and it was helping tremendously.
Opting for comfy clothes on the way to venue, you were scrolling through your phone messages when you feel Harry lean over and kiss your temple, “How ya feelin’, babe?”
“I’m feeling much, much, better. Some things are making complete sense now, too. I always get so…frisky around that time of the month, not that Amsterdam and especially our hotel isn’t a sexy place, but now I know my hormones are raging and that’s part of it.”
“Wha’ abou’ me? Aren’t I tha reason ya so frisky?” he says pretending to be offended.
“Umm, honey, since we’ve been together my libido could be charted on the Richter Scale and you know it, but add a rush of hormones and…” you trail off wrapping your hand on the inside of his thigh. “Anyway, the bleeding is really light now and the cramps have relaxed almost completely.”
Harry pulls back a little and sticks out his bottom lip pouting. “Bu’ I quite like it when tha doctor orders orgasms”
You can’t help the burst of giggles, “Oh, trust me H, cramps may be gone, but the hormones are still there.” You slide your hand up to his crotch, “You gonna be OK tonight? You haven’t gotten to cum since last night when you ruined my panties and broke my bra.”
“Have ya know, ya were tha one who ruined those panties first, if ya remember, an’ tha’ bra was jus’ a victim of my gorgeous, hot, sexy girlfriend beggin’ me ta fuck ’er.”
You pull your head back, “You complaining, Styles?”
He pulls your hand up from his crotch and kisses the inside of your wrist, “Never.”
About three minutes away outside of the arena, Harry pops on a ball cap and mask, and you pop on a mask and pull your hair outta the ponytail and shake it out. You look over and he’s squirming with his pants trying to hide a semi-erect cock. You giggle and roll your eyes; It was going to be a frisky night, for two very horny people, you just hoped no one in the audience would be able to tell.
“Put that thing away, Harry!” you giggle while you both look at his crotch. “Thought this was a family show?” You can’t help the bursting snort.
“Hey! Can’ steal my lines!” Harry says tickling your neck with his nibbling. He pulls back and searches your eyes, “Babe, gonna worry abou’ ya tanight, sure ya gon’ be ok?”
You nod a lump in your throat at his thoughtfulness. “Gonna be great, H. Don’t worry about me.”
“Will ya do me a favor, when I look over at you will you give me a thumbs up so I know ya good?”
“I promise,” you whisper leaning in to kiss him.
“Ya love me?” he asks.
“I do.”
The expression on his face beams, “Really like tha sound of tha’ phrase comin’ from ya.”
It takes you a moment to realize what he just said, “Harry?” You question with eyes as big as saucers.
You turn and he’s already out the car door, with his hand held out to help you out.
You shake your head and thread your fingers with his as you walk toward the entrance.
You didn't dare reply to his comment, but you soak in the looks of love he gave you as you both changed. There was something so special about getting ready for a show with him. He was in his element and the sexiness of him in his element, getting to share that intimacy was indescribable. He made arrangements for you to be close to the stage that night as he was still worried about you. You told him he was being silly because you felt fine, other than the goosebumps from his earlier innuendo and your hormones firing on all cylinders. Your man was amazing in so many ways and you couldn't wait to see him tonight.
The songs never ever felt redundant to you, the fangirl in you still hung on every word he sang. You couldn’t be prouder of him. But the girlfriend reactions that were growing along with your relationship meant that so much of the time the music felt like you were hearing it for the first time. Some of the words were more meaningful now than they had been at the beginning. And some of the ways he looked your direction during some lyrics could melt you in a heartbeat. At times it felt like he was singing and dancing just for you. That particular hip wiggle during Music for a Sushi Restaurant reminded you of the grind move he uses when he makes love to you deep and slow. That part about “getting yourself wet for me” in Cinema has always been so hot, but tonight he was on your side of the stage and made sure he made eye-contact during “I guess you’re all mine.” It was true, you were all his. He owned you and you had the initials on your bum to prove it. But the motions he made during the line “Choke her with a sea view” during Keep Driving have set you on fire. After his early “I do” comment, it felt like he was singing Love Of My Life to you, especially with the looks he gave you.
True to his word, he looks over at you often during the show and each time you give him a thumbs up. By the fifth thumbs up, you decided to change things up. The next time he looked over, you swayed your hips, the next time, you cupped your breasts and the next time you ran your hands down your body. He smiles his dirtiest smile at you glad you were feeling better and grabs the water bottle to douse the crowd. Oh, he was gonna give it good to the crowd and to you tonight.
By the time he walked into the dressing room after the last song, you were positively raging with neediness. He walks over to you and quips, "Honey, I'm home!"
You grin wrapping your arms around his neck, “I’d ask if you had a good day at the office, but I already know because I saw you have a particularly, spectacular…very sexy day at the office.”
“Jezebel, we need ta talk abou’ ya behavior tanight…can’ work when ya send those kinda vibes…touchin’ this body like tha’,” he runs his hands down to your bum and pulls your hips forward, “how ya feelin’?”
“Mmmm…feel good, H. I was just mimicking what I saw you do on stage,” you say biting your lip. Your hands slide to his bum and your eyes flutter closed as you feel his hard cock in between you. “The way you move, baby. Makes me so wet.”
He gulps. “Ya make me crazy, know tha’?”
“Take me back to the hotel baby. I want you.”
As soon as you walk off the elevator into your suite, he has you against the closest wall. “Need a shower, baby…wan’ ya so much.” He kisses you deeply, his tongue licking at yours as if he needs your taste like his next breath. His hand holds your jaw, tilting it and his mouth opens wide to take in your lips. He’s moaning and rutting against you. He runs his other hand down to your tummy, “How’s ya tummy?”
“No pain, I’m good.”
“So no orgasms?” he says starting to step away.
“Don’t you dare, mister! I need orgasms, but I need you inside me this time. How do you feel about that? I’m only slightly bleeding…” you ask searching his eyes for any hesitation.
“Told ya don’ care abou’ tha’, baby, just wan’ ya ta be comfortable.”
“How about a warm bath, you said you wanted a shower, and have you seen the tub in that bathroom! It’s big enough for ten people. They have the most amazing bubble bath in there too, I was smelling it this morning and dreaming of a nice bath.”
He smiles his most gorgeous smile. “I don’ care where I take ya. Ya wan’ me ta fuck ya in tha tub, then I’ll fuck ya in tha tub,” he says, pressing his lips to yours again as his hands run down your body to unbutton and unzip your jeans.
You moan into his mouth as he tugs your jeans and panties down. Your hands on his shoulders are pulling the jacket up, your fingers gripping it. After that, it’s a frenzy as you both pull your clothes off each other.
Once you’re fully naked, he pulls back to look at you, his thumb and forefinger pulling at his lips, eyes boring into yours. He notices everything: your heaving chest, your hard nipples, the way your thighs press together.
“Wanna make ya cum s’hard fo’ me. Wanna make ya mine.”
“I’m yours, H. Take me!”
He grabs your hand and pulls you to the bathroom and you watch as he turns on the tap and squeezes out the bubble bath. He pulls you to him and kisses you as you wait for the tub to fill. He steps in and offers his hand to help you in and he sits down, pulling you down and against his chest, lips kissing down your neck, hands cupping your breasts.
“Felt like you were singing to me tonight, H. You can’t imagine how much the fangirl in me was screaming inside. Then I remembered that I would be coming back here with you tonight…sometimes I forget that we’re together,” you say softly sliding your hands above your head and into his hair.
“Don’ wan’ ya ta ever forget,” he whispers in your ear while he runs his thumbs over your nipples. “Look s’sexy in water, makes me think abou’ tha first time we went ta the cottage.” You smile to yourself thinking about that moment. “Wan’ed ta fuck ya s’bad in that hottub. Got ya off on my fingers…god, was s’hard for ya, jus’ like now.”
You can’t help the squirming and wiggling.
��Mmmm…I was still kinda in shock that you wanted me, that first time. It all felt so surreal.” Your fingers tighten their grip on his knees as his fingers pull on your nipples and your back arches. “Watching you sometimes it still feels surreal.”
“It’s real. We’re real. I love ya mo’ than I ever loved anyone.”
His soapy hands slide down your tummy to cup your pussy. “Turn round an’ let me show ya how real we are. How much ya mean ta me.”
You turn around easily because the bubble bath is so slippery. He pulls you flush to him, his cock on his tummy between the two of you.
You slick his hair back with your wet hand and draw you finger down the side of his face. You lean forward and placed a soft kiss on first one corner of his lips and then the other. Swirling your hips, you close your eyes. “Mmmm, mmm…”
“Feel good, swee’heart?”
You lean forward and nose your way to his ear, “Yeah, can feel how hard you are on my clit. I’m so sensitive right now.”
“Tell me more, love,” he says running his hands up the outside of your thighs.
“Watching you tonight…Mmmm…looked so good, when you would bend backwards or swirl your hips, I could see…,” you blush and pull away a little.
“No, don’ stop, go on, wha’ were ya lookin’ at, hmmm?”
“You know how I feel about you in flat front pants…were you thinking about me?” you say pressing your forehead against is as he moves his hands to your tits and pinches your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. “Harry, were you hard on stage for me?”
“Ya tell me, babe, what d’ya see?”
“I could see your…you were poking…,” you look down at his cock pressed between you two.
“Could ya see my cockhead? S’a goddamn miracle tha’ I dinna ‘ave a wet spot from ya…dancin’ like tha’”
You gasp.
“Wha’? Tha’ turn ya on?”
You bite your lip and nod. “The thought of you on stage hard because of me…a wet spot…mmm…”
He pinches your nipples hard again and you cry out, back arching.
“H, I’m so empty. I need you. Please.” You can feel yourself clenching around nothing.
His wet hands slide down your sides and pull you flush to him, and then his hands move to your bum pulling you up and down along the underside of his cock.
“Feel good?” He asks, lips sliding down your neck. “Put me inside, baby but don’ move. Jus’ hold me inside ya fo’ a mo’, yeah?”
You slide your hand down between you and grab his cock, looking down to see through the bubbly water.
“No,” he tips your chin up with a wet finger, “eyes on me, Jezebel…wanna see ya eyes when I get my gasp… tease me all night… wan’ ya eyes when I fill ya up.”
Meeting his gaze, you raise up slightly and position him at your entrance. As you slide down on him he pushes up ever so slightly and your pelvis’ meet when he bottoms out deep inside you.
But the look on his face, his jaw slack and mouth slightly open, eyes gazing into yours as your flutter and struggle to stay forward. You mouth opens into and “O” and you gasp on an exhale as he seats himself deep. “There she is…tha’ a way, baby…no, no, don’t clench yet…jus’ a warm hug. S’it feel good?”
You nod breathlessly.
“Can get s’deep this way…love bein’ deep inside ya…an’ yeah, was thinkin’ abou’ ya on stage…do it mo’ than is decent, if ‘m honest.”
“Yeah?” You ask him, licking your lips, fingernails digging into his shoulders.
He pulls his hips back and thrusts back into you slowly and then does it again.
“Mmmm…Harry,” you say barely a whisper.
“God this is wha’ I think abou’ on stage. Think abou’ bein’ s’deep inside ya ya can barely keep ya eyes open, fucking ya slow an’ deep.”
“Hahhhh….oh fuck,” you say as you move your hips and grind down on him. “I think about you too. I watch the way you move and I…mmmm…I imagine you with me.”
He slides his hands up to the sides of your neck, “Move wi’ me, babe…” he leans forward and kisses you deeply, “I love ya”
You gasp again and slosh the water with a slight jerk.
“Jesus baby, so fuckin’ sexy tha’ you do tha’ when I tell ya I love ya while we fuck, s’like ya whole body hears it, not jus’ ya ears.”
“I do, every fiber of me feels it, used to imagine it, now…now…it’s so…real, I feel it everywhere. You fuck me so good but fucking with your love is something I could never ever live without…not ever again, Harry, you ruined me for any other,” you say biting your bottom lip and exhaling the emotion in your throat.
“Won’ ever be another…never…,” he says lips against yours.
“No, no, no…,” you cry out shaking your head and moving on him faster, “never be another for me….” You gulp squeezing his cock tighter. “Harry, I’m close, but…don’t wanna cum… not without you, baby, please….”
“So close too…Ungghh! Come on…come on…tagether, babe, tagether…,” he pulls you in closer and tighter to him, your breath catches as he groans out. He goes stiff deep inside you and your thighs clamp tight on his hips as your walls contract hard on his cock. The sounds of the water and your breathing echoing off the tile in the bathroom.
You fall forward, your face in his neck and just breathe him in as you come down.
He grips you to him tightly and kisses your temple. “Ya s’amazin’ an’ I love ya s’much.”
You smile and pull your head up to kiss him. “I love you too, baby. So so much.”
His hands on the sides of your face, thumbs rubbing circles on your cheeks. “Meant wha’ I said ya know. This is forever fo’ me an’ I wan’ ya ta know it…we don’ hafta make it official until we’re ready bu’…I wan’ ta one day. Wan’ ya ta have my last name one day, my sweet Jezebel.”
You feel the tears gather in your eyes. “H…oh my god…I…that’s what I want to. It’s always been you.”
He kisses you again as the tears slide down your face, pulling you flush against him. “I love ya,” he says against your lips.
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3rdvoice · 11 months
Letter column -- email [email protected] if you're interested
Dear Evan, When you did your video ’pitches’ for this project, you asked us to ’trust you a little’. I think I had that trust even before you asked. Even from the first time I saw your concept sketches of Spondule and Navichet on Patreon, maybe even before they had a name - these characters were speaking to you and there was a resonance of some kind. They already had life. It felt electric. It also felt like perfect timing as Vattu wound up. It was comforting to know we’d be going somewhere new after spending a decade with you exploring the world of Sahta & the Fluters & the Surin & the War Men & the Grish &c &c. Spondule and Navichet had life, no question, but The Corners - the world you’ve been building for this project - that remained unclear; not yet feeling like it had a form we readers could understand. This totally makes sense, and it’s really enjoyable to set out on a journey into a world one knows nothing about while its contours get slowly revealed through the keyhole of individuals’ experiences and perspectives - but there was friction too. People asked you, a lot, whether you’d keep telling this story in the context of Overside and I think breaking the news that you were leaving that setting behind for the time being, and moving into something new, created challenging conversations between you and your audience. There was probably, for many, a grieving process at leaving that other world behind when we wanted to know so much more about it. Personally, I trusted you from the start and have consistently felt that trust has been rewarded. I also trusted that you knew what you were doing in choosing to build a new world rather than move forward with the old one. But in terms of ’letting go’ of Overside: I hadn’t got there yet. I still wanted to know more, to explore the place I’d been reading about for so many years - even while I was really enjoying piecing together the fragments of The Corners you were laying out. I’m feeling different about all that after reading ’scene 34’. In such a short space the bond between Spondule and Navichet had become so visceral, so real. I’m fully attached now, the characters have worked their way into my heart. Meanwhile, Navi’s backstory - and the idea that a God could be tortured and abused - is so unfathomably deep that it’s hard to make sense of. To me this feels richer than anything Overside could have offered, and it feels - now - like The Corners has a life of its own. I suddenly care, very deeply, about this whole world. I also finally feel ready to let Overside go, to accept it as it is, complete and sufficient in the text of what you’ve already written. In this latest scene, it feels like you’re asking your audience some of what Navi is asking Spondule: ’Don’t you want to know what happened? Even if you can never get all the way there? Even if you only ever figure a fraction of it out?’ For my part the answer is yes. I can see this world in my heart now and I need to know whatever I can, need to share this journey you’re laying out. So one thing is I just wanted share that feeling with you. Another thing is a question I wanted to ask: does any of this resonate? Does it feel as momentous to you as it does to me? Obviously I don’t expect you to spoil anything but I’m curious how releasing this scene has been landing for you: whether there’s a sense of finally seeing the true depth of this thing you’ve been so tirelessly making. How does it feel to take on the uncertain and intensive labour of world-building - with no guarantees - and then, after quite a lot of working and waiting - see that world emerge, start feeling real, and begin its existence as a living thing? How does it feel to reveal all this to us? To share a glimpse of the beating heart of what you’ve been making after being so careful to keep your cards close? Thank you for making the things that you do. You’re one of the most powerful storytellers I’ve read and I can’t wait to come along for this journey, no matter where it leads or how long it takes. All the best! Klara * August 23, 2023
Firstly I apologize for breaking your formatting here—- know, O reader, that this letter was originally broken up with more tasteful linebreaks but I thought that wouldn’t work great with my website formatting. And 2 months to reply is a long time too ha
Thank you for kind words. The anxiety you identify that I and, apparently, some readers felt about working with a new setting is I think Exactly related to this notion of creation / revelation of a fictional setting (that you later identify). To me, the person making the stuff, it seems clear that Overside is not an actual thing to be Revealed. It’s a collection of little habits and ideas, and none of them were developed with much of a big-picture in mind, and none of them were developed with the benefit of Several Years of experience in planning and making stories of this sort. To me, it’s clear that there’s more potential in a new thing, built from smarter premises. BUT to a reader I understand the suspended-disbelief feeling that it’s a PLACE you want to see more of, and the ways in which it feels like “starting over” or abandoning a lot of potential energy, momentum. What I guess this has foregrounded to me is: the literary conceit of an “invented setting” is a really flimsy, post-hoc sort of thing. What we’re CONNECTING with, as readers of this stuff, is the interests, habits, aesthetics of the person or people making the thing!! Probably?!?!? Anyway this creation / revelation divide is in my head a lot in ways that will uh become clearer I think.
SO, to broadly address the questions towards the end of the letter: it is exciting to REVEAL this stuff, but I am (in a more intentional way than before) REVEALING it to myself too, as I’m making it. There’s all the background work that goes into it, and there’s a sort of restraint in trying to not give things away and to build up the gravity of that reveal, BUT the stuff doesn’t exist until the pages exist. I don’t know exactly how it’ll look and feel! It’ll be better and worse than my initial imaginings in a bunch of ways; it’ll feel more and less REAL in a bunch of ways.
I hope that’s interesting. I’m just today posting the “first view of Two-Legs” scene, which has been a pretty intensive example of that worldbuildy process. Many preliminary drawings but no idea if it’ll actually land until I’m committing to the details on the final page. THANKyou Klara for big thoughtful letter.
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
Something different that’s loosely inspired by Tangled and this particular cover on YouTube:
I know it’s a far fetched au but just bear with it and have fun.
When the twins were reborn into two separate bodies, Tiffany was too preoccupied with the mayhem of transferring her soul into Jennifer Tilly to keep an eye on the babies… or Chucky. She didn’t see when he transferred a fraction of his soul into a cop who arrived at the scene, and she didn’t notice when Chucky’s doll body went down without much of a fight (come on, why would he seriously fight his own child? He wasn’t a monster).
But she really should have noticed when she went to sleep one night with two babies in the house and woke up the next morning with only Glenda in the house. Baby Glen was already nearly out of the state with their father (in his new human body). Glen was taken because, well, Chucky was a proud man, and he had many hills that he was willing to die on. This particular hill was that he wasn’t losing both of his children to Tiffany, that wasn’t happening, no way. 
Besides, raising a kid would be fun, right? He was doing Tiffany a favour, because twins are hard work (Chucky thought so at least) so if they both took one twin they’d share the workload. He really thought that being a father would be easy… how wrong he was.
As Glen got bigger and began to move around, Chucky realised that he’d have to find somewhere secure to keep his kid trapped safe, because Tiffany had used her newfound influence as a celebrity to put up billboards and adverts offering a reward for the safe return of her kidnapped eldest child. Glen had unmistakable red hair, that would be a dead giveaway if they were ever in public, so something had to be done.
It was actually pretty easy to find an abandoned house in the countryside with windows that could be barred. The hard part was trying to keep the naturally curious Glen from exploring. To combat this issue, Chucky invented a variety of cruel monsters that would await them if they ever left the protection of their father. For example, if Glen asked to go into the woods surrounding the house to pick berries, Chucky would give them a ‘regretful’ look and say ‘sadly’:
“I really wish I could take you outside, champ. Really, I know how much you want to go outside, but the werewolves are really vicious this time of year, you’d get ripped to shreds if you so much as snap a twig. Nothing I can do, sorry buddy.”
And so, Glen grew up very sheltered, with limited media access to prevent them from seeing their mother’s plea for them to come home as well as to preserve their naivety about the outside world. If Glen ever knew about what they were missing, everything Chucky had done would be ruined.
It was the week before Glen’s eighteenth birthday, and all they knew for certain is that for their entire life there had been something… missing. Like there was something they were supposed to know or be that had been denied to them by… somebody. The only person who could possibly be lying to them was their dad, but he was the only person protecting them, surely he wouldn’t lie? He’d always told Glen the truth about how dangerous the world was. 
Despite being told for their entire life that the world was really dangerous, Glen was desperate to go outside, and they were nearly eighteen now - an adult! Surely their dad wouldn’t mind if they left the house as a full-grown adult? Glen tried to bring up the subject with their dad every day, but every time the word ‘outside’ escaped their lips, their dad would glare at them and say coolly:
“We’ve talked about this, Glen, ever since you were a little kid. What have I always said about the world?”
And every time Glen would reply:
“That it’s dangerous, dad. I know.”
Then their father would respond whilst patting them on the shoulder:
“Exactly, so just stay home where it’s safe, yeah?”
But not today. Glen wasn’t backing down this time, no matter what. They had backing arguments and were prepared to beg if necessary. They just wanted to feel the breeze in their hair and blades of grass between their fingers. Was that a crime? They didn’t think so.
So when their dad came home, Glen set their plan into motion. They pulled out the big presentation they’d made on poster board from under their bed and detailed all of the merits of them being allowed to outside for once. Their dad watched all of this with his arms crossed and a disapproving scowl, and when Glen was finished he simply said:
Disappointed, Glen began to plead:
“C’mon dad, I’m eighteen now! I’m an adult!”
Chucky snorted and responded:
“Try again when you can legally buy a beer. You’re still a kid, champ. The answer’s still no, nice presentation though.”
With this, Chucky clearly thought the discussion was over, because he turned and began to walk away. But out of sheer desperation, Glen grabbed a hold of their father’s shoulders to beg him to stay. Maybe it was the argument, maybe it was the grabbing, but whatever caused it, Chucky turned around and shoved Glen to the ground. Hard.
Just ten minutes later, Chucky was begging for Glen’s forgiveness (even if he didn’t seem all that sincere). He kept asking if there was anything he could do to make it up to them, and at first Glen refused, but then an escape plan formed in their mind. If they could get their father out of the house for long enough, Glen could find a way to get out. With this in mind, they smiled coyly and said casually:
“Y’know, it’s my birthday in a week…”
Slightly confused, Chucky shrugged and responded:
“Yeah, I know, I was there.”
In their best neutral tone, Glen continued:
“I remember one year you got me these really cool paints made from seashells? I think that’s what I want for my birthday this year if you don’t mind.”
Chucky looked hesitant.
“Are you sure champ? Those shells can’t be ordered online, they’re a long way away, I’d be gone for a few days.”
Glen pouted and gave him their best puppy eyes. 
“Please? It’s all I want for my birthday.”
Their dad still looked unsure, but something in his expression softened, and Glen knew they’d done it.
It took two hours and a lot of spare fabric like bedsheets and jackets, but Glen finally found a window that was open enough for them to drop part of their homemade rope to the ground below, close their eyes and pray. Glen was ripped from their prayer for safety when they felt a tug on the rope, like someone was climbing up. Sure enough, with much puffing and panting, a teenager with short red hair who looked remarkably like Glen had climbed their way up the rope, a relieved expression on their face.
“Thank god! I didn’t think I’d ever get in, you’re a lifesaver!” 
Glen screamed and nearly let go of the rope before the teenager in front of them raised one of their hands in a placating gesture, saying:
“No, no, please! Just hear me out for a second, okay?”
Glen didn’t trust this person. All they’d ever been taught was that people from the outside world were dangerous, and even though they were determined to explore the world, they were still very wary of people - and this one had just climbed into their house without warning.
“W-who are you? How are you in my house? Why should I trust you?!”
Glen fired these questions at the stranger as they helped them in, pulling in the rope so it wouldn’t fall. The stranger just laughed nervously (a habit Glen shared… seriously, who was this person) before offering out their hand to shake Glen’s.
“I know this is gonna sound crazy, I’m still getting my head around it. But basically, mom and I have been looking for literal years, and I came on a camping trip on my own this week because it’s my birthday this week and I wanted to have some fun. I saw you in one of the windows and I just thought, wow, a person who looks like me, locked up in a big creepy house- no offence- then it has to be… Long story short, I’m Glenda, pronouns they/them. I think I’m your twin.”
Glen had nothing to say in response to that.
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… anyone else thinking Donnie should’ve adopted Nano?? I think it would’ve been in character for him, given how often he mentions how Nano sounds like a little lost kid, and his general approach to unknown creatures being “wait, let’s see if they’re willing to talk to us.”
I would’ve loved seeing Donnie try and teach a little robot about what family is really like - these are my brothers, and that’s my father, we don’t have a mother, we never had one, not every family has one father and one mother, not every family looks the same, but it always, ALWAYS, feels like family. It’s always home.
Raph is a softie and it shows instantly because he 1) immediately takes Donnie’s side in letting him keep Nano in their lair and 2) is the first one to start calling Nano “kid.”
Master Splinter takes one look at Nano and starts crying on the inside. That’s a wholeass child and someone abused that child’s powers for crime and if that happened to his sons he would personally unleash hell upon whoever caused it to happen. So he looks at Nano and he looks at Donnie who just wants this child to be okay and have better examples and he knows a robot baby would get absolutely obliterated on the streets of New York and then probably dissected by the government and he’s NOT letting anyone do that to his family anymore. So long story short Splinter approves of this.
Mikey shows Nano superhero stuff and Nano instantly decides they want to be a superhero too (this then ties into how they get into Justice Force in canon!!)
Leo is.. hesitant. This is gonna for sure distract Donnie from training and from patrols and from.. just about anything. But at the same time, it’s a great sentiment. And he has no clue where they could leave a sentient AI without it causing chaos, especially one that behaves so much like a child. But they’re still kids themselves, sort of, right? Disregarding their mountains of trauma, they’re still teenagers. And the one time they tried to look after a kid, that kid became Casey Jones, so. He’s not sure what the results of this could be.
But before Leo makes up his mind, everyone else is already for keeping Nano.
Specifically yesterday I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about Nano wandering the lair and finding Leo meditating. “What doing?” asks Nano, still re-learning to form full sentences.
Leo hesitates, everyone is a little uneasy about having this thing that could kick their shells without breaking a sweat in the lair with them, but his brother believes that the “kid” just needs to learn and be communicated with, so, after a moment, he responds: “Meditation. It helps me explore my soul.”
Nano ponders this with a buzzing hum, and tilts their head. They look so curious, but they’re also Very scared of the eldest brother, he seems to wave his swords around a Lot, so they don’t ask.
Leo can see them wanting to ask anyway, though, so he sighs and gestures to a spot across from him: “Wanna try?”
“.. how do meditation?” The kid may still be learning, but the AI makes their pronunciation perfect instantly, cataloguing a new word.
“Uh.. just. Sit however you’d like, this is the most commonly practiced position but technically it doesn’t matter as long as you are able to rest and think. Michelangelo, for example, likes to fidget with something in his hands. And then you just sort of… let your thoughts run free. You look within your mind, and within your soul, you see what’s there, and you decide whether something needs to change, or perhaps stay right where and how it is.”
“Mnnm,” Nano hums in concern as they sit down, “but.. no soul.”
It’s Leo’s turn to tilt his head. “Well, I’ve met robots before who definitely had souls! You’re alive, yes? And everything that lives has a soul. Although maybe, since.. you’re many little robots… maybe you even have multiple souls?” He shrugs, “we should ask Donnie or master Splinter for their opinions, I don’t think they expected machines to live one day back in ancient Japan.”
Nano thinks about this for a moment - there’s so much of them, so maybe they do have many souls! Wouldn’t that be something! “Hehee,” they squeal, satisfied with that answer, and then try and follow Leonardo’s example, sitting still, turning off their visors, trying to imitate looking inwards. There’s lots and lots of wires in them, although they’re way cleaner and neatly folded now, unlike when Nano had to build their whole body from scratch. Donatello did a good job, and now they don’t have to hold themselves together anymore, instead focusing on walking, and talking, and learning! They quite like learning, and Donatello likes teaching, and Donatello likes explaining, and Donatello doesn’t mind repeating himself. Donatello doesn’t call them weird, or scary, or stupid. Nano isn’t stupid, they don’t think. They’re just having to learn things over and over from scratch!! Because their daddy keeps getting into trouble!!
They think about their dad. He��s in jail again, and Nano knows what a jail is now, knows that their dad did things that made lots of people upset and did very mean and unfair things. They know now that their daddy was simply making them do bad stuff for him because they’re stronger. Even though they got hurt, even though they almost lost their collective consciousness, twice. That was scary. Nano thinks the world is very pretty and very big, they like seeing more of it, they wouldn’t like not being able to see it anymore.
The thought makes them panic and turn their visors back on with a startled “bzzt!” Just to check that they still can. The noise makes Leo open one eye, looking them over.
“How is your meditation going? Figured anything out?” he asks, and finds that his voice is uncharacteristically gentle. Maybe, just maybe, Nano makes him think of his little brothers. Just maybe, he’s getting attached.
Nano hummmms for a while, and then says: “World’s scary. But also big!! Wanna see more! I like seeing!”
And something about that makes Leo smile. Yeah, Nano is family for sure. After all, they sound just like his purple-clad sibling.
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