#pcos lifestyle
fairiencarnate · 1 year
I used to love those anti diet posts that were like "eat that cake. eat that chocolate. do what feels good babe" because they enabled me to keep harming my vital organs. Now they make me want to scream bc like girl I would LOVE to. I'm fighting the urge every second. But I would sugar dose myself into a diabetic coma if I just did what felt good. I would bleed myself into iron deficiency if I did what felt good. Doing what feels good would cause some of my favourite organs to stop functioning. It's made me realize... Doing what feels good is a privilege not all are blessed with.
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vamptastic · 5 months
mannnnnnn i am sick of lifelong skinny people who think they have the miracle cure for being fat that we're all just too lazy or stupid to try
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rinielsaerwen · 2 years
Are you a woman with PCOS?
Do you have doctors who tell you to get on "the pill" while giving little to no further information?
Have you considered going gluten free and making other changes to your diet?
Has a doctor ever told you that by your diet you are either helping or hurting yourself in regard to PCOS?
*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am not in the medical field. This is medical advice I have recieved and am passing on*
PSA: I am not saying this will work for everyone. This made a huge positive impact on my health and well-being; I am posting this in case something here can help someone else.
Go gluten free as soon as you can
Your cyst(s) feed on gluten. Gluten is what causes a cyst to enlarge to the point of bursting.
I've been there--I was rushed to the hospital because I was puking and in excruciating pain--don't wait for that happen.
Cysts can also cause insulin resistance--this can lead to diabetes.
You might have insulin resistance if you feel dizzy and/or get blackouts when you've had too much sugar; this is because your body doesn't break down/process sugar like it needs to.
Which means you also have to go sugar free.
You will also need to start taking probiotics daily.
This is what I get:
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They key to choosing a probiotic is the bacteria makeup.
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The bacteria makeup you are looking for is:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium lactis
*You do not need a prescription from a doctor to get these*
My cousin (left) gets them from her doctor, I get mine (right) in the grocery store pharmacy. You can also find these online.
Because this is a live bacteria, just like yogurts, they will be in a refrigerated section in the pharmacy and need to remain in the refrigerator at all times.
I get the kids bottle because the 'adult' capsules cost ~$40 for a bottle that lasts 30 days--the kids ones work just as good and only cost me $10. My cousin also takes the kid ones from time to time.
You can find a lot in stores now that are gluten free. Take a look at your grocery store isles.
My grocery store has an orange label on the shelf for most gluten-free products in the store. I went up and down every isle to find what I can have.
You can find gluten-free bread and bagels in the frozen section. **These can be high in carbs - for those of you keeping track**
Canyon House is one of the best. The bread is great for toast or sandwiches and they make great bagels.
Schar's is good as well--I like their ciabatta rolls for sandwhiches and I prefer their hot dog and hamburger buns over other brands.
*Your bread will need to remain frozen, unless you can go through it pretty quickly--it will mold faster than regular bread*
PSA--separate the bread slices and cut your bagels before feezing--this way you don't have to wait for your bread to thaw to get a slice or two.
Barilla makes gluten-free pasta--it tastes the same as their regualar pasta.
Good Thin or Nut Thin crackers are pretty good. I eat them with slices of cheese.
Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones have gluten free options if you need a quick meal.
Amy's is also a good brand to follow--almost every single product they have is gluten free. Fun fact: Amy is the daughter of the founders of the brand who is gluten intolerant and so her parents made gluten free products in her honor :)
Mission makes gluten free corn and spinach tortillas.
Rice flour or almond flour are good substitutes when you are baking--however, these tend to be pricy.
Tapioca flour is also a good substitute if you find that rice or almond flours are dense
**For cooking/baking make sure you have gluten free spray. Some cooking oils (like PAM) have flour in them so it's good to check. Avacado Oil spray is good to have on hand, or something natural.
This does not mean no sugar ever for the rest of your life.
This means moniter the types of sugar you are consuming.
Sugar off the shelf = bad sugar
Fruits = good sugar
Honey or agave = good sugar
Honey, agave, or coconut sugar are good substitutes if you are baking.
Avoid Swerve and Truvia if you can--these are not real sugars and can be bad for you.
Something I've noticed with box mixes--I can find gluten free, and I can find sugar free, but it's hard to find a mix that is both gluten and sugar free.
So if you want to bake anything--it will probably be from scratch where you can substitute the ingredients.
Natural sugars are great.
These are healthy for you and come in the forms of fruits, berries, honey, and agave.
I keep a trail mix for myself made up of peanuts, pistachios, and banana chips. (Sometimes I mix in some sugar free chocolates)
I keep oranges, bananas, and apples on hand.
I also love apple chips--these are easy to make at home.
If you can't live in a world without ice cream (like me lol) Enlightend Keto is your new best friend. This is a very low sugar (<1g), gluten-free ice cream sold in pints. It's delicious :)
Breyer's also makes low sugar flavors (4g)
**I still keep sugary things on hand only for when my blood sugar drops and I need a boost - juice is great to keep in the fridge. Sometimes I grab gluten free cookies or sugar coated peanuts.**
Beans and rice are good options to keep in your pantry
Tuna and other fish is a great option.
Yogurts are healthy---just be sure to check the sugar content and that it is gluten-free. Athough you can find sugar free yogurts if you prefer.
Sugar free jams, jellies, or preserves are delicious - and you can make your own :)
Gluten free soups--Amy's has a lot of lentil and bean options, and Progresso has a good variety.
If you need electrolytes during the day, Gatorade zero or Powerade zero are good options.
Tea is great. Iced tea in bottles has a lot of sugars - I avoid it unless I feel like I need a sugar boost.
Meats are A-okay.
Before I tried all of this my day to day experience was:
Feeling like crap after every meal. I could eat a pb&j and feel heavy, experience stomach pain, and overall just be uncomfortable.
It was like this for nearly every meal. Nearly everything I ate.
If I had something sugary I would get dizzy, my vision would start to go dark, and I had to sit down until I felt okay.
My periods were heavy and painful. I used to take a day and lie down. Not get up because that was painful - and use a heating pad for hours just to get some relief.
It was recommended that I try changing my diet for 6 months and to see how I felt. It's been 1 year now, and here is how it affected me:
After 1 day-
*no bloating
*no stomach pains
*no discomfort
*no dizziness
After 1 week-
*I physically feel lighter, there was no "full" feeling--I was satisfied without feeling heavy
*I gained weight (only 2-3 pounds)
*I was having reactions to some dairy, so I switched to almond milk and cut out some other dairy
After 2 weeks-
*my body started to adjust to the new diet--your body is getting cleaned out, and your gut and digestive system is going to feel it - in a good way
*I lost weight--those stubborn pounds I had struggled to lose started to come off (daily exercise helps)
*No discomfort at all after a meal :)
After 1 month-
*My cycle was almost 3 weeks late after being regular for a few years (other women report this as well when going gluten free-it's normal as you adjust). I didn't have as much cramping as usual, I didn't spend my day in and out of the bathroom, I wasn't doubled over in pain, my period was lighter--I didn't have one heavy day and then a few light days; it was consistent and manageable. I laid on the floor when I needed to for short periods for relief and occaisonally walked around the house. Overall I was fine :)
2 months-
*My cycle was one week later than expected. I had less pain than the previous one, in fact, it was easy to block out.
*I've been noticing changes in my body. My waist is smaller and more accentuated - I feel more confident and my clothes are flattering :) I haven't been gaining back the weight that I lost. (Daily exercise helps)
*I'm sensitive to greasy foods like potato chips and bacon :P
3-6 months-
As a personal choice, I stopped eating bread--gluten free or otherwise--I stick to corn tortillas when I do have bread. I still put jam, peanut butter, and cream cheese on them.
I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. They're delicious, and I feel so much better throughout the day.
1 year-
I've lost weight faster than I have when I was actively trying to lose weight. At the beginning of the year I was a size 10 - I recently went dress shopping with my sister for her wedding(!) and a size 6 fit like a glove. (I haven't been a size 6 since middle school)
I'm learning new ways to bake and cook - I've been doing more cooking, it feels great to have a fresh meal with ingredients that won't make me sick :)
I don't get terrible cramps anymore (that only happened once this year). My period is light and only lasts 4-5 days, as opposed to 5-7 days.
The only other thing that I can say is to try this for 6 months and see how you feel.
Again, I am not a doctor or in the medical field.
Following this regime changed my life - hopefully this can help someone else. :)
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celepeace · 1 year
My doctor has me on diabetes meds even though I don't have diabetes as a prophylactic, and it's taken... 2? years now but I've been slowly noticing some weight loss and it's like oh cool so the sudden weight gain when I was in my late teens was indeed due to the whole metabolic disorder thing and not just age. Neat. Awesome. Cool. Not at all unnerving
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bluejournaldiary · 9 months
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Almost two weeks on metformin and birth control together and my fasting blood sugar is finally below 100 ✨ normal is 70-99, so still on the higher side but better.
Protein cereal and unsweetened almond milk for breakfast. Weigh in is tomorrow!
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oraahwellness · 1 year
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Are PCOD and PCOS the same 🤔?
A lot of women get confused between the two, often using the two terms interchangeably.
Here are a few differences between the two!
Tag someone who needs to know.
Follow @oraahwellness
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Why and how can social media be dangerous for us who have chronic illnesses, especially PCOS?
Click here!
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My new goal is to be 145 by New Years.
thats 67 lbs in 6 months. I'm 5"4
It is possible to consistently lose weight each week, not plateau, and lose 11 lbs every month in a healthy manner for the next 6 months.
how likely is it, is the real question.
I'm still gonna be happy if I'm 175 on New Years. All that matters is that I've lost weight and I'm living a healthy lifestyle.
I'm never going to eat less than my bmr.
I'm never going to over exercise.
My goal motivates me and thats all that matters (well that and not developing an e.d.)
I know what I'm doing and as long as I dont do anything unhealthy then it doesnt matter how realistic my goal is. we've all set an unrealistic goal before and achieved it.
Sometimes you shoot for the moon and land there.
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alkaridevihospital · 1 month
Tackling Gynecological Challenges: Empowering Women with Knowledge
In today’s world, women’s health is a critical aspect of overall well-being and quality of life. Gynecological health, in particular, plays a pivotal role in women’s reproductive and general health. Despite its importance, many women face challenges and barriers when it comes to understanding and addressing gynecological issues. By empowering women with knowledge and awareness, we can enhance…
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moonlightvintage92 · 1 month
Weightloss & Life Update: May 4
First starting Ozempic vs April 28 Hey ladies and gents! Today, I will discuss my weight loss and other life issues. So, I no longer want a relationship with my sister. She’s no longer in contact with me. I blocked her number and social media accounts. I just can’t handle her anymore. It was over something stupid anyway. Moving on, I’m struggling with my eating disorder. I keep binge eating…
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herbsthatcare · 3 months
Worried about PCOS-related infertility?
You’re not alone. PCOS can pose challenges to fertility and conception. But with holistic lifestyle adjustments—nutritious eating, regular exercise, and stress management—you can empower your reproductive health. Join our expert doctor as she delves into the challenges of PCOS and infertility and navigate this journey together with a wholesome approach!
Visit - https://store.avedaayur.com/products/pcos-pcod-care-pack Call - 7743002520
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gofitnesspro · 3 months
Demystifying PCOD and PCOS: Spotting the Variances
PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) are related conditions, but they have some differences: Definition: PCOD: Primarily refers to the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries along with irregular menstrual cycles and elevated androgen levels. It may or may not present with symptoms like acne, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), and weight gain. PCOS: Involves a…
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dr-anadeep-chandi · 3 months
Important Tips To Follow While Undergoing Fertility Treatment
It is estimated that 15% of reproductive-age couples in the world experience difficulty in getting pregnant, i.e. at least 50 million couples. About 15-20 % of these couples are diagnosed with unexplained infertility. These couples go through various fertility treatments to improve their likelihood of getting pregnant. Body weight, body composition, physical activity, and nutrients intake are…
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stvcalldoctor · 7 months
అమ్మాయిల్లో PCOD సమస్యలకి అద్భుతమైన మెడిసిన్ | Homeopathy Treatment for PCOD, PCOS problem in Girls | Women Health | STV Call Doctors
Dr Madhu Varanasi, MD(Homoeo).
Renowned Homoeopath, Chief Physician,
Dr Madhu Varanasi Homoeopathy Hospital
Vivekananda Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
Contact: 8886509509,9849554663,8897331110.
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aleaqmcure · 7 months
PCOS Treatment & Therapy | PCOS Seed Cycling | Ahmedabad | Baroda | Gandhinagar | Rajkot
AleaqmCure helps to treat your PCOS symptoms through therapy, lifestyle habits and medical support. Contact a PCOS therapist in Ahmedabad, Baroda, Gandhinagar, Rajkot. Consult PCOS experts online to get various treatments and therapies for PCOS(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).
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brightgnosis · 7 months
“PCOS Diet, Supplements, Herbs & Lifestyle Recommendations + Do You NEED to Lose Weight?” by Abbey Sharp
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