#also I guess I changed the way he held the bucket too
mc-tummy-blur · 1 year
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It’s been a whole year since I made this TSP:UD art, so I decided to remake it.
I have… a lot of thoughts about the original art piece… thoughts I’ll put under read more
I don’t have a lot of followers, nor a lot of interaction on my art. So when I made the original shitpost meme art a year ago, it was a surprise to see it suddenly gain traction and rapidly get notes. It was exciting to see honestly.
It was so exciting to see that it got to my head, and it felt like I needed to make more art relating to The Stanley Parable, and also of shitpost meme quality. That other art didn’t get as much traction as the original did. But the notes from the original art piece kept getting bigger and bigger. I guess in a way the combo of not getting traction from that other art yet the rapid increase of the original art put me in an art block of some kind. Or left me feeling stuck creatively.
I began to resent the og art, as it was still getting notes and it put me in a creative rut. I didn’t wanna draw, or really didn’t know what I should draw and post onto here. Didn’t do anymore TSP:UD art either, I just didn’t have the creative drive for it. These feelings of resentment for that art and sadness that I was only getting traction for that, lasted for a while. Even when I was doing other art for other fandoms in the next months. It may seem ridiculous that some shitpost art had that much of an impact on my art in general, and I found it ridiculous too.
But, slowly, I began to accept that the shitpost art was going to keep getting notes for a good while. It’s a little over six thousand notes now. The acceptance helped me do other art that I found enjoyable to do, as I was doing it for myself again
I’m not sure what’s the main moral of me telling this, besides that you always gotta do art that’s for yourself and to not expect to get anything out of it
Also the irony is not lost on me that when creating fanart of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, a game that centers around the idea of what happens when we are so caught up in something because it was good/popular/made people laugh, and how it’s not healthy to just try to recapture that magic and expect it to get the same results because it’s just not possible, resulted in me having experience of making something so popular and wanting to recapture that experience again, and how future work felt more forced, and it was much harder to make, causing me to be in a rough mindset
It’s quite scary on how relatable The Narrator really is.
Anyway, onto some positive stuff, imma share a compilation of my favorite reactions to my og art.
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And perhaps the best reaction/commentary that I think about constantly:
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child-of-the-danube · 11 months
So this is truly it, huh? Just like that, no more Doom Patrol?
I don't think I can completely explain how I feel about the show as a whole and how much it means to me, but this final episode just left me empty for both good and bad reasons.
The whole Immortus/Butts resolution felt like such a cop-out. Immortus just going "Nah, you know what, I'm fine. Here's your longevity. Oh, and I'm besties with the Butts now. Too-da-loo 🥰" after being presented as their biggest threat ever? Meh
It would have been more cathartic had they somehow defeated Immortus when she was occupied with the Butts and got the longevity thingy off her neck to then run home only to find Rita already dead with Laura frozen with shock/grief beside her. To have them think they managed one more victory but with their biggest loss yet. And for Rita and Laura, the moments before she died could have been used to have a proper conversation and resolution between them. I would have loved if the final scene between them (and with alive non-ghost Rita in general) would have been Laura bringing her the Immortus nail just for Rita to decline cause she's at peace with dying. Even a simple "You're forgiven" would have been enough. And what was the point of telling Laura she's part of the Doom Patrol now to go "Yeah, you should all go your own way now" five minutes after she kicked the bucket???
Vic's ending was expected. It was obvious from the start that he would make it. And I'm glad cause he deserves happiness and to build a future that HE feels is right for him finally.
I'm also delighted Jane (a.k.a just K now) got her happiness both within herself and with Casey. And she's the only one we saw on screen saying goodbye to at least one person properly. Her and Cliff's realtionship was one of my absolute favourite things about the show.
Seems I managed to guess Larry's ending almost exactly. It was so sweet and beautiful. He didn't just return to space with Keeg but Rama as well. Can't lie, I've shed some tears during that scene. And his moment with ghost Rita... 12/10 wouldn't change anything about it
Cliff's ending is my favourite and the one that got me bawling my eyes out. "It's ok. I made it home" Uhm, excuse me?????? How dare the writers break my heart like that???? I am unwell and will need 5-7 business days to recover from it. Poetic, beautiful, amazing, showstopping etc. I love Cliff so fucking much
Dorothy who? Guess she just fell off the Earth after Immortimas
Also, Shelley? Never heard of her. Try looking in the woods when it gets foggy maybe 🤷
I guessed Rita would definitely die too but her whole "Each of you will be better off on your own" turnaround just didn't sit right with me. She's the one that spent her life keeping this little, broken, miserable bunch of just the unluckies motherfuckers known to the world together and managed to create a family that loves and supports eachother to death and THIS is her conclusion?? That they should just disband? Nope, not buying it. I guess it's somehow a way of telling that now the one that held them together, the heart of the show if you will, is gone that it's all done but I feel like that's a an insult to the rest of them and to the strength of their bond. Yes, Rita's insistence brought them together at first, but they've grown and gotten close so much since then even without her interfering in their one-on-one relationships. It just doesn't feel right. I also knew we'd get a Malcolm reunion scene but am I the only one that doesn't really care about him? Tbh, we didn't get to know much about him beside the fact that he was Rita's lover that tragically died. I just can't care about a character I know nothing about. I guess have fun posthumously frolicking in a field, Rita and Malcolm 🤷
So Jane got Casey and her sanity, Larry got Keeg and Rama, Vic got his friends and students, Cliff got see his family, their future and die peacefully beside them, Rita got to reunite with the love of her life in eternity and Laura got to, uhm, *checks notes*, play with a flamethrower? Like, ok, I do dig that she got to destroy the place that ruined her whole life guns a-blazing but what exactly does she get to do later on? The ones who remained alive all got someone to share their new found joy with, a proper plan for the future, they're at peace. Laura didn't get to neither truly reconcile with Rita, nor the Sisterhood, and now the only people she felt close to either died or went their own way without a true goodbye. What, pray tell, does her future look like beside, once again, loneliness and grief???? I fucking hated her ending. Give us a Laura de Mille spin-off, you cowards. Make it right...
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samcatcher · 4 months
When in London.
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chapter 4. masterpost
“Do you have any siblings?” Sam asked me as we walked out of the house and onto the quiet street.
“Yeah, just one. I have an older brother called Michael. He lives in central Paris.” I replied.
“That’s cool. Your house must have been quiet growing up. I have 3 siblings who are all musically inclined. You probably remember.” Sam added and laughed a little.
“I remember your brother who used to work at the market, that’s all. I thought he was your only sibling. I thought it weird how some days he would be kinda quiet and some days he would be loud. It was like he was two different people.” I said.
Sam started laughing.
“He was two people. My brother jake. They’re identical twins.” He said through laughter.
“What? No way. So is the twin in the band? Is that the brothers you were referring to sharing a hotel room with?” I asked fast, shocked.
“Yes. Now I hope you see why I wanted to avoid that at all costs.” Sam smirked.
“I do see that now. Who’s the other sibling then?” I laughed and then phrased my question.
“My older sister Ronnie. She’s cool but she’s not too interested in the band.” Sam stated.
“So you’re the baby?” I asked, trying not to tease because I knew I was too.
“Just like you.” Sam added in the same tone.
A bus later, we ended up at the nearest hardware store. Sam pushed the cart and I followed him to the wall of paint samples and build your own buckets.
He seemed uninterested at first but once I stared at him despairing, his poker face dropped and he turned into his passionate decorator mode. Immediately scanning the wall and picking out samples I can narrow down to one color.
He eventually held about ten samples of different colors. All giving off a different vibe from each other. My eyes were set on this beautiful orangey peach color. 
“See the greens are good if you want some sort of nature themed room. Living in London probably isn’t as naturistic as Michigan so you might wanna get back to home. Although these pink colors work really well with plants. So either way I guess you're turning your room into somewhat of a forest. If that’s what you were going for anyway.” Sam explained passionately. I made sure I took in every word.
“I do have a lot of plants.” I said smiling, I picked up the peachy sample from his hand and looked at it one more time.
“What do you think?” I added.
“I think it’s absolutely perfect.” Sam answered.
Somewhat impulsively, I decided to get two cans of the peachy color my eyes were set on from the get go. I found it immensely summery and perfect compared to the dark green leaves on all of my house plants.
We got various paintbrushes and rollers too. I also got a small can of plain white because all of my furniture was that color and Sam told me he had a trick to patch up white furniture that's been stained or chipped. 
We called a cab back to the house, Sam insisted on paying for it, I let him. 
We struggled to take everything up the stairs, Danny and Amelia weren't there so we just assumed they had gone to do something in London together as a family.
Sam helped me put a giant tarp down onto the hardwood floor, we taped it extra carefully to the floor and baseboard, so that we were sure not to get any paint on the ground. We put tape on the top of the white baseboard also, and over the plugs and light switches. Taking extra precautions.
Once everything was protected, Sam brought in all of the supplies and opened the first can of paint. We stared in awe at the beautiful orangey pink color. And I imagined how it would look on my currently white walls. I was filled with excitement, a massive smile crept on both of our faces.
I lent Sam an oversized white t-shirt. He didn’t have any spear shorts but he didn’t mind. He said he had better pairs at home anyway. He went to the bathroom to change.
Suddenly my phone started to ring, obviously it was Jean.
I was quick and blunt with the conversation, I didn't feel bad because I had the excuse that I was about to paint, I didn't tell him that I was painting with Sam though because it would just cause problems. Jean has always been jealous, so I knew that if I was talking to another guy while he was in an entirely different country, it wouldn't sit well with him.
After a quick 'I love you bye' I put the phone down and put it on to not disturb it. I didn't need any more distractions from him.
Sam came in about 3 minutes later. His hair was pulled into a tight messy bun, the shirt I lent him was oversized on him just as much as me, you could barely see the shorts. He noticed this and tucked one corner of the shirt into his shorts to make it look less large.
“let's get to work then, are you sure about this?” he asked and raised an eyebrow. 
Then he smiled suddenly as I nodded. He started on the wall with the window on it. Carefully dragging his paintbrush along the seam of the window, so that it didn't graze the windowsills and window frame. Watching him do it was mesmerizing, he was so precise with his hands.
I chose the wall which held my own door to the balcony, I did what Sam did and carefully made my way along the edge of the doorframe. About five minutes of painting went on, and suddenly Sam stopped, looked at me and shook his head. Then he walked out of my room.
Then 2 minutes later he walked in with a Bluetooth speaker he must have brought with him.
“There's no way we can paint without music, Lyla.”
It tingled in my lips as he said my name.
I laughed and let him choose what to play, he didn't even ask for my opinion on what he should put on, he said he wanted to play something he knew I would like.
Joni Mitchell's Blue.
I loved that album, I pretended that I just liked it, he seemed like the 'I told you so' type so I didn't want him to get too cocky on his assumption.
The songs played and we sang along while we covered my walls in the peachy shade. The more the walls were covered the brighter and more me the room felt. Sam's wall was halfway done after the album finished, and mine was about a quarter.
As soon as it finished he went back over to his phone, and without 10 seconds to spare he hit play on Don McLean's American Pie, god Sam had taste.
Halfway through the first and iconic song on the album he stopped painting and started to sing and approach me. Then he took my hand in his and spun me around, we shitty danced for about a minute. Finally, I giggled and said;
“Come on, we have to finish painting! You have a show soon.”
He grunted and looked up at the ceiling.
“As soon as that show is over, I'm coming right back up here. We're finishing this tonight!”
I laughed and shot him a 'sure we will' look. Then he smirked and went back to painting his section of the wall.
About 2 hours had gone by, Sam's wall was completely finished and he had approached the wall next to it, the wall in which my bed would be against.  My wall was just about finished too, so I moved onto the wall that housed my bedroom door.
After American Pie he chose the classic Hunky Dory by David Bowie. This one was one of my all time favorites. Especially when I had just got to France, I listened on repeat. I vocalized how much I loved this album, and he smiled so genuinely, then wiggled his eyebrows.
“You seem the type.” He said as he focused on his wall.
I smiled.
This time I initiated the dancing, and he didn't resist, he grabbed my hands immediately and spun us around, while we sang to the chorus of 'Oh! You pretty things.' And in a fit of laughter, I collapsed against the wall behind me, which was covered in wet paint.
“Oh shit!” I said, trying to get a good look at my back, Sam laughing next to me.
“It looks quite cool actually, I don't think you should keep wearing that though, you might spread that peachy infection around the house.” He laughed.
I groaned and looked through my suitcase that I had moved into the kitchen. I found a shirt that I had taken from Jean's closet and put it on, leaving the messed up shirt in a carrier bag next to my suitcase.
I walked back into my room to find Sam still painting, and I felt bad because he needed to be at the pub in half an hour.
“Hey Sam…” I leaned against the doorframe, he turned around quickly
“Didn't you say you needed to be at the pub by 4?”
Immediately he checked his watch and saw it was 3:31, then he began to frown. He took a step back and took in what we had done already, then he said
“I'll be back... tonight. Don't you dare go to sleep before I come back.”
I laughed and shook my head, then he grazed my arm lightly and looked at me to tell me he genuinely meant it. Then he trailed out of my room and I heard him go downstairs.
I decided to paint for about 20 minutes longer, but without Sam in the room with me it was just boring. There was only a quarter left to do. 2 walls were completed and the other two walls were halfway done. So I decided I'd do what Sam said and not paint anymore until he's back from his show.
I made sure the paint in the paint tray was used, and then I cleaned the paintbrushes and rollers in the bathtub with paint thinner, making sure that it didn't dry on the brushes and deem them unusable.
Sam left at 3:45, stressing he wouldn't get there in time. He had been gone for about an hour so I assumed everything was fine. I didn't get his number or anything so there wasn't a way for me to ask right now.
I decided to order myself some food, as a celebration for the day and for the work Sam and I had gotten done. I got him a carbonara but I didn't know if he'd want it, so I put it in the fridge for anyone to eat. Amelia didn't come back, so I assumed she went to watch her brother play.
I was hoping Sam would invite me to come and watch, but I think he was hoping I'd ask, so the subject just got dropped.
I spoke to Jean for a while and changed into some pajamas. I went down into the living room because my room smelled strongly of paint.
At around 10:30 I started getting tired, but Sam's words were circling in my mind. I watched a few movies I had loved since I was a teenager, the sofa was still in its bed form, so I decided to get cozy in there. Since Sam and Danny were gonna come home late and probably wouldn't want to have to set up the sofa bed.
It was funny, we only had one sofa bed but two sofas, so Amelia and I heard Danny and Sam arguing about who gets the bed and who gets the sofa. Eventually, Sam told me, they settled on taking turns, and it was Sam's turn for the bed tonight.
I felt myself drifting off but tried my best to stay awake so I could finish painting my room with him, but I just couldn't fight the sleep that was bubbling up inside. Eventually I gave in. Not realizing where I was falling asleep.
I woke up to the blinding sun. I was confused about where I was, all I could smell was the aroma of deodorant and paint, and I could feel a warmth against my back.
I sat up and looked down at a sleeping Sam next to me. Facing away from me, but he was taking up almost all of the bed. Paint was on his hands and arms, and a small bit on his face. He was completely out of it. The gig must have made him so tired. Danny wasn't there on the other sofa, the only people in the room were me and Sam.
Suddenly, the tiredness in my mind changed to everlasting guilt.
I reached to find my phone but it wasn't anywhere near me. I needed to see if Jean had texted me, and I needed to act normal. He doesn't know I just shared a bed with a man I met 2 nights ago.
I realized it was upstairs in my unfinished room still, so I gently crawled out of bed. I didn't need to be gentle though, Sam was so out of it.
I walked up the stairs and into my room. Which wasn't unfinished at all.
The tape was removed, the tarp was gone, and every wall was painted. It wasn't patchy or rushed, it was perfect, it looked like a second or possibly third coat had been applied to the walls as well. Sam wasn't lying when he said that it needed to be done tonight.
I snapped out of the trance that the walls had put me into, and grabbed my phone from the middle of the room. I quickly unlocked it and rang Jean straight away.
I made my way to the balcony, because my room still smells like paint, and the walls were still wet. It was 11 am though, so I wondered why the paint was so fresh smelling.
Jean and I spoke for a while about how we slept. We planned what we were going to do when he got to London. After about 15 minutes we ran out of things to talk about, so I put the phone down and just appreciated the morning breeze.
About 5 minutes of staring into the sky, Amelia texted me
“Hey Lyla, I completely forgot to tell you, Danny and I are at our cousin's, we went there straight after the gig, we should be home by dinner time!”
That explains why the house was so empty.
I pondered for what felt like hours about sharing the bed with Sam. I knew I shouldn't be guilty because I didn't feel him getting in the bed with me, and I didn't intend for him to. But I realized it was kind of my fault for falling asleep in the place that I knew he would end up sleeping in. He literally told me it was his turn on the sofa bed that night.
I then wondered, why did he? He could have woken me up?
Then it hit me. He could have slept on the other sofa. He chose to get in that bed with me.
I put my hands over my face and then ran my fingers through my hair. Wondering why he would do this.
About 30 seconds after my realization that there was absolutely no reason for him to have gotten into bed with me willingly, my thoughts were interrupted by my stomach.
I walked into the kitchen and decided to make a full English fry up for me and Sam. Especially for Sam, to say thank you to him for finishing my room while I was sound asleep. In his bed.
I guess the smell woke him up. Because when I was just about to plate up the breakfasts, I saw him sheepishly walking up the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning, he went into the bathroom without acknowledging me, then came out 5 minutes later, face washed, hair up, but still in paint stained pajamas.
He came up behind me and looked at the breakfasts on the plate. Mouth wide open.
“Oh my god, what is this?” He was shocked, someone had never seen a fry up before.
“It's about the only thing I can cook.- I laughed -Here, the plates, we can eat it on the balcony it's warm out there.”
We both walked out to the balcony, Sam holding the plates and me holding two glasses of orange juice. Then Sam went back inside and came out with a chair from the kitchen.
We both sleepily ate our food in our pajamas. Sam kept closing his eyes and shaking his head to tell me it was good.
I decided not to bring up the bed thing. He was probably just tired and would rather have slept on a bed than on a couch, and he probably didn't even notice I was there. I was under the covers to the far left, and he was on the right.
We both finished at almost exactly the same time.
“Thank you by the way, I didn't expect you to finish my room without me there, it was shocking going up there this morning and seeing it so perfect.” I laughed and tilted my head to smile. Like I was posing for a photo.
Sam blushed slightly and shook his head. “It was nothing really... I wanted it to be finished for you when your furniture comes.”
I nodded and put my legs up on the small table in front of me, Sam did the same, our feet were touching slightly.
“Do you wanna come to the pub we're playing at tonight?” Sam said after some moments. He looked at me nervously.
“Yes of course I would.” I said affirmatively, smirking at him.
We sat in a comfortable silence for 20 minutes after that. I was happy that he had invited me. I would never have invited myself.
Then he excused himself to go and get dressed.
Eventually he came back out onto the balcony wearing a thin white sweatshirt and a pair of black cotton shorts. And we started the day staring at the sky together.
chapter 5
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dragonmuse · 2 years
(AsIsHerRight requested Lucius and Charlie hanging out when things were lower stakes, then in I Wanna Sink to the Bottom With You. Charlie is 17 here.) 
“Stede!” Lucius called from the front hall, keys jingling. 
“He’s not here!” Charlie called back from the couch. He was sprawled there, book on his stomach and dozing off.
“Of course he’s not,” Lucius sighed, stepping into the living room. He was holding dry cleaning, shiny in its bags. “They left you here?”
“I didn’t want to go shopping,” Charlie shrugged. “Want me to take that up to their room?” 
“Yeah, thanks. Just hang it on the back of Stede’s closet door. They can sort it out when we get back.” 
Charlie got up and took the hangers from him and did just that. When he got back downstairs, Lucius was still standing there,  texting with a slight furrow to his brow. 
“My date is ditching me for work,” Lucius glanced up. “You know, you might like this gallery show. It’s seasonal.”
“Spooky?” Charlie guessed. 
“Probably. The collection is called The Body Exploded.”
“Sold. When?”
“If you can be changed in the next ten minutes, we can get dinner and go. I’ll tell them that I’m borrowing you.” 
“Awesome! ….what do I need to change into?” 
“Anything that’s not your superhero underoos,” Lucius eyed his current attire.  The t-shirt had seen better days and was about three sizes too big with a faded Spiderman leaping across it. His boxers matched.  
“Buzzkill,” Charlie sniffed, but went into his room to change. Not wanting to make Lucius regret the offer, he put on slacks and the only shirt he had here that didn’t have a logo on it. It was a light blue collarless t-shirt and a little tighter than he remembered. Probably fine. 
“Good?” He stepped back out. Lucius glanced up, the. Back down at his phone. Paused. Then slowly  looked back up again.
“Where did that body come from?” He cocked his head to the side.
“What do you mean?” 
“You’re ripped. Shredded. What other destructive word is there for muscles?” Lucius hit send and shoved his phone in his pocket. 
“Oh, it’s all from cross training,” Charlie shrugged. “I can’t get too bulky, but I do some lifting. Mostly squats and running though.”
“Ugh the gym,” Lucius wrinkled his nose. “Well it’s working. You look fine, let’s go.”
“Where are we eating?” 
“With you? There’s an Italian place that basically gives you a bucket of pasta and the meatballs are the size of my fist.”
“Hell yeah,” he said happily. “Who ratted me out?” 
“Eddy was impressed by your annihilation of all their leftovers.”
“I’m just keeping things neat. Their fridge is a nightmare lab.” 
“I know. I’ve seen it. Good job taking the potential botulism on the chin. Let’s go, we want to get to the restaurant in time for happy hour.” 
“You’re drinking while taking care of a minor?” Charlie tsked. “Bad role modeling for impressionable minds.” 
“If I don’t get a drink in me, I will be a way worse role model. It has been too long a week and it’s only Tuesday.” 
“So it was Izzy that ditched you?” He held the door for Lucius. 
“I-yeah. You know my schedule?” Lucius asked suspiciously. 
“It’s not like that part is hard. You guys have done Tuesday date nights the entire time I’ve known you,” Charlie scoffed. 
“I will bet you a hundred dollars that Stede doesn’t know that.” 
“Wow, yeah, I think that says more about Dad than it does about me.” 
“Why can’t it be both?” Lucius glanced at him. “Can I ask how college applications are going or is that a no go?” 
“Oh, uh. I got in already,” he said to his shoes. 
“How? It’s October.” 
“Yeah, it’s the whole swimming thing.” 
“Explain,” Lucius demanded. “Also we’re going to take the subway, you’ve got the app, right?” 
“Of course I do, how do you think I get around?” 
“Figured you went web slinging.” 
“Spiderman is awesome, you can’t shame me about it.” 
“I’m married to a comics nerd, so it’s really only a light bit of pretension,” Lucius informed him. “So. College?” 
“Schools have to recruit for swim early cause of how our seasons fall out.  I got some offers and then it was just choosing.” 
“Offers? As in more than one?” 
“Uh, maybe,” Charlie mumbled. 
“How many?” 
“Four?!” Lucius slapped him lightly on the bicep. “I thought I was impressive for getting $500 a semester to cover books. How good were the offers?” 
“Full rides?” he said sheepishly.  
“Congratulations, I think I might actually expire out of retroactive jealousy,” Lucius decided. “Not that you don’t deserve it, but fuck, that’s a lot. So you chose already? 
“Yeah,” Charlie warmed to that part of the topic. “I did a few weekend campus visits last month, met coaches and some of the teams.” 
“And it made me realize that I wanted someone who would get me to the next level without taking years off my life. Most of the coaches just brag about how hard they work everyone and then numbers. There was only one guy that talked about regimes and break times, and how low injuries were. I was into that.” 
“I’ll bet, so where are you headed?” 
They trooped down the stairs to the subway station, the familiar rush of hellish noise and smells rushing to meet Charlie. He was almost fond of it by now. 
“Southern State.” 
“But...that’s a plane ride,” Lucius frowned. “Not even a super short one.” 
“Yeah,” Charlie shrugged. “None of them were close. And I like the idea of it being warm year round.” 
“Gotta follow your heart,” Lucius looked away, "but we’ll miss you.” 
“I’m barely here anyway,” Charlie protested. “And I’ll come around for holidays and stuff.” 
“Not the same,” Lucius put on an old lady voice. “Our babies! All grown up! Sunrise, sunset!” 
“Shut up,” he laughed. “You’ll all live just fine without me.” 
“Debatable, but fine, go spread your wings or whatever.” 
“You went to college, right?” Charlie checked. “For fine arts?” 
“Uh huh. Learned how to hold a pencil and everything.” 
“Any tips?” 
Lucius came to stop on the platform. He stared down at the tracks, biting his lip then said, “Put some energy into making friends and keeping them. It won’t just happen on its own.” 
Charlie didn’t say that he’d figured that out. Because he was still pretty fucking bad at it. 
“So...you didn’t like it much?” 
“Yeah, no, I won’t lie to you,” Lucius sighed. “I’m glad I stuck it out and I did make good contacts, yada yada yada. I mean, that’s who’s show we’re seeing tonight. One of my college buddies curates this edgy kind of gallery and they put the show together.” 
“But I never figured out how to connect,” he said distantly. “It’s kind of funny now. Like I’m living in a suite with a bunch of dudes, working in a bar, and acting like an asshole on stage. Sort of went in reverse, but better.” 
“I don’t know how college it is to be married to one of the ‘dudes’,” Charlie pointed out. 
“Upgraded experience. Anyway, point is: no, I’m not your college tips guy. Don’t ask Roach either. He doesn’t like to talk about it.” 
“Noted,” Charlie grimaced. “I’ll ask Buttons.” 
“Buttons?” Lucius frowned. “Why?” 
The train rolled in and they lost a minute getting on. They both laid hands on a pole. 
“Buttons has a Ph.D.” Charlie reminded him as the train finally pulled away. 
“He does?” Lucius swung around the pole to face him. “Stop...no. Really?” 
“Uh, really?” Charlie raised his eyebrows. “How do you  not know that? You know everything!” 
“I’m not omniscient and I didn’t know because he never said. In what?” 
“That makes more sense,” Lucius allowed. “But he was definitely on the carnival route for a while.” 
“Yeah, he won’t tell me how that happened. He says it’s a story that belongs to the sky,” Charlie admitted. “And only after I asked him a bunch of times.” 
“I wonder if Pete knows? Hold on, fact checking.” 
“I’m a reliable source!” 
“Remind how long it’s been since we had to debase you of the notion that you couldn't put hand soap in the dishwasher?” 
“Hey! That as a perfectly reasonable-” 
Lucius held up a hand in his face and Charlie considered it for a second then did the only thing little brotherhood had trained him for. 
“Fucking gross!” Lucius groaned and rubbed his licked palm over Charlie’s shoulder, who snickered. 
“Better than Alma, she almost broke my nose over that.” 
“As she well should. I’m voting for her rights on that, you’re disgusting,” Lucius determined. “I was right, being an only child is the only way to go.” 
“Hey, it was this or not being born, so.” Charlie considered that. “I guess I wouldn’t know if it didn’t happen.” 
“Great, you have an existential crisis, slime boy, give me a sec.” 
Lucius texted, waited then frowned, typing quickly again. “Well then.” 
“Ha! In your FACE!”
“On my hand, actually. I need to boil my flesh now.” 
“I’m clean. Ish. I mean I brushed my teeth since the last time I put my mouth somewhere questionable.” 
“When did you-”Lucius started, caught the look in Charlie’s eye, then stopped dead. “No. Nope. We are not having fun hook up gossip. It’s too fucking weird and you’re a child.” 
“I’m almost 18.” 
“Not almost enough,” Lucius grimaced. “I’m too young to be a dirty old man.” 
“What age makes someone a dirty old man?” Charlie asked merrily. “Cause you hang out with a looooot of old guys. Maybe you’ve become one by injection?”  
“Fuck. Off. You. Asshole.” Lucius groaned. “Why did I want to take you again?” 
“Cause you got ditched and I was five feet away? Be more proactive next time.” 
“A pox on me,” Lucius agreed, but he was kind of smiling, so Charlie figured it was fine. 
The Italian place really did have enormous portions. When Charlie scraped the bottom of his plate and sucked down the last noodle, Lucius golf-clapped. 
“Truly horrendous. Amazing. Dessert?” 
“Yeah, absolutely. I need coffee and cannolis.” 
“I was...joking, but okay,” Lucius said gamely. “I like cannolis. I’m getting my own, I’m not interested in losing a finger.” 
“I haven’t mauled anyway recently,” Charlie leaned back in his chair, pleased. “So how many of my selections have wound up on your shelves recently?” 
“Very few,” Lucius admitted. “Izzy knows my tolerance levels and apparently you’ve been on a body horror kick. I liked that one though...Weaveworld?” 
“Clive Barker,” Charlie said appreciatively. “I thought you might.” 
“You had me at Nimrod”   
They lapsed into book talk, an easy meandering around the few titles they had in common as they polished off the cannolis and Charlie drank two cups of coffee. 
“You won’t fall asleep.”
“Good,” Charlie sighed. “I’m sleepy by ten, how is that gonna fly in college?” 
“Life finds a way,” Lucius said wryly, taking out his wallet. Only to find Charlie already holding the billfold out to the waiter. “Charlie, no.” 
“What? You asked, I’m paying. Who cares?” 
“Trust fund. Full ride. Spoiled brat. Plus side for you: I pay.” 
“You’re not spoiled.” 
“Say I’m not a brat with a straight face.” 
“I don’t lie to children.” 
“Maybe you should start,” Charlie smiled at the waiter as they took the check. “Thanks!” 
“You’re welcome,” the waiter stalled out for a second. 
“Seventeen,” Lucius said flatly. 
“Have a good evening!” The waiter’s eyes went wide and he took off toward the register. 
“I do actually need my debit card back,” Charlie laughed. 
“I’ll get it, menace.” 
The gallery wasn’t far from there, a nice space, with big white walls. Currently covered in fever dream of gore. 
“Oh this is awesome,” Charlie said reverently, stepping closer to a painting of a ribcage. 
“It’s definitely inspiring awe. Like the old school, fear of the lord kind,” Lucius muttered, but he didn’t rush Charlie along, or snap at him for skipping ahead and rotating back. He let him do his thing while he paused at his own interests. 
“Come see this one,” Charlie circled back around him, tugging once at his sleeve like he really was an eager little kid. “It’s a knockout.” 
“Mm, if you say so,” Lucius followed after him. 
He took him to a large canvas at the back. The artist had sketched out an anatomical heart with felted yarn in shades of blue and green, laced through with yellow veins. Tucked into the weave of yarn were coins, buttons and some safety pins. 
“Fountain Wishes,” Charlie pointed to the plaque. 
“Huh,” Lucius took a step back. “That’s...huh.” 
“Right?” Charlie grinned. “Like I know it’s not the most profound thing ever, but I dunno. I think it’s something.” 
“I like it better than the rest of this. Blood for the sake of blood never does it for me, but...yeah. I like this. It’s a little...dreamy.” 
“I think it’s kind of sad,” Charlie offered. “Like those wishes don’t come true. Wishes just don’t.” 
“Don’t know about that. But...maybe not the kind of things people ask for on coins most of the time.” 
“We’re asking too much of our hearts,” Charlie concluded. 
“Or not enough,” Lucius countered. 
Either way, they stood there for another minute or so, before Charlie was off to the next thing. When he turned around though, Lucius was still there, but no longer looking at the art. He was watching Charlie, brow furrowed. Like he was trying to solve a puzzle. 
He shrugged it off. He was used to adults tracking his movements. He wasn’t going anywhere. At least not tonight.  
Lucius: Returning your offspring shortly. 
Stede: Thank you for taking him out. Did you both enjoy the show?
Lucius: Yes. Him more than me. Did you see the dry cleaning? 
Stede:  The blue dress is missing.
Lucius: It’s at the bar, you said you’d use it this Friday, figured it would be easier. 
Stede: You’re right. Thank you. 
Lucius: Charlie told me where he’s going to school. Are you okay with it? 
Stede: He picked a place? He told me he was still considering it! Mary too as far as I know. 
Lucius: oops. 
Stede: I won’t tell him you slipped. Where did he choose? 
Lucius: Forgot already! You’ll have to ask him. 
Stede: Fine. I wonder why he told you first? 
Lucius: Don’t know. Just asked?
Stede: I'll do that then. I was trying to give him some space.
Lucius: sure. Subway now. See you in ten.
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Stray part 5
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Back at it again and this time I explored the rest of Antvillage and talked to everyone now that B-12 was translating again. I even found a person with a request and I got a nice shiny badge for my trouble. Then I moved on and made it to Midtown where I explored around a bit and finally met Clementine. Below is what I did.
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Starting out, the first thing I did was get the Steam Achievement by jumping up on the table where two robots were playing chess. They were angry that I had interrupted their game, but I got the achievement.
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I also went to the memory spot I had seen earlier. It was on a graffiti wall and B-12 said it had the robots language on it. The Companions created it themselves, he had seen it happening while he was in the network. These symbols of communication suddenly changed to this. And since he had been stuck in the network for so long so he translated the new language until he could understand everything. So now he could understand them. (Antvillage Memory #1)
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I went up a bit further and found a gardening robot called Malo. She said that Clementine was the one who taught them how to grow plants that could live without sunlight. She had a huge collection but was missing some colors and asked me if I could find a yellow, red, and purple plant.
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I found the purple plant no problem it was out on a branch on the way up to Zbaltazar. The red one I saw from above on the ground floor so I had to find a way down using a bucket and go over to the tree to grab it. The yellow one I struggled to find and found it  when I was going down the back way and finding a school it was right on the side. Now I had all 3.
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I went back to Malo and gave her all three of the plants and in return, she gave me a bright red Plant Badge. Nice!
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I got up to Zbaltazar and was going to talk to him, but when I went behind him I could rub up against him. He really liked that, look at those hearts.
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Now that I was done with everything in Antvillage, I made my way to the top and into a new tunnel were I found an old Subway. B-12 remembered that the Subway was the way people went to work and traveled all over the city. He used to take it too. He used to take it every morning after saying goodbye to his family. He remembered that he was doing all this for his family, but they were gone now. They had wanted to see the Outside, but does that even matter any more? Poor B-12...he then said that we should go find Clementine. We have her picture so we can ask the Companions in Midtown. (Main Memory #4)
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I found a way out of the Subway and was at a entrance to Midtown. There was a little place on the corner with books and a robot wrapped in a blanket. B-12 had a memory here. He noticed all the books here and said that he recognized some of them and wondered if he had a library. He remembered that there was nothing like the smell of books and the turn of a page. (Midtown Memory #1) I feel you B-12.
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I continued further in and came across a Wanted sign for Clementine who was wanted for being rebellious and a troublemaker. That’s not good.
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I caught a robot being held up by a Peacemaker robot, who I guess is like the police. They were looking for Clementine and questioning everyone.
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I went to the left and got up on a building where I could look out over the city and you could see what I think is the Slums from here.
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I then went past the Peacemaker and officially made it into Midtown. It was unlike any of the other places. It had lots of lights so it was bright. A lot of robots were milling around and there were shops everywhere. It’s exactly what a town should be, but of course there’s a dark secret below of the Slums. Not that any of these robots think about it.
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I wandered around Midtown talking to all the robots and one of them talked about Neco Corp. The robots like him work all day to collect the trash and send it downstairs to be recycled and repurposed...I have a feeling they don’t know that it’s just tossed down to the Slums.
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I went into one of the stores through a window and on the wall found a code that was backwards. In the same area I found a safe up on a shelf that asked for the password, it was 8542. It opened and I found the Cat Badge inside! Cool. Another to add to my collection.
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Wandering a bit more and I found a small alcove with some pillows and a memory. B-12 said that he wished he could feel the softness of a pillow or the taste of a cold drink. He missed having his own body. (Midtown Memory #2)
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I found the Residential area and found some robots in the courtyard area. One of them was gesturing to the cameras that were around the place. The peacemakers had apparently put them up and they couldn’t play their music anymore. I spoke to the one sitting on the bench and Simon said that he would give me one of their cassette tapes if I get rid of the 3 security cameras.
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So I went around the three floors and basically sat on all the cameras so that they would break. Once I got all three, I went to speak to Simon and he gave me one of their mix tapes. Don’t know what to use it for, but I’ll figure it out.
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I went up to the third floor and found a boarded up apartment with a hole in the wall. I went through it and was almost attacked by a robot that turned out to be Clementine. She had thought I was a sentinel and asked what I wanted. I showed her the picture that Zbaltazar gave me and she said that he must have sent me as a new recruit. I must have been very resourceful if I was able to get through the sewers.
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Clementine said that she had been trying to find a way to the Outside since she got to Midtown, but the Sentinels are always watching. But now that I was here, I could help.
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We went to another room and Clementine showed me some plans she had on the wall. She said she was planning to use the Old Subway as a way to get out, she has the keys but still needs an Atomic Battery. 
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Neco Corporation has one in their factory and she has a contact who can help them infiltrate. She didn’t know his name, only that they have a bomber jacket and a gold chain. She told me to find him and get inside the factory. I was small and swift enough to sneak in. I just had to be careful of the sentinels.
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I left Clementine’s place and continued to explore around and found a robot on a couch that I could sleep on. He liked it.
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I continued on and went into the a shop where there was a hole in the ceiling. In the corner I found a memory. B-12 said it was interesting that robots were mimicking human work and behavior, like this shop that sold food. He remembered his favorite place to eat when he was human, but he couldn’t remember the name. It was a small and welcoming place that started with M. (Midtown Memory #4) lol. I wonder if it was McDonalds.
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I reached one of the end of Midtown and it was being blocked. A tram was trying to get through but was stopped by a Peacemaker saying that access to the outside was restricted and the elevator was disabled. It was unsafe out there.
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Down another area I could see another blocked area but it had some flying robots. I think those are the sentinels Clementine was talking about. 
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In front of the hat store I found a robot that was waiting for someone called Stuplachee to come help him restock the hats and that he was probably slacking off at the bar. At the entrance to the hat store there was another robot but he wouldn’t let me in while they were restocking. So I guess I will have to get the other guy to come back.
But that will have to wait until later. I had already been playing for a while and I still have much to explore. I have to help Clementine and find her contact to get into Neco Corp. I’ve seen gameplay of this and I know I am going to die so much. I’ll try not to though. I’ll worry about it when I get there. Until next time. Happy Gaming!
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Pocket Knife Prince
Pairing: c!Technoblade x gn!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] You’ve liked Technoblade from the moment he joined Pogtopia, but you could never quite bring yourself to confess. Who knew it would only take a pocket knife and some potatoes to change that?
Warnings: minor cursing & one slightly out of pocket joke
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: this a repost of an older story i had posted a while back. this story takes place back when technoblade was still allied with pogtopia. i hope you enjoy! <3
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You huffed as you pulled yourself up another rung on the ladder, your arms straining as you did your best to keep yourself balanced. You still couldn’t fathom why Tommy thought it was a good idea to dig straight down.
“I’ll hit a cave, eventually,” he had told you as he grabbed a pickaxe, already starting to mine away at the space beneath his feet.
“Maybe,” you had said. “But what if you hit a lava pool? Do you really want to burn alive?”
“Oh, I have a backup plan in case I fuck up.” He held up a bucket of water, grinning at you. “Bam. Fucking foolproof.”
Yeah, sure, you thought to yourself with a grimace as you continued to haul yourself upward. You might not have died while digging down, but I might die while climbing up. 
Pausing, you reached behind you to adjust the strap of your back with a cry of frustration. This is way too heavy—I should have gone back earlier.
You looked back up again, squinting for a second before your eyes lit up. At long last, light! You were at least somewhat close to the entrance, now. “Just a bit more climbing,” you muttered to yourself as you reached up once more, “and then you’ll be able to take this stupid bag off.”
A few moments later, you gasped as you finally dragged yourself out of the vertical tunnel, standing up on shaky legs. Without even an ounce of hesitation, you swung your pack off your back, dumping it onto the dusty earth ungracefully. Your muscles practically screamed with relief as you rolled back your shoulders, a wide smile stretching across your face.
“Hey, boys!” you shouted, your voice echoing in the tall ravine. “Guess who’s back?!”
You heard some rumbling, then a tuft of blond hair peeked out from one of the overhanging pillars. “Big [Y/N]!” Tommy shouted, waving at you. “You took for-fuckin’-ever to get back.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “It’s not my fault we needed so much stuff.” You narrowed your gaze. “Also, your ladder idea sucks.” 
Tommy scowled. “My ladder idea is fucking genius, you bi—”
A new voice cut in. “Tommy, that’s enough.”
You smiled triumphantly as you watched Tommy immediately shrink back, his tone quieting as he grumbled defeatedly, “Yes, Wilbur.”
Giving him a quick ruffle of his hair, Wilbur strolled down the ravine’s cobblestone steps down to the bottom. He pulled his hands out of his coat pockets as he flashed you a grin. “Welcome back, [Y/N]. How was the trip?”
You offered him a weary but satisfied look. “Oh, you know. Dark. Dusty. The usual. But…” Bending down, you flipped open the top of your pack and pulled out a smaller sack, shaking it in front of his face. “…I got all that gold you wanted! There’s probably a little less than seven stacks in there, which will be plenty if we want to make some golden apples.”
Wilbur blinked at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise as a smile began to tug at his lips. “Not that I doubt you or anything,” he said, “but where in the world did you manage to get nearly seven stacks of gold?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, dropping the bag into his hands with a hum. “In a cave.” When he stared at you in stunned silence, you quirked a brow at him. “What? It’s not like it was hard.”
He was grinning now, shaking his head. “You’re batshit crazy, [Y/N]. That’s incredible.”
You smiled sheepishly at his words. “For the record,” you pointed out, “I didn’t do it all in a single day or anything. I was gone for, like, half a week.”
“That’s still really good work, alright?” He reached over, playfully punching your shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
You winced, shooting him a dirty look. “Ow, that hur—”
“Oh, you’re back.”
Your head whipped around at the sound of low, rumbling voice. Your frown vanished at the sight of Technoblade standing a few feet away from you, a basket of potatoes held in his gloved hands. You felt your heart swell and a bright grin replace your scowl as you bounced over to him. “Hi, Techno!” you chirped.
He smiled back at you, his gaze kind. “Hello.”
From behind you, Wilbur let out a distressed noise. “Jeez, you seem so excited to talk to him but barely batted an eye at me. Did you miss him that much?”
You stuck your tongue out at him, trying to hide the flush of your cheeks. “More than I did you.”
Tommy cackled as he walked by, adjusting the straps of the pack in his hands. “Ouch. Maybe you should get some ice for that burn, Wilbur.”
Wilbur grimaced, opening his mouth to retort when his gaze suddenly lit up. “Actually,” he said, turning, “speaking of ice, who wants to go with me to the Nether to destroy some of the SMP’s and Manberg’s ice roads?” A devilish grin split across his face. “I figured that it would slow them down a bunch and they’d spend less time focusing on us, so it’ll be easier for us to get into contact with Tubbo.”
You blinked at him, then sent him a teasing smile. “Wilbur, this might one of the only good ideas you’ve had since starting a drug cartel.”
“Thank y—wait, is that a compliment?”
“Man,” Technoblade sighed, rolling his eyes at him, “just take it as one and let your ego coast on that for the next six months.”
“Anyways,” Wilbur said, ignoring him and moving on, “who wants to come with me?”
You shook your head, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “No thanks. I just got back from a long, long mining trip. I think I’m due for some time off.”
Wilbur nodded. “Alright, fair.” His gaze moved to the figure standing next to you. “Techno?”
Technoblade simply raised the basket of potatoes in his hands. “Nah. I’ve got my hands full here.”
Wilbur made a face, a hint of desperation seeping into his eyes. “You can farm potatoes any time,” he said, his voice raising a pitch or two. “How about you just come with m—”
“Why don’t I just go?”
Wilbur froze, and he turned with a shaky smile. “A-Are you sure about that, Tommy? You sure you don’t just want to stay in the ravine with [Y/N]?”
Tommy shrugged, flipping the stick in his hand. “Not really. It’s not like I have anything better to do, anyways.” He nudged the pack at his feet. “I’m even packed and ready to go, too.”
Wilbur swallowed, and you could have sworn a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. “You really want to come?” he added, sounding more and more uncertain with each word that passed his lips.
“I dunno, Wilbur,” Technoblade spoke up, quirking his lips at him, “but it almost sounds like you don’t want to bring Tommy with you.”
Tommy gasped, looking appalled. “What the hell, Will? Of course you want me to go with you, right?”
Wilbur turned on his heel, dragging a tired hand over his face. “Sure, Tommy. Let’s just say that.” He strode away toward the stairs, practically stomping his way up to the second floor. “Just give me a second to grab a pack,” he sighed, waving a hand behind him. “I’ll be down in like five minutes.”
Tommy threw his hands in the air, waving his stick. “Fuck yeah!”
Technoblade let out a quiet chuckle, turning on his heel. “Well, I’m gonna go back to farming.”
You glanced at him shyly, trailing after him. “Can I come with?”
His step faltered, and he turned to send you a fond look. “Always.”
Your heart lit up at the sight and you grinned, following him into the garden room. The entirety of the floor had been replaced with dirt, tiny streams of water weaving their way around the potato patches. You let out a quiet hum as Technoblade set the basket of potatoes on the ground, grabbing a hoe from its place on the wall and walking over to the makeshift field. Digging the blade of the hoe into the earth, he pulled back and repeated the motion until the soft, dark soil was exposed to the air. Leaning back against the wall, a soft smile crept onto your face as you watched.
You remembered when Technoblade first arrived in the Dream SMP, all those months ago. You had been sitting in the ravine, peeling an apple with a pocket knife as you chatted with Wilbur, when Tommy burst in with a deafening shout about “the blade”. Raising your head, you had opened your mouth to make a snarky retort, but the words died in your mouth the minute you laid eyes on him.
He looked like a prince—a handsome one, at that.
While Wilbur had jumped down to greet Technoblade with a friendly hug, you had simply stared at the newcomer, pocket knife in your hand and apple slice in the other. As Tommy brought Technoblade over to you and asked you to introduce yourself, you remembered that dizzy pink feeling rising in your chest as you blurted the first thing that came to mind.
“Want an apple slice?”
You had expected him to be confused, shaking his head and pulling away with a disgusted look. But instead, his gaze flickered to your hand.
“I’d rather have the knife.”
You had blinked at him for a moment, stunned, then burst into laughter, outstretching your hand with the pocket knife handle extended toward him. He had offered you a small, awkward smile back, gingerly taking the knife from you. When his hands brushed against yours, that hazy, rosy feeling swelled in your chest again.
Ever since that moment, you’d only fallen harder and harder.
It was difficult to put into words just what drew you to Technoblade. Of course, he was pretty, but you weren’t that shallow. He had an awkward charm to him, something that seeped into every aspect of his being. He was hardworking, determined, sarcastic, and oh-so very real. You couldn’t name one thing about him that you didn’t like, really. You loved his laughter that came in brief, giggling bursts. Every time he smiled, you couldn’t help but smile back. He never failed to keep you guessing, and you loved every second you spent with him.
You weren’t sure how far you’d fallen at this point, but you knew one thing, and it was that there was no going back.
“Hey,” a new voice said suddenly, pulling you away from your thoughts. You turned, watching Tommy stick his head into the room. “Can I have some potatoes for the trip?”
Your eyes shot to Technoblade, who paused for a moment, then nodded, gesturing to the basket at his feet. “Sure. You can have a couple.”
Tommy grinned, strolling in to lean down and pluck three potatoes from the pile. Standing back up again, he toed the basket, tossing and catching a potato in his hands. “Hey, Techno,” he said, “don’t you ever get tired of farming these things?”
Technoblade paused, patting down the dirt he had just covered another potato with. “Eh, not really.” His eyes flickered with contentment, and you felt your lips twitch. “I like it.”
Tommy frowned. “But,” he said, “it’s so fucking boring.”
You gasped, shooting him a glare. “Tommy! That’s mean.”
“What? Am I wrong?” He flung his arm out to point at the tilled dirt, clearly unimpressed. “All he’s doing is the same fucking thing over and over, again. We’re in a war, [Y/N]. Why can’t he just spar with me or something?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, deadpanning. “Tommy, the last time you sparred with Technoblade, you lasted less than ten seconds.” 
He grew quiet. “Okay, well, you didn’t have to put it like that, but—”
“What? Am I wrong?” you said, mimicking him.
A second passed. Then two.
“…touché, [Y/N].”
“Tommy!” Wilbur’s voice echoed from the top of the stairs, his head popping out from between the railings. “You ready to go?”
Without missing a beat, Tommy whipped around, rushing out of the farm room and slipping up the stairs. “I’m coming!”
A smirk tugged at Wilbur’s lips. “Heh.”
“Wha—oh, Will! That’s fucking disgusting.”
“But it was funny,” you called out after the youngest.
“Fuck off, [Y/N]!”
Beside you, Technoblade let out a laugh, his eyes curving into two crescent moons as he set down the hoe and picked up a shovel. With a fond smile gracing your lips, you took a step toward him, leaning down to take a closer look. There was something so endearing about knowing someone as powerful as Technoblade had a hobby as mundane as farming—farming potatoes, to be more specific. 
You liked it. A lot. You liked him a lot.
You wondered how much longer you could go without saying it aloud.
“Hey, Techno,” you murmured, watching his ears perk up at the sound of your voice, “could you teach me the best way to plant potatoes?”
He paused, his shovel planting itself in the earth as he turned to look at you, his lips parted in surprise. “Y-You actually want to learn?”
You bobbed your head, praying that your face wasn’t growing any warmer. “Of course. Fighting’s fun and all, but there’s more to life than just bloodshed.” You flashed him a bright grin. “Besides, an army needs food to fight!”
With a small grin, he gestured for you step closer. “You want to make sure you dig about six to eight inches down,” he explained, gesturing down the hole with his finger. “If you don’t dig deep enough, then the potato will be too close to the surface, and if you dig too deep, it’ll have a harder time reaching the top.”
You nodded, your tongue swiping over your lips in concentration. Technoblade let out a brief cough, turning away with a slight flush to his cheeks as he grabbed a potato from the basket next to him. “Then,” he continued, “grab a potato. You’ll want to cut it in half down the middle and plant it so the cut side is facing downwards.”
Sticking a hand into his pocket, he rummaged around for a second before pulling out a familiar pocket knife. Your eyes flashed with recognition as he flipped the blade open and sliced through the potato with ease.
“Is that,” you began slowly, your tone tentative and gentle, “my pocket knife? From when we first met?”
Technoblade’s hands faltered as he sliced, his gaze flickering to you with a bashful look. “It’s—um, yeah. Does… does that bother you?”
You immediately shook your head, waving your hands in front of you. “No, not at all! I-I was just wondering. I haven’t seen it in a while, that’s all.”
He lowered his chin, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “I’ve been taking good care of it,” he admitted quietly, his gaze not meeting yours. “It’s important to me.”
You blinked, your heart beating faster in your chest. “It is?” you whispered.
He nodded. “It is.”
You wanted to curl up into a ball and squeal. It only took two simple words from him to send you into a flurry of awkward smiles and blushing whines. You couldn’t believe just how far gone you were.
Technoblade stretched a hand toward you, half of the potato he cut clutched between his fingers. “Here. You try planting one.”
With a shaky hand, you gently pulled the potato from his hands, nearly flinching at the feeling of his skin brushing against yours. Carefully, you reached over and set the potato face down like he had instructed. You pointed your hand toward the pile of dirt lying just beside the hole, about to start covering the potato when his arm shot out in front of you.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, making you freeze in place. “You don’t have gloves on. I don’t want your hands to get dirty.”
You sent him a small smile, waving a hand dismissively at him. “A little dirt never hurt anyone.”
He didn’t budge. “Please. Let me.”
That fuzzy feeling was back, and you pulled back. “Okay,” you whispered, your stomach swarming with butterflies as you watched him cover your planted potato with his hands. For someone who made a lot of jokes regarding human ethics, he was far more caring than he let on.
“Y’know,” you said softly, glancing over at him, “it’s really cool watching you do this, even if Tommy thinks it’s boring.” A small smile flitted across your face. “There are all these specific conditions that you have to know to have the most efficient farm with the best percent yield of potatoes—it’s honestly kind of surreal just how much brainpower actually goes into farming.”
Technoblade stared at you, his eyes reflecting something thoughtful and warm, and another thought popped into your head. You felt your cheeks begin to grow warm at the words swirling around your head. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you opened your mouth, again.
“I-I, um,” you began shakily, suddenly finding the scuff mark on your shoe very interesting, “I really hope you know how smart we think you really are. How smart I know you are. Because you are. Smart, that is.”
You must have been trembling, you could almost feel it. Why was it so hard to put your feelings into words? At this rate, you were never going to be able to confess how you felt. Just how much longer could you drag this out fo—
“Hey,” he said gently, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned your head, your lips parting as you looked at him in surprise. The moment his soft gaze met yours, a spark of electricity ran through your veins, and you shivered for an entirely different reason.
“Thank you,” he murmured, tilting his head at you. “I appreciate it.”
Suddenly, he squinted his eyes at you, his carmine gaze narrowing. “Oh wait, you’ve got something on your face,” he murmured, inching closer in to take a better look.
“Oh,” you said, a hand immediately darting up to your cheek, “that’s probably just some dust or soot or something. You know, from the mines.” You wiped at your face with the back of your hand, embarrassment shooting up your spine knowing that you probably looked dumb. “Did I get it?”
He frowned, pulling off his gloves as he leaned closer. “No, here let me just—”
Suddenly, his hand was on your face, your cheek held gently in his palm. Your heart came barreling to a stop, your entire body freezing like ice. 
He was so close.
The pads of his finger were warm and calloused, yet they held a certain softness to him as his thumb slowly swiped just under her eye, careful to brush away the dirt that marred your face. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you found yourself unable to look away from him, hyperaware of the goosebumps that shot up your sides as his gaze met yours. A prince—he really did look like a prince.
For a moment, the two of you simply gazed at one another, a silent question hanging over you.
Before you could stop yourself, you opened your mouth.
“Can I say something kind of crazy?” you whispered.
“Of course,” he whispered, not moving his gaze from yours for even a heartbeat.
You sucked in a deep breath, screwing your eyes shut. “I…” You swallowed. “I really, really want to kiss you, right now.”
A moment of silence passed, and you held your breath, tension digging itself into your shoulders. Oh, I’m totally about to get rejected. This was such a bad idea. What was I even thinki—
“Can—” He started then stopped, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “Can I say something even crazier?”
You heart leapt. “Yeah, totally,” you breathed.
He turned back to look at you, and you felt something deep in your chest click. “I really, really want to kiss you, too.”
Your eyes flew wide, and you couldn’t stop the giddy grin forming on your face. Almost imperceptibly, Technoblade dipped his head down close to yours, his crimson eyes darting across your face as he took in your every feature. As he leaned closer toward you, a question silently flashes in his gaze. 
Can I…?
You smiled and nodded oh-so subtly, just for him to see.
Yes, yes, yes.
Ever so slowly, he leaned down toward you, and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Just then, his lips met yours, soft and tentative like a deer taking its first, shaky steps. Electric ran down your spine at his velvet touch, your hands reaching up to wrap around his neck and touch his cherry blossom pink hair. His crown tumbled to the ground off his head, rolling a few times before coming to a full stop, but neither of you particularly noticed, far too enraptured with one another to care.
This was everything you could have possibly asked for.
A moment later, you pulled apart, gasping for air as the two of you gazed into each other’s eyes. His hair had been mussed by your touch, his lips parted and puffy from the kiss.
You didn’t think he could look any more princely, but he still managed to prove you wrong.
Clearing your throat, you cast eyes away in shy embarrassment. “I feel like I should also clarify that this means I like you,” you added in a rush, fidgeting with your hands. “Like, way more than I thought I could ever like a person.”
Technoblade let out a sigh of relief, lips curling at the corners. “Oh, that’s good. I like you, too.” Your heart did a backflip in your chest, shouting in celebration as he added, “I was sort of thinking we were just gonna kiss and never talk about it, again.”
You shot him a quizzical look. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.”
He sent you a crooked smile, but his gaze was fond. “Only kind of.”
You weren’t quite sure how many minutes passed in comfortable silence, both of you simply basking in the other’s warm presence. It was nice—this was nice. You wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while longe—
“—y it, Tommy, just say it!”
Your eyes shot wide open in panic. Across from you, Technoblade’s expression mirrored your own.
They were back.
“I’m telling you it’s okay, Tommy—you can call me ‘Wilby’ if you want to!”
Flailing your arms in a panic, you immediately began to backpedal to the other side of the room, Technoblade picking up his shovel and beginning to shovel as fast as he could.
“You’re still going off about this shit? Jesus Christ, I don’t want to call you ‘Wilby’, oh my fucking go—”
Wilbur crooned as they stepped into the garden room, “Aww, Tommy, my little gremlin.”
“Shut the fuck up, Wilbu—”
“B-Back so soon?” you prompted, pretending to have been looking at the potato field with great focus as you turned to face them.
Wilbur turned away from Tommy, the smile sliding off his face. He nodded with a sigh, adjusting the pack on his back. “We almost got to the portal, but Antfrost saw us, so we had to book it.” 
Technoblade paused his movements, deadpanning with an unimpressed tone. “Tragic.”
Tommy scowled at him. “Don’t sound so cocky, bitch. You didn’t have to outrun like, half of the SMP all the way back here without getting tracked.” Suddenly his gaze shot to the ground, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “And why’s your fuckin’ crown on the ground?” he muttered, snatching it from the dusty floor and tossing it back over to Technoblade.
“No reason,” you said half a beat too quickly.
Wilbur’s eyes flitted back forth between you and Technoblade, taking in the sight of your flushed cheeks and Technoblade’s disheveled hair. Then, a sly, scheming smile crept onto his face. You gulped.
Oh, he totally knew.
“Tommy,” he said, the shit-eating grin still plastered to his face, “how do you feel about going on another trip with me?”
Tommy’s head whipped around, his eyes swimming with confusion. “Another trip?” he parroted.
Wilbur nodded, still smiling. “Yep. Another trip. Let’s get going, yeah? I’ve got something wonderful in mind.”
Before Tommy could even react, Wilbur had grabbed onto the handle of his pack, dragging him back and up the stairs. “Wilbur! What the fuck? Where are we even fucking going?”
“On a trip!” Wilbur sang as he trudged up the stairs with Tommy in tow. Throwing one last glance over his shoulder, he sent you a knowing wink. “You two have fun, now.”
You gaped at him as he walked off, Tommy still kicking at his heels when they vanished from sight. A moment passed in silence before you turned to look at Technoblade, again.
“He knows,” you whispered, half in awe and half in horror.
Technoblade grimaced back at you. “Oh, he absolutely does.”
A beat of silence fell over you. Your eyes locked onto his carmine ones, and something seemed to click just then, a smile crossing both of your faces.
Indeed, Wilbur had just provided you with the perfect opportunity.
Who were the two of you to not take it?
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Lost Time (The Ashes of Yourself Part 2)
Part 1     Part 3    Part 4
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: mentions of suicide attempts/ideation, swearing, daddy/abandonment issues
Word count: 3,879
You and Techno stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, both of you not knowing what to say to each other. So much was left unsaid between you two throughout your childhoods and the past four years that you didn’t know where to even start. You supposed a simple ‘how are you?’ would suffice, but that’d be too simple, far too simple for not talking to each other in literal years. But you couldn’t just say ‘hey, I’m incredibly jealous that you are Dad’s favorite and I totally didn’t send you my suicide note that you may or may not have seen’, that’d be way too much trauma dumping for your taste. You couldn’t think of anything else to say, so you chose to sheepishly grin at him and awkwardly wave. 
“Heh uh, how’re you…?” Smooth, (y/n). Real smooth.
You watched as he furrowed his brows slightly before he hesitantly gave you a small wave with his gargantuan pink hand. “...I’m doin alright. You?”
“I’ve seen better days.”
An awkward silence fell over you two as you glanced down at your bloodied hands. “Sorry bout the blood. It won’t really stop until I stop moving.”
He shrugged, “that’s fine. I’ve bled everywhere in this house. Nothing that won’t come out.”
“Alright then.”
You wanted to crawl into a pit and just let yourself die, you hated this awkward atmosphere you created. Your mind scrambled to find something to say to the man other than a stupid ‘alright then’. You haven’t even seen him in four years, surely you would be able to find something to talk about. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard him clear his throat.
“I uh got some clothes for you. They’re Tommy’s old clothes from when he stayed with me during his exile. I don’t know if they’ll fit, but I’m guessing that they’re better than the wet ones you’re wearing.”
When he saw you wince when you tried to stand up, he rushed to your side and helped you stand up. You could feel the backs of your knees start to drip blood. “Do you have any spare lava?”
His hands paused on your upper arms, “yes, but why would you need it?”
“It kinda heals me. I mean, just enough that my skin stops cracking open and bleeding everywhere.”
“Why don’t we just take you to a lava lake in the Nether?”
You glanced out the window at the flurry of snowflakes falling to the ground and being whisked off to other places by the harsh wind. You shuttered, remembering what it felt like to be fully engulfed in water. “Water hurts. I don’t want to get burnt out again.”
“Right, I’ll go get a few buckets full. Stay here,” with that, he ushered you to sit in front of the fire once again and draped the large blanket over your shoulders again. You could hear him move to another room and rustle around what you presumed was a chest before you heard his heavy footsteps walking behind the couch. You could hear the billowing of the wind when he opened the door before it was cut off by the door closing. 
You leaned forward and put your hands in the fire, relishing in the feeling of the flames melting away the charred skin slightly. The flames licked and caressed your dark skin slowly giving you more feeling back in the damaged tissue. As you were turning your hands over the flames, you thought about your voluntary near death experience just about an hour before. 
The thought of the ocean finally taking you and dragging your charcoaled corpse into its depths never to be seen again was alluring. After feeling the intense pain and the suffocation that came with chucking yourself into the ocean when you’re part blaze was definitely a deterrent, but you just had to push through the pain. This was something you’d dreamt of doing since you were fifteen and you’d be damned if you were going to let pain stop you. 
You know you felt sort of… grateful that Philza saved you when you were laying on that beach, but now that you had time to reflect on what happened, you felt resentful that he did. Of course he’d take away the only good thing you had going on in your life, he was full of audacity and impudence when you were a kid. He hasn’t changed at all much to your disappointment. You shouldn’t have expected him to change in the first place, that was just something that you knew in the back of your mind would never happen. A large part of you craved his approval and affection, but you knew that wouldn’t happen. 
Your thoughts were cut off by someone pulling you back gently from the fire. “I got the lava. Uh, I can set up an area for you downstairs with netherrack.”
“No, you don’t have to, I just have to put it on my joints for a few minutes.”
“Don’t you want to, uh, fully cover yourself?”
“I can hold off until the snowstorm dies down. It’s nothing too major.” You dipped your hands into the large bucket of lava and sighed in relief, “that’s much better, thank you Technoblade.”
“It’s no problem, but you literally just almost died. How is that something that’s ‘not major’?”
“I’m used to… well, this,” you took a hand out of the lava and gestured to your stone covered arm. “It’s just more than I’m used to. Kinda uncomfortable, but I’ll live.”
“What do you mean you’re used to it? You don’t live by water do you?”
“Yeah, I live by the ocean so I’m bound to get a little charred. No big deal,” you took your hands out of the bucket, shook the excess lava off, and stuck your elbows in. You looked at your now dully glowing hand and wiggled your fingers. There were more blackened scars etched into your skin on your joints, but you didn’t care.
“Heh? Why the hell would you live by an ocean?” 
You wove your hands nonchalantly in the air, “I always liked how the water looked when the sun set. The way that the pinks and yellows would reflect and bounce off the waves? Breathtaking.” You also lived by the ocean so that you had an easy way out of living, but you weren’t about to tell him that. Too much trauma dumping.
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
“Have you ever seen the sun setting over the ocean?” You rose a brow at the piglin hybrid sitting on the couch. 
“Well, no but-”
“Then you can’t knock it till you try it. I’ll take you to my old place after I can take a proper lava bath. You won’t regret it, promise.”
“Still, you’re literally made of fire. Look what happened to you… Er, speaking of, how’d this happen?” He looked you up and down inquisitively with his red eyes. 
You sighed as you took your elbows out of the lava and dipped your feet into the buckets. “...Do you still have your communicator?”
You watched as his floppy ear flicked and his eyebrow rose at you, “...Yes, but I only talk to Dad. Why, did you leave me a message?” Before he could stand up to grab his communicator, you stopped him with a hand on his shin. “No, I didn’t. I was just wondering.”
He didn’t look convinced, “...tell me what happened. Were you pushed?”
Your shoulders tensed up against your will before you forced them to relax. “I fell in, got too close to the edge.”
“You’re so lucky Dad was already at your house, you could’ve died. How could you be so careless?” 
You only responded with a blaze-like frustrated grunt that rumbled in the back of your throat and removed your feet from the buckets. Picking up one of the buckets, you took a swig of the lava. The viscous liquid crawled slowly down your throat and soothed your burned esophagus and stomach. Clearing your throat, you looked over to your estranged brother. He was looking at you with disgust, his snout scrunched up slightly and his mouth twisted into a grimace.
“What?” Your voice sounded less strained and scratchy. Overall, it felt better to speak.
“Your- your feet were just in there. That’s disgusting.”
You blew out a puff of smoke and watched as it drifted to the ceiling, “my feet were just in water, remember? They’re clean. And besides, I swallowed and inhaled a lot of water so I needed it. I mean, my lungs are still stone, but there’s nothing I can do about it except wait it out.”
“That’s still gross. Wait, can you not drink water?”
“No- well technically I can, but it hurts. Gimme one sec.”
He was quiet as he watched you take a deep breath and dunk your entire head into the lava bucket you weren’t drinking from. His youngest sibling was… strange, but he found that he enjoyed your company so far. The only company he’s had at his cabin recently was his brothers and dad, which burned him out slightly with their big personalities. You were as awkward as he was and that was refreshing. But he couldn’t help but feel guilty after hearing the majority of yours and Philza’s argument. Now that he thought back on his childhood, the majority of his memories were of him and Philza. He didn’t have many negative memories past his adoption, and that was because he spent all of his time adventuring with Philza. He did everything with his adoptive father and absolutely nothing with his siblings. He knew nothing about Wilbur, well Ghostbur now, or Tommy until they stayed with him during Tommy’s exile. He’s never talked to you or spent any time with you before, and he wanted to get to know who you were. He wanted to make up for lost time.
After you were under for a while, he started to worry that you drowned yourself. Just as he was about to pull your head out of the bucket with a hand close to your forehead, you slowly removed your head from the lava and held it over the bucket so that the excess would drip off from you. Panting slightly, you sat up fully and wiped your eyes clean of the lava. You could hear some rustling in front of you so you opened your eyes to see your brother holding out clothes to you. 
“Go change, I’ll make dinner. There’s a spare room upstairs, second door on the left. You can stay there for now.”
You hesitated before you took the clothes from him, “I… Thank you Techno.” You weren’t expecting him to be so kind to you, he was known as the blood god after all. He was ruthless when he battled, leaving thousands without families. You saw him a couple of times when you were younger coming home with Philza covered in blood with a malicious expression on his face. That always made you try to avoid him; not that you had any difficulty doing that, he was never home. 
He curtly nodded before he turned to walk into where you assumed was the kitchen. You trudged up the stairs and tiredly drug your feet down the hallway towards the second door on the left. When you opened the door, you were pleasantly surprised. You didn’t know what you were expecting to see, but it certainly wasn’t this. It was simplistic, yet it looked like a professional decorated it.
The bed looked incredibly comfortable and soft with a large white comforter draped over the top. At both sides of the headboard, twin chests sat underneath double hung windows with wooden frames that matched the spruce planks that made up the walls. You were sure that once the relentless snowstorm stopped you would be able to see a spruce forest in the distance. Lanterns hung at the far corners of the room opposite of where the bed sat. Glancing at the opposite wall, you saw a framed portrait of a nether fortress. You assumed that it was the nether fortress on the other side of his portal. If you squinted, you could see orange specks that you assumed were blazes. 
After you got dressed, you were pleasantly surprised to see that Tommy’s clothes fit you. Despite the slight bagginess of the pants and the sleeves of the jumper hanging halfway past your hands, they fit relatively well. Humming in satisfaction, you hung up your wet clothes to dry and made your way downstairs following the savory smell of cooking meat and potatoes. Your mouth watered at the smell, it’s been a while since you’ve eaten an actual meal. You’d just been surviving on an apple a day with the occasional potato when you had some leftover from making homemade vodka. 
You walked into the kitchen and looked at your brother standing at the stove, the stove looked miniscule compared to his seven and a half foot tall form. That man was a giant and you wouldn’t be lying if his height alone didn’t intimidate you slightly. If he wanted, he could grab your entire face with his hand. Various light pink scars decorated his muscular arms that poked out from the rolled up sleeves of his blouse. He wasn’t wearing his huge fluffy cloak, instead it was draped over the back of one of the chairs at the large wooden dining table. Every part of your body wanted to take it, wrap yourself up into a blaze hybrid burrito, and take the best nap you’ve ever had. His corseted form moved gracefully around the kitchen grabbing various spices and herbs. 
You saw his ears twitch before he moved his massive head  to look back at you, you could see the corners of his mouth quirk up ever so slightly. “They fit you, that’s good. Take a seat, dinner's almost ready.” With that, you took a seat at the table. You felt like a child again, the table was huge, the tabletop coming up to your lower chest. The table and chairs were made of what looked like dark oak wood. The wood was carved intricately with complex patterns etched into the frame and the back of the chairs. 
You eyed the cape draped over the chair next to you. It was a deep royal red with black speckled white fur lining the border of the fabric. If you looked closely, you could see that the pendant that connected the two ends was made of gold and had a diamond encrusted center. It looked incredibly soft, it would be so easy to just reach out with a finger to pet it. Your brother wouldn’t notice if you did it quick enough so that you could touch it before he turned around. When you gathered the courage to touch the cloak, you reached out with a slightly shaking hand to pet the fur, watching Technoblade the entire time. 
Everytime he would move to grab a spice, you would quickly retract your hand and try to act as innocent as possible only to try again after he didn’t turn around again. Just as you finally touched the fabric, you were in awe with how soft it was. It was like petting a newborn puppy but better. You truly couldn’t put into words how soft it was. 
You were snapped out of your trance by a small chuckle, “soft isn’t it?” You jumped, quickly retracting your hand and smacking your head against the back of your chair in the process. You could feel your cheeks heat up more than they usually did, you could see the glow of orange intensify at the bottom of your vision. Your brother was staring at you with amusement, his mouth quirked up in a small smile. He was carrying two plates full of steak and potatoes, putting one in front of you before walking to sit opposite of you. 
“Uh, yeah. It- it’s really soft.” 
“I got it from a nation thousands of blocks from here, it wasn’t easy to get. Those guards were not happy to see me stealing from their king.” He chuckled before he started to eat his food. 
“Is that where you got the crown too?”
“No, Dad got it for me as a going away present when I moved out… You’ve grown up so much since I’ve last seen you. I remember when you barely reached my waist and now you’re only about a foot and a half shorter than me.” 
“You’ve gotten taller also, more scars too.”
“You as well. Are all those from water?” 
“Yeah, it only scars when I crack the stone on my skin though.”
“Ouch. So like you get scars whenever you move?”
You shrugged, “basically.” Turning to your plate, you struggled with not wolfing down the entire thing in one go. You didn’t want to have your brother get the impression you had bad table manners. Wilbur raised you better than that. When you took a bite of the stake, you moaned slightly at the taste. Quickly swallowing your mouthful, you looked at your brother with wide eyes. “Ender Tech, where’d you learn to cook? It’s delicious.”
He gave you a small bashful smile and shrugged, “when you’ve been living alone for this long you pick up on a few things.”
“I’ve been living alone for about a year now and I still can’t cook.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, “well what do you eat then?”
“Just an apple a day, maybe a potato too if I have any to spare.”
He narrowed his eyes, “how the hell are you still alive? That’s hardly enough.”
You blankly stared at your plate, “I’ve been asking myself that everyday, things aren’t… amazing living alone. Uh, let’s talk about happier things. I wanna get to know you.”
He stared at you for a while before he sighed, “fine, but we’re talking about this later. How do you wanna go about getting to know each other?”
“It’s gonna be hard cuz we have like seventeen years to catch up on, but I think we can do it. Let’s… let’s play the favorites game. We take turns naming a category and we both say what our favorite thing in that is. I’ll start, what’s your favorite type of mythology? Like Greek, Egyptian, Norse…”
His eyes lit up at the mention of mythology, “I like Greek mythology. I can talk for hours about it.”
“Nice! I personally like Norse mythology better, we have to exchange myths sometime.”
“My turn, what’s your favorite myth?”
You matched his excitement, “I really like the Ragnarok myth. The fact that the gods know of their impending doom and destruction and are actively working towards it is- is just really intriguing. What’s yours?”
You both abandoned your meals as your conversation diverged into telling each other various myths from your respective favorite mythologies. Your favorite ones he told you were the tales of Orpheus and Eurydice, Persephone and Hades, and Psyche and Eros. You were a sucker for romance even if the thought of you being in a relationship was something you were uncomfortable thinking about. Romance stories just made you happy to see people finding comfort and fulfillment in each other. You told him more about Ragnarok, the creation of Mjolnir, and the murder of Baldur. 
Before you two knew it, hours passed by. Your untouched dinners grew cold and the clock struck midnight startling both of you out of your story telling. You both looked at the grandfather clock then back at each other in shock, “we’ve been talking for four hours Tech.”
“Yeah, we did. It- it was nice talking about mythology. Usually people get bored when I talk about it.”
You rolled your eyes, “Ender, I know. Why don’t they find it as interesting as we do? It’s been a while since I’ve had someone to talk to, it’s nice.”
“We better go to bed, we can just eat a bigger breakfast tomorrow before we take you to the Nether and your house. You probably want to sleep in your own bed.”
You laughed nervously, “yeah about that… I don’t really have a bed anymore. Or an actual house for that matter.”
“The fuck happened?”
“I may have burnt it down accidentally.”
He was silent for a bit before he looked at you suspiciously. “Are you gonna burn my house down?” And there’s the thing you hated most when you told people of your lineage and abilities. They always believe that you’re a being of destruction and inferno. They always grow to not trust you around them or their possessions fearing you would burn them to a crisp. You cursed your biological parents daily for giving you these genes.
You shrunk in on yourself slightly, “no, I’d never do that to you. I’m in control as long as I keep my emotions in check. Can’t get too excited, scared, or happy. I just can’t do anything extreme and my temperature stays low.” 
He grunted, nodding in satisfaction. “We probably should get to sleep soon if we wanna get stuff done before the family reunion.”
“I forgot about that… Have you met the kid Phil’s gonna adopt?”
He drew in a long breath into his nose and huffed it out of his mouth. “Yeah, his name’s Ranboo. And he’s actually only about half a year younger than you are. I don’t know how to feel about him yet, but he seems like he has good intentions.”
You drug a hand through the flames idly flickering on your head, “is Phil seriously gonna adopt another kid? I don’t think it’s a good idea for him.”
“That’s what I thought, I don’t need any more orphans running around here. You, Tommy, and Wilbur are more than enough. We can talk more about this in the morning.”
With that, you picked up your plates and took them to the kitchen. Before you could turn on the water faucet, a hand on your shoulder stopped you. “I’ll get it. You can’t be around this stuff.”
“A little water won’t hurt me. It’s the least I could do, you made dinner.” 
“A little water will hurt you. Go to bed, I’ll handle this. It’s only two dishes.”
You opened your mouth to argue with him, but it snapped shut as soon as he gave you a warning look. “Go to bed (y/n).”
“...Aright, thank you for doing that. I’ll see ya in the morning.”
He grunted as you walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the guest room. You walked straight to the bed and plopped down onto the surface. You felt sort of bad that you were rubbing soot off onto the white comforter from your still charcoaled skin, but it was nothing that you couldn’t clean in the morning. The bed was extremely comfortable, a stark contrast to your old one. Your old one had lumps and some exposed bedsprings sticking out of the fabric. With the weight of the heavy comforter and the plush mattress, you were out like a light.
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
 @crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@appetiteofapeoplepleaser  @misfortunatem00n  @hee-hee-haw  @bi-narystars  @akikko-yataro  @snapple311  @jo171718  @alex--awesome--22  @cinnamonmochi  @waterstrawberry  @jefferyepsteindidntkillhimself  @imamusicalnerd  @fo-love  @sylumarts  @theshitinmytrunk  @rinzyx05  @wasteofspacze  @bands-are-amazingly-addicting  @im-a-depressed-gay  @charlotte-is-missing  @s-n1428  @lifestylesleep  @dame-sunflowers  @bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @aestheticpkmntrainer  @emma-the-duck17  @pek0ra  @wreny24  @willow404  @shiningsunrises  @vanhakirja  @dont-hug-me-im-a-fander  @soulless42  @giavanna
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memxntomxri · 3 years
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮 | 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 - bisexual!hinata shouyou x gn!reader, hinata shouyou x miya atsumu
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 - angst, break up
𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤 - hinata shouyou is trustworthy - with everything except for your heart
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 - 2.4k words
𝘵𝘸 - slightly descriptive nsfw?, cheating (i'm sorry to be doing my children hinata and atsumu dirty this way but this got stuck in my head 😭), major angst, break-up, no happy ending, lots and lots of crying, lots and lots of reader's internal thoughts, atsumu is an asshole
𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 - this is the result of brainrot i had stuck in my head after reading chapter 18 of SabbyWrites' A Study in Depravity. HAIKYUU BOYS ARE NOT CHEATERS - I REPEAT, HAIKYUU BOYS ARE NOT CHEATERS. BISEXUAL PEOPLE ARE ALSO NOT CHEATERS. i just couldn't resist writing this lmao
also, i'm doing my best to make this a gender-neutral reader, but it might lean more towards AFAB/non-binary readers since i'm both ashelkgjkdlkjf male-identifying readers i'm sorry
thanks @meiansmistress, lou (LouEve_094 on ao3), lena, and emmy (Noisy_Emmy on ao3) for betaing! your feedback helped me a lot
𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙙𝙣𝙞 - there are some descriptive scenes of smut in here 👀 shoo, shoo
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
You know this.
It's the reason you met, after all.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
The summer you moved to Miyagi, following your father's dream of teaching in a little town similar to the one he lived in as a child, you were unhappy. Who could blame you, after all? You had a comfortable life back in Osaka, and unlike your father, you were a city dweller at heart. It was also the middle of your first year of high school—who wanted to transfer schools, let alone across prefectures, in the middle of a school year?
It was hot in Miyagi, and when the moving truck broke down on the side of the road, the entire family piled out and sat on the curb. Just your father (who you were still mad at), your mother, and you. That was what it had always been. Sure, you had friends, but somehow the friendships never got too deep. You were willing to bet that within a month, there would be no texts other than the occasional New Year's greeting or "happy birthday" from your so-called friends back in Osaka.
And don't even get you started on romantic relationships. It wasn't that you weren't attractive, or that you weren't easy to get along with—it was just that there was never anybody. Yes, you had liked people before, but nothing had ever come of it.
Your mother piped up, saving you from your dark thoughts about the state of your relationships with other people. "Y/n, love, can you go back down the hill again? I think we saw a konbini a bit that way, please buy some cool drinks." she says, depositing coins in your outstretched hand. Oh well, something to do, you supposed.
You strolled casually down the road, sweating buckets. When you pushed open the doors of the konbini—Sakanoshita Store, you noted, it definitely didn’t look like a konbini—opened, you basked in the cold air of the air conditioner for a bit. As you stood there, looking a bit dumb with your arms outstretched, you felt a weight barrel into you from behind.
With a bang, you fell forward, the weight landing on your back. "Ow!" you cried, rubbing your right wrist, which had unceremoniously made contact with the ground, pain shooting up the limb. You twisted around to glare at whatever had so unceremoniously bowled you over. You were met with the sight of wide, brown eyes and flushed cheeks. "Sorry!" the boy squeaked, getting off of you quickly. "So sorry!" You frowned and got up.
"Watch where you’re going, okay?" You were a few centimeters taller than him, you noted.
He started blabbering, talking about how he needed to get the first-aid kit because a "Stingyshima" had "accidentally" ran into "Bakageyama" and this "Bakageyama" now had a bleeding knee and that he was the fastest runner in their volleyball club (he was strangely emphatic about this point). By the time he was finished rambling, you were chuckling slightly. It was obvious that he hadn't meant anything by running into you, and it was actually kind of endearing how earnestly he was trying to explain himself.
You held up a hand, stopping him from continuing to ramble. "Y-you aren't mad, right?" he asked anxiously. You smiled and shook your head slightly. "It seems your team trusts you to help take care of your friend, so why don't you grab the first-aid kit and go help him?" You suggested gently.
He nodded quickly and darted behind the counter, grabbing a white box. As he jogged away, he seemed to remember something and turned around to holler at you. "My name's Hinata Shouyou! I'm a first year!" he introduced himself in a bright voice.
Just inside the konbini, a small smile slipped across your face.
Hinata Shouyou, huh. He seemed nice.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's the reason you fell in love with him.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
The first day of school, you meet Hinata Shouyou again. And again. And again. He somehow seems to pop up everywhere you go—not that you're complaining, he's entertaining and nice—and soon, you think you can count yourself as his friend.
You go to his game against Aoba Johsai, then Shiratorizawa, then you're hugging him as he jumps up and down, celebrating their win. That’s the first time your heart jumps when you look at him, haloed by the lights of the gym.
Slowly, you feel yourself falling in love with him. Not just falling for him, no, because Hinata Shouyou will not let anyone do anything in halves, especially not falling in love. Shouyou, to you, (because by then you were on first-name basis) is someone you can rely on, someone that is always there, like the sun, trustworthy.
And because he is always there, it's also easy to confess to him in your second year. You know him well enough by now to know that even if he doesn't feel the same, nothing would change about your friendship except for the addition of unspoken words. And you think that he might love you back, if the lingering glances and brighter smiles are any indication.
Your guess is right, and by New Year's break, the two of you are a happy couple.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's why you let him go, if only for a little bit.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
When Shouyou left for Brazil, you took a break from each other. To be honest, it was your idea.
It wasn't that you didn't think that you couldn't trust him ten thousand kilometers away—it was that you knew you would hold him back. He was going to Brazil to chase his dream, and having a tether to his hometown would only slow him down. It hurt, having to say goodbye at the airport, but somehow the two of you got through it.
You still talked—a little more than "just friends" should—but you were careful not to let him think that you were together.
Shouyou was meant for greater things, and back then, as an insecure, just-barely-adult going into medical school, you weren't sure if you fit into the picture.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's the reason why you let him back in.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
When Shouyou returns from Brazil, the first person he visits is you. You, all the way out in Osaka, pushing yourself to your limits as you study for med school. When you open your door and see him standing there, smiling as bright as ever, you fall into his arms—both literally and metaphorically. It turns out, even two years later, you trust him to catch you.
It was all too natural for you and Shouyou to get back together, and by a stroke of luck, he joins the MSBY Black Jackals, right there in Osaka. You move in together, his slightly larger salary allowing the two of you to rent a bigger apartment.
Yes, it's hard work being in a relationship again, but you like having Shouyou to return to every night after your shift is over. You wake up early every morning to make the two of you breakfast and lunch, and Shouyou always has dinner waiting for you when you step back in the door, often also staying up so that you can talk.
You're content.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's the reason why you think nothing of his closeness with his teammates.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Shouyou has always been a people-magnet. Even back in high school, everyone loved him. Shouyou is bisexual. You know this. He’s always had more than enough love to give back, too, and his bisexuality had never impacted your relationship. Why should it, when you’re every bit as queer as him? Your relationship was strong, and you believed in it. That's why, at every team dinner that he takes you to, when someone else inevitably takes the seats next to him instead of you and you're relegated to a corner, you don't worry about it. Shouyou loves you, and it doesn't matter where you sit for a couple of hours.
Yes, Miya Atsumu is a bit aggressive whenever Shouyou compliments him, throwing a smirk over his shoulder at you triumphantly, but you chalk it to them being good friends and Miya-san wanting to get to know you better by having a little friendly competition, and that's okay.
Yes, Shouyou starts going out with his team more and more, but they're his team. He's supposed to be close with them.
Yes, you start to feel a little neglected, but it wasn't as if you were the most attentive back when you were still struggling through med school.
And anyways, Shouyou always makes time for the two of you on Saturdays, your designated date nights. You have trust in your relationship, in its rock-tight foundation built upon years of knowing each other.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's why you believe his words.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
One Friday, after an especially busy shift at the hospital that got cut short for you when a coworker unexpectedly came in to fill in for you, you decide to head home early and get some rest, maybe cuddle with Shouyou while watching those romcoms you both enjoy.
You had told him that you'd be home late that night, and you hoped that you could surprise him with some dinner. So, you swung by his favorite yakitori place and ordered dinner, driving home as fast as you safely could.
As you open the door to your apartment, you hear the distinctive sounds of sex, skin slapping on skin, grunts and moans, high keens. You frown. Maybe Shouyou was watching porn? He sometimes liked to get himself ready (the two of you enjoyed the occasional pegging) before you got home. You drop the food on the kitchen table and put your jacket on the hook.
"Love, I'm home!" you call out softly. No response.
Frowning deeper now, you move towards the bedroom door. Just as you're about to open it, you hear something that stops you cold.
"A-ah, Atsumu!" It's distinctively Shouyou's voice, and suddenly, you can't move anymore.
Shouyou, who told you you could make it through med school.
Shouyou, who made you yakisoba and miso soup whenever you were stuck studying.
Shouyou, who whispered sweet nothings in your ear every morning as the two of you made breakfast.
Shouyou, who is currently in bed with Miya fucking Atsumu.
You want to get up, you want to slam open the door, you want to demand answers, but somehow, you can't get your legs to budge from the spot in the ground they've rooted themselves to.
"Who do you love, Sho?" Atsumu growls.
Your heart skips a beat.
You pray to all the gods you know that what's about to pass Shouyou's lips will miraculously stay trapped in his throat, but it seems like the gods don't feel kind today.
"Y-you, Atsumu, you!" you hear Shouyou cry.
Your heart shatters into a million little kaleidoscopic pieces. Tears start running down your face, hot, involuntary, painful, because they represent the six years of a beautiful relationship down the drain, because nothing will ever be the same, because Shouyou is cheating on you.
Finally, your legs decide to move again. It seems like someone else is controlling your body as you walk towards the door, opening it with a shaking hand.
Shouyou is pinned down by Miya-san on the bed, legs thrown over his shoulder, as he slams into him.
The door bangs against the wall.
Shouyou looks up, and when he sees you, his face floods with guilt.
You don't say anything. You just stand there, tears flooding down your face, betrayal evident in your expression.
"Y-y/n!" he says. "I-I- I swear, this isn't-" he begins.
You cut him off. "I don't want to hear it, Shouyou." you spit.
Miya-san chuckles. "Who are we kidding, this is exactly what they think it is. What, did you think that you would be enough to satisfy Sho? You, with your infinitely busy schedule? You, who has no clue about volleyball?" he says, cutting into you.
"Atsumu, stop!" Shouyou says, frantic. He can tell that he's going to lose you, but he's not going to go down without a fight. "Babe, I love you, please-" he says, getting out of Miya-san's embrace and moving towards you. You sidestep him, holding a duffel bag with a change of clothes.
You stand there, looking at the scene, chuckling darkly inside your head. Just a scorned lover, a man, and his side-piece. You take a deep breath.
"You know, Shouyou, if you fell in love with someone else, you should've just told me. I trust you to be honest. I'm leaving—because even though you might love me, you're in love with Miya-san." you said.
Shouyou looks stricken with guilt, but you know it's from lying, not because he loves you anymore. Your laugh is broken and rough on the ears. "You think I didn't hear you? Oh, Shouyou, I heard more than enough. Have a nice life, and I hope that you remember how you broke me. I hope it fucking haunts you to the day of your death," you hurl at him.
Because even though at that moment you're screaming at him, you know that you still love him, that you’ll always will love him, and that you will carry this scar for the rest of your life. And even though you love him enough to leave now, to let him be with the person he loves—you still have enough love for yourself to hope that he bears some of the weight of this horrible, messy end too.
And with that, you walk out the door.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
But you're wrong.
Hinata Shouyou might love Miya Atsumu, but he still loves you more.
Years later, looking back, he comprehends that he didn't just break you. As he stares at his empty apartment, devoid of a lover—because what you said was true, he still carries the guilt, the memory of your tear-stained face, the recollections of your golden time together that ruined any relationship he might have had before it started, the echo of your absolute trust in him,
—Hinata Shouyou realizes he ruined himself too.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
© ʙᴇᴛʜᴇʏᴅᴏᴄʀɪᴍᴇᴡʀɪᴛᴇꜱ 2021 - ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Ghost of You-SBI AU Imagine
To the anon that requested this, why would you rip my heart out like this? 
This is a Father!Philza x Brother!Technoblade x Brother!Wilbur x Brother!Tommy in the dreamsmp. In this you’re younger than Wilbur and Techno but older than Tommy. This is pretty sad with only a slightly happy ending… Just a warning. 
Masterlist here 
Three cannon lives. Some argue it’s too many, some argue it’s not enough. But once Y/N loses all theirs, everyone can agree that there’s never enough
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. I was only supposed to go out and find a new village. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I was in a desert searching for a village like I said. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop myself from kicking the dead bushes and collecting the sticks they dropped. I don’t know why. But it made me so happy to do so. Made me feel like a kid. But I kicked a bush and the sand underneath me moved. I wasn’t fast enough. I fell. I fell and fell into the ravine with nothing to stop the fall damage. I didn’t have a bucket of water or a hay bale or anything. I wasn’t expecting to fall. It wasn’t supposed to happen. I could remember my scream echoing off of the stone walls and then nothing. Nothing at all. 
*POV Switch*
Third Person POV
The whole server was gathered at the remains of L’Manberg. They were deciding what to do with the giant whole in the ground. There was light chatter in the air. Jokes and laughter danced through the crowd as they all got along once. But then it changed. Everything shifted as a notification dinged on everyone's arm. 
By habit, all heads turned to the arm to see it. Immediately all noise stopped. Everyone froze at the message that popped up on their right arm. Surely this had to be some sort of sick joke, right? There is no possible way it was real. 
Y/N fell from a high place
They all knew. They all knew that you were on your last life. You lost your first one in the original L’Manberg war and then lost another in the most recent war due to a wither, Techno still felt very guilty about that. If what the message said is true, then you just lost your last life. “No” the silence was broken by a desperate whisper escaping Philza’s lips. “No!” He cried out a little louder this time. “I can’t… I can’t lose another. No please,” He begged no one in particular. If you listened closely, you could hear everyone’s hearts break at the sound of the desperate father. Even Dream felt the heavy weight on his chest. 
You were so young. Not quite a minor, but young nonetheless. How dare you be taken away from them? Philza broke out into a run to your house, blubbering, begging for you to be there. Techno and Tommy also followed their father in a sprint, silently begging that you would be alright, that this was just some sick joke. Ghostbur didn’t quite understand what was happening, but he followed at a much slower pace. 
Slowly, everyone broke up from the group and went to their respective homes, the business could be conducted another day. They all attempted to go about their own business as normal as possible, but when the heart wrenching scream of Philza sounded from your house, everyone knew…. You were gone. Really actually gone. 
*POV switch*
I woke to a scream. A scream I had never heard before but I somehow knew who it was. It was my father. Why was my father screaming in my home? And why was I so cold? It only took a simple look down to understand why. Had this happened a few months prior, I wouldn’t know what was happening, but because of Ghostbur, I knew. I knew I was a ghost. That confused me too though. Why was it that I could remember everything and Ghostbur remembered nothing? 
I got out of my bed. I couldn’t help but give a dark chuckle. That’s where my reset spawn was and I guess that’s where I respawned even as a… ghost. I almost couldn’t believe it. I lost all my lives. I’m dead. 
I slowly left my room and walked downstairs. There I found my father, sobbing on the ground. My brother’s crowded around him, tears also streaming down their cheeks. I could feel my non beating heart break at the sight. I had never seen my father so distraught, not even when he killed Wilbur. That was something he was forced to do. It was something Wilbur wanted. Yes, Dadza was sad about it. But it was something that had to be done. Something that was for the best. But this? This was unexpected. I was only supposed to be gone for a few hours. I was supposed to come back. 
“Dad” I breathed out, causing all heads to snap to me. A single sob escaped Philza’s lips as he scrambled up from the floor and ran toward me. “Dad, wait!” I tried to stop him, holding my arms out, but it did no good. Philza ran right through me. In one way and out the other. Another loud sob echoed out of his lips. “Y/N” he cried out as I turned around to face him. He held his hands out to try and hug me, but stopped. He instead wrapped his arms around himself in a tight hug, “What happened?” His voice cracked. 
And so I told him. I told him the truth. Even though it was a really lame way to die, I told him the truth. Small sniffs left his lips as I told my story. When I was done, Philza spoke again, “It’s my fault. It’s all my fault. I sent you out to find that village. Had I not done that, you wouldn’t be dead. You wouldn’t be a ghost.” “Dadza” I breathed out, “It’s not your fault. It’s really not. You couldn’t have known, and neither could I. I should have been paying more attention, but I wasn’t and that’s the price I have to pay. At least I’m still here. I may be dead, but I’m here,” I did my best to comfort my father. He let out another sniff and nodded, “Yeah… that’s true. But I still can’t help but feel guilty…” 
I turned around and faced my brothers. They were staring at me in shock. “Hey Y/N” Wilbur greeted brightly, walking over. “How are you? Why do you look different?” I couldn’t help but laugh at my brother’s ghostie innocence, “I’m okay Ghostbur… I look different now because I’m a ghost. Just like you,�� I informed him. Ghostbur gasped, “No way! We’re twinsies now! Move over Techno I’ve got a new twin.” Techno took a few steps forward toward us. “Yeah Ghostbur, we’re twins now” I responded softly, watching Techno. 
My pink headed brother stopped right in front of me, staring at me. In his eyes I could see the tears pooling. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. I knew that he was not only talking about this death, but my second one as well. “It’s not your fault either Tech” I told him in the most comforting voice I could. 
Tommy came up behind Techno and stared at me with angst in his eyes. “Y/N… It wasn’t your time” He whispered. A sad smile appeared on my lips as I nodded, “Apparently it was Tommy. But it’s okay. I’m still here, and I’ll always be here for you,” I tried to comfort. A sad laugh escaped Tommy’s lips. “God, I’ve never wished I could give you a hug harder than I’m wishing right now.” “Me too Tommy. Me too” 
The sweet moment was broken by a small gasp behind us. I turned around and found an excited look on Ghostbur’s face, “Maybe we can hug! Since I’m a ghost and you’re a ghost,” Ghostbur claimed with a huge smile. Huh… Maybe. “Worth a shot,” I claimed with a shrug before walking over to Wilbur. 
Before I could prep myself, Ghostbur’s arms wrapped around me in a solid hug. Once he realized that we weren’t just going through each other, he let out another excited gasp. “It’s working! I can hug you! I can actually hug someone! This is the best day ever!” He yells. I couldn’t help but laugh at his phrasing, this is the best day ever huh? I couldn’t blame him, he was excited about getting to touch someone after weeks of zero contact. 
When I pulled away from the hug, I found that my father had made his way to my alive siblings and wrapped his arms around them. A soft smile rested on his face, the tear tracks gleaming off of his cheeks. “It’s going to be okay,” I promised, giving him a small head nod. Dadza returned one with a soft sigh, “I know. I just wish we could be okay with the alive you.” “So do I, but I guess you’ll just have to deal with the ghost of me for now.” I teased gently, walking over, just to be near the three. A soft chuckle rumbled through each of them. “Yeah, I guess we’ll just have to deal with the ghost of you… For now” 
There you go, I hope you enjoyed! If so, be sure to leave a like, maybe even a reblog or a reply telling me what you liked!
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Atlantic Runaways (Part 3)
Lol we got part 3, which is mainly just a lot of fluff and plot developement uwu
Warnings: Mentions of smoking, vore, trauma? Swearing.
Words: 1.8K+
He rolled in bed as his alarm went off, the familiar tune of the able sisters calling him into awakening. Much to his displeasure. How dare this alarm tell him to get up when wait- shit! He had a job!
He came to his thoughts as he shot out of bed, checking his phone to see that the alarm was late. “SHIT!”. But then stopped for a minute, he remembered it was a Saturday. Why would his alarm be going off on his day off?
Then he realised he was going too late for his meeting with Tubbo.
He grabbed his hoodie, rushed downstairs and ran across the street to the nearby park that he and Tubbo would meet up in.
As he ran his best friend came into view, with an unamused face of course. “Tubbo! My man!”. He managed to get out as he came to a halt, panting his lungs out. “About time, you dickhead!”.
“Sorry! Sorry! A lot of things happened yesterday…”. It came out almost abrupt but confusing as the reality of yesterday’s events were finally hitting him. No wonder he overslept, he was exhausted.
“You okay Toms?”. He snapped out of his mind and looked to Tubbo, “Fine! How about we grab some coffee from the café?”, “Sure, but I’m not grabbing coffee. I’m getting hot chocolate!”.
The two made their way to the café in the middle of the park, it was quite a famous public area so many people frequented the place. They took their orders, the hot chocolate and coffee with a side of biscuits. Because Tommy didn’t have breakfast.
The two just sat on their phones for a moment, the atmosphere of awkwardness raising, it was apparent to Tubbo that something was off about Tommy, he was normally more hyperactive, talkative, and well, energetic. Something was clearly on his mind, and he didn’t want to talk.
But Tubbo was determined to get answers. The drinks soon arrived and Tubbo put away his phone, sipping at his hot chocolate. Ignoring the boiling temperature in favour of looking dramatic. He looked at Tommy with narrowed eyes, but his attention was focused on his phone.
“So…”. Tubbo spoke up, Tommy’s attention went from his phone to Tubbo. “What’s up?”, Tommy asked while furrowing an eyebrow, Tubbo was acting differently.
“What’s going on? You’re acting differently.”. Tubbo usual tone is gone, replaced with a serious one. Oh god, it was a serious one. Did he do something? Was he suspicious? He didn’t really want to tell Tubbo what had happened.
“Uhh, nothing?”. Tubbo slammed his fist on the table. “Okay! Okay! Maybe almost got murdered yesterday at work?...”. Tubbo always held a level of intimidation so Tommy couldn’t help and spit it out, much to his displeasure.
“What?”, Tubbo spoke quietly, not wanting to get more attention from the customers that were already staring at them.  “Okay, let’s finish this outside.”.
The two then quickly ate their biscuits and finished their drinks, Tommy grabbing a can of Coca Cola on the way out. The two then made their way to their usual bench, secluded from the rest of the park.
“So, what do you mean you almost got killed?!”, Tubbo asked the moment they sat down. Tommy almost choked on his cola. “Right uhm…”. He tried to find a way to put it.
“Basically, you know that trainer guy who was really sketchy?”, “Yeah…”. “Basically, he threw me into the water with a dangerous Mer? Well, not really dangerous now... But-“. Tubbo slapped a hand over Tommy’s mouth and pinched his own nose and sighed. “Slowly.”.
Tommy in turned sighed when his mouth was released, he was going to have to go into more detail. “Trainer guy I was working under was treating Wilbur like shit, course me and Wilbur weren’t on the best of terms but that isn’t a right to treat a creature like us like total shit! So, I stood up for em’ “.
He continued, “In turn, he got mad and pushed me into the water. As you know I’m not the brightest out there and I didn’t manage to suck in any air. So, I was drowning…”. “That’s how you almost died?...”.
Tommy looked down and nodded, his arms hugging himself. Tubbo comforted him with a hug, rubbing his back as Tommy leaned into the touch. “Mhm…”. He mumbled. The two stayed there for a moment, in comforting silence.
“How did you get out?” he asked once Tommy had calmed down. “I- Wilbur saved me. I don’t know why but he did, he fucking ate me while doing it too!”, “What?!”.
“Turns out some Mers have what’s called a brooding pouch, a place where they store young. Wilbur put me there for a while”. “Wait- Brooding pouch?! He ate you but didn’t eat you?”. Tubbo said in confusion to which made Tommy laugh.
“Yeah, turns out he can speak too! So, now I can actually talk to the bitch! And now we’re friends, I guess? Well, that and he actually comforted me after what happened, so after all that I walked home at whatever time it was and fell asleep.”.
Tubbo went straight into protective mode, hugging Tommy with a lot of strength, “I’m glad you’re alive! But Wilbur, you think you guys are friends?”. “I guess so, he seemed rather friendlier than usual”.
“Whatever it is, be careful. He could still be dangerous!”, “I will don’t worry! I just, I feel bad for Wilbur. I’m gonna try and do whatever I can to help… Wait- how come you’re okay with all this?”.
“Because I know you Toms, and I know I won’t be able to stop you even if I tried so you have my support, okay? If you need a hand lemme know”.
The two did their usual antics after that, playing around and such like they have since childhood and after all that he went to bed.
The next day went by quickly as he was mainly playing games and stuff. He tried to think of plans, something of what he could do to help Wilbur.
He woke up with a lot of energy that morning, he had plans and he knew that work is going to be absolute chaos.
The moment he arrived at work that day there was a sort of rush of anxiety and excitement, he was excited to see Wilbur again but also scared of the fact of how Wilbur would react.
He walked past the halls and into Wilbur’s containment. There stood the trainer, sitting on a stand, smoking his darn cigarette.  
He heard the door open and looked over to see Tommy. His eyes widened in shock, coughing as he clumsily inhaled his cigarette. “Y-you’re!”. “Yeah, I’m alive. Shut it”.
The man opened his mouth and stood up, approaching Tommy menacingly. Tommy’s confidence faded as he brought up his arms to shield himself from the man. But the man didn’t even stand a chance as water splashed around the two.
And there was Wilbur, barring his sharp teeth, his eyes dilated as he saw the man staring down at his trainer. The trainer immediately backed off when he saw the Mer, running away cowardly out of the room. Leaving him and Wilbur alone.
Tommy looked nervously to Wilbur whose harsh expression turned softer as he looked down at Tommy, he leaned down to Tommy’s height. “You, okay?”. “Yeah, fine. Thanks Wil.”.
Wilbur smiled as he brought out his hand, offering it to Tommy to which he looked down at it in confusion, to which Wilbur responded by just picking him up completely. “Glad to see you’re okay, I’ve been worried”. He nuzzled Tommy.
“Oi, stop it bitch!”. It made Wilbur laugh. “Why are you so cuddly?!”, “You should know this, it’s common knowledge for mers”. Tommy took a minute to understand what he meant then the realisation hit him.
“Right, you bitches get attached to things easily”. And in response, Wilbur brought a claw to gently rub Tommy’s hair. “Right there, gremlin boy!”. “I am no gremlin!”.
The two then settled down with Wilbur swimming around in his small pool, which honestly made Tommy cringe with how small it was. “You hungry?”, he yelled out as he pulled out a heavy bucket towards the pool, it was filled to the brim with fish.
Wilbur popped his head out of the water, “Always hungry, honestly”. He swam towards the end of the pool where Tommy was, “Right”. He brought the bucket to Wilbur, to which Wilbur opened his mouth wide.
Tommy could make out the many sharp fangs, he could easily be swallowed whole. It freaked him out, he shrieked and stepped back. Wilbur closed his mouth and tilted his head in confusion at Tommy’s sudden yells. “What’s wrong?”.
“N-nothing, just you kinda scared me for a second “, “Oh! Sorry! Just thought you’d feed me like that”. “O-oh…”. Tommy then took a breath and came back close to Wilbur, Wilbur picked up on what Wilbur was doing and opened his mouth back up.
He then threw the bucket of fish into Wilbur’s mouth, who immediately swallowed the fish. Although not normally a part of a whale mer’s diet, it was the only thing that he could really give Wilbur to eat out here.
Wilbur then went back to swimming whilst Tommy laid his feet in the water and surprisingly, Wilbur didn’t mind it.
“So. Uhm- you okay Wil?”, “Just fine, Tommy” he answered as he swam. Fortunately, Mers could hear just as well from above the water, even if they were underwater. So, the conversation would be rather normal.
“How are you feeling after that day?”, “Fine, I talked to a friend about it. Got it off my mind and shit.”, “You told somebody about me?”, his tone changed. Tommy looked to Wilbur, “Y-yeah, I hope that’s okay!”, “Are they trustworthy?”, “Yeah!”, “Okay.”.
There was another moment of silence until Tommy spoke up, “Wilbur, don’t you hate being here?”. “Yes, I do, I absolutely despise it here. I hated it the moment I got here”, “Do you wanna go back to the ocean?”.
“Yes I do, but that isn’t possible.”.
“What if it is though?”.
“Tommy, you’d have to be a maniac in order to pull off an operation on your own”.
“Well I am a maniac, I’ll do it!”.
“Let’s run away Wilbur!”.
 “Tommy!” Wilbur pinched his nose and sighed, “I get it, you wanna help and I’m all up for it. But it’s dangerous. I don’t want you getting hurt”.
“It’ll be fine Wilbur! Come on! Don’t you wanna get out of here?!”. Wilbur looked to Tommy who had determined eyes, he couldn’t help it, he found them adorable. He sighed again, “Finee, but we’re going to be really careful about this okay?”.
Tommy smiled and stood up, reached out for Wilbur, Wilbur happily hugged him back with his hand. It made Tommy laugh, which brought a smile to Tommy’s face.
“We’ll run away!”.
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Crazy Rich Avengers
Chapter 1:
Summary: You and Peter have been dating for a little over 6 months and have not yet met the Avengers. You were getting curious as to when you would meet them, until you get an invitation from Tony Stark himself, inviting you and Peter to Wanda and Vision’s wedding in Hawaii over Spring Break. You thought that it would be nice to go and finally meet everyone, but what will you think after you’ve been tested by the team?
*Based on the movie Crazy Rich Asians, each chapter will be a different scene from the movie. There will be 15 chapters. Also includes a GIF from the movie scene at the beginning of each chapter.
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A/N: I’ve had this series planned for a little while now, and I just got this chapter done and edited and I feel really good about it. I didn’t know if anyone would want to read this until I posted about it yesterday and got some really good feedback, so thank you all who liked it and asked to be on the taglist so much! This chapter is the first scene of the movie, just some things are switched up to fit Peter and the Avengers. Just note that this one is kind of short and nothing much really happens in this chapter since it is just the beginning, but hopefully the next one is a bit juicer. 
Warnings: swearing and fluff 
Word count: 2166
Chapter 1
“Okay class, make sure to email me those presentations by Monday. I don’t want to keep reminding you guys over Spring Break because I’ve still got a life outside being a professor.” The whole class laughs at your professor’s bluntness. It kind of reminds you of your friend from high school, who would always spoke her truth, even when no one asked for it. You packed your things and waited for a clear space to exit your row. Who knew so many kids would be in a business class? Not you apparently. You were a culinary student at the Institute of Culinary Education or ICE for short. Your dream was to become a baker and own your bakery, hence the business class. This was your last class of the day, and you couldn’t wait to see your boyfriend. You two had been dating for a little over six months and it was the best six months you could ever ask for.
You exited out of the classroom, finally, and made your way towards the elevator. On the way down, you looked through your messages and saw that you had five new texts from Peter.
Peter: Hey babe! I’m out of my photography class now. (1:15)
Peter: Waiting by the couches (1:15)
Peter: I miss you (1:17)
Peter: I’m hungry. Let’s go to that pizza place for lunch. I really want some of their cannoli’s (1:20)
Peter: Y/NNN!!! WHERE ARE YOU??? (1:23)
The elevator stopped at the lobby and you walked over to Peter, who sprang out of his seat and practically ran over to you. He hugged with the force of what you assumed felt like ten tons just based on how tight he held you. You laughed at his clinginess and pushed him off of you.
“Dude my class ran like ten minutes late. What’s the matter with you?” you laugh.
He held your hand in his own and smiles at you. “Just missed you is all. Did you see my text about the cannoli’s?”
“Yeah I saw it.”
“And?” he asks hopefully.
“Aaaaaand what?” you played dumb just to see his cute pouty face.
“Can we get cannoli’s?”
“Yes, we can get a cannoli.”
“Ah! You’re the best! Cannoli’s!” he yells at an insane volume for someone who’s just walking down the street. This earns you both a weird look from the people on the sidewalk. You were about to kiss his cheek until he just took off down the street with your hand still in his. You guessed you never knew he liked cannoli’s so much. Maybe you should try out a recipe and make him some one day.
You get into the pizza restaurant and sit down across from each other and waited for the waiter to take your order. You order your drinks; Peter gets Diet Pepsi and you get a Sprite. Both of you talk about how your classes went and held each other’s hand while you talked.
“So, I’ve got to do this project for my class,” Peter began, “And my camera is at the Compound, so tomorrow I’ll be a little late getting home.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Oh! Speaking of which,” you slam your palms on the table, which makes Peter jump a little. “When am I going to meet them? I mean we’ve been dating for going on seven months now, and I still haven’t met them. And I know they know about me because I got a message from Nat telling me happy birthday two weeks ago.” You raise an eyebrow at him waiting for his answer.
“Speaking of said topic, that reminds me. We got invited to Wanda and Vision’s wedding. And it is next Friday in Hawaii, which is perfect because a) we don’t have classes because it’s Spring Break, and b) I know Hawaii is one of your bucket list places.”
Your jawed dropped for several reasons. One, it’s Wanda and Vision’s fucking wedding! You never met them, but from the way Peter talked about them, you could tell they were meant to be. You always thought that they were like what you and Peter had times one hundred.
“Are you serious? They’re having their wedding in Hawaii?”
“Yeah. They thought that since Mr. Stark – “
“What can I get you two today?” the waiter asked breathless. You didn’t even realize how busy they were.
You looked up at him, “I’ll have a slice of the cheese pizza please?”
“And I’ll have two slices of the meat lovers. And can I get three of your best cannoli’s please?” Peter smiled at the waiter as he wrote down your order.
“Alright that’ll be right out.” He walked away almost jogging to get your order in. Goodness they were slammed.
“As I was saying,” Peter continued. “Mr. Stark has one of those beach houses in Maui and so, they thought that it would be the perfect place for them to tie the knot.”
“Wow, so, we’re invited? Like we’re going to Maui and attending the wedding? And meeting everyone?” you asked now slightly worried.
“Yeah,” he drags out confused. “That’s what kind of what ‘You’re Invited’ means.”
“I know, it’s just…this will be the first time I’m meeting them and I always imagined it would be at a like Sunday dinner type of thing. Not a fucking Avengers wedding!”
“It’s okay, I know they’re gonna love you no matter what.”
You take a sip of your drink, “This is also works out for another reason because MJ has been asking us to come see her ever since she moved to Kahului.”
“All the more reason to go.”
You both get your food and Peter immediately starts on the cannoli’s that he’s been longing to eat and practically moans at the taste of them. You get the check and pay and tipped extra for your waiter, because they need to be paid way more than minimum wage. The two of you walk out and head home so you can spend the rest of the night together.
“So, when do we leave for Maui?” you ask, swinging your intertwined hands between the two of you.
“Umm, I believe on Saturday.”
Today was Thursday so that means that you only had tonight and tomorrow to pack for a whole entire week. “Shit! I have almost no clothes washed, are you kidding me?” you yell. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“I just found out this morning!” he yelled back.
“Okay, well it’s a good thing tomorrow I don’t have classes because now I have to do laundry all damn day.” You reach your shared apartment and go to change clothes and you go straight to the laundry room, faster than Peter could imagine. All of your good, cute clothes had to be air dried and so that’s what you did first. After half hour of folding, and drying, and hanging up clothes non-stop, Peter came in wrapped his arms around you.
“Baby, you’ve been here for forever, come sit down with me,” he pleaded.
“I will once I have all the clothes done, but until then,” you pat his cheek. “I can’t.”
He sighs an ‘okay’ and plants a kiss on your cheek and walks away. About twenty minutes later you had gotten all the laundry done and went to join Peter on the couch. He was watching reruns of Brooklyn 99 which was one of your favorite shows. He put his arms out and made grabby hands and you leaned into his touch. You laid your head on his chest with the rest of your body sprawled out on the couch. He put his arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. You looked up and kissed his lips and sat up just a bit straighter. One of his hands went to the back of your neck and the other rubbed your thigh, and you relaxed even more into him. Your right hand carded through his hair and the other sat splayed on his peck, slightly gripping his shirt. You two stayed like this for what felt like hours, just basking in each other’s comfort. You pulled back to breathe and gave him one last kiss before going back to your original position, laying on him.
“What do you wanna watch?” He yawned.
“Well since your yawning and –“ you yawned this time. “And so am I, let’s just take a nap.”
He hummed in agreement and led you to your shared bedroom and he changed into just a pair of sweatpants. You laid down and he did shortly after. You turned, facing him as your chests were touching. You stared at him for quite a long time before you even realized that you were. His face scrunched up that was so cute you wanted to take a picture.
“Nothing. You just look cute,” you said back.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Nope. I do,” he challenged.
“That’s impossible because I love you to Jupiter and back,” you kissed his nose, ultimately shutting it down because you were tired. School had kicked your ass this week and you hadn’t really had anytime to just lay with Peter. You scooted down a bit so, you could lay your head on his chest, your legs intertwined, as he held you against him so tight that nothing could slip in between you two.
The next morning you had woken up extra early to make some French toast for you and Peter. You got out the bread and butter and the rest of the ingredients and started cooking. Since you were the one who was in the culinary department, the silent agreement between you and Peter was that you would cook, and he would clean your mess. You tried to not make too much of a mess, because you weren’t that mean. After a couple more minutes you got breakfast done and at that exact moment you put the toast on the plate, Peter comes waddling out with his hair a mess. It was almost like it was scripted like a scene in a movie.
“I smelled French Toast,” he smiled.
“Mhm, I thought that I would be nice and cook breakfast for you this time.” You pecked his cheek and gave him the syrup.
“Eat up and get ready for a long day of packing suitcases, babe,” you winked at him.
“Oh boy.” You didn’t hear his sarcasm often, but when you did it always made you chuckle.
He went over to the couch and you followed setting up the coffee table and turning on Spongebob to watch as you ate. You turned towards him and smiled and received a kiss on the nose. Today was going to be a good day, you thought.
It was now four thirty in the evening and you and Peter were packing up all your belongings into your suitcases. “Okay so you need your swim trunks, flip flops, sunglasses, and what else?” You ask.
“Is that just for swimming?” You nodded. “Then yeah I think that’s it.” You went over to his drawer grabbing his trunks out along with your swimsuit. You had all your clothes spread out into separate piles consisting of swimwear, pajamas, nice shirts, casual shirts, and wedding attire. Peter grabbed all of his clothes and stuffed them into his suitcase and you did the same. After that you went to the bathroom to grab all extra stuff that consisted of teeth and hair products, and everything in that category. Peter went into the kitchen to the medicine and started to pack anything that might be needed for allergy’s and whatnot. You figured you would pack your purse of carry on items before you left tomorrow morning.
After two hours of packing and double checking, and once the bed was cleared, you flopped down face first and groaned. “I’m so exhausted,” you huffed.
“Aww, is my baby tired?” He asked this as he pressed feather-light kisses to your neck that always made you shudder.
“Yes,” you say as you awaited a kiss on the lips. He happily kisses you, slow and lovingly, and you feel like you could stay there for eternity. He pulls away for minute to catch his breath. “We should probably figure out what we want to do for dinner.”
“How ‘bout leftovers? There’s still some enchiladas or lemon pepper chicken in the fridge.”
“Ooooh, let’s do chicken.”
You get up from the bed to heat the chicken up in the oven. “Imma make some garlic cheesy rice too!” You shout from the kitchen.
“Sounds good, baby.”
You two make your dinner and eat in a comfortable silence, watching TV. You both decided to watch one more episode of Parks and Rec before calling it a night, and Peter figured it would be smart to go to bed early since you would both have a long day of checking flights and meeting the Avengers tomorrow; and that was tiring by itself.
Tag-List: @randomstufflol29​ @spideyspeaches​ @binnotjin​
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give-seconds · 3 years
I Love You
This is part two of my Jisung fic for A Vibe collab! If you haven’t read part one, here it is!
Paring: Jisung x genderneutral reader
Warnings: Death of a parent
Summary: In which you’ve been obsessed with the idea of meeting your soulmate since you were born, but your soulmate doesn’t think the same.
Word count: 19.9k
It’s been a month and a half since you found out Jisung was your soulmate. It took a week of Chenle’s magic counseling (his words, not yours) until you were able to stop avoiding him and Jaemin. Chenle made you realize that even if they had something now, Jisung was your soulmate. The more you got to know each other, the easier it would be for you two in the future. No matter how far away that future is.
After that week, you had to slowly condition yourself to be around them. It wasn’t easy at first, and it took you a few days to be able to look Jaemin in the eyes. Even though it took a month for you to be semi-normal with them again, they never pushed you to spend time with them. Of course, they still made offers for you to join for certain activities, and Jaemin made sure to let you know you didn’t have to do anything you weren’t comfortable doing.
In short, you quickly realized what Jisung saw in him. If you didn’t know who your soulmate was, you might have wished he were your soulmate.
“If you were to give someone an ‘I’m sorry I’ve been so weird lately, but thanks for being so understanding’ gift, what would you give them?” you ask into the phone.
“I don’t know, man. If you ask me, you don’t even need to get them anything,” Chenle answers.
“But you don’t understand,” you sigh, picking up a bar of chocolate and flipping it over to look at the back, “I’ve been so distant from them. They’re my only friends here, and I’m thankful they didn’t drop me after I left during that first lunch. I mean, I ghosted them for like a week or two. If I were them, I would’ve dropped me.”
“Okay, okay, I get your point. Get them a flower or just a card. Oh, offer to buy them lunch.”
“I already got them lunch, but I want to give them something more. So maybe a plant or something?”
“Unless you don’t like plants.”
“Why would you say that?” you laugh, stepping to the side of the aisle to try and stand more out of the way.
“I don’t know! Just buy them a fake one. That way, if they like plants, they can have one that looks like one. If they don’t like them, then they don’t have to worry about keeping it alive.”
“Have I ever told you how useless you are in these situations?”
“What can I say? I’ve never been in this situation before. So you have fun, and I’m going to enjoy sitting at home with my ice cream.”
“Completely, utterly useless.”
“If you’re done hurting my feelings,” he says, and you hear the sound of clinking as he picks a spoon from the drawer, “I have ice cream to get back to.”
You scoff, shaking your head. “Fine. Abandon me, like you always do.”
He chuckles. “Finally, I can’t wait to be rid of you.”
You smile to yourself, rolling your eyes at his words. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Was that your soulmate?”
You jump, spinning around to meet the person behind you, hand held against your chest. “Why did you do that?”
Jisung smiles. “I had to let you know I was here somehow.”
“And just saying ‘hi’ was too hard?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “There’s no spark in that.”
You scoff, shaking your head. “There’s a reason Jaemin and you get along so well, and I think that’s a big part of it. But uh—” you look away from him, turning your body to look at the same bar you looked at earlier “—no, that wasn’t my soulmate. Just my best friend.”
He nods, his eyes wandering around the aisle. “You two seem close. And before you worry too much, my English isn’t good enough to follow the rest of the conversation I heard, which wasn’t much to begin with.”
You smile softly, not taking your eyes away from the chocolate. “We are. We grew up together. He’s in China now, so I don’t see him that much,” you place the bar back on the self, turning to smile at him, “but I make sure to call him often so he can’t forget me.”
It shocked you for a second, Jisung asking you if someone else was your soulmate. You forgot for a second that you are the only one between you two who knows of the connection between you two.
“Sounds about right. If Jaemin moved to another country, I think I’d do about the same thing.”
“I’m glad you understand.”
“So what are you doing here?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Oh, I’m looking for a gift to give my classmate. It’s his birthday coming up, but I don’t know him that well, so I was thinking of a plant? Do you like plants?”
He tilts his head from side to side. “Eh, kind of. I like how they make a room look though; they definitely spice things up.”
“Well, how about, if you’re not busy, you come and help me pick one out? His personality kind of reminds me of a mixture of you and Jaemin.”
“Sure. I was just here looking because I’m bored, so it’s not like I’m in a rush.”
“Weird, but okay.”
“Says you!" he exclaims, following you as you leave the aisle and walk towards the plant section. "You’re here buying a plant for a guy you barely know.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Hey y/n, on Friday, Jaemin and I are going camping to celebrate the end of summer. Would you like to come with us?”
After you gave them the apology plants, Jaemin and Jisung had, of course, accepted your apology. It had turned more emotional than you thought it would, with Jisung telling you he didn’t have a lot of friends outside of you and Jaemin, and he was thankful you still wanted to stay friends. Jaemin agreed, saying he was worried they had pushed you away. He further went on to call you stupid and say you had nothing to apologize for.
“For how long are you thinking?” you ask, not looking up from the table you are wiping down.
“Just for the weekend,” Jisung answers, spinning himself on one of the stools that sat at the counter. “We’d be back Sunday night.”
You nod your head, dropping the rag back into the bucket and grabbing the spray that sat next to it. “Yeah, that sounds fun. How far out are we going?”
“It’s about three hours away. But Jaemin is going to borrow his friend’s car, so we don’t have to take a bus or anything. He’ll be our personal driver.”
You snort, shaking your head slightly as you walk into the backroom to put the cleaning supplies away. “Sounds good,” you yell.
“It’ll be fun,” he yells back so you can hear him. “We’ll all share one tent, and I'll be sure to put you in the middle so you feel safe and sound."  
“Tell me why that makes me feel more unsafe?” you ask, leaning on the counter next to him.
He shrugs, smiling innocently. “Because you have an active imagination and a low opinion of us.”
You pretend to think for a second before nodding your head in agreement. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“You guys will never guess what just happened,” Jaemin exclaims, drawing your attention away from the card game in front of you.
“Sounds like the walk to the main office was more exciting than I thought it would be,” you joke, placing your cards face down on the metal table.
“Yeah,” Jisung answers, placing his cards on the table opposite yours. “I thought Y/n teaching me how to play spoons would be the most eventful thing, given it is the most stressful card game I have—”
“You’re just weak. Spoons is the best game—”
“You’re a psycho.”
“I’m hijacking this conversation to bring the attention back to me,” Jaemin interrupts, taking a seat next to Jisung. “Are you ready to hear the best thing to ever happen to me?”
You smile, happy to see your friend practically vibrating from happiness. “Yes, Jaemin, don’t keep us waiting any longer.”
“Are you ready Jisung?” he asks, hugging his arm excitedly.
“Yes, yes I am,” he laughs, trying to pull his arm away.
“Okay, okay,” he takes a deep breath, shifting his eyes between you and Jisung, “I met my soulmate while at the main office.”
You immediately look over to Jisung, watching as his smile slips off his face, watching again as he forcibly puts it back on.
“That’s great, Hyung. I’m so happy for you.”
“Yeah, Jaemin,” you force your gaze away from Jisung to look at Jaemin, smiling softly at him, “that’s great. What are they like?”
You’re thankful Jaemin can’t see the sad look in Jisung’s eyes or hear the forced happiness. You know Jisung must be hurt, and as his friend, you can’t help but feel bad for him—even if he is your soulmate.
“She’s absolutely wonderful,” he gushes, hugging Jisung’s arm tighter. “She’s here with her friends, and she was going to the main office when I was on my way back. Up until now, I didn’t know what my mark was. But when I made eye contact with her, everything except her lost its color. She was literally the light of my life for five seconds.”
You smile, the soulmate enthusiast in you pushing away the pain you feel for Jisung. “That sounds beautiful Jaemin, congratulations.”
“Thank you y/n! Also, and if it’s okay with you two, I was going to take her to dinner tonight to get to know her better. Is that okay?”
“Of course, have fun on your date Jaemin.”
Jisung nods his head, effectively pulling his arm away from Jaemin. “Yeah, go have fun Hyung.”
Jaemin smiles widely, pulling Jisung into a hug. “Thank you both so much. I know I set out to find us a dinner place and am now leaving you, and this is our first day here, but I’ll send you a list of some nice places that are within walking distance. And if you don’t want to go out, we have food in the cooler.”
Jisung nods his head, smiling sadly. “Yeah yeah, we got it Hyung. Go have fun.”
He nods his head, smiling brightly as he stands up from the table. “Okay, thank you both so much. I’ll see you when I get back.
You wave as he jogs out of your campsite and somewhere to the left.
After Jaemin leaves, silence falls over you two. When you turn to look at Jisung, he’s staring in the direction Jaemin had run off in. Your heart breaks at the sight of his watery eyes, knowing it must feel more or less what you felt when you found out about Jisung being your soulmate.
You clear your throat, picking your cards up and combining them with the deck. “I’m not feeling very well. Are you okay if we stop playing?”
He wordlessly nods his head, not taking his eyes away from the spot. “My head is killing me; I think I’m going to go to the tent and sleep.” He turns his attention to you, weakly smiling. “Are you okay with that?”
You nod your head, smiling back at him. “Yeah, of course.”
He nods his head, a faraway look in his eyes, as he stands up from the table and makes his way to the tent.
Of course, this had to happen on what was meant to be a fun trip with his friends. He knew Jaemin would never love him back—that was something he had been slowly telling himself. This was too much too fast, though. He isn’t ready to lose Jaemin yet.
He pulls his knees close to his body, hugging his sleeping bag closer to him. He wants to cry, but he knows he can’t. It had taken him months to come to terms with himself and his bisexuality, but he doesn’t know if he’s ready to tell anyone else. He had gotten so used to telling Jaemin everything it felt weird that there was something more he was hiding from him.
He’s thankful you’re not questioning his sudden change in attitude. That is if you even noticed.
He squeezes his eyes shut, taking deep breaths to try and keep the tears from falling. He feels so alone, and he knows that if he just manned up and asked for help, he wouldn’t feel like this.
Taking a deep breath, he sits up enough to pull his phone out of his backpack. Laying back down, he turns on his phone and scrolls until he finds the one person he knows can make him feel better.
“Jisung-ah! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
He smiles at his mom’s bright voice, and when he closes his eyes, he can imagine her face. “Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. It’s a nice day, and I just wanted to call my mother.”
“Don’t insult my motherly skills,” she says sternly, and Jisung snorts at her response. “Now, tell me what’s wrong before I force it out of you.”
“Now, how would you do that?”
“Park Jisung, don’t change the subject.”
He sighs, the fake smile he put up to try and convey a happy attitude falling. “There’s nothing wrong, so to say, I just set myself up to get my feelings hurt and have to deal with the consequences.”
“There’s no way it’s that black and white. How did you set yourself up?”
“I—” he cuts himself off, debating what he can and can't tell her. He couldn’t tell her he fell for his best friend. She would know right away that he was talking about Jaemin. “I started to like someone who wasn’t my soulmate. Then today, she found her soulmate.”
“Oh, Jisung,” she whispers, and he can feel the sympathy in her voice.
Would she still care if she really knew who it was? The thought alone was enough to make tears fall from his eyes.
“It’ll be okay. At least the bandaid was ripped right off, right?”
“Yeah,” he sniffles. “I just wish I had more time to prepare for the bandaid to be ripped off.”
“I know my love. But you still have your soulmate out there. Maybe you’ll love her even more than this girl.”
He suppresses a scoff. He feels horrible lying to his mom like this; she’s been his best friend since he was young. Like with Jaemin, he tells her everything.
“Yeah, I’m sure I will.”
He can’t tell his mom everything, not this time at least.
“Can I sit?”
Jisung blinks once before turning his head to look up at you. You smile down at him, your hands held behind your back. He silently nods once before he turns his attention back to the water in front of him.
He knows he is being dramatic, but he can’t help it. The man he loves is out on a date.
“I got you this,” you say, bringing your hand out from behind your back as you sit down to hand him an ice cream bar.
He smiles weakly, taking the ice cream from your outstretched hand. “Thank you for this and for bringing the food into the tent for me. I’m sorry both of your friends aren’t being very fun after we practically dragged you on this trip.”
You shrug your shoulders, eyes trained on unwrapping the ice cream. “It’s okay. You’re not feeling very well, and on top of that, your best friend just found his soulmate. It can’t be easy.”
Jisung freezes slightly at the comment before forcing himself to unwrap the bar to make himself feel less suspicious. “Why would Hyung finding his soulmate make me feel bad?”
You smile softly, not looking away from the bar. “My best friend found his soulmate, and that was really hard on me. I mean, I knew I wasn’t the most important person in his life, but at least I was someone. And I still am someone, but I don’t matter as much as I used to. Me and him still talk almost every day, but when he first found her, after every conversation, there was this nagging thought of 'and now he goes back to his soulmate.'” You chuckle softly, shaking your head. “And maybe I’m being selfish. But at the same time, I’m used to being his go-to. And now that he has someone who can be there for him when I can’t—in more ways than one—I just felt this great sense of loss.”
Jisung nods his head, taking a bite of the bar to try and keep the tears from falling.
“Don’t get me wrong,” you continue. “I’m happy for him, and I can’t wait to meet her. I just hope that when I see her, this feeling I have of being replaced is gone.”
“Replaced. That’s a good word for it.”
You nod your head, turning your attention away from the bar and out to the water. “You know, my friend once told me something when I was talking to him about my worries. And to summarize, he told me how no one could fill my place. That Xiulan holds a place in his heart as his soulmate, a place I never had, nor could I ever fill. I don’t know if this will help you, but after about a week of sulking, that advice helped me. So it might not be okay right now, but maybe with this ice cream and some time, you’ll realize you haven’t lost him.”
Jisung silently nods his head, letting silence fall between you two. He appreciates you offering your advice, and he can’t explain how relieved he feels knowing you think he’s only sad because he lost a best friend. He’s also thankful he doesn’t have to go through this alone. He’s glad Jaemin made him befriend you.
“Thank you, y/n.”
You glance over at him, smiling softly before looking back out at the water. “Eat your ice cream before it melts.”
This has got to be the weirdest situation you’ve been in in a long time.
Jaemin, and his soulmate Ki, decided to have a “bonding breakfast” with her and her group of friends. So now, you and Jisung are sitting at a picnic table with her three friends while Ki and Jaemin make pancakes.
You and Jisung exchange a look as the three girls on the opposite side of the table continue to talk to each other. They had started off including you in the conversation, but they had somehow trailed off to some inside story that you and Jisung had no choice but to listen.
“So uh,” you start once you notice their conversation come to an end. “Do you guys live far from here?”
“Oh no,” Gaeun, a girl with short hair and a dazzling smile, answers. “We live like thirty minutes away. How far out are you guys?”
“We’re like three hours or so away,” you answer, nodding your head. After a few seconds of awkward smiling and eye contact, you turn around to look at Ki and Jaemin, silently wishing they would hurry up.
“So y/n, Jisung, what are your soulmate marks?” Kyungsoon, a beautiful girl who, despite the meaning of her name, was anything but mild.
“Mine is the tally mark one,” Jisung answers, and it surprises you how nonchalantly he answers.
If your past said anything, it was that, normally, this question wouldn’t bother you. In any other situation, one where your soulmate isn’t literally sitting right next to you, you would have been the first person to ask this very question.
But because your soulmate is sitting next to you, and he doesn’t know you’re soulmates, you find yourself freezing at the question.
“I-uh I don’t know mine yet,” you answer, rubbing your wrist under the table. After all, for the majority of your life, it wasn’t a lie.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kyungsoon says, and you smile softly at the sincerity in her voice. “Maybe your mark is something like Ki’s, and you’ll know it when you see them.”
“Yeah, maybe. How about you guys?”
“Oh, I actually met my soulmate when I was in my last year of high school,” Kyungsoon gushes. She reminds you a lot of yourself, and given your current soulmate situation, it’s nice to see someone as romantic as yourself. “He’s the nicest man I’ve ever met. And he knows how to cook! Which, for me, is a lifesaver. I can’t cook to save my life.”
“That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you Kyungsoon.”
She smiles brightly. “Thanks y/n! I bet you guys will find your soulmates soon.”
Jisung laughs, drawing your attention away from the girl opposite you.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes with a bitter smile. “I just don’t know if I’m ready to meet my soulmate, and I don’t know if I ever will be. I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to interrupt. Soulmate conversations are just hard for me to have.”
“What? What do you mean?” you ask. You’re not sure if you want to hear what he has to say; the message was pretty clear the first time around. There is still a small sliver of hope that says maybe you’ve misunderstood.
“I just don’t know if I ever want to meet my soulmate,” he repeats, shrugging before he turns to look at Kyungsoon  “That’s not to say I’m not happy for you, because I am. I’m just one of those people who doesn’t think a soulmate is for them.”
The other girls nod their heads, saying something about how they can understand that. You can hear them talking, but the only thing that processes in your head is that if Jisung found out who you are, he wouldn’t want anything to do with you.
“My parents were like that too,” Lian, a quiet girl who is by far the calmest member of their group, adds. “They met when my dad was in China studying abroad and had me a year after they graduated; despite not being married or soulmates. When I was six or so, my dad found his soulmate when he was back here on a visit. I’m not saying this to force you to find your soulmate, but just keep in mind that if you chose to live like that, nothing is certain.”
Jisung smiles softly, nodding his head in acknowledgment. “Having a soulmate who values you isn't certain either.”
After his statement, a silence settles over the table. It takes everything in you not to continue to stare at him. You can feel the awkward atmosphere, and normally you would do something to try and fix it. Right now though, you can’t bring yourself to even care. All your thoughts are centered on the fact that Jisung doesn’t seem to want anything to do with you.
“Pancakes are ready!”
Jaemin isn’t quite sure what happened.
The breakfast had been nice. It was fun getting to know Ki and her friends better while also hanging out with his own. After they had walked back to their camp, you, Jisung, and he packed up the camp.
It is now twenty minutes into the drive, and he could tell something had happened. On the drive here, you and Jisung had fought over the passenger seat. The car ride had been filled with conversation, and he thought the drive had passed relatively quickly.
Now though, Jisung had silently taken the back seat, and after the first five minutes, the conversation between you and him had mostly stopped. He tried to pick it up again, but he knows when people aren’t in the mood to talk.
“Hyung, can we stop at the next rest stop? I have to use the bathroom,” Jisung quietly asks from the backseat.
“Yeah, of course,” he answers, smiling into the rearview mirror.
Jisung isn’t looking at him and is instead gazing blankly out the window. It hurt Jaemin, the way Jisung had asked the question. He has never heard Jisung use that tone of voice with him. He sounded so hollow.
When they got to the rest stop, Jisung practically jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped.
“Should we go buy some snacks?” He suggests, looking over to you.
You nod your head, unbuckling your seat belt. “Yeah, let’s go.”
Jaemin hates this situation. Yes, there is something wrong with Jisung. But now, as you’re walking into the store, he sees something is wrong with you too. He feels helpless because he has no idea what even happened, and no one is telling him anything.
“Do you, uh, do you know what’s wrong with Jisung?” he asks nervously, sending a quick text to Jisung telling him where you are.
You wait a few seconds to answer, which he takes as you definitely know what’s wrong with his best friend. Again, it hurts him that his best friend, and now you, are hiding something from him.
“Yeah, I do,” you start slowly, and he can tell you’re hesitant to tell him. “I don’t know if I should be telling you this, so don’t tell him I told you. But I think he just feels threatened by Ki. I think he’s worried you’ll replace him.”
Jaemin nods his head, taking in a deep breath. Why does there have to be a downside to one of the happiest moments of his life? He’s been looking forward to this day since he heard the song Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood five years ago at his music club in high school.
Like most people in the club, he was shocked when the title had been translated into Korean. He felt almost embarrassed for the girl that brought it up, worried that she would be judged by the other members—despite them being the nicest people he’s ever met.
But when she explained that the song was about the lead singer struggling to deal with his dad’s death and about how he loved the girl for her problems, he was able to see why she loved the song. The idea that a person could love someone else for their problems was magical to him.
That was when he decided he was looking forward to meeting his soulmate. He knows that just because people are soulmates that doesn’t mean they don’t have their problems. That being said, soulmates are made for each other, and he wants someone who is made for him, who will love him for his problems.
“I appreciate you telling me, even if Jisung didn’t want me to know. I’ll talk to him about it when we get back.”
You nod your head, picking up a bag of chips. “I’ll just have these. Are you getting anything?”
He shakes his head, picking up a bag of chips he’s seen Jisung eat many times. “I’ll just get something for Jisung. He texted saying he didn’t want anything and is going to wait in the car. But I know him better. Hey y/n?”
You hum in response. Despite the minimal response, he’s glad you didn’t seem to mind his quick change in topic.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong.”
“I don’t know. You just seem … different. Did Ki and her friends make it awkward or uncomfortable for you?”
“Oh no,” you shake your head, sending him a small smile before mindlessly looking at the different snacks. But the look on your face seemed tired—and not from a lack of sleep. “I just hate long car rides. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Ki and her friends, but it’s a bit tiring for me to socialize with people I don’t know that well first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, okay. Well, thank you for doing that for me. It means a lot.”
You smile softly, nodding your heads towards the cashier. “You don’t need to thank me. I enjoyed talking with them.”
Jaemin smiles, following you to the cash register. “Well, the snacks are on me, as a thank you.”
You smile softly in thanks before turning and watching as the cashier scans the items.
He doesn’t know you as well as he knows Jisung, but he thinks you’re lying. He knows when to push, and right now, before a two-hour drive, is not the time to push.
“Ready to go home?” he asks, handing you your bag of chips.
You smile tiredly, nodding your head in response. He smiles back, trying to ignore the sadness in your eyes.
“Hey, how was your trip,” Chenle asks after you exchange hellos.
“It was fun!” You lean back against the kitchen counter, crossing your legs. “It was nice having some time with them outside of school.”
“Oh, I bet. Anything fun happen? Any bear attacks?”
You snort, rolling your eyes. “You know it! There were five bear attacks.”
“Wow, that little? Normally it’s in the twenties. How lucky you three were.”
“I know right! And on top of not being attacked by a bear, Jaemin met his soulmate.”
The line goes silent, and you almost feel bad for changing the mood so fast. But Chenle’s your best friend, he’s always there for you, and you’re always there for him.
“Is Jisung okay,” he asks softly.
You shrug your shoulders. “He’s as okay as you can imagine.”
“And how about you? Are you okay?”
You sigh, rubbing your free hand over your face. “You know, in full honesty, I was happy. I mean, this was my chance to show him how worthy I am of being his soulmate. This was my chance, Chenle.”
“Then what?”
“Then he said he doesn’t want to meet his soulmate.”
He sighs, and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I know I have this conversation with you all the time,” you take a deep breath and push back the tears in your eyes, “but why does this have to happen to me? I like to think that I’m a nice person, so why doesn’t my soulmate want me? I just-this isn’t fair.”
“Y/n no,” he coos softly. “It’ll be okay.”
“How Chenle, how? Because the person I have been waiting my whole life for just said he didn’t want me.”
“Y/n you were worried about the same thing when you found out about Jaemin. That turned out okay and so will this.”
In any other situation, you would appreciate his optimism.
“Come on, Chenle. I appreciate you listening to me, don’t get me wrong, but do you really think this will be okay? I mean, he said he didn’t want to meet his soulmate at all. Last time, you told me it would be okay because I had a place in his heart that couldn’t be filled. Now, though, I’m trying to win a place in his heart. He doesn’t even want me, Chenle.”
You take a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. You hate everything about this situation. You have never liked drama, and ever since you met Jisung, your life has gotten more dramatic.
But he’s your soulmate; you love him.
“Okay y/n, listen. I know that right now, it seems impossible. But you believe in soulmates, right?”
You blink your eyes in shock. “Chenle I- yeah, of course, I do.”
“Then there’s your answer. He is your soulmate, y/n. He was made from the same star as you, and you have been with him for every single one of your past lives and will continue to be with him for your next lives. So maybe in this life, you guys just have a long story.”
You sigh, wiping your eyes. “Why me, though? I like to think I’ve been a good person, so why does my happy ending have to take so long?”
He laughs, and you can imagine he’s leaning back against the wall next to his bed. “Life has not been easy to us, has it?”
You chuckle, thinking about all the times you would stay at Chenle’s when your parents were too busy to look after you, or vice versa. High school had been the worst for both of you. It was when your parents decided you were old enough to look after yourselves and they could start taking more time-consuming projects.
You chuckle. “No, no, it wasn’t.”
“Do you remember that time when both our parents were gone, and you called me to come over because you were just having a horrible day? To be more specific, it was the first time I used the key to your house that you gave me. I opened the door, and the first thing I said was ‘sit down, I’m going to make you the best dinner you’ve ever had.’”
You chuckle. “Yeah, I remember. I’d had the worst day ever, and you put marina sauce on bread with cheese on top and called it pizza after cooking it in the oven.”
“And it was the best dinner of your life.”
“Whatever floats your boat.”
“You’re just in denial. Anyways, my point is, you’re going to be okay. You didn’t have parents around every day like most kids, but you came out just fine. And if your soulmate isn’t someone who sticks around every day, you’ll be okay too. There are other options.”
You scoff. You know what the other options are. They’re dating apps and bars made specifically for people whose soulmates had died or rejected them. Just like when you first read about your mark, you pitted the people who went there. And now, that person might be you.
“I know those options don’t seem very desirable, but if that’s what has to happen, then that’s what happens.”
“You’re right. I’m overthinking things.” You know you’re not unreasonably overthinking things; Chenle just has a way of seeing things simply. This is your soulmate, after all, the person you’ve been dying to meet since you could form a coherent thought.
“No, not really. I just have an outside perspective, so it’s easier for me to be objective,” he replies cheekily.
You smile, rolling your eyes at his attitude. “I raised you better than this.”
“Obviously not. How does it feel to fail?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
To say Jisung is nervous would be an understatement.
This morning, you had sent him and Jaemin a text telling them they had to meet you at this café they had never heard of and that it was important. He had been the last to arrive, but judging from the fact Jaemin was still looking at the menu, he isn’t too late. He decided to sit next to you, and he tried to ignore the little glance Jaemin sent him over the menu.
It has been a month since Jaemin found his soulmate, and Jisung is still having a hard time adjusting. He knows Jaemin isn’t dumb, and he knows Jaemin noticed something was off about him. He just can’t force himself to be around him and act like everything is normal. It hurt too much.
“Listen, I know it’s fast,” you explain. “But my friend is coming back from China, and he didn’t tell me until this morning. He’s a very spontaneous person, and he said he wanted to meet you guys, and I was so excited at the fact that he’s back in the country that I just said yes.”
Jaemin chuckles, shaking his head slightly as he slides the menu across to him. “How come we’ve never heard of him? I didn’t even know you had a friend in China”
“Neither did I,” he adds, picking up the menu to see what drinks they have. Since he hadn’t known he was going to be meeting you today, he had already eaten.
“Okay, yes, but I have mentioned him to you, Jisung. He was the friend I was talking to when you scared me at the store.”
Jisung nods his head, not looking away from the menu. He remembers that friend, the friend who sounded like your soulmate but wasn’t. The fact that he’s about to meet someone so close to you without knowing anything about him worries him. What if he says something stupid to make your friend hate him, causing you to hate him?
“Fine, let me revise. Why haven’t I heard of him?” Jaemin asks, and Jisung can tell he’s smiling.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you look down towards your wrist before looking back up. “He just never came up, I guess.”
“Fine, then what is his—”
You and Jisung turn towards the voice before his attention is quickly drawn to you shooting out of your seat to hug a boy with light brown hair. “Chenle! Welcome back.”
Setting down the menu, Jisung slides out of his seat as quietly as he can and into the vacant seat next to Jaemin. Jaemin smiles softly at him, and Jisung quickly flashes him a smile before bringing his attention back to you and Chenle.
“It’s good to be back,” Chenle answers, and Jisung smiles softly at the way he hugs you tightly.
“I see you dyed your hair brown again,” you smile, backing out of the hug and ruffling his hair.
He smiles back at you, rolling his eyes. “I was telling Xiulan how much you liked my brown hair, and I realized how much I liked my brown hair, so I brought it back.”
You laugh, and Jisung notices how much happier you seem. “Well, you look nice. Now, before we make my friends uncomfortable,” you turn to face Jisung and Jaemin, your wide smile still present, “Chenle, this is Jaemin and Jisung. Jaemin and Jisung, this is my best friend, Chenle.”
“It’s nice to meet you two. Y/n has told me a lot about you both,” he says as you both sit down. Chenle smiles at them both, but Jisung notices the way his eyes linger on him longer than Jaemin.
Jisung smiles shyly back, breaking eye contact out of nervousness. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too. But I can’t say y/n has told me a lot about you. This is actually the first time I’m hearing about you,” Jaemin greets, and he doesn’t miss the teasing smile Jaemin sends you.
“What? Are you ashamed of me or something?” Chenle asks, poking you on the arm.
“Oh, you know it,” you respond, wacking his hand, “I knew they wouldn’t want to hang out with me if they knew I hung out with someone like you.”
Jisung and Jaemin chuckle softly at the bickering. It might be too early to tell, but Jisung is willing to bet with Chenle here, he’s going to see a new side of you.
“Thank you, sir,” Jisung thanks, handing the cab driver the amount owed.
Jisung isn’t sure he can do this. Sure, it had been fun hanging out with Chenle, and, at the time, he thought it would be fun to hang out with him again.
Now that he was standing in front of a house he has never been to, with the intention to go in and watch a movie with you and someone he met this morning, he’s having second thoughts.
Despite it being hard to be around Jaemin, he wishes more than anything that he was standing next to him now. Had he known Jaemin wasn’t able to make it, he probably wouldn’t have accepted. Maybe it was his own fault for being slightly distant from Jaemin recently, but he used to know when Jaemin was busy and when he wasn’t.
Sighing, he pulls out his phone and presses on your contact. “I’m here y/n,” he says as soon as you pick up.
You chuckle. “Hello to you too. Chenle's on the third floor, apartment 311.”
“Okay, see you soon.”
Sighing again, he hangs up the phone, shoving it back into his pocket before he pulls the door open. Tapping his finger against each other as he walks to the elevator, he pushes against the feeling that something bad is going to happen. He should have brought something, a gift of some kind. Isn’t it rude to show up at someone’s house without a gift of some kind?
Shaking his head, he pushes the up button on the elevator, stepping in a second later.
“It’ll be okay, Jisung,” he mumbles to himself, watching the red number at the top change. “Y/n’s there, and they won’t put you in an uncomfortable position. You’ll be fine.”
He finds himself repeating the last three words as the elevator dings open, and he begins walking in what he assumes to be the right direction. Judging by how the numbers on the door kept increasing, he’d say he made the right decision.
Soon, he finds himself in front of the door with 311 posted on the front. Taking a deep breath, he brings his fist up and knocks on the door three times.
“Welcome to the-“ Chenle announces as he opens the door.
“Lee household,” y/n finishes. Judging from the confused glance Chenle sends you, that wasn’t part of the plan.
“Thank you for inviting me here,” he responds, slowly walking into the room and placing his shoes with the others. “Are you sure I’m not overstepping? I’m sure you want to spend some time with your family.”
“Oh, don’t worry, you’re not,” Chenle answers, closing the door behind him and walking to the left.”My parents don’t get back for another two days. Your company is welcome.”
“What about me,” y/n responds. “I’m literally sleeping in the room across from yours. Am I not enough company for you?”
Chenle pokes his head from around the corner, looking you up and down, before shaking his head and letting out a simple, “Nah.”
You gasp dramatically, and Jisung watches in amusement as Chenle disappears behind the corner again.
"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" you huff, leaning against the wall as you wait for Jisung to remove his shoes. "You're friends with someone for as long as you can remember, and this is how he treats you. Make a mental note, Jisung men aren't worth it."
Jisung chuckles. "Yeah, I'll be sure to remember that. I'm sure it'll help me tons in my life, you know, being a guy and all."
"Glad you agree! Now come this way, and follow me to the semi comfy couch."
"What did you say about my couch?" Chenle asks, watching as you both walk into the room.
"That's it's semi comfy," you answer, taking a seat next to him. "Ready to start?" you ask, patting the spot next to you and looking up at him.
“I’m just going to go to the bathroom first,” Jisung says awkwardly.
“Okay, it’s just down that hall and to the right. You’ll find it,” y/n answers, pointing to a hall on the other side of the room.
He walks towards the hallway, checking over his shoulder once to make sure he is going in the right direction. When you nod in reassurance, he turns the corner and is met with a short hallway with two doors. Pushing an already open door he assumes to be the bathroom further open, he’s met with a white bathroom.
“My mom would be so jealous of this room,” he mumbles to himself, closing the door behind him.
Coming out of the bathroom, he finds himself face to face with a photo of what he assumes to be Chenle’s family. Above the picture, the words “种 family” are printed in black letters.
Jisung tilts his head to the side in confusion. He can’t say for sure, but from what he remembers from the Hanja lessons at school, 种 doesn’t translate to Lee.
He doesn’t know what it translates to, so he takes a photo of it to check later. He feels like he’s overstepping, especially since Chenle invited him into his home despite only meeting him this morning. It just doesn't sit right with him; why would you lie to him?
“Y/n,” He hears Chenle whisper as he walks closer. The rest of the conversation is continued in fast English, making it hard to follow. Not that he’s trying to eavesdrop.
His presence in the room causes the conversation to end, and he freezes a second as they both look over at him. He smiles shyly, quickly walking towards the couch and taking the seat next to you.
“Ready to start?”
“Yeah, what are we watching?”
“Hope you like horror, Jisung, because that’s our favorite genre to watch together,” Chenle answers, scrolling through the movies on Netflix.
“Of course, if it really makes you uncomfortable, we can watch something else,” you add, smiling softly at him over your shoulder.
Jisung looks at the movie on the screen, a movie called Hush. “Um no, horror is good. I haven’t watched too many horror movies, so it’ll be nice to find out if I like them or not.”
“Good!” Chenle cheers, pressing play. “Then off we go!”  
“We’re soulmates.”
You blink back at him, the smile dropping off your face. “How’d you know?”
“You knew, didn’t you.”
Normally, Jisung isn’t this forward. He liked to word things carefully and do anything in his power to avoid confrontation. Normally, instead of meeting you outside your dorm building, he would’ve met you at a café or a park. Right now, however, he is too annoyed to take the time to be polite. You had lied to him.
You nod your head. “How did you find out?”
“There was a photo of Chenle and his family that said ‘Zhong family.’” He rolls up his sleeve to show you his tally mark. “Knowing that, the ZCL wasn’t too hard to understand. You really went on a date with your best friend?”
Your eyebrows raise in shock, and Jisung only barely notices the sharp tone in his voice. “Are you judging me?”
“No, no, I just better understand how you were able to give me such good advice about Jaemin.”
You laugh. “Listen, I don’t know why you’re being like this but you have no right. I have never had any interest in dating Chenle. I was able to give you that advice because while I may not love Chenle how you love Jaemin—which is fine, by the way—I do love him.”
Jisung is taken back with embarrassment. He feels naked now that you know about this part of him, and for a moment, he’s worried you’ll ridicule him. How did you even know? He hasn’t told anyone and he thinks he’s been relatively discrete about it. Then it clicks. You’re his soulmate. Again, he finds himself hating soulmates. If it weren’t for this, no one would know.
“You-you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You sigh. “Jisung, I’m—”
“Y/n,” he interrupts, his embarrassment fueling his anger. “I can’t see you anymore.”
“Wait,” you laugh humorlessly. “Let me get this straight, you’re deciding you can’t be around me anymore because I’m the person you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with?”
“You don’t understand,” Jisung sighs. Despite the embarrassment, he knows he isn’t in the right to be annoyed or angry; but you don’t understand what he’s trying to do and it's furthering his annoyance. He’s trying to help you.
“You’re right, I don’t. Because there isn’t anything to understand. But please, tell me what you think I need to understand.”
“I don’t need to explain this to you, so if you can’t understand I’m sorry. But I never liked the idea of soulmates, okay? My parents are soulmates and they didn’t fit well together, they still don’t. There is nothing certain about them, so why do I have to spend my life looking for this one person when I don’t even know who they are? I want to get to know the person before I decide if I want to spend my life with them. Not because I’m supposed to be with them.”
You scoff. “You’re being selfish and contradicting your own logic. You got to know me before you found out we are soulmates.”
“Selfish?” he laughs. “How am I being selfish?”
“Because you’re deciding you’re more important than I am. You’re deciding that your feelings of ‘oh, my parents failed as soulmates so me and y/n will fail too’ is more important than anything I have to say. Instead of considering my side, which is, ‘I understand that Jisung is afraid, but I’m willing to work with him to realize it doesn’t have to go the way he thinks it will.’”
He scoffs. “I hardly think that’s being selfish.”
“Oh, you don’t? I’ve waited my whole life to meet my soulmate, and when I did, I found out he wants nothing to do with me. So you know what I do? I put my feelings aside, and I decide I’m going to prove to you that I’m worthy of being your soulmate. That if you still don’t want me after I’ve given my all, then I’ll respect your wishes and you’ll never have to think of me as your soulmate again. But you, you weren’t thinking about me when you decided this, and you’re still not thinking about me. If not selfish, then what?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not going to let you talk to me like this. We can talk more when you’re calmed down.”
You nod your head. “Okay, you do that. My words may be harsh, and maybe I could have worded this better, but none of it is false. So you go, think about what I said, and let me ‘calm down.’ Then later, you’re going to decide how you want this relationship to continue for the time being. Because I love you, Jisung, and I’m not going to give up on you yet. But if you come to me tomorrow and decide you don’t want me right now, then I’m done chasing after you for the time being. I need a break from being second best.”  
You and Jisung look at each other in silence before he takes a deep breath and turns away from you, quickly walking away from your dorm building.
When he gets back to his room, he quickly throws himself face-first onto his bed. He still can’t believe the conversation he just had with you. How could you not understand? He was trying to help you; he was trying to save you from a forced relationship.
Sighing, he flips around onto his back and pulls his phone out of his back pocket. Opening his contacts, he scrolls until he finds the one he’s looking for. Jaemin’s contact.
He knows he has been distant towards Jaemin, and he feels bad that he’s only starting to get close to him again because he needs his advice. Better now than never, right?
“Jisung!” Jaemin exclaims as soon as he picks up. “What’s up?”
“I was hoping I could talk to you about something.”
“Yeah, of course. What is it?”
Jisung sighs, the conversation still fresh in his mind. “Y/n and I are soulmates. They knew we’re soulmates and they didn’t even tell me.”
The line goes silent, and Jisung can imagine his friend is having a hard time deciding what he should say. “How do you feel about that?”
Jisung shrugs his shoulders, putting the phone on speaker before laying it on top of his chest. “Just as you imagine I would. I never wanted to meet my soulmate, and now I find out my soulmate is one of my best friends. How is that fair?”
“Well,” Jaemin starts slowly, and Jisung can tell he’s still having a hard time picking his words. “I can say that if I were in your shoes, I’d be happy. Not that I’m not happy with Ki, she seems very nice, I just mean it would’ve been even better had I been friends with her before.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jisung sighs. “You know me, and you know about my parents. So you know why I don’t want my soulmate. I’ve said this many times before, but there isn’t anything certain about soulmates so why should I have to spend my life with them?”
“Did you tell them that?”
“Yeah, I did. I told y/n I couldn’t see them anymore, and they then proceeded to call me selfish.” He complains.
“How so?”
“They said that by deciding that I didn’t want to meet my soulmate, I was only considering my feelings and not theirs. Which is something I decided when I was like 10, so I hardly think that qualifies as selfish. Plenty of people decide they want to meet their soulmates at 10 and they aren’t called selfish.”
Jisung can’t hide how annoyed he is. He knows he should try and explain things a bit more, or mention how you had been calm at first until he started arguing. But he didn’t want Jaemin to side with you. Even if he is wrong, which he can’t understand how he could be, he doesn’t want Jaemin to say it. He just wants someone on his side right now.
“Well that in itself isn’t selfish. Is that what they said was selfish?” “Well, no. They said I was selfish for not considering their point of view; by not giving us a try. But there is no us,” he laughs, “We’re not even dating! Why should I have to give us a try when, a, I never wanted to meet my soulmate, and b, I don’t have romantic feelings towards them right now. How is it selfish to not want to go on a date?”
“Of course it isn’t. I think they just mean it’s selfish not to look at their point of view. If y/n didn’t tell you right away, that must mean they were considering it might be fast for you and chose to wait. I think they’re just hoping you’ll do the same.”
“But why do I have to give up this thing that I’ve held so close to me since I was little. I watched my dad treat my mom like she wasn’t the person ‘made from the same star’ as he was. He acted like we were just there. Which, yeah, I guess I should be glad he never physically hurt us. Jaemin, he doesn’t care about us. And I’m worried that if I find my soulmate—who is y/n, a friend—then we’re just going to end the same way. I mean, I may not like it, but half of me is from my dad. What if the same thing that is in him, the thing that makes him not care, has passed down to me and by the time y/n realizes it, it’s too late for them to leave. So I don’t think it’s fair that y/n thinks I’m being selfish when I’ve said everything I’ve said for them. It isn’t fair.”
Jisung takes a deep breath. He hadn’t expected to talk to Jaemin about this, but he’s glad he is. While he may not be able to talk to Jaemin about everything—mostly him being bisexual—he is glad he can talk to him about soulmates. Frankly, nothing scares him more than meeting his soulmate. It made him think about his dad; made him wonder how much like him he really was.
“So this is a fear thing, you know that right?”
“Well, no, not exactly,” Jisung pauses, thinking over what he just said before sighing. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“Okay, then I think you should tell y/n that. I imagine they would be willing to work with you on that.”
“I don’t know if I want to do that.”
Jisung can imagine he’s tilting his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I don’t want to work through it. This particular thing has never been a problem for me until now. And it’s only a problem because it’s my soulmate. So if I just keep my distance from them—like I said I would—then I don’t have to fix myself.”
This, Jisung knows, is extremely selfish. But he doesn’t care. Why should he have to change who he is because he’s scared of one person? Why can’t he just save himself time and avoid the root of this fear?
“Jisung,” Jaemin sighs. “Do I have to tell you what’s wrong with that?”
“No, you don’t. I just don’t understand why I have to be the adult and change my whole way of thinking for this one person.”
“Y/n isn’t just a person, they’re your friend. Relationships are the same thing as friendships; you have to work together in order for them to work. Now, I don’t know everything about the situation, but from what you’ve told me and from what I’ve seen, they’ve been trying to work with you. Don’t you think it’s fair that you work with them as well?”
Jisung sighs again, bringing his hands up to rub his face. His annoyance is gone and it’s been replaced with tiredness. Jaemin has a point. “I-I know what you mean. I’m just so tired.”
“Tired? Tired of what?”
“I feel like I always have to change myself. I know it isn’t a bad thing to work on yourself, I just don’t know if I have the energy to change myself even more. This year has been so hard on me; so much has changed in my life. I’m just so tired of having to change myself.”
Jaemin hums and Jisung can imagine he’s nodding his head. “Yeah, change is hard. But if you do the work now, imagine how much better you’ll be in the future. I know this is something you’ve held onto since you were young, but at the same time, y/n has had it in their mind that they’d meet their soulmate and live happily ever after. They changed their thinking and were able to accept that it wouldn’t go the way they thought it would.”
Jisung knows he’s being selfish—now that it’s being thrown back in his face. “Alright, thank you for talking with me Jaemin. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem,” Jaemin pauses, and Jisung can tell he has more to say. “And Jisung?”
He hums in response.
“It was really nice talking to you again.”
Jisung closes his eyes. “Yeah, it was nice talking. I’m sorry I’ve been so distant from you lately. Like I said, a lot has changed and it’s just been hard adjusting.”
“Well if you ever want someone to talk to about that change, I’m here for you.”
“I will, thank you Hyung.”
“Long time no see.”
Jisung chuckles awkwardly, looking down at his cup. “Yeah, I’m sorry it took so long for me to get back to you.”
“No, it’s okay,” you smile softly. Honestly, the three days it took for Jisung to finally message you had been filled with worry. You thought he was never going to get back to you.
“So uh, I thought about our conversation,” he starts, slowly looking up from his cup. “And I just wanted to talk some more before we … decide anything.”
You nod your head, leaning forward in your chair. “Yeah, totally. Go ahead.”
“First, I want to apologize for how I talked to you once I found out. I was hurt because you lied to me, and I was,” he pauses, shaking his head and sighing, “embarrassed you knew about me and Jaemin. So I’m sorry that I used that tone with you, and I want to know what I can do to make it up to you.”
You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out. No one, when apologizing, had ever asked you what they could do to make it up to you. That, paired with the sincere look in his eyes, gave you butterflies, and you found yourself struggling to answer. “Um, you don’t need to do anything. The fact that you’re even asking me what you can do to make it better is enough for me. It means the world to me.”
“Okay, I’m glad,” he smiles. “But if you think of anything let me know. Now I hope you’ll be patient with me during this part. The apology part is the only thing I really prepared for, so I hope you don’t mind me rambling like an idiot.”
“No, of course not. Take your time.”
He takes a deep breath, flashing you a quick smile. “So the first thing I want to talk about is what you want from this relationship. Because you know that I’m … a little hesitant to meet my soulmate and start a romantic relationship. So where are you hoping this will go?”
“If I’m being completely honest, years down the road, I want us to be together and have a family of sorts. Whether that family is kids or dogs, cats, or hamsters, I don’t care. But I can imagine that’s scary for you, so we can take it slow if you want. We continue to stay friends until you’re ready for more.” you take a deep breath, bringing your hands up to wrap around your cup, eyes looking down into the liquid. “Or, if you can’t see yourself even being around me, I can try and get used to the idea that you truly don’t want me. But I meant what I said, I don’t want to give up on you yet. I’ll give you some space and time, and then I’ll try again.”
Jisung nods his head, an emotion you think could only be ununderstanding clouding his eyes. “And this might be weird, but you said you loved me? Do you really?”
You nod your head. “Yeah, I’ve loved you since I was little. As soon as I was able to comprehend soulmates, I knew I loved you. And when I met you, before I found out we were soulmates, I thought you were cute. The way you were so nervous about having dropped that coffee on me was precious and reminded me of myself, and it just made my day better overall. When I found out we were soulmates, it was the first day we went out—all three of us to your friend's dad’s restaurant—was so sad because you loved someone else. I still loved you though it didn’t change how I felt about you. Then once I got to actually know you, my feelings were confirmed? I don’t know, that sounds weird. I just had this faith that you would be a good person, and once I met you, I was sure I was right.”
He blinks at you. “But-but I don’t understand. And maybe it’s because I never intended to meet my soulmate, but how could you love this person you’ve never met?”
You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t think everyone thinks the way I do. I think if you asked Jaemin or Chenle if they loved their soulmate before they met them, they’d say no. It’s just a me thing. I have faith that the universe put us together for a reason, and because we’re connected, I’m going to love you. Had you turned out to be a jerk, I probably wouldn’t love you now. But you’re a nice kid, Jisung, so I still have that love for you. I hope I don’t sound too weird.”
“No, no, you don’t,” he quickly denies. “It’s just I grew up watching two people—two soulmates—not love each other. I mean, my dad didn’t even seem to care most of the time. So I grew up thinking that soulmates didn’t work out like people said they did.”
“I’m sorry, that must’ve been hard.”
“It was what it was. I mean, that isn’t something I normally tell people, but I want you to understand I’m not doing it to hurt you. So can we stay friends? I’m not saying we’ll never be together. Right now, it’s just hard for me to say that I’m ready to be my soulmate’s other half.”
For a second, neither of you says anything. You can tell he’s nervous, and you mentally applaud him for keeping his composure. “Of course, I don’t mind staying friends, Jisung. Whatever you need to do.”
He lets out a relieved sigh before he pushes himself up from his chair and walks over to awkwardly hug you. “Thank you for understanding.”
You hug him back, gently squeezing him. He’s the love of your life; what’s the rush?
“Y/n will you please come to the lounge of my dorm?”
“Yeah, sure. Is everything okay? You sound off.”
“I’ll explain when you get here. I just need to talk to you about something.”
“Okay, I’m on my way. I’ll be there in like 5 minutes.”
Once the line goes dead, Jisung leans back in the chair, running a hand over his face.
Jisung isn’t sure why he called you. In the past three months since he told Jaemin about you being his soulmate, they had slowly become normal. Jisung will still get pangs of sadness now and again when thinking about Ki and Jaemin, but it’s better than before. Since he and Jaemin are okay again, why didn’t he call him? He’s who he would normally call.
“Jisung, hey. What’s wrong?” You greet as you set your bag down and sit in the chair across from him.
“My dad died.”
He watches as you freeze before you blink slowly. “I’m so sorry.”
He shrugs his shoulders, averting his eyes to look out the window. “I didn’t even know him that well, you know? And then my mom calls me crying and tells me that he died because of a drunk driver.” He takes a deep breath. “I guess I just thought one of these days, when I’m older, I’ll finally get to know why he never bothered to stay around when I was growing up. That I’ll be able to tell him how well I’m doing despite how little he was around, and he’ll tell me that he’s sorry.” Jisung chuckles, shaking his head. He can feel tears start to well behind his eyes. “If you had known him, you would know that’s so unrealistic. Just a fantasy.”
Your face softens, and you nod your head. “That’s not a dumb thing to wish for. I don’t blame you for wanting your dad to show that he loves you.”
He nods, biting his lip. “All my life, I’ve never thought of myself as lacking. My mom was all I needed, and I didn’t need a man to teach me how to be one. But now that he’s dead, it just hurts. And I don’t know why it hurts, and I think that’s why I feel as upset as I do.”
Jisung looks at you with what he can only imagine are pleading eyes. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, he just hopes you have it.
“I’ll be honest, Jisung, I don’t know what to say. Both my parents were as loving as they could have been, despite being gone a lot. If I had to guess, though, it hurts because even if you weren’t close with your dad, he’s still half of you. He was also in your life every day.”
Jisung nods his head once before tipping his head back. Just yesterday, if you asked him about his dad, he wouldn’t have hesitated to say said he didn’t want to talk about it. He wouldn’t even feel bad saying he was a jerk.
Now that he’s dead, he doesn’t know what he can say. Of course, he isn’t going to lie and say he was a great dad, but something feels unresolved.
“I think I feel guilty,” he admits, bringing his eyes back to focus on you.
“About what?”
“I feel guilty that he died, maybe thinking I hated him.” He shuts his eyes as a few tears escape his eyes, and he quickly wipes them. “I don’t hate him.”
A silence sets over you two, and Jisung suddenly realizes how unfair it is of him to suddenly dump this on you.
“I’m sorry-“
“I didn’t know your dad,” you say, cutting him off, “so I can’t say for sure what he thought. Even if I had met him, I wouldn’t be able to say. But unless he was completely delusional, then he was able to see what a good kid you are. If he saw that, then he’d know you didn’t hate him. You should talk to your mom about it. She knows your dad better than anyone—I mean, assuming you’re not close to his parents.”
“Yeah, okay. Would you-would you come with me? When I go back home later today?”
You nod your head. “My last class ends at 2:30 pm. Can you wait until then?”
Jisung nods his head. He’s stopped crying, but he can imagine his eyes look glossed over. “Yeah. I’m not going today so I can meet you outside your class. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, let me just send you the classroom number so you remember where it is,” you respond, pulling out your phone. His eyes are drawn to your wrist and to the black line drawn across it.
He’s noticed that recently you have stopped hiding it. Before, you used to wear long sleeves or cover it with make-up. It was weird seeing the initials of his ex-girlfriend written in black across your skin. Next to the black line is the scar with Jaemin’s initials.
“I’m sorry.”
You tilt your head to the side, setting your phone on the table in front of you. “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m happy to come back with you and be there for you. You’re someone I really care about.”
“No, not that. I don’t know why I wasn’t more specific about that. I just mean, I’m sorry about the scar on your arm. From me.”
You raise your hand, twisting it around to look at the scar on the inside of your wrist. “You can’t help who you fall in love with,” you whisper, dropping your wrist. Taking a deep breath, you smile at him, hoping to show that it doesn’t bother you as much anymore. “It’s okay. The actual scar didn’t hurt for long.”
“Yeah, but I wish I weren’t this way. I mean, if I were normal, I wouldn’t draw attention to myself, and you wouldn’t have that scar on your wrist.”
“What do you mean ‘draw attention to yourself?'”
Jisung sighs, looking away from you. “I loved Jaemin, and I liked Gaewon. That’s different than normal. And since I’m that way, I’ll have to tell people, and then they’ll have it in the back of their mind whenever they talk to me that I like both men and women. That I’m bisexual.” He whispers the last part, not even wanting to say the word bisexual.
He’s never said the words “I’m bisexual” out loud before, and he never knew words could be so hard to say. He remembered when he finally decided on a label; he was so happy he almost cried. Here was this label that perfectly described what he felt, and here was this community of people who were telling the same story he was living.
After a few days, however, he found the joy slowly start to seep away. He identifies with the label, yes, but he hates it. Since he found out, he would go through different periods where he was okay with who he was and periods where he hated his label. His whole life, he has never wanted to stand out. Now though, he’ll stand out to anyone who knows. Which, right now, is one too many.
“If it’s any consolation, I’ve known about this side of you for as long as I’ve known we’re soulmates, and I’ve never thought of you any different because of it. You’re the same Park Jisung that spilled coffee on me. If I ever thought about you loving Jaemin, it was never thoughts of disgust or judgment. Maybe jealousy, but never judgment.”
He looks at you, watching your face for any hints of dishonesty. He sighs, averting his eyes. “Thank you y/n. I didn’t mean to talk about this today; I guess I got carried away on the emotion train. But I’ll see you at 2:30?”
You nod your head, smiling softly at him. “Yeah, sounds good. Call me or Jaemin if you need anything else.”
You glance over to the boy sitting next to you, nervously bouncing his leg. He seemed different than when you met him that morning; more nervous.
“Is everything okay?”
He glances over at you before returning his gaze to look out the subway window across from your seats. “I just haven’t been back in a long time. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother very much. It was just too weird with him there. But it will still be just as weird. On top of that, I’m coming back home with my soulmate who I haven’t told her is my soulmate, and I feel bad lying to her. I just feel like if I tell her, there will be some kind of pressure on us to act like traditional soulmates. Which I know is something you want, so then I circle back to feeling this pressure that isn’t even there. Now I’m stress rambling.”
You chuckle softly, shaking your head. “You’re okay, Jisung. Let’s take that apart point by point. No matter what you do, going back right now is going to be weird. But if you go now, it won’t be as stressful in the future; and that is something to look forward to. Now about us being soulmates. You don’t need to tell her if you don’t want to, but if you feel bad lying, just tell her the truth. And the truth is that we’re waiting for our relationship to develop more before we do anything else. You don’t need to feel bad about jumping straight into a relationship with me because you think that’s what I want to do. What I want to do is whatever you want to do.”
He sighs, ruffling his hair in what you assume to be stress. “But I’m worried you’re just saying that because you know that’s what I want to hear. You can be honest with me. I can take it.”
“I am being honest!” you laugh. “Trust me, Jisung, if I were the type of person to try and force you into a relationship, you’d know.”
He smiles. “Yeah, okay, I’m sorry. I’m letting the stress get to me.”
“Yes, yes you are.” You pat his knee.
“This is it,” Jisung whispers as you come to a stop outside an apartment door.
You turn your head to look at him, rubbing his arm in comfort. He sighs, shakily pressing in the code. He rests his hand on the handle, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open. “Mom, I’m back. I brought a friend with me too.”
“Jisung!” his mom laughs. She walks around the corner, wiping her eyes. “You should have told me you were bringing someone! I would’ve cleaned myself up a bit. Hi, I’m Jisung’s mom.”
You smile, bowing in greeting. “Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Park. You look just fine. My name is y/n.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you. But you don’t have to lie.” She smiles briefly before turning to Jisung. Her eyes start to water as soon as they meet his, and you move out of the way so she can hug him. “It’s been so long.”
“I know, mom,” he says, hugging her back. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come back.”
She pulls back, giving him an adoring smile. “Are you guys hungry? It’s around lunchtime, isn't it? Want me to make you something?”
“No, mom,” he shakes his head. “Let’s go out to eat. I imagine you need to get out of the house.”
“No, no, I’m okay,” her voice breaks, and a few more tears escape from her eyes. “Really. I’m okay.”
Your heart breaks, and you smile softly. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Park, that’s on my part. I told Jisung I wanted to take you out to eat since it’s my first time meeting you.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that.” She dabs at her eyes.
“But I want to! Your son and his friend are the only close friends I have, and I want to show you my gratitude for bringing him into this world. He really is an important person to me, and it’s important to tell people that you’re grateful for them.”
She blinks at you a few times, more tears streaming from her eyes. “That’s—thank you for saying that. As a mother, that is the best thing I could ever hear.”
You smile softly. “So you’ll let me take you and your son out to eat?”
She smiles, sniffling. “Yes, of course, I will. Let me go freshen up, and then we can go! Jisung, show our guest to the living room.”
He nods his head. “Yeah, right this way.”
You send his mom a smile before following him to the living room. He sits down on the blue couch across from the tv, patting the spot next to him.
“Thank you for covering for me. I didn’t know how I was going to come back from that,” he says softly, staring blankly ahead.
“No problem. And I meant what I said. I’ve been trying to let people know when I’m grateful for them, and I’d say I’m grateful you’re alive. It’s the least I can do, especially after her loss.”  
“That’s all?”
You tilt your head to the side, laughing at the silly question. "What do you mean ‘that’s all?' What other reason could there be?”
He smiles, shaking his head. “Nothing, never mind.”
“Okay, weirdo.”
“You know, when I was in high school, my mom and I used to watch TV here every night while we ate dinner.”
You smile softly, looking around the room. “Really? That sounds nice.”
He nods his head. “It was. She said she wished we could do family dinners, but they made her feel awkward because it was never something her family did.”
“I get that. As someone who had family dinners whenever both my parents were home, there could be some awkward dinners. Especially after a fight.”
“Yeah, I can imagine,” he sighs. “We’ve always been so close, y/n, so why am I having such a hard time coming up with things to say to her?”
“Because this is an extremely hard thing to deal with,” you answer. “I don’t know what I’m going to say to one of my parents when the other one dies other than that I’m here for them. But I won’t be in the situation you’re in now. You have to figure out how to ask your mom about your dad. My parents may not have been around a lot either, but I know they loved me and I know the type of people they are.”
He leans his body against the couch, sliding down so his head is resetting against the top of the cushion. “When should I ask? Is right now too soon?”
“I don’t know, Jisung. Maybe you should spend some time with her and see where she’s at? But I don’t think waiting is going to help anything either. If you can spend the night, I would do that. Then you don’t have to feel like there’s any type of rush.”
"Would you,” he hesitates, turning his head to look at you. His eyes look so tired. “Would you be able to stay with me?”
You open your mouth, ready to tell him you have work early in the morning and would only make it if you left before they work up. But the longer you look at his eyes, the more you can tell he needs you. You smile softly, nodding your head. “You’re lucky tomorrow is Saturday. Let me just call into work and tell them a family member passed away.”
His eyes widen, and he pushes himself back into a sitting position. “No, you don’t have to do that for me.”
“Nonsense. You’re my family, so therefore he was my family. I’d do the same for Chenle or Jaemin, assuming they didn’t ask someone else. Well, I’d do it for Chenle whether he asks or not, I’m afraid I love him too much.”
He smiles, not breaking eye contact. You try to give him what you hope is a comforting smile, finding it hard not to let it turn into a shy smile. There wasn’t anything different about the way he was smiling at you—it always made your heart skip a beat.
Ever since Jisung told you he would be willing to take it slow with you, you have found that his smiles are more heart-fluttering, and his normal characteristics are more charming. For the first time in your life, you understand what it means to have a crush on someone.
"Okay, I'm ready to go!" Mrs. Park announces, walking into the room, digging around in her purse for something. "Where were you thinking of going?"
"Wherever your favorite restaurant is," you answer, pushing yourself off the couch.
She laughs. "Okay, how about we go to your favorite restaurant, Jisung? The Italian one?"
"Yeah!" Jisung answers, and you jump slightly at how unexpectedly close he was. "I haven't been there in forever."
"Italian it is then! Let's go."
Jisung doesn’t know what to feel.
He didn’t think he’d be able to sleep tonight. After he got the call from his mother about his dad’s death, he knew he was going to be up all night thinking about their time together and how unnecessarily mean he had been at times. Because of you, however, he had the strength to ask his mom questions he otherwise would have never asked. Because of you, he was able to hear that his father loved him the best way he knew how. That his mother had known him for a very long time, had seen his relationships with other people, and knew that his dad loved him more than anyone in the world. She showed him a box of memories his father had been saving for when he turned 21. Inside were photos of him from when he was younger.
She told him she thought he was a very sad man. She thinks he wanted to love her, but he couldn’t. She doesn’t know why, and when he asked what made her think such a thing, she just shrugged.
“I know how it looked, Jisung-ah,” she had said. “He did stay out late, he sometimes stayed out for days on end, and he felt distant from us. I know sometimes it felt like he was just this person instead of a father. Believe me, sometimes it didn’t even feel like I was married. I can’t explain it exactly, but I just got the feeling he wanted to love us but couldn’t. Maybe it was the box he made me promise to never tell you about or the new toys that would sometimes appear out of nowhere when you were a kid or the gifts that would be mailed to my office on our wedding anniversary or my birthday that makes me think this. I think he knew what was right, but he just didn’t feel those things, and I think that made it hard for him to be around us.”
While that didn’t make the past better, and he still holds a little resentment towards his dad for treating his mother so poorly, he thinks he might be able to better come to terms with his death. Even though he doesn’t know if he can say his dad was a good dad, he might be able to say he did his best.
In the end, his mom thinks his dad loved him. When he had tearfully asked her if she thought his dad thought he hated him, she told him that she doubted the thought had ever crossed his mind.
So when he set off to bed tonight, even though he wasn’t excited to share a bed with his mother—he had found out at a pretty young age that he hated sharing a bed with people—he thought he would be able to sleep tonight. That because the thoughts of his father weren’t taking up as much space in his mind as they used to, he would be okay. The thoughts of you, however, are loud enough to keep him up.
He has told himself that there can never be anything between you two because you’re soulmates. He had planned to let this continue until the end of college, where you would both go your separate ways, and he would try and let you down in a way that didn’t make you completely hate him. But lately, you’ve been turning his plan upside down.
He isn’t sure when exactly the plan started to go astray, but he does know that today was the wake-up call he needed to see things weren’t going how he planned. Maybe it was because of how emotional today was that he is suddenly feeling a strong pull towards you. He just knows that the way you helped him with his mom, the way you dropped everything to stay the night with him, and the way you constantly made him feel loved makes him want to spend every second of the day with you.  
“Shit,” he whispers, quickly covering his mouth and turning his head to see if he woke his mother up.
Falling for someone has never scared him before. Granted, he doesn’t have that much experience, the two times he had done it hadn’t scared him. Sure, falling for Jaemin had been worrying at times, but it never scared him. This—you—terrified him.
He wasn’t supposed to catch feelings for you. Hell, he wasn’t even supposed to meet you. Jisung sighs, flipping onto his other side and hugging the blanket closer to himself. He focuses on the warmth of his mother next to him and on trying to hear her breathing. He’ll deal with this tomorrow.
“Good morning dear, y/n made breakfast.”
Jisung freezes in place, looking between you and his mom sat at the small dining table.
“There’s some food in the pan on the stove. Grab a bowl and come join us,” his mom suggests, pulling out the chair between you two and smiling up at him.
He slowly nods his head, looking between you both once again before turning around towards the pan. “What is it?”
“It’s eggs and tomato. It’s one of Chenle’s favorite dishes, and I learned how to make it the other day,” you answer. “I was told I wasn’t allowed to leave until I got the recipe down. So since I had to deal with Chenle lovingly criticizing my every move, I thought, why not try it out on you two.”  
“Chenle, that’s an interesting name. Are they your soulmate?”
“No, he’s just their friend,” Jisung answers, staring down as he sets his plate on the table and takes the seat next to his mom.
He looks up as he scoots his chair closer to the table, quickly averting his eyes as he makes eye contact with you. He doesn’t miss the strange look you give him.
“Oh, okay. Sorry I assumed. I just thought that because you knew his favorite food, you must be soulmates. But thinking about it now, he could’ve also been your sibling,” his mom laughs.
“It’s okay, Mrs. Park. He and I are very compatible—sometimes it surprises me that we aren’t soulmates.”
She laughs, reaching over to pat your hand. “Well, I’m glad to hear that you have such a good friend. Jisung here has never bothered to bring the infamous Jaemin over. I have no way of knowing if my Jisung is in good hands.”
Jisung looks at his mother, holding her stare as she smiles at him. He knows she’s trying to embarrass him; she never talks like this. He squints slightly at her—he isn’t going to let her win.
You laugh, and he breaks eye contact with his mom to look over at you.
“Having met Jaemin, I can assure you he and Jisung are just as compatible as me and Chenle. He’s a great match for Jisung.”
“Well, if you’re any indication in his choice of friends, then I’m sure he’s great. It’s been a joy getting to know you, and I really appreciate you being here for my son. Speaking of,” she turns her attention away from you and looks at him, her eyes changing from teasing to sad. “I think I’m going to spend a few weeks with my mom. It’s—” she pauses, looking around the room. “It’s too hard being here.”
Jisung tilts his head to the side, setting his spoon down. “Of course, mom. Do you need me and y/n to help you pack some stuff?”
She shakes her head. “No, it’s okay. I only ask that you stay here with me until I’m done packing. I’m used to the house being quiet, but this is too much.”
You nod your head. “Yeah, of course. When you sleep in someone’s room, you get a sense of who they really are. And I have some questions for your son.”
Jisung scrunches his nose, and before he can respond in some sarcastic way, his mother interrupts him.
“I think that’s a great idea. You guys hang out, Jisung, show your friend the photo album, and then we can all leave together!”
He nods his head, smiling softly at his mom. “Okay, yeah, that’s a good idea.”
She smiles at you two before she pushes back the chair and walks to her room. Jisung lets a silence settle between you two for a second before he takes a deep breath and picks up his bowl. “Ready to go?”
You nod your head, pushing back your chair and following him to his room.
“Was the bed comfortable?”
“Yeah, thanks again for letting me take your bed.”
He nods his head, turning the knob and pushing open the door. “No problem. You’re already doing me a huge favor by staying here with me. The least I can do is let you sleep in an actual bed. Now have a seat on the bed. There was something I wanted to show you, so this is a good chance to show you.”
You nod your head, taking a seat on his bed and crossing your legs. He sets his bowl on the ground before walking over to his dresser and pulling out a photo book from the bottom drawer. He takes a seat next to you on the bed, setting the book between you two before bending forward to pick his bowl back up.
“This is my own photo album. I don’t think my mom even knows about this one.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Why doesn’t she know about it?”
He shrugs, taking a bite of his food. “I started it as a way for me to have my own album. When I was younger, I loved looking through my mom’s photo albums, and I wanted to start one for my future kids. One day, I was going through photos with her, and she threw away some photos she didn’t like. But those photos were important to me, so when she left the room, I took them from the trash and kept them here.”
“That’s sweet, Jisung.”
He shrugs. “You can look through it.”
Jisung hasn’t looked through this album in forever. Granted, when he was younger, he only ever looked through it when adding a new photo—which wasn’t often. This time, however, until this morning, he forgot he even had this album. He watches as you flip through the album, smiling at the photos of his first cat and some photos when he went to camp.
He lets his eyes drift from the album up to you. You’re smiling down at the album, commenting on how cute he was as a kid. Sitting here with you feels like something from a movie. He is sitting with you, on his bed, him finishing his breakfast and you wearing one of his shirts and pajama pants—they were technically his dad’s, but they had been put in his room a long time ago, and he never bothered to give them back—and he’s showing you something he’s never shown anyone. It feels surreal.
He puts the spoon in his mouth without any food and lets it hang there, hand still holding onto the handle. His thoughts from last night suddenly come rushing back, and he feels slightly anxious. He's falling for you, and he is slowly accepting that. But now that he's starting to accept that, he feels anxious not telling you. At the same time, the idea of telling you makes him anxious. He inwardly sighs, why is life so hard?
“Hey, Jisung,” you say, lightly touching his arm. “Is the spoon better than the food?”
He shakes his head and takes the spoon out of his mouth. “Hum? What do you mean?”
You laugh softly. “I asked you a question, and you didn’t answer. So I looked up, and you were just sitting there with a spoon in your mouth. I tried to make a joke, but I’m not very funny.”
“Oh, no, sorry. The food was great, all of Chenle’s loving nagging paid off. It’s just a thing I do when I finish my food, and I guess I got lost in thought. What was your question?”
“I was just asking who this was,” you answer, pointing to a photo.
“Oh, that’s Eunseong, one of my mom’s old friends.” He smiles down at the photo. It was a photo of him, his mom, and Eunseong looking for a Christmas tree. “He lived with us for a while.”
“Can I ask why?”
“When I was in fifth grade, my dad got transferred down to Busan for a year. Not that my dad helped all that much, but mom thought she needed more help so she invited Eunseong to live with us for a year. I think she just wanted to have someone you know? This was one of the photos she threw out.”
“What? Even though it is none of my business, why did she do that? You all look so happy.”
“Well, he felt like I did about my dad and wanted my mom to leave him. His soulmate had died, and I think he had feelings for her. Anyways, I remember there being this argument where he said that if she didn’t leave my dad, then he was done with us. They thought I was asleep, it was like five am so I was supposed to be. I remember her crying and nothing else. But the next few days he was still there and I thought it would be okay. Then, like a week before my dad came home, they got into another fight. I’m not sure what this one was about, but it was really bad. He yelled at her, and then he just left. He just left her, crouched on the floor and bawling her eyes out. I didn’t know what to say, so I just sat there with her. I decided then that I wouldn’t miss him. He came back the next day while I was at school, grabbed his stuff, and left.”
A silence settles over you two once again, eyes never leaving the photo.
“I’m sorry,” you finally say. “That sounds hard. But why would you want to keep this photo?”
“He was still part of my life. He was only with us for one year, but he actually ate with us on the couch. And while I’ve never thought I needed a constant father figure in my life, he was the closest thing I had to one. I remember that year when we were making gifts for our parents on parents day, I told the teacher I had two dads—one stepdad and one dad,” He shakes his head, trying to get his thoughts back on track, “Anyway, the point of the story was to say that while I may not have liked him at the end, he was still an important part of my life. And I think it’s important to remember him.”
“I agree with you. I think it’s important to remember even the hurtful memories. They help us grow.”
He nods his head in agreement. “I even have some of my parents' wedding photos; despite my mother hating how she looks in them. Of course, she still has some in her albums, but none of them are out to see. I think she looks beautiful in them.”
He turns the page and finds the photo of his mom and dad at their wedding. The photo he has is one of his favorites; one where his mom and dad are standing next to their parents. He always loved this photo because his mother looked so radiant. Aside from that, the idea that there was once a time his mom and dad were happy is something he’s always dreamed about. He knew, however, that the smiles in the photos weren’t one hundred percent genuine on his mother’s part. She always mentioned how stressed she was when planning it and that she was glad she never had to do it again.
“She is beautiful,” you agree.
“My dad looks so young,” he comments quietly.
“He’s very handsome. I guess you take after him.”
“No, I don’t look like either of my parents. My mom says I have his eyes, but I’ve never been able to see it.”
“Okay, be that as it may, I was just trying to compliment you on your looks and you should take the compliment.”
You laugh softly, and normally, Jisung would’ve laughed with you. This time, he just looks at you. The more he thinks about it, the more you and Jaemin have similar characteristics. You both care for him, you both have that teasing attitude (although Jaemin is more… aggressive with his actions), and you both mean the world to him. He thought that once he found out you were his soulmate, he would realize how incompatible you two are; how unfit you two are to be a couple.
Being here with you, watching as you cared for him and his mother in little ways, has made him realize how close to perfect you two could be.
“Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry if I did.”
“No, it’s not that. I just think—”
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” his mom says, poking her head into the room. “but I think I should let you two know I’ll be ready to leave soon so if you want to leave with me you might want to change now. Of course, you guys can stay after I leave, I just thought I’d let you two know.”
“Are you okay with leaving with her or do you want some more time to get ready?” He asks turning his attention back to you.
“We can leave with you, Mrs. Park. Let me just go get changed, I’ll do the dishes, and then I’ll be ready to go.”
“Oh you don’t have to do the dishes,” Jisung says.
“Nonsense. I’m the one who made the mess in a house that isn’t mine, I should be the one to clean it up,” you answer pushing yourself off the bed.
“Really, I don’t mind. You cooked us food. Plus you’re my guest, what kind of a host would I be if I let you do more than you already have?”
“Park Jisung,” you say, not turning to look at him as you bend to pick up your folded pile of clothes. “If you don’t let me do these dishes, I will get your roommate to lock you out of your dorm for a week, leaving you cold and sad.”
“You do that and I’ll get Jaemin Hyung to—”
“Oh, you’ll get him to do what?”  
“Well, if you’d let me finish, I’d be able to tell you now wouldn’t I?”
“Like you have it in your heart to hurt me.”
He rolls his eyes, a small smile breaking out. “Okay one, I never said I’d hurt you. And two, right now it isn’t hard to imagine causing you a small inconvenience.”
“Did you hear that Mrs. Park? Your son is threatening me,” you walk towards his mom, stopping once you’re next to her.
His mom laughs, shaking her head slightly. “My my Jisung, how college has changed you. That is no way to treat a friend.”
“That’s low l/n, telling on me to my mom.”
You wink at him over your shoulder. “I’m here to win, Park.”
Before he can get another word in, you’re already walking towards the bathroom.
“I’m glad you have a friend like that,” his mom says softly.
“Yeah, me too.” He turns his attention away from the last place you where to his mother. “Hey mom?”
“Yeah hun?”
“I- uh,” he starts hesitantly, rubbing his hands together nervously. “Can you come here a sec? And could you close the door? I want to talk to you privately.”
“Yeah, of course,” she answers, quickly closing the door and taking your spot on the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. I just—I just want to thank you. You’ve always been there for me, and I want you to know that I appreciate it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, I’m just doing my job as a mother. Is that all you needed to talk to me about?” She asks, worry lacing her tone.
“No, not exactly. I, um, I met my soulmate.”
He looks up from his hands in time to see his mother’s eyes widen and she excitedly pulls him into a hug. “Oh my gosh Jisung! That’s great, I’m so excited for you.”
He hugs her “Yeah, it’s been something.”
His mom pulls away, a bright smile spread across her face. “I always thought you didn’t know what your mark was; what’s your mark? Tell me about her.”
“It’s the tally mark one. See?” He turns his wrist out so she can see the black tally mark spread across his skin. She grabs his wrist, lightly tracing over the black line.  “But before I tell you about my soulmate, I have a few things I want to talk about.”
“Sure, go for it.”
“If I— if my—” he takes a deep breath, “Sorry, I’m kind of nervous.”
“No it’s okay baby, take your time. But I am kind of worried, is there anything wrong?”
“No no, nothing is wrong. Well, hopefully not anyways. If my soulmate were a... if they were a boy how would you feel?”
His mom freezes, and he quickly averts his eyes to his hands. I can’t believe I said that, I should have waited to tell her. God, what am I thinking?
“Is your soulmate a boy?” She asks hesitantly.
“I—just if they were, what would you feel? If I dated someone or liked someone who was a man, what would you say?”
“I don’t know Jisung, I’ve never thought about it,” she takes a deep breath, and he can tell she isn’t any less relaxed. “If I’m being honest, because you know how I feel about beating around the bush, it would make me slightly uncomfortable. But it’s not because I have anything against your soulmate being a man, I would prefer them to be a woman, it’s just because it’s different. Different is hard. But who you date or who your soulmate is won’t change the fact that you’re my son and I love you with my whole heart. I would die for you, Jisung, and while I might find it uncomfortable at first I could get over it.”
Jisung looks up at his mom, feeling his eyes well with tears. “Do you mean that? You really wouldn’t care?”
She nods her head self-assured. “Like I said, I would prefer it if it were a woman, but we can’t help who our soulmates are. If they just so happen to be a man, I’ll get over my hesitance towards it. But I don’t want you to worry about what I think, Jisung. You just need to live your life however that is.”
He feels a few tears escape his eyes. “I—thank you. Thank you.”
Jisung never knew how much of a weight this question had been bearing on him. While the answer isn’t exactly an ideal answer, it is still better than what he feared she would say. The fact that his mother is willing to change for him is good enough.
“Now,” his mom smiles, patting his knee. “Why don’t you go get changed and then we can leave together? It was an emotional day yesterday, and I think we both need to leave this house.”
Jisung nods his head, smiling weakly at his mother as she walks out the room. Jisung spent a lot of time in the house alone, so he is used to the house being quiet. His mom is right, though, now that his father is dead, the house is too quiet. He hasn’t been left alone since he got here, but now that he’s sitting alone in his room he understands what his mother was talking about. Even though his dad wasn’t around much, it still felt weird being in the house knowing his dad wasn’t going to be coming through the door ever again, no matter how late.
Taking a deep breath, he pushes himself off the bed and walks towards the closet. Pulling open the middle drawer, he looks down at the cloths inside. He hasn’t worn these clothes since he left for college. They are mostly the clothes his father had given him before he left.
It was when he had been away on a business trip for a week in Buyeo and he came home with three pairs of jeans and two shirts. It is the proudest he can remember his dad being of him. Even if he had tried to pass it off as his mom had told him that Jisung was running out of good clothes to wear and if he passed any clothing stores to get something. The fact that he even got him a congratulatory gift for getting into college had made Jisung falter.
“The one nice thing I know he actually did for me, and I never even showed him I appreciated it,” he whispers, smiling sadly as he pulls one of the shirts and one of the pants out of the drawer.
“I really want to thank you,” he hears his mom say as he leaves his room. “It means a lot to me that you’re here for my son.”
“Jisung is someone really important to me, Mrs. Park. You did a good job with him.”
“I don’t know what Jisung has told you about my husband, but he helped a little too. I think him being as… absent as he was really helped shape him into the person he is today.”
He leans against his door, listening to his mom talk. They have never really talked about his dad much, other than the few times he asked his mom why she stayed. It was new hearing her talk about him like this.
“Well, you and Mr. Park did an amazing job raising your son. Like I said, he’s an amazing person and someone who means a lot to me and Jaemin.”
“Yeah, yeah we did a good job didn’t we?”
“Will you come get some coffee or something with me?” Jisung asks, nervously messing with his hands behind his back.
“Sure! So long as it isn’t the place I work. I’m supposed to be grieving with family,” you answer, smiling brightly at him.
“Before we met you, there was a favorite place me and Jaemin Hyung loved to go. Let’s go there!”
You nod once, linking your arm with his and following him as he leads you down the street.
Jisung feels his heart skip a beat and he smiles to himself. After his talk with his mom, he feels like he can do anything. He had plans to talk to you today no matter what, but knowing his mom was accepting of who he was helped him feel more confident. As Jaemin would remind him constantly, confidence is key.
It didn’t take long for you to get to the shop from the bus station. When he enters the shop, he looks around in wonder. It had been a year since he had been here and it still looks the same. Along with his mom accepting him, it helped to be in a place he was comfortable with.
“What do you want to drink? I’m paying,” he offers as you’re both staring at the menu.
“You don’t have to do that Jisung,” you answer slowly, still reading the menu. “I can pay for myself.”
“Nonsense, you paid for our dinner last night, this is on me.”
“If you’re sure,” you answer hesitantly. “I’ll order, and then I’ll go get us a table.”
“It’s nice out, why don’t we sit outside?”.
You raise your hand to flash him an okay sign before walking up to the register and ordering. He watches as you smile at the cashier, nodding your head once before you turn towards the left and out the side door towards the outside seating.
“God, today feels so long,” you sigh, leaning over the back of the chair and stretching your arms out.
Jisung chuckles. “Yeah, and it’s only one in the afternoon.”  
“When I get back to my dorm, I’m just going to lounge.”
“That sounds like a good plan. Hey y/n,”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Yeah?”
“I’m feeling really good right now. Well, let me rephrase that. It’s been an emotional few days. And in those few days, you have been there for me. These past few days, my dad has died, I talked to my mom to try and figure out the mess that is my relationship with my father, and then I talked to my mother about her feelings on me dating a man. So overall, I’ve been all over the place the past two days.” He laughs and you laugh nervously with him. “My point is, you’ve been there for me. You’ve been there for me despite how complicated I made our relationship, however many weeks ago.”
You awkwardly laugh, and Jisung worries he’s made you uncomfortable. “You don’t need to thank me, Jisung. That’s what friends are for.”
“Um yeah, but we’re not friends. We’re soulmates.”
Your face drops. “I tried to take things slow. I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I’ve been trying to keep things normal. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you done?” Jisung asks, trying to smile comfortingly despite how much he was freaking out on the inside.
“Yeah, yeah I’m done. Just know that I’m so sorry if I forced this whole soulmate thing on you.”
“Okay, first of all, you should be able to see that I’m trying to tell you how grateful I am for you. Did you miss the part at the beginning where I told you how you’ve been there for me?”
“I thought that was a way of you saying ‘you overstepped your boundaries as my soulmate being just a friend’ and that you needed space from me,” you answer quietly.
“You shouldn’t think so much,” he chuckles. “I said what I said to show you that I’m thankful for what you’ve done for me and my family.”
“Oh, well like I said, it’s what friends are for.”
“And like I said, we’re not friends; we’re soulmates.”
“See, that right there,” you point a finger at him, shaking it slightly, “This is what confused me. What is that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, we’re soulmates. That’s what the tally marks on our wrist mean.”
You blink at him. “I’m aware of that, Jisung.”
“And you’ll have to forgive me, because I know I’ve been going about this all wrong but I’m really nervous right now.” He clears his throat, smiling nervously. “What I was trying to say is that you’ve been there for me the past two days. Had this happened five months ago, Jaemin Hyung would have been the one in your place. I’ll be honest, at first, I wasn’t sure why I even called you. I mean yeah, things with Hyung haven’t been the easiest since he found his soulmate, but he’s still someone I find comfort in; he’s my best friend. But since I spent this time with you, you have shown me how much you love me. Let me just say, it’s nice knowing someone loves me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted; someone besides my mom to love me unconditionally.”
“How do you know I love you unconditionally?” You joke, but he can see it in your eyes that you’re nervous.
“Well I guess you never said those words specifically. But you said you’ve loved me since you were a kid, and that just makes me feel warm inside. I think I should chase that feeling.”
“Jisung I’m still not understanding.”
“I’m saying, I think I want to try being soulmates.”
Your eyes widen, and he can tell you’re fighting back a smile. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to be caught up in everything that’s happened and just tell me what you think I want to hear. I don’t want you to regret this.”
“I won’t regret this, y/n. The only reason I didn’t ask you sooner is because you’re my soulmate. I held you to this standard that we would be an unfit match together, and thankfully you failed to meet that standard. I think we would be a good fit.”
Jisung watches a wide smile spread across your face. “Jisung I promise you you’re not going to regret this. We’ll go as slow as you want to and you let me know anytime I make you uncomfortable. This—thank you Jisung, thank you so much.”
He mirrors your smile. He knew you were going to agree to this, but there was still that underlying fear that you’d reject him. “I know, trust me I know. I want to thank you once again for being patient with me. I know I’ve probably been taking this slower that you would’ve liked, but you have been so understanding of me. Even when I was being selfish.”
“Well, all you needed was for me to point out your self centeredness and you snapped right out of it,” you respond, leaning back in your chair.
He smiles, nodding in agreement. “Yeah yeah, you were right. But look where we are now! We’re able to sit here and have a nice cup of drink.”
You laugh loudly, a sweet smile still spread across your face. “Yes, we are having a nice cup of drink. Nicely put Park.”
“Thank you thank you, Korean is my first language” he tips his head slightly as a bow.  “You know,” he starts slowly, averting his eyes to look down at his cup he has yet to take a drink from. “If you are having a good time, this could be our first date?”  
When you don’t answer right away, he looks up at you. “Or, don’t be afraid to say no. I didn’t even ask you. Not that it has to be me who asks for the first date, I just thought that since we’re waiting on me to be ready, I should be the one to ask.”
Laughing, you cover your mouth with your hand. “I am so happy right now even your rambling is cute.”
“You should move your hand away from your mouth when you speak, it isn’t very polite.”
“Awww, look at you,” you coo, leaning forward onto the table. “You’re embarrassed. You're clenching and unclenching your fist and you won’t look me in the eye. You’re so cute.”
“I can take back my offer, you know. I’m not afraid to take back my offer, and leave you here,” he threatens. He knows you don’t take him seriously, based on the euphoric smile plastered on your face. That, and the fact his words hold no truth to them. You have him pegged.
“Oh come on,” you whine. “The date has already started, you can’t back out now Park.”
“Oh, so you are agreeing to this being a date?” He cringes slightly at how excited his voice sounds.
“Of course I am! Jisung, I’ve been waiting for this moment since I was little. So sitting here, with my wonderful soulmate who bought me a nice cup of drink, why wouldn’t I say yes?”
He nods his head once, smiling widely. “I um, wow I’ll be honest I thought you were going to say no. I had plans to take you to dinner or something.”
“You can still take me to dinner, can’t say I’d complain.”
“Yeah, but I have to keep the bar low. If I start at the top,” he brings his right hand up a few inches above the table, “then I can only go down. But if I start here,” he brings his left hand up and dramatically sets it on the table, almost spilling his drink, “then I can only go up.”
“Ah, good plan, good plan. Do tell, what comes next from here?”
“I’m thinking a few convenience store runs, maybe a trip to the zoo or something. We got to slowly build our way up, you know?”
You nod your head thoughtfully. “Yeah okay, that sounds smart. I mean, it’s not like we’re soulmates or anything so why try and impress me right?”
He snaps his fingers, pointing at you. “See, look at you go, you smart little thing.”
You roll your eyes, picking up your drink and blowing softly on it. He shakes his head, smiling softly.
“Hey y/n?”
“Hm?” you hum, finally taking a sip of your drink.
“I think we’re going to be really happy.”
You bite your lip, smiling as you set your cup down. “Yeah, yeah I think so too.”
Okay! Sorry for how weird this was posted, I’m the slowest reader alive so it took me forever to do the final read through. Thank you yo @jiwvnie for reading more than I told her she had to, I truly appreciate her. I have always wanted to write a soulmate au so I would love to know what you thought of this. 
Have a great day/night!!
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
Can you do Remus proposing to tonks? I would love lots of fluff today
Hello thank you for tha request my lovely. I’m a sucker for a cliche and I’m a sucker for a happy carefree Remus.
I also really believe that his proposal wasn’t planned. He doesn’t strike me as a man of theatrics and was almost spure of the moment because he was just so overwhelming in love with her. So I hope this comes across well. Soooo. Hope you enjoy :)
Pairing: Nymphadora tonks x Remus lupin
Warnings: none // pure fluff
On the week or so after a full moon Remus slept like the dead. More often than not he could sleep for entire days or fall asleep after lunch and not wake until the evening. Dora often let him. Even when he asked her to not let him sleep so long, claiming he clearly needed it. Sometimes she’d accidentally wake him, stumbling in from some mission with the order and slamming the door to his cottage a little harshly. She’d also gained the habit of tripping over the coat stand, something that fondly reminded him of the first time he’d met her. She’d dashed down the hall of Grimmauld place only to trip on the umbrella stand, sending herself sprawling onto the floor at his feet.
Though she wasn’t due out on any business today , order or auror related. So he had half expected to wake up and hear her bashing around at something. Or even taking a nap with him. But he woke up to silence.
“ Dora? “ he called, his voice a little hoarse from sleep still. Panic set in almost instantly when he didn't get an immediate answer from her and couldn't hear anything to suggest she was pottering around near by. The only sound he could hear was the rain outside pattering on the windows and the roof, and the sound of a leaks somewhere that they never did seem to be able to locate " darling? " he got out of bed and pulled on the closest pair of trousers and a sweater, tucking his wand into his back pocket and left the bedroom in search of her.
Not that there were many places for her to hide. His cottage was small. Tiny.
“ Dora? " the back door was open and he hurried over, a million explanations flooding his head only for his panic to vanish immediately. She was in the back garden, barefoot and dancing around in the rain. Her clothes were soaked through, her hair sticking to her face, and she had the biggest smile he’d seen in a while.
" Dora what In Godrics name are you doing? " he said with a smile as he stood in the doorway. watching as she stopped spinning around and tilted her head back, sticking her tongue out to catch the droplets.
" I'm dancing clearly " she turned to look at him then and held out her hand, wiggling her fingers in his direction "c'mere. Come on. Come dance with me Remus " he hesitated for a moment but his usual sensible thoughts seemed to have vanished and he was joining her in an instant. She squealed with joy and grabbed onto his hands, jumping and spinning around with him. He still didn’t know how she constantly had so much energy in her.
He spun her around with her hand above her head and then captured her in his arms, pulling her back against his chest as she laughed. He rested his chin on her shoulder and pressed a couple of soft kisses to the side of head as they swayed together.
" you ever had a dance in the rain before? " she asked.
" this would be the first "
" good. Everyone has to do it at least once in their life's. Check it off the old bucket list now huh? "
The sky wasn't very clear with the rain but in the darkening evening you could still just about make out the Sirius star. Sirius would probably be laughing at him now, because dancing around in the rain wasn't really a Remus thing to do. Remus wasn't so carefree. But maybe that was the old Remus. Dora brought out sides to him that he didn't even know he had. She turned in his arms then and leant up to his ear.
" catch me " she pulled back with that cheeky grin of hers and dashed off around the garden, mud splashing up the backs of her legs. He ran after her, laughing as he did, trying to ignore the ache in his joints " come on slow poke! " he had visions of her clumsy feet slipping in the wet mud and it spurred him on faster and he grabbed her around the waist, picking her up into the air as she squealed a laugh.
" got you " he whispered with a smile against her ear, holding her close against his chest again.
" congratulations, here's your prize " she turned her head and brought her hand round to his face and kissed him. She twisted around in his arms, her hands snaking around his neck. The rain made him reminisce on their first ever kiss, cramped in a dark Islington alleyway after barely escaping Greyback, rain pouring down on them in buckets. He could still see it so clearly in his mind, how her face had looked with the rain trickling over cheeks, her little nose turning pink from the cold, the burning urge he'd had to kiss her finally being satiated.
Even to this day he wasn't quite certain if he had gone in for the kiss first or she had, but either way he'd never forget it " I love you " she said softly as she pulled away, rubbing her hand through his soaked hair and blinking rain from her eyes " just in case you forgot " he smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
" how could I forget, you tell me everyday... I love you too " he rested his forehead to hers and closed his eyes for a moment fingers brushing gently against her cheek. She kissed him again before pulling back, grabbing his arms and swaying with him in the still pouring rain. He took a look around him towards the dim little cottage, who's only light was coming from the fire, as she spun around under his arm. He thought of how much his home had changed since she had moved in, how she was everywhere in it.
The pictures on the wall, the boots by the door, her auror robes hung on the coat stand, the weird sisters poster that was hanging a bit wonky by the front door, her auror certificate that she had hung alongside his DADA qualifications. And it was in that exact moment that he decided what he was about to do. Because they were in a war. And he loved her. He loved like he had never loved a single other person in his entire life. And he knew that they could die tomorrow. Or they could die in years to come if they won. But either way, he wanted to die with her. As her husband. With her as his wife. He knew that he shouldn't. That she was already to be subjected to a life of outcast, even if they did win the war most likely, just by being with him as she was now. And marriage would most definitely solidify that fact.
But he was feeling selfish. He wanted to be selfish. He wanted her. And only her. He wanted her as his. And only his. He knew he should have prepared for it. Or maybe have at least thought it over a little longer, more time to fully determine how he would do it. What he would say. But they didn't have time. Time was such a luxury these days. And the amount of time he had been able to spend with her lately, it was starting to feel too good to be true. So he had to seize the moment.
" marry me " he said quite simply, the words slipping past his lips before he could stop them. She stopped her moving and almost froze on the spot. She turned around, rain dripping off of her face, clinging to her eyelashes. She had no particular expression, but her hair gave her joy away. It had been a deep shade of pink all day, but now it was growing brighter by the second. He held her face in his hands, looking how her eyes seemed to be sparkling. She was so beautiful. She was so so beautiful
" marry me Dora "
" what " she squeaked. He knew she'd heard. He'd said it twice. But in true Nymphadora fashion she just wanted to make him say it again " Marry me " he repeated, a smile taking over his face " I'm asking you. To marry me Nymphadora Tonks. I can't offer you much. Merlin I don't even have a ring at the present moment. And I know that a wedding isn't best placed right now, But I love you. And I vowed to you I would never leave you again, that I would love you until my dying breath and beyond. Let me prove it.... Nymphadora. marry me " he could practically feel the excitement buzzing out of her but she raised an eyebrow and slung her arms around his neck, trying her best to remain casual.
" if you promise to stop with the Nymphadora then you've got yourself a yes Mr. Lupin " he couldn't help but laugh at her and her lips lifted up into that grin that he loved so much.
" so...is that a yes "
" of course It is you silly git " and she stood up on her tiptoes and pulled him in for a kiss so passionate that he was certain that it must be illegal in some parts of the world. The rain was starting to chill him a bit but he couldn't find it in him to care. Because he was getting married. He was marrying her. His Dora.
His wonderful, beautiful, caring Dora.
" would I be Mrs. Lupin then? " she asked a little breathlessly as she pulled away from the kiss.
" I think... I think it'd be best if you waited until after the war for that. Just in case "
" and if we don't outlive this war? I won't die a Tonks if I'm married to you.... what about Tonks-Lupin huh? "
" even that is dangerous " he said softly, knowing that she wouldn’t settle for anything less than what she’d suggested. But he had to warn her.
" I don't care. I don't. You know I don't. I wanna be a Lupin. I wanna be like you, I wanna show I'm yours " he wasn't about to argue with that. He wanted her to be his too, in name and in law and everything in between that. Though he would have the conversation with her again, just not right now. He kissed her and she smiled against his lips. She knew she'd won. But he let her revel in her supposed win, because now he guessed he had an entire lifetime with her to go, an entire lifetime of others things she could lay claim to winning.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
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Violet Evergarden Ever After: Chapter 3
Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, consider supporting the creators by purchasing the official releases. In case anyone is feeling generous: Ko-fi | PayPal. ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
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No one would imagine that a single drop could be the start of something so big. However, it would earn itself great meaning after a while passed. Should it continue pouring, it could also summon boundless blessings and curses.
Love was almost like rain.
   The Journey and the Auto-Memories Doll
   That one was a rain of betrayal.
It started with a calm morning, the sky unfolding without any hints of being enshrouded in dark clouds. Regardless, it did not take too long for the capricious rain brought by the heavens to turn into a downpour rarely seen in recent years.
There was no longer any sign of the rain that had started to fall like gentle kisses from paradise on the black hats of gentlemen walking around town, over the backs of cats dozing under the sun or onto the cheeks of children who opened their mouths and burst into laughter. The current season was the end of summer, and it was raining for the first in a long while in Leidenschaftlich, where the skies were constantly clear in summer, but had the god that controlled weather gone crazy? With time, as if a bucket had turned over, the city was hit by a flood.
This story is about an uneventful day, which did nothing but pass, in the lives of people who worked at a certain postal company.
   The rain and wind struck the entire building as if attacking it. The doorbell rang loudly because of this, a man standing in place and staring at it with unease.
Creak-creak, the door moved. Ring-ring, the bell resounded. Since it was ringing despite there being no customers, he had become concerned and found himself coming down from his residence in the top floor.
In the previous year, the building had been shot with rocket artillery, and not only had it earned an enormous hole but a fire had also occurred – however, thanks to the quick skills of workmen, the hole was now closed and the walls had been neatly rebuilt.
The man was a stylish redhead. He was the president of this company, which he had named after himself.
Claudia Hodgins had been left all alone in the empty postal office. Still, it was normal for him to be there, as it was both his home and workplace. However, since he was by himself at a time that would usually still be within business hours, no matter what, he looked like he had been abandoned.
The postal office had been in great turmoil because of the storm. Surely, so had its peers. With the deliveries stagnated, complaints were coming from the clients. Nevertheless, the transportation was not carried out by machines devoid of feelings. It was something done by humans, who had been given birth to by someone and who had families waiting for them when they returned home. In lieu of the unpreceded disaster, as the president, he had notified all employees that business would be closed for today.
To begin with, the customers had stopped coming in the middle of the day. If he had to say so himself, this might be the expected. Deliberately going outside amidst such strong wind and torrential rain was an act of sheer madness.
Curious about what was going on outside, Hodgins had approached the entrance from the side. He felt like attempting to open the large doors just a little. He wanted to see how inundated the ground was. Just when he slow and carefully reached a hand towards it, the door opened with force despite him not doing anything.
“Oh, my bad. More importantly, we’re screwed; it’s just impossible, Old Man!”
Hodgins was teary-eyed as his precious nose took a hit. He was lightheaded for an instant due to the pain, but soon regained consciousness. After all, one of his employees had come back dripping-wet. Hodgins pulled him – whole body wrapped in rain gear – by the arm, bringing him inside and closing the door. Although it was only open for a few seconds, the entrance was already drenched.
The visitor took off the hood over his head, allowing his face to be seen. He was a splendidly handsome and fine man of sky-blue eyes and sandy-blond hair.
Benedict Blue. One of the postal company’s postmen, who had been working in it ever since its founding.
“It’s impossible – actually, it’s absurd! Working under this rain is absurd! I look like I’m in the bath already. I wouldn’t have come here if I weren’t soaked... Making the staff pull out was the right choice,” Benedict said as if angry-yelling, shaking his head in the same way that a dog or cat would and splattering water splashes at Hodgins.
This wetted most of Hodgins’s shirt and face, but he was unable to reprimand his employee, who had been doing strenuous effort. He accepted it in resignation, wiping Benedict’s face with the sleeve of his shirt. “Okay, stay put.”
“Uoh, what’s with you? Stop.”
“Welcome home. I was worried. Good thing you’re all right.”
“O-Oh. What, hum... I’m back... You were worried about me?”
“Of course,” Hodgins said, to which Benedict turned away with an obviously embarrassed attitude after a moment of bewilderment.
Outside, vases and planters that may have been at the eaves of people’s houses, as well as shop signs, had been turning into weapons for a while now, dancing around the city along with the wind. Managing to come back unharmed and safely amidst this weather, where one could not know what would come flying their way, was something to be happy about.
“I’m just fine. This job’s easier than running around shooting guns. Anyway, I was left with the letters and packages of a guy who fell from his motorcycle and came back by myself. Was best to do that, right?”
“Aah, so someone got hurt?”
“That newbie, Clark. But he only scrapped his knees. He fell lots of times when he was learning how to ride, but for real, it’s surprisingly depressing when you fall off other than during practice. He was crying, y’see.”
Knowing who the person in question was, Hodgins pitied him. He was the youngest postman to join the company as of late. It was difficult to find human resources for postmen as they were quick to quit.
“He’s young, after all...”
“You call him young but... he’s already a grown man. I wonder if he ain’t lying to us about his age... I thought he was a baby or something.”
“You can’t compare him to a city boy fresh from the battlefield like yourself. I’m gonna get you a towel and a change of clothes now, so don’t move from there.”
“You’d wet the floor. Don’t tell me to go around cleaning up where you walked.”
“Clean it up,” he said while laughing, to which Hodgins’s shoulders slumped. He was a reliable companion, but also a young man who knew not how to show respect for his elders.
——Well, guess I’m a so-called doting parent for thinking that’s cute – no, doting boss.
Anyhow, they needed towels, Hodgins thought as he went back to his room. He grabbed a few large towels and held a pair of trousers and shirt that Benedict would apparently fit into under his arm. Then returned to the ground floor. By the time he did so, the number of people had increased.
“Uwah... Amazing, it’s like squeezing a rag.”
There were three more other than Benedict. If they were to be separated by types, one of them had evacuated after receiving a report of work, one had evacuated after finishing work, and one had been ordered to clock out, but all had come back halfway through, as their bodies were about to be blown off by the overwhelming storm.
“Please stop.” There was Violet Evergarden, whose golden hair was in Benedict’s grasp.
“Why? You said your hair was wet.”
“You just want to touch Violet’s hair, Benedict. Isn’t that right?” Lux Sibyl, who had given up on wiping her glasses and was glaring at the empty space.
“That’s not it. Don’t say weird stuff, Lux.”
“You knooow, my hair’s just as long as Violet’s.” And Cattleya Baudelaire, who scowled at Benedict with her arms crossed.
The members who had been there ever since the founding were Violet, Cattleya and Benedict, but Lux, having joined midway, was now a skillful secretary who covered up the schedule of the employees and president and moved them around like chess pieces. As the four people whose ages were close to each other’s came together, the conversation naturally livened up.
“You—You’re that kinda thing. If I touch you in a place like this, it’d be that kinda thing. This is our workplace, so there’s all that kinda thing. Morally speaking, it’s that kinda thing.”
“What do you mean ‘morally speaking’?!”
“I wish you wouldn’t say those things even if you think about them. Right, Violet?”
“‘Public morals’...? Benedict, what am I from your point of view?”
“V, you’re like a little sister to me... Aah, Old Man, gimme another towel.”
It was a terribly joyful thing that the company’s young aces had returned to it safe and sound.
“Everyone, don’t move from that spot no matter what. Hey, Cattleya! Don’t move!”
However, wiping all the water off the bodies of those four turned out to be a bone-breaking work.
   Out of kindness, Hodgins invited the four people who had gathered up at the postal company to his residence in the top floor.
The whole floor was his apartment, thus it was quite large. A family of five could live comfortably in it. The furnishings were arranged in wooden items and serene shades of dark brown and green. It was a relaxed, adult atmosphere, where was nothing particularly funny. It had a faint scent of the perfume that Hodgins always wore.
The invited four let out sighs of relief. The biggest reason for it, although there was also the fact that this was Hodgins’s apartment, was that they were able to escape the horrible situation outdoors. With the exception of Lux, three of them were tough enough to take part in the act of physically crushing other postal companies, but human beings could not win against natural disasters.
“Hey, what do we do? We can’t go home anymore, can we?”
“There’s nothing we can do. We got no choice but stay in Old Man’s place.”
“First time something like this happens, huh. But we’re all together, so... might be imprudent of me to say this, but... it’s a bit fun. Violet, are you worried about your home?”
“Yes, about the flowerbeds.”
“You should say ‘about the people back home’, V.”
“The two went on a trip, so they are away. I promised that I would take care of the flowers in their absence, which is why... I am worried about the flowerbeds. Besides, if that house were to be destroyed by this storm, this place would meet its end much sooner... We have little time left to live.”
“Don’t go from talking about your family to destroying the company, Little Violet. Hey, hey, everyone, you’ll catch a cold so get changed first. Put the towels in the laundry basket. Benedict, don’t throw the towels wherever!”
As told by Hodgins, the employees firstly decided to change their clothes.
Violet and Cattleya had just returned from a work trip of two days and one night, thus they had a change of nightclothes in their bags, but Benedict and Lux did not. Although there was a height difference between them, Hodgins had no issues with lending clothes to Benedict, who was also a man, but there was a need for careful selection when it came to Lux.
“Shirt... shirt, shirt; all I have is shirts.”
“Hum, President, I’m fine with anything.”
“Eeh... that okay?”
As a result, the boy and girl came into the scene wearing baggy clothes. Benedict looked almost the same as when he and Hodgins first met. When he was left to chance completely naked in a desert, he had borrowed a shirt and trousers just as he was doing now. He seemed pleased with it, however...
“Feels kinda naughty...”
...the problem was Lux.
“Benedict’s fine, but maybe it won’t do for Little Lux? Is this okay?” Hodgins asked everyone with a meek face.
They all had at last settled down, each seated in a place of their preference while sipping tea. The employees were relaxing as if they were in their own homes. Contrary to the peaceful state of the situation inside, there was still a sound of rain hitting the windows and a troubled noise of something colliding against the building outside.
“What is ‘okay’ supposed to mean?” Sitting on the sofa, Violet tilted her head. Being comfortably dressed in a dusty-pink nightwear gave her usually disciplined self a slightly soft and gentle air.
“Little Violet.”
“Your nightgown is cute, huh.”
“The people from the household bought it for me. Well, what is ‘okay’ supposed to mean? Was there any problem?”
“Little Lux’s clothes.”
For whatever reason, they had the person in question standing in the center of the room. With everyone’s eyes on her, she seemed uneasy.
“Hum... why do I have to stand in the middle?”
“Little Lux, stay like that and don’t move.”
“All right.”
“What is wrong with Lux’s look? You mean to say it lacks adornment?”
“Why would that be the case, Little Violet?”
“You are the one who chooses attires for us Dolls and you have particularities regarding the clothing and accessories, so I concluded that you might deem the plain shirt as not enough.”
“No, no.” Hodgins flailed both hands. The things he was saying had a moral value to them, out of fear that her outfit was perhaps vulgar.
Benedict had dealt with it by securing her trousers with a belt, but as Lux had too thin a waist, the outcome was the belt falling off. In short, she was not wearing pants. Inevitably, she was dressed in nothing but a shirt. However, her short stature fortunately made it look like a shirt-dress.
As Hodgins explained his concern, everyone said, “I see.”
Showered with their stares more and more, Lux began to blush.
“It gives off a dangerous feeling when you think she ain’t wearing any, but on second thought, isn’t that the same for skirts? There’s actually an open hole in them, but it’s not visible, so they’re classified as clothes. No big deal, is it?” Benedict had been standing with his back against the wall just a moment ago, yet had suddenly drawn close to her and started examining her fixatedly.
“Don’t say ‘not wearing any’!”
“Well, I mean, you really ain’t wearing any... but that’s okay. No biggie. You’re probably not an option for Old Man, so no worries. Right?”
“That’s rude!”
“I’m saying you don’t need to worry about that kinda thing... Should I take mine off, then? I see; I’m fine with it. I’ll be the same as you. That all right? I’m gonna take it off.”
“Stop, stop, stop!” As Benedict put a hand to his belt while laughing, Lux repeatedly hit his chest with her fists to stop him. Lux was red up to her ears. “I can’t take this anymore! Violet! Take Benedict to over there!”
“Owowowow, V, ouch, that’s not it; it was the Old Man who said weird stuff first. We’re friends, so I was showing that she doesn’t have to get hung up over something like...”
Caught in Violet’s arms, Benedict obediently sat on the sofa. Perhaps in order not to allow him to escape, she gripped his hands and sat next to him.
Cattleya cut through the silence, “The tea is delicious.” She was scattered over the bed. She must have been tired from returning from the Doll business trip. Her eyes were downcast. She might be sleepy.
“Cattleya, do you not have any comments to make? I want to hear lots of opinions.”
“Eeeh, me?” Cattleya joined the needless debate as if it were a bother. “Hmmm... if someone were making her wear this because it’s their taste, it’d be gross indeed, but there’s no other clothes for her... It’d also be horrible to leave her with just a towel wrap, so I think it’s valid. Speaking of which, President...”
“You’re saying that even though you pick open-chested clothes for my Doll outfits? And the times you were choosing Doll attires for me, y’knooow, you were never so considerate to say ‘not this, not this either’ when discussing it with the people from the made-to-order store...”
Her manner of speech was somewhat thorny, but Hodgins did not make much out of it. “That’s because they look good on you.” Rather, he said decisively, with an earnest gaze and excessive confidence, “Because they look good on you. Is my judgement wrong?”
“E-Eh?” Being replied to so unapologetically, Cattleya’s reasoning jumbled up, to the point she found herself wondering if she was the one in the wrong.
The Doll outfit that Cattleya usually wore was composed mainly of a crimson dress-coat, so there was no mistaking that one could not wear it unless the person was remarkably stylish. In addition, there was also no doubt that it was lascivious. Whoever looked at her would find their line of sight momentarily going to her chest. Still, whoever looked at her would remember the woman named Cattleya Baudelaire at once.
“No... it’s not like your choices are wrong... but I only forgive you because you’re the boss. I was shocked when you first showed me that outfit! I didn’t use to wear something like that before.”
“Well, but y’see, an hourglass-shaped person looks more slender when the area around their collarbone is exposed, and it’s pretty.”
An evident question mark floated above Violet’s head at the unfamiliar word. Benedict pointed a finger at the tea set arranged on the nearby table. An hourglass used to measure the time it took to steam the tealeaves was lying there. Perhaps finding the similarity between it and a plump chest and dainty hips, Violet nodded as if convinced.
“You’ve got an hourglass-shaped figure with that slim waist, so I gave you a coat-dress that puts this on display. You can adjust it with the ribbon, so it’s not a pain, right? It has a wonderful line in mathematical terms, y’know? Plus, you also have a cheerful character, so it doesn’t look vulgar. That’s important. It means that outfit takes into consideration even the personality of the one wearing it. And the owner of that made-to-order store is famous not just in this country but abroad. The outfits of our Dolls are on a whole different level in comparison to other companies, aren’t they?”
“I don’t want to bring this up, but they’re very expensive.”
“Eh, I’m sorry. S-Should I pay you back? Either that or you can dock my salary...”
“No, you’re my Doll, after all. Nobody waters a flower to get money off it, right? It’s fine, Cattleya. Just stay pretty. It’s exactly because I have obsessions over clothes that I don’t want to make a girl look vulgar. And it’s exactly because I like girls that I want to have them shine wonderfully. That’s also why I have a few complaints about Little Lux’s usual plain clothes, though...”
“I don’t know why you decided to run a mail service, President, but I accept that passion of yours. I’ll wear those clothes with care. But, President, I’m doing my best, so I want a new outfit. A cute one.”
Listening to the conversation of the two in silence, perhaps tired of going along with her superior, Lux looked at Violet and Benedict’s direction with a gaze that quietly asked for help. There was a gap on the sofa that seemed enough for one person to sit. Having locked eyes with her, Violet told Benedict to scoot over after a brief moment and patted the open spot. Lux sat next to them, looking happy.
“Violet, what’re you drinking?” Lux peeked at the teacup that Violet was holding.
“I wonder. I took the tealeaves that were in the kitchen. I do not know what type of tea it is.”
“Benedict, how did you know?”
“‘Cause that guy likes Darjeeling. All the tea cans he has are nothing but that.”
“Guess I’m gonna drink that too; my body got cold from the long time under the rain.”
“Heeey, the three of you who ended the talk before we noticed! Listen to what I have to say.” Hodgins put his hands on his hips, pretending to be angry.
“We were deviating from the main subject. We deemed that it was not a necessary conversation and took action prioritizing Lux’s rest,” Violet expressed with a clear voice tone.
“Besides, this talk’s about bedroom wear, ain’t it?” Benedict added a two-fold retort. The blond, blue-eyed duo that looked like siblings stared at Hodgins with questioning eyes.
“Ugh, I comply with you two no matter what you say when you both look at me at the same time, so cut it out. But I’m not giving up. I think she needs one more article of clothing.”
“Hum... President, I’m okay with this. I’m already thankful that I could borrow your clothes. Besides, when you make such a big fuss about it, things that weren’t lewd in the first place start to seem lewd, so to say,” Lux said, wanting to end this topic as fast as possible.
“The solution has come to me. Wouldn’t it be best if I took the shirt and trousers and had Lux wear this nightgown?”
However, Violet wound up rewinding it.
Lux hit Violet repeatedly in her mind.
“Ah~, that’s right. If that’s the case, I can do it too. But maybe my nightgown is too big? It’s a negligee just like Violet’s. The shoulder length might be the problem for this one...”
“Old Man, you gonna die if you don’t obsess over the stuff we wear? You ain’t. Give up.”
“No way. Days like this one don’t come by. All five of us are trapped in the company and we can’t get out. You’ve got no choice but stay here in my house, right? We’re having the best of parties, a pajama party. I want it to be a good one. But I can’t enjoy it when I’m worrying over Little Lux’s clothes.”
Benedict contemplated a reply to Hodgins’s words for a few seconds, but soon stopped. He was probably tired. He looked Violet’s way and asked, “Hey, you not hungry? I’m gonna take a look at the kitchen.
“Hey, don’t ignore me.” As Benedict stood up, Hodgins chased after him.
“Benedict’s gonna make something? Yay! You guys probably don’t know this, but he’s good at cooking.” Cattleya lined up behind them.
“I didn’t say I was gonna make anything, though... Well, if you’re hungry, I can do it.”
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“I shall assist you.” Violet raised her arms, rolling up her sleeves. Her prosthetics made a creaking noise.
“V, you can cook?”
“To some extent. In the military, I used to make preparations for the cooking. Mrs. Evergarden... Lady Tiffany also trained me on it.
“M-Me too... I can peel the potatoes, and stuff.” Lux hastily went after everyone. In a trail, a big move to the kitchen began to take place.
“Lux. You don’t usually cook, do you? I can already tell by just that statement. I’ll teach you.”
“Most things get solved just by peeling the potatoes... Benedict, you’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”
“Am not, Potato Demigod.”
“Violet, Benedict insulted me!”
“Owowow! V—! Don’t poke my sides! A hit from those crazy-ass prosthetics of yours ain’t no cutesy way to poke anyone! It just hurts like it normally would!”
In the end, Hodgins was able to find a light feather-print sweater in his closet and gave it to Lux. As she put it on, with her short stature, its length became the same as that of a long cardigan, which Hodgins was awfully pleased with for how adorable it was.
   The madder-red sky was not visible at dusk, the outside morphing into evening with no changes in the rainy weather.
Benedict made a soup at random with the vegetables available in Hodgins’s kitchen, which had seasonings in abundance, while Violet and Cattleya supplied it with cookies that they had brought back as souvenirs from their ghostwriting business trip. Lux brought over small candy marbles that she kept stored in her desk at the company, and Benedict, instructed by Hodgins, reluctantly took an expensive bottle hidden on the liquor shelf of the latter’s room.
“Hey, let’s rummage through the desks of everyone in the company. There are probably gonna be other ingredients in them.”
“If it’s Mr. Anthony’s desk, I think there’s definitely something in it. Mr. Anthony always gives me sweets... We’re in a state of emergency so I’m sure he’ll forgive us for it.”
“There were sweets in the reception guys’ desks. Would they get mad if we took them?”
“Definitely seem like they would. But this sweet... is one of the tasty ones... I wanna eat it.”
Lux, who was still growing, and Benedict, who had missed lunch and did not have enough with just the vegetable soup, procured more food. The sweets that the hungry thieves sneaked from the company employees’ desks turned out as what could be considered a big catch, and so, the five people trapped inside during a day of usual rain commenced a night party.
The five of different ages, genders and positions were already at a state where they could be deemed as a single family through the many incidents they had overcome and the time they had spent together. They laughed a lot, talked a lot.
“You remember when Violet brought Lux over? She went to negotiate it directly with Old Man with so much might, like, ‘I have picked up a puppy. Please give me permission to raise it here. Now, hurry’. They were holding hands and she wouldn’t let go of Lux, explaining the situation all at length as if to say she wasn’t gonna move until he gave the permission. The way Old Man acted so suspicious back then was a real blast.”
“I remember~! He was like, ‘Eh, “demigod”? Eh, “abduction and confinement”? Have you told the military police about that?’... President was so troubled, walking in circles around the two. It was the funniest thing of that year.”
“Hum... I’m sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologize, Little Lux. You’re our main player now, so you did what you could to get where you are. You really exerted yourself in this unfamiliar land. Work for us forever, ‘kay? Rather, for me. Little Violet does some unbelievable stuff sometimes, but she generally doesn’t do anything wrong, so back then, her first-time deed shook up even someone like me, with plenty of life experience. Saying no didn’t even cross my mind.”
“I knew that President Hodgins would give you a generous treatment. If I had not concluded so, I would not have done such a thing. Thank you very much for that time, President.”
“Little Violet... Little Violet’s all grown up too, huh; you’ve become a wonderful lady...”
“Well, she’s got you as her example of guardian figure, after all.”
“I was raised by both Benedict and President Hodgins. You are my examples.”
“Eh, so I’m Old Man’s son...? Gimme the whole company.”
“No way! Actually, you’re taking a part of the company in the future, so that much should be fine, right?”
“You were serious about that? If you split the company...”
“Yeah, I’ll be the vice-president. V, call me Vice-President Benedict.”
“Benedict will be... the vice-president?”
“Violet, you haven’t been to the company too often because of work, right? I’ll stay as President Hodgins’s secretary, but some of the employees will go to Benedict’s side. That’s gonna be pretty lonely... Still, the company will be built inside the country, so it’ll be close in terms of distance. But it won’t be the same building anymore.”
“Other people... will also be gone.”
“Did I tell you that my role’s gonna change too?”
“I have not heard about that.”
“I’ll be transferred to training the newcomers. Violet, you’ll stay as you are. Well, between you and me, if we were to debate on which one should be the instructor, it’d have to be me. I’m good at looking after others.”
“Cattleya will be... an instructor...”
“I’ll be here like always. The Doll department that Little Violet and the others are in will stay in the main office and you’re largely in charge of the numbers in our Doll department, so your role won’t change.”
“Sounds like I don’t make money when you put it like that.”
“No, it’s not like that... I’ve been keeping the right people in the right places since long ago, right? I asked you to do this because I thought you could be everyone’s big sis. Besides, wasn’t it you, Cattleya, who immediately replied that you’d to it when I said your pay would increase if you became an instructor?”
“Well, that’s because I don’t know how long I could keep on being a Doll. It’s a job you can do even when you get older, but walking up mountains has been hard lately. Probably because of my high heels.”
They truly laughed a lot and talked a lot.
In their feel-at-home looks, they played card games, discussed memories of their trips and laughed holding their stomachs at silly stories. The night went on and on and the heavy rain outside gradually subsided, but no one said, “Let’s go home, then”. Days like these were a rarity. They all knew this much.
“I’m having lots of fun today. It’d be great if it were always like this.” The words that Cattleya muttered with a big smile spoke for everyone’s feelings.
Whenever a fun feast reached its climax, the loneliness towards the fact that it was going to end would cross the corners of people’s heads. That applied not only to this day that God had granted them but also to matters in the long run.
Perhaps the company named CH Postal Company itself could also be considered a feast to the people gathered in it. “May this dream, this fun time go on forever,” they wished.
The dream had begun with Claudia Hodgins. He then picked up Cattleya Baudelaire, Benedict Blue and Violet Evergarden.
“Make sure to just lick it. So, how’s that?”
They had built the company office building in Leidenschaftlich and started it together. As the postal business was a privatized one and the competitors were many, nobody could predict at first for how long this company would continue to exist.
“This stings.”
A local customer then came, earning them a large-scale contract in the delivery business.
“Eh~, you okay, Violet? You’re better off as someone who can’t drink...”
Their Auto-Memories Doll activities began to stand out.
“But everyone is changing.”
“Doesn’t that have nothing to do with drinking alcohol? I drink ‘cause I like it. If you don’t, then stop.”
“That’s right, Violet.”
“No... Major has a taste for drinking during meals, so I had been thinking of learning to do it one day as well. You are all changing one after another whenever I blink. I have started eating with other people quite often at work as well. I, too, shall adapt...”
Along the way, a girl who would later become a brilliant secretary joined them.
“I see... Then I want to try drinking too. I’m a secretary, after all. I have to eat out with other people. What kind of taste is it, if you had to compare?”
Despite the major changes in the personal life of each, all of them had contributed to the development of the company, to the point that they spent every single day being busy.
“Close to that of a perfume. In that it is hard to swallow.”
There would surely be many, many more changes.
“Hey, I can’t approve that opinion. Big Sis here will introduce you to delicious drinks. Rather than being taught by a man, you should learn from me. Lux, you can’t yet.”
Surely, their fates would twist further.
“Benedict, bring another one. And something to crack it open with.”
For people to gather up, an encounter had to have happened. That was what it meant.
“Aight, aight...” Benedict stood up from the sofa. He had been dragged into Cattleya’s scheme, in which she had planned the conspiracy of attempting to make Violet Evergarden consume alcohol, because he himself had complied with it.
“O-Owah. Old Man. You were here?”
“‘Were here,’ you ask... this is my house.”
As they came across each other in the kitchen, Benedict had let out a brash voice without thinking. The reason might be that he perhaps was seen grinning as he walked in. Despite his nihilistic attitude, he was happy to spend time with his friends.
“I-I know. I was thinking you were taking too long in the toilet...”
With the kitchen’s small window open, Hodgins was smoking a cigar. All of the women despised the smell, so he rarely ever let them see him smoking. Just when Benedict was thinking about how he had suddenly stood up and disappeared, there he was, smoking in secret.
——He only smokes when he can’t calm down, though.
There was no better day to relax with their companions, and yet.
“Hey, take a look outside. It’s so quiet after the storm... like the wind. Even though it was so loud before.” Perhaps due to him being a little drunk, Hodgins’s face was red.
“True... Hey, need more booze. Ain’t there anything easier to drink?”
“Eh, why? You can’t give it to Little Lux.”
“Cattleya wants to make V drink some. Well, ain’t it okay? I think it’s about time she learns the ropes. Dunno when we’ll get to drink with her again... and it’s better to have people you get along with teaching you this kinda thing, right?”
“Eeh... it’s still too soon. If you insist, isn’t it enough to drip a drop of rum into her tea?”
“Can you even call that a drink? Make it a degree higher.”
Hodgins gave a strained smile. “Hey, hey, her big brother figure shouldn’t be saying this...”
“I say it because I’m her big brother figure. I mean, we’re getting more rookies. She’s the highlight of our Doll department. Eating with people is part of having a big job. Before she gets involved with someone who wants to make her drink...”
“Does this have anything to do with me telling you to be the branch manager?”
Hearing a slightly icy voice coming from the president, Benedict blinked. “No... sorta.”
“She’s still a child, and I’ll definitely always be with her in those kinds of places, so it’s okay. It’s still early to teach her how to drink. Nope, nope.”
“A ‘child’, you say... well, she’s got a childish side, but she ain’t one anymore.”
“She is – you, Cattleya and Little Lux, too, are all kids to me. Because you’re quick to do this kind of thing if I don’t keep an eye on you... My, my,” Hodgins said, blowing out the tobacco smoke. Mismatched as it was for someone with such a mature appearance, Benedict could get a glimpse of childishness in him.
“You’ll keep trying to do that from now on too? That’s impossible; face the reality,” Benedict bit out incidentally.
Benedict’s words were not wrong. The CH Postal Company was growing rapidly as a business. The fact that the postal company led by Salvatore Rinaudo had withdrawn from the postal industry in the previous year had a major influence in this. They now reigned at a pivotal position in Leidenschaftlich’s postal service. The CH Postal Company would soon account for nearly all of the commissions from the people living in Leidenschaftlich. Other than being busy with work affairs, there were even discussions about relocating the head office because of problems with waiting areas and break rooms due to securing new employees.
“Like, you and I are gonna get damn busy. The Auto-Memories Doll department is gonna be the main organ of the head office and my place will be ordinary mail, right? We’ll be teaching people how things go, and I’ll be doing deliveries too. You’re the one with the busiest role. Anything and everything’s gonna be relayed to you. Getting to be close to your employees like until now while doing all that is just...”
It was natural for a company that had become bigger to do a corporative split-off and for one of their employees to manage the branch office. Benedict was still young but had the power to bring people together. The task would not be an impossible one if they put a veteran of the head office in charge of taking over it. They could do this, Hodgins had decided, thus he came up with the proposal.
“The regular meetings and other stuff that I take part in happen in the head office... It’s not like we won’t get to see each other.”
“Everyone will have a different post and position. We won’t get to see each other. Same for you, Old Man.”
“If it’s work, I can adjust it. I’ll do my best to administrate everyone so that the employees can get a time every now and then to relax like this...”
“Old Man, even if you do your best, V’s dating that nasty-ass military officer, so won’t they get married someday? Dunno ‘bout it, but... that’s why it’s impossible to always watch over us in the first place...”
“Hey, don’t clam up.”
What was being thrust at Hodgins now was something that he did not want to look straight at, despite thinking about and readying himself for it. That was what he was being told.
“Hodgins – hey, Old Man.”
It was something that Benedict Blue had the right to say, exactly because they had been doing everything together from the start.
“Hey, don’t take it in a weird way. I ain’t saying this to be malicious. You left the Auto-Memories Doll department in the head office ‘cause your wish to watch over V is a big deal, right? I get it. She’s special to you.”
“That’s not it; I—”
“But she won’t be a kid forever. She’s different from back when she started working, with you teaching her everything. She’s someone who’s gonna let go of your hand one day. She ain’t your real daughter or your girlfriend. Then, if you had to say what she is, at the end of the day, she’s your employee. You’ll part ways one day. If you don’t get ready for that now, will you manage to get over it if she marries into that bastard’s family and he makes her leave the company?”
“Will you manage to get over it?” The question ruminated in Hodgins’s heart.
Benedict had shot him where it hurt without mercy. He was a gun expert. His aim was precise and the bleeding made Hodgins want to hold his own chest down.
——Will I recover if I ever have to be separated from Violet Evergarden? Hodgins pondered earnestly over the question. ——I don’t know.
He truly did not know.
Bonds were things that could not easily break off once they had connected, yet reality, time and busyness unpityingly caused the existence of “friends” to grow far apart.
——To the point that I don’t know, I...
Surely, a day like this would not happen five years from now. Their place to return to amidst the rain would be somewhere else.
——It’s not just her, but also you and everyone else.
To begin with, they might not even be working in the company itself anymore until then. More of them would fall for someone, nurture their love and move their places to be in life to their “homes”.
Twenty, thirty years from now, it might be hard for them to even work. Or they would not be alive – there was also that possibility.
The one who was more aware of this than anybody else was Hodgins, the oldest of them all.
——I’m the one who’s farthest apart in age.
That was exactly why he did not know.
“I have no idea.”
He did not want to see it. Did not want to think about it.
“I have too many things that matter to me, so I can’t make a move anymore. Y’know, you... you might aught at this, but... rather than when you’re young, getting hurt becomes scarier when you grow older. You start losing the energy to do your best and heal. It’s tiring. Still...”
Hodgins had thought that the youth in front of him, who referred to him as “Old Man” on a daily basis, was probably going to laugh, yet Benedict was expressionless.
He did nothing but listen. His posture of properly listening at times like these somewhat...
——...looks like Little Violet.
“Still, I know I’m the one who has to get moving the most. I’m getting everyone involved in the things I wanna do. That’s why I do what I have to. I also counted on you, because I trust you. I left it in your care. But... that and my feelings for her and you guys...”
“I get it.”
“...are different things, right? Y’know, you’re... mean. I’m like a foster parent to you, and yet... Even if you understand my loneliness...”
While Hodgins spoke as if bursting out, Benedict put a hand to his mouth as though to stop him. “I get it.”
Time halted completely.
Was he supporting the flustered figure of the one who was like a parent to him?
“My bad.”
Before he had noticed, he was carrying a load of things he must protect. Was he doing this due to realizing that he had left Hodgins to chance, thinking, “That’s because it’s him”?
“My bad. That just now was on me.”
“I didn’t have to pick today to say this. Isn’t that right?”
“You think I’m being lame right now, don’t you?”
“Nah, you ain’t all that cool in the first place.”
“That’s a lie; I’m a generally-acknowledged beautiful young man... no, beautiful middle-aged man.”
“You might not be cool, but well, that’s what’s good about you. Right?”
“The cool thing about my Claudia Hodgins is his uncool side.”
Since Benedict was speaking as if to comfort a child, Hodgins told him to “shut up”, slightly annoyed, yet burst into laughter nevertheless.
   The rain caused all sorts of things to pour. The way that people were drowned by the drops trickling down from the sky inevitably made them think about something.
As dawn broke, Claudia Hodgins sat up, body heavy from not getting much sleep. When he peeked at his room’s bed, Violet and Cattleya were sleeping wrapped in the same blanket. On the sofa, Benedict was scattered about, snoring in a way that made him want to laugh.
Hodgins looked for where Lux Sibyl might be. He went down from the third to the second floor, and then from the second to the first floor. She was nowhere to be found.
While thinking it could not be possible, Hodgins opened the front door, and sure enough, he could see the figure of a girl walking down the street towards him.
The clothes she had put to dry yesterday were surely half-wet. What was it that she wanted to do outside so badly to the point of going this far? He understood when he saw what she had in her arms.
“Ah, President.”
Lux was holding a paper bag with a lot of bread in it. The amount was enough that the small girl’s face could not be seen.
“Little Lux... could it be you went to buy us breakfast?”
Thinking back, this young woman was the kind of person who was always quick to act when she was trying to do something for someone. That was all it took to be a considerate person, but without kindness in their heart, they would not turn out this way. The reason why Hodgins had nominated her his secretary was not just that she could do any sort of work.
“That’s so nice.”
“Yes, the bakery owner is very nice. I woke up a bit too early, and when I went on a walk to see how things were outside, the bakery was just about to open and they were getting ready... I went to take a look ‘cause it seemed so delicious and they told me to come in.”
“Ah, hm...”
“I was so touched when they said they baked bread for people who were hungry early in the morning, so I told them many thanks for selling them and bought lots of it. It’s the bakery from that street around the corner.”
“As expected of my secretary. Did you properly get the receipt?”
At those words, Lux showed him a smile that resembled a blooming flower. “Huhu, of course.”
For Hodgins, who had spent the night deep in thought about all sorts of things, that smile was a soothing one. It was like the water of a lake for someone who was feeling thirsty.
Hodgins wordlessly took the bag from Lux. “Little Lux, I’m seriously glad you came to us.”
“Only in this kind of situation, right?”
“All the time. Always. Little Lux, you’re still young, will probably keep working with us... and you’re such a good secretary... I’m the happiest CEO in Leidenschaftlich.”
“Are you going to hire me for life?”
“Is that a no?”
“No, I could. But that’d mean working with me for life, y’know?”
“Is that bad? I have nowhere else to go.”
When asked with such an innocent look, Hodgins faltered.
“I won’t say the stuff Benedict does, like wanting the company for me.”
“Well, I might... end up giving it to you if you say that, so don’t ever. Hahah... Of course, keep working for us forever and always at my place. Huh, this is kinda like a marriage vow... Wanna take this opportunity and marry me in the future? Just kidding...” Upon thinking that the jest that came out incidentally was an unsavory one right after saying it, Hodgins looked at Lux’s reaction, only to find her staring back at him blankly. He had made himself into a caricature of an old man bothering a girl. “No, it was a prank! But hey. Little Lux, you might be the only one who can go along with me, so having this kind of small talk is... I-I’m not looking at you with dirty eyes, really! We’re too far apart in age, after all! We’re c-close enough that we can crack this kind of joke to each other, right?”
Lux pretended to think for just a few seconds. “Huhu, I can tell. That it’s a joke, at least. But not happening. We’re not getting married.”
And then, she flat-out rejected him.
“Ah, yes.” Although Hodgins would have been at loss if she had accepted it, his shoulders dropped somewhat.
“But President, I’m prepared to nurse you if you ever become unable to work.”
“Don’t... suddenly thrust such a cruel reality at me.”
“Eh, is it? From my point of view... this is quite a deep form of love. President, you’re the first decent adult who accepted me. I’ll devote my whole life to you.”
“Little Lux, you sure like me a lot. Gonna marry me after all?”
This time, Lux actually grinned and replied, “I’ll take that one home and consider it.”
“Amazing; that answer’s like the business talk at the company.”
“Because you’re teasing me... even though you’re well-aware that I don’t even know love yet.”
“Don’t know love yet”. The destructive power of those words caused Hodgins to regret his lighthearted proposal a little.
“Then, I’ll ask again in about five years. I should be at a nice middle age by then.”
“You say that, President, but you’re going on a trip with some hottie next week. I know it.”
The duo, who somehow seemed like they would or other be hanging together for a long time, returned to the office with bouncing chatter.
   In order to make breakfast for everyone together, Hodgins and Lux stood in the kitchen by themselves.
Besides the already-baked bread, they would need drinks and vegetables. Those were merely simple preliminary preparations, but Hodgins felt that just this was somehow enjoyable, unlike doing the work on his own.
“President, you have yours with one sugar cube and a slice of lemon, right?”
“And for Little Lux, it’s two sugar cubes with milk, yeah? I know it.”
While arranging the bread on a plate, they also poured water over the tealeaves and left them to steam. Perhaps due to the scenery that could be seen from the kitchen’s small window being a blue sky with not a single cloud in it, it was awfully dazzling.
“Good morning.”
The next person who appeared amidst the morning sunlight was Violet. Her soft golden hair was just a bit disheveled. Hodgins’s hand naturally reached out to it.
“Morning... You’ve got a bedhead, Little Violet.”
“Excuse me...” Violet looked back at Hodgins as he caressed her head, seeming a little embarrassed. Her eyes were just slightly red. She might have not been able to sleep very well.
“Morning, Violet. Are Cattleya and Benedict also up?”
“Benedict was awake until a while ago, but when I got up from the bed, he began sleeping again by Cattleya’s side.”
“Morally speaking, it’s that kinda thing. I’ll go give him a warning.”
Hodgins laughed a little, seeing Lux off as she walked away while rotating her tiny shoulders. He then turned his gaze back to Violet. Her bedhead, which he had supposedly fixed with the caressing, had returned. For some reason, both of them being alone like this in a kitchen bathed in morning sunlight struck him as extremely peculiar.
Just the two of them, having such a tender time. How many more opportunities would they have for that?
They were already at it. He should talk about something. That was what Hodgins thought, but the words did not come out of him. Not because he had no topic to discuss. He could come up with as many things to talk about as he wanted, such wanting flowers to decorate the table or that they would surely have many customers today who were unable to come yesterday.
But he did not want to spoil this morning. He felt that it might crumble if he spoke even one sentence.
Violet was there. She had her blue eyes directed his way, looking at him. It was no longer awkward for the two of them to stay silent. That was their relationship.
Perhaps still sleepy, she was in a haze. He wanted to watch her standing amidst this gentle time for a little longer.
As she would usually always seem wide-awake, Hodgins believed that she was laidback to this extent due to being in the presence of people with whom she could be at ease from the bottom of her heart. That he had played a part in this feeling of security of hers.
——Will you forget one day?
One day, the position that Claudia Hodgins occupied in the life of Violet Evergarden would become smaller.
——She only gets bigger on my end, though.
Going to the hospital numerous times. Pushing her wheelchair. Giving her a notebook and teaching her how to write.
——I for sure can’t forget. These moments, days, everything like this with you.
The fact that he had not stopped her from fighting in the war. That he had thought they could use her.
——I can’t forget.
Delivering to Violet an outfit that could hide her prosthetic arms, yet that would also make her look her most beautiful.
——I’m sure I won’t forget about this morning either.
About that quiet morning, which was much like the one from before everyone was caught in the great storm and barged in.
Hodgins touched Violet’s hair again. Although she had told Benedict not to touch it, with Hodgins, she all but slightly left a strand in his hand’s care and let him take it, almost like how a cat would do.
——Aah, I want to hug you.
He was not in love with her. That would never be the case.
However, if she were his real daughter, on days like these, mornings like these, he would have easily said, “Good morning, precious” and embraced her.
“I had a dream, President Hodgins,” Violet whispered out of the blue with a freshly awake, faintly hoarse voice.
The stunning young woman, who was no longer a girl, talked about her dream like a child, “Yes; in the dream... you owned a clothing store.”
“Huhu, that so?”
“I cannot make clothes. You told me that you did not need me, President Hodgins, if I could not make clothes...”
“That’s horrible of me, huh.”
“Even when I said I could polish the shoes, clean up or do anything, you did not listen...”
Unlike the real one, the dream version of Hodgins had apparently chosen to part ways with Violet.
“Little Violet, what did you do about that?”
“I asked countless times. However, you rejected it countless times. I thought about standing in front of the shop until you allowed me in, but it started raining like yesterday.”
“Hm. And then?”
“Major Gilbert came to pick me up and told me to come home with him, but...”
“I waited for President to come out of the store even as the lights went out.”
“Despite waiting and waiting, President Hodgins did not come out, and at some point, a passerby told me, ‘This shop has moved’.”
“Even though it was open until just a moment ago?”
“It was a dream, after all... And then – and then, I asked where it was and went after it. Benedict and Cattleya also appeared in-between, but they seemed to have other things to do, saying they would come after me later... As for Lux, she was the only one who had been hired by you from the very beginning, so she also asked you to hire me again, but in the end, you said no could do.”
“Hm...” Suddenly, Hodgins felt so pained about everything that it was hard to breathe. “And then, Little Violet, what did you do...?” His hand reached out to Violet.
“I kept looking at the interior of the store beyond the shop window from outside.”
Not towards her head, but towards her eyes, where her golden lashes fluttered like the wings of a fairy.
“Inside it, many people – people that I know and do not know – came and left... showing how lively the shop was.”
A sea had silently formed in them, which dissolved and disappeared once Hodgins’s index finger touched it.
“Major came to pick me up for the nth time and said you had told him that my standing there was causing him problems. But, for whatever reason, I at the very least knew that if I stepped away from there even for a moment, you would never let me in... therefore, I could not comply. But I did not want to trouble you, President, so I was unable to make a decision... I attempted to ask Major for instructions, but he was also gone before I realized.”
The sea – the teardrop – turned into a pearl and slipped down her cheek.
“I... I... ended up crying.” Violet stared at the sky, the look in her eyes seeming almost as if the scene from her dream was there at this very moment. “To think I would cry like that...”
“That was why President Hodgins would not hire me, I thought... And also why Major had grown tired and left.”
“Then, without my notice, you came outside. You looked the same as that post-war day when you went to visit me at the hospital. You were very surprised with my appearance, as I was soaked with mud and rain. And so, you said this: ‘Guess we’ll start with how to hold a needle’. You told me that you had not invited me for the new job because it would surely be difficult with these hands of mine, so I was extremely relieved... Then, then...” Violet’s words cut off at once.
Unable to hold himself back, Hodgins pulled her into an embrace as if shoving her little head into his chest.
While being embraced, Violet said with eyes that looked as though she was still dreaming, “...with some effort, I could still be helpful. I was able to confirm this, after all.”
Hearing her let out a relieved sigh in his arms, Hodgins forgot about both his and Violet’s positions, clasping her to his chest very, very firmly. “You sure are helpful... Was there anything about me that made you feel uncertain?” Upon realizing that his voice sounded tearful, Hodgins allowed the tears to overflow at the truth.
——Aah, I’m such an idiot. Got caught up in it and ended up crying too.
As the girl whom he thought of as his own daughter, despite her being an actual adult, had shed tears, he found himself crying along with her. Almost like a child. Even though he was supposed to conduct himself as an elder in this situation.
“I do not know.”
“But, has anything like that ever happened until now...? You had that dream because you were uneasy.”
“‘Uneasy’... That might have been the case. Yesterday night, I came to know that many things were progressing while I was away, so I have the feeling that I was quite agitated.”
“Sorry; we were doing things on our own accord. Even though we’ve been together since the founding.”
“No, I am often absent, and it is only natural for some things to be decided in the meantime. I am an employee. I feel that your judgement is correct. Employees must correspond to the changes of a company. My surroundings are about to change significantly. I am grateful to you, President, for letting me be here like always. However...”
“However, I do not know if I can cope with it. With the matters regarding Major, the ones regarding the company... with the fact that Benedict will be going to a different office building. When I think about these things...”
“It’s okay.”
“When I think about them, I realize that the number of things I should prioritize has increased too much.”
“Little Violet.”
“The order of priorities...”
“It’s all right.”
“I have to deal with situations of every kind as I live, and yet...”
——Surely, Violet Evergarden wouldn’t be alive if she didn’t do that.
Always, at all times.
She had been living through corresponding to her surroundings despite being at loss regarding its circumstances, putting everything she could do to use while looking for a place to belong and an adult who would take care of her. She was not allowed to waver. For beasts, hesitation was death.
Violet did not know unconditional love. She now had at last earned herself this warm place through her efforts, but it was about to suffer a rapid change with the course of time.
After running, running and running, Violet – previously one such beast – was watching the nest she had finally found crumble down. Even when people knew they had to prepare to start running again, there would come a time when they would be short of breath and unable to move.
Violet had gone from wild animal to person.
Her human parts and animal parts co-existed, occasionally revealing themselves. When she was the animal, she simply did not mind how much a place changed as long as she could live in it. However, it was difficult to live while holding something better, more important.
Now that she had become a person through the increasing of her emotions...
“I shall fight. I can always be of use. President Hodgins, please forget this aspect of me that I just showed you.”
...she had turned into just a girl who was a little bit scared of the future.
“Please... forget about it.”
Who had made her this way? Gilbert was likely the first, but the ones who had done the finishing touches were definitely all the people in this place.
“No way, I’m not forgetting.”
At Hodgins’s words, Violet lowered her eyebrows, looking troubled.
“Don’t make a face like that; I’m not teasing. I meant to say that you don’t need to worry about it. You indeed might’ve gotten weak. But is that a bad thing? You had nothing when you met me for the first time. Not even your brooch, right...? But now you have lots of things. You went on a journey for a long time and got more stuff to shoulder while you were at it, so it’s no wonder that you’d end up in a dilemma.” Albeit knowing that Cattleya, Benedict and Lux were looking at them in shock from the shadows at the doorway, Hodgins went on, “You know... life is a journey. Little Violet, you’ll go on this journey, won’t you?”
He had already forgotten about his anxiety. The feeling of frustration at such things and the overwhelming wish to cling to someone were now gone.
“You started your journey with a little less luggage than other people, so you’re staring at your bag now that it’s gotten a bit heavy, wondering what happened to it. You don’t know what to throw away anymore.”
He was able to think, from the depths of his heart, that he had returned to his usual self. While embracing her, who was indeed still young and confused in the middle of her journey, he was finally able to think so.
“You need clothes and money, of course, and good shoes are vital. Right, and an umbrella too. When you look into your bag and realize that you actually have nothing that you can get rid of, it’s indeed a problem. Even though it’s a hassle because it’s so heavy. What do you think you should do?”
He could still be useful.
“Train... my physical strength... No, calibrate my prosthetics...”
He was still needed.
“You’re such a fool... Either leave it in someone’s care and continue the journey or have someone take half of it.”
Even if it were only for a short while.
“Gilbert will probably take half of the luggage. I can take care of the rest that you can’t carry over here. I’ll be in Leidenschaftlich forever, after all. Little Violet, no matter where you go, I’ll stay here and wait for you to come back, and no matter when you come over, I’ll welcome you. I’ll take care of the contents of your bag with pleasure.”
——Even if you only remember me a few times a year someday...
“Listen up: whenever you’re troubled, remember that I’m here. And then you’ll be able to go on a journey again anytime.”
——...I’ll ready myself to welcome you at any time of the year.
“Am I really supposed to leave my luggage here?”
——I’m the kind of man who can do that, and you need it for sure.
“Hm-hm, that’s not it. Y’see, this is about memories. All you have to do is to know. That I’m here. This is the way to make your luggage lighter. Whenever you’re having problems, bam, remember me. If you do that, the worries you have now will definitely decrease a little. Y’know, at the end of the day... people’s place to come home to aren’t places, they’re ‘somebody’. You should know that much. You’d have gone to any battlefield if Gilbert was there, right? Someday, yes, you might quit being an Auto-Memories Doll. You might not come back to Leidenschaftlich.”
——It’ll be great if this “someday” never comes, though.
“But your current memories are with me. I’ll be a representation of them. So that you, my dear... will be able to open your memories anytime. When this moment right now becomes nostalgic to you, come see me. I’ll always be here. Waiting for you. You’re feeling ‘lonely’ right now. But... Little Violet. You have me. You’re not alone.”
——I want you to remember.
“I do not understand very well... However...”
——I’m always protecting you.
“...you have always guided me.”
——Waiting for your return.
“I never doubt your word.”
——I’ll be waiting here.
“But, President Hodgins, I have only one wish.”
——I want you to show up when your journey ends.
Deciding to deal with the sobbing coming from behind the door later, Hodgins opted for staying like this for just a bit longer. Her lover might get angry if he saw it, but he had the right to do it, at least to some extent. After all, she was Claudia Hodgins’s dear employee.
Hodgins asked with a particularly gentle tone, “What would it be, Little Violet?”
Violet blinked and looked up at Hodgins. The last drop spilled from her eyes.
“If, only if... there comes a time when you will quit the postal company and start doing something else...”
“...please call me. No matter where you are, I will rush to you.”
“I will definitely be of help... Even if not, should your luggage become too much, please call me when you need someone to carry it for you. I shall hasten to visit you.”
“For real?”
“Yes. I, too, will carry President’s luggage. You should know it. I am strong.”
“Huhu, yep, definitely. One day, you’ll understand what I mean by ‘luggage’. Hey...”
No one would imagine that a single drop could be the start of something so big. However, it would earn itself great meaning after a while passed. Should it continue pouring, it could also summon boundless blessings and curses.
   “Hiya, I’m Hodgins. What’s your name?”
“This kid’s such a taciturn.”
“She... doesn’t have a name yet. She’s an orphan with no education. Can’t talk either.”
“That’s so terrible of you. She’s such a beauty. Just give a name worthy of her.”
   “Little Violet, thanks for meeting me.”
Love was almost like rain.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
I really enjoyed your writing on the ADA members with a younger sibling like partner <33 I was wondering if you could write the same scenario but with Chuuya and Fyodor? Except the younger partner in question has a rough past and cheery/joking personality similar to Dazai(?) I'm super excited to see more of your writing!! c:
Hi anon! Thank you for the compliment and for reading (here’s the scenario for those that want to read it)! The only difference is that instead of this reader being pure, they’re going to be like a mini Dazai (or at least similar to him). One change that I did make was that Reader isn’t as suicidal as Dazai (ie. constantly trying to find a way to end their life), but Reader is ready to go whenever and wherever, whether it’s on their terms or not. Reader is gender neutral and hope you enjoy!
Also ayyyeeee my first time writing for Fyodor! Hope I did him justice cause his part took a while lol
TW: Mentions of suicide, dark moments (Reader is a bit sadistic, but nothing graphic is mentioned) small spoilers for Dark Era arc and Season 3
Acting as a Younger Sibling with a Rough Past and Personality Similar to Dazai with: Chuuya and Fyodor
Well he was extremely disturbed to say the least. Okay extremely may be over exaggerating, but the way you acted got underneath his skin bad
You reminded him too much of Dazai, minus the suicide attempts and the animosity towards him. Although that didn’t stop the morbid jokes from happening
“Hey Chu-Chu, what did the librarian say to the guy that wanted to check out a book on how to commit suicide?”
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!-“
“Go away, you’re not going to bring it back. HA! A knee slapper, am I right?”
He wondered if Dazai got to you first like he did Akutagawa, and if he did, that was just another reason to strangle him
You were his partner, and you were young. So seeing the way you interacted with everyone and everything with such a pessimistic attitude while still being cheery was alarming
Not to mention how easy it is for you to just readily accept death at every turn. You’re the literal embodiment of “guess I’ll die” and it drives Chuuya up the wall every time
He remembers the one time an enemy held you hostage how you were so cheerful to finally be rid of this joke you called a life, and that you told the guy who was holding a gun to your head to “put it between the eyes, it looks 10x better that way.” And “don’t be afraid to blow my brains out either! But you do you, but I think it’s a rather stylistic choice if I do say so myself.”
The man thought you were trying to distract him at first, but when he figured out that you were serious he honestly got so nervous he was ready to just let you go and suggest therapy lmao
After he handled the situation, he took you directly under his wing. Sure, you were already his partner, but he was really going to look out for you including outside of work. If it meant that he had to “babysit” you, then oh well
Plus he didn’t want to face Mori if he just let you die while under his care
You realized what he was trying to do when you two would go off to “collect information” and would be doing the complete opposite. “Hey, I’m kinda hungry, let’s take a break and grab a bite to eat.”
“I thought we had to get this info back to Mori ASAP. Not that I care if he’s mad, he’s been holding out on me and this is the perfect way to take revenge.”
“Holding out how?”
“I told him that since he’s a doctor he would be the perfect teacher to show me some new techniques.”
“Torturing, duh! My methods are getting kinda stale, and I do want to perfect my craft after all. I want to be good at something before I kick the bucket, Chu.”
Poor man is honestly in so much distress because of you please help him
And the way you interacted with the other members was both entertaining and horrifying to watch at times. Majority of the time, you were this happy go lucky kid with a dark sense of humor (you still made people smile, although sometimes it was tense or apprehensive, but whatever a smile is still a smile). But when you were having a bad day or a mission was going wrong, everyone knew to steer clear of you.
A new recruit tried to cheer you up one day, telling you that “it could always be worse”. You then got pulled into the office with a very angry Chuuya and a mildly disappointed Mori.
Chuuya finally had enough after months of this occurred. It was like a never ending cycle: except your behavior was getting increasingly more reckless and dangerous. It was driving him crazy trying to figure out why you were this way and if it was any way to snap you out of it
He wasn’t a stranger to death, he’s seen it with his own two eyes, end even killed people with his bare hands. But the huge difference between you two is that he didn’t particularly enjoy killing, if it had to be done then he had no problems doing so; it comes with the job y’know? But with you, you took actual pleasure in killing. It filled you with a sick sense of glee, and it even made his stomach turn
The bond between you two grew from just a typical work relationship (as far as working in the mafia goes). He knew that from underneath your rather concerning persona, you were just troubled. Someone or something made you this way, and while he had his own troubles growing up, he was able to deal with it and overcome his issues. It just seemed like you just...gave in to yours. And it made him feel pity for you.
You didn’t mind Chuuya at all. You actually liked being his partner! He was pretty much the only person that you didn’t feel a need to harm or kill. And he was fun to be around, when he wasn’t being such a party pooper (I mean what’s the point of being in the mafia when you can’t purposely spill some blood every now and then for fun?). The only thing you didn’t like was how he would try and get you to talk about your past. You honestly didn’t see a point in it, it’s called the past for a reason, why didn’t he understand that?!
But no matter how many times you would shut down or try to change the subject, he would always try again, and again, and again. It was very annoying. And you didn’t like to talk about it. Why didn’t Chuuya understand that?!
Eventually, his pestering worked. One day after a rough mission when he had to patch you up, you opened up to him. You didn’t immediately tell him everything, but you gave him small insights to what happened, to what lead you to be this way
You could tell that he was grateful that he was finally getting somewhere with you. And you yourself was surprised that your dynamic didn’t change. He didn’t look at you with sympathy in his eyes, he didn’t baby you, he wasn’t disgusted by you, everything was normal. The only difference is that Chuuya told you that it was okay to talk to him, and that you shouldn’t be scared to approach him (psh you scared, yeah okay)
Chuuya felt like a weight lifted off his shoulders once you opened up. You were still a bit sadistic (but you did tone it back after the recruit incident, and after you saw how repulsed he looked, so you just did everything behind closed doors now) and had your cheery persona on, but it felt a little bit more real now. It felt genuine. It gave him a good feeling to see some spark in your eyes instead of the full he felt himself getting used to. And he would never say it to you, but it also gave him a warm feeling with him being your role model (you knew but didn’t want to burst his bubble yet)
Your change wasn’t very noticeable at first, but that’s okay. No one needed to know, it was fine with just you and Chuuya. You still felt the desire to just be done with life, but it wasn’t your focus whenever you were with him. You hadn’t made peace with your past yet, but you felt you could one day with him by your side. He was someone that you didn’t knew you needed (or wanted to admit to), but it worked out in the end. You had doubts that you could or would ever change, but if you did, growing to be someone like Chuuya would’nt be the worst possible outcome
Plus, whenever he did run into Dazai with his new sidekick, he is 10000% bragging about how much better and cooler you are, with him being the superior between them both. He can’t WAIT till you guys can whoop their ass
Well weren’t you such an interesting character
To see someone as young as you ready to just leave this world in an abrupt way was intriguing, and he realized that he could use this to his advantage. Maybe even give you something to gain in exchange
He found you hiding inside a disgusting abandoned building (a fitting place for a rat if he would say so himself), drenched in blood. Fyodor didn’t necessarily care why, but he was curious about one thing: why were you smiling? Your eyes were so lifeless, yet here you were smiling so bright, as if you weren’t covered in someone’s blood
Fyodor found himself smiling down at you. Did you think he was prey, that he was going to be your next target? He wanted you to try, he wanted to see what you were really capable of
“Tell me, what is going to be your next move? Do you wish to attack me?”
“If you do something that I don’t like, then yes, that’s the plan. Why are you here Mister? You wanna have some fun too?”, your smile turned into a smirk, twirling your very sharp knife in your hand. “You’re not even from here, so why are you trying to bother such an innocent kid like me?”
He matched your smirk, “You are from innocent, child, even a blind man can see that. To see just how full of sin you are. This wasn’t your first atrocity that you committed nor would it be your last. Which is a shame, it might be too late for me to cleanse you of your filth.”
Oh, he was going to be very amusing to mess with. But you weren’t stupid. Something wasn’t right with this man. No one would walk up to someone with copious amounts of blood on them, holding a weapon that caused said blood, while berating them about being “full of sin”. What was his ability? Did he have people with him? Was the building surrounded or booby trapped? These questions swirled around your head, all while he just kept smirking at you. He was pissing you off, who the hell did he think he was?
But you kept your anger at bay, plastering a cheerful smile on your face. “Sin? Cleanse me of my filth? I guess I do kinda stink but who exactly do you think you are, some type of God?”
“That’s exactly what I am. I’m here to free this world from this wretched curse that has been brought upon.”
...huh? Did-did he escape from the asylum or something? Did he seriously believe himself to be a God (not even a prophet but an actual God)? Seeing your confusion, he continued on, “The curse of ability users. They plague this Earth, and they need to be eliminated.”
“Why is that? What’s wrong with having abilities? Hellooooo, some people’s abilities are actually pretty cool! If you just have a terrible ability, it’s your problem, not the world-“
“Why not let me show you why it’s indeed a curse?”
“And how would you do that? You must be crazy if you think I’m going anywhere with you. I may be dangerous but I’m not dumb!”
“You poor, misguided soul.”, he tutted at you. “Look at where you have ended up at. These people with these so called “cool abilities” have failed you, have they not? Yet you still idolize them, not believing that they are the reason for your misfortunes. If they were truly your idols, they wouldn’t have left you to fend for yourself, to live among the rats. They left you to rot, do you not see that?”
He was hitting too close to home, he was getting too personal, too close. He didn’t know you at all, you’re a complete stranger to him, but why did his words hold some truth to them?
“Come with me, and I will prove to you first hand why this has to be done.”, he was now physically close to you, staring you deep into your eyes. “It would be such a waste for you to die without knowing the truth, wouldn’t you agree?”
You didn’t have much, he wasn’t wrong. But if he could take you somewhere with real food and not scraps you had to fight to find, and to have real shelter, then fine. You agreed. And if you felt that something was up, you’ll just kill him, run away, or both
After he took you away, he kept to his word. It seemed like he was really was telling the truth, you getting first-hand experience like he promised. It was scary that he was right, but you were also indebted to him. He not only allowed you to live in luxury (at least it was luxury to you considering what you had before), but he opened your eyes to what the true problem is. He gave your life a new purpose. If you two were able to successfully complete his goal, then your problems would be gone forever right? You would finally be able to feel a sense of peace, and you can’t wait till that could happen
You and Fyodor, after he opened your eyes, bonded easier than in the beginning. You were smart enough to not fully trust him after leaving with him, but after just a couple of pulled strings to cause certain things to happen, you slowly melted and molded into the way that he planned. You would be an excellent pawn in his grand plan, and you would do well in keeping him entertained at the same time
You were a joyful child, even when carrying out his dirty work, you did so gleefully. After joining the Rats in the House of the Dead, you tried to spread that joy among the other members. They didn’t find it very amusing, but you didn’t care and neither did Fyodor. You were far too important to let go of now
You were always by him, it seemed. Always in the same space, whether he was planning his next move, and playing the cello, you were always there with this look of awe directed at him. Every time he would catch you staring, he would simply chuckle and softly reprimand you about, “how rude it is to stare, but you simply can’t help it.”
He even taught you how to play the cello!
You sounded terrible but practice makes perfect
As time went on and the end goal seeming to be closing in, he came to see you as more than just an expendable tool. He found out about your past, but simply proved to you once again why you two had to make sure the curse was ridden as soon as possible. No one wanted a repeat of what happened to you to happen to anyone else, so the mission had to be success. Failure was not an option
Fyodor didn’t see himself as a cruel man towards you. He just didn’t mince his words and he made sure that you were dealing with the truth, and not some lie that was attempted to be twisted as reality. If anything, that was the way that he showed that he held some compassion for you, he wasn’t willing to let you be lead astray from the truth again, not while he was here. You had somehow wiggled your way into his mind, where he had been accepting of your close bond, and he took that into consideration
Once his goal is achieved and he has truly made his place known as a God, he’ll make sure that you gain your rightful place among him as well. You were worthy in Fyodor’s eyes, and as long as nothing came in between your bond and the end goal, then everything will work out. He will make sure of that.
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garbagevanfleet · 4 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: major marijuana usage!!  Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place. Notes: say hello to your new potential love interest - he’s cute, no? let’s see how he compares. 
As always, if you see @lantern-inthenight​, tell her thank you for being the very best editor. 
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @lara-gvf @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack​
On Monday it had dusted snow, but tragically, it had happened while you were in class. You hadn’t even known until you were leaving campus and had seen the lightest coating left on some spots of the grass by the treeline. 
When you got back to the apartment, Josh was already there, stirring a huge pot of something on the stove. The room smelled like a restaurant.
“Josh, oh my god, it snowed and I missed it!” you exclaimed, tossing your jacket over the back of the chair. 
He paused what he was doing to look up at you and chuckled. “Don’t worry, I promise that’s not the last time.”
“What are you making?” you asked, padding across the linoleum to peer over his shoulder. 
“Vegetarian chili,” he answered, lifting a wooden spoon to your face. You blew on it for a moment before taking a taste. “It needs something, but I can’t figure out what.”
“I think it’s perfect,” you replied and meant it, suddenly excited to have a bowl of it. 
He hummed at you. “Thanks, but it’ll be a while before it’s done.”
You watched as he swiped the scraps from vegetables from the cutting table into the compost bucket. 
“You want to watch a movie tonight?” he asked. 
You frowned back at him. “I wish I could, but I’ve got a lot of work to do on my presentation. I’m supposed to be reading it to the class in like two days.”
“Alright,” he agreed, just a shade on the solemn side. There was one thing you knew for sure, and it was that there was a lot you would endure to make sure you didn’t have to see him looking sad. 
“I think I can still concentrate on it if I sit with you during a movie.” 
He laughed under his breath at your bargain. “It’s okay, you can work in your room instead if you’d like. Or, you can have the living room and I’ll keep to my bedroom.”
You scowled at him and pointedly replied, “Don’t be stupid, Joshua. Okay, I’ll make you a deal. I’m going to work on my paper until dinner time, then we can watch a movie.”
“I’ll take that deal.” He reached out and took your hand, shaking it once in a faux professional manner. 
“But, that means I have to work all night on it tomorrow,” you warned, looking directly into his eyes. 
He just grinned back mischievously. 
“So, what happened?” you prompted, dipping a spoon into a cup of strawberry yogurt. Kate peeked up at you over the rim of her cup, crunching a piece of ice as she set it back down on the cafeteria table. 
You had been expecting Josh to join you for lunch, but you’d gotten a text telling you that he had to bail to work on production stuff and he’d see you later. You had been a bit disappointed, but you had to admit that you envied his dedication. Plus, you had Kate to keep you company. 
She poured more of her Diet Cherry Coke from the bottle into the cup of ice as she talked. “Not much, honestly.” She looked like she was going to continue until her gaze caught on something over your shoulder. 
You were just about to turn your head to find what she was looking at when she spoke again abruptly, making you halt all movement. “Don’t look, but there’s a guy by the vending machine that keeps looking at you.” 
You gave her a surprised look. “Oh, what does he look like?”
“He’s kinda handsome - short blonde hair, probably a little taller than you, a little shorter than me.” She paused, fiddling with the cap of her soda bottle as he snuck peeks at him from across the room. “Okay, quick look.”
You chanced a glance over your shoulder and hummed as you turned back to her. “I think I’ve seen him around. I don’t really know him though,” you stated. “Are you sure he’s not looking at you?”
She huffed amusedly at you. “Pretty sure he’s not.”
“Ooh, speaking of,” you started, reaching out and nabbing one of the waffle fries off of her plate and popping it into your mouth. “Have you been texting Jake?” 
“Not really.” A scarlet-colored smile was forming on her lips. 
“Does that mean yes?” you pressed when you realized that was all the information she was going to give you. 
She shrugged at you, already collecting the remainder of her lunch to toss away with a cheeky look. 
It wasn’t until your last class that you realized where you’d seen that boy before, and embarrassingly, it wasn’t until he was already sitting next to you. 
You glanced over at him, trying not to look too surprised. 
“Hey, do you care if I take this spot today?” he asked, seemingly knowing what your answer would be. You kind of wanted to say no, just to prove him wrong. 
“Yeah, sure,” you agreed sweetly instead. 
“I hope this isn’t weird, but I saw you at Bennie’s party on Saturday and I guess I just wanted to formally introduce myself. I’m Trevor.”
He held out an open palm for you to take, and you cautiously did. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He looked pleased that this was going as smoothly as he had clearly intended - not that he was lacking confidence, but something about his facial posture told you he had expected you to give him a hard time. 
“So, I’m not going to lie, this is partly because you seem to be really good at this class, but would you like to study together sometime? We could maybe get coffee after class.”
You looked at him for a silent beat before replying. “What’s the other part of the reason?”
“You seem nice, and I think you’re very pretty,” he said honestly, giving you a smile. 
You mirrored it back to him with a nod. “Coffee sounds nice.”
You had made it a point to message Kate, telling her exactly where you were and who you were with, and you had texted Josh, telling him you’d be back in a couple of hours. 
Trevor was nice and somewhat funny. He seemed a little intellectually shallow, but you couldn’t actually judge that from an hour and a half long hang out in a coffee shop. 
When you got back to your apartment and checked your phone, you had six messages from Kate. 
Oh i’m kinda shocked
Good for you tho
Is he cuter up close?
Are you guys actually studding
i’m going to ask around and see if anyone knows anything about him
You snickered to yourself as you were reading them, before quickly typing back, let me know what you find out tomorrow. 
You were greeted by an empty living room and kitchen, but you could see that Josh’s bedroom light was on, so you headed that way as you shedded your extra layers of clothing. 
You knocked on the door frame, though the door was wide open to reveal Josh laying out on his bed with a lit joint between his lips and Penny on his bedside table. Folk music was playing from his laptop in a tinny quality. 
He peeked an eye open at the sound of your entrance, greeting you with a smile. 
“You’re not falling asleep with a lit spliff, are you?” 
“This is my second one,” he replied as if that was supposed to answer your question or quell your concern. “You want some? Or do you want to work on your paper?”
You ran your teeth over your bottom lip. “I finished my paper in class today. My professor gave us the whole period to work on it.”
He perked up then. “I can’t help but notice that wasn’t a no.” And after a pause he finished, “And congratulations - I’m proud of you.”
You gave him an awkward thumbs up that he promptly barked a laugh at.
 “You wanna?”
“I’ve never smoked before,” you reminded him like it might change his mind. 
“C’mere. I’ll help you.” 
You held a finger up at him. “Hang on, I’m going to change. Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want my new sweater to smell like pot, dude.” 
You returned back in your pajamas, still nervous, but now comfy. He patted the spot in front of him on his bed, prompting you to clamber on. Once you were situated, you tugged his comforter over your shoulders from where it was bunched up at the bottom of his bed. 
“Are you good?” he asked. 
You nodded at him, nervous enough that he could sense it. 
“I’m going to shotgun you, okay?” He put his hand on your knee for comfort, and you had to admit that the touch helped ground you. 
“Okay,” you replied quickly. 
“Okay?” he prompted again, looking less convinced. 
“What does shotgun mean?” you whispered like it was a secret, making him giggle into his shoulder. 
“I’m going to blow the smoke into your mouth. Since it’s your first time, I don’t want you to get super high.”
“Oh. Yeah, that wouldn’t be good,” you agreed. 
“Okay, I’m going to take a drag, and you’re going to open your mouth and suck in the smoke when I blow it out.”
You watched him raise the paper to his lips, the cherry turning bright orange as he inhaled. It wasn’t until he leaned forward with a closed mouth that you realized how...intimate the moment was. 
You weren’t positive he wasn’t going to press his lips directly to yours until you opened your mouth and pulled in his exhale. 
“Hold it in a second if you can,” he instructed, his voice a bit deeper from the smoke. 
You did as you were told, grimacing as you exhaled. “It tastes like dirty socks.”
He snorted a laugh, tipping his head back until it was rested against the wall. 
“I’m not sure what I expected though, because it also smells like dirty socks,” you continued, prompting his laughing to continue until he was sighing contentedly. 
“That’s cute,” he said through a grin. “Innocent.”
You could feel your cheeks warming by the second. You rolled your eyes at him playfully. 
“Do you feel anything?” he asked, sitting back up to attend to you. 
You shook your head. “Not really,” you admitted. 
“You wanna try again? You can just take a hit yourself if you want.”
“Actually could you do it again?” you asked, embarrassed, but not enough so that you were willing to do it alone. 
He gave you a grin, lifting the blunt back to his lips, but this time when he leaned forward, the fingers of his right hand found your jawline, pulling you into him too. When he blew the smoke to you, it was just inches from your lips, and this time you drank it in, forcing it deep into your lungs and holding it there. 
It started to hit you moments after you exhaled it - this pleasant, warm feeling. 
“Hang on,” you said excitedly, throwing the blanket off of you as you scrambled to get off the bed. When you returned you had a little speaker and your phone. The playlist that the two of you had collaborated on for cleaning days started playing, and even though he was laying out flat on his bed, you could see his lips turn up into a smile. 
You laid next to him, resting your head on his arm and giving a pleasant sigh. 
“What’s it feel like?” he asked, a rasp behind the words. He lolled his head to the side to look at you. 
“Warm and fuzzy. Kinda like being in love or seeing a really cute kitten. But also kinda like being on a sailboat in the middle of...I don’t know, some European sea. I can’t think of a single one right now if I’m being honest though.”
When you met his eyes, he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Damn, that’s awesome.”
He sat up on his elbow and reached past you to grab something from his nightstand. You were going to look and see what it was, but staring at the little speckles of plaster on his ceiling was suddenly the best thing you’d ever experienced. 
“Do you always wear cologne?” you asked, suddenly unsure if you were talking really slowly or if your brain just couldn’t process the sound on time. 
“Usually.” When you were able to look over at him, he had a bag of Tootsie Pops by his side, one of the sticks hanging out of his mouth. “You want one?”
You agreed by holding out your hand, letting him give you whatever flavor chance had picked for you. 
He had unwrapped it already, which you thanked him for as the flavor of grape hit your tongue. 
“What flavor did you get?” you asked, turning over so you could lay on your stomach, head propped up by your hands. 
“Cherry,” he replied through a smile, opening his mouth to show you after he asked, “Is my tongue red?”
You giggled at him. “Yeah, it definitely is.”
There was a long, comfortable pause, but you were in no state to determine how long it lasted. 
“I went on a date today.” It came out like an admission, despite your efforts to keep the statement casual. 
He had an impressed look on his face ”Oh, yeah? With who?”
He sat up with what looked like some effort until he was sitting cross-legged. You breathed a laugh, casting your eyes to the pendant of his necklace where it rested against his sternum.
“This guy, Trevor.”
The shocked smile he gave you felt a little surreal in your state. “I didn’t know you even knew any other people here.”
“I actually met him today,” you admitted. 
“And you went on a date with him?” And before you could answer, he continued. “How did it go?”
“It wasn’t really a date, per se. We just had coffee,” you informed. “And, actually, I even bought my own. “
He raised his eyebrows at you until you realized he wanted you to answer the other part of his question. 
“Oh, it was okay. I liked him.”
“Was he kind to you?” he asked, keeping his expression level. 
You nodded. “Yeah, he was. He offered to get my coffee, but I didn’t want him to think he was like. Doing me some big favor, you know?”
Josh huffed a laugh. “That sounds about right. Sounds like you.”
“We made plans for him to come over on Thursday and study.”
Josh tossed the stick of his sucker across the room, landing it perfectly in the little trash can by his door. “Would you like me to be gone for that?”
You frowned at nothing in particular. “Two things. One, how did you just make that shot? I can’t even move. And two, no, why would I want you to go?”
He shrugged, popping another sucker into his mouth. “I’m full of surprises, you’ve just gotta stick around.”
“Well, I live here so I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” The way you had muttered made him smirk at you. “But no, you obviously don’t have to leave while he’s here. Actually, I’d prefer if you didn’t - I don’t know him very well.”
Josh looked up at you through his lashes for a moment. “Then I’ll be here.”
The both of you hung out on his bed for an indiscernible amount of time, and not once did you ever feel less high. You had intended to get up and brush your teeth, but it didn’t happen, and there was nothing you could do about it. Your eyelids started to feel heavier than you could ever remember them being - like something had ahold of your leg and was dragging you down into sleep. 
The last thing you could recall was the sound of Josh’s smoked-out voice, quietly humming along to the chorus of a song and the visualization of the sound behind your eyes, sweeping back and forth between notes. 
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