#also for the record it's a men's suit and she is a lesbian. the suit is not her size. nor her wife's.
seagullcharmer · 10 months
my aunt is getting rid of a bunch of stuff so guess who came home with a three piece suit ???
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longliveblackness · 4 months
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Gertrude "Ma Rainey" Pridgett is known as the Mother of the Blues and is one of the earliest blues singers as well as one of the first generation of artists to record their work in that genre.
Though Ma Rainey sang quite a lot about men, “Prove It on Me,” according to Angela Y. Davis, “is a cultural precursor to the lesbian cultural movement of the 1970s, which began to crystallize around the performance and recording of lesbian-affirming songs."
Went out last night with a crowd of my friends,
They must've been women, 'cause I don't like no men.
Reportedly, the song refers to a 1925 incident in which Rainey was arrested for hosting an orgy at her home involving women from her chorus. Rainey also was rumored to have had a relationship with Bessie Smith, her protege. An ad for “Prove It on Me” winks at these rumors, showing Rainey mingling with women while wearing a menswear-inspired take on a woman’s suit, under the eye of a cop lurking suspiciously in the shadows.
This is remarkable not only for the openness about lesbian relationships, but the blatant nose-thumbing at law enforcement. For all the new sexual openness of the 1920s, queer sexuality was still taboo and heavily policed- even more so for Black and Brown people, and violence from law enforcement was a constant threat.
Rainey’s legacy is one of defiance, independence, larger-than-life glamor, and iconic artistry, even as her power was limited by the white, male- dominated ruthlessness of the recording industry and the confines of a similarly racist and homophobic America. Despite this, she transformed the role of women in music.
Rainey was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990 for her early influences on today's music industry.
Gertrude "Ma Rainey" Pridgett es conocida como la Madre del Blues, fue una de las primeras cantantes de blues y forma parte de la primera generación de artistas en grabar su trabajo en este género.
Aunque Ma Rainey solía cantar mucho sobre hombres, “Prove It on Me”, según Angela Y. Davis, “abrió camino cultural al movimiento cultural lésbico de la década de los 70, el cual comenzó a cristalizarse en torno a la interpretación y grabación de canciones lésbico-afirmativas.”
Salí anoche con una multitud de mis amigos,
Deben haber sido mujeres, porque no me gustan los hombres.
Según se informa, la canción se refiere a un incidente de 1925 en el que Rainey fue arrestada por organizar una orgía en su casa, en la cual estaban participando mujeres de su coro. También se rumoreaba que Rainey había tenido una relación con Bessie Smith, su discípula. Un anuncio comercial de “Prove It on Me” hace un guiño a estos rumores y muestra a Rainey fraternizando con mujeres mientras usa una versión masculina de un traje de mujer, bajo la mirada de un policía que le está acechando sospechosamente desde las sombras.
Esto es destacable y no sólo por la franqueza sobre las relaciones lésbicas, sino también por la obvia crítica a las autoridades. A pesar de toda la nueva transparencia sexual de la década de 1920, la homosexualidad todavía era un tabú y estaba fuertemente vigilada (aún más para las personas negras y de color), y la violencia por parte de las fuerzas policiales era una amenaza constante.
El legado de Rainey es uno de desafío, independencia, glamour descomunal y arte icónico, incluso cuando su poder estaba limitado por la crueldad de los hombres blancos de la industria discográfica y los confines de un país (Estados Unidos) igualmente racista y homofóbico. A pesar de ello, transformó el rol de la mujer en la industria musical.
Rainey fue incluida póstumamente en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1990 por sus influencias en la industria musical actual.
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
could donna and harvey do iconic sports night fics
sorry this post is just for me dont worry about it
a form in wax: yes yes yes!!!! literally a form in wax is basically season 5 of suits -> danny leaving for la triggering casey’s problems with his father and going to therapy about it… so like donna leaves and goes to work for louis harvey starts having panic attacks and seeing paula about it to talk about his shitty relationship with his mother and it ends with him going to donnas’ friends art gallery opening and saying what do i want from you? i figured it out. i finally fucking figured it out… i want you to marry me
small town: yes! oh fuck yeah okay thomas would be the bobby bernstein so like donna and harvey have lived together as roommates for years in a small town in nova scotia working at a boutique law firm when thomas comes back into donnas life and asks her to come work with him -> the “im leaving you harvey” moment is her going to work with thomas and harvey freaks out
like sailing and home runs: ohhhhh okay ohmygod so in this harvey is the danny character. so his mom has a heart attack and his has to run to boston despite not speaking to her for years and right before he leaves he kisses donna in his office cus shes good and he needs just a little bit of that goodness in his life and then pulls back and leaves. and hes in the hospital all day surrounded by his dysfunctional family trying to make it through the fucking day and donna follows him to boston cus she knows he needs her. and she’s waiting in his hotel room after and he kisses her and things are happening and then he has a panic attack cus its just too much all at once and he calls paula saying “guy freaks out after kissing his best friend after his mom almost dies. not exactly the best romance novel of all time” and then the rest of the fic is harvey working through his guilt over kissing donna and how angry he is with his mother and how donna says that she thought… she thought that when harvey kissed her in new york she thought it meant he was ready and he wanted her to follow him and then they have That conversation im not explaining it well but its good in the fic
first base: OOOHHHH . i dont know??? maybe! maybe… like donna and harvey have this Thing in their 20s this half affair thing oh okay i think harvey is the danny here? where donnas married to . NO WAIT donna and harvey are the SECOND HALF of first base and CAMERON and harvey are the first half dancing in the kitchen in the refrigerator light and it messes him up for a long time until he finally is ready to be with someone again and he and donna finally get together after years and then get married like a week later. ok okay so the scarf moment is like right after he leaves cameron, he goes to donnas place and they spend the night together and he accidentally left his tie there and she kept it this whole time
even sugar peas run of out snap: no sorry . sugar peas really has to be two men. maybe maaaaybe if donna and harvey were lesbians in 1999 they could do sugar peas but also the whole point of sugar peas is that it ends in tragedy and darvey is about the fact they fall in love for the last time and its permanent. plus like the whole thing about sugar peas is about their role as Performers as Guys On Television like they have to be famous and closeted so donnaharvey doesn’t really work
whats that one called thats from january 1999 and its the first ever recorded dancasey fic where they sleep together in the office and wake up the next morning on the couch together and have to spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what to do next…. no i dont think donna and harvey would do that. its less fun when its about a guy and his secretary in the office together than two men who are partners. altho i am thinking now how crazy it would be if 8x16 happened in the office rather than her apartment. like it would be bad obviously but still i am thinking about it
WAIT VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS CATWALKSALONE how could i have forgotten voice in the wilderness but i dont think donnaharvey could do voice in the wilderness cus the whole point is about dan getting over his internalized homophobia BUT! catwalksalones other fic i love dearly is the chutes and ladders fic where “that night in minneapolis with the jäegermeister” they slept together and never mentioned it again and dan ever since has wondered about that and how everytime they get close it ends with casey pulling away -> so like after that night in the other time donna has always wondered what could have happened and how every time she and harvey get close to Something happening harvey pulls away and donna is desperately trying to figure out what the fuck is going on
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 2): General Bracket Match 7
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Yrica Quell | Identity: bisexual | Media: Alphabet Squadron Trilogy
Yrica Quell is the main protagonist of the Alphabet Squadron trilogy. In her childhood, she had multiple relationships with both men and women. One of the most important was with a woman named Nette who attempted to join the Alliance, but likely never made it. At her urging, she joined the Empire to get training as a pilot but then never defected to the Rebellion because of her loyalty to her comrades. She is an exploration of the theme of redemption that undergirds the entire saga, but specifically what comes next. She is forced to defect by her mentor after participating in Operation Cinder. Traumatized and depressed, she is recruited into a New Republic task force attempting to take down her old unit of elite pilots- Shadow Wing.
This unit becomes Alphabet Squadron, where she finds a new found family. She also becomes a protegee to Hera Syndulla, as they both learn what it takes to win and establish a new government. She grows into being a leader, but abandons them after her actual involvement in Operation Cinder is exposed. She rejoins Shadow Wing to take them down from the inside. In the process, she discovers that Emperor Palpatine had a database of every Imperial atrocity. The question is how society can move forward when a large portion of them have been party to one atrocity or another, especially her. 
After the war, she opens an intra-system cargo company and eventually properly begins a romantic relationship with Chass na Chadic, a member of Alphabet Squadron.
Chelli Lona Aphra | Identity: lesbian | Media: Star Wars Comics
Oh Aphra, where to begin. Honestly the best way I can describe her is that she’s Star Wars’ Vriska. She’s a “rogue archeologist” and in marketing material sometimes compared to Indiana Jones, but the only similarity is that she can feature in the same wacky stories about retrieving artifacts except with none of the mismatch between modern ideas about archeology and repatriation and Indy being the hero, because she specifically isn’t. She was originally created for the 2015 Darth Vader comic series, recruited to help Vader raise a force that would let him coup the Emperor. She was so popular she then got her own comic series, making her the breakout star of the Disney/Marvel Star Wars comics. The Fandom Menace can’t touch her.
Her comics have been a series of frankly strange adventures involving Force artifacts, Vader either working with her or wanting her dead, and double crosses that leave your head spinning. She has Thrawn level tactical abilities, but only for schemes. She is haunted by how her trauma born behaviors make it hard for her to maintain relationships and be a good person. She has so many exes it's an entire section of this tournament. Her most significant relationships have been with Sana Starros and Magna Tolvan. As of the end of the Spark Eternal arc, the comic seems to be leaning towards a poly ending with the three of them, but first Aphra needs to stop self sabotaging.
One of Aphra’s greatest achievements was at the end of her 2016 comic run, where she trapped Vader in a PTSD flashback Force artifact on Tython and hacked his suit to allow her to erase Hoth from the Empire’s records. She did this for the sake of her loved ones who had joined the Alliance. Doing this gave Echo Base enough time to build up before they were found again that they were able to evacuate much more efficiently. That’s right, disaster lesbian love saved the Rebellion.
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poseidons-lovechild · 5 months
i just started to re-watch criminal minds.
my highlights of season 1 (spoiler warning ig)
aaron hotchner is so daddy
reid is so baby
gideon is so unhinged and crazy - and a dad
derek is just sooo cocky and it's so funny how he wears a suit in the first few episodes
the cuts and edits in s1 are peak cinema
elle my darling <3
god i missed the title music
why is gideon always talking to someone, then gets an idea and runs the other way w/o another word lol
"ocd? i'm thinking more like omg." hahhahahahah
reid and gideon playing chess aaaaah
the mandarine scene in ep5 lives in my mind rent free, so dad coded
how is it that i'm surprised everytime again when gideon starts yelling for help in ep7
hotch almost gets strangled and gideon looseness his tie and says "take your tie off for once in your life, huh?" dad energy.
gideon yelling at rats? lol
elle calling gideon dad!!!
"what kind of doctor are you?" harsh
"billie is running out of time, guys." "so are the parents." "oh, come on. a little hope, huh? we'll make it. we'll make it." i'm repeating myself: DAD ENERGY.
aaron hotchner in his vest? ouff. i'm sweating. and elle? oh lord.
"divorce is not uncommon in the bau." is that right, aaron?
"just so you know, you sound like a fortune cookie." whoever said hotch doesn't have humor was blind.
love sassy hotch so much i'd fuck him senseless
"do i look twelve years old to you?" "fourteen." lol
"if i wasn't a lesbian i'd jump your bones. i've always had this thing for middle-aged men." relatable af
reid just called morgan a whore??
haley called gideon hotch's wife? i didn't remember that. also so passive-aggressive: if she's pissed by his job, she should just say so.
also hotch with baby on his arm? lord have merthy
elle speaking spanish: so hot
gideon imitating a russian accent: dad energy (i sound like a broken record)
i am convinced that david rossi taught gideon how to cook
i'll never understand why fisher king I is in s1 and fisher king II is in s2
i love that aaron is cleaning the blood of elle's walls
like always: stay away from white males in their early 20s to early 40s, don't go outside and keep your windows and doors locked.
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cator99 · 2 years
There was a party of 20 people at my work tonight that was mostly russians all very slaylicious people and I don't know how to describe it but they had a very specific very cohesive vibe and I have never seen more Russian group of people in my entire life no that's not true I had a Russian friend growing up and her mother was a very wealthy veryyy stylish Russian criminal defense lawyer with very russian friends and one time she sat me down very seriously by the way this was a very serious and intense moment where she put her laptop in front of me and made me watch a pro-Putin propaganda video on YouTube which included a clip of him photoshopped riding a tiger to the song Eye of the Tiger and she got incredibly angry when I laughed... anyways they were complaining about the drinks not having enough vodka and making us remake them even requesting repour the drinks into a bigger glass so that we could add more vodka one guy was really skinny with high cheekbones and a very sunken face small jaw thin neck you know the type slicked back hair and an oversized leather jacket and tiny black oval sunglasses that he wore the entire time he was inside he kept going in and out for cigarette breaks while I was taking out the trash and we would get in each other's way and laugh because it just kept happening and he was like oh my it's like I came here just to get in your way and for no other reason lol ohhhhh god also there was a lesbian couple and one of them had short dark hair and a labret piercing oh my God she was so beautiful Jesus Christ I'm going to kill myself she was so like intense just intense scary intense but so gentle most people in the group were dressed up but she was just wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. I didn't think she was with any of the women there until I was cleaning up and I saw her with her arm around a tiny blonde woman who I had interacted with briefly earlier she was very sweet and had these giant glimmering eyes she had accidentally gotten in my way too and was apologizing profusely staring at me with those giant eyes and a sheepish little smile oh my god. Very cute but also very alarmingly intense. Honestly they all were very intense in a way but in a really fun way you know..... very down to earth people, all of them. There was one of them who looked and had the cadence and honestly had a presence which immediately brought to mind a sort of Russian John Wayne Gacy you know like if you've ever seen his interviews it was like that anyways he was paying for everything. There was also a black man with them who was dressed so impeccably I mean they all were but this guy even moreso... he had this whole color coordinated suit with a matching velvet fedora that was tilted and large sunglasses that stayed on all night as well. Pretty sure I heard him speaking Russian with a much older man who reminded me of my doctor who is Moldovan... A lot of them were clearly family- the older man really closely resembled a few of the younger men, however they seemed a bit less intense and less involved- you know what I mean there were obvious social things happening here that they were not a part of. I'm trying to remember who else stood out from that group but yeah there was 20 of them and I was mostly just dealing with Russian Gacy and the lesbian who ended up ordering a lot of drinks directly from me. Anyways they had the main hall due to the fact that there was so many of them and most rooms can comfortably fit anywhere from 5-12 people at most- however the hall isn't private, as it attaches to the main area where the bar is. The two rooms are only separated by a curtain. This is important because unlike everyone else in the karaoke bar I can hear every song the people in the hall sing. And for the record they started off with Barbie Girl by Aqua
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x13 recoil
I love the editing in the clips here, we get the info we need, but also while I'm sure we all remember that some ppl were killed, like roy montgomery, we also get to see the dramatic clip of him getting shot & lockwood with blood on his face & these things are mostly for the drama, not the recap, really really well done bc we still get the recap.
I also like how she hits him immediately after he says he has the power.
Garbage can fire babey. gonna be a dead body. See? Plenty of people throw up when they see (& probs smell) a dead body burning!
RC: Well, I haven’t met him or approved of him yet, so it can’t be serious. All suitors must be met and intimidated by me personally before they can be considered for official boyfriend status. So true
Ew yucky
no dental records then... Ryan looks nice lol. & esposito's jacket is nice
Ryan pretty but meh. Esposito perfectly fine but meh Castle also pretty enough. Becks looks shiny shirt dc!? multiple times in just 20m? Might as well stay on the line.
Why would the boyf have an unlisted number? oh no ooof oof oof ooooooof she left a message hhhh
the phone falls & clatters... oof that is the best... except how would she end the recording? AFTER the phone clatters? the audio changes during "happens" like she moved to a different area, or passed a wall
Yeah smth falls & then like a ring hits the wall zippo? Or maybe he was ALREADY burning the body
Yeah lol u can't remember ppl when you are seeing a hundred a night, or more. unless she comes here often! She was a high end prostitute! BRACKEN? oh of course it was him, this is a plot heavy ep.
No wonder the phone call. & also dealt with OTHER people too! He did not just kill melanie & johanna & attempt beckett, & also raglan & montgomery & mccallister & possibly those other two lawyers or whoever beckett nice coat lol.
ESPOSITO NICE JACKET (& nice scarf on ryan) JE: You know, I was really hoping the next time I saw this guy would be down the barrel of my gun.
*fidgeting with his hand hanging by his legs* Met her there works for you non-paid consultant *stops* I know where I've seen you. I can't believe that he doesn't already have pics of beckett's close circles: friends, work, family,, gym
of COURSE he wouldn't do it himself! Ooh y'all got the fbi to do analysis? Nice! My grampa was able to tell what car, make model, year, idk, just by the sound of the engine.
Why do they need sirens on? They Ooh audio. Echo, loud, yells, I love it when ryan yells beckett's name. Why would they draw a diagram of the gun & do that sort of thing?
I thought beckett was ryan for a sec. That shiny suit jacket, I loved it, really shows off her waist. Then I realized ryan is amab he does not have a waist that small. Becks looks great tho & I like her with her hair back like that. Castle's red jacket & dark shirt are nice too & gates looks good with her red shirt adding colour from behind her black jacket/cardigan. Oh & ryan! light purple shirt with a square pattern (love that for ryan), dark thin tie (I'd call it black but it is not that dark) with multicoloured tiny equally sized polka dots, vest, ooh he's good. I grabbed a pic but idk if it is any good. at least I got a pic of beckett. Update from later in the episode: HIS WAISTCOAT HAS A SHINY SILVERY BACK PANEL SDLKFKSJFDLSKJF & it is tied in such a way that it hugs his hips man I'm such a lesbian fot him (both men) sounds like a disguise bright red shiny tie, really pops
this guy is assassinating him. that's why he insists that the senator goes. Gates my beloved Man has a jacket AND a coat. At least they are different colours
ugh the way she gestures for him to take a seat hhhhh so gooooood KB: Senator Bracken, do you have any enemies? Is there anyone you can think of that would like to kill you? cough cough WB: A man doesn’t get to my position without upsetting people along the way. Most of them aren’t crazy enough to want to kill me. (he gestures) Present company excluded.
JE: I’ll tell you something. If I’m her, I sit in there shuffling papers until whoever it is puts a bullet in Bracken’s head. KR: KR: No you wouldn’t. Because that would make you no better than he is. (well you are just not changing the trolley path. He's the one who tied people to it.) JE: The guy murdered Beckett’s mother. Captain Montgomery. Who knows who else?. ((exactly!)) Bracken’s got it coming to him. So I say let it come. KR: *uncomfy* I mean just two episodes ago esposito threatened to kill someone.
Nice pattern on esposito's shirt. Not an actual pattern, just the weave of it making it textured almost like heather. 24 hours exactly?
RC: Man, these people need to get a life. Most of these guys it seems like their only companionship is the space alien that talks to them through their microwave. *coincidentally finds the letter just as she says that* RC: No, I did actually. I liked the way you uh, dotted the ‘I’ in kill with a little heart. It was a nice touch. Oh yeah chinese food babey Man doesn't take his mug to the break room to wash it?? wait it was not the same writing my bad. it is all caps... In fact, it is the same letter, it was a rough draft.
Senator Bracken When you sleep at night do you dream of the blood dripping off your hands leaking into the ground filling up the valleys and the craters with new lakes and oceans lake hemoglobins the red ocean rivers of blood or do you drift away to some peaceful place unburdened by the endless bodies piling on your shoulders always more bodies never ending as you count the sheep dancing over fences but it isn't the sheep that calm your icy nerves it is their destination as they leap the fence toward the slaug//hter how their bleats and screams must fill that cavity in your chest where a heart should be with bostalgic joy for the suffering you have caused so many he was a boy a precious boy so filled with hope and aspirations and you took that in and you fed on him that boy my boy in the lion's den there is no way to avoid the night calls and the roats of the fearsome loathsome ((cut off)) ((Not going back to change typos; I touch typed this & my touch typing needs work))
Ooh the music also it is late she managed an appointment at this time of night? Are you sure that he is much worse? The one you can live with oof burning...
Coffee <3 Ryan looks nice, his clothes are dark which is less common. espt is wearing some kind of zip up hoodie like that's professional. Becks nice brown leather jacket with a good shape to it. "nothing significant"
Seeing gates with the half sister she kept the eltter phew
Why is castle Sitting at ryan's desk & then ryan leaning over castle pointing the stuff out to him? *interrupts* *looks at the letter while walking back & giving directions*
JE: I’m pretty sure we left Patterson five shops ago. *smacks the badge on the door* "How you doing?" McManus
Ryan looking like my hair lol
*sees him* Oh ooh ooh ooh it's him *shoots just a bit late*
No, castle. She did not miss. (tho it's kind of messed up that when they think that this fellow is an assassin you're allowed to shoot them...) you didn't & that's the good part. *hides her tears*
Not only do you know him but you also looked into him so you know about him. People say ryan is the touchy feely one in terms of emotions & yeah he himself acknowledged the cheesiness of the toast he was giving at the double date last season but esposito is the one to approach kate & talk to her.
She's good She's revealing that!? don't you remember what happened last time you revealed personal information without knowing who is behind the glass? gates is a cop tho, she was a detective, she does interrogations, she can see becks is truthing this room is so big & empty, DP did well. he DOES control everyone lol robert points to three people behind the glass lol, he can't see them blood on OUR hands. She's right, it is in hers bc she let him go! Except if she shot him he would not be available for questioning he might even be dead.
Oh thank goodness, we all thought gates was talking to her about That
What did you say that was right about her?
RC: Check this out. What better way to celebrate the end of a difficult case then with a bottle of – (he trails off when he sees her work) – what are you doing? YEAH NO IF HE'S OFF HIS MEDS THAT AIN'T GOOD KB: And what about Melanie’s body? He burned it and he knocked out her teeth to keep it unidentifiable. Me: Schiz often comes with paranoia, he wanted to be safe KB: And then he leaves a duffle bag in a stolen car for us to find? Me: ... That is not very meticulous of him......
I don't (usually) smoke & I still have a lighter & matchbook music hhh not ALL the evidence, remember? Right, people OFTEN believe that the psychoaffected people don't know what they're doing or are dangerous or planted the bomb, nobody would look further into it
If you're right then you have gained his trust back. 41319 is her badge # btw
secondary area search? man is upset. He lost his temper, this is not normal.
THE LIGHTER I play with em like that too lol WHAT IF THE LIGHTER IS A DETONATOR btw I was right! It IS the assistant person (no they are both just nondescript white guys)
He was BESIDE the car, even if beckett was NOT there he would have been fine
Castle just TACKLED that guy
Five years, long play. Or paid money lol CASTLE ADMITTING HE WOULD HAVE STOOD & WATCHED
Ryan nice light grey jacket, pink shirt, possibly striped, dark tie to contrast, ugh he's so good. Esposito just wearing the kind of "I'm at home today" clothes I wear "just like you would have done" WB: Someone who’s gotten rich making powerful people promises that I need to keep. ((PARDON ME?)) What does a kingmaker do when the king no longer follows orders?
WB: You saved my life. KB: (rolls her eyes) Yeah well, you can’t win ‘em all, can you? a friend? He's right when he says "If I said no, would you really believe me?"
Nice transition to watching tv at home Benjamin Moss? Ah kingmaker. "plane crash" or "car accident" better story. oof.
Wow I'm half an hour ahead of schedule! I started watching at 9.30, so I should have been done the day's first ep by 11 but I was 20m early, now I should have been done by 12.30 & it is only five after, I'm doing well!
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
battle for abimel? i want a power showdown.
Basically OverWitch + I guess the rest of the charmed ones, face the new demon of the day, the Cancellor, which nullifies any power thrown at them.
They have to really think hard to figure this one out.
But like, mainly gay OverWitch.
“Ugh,” Macy groaned audibly for the fourth time in the past two minutes, “What’s taking her so long!”
“Ok could you tone down the whine today?” Mel replied exasperatingly, “It’s not like Abby lives next door. And she can’t orb like Harry. It takes time to get here.”
“Yeah and by the time she does the DotD will be long gone!” She stated in annoyance.
Maggie rolled her eyes, “I think the demon of the day can wait for a few minutes. I doubt their in a rush for a Appointment at the nail salon.”
The eldest huffed, “Yeah but Abbys just taking forever!”
“You rang?”
Everyone turned to the source of the voice, which oddly, seemed to be nix.
But more understandingly, smoke started to swirl, practically a mini tornado, until it took the form of Mels beloved.
“Abby!” The Latina cheered, running over and giving her girlfriend a hug.
“Hello lovely,” Abigael grinned, before smirking in Macy’s direction, “Now what’s this about me being slow? Shall I remind you how long it took you and Witchbanger to actually bang?”
Macy made a squawk of protest, while Harry looked on in mute surprise.
“Witchbangers new.” He commented, although Mel couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or curious.
Abby gestured towards him with a flourish, then nodded towards Macy, “Well, this pile of nerves is Whitebanger, only fitting we have the other half.”
Harry seemed to nod in numb acceptance, before turning back to the gadget in his hands.
“Now that we’re all here, I introduce, the Cancellor !” He waved his arms dramatically for the reveal, the gadget projecting a hologram of a dark woman in a white suit.
Maggie stared blankly, “the counselor?”
Harry looked a bit miffed, “No, the Cancellor.”
Macy tilted her head, “The chancellor?”
“NO, lovely, the CANCELLOR.”
Mel narrowed her eyes, “Cancer?”
Harry gasped for breath, “-wha- how?? It’s the CAN-CELL-OR.”
Abigael smirked, snickering lightly, “Oh Harold, why didn’t you just say so?”
Everyone offered nods of agreement while Harry sputtered for words.
Macy graciously took this time to step forward.
“As my dear was beginning to, ahem, say?” She broke off to give the sputtering whitelighter a concerned look, “This is apparently, in fact, the Cancellor. They have the power to nullify or ‘Cancel’ any powers used against it.”
“Oh but who needs powers when your in the middle of fighting a bloodthirsty demon!” Abby snarked typically.
Mel would normally scold her for such a comment, but found herself cracking a smile at the humor of it.
Macy looked annoyed, but shrugged it off, “As I was saying, something good to note, the Cancellor takes the form of whatever it nullified last, so it might not look like this. That’s just the last recorded form.”
She gestured to the regal woman in white. To which Abby purred delightfully.
“At least it’s last participant knew how to dress well.”
Mel shot her a glare, giving her a slap to the arm.
“What?!” The Britt squeaked. She just rolled her eyes in response.
“Aww,” Abby cooed, wrapping her arms around Mels smaller frame, “Is someone jealous of a power taking, identity stealing demon of the day?”
The Latina grumbled a bit, embarrassed of the blush that had indeed made its way across her face.
“Oh I think you are.” The later whispered, “But don’t worry my love, no matter how amazingly dressed someone is, they cant even manage to come close to your overall beauty.”
Mel blushed again, this time for an entirely different reason. And a bit bashfully, she turned and gave Abby a chaste kiss.
“I hate you.” She stated grumpily.
“Love you too grumpy.”
“Ladies,” everyone turned to harry, who had finally recuperated, holding an Orb, “Will you generously accompany me to fight a fashionable identity stealer?”
“Oh Harold,” Abby sashayed forward dramatically, “I thought you’d never ask!”
Macy growled jealously while Mel shared a secret laugh with Maggie. The two of them had slowly found Abbys wit more humorous then insulting.
Harry threw the orb, the Group proceeding to jump through it into a wide circular stone covered room.
“Where are we?” Maggie questioned, peering around, their seemingly was only one entrance, a small archway carved into the surrounding rock. Leading into another room.
“We’re in the Cancellors Lair, that ark leads to the cancellor.” Harry answered informatively.
Mel was confused, however, “If so, how do people get in?”
“I think I have the answer to that.”
Everyone turned to Macy, who was staring at the ceiling. They followed pursuit, only to find their room was not really a room, but the bottom of a very deep pit.
“What a treacherous trap.” Abby seethed respectively, if possible, “Some loner demon falls down the pit. And if they survive. The Cancellor can steal their powers and harvest their body.”
“No… no that can’t be?” The youngest stated sadly, ever the empath, “Some have to escape. What about the innocent humans who fall?”
“I guess some could escape,” Abigael reasoned blatantly. If they realized where they were before the Cancellor found them. They would have to have some type of powers that could propel them upwards, like smoke phasing. Because no lucky Jim could climb these walls. Their smooth as stone.”
She wasn’t wrong, Mel found herself absentmindedly feeling the slick walls with her hand.
Someone tapped her shoulder, and she turned to see her girlfriend smiling at her bashully, and hand held out.
“Head in the Clouds my love?”
“Yeah,” the Latina grinned, taking the britts hand, “Thanks for always finding me.”
“Oh why of course!” The hybrid proclaimed, “What else is a loving girlfriend supposed to do?”
“Oh you know, fight demons, slay monsters, make out from time to time.” She monologued coyly.
-“while I’d love to hear this agonizing conversation,” Macy interrupted, “We have a demon destroy.”
Both of them rolled their eyes, but gladly shared secret smiles.
The ragtag group of magical beings entered the room. Nearly immersed in pitch darkness.
Mel felt Abby take her hand, and she tried to send soothing vibes, squeezing it to show she understood.
Abigael wasn’t a fan of the dark, it wasn’t cause she was afraid of it specifically, moreover, it reminded her of being locked in the crate. And mentioned it made her feel quite claustrophobic.
A lot of her fears spiraled from the singular subject of her childhood. It didn’t make them any less valid, however.
“Macy.” Mel whispered in the dark, “A light please?”
“Since when are you afraid of- oh.”
Her sister caught on, a tad second too late. But thankfully, mentioned nothing when the room was engulfed in flames. Just sending Mel a understanding nod.
Abby may get on Macy’s nerves, but she truly did care about her overall well-being.
“Oh thank you Lovely, now we can see where the Cancellors coming from.” Harry commented, subtly driving attention away from Abigael.
The Latina still could see the flush on her girlfriends face. And squeezed her hand again. Trying to say it was ok through touch.
Annoyingly, even with Macy’s flame, the room was not very bright. And from what Mel could see, it was another circular room, but with a domed ceiling, and vine-snaked walls.
Everyone sorta teetered around, peering closely at the cylinder wall, some parts holding ritualistic type carvings underneath the vines.
“How interesting.” Abby mused lightly, tracing a line finger in the indentions.
Mel winced slightly, as the light behind her got abruptly brighter.
“Hey Mace, good job with the light! Didn’t know you were practicing.”
“Mel…” Macy’s voice sounded nervous and halted, “Mel that isn’t me.”
“What do you mean who else would it-“
She cut off, as everyone turned to the center of the room.
Somehow, submerged in the darkness, a middle platform was completely unseen.
But now, from a spotlight coming from nowhere, it was illuminated in a ghostly, nearly theatrical glow.
And on top of that platform, posing dramatically, was the Cancellor.
Maggie scrunched her nose, “Wait… is that-“
-“LIL NAS X?!?” Mel exclaimed abnormally loud.
Her brain was completely shot. How could this be possible. This shouldn’t be. It couldn’t be.
But yet, it was, no one else rocked Red dreads, tiny black & white boxers, and thigh high leather boots then the number 1 black gay pop artist.
Macy looked thoroughly confused, “Who..? And are you sure that’s him?”
“I thought he looked familiar.” Maggie mumbled to herself.
Harry’s eyes were bugging out of his head, caught between staring and trying to give the Cancellor some privacy. The bulge in his CK boxers leaving nothing to imagination.
“No that’s definitely him,” Abby purred, practically hypnotized, “No one wears those raunchy underwear but him.”
Mel blushed jealously, “He’s gay Abby. As in into penis.”
Abigael jerked her head, trance broken as she gazed at her pouting girlfriend.
“Aww,” she cooed once again, leaning in close, “Is someone jealous of a LilNausex clone?”
The lesbian flushed, hating how adorable Abbys mispronunciation of his name sounded in her accent.
“It’s Lil Nas X.” She stated huffily.
Abby frowned, just a tad, “Oh come on Lovely.”
“Don’t lovely me!” Mel denied stubbornly.
It was a bit childish, yes, but right now the Demon straddling a chair from literally nowhere was undeniably hot for the Men lovers in the room. And she was green with envy.
“Oh you should know by now,” Abby whispered, her tone seductive and lovely, “Your the only one I want to see in those flamboyant boxers.”
Mel hated how much she was turned on right now.
“Also,” her girlfriends voice was now soft, “No matter how much I may ogle or tease, you really are my one and only love.”
Ok, now she could love her again.
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
“Not to break up this repetitive conversation,” Macy once again interrupted, “But how is ‘Lil Nas X’ in the room?”
“Yeah,” Harry piped up finally, “He’s human. And it’s not like he’s killed and stolen the crown, and powers of some random leader.”
“OH MY GOD.” Mel screeched, going straight back to mortified.
Everyone turned to her for an explanation, while she blushed from the heavy gaze, and sexual nature of the rationale.
“I-In his recent music video,” she whispered meekly, “he kills satan and steals his power.”
Her blushed increased dramatically at the implication.
“Not that I’ve watched it or something.”
“Don’t worry darling,” Abby whispered with a devilish attitude, “I’ve watched it plenty enough for the both of us.”
“Basically he stripper poles his way down to hell, does a Lap dance for Satan himself, and then proceeds to kill him in the middle of the throws of it. Ergo stealing his crown. And then his powers. We avid fans all assumed it was apart of gay pride and acceptance and sticking it to the homophobes. Turns out it’s that, and becoming all powerful.”
True to their personality. Mel loves what Abby says, Maggie nods appreciatively and nonchalantly, while Macy and Harry look seconds away from dying of pure awkwardness.
“Um, why isn’t he saying anything?” Maggie points out. The sexy demon staring at them all unblinkingly, thoroughly creeping them out.
“Maybe the voices doesn’t carry when he takes the form?” Macy suggests, “So he tries to hide it by not talking? False sense of security?”
Lil N’as Cloné then opened his mouth, revealing a large jagged set of teeth, jaw unhinging slightly.
“Or!” Maggie says with a state of panic, “He was just waiting to eat us alive!”
The demon crouches low, nearly spider like. Swaying from side to side.
“Ladies! Backs to the wall!” Harry announces, “And make sure to show some type of power, we don’t know how long the transformation takes, so we need to keep track on who still possesses them.”
Mel needs no second affirmation, grabbing Abbys wrist and yanking her back.
“Mel?” She looks outraged, “We need to fight it!”
“Yeah we’ll I can’t fight it if your powers are stolen and need someone to protect you!”
Abigael huffs, “I can take care of myself Melanie. See?”
She holds her hand up as if to summon a flame.
Head jerking when none appears.
Her expression changes to one filled with fear and confusion, “Bloody hell??”
Abby continued to unsuccessfully summon a flame, hand whirring to a blur.
“Mel!” She exclaimed in a frenzy, “Mel, it’s not working, why isn’t it working? To hell with this!”
“Hey! Hey,” the Latina soothed, rushing to place a hand on her arm in a calming motion, “Carino it’s ok. Don’t panic. The lil n’as dude just took your powers assumingly.”
“Are you sure?!?”
It seemed kinda like a controversial question to ask; considering she couldn’t activate her fire powers, but Mel understood it was from fear rather then logic.
“Well, try to smoke phase.”
Abby nodded tentatively. Raising her hands once again.
The very tips of her fingers produced ashy whisps, but aside from that, their was nothing.
“Your smoking.” Maggie unhelpfully stated, as she edged towards them.
“Why thank you Captain obvious!” Abby snarked bitterly.
The brunette looked concerned, glancing at the Latina instead, “Mel, what’s wrong?”
Abby was outraged, “Mel?! I am RIGHT HERE y’a know, if your just gonna stand their like a blathering idiot you might as well-“
-“She’s been cancelled,” Mel interrupted blatantly, witch just a tad of irritation at her raving girlfriend, “Her powers aren’t working and she’s lashing out.”
Maggie shrugged, “Naturally.”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN NATURALLY?! I have a RIGHT to be upset I-“
-“So you sure their fully gone?” Her sister continued, “I never saw the Cancellor do anything? And he still looks like Lil N’as!”
Mel turned back to the center, brows furrowing at the now empty stage.
“Where’d he go?”
The dead silence, and lack of demon, filled the room with an eerie unsettling vibe.
“Mel, I don’t like this.” The empath warned.
She didn’t either.
“MACY!” The Latina called out, “WHERED HE GO?”
Macy looked just as panicked, probably even more, “I DONT KNOW! HE WAS JUST HERE?!”
“Oh for gods sake! We should rejoice for all I care! I’m the one with my powers gone and if you would STOP bloody ignoring me id-“
Mel whirled around, placing one finger in front of Abbys lips, the other hand firmly around her waist.
“Abby. I love you. I know your freaking out right now. But please, can you refrain from ranting till we leave?”
Abbys eyes were both murderous and loving, and softly, Mel kissed her until it changed to a lightly irritated.
“Better?” She puffed quietly.
The Britt nodded silently, blushing lightly at the affection showed.
Mel scrunched her eyebrows, briefly seeing the abrupt look of horror sweep it’s way across her girlfriends face.
“What’s wr-“
Abby had shoved her aside roughly, the witch groaning as she hit the ground, but enough adrenaline rushing through to allow her to roll to her elbows.
She glanced up, Just in time to see a dark shadow drag Abigail to the the darkest parts of the room.
“ABBY!” She screamed, arm outreached and terror in her eyes.
“MACY!” Mel barked, “MORE LIGHT.”
Her sister didn’t have to be told twice, “ON IT!”
Immediately, the softly glow from Macy’s flame turned into a raging fire, illuminating all that it could without burning something.
Dead silence followed.
Maggie gasped, “Oh no.”
Standing before them, with the shadows gone and dust settled, was two identical Abigael Jameson-Caines. Each with matching clothes and injuries.
“By all things science.” Macy blanched.
“The Cancellor has taken Abbys form!” Harry informed quickly, “Ready yourself for an attack from either one.”
Mel rose to her feet on shaky limbs, reading an icicle from the air particles around her.
“Alright,” her voice was steady, although she wasn’t calm in the slightest, “One of you is the hot pain in my ass who I love dearly. And the other is a cannibalistic identity stealer. So. Who’s who.”
Immediately both of them rushed to ensure her trust, voices perfectly identical.
“I’m the real Abby!” The one on the right said.
“No!” Lefty said, “Don’t listen to them I’m the real Abby!”
[Authors note - Right side Abby will be in bold.
Left side Abby is in Italics.]
“Their perfectly identical,” Macy stressed, “How are we gonna tell them apart?!”
“Their must be a logical way to solve this.” Harry muttered under his breath.
“Come on guys, really?” Maggie shot them a glare, Mel seemed to catch on, “It’s easy really.”
“We quiz them.”
After a quick group huddle, and their bearings regain, they were ready to give a life or death quiz.
“Alright Abby clones,” Maggie narrated, “We’ve each prepared a question, something only the real Abby should know. Based on your answers, we will decide if your truthful or not.”
“Great just don’t dose me with truth serum while your at it.” Both Abbys snarked in complete unison, before shooting matching scowls at the other.
Maggie looked drastically discouraged but the display, voice wavering.
“U-uh, um, y-yes. Questions. H-Harry your up.”
The man walked up a few feet, nervously wiping his palms against his button up.
“Alright, ladies,” he gave his habitual gentlemen nod to the two of them, “When one of you invited me over for dinner, what was the main course?”
“Duck!” Righty said immediately. Grinning proudly.
“Hey! That one was too easy!” Lefty argued, “Duck is the best meat for a date! Everyone knows that! Not to mention I gave Harold a massage beforehand.”
“Of course it’s the best! What else would you eat, bloody chicken like an uncultured heathen?!”
Righty paused to glance at Harry, “Uh, I get the point for that one right?”
Harry looked overwhelmed, panic evident on his face.
“Uh, um. Undecided!” He then quickly scampered to the back of the pack, face flushed while doing so.
“Completely identical.” The Whitelighter whispered to no one.
Macy shrugged, “Guess I’m up.”
She approached the twins glancing at either with an impassive face.
“Let’s see, what’s Abbys favorite nickname for me?”
“Whitebanger.” The two answer in synchronized perfection. Shooting yet another glare at each other.
Macy looked tired, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Of course that one was too easy. Any Abby could apparently answer that in her sleep. Let me think of a harder question.”
It wasn’t long before her poker face soon returned. Leveling them up once again.
“When You fake poisoned yourself, what was that one question that was actually subserviently a dig on me?”
“To spoon!” Left jolted, “I asked you to spoon!”
“Actually! I asked her if she was the big spoon or little spoon.”
“Well excuse me for messing up one tiny detail! At least I got the spoon part before you!” Left rolled her eyesz
“Well mine was actually accurate, so yours doesn’t count!”
“Yeah it does!”
“Does not!” Right argued.
Macy had both hands out, face strained, “You two need to stop arguing so I can think!”
The clones shut up, as she stormed back towards the group, shaking her head.
“They share a freaking mind.” The eldest stated bitterly.
A few minutes passed as they waited for Maggie to step up. Who looked severely intimidated by the task at hand.
Mel coughed, “Maggie it’s-“
“I KNOW!” The Latina shrieked, “GIVE ME A SECOND!”
The youngest took a couple very hesitant feet forward.
“Hello!” She waved awkwardly, “I’m Maggie -wait ugh, Abby already knows that of course! Gosh stop talking to yourself and think of a damn question!”
She bit her lip nervously, looking at them with a fearful expression.
“Ok, um. Let’s see. What’s some things Abby likes to do?”
“Oh that’s easy, Alcohol, Mel, making Macymorts life miserable!” Righty laughed to herself.
Mel ignored the fierce blush that rose to her face at the implication.
“But that’s easy,” Lefty sneered meanly, “I like to do many things, all which someone could easily guess.”
“Pray tell, tell me how you could ‘guess’ I like those things?”
“Well I-“
-“Ok!” Maggie squeaked, “Another question then!”
She then proceeded to flounder for a few moments. Hands waving rapidly in anxiety.
“Um, ok then. Who’d you save my life from?”
“My brother.”
“My half-brother, Parker.”
The answers seemed to be the same, yet lefty seemed to be happy with how specific she was.
Maggie, however, had paused. Eyes narrowed at the two, caught in a thought.
“Maggie?” Mel whispered, “What did you see?”
The Brunette jolted, plastering a fake smile on her face, “Oh nothing! Just a trick of the light!”
Mel grabbed her arm once she returned closer to the group, “Pfft, trick of the light my ass, you saw something? What was it?”
“I honestly don’t know,” her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, “It was something about how they said it. They said the some thing, yet one sounded right, and the other wrong?”
“But how is that possible?” Macy interject lowly, ever the logical person.
“I don’t know!” Maggie whined, arms flailing, “It just was!”
“We’ll don’t stress,” Mel soothed, “We definitely have something by now from other questions.”
“We definitely, do not, have something from any of these questions.” Harry muttered a few minutes later in a group huddle.
“Maggie,” he glanced at the youngest, “Were you able to get anything, you know, empath wise?”
Her gaze snapped to his, a bit of fire in her pupils, “Don’t you think I would have said something if I did?! It’s hard enough that their identical, but their emotions are too! The Cancellor apparently has the ability to copy someone completely! They know everything about the other, because they know it themselves!”
Mel gasped, realization hitting her in a flash, “Oh my god Mags, that’s it!”
Maggie looked confused, as did the rest of them, “What’s it? What did I say?”
“I can’t be something Abby already knows,” she explained carefully, in a deep whisper, “If it’s something she already knows, the Cancellor can immediately pick up on it. He has a copy of all her memories! It’s gotta be something she doesn’t know, or, Moreover, something we know that can get a honest reaction she doesn’t know she makes.”
“But that’s practically impossible!”
“Don’t say that Macy, it’s not impossible if your the girlfriend of Abigael Jameson-Caine!”
Mel pulled from the group, walking up to the two with a confident swagger.
Both, of course, seemed a bit taken aback by her bold demeanor.
“Ok Siamese freak from hell,” she grinned, cracking her knuckles, “Your in my court now, It’s my turn to ask the questions.”
“One of you is the woman I love, and the fact she’s currently having to take a quiz for her life is sickening, so that stokes the fire of hate I have for whoever is causing this. And once I find out who is it, I promise you will regret ever messing with us, and mi Cariño!”
Mel let her monologue be a distraction, gradually advancing forward as she spoke. Until she was directly in front of them.
“Now, it’s time for your final question.”
She stared them in their chocolate orbs, lingering over the right one. Mel couldn’t understand it, but she felt as if the righty was the true Abby. Even with no proof. Their was just something in her eyes.
“Can you kindly hold you hands like this?”
The Latina then proceeded to hold one hand up, baring the wrist, the other slightly bellow, pressing on a very specific patch of skin.
The two were confused, both tilting their heads to the side slightly, in a way Abby would commonly do when she was thinking.
Mel let her hands drop to her sides, watching like a hawk as the complied. She could feel the groups eyes on her, and was desperately praying that this worked.
A few seconds passed. Nothing happened. Perfectly identical.
Then, it happened. The Abby on the right legs swiftly crumpled.
Mel rushed in, and in one move, caught Abby with one arm. The other, which had been hidden from sight, stabbing the duplicate with a quickly formed air icicle.
The demon gave a feral screech from the weapon embedded in its chest, clawing at it weakly.
The group watched in awe as it switched between numerous forms, one which of was lil n’as, the others it’s countless victims.
“How?” It gasped hoarsely, “I’m completely identical.”
“That’s where your wrong!” Mel smiled proudly, “You see, in a way, you were identical. You knew everything Abby did because you could copy her mind! But what about something she didn’t even know of? Like the fact that from years of being put in shock cuffs consequently damaged the nerve in her right wrist? That when pressed, would cause her to pass out?”
“But how?” It wailed, “She would have known!”
“Except she didn’t!” The Latina cradled the unconscious body gently, kissing Abbys crown lightly, “I only found out by accident. And she didn’t remember a thing about it when waking up. I didn’t want to worry her, so I just stayed quiet. I soon understood why it happened due to her trial. But as a demon who can only copy what the person knows, you wouldn’t have.”
The creature let out a few more pitiful whines before crumpling to ash and dust.
“MEL!” Maggie shrieked in happiness, giving her a gigantic hug, “That was AMAZING! How did you figure it out?!”
“Just by what you said,” she answered honestly,” Their emotions were the same, and physically they were too. But the body is an amazing thing, and it does many things were not even aware of!”
“That is factually correct!” Macy complimented with a smile.
“I suppose this calls for a celebration when we get home, err, when do you think she’ll wake up?” Harry gestured to the peacefully resting girl.
The lesbian grinned softly, “Oh, any moment now. It only knocks her out for a minute or two.”
“Oh!” Maggie perked up, “I just remembered what I noticed about her response!”
Everyone stared with great interest.
The youngest smiled, “Abby called Parker ‘Brother’. Even though he’s only half related, she always adressed him as her brother. I guess the clone thought we wanted more specific.”
“She truly is just that amazing.” Mel noted warmly, lips parting when she felt Abby starting to stir.
The group took this as their key to leave, telling Mel to meet them back in the other room.
She nodded, expression soft when Abigaels eyes fluttered open.
“W-what happened? D-id we do it? Is it gone?”
“Gone Cariño,” Mel cooed, smoothing the stray hairs off her face and stroking her forehead just the way she liked, “All thanks to you my love.”
“Me?” Abigael questioned, “What did I do? All I remember is, ugh, I have a killer headache, I just remember doing some weird hand signs and then darkness?”
“Oh my love, you were yourself! Undeniably, and amazingly yourself. And no Lil N’as, fancy identity stealer could ever imitate you perfectly. For theirs only one of you. And for that, I am greatful.”
“Why?” Abby arched an eyebrow, smiling erotically, “Because I’m too hot to handle?”
Mel scoffed, chuckling despite herself, nearly dropping her girlfriend in the process.
“More like because i can barely tolerate one of your personality!”
The Britt pouted slightly, “Your mean.”
“Oh am I?” She leaned in and kissed her pouty lips, “No but actually? It’s because I’m reminded to never take you for granted. I only get one of you. And it be the worst mistake of my life to waste it.”
Abbys lips turned to a fond smile, “And their you go again, making me feel things and generally be a better happier person.”
“Oh the audacity of myself!” The witch smirked.
“Ugh, I hate you!”
She grinned, “Love you too.”
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
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So I woke up at 4 am last night and my brain went “What if Jackunzel...but sapphic???”
Also look, yes, I know Jackie/Jacquelyn Frost is the go-to when it comes to fem!Jack Frost names, but I just...didn’t think it suited her??? I wanted something a bit more unique, and I liked the sound of Jaina! And then I got very inspired and wrote a ficlet, so ENJOY SOME LESBIAN JACKUNZEL
The first time Rapunzel met Jaina Frost, she asked her if she was a fairy.
She certainly looked like one of the winged creatures from Rapunzel’s storybooks. She floated just off the ground and could flit around the room quicker than a hummingbird. Her hair whipped around her in long white tendrils, thick waves like hills of freshly-fallen snow. It shone like it, too--nearly blindingly when the sun hit it, Rapunzel noticed.
She could ice up the entire floor with one sweep of her staff and would whoop and cheer and laugh so hard she snorted when she slid around on it on her bare feet. All behavior Mother would find very undignified, Rapunzel was sure.
Not that Jaina had ever cared in the least about dignity.
She’d nearly fallen out of the tower window when she first saw Rapunzel poised to hit her with a frying pan. Her next reactions had been even stranger--hooting and doing flips and jumping around because apparently, people didn’t normally see her.
It was nice to have a friend. Mother hadn’t warned Rapunzel off of other girls, although Rapunzel was certain that in practice she wouldn’t approve of them. Not that it mattered. They quickly found that Jaina was as invisible to Gothel as she apparently was to everyone else.
Perhaps it was selfish, but Rapunzel liked that. She had Jaina Frost all to herself.
Jaina gasped in horror when she heard Rapunzel had never touched snow. Her hammy overreaction only got more and more ridiculous as Rapunzel explained she had only ever seen winter from the confines of her tower--and Mother usually shut the window to keep the cold out, anyhow. Jaina clutched her heart at this, pretending to faint in her despair.
“Well, if you won’t just leave and go outside, like I keep telling you you should...” Jaina crossed spindly arms and glared at Rapunzel. “I guess I’ll have to bring the winter to you.”
And bring it she does. When Mother won’t be back until evening, Jaina swirls together soft, cotton clouds and makes it snow in Rapunzel’s room. They make snow angels on the floorboards and toss snowballs at one another from behind dressers and wardrobes and chairs, giggling all the while. Rapunzel’s decided she’s going to blame any water stains left behind on some kind of flooding.
Mother won’t be mad over that sort of thing. She’ll just fuss over her and breathe a sigh of relief when Rapunzel can still sing as beautifully as ever.
When Rapunzel’s birthday rolls around, she confides to Jaina about the floating lights. She’s pushing 18, and she still hasn’t left the tower. Jaina fixes her with a catlike smirk, and turns away.
When she sweeps her hands back, she’s holding some kind of ice-blue cylinder, made of swirling crystals and snow with a crescent moon etched on the side.
“They’re lanterns,” Jaina explains. “The kingdom does a festival with them every summer. I’ve flown over it plenty of times. I could...”
Jaina looks away, and Rapunzel could swear she sees her friend’s cheeks go a little pink.
“I could take you. You know. If you wanted.”
Rapunzel shakes her head. “I can’t. You know Mother would...”
Jaina groans and rolls her eyes. “You’re really way too beholden to that woman, Rae. But if you insist on staying...I might be able to do something almost as good.”
And so they sit on Rapunzel’s windowsill, legs dangling over the side (Jaina can catch Rapunzel if she falls), and Jaina Frost puts on a show. She makes dozens of frozen lanterns and whisks them into the sky, and they float and bobble and catch first the dying rays of the sunset and then the soft silver of moonlight.
Rapunzel’s never seen something so beautiful in all her life.
She glances over at Jaina once, and she’s looking at the blonde girl like she sprinkled all the stars across the night sky the same way she dappled them onto her tower walls. Jaina looks away almost immediately, face reddening.
After a while, Jaina takes to spending the night. It was by accident the first time--the girls were up late having stupid pillowfights and telling each other stories in Rapunzel’s bed, and at some point they both started to yawn.
Before she knew it, Rapunzel was waking up with a faceful of white waves smelling vaguely of wintergreen, cedarwood, and cashmere sweaters. Her arms were curled around a thin, sleek waist, and she felt her heart speed up tenfold.
She had no idea why being so very close to her best friend was making her incredibly nervous, but here she was.
It’s the first of many nights they’ll wake up wrapped up in each other. Always, they claim, by accident--but neither ever seem to mind.
It becomes a routine of sorts. Rapunzel wakes up early and untangles herself before she has to give too much thought to the nervous sweat that nearly breaks out at every point of contact. She tries to get Jaina up too to help with morning chores, and Jaina rolls onto her stomach with her face in the pillow and whines and bitches and moans until Rapunzel relents and lets her sleep for 10 more minutes.
As she sweeps the floor, Rapunzel tries not to think too hard about the placid expression on Jaina’s face as she sleeps. As she mops, she tries not to think too hard about the way Jaina’s face scrunches up when she’s having a nightmare, and the way it makes Rapunzel want to wrap herself around the other girl like a protective shell. As she polishes the staircase banister, she tries not to think too hard about the way Jaina’s eyes shine like sunlight on icicles when her entire face erupts into a grin.
It’s probably peculiar, thinking about your best friend in such excessive detail.
Two years pass, and Rapunzel is pushing 20. When she looks in the mirror, she notices nothing seems to be changing. She doesn’t look any older than when she first met Jaina. Maybe the changes are just too imperceptible for her to notice, but 17-year-old Rapunzel seems to be stuck in a kind of limbo.
She wonders if it has anything to do with her magic glowing hair--the hair that makes her mother’s wrinkles disappear whenever she sings a special song.
She knows it should alarm her, not aging. Instead, she feels a strange kind of relief. There are worse things than being stuck as the same age as Jaina Frost.
There are worse things than not having to grow old and leave Jaina behind.
They’re lying in Rapunzel’s bed one afternoon, the blonde girl sprawled on top of Jaina to carefully brush on eyeshadow. It’s an elaborate picture--a beautiful deep twilight blue sprinkled with intricate snowflakes and rimmed with glittery white snow.
Rapunzel is the only one who will ever see it, but they’re both all right with that.
The eyeshadow is long done by now, Rapunzel getting carried away painting snowflakes and icicles and tiny pine trees on snowbanks dancing across Jaina’s cheeks and forehead. She smiles proudly and holds up a hand mirror. Jaina just snorts.
“You’re going to make me look like a clown, Rae.”
“Hmmmm.” Rapunzel puts the mirror down and continues adding a gleam to a white icicle on Jaina’s temple. “A very pretty clown.”
“You...think I’m pretty?”
Jaina’s gaze turns oddly serious. The timid way she asks it is unlike her.
Rapunzel stops, frowning. “I mean...yes. I always have.”
“Why?” Jaina wrinkles her nose. “I’m a mess. My hair’s always all over the place, and I can’t keep a room clean to save my life. All I can do is make ice, blow cold wind around, and leave a fucking wreck wherever I go. Why would you think I was...?” 
“Jaina! Language!” Jaina just rolls her eyes.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit.” Rapunzel smiles again. “These have been the most fun years of my life, thanks to you. You stuck around here with me, even when you have the whole world to explore, and I can’t even imagine how boring it must seem in this tower. That’s worth more than you know. And for the record, I think you’re gorgeous.”
Jaina’s cheeks turn redder than chrysanthemums, standing out starkly against her pale skin. “Oh, stop it,” she mumbles. “I look like a gremlin next to you. World’s nicest hair, flawless skin, the face of some kind of Greek goddess or something. You’re a knockout. I couldn’t even hope to measure up.”
“You...think I’m a knockout?” Rapunzel feels a blush of her own coming on.
“Well, yeah.” Jaina smirks. “I thought it went without saying.”
“Nothing really ‘goes without saying’ when you’ve only ever met two people,” Rapunzel points out.
“I guess.” Jaina shrugs. “I forget you don’t have a huge frame of reference. But trust me, ask anyone from that kingdom on the other side of the forest and they’d say you’re really attractive. I doubt any passing knight on a steed would be able to resist you, if they saw your hair hanging out the window like some...cascading sunshine waterfall.”
Rapunzel bit her lip, feeling unsettled by the thought of men on horseback finding her tower. She’d never met a member of the male gender before, and she hadn’t exactly heard good things.
“I don’t know if I want that,” she admits.
“I don’t blame you,” Jaina says. “Half of them are stuffy, arrogant pricks, anyways. Or they’re so sappy and poetic it kind of makes you want to throw up.”
Rapunzel bites her lip, feeling nothing but mild discomfort at the thought of a strange man trying to serenade her. Maybe it wasn’t fair to rule out what she didn’t know, but...
“No, I mean. I don’t know if I want men. Like...at all.”
“Oh. Oh.” A hopeful gleam swims into Jaina’s ice-colored eyes. Tiny, almost imperceptible, but there.
“Wise choice, honestly,” she says nonchalantly. “Even being invisible, I haven’t met many I actually cared to know. I think I’d much rather be here with you.”
Rapunzel wonders if Jaina would feel the same if any men could see her. She wonders if Jaina would still choose her company if some free-spirited, energetic boy was able to see the frost sprite, and wrote her beautiful sonnets about her moon-white hair. Some boy not stuck in a tower with an overbearing mother, some boy who couldn’t hold her back.
The thought fills Rapunzel with an unexpectedly bitter wave of jealousy.
She shakes it off, reaching into the makeup kit beside her and feeling around until her fingers curl around a tube of lipstick. She smiles, pulling it out.
Jaina groans in mock annoyance. “Are we still doing this? Aren’t I going to look ridiculous?”
“Not at all.” Rapunzel uncaps the lipstick and gently slides it across Jaina’s mouth.
The blonde girl leans back and admires her handiwork. She holds the mirror up to Jaina again.
Her lips are a bright, icy blue, like the glaciers Rapunzel can only ever hope to know through the pictures in her books. Slowly, Jaina smiles.
“You look like you could deliver the kiss of death,” Rapunzel teases. “Freeze your true love on the spot instead of awakening them from eternal slumber.”
“Want to test that out?”
Jaina smirks, voice surprisingly bold. Rapunzel can’t help but notice the pink rushing to her friend’s cheeks, though, despite her best attempts to sound casual.
“Huh?” Rapunzel frowns down at her, confused.
Jaina’s smirk shrinks a little, the first traces of fear darting into her eyes.
“Only one way to figure out whether I actually carry the kiss of death.” Jaina shrugs, still trying to seen nonchalant but voice not nearly as confident as before.
“Ah.” Rapunzel smiles playfully. “But if it works, you’ll have to find a new best friend, won’t you? Sounds like a lot of trouble for you.”
“That’s okay, Pascal will just be my new best friend if I kiss you to an early grave!” The chameleon squeaks disapprovingly from the dresser nearby.
“Come on, Rae,” Jaina says. “I really have to know. The curiosity’s killing me here.”
Rapunzel can feel Jaina’s breaths against her own chest, quick and shallow. Scared, almost.
Jaina is a lot more nervous than she’s letting on.
Still, looking down at the curve of Jaina’s lips and the unfailingly cheeky gleam in her eyes, everything suddenly feels just right.
Rapunzel slides her arms onto either side of Jaina’s head. She leans down, and captures Jaina’s lips with her own.
She tastes cold and sweet--like frosty vanilla and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Her lips aren’t perfect--chapped in places, pricked with tiny ice crystals, moving with a sort of nervous frenzy that comes with disuse.
Nonetheless, they feel like home.
Rapunzel slides her fingers into white hair, and it’s silky like clouds. So soft. So perfect.
The only real thought Rapunzel can process is that she never wants to let go. Perhaps part of her is terrified if she does, Jaina will dissolve into the ghost she is to everyone else.
She feels Jaina wrap her hands around the collar of Rapunzel’s dress, pulling her closer. It’s more comforting than Jaina knows.
Jaina pulls away first, hands loosening and head tilting back. She meets Rapunzel’s eyes for a few moments, processing what just happened before breaking out in an enormous grin and a series of delighted giggles.
“You just--you look so dumb,” Jaina chortles. “Like you tried to eat the sky or something.”
Rapunzel glances into the hand mirror, now long since pushed aside. Her mouth is smeared with bright blue, trailing onto her skin in pale smudges.
She smiles. “I can live with that.”
Rapunzel leans down and kisses Jaina again.
Yes I used that one picture of the girl straddling the other girl while putting her makeup on for inspiration for this, what of it???
Also for whatever reason, I love the idea of Fem!Jack calling Rapunzel Rae? I feel like Fem!Jack’s teasing and pet names would be a tiny bit different than boy Jack’s, idk.
Pic credits available upon request!
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ihopesocomic · 3 years
So I’m struggling with two characters and I’d like some advice. I’m also sorry if this sounds really offensive.
So I have two characters who are meant to be fall in love with each other. They met as teens, fell in love, their relationship caused a lot of trouble, one of them ended the relationship and left things on a bad note- years later, they bump into each other as adults and the one who ended the relationship wanted to make it up to their ex and they grow close again with some minor issues. They’re meant to be people who fell in love when they both weren’t in the right mindset, met years later as changed and developed people, now wondering what should they do- try again, remain friends, or just go separate ways.
Basically what I need advice on is the ex’s sexuality- they both were originally cisgender; one was a guy and one was a girl but recently I decided it was better if the guy was non-binary since I felt it suited them better. So I decided to make him non-binary with them/they & him/he pronouns. Yet, the ex is demiromantic heterosexual- I wondered if someone who is heterosexual can date someone who is non-binary and still say they’re heterosexual. I did my research and even asked for others’ thoughts- I got mixed answers everywhere I’d look, basically lining up to ‘it depends on the non-binary partner- would they consider it offensive or not’, ‘it is really offensive’, ‘it’s not offensive- it’s actually normal, ‘it’s normal’ or ‘the partner would most likely at least be bisexual’. I don’t see the ex being attracted to girls or just femininity in general so I figured maybe she’d may be Polysexual or just attracted to masculinity? I’m not LGBT+ and again, I always end up with mixed answers that just confuses me more so I decided to put the characters aside until I can figure it out. Right now I just have the ex as demiromantic and demisexual.
Again, I’m very sorry if this question is confusing or offensive- I honestly don’t know where else to go with it. I don’t want my characters to offend anyone and I genuinely enjoy the romantic development and dynamic between these two. So any advice would be helpful- thank you.
No worries, Anon, but for the record, yes it is entirely situational, on not just what makes the nonbinary person comfortable. I'm a lesbian, so I would not feel comfortable calling myself bisexual if that was at the request of the nonbinary person I'm dating, because bisexuality is inclusive to an attraction to men, and they are not a man. Just like they would probably have their own reservations about my label preference.
That being said, yes, heterosexual people can keep their label if they're dating someone who is nonbinary. I am personally friends with a couple who share a similar scenario. Nonbinary is a very broad label so it doesn't work to exclude it entirely, but nonbinary people are included in all sexualities that they feel comfortable with. So if this character is okay with a heterosexual person being attracted to them, then it's totally fine.
Perhaps in your story that can be something they can discuss as a couple. It would normalize those sorts of conversations while not minimalizing anyone's identity. It could involve her loving them for who they are, and it doesn't have to change anything, because she's not seeing them as someone they aren't. - Cat
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Michelle, Marvel, & Pride 16
Link to questions.
What do you think the characters that are confirmed queer or you interpret as queer would do for pride?
Joey Gutierrez: (I haven't seen the Joey episodes in a while, so I have to actually think since I haven't seen him in forever). I think he'd go to pride with a date and go somewhere more quiet afterwards with his date. But all month, there would be lots of fun with friends and family, lots of drinks going around, overall a good time.
Peggy Carter: I don't know what was done in the '50's to celebrate not being queer, but I can see Peggy doing whatever that is. Mostly, I see her celebrating in a more private matter at home or something.
Valkyrie: Lots of alcohol, pre- or post- destruction of the valkyries. Hopefully even have a drink with a special guy or gal.
Ayo: I don't know how Wakandans celebrate pride, but I feel like Ayo would be involved. I also think the Dora Milaje would do stuff together.
Loki Laufeyson: Would go to pride but be more quiet. I imagine MCU Loki isn't very open about it yet, but he'd go to support others as a "cishet" (haha we all know that ain't true) ally. With the few people that know, he'd maybe do something with them at home or something.
Bucky Barnes: Bucky would be EXCITED to be able to celebrate being queer openly, since that wasn't really a thing in the '40's. He'd go to pride all decked out in rainbows, with a bisexual flag and a grey asexual (or just asexual flag; I've never seen grey ace flags but they got to make them, right? But maybe they're harder to come by) tied around his neck like a cape.
Wanda Maximoff: whatever traditions Sokovia had, she would do those! Lots of lazy days with Vision, who is also queer. She would have a crap ton of flag related clothing since she's abrosexual. One day, she could be wearing her denim jacket with the abrosexual, aromantic, and asexual flags sewn on. Another day, she could be doing pansexual make up and wearing black boots with pan colored laces. And some days, she only wears her abro flag necklace, because those are her heterosexual days.
Lance Hunter: goes into work with a bisexual flag wrapped around him like a shawl. He gets compliments from all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. One person even told him she thought she was bi, but wasn't sure, because the flag let her know he wasn't queerphobic. Coulson does nothing to stop him. As long as he gets his job done, Coulson couldn't care. Hydra doesn't know what hit them when a tiny, snarky British guy in all black except a bright bisexual flag defeats several of their men.
Daisy Johnson: Daisy does her make up as pride colors every day. She switches off between bi colors and demi colors. She's not normally one for make up, but this is a fun way of celebrating pride. She gets several compliments, and even does Jemma's make up every once in a while. She takes time off to go to pride. She notices a new trend of Inhuman queers banding together, and she absolutely loves it.
Jemma Simmons: tries to sprinkle the bisexual flag everywhere. Sticky notes in the lab, what pens she uses, her outfits, even the food she eats. She gets Daisy to do her make up occasionally too. Lots of fun stuff, just her and Fitz. She also gets Fitz, Hunter, Daisy, and any other queer agents that want to join to go do something fun together. They normally end up going to a bar or a bakery that sells cute pastries and will decorate them to look like your pride flag(s).
Leopold Fitz: Honestly, Fitz isdn't that enthusiastic about pride. He's queer always, why should everyone make a big deal out of it only 30 days of the year? But he does stuff with Jemma and the others because he likes to have fun with them and have queer talk with others.
Steve Rogers: This man will go to pride and stand in front of the hecklers. How can they say that Captain America is going to hell? He usually scares most of them away just by existing, with bisexual flag face paint on and Bucky standing next to him decked out in more color than Steve has ever seen him wear.
Hela Odinsdottir: Hmm this is hard. I don't think she'd do much to be honest.
Carol Danvers: Carol would use that thing to change her suit colors to either the rainbow flag or the lesbian flag. She'd fly over parades like a lesbian angel.
Peter Parker: He'd go to pride in order to support MJ. He either would be uncertain about himself or only out to Ned and MJ. MJ would tell him it's alright to be in the closet, and he could still go to pride and celebrate. So he did, supposedly to support MJ. He buys a shirt somewhere at some point with the bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, and polysexual flags with a saying about mspec solidarity.
MJ: She'd go to pride with Peter. She'd wear lots of pride pins. She'd be very supportive of Peter, and would buy bi pins to give him later.
Tess: There's probably not much they can do to celebrate on the Lighthouse, thanks to the Kree. Since records were erased by the Kree, I don't think she would know she is aroace or what aroaces are, so she wouldn't be celebrating.
Sam Wilson: He'd attach aromantic flags everywhere. His wings, on his boat, everywhere. When he becomes Captain America, he'll take over Steve's job of scaring off hecklers. Him and Bucky would do cute QPR stuff.
Mantis: She would be super cute at an intergalactic pride event. Someone (probably Drax) would come with her, but she would be adorable the entire time.
Nebula: She would kill homophobes.
Vision: Would have fun with Wanda. He'd become a walking queer dictionary. And would calmly explain about non-binaries when the "two genders" thing is ever said.
Well, there you have it!
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yurimother · 5 years
LGBTQ Visual Novel Review - OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos
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If you are at all interested in Yuri or visual novels, you will have undoubtedly heard of OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos. The Yuri rom-com was one of Steam’s top 20 February releases, and it hit the trending page on the platform. These accomplishments are incredible, and it is lovely to see both a visual novel and a Yuri game get so much love and recognition. However, whenever a title succeeds and manages to make an impact outside of the Yuri community, it always brings up a few questions. Mainly, does it deserve to be one of the few Yuri titles to obtain “mainstream success” and is it a positive ambassador for the genre, one which can further Yuri’s popularity and pull new consumers into it? These concerns boil down to one question, is it good? Usually, this inquiry is pretty quickly answered, with most elements of a product either being positive or negative. However, OshiRabu delivers more of a challenge. There are some fantastic parts to this game which I applaud and gush over, yet there are also several problems, both major and minor. The dichotomy between OshiRabu’s highs and lows is possibly the strongest I have ever seen in a Yuri title.
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OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos is the debut game of SukeraSomero, the new sister brand of the excellent Yuri studio, SukeraSparo. The plot follows Akuru Hayahoshi, an otaku with an obsession with her “husbandos” from gacha games and seriously bad luck. One day she bumps into a cute and bubbly student, Ren Furutachi. After Ren shows off her uncanny good luck to Akuru, a miscommunication sees Ren believing that Akuru confesses to her. For Ren, it is love at first sight, and she persistently negotiates her way into living with the older woman.
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The rest of the game flits between comedic moments as Akuru and Ren live together. Examples include the girls shopping for a new bed, since Ren insists on sleeping next to Akuru, and Akuru creating boys’ love doujinshi with her friend Shino. There is, of course, a climax, which will not be spoiled in this review, and three possible endings, depending on two-player choices. An optional 18+ DLC expands on one of the endings and offers several explicit scenes.
There are some enjoyable aspects of this plot. For one, it is light and pleasant, never letting itself settle too much or grow stale. The situations are not hilarious but enjoyable and well suited to the with the characters’ personalities, and establishing several recurring themes and jokes, such as Shino teasing Ren and Ren accusing Akuru of cheating. There is an excessive amount of adorable fluff, which matches well with the overall tone of the game. These delightful moments cater to a variety of interests and fixations, so every reader is likely to find something they like. My personal favorite was a brief imagination sequence where Ren and Akuru have a child together, cute Yuri stories about women raising a kid are one of my weaknesses, and the reason Voltage’s Lovestruck has stolen hundreds of dollars from me.
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The writing is also fantastic. The descriptive prose makes me laugh at the poor quality English translations we had a decade ago, and sometimes still unfortunately get. SukeraSomero deserves a great deal of praise for the simultaneous English, Japanese, and Chinese release. It is amazing that everyone got to experience this game together all over the world, without having to wait years for a possible license and translation. English translator Meru is one of the best in the business, and her work shines here. Her adaptation is amazing and fits the games’ modern setting and feel. I personally do not care for the amount of internet culture language included, such as Ren calling Akuru a “thot,” simply because such terminology tends to become dated quickly. However, I will defend the creative choices as accurate to Oguri Aya’s original story.
There is one more major compliment I have to give this game, and it is a big one. OshiRabu is extremely queer. While most Yuri titles exist as lesbian or lesbian adjacent content with little construction of LGBTQ identity, for example naming, displaying meaningful sexual and romantic relationships, or showing any aspect of queer culture, OshiRabu does all of these. I was floored when, early on in the story, Ren confesses to Akuru that she is a “lesbian.” The word lesbian is actually used directly in the visual novel, an unfortunate rarity for the Yuri genre. I even swapped the game into the original Japanese to confirm, and there again was the coming-out moment; the word “lesbian,” in all its glory, was planted right on the screen. This fantastic scene was not a one-off occurrence either.
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Throughout OshiRabu, Ren continuously mentioned her homosexuality, which is usually juxtaposed by Akuru pondering her own sexuality, which she defines as an attraction to 2D men and nothing else. Although, her identity obviously changes because you know the women must end up together by the end. Some other excellent scenes feature queer representation. For example, at one point in the game, Akuru goes to a gay bookstore where another woman approaches her. When trying to explain that she is not interested, Akuru almost exclaims, “I’m normal,” a sentiment which she quickly realizes is hurtful and prejudice with some spectacular self-reflected narration. Moments like these offer nuanced and thoughtful presentations of LGBT culture and are the definite highlight of the game.
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Sadly, not every aspect of the visual novel is as fantastic as these. In fact, many parts of it range from unfortunate to downright atrocious. First, the characters, while not awful or unlikeable, have some harmful qualities to them. Akuru is distant and introverted, which often leads to her being cold or even rude to Ren, which is never confronted or resolved. On her part, Ren is sadly the stereotypical aggressive lesbian, and frequently invades Akuru’s personal space, a topic which is again never reconciled. It is fine to have a character make problematic choices, but when their actions do not have consequences and conflicts have no resolution, it is a significant issue. The only character I unequivocally enjoyed was Shino, as she spends the whole game humorously teasing the two.
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Speaking of conflicts, the final dramatic twist comes about as a result of Ren running away and refusing to communicate with Akuru. It turns out, minor spoilers, that she was testing her, which is a pathetic and ridiculous action which in real life can and should have serious repercussions or even end the partnership. Additionally, the topic of Akuru’s shared affection for Ren and her virtual husbandos, which is an immense source of stress for Ren, is not addressed in the base game, only the DLC. The extra content has its own set of problems too.
It is not uncommon for visual novels to include adult content in a separate patch so they can sell the base game on Steam. However, such adult patches are usually free, and OshiRabu’s is not, instead it sells for $4.99. This price is on top of the $24.99 base game, which means you are shelling out 30 dollars for the complete experience. An experience which, mind you. only clocks in at about 3 hours, hardly what I would call a value. It is an additional shame because the adult content is really well done. All the 18+ scenes, except for maybe the brief first one, showcase a tender loving relationship and skillfully written erotic content, although one or two metaphors did not land very well. However, not every player will want the 18+ content, and OshiRabu essentially forces them to play through it if they are going to see all the base game’s conflicts resolved.
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There is also an unfortunate amount of service. While most of OshiRabu’s service is just sweet and cute moments between the characters, there is plenty of exploitative artwork designed to cater to specific players of a more perverted persuasion. Ren is usually the subject of such content, with shots featuring her panties and one extremely revealing cosplay outfit consisting of little more than two strips of cloth. Obviously, some players will enjoy these aspects of the game, but they did not work well for me, especially when I compared such clumsy service with the robust adult content.
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However, this exploitative artwork, along with the rest of the game’s art, is phenomenally well crafted. Artist and character designer DSmile creates detailed and colorful illustrations that match the light comedic tone of the game. The adorable and vibrant artwork, drawn in a light watercolor style, makes my heart sing! There are also plenty of CG pieces, over 20, including the DLC, which adds six more. Given the games short length, this means you will see a new CG every ten minutes or so. The UI is also incredibly clean, easy to navigate, and blends well with the aesthetics of the art. My only complaint visually is that the sprites are entirely static. Except for different facial expressions and a few outfit changes, they are always the exact same, standing like flat mannequins against a backdrop. There is no animation or even alternative poses for them.
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The voice acting is similarly high quality. Voice actors Nekomura Yuki, Kitaooji Yuki, and Waou Kirika all give fantastic performances in Japanese, and the quality of the recordings is consistently amazing. Even the adult scenes are voiced and showcase the range of talent present. The music is not nearly as good, but it does not intrude either. There are enough tracks to prevent the music from getting too dull, although the central theme and one of the tracks, “Let’s Go Out!” push this boundary a little far. Unfortunately, none of them are too memorable either, and I can guarantee that I will never be touching the BGM tab of the extras menu.
OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos is a highly polished and visually impressive experience. The visual novel contains incredible artwork and is well constructed, showing the promise and talent of SukeraSparo. The stellar, although unfortunately necessary, adult DLC, and inclusion of LGBT themes are superb aspects that could have made playing this game a blast. However, a poorly constructed story, weak characters, and a high price tag compared to the amount of content offered severely detract from the game’s success. If you do not mind excessive service or are interested in lots of cute Yuri moments, pick this one up when it goes on sale.
Ratings: Story – 5 (6 with DLC) Characters – 4 Art – 9 Voice – 10 Music – 5 LGBTQ – 10 Sexual Content – 5 (9 with DLC) Final – 5
The visual novel is available on Steam and MangaGamer
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headcanons cause i’m in flarrie hours
they are THE couple when it comes to halloween costumes
all their outfits for big events (parties, gigs where dirty candy and/or jatp perform) are coordinated
carrie my femme queen & flynn my nonbinary lesbian darling
go to protests & marches together
flynn lends carrie books by her favorite Black female authors & carrie lends her books by her favorite sapphic poets
they make playlists about each other but the other doesn’t know they do it (julie & kayla are the only ones permitted to know of the existence of these playlists & have been sworn to secrecy, though julie has a strong suspicion carrie also makes playlists about flynn and vice versa)
have a joint pinterest account for their wedding moodboard
carrie adopted a tiger cub and named it flynn for their three month anniversary
they go to the mall together every other weekend and shop, which they both love to do and when they get home they always model the new outfits they bought
flynn squeals every time they see a dog in public and always runs over and asks if they can pet it and carrie always watches her with such a fond look that the owner almost always makes a comment on what a lovely couple they are or asks how long they’ve been together (something that has actually been happening since even before they were dating, and back then you can imagine the flustered ness it caused)
flynn often comes to watch dirty candy rehearsals, cheer them on, make sure they’re staying hydrated/taking snack breaks and that carrie’s not overworking herself
carrie is the first person that flynn tells she wants to DJ professionally and carrie gets her her first gig
eventually flynn gets into producing as well and ends up making a track for carrie, who writes lyrics to it and it becomes dirty candy’s most successful song to date
carrie says i love you first one saturday afternoon while they’re watching a movie on flynn’s computer in her room. flynn laughs at a joke and carrie looks over at her, her beautiful, incredible girlfriend, and simply can’t resist the urge to say it
flynn’s shocked into silence so carrie panics and leaves and doesn’t answer flynn’s messages
that night flynn shows up at the wilson mansion and throws rocks at carrie’s window until she comes out
flynn is upset with carrie for running out and ghosting her and carrie’s trying to defend herself so they argue but then flynn interrupts carrie by kissing her and breathlessly saying, “i love you.” carrie kisses her and not another word on it is said
carrie steals flynn’s hats
they’re not really PDA-y, they just happen to engage in a lot of unconscious, casual affection, like flynn often absentmindedly intertwines their pinkies and carrie doesn’t realize her arm is around flynn’s shoulders until she’s doing it
even after months of dating will still flirt like they’re in their enemies who are secretly very attracted to e/o era
flynn really loves art, particularly murals, so she drags carrie to a lot of gallery openings and museums
at one point when flynn’s going through a hard time carrie enlists all their friends for help making a giant mural full of drawings of things that make her happy
flynn happy cries when she sees it and is pretty much always seen hugging carrie for the rest of that night
only really cuddle when one (or both) of them is sleepy, though flynn does often sit on carrie’s lap
before starting to date, carrie would tease flynn for having stuffed animals during their sleepovers at flynn’s until they started dating and flynn started spending more time at carrie’s and flynn discovers that her girlfriend’s a little hypocrite
flynn has a younger sister and brother (sister is six, brother is four) and they absolutely ADORE carrie and think she’s the coolest and carrie thinks they’re the cutest
flynn’s like no they’re little demons and carrie’s says who says demons can’t be cute? you once called me a demon right, and im cute, aren’t i? and flynn rolls her eyes and fights back a smile
flynn also has a college aged older sister who she looks up to a lot, like that’s her hero and absolute role model, so naturally carrie’s terrified to meet her, and though she tries to appear intimidating at first, she can’t keep up the act for long and starts being friendly with carrie pretty much right away
one day they’re supposed to go on a date but carrie’s sick and forgot to text flynn telling her not to come so flynn shows up at her house but stays anyway to look after her
flynn reads to her and makes her soup
trevor & flynn play video games while carrie naps
flynn makes jewelry in her free time and consults carrie for her thoughts on every piece (in junior year she starts selling them at school & turns out to be quite the entrepreneur)
they have an inside joke about cosmo and wanda
a couple of the dirty candy members sometimes jokingly flirt with flynn and are like “watch out! we’re gonna steal your girl!” and carrie gets possessive and apologizes for it pretty quickly but flynn thinks it’s hot so it works out pretty well
will watch bad rom coms to make fun of straight people and throw popcorn at the screen when they get together
pet/nick names: care, baby, babe, love, (from carrie to flynn who shuts down upon hearing it) honey, (flynn to carrie, who becomes very giddy the first time flynn says it in a text message) sweetheart
if you couldn’t tell before they ofc have an enemies to friends to lovers arc
move in together after graduating, neither planning on going to college (julie goes to berkeley and nick some other place in california where they have lacrosse cause that’s the sport he plays right) and their parents think it’ll be a disaster but it actually goes really well
the first couple of weeks they fight more, all petty arguments mostly out of the stress of moving, but they always talk it out
it doesn’t take long for them to be happy they’re living together and feel really glad they took that step
two years after graduating flynn gives her a promise ring
carrie cries her eyes out and replies “of fucking course, you dumb fuck” when flynn asks if she’ll take it
ten years later carrie’s a successful pop star/choreographer & flynn’s a record breaking producer/DJ and they’re about to buy a house when they realize they never got married
it’s just a moment where they’re relaxing together on the couch and suddenly are like. oh
and proceed to burst out laughing
it’s a small ceremony, thrown together in just three weeks
carrie wears a short, light pink dress with a heart cutout in the back that would probably be more suited for a high school sophomore’s spring fling but no one cares
flynn wears a suit, and is walked down the aisle by her older sister
they both tear up upon seeing each other and sob through the vows (the traditional pre written ones, they wrote vows for each other but they recite them to the other when they’re alone, so it’s something special only they can share)
julie & kayla are the maids of honor, nick and alex are the best men
julie & luke’s five year old hernando is the ring bearer & alex and willie’s three year old umi is the flower child
trevor, flynn’s older sister and parents cry
even flynn’s now teenage younger siblings, who as of late have often been stereotypically cynical and moody shed tears
jatp perform at the reception (they have also become a hit band at this point)
when they get back from the honeymoon the first thing they do is get a dog
they adopt a golden doodle rescue named stella
a couple years later they start talking about kids and look into getting a sperm donor
because they love being competitive they do little games to decide who will be the one to carry the baby
it’s all jokes though, they decided at the start of the process that it would be flynn for the first kid and carrie for the second
but then SURPRISE flynn has twins
a boy and a girl named tyler and ollie (who’s who i won’t tell you cause fuck gender)
they don’t even talk about carrie getting pregnant now cause they’re busy with the babies and trying to manage their careers but one night, when the kids are eight, and flynn has just flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh after putting them to bed, carrie puts down her kindle and quietly says that she wants another kid.
they talk for hours because while flynn wants another kid too, when you’re both celebrities with demanding jobs and people constantly trying to peer into your life, that decision involves even more factors
they decide to have another kid and carrie chooses to take a step back from her career for now-she’ll return to it eventually but for now she wants to be able to just be a parent without worrying about work and not have to deal with the guilt that comes with working when she feels like she should be being a parent
though the kids have always been their main priority and they have done quite well dividing their time between work and being with them, and have done decently shielding them from the public eye (majority of the pictures of ollie & tyler that the public has are blurry candids, and the few high quality ones are from when they were three and they no longer look like that anyway so it’s all good)
it’s a harder process for carrie to get pregnant as she’s almost 40 and flynn was 31 when she had tyler and ollie
but it happens though they’re careful about choosing the sperm donor-even briefly consider asking reggie or nick-because with this kind of thing there’s always the risk that other parent could track down where their kid ended up and want to be a part of that kid’s life later on which is uber complicated for many reasons so they get those scary possibilities out of the way by just finding someone who they know wants to be in the child’s life
preston choi, a thai & korean american mathematics professor ends up being their guy
he’s immensely genuine, sweet, respectful, polite, and gentlemanly
when he came out at fifteen his parents kicked him out of the house
it was a long and difficult journey but they’re in a decent place now
but it’s not the family he wants to have and he’s tried but has yet to find a partner
but doesn’t want to wait to have kids so here he is, more than happy to co parent with flynn and carrie
so that’s what they do! tyler and ollie become big siblings to miles wilson-choi on december 10th, 2044
miles grows up in the most multicultural home ever, being fluent in 4 languages (English, AAVE, Spanish thanks to their tia julie, Korean, and Thai) all their life
tyler & ollie welcome preston and miles into the family with open arms, as well as the addition of korean and thai cuisine to the already amazing dinner tables they had of soul and caribbean food
when miles is seven carrie goes back to work full time, with preston’s assurance that he’s got this when her and flynn are busy and tyler and ollie (who are now fifteen) promising they’ll help out as well
at that point the long awaited julie and the phantoms/carrie and flynn wilson collaboration FINALLY happens
flynn wins her 28th grammy for it, leaving her tied with beyoncé for most grammys won by any woman ever (its julie’s 14th, luke’s 6th, and carrie’s 12th, and the band’s collective 10th cause alex never did any solo projects and reggie released one country album but it didn’t win any grammys rip though it was nominated for 2 CMAs)
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trans-advice · 4 years
NATIONAL Biden tracker, Task Force, trans journalist, Cuomo, West Virginia
by Windy City Times staff
GLAAD announced the launch of its Biden Equality Accountability Tracker—a real-time record of the Biden administration's executive orders, announcements, legislative support and speeches that impact LGBTQ people and rights, a press release noted. GLAAD has tracked at least 24 pro-equality moves in the first 50 days, as well as noted LGBTQ Cabinet and staff appointments in the first days of the administration. GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis introduced the tracker in her op-ed in Reuters, and in the statement. See https:// Article Link Here .
The National LGBTQ Task Force announced the addition of two new staff members and the consolidation of two departments as part of the organization's growth and restructure under the leadership of recently named Executive Director Kierra Johnson, a press release noted. Former Creating Change Conference Director Andy Garcia will now head a combined department of conference, policy and advocacy staff as director of the Advocacy and Action Department. Also, Ashawnda Fleming joins the Task Force Development Department and Leadership Team as the new chief development officer and Desiree Luckey has been appointed senior policy counsel, focusing on the organization's democracy work.
Trans sports journalist Christina Kahrl—a longtime ESPN senior editor and co-founder of both the Baseball Prospectus think tank and the Baseball Writers' Association of America—announced on Twitter that she will be the next sports editor of the legendary San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, Outsports noted. She will become the first out transgender editor of a major, metropolitan mainstream media outlet in the country when she takes the reins of sports coverage of the largest newspaper in Northern California. The Chronicle is the state's second major newspaper after the Los Angeles Times. In a message to Outsports, Kahrl said she recognizes the importance of her platform.
Many of New York's LGBTQ lawmakers are echoing growing calls for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign in response to numerous disturbing allegations of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment, Gay City News reported. U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, became the highest-ranking LGBTQ elected official in the state to call on Cuomo to step down when he issued a statement on March 12—the same day that new allegations surfaced. Congressmen Mondaire Jones and Ritchie Torres have also asked for the governor to step down.
Researchers at UCLA partnered with a researcher at West Virginia University (WVU) to publish a report addressing discrimination against the LGBT community in West Virginia, WDTV.com reported. Some of the key findings were that LGBT people in West Virginia experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. For example, data show 39% of LGBT adults in West Virginia reported having a household income below $24,000, compared to 26% of non-LGBT adults.
A Houston bakery is facing two separate lawsuits from former employees alleging they were fired due to anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, out.com noted. Gilbert Johnson and Katherine Phillips told OutSmart the Dessert Gallery Bakery & Cafe fired them because Johnson is gay and Phillips is a lesbian. Johnson further alleged he was fired in part for hiring a transgender employee. "We take seriously any allegations like those outlined in these complaints but stand firm that these allegations are simply not true," Dessert Gallery said in a statement. "We believe the proper place to disclose the facts of this case is in the courtroom and look forward to that opportunity."
A bill to strengthen the sexually transmitted disease public-health infrastructure of California is better than a similar effort that had initially been introduced last year, a principal co-author of the legislation told the Bay Area Reporter. Gay state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) co-authored Senate Bill 306 with Sen. Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), who introduced it Feb. 4. According to a news release from Wiener's office, the legislation will "permit the Family [Planning Access Care Treatment] program to offer covered benefits to income-eligible patients, even if contraception is not discussed during the patient encounter; update California's [Expedited Partner Therapy] statute to include provider liability protections used in other states; permit HIV counselors to administer rapid STD tests; update state law to require congenital syphilis testing during the third trimester of pregnancy; [and] require coverage of home STD tests by public and private insurers."
Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke candidly in a People Magazine interview about her struggles with low-grade depression during the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges of 2020, encouraging people to speak more openly about their mental health, CNN.com noted. Obama told People magazine that she "needed to acknowledge what I was going through, because a lot of times we feel like we have to cover that part of ourselves up, that we always have to rise above and look as if we're not paddling hard underneath the water." She added, "We had the continued killing of Black men at the hands of police. Just seeing the video of George Floyd, experiencing that eight minutes. That's a lot to take on, not to mention being in the middle of a quarantine."
Thousands of Texans are slated to lose their healthcare provider after Travis County Civil District Court Judge Lora Livingston allowed the state to remove Planned Parenthood from its Medicaid program, CNN.com reported. Texas has long sought to ban Planned Parenthood, which provides abortions in Texas, from Medicaid. Medicaid funding does not cover abortions except in cases of rape or incest or when the woman's life is at risk, due to the Hyde Amendment, dating back to 1976. In 2019, Planned Parenthood provided health care to more than 8,000 Medicaid recipients in Texas.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed Senate Bill 124, a religious refusal bill that could grant a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people across a wide range of goods and services in the state, a Human Rights Campaign (HRC) statement noted. HRC President Alphonso David said, "While she may see discrimination as a path to the national far right spotlight, she should understand the damage she is doing to the state of South Dakota and LGBTQ people who are simply looking to live their lives free of fear and exclusion." Noem also signed legislation that would bar transgender girls and women from participating in female sports leagues.
Over objections from Democrats, Georgia House Republicans passed a sweeping elections bill that would enact more restrictions on absentee voting and cut back on weekend early voting hours favored by larger counties, among other changes, NPR reported. The bill's sponsor—GOP Rep. Barry Fleming, who chairs the House Special Committee on Election Integrity—said the 66-page measure "is designed to begin to bring back the confidence of our voters back into our election system" after Republicans lost confidence in the GOP-backed voting system following Democrats' victories in the November presidential contest and both of Georgia's U.S. Senate races.
The National AIDS Memorial announced Isabel Fatima (Ima) Diawara, of Los Angeles, as the first recipient of the Mary Bowman Arts in Activism Award, a press release noted. The newly created and inspiring program, funded through a multi-year grant from ViiV Healthcare, offers support to artist-activists who are working and committed to making a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The Mary Bowman Arts in Activism Award honors the life of Mary Bowman—a poet, advocate, author, singer and young person living with AIDS who passed away in early 2019 at age 30.
A statue of late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was erected in her hometown of Brooklyn on March 12—three days before her 88th birthday, USA Today noted. The unveiling also comes in the middle of Women's History Month as another way to honor Ginsburg's legacy and her fight for women's rights. The statue is part of a larger series called Statues for Equality, which has worked to increase the representation of women in public sculptures around New York City and beyond.
LGBTQ-rights advocates are uniting to support Noel Koenke, a former employee at St. Joseph's University who's appealing the dismissal of her LGBT-related anti-bias case against the university before it could reach a jury, Philadelphia Gay News reported. Koenke worked as an assistant director of music and worship at the university; however, pressure to stay in the closet eventually caused her to attempt suicide and resulted in the dissolution of her marriage�and she resigned in November 2017. Koenke filed suit in October 2019, claiming the university violated Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs receiving federal funds.
New York-based fashion designer Alexander Wang responded, again, to a growing number of sexual assault and harassment allegations, out.com reported. Wang had previously called the initial allegations "baseless," and said they were "fabricated"—but now, his tenor has changed starkly. On Instagram, he posted, "It was not easy for [the alleged victims] to share their stories, and I regret acting in a way that caused them pain. While we disagree with some of the details of these personal interactions, I will set a better example and use my visibility and influence to encourage others to recognize harmful behaviors. Life is about learning and growth, and now that I know better, I will do better." Attorney Lisa Bloom—who reportedly is representing 11 of those who have allegations against Wang—responded on Twitter, "We have met with Alexander Wang and his team. My clients had the opportunity to speak their truth to him and expressed their pain and hurt. We acknowledge Mr. Wang's apology and we are moving forward. We have no further comment on this matter."
Fox personality Geraldo Rivera posted a tweet announcing that he was pondering running for the seat that will be left vacant by retiring Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, who will not be seeking re-election in 2022, Yahoo! noted. Rivera—who regularly butts heads with Sean Hannity and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino for his moderate stances on things like immigration—said he would have run as a moderate Republican. But his political ambitions didn't last long as he posted another tweet less than 24 hours after the first one, saying that the run is not going to happen.
Lawyers for former U.S. Rep. Katie Hill and her ex-husband, Kenneth Heslep, told a Los Angeles judge that they remain hopeful of settling her allegations of harassment and years of abuse—but they still asked that the groundwork be laid for a possible trial of whether Hill's stay-away order should be extended, the Los Angeles Daily News reported. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Lawrence Riff ordered both sides to prepare lists of witnesses and exhibits they would use during the trial and submit them a week in advance of April 8, when a trial-setting hearing is scheduled. The judge said he was extending the temporary restraining order Judge Anne Richardson granted Hill on Dec. 8 until April 30. Heslep has denied allegations of abusing Hill, who resigned her seat in 2019 after nude photos of her were published and news emerged that she had a three-way relationship with her husband and a female campaign staffer.
On March 8, the Cambridge (Massachusetts) City Council passed a historic domestic partnership ordinance aimed at recognizing and protecting polyamorous and other multi-partner families and relationships, according to an item from the Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition (PLAC). The ordinance was developed with detailed input from the PLAC, and is the first of what advocates hope will be a wave of legal recognition for polyamorous families and relationships in 2021. Last year, Somerville (also in Massachusetts) became the first U.S. city to allow domestic partnerships of three or more partners.
In California, the second annual "Pride Ride" returns to Homewood Mountain Resort March 25-28, The Bay Area Reporter noted. Along with skiing and riding, there will be a variety of mini-events on and off the mountain, including a dual slalom drag race, ski parade down Rainbow Ridge, virtual scavenger hunt and more. See https:// Article Link Here .
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dorkylittleweirdo · 4 years
crazy shit that happened during high school
freshman year:
my favorite teacher (pe coach) ended up being a pedophile. it’s kinda scary to think about bc like,, that was my favorite teacher and i trusted him and if he tried anything with me i don’t think i would’ve stopped him and just yikes. but yeah, it was a whole thing. once the school found out they got the police involved and he fled the state. they got him in the end but i mean,, i spent a lot of time in the secretary’s office crying about it bc i really trusted that dude and i was distraught over it. that might’ve been where my trust issues started??? fun stuff
my school shut down. like i mean,, bc it was a charter school and we had to get the charter renewed. but the board at my school wasn’t using their money the way they were supposed to. it was a whole thing, like the principal left that school year bc he knew what was happening, couldn’t stop them from doing it, and didn’t want to be part of it. so they had a lot of meetings that us kids were allowed to go to so we could see what was happening and all that. i only went to one and it was A Time bc the lady who was recording everything passed tf out and of course nobody was a doctor and my pipsqueak thirteen year old ass went “i know what to do” bc i Did so i had to help her which was a trip in and of itself. but anyways, the school’s charter got denied, and everyone had to transfer, but the district promised that we could go to any school we wanted, not just the one we would have to go to by zip code
sophomore year:
i ended up going to a private christian school. big fucking mistake. absolute disaster. nothing really happened that was crazy by their standards, but it was for me
so they have a house system. think of harry potter, it’s EXACTLY like that. we have points, we have competitions, we have all that extra stuff. it was such a time, like i don’t,, i don’t even know how to explain how fucking weird that shit was
i came out in the middle of class. the principal’s daughter was our sub and she goes “okay so everyone is gonna tell us something that nobody knows about them” so when it was my turn i go “so it’s not a secret and y’all should know this but clearly y’all don’t: i’m not straight”. silence. dead silence. we could hear the class next to us it was so quiet. some girl whispers “i knew it”. another girl leans over and whispers to my friend “i’m so sorry”. principal’s daughter gives me the most threatening, condescending smile i’ve ever seen and goes “thanks for sharing”. i had to come out to my mom that same day bc i told me friends and they panicked on my behalf bc when people found out that they were gay, the principal told their parents. and i was Not about to be outed by the principal. my mom has since told me that the principal never contacted her about it so i came out for nothing but i mean i really like being out so we’re good
so instead of prom, cult school has this thing called “the ball”. sophomores, juniors, and seniors are allowed to go bc there’s less than fifty people per grade so if sophomores don’t come, there’s not enough people. so i went bc my friends were all going and i was like “yeah why not might as well”. three dance lessons. three fucking dance lessons for this stupid ball that i didn’t dance once at. i literally had three panic attacks in the span of an hour at the second one, and then i had swim practice right after. fucking exhausted. felt like i ran five marathons by the time i got home. the last lesson i didn’t do any dancing, just vibed with my friend in the corner. so at the actual ball, same friend and i vibed at the tables the whole time. we went to the bathroom for like an hour and took mirror selfies and tried to make our asses look bigger bc we’re Like That
SO AFTER THE BALL, there was apparently a massive party and there was alcohol and stuff. so my friends and i were blissfully unaware bc nobody liked us bc who tf likes the school sinners. so we walked to get ice cream after in our fucking ballgowns and suits looking like All That. so the principal thought that it was one of us who hosted the party and we were like “??? what party?”. literally almost got in trouble bc the principal thought we were LYING. i told my mom and she takes No Shit, so when the principal called her demanding to know if i went to/hosted the party, she marched her ass down to the school and was like “i know y’all have something against mexicans and people who are different from y’all, but that’s no reason to blame my daughter for something that your so called “perfect” students did”. my mom got Heated, roasted the fuck out of the principal, then LEFT. principal never fucked with my mom after that
so there was a fire like across the street from the school. the fd told us to evacuate, but noooooo the school was like “god will protect us” i’m like “okay but i’m gay and apparently your god hates that so i think we’re gonna Perish”. the fucking POWER went out and they STILL wouldn’t let us go. my mom called to sign me out so i could go wherever the fuck i wanted in the school until my friend’s dad came to pick us up bc she couldn’t get there bc of the fire. so i vibed next door to my friends’ class and i was like “heeeeey god’s trying to kill the gays” and we laughed about that until my gay ass got saved lmaoooo
okay so this is the funniest memory i have. in chemistry once, our teacher took us outside and started digging a lil hole next to the school. and keep in mind, my chem teacher used to be a hardcore atheist druggie, like fucking meth and coke and shit. took a theology course and converted. so he’s really sweet and nice but he’s also Slightly mad scientist vibes. so anyways, he puts something in this little hole, lights it on fire. i forgot why he did it, but i was standing back with him and one of the exchange students and the three of us watch in Horror as the rest of the class makes a circle around the fire and start doing some weird dance and saying something. it wasn’t like a chant, idk what to call it, but they were like counting like “and one, and two, and three, and four” and then the dance would get more intense and they’d get louder. so eventually they were screaming and going apeshit and i looked at my teacher and he’s just,, watching them do this. i’m like “and i’m satan, huh?”. like these kids really trying to summon the devil but i’m the bad one bc i like girls
junior year:
so technically this was during the summer but i’m putting it here. they have like a house party after the school year ends. i made cookies. apparently they “looked weird” so nobody ate them, two of my soon to be teachers kept insulting them. i called my mom to pick me up, took my cookies with me, got back in the car in tears. had to have a whole conversation with the principal and those two teachers so they could apologize bc i wanted to leave the school after that. dw tho, i took my cookies to the guards at my summer camp and they appreciated the hell out of them bc they were Very Good Cookies
so my ap bio teacher was an enabler. i was his favorite bc i wasn’t a religious nut and it was very obvious that i believed in science and not whatever the hell this cult was doing with their creationist bs. also he was a parasitologist and i’m super into parasitology so he had fun talking about it to someone who both understood and was extremely interested in the topic. i rolled up to class one day like “hey so i’m gonna buy hissing cockroaches from amazon, if my parents find out and don’t let me keep them do you want them??” and he’s like “yeah”. i brought them to class a few times and everyone Hated it but my teacher was like ayyyyy. and everyone thought he was either and atheist or agnostic, so when some girl asked how he thought mary conceived jesus to see what he said, he looked at me like “y’all hear somethin/hel p” and i go “parthenogenesis” and he Went With It, talking about how it was theoretically possible in humans but we ignored the fact that the baby would’ve been a girl bc the class is dumb none of them have ever heard of parthenogenesis before jesus is the true trans icon we all need
my art teacher was my favorite and she knows that i’m gay. she’s the only teacher from my school that i’m still in contact with. so every big project we did, i made it gay. and i knew, and my friends knew, and she knew, but the rest of the class had no idea. i’m like presenting my project and the class would get sus and they’re like “so are those two really good friends” and i’m like “so she has a rainbow heart on her choker and she has a lesbian symbol on her shirt”. the class was still confused and my friend yells “they’re LESBIANS”. it was iconic
my brit lit teacher was bi. she never said it, but i know she was. always talked about how much she hated men, then was like “women are very very good”. no way this woman was straight. so we read dracula and it’s got that Subtext, so one time i leaned over to my friend bc he sat next to me and i go “the Homoerotic Subtext”. and i didn’t realize that the teacher was right in front of me until she tapped my desk and goes “it gets better”, told me a page number that i flipped to, and it was Even More Gay and i was like 😏. also she assigned me a gay poet for my poetry project and i talked about that for my whole presentation in front of the class and it was the biggest paragraph in my essay and i got 100% on it even tho i choked at the beginning. also i mentioned in passing that i liked sappho and she goes “ooh i love sappho” i’m like “ma’am please leave this cult and get you a gf”
senior year:
i left the cult finally. went to the one school i actually liked. i made friends who actually like me and they were patient and they were amazing and i love them all very much even if i’ll never tell them. my classmates were great, v friendly, i had a great time. however,
so many fires. school got cancelled like five times bc of how bad the fires were
the school shooting. i don’t think i need to go further into that, it’s pretty self explanatory
covid. again, don’t need to go further into that, v self explanatory
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deppisallyouneed · 6 years
Why I defend Johnny Depp
A while ago I did a thread on twitter about why I believed in Johnny's innocence and I think it's time to bring it here. I warn you in advance, it’s going to be a long post. 
1. First of all because just because a woman accuses a man of dv doesn't mean I'm gonna believe her without any proof. Women can be as abusive as men. Get that through your head. 
2.  Amber first asked for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences", not a single mention of the abuse. 
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3. Before asking for the RO, she sent an extortion letter to his team demanding cars, money, apartments, spousal support and for him to pay all her legal fees or she would go to the media with the thing of the abuse
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4. After he denied these requests she, of course, went public with the dv saying Johnny abused her mentally and physically throughout their entire relationship
5. Lets talk about the incident with his finger that happened in Australia, she wasn't even there at the time. 
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6. We have then, the incident that happened on May 21 which by the way it was the same day that Doug Stanhope and his girlfriend were at Johnny's house comforting him because of his mother's death. As Doug said in his article, Johnny told them that his mood wasn't just for his mother but that now Amber was going to leave him and I quote: "threatening to lie about him publicly in any and every possible duplicitous way if he didn't agree to her terms" 
And that's exactly what happened. She sent that letter demanding all those things. He refused. She went to the media. So simple.
Going back to the incident that happened that night, THE POLICE went to their apartment and saw NO EVIDENCE of abuse. No bruises, no damaged property. NOTHING. Amber refuse to file a report.  
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8. Then in May 22, the day after, she appears at a friends party and looks fine. A picture was posted on ig but was deleted. Wonder why...
9. On May 27 she goes to the court to ask for a RO with a visible bruise on her face but the day after the bruise was gone????? 
10. She said that she wanted to keep this matter out of the public eye, yet she sold pictures to People Magazine.
11. I'm gonna address here that she was arrested for domestic violence against her then partner. She went to court and was given a two year probation And of course she tried to erase her record when she met johnny. What a coincidence uh?
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And don't come up to me saying that Tasya came on her defense because it was 7 years later. She didn't do shit back then to try and stop the trial. And by the way, the cop that arrested her is lesbian so your argument of "she was homophobic" doesn't fit here
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12. Neighbours and people who worked on the building where they lived saw Amber with NO BRUISES on her face. Their bodyguards said she was the one who needed to be pulled off him.
13. Amber avoided her deposition 3 times. THREE TIMES. Until the judge said it was time for her to sit down and give one. First she said she couldn't because she needed to be in London for a fitting but that turned out to be false.
Then she was at her best friend engagement party (priorities) and so on. So confusing that she said she wanted to be divorced from him asap but wouldn't sit to give her deposition.
14. Johnny submitted his evidence and witnesses to the court and three days after that and a day before she could have obtained a PRO she dropped everything WITH PREJUDICE. He had police officers in his witnesses list btw
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15. These are Johnny's evidence that were presented to the court. She didn't include in hers those text messages that apparently Johnny's assistant sent to her and also she didn't cite him as a witness. He was willing to testify under oath on Johnnys side. They were never verified
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16. After she said she was going to donate the money to charity  (because people were calling her a gold digger), Johnny was going to send the money directly to those charities but she refused and was going to take him to court. Again, mysterious shit going on with this girl
17. During their marriage, Johnny was seen with scrathes and bruises. She hit him in that car episode, even if it was a joke, I wouldn't dare to hit the man who behind close doors makes me fear for my life. But whatever, it doesn't seem important for anybody.
18. And lets talk about the video. If you think that somebody who has been abusing his wife throughout their entire relationship is going to chose to break glasses and smash cabinets instead of hitting the person, then I don't know what to say. In the video Johnny's pissed off about something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH HER. He says it very clearly. She asks him multiple times what happened and he replies with: "Were you here this morning?". She says no and he answers: "Then nothing happened TO YOU this morning". 
He tries so hard to ignore her but she keeps asking him and trying to make the problem about her to get a violent action from him but that never happens. He doesn't even scream at her. Then she said she was sorry, what does that have to do with all of this?  And lets get this clear, he NEVER throws anything at her. He NEVER touches her.
As Johnny said in his GQ interview this fall, his mood in that moment was because he found out about his financial situation. She knew he was in a bad mood and tried to set him up. 
It's so clear that she feared for her life when she dared to ask if he had been drinking and to record him without his consent. Then he finally finds out that she was recording him and takes the phone away from her, yet he doesn't delete the video. Sounds odd to me.
19. Amber's lawyers had to apologise to Johnny because of the statement they made saying Amber was vindicated in the court of public opinion because it wasn't true. 
20. We can also talk about her controlling behavior towards him. Like in the airport where he had to say something to her so he could go and see his fans and she lets him letting his hand go with disdain. 
Or at the Black Mass premiere at TIFF where she tried to stop him from chatting with another woman and tried to pull him aside. A lot of people have said that she treated him bad, like a child. They said he loved her so much that he would do anything for her and she knew it
Johnny HAS ALWAYS DENIED THESE ALLEGATIONS. Do you really think that if he was trully guilty he would risk his reputation, the love and trust of his family friends and fans by denying the requests in that extortion letter? Makes no sense. 
Johnny’s lawyer has said Amber admitted beign violent to him and that they have evidence of her false allegations. And they seem pretty confident so, I really hope he gets the justice he deserves. 
Johnny Depp is innocent and the truth will come out.
Johnny Depp has fought off a High Court bid to temporarily halt his libel action against The Sun over allegations that he beat his former wife Amber Heard. The judge announced: “I am not satisfied on the current evidence that Ms Heard’s concerns about the restrictions that the divorce agreement imposes on her are well-founded.” Mr Justice Nicklin said Depp had stated clearly in his evidence to the court that he expects Heard “may well” give evidence in the proceedings, and “he will not attempt to prevent that”. He added: “The fact that Ms Heard presently thinks that there is some impediment to her giving evidence for the defendants is nothing to do with Mr Depp.
Here we have, again, her trying to avoid a trial, her avoiding to give the evidence she claims she has.
Johnny has also filed a defamation lawsuit against Amber in which he asks for $50 million.
In the suit, Depp calls the “false allegations” against him “an elaborate hoax to generate positive publicity” for her and “advance her career.” The lawsuit strongly states that she is the one attacked him, claiming, “Ms. Heard is not a victim of domestic abuse; she is a perpetrator.” He claims that Heard’s abuse claims were “conclusively refuted by two separate responding police officers, a litany of neutral third-party witnesses, and 87 newly obtained surveillance camera videos.” The lawsuit claims that an employee of the building reviewed building surveillance video three days after the alleged incident. Depp claims the employee “testified under oath that she saw Whitney Heard pretend to punch her sister in the face. Then Ms. Heard, Ms. Pennington [Heard’s best friend], and Whitney Heard all laughed.” Depp also details an incident one month into their marriage where he claims she threw a glass vodka bottle at him, which shattered when he made contact with his hand. He claims his finger had to be surgically reattached and claims Heard “disseminated false accounts of this incident, casting Mr. Depp as the perpetrator of his own injury.”
Amber Heard is just a fucking psychopath, if things aren’t the way she wants she will go crazy and Johnny loved her so much that he did everything that was in his hand to keep her happy and yet, she did this to him.  
We can also talk about the multiple witnesses he has:
Esparza said under oath that she did not see any visible injuries to Heard’s face or body in the days following the incident and up to the police investigating. She explained how close in proximity she was to Amber and claimed there were no injuries. However, Esparza did note that on May 27, six days after the reported incident, Heard did have a visible injury, including a “red cut underneath her right eye and red marks by her eye.” After seeing the images, Esparza testified that she went back and reviewed security footage from the building because the “time didn’t add up” and she suspected the allegations against Depp were “false.” The concierge services owner was adamant she had seen the actress “several times” without a mark on her face.
Then we have this:
A second employee of the building, a security guard named Alex Romero also claimed to have seen Heard multiple times throughout the week and said he did not see anything to indicate that Heard had been “punched by anyone,” or had anything thrown at her, like a cell phone. The security guard said he seriously doubted the actress’ story once he saw her photos, describing on record, “I saw the pictures and the next day I saw her. I was like come on, really. I couldn’t believe,” adding, “When I saw her in person, I didn’t see anything.” Two other employees — including the general manager of the building, Brandon Patterson — also testified that Heard was observed multiple times in the building following the alleged assault and was seen “without bruises, cuts, redness, swelling or any other injuries to her face.” They also testified that building surveillance captured lots of video of Heard without any visible injuries like the ones seen in the photographs. Baruch, who admits he’s been friends with Depp for 37 years, said Heard “stretched her neck” to show him her alleged injuries, and said he could not see any injuries while standing less than a foot away from her face. Baruch was adamant that he did not even see any redness or swelling. Baruch also describes a bizarre encounter with Heard a few weeks later, on June 3, where she invited him over for dinner while Depp was out of town. The neighbor said he declined, and stated, “I think it’s best that we don’t talk anymore because I’m confused, angry and frustrated by what I’ve been seeing.”
So, Johnny has all of these evidence, yet people still believe her, because a woman can’t lie about domestic violence and we have to believe her just because she is a woman.
Johnny Depp suffered domestic abuse from his ex wife and he has PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE INJURIES SHE CAUSED HIM, WITNESSES TESTIMONIES, AUDIO TAPES AND 87 SURVEILLANCE SECURITY CAMERA VIDEOS to let you all know and let the court know THAT SHE LIED AND THAT HE IS INNOCENT. 
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