#also! i'm an eldritch entity sometimes!
syn4k · 1 year
Hello! You said in your pinned post that we can ask about your inner world. I don't know a whole lot about how that works, but I know inner worlds can be very different, and I was wondering what yours is like.
you can indeed! i was wondering when someone was gonna take us up on that offer. not gonna go into too much detail here for privacy reasons but ok you know how in a lot of mcyt fics the setting is still minecraft but it's this weird half-realism version of minecraft with a lot of the same mechanics and dimensions and monsters and magic systems and stuff? it's like that, but there's also an entire expanded multiverse and a few pantheons floating around
currently, there are several dozen people living in the village immediately surrounding front (where people can come up and talk to people outside the system and even control the body for a bit if they want. we call this "piloting" because it is incredibly similar to having a robot mech like in evangelion i've never seen evangelion), although most of them keep to themselves and come up here quite rarely. i say "people" quite lightly here- there's a lot of nonhumans, including the two permafronters (me [Ray] and Lance)!
it's pretty chill actually. we get a lot of people who wander in and out looking for a place to stay the night or who are escaping rough places. not all of them have clearly defined sources, but those who do 99% of the time come from within headspace itself, because for some reason our brain saw every mcyt we've ever been fixated on and went "what if i ran that through the autism filter and then made it an actual place that you can visit up here" and then did that. this applies to the multiverses as well which means that at any given time there are at least two Pixlriffses and three Xisumas living in the same general area, to name a few (they all find the situation hilarious and get along great).
there's never really a dull moment because after two years of "hey wait a minute there's more people in my me", a lot of inside jokes and silly rivalries have formed. there's also a fully recognized pantheon of deities for the main universe (the one where front is physically located) alone, but that's a whole nother bag of rats
but yeah. headspace my beloved <3
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Whats the order of hierarchy in this au? Who's the most powerful to least powerful?
(also op that art where zoth and abducius are dancing together make me so insane/pos)
GLAD YOU LIKE THAT ONE. They have a few other things they do together too...But that's for other times 😅
These Tierlists should sum up the question. Defense Levels and Power Levels:
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Then, under this cut, I'm putting the details as to why they're ordered like this! I'm also adding much needed details to be known about all these characters!
Hierarchy List (and facts)
Considering both Strength and Defense.
• Yan Luo Wang Diyu: Princess of Death. Astral Life Reaper. Brings Death. She holds complete power over her respective astral circle. All events that happen within are all orchestrated and catered by her.
• Drugia Fleuretty: Nightmare Designer. Humans have assumed that she designs clothes in the nightmare, but this is not the case. Drugia's talent is creating and designing eldritch monstrosities that reside in the Astral Circle. These creatures of fear and suffering, created by her hands (and sometimes Izanami's) send irreparable dread into many that witness them. Along with her dreadful ability, she too is rendered nearly immortal, with no known weakness. Some say that, with her knowledge and talent, she can someday destroy other Astral Circles nearby with an army of beasts from realms unknown.
• Quachil Uttaus: Misfortion Bringer. Astral Guardian. Due to their abilities, none can best them. Their misfortune is deadly, as it causes attacks to miss, injuries to become more fatal, and human organs to fail to function properly (sudden ailments such as heart attacks, strokes, etc.). Due to this, fortune absent for their opponents, Quachil's success rate for winning in a battle is set in stone as 100%. This power of Quachil's is also able to protect residents of their Astral Circle, bringing misfortune to anyone that attempts to harm any of them. As long as Quachil is aware of said confrontation. They often are, but rare cases can occur where they are fixated solely on one task.
• Chaugnar Faugn: Occultist. He controls cults circled around Yao Luo. He commands groups of her worshippers, which is already a high priviledge, yet alongside that, his defense and power are close to infinite. His weakness is undiscovered. It is said that only the Princess of Death herself can cease his life. Of course, she never will. So he reigns alongside her and is able to command her followers to defend her, himself, and her partner Orcus.
• Shub Niggurath: Famine Bringer. She is able to cause crops to be unable to grow and livestock to become malnourished and ill. Her famines can devastate entire continents of humans, and sometimes even other residents of the Astral Plane as a whole. In these cases, humans brought to the Astral Plane for soul and bodily consumption will also wither away as livestock would. Even beyond planet Earth, she is feared. Though it is believed she does have a weakness: To be decapitated by a golden axe blessed by either a god of war or a goddess of fertility and bounty. It is said however that, even if she is somehow slayed, remnants of her soul may last and continue to spawn random bouts of drought and famine.
• Zoth Ommog: Ritual Leader. Similar to the past Astral entities, Zoth is akin to a hellish god. The rituals he conducts provide many effects, defects, abilities, and assistance. Centuries ago, this sinful, lustful monstrosity was imprisoned by gods. However, Yao Luo successfully planned and initiated tactics to free him. He has since honored her and resided in her Astral Circle, providing her and her fellow residents much from his rituals. Considered the most vile entity amongst the Princess' domain, most fear him, aside from a select few admirers and slaves, whom of which Zoth marks with special sigils and engages in heretical acts with. It is said that he does have a weakness: being pierced in the heart with any golden object that has been blessed by a god of purity. This however may still prove impossible, as his heart rests within his throat, which is shielded by the very collar the gods had imprisoned him with. That, and runes he created beneath his flesh grant him many defenses.
• Teutates Taranis: Annihilator. Considered the most proficient and deadly combatant in the Princess' Astral Circle, it is said that Teutates can best any that cross his path. He, like a few other Astral Residents, has his own select group of humans and beasts that obey his commands. His subjects are marked with specific tattoos and all go through a blood pact with him. His skill in battle and talent for both swift kills and agonizing annihilations make him a formidable challenge in battle, even against other higher demonic entities. Some theorize that he has a weakness: stabbing out his eyes. Others, however, say that he is able to sense foes without sight and that this is no weakness of his. But recently, some have thought about another possible weakness of the annihilator: shooting him between the eyes with an arrow coated in a sedative. Something powerful enough to alter his brain function.
• Anazareth Anazarel: Curse Creator. After having practiced under the guidance of Yan Luo herself, Anazareth has mastered many terrible and effective curses fit for many situations. She also has a sigil bestowed upon her by Zoth in Yan Luo's will that not only increases the potency of her curses compared to others, but gave her the ability to effect even those that use magic to protect them from said curses. This sigil in turn granted her other moderate demonic powers and altered her appearance, giving her horns. She is in high enough authority to have her own followers like Zoth, Abducius, and Teutates. Her owned subjects have special tattoos on their collarbones, cheeks, or backs, and all have at least one horn as a result of them. Some say that cutting off her horns is her weakness. Other say that you must specifically burn the base of the horns after cutting them off, otherwise they may grow back. This proves difficult in idea, as she must be completely still for this to be done properly.
• Ishtar Ereskigal: Pestbringer. Similar to Shub in the aspect of affecting entire populations with food-stunting issues. Her pests range from cockroaches to rats to locusts and even mosquitos plagued with disease. Ticks, fleas, and bedbugs aren't even out of the equation. While she too can hinder farms, she can also infect households and wild environments. Her ability to devastate wildlife as well has granted her a vile, disgusting reputation. She may also use pests to assist in torture methods. It is said that her weakness is submerging her in holy water, which is already difficult to aquire in the Astral Circle. And even from Earth, it must be a decent amount.
• Abducius Morail: Mutilator. Though not as high up on the hierarchy ladder, the Mad Mutilator is heavily feared by many in the Princess' Astral Circle. His taste for agony and screams of pain lead him to be as torturous as Exael Lanithro with nearly as much battle prowess as Teutates Taranis. He takes intense euphoria and ecstasy in performing near-deadly operations and Frankenstein-esque crafts on living victims with no sedation. Even other higher-ups show slight repulsion towards him. He has some disfigured followers of his own, each one mutilated and/or branded in various ways. From skinned body parts to burned or exposed bones to body parts and organs of different animals. He has no specific weakness as he is closer to a human, but his own modifications to his body grand him decent defense, both physically and magically.
• Barbatos Barrabam: Human Hunter. Assigned an important job that benefits the Princess, Barbatos is well respected among his peers and superiors. He both speaks and acts straight to the point, always set on completing his goals with accuracy and no wasted time. Others may play with their prey, but Barbatos plays no games. They say he can see through walls. It is theorized that only being fully crushed beneath unbearable weight is enough to hault him and end his streak of humans hunted.
• Ah Puch Xilbalbá: Bone Breaker. Usually tortures mortals and disobedient slaves alongside Exael. He also often assists Abducius in breaking bones in victims in order to encourage their bones to heal improperly and become disfigured for Abducius' own enjoyment. In battle, every crunch of bones fuels him to become more violent, and once his opponent can no longer move, he may simply rip their bones out completely.
• Exael Lanithro: Torturer. Owning more twisted instruments and machines than any Astral Resident, Exael rarely runs out of torture methods for his unlucky victims. While some prefer to inflict harsh violence against their select subjects, Exael prefers more psychological and lengthy approaches, from water torture to slowly pumping victims with poison to using machines to stretch and rip victims apart. It is unknown if he takes satisfaction from his job though, as his expression rarely changes from his usual, somber look.
• Nyogtha Z'mog: Gravedigger. Though she is never often seen fighting, most if not all around her respect her. Sometimes, even humans captured and brought to the Astral Circle have minimum qualms with her. Harm against her, whether successfully applied or not, calls for instant torture. Though she has never truly proven herself in a fight, some say that she has swiftly ended the lives of those near-death with the shovel she often uses. She has also been seen using electricity to charge herself, leading to her never needing any rest, which even some superiors of hers indulge in. Her dedication to her job grant's her protection directly ordered by Yan Luo, and none dare to test to see if she is truly able to slaughter efficiently.
• Orcus Dis Pater: Skin Collector. Although nowhere near as high on the social ladder as Yan Luo, he is kept in close company to her. None have ever figured out why she keeps him so close. Orcus himself rarely speaks to others outside of the Princess' chambers, but when he does speak, those around him listen intently. Eagerly. It is said that skins he wears come from slain victims in the Astral Arena, and others have caught wind of Yan Luo working on a cloak for him. One made of 1000 skins.
• Lilith Lilitu Lilit: Witch. Brought into this Astral Circle by her best friend Anazareth. Though she has no specific assignments, she has never crossed nor annoyed the Princess, and therefore is allowed to spectate. However, recently in the past 100 years or so, she has taught herself more spells, and plans to ask for tutoring from Yan Luo, as Anazareth got.
• Izanami Yomi: Face Deformer. Her title may seem weak compared to others, but her worth comes from the fear she garners from those subjected to her ability. Her deformation powers can greatly affect the outcome of different gastly creations made by others. Whether it be carving faces for Drugia's monstrosities, sculpting faces of horror in Abducius' creations, or simply weakening an opponent by disfiguring their facial features, she has proven to not be as useless as her title makes her seem.
• Yog Sothoth: Vampire. Previously nameless before he was named by the Princess herself. He was accepted into her Astral Circle as long as he performed his designated job loyaly. His job requires him to tread between the boundaries of humans and the Astral Realm and use his looks and charisma to lure humans into being captured by his co-worker of sorts, Barbatos. It is well known that his looks are not completely of his own free will, but designed by Drugia and Anazareth as means of making him more appealing to humankind.
• Xezbet Xerbeth: Soul Eater. Xezbet shows little to no participation in Yan Luo's events. Little to nothing is known about his existence and why he has not been sent elsewhere. Some say it is because of his ability to unnerve mortals into submitting, while other say that he is only kept here to someday be harvested of all souls he has devoured.
• Dagda Crom Cruach: Soul Scarecrow. Little is known about Dagda as a whole. From his existence to his appearances in the Princess' domain. Like Xezbet, one can only hypothesize why this strange entity lurks about.
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spacedace · 1 year
I had more thoughts about my "Elle is the Ancient of the Speedforce" au idea so I'm gonna dump them here in bullet point format:
Elle decides to formally claim the Flash Fam as part of her Court, no one thinks much of this outside of "Oh that's neat" until it comes out that if anything happens to Elle, the FlashFam becomes the new Royal Family of Speedforce and that due to weird Infinite Realms laws Bart is the next in line for the mantle of Ancient of the Spaceforce
Elle can use any Speedster as a portal. She just decides who she wants to see and just comes crawling put of their chests like a god damn horror movie. It doesn't hurt the Speedster at all (it actually gives them a power boost for a bit) but it is absolutely fucking terrifying to witness this eldritch entity burst its way out of the Speedster in question. The FlashFam uses this as the ultimate intimidation tactic. It's super effective.
Now that they are in direct contact with the Speedforce itself (in a way) the Speedsters can get away with So Much Shit that they didn’t used to. Elle can now just pull them out of her core if they end up going to fast and now that they have someone who has the Ancient of Time on speed dial (ha) they get a heads up on what that particular attempt to fuck with time will result in
Technically Diana & the FlashFam are cousins now. The family reunions get a little wild. Batman has no idea how he's supposed to make contingencies for this shit
Anytime any of the Speedsters are having issues with the Speedforce they call Elle and she helps them figure it out and get it under control. Sometimes to help calm them down she will pull the Speedforce away from them completely
Elle decides that her Speedsters all need therapy. Jazz won't do it because since they're family now it'd be a conflict of interests but a few Yetis from the Far Frozen step up to help.
Anytime it looks like there is something truly world ending about to go down thr FlashFam call Elle to help out. Since she looks like a tiny twelve year old girl it results in a lot of funny moments of the Biggest Big Bads being like "This is all you got?" Seconds before having their faces melted off.
The reason Bart is Elle's heir is because he "inherited" Elle's. (And therefore Danny's) ability to duplicate.
Everyone finally chills out about the idea of Bart being Elle's heir only to discover that being her heir also makes him second in line for the throne of the Infinite Realms.
Constantine - once he stops having a panic attack about it - does try to sell his soul to each of the Speedsters just to see if it would work. It does, but since they technically out rank everyone else he's sold his soul too, anyone who has a soul contract with Constantine takes this to mean the new members of the Royal Family want *all* of Constantine's soul and hand thier contracts over to try and gain favor. Constantine now constantly feels like he's on the brink of having an adrenaline crash and no one will buy his soul off him anymore because no one wants to piss off the new royals lol
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Quarterfinals, Match 1
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Balloon and Suitcase (Suitloon) from Inanimate Insanity vs. John Doe and Arthur Lester (Jarthur) from Malevolent!
Propaganda for Suitloon:
I think of them as queerplatonic, because theyre incredibly close and are pretty much each other's support systems. Balloon is Aromantic (technically canon? one of the creators said he was so im rlly hoping it is canon) so this is NOT a romantic ship. They dont have any romantic interactions, but you can spin every scene how you want. I just think they're in a QPR and are heavily supportive and understanding to each other. (Since like. half the people in the show fucking hate Balloon, and not many people seem to like to let Suitcase speak for herself)
Propaganda for Jarthur:
The inherent intimacy of having a guy (John) inside your (Arthur) head who you don't know the history or goals of but still bond over the atrocities you go through in your shared body. And sometimes he's an arsehole but you know that he wants the best for you and it's so much more than any other relationship they could have and in the end they always have eachother and I'm jealous of a sad British man and the voice in his head. They're friends and each others world and everything and I want what they have. OH DID I MENTION THAT ARTHUR IS FUCKINF BLIND AND JOHN IS HIS ONLY ACCESS TO SIGHT? IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Like John always takes such care to describe their surroundings (no seriously he starts waxing poetic). I mean yh he withholds it sometimes but every door has its issues. Anyways yh I love them and they deserve the world.
They are extremely close, both literally and figuratively. John is inside of Arthur's head, and they often fight in ways that have been referred to by the fans as 'divorce moments' but they still very clearly care about and love each other, in a way that is explicitely non-romantic. Their love is desperate and aching and they're not just friends, but they are definitely not dating, and a LOT of the fandom interprets them as queerplatonic.
Oh, the special kind of affection and friendship that can only bloom between a 1930s private detective and the eldritch entity that ends up possessing his eyes and left arm. 95% of this show is Arthur (the detective) bickering with John (the eldritch entity) like an old married couple, and falling in and out of trust with each other. Despite that they are both fiercely loyal to the other and by the point the podcast is at now they seem to trust each other implicitly - Arthur has to rely on John to guide him since John can see out of the eyes of their body and Arthur can't, but when they fall into an abandoned mine and are reunited (long story) they immediately fall back into that old, trusting rhythm. They share a body and their initial goal in the podcast is to be separated, but by the point we're at now they're not too fussed about it. They're making plans to go out to dinner and the movies. Also, Arthur is aro-coded - there's a big emotional arc that involves him accepting the fact that he never had romantic feelings for his wife, even during the birth of their child or her death, and how that doesn't make him a bad person or diminish the love he felt for that child.
They have fought gods together. Also they're positive plural representation. What is there not to love????
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this-is-exorsexism · 3 months
Happy non-binary week!
This post may be a doozy, but I'm happy to share how cool my gender is to me. :)
I just want to say, I am happy to be able to understand my gender to some extent. It's somewhat of a paradox, as well as an eldritch entity at the same time. My gender is vast, large, celestial, and it feels sentient. I love having such a complex and rich relationship with my gender. It's not normal by most human standards, and I love that. I love the uniqueness it has, and how unknowingly prevalent it can be in my day-to-day.
I just love having such a unique relationship with gender that most others don't seem to understand. I also love how weird and funky some terms can be to label my gender, despite its complexity. Paradoxigender, quoigender, eldritchgender, genderveer, schrodigender, and possibly many more! All to describe ONE gender! Like, ah, sometimes I feel euphoric just thinking about it. I love my gender, and I hope other non-binary folks are able to embrace their own!
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Round 2 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Ronan Lynch
Uhh fun fact he saw the devil flash his father once, and that's one of the reasons he goes to church on Sundays <3
context for this scene from book 2: ronan is in church with his older brother declan, younger brother matthew, and ghost friend noah "Joseph Kavinsky isn’t someone I want you being around,” Declan added. “Don’t snort. I’m serious.” Ronan merely invested a look with as much contempt as he could muster. A lady reached over the top of Noah to pat Matthew’s head fondly before continuing down the aisle. She didn’t seem to care that he was fifteen, which was all right, because he didn’t, either. Both Ronan and Declan observed this interaction with the pleased expressions of parents watching their prodigy at work. Declan repeated, “Like, actually dangerous.” Sometimes, Declan seemed to think that being a year older gave him special knowledge of the seedier side of Henrietta. What he meant was, did Ronan know that Kavinsky was a cokehead. In his ear, Noah whispered, “Is crack the same thing as speed?” Ronan didn’t answer. He didn’t think it was a very church-appropriate conversation. “I know you think you’re a punk,” Declan said. “But you aren’t nearly as bad ass as you think you are.” “Oh, go to hell,” Ronan snapped, just as the altar boys broached the rear doors. “Guys,” Matthew pleaded. “Be holy.”
Gay Catholic streetracing farmer. Consumed by catholic guilt NOT because of the gay thing but because he can Create things in a way he thinks should be only God's business. Will literally roll up to mass on sunday morning still drunk and bloody.
THIS GOTH KID IS LITERALLY GOD. This is a god trapped in the body of a Catholic teen and if he ever stopped feeling Catholic guilt he’d end the world!!. How is your confession every week that you creating a whole new being? Babygirl the God is coming from inside the house
eldritch entity from beyond the mortal plane wants to be a Real Human Boy, becomes a real (ish!) human (ish!) boy, goes to mass every sunday
Gay boy got his crush an apartment above his church so he could have his two favorite things in one place
gay. I'm not caught up the the series but I went through the tag when the latest book came out and I remember seeing a quote that said he worried if his boyfriend would make it to heaven when he dies because of his agnostic tendencies.
Kid is like a dream warlock who creates psychic horrors and never goes to confession because why would he? and he’s gay
There are no words
basically ronan's powers are inherited from his dead father niall and it means he can bring anything from a dream into real life. so he's got this whole crisis about whether he is a living piece of blasphemy because men are not meant to have the powers of gods or whether he literally is god. which is not acceptable to him for a number of reasons but mostly because he hates himself. his love interest's name is adam and adam lives in a small apartment above a church which the book says focuses the objects of his worship neatly into one building. I love them both dearly. also, this entire page makes me feel like I'm going insane. Ronan Lynch believed in heaven and hell. Once, he’d seen the devil. It had been a low, late morning at the Barns when the sun had burned off the mist and then burned off the chill and then burned the edges off the ground until everything shimmered with heat. It never got hot in those protected fields, but that morning, the air sweated with it. Ronan had never seen cattle pant before. All of the cows heaved and stuck their tongues out as they frothed with the heat. His mother sent Ronan to put them in the shade of the cattle barn. Ronan had gone to the searing metal gate, and as he did, he’d glimpsed his father, already in the barn. Four yards away from him had stood a red man. He was not truly red, but the burned orange of a fire ant. And he was not truly a man, because of the horns and the hooves. Ronan remembered the alienness of the creature, how real it had been. Every costume in the world had gotten it wrong; every drawing in every comic book. They’d all forgotten that the devil was an animal. Looking at the red man, Ronan had been struck by the intricacy of the body, how many miraculous pieces moved smoothly in harmony, no different than his own. Niall Lynch had had a gun in hand — the Lynches had an enormous number of guns of all sizes — and just as Ronan had opened the gate, his father had shot the thing about thirteen times in the head. With a shake of its horns, the unharmed devil had presented its genitalia to Niall Lynch before bounding off. It was an image that had yet to leave Ronan. And so Ronan became a reverse evangelist. The truth burst and grew inside him, and it was laid upon him to share it with no one. No one was meant to see hell before they get there. No one should have to live with the devil. So many homilies on faith were ruined once you no longer required it for belief.
Friar Tuck
If you use the picture of furry friar tuck from the Disney Robin Hood, bless you 🙏
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Okay okay okay, I've just watched the the 4.6 Special Program and I have thoughts about Arlecchino, so first: She's has an obvious connection to the Crimson moon (a giant moon with an eye mentioned in Perinheri) She could be one/or the reincarnation of one of the three moon sisters, since her signature weapon is called the Crimson moon, one of her voice lines is "everlasting as the moon" and we can literaly see a crimson moon behind her in her burst animation.
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Now to my second theory - Watching the footage from her boss fight, i just canť help but notice the similarities between her and the Scarlet king (sometimes called the Crimson monarch amongst other names), an eldritch entity from the SCP foundation mythos. I know that king Deshret has also been called the Scarlet King in the game, but I have no idea how to tie that with Arlecchino other than that she and Cyno's second story quest are releasing in the same patch. Now to the similarities: Scarlet king is often depicted with antlers and eyes on his chest. Both of these elements are present in Arlecchino's design, the eyes are visible on her usual outfit and the antlers are in her boss fight version. Here's what I mean + a depiction of the Scarlet king:
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The cult that worships the Scarlet king are collectively known as the Children of Scarlet king, which would make the Scarlet king their father... you see what I'm getting at? Additionally, she sits on a throne in her idle animation and she refers to her position as the king of the house when she speaks to (probably) Lyney in the special program trailer. There's more, but these are main things I noticed while watching the special program.
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emeraldmew · 7 months
Hey, sis.
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#also someone remind me to make my Cosmic Horror Toddler theory into something coherent
Whenever you have the time.
Okay. So bear in mind we're only like seven episodes in and I have no evidence and really no thought behind this beyond "would that be fucked up or what?" and "ooh I'd love to see what an eldritch abomination growing up is like."
There are also like, all of the spoilers for the original TMA below so like, if you're just listening to Protocol you might want to skip the rest of this post.
Tenuously connected point 1.
One of the things from what Jonny and Alex have said about Protocol is that it's supposed to involve exploring "what makes a person" right? And we also already know Jonny's answer to this question from his, uh, cannibalism discussion.
Short version: a "person" understands their actions as something that actually does things to the world around them beyond simply fulfilling a want like hunger/capable of choosing to do evil.
Tenuously connected point 2.
In the Archives universe, a point is made that the Fears "don't think. Not like we do." They work off instinct.
Tenuously connected point 3.
While I never looked into the ARG before Protocol's release I have since looked into the summaries of what it revealed. Among other things the ARG revealed Magnus Institute of Protocol was studying children via... psychological experiments of dubious morality. Aside from this being why Sam is snooping into the Magnus Institute (for those who haven't looked into the ARG yet, his name is among the children researched) the experiments are pretty much looking into how children at various stages of development display empathy and whether they conform to orders or choose not to and stuff like that (I'm sure I am not wording this part right someone with a better background in psychology can probably expand further).
Anyway, my point is the idea of choices and such is being studied in relation to psychological development in children.
Tenuously connected point 4.
The way the cases so far have played out in Protocol does seem to show a difference compared to Archives.
Smirke's original categories don't seem to fit quite right anymore as each of the cases seem to have stuff that doesn't cram into the original boxes. As the blurry categories were already a major point in TMA regarding creating the Eyepocalypse and even Sam calls out the categorization the OIAR use in the first episode this isn't surprising. But it does suggest that the Fears have changed from what they were before.
Quite a few people have also suggested that in the cases we've seen sometimes the incidents seem to fulfill a desire (in a monkey's paw way, of course) rather than simply finding a random victim. This might suggest the presence of intent rather than only instinct.
So what?
I'll admit it's just sort of my own "ooh wouldn't that be messed up? let's explore that further" thought process doing the talking here, but The Thing that was Fear has existed since things could feel afraid. It's ancient. But it's also a cosmic horror entity that has been shown to grow from it's initial state to what we saw in Archives (see ep 200).
It's something on a cosmic level. Maybe it wasn't done growing. The Fears don't think "like we do"...
but neither do babies.
What if by Protocol the Fears have developed more after leaving their cradle? To a point where they can at least begin to think or choose.
What if the Fears are eldritch toddlers and they're learning how to play?
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canmom · 6 months
more baldur gate
I think I've gathered most of the party now. time to venture forth
we did find another warlock it turned out. they've got a spin on him as a kind of demon slaying folk hero, which is cute. what's weirder to me is when characters will just casually speak of game mechanical stuff like being a 'warlock'. like, oh yeah i made a pact with an eldritch entity beyond space and comprehension, but it's no biggie, you know? there's one in every neighbourhood. though that is something of the problem of Forgotten Realms, it's such a kitchen-sink setting that it's very hard to figure out any sort of coherent narrative thrust for any of it.
my character seems to be settling by default into the kind of default 'pragmatic, generally prosocial crpg hero' model. most of the other dialogue options just seem needlessly standoffish. they do have certain party members disapprove when you take plot hooks, but honestly that all feels a bit silly to take as a prodding to play a more selfish character because like. what do you want me to do, not engage with the game? occasionally you get to click a 'hey, look, I'm also from baldur's gate!' dialogue option, but it never adds up to much.
it's frustrating in a way, because this being so specifically D&D-based really calls attention to the difference between CRPGs and TTRPGs. at the tabletop, I can give my character a distinctive voice, motivation, general habitas - and other players can respond to that and react appropriately. of course, this is not possible in a CRPG to the same degree, except within the rails laid down by the game writers. since the main character is unvoiced and characters react to dialogue the instant you click it, she is even further diminished from the voiced characters.
something noticeable in this is that it has a similar line reading problem as a lot of Bioware RPGs. characters' lines will sometimes noticeably differ in how they're acted - intonation, force, etc. - and there's that ever-noticeable cut between individual lines of dialogue. it has the feeling that the lines were recorded separately in a studio without much in the way of context.
overall the NPC acting in this game is... well it's that classic modern AAA videogame problem right? the character models and rendering are very lifelike when they're still, but the way the characters move is a bit stiff, a bit broad, a bit unnatural. of course nobody has the money to individually hand-animate every single dialogue line in a CRPG of this sort of scale, so they're leaning on canned animations and procedural blending techniques, and it works sorta well enough. it's got that fuzz of videogame jank to it.
it looks like we're about to run into the Evil Races D&D Problem pretty soon, oh boy! the goblins are attacking the poor tiefling refugees. why? i'm sure it will be given a clear understandable motivation and not just that they're evil by nature, right? this is something that I'm pretty sure the game is inheriting from the OG Baldur's Gate games - I definitely remember venturing into a mine to fight gnolls or something. Minsc was there. I have no doubt Minsc will show up in BG3 as well - he's like the most iconic character in the series.
the contrived nature of the premise is classic D&D shit. "you all meet on a mind flayer spaceship, united by parasites in your brain" is definitely the sort of thing that a human DM would cook up as a campaign starting point. that said, it does feel a little weird that everyone on the mind flayer ship between them cover most of the player classes, each with their own colourful backstory and an identically sized tent that they can pitch in your mysterious extradimensional campsite. I think the fact that the introductions are spread out a bit makes it feel more artificial - I get why they didn't want to frontload it with every single character right at the beginning, but it's like, 'damn, this guy has a player character sort of vibe, i bet he was on the airship' and sure enough, he was...
(speaking of the immersion-breaking camp, the respec guy really seems kinda unnecessary as a diegetic element. just have a menu somewhere, trying to make this skeleton guy make narrative sense just raises way too many questions.)
but I mean I can't complain too much that a videogame is a videogame, right? as I recall, in BG1, the recruitable party members were just random adventurers who you'd run into here and there. this is more of a KotOR II-like scenario, where every character has a thing in common that pushes them together.
the Tactician difficulty level, combined with the squishiness of level 2 characters, is definitely pushing me a bit. I had a fight with some bandits. all of them had names and unique voices, interestingly - really applying the Apocalypse World principles. however they will not like, surrender or anything. don't ask me why I was fighting these people to the death, I don't think they did anything that really did any harm to my character, but I wanted to unlock the respec character and you have to get past them to do it. not that I knew that when I saw hostile characters.
anyway, it was a cool fight because it was a bit of party-vs-party - the enemies were using the same abilities I was, and using the environment to their advantage (read: blowing me up with exploding barrels, the nerve of it). Larian of course have their fancy fluid sim system from the Divinity series, which actually integrates rather well with certain D&D spells like Grease. there's a lot of potentially interesting tactical possibilities, although in the end, it came down to the familiar tactics of 'split them up', 'disable them with debuffs' and 'focus dps'. D&D combat is very swingy - once I took out a couple of that other party, the fight was pretty much decided, but when I'd taken a few downed party members, there wasn't really much reason not to just load the quicksave.
I decided to spec my 'lock as a bladelock - I'm playing a chainlock on tabletop so this seemed like a good way to mix it up. of course then it turned out that Wyll is also a bladelock, so he's probably not gonna get much time in the party ^^' but maybe I should bring him along and we can just be warlock buddies. that said... the 4-person party size is... I can see its necessity as a balancing measure, but it does feel like it pushes me towards the standard healer (shadowheart)/tank (lae'zel)/rogue (astarion)/me structure. since I need someone to unlock doors, I need someone to heal, and I need someone to stop the enemy beating up my poor squishy party members. but now I'm a bladelock, maybe I can take over from Lae'zel as the frontliner and free up a slot for one of the other guys. probably it's a big enough game that there will be room to mix and match parties over the course of it.
one thing I do kinda miss from Bioware's games is the intra-party dialogue triggers. the characters here mostly don't have random conversations, at least so far - maybe they will later in the game. that stuff did a whole lot to add life to your party members and make them feel more like characters.
honestly? this is making me want to go back to various isometric CRPGs like Tyranny. so far, despite spicy elements like the mindflayer thing, I'm not fully hooked by this story. but I will give this one a chance all the same.
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lorekeeper-backset · 4 months
Alright, so, nobody else has done this yet so I will. Presenting...
A Full Summary of Wynncraft: Rekindled World
Explaining the Upcoming Wynncraft Update through a handy bullet point list. Here's what we know is in the upcoming update so far.
Mobs and enemies are being completely revamped including not just bosses but standard enemies too, with the mob system being rebuilt from the ground up.
There will be 350+ unique mob AIs and Abilities which I'm assuming means some mobs will just use the same AI as other mobs.
There will be 300+ new models for entities, which I'm assuming means some entities will just share models with others. This includes not just hostile mobs but also passive mobs like sheep and pigs. I'll admit, I'll kinda miss the classic Minecraft mobs. I won't miss the mobs that are just a bunch of blocks jumbled together into the vague shape of a creature. All these models have their own unique animations. Especially the bosses.
The UI and interface are being completely reworked with a unique look that meshes Minecraft and modern rpg UIs. So, uh, if you use Wyntilis things'll probably break.
Brand new music that's even higher quality!
Teleport scrolls are no longer one use. Instead, they have multiple charges that recharge over time, no longer requiring you to go back and buy more constantly.
Soul points are gone and outside of Hardcore and Hunted mode you'll only drop materials and ingredients upon death.
Scrap is being, er, scrapped and items can instead be repaired with just emeralds.
Raids have been reworked to provide a more streamlined experience better suited for endgame players.
All challenges and bosses have been reworked! Raids now scale to each party member's own level.
If you buy a Silverbull subscription (for some reason) you can unlock new effects and rewards for raids. Also up the challenge with unique challenges or whatever.
If some or all of your raiders are from the same guild, they trigger a guild raid which makes the raid harder and the rewards better.
Aspects are rewards that you can get from raids and guilds that enhance your abilities. They're shared across all your characters and you can have five enabled at a time.
World Events are now a thing! Sometimes there'll be a world event and if you get there in time you can fight a huge crowd of enemies and a boss for lots of xp and rewards.
Once a week a Major World Event will trigger near the Corruption Portal and all players above lvl 30 (though I suspect you'd be better off at a much higher level than that) can fight a massive boss called Annihilation with the power to end the world. Defeating him gives you a corrupted cache which contains powerful items.
A lot of the level 30-39 quests have received some touch ups.
Improved fights.
Dungeons (sans Eldritch Outlook and Fallen Factory) no longer require quests to access. I assume the dungeon quests will simply be reworked and not removed entirely, seeing as most of them provide important story and lore information (Slykaar's in particular).
Also you get a free second chance if you die during an attempt.
Improved builds including Mt. Wynn! Finally! That Mountain always looked kinda sparse to me.
Random events, both beneficial and harmful, during Lootruns.
And more that hasn't been revealed yet!
Coming this summer. So very soon.
If none of that made sense, visit the official page.
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townofcadence · 2 months
Artair's Ability Profile
A exhaustive but subject to change LONG list of Artair's abilities and how they affect him, with ooc notes (beware it's like six pages whoops):
These are sorted by the entity they derive from and their respective concept embodiment-- though I'll keep it to only what he is capable of currently, and the downfalls.
I will also say, the intention with Artair and his abilities as a celestial eldritch 'fae' thing is to write him undergoing the changes from being human to being Something Else while also making cool stories. He is capable of a lot that could make him overpowered eventually, but it is developing slowly (what he has now is after a decade) and I care more about him being just a guy and someone who is flawed and contending with the changes, rather than making him magically able to fix everything and 'the most powerful guy in the room'. I'm aiming more for 'looks weak but is actually strong when it comes to down to it, and can do great and terrible things for people he cares about... but also has no idea how to use any of it unless desperate enough, and often has it cause problems'.
I know it can be hard to play with someone if it feels like there's no chance for tension or they're too strong-- so despite the extensive list, I'll strive to keep it under control as best I can. And if you find me overstepping, PLEASE let me know and reel me in, I want this to be fun for everyone more than I care about anything else!
NOTE: I would like to state that the abilities that manifest are often tied to the person and who they are. Artair's manifestation process has been one of the most extensive due to his own self-inflicted desire to save everyone and throw himself into danger. Also, his super bad luck is a reflection of himself as well. He ended up with a lot of power as he's moved away from being human, and he keeps growing within those Embodiments as he 'furthers his potential'.
The abilities themselves did not and do not force him to have the personality he does; his personality influenced which would manifest, due to him embodying the concept or already having some connection to it or a thought process that connects to it. This is true for most all other humans of my world, should they accidentally start the process as well.
Sirius [Vitality, Altruism]:
Artair heals faster than humans do. Unless extensive enough, most wounds will heal without a scar. He can also use healing abilities that close injuries for whoever he uses them on, even to the extent of revival from death if he performs it fast enough, though not without consequence. His abilities within the altruism domain are minimal currently, mostly provision of an aura of comfort and relief from a degree of pain. If Artair is emotionally falling apart or spirals far enough, some of his scars and old injuries are liable to reopen on their own and bleed. Especially if he shifts into an alternate form due to instability or channeling too much energy. For now, when he preforms any kind of healing, he transfers the injury on to himself instead, healing his target and placing the harm as it is or worse on himself in a trade. He could channel the harm to someone else, but he just ---won't. He doesn't know how nor would he want to. Sometimes, his desire to comfort overwrites other things, and he acts on impulse in a way meant to comfort without being fully aware why he's feels the urge. He does not have to act on it, but usually he will because he feels useful and like he is doing something right when he makes others feel better in some way. Within the blend of Vitality and The End, Artair is unable to die. Wounds are painful, but he isn't affected by them like he used to be, and if he does die, he comes back shortly after. There does not seem to be a limit on how much he can die. NOTE: This ability is one that can affect other muses as part of the healing nature. I will do my best to always ask for consent before allowing Artair to do as such and limit him in that regard as needed, depending on the wishes and comfort of the rp partner. Can be weakened to some pain relief instead of true healing, or not utilized in thread.
Nimbus [Storm -> Lightning/Water/Wind]:
Stormcalling. Artair has an easier time channeling electric abilities when using his spellweaving. He has essentially become a lethal taser before, on accident, when in desperate need to survive, especially when pinned or held down by something intending harm. Sometimes, when casting spellwork, a storm will form and his hair will move like a breeze is ruffling it, and water will begin to pool around him as a central point. His emotional state can effect the weather, making it rain. Conversely---- his emotional state effects his ability. He has been in so much duress that he summoned lightning storms to the area he is in, causing extensive damage. He has also accidentally electrocuted friends by being touched when emotionally unstable, though not to any lethal degree. He now has an aversion to being touched when upset, and will actively try to push away others or escape by leaving, if possible. Often if he's upset enough to start sparking, he realizes what's happening, and in doing so stresses himself to a point of becoming more dangerous for everyone around him.
Eden [Plants, Knowledge]:
Artair remembers almost everything he learns. He basically has a photographic memory, and learns skills and knowledge unnaturally fast. This includes things such as hobbies and crafts, languages, the structure and components of devices, and athletic positions or endeavors. In his alternate form, he can see from the perspective of every eye that manifests around him. With plants, sometimes his spellwork summons flowers and plants at his feet. He feels at home in the woods or forests, connected to them deeply, and almost never gets lost. He always seems to find what he needs within them. He has a deep love of plants, and the ones he nurtures in his garden always seem to thrive. However, Artair finds himself uncomfortable if he's away from vegetation too long, though he can't explain the discomfort he feels. He also finds himself taken by wanderlust often, a desire to be in the deep wilds, and to find new types of plant life to cultivate (likely an overlap between plants and knowledge for himself). And with knowledge, while he learns fast, he often is compelled to seek new knowledge and Understand something. He feels under-stimulated if he's not doing something, usually trying to resolve something or solve an issue or learn something new. If he learns about something he doesn't know, he also feels the need to know more about it, and will either do research or ask questions until he knows enough to sate that innate desire. He can control it, but it's unpleasant resisting, especially when he's always been curious by nature about things he didn't understand. He has the capacity to get lost in the knowledge he's cultivating and lose time, or to lose himself to seeking it so much so that he oversteps. He also struggles with having so many perceptions when he does see out of the eyes he can manifest.
Null [Creation, Possibilities]:
This one has not made much impact at all, except when his form has changed. Breaking into pieces and coming back together and fragmenting into a fractal glitching mess as he's lost to past, present, future and it warps him in reality, which manifests itself as an eldritch change to his body. He also in that form can vaguely see the branching paths of the future, of others' futures, but he doesn't understand them and they overwhelm him instead of being anything helpful, and it kind of isn't anything he can even focus on with everything else from all other Embodiments hitting him at once in that form. Has the potential to end up putting himself in a horrific time-loop, if the right factors line up. [Thread idea?] Also the potential for changing shape, especially with his other form's transient nature, but he hardly has the idea of how to look human again when the deepest part of him is now all too aware he isn't.
Zephyr [Emotions, Magic Energy/Spirits]:
NOTE: It's hard to find a singular word that encompasses what I mean with Magical Energy and Spirits/Ghosts. I thought about using Mana given the Polynesian roots of it as a concept are close, but with limited knowledge, I didn't want to misrepresent anything, since it's likely not a perfect 1 to 1. I will be continuing to think of a term to use, since I'm trying to condense the embodiment to one word when possible.
What it is meant to mean is a connection to the concept of Magic itself as an essence and source of energy connecting all things living or otherwise. The idea for how the world works I have is that there is like a second overlapping layer, a thin gossamer veil between the physical world and one created from and filled with magical energy. This well of magic passes through ley-lines like veins or roots and overlap with one another, and spread magic out from there like capillaries so everywhere teems with it. This concept includes spirits as well as ghosts, since without physical bodies they are composed of life-force without a vessel, and need energy to continue existing. They kind of become part of energy by proxy. (link to a post detailing these two beings to a degree).
These are two of the most developed Embodiments Artair has connection to.
When it comes to Energy and Ghosts/Spirits, Artair has a surplus of energy, which is very --- for lack of a better word, magically delicious. Like a raw current. Almost like he himself is a major ley line trapped in a human body, in a sense. It's in his aura, his blood, every cell and atom of his body. It doesn't do much for him, and honestly is part of the reason spellcasting is so hard on him, but also, due to the damage he took to his soul from an event-- he leaks that energy out in the air around him like a bleeding wound of energy.
He has a charm to prevent things from sensing this leaking energy that functions as a glamour, which keeps most strong entities that might sense him from noticing unless they inspect his aura or person too closely-- he still has to sometimes deal with minor spirits hoping to take some, since they give more attention to individuals, but those are easy to wave away. He can see them, regardless if they want to be seen, in their death state or their natural form, due to being linked intrinsically to energy and them being a manifestation of such, given it acts almost as a life-force for them. He is incredibly spiritually intertwined and attuned.
This can manifest within his senses as well. He can see spirits or other beings that are not physical, things like souls and the energy they exhibit. He can also hear spirits even if no one else can, when they speak, which is helpful when they do not have the energy to show or their body is in such a state that speaking would be impossible if they were truly corporeal. He can also smell and taste souls and spirits, in the sense that each one has a distinct 'aura' with equally distinct feelings or scents or 'vibes' which he can pick up on. These often have some kind of taste, touch, smell, and feeling to them. This affects both supernatural and the living, though it's more attuned with incoporeal creatures, since their soul and energy is more exposed. This extrasensory ability also makes him particularly good at reading the aura and energy of spaces as well, usually able to feel where someone died and the echoes of their emotions in that space, as well as find bodies if a ghost is tethered to it. He's also able to sense emotional and energy based auras, which can translate to picking up the vibes or feelings of a place that has more than average, including places that are cursed or haunted, places where strong emotional feelings were felt in excess (a hospital and the loss and death is a very difficult place for him to visit where he's surrounded by the spirits, but even just the place themselves feel so grief-stricken and lonely and angry and scared and-- of death). This can extend to people as well, if they were to be possessed, though unless he already knows you as a person, the overlap and surpression of a soul might not be inherently obvious to him do to being unfamiliar with the soul in question, unless the host is resisting enough to feel like a separate entity to his senses.
Sometimes, Artair will get caught unawares or the entity will be strong or desperate enough, or he will allow it-- and in those cases, an entity not strong enough to appear physically can feed on the energies he emanates, and connect to him. This ends up being overlap between emotion and energy, where spirits tap into him and he-- channels them, in a medium sense. This tends to mean he remembers and sees what happened to them, and they sap his energy, getting enough strength to manifest and communicate. Unfortunately for him, this often leads to reliving the ghost's experience as if he was undergoing it himself.
The fracture to his core and the leaking energy also mean that when someone casts some magical effect on him, it works more effectively, and more intensely on him. This can be a problem, especially since that means using a spell directly on himself is risky as well. He tends to use objects to hold a spell instead. One of the last times he used a spell on himself out of lack of choice, he turned into a merperson, which was meant to last for ten minutes-- and he didn't grow legs for days, and continued growing scales for weeks after.
He is also dangerously vulnerable to possession by entities, which is another reason for the charm's existence.
For the Emotional Embodiment, Artair can pick up others' emotional states. He can feel their emotions as if they were his own, or as sensations. He can kind of get a sense of intentions from others when he's around them, though he still struggles to know exactly what he's feeling unless it's something obvious enough. In this vein, he can also feel pain that others are feeling, emotional or physical.
Overlapping a little with energy again, He can also pick up auras and vibes of people and places and things. A place where bad things happened or something malicious is lurking will feel dangerous and set off silent alarms for him, due to the blend of energy and emotion. He can feel the feelings that infect the air. If he picked up on a memory inside an object, he could tell if it's a warm and soft recollection-- and tapping into its energy, he may be able to experience it himself in a similar way to channeling entities. He may pick up the feelings a ghost is bound in by their presence. He also can pick up a general aura from a person, kind of an imprint of how others feel about them and their own nature-- though I like leaving that to the other mun what their muse would feel like to him as a presence if they want to have it be a thing.
Emotions can also be dangerous. Artair tends to pick up everything, even things people don't want him to feel. And if there's too many people around him, he can get overwhelmed easily by the volume of thoughts and feelings and intentions that each individual brings to him. He's like a radio receiver without any control to direct it into different channels. it's all at once, overlapping. Artair is used to the never-ending noise of everyone, but sometimes it is too much. And sometimes it is hard to tell where he begins and someone else ends, what's real, what's his, and what's just him feeling someone else's emotions.
The other issue is that it goes both ways. while most of the time Artair is the recipient of others' emotions and feelings, if he feels something too deeply, he can accidentally-- reflect that feeling, onto everyone around him. It has only happened once, where he was so heartbroken by the loss of someone that his heartbreak affected everyone in the building and made them grieve with him. He is terrified of that continuing to happen, or controlling someone else. Sometimes, he's afraid of any romantic entanglement, due to the worry that he is somehow reflecting his own affections on them.
Another thing he has done once is....turn all the emotions off. Once when too overwhelmed, he willed himself to feel nothing- and he did. It was almost an overlap of emotions and the void, where he was nothing. It was not a state he enjoyed being in, because it was cold, and empty. He would rather be an empath and help others how he can.
Alistair/Aria [The End, Misfortune {Luck?}, Void]:
This one has hardly manifested in most ways. The biggest is that perhaps in overlap with Vitality, The End will not let him die. At least, not permanently. Coming back and pressing onwards are definitely suffering in their own right; he will just die until he won't. He does have a strong belief that he ruins everything he touches, not entirely unfounded in some regards, and in moments of duress he can cause things to disassemble, architecture to suffer structural damage and crack and crumble, or plants around him to wither and rot. Beings can sometimes feel the effects as a seeping weakness and draining sensation. The End is death and decay of all things, and he effects them in equal measure in that mindset.
Disaster and Misfortune has also manifested, but it does so as if a punishment for Artair for himself: he has abysmal luck, and often bad things happen to him. He has underwent more horrors in his life than many, and has been killed, hunted, tortured, almost eaten, worse. He almost seems to want it now, to be the one carrying all misfortune. Seems to overlap with altruism in his extreme need to protect all others from any harm, and his spiraling if he fails to do so.
The void has only manifested in feeling a empty hollow inside of himself, where due to past harm he has lost pieces of the core of himself. It is also the realization, deep down, that he can do nothing to save anyone, despite any and all efforts. He's doomed to be alone, to be empty, and to lose everything. Especially due to immortality.
The features of Artair that manifest these Embodiments in his other form are visible ribs in his chest, and dark ichor pouring from his body in places, especially where his heart should be, as well as pieces of him breaking off, though that last could also be attributed to possibility as well.
Further Abilities:
Artair can see in the dark. If anyone looks closely, his eyes have a faint glow, and reflect almost like a cat's. Very Cryptic Energy.
Artair is immortal. He has not aged since his manifestation began (when he was 22 and lost his left arm). He does not need to eat or sleep as much as a human does; he is unsure if he needs to at all.
Artair has the capacity for weaving spells via Magic. He can tap into almost any kind, though he often suffers whiplash. when he channels the energy through himself to conform it to his intent, the core of his being it would be channeled through is damaged extensively. Between this and the level of strength he has, it tends to have horrific whiplash for him, often damaging his body or weakening him when he casts something strong enough. He can counteract this some, by using materials, often with an aligning meaning to his intent to take some of the brunt and strain.
Artair has eye markings on his body, each one manifesting every time he changes. When in his other form, eyes can be seen through the darker underside of his hair, and floating around him as markings, or in dark areas on his body. He can see through them, when in his other form. As a person, they just mark his manifestation and seem to be a part of his transformation. Sometimes when he's upset and worked up enough, they can start appearing in the air around him. His actual eyes, specifically the irises themselves, fracture into pieces when he turns into Something Else.
Artair has wings. While he seems to have some ability to control where they manifest on his body and what kind of wings they are, the colors seem to stay the same. Black feathery wings with a sunset gradient on the inside seem to be the most prevalent. His emotional state seems to conjure them and determine the number and location, depending on what his desire is for. When stressed enough, they will manifest, and likely be to hide himself, or escape, if he can. They also manifest when he is utilizing powerful enough magic. He has not figured out how to summon them at will. NOTE: There are faint eyes on his wings, on the outer primaries. The type of wing that manifests can also vary, between types (elliptical, soaring, etc.) He mostly summons feathered wings similar to a crow's. Moth or Butterfly wings are also possible, with similar coloration. He has wing tattoos along his back and under his pecs, forming into top surgery scars.
He has sharp teeth now, and his blood is red with a gold glimmer. The closer he is to manifesting or changing, the more gold it is. When it dries, it seems to evaporate, but leaves behind a reflective rainbow oil-film interference effect where it had spilled.
Artair can turn into--- Something Else. It's only happened when he's been in too horrible a situation or he's tapped too deep into himself, but he knows he's capable of it now. However, he has no idea how it happened or why or what he is. It's just some fucked up version of him that scares him just as much as he assumes it would terrify anyone else. He thought he was human for the longest time, so this change is hard, because he has no idea how to navigate it, or what he is. Maybe with time he'll come to see it as part of him and embrace it, but for now it is a scary unknown.
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noxcorvorum · 6 months
Do you have any horror podcast recs
I liked tma and old gods of Appalachia but I'm caught up and need to BINGE
hello! youve come to the right place :)
Ghost Wax feels kindof similar to tma, especially tma season 1, with the main character (Owen Voncid) taking statements of people who've encountered the supernatural. However, Owen is a necromancer (the last Reclaimer!) who briefly reawakens the dead so that they can tell their final story, and all of the statement givers are dead. He also has an assistant, Luca Eso, who made the wax cylinders that he uses (he's been around for a very long time, and the remembrances are beginning to slip from his brain) and is a pop culture nerd. They work with a seer, Pip (or Phillipa Le Fay, to respect the stagecraft), who uses her grandmother's tarot cards.
All three of these people work for the Order of Hamsa, which fights the supernatural. Hamsa are incredibly powerful entities who have magic such as geomancy and necromancy, and usually inhabit a human body, though generally not for an incredibly long amount of time. There are several Hamsa in this podcast, including Owen. Owen has remained in his body for much longer than usual. Some other characters I enjoyed are Emea, the apiarist as well as Owen's best friend and a Hamsa, Cosa, the android librarian/archivist, and Azem, who is very thoroughly haunting the narrative. Don't look away.
I absolutely love this podcast, its easily in my top three. There's several incantations/spells which are so fun to me, found family, and really fun sound effects. It has 46 episodes as well as 2 Tales from the Vault, which are filled with smaller stories (I submitted a story to the second one!), there's content on patreon, and season 2 is in production.
Malevolent is about Arthur Lester, a 1930s private investigator from Arkham, Massachusetts, and the voice in his head and his eyes. Episode 1 opens with Arthur coming to on the floor of his office, suddenly blind, a strange entity speaking to him, and his business partner dead on the floor. Arthur and John, as the entity comes to be named, must now figure out how to navigate the horrors, try to find a way to separate themselves, and figure out where John came from. There's lots of cosmic horror/lovecraftian influences in here, and they have so many miles to go before they sleep.
There's a LOT of audio gore/squishy flesh sounds/Arthur screaming because the horrors love ripping into him, so if that's no good then this podcast is not for you. Some of the more eldritch characters also have voice filters, most notably John, which could make them hard to understand, though there are transcripts available. the plot can also be a little hard to follow sometimes.
I really enjoy this podcast, I'm currently relistening to it and having a great time. It's kindof forced family? because Arthur and John physically cannot get away from each other and yet they Have To communicate. They're so so much "its rotten work" "not to me, not if its you" AND "its rotten work" "especially to me, especially if its you, ill do it but christ alive". It's currently 42 episodes at usually 40ish minutes each, and still going, with new episodes releasing mostly monthly. There's also one voice actor, everyone sounds similar because it's the same guy.
Hello from the Hallowoods is a post apocalyptic show about identity, grief, family, and survival. It's formatted as a radio broadcast by an entity named Nikignik, who narrates everything. There is one voice actor for the majority of this show (save for the occasional character speaking outside of Nikignik's broadcast), and they do an amazing job, especially considering the amount of characters.
Some of the characters I really enjoy are Diggory Graves, a nonbinary frankenstein's monster with knife hands and a leather jacket, Percy Reed, a transmasc piano ghost, Riot Maidstone, the lesbian punk daughter of a rockstar, Olivier Song, a genderfluid cloud witch, Ray, a ghost possessing an automobile, Moth Scarberry (moth/mothself), Ray's adopted kid, Walt Pensieve, the asexual groundskeeper of the Hallowoods, and Polly, a devil in a floral suit. Some of the antagonists include Lady Ethel Mallory, a gaslight gatekeep girlboss of a marketing specialist for an evil corporation and the Instrumentalist, a religious fanatic who keeps killing people and turning them into instruments. Darker than your dreams, and farther north than you remember, the Hallowoods loom.
Each episode has a different theme based on the title (such as Keys, Names, and Bones), and is split into several different stories that follow different characters as Nikignik jumps around. There's not very many voice filters, because Nikignik is doing the voices himself, though I think there are a few, and transcripts are available. There's 145 episodes at usually 30 to 50 minutes each, and a new one releases every wednesday.
Sidenote, the Instrumentalist is *really* religious as well as homophobic and transphobic, and he regularly misgenders/deadnames a trans main character. He only exists in the show for about 50 episodes, and definitely gets what he deserves.
The White Vault is a found footage podcast with the first two seasons comprising a repair team's trip to Outpost Fristed in Svalbard. They go up to repair some damaged equipment as well as look at some weird readings, and then have to wait out a massive storm. They find a hatch in the auxiliary bunker, and explore the tunnels beneath to find a village beneath the ice. Theres Graham Casner, the survival guide, Walter Heath, the repair technician, Karina Shumacher-Weiß, the geologist, Rosa De La Torre, the medic, and Jónas Þórirsson, the representative of the company sending them. Travel is not advised.
I listened to the bulk of the first 2 seasons at 2 am while playing powerwash simulator, and it made me so incredibly anxious that I had to have my back to a wall *in the game* so nothing could sneak up one me. Highly recommend. There's so much fear and helplessness surrounding what could be hiding in the storm and in the ice, and I absolutely love the concept for the antagonists.
Seasons 3 and 4 are about a different team in Patagonia, season 5 checks back in at Svalbard, and season 6 is somewhere else entirely. 3-4 are pretty alright in my opinion, maybe a bit repetitive as it follows a similar pattern to the first two seasons, but I don't hate them. I think 5 is pretty good, though it has my favorite character in it, so, you know. I think 6 goes in a bit of a different direction, though I'm not caught up so I can't really comment on it. Seasons 1 and 2 are absolutely stunning, though.
The creators and cast of seasons 1-2 also have a horror dnd podcast called Dark Dice. I must admit I haven't finished the first campaign, though I really liked what I did listen to. I'm told the second campaign has Jeff Goldblum in it, and has 2 different parties with one hunting the other, though I haven't listened to it yet, so take that as you will.
Jar of Rebuke follows Dr. Jared Hel, a cryptid scientist with amnesia in a small Midwestern town, and perhaps closer to the cryptids than they realize. They're also immortal, and (for a reason I don't remember at this particular moment) he has to wear a key around his neck, and never take it off. I'm not caught up, though I really liked what I did listen to. There's lots of fun cryptids and supernatural happenings, such as Jared getting a hellhound as a pet. The episodes are about 10-20 minutes each, and it's ongoing.
As someone on tiktok so aptly said, if you have trust issues with your therapist, you probably shouldn't listen to this podcast. Jared is manipulated by their therapists, and we sometimes hear them talk about him like he's a test subject or creature, not a person.
Do You Copy is another found footage podcast surrounding Redtail National Park, which more or less contains an area called the Dead Zone, in which technology doesn't work and other spooky stuff happens. The Dead Zone has a possible imminent ecological disaster, and though the park is evacuated until the emergency is over, there are a couple people still inside. These include two ghost hunters, a hiker and their dog, and two park rangers who have been instructed to stay inside in hopes of hearing from the three others. I found the Dead Zone and what lies inside VERY interesting, both from a horror perspective and a speculative biology/ecology perspective. It is finished at 14 episodes.
The Hyacinth Disaster is a space horror found footage podcast, and easily in my top three (the other one on that list is tma). It is set in 2151, when Jupiter and Mars have been colonized, and the asteroid belt is being mined for resources. There are two main mining companies in the show, Halaesus Mining Co in Lagrange 4, Greek objects, and Lykaeon Minerals Corporation in Lagrange 5, Trojan objects. The Corvus, a ship contracted to Halaesus and ordered to survey and harvest an asteroid in Lagrange 5, was captured by Lykaeon and held for ransom, and Halaesus denies the ransom broadcast is true, unwilling to pay. The skeleton crew of the MRS Hyacinth has gone rogue in the slowly dwindling time limit to survey a possibly incredibly valuable asteroid, hoping to pay the ransom themselves. But they are 6 people manning a ship meant for 53, and there are so many things to go wrong.
Conlin Hynes is the captain of the Hyacinth and is a good friend of Ember Roth, the captain of the Corvus. Con isn't the greatest captain, not by a long shot, but he's incredibly loyal, and maintains a talented crew. Famke Hynes, or Blue, is Con's sister, and the captain of her own ship, the Sibirica. She would have been the captain of the Hyacinth had she won the rock paper scissors match when they first bought it. She's returned to the Hyacinth to run comms for her brother as they bring Ember and her crew home, and to blow things up along the way.
Finch is Con's wife, and doing an admirable job at being an one-person engineering and seismology team. She's doing her absolute best with the equipment they have that corporate refuses to replace or reapir. Dreadnought in exosuit 2 is by far the youngest of the crew at 24. He's a surveyor, and in fact surveyed Saniss 130991, the very rock they're at, himself. He saw the potential and purposefully misfiled it, hoping to make a bigger profit if corporate didn't know about it, and told Finch, who told Con, and now they're all here.
Grimm is in exo 4, one that he bought himself and has carefully maintained. He refuses to tell the others what he's named it. He moves around a lot, as he gets bored of jobs quickly. Seems like a hardass, but he's actually a pretty nice guy. Argus in exo 7 is one of Con's best friends, having worked with him and Grimm on several jobs. He's a pretty optimistic guy, and follows Grimm as he moves from job to job. His lucky object of choice is a surprise tool that will help us later.
There's lots of angst and horror but also lots of comedy. I've seen a couple reactions that thought there was too much comedy for the situation, but personally I really enjoyed it. It's 7 episodes long, at about 2.5 hours total. There's a lot of sound effects for the ship controls that could potentially be irritating, Dreadnought's dialogue is full of static and sometimes difficult to understand because his radio is partially broken, and there's a loud, extended, high pitched static sound often in the first few episodes (It's when they activate the squealer device, it lasts for about 10-15 seconds each time and there's a countdown from 5 right before), so if you have issues with mechanical/static sound effects, this probably isn't for you. There's transcripts for episodes 1-4 on the website, along with a database of more information about the world.
I'm so so normal about this podcast, I have a note full of facts and trivia (Ember was voted into captaincy by her crew, and according to dreadnought, the ratio of greek names to jovian objects is about 1 in 50,000), my senior quote was from here, I've relistened to it so many times. I cannot recommend this enough.
Among the Stars and Bones is another found footage space horror, but this time it's about anthropology and alien technology. The format is mission files being sent back to the company from a large team investigating an abandoned alien settlement. There's about 7 different perspectives, one from each branch of the team (xenoanthropology, IT, etc).
I really enjoyed it the first time I listened, there were a lot of good anxious moments. A couple of my favorite characters are Dr. Celia Pannella, who heads the xenoanthropology section, and Ben Kelleher, who heads the xenoarchaeology section. I found the alien science/speculative biology really really interesting.
Given you liked tma I'm assuming you know of The Magnus Protocol, but if you don't, it's pretty much Magnus but in a civil service job instead of archiving. It has such characters as Colin the longsuffering IT guy, Alice, who is coping with the horrors by ignoring them, Needles, and Chester and Norris, two text-to-speech voices who we have definitely never heard before (/s).
It has 10 episodes plus an Easter/April Fools special, and it's on a break until April 11th.
Mabel is a podcast about ghosts, families, secrets, and connections. Anna Limon is a carer who has been hired to take care of Mabel Martin's mother Sally. The house is odd, the house is alive, and the house is hungry. Anna is unraveling a mystery as fast as she can find the thread, and Mabel, having grown up half-feral and half-faeral, is somewhere under the Hill.
I will admit I haven't finished this show, but I would definitely recommend it. I actually had to restart it because I wasn't expecting to be as invested as I was. It is very much a faerie story, with riddles and all.
The Silt Verses is a story about faith, and what people will do to keep it. It follows Sister Carpenter and Brother Faulkner as they travel upriver, looking for revelations of their outlawed god, the Trawler-Man. There's a whole cast of gods, many of which are capitalistic, and most of the ones that are not have been outlawed. Some examples are the Trawler-Man of the river, the Waxen Scrivener of decay and books, the Saint Electric of radio and electricity, and the Cairn Maiden of graves and death.
I'd say it has semi similar vibes to Old Gods, mostly with the many deities and monsters. I'm only about halfway through it, but I'd definitely recommend it.
Hope you find something you enjoy!
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phynoma · 6 months
Oh hi!
I'm Phyn! I write things. I'm not going to get into a bunch of identity stuff, but I'm queer, I'm an adult, and I like writing queer adult stuff. Mostly horror (see: queer) and absurdity (see: the world)
I have degrees in english, theology, and more theology, which just means I have a bunch of experience doing critical thinking and analysis of storytelling, and enough imposter syndrome that I don't know how to put that on a resume.
If you're already following me it's probably for Pillars of Eternity, TMA, or LOTR/Silmarillion. I cycle through hyperfixations every few years. It's still TMA/TMAGP right now. You can find my TMAGP sideblog here, where I just collect art.
Other things I like: Fallen London, everything by Pia Foxhall/not_poignant, re:dracula, SILT VERSES, Rivers of London, Murderbot, Critical Role, Saga, Wicked+Divine, anything by Neil Gaiman, I Am in Eskew, norse myths, egyptian myths, jewish myths, the dragonlance books (don't judge me they were foundational), pretty much everything Mike Flanagan makes, and much much more
I'm on ao3 as Phynoma! What do I write? Well. I write in-depth explorations of characters placed in harrowing situations which draw out the very inmost parts of their vulnerabilities and--
Smut. I write smut, okay?
Almost all of these fics are explicit and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD mind the tags, I am *very* careful with my tagging for good reason!!!!
The Magnus Archives:
I mentioned this is my current fixation, right?
an extant form of life: pollen fic! You could say, maybe, that the Consuming AU uses pollen tropes, but I'm counting this as my first-ever pollen fic. Jon/Tim, Jon/Martin, maybe Jon/Tim/Martin, we'll see if Sasha gets thrown in there. Ongoing.
Hey, Jude: A hurt/comfort fic about what happened after Jon shook Jude Perry's hand. Jon & Georgie & the kindness of strangers (not those strangers) Oneshot.
The Consuming AU: My pride and joy. My baby. I started this halfway through listening to TMA the first time and finished the original fic in about two months in time for the Rusty Quill Big Bang of 2023. Canon is basically the same, with the addition of "what if there was a Entity of Hunger, (fear of) Intimacy, and Codependence?" Also Jon is turning into a succubus. Main fic is complete at a little over 100k words. Sometimes I add one-shots to the series.
~Incredible bookbinding done by @bluejayblueskies HERE ~Art of human-looking Rhia (by me) HERE and commission of eldritch angel Rhia by @isbergillustration HERE ~Commission of Naadia by @dcartcorner HERE
Kittens & Kink AU: Fluffy Somewhere Else one-shots. Cat play. Mostly nonsexual kink. Oliver/Jon/Martin. Ongoing, until I get bored of it, basically.
Pillars of Eternity:
The In-Between Series: A series of fics following the relationship of Watcher Mirad and Aloth Corfiser, ten years or so after the events of Deadfire. The world of Eora is ripe for a new cataclysm, and these two elves are trying to finally have the relationship they've been dancing around for two decades. Ongoing, on hiatus as my hyperfixation is elsewhere. I do plan to finish it, though.
Moments: same universe and characters as above, focusing more on events that happen in canon-- ie, during gameplay. Complete.
Mat & Kal: Fae AU: You know how sometimes you keep writing characters and put them through a blender so many times that they just become something completely new? That's this AU. Mateo and Makalo are two ancient fae beings trapped in the human world during the events of The Ice Plague (by not_poignant) who become bound by each others' lives and deaths. They hate each other, they love each other, they're in weird psychosexual sadistic codependency with each other. They're a cat-person and a snake-person. I'm not a furry but I like some of their ideas, okay? Series complete.
See commissioned art of Mat & Kal by @shojoshark HERE
The Silmarillion:
Mistakes Were Made: Imma be real, this is just straight up torture porn. Sauron is punished by Morgoth after the loss of the Silmaril to Beren & Luthien. Basically, I was annoyed by all the fluffy Angbang fics I was reading and wanted to depict them in all their horrifying, codependent glory. Complete.
Cost of Surrender: I read a really good fic about what it took for Mairon to grovel/debase himself to Eonwe to gain his freedom and I took it a bit further. Complete.
Good Omens:
the beautiful and the fitting: pretty sure the title of this is a quote from St. Augustine, too. I almost didn't include this one because I don't even remember what it's about. Fluffy sex times with nonsexual beings, I think. I started writing it because Good Omens is one of my favorite books, but tbh the fandom for the show exhausts me and I don't know if I'll come back to this. Abandoned, probably.
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pupstim · 6 months
Throwing words into the void but sometimes I like to sit and think about QSMP Au's. Mainly with q!BBH of course.
One recent one (Beside the creature Stardew) is The Magnus Archive. I think it would be such a fun AU to take into the QSMP. I adore eldritch creatures and TMA is full of it. On the fence a little bit of who would have what affinity and if they would have an affinity at all.
I say this because I'm thinking of a q!Badboyhalo in this sort of situation. What his affinity would be. The biggest obvious answer is of course death. Or The End as the fear is known as. He's a grim reaper so of course that's his affinity. But my mind is churning and turning and I just can't help but think that's just so... obvious? He'd definitely have some of The End clinging to him, but I kind of feel like The Hunt and The Spiral would really fit him as well.
The Spiral is all about deceptions and lies. Twisting words or meanings until they're almost unrecognizable. And Honestly there's no better fitting of the definition than q!BBH. He's a lying liar who lies, sometimes on purpose, sometimes for fun, sometimes just because he's so used to lying that it's his first go to when interacting with someone.
The Hunt is a little bit odder and personally just my personal perception of him. q!Bad is just relentless, oddly like a hunter in my mind when he puts his mind to it. His ability to just find people and sneak into all sorts of spaces. Hunting down items, animals, occasionally even people if I remember correctly. He also just draws them in. Everything is essentially prey to him and I could totally see him hunting down a particularly stubborn spirit as the grim reaper, to how relentless he is when he wants something. It's like an animal sinking their teeth in something and refusing to let go.
I am still not good with words, but it's the mental image of q!Bad who's the/a grim reaper or death, close affinity to the End. People can feel it on him when he passes by, he practically is dripping in it. But also the fact that occasionally his sights will be set onto you, and you cannot help but feel hunted. An unshakeable feeling of being prey, and teeth closing in on your flesh. Of knowing that your end is near and it's coming right for you. There is no escape.
But you don't know really where it's coming from. It seems to come from everywhere and nowhere and I can totally see q!Bad hunting someone down, getting closer to them, twisting words and meanings, talking circles around his prey, leading them along with falsehoods, practically down a maze. Maybe as well his smile is sometimes too sharp, his teeth too long, his proportions just don't fit right in the darkness. Sometimes when he's basking in the confusion of the Spiral he probably looks just all wrong, making people do a double-take to him.
Hrgh it's super late and my words are leaving but just the mental image of a q!bbh who's just a few shades of wrong. Avatar of 3 or at least very closely related to two other than The End. I don't think it'd ever be a very cohesive story, there's not really a plot to go with it. But it'd be fun to write about all the islander's different interactions or think more about who would go with what entity and such.
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Round 2, Match 3
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John Doe and Arthur Lester (Jarthur) from Malevolent vs. Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. (Taibani) from Tiger and Bunny!
Propaganda for John and Arthur:
The inherent intimacy of having a guy (John) inside your (Arthur) head who you don't know the history or goals of but still bond over the atrocities you go through in your shared body. And sometimes he's an arsehole but you know that he wants the best for you and it's so much more than any other relationship they could have and in the end they always have eachother and I'm jealous of a sad British man and the voice in his head. They're friends and each others world and everything and I want what they have. OH DID I MENTION THAT ARTHUR IS FUCKINF BLIND AND JOHN IS HIS ONLY ACCESS TO SIGHT? IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Like John always takes such care to describe their surroundings (no seriously he starts waxing poetic). I mean yh he withholds it sometimes but every door has its issues. Anyways yh I love them and they deserve the world.
They are extremely close, both literally and figuratively. John is inside of Arthur's head, and they often fight in ways that have been referred to by the fans as 'divorce moments' but they still very clearly care about and love each other, in a way that is explicitely non-romantic. Their love is desperate and aching and they're not just friends, but they are definitely not dating, and a LOT of the fandom interprets them as queerplatonic.
Oh, the special kind of affection and friendship that can only bloom between a 1930s private detective and the eldritch entity that ends up possessing his eyes and left arm. 95% of this show is Arthur (the detective) bickering with John (the eldritch entity) like an old married couple, and falling in and out of trust with each other. Despite that they are both fiercely loyal to the other and by the point the podcast is at now they seem to trust each other implicitly - Arthur has to rely on John to guide him since John can see out of the eyes of their body and Arthur can't, but when they fall into an abandoned mine and are reunited (long story) they immediately fall back into that old, trusting rhythm. They share a body and their initial goal in the podcast is to be separated, but by the point we're at now they're not too fussed about it. They're making plans to go out to dinner and the movies. Also, Arthur is aro-coded - there's a big emotional arc that involves him accepting the fact that he never had romantic feelings for his wife, even during the birth of their child or her death, and how that doesn't make him a bad person or diminish the love he felt for that child.
Propaganda for Taibani:
The creators said that their relationship could be read as either platonic or romantic so why not queerplatonic
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streaminn · 1 year
Ok new thoughts about the Eldritch Farm AU, but all the new content blended together in my head.
Because for Wednesday and Divina it starts out almost as an experiment. There’s no ill will toward Enid and Yoko, but they want to give staying in one place a try for a while. And Enid and Yoko seem like the best candidates. So they settle down. Alter the past (or the memories of the past) a bit, and live their lives of domestic bliss.
But there’s a funny thing about domestic bliss. If you’re doing it wrong, it’s the worst form of torture you can imagine. Banality. But if you’re doing it right, it must be comparable to what the mortals call heaven. And Enid and Yoko? They are right for Wednesday and Divina. Seeing things from a mortal point of view for so long, how the pair of mortals navigate their lives, the ups and downs, emergencies and quiet moments. The Eldritch entities begin to experience some very real, non-Eldritch emotions. Urges to stay with them, hold and be held by them, protect them.
And there is much to protect them from. Because mortals are so fragile, yet so brash in their existence. The pair frequently operate devices that could end them in an instant if they’re not careful. And they even have, once or twice.
Or three times.
Or five times.
Or how many times now?
Wednesday and Divina are not omnipotent. They are mighty, much more so than a mortal could ever know. But not infinite. They never believed in fate, not until their wives seemed to keep being killed. But they’ve never tried to bring a mortal back before. And oh it worked, and it keeps working, but they also keep dying. Why? Are they marked for death?
It doesn’t matter. They are Wednesday and Divina’s wives. They are protected. And the Eldritch beings will bend reality in every way, do whatever it takes to keep them by their sides.
Enid stumbled into their meeting table, her body screams in an agony she cannot see. Her hand reaches for yoko before stilling when her friend flinches back.
Her fingers curl and her body aches again when she tries to get situated.
"it's happening to you, right?" Enid whispers. "we aren't - I know that I should've been paste right now."
Yoko stares back, her eyes a little blood shot and skin a bit paler than it should. Her teeth are sharp when she bites her lips before speaking. "I think I drank something I shouldn't."
The croaking of a raven doesn't even make Enid flinch. She does however tense when it lands on her shoulder before rubbing it's head onto her hair. Yoko too had her own bird, a small humming bird that plucked at strands of the woman's hair before settling in the middle of her head.
For some reason, they long since gotten attached to the two mortals. Why? Enid and yoko don't bother trying to know.
"I'm glad you're alive," yoko says and finally she reaches forward to give a grounding clasp around Enid's hand.
Enid nods. She doesn't understand what in the tartarus is happening but the memory of Wednesday drawing a hot bath after waking up screaming is enough to make her grip back.
"me too."
Or, sometimes healing a body too fast has its effects. The brain thinks that the literal injury still exists because well, it's supposed too. It's supposed to last for atleast months or more but nope, just poof, the wound is sealed.
It still fucks with the person though and it sticks like a parasite
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