#also applies to diabetes
fairiencarnate · 1 year
I used to love those anti diet posts that were like "eat that cake. eat that chocolate. do what feels good babe" because they enabled me to keep harming my vital organs. Now they make me want to scream bc like girl I would LOVE to. I'm fighting the urge every second. But I would sugar dose myself into a diabetic coma if I just did what felt good. I would bleed myself into iron deficiency if I did what felt good. Doing what feels good would cause some of my favourite organs to stop functioning. It's made me realize... Doing what feels good is a privilege not all are blessed with.
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cheetahspy · 1 year
Ledger!Joker x Diabetic Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Medical stuff, needles/injections (it’s not very descriptive though), slight NSFW mention (labeled at the bottom)
A/N: Heya! I’ve never posted something like this before haha…Kinda new to it and very nervous so don’t judge me too harshly. I actually write quite often but rarely post it, however I really wanna start trying to put my work out there more. Keyword try. 
Anyway, fun fact about me, I have T1 diabetes. I haven't seen anything about that with J so I decided to make my own headcanons and such :) Sooooo here’s that lol…enjoy??
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You had been diagnosed with T1 diabetes three years ago. You hated it. The needles, the upkeep, the blood, the appointments. It’s scary, a living nightmare for you.
You were still in your…adjusting phase, and didn’t like talking about your diabetes to anyone. Joker was no exception
So, naturally, J took matters into his own hands and did his own research, learning as much as he could about diabetes (without you knowing, of course). How it works, the high and low blood sugar levels, how to manage it, he even figured out how the insulin pump that you have operates. 
You were shocked the day he offered to change the infusion set for you and knowing how to do so. He ignored you when you asked him how he knew.
You were hesitant but quick to give in and let him inject the cannula into your stomach. He hugged you from behind as he did so; you melted into his touch and your fears were comforted. From that day on you opened up more and more about your medical life to J and allowed his help. 
He enjoys being the one to inject the cannula and dexcom, however he still forces you to do it yourself at times, as to make sure you aren’t getting too used to being dependent on someone else. You’re a strong and brave bunny, he wants to remind you of that. 
He will tease you about your dexcom and infusion sets, saying you must be part machine. 
“I’m uh, still convinced you’re a cyborg.” “J!!”
He also forces you to stay on a healthy diet and keeps track of your sugar intake carefully. He’s definitely not a hypocrite. He rarely lets you eat junk food, even though you’re allowed to and tried explaining that to him
“The doctors told me it’s okay if I eat sugar now and then, as long as I have the insulin for it. It’s the sugary drinks I need to avoid more.” 
J doesn’t buy it, nor does he trust your doctor's input. “Mmm. Nuh uh. Can’T have my little bunny go falling into a coma, hm?” You know he’s just concerned about you (even if he’d never outright admit it), so overtime you stopped arguing with him and avoided junk food to ease his mind. Just don’t let him catch you eating it behind his back.
J absentmindedly fidgets with your insulin tube. Rubbing along it, flicking it around, twirling it around his finger, even constantly feeling the cannula end of it against your stomach as if to reassure himself you that it’s still on and doing its job. Don’t worry, he’s only accidentally ripped it out once or twice, and he certainly makes it up to you when that happens. 
Having a low, but forgot sugar to combat it? Not to worry! Joker keeps a juice box or two in his suit juuuust for you. He’s even stacked packages of juices in your pantry so you’ll have plenty. (Don’t ask whether he bought or stole them, you already know the answer)
The low blood sugar episodes hit you hard, but you’ve found curling up on J’s lap and cuddling against his chest while sipping on juice is very comforting. He’ll stroke your hair and rub your back, holding you closer whenever you shake and cry.
“Shhhh sh sh sh. It’s nothin’ you haven’t beaten before. It’ll pass, angel.” 
You hate looking at your stomach and seeing the previous holes and scars from constant injections. J will run his thumb over them and kiss each of them to comfort you. 
Whenever you have a headache or any symptoms, J will immediately interrogate you about your blood sugar level
“Not every pain I get is caused by my diabetes.”
“Shuuuuush. What’re levels right now? Let me uh, lemme see your pum-p. Give. Right. Now.” 
If you’re low on insulin and the pharmacist is late to sending you new vials, J will meet with them personally to have a little chat. 
He’ll then come home and plop the bag of new vials theatrically down on the counter. “Tadaaaa! More insulin for my sweet little sugar cube.”
“Oh, thank you J! Wow, they gave me a lot this time…” 
During the ✨devils tango✨, J will occasionally rip the cannula out by accident. He’ll immediately put a pin in your lovemaking session to get you a new one. Even if you insist you could go an hour or two without it, he’s not taking any chances. After all, where’s the fun in sex if your partner is dying from a seizure??
“J, I promise it’s okay! We don’t have to sto-”
“Now now gumdrop. I know you’re, heh, eager for me, but my patient needs her medicine first.” 
You’re grateful you don’t have to deal with your disability alone anymore. Who knew the Clown Prince of Crime could be such a good caretaker?
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paging-possum · 19 days
Accidentally deleted my celiac post but the sentiment is still there. Celiac TLDR is that you eat gluten -> body freaks the fuck out -> immune system attacks small intestine and damages villi in your small intestine (villi increase nutrient absorption theyre very important you can see cool pictures of them on histology dot com) -> stomach pain and nausea and vomiting and skin problems and fatigue and malnourishment and bloating and many other issues -> some dipshit tells you you’re too woke or whatever and that you’re entitled for not wanting this to happen. Everyone listen to the this podcast will kill you episode on celiac or wait an unspecified amount of time for me to make this comic. Celiac people I love you forever.
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
Sa Rang's halmeoni the minute she decides to adopt Won as her de facto grandson-in-law despite telling him he's only candidate n.1:
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flutterbyfairy · 2 years
actually diabetes is never "badly managed" or "poorly controlled" because blood sugar readings don't hold moral worth.
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vamptastic · 1 year
its like so fucked to me that PCOS is almost always diagnosed in middle aged women bc of fertility issues unless the person in question has a very obvious and severe case or lobbies their doctor at length about it. this would not be so upsetting to me if PCOS didn't massively increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in a way that is largely preventable! or if PCOS didn't make it damn near impossible to lose weight, meaning many people have their symptoms dismissed be it for other health problems or PCOS symptoms themselves over something they have next to no control over.
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cutearose · 1 year
I am. tired. and struggling to function. and I need a hug
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ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
My mom, out of nowhere at least five times a week: "You need to be on this very specific diet and eat no sugar or salt whatsoever."
My doctor: "So what is your appetite like"
Me: "Oh, I usually eat small meals throughout the day because if I eat a regular sized meal then I get sick. I also know when I need to eat salt and sugar and protein because of very specific cravings I get."
My doctor: "Oh, so you're intuitively eating. That's what I would recommend to someone with unexplained digestive problems and chronic nausea. I think you listening to your body and your cravings has probably been a big help in preventing serious medical problems. I don't see any excessive amounts of LDL cholesterol or salt or sugar in your blood so it's not like there's any proof your diet is poor that can't be explained by digestive problems so let's figure out what's going on."
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artytaeh · 5 months
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can i disagree with some of this fandom's perception of tom riddle? surely he won't be a sweetheart like lorenzo, but...
┊ i also don't think that he'd be so intentionally rude, so cold towards his significant other. i honestly think that if tom ever becomes infatuated with someone, he would take pride into getting this someone to belong to him. willingly! 🌷
౨ৎ i guess i'll never know the reason why you ♡ ͡
love me like you do; that's the wonder of you . . .
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... tom riddle is a smart man, you see. love, romantic feelings, to act like a couple and all of those things— these might be the most confused that tom riddle will ever be, because otherwise, he's an extremely competent, capable young man.
tom riddle does get confused, a little lost on what to do; he'd torture himself by discreetly watching couples at hogwarts interacting, maybe make some research (= read novels. romantic novels. it was a discovery of a new medieval torture for tom, seriously, to waste his precious time reading some sappy crap like that.) to better understand how to handle you.
how to deal with you.
how to cherish you, so that you don't ever entertain the idea of leaving him. you see, tom is a practical man— he'd rather not commit mistakes, because to fail, means to spend extra time fixing his error and doing the same thing twice, so that this time, it's done correctly.
applying this ideology to you, it means: that 1) tom riddle prefers to always keep your heart happy, so that you don't have doubts about him; so that 2) he won't have to take twice the effort to conquer the city of your heart again.
some think that tom wouldn't like petnames. to be fair, tom would frown at many of those, at first— thinking that they were cringe, disgusting or a psychological way to acquire diabetes. however, when tom gets used to this stir on his heart, those loud heart beatings that cloud his rational thoughts...
... it's excused to say that tom's preferred petname to call you by, is 'my love'.
tom reasons that's because it isn't a lie at all. well, you're certainly his— and because of you, because of your existence, of this enchanting aura of yours; that's how tom riddle discovered love. there are few things that tom is attached to. even fewer that he shows to care about, to have affectionate feelings for; one of them is the basilisk. others are his favorite books, all of them first editions that were troublesome, but endlessly worth it, to get. nevertheless, at the peak of the pyramid, there's you.
you. oh, how your name sounds so angelic, so right, so perfect on his lips. sometimes, tom doesn't call you by any petnames, so that he can mouth each syllable of your name, tasting the acquaintance of the name of his darling on his lips.
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he might call you by other petnames, depending on the occasions:
darling; which, in his opinion, is fairly one of the best petnames to be shared between a couple. because you, reader, are endearing to his eyes— a darling, really, whose presence immediately softens (ever so slightly, because tom riddle still is tom riddle himself, and that mask of stoicism of his won't be broken without putting up a fight.) those previously icy, cold eyes of his.
dearest; if tom is trying to reason with you. unlike what many think, tom would take a deep breath, put on that handsome smile of his, and use a gentle tone to convince some words inside that pretty little head of yours. 'dearest', he calls for you— so gentle, so full of affection; as if reminding you that you are the object of all of his affections and desires. you, his dearest, the one he adores the most. the reminder of such a fact easily melts you in less than a few seconds, which tom sees as too perfect of an opportunity to lose to convince you much faster.
doll; if you look rather ravishing to his eyes, whenever you dress up even prettier than other school days, and wear such pretty clothes and many accessories to further optimize your beauty. beautiful, perfect, flawless; like a doll. a carefully made doll. a doll, that sits there quiet and all pretty, obedient, doing as she's told.
( i must warn you, though, that tom won't entertain silly nicknames from you. tom riddle will ignore you, march forward without sparing a glance at you, not even acknowledging your presence should you insist on the matter. tom won't answer you, should you refer to him by such hideous petnames. you could be about to fall from a mountain, and yet tom won't help you until you address him properly. baby? he's not a child, for salazar's sake! pookie bear? now that might make tom riddle himself throw you off from the mountain's edge— call him such a monstrosity like that, and tom will lose every drop of faith on you. you're a lost cause. )
if he had to choose; yes, tom would prefer if you were obedient. contrary to popular belief, tom riddle is quite fascinated with sweet personas. to have a sweet significant other, who's all smiles and considerate words— it's so, so much easier for tom.
between a brat that trashes around for his attention, and a sweet girl who gently tries to indulge (purely out of concern, wanting him to share his problems with her!)— tom would rather choose the latter.
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quite the darling you are. to boldly take tom's hands between your own, with that frown of yours. no, you're not being whiny; yet tom can see that there's consideration, there's time spent on that little brain of yours, that tries to find the right words to speak with him.
then, when you voice your concerns— that tom spends some time alone from time to time, seemingly hiding something from you, as if to shoulder all of those burdens all by himself...
tom takes a deep breath, swallowing his temper. trying to keep his composure, because tom hates having to justify his actions. with a smile, tom puts on a facade, with a too much convincing tone: "oh, dearest, no. i'm flattered that you noticed that i haven't been having the best days; however, your presence makes everything better. in fact, being with you now, makes all of my problems seem insignificant in comparison."
should his sweet words not be enough to keep your nose out of his business, then tom takes a step further. holding your hands, tom squeezes them between his fingers, gently at first, tightly when you're too stubborn: "my problems are mine to solve, my love. i would never put such a heavy burden on you; your smile is too precious for me to ruin."
sweet, sweet words; some that tom mentally grimaces at, but knows that are necessary and effective with you. talking as if he's doing you a favor on keeping you away from his PERSONAL thoughts and goals.
and that's how tom pushes you way. gently, smoothly— so that you'd have to rethink this moment over and over, for you to understand that once again, tom riddle has tricked you; tricked you into doing what he wants. because without a fight, without you daring to bother him further... tom riddle made you go back to your own business, and leave his alone.
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however, when tom is in a better mood and less stressed with his own goals, he'd find it funny, entertaining even, if his darling tried to be bossy. to pout, to want some sort of control. it's hilarious for him.
so, he indulges you. well, sort of— tom tricks you into thinking that he gave in to your commands. to your whims. in a sneaky way, tom makes you think that you're in control!
the one who's in charge is you. yes, darling, of course. he pats your head, gives you that charming smile of his. with such a serene expression, tom briefly raises his eyebrows, mocking you inside that devious mind of his, as he says: you are absolutely right, dearest.
tom riddle doesn't really mind that you aren't consciously aware that the one in charge is him. that's fine; no, seriously, go and brag about it!
because ultimately, tom knows that what he says, goes. that with some sweet words of his, a little touch here and there, that you'll soon see the reason and comply to whatever tom wishes you to say, to do, to behave.
he does is so smoothly, that even for the outsiders, well... it'd be hard to realize that all that tom riddle is doing to you, is nothing but manipulation. and you're oh so easy to manipulate— it was a challenge at first. now, it's more of a chore; tom barely blinks through it. he knows you so well.
however, so that you whining and getting used to think that you're having things done your way, tom throws some praises and compliments here and there.
touching you chin, gently brushing his thumb on your lower lip; tom's gaze intentionally softens, as he praises: 'you're just too good to be true, my love.', whenever you act accordingly. when you do as he says.
brushing a strand of yours away from your face, so that he can further admire the physical features of his beloved: 'i sincerely can't take my eyes of you, darling, when you are so good for me like this. pardon the way that i stare— you're too beautiful.'
and with even more sincerity, tom riddle isn't sure where his manipulation ends and his genuine care for you starts; tom isn't sure, whether his words are now a muscle memory of his, or if he truly means them.
but he never allows himself to discover the roots of this thought. to actually find out if he truly is such an emotionally shallow person, or if his weakness for his darling is deeper than he realizes. no— this is one of the few matters, in which tom would rather remain ignorant about.
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because tom is such a gentleman with you...
opening doors for you. walking two, three steps ahead of you as soon as the entrance is upon sight, tom will open the door for you; his arm keeps it open for you to enter or leave the room first, and so those grayish-green eyes of his watch you, as you pass by. then, tom will enter just behind you, following your lead, quickening his steps to go back to his rightful place by your side. he lies to himself, saying that he only does such a small gesture to effortlessly keep you by his side. tom would be telling the truth, if he doesn't interrupt the thought that he enjoys to escort you— because, deep down, tom genuinely appreciates your company. every step, every minute you spend together. 'here, love. please, continue; what did you tell your housemate, then?'
tom riddle refuses to let you carry heavy books. so, as if it was muscle memory and so smoothly that you can't do anything about it, tom will carry your books along with his, as soon as you leave the classroom. it's not that he finds you useless, incapable; rather, tom riddle perceives you as a... preciously delicate, fragile little thing. most of the times, tom does it so nonchalantly that you don't even notice; you're too distracted by your conversation, to notice how tom carries your stuff, busying his arms. however, should you notice or worry that you're being a burden to tom in any way; tom shakes his head at you, waving off this silly insecurity of yours: 'i know you can carry them, beloved. however, allow me to do it for you. i am your boyfriend, am i not?'
offering his hand for you to take, whenever there's a higher step to be climbed up, or tricky stairs on your way. tom will do it too, to give you some kind of support, should you jump off of a particular high edge. whenever you wear high heels, tom would be specially careful with you— he offers his arm or hand for you to take, walking in a much slower pace than usual, so that you won't overexert your feet. we can't have his darling getting hurt, now can we? no bruises, no pain, no redness on your skin undesired by him, nothing to interrupt the lovely time you're spending together. 'take my hand, my love; it's quite high for you. that's it, darling, good girl.'
whenever you're about to sit, tom grabs the back of your chair, pushing the seat backwards for you to take, then helps you settle closer to the table. only then, will tom take his own seat in front of you. it's something that becomes so, so common between both of you, that sometimes you find yourself taking a few more seconds to sit down, whenever you hang out with your friends; unconsciously, you'd wait for tom to gently guide you to your seat. oh, you're spoiled.
leaning down to get the material you accidentally knocked out; if he's not quick enough to notice, then tom will keep his hand on the edge of the table, so that there's no chance for you to hit your head. 'quite the klutz, aren't you, darling?' — with a lighthearted tone, so that he doesn't come by as mean, tom couldn't help but to tease you just this time, — 'next time, let me get it for you, dearest. now, careful with your head.'
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... and because he's always so soft-spoken with you, well, how could you listen to your friends, in case they notice that maybe tom riddle isn't as a good guy as he lets on? that perhaps, he is a little controlling. that maybe, he's too overprotective of you.
→ and of course, being the fool you are, you stroll to the lion's cage (or should we call it snake?) and deliver all of this information on a silver platter for him.
SAT SIDEWAYS ON HIS LAP, tom settles your thighs to rest on top of his, while a hand is respectfully kept there; caressing the smooth skin, rubbing circles on the bare skin of your thigh, just inches underneath the hem of your skirt.
tom riddle keeps up a serene expression, sometimes humming in acknowledgement, to show you that he's listening to this ramble of yours. if it's a topic that seems to have bothered or upsets you, then tom will keep another hand on your lower back; he soothes you with small movements of his fingers.
oh, how funny. so this ravenclaw friend of yours, told you that it isn't normal for tom, your boyfriend, to comment whether you roll up your skirt during summer? that such a thing is being controlling? now that's something tom will have to deal with. perhaps, he'll only have to frame this irritating ravenclaw girl; have you ever thought that maybe, she's interested in tom? that must be why the ravenclaw is filling your pretty little brain with such absurd exaggerations of his doings. how lucky you are, to have an attentive boyfriend that easily notices when a friend of yours has bad intentions.
( for obvious reasons, tom despises amortentia. he finds it disgusting, but more than that, tom riddle perceives amortentia has a rather pathetic tool to get someone's affection. tom will never use it on you— he doesn't need to! however, he will get his hands on one, to use it on that nosy, insufferable ravenclaw friend of yours. only to prove his point. so that this nosy girl acts disgustingly flirty around tom, so that you'll come running back into his arms, crying about such an awful friend and that once again, tom was right. you apologize to him, for doubting his assumptions. you end this friendship and cut ties with the ravenclaw girl. and tom, well, tom riddle has once again rid both of you from troublesome outsiders. )
ah, now this is entertaining! so these friends of yours, housemates, have noticed that tom has been keeping an eye on you. now, dearest, that's rather silly, don't you think? so what if you seem to find the same familiar faces in the same space as you? do you really believe your friends' theories? that he sends his followers ''friends'' to follow you around the school? darling, hogwarts is quite enormous and spacious, yet all of you study together in the same castle. it's inevitable, to see familiar faces, here and there.
( however, tom will blame his followers. how difficult can it be, to follow, to stalk a girl like you? and to go unnoticed as they do that? sincerely, tom stares at them with such disgust, such disappointment, that his followers tremble under his gaze— the future dark lord even mentions the idea of getting rid of them. of throwing them away. after all, why would he need such useless, such incompetent boys like them, if they can't follow simple orders correctly? it's excused to say, that you'd never suspect being stalked again. 1) because tom reassured you that such a thought is rather silly; and 2), because these followers of tom riddle do a much better job. out of fear. )
oh, darling, what silly friends you have! sincerely, it seems like you only attract observant delusional friends, or attentive paranoid companies!
in the end, it doesn't matter if your friends tried to alert you about tom's toxic concerning flaws traits. because in the end, at night, he will have you nuzzling on his lap, holding you so tenderly; all of these warnings disappear into thin air, when tom makes you laugh at such accurate ridiculous accusations.
in conclusion: no, tom riddle would never be rude or snap at you; not if he can help it, not if he can keep his temper in check. he believes that the best way to keep you so effortlessly devoted and infatuated, to keep you willingly by his side, is to treat you with care (even if sometimes he has to manipulate his way into it). how lucky you are, to have such a obsessive caring boyfriend!
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🪻 ; . . . fandom : harry potter.
— i'm endlessly faithful to theodore nott. however. the first to kick the entrance door to my heart was tom riddle. and what a man (i can't fix him. i would let him ruin my life him tho!), ladies and gentlemen.
the headers + gifs + icons aren't mine. credits to the respective creators ! 🌷
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Infections; Prevention, Identification, & Treatment, a Harm Reduction Guide For Self-harmers
[Pt: Infections; Prevention, Identification, & Treatment, a Harm Reduction Guide For Self-harmers]
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, all of the information below is based on my research. It is always best to see a doctor if you are injured. I do not promote self-harm.
Preventing infections
[Pt: Preventing infections]
Some ways you can reduce the chance of getting an infection are...
Being up to date on your vaccinations, especially your tetanus vaccination.
Using clean blades/tools. This means, if possible, always have new tools on hand. If you can not access new tools clean them (link). Always check for rust and dirt. Dispose of your tool properly (link) if any is found. Do not use a tool if you do not know where it has been. Store your tools in a clean dry place.
Self-harm in a clean environment. Make sure your hands are clean as well.
Keep cuts, burns, and other open wounds covered with wound dressings. Remember to change wound dressings regularly and to never re-use them!
Having a healthy diet, Malnourishment increases your risk of getting an infection. This is especially important to remember if you have an Eating Disorder.
Being aware of possible risk factor is also important, such as...
Being immunocompromised
Taking immunosuppressants
Being malnourished/having an eating disorder
Being diabetic
Having limited mobility
And more
Identifying infections
[Pt: Identifying infections}
Seek intimidate medical attention if you show symptoms of a serious infection, such as…
Confusion or disorientation
Feeling faint or dizzy
Irregular heartbeat and/or breathing
Cold, clammy, pale skin
Fever (body temperature of 38c (100.4 f) or higher)
Severe muscle pain
Painful muscle spasms
And more (link)
If you do not have anyone to take you to A&E or think you need immediate emergency care call for an ambulance. A serious infection can be deadly and cannot be treated at home. Do NOT attempt to treat one without a doctor.
Symptoms of mild infection include; spreading redness, heat, or swelling near the injury, increased or new pain, increased fluid leaking from wound, yellow or greenish fluid that may smell. Some redness, pain, and (clear, not foul smelling) fluid leakage can be normal.
If you are unsure how serious an infection is see a doctor or call your local A&E’s nurse line (if in the UK call 111 or use 111 online (link)).
Treating a (mild) infection
[Pt: Treating a (mild) infection]
Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any symptoms of serious infection (see above).
Even if you only have a mild infection, it is suggest that you see a doctor, especially if any of the risk factors listed at the beginning of this post apply to you. If you are unwilling to or unable to you can try and treat it at home.
To treat a mild infection…
Clean the wound with warm water and unscented anti-bacterial soap
Soak in warm water or apply a warm wet cloth for ten minutes
Apply antibiotic ointment to the infected wound(s)
Re-dress the wound. Do not reuse dressings.
Repeat this 3 times a day daily until infection subsides. If the infection worsens or does not go away seek medical attention.
If you are unsure how serious your infection is see a doctor or call your local A&E’s nurse line (if in the UK call 111 or use 111 online (link)).
If you do not feel that you can tend to your injury alone seek medical attention.
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kink-tomato · 2 months
Our friend Erin was recently kicked out by her landlord and is facing homelessness with her 3 cats. She is currently receiving inpatient treatment for a severe mental health crisis after an incident with her abusive boyfriend. We are trying to raise $2200 to pay the deposit/fees on a rental apartment. This would enable to her and her cats to have a safe place to live and receive the healthcare they need.
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Since Erin is currently in hospital, we her friends are writing this post at her request. You can find her original twitter thread about this here. https://x.com/stiffening/status/1811568349798683052
You can donate via ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/erinshelley YouPay https://youpay.me/sinew/fund/moving-costs or direct via PayPal https://www.paypal.com/ at faunlet[at]live[dot]com.
You can also donate Amazon gift cards https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PCMWTSG/ref=s9_bw_cg_GCLPFFST_1a1_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-4&pf_rd_r=R69487D956H3FAWX0GYR&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=eedfdcee-0cec-4508-9a95-96b34e0d6ea4&pf_rd_i=117059571011 to faunlet[at]live[dot]com. Gift cards will be used to buy household necessities once she has moved. All these methods go directly to Erin and her cats. If you are not able to donate, please reblog this post to increase its visibility. For more information on Erin and her situation, please see below. Thank you for reading and for your donations.
Erin formerly lived with her violently abusive father but was finally able to leave in 2022. She moved to a new state which meant she no longer had her license, therapist, doctors etc. which exacerbated her disabilities. Unfortunately, the new living situation turned sour as her landlord became neglectful in his property upkeep which resulted in Erin receiving several injuries. He also became abusive and forbid her 3 cats from leaving her bedroom, as well as stealing food and toiletries from Erin. During this time, her cats developed health issues that require regular medication and monitoring (diabetes, urinary issues) and her own disabilities worsened due to lack of medical care.
The landlord announced his intention to kick her out in May 2024. Erin had applied for Section 8 housing and was attempting to move into a new place, but this fell through due to lack of funds. She had to move into her boyfriend’s apartment to avoid homelessness, however her boyfriend is abusive and neither she nor her cats are safe there.
Due to a severe mental health crisis in mid-July which resulted in a suicide attempt, Erin has now sought inpatient treatment at a local hospital. She has found another potential apartment to rent, however the deposit and fees are not covered by the Section 8 assistance and must be paid upfront. We are desperately hoping to raise this money so that she can secure this apartment and have a safe place to live. She cannot remain at her boyfriend’s because aside from his abuse, his landlord will not allow her and her cats to remain in the unit. She is unfortunately not able to live with any of us because we are internet friends spread worldwide.
Please donate if you can; if not, please reblog this post to increase its visibility. We are frantically trying to secure Erin a safe place to live so that she can be free from abuse and violence and can begin to recover. We really want to keep her and her cats together because we fear that, due to their age and health issues, they will be euthanised if surrendered to a shelter.
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Any updates will be added to this post. Thank you for reading and donating.
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serahlink · 10 months
🚨 EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS OPEN🚨 tw // homeless / some med talk but not much
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Making a new post to hopefully get some work for my family and I so we have somewhere to stay for tonight, since work has been very slow lately. I'm Link, and I'm a 22-year old artist, and my family and I (me + my father and younger sibling) have been homeless since November 2021. It's a long story. TL;DR version is at the same time, while I was living with a friend and my dad + younger sibling was on the road (he drove a van at the time) he had gotten into a diabetic coma and was fired by his job. Being fired meant he or my sibling didn't exactly have a home to go back to, as our relatives on both sides refused to help. At the same time, I was going to have to find someplace else since my friends grandmother was entering the late stages of her life and they had to transfer her to the nursery, meaning there was a lot of things his family had to take care of and I couldn't be there. They allowed my father, sibling and I to stay there for two weeks to give us time to find someplace else.
While I was there, I'd been doing commissions to help their family out with food, and since it was either the streets or living under a roof; I told my friend to take us to a nearby motel since we had enough for a day, and we could figure things out from there. So since then, I've been keeping us here by doing commissions ever since. Either of us haven't been able to obtain a job yet due to how hard it is for us to get our documents to get an id (we dont have a car at the moment, and saving money for the room and food is already tough as is), but recently we think we might be able to get my father's ID so he can work, were waiting on his lung condition to recover fully and get money saved up for the documents and all that before we apply to get them. So hope isn't fully lost for us, we just need to take care of some things for a while longer until then.
Recently, things have gotten worse again. We were paying weekly thanks to the help from my followers and commissions I was getting, but when we weren't able to pay for another, we went back to paying daily again. And immediately we were set back. For the past few days, we haven't been able to pay for one let alone food. We were able to pay most of it to at least stay here, thanks to the kindness of the staff, but they called us earlier to tell us if we couldn't pay everything tonight, then we'd have to leave. We owe 120 by 11pm tonight, and I thought maybe making a new post might help us since posting on my other socials hasn't done much for us lately.
My commissions are open, and if you're interested in helping us out via a commission you can contact me through my Tumblr dms since it's the easiest way to get to me. But if you can't help financially, which I totally understand, I know the economy is tough on all of us right now, please don't feel bad or anything. Reblogs also help us a ton, and it always means a lot to us.
For the commission info itself, I have it all packed into this link right here, along with examples of my art and prices. I draw mainly fantasy pertaining to the Dragon Age Series and although I know little to nothing about Baulders Gate, I have done some art of tavs before! I also do DnD work as well, so I'm used to drawing pretty unique characters. I'll also put some examples I have below. If you want something outside of that, I'm sure I can provide, just let me know upon your request! And I think that's all. Much love to you and thank you for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day/night :)
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thegnomelord · 4 months
hi, me again. the cruise is fairly okayish for me but my husband (HUSBAND 🥰🥴🥴🥰😍😻😻😍🥰🥴) loves it
uhh moose price (can you tell i like price). moose are pretty like violent or dangerous creatures so he’d be very clash-y. BUT. this only applies if they’re in fall rut or are a female with babies…take that as you will.
oh god im such a monster fucker leviathan ghost (GHOST LEVIATHAN?? SUBNAUTICA MENTION) (sorry). hes jsut so big and 😫😫 wet. im wet. im a man sorry im not wet im just getting wet bc im diving. into the ocean i go. i need myself a big merman or shit to fuck my ass??
im in love with the graves cat idea but instead his goofy ass owns a farm and sees this fucking….feral bobcat….like what the fuck you doing out there boy!?!?!?! anyways graves like snatches this fucking bobcat reader and thinks hes a normal cat. he has made this mistake many times before. his shadows are cackling bc he just posted a picture of his new catboy demihuman to the groupchat. that is a bobcat my boy. or even better, cougar. mountain lion that just needs a little loving (or, hes planning on eating graves. boy dinner. take that as you will)
graves again, now with a singular hunting dog. maybe a beagle. its hunting time :) gotta catch fucking turkeys or like doves. hes so proud of his boy when the pup drags back his shot 😊. i would bark for you graves pleas come home i have diabetes for you like in america
please dont mind my rambles i have so many thoughts i cannot contain them
Good for your husband lol :Dd
Tbh I would love to see moose price with big ass antlers, see him fighting over you cause it's rut and he'll be damned before he lets someone else come near his mate. And also then pushing you down and riding you, horns and face still splattered with his opponent's blood.
I mean good luck for your ass, isn't Ghost Leviathan big as fuck? But same tbh, I'd love to see a big ass mer 141, can you imagine Soap if he was a megalodon merman? Jesus.
Also I am deffo laughing at the cougar reader getting taken in by graves cause he just can't tell the difference between an apex predator demihuman and a normal cat lol. Big 'accidentally adopted a coyote' vibes tbh. Would be funny if he does like a dna test cause you're kiiiiiinda funky looking for a cat demihuman and you keep getting bigger as he continues to take care of you and feed you. Only to figure out, oh shit, you're a damn cougar! While you're laying on top of him, heavy body pinning him down and just purring.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
going on vacation with queen maeve would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Royalty AU | AO3
synopsis: A few months after getting into The Seven, your mind and body were on the edge. Good for your that your girlfriend™ knows exactly how to make Madelyn shut the fuck up.
warnings: vought. female!reader. this is fluffy!
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• It's funny how you thought for so long that Maeve didn't give a damn about you. Because now, seeing clearly what she is doing, you notice how much she really cares. How deeply Maggie cares about you.
• Your relationship now being real don't make everything easy. It makes easier, of course, but it still pretty fucked up to be used as Vought way of making pink money. But as time passes, you noticed all the little things Maeve did so it would be easier for you. The fact that she does that in secret is what really makes your heart skip a beat.
• Like when you discovered that Maeve fought with Madelyn so your birthday would be a private event. Or when your copyright percentage got higher because of her. And there was that day Maeve discussed for over a hour with the marketing guys so you could cut your hair however you wanted. And the time a "journalist" threatened to expose a story about your normal life so she... You still don't know what exactly she did, but the story never saw daylight.
• So when out of sudden, in the middle of the most tiring week of your entire life, Ashley informed you that your vacations was postponed to next week by the HR people; you knew it was her. Of course it was.
• You both talked to her about your plans, and Ashley took care of everything. She usually does. She made sure there was no one on the beach, no paparazzi, not even a leaf out of place. If there was one thing you valued, it was your secret identity, and since Maeve also took the same care, every precaution was necessary.
• After a car trip, Maeve doesn't get on planes under any circumstances, complete with lots of diabetic sweets and loud music, you finally arrived at the cabin. Everything inside was some kind of licensed Vought product, but ignoring that until you looked like just a normal couple. Nothing surprising. No drama, no pr stunts, no forced smiles. It was just you and Maggie, and that was all.
• Maggie spent the whole week running the bar. You've already discussed her being basically a functional alcoholic, but she's always emphasized the functional. She took care of the drinks, you took care of the barbecues, and the two of you tried to understand how to make Starlight Seasoned Rice™.
• Maggie was more the type to pick up a gothic novel, apply sunscreen until she looked like a ghost, and toast on a beach sarong. You were the one challenging the sea to a fight. And cursing the hot sand.
• Caught up in Jane Eyre's poor choice to marry someone she discovered had locked his first wife in the basement, Maggie didn't think she needed to worry. Until the salt water fell on her and her book, and Maggie saw you with your smirk and a yellow toy bucket. You wanted war? Okay.
• Playing fights with your girlfriend is one of the most common things in relationships. Playing fights with your super powerful warrior goddess hot girlfriend is much more interesting. Will Maggie one day realize how much you love being beneath her? She probably already did.
• With hydrating hair masks, tasty meat, strong drinks and practically inedible rice™, you fell asleep on the sofa in the cabin while you tried to prove to Maggie that Emile Brontë was the best sister.
• You both deserved that.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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covid-safer-hotties · 24 days
Unvaccinated were twice as likely to die from Covid as vaccinated: Nivel - Published Sept 2, 2024
In 2021 and 2022, COVID-19 was twice as likely to be the cause of death of unvaccinated people as in vaccinated people, according to a new study by Nivel. The side-effects center believes the COVID-19 high vaccination rate prevented many deaths, especially in vulnerable groups.
Nivel studied the excess mortality in the Netherlands in pandemic years 2021 and 2022 among people who got vaccinated against the coronavirus, and those who chose not to. The researchers took account of a large number of characteristics that could be associated with death, including age, medical history, migration background, and possible vulnerability to the disease.
The mortality rate among vaccinated people was much lower than expected in the first three months and then the first twelve months after their first vaccination. “There were up to 45 percent fewer deaths than expected based on data on population characteristics and deaths from 2015 to 2018,” Nivel said. It added that other coronavirus measures, like lockdowns and social distancing, also likely played a role in this under-mortality.
These measures also played a role for unvaccinated people. However, the excess mortality in this group was massive. “There were almost three times as many deaths as expected,” Nivel said. Among unvaccinated vulnerable groups - the elderly, people with diabetes, people with COPD, and people with cardiovascular diseases - the excess mortality was up to five times higher than in vaccinated vulnerable groups.
“The observation that in the same period (2021-2022) - a period in which the same COVID-19 measures applied to everyone - there was excess mortality among unvaccinated people and under-mortality among vaccinated people suggest that the COVID-19 vaccination has worked and prevented deaths,” the side effects center said.
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mixelation · 2 months
in more "why is life like this" news, i went to go pick up insulin and the pharmacy was like "yeah so a fridge went out of temp over the weekend" and so everything stored in there now cannot be sold, including my insulin. like. really???
anyway, i did get to see my bill for when they have sellable insulin. pre insurance the cost is over 700 USD for a 90 day supply. that's for a drug i need to take in order to stay alive. the $35 price cap only applies to people on medicare, although most of the big companies are doing voluntary "caps" for people with commercial insurance. (in other words, with insurance it's a flat $35 per 30 days-- so i'll be paying $105 for 90 days.) so, that means the cap doesn't "work" for the uninsured, the people who need it most. also keep in mind that many people take two types of insulin (fast acting and long acting), so double those prices. there's also tons of accessories besides insulin (like needles!!) which are also necessary for treating diabetes and can add up in price quickly.
i'm sharing this because i see a lot of people spreading false info about the cost insulin in the US. the situation is slowly getting better, but "voluntary" programs means there's nothing to prevent companies from going to back to charging more. so, in you're in the US, keep writing and calling your representatives, and please vote in november
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