#also deuce is such a perfect first crush for sebek like hes pretty and good natured and cute and cool at the same time
lanshappycorner · 10 months
Sebek/Deuce is the ship ever because like they are just peak Teenage Boys yknow like how sometimes Deuce does things that amaze Sebek and vice versa but at the same time they openly tease and pick on each other its just such a bro to bro relationship. Also I just like seeing them being smug around each other
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-looks around before whispering to raven- may i request some headcanons for the first years and their first time engaging in unprotected h*nd h*lding with their significant other? if that isn’t it too scandalous 😳
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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You’re surprised to find that Ace’s hands are pretty soft and well looked after. His fingers are slender and dexterous--perfect for making the cards dance and pulling sleights of hand.
Ace is ultra cocky. Sometimes he brushes his fingers against yours just to see your reaction. He’ll lean in close to you and notes the stupidly cute blush on your face before removing his fingers from you. Other times, he’ll just tease you about when you’re going to “make your move” and grab his hand already.
He’s not fancy when it comes to his first time with you--Ace casually grasps your hand in his in the usual manner and throws you a cheeky little wink. He laughs at your embarrassment, but there’s no mistaking the faint pink that also decorates his own cheeks.
Ace likes to yank you about when he has a hold of you, whether it’s just swinging your connected hands back and forth or guiding you to a cool new place to check out. He likes seeing all the annoyed little expressions and eye rolls you toss his way!
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Deuce’s hands are a little worse for wear from his delinquent days, plus all the tinkering he does with machines. He’s trying to clean up his act now, but you can still see little marks or rough patches from previous fights he has been in if you look close enough.
He wants to hold hands, but he doesn’t quite know how to best go about it. Deuce asks his senpais for advice and tries brainstorming a bunch of ways to go about it, but ultimately he gives up since he’s no good at thinking and just straight up blurts out, “W-Will you hold hands with me?!” to you.
His shyness doesn’t dissipate once he has his hand in yours, though just the pads of your dingers are loosely curled and touching. Deuce just... buries his face in his other hand in a poor attempt to hide his blush.
After a few moments, he peeks through the gap between his fingers, just to see your face--but he sees your joined hands as well, and that just turns him another shade redder.
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Jack’s hands are much larger and warmer than yours. (You wonder if he has a naturally higher body temperature because of all his fur or because of his muscles.) The skin on his hand is also a bit rough from all the training he gets up to.
He takes the initiative and holds your hand himself (but he insists it’s because he doesn’t want to lose track of you in this crowd)! He’d never confess that he was just wants to be intimate with you.
Jack curls his fingers around yours, like two hooks interlocking. He likes the security of knowing that your fingers are resting against his palm, and that his are resting in yours. 
Jack gives nice, reassuring squeezes whenever he detects that you’re feeling sad or anxious. (He can easily pick up on those feelings thanks to his heightened beastman senses!) Jack wants you to know that you can rely on your boyfriend to have your back!
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Epel’s hands are silky and smooth (due to the numerous lotions and creams that Vil insists he slather onto his hands), and his fingers are thin and delicate. You wouldn’t think that they belonged to a farmer’s son!
Your hands just naturally find each other under a cover of stars. Perhaps it is in the dim lighting where Epel feels the most confident in grasping your hand in his.
Epel’s grip is surprisingly firm. He likes to lace his fingers between yours so that your palms are pressed against one another, and all your fingers are locked together neatly. Epel feels the closest to you like this!
No words need to be exchanged--just from the warmth radiating from his hands and cheeks, you understand what Epel is trying to convey: I love you with all my heart.
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Sebek has the most calloused hands of the first years. He views them as badges of honor, and proof of how hard he has trained, both in athletics and in academics. However, callouses are rather unsightly to look at, so he does his best to treat them and keep his hands in good condition.
He rarely goes out of his way to hold your hand on his own accord--that would be a transgression of decency! You’ll need to explicitly request for him to do it (though when you do, there’s a good chance you’ll be met with red-faced protests and sputtering).
When Sebek eventually relents, his grip is clammy and almost crushing--partly because he’s nervous, and partly because he’s just that strong. You can’t even really hold his hand back because of how hard he’s holding yours.
He apologizes profusely for not being the best when it comes to these matters and attempts to loosen his grip. Though his cheeks are burning, he manages to bring the back of your hand to his lips, imparting a brief kiss.
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OK so I got this idea. S/o (who's this time has to be female) is also an octo mermaid but still from another world. So s/o gets into one of the pools and they discover she's a blanket octopus (if you haven't seen a female blanket octopus they're one of the most beautiful octopus out there with their gradient colors) and they get popular af like everyone is like "wow she's such a beautiful meroctopus" Yada yada. And Azul it's mad. Part 1
Part 2. And both Jade and Floyd notice it and decide to tell s/o who is shocked and sad because they have a HUGE crush so they decided to give him a gift. Since they know he doesn't have a octopus pot they decide to make him one. After months they give it to him and confess and he's shocked and ask for their forgiveness as it isn't their fault. At the end he and s/o cuddle inside of the octo pot in their mer forms.
OMG THIS TOOK ME FOREVER!!!! I probably got this ask before thanksgiving so I am very sorry that it took me this long, HOWEVER, it is the longest oneshot I have ever written so that’s quite an accomplishment. There are photo references that go with this story as well so check those out before you read. 
Warnings: Slight language, insecurities, fluff, very very minor angst, fem!s/o
Word count: 4,710
Azul x Reader: Cuddle Pot
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The above images are references for the s/o’s octopus species and the octopus pot. I don’t know who the original artist is for the second so if you know please let me know so I can give credit where due.
   “Wait seriously? You’re a mermaid!” Ace practically shrieks and you giggle. Placing a finger to your lips, you shush him as Deuce slaps the back of your over energetic friend’s head. 
   “Yes. I am a mermaid, but you can’t tell anyone yet.”
   “Why not?” Jack questions. His tail flicks in confusion.
   You sigh and think back to the last time anyone found out about your true form. Most of the people back in your world found merpeople to be odd and cursed. It was considered a disability and a disease. Human society often shunned what they didn’t understand. And that lack of understanding led to fear. 
   A boy in your old school had been your middle school sweetheart for approximately 7 months before you decided to tell him your secret. He had seemed so eager to finally go swimming with you that you had naively believed that it was all going to be fine. However when he stared at your flowey, shimmering form you felt yourself grow worried that he would no longer like you. 
   “Babe,” you started, leaning closer to try and grasp his face with your smooth, webbed fingers. “It’s alright. It’s just my merform. It’s going to-” He quickly slapped your hand away and stumbled back. 
   “F-freak, monster, disgusting. Stay away from me you animal! We’re over you deceiving B*tch!” He quickly ran away from the side of the lake where you had brought him. As dawns lovely lights sprayed your body with pinks, and soft oranges, tears slid down your cheeks and into the water below. He hated you. Oh what a fool you had been to think that he would be different, that he would love you anyway. 
   School had become increasingly difficult after that. Word spread fast and you were quickly isolated by everyone you had called a friend. Eventually you moved to a new place and decided that you would never love again.
   This wasn’t the case however in Twisted Wonderland. You were so pleasantly surprised to find people like you, and they weren’t considered freaks because of it. It had been a shock and you quickly found yourself yearning to tell others about what you truly were. Fear had you back though. At least up until that point.
   “I had a bad experience with someone I cared about back in my home world.” You stated softly. The boys looked at each other and smiled. 
   “Well this isn’t that world. You're good to go here since I can’t imagine anyone judging you for what you look like in this place.” Ace’s words reassured you.
   “He’s right. At NRC it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be bullied because of something like this. But what are you anyway?” Deuce questioned. 
   You giggled and leaned in closer to the 4 people sitting at the lunch table, (5 if you included Grimm, but he already knew). “I’m an octopus.” You said with excitement and slight nervousness.
   “Really? That sounds so cool!” Epel was quiet but excited when he spoke up for the first time since the conversation started. You smiled to yourself and mentally sighed in relief that the people you had next trusted with your secret didn’t view you any differently. 
   “Wait hold the phone. Octopus? Like Azul?” Ace pressed close enough that you could reach across with a napkin and wipe the side of his cheek that had been smeared with BBQ sauce when he scarfed his lunch.
  “Yes and no, Azul is a Common Octopus, which means that he is the standard octopus you mostly see around the ocean or in pictures. Basically what you imagine when someone says Octopus. I’m a different type of octopus, one that is more rare.” You pulled out your phone while talking to bring up an image. You held the phone so everyone at the table could see.
   “This is a female Blanket Octopus. We’re pretty rare but we are also one of the most beautiful kinds.” 
   Everyone went wide eyed and watched the screen as you scrolled through images of your fellow eight legged friends. Epel turned to you and grabbed your shoulder. 
   “You absolutely have to show us your merform.” Ace, Deuce, and Jack all nodded in agreement. You flushed and fiddled with the hem of your shirt. 
   “I don’t know guys. It would be a hassle to find a place where we could do it and I’m not sure I want anyone else seeing me. What if someone shows up and freaks out?” This time it was Jack’s turn to speak when he leaned back before smiling slightly.
   “Not that I care but I personally would show up to support you if you needed it. Besides, the school pool is closed after dark. However I’m pretty sure Ruggie has snatched a copy of every key to every lock in the building.”
   “Of course he has.” Deuce says rolling his eyes. “That hyena couldn’t keep his paws to himself even if his life depended on it.” You giggled but ignored the comment in favor of asking Jack if he could get the key. The wolf nodded and you told everyone to meet you by the pool at 9:30. Your friends nodded in agreement just as the bell rang.
   The air was humid and warm, it was perfect for a late night swim, although your clothes would likely stick to your body when you changed back. Still you shifted uncomfortably at the idea of getting in the water with what you are wearing. A pair of leggings was slipped on underneath a waterproof skirt. You had a jacket over your bikini top but per usual you were unable to wear bottoms unless you wanted them to tear. You would have to be very careful not to let the skirt go up before you shifted.
   A sigh left your lips and Grimm, sensing your nervousness, rubbed up against your leg in silent comfort. Your friends were unlikely to freak out but it was still nerve wracking to think about exposing your true form to other non-merpeople. Hundreds of scenarios where something went wrong filtered through your head and promised that your anxiety wouldn’t leave anytime soon. 
  “BOO!” Half a shriek pierced the night before a hand clasped over your mouth.  
   “Shishishishishi.” You turned around in surprise and pulled the fingers away from your face.
   “Ruggie! What are you doing here?” You whisper shouted. The hyena snickered again and held up one finger. He made a circular motion and a key ring twirled around in response. 
   “Jack said you needed to get in here. Thought I’d tag along.” The smirk on his face irritated you but you couldn’t be surprised. You should have known that having Jack of all people ask for keys to break into the pool after hours was going to raise some eyebrows. Honestly you should have just asked him to invite Ruggie along anyways. Key or no key the hyena was likely to want to know what was going on. 
   “Alright fine, but if you tell anyone what you saw here today, and I mean anyone, then I will hide your piggy bank from you.” Ruggie’s eyes went wide before they narrowed.
   “You have my word.” You smiled knowing that you had convinced him to keep your secret despite the fact that if he really had told someone you wouldn’t have actually done more than try and punch him. Of all people you knew how precious money was in this world, considering the fact that you had none.
   Footsteps alerted you to the approaching presence of your other friends. You turn
around and find Jack, Epel, Ace and Deuce walking over to you. They wave and Jack frowns when he spots Ruggie.
   “What are you doing here? I thought you already gave me the key.” The hyena snickers and points towards the key Jack was holding. 
   “I gave you the one to the janitors closet, which I’m gonna need back by the way. I wanted to see what was going on for myself so I hung out here till Y/n came over, and then I figured it had to be interesting if she was involved. I didn’t know there was gonna be a crowd though.” He looked at you, “This must be one hell of a surprise if you got all the first years here.”
   Deuce pointed out that Sebek was a first year as well but the hyena shrugged it off saying “he doesn’t count as a student since he’s basically just a guard.” You figured that was Leona’s opinion and Ruggie agreed.
   “Guys it’s already late and I don’t wanna get caught so let's go in already.” Everyone nodded and Ruggie opened the gate. 
   Carefully you unzipped your jacket as you walked over to the bench. The water appeared calm and undisturbed, allowing a clear view of the illuminated bottom which was surprisingly clean considering teenage boys flung about in the water all day.
   You sighed and shrugged the jacket off before stepping out of your shoes. Setting down the bag with your extra clothes you mentally prepared yourself for what was about to happen. 
   Ruggie leaned closer to Jack and whispered something you didn’t catch but Jack’s response of “You’ll see.” was enough to tell you what had happened. Pushing your anxiety out of the way you lowered yourself into the pool, sighing as the cool water licked your skin. Giving yourself a moment to relax you let your worries leak into the water around you. You had always felt better in the water. It’s a merfolk thing.
   “Are you guys positive you won’t freak out?” You called to the edge of the pool where your friends were standing. 
   “Not unless you grow 10 heads.” Ace sniggered until Epel elbowed him. You rolled your eyes and looked suspiciously over to Ruggie who still had no idea what was going on. 
   “No promises.” You sighed, but smiled when Jack nodded at you, signaling that it would be alright. Who were you kidding Ruggie was a hyena man who grew up in the slums. What did he care? Feelings of worry taken care of, you sunk deeper into the water and closed your eyes.
   The feeling that comes with shifting is always a little strange. It’s almost like your skin has been turned to putty and it is remolding itself and when it reaches the desired outcome it snaps back into place and holds like it has been that way the whole time. 
   Once you felt the transformation had completed you righted yourself in the water and peeked an eye open to look at your friends. Ace and Epel had their mouths wide open in a gasp. One that quickly turned into a smile. Jack looked as though he had just witnessed a miracle and Deuce was still in shock. Ruggie’s reaction was by far the most extravagant. His eyes were wide and his mouth was curved into a questioning gape. He had taken several steps back and his ears lay flat on his head. Behind him his tail bristled and stood fairly straight, pushing up the too large shirt. 
   You bit your lip and examined their faces trying to come up with a conclusion to what they were feeling. 
   “That… Is so cool!” Ace blurted out excitedly and ran over to the pool's edge to get a closer look. Deuce and Epel followed him and Jack trotted over as well, but not before snorting at Ruggie. The hyena man looked your form up and down and took in the swirling shades of color that decorated your now sea creature bottom half. He made a small noise before shaking himself and casually patting down the fur on his tail, which was still tense but not as much. 
   “Ok, of all the things I’ve seen. That, I was not expecting.” You giggled at Ruggie’s flustered reaction and felt yourself relax now that you knew pitchforks and torches weren’t coming out. 
   The hyena moved closer to the pool and joined your other friends who were staring at you in awe. You blushed uncontrollably as you felt their gazes roam your colorful body. Decorative markings that spread up to your collarbone changed to a darker shade with your blush.
   “So like can I touch you?” Deuce smacks his hand against Ace’s chest and gives him this look that says “dude you can’t just say that''. You giggle and glide closer to them before lifting your arm which was for the most part pretty human, but had a lavender shade to it and a long silky strip of webbing that shimmered as it moved. The longest tentacle on your body rose out of the water as well and you shivered as the webbing stuck together in an uncomfortable manner. 
   Ace leaned forwards and stroked your arm and tentacle. His eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. Deuce looked a little more unsure but Epel had no problem reaching out and gently caressing your webbing. Ruggie joined him and Deuce eventually stuck his hand out to stroke your arm, but Jack held back and decided that ultimately he only wanted to look.
   “Wow! This stuff is so soft!” Epel said excitedly. He was generally pretty quiet so you were glad he was comfortable enough to speak out. 
   “It’s so colorful. If we had silks this pretty in the savannah then we’d have lots of money. Say, where could I find more of your kind.” Ruggie’s smirk told you that he was just joking but you glared at him anyways and flicked water his way. 
   The hyena flinched and shook his head before laying his ears back and moving away from the water. Jack and Ace laughed at the antics before Ruggie growled playfully and distracted them from what had happened moments before. 
   It was then that Ace leaned a bit too far forwards and fell straight into the pool. You jumped and swung your tentacles back, instinctively spreading them out to make yourself look bigger. 
   You willed your body to relax as you recovered from the little panic attack and laughed when Ace’s head bobbed to the surface. He sputtered and swam over to the edge and climbed out of the pool. He lay on the concrete and breathed heavily while the boys around him cackled. Ace glared and stood up. 
   “You jerks I’ll show you how you like it.” Deuce shrieked as Ace shoved him into the water. You laughed with everyone else as Deuce came up for air. Sensing a sudden threat of being pushed into the water Ruggie backed up against the gate and watched as Jack pushed Epel in before diving in himself. The five of you giggled and splashed as Ruggie snickered at your antics. 
   You were so glad your new friends didn’t mind your merform. Even better, they really liked it. It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders as you dived down to swim with your friends. As the five of you splashed and played with Ruggie distracted with your antics, none of you noticed a dark form smirk in the bushes. Nor the click of the camera that he had with him.
   The next day was a nightmare. Apparently someone had spied on you and your friends and photographed you in your merform. People swarmed you asking you all sorts of questions. It was difficult to just get through the halls. Luckily none of the people who stopped and talked to you had anything unkind to say and the stares you received were more curious than malicious but it was still an uncomfortable situation to be in.
   For the most part people who knew you were pretty considerate about your space and privacy. Cater seemed absolutely thrilled to know that you were an octopus but only asked if you were alright with everything going on, instead of bombarding you with questions. 
   Kalim was a little more enthusiastic about the whole situation. Jamil ended up apologizing for him and pulling him away. Vil and Rook subtly commented on your merforms beauty before moving on. Diasomnia rarely came near you but Lilia gave you a sympathetic smile. Trey offered you a few baked sweets as he sensed that you were overwhelmed and as for everyone else you had yet to see them.
   The person you were most worried about seeing though was Azul. He was an octopus merman like you, yet you had never seen his merform. Unless you counted his overblot the only time you had seen him in full shift was in the picture you had borrowed from the museum. 
   He and the Leech twins will probably have an absolute field day over the fact that you’re also a mertype. You worried what Azul was going to think of you hiding it. Over the past few months you had developed a crush on him. You had a plan to confess and everything, but now that the secret was out you were worried that he wasn’t going to like you for keeping it from him. In truth you planned on telling him first, but figured there was no harm in letting your other friends know. Turns out there was and the whole school knew.
   Trapped in your thoughts, you failed to notice the two approaching twins and bumped into them as you turned around a corner.
   “Hiii~ Shrimpy-chan~!” Floyd’s ever changing mood seemed to pleasant as he greeted you with a smile and not a squeeze. 
   “Hello, Y/n. How are you today?” Jade's gentleman persona greeted you but failed to hide the questions and mischief in his eyes. 
   “Just say it already. I know you two already know.” You sighed and watched their faces light up with excitement. Floyd grabbed your arm and took off, dragging you behind him. “Wait!” Soon the three of you arrived at an empty classroom which you were promptly shoved in before the tweels followed, shutting the door behind them.
   “Y/n, my apologies for Floyd’s exuberant behavior, but we have been meaning to speak with you in private since the most recent exposure of your true nature.” Jade was calm and collected as always when he spoke and gently fixed your crumpled uniform which had been shifted while running. 
   “Shrimpy-chan! We have something to tell you!~” Floyd sing-songed before sitting on a desk.
   “What? Wait what is it? And where’s Azul? Wouldn’t he want to speak with me too? If this is about a deal the answer is no.” You folded your arms in front of you and put distance between yourself and the seemingly respectful brother. The twins looked at eachother and you caught a glimpse of something passing through their eyes before Floyd pouted.
   “Aww, what’s wrong with making deals with us? We promise to be real nice this time and not leave you homeless. You could stay with us at Octavinelle!” You rolled your eyes as Floyd giggled and swung his long legs despite the fact that they could easily reach the floor from his seat. 
   “The truth is, Azul is jealous.”
   “What!” You turned and exclaimed at Jade’s statement. The tall mage nodded and continued with a strange look on his face like he wasn’t bothered by this at all. 
   “You are far more beautiful than him in your merform and he is bothered by it. Everyone has always shunned him for his octopus body and now you present yourself as one and everyone goes wild with excitement over your gorgeousness. Something he believes to never have possessed.” 
   You were stunned. Azul was jealous of you. He was upset because you were more beautiful than him. No. You wanted him to love you, not be bothered by you. Why hadn’t you thought of Azul’s insecurities. He just wanted to be an attractive merman and here you were, the same mertype as him and you were advertising your beauty to the world where he had to hide his away due to the fact that he was insecure. 
   Not bothering to say a word you quickly left the room and raced down the hall. You needed to fix this as soon as possible. Otherwise Azul might not like you ever again. Two pairs of mismatched eyes watched your retreat and shone with anticipation. 
   “How long do you think it will take?”
   “Not long Floyd. Luckily she was already prepared before we released the picture.”
   Azul was so over this whole thing. He had rewatched the video and looked at the pictures about 20 times. You were so gorgeous and graceful in your merform; it just made him frustrated that he couldn have been admired for his tentacles. They were simple and slimy so most people hated them yet you were swathed in colorful silks that attracted every creature in the ocean. While most would swim by him or threaten to eat him, any sea animal that came across you would be hypnotised by your beauty. 
   The worst thing about you being an octopus is that it gave him one more reason to tell himself that you will never love him. He was so drab and you were well amazing. Of all the creatures in the sea you had to be a blanket octopus. If you had been a simple mermaid or even better a common octopus like him then surely he would have a chance with you at least. 
   A sudden knock on the door startled the mage and he stood quickly to make sure he looked alright before answering the door. You stood anxiously as he opened the door and grabbed his wrist before he had the chance to shut it. Surprisingly, Azul offered no resistance as you dragged him to the entrance of the aquarium. 
   Octavinelle’s aquarium had two sections, one was for regular fish and the other sea creatures that were on display from the mostro lounge. The other was for the residents. Any and all merfolk could use the aquarium if they felt homesick or separated from their true forms. This was where you chose to place the gift you had made. 
   Coming to a stop you turned and looked at Azul. He looked confused and excited at the same time. You took this as a good sign. 
   “Azul. Will you swim with me?” The merman’s eyes widened and he stood there processing your request for nearly a minute before responding.
   Giddy with glee you quickly leapt into the water and shed your clothes before transforming. Rising to the surface you looked up at him from just underneath the surface and he peered back at you.
   Strange. He thought for sure he would feel angry again when he saw you but the darling flush on your face and how you were genuinely happy to swim with him gave him another feeling all together. It bubbled inside of him and made him blush as he slowly lowered himself into the cool water beside you. 
   It had been a while since Azul had consciously shifted so he was a bit worried that he would do it too fast or slow and something would go wrong. Fortunately he was able to shift without incident. Once shifted he suddenly felt very self conscious. As a common octopus he was far more simple and plain compared to your swirling and colorful body. 
   You didn’t seem to mind however as you twirled and circled around Azul excitedly.
   “Come on I have something to show you.” Azul frowned in confusion but followed you regardless. You led him to a sort of grove area that he had never seen before. It was very well hidden but gorgeous as well. 
   You looked back at him excitedly and pushed through the sea vines to an open area where a ray of sunlight fell across and illuminated the gift you had spent months on. Azul’s jaw dropped when he laid eyes on the octopus pot that sat in the middle of the small room. 
   The base was grey and made of some type of stone. Around it sat lavender pillars and corals that surrounded the base except for the entrance. The round opening was smoothed and carved in a delicate design that resembled sea coral. Behind it sat a dark velvet cloth that was tied back with a golden rope.Azul assumed that was to block the entrance or allow for privacy. 
   The inside was decorated with lavish pillows in all sorts of cool shades. They were illuminated by a small yet classy lamp that hung off to the side. The outside of the pot was for the most part smooth and grey with a few purple undertones, but off to one side there sat a carving that resembled the waves and water foam, on top off which held a large pearl that glinted in the sunlight. On the other side a darker grey octopus clung to the top portion of the pot and spread its tentacles out in an elegant manner. Azul took note that the few that rose off the pot appeared to be for hanging things and one looked suspiciously like it was meant to support a staff. 
   You floated in place for what felt like hours as you waited for Azul to react. You reminded yourself to stay patient as he might not respond to it immediately. When he finally did react he did so without words. He simply pointed to himself and raised his eyebrows. You nodded excitedly before bowing your head bashfully. 
   “I’m so sorry that I upset you Azul. I never meant for it to get out in the first place. I was actually planning on telling you first and then giving this octopus pot to you since I know you don’t have one. Then things got messed up and everything and I’m so sorry. I think you’re beautiful in your merform and I hope you’ll accept my apology.” Your face burned when you spoke and you swished your tentacles nervously.
   “What?” You looked up when Azul spoke and saw confusion on his face. “I’m not upset at you. It’s not your fault you’re beautiful. Besides I could never be upset at you, octopus or not. I was distraught because I thought you were so amazing and I’m so plain and that there was no chance that you’d like me back.” You gasped and watched as his face slowly turned pink. 
   He dove into the pot and curled up, mentally berating himself for letting that slip. Shocked you glided over to the entrance of the pot and leaned your head in.
   “Azul. Do you mean that? Do you really like me?” He didn’t respond, you took a deep breath and admitted your own feelings. “Well I like you so…” His head snapped up and he let his expression grow into an ecstatic smile before coughing into his fist and composing himself.
   “Well in that case, do you want to come in and lay with me?” Azul ignored the fact that his face felt like it was on fire and waited as you giggled and moved in beside him. 
   “I’d love to. What do you think of the pot?” The merman smiled gently at you and spoke as he curled his tentacles around you and yours, him. 
   “It’s exquisite. I couldn’t love it more. Where did you get it?” 
   “I made it.” You muttered and flushed at the surprised and impressed look on his face. He shifted closer to you and gripped your hand with his. 
   “You did an excellent job. Thank you.” Your fingers intertwined with his and you pressed your forehead against his. 
   “I love you Azul.” You mumbled sleepily.
   “I love you Y/n.” He spoke before shutting his eyes and enjoying the warmth that spread through the pot. You’re silky webbing fell across the two of you like a blanket and after a stressful morning Azul allowed himself to slip into a comfortable sleep.
   Two pairs of heterochromatic eyes watched the two octopus merpeople sleep soundly inside the pot and smirked with wicked teeth. 
   “How did you know she was an octopus as well?”
   “Floyd, surely you must have noticed. They both smell like takoyaki.” The eels laughed and quietly zipped away, leaving the octopus pot behind.
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britishassistant · 3 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Experiences Culture Shock
The Hannya of the Gracey and its Kitsune.
Tricky, cruel, deceptive, jealous, ungrateful.
That’s what you’ve been called ever since Nanji settled. It’s been whispered behind your backs and said outright to your faces.
Ever since Chichiue told you to take a more appropriate form if you both were going to eat dinner properly with the family, and his eyebrows drew down when you stuttered out that you were trying, you were, but Nanji couldn’t change back from the red fox that quailed under the glare of Chichiue’s eagle.
You were sent to their room in the middle of the meal because of that, Asahiko-nii-sama’s exaggerated faces of disgust, Leota-nee-sama’s quiet yet smug vindication and Enji-nii-sama’s open glares of disapproval following you both as you left.
Seven isn’t an…uncommon age for a dæmon to settle. Unusual, to be sure, enough to raise and lower eyebrows, prompt the start of a inquiry before the asker remembers which family they’re about to question.
But it’s just edging into more common for “early bloomers” that it’s usually assumed that you were closer to eight than seven when Nanji did settle. Besides, there are kids out there who have had their dæmons settle at younger ages, after all.
All the studies you’ve read say this phenomenon is near uniformly a result of a traumatic event or hostile living environment. But that’s probably more of a generalization than anything.
Still. At least the names and insults weren’t so bad. They were just words after all.
At least the people using them would steer clear. Keep at least a two foot distance between themselves, the Hannya of the Gracey, and its Kitsune. As though you and Nanji actually had any power to curse anyone with.
At least they wouldn’t try to keep fucking touching your dæmon every five minutes.
So pause. Rewind a bit. You and Nanji and your old middle school crush and his dæmon (who you’ve certainly gotten over, and who does not look any better than he had in middle school now his Sonata has settled, thank you very much) have been transported to another world. This world is called Twisted Wonderland.
The people of this world are soulless assholes.
Because none of them have dæmons.
And the vast majority of them you have met so far are assholes, in some shape or form.
You have yet to ascertain whether the latter is dependent on the former.
And yet they keep acting like normal people in spite of this absence, rather than the traumatized wrecks that are in textbooks in history class, all dead-eyed and unresponsive. So maybe there’s something to the headmaster’s claim that their dæmons are…inside them, somehow.
Though that just gives you the awful mental image of a person lifting a mouse or an insect dæmon to their lips and just…swallowing. Nanji nips your hand for putting that lovely idea in both your heads.
But back to the topic at hand: The people here don’t have dæmons. They have never had dæmons. So it’s understandable that initially all of them don’t quite understand that there’s a difference between them and just another talking animal, like Grim.
That it is NOT OKAY to try to scoop them up or punt them around like they do to Grim (and honestly, you’re not really okay with them doing that to Grim either— it’s why you and Yuuken trade off who has the monster cat perched on their shoulders or in their arms and out of harm’s way whenever you both can). That’s just down to cultural differences. You can understand it, if you cock your head, squint your eyes, and are very, very sleep-deprived.
What is not understandable is the assholes who think it’s hilarious to try to keep touching Sonata and Nanji even after you’ve repeatedly told them “no”.
Some of that might be Nanji’s fault. Though at the time it hadn’t seemed like a bad idea, considering how many curious would-be touchers immediately jerked away and lost interest permanently after he blurted out, “It’s a sex thing!!”
(It’s not exactly a sex thing, more of an intimacy thing at most. But there’s something much more visceral and back-the-fuck-off about “touching a dæmon is like shoving your hands down a stranger’s pants” compared to “touching a dæmon is the realization of a very deep and intimate bond between you and your partner”.)
But of course, many is not all.
And there’s always going to be some assholes who think that seeing how easily they can get away with harassment is a “fun game” rather than a creepy and messed up power play. Just like back home.
Yuuken and Sonata have it much worse than you and Nanji.
You’d thought the muskox form she settled into was noble, dignified, a perfect embodiment of Yuuken’s diligence and strength. (No, it has not made your crush on him worse, shut up.)
The only problem is that a muskox is not as small a creature as a fox. So while you can physically pick up Nanji and move him out of reach if some punks decide they want to cause trouble, poor Sonata has no such defense. She has to move away if they get between her and Yuuken, and their distance limit is so much smaller than your own, and both of them look so trapped—
It surprises everyone but Nanji and yourself when you take a page from Deuce’s book and ball your fist up to punch the asshole trying to bury his hand in the thick fur of Sonata’s flank.
The resulting crack is not from the asshole’s nose breaking, unfortunately.
You haven’t ever really punched anybody before, hadn’t ever been in a situation where you were justified in your retaliation.
Of course you manage to fuck it up on your first try.
Nanji does not thank you for the resulting limp in his one good leg until your hand and his paw heals, even if he understands why you did it. You give him lots of petting in apology, carefully avoiding the spots where his fur is now patchy and the skin is ridged with scars.
(And isn’t that a fun experience, whenever the ex-overblots’ eyes wander over him, catch sight of what they inflicted on you both, and suddenly can’t look at anything else fast enough. None of them have actually, explicitly apologized to either of you for it.)
Yuuken and Sonata hover over you both like concerned mother hens, despite how often and repeatedly you tell them this is not their fault and you’d do it again in a heartbeat. Sonata actually offers to let Nanji ride on her back while he heals.
You try joking you’d get jealous, so it’d be better not to, only for Yuuken to offer to piggyback you around campus as well.
Ace teases you mercilessly for how strangled you sound when you squeak out that that won’t be necessary, and Nanji buries his head under his tail and refuses to come out for the rest of the day.
Deuce is more concerned with teach you how to throw a punch properly, so you don’t hurt yourself next time.
Jack provides Nanji with a smaller version of the splint he sometimes uses if he hurts his paws when in Wolf Mode, which does help a bit, even if it does feel slightly surreal to feel the phantom press of the medical implement on your hand.
Grim delights in setting the assholes on fire whenever they’re within reach. Whether he can get away with it is another factor he doesn’t seem willing to take into consideration.
Crowley scolds him and the rest of Ramshackle by extension for “violent behavior on school premises”, and resorts to subtly threatening to cut off your food money whenever you try to pressure him to actually do something about your harassers, as though it’s somehow your and Yuuken’s faults for having dæmons.
As though it’s Sonata and Nanji’s faults for existing.
You resort to scribbling increasingly insulting caricatures of the stupid birdbrain headmaster for your theory wall to vent your frustration, in absence of any concrete way to get back at him. Nanji chews the cushion in your armchair to near rags as you pin them to the wall with more force than is strictly warranted.
Yuuken and Sonata turn out to be far more proactive than you when it comes to dealing with grudges of this kind.
Or, at least, more willing to go along with plans that allow them to do so.
You know Ace had a hand in it. His brand of vindictiveness and humiliation is pretty distinctive. Ortho is also clearly a culprit, thanks to the technological mishaps that had one of your tormentors in actual tears. From the garish, clashing pink and petty sparkles that have been added to Crowley’s attire, you’re fairly sure Epel was involved too.
Sebek…is a participant you’re on the fence about, for his conflicting claims that it was a childish prank to pull on the bullies and headmaster and that both parties had whatever fate they now suffered coming to them. Even if he wasn’t directly involved, you’re pretty sure he was in on it enough to not spill the details.
But the sudden influx of logs, which would require someone with an above average level of strength and/or the help of an animal that specialized in moving large burdens over distance?
Combined with the fact that Jack and Deuce were as mystified as you, Grim, and Nanji at the results of the prank?
Well, even if Yuuken hadn’t shot you a subtle wink (which most certainly did not have your cheeks heating, no sir) in Ramshackle’s kitchen while the two of you prepared dinner to the sound of Sonata’s quiet laughter, you’re pretty sure you would’ve worked it out sooner or later.
For now, you and Nanji are just glad that they’re both here with you to help navigate this Twisted Wonderland of soulless assholes.
Even if some of them aren’t as bad as the others.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Behind the Fic: How To - Research Epel (feat. Various Others)
Reading Epel card for research purpose and I learn some things:
Epel PE Uniform
So, is the Flying Lesson elective or the whole PE lesson is elective?
Epel likes floral pattern embroidery. How sweet~
Epel and Deuce bonding over how awesome dragon embroideries are
It was mention that Vil is more strict about uniforms than even the teacher (I think this is also shown in Leona's School Uniform Personal Story)
Epel Dress-up Bridegroom
Okay. So, Epel has this prince-ly aura. I haven't used any of my Epel cards so I don't know if Epel is a light or dark magic user. But he seems to be dark since he's based on the poison apple. If not, he might also be a reference to Prince Florian, just like how Rook is a reference to Snow White?
Rook would definitely do a very dramatic proposal, change my mind.
Epel recognizes Silver from Vil's movie. The same movie from Silver PE Uniform where he 'acts' as the Headless Horseman. So, Ghost Marriage happens after Silver PE Uniform. This also implies that Vil shows his movie. Does Pomefiore has a movie night of something? That would be wholesome.
So, Malleus is missing, but he appears in Riddle Dress-up Bridegroom Personal Story. This means Epel's story takes place at the same time as Riddle's flashback. (This also mean, when they should be thinking how to propose, Riddle was grumbling and tending the roses)
Malleus does what he wants...
Lilia knows Disney Movies Prince and Princess tropes.
Epel, you do karaoke? (he can yodel I bet)
Epel's house is located near his family house. I don't know how farming works, but a ranch is a pretty wide area, right? Does this imply that Epel has a ranch or he lives near a ranch? Or maybe his family works at the said ranch?
I knew the horse is borrowed! Also, it's all Silver's idea to have a horse.
Also the importance of the white horse in Disney Movies. All the good guys' horses (Florian's, Charming's, Phillip's, Shang's, Maximus) have white skin. However, Mulan's horse is black? Hans' horse is more tan... Eh, I don't know what I'm saying.
Where does the NRC stable is located?
Is the while horse a reference to Prince Florian's horse? That horse is the white-st if I recall.
Epel is a horse whisperer. I bet he has many Hiccup-Toothless-forbidden friendship moments
Also, Epel has a grandpa.
This child is a feral country boy
Epel Ceremonial Robe
I remember someone mentions that Pomefiore students came from not-noble family. But because of the elegance of the dorm, you immediately assumed that this dorm is filled with rich kids. (It was @vyragosa , thanks @twistedapple )
I love my feral child. I bet he's stronger than Jack.
Rook talks a lot in some sort of poetic way.
Drinking the water for washing hands. Is that a Shrek 2 reference?
Vil calls the new students 'new potatoes'. He also has that bishonen sparkles when he walks in. However, he's mostly trying to hold up the image of the perfect form leader.
I guess this is the Personal Story that made everyone look down on Vil because he slaps Epel. However, he's mostly trying to hold up the image of the perfect form leader.
Epel's favorite food is grilled meat.
Vil has a strong grip that can crush an apple. Why is everyone in Pomefiore secretly a powerhouse?
Epel Lab Coat
The Lambent Flower is a plant that emits light. Is that a Tangled reference?
Jack and Epel are in the same class
Cater nickname to Epel is 'Cutie-chan'
Cater is also very persuasive in teaching people how to make a MagiCam account
Dire Crewel is a killer teacher, he's probably the most feared teacher on campus. Avoid at all cost
Epel knows cowboy slang, change my mind
Also, connecting this with his Dress-up Bridegroom Personal Story, I'm guessing that Epel's farm and his neighbor ranch has a pretty good relationship. He can get horse shit anytime he wants for fertilizer
He also gets the horse shits from the Equestrian Club. My guesses that this story takes place after the whole Ghost Marriage since back then Epel only recognize Silver from Vil's movie, but now he seems to have a good relationship with the club
Epel School Uniform
Epel is good with apple crafting and is very familiar with apples. Is Epel's farm actually an apple orchard or he had a farm and an apple orchard?
Sebek is from class D. This means, out of the whole first year, Sebek is the only one without the main gang classmate
Sebek talks like from a historical drama
Also, Sebek and Epel bonding over apple crafting
Reading these cards makes me love Epel more. The whole Pomefiore gang is certainly underrated. I just want my country boy to be friends with the other first year gang faster, okay?
Personal Headcanon:
This research is done to learn more about Epel because of his sort of importance role in my Octavinelle adaptation.
Reading the cards makes me think of how the Sorting Ceremony works. Pomefiore was founded on the unrelenting efforts of the Beautiful Queen. Epel may think that he doesn't suit in Pomefiore because, like everyone else, he thinks this dorm is for those fancypants who only thinks about beauty.
However, he forgets the 'unrelenting efforts' part. He's the one who thinks ahead and prepares a horse so he can fit the 'ideal prince' image. Even when he's not good in table manners, he's willing to learn and listen to Rook and Vil. He finds a way to collect a nearly unobtainable nectar, even when everyone keeps telling him he can't do it. He self-taught how to apple crafting, not caring if he gets hurt.
Epel may think he's unsuited in Pomefiore, but in reality, he's a perfect representation of the dorm’s true potential.
I love my country boy. Everyone, please respect Epel Florida Man Felmier not for his cute face, but his amazing never-giving-up spirit!
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