#also idk what this is honestly i just let my brain g o
misscrazyfangirl321 · 9 months
Platonic Helen + Will Flower Shop AU? (And Happy New Year to you!)
Her brow lifts just slightly when he walks in (in years to come he will grow to recognize that as her version of shock, but for now, it is only a ghost of a look, there and gone in a heartbeat). "How can I help you?"
His heart is heavy, twisted up like it always is this time of year, and grief fogs his thoughts. "Yes, I'm looking for a few-" There's a movement he sees from the corner of his eye, and he instinctively turns toward it, only to see nothing but rows and rows of plants. "... Roses."
"Roses. Yes. Of course." He's not quite sure what to make of her tone. "One moment, please."
He nods, then scans the room absently, an unsettled feeling creeping up his spine. Something is not right. He can't quite put his finger on it, but it's a feeling he cannot shake.
These flowers... He's never seen anything like them. Granted, he's not exactly a flower expert, but there's nothing in this sea of color that's even remotely familiar. Some of them seem to sway, as if there's wind, but they're inside and even the A/C doesn't seem to be running. And a few of them are pointed toward him, almost like-
He shakes his head firmly, trying to shake the thoughts away at the same time. He's letting his mind run away with him; he always has, hasn't he? He just needs to get a few roses for his mother's grave, and-
He stops. Takes a deep breath. Blinks a few times, just to make sure he didn't imagine that, but nope, that flower definitely just sneezed.
It's still now, but he knows what he saw. He does.
... Doesn't he?
Feeling more than a little silly, he clears his throat. "Um. Bless you?"
The petals flutter. "Thank you!" It's a soft voice, almost melodic, and decidedly not human. Then, it gasps. "I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Hopefully I didn't scare you!"
Scared doesn't begin to cover it, and he's not altogether sure he hasn't completely lost his mind, but still, he manages a weak, "No, no, you're-you're fine. I just, uh-I just-what are you?"
"She's called Susan." A voice from behind him cuts in dryly. The shopkeeper, he notes absently, though she seems much calmer now, almost amused. "How you found us, I've no idea, but welcome to the Sanctuary."
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Can you make a fugo alphabet fluff? I love your works, I hope you have a great month <3 (Sorry for my poor choice of praise and english)
Fugo Fluff Alphabet
notes - first of all, thank you so much anon!! your english was great, so don't even worry!!! thanks for the request and for the lovely compliment! ive had so much fun with these fluff alphabets and wanna do them for every character LMFAO thanks again anon and have a wonderful week!! <3
based on this post
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He likes to have chill times with you. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting in the living room with you and just reading a book or something. He also loves getting dinner, but prefers taking it home and eating it in the backyard like a picnic.
Your intelligence. He is a super smart guy and it doesnt matter how smart you are, he will always admire your brain and how you think. Also, physically, probably your legs lol, idk i just see it
This man has a lot of experience with his own panic attacks, so he would have to know how you need help first before he would be able to help at all. Before any of this, he would sit down and talk to you about how to help you in a tough situation. After that he would help in any way he can and also speak to you very lightly and kindly
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Somewhere comfortable where the two of you aren't stressed out. I feel like the one thing that is absolutely killing him is stress and knowing that you deal with stress too. He needs to know that you're doing okay and would love that to be the future between the two of you <3
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You have to order his happy meal for him. I think we know the answer to this one. He may be a strong dude, but like, he's definitely the lil baby in the relationship
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
This man, as we know, has some anger issues. Because of this, when he gets pissed at you, he stays pissed at you for a while tbh. Like he isn't just angry at you but at himself and he feels like he can't recover from the argument. He just feels like an asshole who hurt an angels feelings. I think you would have to initiate the forgiveness if you aren't too upset. During the argument he would probably get way too pissed off and start shouting and then he realizes he fucked up and avoids you. Let him know that everything is fine and he will be better <3
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful that you are here with him. You have helped him through a lot and to return that, he helps you through a lot. You have helped him realize new stuff in himself and even help him get over bridges he didn't even think he could cross. You are everything to him and he is so thankful for that <33333
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
If you don't know about him being/having been in the mafia, he would hide that from you. I don't think he wants you to know about the dangerous stuff he's seen. He also keeps his past a secret from you. Honestly, he keeps a lot from you, which you slowly pull out from him
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Oh, absolutely. You made him less angry and pent up. He had a lot of internal problems that affected him externally and you were able to help him through a lot of that
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
YES YES YES! Like I just feel like he'll get really self conscious when he sees you laughing or smiling with someone else. It's hard for him to be super confident, so seeing you around someone he thinks is better looking than him or something can really make him upset. To deal with it, he ignores it as best as possible and gets angy
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Oh hell yeah. I think at first, like the first kiss that you had after a nice dinner, he didn't know what to do. You kissed him and he didn't really know that there was a rule where he had to kiss back, so he was still as a statue. But after he got the hand of it, he is an AMAZING kisser. Very soft lips 10/10
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I think the two of you were reading or something at the library and he passed you a note that said: I like you. We should hang out. Shortly after, the two of you started dating
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
tbh, I really don't know. I think the idea appeals to him, but at the same time, he really enjoys where you guys are. He would have to think about it a lot down the road. But if he were to propose, it would be in private and I think he would prefer to get eloped.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Simple stuff like honey or darling or dear, but all in Italian
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He smiles a lot more. Like especially around you. He just has a constant little smile on his lips and it's really cute. It's kind of obvious to others, especially close friends since he acts relatively different, which isn't a normal Fugo thing, so they totally make fun of him. To express his feelings, he always tells you how much he loves you and it really means a lot
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
PDA is a big no for him I think. He prefers kisses and stuff privately. The most he'll do is kiss you in a park or something, but never in public. Like holding hands is a sometimes thing, but yeah he really doesn't like showing off his relationship in public
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Lots of care and understanding. He will give you space when you need it and always provide what you need when you need it
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I don't really think he's romantic or creative in any of these aspects. I feel like he just treats the relationship as it is. Sure, he'll take you on dates, but it's never anything crazy. It's more calm than anything
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He is always there to help. He will drop anything to help you out. He is your biggest supporter because dreams to him are very important. So know that he's always got your back
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He is definitely more routine. He needs to have his day go the way he plans because it makes his life easier. It's nice though because you have become a part of his routine <3
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He is VERY understanding. He knows you very well, so he knows when something is up or when you need space or even when you need him by your side. He is more than caring and you don't even need to ask him for things, he'll just be there
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You definitely mean a lot to him, but sometimes, he will put the others like Bruno in front of you. They have gotten him out of the worst of stuff, so he definitely holds them on a pedestal, but if you understand, that makes him very happy
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He always smells really good so when you hug him, he gives off this lovely sweet smell that you can't get enough of. It's like strawberry shortcake and vanilla
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Not really. He prefers getting that kind of love from you, he won't really start any cuddles or anything
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
You are a big part of his routine, so when you're gone, he has to reorganize EVERYTHING and that pisses him off so much. It takes him a while to get back on track without eyebags, but eventually things for him will get back to normal until you come back.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He's not a huge risk taker, so no. If you don't want the relationship anymore, he will understand and that's that. He will fight for you and protect you at all costs for sure, but if you really feel like things are over, it will end
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2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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what's your opinion on the whole akihiko characterization discourse going on. also get well soon man!!
Ty homie! Also I have a lot of opinions on Akihiko!
Let me preface this with, I don’t think it’s Alejandro’s fault. I’ve met him before, he’s super chill! He’s a great voice actor! I think with better voice directing/writing this issue could have been completely avoided.
Spoilers/Full Opinion under the cut bc, oh boy do I have a l o t to say.
So. First things first I do agree that Aki’s new voice is waaaaay too deep. Like. I understand wanting him to sound a little more mature but he did not need to be THAT deep. Bro should not be lower than Shinji. However, I don’t think that is Alejandro’s fault.
In stressful scenes, when Aki’s voice gets a little higher, I was literally screaming in my brain. “THATS IT THATS HOW HE SHOULD SOUND!”. I think the voice director was so focused on trying to make Aki sound more mature that they were pushing Saab too far in the deep direction.
Also I don’t know how they broke up the recording sessions, but I could tell a BIG difference in the voice acting for the whole cast when the Yakushima trip happened. Like they all sounded so much better. Especially Aki and Yukari. I can’t tell if it was just me getting used to the new cast, or if it was a new session, but they did sound better. While still being deep, Aki did sound more like himself and Yukari had some of her bite back.
Aki also improved writing and voice acting wise for his second awakening and after. To quote from the live blog I did on discord “no more damnit shinji. But goddamn Alejandro put his whole soul into that.”
I think with better voice directing Alejandro could have really made Aki shine. Idk if it was just. Miscommunication or smth bc the rest of them sounded fine. But I still don’t think it’s on Saab. I know he has the range. It seems like a direction issue to me.
Now on to the writing/characterization. Whooo boy it is r o u g h.
Every. Single. Fucking. Word. Out. Of. This. Mans. Mouth. Was. Protein. They flanderized my boy sooooooo bad.
I’ve been told they wanted to make him closer to the japanese version and the arena games but like. I don’t think it was this bad????
I honestly think it was Atlus’ attempt to add more comic relief to the game. Which I understand, but I don’t think it was needed.
Part of the charm, for me at least, is how depressing Persona 3 is. Like. Of course the game is depressing as shit! It’s about death, destruction, doom, gloom, despair, ect. It’s supposed to feel so hopeless because that’s how it really hammers home it’s main point. In the last act, you, S.E.E.S., and other characters realize even though life is depressing and cruel, that there’s hope in the end. That the bonds you have forged will save you AND the world. Like you gotta hit rock bottom to get back up!
So trying to add more comedy just feels. Off. Especially choosing Aki of all people to be comic relief. Junpei has always been the comic relief TM but his character is done so fucking good that even though he’s the comic relief TM, the moments where he does get serious hit so much fucking harder.
Unfortunately with Aki, it does not work the same way. Aki is such a serious character that it’s hard to make him comic relief without ruining his character, which is exactly what fucking happened. All the serious scenes, especially with Shinji, just felt so weird bc the game sets up Aki as mr protein workout man. That when he is serious, it feels like a completely different character.
Like with his video recording that you can watch in the meeting room. What makes that funny is Aki is such a serious character that seeing him be an absolute idiot and fumble IS the humor.
I think Aki is just like. The worst choice to make comic relief. Like everyone else has funny bits and quirks, which makes them so realistic and likable! And Aki does too! But turning his whole character into work out protein work out is just a massive disservice to his character.
It did seem to taper off towards the back half of the game. Especially after Shinji’s death, and progressing through his link episodes. But all of the flanderization did hurt his character really bad. I hope Atlus stops trying to add humor where there doesn’t need to be any. Because honestly it doesn’t make shit funny, it just makes things not make sense.
(Side note, I think thats also what the other persona games suffer from too. Is Atlus being worried about the games being too dark that they add humor where there doesn’t need to be any. Which leads to weird plot things/mischaracterization)
Long story short, Do better Atlus lmao. I still love Reload. It’s literally the best remake I’ve ever seen/played. And I think all game studios should look at Reload and take notes. But it has its issues. And so does this version of Aki.
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AAHHHHH the proposal :)) glad we don't have to wait lol xD
Hmm yeah I doubt it's gonna be perfect xDD
Or simple lol
Hmm idk y'all I don't think so
Besides just not being them it sounds like asking for trouble xD
LOL YEAH exactly, you're just pitching potential calls SLFLJDKGS XDD
UH OH o.o
Oh dang 😬😬😬 that does not look good
A FIRE??!?!!
The "a" has less emphasis it's just the start of the sentence lol
Anyway OHH nooo
And it's hot too?? Yeesh 😭😬
Like from the fire I mean xdd
None of this is good xd
For that call I mean lol the proposal is AAHHHHH :DD!!
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was great :D. The calls were great :D. And with the taxes one relating to one of the plots and the guy who was a flight risk turning into one, they fit in really well :). Also Chimney and Maddie were so hilarious this episode xD. And of course AAHHH relating to them but we'll talk about that in a minute. Oh, also, BUDDIEEEE!! Come on Buck she seems nice but you have Eddieee xd. Anyway lol, yeah, it was a great episode :D 🥰.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Except, again, quick note xd: this review is being written the day before (actually day of, just past midnight, because I accidentally took a nap till 11:50 lol) the next next episode. As in, it's May 7th (/8th) XDD. Tomorrow morning I'll catch up by watching episode 16, and liveblog it, and then do the review sometime during the day. But more pertinent to this review is the two weeks since the episode thing. I do have some time to write this, but I don't necessarily remember much about this episode lol, so it'll probably be pretty short xd. I may add it to the (not actual yet but it should be) list of reviews I want to add more on to lol. Also, I'm writing everything now after the first two promo liveblog lines xd. After "perfect xDD" lol. Anyway, moving on xD 🥰.
Ravi! I think he gets one of these now :D. He was great this episode :), even though we didn't see him much. He was great at his job <33. I'm excited to see him more in the future!! I love him 🥰.
Hen! We didn't see her much this episode but she was great :D. She was great at her job :)). I've seen some stuff saying she's unfair with some stuff next time, based on other promos or summaries or something, but I really hope it's not too bad xd. Anyway! I love her :)) 🥰🥰❤️.
Bobby! He was great this episode :). We didn't get too much of him, but still :). It was lovely as always to see him supporting Athena 🥰. They're my babeys your honor :'D. I love them so much <33. Anyway, he was great at his job this week :). I love him ❤️🥰🥰.
Buck and Eddie! AAAAHHHHHHHH!! Y ' A L L!! GET IT TOGETHER!!! XDD. Okay let's go back to the begining lol (aka the larger encompassing, more average review lol). They were both great this episode :)). And they were both great at their jobs 🥰. But BUCK!! Come on boy, she seems nice and all, but you have Eddie RIGHT. THERE!! Buck like "ohh nobody sees me" LOOK AT WHO'S STANDING NEXT TO YOU!! BESIDES THE FACT THST HE'S EVEN STARING AT YOU R I G H T N O W!! And just besides my fan, Buddie brain, it really doesn't make much sense. I mean, to say that no one's seen him. I do really just want Buck (and Eddie) to be happy, but come on guys xd. Also, she's like, kinda obsessed with his death xD. I kinda get it since it's cool but, come on girl chill xd. It's not like he's the only person who's ever temporarily died - like I said in my liveblog, you can go over to Texas and grab like 5 pretty dang easily xD. Anyway, I am interested in seeing where this is going lol :). I just hope it eventually leads to Buddie XD. Although honestly I don't know what I'd do lol. Probably die XD. Anyway! They were both great this episode, and had some great scenes together :). I love them 🥰🥰.
Athena! She was great this episode :DD. She slayed honestly 🥰. I felt so bad for her though :((. Having to watch the guy die, even if he was a jerk, and feeling like it was her fault D':. She doesn't deserve that <33. And of course the bits of Bathena we got were wonderful :')). Even though the guy ended up dying in the end (though the plot itself was kind of HILARIOUS xD), I'm glad they got everything worked/sorted out :). Even through all the crazy, they figured it out - Athena did, really. She was great at her job this week :). I'm so proud of her <3. Again though, it sucks that he had to die :((. It worked out mostly the best it could, but it's still a bit of a shame. Especially after he put all that effort in xD. Anyway, I loved the plotline, it was great and interesting :)). And again, Athena slayed :D. I love her 🥰🥰❤️❤️.
Chimney and Maddie! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :DDDDD!!!! THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED Y'ALLLLL :DD!! I mean, hopefully lol xD. But seriously, I think till happen soon :)). Maaaybe not next episode, as I've seen some people suggest, but soon :D. I mean, I just don't know if the proposal will actually end up happening next week or if it will be about to happen at the end of happen next week or what lol. But anyway! Back to this episode :). They were HILARIOUS XDD!! Their tax storyline was just so funny lol, I was dying xD. All the mistakes they filed (and come on guys I know your busy but filing with a computer xdd?), especially the head of house one. And we love healthy communication 🥰🥰 but is the IRS the palace to have it :)? XDDD That makes it sound sexual but I mean the "we'll just alternate years!" "yeah cool!" "aww I'm glad we're being so chill about this :))" XDD. Lovely lol, these idiots <333. I love em though xDD. Also I love how, besides just the theme, their storyline connected to the first call by hiring that guy :D. Good for him too, since half of his office burnt down lol. Also AAHHH their moments with Jee 🥰🥰. Y'all they're literally so adorable I can't 😭😭❤️🥰. They're such a sweet little family :')). AAAHHHHH JEE BETTER BE THE FLOWER GIRL!! IF NOT IN THE WEDDING IN SOME OTHER WAY!!! Anyway lol, yeah! I'm a bit nervous for next time, but I'm super excited :DD. Clearly so is Chim xD. Love how the guy was just like "get married", power move xD. But then also after that how Maddie was like "wellll I don't wanna push him to talk about it" mean while Chimney: *buying rings*. XDDD Slay Chim, honestly lol. But yeah :)). I'm super excited 🥰. And they great this episode :). They were both great at their jobs :D 🥰. I love them both so much 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ :DD.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great. The calls were fun, and they fit into the episode well. And while I love me some drama, there wasn't too much sad stuff. Unless you count poor Eddie getting his man stolen over there xD. Anyway lol, I really hope everything works out for the proposal :)). AAHHHH I'm so excited :DD. I'm so happy for Madney 🥰🥰. Like I said, I just hope everything works out well lol. Anyway, everybody was great this episode :). And once again I have to mention how hard Athena slayed :D. Good for her 🥰 :).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. It fit together really well. I'm excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 15: Death and Taxes
It was great! I'm a bit nervous for the next episode, but I'm definitely excited as well. I'll be back here next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 16: Lost & Found
See you next week!
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
So this is an NSFW Alphabet for Echo requested by @smallandangrey . They requested a Tech one as well, and an Echo fic so 😳 expect some more stuff.
I am still working on other requests in my inbox as well! Dw. Just worked on this since it was easier for my tired brain. Hopefully I can write an actual one-shot tomorrow 😌💕💕
No tags since this is strictly nsfw and I don't wanna make the tags uncomfortable 😳 idk it's late and I'm overthinking lmaoo
Echo NSFW Alphabet below the cut
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Since the citadel Echo has been real into affection. Especially with you. It often grounds him and reminds him that he's there, you're there, this is real. This is happening. So when the two of you finish he is almost always pulling you close to him. Though it did take some warming up, since at first he was really worried he'd hurt you or make you uncomfortable with his mechanical limbs. 
After sex he just enjoys a good cuddle. He Especially loves it when you let him lay his head on your chest and you hold him. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
After the citadel incident he's never really been into anything on himself. He'd have to say his eyes or his mouth. Since you always say you love his eyes, and his mouth seems to bring you the most pleasure from sex. Though I do hc only his thigh down were blown off in the explosion. He still isn't too sure about it since after citadel he lost a lot of his stamina and he doesn't last as long as he used to. 
On you, I see this hc a lot but it honestly makes sense to me. Don't ask why, but he is a tits man. He enjoys the softer, sweeter things in life. So your tits? Small or big? Sheesh he's on 'em like they're his will to live! He could lay on them, squeeze 'em, or even suck on them all night if you let him. After you got him to open up about what he wanted to try out. Which again- took some time. But he admitted he'd like to fuck your tits. It was awkward at first for him, but he absolutely nearly died after. Especially since that was probably the shortest he'd ever last with you. He just completely lost it, especially when you licked some of the cum that got on the corner of your mouth. He swears his soul left him for a second after that. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's not too into messes, but he does enjoy Cumming on your chest or your stomach. Echo doesn't really want to even try and risk accidentally impregnating you. Even if you are on the pill. Tech explained to him how even condoms AND the pill can backfire in numerous ways, and now he's just not risking it. So he normally just cums on your chest or. If you're okay with it, he'll finish in your mouth. Which also has him going absolutely nuts. 
As for yours? He loves it on his tongue. Eating you out is one of his favorite things to do, and when you cum from JUST his tongue? Absolutely heavenly for the man. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Echo would be interested in trying out toys I fell. Especially with his mecho hand. He'd find add ons that gave you pleasure. Or was just enough to just tease you with. I feel like he would also have a dirty photo of you saved for just him when the two of you are apart. One that you don't know about so it just adds to his own thrill. 
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Echo at first after the citadel is fairly rusty. If the two of you were together before then he's really insecure he won't meet the expectations like he did before he was in stasis for almost over a year. If the two of you weren't together he's still insecure, but at least he knows that you don't know how he was in bed previous years before. 
He does in fact know what he's doing. His arc twin is Fives, and I am sure that door told him stories and hooked Echo up with at least one or two beings in their lifetime. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Since Echo is a tits man he likes you either on your back, riding him, or fucking you with a mirror in front of the two of you. The way your tits bounce mesmerize him and he loves having his mouth or hands on them while the two of you get nasty. What drives him absolutely feral is when you ride him and bring his hands up to your chest. Then squeeze your hands over his his while they squeeze your breasts. Absolutely divine. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really depends on his mood. Echo has more of a sarcastic, dry sense of humor. So if he is feeling it he will crack a joke here or there, but not too many. If you two are having sex after a long mission where he thought he wasn't going to make it out(or if he didn't think you were, if you travel with tbb.) Then he's normally more serious and sappy while he fucks you slowly into the night. Reminding himself that he has you and you have him, still. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Echo is pretty well groomed. He doesn't like a mess, and plus it's too itchy for him when it gets too long. So he always keeps it trimmed down. Never shaved, since for one, he doesn't like the feel of it growing back. Then two he just doesn't like himself with no hair down there. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Echo is normally pretty romantic especially when it comes to sex. He doesn't fuck to fuck, he fucks for love. He normally only sleeps with people he has an absolute attraction to. Someone that he knows won't hurt him. Or at least believes they won't. So he normally does his best to keep the moment romantic and perfect for the two of you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Echo normally doesn't jack off too much. He usually waits to come home to you so the two of you can actually help each other feel good. Rather than a hand and his imagination. Though, if he does get a nasty picture of you? He won't hesitate to use it if the mission lasts longer than usual or he's extra stressed out from his crew mates. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise Kink: this boy will absolutely love you all night long, the more you praise him. Even simple things like "that feels so good," "you're so amazing," and stuff like that will push him further to make you feel absolutely angelic.
Not sure if this is a kink or what you'd call it, but man would die if you gave him a lap dance. Echo loves taking care of you, but when you take care of him?? He feels like the luckiest guy in the galaxy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers the comfort of a bed. Where the two of you have time to appreciate everything you give each other. There has been a rare occasion or two where he gets a little handsy at 79s after a few too many drinks and a guy flirting with you. Where you find yourself getting fingered in the corner or fucked in the bathroom. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Echo loves it when you wear lingerie. Even if you don't think you look good in it he thinks you're absolutely beautiful no matter what. And if it's blue or white he goes feral. 
If you kiss him in front of someone hitting on him. Or hold his hand when he's being hit on. Show any signs that he is yours and you are his, he's probably going to take you the moment you two have time. 
Another big turn on for him is when you praise him throughout the day. Man can't resist it. Especially when you say it in a dirtier tone and act all innocent when he confronts you. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Bondages is a bug no from him. From all the times in the war he's been held in restraints, or he's witnessed his brothers and Generals in restraints he can't stand them. He can't even handle you in them. It triggers something in him that ruins the mood for the both of you. 
He doesn't like the thought of knife or gun play. If you or him are getting hurt in the process he won't do it. He may spank you playfully here or there, but that’s about it. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He honestly prefers giving over receiving. He loves it when you're a writhing mess and gripping at him or the sheets for dear life. The taste of you and the sound of your lewd moans has him nearly creaming his pants. Plus he just loves the satisfaction of knowing he can make you come undone like that. 
He isn't against you giving him oral here or there though. Some days he loves it, especially when he's stressed out and you just drop on your knees like some sort of gift from above. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Echo prefers a more slow and sensual pace. He loves making it last as long as he can. He is definitely one of those, "this could be out last time. Let's make it last." Type of guys. So expect more love making than fucking. Though there are time where he'll give you a good fuck. Maybe one of the nights where he does try and dom. Though it normally ends with you sitting on his face because he absolutely loves it when you do. If you suffocated him he would die a happy man. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn't too fond of them, but he isn't against them either. If he is doing a quickie he'd prefer to make sure no one caught you two. He'd probably die of humiliation.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Echo will only experiment if you recommend something new. As long as it isn't really messy/gross, the two of you stay safe through it, and restraints and blind folds aren't a part of it he's all good for it. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
After the citadel he lost a majority of his strength in general. Before he could last about 3-4 long rounds. Now he's lucky if he gets 2 in. He normally doesn't last too long either. Though after time he does begin to last longer and you're able to finish with him for the most part. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
His hand. As said above he uses his robotic hand for sex quite a bit. He adds on accessories. Anything to make his partner feel absolutely euphoric. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Echo enjoys teasing here or there on his end, but you can normally work your way around it. One simple please and he's normally doing what you want. You have him wrapped around your finger for the most part. 
He normally despises when you tease him. Mostly because he just hates begging for anything. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Echo is a talker and a groaner. He loves muttering sweet nothings in your ear, and will also praise you to the moon. Especially if you praise in return. He grunts and groans to the point the rest of tbb tease him about it til he's flushed red and trying to.make up excuses. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He would like to try sharing you. He knows his brothers like you and has thought about sharing you with one or two of them at a time. He would take charge through it, since you are technically with him and not them, but he just thinks it would be exciting and fun. He doesn't know how to ask and is too anxious you would hate the idea to ask, though.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Echo lost a lot of his muscles while in stasis. He is slowly gaining that and his color back though. Along with getting upgrades for his prosthetics. Like an actual hand that Tech built for him. As for his dick, it's average clone size. Longer and thicker than the average person's.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His isn't really too high. Even once he gets used to the fact that you love him and his body, he doesn't really have that high of a sex drive. He controls himself pretty good and doesn't really even need to jack off much unless he's really stressed. That doesn’t mean he won't initiate sex with you the moment he sees you after a long mission though. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He for the most part tries to stay up, playing with your hair until your asleep above/below/beside him. Wherever the two of you decide to cuddle against one another. It's sort of his way of making sure it's all real though. Some nights he is the first to pass out though. 
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
E’LAST: Choi In A-Z
“Oh my god I saw you write for E'last and I've never seen someone that writes for them before! Can I please request a nsfw A-Z for Choi In? Thank you~!”
A/N: aaah finally an e’last request fgfg I’ve never seen anyone who writes for them either lol, tbh i wasnt sure there was even any e’last fans here dkdkj 
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A - Aftercare In’s idea of aftercare literally just consists of a big ‘ol cuddle lol. Just laying together and talking, laughing, just generally being cute dkdkdj
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) On himself, he likes his mouth. He’s confident in his skills with his lips and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner he likes their stomach, he loves keeping his hands on the soft skin of your lower stomach as you ride him. He also thinks it looks super pretty covered in his cum oop.
C - Cum Kinda just like, lets it happen lol. He prefers to cum inside you just bc it feels more sweet and romantic to him lol, but it’s not something he’s too bothered with. As well as almost asking for permission to cum, he’ll ask you where you want him to cum so it all depends where you want it lol. “can i cum, please...where? Where do you want it? Can I-?”
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) Mans wishes he was more dominant than he actually is. But he just doesn’t think he has it in him to be totally that way. Sometimes he wants to see you the whimpering mess he often ends up as, but he just cant do it. Or at least not seriously lol
E - Experience I mean...idk. He doesn’t strike me as someone who’s had a whole lot of experience but the man is 25 years old lol so he’s probably had some. I feel like, enough to know what he’s doing but he’s not gonna have tried everything he’s wanted to.
F - Favourite Position Mans a subby boi, so he likes it when you take control. He loves having you ride him; just keep him pinned down and maybe tie his wrists to the headboard too oop. There are times when he’s a bit more in control and he loves just snapping his hips into you from behind, but that’s usually when he’s just like, super needy and just needs to cum. 
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) I dont think In is someone who could be 100% serious like...ever. He’s just so smiley and full of love I think that would definitely cross over into the bedroom. He just has such a sweet air to him that even when he’s like in the zone, he still likes to keep things light-hearted and fun. 
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Super well groomed; aaaaalmost bare but not quite
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He’s not not intimate...if that counts for anything lol. He tends to like things to be more light and fun. He doesn't like the atmosphere to be too heavy. 
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) I’d say pretty often tbh. Whenever he does get the urge, even if its in the middle of the day, he gets so needy he has to go and take care of himself. Like he can’t focus on anything else until he’s moved his brain out of his dick and back into his head lol.
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) As I said before lol. This man is a sub; not 100% however, but like 9 times out of 10 he just wants to be totally under your control. He’s a well behaved sub though, he thrives on praise. Tell him how well he’s doing, how good he makes you feel and he’ll be a whimpery mess in no time. 
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) Prefers to keep things within the bedroom largely for privacies sake. But if you had your own place to yourselves, I think he’d like be open to doing it literally anywhere lol. 
M - Motivation (What turns them on) Praise praise praise. Even in the most innocent of settings, just hearing “You’re doing so well!” “You’re so good at this!” just makes his brain go into obedient sub mode lmao like “yes...I am good, let me be good for you”
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs) He’s not into anything involving pain, either giving or receiving. It’s just something he doesn’t see the point in. Like “why tf would you wanna hurt someone you’re supposed to be making feel good?” He just doesn’t get it.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) When receiving, he honestly just turns to total jelly like, no matter what position y’all started in, he’ll end up laying on his back with his hand in your hair, just...a mess. When giving, he’ll start off a little shyly, but the second he starts to get a reaction from you, or if you give him some praise, he’ll go all in. He has zero shame in making the most lewd noises against you, he’ll keep going until the only thing you can say is his name. Honestly makes his ego swell like no other lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) It depends if he’s in sub mode or not lol. When you're taking control he likes it on the more slower side, like, much more kinda...sensual and deep movement lol. On the fewer occasions he’s not in sub mode, his pace is kinda erratic, like, short sharp thrusts, getting harder as he gets closer to finishing.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) Loooooves them. Boy gets so needy so quickly sometimes he just needs to take you both away somewhere and go at it lol. Even then he needs you to take control, hell be asking “please, please let me cum” “I need to cum fuck please”. Lowkey though, having you edge him in a situation like this is such a guilty pleasure of his too.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) Oh absolutely, for sure. He’ll give anything a go if it piques his interest enough lol. More often than not he’ll be the one who will bring things up to you that he wants to try, he’s probably got like a list of things that he’s slowly checking off that he wants to try lmao
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) He’s probably a one and done kinda guy lol. You might get a second round out of him but you’d have to give him a decent amount of time in between lmao
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) A big fan of sensory deprivation kinda toys; blindfolds, restraints etc. He’ll use them on you if you ask him to but he really loves being the one who's being restrained.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) There are times when he wants to tease you, but he’s just really not very good at it lol. 
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Quiet little whimpery type noises, he’s quite shy about them so he usually buries his face in your neck or comes in for a kiss so they're not as loud. But jokes on him bc they're so v v pretty ;((((
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) There have only been a handful of times he’s tried to be more dominant, and both times have ended in you both just being a laughing mess. He just can’t  take himself seriously like that. Like he’ll have you pinned beneath him, trying to say something dirty but he just can’t get the words out without laughing. Even whilst he’s trying to pound into you, he’s still letting out little giggles bc he can’t quite believe what he’s doing. If you praise him enough though, and tell him how much you like seeing him like this, he might just start getting used to being the one in control lol.
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants) pretty average I’d say, maybe a little smaller, on the slimmer side but lowkey a super pretty pink colour oop
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) I wouldn’t say its overly high, but when he is in the mood, he gets so so needy. Like he’ll be whiney and grabby, pls give him what he needs ;((
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He wont fall asleep for a good while afterwards tbh. He’ll be so happy and smiley that he’ll just wanna stay up with you forever lol. If he does actually go to sleep, he’ll be sure to wait for you to fall asleep first.
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szynkaaa · 4 years
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I more or less watched The Boy!!! And by watching, I mean I skipped more or less through the jump scare parts because I cannot do horror movies at all. I haven’t watched one since 2015 and The Boy was like the first horror movie after five years
Full disclosure, the ONLY reason I started watching the movie was because someone posted a gif of Greta standing close to Brahms who was all sweaty and breathing heavily n I was like “oh shit who dat he hot” and here I am 
Can anyone explain the sandwich scene to me? So Greta was scared shitless and locked herself in her room, but why did Brahms make her favorite sandwich for her?
I did some digging for interviews and generally what people have been saying about the movie, took some screenshots from youtube to put my thoughts and musing together too! 
Can anyone explain the sandwich scene to me? So Greta was scared shitless and locked herself in her room, but why did Brahms make her favorite sandwich for her? 
So first of all, let’s start with a low resolution photo I found on IG of James Russell without mask:
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which brings me to my first musing/thought/question? 
It’s all under the cut, very screenshot and text heavy, you can find more Brahms drawing at the bottom though  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So at the end of the movie, we are shown a Brahms with a broken mask and his face being burned, indicating that he was in fact in the fire.
I assumed first that the fire was created by the parents to fake their sons death and then he had to live hidden inside the walls? 
But I’ve also heard apparently it was Brahms who set the fire to fake his own death or maybe an eight years old kid really was trying to burn himself down?? 
My other theory is that his parents made the fire and tried to kill Brahms and it did burn him but he survived, and the parents didn’t wanna go to jail sooo to hide everything they made their son live in the walls
i mean the responsible thing would be to turn their kid in and have him treated and stuff;;; listened to a murder podcast about two cases where kids murdered enough kids and how they are doing now interesting read Brahms made me think of those two cases 
I also do not think that the previous nannies were killed. Like, c’mon. You’d report a person missing and sooner or later it would go back to the Heelshire mansion and if the body counts piles up? Can’t look good and I doubt that the Heelshire wants the police investigating them close up. 
Also, when the mom was like “He’s chosen you if you’ll have him” to Greta? Is it just me or the wording or does it sound like a marriage proposal/arrangement xD 
Brahms is a brat and he sees the people around him as his possession or to toy around. But I also do think that he has some abandonment issues but not in the sad tragic kind of way lmao. Even if he was the one controlling and manipulating his parents from behind-the-scene (quite literally I suppose?), he was still told as a kid to live in hiding and that no one can know he is alive. I don’t know much about the human brain, but I can imagine how damaging that must be to his mental growth and set him back in some way? We don’t know too much about his relationship with his parents - but I assume that he must have still loved them in his own twisted way. Can’t imagine that he would have been indifferent about his parents suicide. 
The scene before Greta manages to back out - first he uses the child voice to beg her to come back and promises he will be good. That’s his manipulating Greta, but when that doesn’t work and she tries harder to open the door, he becomes more desperate to keep her there and then completely loses his temper and threatens to kill Malcolm if she doesn’t return. I’m pretty sure homeboy would have killed him anyway. And then later when she returns and he is all heavy breathing and smelling her hair and then jumps up when she shouts Brahms? Idk I def think there is some sort of abandonment issue going on. 
I don’t think he is a child stuck in a man’s body or manchild or whatever. I think that he does know how to take care of himself - but he just chooses to manipulate people with the facade of a kid to do his bidding and cater to his needs. 
Anywhomst, but clearly Brahms is also a very manipulative and controlling person based, based on how the mother was reacting on the destroyed bedroom, she really seemed to be at the end of her wits and just breaking down with her “you promised you’d be good”. It was very heartbreaking to watch and also scary because it really makes you realize just how much power Brahms holds over them?? idk maybe it was just me.
Next point: the CGI mask  + the burns 
So according to some interviews with the director stated that at the first test streaming, people weren’t really scared of Brahms because he was too handsome so they had to slap a mask over his face. The face was done after everything was filmed. I’m thinking the face burns were also added post-production when they were adding the cgi mask. Otherwise, James would have needed to go through the makeup department for some wicked face burns and it would have been visible during the filming and test screening too? Which would imply that at first the fire was supposed to be just  a cover story that their son is dead and it was changed later
Observation/thoughts on Brahms Heelshire
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Love how he stands there with his hands behind his back and then nods when Greta tells him to go under the cover
James Russell is 191cm tall. So like. Brahms is really fucking tall. But I notice that most of the time he stands with a slight hunch. Could be due to him crawling through the walls and crawling out of places that requires him to do a lot of crouching. His bed in his hideout made me really sad, I’ll get to it later. 
Since James didn’t get many lines in the ten minutes that he appeared, I do think that his eyes did all the acting. They stand out even more with the mask on, there is just this crazy look on it. I also noticed during my rewatch that he doesn’t seem to blink much or at all. 
Oh yeah, he also peeped on Greta and Malcolm making out on the bed and then cockblocked them. We been knowing that he made a Greta doll and very likely jerked off to it. We also been knowing that he very very very likely wanted to bone Greta at the goodnight kiss scene still waiting for the maskeless kiss scene gimme gimme. I also highly doubt that Brahms has much first-hand experience with kissing n stuff. High key thinking he was trying to do copy Malcolm and do what he observed lmao
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When I first watched the scene, I assumed that the hole behind the mirror has always been and it’s just another one of the hidden passages Brahms to slip in and out, but now that I’m looking at the shape of the holes, it seems to me more like the mirror and brick wall were broken at the same time?? If that is the case holy shit boy is s t  r o n g. I mean, he also punched through the closet door like no big deal so really what have the parents been feeding him. 
I’m also leaning toward the fact that he ran there because Greta screamed loudly. I don’t think he was in the room as them when everything went down there, it seemed more like he heard the scream and had to nyoomed over and then punched a way through to get out of the wall. And then went on to attack Cole. He must have known that Greta wanted Cole gone, since that what she whispered to the doll before going to bed. 
Tbh, I fully expected him to murder Cole in his sleep, but Brahms wrote a warning message in blood to tell him to get out soooooo like. Cole you were warned and now you gotta live with the consequences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Brahm’s sleeping corner
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This scene was shown at the end after Greta and Malcolm escaped. We also see them briefly during the part where Greta and Malcolm are trying to find a way out and stumbled into Brahms’ hideout. I’m not sure why the rules are slapped on the walls. It seems to me that Brahms is very very very set on that the rules / routine should be followed. In the movie, he called Greta and suggested to her that she should follow the rules, to which she then started doing it.
I headcanon that that’s the routine that he grew up with as a kid and it’s just very very very very very hard to break out of it - not that he is trying to break the routine. 
I’m failing to find a good way to put my thoughts into words, but I guess the rules and routine is sort of his coping mechanism? 
I suppose if you had an OC that you ship Brahms with and want to change stuff around the house, the OC would have to very slowly introduce new rules and routines. Baby steps, yknow.
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Brahms has a violin hanging there! Honestly I would be surprised if Brahms didn’t know how to play at least one instrument. The family also has an old ass piano/clavichord (?) and Brahms loves classical music soo yeah. Love me a boy who appreciates classical musical hehe
I suppose the egg boxes are there to soundproof the room more - maybe so he can play the violin? 
There’s also music sheets hung around his attics, it’s not clear on the screenshots but when you rewatch the scene and shove your face close to the screen. Some are hanging next to the violin and there are some taped on the wall next to his bed and porn too
nice to see he has a fridge and microwave, I was concerned that he wasn’t well fed and that leftovers might not be enough, but then again. Dude is 191 cm so clearly he has been drinking his milk
Didn’t take a screenshot of his vanity, but there is a crocodile magnet stuck to the mirror hehe. I do think that he shaves and stuff, otherwise his beard would be much longer??
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We can see more music sheets stuck to a pillar on the right. 
Loving the christmas lights that he has hanging there above his bed. It’s cute. 
On the shelf he has a bunch of tupperware and empty bowls. Most of hte things are neatly organized. We can also see some books and a pen
There’s some sunlight streaming inside - I do hope that Brahmsy stays warm during winters.
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Here we can see more of the food that he has there - there is also a sink but I didn’t snatch a screenshot of it. I think those are potatoes in the pot? Maybe he does know how to cook some basic stuff, I do wonder if he has a functioning kitchen up there. Probably not for fire safety reasons lol
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Yall see that thing on the note sheet covered pillar? Ngl, that’s a whole ass aesthetic right there.
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He got a few potted plants up there. Took a closer look at them and it seems like they were healthy. So he knows how to take care of plants, which is nice to know I suppose?
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Yes, we all know what he was doing with the doll and what the tissue balled up tissue implies. However, has anyone noticed the size of the bed??? 
If you scroll up a bit to the screenshot of Greta seeing the doll, it looks t i n y. The make shift doll takes up more than half of the space. 
Yall. this breaks my heart. Dude is a beanstalk. I’m pretty sure the bed is from when he was a kid shoved by his parents to live inside the wall, does he have to sleep there in his adulthood too??? 
Even though Brahms strikes me as someone who probably doesn’t sleep much or during normal times, that bed must be so tiny for him. He must be sleeping with his knees bend and shit unable to stretch out :((( 
Brahms: is a psychopath that smashed the skull of a girl and very abusive tormented his parents and then Greta Me: omg he needs a bigger bed that poor thing :(((
Brahms’ DIY corner 
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Ah yes, Brahm’s little DIY/creative corner. 
Homeboy got lot of animal traps, cages and taxidermies hanging around, pointing strongly toward that it’s a hobby of it? 
Also at the end where we see him fixing up the doll, we can get a better shot at his desk, and I gotta say the threads and stuff are all very nicely organized. Brahms’s table looks more organized than mine does lmao. 
So we know he is a crafty boy. Not sure how difficult taxidermy is but I imagine it does take a lot of time to learn? Well he had all the time in the world anyway.
So yeah, that’s a wrap. Congrats if you made it to the bottom of my incoherent thoughts and ramblings, have a bonus drawing of Brahms wearing different masks: 
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softzhongli · 3 years
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summary: a closer look at the most exclusive group chat in all teyvat. we have two oblivious idiots in love, two horny bastards afraid of their feelings, a grumpy cat and his sunshine boyfriend and one very single and tired girl... among many many others warnings: swearing, probably some angst info: crack fic, multi-chaptered, social media au, not much difference they just have phones lmao pairings: childe x kaeya // xiao x venti // zhongli x diluc + lumine and other characters requests: open posted: 01/03/2022 a/n: me: i prefer to write the drama from kaeya’s pov also me: *writes childe’s pov* LISTEN i’m a stereotypical bisexual! i clearly can’t choose asdflasdfghjk
ANYWAY! scara to the rescue! ahaha honestly? scara is probably my favourite character to write in this fic lmao idk i can just completely let loose when i write him and i just love how he’s an asshole but like a helpful asshole, y’know? if there weren’t as many characters in the “main” chat already he’d def be the one i’d add to make it more chaotic and unhinged lmao, and i know this is basically just stroking my own ego but the childe and scara dynamic? *chef’s kiss*
also! i’ll let you know later too but from friday to sunday there probably won’t be a new chapter bc i’m moving and i won’t have time to write anything T^T 
CHAT:  # B L O C K E D ⮡  members: childe / scaramouche
scara: okay
scara: wtf is wrong with you this time
childe: ???
scara: don’t “???” me
scara: answer the question
childe: nothing?
scara: try again
childe: why are you texting me? i though i’m blocked?
scara: you are... most of the time
scara: but i can’t look at you anymore
scara: so spill
scara: before i block you again
scara: who made your face look like that?
childe: what? what’s wrong with my face??? T^T
scara: oh boy do you want a list in an alphabetical order or...
childe: -_-
scara: you’re sulking all the time and it’s more annoying than the normal annoying thing you have going on
childe: i think i should be offended right now
childe: but i’m too weirded out by you willingly wanting to help me out
childe: i don’t like it
scara: i’m regretting all my life choices right now
scara: this was clearly a mistake
childe: NO!
childe: WAIT!
childe: PLS!
childe: scara? T^T
scara: i’m still here
scara: unfortunately
scara: so what’s going on?
scara: troubles in paradise with that chick you were talking about last time?
childe: HE’S A GUY ffs
scara: 🙄
childe: but yes T^T
childe: i’m more than sure he hates me and is disgusted by me
scara: isn’t everyone?
childe: #ScaraStopBullyingChildeChallange
scara: no, thank you, i’m not subscribed to that
childe: 😑
scara: sigh, okay
scara: why do you think that?
childe: well
childe: we celebrated lumine’s birthday some time ago and we were all drunk and i’m like ninety percent sure i confessed to him but i don’t remember his reaction and i got spooked the next day and run away before he woke up and we haven’t spoken since then so yeah, it’s obvious he’s disgusted by my feelings and don’t want to speak to me ever again
scara: lmaoooo
childe: 😑
scara: oh you’re ACTUALLY SERIOUS?
scara: so you really are that stupid, huh?
scara: i mean i knew that but still lol
scara: your last braincell truly said ‘bye bitch i’m retired now’
scara: lmaooooo
childe: is there a point to that?
scara: ohohohhahaha this is priceless
scara: you know what? i changed my mind
scara: i’m so glad i decided o ask
childe: hmpf
scara: listen, you can’t be THIS stupid and expect me not to laugh
childe: maybe i wouldn’t
scara: lol
childe: oh baby morax pls give me strength
scara: okay, okay
scara: i will gladly share with you one of the (many, many) reasons i think you’re dumb
childe: how noble of you
scara: did you think for even a second that the guy might actually be in the same situation?
childe: what now?
scara: it’s truly too late to help you
scara: R.I.P. childe’s brain
childe: SCARA
scara: S I G H 
scara: you said you were both drunk in the moment, correct?
childe: yes
scara: and you don’t remember his reaction, correct?
childe: yes
scara: and you run away before talking to him, correct?
childe: yes
scara: and neither of you reached out since then, correct?
childe: yes
scara: so...
scara: you want to tell me that you never thought that he might’ve said the same thing to you and JUST LIKE YOU don’t remember what you said? since BOTH OF YOU were drunk?
childe: ...yes?
scara: i really feel bad for him if he’s in love with you
childe: T^T
childe: but then why didn’t he say anything? asdfghjkl
scara: WHY DIDN’T YOU?
childe: ...
scara: you know what, i take it back, you probably deserve each other
scara: if you’re both this stupid
childe: wait, you really think that happened?
scara: that was literally the first thing that came to my mind
childe: oh nooo
childe: scaraaaa
childe: scara, i fucked upppp
scara: ye
childe: nooooo
childe: nonononononono
childe: if you’re right...
childe: then i really am THAT™ stooopid
scara: you won’t hear me arguing with that
scara: like ever
childe: T^T
scara: if that makes you feel better
scara: i think you’re both equally stupid
childe: no, don’t say that about kaeya
childe: you can make fun of me all you want
childe: but kaeya slander is illegal
scara: 🤡
scara: welp
scara: good luck with fixing your situation
childe: that was uncharacteristically nice
scara: let me know if you fail :)
childe: 😑
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okurrroye · 3 years
Ok all I wanted was to laugh about John getting curb stomped but the Ayo tag is a fucking nightmare like wow
Disclaimer I have shit memory so if I say something that doesn’t add up fact wise let me know. But I’m pissed off so here we go-
(FYI all of your opinions should be kept to yourself, so don’t comment if you fail to read my entire post so thanks)
I know this has been discussed, but there are things that have been left out of the argument, or hasn’t even been considered when it comes to the big I speak no I see no I hear no evil scene y’all making it out to be of Ayo disarming Bucky. So gather around here’s the part where you hear me out without scrolling off regardless of your stance on the situation, because I’m here for all opinions afterwards.
First off I can’t even understand why this is controversial at all considering the history that led to this moment. Oh wait I lied it’s literally because either you have your head to far up Bucky’s ass or because he’s a man or because he’s white, or because *ding ding ding * all of the above. And now you’re mad because how dare this black bitch have the nerve-the audacity to do that to poor little old Bucky (now insert the part where you either scroll off, or put your two unwanted cents in before I finish). And this is where you all want to use the empty ass belief that ThE aRm Is A gIfT, or empty ass excuse tHaT’s HiS aRm. Also someone else pointed out well if they didn’t trust him than they shouldn’t have given it to him in the first place. Which yes all are true, but also not at the same time. *Gasp* yes somethings can not be one or other, because ✨ grey area ✨.
Now I don’t know what world you’re living in where you think a gift can not be taken back, and I use the term gift loosely because you can’t even call it that honestly. Because in reality the whole reason he has the arm in the first place is because he needed a new one for infinity war like duh, why have crap heap that’s easily damageable when they can make an indestructible one, to live or not to live like it’s not a hard choice. Then he disappeared for five years so it would be kinda difficult to get an arm back that doesn’t exist anymore. But by the time everyone came back I think an arm was at the bottom of their to do list, or not to mention the fact well it’s already been made, and you probably don’t know how to properly function without both arms yet and can’t afford a normal one yourself so why not just keep it instead of wasting all the time, effort, and resources of making it, but idk I guess that’s a stretch. But since people likes using the gift excuse guess what, a gift is just something you couldn’t afford to do yourself so someone else was kind enough to do it for you (^^^), but in every other since of the word it really belongs to them not you. So let’s give an example shall we, now your parent(s) gave you something you wanted (shit someone else may have bought it for you) but you fucked around and got in trouble and now you’re grounded. Now depending on your parent(s) you’ll either get your ass beat or your shit will get confiscated, or both if you fuck up enough. Now do you think you have any right to say what they can or can’t do? -Yeah I didn’t think so and if you thought otherwise well here comes round two of another ass whopping or the first one if you’re lucky. Or on rare occasions some (white) kids don’t get physically disciplined, but you’re still going to pay the price regardless.
So same situation (yes I know I can’t compare an amputees arm to an object, but I only say that because Bucky is more than that, more than just a arm) but also very much not because in Bucky’s and Ayo’s situation it is much-MUCH worse obviously, but apparently it’s not obvious considering that there’s a debate in the first place. Or in other words you think Bucky’s feelings-FEELINGS are more important then Ayo’s and Wakanda the truth. Which is you’re lucky that it was only his feelings that got hurt, because she (and Yama) could have killed him and everyone else in that room easily so let’s all thank Ayo (and Yama) for her kindness and mercy first and foremost, also for not taking back both the arm and the shield completely. Because that arm and shield is Wakandan property ok so let’s get that straight, so she had every right to take it if she wanted to-whenever or wherever (which also falls into the part where the Dora does has jurisdiction there, and almost anywhere else since most likely every country wants or have vibranium now, and because Wakanda could literally flatten the whole world so yeah they’re going to have a legal pass because who’s gonna want to fuck with them) but she didn’t key word didn’t which should’ve been a clue they would never take the arm or shield back because he is disabled considering even after what Bucky (& John) did.
Not only is it the property of Wakanda but it’s from the only place that was willing, and did help Bucky in every way a person could be helped literally saving this man physically, mentally, and emotionally- like please. Specifically the royal family themselves firsthand which need I remind you is related to the former King that was killed by the man that Bucky escaped from prison without discussing it with them first. That same King, family, and country that Ayo is from, loves, and is to serve and protect. That she will-IS sacrificing and dedicates her life to...she failed them all-failed herself when T’Chaka was murdered like bruh- like that should speak for it self like that is the ultimate betrayal like he literally spat in their fucking face, especially Ayo’s considering she’s the one who gave Bucky back his mind, his freedom and after all that after everything they did for him they still didn’t trust him, and betrayed him by not telling him he had a fail safe in his arm?! Yeah-no big sike, anyone with a brain knows prosthetics because here’s the real kicker ITS NOT HIS ARM thus it’s O M G...removable. Yes you read that correctly r-e-m-o-v-a-b-l-e. Now put that together with the fact that Ayo is highly skilled and an overall badass I don’t think it would be that hard for her to fucking figure out how to dislocate it with a few pressure points considering that’s literally the whole point of striking a pressure point (if he still had his arm then that hit would’ve stopped it from working, but since it’s fake that mf popped right off). Pressure points are used to disable someone, thus Ayo disabling a disabled by disarming his arm to deescalate the situation go figure. It wasn’t a fail safe it’s just skill and common sense that everyone failed to have in the moment and used as a last resort because oh no Bucky’s face, like boo fucking hoo he did it to himself by breaking their trust first, and defending that bitch. Instead of him waiting for the Dora to have Zemo in custody first, what did Bucky do instead? He had the fucking audacity (and that’s how you use the word) to use that same arm against Ayo, against Wakanda. That speaks volumes considering out of respect as a friend or whatever close bond they have (because they definitely have a connection after what they went through together) Ayo still gave him a warning, and time to do what he had to do before they came for Zemo’s ass. Let it be known she didn’t have to do that at all because her loyalty is to and should be to her country first but in those eight hours it wasn’t, it was in the trust of their friendship so therefore she literally was endangering her well being by giving Bucky just that courtesy, and I don’t think you all consider her position in that predicament and thanks to Bucky she could’ve gotten her status revoked, thrown in jail, or worse killed for disobeying orders because let’s not forget Chadwick unfortunately has passed away, and thus it’s a fact that T’Challa is no longer in charge since Marvel will respect that with tampering with his character, so I don’t want to hear she would’ve been just fine because we’ve seen how the royal counsel has a big say on what goes and doesn’t go considering they did not give a single fuck about their own next of kin, Erik who has every right as them, but would have easily killed him just because he was an ‘outsider’ if T’Challa didn’t speak up for him (I mean they abandoned him while leaving him to fend for himself, killed his father and covered it up so wouldn’t put it past them). So if you think when Ayo fucked up again about retrieving Zemo because she trusted, and helped this outsider over her own kind she definitely would’ve been considered a traitor and be punished for her actions.
Can you imagine the hurt, and betrayal they felt? No apparently not, because it’s all about how he’s disabled and how could she take his arm (like uh she literally left it, and the shield for them to keep, and it’s not like he would’ve died without it to begin with unlike Bucky who was willing to sacrifice Ayo’s entire livelihood) when the fact that disabled people say constantly for others to stop putting their disabilities before them, and how they’re just as capable as everyone else. “They are a someone with a disability, not someone who is disabled,” which is absolutely true, because they’re more than that but everyone seems to forget that all of sudden when Ayo detaches Bucky’s arm (I wonder why) and all of sudden he doesn’t have control of his own body like what- he literally used his entire body nonbrainwashed to stab them in the back like miss me with that bs. Him spending five seconds without his arm doesn’t compare especially since they forgave him without even at least an apology at that.
Detaching his arm was a warning that he needed to learn, because they were letting him know, and I emphasize that that arm does not belong to him so how he dare try to use it against the people who gave it to him after they fed, housed, and freed him when no one else could, or would when he’s done nothing in return while as a repayment was being a fucking ingrate. All the while facing no consequences, not even the need for a fucking bandaid *mic drop*.
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
alright here’s ma thoughts on that flick I mentioned
we hatewatched a*my of the dead because we were CONVINCED “zombies in las vegas” would be an impossible concept to screw up, but in so assuming we obviously invoked a holy wager with the universe and got reminded, once again, that hoping for improvement from someone who’s dependably put out bad art is never a wise choice 😐
but we were honestly kinda roped in by the marketing??? and expected a goofy fast-paced flick with the odd traditional undead metaphor thrown in, framing some sort of relationship drama maybe or hell even nothing at all! we’d have taken pure indulgent storytelling, idk italian job with zombies in las vegas, I don’t know fucking anything but??? whatever this was???? spoilers below for it is time for One Of My Rants
I mean the main reason I really want to write all this and complain. this film here probably has the most unappealing cinematography I have ever experienced in my life and that is saying something. who the fuck signed off on that CONSTANT shallow-ass depth of field that imprisons your eyeline and turns every shot into bokeh paste???? and I mean every shot almost!!!! I promise if you think I am overreacting just throw a dart at the seek bar and watch twenty seconds from wherever it lands. it is horrifying to look at. at least it gave my girlfriend a good visual shorthand for what it’s like when I lose my glasses
why was sean spicer in this movie. did they pay him to be here. was sean spicer paid hollywood money for his scene in this film because fuck everyone who was involved in that decision
the legitimately baffling hints at the extraterrestrial origins of the infection that went absolutely nowhere and had no dramatic or plot-level bearing. we love to see the franchise sprouts fellas
yet another big budget waste of everything hiroyuki sanada has to offer. and bautista too I guess? I like him but man was this an odd career move
what was the crux of his conflict/resolution with his daughter btw. I understand it was rooted in miscommunication over their forms of grief irt mom but uhh… it was all rather clunky and didn’t land for me. I tried I really tried to buy in but something was wrong fundamentally with the groundwork there, it did not click and their catharsis felt unearned. I know there’s massive amounts of tragic baggage being projected there from the author so I’m not slapping any judgment down really;
but again it would be an easy thing to wave off if they just had a vibrant cast of lovable simpletons with good chemistry and the kinetic sense of plotting the trailers promised (and this premise never discounts good drama, either). but instead it was just two and a half (!) hours of meandering into situations the filmmaking instincts had no idea how to flow in and out of
to wit. I know talking about “bad pacing” is associated with armchair bullshit but consider the example of the scene were dieter does an out of nowhere little dance after childishly screaming but then still-killing a zombie, with the film framing this as a micro character triumph, and not a second later the bg soundtrack instantly fades into an orchestral score dramatizing a nearby mcguffin reveal, completely 180 degreeing the tone without a semblance of deft insert shot stitching or even I dont know a fucking jump cut maybe. now imagine this whiplash for 2.5 hrs uninterrupted
I will keep complaining about the length yeah because this was not a story requiring this much real estate to be told. Uhh in my humble and personal opinion, of course
[man sees zombie tiger] “this is crossing the line!” you can in fact write dialogue that is not utter nonsense that falls apart once you drill down its single fickle layer of referential meta winking. what line are you talking about. you have rules in this insane situation you’re in? total nitpick moment I know but it got burned in my brain for some reason. like a microcosm of the mismanaged dramatic instincts paired with weird writing that dots this movie. I am sure the director calls this either satire or genre deconstruction. I am SO sure
tumblr domino meme that goes from “dude getting sucked off while driving” to “entire las vegas literally nuked”
tig notaro is always great to see but once you know she’s been filmed as a separate greenscreen plate months after photography wrapped - cause she had to apparently replace some abusive asshole but that’s a whole other pig not worth fucking - it becomes impossible to unsee her odd detachment from everyone else in the movie lmao. it doesn’t really “ruin” anything on its lonesome but it is hard to unsee
why. was. sean. spicer. in. this. movie
a very simple key ingredient missing from fully turning lip service sympathy for main uruk hai dude into actual empathy that would generate meaningful conflict with hero family would be to spend a bit more time articulating what he internally wanted the most. because he was obviously trying to do something here with pointed agenda. a family, to have kids, build a caste system, save his wife’s head, return to his planet??? all of these could represent the bigger context in his psychology that spurred his vengeance but none of them are dramatically emphasized long enough for you to cheer him on. I’m not asking too much I promise. Articulating interiority of a mute character is pretty doable with deft cinema language, just gotta linger and hold a shot here and there for a few seconds, frame as his POV, donezo. I know this is also one of those like. “who cares” moments but the movie does, very evidently so, in making this guy an actual character. you can kinda piece it together and create a framework of sympathy for him, sure, but then again he ultimately becomes a foil to be killed and not defeated, so. Ehh whatever
quarantine zone stuff was not a wildly childish covid allegory quarantine zone stuff was not a wildly childish covid allegory quarantine zone stuff was n
the rooftop helicopter fakout at the end was such an ass-backwards, manufactured moment of what could be a simple setup/payoff it just pissed me off??? you gain nothing by giving sad dad five seconds of pointless crisis that flips right back to previous status quo ANYWAY, except for a weaksauce waste of runtime, which could be used instead to get inside notaro’s head and actually SHOW the remorse form as she took off, literally maybe even a frown playing on her face as she’s headed for safety right before we cut back to drax and the kid. just a simple-ass, minimal, momentary setup for what is the most basic filmmaking trick of creating macro catharsis moments. Just???? g o d if you can’t even land that shit why are you even doing any of this
that lil run final pam did was very very charming and super choreographed in a way that was the tiiiniest bit overdone
the whole intro with the simul-backstories and posing with family photos was just… oddly motivated. what was the goal? “here’s what we’re fighting for” vignettes? why? it’s not a functional setup in that vein. what was all that
also I am sorry if this is insensitive but the reasons most characters end up articulating to justify going back into the hell that destroyed their lives makes them sound seriously insane
I dont like complaining about CGI (honestly) but so much of it in modern movies can achieve higher fidelity if the animation is simply subdued. Do not overengineer and over-apply 2D cell methodologies and kinematics to each tiny twitch and movement in a hyper 3D model and I promise you. it will look a thousand times more natural. look at thanos in those last two movies. your rendering and detail are absolutely perfect with the tiger you just have to let stuff sit instead of constantly simulating swaying hair strands and firing off all facial muscles at once. great moment at one point where makeup zombie horse and CG zombie tiger are both in one shot together and just by unnecessary amounts of movement alone you can tell who doesn’t belong. again; detail, rendering, compositing, lighting, all picture-perfect; but y’all just gotta let the animation breathe sometimes, and chill it out
plot holes don’t really matter to me but it was kinda funny how lilly decided not to mention the enormous wrinkle in intel pertaining to an actual territorial tribe of intelligent zombies that require human offerings to let you pass, just so that reveal could play out in real time through the joyous punishment of the cartoonishly misogynistic dude
total chad move for mister uruk hai and final pam to rule from a rusted swimming pool complex
the ending with vanderohe oh my god. with the. cash stacks at the airport register. and specifically them working in his favor. that is literally something you do to get arrested under suspicion of theft. it was almost played for laughs and I respect that. coulda been goofier. make these movies goofy ya dorks
anyway, weird, weird movie. bad marketing. message unclear (something something sins of the father???), baffling editing instincts, literal worst-looking cinematography I ever laid eyes upon. Confidently dying on that last hill
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Ramble away, cause I feel the twisted head rot, I kinda wanna see what you think about our bois. ~ a pocket sized dragon hops in excitement.
A POCKET SIZED DWAGOOOOOONNNN 😭💞💞💞 That’s so BLESSED, and tysm omg, I’m very glad to just spill out my barking on every boy, bc yEAH THE BRAIN ROT SKDHAKDB
Everything I breathe ends up relating to TWST in some way, like at this point just let me take my friends, cousins, and pets, and of course Lulu and Seb, and I will have 1. A Gottdamned Harem, 2. So Many Children, and 3. NEVER WANT TO LEAVE. Kwfhskdhjwek
Ok this is gonna be long bc I gotta cover all my boys, so rip lol.
Dorm Leads:
GOD, my Fucking Baby, my CHILD, my SWEET BABY BOY, I’M 👁💧👄💧👁
I would die for him, beetch, he is PRECIOUS ♥️
He reminds me of how I feel Ciel would behave if S/O took the place as Sebastian’s contracee, too, so like 🥺 Lots of feels 😭
Is Son, I have adopted him now. If you mistreat him, don’t ever speak to me or my son ever again. I’ll FIGHT his MOM, don’t TEST me. I’m his new mom now. His BIRD mom. So proud of him, he’s like...one of the few that’s actually shown growth in canon after his overblot kshdkadjs
.....I am a Mere Simp....
Ya’ll.... I swearh to ghOD I simped hard for Scar back when I was a wee thing, I did NOT expect to simp for him AGAIN LATER IN LIFE, what the FUCK aidhskdhskdj
Like shit bitch, damn, you may not be king of Afterglow honey, but you can be king of my heart if you wAnt to bb....
Leona: *smiles once, even if it’s smugly*
Me: *WEEPING* Look at hiiiiiiim!! My sunshine booooooy! 😭
Does this make me a furry
I am too Simp to Care Anymore
Call me a Herbivore again, bully me //SLAPPED
He secretly a lil shit sometimes, but tha’s ok, it’s mostly in a silly way, especially post overblot~ UvU
The sweetest bby everytime I read fanposts on him, like god, ah 💜💜💜 WHOMST COULD BULLY SUCH A CUTE CHUBBY OCTOBABY I’LL FIGHT ALL OF EM!! A sweetheart 10/10 would be his friend 💗 Not making contracts with him tho, lol
...ok maybe SOME after his overblot, but they’re able to be easily reversed now, so it’s way more chill andhsjdj
He is literally so sweet, anytime anyone was like “you’re so nice it’s annoying” I WAS READY TO COME FLYING IN TO BITCH SLAP THEM LIKE AJDHSKDHSJ (even if I also loved them lol)
Like NO you are WRONG whfksjd
He has also grown so much, and I am proud ♥️🧡
Jesus Christ, canon Vil is Hurting Meeeeee ajdhskdhsj
My fave fanon Vil is the one that recognizes all different types of beauty, though~ uvu and is v encouraging to anyone that may be struggling with self hatred 💜
Canon: Vil is pretty~.
Me: Wow, wtf???? He IS so pretty... How rude I didn’t think you were serious! Wow him??? Pretty??? Wow??? Wow...
I’m not sure yet, as I haven’t seen him very often, but of the few times that I have: BIG same, huge mood, and Me FUCKING Too, goddamn akdhakdj
Idia is my Anxiety and Anime Nerd personified tbh lol
What Ortho is to him are what all my comfort characters are to me, honestly.
Like what would you like bby, you want that singing voice?? Ok here comes a synthesizer just special for you~. Ily, mwah~ u3u 💕
Ok maybe it’s just the lack of story/info out on him yet, but I don’t currently simp as hard for him compared to Leona, I’ll admit jajdkajd
He Is Baby... And I Lob Him....
I am going to smooch those horns and forehead crown of beautiful scales 🖤🖤🖤 I am going to do it!!!! Here I go!!!
This man is too precious for words, and I have so much childhood nostelgia to ‘enchanted’ woods, and being in the mountains, so he has Old Fae Friend vibes to me~🖤
Ngl I ship him and Leona a lil bit lol
No, not just bc that makes a poly with my two faves easier, but that is a bonus factor jadhajdj
Vice Dorm Heads:
Oh my god, the Daddy to my Mommy with all these newly adopted lil kids of ours, ya know??? What a wholesome sweetie and funny lil shit jahdksdh~
I love him, I would gladly make tarts with, AND for him 💚💚💚
The kind of boi who I’d ship HARD with anyone he started dating bc My God it would warm my heart So Much 💞💞
Ruggie (unofficial but may as well be at this point lol)
He took a while to grow on me kadhskdhsj
But I think he’d be a sweet, if a trouble-maker of a friend to have~.
Dank you for taking care of my sweet lion bby, honey, I’m sure Farrena is a sweetheart, but boi I hope he gets his shit together to fix up where Ruggie lives 😭
I think if I met his granny, I’d CRY jadhajsh 💗💗
Leech Twins (?)
Idk if they’re vice leaders, but who cares lol
THESE are the older Big Brothers in every sense of the word. (My canon ages most everyone up just a bit, save for Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Kalim, Jamil, Cheka, and anyone already 20+)
The ANNOYING older big brothers, lol.
The ones that hug you to death (Floyd), or use you for an arm rest (Jade), and specifically Do the thing you asked/told them NOT to Do.
This is fine with me tho, I’m an only child, please give me the experience of annoying older brothers lol 💙💚
I used to hate you bby, I’m so sorry akdhskdhs
I’ve adopted him now, and I’m v proud he’s trying, but making clear what his boundaries are, and trying to come out of a shell he was made to be in for so long 😭
God. FUCKING Rook, lol.
IDK IF I SHOULD TRUST YOU, but I also kinda wanna be your friend akdhakdjs
HE CONCERNS ME but he also seems nice and v sweet sometimes, lmao
Blz don’t stalk me tho 😬
Also, if he DARES hunt cute animals around me, especially BIRDS, I am going to GRIP him jahdkahdsk
He’s like if Lord Druitt was a Little More Nice and a Little Bit Less Creepy ajdhak
I absolutely hc him as nonbinary w/masc pronouns, I absoLUTELY do.
I adore him, I love him, I haven’t gotten a squish (hardcore desire to be someone’s friend, lol) this hard for a character since AngelDust, I-
Pwease be nonbinary friends with me, Lilia 🥺
Anyone know Corpse and how he plays Among Us? That’s how I see Lilia playing his video games with friends and I JUST I JUST I J U S T
The Spencer to your Carly.
He and Crowley are free to compete as Dad with me too like honestly kshdkadjjs
He’ll always be granpa tho uvu 💚💖🖤
God, the Fucking Annoying Middle Brother that pranks you ALL THE DAMN TIME, but I love him andhakdhsk
The Josh to Ace’s Drake. The Cody to Ace’s Zack. The Freddie to your Carly and Ace’s Sam.
If he and Ace started dating, tho, I would CRY.
But regardless who they end up dating, it’ll be slow burn friends to lovers, and literally the most adorable shit to watch EVER 💞💞💞😭
Seems Like A Womanizer But Actually Drinks His Reapect Women Juice And We Stan That 🧡
Can always count on him to help tou get the best Magicram shots, bless you Cater 🧡🧡
Also rly wanna be his friend, ngl 😭 Even IF he pranks me a lot kadhakdhsj
If all three Savannaclaw bois got in a cuddle pile with me, I would Not Be Mad
How can I give this boy love, tell me and I will Do It
Gift him all the cacti’s he WANTS💛
God he drinks that respecc women juice bright and early on his run every morning, you KNOW he does 💛💛💛
I wawnt to pet his ears an tail an fwuffy wolf form 😭
He is a v devoted guard tho, we love to see it UvU
I don’t have more info on him hekdhskdj but his fanmade content seems v v sweet~ 💚
Him being raised by Lilia and Malleus literally gives me so much Fucking Seratonin....... God 💞💕💗💗💞💞💗💗💕💞
He is so FUCKING CUTE what the FUCK!
Leonaaaaaaa... 🥺 Your NEPHEWWWWW 😭
I might steal him from Farrena tbh, lIKE MY CHILD NOW~ 🧡🧡
I just sob and hug him every time I see him honestly 😭
Dire Crowley
Ohhhhhh god oh god oh god
Be my dad. Please. Be my dad. PLEASE be my dad. Ya’ll think I’m joking, I’m not. Please adopt me. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
This man as a father gives me so much dopamine and oxytocin and seratonin??? I have been weeping for WEEKS, please adopt me, Sir
Fathers with zero braincells being wrapped around a daughter’s little finger makes me so weak, and I am just here with Daddy Issues like ajdhakdhsj BLEASE ADOPT ME MISTER BIRD MAN
Forgive me, I haven’t seen much content with him in it/that could be considered wholesome, bUT JADHWKDJSJ
Please keep the kink talk out of the classroom, S I R
Call me puppy one more time, see what happens, I’m not scared to fight a teacher akdhakdhsj
The Dad Figure that tries to be the stern part to Crowley’s blumbering kahdkqrhsjdj
Don’t feel as much attachment to him emotionally, but I like him~
Just let me pet your cat sometimes and give you holiday presents, and we’re cool~ ♥️
Found the womanizer //SMACKED
And of course, I can’t forget Grim~!
He’s grown on me, and if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in the room, and then myself 😭
I will pet and snuggle and hold him all he wants and feed him all the tuna his heart desires uvu 💙
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askmyboys · 3 years
I’d call these more, my own interpretations instead of just OCs
I’ll tell you how this happened tho, i was literally just comin back from a l o n g ass road trip listenin to the musical and my tired lil brain started thinkin bout these boys and i was like ...what if i just,, made my o w n versions of em? What if I just,, and then boom, out popped well, this-
| Names: Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde
| Nicknames: Jekyll doesn’t much care for nicknames but Hyde calls him Jek, Hen or Hen-Hen, or Henny which he REALLY hates. For the other, it’s either Ed or just simply Hyde ...Jekyll has given him many ‘nicknames’ mostly they are hateful ones tbh.
| Genders: Henry goes by he/him and Hyde goes by he/him and it/its
| Ages: Unknown but they are both adults
| Heights: Jekyll is 5’7” and Hyde is like 6’6” for sure (even tho they inhabit the same body, fuck it, im makin the rules ..andchangingthemfromtheogthing but i say height changes when Hyde’s in control)
| Species/Races: Henry’s a human ofc and Hyde? Honestly, idk what this thing is, all i can tell you is he’s stinky
| Eye Colors: Jekyll’s eyes are a Baby Blue color and Hyde’s eyes are Blood Red (ooh e d g y man)
| Hair Colors: Jekyll’s hair is honestly a messy curly undercut and the color of it is a dark brown and he has gray on the sides meanwhile Hyde’s hair is Black and in a spiked quiff style and he also has gray on the sides
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Jek’s a BIT pale but Hyde’s a much more- his skin is definitely more so a Whitish Gray kinda color so it’s definitely more noticeable than Jek’s skin if you look close enough at that (things do have to change when a certain one is in control of the body, can’t be EXACTLY the same or else it might give away that their the same person hehe) and their body types don’t really change- Jek’s body type is skinny (nothing TOO bad ofc, just a tad bit) if Hyde had his own body he’d definitely be a more average kinda bulkier build.
| Appearances: Okay first things first- they both have circle beards EXCEPT Hyde’s is a LOT more scruffier (he also has thicker sideburns btw!) and a BIT more grown out than Jek’s which is trimmed a bit more and groomed perfectly.
Jekyll usually has the typical lab coat on and a baby blue turtleneck underneath it, he also has blue pants that he wears with it as well and some oxford shoes that match the outfit, he also wears circle glasses as well (they help him see a lot better p much whereas when Hyde’s in control he doesn't really need em actually) Henry has a GOOD amount of scars all over his body, whether it be by accident, inflicted on purpose, or something more… It’s partially why he keeps his turtleneck on mostly and the lab coat helps as well- he’s ashamed of the scars and he tries to hide them especially so no one will worry about him, also for some more minor details- he wears a black watch on his wrist as well (he has no piercings or nothin like that) that’s p much it for Jek tbh, his features are p much 100% human so uh yeye
Now onto Hyde’s outfit- And yes, keep in mind- he’s still kinda,, an entity or whatever the fuck he is inside Henry’s body essentially but he DOES change his clothes when going out- his main one for going out is usually a black cloak he wears around himself (the outfit underneath is a black suit vest with a long dark red tie (his shirt underneath the suit vest is a dark red long sleeved shirt), he also wears black pants, and dark red oxford shoes, and of course he’s got a black top hat on (the band on it is red, definitely keeping a black n red themed appearance here aint he?) (his other outfits, hm I can leave up to the imagination tbh this is just for when he’s travelling around and so other people don’t spot him nearly as easily, especially when it’s n i g h t t i m e…) he’ll wear whatever the fuck he wants, and it doesn’t have to be fancy in the s l i g h t e s t- he has a variety of options.
He also has pointed ears, razor sharp teeth (got them bear trap teeth but not only that, he’s got a lot more s e c r e t teefs than that ;) he’s a lot more monstrous on the inside than the outside i’ll say that much, Jek’s n Hyde’s anatomy does change and transform depending on who gains control ...honestly it probs hurt to have your body transform and shift like that ouchie) he also has multiple tongues, he has claws that he painted black and red for the a e s t h e t i c s ya know- and hell at this point he might as well have tentacles ...He might- but I mean if you really wanna know, fuck around and find out for yourself and fuck it- he also has a dark red devil style tail since he wanna act like fuckin Satan himself smh
...I made him a lot more monstrous than originally planned but eh its fitting- bc this is Jek’s body even with a LOT of changes in these regards, he’s got the same scars n such as that, he also wears black and red spiral gauges in his ears (I should also say, he can technically hide these features to make himself appear more human, i didnt originally intend on giving him any actual monstrous features except maybe sharp teeth, claws, n the pointed ears but here we are, he still gotta not arouse suspicion around him too much tho) also his eyes have dark circles around them, not because he’s a tired man he’s just a fucking- hellish bastard who loves to look intimidating.
| Personalities: Let’s uhh start off with Jekyll because he’s better and nicer and not nasty and gross n smelly looking- He’s kind, sweet, compassionate, caring, honestly wouldn’t hurt a fly himself- could never willingly hurt someone! A sweet babey man! He’s very intelligent- I mean,, he IS a Doctor after all, he takes pride in his work but it’s not that overbearing narcissistic type pride, he’s just proud of the breakthroughs he’s made ...Granted, there is one “breakthrough” he wished he could take back .. -glancing slowly at Hyde in the reflection of the mirror- ahem- but he’s always been pretty outgoing but a lot has changed since, that abomination came into his life, sure he still tries his best to be a good person, he tries his very damnedest to find some sorta way to separate or better yet a way to destroy this evil vile beast that plagues his and everyone else’s lives! He’d rather destroy Hyde than separate from him because even then, it's still back to square one only with worse damage since he’d be of his own free will now.
He shuts himself away in his Lab a LOT, as much as he can anyways to avoid going out and risking something more happening to anyone else, of course…
There is no avoiding the outside world forever, he needs things to eat and drink, he needs things to keep his body functioning and not to mention not going outside could drive him, well, more insane than he already feels he is- He just tries to be as quick as he can about it before the other takes control or tries to, Jek definitely has a lotta anxieties and fears, and ya know at this point I mean,, hell- the man’s got trauma- Sometimes he wonders if any of this is actually real, if he had just gone insane and was just imagining all this, sometimes his head hurt because of all the thoughts and potential scenarios along with their outcomes plagued his mind, he feels a lot of things he never thought he’d feel towards anyone, he feels anger and hatred toward Hyde but in a way aside from feeling so negatively toward the other, he can’t help but admire the way Hyde wishes to just simply l i v e, and even before this beast became apart of him… He was always anxious deep down and almost scared to take that jump when needed.
But Hyde? Hyde doesn’t seem to even c a r e! That thing lives it’s life without any care whatsoever, he doesn’t have any anxieties or fears at all it seems! In a way, Henry might even be a lil envious toward the other’s carefree attitude and that he’s free of anxieties and fears ...H-He still doesn’t want the other around, he still wishes to destroy Hyde of course, even with the envy and maybe a slight bit of admiration he has his morals and principals, and if Hyde continues to exist or w o r s e gets his own body it could prove v e r y perilous.
Now onto… Eugh, Hyde- The bastard man himself- He’s stinky- an evil bastard who really needs just a good punch in the face (god don't do it yourself tho, he’ll probs eat ur entire arm) Hyde’s absolutely disgusting, will do ANYTHING to get what he desires, he can be narcissistic in some regards, VERY prideful and greedy in many ways, he isn’t above committing murder like really, was he EVER above it? If he wanted, he’d literally murder you not even for a bag of corn chips but literally just one, psh- selling you to satan for one? Bah that’s amateur’s work! He’s somehow a minor inconvenience who can commit REALLY nasty and horrible atrocities at the same time if he feels like it, if he finds out something annoys you or REALLY pisses you off he’s going to keep doing it, he will literally try driving you insane just for the fun of it, really at this point it doesn’t seem like he HAS much of a goal but to just l i v e and cause chaos, destruction, and mayhem wherever he goes, he despises Jekyll in many ways, one being for trying to destroy him first and foremost but also Henny is just s o fucking weak, such a weak man with far too many anxieties, fears, etc- He’d be SO much better of a man if he’d simply let Hyde take control and STAY in control!
It’d make everything a lot easier, then Jek wouldn’t have to worry about ANYTHING ever again! No more of that pathetic nonsense! If it were possible, Hyde would absolutely l o v e to have his own body, separate from Jekyll, that way he could have his own life separate from that pathetic weakling’s! But… Even then, Jekyll and Hyde are one, in many ways they are absolutely apart of one another, two sides of the same coin, even with their MAJOR differences in personality and Hyde almost seeming like an entirely different entity just merely possessing Jekyll, after all, Hyde will admit it himself, he spawned from deep within Jekyll’s mind, he’s tried to get the other to see time and time again that he’s always been apart of the other deep down, Jek’s always had a more mad and evil side to him! Even if the other will deny this and take the denial to his grave, Hyde always persists in trying to get the other to see the truth in front of his eyes!
Aside from that tho, Hyde is just generally a dick and loves to mess with Jek and terrify him sometimes for literally no reason, hell he could be bored one day and decide “Hey Henny, fuck you, you suck” he loves to start drama, he loves to cause problems on purpose- Both of them would give anything to separate from each other, even if Hyde knows the truth deep down bout the both of them, even if he were always originally a part of Jekyll, it didn’t matter, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get his own body, away from that pathetic coward of a man!
| Side Facts: Jekyll rarely ever gets to relax or any free time, he’s too worried to give himself that in fear he’ll lose control, he’s almost CONSTANTLY fighting to keep control over the other, even though he knows it's physically impossible to do so, after all, he can’t stay awake forever, sure that doesn’t stop him from trying to stay awake as long as he can before his body practically forces him to pass out and he’s MUCH weaker than he used to be, I mean hell, given how long Jekyll seems to have been around, fighting SO much and almost EVERY single day has practically worn his body down but whenever there is an opportunity for any “free” time he usually spends it trying to figure out an antidote or a way to get rid of Hyde (I will say, before Hyde REALLY started doing bastardous n horrendous things, Jek would still get annoyed with him bc he was always that way but he actually, I’d say tolerated him more so than he does by now) and Hyde even- well, he still disliked Henry IMMENSELY so, but he definitely wasn’t as bad or as awful as he is to the other now, it was more so I tolerate you and we dont have to seriously fight or struggle with each other for control and back then Jek would even sometimes let Hyde have control.
But then… A serious incident (I wont name what exactly) but a serious incident that happened caused the two to absolutely despise each other (i didnt say up there, yes, Hyde absolutely despises Jekyll but there is some heavily hidden admiration in regards to the other’s determination, his persistence, and even somewhat of his creativity, Jekyll despite being an annoying nuisance in Hyde’s way, he does have some admirable things about him) but anyway- ever since that incident occurred, Jek has tried almost EVERYTHING he knew of to get rid of Hyde, even if separation from his body would still be bad bc that could mean Hyde would obtain his own body honestly? I believe Jekyll would still take that opportunity if he were given it, if he needed, he’d try and find someway to stop Hyde’s evil, maybe it’d be easier even if the other had his own body, he didn’t know, he just wishes he could be free from all this torment and agony like gosh damn give this man a b r e a k. Give him some fruit gummies and an appy juice carton and leave him be!
When Hyde is in control he wastes little time in finding things to do, being able to be out, to see the world, the world ripe for chaos and destruction, he wastes little time in getting straight to work with whatever his devious lil mind wants to think of- also for more monstrous purposes, back up there, I was p vague with the mention of teeth on his insides- p much teeth going down his throat and hell who knows, the bastard probably has teeth on the inside of his stomach at this rate- Another not so fun fact, this man can unhinge his jaw! Yaaay so u can see sharp teefs! ...He does have to kinda set his jaw back in place though bc god forbid Jek takes control then.
Smh imagine taking back control of your body only to have a fucking dislocated j a w wouldn’t that be hellish?
Hyde rarely ever does this for a few reasons- he only does it if he’s in the mood for just takin a big chomp outta someone (big chompy) just, just please- lock this thing away- or kill it, it's a menace to society and deserves nothing good- two more things btw, tbh I genuinely wasnt even considering inhuman features at first but ya know, I compromised- he has them he just chooses to hide them more often and speaking of, while Hyde says he’s always been apart of Jekyll (well this version I made anyway) that deep down their two sides of the same coin, can you really believe him? I mean, I’m not going to spoil it and tell ya anything in that regard, but who knows, who knows what Hyde REALLY is, whether or not he’s always been apart deep down inside of Jek or just some form of entity that spawned via that wonderful little formula.
And the final thing is, their voices are p much based on the musical ones' voices- Hyde’s is that deeper n raspier kinda voice while Jek’s is much softer and ya know POLITE sounding.
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awfullyaster · 4 years
andrew and neil are switches, don’t you forget it
ok hi here for my (probably) daily aftg rant,,,,so i’m seeing that the majority of the fandom (as far as i’ve seen anyway)--or fics/fanart consisting of andreil doing the do--view neil as a power bottom ?
am i incorrect? are my resources false? idk bout u but so far i’ve only seen like one fic where neil is the top/penetrator (!mao is that even a real word idk but it sounds weird haha cute ok anyway)
and honestly, i have to disagree. i do. i’m not trying to push andrew’s boundaries by saying that neil could top, i’m just saying that y’all don’t give neil enough credit.
liek,,,,,bro,,,,,do you not see the amount of top energy neil mf josten radiates ???? like, yes, we know andrew takes the lead but it doesn’t necessarily mean he’d top forever ?????
( just a proposition, ofc but this is just my opinion based on observations--yet again ) 
( and tbh i had difficulty trying to figure who was the top and who was the bottom between them when i encountered the first hint of intimate growth in their relationship--to the point where i had to ask my best friend who hadn’t a clue what aftg was prior to (that’s when the aftg rants officially started/ignited) and it took some time/proper discussion/consideration but he first came up with the conclusion that andrew was a sub top and that neil was a power bottom )
as for yours truly, i came to the conclusion that they are both switches (some time after i finished reading).
i mean,,,,,,can you really just look at neil josten--wholly, like his entire personality, attitude (problem !), traits, &c and decide on the spot that he’s a bottom ??? how ??? how the hell do you come up with that ?????
and hear me out, i have evidence/reasons:
one) The Great Riko Roast™️. need i say more? 
(if elaboration is necessary:
keep in mind that neil (this literal fucking nobody) burned riko (supposedly the king of exy or whatever the fuck, who cares) to ground on the spot (no script, just his attitude problem (mwah i love him) and pure spite)
again, he burned him to the ground on live television, publicly humiliating riko with each and every word
idk bout u but i am so damn sure andrew found out right then n there that this bitch radiates top energy for fucking sure (or, in his words, isn’t spineless)
neil committing arson via verbal attacks is just---splendid. absolutely mesmerizing. flawless. truly inspiring. gamechanging. glorious. 
he’s so rude i love him
anyway )
two) neil can shut up andrew up without having to touch or kiss him. he can leave him speechless. with just his words. 
(yes, we know anybody & everybody knows better than to touch andrew but like i mean he wouldn’t have to fight him or whatever) (and he doesn’t have to kiss him to shut him up--though he definitely can--he doesn’t have to because that’s just how fucking powerful he is)
y’all,,,,,are you ready for one of the most amazing lines i believe we all know and love,,,,,
““You have a problem wherein you only invest your time and energy into worthless pursuits."
“This,” Neil flicked his finger to indicate the two of them, “isn’t worthless.”
“There is no ‘this’. This is nothing.”
“And I am nothing,” Neil prompted. When Andrew gestured confirmation, Neil said, “And as you’ve always said, you want nothing.”
Andrew stared stone-faced back at him.
[...andrew had his hand frozen mid-air...(i forgot the rest)]”
i know that dom bottoms exist (i think so, anyway) or bottoms that radiate top energy/the position (i.e. bottom,top) energy you radiate can be entirely different from what position you really are/are comfy with and that these are just words but that brings me to my following point,
three) (#1 insitgator, he, oh yes, neil josten, yes indeed) his unexpected (and to be frank, quite thrilling) acts of asserting dominance ?????? um ????
(when they were kith kithing next to the kitchen (next to kitchen) in neil’s dorm room) “[neil felt his phone buzz in his back pocket and against the wall it was obnoxiously loud. he already knew it was his daily countdown, but he already knew how much little time he had left. he didn’t need to reminded, especially now...andrew took it out of his back pocket and offered it to neil, pulling away from his mouth. neil took the phone from andrew’s hand and threw it across the living room, not taking his eyes off andrew. andrew watched as the phone bounced off the couch and onto the carpet. neil kissed his neck in attempt to distract him and was rewarded by a startled jolt which was enough reason to do it again. and even though andrew pushed his face away, they were close enough for neil to not miss how andrew shivered.]” 
b r o ,,,,,,,,,,,, bro,,,,,,it just--
(when they were alone in the bus otw to that one away game--belmonte, i think?) “[“i wonder when coach found out about this,” neil prompted. 
“there is no ‘this’.”
“i wonder when coach found out you only want to kill me ninety-three percent of the time.”
neil retraced his steps and had a moment of realization. before andrew left for easthaven, neil had told andrew to trust him and not ‘neil’. 
“it was before you left,” neil started... 
“coach doesn’t believe what other people want him to believe, he believes what he sees,” andrew replied...
“are you going to tell them?” neil was referring to the rest of the team, and this was up to him, whether they’ll be out or not. 
“i won’t have to. renee says the upperclassmen are betting on your sexuality.”
neil knew that matt mentioned that there were bets on about him, but he didn’t know it was about this.
“it’s a waste of time and money. they’ll all lose. i’ve said all year that i don’t swing and i meant it. kissing you doesn’t make me look any of them differently. the only one i’m interested in is you.”
“don’t say stupid things.”
“make me.” and with that, neil grabbed a fistful of andrew’s hair and pulled him in.]” 
dude,,,,,,,,,he can take control,,,,,he can,,,,he can lead, too, but he follows andrew’s because he’s a good boy and he knows how important it is. he improvises and uses what he has and takes control from there. dude. dude. 
three) honestly? i think andrew likes it. neil’s unexpected acts of confidence,,,kinda leaves him on the edge of his seat yk,, like doesn’t it increase his percentage? it does, right? cuz ik it did when andrew guided neil to touch his chest and neil emulated andrew’s words, “i won’t be like them. i won’t let you let me be.” (i love them bye) but liek,,,,yeah idk andrew liking neil’s neck kisses/fetish kinda tells me he likes it so maybe this isn’t concrete evidence particularly but i’m still including it because andrew’s a switch, idc what anyone says, 
four) i lost my train of thought but i ran out of reasons--on the spot, anyway--so i might come back to this if i do but just to make it clear:
andrew minyard is a switch. (it just takes time, like a lot, but it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily impossible/never gonna happen.)
neil josten is a switch. (he respects andrew’s boundaries and doesn’t push him, he’s fine being guided, but it doesn’t mean he can’t take the initiative himself (and i forgot to mention it but re: when he asked andrew if he doesn’t like to be touched in general or if it’s a trust thing + many more times, before & after their first kiss, i believe, my brain is just empty rn) and i just think that deserves more recognition)
so !! 
(this post is a mess, (i always am but today’s just worse) i know, and i’m sorry)
in conclusion,
let neil top andrew !! they deserve it !! 
(not that vice versa is bad, but this isn’t either, yk, just saying. also, i hope this isn’t too late to say in the post, but i do not, i repeat, i do not, intend to pressure any content creator--fic writers, fan artists, editors, &c--to create content this particular way only,,,,okay,,,gotta make that unequivocally clear. and i’m not saying andrew topping neil is bad or overrated, because i know that when it comes to them, sex in general would take some time, especially neil topping andrew, but i think they deserve that freedom, yk. again,,,,this is just my personal opinion. no insisting statements here, just wish for freedom to speak my mind, that is all. also feel free to interact if you agree/disagree or both !! i’m willing to hear anyone’s comments or thoughts or whatever !! i hope i’m talking to a brick wall here ahah) 
bro brain poop rn
tl/dr: bro let neil top (not necessarily on top, but that works, too--either/or--or both, if y’all dare ;DD (kill me) (but like srsly) (let neil top) (plz) :))
(also somewhat off topic but might anyone have access to some fics in which consist of neil first getting andrew off ??? i randomly remember it from ms. sakavic’s extra content page and i would like to see what the fandom offers, if y’all don’t mind)
im so mean and insistent on my aftg-related opinions now that i think about it
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jiminieloved · 4 years
But why would JK post a ROMANTIC song cover again at a timing which adds up to 13, if it was supposedly linked to the significance of their debut date? That’s one thing I don’t get. I was the same as you, skeptical about the number 13 theory....until it happened again when JK, for some strange reason, posted the cover ~12 hrs later, as if the time he posted it has some significance...JK...why... 😂😭
Honestly I'm trying my best to convince myself the number 13 is special to them only because it's their debut date but at this point I'm not sure anymore. The 58 & 13 jerseys are sus (58 is such a random number for jimin to pick and what a funny coincidence that 5+8=13!), then we have the jikook tweets on May 13th 2018(the polaroid) and May 13th 2019 (the fireworks video) and again, what a coincidence! If we count BTS members from youngest to oldest Jungkook is 1 and Jimin is 3 and at some point
date. I also think the number 13 is meaningful to JM for more reasons than their debut date or his birthday (i firmly believe he would've gotten 613 or 1013 otherwise). Did you think I was done? Nope! incredibly, there is more!!!!!! Let's count the numer of letters in Jimin and Jungkook's names. J I M I N = 5 J U N G K O O K = 8. 5+8? = 13 AGAIN.
I don't even know why i am typing this because it probably means nothing but the amount of coincidences are starting to drive me crazy and i needed to share my thoughts with someone. Sorry!
I’ve decided if it happens 3 more times I’ll believe it for sure. It’s just.... idk 😭😭😭 I can’t wrap my brain around it
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
some of y’all have rlly big brains 🧠👀
What about Bokuto ignoring you when you suggest to go outside. He'll smile and hug you and changes the subject. When you try to bring it up again, he'll slowly increase his strength of his hug. A warning for you to behave 😬. I love you and your writing. 
Happy Birthday Daddy Owl.
First of all I’m sorry I was late for this bby!
Second of all YEEEEESSSS!
Bokuto is honestly so terrifying as a yandere! It’s not a punishment, it’s more like a natural response. He doesn’t want you slipping away from him, not to go outside, not to go to the kitchen, not to leave his side for a split second. And sometimes he forgets his own strength (does he though?). It’ll start to hurt, you’ll feel like you can’t breathe and your ribs are gonna crack with his muscled arms squeezing you tightly as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and coos about how much he loves you. But if you can’t breathe you can’t talk right? You can’t keep saying that you want to leave him. He won’t let you leave him. But maybe that’s better than the alternative. 
Keep pushing and you’re gonna get an emotional and upset Bo and neither of you want that.
the dynamic between akaashi/bo and reader??? you have me so interested ma’am I just love all your writing and concepts!!!
Ok ok :)
So basically the you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place here. There’s Bokuto, who drugged you at a party and delivered you neatly gift wrapped (hehe) to your completely enamoured and insane captor. He’s friendly, excitable and equally as fucked up as Kuroo (he was the one to kidnap you after all) and sees absolutely nothing wrong with the situation.
And then you have Akaashi. Akaashi who’s in some of your classes, who’s a sort of friend. Akaashi who should be more than a little concerned that his best friend has kidnapped you while his other friend is keeping you like a little housewife.
Bokuto’s all exuberance and wide sunny smiles, he treats you like you’re one of them, like you want to be there. Doesn’t question why you’re afraid of him - if anything, he seems to be more concerned with getting you to like him by forcing you into friendly cuddles and dragging you out into the longer room to come hang with him when Kuroo’s not around. He won’t listen to a word about how uncomfortable (how scared) you are. You’re perfect for Kuroo - he’s never been happier and Bokuto has no interest in upsetting this new balance.
And then there’s Akaashi. Unlike the other two you know he sees how wrong this is, how much you don’t want to be there in Kuroo’s bed every night - or there in the apartment with them at all. He knows you - knows that this is wrong, but-
But he won’t lift a finger to stop it. He’s nice to you, sweet. You think maybe he pities you, or maybe it’s his own guilt for letting this happen, but he’s the one you find yourself crawling too when you’re scared or overwhelmed (not when Kuroo can see - never when there’s that chance) but he’s also the one to watch you in the classes Kuroo doesn’t share with you. He’s a friend - was a friend - but now you don’t know how to act around him. Maybe if you push him subtly enough, he’ll feel guilty enough to help you - but be careful, because Kuroo loves his friends, but he didn’t sign up to sharing you, and he certainly doesn’t appreciate the odd occasional glance Akaashi sends your way when he thinks you aren’t watching 👀
Just read Gift Wrapped pt 3 and first: It was very good just like all your fics are and second: It made me realize just how weak i am for soft, delusional yanderes! Like a yandere that has no idea that you’re really scared of them and is also generally attempting to make you feel good 👌👌👌👌
Delusional yandere’s are so fun to write!! It’s soft but... make it creepy y’know? 👀thank you bby!
I just wanted to say
1. Outrunning fate is too good
2. I kinda freaked/flipped out knowing you’ll maybe write another part to it
3. I’m getting too distracted from doing actually college work because I’m rereading your fics
Out of all the fics I listed, this is probably the one I’m most torn about. I don’t mean to bait you guys and there’s still a possibility that I won’t write more for it, but fuck I just love the concept and dynamics between Toshi and Tendou and their poor darling soulmate. We’ll see, okay? Also that’s very valid sometimes i get distracted re-reading my own stuff instead of writing new stuff so, I getcha haha
Your content is nothing but superb and sinfully filling♨️♨️💓💓💓. I-is it okay to ask for more ushijima content? I love that brick wall so much and even had a delulu dream where i was his childhood friend who is always salty with him and when we met up as adults he caught on to my jabs and ended up getting railed by him eye-EJFJWJFA MY THIRST FOR THIS BLOCKHEAD IS DRIVING ME INSANE PLS I NEED HELP- SJXJSJCJ i love you rhi. Thnx for all your content👏👏👏
I’m writing an Ushijima breeding kink fic for a friend so there’s that to look forward to :) 
i too wish i could dream about getting railed by mr jima 😌
Gift wrapped was soooooo good! I can’t get enough of possessive and delusional Kuroo 😍. I love how you write from the pov of an unreliable narrater. You do it so well!
And now I’m also really curious about the dynamic between reader and Bokuto + Akaashi. Especially how Akaashi’s going to react to all of this 🙊 - @closetdegen
Thank you!!! I love from the yandere’s pov especially when they’re the delusional sort. It was fun trying to show the reader’s terror and fear while also having that fit within Kuroo’s perfect little idealised perception. It’s soft and romantic and fucking terrifying imo. Anyway, thank you!!!
the fics you mentioned writing extra parts to bitch askxjfhslg ALL of those are my favorites !!!! no pressure to continue any of them bc i totally understand where you’re coming from, but i need you to know that if you so choose to write another part for any of them i will literally rejoice and be so fuckin thankful 😭 anyways, love you & you’re amazing
Ahh thank you sm sweetheart!! 😭😭😭
Okay I know I'm asking a little bit too much but have you considered continuing on with the GW series? Maybe not fully fledged fics but more of drabbles or maybe short headcannons? You are a phenomenal writer that always leaves me craving for more 😭 There's just so much more I want to see from this world, like how Akaashi would react to seeing her since Kuroo seems like he would force her to move in, how their life would be now, etc. I hope you don't take this the wrong way! I don't want you to write something you don't want to. I'm just genuinely curious 🥺
Will I write another full length fic for it? Probably not. If somebody asks will I answer a bunch of questions and maybe do some drabbles/headcanons? Yeah, and that goes for pretty much any fic I’ve written. I love it when you guys react well to a fic and wanna know more. And thank you, bby!
Gift wrapped 🎁 part 3 was so insanely good that it made me want to finish acing my quizzes faster so I could reread it again 💖💖💖💖👀
asdfghjkl ily bby!!
YOO THAT KUROO WRAPPED THO- o m g I want smt where maybe this isn’t part of the fic but like a separate one where it’s a jealous Yan Kuroo 👁👄👁 u don’t have to do it it’s just a thought
Dw bby, I have some lovely jealous Kuroo fics in the works for you!! Also idk if you’ve read it already but Mr Perfect is there if you wanna see some feral Kuroo 👀
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
VIXX - Ravi A-Z
“Hiiii, could you please write an A to Z for Ravi?? 🙏🙏”
“vixx ravi a to z 👀thank u ❤️”
“Ravi A-Z NSFW please?”
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A - Aftercare Bless him he tries, but he’s so exhausted afterwards the most he can probably stretch to is maybe getting you both a drink...after that youre on your own lol sorry 
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) does it count if i say his favourite part on himself is his tattoos? idk, i just feel like theyre something about himself that he really cherishes, and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner, he likes the cakes, the booty, the butt meat. He can’t get enough.
C - Cum Likes to cum on your face or neck. Bonus points if you let him cum in your mouth then kiss him, it’s something he finds so unbelievably hot.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) He really REALLY wants to record the both of yall going at it and use the audio in one of his songs, but he thinks you’d never agree to it so he’s afraid to bring it up :((( 
E - Experience He strikes me as someone who’s no stranger to one night stand kinda things so he’s definitely got a fair amount of experience. He just gives off the energy of someone who knows his way around the female body lmao
F - Favourite Position Loves having you ride him, he likes the lazy approach and watching you bounce on him is his favourite site in the entire world. Always has a soft spot for doggy as well, he’s always a fan of anything where he get’s a full view of your ass.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) Not that goofy at all tbh, sex is something he just takes super seriously, he’s not here to mess around lmao. He’s here to fuck you up and get you shaking fgfdgdg
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Trimmed to the point of almost being bare, but he leaves a little bit lol
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He has his softer days every now and then, but he’s not really all that intimate in the moment tbh. He knows that you know how he feels about you, so he doesn't feel the need to be overly sentimental when at that moment all he wants is to rail you into the mattress until you're shaking oop.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) Honestly he probably does it basically every day; it’s pretty much a part of his nighttime routine at this point. He finds it the perfect way to relax just before he goes to sleep
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) For sure marking, both giving and receiving. He doesn’t even care if anyone sees them, he wears them all with pride and a massive smirk lol. He’s into maybe lowkey bdsm stuff too, just a little light pain and restraint kinda things.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) His favourite place would be his recording studio. It’s just that bit different enough to be a lil saucy, but private enough to where he’s like 95% certain no ones gonna walk in on you. It’s the reason he bought a super big sofa to go in there tbh lol.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) He’s a simple man, literally just touch him in an even slightly suggestive way and his brain will go straight to his dick. His thighs and lower stomach are the places he really likes to be touched
N - NO (something they won’t do, turn offs) No sharing, so that means no three(or more)somes lol. You’re his and he’s yours. That’s how he wants it to stay. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Lowkey the type to be more into the whole “face fucking” thing when you go down on him. He can get super intense when giving too, he wont stop until you've had a least one orgasm from foreplay alone lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) I feel like he’s somewhere in the middle lol, a happy medium. Probably a little on the faster side, but not crazy rough. He’ll be sure you feel it the next day.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) He’s quite a fan, he thinks they definitely have their charm of just scratching that itch whenever it occurs. They happen every now and then, usually in the morning when he wakes up with a boner but has to be somewhere soon.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) To a certain extent. He does have a few hard limits, but aside from that, he’s totally open 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) I dont think he lasts all that long, mainly because of how much energy he puts into whatever he’s doing. But providing you catch him before he falls asleep, he’d be down to go a second round.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) Definitely owns a few. Not a crazy amount, but mainly what he considers the “essentials”. Stuff like a vibrator, blindfold, silk ties and maybe a paddle if he’s feeling extra spicy.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) Maybe surprisingly idk, but i really dont think he’s that into teasing. I think he’d much rather just get straight to the main event then draw things out needlessly long.
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Some super gravely moans and very very sweary. Super into dirty talk also. Very much a “let the neighbours know my name, baby” kinda guy sdfds
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) He love love looooves it when you’re super vocal, the louder the better. It doesn’t matter where you are, what time of day it is etc. He knows all the right spots to hit that’ll get you screaming and he’ll keep going until you’re as loud as you can get.
X - X-ray (what’s going on inside those pants) Average in both senses i’d say, pretty n veiny though lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) Pretty high, like it’s not that high where its unbearable lmao but it’s probably a little higher than average. 4-5 times a week at most
Z - Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Super fast lol. Pretty much as soon as he pulls out of you, he’s out like a light lmao.
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