#also have fun rescuing derek you guys
cumulo-stratus · 1 year
Communication Issues
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Plantonic!BAU team x french!reader
Description: reader is from France and lived there until he was 11/12 and then moved to america and his first language is french. He also has a little bit of an accent. Basically reader is new to the team and it is their first late night back home on the jet with him. And basically they learn that when hes tired he reverts back to his mother tongue.
CW: possible swearing, I can't think of anything else
A/N: I'm thinking of making a series about this, like just funny scenarios related to the reader being French, if y'all have any ideas let me know! Also reader is gonna be loosely based off me when im rly tired cus i get kinda giggly/floppy/goofy. ( also sry it's short)
French, translation
3rd person POV:
after a hard, and long case the team was very ready to go home. They had found a 9 yr old girl and rescued her from a man holding her in his basement to torture her. And even though it took the profilers almost 3 full days with almost no sleep to find her. To say they were tired was understatement. It was almost 2 am when they trudged onto the plane, all tired physically and emotionally. Y/N was the last on the plane and decided to take the couch to get some sleep. Just as he was sitting down Reid plopped down next to him. (Y/N and Reid liked to sit next to each other so they could read together)
“Désolé reid, je veux lire avec toi, mais je suis trop fatigué pour ça” (sorry reid, i wanna read with you but im too tired for that) you said to him, slightly slurring your words. “Huh?” Spencer looked up at you with a small crease between his eyebrows. The switch in language caught the rest the rest of the team off guard as well (evidently by the looks on their faces) you peered at them just as perplexed and asked “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?” (Whats wrong?).
“Dont worry guys I’ll talk to him” said spencer with a little giggle at his new friends antics. Morgan gave spencer a little knowing look and eyebrow wiggle at his conversation with Y/N, despite having no idea what they were saying. “Mon biche, tu parle français maintenant, pas anglais.” (Darling, you’re speaking french right now, not english) says spencers with a small smile. a look of understanding dawned your features and you said “je suis?! Oh c'est pas grave, Oh, tu n'as besoin que de me comprendre de toute façon.” (I am?! Thats okay, you’re the only one who needs to understand me anyways) you say with a wink ad a giggle. Spencers cheeks went red and emily gave him a questioning look. “Y/N, tu fais quoi?” (y/n, what are you doing?). you just gave him a mischievous look before putting your head on his shoulder and snuggling into him to fall asleep. The rest of the team got bored of making fun of the pair and began their own conversations or trying to sleep. But after a minute or two the team heard and hushed but strict “shhhhh!” coming from their resident genius. “You guys are so loud! hes asleep!” said spencer’s while he gestured vicariously to the sleeping figure drooped over his left side. “hush up pretty boy, your little boyfriend over theres out cold dont worry about it.” said derek with a teasing smile. spencers cheeks turned even more red than before if hat was even possible and started stuttering about the sleep man not being his boyfriend. “okay, okay, hes not your boyfriend,” said derek with his hands up in surrender after spencer kept spluttering on about y/n not being his boyfriend.
(small time skip)
As the plane landed people began packing up their things and getting ready to get off the plane. But y/n and Spencer had moved and when the team looked over they found the two agents passed out on top of each other and snoring lightly.
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nerdy-stilinski · 2 years
A Comprehensive Bitch-Fest of the Teen Wolf Movie
Alright guys, as promised, here is the comprehensive text post of the Teen Wolf Movie. 
Under this cut will contain a pretty extensive plot (for those of us who don’t want to watch the movie). I’m gonna do another post under this one with my personal thoughts, and some fun little bones to pick with Mr. Davis surrounding canon (or lack thereof, as it were) and uh. Plot decisions all around. 
Most importantly, though, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! If you haven’t seen the movie, and you don’t want spoilers, PLEASE DO NOT LOOK UNDER THE CUT! 
I’m sure there won’t be much anyone hasn’t seen, yet, but I digress. 
We open with Liam and Hikari (the new kitsune) at some sort of restaurant in what appears to be rural Japan.
Somebody, who we later learn is Harris (and tbh, you would pick up on it if you paid any attention at ALL in seasons 1-3. I literally wrote IS THAT HARRIS????? WHAT THE FUCK the moment i saw him.), comes in looking for the triskelion container that the nogitsune is trapped in. He puts an Argent round on the counter, which I still cannot fathom why, because it’s never addressed. 
Naturally, a scuffle occurs, Harris shoots Liam and Hikari, and he says something about how he wants revenge on Beacon Hills before he opens the box. A firefly flies out, you get the gist. 
The movie cuts to LA, and shows a building in the process of collapsing. Deaton is out front, talking to a firefighter about how he’s called someone they call “the Alpha” to rescue a girl and her dog from the building. 
Yep, you guessed it, folks. Scott McCall runs an animal shelter in LA next to Deaton’s new veterinary practice. 
Scott obviously goes in the building, which partially collapses on him, but flashes his eyes at the dog, and saves the girl and the dog when the building collapses around them. 
The main credits roll, opening the movie. It is evident upon opening credits that Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Malia are going to be the main characters. Kudos, though. The credits were cool. 
We cut to Scott’s animal shelter (or Deaton’s vet hospital? unclear). Scott and Deaton have a discussion where Deaton has to explain the word “wistful” to a 30-year-old Scott and Scott repeats it like he’s studying for the SATs. I’m all for nostalgia but uh. That one icked me out. Anyways, Scott goes to lock up, and then sees a vision of Allison, reenacting the first night he met her when she hit the dog and took it to the vet. He shakes it off, but hears the dogs barking in the back , and he goes to investigate. 
Surprise, it’s Argent pointing a gun at Scott. It freaks Scott out, but they bro hug it out, like men. He’s come back to see Scott because he’s been seeing Allison too, in these weird dreams and visions. 
Argent has the katana the oni used to kill Allison, and is convinced they need to take it to Beacon Hills to put her to rest or something? 
Scott, obviously not noticing that the vibes are Rancid, agrees, and they decide to head back to BH, which they both haven’t been back to in a while, it seems like. 
Cut scene to Lydia, giving some sort of presentation and walking around a very high-end company of some sort. We find out that Lydia, instead of actually putting information in the booklets she handed out to the tour, has written Allison over and over again. (it’s also implied that the person they use as a plot device to introduce this was or is, in some way, romantically involved with Lydia).
Lydia runs to her office, where she has one of her banshee visions, and writes a ton of stuff on various pieces of paper in a pattern we can’t yet discern. She’s getting flashbacks of Allison the entire time. 
Cut scene. Eli Hale (i squealed. im not above that. that’s derek’s boy, guys) is breaking into what appears to be some kind of impound lot. He hotwires what is apparent to us is Stiles’s Jeep. 
Eli busts out of the chain link fencing, and is hauling ass and driving down a very recognizable Beacon Hills road. He flies by a parked Sheriff’s Department patrol vehicle, and we see it’s driven by Parrish. 
Cut to what appears to be the Preserve. Mason, a deputy (more on that later. i hate it) walks over to the Sheriff, and asks if Parrish should deal with their consultant’s issue. It is clear they are talking about Eli, and the Sheriff says he’ll handle it. 
Derek walks out of the forest (notes: DERKE. COMING OUT OF THE WOODS. SDJHFKDHSGKJHDSGH. DEREK. DEREK.) which has clearly been burned, and informs the Sheriff that the arsonist used chemical accelerant. He then tells the Sheriff that “we should be calling your son” to which the Sheriff replies “he has his own fires to put out.” This is one of MAYBE 5 Stiles mentions in the movie. 
The Sheriff asks Derek why he keeps stealing the Jeep, to which Derek replies, “because he knows I hate it.” (your honor. that’s gay.) 
Cut to Eli still driving, and the Jeep’s tires go flat. He’s ambushed by the Sheriff, Parrish, and his father. Derek tells him they’ll talk about it later. 
Cut to the cemetery Allison was buried at. Scott’s there, and he goes to her grave. The cemetery is overgrown, uncared for. Lydia pulls up, and Scott thanks her for getting there so fast, but she just gives him a big hug. 
They decide that they need to do something about this Allison thing, too. Scott repeatedly punches Allison’s marker, until it cracks. 
Cut to the McCall’s. Scott, Lydia, and Argent are around the island, where the katana in its’ case is sitting. Argent asks Lydia what her drawings mean, and she says she has no idea. She hasn’t used her banshee powers in a while and is out of practice. When someone asks why, and she’s silent, Jackson walks in, saying “Stiles. It obviously has something to do with Stiles” 
Lydia called Jackson in from London to help, and Jackson states that Ethan doesn’t know he’s there, because he doesn’t want anything to do with BH. 
Jackson promptly starts putting Lydia’s papers together like a puzzle, which, surprise surprise, is in the shape of the nemeton, with the word “BARDO” written boldly in the middle (a refresher: bardo is the space between death and rebirth, as believed by Tibetan Buddhism) 
Cut to Derek’s house, where he’s pulling up to (in the ugliest tan vehicle, a Nissan Xterra if my eyes don’t deceive me. bring back the FJ. this is cursed). He and Eli go into the house, and when Derek goes to hang up the keys, he promptly rips the hook off the wall. 
He scolds Eli for breaking the law, yet again, to which Eli responds, “oh, because you never broke the law?” (good comeback, kiddo.) Derek then asks Eli if this is about “the other thing” and we learn that Eli still can’t shift, despite being 15. Derek insists that he can teach Eli, and Eli asks, “what if I’m the first hale to not turn into a werewolf?” 
Derek tells Eli that it might make life easier, and when Eli asks “my life, or yours?”, Derek doesn’t respond. Eli runs to his room, and Derek mutters, in the way a tired parent would, “definitely mine.” 
We cut to where Parrish is driving the Jeep back to the lot, and he drives by the building where the lot is housed, emblazoned, “Hale Auto.” (notes: ITS HALE AUTO. DEREK RUNS AN AUTO SHOP. SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP ETC. OHHHHH MY GOD) 
Parrish walks into the shop, into the office, and Malia enters, butt-ass naked, and ambushes Parrish with a kiss. (again. more on this later. because absolutely not). they have sex (off screen obvi this is still teen wolf) and they have a conversation that makes it evident that Malia wants them to remain friends with benefits, and Parrish wants a relationship. 
Cut back to Derek’s house. He knocks on Eli’s door, and asks him if he wants to practice lacrosse before his game (it was established earlier that Eli is pretty bad at lacrosse. it’s giving Stiles but more on that later) 
Eli doesn’t answer, so Derek opens the door, and it cuts to the open window, obvious Eli has run away. (why didn’t he hear that? not sure. whatever.) 
Cut back to the Preserve. Scott and Lydia pull up in Scott’s red truck to one of the gates, Malia standing there waiting for them. It’s obvious Scott hasn’t seen Malia since they broke up off-screen, because he’s weird about it. Lydia tells Malia she missed her while hugging her, and Malia says the same thing. Lydia replies “no you didnt” and Malia says “I wanted to.” that one kinda. it kinda got me idk. 
Scott and Lydia have asked Malia to help them find the nemeton. They have the katana with them. 
Cut back to... somewhere? An enclosed space, of some kind. Might be the weird Argent batcave. Anyways. Deaton and Argent are there, and Deaton is grilling Argent with riddles, which Argent answers easily, but with increasing agitation. Eventually, Argent snaps, and snarls at Deaton, face mutating to look similar to the oni. Deaton sends mountain ash into Argent’s throat, and a firelfy is forced out. It becomes evident to everyone at this point that the nogitsune is back, at least to everyone but Scott, Malia, and Lydia. ffs. 
Cut back to Scott, Malia, and Lydia. Malia is sending them in circles looking for the nemeton, and it’s obvious she has no idea where it is. Scott yanks Eli Hale from behind a tree (very reminiscent of Scott in s1e1), and Eli’s been following them. He divests that sometimes he sleepwalks to the nemeton. Super normal. normal kid stuff. 
Eli leads them to the nemeton, and they immediately try to get rid of him. Eli tells them they’ll tell his dad they’re here, to which they IMMEDIATELY (ie Scott) say “it’s kind of personal” which, from Derek Hale, is really fucking rich. but again. later. it’s pretty clear they’re excluding him because he might actually have, i dunno, an objective opinion. god. sorry. fuck this. 
Lydia gets the sword in the nemeton and the nemeton absorbs it. not to be that guy but this is obviously a bad idea and we all knew it. (note: i wanna know why we didn’t instantly think that this is a bad idea this is so obviously a bad idea) 
They all turn to leave, and at their backs, the nemeton begins to emit a light blue glow. they turn, and find Allison naked on the stump. Scott stares, and they’re all like “how is she alive??” like god guys 
They drive Allison to the hospital, where Melissa is the first person to go “why are you holding a girl that looks exactly like Allison” like a normal person. Melissa gets her set up in a bed, yknow the drill. 
Cut back to the nemeton, which is glowing and spewing fireflies like it’s going out of style. The nogitsune appears on top of it, manifesting out of smoke, and says “chaos! pain! strife” in his campy little way. 
Cut to Beacon Hills High, where the lacrosse team is filing in and coach is giving one of his goofy ass speeches. he was probably the only genuine nostalgia in this movie that I enjoyed. 
Eli drops his crosse as he walks in and runs smack into the Sheriff, who’s standing right in front of the stairwell. Derek is actually in the stairwell, lurking in what I would describe as classic Derek fashion. Derek tells him he’s there to watch him play, and when Eli tells him he’ll probably sit on the bench, Derek tells him he’s gonna talk to coach about that. Eli protests, but Derek calls out to coach, and the Sheriff blocks Eli from running after him. 
Sheriff tells Eli that he’s not really here to watch him play -- he’s here to provide support for Derek and his delinquent son. He then threatens to arrest Eli, have him tried as an adult, and put him in a state penitentiary for 90 days if he steals the Jeep again. Eli, looking nervous, asks if his dad put him up to this. The Sheriff says maybe, but asserts that he’d do it. 
Cut to Derek in Coach’s office, and asking for more playing time for Eli. Coach negotiates four minutes, and only if they’re winning. Which is very Coach of him. 
Cut back to the hospital, where Melissa, Scott, Malia, and Lydia are contemplating if Allison is going to wake up, or if she’s “normal.” Melissa is the one who asserts that we don’t know if this is the real Allison. 
When they look back, Allison is gone from her bed. She’s obviously going through it when we see her -- getting flashbacks from when she was actively trying to kill the werewolves, hearing Kate, Victoria, etc in her ears, and this is obviously the nogitsune. 
Allison, once they find her, is immediately combative, and trying to escape. She kicks everyone’s ass, including Scott’s, who she cuts across the cheek, and he heals, exposing himself as a werewolf. She only remembers Derek as the alpha, though, and wants to kill him -- she’s after the alpha. So she bolts, leaving them all behind. She runs into Deaton and Argent, who enter the hospital, and she runs from him, which is devastating for me even as somebody who is not an Argent girlie. 
Cut to the Sheriff’s Department, where Mason tells the Sheriff that they have another problem. They’ve caught pictures of the guy in a dark, heavy coat with a hood (it’s Harris. We know it’s Harris) and he’s the one who’s been lighting the forest on fire. The Sheriff orders Mason with Parrish, and a new deputy with him, to the forest to investigate. This leaves one deputy alone in the department. I’m sure we see where this is going. 
The deputy hears a noise in the cells, grabs his gun, and moves that way. The nogitsune is in the cell, and he tells the deputy he’s a kitsune who never knew he was a kitsune. He steals the deputy’s tails “to summon other bodies” which is about as frightening as it sounds. 
Cut to the Argent’s batcave, where Allison is currently arming herself with a crossbow, arrows, daggers, and a longbow. The nogitsune is whispering her name, and she goes, armed, into one of the weird side pipes, where the nogitsune is standing. The nogitsune tells Allison it’s her friend, she doesn’t believe him right away, so it starts impersonating Victoria. The nogitsune is convincing her to get revenge on the people that stopped it, and its plan is to have the betas killed before the alpha. Allison just doesn’t know who the alpha is, obviously. There’s mention of the divine move, again, yknow. 
Back to the BHHS locker rooms, where Derek is carrying Eli into the locker room because he twisted his ankle. Eli isn’t healing because he can’t shift, or whatever. Derek tries to encourage him to shift, and this is when Allison sneaks into the locker room, crossbow and all, and immediately starts trying to kill Derek. 
Derek reacts on autopilot, and starts fighting Allison, telling Eli to run. He slams Alison against the lockers, wolfed out, and Allison notices that his eyes are blue. Derek obviously recognizes Allison and falters, but manages to run out of the locker room door. While he runs out, he gets shot in the neck, and he is immediately gushing blood, lying on the ground and crawling away from Allison, who moves towards him purposefully. 
Liam shows up right on time to try and save Derek, along with Hikari, Scott, and Malia. Allison has left BHHS. The whole time Derek is bleeding he’s begging them to find Eli, make sure he’s safe, he’s gone to the shop. Scott tells Derek to hang in there, but Derek passes out. We’re unsure if he’s alive or dead (read: i thought he was dead. i was sobbing) 
Cut to the scene of the arson with the Sheriff, Parrish, and Mason. The Sheriff recognizes the noise that precedes the oni, and immediately draws his gun. The oni appear, and immediately start fighting the Sheriff and deputies. 
Cut to Scott’s truck -- Derek is still very much alive. But they can’t find Eli, and they’re afraid because he can’t run. 
Back to the Preserve with the deputies. Mason is immediately cut down by an oni, vanishing into smoke. It looks like the Sheriff is going to get cut, but Parrish catches his blade with a flaming hand. 
They’re carrying Derek into Melissa’s; he’s still bleeding from his neck, but keeps repeating “you have to find Eli.” At this point, Peter appears from god knows where holding a blowtorch? Because they mentioned they needed to cauterize Derek’s wound and people just. Have those. love you pete. Derek cries out “no!” repeatedly as Peter blowtorches his wound (spoiler alert: i cried like a little bitch again.) 
Scott goes looking for Lydia to fix this little clusterfuck we have ourselves in, and before he leaves, Melissa asks Scott if there’s any chance that this is really Allison (essentially encouraging him to give her a chance) 
Cut back to Eli at Hale auto. He’s driving Derek’s horrible car to fill it up, and the gas isn’t pumping well. It’s pouring rain, he’s nervous, and naturally Allison comes in hauling ass. She hits his car with hers, sending it into the pump, gasoline still pumping onto the ground. Eli manages to get into Hale Auto with his key. 
Cut to the Sheriff’s Department, where Lydia, Jackson, Hikari, and Liam are in the Sheriff’s office. They’re all looking for clues. like. scooby doo. 
And we’re back to Melissa’s! Where everyone (Melissa, Argent, Deaton, and Peter) has agreed that Allison is a replica meant to trick everyone. 
And back to Hale’s Auto! So much happening sorry guys. Eli is limping through the shop and the cars in repair, eventually sliding down against one. Allison is also lurking through the shop, weapons at the ready. Eli slips around, and grabs a wrench. (note: okay eli be smart about this you dumbass 15 year old) And instead of being smart, he lunges at her with a wrench and promptly gets his ass beat. 
Fortunately enough for everyone, because Derek Hale is down like Jeff Davis is so fond of, Scott shows up to save the day. They run out of the shop, and back by the impounded cars. Scott gives Eli the werewolf pep talk, naturally, because Eli doesn’t have a father already (sorry guys im so bitter), and he roars at Eli. Eli’s eyes flash gold, and he heals. Now they can run. They run through the forest, like they do in teen wolf, and Scott stops and tells Eli he’s gonna have to run. His hand is all gross where Allison cut him because wolfsbane, and he thinks he’s gonna try and talk Allison down. 
Eli says “my dad told me he almost had to have his arm cut off once because of wolfsbane.” Scott replies with, “Eli, go find your dad. I think I might need his help.” (note: oh NOW you need his help scott) Eli runs off, Scott’s facing off Allison. 
Back at the Sheriff’s board, and they’ve figured out that the arsonist is the same guy who was at Hikari and Liam’s place. Cool. 
Okay we’re back to Eli, who is running in the road and almost gets hit by somebody. That somebody is the Sheriff. Nice, Noah. 
Melissa, Argent, and Peter are at the crime scene (ie Hale Auto). Peter and Argent are going through the crime scene, deducing what’s going on. Peter states that Allison is basically in homicidal rage, which Argent states proves that’s not his daughter. Peter says they went into the woods, so they all go looking for Allison and Scott. 
We’re at Derek’s house now -- Derek and Eli get a reunion hug, the Sheriff comes in, and Liam and Hikari are there, too. The oni are now also in the hall of Derek’s house. Great. Hikari fights them first, doing a great job - and she’s been run through and has evaporated. The same thing happens to Liam, leaving Deaton, the Sheriff, Eli, and Derek fighting the Oni. The Sheriff goes first, followed by Deaton. Eli watches Derek get run through, and right before he evaporates, Derek says “remember who you are” (it’s giving mufasa but tell that to my tears). 
Cut back to the Preserve, where Scott is arguing with Allison to not try to kill everyone? I’m not gonna lie this was a broken record. 
And we’re back to the Hale’s, where Malia and Eli are running. Malia tells Eli to run, but Eli decides that now is a good time to growl and attack the Oni. He gets evaporated into smoke the same way as the others, and Malia manages to get rid of the oni by pulling tarp off the window and bathing them in sunlight. 
Scott tells Allison that she can get him if that’s what they need to talk, and STABS HIMSELF BY GRABBING ALLISON’S ARM AND SENDING WOLFSBANE RIGHT INTO HIS GUT. 
Jackson and Lydia have decided to go to the site of the arson, where they’re trying to figure out what the purpose was, etc. (notes i made: jackson and lydia cannot make up for stiles stilinski) 
Peter, Melissa, and Argent have made it to where Allison stabbed Scott (that overlook over BH), and Peter sniffs the ground, declaring it’s a ton of blood there, and that they need to find Scott within 6-8 hours so he doesn’t die. 
Alright, Malia and Parrish are looking for silver weapons to defeat the oni and decidedly not talking about the fact that they’re friends with benefits. this was unnecessary. 
Jackson and Lydia are back at the arson site, and they’ve figured out that the arsonist (harris) is trying to create mountain ash. the trees he’s burning are rowan, which turn into mountain ash when burnt. 
Meanwhile, Scott is trying to convince Allison that she wants him alive. He reminds Allison that her family’s motto was changed by her -- we protect those who cannot protect themselves, instead of “we hunt those who hunt us.” She promptly like, kicks Scott over. Scott, cmon, man. 
The nogitsune comes back, to try and convince Allison to kill Scott. 
We flash to some sort of shadow dimension illusion, where everyone who was “killed” by the oni is all tied up and decidedly not dead, fortunately. However, the Oni are back and they’re getting all menacingly close. This, however, does not stop Derek from being so excited to hear Eli changed. I may have cried about it. Again.
Flash to Peter, Argent, and Melissa, who are standing in the woods over the college lacrosse field, where a tournament is being played. We learn this is a trap from the nogitsune, and spoilers, this is where Allison has Scott. In like a storage room or something. This is, also, where we officially learn that the hooded man is Harris. Not that all of us called it or anything. But he’s the one who came up with the accelerant (like the hale fire. cmon guys. can we stop with the metaphorical dead horse.) 
The nogitsune is threateningly moving towards Eli and sinking his claws into him. I’m sorry I don’t remember what he said I was too busy thinking about the parallels between Eli and Stiles and how I was already too hurt to be considering that. 
Alright, back to Allison and Scott. Allison decides to save Scott by... burning the wolfsbane out with a flare? Despite having no wolfsbane? love the new canon, Jeff. Fuck you. 
Scott has flashbacks to Motel California when she approaches him with the flare, but she does actually save him, Scott’s better, and Allison is remembering. hooray for love. 
The nogitsune has spat Eli right out on the lacrosse field from the shadow dimension, and Scott and Allison come out from underneath it. Scott tells Allison to be safe, because she wants to find her dad, who doesn’t know it’s actually her and not some evil doppelganger. She asks him why he would be so kind after she tried to kill him, and then Scott says “because I’m still in love with you” (notes from the time of watching: you are not still in love with allison im fucking OVER IT) 
Lydia and Jackson are under the stadium with Harris, who calls Jackson “you fucking imbecile!” nice use of the fuck word, Jeff. Die. He also keeps shooting Jackson which is less than cash money of him. 
Eli and Scott learn that they’re stuck in the college stadium, because it’s a giant illusion. Scott tries to convince coach to get the people out of the stadium safely and calmly, and Coach informs him the only way to do that is to finish the game. So naturally, Eli has Scott’s old number (literally fucking kill me) and Scott is dressed? To score? and have BHHS win the tournament? whatever Jeff’s losing all of us at this point. 
Back in the shadow illusion, Derek explains that Eli hasn’t seen his transformation since he was like, 3, because coyotes got into the house, and he transformed and got them out by roaring, and Eli was so terrified he was shaking (notes: that’s so fucked I hate it here) 
And the lacrosse field again. Scott misses a goal so bad it hits the scoreboard and breaks it. Naturally. We learn, in a cut to Lydia and Jackson and Harris, that he’s been “pulling the strings and giving the nogitsune his pain” which he has in abundance or whatever. Lydia tells us that she had a recurring dream where she and Stiles get in a wreck, and he gets thrown from the car and dies. so she breaks up with him for that. i. okay. 
Peter gets the quick on Allison, bashes her head into fencing, and she knocks out. Meanwhile, Scott tells Eli it’s his goal, and he scores the game winning goal. 
We’re back to Argent, Melissa, and Peter. And a semi-conscious Allison. Argent decides that really is his kid, and he throws a wolfsbane knife at Peter. Which might be a bit dramatic but Peter would do the same so. whatever I guess. 
Black smoke begins to roll, and everyone has been swallowed by the illusion. 
We’ve now got Allison killing the Oni, which is feeling very reminiscent of s3. Meanwhile, Lydia and Jackson are back with Harris watching this happen, and Jackson is telling her that as a banshee, she can cut through the illusion with her scream. When Lydia yells Allison’s name, she knocks back the Oni, and apparently the sense into Allison, because we have an incredibly long flashback sequence that is Allison regaining her memories. Nostalgic, sure, but entirely too long because we all watched the show asshole. 
Scott cuts a deal with the nogitsune that if he dies in Allison’s arms, the nogitsune will let the others go. Derek yells at him to not, and Scott manages to convince Allison to kill him. She shoots him with arrows 3? times? I think? Anyways, he’s in her arms and it looks really glum. 
But then! The arrows are burning out of him, because Hikari is burning them? Don’t know the logistics but it happened. Scott’s wreathed in foxfire, nobody knows what’s going on, and Allison shoots the nogitsune in the forehead with a silver arrow. Sorry, this is where it gets very chaotic and i got very emotional so it’s jumbled as hell. 
The nogitsune asks “what is that?” and Argent says “Silver, you motherfucker.” 
Back with Harris, Jackson stabs him with a knife in his boot, and Lydia got his gun. 
The nogitsune has evaporated, I wrote down that Derek said fuck at some point. Everything is looking good right now. Eli and Derek are going to shift together. There was a lot. 
But now! The nogitsune is back. Saying that when Scott bit him, it changed him -- made him something more. His wrappings fall off, his eyes are glowing green, he looks vaguely werewolfish. (what happened to not being a wolf and a fox you fucking coward jeff. give me your address) 
The nogitsune sends everyone into their own room of illusion, which all the werewolves (ie: derek, scott, and eli) break by roaring. Now, they’re all on the nematon with the nogitsune, holding him back. I can’t remember how Eli gets from the nemeton to the ground, but he does, so it’s just Derek and Scott holding him back. 
Parrish comes up like, glowing pre-flame and is intending to burn him, and Scott tells Parrish to burn the nogitsune. Parrish refuses because Scott and Derek are holding onto him, and will die if he does so. Derek looks at Eli and rest assured you know exactly what’s gonna happen. It’s Derek.
He says something to Eli along the lines of like “remember who you are” and then tells Scott “you’re the alpha, Scott. It’s always been you” or something like that, then physically throws Scott off the nogitsune and the nemeton. Derek wraps onto the nogitsune while Parrish is holding on (why the nogitsune didn’t break free while Derek was throwing Scott off is beyond me it defeats the whole purpose of having Derek die) and tells Parrish, verbatim, “Light this fucker up.” 
Parrish lights him on fire and it spreads to Derek (this is when I stopped being able to see very well because Derek burned in fire just like his family oh god sorry I’m really unwell about it) 
right before Derek is engulfed in flames, he’s wolfed out, he’s looking at Eli, and his eyes turn from blue to red (true alpha. Right before he dies. I’m going to burn Jeff at the stake) And he goes up in flames, all of them do, including Parrish. When the flames clear, Parrish is laying on the nemeton, curled up, and it’s obvious that Derek died. The nemeton/illusion fades back to the lacrosse stadium where Eli is kneeling alone and Scott immediately gives him a hug obviously becoming Eli’s interim father and. I hate it. 
We flash to Derek’s memorial. I can’t see the tv through the tears, but that’s okay. Scott tries to make it about himself by saying “he saved my life. then he said we were brothers.” and says something about how family isn’t the one you’re born with but the one you find, which is easy for the guy who still has a fucking father to say, huh? 
Noah gives Eli the Jeep, explaining Derek hated that Jeep, but when it came to him in total disrepair, he fixed it right up. Even when it shouldn’t have kept going, it did. Then he says “your dad was a lot like that. we never understood why he wouldn’t break down and stay down. I’ve never seen anyone take the kind of punishment Derek Hale took and kept taking in order to protect the people he loved.” 
We get Derek flashbacks. I still can’t breathe. Sorry guys, I’m crying again. Apologies. 
“He kept going. He kept standing up, until the day he couldn’t. He had complicated feelings about that Jeep, but you don’t need to. All you need to do is keep it running. That’s all you need to do.” 
We get a bit about Harris being put in a worse place than Eichen but I truly don’t give a fuck. I’m actively crying again as I type this. 
The movie ends with “remember who you are” in Derek’s voice with Eli standing over Beacon Hills in the Preserve. 
Fuck. Jeff. Davis 
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Emily Prentiss x Sister Reader
I need more Emily requests
Request: All I can think of is Emily having a chaos gremlin of a little sister. Everyone already knows her. Emily brings her in, and said sister gets everyone else to help her prank Emily. If Tara could also be mentioned in some fashion, that'd be great!
Reader is 12
Third person pov...
Y/N Prentiss is the little sister of SSA Agent Emily Prentiss and she is a prankster and a certified chaotic Gremlin, the little 12 year old loves pranking her sister with Emily's team.
She even gets the Grumpy Unit chief Aaron Hotchner to join in on a couple of her Pranks.
It was one of those boring days at the FBI academy for the team they weren't on  any cases and had lots of paperwork to do, Spencer was working digitally at his desk and was flying through the paperwork as he enjoyed it.
Behind him Derek and Emily were sat giggling loudly like children as they kept throwing rolled up pieces of paper at the poor man.
The laughter increased as they kept hitting their mark, Spencers head, the genius was non the wiser as a pile of paper was forming around him at their many failed attempts.
From the side JJ and Penelope sit and watch as Spencer doesn't realise, then a recognisable person walks through the elevator and into the bullpen.
"Hey guys!" Exclaims the girl they all love Y/N Prentiss, Penelope and JJ laugh when the girl is tackled by her older sister, Emily throws away her paper and pulls Y/N in for an one arm hug.
"Hey lil sis" she said as her sister laughs "hey Em" laughs Y/N as she struggles to get out of Emily's hold, she is the  rescued by Morgan who fireman carries to 12 year old away from her sister.
Emily gasps dramatically "how dare you Derek Morgan  stealing my own sister from me!" She exclaimed as Derek puts Y/N down, the giggling 12 year old manages to evade her sister and runs up the ramp to Rossi and Hotches offices.
Woth Emily hot on her tail she knocks quickly and loudly on Hotches door and ducks when he opens it, her sister isn't so lucky.
Emily had jumped into a Crouch just before the sneaking gremlin knocked on her bosses door, Hotch doesn't even question Emily as she freezes infront of his door, he then sees the source of the laughter outside his door.
"Hello again Y/N, having fun annoying your Sister?" He asks hsut about hiding a smile of his own, the 12 year old smiles innocently at the man "of course Hotch" she said before running to the safety of Penelope and JJ.
They all watch as an embarrassed Agent Prentiss stalk back to her desk after getting a look from her boss, Y/N smirks as she perches on Spencers desk.
The man had stopped writing once he heard the common behind him. "That was fun right Spence" she said to the genius who nods. "Everything is fun with you Y/N" he says before going back go paperwork rolling his eyes when he finally notices the growing pile of rolled up balls of paper around him.
"So why are you here Y/N?" Asks Penelope, the girl turns around and in a whisper says "I'm here to pull as many pranks on Emmy as possible this week"  as she pulls away a smirk makes its way on both woman's faces. "Can we help."  Asks JJ earning a nod from the girl.
'This will be fun' thought the 12 year old to herself.
It was 9am time to start the longest prank war ever, Y/N first goes to Penelope to get her help. "Hey pen, can you print copies saying 'this ___ is now voice activated please say ___' says the evil 12 year old making the tech analysis laugh gleefully.
"Of course my love I will" she says before getting to work on Y/N first prank. 'Because Emmy is getting on in her old age, I thought prankjng her woth pretending everything is voice activated will be hilarious' Y/N giggle evilly as Penelope finishes of printing them out for her.
Soon her prank is set in motion, Y/N,watches as Emily falls for her first prank, the woman was making coffee when she sees one of Y/N voice activated paper.
"This coffee maker is now voice activated just say what drink you want" she mutters, she the puts her cup underneath the depenser, Y/N covers her mouth with laugher as her sister actually says what the paper says to say.
The Agent gets weird looks at she talks go the coffee maker, while her Grelim sister dies of laugher in the corner, Y/N manages to get away and plans her next prank.
The next prank Y/N involves Rossi as he is the best cook, saod man is now staring at Y/N as if she had a second head. "You want me to do what for your prank?" He asks making Y/N sigh.
"All I want is brussel sprouts to be covered in chocolate ans then put in a box so Emmy will think they are chocolate and eat them simple, please Rossi!" Begs the teen.
Rossi easily gives in  what even he's a softy for the young girl. "Fine" he sighs as the girl cheers.
The next day Emily finds a box of chocolates on her desk, surprised she opens it ans picks one out, Y/N is spinning around in Spencers chair and has the best seat. Just as a Emily bites into the 'chocolate' she instantly spits it back out coughing loudly.
"What the fuck!" She exclaims not noticing her sister ans the others watching with knowing eyes.
Time for the next prank.
Y/N corners JJ is her office, "I need your help. You know when Emily leaves for lunch don't you?" She asks the Blonde, JJ nods her head looking suspiciously at the teen.
"What time does Emmy take her lunch break?" She asks. "Is this for another prank?" "Yes" "then fine, she takes it at 12pm everyday and is gone for 15 minutes, now tell me" Says the blonde.
Y/N excitedly tells the blonde what she's going to do. "Okay so it involves bread and lots of it"
Later that same day Emily leaves at lunch Y/N gets to work, with the help of JJ  the two open and dump out two loafs of bread into Emily desk and in all the draws nothing is left unbreaded.
Y/N is laughing uncontrollably at the face Emily will make, "quick she will be back soon" Yells JJ and the two make themselves look innocent before Emily walks back in and goes to ber desk.
"What the fuck" she yells as piles of bread is in every one of her draws and on top of her desk. In JJs office the two are laughter uncontrollably as they hear Emily's yell from the bullpen.
Y/N next accomplice is Spencer. The man is busy at his desk before Y/N appears scaring the daylight put of him. "Hello Y/N" he says not liking thr evil grin on the girls face. "Heyy spence, just wondering how many sticky notes would you need to cover a car?" She asks making the genius roll his eyes.
"Another prank for Prentiss?" He asks earning a nod from the girl. "Fine, about 5,000 sticky notes, do you need help?" He asks making the girl jump up from his desk and start dragging him away from the building.
For the next couple hours to two work together to cover Emily car in sticky notes, some how the arw done before the day is over so they wait until Emily comes down to the parking lot.
Hours later Emily arrives to her car, the black haired woman just laughs when she sees her car. "Seriously!" She exclaims as Y/N and Spencer high five each other prank complete.
Next one Y/N hunts down Derek. She easily finds him and corners him, "Hey can you distract Emmy for me it's for a prank" she says, Derek is to happy not to help her.
As Derek distracts Emily, Y/N goes into action and grabs a piece of paper and writes on it before grabbing lots of tape and begins taping it to the bottom on Emily's mouse.
When Derek finishes distracting Emily he goes back go his desk woth Y/N at his side, the two watch as Emily tries to use her mouse but finds that she can't, the black haired woman get annoyed with it and turns it around only to find a piece of paper taped to the sensor with 'Ha ha ha ha ha' written all over it.
Pissed off she throws the mouse away. Derek discreetly high fives the trouble maker next to him, Y/N watches Hotches office "now for the Boss" she mutters.
For the last prank Y/N knocks on Hotches office and walks in when he calls. "Still pranking your Sister Y/N, what do you need me to do?" He asks getting straight to it.
Y/N smirks. "All you need to do I'd be yourself but not" she says mysteriously making Hotch raise his eyebrow at the girl he was expecting something more evil.
Throughout the day Hotch would just appear and ask Emily random questions about her cases making the woman paranoid at every movement. But thr end of the day the whole team was having way to much fun messing with Emily.
When Y/Ns alast day arrived she gathered the team in the bullpen. "Well its been fun but I have to go Mother is expecting me back" she says rolling her eyes but then looks at Emily. "I've had the best fun this week guys, thanks for helping out" she says making Emily glare at her.
"It was you who's been messing with me all week, you even got my team involved!" Exclaims Emily making a grab for Y/N who hides behind the closes perosm who happens to be a woman Tara Lewis who was new to the team.
While Emily was distracted Y/N made her get away. Tara looks at thw team "Your repretation proceeds you" Says the Dr as the team laugh and fill her in on what she missed.
The end!
Hoped you like this oneshot, this was fun to write, as usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes
Request are open!
Word count: 1783
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 10, Episode 20: Angel Heart
Isn't that the Novak house?
This must be a flashback
Poor Amelia
Oh no
A dream?
So the mom is alive
That's freaky
She's definitely not
One of her happiest moments
Poor guy
She's looking for mom
Fair point
She's the furthest thing from a girl scout
She never gave a last name
At least he called
Oh, Cas
Dad mode™
Sounds like fun
You were hurt!
I'm sure it was
They want to help
He did it for you, Claire
He didn't help much
Oh boy
Wait a second. Give or take, two years ago she might've been on the trail of Emmanuel.
Um. Bye Dean
Escape artist
She doesn't like you, Cas
Dean can be scary
Dean, you need to chill a little
Oh, Dean does NOT like those
I'm sure
Hah! If it was Roy, I'd laugh
And that's not concerning at all
This is weird
I don't believe him
But you're getting it anyway
Makes sense
He didn't know his mom
I'm pretty sure I've heard this out of context and I thought it was post-Amara, but he's literally just talking about time travel 😭😭😭
That wouldn't stop Sam
I'm sure
An angel?
Hey, remember when Sam ragged on Dean for credit card scams? Yeah, me too
Okay fair
What was he taking from Amelia? It almost looked like grace
And Dean was with him 😭 can you imagine Dean Winchester in a Hot Topic
It's cute!
It wasn't Dean
Slammed his face into a table, though
He didn't kill the guy, though
You've probably heard of Eric Clapton, but if you haven't, he's known for Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I Shot the Sheriff, and Layla (as part of Derek and the Dominos). Jimmy Page is the guitarist and founder of Led Zeppelin.
Nice, Dean
Angel blade, definitely
Of course
It's not that simple
He's a loose cannon
Daddy-daughter date!
Claire is more antagonistic
I mean. True.
That's true
Cas... that's a loaded question
Sam is right on this one, but it's hard
Bill Murray is awesome
Come on, Claire
How can you know if you like it or not if you haven't seen it?
He's so dramatic
Ok, boomer
Happy Gilmore.
Sylvester Stallone face
The mini-golf is rare
I love the side-by-side
That was unfortunate
Also Cas was a jerk back then
Several times over
That's good to know, I guess
I have no clue what's happening
So like... an archangel?
*insert Michael joke here*
Depends on the angel
There's Amelia
Not exactly
Oh boy
Poor girl
Dean, maybe the lore is both. They prey on some and help others
That's fantastic
Wouldn't be the evilest angel out there
No promises
Thanks, Cas
That angel was doing some messed up stuff
That's so sad
Jimmy's been gone for a long time
Speaking of Claire...
Oh, Amelia
Wake up, Sam
Dean was right!
That's horrifying
Not for the humans
There's the sword
Evidently not
You kind of screwed up there, buddy
Baby's first hunt!
Two years
Family reunion!
Protect your mom
Of course
Where did he go?
Enough with the jump scares!
Apparently not
That's suspicious
Oh no
I don't think it is
Oh no...
Cas to the rescue
This is going great
Um. Bad idea
He's mopping the floor with them
There's no saving her
Oh, Claire...
She's in her real heaven now
The light is beautiful
Oh, Jimmy...
This is so sad, but so sweet
Wayward sisters!!!
Heck yeah!
I think Jody has it handled
Aw, he got her a birthday gift!
That's sweet
Worth a shot
Dude. Throw away the wrapping paper
He's not even 40
She didn't know better
I hope so
Oh, Dean...
This is cute
Of course
Somewhere between
0 notes
bookbornexiv · 5 years
The List
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of promising political standing, and a halfway decent army, must be in want of a cunning strategist..”
The tall lancer hunched over at the end of the bar looked up first at the sound of footsteps descending the stairs of the Forgotten Knight, as a wolf might at the bleating of a lamb. Upon hearing his name, though, he flinched, and looked harder at the person addressing him. A slim, dark fellow, dressed like a merchant or retainer, unarmed and unimpressive. Yet it was big, armoured Laurant who gave the man a respectful berth as he walked over.
"The list?"
Laurant scowled at the bluntness of the question. "If I had it ready, I’d have sought you out, wouldn’t I? I have to make inquiries. Double-check facts. These things take time. You said you weren't in a hurry, Nophica’s man."
"I am in a hurry now," the man said. He picked up Laurant's glass and drained it. Laurant watched the perfectly good highball he had barely had a mouthful of disappear, in some shock, and sorrow.
"Well, all right," he growled resignedly, signaling to the barkeep and pointing to the empty glass. "Do I get to know what's ruffled your feathers, at least? Someone say something mean about your beloved Matron?"
“It’s nothing. I made a promise - a gamble - and I thought I went prepared. But it seems I was bested." The man looked at the glass in his hand, as if upset with it for being empty. “If I was faced with a mysterious and questionably motivated stranger I would first ask for his true intentions, not his obscure and irrelevant past.. Never mind. We should both be back to work.”
He cocked his head at Laurant. “You’ve yet to find any useful information about Derek Ziegler either, have you? The man’s good lady had to be locked up to stop her besieging Ishgard in search of him. A dreadful state for anyone to be in, and her with their child on the way.. Do you really have the time to be here, getting a drink?”
"He’s your friend, not mine. And I’ll have you know there’s not many I’d let take that tone with me," Laurant said. He leaned down, almost nose to nose with the smaller man, and smiled, but only with his mouth. Something else entirely glittered in his mad yellow eyes.. Yet the man simply stared back, unflinching, and it was Laurant who first looked away.
"Rat like me poking his nose in high places, asking about noble lords and ladies? You'll drive me to an early grave." All his oily menace had left him, and he simply slumped on the bar counter like a giant, sulking child. "Ziegler I understand; you’re either genuinely fond of that lot he runs with, or it’s useful if they think you are. But what is Nophica’s man planning to do with a list of all the young lords in this stinking city, anyway? You plotting revenge?"
"Not revenge," the man said, very quietly. "Revolution."
The barkeep interrupted them then, to place two more highballs on the counter. The dark man picked one up and steadily drank from it, in much the same manner he had the first. Laurant sighed, and made sure to grab the remaining glass quickly.
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arotechno · 3 years
Jughead (2015), Issues 7-8: Discussion and Commentary
Boy oh boy am I excited to talk about this arc!! These two issues hold a very special place in my cold little aro heart.
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(By the way, do you see that? I managed to get a digital copy from my library via Hoopla, which means you are spared from my shitty phone grabs. I’ll fix the previous post, don’t worry. Try clicking on the screenshots if tumblr blurs them. And try Hoopla, if you’ve got a library card and have been looking to read these.)
Fed up with him sitting around the house playing video games all summer, Mr. Jones forces Jughead to get out of the house and do something outside. Jughead finds Archie at the pool where he’s working as a lifeguard, and convinces him to take time off to go camping in the woods with him at their friend Dilton’s cottage.
They take Archie’s car out to the woods, only to find that the lake is overrun with Reggie’s over-the-top relatives at the Mantle family reunion. Horrified, Jughead and Archie go out on a hike to get away. This is where things go downhill—literally.
Jughead calls Archie out for his growing fixation with Veronica Lodge, whose father is the one trying to clear out Fox Forest. Archie immediately goes on the defensive, but Jughead, understandably, really doesn’t get it. And here’s where we see that this is a divide that has been brewing between them for quite some time, even if Archie seemingly had no idea it was happening.
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The boys end up getting lost, which only serves to fuel their frustrations. It occurs to Jughead, some time later, that the lake they’re camping at is not that far from Camp Lucey, an all-girls summer camp. Shocked and hurt, he accuses Archie of only agreeing to go on the trip to pick up girls, and not to hang out with him. He tackles Archie and they tumble down a hill into the woods below.
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This is a really interesting story, from an aro’s perspective. Jughead can’t relate to Archie’s teenage obsession with girls, and it isn’t something they can bond over like other friends may have been able to do. On a simple level, all Jughead really wants to do is hang out with his best friend, just the two of them, just like old times—back when they were younger, before Archie’s interest in girls seemed to take over his every waking moment. Importantly, Jughead never objects to Archie’s romantic pursuits on principle (he does have an issue with Veronica, but that has to do more with her father’s actions than her). It isn’t that he wants to stand in the way of Archie’s happiness—he just feels left behind, and that’s something I think a lot of aromantic people, teenagers especially, can resonate with.
Eventually, Archie and Jughead run into Mr. Weatherbee of all people, who begrudgingly offers to help lead them back to camp. It’s at this point that we get one of my favorite moments in the entire series, one that I have waxed poetic about on this blog before and probably will again.
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Archie insists that he is in fact here to hang out with Jughead, and that he’s just being dramatic. Jughead, on the other hand, insists that Archie’s the one being dramatic with his love triangle problems, to which Archie replies:
“Look, I’m not going to apologize for being a normal guy, I—”
And Jughead’s reaction to those words has stuck with me since the first time I read this. He’s shocked, hurt, and clearly a little angry that Archie would say something like that. And it’s a subtle moment, one that you might not even feel the gravity of if you didn’t know that Jughead was aro. What’s most important here, though, isn’t Jughead’s reaction, but the fact that Archie is clearly in the wrong, and he knows it. He tries to backtrack immediately (“Jughead! I didn’t mean it like that! Wait!”), but Jughead ignores him, as Mr. Bee has already gotten them lost again.
This singular page is, to me, a deeper and more nuanced portrayal than many works with “on-the-page” canon aromantic characters. This arc isn’t about Jughead being aro (in fact, none of the comics particularly are). But this is a meaningful incorporation of Jughead’s orientation into his daily life and his relationships with other people—namely, with his best friend. Although Jughead is being somewhat harsh with Archie, never does the narrative place him in the wrong for feeling abandoned, hurt, or angry because of Archie’s words and actions. Even Archie, his best friend, is capable of saying things that hurt him, and his words in this scene are never excused or justified by the narrative.
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It also means a lot to me that Archie apologizes the second he gets the chance to, and that Jughead is quick to forgive him and explain that he just misses the time before Archie was so obsessed with girls. I wouldn’t want the story to just turn into a feud between them. You know when you’re on a trip with your friends and you get lost and you’re tired and frustrated you just end up airing your grievances and coming out of it with a new understanding of your friendship while trying to solve the mess you’re in? That’s what this arc is.
Anyway, after a run-in with Reggie’s relative and Mr. Weatherbee’s old high school bully Ted Mantle, the trio manage to make it out of the woods—after several hours of walking until the sun has come up. There, they find that Camp Lucey has actually been renamed, and is now a camp for elementary school girls, where Betty happens to be working. So after all of that, Archie just ends up making a fool of himself, like usual. Mr. Bee’s wife drives over to rescue them and brings the boys back to Dilton’s cottage, where she remarks that she’s heard a lot about Archie and Jughead, and that they’re inseparable.
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At its core, this is a story about friendship. It’s about the difficulties that come with realizing you can’t always relate to each other, and you can’t always read each other’s minds, and you sometimes say the wrong thing without meaning to. It’s a story about growing up, but not necessarily growing apart, and being able to reconcile your differences.
Archie assumes that after all of their bickering, Jughead would just want to go home and not hang out with him anymore. But turning back now would be contrary to what Jughead wanted in the first place, which was just to hang out with his best friend.
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All’s well that end’s well, and Jughead and Archie patch things over and vow that they will always be best friends. It’s a wholesome moment, and reflects a common struggle for aspec teens that I rarely see addressed in media, if at all. Sometimes, it feels like your friends are all moving on without you, and sometimes they don’t even realize it when they’ve been neglecting your friendship. It takes communication to work these things out, and I’m happy to see that illustrated here.
This arc is my favorite, I think, and there’s reasons for that even outside of the aspects I’ve already detailed here. The kids getting lost in the woods on summer vacation is a fun way of framing the deeper story, and there are a lot of funny and endearing moments in these two issues. (Archie falls on his face, a lot, and Mr. Weatherbee is stoically exasperated with both of their antics.)
These are the last issues written by Chip Zdarsky. So shoutout to him for some of the most nuanced representations of aromanticism in fiction to date, even if he never wrote the word down on the page (I’ll get to that, don’t worry). But these are the first issues illustrated by Derek Charm, whose art style I love (no offense Erica Henderson), and the rest of the volume has a lot of other good aro moments in store. Until then, here’s himbo Archie:
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See? Pure of heart, dumb of ass. You can’t be mad at him for long. (He falls into a hole later on the same page.)
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Yeah, me too.
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Request for a little angsty fic with some fluff at the end? Maybe reader is BAU team member and goes undercover but it goes wrong and she gets pretty hurt while inside. Hotch has to keep his cool but is mad/upset but they eventually get her out and have fluffy ending .. details can be changed 😊
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, angsty
“What’s a beautiful lady like you doing here all alone” a large hand rested on my exposed lower back as I leaned on the bar. Looking over to the owner I smirked as the man smiled down at me. So far so good
“Been having some troubles at work lately and I just need some form of relief, think you could help me out?” my fingers trailed up the man’s arm, squeezing his biceps 
“Careful y/n or you may just end up sleeping with the man” Morgan’s voice came through my coms   
His dark eyes raked over my curves that were accentuated by the form fitting dress that reached mid thigh, pulling me closer to him
“I’ve got just what you need. Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private?” taking my hand in his he lead me through the crowd of the pub. My eyes locked with Derek’s across the room before Slade lead me to a vacant corridor. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could I was hit over the head
“Hotch I lost her” Morgan’s panicked voice came through my phone’s speakers. My stomach dropped as my entire body filled with fear
“What do you mean you lost her!” my fists balled into fists as they rested on the table. The team sat there sharing the same look, fear
“He took her out of the room and I stayed back. I found her coms in the corridor and I searched the entire place, she’s gone, I’m sorry”
“Get back to the office we don’t have much time to find her” hanging up I turned to Garcia 
“I need you to dig up everything that you could find on Slade Wright, associates, properties, family history, everything Garcia” I ordered as anger started over taking me, jaw cleanched tightly I went to my office
This can’t be happening again 
I cannot lose someone that I love to this job again
Getting to my destination I shut the door behind me and went over to my desk. Letting out a frustrated grunt I cleared everything off of it
Damn it! Why did I agree to send her in
Plopping down in my chair I ran my hands down my face and took some deep breaths to try and calm down. Hard to do that when your fiance is God knows where with our latest unsub
“Wh-where am I?” groaning I blinked multipule times to adjust to the dim lighting. I went to move my arms but I couldn’t, the were bound with rope behing my back as I sat upright on the wooden chair 
“You know, you almost had me Agent Y/L/N. Too bad we never got round to that relief you wanted” Slade’s hot breath fanned against my neck as he leaned over my shoulder
“Such a shame really, I thought I had your dumb ass in the bag”  he yanked my head back forcing me to look at him
“Watch your mouth or else” 
“Or else what, you’re going to carve me up the same way you did to all those women” tightening his hold on me he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out his pocket knife, blade glimmering in the light 
“Yes, but first” I held in my urge to scream from his blade being jabbed into my thigh
“Let’s have some fun” 
Eight hours
That’s how long it’s been since her abduction and we’re nowhere closer to finding out where he took her. Walking out the front door of Slade’s getaway property I dialed Garcias number, she answered almost immediately  
“Garcia are you sure they’re aren’t any other locations in his name or aliasses?” furrowing my eyes I looked up at Rossi and Prentis as they came closer to me
“I checked them all sir, nothing under his parents or his name besides the houses that you’ve raided already unless-” she paused and the tapping of keys became louder 
“Unless what Garcia?” Rossi asked
“I checked everyone besides his ex-wife” 
“What do we know about her Garcia?”
“Heather Wright, she was twenty-nine when she died three months ago”
“How’d she die?”
“Suicide, she slit her wrists in her bathtub. According to the police report Slade went over to her house to drop off their six year old daughter Hailey, she didn’t answer the door and he used the spare  key and went in. He saw the water running from the bathroom and that’s when he found her”
“There’s his stresser”
“I need an address Garcia” the three of us headed to the suv 
“Already sent to your device”
“You’re going to wish you didn’t do this” coughing I winced at the pain that shot through my body, blood slowly oozing out of all the places he used his knife
“Who’s going to save you baby, I don’t see your beloved husband to be anywhere and yes before you ask how I know about your fiance, I did my research on the BAU the moment you guys showed up” he came closer to me laughing, taunting me with each stride he took. Slowly tilting my head to the side I saw movement in the doorway, Aaron. He slowly walked in making no sounds or sudden movements, gun pointed at Slade
I halfheartedly laughed at his predicament and he tipped my head backward
“What’s so funny?”
“You should probably look behind you” I coughed, blood spluttering out of my mouth
“Drop the knife” Aaron ordered and Slade pressed it to my neck
“Think about your daughter, Hailey. She already lost her mom she doesn’t have to lose her father also” he slowly removed the weapon before dropping it to the floor. Rossi came over and cuffed him, taking him out of the room as Aaron shouted for medics
“Took you long enough” I chuckled lightly as he undid the ropes on my arms
“It’s not funny, I almost lost you”
The medics came in and they helped me into the gurney. Aaron held my hand as they wheeled me out to the ambulance. He brushed the hair out of my face and kissed my temple
“I love you y/n”
“I love you too Aaron”
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Unlikely Trio
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!Reader x Derek Morgan Summary: As you sleep on the jet, your boys talk about how lucky they are with you. Word Count:  1,385 Request: “could you do a spencer reid x male reader x derek fic? it's fine if you don't want to do the poly but if now a psycho male reader instead?” A/n: I’ve already written almost five chapters for the Remus Lupin!Son x Harry Potter series so like, first part on Friday (BST)?
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“Can you stop staring, I’m trying to sleep.”
JJ snorted as she hears your very tired voice from one of the corners of the jets, you leaned against the wall as your two significant others sat across you. You had your eyes closed, but you were getting conscious as their eyes harden their stare. You sighed as you opened your eyes, looking to your left to Emily.
“Don’t look at me, I don’t have control over them.”
Hotch chuckles, hearing the conversation, “Alright, boys, let (Y/n) sleep.”
“Thank you, at least someone comes to my rescue,” You exclaimed, shifting yourself and leaning against the wall.
“You can pester him later when we’re off the jet,” Hotch finished as you let out an exasperated sigh, making everyone on the jet chuckle.
It’s not your fault you got injured in the latest case, it was supposed to be an easy investigate house and leave kind of job, and yet, the unsub had trapped the house. So, whilst you opened one of the doors, you had triggered one of the wires - shooting an arrow right into your shoulder. You wear a bulletproof vest to avoid getting critically harm if shot. They don’t prepare you when you get shot with an arrow, then again you don’t know what the odds are on getting shot with an arrow in your daily life.
And, you rather not ask Spencer on that statistic. 
So, here you were in the jet on the way home, trying to sleep. You’ve tried to say to your boyfriends that it wasn’t that much of a deal. It wasn’t that deep of a wound and the doctors said you’ll be healed two weeks tops and in that time, you’re on desk work - not that you were complaining. 
But, they refused to take your word for it. They are way too observant, they saw you wince when you accidentally moved it, groaned when a police officer had patted you against the shoulder. They had noticed that you were losing concentration quicker than usual because you were too distracted with the throbbing pain in your shoulder. 
You get it, they were concerned for you and you would be too. But, they’re your boyfriends, not your mother. You just wanted to sleep before your boyfriends overwhelm you with excessive worry. You let out a sigh of content when you feel both their stares divert somewhere else.
Emily had suggested that they play poker, she had felt that you were uncomfortable and tense under their stares, and whilst she found the whole situation amusing - you really did need your rest. After five minutes of their game, they see you visibly relax and your breathing even out signalling that you were out cold.
“You know,” Emily hummed, “You two getting together, predicable, but then adding (Y/n)? Unpredictable.”
“Why do you say that?” Spencer asked, tilting his head, “We’re very lucky to be with him...”
“Is that so?” Emily wondered, eyebrow raising as a soft snore could be heard from your end, “Bless him, he seems tired out.”
“I don’t blame him,” Rossi mentions, also listening to their conversation, “I don’t think he could sleep well after getting hit by an arrow. I heard him muttering about if he hadn’t moved that was straight to his throat - I wouldn’t be so surprised if he’s been dreaming a different outcome.”
Emily cooed as your boyfriends looked over to you, your arms wrapped around your stomach as you had one of those neck pillows around you, your head against the wall. It seems like they get baffled on how quickly you fall asleep, you could be the most talkative person and yet fall asleep mid-sentence.
“I don’t doubt your love for him,” Emily continues, “I like you three happy together. You guys seem so lucky.”
“Of course, we are,” Spencer nodded, a smile creeping on his lips as his eyes light up.
“I mean, there are so many great things about (Y/n), what’s not to love about him?” Derek continues, laughing and shaking his head as he remembers your little quirks and such, “I mean he’s already great at work, but off-work, you see a different part to him.”
“I heard he teaches baseball for little league,” JJ speaks up, looking up from her book, “I was considering to send Henry for it.”
“That’ll be adorable,” Spencer gushed, “And yes, (Y/n) does do little league, you should see him and Derek play, I always get concerned that one of them will get hurt.”
“Yeah, I always forget how fast (Y/n) is,” Derek shakes his head, “I mean who would have thought this man could play the piano blindfolded? Or when he was younger, was that type of kid you hated in high school because he was all about sports.”
“God, I hated them,” Emily rolls her eyes as she exclaims her opinion, “I mean, they were always rude, and our sweet (Y/n) being a jock, it just doesn’t add up.”
Derek nods, agreeing, he might like sports as he grew up but you were more a sports fanatic than him, “You should come by his apartment and you’ll see his high school photo album, he looks good in a varsity jacket.”
“Also, on top of that, he has a passion for piano and has a great vinyl collection,” Spencer continues, “He’s a horrible dancer, but there’s never a day in his apartment where there isn’t music playing. He’s adorable when he tries to dance, but without a fail, he always seems to get both of us to join him.”
The game of poker was abandoned as they continued to talk about you and their relationship with them, they didn’t know how long they were even talking - could be half an hour, could have been an hour. The three of you was an unlikely trio. Everyone remembers how you guys got together, it wasn’t Spencer and Derek asking you out - in fact, they had been pitifully pining over you at work. They just didn’t know how to invite you into their relationship without getting rejected.
But, unexpectedly, you had come bouncing into work with the brightest smile on your face. Holding up three tickets to a shared love for musical theatre, inviting them two with you, as they agreed. You smile turned into a charming smirk, everyone witness how quickly your aura changing. 
The soft sunshine boy switching to a smug charming lad as you exclaimed it was a date with a wink, before heading to Hotch’s office with your files. Since then, whilst Spencer and Derek was a great pair, with you, it was perfect as if you were the glue between them, the middle of their personality, their sunshine. 
“He can get cocky, it’s in his nature...” Spencer complains as Emily chuckled, shaking your head.
“Shut up,” You mumbled, “You like it.”
The three of them turned to look at you, as you slowly opened your eyes. Blinking awake before stretching yourself into regret as you whine in pain when you awkwardly shifted your shoulder. Derek and Spencer cringed because they didn’t want to see you in pain.
“How long have you been awake?” Derek asked as he could feel Spencer tense up next to him, Spencer’s awkwardness emitting to everyone as his cheeks blushed red as you catch them talking about you.
“Dunno, five minutes?” You shrugged, then moaning, “I mean, you guys get excited when you talk about me so you started to get louder...”
“Oh, we apologise,” Spencer looks at you sheepishly as you shake your head.
“No, please continue, I would love to know the story of how you know you were in love with me...”
There was a smirk on your face as Derek’s and Spencer’s smile fall flat, causing JJ and Emily to burst out into laughter.
“You’re a dick,” Derek mutters as you give him a look, “Yeah, yeah, don’t say it. We already know. We like it.”
“Like?” You teased, licking you lip then biting it, “I think you mean love it, sweetheart.”
Derek and Spencer looked at you, you cheekily raised an eyebrow, you might be untouchable now, but you were so going to get it later back at home. You might as well have your fun with it.
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Plain Sight: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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"Don't forget that I cannot see myself -- that my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror." - Jacques Rigaut
Being the youngest one on the team not only made you feel like you needed to work extra hard to prove you were worthy of your place on the team, but it made you feel like an outcast because everyone was so close and tight-knit. The only person you really knew was Gideon, but he was more closer to Hotch than anyone else since they were closer in age than the rest. The person closest to your age is Spencer which is why you feel like you connect more with him than anyone else.
It’s his birthday today, and everyone is celebrating at his desk with cake and trick candles. They seemed to be having a good time, and you didn’t want to join them and ruin their fun. It didn’t feel like you were part of this family just yet since you were fairly new with abilities they’ve never seen before. However, even if you weren’t celebrating with them, you still got Spencer a present. It’s special since you knew he would hold it dear to his heart. You were pretty proud of yourself for finding the exact item you wanted even though you were at the point of ripping your own hair out.
Hotch and Gideon were off to the side to watch the rest of the team celebrate, and you stood by them with your arms crossed shyly.
“Make a wish!” Elle grinned.
“Come on man! Blow, baby blow!” Derek teased when Spencer kept blowing at his candles despite them not going out.
“I thought you are full of hot air, Reid,” Elle joked.
“Come on, Reid.”
“They're trick candles, Spence, okay? They gonna come back on every time,” JJ caved in after seeing him try so hard to blow them out.
Derek grabbed the ends of Spencer’s big blue birthday hat and shoved it further down on his head with a huge smile.
“Oh, mommy to rescue you!”
“Mommy?” Spencer scoffed, shaking off his friend.
“Is it amazing he knows what he knows and he's only 24?” Hotch asked his friend with a shocked smile.
“Imagine what he’ll know by fifty.”
“I’m twenty-two,” you spoke up, causing both heads to turn to you.
“Why aren’t you over there with them?” Gideon asked.
“I don’t feel like I’m part of the family just yet. I mean, I’m the youngest, so I feel like they think I’m a kid or something. I don’t know. I’m weird,” you chuckled nervously.
“Hey, lil’ mama,” Derek called out for you when he noticed you off to the side. “Come on.”
“Yeah, come over here,” Spencer smiled.
Once he chimed in, the rest of the team wanted you to join them. Blushing, you hesitantly walked over to the group, and Derek wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“You’re part of this team now. You’ve proven yourself,” he grinned.
“Thanks, Derek,” you smiled right back.
“You blew wax on the cake, man,” Derek scoffed playfully, taking his arm away to help cut the cake.
Spencer got up to replace your spot next to Gideon since Hotch needed to take a call.
“Is this homemade or store bought?” you asked.
“I made it,” JJ smiled widely.
“Wow, this looks amazing and I bet it tastes amazing too,” you chuckled.
She put the first piece of cake on the plate, turned to Spencer, and called out to him.
“Hey Spence, first piece for the birthday boy,” she smiled.
Spencer looked from her to you, and you gave him a shy smile with a wave. He said something to Gideon before heading over, and he took the plate.
“Thank you.”
“Birthday boy,” you sang, taking a piece of cake that JJ handed you.
“When’s your birthday?”
“Not long after yours. Mine’s in February. I’ll be twenty-three. Sometimes I feel like I’m too young to be here.”
“I know that feeling,” he chuckled.
“Sorry, guys,” Hotch interrupted as he set the phone down with a sigh, “the party's over.”
The team knew what that meant, so they packed everything they could as fast as they could so they could discuss the case you knew was waiting for you in the briefing room. Each team member started for the stairs, but you grabbed Spencer’s arm to hold him back for a second.
“Sorry, I just, um… I know I haven’t known you for very long, but I got you something. A birthday present.”
“You did? You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but, um, you’ll have to wait until the end of the case to get it.”
“It gives you something to look forward to, yeah? Plus, we usually end cases at night, and I know you were born at night so why not make it memorable.”
“You remembered what time I was born?” he asked, shocked you took the time to do so.
“Reid, Y/N, let’s go,” Hotch announced from the conference room.
“Why wouldn’t I remember that?” you asked, brushing past him to rush to the conference room.
Spencer looked at you as you left, and he couldn’t help but give a hint of a smile at that piece of information. The files were already passed out, and you and Spencer took your seats so that everyone else could begin. There was no need to apologize since Hotch just jumped right into this one.
“We're going to San Diego.”
“Not for the surfing, huh?” Derek commented.
“They're calling him the Tommy killer. Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks,” JJ shared.
“Six in three weeks? That's a short fuse,” you whistled.
“And getting shorter. The first two were eight days apart then the next four in two weeks.”
“Rapid escalation. Do you think he's regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?” Spencer asked.
“No, he's too controlled for that. See you on the plane,” Hotch answered, getting up to leave the room. However, before he could, Derek stopped him with a question.
“Why the Tommy killer?”
“You know the rock opera? This unsub glues the victims' eyes wide open.”
“He wants them to see him,” Spencer noted.
“And feel him,” you added.
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“Brenda Samms was found yesterday by her children when they got home from school. She had been strangled with a thin ligature, possibly a wire. No weapon was left at the scene,” Hotch ran over the details of the case once everyone was on the plane.
Since it was one of the smaller jets, everyone was in close proximity of each other with you and Spencer seated next to each other, JJ, Gideon, and Elle in the middle, Hotch across from you and Spencer, and Derek all by his lonesome towards the front.
“The residue on the wrist and mouth indicate that duct tape was used and then removed. Also not found at the scene,” Spencer remarked. “Brought it with him, took it with him.”
“He also started leaving messages at the fourth scene,” Hotch explained, reading from one of the quotes left on the mirror at the latest victim’s house. “This was on the mirrors. ‘Fair lady, throw those costly robes aside. No longer may you glory in your pride. Take leave of all your carnal, vain delight’.”
“I’ve come to summon you away this night,” Spencer finished. “It's a ballad from the late 1600s. A dialogue betwixt death and a lady.”
“A 17th century ballad?” you thought.
“Essentially, a woman begging death to live.”
“What kind of person knows this ballad? Are we looking for a literature professor?” Elle wondered.
“Anyone with an internet connection, actually. You should see what comes up when you type the word ‘death’ into a search engine,” Spencer chuckled.
“Reid, no wonder you can't get a date,” Derek teased, but it wiped the smile off the young doctor’s face. 
Leaning over the small space, you got close enough to his ear so that only he could hear you.
“Don’t listen to him, Spencer. You’re a catch,” you patted him on the shoulder before sliding back into your normal position.
“Reid, you stay on the messages. See if there's a deeper meaning,” Hotch ordered.
“It definitely looks like he ransacked the crime scene pretty well. A lot of damage, but nothing seems to be taken,” you observed.
“The eyes are the thing, the signature. The behavior that isn't necessary for the murder, but necessary for the emotional release. That's what he's there for,” Gideon stated.
“There used to be a widely held belief that the eyes record a snapshot of the last thing a person sees before they die.”
“Yeah, that's right. People used to write poems about talking to death,” Derek commented.
“Ballads,” Spencer corrected him.
“You think they'll ever run out of new things to do with their victims?” Elle asked.
“Well, finding new ways to hurt each other is what we're good at,” Gideon sighed.
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cressidascowper · 3 years
people fall in love in mysterious ways (maybe it’s all part of a plan)
summary: While Spencer may not be the most versed in the world of relationships, he’s not completely oblivious, and even he can note the most obvious of things. 
The development of JJ and Elle’s relationship through the eyes of Dr. Spencer Reid. 
pairing: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway (jelle)
word count: 4.9k
read on ao3 or below the cut
Pittacus Lore wrote, “Those things that are the most obvious are the very things we’re most likely to overlook.”
Spencer Reid didn’t quite know what to expect when he first met Elle Greenaway. He had been impressed by her tactics to lure the unsub out of his house and also by her knowledge of the David Merkowitz’s diaries. He also knew her specialty and reputation with Seattle’s sex offender cases but was unsure how she would work into the team dynamic, especially as the only woman, not that Spencer had any issue with that, it was just different.
But when he’d heard her sass Morgan back at Slessman’s house and that she’d shot the unsub to save Gideon’s and the girl’s lives, Spencer knew she’d fit right in.
Back at Quantico, Spencer is diligently working at his desk when Elle saunters down the stairs.
“Question for you.”
Derek briefly looks up from his computer. “Shoot.”
“The footpath killer, why did he stutter?”
“Come on, Elle, we’ve all asked him,” Morgan leans back in his chair, fully addressing her, “and he won’t say, he wants us to figure it out.”
“Okay,” she says, sitting on her desk, as she fidgets with her new name plate. “I’m up for a challenge.”
“Good,” JJ walks into the bullpen with a stack of files, “because these go to you.”
Spencer intently watches as the media liaison sets down the pile of papers on Elle’s desk and extends her hand.
“Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you like.”
He carefully observes their interaction, trying to read both women.
“Greenaway,” JJ finishes knowingly, “highest number of solved cases in Seattle three years running, speciality in sex offender cases.”
Elle briefly glances at Spencer, clearly impressed. “Not bad.”
“Well, I’m the unit liaison. My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots,” JJ explains, as she makes her way towards the stairs. Spencer notices Elle’s eyes widen at the other woman’s slight rambling. “You’ll probably be talking to me a lot. My door’s always open, mostly because I’m never in my office, so just call me on my cell okay? We’ll talk.”
Reid furrows his eyebrows at JJ’s winded explanation. The liaison rarely rambled on like that, perhaps a nervous habit. It is true that it is more likely for a person to ramble or rush their speech when nervous or anxious. He then looks back to Elle, who gags at the unload of information she just received.
Despite only knowing the brunette for a short period of time, Spencer could tell she was a down to business and no bullshit or fluff type of person. She was the kind of profiler who was focused on catching the bad guy, none of the rest mattered.
Before he can further dwell on the way Elle and JJ’s different personalities would mesh on the team, Hotch calls them into the conference room for another case.
A couple weeks later, the team is celebrating his 24th birthday. After Spencer tries, and fails, many times to blow the candles out, JJ stops him, “They’re trick candles, Spence. Okay? They’re gonna come back on every time.”
With one final attempt, he gives a hard blow, but as JJ said, they came back on.
Derek messes with the birthday hat Spencer was wearing, teasing, “Oh, mommy to the rescue.”
“Mommy?” Spencer scrunches his face, confused.
“Ignore him.”
As Elle and JJ work to dispose the cake of the fake candles, Spencer gets up to talk to Gideon.
“You having fun?” The older profiler asks.
“Yes, definitely,” Reid confirms awkwardly. “I’m definitely having fun.”
“Make a wish?”
“Can I take this hat off?” he looks up at the offending object.
“I wouldn’t,” Gideon shakes his head to which Spencer just lets out a small laugh.
“Hey, Spence,” JJ calls over to him, holding out a plate. “First piece for the birthday boy.”
Before going to retrieve his cake, Spencer turns back to Gideon and whispers, “Do you know she’s the only person in the whole world who calls me ‘Spence’?”
As Morgan, JJ, Elle, and him all at their cake, Hotch hangs up the phone before addressing them, “Sorry, guys, party’s over.”
Throughout the entire case of the Tommy Killer, Morgan’s comment about him not being able to get a date bugged Spencer. As they wait for the trap and trace, Spencer sits with Elle at a desk, fidgeting with a Rubik’s cube.
“God, I hate waiting like this,” Elle groans, spinning her cellphone around on the desk.
“Do you think it’s weird that I knew that ballad?”
She lets out a laugh, “I don’t know how it is that you know half the things you know, but I’m glad you do.”
“Do you think that’s why I can’t get a date?” He asks, looking up at her.
“You ever ask anyone out?” She retorts sincerely.
He thinks about it briefly, “No.”
“That’s why you can’t get a date.”
Spencer nods his head slightly at her fair point. Before he can ask anything else, the phone rings with a call from the unsub.
Back on the plane, after wrapping up the case, Gideon gives Reid a pair of Redskin’s tickets, encouraging the younger profiler to ask JJ out on a date.
Spencer walks to the other end of the jet and sits down in the empty seat next to the liaison. “Hey.”
Looking up from the papers she was reading, she smiles, “Hey.”
He pulls out the tickets from his shirt pocket, “I got these tickets to the Redskin’s game, and I heard you were a big fan,” he shyly explains. “You maybe wanna go with me?”
“I’d love to, Spence,” JJ accepts, nodding with a grin.
As the two of them continue to talk, Spencer feels someone’s eyes on him. Scanning the plane, he sees Elle has woken up from her nap and is now looking at the two of them. He locks eyes with her very briefly, an unreadable expression on her face, before she quickly diverts her attention. Spencer shakes it off and resumes his conversation with JJ.
The date with JJ is going pretty well, especially considering it is his first date ever. They go out to an early dinner at a Thai place in downtown DC before heading to the football stadium. He is having a good time; however, it honestly feels more like he’s just hanging out with a friend.
As they watch the game, JJ spends most of the time explaining the rules of the game to him, while he just spewed off random statistics and probabilities he’d researched, hoping to at least sound like he fit in at the stadium.
However, Spencer notices that the conversation would always drift towards a certain brunette profiler, the newest member of the team.
“Did you know that Elle is originally from New York?”
“No, I didn’t,” he tilts his head to the side. “Although that does make sense. Her personality is very Brooklyn.”
“True,” JJ chuckles, her eyes lighting up. “She’s a Jet’s fan. We watched the game together a couple weeks ago.”
Based on their first interaction, Spencer never would’ve thought the two women would have gotten along; apparently, he couldn’t have been more wrong. According to the liaison, her and Elle go out for lunches and dinners togethers, especially when they were away on cases, and also have girls nights both with Penelope and sometimes just by themselves.
At the end of the night, as JJ pulls up to Spencer’s apartment, he nervously wipes his hands on his pants. “I had a fun time tonight.”
“Me too, Spence,” she returns with a polite smile.
Not knowing how to phrase what he’s about to say without sounding too blunt, he decides to just blurt it out, “Although, I don’t know if we are romantically compatible.”
JJ just lets out a small giggle, shaking her head at the awkward genius.
“Sorry,” Spencer’s cheeks tint pink, hidden by the shadows of the night sky.
“It’s alright,” the blonde assures. “I agree.”
He just nods, pressing his lips together. “You should ask her out.”
“What?” JJ’s head snaps up, her eyes widening with shock and confusion.
“Elle,” Spencer clarifies. “You should ask Elle out.”
Her face flushes so brightly that the darkness grants her no favors as it had with Spencer. “W-why would you think I’d want to do that?”
“JJ, you mentioned Elle fourteen times in the past two hours,” he points out with a smug look on his face, not even slightly exaggerating, “and your eyes light up whenever you talk about her.”
“I’m sorry, Spence. I didn’t even realize,” she trails off, giving him a sheepish look.
“Don’t worry about it,” he shrugs. “Besides, I got to learn some things about Elle I didn’t know before.”
JJ offers him an apologetic look, as he unbuckles and opens the door to get out.
Before shutting the car door, Spencer ducks his head back in the car, “Just think about it, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispers, earning a grin from the young man. “Night, Spence.”
“G’night, JJ. See you on Monday, or whenever Hotch calls,” he says, closing the passenger door before heading into his apartment.
The team is in the car on their way to the train where Elle, along with four others, were currently being held hostage by a psychotic patient. He listens intently as JJ explains the current situation and how the local authorities are handling it, and he detects a slight, almost unnoticeable, waver in her voice.
“We need to know who on that train’s gonna be a help and who’s gonna be a problem,” Hotch states.
“Alright, well let me Garcia to work some magic on those video feeds,” Derek pulls out his phone to call the tech analyst. “Garcia? Okay, listen to me. No playing. We’re gonna be feeding you some security camera video from a hostage situation over a secure line. Can you work your face recognition software over it and tell me who’s who?”
Spencer faintly hears Garcia say something through the phone, before Morgan addresses her again, “Penelope, Elle is one of the hostages.” Snapping his phone shut, Derek tells Hotch, “She’ll get us the names.”
Gideon then turns to the media liaison, “Have we had any contact inside the train yet?”
“No,” JJ shakes her head. “It took two hours just to convince him to allow a two-way phone, but he won’t speak to anyone except for what he calls the, uh, higher authorities.
“God?” Hotch proposes, glancing back in the rear view mirror.
“No mention of religious thus far,” she answers, reviewing the files.
“Has crisis negotiation’s lead claimed to be the higher authority?”
“The unsub won’t speak to him any longer,” she takes a deep breath before continuing. “He gave a deadline of three hours to produce this authority.”
“Three hours— when was that?” Spencer asks.
“Um,” JJ glances down at her watch, scoffing, “two and a half hours ago.”
“Well, he wants to speak to the higher authority,” Hotch points out.
“Then we better give it to him,” Gideon finishes. “Put the lights on, sirens, honk the horns, make people get out of our way.”
Hotch reaches to turn on the sirens, as the older agent continues to give directions, “Get as close to the barricade as possible. When we stop, we sit. We wait thirty seconds. Then we step out.”
For the rest of the short drive, the car is filled with silence, the only noise coming from the police sirens blaring from outside the car. Out of the corner of his eye, Spencer notices the movement of JJ’s knee bouncing anxiously. As he turns to observe her more carefully, he sees an underlying sense of worry and tenseness— the slight furrowing of her brow, the clenching of her jaw, the biting of her lip— underneath the mask she’s so used to putting on when addressing the press.
Ducking his head, he whispers in her ear, “Don’t worry. Elle’s gonna be fine. She can handle herself.”
“Yeah,” she quietly huffs, turning to him with a thankful smile, her eyes telling a different story, as they’re filled with fear and dread.
Knowing there’s nothing more he can do to assure her, Spencer just nods and waits for them to reach the train. Once they arrive on site and wait thirty seconds as Gideon had instructed, the entire team exits the SUV, where they’re greeted by one of the Dallas police officers.
“I’m Frank Moretti, Dallas Field Office,” he shakes Gideon hand. “Near as we can tell, your agent is still all right.”
Spencer lets out a deep breath of relief and senses JJ do the same. After being updated on the situation, the team makes their way into the mobile command center, where they proceed to watch the surveillance video and craft their plan.
After a magic trick and two gunshots, Spencer, Elle, and the four other hostages finally make it off the train, along with an injured Dr. Bryar. Now, after Gideon checked up on the two of them, Spencer and Elle sit on the trunk of one of the police cars.
“Um, Reid, you probably saved my life in there.”
“Probably? I totally saved your life,” he boasts with a playful smirk. “And I’m pretty certain that it was caught on tape.”
Elle smiles a little before asking, “You know, what you said in there to Bryar? That you know what it’s like?”
“The guy was a delusional psychotic,” Spencer attempts to brush off. “I was playing into his fantasy.”
She nods, not wanting to push him.
“Go to the hospital,” he pats her leg, as he moves to stand up. “I’ll see you there, alright? Besides, I think there’s someone who’s pretty anxious to see you right now.”
Spencer motions his eyes for Elle to follow in the direction where JJ is currently standing, nervously biting her lip, her arms crossed and  brows knitted.
Getting up from the trunk, Elle looks back at him, “Thanks, Reid.”
He watches, as she ambles towards the ambulance only to be stopped by the blonde woman crashing into her for a hug. Although he can’t hear what they’re saying, Spencer notices the gentle touch and soft looks exchanged between the two. Smiling to himself, he turns back around, giving them their privacy, and continues to walk towards the SUV.
After delivering the profile to the local precinct, the team decides to go out for Chinese food, figuring that since they were in New York going to a restaurant was better than ordering takeout to the hotel.  
“You guys,” Elle chuckles between bites, “we’re here in New York and even when we’re not talking about our case, we end up taking about another profiler.”
Spencer focuses on trying to pick up a piece of baby corn only to have it slip out of his chopsticks before it can reach his mouth.
“You’re right. So, Elle,” Hotch pauses, with a teasing glint in his eye, “are you seeing anyone?”
Derek snickers while Elle just laughs nervously, glancing down at her plate of food. Spencer watches amused, as the normally composed profiler is put on the spot. He notices her eyes briefly flitting over to the blonde woman sitting next to him, who has suddenly found her noodles very interesting, lowering her head to hide her blushing cheeks. But before he can make anything of it, Elle not-so-subtly changes the subject.
“Uh, Gideon,” she clears her throat, “why didn’t you tell the cops that it might be one of their own?”
“If we’re gonna catch the guy, we need all the help the cops can give us,” he explains. “The last thing I want to do is accuse one of them of murder.”
As their finishing up their dinner, Gideon’s phone rings, and JJ asks Reid, “How’s it going there?”
“Awesome,” he mumbles sarcastically, earning laughs from the rest of the team.
“Gideon,” the older profiler answers his phone, as Spencer watches another piece of food slip from his chopsticks.
“It’s absolutely incredible. 1.3 billion people stay nourished using these things,” he sets down the wooden utensils, admitting defeat.
“Yeah. Ok. I got it,” Gideon hangs up the phone then addresses the table. “He just took out a cop killer.”
With that, the light and airy mood of the table is immediately dampened. Back to work it is.
The case has finally come to an end, one that was not optimal, but an end no less. However, the team can’t fly back to Quantico until the next morning due to inclement weather in DC.
With a free evening, Spencer goes to JJ’s room, knocking on her door to see if she would show him around New York as she had offered. Receiving no answer, he knocks again.
“JJ?” Not hearing any movement on the other side of the door, he shrugs, slightly disappointed, before walking down the hall and moving on to Elle’s room.
He figures there is no one better to show him around the city than the Brooklyn native herself. He knocks on the door, only to, once again, receive no answer. Frowning, confused, Spencer just makes his way down the hall, arriving at Morgan’s room.
This time, the occupant answers. “Reid, my man, come on in.”
Spencer smiles awkwardly, shuffling into room, where Hotch and Gideon are sitting at the table, which is littered with cards.
“Wanna play?” Derek comes from behind him, moving to return to his seat.
“Uh, sure,” Reid agrees and pulls up a chair next to the unit chief, who looks only slightly relaxed on his evening off. As Spencer scans and organizes the cards Morgan dealt him, he asks, “Do you guys know where JJ or Elle are? I was hoping to see at least some of New York.”
“What? We’re not good enough for you?” Derek teases with a smirk.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that,” Spencer defends. “I just didn’t think any of you would be willing to go with me.”
Aaron and Jason exchange brief glances, knowing there is, per usual, truth to the younger profiler’s statement.
“I’m just playing, Pretty Boy,” Morgan laughs, as he continues to facilitate the game. “I don’t know about JJ, but Elle mentioned something about getting dinner at Il Calamari, or some fancy name like that.”
“Il Cantinori?” Spencer supplies, remembering JJ mentioning the restaurant on the jet.
“Sure,” Derek muses but focusing on his cards rather than the specifics of his teammates’ whereabouts. “They’re probably having a girls night.”
“Dealing with men all day can be tiring,” Hotch chimes in, his eyes lighter and less stern.
“Especially ruthless journalists, arrogant New York police officers, and know-it-all profilers,” Gideon adds with a slight huff of laughter.
Spencer narrows his brows, not entirely sure whether the last part was a jab at him or not. He quickly scans the faces of the three other men for any signs that they knew more than they let on.
Because really? JJ and Elle having a girls night at one of New York’s most famous five star restaurants? Sure, a “girls night.” Right.
Although Reid wasn’t the most adept at reading social cues or at assessing romantic relationships, he knew his teammates well enough to know there was something more than friendship between them. Even if he hadn’t been subtly observing their dynamic, he would’ve thought the lingering glances, flushed faces, and soft touches would’ve been a dead giveaway.
He had a feeling that the other three agents were good enough profilers to suspect something was going on between the two women, but knowing it was not any of their places to discuss it, Spencer just concentrates on the card game in front of him, already knowing he is going to win, again.
Spencer, along with Morgan and Elle, have been working on some files and paperwork, seeing as there was no case yet. As Elle was finishing up a call, hanging up the phone, Morgan leans back in his chair, observing the woman.
Feeling his staring, Elle briefly glances at him. “What?”
“We’ve only been here an hour,” Derek points out, “and you’ve made two calls.”
“You hate the phone, Elle.”
“I don’t hate the phone,” she protests.
“Actually, you do,” Spencer decides to interject, looking up from his work. Unable to refrain from sharing a fact, he babbles on. “Hey, did you know that Alexander Graham Bell and Eli Gray both simultaneously invented electronic sound transmission devices? It came down to a race betwixt the two.”
“Yeah, and Bell beat Gray to the patent office by a matter of hours,” Elle finishes, and Spencer gives her a weird look, puzzled by her behavior. “Common knowledge,” she explains with a flippant tone as if to say ‘duh.’
“Why are you acting so weird?” Derek asks after watching their exchange.
Elle turns to him with an expectant look. “We’re sitting with a guy who knows that there are eight hundred kernels of corn on the average cob,” she motions towards Spencer, who adds more specific information, “Arranged in sixteen separate rows.”
“And you’re calling me weird?”
“You’re getting some loving, aren’t you? You got a boyfriend,” Morgan speculates, a teasing smirk playing on his face, earning an eye roll from the other agent.
“You are basing this on what exactly? The fact that I don’t like the phone? That’s your best?” Elle rambles, becoming increasingly defensive. Spencer looks up from his computer, taking the time to observe, not profile because that would be against the unspoken rules of the BAU, his teammate. Based on Elle’s defensiveness and her answering questions with questions, he could speculate that there is partial truth to Morgan’s statement.
“You’ve been a profiler for how long Derek? And that’s your best? That’s weak, that’s weak,” she accuses, as Derek just grins, gesturing for her to bring it on.
“What’s weak?” JJ approaches their desks, a case file in her arms, signaling to them that they’re need in the conference room.
“Morgan thinks Elle has a boyfriend,” Reid answers, and as Elle stands up from her seat to follow the liaison, she interjects, “Nothing.”
“‘Nothing,’ see you just denied it,” Derek, with a knowing smirk, moves to get up and points at her.
JJ lets out a small scoffing laugh, “Do you?” Spencer notes her tone is teasing, almost as if she is baiting Elle.
“It’s more fun not to answer that question,” the brunette responds.
“That right there is a ‘yes,’ baby,” Morgan boasts. “I knew it. I told you.”
“She didn’t really admit to anything, man,” Reid claims, pointing out the obvious but also attempting to alleviate the pressure off of Elle.
“Thank you,” she throws out to him before speed walking to catch up to JJ’s side.
“Reid, trust me, you got a lot to learn.”
Walking behind the two women, Spencer watches them turn to each other, an amused look on the the liaison’s face and a slight smile on Elle’s.
Morgan was right about one thing: Elle was definitely getting some loving. But she certainly did not have a boyfriend.
The nightmare of the Fisher King case is over, and Spencer can finally breath. Returning to Quantico, knowing his mother was safe after accompanying her back to Vegas, he decides to visit Elle in the hospital.
Seeing as the rest of the team had already paid their visits while he was with his mother, Spencer rides the elevator up to Elle’s floor alone. Approaching the nurses station, he whips out his badge. “Hi, I’m looking for Elle Greenaway.”
“Room 8C, sir,” the nurse points down the hall.
“Thank you,” he nods before heading in that direction. As he approaches the room, he sees JJ curled up in a chair next to Elle.
Quietly entering, Spencer pulls up another chair to the other side of the bed. Elle, who was not sleeping, only resting, senses the younger agent’s movement and opens her eyes.
“Hey, Reid,” she whispers, her voice scratchy and rough.
“Hey,” he hands her the cup of water that was sitting on the bedside table.
“Thanks,” she murmurs, taking a sip.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I got shot,” Elle snorts with a smirk. Spencer shakes his head with a small grin at the woman’s bluntness.
“Garcia stop by?” he asks rhetorically, scanning the bouquets of flowers and the stuffed animals crowding the table.
“Mhmm,” Elle hums. “Her and Morgan came by for a little yesterday.”
“And I see you’ve had some company,” he muses, nodding his head towards the sleeping blonde.
Elle glances over at the woman in question, a faint smile appearing on her face. “Yeah.”
Spencer takes the time to observe JJ. Her clothes, the ones she’d been wearing since the start of the case, are crinkled, her hair is not as in place as usual, and her face looks tired.
Right on cue, the liaison stirs in the chair and slowly wakes up with a yawn. Noticing Spencer sitting across from her, JJ asks, “Oh, hey, Spence. When’d you get here?”
“Fourteen minutes and twenty-three seconds ago.”
She raises her eyebrows at him and just nods along.
“JJ, you should go home, maybe change your clothes, take a shower, get some proper sleep,” he suggests.
The blonde opens her mouth to respond, but before she can, Elle snorts, “Good luck with that, Reid. I’ve been trying to convince her to go home for the past two days.”
“Excuse me for being worried about you and wanting to make sure you’re alright,” the liaison snarks, though it lacks any real bite.
“Jayge,” Elle softens, not-so-discreetly taking the other woman’s hand, “I’m alright. Reid’s right. You should go home and take care of yourself. I’ll be fine.”
Noticing JJ’s hesitancy, Spencer pipes up, “JJ, don’t worry. I’ll stay with her for a while.”
“You guys, I’m in a hospital,” Elle sighs, exasperated. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
But neither agent pays her any attention, too focussed on the silent conversation they’re having. Ultimately, JJ relents, the exhaustion and the uncomfortable wrinkled clothes getting to her.
“Fine,” she runs her hands through her hair and turns to Elle. “I’ll be back tomorrow if we don’t have a case.”
“I’ll be alright,” the brunette gives JJ a reassuring smile. “Go.”
The liaison sighs and grabs her bag, heading towards the door. Before leaving, she turns back around, addressing Spencer, “Make sure to call me if anything happens, or tell the doctor to, or whoever is here.”
“Go!” Both Elle and Reid shoo the weary blonde out of the hospital room.
A sheepish look washes over JJ’s face, as she waves them goodbye, finally making her way home.
Once it was just the two of them, a comfortable silence hangs in the air. Spencer does what he does best and observes the woman in front of him; the same woman who takes him seriously, not handling him with kid gloves; the same woman who was taken hostage, whom he had to save; the same woman who got shot and almost died, who did die.
“I can feel you staring,” she murmurs and glances at him out of the corner of her eye.
“You two are good for each other,” he states, a hint of a smirk playing on his face.
A faint blush tints Elle’s cheeks, as she gives him a weak smile. “You okay with it?”
Spencer scrunches his brows, confused by her question. But as the gears turn in his head, he realizes what she’s asking him.
He thinks back to that night on the jet when he’d asked JJ to the football game; the unreadable expression on Elle’s face had been jealousy. Elle obviously knew that the date hadn’t turned into anything, but here she was asking him if he was okay of her relationship with JJ, if he still harbored feelings for the blonde, if he approved.
Sensing her nervousness, Spencer takes her hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly. “I’m more than okay with it.”
Elle lets out a small sigh of relief, her eyes drooping, as the medication and fatigue take over. “I love her, Reid,” she mumbles in a slight delirium, falling into a restful sleep.
“I know,” he smiles knowingly and pats the back of her hand. “Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. JJ will kill me if I’m not,” he mutters the last part to himself with a chuckle.
Leaning back in the chair, he pulls out a book from his bag and makes himself comfortable for the hours to come.
If someone had told Spencer all those months ago, as he watched Elle and JJ meet for the first time, Elle in her dark black suit and JJ in her bright blue sweater set, that they’d be here, today, in love with each other, he would have been stunned into silence and in complete disbelief.
Because who would have thought that these two women, opposite forces of nature, night and day, would come together and balance each other out so beautifully. But, he thought, maybe that’s just how love works, no rhyme or reason, no statistics, no facts behind it.
And when your life has always based around facts and statistics, as Spencer’s was, love can be a tricky thing. It’s organic, complicated, extraordinary, and unexpected. But as he thinks back to the little moments he’d witnessed, Spencer feels his own heart warm, and he thinks that maybe he’s beginning to understand.
Out of all the things he’s learned in his twenty-four years, the lesson of love he’s gained through JJ and Elle’s relationship is his favorite so far.
“Love is the key to life
The thing that makes it right.
If you really want to be free
You can believe that love is the key.”
— Love Is The Key, Maze
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Turn for the Better
Someone To Stay Ch. 1
Spencer x fem!reader
Spencer POV:
I open my eyes and glance around the room. It's darker than I remember. I must have fallen asleep reading on the couch again. I glance down and see a pile of books on the rug. Oh yeah...I only made it through about four books this time before I nodded off. I sigh in frustration that I'm awake. Might as well get up I suppose.
I wander into the kitchen and pull open the fridge only to be met with a jar of peanut butter, week old left overs, and a half empty jug of juice. Next.
I try again with the pantry. Almost completely bare. I guess this is what happens when you stop going to the grocery store. I settle on a cup of apple juice and a bag of chips... better than nothing right?
I slump back down onto the couch and pull my green wool blanket over me. As I stare up at my ceiling, as I begin to let my mind wander. But this was dangerous territory. I have to keep my mind occupied, I just have to. So I quickly sit back up and turn the TV to one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes. They say that anxious people re-watch the same shows because they find the familiarity comforting. I could definitely understand the feeling.
It was the weekend, which meant I wasn't called into work. Cases had been slow lately, as we spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork back at the office. Unfortunately for me, this meant less distractions. Distractions were good. Distractions were necessary. They are the only way I make it through the days anymore.
Things had finally returned to normal for me back at work. I was going into the field, and it felt like my coworkers were no longer tiptoeing around me. I hate when they do that, and it bothers me more than any amount of teasing ever could. I'm not so delicate, so easily breakable. Look at everything I have been through, everything I have endured. Yet here I am, still alive, still doing my job. I didn't need to be babied. So it was a relief when I felt the regular rapport I shared with my friends return. They had gone back to the sarcastic remarks and silly nicknames. I was grateful for it. They did, however, continue to check up on me. This was something that I did appreciate. They've seen me go down a dark road once before. I have no intentions of ever returning. I was stronger than that... I think. All I know is I have held on this long without resorting to any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Coping mechanisms...oh how I wish I had something to make the healing process easier. Having a fairly empty social calendar left me alone often. Normally I would find comfort in the peace and quiet of my solitary apartment, but not quite so much lately. I couldn't very well make plans to go out, and I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that. Who would want to hang out with me right now anyways? I'd be a damper on the fun, and everyone knows it. That's probably why my friends stopped inviting me to the nights at the bar.
There I go again, letting my mind slip into a dark hole of anxiety. Its not a safe place to be. I quickly turn my attention back to the show in front of me, letting it drown out all other thoughts.
The ring of my phone quickly draws my attention away. Finally...another case! I jump up to answer, seeing the name on my screen: Derek Morgan. That's odd. Usually Hotch or Garcia call to notify us of a new case.
"Hello?" I answer, confusion lacing my voice.
"Pretty Boy! Buzz me up!"
Well now I'm even more confused. Derek never comes to my apartment. I quickly press the button letting him into the building and opening my apartment door, waiting for him to arrive.
As he comes up the stairs, he gives me a grin shouting, "Come on man! Get dressed. We're goin' out!"
I roll my eyes and retreat back into the apartment, Derek close behind me.
I sink back onto the couch, my eyes glued to the television as I tune him out.
"Aw c'mon. Don't be like that. How long have you been sitting there watching TV? Have you done anything else today, at all?"
I don't answer, I don't even look at him.
"Oh, let me guess. You've been reading all day, huh?"
"Wow, can't get anything past you huh?" I say dryly, regretting my tone as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Alright that it. You've been cooped up in here too long. Like I said before, we're going out. And I'm not taking no for an answer" he says sternly, raising an eyebrow at me.
I finally look up at him as I roll my eyes.
"You know I can kick your ass right?" Derek smirks.
"Fine" I concede. "Well...where are we going? I don't know what to wear unless you tell me what our plans are."
"Don't pretend you don't wear the same fancy button ups no matter where you end up going."
I let out a small laugh...he's got me there.
"Dinner at Rossi's. I know pretty boys are high maintenance but, hurry up or you'll make us late!" I smile at the nickname. Same old Derek.
You let out a sigh of relief as you watched your coworker approach you, ready to receive report. It had been a particularly busy shift, and you were ready to get some much-needed rest. You walked to each patient room, giving Clementine summary of the day and the latest updates on labs and vital signs. You stepped into each room with her, checking one last time to make sure each of your patients was doing well and didn't need anything else before you left. Normally you and Clem would spend some time catching up and making jokes, but she could tell you were tired and needed to be home more than anything. You wished her good luck on her shift as you made your way to the break room. After putting away your stethoscope and the large collection of pens, pencils, and markers you kept in your pockets, you finally headed towards the elevator to leave for the day.
You opened the door to your apartment to be greeted by your dog, Juneau. She was a rescue you adopted a few months back. She still needed to make progress, but she had really warmed up to you and your friends and seemed much more comfortable in her new home. After feeding her dinner and taking her for a short walk, you heated up a quick frozen dinner and sunk into your couch.  Curling up in your blanket, you spent a few minutes browsing through different streaming services only to land on The Office, as usual.  Your mind drifts to what your next few days might consist off. You just so happened to land 4 days off in a row, but you had no idea how you would spend your time. You glanced down at your phone as it lit up.  It was your Uncle Will.
"Hey, whats up!" you chimed, glad to hear from your favorite uncle.
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm actually calling to invite you to a dinner some friends of mine are having tomorrow night. I know your schedule is real busy. But I haven't seen you much since you moved up here to Virginia! I know you haven't met many people here yet, but I think I can help you make a start. "
The kind gesture made you smile. You had always been fairly close with your father's side of the family. He had grown up in Louisiana and met your mother at a college in Texas. You spent your childhood in Houston but frequently visited the Cajun half of your family. Uncle Will had moved away once he fell in love with Jenifer Jareau, his now wife, and you hadn't seem much of him the past few years. But as luck would have it, your nursing career had lead you to a hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. You felt extremely lucky to have family nearby, or else you would have been completely alone. But sometimes you still felt that way, which is why you were so grateful for his offer.
"That actually sounds great! I am off for the next four days, and I didn't really have anything planned. Who will I be meeting at this dinner?"
"Well it's some of JJ's coworkers. They're like a second family to us, and I know they'll be just as welcoming to you. I already told them you moved up here, and they've been begging to meet you."
"Aww I can't wait to see Aunt JJ and my sweet little cousin, Henry! Its been so long since I came to visit you guys. I think Henry was barely two years old the last time I saw him."
"Well we all hope to see you a lot more now that you're here. You're like a daughter to us, Y/N. You are welcome to visit any time you like. I know nursing is a stressful job, and it can take a toll. Its important to have family and friends around you when things get tough." You could hear that this was a genuine offer and you fully planned to take him up on it in the future. Being alone in a new state was taking its toll.
"So where and when should I plan to meet for dinner?"
"I'll text you the address real quick. Everyone is planning to meet around 6. It shouldn't be too far of a drive. It's one of JJ's coworker's houses. David Rossi. He's a real easygoing guy, and he loves cooking for everyone. He loves meeting new people even more, so you should feel right at home!"
"Sounds like a fun time. Thank you again for thinking to invite me. I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Alright boo, talk to you later."
You smiled at the pet name used by the entire Louisiana side of your family. I guess the north had yet to steal his southern roots. You hung up the phone. You finally had plans. It would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't a coworker.  It would also be your first excuse to dress up since moving and starting your new job. Too excited to wait, you jumped up from the couch and began to rifle through your closet for something to wear. You didn't want to be too over or underdressed. You grabbed a black spaghetti strap fit and flare dress and throw it on with some black panty hose, a lightweight maroon cardigan, and some black heels. You snapped a quick photo in the mirror and shoot a text to Aunt JJ.
Y/N: Apparently I'm joining y'all for dinner tomorrow night...is this too much???
Aunt JJ: I heard! I can't wait!
And oh my goodness, no! You look gorgeous! It will be perfect.
Also...Henry is so excited to see you!
You smiled, more confident in your choice. Aunt JJ had great taste. You had only had the chance to meet her in person a couple times, but the two of you had clicked right away and stayed in touch over text and Facetime. Sometimes she felt more like the sister you never had.
Starting to feel the effects of your particularly difficult shift, you start to get ready for bed. You wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. You say goodnight to Juneau and crawl into bed, snuggled under all the blankets. You fall asleep with a smile on your face, with the feeling that things in your life are about to take a turn for the better. You couldn't explain it...but somehow you just knew.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/wings hc's p.2: lesser- known egos/egos i just didn’t wanna put in the last one
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ty @fancybootm for the request!
A/N: IT’S BEEN A WHOLE ASS MONTH SINCE I GOT THIS I AM SO FUCKING SORRY. school is suck. anyways. my brain convinced itself that I had to have the same amount of egos in this one as the last one so shit's long again. I had a bit of trouble but scrounged up enough of them. uhhh I don't... we don't really know a lot? about the personalities of these ones? so I just went with what I thought. for Heistiplier, I like to think Mark in AHWM and ADWM is a completely separate person from Actor. Like until we get to the Actor timeline he is a separate person altogether. Night Guard Mark is like mark from the fnaf musical because i can and fuck you. the egos are very random and from many lesser known videos so uh. you might not know all of them. I didn’t even know all of them at first. some of these fuckers annoy me to no end so I had to make them more likable for my own sanity cjfufydy. I only skimmed through after I wrote so it might suck lol. Uh rated T for cursing. Mentions of religion and mental health. Enjoy!
Y/N(reader) w/ wings headcanons p.2
Ed Edgar saw you as a profiting opportunity.
Bastard only uses you for commercials at first
Wings sell shit, don’t they? Kids are into wings these days?
One day you get pissed and just punch him
He respects you after that…
He’s very loud, of course, and your ears tend to be sensitive
He tries to quiet down when he sees you make a face
It’s difficult because that… that’s just his normal volume
He talks about his son sometimes. Not to you specifically
He gets sad… you still don’t completely understand what happened.
Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t either
You instinctively wrap your wings around him for Safety and Comfort
He is a MAN who DOES NOT CRY but goddammit, he was close 
He enjoys your company
The Silver Shepherd thought he was gonna rescue you
He’s a superhero, he HAS to save you, right?
Nah, you’re the one saving him more often than not
He tries not to be jealous, but goddamn
Your wings are just. So big. And pretty
He’ll complain to you about his girlfriend “cheating” on him
You know the bullshit he pulls, but you listen because why not
He appreciates that you at least pay a little bit of attention
He doesn’t do a whole lot of hero work, but he usually brings you along
Just for a bit of extra support
More often than not, you’re doing most of the work
You let him believe he did something, though
You boost his very low ego, and so you get along
Derek Derekson was a little bitch
Also saw you as a profiting opportunity
Yelled sometimes when you messed up
You took deep breaths and tried to stay calm the first few times
Then you snapped, calling him a variety of... words...
He stopped yelling at you, but not much else changed
You got along well with Eric, and he appreciated you for that
He does care about his only living son, at least a little
You two don’t… talk a lot
He’ll watch you from afar, occasionally
You constantly encourage him to TALK TO HIS CHILD and GO TO THERAPY
You still don’t like him, and he feels the same way
But he’s… trying
Randall Voorhees thought you were badass
He wasn’t as used to magic and weird shit as the others
You were absolutely awesome to him
He’d never seen an angel before!
Even though he didn’t really KNOW that you were an angel
He just assumed and refused to change his mind
Harder to hide you wings in crowded cities, like where he lives
You spend a lot of your time with him cooped up in his apartment
He felt bad, so he rents a mountain cabin up in Albany whenever you visit
You two ski and snowboard look me in the eyes and tell me the bitch isn’t a snowboarder
He’s a construction worker, so he’s usually busy
You visit him on his lunch break sometimes.
The other workers claim to see you, but he’ll always deny it
He buys a pizza whenever you visit and you eat it together
You two are so cute it’s sickening
Yandereplier claimed you as their new senpai
They saw you, you had wings, you were nice
And now you are Senpai
You aren’t sure why you get a weird feeling whenever they call you this
Luckily, you don’t have many friends, at least none that they could kill…
They showed you their weapon collection to impress you
You were scared and also impressed
They take you to a cherry blossom tree near their house
You talk and hang out and eat lunch
They don’t call you senpai anymore and they talk to you normally
And you no longer stare at the blood on their uniform
Night Guard Mark prayed you wouldn’t try to kill him
He might have PTSD from Freddy Fazbear’s
Those animatronics left a mark…
It took a little while for him to trust you not to harm him
When he did, HOO BOY is he a chatterbox
He has so many theories about the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Chain
Dark’s told you not to talk about the actual lore. It might break his spirit
You get very worried sometimes
He looks like that one picture of Charlie Day. You know the one.
Sometimes he gets panic attacks
You wrap him in a cocoon of your limbs and wings to ground him
He likes you for that
You hang out, playing games and watching movies. No horror. Absolutely NONE
You can handle him, and he likes you
Dr. Plier was curious about you
He wondered how you felt about… everything
He asked if you were ok one day and you broke down
He felt guilty and bought you ice cream
He sees you as a sort of… psychological experiment
Like he asks you very strange and slightly personal questions
Ok, very personal, but he’s a therapist, what can you do
He eventually stopped the interrogation and talked to you normally
You get along fine, but it’s kind of the same situation as Dr. Iplier
Chef Iplier wasn’t really all that phased
You were surprised by this because… well… wings
But he just… treats you normal, for the most part.
Sometimes he’ll pet your wings, but only if you let him
He loves how soft your feathers are
He doesn’t make that his entire perception of you
It’s a nice change of pace
He tries to cook for you sometimes, but uh. It doesn’t go well
You’re still confused as to how someone can set a glass of water on fire
You mostly just order take out
You hang out like normal people
Which neither of you are, but you’re both fine with that
Paranormal Investigator Mark is obsessed with figuring you out
Nearly had a panic attack when he first saw you
He wanted to prove the supernatural exists, but he didn’t have a lot of evidence before
And then your mystical-ass came along
Like the Jims, he tried to get pictures, and they all ended up blurry
He threw a fit over it, and you felt kinda bad
You tried to take the picture yourself but it came out the same
He gave up after a while
He info dumps about paranormal stuff to you
It can last from 5 minutes to 5 hours
You do pay attention though, and that makes him happy
He takes you on investigations sometimes
You don’t do much except break shit with those giant wings of yours
He stopped taking you on investigations
Cooliplier is not sure what to think
You have wings! Great! There’s absolutely nothing he can do about that
Not the most normal, but not the weirdest either
He tends to put on a tough-guy persona around new people
You were a lil intimidated
Then you became friends and mans did a full 180 around you
Went from “Your daughter calls me daddy too” to “I’ll have her home by 9 sir”
His personality is sort of a mix of the two
Catch you both screaming the lyrics to Mr. Brightside at 12:00 am
Took you to a mosh pit once
You got kicked out cause of the wings
He felt bad, but you had fun
He teaches you how to dance and roller skate
You also go for rides on his motorcycle
Once you just started flying while he was driving and it was the most fun shit ever
You’re “buds”, as he often tells you
Goopiplier likes you a lot
They like having another not-completely-human creature to talk to
I mean, some of the others aren’t exactly human…
But they’re not the best conversationalists…
Then again, neither is goop.
They mention the Dark Gods ONCE and suddenly no one wants to talk to them…
But you do!! Yay!!!
You mostly just hang out, do whatever
Watch movies, play games, or just talk
They like to draw you
They’re not very good, but you keep them all anyways
Sometimes they do… rituals. While you’re around
You are… a little scared, but that’s okay!
You have sleepovers and act like teenagers
You mock the others and then giggle, getting louder as you go
They’re not that funny, but you had to be there
Elder Jeremiah is terrified of you
He nearly pissed his pants when he saw you
He thought he was finally going to have to pay for his sins
He started crying, and you panicked
Why the FUCK was this 20-something-year-old well-dressed man crying at you???
He dropped his bike and fell to his fucking knees and begged for forgiveness
You felt very uncomfortable with the whole situation
You told him to get up bc he was dirtying up his pants
He eventually stopped crying and you told him you were not an angel
Also not a demon, as you said when he asked
He avoids you, mostly, still thinking you’re gonna drag him down to hell
He stopped the uh. The stealing since you came around
He will hang around/with you sometimes to see if you “reveal your true form”
You haven’t yet, and never will, BUT WHEN YOU DO, HE’LL BE THERE
He does think you’re very nice, though
Preistiplier thinks you’re an angel sent to assist him
He is doing holy work, it only makes sense that He would send a helper
He was disappointed, to say the least
He then came to the conclusion that you lost your memory of being an angel
You couldn’t exactly dispute it, since you don’t remember
So, he takes you on hunts
You don’t do much except make a bunch of fucking NOISE with your WINGS
He’d hoped you’d smite the demons
Or at least scare them, but they know you’re not an angel
He still takes you on hunts because, he’d never admit it, but he… gets scared
You promised not to tell a soul
You confess your sins to him sometimes
They’re usually not what he considers sins, but he listens anyways
He thinks you are a good person, and he enjoys conversations with you
Heistiplier was just normal around you
Well… as normal as he can be
You’d enjoy his company a lot more if he didn’t have such a god complex
You still like him a lot
He likes you too
Even if you did refuse to rob a bank with him
He’s a very… exciting person
Though you don’t really want to be around him when he gets upset
The entire world literally seems to revolve around what he does
He’s a drama queen, and completely feral
It’s worrying at times
You two are normal friends
Playing video games, watching youtube, etc. etc.
You listen to his stories and wonder how he's not dead yet
But you can admit, he's really fucking funny
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stephkaylor · 4 years
FAVES & FAILS: #1 (Teen Wolf)
I’ve decided to do this questionnaire when a show/book series/movies where I answer these questions with fun gifs too (its Tumblr, what did you expect?), if you want more info, the original idea post with links to each of my completed lists is here ⚡️. A bunch of my faves have already ended so getting all of these out will take a minute, but I’m aiming to post a new one twice per week. 🤞🏻Anyway, enjoy!! OH!! ALSO, I’ll be discussing plot elements in this list so...SPOILER ALERT!!
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HANDS DOWN, no question about it! He was the soul of the show, and funny, and so incredibly human on a show full of the inhuman, and that was what made him so integral.  Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I love Stiles, but here’s a gif:
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There isn’t really a male that makes me want to punch something, so good for the writers, I guess?
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I really want to say Allison but it HAS to be Lydia, hands down! Her character development from a girl pretending to be vapid and shallow and who hid her genius so she could “fit in”, to a strong, powerful, confident woman secure in who she really is and the power inside of her (figuratively AND literally, lol), this girl is the real MVP.
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This was hard because there are several female characters that made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.  The short list is Kate Argent, Allison’s mom... I could go on... but Monroe’s systematic attempt to wipe all supernaturals out of Beacon Hills and then maybe the rest of the world gave me fucking high blood pressure and a rage issue. I don't care how “scared” you are, killing a kid who hasn't done anything wrong just because they are different than you is some fucked up, borderline genocidal bullshit. And she survived the finale!!? Like I had to deal with her self-righteous smirky attitude and you didn't even have the decency to punch her in the face and let me watch?!? Rude.
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I badly want to say Allison again here because I love and miss her tons. But she died protecting her family and friends and I believe that she is happy wherever she went afterward.  Watching Aiden die in his twin brother’s arms I don’t know who I felt the worst for.  The boy dying, or his brother who now has to live without him... I’m gonna go cry now, brb.
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Luckily she was not a regularly appearing character, but when she showed up it was always “for revenge” and I'm like...can we just...not this season? I was having a lovely time and then you showed up with your petty anger for whatever fucking shit that happened in, like season one.  Like, honey... if it’s been so long since you’ve been relevant that I have to google what you’re upset about because I have honestly forgotten...maybe it’s time to let that shit go.  Kindly fuck off now, please...
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Like, don’t get me wrong, he’s great and I loved when he was on the show, but I feel like some people think he carried the show and it wouldn't survive without him.  Well, surprise! because he went away after season 4 and I still think some of their best shit came in season 5 and the beginning of season 6.  
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Um, he was basically Scott’s druid emissary and he got no recognition for it.  He saved all of the main pack members’ lives at least once.  Also he didn't make Stiles pay for the windows, so he’s apparently not an asshole. 
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OVERHYPED SHIP: Scott and Malia
I feel like they had to adjust the final season A TON because of Dylan’s injury and Kira not coming back and I think the writers panicked when they didn't know who to put Scott with (because our leading man could never not have a girlfriend, *gasp* THE HORROR!) because Lydia needed to be with Stiles and I think they picked Malia because she was basically the only one left...I was never into it.  In fact, when my friend texted me after we watched the episode where they get together, my response back to her was literally “meh 🤷🏻‍♀️”.
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UNDERHYPED SHIP: Allison and Isaac
It would’ve been so nice to see where that relationship went.  Don’t get me wrong, had she lived, I would’ve wanted Allison to end up with Scott.  But I loved that the show was willing to say that it is okay to fall in love more than once in your life.  Sometimes the shows aimed at a younger audience have a tendency to act like your first love has to be the one you’re with until you die and that’s just not realistic. It was nice that the writers didn't box these characters into that mold because it gave them more depth as characters. 
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FAVORITE SHIP: Stiles and Lydia
I don’t know how to explain how much I love this pairing.  Like, from the beginning he saw her for how amazing she was and he supported her as she came into her powers and then she was always there making sure that someone was taking care of him when he was taking care of, literally, everyone else, and then when he disappeared SHE KNEW something was wrong nearly instantly, and ‘remeMBER I LOVE YOU’ I need to stop before this run-on sentence goes on forever.  ALSO they’re canon official, which never fucking happens for my ships so I’m fucking excited, sue me.
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His backstory was well-developed and deep, he was clear with his goals, he actually executed said goals in a logical and timely manner, he was a fucking ALPHA OF ALPHAS, nuf said. 
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Hands down, the most heartbreaking moment on the show, and I will fight anyone who comes at me with a different opinion. Because like--she was smiling when she was stabbed because she had figured out a way to help her friends and then she died in Scott’s arms and told him she loved him even though they weren’t together she still loved him and he still loved her, and I truly believe that she had zero regrets when she died, and how bittersweet is that???!  But Scott couldn't take her pain because it didn’t hurt anymore, and Lydia had to feel her best friend die and she screamed Allison’s name and if you are not hurting right now are you a monster???!?!
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FAVORITE STORYLINE: Eichen House Escape/Dread Doctors in Season 5
It was hard to pick between the Dark Druid storyline in season 3A, but the Eichen rescue/Lydia learning how to be a BAMF Banshee from Meredith while she was catatonic (ALSO ‘Stiles saved me’ I AM DEAD!!!), and the whole la bête du gévaudan thing was great, and reuniting the pack after Theo had royally fucked it up earlier that season, it was all just superb! *chef’s kiss*
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STORYLINE WE COULD’VE DONE WITHOUT: Like, the whole second half of the last season, TBH
It was a petty, counterintuitive, and just garbage. The monster was dumb, Monroe is a royal twat (as I stated above), and it didn't have a conclusion.  Like, the fuck? This isn't Game of Fucking Thrones you guys do not need to leave every season finale with so many loose ends it make people want to throw their laptops off of a cliff into a vat of hydrochloric acid.  And it was the LAST SEASON so there’s no hope of fixing this bullshit storyline. ugh, kill me now. 
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Scott’s pretty selective “True Alpha” powers
They, like, kind of tried to pass it off as it taking a ton of energy so he can’t always do it all the time.  But he got through a mountain ash barrier to save Deaton and activated his True Alpha but then couldn't get into Eichen to get Lydia out because of the mountain ash...? oh and also where the fuck did Cora and Isaac go? (I, sincerely, hope he’s not still just chinning in fucking France wondering were Argent fucked off to)
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being that watching this show has probably increased your life’s worth by at least five percent; 1 being the only thing this show has given me is a stomach ulcer and trust issues): 
8.75 out of 10.  This show was a blessing and I would definitely recommend it to other people. (mostly because I love to get people hooked on my favorite shows and then they're stuck and we can be tortured together). 
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THE END! Thanks for reading my overly-long and overly-obsessive list.  Do come again soon.  I’ll probably have another of these up next week.  🤍🤍🤍
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buckleysjareau · 4 years
you light my fire
Emily's face stays complacent as JJ reaches out her hand to shake, only dropping the smug act and smiling genuinely when she reaches for JJ's hand. "Welcome to the team, Pennsylvania Petite."
Jemily Firefighter AU
Chapter One out of Three
Word count: 1829
Read on AO3
Moving from a small town in Pennsylvania to a city as big as Los Angeles had been a culture shock for Jennifer “JJ” Jareau. Not only the setting had been completely different, but when it came to the calls she’d answer as a firefighter, she was astonished. Going from small house fires and silo rescues to earthquakes, tsunamis, and generally odd calls was definitely something new. Something she could get used to.
Applying and transferring to the Los Angeles Fire Department had honestly been a very spur of the moment thing. Her recent divorce had just finalized so she had nothing keeping her there anymore, no more connections left there for her. So, she brought it up with the Fire Chief of LA and East Allegheny and got it all worked out. In three weeks, the town she’d spent the entirety of her thirty years of life was behind her. 
Her first day on the job, she realizes that it was the best decision she could have ever made. She loved her team more than she ever thought she could love co-workers. 
There was of course the captain of the one-twelve, Captain David Rossi. She knew who he was, had watched his Firefighter Guide videos while she was in the process of getting accepted into the academy over and over. To say she was a little shocked to hear a voice she definitely had imprinted in her mind would be an understatement. Embarrassingly enough, the first she says to him is ‘Oh my God, you’re the reason I didn’t completely obliterate the Chief’s interview.’ He doesn’t even get the chance to greet her.
Then there’s Derek Morgan, a smooth talker with a lot of that LA confidence she’d grown used to. He asked a lot of questions, seemed to notice a lot of things. He’d noticed the tan line where her ring used to be automatically and when he’d asked, he’d been hit upside the head by the Captain himself. 
She meets two of the paramedics as Rossi - the only time you should call me Captain is when we’re out on calls, don’t be so formal here - gives her the tour of the firehouse. 
“Callahan, Reid, this is Jennifer Jareau from Pennsylvania.” Rossi introduces. “She’s come highly recommended by Chief Hotchner.”
Reid’s eyes widened in recognition. “You’re the firefighter from Pittsburgh that did the Maneuver on a man with a gun.” 
Callahan recognizes her then, too. “That’s right! Alvez wouldn’t shut up about it, and kept showing us the video. Think you’ve got a fan here, Jennifer. Understandably, though. You’re a badass.”
JJ smiles. “It’s nice to meet you both. You can call me JJ, by the way. I’ll also be sure to have a pen at the ready if this Alvez guy asks for an autograph.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Reid jokes. “Welcome to the family, JJ.”
JJ squeezes her eyes tight in embarrassment when she replies with a you too.
“You know, for someone who smoothly executed the maneuver on a man with a gun, you think you’d be a smoothtalker.” JJ hears behind her and her heart stops the second she turns around to see the embodiment of Heaven.
“Leave her alone, Prentiss.” Callahan giggles. “Just ignore her, she likes to tease.”
“People have their moments.” JJ tries to act cool. “I’m JJ, nice to meet you.”
Emily’s face stays complacent as JJ reaches out her hand to shake, only dropping the smug act and smiling genuinely when she reaches for JJ’s hand. “Welcome to the team, Pennsylvania Petite.”
Her handshake is firm and a little tight but her hands are so soft and JJ has to stop herself from asking what lotion she uses, not wanting to embarrass herself twice in one minute. 
“And what should I call you?” JJ thinks she’s flirting, is she flirting? Is this how people flirt? Suggestive, teasing tones? It’s been way too long.
“You can call me tonight.” Emily grins. “Or you could just call me Emily.”
Someone whistles from the right of them, and it’s then she realizes the others have gone in different directions and it’s just them. And someone new, they’re here too.
“As much as anyone loves sexual tension you can cut with a knife, I have to cut in before we get a call and I don’t have a chance to introduce myself. I’m Luke Alvez and will happily let you do the maneuver whenever.”
JJ laughs. “Happy to take that offer. Nice to meet you, Luke.” 
“Come get breakfast before you can’t!” Another guy calls down from the loft. 
Emily places her hand on JJ’s lower back and she prays that Emily can’t feel the chill that just went through her at her touch. The last time she felt like this was when she met Will at that bar in New Orleans seven years ago.
Emily doesn’t pull her hand away until she’s stopped pushing her to the table. JJ wants to curse herself for being the biggest bisexual disaster anyone will ever meet, but really, anyone would understand if they saw Emily. No one could blame her.
“Ooooh, is this the new probie?” The man standing the sink asks.
JJ scoffs. “I haven’t been a probie in ten and a half years, thanks.”
The man puts his hands up in defense. “My mistake, my mistake. I’m Matt Simmons, welcome to this chaotic, dysfunctional family we’ve got at the one-twelve.”
Introductions are made with three other firefighters and breakfast is half way done before the bell rings. JJ suits up in record time as she focuses on what type of scene they’re about to go to. There’s a five car pileup on the 101, no fatalities, fire and medical needed.
“You get many pileup calls in Pittsburgh?” Emily’s voice comes through the static of their headset.
“I actually worked with the East Allegheny Fire Department, thirty minutes outside of Pittsburgh so not really. It was mainly farm fires and silo rescues but we’ve been called to assist in major accidents in the city, so it shouldn’t be too new.” 
“Farm fires and silo rescues? Were you a farm girl, JJ?” Simmons teases. 
“I was more into sports than I was into anything farm related but I did have a horse. Blue.” 
“The jock and the goth trope, nice.” Alvez jokes and Emily smacks him before JJ could ask what he means. 
When they’ve pulled up to the scene, JJ’s eyes automatically land on a pregnant woman, clearly distraught. She’s holding her stomach in agony and it makes her skin crawl. Her first call with the one-twelve and memories are already being triggered.
Compartmentalize. Focus. Listen to instruction.
“Alvez, Jareau, I need you with CO2 on these vehicles now. Prentiss, Simmons, make sure everyone is out safe and see who needs help. Reid and Callahan are triaging. Let’s go!”
She goes through the motions. She’s used to this, this is the job she’s done for the past ten years so it comes naturally while her mind lets her suck every emotion back in while she’s there. Alvez is already looking at her weirdly, like he can sense something’s up but there’s no way he could know why she’s gritting her teeth so hard they could crack. 
“You alright, JJ?” Alvez waves a hand in front of her face. “Focused?” 
She shakes her head to clear whatever mental fog was there. “Peachy. What’s next?” 
It’s the end of the day and after the first call, she’s not ready to go home to an empty house. 
Emily and Kate look over. “JJ, you coming out tonight?” 
Emily Prentiss, you saving grace.
“Are you paying?” She raises an eyebrow. “I’ll be there.” 
“Just ride with us, we’ll get your car in the morning.” Kate offers. “It’ll be good getting to know the newbie.” 
Emily snorts. “You know Alvez will always be the newbie. Oh, you get to meet the best 9-1-1 dispatcher tonight.” 
“Penelope, this is Pennsylvania Petite, Jennifer Jareau.” Alvez grins. “I can finally stop being the newbie.” 
“Be quiet, Newbie.” Penelope smirks. 
“Told you he’s always going to be the newbie.” Emily grins. “Alright, shots are on Luke tonight!” 
“Not fair!” 
“Aw Alvez, it’s my first day, you can’t expect me to pay?” JJ winks. 
Luke sighs. “Only because you’re a legend.” 
“Atta boy.” JJ grins and pulls on Emily’s hand, dragging her to the bar. Holding her hand feels nice. Being near her feels nice. Being at this bar with her feels so much nicer than she felt meeting Will. 
Not to say she doesn’t love Will, she probably always will love him, but he’s not here now. He’s back in Pennsylvania, and JJ needs to start new. 
She hears Penelope literally pur beside her. “Look at him.”
JJ turns her head to find Morgan dancing against three girls. He’s got moves, she’ll give him that, but she’s seen better. 
“Look at him move, he’s like a cat.” 
Emily snorts. “More like a dog.” 
“He did not ask him to dance. They asked him.” Garcia defends and JJ feels before she sees Luke tense beside her. Someone’s jealous.
“Okay, he’s a cat. An alley cat.” Emily smirks and turns to Luke. “Stop with the desperate pining and ask her to dance with you, moron.” 
Luke sighs. “I’m not drunk yet.” 
Emily just shakes her head and looks at JJ. “So what’s your story, farm girl?” 
“My story?” 
“Yeah. Why’d you move to LA? Tell me about your ex husband, if you want. Or ex wife, I don’t discriminate obviously.” 
JJ’s eyebrows raise so high they might have hit her hairline. “Well you’re getting right into aren’t you?”
“I’m nothing if not forward, you should know.” She smirks. “If you don’t feel comfortable with talking about it, you don’t have to, though. I just wanna get to really know you.” The wink kills JJ. 
“Ex-husband doesn’t matter. He’s in my past. What I’m really interested in is my future.” JJ really hopes she’s flirting. Like she said, she hasn’t flirted in so long so she’s kind of hopeless. 
Emily grins. “Well, let’s go show Morgan how it’s done, yeah?” She holds out her hand and JJ grabs it, lets Emily drag her to the dance floor and oh my god, she looks so good. 
She’s having more fun than she’s had in years, dancing against her coworker like she’s a pole and her body feels light and she missed getting drunk with friends. It’s been a while since she had fun while drinking alcohol. 
The only thing that would make things better if Emily would kiss her. 
Little did she know, Emily was thinking the same exact thing. 
Neither wants to complicate it though. 
Until JJ can’t take it. She takes Emily’s hand, drags her outside the bar, and kisses her with force. 
She thanks every lucky star of hers that Emily kisses right back. Everything feels heightened and yeah…
JJ is fucked.
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alexthepartyman · 4 years
The Bleeding: Plain Sight
Hi guys! My name is Alex, and I like to write fics. This is the fic that used to be known as Fine Line, but for creative reasons, not anymore! This idea has really meant a lot to me, and the amount of times I restarted this fic I-
That means something, right? I’ve gotten to various points in this story before, but I could never tell it the way I truly wanted to tell it. THis time should be it, but don’t be surprised if I start over again. 
This is The Bleeding! The chapter is under the cut, and it’s 3600 words, last I checked. 
“Make a wish,” Elle says. I look up to where smoke is ascending from Spencer’s desk.
“Come on, man. Blow, baby! Blow!” Derek yells with a chuckle.
“I thought you were full of hot air, Reid,” Elle teases.
“Come on, Reid!”
“They’re trick candles, Spence. Okay?” JJ cuts in. “They’re gonna come back on every time.”
“Oh, Mommy to the rescue,” Derek coos, shaking Spencer’s head.
“Mommy?” Spencer asks.
“Hey, James. Come join the celebration,” Elle says. I shake my head and look away from the Latina woman smiling at me. “Oh, you’re no fun. Ignore him, Spencer.”
“This is work time, not fun time,” I dryly comment. “The distinction between the two is very important to me. And no, I won’t have any cake.”
“Okay then, suit yourself.”
“Hey, Reid, does this make you legal yet?”
“Hope you like chocolate,” Elle says, turning her attention back to Spencer. I can hear a phone ring.
“Agent Hotchner?” Grant asks across the bullpen.
“Aw, look, you blew wax on the cake, man.”
“That slice is for Derek,” I comment.
“What? No way, why do I get the slice with wax on it?” Derek asks me. I look up from my work to see Spencer walk over to Gideon and watch their lips move.
“Hey, Spence, first piece for the birthday boy,” JJ says, holding a piece of cake out to him. “Spence, get over here. James, are you sure you don’t want some cake?” She turns to me, and I snap out of the zone I just went to.
“Huh-uh, no. I’m sure.”
“Happy birthday.”
“Thank you.”
“Birthday boy.”
“JJ, why don’t you feed it to him?” Derek teases.
“Sorry, guys. Party’s over,” Hotch says from the phone. I close the notebook I was working in and slide it into my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and heading up to the round table. The rest of the team meets me up there, and we take our seats. “We’re going to San Diego,” he tells us.
“Not for the surfing, huh?” Derek asks.
“Nope,” I comment.
“They’re calling him the Tommy Killer,” JJ says, handing us each files.
“Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks.”
“Six in three weeks?” Elle asks.
“Two a week,” I add. “Short fuse.”
“And getting shorter. The first two were eight days apart, then the next four in two weeks.”
“Rapid escalation,” Spencer comments. “Do you think he’s regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?”
“No, he’s too controlled for that,” Hotch answers. “See you on the plane.” I raise my eyebrows and look up from the file, watching our boss leave. Okay, weirdo.
“Why the Tommy killer?” Derek asks.
“You know the rock opera?”
“Uh...that was by The Who, right?” I ask.
“Yeah. This unsub glues his victims’ eyes wide open,” Hotch answers as he walks away.
“Tommy was blind as a result of psychosomatic disability, though…”
“He wants them to see him.”
“And feel him,” Gideon adds.
“Brenda Samms was found yesterday by her children when they got home from school,” Hotch says. “She had been strangled with a thin ligature, possibly a wire.”
“No weapon left at the scene.”
“Residue on the wrist and mouth indicate that duct tape was used and removed.”
“Also not found at the scene.”
“Brought it with him, took it with him.”
“Why?” I ask, looking over the crime scene photos.
“He also started leaving messages at the fourth scene. This was on the mirrors,” Hotch says, holding up the picture of the mirror covered in lipstick. “Fire lady, lay your costly robes aside. No longer may you glory in your pride. Take leave of all your carnal vain delight-”
“I’ve come to summon you away this night,” Spencer finishes.
“That’s not in Tommy,” I comment, looking at him.
“No, it’s a ballad from the late 1600s. A Dialogue Betwixt Death And A Lady,” he answers.
“A seventeenth-century ballad?” Elle asks.
“Yeah, a woman essentially begging death to live.”
“What kind of person knows this ballad?”
“Are we looking for a literature professor?” JJ asks.
“Anyone with an internet connection, actually. You should see what comes in when you type the word Death into a search engine.”
“Reid, no wonder you can’t get a date,” Derek teases.
“Reid, Balian, you two stay on the messages. See if there’s a deeper meaning,” Gideon says.
“Well, it definitely looks like he ransacked the crime scene pretty well.”
“Lot of damage, but nothing taken.”
“The eyes are the thing, the signature.”
“The behaviour that isn’t necessary for the murder, but necessary for the emotional release...that’s what he’s there for...” I comment, pulling out my notebook and writing notes in it. “It’s one collar, two sleeves, right?” I ask.
“What are you talking about?”
“There’s a trick to how to spell necessary. It’s like explaining a shirt. One collar, two sleeves.”
“Yes, it’s one collar, two sleeves.”
“Thank you, JJ.”
“There used to be a widely held belief that the eyes record a snapshot of the last thing a person sees before they die,” Spencer cuts in.
“Yeah, that’s right. People used to write poems about talking to death.”
“You think they’ll ever run out of new things to do to their victims?”
“Well, finding new ways to hurt each other is what we’re good at.”
“Right. Spencer, can you write down the poem for me? I’d ask you to recite it, but I couldn’t keep up,” I ask, sliding my notebook his way.
“Uh, sure.”
“My name is Death. Have you not heard of me?” Spencer whispers, staring at one of the verses pinned to the evidence board. “You may as well be mute…”
“Creepy, huh?” JJ asks.
“Actually, conversations between death and his victims was a fairly popular literary and artistic theme throughout the Renaissance…” He peers over to JJ’s face. “Yeah. Creepy.”
“Thank you for making this James-friendly. So, uh, if this pattern sticks through, this is how it plays out?”
“Why not include the lady’s verses?”
“If the unsub is writing as Death, then it wouldn’t make sense for the lady to respond,” Spencer replies to me.
“Why start with the messages now? There were three other murders, why no messages until now?” I ask.
“Maybe he’s evolving.”
“Why would he evolve? He’s spending more time at the scenes now, what with writing the message, and the cool off period is getting shorter... Gideon? Where are you going?” I ask, trailing off at the sight of Gideon and Derek following someone out.
“We’re going to the crime scene. Come on.”
“This profiling really works?” The detective asks as we ride down a street.
“It’s a tool,” Derek replies.
“You can tell all about a guy from looking at the scene?”
“The scene’s only part of it. We also use victimology, precedent. We can usually get a fairly clear picture of the guy.”
“Our guys went over it pretty well.”
“I’m sure they did.”
“Local officers aren’t trained to look for the things we look before.”
“What’s that?”
“Hate, insecurity, fear, anger.”
“That’s all in the scene?”
“It’s all in the behaviour,” I comment.
“You know anything about our guy yet?”
“Yeah,” Gideon replies. “He isn’t gonna stop until he’s caught.” We pull up beside the house with perfectly trimmed green grass surrounding us, in every yard. As we get out and walk to the house, a cruiser drives by us. “You increased patrols in this neighbourhood when the pattern was identified?”
“After the fourth victim. Bosses cancelled days off, vacations.”
“Neighbourhoods full of cruisers, and he still struck two more times,” Derek comments.
“He blends. Gideon,” he answers his phone. “Attempt?”
“Damn,” I whisper to Derek.
“Well, we’re already at the last crime scene. Let us know if you identify a suspect,” Gideon replies, ending the call.
“There might have been another attack not far from your station.” I watch as the detective turns back to walk to the cruiser.
“Hey, hey, hey,” I cut in, stepping in front of him.
“Where are you going?” Derek asks.
“Over there.”
“Sir, units are already heading that way. There’s not much you would be able to do there, we can get more accomplished here -”
“You’re kidding me, right?” The detective stares down into my eyes.
“If there’s an arrest, what we find here will help you prosecute,” Derek answers.
“This scene won’t be pristine forever,” Gideon adds.
“Guys, knock yourselves out,” the detective responds, putting the house keys in my hands.
“Thank you-”
“Hey, wait a minute,” Derek asks, stopping the man from running off. “The unsub went through the back, right?”
“The family room. It’s the one full of print dust,” he replies before turning to run away.
“Gideon, we’re going around the house.” I then toss the keys at Gideon and chase Derek around the side of the house, we climb over the gate and head to the family room window that was propped open, and we climb through it, carefully climbing the furniture until we get to the floor.
“Okay, it’s not that easy to manvuever.”
“Athletic,” I reply, helping pull him off of the armchair. We head to the kitchen, and Derek hands me crime scene photos.
“Alright, he messed with something in here.” I look around at the modern kitchen, feeling like I had walked into a friend’s house in Alexandria again.
“Microwave door’s open,” I comment, looking inside and closing it.
“Broken cappuccino machine. Took the appliances, which are upstairs. Why?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Why would I take the time?” We continue our tour around the house, leaving the kitchen and heading into the dining room. “Here's where I got the china...the silver.” I look to the open silverware box. “I didn’t take it, I broke it.”
“There’s a scene in Tommy where he throws all his mom’s riches into the water,” I add.
“Why wouldn’t she hear me?”
“Because she was blaring something upstairs.”
“Or I did it after.”
“Why stay afterwards for that long?” I follow Derek up the stairs, to the bedroom, where we meet Gideon staring at the TV.
“She had a workout video on,” he tells us. “Stepaerobics.” I told you so.
“Stepaerobics? With the platforms? Step up, down, step up, step down?”
“It can be fun,” I retort, looking around the bedroom floor. “Where’s the platform?” Gideon turns to the bed, getting on his knees and peering underneath it.
“He spent a lot of time here.”
“What, so he vacuumed? I mean, there’s no marks from the platforms.”
“A lot of time. We established this. The broken things, the message, the vacuuming-”
“The broken things. She must have been dead or incapacitated when he did that,” Derek cuts me off. “Cappuccino from the kitchen, dishes, vases, broken jewellery.”
“Symbols,” Gideon answers, sitting on the bed. “Your riches, gold, garments, jewels bright. Your house and land must on new owners light.”
“Is it just me, or do I just not understand that sentence?” I ask.
“Her riches,” Derek replies.
“You ever feel like there’s something obvious right in front of you, you just can’t see it?”
“A lot,” I nod.
“Yeah, usually right before a woman dumps me.”
“The verses,” Spencer walks up to us as soon as we come back.
“You found something?” I ask.
“Uh, not an answer, a question. I found the full text. He’s pretty much following it to a T, a least the death side of the conversation.”
“Okay. What’s your question?”
“Why didn’t he leave them at the first three murders? I mean, this ballad is ten verses long, just on the death side, he’s got plenty to work with. But if it’s not part of his signature, if it isn’t something he has to do for an emotional reason, then, I mean, why start?”
“JJ,” Gideon asks, grabbing her attention. “Find out when the press ran the first story on this unsub.”
“After which victim.”
“Yeah, you got it.” She picks up the phone.
“What are you thinking?”
“He wasn’t getting enough attention.”
“Narcissist? I mean, claiming you’re speaking as Death is a pretty big grandeur. It’s saying that you control life, you’re the thing to fear.”
“Police departments sometimes don’t even know they’re looking at a pattern.”
“Yeah, until somebody tells them. Balian, see me, feel me. Remember that. Tommy.”
“The first story ran the morning after the fourth victim was found,” JJ tells us.
“The increased patrols didn’t begin until after the fourth victim, either,” Derek adds.
“Yeah, the police didn’t realise what was happening, he writes his verse.”
“And everyone knows he was there.” I look behind me to see Hotch and Elle walking in.
“The offender in this new attempt is a black male.”
“Black male? Cross racial- that doesn’t happen.”
“What about Herbert Mullin, he killed fourteen people of completely varying ages, races, and creeds.”
“There was no sexual component to his crimes, he was a paranoid schizophrenic that was under the delusion that he could prevent earthquakes with murder,” I ramble.
“This attacker wore a ski mask,” Elle adds.
“Tell em we’re ready?”
“For a profile?” I ask Gideon.
“We’re gonna make Tommy contact us.”
“The unsub brought his weapons with him. Tape, glue, wire. He did not leave them at the scene,” Gideon says. “He took them when he left. He has a kind of killing kit that he carries.”
“Organised killers usually have a skilled job, likely technology related, which may involve the use of the hands,” Hotch adds with his arms crossed. “The crime scenes are far enough apart that he needs a vehicle. This will be well kept, obsessively clean, as will be his home.” Gideon has found a spot, sitting next to me on a desk. “He’s diurnal, the attacks occurred during the day, so the vehicle may be related to his work, possibly a company car or truck.”
“We believe he watches the victims for a time, learns the rhythms of the home, knows his time frame,” Derek comments.
“You’re not gonna catch him accidentally,” Hotch continues.
“He destroys symbols of wealth in the victims’ homes,” Gideon gets up and paces to the boards at the front of the room. “He harbours envy and hatred toward people of a higher social class. He feels invisible around them.”
“Class is the theme of the poem which he left at the various crime scenes,” Spencer cuts in. “At one point in the poem, the woman attempts to bribe death, but he doesn’t accept it, he says this is the one moment when riches mean nothing. When death comes, the poor and the rich look exactly alike.”
“So, he’s poor?”
“Probably middle class,” Hotch answers. “A lower-class person would significantly stick out in a highly patrolled neighbourhood. This guy appears to belong there. He blends in.”
“Why does he glue the eyes open?”
“The unsub is an exploitative rapist,” Elle interjects. “Most rape victims close their eyes during the attack, turn their heads. For some rapists, this ruins the fantasy. For this type of rapist, the goal is more related to the victim watching him than the act itself.”
“The verses, the staging, the aggressive language, “I am death. This is a guy who, while being in control at the crime scene, almost certainly feels inadequate in the rest of his life.”
“That’s why he couldn’t wait for you to figure out what he’d done. Why he needed to make sure all his crimes were counted. His victims,” Gideon stands up again from a chair, “they represent whatever it is that’s controlling him, and he wants that control back. He is under the thumb of a powerful woman who frightens him. And a final point. He is white.”
“We have witnesses that identify him as a black male,” the chief argues.
“The attacker was black, but he’s not the Tommy Killer. Mrs Gordon’s husband came home at the same time he always does. The Tommy Killer would’ve known that-”
“And Mrs Gordon’s attacker wore a ski mask,” Elle cuts me off. “The unsub knows when he walks into a house, he’s going to kill the woman who lives there. If you’re not leaving any witnesses, why wear a ski mask?”
“And he wants the victim to see him anyway.”
“Your attempted rapist is a garden variety, disorganised young man.”
“As the victim’s age goes up, generally, the attacker’s age goes down. Mrs Gordon is about sixty, which puts her rapist at about twenty.”
“And it takes years to develop the level of calm and sophistication that Tommy displays at ta crime scene, and the rapist is far too young for that.”
“Mrs Gordon told me that there’s a young man who delivers groceries to their home. He fits a lot of what we’re describing here.”
“Great. So we’re back to zero on Tommy.”
“Not at all. May I see you in your office for a moment?” Hotch asks, walking off with the chief.
“You really watched the opera on the plane?” Gideon asks me.
“Yeah. I didn’t exactly remember it all, and I wanted to be able to determine if this unsub really fell like he was Tommy,” I answer. “And I figured I could do that by comparing details of the movie to the unsub, you know, since they call him the Tommy Killer… you know, that bugged me the most.” I turned to Gideon, facing him. “I couldn’t figure out how this was connected to Tommy at all, except for the riches in Brenda Samm’s house being destroyed and Tommy throwing his mom’s riches into the sea.”
“I could tell you found the opera fun to watch,” Gideon replies.
“Elton John caught me off guard, and I love rock music.”
“He confessed to Mrs Gordon’s attack before we even got to the car,” Elle struts in.
“Thanks, Elle.”
“Should just make the eleven o clock news,” JJ states.
“Did they get good footage?”
“Yeah. Couldn’t miss him.”
“Good. Now we wait.”
“Call Garcia.”
I pull out my phone and speed dial, reaching her in moments.
“Go for Ms Penelope Garcia,”
“I got her on,” I say, handing JJ my phone.
“You ready for the trap and trace?”
“Peaches, this is the office of unmitigated superiority. I am always ready. With the awesome power I have in this room, all I need is fifteen seconds on the phone to nail this skeevy perv.”
“Fifteen seconds.”
“If that.”
“That’s not bad,” I comment.
“Not bad? What do I have to do to impress you, Agent Balian?”
“Didn’t mean it like that, you are already impressive.”
“Uh-huh.” She then hangs up on me, and I pocket my phone. “I’m no Derek Morgan.”
“Yeah, clearly. You need game with the ladies.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don’t need game if I’m not gonna play,” I retort.
“Still waiting, Garcia,” JJ says into a phone.
“God, I hate waiting like this,” Elle complains from the desk I’m at, flipping something over.
“Do you think it’s weird that I knew that ballad?”
“Spencer, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but everybody has that tidbit of knowledge that nobody else has,” I state. She scoffs.
“I don’t know how it is that you know half the things you know, but I’m glad you do.”
“Do you think it’s why I can’t get a date?”
“Don’t listen to Derek. What works out for some people doesn’t work out for others,” I don’t even look up from my book.
“Have you ever asked anyone out on a date?” Elle asks.
“That’s why you can’t get a date.” A phone rings from another desk.
“Detective Martin.”
“That’s what that guy’s name was? Martin?” I ask quietly. “Did I even introduce myself?”
“Hey, hey,” I hear a whisper, and Derek throws his hand up.
“Line six, Penelope, line six,” JJ says. Gideon gets up from the chair he’s chilling in, and we take the call as Hotch and Gideon run over to us.
“You stupid, incompetent sons of bitches! I don’t make mistakes! I am death! You hear me?! I am death! You’ll see now. Tomorrow. Mark my words, you will see. And while I’m taking her, I’m gonna be thinking of you.” He then hangs up, and I pull my head back in disgust and confusion.
“Anything?” JJ asks. “She says she got nothing.”
“Nothing?” Derek exclaims.
“We missed him?” Hotch asks. Thinking about the FBI while you’re getting off? What kind of statement is that?
“We have an undercover car for each of your teams, and the entire damn department out there, too.”
“Remember, a truck. Maybe a work truck, in excellent condition.”
“Everyone knows.”
“Alright, he might make a mistake today.”
“He’s angry, and he probably hasn’t done the surveillance he’d like.”
“Yeah, well, neither have we. Let’s go, Reid,” Derek says, claiming the beanpole.
“I’ll bring the car around,” Elle sighs, then leaves. I look to Gideon, then to Hotch. He gently pat’s Gideon’s arm.
“We’ll find him,” he says before leaving.
“There’s no way we just gave Tommy another victim,” I sigh.
“Profilers make mistakes, too.”
A cell phone rings, bringing Hotch and me out of our silence.
“What you got?”
“Put it on speaker,” I comment, and he does so.
“He’s a phone technician, Hotch. Police are looking for someone walking around the neighbourhood in broad daylight. Who notices a phone guy up on a pole?” I look from the phone to the phone poles, connected by miles of wire.
“He can watch for husbands leaving for work, watch for police patrols, know when the neighbourhood’s quiet.”
“He knows when he’ll have plenty of time. He can even tap into a phone line to make sure someone’s home. How about routing a call through twenty-five substations?”
“Twenty-five?” I ask.
“Yeah. Backyard? Hey, he’s just looking for a pole. Got tape? Of course he does. Wire? He’s a repairman.”
“Sounds right, Jason.”
“It is right. And we have his name.”
“We do? We have his name?” I ask Hotch as he looks at me and flips his phone shut.
“Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you,” Gideon says, pulling something out of his go-bag. “Forgot to give it to you at the party.”
“But you don’t give birthday presents,” Spencer remarks, taking the blue box with the red ribbon and opening it. “Wow...the Red...skins…”
“Reid, you got football tickets. And if I can count, there’s two of them,” I explain. “Why the Redskins, though?”
“It’s a VIP box,” Gideon explains.
“Thank you so much.”
“Ever been to a pro football game?” Gideon asks.
“No, I honestly didn’t even know this was football,” Reid laughs, examining the tickets.
“You’re gonna love it.”
“We are, you’re coming with me, right?” Spencer asks.
“No. Someone else on the plane is a huge Skins fan.”
“It’s not me,” I volunteer.
“Only person in the whole world who calls you Spence.” I look over the back of the seat at JJ, who reads a newspaper.
“No way, dude.”
“She’s a huge Redskins fan.” Spencer looks back at her.
“Wh-what should I say?” Gideon just stares at him, and he tucks the tickets into his shirt pocket, getting up from the seat. He stops and stares at the board. “Checkmate,” he moves a piece.
“What? What?” I exclaim, looking back as he goes to sit with JJ. “Why did you just do that to him?”  
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ranger-report · 4 years
Review: SPELUNKY 2 (2020)
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Few things in the Year of the Apocalypse have brought us joy; once upon a time back in February, there was something about a Sonic the Hedgehog movie that people actually liked, and then we went full-on deep into madness. From there it was disappointment after disappointment; even an unstoppable giant with hype, The Last of Us: Part II fell apart under fan scrutiny despite huge critical success.
But then, there was light: Fall Guys, a true underdog of a game, released and swept the internet and gaming as a whole with excitement. Joyous, colorful, wild, aggravating, Fall Guys single-handed brought catharsis to a series of unfortunate events, followed by a masterpiece of deception, Among Us. Also capturing colorful characters in the most unlikely of situations, Among Us is the game of Secret Hitler that nobody knew they wanted, ruining friendships along the way -- a game I plan to do a write-up on soon. And yet, we still have another gem to consider now, one which is seven years in the making, and against all odds is just as good -- if not better -- than it’s predecessor: Spelunky 2.
Once upon a time, a developer named Derek Yu released a pixellated exploration game that was a love letter to Pitfall and Indiana Jones. Dubbed Spelunky, it followed the trials and tribulations of the Spelunky Guy as he dove headfirst into a series of ever-changing caverns as he explored mines, jungles, icy caves, and Egyptian ruins to discover the City of Gold. It was released free online, and was well-received enough for Yu to work on an upgraded version, Spelunky HD. Gone were the retro pixels, replaced with detailed cartoon art and vibrant atmosphere. Telling the same story with the same levels, only now realized in higher quality and deeper secrets, Spelunky HD helped create the roguelike genre, in which players start at the beginning of a game with nothing, slowly make their way through the game amassing items and weapons to assist them, but death takes them all the way back to the beginning pockets empty. Then, the game randomly generates a new series of levels for the player to try again, ensuring no two runs are ever the same. For some this is frustrating, for others an endearing challenge. Many have spent hours diving deep into the game, searching over and over for its most hidden secrets, discovering hidden paths and endings only achieved through insanely difficult methods. With that game cemented as a bona fide masterpiece, it seemed daunting to even consider a follow up, but Yu and development team Mossmouth have done it once more with Spelunky 2, a game that feels tighter, plays looser, and somehow holds even more secrets than the first game, partially due in part to the sequel having actual lore to follow and a story that literally is out of this world. Here the protagonist is Ana Spelunky, daughter of Guy Spelunky (the titular Spelunky Guy....the game is full of dad jokes like these), as she followers her adventurous father and mother to the moon as they have disappeared there. Turns out the Olmec guardian defeated in the first game also has a presence on Earth’s satellite, and the Spelunkys have vanished in their quest to research this. So Ana, full of spunk and vigor and dog Monty in tow, steps into the spotlight on a completely new adventure, along with completely new friends.
Where the first game gave players options to discover and unlock new characters during the course of the game, Spelunky 2 treats these side characters as actual companions. A base camp at the start shows life and livelihood where everyone beds down and preps for the next expedition, where shortcuts to different stages can be traversed (once properly unlocked) and dialogue can be had. There’s a simple joy just to stand around and see everyone you’ve unlocked hanging out, walking around, as more and more beds occupy the camp. It’s a very subtle way of showing player progress that is both incredibly rewarding and relieving. And for the most part, it’s the same essence of gameplay. Explore levels filled with creatures out to kill you, while collecting gold and rescuing animals. Gold can buy resources from the shops located in the levels, animals give you a kiss for extra health, but only if they make it to the end alive. Meanwhile, the areas are loaded with traps, bombs, hidden monsters, jars filled with any number of surprises, and bonus areas that can be unlocked with the proper use of a rope or a bomb. But tarry too long and the ghost that haunts this world will reveal itself, slowly stalking you until either you reach the end of the level or there’s nowhere else to run.
Differences with the new game come in gentle shocks: for starters, where the first game had a linear progression this one has multiple pathways that can be taken to get to the end. And minibosses! Journeying through the opening caves, divided into four sections, leads to a confrontation against a giant caveman named Quillback in World 1-4, which leads to a pair of doors, one on either side of the level. First time playing through might lead to discovering one of the doors due to the way they’re split apart, but casual exploration to the opposite side reveals the truth: a whole new world. One door leads to Volcana, the underground mining operation in a volcano, the other leads to the Jungle, which has received deadly upgrades from it’s previous life. Spelunky 2 is littered with these gentle shocks as I mentioned above: golden idols still set off traps when picked up, but the traps now vary from falling pillars to explosive lava to spiked walls. Beyond the Jungle and Volcana lies a boss fight with Olmec, making a surprise appearance early in the game. And from here the game moves ever onward, revealing new areas, new characters to unlock, new surprises. And the surprises are telegraphed even better than they were in the first game. For example: unlock a special box with a golden key in the Caves to gather the Eye of Udjat, which lets you see through the floor. But the Eye can also be used to start up the Drill in Volcana, the only way to power it. What happens when you use the drill? Gentle shocks, indeed. New ideas also include mounts to ride (once tamed, which can leave you vulnerable for a moment while you wait for the ride to settle), each one having a different attack or special ability, and brand new shops which can let you into their back rooms to loot...unless you have a skeleton key and you want to risk pissing them off by breaking and entering. But pissing off a shopkeeper usually results in guns blazing your direction, and the imminent threat of death.
Death is in abundance. The game knows it, you know it, the characters know it. With a premise around the idea that death is impermanent while inside the tunnels of the moon, it becomes eventual that the characters get in on the act. Turning the page in Ana’s journal on the game over screen reveals little thoughts of hers on this leg of the journey: from base facts such as when she first took damage, to giggly details like “I was vegan” (referring to the fact that she didn’t eat any turkeys or -- god help us -- cavemen for extra health), the game brims over with character aplenty. Even certain guardians refer to Ana as “Reborn” nodding to the endless cycle. And, in fact, it is endless: it keeps going and going and going until eventually there is the final level and the escape from the moon. But how long will it take to get there? What sacrifices must be made to make it that far? How many loops, deaths, rebirths? As always with Spelunky, there is gold both figurative and literal to be mined from the ruthless exploration. Secrets are deep and wide, surprises await around every corner (was that a LEPRECHAUN and did it drop a FOUR LEAF CLOVER??? And did that ghost just sPLIT into FOUr???), and all of it is rewarding.
It can be difficult to review a game that I haven’t finished. A lot of Spelunky players have never finished the game. There’s a certain finesse to it, watching speedrunners bounce through levels undaunted, gathering miracle items to assist them. Then there’s players like me, that bumble and stumble their way into lucky runs and slowly earn shortcuts to different worlds. It’s a gamble every single time, and sometimes I wonder why I do it, but the charm and the fun and the fist-pumping feeling of success against all odds is what makes this game so much fun. And to think that Mossmouth not only captured the feeling of the first game, the majesty of it, and renewed all of that magic with the second. Someone made a blood sacrifice to craft this game, that much is for sure. As of this writing, the Playstation 4 version has been out for a few weeks, and the PC version for only a few days. After playing both I can confirm that they are precise, concise, and play exactly the same, although I do feel I had slightly better control response times on the PC. That said, online co-op is not yet available for PC, as Mossmouth is going over that aspect with a fine toothed comb. Having playing online day one for the PS4, I can say that the hiccups experienced then will be best served through Mossmouth’s attention first. Online play has become much smoother since, but players deserve the best experience off the jump.
Spelunky 2 is mana from heaven in these trying times, and I’m gobbling as much of it as I can. And when a game like this is is this deep and wide, there’s a lot to gobble...and all of it is tasty.
Final Score: 9/10
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