#also i lightened the shot but it is fully dark they are going to sleep at this point not chatting
disregardandfelicity · 4 months
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it bothers me sooo much that this is how they lay down to sleep. what kind of poses are these! why not get under the blankets! this looks so deeply uncomfortable. i know they're vampires but do vampires not want to get snuggly and warm! not even with each other just in the giant bed they're stiffly posed on top of!!!
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life-at-hogwarts · 2 months
In the shadow of the relic (Ominis X GN!reader)
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Pairing: Ominis x GN!reader
Warning: fix it fic, angst
Wordcount: 3.7k
Summary: When Sebastian's obsession with dark magic spirals out of control Ominis and you have to find your way back together to save your best friend.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Sebastian stuttered and stumbled back, looking at his hands as if they did not belong to his body.
“It’s okay,” you croaked, “You didn’t mean to.”
“What have I done?” he murmured to himself, still in shock, and stormed out of the catacomb. Ominis didn’t move, he just kept holding you, but you pulled back. It took all your strength to peel yourself from the warmth of his embrace, but you knew what you needed to do. “Go after him. He needs you.”
AO3 Chapter 1-7
Not seeing Ominis also meant that you saw Sebastian less frequent than before. He had to stand with his best friend, and you understood that you had imposed on him an impossible situation. It had been weeks since you ended things with Ominis when you received an owl from Sebastian asking you to meet up in the Three Broomsticks. He was already waiting when you entered the pub, staring at the half empty glass of butterbeer in front of him. When he spotted you, he gave you a weak little wave and a crooked half-smile. He looked wrecked, his hair was disheveled, and he had dark circles under his eyes. Normally you would ask him what was going on but right now there was a question burning on your tongue like hot coals.
“How is he?”
“Bad. He hasn’t left his bed for weeks, he refuses to eat, bathe and talk to me,” Sebastian sighed and ran a hand through his thick locks. His answer hit you like a knife in the heart. You’d seen Ominis only a few times in classes and he had seemed fine enough, all things considered. Of course, you’d known he would be heartbroken - you were too – but hearing from Sebastian how hard he was taking this you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You had spent the past few weeks trying not to think about what had happened, distracting yourself pretty much every minute of every day and being confronted with it brought back the pain you had so desperately been trying to avoid.
“I did the right thing, didn’t I? This is better than whatever his father would have done to him?”
“I’m not so sure anymore. I can’t stand seeing him in so much pain. It seems like all the people I love suffer,” Sebastian sighed and rubbed his face in exasperation. He seemed tired in a way that 100 years of sleep couldn’t fix and you wished there was something you could do to help your friend.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … I just didn’t know what to do.”
“I know. It’s not your fault. I know you’re hurting too. That’s what I mean – everyone I love is in pain right now and I don’t know what to do about it.”
“How is the search of the cure going?” you asked, desperate to change the subject.
Sebastian’s face lightened up at this question and he shot up from his hunched position, straightening his back. “I found something in Slytherin’s spellbook that looked promising. It’s some sort of relic but I don’t yet understand fully how it works.” You remembered Ominis’ warning about how everything to do with Slytherin seemed promising until it was too late and tried to think of a way to instill caution into your friend. It was a balancing act, being supportive yet also trying to be the voice of reason.
“What kind of relic are we talking about? Are you sure it can be used to help Anne?”
“Of course I can’t be sure. But if there is even the slightest possibility I have to try. It’s my sister’s life we’re talking about,” he replied, seemingly annoyed by this concern.
“What does Anne have to say to this? Have you talked to her about it?” you tried again, fully aware that Anne, would definitely be against using dark relics of any kind.
“I don’t want to get her hopes up at this stage. I don’t know enough about this relic yet. Will you help me find it?”
“Do you know where it is?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. It’s supposed to be in a catacomb near Feldcroft. I was planning to go there later this evening. Will you come with me?” This took you by surprise. Until now it had been purely theoretical, and it had been fun to speculate what one could do to save Anne but this felt dangerous. Yet knowing Sebastian you knew that there was nothing you could do to stop him, so that left you with only one choice.
“Can’t very well let you go into a catacomb in the middle of the night to search for a dark arts relic alone, can I?” you sighed and emptied your drink.
“Perfect. Let’s go.”
“Ominis would be livid if he knew what we were doing,” Sebastian remarked when the two of you were just about to enter the catacomb. This made you feel even worse about the situation. You had promised Ominis to keep an eye on Sebastian and make sure he did not pursue the dark arts any further yet here you were helping him to find some mysterious relic which was capable of Merlin knows what. It was a terrible idea. But Sebastian was convinced this would help Anne and nothing you said or did would stop him from looking for that damned thing. You suppressed another sigh and followed your friend into the catacomb.
The place was crawling with spiders, and it took the two of you some time to fight your way into the heart of the catacomb. By the time you reached the last room you were out of breath and covered in blood and even Sebastian seemed frustrated. “Dead end. Lovely. All that for nothing,” he growled and wiped a sweaty lock from his forehead. You had made your way to the back of the room and were taking a look at a stone altar when you stumbled upon a weird looking object.
“Hold on. I think I found something.”
Sebastian rushed to your side and immediately picked up the object, that seemed to be made out of human bone and depicted several skeletons that formed some sort of pyramid. You on the other hand began to read the notes that you had found right next to the relic. “I can’t believe it. After all this it lines up. We’ve really found it!” your friend exclaimed.
 As much as you wanted to be excited for him something about this felt very wrong. “What do you suppose is meant by ‘the dark sacrifice required to realize the relic’s potential’?”
“ I have no idea. But we’re here for the relic.”
“I don’t know, Sebastian. I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe we should leave it here.”
“Are you mad? After all we’ve been through to get it? This could be the key to saving Anne! I’m taking it,” Sebastian spat and marched towards the exit only to be held back by Ominis.
The tall blonde blocked the exit and didn’t say a word, yet his face said enough. He was not, as Sebastian had assumed, livid, but seemed to be disappointed and exhausted. You immediately started to feel guilty for not having tried to stop Sebastian from this dangerous endeavor.
“Ominis! The sounds we kept hearing – it was you!”
“You gave me no choice. I had to follow you. Sebastian please. Leave the relic alone. We can find another way to help Anne,” Ominis pleaded, his voice heavy with exasperation.
“I’m sorry, Ominis, but I’m taking it.”
“No, you’re not. If you don’t put it back, then I will.” Both of them readied their wands, seemingly about to fight each other and you knew you had to step in.
“Hold on, both of you.”
Ominis flinched at the sound of your voice. It was the first time you had talked to him since you had broken his heart. You stepped between the two of them and gave Sebastian a meaningful look and he took a few steps back to give you your privacy. “Ominis,” you whispered and had to suppress the urge to touch his arm. How you longed to take his hand right now, feel his warm skin against yours and forget about that mess you’d gotten yourself into.
“We need to stop him,” Ominis declared, his grey gaze fixated on you.
“I’m afraid we cannot. He has made up his mind.”
“What do you suggest we do then?”
“We let him have it. He will take it anyway so let’s negotiate with him. He can take it, but after this no more.” You knew this was not exactly a great suggestion, but you had to keep them from fighting. There was no way Sebastian would leave the relic behind, even if he had to sacrifice his friendship for it. For a moment your mind wandered back to the warning about the dark sacrifice that had to be made in order to access the relic’s power and you shuddered.
“I already lost my family to dark magic. I cannot lose my best friend too.” Ominis voice brought you back to reality.
“You won’t. We will keep an eye on him,” you assured him, but even as you said it you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were making a mistake.
When you received an owl from Ominis a few weeks later, asking you to come as quickly as possible you didn’t waste a second and immediately apparated to the entrance of the Feldcroft catacombs. You knew it had to be something seriously bad or he wouldn’t have asked for your help.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he said flatly, his face remaining completely emotionless.
“Where is Sebastian?”
“Inside the catacomb. Frankly I was surprised you weren’t with him.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? I didn’t…,” you began but Ominis interrupted you.
“Stop. You swore you wouldn’t let Sebastian take this one step further yet here we are. Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not the first promise you broke,” he spat, his voice so full of anger you took a step back.
“I…,” you tried again but couldn't think of anything to say. You knew he was right. He had warned you multiple times about the dangers of dark magic and you had ignored it. Even though he hadn’t told you what Sebastian was doing inside that catacomb you could guess it was bad.
“You’re to blame for this. You enabled his behavior. I put my trust in you and you let me down – again.” The tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine. He was more than just angry, he was furious. You had never seen him like this before, not even when he had discovered that Sebastian had shown you the Undercroft.
“Ominis if this is about us….”
“Don’t. You hurt me more than my family ever could. I let you in, I trusted you and you betrayed my trust. All I want is for you to help me save Sebastian from himself.” With that he turned around and entered the catacomb.
Inside you were immediately attacked by a horde of Inferi and had your fight your way forward. You instinctively tried to stay close to Ominis, making sure no Inferi came too close. Even though he was an excellent and feared duelist, fighting so many enemies at once was something different all together. There was no need to talk, the two of you seemed to sense when the other was about to move and instinctively react to cover each other’s back. Sweat trickled down your forehead when you finally reached the great room where you found Sebastian, surrounded by more Inferi.
“Sebastian!” Ominis cried out and stormed towards his friend with you following right behind.
“Isn’t this incredible? I told you the relic is the answer! I’ve been to reverse the magic that injured Anne but this allows me to control it – just as I can control the Inferi.”
All color had drained from Ominis’ face. “Listen to yourself, Sebastian! This is the dark magic speaking.”
“Ominis is right,” you chimed in, “this has gone too far.”
Sebastian’s eyes darkened and he made a step back, clutching the relic even tighter. “So the two of you are talking again?” he growled not even trying to conceal his contempt. It was clear that he felt backed into a corner by the two of you and reasoning with him right now would be hard. Still you knew you had to try, not just for him but for Ominis too. He had already lost so much, he couldn’t lose Sebastian too. Since Ominis was usually quite rough you tried a gentle approach.
“We’re worried about you, Sebastian. I’m sorry we were so wrapped up in our own problems that we didn’t see how much you were struggling.”
“I don’t need your pity. I have made up my mind.”
“This is the dark magic speaking, Sebastian. Anne doesn’t want this.”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do. You have been lying for weeks, made me lie to my best friend,” the dark Slytherin hissed.
“What is he talking about?” Ominis asked, alarmed.
“That’s not important right now. Now give me that damned relic!” you practically shouted, finally losing your composure. It was quite transparent what Sebastian had been trying to achieve with this. He wanted you to fight with each other instead of him but you weren’t having any of it. You took a step towards him, reaching for the relic, ready to pry it from his hand when he bellowed “Diffindo.” Time seemed to stand still for a moment when the spell hit you and you stumbled back, blood trickling down your arm. The silence was deafening. After the initial shock you slowly approached your friend again, this time with hands raised to signal you were not out to fight.
“Sebastian. You don’t want to harm me. I’m your friend.“
When Sebastian didn’t react Ominis took initiative and yelled “Accio relic,” ripping the object right out of his best friend’s hands. Then everything happened fast. Sebastian lurched forward to attack Ominis and without realizing it you threw yourself at the brunette, slapping the wand out of his hand. As you watched it fall to the floor, your friend grabbed your throat with both hands and started to choke you. You didn’t fight back. In the corner of your eye you could see Ominis destroying the relic, then your vision got blurry and you closed your eyes. All of a sudden, the grip on your throat vanished and you fell to the floor, gasping for air. Ominis rushed to your side and gently touched your face. Still dizzy from the lack of oxygen you collapse into his embrace and take a few deep breaths.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Sebastian stuttered and stumbled back, looking at his hands as if they did not belong to his body.
“It’s okay,” you croaked, “You didn’t mean to.”
“What have I done?” he murmured to himself, still in shock, and stormed out of the catacomb. Ominis didn’t move, he just kept holding you, but you pulled back. It took all your strength to peel yourself from the warmth of his embrace, but you knew what you needed to do. “Go after him. He needs you.” He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether or not to listen to you but you kept pushing him, “I’m fine, really. Go.” Finally, he got up and chased after his best friend, leaving you alone on the floor of the catacomb. You remained there for some time and tried to gain your composure after everything that had just happened, taking a few deep breaths before getting up and making your way out of the catacomb. On your way out you bumped into Anne and Solomon, and you knew you had to think quick on your feet to avert another disaster.
“What happened? Where is Sebastian?” Solomon bellowed and you wondered what exactly Anne had told her uncle.
“Don’t know,” you whispered, your voice still hoarse and raw.
“Did he do this to you?” Anne inquired.
You shook your head and gestured towards the burnt remains of the Undead. “Inferi.”
“Alright this needs to be looked at. Let’s get you home,” Solomon sighed, and you were glad they didn’t ask any more questions for now. This gave you more time to think of a believable story to tell them. No one talked on the way back to Feldcroft, you just walked next to each other in silence. You thought about Sebastian and hoped Ominis had found him by now and was able to calm him down. He had looked so lost and terrified when he realized what he had done. It was not his fault; it was the dark magic that had made him attack you and you knew it and did not take it personal, in fact, you were more worried about what it had done to him.
You followed the Sallows to their home where Solomon prepared a concoction for your wounds. The ointment felt nice and cold on your skin, and you could practically feel the dark bruises and the cuts on your arm heal within minutes. As soon as Solomon saw that you were better he started to question you. “You have to tell us what happened eventually.”
“Sebastian saved my life,” you lied.
“Anne told me about some sort of relic?”
“He destroyed it. It’s gone.” At least the last part was true - the relic was destroyed. You had just rearranged some of the facts. Solomon gave you a long probing look, trying to determine whether or not to believe you.
“If you are lying, so help me Merlin…” he growled.
“I’m not. Sebastian destroyed the relic and saved my life.” You held his gaze until he finally stopped giving you that distrustful look. You could tell he still was not entirely convinced by your story and tried to brace yourself for more questions. To your surprise it wasn’t Solomon who continued the interrogation but Anne. “Where is he then? Why did he leave you behind, wounded and vulnerable?”
“Ominis was not feeling well. I told him to go after him.” Anne took after her uncle, not taking your eyes off you while she was considering your answer. It was hard to tell what she was thinking but at least she stopped asking questions.
When you returned to Hogwarts you immediately made your way to the Undercroft where you waited for Ominis and Sebastian. It didn’t take long, and they came bursting through the secret entrance, both looking tired and exhausted. Sebastian still seemed shaken up when he came over to you and started to apologize straight away. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what got into me. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine Sebastian, really. It wasn’t that serious, and your uncle is an excellent healer.” You pointed at your arm and throat which where completely healed and hoped this would calm Sebastian down a little, seeing that he did not seriously hurt you.
Sebastian flinched when you mentioned Solomon and tentatively asked, “What did you tell him, my uncle?”
“I technically didn’t lie, I just rearranged some of the facts. Inferi attacked me but you saved me and destroyed the relic. Ominis was upset so you went after him.”
“And he believed you?”
“Looked like it. Anne seemed a bit suspicious, but she didn’t say anything.” You looked over to Ominis waiting for him to scold you for lying to Sebastian’s family, but he stayed quiet.
“Thank you. Both of you. I should talk to Anne. I’ll be back when I can,” Sebastian said and stormed out of the Undercroft leaving the two of you alone. As soon as the door shut after him Ominis rushed over and threw his arms around you, burying his face in your neck and exhaled shakily.
“Thank Merlin you are alright. I was worried sick! Leaving you behind like this was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” he sighed while gently running his fingers over your face, then letting them wander down your body and to see for himself that you were fine. You let him, enjoying the warmth of his touch and replied softly, “Sometimes we have to make hard decisions to protect the ones we love.” Ominis stopped what he was doing and abruptly pulled away. You wanted nothing more than him to continue but you knew the moment was gone.
“Is that what you did?”
“My family threatened you, didn’t they?”
The silence was deafening. You didn’t dare to look him in the eyes and instead focused on your feet. Ominis took a step towards you, then another until he was mere inches away and you could smell the sweet scent of his hair. He lifted your chin up with his hand and forced you to look at him.
“He threatened to hurt you. I’m sorry, I know you warned me. But your father is so terrifying. I couldn’t risk it,” you blurted out, tears running down your cheeks. Ominis softly wiped them away with his thumb before once more pulling you into his embrace. “I’m so sorry,” you kept sobbing into his shoulder, unable to stop crying as the events of the past weeks came crashing down on you.
“It’s alright, darling. I should have known. I should have known you wouldn’t do this to me. I’m sorry that you had to go through this. My father is a dangerous man.”
“What are we going to do now? I’m scared, Ominis. I don’t want him to hurt you. He said he would take you away from Hogwarts and have you locked up somewhere. „You studied Ominis’ face, but he did not seem surprised at all which left you wondering if this was not the first time he had threatened to do this. His milky gaze was fixated on your face and he reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
 “Let us worry about this another day. You look like you are about to collapse, and I could use some sleep as well. Tomorrow we can worry about the future, but for now let’s sleep.”
“What if I don’t want to sleep alone tonight?” you asked softly, your lips almost touching his ear. Ominis trembled when your breath caressed his skin and tilted his head until his lips were inches away from yours. “Promise me that now we shall never be parted,” he whispered with a hint of desperation in his voice. He wanted you. You wanted him. And for now this was enough.
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dandelion-blues · 5 months
Tales of Arcadia One-shot
A Precious Youngling
Also, on Ao3
Jim cooked and spiced a meal as much to perfection as much he could make it with the materials he had available on this cross-country trip to New Jersey. It should have smelled divine, especially when he hasn't eaten much today, but instead, it smelled unimaginably gross like moldy trash was thrown in and burnt, but no trash actually smelt good now to Jim.
Ugh, Jim hated this. He was supposed to be a chef, and now he couldn't even taste what he was making. Heck, he could barely stand to be in the vicinity when he was cooking, but he wanted to surprise his girlfriend, Claire. In any case, he did it. He just hoped it tasted alright.
Jim carefully picked up the dish that he made using an extra pan that he brought with him as the plate, being careful not to stumble with his longer legs since he's been doing an awful lot of that and made his way towards Claire.
He was greeted by friendly smiles and a sense of community that he didn't feel before when he was just human. Jim didn't know if it was the fact that he was a troll now (or well half), or that he helped save them from their greatest enemy, or most likely a combination of the two, but trolls were a lot more accepting of Jim now. In fact, they were more than accommodating and would even go out of their way to help him out in some way whether that was by giving him pointers or even hunting for forks (his favorite and practically only food he likes to eat now). It was really nice, as it was weird.
Jim was just at his ends wit with the trolls dancing around him and being so nice. Like he was suddenly so different. He was though, he wasn't human anymore. He didn’t even look or act like a human anymore. He just wanted them to act normal around him, not like he was made of glass.
Jim just wished he knew why there was a sudden change. Was it because he looked like a troll now? Did they really dislike him that much because he was a human? He wasn't even a proper troll though, his mentality seemed to switch at random, one moment he was acting like he used to then the next his troll instincts took over and he was growling at something. It was just so tiresome; he didn't understand any of this. He didn't even want to mention his looks. The few times he glimpsed himself in a reflective surface, his appearance had him scrambling back. He just couldn't bring himself to look at himself anymore.
Jim shook his head. He was going to spend this night with his girlfriend and not worry about his problems right now.
Luckily, despite not being able to taste the food that he made, Claire loved it, and she said it tasted amazing. The buzzing in his mind finally fully calmed down, and he was able to just relax with his girlfriend. They hung out all day (night whatever, since sunlight kills trolls. Will kill him). They talked for hours and dueled and he just got to enjoy being in Claire’s company. However, Claire started to yawn. The dark blue of the night started to lighten, indicating that the day was about to begin, and their new sleep schedule of sleeping in the daytime was about to begin.
“I’m so glad that we finally just got to relax and hang out today,” Claire said, stretching, “But now I’m going to pass out.” Claire smiles at him, her brown eyes filled with affection.
“Yeah, sounds good.” Jim nodded in affirmation but was still feeling restless.
“Also, don’t stay up too long,” Claire scolded, “You need your sleep too, even if you need less.”
“Yes ma’am,” Jim saluted.
Claire chuckles. Then grabs his hands in hers and looks lovingly into his eyes, “I love you, Jim.”
Jim gets a soft smile on his face, “I love you too. And have a good ni- sleep, Claire.” Jim rubs the back of his neck awkwardly at his slip-up.
“I will,” and pulls Jim down to give him a soft kiss and walks away.
Jim sighs happily, all his worries from earlier gone. However, as the morning ticks closer and more and more trolls are starting to hide away in the dark. Jim is once again left to his own thoughts and makes sure that everyone gets hidden away before the sun comes out.
However, before he could spiral into thinking about, well everything, a tall orange troll came up to him. His tan horns framed his mossy colored hair, “Now Trollhunter, I know it’s your duty to protect us, but a youngling such as yourself needs rest too. Why don’t you go to your guardian Blinkous and get some rest now.”
Jim is bewildered but says, “No it’s alright, I’m simply doing rounds to make sure everyone gets in the dark safely.”
The troll has this stern look in his eyes, “Now Trollhunter, a youngling like yourself needs more sleep than us older trolls, and it’s dangerous to still be out when the sunlight is approaching us quickly.”
Jim raises his hands up placating, “I know, I know. However, as a Trollhunter I need to make sure everyone is safe. Besides, I handled Gunmar, I can handle a little sunburn if it comes to it.” Jim tries to joke about the concern by stating that he can handle himself.
However, this doesn’t work as the large troll gasps in horror, “I know younglings are reckless, but not this! I am taking you to your guardian right this instant. There will be no risking your life, young troll.”
“W-what?!” Jim shrieks as the troll picks Jim up like a sack of potatoes and carries him over his shoulders. Jim tries fighting back, but the troll's grip remains strong. Jim eventually gives up, his face burning lavender. Jim’s grateful, though, that most trolls are already inside and are not seeing this embarrassment of Jim’s defeat. A few minutes later, after going across the whole camp, the troll finds the cave that Blinky was in and plops Jim gently down in the cave like he was handling a teddy bear. Jim sighs with relief and proceeds to flop down on the floor, covering his face in embarrassment, not even looking at Blinky.
“Tell your youngling that playing in the sun is no joke. His life is more important than patrolling around the camp when dawn is approaching.” The troll demands of Blinky.
Jim sputtered and shouted out a muffled “Hey!” with his covered face.
However, Jim gets cut off when the larger troll says, “Hush, the adults are talking now.” The troll continues with a glare at Blinky “I expect that our young Trollhunter will know the dangers of the sun when I see him next Blinkous Galadrigal.”
Blinky, bewildered by the whole encounter, concedes, “Of course, Heilad.”
The orange troll then huffs and leaves.
“Well, what is this I hear about playing in the sun, Master Jim?” Blinky says sternly but secretly smiles since Jim can’t see Blinky.
Jim mutters something incorrigible.
“What was that?” Blinky raises his eyebrow.
Jim sighs and uncovers his face, and glares at his mentor, his dad, “I was just going on patrols to make sure everyone was inside and protected from the sun, and just made a joke that since I beat Gunmar I could handle a little sunburn, and then that troll just dragged me here!”
Blinky six eyes go large, “Jim going in the sunlight would kill you! I know that you haven’t been a troll for that long, but it would be much worse than a sunburn.The sun is completely deadly to us!” Then Blinky starts to catastrophize and mutters to himself, “Oh dear, I’ve failed you as your troll guardian in informing you about what you need to know as a troll! I know that I’ve been busy as the leader, but that’s no excuse. I need-”
“Blinky!” Jim shouts. Blinky stops pacing and muttering. Jim breathes out, “I know the sunlight is dangerous to trolls. The first night when I became a troll, I burned myself.”
Blinky takes a moment to process what Jim says, then shouts, “YOU WHAT?!”
Blinky goes over to Jim, who is still on the ground, and frantically looks over him to see if he has any injuries. Once again, infinitely thankful that the armor wasn’t permanently stuck on his son and that now he was dressed in a shirt and shorts.
“Blinky,” Jim tries to get his dad’s attention, but Blinky is too focused on looking at his son for his injury.
“Blinky!” Again nothing.
“DAD!” Jim yells.
Blinky looks startled at his son, as Jim waves frantically at him. Except Blinky zeroes in on Jim’s hand, and specifically the darker splotch on Jim’s left hand.
“Your hand!” Blinky shouts and grabs Jim’s hand and inspects it.
“It’s fine, it barely hurt.” Jim says, looking away.
Jim thinks about that interaction with that troll earlier, Heilad? Then asks out loud, "Why are the trolls treating me so differently now? I can't be that different, can I?!" Then Jim growls and yells, "I'm still me!" And his free hand flings to his mouth, horrified that he growled at his mentor and father figure, and his ears subconsciously droop down.
Blinky looks wide-eyed at Jim and squeezes his hand assured that the hand wasn’t impairing and hurting Jim and reassures him, "Oh Master Jim. Yes, you will always be you. The trolls just now see how truly young you've always been, and younglings like yourself are a precious commodity since Gumm-Gumms have stolen our young, so the trolls are simply treating you like they would any other youngling and are worried for you."
Then Blinky continues, "But Jim, even if you are now half-troll, you still have your heart. A heart far better than mine. You're still a sensational chef. A wondrous friend. The most prodigious Trollhunter." Blinky smiles, his speech growing sincerity with every word and gently grabs Jim's other hand from his face with his left lower arm, and his other lower arm still holds Jim's other hand. Then Blinky forces Jim to look in his eyes with his upper arm by holding Jim's face. "A magnificent son. You may not be fully human anymore, and you may not be fully troll, but you will always be Master Jim to me, and no growls or angry outbursts will stop you from being you, or me from loving my son."
Jim burst into tears, needing to hear those comforting words from Blinky, from his dad.
"Oh, master Jim, it's alright, come here." And Blinky takes Jim in his arms and hugs and comforts him.
Jim cries and cries and eventually a high pitch whine escapes him when he thinks of all the horrible things that have just piled up after he turned into a half-troll, and he whimpers, not liking the new sounds that escape him and keens for his dad. Jim's scared and vulnerable and oh so new to his troll instincts that he doesn't know what to do.
Luckily, Blinky and Jim were already settled on the soft moss-filled ground because as soon after Jim began sobbing, Blinky knew that Jim would want to be held and comforted in his dad's embrace.
"Oh son," Blinky whispers to himself, his heart breaking at Jim's desperate keen, and takes Jim up in his arms cradling him close to his own hearthstone (what would be considered the troll equivalent to a heart) and murmurs sweet reassurances to Jim in both English and Trollish, and runs his fingers through Jim hair to calm him down. Jim holds tightly onto Blinky's suspender strap and sinks into Blinky's hold.
Eventually, Jim's crying subsides, and while his breath still hitches, he looks up into Blinky's six eyes with his sky blues and whispers, "I'm s-sorry." Jim clings shakily on Blinky's suspender and buries his face into his father's torso.
Blinky whispers, "There's nothing to be sorry for," and Jim seems to relax a little, his breath calming down as Blinky continues to card his fingers through Jim's hair and holds Jim. Jim smiles into Blinky’s chest, and mumbles, “Thanks.” Jim’s eyes droop, exhausted from crying and the long day, and falls asleep, feeling warm and protected in his father’s embrace.
Blinky smiles sadly at Jim and states, "I wish I could take away your fears and worries." Blinky sighs, "Even when I said before, "fear is but the precursor of valor.' Your valor, your valor exceeds anyone's, and I am so proud of you, and you can rest, you were victorious. You fought valiantly! I am just so proud to call you my son, and you deserve to have peace and rest as much, if not more than the rest of us. Even if it means telling a certain wizard to take a hike, I'll do my best to ensure your happiness, my son, and I'll always be here for you." Blinky promises.
Just wanted to have this out fully on Tumblr. Enjoy!
Next TOA One-shot
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shatterinseconds · 2 years
Keithtober ‘22 day 10
There is so much blood, so much. Keith’s pale hands are stained red; there’s a red smear on his face from where he tried to wipe the sweat off his forehead. None of this blood is from him.
“I swear to every god in this universe that if you die on me, I’m going to kill you.”
Lance giggles, a little woozy from the bloodloss. He grins up at Keith. “I’d like to see you try.”
Keith scowls. “Don’t even joke about that.”
This dumbass took a shot for him without a second thought; Keith will never be able to repay that act of selflessness back. The only thing he can do, has to do, right now is keep Lance alive until they can get him into a healing pod—he will not fail. He applied pressure to the wound on Lance’s side, and once the bleeding stopped for the most part, he wrapped and cleaned it the best he could.
“You’re the one who’s making jokes all of a sudden,” Lance argues, pouting for a moment.
“I’m completely serious.”
Lance reaches up to boop him on the nose. “I like it when you’re funny,” he says suddenly, without hesitation, and Keith’s heart stutters. “You’re really funny, you know. In your own special way.”
Shocked, Keith sits back on his heels. He’s not entirely sure how to take that—it’s part insult and part compliment, but it’s coming from Lance which is the most confusing aspect about it. “Uh.”
“You’re also really pretty. Like really gorgeous. You don’t realize that either,” Lance easily admits—it causes Keith’s cheeks to pink despite the situation. Lance even laughs at himself. “I stare at you all the time; I can’t get your dumb mullet out my mind, even when I go to sleep.”
It’s too much for Keith. He slaps the comm device in his ear, opening up a channel to the rest of the team. “Lance is losing it; you better get here now.”
“Oh man, what has he been saying? He’s going to hate all of this when he gets better,” Pidge says, probably in an attempt to lighten the mood. And Keith agrees with them; Lance is not going to like what he’s just been spewing, whether it’s the truth or just unintelligible babbling caused by being steps away from death. Shiro confirms that they will all be there soon.
“Hey.” Suddenly, Keith feels a hand on his cheek guiding him to look at Lance again. Lance’s face is ashen but his dark eyes remain clear. “I’m going to be okay. I trust you.”
Nodding in agreement, Keith absentmindedly wraps his own hand around Lance’s and keeps it against his cheek for a moment. His skin is still warm, a very good sign. “You’re going to get better, and once this is all over, you and I are going to have a long chat about what you’ve been saying.”
Lazily grinning, Lance allows his hand to fall back to the ground. “Looking forward to it.”
And that’s exactly what happens. Keith witnesses one of the worst moments of his life but also gains a boyfriend because of it. He claims it as a win and so does Lance, after his complete and utter mortification when he’s fully healed of course.
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
All Mine.
Pairing: Andy Barber x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: age gap, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, squirting (damn)
Requested: nope
Summary: Andy Barber has been through a lot. After getting a divorce from his ex-wife, he moves into the house next to the Y/L/Ns. And he has his eyes on Y/N since day one. Little does he know, Y/N likes him too and things get interesting one night.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Before you ask, no, I haven't watched Defending Jacob yet because I do not have the attention span to watch an entire series. So yeah, this has no spoilers. Also, I'm asexual so don't @ me for the smut please and thank you. Enjoy!
"Good morning, Mr Barber!"
He looked up from his phone and saw his neighbor smiling at him. He grinned back at her, his mood immediately lightening. "Hi, Y/N! How many times have I told you, call me Andy," he chided gently, keeping his phone away. "Okay, okay, just feels a little weird, ya know? Anyway, what are you doing here? You almost never take the bus," Y/N chuckled.
He flashed her another grin, his boyish side automatically coming out. It always happened when she was near. Y/N Y/L/N was Andy Barber's cute neighbor, but the only thing is, she was way, way younger than he was, her parents were just a couple of years older than him. Despite the huge age-gap, Y/N had won his heart. And he didn't mind in the slightest.
"My car broke down yesterday, it's at the auto repair shop. I got no other vehicle," he shrugged. Y/N nodded just as she saw her bus approaching. "Are you getting on this one?" she asked him and he squinted. "Nah, not this one. Are you?" She verbally confirmed a yes and turned to look at him fully. "I'll see you later, Mr Barber, bye!" With that, she waved at him and stepped into the bus.
"Andy!" he mouthed when she sat near the window seat, giggling. "Andy," she repeated, winking at him just as the bus turned around the corner. A laugh involuntarily escaped his lips as he ran a hand through his hair. Oh, what am I gonna do with you, angel? Inside the bus, Y/N had to keep herself from fidgeting, too overstimulated after her conversation with the handsome lawyer.
She had had a crush on him ever since he had moved in next-door. Her parents had immediately invited the lone man to dinner and he had, thankfully, accepted. They had a lot of fun; Andy was a proper gentleman, well-spoken, intelligent and extremely handsome. Y/N got a crush on him on the first day itself. She knew about the things his family had been through, and the thought crushed her.
Can't even imagine, your own child, guilty of murder?
Andy and his ex-wife, Laurie had divorced immediately after their son's trial. It was all months ago, though, Andy was doing much better now. He had Y/N, after all. In his thoughts only, but that would suffice. Because he knew, she'd never fall for him. Why would she? He was much older than her, a divorced man, with a son who got convicted for murder.
But Y/N didn't care about any of those things. She liked the Andy who was her awesome, good looking and smart neighbor. That's all that mattered to her. But then came another problem, Y/N's parents. Would they be okay with her going out with him? Of course not! Y/N sighed and leaned her head against the window of the bus; oh God, what ever was she gonna do?
Andy had ruined all men for her.
"Come in!"
Looking up, a surprised gasp left the mouths of both; the person inside the office and the person at the door. "Y/N?" Andy blurted out. "Mr Barber?" Y/N blinked as well. "Andy," he corrected incessantly and she waved her arm in dismissal. "Wow, I, uh… I didn't realize— you don't have a name plate outside—" He motioned to the chair in front of him and she sat.
"What happened, darling?"
Y/N unconsciously shivered at the nickname. She loved it when he called her that. "I don't know, my colleague sent me here, she was busy… gave me the address and said there was a file she needed…" Y/N spoke unsurely. Her eyes quickly skimmed over his figure; he had taken off the trenchcoat he was wearing in the morning, leaving him in a tight, white shirt, black trousers and a tie hanging loosely around his neck.
The top three buttons of his shirt were undone, the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Y/N concluded that he looked insanely gorgeous. "Does your colleague happen to be Mrs Renoir? She told me she was coming to get the file." She smiled and nodded at him. "Yes, Mrs Renoir, that's her." Andy smiled back and took out a file from his drawer. "Here you go."
She accepted the file, stowing it away in her bag. "I'll see you!" She moved to get up but Andy tutted, checking his watch. "Why don't you stay, Y/N? It's getting late, we can go home together," he spoke, his eyes soft as he gazed at her. She froze for a moment. "Um, it's fine, I can—" He was shaking his head. "Y/N, if something happens to you, I'll not be able to forgive myself."
What's going on? "Mr Barber—" "Andy." "What do you mean?" He got up from his chair and moved to the couch that was in the room. She sat next to him. "You never stay out this late, Y/N, your parents told me you're usually at home by 8:30. It's almost midnight, and I can't let you venture into the city all alone at this hour. Do you know the dangers that lurk at night?"
Y/N's heart started thudding in her chest. Indeed, this was new to her; and before even meeting with him, she had been scared of roaming the city alone at night. "I don't," she muttered truthfully, looking up when Andy placed his hand on her thigh. "It's okay. You can stay, I just need to go over a few more things and then we can go home, hm?" Y/N grinned and nodded.
Andy lifted his hand off her thigh and went back to his desk. He began scribbling something on a paper, which Y/N realized was a form. After admiring him for a few minutes, she took out her phone and scrolled through her messages. She had already texted her mom about staying out late, and her mother had complained until Y/N told her she was out for business, not fun.
As time passed, Y/N's shoulders sagged. Her eyes drooped, heavy with sleep. "Andy," she whined in a sleepy stupor and his head shot up, "Are you done? I wanna go home!" His dark eyes softened instantly and he chuckled. She looked cute when she was sleepy. "Just a moment, darling, I'm almost finished." Y/N simply groaned and threw her head back against the couch.
"All done."
Y/N opened her eyes and saw Andy fixing his appearance, before shrugging on the coat. Then he turned to her, offering her his hand with a smile. She took it and heaved herself up, stumbling a little but Andy was there to hold her up. Effortlessly wrapping an arm around her waist, he guided her out of his office, switching off the lights and locking the door.
Both of them walked out of the building and Andy got Y/N seated in the passenger seat of his car. "I thought your car was at the auto repair shop?" Y/N remembered. She felt his chuckle next to her ear as he reached over and fastened her seatbelt and then his own. "Went to get it in the afternoon because I realized buses aren't for me." She giggled and leaned back against the seat.
"Why don't you try and fall asleep? I'll wake you up," he whispered, his heart swelling in his chest when she nodded meekly. "Goodnight, Mr Barber." He still corrected her, "Andy." Truth be told, Y/N didn't want to call him Andy because that would only make her feelings worse. If she called him Mr Barber… that was a constant reminder that he was a man much older, a successful lawyer, and just her neighbor.
Nothing else.
"Such a sweet doll." Ever since he heard her whining his name in his office, his mind had clouded over with lust. She sounded so fucking beautiful when she said his name. And suddenly, all he wanted to do was to claim her on his couch. He had controlled himself easily, he knew he had to wait till he had her consent. Which he thought he'd probably never get.
"Thank you so much, Andy!"
"Oh, it's not a problem at all, Mrs Y/L/N. Y/N is great company and I admit, the house does get a little lonely at times," Andy chuckled as Y/N's mother beamed at him. Y/N was looking down at her feet, clutching the handles of her travel bags. She was going to move in with Andy for a few weeks, since her room was getting renovated. There was no other place in the house.
When Andy heard that, he had instantly offered that she move in with him for the time-being. And Y/N's parents were, surprisingly, ecstatic at the idea. "She can move into the guest bedroom," he had spoken at the time. That's how she ended up here; now following Andy into his house as she yelled her goodbyes to her parents. "Welcome! It isn't much, I hope you like it still."
Y/N looked around in awe. The place was well-kept, the colour theme for almost everything was either beige or brown. It all looked very modern and cool. "Are you kidding? This is awesome!" He chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Let me show you to your room." Both of them walked up the stairs and stopped at the first door. Andy opened the door and another gasp left her lips.
"Wow," she whispered automatically and Andy smiled to himself. "I take it that you like it," he drawled, closing the door behind them as they walked into the room. Y/N kept her luggage on the bed and sat down, swinging her legs. "Thanks for all this, Mr Barber, it's appreciated." He scoffed. "Andy," he rectified, "And it was not a problem at all, Y/N, you're my friend."
A chill ran down her spine. His friend? He considered her to be a friend? "A friend, huh, I'm… I'm honored," she chuckled and he grinned. "I'll leave you be now, get comfortable." He waved at her and left the room, going downstairs to get a glass of water for himself. Y/N spent the rest of the day at her place, only returning at nighttime after dinner.
That's how it went for a week. She'd be at her job most days, would have dinner with her parents at night and then would finally walk into Andy's house to get some sleep. She liked the routine, and so did he. When she wasn't at her job, she'd spend the day in the living room of her own, or rather, her parents' house. Only, something changed a week later.
Andy was running late that day. As he drove home, at nearly 1:30 am, he was sure that he was going to be greeted by a quiet and empty house, Y/N already asleep in her room. She always fell asleep before 11:30, he didn't know how she did it. After parking his car in his garage, he walked into the sitting room only to see Y/N sitting in front of the television. She looked up and swtiched it off when he walked in.
"Mr Barber, hi." Her voice was hoarse. "Y/N? Darling, is everything okay?" he asked worriedly, sitting next to her. The dried tear stains on her cheeks made it clear that she had been crying. "I'm fine," she insisted, in vain. Andy gently cupped her cheeks, running his fingers over the stains. "You've been crying, honey, tell me what happened. I'll make it better," he whispered and Y/N melted against him.
"Um, can I… can I please… can I hug you?"
Without another word, Andy pulled her to him, her head resting on his chest as his arms wrapped around her middle. She snuggled into his side. "I just had a bad dream," she mumbled, burying her face in his chest. His arm rose and he delicately cradled her head, massaging her hair with his fingers. Y/N whimpered at the soothing sensation and Andy's heart raced.
"I'm here now, sweetheart, you have nothing to be worried about. I'll protect you, come what may," he uttered softly, almost in a daze. Something inside Y/N stirred deeply when he said those words. She pulled away slightly and he looked down at her, a questioning look on his face. Y/N blushed under his intense stare. "I, um… can I… kiss you?" Her question made Andy's heart beat faster.
Consent? Check.
Gently grabbing her jaw, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, pulling her into his lap. Y/N kissed back just as fervently, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" Andy asked huskily upon pulling away. "How long?" Y/N squeaked. "Ever since I first saw you. You won my heart right there, Y/N, right at that dinner. The moment I saw you, I knew that you had ruined all women for me."
"Same. I mean, I— not women, obviously, I'm not attracted to other women— men, but—" Andy chuckled and kissed her again, cutting off her rambling. "God, I need to feel you, love, why don't we go upstairs?" It turned out to be a rhetorical question as he immediately stood up, easily carrying Y/N up the stairs. Y/N wrapped her legs around his torso.
He placed her down on his bed, in his bedroom and settled between her legs, hungrily kissing down her body. He used his tongue to stimulate her first, pulling orgasm after orgasm after her. She had never had these many orgasms in one night and that wasn't lost on Andy. "No one has ever made you feel this good, right, darling? Only I can do it this good." Y/N whined loudly when his tongue circled her bud.
"Bet those nasty boys your age have never made you feel this way. Worshipped. You're mine, Y/N, only mine. Say it." Y/N was too overwhelmed to respond, only a pathetic "yours" leaving her lips as she came again. For the… third? No, fourth time? She definitely lost count. "You're so fucking gorgeous," Andy moaned as he emerged from between her thighs, his jaw and chin covered in her juices.
He had eaten her out so well, like her a hungry man offered a meal after a long starvation. Like she was his last meal. Y/N blushed at the sight of him, covering her face with her hands. Andy easily shoved the hands aside, leaning in to kiss her. "All mine. Beautiful. Mine, only mine," he grunted possessively and Y/N gasped when she felt something poking her thigh. She looked down and saw him. He was giant.
"It's too big," she blurted out and Andy chuckled, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. "You'll be okay." Grabbing the base of his shaft, he slowly pushed inside of her, giving her time to adjust to his size. Y/N winced at the burn on her hips but when he bottomed out inside her, all the pain was replaced by pleasure. "Fuck, so fucking tight," Andy helplessly groaned, leaning forward and resting his forehead against her shoulder.
"Please, please move." Andy complied, thrusting into her at a slow pace at first but when he was certain she was able to handle it, he sped up. Y/N moaned right into his ear as he nibbled on her neck, leaving behind dark, red marks. Now everyone will know she's taken. The moan fueled his libido and he sped up more, growling deep in his chest.
Y/N's eyes flew open at the animalistic sound and she gripped his shoulders, trying to steady herself as she moved like a rag doll against him and his powerful thrusts. "Scream my name, darling, tell everyone who's making you feel so good. Tell everyone you belong to me and me only. You're mine, all mine. I'm never letting you go," he snarled as he neared his release. "Andy," Y/N screamed shamelessly.
"That's it, doll. Months, for months I've tried to get you to say my name. Is that why you've been avoiding it? Can't help but imagine being under me and moaning my name every time you heard it?" he groaned brusquely and Y/N jerked, her orgasm hitting her unexpectedly. "Yes," she whimpered at his previous comment but Andy couldn't speak. Holy shit, she just squirted all over my bed.
His taut abdomen, his shaft, his thighs and his bed were all drenched. Y/N was lying on the bed, her eyes closed, convulsing as she reeled in from the first-time experience. "Shit, baby, do you see this? You just squirted all over me," Andy laughed breathlessly, leaning over to press his lips to hers. Y/N cocked an eye open as a blush spread across her cheeks.
"I what?! Oh my God, I'm so sorry—"
Andy entered her core with one swift motion, shutting her up. "That was fucking hot, doll, do it again," he urged and resumed his fast pace. Y/N cried out tiredly, her eyes landing on the clock in the corner of the room. It's been an hour?! How much energy does this man have? "Andy, I'm—" He was already close to his release and when she took his name, he was done. He pulled out of her and spilled his seed all over her chest and face, groaning loudly.
Then he spit on his fingers and brought them to her bud, furiously rubbing until she squirted again, right on his face. "Oh my God," Andy groaned, licking up and swallowing all her juices. "Andy, I'm tired…" She couldn't even lift a finger, that's how spent she was.
Andy was a sight. All wet, from top to bottom, covered in her juices, he looked like he had just stepped out of a swimming pool. "Okay, baby girl, get some sleep. I'll take care of you." And he did, he gently cleaned her up as she dozed off, and carried her to her room. He then hopped into the shower for a quick wash, dried himself up, put on some boxers and went to Y/N's room as well.
The bed in his room was… well, let's just say it was done for. He was going to be throwing the mattress out the next day, he knew that. When he walked into her room, his heart melted at the sight of her deep asleep, still naked, curled up on her side. He shut the door behind him and walked towards the bed, easily sliding in next to her. He pulled the covers on top of them and pulled Y/N into his arms, dropping a kiss to her shoulder.
"I love you, angel. So sweet, only mine."
A/N: This is the first time I've posted smut and a non-marvel fic 😳 I know it's probably not that good but thanks for reading anyway! Leave a like if you enjoyed!
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callemreine · 3 years
I should warn you that this was not proofread at all but I just had to post it cuz I said I was gonna do it but then I got distracted by a million other things so it took a long time and there's this au august by @/tsshipmonth2020 next month and I wanna do a few of the prompts there so have this poorly written oneshot that was based on this post by @aplethoraofquotes
Ship: Prinxiety(I mean what else do you expect from me) and a little bit of implied logicality
Word Count: 2017
cw: caps / mention of something on fire / tentacles mention / swearing (just one)
“WHAT IS UP EVERYBODY?” Thomas exclaims for the video intro.
“FINALLY!” Roman angrily but excitedly shouts after. The two other light sides pop up to also complain about the lack of videos in production in the past year, all the while attempting to calm down the royal side.
“Ok, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m doing it now, ok?” Thomas shouts over the complaining sides to divert the issue at hand. “It hasn’t been particularly easy. You know that guys, right?” He continues as he glances at the empty spot at the bottom of the stairs. They all silenced with a guilty look on their faces aside from the logical side, as he has been the one trying to compose the internal panic Thomas continuously endures within the past year. “Okaaaay! Let’s lighten things up a bit! I’m so glad you guys are here because we are having another Q&A!” Thomas excitedly announces to the three sides present.
"Not to put your siren to sleep but, you can't just repeat an episode, Thomas," Roman interrupted.
"I do concede with Roman's opinion here, Thomas. Haven't we talked about the originality of your videos before? Continuously repeating concepts not only bore viewers but also lessens the probability of their engagement to any or all of your future content," Logan discusses.
"I don't think 'all' would be possible, Logan. But, Thomas, isn't there anything else we could do today, maybe? We have been gone for a while, kiddo, so maybe there's other stuff we could do?" Patton adds.
"Calm down, guys. You're all starting to sound like Virgil. But, let me explain first. We're doing a Q&A because, as you said, it's been a long time since the last video AND even longer since the last Q&A, and so much has changed since then," All the sides present appear to be content with the explanation provided.
"Plus," Thomas adds. "This one has a twist," he says directly to the side to his right. Logan slightly nods in approval but remains skeptical. "And, what might that be?" asked Roman.
"The questions will be provided by each of us," Thomas states with pride seen on his face. Roman and Logan met eye to eye with worry and slight fear in their eyes. "I'm sorry. Can you elaborate more on that, Thomas?" Patton worriedly asks.
"Well, we have to think of a question that we want everyone to answer. For example, I think of a question and each of you has to answer it,"
Now, all three sides share glances with worry seen in their faces. "Why do you all seem worried?" Thomas asks with a nervous chuckle. "Roman has been bothering me with this idea for a few months now, I thought you all would be okay with it," All eyes were on the royal side. "I didn't think of that idea…" He trails off.
Realization falls to the four after a few seconds. "Ahh. I forgot. I'm not your only 'imagine dragon'," Roman confirms their suspicions.
"Which one of us scares you the most?" Thomas asks the four sides present.
They all agreed to the concept Thomas has presented and seem to be convinced that 'playing wouldn't hurt.' They eventually got the anxious side to play as well after a few minutes of convincing(and bribing).
"I used to be scared of Janus' scales before but I'm fine with it now. Hmm... Oh! Remus' tentacles really creep me out," Patton answers and shivers a little with the mention of tentacles.
"I'm offended you're asking me! I AM A PRINCE! I have nothing to fear. And none of you can do actual harm to me as far as I'm concerned," The four give the royal side a 'refuse to take that answer' look. "Fine," he sighs in defeat. "Remus," he says with an unexplainable expression on his face. They all agreed before that they're allowed to not explain their answer if they aren't comfortable with it. So far, until the current question, only the anxious side's answers remained without explanation.
It's now Virgil's turn to answer and they wait for it even though they already seemed to know. "Roman," he stated. All the sides were taken aback but refused to ask him to elaborate. Roman's expression was unexplainable and distracted for the duration of the entire game.
After a few, they were now on the last question, and it was Patton's turn. He suggested that it should be a little personal but not too much, and they were still allowed to refuse to explain their answer. They were all skeptical, so they agreed that if the question Patton thought of was too personal for them, they'll just rethink another question and edit out that section for the final cut of the video.
"Okay, what was your worst romantic gesture?" Patton asked. They all nod to signal that they were all comfortable answering the question.
"Well, I am the romantic side so I don't think I even HAVE a bad romantic gesture..." Roman answers but continues to think of an incident. "Oh. One time, I had a crush on someone and I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled their room with heart-shaped confetti…" Roman answered while rubbing the back of his neck from embarrassment.
Virgil's head shot up to look at the royal side. "That was YOU?" He didn't mean it to be that loud. He immediately covered his mouth with his hand and lowered his head back down, avoiding the others' glances.
Roman blushed and froze in place. He forgot that Virgil was right next to him.
Thomas made a mental note to cut the video from after Roman's answer to before Virgil's answer.
"I left them flowers but I never told them it was from me" Virgil tried to make his answer as vague as possible to prevent any more mishaps. Thomas and the other two sides could almost hear the cogs turning inside Roman's head as they heard Virgil's answer.
After their recording session was finished, the four sides sank down to return to the mind palace. They all rose up in their living room except for Virgil as he is the only one allowed to rise up anywhere directly from the real world. An ability Logan plans to learn about soon when Virgil allows him to. Roman retreats to his room, still processing Virgil's answer earlier. While Patton asks Logan to help him prepare their dinner, he also processes Logan's answer to the last question of their game earlier.
*time skip brought to you by Roman's band references*
Virgil was, no surprise, wide awake in the middle of the night, still reading the little notes written on the "confetti." Apparently, Roman thinks that tons of pieces of paper, three inches in size, are considered confetti. Some of them have lines from song lyrics. Some with lines from poems. While some were just plain feelings. How Roman described Virgil's eyes and how beautiful he looked in his makeup that day in small letters written on the piece of paper (front and back) almost made him melt. And how Roman apologized for how he treated Virgil before made him regret not putting a note or not giving the flowers to Roman personally instead of leaving them on the royal side's bedside table.
*flashback brought to you by my hopeless romantic ass*
Virgil just finished his shoot with Thomas for his "80s-Glam-Virgil" look. At first, he wouldn't stop complaining about why he gets to have a glam look while Logan and Patton got the casual look. Eventually, he let it go cuz' he slowly was starting to like the look. After the shoot, he was so exhausted that he couldn't bring himself to rise up in his room directly so he rose up in the mind palace living room and dragged his limp body to his room.
As he opened his door, pieces of paper flooded a small portion of the hallway in front of his room. He looked inside and saw that his entire room was flooded too. He went inside and snapped his finger to close the door and to get the papers outside back into his room. He was too tired to deal with the suspected "prank" at hand so he snapped his finger once again to gather all of the papers into a giant box to keep in his closet for the time being.
The box remained untouched for months.
*end of flashback*
Roman sat on his bed, staring at the red roses he kept in a vase on his dresser. It was made of red heart-shaped pieces of paper glued together to the shape of a rose. Something about it seemed familiar yet mysterious. Roman could sense it was made with the magic from the imagination, but it wasn’t his. And, it definitely wasn’t Remus’, for obvious reasons. There was a bit of dark but endearing and comfortable aura. Roman laid his back on the bed in defeat. Covering his face with his hands as he blushes and groans at the same time. He tried to get some sleep but couldn’t keep his suspicions off his mind.
His knuckles hover on the purple door for a few moments before fully knocking, knowing the side behind it was also wide awake. He heard some paper shuffling and a sliding door closing after, presumably a closet door. A few moments pass before the door opens just enough for a part of Virgil’s face to peer out. “Please tell me this is as important as something burning on fire or I am slamming this door on your face,”
“Uh… Not really but-” Virgil resumes to close the door only for Roman to grab the door frame at the last second. “Ah, shit!” Roman whisper-shouted.
Virgil returned to his bed, leaving Roman in his current state, not even bothering to close the door anymore. Eventually, Roman let himself in, clutching his hand. He sat down on the beanbag in the corner, glaring at the other, while Virgil stayed on his bed with a blank expression. Virgil, then, gestured to Roman expectantly as if to let him continue what he was going to say.
Roman, then, slowly lowered his hand but continued to glare at Virgil. “Was it me that you gave the flowers to?” Roman asked skeptically. Virgil seems to have lost his confidence and slowly lowered his head, unable to look at Roman. “I'm gonna take that as a yes. You know, you could have easily gotten away with giving me flowers if you told me that you also gave the others flowers, seeing that it was Valentines that day,” Roman, amused, grinned smugly.
“Still not as sappy as your stunt,” Virgil snickered, glancing at his closet door. “Yeah, about that… I’m actually glad you didn’t bring it up anymore cuz’ it was actually a spur in-moment kind of thing,” Roman confessed, averting the other’s gaze. Virgil admitted it was actually kind of sweet and that he hasn’t finished reading each of the notes.
“Sooo…” The anxious side trailed off. The tension was so thick that both of the sides were staring at the floor as if it was a fireworks display. “Sooo…? You like me too…?” Roman started. “I mean, I thought I made that pretty clear when I answered the question about our worst romantic gesture,” Virgil chuckled and blushed as he attempted to catch the other’s eye. “Well, I like you too,” Roman blushed, and the two fell in comfortable silence before Virgil patted the spot beside him to invite Roman to sit with him.
Virgil’s smile fell suddenly as he looked at the taller side next to him and asked “So, what now?” Roman looked back at him with a small smile and gently reached for the other’s hand, “You tell me. I’m down with anything you’re comfortable with,” Virgil laid his head on the other’s shoulder with a sad smile, “Can you just stay here for a while?”
“I can do that, Mr. Darkside,” Roman replied with a quiet voice.
Yeah sorry this has "written at 2 am" vibes. Cuz half of it is. Also I just found out that I don't know how to write dialogue by Patton or from his perspective at least. And I am very proud of the band references my 2 am brain thought of
Also thank you to @thethreeunity for the last-minute comments before my sorry ass posts this without giving it a second thought XD love you lots Trin <3
“What is it with you and your band references today?”
“I was hoping you’d notice,” Roman answered with a chuckle.
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august-anon · 3 years
Late Night Discoveries
Fandom: Shadowhunters
Ship(s): Malec
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Magnus/Ler!Alec
Word Count: 1320 words
Summary: Alec makes a little discovery in his efforts to get Magnus to sleep. He takes full advantage of it in the morning.
[ao3 link]
Alec wasn’t sure what time it was when he woke up. All he knew was that the bedroom was dark and that the sheets next to him had long gone cold. Peeling open his eyes, in the light of the moon from the nearby window, he was just barely able to see that Magnus’s side of the bed had never even been disturbed at all.
Alec frowned and rubbed at his eyes, flopping back onto his pillow with a heavy sigh before gathering up his energy and heaving himself out of bed. He shivered as his feet hit the cold, hardwood floor, but he continued to pad out of the bedroom and down the hall. They kept the loft chilly at night, because Magnus tended to be a bit of a furnace and Alec liked to cuddle him in the night, but without him there, Alec regretted wearing just a tshirt and boxers to bed, goosebumps raising up on his arms.
He found Magnus in his apothecary, pouring over a spell book, shoulders slumped and eyes drooping. His chin rested on his fist as he slouched over the book, nodding off every few seconds before jerking himself awake. Alec sighed and walked up to him, resting his hands carefully on Magnus’s shoulders.
“Magnus,” he said softly.
“Can’t sleep,” Magnus replied, rubbing at his eyes.
“Come to bed.”
Magnus sighed. “Alexander…”
Alec moved his hands down to grab at Magnus’s biceps, tugging gently. Magnus went easily, standing and stepping into Alec’s space, letting Alec wrap Magnus in his arms and pulling him close to his chest.
“I’ll help you,” Alec murmured in his ear. “Just come to bed.”
Alec grabbed Magnus’s hand and led him back across the loft and into their bedroom. He slowly helped Magnus into his pajama pants before leading him to bed, directing Magnus to lay on his stomach. Magnus gave him an odd look but complied, relaxing into the bed when Alec crawled in next to him.
“This is something my siblings and I used to do to each other when we couldn’t sleep,” Alec said, his voice lowered to a whisper, worried that anything louder would startle Magnus out of his drowsiness. “Just close your eyes and relax.”
Magnus closed his eyes, not even questioning Alec. Alec’s heart ached at the show of trust, at how far the two of them had come. He shook his emotions away. This was about getting Magnus to bed, he could be emotional about their relationship later.
Alec formed his hand into a claw and touched it down against Magnus’s shoulder, gently dragging his blunt nails across Magnus’s back to his other shoulder. Magnus shivered and sucked in a breath, turning to bury a smile into his pillow. Alec grinned. 
Magnus hummed a quiet affirmative, face still buried in the pillow. Alec chuckled quietly, shifting closer to Magnus to have a better reach. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t take advantage of that.” Alec smirked. “Yet.”
Magnus huffed, twitching slightly when Alec’s nails dragged across the back of his ribcage.
“This is always a little ticklish,” Alec admitted, voice still low and quiet. “But it always helped me and Izzy and Jace fall asleep.”
Magnus hummed again, sounding more drowsy than he had before. Alec lightened his touch even further, just barely skimming across Magnus’s skin. After a few long minutes, Magnus’s breath had slowly evened out, his body relaxing into the bed completely. Alec carefully pulled his hand away and tugged Magnus’s golden sheets up over their bodies.
Hopefully, he could convince Magnus to sleep in a little the next day. Both because of his late night, and because he fully intended to tire Magnus out the next day with his new discovery. Alec fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Alec awoke once again to an empty bed, only this time the early morning sun was shining through the sheer curtains and the sheets across from Alec were still warm. Magnus hadn’t been up long.
Alec took a few more moments to wake up, stretching in the bed and letting the sun warm him as it shined through the window across the bed. When he finally dragged himself from the sheets, the smell of coffee had filled the apartment, and Alec padded out to the main rooms of the loft to search out the scent.
He found Magnus in the living room, setting down two mugs on the coffee table before turning in Alec’s direction. His face lit up in a smile when he found Alec already standing there.
“I was just about to come check on you,” he said, stepping forward to press a quick kiss to Alec’s lips.
Alec gave him a drowsy smile and wrapped his arms around Magnus. He was still shirtless, wearing his silken robe open over his bare chest and pajama bottoms, so Alec slipped his hands inside to wrap them around Magnus’s waist and pull him close. Magnus pressed a grin against his chest and wrapped his own arms tightly around Alec’s ribcage, clasping his hands around Alec’s back.
“I love you,” Alec murmured into his hair, not yet spiked up with gel at the early hour.
“I love you, too.”
Alec hummed, rubbing his hands up and down Magnus’s bare back, and a thought occurred to him. He hid a smile in Magnus’s hair.
“Mind if I experiment a little with something I learned last night?”
Magnus pulled back and glanced up, giving Alec a confused look. “Experiment? With what?”
Alec grinned and scratched his nails at the small of Magnus’s back. Magnus gasped and jerked forward, further into Alec, to escape the sensation, a smile growing on his face. His fingers curled into fists, gripping onto Alec’s shirt, but he made no effort to pull away.
“Alexander, why?” Magnus asked, voice wavering with barely-contained laughter.
Alec chuckled. “I like when you laugh and smile. This seemed like an effective method as any.”
Alec brought his hands back around to wiggle his nails against the divot of Magnus’s waist in his sides and Magnus gasped, throwing his head back with giggles. Alec couldn’t resist leaning forward to press a quick kiss against his adam’s apple. It also didn’t escape Alec’s notice that even now, with Alec’s arms no longer trapping Magnus close, he made no move to escape.
“You can’t just tell me you’re ticklish last night and expect me not to exploit it in the morning,” Alec said. “Isn’t that Boyfriend 101?”
Magnus let out a tiny snort, jumping when Alec hit a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs. Alec targeted that spot and Magnus was lost to laughter for a few moments before Alec finally moved on, spidering in towards his stomach as best he could with Magnus still holding him close.
“This couldn’t have waited until after coffee?” Magnus managed through his ever-increasing laughter.
Alec slowed his tickling until he was simply gripping Magnus’s hips, holding him close once more. Magnus let out a few last giggles into Alec’s chest before pulling back just enough to look him in the eyes. Alec grinned down at him.
“Does that mean I get a round two after coffee?”
Magnus leaned up to give him another peck on the lips. There was a matching grin on his face when they pulled back.
“Only if I get my turn at revenge.”
Alec bit his lip on a nervous grin as Magnus pulled back and took his hand, leading them both toward the couch. Their coffee, long gone lukewarm, was steaming again with a snap of Magnus’s fingers.
“I think we can work something out.”
Magnus shot him a sly look. “Oh, yeah?”
Alec smirked back. “But I’m definitely not going to make it easy on you.”
“Oh, darling,” Magnus said, leaning into his space far more than was necessary to hand him his coffee. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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yrpreciousmoon · 3 years
Morioh Hi-Fi (14/25)
Title: Morioh Hi-Fi (14/25)     All Chapters Here Ongoing Playlist Here Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pairing: Josuke x Okuyasu; Rohan x Reimi; Koichi x Yukako; more.   Rating: T Description: In an AU where Part 4 never happened, it seems Stand users are still drawn to each other. Rohan Kishibe runs Morioh’s coolest record store, along with the world’s okayest employees: Koichi, Yuya, and Okuyasu. They live happily in their bubble of obscure music references and hipster style points until the fateful day when Josuke Higashikata enters the picture. (aka: Started writing a self indulgent AU heavily inspired by the series and movie High Fidelity, and just decided to lean into it.) Primarily a Josuyasu story, with subplots and minor relationships. And occasionally artwork!
AN: Short chapter, but Monday's update will be longer than usual. Just gotta build up to that angst!
Track 13: Error: Operator   
Okuyasu slumped back against the wall, watched quietly as Rohan left the building. The remainder of the shift had been tense after Rohan's outburst, and neither employee had questioned their boss checking out an hour early. The three of them had just muttered their usual goodbyes, careful not to acknowledge the Reimi-shaped elephant in the room.
Okuyasu wasn't sure if Rohan was really going to take the leap, if he'd bother to dip his toes into the dating waters – but Okuyasu, personally, was high on the idea of romance, and figured it wouldn't be terrible to have a friend close by who was also navigating the uncharted territory of being involved with another man.
As Rohan ascended the stairway, Okuyasu's line of sight moved warily over to Yuya, who was stationed across the room, also eagerly watching as their boss disappeared. Yuya had certainly given Okuyasu shit about this whole – gay? Bi? Something else? – thing, but to be fair Yuya always gave him a lot of shit, about everything. That was just kind of how things went at Dark Pink.
“All right,” the goth breathed, once all sight, sound, and scent of Rohan had fully dissipated. “...Holy shit, dude. I don't even swing that way, but I'm kind of jealous. How the fuck does a dork like Kishibe get a rockstar's number like it's nothing? Damn. Maybe I need to start calling myself an artist...”
“You already have three girlfriends,” Okuyasu reminded him, pushing off from the wall and heading towards him.
“The more the merrier though, right? Besides, I guess I need a boyfriend now. Seems to be all the rage these days, after all.”
“Hm. You really gonna poke the bear when it's just you and me here?” Okuyasu raised an eyebrow, rolled up his sleeve, and let his aura swirl around him menacingly. He was bluffing, of course, but Yuya didn't need to know that.
“Ah, lighten up... I'm just busting your balls Nijimura.” Yuya leaned on the counter, shot his colleague an unimpressed look. “In fact, I've got some questions for you.”
“Uh? What kind of questions?”
Yuya shrugged. “First of all... You've gotta tell me. What's the deal with Otoishi, anyway? What the hell went down between him and your brother? Spill it!”
Okuyasu took in a sharp breath. He didn't like to talk about it – he didn't even know all the details, honestly. But he had his theories. Educated theories, ones influenced by being practically a little brother to Otoishi for a few years.
The thought of it was like an arrow through Okuyasu's heart.
Keicho and Akira had become fast friends shortly after the Nijimura family relocated to Morioh. Okuyasu had always envied their closeness; he'd never had a best friend like that. The two boys had been absolutely inseparable for a good three years or so and Okuyasu would tag along as often as Keicho would allow. Akira would visit their home frequently, and many nights Keicho would sleep over at his friends' place as well – leaving Okuyasu either alone or stuck with their father.
“I don't know, Fungami. Really. It's as much a mystery t' me as anyone else.”
“Bullshit. I can see right through you.”
Okuyasu met his steely gaze. He wasn't a great a liar, and Yuya could probably smell his sweat or something, the pervert...
“Musta been artistic differences, I guess.” He shrugged, and thought about the last time Akira had ever come to their house.
Okuyasu had been in his own bedroom, struggling with a new song he was learning on his bass. The older boys were out in the living room watching horror movies or something, if memory served. The Nijimura brothers had been left alone in their house that night – something that was becoming more and more frequent lately – and Keicho was happy to take advantage of this by having his best bro over with a few underage beers and inappropriate video tapes.
Anyway, up to that point everything had been par for the course, and so Okuyasu hadn't committed much to memory. What he did remember though, clear as day, was a loud crash from the living room. He'd snapped his head up towards his door, but hadn't moved.
“The fuck is your problem?!” Keicho had yelled.
Okuyasu hadn't heard the reply.
“You better be fucking with me, man, or I'm going to kick your ass!”
Okuyasu ran to his door, pressed his ear against it to try to hear more. But whatever Akira was saying, it was quiet, level, calm. Completely the opposite of the older Nijimura.
“Shut up!” The response was so sharp, Okuyasu had jumped and backed off from the door a bit. The only person Keicho ever spoke to like this was... well. Him. “Get the fuck away from me!”
There was another crash, and then another. It sounded like both boys were pissed now, and taking it out on the living room furniture.
“Get out of my house. Go! And don't come near me again or I swear I'll kill you.”
Now Okuyasu heard Akira clearly: “Fine! Fuck you too!”
There was a stomping of footsteps and a slam of the door that made the entire house shake, made Okuyasu flinch. After a short pause, Keicho had let out a wordless, guttural scream and kicked something across the room.
Finally Okuyasu cracked his bedroom door open. “...Bro?” he called.
“Stay out of it, Okuyasu,” snarled Keicho as he stormed down the hallway to his own bedroom. Then, he'd spat out a single word. Even under his breath it was unmistakable; a slur dripping with venom and betrayal and fear. Okuyasu swallowed hard and closed his door again.
The two brothers never spoke about the incident, and rarely spoke about Akira at all except for the occasional catty remark when they walked by a utility pole plastered with flyers for his upcoming shows.
Okuyasu knew better than to ask what had happened that night. He had a pretty good idea, anyway. He'd heard the rumors about Akira Otoishi – all of the guys in their school had.
Back in the dingy record store, Okuyasu let out a heavy sigh. He wondered if Yuya had heard the rumors; wondered if he cared.
“Ugh, alright, stop brooding Nijimura, I can't stand it.” Yuya clicked his tongue. “If you won't talk, fine. I'll leave you alone about it. At least until the next time I can get you drunk.” He stretched his back and eyed the other suspiciously. “So what about you and your, uh, crush or whatever? How's the boy toy?”
Despite the teasing, the change of topic lightened Okuyasu's heart considerably. He smirked and shook his head. “Pfff. You really wanna know?”
“Yeah, sure. Not like I got anything else going on right now.” Yuya gestured around the empty store. “Besides, it'll be funny watching you strike out again.”
Okuyasu grunted. “Don't count on it, bro. Things have actually been going pretty well on that front.” He folded his arms and flashed a smug grin.
“Oh yeah?” Yuya stood up a little straighter, studied him. “Whoa, hold up – don't tell me you actually have a boyfriend now?”
Okuyasu opened his mouth but hesitated, his smile fading after a moment. “...hm.” He put his hands on his hips, racked his brain. Had they actually said that word– Boyfriend? He'd said a lot of shit in a horny stupor, but he didn't remember defining anything so concretely. He'd been in such a daze that he hadn't even really thought about what that night had signified. It had all felt so easy when they'd woken up in the middle of the night and laughed about what a mess they'd made, and cleaned up together, and then fallen back asleep in fresh sheets, lazily making out until sleep overtook them once more. And when Josuke had gotten up early to leave for his job at the real estate office, and Oku had groaned and reached back for him and told him to stay. And when Josuke had hesitated, even if just for a second, considering it...
“I keep losing you, dude,” Yuya said dryly.
“Oh.” Okuyasu blinked the memories away. “Sorry.”
“Jeez, stop holding out on me, Nijimura! Since when did you become so coy?”
“I'm not! I just.” He paused. “I don't think he's my boyfriend.”
“You don't know?” Okuyasu raised his arms in a helpless shrug and Yuya slammed his hands on the counter. “Dude! How are you so bad at this?!”
“I dunno!” Okuyasu groaned and sank to the floor, where he lie face-down in a puddle of self-deprecation. Yuya craned over the counter to peer down at him.
“Alright, alright, so walk me through what did happen.”
“I told him that I was... I dunno... havin' feelings,” Okuyasu mumbled into threadbare carpet. “And he seemed... into it. We went out to dinner.”
Yuya nodded. “Okay, so did you screw up dinner?”
“No! I mean, it seemed good to me. And afterwards...” He cleared his throat. “I mean... We went to his place.”
The words hung in the air for a few seconds before Yuya whistled and rounded the counter, coming to crouch at Okuyasu's side. “Well, Nijimura, it sounds like you had yourself a one night stand! I didn't think you had it in you!”
“No, no, no! It was more'n that, it was a date! Like a proper date! A really good one!”
“Uh huh, uh huh. Sure. Let's go over the facts.” Yuya held up a fist, counting off bulletpoints on his fingers. “You... showed up to his house and told him... what was it, exactly? Not that you wanted to date him, but...?”
“...That I liked when we kissed.”
“Mhmmmm. And then you went out to dinner...”
“Yeah! A nice one! You don't do that for a casual hook up!”
“...Unless it's with someone way out of your league, and you pay, and then they owe you after.”
“That's not–”
“And so you went back and fucked, and...” Yuya stopped abruptly, a new thought coming to him. “Oh, man. Did you put on music, Nijimura?”
“Um...” He winced. “Mezzanine...”
“Wow. That's... wow.” Yuya raised his eyebrows, shook his head. “You spent the night?”
“How'd you leave?”
“...I don't want to talk about it.”
“My god. It was that bad?”
Several painful moments passed before Okuyasu could bring himself to speak. “He left for work. And I... stayed in bed. Until...” He swallowed. So this was what it was like to dig your own grave, huh? “...I heard his mom come home. And I...” He looked up at Yuya, whose jaw was dropping. “...I snuck out through the window.”
Yuya closed his eyes, exhaled through his nose. He stood up slowly and then gestured around the room to the audience of faces that stared back from album covers. “Ladies and gentlemen: Okuyasu Nijimura.” He preceded to slow clap.
Okuyasu forced himself up into a seated position. In spite of himself, he could feel the tears starting to form at the corners of his eyes. “Fuck. Fuck! You really think that's how he saw it? A one-night stand? It felt... sincere, though, man! Like, I dunno, special!”
“Look, I'm not the expert on these situations, but it sounds to me like you've got yourself, at best, a friend-with-benefits. Which isn't a bad thing, for the record. But yeesh, you really whiffed it this time.”
Okuyasu could feel himself starting to unravel, his mind reaching out for any possibility of damage control. “M-maybe I should make him a mix. Fill it to the brim with the most romantic, lovey-dovey stuff imaginable... Syrupy shit about weddin's and flowers... Where's that list Koichi was makin' for Yukako...?”
“Slow down, Romeo.” Yuya sighed and lowered himself to sit beside the other. “You son of a bitch, when did you trick me into actually caring about you..?”
Brushing his eyes on his sleeve, Okuyasu let out a breathless chuckle. “Huh, ya must've finally figured out that I could completely wreck you in a fight.”
“Unless I outsmarted you, which wouldn't be hard... But look, before I come to my senses, let me make it real simple for you. If you wanna keep hookin' up with him, I say go for it dude, I'll cheer you on! But if you really wanna risk losing that so just you can... play house or whatever... you have to actually tell him.” Yuya paused and added, “You dumbass.”
“Hmm. Ya couldn't just let that be a nice moment, eh?”
Okuyasu sighed, brushed a hand through his hair. “Well, you're not wrong. I am a dumbass. Yukako gave me the exact same advice and I still managed to fuck it up.”
“Yup, you sure did.” Yuya clapped a hand on the other's shoulder. “But hey, cheer up, there's a good chance that Higashikata is just as stupid as you, and you'll spend a long time having boring sex with only each other. So just chill out and give him a call tonight or whatever, alright? And in the meantime, you wanna meddle in Kishibe's love life instead?”
Okuyasu sniffled. “...Yeah. Kinda.”
“Atta boy.” Yuya stood and offered a hand to help Okuyasu to his feet. “Let's close up early and see what we can find out about Reimi's new flavor of the week, eh? I hear he's working at the new Tower Records that opened up across town. Kishibe's gonna lose his mind when he finds out!”
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degenerate-otaku · 3 years
free serotonin:
A fluffy fic of Future Gohan helping Trunks go to bed
(Just in case u wanna check it out and my other one shots
“It's only 9pm!” Trunks protested, folding his arms.
“Yes, but you have to be up early for training!” Gohan retorted, aiming to convince the stubborn teen to go to sleep.
“But it's a Friday night!” Trunks persistently argued.
“The androids won't care what day it is, you have to train and prepare for the next battle!” Gohan responded, his seriousness causing Trunks to sigh and agree.
“It's been so long since you stayed over.” Trunks smiled, rummaging through his messy wardrobe for suitable pyjamas with no holes in them or stains.
“You should tidy up.” Gohan nagged.
“Hey, you're my cool older brother, not my mom!” Trunks laughed, pulling something out that would keep him warm through the night.
“Y-you think I'm cool?!” Gohan blushed slightly. He didn't expect that.
“Well, duh! You're the Golden Warrior! You save so many people from the androids!” His student grinned, putting the pyjamas on his bed.
“Yeah...but I still can't beat them...” Gohan sighed, sitting down on his bed which was beside Trunks.
“You're the one always telling me to lighten up!” Trunks called out to him from the bathroom, which was close by as he started brushing his teeth.
Trunks walked back in his bedroom, which was a frigid basement used previously for storage that he and his mother had converted into a bedroom over the years, the toothbrush still in his hand.
“I guess...” Gohan smiled softly, glancing at Trunks who leant against the door.
“Besides,” The boy's voice was slightly muffled from the toothpaste, “You always say to have hope! That we'll destroy them someday and bring peace!” Trunks then walked back to rinse out his mouth and wash his face, leaving Gohan to ponder on those words that he had forgotten himself.
“Yeah...thanks, little bro.” Gohan yawned as the teen returned and got changed into his nightclothes, not caring about his master being there who had seen him fully naked several times anyway.
“Those scars healing?” Gohan asked and Trunks checked his arms and thighs, then nodded.
“Good...” Gohan, already in clothes he deemed suitable for sleeping (any clothes that weren't his gi), looked at the pictures on the wall of himself and Trunks from a few years ago, as well as the ones of landscapes and the posters Trunks had hung up from old magazines he found. Gohan thought it appeared rather nice for a basement with no heating or windows.
Trunks was about to lift up the covers of his bed, ignoring his clothes that were strewn across the floor before Gohan interrupted him, asking,
“Did you go use the bathroom? Remember what happened when-”
“YES I WENT! I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE!” Trunks exclaimed, his face red from remembering his past...
“Alright, jeez!” Gohan smirked. “How about you turn off the hall light and your lamp if you're so grown-”
“No! It's too dark otherwise!” Trunks refused.
“Riiight.” Gohan teased and his pupil scoffed, getting into his bed, yawning.
Trunks tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, fluffing his pillow and adjusting his sheets.
“Ugh...I hate going to sleep.” He grumbled.
Gohan, who had opted to read before bed, turned to watch him struggle, hiding his laughter.
“Maybe you should read too?” Gohan suggested, holding up his book.
“I'm reading 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu.”
“That sounds boring.” Trunks rolled his eyes, his head sinking into the pillow.
“Well, why don't you read something you find fun?” Gohan turned the page, ignoring his student's comment regarding the book.
Trunks apprehensively pulled out his favourite book from the side of his bed, hiding the cover from Gohan as he lay reading it in the dim light of the lamp beside him.
He grinned at the pages, feeling warm inside from the words on them.
“What's that?” Gohan asked.
“N-Nothing!” He hid it suddenly under the covers.
“Trunks if its... those kinda magazines, I won't judge or tell-”
“WHAT?!” His face was beet red at such a ludicrous accusation.
“N-no it's nothing like that Gohan, I'm not like Master Roshi!” He denied, still hiding the book.
“Just show me!” Gohan implored, leaning over Trunks' bed, separated from his by the bedside table.
Sheepishly, Trunks held up his favourite book,
“The Prince of the Forbidden Forest”
“Oh...that one.” Gohan wearily smiled at it, taking it in his hands.
“Gosh, I gave this to you so long ago...it really helped me when I was younger so I thought it could help you too.” He ran his finger down the worn spine with a crease down it, eyes scanning the cover.
“Yeah...it did help a lot...still does.” Trunks yawned, laying back down.
“Hey...how about I read it to you, like old times?” Gohan offered, flicking through the pages.
“Gohan, I'm not a baby.” Trunks again refused with the same excuse of no longer being a little kid.
“Well...how about I just read it aloud to myself? You can choose to listen.” The Demi-Saiyan smirked, and Trunks said it was a good idea, also grinning deviously as if being read a story was a crime.
Gohan opened the book, getting to the first chapter and began,
“In a busy city, in a busy country, there was a palace. In the Palace there were busy servants and cooks, with busy guards too.”
Trunks himself was following along without the book in front of him. He was able to visualise, the feel of the page, the layout of the paragraphs, the illustrations, all of it.
“In the top of the Palace Tower was a boy who was doing nothing. He was the Prince.
People moved stuff from his room, hurriedly carrying them down the steps, whilst he stared out the window, rain trickling down the double-glazed panes.”
Trunks felt cosier by the second, pulling the blankets close and turning to the side to watch Gohan, an excellent story teller, expertly bring the words to life.
Trunks especially loved when he did the voices for the magical creatures like the trolls and witches and his falsetto for the fairies, but that would come later on, in chapter 4.
“The Prince wore black ever since his father's funeral. He was only 9 when his father, the King, got ill.”
Gohan paused for a moment after that, but continued, every word drawing Trunks closer to the sweet surrender of sleep.
The bedsheets felt heavier and so did the teen's eyelids.
“When he was younger, the Prince would go with his parents out into the woods, but now it was declared dangerous and no-one dared tread there, for fear of the monsters that would attack the town. The Prince dreamt of the day he would become a strong, brave man like his father and defeat them-”
Gohan stopped to check on Trunks.
The boy had fallen asleep soundly.
“Goodnight, little bro...I love you.” He whispered, putting down the book on the table and switching the lamp off before heading to sleep himself.
'Tomorrow we train to defeat the monsters.'
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
Life of a High School Vampire One-Shots 6 One Night Stand
WARNING! This chapter will include alcohol use and implied sexual content. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
**************** Summary: After a high school drinking session, Kai is trying to slip out on his one-night stand when his date wakes up needy, but he quickly gets clarification on what real neediness looks like... ****************
Kai groaned in pain as the morning sun peaked through the curtains and into his closed eyes. He wanted to go back to sleep when his ears and brain were filled with the loud, annoying sounds of dozens of birds chirping loudly. His head was still banging from last night, it felt like someone was using his head like a drum and using ice picks from the drumsticks. He could hardly remember anything about last night. The last thing he could remember was Lloyd dragging him and a reluctant Jay out for the night.
All the schools in the city were gathering together for tournaments and some of the older ones were going out drinking, something Lloyd all but bullied his teammates into.
After that everything was a blank. Groaning, Kai sat up in his bed and he rubbed his sore head and tired eyes. He was never drinking alcohol again. As he opened his eyes, however, he made a disturbing discovery. This wasn't his dorm room. Looking around, he nearly screamed when he saw a strange man fast asleep in the same bed. The man had dark skin with shaggy, raven hair, bushy eyebrows and was snoring loudly. He was so muscular, that Kai thought he was in one of the sports teams that showed up last night.
That is until he saw a sweater from the uniform for the boarding school known as Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts.
Kai didn't care about that, however, as he quickly backed off the bed, falling to the floor with a heavy thud and taking the covers with him. It was then he saw that they were both completely naked, with their clothes scattered around the room. Kai also took note that everything below his waist was aching, but he hoped that that was just from him falling off the bed. Unfortunately, he wasn't stupid. He wasn't a virgin and had been with both men and women, so he knew what that pain was.
As he got to his feet, Kai looked around the room and found a student lanyard with a badge.
On the badge was a picture of the man, showing his soft green eyes and his name; Cole Brookstone. That was when everything came rushing back to Kai. He remembered going to the bar with Lloyd, Jay, and dozens of other students from other schools. He remembered meeting Cole when he left on his own and they started talking. He remembered Cole confessing all his problems at home, school, and with his widowed father to the young vampire as they both got drunker and drunker.
Thankfully, Kai wasn't drunk enough to tell Cole he was a vampire.
The brunette looked the human over again and blushed when he fully took in Cole's body and sized. When his eyes reached Cole's feet, he burst out laughing when he saw it. However, the sound caused Cole to groan and Kai panicked. His instincts suddenly kicked in, telling him to either bite the sleeping man before he woke up and alerted other humans, or hide and escape before he got discovered. Kai quickly dove under the bed, trying not to gag at the hills of dirty laundry and take-out boxes, and waited.
Luckily Cole didn't wake up and soon started snoring again.
Not that the human would probably believe him anyway. Once he was sure his one-night stand was still asleep, Kai carefully crawled out from under the messy bed and started getting dressed. As he collected his clothes from around the room, he found large dumbells, many types of vinyl of soft rock, and dozens of CDs scattered around a large boom box. He also found a few framed pictures of Cole with what Kai assumed to be his friends and father.
He wouldn't be shocked if Cole turned out to be sarcastic and possessed a strong passion for music and exercise.
What shocked the vampire was a picture that showed Cole outside a concert hall with Jay, his and Lloyd's roommate. Kai wondered if should ask Jay about this strange conscious, but he decided not to. It wasn't like he was ever going to see this Cole person after he left. Just as he grabbed his bag, Cole groaned again and started waking up. Kai considered making a break for it but thought against it. He was curious to see how much this Cole remembered and what he thought about Kai.
After a few minutes of waiting, Cole's eyes slowly blinked open, only to cry out and jump when he saw Kai standing in the doorway in all his Gothic glory.
It took a few seconds for the human to fully wake up and calm down, and Kai could hear his racing heart return to a normal pace.
"Oh, sorry, I thought you were a ghost or something." Cole gulped as he stifled a yawn and sat up. It was clear to Kai now that Cole did indeed remember what happened between them last night, and that just made this more awkward to the vampire.
"You're sweet." He replied before adjusting his bag and turned to leave.
"Wait! You're taking off already?!" Cole shouted after him in confusion and hurt, causing Kai to stop and turn back to him.
"I didn't want to rouse you, you were resting in peace." He shrugged, figuring that if Cole wanted him to stay then he would creep the human out so much he would run for the hills, just like all the others.
"Yeah, sorry if those birds woke you up, they're like the worst." Cole chuckled lightly and glanced out the opened window as the birds continued to chirp. How anyone could sleep through that was beyond Kai. An awkward silence filled the bedroom until Cole cleared his throat. "Well, before you go, do you think I could get your, uh, get your number?" he asked with a nervous blush, catching Kai off guard.
"Why do you want my phone number?" He asked. Humans always either avoided him or mocked him, not ask for his phone number. The only ones who spoke to him on a near-daily basis were Jay and Lloyd, but that only because they shared a dorm room together.
"I don't know, so I could call you or something?" Cole replied in confusion.
"I don't really use a cell phone." Kai shrugged, not lying. When they found out he didn't have a phone, Lloyd got him one and had already put his and Jay's numbers in it, without the ginger teen's permission, saying that a phone was a necessity in a teenager's life. But Kai didn't believe that so he often left his phone at the dorm, just like he did last night.
"Cool, yeah, I don't want to be a prisoner to technology either... so that's awesome, I guess." Cole chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, but it just made things more awkward. "So I take it that you're not online either?"
"No," Kai replied harshly. The thing he hated more than humans were their dependence on social media. There were too many disadvantages of social networking. It caused a lack of emotional connection, gave humans a license to be hurtful, decreased face-to-face communication skills, conveyed inauthentic expression of feelings, diminished understanding and thoughtfulness, and caused face-to-face interactions to feel disconnected. This response just made Cole even more uncomfortable, which is what Kai wanted.
"Oookay, um, so how can I get in contact with you?" The noirette asked.
"I have an email address; inmemoryofKaiSmith ." He replied, trying to hide a smirk as Cole process that.
"That makes it sound like you're dead." He laughed.
"I like to plan ahead." Kai shrugged, but to his annoyance, this only seemed to make Cole more eager.
"Alright, so I'll email you then." He smiled at the brunette.
"Do you really wanna see me again?" Kai asked, feeling an uncomfortable mixture of anger, frustration, and confusion as Cole's insistence.
"Yeah, Kai, of course! I mean, I like you." He admitted with a blush, and Kai was horrified when he felt his own cheeks heat up with his own blush. "You're not like other guys I've seen in Ninjago."
"That's accurate." He smiled weakly, but he still didn't like the fact this human wouldn't take a hint.
"D-Do you like me?" Cole suddenly asked, soundly slightly worried but hopeful, but Kai saw this as another chance to get rid of the teen.
"You're alive, aren't you?"
"You're welcome," Kai smirked as Cole paled slightly. He could tell this human was different from all the others he had met and it might be fun to see him again. "I'll find you when I'm ready to see you." He added as he grabbed his bag again and made to leave once more.
"B-But you don't have any of my contact information!" Cole exclaimed.
"Don't worry, you won't be hard to track down."
"Let me at least walk you out." Cole offered as sat up some more to get up.
"I appreciate the gesture, but your chains don't reach that far." Kai grinned mischievously and started walking again. Cole frowned in confusion and he made to get up, only to freeze when he felt something on both his ankles. He ripped the covers away and gasped when he saw a pair of thick, metal shackles on them and chains connected to them to the bed. Cole looked up again to ask Kai what was going on, but the brunette was long gone.
Before Cole could think of what to do next, a bone-chilling banshee-like shriek filled the air outside the bedroom window, followed by the birds going crazy and a sickening crunch.
All was silent after that. There were no birds, no people, or cars driving past for a few seconds before they returned. All except the birds annoying chirping. He just shrugged it off as a cat or two attacking and scaring the birds away. Cole sat in his bed for a few minutes as shock, fear, and excitement filled him. He couldn't explain it, but something about Kai thrilled him and he couldn't wait to see the brunette again. If he ever got out of these chains, however.
With a heavy sigh, Cole grabbed his phone off the bedside table and called a locks smith.
This was going to be hard to explain...
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quiverwingduck · 4 years
When you have a second-hand alter-ego, some identity crises are bound to crop up. When they do, it helps to have a Launchpad. 
(Includes minor descriptions of injuries.)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27794749
Twitter Link:
    Darkwing Duck woke sometime around sun-up, judging by the severity of the beams of sunlight that squeezed through the cracks around the garage bay door to glare into his eyes. They highlighted the dust in the air that he’d been breathing in while he slept, and they did very, very little to warm the solid concrete he had passed out on. 
    He was laying face down on Launchpad’s floor, several feet between him and the couch he’d been borrowing ever since his last gig went up in flames. Launchpad slept on a platform above his little area, and that was about all the privacy he got these days. Except Launchpad wasn’t here now. If he was, Darkwing would hear the snores. If he was, he wouldn’t have left Darkwing on the floor all night. 
    Darkwing moved his arms to prop himself up, and there was an audible pop, a cacophony of grinding and scraping from somewhere within, and a debilitating stab of pain. It was jarring enough that even Darkwing “Get Back Up” Duck had to give pause. His whole body was sore and that made it hard to pinpoint any single injury, but if whatever it was wasn’t completely broken yet, putting pressure on it would certainly get it there.
He tested one arm and then the other, and used the one that hurt less to push himself up. Except as he shifted his leg, it happened again, and this time it was bad enough that his vision melted away and he collapsed. 
Above Launchpad’s couch, there hung one of several posters of Darkwing Duck. Jim Starling’s Darkwing Duck. The real, the original, the one he was meant to emulate. He was looking down on him. He was always looking down on him. It was only a piece of paper, but it was difficult to shake the notion that Jim Starling was seeing him fail. 
He held Jim’s artificial gaze until consciousness left him again. 
When Darkwing Duck woke again, it had tilted towards noon, and the air in the garage had grown warm and stale, and Launchpad was there, and he looked so upset, and there were voices outside, and the world came at Darkwing so fast the moment he opened his eyes that it dazed him. Launchpad was asking him questions that he couldn’t hear, much less answer. 
Launchpad’s arm slipped under Darkwing’s and hoisted him up off the floor with no effort at all. There was dried blood where he’d been laying. Darkwing had no idea where it had come from. There were any number of bad sensations to choose from. 
Launchpad’s voice faded in abruptly, like someone had cranked the volume on a stereo. “--McDee’s right outside, DW, you gotta be quiet!”
Darkwing hadn’t realized he’d been making noise, but as Launchpad jostled him, a prevailing pain shot up his leg and into his back, and he had to cut off a yelp by holding his own bill shut. 
Unable to walk, unable to process, and there stood Jim, watching him in all his shortcomings. 
Launchpad fell into what was rapidly becoming a familiar routine with him. Hide the costume. Clean up. Bandage wounds. Food, generally refused. At least a little water. Then sleep. Darkwing wanted sleep so badly. Whatever had just happened to him, it didn’t feel like rest. Exhaustion was still weighing on him, a cinderblock hung around his neck by a thin little string. It pulled him under again while Launchpad was stitching up a frighteningly deep, jagged gash across his abdomen. 
When he surfaced once more, Launchpad was still there. Darkwing had made it to the couch somehow, all stitched and bandaged and cozy under one of Launchpad’s big, heavy blankets. Launchpad was sitting next to the spot where Darkwing’s head was laid, on the one cushion he wasn’t taking up, sprawled out as he was. 
Darkwing woke facing the cushion, and the wall where Jim’s poster hung. He rolled over as quickly as his he could, pushing against fatigue and stiffening wounds, but Jim’s face was right there waiting for him on the TV screen, too. He hated the dread he felt. 
“Hey, LP,” he said, croaking. His throat was still full of garage floor grit and maybe a little blood. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Nah,” Launchpad said flippantly, pointing the remote outward to turn the volume down. “Mister McDee’s doing work around the house, and Della took the Sunchaser out.”
Darkwing grunted, shifting onto his back and shutting his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at Jim anymore, just for one minute. 
“You feeling better, DW?” Launchpad continued. Darkwing could feel him staring, and decided not to look back. 
“Sure, Launchpad. I’m fine. I am unflappable. I’m—”
“Darkwing Duck. I know.”
“I was gonna say the terror that flaps in the night.” 
Launchpad let out a sigh, and Darkwing felt a hand on his stomach. It wasn’t a tender touch. He could feel Launchpad pressing down on his abdomen, just hard enough that it would cause a reaction if something were wrong internally, and for all either of them knew something might be. Darkwing kept his eyes and his mouth shut and willed Launchpad not to notice him clench his teeth. 
Launchpad knew better by now than to suggest a doctor visit. Instead he said, “Go back to sleep, DW,” and his hand moved up to Darkwing’s hair. 
The next time Darkwing woke up, Launchpad hadn’t moved a muscle, but he had burned through about half of season two. He was currently on the episode where Darkwing Duck had been driven to hang up his cape, thanks to the machinations of Quackerjack. The breakfast sandwich that Launchpad had left out for him hours and hours prior was starting to stink up the garage even worse, old egg and mayonnaise and cheese. 
The only indication that Launchpad had moved recently was a water bottle pressed against Drake’s eye, still a little bit cold. It felt nice. He didn’t need to look to know that eye was swollen and bruised. 
Launchpad had Darkwing’s cape laid out over his lap, and was neatly and patiently running a needle through it, closing up yet another hole.
Darkwing sat up on his own for the first time since he had broken into the garage in the small, dark hours of morning and cracked that water bottle open, draining it in one swig. 
“Morning, DW,” Launchpad said, good-natured as ever, though Darkwing could see plainly that the sun had already begun to descend.
This time, Launchpad paused the show. Darkwing wished he hadn’t, now staring down the barrel of a freeze frame of Jim’s face looking straight back at him, an expression that was angry and judgmental, but somehow still wearing a wicked little smirk. 
Launchpad, clearly not noticing Darkwing’s chagrin, kept on talking. “Hey, did I ever ask you what you thought of the characterization with Quackerjack in season two? It felt odd, right? Like maybe—”
“Like maybe Paddywhack’s influence never fully went away? Yeah.” Darkwing smiled good-naturedly. He’d definitely had this conversation with Launchpad multiple times already in the few short weeks he’d been living here. There was a time in his life where he would have loved to talk circles about deep Darkwing Duck lore, but that time had passed, violently and without ceremony. 
Launchpad tilted his gaze Darkwing’s way. He didn’t look any less upset than he had when he’d first found Darkwing on the floor. “You feeling alright?” he asked again. This, too, was part of their routine. The smell of old breakfast turned Darkwing’s stomach. “Sixteen stitches, DW. That’s a lot of stitches. Any stitches is a bad number of stitches.” 
“Launchpad, I’m fine,” Darkwing replied, because he was supposed to. It was part of a script, for a role that was getting more and more difficult to step out of.
“You also might have a break this time.”
Launchpad pressed a finger against Darkwing’s left ankle, just one, and it lit up with fire. Darkwing’s eyes filled with water, and with no mask and wide, droopy hat brim to hide behind. 
“Quit poking me!” he snapped. “I said I’m fine!” The crushing guilt for being mean to Launchpad McQuack set in immediately, but Darkwing found that feeling bad just made him angrier. On the screen, Jim watched his outburst.
“This was your idea, LP! Remember? Remember ‘do it for Jim’, Launchpad?”
Launchpad clicked the power off, Jim’s face vanishing into a black screen that reflected their own instead, Darkwing scowling and Launchpad frowning, looking so sad in that bottomless and expansive way that he felt every emotion. Darkwing hesitated, beak hanging open in disbelief at himself. “I’m sorry,” he said right away, and he meant it. “I’m sorry. That was awful. I—I need to go.”
“Drake, no—” Launchpad started, but Darkwing snatched the cape away from him, thread and needle still hanging off of it, and moved to stand. He stopped immediately when his broken foot touched the floor, debilitated by the searing agony that started in his leg and burned all the way up into his brain. 
Launchpad, ever helpful even when someone was treating him like garbage, shot his arms out to give Darkwing something to lean on that wasn’t his injured leg. “I was gonna say that you won’t be able to walk,” Launchpad said dryly. 
Darkwing Duck stood, as best as he possibly could, and exhaled slowly, weighing his options. Night was settling in, and with it came a need, gnawing at him like Jim’s inescapable glare. “I have to patrol,” he said, knowing already that wasn’t the answer Launchpad wanted.
“On a broken foot?”
“I’ll call an Uberd.”
“An Uberd? Do I mean nothing to you?”
Launchpad griped, mirroring back the same overdramatic overacting that Darkwing himself was known for. He was trying to play, trying to lighten the mood, trying to trick him into calming down. 
Darkwing grumbled in frustration. The poster loomed over their heads, and he thought back on the day the studio caught fire. The day that Jim Starling finally snapped. The day that Launchpad McQuack nearly died right before his eyes, a split-second and a hair away from being caught up in the explosion, all because he’d wanted to help. 
Darkwing closed his eyes and tried to will the omnipresent vision of Jim Starling away. “I have to be out there. I have to do something. I…”
It was the second time already that Launchpad had used his actual name, and somehow it stung worse than his ankle, or the stitches in his gut. Was the idea that he could actually become Darkwing Duck slipping away from Launchpad already?
Drake breathed in deep and tried to swallow his fears, but they remained, boiling over and spilling out of his mouth. “... If I stop moving, I start to think about Jim, and I… I can’t think about Jim.” 
Launchpad looked puzzled. His gaze turned up to the poster as if he was realizing for the first time in a long time that it was even there. 
Drake wished he could leave it at that and just stop talking, but that’s not what he did. “Jim died, Launchpad. He died because he hated me, and he hated me so much that he hurt innocent people over it. He hated me so much that he stopped being a hero. He hated me so much that it killed him.”
“Drake. Jim died saving us, remember?”
“No, he died saving you,” Drake said bitterly. “I was just in the way.”
“... Do you want me to take the poster down?” 
Drake balked. It had occurred to him, of course, but the thought of actually making Launchpad do it opened up a well of guilt. “No. No, no, I just—I should find someplace else to sleep, this is your space and—” Launchpad was already standing up and reaching for the poster, and without the support, Darkwing’s leg gave and he sank back down onto the cushions, grabbing uselessly at Launchpad’s sleeve. “No, LP, stop. Really.”
“It’s just a piece of paper, DW,” Launchpad said. He peeled it carefully off the wall, collecting sticky tack between his fingers, and rolled the paper up delicately in his hand, picture facing in. No longer a source of torment, just a white tube. He tucked it away behind some stacked crates serving as a table, or a dresser, or maybe just crates.
“But it’s… still important to you,” Drake said. “You shouldn’t have to take it down on my account.”
“The real Darkwing Duck’s crashing on my couch, that’s way more impressive than an old poster.”
The real Darkwing Duck. Drake sat with those words for awhile, staring unfocused at the empty spot on the wall. “... There is no real Darkwing Duck,” he said finally, dejected, throat tight. “I’m still just a dumb kid playing make-believe.” 
There was a heavy pause, neither of them daring to so much as shuffle their feet or breathe too loudly. Launchpad kept his eyes on the spot behind the crates where he had stored his Jim Starling poster, turned away just enough that Drake couldn’t read his expression. When Launchpad did turn back to him, he was grinning in a way Drake doubted he had been before.
“Hey, you wanna grab a burger?” Launchpad asked, as upbeat as ever.
Drake gave him a dumbfounded look, slowly processing what Launchpad was trying to do. Could it be so easy to just let the moment pass? Was it the right thing to do? Or was he just taking advantage? 
Launchpad’s expression fell a little as he waited for a response, and he adjusted his approach, cutting off a downward spiral that must have been apparent in Drake’s face.
“I love Darkwing Duck,” he said, speaking slowly, with carefully chosen words. “But… I’m worried about Drake Mallard. I haven’t seen much of him lately.”
“Thought I was—”
“You have to be both,” Launchpad said, speaking over Drake. “You are Darkwing Duck, and you are Drake. It’s not just a role you’re playing. It’s not separate. It’s part of you.”
Drake threw his arms up as if there were a physical onslaught he could block. He almost wished there were. That’s a situation he would know how to handle. 
“You gotta ask for help,” Launchpad went on, softer now. “I never said for you to do it all alone.”
Drake took in a deep breath. Relying on someone else still felt like failure, but it was easier to fall into without the weight of Jim Starling’s judgment hanging over him. “Okay, LP,” he said, exhaling. “I need your help.”
Launchpad brightened up instantaneously. It came so damn easy for him. Drake--Darkwing--wondered if he could hold onto that radiance somehow and let Launchpad drag him out of his rut. 
“We’re gonna get some burgers and fries,” Launchpad said decisively, already reaching for the keys to Scrooge’s green Jeep, “and we’re gonna spend a quiet night in, and tomorrow I’m gonna take you out on patrol, ‘cause that leg is not gonna heal in 24 hours.”
Launchpad was nice enough to not point out that a busted leg meant Darkwing would not be running down criminals for weeks to come, and Darkwing didn’t point it out either. He let Launchpad hoist him up and pile him into the car, the both of them carefully guarding his injuries.
The road that would take them into town spiraled several times around Killmotor Hill. Whenever Darkwing had to take this descent on foot, he typically scaled down the sides, sliding down rocky faces and trudging through bushes. It was just faster. This time, he got to sit comfortably in the passenger side, gazing out the window at the landscape and shorelines around them. 
Launchpad, evidently, was taking in the sights as well. He righted the car and himself a second after they nicked the guardrail, and Darkwing screamed a little louder than he was proud of.
“Whoops, sorry!” Launchpad shouted, jerking the wheel, but over Launchpad’s voice Darkwing could hear another one, muffled and tinny and jarringly familiar, coming from the glove compartment. Darkwing popped it open and pulled out a little Darkwing Duck bobblehead, looking thoroughly placid as he held it up to his own face.
“You are such a nerd,” he said, tapping the bobblehead so it would spit out the titular catchphrase. 
“Okay, Darkwing Duck,” Launchpad quipped right back. The two laughed at themselves and at each other, and something heavy in Drake’s ribcage dissipated. Drake put the toy on the dashboard instead of hiding it away again, and it felt okay.
Later, parked next to a burger joint where they sat pulling greasy fries out of a paper sack, Launchpad reached over and tapped the bobblehead again. “I looked for First Darkness merch, too,” he said. “There wasn’t much.”
“Yeah, they produced some to capitalize on the release, but I think even the bigwigs didn’t expect the movie to do very well. Feels weird to admit. Like, don’t get me wrong, I was over the moon to get the part, but I was thinking years in the future. I was thinking that there would be more releases to follow, maybe even a reboot of the show, and I’d… I’d be there, because I had to be. I’m Darkwing Duck.” 
He was Darkwing Duck. He’d wanted it all along, his whole life. He could never have become anything else, and the version of himself that had denied it just ten minutes prior felt like a different person. A stranger. 
Drake took a pause, holding a rapidly cooling french fry between his fingers because suddenly his stomach was too knotted to eat it. “I guess that’s all Jim wanted too, huh?”
“Jim… lost his way.”
“And what if I lose mine?”
Launchpad reached over. His hand completely dwarfed Drake’s, fingers curling inward around it, and slowly threading through Drake’s. Drake stopped breathing, something he prayed Launchpad didn’t notice as he worked the ulterior motive of sliding the french fry out of Drake’s grasp and stealing it away into his own mouth. 
“I get that you’re mixed up about Jim,” Launchpad said eventually, through chewing. “It was… scary. But it doesn’t have to take away what Darkwing Duck means to us, you know? I understand if you don’t wanna watch the show with me, but don’t give up on Darkwing Duck. He’s so much more than a TV character.”
Drake caught a hint of desperation, the tiniest hairline crack in Launchpad’s relentless glee. It gave him pause, observing as Launchpad upended the carton of fries into his mouth and chewed through a frown. 
“Okay, LP. I told you what Darkwing Duck is to me. What is he to you?”
A huge grin cracked across Launchpad’s face, and Drake sensed he’d made a mistake.
“He’s my hero, and he’s an inspiration, and he thinks he doesn’t snore at night but he definitely does.”
“Rude! Slanderous and rude!”
“Like the Sunchaser’s engine after I crashed into that dam.”
Drake stuck his tongue out, and Launchpad did the same, and then a silence fell over the car. One not too comfortable, Drake content to sit there and eat quietly in the company of his best friend, but acutely aware of the way Launchpad squirmed in his seat, trying in vain not to let more words spill from his mouth. 
“Darkwing Duck was my only friend when I needed one most.”
A cold stab in Drake’s gut, thinking back on beatings in the schoolyard, dented lunchbox, handmade cape torn from his shoulders, the ground rushing at him. Someone’s foot planted on his back to keep him down while others kicked and punched and spat. Blood and dirt and tears and lonely nights spent bandaging his knuckles while the television droned in the background. Telling himself that if Darkwing Duck could take the hits, then so could he.  
He wondered if Launchpad had ever endured the same. Poor, sweet, big-hearted Launchpad. 
    Drake shook the memories, and sighed dramatically, holding out his fries. Launchpad took the container from his hand without hesitation, and within seconds, they were gone. “As always, LP, you are right.” 
    “I am?” Launchpad said, an elated glimmer in his eyes. “So you’ll keep being Darkwing Duck and inspiring a new generation to stand strong and fight for what’s right?”
    “Well, yes,” Drake said, as he prodded a finger lightly against his abdomen and marveled at the searing pain that flared up. “But I meant about taking some time off… and maybe finding a doctor.” 
    “Oh!” Launchpad grabbed his burger, wedging it in his mouth before putting the keys in the ignition. He hit the gas hard, intending to speed off in what Drake imagined would have been a very cool fashion, but the car flew into reverse instead, and they were sent careening through a chain link fence, screaming.
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batarella · 4 years
The Commander - Part 9 (Arkham Knight x Reader)
I just want to thank you all for the kind comments and messages. I was afraid of disappointing you with the next chapters. So please let me know what you all think! It lets me know if I’m on the right track!
“So what do they call you? Peashooter?”
This kid was a fucking menace. And the red and yellow on his suit just made him even more irritating to look at. The bullets just bounced off of him. Either that, or she’ll have to face her uncle for missing so many shots at once. She gripped onto the two pistols with her life.
Aim for the head.
She saw his cape rolling into a pile of boxes and fired.
“Silver Sniper! The Mini Gunner! Come on, I can think of loads of names right now!”
The boxes had become an exploded mess by then. Robin wasn’t there. She backed off, panting. Y/N had to get out of this. She focused on the sounds, or any movement from the ground’s vibrations, but there was nothing. Which meant-
“Fuck!” Robin jumped from the ledge above and tackled her to the ground. Y/N kneed his groin, then landed a punch on his face. She pushed him off of her and ducked just as he pounced for her head.
He blocked her kicks with his arms, then grabbed her right fist, then her left, just as she threw them, but she high kicked his hold and pushed him back. She kept throwing her punches, and he easily blocked them without blinking.
Y/N growled, but Robin just smirked at her. He threw a punch at her stomach, but didn’t see her foot aiming just at his chest.
He threw back, and it was enough time for her to pick up her pistols and aim at his head.
But just as she pulled the trigger, two batarangs landed right at the muzzels. The firearms exploded in her hands and her body was thrown to the floor. Robin laughed. “You were looking an awful lot like Lara Croft there, kid.”
“You think this is intimidating me, bird boy?”
“Without your precious guns, maybe it is.”
Jason ran right up to her, withstanding all the bullets she could fire with his armor thick enough to go against missiles, and pushed her to the ground, picking up her guns and throwing them over the roof. The Commander kicked him in the stomach and rolled off.
“No guns.”
His voice filter just sounded annoying at this point. Y/N picked herself up and ran to him, throwing a punch aiming for his neck. He saw her alternating strikes and dodged every one of them, blocking her knee with his own wrist. She landed a kick, but he grabbed her ankle and flung her off to the ledge, her back hitting the cement.
“Stop throwing me around, asshole!” she coughed.
This man was one she wanted dead at some point and was so tempted to help kill him, she was almost at the front gates of Arkham just to do so. At the last minute, she decided against it.
She might be a killer, but she was no monster.
Then she ended up sleeping with that same man, several times, even going so far as sharing a kiss at a time and place that a kiss meant the most.
And here he was again, Jason, finishing a war that started years ago.
Jason skidded to her front, his shoes making her lose balance. They rolled around the floor, with either on top and throwing their fists only to meet the ground. Y/N was first to roll off and regain her stance, but Jason managed to duck before she hit his head.
She had to tire him out. His hits were strong. Too strong in fact. More of those and his arms would eventually weaken. It was her turn to block his fists, her torso turning around while also keeping an eye on his lower body.
Her punches were swift, fast, and almost as light as air. They weren’t enough on their own, but if she gained her momentum it would be enough to throw her opponent off. She knew Jason had that in mind, especially since he was the exact opposite. He was slower, but each hit was strong enough to land her on the ground.
It had always been hard to best him. In fact, she never could say she’d beaten him in a fight. But this will be the first.
As a fight long awaited, it was too bad no one else saw them. They were dancing. A violent, bone-crushing dance.
And it was epic.
Her legs were flying in the air as Y/N twisted his arm and placed her whole weight right on his shoulder. She pulled at his wrist, gaining a cry from him.
“Get off me!”
“You asked for this, you son of a-“
And a massive blow of his strength pushed her off. She was panting, and she let her guard down for a split second and he had her against the wall, grabbing her by the collar.
“This making you hard, Knight?” she whispered.
Jason should’ve seen her knee between his legs. He let go of her, and she tackled him to the ground. She tried hitting his visor, but her already bruised fist gave out and Jason flipped them over.
He held her down with his muscled arm hard against her neck. Y/N struggled and she could only look up to his visor. The glass had broken and his grunts were no longer filtered. She could see his face, teeth gritting, and his eyes looking straight back at her. She used the last of her strength to push him off.
It had to be hours. The Commander was panting, and all her limbs felt like falling to the ground. “Stop!” Jason said, struggling to pull himself up the floor. He had to catch his breath as well, opening his visor to let the cold air in. She leaned her arm against the cement.
The sky had lightened. And the stars had disappeared. She was breathing so hard the air just seemed too thin. Jason laid flat on the ground, staring blankly above. Y/N pressed her back against the ledge and her body melted to the ground.
The worthiest opponent. And still, no one bested the other. She waited until the air wasn’t such a blur and the floor no longer spinning, and he on the ground. They sat there for as long as they’d fought until the sun had fully risen.
He hadn’t said a word, but she could see his chest rising and falling, eventually into a steadier pace. When she thought she could, she stood up, slowly walking up to Jason.
She caught his eye, and extended her hand. He looked at her up and down, but for once, he actually took it. She pulled him up.
“This conversation never happened.”
Jason pulled his hand away. “Just the conversation or everything that happened after it?”
“Need I remind you the militia leaves for Gotham in three days. This was stupid. We don’t have time for this.”
“Fine. Whatever.”
She brushed off her suit, lasting a glare at him before turning for the hatch on the floor. She pulled it open.
“I’m sorry,” Jason said.
She didn’t even look back at him. “Fuck off.”
Her head was burning. She needed ice, right at the center of her cheek. She tried not to look at Jason or else she’d attack him from across the table again. He had a new visor on, as if he kept spare ones in his drawers. If she had broken bones somewhere they’ll have to be ignored.
“I told Stagg the Cloudburst arrives in Gotham today. He’s responsible for hiding it in his bunkers until I give the signal.”
Deathstroke filled in. “How do we filter out the effects from our men?”
“Their masks give them immunity,” said the Knight.
“And does everyone have this mask? I told you we had new recruits.”
“Everyone is accounted for,” Crane said. “Our men will be fine.”
“Have you even tested the toxin recently?”
Scarecrow stood from his chair. “The Cloudburst will do much more than just release the toxin. I’ve asked Stagg to amplify its poison gas into the density of rainclouds. The city will be a barren wasteland. And if the Dark Knight fails, all of Gotham will fall.”
Jason seemed satisfied. “I’ll make sure to alert our men before I release the toxin.”
“I thought the Commander drives the Cloudburst,” said Slade.
“If it has anything to do with facing Batman head on, I’ll do it. The Commander’s tasked mainly at HQ.”
“Actually,” Crane said. “Commander Y/N has the expertise to control the tank, don’t you Commander?”
The Commander sat back against the chair. “I do.”
“She’s the best man for the job, Knight.”
“I said, I’ll do it. We had a deal. I get to kill Batman!”
Scarecrow wasn’t bothered. “And is it with the Cloudburst that you end his life with? The Cloudburst isn’t used as our primary weapon, Knight. It is used for the toxin.”
“It’s the best weapon we’ve got.”
“Then perhaps that means our drones are far from enough.”
Slade stammered, “Those drones are mine and they work perfectly.”
“I don’t care if I have a knife or a tank,” Jason said. “He looks into my eyes while he dies.”
“Your delay in Gotham tells me your history with the Dark Knight will work to your disadvantage.”
“We had to hack into GCPD,” The Commander finally said. She’d join in on the argument, but her jaw hurt too much. Then she took out the hacking device from her jacket and slid it across the table to Slade.
“The Commander has her own work. I will not just sit in a chair and watch everything happen from a camera.”
“We all know you won’t be doing that, kid,” Deathstroke interrupted. “I say we send the Commander.”
“Her best position is to watch and control all comms and drones at HQ. She will lead the whole army. I gave her that job weeks ago, Wilson.”
“Enough,” the Commander said. “I’ll take the Cloudburst. The Knight can take a serpent drone and attack the Alpha Target once the tank destroys his car. He kills him right then.”
Slade slams his palms against the table. “How bout that?”
“A serpent drone?”
“I fire at his car, you make sure your visor filters out the gas and you take him out from above.”
Jason seemed skeptical, but Deathstroke had already stood up from his chair. “Have at it, Commander.”
Jason wasn’t having it. He went after Slade after he’d left the room. The commander winced at the pain in her lower body, struggling to even stand up. She started for the door, and Crane blocked her out.
“Commander,” he whispered. Y/N pretended not to look at him.
“I know what went on with you and the Knight.”
The Commander kept looking at the ground. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
“I have eyes in Gotham. You cannot talk your way out of this.”
“Whatever it is you think, that isn’t the case. Nothing happened between us.”
Crane neared his face dangerously close to Y/N. And suddenly, she had a whiff of his toxin. It was in his breath. In a daze, she looked straight into his eyes and saw demons crawl out of them. Her breath was shortened and she stiffed.
“I don’t care about either of you,” he said. “But if this affects the deployment of my toxin in any way, I’ll make sure he suffers your own consequences.”
“Get out of my face, Crane.”
“I know your fear. I know everybody’s fear. The Knight is deadly, but the man’s as fragile as broken glass. And as stubborn as a mangy dog. You would know that.”
He was making her see it. And hear things she wasn’t supposed to hear. There were screams. Not hers, but of Jason’s. And she could see his face crying out in agony. But she couldn’t look away from the blackness that was Crane’s eyes.
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Yes, in fact, you do,” Crane breathed and backed away.
There were still remnants of the toxin when he headed out the door.
“You have two days, Commander. Make it count.”
It was death.
That was what stared at her in the face.
It wasn’t just Jason, or Crane. It was death.
It was cold, and the streets were barren and full of shit. They were far away from the city, but the countryside had a small town just a mile away. She didn’t have to take her bike. Y/N walked even when the sidewalks were small enough for her to be run over at just a slight turn of a wheel.
But she didn’t care, not even when she felt it rain so slightly, the droplets disappeared as it made contact with her clothes. Y/N pulled up her hood and continued down the road.
There weren’t much people, even at this hour. She wasn’t even afraid anyone would pull her to the alleys and leave her defenseless. Her focus was on the ground, moving downward until she met the curb.
The light glowed red, even with no cars passing by. She stood there, waiting. And in front of her was a small diner.
It was the classic retro feel. There was a jukebox at the corner, red seats backed up against the window while a waitress in blue took the orders of the two people inside. A mother and her son. He seemed happy with the single slice of pie on his plate.
She looked away before she’s thought about it even more.
But even then, it was too late. It hurt before it even dawned to her.
In another world, where she wasn’t taken in by her uncle, she’d have gone into a diner just like the one in front of her, ordered a burger and a chocolate milkshake knowing the rain would fall in and it would take her too long to get home for dinner. Then she’ll take a seat at the counter.
In that world, she’d have met a boy looking at her from a few seats away, smiling. And she’d smile back when her order appears and they realized they got the exact same mix of the smoothie they wanted. The boy would take the seat beside her, ask for her name. And he’d tell her his. That boy would have the brightest blue eyes and she could already tell he had the habit of scratching his nose.
And they’ll talk all night even after everyone else in the diner had left, when the cook had to drive them out. He would offer to take her home, and she’d decline at first, but eventually give in. She wanted to give in. And by the end of the day, he’d have her number and they’ll see each other that weekend again. In that same diner.
In that world, she wasn’t a world-renowned assassin, and Jason wasn’t a vigilante with a broken past.
Fuck. She was so in love with him, it was terrifying.
But they had no business being kids, being cute, being so harmlessly in love and go on walks and even dates.
They had no business lying on the floor, eating burgers at three in the afternoon.
They had no business being so uncomplicated, when everything comes so easily and nothing would be at stake.
They had no business having a relationship. No matter how much she’d have wanted that. Not after their history. Not after what they’ve both been through. Not after what Floyd had raised her into and partially stripped her of anything normal.
Jason. Tortured. Being mauled on the floor while a madman beats him like a lifeless sack of hay.
Then someone stood beside her. She didn’t have to look at him.
“Stop following me.”
Jason didn’t answer. He looked on at the diner and he had the same look on his eyes as she had.
“You look at the diner, too.”
“Go. Away.”
He didn’t leave. Instead, they stood at the side of the street, not moving even when the light in front of them turned green.
She didn’t say anything more. Didn’t even look at him.
“I wish… I did something,” she swallowed. “I wish I wanted to save you.”
“Stop. I didn’t mean what I said. Forget about it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I said stop.”
The woman in the diner held up a spoonful of pie and her son opened his mouth wide. It looked delicious even from the distance. The traffic light turned red and just one car drove off in front of them.
“I saw the look on your face. Back at the cave. I knew you’d have figured everything out by then, about what happened to me at Arkham.”
She was stone cold and stiff.
“But none of that mattered. I didn’t care if you wanted me dead at one point. The whole day I was with you in Gotham, it was the first day I hadn’t thought about Joker… or Batman. Anything.
“I walked out of the cave hoping you wouldn’t run away after knowing who I was. So I kissed you. And you kissed me back. Then I let you hold me and I told you my name. Then… Jesus…”
Y/N still hadn’t turned away. She wasn’t crying. She couldn’t. It was the droplets from the rain that ran down her cheeks. Nothing else.
And by that time the traffic light had turned back to being green, the diner was dark and empty. She didn’t want to look to her side. Somehow, she knew Jason would just walk away, without so much as another word. He’d do something like that, and it wouldn’t be much of a surprise.
But he stayed.
For a long while, he did. So she asked, without much to expect.
“Can you walk me home?”
Just that. She could at least have that. Something so miniscule from the world she longed to be.
He stayed right beside her. All the way back to the barracks. And the dark rain prevailed.
And it was the same when they reached the empty training grounds, deep into the back where the living quarters were. The walk to their rooms was silent, and their clothes drenched the floors all the way up to hers. Jason walked straight into his, without so much as another word.
She went into her room and locked the door, but her hand didn’t leave the doorknob. She stood there, silent and alone. Y/N never felt so lost.
But it had to have been long minutes, because she heard four knocks on her door before she’s even walked away. She opened it and Jason was standing there, his hair a wet mess, and he held up a coffee mug.
“Hot water,” he said. “Drink it before bed.”
Y/N didn’t have much energy left to decline. She took it from him. “Thank you.”
Jason stepped back, and she closed the door again.
Her whole body leaned against the hard wood of the door and she could feel a part of herself drip to the floor at each second she’d have to look into his hurt eyes. She’d fallen in so deep, and she hated herself for it.
She opened the door, determined to go after him.
But he was still there, at the door, just about to go into her room himself.
Y/N’s never felt so at the edge of breaking down when she met his eyes, panting. And with the pain, came the rush of cold air, the rush of cold relief. Jason went into her room, pushed her against the door to close it. He could feel her breath, wanting him.
He held the back of her drenched head and pulled her to his lips. She dug in to his hair, gripping it hard when his lips escaped hers and found their way back to her neck. Her other hand traveled down his clothed arms. She gasped, and Jason slowly guided them both to move to the bed. He’ll never pull away. Soon there were no more boundaries between them, no distance. They lasted all night, no longer with any trace of regret.
  Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive  @lucy-roo
176 notes · View notes
Eternity - Chapter 2
Starring - The wonderful OC's, Wardlow, WARHORSE, The Elite, Tony Khan and The Best Friends. (small appearances from Penelope Ford, Kip Sabian, Britt Baker, Dani Jordyn and 10 of the Dark Order)
Word Count - 5,612 (this took us a LONG time)
Category - Fluff, comedy, romance, friendship
Pairings - Wardlow/OC, Kenny Omega/OC
Part 2/?
Summary - It's Sawyer, Veronica and Nova's first day at Dynamite. They hope it's everything they dreamed of, is it?
Warnings - Drinking, swearing
other author's notes - make sure you follow @adriii-omega !!! she's the mvp for this chapter!!
“Sawyer, Nova, wake up!” Veronica whispered, trying to shake her friends awake. “Mmm, five more minutes,” Sawyer mumbled, almost inaudibly. “C’mon! We’re here!” Nova cracked her eyes open, looking out the window of the plane, admiring the sunrise. Veronica finally managed to shake Sawyer fully awake, getting a low groan in return.
Sawyer looked out the window, hiding a mesmerized expression with a snarky comment, “I cannot believe you guys just woke me up to look at the sunrise.” Veronica rolled her eyes at her friend’s sarcastic response, turning to look out the window the rest of the flight. “Did you stay up all night?” Nova asked, stretching out the places she could. “No, I was asleep until about 5, then woke up because of the butterflies in my stomach,” Veronica replied, smiling right after it. Sawyer turned to look at her, “The flight attendant gave you coffee didn’t she?”
Veronica reached to hide the coffee cup that was given to her, “No, not at all.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now landing in Jacksonville, Florida.”
Sawyer, Nova, and Veronica all got up and stretched their legs. They picked up their belongings and made their way out of the plane, meeting up with Warhorse in the lobby. “Are you ready for your big night?” Veronica asked. Sawyer was still half asleep so she walked slower than the rest of the group. “I got it all under control, but you guys have to do good- or you could never get a call from Tony Khan again.” “Well, thanks for the support, Jake,” Nova said with a bit of sarcasm. “Don’t worry you guys got this,” Jake assured them. They all waited for their uber, so they could get dropped off at their hotel near Daily’s Place.
Time Skip
“This bathroom is bigger than my apartment,” Veronica said as she admired the fancy room they were staying in.“These small shampoo bottles are going to only cover an inch of my hair - I’m going to the front desk to see if they got any more,” Sawyer complained, as she closed the hotel door and made her way into the elevator.
She pushed the first-floor button, and as the doors opened she was met with a muscular friend. “Sawyer? Is that you?” Wardlow asked, as he almost dropped the bottle of water he was holding. He just got done working out and was making his way back to his room. “Huh? OH- Hey…Michael.” Sawyer awkwardly shuffled around him, trying to avoid his stare. “I haven’t seen you in a while. Do you maybe want to go get lunch-” but the elevator doors closed cutting him off. Sawyer leaned onto the wall letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She wasn’t ready to fully start talking to Wardlow again like nothing happened.
Sawyer pulled out her phone to Nova, almost dropping it from shaking.
Dude, you will not believe who was just in the elevator
...Who? I’m not a mind reader.
Tell me!
Michael. Fucking. Wardlow.
What are the chances?
Omg! Did you say anything to him?
Barely! He tried saying something but the doors closed. GOSH, it was sooo awkward :(
HA! See what happens when you avoid your problems?
“You won’t believe what Sawyer just texted me.” Nova laughed as she handed Veronica her phone. Veronica came over to read the messages, also making her laugh. “I knew it would be sooner or later they saw each other.” Veronica jokes. “When did Tony and Kenny say we needed to head to the arena?” Nova asked. “At least by 5, Kenny had assured me last night before we got on the plane.”
“KENNY gave you his phone number!?” Nova asked, shocked. “Oh, yea. He did, I forgot to tell you guys before we got on the plane.” Veronica smiled, acting like this was nothing. “Oh my gosh! Oh my GOSH!” Nova started freaking out, and it didn’t even happen to her. “It’s not THAT big of a deal. He’s my boss.” She half lied.
“Boss huh...did you tell Sawyer then?” Nova queried, crossing her arms over her chest. Veronica looked back and forth from her phone to Nova, “Yeah, of course, I did...you think I wouldn’t tell her?” Veronica replied, before thinking, “You’re a liar. You’re a lying liar who lies.”
“Oh so you could tell her but not me?” Nova rolled her eyes.
“As I said, it's not a big deal. He is my boss, we’re professional athletes.” Veronica said.
“Watch you get all the opportunities for sleeping with the EVP of the company.” Nova joked. Veronica threw up a middle finger behind her back and lowered it before she could look. Soon an out of breath Sawyer appeared in their room.
“That was so embarrassing. I can never go out in public again.” Nova and Veronica laughed. “DON'T LAUGH- I almost made a complete fool out of myself, he was sweaty and his tight shirt was sticking to his body and…” “Ew, too much information.” Veronica faked gagging at the very detailed description.
“Seems like Mr. Mayhem still makes your knees weak.” Nova laughed. Veronica stifled her laughter and Sawyer groaned. “Get me when it’s time to leave. I’m taking a nap and hope I don’t wake up.” she marched to her room and slammed the door. Nova and Veronica jumped before busting out laughing.
Time Skip
“Sawyer, drag your feet one more time,” Nova complained, Sawyer was still walking slower than her friends. “I won't if you let me ride shotgun.” Veronica turned around to face the two, “Um, Sawyer, it’s your turn to drive.” “What why?” “Veronica and I have been the drivers for the past five shows. You set up the system.” Nova chimed in, happily walking to the back.
Sawyer groaned, walking to the driver’s side of the rental. They all closed the doors, Veronica reaching for the radio. Sawyer started to pull out the parking lot, following the GPS to Daily’s place. “When was the last time you talked to Micheal anyways?” Veronica asked, rolling down her window. Sawyer inhaled sharply, “Last time we talked was when I congratulated him on his debut.” “November?” Nova questioned, surprised. “Yeah...I mean we just kind of stopped communicating.” Sawyer said with a bit of sadness in her voice.
Veronica and Nova shifted uncomfortably in their seats, awkwardness filling the car. “Anyways, we need to focus on tonight. No distractions.” Sawyer prompted. Veronica laughed, “You’re telling me, that you will keep your sanity when you see Mr. Mayhem in that ring?” Sawyer opened her mouth to argue- but quickly shut it. “Worry about your problems.” Nova laughed in the backseat. “Nova, why are you laughing? You need to stick with one man.” Veronica shot back. Nova took offense to that, “Well then why don’t you tell us about your late-night talks with Kenny Omega?” Sawyer almost crashed the vehicle, “You’re talking to Kenny Omega, and you didn’t tell me?!”
Veronica slouched down in her chair trying to hide. “I thought you already told Sawyer?” Nova asked. “She didn’t tell me, but SHE TOLD YOU?” Sawyer squawked.
Nova and Sawyer started to quarrel, back and forth. “Guys! Guys! Stop, we can’t do this now! It’s our first night at AEW and we’re already arguing.” Veronica pleaded, making the friends stop. Sawyer turned back to the road, breathing heavily in and out. “Veronica you could’ve just been honest,” Nova said, pouting. Veronica sighed, looking out the window, “I know.”
“Yeah. Dinner’s therefore on you tonight.” Sawyer chimed in, trying to lighten up the situation. They pulled into the Daily’s Place parking lot with a brighter mood. “I can’t wait until we all get signed, so we don’t have to split the bill a thousand times,” Nova said. They found the closest parking spot and began to get out of the car. The argument in the car was long forgotten as they stared at Daily’s Place. Nova smiled the hardest she had in a long time, as she pulled her luggage behind her. Sawyer and Veronica tried hard not to get too emotional, but knowing them they would laugh and cry about it later on. They followed behind Nova and finally made their way in.
“This place is a lot bigger than a high school gym.” Veronica jokes. Nova was taking photos for her Instagram stories, and Sawyer tried not to bump into the thousands of people helping to set up the ring. “I never want to leave,” Nova said as she took another selfie. Sawyer noticed that a lot of the wrestlers were giving them looks. “Have you noticed everyone looking at us? I’m so close to saying something.” Sawyer mumbled in Nova’s ear. She lowered her phone and looked around. Veronica gave them a confused look.
“Hey? Are you the girls from that triple threat match?” They turned their heads and saw an interested Dustin Rhodes asking them that question. “Depends.'' Nova began. “That match was awesome. We’ve all seen clips on the internet. You three got something. Welcome to AEW.” Dustin let his hand fall for a handshake. Veronica was unsure at first, but then lowering hers as well.
Sawyer and Nova did the same as everyone else around them gave a light round of applause. Dustin had given them the heads up that they might want to stop into the EVP office before they got situated. They passed a lot of wrestlers on their way there. Running into almost the whole locker room.
Sawyer couldn’t help but feel a little down as she didn’t cross paths with Wardlow. Veronica on the other hand was starting to sweat at the thought of seeing Kenny Omega. It seemed like they had gotten comfortable with each other enough to call each other “friends.” After what seemed like forever, they finally found the words “The Elite'' on one of the doors. Sawyer raised her hand to knock before it opened revealing a lively Tony Khan.
“Sawyer! So glad you’re finally here. Come on in.” He moved over to let them in. Matt and Nick Jackson sat on a couch while Kenny sat across from them busy typing away on his phone. Veronica's stomach dropped as she saw Kenny not even look in her direction. “Young Bucks. This is Sawyer, Nova, and Veronica.” Kenny’s head popped up finally noticing they had entered the room. “Veronica? Hey…I’m so glad you’re here.” He lightly smiled, making her turn her head to her friends who were looking at her with blank expressions. “Hey Kenny, remember us?” Sawyer said which knocked Kenny out of his trance. “Of course, I was very surprised by your performances; from each one of you.”
“He’s not lying,” Matt spoke. “He wouldn’t stop talking about you.” Kenny blushed a shade of pink. “I know talent when I see it.” He shrugged. Tony agreed. “Really blew every other match that night out the water. I can’t wait to see what you guys bring to the table for AEW.” Tony had told them everything they needed to know including inviting them to go to a local bar after the show later tonight. He made sure to give them the minor and major details before having to go check on everything else for the show tonight. Nick was the first to speak up, “Well if you three are any good as Kenny claims you are, I’m excited to see you guys in action.” Matt nodded in agreement. “Your dressing rooms are just in the hall over,” Kenny added.
Nova and Sawyer tried to contain the grins coming from their face, “Three ACTUAL ROOMS right?” Sawyer asked. “We promise.” Matt crossed his heart. They rushed out of the EVP room while Veronica stayed back. Nick and Matt noticed as they cleared their throats. “We’re going to go check on the other talents. It was nice to meet you.” They smiled and sent a wink to Kenny. He ushered them out the door, before shutting it. “You never told me you talked so fondly of our match.” Veronica put her hand on her hip, as Kenny chuckled.
“I didn’t talk about the match that much.” He walked over to sit on the couch, with Veronica following him. “What do you mean? They said you loved our match.” He ran his hand down his face before fully looking over at her. “Oh, I did; you were incredible by the way, but,” Kenny hesitantly grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. “I mostly talked about you.” Veronica tried to fight her grin, but couldn’t contain it. “They’re going to kill us.” she laughed.
“They’ll get used to it.” Kenny kissed her forehead before getting up. “You should go get settled in your locker room now. I’ll see you later tonight.” She nodded before making her way over. He opened the door for her making sure she didn’t look too skeptical as she left. Veronica didn’t look back, but she could feel his stare until she turned the corner.
Sawyer was just enjoying the space of her locker room before the rumbling of her stomach disturbed her peace. She rolled her eyes, “I’m fucking starving” she said to no one. She grabbed her phone before she made her way to find catering. She was laughing at something Nova had said in the group chat when she heard her name being called. Sawyer saw Warhorse flailing his arms around and she groaned.
She made her way over to him. “Could you make it any more obvious that I’m here?” He laughed, “Well you must have lost your hearing. I called you at least ten times.” “Just got a lot of things on my mind-” “Is it a thing or is it SOMEONE?” He cut her off with suspicion. Sawyer squinted at him. “That is none of your concern, Jake.” She huffed, crossing her arms. “Oh? Then I guess you don’t want to know what I heard from your special someone then.” He put his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to lose her cool any moment.
She huffed, “Don’t do that to me. Tell me RIGHT. NOW.” He acted like he was thinking it over before finally spilling the beans, “Alright, so you know-how at the end of each show the roster goes out for drinks, well he’s planning to finally man up and talk to you there.”
Sawyer’s eyes widened, keeping her jaw from falling to the floor. Jake laughed at her expression, Sawyer reached up and smacked his shoulder. He was about to mockingly cry out in pain before she spoke up, “That settles it! I’m not going.” Sawyer began to walk away, “Dude comes on. You can’t just avoid him forever.”
“Yes, I can. I’ve done it for almost a year, I can still do it.”
“Well then don’t look behind you,” Jake said, stifling laughter. Sawyer, not even bothering to look, leaped to the nearest hiding spot...under the serving table. She brought her knees to her chest, trying to look out from behind the cloth. She looked around but didn’t see anyone. Only the intense fit of laughter coming from Jake. “You should’ve,” he stopped to catch his breath, “You should’ve seen your face.”
Sawyer exhaled, “You better be glad I don’t powerbomb you onto the damn chips.” Sawyer stomped away, grabbing an orange on the way out. “For what it’s worth Nova wasn’t here to record it!” Jake called out, still laughing.
Veronica had decided to wait by the entrance tunnels and talk to everyone who passed by. Most recognize her from her match with Sawyer and Nova. She found herself in deep conversation with one of her opponents tonight - Penelope Ford and her fiancé, Kip Sabian until Nova and Sawyer came up from behind them. They began to make their way to ringside.
The opener match was over, and in just a matter of time - Warhorse will be facing Cody for his TNT Championship. Nova made sure to have her camera out and they all cheered loudly for their friend. There were many times where he was so close to winning that title, everyone could feel it. Unfortunately, with a figure four from Cody - he tapped out causing the match to end. Warhorse went over to Nova, Sawyer, and Veronica in the crowd and hugged them before making his way back through the tunnel.
Matches passed the whole night, the same topic came up. “I can’t believe he lost” “Why did Silver and Reynolds come out?” “Matt Cardona?”
“Sawyer cheer up. Please.” Veronica pleaded, shaking Sawyer’s arm. “No! That was so dumb. His moment was stolen.” Veronica sighed, knowing how Sawyer was feeling, “I know. But I’m sure they're gonna bring him back one of these days.” Sawyer huffed, turning towards the ring. “I wonder what they’re setting up,” Nova said, taking a break from recording. Veronica inspected the whole set, “Something tells me Sawyer isn’t gonna be too happy.”
Sawyer looked around, confused. She didn’t understand what the two thought was so funny until she heard the iconic and very familiar, “I’m Better Than You. And You Know It.” Nova and Veronica soon started to giggle at Sawyer’s terrified expression. Soon MJF walked out with the one person Sawyer did NOT wanna see, Wardlow. Sawyer then tried to switch her seats to one of the ones in the back, but Nova pulled her back. “Just sit. He probably won’t even look this way.” Sawyer gave her friend a threatening look, before sinking into her seat, trying not to be noticed.
They watched as MJF gave his very intense speech, Sawyer stood up just to whisper in her friend’s ears, “He’s gotten so much better at this since we last saw him.” Veronica leaned over, “Not when he was making heart eyes at Nova.” Nova rolled her eyes as Sawyer and Veronica made kissing faces at her.
When Sawyer turned back to the very comedic moment happening in the ring, to see Michael looking directly at her. Veronica looked over at her friend and laughed, “You look like a deer in headlights!” Sawyer finally broke away from his gaze to give a death stare to her current nuisance.
The speech was finally over, Sawyer’s heart rate finally going back to normal. “Are you done being a pussy?” Nova asked. “Shut. Up.” Sawyer shot back.
Veronica laughed at her friends before speaking up, “C’mon, we gotta go get ready.”
Nova and Veronica were set for a tag team match against Penelope Ford and Britt Baker. It was after Dynamite, and only a couple of people made their way to the bar early. Sawyer had decided she would watch their match next to the EVP’s. She had exited the locker room before hearing a laugh down the hallway. It was Wardlow having a conversation with 10 from the Dark Order. Sawyer froze and slowly backed up into her room, trying not to make any noise. She was almost there until she ran into the frame of the door making her head bounce with a thud. “Ow!” Sawyer shouted, quickly covering her mouth right after.
Wardlow looked back, and a sly grin crept on his face. “You alright Sawyer?” he asked, trying to contain his laughter. She rubbed the spot on her forehead and gave a thumbs up. 10 looked in confusion, “Who is she?” he whispered. “I'll tell you later,” Wardlow mumbled. He just nodded as she made her way back into her room. Wardlow let out a low breath before continuing his conversation, but in the back of his mind he still wanted to talk to Sawyer - he just had to find out how.
Nova was talking back and forth with Sawyer on the phone. “What do you mean you’re staying in your locker room?” Nova whispered-shouted. She rolled her eyes before hanging up. “Is she coming?” Veronica had only overheard so much. “No. Turns out she made a complete fool out of herself in front of Michael again.” They knew they would have to hear her complain later, but their main focus was on their match for now. They walked over to the face tunnel and made their entrance. Britt Baker and Penelope Ford came out shortly after not wasting any time to get started.
The match was an intense 10 minutes. It seemed to go by so fast because before they knew it Nova was in the lockjaw and had to tap out. Veronica helped Nova roll out, and back through the tunnel meeting a pleased Elite. “That wasn’t half bad; great job!” Nick complimented. Veronica smiled and Nova thanked them, before making their way to Sawyer’s locker room. She was pacing around the room in her gear. Veronica knocked before letting Nova and herself in. “Is it clear? Is he out there?” Sawyer asked. “We didn’t see him. Maybe he left to go to the bar.” Nova added. Veronica nodded which made Sawyer sigh with relief. “Alright. I’m going out. Wish me luck.”
Sawyer tied her boot and stood at the face tunnel. She seemed to push Wardlow to the back of her mind, and not let him affect the way she would wrestle tonight. Her entrance music played and she made her way out. A familiar voice started booing her, and she looked over and saw MJF. She almost rolled her eyes until she saw a smirking Wardlow behind him. She nearly broke her neck trying to make sure that was him in the front row. Dani Jordyn’s entrance music broke her back to reality. The bell finally rang and they began to lock up. After a lot of back and forth, action Sawyer hooked up Jordyn for the Canadian Destroyer. 1… 2… 3. Sawyer’s arm was raised, and she couldn’t help but look in Wardlow’s direction. A pleased smile appeared on his face as he bit his lip trying to stay in character. MJF just rolled his eyes as he left his seat to go backstage, with Wardlow following him.
Sawyer walked back up the stage, commentary acknowledging the match she had also won the previous night. As soon as she was in the tunnel, she was met with Veronica and Nova, squealing and congratulating her. “Great job out there Sawyer!” Tony Khan said from his headset. “We have got to have Kenny search for talent more often. You’re incredible.” Matt chimed. “Thank you, that means so much,” Sawyer said, trying to contain a giant grin.
Veronica and Nova led her away, walking towards the dressing rooms so they could get ready. Nova rushed inside, knowing she would need more time. Veronica turned to Sawyer before they went to their separate rooms, “Whatcha gonna wear?” Sawyer shrugged, “Jeans and a t-shirt.”
“No, you are not!” “But it’s my-” “Nope! No Jeff Hardy shirts for ONE. NIGHT. Please?” Sawyer groaned at those words, “Fine! But that means no red carpet dress for you either!”
Veronica giggled, the two going into their respective dressing rooms to get ready.
Time Skip
Sawyer sat outside in the parking lot, waiting for Nova and Veronica to finish getting ready, like usual. She took out her phone, snapping pics of her outfit. A merlot satin tank top tucked into her dark brown ribbed pants and finished with a black belt and matching heels. Veronica finally walked out, and the two started hyping each other up. Veronica looked glamorous in her one strapped black dress, a cutout at the stomach with nude pumps.
“I didn’t know you had THIS in your closet,” Veronica said, jokingly checking out Sawyer. “Okay but you,” Sawyer said, twirling Veronica, “When did you get the money to buy this?” Veronica ignored the question “Kenny definitely didn’t leave it as a gift in my dressing room.” She thought to herself.
“Where’s the party at bitches?” Nova called out, her friends cheering. “The life of the party has arrived!” Sawyer whooped. “And in a stunning outfit.” Veronica chimed it.
Of course, Nova being the most extravagant of the trio, had the most extravagant outfit. A lilac two-piece skirt set, with sparkles and straps all over, matched with the most gorgeous pair of five-inch heels. “Sawyer, are you still driving?” Veronica asked, dragging her bag towards the trunk. “Yes, and I won’t drink too much so I can still drive back.” “Then can we go now, I’ve been waiting for this.” Nova chimed in, dancing and trying to get the others to join. “Fine fine! Just get in the car so we aren’t the last ones.” Veronica said, walking up to the passengers' seat.
They all climbed in the car, Sawyer starting it and pulling out of the parking lot, their first night at Daily’s place complete.
The bar was only a couple of minutes away from the arena. They pulled into a parking spot and then got out. They showed the guy at the front their ID and made their way to where the rest of the roster was. They found a spot in the back and sat down for a minute. “I need a drink. ASAP,” Sawyer said as she looked around the room. “Three drinks coming right up.” Veronica chirped. She made her way through the crowd and to one of the bartenders. “Two Martinis and one Margarit please, no lime.” he began to pour her drinks when a familiar person sat next to her. “I didn’t think you were one to drink,” Kenny said, making her turn her head. “Sometimes. It just depends on the occasion.” she laughed. Kenny asked for a beer and then took a sip. He started to speak up before Veronica was handed her drinks and began to get off the stool almost tripping. He caught her before she could. “Where are you going?” Kenny asked, a bit disappointed. She wiped her hands and grabbed the two drinks from off the table, and left one sitting. “I have to give these to Sawyer and Nova, but I’ll be back,” she promised.
Nova and Sawyer were talking about their matches from the night when Veronica came with the drinks. “You do know we see everything,” Nova said with her arms crossed. Sawyer took her drink and took a huge sip. “It won’t belong. I just want to talk to him, and then I’ll come back and spend the rest of the night with you guys.” Veronica lied. “You better. Or we will drag you back to the hotel.” Nova said. Veronica rolled her eyes before going back with Kenny. “She is already ditching us for a man on the first day.” Sawyer complained. “He better be worth it.” Nova said as she sipped her drink for the first time. “Hey do you two want to play a game with us?” Trent from Best Friends had come up to them and asked. They looked over and saw Chuck Taylor leaning against the wall waiting for an answer. “Sure?” “Why not.” They said in unison. Trent led them over to the pool table and began to set it up.
On the other side of the bar was a smiling Veronica and half wasted Kenny Omega. “Why don’t we get out of here? It isn’t as fun as this place I know down the street.” Kenny whispered in her ear. They were sitting at two of the stools in the bar, his arm resting over her shoulders. She looked around and saw Nova and Sawyer playing a game of pool with Trent and Chuck Taylor. “They’ll be fine. If they get mad at you just tell them it was my idea.” he stood off his barstool and held his hand out for her to jump off hers. “Where exactly is this place Kenny…” she questioned him as he guided her to the doors of the bar. He smirked and let out a low chuckle, “You’ll see.”
“There is no way you have never played pool before,” Chuck said to Sawyer as she hit another ball in. The four were having fun hanging out for the first time. It was perfect… too perfect. As Sawyer took a swig at her drink she looked around for Veronica seeing Wardlow took her spot. She squinted a bit and also saw Lexy Nair rubbing her hand up and down his arm.
A sting of jealousy overcame her. Trent seemed to notice as he made his way over. “Are you two a thing?” he asked. Sawyer tried to think of the right words to say, “Not really; we used to be.” he nodded understanding. “Forget about him. Tonight just let loose, get wasted.” Trent took what was left of his drink and poured it into her glass. She looked over at Wardlow and Lexy one more time to see her twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Fuck it,” she said and leaned her head back to gulp the drink down. Trent smiled. “I’ll buy you another drink if you beat me.” he challenged. Sawyer tilted her head while she thought it over, “Challenge accepted.”
Fast Forward to Later in the Night
It was currently midnight. Most of the roster had gone home earlier, but a few still stuck around. Lots just chatted with their co-workers, staying close not wanting to cause a scene; Sawyer on the other hand was full-on drunk dancing on top of the pool table. Nova along with her. Technically, she wasn’t as drunk as Sawyer, but she wasn’t about to let her best friend make a fool out of herself alone. They swayed to a song they didn’t even know until they got dizzy and almost fell over. Wardlow sat in the same spot of the bar all night long. Ever since, Lexy had finally stopped bugging him a while ago. She was pretty, but he didn’t want her. The girl he wanted was poorly break dancing on top of a table and he couldn’t help but watch, hell everyone's attention was on her.
“He’s looking at you again.” Nova whispered in Sawyer’s ear. She turned around and was met with Michael’s stare. Sawyer flipped her hair over her shoulder and took one more sip before jumping from the table. Nova looked at her like she had grown a second head, “What the hell are you doing?!” “I’m going to see what he wants.” Nova was surprised. She was actually about to face her problem instead of running from them, she smiled in satisfaction before returning to Trent and Chuck at a booth.
Wardlow saw Sawyer approaching him making him sit up a little bit straighter. “W-why have you been watching me all night like a creep?” Her words slurred. He looked over and rolled his eyes, “She was full mode drunk right now and that was the only reason she came up to him.“
“Why have you been avoiding me all day?”
“I asked you first.”
Michael tensed. He thought over his words, “I don’t know. I was waiting for you to come over and say something...say anything-” She huffed, “You looked like you had enough company.” His brows twisted in confusion before suddenly realizing she was talking about Lexy earlier. He began to laugh as she looked at him with disgust. “You could just say you were jealous, love.” She opened her mouth to say something but decided against it, he was right. Wardlow cleared his throat, “You need to get home. Here take my uber to your hotel.” he offered. Shortly, Trent and Chuck came over carrying a sleeping Nova. “She passed out mid-conversation,” Chuck explained as she began to snore. Wardlow and Sawyer chuckled. “Their ride is outside already. Can you carry her out safely?” He asked as he made eye contact with Sawyer. Trent and Chuck nodded as they began to exit the bar. Sawyer began to follow before she was pulled back by Wardlow. “I just wanted to say… congratulations on finally getting the recognition you deserve.” He shifted around uncomfortably. “Thank you for putting a good word for us to the EVP’s and Tony.” “Without Wardlow would we really be in AEW?” Sawyer asked herself. “That was nothing, thank me when you win that AEW Women’s Championship.” He winked at her then gave her a soft smile. “Goodnight Sawyer.” He began to lean in as he was going in for a kiss, before pulling away and walking out the bar leaving her there dumbfounded. She drunkenly exited, and into the car Trent and Chuck were standing by. “Aren’t there supposed to be three of you?” Chuck asked confused. Sawyer thought about it before realizing “Oh shit- where's Veronica?” She pulled her phone out to text her. “She probably is waiting for you guys back at the hotel.” Trent shrugged. “I had a lot of fun tonight, we hope to see you guys back here next week.” Chuck added before shutting the door. Sawyer smiled to herself, before leaning her head on Nova’s shoulder and imagining having this type of life everyday.
“Shit.” Veronica cursed as she dropped her key card. Her night with Kenny went a whole different route than she was expecting. It was currently 3 in the morning, and she was sure Nova and Sawyer were fast asleep. She opened the door and slowly put down her purse to take off her shoes. A shuffle made Veronica freeze as a lamp turnt on, and Nova and Sawyer sat on the edge of her bed. “AHH!” Veronica screamed, causing her to jump. “You better explain RIGHT NOW.” Nova said annoyed while Sawyer got comfortable. Veronica groaned before sitting next to them.
“Well, it all started when….”
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val-bananatine · 4 years
Mikannie Week Day 3
Title: Mikannie Week Day 3,  Anchor in the stormy seas / The breath taking hug
Pairing: Mikasa x Annie (Mikannie)
Genre: canonverse, canon-divergent / time altered, hurt and comfort, slightly OOC because both of these couldn’t start a feelsy conversation even if their life depended on it
Rating: K+
Overall word count: 2,802
Disclaimer: The characters used in this story are not mine, they and Attack On Titan belong to Hajime Isayama. I simply am borrowing these lovely gals for a fanfiction One Shot. Also this story is based on the prompt: “A gives B a hug that makes them lose their breath”.
Summary: Day 3 of the @mikannieweek 2020, with the prompt canon - verse! Late at night, before the group parts onto the plan and ship, two lost, young women can’t sleep -- both too occupied with their own thoughts and struggles. As they meet in one of the ship halls, they slowly began to talk, and Mikasa offered herself to be the anchor in the storming sea of emotions that Annie needs in that very moment.
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A young woman with short, black hair was aimlessly strolling through the dark hallways of the ship and storage halls, her way only being lightened up by the few faint rays of the moonlight that shone through the small windows from time to time. Her gaze was fixated on the floor, her brows furrowed as she slowly walked into one of the halls.
She only looked up once she stepped through the door frame of the hallway that connected the halls, seemingly checking where she was. Just as she wanted to continue her stroll, she noticed a silhouette in the corner of her eye.
The young woman raised her eyebrow and turned her head in that direction to see another person leaning against the reeling of the water canal which lead ships outside. She padded towards the person and narrowed her eyes in hopes of recognizing the features. As she got close enough, she could distinguish the light blonde hair and parts of their hoodie being illuminated by the moonlight.
“Annie?” She stopped focusing her eyes the moment she recognized the other woman and looked at her back with a tilted head – but she got no reaction of her, not even a movement of the head to show that she heard Mikasa calling her name.
After a few seconds of waiting with no reply, Mikasa got a step closer and began to stretch her hand out after the smaller woman – only to hesitate in her movement and stop just as she was about to touch her shoulder.
Annie was seemingly so lost in thoughts that she neither heard the steps echoing through the hall, nor her name being called; She hasn’t really noticed anything of her environment. If she now would suddenly feel a grip on her shoulder – Mikasa shook her head at the thought of most likely scaring her to death and completely shutting herself in out of shock.
Instead she decided to not pursue her concerns about Annie’s behavior any further for now and padded next to the other girl. Leaning against the iron fence, Mikasa watched the small waves of the water stream and the hall fell into silence once more.
Minutes passed without neither saying a word, both seemingly too lost in their thoughts and memories to say something. That was until Annie tilted her head towards Mikasa, her cheek resting on her hands.
Even if the movement was small, it was still registered by the taller woman, who lifted her head up, still seeming to be in thoughts before stating: “It’s a quiet night, isn’t it?”
Annie’s mouth opened a little before she closed it again, raising an eyebrow as she tried to make a sense out of the sheer random question. However, she did not ask about it and instead stayed silent.
Mikasa followed her example and the hall fell into silence once more – but only for a few moments.
“So…” Annie’s propped herself up with her elbows, her gaze staying focused on the taller woman next to her.  “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, you know?” Mikasa moved her head slightly to eye Annie, who silently stared at her without commenting. And so Mikasa shrugged her shoulders before explaining: “Well – I couldn’t sleep.”
“Because of Eren?”
“Yeah–“ Mikasa sighed before she stared down at the water stream. As she watched it flow, she quietly carried on– “Everything honestly. So much is going on and is at stake… Taking a walk helps me in sorting it all out – and to get a clear mind again.”
“I see…” Annie nodded slowly while listening, her gaze trailing to the water once more. “Well… I mean – uh, if talking about it helps you–“
Mikasa let out a soft chuckle, something which made Annie blink and quickly turn her head to the taller woman, only to see her shaking her head with a soft smile: “It’s fine, thinking helps enough. Besides –“ She tilted her head slightly as her gaze and smile softened even more– “I wouldn’t want to put even more weight onto your shoulders with worries…  Seeing that you seem to be fighting your very own battle right now.”
“I –“ The blonde’s eyes widened slightly and she opened her mouth to say something, but only one word managed to slip out. She tried again, but she couldn’t find the right things to reply about Mikasa’s very true observation, and so she lowered her gaze and started to fiddle with the sleeve of her, a little too big, blouse.
Mikasa watched the smaller woman’s reaction with a soft, understanding look in her eyes and patiently waited for her to settle on what to do before she elaborated: “Annie, I’ve still known you for years. It’s – not that hard to tell when something is of, for any of us. We’ve all still been one troop. It’s not like you to be that quiet and lost in thoughts. You were so deep in them that you didn’t even hear me in the slightest.”
Quietness filled the hall as Annie stared on the floor and bit her lip, seemingly thinking before she let out a soft sigh: “I mean… I did hear you, kind of. But…“
Her voice broke, and silence filled the room. Annie’s mouth opened again, but no sound came out. It was as if she wasn’t even sure on what to say. Mikasa’s face only softened more at the sight and she carefully put a hand on the blonde’s shoulder: “But you didn’t have the energy to react while thinking about it. It’s okay.”
The blonde looked up at her when she felt the light grasp on her shoulder, her mouth still opened before sighing quietly.
Mikasa tilted her head as she watched the smaller woman in front of her, her eyes showing the sympathy she felt for her situation as she quietly suggested: “Do you want to talk about it though?”
Annie’s eyes widened at first, though she averted her eyes while mumbling: “You know– I can say the same back about not wanting to add more weight…”
“If it helps you.” The taller woman shrugged before turning around to fully leaning against the reeling again. She did notice Annie silently watching her movements, but since no words followed from the smaller one, she decided to elaborate: “I appreciate the concern, but it’s alright – I’ve made up my mind about it already. No matter how I look at it, it won’t change anyways; it won’t change the fact that I’m set on bringing Eren back.”
At last Mikasa turned her head around and propped her face on her hands to look at Annie, who was in a similar position, her eyes not fully focused on Mikasa as she listened to her observation: “But I notice that it’s not that easy for you – yet at least. Whatever it is, it’s heavy, I can tell. So if talking about it helps you to ease it, I see no problem in listening.”
“I…” Annie averted her gaze from Mikasa and bit her lip, seemingly thinking of what to say. “I – don’t know. It’s just –”
“Too much. Everything is.” The blonde’s head hung low as she let out a deep breath, her eyes by now focusing on the water stream instead of averting Mikasa’s gentle, caring look. “I’m – I’m here now, on humanity’s side. Even… even though –“
Her voice broke and she could not finish the sentence. She again took a deep breath, trying to hinder herself from sobbing out loud. And Mikasa’s expression turned from gentle into a pained one, yet she didn’t know how she could possibly help in this dilemma, which only was the beginning – and so she decided to silently listen when Annie regained her quiet voice: “It’s… nothing personal, you know…? But I know what I saw… and what I was told – and I can’t bring myself to just ignore it – even if we’re on the same end now. We’re – running, and at the same time prepare for a final battle –“
Annie’s voice grew quieter and more hoarse, her hands loosened the grip on the fence and began to shake, while she got lost in her thoughts and tried to form some kind of sense as all the words she could think of left her mouth: “But… I don’t want to fight anymore… not against you, or anyone else… And –“
Once more she struggled to finish the sentence, or the thought that ran through her mind as she interrupted herself with a loud sob, hiccups and sobs leaving her mouth in between her words until she could not speak properly anymore: “And now – I... I don’t have a reason to fight…  anymore –“
Strong arms wrapped themselves around the shaking blonde and pulled her closer to embrace her in a tight and warm hug, so tight – she felt like the air left her lungs for a moment, making her gasp loud in surprise. As she looked up with an open mouth and wide eyes, tears still streaming down her face, her gaze met Mikasa’s small yet pained eyes.
Annie felt as if time stood still for an eternity where they just stared at each other – yet it was only a few seconds until Mikasa whispered, almost inaudibly for her: “I’m here for you, Annie.”
Mikasa couldn’t tell what exactly drove her to this; she couldn’t tell what this almost magical force was that made her step closer to the blonde – that aching in her heart as she saw her breaking down about something she could only guess she knew oh so well in a way. She couldn’t why those soft, comforting words left her mouth, but they did – and it felt right.
And so, as Annie averted her gaze again and simply rested her head against Mikasa’s chest to let her tears fall freely, the dark haired woman began to rub her back in slow circles to calm her down.
While watching the smaller blonde she couldn’t help but to bit her lip, the pained expression deepening – something that Annie gladly didn’t see. She knew that she should say more, or something for the matter; but what was there for her to say that would have the wanted impact? She still could only guess what it was that pains Annie so much, and that it was linked to her break down at the mention of not being able to save Liberio – but guessing didn’t help her in finding up cheering words. It never was a strength of her to begin with, especially if she doesn’t even know from what exactly she should cheer the other up.
“Hey…” Mikasa’s voice was only a whisper when she began talking, her mind roaming with the most various thoughts and phrases as she tried to find some way of saying the right words. “You don’t have to fight anyone… not against them, or us… But –“
Mikasa could feel Annie head moving a little up at the last words, the sobbing quietening down for a second – until it began again. The taller women assumed it was an attempt to stop, and proceeded to rub her back with a hint of more pressure when she elaborated: “But… you have to against yourself… in a way. I – I can only guess what was in Liberio. And – I never wish to find out how it’s like… I –“
Once more she stopped to try and find the last words again, but Annie didn’t fully notice. Her heart clenched at the mentioning of Liberio; her fists balled together and clasped onto the thin jacket Mikasa was wearing as she sobbed out loud. But through all this she could still notice how much Mikasa struggled with this situation as well. Annie tilted her head and looked up to see Mikasa biting her lip and staring past her; this sight made her look down for a split second and mumble in between tears: “I – I’m sorry… to burden you with this…”
“Don’t have to be.” Mikasa’s look was focused on Annie the moment she heard her speaking, and her gaze softened at the apology and made her shake her head. “It’s – tough for you, and sometimes we need to let it out… It’s okay.”
For a moment nothing more was said, all you could hear were sniffles and sobs, while Mikasa silently rubbed the blonde’s back. Only after letting out a quiet sigh Mikasa murmured: “I am sorry though.”
As she saw Annie slowly moving her head up to look at her with confused, teary eyes and a tilted head, she continued: “I should have known that mentioning your home would hurt. So I’m sorry for making you feel worse.”
“No – No, it’s okay…” Annie croaked as she weakly shook her head, “It’s not your fault… It’s just… Thinking about my father hurts.”
The dark-haired woman attentively listened as Annie’s voice grew quieter and quieter into a hoarse whisper: “I… I promised him that I’ll come back… And I couldn’t keep it.”
More tears began to stream down the small blonde’s eyes once more as she thought about it, and so she buried her face into the taller woman’s shoulder, while said woman hugged her closer again. With a soft look in her face she crooned “Don’t say that… In a way you can still keep it.”
“One day you’ll meet each other again, Annie. But that day isn’t today… nor very soon.” As Mikasa softly explained, one of her hands slowly moved up to Annie’s face to carefully brush some strands of hair behind her ear. “I’m sure he knows too… I’m also sure that he still loves you… and that he’d want you to live your life until the time to meet again comes.”
The small blonde found herself leaning into the touch, feeling her aching heart relax just slightly – and her mind slowly wandering away to think about what was said. “Yeah…”
Over the time, Annie’s sobs and tears fully faded – yet neither of them wanted to let go of the warm, comforting embrace and instead stayed silently together for a long while.
Annie, having leaned her head back into Mikasa’s shoulder by now, quietly stared into the water stream as she mumbled a soft: “Hey… Mikasa…”
Her mind seemed to have wandered long, twisted ways in the meantime for what was on her tongue. She hesitated at first, biting her lip, before she mumbled with a voice full of concern: ”… Don’t kill yourself when you bring Eren back, okay?”
The dark haired woman didn’t respond at first. She looked down, and while Annie silently was waiting for an answer, she let out a quiet sigh.
Before she could say something, Annie could guess which words would leave her mouth, the smaller woman moved her head up to look at Mikasa, who purposely averted her gaze “Mikasa, I mean it. I – know that you’re set on bringing him back… but please – be careful.”
“I’ll try, but…” The moment that those words left the tall woman’s mouth, a small frown started to appear on Annie’s face. Mikasa turned her head to look at the smaller woman, her brows furrowed together while stressing: “But I can’t lose him. I won’t let it happen, under any circumstances.”
“Look –“ Now it was Annie’s turn to sigh out – “I get that…”
“But please – think about it.” Annie tilted her head as she got lost in her thoughts, her frown being overshadowed by a deep dark, sad shadow over her eyes, her voice beginning to tremble slightly again. “I… I couldn’t save the last person of my family. And – of course I don’t want you to suffer from the same…. But I also want to spare Eren that pain.”
Mikasa’s heart grew heavy as she listened, knowing deep down how very right she was, and what Annie was trying to say with it. As she saw Annie staring right at her, she immediately glanced away, biting her lip and feeling her throat swell when Annie hit the bulls eye of the problem: “You both are your last family members.”
“I –“ Mikasa couldn’t find a proper response to it. A deep sigh left her lips and she looked down onto the cold floor. But no matter how much she twisted and turned it in her head to find a reason why sacrificing herself would do the trick – she couldn’t deny how right Annie was. In a last attempt she hoped to find a defense attempt in her mumbling: “I– Know… I just– ”
But before she finished the last word, Annie interrupted her with a concerned yet stern voice as she pled: “So promise me that you’ll return with him?”
“…. I will.”
The end~
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stellar-alley · 4 years
Spider Spaghetti
•Chapter 1•
Next Chapter >>
(Summary: Eddie is just a normal teen who followed his crush out into an abandoned building and got bit by a spider.)
Shout out to my Beta, go find her on Tumblr @scoobydoo-ghoulschool and on ao3 @ theblacklagoon   
Also, don't forget to check out my Instagram Stellar.Cosplays if you want to see more of me and what goes on in my life!
“Dude if I get caught I’m gonna be in deep shit,” Eddie groaned from where he walked three steps behind the taller boy.
“Jeez dude take a chill pill. I’ve been doing this shit for like two years now and I haven’t gotten caught yet so I think we’ll be okay,” Richie turned on his heels, converses squeaking on the pavement as he began walking backwards to face Eddie. He took a step towards Eddie and swung an arm around his shoulder, pulled his head in and ruffled his hair. “Oh come on Eddie Spaghetti! Lighten up a bit” He mused.
Eddie yelped, he shimmed out from under Richie’s grasp and pushed the curly haired teen away, “Don’t do that!” He groaned, “And don’t call me Eddie Spaghetti I hate it when you do that!” Eddie shook his shoulders as if he could possibly rid himself of any germs Richie could’ve left on him. But nonetheless Eddie still followed Richie down the street, through a dark alleyway and down a small hill and towards what looked like a half demolished building.
“What the fuck is this? Some type of death trap? Do you have a death wish Richie? Cause I sure don’t! And I don’t wanna go into some crack house and have it collapse and fucking kill me,” Eddie ranted as his hands went on their own tangent, chopping the air infront of him as he tried to get his point across.
“Please,” Richie dragged out the E, “I've been here tens of times before.” He turned around to face Eddie once again, “And it’s only collapsed like- once,” he smirked deviously before turning back around. Richie picked up his pace from walking to a quick jog towards the building.
Eddie sighed but sped up to join him. Although after a couple of long strides his lungs started to burn due to his lack of exercise but he kept going nonetheless. Eddie caught up to him by the time Richie reached the entrance. He made a show of waving his hand towards Richie to stop him so Eddie could take a moment to catch his breath.
“Is it your asthma acting up again?” Richie tilted his head in concern.
“M-Maybe,” Eddie choked on his own breath and began coughing frantically.
“Shit,” Richie jumped into action, dropping the bag from his shoulders and reaching into the front pocket. He produced a small blue device Eddie had grown very used to seeing in times like these, his inhaler. Richie shook it like he’d seen Eddie do countless times before and reached out to cup the back of Eddie’s head.
“Breath in on three alright?” He instructed as Eddie frantically nodded his head. “1, 2, 3!” Richie counted down before pressing down on the trigger. He heard Eddie sharply inhale and watched the breath go from his mouth down his throat. “Again?” He questioned.
Eddie shook his head slowly. “No, I’m good,” he sounded a little out of breath but better than previously.
“Are you okay?” Richie's eyes shined with worry as he let go of the inhaler and let Eddie hold it, but he kept his other hand behind Eddie’s head for a beat.
“I’m okay. Wait- Do you always have that on you?” Eddie quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah! Just for emergencies, right?” Richie beamed and removed his hand from the back of Eddie's head. “Come on let’s get started!” Richie snatched his bag and kept going.
“Right…” Eddie let his voice drift off as he watched Richie go ahead of him, his hair bouncing as he stikkped off towards the nearest wall. Eddie got the sudden curiosity of what it might feel like to run his hands through Richie's dark brown curls. He quickly shook it off, as he did with most of his other thoughts that were about richie in that context. He had been getting these thoughts for just over a year now. Eddie tried so desperately to avoid them, and Richie in total. But that was deemed very hard as Richie is Eddie’s best friend. So Eddie just had to learn to live with the fact that he is in love with his best friend.
“Gotcha,” Richie’s words broke Eddie out of his thoughts.
He looked up to find Richie a couple yards away, admiring one of the only walls that still had some space that was free of art and vandalism. Richie tossed his bag aside. He reached down, grabbed a bottle of white spray paint, popped the cap off and began rapidly shaking it.
Eddie watched as Richie’s eyes scanned the wall before he went in and started spraying. As he sprayed various lines and shapes Eddie could see the gears turning behind his eyes as he planned out what and where he was going to do.
These were the moments when Richie’s motor mouth comments stayed in his head (which was rare). He needed to focus on the task at hand, his art, and as he would still stop every now and then to say some backhand comment or dirty joke, all of his focus went into the art he was creating.
Once Richie was done with the white base he took a step back and admired his big white blob like painting. “Can you grab my the black? I need to fix up this corner,” Richie instructed as he shook his can and went back in to fix one of his little mistacts.
Eddie glanced over at Richie’s open bag and spotted the bottle of black spray paint. Gotcha, Eddie smirked as he kneeled down, reaching inside and grabbing the bottle. For a second he simply held it in his hands and overserved the sticker Richie had slapped on the side when he noticed something scurry across the cap. Eddie immediately dropped the bottle and let it clatter against the cement floor as he gasped.
“Eddie? You okay?” Richie turned his neck to stare at Eddie with concern.
Eddie rapidly whipped off his hands and arms, finally he stopped and examined his forearms, “Nothing… It was just a-” Then he spotted it on his wrist, “SPIDER!” He shrieked. He was momentarily too shocked to move, but the sharp pain that corrupted out of his wrist snapped him back into reality.
Richie rushed to his side. He spotted the spider immediately and swatted it off of Eddie.
Eddie waved his hands around as if that would stop the pain that was slowly disappearing, “IT BIT ME! IT BIT ME!” Eddie frantically repeated.
“Woah, woah calm down.” Richie’s eyes darted between Eddie’s waving hands and his scared facial features. He waited a second before snatching Eddie's hands, halting their moving and holding them in his. He turned his wrist over to see the inside of his arm. On Eddie’s right arm he noticed the smallest red dot. “Jeez Eds you’re so overdramatic, look! You probably just scratched yourself on the way here. No need to worry,” Richie forced calmness into his voice as he slowly let go of Eddie’s wrists and gestured to the dot.
Eddie held his wrist up to his eyes and examined it, “Really? You think so?” He questioned.
“I know so! I’ve gotten so many scratches from this place, and look at me, I’m A okay” Richie shot Eddie his iconic smile.
Eddie’s ears turned red when he realized Richie had been holding his hands. “Yeah… It’s probably nothing.” He shook it off then reached down and picked up the can once again, holding it out to Richie. “Keep on keeping on.” He advised which got a smile out of Richie as he slid the can out of Eddie’s hand, their fingers touching for the smallest second. It still made Eddie’s heart skip a beat.
For the next hour or so, Eddie stood by Richie’s side as the taller boy painted his masterpiece in that warehouse. Lately Eddie had been trying to do more things like that, calm his nerves, go to abnormal places, not let the dirt bug him as much, just enjoy life more. And he always enjoyed life when he was with Richie.
Eddie woke up the next morning to a small headache, he couldn’t exactly pinpoint the main source of the pain, but when he evaluated the pain, he realized that everything slightly ached. Then he recalled the night before and how he stayed out much later than normal. Fuck, this is what I get for getting 5 hours of sleep. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and swung his legs over the side of his bed. For the first time since, well, ever, Eddie’s feet didn’t dangle in the air like a child’s, this time they landed on the floor with an unfamiliar *Thump*. He shuffled them around a little and got used to the feeling of the floor that was suddenly under his feet. Weird.
Although, that wasn't the only weird thing that occurred to Eddie Kaspbrak that morning. As usual, he woke up before his mother and went into the kitchen to start on breakfast and he got a mug and started making a fresh pot of coffee (Which he always told Sonia was for her, but he secretly drank behind her back as she’d say it’d ‘stunt his growth’). But when he turned to grab his mug he had forgotten where he placed it and accidentally knocked it off the counter behind him with his elbow. Then with ninja like speed he grabbed it a foot before it smashed against the tile floor. His breaths were quick as he needed a moment to replay the moment that had just happened in his head.
What the fuck? How did I catch that? Eddie recalled various memories that prove the point that he has terrible reflexes. The time in gym when they played dodgeball and he got hit in the face, or when he’d tried to kill bugs and was too slow to swat at them, and of course the countless times Richie had thrown things at him, that he had been hit by, but never caught.
And when he went to go make his usual sunny side up eggs. The yolks that usually turn out yellow and cooked fully, had finally been cooked right, so they were still a little liquidy and soft. Which was also very weird as Eddie has never, ever, been able to time one egg’s cook time, let alone the two he made that day.
So yeah, so far that morning was definitely weird.
Things didn’t get any better at school. Sure, Eddie could call these a bunch of coincidences but the moment his cheap ass, impossible to open, lock, on his locker, opened on the first try, he knew something was definitely up.
Then in his homeroom class, English, he just got a feeling that he should look over this one specific fact in case his teacher called on him. What are the odds that his teacher, Mr. Brock, called on him almost immediately.
OH! AND I literally turned around right when Richie turned the corner beside my locker. THAT NEVER HAPPENS!
“Yo Spaghetti man, everything alright?” Richie’s question made Eddie get stiff as a board.
“Huh? What? What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be alright?” Eddie shot back.
Richie shuffled uncomfortably from where he sat beside Eddie at the cafeteria table where they waited for the rest of the Losers who were currently in line to buy their lunches. “Uhh- nothing… You’ve just been kinda on edge today,” Richie pointed out.
“It’s nothing,” Eddie shrugged as he attempted to wip the anxiety from his facial features which he realized was much harder said than done.
“Oh come on, we both know something is up. You know you can always talk to me, right?” Richie nudged him with his elbow.
“I know, I know…” Eddie glanced away so he wouldn’t have to keep staring into Richie’s sincere eyes. It killed him to do this, Richie knew almost everything about him, so why should he have to hide this? Eddie wasn't completely sure, but he had a feeling in his gut (Which he’d been getting a lot more often now), that this was just the beginning of something much larger than anything Eddie had ever seen before.
And Eddie was correct, after a week of small yet odd coincidences, something else occurred. During Gym class once they had finished up a game of dodgeball, the teacher had requested that Eddie help him bring the dodgeballs back into the storage room. Eddie agreed. So he grabbed two and headed into the storage room.
Like most school storage rooms it had cement walls with that cool smell to it, and of course, an obscure amount of sports supplies, most hadn't been used in years. But when Eddie went to drop the balls into their designated basket, they didn’t leave his grasp. Instead they stayed, stuck, to his hands.
“What the fuck?” Eddie whispered in shock as he examined his hands for some type of sticky glue or something. He then began waving his hands wildly around in hopes of shaking them off, but to no avail.
What’s happening to me?
Eddie’s eyes grew wide with shock and worry as nothing worked to get the dodge balls off.
His posture only stiffened when he heard the all too familiar voice of his best friend as he called out to him from the entrance.
“Yo Eds, what’s taking so long?” Richie asked as he leaned against the door.
Eddie froze, “That’s not my name,” he snapped, but quickly turned to face Richie, keeping his hands behind his back to hide what was stuck to them.
He watched as Richie rolled his eyes then proceeded to continue, if he noticed Eddie’s tone, he didn’t mention it. “Got any plans tonight?” Richie inquired.
Eddie could feel the tips of his ears burning as his tense stance relaxed slightly. He loved hanging out with his friends, The Losers, but his favourite moments were when it was just him and Richie, when their fingers accidentally brushed together, when they laid in bed, so closer that he could feel Richie’s breaths.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the dodge ball falling to the ground behind him. Eddie snapped his head to see the ball that had once been stuck to his hand sat lifeless on the concrete floor. Weird.
“You good?” Richie tilted his head in confusion.
Eddie replied quickly, “Yep, yep! Better than ever. What were you saying before? Tonight? ME? Free? Hell yeah, what were you thinking?”
Richie let out a short nervous laugh, “I found this cool abandoned bridge I thought we could check out! Might be a possible new place to tag,” he explained.
“Does everything with you involve something abandoned and haunted?”
“You know it baby,” Richie said in his best (worst) Austin Powers impression and shot Eddie finger guns.
Baby, the nickname made Eddie want to melt into the floor.
“This place is a fucking death trap,” Eddie said to Richie from where he stood on the egde of the concrete, right before it turned into bridge. Honestly Eddie didn’t even consider this thing a bridge, it was a hazard that’s what this is. It hadn't been used in well over 10 years so half of the guard rail had fallen into the stream 20 feet below, as well as some of the wooden boards and train tracks.
“Come on Eddieeeeeee,” Richie dragged out the E. “I’ve gotta invest in some of those chill pills to calm your damn nerves!” Richie called out.
“If you mean weed then I’m gonna have to politely decline,” Eddie stated, watching Richie tightrope his way back to Eddie.
Now Richie stood before Eddie, he reached his hands out to the other’s which were crossed over his chest. “Please? I promise I won’t let you fall,” Richie dropped the joking tone as his voice filled with sincerity.
Eddie couldn’t resist the urge to hold Richie’s hands, even if it was platonic. He hesitantly reached out and allowed Richie to take his hands. Eddie didn’t protest as he let Richie slowly lead him onto the bridge. They took it one step at a time, Richie let go of one of Eddie’s hands so he could face forward and carefully plan each step which was soon followed by Eddie.
They were half way across the bridge when Richie stopped to look at the view they had. He looked out into the forest that surrounded them and the stream down below. The sun wasn't quite setting yet but that didn’t stop the sky from turning light shades of orange and purple.
“It’s really pretty,” Richie said, mesmerized by the pastel colours.
Not as pretty as you, Eddie thought. “Yeah it really is,” he said instead.
Eddie tore his gaze away from Richie’s face and glanced at his watch, desperate for something, anything, to take his mind off of how much he wanted Richie to know what he was really thinking. Instead of his heart stopping because of his physical contact with Richie, his heart stopped because he realized it was 7:45, and Eddie needed to be home by 8:00. (Because he hadn't gone home after school, usually he’s allowed out till 10-11)
“Shit,” Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, even just imagining what his mother might say made his stomach turn.
“Crap, I’m sorry Eds i should’ve been looking at the-“
“No, No. It’s not your fault, I should’ve been more aware of the time. Just uh- please take me home. last thing we need is me getting grounded,” he sighed.
Richie simply nodded understanding that Eddie needed to go home. So he took a step forward, towards the way they originally came, but Richie wasn't thinking when he placed his foot in a new spot that had a loose board. Richie’s foot landed on the board and immediately broke through, his foot going down, dragging him with it.
The next moments went by in slow motion. Eddie heard the snap as the board broke beneath Richie’s weight and watched as he lurched forward, unconsciously releasing Eddie’s hand in the process. Eddie did something he had never done before, but it seemed oddly natural. With the hand that had once been holding Richie’s, his middle and ring finger pressed down into his palm while the three other fingers stuck out. Then as if he’d pulled some sort of trigger, a long, white, sticky rope like fluid shot from his wrist, grabbed the hand Eddie had been holding not only a moment before. It halted Richie’s descent, the white rope fluid had stopped Richie from falling, he was literally holding on by a thread.
Richie was frozen in shock, he was still facing the ground beneath them so Eddie used that to his advantage. To make sure Richie didn’t see whatever shit just shot from Eddie, he swung his other hand over and grabbed the hand with the sticky stuff. He kinda pulled it off of his and Richie’s hands. Then he must’ve used some inner strength of his cause he was able to pull Richie back up to the bridge with him. Which seemed pretty impossible considering last time Eddie checked he was the definition of a spaghetti noodle. (He hadn't checked since the spider bite).
He yanked Richie up to his feet. Of course, Richie being Richie, he stumbled forward and the two ended up practically chest to chest.
“Holy shit,” Richie’s eyes were wide and hazed, obviously in shock.
“A-Are you okay?” Eddie stuttered, intimidated by how close they were.
Richie exhaled slowly then responded with, “I will be once we get off this death trap.”
Eddie laced his hand together with Richie’s again, just to be safe- not because of the whole crush thing, of course. When they finally reached the other end, Richie turned towards Eddie and wrapped his lanky arms around Eddie’s shoulders. He let one of his hands go up into Eddie’s hair, while the other gripped Eddie’s shirt, grounding himself. “Thank you,” he said into Eddie’s hair.
Eddie didn’t need a sign to tell him what to do. When Richie gripped him tight, Eddie lifted his arms and squeezed Richie’s torso. “It’s okay, it was no problem,” Eddie responded. He felt a little colder when Richie let go and took a step back.
“No seriously Eddie, you practicalyl saved my fucking life, so thank you,” Richie sounded genuine, something that was pretty rare in his book.
So instead of just responding, Eddie opened his arms back up and pulled Richie into another hug. “Anytime Trashmouth,” he smiled. Usually when the two hugged, Eddie's face would be against Richie’s chest, but now he was almost able to rest his chin on the other’s shoulder. He recalled how that morning his feet hit the ground without him having to reach, also how his clothes seemed a bit more snug then usual.
Richie pulled away, this time his face was filled with a happy confusion, “When did you get so tall?” He smirked down at the not so much shorter boy.
Little did Eddie know his height wouldn’t be one of the only things that would change.
That night the teen laid awake in bed. He couldn’t help but replay the day he just lived in his head. The sudden growth spurt, the weird dodgeball trick, the rope stuff, the strength? He felt like he was living in one of the comic books that he adored reading so much.
His eyes drifted to the corner of his room. Across the room was a window which let in light from one of the lamps on the street in front of the house. The light shown in and illuminated one corner, in that corner was a spider. It hung on a thin thread that connected to its intricately woven web.
Then, something clicked, and it all made sense.
•One Year Later•
He surveyed the city below him with great intensity. Keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, or out of the ordinary. After some time he let his eyes close and allowed his secondary senses to kick in. Then something exploded, not in his mind or anything mental like that. Like literally something blew up down the street.
He pulled his mask on over his face, made sure it was secure then sucked in a breath before diving off the roof of the building. he free fell for about 3 seconds before he shot his right hand up into the air, put his middle finger and his right finger to his palm and shot off a web that connected with one of the nearby buildings. He stopped falling and started swinging. When he reached the end of the line he shot his left hand out, held the two fingers down and shot off another web while he released the other one.
When he reached the place of the explosion he sent a web up to the building overhead so instead of swinging her just lowered down to the front of the building. His feet hit the ground and he immediately started scanning the building for the damage. The first thing he noticed was that the door of the building had been blown right off of its hinges. He also noticed how the building he was standing in front of was in fact, a bank.
Of course. He rolled his eyes from behind the mask before he entered the building. As he stepped over the threshold he noticed how the temperature intensely increased, and continued to as he made his way through the bank in an attempt to find the culprit of the break in.
He scanned the main lobby and the room with the ATMs, then proceeded into the back room which was where he saw the door that led to the vault room. That’s when the heat became nearly insufferable.
Tilting his head behind the corner he looked into the vault room and found the source of the immense heat. He watched as someone in a black outfit stood before the heavy metal vault door. They were obviously using their powers in an attempt to melt the door to steal whatever money they could fit inside the duffel bag that sat by their feet.
This wasn't the first time he had dealt with super powered individuals and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. For over four decades now, people have been developing powers and special abilities. Some could control water, others could control minds, and some got bit by radioactive spiders and learned to climb walls and shoot webs, to teach your own. But not all of these people became heroes, some failed to avoid the temptation of the dark side and became villains.
The hero stuck his hand out, shooting a web onto the back of the villain which wrapped around their arms like a straight jacket. Then with another web shot at the ceiling he was able to stick them up to the ceiling.
“Hey how’s it hanging?” He giggled at his own joke. “Sorry that was too good to pass up.” He waved his hand around to dismiss his comment.
He approached the semi melted door. The flames had gone out once the villain was apprehended, which really just showed him how in control the other was of their powers, which wasn't a lot.
He shrugged, happy he wasn't in charge of damage control. “Well the cops will be here soon so-” he stopped when he smelled something he was only a little familiar with. The strong scent of his webs burning assaulted his heightened senses. He nearly gagged at the smell when he looked up and saw that the villain's skin was nearly glowing, as if their skin had been lit on fire from the inside.
“Shit,” He murmured as the villian fell from his place on the ceiling as he melted the webs. The hero swung over the villain and over to the door, worried about what might happen next. His senses were giving him bad vibes, so he took a step back, and another, then another. His senses felt even worse so he booked it out of the bank just before one final explosion blew up the bank.
“What the fuck,” he gasped as he looked at the now in flames bank that stood before him.
He turned around when the sound of the police sirens rang out from behind him.
“Spiderman!” One of the cops called out to him. “What happened here man?” He asked as he approached the jeep.
“I-uh. sorry I don’t exactly know officer. This dude just kinda, went off-” He said as he realized how tense he was.
“Are you okay?” The officer asked.
“Yep, all good here! Just uh- have a good night,” he gave the cop a thumbs up before shooting a web up and swinging onto one of the closest buildings.
Once he was out of the public eye Spiderman ripped his mask off and Eddie Kaspbrak practically started gasping for fresh air. His breathing was laboured, heart pounding in his chest. He ran a gloved hand through his hair as he looked around at the rooftop he stood on. His knees felt like they were going to give out from underneath him so he kneeled down and took a seat on the rooftop of some random building.
“What the fuck just happened?” Eddie breathed as he leaned back, laying down and looking at the stars above him.
How did this shit even start? Eddie backtracked and recalled the day he went with Richie to that abandoned warehouse and when he got bit. Then the day he actually started developing his powers, at the bridge, when he saved Richie. From that day forward Eddie started testing his new abilities, his powers. He recalled what he did on the bridge and mimicked that hand motion, realizing that that was what activated his spider webs. From there he discovered his sticky-ness and how he can use that to his advantage, scaling walls and hiding on ceilings. Also how he needed to really relax to stop himself from sticking (He was relaxed around Richie that’s why the dodge balls unstuck previously). A little later on he picked up on his heightened senses, how he was suddenly able to catch every throw and dodge incoming blows. Eddie didn’t entirely know what they were, aside from just heightened senses, that was also a mouthful, so he called them his spidey senses.
After a couple run-ins with some low level thugs, Eddie considered becoming a real time super hero. Then once he saved a lady from a lethal mugging, he realized how saving people made him feel so in control. Like he had finally shed the ‘delicate’ title that his mom had given him as a child. He was powerful, and he loved it. So he invested in a proper suit, and donned the mantle Spiderman.
So for just under a year now Eddie has been saving New York and dealing with normal teenage bullshit like the rest of the teens nowadays.
Best of both worlds am I right
Eddie has fought countless villains. Their powers varied. But nothing like this. Never had he ever killed a villain himself. So this had shaken him.
And people noticed.
“Eddie are you okay?” Richie's voice echoed from Eddie's phone while he hastily undressed out of his super suit.
Almost right when Eddie got home he called Richie to talk and bring him back to earth. “Yeah, fine. I uh- just saw this bank catch on fire when I was out getting something,” he lied as he tossed his suit under his bed.
“What the fuck were you picking up at 2 am?” oh yeah- Eddie was out pretty late and woke Richie up, just to talk to him.
“I was hungry, and you know we have shitty snack foods here.”
“Well you aren't wrong, but you're okay right? You didn’t get hurt?” Richie worried as his morning voice slowly faded into his normal tone.
Eddie exhaled a shaky breath, “I-I think. I just don’t think I’m ready to be alone yet”.
He could hear Richie’s lips curl into a faint smile as he spoke, “Yeah. Whatever you say Tiger.”
“Shut up Richard,” Eddie sighed, his lips reflecting Richie’s.
Even just talking to him made Eddie relax almost completely.
“Just tell me about your day. Just talk to me, alright?” Eddie slowly laid down onto his bed. Releasing an exasperated sigh as his head hit the pillow. He pulled the covers over his body, all he had on were his boxers so the soft fabric made it easy for his body to relax. His special weighted blanket lay overtop of his comforter, warming Eddie’s body almost immediately and making him feel safe under that amount of weight.
On Richie’s end, his eyes went wide. He immediately clasped his hands together and held them up as if he were about to pray. “Dear god, I apologize for doubting you. Today you made a miracle happen, Eddie Kaspbrak actually wants me to talk. So thank you. Now if only you could get me a date with Mrs. K then maybe-”
“You never stop do you!” Eddie whisper shouted into his phone. He kept his voice low in hopes of not waking his mom.
Richie laughed, creating butterflies in Eddie’s stomach. “Can’t stop won’t stop baby!”
“That was a big explosion, are you sure you’re alright?” Stan pointed his fork at Eddie after the hidden hero told the Losers, his best friends, about his near death experience last night when he was out for food.
“Yeah I’m okay. It was just scary, ya know? We’ve never seen a villain’s powers just fucking go off like that. I mean yeah we’ve seen people who can make things explode but they never like, kill them right? It’s crazy. There’s gotta be more to this shit that we aren’t seeing.” Eddie ranted as he did a mini karate chop in the air with his hand. He noticed richie who let out a little amused huff of air through his nose as he happily shook his head.
“Y-You worry to-too much. Leave the fuh-fighting to the villains,” Bill refrained from rolling his eyes since he knows how much Eddie cared about these things.
Eddie sighed, stood up and packed his stuff into his bag, “Whatever I’m gonna be late for science. You coming Rich?” he nodded towards Richie who quickly swallowed whatever he had in his mouth.
“Yes sir! Right behind you Eds,” Richie said in one of his voices as he grabbed his bag and stood up beside Eddie.
“Shut your Trashmouth,” Eddie groaned and began to walk with Richie close behind.
“No can do Boss Man!” Richie hollered, placing an arm over Eddie’s shoulder. Which Richie was still getting used to being so high up, even if it had been over a year since Eddie’s weird growth spurt.
When the two students walked into their science class, they were greeted by their science teacher, Mr. Carter, who awaited them at the door.
“Mr. Kaspbrak, how are you boys doing today?” He smiled warmly at his students as they passed him. “Mr Tozier, glad to see you early for once,” he smirked.
“Yeah sorry your mom was busy last night so I had a lot of free time,” Richie turned, smirked deviously and walked backwards as he faced Carter.
“Hey Watch if Tozier, I’m still your teacher,” Mr Carter smirked as he pointed a finger at the student.
“How could I forget!” Richie sighed dramatically before he plopped down onto his seat beside Eddie’s.
A couple minutes after, once all of the students had filed into the class and taken their seats, their teacher commenced the lesson.
“So today we will be studying the science behind super powers,” The class all gasped, excitement filled the air.
“Yes, yes this is all very new and cool. So let’s dive right in,” Mr Carter turned on the projector.
The image that was displayed on the board had Eddie do a double take. It was a picture that looked like it was a screencap of the security camera footage from the bank’s vault where Spiderman fought that fire villain the previous night.
Eddie immediately felt overwhelmed. His stomach twisted with some dark feeling that had him clutching his abdomen, his head began to pound and his palms started sweating.
“So can anyone tell me what they think this fire bender might have wanted to achieve from their failed heist?” Mr. Carter's voice boomed in Eddie’s head. His senses increased his voice, causing him to shrink back into his seat.
Someone in the class raised their hand and responded once they were called on, “They were trying to melt the outer hinges of the vault as they wanted to make a quick and easy robbery,” someone said a matter-of-factly.
Carter chuckled, “But their plan did not work out as they would have hoped, correct? Does anyone here know why?” He asked the class.
Someone else raised their hand. “Spiderman trapped the villain in their webbing, which acted like a bottle cap, causing the villain's power’s to overflow and explode. Causing the villain to die.”
D i e
Eddie’s hands were visibly shaking. He felt a bead of sweat roll down his forehead. He lifted his eyes up and they met Mr. Carter’s which were filled with concern.
“Are you alright Mr Kaspbrak-”
Eddie abruptly stood up, nearly tripping over his own feet as he moved towards the door. “I-I need some air,” he stuttered as he opened the door and left the classroom.
Eddie walked, and he kept walking. His head started to run a mile a minute, so he ran too. He ran through the halls and the main atrium. He didn’t stop until he burst out the main doors of the school and ran into the fresh fall air. Eddie might have been overwhelmed but he still managed to feel his hair stand up on the back of his neck just moments before-
Eddie turned on his heels, spinning around to see Richie standing before him. His shoulders were slouched and his head was tilted down as if he were trying to get done on Eddie’s level. (Which used to be a lot harder when Eddie was shorter before the whole spider thing). Richie took a slow step forward, carefully reaching a hand out to rest on Eddie’s shoulder.
“Are you okay?” He asked. A cool breeze swept by them which blew through Richie’s messy curls and helped lower Eddie’s increasing body temperature.
Eddie couldn’t keep looking at Richie and his big brown eyes- so he dropped his gaze to his hands, which were visibly shaking, and that only made him more distraught. He tilted his head back up to face Richie’s, but it was different now. Eddie could feel his lower lip trembling and his eyes began to well up with tears because it was all too much.
Richie’s stance physically softened. “Oh… Eddie,” he stepped forward, opened his arms and wrapped him up in a close hug. He wrapped his arms around Eddie’s shoulders. One hand on his back and the other one gently found a spot on the back of Eddie’s neck, just below his hairline. Richie held Eddie’s head close so he’d know that this was okay.
Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie’s back/torso area. He held the (slightly) taller boy tight and close, burying his face in the crook of Richie’s neck.
“I-I…” Eddie’s voice trailed off, unsure of where he should start, if he should start at all. When he exhaled, it was long and shaky. “Th-The-They’re dead,” he cried, the walls opened up and the tears flowed out. Rolling down Eddie’s cheeks and embedding into Richie’s denim jacket.
“Oh Eddie,” Richie let out a sad sigh, “You know that’s not your fault right?” He whispered softly and quietly. Sure he might’ve not known exactly who Eddie was talking about but he had a feeling asking would’ve only made it worse.
Eddie pressed his lips into a tight line. BUT IT IS MY FAULT- He wanted to scream, but he didn’t. The number one thing he promised he’d never do is reveal his secret identity. Even to Richie, his best friend. He simply couldn’t take that risk of the people he cared about most being in the line of fire.
“Hey… It’s okay,” Richie cooed, rubbing Eddie’s back to comfort him.
Eddie’s tears didn’t stop for a while. But Richie didn’t leave or lighten up, he just held Eddie close. He waited until Eddie confirmed he would be okay before he loosened his grip, but he still held his shoulders as they still shook lightly.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Richie tilted his head to the side, as if looking at Eddie from a new angle would help him piece together the puzzle that was his crush.
“Not one bit,” Eddie breathed. From where his hand had been placed on Richie’s upper back, it inched its way up to the back of Richie’s head. His fingers got lost in Richie’s thick hair. He slowly tilted Richie’s head down to the point where he could lean his head up and rest his forehead against his own. Eddie’s skin was warm against Richie’s. The touch sent shivers going down both their spines.
“...Okay,” Richie nodded which bobbed Eddie’s head too. That made all of them laugh a little. Richie glanced down and saw Eddie’s lips, once trembling in sadness were now curled into his small, delicate beautiful smile. But he knew Eddie’s smile was the only thing delicate about him. He was strong, and brave. things Richie always aspired to be.
Now it was Richie’s turn to bury his face into Eddie’s shoulder. “You wanna head back to class?” His voice was slightly muffled by Eddie’s shirt.
“Not really but do we have a choice?” Eddie whispered from where his chin sat on Richie’s shoulder.
So for a while, they just held each other.
Spiderman sat on the edge of one of the tallest buildings in New York . He sat in a kneeling position, one knee bent against the cool roof, the other slightly less bent. One hand leaned on the higher knee while the other was placed on the roof with his mask tightly in his grasp.
The wind swept through his hair for the second time that day. This time it was cooler, the sun had set about an hour ago which brought the city’s temperature down a couple degrees. If he held his breath long enough before he exhaled he could almost see his breath in the evening autumn air.
But the breeze began to pick up, Eddie’s hair swooped and swept to the side. He raised a hand up in hopes of righting it again but the wind continued, blowing it the wrong way again. Now Eddie physically shivered with the lowering temperature that the wind brought.
Spiderman turned his head and his hair followed, blowing behind him as if he were in one of those cheesy superhero fan fics that was written by a 17 year old confused bisexuel. (If you’re wondering what I’m confused about, then congrats cause same)
He let out a sigh before yanking his mask over his flowy hair. After he took a moment to try and locate where this was coming from. When nothing came up, he simply decided to follow the wind. Any way the wind blows am I right? With that he put his hand out, shot a web onto the nearest building and jumped.
The wind led Spiderman to a fairly old and empty park. The grass was still green which was surprising for the time of year, but that didn’t mean it still wasn't cluttered with leaves of all different warm colours. Eddie sat perched in one of the near evergreen trees on one of the lower branches, in a place where he could have a full view of the land but still stay out of sight.
The hair on the back of his neck stood up again before another, bigger, gust of wind came. This one nearly knocked Eddie out of the damn tree!
“Woah,” Eddie wobbled, his hands immediately grasping the branch he sat on in hopes of stabilizing his balance.
When he was pretty sure he was stable again, he looked back up at the park and his eyes found the culprit of this abnormal wind.
The being stood up on top of the play structure, on one of the platforms before the part with the slide. They held their hands out by their side which were emitting the wind.
“You know the wind is usually stronger on the other side of town right? So this is probably gonna seem really fucking suspicious to a lot of people” He called out as he hopped down, off of the tree branch and began walking towards the structer.
“Who are you?” The wind being croaked. His voice was rough and deep.
Eddie placed a hand on his chest as he introduced himself, “I’m just your local neighbourhood Spiderman, but I’m more curious about who you are” he pointed at the wind villain.
“You, you can call me Twister,” he bellowed, pushing another gust of wind at Spiderman.
This one was significantly stronger than any of the others that Eddie had felt. His feet started to slide from beneath him. He acted fast, shooting out a quick web that latched onto one of the nearby trees to hold him in place.
He held on for a couple moments but the winds picked up and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep this up. He could practically hear his web tearing under all the pressure.
With a quick flick of his wrist he shot a web up and hit the villain, Twister? He was an easy shot, immediately he got shot down, fell back on impact and off the play structure. He let out a loud grunt when his back hit the ground.
The wind stopped, so Eddie leaped up onto his feet then ran and jumped up onto the top of the play structure. “Yeah sorry dude Gone With The Wind is actually playing next week so you’ll have to- wait…” Eddie stopped mid pun when he noticed something seemed wrong with this guy.
Sure the main gust of wind had stopped but now Twister was emitting bursts of wind, every few seconds, not really from his hands but from his being. It was like an increasing heart beat. And this guy, his figure seemed to almost ripel with each burst.
Eddie hopped down off of the structure and held his hands out in defense as he slowly approached the villain. “H-Hey uh- Are you okay dude?” He stuttered, unsure of what was happening.
“He suh-said this was safe! Get him…”. The man let out another grunt as a wave rolled off of him. He arched his back up to the sky and screwed his eyes shut. “G-Get h-h-im” He stuttered in pain. “G-GET HIM!” He repeated, louder this time.
Eddie tensed at the pain in his voice. But his brow furrowed when he noticed that this guy was almost losing colour in his face. With each gust of wind he was losing more of the colour in his being.
“Who?” Eddie asked in a panic, his voice getting higher.
“Carter…” He hissed. Twister’s voice drifted off before he let out one last, big gust of wind. This one send a crack through his being.
Eddie couldn’t believe what he was watching. The man seemed to almost fade away. Then within the blink of an eye he was just… Gone with the wind.
Eddie did not sleep that night.
Right after his encounter with Twister, he swung his way home and snuck in through his bedroom window which he always keeps open. Finally in the safety of his own room, he stripped down to his boxers, hid his suit under his bed with the rest of his Spidey tech. He pulled on one of Richie’s old T-shirts that he’d outgrown and gave to Eddie. They used to be massive on Eddie but after the spider incident they’re just a little too big, but Eddie didn’t mind, just the scent of Richie on that shirt calmed his nerves a whole lot. After he retrieved his heavy, big ass, fluffy as fuck blanket and made himself a human burriot. Eddie curled up on his bed, his knees up to his chest, the blanket covered every square inch of his bdy, he even pulled it up and over his head with only a small crack to allow air in. Any little breeze or cold air currently put him on edge, after that.
Once he found a good position he shuffled for his phone, turned it on, nearly blinded himself by the light. But after his eyes adjusted he clicked on Spotify, lowered the volume to maybe 1 or 2 clicks and played A Trip To Nowhere, a playlist made by Richie for Eddie.
He fell asleep to the soft sounds of Something In The Air by Winnetka Bowling League.
Word Count: 7858
WELCOME TO MY NEW FAN FIC! AH GUYSSSS I'm so happy I finally get to share this with y'all! So during this pandemic I've started babysitting my cousin and he loves spiderman so I've been watching a lot of the spiderman movies recently which I'm A okay with cause I love superheroes and all. And watching all of that actually inspired me to write this fan fic! It probably won't be that long, maybe just like 4 chapters but it's still gonna have a kickass storyline so get ready!
Don’t forget to comment, like and reblog! It shows you guys like my stuff and it inspires me to write more! This will update every monday so get ready! Finally a reason to l o v e mondays.
ah! Anyways don't forget to comment your favourite part down below and leave a like! It inspires me to write more.
That's all for me, until next Monday 
So Long and Goodnight!
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(A Medieval!AU Loki x Stark!Reader Story)
Chapter Summary: Where you meet you future groom. He doesn't seem too happy about you, though.
Word Count: 2,503
Warnings: Allutions to misogyny, an old man being sexist (Not Odin), Loki being Loki.
A/N: I am so excited about this story! Thank you guys again for your support, and please be patient with me, I'm still not super confident in my own writing but I'll keep trying my best!
"Absolutely lovely..." You sighed as you admired the room that would be your quarters in Asgard.
"I'm happy it accommodates you, Princess. Please, allow me to help to ready you for bed." The blonde girl asked as she moved to help you get out of your tight dress.
"Thank you, Sigyn." You smiled and raised your arms so she and Wanda could get to work.
They helped you out of the dress and Sigyn handed you a flowy nightgown that she explained was a gift from the queen herself to you.
"Oh, I couldn't possibly..." You hesitated as you touched the soft material of the dress.
"Please. It is a gift from the Queen. It is considered quite rude for someone to reject a gift from the nobility." She explained.
You looked into her brown eyes and nodded, accepting the gift. It was the softest fabric that you had ever touched and it made you feel weightless as it softly flowed with the salty wind that came from the open window.
"It's gorgeous." You said as you softly smiled down at the gift. "Please tell the queen that I am truly grateful for her gifts."
Sigyn nodded and after finishing helping you get ready she shuffled out of the room, head hung low.
"Sweet girl, isn't she?" Wanda asked as she brushed your hair.
"Shy, but very nice." You agreed.
"It is a beautiful garment, the one you've been gifted."
"I agree. Queen Frigga has impeccable taste."
Wanda also finished up and went to a side door that had a bed for her, a small closet, and a bathroom for herself. She bid you goodnight and disappeared.
Sleep hadn't come easy for you for almost a year now. Tossing and turning were oftentimes how you spent most nights, nightmares waking you when sleep finally overtook you. But for the first time in a very long time, sleep came fast and no nightmares were present. 
That of course meant that you were of very good humour when you presented yourself for breakfast that morning.
The king, Odin, was very pleasant if a little bit straightforward. But overall he did nothing to make you feel overly uncomfortable.
Frigga was a delight, words sweet as honeysuckle and ambrosia, smile kind, and open arms to receive you. 
Thor was as friendly as the night before and greeted you amiably.
But the other brother... To say that he wasn't exactly excited to see you was an understatement.
"My son, Loki." Odin presented you to him with a gruff voice.
You curtsied. "My prince, it is a pleasure to meet you."
Loki didn't respond, he gave his father a lopsided look. "Really? Her?"
Oh, lord no.
Odin paid him no mind and turned to you. "I hope you can forgive my son's indiscretion, it's truly a pleasure to have you here. If you'll follow me."
He led you away from the dark prince while he stared at you like he was plotting how to exactly make you disappear. So you shot him a look that told him that you reciprocated his feelings.
You paid him no mind the rest of the morning. He was awfully quiet, adding nothing to the conversation and you began to doubt this was the clever strategist that your father had talked to you about.
Well, he had called him some particular names that you kept out of your vocabulary, and slowly you saw the reason to use them.
"We're truly happy that you've decided to go through this alliance, my dear," Frigga commented at some point during the meal.
"I'm grateful that you even considered siding with us your majesties. It is truly an honor to have Asgard's favor."
"Speaking of. We'll finish our treaty after breakfast if that's alright with you." There was no room for discussion in Odin's tone.
"Of course, your majesty."
"And afterward, we shall feast!" Thor raised a glass in excitement.
"I would like nothing more, my prince." You smiled politely at his open display of joy.
"I must object in this alliance, of course."
"Loki," Frigga warned with her tone.
"I'm sorry, mother, but as a pawn, at play, I must get a say." He said, sarcasm dripping from his mouth.
"Loki, please. Stop." Frigga warned him again.
"... No. I don't think I will." He said before pushing his chair and storming outside of the room.
It felt hard to breathe, it was definitely tense in the room, but Frigga tried to lighten it.
"Forgive him, please my dear. He hasn't taken the news very easily."
"I can see that." You looked after where he had left.
"He just needs some time to process it."
You smiled at her, calmly, trying to show her your understanding. "I believe you, your majesty. It's been something to assimilate for me too. So I don't fully fault him. I just hope that we can come past our differences someday."
This seemed to relax everyone in the room, even the servants who had tensed up when the prince left.
"Thank you, my dear."
The room was filled to the brim with unfamiliar faces. The only ones you recognized were Steve and Bucky who stood guard by your side, Odin who sat high on his throne, and his two sons who stood by their father.
Thor looked at you with a kind smile, Loki was basically sneering at you.
"We have gathered here today, to make an alliance with our brothers. An alliance with the people of Midgard. May their representative rise." Odin's voice boomed through the room and commanded everyone's attention.
You stood with your head held high, through your mind speeding all of your mother's lessons in etiquette and diplomacy.
"Great leaders of Asgard. I represent my people, so that we may yet achieve peace. We face a common enemy, and we know that together we may stand a chance if they ever were to strike upon any of us." You began your speech. "I recognize Asgardians' accomplishments. Your technology is without a doubt superior. Your armies are well prepared. And though it may seem unnecessary, something that Asgard lacks is something that Midgard thoroughly possesses.
"Our forefathers', those who rose from the ashes of the earth, gained something that the forefathers of Asgard lacked. You have never faced the enemy. We have managed to keep them at bay for a century. We understand how they think. What they do. Name something. Anything. I will be able to provide intel. And not only me. Ask two of my bravest soldiers and companions. Captain Steve Rogers and Lieutenant James Barnes." You pointed to the two men standing right behind you. 
"They have faced the enemy ever since they were young." You looked around the crowd, trying to find a face that looked incredulous, or bored. You expected Loki to not be paying attention, but you actually saw him fully invested in your speech. Eyebrow raised at your defiant look around the room.
You finally found an old man towards the front who looked unimpressed.
"Pardon me, sir. May I ask for your name?" You politely requested.
"Lord Finnean Kendrick" He answered with a bored look on his face.
"Lord Kendrick. Would you like to ask any of us a question?" You offered.
Everyone turned their attention to the man, now put in the spotlight. "O-Of course! After all, if it is knowledge you claim to have, you must prove that is trustworthy knowledge!"
"Go ahead then."
He took a second and readjusted in his seat. "Lieutenant Barnes. At what age do Jotun's begin training their children?"
Bucky stared at the man, that was obviously common knowledge. "As soon as they begin to walk."
He hummed in approval. But that was too easy. "Captain Rogers. Are women often found on the battlefield, or do they stay and raise the young?"
"They are commonly found in battle. Children are raised as a warring community."
That last bit wasn't exactly common knowledge, which raised whispers around the room.
The man gritted his teeth and then looked you right in the eyes. "Alright woman. Your turn."
Oh, how calling him colorful names would help me calm down right now.
"If there was one thing you could say will destroy a Jotun, what would it be?"
You glared at him. You didn't care if the whole Asgardian court was watching you. You were actively and shamelessly glaring at the old man.
"Well, Lord Kendrick. Besides obvious fatal wounds that come from stab wounds, internal bleeding, and getting their faces smashed in by our warriors wielding maces. The most devastating thing to a Jotun is their honor and loyalty."
The room was silent expecting you to elaborate, but you didn't.
"And of course I would say more, but I only could under the assumption that this alliance is still taking place."
Whispers began circling the room once more, and although pensive, Odin had a shadow of a smirk pulling at his lips.
"Spoken like a diplomat, princess. Very well. We look forward to hearing more information from you and your generals." He conceded.
"Thank you, your majesty. I will send for all of our records on Jotuns as soon as the treaty has been signed." You nodded.
"Good." Odin stood and approached you, standing towards the center of the room. "Now, I suspect that you would like to discuss the other side of the alliance?"
You braced yourself, this was the part you weren't prepared for. Looking over at Loki, any spark of curiosity towards you had been snuffed out. In its place, a look of disdain was all that remained. You weren't sure if it was directed at you, but it didn't really matter.
"Of course."
"Tell me Sigyn," You called to the maid who was fetching your dress. "What might I expect from tonight's... festivities?"
She seemed to hesitate for a moment before speaking. "Well, first there will be a feast of traditional foods and drinks."
She passed the green layered dress over your head before continuing. "Then there will be dancing. That's why you can take layers off the dress." She pointed to a series of secret zippers. "Some dances are freestyle, so you can shed layers until you are comfortable."
You nodded quietly and allowed her to continue.
"Afterwards there will be more singing, dancing and drinking. The festivities are pretty loose since after a couple of pints everyone is too drunk to follow or establish any tradition." She lightly giggled.
You chuckled. "Are you sure that's all there will be?"
"I believe so." She tightened your corset. "But if there is anything I left out I'll make sure to let you know. But decorum is long forgotten in Asgard after the third and last waltz."
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you frowned. "Sigyn. Pardon my question but... Why green?"
She looked as if scandalized. "Well, you are engaged to Prince Loki, are you not?"
"Yes. But-" You looked back at your reflection at a loss for words.
"Then you must wear his colors to formal events. It is scandalous to wear another man's colors to any public event." She continued when your words couldn't come out.
"I see..."
"Is this not a tradition in Midgard?" She asked as she worked on your hair.
"Not really. We haven't found the time to establish many traditions when it comes to parties and formal events."
That was true, the few parties that you had ever partaken in everyone dress up however they wished (following the dress code, of course) and it mostly consisted of choreographed numbers and fine dining. You had yet to see what an Asgardian feast looked like, but by what Sigyn had described it wouldn't be incredibly similar to your feasts back home.
And Sigyn was, in fact, correct. After a hearty dinner, accompanied by not only the royal family but lords and dukes, you all followed to the dance ball where couples were pairing to dance in unison.
You didn't know the dance, the culture of each realm were well-kept secrets. They barely spread, only enough to be polite, but dances and literature never reached beyond frontiers, unless they were prohibited books.
But after the first waltz, you seemed to catch the drift. It was actually very similar to some of the Midgardian waltzes.
You were unsure if to ask anyone to dance with you. At this point, you were still so oblivious to Asgardian etiquette that you feared doing something that might upset the king. Even if the alliance had already been signed and Bucky had gone to deliver the news and to bring some of the sages and historians to begin the exchange of information.
But it wasn't necessary to worry much since as soon as the music of the second waltz was finalizing, you heard someone clear their throat beside you. Glancing to your right you found prince Loki, your betrothed, standing awkwardly by your side.
He didn't look at you, he just extended his hand for you to take, and when you did he pulled you softly towards the dancing floor.
Soft and careful weren't words you expected to use while describing your interactions with the dark prince. But life had a way of surprising you.
"I must admit that I don't know the Asgardian waltzes." You tried to ease into a conversation.
He seemed to smirk but he didn't meet your eyes. "Just follow my lead, princess."
He led you through the whole thing and didn't make a single teasing comment, which was nice.
"Thank you, my prince."
"What for?" He yet hadn't met your gaze.
"For giving me a chance."
"It's not like I have much of a choice. We both know it's in both of our nation's best interests." He reluctantly conceded.
"It is. And I know that this arrangement is probably not what you wanted, but if we are to spend our lives together, may I offer a truce to get to know each other?"
He was pensive as you glided through the ballroom. "I cannot offer you love."
"And I am not asking for it. I need an ally. And I think that as underestimated you are, you are the best choice in the room."
That cracked a smile on his face and finally made him look at you as if searching if you were being honest. "Better than the mighty Thor?"
"What are brawns without a brain to control them? Flesh can only get you so far." You grinned but kept your head raised in solemnity.
Loki searched in your eyes, yes there was a level of teasing, but he knew you weren't lying. It had been a while since anyone had been truthful to him.
The music ended and everyone applauded towards the musicians. The men and women with their instruments bowed, but instead of beginning to file out, they sat again and prepared.
"I hope you're ready for the next round princess," Loki whispered to you.
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