#also i definitely feel like flower would be so bad at romantic situations
mspaint-flower · 1 year
who do you ship with flower
I'VE HAD THIS QUESTION BEFORE HAKJSHHFKSHKSG i'm not really a ship person so my answer would be ''no one'' but as long as the ship is not problematic i don't mind it
i used to ship her with fukase and piko before but now i'm just kinda neutral
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
Bad Sanses x Princess! S/O perhaps? (That one bride and her ugly ass groom meme lol)
Nightmare is a royal himself (or so he addresses himself as one), so having someone be on the same power position as him, makes him respect you.
I mean, he is an asshole to everyone, but you.
He makes sure that you're treated with the utmost respect by the others too.
You truly overall get more advantages, being Nightmare 'princess friend'.
Now the next thing I'm gonna say, is gonna be shocking.... He's kind to you.
Yes, that's right. I'd say you're lucky. Being treated like a treasure by the king of negativity himself, is a huge achievement.
He even listens to you when you command him something.
"Night! Stop traumatizing this poor man!" "Yes, of course, anything for you, love."
He's determined to make Killer lay on the puddles of water, just so you can come across it.
A sugar daddy Nightmare??
He buys you literally anything you want. Anything your heart desires, you already posses.
You know that one song from Lana Del Rey? That's the kind of relationship going on with you two.
"Would you ever kill for me, one day?" Him immediately without thinking about it, replying; "Yes, of course I will my darling."
When I say that this man's HOOKED. Then I mean he's hooked.
He would try to woo you somehow. Gives you flowers, flirts.
But Nightmare doesn't really let him, since he thinks that Blade is too much of a commoner to even attempt at wooing you.
He's devastated fr.
Ya know Romeo and Juliet? That's what's going on. He's gonna sneak himself through your window, while you're giggling at his silly behavior.
You'd probably think he was cute. (And he was lmao)
He's be interested in all the royal stuff, and definitely asks you about it more than once.
He likes your dresses. He wants to try them too! (And he probably did once)
You're like two high schoolers hiding from their parents (Nightmare) while giggling through it.
He'd get in a lot of situations, that you'll have to get him out of, but they're probably all done just for you.
Like, he saw this thing that you so desperately want, and he'd steal it. That kind of thing.
Y'all give me major Flynn Rider and Rapunzel vibes.
Ace would be nervous at approaching you. He probably thinks that the worst possible thing happens.
He's gonna prepare for a conversation with you, a MONTH before talking to you.
You'd think he was cute or something, so you'd just look at him doe eyes. (That made him more nervous)
He wants to hear you talk all the time. Loves your voice, even more when you're explaining things.
He's such a good listener, I swear to god.
Ace would like the fact you two are completely different, when it comes to a position. He's not a royal, or anything like that, so he feels like it's really romantic.
Ace can't stop talking about you, whenever you're not near him.
"So then that happened." "Yeah, that's cool, but did you know Y/N-"
Literally thinks you're the prettiest thing to have ever graced his eye.
He wants to treasure you, and make sure you're safe at all times.
He's gonna be like your personal guard. He's gonna carry you over puddles... Anything!
He's not really talkative though, so he'd probably just watch you intently while you're out here talking his nonexistent ears off.
Please, show him some dresses! He wants to see you in them!
Horror likes the nature, so there's gonna be a lot of walks through the woods or something.
He also likes chopping wood. So he's gonna be out there breaking a brick of wood only with his hands, and you're gonna be drooling over how strong he is. (Me too girlie. Me too)
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i-love-yoi · 3 months
What gifts do they usually give you?
TW:GN!Reader, romantic relationship, takes place after the incident with Mari.
Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Kel, Hero,(HS)Mari. (All RW)
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Okay, I didn’t write anything because I was busy studying, and fortunately, I don’t have a single C grade for the year.
•In general, Sunny is quite a jack of all trades, he just quickly gives up what he just started.
•One mistake is enough, and he will abandon this matter.
•It would have been the same with playing the violin, but the parents were already spending money on training, and the older sister was not allowing it (until the day of the concert.)
•Although, I would say that he clearly has a rich imagination, especially after 4 years of literally living in dreams and fantasies.
•I also think he has good motor skills, so he really likes to do things by hand.
•For example, while Kel was buying figurines of his favorite characters, Sunny was just printing out diagrams and assembling them in the form of origami.
•But he did not resort to this often, since his family was quite well off, and he could easily buy the same figurine from the store.
•So, based on all this, I think he would give you some small but very cute fakes with different and interesting mechanics that you would think would be difficult to make with your hands.
•And if you don’t have money, or for some reason you can’t buy a figurine of your favorite character, then consider that you already have this figurine, but in the form of paper.
•Oh, and I could definitely say that he has his own hand-made paper figurine in the shape of you.
•I think everyone here has already guessed what will happen to Basil.
•Exactly, Basil would often give you bouquets of flowers!
•Of course, he understood that not everyone likes flowers, and some consider them useless, but clearly not him.
•Although, of course, he will respect his partner’s preferences.
•For him, flowers are something tender and pleasant, a way to express great respect and love for his partner.
•Moreover, since the past, respectful men have done this, wanting to charm the lady of their heart and show their respect for her.
•And he obviously doesn’t buy them, but grows them himself.
•Honestly, it’s more pleasant for him to grow scarlet roses like blood himself, watching how this sprout grows, turning into a lovely flower.
•Also, he will always attach a photo of a beautiful sunset or field to the bouquets, with a beautiful and sweet inscription, for example: “These roses are as fragrant and beautiful as you.”
•I think she would despise all those flowers and paper things and those candies.
•The most important thing for her is that she can spend time with her love partner, hear his voice, feel his partner physically, and understand that she is not alone.
•Aubrey generally does not like to be alone, especially at home, with her mother.
•So you often either go for walks or go every now and then for pizza, to a secret place on the lake, or to your house if you're not as bad as she is and you're comfortable there.
•Ultimately, this helps her take her mind off the all-consuming thoughts about the situation with her parents about the incident.
•Although, of course, if you want candy or flowers, she will give them to you, but more often she still likes to share some moments with you, for example, the same sunset or to greet the sunrise.
•She collects flowers from the street, so they can be simple daisies or clover flowers, or maybe bells (flowers).
•Although, I don’t argue that she can sometimes quietly steal a flower from someone else’s flowerbed from a bush.
•In fact, Aubrey relies on “Whatever you ask, I will take,” since she, firstly, wants to get to know you more, the point is clear, and does not want to give any useless gifts.
•What is more important to her is that you are happy and comfortable.
•But it’s quite difficult with this guy.
•So, he quickly acquires many hobbies, including cooking, embroidery, gardening and much more.
•However, he does not succeed in all areas, and he quickly abandons some, and some simply become boring to him and he abandons them.
•And if Sunny could compensate for this with money due to the financial situation of his family, then Kel cannot even compensate for this.
•Kel already has a fairly large family, so the money first went to his talented older brother Hero, and now it goes to his little sister Sally.
•So Kel doesn't have much money to buy you gifts.
•Well, that’s okay, he could save up, but he has no patience or financial literacy at all.
•Therefore, sometimes he can’t restrain himself and buys some kind of garbage, even which he doesn’t need at all.
•The main thing is that it brings him pleasure, the same feeling of pride of a collector with a complete collection or something like that.
•So his skillful and not so skillful hands often come into play.
•So, Kel has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, and in his fantasies they all look simply gorgeous.
•And either he has thought too much of himself, or his arms do not quite grow from his shoulders (Here, most likely, the second option).
•So when he gives you a gift, he is either shy or too happy. (The second option is very rare.)
•Basically, he is very disappointed that what turned out to him is clearly not what he came up with in his head, and is quite self-critical in this regard.
•I think he would have thought something like: “But my brother would have done better.”, “But there’s too much glue here.”, “But here it’s already peeling off.” And much more like that.
•So it’s with shame, but he gives it to you, he’s already spent time and materials on it.
•But he will bring you some wild flowers, or not very expensive ones.
•Just remember that he is already in a large family, and not a very rich one, so just don’t discuss him for this, he deliberately denied himself his favorite figurine for your sake.
•In any case, I think he has something homemade, but made with soul, albeit with glue around the edges.
•Oh, check, her baskets have everything you want.
•Do you want some fruit? Already here.
•Do you want some candy? Please!
•Do you want flowers? The most recent?
•Do you want a cat? Somewhere in the depths there will also be...
•It may seem to you that you just robbed her, but in reality it is not so.
•Mari likes to pamper you, even if you yourself are ashamed of it.
•She loves to see you blush, gobbling up the sweetness on both cheeks.
•In fact, Mari just really likes to embarrass you and make you feel good.
•We can say that if it’s pleasant and joyful for you, then she’s happy too.
•So Mari often takes care of you, and also, thanks to her basket, pampers you with something.
•Understand that she likes it herself.
•Especially when she is alone, and her little brother and a group of friends are looking... Looking? No, you're wrong, they're just walking.
•They have no one to look for.
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alwaysthefool · 1 year
Hurts Like Heaven (Dazai x You)
warnings; death, angst, disease, unrequited love, double suicide mention
tags; hanahaki disease
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[Author's note: Obligatory definition of hanahaki disease (from fanlore dot com lol)-- Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. In this variation, the reader's symptoms peak up when they actually see Dazai. There's no surgery option in this one 😈]
Fuck, not him again. You could almost cry as you saw Dazai at the cafe, flirting with the waitress, making jokes again. There was no way he wouldn't know as your situation was at its worst, and you couldn't run out because you weren't in the physical condition to. The most you could do was hide your face in your arms and pray he didn't see you. You had decided not to get coffee that day, settling with just green tea to make yourself feel a little better, but you knew just seeing him would give you at least a week's worth of dreams. Just the thought hurt so much. Dazai, who had never outright rejected you, who you could never tell your feelings to, scared of the fatal rejection, but more so, rationally knowing you couldn't give him the love he needed, and he couldn't love you. Your worlds were too different-- you couldn't begin to understand him-- and his heart was elsewhere, unable to love again. You were similar too, both sad with an evil past and tragic fates. The only difference was, unlike you, he could be saved. 
And thus, you let that little dandelion seed of a wish fly out of your hand, only for it to bloom as a petal in your lungs.
You had known him for only a year and started to like him for less than and a half, and it would kill you in only a matter of weeks.
You'd just smile and hide your pain whenever you saw him, excusing yourself and going around back to cough up blood and petals. That didn't hurt as much, neither did knowing you'd die, but what hurt was seeing him. It hurt like heaven. There he was again, with that smile, those eyes that hid a world you couldn't begin to understand, those bandages that you knew hid more than scars, that hair, those hands you wished so badly to touch, even if it would kill you. Death? Blood? What was that? The only thing that caused any substantial pain was the longing, and you wanted so bad to quash it. Your solution was avoiding him and forgetting all about him eventually, no matter how long it took. As long as he didn't appear before you, it would be okay. So why, still, did you decide to stay in the city?
"If it isn't [Name]!" That rich voice chimed, and you heard the chair across you being pulled. Of course he saw you. Of course it would be like that. Of course you couldn't get your night's rest.
Part of your heart bloomed with feelings, and the other wished you hadn't stepped out of your house that day.
You removed your hands from your face, and gave him a weak smile, trying your best not to let the ache in your chest show.
"I feel like I never see you anymore." He pouted those perfect lips as an extremely deadly joke, forcing a few coughs out of you. You immediately turned away, and hid the blood and petals in your handkerchief.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" As if nothing missed his eye, he exclaimed "Is that blood?!"
"Um." You composed yourself again, despite all the pain, thinking of a lie. "Yeah, actually I... I have pulmonary hemosiderosis."
You thanked the knowledge that came from 20 seasons of Grey's, but also slightly cringed at having to keep up a ridiculous lie in front of a detective.
"Do you need any help?" To your dismay, Dazai stood up and sat beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder, making you feel like you'd explode there and then.
Three weeks of bedrest, five weeks of bad dreams, and an even shortened lifespan.
"Please get away from me." You almost cried, closing your eyes and jerking him off reluctantly.
"Alright, just relax, okay?" Even then, he was so cool as you heard him take his original seat. You slowly opened your eyes again, knowing you'd made a mess of your image in front of him. Perhaps his concerned eyes hid a resentment for you, but you didn't care. You just loved him.
"Yeah, sorry, it can be contagious." You lied, knowing he could go home and google that it was not, and hoped he didn't care about you enough to but Dazai stared at you with a look of absolute sternness. Of course he wouldn't believe your lies. But do you know? I wish you knew.
"That so?" He spoke in a way it didn't sound like a question. "Anyway, you do not seem well. Please let me take you to the hospital. Or Yosano, if you're more comfortable with that."
You had already been to Yosano once before, and she told you she couldn't cure that, wishing you all the best as you lied and told her the person you liked already rejected you. He didn't even like you enough as a friend. You were nothing to him, but the unfair universe made him mean so much to you. It wasn't like you didn't understand him. You did, and deeply, but something had gone wrong in both of your destinies that made you end up that way. Dazai was worlds apart from you, and you couldn't reach him. Maybe that pretty girl he had been talking to recently would, maybe someone like Chuuya could, maybe his friends from the agency could, but not you. No, you were just an acquaintance.
And at that moment, you realised no matter how much you tried to ignore him, it wouldn't help-- that you'd die, and you'd feel happy about it. You lost everything to someone like that, all your dreams, your precious life, your esteem and confidence, only for love. Did your life mean nothing beyond that? If you told him, and he reciprocated your feelings, you'd still die from his inciting dream of a double suicide. If he rejected you, you'd die alone. Maybe not doing anything and taking that impossible chance to make your life your own would mean something, despite the disease having a 100% fatality rate if the feelings are not reciprocated.
"No, this is normal, trust me." You finally gave him a reassuring smile. "Besides, I don't think hospitals can help anymore."
"What?" He looked shocked, reaching out to take your hand, and you let him, comforting him instead by rubbing a fragile thumb on his palm . Did he really not know? Why did he look so shocked? Did he care? Those feelings overcame you, and you coughed a little more, apologizing quickly.
"Please tell me there's a way."
You took a deep breath. "Mine's a special case. Even with surgery, there's no chance."
"No..." Dazai looked away from you, outside the window, that pained and distant expression you'd fallen for crossing his face. In that moment, you finally understood it. It was a longingness for something.
"It's fine, buddy." You pulled your hand away from him owing to the ache in your lungs. "I still want to try, you know. I want to live." He still did not look at you as he put his chin on his shaking palm. "And I wish the same for you."
He forced a smile, finally looking at you with those same dead eyes you were always curious about. Now you knew that it meant despair. Dazai was a poem you could only decipher at the brink of your death, and he was far more beautiful and pure than he knew he was.
"If I could, I'd give up my worthless life for yours."
You commanded your lungs and heart to keep at bay, as if telling death you needed a moment before peacefully accepting its call.
"Your life isn't worthless, you know. You did so many good deeds. If you feel like dying, maybe it's because you just need purpose."
Dazai's eyes widened, and it was as if, for a moment, you thought he could love you back, and things would work out, that you could save him and yourself. But those moments were always fleeting, because you knew you had no purpose either, and you'd fall into his vices like you'd fallen for him.
"Do you think you can manage a walk? The weather's beautiful today."
Dazai helped you up, and held you tightly as the two of you walked out, the blossoms from the trees flying about. The scene was almost like a movie, and you knew you were at the end, using the last of your strength to walk, the disease taking over your body completely, the pain being nothing just because he was holding you.
"You're right." You breathed. "It's beautiful. I-"
You wanted to say more to him, you wanted to be held for a little longer, you had so many dreams, and so much you wanted, but your body finally gave out, as you violently coughed blood and petals, Dazai catching you as your feet lost their hold.
"[Name]!" He yelled as he held you in his lap, scrambling his head to find a way to help you somehow, pausing when he saw the petals blossom out of your mouth. Although the thought of you loving someone else hurt him deeply, he still begged you to tell you who it was, whether you had confessed, if there was a chance.
"Hey..." You croaked through tears and coughs. "It's okay, friend. I'm happy to die in your arms."
"Don't say that! You're not dying!" He wished he knew you better to figure out who it was, and you wished he knew you better to know it could be no one else but him. That no one had showed you the kindness he had shown you, that no one helped you life he did, that no one understood you like he did. You were so happy just to have known him. He made your life better despite also making it end; he made it beautiful and gave it a little meaning.
However, you weren't strong enough to tell him all of that, so you chose your final words carefully. "Thank you for everything, Dazai. I was happy to have loved you."
He held you tightly as your eyes closed, those persistent flowers that had plagued you so finally withering as your breathing stopped. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream at you for not telling him, knowing you could be saved because he loved you too. He wished you knew that you could've saved him, that you were enough for him, that he'd overcome his own insecurities and pursued you first instead.
And in the midst of all that regret as he did nothing but hold your still warm form, a single petal bloomed in his lung.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Sanji loves romantic novels. And romantic plays. He keeps buying books about fairytale romances and scripts every time they happen to find a bookstore. He loves the poetry of it all. The dramatic and intensified feelings of pure, devoted love that goes against all odds and always has a happy, magical ending. Because that's what he has always wanted. He knows he shouldn't find comfort in books about royalty falling in love, but it's never really about the princesses and more about them running away to find love and fight for it. And they might be cliché and sappy but he likes them. They bring him happiness whenever he's feeling down. Besides, his mom used to read those to him quite a lot, so that's another reason.
But he never tells anybody because he's a bit embarrassed of being a 21 y/o man that reads these things. Not that it's bad,, And he knows the crew wouldn't laugh that much at him about it (except maybe mosshead). But still, he doesn't have good memories about situations like that. He doesn't even tell Usopp when they start dating. It's a secret, guilty pleasure he has. Even if the stories are dumb and predictable and idiotically hopeful and romantic... He loves them. But he doesn't want Usopp (even if he knows he wouldn't) to think less of him for that. An irrational fear, he supposes. Maybe he's just not ready to share his passion with him yet.
So he keeps hiding to read and some days he even disappears for hours to do so. Nobody knows where he is. Sometimes he says he's busy cooking and bans everybody (even his boyfriend) from coming in because he needs to focus, when he's actually just reading. And Usopp notices. Of course he does.
But Sanji doesn't find out about that until one day, Usopp appears with a ton of flowers (that are definitely not roses and definitely not pacific but they're tame now and they look sort of cute) on the deck, looking up at Sanji who's leaning on the railing of the second floor. Sanji does not know what's going on. He's astonished. Speechless. Everybody is around them witnessing what's going on. And that's when Usopp starts acting all dramatically, reciting by heart one of his favorite scenes of that one book he always keeps rereading.
And it's dumb and mosshead is rolling his eyes and Luffy won't stop yelling in the background and Franky is crying but-- But Brook is also playing one of his songs and Robin is staring at them with the softest of smiles and Sanji just can't seem to be able to look away from Usopp. It's cliché and dramatic and it's absolutely perfect.
So when it's his turn, he responds to Usopp, maybe not with the same intensity, but with the exact words he wants to hear. They haven't said 'I love you' yet, but Sanji says it anyway. Not because it's in the script or because that's how the book goes, but because it's how their story goes.
Usopp might not be a knight in shining armor. Or a prince. Or a superhero. But he's Sanji's overly dramatic sniper who would make a bouquet of lethal flowers and memorize a whole fairytale romantic confession for him. And you know what? Sanji is starting to think that the only reason why his books will start to feel ridiculous now is because they'll never be as magical as his reality with his true love.
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kumabeom · 1 year
anti romantic
chapter 19 : this thing was a masterpiece ‘til you tore it all apart
synopsis : anti romantic, college student choi yeonjun who thinks he’s seen everything in a relationship, promising himself that he won’t go through another relationship ever again to prevent himself from going through another heartbreak. that was until he sees yn, a classmate, chasing his heart. will his walls be enough to scare yn away, or will they continue chasing yeonjun with all they have ?
warnings: cuss words, angst, yeonjun seeming like the bad guy but he’s not :(( i need someone to give jun a hug :(( OH also a mention of committing suicide in one of the tweets..
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pink cherry-like leaves fell from the trees, slight spring breeze shaking them off the tree branches, decorating the sidewalk. the sun beginning to set, hiding behind a few clouds, the moon made its presence known. there were certainties in the world: when spring arrived, more flowers bloomed, while others died because they weren’t in season.. when the sun were to rise, the daylight would soon enough lose its shine and be covered the by the moon.
and maybe another certainty, was that you were meant to lose yeonjun.
with everything that yoojung had already tried to do to get the two of you to split up, well it was inevitable. the sad thing was that you were so willing to sacrifice your own mental being to stay with yeonjun, and that wasn’t right. whereas yeonjun was willing to give up his relationship with you to ensure your happiness.. but why was that also not right ? it was the right thing to do, but yeonjun had made such a huge impact in your life that.. well you couldn’t lose him, especially not to yoojung, who had already caused so much harm on his life.
although, you knew. you knew that this little “cheating” scandal was just supposed to act as a way to get you and yeonjun to tussle over it. so if you knew that this was probably apart of yoojung’s whole plan to get you and yeonjun to break up, why did it hurt so much. to be fair, yeonjun’s lips were very much placed on someone else’s.
the boy in the picture was him.
and yoojung just so happened to be the one receiving the kiss.
it hurt. it hurt so badly.
the two of you promised to treat each other so well. to love each other a way that no one else has ever showed the two of you. a love so sweet and powerful that it was bound to stick along forever.
that’s what you planned with yeonjun.
a future so loving and adoring that the only people you would need in your life was each other.
a future where all you needed was to tell each other that you loved one another, and end each day off with cuddles.
so here you were as your head lied on soobin’s shoulder, tiny crystal-like tears escaping your eyes. the tv displaying a random rom-com, but each rom-com came with its unfortunate climax, where the main characters would learn something about the other causing them to call it off.
you never believed life would ever be like a rom-com, after all they were fictional stories that were being told to place hope in its audience or just to get a good giggle out of the viewer. but here you were, planning a movie-like future with yeonjun while facing the many obstacles that it would take to overcome any problems and show yeonjun just how much you truly loved him.
you felt soobin tense up, feeling like maybe it was making you uncomfortable… and it was, but after all you were the one who chose the movie, even after soobin recommended a ton of different action, disney movies.
soobin hated this entire situation, he hated yeonjun.. well maybe he didn’t hate hate him.but he definitely didn’t like him as much as he did before. he for sure did hate yoojung, who was she to try to destroy your relationship. the blame was all on her, she’s the one who cheated on yeonjun so why did you and yeonjun deserve to suffer over an option that she made.
soobin hated one thing the most : seeing you cry.
you were such a warm-hearted person, crying did not look good on you at all. there were times when soobin would come off a bit cold, and you were always volunteering to stay by his side. even a few months ago when beomgyu accidentally rejected soobin, you were there immediately after finding out what happened.
soobin recalled back to his childhood. the way that not all the kids in his neighborhood liked him, specifically because his name was always used as a comparison to the other kids. their mothers always making comments like “you should’ve done better, i heard soobin made a 110.” and while your grades weren’t always perfect, they were close, but even your own mother compared you to soobin, you were always there for him.
soobin remembers one time when he was walking out to get groceries, seeing a bundle of kids in the playground. they were all surrounding you, they continuously attempted to talk behind his back, not knowing that he was right there. however; you happened to shut down each insult, talking about how he isn’t a bad guy, and how it’s rude for them to talk behind his back. he remembers the way that you walked up to him, catching his presence. gifting him your presence to his way to the convenience store. as he asked why you were so adamant on not allowing others to talk bad about him. recalling your words, “well because it’s simply just rude, not only that but you work so hard to get such good grades and it’s not fair that they look down on you just because you do well. you’re not even a bad guy, you’re quite lovely.”
he knew what other kids said about him everyday, even if you tried to cover it up from him. he appreciated the thought. and since then, you two were like peas in a pod. never separating, only having each other to protect yourselves from the cruel, harsh world.
so here he was, his ears catching the noise of a few sniffles that originated from your nose. he leaned forward a bit, not wanting to move you too much. he grabbed a few tissues, passing them onto you. you showed him a soft yet sad smile, trying to hide your sadness.
“yah, don’t try to force yourself to seem happy, let it all out yn.. you deserve that atleast-“
soobin was cut off by a knock at the door, looking over at you. “i’ll get it, soob, don’t worry..” you removed your head off his shoulder, getting up. you slipped on a pair of black slippers that soobin brought.
your legs guided you towards the door. your hand twisting the knob, opening the door only to spot a tense-looking yeonjun.
“h-hey…” you greeted, your body still blocking the path to enter your apartment.
“do you have someone over ?” he asked, taking a peek at his watch, noticing as time passed.
“just soobin..” you mumbled, watching as yeonjun seemed to be in a rush. and in all honestly it hurt you, he couldn’t spare you a bit of time even after such an intense picture was revealed to you and nearly 18 thousand people ?
“oh.. well do you have time to talk, it’ll be quick.” yeonjun questioned. in all honesty he was in pain too, he hated coming off too coldly towards you. after everything that has happened, he just wanted to wrap you in his arms and tell you that it was all going to be okay. he wanted to press small kisses all over your face and tell you that you’re the only one he’s ever wanted. he wanted to tell you about how you changed him, how you made him into such a loving being. but here he was, about to hurt you even more. he hated this. he hated your red swollen eyes, your nose was also red, looking down to your hand seeing the tissue that you grasped. it broke his heart, he didn’t want to ever see you in such a state of vulnerability, you didn’t deserve that.. you only deserved all the happiness in the world.
“umm.. yeah-“
“lets break up.”
you looked at him, wide eyes open. eyes tearing up, your mouth open. before you composed yourself, eyes still shiny with tears, looking at him with still a bit of shock on your face.
“y-yeonjun you’re not being serious, right ? i know that picture wasn’t as it seemed.. it was all yoojung and karina’s doing right ! i don’t hate you over those pictures yeonjun ! i know that it’s all just to get us to brea-“
“yn.. i’m being serious, it was me in those pictures. karina had nothing to do with it, it was just me and yoojung. yn, i just- i don’t love you.” yeonjun tried his best to avoid your eyes, his voice nearly cracking from delivering those words to you.
yeonjun regretted this so much, but it was better for you, it was better for you to stay happy without him. he needed to protect you.. he had no idea what yoojung would do to hurt you.
he continued to avoid your eyes, seeing the way that they were tearing up, he knew you were holding it back. all he wanted to do was to hug you, tell you that it’s all because of yoojung. tell you that it was all because yoojung is threatening your mental being and your relationship. but he couldn’t, he wanted to, but it was best if you hated him, rather than trying to change his mind. he knew that you would rather go through so much pain to stay with him.
soobin got up from the couch, only hearing the last few words that yeonjun said to you. he made his way to the door way, eying yeonjun from head to toe.
“leave.” soobin said, backing you away from the door. he knew he was about to make a few remarks towards yeonjun and he didn’t want you to be there for that. he didn’t want you to see him fighting with the person who you adored for such a long time.
“yah, soobin, this has nothing to do with you.”
“it does, yn is my best friend, and if you’re going to be so fucking rude while breaking up with them, then i’m going to get involved. did you expect me to just stand there while you hurt my friend.. they did their best to make you happy, yn helped you recover from a breakup, and yet here you are.. you’re no different than yoojung. so leave. what is it about cheating that makes the two of you feel so fulfilled ? and you can’t even say that you lacked gaining affection, because yn gave you more than enough of affection..”
yeonjun’s heart crumpled from soobin’s words, ‘you’re no different than yoojung.’ he didn’t like that, he didn’t want to be like yoojung.. he never wanted to be compared to yoojung.
soobin pushed yeonjun’s shoulder with two fingers, ignoring anything that you were saying to him.
“leave and never come back.” soobin yelled, slamming the door shut and locking it. looking over to see your crying figure. pulling you into a hug, his hand on the back of your head, as if you could get any closer. he felt the wet patch growing on his tee. he didn’t mind though, that was the least of his worries. he just wanted you to feel okay.
“don’t listen to anything that he said, i know that i kinda pushed it too far. but.. im sure he did love you, i took a psychology class, remember ? that means i know all about body language..” soobin claimed, hoping to at least get a little giggle out of you. which worked, he felt you laugh against his chest. you pulled away from his embrace, wiping off your tears aggressively.
“lets finish the movie !” you exclaimed, tears still rolling down your face and a pout still visible on your lips. but soobin loved that you were trying your best to recover.
whereas, yeonjun walked through the city, the night sky engulfing him as he walked without a destination. he scanned the crowd, seeing a few familiar faces from his dance students, smiles plastered on their faces. but yeonjun continued walking, not stopping to say hello. his throat felt clogged, and his eyes felt teary, but he was holding it all in. he took a seat on a bench, wired headphones in his ears, attempting to distract him.. but in reality it only made things worse as he could only think of the situation.. he wanted to full on bawl, but he didn’t want to go home to taehyun…
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taglist : @soobadooba @beoms-sugar @yxnjvnnie @myahfig4 @sato-chan-2709 @grayscorner @run2seob @destairea @lol6sposts @cutesince2000 @forever-in-the-sky2 @soobs-things @soobinsman @mackjestic @ameliabs-world @mochijjunie @hyuneyeon @jakevascaino @jesssssmaybankk
an: bro i literally cried while writing… i was listening to so much sad music to set the atmosphere but bro… don’t listen to sad music while reading this. also someone pls hug junnie he needs it… also yn trying to stay positive near soobin bc they don’t want soobin to know how much they’re hurting… but soobin knows :((( ALSO NING NING SPEAKING THE TRUTH !!
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k0r3s-smu1 · 10 months
𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
Part 1
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O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I don’t think he’d actually talk about his past unless you asked him about it.
If you two had just recently started dating, I see him hesitant to tell you.
But if you two have been going out for a while, then he’ll tell you everything.
As for other things, he might mention stuff about himself randomly, but if you want to know something, just ask him, he’ll tell you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Sometimes he’s passive aggressive with other people, but he has more patience with you.
Still, stupid behavior will irritate him. Especially if it’s in a dangerous situation and you’re supposed to be high ranking.
He loves you but don’t be a dumbass in battle🥰
But in other things, he has more patience. Even if you’re trying to anger him it’ll take a bit of work.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He definitely remembers more about you than any information anyone else gives about themselves.
But he’s still very forgetful. I’m sure you knew that though when you started dating him,
So don’t get mad or disappointed when he fails to remember certain details about you.
Seeing you saddened about this does make him feel bad though, so he started journaling things about you to use as reference. “What was y/n's favorite flower again..?” checks journal “ah, (f/f).”
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You two were fighting in the Muzan battle together. You were both on the verge of death,
And teamed up, back to back. You told you him you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him… here, and in the afterlife as well. You two would go down together.
It was a beautiful confession of love, even if you were already dating him.
With renewed strength, you two fought the hardest you ever had. And survived. 
There was nothing quite like that smile of triumph you gave each other.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Protective as hell. This man won’t let any harm come to you.
You don’t have to worry when you’re with him, in public, on missions, at home. You’re always safe. The lives of other people should take priority as a demon slayer, not his girlfriend.
It goes against what he believes, but it’s such a hard choice, and ultimately it's you.
He’ll feel bad afterwards, but he needs you. He hates seeing you hurt in any way.
how could he save some random person over the one he loves the most?
He doesn’t want to be protected. He doesn’t think he needs to be. He’s strong, he’s capable, he’s gone through and seen a bunch of shit, don’t worry about him.
Just hold him in your arms, kiss him and tell him you won’t ever leave. That’s all the security he needs.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Not much effort, I admit… He’s very laid back, and as I described before, dates with him aren’t extravagant or overly romantic. It’s sweet and relaxing, taking comfort in each other's presence. 
It’s not too uncommon for him to bring you gifts; he’ll see something cute, think of you and buy it. This is spontaneous, he never really has thoughts like “Today, I’m going to buy something nice for y/n”. He enjoys cooking, cleaning, and doing tasks in general alongside you. He does want to help you, and he wants to be near you, so it's perfect. But anniversaries? Unless you mention it, I don’t think he’d realize it came up. And that goes for other special occasions as well, like your birthday.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Probably the fact he sometimes zones out during important conversations. 
You have to snap him out of it.
He might also zone out while you’re lecturing him about something, which is really irritating.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not at all. He barely thinks about things like that. He has more important stuff to worry about.
He knows his time is valuable, while he’s concerned about his appearance, lives are been lost. It’s a waste of time.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
There’s just something missing.
His life was brightened when you came into it, without you?
It’s just not the same. It’s dark again. It’s serious and gloomy and he’s missing all the new feelings you ignited in him. He misses your touch and your voice and your smile and laughter, he misses the warmness in his chest as you cradle him, now it's empty again.
Of course he feels incomplete without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
He can play the flute well if you ask him to. It’s relaxing and puts you to sleep.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Being happy and energetic is fine, but just don’t be super loud. He doesn’t like noisy people.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sometimes you can hear him mumbling in his sleep. 
It’s really soft so most of the time it's incoherent. 
Also, his grip on you tends to be loose at first until you move, then it gets really firm.
so you have to wake him up for whatever reason.
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What are your thoughts?
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dangraccoon · 1 year
The Bad Batch Head Canons - Nicknames
The Bad Batch x You
Platonic, You: this man won’t generally refer to you with much other than your name. He may call you “verd’ika” (private/little soldier) from time to time
Platonic, Him: you call him “sergeant” or “boss”, he tells you not to. This goes on continually, but Hunter doesn’t mind
Romantic, You: he tried a couple different nicknames for you but “sarad” or “sarad’ika” (flower or little flower) is what stuck best
Romantic, Him: if you call this man “hun” he won’t know if it’s a shortened version of Hunter or Honey and honestly he couldn’t be bothered to care; he loves it so much either way. Use his formal title and he absolutely will fuck you asap
Platonic, You: if you’re only friends, Tech probably won’t have a nickname for you, though he may pick up another batcher’s nickname for you if he thinks you enjoy it
Platonic, Him: if you’re the type to throw around nicknames, he’ll likely be confused but ultimately accepting of nicknames like “bud/buddy”
Romantic, You: this man for sure calls you “darling” and will occasionally use the mando’a “cyar’ika”
Romantic, Him: you are the only person in the universe that can call him “Techie” and he will adore it. If you refer to him as your “boyfriend”/“husband” or as “my man” he will melt immediately. If you call him “lover” he will go absolutely feral for for you
Platonic, You: if you are smaller than Wrecker, he will point it out. He’ll usually call you “little one”, even if you’re not that much smaller than him or a version of your name that’s shortened
Platonic, Him: as a counter to his, you call him “Big Guy” or something similar. It’s definitely giving Pike & Grog vibes
Romantic, You: when he gets feelings for you, he starts to use your actual name more often. He likes the sound of it.
Romantic, Him: you call him “babe” or “baby” and he will fall for you all over again, use his actual name or shorten it to Wreck he will be trying to get into your pants
Platonic, You: to be completely honest, I think Echo would just call you by your first name, or title if you outrank him
Platonic, Him: Echo already has a short name so he’ll definitely be confused if you start calling him “Eck” but he really likes it when you call him “hun”
Romantic, You: he definitely calls you “dear” in public situations and “sir/ma’am” in private ones
Romantic, Him: this man will respond to just about anything. Like those videos of dogs who will respond to the tone of their owner saying sit instead of the actual word, if you called him “newspaper” his attention would be on you.
Platonic, You: you cannot tell me this man doesn’t call you “babydoll” or “kitten”. That’s not my headcanon, I’m taking it as fact.
Platonic, Him: you like to call him “Crossy” to tick him off. It usually works. If you really want to get under his skin, call him “Hairy” but I cannot guarantee that you’ll see another sunrise
Romantic, You: He’s fond of calling you “darling”, but he’ll also drop the occasional “sugar” if he’s feeling frisky, or “fucker” if he’s had enough of your teasing
Romantic, Him: you can call this man anything you want and he will come running. He seems to prefer “sweetheart” over anything else though. Also he definitely has some kind of authority kink so anything in the realm of “sir/master/daddy” will immediately get you into the bedroom
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what's your headcanons/thoughts/analysis about Akane ? I really wished to see more of her
Ah Akane I wish we had gotten to see more of her too. She seemed pretty cool but we'll just have to go off of what we know. I'd say the main thing I notice about her is her kindness. She's shown inviting koko and inupi to the library, giving them both advice and complimenting Koko. There's also the bit where either Koko imagines her or her spirit appears and she's shown to be very reassuring and nice there, telling Koko to move on and live his life. 
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She also seems to be a typical big sister, we can see that where she seems to both try to give Inupi advice and tease him about being like Koko at the same time. She also tries to spend time with Inupi by inviting him to the library. 
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Now for the bit which she gets a bit of hate for, Koko's confession. I actually don't think she did a bad job with this, like getting confessed to is awkward especially when you're not expecting it, she probably didn't know how to handle the situation. We can actually kind of see that with how she pauses then attempts to lsugh it off here, this really looks like someone who doesn't know what to do but is trying not to hurt Kokos feelings. 
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She also seems to try and get more information about it from Koko, mentioning the age difference and then asking him if he would promise to protect her. This feels like she's trying to gage how deep Koko's crush goes, like if it's just a mild crush or if he's in deep. Probably so she can get more information on how to respond.
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She then pauses again before responding to the promise like she's unsure and thinking. Saying she would wait is definitely not the best thing to say here but I'm pretty sure she didn't want to hurt Koko and didn't know what else to say here. And was probably hoping he would move on as time goes on. 
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And that's pretty much all we know about her canon. Hc wise though...
I think she's quite a romantic person, she seems to be with how she tells Koko to only kiss someone you like.
She's probably a good student too and likes reading.
She's a night owl, because of this she sometimes falls asleep during the day time (like the library)
She worries about inupi a lot, especially when she finds out he's been hanging around a bike shop.
She was actually the first one Koko ever saw go "bleh" she was teasing Inupi over something as she did it as a joke so it's something he picked up from her (esp after her death since we don't see him do it before).
She's the one who encourages Inupi to walk in heels and first teaches him when they're playing together.
She actually looks after Inupi a lot and frequently cooks for him since their parents are usually busy working.
She holds study sessions for Koko and Inupi
She really enjoys flowers and plants, she has an orchid in her room. 
She loves the sound of rain, especially if she gets the chance to read to it.
She actually has a few admirers at school but is too oblivious to notice them, assuming they're just friendly with her.
Her character colour would've been a shade of yellow 
And finally if she had known Koko had manged to save Inupi then she would've been happy that her little brother got out.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Yeahhhh good to see TADC requests are back up! Hope you’re feeling a lot better with everything going on! Also belated Merry Christmas?
If it’s not much, could I request a scenario for Kinger? If I didn’t misread or anything, I don’t think it was written anywhere that I have to specify requests. Hopefully so cuz I don’t have something in mind other than angst. Also cuz you said that you sometimes have trouble coming up with ideas for certain characters, so u can imagine pretty much everything so it’s not restricting. If you want me to specify, tell me!
Thanks! ^^
General Kinger x Reader Angst stuff!
wooooo definitely weird sitting at my computer again; typing on it while i wait for the oven to preheat because admin craves pizza eheheheheheh uhuhuh!! hope this isnt too bad! its probably going to take a while to get back into the swing of answering requests + writing for TADC, even if its only been like a week most of this ended up being about kingers grief over queenie/queener LMAO was originally going to have this be multiple things but i got too sucked deep into the grief idea
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i think we should get the obvious out of the way, but kinger has a problem with zoning out and mixing things up; oftentimes leading to him becoming distressed or frightened. regardless of if youre his friend or partner, youre going to need to exercise a fair amount of patience, especially in the beginning if you want to build some level of trust between the two of you
as for romantic stuff, i dont think he ever truly will fall out of love with queenie/queener, its like how widows never truly stop loving their partners after theyve passed. you try not to think about the idea that he would still be with queenie if she hadnt abstracted... you try not to let it get to you but it still rears its head in, you know?
does notice that something is up with you but you wont open up about it because you feel so horrible about being jealous over a woman who isnt even around anymore in a way that she can likely never come back... which leads to kinger becoming more worried for you over time as you keep trying to shut everything down
imagine it leads to a blow up and you just break down or even lash out because you feel so disgusted with yourself and kinger is just standing there in shock unsure of what to do
very tricky situation, because theres so many factors to take into account. the abstraction, kingers grief, your wellbeing and self worth, things like that
as much as i want to say that kinger would be all over you trying to make it better, because he doesnt want you to abstract, i think that the best course of action would be for you guys to spend a few hours apart at the bare minimum.. whether thats what ends up happening is debatable
or even worse, you abstract in the process of your breakdown, leaving kinger with two lost partners
not totally related, but i like to think kinger leaves flowers and the like at queenies door.. as often as he can.. maybe sometimes he stays at her door talking about how his day went and how everyone else is doing... i think he would do the same for you if you abstracted, too, regardless of if you guys dated or not
unrelated to the reader but i like to think kinger and gangle have a grandpa/granddaughter relationship and he tells her about queenie and tells her about his abstracted wife and
he gets misty eyed
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bloomingforerza · 2 years
Attack on Titan head cannons— first kiss (main 3 + vets)
Note from bloom: hiii!! thank you for the support on my last post. it means a lot and it makes me even more motivated to write!! my ask box is open if anyone might want to submit a request or ask any questions :) enjoy!
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Eren Yaeger
⚔️ You’d gone out as part of a squad on a titan mission that Eren was not allowed to take part of. It had consisted of you, Mikasa, a few other members of the scouts and Hanji as your leader.
⚔️ You’d been gone for almost two weeks and no one had heard from your squad. Eren was worried sick the whole time.
⚔️ A pair of titans were spotted in a city inside Wall Maria, and Hanji wanted them for experiments. But locating them and securing them for travel took a few days.
⚔️ But all you wanted to do was shrink into Eren’s protective embrace. He stayed on your mind the whole time you were traveling.
⚔️ And when you had returned, you immediately ran up to Eren’s room. It was the middle of the night, but you didn’t care one bit.
⚔️ You crept in quietly so you wouldn’t wake Armin, his roommate, who was peacefully sleeping on the top bunk.
⚔️ You touched him slightly as you sit next to him, but it was enough for him to jump awake. He knows your touch, though, and grabs your hand to confirm its you in the dark.
⚔️ You laugh through your nose and that’s when he’s certain; you feel his other hand cup your cheek, his thumb traces out your lips and a moment later you feel his lips on yours.
⚔️ You weren’t prepared, however you didn’t mind; yours responded not a moment too soon. His kiss felt aggressive yet endearing. He missed you.
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Mikasa Ackerman
⚔️ She really doesn’t know how to make moves so she’s been sitting on this one for a minute now. And, to be fair, you’re in the same boat.
⚔️ Mikasa is your first girlfriend, meanwhile you’re Mikasa’s first anything, so you’re both figuring things out as you go.
⚔️ She thought she’d probably have to do it on impulse. She knows she probably doesn’t have to ask at this point, but she also knows you probably want her to kiss you.
⚔️ She definitely doesn’t have a clue at what she’s doing, and you know this. So you probably have to make the first move with her on this one.
⚔️ You’d been waiting for her to come back from Eren’s trial impatiently. You missed her dearly, and it had been quite some time.
⚔️ You knew the gravity of the situation, but you all saw Eren come out of a titan and that’s not something that’s just normal.
⚔️ She was home after 4 days, and you were one of the first to greet her when she came back. You grabbed her for an embrace the minute she stepped off her horse.
⚔️ You kissed her when your faces were close enough, and Mikasa’s shock was immeasurable. She took too long to respond to the kiss, so you began to pull away, but she grabbed your hair and pulled your face back to hers.
⚔️ Her lips felt feverish yet delicate, and you were so happy Mikasa was your girlfriend.
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Armin Arlert
⚔️ Armin is low key a romantic, and I think we can all see it through his notions and outlooks. He may not have a lot of experience with girls, but he might be able to think of things on his own.
⚔️ So he would try to make it romantic, but he’s also never had his first kiss, so he’s a little nervous about being a bad kisser.
⚔️ He’ll bring you to a forest on a walk, he knows you like exploring the forest and seeing all the creatures and plants.
⚔️ You’ll be telling him about all the mushrooms, ferns and flowers you see and he’ll just be so starstruck at how lucky he is.
⚔️ He loves when you get into nerdy stuff like plants and anything else you like about nature. He knows you’re just like him.
⚔️ And he’ll pick a flower for you when you’re not looking, and then jog after you to give it to you. And the look you have in your eyes, the shine of happiness that he can see, he knew this was the perfect moment.
⚔️ He grabs your waist, pulls your body close to his and kisses you. You responded to him immediately, the flower he gave you had your heart racing.
⚔️ He will play with your hair while he kisses you, his kiss is gentle but still oozing with affection.
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Levi Ackerman
⚔️ I feel like Levi would drop the first kiss right while on an expedition.
⚔️ Some of your squad members had gotten lost, so you had to turn back and find them. Of course, this set you back from the rest of the group and threw off meetup plans with the rest of the scouts.
⚔️ This worried Levi, because if any titans appeared he couldn’t help you. He knew you were almost just as capable as he was in the field, but that didn’t make him feel better.
⚔️ His whole squad had been wiped out the last time he turned around. His biggest fear right now is losing you to a titan too.
⚔️ After grabbing your squad mates it had begun to get dark, but the scouts weren’t going to leave without you. Thankfully, because titans cannot move at night time, it brought them and you some comfort.
⚔️ But Levi would not be able to rest until you returned.
⚔️ And shortly after 8 PM, he saw a group of lanterns heading their way, and he leapt up with impatience.
⚔️ The moment you arrive with your squad, your friends are relieved your okay. Levi lets you get settled, and when you’re ready you head over to where he’s set up for the evening.
⚔️ You see him standing there and waiting for you, and before you can even say anything to him, he kisses you. His kiss was rough and passionate, he wanted you to know how much he worried about you.
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Hanji Zoe
⚔️ Now we all know Hanji’s definitely a perv. And your her sweet, innocent little girlfriend. She adores you
⚔️ But you haven’t had your first kiss yet, so she wants to make it memorable.
⚔️ So I think it’d be out on an expedition as well, but she loves watching you kill titans. She thinks it’s so hot that her girlfriend is the most badass little baby there is.
⚔️ She’d be so proud of you, watching you work as a team with your squad, racking up kills and assists like it’s nothing.
⚔️ But because she was focused on you, one moment later, a titan appeared behind her. And before it could touch her, you came barreling through, cutting the beasts hand off.
⚔️ The squeal of excitement she let out, before taking the kill for herself, even though it’d be chalked up to an assist.
⚔️ “Babe you just saved my life! That was so hot!” She screams after killing the titan.
⚔️ You land on a roof nearby, your squadmates dealing with nearby titans, and wait for Hanji to come up. You loved showing off for her.
⚔️ She flies down to greet you, and instantly brings you into a kiss. You wanted it just as badly, loving the way she held onto you. Hanji’s kiss felt vehement and animated, and she was showing you just how appreciative she was.
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Erwin Smith
⚔️ He’d be stuck with another late night in his office, filling out stacks of paperwork. The most recent mission was a failure, and all the papers just kept piling and piling.
⚔️ Even though Erwin was signing away, all he could think about was you. He wanted you, his caring girlfriend here.
⚔️ Erwin liked to be doted on and taken care of, he loved when you’d do small things for him like running a bath for him or making his bed for him.
⚔️ They weren’t things he ever asked you to do, but they were acts that never went unappreciated. Erwin cared for you so much, you were the only thing motivating him to get this paperwork finished.
⚔️ And almost as if his thoughts could summon you into existence, there was a knock on his door. He heard your soft voice behind it, making your presence known, before seeing your pretty face as you walk inside.
⚔️ You come with a tray of food, dinner must have just passed. He has no idea what time it is, but seeing you with his dinner has his heart warm and fuzzy.
⚔️ He loves the fact that you cared enough about him to bring his dinner up. He can’t imagine anyone more perfect in this moment.
⚔️ And the minute you set his tray of food down, Erwin rises from his chair for the first time in hours. He looks into your eyes and he can’t help himself.
⚔️ Before he knows it, he has his lips on yours, and he wants you to know he appreciates you so much. His kiss is tender yet zealous. He loves your big heart.
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trafalgarya · 1 year
How is it like to be in a relationship with Kara members ?
With : Eida, Delta, Daemon, Code, Amado, Kashin Koji, Jigen/Isshiki.
manga spoilers.
aged up Daemon.
brief mention of depression, autism, and insomnia.
SFW only!! i'll write a NSFW part if you guys want it.
i'm not currently reading the manga, so i don't know much about Eida. i'll just go with the flow and with what i know about her.
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Being in a relationship with Eida is extraordinarily romantic.
She'll definitely call you pet names. "Darling", "Sweetheart", "Pretty boy/girl", or simply "My love".
Because of her ability, she's used of everyone falling in love with her. But with you ? Completely different.
She didn't even had to use her power to capture your heart. Being the charismatic and elegant person Eida is, she made an extraordinary first impression without even trying.
I think she would prefer a person just like her, calm and confident. She wouldn't mind an energetic person too, but that reminds her too much of her little brother, Daemon.
She'll act like a mother to you, always making sure you drank and ate well enough, got enough sleeping, being in good health, etc. She'll be very caring with you.
She wants her S/O to be perfect. Not superficially, but more like mentally. She wants her S/O to be the happiest person because of her. She want to please them, to be the center of their life. But in a cute way, not like in a possessive way.
She's into traditional things. Just offer her flowers, dance with her, hug her while she's cooking, kiss her slowly but gently in her neck, and i can assure you she'll be at your feet. She'll be melted by all that.
Her main love languages are physical touch, words of affirmations, and acts of service. She can't help but want to touch you every time. It doesn't even have to be sexual. She just want to hold your hand, feeling your hand around her waist, your lips against hers, your fingers on her hips. She's also pretty eloquent, so she'll recomfort you whenever you are in a bad mood or something. She'll give you plenty of compliments, kissing all your insecurities and looking at you with a look full of love. She also demonstrates her love by buying you something you love, taking you on amusement park, eating ice cream with you. Everything.
She. Will. Introduce. You. To. Her. Brother. That's not even an option. He sometimes insert himself in your dates, just to be sure you aren't tempting to hurt his precious sister. Boy have his eyes locked on you. He already threatened to kill you if you dare hurting her. But Eida reassures him, so he's more and more relaxed with you as time passes by.
Overall, she loves you very much. She's a really romantic and loving person. Don't hurt her little heart who's craving love, she trust you very much.
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Listen, i adore her very much.
And, i was genuinely surprised at her reaction when she understood she loved Eida- She was romantically totally different in my head 😭.
Her love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch, as showed in the manga.
V E R Y C L I N G Y. She will always hug you or hold your hand whenever she can.
She would be so protective of you. If you don't feel safe, wherever you are, just tell her where you are and she'll come at the speed of light. Literally. (considering the fact that she can manipulate light, that's not an hyperbole 💀)
Very clingy in bed, always hugging you.
She's the big spoon tho, i just can't imagine this woman being the little spoon.
I don't feel like she'd use pet names for you. But if she do, it must have my/mine included. "My love" or "My angel" is what she'd use.
She's very understanding when it comes to problems or troubles. Depression ? If she can do something, she won't hesit once. Autism ? Although she's not the best emotion-wise, she'll try her best to help you. Difficulty to sleep ? She won't sleep until you're asleep first. She'll make you feel loved, protected and safe, whatever the situation is.
Definitely showering you in kisses as she's wrapping her arms around you, bringing you on her lap, and kisses each one of your insecurities separately.
Not the biggest fan of PDA, but she won't hesitate to hold your hand or kissing your cheek quickly, often followed by Code teasing Delta for being such a "dovey-lovey".
She'll always keep an eye on you. Whether you're sleeping or just sitting at her side doing nothing, she'll stare at you at each and every moment of your life.
Overall, Delta is very supportive of you, encouraging you if you want do to something, and she's too much in love with you to even considering being close of someone else.
Daemon (aged up)
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Being in a relationship with Daemon is... very energetic...
Bro has too much energy.
At this point, you're acting more like a parent than a lover for him.
Introduced you to her sister two minutes after knowing you. No, i'm not lying.
He attached himself too fast, so Eida isn't surprised when she met another one of his little brother's potentiel love interest.
But, this time, she felt it was different. Daemon loved you very much, it was not like usually. The blush on his face and the big smile he's letting appear while near you, or just talking about you, made Eida genuinely happy. Her brother was finally serious in a relationship. Thus, she'd be more relaxed and friendly with you.
Daemon would certainly share his meals with you. I think his favourite food is ice cream, so you'll always buy an ice-cream for both.
Whenever he feels bored or tired, he's directly coming to you with that childish tone and this amusing walk.
"Y/NNNNNN... 'am sleepy..."
Rubbing his eyes, he's just too cute for you to say no. He always ends up with his head on your lap or just him sitting on it, his arms around your waist/neck, and a cute sleepy face. Snoring a bit, adding more to his cuteness.
If you're walking outside, except him to be on your shoulders, playing with your hair, a big and innocent smile on his face.
Protecting you won't be a problem. His power can literally reflect any attack as long as it's intended or vizualised. All he has to do is touching you with his palm (he would use that as a pretext to hold your hand btw), and reflecting the attack as he's hiding your eyes. But he's also physically strong, so he would just jump on the person and kicking him until he's unconscious and coming back to you like a flower, as he didn't just beat the shit out of someone.
I think you've guessed it : Definitely into PDA. Always on your shoulders, holding your head, or kissing you.
Definitely using too much pet names for you. "Baby" and "Darling" are his favourites.
Clinging to you when sleeping. Definitely the little spoon.
Eida trust you very much. Whenever she can't take care of Daemon, she won't be as worry as she usually would. Because you're here now.
I don't think Daemon would really have a type. Someone who accept him for who he is is enough.
Overall, Daemon loves you too. He act more like your child than your boyfriend but yeah-.
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A relationship with Code is pretty chill.
Sorry, this part will be short, i don't have too many ideas for him.
Definitely refers to you as "Darling".
When you're outside, he always have an arm around your shoulders, not giving a fuck about what people think of you or your relationship.
Proud to have you in his life and won't even hide it.
Definitely brought you to Delta, and teased her, saying he's loved, not like her.
He's the only man of your life, even if you don't want it.
Like, you remind about how Code wanted to kill Daemon just to be the only man to Eida ? Basically the same with everyone that's a love rival to him.
He'll rant to you about his admiration to Jigen, but also will vent about how much he hates Kawaki and that he should've took his place as Isshiki's vessel.
Want to stay with you everytime.
His favourite type of kiss is the French Kiss. Long, passionate, sensual, intimate... All that.
Not the biggest fan of PDA, but not against it.
Overall, a relationship with Code is pretty chill. He loves you and don't hide it. He's proud of you. "That's my S/O", he'd say.
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A relationship with Amado is the concept of maturity itself.
You two are probably taking breakfast together, and you love coffee as much as he did.
You're smoking together too. I can see Amado smoking on the balcony of his house, with his S/O. If you're not smoking, however, he's fine with just having you by on his sides. And if you don't like the smell of cigarette, that's fine with him too. He'll smoke whenever he's away from you.
You two will talk about everything while he's working on Kara's bodies. If you want to, he'll explain every single step he's doing on his computer.
You're probably in good terms with Jigen, as he seemed to consider Amado as a friend.
He won't be as affectionate as Delta is, but he's sure to remind you everyday that he loves you. Not even compliments, maybe just making your breakfast or helping you with whatever is your problem.
Amado is a great listener. Just tell him whatever is stressing you, and he'll make it his priority. He wants to make you know that he's here for you.
I can see Amado having an arm around your waist as you're walking outside.
He'll let you rest your head against his chest as you two are sleeping. Probably smell like cigarette, coffee or just the man smell. You know, the virility smell. Something like this.
You two definitely have kids. I can see Amado as a great dad, always proud of their kids, patting their head as they bring a great note at school.
If you're feeling sick, Amado's got it. He'll bring you glasses of water in bed as he's putting a little watered towel on your forehead, slowly rubbing your back.
He'd definitely want someone like him, calm and patient. Smart, too. He doesn't care about your body, he loves who for who you are inside, not outside.
Overall, Amado is such a good husband. Always taking care of you and being a good person. He loves you very much and would show it.
Kashin Koji
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A relationship with Kashin Koji is... well... complicated ?
Like, he was always shown with a neutral and reserved face, also frowning. He didn't really showed an emotion through the entire show, except when he was about to die to Isshiki.
He loves you, ofc, and you know it. He just don't really know how to show it.
That'll be little attentions, like keeping an eye on you with his toads, and he'll intervene if the situation become bad. He don't bring about it later though.
I do believe Kashin Koji is flustered whenever he have to hug you or whatever.
If you need calm sometimes, he'll grab your hand and enter in one of his toad with you, either just enjoying the view or sending both of you to Mount Myōboku.
That man is smart, so when you are sad or stressed, he immediately see it. He'd leave you your favourite food or your favourite book if he isn't in house.
I don't have any ideas... So...
Overall, Kashin Koji loves you, but can't really express it directly. Instead, it'll be with little actions.
Jigen/Isshiki Ōtsutsuki
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They're the same person, so just pick the one you want. I'll speak in both of their names for you to interchange.
Anyways, a relationship with Jigen/Isshiki is quite reserved and discreet.
Jigen/Isshiki himself is a discreet and reserved person, so no doubt that he'll prefer someone like him.
He'll let you sit on his lap if you want to, while he's reading a book or if he's resting.
Not into PDA. Sorry man.
If you have to carry something big, just ask Jigen/Isshiki. He'll either carry it himself or reducing it with Sukunahikona.
Only smiling frankly around you. And that's rare.
He'll let Amado take care of you if he can't. He trust him like a friend, so yeah. Oh and, you're in good terms with Amado btw.
You broke something precious ? Don't worry, Jigen/Isshiki already made tons of copies of this object and sent them in his dimension where time doesn't flow. He'll just bring it to you and pat your head. He'd say something like "There, there. You don't have to worry anymore."
It doesn't seem like it, but he's an affectionate man when he wants to. He'll bring you in a soft, warm hug if you're feeling down, just rubbing your back and letting you vent. He'll listen all of it.
If it's because a Kara member, be sure you'll never see them anymore. If that's because someone else, you won't see them anymore too. It it's something else, just leave it to him. He'll solve the problem in little to no time.
Would give you the world if you wanted to. He just want to see his S/O happy.
The only pet name he'll use is "Dear". But in front of others, he'll simply call you by your name in a soft tone.
He'll protect you from every danger. It's not like it's a big deal after all. He effortlessly beat Naruto and Sasuke together. If it wasn't for the Baryon Mode, they'd be dead by now.
Code won't be a big deal too. Even though he's stronger than Jigen/Isshiki, he respect him too much to even consider hurting you.
Little naps in the middle of the day, a plaid between the two of us, his arm around your waist. You couldn't feel safer than in Jigen/Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's presence. You know how strong he is and how much he'd do for you.
Overall, a relationship with Jigen/Isshiki is discreet and calm but loving and romantic.
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esther-dot · 2 years
GRRM's treatment of Ratgar is something I go back and forth on a lot and is a prime example why Death of the Author is a thing lol. I saw one fan say that anyone with critical thinking skills (so let's remove Targies from the equation) would see R as a douchebag but she was annoyed because she thinks GRRM himself does not see R that way and I kind of agree lol. I keep seeing some meta writers saying that GRRM "definitely thinks badly of R and R/L is some commentary on grooming", etc., and I'm not saying I totally disagree, but I 100 percent believe when GRRM conceived of R/L he meant for it to be a romantic, completely consensual star crossed lovers situation and R was meant to be a tragic, but Capital R romantic figure. However, that fan also said that because so much time has passed since he wrote the first book (90s to 2023 lmao) a lot of the shit GRRM romanticized is now seen as problematic and would need to be "fixed" or retconned. That being said, I don't think ADOS will see the light of day so we may never get the full R/L backstory or GRRM may choose to have what happened with R/L forever be some amorphous mystery (the more I think of it the more I think this will be the case for various reasons). I also don't think GRRM himself has a lot of what happened worked out in his head as he is not a plotter, but a seat of his pants writer and changes things as they go. He's the type that puts things in his writing that look/sound cool or interesting and then needs to find a way to bring it together which is one of the reasons it's taking him forever to get the second to last book out.
(in reference to this ask)
I agree we need to remember the impact of his style of writing. He made a blog post last year talking about that, how he can reach a dead end or explores and finds something wonderful, how he’s discovering things as he writes, so it’s good to strive to be as open minded to revelations as the author is. Although yes, we should all feel free to dislike and criticize some of those developments!
My hesitancy to believe Martin has changed his perspective on Rhaegar is that in AGOT we get Lyanna’s anti Robert stance (anti unfaithful husbands) which imo is the biggest “Lyanna wouldn’t have wanted to go with Rhaegar” sign we have. And then it is in ACOK I believe, that we get prophecy baby as an additional motivation for Rhaegar to pursue Lyanna, not love. It’s later, ASOS (I think), when we learn she wept while he sang which to me would be where we see the “love story” theory really enters the picture. That’s why I feel like Martin’s version is likely “complex” rather than one thing. As in, to me, he’s adding layers, making us understand the initial story isn’t entirely correct and slowly unraveling the truth, not changing directions.
Agentrouka has talked about parallels between R/L and Jon/Ygritte, with Jon in the “maiden” role being moved by the singer, but Jon believed he loved Ygritte, and Sansa believed she loved Joffrey (another Stark maiden charmed by someone who sang to her), which is why I think Lyanna willingly went even if in the end, she regretted it. But even that...when I read Ned’s memories of her dying while holding the crown of roses...idk. It’s definitely romanticized. Like, holding a lock of hair or a dry flower from a lover as someone dies is something I’ve read before, so perhaps we’re meant to read that and damn Rhaegar for being the cause of her death, but I’m not sure. Whenever/if I ever do a reread, I’ll be open to being swayed in either direction.
I’ve said before that I think Martin has a much more expansive view of people than I do, as in, he truly doesn’t want us to allow one bad thing they do to negate the good, and on the one hand, cool, we’ve all made mistakes so we can appreciate the concept, but on the other, I’m not sure I agree with him on what is or isn’t a forgivable wrong. Based on things he’s said about Dany, I know that we don’t have the same view of teen girls, and that has impacted what I think he’s capable of writing.
I do agree that there will be a lot of things that we have conflicting views on without getting a clear cut answer. It might feel like a cop out, but it’s interesting to deny the reader an emphatic, authorial “here is the truth” and leave them to determine it themselves. For a series utilizing the POV structure, that seems fitting, and I’m sure that will be true for some prophecies as well. What is the truth? We have to determine it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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noridal · 1 year
free space just means you get to check it off no matter what, no conditions for acquisition :) and do u have other Florida man ship u like besides the pinnacle of Florida? letting u choose 🩵
Oh so you really want to watch the world burn, uh? Well, you'll get a long post about my thoughts on what I've seen in my time of hyperfixating on our lovely Captain.
Starting off strong, we have Flyoming:
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The fandom decided that these two gotta be married for that one scene where they stand next to each other, and I'm not having it™. Don't get me wrong, asshole/ray of sunshine is a delicious dynamic, except this is not what's going on here. I like to think that if they're married, they're constantly trying to poison each other or choke their husband in his sleep. They're fucking the same guy because their marriage is open (of course) and enjoy having threesome or regularly attend their favourite swinger's club (to distract themselves from how bad it's going). Why don't they get a divorce? The hatefucking is too good.
Honestly, Wyoming is secretly terrified of Florida (as everyone should be) and Florida, well, dislikes Wyoming (as everyone should), but they can't say it out loud because it wouldn't be nice :)
As colleagues they totally work, maybe even friends. But romantically? This is a trainwreck, RvB fandom.
Let's move on with exactly fucked once(1), Flucker:
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I'm unsure wether this would be marked as canon or not. Because Florida definitely would fuck Tucker, but Tucker is too caught up in his "must pretend to be straight" pantomime. Still they both fucked Church at least once. Either way, Flowers/Tucker is either one sided (from Florida's side) or Tucker secretly wants to bang but he isn't ready to admit it.
The potential is there, though. Florida has a daddy kink? Well, Tucker got pregnant. It would make sense if Florida was into that too. Parenting Junior is something Florida would mess up terribly, although I'm pretty sure he'd love his alien kid as much as he seems to love everyone in blue base.
Setting that aside, I'm pretty sure that if Tucker ever got curious enough to try, that would be his first and last time doing whatever Florida's into. Kid's too proud to have someone call him baby boy more than once.
It's great material for a long fic which is half about Tucker coming to term with the fact he's bi and half about how much fucking Captain Flowers was weird af. Or, a pretty steamy single chapter smut fic talking about that one time. Either way I'm going through their tag because there's so little material it only takes 10 minutes.
Talking about daddy kink, it's time for the daddiest ship of them all:
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This is the kind of ship that at first you see and think "wtf this doesn't make any sense", but the more you look into it the more you realize these two dads have something in common.
First of all, the comedy here. The irony of Sarge falling for the blue Captain is pure gold. In a barbecue situation, they'd talk non-stop about their adopted kids. They both are definitely into fishing/hunting/diy shit, and exchange progressively more huninged survival tips to each other. Honestly, they just get along.
Another version of them that tickles my brain is "dating before PFL/Blood Gulch" so that. Makes them exes? Either way these guys are old and must have their fair share of dating experience by the time we see them, and once again it would be ironic putting them against each other. Or, since Florida was the one picking the people on red team, you can also picture this as "he just wanted really really bad to have his lover back".
Also, they both have a boner for murder.
In conclusion, there's lots of room for comedy and angst, according to the way you decided to frame it. This could be the dumbest enemies to lovers (to enemies again?) ever, with a twist of feelings in between.
More red team shipping! We have Flonut:
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This is THE comic relief ship. Honestly. Flowers and Donut would simply get along, talk about interior design, yoga, and make double entendre 24/7. It's impossible to tell wether they're talking about some Bulgarian sex position or just pudding. The ultimate twink/daddy relationship in RvB.
I like to think they are dating and pretend this doesn't get in the way of their job because they only do it on the weekends, or something. The odd thing is that it works, I can totally see Florida complimenting Donut's aim after getting shot in the stomach, which makes everyone else uncomfortable. The rest of the blues and reds currently discuss wether or not they're really dating despite the both of them stating it openly more than once.
I also like to think that when Doc shows up, he'd join their dates and the three of them definitely have the best of times.
Flowers' death robbed us of many nice things but this is probably one of the best ones.
Bonus crackship:
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When confronted with the question "would you fuck your clone?" Florida definitely answers that he's done it already. I'm scared and I will not elaborate further.
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weenwrites · 11 months
hello!! is it okay if i ask for a romantic matchup from transformers prime? im a big fan of ur blog!! C:
so a bit about me, im a she/her and an INFP-t like literally everyone else on the internet but thats ok. im optimistic and sensitive and i always try my best to be kind, polite and friendly to everyone. im a bit moody and sometimes shy but nowadays i try to do whatever i want regardless of what people might think of me. im creative and curious and i like having fun!!! my friends often describe me as weird but in a good kind of way, as if im some strange whimsical creature 👽 im super artsy and express my weird style proudly, both in the way i dress and how i present myself. i know u said physical appearance doesn't matter but ive had a buzz cut for around half a year now and it kinda became a part of my personality lol
hobbieees. oh i have many :D overall i enjoy anything creative that requires using my hands, but i mostly spend my days drawing, playing instruments, sewing or studying. i also really like the outdoors and often explore new local and even far away places just for the fun of it. i constantly try and experiment with new things and activities. because it's just fun
i love nature, art, animals, bugs. oh im a huge bug lover. the weirder the bug the better. i like learning new things, i like space, horror movies, sweets, music, fruit, flowers, funky earrings. i like a lot of things. on the other hand there's not much things i dislike, except for the usual like.... idk bad people? violence? drama? but yeah everyone dislikes that. however specific things that i don't like include getting yelled at, being babied/underestimated and ppl who are way too pessimistic.... i don't dislike the people, just the view. it can be so exhausting to deal with🙁🙁
i express my love mostly through words and actions! i like making my friends feel good by complimenting them or giving them gifts like small trinkets and stuff😈 but sometimes i put a bit more thought into my gifts and craft small cards, drawings, bracelets or plushies for them
i like everyone but im not sure how to describe my type. aside from the usual criteria like being kind and caring towards me there's not much that i am looking for specifically. i don't need someone eccentric such as myself i just want someone who likes my weirdness and who looks at me like 😍😍 oh yeahhhh THAT'S my little gremlin
OK SORRY THIS IS SO LONG describing oneself for a matchup feels like opening up to a therapist. anyway thankyou so much for reading this all ily 🙏💞💞 here's a flower for u!!! 🌻
✎ A/N: Aa! Thank you!! I don't mind that it was long, if anything it helped me write some more stuff! Also your forgot to include your sexuality, but I hope you enjoy the match up! The rest is under the cut since it's pretty long ˆˆ
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's rather enthusiastic to have a partner he cares for so much, but if you've told him or if he's noticed that you'd prefer for him to turn down the hype a little, he'll definitely try to be a little more "chill" about it. He's rather inexperienced, but he's always eager to do his best in any situation, and when it comes to you he tries to bring his A-game and do his best to make you feel happy and loved.
He would absolutely love to learn about new things with you! Despite how he may seem, he's actually pretty knowledgable (when it comes to cybertronian artifacts and history, of course) and a fast learner. That isn't to mention that as a new-comer to Earth, he intends to learn as much as he can about the planet, not only because he thinks it'd be good to better understand the species he's trying to protect, but also out of genuine interest himself.
So if there are any interesting facts about the planet that you'd like to share with him, or books you'd be willing to lend him, you'll be his go-to source for everything there is to know about earth and humans. (A brief callback to one of my other things, this of course means that he'll be calling you whenever he has a question about something, but the more he does it, the more it seems like he isn't actually curious about what he's calling to ask you about, but rather he's instead doing it to hide the fact he really just wants to talk to you.)
And of course in exchange for everything you tell him about Earth, he's going to return the favor (as long as you ask him something he actually knows about)... But with your interest in space, he'd be able to tell you a lot of things about the stars and cosmos, all of which he learned about in the academy and from Alpha Trion while he was a guard at Iacon. Or he could tell you about cybertronian history, or cybertronian customs that he thinks you'd find interesting or funny.
But aside from that, he'd strive to impress you in whatever way possible, but unfortunately that's a bit... Difficult for him, since the first things that come to mind include feats of strength and shows of his fighting capabilities, but due to your dislike of violence, he decides to opt for other means instead. He quite literally searches up "ways to impress your crush" online and tries out the ones he thinks you'd like the most, like showing off his smarts, or showing that he's really interested in whatever's on your mind.
He's also the type of S/O who'd definitely try out stuff that their partner's into, so he's willing to try out a whole bunch of your hobbies if it means the two of you get to hang out together. I'd like to imagine he's particularly fond of listening to you play music, and perhaps he even hums along when he grows more familiar with the tune.
He'd definitely try to help you come out of your shell and he actively encourages you to live life whatever way makes you happy and live life with no regrets. He's also pretty quick to recognize most of his mistakes and make up for them accordingly. He also always emphasizes that he promises to learn from them (and he does for your sake).
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He's actually pretty chill and easy-going as a partner. He doesn't usually do any showy romantic expressions of love (unless you like them), but that doesn't mean he takes the relationship lightly. He particularly enjoys just spending as much time with you as he can in your day-to-day lives. You don't have to do anything special like go on dates, he's just perfectly content hanging out with you and doing whatever you can together.
And contrary to how he looks as a "big brutish tough guy", he's actually very gentle and chill when it comes to you. He enjoys joking around and maybe the two of you even have a few inside jokes that you laugh about from time to time.
He's pretty fond of the great outdoors too! And though patrolling may still be tedious work, the scenery makes it all the more worthwhile. Not to mention that it isn't as boring whenever you offer to tag along for the ride. There are other times where the two of you go on foot, and he'll let you sit up on his shoulders to let you get a good view of the area. Or if there are any neat trees you'd want a closer look at, he'll make sure to lift you up there carefully and let you pick a leaf or a flower out of them.
Whenever the two of you patrol sparsely populated areas with lots of wildlife, he'll occasionally point out animals here and there, and he'll sorta make a game out it.
"Oh hey look! Dog! One point."
"That's not a dog..."
"What do you mean it's not—oh, wait, it's a horse, right? The horns make it a horse."
"Horns on a horse would make it a unicorn. That was a moose."
"That's what a moose looks like?"
"Yeah??? What did you think a moose looked like?????"
Of course he isn't any good at naming the animals he sees, but he thinks that it's neat that you get to tell him what those animals are, or what that plant is, or what that other neat thing is that he saw on the road.
And I feel like he isn't that squeamish or disgusted by bugs, and I think he'd find beetles or any kind of resilient or strong bug super cool despite their miniature stature.
Animals aside, Knockout once recommended that Breakdown should take you out to the theater, saying that it was a romantic thing that humans do. So you can expect drive-in theater movie nights to be a frequent thing from time to time. He'll let you sit in his cab and he parks somewhere with a good view of the screen. He claims that he doesn't find horror movies all that scary, and actually nitpicks at the actual details themselves, but from time to time you'll notice the subtle way his frame begin to shake and his tires twist during some particularly scary scenes... Tease him about it if you will, but not once will he ever admit to being afraid.
And also if you're ever interested in learning self-defense, he definitely would step up and offer to teach you how to punch people in the face. "You never know when it'll come in handy" is what he says to justify it.
He's not usually someone who gets hyped over gifts. That doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like them, it's just that he's never received many gifts before, so he doesn't truly understand the hype around them. But once you come around and give him gifts, he gets around to understanding the appeal. He gets happy and a little excited whenever you bring him something, and he also tries to get you gifts to return the favor! But given his situation as a giant robot, he can't exactly do that for you, but what the two of you could do is check out old junkyards to see if there's anything neat to take.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@advnterccs sent: R : ROMANCE. is your muse a romantic or a cynic? || I : I LOVE YOU. does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say? { To Rick !! } Valentine's Day Alphabet
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R : ROMANCE. is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
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Rick is a bit of both, depending on the situation. In general, he is extremely disillusioned when it comes to love, because of all his experiences in that sense have ended badly, for one reason or another. There is a big part of him that doesn't want to believe in love, because that would be safer for him. If he can't fall for someone again, he can't get his heart broken. The problem is that it's easier to be said than to be done.
In any case, the cynical persona is the one he shows to the world. I makes him look more unapproachable, callous and disinterested. This too is a defensive mechanism, a way for him to close off and make himself unavailable. He has gone through too much and, deep down, he is also aware that he is the cause behind all those failures. Even when he tries his best, he ends up being bad for the people who have the bad idea of getting attached and falling for him.
This goes also for platonic relationships, even if in that case his attitude is less extreme.
If he does fall for someone, however, a whole other side of him emerges, one that has been mostly buried away, deeply, after Diane's death. Depending on how the relationship is going, it can be more open or more subtle, but it's still definitely enough to make him appear as a romantic.
Dates, thoughtful presents, little surprise trips, flowers, candlelit dinners, and a lot of other clichés, always presented with a twist because he is still Rick fucking Sanchez and he doesn't do normal. And he could end up overdoing the sappiness a little if he is really smitten, if his partners approves of such things and has a couple of drinks in him.
I : I LOVE YOU. does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
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Those three words are definitely some of the hardest for Rick to speak. He already has a hard time telling his family and friends that he cares for them, so speaking those words in a romantic sense is almost impossible for him.
Back when Diane was still alive, it was much easier, almost natural. She has been the one to teach him to express himself freely, so losing her took away also everything he had learnt through her. It just didn't feel right anymore and, especially, the idea of mourning a loss like that again is a terrifying prospect for him.
He has said it to a couple of his romantic partners after her, but very rarely, no matter how much he felt for them. As mentioned above, his instinct pushes him towards shielding himself first and foremost.
When he does say it, however, you can be sure that he means it with all himself exactly because it's so hard for him to open up and be that vulnerable. And it's also a huge show of trust, because he's giving you the chance to shatter him from the inside.
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