#also i finished this up on my phone so if the format is weird im sorry
bartxnhood · 1 year
sorry’s never enough | c.h
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calum hood x fem!reader
summary: you’re betrayed again by your boyfriend, who just can’t seem to keep his promise
warnings: angst, no happy ending, kinda toxic relationship, arguing (it’s a short one)
a/n: surprise ! this is kinda weird for me to post randomly and not tell anyone but i this randomly hit me. also i feel like i should note, i know i’ve written many fics of this scenario and it seems to be a common theme with calum fics but this in no way shape or form represents calum hood as a person. this is strictly fiction and written for entertainment purposes. thank you.
not proofread
requests open
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you should’ve expected it, from the moment he stepped out the door and got on that plane. you should’ve known better.
he was going to do it, it was only a matter of time before the evidence got back to you. it was just a waiting game for you. would he keep his promise?
no. he doesn’t care.
that morning you woke up, like usual, nothing was out of the ordinary. you got out of bed, made it, and took duke outside to do his business. everything was going normally. until it wasn’t.
you finished breakfast, put away the dirty dishes, and decided to take a scroll on your phone. your boyfriend's tour was coming to an end and it had been one beautiful tour. he seemed to be having the time of his life, and he was even happier it seemed. and it made you feel better about your relationship. you thought, for just a second, that maybe, just maybe, he kept his word.
but when you got the notification from sierra your heart sank. the pictures and the videos of calum at a bar with another girl. his arm slung around her waist as he kisses her, his hand on her jaw. it made you feel sick to your stomach, looking at the photos. sierras message ended with ‘im sorry, hun.’ you felt the tears swelling in your eyes and the aching in your chest had returned.
how could he do this to you?
“hey babe” calum enters the house, walks to you and presses a kiss on your cheek. he noticed you didn’t acknowledge him, so as he was setting his bags down he turned to you. “is everything okay?” you laid your phone down on the counter and slid it over to him. “i don’t know, is it?” you asked, your voice stung like venom. calum looks down at the phone which revealed an article that read: “calum hood spotted with mystery girl at a london nightclub. what happened with his girlfriend? or now, ex-girlfriend’
you saw his expression sour, pushing the phone back towards you. “so?” you asked again. he had no answer, and you saw the gears turning in his head trying to come up with another excuse. “i’m sorry.”
that’s all he had to say? after everything? everything you’ve done for him. all the sacrifices you made just to be with him. that’s all? "don't apologize if you are just going to keep doing this shit, apologize when you're actually going to change because im tired of having my hopes crushed every time" you were livid, your chest burned with anger. even looking at him made your feel sick. calum tan his fingers through his hair, huffing quietly. “if you would ever go on tour with us, this would never happen.” "oh, so i'm the one at fault?" "that's not what i'm saying-" "well, it jolly well sure sounds like it!"
“I don't want to do this with you." "that's what you always say whenever I'm trying to talk some sense into you." you rubbed your temples. talking was him wasn’t always this hard, in the beginning, he was the most caring person but as time went on he grew distant. “i’ve given you my life, calum. i made sacrifices for us to be together. i dropped everything just to be with you, you choose to do this to me? after everything?”
you heard a groan come from his side followed by yet another huff. this wasn’t the first time calum had cheated on you, and you should’ve known it wouldn’t be the last time either but you chose to talk it out and overcome the pain and suffering. you thought it had worked, but obviously, it didn’t. “i never asked you to do anything of that either, y/n. you chose to put your life on hold because of me. i didn’t”
“and you never stopped me!” you yelled, throwing your hands up in the air. “what do you want from me, calum? am i not good enough for you anymore? what am i doing wrong, please just tell me!” by this point, you were starting to break. tears welled in your eyes and your face flushed red. “it isn’t you.” he stated matter-a-factly. you couldn’t help but laugh at his response. “it isn’t me?” you repeated, and once again pushed your phone towards him. “the evidence proves otherwise cal.”
calum knew he was hurting you, he knew he put you through hell and back and that you didn’t deserve it. there was no excuse for what he did to you, he just never wanted to face the truth. “you never change do you, calum? you never fucking change.” you snatched your phone away from the counter, and looked at him one last time. “i’ve had enough, calum. i’m done. i can’t believe i loved you” you pointed in his face, and maybe it came out harsher than expected but at that point, you were so tired.
his eyes shot up at the word ‘loved’ it made his heart stop. surely he heard that wrong, right? “loved?” he asked, following you into the hallway where you were heading but you didn’t respond. you entered the shared bedroom “i’ve been pretending to love you for a long time, calum.” he saw the bags sitting atop the bed. two duffel bags and a large suitcase, “what do you mean?”
a dry chuckle left your throat, “i mean, i’ve been faking it since the first time you done this, i thought for a while that you had changed but obviously you didn’t. and frankly i’m tired of waiting time hoping you’d come around.” you grab a few of the bags ready to head out the door as your friend had texted you that she was on her way. “calum, i did love you. i loved you for years, and maybe we were meant to be together but i can trust you when you go out and get with these other girls. i’m sorry”. you pressed the softest kiss on his cheek.
“don’t come looking for me, just focus on yourself, calum.”
you saw the tears in his eyes, he was guilty and regretful for what he has done to you. “i’m sorry.” you nod, “i know you are.”
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raid3r-r4bbit · 1 year
someone broke into my apartment. I havent been on because the only thing i have that i can access the internet on is my work computer ( i can get into trouble for using even spotify on that) and my switch ( just got it last monday. in another situation id be ecstatic about getting a new game system, but right now im just glad i didnt leave it out in the open)
Firstly, sorry if the formatting weird, im not used to my new phone yet.
Secondly im sorry for the people who wanted drawings from me, im gonna try my best to recreate them and post them.
Thirdly, this is really fucking long, tldr, someone broke it, let one of my cats out stole my tablet, phone, and a bunch of my games so thats why i was gone. read for details? I guess? I wouldnt lol.
also fuck you theres typos, of course theres gonna be typos.
small town does not equal no crime. After the (insert wherever the power comes from) was fixed, it has some issues and shut down again a few days later. idk why. My rm and i decided to walk to the gas station for lunch, they had power, music, cold drinks and food, and bathrooms that have functioning lights. Our landlord said it would only be a few hours, so we used our backup battery packs ( yes the ones we’re only supposed to use for work or incase of emergency) to power a fan and opened a window (the little net thing closed) for the cats and left.
because we were only going to be away for an hour, i left my phone (by accident) and tablet on the couch. in plain view of the window.
well, we have a lot of college students who walk directly by out porch ( i even had a girl threaten to call the cops on me for smoking… on my own fuckin porch) and two other girls who decided it was public chatting place and were upset that interupted them wheni asked them to leave.)
we dont know if it was a college student, or someone else, called the cops and got it all sorted there wasnt much they could do ( figures)
they came in through the window, and we think they either left it open, or that Patches, one of my cats, got out when the opened it, because she was gone when we came home, and she liked to hang out by the window. Thankfully, miso hates going outside, and katsu is scared of everyone and hides when people come over. we still havent found patches. im not worried about her, she didnt really like us, she isnt declawed, and she was orginally an outdoor cat anyways. we left out food and water and liter for her, but if she comes back she comes back. ive lost enough animals not fret over it. (tbh if it was on of the other two id probably sob)
but whoever broke in stole a bunch of my game stuff. we dont think they even went into out bedrooms, cause nothing was out of place. it took me realizing some of out stuff, the cat and the askew window (what the fuck is that thing called??) to realize we’d been robbed. ( well me actually, my roomate keeps all his stuff in his room which is fair because other than HBO i pay for all the streaming services, and i (thankfully still have) 4 consoles, which wont fit in my tiny ass room.)
they took my phone and tablet. (not worried about the phone, it was some dinky burner phone) a package off our porch ( it was mario kart, i got a switch like last monday, and the only game i have is animal crossing. very fun. thankfully, id left it on my desk.) they also took a few of my games, thankfully i have duplicates of most of the ones they took and digital copies.
ironically, the version of TLOU and FO4 (i have 4 copies of fo4 including the digital copy) were the scratched up versions, they did take my copy of infamous for the ps3. and they also took my unopened copy of RDR2. so like, pricey items but the only thing im upset about are my tablet and my cat.
for those wanting the drawings i promised, i will still get them to you, thankfully i had a warranty on it and its getting replaced after the police finish whatever it is they say they do. ( doubtful) so it may take a hot minute.
however it also means i have to completely restart my issue 2 of my comic, as i hadn't saved the final pages and the wips anywhere other than my phone and tablet. personally, im frustrated, but it gives me a chance to change a few wee details and try out a style ive been thinking on.
so im probably not going to be super super active for the next few (idk how long, im sorry) but i will draw what i said i would.
As for patches, i told my mom if she comes back pregnant ( again -_-) that we are going to yeet her into a rocket to live with the martians, and get a new cat. (or if she doesnt come back. we work best with a three cat ratio) if its boy we are probably going to name him garbanzo. (this is mostly a joke, but she was intended to be temporary as a friend of mine couldnt keep her anymore and we had been looking for a home for her. surprisingly, nobody wanted a super chill calico who enjoyed nothing but food and sitting directly on your trachea.)
anyways, im tired. ill be patiently waiting for my new tablet and trying to make my ACNH island as destroyed and apocalyptic as possible. (new squared? i got the other one for my birthday last year, so its been almost a year exactly. my birthdays on the 28th <_< >_> if anyones interested in knowing.)
sorry if this is a ramble. im high af and somewhere in between pissed off, depressed, and overly happy about tiny little animals and bells.
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jwcnsz · 2 years
enhypen as cliché movie tropes (maknae line)
ʜʏᴜɴɢ ʟɪɴᴇ | ᴍᴀᴋɴᴀᴇ ʟɪɴᴇ
enhypen maknae line x gn!reader
warnings; swearing
genre; fluff
word count; 900+
a/n; second part omgg i got pretty good feedback on the first part so i hope u guys like this one too! sunoo's part had me giggling and kicking my feet its disgustingly cute also rikis is lowkey based off of boys over flowersrurvui
sunoo; friends to lovers
you've been friends with sunoo since middle school. he was the first person who talked to you in sixth grade when you were alone. until now you still remember his bright smile and his soft voice asking for the seat next to you. of course you obliged and that led to the most wonderful friendship you've ever had. you're still friends even in your senior year, it just proves how close you two are. but something was different now. there was lingering stares, randomly brushing your hands against each other, feeling butterflies when you looked at him. it took a bit before you came to a conclusion. i... like kim sunoo. you stared into space as you thought that. the most logical thing is telling him, right? that won't affect our friendship... right? you worked up the courage to talk to him. when you told him about how you felt he stayed quiet. he was staring at his feet. you were scared and felt you did something wrong. you took a deep breath before starting. "look, i know you may not-" "me too." he cut you off. sunoo looked into your eyes. "i like you too, y/n. i just never thought you'd feel the same." he looked down again and blushed. you smiled and lifted his head with your hands, cupping his face. "how could i not feel the same when it's about you, hm?" you give him a quick peck and move back with a giggle. he stared at you in shock for a few seconds before smiling. oh how you loved his smile. "so can i have another one?" he asked with a playful tone. and of course you granted his wish. senior year is gonna be fun.
jungwon; academic rivals
you didn't know how you felt about jungwon if you were being honest. you didn't hate him, no, far from that. but he wasn't your best friend either. you both are top of your class and constantly fighting for the top spot. you never really talked to him. at least until now. he stood in front of you with a shy look. “so you want me to help you this semester? why me?” you were curious as to why he went with you and not an actual tutor. “because you’re the only person here who can actually understand what we’re doing.” he said lowly. so you agreed to helping him. with every session you guys got closer and closer until you eventually became friends. curiosity struck you and you wondered if jungwon had a crush. he has to have a crush. who doesn't? you were going to find out. so in your next session you decided to ask him. "hey won, do you have a crush on anyone?" he choked on air and went into a coughing fit. he stopped coughing a few seconds later and answered you. "um... yeah. you probably know them." your eyes widened. "i do?! who is it? tell me jungwon! pleaseee-" "no." he cut you off before looking back at his work. "oh, come on!" you rolled your eyes. you sat in silence for a couple of minutes before asking again. "is it... jay?" you asked him. he looked at you with a stern look. "y/n, why the fuck would i have a crush on jay?" he asked annoyed. "i mean there's nothing wrong with being gay, you know." you said. "Y/N PLEASE JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS." he yelled out into the empty classroom. "damn... no need to get an-" "if you're so curious as to who i fucking like, it's you." he cut you off again in an angry tone. you were about to yell at him for interrupting you for the second time that day before you let his words register in your head. "you- you WHAT?" you were so confused. "oh, whatever." he got up and walked out of the classroom leaving you alone. you were gonna have to talk to him. and if the talk led to something more then even better.
riki; enemies to lovers
god, you hated his fucking guts. you watched as the popular boy of the school, nishimura riki, made fun of the poor girl who only wanted to give him a small gift. the girl currently had the gift on the floor and half the school watched as riki kicked the gift around. you felt your blood boil. you were new to this school but you already knew this guys full name and what he did to others. he has a pretty big reputation here. you decided you'd put a stop to this whole thing. big mistake. "hey, you!" you yelled out and pointed at riki. he turns to look at you with a confused look. he looked around until he pointed at himself. "are you... are you talking to me?" he asked, looking you up and down. "yeah i am. who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" loud gasps were heard everywhere. "i'm sorry, what? who the fuck do YOU think you are to talk to me like that?" he scoffed. "you aren't worth my time." he said rolling his eyes and walking away. "what a fucking asshole..." you mumbled as everyone walked away while staring at you. later on you had more and more encounters with him and with each one you realized that maybe there was more to him that met the eye. eventually you knew him well enough for him to be your friend. he was at your hip most of the time. and you somehow changed him too. he was nicer, more accepting. and it was all because of you. and then you both fell in love soon after. and you couldn't have been happier with how this all played out.
taglist <3; (if u wanna be tagged send a message/ask!)
reqs are OPEN!
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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blorbosondeck · 4 years
fic rec masterlist
canon divergent/finale fix its
THIS! FIC! this fic lives in my head rent FREE it is so good and it makes so much sense in the narrative that the shitty finale concocted, as to why they wouldn't mention cas or anyone else and its just. so good and they write chuck in the most villainous way that i love!!!
"Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be. Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19."
Sunset Sound: Stairway to Heaven by @adhdeancas
GOD FUCKING CHRIST this is so good and sweet and im such a sucker for team ups and reunions!!! its 3:30 am rn and i just finished it and i love it SO much it made me laugh a lot and the last few chapters i had the stupidest grin just plastered to my face
The Closer the Star, the Greater the Parallax by @rocksalts​
repressed bastard dean submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known and receives the rewards of being loved but only after some miscommunication i LOVE this i read it last night and it’s a fast favorite. my interests have overlapped and i am INTO it
“When Dean sits down to watch some bullcrap Discovery Channel episode with Cas, he doesn’t expect to actually learn anything. Except, with Cas explaining, he makes an effort to connect the dots.”
Don't We All Deserve To Be Happy?
VERY sweet and a VERY good pick me up. all around feel good fic!!! 
"Post-canon fix-it, divergent from 15x19 where Jack stays and Dean doesn't die and Cas comes back and everyone is happy. Take a shot every time I'm salty about the finale."
Keep Your Love Alive
okay. okay okay okay this may be my favorite finale fix it just because of how well reasoned it is. like this feels what should have happened i love it SO much
"Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?"
The GoldenRod Revisions by @aethylas​
this is one of the most well written things ive ever read. the script format DID make it feel more real and honestly? this is better writing than this show deserves. the finale that could have been ♥️
“A rewrite of Supernatural’s final two episodes, expanded into a five episode arc - in which Chuck needs to be defeated, Castiel deserves to be saved, and the characters in this story get a very different ending.“
Ascend by @wanderingcas​ 
THEE finale fix it fic!!! written by the AMAZINGLY skilled and talented @wanderingcas !!! it’s 50k of angst and hurt/comfort and pure bliss
“Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?”
Things Happen (They Do, And They Do, And They Do) by THEE @sobsicles
i KNOW everyone has already recommended this and likely you’ve all already read it. but it has to go here bc REPRESSIOOOOOOOOON i LOVE this so much it is one of the most perfect things i’ve read. are you bisexual? did you have a kind of weird relationship with your best friend and not realize that how you felt about them wasn’t necessarily how other people felt about them and you were maybe a little bit in love with them but were too repressed to realize it? you’ll feel seen. maybe a little too seen
Closer (isn't close enough)
are you a sweet and sappy yet horny bastard? do you like cas exploding light bulbs? you will like this.
“the one where they finally talk about what cas said before the empty took him”
You and Your Husband
it is exTRMELY sweet!!! repression dean strikes again <3
"Five times Dean corrects someone about his relationship with Cas, and one time he realizes he doesn't need to."
Tall Grass
miscommunication and a slowburn! despite being written in 2017 and finished in 2018, it feels like a fix it. ft. plant obsessed cas <3 
a LOVELY and short (relatively) finale fix it
“They saved the world. They're free. It's done.
Except it's not, and carrying on is the last thing any of them are thinking about.
They still have someone they need to save.”
Unchained Link
post finale- it’s a great case fic and i am compelled i want more!!!
"It's after the end of things. Life continues on while Dean is "livin it up" in heaven. But it's never that simple, is it? A freak occurrence sends Dean into another time stranded back on Earth. And he thought his hunting days were over. But, no worries. His knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. Hijinks, therefore, ensue."
fun and time unspecified
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Love Potion No. 5
very funny and sweet! miscommunication at its finest ♥️
"Cas gets drenched with a mystery potion from the ‘love spell’ shelf and... Dean has a sneaking suspicion, angel or no— the spell may have taken effect. And Cas might be in love with Sam."
The Way We Were
Y'all. It is so good its a great mix of funny and serious- extremely fun to see dean as like a base bisexual
"Dean and Castiel pose as a couple to gain access to a gated community known as 'The Glen', a pleasant if secretive location that the boys believe might be linked to several dead bodies showing up over the years bearing signs of ritualistic sacrifice. All seems well until Dean's memory is affected from an incident during a solo exploration, leaving Dean convinced that their cover story is true. Castiel is left trying to resolve their case without taking advantage of an increasingly enthusiastic Dean"
While You Were Sleeping
this is basically just the movie but replacing sandra bullock with cas. this is my comfort movie and imo, one of the most perfect rom coms. the fic isn’t finished but i still have the tab open on my phone and i will straight up go back and re read it when i need a pick me up. 
The Harvelle Gospels: Offscript
i know everyone ever ( @jewishcharliebradbury ) has recommended this fic. and for good reason go fucking read it
“The Apocalypse is averted, the angels are in Heaven, and Jo is free from the threat of possession. Somehow it couldn't be farther from a happy ending.“
absolute riots
An Ineffably Profound Bond
i honestly would have put this in the finale fix it section! look. i know. i know you've been burned by crossover fics before. but this is Thee good omens/spn fic you want. its funny as hell and immensely satisfying. im weak for everyone working together tropes and that is this
"After Chuck sets 'The End' in motion, the remaining members of TFW make a miraculous escape. Not willing to waste any time, Castiel comes up with a plan to travel to one of the other worlds to try and get help from the angels there, but after a fight with Dean, it's the hunter who gets sent into an alternate universe,with seemingly no hope of return.
When a mysterious human with a heavenly weapon shows up in Aziraphale's shop, he and Crowley learn that their world is not the only one. Now it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to join forces with the human and help him save his world or simply find a way to send him home."
Somebody Up There Likes Me by @lafilleredige
cas is hit with a spell that turns his vessel into a woman, hijinks and sexuality crises ensue etc etc sam is a supportive and bitchy little brother and its all SO fucking funny and also. horny as hell i love it i love it i LOVE it
“’Dean doesn’t want to talk about your breasts, it’s making him uncomfortable because he hasn’t acknowledged the complex fluidity of human sexuality.’“
Stray Cat Strut
a long crack fic that IS one of the funniest things i’ve ever read and i can’t explain why. it’s so ooc but its so funny that i don’t care. if you need a laugh you gotta read this
"Sam and Cas are immediately in love with the adorable kitty they find outside the bunker door, and occupy their time planning how to convince Dean--who they believe is off sulking after a botched hunt--to let them keep their cat. Along the way, Dean learns to use a litter box and hears some confessions he maybe wasn’t supposed to hear, all while realizing just how much he loves Castiel.
Now all Dean has to do is convince Cas and Sam their new pet cat is actually him before they do something crazy--like neuter him!"
canon compliant or slight canon divergence
by @doublestuffedimpala post season 7 episode 7, kind of ambiguous ending but truly a cas is happy to bleed for the winchesters fic
Punch Like Bones 
short, post 5x04 homoerotic moment that i wish we’d gotten
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bellsyafterdark · 2 years
alrighty here we go! this is very stream of thought and in a weird format bc i was writing in the notes app on my phone so i hope it's like. readable alright. also im surprised i managed to fit everything in just one ask 😅 -🍉
> paz was actively looking for din when he showed up on Tatooine [maybe 'next chapter' starts w/ flashback to armorer sending paz to find din?]
> he & the armorer have been finding more of the covert & rebuilding in the years prior
> they finally heard rumors of din shortly b4 fic
> im thinking mando s2 finale goes the same
> bobf has been waaaaaaaay delayed tho
> boba has been having some issues since he took over (maybe w/ the hutts & he's just finished sorting that out?) but the pyke syndicate is finally starting to make a nuisance of themselves
> assuming that mando season 1 & 2 took place over a... let's say 2 yr period, we'll give boba 3 yrs as daimyo and call it 5 yrs since din & paz have seen each other [timing could change? prob not much wiggle room either direction tho]
> din has not seen grogu since mando s2 finale (3 yrs) [...do i include my self indulgent hc that din is also force sens? this whole thing is self indulgent, why tf not.] but din has been getting ~force dreams~ about grogu. he thinks they're just reg ol dreams tho :(
> so paz arrives right as bobf events are about to kick off
>although we already have the mods & krrsantin w/ boba at this point bc i love them & i said so.
> din & paz need to talk after isy/ibl
> din does manage to ask about covert & how paz has been doing & explains some of what happened in mandalorian s1 & 2 (but doesn't go into much detail or tell paz he broke the creed)
> din keeps meaning to tell him that he's dar'manda but always gets delayed due to bobf events [although they manage to get frisky just fine (¬‿¬)] (din is maybe probably definitely putting that talk off bc he knows paz won't be happy)
> something early into pazs stay about paz not reacting well the 1st time boba takes his helmet off but din talks to him about it & he's reluctantly accepting after
> after din goes to see cobb to ask freetown to fight w/ boba he & paz finally sit down to have a more thorough talk
> (also paz has been getting a different than usual scent from din lately & something about din in general is just. off. not in a bad way just diff than usual) [remember to include werewolf stuffs! isy makes mention of pazs 'hybrid' form, maybe paz also has a straight up wolf form? cute cuddling scene maybe? it gets cold at night in the desert... *wink wink*]
> din reveals that he won the darksaber & broke the creed
> paz gets angry & they argue & din essentially chucks the saber at him- include something about how din doesn’t deserve the saber when he's dar'manda? ("Then just take it! I never wanted it in the first place!")
> paz ends up leaving to go back to the covert
> din is angry & heartbroken but bobf finale is going on so he can't go after paz (& doesn't really want to honestly, he's hurting pretty bad)
> cut to paz, also angry, traveling back to the new home of the covert
> paz talks to the armorer
> he says that din broke the creed & yet won the darksaber (finding din & his broken creed 1st, then darksaber reveal, then din won it reveal)
> she tells him he's conflicted & asks what he wants
> paz knows he's conflicted but he pretends he doesn't know what he wants
> he could either storm off or stay to talk more
> whichever way it goes at some point he asks the armorer if there's a way to atone for breaking the creed
> she tells him what she told din in bobf e5
> after a bunch of hemming & hawwing paz decides to go back to Tatooine for din bc he loves him & wants to be w/ him (also he thinks din would be a better mand'alor than him anyway ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)
> he either shows up in time to help w/ the scorpenek droids or in the aftermath of the whole big fight
> very emotional scene (after dust settles post fight!! does rancor still get loose? think about it) where paz apologizes for leaving, din apologizes for not saying something sooner, paz tells din about possible atonement for breaking the creed & that he would be a good mand'alor
> at the end din gets like. super nauseous & faints (he started taking better care of himself after paz arrived but he's relapsed since paz left a week or two ago & it's been so busy in the palace no one noticed)
> din is taken to medical, gets examined
> turns out din is pregnant!! (the not taking care of himself + pregnancy + heavy exertion in battle all contribute his collapse) [din really does need paz to look after him...]
> after din is freed from medical (look, he knows. he knows it's for his own good. it's still deeply deeply grating. this man is a wanderer. staying still is like. very hard for him.) GROGU REUNION [need details. maybe luke was having trouble & couldn't leave his academy until now? also make mention of force sens din & the dreams!]
> short time skip [2 weeks @ most] to paz din & grogu going off in their ship to go to mandalore for the mines. good note to end story on [it's already a LOT... + s3 will probably get into that & iiiii don't wanna deal w/ it yet (。ŏ﹏ŏ)]
One of my favourite things about this is the explicit passage of time. Making it clear how much time has passed is much appreciated and actually adds to the poignancy of how long Din and Grogu had together, how long ago Din lost him, and how long it's been since Paz and Din saw each other. Five years is a long time.
The conflict of having this juicy bit of truth about removing his helmet and not telling Paz is a fun choice. Classic narrative mechanic there of enjoying themselves in borrowed time until that comes out. Din knows Paz well. He's 95% sure how Paz would regard his choice to remove his helmet but he's hoping their time together would soften Paz's attitude toward him for an exception.
After getting Paz back, and the two of them demonstrating how much they actually missed each other, they don't want to go their separate ways again... but Din is weirdly reluctant to return home with Paz. He keeps making excuses to delay with what he's committed to Boba. While true that there's a galactic crime syndicate descending on the planet, by their Creed, the tribe comes first no matter what and they COULD just leave. Din argues hard in favour of their principles of loyalty and solidarity and Paz grumpily relents... but the truth should come out quite by accident when crime syndicate events are coming to a head so they have no time to properly process and Paz and Din are forced to deal with the truth with another threat at their door.
Fennec knows Din removed his helmet, maybe she told Boba, and one of them makes reference to it very casually in conversation with Paz and Din, not realising they've just dropped a bomb.
Chronologically before this, I really love the idea of Paz and Din sharing the mission to attempt recruiting Cobb and having that quiet night cuddling in the desert under the stars, before the truth comes out and shit hits the fan. Paz shifts to fluffy hybrid form to keep him warm and it is perfection.
I really like your suggestion of Paz having the debrief with the Armourer and finding out there's a way for Din to "come home" if he wants to. Working with Din diplomatically these past few weeks to rally allies for Boba, watch him strategise in the war room, teach the modders alongside Paz and Krrsantan how to fight, Paz can see Din has strong leadership potential. More than anything, he submits to the needs of others. And Paz really, really wants to be with him this time. The Armourer tells Paz if he leaves he will return with their Mand'alor or not at all, and the weight of this ultimatum Paz keeps to himself. He doesn't want Din influenced by any knowledge Paz is also at threat of effectively ex-communicating himself.
I think it would be very fun for Paz to arrive in the midst of the battle and actually happen upon Peli first who is wheeling around looking for Din. She mistakes him for Din at a distance, calling out to him, but when she's close enough: "Eh, you're not Mando. You seen him? I have a surprise for him...." I just think it would be very fun for Paz and Grogu to meet and share a soft moment of, "Oh...." and connection. So when Peli arrives, Din gets shocked by Paz's reappearance while he's being chased by that uber droideka and, in retreat, still reeling from Paz's return, gets the double whammy of "Mando, look who I found!"
I just think it would be very sweet to watch Din try to keep it together when his family all comes back to him at once, but there's death on their heels.
I also think it would be very funny for Paz to watch Din getting his head almost bitten off by the Rancor and reflect, I really want to bond with this di'kut....?
I love the pregnancy reveal. Of course, of course. Maybe Paz angrily proposes to Din on his recovery bed, to the effect of, "You can't let your head be caught in the teeth of monsters if we're going to raise a child together" and Din is "... What? You want to?" Possibly a dumb question with Grogu playing on his chest between them and Paz propping the baby up so he won't fall off lol
I love this idea, tbobf season we deserved tbh 😌💖✨✨✨
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krappykawa · 4 years
I read your s/o who likes to read hcs and was wondering if you could do the same request format or whatever it is you'd call it but with terishima,akaashi, iwa, Oikawa,and Daichi? Sorry if that's a lot! -anon
with a s/o that likes to read (part 2)
— iwaizumi, oikawa, terushima, daichi, and akaashi
word count. 1.4k
genre. fluff
note. i made these ones shorter than the ones in part two because anon requested a lot of characters and i didn’t wanna run out of headcanons to write,,, i hope you still like this though!
part one here
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- will read the books that you’re reading just because he likes the feeling of being able to bond with you over something you love since you’re so supportive of him already (literally the perfect man. perfect bf. give me a kiss rn RN!!)
- maybe not all of them, but if you get him hooked on the description, then he will probably finish the book faster than you
- if he doesn’t like a book very much he’ll take ages to finish it though
- if you ask him about how he’s doing with reading it he’ll be like “oh i’m almost done” when in reality he’s only 20 pages in
- he’ll send you texts about the books you recommend but they’ll be super blunt like “this character just died” or “oh they kissed”
- you sit at your phone for 20 minutes debating on how to respond to those because HOW??
- he loves cuddles,,,, would literally die for cuddles
- so when you climb into his lap with a book in hand and bury your head in his neck as you read his heart literally malfunctions
- his cute s/o with their reading obsession that he secretly finds so endearing climbing into his lap for cuddle time,,,,,, his heart goes &2:$84!;💞💖💘💖💓💖💞/):&38,
- iwaizumi.exe has stopped working
- but he’s also not afraid to pull you into his lap if he sees you reading on the couch
- he’ll probably put on a monster movie and just hold you as you read and he watches
- probably also buried his nose in your hair and revels in your scent (also kisses your head every so often because he can’t help it and AHHHH HES SO CUTE)
- when you start sending him messages about your books, he will attempt to respond to every single text or he will just wait until you’re done and text back with “u done?” (not in a mean way though) there’s no inbetween
- he’s smiling every time you send him those texts though
- aoba johsai’s volleyball team (ESPECIALLY OIKAWA) teases him mercilessly if they ever catch him smiling at his phone in the locker room or during class or during lunch (basically u text him a lot lol)
- sometimes when you slam your book shut and scream into your pillow, he will just watch you with amused eyes and probably make an offhand comment that’s similar to “remember to breathe while you’re at it.”
- you end up throwing the pillow at him (which he catches and then proceeds to walk to where you are and swing you over his shoulder)
- get your mind out of the gutter on the “over his shoulder” part i swear he’s just teasing you for throwing a pillow at him (I CAN FEEL YOUR MIND WANDERING STOP IT)
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- he makes an effort to read your books, really he does
- he’s just really busy, so most of the books he promises he will read stay only half way read through and never picked up ever again
- if you give him a sci-fi book though, this man will literally finish it at an insane pace
- literally he would be the one to text you at some ungodly hour (usually 3AM in the morning) because he just finished the book in one sitting and he’s literally brimming with reactions
- will text things like “WHAT THE FUCK HE JUST DIED”, “YN SEND HELP I THINK THEY’RE ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING STUPID”, “OH MY GODDDD I HATE THIS BITCH CAN THEY STOP TALKING” (always in all caps whenever he’s reacting to a book)
- you better pray that he doesn’t end up hating a character because he will text you every single time they show up on a page and complain about them
- “this character reminds me of ushijima why would you put me through this 🤕🤕”
- anyways, if it’s not sci-fi, it’s probably sitting on his nightstand and never touched again until you steal the book back
- CLAIMS he tried reading them (he got 2 pages in and then put it down)
- he is also a huge cuddler
- but you will not be able to read in his lap because he’s so fucking whiny
- “y/n-channn pay attention to meeee. you can read about that insanely hot dude in your book when you’re not already sitting in an insanely hot dude’s lap”
- big pouty face
- it works every single time and you hate him for it
- once you put your book down he will not let you go for a good ten minutes
- he also has tons of pictures of you reading on his phone because he thinks you’re so cute and feels like he has to snap a picture so he can remember how cute you looked at that very moment
- a lot like iwaizumi, oikawa will attempt to reply to every single one of your book related texts (except oikawa succeeds at replying to every single one)
- like you could literally send him fifty text messages in a row and you will get fifty replies back
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- i am so sorry to say this but i genuinely cannot see terushima being interested in your books whatsoever
- he thinks that it’s boring and always questions how you can just sit down for hours on end and just read
- this changes when you give him one of those insane, mind-boggling, really dark, murder-mystery books
- he’ll scoff at it but after a lot of begging on your part, he’ll give it a try
- he loves it
- he told you that he never got bored and that feeling like that while reading a book is so weird to him
- that is the only book you’ll ever get him to read though (okay maybe he’ll read a few more if you beg him for it with that cute pouty face of yours that he cannot resist)
- like he’ll treat that murder mystery book as a holy grail and insist that nothing will ever top it
- i’m sorry again but he probably texts you “what u doing rn?” and if you say something about reading he’ll try to get you to do literally anything else (most likely will send a horny text to try and steal you away from your reading, let’s be honest here)
- “come over baby you can experience all that you’re reading in that book first hand 😏😏😏”
- if you send him text reactions of your book he will most likely reply with “awe babe ur so cute” but not say anything about the books in itself (IM SORRY HE’S NOT MEAN ABOUT IT THOUGH)
- cuddling with him while reading will never happen
- seriously
- he will do everything in his power to get you to put the book down
- like start peppering you with kisses or tickling you
- he just can’t stand sitting down in silence for so long lol
- he doesn’t put you down for reading though
- like yeah he might not understand it and thinks it’s boring, but he admires that you care so much about it and also admires your commitment
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- admires you for reading honestly
- like i feel like he’s the type to get really good grades but will not look at a book that he hasn’t been assigned to read for his life
- that being said, he probably has never read any of the books you ask him to read with you
- he’s told you he’s read one or two which is a lie (you know it’s a lie but you don’t tell him that because you know he feels bad about not reading them)
- he isn’t on his phone often so most of the time your texts don’t get answered for hours
- it’s kinda fun that way though because after a while you just start sending him long text threads and it’s like talking to yourself
- when he does respond it’s with something like “you look like you had fun there” (after that he’ll apologize for not seeing it and then ask if you had anything else about the book that you wanted to tell him about AWEHISHFNF)
- very good listener!! he’ll try and have a genuine conversation about the book even if he hasn’t read it (like if you want to talk about how you think the plot doesn’t work, he will either support you or give you valid reasons that sparks constructive conversation)
- will absolutely never see the texts you send at 1AM (until the morning) because he always passes out before 11PM
- will see them in the morning and will text back “well good morning to me”
- he has absolutely no clue what you’re talking about in the texts but tries his hardest to be supportive
- cuddling while you’re reading happens nearly every single time you’re together
- is very stressed from dealing with his volleyball children so he’ll more than happily sit on the couch and cuddle with you as you read
- sometimes he falls asleep while you cuddle and you just snuggle into him and it’s so cute
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- man oh man he loves acting like a smart ass whenever you text him about your books
- you’ll be like “my favorite character just died!!” and he’ll be like “well tell them to not die then wtf”
- will stay up late texting you about your book though because he’s most likely reading it with you so you two can bounce ideas off of each other
- if you like a character that he hates he will not hesitate to start a debate about why you shouldn’t like that character (full one page of reasons. this man takes his opinions very seriously)
- if you’re together at his house or something and you start yelling at your book he’ll be like “y/n don’t hurt its feelings.”
- you momentarily pause your yelling to deadpan him
- he stares right back
- “just be nice.” (you’re like BWAH???)
- it’s uncommon but it does happen
- if you’re both reading or you’re doing homework and he’s reading, he’ll slam the book shut and yell about how stupid this character is (and when i mean yell, i mean yell)
- and if he doesn’t like the ending of something he will rant for days and you’ll have to remind him to take a breath
- he gets so hyped up from reading books it’s so cute
- will read with you when you cuddle read (does that make sense??? like when you cuddle with him while reading)
- will mumble things under his breath while you’re both reading but you’re on his lap so you can hear everything and you just laugh
- one time he mumbled “stupid bitch just fucking die already” to this character he hated
- you had to put down the book because you were laughing so hard
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mariasversion · 3 years
my thoughts on young royals, a sequel (there are gonna be many annoying and pointless sequels): episode 2
• i’m glad to announce i now know my future wife’s name, madison mccoy. she’s so funny though and her outfits are so cool.
• oof when august and the other guys kept pushing wilhelm to stand on the chair and admit he’d hooked up with someone in the party and he started nervously laughing i felt kinda bad for him bc what was he supposed to say?
‘oh, no august. i didn’t hook up with anyone. i was too busy drunkenly and longingly staring at my crush who is very much a man and who i might be very much attracted to’?
it would’ve been funny though.
• that outfit in the intro. yeah, you know which one i’m talking about. i need more of that. i need more of those little stupid sunglasses. and how he stood up with his books and all.
• when felice left her friends to walk with wil to their next class and her friends just went ‘i mean we have the same next class bestie but go off i guess’ i lost it
• okay hear me out because their classrooms are so cute. they’re so mall and aesthetic and they just look so comfy? what is up with that
but the fact they have to stand up every time the teacher comes in just seems too strange to me. it’s just bc we’d never do that where i live but i couldn’t keep a straight face doing that. and bro, if i just sat down i’m sure as hell not getting back up because you came in.
• oh my god when sara took some pictures of felice with her horse and felice just thanked her looking all soft and shit, i ate that shit up (i adore their friendship and how it develops as the show goes on and i’d love it if they got together in a second season)
• i also loved when they’re finishing the rowing training (i think that was what it was) and wil starts giving simon some advice about it bc wilhelm went ‘oh, yea. flirting is not about pick-up lines anymore. it’s about unasked advice about rowing. thats what i call romance’. and honestly? good for him.
• plus wil not wanting to go to morning training but straight up sprinting to go when he saw simon was there? we love to see it. and how they just kept looking at each other the whole time (doing the planks and stuff)? that was everything.
it’s all about the looks. im telling you.
• and then when all the girls are studying/doing homework together and so are wilhelm and simon was so cute. plus i liked the background song.
and once again it was the little looks between them. those little glances wil was giving simon.
(yes i’m going to keep ignoring august’s whole relevance in most scenes bc i just don’t like him and he’s a little bitch)
but i will say it was very nice when my wife madison said ‘fuck you, august’. it was music to my ears.
• when wil messaged simon and immediately put the phone away bc he didn’t want to look, that was very much relatable. yes, i do that.
• it’s really nice how they actually feel like teenagers, in the way they act and talk. it feels very awkward and very relatable. for example when wilhelm and simon meet to go to the match and they just look at each other silently and then they both go ‘how are you?’
• and when ayub teases simon because he likes wilhelm and it’s so obvious to him, that was so sweet. plus when they’re all cheering for rosh,,, too wholesome
• one of my favorite scenes is definitely that scene where they’re all riding the motorbikes and wilhelm and simon keep trying to hold hands or just brush hands bc it’s so sweet and pure and fun. 10/10 loved it would do it again would watch it on repeat forever
• simon going back home after hanging out with wil and his friends all giddy and excited and telling sara about it melted my heart
• also this might be random but i really like the format(?) they use to show the messages on screen bc sometimes in many shows it’s just cringey but i liked it in this one
• i like the aesthetic of the library in the school. it’s a really pretty shade of green
• august: *giving a weird speech about simon and kissing his forehead*
wilhelm: oh, man. i don’t know what’s going on but you’re one crazy ass bitch
it was very much random and i loved how wil just lost it and how he and simon were looking at each other like ‘is this shit really happening? are you seeing what i’m seeing?’. august is an asshole but he’s so extra and it’s funny sometimes
• their pinkies touching during the film, the looks, the shyly holding hands had me screaming. that’s romance.
• but when wil leaves the room bc sara caught them holding hands and he’s doing his nervous tic (chewing on his thumb or biting it) and he looks at that plaque (?) that says they’re responsible for the legacy of the school or some shit like that it felt very ironic. bc i feel like what wil struggles with is the fact that if he’s with a man then he can’t have biological children and all that stuff about not being able to carry on the legacy.
and maybe i’m just reaching or misunderstanding the scene but then when you can see his anxiety is getting worse and he’s rubbing his chest i just felt like ‘yea, buddy. it’s rough, isn’t it?’ bc i think that sometimes it’s more difficult realizing you’re not attracted to the opposite gender than it is admitting you’re attracted to the same one (bc if you’re still attracted to the opposite one then you could have a “straight” relationship and stuff yk)
well that got deep huh
• once again i’m back on my bullshit, the looks in the first kiss scene. i live for the looks (though wil really looked ready to run for his life).
i just realized simon was wearing a looney tunes t-shirt in that scene. i love his graphic t-shirts.
okay it really isn’t my fault these are getting so long, each episode lasts 40-50 min and that’s a lot
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tobebugjewce · 3 years
THE WALTEN FILES: my jumbled notes on my blind run-in with this web series
first off this is gonna be long and unorganized, also this is my second time writing this as i had lost literally half of my progress and im This (imagine two fingers almost touching with a 0.0000000001mm distance between them) close to ripping all of the fucking hair out of my goddamn head. but now this will be extra long and yes, i will lose some accuracy to my first writing but thats okay ill probably edit this a kajillion times over
which brings me to my next tangent; im literally braindumping here. so to have a smidge of organization all afterthoughts, edits and corrections will be boldened, i forgot what im gonna do with italicized text but ill probably bolden it here yeah im pretty sure its for side tangents, separate from Corrections, which are in bold. also theyre for emphasis too.
so in general, this post right here is all of my notes i wrote down on my grid-patterned sticky notes (which i used WAYYYY too much of) about the first 3 uploaded walten files youtube videos transferred onto my handy dandy digital notebook, this b(l)og. yeppers peppers. you know im serious about this shit when i typed probably over like a thousand fucking words including boldened shit, italicized shit and motherfucking links, lost it ALL, and im sitting here re-typing it again.
i feel bad about this but im not gonna trigger warn right here, but this is technically a warning. if you want a list of triggers as to what this post (and the walten files in general) i will link a little list to that here
without further a doo doo, (mama mia) here the fucking fuck we go again.
clarifying this now, im gonna put some useless shit which i thought was code onto this because even though it was useless it was part of my notes and im physically going to combust if i dont put down every single thing i wrote on my papers. so what i thought was code was in the closed captions, i started writing it down when i got to the second video but came back to my first videos notes to include them. i wrote down the first letter to every word that was capitalized in the closed captions, which i had on as a default because number one i knew going into this id need them because most web horror things like args and cryptic shit like that has some of the most crucial shits in the closed captions. number two i am autistic and have auditory processing issues and have most closed captioning on as a default if theyre available.
the numbers in parenthesis are there because i wasnt sure they should be included in the “code” or not. i also thought of this with the BSI - bunny smiles incorporated and also the years 1978 and 1979. the shits in asterisks are coughs and light coughs, which were capitalized in the closed captions so i included them too just in case
i then jotted, in parenthesis of course, the names of the animatronics when they were listed in the animation section of the video; bon aka the blue bunny, sha aka the sheep one, boozoo aka the clown<3 honk<33, and banny aka the purpled eyelashed up one who is also a bunny btw. also i got boozoo the clown and boozoo the mustache guy confused because apparently the clowns name is billy???? but they named “boozoo” in bons sleepover and showed the clown? idk maybe im an idiot and theyre the same or just an idiot and theyre different or a super mega (matt and ryan?!?!??) idiot in general which is probably the case
i started drawing little stars to write down things i thought would be super important or to 100% look at again. the first subject of this pointy torture was the part of the video where at 3:00, i marked it down to make sure to reverse the audio as it was most definitely a weird audio that has that signature warp-y effect that makes sure you KNOW its in reverse. i then listened back to it Very carefully (still got it wrong) and got this: “you finally start to remember. that old doll. they will look out for you soon” im also pretty sure i heard “sophie” at the end of that audio but im not entirely sure and dont remember and i dont wanna go back to check lmfao but anyways it didnt matter because i was wrong anyway. after i had finished all 3 walten files i watched the film theory video on the walten files (which didnt cover all 3 but was dece.) out of curiosity and to hear matpats signature silly little voice explain some stuff i already knew, and click some shit in my brain that i couldve thought up of if i was a bit more... i dont know honestly. anyways yeah so the actual audio is “you finally start to remember. that old day. they will look out for you soon.” so yeah. day, not doll.
i then wrote down “sarah evelyn”, the name on the bons sleepover animation (i dont remember if she created it or animated it or whatnot) and scribbled will she matter? under her name. turns out no, as i didnt see her name in the rest of the series, let alone the first video. this is also a great time to mention how matpat theory helped me realize that the walten files are collections of videos, uploaded onto youtube by anthony. (i already knew about anthony as he signed his name in the descriptions of the youtube videos, making me categorize this overall web series more into an arg type genre.) but yes, the tapes, recorded “irl” footage, animated clips, vhs tape recordings and other audio-visual content is all collected and labeled the walten files, as i had mistaken each video to be a tape. stupid me. alrighty, onward!
i starred this one, good for me; MISSING: Jack Walten LAST SEEN: 06/11/1974
i jotted down with an arrow that; sophie was a nightguard? she was wearing the uniform explained in tape 2 i dont know why but i went back into my video 1 notes after i had watched video 2. organization purposes. i guess.?? 
i then paused the video when the screen flickered a date, the beginning of video footage dated 10/10/1982 (Brian Stells?) god my little genius ass assuming the videographer was brian stells, based on the id card i saw earlier.
i then wrote down what text i saw on the dead, mangled, bloody body in the purple security suit; “i cant feel anything” “he thought i was her” then drew a little arrow pointing to; thought brian was sophie? or ashley? i also starred the name Brian Stells this is totally out of order LMFAOOOOOOOO also i wrote down ashley because, again, my little pea brain went back on my video 1 notes after watching video 2. but yep thats all i wrote for The Walten Files 1 - Company Introductory Tape
Tape #1 - created 07/02/1978
awesome how thats first and foremost in the captions. god. so sexy of you martin walls. /j /nsx
this pack of notes is chunkier because again, like i have mentioned before i am an absolute goober and thought the capitalized letters of the words would actually mean something. I MEAN MAYBE THEY DO AND IM JUST DOING IT WRONG but i stopped doing it after this video because holy shit it was exhausting and my stupid little fingers couldnt take the writing anymore becasue i am WEAK. 
so write off the bat (squeak) i wrote down 197[] the blacked out rectangle over the last digit of that year and everything im also now assuming its probably 1978 or 1974 because lore reasons but whos to say but yeah i also wrote down this;
Tape #2 - created 08/13/1978
then, straight up in the beginning of the video i caught it, the flash of text, as i had by now realized i gotta be SUPER stupid focused on the screen in case i miss anything, i wanted to be crazy precise on my theorizing and mental notes, among other things. but yes i saw it, the first half of a youtube link;  “https://youtu” 
claps hands together and rubs them evilly. oh yeah baby. thats the hot lunch. this shit right here? the cats pajamas. lets fucking go.
i wrote down this goofy shit i pasued to inspect when i saw bon sorting through a file cabinet and naturally scribbled down the labels and other written things i could see on the files; 
relocate X/X/75 felix
storage K-9 07/23/1975 felix k(ranken)
Bons Burgers 06/28/1974 Jack Walten
Shipping Service 1975
New Location -> 1982
i also wrote down more goofy shit, like when banny was created for some reason; in 1974
starred, i noted to go back and reverse the audio at 5:09, when played back, i didnt write it down so i dont remember. lmao.
i also marked to screenshot and brighten the darkened image i saw at 5:20, i was going to do it on my phone then realized i can just do it on my computer so i quickly took a screenshot, brightened it and wrote down what i saw; a missing person poster that read MISSING: SUSAN WOODINGS(?) Last seen: 1974 i was very unsure of the spelling of her last name because the image was so goddamn low quality and grainy but its what i saw. this is where tape #3 gets thrown in, which im gonna type again because i like how the formatting looks;
Tape #3 - created 07/09/1978 (BEFORE tape 2?!//1/1??? its more likely than you think)
i wrote down more dates, any dates i saw, i jotted down. i wrote; 
Technical Support 1978 
Brian Stells (for some reason i dont remember right now)
alrighty this is where the stupid capitalized letters come in, but before it looks like i vomit a keysmash time infinity on this, ill put down the little inbetween things i wrote in the midst of the caps lockalypse like timestamps and stuff, so here you go;
- Reverse at 8:16 which i did but of course didnt write down what i heard. i think it was too warbled to hear anything clear out of it, or it was just the good ol auditory processing issues fucking me over yet again. WAIT yep yes i did here it is: “rosemary would go to the restaurant every night hoping that [her] beloved husband would reappear after being missing for weeks but no response until one day [s]he heard a voice [saying] ‘i know where he is rosie’ coming from the back stage” the bracketed stuff is the corrections, i misheard the audio and thought the audio said “his”, “he” and “singing” like a nimrod
- Brighten at 10:14 which was another missing person poster, but i dont think it had any information on it because i didnt write it down, just;
- Sophie again (pic at 9:08?) (dismemberd and put in Sha) i was stupid and wrong haha idiot it was rosemary who was put in sha but anywho
i starred and underlined a huge thing i discovered which was;
- Walten had 3 kids which i dont remember how i found out but it doesnt matter, its good important info i uncovered.
- Tape #4 - Unkown Date
- recorded 07/12-07/14 1978 
- Hilary B, Ashley P & Kevin W i made sure to get these names down as soon as i saw them on screen but then realized shortly after i wouldnt really need to have it as the closed captions made sure i knew which person was talking by using their first initial (capitalized of course) before each line of text. this is the perfect time to announce the arrival of the clusterfuck of capital letters, which is going to include colons which will indicate that the letter before it is the initial of the person talking. without further aedue, here comes another chinese earthquake;
holy shit its finally over okay now onto some MORE of what i wrote down in between and also after that keysmash attack;
12 doors? (backrooms) 27? 26? i was unsure because ashley was unsure too lmfao
found cassette (6/11/78) <- says “discard”? yeah it did
Tape in clown audio, speaking voice; jack, susan, charles(?), rosemary, sophie, last word sounds like “walrus” it was walten lmfao
Ashley died? yeah she did lmfao OR AT LEAST I THINK SO??
starred this one, Reverse @ 17:06, then got this;
“they left the next day, they thought ashley left early, but she was in the backdoors, screaming as much as she could, but no one heard the screams, the following days the caretakers would complain about an awful smell coming from the backdoors, company decided to shut down facility until new advice, the relocate project was unsuccessful. ashley is still there, but she is not screaming anymore, she saw something she wasnt supposed to see and now shes beautiful” the phrase “shes beautiful” was repeating like a bajillion times in that wall of text. then, god motherfuckng bless: 
at 17:23 i found the other half of the youtube link, “.be/k07QqEDOfQ” i pieced that bad boy together as instant as i think any form of ramen could never be, but remained ever patient. because i made sure to jot down this before moving onto my next segment;
@ end of vid 2, “shadow man sees* me when lights go off” im an idiot *it was actually “feeds” not “sees”, which AGAIN, i only found out after watching the stupid little film theory video *begins snarling and foaming at the mouth*
okay im not proud to admit im editing this to post it and realized ive lost my notes. well. 
might as well post what ive got! if i find my shit ill add onto this, i suppose.
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irondad-not-ironsad · 4 years
WandaVision Episode 1 Reaction
Spoilers below!!
I enjoy the music over the marvel logo
But also a 43 second logo feels kinda long for a 29 minute episode- is it just for the premier or is this gonna happen before each ep?
Also I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that there is a title sequence, which will probably be similar in length. Combine that with the lengthy credits people have been complaining about, it seems that the percentage of the thirty minutes that is actually the story is lower than it should be
not that I don’t love a good title sequence! But I’ll take a well fleshed out episode over fancy logos, title sequences and credits any day
now that I’ve got that of my chest, on to the actual show
I like how they have the frame shaped like that of an old timey tv, combined with the black and white it really adds to the old timey sit come vibe
I like these bells
Ok I know I complained about to much time being wasted with logos and such, but i LOVE how cheesy this theme song is and I love them showing vision and Wanda driving tp there house in wedding attire
“A regular husband and wife” 2 seconds late *vision disappears into a cloud of sparkles*.... 1 minute 8 seconds in and I love this 
Even there acting is reminiscent of an old timey sit com this is amazing
feel like I should note he title sequence ends at the 1.36 mark approximately, which may not seem like a lot but again the show is less than thirty minutes so it adds up
Wanda talks with a fifties accent: I already love this show
Also I wish I had magic I could use to clean, I’m moving back into my dorm right now and Wanda’s powers would be SO helpful
Also I LOVE the laugh track
Also Wanda’s short curly hair is so cute
I love how neither of them knows what the heart means so they play it off by being like “yeah of course I know what it means, how could I forget? Do YOU remember what it means
Also Vision is literally part computer shouldn’t he have a photographic memory? 
Also how old is Wanda? I could have sworn someone said she was 19 in civil war, which would make her like 21 here? I think?? Idk tho, as a 19 year old I don’t think she has ever looked 19 in the movies, even back in Ultron she looked at least in her mid twenties
The face Vision makes when he makes himself human is so funny
Also Vision blowing Wanda a kiss and her reaching back to grab it is the perfect amount of corny that makes it still cute
Also I wonder what vision’s job is
The backing music is so funny
I can already tell Agnes is going to be some great comic relief in a show that’s already hilarious
“I assure you, I’m married. To a man. A HUMAN one!” I know I’ve said before that I was never the biggest fan of Wanda or Vision but I love Wanda in this show
Obv there is something clearly off here, but I feel like I need to mention that it’s clear this is some warped reality. If I had never seen any of the MCU before, I may believe it was just  witch and her robot husband living in the fifties, but the little details really make it clear to the audience (the majority of whom I am sure are familiar with the mcu) that something is off. This scene is one of those, where Wanda cannot seem to recall how long her and Vision have been together and plays it off by saying “It feels like we always have been together”
Is Agnes giving Wanda advice for the bedroom? is this really what I’m watching? Or have I wildly misinterpreted this?
Love the old timey lingo
Vision working a desk job is so funny
Love that vision doesn’t even know what they do at his job, I know it’s part of the false reality thing but also lowkey relatable
“you’re like a walking computer” “I most certainly am not! I’m a regular carbon-based employee made entirely of organic matter”
I started this like twenty minutes ago and have only gotten 7 minutes in because I keep stopping to type my reactions. I am going to try to shut up and watch, and stop screaming about every little detail for a bit 😂
Real quick though does Vision just go by Vision at work?
Ope apparently he does. 
I wonder if Vision took Wanda’s last name
Or is he Vision Stark-Banner since it was Tony and Bruce who made him??
He probably isn’t called that but I think it would be funny if he was
Love that instead of writing “dinner with boss” or “Dinner w/ Harts” or even just “Harts” he drew a freaking heart like im dying
if my lack of emojis seems weird I’m typing this on a computer which I never normally do and I’m to lazy to pull up the emoji keyboard, so basically imagine there’s a cry laughing emoji after everything funny
“No skeletons in the closet?’ “I don’t have a skeleton sir.”
Yup I was right, Agnes is giving her sexy time advice
“you should stumble when you walk in a room so he can catch you. It’s romantic!” that is the only way I will be flirting from now on
Also I got to say, I'm guessing it’s a fifties thing but those pointy bras don’t look comfortable
So she answers the phone “Vision Residence” Is Vision also their last name now? Does he go by Vision Vision??
They make the best facial expressions
This phone conversation where Wanda think they’re having a date night whereas Vision is talking about his boss coming for dinner is comedy GOLD
also I love the fact that they’re giving us stereotypical sitcom drama while keeping it clear that there are bigger problems than dinner with the boss
Fake commercial break is at 9.56 (these time stamps are for myself I want to calculate how much of the episode is actually the story)
I do love the fake commercials tho! And I suppose in a way they ARE part of the show
They missed the chance to make it the toastmate three thousand and make every ironman fan cry
The beeping toaster sounds like a ticking bomb..... also the little red light is the only color we’ve seen this episode I think
Commercial ends at 10.46
Also love that it was an SI toaster, still wish they had made it 3000 instead of 2000
How did Wanda confuse Mr. Hart with her husband? Not that I’m complaining, her coming out in a robe and covering Vis’ Boss’ eyes is HILARIOUS
“This is the traditional Sokovian greeting? Didn’t I tell you my wife is from Europe?” “How exotic!” “We don’t break bread with Bolsheviks”
Visions pants are SO high waisted
“It’s our anniversary!” “Our anniversary of WHAT?” “WELL IF YOU DON”T KNOW I”M NOT GONNA TELL YOU”
Poor Vision is trying to figure out what kind of company he works for this is sooo funny
Agnes coming in clutch with a full meal
So Wanda needs the ingredients in order to magic a meal she can’t just make one appear
Vision breaking into song was amazing
How did one chicken turn into like 30 eggs
Vision is singing old McDonald with his bosses wife this is great
“Diane!” “That must be my wife summoning me!” “She calls you Diane?” “Yes... it’s her pet name for me” “I’m coming... Fred”
So many clichés in this show but it’s done in such a purposeful way that it’s still funny
Also we have only seen three rooms: the kitchen, the living room and Vision’s workplace
“Well I think tonight’s going SWIMMINGLY”
Mrs. Hart is SO NOSY
But I love that they don’t know the answers
Wanda looks SO disturbed when Mr. Hart is demanding her and visions story, you can tell her mind is fighting itself and it’s so sad
Mr. Hart is choking, is it bad that I think he deserves it?
Mrs. Hart keeps cheerily repeating stop it, and gone is the stereotypical sitcom camera angles and and the backing music is switched for something eery
This is lowkey scary, Mr. Hart Dying while his wife keeps cheerily saying Stop It and it just feels creepier the more she repeats
Wanda looks distressed and vision is just looking to her for what to do, her old timey accent is gone and she sounds nearly robotic as she tells Vision to help
Poor Wanda, she is so clearly going through it mentally right now
Laugh track is back, and just like that the Harts are leaving, despite only having one bite of food
And somehow Mr. Hart is impressed? Was Wanda rewriting reality to make them so?
I know that this is clearly some alternate reality and nothing is right, but wanda and vision deciding to choose that day as there anniversary and this little convo here is soooooo cute
Aw her making them rings and them both saying I do is soooo cute
And vision saying “and they lived happily ever after’ is so sweet but also so sad in context
What is that little remote vision is holding meant to be?
And love the hexagon closing in on them with the cute music playing to end the episode
Are the people in these credits real? Because it lists the start as Wanda Maximoff and Vision but are the rest actual people?
So there is some sketchy dude watching the maybe fake credits so there's something going on there
The actual credits start with 7.13 left and I’ve been told there's no mid or post credits scene. I’ll let them play while I finish this up anyways
8 minutes and 49 seconds of this show is the logo, title sequence and credits. Out of 29.36 total this means only 20 minutes and 47 seconds is the show, which I suppose is standard for a sitcom but I think I felt deceived by it showing as 29 minutes
Also 50 seconds of “commercial takes the show time down to 19.57 if anyone was wondering
I swear tho I’m not all that bothered by the length, just did the math in case anyone was curious like I am. 
I thought I was going to really enjoy this going it, but it still really surpassed my expectations and I can’t wait for episode 2!
This is my raw reactions, but I’m sure that as I mull it over more I’ll be posting more about the show
This is somehow a perfect combo of lighthearted comedy and mild horror
I wanna let this episode stew for a while, so I prob won’t watch episode 2 for at least a day
Also what are your guys’ thoughts on this format of reaction? Did I write to much?
Also what did y’all think of this episode? Feel free to let me know what you think of my reaction, and whether you agree or disagree. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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littlebigafterdark · 4 years
patton's asthma attack and finally agreeing to try therapy
content warnings: hurt/comfort, detailed description of asthma attack, very brief mention of past eating disorder, crying (i always hav that tho)
i copy pasted this from mine and livs discord convo so thats why it might be formatted weird and i swear a lot also if you see "hhh yeah" then thats liv commenting hshshsh
patton has had a cough the past few days because BASICALY since priscilla (remys cat) visited hes been more breathless with his asthma but he didnt tell anyone bc he doesnt want to worry them or make it so vee never get to see priscilla again if she cant visit anymore
so his asthma is acting up but he ignores it - and hes had asthma cough for a couple days (which is a sign of an incoming asthma attack) but again hes ignoring it, hes so used to brushing off symptoms he doesnt click what it means and he diesn ttake his inhaler when he needs it
WAAAHH oh fuck oh my god oh god wait fuck i just realised
the moment patton gets his asthma attack its saturday afternoon, roman is little and playing with logan and vee isnt quite little yet but fae's on faer way there, fae is very giggly and playful and patton says "okay babygirl, lets go get you changed!"
and when he gets up from the couch he takes a moment to cough and just stand still a sec bc he got suddenly dizzy but he pushed through it to not worry vee, and he actually usually lifts her onto his hip straight away, but this time he very subtly is like "okay hold daddys hand while we walk to the stairs"
so they get to the stairs and patton of course lifts vee up, and theyre only a few steps up when pattons breathing gets really heavy. it makes vee frown and look at him and say "daddy am i heavy?"
and patton smiles and shakes his head, because hes too breathless to speak. but he pushes through and hurries up as fast as possible
once theyre at the top of the stairs, patton is wheezing. his chest is rattling and whistling and he suddenly loses his smile and quickly hurries away from the stairs to place vee gently on the hallway floor, and as soon as vee is safe patton wobbily sinks to his knees and leans his head against the wall. his eyes shut tight trying so so hard to breath but its realy whistly now
and vee of course panics. "dady? papa are you okay??" and whimpers when patton doesnt react and clutches at his chest
and it throws her out of her semi regression. she jumps up and hurries downstairs, a little wobbily but ultimately fine. and she speints to where logan and riman are and yells "daddys h havin a panic attack!" and instantly starts crying
logan and roman were in the middle of a game and smiling and laughing but as SOON as they hear that they jump into action. logan runs out of the room to go to patton and roman grows up and runs to vee and lifts her up to shush her cries and calm her down - they dont even share a single look before they do this, they both just instinctively know what to do
and logan of course finds patton and realises its an asthma attack not a panic attack - he goes into his emergency like emotionless mode where he just gets the job done. he asks clearly where patton keeps his inhaler and patton just shakes his head. so logan alarmed asks "you dont have a reliever inhaler??" and patton winces and shakes his head again.
logan sprints to his room into his bedside drawer to find tthe inhaler he keeps for emergencies double checking it hasnt expired
he sits with his legs around patton, patton leaned back agains his torso, and puffs pattons inhaler for him and times the attack and the puffs (knowing that if it isnt better after ten puffs and fifteen minutes they have to call an ambulance) and using his own deep breaths against pats back to help him recalibrate his breathing
luckily it only lasts 8 and a half minutes and 8 puffs - but logan is so so shaken about the fact that that was very close to requiring medical assistance, he had his ohone out ready to dial 911
once pattons attack is over he's finally breathing, short and deep at first gasping in the oxygen, but within a few more minutes of sitting against logan it slows down and is much calmer. hes very shaky because the reliever inhaler does that to you, and weak from the tax on his body, so logan helps him up into their nearest bedroom (pattons)
at first he calls roman to swap places with him and watch over patton hust so logan can change vee into a diaper since she regressed from fear as soon as roman picked her up and obv he cant change her diaper
so roman sits with patton while logan does that and roman is actually really quiet and awkward and nervous, just looking wide eyed at patton and hugging himself.
and patton feels bad abt that and whispers "its okay little prince, daddys not hurt. im sorry for scaring you, honey" and roman just chews his lip and nods and looks down and they dont talk again until logan is back and roman goes out to take care of vee and logan comes in to lie with patton and rub his chest soothingly
logan is distressed and frustrated and shaken at that point but he knows not to have their conversation until the next day bc patton will be emotionally and physically exhausted
but the next day they have a serious talk - logans pretty ANGRY that patton was so ignorant of his wellbeing that he didnt refill his inhaler, patton brushes it off but logan says its a good thing he secretly kept one for patton (bc he almost suspected this might happen)
it rly hits patton when logan tells him if he had needed anymore puffs than he took they wouldve had to phone an ambulance - like patton not wanting to worry his family by admitting his asthma was acting up backfired way more and has made them worry even more because he had a full attack that could have gone so much worse
the whole conversation is VERY stern and serious even at the start when patton smiles and chuckles and jokes and brushes it off logan just gets frustrated and upset. logan is SO angry literally he is glaring at patton when patton brushes it off and makes jokes abt it and he snaps.
logan actually very seriously tells patton this is self harm and patton goes WHAT nonono no its not i dont know why youre getting so worked up
and logan fucking SNAPS like "Youre not giving your body what it needs to survive because you dont think your worth that!! you're neglecting your basic needs to the point of needing urgent medical care, doesnt that sound familiar??? doesnt that sound like something we've both been through before???" clearly referencing his eating disorder
and pattons eyes go wide and he profusely apologises hes like im so sorry oh my gosh logan honey im sorry did i trigger you im sorry and logans just like STOP APOLOGISING this isnt about me its about you!
and he sso angry bc he thought they trusted each other but the fact that patton didnt tell him when he literally couldnt breathe is so scary to logan
but that is basically an argument bc logan was so fucking worried and devastated that patton has ignored his health to such an extent and vee gets nervous bc both her and roman can hear them yelling and she thinks the cgs will breakup bc they "had a fight"
but once theyre finished talking and vee shakily asks if theyre not gonna be a family anymore they'll of course comfort faer and talk abt it, its not a fight its a disagreement and mummys and daddys have those sometimes. theyre still a family and they still love each other very very much. they all soend their family day together as usual, though patton isnt as able to get up and play with roman understandably
also the fact this all comes around the same week patton and logan tell vee that janus wants to babysit, thats why patton has been absent from the blog recently i guess bc hes been keeping busy trying to work through his feelings of janus wanting to come in
hhh yeah... the way it lines up to patton's other insecurities abt janus coming into the family and it all just piles on too much all at once
so on monday morning logan goes with patton to get more inhalers and they actually stay out for while like they go to a forest or smth just to be alone and help patton recenter a little - he's always loved being in nature, it really brings him a lot of peace, being in nature is really the best way to keep patton grounded from his dissociation, thats why hes always gardening
and logan doesnt want to be angry at him and he knows patton needs support and comfort atm even is patton doesnt think he does so they have a calm day just being together and logan trying to remind patton that hes there for him
HHH stop bc they YEAH bc they kinda had a fight even though it did get 'resolved' but they needed to take time to reconnect their energies and like show each other (and specifically logan show patton) that their love is still secure and their friendship is still strong - just the quiet care of logan taking patton somewhere they can just be alone without responsibilities
secretly patton was rlly upset that logan got angry with him but he didnt show it but logan KNOWS him and he knows he needs to fix it with queality time (pats love lang) because pattons been alone a lot recently, its just been that he keeps busy and accidentaly distanced himself bc the others would all be busy and hanging out in some way and he fet a bit abandoned but yeah logan is dedicating the whole day to him
and patton does end up talking abt his inner turmoil a little but not until theyre like in the middle of the forest and hes a lot calmer and theres no one around, he just feels so much calmer and safer in nature to open up like that.
and this is when patton tells logan about his worries about janus becoming closer to vee, and how its lovely for them but what if it hurts vee, what if they dont get along, what if they DO get along and vee wants to move back with janus. Logan doesnt say anything to the worries, he knows patton just needs to blurt them out while he can, while it mixes with the sounds of nature.
then patton mentions quietly that dr picani phoned him a couple weeks ago and told him that he would like to offer patton a trial session of therapy - not with vee, just patton. logan very calmly asks if that sounds like sometnging that might be helpful for patton and patton just giggles nervously "um i dont know. Vee has therapy"
logan frowns. "yes she does. but that doesnt mean you cant have it too, if you would like it"
patton goes quiet and looks anxious, scratching at the moss on the log theyve sat down on. so logan takes his hand and looks very earnestly at him and says gently "i would like you to at least accept the trial session. It is your decision but... i think it might be worth a try"
patton nods a little, just looking at their intertwined fingers. and after a long silence where they can just hear the birds tweeting and the wind rustling the leaves and small animals scurrying along the grass, patton finally looks up at logan and breathes "i'll go to therapy"
and when patton says that out loud suddenly his eyes well up and he sees logan smile at him - a little sad and a lot proud - and feels his hand squeeze and the tears just dont stop coming and he hides his eyes but laughs nervously like haha dont know why im crying this is so silly! but logan doesnt say anything to it, he just pulls patton into his side and rests his head on pattons head...
and patton keeps trying to laugh and joke but its so choked and sad and nervous and wet and logan wraps his other arm around patton too and just grntly whispers "pumpkin, its okay if youre not happy right now."
and patton just starts sobbing into logans shoulder and logan holds him so tight as they sit on the log
patton cant cope with silence when its about him yknow, he couldnt handle logan not laughing or tutting at his jokes so he just kept joking until logan insisted its ok to be sad
so once they get home logan sits with pstton while he phones dr picani and books his first solo therapy session for friday morning
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trenchcoatkitten · 4 years
So I’ve been reading Temperature of the Heart, and you’ve mentioned how you have the whole thing written already. Can you describe what that’s like? What’s your writing process? How long does it take for you to write everything start to finish? Do you plan it all out or just kind of wing it? How long do you sit in an idea before you start?? Sorry about all the questions, I’m just so curious >_
bro!!! are you sure i will scream about writing for days omg
first of all THANK YOU its so freaking cool that you came to ask your questions and that you like my writing, im still sort of getting used to my writing not just being garbage that i read in the dark at 2am and never share with anybody, and i am always excited to answer questions waaaah 
my process is pretty weird, it’s kind of all over the place? I’m kind of a halfway planner halfway pantser. I have an idea and usually make some disjointed notes about character and the main idea, in my phone or maybe on a google doc, and then a pinterest board maybe? Something to get excited about, a visualization. I ALWAYS tell myself im going to make an outline first and then i ALWAYS just jump right into writing because I’m too excited/impatient to wait. give me words on a page. give me dialogue. 
Usually when I’m a little bit into the project, when i know that I’m not going to abandon it to the depths off where my WIPs go to die (rip like literally over 300 individual and unique works, this is NOT an exaggeration, you should see my document bank its gross) Ill say “ok fuck you sami its time to actually know where you’re going” and I’ll sit down and make the grossest outline you have EVER seen. like im talking, my outlines are littered with memes, me yelling at myself, actual stuff thats going to end up in the final project, and just general random garbage? its so gross. Ive literally only showed one of my outlines to one person ever (hi akira!) bc im super self conscious of them and hate the way that i write them. making an outline usually sucks up an entire day of writing. they’re pages and pages because some parts will be INCREDIBLY specific and other parts will be so vague you dont even know
From there, when im done with my garbage outline, (after going back through what I’ve written and fixing the shit that was just me going off like a psycho) I usually start writing in earnest. I’ll highlight the parts of the outline that I’ve done and I’ll go back and check it often to make sure im following through on my plans and the character arcs and such, making sure that everything ties in and such. This section is me like. every day getting home from work or whatever and sitting down at the computer and not moving until 2am, this is the section where i forget to eat and I dont sleep enough and i forget to drink water or take my vitamins and I do word sprints with myself and have days where I write 10 thousand words in one sitting. (very not healthy and also terrible i do NOT recommend) this is the section where I’ll handwrite anything i can in the back of classes and at rehearsals because im pouring out words.
during this section I go back and edit ENDLESSLY. i cannot write something and just let it be. I go back to the section I wrote the night before, I go back to the section I just wrote, i go back to the very beginning. I generally dont have to do 1st 2nd 3rd draft this way, but it is much more time consuming as Im just writing. i dont know if i reccommend this its a MESS
THeN once i finish writing the whole thing, i sit down and reread/edit the whole thing once through. this makes sure i have good flow, the paragraphs go together well, the prose feels right to me, timelines make sense. during this time i make ENDLESS paper notes with calendars, section notes, additions, drabbles, thoughts about my own shit. i have notebooks full of just garbage. im not kidding. full notebooks. 
Once I finish that read/edit through I’m usually happy. only once something is completely finished will I consider posting. I go back too much, I add shit, I can’t let go of shit, not until it’s done. While I’m posting - I go through the chapter I’m going to post with a fine tooth comb, try to catch any tiny little mistake, add words here and there, but never change anything large if I can help it. Then i format it on Ao3 (this is literal hell, fuck the HTML editor it wants me to die) and then post it. Deciding to post a chapter to actually hitting ‘post’ usually takes me 1-4 hours, depending on the length, the difficulty of formatting, and how many goddamn links i wanna put in the chapter notes cause im the worst~ (insert jean ralphio voice) 
LISTEN im probably super extra but I’ve been writing since I was in sixth grade (thats twelve years! time is an enigma and i hate it!) and so I have a bit of practice, i have a bit of experience and while I’m not the best me that I can be, I KNOW myself, and this is just what works best for me. 
As for timing - it depends on the length of the project and how motivated I am. It took me about a month to write Royal (~50k), just a little over a month to write All Might’s All Night Shop Stop (~75k), and just about two months to write Temperature of the Heart (~115k). I try to post every few days, because as a person I hate waiting and I don’t want to do that to my readers! 
As for the ‘how long do i sit on an idea before writing it’ it really depends. Some things I will receive inspiration or a sliver of an idea and start writing it in the next ten minutes, even if I have to stop working on something I’m already working on, because that was Brain Has Decided. Sometimes I will consider an idea for like. months before actually doing it. I’ve had the idea for FBoW (the newest thing im working on oops? have i told anybody about this NO cause that will make it REAL) since before I started Royal, which was like. Last november. But I just couldnt quite do it for some reason, and it wasn’t pressing. My brain is super broken, and a lot of times I get sick over ideas. I can’t sleep or eat until I’ve written, and I will repeat phrases to myself until i can get them out of my head by writing them down. (Sometimes this is something nice or poetic - “The golden hour lights up the whole world, wiggling its fingers into every nook and cranny, lighting up two people lounging on a bench-swing, someone leaned onto porch stairs with a mug of tea, the space between those walking down a dirt road, a couple of dogs laid out on the deck.” and other times its literally “Ranch Fiddlesticks.” I’m not kidding. i have a note in my phone that says ranch fiddlesticks because I was actually going to Die if i didnt write it down.)
I do wish my brain didn’t do this - but I guess it makes some fun art, doesn’t it? 
WOW OKAY THIS WAS SO LONG im so sorry jesus christ. SOrry i will ALWAYS go off about my process and what it’s like to write. Writing is so so important to me, I LOVE it with every tiny atom of my weak, alcohol-infused, overworked heart. Despite how scary it is sometimes I am very glad to be sharing my work with the world, seeing peoples’ reactions and hearing things about my words, hearing how this little picture in my mind has gone into yours. 
okay jfc im done now im so sorry. thank you again and again and again, a thousand times over, for reading my work and enjoying the worlds that i enjoy building. It makes me feel like I’m worth it. It makes me feel like I’m doing something good. 
ily :’)
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todorodeo · 5 years
fireworks - k.b.
warnings: fluff, so much fluff, also cursing? it’s bakugo what do you expect word count: 3.4k oops my hand slipped a/n: i wrote this for a friend so here you go tam ily && idk how to format this im sorry also if there's mistakes its a common occurrence what else is new Bakugo knew from the way your knuckles rapped on his door that it was you. He grunted loud enough for you to hear and looked up from his desk to watch you stumble in closing the door and falling against it, the only sounds in the room being the fan in the corner and your sigh of relief. He assumed something annoying occurred with you by your demeanor, it was probably some stupid extra keeping you from getting to his room sooner than later. The sun had started its descent, the beginnings of a sunset were painted outside Bakugo’s window. When you finally looked up and met his eyes, you couldn’t help but smile at his silhouette against the fading sky. He was unamused, his lips were pursed, and his eyes were uncharacteristically gentle looking at you. You caught him in a relaxed mood. A rarity. 
“Hey..” His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you were once again caught in his gaze, still gentle, but waiting for a response.
“Hey.” You smiled back brightly, you didn’t get a smile in return, but you could tell he was happy you were here. He just showed it differently. He turned his head back to his papers and continued to write, you took that as your cue to make yourself comfortable. Sitting on his bed, you took out your phone and secretly snapped a picture of him, adding it to your album of candid bakugo photos. He had no idea. Or so you thought.
A smirk found its way onto your lips when you took the hair tie off your wrist and slingshot it at his back, making him jolt up and shoot you a glare.
“The fuck?”
“Sit up straight you gremlin.” This made him growl, only making your smile wider. You had gotten to the point with Bakugo where his outbursts and overall explosive attitude didn’t phase you. If anything you were more of a catalyst for him, while also keeping him at bay. At first he found it weird, you supported him and let him loose, but you also managed to calm him down and.. make him better. Calmer, more genuine. They were the tiniest of steps but they were steps nonetheless. That’s one of the things he loved about you, though he’d never admit it out loud, you let him be himself while also making him a better person. You didn’t hold him back, but you didn’t sugarcoat things. He appreciated that. Honestly he’d be pissed if he found out you were just playing with him. But that wasn’t the case.
“My posture’s fucking fine.” The tiny voice in the back of his head knew you were right, but bickering with you always made his pulse quicken just a bit, interacting with you gave him minuscule butterflies in his stomach, a fact he would take to his grave, but a fact.
“You know I’m right, do you want proof? I have evidence.” You challenged him, holding up your phone. He scoffed at your rebuttal, annoyed again that you were literally- taking pictures behind his back. He knew you snapped pictures all the time, at first it was annoying, and he almost forced you to delete them but he decided he’d let you keep this up when he saw you beaming over them. Happy (Y/N) = Happy Bakugo.
Bakugo mumbled something under his breath and turned back to his work, this time with a straighter spine. Your ears couldn’t quite pick up what he said, but you smiled as he accepted defeat and straightened his back. You loved teasing him and he did the same all the time, but you also loved that he was letting you. You both were constantly trying to have the upper hand on each other, some kind of power play, but even others in the class could attest to how compatible you were for each other.
You snapped another picture, this time with the better posture and smiled to yourself. At this point the sunset was almost at it’s apex and the orange and yellow hues on Bakugo’s skin made you wish you had your real camera. It was left in your room, and if you went to get it your golden window of opportunity would be gone in a second, so a phone photo would do.
You sat in silence and listened to the fan and watched the movement of his writing, noting his leg started to bounce. He was content with you just being here with him, but in truth he wanted to finish his work badly. He wanted to go over and sit with you, hold you, play with your hair. He knew you’d be patiently waiting until he was done, because you knew he needed to get his work done before anything, but that didn’t stop his leg from bouncing in slight anticipation. He was exhausted and all he wanted right now was your arms around him, the scent of your shampoo in his nose, your soft tendrils brushing against his skin. Almost done.
Bakugo stole a glance behind his back and saw you had gotten more comfortable, head hanging upside-down off the bed, the latest hero magazine cover blocking your face. You felt his gaze and lowered the magazine to show only your eyes. Bakugo didn’t know how you smiled with your eyes but you did, his leg bouncing faster as he turned to finish his work.
Only a couple of minutes had passed but Bakugo was getting restless, and when he finally put his pencil down and closed his book, he swiveled around and looked at you again, still reading the magazine. He stood and walked over, plucking the magazine from your hands much to your dismay.
“I was reading that!” You pouted, looking at him standing over you, an unamused expression gracing his features.
“Does it look like I care?” His expression said no, but you knew the right answer was yes. He wanted your attention on him, not a fucking magazine.
“I was waiting for you to finish.”
“I’m finished.”
“Then come here asshat.” He scoffed at your lame insult and pulled you up as he situated himself on the bed. He leaned against the headboard on his pillow and wrapped his arm around you as you snaked your arms around his middle, burying your face into his neck. Finally breathing out a sigh you followed suit, relishing in the silent ease. He closed his eyes and hummed to himself, finally content with you in his arms—
The moment was immediately broken with the slam of the door. The both of you startled and alert.
“There you are!- Oh.. Caught you guys in a moment huh?” Kaminari winked and settled his hands on his hips. His smile quickly faded at Bakugo’s glare. He had quickly sat up and half shielded you with his arm that was wrapped around you, you weren’t indecent in any way, still your privacy was just violated. Hm what a gentleman.
“Hey! Are you guys ready-“ Mina came in from behind Kaminari, witnessing the scene and quickly assessing the situation, “Ohmygooooooooosh you guys are so cute!”
“Get out. Now.”
“Okay dude hear us out-“
“GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!” Your hand on his bicep stopped him from getting up and kicking their asses which you knew was inevitable. Your touch immediately calmed him enough for you to stare him down and make him calm down, you wanted an explanation first before you let him loose.
“Let’s hear ‘em out.”
“No it’s probably some stupid shi-“
“What do you guys need?” You blatantly ignored him, raising your voice over his and pointing your attention at the two intruders, slightly annoyed at the interruption of your perfect cuddling time. Kaminari was at a loss of words, he was scared he’d say something to piss Bakugo off again. Mina stepped forward, a newfound glee in her aura.
“Fireworks!” Hah? Fireworks. Both you and your boyfriend had confusion written over you faces, frozen in place trying to process what that meant.
“You want.. fireworks?” Gaze still holding Mina’s you held your arm in front of Bakugo who had obviously had enough, keeping him from making another mess you didn’t feel like cleaning up.
“No, no! The class is going to go to the river and watch the fireworks show together! We thought it would be a nice ‘hurrah!’ to the end of summer break!” Mina said enthusiastically, Kaminari smiled with her at the idea.
“That’s a great idea!” Bakugo scoffed at your interruption and now it was your turn to be glared at. You didn’t pay him any mind, smiling back at Mina and Kaminari. They eagerly celebrated your affirmation while Bakugo was still steaming.
“(Y/n) what the fuck, no we’re not going.” His voice was rougher now, he was upset and he was unable to hide it. He wanted to be alone with you and cuddle. He wasn’t going to say that but you knew what he wanted. But what fun would you be if you gave him everything he wanted? Even if the idea of cuddling and dozing off in each other’s arms sounded amazing, seeing him amongst the night sky as fireworks lit up around you seemed amazing as well. Also you may or may not have this crazy romantic wish list, and kissing your boyfriend during fireworks may or may not be on that crazy romantic wish list.
“Yes we are.” You gave him a smirk and got up, the loss of your warmth only making his grimace worsen. “We’ll be right there guys, just give us a minute.” At that Mina and Kaminari left with smiles on their faces, and you with an angry Bakugo. A common occurrence.
You went to stand and get ready when a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down and in mere seconds you were face to face with a very upset boyfriend obviously wanting an explanation to your behavior. He ground his teeth and huffed out his nose, not having to say a word to show his thoughts.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.”
“You’re ugly when you ruin our alone time.”
“Oof, try again, the comeback was terrible.” You were thriving off of Bakugo’s discontent, but eventually you had to give in before it turned into a screaming match. A small sigh left your lips, “I’m sorry for ruining the moment but we can have as many as you want later. We are going out with the class because this is our last year at U.A, this is our last summer together. And I know you’re going to miss your friends once this is all over, so making these memories now are worth it in the end I promise.” Your words seemed to soften his glare, and he realized you were making solid points, as much as he hated to admit it. He was headstrong but he had gotten comfortable with the class and he’d managed to tolerate just about everyone to an extent.
Admitting defeat he groaned and dropped his head into your neck, your hands instinctively carding through his hair. He didn’t say anything which meant he agreed. You patted his back asking him to get up and he did reluctantly. Sitting up and standing you offered your hand in silence and waited for him to grasp it before hauling him off the bed and out of his room. When you met everyone in the common area you were greeted with smiles and hello’s, everyone seemed ready to be off.
“Sorry for holding you guys up..” You apologized to the class but it was brushed off and you followed everyone out of the dorm. At this point the sun had said adieu and the moon started to shine through the littered clouds. It was a beautiful evening, you thought. You looked over to Bakugo also admiring the sky but still fashioning his trademark scowl. For a small instance, he was glad you dragged him out of his room. His hand around yours tightened just a smidge. It wasn’t a far walk to the river, by the time the class arrived there was a small crowd on the bridge and along the bank.
When you found a nice area for everyone to sit, you found a spot on the grass in the throes of the people waiting for the show. You let go of Bakugo’s hand to which you exchanged a look of “are you okay?” and you both nodded to eachother, Bakugo’s attention being drawn away by Sero and the rest of the gang and you by Ochako and Tsuyu. You smiled and joined their conversation while your boyfriend was in his own.
That was another thing. Your relationship was a perfect balance of being each others rock and also letting each other breathe. You had your own friends and he had his, and there was never a problem with trust. You trusted him with your life and vice versa. You’ve been together for a little over two years now, having cultivated so much appreciation for each other while also learning so much. The class got along really well and you were glad to have had such wonderful people to grow with. Including him. He knew that. You made sure of that. You hadn’t said it yet but you loved him. Maybe there just hasn’t been the right moment for you to say it but you were both aware of each other’s feelings. It wasn’t said through words, and honestly you didn’t really need to hear it, you knew. He made sure of that.
The sky was a dark midnight blue and the clouds in the sky were scarce, meaning the display of fireworks would be easily seen. Hagakure noted that it was almost time for the fireworks to start and everyone started to sit down on the grass, thankfully the weather recently had been decent and the dew wasn’t so obnoxiously wet. You picked a small daisy at your feet and twirled it in your fingers, noting the familiar warmth that sat next to you. Bakugo sat with one leg up, his arm draped over his knee, “When are these damn fireworks gonna star-“
The booming sound of the first firework cut him off which made you laugh, looking up and watching the array of colors explode and paint the sky in streaks. You squint your eyes at first, adjusting to the bright flashes while also getting used to the loud sounds that rang out over the town. Now that you think about it, it was kinda like Bakugo’s quirk. Big, boisterous, and loud. Hm, how fitting.
“I bet you could make some awesome fireworks with your explosions.” You challenged while simultaneously stroking his ego, something he loved.
He scoffed while trying to hide a smirk, “That’s not how it works dumbass.” You were just playing with him and you had no idea how it actually worked, but you basked in getting a reaction like that out of him. At first he was so reluctant and even upset at the prospect of fireworks with the class, now, not so much. He seemed.. happy even.
Bakugo looked back up at the sky, his expression wasn’t negative, or positive, but more mutual. Casual. The fireworks lit up in his irises, and as cheesy as it sounded, you couldn’t look away. Just like how the sunset stood against his profile, lighting up his skin, the light from the moon and the colorful explosions in the sky did the same, only this time you had a better picture. You were front row and center and you desperately wished you could capture the moment, instead settling to burn the image in your mind. Beautiful.
It didn’t take long for him to notice your staring, scrutinizing you and asking, “What are you looking at?” You, silly.
You didn’t even process the fact that your thoughts were said aloud but by the sudden color in his cheeks and on the tips of his ears, Bakugo was cracking under the icky romantic feeling you were displaying. This caused him to abruptly put his hand over your face and push you away, scoffing, to which you giggled and let your eyes find the fireworks again. Yes you were both hard-asses, but you also had romantic moments. Granted they were usually in the privacy of his room and included you two, but you didn’t forget when he first held your hand /outside/ his room, letting everyone see. He was confident with you and your relationship, but you were mostly happy in the confidence he had himself.
He managed to stay true to who he is but also let himself grow and become a more genuine person, even if the original thought made him laugh. He wouldn’t tell you, at least, not anytime soon, but he believes a major reason why he is the way he is today is thanks to you. He thought back to when he finally decided to ask All Might of all people for relationship advice, feeling like he had no one else to go to. When he mentioned you, All Might only encouraged him but reminded him, /your partner is supposed to lift you up, make you a better person while letting you still see the world through your own eyes./ Yup, you fit that description pretty perfectly. God he was such a sap. What did you do to him?
Now it was his turn to watch you under the fireworks. He watched as the flashes perfectly lit up every inch of your profile, inwardly scoffing at the memory of you saying how bad you looked in the mirror. He had said you had shit for brains which was his way of calling you beautiful.
A sudden breeze came and your hair was blown into your face, momentarily blinding you and causing you to spit your hair out of your mouth. You managed to control your hair and heard your boyfriend laugh at your moment of annoyance, earning him a glare and a hard punch to the shoulder.
“Ey!” He punched back playfully which made you fake a gasp and rub your shoulder. Your lips quivered as if on the verge of tears; you pretended to play the victim all the time but at this point Bakugo saw past it and rolled his eyes at your mediocre performance. The act was this; play the victim and make him feel bad, and then hit him back twice as hard. You never failed to challenge him when you felt like it, and you weren’t a dainty flower. Yet another attribute he appreciated.
“You’re an asshat, you know that?”
“But I’m your asshat.” You cuddled up against his side, leaning your head on his shoulder, putting on your best sappy smile.
“Ew shut up.”
“Make me.” Is that a fucking challenge? Your stare down lasted mere seconds before you raised your eyebrows as if saying well? and suddenly his lips were on yours. Your eyes closed and the light from the fireworks along with the butterflies raging in your stomach made your head dizzy. Somehow you managed to kiss your boyfriend while watching fireworks. It was beyond cheesy but you could not give a shit. Soon enough your lungs were starting to ache and you had to part to breathe but were pleasantly surprised when he went back for another. The fireworks long forgotten.
“Get a room lovebirds.” You could hear the smirk in his tone. Kaminari just loved ruining your moments didn’t he. The sound of your lips parting made you blush harder than you thought it would and Bakugo immediately turned to look behind him.
“Eat shit Pikachu.” This caused everyone around to chuckle at the exchange, making Bakugo jump back to reality and realize he was in public. You watched as his blush lit up his face and he turned and faced away and towards you, embarrassed and annoyed. You chuckled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight, letting him know it was okay. He looked up and found your assuring gaze, forgetting about the fireworks and forgetting about everything else. You were there and that’s all that mattered. He squeezed back, letting a huff out and looking back at the sky, the fireworks going crazy in the sky as a finale. He was glad you made him come out for the fireworks. Glad that he got to make this memory with you and his class. He was glad you were his. And he was unconditionally in love with you, and he didn’t need to say it out loud. You knew. He made sure of that.
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taexyoongs · 6 years
Comfort Food
ASK by @givemehoroscopes​:  hey hello hi could I request a tae scenario where it's yoongi's birthday the boys throw a big party and as being close friends with them Y/N is invited. And theeen, she gets very drunk because she has realised that she has feelings for tae and can't cope with it normally;) and then tae is being very soft like his usual self and takes care of her, and Y/N confesses to him and then can't remember anything in the morning THANK YOU I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY <3
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader (ft. bff Jungkook)
Genre: fratboy!bts
Length: 6.3K
Authors Note (Admin Taenox): READ ON COMPUTER, LOOKS WEIRD ON PHONES !! I’m sorry it took so long and I hope you like it <3 ALSO: This might look weird on my phone since I’m formatting on my laptop. And my writing style can be confusing so in case you don’t know: italics mean internal thoughts of whoever’s POV the scene is in. Quotations is normal speaking.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Cancel all of your plans and be at the frat house by 8.”
“I swear to god, Kim Taehyung, if you think I’m going to spend my birthday throwing up in a toilet, you’re wrong.”
“Come on, hyung. You know you enjoy every second of it. You’re always a grouch about it before, but when you show up, you’re the life of the party.”
“No. I hate those parties.”
“Tell that to all the girls you grind on when you’re drunk.”
“Fuck you, Kim Taehyung.”
“I’m good, but I’m sure the girls would take the offer.”
Hoseok stepped in.
“Hobi, save me from this madman.”
“Yeah, dumbass, he clearly isn’t being convinced,” chimed in Jimin.
Jin whacked Jimin with his sleeve. “Don’t call Tae a dumbass, dumbass.”
“Okay, I have to step in as the leader here and clear things up,” said Namjoon. “Tae is, in fact, sometimes, occasionally, a dumbass.”
Jin whacked Namjoon with his sleeve. “Then you’re a dumbass too. Leader, pshh. I’m the oldest one here, You all better listen to me or else…”
“You’ll beat us up?” added in Jungkook, while flexing.
“Don’t get cocky on me. I can still beat you in a fight.”
“Hey Yoongi hyung,” said Jimin softly. “I think you’re really cool and smart and amazing and-”
“You damn well KNOW you enjoy those parties too,” repeated Taehyung.
“We even invite the girls.”
“OKAY. EVERYONE SHUT UP. I’ll go! You better bring me a trillion gifts and a lot of alcohol.”
Yoongi looked up at the other six. A small surprised moment of silence ensued.
Then madness.
And that’s how the night began.
There are a great number of distinctions between a frat party and every other party. Frat parties have way too many people for way too little space, while regular parties have an average amount of people for an average amount of space. Frat parties have copious, even outrageous amounts of alcohol, while every other party has just enough. Everyone knows that whoever chugs the most from the keg is obviously far superior to the mere lightweights. And most importantly, unlike every other party, frat parties were where mistakes are made.
And this frat party was no different. Booze was in every hand and music was blasting in every corner of the medium sized frat house. When you entered through the front doors, you could feel the temperature go up by several degrees. You scanned the room. On your right was the crazy dance pit full of writhing bodies. As expected, Min Yoongi, along with Jin, Jimin, Joon and Hoseok, was right in the middle, having the time of his life. On your left was a large table of food and beer. And straight ahead was the kitchen. Your eyes drifted over the pit again. Gosh why did it have to be so dark in there? “Hey. Hobi…. Hobi!”
He can’t hear me. Guess I’ll have to go in there myself. Ugh.
You started to make you way through the crowd of sweaty drunk people.
Why do people enjoy this? I mean, there has to be a reason why people get drunk right? Alcohol tastes like crap, so it can’t be that they enjoy the taste. To get away from some emotion then. To get so drunk that they become emotionless and let their bodies go to the sway of the music? It’s better to feel the emotions and get over them slowly but surely right? Right?
You were next to Hobi now.
Your arm reached out and poked his shoulder.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
You started to push your way out of the crowd. “Watch out!” “Sorry!” “Excuse me.”
After picking up some punch off of the 2% of the table that was not alcohol, you turned your feet towards the kitchen.
Wait. What if Taehyung’s in there? He’s always with Kook.
I should go touch up my makeup.
You started to make your way to the bathroom when you collided with someone.
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time.
“Oh. Yah! It’s you! Hobi said you were in the kitchen?”
“Yeah I was but I came out to find you. You were supposed to be here an hour ago! You didn’t respond to any of your texts. I was worried about you.”
“Ah, shit. Sorry Kook, I was finishing up that stupid group project. That dumb bitch Amy didn’t do her part. Did I make you worry about noooonnnnaaaa?”
“Blech, you disgust me y/n. Anyways, we have to talk about the thing.”
“What thing?”
“Are you dumb?”
“Goddamn it, y/n.”
Jungkook brought his voice down to a whisper.
“The Tae Thing.”
“Oh. That. Hahah we can just pretend I never texted you that it’s fine I know you and him are best friends and that would be weird and I totally get it and”
“You’re doing it again.”
“Talking too much because you’re nervous.”
“I’m that obvious am I?”
“WOW. What a supportive friend. I’m so thankful to have someone like you by my side.”
“Pshh, you don’t have to thank me y/n.”
“It was sarcasm, idiot.”
“But for real. This is probably weird for you. He’s also one of your best friends.”
“Dude, are you kidding me? That would be fucking amazing. My two best friends start dating. They always force me to third wheel with them. Then they feel bad for me since I’m always third wheeling for them, so they set me up with a smoking hot babe for a double date. You see? I’ve thought this through.”
“You’re a crackhead. Anyways I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”
“Oh okay, I’ll get Tae. Don’t worry, I’ll act natural. I know nothing about this.”
“Hahaha okay, you better. Bye, I’ll be back soon.”
You turned away from Jungkook and headed to the bathrooms.
You made sure to lock the door behind you.
So no frisky couples can kick me out of here.
Looking at yourself in the mirror could go one of three ways. Sometimes you thought you looked like a sultry, hot goddess. Other times, you thought you looked like Gollum. And for the most part, like today, you usually just thought you were average.
Your fingers skirted down to the hem of your black bodycon dress,  tugged up, then folded.
Heck. If I don’t feel hot yet, might as well be a little more revealing.
Now your knee length dress was a party dress. Giving your hair a little ruffle, you checked yourself out.
You reached into your wallet and took out a tube of your favorite lipstick shade.
Haha, I knew this would come in handy. Self confidence here I come.
No one would have expected your favorite color was a classic bright red. It didn’t suit your personality at all. You weren’t a party girl. Frankly, no matter how much you wanted to pretend you were that hot girl at the party that all the girls were jealous of and all the guys drooled over, you knew that wasn’t you. You were the girl that worked too hard. The girl that studied a lot and wore hoodies all the time and took care of other party girls. You were the nice one, not the desirable one. But bright red made you feel like you were on top of the world, like you were a badass career woman who could take names and kick ass.
Stepping back, you gave yourself one last look through. Ruffled hair, smudged eyeliner, red lips, your little black dress, and strappy shoes.
It’s showtime.
You unlocked the door and strutted out of that bathroom with all of your confidence that immediately melted away the second you saw Kim Taehyung.
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat when you saw him. He was, quite frankly, ethereal. But unlike those other attractive guys, he wasn’t cocky. He didn’t expect anything from anyone. In fact, he was almost exactly the opposite, never talking about himself at all. Instead, he took care of everyone around him in his own special little way, joking around, flashing boxy smiles, and being serious when he needed to.
“Wahh, y/n you look great today, doesn’t she hyung,” quipped Jungkook excitedly, slapping Taehyung’s back.
Oh my god, Jeon Jungkook why would you ever say that?
“Oh hey Taehyung! How’s it going?”
Shit, I should’ve just said hi. Or what’s up? Or-
“I’m amazing y/n. And Jungkook’s right. You look pretty.”
There your heart went skipping beats again. You felt a slight blush come up onto your face.
“Ah haha thank you. It's hot here, let’s go get some cold punch or something. I’m out”
“Yeah let’s go get some drinks and get on the dance floor. We aren’t at a party to be wallflowers. Look at Yoongi over there.”
You and Tae both turned your heads to where he was pointing.
“Sure looks like he’s enjoying himself,” you said.
“Yeah, seriously,” agreed Taehyung. “You have no idea how much we had to bribe him to come to his own birthday party.”
Jungkook put his arm around your shoulders. “Well are you two done being jealous of Yoongi’s abilities yet? Cuz I’m thirsty.”
You looked over. “You’re always thirsty, Jungkook.”
“Ha ha very funny y/n. Lets just go.”
Jungkook grabbed you with one hand and Taehyung with the other and dragged both of you behind him.
You gave Tae a helpless look and shrugged. He smiled back.
Agh that cute boxy smile. Why am I like this?
“Hey, I’ll be back guys one second. I want to go put this clutch away so we can all go dance! Go hang with the other guys.  I’ll be back in a minute or two.”
“Okay y/n! Come back fast!”
You hurried of the door and sat down on the sidewalk. A crescent moon hovered above your head.
You look so pretty glowing like that. I wish I could look like you. Why do I even like him? I wish these feelings would go away already. I’m too tired of debating on if I should confess or not. This is too hard.
The door creaked behind you.
“Aha, I knew you weren’t putting away your purse.”
“Jungkook. It’s too overwhelming.”
“Well, you see, that’s how you know it’s real y/n. I promise today will be a good night for you okay? I think you should just be more confident and love yourself more.
“But I’m like not nearly as attractive or cool as Tae is and like not on his level at all.”
I’m saying this objectively, not as your friend: you are freaking beautiful. Not like those girls all over Yoongi, Joon, and Hope right now. You’re beautiful in the most real way. Outside and inside. Just remember that and get back in there, my gawd, you’re wasting precious time sitting out here being existential.”
“Well, I was just going to say thank you for the pep talk but huh, you had to ruin it at the end didn’t you?”
“See. I made you laugh. I win.”
“Goddamnit. OKAY.”
You stood up.
You started to open the door. “Wait y/n. Go put away your purse clutch thingy. That’s what you said you were going to do. It’d be weird if you went in there with it.”
“Oh shit, you’re right. Thanks Kook.”
“Where’d Jungkook go, Taehyung?”
“He said he went to the bathroom, but I think he went to chase after y/n.”
“Y/n? I told her to come join us! Where’d she go?”
“I would but for some reason I feel like she’s avoiding me and Kook knows what’s up. I’ll go ask him later. I hope she’s okay.”
“I’m sure she’s okay. Now look I don’t have time for petty girl drama. The hyungs are about to perform live. I need you to dance like a crazy hypeman with me.”
“If it’s Ddaeng, then you know I’m in Jimin.
“Ayy let’s go.”
Entering back into the now hot and heavy atmosphere in the living room, you couldn’t help but nod your head along to the beat of the music. “Damn, they’re killing it. You sure this is just a hobby?” “I know right,” yelled back Jungkook over the music. “They’re insanely good. I keep telling them to find a company.”
“Wait Jungkook. I need a drink.”
“A real drink to make me brave. I’m going to tell him. Like an alcoholic drink.”
“I mean I’ve liked him for like a year now. Might as well get rejected and let go.”
“What do you mean? You don’t drink alcohol. Is this real? You’re finally going to get laid tonight. YES!”
“EW. Jungkook, hell no. The point is, I’m too emotionally exhausted for this chasing game anymore. I’m just going to say it. And whatever happens will happen.”
“Shut up he’s going to say yes and I’m so excited! Let’s go get drunk!”
“Yes please. My nerves are going to jump out of my skin and run away at this point.”
Jungkook led you to the drinks. “Okay, there’s vodka, whiskey, or tequila. All three will do the job and get you some liquid courage, aka get you very drunk. Whiskey tastes the best in my opinion. Or you could go for the beer which is abit more light and you’ll still be sane the whole night.”
“What’s going to get me so drunk I won’t remember anything tomorrow? In case he rejects me, I’d rather never know it happened.”
“Here you are.”
Jungkook slid a shot glass towards you.
“What’s this one?”
“The vodka. Here I’ll take a few shots with you so you don’t feel alone. Ready?”
You picked up the tiny glass cup. It was slightly strange that something this small had the power to do so much good and bad. Mostly bad. You had never really heard a story that started with “So I got really drunk” that ended with “and we all lived happily ever after”.
Well, here goes nothing.
“3...2...1… GO!”
It burned more than you thought it would. You coughed.
“Why would people drink this stuff? It tastes like poison.”
“The same reason you’re drinking it right now. To get drunk.”
I guess that makes sense.  
After a few shots, Jungkook stopped drinking.
“Hey, y/n. I feel woozy let’s s-stop. I think this is enough to feel brave.”
“What? Are you a lightweight or something? No! I need more.”
After a “few” more shots, Jungkook stopped you.
“Yah, are you crazy? You’re going to get alcohol poisoning and die if you keep going at this rate. Look at your face.”
You looked at your reflection in the glass.
Your face was turning bright red, just like your lipstick.
“That’s okay, I like red. And I don’t feel drunk. I’m pretty sure I’m sober. Whoa, I’m so cool. A heavyweight. A HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. Aren’t I cool Jungkook, Jungkookie, Kookie-pie?”
“Yep, you’re drunk.”
“No, I’m nooooottt. I’m soberrrr.”
“Who do you like y/n?”
“Kim Taehyung,” you replied without hesitating.
“And you’re going to confess to him today, before the night ends okay?”
“And you’re not going to throw up on him, or embarrass yourself.”
“Okay. You can do this.”
“I can doooo th-this!”
Your hand started to grab another shot glass.
“Oh my god, y/n. Stop drinking. You’re going to end up being blackout drunk and forget to confess.”
“But I’m still scared.”
“Y/n. Stop. Listen to me. I’ve gotten drunk plenty of times. Getting drunk will make you braver sure. But after a certain point, you’re going to lose yourself. So no more drinking! After all, alcohol isn’t comfort food!”
You deliberated that for a moment.
“I mean, I can’t really think right now, so I’m just going to listen to you. What next, Drinking Master Kook?”
“Next, we go get your man.”
Looking for Taehyung and the others, Jungkook easily weaved through the crowd that had seemingly doubled since 10 minutes ago. Following behind him, you tried to not bump into the tipsy girls with glasses that were sure to spill. Eventually, after a few minutes of blindly stumbling through the dark, you and Kook found them.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” yelled Hoseok.
“Y/n, it took you that long to put away your purse? Jungkook, jesus! That was one long bathroom break.”
Shit, he knows something’s up. Well, duh, to be honest. What did I expect? We’ve been gone for nearly an hour now.
“Sorry Tae, me and y/n just got some drinks to be more loose and carefree. She’s had a long day with project mates fucking her over”
“It’s fine, just help me with these hyungs. They’re drunk out of their minds.”
“I’m th-the leader. Don’t tell me what to do”
Namjoon hiccupped and pouted.
“I can do whatever I want.”
“See what I’m dealing with here?”
“Shit, sorry Tae. Look! I’ll make it up to you. I’ll call an Uber and take them home. You and y/n stay. I’ll take care of it.”
Oh my gosh he’s leaving us alone on purpose, isn’t he?
He’s totally leaving us alone on purpose.
Jungkook was the only one that knew that Taehyung liked y/n. No one else. Not even the hyungs. It’s not like Jungkook was the best secret keeper. But he was Taehyung's best friend.
“Yeah, okay. Make sure the hyungs get home safely. Sorry, Jungkookie. And thank you!
I should use this opportunity and tell her today. What if she says no though? Oh my gosh, why didn’t I think this through before I told Jungkook to invite her. Shit. Fuck. What am I gonna do?
He shook his head.
No, let’s just do it. Be brave and just go for it. Yes. I’m going to ask her today.
I’m going to ask y/n to be my girlfriend.
It had been a few minutes since Jungkook had left with the rest of the group. This was the time where things usually started to get awkward for you. But not tonight. Tonight, you were on top of the world. Or maybe you were just too drunk to feel mundane emotions such as awkwardness. Either way, tonight would be a turning point. You would either be insanely happy from now on or be insanely sad for a little while. You would get over it in the end of the day. Heck, anything could happen to you right now. But you would be okay. Because right now you were happy. You were almost euphoric moving your body to the rhythm with Taehyung. And that, in itself, was enough for you.
As the night went on, you and Taehyung started to get touchy. A playful pat on the shoulders. A flirty smile here and there. When the perfect sentimental songs came on, Taehyung could really handle it anymore.
“Will you dance with me y/n?”
You couldn’t believe it when you heard it. THE Kim Taehyung that all the preppy college girls lusted over, THE Kim Taehyung that all the guys wanted to be friends with purely to get girls to hang out with them, THE Kim Taehyung had just asked you to dance with him.
Have I died? Am I a ghost getting whatever I want in heaven?
“Oh. Okay.”
And together you danced the night away until he kissed you and you dated and lived happily ever after.
Atleast that’s what you dreamed of while your hand was in his. It’s what you were thinking about when his hand slowly drifted down from your shoulders and slipped around your waist, pulling you closer, until you were flush against his body. A blush crept up your neck as you looked into his eyes.
They were looking right back at you. “You’re turning red.”
You quickly looked away and put your head into his chest.  
“I’m drunk.”
“Yes, y/n. I know.”
“If I didn’t know better I’d think you were being affected by me. Am I affecting you y/n?”
You stayed quiet.
His right hand drifted back up your body to lift our chin up, forcing you to make eye contact with him again.
“Am I affecting you yet?”
“No,” you whispered.
“You’re a but stubborn, aren’t you y/n? That’s okay.”
He leaned his head in until it was a few centimeters away from you. “I like stubborn. How about now?”
It took everything you had to shake your head back and forth.
“That’s okay y/n. Both you and I know that I am.”
And then he was kissing you.
A hundred thoughts went through your mind in that instant.
Wow. His lips are soft. So soft. And they taste like alcohol. If I drank a mango smoothie, would my lips taste like mango? I should drink honey lemon tea next time. Will there be a next time? Does this mean he likes me? Oh my god, was I so drunk that I kissed him? Am I throwing myself on him? WAIT. HOLY SHIT. KIM TAEHYUNG IS KISSING ME.
It hit you.
The man you sneaked looks at for the past year was kissing you.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Wait. N-no!
You coughed into the kiss while trying and failing to recoil back as quickly as possible.
“Oh my god, s-sorry,” you sputtered. “I just… wasn’t expecting that.”
You turned around. “Oh. Uhhh..”
Taehyung’s eyes were wide open. The little corner of his lips was slightly turned up.
Shit. He’s laughing at me. This has gotta be the most embarrassing moment of my entire 24 years of living. I have to go rant about this to Jungkook later.
“Um, I need to leave. Sorry!” You turned back around and you ran out of that room as fast as you could. One foot in front of the other, you bounded all the way to your car.
You took out your phone and called Jungkook.
“JUNGKOOK! OH MY GOD. Please pick me up I’ll explain later.”
“Y/n, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. But holy crap, Taehyung kissed me.”
“Well, did you tell him?”
“That you like him? I mean clearly he likes you!”
“Well… no there’s more to the story. Can you just come pick me up? I’m drunk.”
“I would. But I can’t right now. These hyungs are still drunk off their ass and acting like monkeys in the dorm.”
“They’re crazy right now y/n. Take a cab! Come over, we can talk about it.”
“But Tae lives in your dorm.”
“Yeah. But I have my own room. You can stay over.”
“I don’t know.”
“Y/n, come on,” he whined. “I’ve missed you. You’re always studying. Come over.”
“Fine. I’ll get a cab. Ughhh kill me. As if this could get any worse.”
“I’m sure it’s all going to be okay. We should celebrate! He kissed you! YAY! BE HAPPY Y/N.”
“OKAY! I’m leaving. Bye!” “Bye!”
Silence took over. The streetlight cast a dim glow on the vacant road. A sigh escaped you.
I guess he’s right. I mean. This is what I was hoping for right?
Your mind flashed back to the incident.
But I really fucked it up this time. Didn’t you, y/n? I wonder if he knew that I was an amateur.
You shook your head in frustration.
Hey, I gotta look at the positives though. Frankly, this day couldn’t get any more embarrassing. Wait...
Footsteps broke the silence.
“Y/n, oh my gosh. Here you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
Drops of sweat rolled down Taehyung’s forehead. His sleeve wiped his face as he bend down with his arm on his knee. After panting for a few seconds while you stared at him in shock, he rose up. “You’re drunk. I’m not. And cabs don’t run at this time.”
“Ah, Jungkook will pick me up! Don’t worry!”
“I already called him. He said you were going to come over to our frat.”
He smiled.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it. I promise, I’m not a horrible person who’ll hate you now. If you’re thinking something along those lines, you should forget it. I… I still have a lot to say to you. But for now, I’ll give you a ride. I didn’t drunk any alcohol.”
“Ah, that’s okay! I’ll just walk to my dorm room! I’ll talk to Jungkook tomorrow.”
You started to turn around when you felt his hand clasp around yours.
His eyes were a drug.
They were warm and beckoning.
They were safe and comfortable.
They were…
You turned around to face him.
“So where’s your car?”
“Goddamnit Jin. Is this payback for that one time I gave you acrylic stands of myself?”
“I know how to spell stand. S T A N D. Stand. P I Z Z A. Pizza. P A S T A. Pasta. I’m smart!”
“You’re a dumbass, Jin.”
“Shut up, Jungkook. I’m not the one who got a 3 on my english exam. Did you like your gift Yoongs? Yoongi? Y to the G?”
“Of course not! Here I am expecting Gucci thermal underwear and you get me your acrylic stands. I can get those for free. I’m in the same band as you idiot.”
“You could have at least pretended to like it. I would have done that. Why are you so mean to meeee?”
“Oh, stop pouting Jin. I’ll save it as a good memory of our collective dumbassery. Anyways, Jimin, it’s your turn. What did you get your beloved hyung?”
“Um… I don’t know if you’ll like it or not. But I’m giving you my heart.”
“Huh? I think you mean thermal Gucci underwear.”
“Sorry, I’m poor.”
“Hmmmmm… well. Your heart shall have to do. I accept. Thank you Park Jimin.”
“wHat THe FucK, YoONgs?”
“Why does HE get a free pass? Atleast I actually gave you something!”
“On. Namjoon, it’s yo- Oh hi Taehyung!”
“Oh hi Taehyung! Y/n, you’re here too! Come. Join us! Have a seat.”
You could feel Jungkook staring at you. You felt a blush starting to climb up your neck.
“Hey, you must be drunk,” shouted Namjoon. “You’re beet red like the rest of us. What are you y/n? A lightweight? I’m a heavyweight! Let’s fight. SHOTS!”
“Y/n need’s rest right now,” butted in Jungkook. “As your best friend, I declare you to go up to my room and sleep. I’ll take the couch don’t worry! Tae go in there first and make sure it isn’t like dirty or anything.”
He looked over at you and winked.
Wow, I’m going to beat this kid up later.
“Oh. Uh, yeah. One sec y/n. Let me give Yoongi his birthday present. Then I’ll get Jungkook’s. You can go up to my room for a few minutes. It’s two down from Jungkook's to the right. I’ll call you down!”
“Okay. Thanks Tae.”
“My pleasure.”
You walked past the red plastic cups, up the stairs, and around very passed out Hobi to Jungkook’s room.
Two to the right. Ah.
After a few seconds of blindly staring, you opened the door.
The lamp cloaked the room in a muted purple. Polaroids littered the wall directly in front of you: pictures of the boys, landscapes, old stores, parties, anything and everything one could think of. Some had words written on the blank space at the bottom. Other’s were empty. Cute thumbtacks pinned galaxy themed letter paper in the empty space. A few movie posters were placed on the other walls, along with beautiful paintings that you couldn’t quite decipher. A bookshelf, a bed, a desk space and a rug made the the room feel whole.
So this is Kim Taehyung's room.  
It was a visual representation of his mind. And it was absolutely beautiful.
Your fingers trailed across the pictures as you looked around his room until you got to the window. The sill had something etched on it with what probably was a knife. Upon closer inspection, you could see what it said:                                     
                               Dreams grow here. 
What a pretty thought.
Outside the window, a part of the roof jutted out, substituting as a makeshift terrace. You could see a green beanbag out there among a few other belongings.
I wonder what else is out there in Taehyung’s dream world.
Without thinking, your fingers grasped the bottom of the window pane and pulled. A gust of wind billowed the curtains. The breeze felt nice on your face.
He isn’t here yet, and it’s probably going to take him a while to clean Jungkook’s room. That kid is messy as fuck. I’m burning up in here and I’ll get back in a minute or two. So it’s fine. Yup. It’s fine.
You had hoisted one foot out and then ducked your head under the window to the other side when you heard the dorm door creak open.
Making his way out of Jungkook’s room, Taehyung headed down the hallway two doors down, making sure to stop and check his hair on the mirror hanging off of Jin’s door.
“I can’t believe I’m actually using this stupid thing,” Tae muttered to himself. His mind went back to when Jin bought this. “What? I need to be able to see my beauty everytime I walk into my room, so I can fall in love with myself more!” Taehyung giggled softly.
That hyung..
Now Taehyung stood in front of his own door.
Should I knock or something? Is that what I’m supposed to do? But what if she’s sleeping and I wake her up. I did take a while..
Deciding to just go in, he pushed open the door.
There, directly ahead of him, was y/n. She was halfway out of the window, with her back arched and her already short dress hiked up, exposing her upper thighs .
Taehyung bit his lip, feeling his face go on fire.
“Oh shit! Hi Taehyung! Hold on.”
Y/n turned her back, maneuvering herself so she could see Tae.
From his angle, Taehyung could see all of y/n’s curves on her petite frame. He had been pretty exhausted after the party and dealing with the boys, but he definitely wasn’t tired anymore.
“Can we go out here for a second? It’s kind of hot inside.”
Taehyung cleared his throat.
“S-sure. Yeah.”
Taehyung slipped out after y/n.
“I don’t really bring people up here much. It’s like my place to think. Clear my mind, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I wish I had a place like this. It’s gorgeous out here.”
“Sit here”
Taehyung sat on the beanbag next to y/n and let the sound of wind take over as you both stared up at the stars.
“I have drinks in the mini fridge, if you want.”
“Yeah! What do you want? I have beer, tea, and soda.”
“I’ll take some beer, please.”
I’m going to need the bravery.
“Are you sure? You were pretty drunk before.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes. “That car ride was so awkward that I became sober.”
“It’s not my fault my radio doesn’t work okay?”
You both laughed.
“So about before-”
“Can you let me get drunk before we talk about it? I have a lot I want to say too.”
“Yeah, I’ll drink with you. Cheers.”
The wind took over again as you downed the bottle.
“Joon was right. You’re a lightweight.”
“Hey! I was already half drunk before before okay? So this doesn’t count. Actually nothing I say from here on out counts if  you don’t want it to.”
A rush of anxiousness flipped your stomach. You took a deep breath.
“I like you! I know you have girls that look like models who like you and I know you probably don’t like me back, and I know my world’s going to end when you reject me but I couldn’t hold i-”
“I like you too.”
“-t back any more and what?”
“I like you too.”
“Y/n. Come on! I kissed you for a reason. What did you think that was?”
“A drunk accidental makeout session that you would regret tomorrow.”
“Y/n. I’ve liked you ever since we started hanging out with Kook together. I thought he already told you since you guys are best friends.”
Euphoria was the closest thing to what you felt. Euphoria, along with a constant feeling of wanting to throw up, of course.
“Wait. He didn’t tell me. Wait did he tell you that I liked you?”
“That little shit,” both of you exclaimed together.
“Damn. Who knew he was such a good secret keeper?”
“He could have told us before though,” grumbled Taehyung, pouting. “I could have done this sooner.”
“Done wha-”
Suddenly, you were interrupted my his lips crashing onto yours. Your eyes opened wide for a second, but fluttered shut as his hands cupped the nape of your neck. “You….” You relaxed your body as his lips became more gentle. Leaning forward, Taehyung pressed his body against yours, deepening the kiss. “...are so….” His hands went down to your wrists. Before you knew it, he had you pinned down under him. His eyes roamed all over you hungrily. “...fucking gorgeous….”
For a quick moment, his face softened. “You’re art. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“Just kiss me, you idiot.”
You lifted your lips up to his.
He broke it.
“Climb back through that window.”
“Huh?” “Go to the damn bed y/n.”
“Has anyone told you that you that you’re really hot when you’re horny?”
“Hahah look who’s getting confident.”
“Listen about that first kiss, I was really unprepared and like-”
“Do I look like I care about the first kiss right now y/n?”
You put one of your legs through the window. You heard a moan behind you.
You turned around. “What?”
“Oh my fucking god, I need you right now.”
“Well then, I’m going to take my time.”
Taehyung groaned. “Why are you doing this to me?”
You felt a knot start to form in your stomach.
Hurrying through the window, you took off your heels and fell backwards onto the bed.
Taehyung scrambled through the window, never taking his gaze off of you.
“You’re finally mine.”
Sunlight filtered through the curtains, covering you in a white haze. Feeling groggy, you carefully opened your eyes. Your head was pounding.
God, I must have a lot to drink yesterday night.
Lifting your head up, you rapidly blinked.
This isn’t my room. Oh wait. Bunny poster. It’s Kooks. Phew.
“Wakey wakey, sunshine!”
“Jungkook! Oh god bless. For a second, I got scared I hooked up with someone or something.”
Jungkook smiled. “Nothing of the sort. You just stayed over in my room.”
“Is she awake yet?”
Taehyung peeked into the room as you lifted the covers above your head. “What the heck is he doing here? Pretend I’m asleep,” you whispered to Jungkook.
“I can hear you y/n. And what do you mean what am I doing here? Don’t you remember?”
“Fuck. I knew I shouldn’t have drunk alcohol. What did I do now? Wait, let me think for a second. The last thing I remember is….”
“Joon was right. You’re a lightweight.” 
“I like you too.” 
“That little shit!”
You looked over to Jungkook, with your mouth agape. “You lied to me.”
Jungkook laughed. “I told you you’d end up sleeping with him.”
“Oh my god, Tae get out of here.”
“Not a chance, y/n.”
“Jungkook, my god. You were playing both of us, I swear to god.”
“Hey hey hey. I’m the one that got you guys together okay? If I hadn’t left you two alone, you’d have never done it. Gosh, both of you were always whining so much about how much you liked each other.”
You blushed. Taehyung scratched the back of his neck. “Yah, maknae. Don’t forget. I’m older than you.”
“Anyways, now it’s your turn. Set me up on a blind date with one of your hot friends. Thank you! Oh, also, breakfast is ready. Everyone in this frat is a drunk mess other than me and hyung. I’m going to leave you two alone now. Have a heart to heart or do whatever you want, but please, for god’s sakes, don’t fuck on my bed.”
“JUNGKOOK,” you and Taehyung both shouted at the same time.
“Get out of here, you punk,” said Tae, jokingly swatting at him.
The door clicked shut behind him.
“How are you, y/n? You feel okay?”
“What do you think?”
“I bought you some aspirin and water.”
You laughed. “Thank you.”
You looked at each other for a few seconds. “You don’t-”
“Will you-”
“Hahah, you can go first,” Taehyung said.
“You don’t regret last night? Everything that happened?”
A bright smile lit up your face. “Your turn.”
“Y/n. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Say yes,” came a muffled response from out of the door.
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arteacactus · 6 years
47, Roceit.
(In human AU, in which Roman is friends with Logan and Virgil and used to date Logan, and Deceit is close friends with Patton, who introduced him and Roman, though they don’t know each other all that well)
Also this is long as hell im sorry,, and will be read easier on desktop to get all the formatting correct- their are pagebreaks and blockquotes that i dont think are visible on mobile and might completely mess up the story. 
047: “My ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years failing to get over them.”
Roman would be lying if he said his heart didn’t ache when he got the invitation to Logan and Virgil’s wedding.
He was happy for them, truly! He was glad they found each other and they’re happy enough to get married; hell, he helped Logan plan his proposal. 
But there was a bit of him that, even after years, yearned for Logan to come back to him. 
This part of him craved to have his nerd back in his arms. He knew it was dumb, Logan was happy with Virgil and he was, quite frankly, very unhappy with Roman, so he shouldn’t be begging for things he won’t ever get, but he just couldn’t let go.
There was a void, and he wasn’t sure how to fill it. 
Now, he was hit with a new dilemma, though.
He was definitely going to the wedding. If not to see Logan in a suit, then to support them as their friend. 
But he didn’t want to show up alone.
It would be weird, wouldn’t it? He had to make it look like he was over Logan. He didn’t want it to look like he’d been trying to get over his past relationship after all this time.
So, he started going through a list of friends he could ask to be a fake, temporary date.
He thought of Logan’s brother, Emile, but that was just creepy, so he crossed him out.
Perhaps Patton’s brother, Remy? Though, Remy was a little too much sass and not enough romance. He couldn’t handle that.
Patton was out of the question. They’d be suspicious that they hadn’t heard about it before then, and Patton wouldn’t like lying to their friends.
Patton’s new friend Dolion.
Roman himself met the man only a few months ago, and he’s hung out with him more than once. They didn’t know each other all too well, but he knew Dolion enough to know that he had absolutely no problem with lying.
And a plus- Dolion was hot as hell.
Besides, Logan and Virgil haven’t met Dolion yet.
It was perfect!
Roman slammed the invitation on the counter and pulled his phone out, texting Dolion,
Ro: Hey, can you do me a favor?
Lio the Lyin: It’s nine in the morning.
Ro: Yeah, okay, I get it, you sleep late, but this is seriously important!
Lio the Lyin: Get on with it, then.
Ro: My ex just invited me to his wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years failing to get over him.
Ro: Dolion?
Ro: Hey, you there?
Ro: Doll?
Lio the Lyin: I told you to stop calling me that.
Lio the Lyin: Do I know this ex?
Ro: Indirectly?
Ro: I mean, he’s one of Patton’s friends. 
Ro: Logan?
Lio the Lyin: Oh. 
Lio the Lyin: Him.
A few minutes passed, and Roman’s nails tapped against his marble counter nervously. He almost screamed out of frustration until he finally got an answer, five minutes later.
Lio the Lyin: I’ll be there in an hour, I have a plan.
Roman was, admittedly, a little concerned. Not all of Dolion’s plans held malicious intent, but enough did to cause him to feel a little careful when faced with “I have a plan”. 
It was exactly an hour later when Roman heard a knock at his door, stumbling over his feet as he scrambled from the couch to the door, swinging it open to stand face-to-face with Dolion.
Dolion was unusually well-dressed, with a black button-up shirt and nice jeans on.
“Get dolled up. If we’re fake dating, we’re gonna kick it off by making it look non-suspicious that we suddenly start dating right on the day of the wedding. There’s, what, a week leading up to it? We have this week to gradually make it known we’re together, to get rid of suspicion.”
Roman was a little stunned, but he sure wasn’t complaining, because somehow, the idea of fake dating was a little fun. Or perhaps that was just his gay ass being overwhelmed at the picture of Dolion dressed nicely as opposed to his usual punk-like wear. 
He invited him in, and he ran up the stairs, throwing his wardrobe doors open to be faced with an utter mess of various styles. 
Oh dear.
The week passed surprisingly quickly, and Roman found that Dolion was one hell of an actor. 
If he didn’t know any better, he’d have thought that Dolion really was head-over-heels for him. 
He treated him sweetly, respectfully, and never pushed things too far. He took him out to nice places, they did things that both of them liked, and he was an all-around great person to him.
Perhaps that’s why Roman felt the hole in his heart start to fix, and he felt like he was a whole new person around Dolion. 
He was.. getting over Logan, finally. But falling for an entirely new person. 
“Roman. You’re not going to a wedding like this.”
Roman let out a loud groan, pulling the blankets over his head as his bedroom was raided by three new humans.
“Don’t eeeuuuuughh me, mister!” Patton scolded, ripping the blanket off Roman and exposing him to the freezing room. “I’m only gonna be here long enough to get your suit on and dolled up, because then I’m handing you over to Doe and Rem so I can help Lo and Vee.”
Roman sighed heavily, letting Patton grab his arms and pull him into a sitting position, tossing a suit at his face. 
“Put it on. Technically you shouldn’t wear white but we made an exception since this isn’t that big of a deal, as Virgil requested. Logan is wearing dark blue and Virgil is wearing purple.”
“Red and gold, too?”
“Yes, Ro, red and gold, too. You’re gonna match with Doe, who’s wearing black and gold.”
Dolion in a black and gold suit.
That shouldn’t have made his heart race and butterflies flutter in his stomach, but it did. 
Roman grabbed the suit and sleepily stood, letting his eyesight adjust to the light as Patton ripped the curtains open. “And you’re wearing..?”
“I’m wearing light blue, Em’s wearing pink, and Rem’s wearing this weird sort of wine color. Kind of maroon, but too light.”
Roman nodded.
So they’re all gonna be their own unique colors. 
That was.. honestly pretty cute.
Patton left the room as Roman showered and got dressed, his curly blond hair almost falling over his eyes in a fringe as he blow-dried it, and he decided to leave it like that- it looked nice. 
He studied himself in the mirror, smiling. 
He thought he looked nice!
Walking out of his bathroom, Roman rushed down the stairs, where Patton was getting ready to head out, breakfast made at the table- Dolion and Remy eating.
Roman’s breath was caught as he saw Dolion, who had slicked his dark, dirty blond hair back against his head, somehow making his cheekbones more defined, his black and gold suit bringing out his pale skin.
Barely visible freckles peppered across only one side of Dolion’s face, much to Roman’s amusement and awe. He was.. a cross between hot and adorable.
He loved it. 
“Bye, Roman! I’ll see you in a couple hours!” Patton waved him goodbye, some sort of knowing grin on his face that Roman didn’t quite enjoy, and left Roman alone with the two men.
“Ro,” Dolion greeted, lifting his eyes to meet Roman’s flustered ones, lips curling in a smile.
“Doll,” Roman replied, pleasantly shocked by how steady his voice came out.
“Remy. Now c’mon, greetings over, let’s get to work.”
The voice took him by surprise, despite the fact it was his own wedding.
Roman turned to face Logan, who was gazing at him in warm affection. Just a week ago, that look would have made Roman’s heart thud with longing, but now, he felt.. weirdly, nothing. 
Roman’s face broke in a smile. “Logan!” He greeted, throwing his arms around Logan in a hug that took the other by surprise, almost knocking them over, but Logan managed to hold them steady.
“Pleased to see you could come,” Logan grunted, letting Roman go once the other was satisfied with his hug.
“Happy to be here!” Roman replied, and was surprised by how much he genuinely meant it. He expected to be heartbroken, somehow, but..
Bumping his hand against Dolion’s, Roman took it and interlocked their fingers.
“Dolion. Pleased to meet you, Logan. Roman’s told me much of you.” Dolion introduced, holding his free hand out for Logan to take.
Logan didn’t seem bothered by his presence, though a little curious as how close he and Roman were. “Likewise. I’m assuming you’re..?”
“Roman’s date.” Dolion finished his sentence, flashing a pretty smile, “I’m his boyfriend.”
He said it with such a prideful tone that Logan never held when talking about Roman, and it made his face heat up and butterflies flutter in his stomach, his smile stretching wider across his face, and Roman almost worried his face was going to split in half. He was falling hard for Dolion, damn it. He wasn’t sure if this was good or bad.
Logan hummed, looking at Dolion’s proud face and Roman’s red one and flustered expression, allowing a smile of his own to fall on his face.
“I’m glad Roman could find someone to love him like he deserves.”
And something about that made it final.
Roman.. held no feelings for Logan, anymore. No romantic feelings, anyway. And Logan felt the same.
He was.. free from his heart’s desires, as they now lied with someone else.
Someone he could have.
And somehow, that made him happier than he’d been in a while.
Now.. onto ending the fake-dating and making it real-dating.
He had a plan.
101 Fluffy Prompts (please don’t send anymore, unless they include Deceit)
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