#also i get analyzing differences on first listen but it’s the people making it their entire personality that are annoying me
sparkles-rule-4eva · 6 hours
I'm aware this is random timing but I've wanted to analyze this scene ever since I saw it and I was rewatching the Frontiers cutscenes so I decided "why not now" lol
This scene right here.
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First of all, I'd like to say that Sonic & Tails's interactions throughout this entire game are IMMACULATE. And while I've seen some people complain that Tails "wasn't concerned enough" at the fact that Sonic was so clearly sick, this scene begs to differ.
It also shows, in both a good way and a sad way, how well Tails knows his big brother.
The entire time before, Sonic's been (for the mostpart) going around with a front. Pretending he's fine and brushing aside everyone's worries about him to turn the focus instead on THEM and THEIR problems, not his. ESPECIALLY with Tails. And this little fox knows probably better than anyone that Sonic doesn't like it when people fuss over him. So he's been playing along. Doing his part, doing the best he could in his digitized state, staying busy and all the jazz.
And sure, a couple times before this, Sonic was acting more tired than usual around Tails, but Tails didn't point it out. And he still doesn't point it out here, but his expression and body language say it all.
Now the corruption's getting worse, and Tails is just about done pretending along with Sonic that everything's fine. This time, unlike the last two times when Sonic had defeated a Titan when Super Sonic had flown down to find Amy and Knuckles, Tails is the one who runs to find him afterward.
He's clearly very worried, especially when Sonic barely acknowledges his presence and is really just doing his best not to keel over at this point. Tails reaches out in a vain attempt to touch him — whether to comfort him or help him up, I'm not sure — but still cannot touch him at all for obvious reasons. He pulls back and just watches him intently with this deeply sad, almost regretful look on his face. The End starts talking again and Sonic lifts his head a little to listen, while Tails just quietly shakes his head as he looks at him. As if he's saying, "Please don't do more, please just take a rest, I want you to be okay." 😢 Or it could just as easily be a sad sort of understanding, a resignation to what Sonic does, like, "I want you to rest, we both know you need it, but I know you, I know you'd sooner run yourself to death before you let us stay trapped any longer. And I can't do anything to stop you." 💔
And then, after having his fists clenched in obvious distress, Tails tries to reach out again, one more time. Almost unconsciously, as Sonic looks up to where the voice is coming from. Almost like he does want to stop him. He opens his mouth for a moment, too, like he wants to say something, but bites it back at the last second.
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Then he pulls away again. His face is nothing but sadness and worry. Sonic tries making a quip at The End's new instructions, but he's still so clearly exhausted.
It's also interesting how Sonic won't look at Tails this whole scene, until Tails asks in that tiny, scared voice, "Sonic?" and he stands up, tells him to hang tight, reassure him they're almost done. Trying so hard to play the part of strong older brother even here, when Tails can so easily see how sick he is. 😔
Their dynamic will always be so fascinating and sweet to me. Even in these darker, more painful moments, the familial love they have for each other is beautiful. 💙💛💔
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ao3commentoftheday · 8 months
I got a response to a post like two weeks ago that I've been thinking about ever since: how do I know whether I'm writing for myself or for others?
Sometimes this is an obvious answer and sometimes it's harder to pin down, especially when so often we're doing both at the same time - at least if we're posting our writing online.
Writing a story is one activity and posting that story to AO3 or tumblr is a different activity. Doing the first one doesn't necessarily mean doing the second. If you go into a story without the intention of showing it to anyone else, then you can feel pretty confident that it's just for you. But what about the times when you go in knowing that the end result will be read by others?
Fandom is a community space. Even when we write something self-indulgent, we often want to share it with others or to hear others tell us they enjoyed our work. That's normal and healthy and makes us an active and participating community member. What's not so healthy is when that desire for feedback becomes the sole driving force behind our writing. If you find yourself only writing in order to get that feedback, then you're most likely writing for others and not for yourself.
But that's also a scenario that lots of people talk about. You've probably heard that before - maybe even from me. What if that's not the issue, and yet you still feel uncertain about who you're really writing for?
That's when you need to start listening to yourself. And I don't just mean check in with your feelings. I mean listen to your own thought processes and reasons for making choices.
Are you developing a character in a direction that you think the fandom would like, even though you don't find that direction particularly interesting?
Are you pulling your punches in your whump or angst scenes because you don't usually write stuff "that heavy" and you don't want to "lose your audience"?
Are you making your smut tamer? Kinkier? Trying to satisfy someone else's idea of a hot scene instead of writing what you'd actually want to read yourself?
The decisions you make around your writing should please you, more often than they don't. If most of your decisions are based on the reaction of your imagined future readers, then you might be happy with the ship or the plotline or the resolution but feel less than satisfied about the smaller bits and pieces that make up the fic.
Give yourself the gift of not posting everything you write. Keep some of it back and just for you. Spend time on those works and really analyze why you're doing what you're doing there - and why you're not doing it in the works you share. Figuring out the difference might help you get a better idea of how to find the best way to reach the only guaranteed audience you ever have: yourself.
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ohbabydollie · 3 months
omg so i’m new here but i currently have brainrot for 2 things
1) being a famous celebrity (sortaaaa like the famous streamer one but more famous) where ur like, an actress or model, things like that. and having a semi-public relationship with schlatt where you’ll be spotted holding hands on occasion, or on a red carpet but not really publicly discussing your relationship (even though everyone knows you’re together), and everyone is either super happy and ships the ever loving shit out of you, or they clown on you a bit and make “who’s punching up” videos and odd comments, and just not giving a fuck and being happy together but kinda wanting to be viewed like any other couple and not just another famous couple to be analyzed. (also similar to mutual break up but you don’t care about hate and stay together)
2) schlatt made a joke about having his cock out in the latest chuckle sandwich episode and….. giving him head under his desk when he films….. for some things, like recordings where he’s not showing his face, it’s easy, but when he has his face out, it’s a bit more challenging. he has to restrain the urge to watch you and moan SOOO bad…. that’s all.
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okay, let’s say you’re a celebrity that is agreed by men, women, etc. to be absolutely stunning
so many people that love you, call you their wife, etc.
you are an absolute style icon, wearing pieces made for you to exclusive red carpet events
even people who hate you have to agree you’ve got a great style in clothes and makeup and yes, you’re iconic, at least a little
then somehow you make your way to the youtube community
people assume from you being so open and sweet and social is how you find yourself starring in a project directed by Ted Nivison
you’re so excited for it, interacting with other creators, etc.
Jschlatt knows of you, but thinks you’re probably like all those LA stuck up influencers that managed to make enough connections to get what you wanted
but when he has his first interaction with you on twitter??
he’s taking the chance to flirt with you publicly
in any way shape or form
and is so public about his crush on you to the point everyone is convinced he runs a stan account for you
you both do get closer behind the scenes but don’t tell much people about it
especially considering his jokes that people love taking seriously and out of context
you both are pretty secretive about it, super down low about it until the day he decides to pay for your nails
a small j is on the underside of your ring finger as to not show it off too much
it can’t even be seen unless it’s up close
then someone points it out on twitter in a selfie
you say it was dirt, but they know what they saw
then the paparazzi comes in and takes a photo that goes viral of you in sweats and a suspiciously familiar wilson hoodie
you say it a coincidence over and over again but the evidence is undeniable when you post multiple selfies in familiar hoodies that look just a little too large for you
small scratches and bite marks on your arms but you never mentioned getting a cat
then you appear in a chuckle sandwich interview
but the vibe is different in that video compared to the rest with guests
schlatt is polite??? and listening to you??
he looks at you with so much affection
yeah, your team does damage control and quickly
claiming that you’re currently single and focused on your career
then you fuck up on your own
a misclick on a story made for your close friends of you kissing your boyfriend’s cheek as he has the biggest smile ever plastered on his face
oh well, too late to deny anymore
so you don’t say anything until your next red carpet event where he’s essentially your accessory
like arm candy and dressed to match you
then everyone definitely knows
and let me tell you, some stans are sobbing
lots of “i waited 3 1/2 years, white man did it in one week” from fans and other celebrities
punching the air too
lots of crying and audios after they realize you’re dating him fr fr and not them
people definitely make memes out of it
goddess s/o and bf they probably found digging around in the trash and probably has rabies
yk that one meme of shining armor and princess cadence?
yeah, that + other attractive partner and their silly bf
so so so many of those “do you think we’re…in another universe?” slides
they clip any time he talks about you and use it for edits
editing characters you play with c! schlatt (it’s giving jack frost x elsa)
they love the two of you and seriously cannot get enough
but they really are punching the air when he marries you and when he gets you pregnant (if applicable)
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rabbitsrants · 3 months
What do you think of D.C.'s M26, do you think it was just a fire of pairs for us Shinran?
i think, in total there are two significant shinran moments worth talking about
i enjoy certain elements of the first scene:
ran impulsively goes after a member of the black organization and puts herself in danger because he poses a threat to haibara. their fight is AMAZING, i love how ran dominates pinga despite him attacking her with a knife
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something similar happens in the manga as well (chapter 434), so the writing for ran absolutely tracks here
chianti sees the fight and interferes by attempting to shoot ran - shinichi barely manages to save her in time
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here's the thing: i absolutely hate the writers for often reducing ran to a damsel in distress in these movies, that's an issue i'll further analyze in a bit
with that being said, i don't mind shinichi saving ran in this scene. it's an impactful shinran moment, cause so far the writing is similar to the manga
the only difference between chapter 434 and this movie is the fact that shinichi actually sees what's happening and is able to actively protect ran. i don't have a problem with that, because that's what shinichi and ran do - they protect each other.
what i love even more is how shinichi decidedly urges ran to stay put, i think that's also very in character for him:
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he wants ran nowhere near the black organization, for very specific reasons that i'll get into another post
so far, this is a well executed scene, right? it's a very realistic, high-stakes moment that we'd expect from the manga. so far, so good, right? RIGHT?!
no. cause this is where the movie writers fuck up:
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this is is supposed be ran??? no fucking way.
my girl is the definition of reckless and stubborn. she's not just the type of person who'll enter a burning house to save a girl she barely knows (chapter 174), she's also the type of person who refuses to waste a single second when human lives are at stake. no matter how much shinichi begs her to stay away.
chapter 640
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and she does this in chapter 822 on the mystery train as well: shinichi yells at the detective boys, sonoko and ran, he tells them not to leave their room, no matter what. and ran repeatedly attempts to go against his instructions because she's worried about haibara, despite receiving a text message that she's okay, btw. ran's intuition tells her that something is wrong with haibara, so she's gonna fucking look for haibara!!!
i need the movie writers to understand that my girl is absolutely unhinged. she cares about other people very deeply, to the point where she's incapable of watching from the sidelines as they potentially get hurt
so how would i have written this moment? what would've been a more realistic version of this scene?
shinichi and ran get into an intense fight: shin desperately urges ran to stay put, she refuses to listen. and then there'd be two possible outcomes:
a) ran continues to go after pinga and dies in the process (remember, ran was fully prepared to die for haibara in chapter 434)
b) shinichi realizes that he can't stop ran and offers her a safer way to help. ran accepts and they work together as a team to get haibara back
why didn't the movie writers go for this approach? my theory: they don't want ran to take a bigger role in these movies, so option b) was a no-go for them. obviously it'd make even less sense for them to kill off ran, but like i already explained, there's no way ran would just give up on haibara in that moment
so why include this moment at all? what's the point of starting such a strong scene if you're not gonna progress the plot?
the point is ran being a damsel in distress.
which brings me to the second shinran moment in this movie:
ran goes after pinga again and he kicks her off the balcony, she's about to fall and get hurt
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kuroda ends up saving her and shinichi feels inadequate
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idk who this woman is but this ain't ran
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a woman who's consistently depicted as strong, fierce and very capable of protecting herself:
chapter 43
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chapter 169
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and that's not to say that shinichi doesn't worry about her sometimes, ofc he does:
chapter 493
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but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's a fucking badass who can defend herself
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and it's not just that she's capable of protecting herself, she protects shinichi too.
chapter 5
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it's like the movie writers read the manga, took note of moments where shinichi comes through for ran but completely forgot that it's mutual, they come through for each other:
chapter 389
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chapter 1050
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the movie staff doesn't get ran, they seem to have no idea how strong or caring she is and i hate how much it's hurting the fandom's perception of her
in conclusion:
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visit the shinran library for more
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billybob598 · 11 months
Wanna Know Something? (Mary Earps x Reader)
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Yoooooo, i posteddddd. I know, I haven't written anything in so long, my bad lol. Hopefully this makes up for it. Remember, any feedback good or bad is welcomed. Enjoy reading!
Word Count: 1.6k (wtfff idk how i did that ngl)
“Hey, good luck today,” you hear somebody whisper. Turning to look at the speaker you see Mary reaching out her fist towards you. You smile and bring her into a hug.
“Good luck querida,” (darling) you mumble into her ear. Mary places a soft and discreet onto your neck, your legs almost give out at the action. As you pull away you reach out to Leah who was ahead of both of you. She turns and gives a quick hug to you, her Arsenal teammate.
“Vamos Y/N,” Rafaelle says over her shoulder as the officials start to move forward. You quickly get back to your line and try to focus on the game ahead. 
Mary had been your girlfriend for almost a year now. You were the starting goalkeeper for Arsenal and Brazil. Sometimes, you couldn’t believe that Mary loved you, she was so amazing, so funny, so kind, one of the best people you knew for sure. Now, you were playing against each other in the Finalissima. This was a big match. Brazil was hungry to prove that they could compete against top European teams and this was a perfect opportunity. When the national anthems start to play you feel a sense of pride grow inside of your chest. Here you were, in front of a packed Wembley Stadium, playing against your girlfriend for a trophy. It doesn’t get much better than that. 
As you near the goal you’ll be protecting you do your pre-game traditions. Touch the left post first, then the right, then jump and touch the crossbar. After, you sprint to the edge of the 18-yard box, kneel, and say a quick prayer. Done. You mentally lock in for what you know will be a tough match.
At halftime, you’re frustrated. England had been controlling most of the ball, they had also gotten a few shots on target. You could do nothing more when Toone finished off a fantastic build-up by England in the twenty-third minute. All throughout Pia’s halftime talk you are planning a speech to the team. Just before you guys head back out, you stand in the middle of the locker room and start to speak,
“Listen, I know everyone out there is rooting against us, so let’s use that to our advantage. Let it fuel us, make us hungry to beat them. They came to see an England win, not a Brazil one. Let’s show them why we are Copa America champions!” This gets everybody fired up. You can sense the shift in the energy of the team, everyone is excited and motivated to prove themselves. The second half is a different story than the first. While England still controls most of the ball, your Brazilian team was creating more chances, being quicker on the counterattack, and finally starting to test Mary. As the game heads into stoppage time, you can feel your heart start to sink. You feel yourself start to lose hope. Then, out of nowhere, Mary bobbles the ball and Andressa jumps all over it, putting it in the back of the net. You scream, jumping up and down with excitement. Soon after that full-time is called. Taking a deep breath, you calm your nerves before the penalty shoot-out. Your goalkeeper coach reminds you of all of England’s penalty takers habits. 
After giving your teammates fist bumps and high fives, you make your way towards Mary and the ref who are already waiting for you. The ref runs through all the penalty rules for you guys. When she finishes speaking and leaves the two of you alone, you turn to Mary and with a smirk reach your fist to her. She grins at you and moves to fist bump you, only for you to dodge it at the last second. She shoves you with a playful smile tugging at her lips. You laugh, before starting the walk to the goal. 
England has the first penalty. You jump up and down on your goalline, doing jumping jacks trying to distract Stanway. As she takes her first step, you analyze her, deciding to dive to your right. It turns out to be the right decision, but you can’t quite get enough to push it out of the net. You groan as the ball ends up behind you. When Mary gets a hand on Adriana’s shot you hold your breath, only to release it as it rolls into the back of the net. When Ella Toone lines up to take the penalty you know where she is going. You dive to your left, reaching your hand out to block the ball. It bounces off your hand, and for a second you can’t believe it, you saved it. The ecstasy is short-lived however, as you watch the ball roll back towards the penalty spot your head smashes into something quite hard. The post. You black out immediately. Most of the fans groan at the missed penalty. Toone turns away and starts to make her way back to her team. Mary’s the first one to realize something is wrong when you don’t get back up right away. She runs over to you, turning you over to see your eyes closed and a massive gash on the side of your head. Panic overwhelms her body, she grabs a hold of your face trying to get you to wake up. Your Brazilian teammates rush over, all screaming for medics. Rafaelle reaches you and checks for a pulse. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when she finds one. Some of your fellow Brazilians wince at the amount of blood coming out of your head.
“Come on baby, please wake up,” Mary begs to your limp body, “wake up for me please.”
The medics finally reach you, they wrap something around your head to try and stop the bleeding. Geyse takes your girlfriend’s arm and slowly moves her away from the situation. Mary feels tears start to sting her eyes as she watches the EMTs load you onto a stretcher and take you straight to an ambulance. Wembley breaks out in thunderous applause as you get taken away from the field. The backup goalie jogs onto the field while slipping on her gloves. Mary is conflicted, on one hand, she wants to go to the hospital with you and make sure you’re okay. On the other hand, she knows she can’t just bail and that she has to finish the rest of the shoot-out. She decides to stay on the field with the knowledge that she’s going to dedicate the last few penalties to you. 
Mary saves two of the last three and lets out a warrior yell when Kelly sinks her last penalty. She’s so happy and proud that she almost forgets about your condition. Almost. When she sees Rafaelle talking to Leah with a solemn look on her face she rushes over eager to see if your best friend had heard anything about you.
“So?” Mary looks at her expectantly.
“She’s still out, but she’s stable. So far everything is okay.” Mary breathes a sigh of relief at the news. 
“I’m gonna head there now,” the English goalkeeper decides, moving towards the locker rooms. Leah grabs her arm.
“We have to do the trophy lift,” her captain tells her. 
“Leah, come on, can’t I just go see her?” Mary asks.
“You can go right after, but you should be there for the trophy lift, at least.” Mary nods, sighing. During the celebrations, Mary is just going through the motions. She tries to hurry up the process so she can go see you. Finally, Leah gives her the go-ahead and she rushes to the hospital. When she reaches the hospital reception she’s panting heavily,
“I’m here for Y/N Y/L/N,” she says in between heavy breaths. The receptionist nods and shows her to your room. Mary slowly enters, confused when she hears the TV on. Fully opening the door, she’s met with you grinning at her with your arms spread wide.
“Congratulations! Finalissima winners, that’s pretty cool!” You say brightly. You cock your head to one side when your girlfriend doesn’t respond instead just staring at you. “You okay?” She doesn’t answer, opting to hug you. The air gets knocked out of you, but you hug back.
“Oh my God, Y/N. Y-You were bleeding and w-weren’t moving or an-anything,” she chokes out, tears streaming down her face. You kiss the top of her head gently.
“Don’t worry querida. I’m right here, see?” You gently whisper to her, tilting her head up so that her eyes meet yours. “I’m okay.”
“You’re okay,” she nods looking like she’s trying to convince herself. You nod and wipe the tears off of her cheeks delicately. You scoot over and pat the space beside you. She hesitates for a second before giving in and getting into the hospital bed with you. You guys cuddle as you watch the Lionesses celebrations on the TV. She can tell you’re starting to doze off so she whispers into your ear,
“We would’ve won even if you were in the net.” You smirk slightly.
“In your dreams Earps. We all know I would have saved at least one of those.” She rolls her eyes at your antics and kisses the top of your head,
“Just go to sleep, love.”
“Wanna know something?” Mary gives you a questioning look, prompting you to continue. “Metal posts are really, really hard. I would not recommend ramming your head into them. You might not feel great for a bit after.”
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kursedmayo · 2 months
I HATEEEE it when people say Falin and Laois are EXACTLY THE SAME. NO THEY ARE NOT, WHAT.
Falin is soft spoken. Shes the type to get spoken over. Her presence is faint and she's hyper conscious of other people's emotions and very much empathetic- up to the point that she would retract herself to make room for other people and generally more than self-sacrificial, her first thought is to rush into danger without considering it- unlike her brother who will at least analyze the situation first. This is why people like her so much, it's because she knows how to temper herself. She's wouldn't come off as intrusive, she doesn't dump people information about something unless they show her interest first. She's weird, but she stays out of people's business. That's Falin.
Laois is different. He doesn't mask- or at least, he rarely does, and he's a lot less aware of people's true emotions because he spent his childhood ostrasized and unable to connect with other people. This is why he's too much, he's overcompensating from everything he went through. Now that he's a bit safer from petty bullies and has some friends, he lets himself blurts things out and generally rarely considers how other people would perceive his words before he says or does things, because that's how we went through his entire life. This is why he accidently says offensive things without meaning to. From what I can tell from the Manga, he still wants to befriend people while not being able to understand them as much as monsters, so unlike Falin he's more likely to overstep people's boundaries and speaking over them while attempting to get closer- something which can bother people because they get trapped in a conversation where they don't want to be in, like Toshiro/Shuro.
(I also think this is why he was in such disbelief when Kabru said he was interested in Laois and wants to know him, because usually it's always the other way around.)
People like Falin more not just because she's a girl but because she's empathetic, calm and knows how to handle people despite being odd, so she comes off as charming. People don't like Laois because he's more hyper- especially if he likes you and is taking about his interests, PLUS he's not just odd he very obviously acts and says freaky shit, so it's easier to dislike or be annoyed with him.
Disclaimer, I don't dislike him, he's a wonderful character with relatable issues and to be honest, he kinda reminds me heavily of a friend of mine actually, but as someone who relates more to Falin I HATE the fact that the story spends so much time building up what Falin is like only for people to say that "SHES BASICALLY A CARBON COPY OF LAOIS!!!".
It kinda reeks of accidental misogynistic fandom behavior because tell me why you are unable to seperate a woman from her familial relationship and similarities with a man instead of awknowledging her as her own person even though the fucking story built up Falin's characterization over the chapters as someone who is CLEARLY different although similar to her brother.
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just-wrting · 8 months
Just My Type
Title: Just My Type
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Reader
Summary: Itadori helps you get closer to a man who is just your type and your opposite.
Word Count: 2126
Master List
A/N: I'm so sorry! I got a really bad string of migraines and started to sink into a slump. But here is the next prompt! I'll try to keep up, but I won't finish during October I guess. Also, NO SPOILERS PLEASE! I haven't seen season 2.
You tilt your head and study the young boy in front of you. Unsure of the reason, you wonder what sort of reason would lead the more powerful Nanami to leave a teenager in your care.
“Remind me again why I’m in charge.”
“I’m needed elsewhere and can’t leave him alone. He is to be supervised at all times.”
You frown and look over your shoulder at Nanami. He looks as stoic as ever, even getting ready to head out as he talks.
“Well, for being the vessel of the king of curses, he’s awfully adorable. Are they so sure he poses a threat?” 
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I am not qualified to speak on that. Just don’t get him killed in the process of whatever you are doing today.”
“You’re being so cold today, Nanami. A thank you wouldn’t hurt, but since you’re my favorite I’ll do you this favor.”
The silence is overwhelming. You aren’t sure how to approach a conversation with Itadori.
“Despite your power level most likely being above mine, I’d like you to stay back when fighting curses today. I know you’d be fine, but if this whole thing with those special curses involves other sorcerers, you need to know more about them.”
It’s almost comical howhe tilts his head in response. “I need to know more about those sorcerers? We don’t even know who they are.”
You push down the urge to ruffle his hair like he’s a dog and shake your head. “You need to know more about other sorcerers in general. Cursed techniques vary between people even if they are similar. The more you see the better you’ll be able to pick up on things.”
You know that’s not one hundred percent true. Some sorcerers are good at keeping their technique hidden while others get benefits for telling their technique. Nanami is open about his technique and you often find yourself a bit jealous of it. The ability to create a weak point on your opponent is amazing.
“Then what’s your technique?”
You wave your hand, attempting to dismiss the question. “It’s nothing as cool as others. It’s not even that powerful.”
Despite you being dismissive, Itadori stares at you expectantly. He’s new to the world of curses, and seems to always be willing to learn a bit more about them. His willingness to put others first is also adorable, and you find it hard to tell him no.
“It’s easier to show than explain. If you want the simple answer, I can turn my cursed energy into flowers. Each does something different,” you say awkwardly. “If you want, there’s rumors about a curse near here. If there is one I’ll show you.”
“Let’s go! No point in waiting!”
You know as soon as you enter the open space that the curse is going to give you trouble. It’s not stronger than you in fact, it's a little weaker. The issue is that you’ve been hiding an injury. That’s what will make it difficult.
“Like I said Itadori, stay back unless I say so. I’ll be able to handle it, it just might take me a bit.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but chooses not to. You’re stubborn and would make sure that he listens even if he protests. Keeping him safe is better than letting him get hurt. The poor kid has already died.
You analyze the area, trying to figure out the best place to start. The curse is too strong to be easily put to sleep with a blanket of lavender, but it would still disorient it. The problem is that you aren’t sure if, as a human, Itadori would be knocked out.
The first step is easy. You reach into a little orange pouch and pull out a few seeds. After imbuing them with your cursed energy, you place them across your side. Within seconds, bright orange blossoms appear and the soothing effect begins.
“Woah, what are those?” Itadori asks and reaches his hand out.
“Calendula blossoms. They’re used in rash and burn treatments but my cursed energy allows them to ease all my pain.”
Thankfully your cursed energy also means that they’re easy to remove. There’s no pain during the removal, the pain from the original injury returns soon after though. It’s something that you’ve never used on another person, but it’s very effective on yourself for pain management.
“If you start to feel tired, back up. The area of effect is larger than I’d like for this space,” you warn before stepping forward.
You hold your hand out, having dozens of fuzzy seeds appear. Pulling a fan out of your satchel, you keep your eyes peeled for the curse. The soft light causes shadows to flicker, and you make sure to glance in each direction to carefully inspect even the smallest of movements.
From above drops a misshapen dark blob. It lands in front of you, and you shield the seeds from the burst of air. Once the air stills again, you blow the seeds towards the curse. Each starts to take root in the curse’s face. The rapid growth of your curse causes the seeds to bloom within a few seconds. Dozens of dandelions pop out of their shells.
The curse howls and tries to pull out one of the flowers. With a massive tug, it pulls out a root at least eight inches long. This leaves a bleeding hole in the curse. As it writhes in pain, the other dandelions close up to turn into the fluffy seeds. The movement will cause them to spread all over the curse, so you tuck away your fan.
You duck and twist through the tentacles of the blob. You’re doing your best to avoid getting smashed as it squirms in pain. There’s no sympathy from you as you leap over it and land on the other side. Taking seeds from a purple pouch, you toss them along the ground.
A blanket of lavender spreads along the ground, engulfing the grimy concrete. As each flower blooms, the soothing scent of lavender hangs in the air and the curse starts to move slower. It won’t be put to sleep by the flowers as weaker curses might, but it will slow it down and relax it. You aren’t fully immune to this yet, and you feel the smell start to relax your body.
This slower reaction time causes you to stumble when the curse swats at you. It sends you flying into the field of lavender. Blood drips down your side as your injury reopens. The pain takes longer to subside this time.
“I need to wrap this up,” you mumble under your breath. “I’m going to make a fool out of myself.”
You pull three seeds out of the red pouch and clutch them in your fist. You set it ablaze with cursed energy, ready to punch through the curse. As you sprint towards it, you try to ignore the growing spot of blood on your side.
You let your body drop into a slide, coming to a stop under the blob. Despite the lack of momentum, you’re able to punch up into its center. You open your hand and deposit the seeds. As they start to poke through, you scramble back.
Three rose bushes burst out of the curse and start to climb up its body. The reddish-orange roses bloom as the thorny vines meld together. It takes no more than a minute or two for the whole curse to be covered in roses. You extend your hand out and light the bushes on fire with cursed energy.
With the large bleeding holes from the pulled dandelions and the spiky web of roses, the curse is exorcized. As it disappears, you let all of the flowers wither. The petals fall from the air, but turn into nothing before hitting the ground. You feel woozy, but suck it up.
“That was surprisingly cool!” Itadori yells as he rushes towards you. “I didn’t think flowers could kill curses.”
You ruffle his hair. “Thanks, I like to think I have some surprises. Be sure to tell Nanami how cool I am. Just don’t tell him I fought while injured, I don’t want it to impact my chances of a promotion.”
“I’ll make sure he thinks you’re cool too!”
You’re staring at the displays in the shop window longfully. You’ve been good at limiting your spending, but the display of the stuffed animal cat is too cute to resist. It might be silly to see an adult fawning over how plush it looks, but you don’t really care.
As you make up your mind to head in, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You spin around and see Nanami. Itadori runs over to join the two of you.
“What are you doing here?” you ask.
“Gojo is coming back today and he agreed to meet in Tokyo! I wanted to look around so I got here early,” Itadori explains as he shows off a few shopping bags. “I think I see him over there!”
With the quickest goodbye you’ve ever heard, the boy rushes off. You’re not surprised by his actions since he acts lively all the time. It’s adorable how excited he is to visit the city.
“Isn’t he adorable? He’s like a puppy or a little brother,” you giggle. “It’s a good thing you’ve also taught him.”
“What makes you say that?”
You start to feel a little nervous. “Well, Gojo doesn’t have to worry about making rash decisions. He can practically fight however he wants with how strong he is. You and I have to make smart choices so we don’t die. Someone needs to teach him that he needs to make smart choices.”
“I suppose you’re correct. It would be a shame if you made a choice that led to your death,” he agrees.
“Not that Gojo can’t teach him important things. He has his own charms and abilities.”
Nanami gets a far-off look in his eyes. “Do you find Gojo charming?”
You’re taken aback. It never crossed your mind to talk about romance with your fellow sorcerers, for various reasons, let alone talk to someone as stoic as Nanami about it. Here he is, mentioning the topic to you.
“Not really. Sure I would complain about having a strong man loving me, but I wouldn’t classify Gojo as my type. If you’re considering me your friend now, I could indulge you by telling you my type,” you say with a cheeky grin. “I’m always down to talk about romance.”
Nanami sighs. ���I suppose I can’t stop you.”
You giggle. “You could, but if I’m going to tell you my type, I want to hear yours. What could the type of such a secretive man be? It’s like a romantic mystery.”
He crosses his arms and gives a slight frown. Nothing is said, so you take it as an agreement to your condition.
“Well, my type of guy is someone who’s intelligent and calculating. Being strong isn’t a must, but it would be nice.” You press your lips together as you think. “As much as a man who is sweet would be amazing, I just want him to be nice to me at least, like a gentleman!”
As you list off traits, you realize that you’re describing the things you know about Nanami. However, you don’t share that fact. Why would a man who is so stoic and stern like someone who is emotional and soft?
“You wanted the cat in the window, correct?”
Nanami’s question catches you off guard. You don’t know when he turned to point at it, or how he figured out that you wanted the cat.
“Yeah, how did you know?” you sheepishly respond. “I can’t help but like cute things.”
His jaw is clenched, and you know he’s got something bothering him. Whatever it is, it doesn’t stop him from gently leading you into the shop.
“Since I can’t tell you my type right now, I’ll get you the cat. Consider it a sort of promise to tell you when I can. Besides, Itadori talked a lot about you, so I need to thank you for looking after him."
You feel your face heat up as he pulls one off the shelf. Trying to push the feeling in your chest down, you give him a big smile.
“Don’t worry! I’ll hold you to it,” you exclaim. “Besides, you know I wouldn’t judge you for what your type is. After all, I did sort of describe you.”
You’re too preoccupied with the other stuff in the store to notice that the composed look on Nanami’s face starts to slip.
For anyone curious, the roses are Warm Welcome Roses!
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Ok so today's entry is definitely gonna be important for the analysis on how the topic of sexuality (which is one among MANY topics that this novel covers) is explored throughout the story and throughout the concept of vampirism in it.
I wanted to note these things down for myself cause this is a topic that really boils my blood when seeing academic analysis of it but I want to read the full text carefully through Dracula Daily and make a proper personal opinion of it before reading anything else (academia.edu PLEASE stop emailing me things I will crush my head on the wall). (For now, my overall opinion on this topic is that academics focus way too much on making a metaphor out of everything when a lot of things in this story make more sense when analyzed as parallelism, or as a literal part of the plot with no further meaning...)
Anyways. This is the first time in the story when a scene of (almost) vampire feeding is narrated, and the scene that makes Johnathan go "this is it, nowhere is safe". So this kind of settles a first impression on what being preyed upon by a vampire feels like (at the same time it could also serve as reference for when vampire feeding feels WAY differently from today, and therefore can be interpreted differently). We have:
The feeling of seduction of some sorts(EDIT: I should point out that vampire seduction by this time was already, from The Vampyre to Carmilla, along with several folklore, a well established trope). Is Johnathan's initial fear out of an unconscious feeling that they're vampires? Because of their sudden appearance in the otherwise empty room? Because he loathes being disloyal to Mina? Could be a mix, we will never know. But it's interesting to ask oneself these things.
I'm not going to expand on why the description of how the girl approaches Johnathan's neck is erotic, just go read it. I listened to the Re:Dracula entry today and aw lawd that's... The academics win on this one that does sound like a sexual thing good god.
It also sounds quite monstrous tho. The licking of the teeth, the red tongue, is similar to how the wolves were described on may 5th (and later, Dracula's gesture towards the other girls is compared to the one he used with the wolves, This is actually the first direct association between wolves and vampires as a similar being I think)
Dracula's "I too can love" speech and him undressing Johnathan is a whole topic for a different post which I do Not Have The Energy To Make (and that someone out there will probably do better than me today)
Lastly, we have Johnathan's dread at the end. That's a lot of dread wow, even worse than Dracula. Now, of course, a big part of this is due to them being VAMPIRES. WHO WILL KILL HIM. Because this is a vampire story. But it also leads us to other questions. Could this dread also be a dread of the desire he felt? Because of loyalty to Mina or because of the dominant stance the vampiresses took (which was Inappropriate in victoriam standards)?. These are the questions academics usually explore. There's also the less "This symbolizes That" approach which takes the fact that vampires=dreadful because of plot reasons, and draws the conclusion that making such a dreadful creature have a sexual attitude, said attitude is demonized. Additionally, in the Dracula Daily fandom, there are also people noticing how his dread is akin to the feelings of an SA victim. (Which leads us to the question of How Did Bram Know That?)
In any case. One thing is clear. They're vampires. They want his blood. Poor boy has been sleep deprived, questioning his sanity, and being manipulated by his employer for more than a week now. His employer who has just saved him from getting eaten. That's a shock. That's a big fucking shock alright.
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Buck & Eddie: Buck had already found "happiness" before he started searching for it!
The shades of baby blue he wore in S6 illustrates it perfectly.
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At the beginning of 6A, I noticed several things about Buck’s clothes including his "looking for ANSWERS uniform" (linked here) and all the "ugly" and "ill fitting" clothes (linked here) he wore during the season. But I also noticed the difference in the vibrancy of the shades of baby blue he wore and it perplexed me but I didn't analyze it because of the way Season 6 ended🙄.
However, last week, while I was searching for scenes in S6 that showed him wearing his "looking for ANSWERS uniform" along with some of the "ill fitting clothes" he wore, I remembered the differences in the shades of baby blue he sported throughout the season and after I finally analyzed it, I developed a theory regarding what it meant and his clothes validated it.
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At the end of Season 5, Buck wore a vibrant baby blue suit to Hen and Karen's vow renewal ceremony and that color would be the staple for his journey in Season 6. The shades of baby blue he wore throughout the season were very LOUD and they spoke volumes about all the things he wasn't verbally saying. Everyone knows he had a lot of questions about his life including him wanting to be interim captain, his relationships, his search for happiness, him being a sperm donor and him wanting to be a father but the problem was (and still is since he's still looking for the answers) Buck had already found happiness with Eddie and Chris and the vibrant shades of baby blue he wore in 6x1, 6x2 and 6x13 tell the story while the muted shades he wore in 6x7, 6x8, 6x9 and 6x12 illustrated how he was unsure about the decisions he made or was making.
Before I get started, I want to remind everyone about the way Buck spent the majority of the season "not talking" to the people he should have been talking to (his found family) but his clothes represented how the things he wasn't saying were still being said except it wasn't verbal. His clothes told his story or better yet, how he felt about his decisions.
In 6x1, Buck was cooking for his family, Eddie and Chris and while he was, him and Chris were wearing the same color shirts, i.e., blue, gray and white. Buck’s blue shirt was vibrant and it was in between light and dark (reminder the Diaz family color is navy-blue). It's like the show was saying, HEY BUCK, HERE'S YOUR HAPPINESS SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND THEY HAVE A COUCH WHICH IS YOUR COUCH TOO! But he didn't get it.
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He was already HAPPY and he was literally cooking a meal for his husband and son.
But in 6x2, he started his search for happiness after he met Lev at the Happiness Convention and the color baby blue he wore started to get lighter and the more he wore it, the more muted it became.
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In 6x7, the universe was SCREAMING at Buck and tried to STOP him from donating but he wouldn't listen and the muted color of his baby blue shirt illustrated it wasn't the right decision for him. Also, that shirt was too little and it was ill fitting.
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In 6x8, Buck was proud of himself even though the muted color of his baby blue shirt proved he was unsure about his decision. He went to the Renaissance Fair with Hen and Denny but even though he's good friends with her, it was jarring for him to be there with them when her best friend is Chimney and he could have taken Jee-Yun with them. Reminder, Buck was there shopping for Jee-Yun anyway so Chimney could have gone. Also, IIRC, prior to that episode, Buck had only been shown spending time with Hen and Denny in 3x10 while they were at Eddie’s and he was making gingerbread houses with Chris and Denny.
Buck should have been with Eddie and Chris helping Chris get ready for his first dance. The way it was framed, it seemed like he wasn't where he was supposed to be.
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In 6x9, he wore another dull baby blue shirt when he was on a four-way call with Hen, Chimney and Eddie. It was the call when he said he was the official creator of new life but the muted color of his shirt illustrated there's a different narrative. It showed he wasn't sure but he was forcing happiness again by trying to be part of a family (Connor's and Kameron's) when he was already happy several episodes earlier with Eddie and Chris.
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In 6x12, Buck wore another dull baby blue shirt when he went to his appointment with Dr. Salazar. After he was struck by lightning, he was unsure about EVERYTHING and he admitted to Eddie that he didn't know what he was feeling when he went home... I mean when he fell asleep on his family's couch... I mean when went to the only place he could rest (Eddie’s).
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The last time Buck wore baby blue in season 6 was in 6x13 when he was WITH HIS OWN FAMILY. His shirt was vibrant and bright and he was with Eddie and Chris when he wore it.
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Reminder, this is the episode when he looked at Eddie after he said "I'm the guy with the answers, I kind of like it". Eddie and Chris are the answers!
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Bonus: more proof Buck was trying to force happiness and his clothes illustrated it perfectly!
In 6x10, he wore a too little outfit when he went to pick up Margaret and Phillip from the airport. His muscles are literally bulging in those ankle beaters. It looks like he was trying to FORCE himself into a family that he doesn't belong in (look at the framing in the second photo to see how Buck’s in the background while all the other Buckleys are in the forefront. It's like he's in the dark about another family secret 👀).
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His clothes were also too little in 6x4 when he went to ask Hen about being Connor's sperm donor. They were mismatched and his pants were ankle beaters. His shirt was black with tan trimming but his pants were a wine color and he was wearing his white hightops.
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Here's proof that shows Buck did NOT dress like this before season 6. His clothes always fit and they weren't too small or mismatched.
In 4x7, he was dressed like he always did in custom fitted clothes.
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In 4x3, his clothes fit perfectly (and so did Eddie’s jeans🤪😜).
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In 5x14, he was NOT wearing ankle beaters. His clothes were once again custom fitted and who was he with? His family, Eddie and Chris.
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If the show isn't trying to insinuate that Buck, Eddie and Chris are already a FAMILY and that Buck already found HAPPINESS, then the question remains, what is happening with Buck’s clothes?
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snakeeyesdraws · 10 months
Overly Analyzing the Super Mario 3D World story intro
So I've been playing Super Mario 3D World a lot, and since I haven't seen many people talk about the opening cutscene, I wanted to do that since it contains a lot of very cute animations!
This will kinda be a scene by scene analysis with me just pointing out things I like, but if you'd like to see the full cutscene in better quality than my screenshots, you can watch it here!
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The scene starts off with all of the main playable characters going for a walk under a starry sky filled with fireworks. I know blue/yellow Toads have been staples of Mario games now, since they colour code the main characters and Mario is obviously red, but its does delight me that Blue Toad is just invited on this little walk with them.
(Also if you listen closely, you can hear Mario say "Ah Princess, what a beautiful evening!" and I thought that was cute)
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Their walk is interrupted by Toad noticing something offscreen, and they run ahead to see a broken pipe in the middle of the path! Mario and Luigi closely examine it, and then we get...
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Real talk, the more the series goes on the less relevant their status as plumbers often becomes, so anything that references it or shows them actually using their plumbing skills makes me so happy. And their tools are colour coordinated!
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A bunch of power ups and the green Sprixie Princess pop out, and we get some classic 2d artwork, which I absolutely adore. More of this in every 3d game, please.
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The ground and pipe start rumbling, and this is where I really wanna focus on the character animation of the main four here. All four of them start looking around for the source of the tremors, and we see both Peach and Luigi lifting their hands up, Luigi looking more anxious.
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Bowser suddenly pops out of the pipe and roars, startling all four main characters. We can see very different reactions from all of them.
Toad and Peach jump before covering their ears, very clearly intimidated by Bowser's roar.
Luigi is the only one to fall over completely from Bowser's appearance. He stays on the ground and holds one hand up in front of his face, flinching when Bowser roars. Dude is clearly terrified by Bowser.
Mario does jump in surprise when Bowser pops up, but he's the only one who doesn't cower when Bowser roars. Instead, he immediately gets into a confrontational pose, with one hand held out protectively towards Peach. This isn't his first time dealing with Bowser, obviously, and his instincts are to prepare for a fight and to protect Peach.
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However, Bowser's target this time isn't Peach, but instead the green Sprixie Princess. A lot of people poke fun at the set up for this game - "if Princess Peach isn't in danger, why do any of them care?" - but I always like when Mario & Luigi and the others try to rescue others simply because it's the right thing to do.
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Bowser turns to glare at Peach and Mario, taunting them to react. Peach and Mario are both upset by the capture of the Sprixie Princess, but neither react too strongly to Bowser. Both of them have interacted with him enough to know what he's like.
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Conversely, both Luigi and Blue Toad react much more when Bowser turns to them. Blue Toad stumbles onto one foot, while Luigi cowers back further, keeping his hand raised defensively, which seems to be a common mannerism of his when he's frightened. Bowser seems to be grinning a bit more in this pose, as if he knows he can get a bigger reaction out of these two.
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When Bowser disappears down the pipe, all four of them regain their bearings and jump back up, reaching out for the green Sprixie Princess.
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Peach is the first one to rush forward to the pipe. She sort of flounders on the edge of the pipe before she slips down it - yeah, I don't think she had a game plan there outside of trying to rescue the green Sprixie Princess. But proactive Peach being included on the adventure is always a win!
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Before Luigi even lands his startled jump, Mario is already rushing forward to follow Peach down the pipe, and Toad is right behind him. I'd say it's out of mostly courage on Mario's end, and mostly out of loyalty to the princess on Toad's.
Then we get to my favourite animation of this scene (can you tell I'm biased?)
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While Mario and Toad follow Peach down the pipe, Luigi pulls himself together and slaps his cheeks twice to hype himself up. It's one of my favourite quirks for characters to do, and it's doubly endearing on characters who are timid in nature. Luigi was arguably the most started and scared by Bowser's appearance, but he knows he has to do something! Totally adopting this as a common mannerism of his
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Luigi then follows the others down the pipe, and they travel to the first world of the game, bringing the opening cutscene to a close.
Fun fact; since I've only ever played this game solo, and since I main Luigi, I assumed that his animation of landing on his stomach outside of the pipe was unique to him, since he's established as quite clumsy.
But in 4 player mode, you can see all of them coming out of the pipe together, and Mario lands on his stomach too. Just thought that was a cute detail.
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So that's the opening cutscene of Super Mario 3D World! It's not terribly complex, but I've always adored it for showcasing a lot of personality with the main characters, and since I didn't really see any discussions on it, I wanted to highlight it!
I do recommend you watch the cutscene since a lot of the nuances and details can't be shown in screenshots - or better yet, play the game yourself! It's a ton of fun ^^
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lees-chaotic-brain · 2 months
Hi Lee for the song event
Enchanted by Taylor Swift, Gojo, fluff
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WC: 1.6k
CW: mention of beer (no active drinking), college au, reader is very me-coded sorry, reader is a bit of a nerd,
listen to this while reading
note: hi gigi!!!! thank you so much for sending in a request!! this was so cute 🥰 i also feel like this isn't my best work, but i think it's cute and i've spent too much time agonizing over it lmao
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Parties were never really your scene, but your best friend told you that you needed to leave your room from time to time, so here you were, at some random house party. The cool smoothness of the wall you were leaned against seeped through the thin top you were forced into as you chatted with a face you vaguely recognized from one of your lectures. 
Smiling idly, you nodded along to whatever they were saying, trying to block out the pounding music and sour scent of spilled beer. It was easy enough to pretend you were having fun, but internally you just wanted to be in your dorm reading a book or watching a movie. You knew your friends were right and that you did have to get out of your house sometimes, you just didn’t want that time to be now.
There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be social, or make new friends, to the contrary you actually wanted that very much. You just didn’t want to have to put in the work to make new friends because of the stress it caused you. You knew you were different from other people your age; more focused on your studies and happiest when you were alone, and it normally didn’t bother you.
No, it only began to make you feel bad in settings like this, where everyone else was mingling and laughing and you were glued to a wall, not even able to recall the name of the person talking to you. Shifting uncomfortably, you made up an excuse and escaped the train wreck of a conversation you were in, pushing your way through the crowd and out onto the back porch.
Taking a deep breath of night-chilled air, you could feel some of the stress and tension leave your frame. The wooden planks of the deck creaked as you made your way across them to lean against the railing, not noticing the man to your left until he spoke.
“Hello there. Come to steal my hiding spot?” You jumped, letting out a small yelp and clutching your chest. “Oh my god, don’t scare me like that! I…”
You looked up, and your voice trailed off. Vivid blue eyes met yours, a mop of fluffy white hair falling into a finely chiseled face. Of course. Of course you had to stumble across the finest man you had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on in your pursuit for peace and quiet. Because things can never be convenient when it comes to your life.
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy Vanished when I saw your face
Maybe…maybe bumping into the handsome stranger wasn’t the worst thing that had happened to you tonight. At first when he introduced himself as Gojo Satoru, you didn't have high hopes. You’ve heard about Gojo. Everyone had. The most popular guy on campus, athletically talented with the good looks and effortless charm to match.. Of course you knew about the Gojo Satoru.
However, instead of idolizing him like everyone else, you had assumed he was a bit of an egotistical asshole who enjoyed playing with girls' hearts and thought himself better than all. Which is why you were pleasantly surprised when you found yourself enjoying his company.
For one, he was funny, with a witty sense of humor that had you cracking up more than once. You lost track of how long you stood there, shoulder to shoulder, engaging in humorous debate. But aside from his quick wit, he was also kind. Sure he had a bit of an ego (you weren’t wrong in that assumption) but he wasn’t a bad guy. 
Second of all, he was surprisingly intelligent, engaging you in banter about various academic topics. From analyzing the true meaning of Shakespeare’s plays to debating the nature of dark matter, you found that he was able to keep up with your somewhat nerdy interests. Honestly this might be the most interesting conversation outside of your lecture halls that you’ve had in a long time. Who would’ve expected it to be with your school’s resident pretty boy?
The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks
As the party winds down, Gojo finds himself offering to walk you home. Conversation flows smoothly as you walk, your laughter floating through the crisp air, warming it with your invisible light.
“Look!” You point up at the sky, delight shining in your eyes. “The air is so clear tonight. You can see so many stars!”
And while you may be marveling at the sparking stars scattered across the night’s navy backdrop, or how full the moon was, as cheesy as it was, he found himself admiring you instead.
When he had left the party to get some air and escape the hordes of people whose expectations and demands suffocated him, the last thing he had expected was you. You who had stumbled out onto his back porch, your presence a refreshing breath of fresh air blowing away the stifling needs of others. 
So, yes. As cheesy as it was, he found himself admiring you, with your childlike delight in the mundane. Before tonight, the beauty of the night sky would never have crossed his mind, but now as he watches you, he thinks it must be the most beautiful thing in the world to make you light up like that.
Noticing that he got quiet, you turned to check on him and caught him staring at you. Suddenly shy, both of you quickly avert your eyes, faint pink brushing itself across your faces. You continue walking, this time in a heavy silence that speaks more than your mindless chatter.
By the time you finally let him know that you’ve arrived at your house and bid him goodnight he wishes you lived a little farther away, if only so he could spend a little while longer in your company.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
The cracked white plaster of his ceiling looms above him as he lays sprawled on his bed, unable to get you out of his head. Most girls who he talked to merely liked him for his looks, his popularity, or his cocky personality. But you had been interested in him for his mind. His intelligence and quick wit. 
And he can’t get you out of his head. Surely someone like you has a boyfriend. Someone as caring, beautiful, sweet, intelligent, and funny as you must have people falling for you left and right. But if that was the case, why did you spend so much time talking to him tonight? Was it possible that you were single and he had a chance? 
Letting out a loud sigh, he rolled over and closed his eyes, attempting to fall asleep. He had never believed in love at first sight, but meeting you changed him in a fundamental way. Maybe he did believe in love at first sight, because if not, what else could he call the impact meeting you had on him? Maybe, if he tried hard enough, he would be able to see you again in his dreams.
The lingering question kept me up 2 AM, who do you love?
Cuddled into your stack of blankets and surrounded by your many pillows, you were unable to fall asleep, thoughts of Gojo Satoru plaguing you. He was just…not at all like you had expected. He was smart. And funny. And kind. And he actually paid attention to your rambling, responding and expressing interest unlike many others.
And maybe (just maybe you’re neither confirming nor denying it) you find him just a teensy bit attractive. As much as your mind screamed at you that you couldn’t fall for the first guy who shows even a hint of interest in you, your heart felt otherwise, hoping you would see him again.
Despite your assumptions, you had genuinely enjoyed spending time with him, and found yourself hoping that tonight was only the first of many such conversations and the start of a long friendship. Maybe even more than that if you were being honest. If only you were able to tell if he felt the same way…
This is me praying that This was the very first page Not where the story line ends
You start dating a couple weeks after your initial meeting, and several years later finds you laughing about the foolishness and insecurity of your younger selves.
When you bumped into him on campus the day after you met, you assumed it was some stroke of luck and worked up the guts to ask him for his number, not ready to let the opportunity to have him in your life escape you.
Little did you know the only reason he was there was he begged asked one of his friends to find out your schedule. From there your relationship continued similarly, each of you believing you were the only one who felt the pull between the two of you, and that the night you met didn’t hold the same significance for the other.
In fact, it wasn’t until your one year anniversary when you were reminiscing on your first meeting that you truly realized just how enchanted the other had been the first time you met.
I was enchanted to meet you
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taglist: @ponderingmoonlight @arlerts-angel @m0k0k0 @pandora-ophelia-blog
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Astro observations pt 3? bc I haven’t finished what I was supposed to post 🧍
This picture is from Pinterest.
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I knew someone with the same ascendant and sun as me but I didn’t noticed bc of the moon energy. How important, necessary and notorious is the difference in the big three depending on the element of the moon sign. My big 3 is libra sun, pisces moon and aquarius rising. The energy I give off is more dramatic, sensitive and playful. On the other hand, her moon is in virgo, so the energy she give off is completely opposite than mine: she’s serious, distant and helpful. But we do share the same 2 placements of the big 3.
I didn’t have interest in history but when I had the opportunity of having a class with a new teacher, I liked it. The passion and dedication of the topic they spoke about, and the most important thing is the objectivity; he spoke facts, with sources, without any intention of his students to memorize the information but understand it, observing and analyzing it. Teaching without any misrepresented information. How he -the teacher- spoke about certain topics that in the past, I preferred to pass out than be present in the same class. Being able to be emotional and logic. Would I be embarrassed if I said I loved it? -the manner of speaking and sharing ideas, how he teach-. What placements he has? moon 3H and mercury 1H. Moon in the 3rd house makes the individual learn how to communicate during their whole life, specifically about topics that turns on their sensitive nature. They are balanced: too emotional and logical when it comes to speak up, with time they learn how to be. They’re open minded, they want to listen to different point of views, to understand their own and to extract what benefits them and etc. They observe. Mercury in the 1st house makes them a COMMUNICATOR. That’s why he has the ability of changing my mind, my opinion or point of view, be interested in a topic minutes before I wasn’t. Sophisticated. They have this air that makes you believe them, that you know they’re not lying to you, that they’re transparent and have the sources and motives to back up their ideas. They’re intelligent. They want to learn and this curiosity push them to new fields. They could use their attachment to their origins to transmit ideas, from an specific point of view, that’s unique. Is wholesome, that I had the opportunity to be their student, for have been able to witness this placements 🧍
People with Neptune 7H is so pure. When I first knew this friend, my first impression of her was that she was shy and now I think that we must protect her bc she’s a baby 😭 They often give more than what they receive. They idealize or have a wrong idea of people in their relationships. They tend to ignore or avoid what’s happening in that topic. They think too much about the idea of who surrounds them: think better of them, that the relationship is deeper than it actually is. That’s why they struggle in the social/relationships, specifically in the romantic ones. I’ve seen this people have a good relationships with their friends¿? They could expect too much of their partner, later, realizing they’re not who they thought. Also, they could be shy or reserved because they’re scared of judgement, by being capable of living dreaming.
Moon square Jupiter aspect people always wants “peace” in their relationships, even if its imposible -not everything is going to be pink-. Their moods change A LOT, they could take everything personal. They could feel threatened and bc of this are alert the whole time. They’re inestable, they start the day with a shiny face and then they remember something that happened in the past: their day is ruined -by themselves-. This people get carried by what others think and say about them, they struggle on believing in themselves, with their self-wroth. The environment where they grew up made them doubt. They may support themselves in a religion or spiritual stuff, they could feel peaceful knowing that something has their back, that they don’t suffer alone or is “for some reason”. They could also attached themselves to a person in specific. They want to know more and more -about religion/spirituality- but they’re scared of not finding the answers they want -but the ones they need. They suffer, trying to understand the meaning or accepting the reality. That they can’t hold anymore to a false reality -that’s their copy mechanism: to create a reality that’s total opposite of the one they grew up, to finally fulfill the necessities of their inner child-.
Scorpio mercury: I love my placement. It’s so fucking 🤯 My sarcastic ass bitch wouldn’t tell otherwise. They observe, when they’re in a new situation -this is a specific case bc they always do-, they analyze the body language, the conduct, the gestures, how they express, how many information they give and what type, their confidence, how they present themselves, everything you would imagine. I LOVE IT. Once I read that with a scorpio mercury you would never know about them, and that ended up being true: they will get information from you in a subtly manner, you don’t realize what you’re saying to them. They’re fucking sarcastic, they love to joke around but not in a goofy way? but they don’t insult an individual, they don’t like it -in my case, 7° (libra degree)- . They get to the point, they’re straightforward, their words can cut you without a warning. They don’t like when people keep making the same questions (repetitive) when it comes to know them, bc it’s obvious -in their eyes- that if they don’t answer or try to avoid it, it’s not necessary to tell you what’s happening -that they don’t like the situation-; and more when they’re a reserve person, they don’t like to reveal their lives if they’re not comfortable/don’t want to. Even worse when someone that they don’t like, take their information and spread it like nothing, without their permission; they will warn you in front of everyone that they didn’t like it and you didn’t have the right to do it. Those little things that I just mentioned are EVERYTHING for them. Don’t you dare use what they told you about themselves in a manner they will not agree. You have the honor of knowing at least a little bit of them, don’t waste it.
•This is based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
•English is not my first language.
•I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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cxndiedvi0lets · 5 days
How to Help People with Anxiety Attacks
In some situations, we may want to help our friends stop panicking or try to divert the topic and we seem to make it worse. Mostly, none of us are professionals but, we still want to be able to help others.
(Feel free to reblog or share to help others)
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First, you need to analyze the situation. Experiences of Anxiety can be described the following:
Palpitations (e.x. headaches)
Stomach Aches (e.x. butterflies in stomach)
Excessive Worrying
Muscle Tensions
Increased Irritatability
Lack of Concentration
Dry Mouth
Excessive Sweating
Difficulty Swallowing
Meanwhile, an Anxiety Attack can be described as:
• Heart Racing or Pounding
• Hyperventilation or Shortness of Breath
• Chest Pains
• Sweating
• Lightheadedness
• Nausea
• Excessive Tremor
• Detatchment/Derealization
• Intense Fear
• Losing Control
Although there can be more signs linked according to the GAD, I might make a different post about it since this is mostly a blog to help someone who may want to help their friends through an Anxiety Attack and doesn't know how to handle it or has no one to reach out to. If you're worried that this may affect you while you're on medication. I assure you it won't but, if you're still concerned, I highly suggest you approach a psychologist to help you with your other concerns.
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How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks.
1. Breathing — learn to control your breathing first. You may put your hand into a fist and press it against your chest or hug a pillow while taking a deep breath and holding it in for 7 second and release slowly or you can follow along this gif.
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2. Redirection of the situation — Our anxiety is mostly caused by thinking ahead of the possible case scenarios. So it's best to confront our thoughts.
You can use these questions to guide you:
1. What subject is worrying you the most?
2. What emotions and how do you feel about this subject?
3. What case-scenarios are worrying you?
4. Which result sounds more hypothetical from real event worries?
Once you've asked these question. You can proceed to solving it.
1. What goals can be easier to meet?
2. What can be achieved now?
3. What can be left for later?
3. How to improve from worrying — These questions may guide you on how you make confront yourself in the future to worry less.
1. Think of the scenario and the hypothetical possibilities of the problem.
2. Place that scenario if you were to be helping a friend to help with other perspectives.
3. Asses and gather your predictions.
4. Split the hypothetical and real event predictions.
5. What can be done?
These exercises are based on CBT or also known as Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. Just try to remember that worrying is normal and casing the scenario is normal and if you ever need a guide, you can always go back to this blog. Taking smaller steps are always good.
Useful sites:
NICE (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence)
This website offers guidance for mental health and behavioural conditions
This website allows you to anonymously vent and always has a supportive community.
Pixel Thoughts
This may help with anxiety better since it comes with breathing techniques as well and it is interactive. You can watch your worries float away.
Other than that, thank you for reading this blog and I hope it aims for those who are really in need. My DMS are also open if you need someone to vent to or just listen.
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ladey · 2 months
i can’t believe i’m doing this | p.1
jinx x fem!reader 🌸
notes: swearing, mature & sexual topics, characters are 18, y/n's height is implied to be short (5'0ft), reader is feminine!
"You wanna hook up with someone?!"
Only 2 weeks are left of the school year. The days are longer and warmer, and now that it's technically summer the weather is no longer rainy and dreary like it had been in spring. Not that Y/n can complain. It means that she can watch the tree buds and the flowers bloom while her seasonal depression slowly dissipates.
Right now she sits in the school cafeteria during lunchtime. It's not too often she does; the friends she has are usually all over the place and like to go out somewhere to do whatever during the lunch period. However today is one of those days where there is only three of them, and they just so happen to be sitting at a table smack-dab in the middle of the cafeteria.
And this gives them a perfect view of all the different people in their school...
Fatima and Bailey, two of Y/n's best girl friends, are sat across from her with bewildered expressions. She had just told them out of the blue that she was thinking about hooking up with someone so that she can lose her virginity before graduation.
Y/n feels embarrassed and starts focusing on eating her cafeteria bought garlic fingers. But she's pulled back into what she already unfortunately started. "Why am I surprised but also not surprised?" Fatima squints her eyes at her in an odd analyzing sort of way.
On the contrary, Bailey looks excited. "That is big news, Y/n! Do you know who you wanna do?" She leans closer from across the table and reaches her arms out to grab Y/n's tightly. The girl has hooked up with so many random people, Y/n isn't sure why she does it or if she enjoys it as much as she says she does. But she knows that if she's going to attempt this, going to her for help would be a wise decision.
"Umm.. Well I had a few people in mind. There are a couple of guys that would be down no questions asked..."
"You sound unsure." Bailey observes.
"Um... I just— I think, maybe doing this with a girl would be better.. or nicer..." Y/n whispers, looking around to be sure no one is listening. Fatima looks up from her phone with an eyebrow raised.
"That's probably gonna be way harder to figure out. Girls are picky, they know what they want and they'll make sure they get it. Especially, when looking for a hookup." Fatima explains. Y/n gets the feeling that she's just talking about herself. "Plus, there's like barely any girls in this school who regularly hookup."
Bailey turns to her. "Well they don't have to be someone who does regularly. As long as they're open to them then that's all that matters." She shrugs and turns back to Y/n and smiles. "And they have to be hot of course. Someone who knows what they're doing."
"Hm..." Y/n hums, leaning back a bit as her gaze veers off to nowhere in particular.
She wonders what hooking up with someone would even be like. Before starting high school, she hoped that she'd meet someone and finally get into her first relationship. And it's not that she thinks going into college or university as a virgin is bad, she just wants to be able to say that she has some experience. She also really wants to know what sex is like instead of just imagining it in her head.
At that same time, a loud laugh reverberates to her left. She turns around and sees a girl with long blue hair and an obnoxiously punk-esk style standing a couple tables away from theirs.
She throws a plastic bottle at a boy who's drenched in water. Him and the others there laugh, and she waves them off before walking in Y/n and her friend's direction. She looks away and squirms in her seat, hoping the girl won't approach them.
Her prayers were ignored though.
"Hey Jinx!" Fatima calls out warmly, Bailey smiles with a wave. Curse her and her whole friend group for being friends with literally everyone.
Jinx momentarily stops behind Y/n to greet the two girls, "Hey Fatima. Nice top." And she's walking away again. But not before punching Y/n's shoulder, almost sending her flying against the edge of the table and breaking a couple ribs.
"Jeez." She grumbles under her breath as she glares holes into Jinx's back as she walks away. Out of nowhere Fatima sits up straight and her face fills with realization.
"Holy shit. You can hook up Jinx." Y/n's stomach drops to her ass.
"Huh?" "What?" Her and Bailey say at the same time. Fatima looks at them like what she said should've been obvious.
"What? She literally hooks up people all the time. With girls. She's exactly what you're looking for, don't try to convince me otherwise."
"She's an asshole to me! Are you forgetting we hate each other?" Y/n protests.
"So what? Then the sex will be better."
Bailey slowly turns her head to look at Y/n who's currently trying to control her breathing. For some reason the idea has her heart beating rather fast. "I heard that she had a pregnancy scare once, and never hooked up with a guy since." Bailey hushes quietly, making Y/n gasp.
"Ew..." Y/n grimaces slightly. Jinx with a dude? Highly unlikely. Why does that thought make her a little mad?
"Pft yeah I heard that before." Fatima chuckles.
They veer onto a different topic right until the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. When Y/n slings her bag over her shoulder Fatima goes to stand beside her. "Just think about it. Remember you can ask Mikey to help you sort it out." Her and Bailey send her reassuring smiles and the three go their separate ways to their respective classes.
A few days pass by and Y/n is sitting in the cafeteria again. She's on her free period right now, but she's still rubbing her temples to ease the slowly dissipating headache from her previous math class.
She's been thinking about her discussion with the girls ever since it happened. And after deep thought and consideration...
Jinx sits at a table not too far from hers. A couple boys are with her and they seem to be laughing at something on one of their phone screens. Jinx is facing away from her, but she has a good view of her exposed back. Her long blue braids cascade behind and passed her shoulders and she can see the muscles jump whenever she leans farther across the table. Y/n has also noticed that Jinx always seems to sit with her legs spread, and she realizes that that's always been a trait she likes on women.
...She's starting to believe that she might just give in.
But then Mikey comes bounding into the area all happy and gleeful. He looks around and goes to Jinx's table, talking and laughing about god knows what, then approaches another popular dude carrying a basketball.
Minutes pass until Mikey is finally walking up to her table. Y/n swears, this dude knows everyone. He's part of the reason why she even knows who anyone is, and why they know she exists.
"What's good, Y/n?" He plops himself down across from her and pulls his own phone out to place it on the table.
Y/n shrugs only giving a small smile. "I'm fine."
Mikey notices she looks conflicted about something and decides to dig farther. He squints his eyes at her. "Something is on your mind. What is it, tell me?" He waves his hand beckoning her to talk to him.
Y/n puffs hair into her cheeks then blows it out. She's not sure she should bring up the topic from before. She's afraid he'll have something negative to say.
What if she has a girlfriend— or worse, a boyfriend that she doesn't know about?!?!
"I was talking to Fatima and Bailey a couple days ago about... who the right people to hook up with would be." Y/n starts. Mikey hums and nods. She just stares at him hoping he'll get the hint.
"Soo you wanna hook up with someone?" Thank god.
"Yes." She sighs. "And we came to the conclusion that-- Jinx," she chokes, "could be a good person. Or whatever." She pauses. "Look I wanted to choose a girl instead of a guy because if I'm gonna hook up with some rando, I want it to at least be enjoyable and not super uncomfortable..." She doesn't want to bear the pain of having her cherry popped by some horny impatient dude.
Mikey just looks at her, seemingly processing the information and thinking about it.
"Well, with Jinx it's a 50/50. It depends on her mood. She doesn't get into details about the shit she does, but with you... Ehhh she'd probably be a bit rough." He explains. Why he knows this information, Y/n doesn't wanna know.
And she guesses what he meant by that was how her and Jinx aren't on the best of terms, and that if it came down to it she'd probably be tempted to strangle her to death in the middle of it or something...
"I can go ask her what her type is. Find out if she likes ass or tits." He holds his hands out as if weighing two options. "Wait wait. You know how she fucks depending on her mood, but you don't know what her type is?" Y/n says a little too loudly in the quiet cafeteria. Jinx glances behind her at their table.
Mikey shrugs his shoulders now looking like he's being accused. "Listen, I don't go askin' her what she likes and dislikes, I don't care. She tells me what she tells me on her own. Now do you want my help or nah?"
Y/n groans and leans back, fingers clutching at the edge of the table. She thinks about it to herself one last time.
She'd be shocked to find out if Jinx was actually open to hooking up with her. She herself wasn't an eye sore, many people have tried hitting her up both online and in person. But her and Jinx's relationship have always been a bit rocky seeing as they just never got along due to their differences and.. lack of tolerance. So she's not sure if Jinx would be able to ignore that for once just to spend a little while fucking... Oh jeez.
Y/n glances past Mikey at Jinx's figure once more and sighs. She plays with the rings on her fingers, "Fine, go." She waves him off. He gets up and leaves.
Mikey, please don't make this obvious. Y/n thinks to herself as she watches him casually sit himself down beside Jinx and dap her up.
Y/n squirms in her seat and distracts herself with her phone when the two seem to fall into conversation. She doesn't expect Mikey to come back only minutes later.
"That was quick." "Yeah. So, she said she leans more towards tits but ass is good too." "Did you find out her type?" "Ehh, she didn't really say anything specific. So, I think you're good."
He gives Y/n a thumbs up.
She breathes out a sigh. So, she guesses that she just makes up her mind from here and finds out if Jinx is game or not. She taps her long nails against the flat surface before finalizing, "Okay. I'm down."
Mikey smiles at her approvingly. "Alright~ I'll ask her at lunch."
The sun had gone down. The street lamps seep in through the sheers covering the windows. Y/n sits quite still on the edge of her bed, knees pulled up to her chin as she stares down at the floor ahead of her.
Earlier that day after lunch, Mikey had found her looking like he was in a oddly good mood. Turns out Jinx said yes and Y/n is to expect the girl to message her at some point.
Why? Why did Jinx agree? Could this be a set up, or a joke to her? Will Jinx meet her somewhere and just make fun of her the whole time until she leaves feeling humiliated with herself? She knows Mikey would never do that to her, but Jinx...
She bites her lip, her gloss shining in the soft glow of the pink LED lights stuck to her walls. They're always able to put her in a good mood, paired with some music playing softly from her speaker. At the moment they're struggling to do so.
Right as soon as she huffs and falls backwards onto her mattress, she gets a notification from Snapchat. Her heart leaps and she slowly lifts the screen up to her face. And what do you know, it's none other than a message from Jinx.
She taps the screen and opens it...
Jinx: so me, huh?
Y/n: oh don't get so cocky.
Jinx: isn't that what u wanted??? 😹
Y/n: don't start pissing me off now.
Jinx: jeez louise nobody can joke with ya 😒
Y/n: anybody but you.
Jinx: we'll see abt that
Well... this is magnificent. This is actually happening. She's going to fuck Jinx. Or the other way around— Both perhaps? She's confident in herself, she always has. She may not have firsthand experience but she knows the basics.
Now Y/n has to prepare herself. At this point there's practically a week left of classes, she's aware this is going to happen soon. She only hopes Jinx won't be too unpredictable and give her whip lash with whatever plans she comes up with.
The when and wheres have Y/n on edge already. She tries to look at the bright side, and all she can come up with is the fact that at least Jinx isn't a stranger...
part two will be coming out soon🤞😝
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best-at-episode · 7 months
Round 3 - Poll 7 of 8
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Jake the Brick:
In this contemplative, atmospheric story, Jake lives out his dream of being a brick in a collapsing building.
The Tower:
Angry by the events that transpired on the citadel, Finn constructs a tower into space to confront his dad and get his lost arm back.
propaganda under the cut
Jake the Brick:
Sweet and surreal in the way only Adventure Time can be. A beautiful stand-alone episode.
I don’t know how to explain it, but Jake narrating the life of this rabbit in such a way that brought people all over Ooo together to listen… it makes me feel so content. His narration is so beautiful, too. This episode is like a warm hug to me.
The Tower:
A lovely exploration of how trauma can manifest in anger. I love the way PB and Jake act like divorced co-parents in this episode, and how they present their concern for Finn's mental health in different ways. This is also the first episode that focuses directly on Finn's depression, which will be a recurring theme in season 6 onward.
The Tower is great and one of my personal favorites because it's when the series starts to analyze and explore Finn's trauma in full-force. I love that it allows Finn space to experience and work through anger as a trauma response without painting it as a feeling one should avoid or that is shameful. Finn is fully within his right to be angry, and he never would have irreparably hurt Martin - he just needed a space to work through his hurt.
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nikkilotte · 4 months
New Year's Evil: Scarecrow.
It's Becky Albright's month! In February 1998, this comic saw the light, bringing this wonderful character full of little details I could talk about for hours. I'll be posting four different topics to celebrate the 26th anniversary of this comic during the following months, starting with the Master of Fear himself.
⸻ Jonathan Crane: curiosities & theories.
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The story is one of the few told through Jonathan's eyes, explaining that he can spend weeks digging into people's minds. Analyzing them. NYE describes how he acts during this progress of "sowing the seed of horror." He follows his prey, perusing them, and waits until a specific moment to "attack." Scarecrow even went one step further to keep Batman distracted from saving Becky by spraying his fear toxin on the people in the subway.
These panels reminded me of his interactions with Mr. Saint in Fear State. Obviously, he acts a little more "quirky" in this comic, but these traits are present ( are constant ). You can even catch him watching from the roof how his plans are going. Please, isn't the first time he has done that! It seems he likes to watch from above.
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Now, when you think about a comic that made a fantastic work bringing back his design from BTAS, the first name that will get into your mind is Fear State ( with Jonathan Crane ). But New Year's Evil seemed to draw inspiration from his BTAS version too. The shape of his face and hairstyle are similar ( Except for his chin ), including his pointed ears and nose. The colorist kept his red hair trait, being redder in this version. And the costume design also shares some similarities to his BTAS costume. Namely, the mask and color scheme.
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Another detail related to BTAS that caught my attention ( More like a personal interpretation ) is how Jonathan referred to Becky.
I'm sure you have seen this scene where he greets Harley with a "Good evening, child." Well, he referred to Becky in a similar way ( detractingly ). However, I would love to point out that it seems he calls other people "child" as a way of superiority. Considering that Harley is in her late 20s in BTAS ( Pamela is 28, according to "Pretty Poison" ), and Becky is a university student ( not a child or teenager. I will talk about this in my next post ), it could prove my point here.
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Fun fact. Masters of Fear introduced his childhood backstory in 1995. This comic mentions part of the said backstory, showing an akin panel. If NYE shares a similar timeline, it could mean that Jonathan is 23 ( Read this post with some math ).
Not to excuse his villainous acts, but I will dare to say this. It fascinates me how Jonathan's heart was touched by two girls who shared his pain from his past. Plucky Becky thanked Scarecrow for showing her fears, expressing how he helped her realize how wrong her way of coping and thinking was, making Jonathan tear up a little. Let's remember that Scarecrow saw himself in Becky's fear and pain. Listening to her talk about her past could drag him to act so erratically, thinking that he had the right way of coping, excusing himself, "I'm not helping, but breaking her."
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Obviously, Becky's situation was completely unintended. He wasn't looking to help her in any way at the beginning. But, curiously, this situation repeated itself in Cycle of Violence. Scarecrow kidnapped a girl to experiment with his fear toxin. This little girl, though, started to be kind to him, understanding his stutter and gifting him a drawing, trying to persuade him to let her go. Her words touched him deeply, seeing himself in this little girl's fear, remembering the torture that his own father made him go through. So then, he almost died protecting this kid from an explosion.
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It could be me, but I see a clear pattern. It's interesting how Jonathan can be contradictory with his actions, and his heart can be sincerely touched when someone genuinely understands him. But he has a trauma and refuses to let it go, convinced that his way of coping ( lashing out ) is the right one. This is why I loved Becky's introduction, for being a mirror for Jonathan Crane, and much more. I will talk about it in another post.
Thanks for reading this first part!
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