#also im so sorry hes in the corner i tried my best to crop him out 🤞
usernyoom · 3 months
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08/03/24, Jeddah. Max Verstappen prepares in the garage for qualifying for the F1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2024. Photos by Giuseppe Cacace, edited.
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olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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worstloki · 3 years
Top Forty Thor-Being-Thor Moments from Thor 1
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just absolute dumb*ssery that this 7yr old kid’s life goal is to “hunt down the monsters and slay them all”. I’ll go easy on him here and let the Thor/Loki expressions do the talking because of “...just like you did Father” but seriously can his hands even fit around a sword handle??? this kid isn’t even punching the air right??? if there was a sword in his hand he would’ve cut his head with the way he’s moving???? pure tiny-himbo energy here just look at that >:o face he’s making. contrasts very nicely with Loki’s ‘,:|. 10/10. such a baby idiot.
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“the jotuns must pay for what they have done! they broke into the weapons vault! if the frost giants had stolen even one of these relics!” thor. thor please. can you even name one of these relics. thor. hey thor. thor. shut up. “well, what would you do about this?” odin asks him. “march into jotunheim! like you once did! break their spirits! so they’ll never try anything like this again!” wow okay so we’ve fast-forwarded by like a thousand years and thor is still going on about genocide. huh. that’s funny, i thought loki was the genocidal one. hmm. i also just realized that the loki exclusive clip gives loki the same hairstyle thor has here so do what you will with that information.
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0/10. horrible. terrible. i dont care how angy thor is about not getting to kill some jotuns or become king today this very instant, that is a tremendous waste of food. an absolute fool. how can he just remorselessly throw the bread to the floor. if loki stabbed him when he was 7 he would deserve it for this table flip alone. what a privileged white *ssh*le.
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loki came skulking around a corner and suggested not to go to jotunheim and not only did thor not suspect anything but he also then went on to decide to go to jotunheim. 10/10 himbo material. 
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if tumblr didn’t have a picture limit i would put every instance of thor smiling in this list because look at that stupid smile. he’s such an idiot. 11/10. this is the thor content i’m here for.
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“I have no plans to die today” thor says with the stupidest open-mouthed smirking smile ever captured on film. right after he also told heimdall not to tell anyone they’re gone. he’s literally planned to strand them on jotunheim. thor’s grand plan was to strange themselves on jotunheim and also start a fight. i repeat: thor’s plan was to successfully slay all the frost giants and not need to return until they’re all gone. what an absolute d*mb*ss. this is getting ridiculous. this was originally a top-ten-thor moments list but i’m not even twenty minutes in so i’ll have to extend the list. thor. thor are you listening? thor, you’re such an idiot.
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“HOW DID YOUR PEOPLE GET INTO ASGARD?!” thor you sweet sweet summer idiot, please, i am beggin,g you,, learn to rea,d , a room,, literally everyone else who came with you is regretting it, there is complete silence and only the rumble of the opposing king is meeting your “I AM THOR, SON OF ODIN”s, please, please take some notes from Loki, or, you know, literally anyone else in the room, since everyone is asking you to get out of this realm while you still can,
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thor’s stupid smile makes an appearance after he gets called a princess and decides to fight a whole realm over it. you know what? thor is a princess. he’s the prettiest princess in all the lands. what’s thor gonna do about it? is he going to fight me too? I hope he does the stupid grin first. minus 15 points for the sexism. thor is a complete and utter sadistic fool who needs to get a hobby. seriously, he’s 1500 years old and still going on and on about slaying all the frost giants. boi, i hate to break it to you, but your dad is not the best or only example of greatness out there. i don’t think your dad even qualifies as an example of that. 
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“THEN. GO!” 🥰 ahh yes, just thor thingz 🥰🥰 like when one friend has had his arm burnt 🥰 and another friend has been impaled and needs medical attention, 🥰🥰 and all the rest of your friends are yelling for you, 🥰 and your brother is telling you they must go, 🥰 and you decide to buy everyone time by laughing maniacally and killing more frosties because you care for them and dont find joy in destruction like a loon 🥰🥰🥰 
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THIS is the iconic Thor moment that makes my day whenever I think about it. Just Thor, an absolute bumbering 6′6′’ giant boodlusting dummy sees Odin and just decides to yell “FATHAA!! WE’LL FINISH THEM TOGETHAAA!” as if the last thing Odin told him wasn’t “no, thor, we’re not going to do anything to the frost giants, do not go after them and try to kill them all.” 11/10 d*mb*assery right here folks, I couldn’t ask for Thor to be more of a fool. This is PEAK Thor energy. Look at that face. I feel like Thor spends half this movie with his nostrils flared. I love it.
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okay i gotta give thor credit for rightfully calling odin “an old man and a fool” but also there was not even 1 frame of the scene where Thor had a decent face so now all i see is >:O >:| >:o >:[ when i watch that scene. yelling at odin was great, not yelling at odin after he HUAERGHed at loki was less great, but to be fair it’s thor and he is the definition of Peak D*mb*ss. 
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thor literally GROWLS and starts yelling “HAMMAA?? HAMMER??” over and over. He was hit by a van, he fainted, he woke up and started growling. I don’t know what else there is to say about this.
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“you dare threaten me? puny human?”. so. uhh. basically. Thor knew she was threatening him? He KNEW she had a weapon? instead he made a face and started yelling as he tried to walk his way closer????? thor you complete and utter dum dum. you frickin hairball-for-brains. im not even surprised darcy tasered him. with that kind of face, i’d taser him too.
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when you wake up in an unknown place to a person smiling at you without a stupid smile, the first step is always to attack first and ask questions later 😌😌😌 (but seriously thor you imbecile why didn’t you ask where you were instead of throwing multiple people around the room and getting your butt needled. you clueless buffoon. you’ll remain a clueless buffoon if you don’t listen to anyone.)
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just a quick recap but thor was knocked unconscious by a van and these people kidnapped him aboard and the next scene we see him in he’s checking himself out in  mirror after presumably changing right there in the open?????? these are the things that make thor thor. any other character and i’d question it so much, but this is thor, and i truly believe this is in-character for him. just change in the open because why not? thor is a beefcake and that’s his only redeeming quality and he knows it. 10/10 thor moment. 
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I am now convinced that Thor saw Jane and “5k van-hitter to lover slow-burn height-difference himbo-scientist trope” flashed through his mind.
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“but no more smashing!” Jane says, and then Thor proceeds to check her out and smile unlike an idiot and like a douche. was this his version of flirting???? i’m not one to decide, but yes, yes it was. He threw a cup to the ground and broke it, and she’s getting mad at him and berating him about it, and he’s liking it. y’all i’m sorry to break it to you like this, but thor has a canon fetish. i am so, so sorry.
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im DYING. THAT ISN’T EVEN A KISS, HIS MOUTH IS OPEN. he SMUSHES his mouth around her knuckle???? WHY. I can’t keep noticing things like this. send help. please. Jane’s response makes so much more sense now; she’s laughs for a solid 3 seconds and shakes her head and is like “uhh, thank you? ahaha,” and then she keeps looking back longingly when walking away. they are doing this in PLAIN sight of EVERYONE. Darcy and Erik are standing RIGHT THERE, and Thor is doing weird things to her with his mouth. I’m out. I am done here. goodbye. 
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return of the stupid smile AND the douche smile in quick succession through the entire trip. their entire dialogue is peppered with innuendo. “I’ve never done anything like this before. have you ever done anything like this before?” “many times, but you are brave to do it.” “I have nothing else to lose.” “ah but you are clever, far more clever than anyone else on this realm.” “realm? rEaLm?” “you think me strange?” “yes” “good strange or bad strange?” “I haven’t decided yet.” I AM DYING OVER THIS. plus, we get Return Of The Himbo with Jane asking after Einstein Rosen bridges and Thor is like “uh, actually, more like a rainbow bridge 😜🤪” i feel so sorry for jane here, didn’t know how much of a d*mb*ss Thor was when signing up for this van-trip and knuckle-sucking 😭😭😭 i also no longer have questions about how the trip that SHOULD HAVE BEEN A HALF-HOUR ONE turned into one that LASTED TILL THE SUN WENT FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE SKY TO SETTING by the time they arrived. I have no questions. please. I don’t want to know what they were doing in that van. please no. don’t make me think about it.
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thor’s plan had 3 steps and they were 1. give jane his jacket 2. walk in and get his hammer 3. fly out. that was literally his plan. he had the first “I have a plan. attack.” moment in the MCU. pure concentrated 0-brain-cells energy right here. how can you not stan this king of d*mb*ssery. look at him, flaunting his big boy muscles. he’s about get his hammer and fly out, like he just told jane with a trademark stupid-smile.
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crop-top hair-mop thor is my favourite thor. the way the entire fight scene parallels a hamster in a maze only exemplifies the thor vibes for some inexplicable reason.
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“you’re big. fought bigger.” + Thor douche-smile + subtext from earlier + rolling around passionately in the mud = not a happy me. 
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I swear i’m not making up this romantic subtext but it’s barely even subtext. the entire scene leading up to Thor’s attempt at lifting the hammer is actually filmed erotically. I’m not kidding. First there’s a shot where Thor pulls aside a hamster-cage-wall blind which mirrors a shower-curtain, and THEN he walks around the hammer while smiling douche-ly at it, we get a few close-ups to his face which are shot from angles slightly lower than himself, giving him an aire of superiority, plus the music adds to this, he reaches out for the hammer’s handle with a mud-covered arm in the rain, in non-slow-motion slow-motion, and he wraps his arm around it, like, he fully twists his arm, unecessarily sexually, around it as he grabs the hammer. This is not okay. On the plus side, it makes the movie much more entertaining,, on the down side,,.
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im not going to call Thor dumb for not knowing he’s not worthy. im not going to. because odin literally whispered the enchantment to mjolnir after he’d thrown thor to midgard. it is very funny watching thor grunt in frustration though. he starts yelling because he couldn’t lift the hammer and just lets himself get caught. like, dude, get a life, go buy a new weapon from the store, seriously. he mourns for the hammer on-screen longer than he does for loki. he also looks like he’s in far more pain here. he becomes catatonic and unresponsive after this, but when loki dies he’s already feasting the same afternoon. 10/10 dum dum thor material. never change thor, never change. (that’s code for please change, thor, please,)
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thor trying to establish dominance wherever he goes is the funniest thing because at this point he’s being a complete asgardian *ss about it and it’s reaching points of pettiness never seen before. side note: he is possibly flirting with selvig too. maybe. i’m not saying anything happened, but Thor’s openning lines when bringing him home carried over his shoulder are “he’s fine, not injured at all,” followed with an apology to selvig, and an explanation to jane which consisted only of “we drank, we fought, he made his ancestors proud,” and then he puts the man to bed and before he falls asleep erik says “i still don’t believe you’re the g*d of th*nder, but you ought to be,” so... your choice, i guess...
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thor’s got his trademark stupid smile and stupidly takes jane’s life’s work notebook and starts doodling in it about trees. the last time his father told him this story about Yggdrasil was when he was 5 and he clearly hasn’t payed attention to any lesson about anything since and it shows so so much. thank you thor. very insightful knowledge you’re passing on hear. ‘i come from a world where [science and magic] are one and the same,’ ok great, now elaborate on that please. oh, right, you can’t because you’re thor, my bad, 20/10 thor behaviour. he couldn’t even doodle nicely. all his lines are wobbly. epic art fail. i wouldn’t trust him near my sketchbook with a 2B pencil.
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THIS is thor’s realization face. in case anyone was interested in what ‘dawning truth’ looked like on him. 😰😪 THIS is the face of a thinker, of a man betrayed by his own beloved brother for unprecedented reasons. look at the nuance in his expression. 😩😩😩 so many emotions, I can’t even count them all 😩💯😪
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stupid smile and “do not worry my friends, i have a plan,” he says, “i’ll just try and abuse the fact that Loki’s super selfless and kind and has no self worth to my benefit as i have countless times before which is exactly what he’s rightfully angry about this time,” he doesn’t think to himself because that is NOT the smile of someone who is thinking... like, at all. +10000 points to gryffinthor. the d*mb*ssery really jumps out.
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“im sorry bro for whatever i did and whatever you’re blaming me for as an excuse to do this, im sorry bro, but you’re disturbing innocents that i don’t really care about but you’re the one making a scene in front of them so why don’t you admit you won’t kill me and are just having a temper tantrum and we move on? hmm?” and then he proceeds to get slam dunked in the face with a metal arm like yEAAAA BOI that’s what you GET for going up against the SENTIENT LAVA-SPEWING metal-man ya absolute dunderhead clod. thunderhead clod? yeah, that. he’s just so dumb, your honour, please, you must understand, the victim pleads guilty on all charges of d*mb*ss and d*mb*ss alone.
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I can NOT describe the emotions I feel knowing that Thor is suck-kissing Jane’s knuckles. Like, his mouth is literally jelly-ing it up against her hand. There is suction there and it shows when he is placing and removing his mouth. I promise that’s what is happening. I’m not any happier than you about this. I regret everything. This is why Loki should be what is focused on and not Thor; Thor’s going around trying to frick frack everything in sight even if it’s just Jane’s hand. He’s maintaining eye contact with Jane while he licks her fingers. Why did I decide to rewatch this movie. 
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i’m only adding this in as a thor moment because of how desperately and badly they kiss. seriously. 2/10 kiss. im not surprised jane broke up with him. they look like two actual seals fighting over an actual grape. while i’m here i’m going to criticize every fic ever that decided thor is an experienced gentle lover. what were y’all on when watching this movie. thor can and will f*ck literally everything in sight and he won’t even do it well because he is the peakest of peak d*m d*m. look at this man. look at his face. that is the face of an absolute himbo idiot, and it’s the face of an absolute himbo idiot who knows it. he’s been stranded on earth for 2 days, max, and his flirt-count is at 69 people because his name is one letter away from thot. i bet his terrible use of a pen from early means he writes his ‘r’s like ‘t’s and he doesn’t even care. 1000/10 thor moment. doesn’t get much more romance-thor than two individuals smooshing their faces together after some finger sucking. that finger sucking is gonna leave jane simping for years. and that’s true love babey. <3
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“I’ll handle my Brother!” Thor says, as if Loki didn’t send a metal-murder-bot that quite virtually killed him less than ten minutes ago asdfhkhsdgsdjf Thor, you horrific himbo you, Loki’s weapon of choice is literally throwing knives he will literally kill you before you enter the room if he’s on his game and wants you dead which he just proved he would do and you’re just gonna???????????? jog on over to him????? Thor??????????? bruH???????????? buddy??????? pal???????? you really wanna go 1v1 the brother you very clearly underestimate and know nothing about????????????????? im loving the confidence, but, no.
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Loki: “you literally can’t stop this from here.” Thor, immediately: “i’m going to hit it with the hammer and see if that works” and then it does in fact work later... technically speaking, even if it ends up causing chaos destruction and death and loki falling off the bifrost 😔😔😔 but Big Brain Thor is the Biggest Brained Thor!!! The plan worked!! in a messy-Thor-ish way, but it did!!!
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“you can’t kill an entire race!!!!” Thor yells, teeth gritted, as he faces his brother, his coward pacifist brother, who has suddenly decided he wants to join the age-old family tradition of realm-destroying, when this is supposed to be Thor’s dream, Thor’s, not Loki’s. How dare he, Thor thinks to himself, fist clenched around Mjolnir in anger, the pain of the handle pressing against his palm perhaps the only thing preventing him from lashing out at this thought, that’s my planet of monsters to slay, he should go get his own! Loki hits Thor across the face with the back-end of his spear. “Now fight me,” Loki says, but Thor, well, Thor cannot fight, as he remains stunned that of all things Loki would dare steal his life’s ambition, and he is sent sprawling backwards across the observatory, slowly but surely sliding to a stop despite his catatonic, very symbolic silence.
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the elegance, the poise, i see your time on earth has made you no less graceful, Thor. the simple magnitude of this sprawl. the spread of the arms. the turn of the feet. this is not a dude, this is a man.
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sometimes your brother starts vehemently talking about he’s gonna kill the race of monsters and about how he’s only ever wanted to be your equal and about how he’s not your brother and never was and sometimes you just have to say “this is madness” instead of addressing the issues or asking for any of the  deets 🔥 👊💯😩
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Loki is whipping Thor’s butt. Both literally, and metaphorically, Loki is whooping Thor’s d*mb*ss. Earlier he knicked Thor’s face, now he’s just pushing Thor around, he uses the spear as a pole and later kicks Thor’s face by kicking vertically up, and Thor, bless him in all his blond golden muscled glory, doesn’t think anything is up with this, gosh he’s such an absolute utter idiot
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sometimes your brother laughs way too much and also cries too much in a fight and there are also too many of him so you just need to blast lightning so you get a shot at all of them 😌😌😌 and then put your magical infinitely-heavy hammer on his chest 😌😌😌 but it’s okay because Thor left holes in Loki’s container 😌😌😌
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now THIS is the meat to Thor’s funny bone, just the pure unadulterated humour that is Thor saying that there will never be a “wiser king” or a “better father” than Odin, it cracks me up every single time without fail, just the way he says it with a straight face and— what do you mean he wasn’t joking
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look at Thor’s stupid smile as he asks Heimdall to spy on jane every single day while conveniently never asking after Loki ever. This is Thor’s face in mourning after he attended a feast after everyone was celebrating after Loki’s death. Look at his stupid smile. I love him your honour. He’s just,, he’s just so frickin stewpeed, just Thor being Thor, just the purest of d*mbest of *sses. 
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mashiraostail · 3 years
Hiiii, i was wondering if i could request some vlad king and gang orca taking care of their s/o pets. Like if the reader was out of town and asked them to take care of their dogs👉👈 i feel like vlad is such a good doggy dad that the dogs play together and i feel like gang orca would be lost but doing his best and if he was taking care of a cat i like to think it would love being around him because cats love fish and he would just always have his s/o cat cuddling on his lap. Im sorry for ranting lol i love your work you're doing great💕
awwehehe this is so cute since you mentioned dogs for vlad and cats for kugo that's what i went with! also indulged myself and included kugo/ jiro/shoji content bc that seems like such a GOOD FUNNY AND WHOLESOME trio and i wanted more content than we got smh 
Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King: "Hey Sek, I need a huge favor.” You look up from your phone at the taller man who is currently scrunched into the corner of his couch scrutinizing a piece of paper with really terrible handwriting on it.  “Sounds dangerous.” He replies without looking up and you snort dropping to the cushion beside him.  “Only a little, but I think you’re good for it.”  “Alright then, so what’s the favor?” His eyes flick up to you. “I need to go visit a friend out of town.” You sigh, “she had a baby last month, I used to work with her husband and she asked if I wanted to spend some time back home with her for her birthday next week, I should be about five days.” You rest your hands on his knees, “so while I’m out there..would you mind watching Kilo for me? I hate to leave him behind but It’d be a pain to travel so far with him I know he hates trains.”  “That’s a huge favor?” He raises an eyebrow at you, “sure I can watch him. I bet they’ll get along fine.” He glances at his own dog curled up under a chair.  “But only If you can figure out what the hell Monoma tried to write here.”  For all intents and purposes, Kilo was a good dog, a little stupid, but a good dog nonetheless. To be honest, he’s really honored you trust him with the task, you’re the only person he’s met that seems to love your own dog as much as he loves his. Plus it also meant that Kilo had to like him a fair bit which was also a relief, as a dog owner he knew any potential partner was only as compatible with him as they were with his dog, and his dog loved you, he was sure you felt the same way, any partner that Kilo didn’t get along with would be impossible for you to get along with, he found it more than a little reassuring that Kilo seemed to enjoy his company. Past all that, and maybe even most important this was a perfect opportunity to introduce the two dogs. He was sure it was no secret to you but this wasn’t exactly a casual fling, with the way things were going it felt pretty inevitable that he’d ask if you wanted to move in together; but if the two didn’t get along well then..that’d be an issue. Though he was sure if things got tested out now you’d have some time to at least try to get the dogs to be comfortable with each other or hopefully think of some sort of workaround. In his eyes, this was a blessing for him as much as it was a favor to you.  “Are you sure you don’t mind keeping Kilo at your place?” Sekijiro is slightly embarrassed to say how early he arrived at this park, he wanted to tire his own dog out before introducing the pair, he’d advised you to do the same so you were walking to the park, you'd called him on your way.  “Of course I don’t mind babe.” He tosses a ball from his seat on the bench and watches his pudgy bulldog trot over to it, “it’ll be easier this way, right?”  “Yeah that’s true, I just don’t want Kilo wrecking any of your stuff, he always means well but he gets into trouble sometimes-”  “Don’t worry about it, he’ll be a model student by the time you get back.” He hears you laugh into the receiver at that. “I don’t doubt that, I’m almost there, I’ll see you in a few okay?”  “Yeah sure thing, can’t wait.” You huff out another laugh at him before hanging up.  “Sekijiro!” You chirp brightly at the sight of the man, he’s too busy taking you in to respond. Kilo’s trotting a foot or so in front of you on his leash, that old joke about dogs looking reminiscent of their owners was certainly true in your case, you both looked delighted to see him and beyond that, you were practically glowing... Maybe he just had a thing for people who were good with animals.  “Hey Sek?” You lean down in front of him.  “Hey! He welcomes Kilo between his knees, the mixed breed was a bit larger than his dog who was currently bounding back to him with a ball and sufficient slobber hanging from his mouth, the size difference in mind though Kilo was a hell of a lot less bulky, he was practically streamlined, Sekijiro had seen how fast the dog could run with his own eyes. He could see why you took so much pride in the dog, he was definitely beautiful his coat was long, wavy, and shiny and he had big blue eyes and admittedly the cutest pink nose and spotted tongue Sekijiro had ever seen.  “Thanks so much again for doing this I really-” An excited bark pulls your attention downwards, “look who it is!” You sing, crouching down to pet the panting dog, “you sure look tired. Sekijiro is working you too hard.” You frown at him as he hops up to rest his front paws on your thighs. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Sekijiro laughs, “but he is worn out, I guess Kilo is too though.” Kilo’s head is on his knee, the larger dog is panting too.  They seem to notice each other, and approach with a lazy curiosity. They sniff around each other for a bit but after that return to their respective activities, seemingly unbothered by each other and the proximity of the other dog to their owner. Kilo didn’t mind your cooing at Vlad’s dog who didn’t seem to mind Kilo’s head in his owner's lap. With that little bit of reassurance, you hand him Kilo’s leash and a bag of his stuff; food dish, some toys and treats and the like, and then you part ways after promising to call him when you get to your home town safely.  All in all the coming days are pretty uneventful, Kilo joins them on their daily walks, eats at the same time with no trouble, finds a comfortable place to sleep each night.  “Is Kilo alright?” Your voice is nervous in the receiver.  “He’s better than babe, seriously they’re getting along great.”  “God that’s such a relief.” You sigh, “the pictures you’ve sent are cute..gosh I miss him.” You pout a little. “Gee I miss you too babe.” He mutters it with a playful edge to his voice and you gasp,  “I was going to say I miss you too but forget it!”  “don’t be mean!” He complains back, “I was kidding! And anyway I miss you. How’s it been out there?”  You go off on your usual tangents before ending up back at square one.  “Oh! I called you for a reason actually!” You remember, “I’ll be a little bit late getting back on Sunday, one of the trains is going to be down so I’m taking a later one, I should be back around midnight now would you mind-”  “Of course not babe, I’ll get you from the station so-”  “No no! It’s okay you’ve already done so much that’s not what I was going to ask! I just wanted to be sure you wouldn’t mind keeping Kilo around for the extra time...I can get a taxi, seriously don’t wait up for me!”  “Well just come to my place when you get back right?”  “I wouldn’t wanna wake you up-”  “It’s been way too long since I saw you last, so I don’t mind, if you won’t let me pick you up from the station at least come right here.”  “You’re convincing.” You laugh a little, embarrassment heating up your face, “I guess that’s fine with me then...” A distant sounding voice pulls you away from the receiver, “Sek I have to go, I’ll call you again soon though!”  “Don’t worry about anything babe.” He reassures you as you hang up.  There is one minor spat over a rope toy but it’s resolved easily enough and the pair seem to get on swimmingly after that, even sharing a couch cushion and occasionally resting their heads on each other, they become incredibly fast friends, which is probably the biggest relief on the planet to Sekijiro. Watching the two of them play tug of war in his living room or witnessing their schemes to get leftovers off the counter on Thursday night essentially cement his vision of a future with you.  If you were being totally honest it was embarrassing how attractive you found Sekijiro getting along with your dog to be, you’d never got the obsession of handsome guys holding cute babies but seeing some of the photos he’d sent to you over the almost 6 days you were gone made butterflies crop up in your stomach the likes of which you’d only felt when he was actively trying to fluster you...but this seemed totally unintentional. To say you were incredibly eager to go home and see him (jump his bones) felt like an understatement. It’s past midnight when you get back and the place is mostly dark, you see a vaguely bulldog shaped blob partially under a blanket on the couch, but the snoring it emits gives away it’s identity easily. You leave your bag at the door and venture into the apartment, poking your nose into the bedroom.  Of course, Sekijiro is there, dead asleep on his back, and who’s with him but Kilo, his head resting on the blood hero’s chest one of his hands resting on top of it.  “Oh Vlad-” You coo, you practically sing it at him.  “Wha-whatsitwhat-” He rubs his face as he picks his head up, “oh, hey welcome back ‘s good to see you, missed you-”  “You’re so sweet-” You’re already at the side of his bed, leaning down and kissing him.  “What’s-” Sekijiro takes a minute to process everything before he realizes it’s Kilo’s head on his chest making you act like this.  “Oh no way, he’s been a total angel-”  “I’m so glad he likes you so much-” You murmur it between kisses, to his lips and various other spots on his cheeks and jaw, “you guys are adorable together.”  “I’m glad you think so-” He cuts himself off with a yawn and turns into your lips, kissing you again before speaking, “you weren’t kidding about that late train huh? It’s almost 1 AM, you must be exhausted, there’s plenty of room for you in here so come on.” 
Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca: “Hey, Kugo...” You approach him from behind and wrap your arms around his shoulders, leaning against the back of the chair he’s sat in.  “Yes?” One hand comes up to cover your forearm the other stays dutifully at work.  “You love me, right?” You rest your head against his and he pricks up at the inquisition.  “Of course I do, why would you ask a question like that? Is something wrong?”  The way his hand subtly squeezes your arm isn’t lost on you.  “Hmm..no nothing's wrong.” You lean into him and close your eyes as he sighs good-naturedly. “Then what? Did you just want to hear me say it?” He leans back into you, “I guess I could entertain that...” His thumb swipes a long stroke over the skin of your forearm, “I love you, dear.” He can feel you prickle up at that behind him. “I love you too Kugo.” You squeeze him tighter and he huffs out a quiet laugh. “I’m glad to hear it. Now is that all you needed?” He puts his pen down to bring his other hand up to your arms, “I’m a bit busy. You’re welcome to stay there if you like though I just need to finish some paperwork and make a few phone calls. After that, we can do whatever you like for the night.”  “Well, now that you mention it there was just one more thing. I’ll be fast I promise.” Your hand slides underneath his lapel and into his jacket.  “Don’t worry I can make a bit of time for you then, what’s the matter?” You make eye contact with him through his darkened computer screen.  “My boss invited me to this big conference next week, it’s a pretty great opportunity and I could meet some important people..” You explain, biting your lip, “it could be really good for me to branch out even she thinks so, and getting some more experience will be great, and it’s pretty close to my hometown so I figured I'd stop in and see some old friends after I got done..It’d be about 5 or so days and I’d really like to go.” You sigh and he seems more than a little confused based on his reflection.   “That does sound like a great opportunity for you, you’re right..what’s the problem then? Do you need advice about something?” His confusion doesn’t quell even as you kiss his temple. “I probably will later but for now the problem is Luna.” “Your cat?” Kugo piques, “why is she a problem?”  You sigh, “if I’m not around no one will be there to feed her and make sure she stays out of trouble.”  “Oh is that it? That’s no problem at all dear, I can look after her for you. Is that what you were going to ask me?”  “You don’t mind?” You perk up, “I don’t want to trouble you...and I know I could just as easily leave a key under my mat and have a neighbor do it but I trust you so much more and-”  “It’s no trouble, really.” Kugo laughs a little, "I pass by your apartment all the time on patrols, I’m sure the interns won't mind if I make a stop and head up to check on her every now and again.”  “Oh! You can totally bring them up if they like cats!” He laughs at that too.  “Was that all?”  “Mhm.” You nod and use the motion to nestle into him a bit, “Thank you Kugo.”  ”It’s really my pleasure. Leave it to me, alright?”  All things considered, Kugo’s also pretty honored to be trusted with the task of watching your pet cat, he knows how much you love and worry about her, you dote on her all the time, and if the copious amount of photos you send him of her say anything she’s definitely your pride and joy. For the most part, you spent the bulk of your time with Kugo at his own home, due largely to the fact that he was larger than average and he existed a fair bit more comfortably there, but he paid you visits in your apartment from time to time and had met the cat, she seemed to like him plenty which was a relief as well.  You stop at Kugo’s before you leave and give him a list of things to double-check when he stops in, though you reassure him that there shouldn’t be any problems, Luna was pretty independent and mellow she didn’t like going outside so he didn’t have to worry about her escaping or anything like that. He tries to stop in at least 3 times a day, before, during, and after patrols, he knows that’s probably overkill, you spend all day at work and have never had an issue but he hates the idea of something happening to the feline on his watch. Plus even if he wouldn’t readily admit it he saw this as a perfect time to get on the cat's good side, you said she already loved him but he wasn’t convinced. He knew how much you loved her and any vision of your future that he had always featured the mellow feline so in his mind it was imperative they got on well. On top of that, he was glad you trusted him with something as small and delicate as Luna, she fits pretty comfortably in his hand and was as fragile as she was petit, but you never seemed off-put by the idea of him holding her or petting her, in fact, you encouraged it. The way you even wanted him near her when you weren’t around to supervise put him at ease about his strength and size, he always worried about breaking delicate things, but that wasn’t a worry you seemed to echo.  “Is something going on in that building?”  Shoji looks up at your complex as he pauses by it, “you’re stopping here a lot since yesterday.”  “Huh? Oh. Actually no... well nothing of importance to you. I’m...catsitting.” Jiro holds her breath the hold in the laugh, “Catsitting?”   “Yes...my partner is away at a work conference, the cat in question is theirs.” Kugo nods, “if you like cats you can come up and meet her, she’s actually quite friendly.”   Kugo was pretty used to Luna at this juncture, but whenever other people met her it was easy to see why you were so proud of her, she was quite the stunning cat, a long dark grey and black coat with big green eyes and a swishing tail, her paws were colored as if she was wearing boots.  “Wow...she’s really pretty, I’ve never seen a cat like this.” Jiro was crouched on the ground, stroking her neck.  “I was surprised too.” Kugo confesses, “they found her in a box on the side of the road about a year before we met. She was only a kitten then. Her name’s Luna.”  She seemed to like the pair equally alternating between them, rubbing against their legs and shuffling her head into their palms.  “She is very friendly.” Shoji remarks as she purrs at him, attempting to climb into his lap.  “She’s good at getting into trouble, but she usually means well. You can stay with her for a minute.” He sets off to double-check the usual; food, water, litterbox, the loose window that she’s always wiggling open despite having no desire to climb out of it, he waters a few plants and straightens up anything she knocked over as well. When he returns she's overturned on Shoji’s lap.  “You’re getting along well.” He swipes a pillow she’d knocked over up and replaces it on the couch.  “She’s really sweet!” Jiro is scratching her stomach. “I’m glad to hear it.”   “Hey..sorry if this is too personal or whatever but I didn’t know you were.. dating someone... We didn’t snoop or anything though!” She swears, holding both hands up, the cat looks disgruntled at the loss of attention.  “It’s alright I trust you.” Kugo waves her off, “Luna looks too comfortable anyways, you’ve clearly been petting her this whole time.” He adds with a small chuckle. At the sound of her name, she rolls over and winds around his feet, circling through his ankles and pawing at his pants until he lifts her up.  “To answer you though yes I am seeing someone.” He holds Luna with one hand, his ring and middle finger scratching the patch of grey fur on her chest.  “Are they a hero too?” She wonders, straightening up.  “No...no they’re not, I’m not very public about this sort of thing.”  Shoji contemplates that, “they have a nice apartment.”  “That is true, it’s a good job, and they do have a pretty keen eye for decorating” He agrees, looking around amicably.  “Have you guys been together for a long time?” Jiro blurts out before feeling color float up to her cheeks, “sorry I don’t mean to be rude... I just never pictured you like this I guess I’m curious-”  “It’s okay, most people don’t, and yes, we’ve been together a while now.” Kugo raises a hand to calm her, “but like I said before I’m not very public about things like this which is why you wouldn’t have heard..though either way, even when we do go out together... most people don’t assume I do that sort of thing, and to be frank, we aren’t the most...visually compatible pair..” He says that with a distinct fondness in his voice and then continues, “like you said, you don’t really picture me in this sort of light, most people don’t so hero gossip tabloids tend to leave me alone for the most part, I get a fair bit of freedom when it comes to this sort of thing because of that. There are probably plenty of photos of us together out there, though people usually assume they’re my manager or a secretary or just a friend.” Luna is purring loudly in his hand, her body largely slack against his chest. He walks her over to the couch and sets her down, which she warbles angrily at, “to be honest though I prefer it this way. I’m a private person.”  “That makes sense...well, their cat sure likes you.” Shoji points and Kugo chuckles.  “I’m fond of her myself.” Kugo admits, “everything is as it should be here so we can head out again, sorry for the tangent.” He scratches Luna’s neck and sighs, “as for you I’ll be back tonight. So try to behave until then, for my sake alright?”  Jiro tries not to laugh at the sight. “I didn’t think you’d actually bring them up! Did they like her?”  You sound delighted about it over the phone that night.  “I may have knocked a few intimidation points off of myself, but yes they thought she was cute.” He was sitting with her, contemplating staying the night here. He was embarrassed to say it but this was the longest you’d spent apart in a while and despite any appearances, he had gone soft and was starting to miss you, being around your stuff was nice even if he didn’t fit too well in your bed.  “I don’t think you’re very intimidating at all.” You peep back thoughtlessly. “Well, I’d sure hope not.” He chuckles and leans against the couch, “she’s been good too I was,..expecting her to break more.”  Truthfully Kugo wasn’t sure what he was expecting, he never had pets growing up and hero work didn’t give much free time to consider one, it took a day to get comfortable with her, and even now he was watching his every step for her. “I’m glad to hear that!” You laugh, “she’s a pretty great cat isn't she?”  “I have to agree..” Kugo wouldn’t mind having her around all the time, the longer he sat on your couch and contemplated it the more he realized he wouldn't mind having the both of you around all the time. Was this some sort of emotional sign to ask you to stay with him? He’d give that more thought at a later date.  “Kugo are you listening?” “Of course I am.” He was not. You don’t seem perturbed though, chuckling and then sighing fondly, “I’m gonna go shower then call it a night, I miss you two though.”  Kugo looks down at the cat on his lap and he nods, “we miss you too. I’ll be up for a bit longer so call or text me if you need anything.”  “You shouldn’t stay up so late Kugo it’s bad for you-”  “I know, I know, I’ll turn over a new leaf when you get back.”  “Sure you will.” You snort, “I love you Kugo.”  “I love you too, I’ll see you soon.”  You wanted to see Kugo first thing when you got back but you were so exhausted that you can’t help sulking to your own place, things had gone well enough but all the commotion and travel really drained you. You were sure it wasn’t anything spending some time or even a night with Kugo couldn’t fix though. When you shoulder your door open though there’s Kugo, sitting on your couch.  “Kugo, you’re here?” He’s holding some papers in one hand, the other is holding Luna’s back, keeping her against his chest.  “I was just checking in on her but every time I tried to leave she started..making a weird noise.”  “Weird like how?” You chuckle, suddenly feeling much better.  “Sort of like screaming. But cat-like. I sat down and she clawed her way up here, then fell asleep and almost fell off, but I caught her and she hasn’t moved since.”  “And... how long ago was that?”  “What time is it?” “Half-past 6.”  “2 hours ago. I didn’t want to wake her.”  “Kugo.” You laugh and sit beside him, “you’re so sweet.” You wrap both of your arms around one of his and lean into his shoulder, “I missed you so much.”  “I missed you too.” Kugo sets the papers down on the pile by the arm of the couch, “It's sort of embarrassing but I even stayed here a few nights because of it. I can’t remember the last time I went even 2 days without seeing you.” He appreciates the way you seem to melt into him at that.  “That’s not embarrassing it’s sweet, you’re so cute Kugo...” You lean up and kiss him, “such a big softie aren’t you?”  A soft hum is his reply as you pull away, “was she any trouble? Be honest.” “I was worried at first that I’d screw it up somehow but it went fine.” He confesses as he lifts the cat off his chest and she’s sleepy and limp in his big hand, purring contentedly.  “She was acting up the 2nd day but I think she was just confused about not seeing you. Then she got used to me and was alright.”  “That’s cute..” You yawn and clamber onto his lap, “god all that traveling tired me out...you’ve been stuck here for 2 hours but I might have to trap you a little longer to take a catnap of my own. I think Luna’s onto something...” You nestle into his shoulder, grateful to feel his arms come around you.  “Don’t worry about me.” He hums as Luna curls up in the sliver of space between your bodies, “I just want to finish reading over some things. Then I'll bring you both to bed.”  “You’ll stay tonight?” You yawn again and he hums, you can tell he’s smiling even though you can’t see him. “Would you like me to?”  You nod into his shoulder, “yeah, I would...”  “Alright then I will. Now go to sleep, you need it.” 
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listen folks, season 4 has come. my crops are flourishing, my skin is clear, i’ve been revived. i cried and watched the opening 4 times, i’ve watched the episodes 3x now. Kuroo has always owned me and bITCH he still does. 
as usual, i have no shame, so have this professor Kuroo x  grad student reader that turned surprisingly angsty (my heart is so full with s4 that idk how it ended that way). i dont even care how cliche this is, im so weak for stuff like this. also i have no idea if this field is even a thing but i dont care 
warnings: suggestive nsfw, angst 
will there be a part 2? who knows 😉 (spoiler, there is...and three and four)
as usual, 💖 J
You weren’t exactly sure what you were expecting what your faculty member that you’d be working with for your graduate career to be like, but it had been more along the lines of: crotchety old man, white hair, still sporting tweed suit jackets from the seventies. It definitely never crossed your mind that a young man, probably around your age, you’d guess a bit older since he was already a faculty member, would greet you on your first day.
You also weren’t expecting him to be fucking drop dead gorgeous—and you mean ovary melting, cliché totally swooning material. Never in your life have you felt so nervous around a person before. It really wasn’t fair in the slightest. And on top of it all, he was amiable. The two of you got along swimmingly, half in part to how close you are in age and the other half since you’re both mad about biotechnology.
You tried. You really did. Tried not to develop a crush on him. But the more you got to know him, the more days spent together, you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper because it wasn’t just about looks anymore. You liked him. A lot too. You can’t even explain why. You learned rather quickly he’s no lady killer like he’s looks suggested—oh no. He’s the biggest dork you’ve ever met.  And now you’re head over heels with no hope of going back. It was a rather futile attempt to resist it.
Sitting at your desk, you rub your hands over your face trying to get those thoughts out of your head. Or at least shove them to the far depths of your brain so you can continue to act like everything is fine and not like your heart is going to overwork itself anytime he’s anywhere near you. And god—was that getting increasingly difficult. With your first year ending and presenting your research at the National Biotech Conference coming up, the two of you have been spending more and more late nights in the lab together. Alone.
You might as well dig your grave now.
Just a few nights ago the night ended early because he set off the fire alarm making a hot pocket. The two of you too enamored with the project to notice the microwave on the verge of combusting. Why the hell he put it in there for five minutes was beyond you, but he tried to explain that he was planning on taking it out before the timer ran out. The memory of it makes the corner of your mouth quirk upward.
“You bored out of your mind already?” A voice teases from behind you, making you to jolt in your seat.
Speak of the devil.
You turn in your chair to find none other than the root of your problems: Dr. Kuroo. Jesus fuck you can barely look straight at him without feeling some sort of nerves ball up in your stomach.
Giving him a weak smile, you say, “Those all-nighters are really getting the best of me.”
His eyes soften and christ—you need medical help to deal with the way your heart is stuttering in your chest. By the end of this conversation you’re going to need a defibrillator with the way he smiles at you sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “Riiiight. About those….” He avoids your gaze and you already know what’s coming.
“Another one tonight?”
He sighs. “Yeah. Sorry about that. We’re just really down to the wire now. I want to make sure everything is set.”
You wave him off, there’s nothing to apologize for. You knew what you were getting into here. And you know it’s only his second conference as a distinguished member of the community, so he has a standard to uphold.
A startled gasp escapes you when his voice appears right next to your goddamn ear, his warm breath against your skin practically sending you into a frenzy. “You working on the statistics?” The nod you give him is almost imperceptible, afraid any movements from you are going to give away how his proximity is making you feel. His eyes scan your screen before patting you on the shoulder. “Looks good so far, send it to me when you’re done.”
You let out a breath of relief you didn’t know you were holding when he moves away.
How the fuck are you going to survive the next year?
Hell—how are you going to survive a week-long convention with him?
As he heads back to his own desk, Kuroo glances warily around the office to make note of any suspicious onlookers. It’s been harder and harder to keep that professional line with you, and every public conversation you shared he was highly aware to not slip into his easy mannerisms he found himself indulging in during all those late nights. Because fuck him—he liked you. Why did he of all the options get assigned the one graduate student who is his age and is fucking gorgeous on top of your academic prowess?
He never stood a chance.
He is barreling straight towards an academic violation at full speed and his brakes are broken. That’s how bad it is.
But goddamn he can keep it in his pants for the sake of his job and your career.
That sentiment went to shit that night.
You’re late, which almost never happens. He can count on one hand the times you’ve been late. And you always texted him with your ETA and an explanation but tonight…silence. He knows you haven’t left, he saw you a little over an hour ago speaking to Dr. Yu, and a quick trip to your desk confirms it; all your stuff is still here.
He’s lucky to catch Dr. Yu on his way out, asking if he knows of your whereabouts. “You haven’t seen her?” His brows lift. “Must’ve gotten caught up in the library. Said she was going to stop by there before your meeting.”
Kuroo does an excellent job of hiding his confusion. Meeting? Is that what you’ve been disguising your all-nighters with him as to your colleagues?
That means you feel there’s a reason to keep it a secret.
Or is he reading too far into it?
Nonetheless, he strides towards the library, irked to find most of the lights off and it utterly silent inside. He checks the table area first, then peruses the shelf, peeking down each to see if you’re actually in here. It’s likely you already left and are now waiting for him in the lab in the time since he’s begun looking for you.
He finds you in one of the farthest corners of the library and it isn’t until he approaches you does he realize the situation he’s just put the two of you in.
In the dark library.
You’re sat deep into an armchair, legs curled up underneath you, head resting on your hand while you flip through the pages of a book sitting in your lap. You look so picturesque he can’t help but stare for a few seconds before clearing his throat to alert you to his presence.
He scares the absolute shit out of you.
Leaping out of the chair, the book clattering to the floor, you shout, “Holy fu—Dr. Kuroo! You can’t just do that!” Then you blink, like your brain is catching up to you, then you frantically check your watch and outwardly groan. “I knew I should have set an alarm. Sorry, just lost track of time back here.” Smirking softly, he takes a step forward, bending to pick up the book sprawled on the floor. He hands it to you, your fingertips brushing his, a jolt of lightning spearing through you at the contact.
Every sense of yours is filled with his presence, your head clouded with thoughts of what if you just…closed that gap. What would happen if you took just one step forward? Would he let you run your hands over his chest, snaking around his neck to tangle into his dark hair? What would it feel like to press your body against his?
Holy hell—you need to get out of here.
It’s then that you realize you’ve been staring at him.
And that he’s holding your gaze, his golden eyes locked onto yours. The air is so charged you feel like your entire body is buzzing, urging you to indulge in the thoughts swirling in your head. You open your mouth to break the silence, grasping at any sense of logic you have left to end this dangerously tempting situation.
Kuroo’s last strand of self-control splintered the moment he caught you staring at him so intently. The same thoughts weaving through his head as yours, the fantasy he’s had for months now of holding you against him, his lips pressed to yours, is so tantalizingly close he can barely stand it.
So, he comes to decision. Before this opportunity eludes him, he has to act now. He watches as your mouth opens, your better judgement clearly still intact, and before you can get a word out, he leans down to kiss you. His hands finding their way to your waist, tugging you to him, he’s pleasantly delighted to find you sink into him. Your own hands reaching up to curl into his shirt, soft mouth moving against his own, he almost groans at how you’re reacting to him.
He’s intoxicating, the way his fingers are digging into the skin of your waist, how his tongue slips into your mouth, you can barely keep your feet underneath you. What’s even more exhilarating to you is that he initiated this.
He wanted you too.
The thought makes you a bit dizzy.
When he feels your hands travel from his collar to slip your fingers through his hair, this time he can’t help it, a deep pleased sound escaping him, rumbling through your entire body and sending heat straight to your core. Jesus Christ this man his going to be the absolute death of you.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his hands roam from your waist to cup your ass, using the leverage to press you even closer to him, letting you feel just what exactly you’re doing to him. All he can think is that he wants more, he wants you underneath him, chest heaving, moaning his name and no one else’s. With that on his mind, he splays his fingers out underneath your thighs, intending on lifting your legs around him.
The action turns your brain back on, the gears working hard through the haze clouding your mind, realizing where exactly this is going. Your sense of reason finally coming through, screaming: Stop! What the fuck are you doing?! Instinctively, you shove him away from you.
He blinks in surprise as he stumbles back into the bookshelf, thrown off by your sudden rejection.
Your heart crumbles seeing his hurt expression. It’s no use denying it anymore. You want him. So bad that you were this close to throwing all caution to the wind just now. But you can’t, not under the circumstances. He is your colleague. Your superior. What the hell were you thinking?!
Steeling your resolve, you say quietly, “Kuroo…I—That…that shouldn’t have happened.”
You can’t even look at him, too afraid of what will happen if you do.
He knows you’re lying.
He stares at you for a moment, considering all his options. Truly, he’d like to just gather you up in his arms, assuring you everything will be fine, and kissing your worries away until you melt beneath him again. But he knows that’s crossing the line. Instead, he settles on making his feelings clear. He wants you to know where he stands. He doesn’t want you to think what just happened meant nothing to him. But he’s willing to give you space to put your thoughts together.
“I need you to look at me,” he says.
You bite your lip. “I can’t.” Now your throat feels tight with the effort of keeping tears at bay. Why is it like this? Why did you have to meet him in this way? He says your name like a command, so you ball your fists in determination and raise your watery eyes to meet his.
With such surety and resolve it just about makes you burst into tears, he tells you clearly, “I’m so head over heels for you it’s not even funny.”
He’s right, this isn’t funny. It’s anything but. And he’s making it worse by being so goddamn perfect you want to scream. The universe must really be a bitch for putting you through this, making you fall in love with someone who is so off limits. You can feel your heart wilting within your chest as you plead, “I need to leave.”
He lets you go, despite every instinct telling him not to. He spends the night in the lab alone, barely getting anything done through his ever-present thoughts of you. He tries to remain hopeful, that somehow this will all work out. That on Monday you’ll come to work, and everything will be alright.
Monday morning, he finds out you’ve put in a request to join a separate project.
He doesn’t know what to do with the growing hole forming in his chest.
And neither do you.
part two part three part four 
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haikyuu-drabble · 5 years
Soulmate AU | Terushima x Reader
hi i saw this post on tumblr about a colorblind soulmate au loool and so i wrote this... technically part two is in the works but idk if im a fan of where its going but if u guys really want it then ill try to work on it haha
terushima x reader | Colorblind
word count: 2670
Black and white. That’s what you always saw, and you hated every moment of it. You’d been wanting to meet your soulmate for years. Out of all your friends you’ve wanted it the most. Every time you thought you might have found the person, when you reached out to touch them, nothing changed. You still saw black and white.
These days, most, if not all, of your friends could see in color. You’d constantly have them describe the shades or hues of things. You’d ask them things like what color your eyes were or what their favorite color was. You’d basically torture yourself.
Your friend laughed, “Maybe you haven’t met your soulmate because they can tell how desperate you are.”
You grimaced, “You don’t really think that’s it, do you?”
“Of course not!” you friend laughed, “Can you just relax? It’ll come when it comes. The best things always come when you’re not looking for it.”
“Well, can you blame me? My curiosity is only going to get worse the older we get. The number of people who only see in black and white in our age range is only getting smaller.” You grumbled.
You friend rolled her eyes and patted you on the back, “Just focus on what’s important to you right now, and it’ll show up.”
“Fine.” you sighed.
When it was time for your next class, you bid your friend goodbye. It was a new semester which meant new classes which also meant new classmates. This could be your chance. This could be the class that you meet your soulmate and finally see in color.
When you walked in, you saw a load of girls surrounding a particular area of the classroom. You tried to peak over the crowd to see what they were crowding over. It was a male student with short cropped hair. You raised a brow wondering why everyone was so preoccupied with him.
You decided to sit far away from the commotion. The professor gave the typical syllabus lecture, and in the midst of it, he announced that there’d be a partner project. He explained, “I already assigned your partners, and I’ll post them on the board after lecture. Be sure to communicate what you want your project to be about. I’ll be asking for topics next week.”
You felt yourself getting excited. This could be it. This assigned partner for class could be your assigned partner for life. You felt yourself fidgeting from anticipation of the list.
When class finally ended, you overheard girls saying things like “I hope I get Terushima” or “how lucky would I be to get Terushima as a partner?”
Frankly, you had no idea who they were talking about, but you also didn’t really care to know.
You were in line waiting for your turn to search the list when you overheard someone calling your name. You tried to look over the heads that were blocking your view and saw the same boy who was surrounded by girls earlier. You sighed to yourself. Great.
You waved your hand, and he grinned at you. You could hear the girls whispers around you, “she’s so lucky” and “I really thought I was going to be his partner”.
He walked up to you with a smile, “So, should we trade numbers?”
“How about emails?” you suggested.
“Isn’t it easier to communicate through text?” he raised a brow.
“If I said that I didn’t have a phone, would you believe me?” you faked a grin.
Terushima laughed, “No, but for that joke. I’ll settle for your email.”
You grabbed a scrap of paper and wrote your email on it. He did the same, and you two ended up trading the papers. He smiled, “I’ll email you some topics later!”
You nodded in response and walked off to your next class. All you could think of was how much work you’d definitely be putting into this project. He just seemed like the type of guy who wouldn’t carry his weight.
Later that night, you were watching television at your apartment. Getting used to going back into the groove of school always tired you out. You could feel your mind drifting off when your phone pinged. It was an email from Terushima. You opened it to see what it was about, and in it were over ten topics. How… did he already come up with so many?
You read over them, and you realized that they were all really interesting things to make a project about. You picked the three that were most interesting to you and emailed him back with your response. Within moments, he’d already emailed you back and said you should meet up to narrow down which one you wanted to do. You agreed.
The next day, you went to the campus cafeteria. It was the agreed meeting place, but you forgot how busy the room got when it was lunch time. You opened your email and asked him if he found a spot yet. However, there was no response. You tried to look around for him in the giant room, and after about fifteen minutes of looking you finally found him sitting at a table in the corner. You approached the table and sat across from him. “I’m sorry. I got here earlier, but I was looking around for you the whole time. I emailed you asking you where you were, but yeah…” you veered off.
Terushima smirked at you, “If we traded numbers like I suggested yesterday, you wouldn’t have had so much trouble.”
“If I could see color then I also would’ve been able to spot you better too.” You muttered.
He tilted his head, “You can’t see color, either?”
“Either?” you asked, “You haven’t met your soulmate yet?”
He shook his head and smiled, “Thankfully, no.”
You raised a brow, “What do you mean by ‘thankfully’?”
He leaned towards you, “Life would be so boring if I found my soulmate. I don’t want to settle.”
You propped your head up with your hand, “Finding your soulmate isn’t settling down. It’s finding your partner. Your whole life changes, and you can finally see in color. How is that settling down at all?”
“You see it this way, and I see it that way.” Terushima shrugged and put his hand up for a high-five, “Kudos to us for still being free!”
You stared at his hand, “Should you really be that open to touching people if you don’t wanna find your soulmate?”
Terushima lowered his hand and laughed, “I think it’s safe to say that neither of us get along that well. I highly doubt we’re soulmates.”
“Right.” You rolled your eyes and opened your laptop to start working, “So, what topics do you think should narrow down on?”
You two talked for about an hour figuring out the pros and cons of the topics. It took longer than you expected because you guys had to refer back to the original list since some of the other topics weren’t as easily researched as others.
Before you two split up, he asked for your number, and you had to agree. It would be annoying if you continued to communicate only through email.
You were glad that you figured out what topic to write about because now you didn’t have to worry about it until your professor had approved the topic.
Coincidentally, you came to class early the day the topic was due. You grabbed your study materials out of your bag waited for class to start. Someone sat down next to you, and you saw Terushima smiling at you, “So, did prof approve our project?”
“He said that he’s going to go over it a couple minutes before class ends.” You answered.
The rest of the class started flocking in, and that’s when the normal swarming of girls approached Terushima. You sighed and collected your things. Terushima turned to you, “I thought you said we still have to turn in our topic. Where are you going?”
“Don’t worry. I need a good grade, too. I’m not leaving.” You explained.
You moved away from the crowd, a couple rows in front of your original seat. It was much too early to deal with such a loud crowd.
Near the end of class, the professor explained that he was finally going to approve topics, and as soon as you were approved, you were free to leave. Since you were sitting near the front, you were one of the first people he checked. You quickly got his approval and texted Terushima the news. 
As soon as you packed your things and left the classroom, someone called your name from behind you. You turned around and saw Terushima chasing after you. Once he caught up with you, he asked, “Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“Well, he approved of our topic, and I texted you.” you held up your phone.
He checked his phone and saw the message, “Oh. I didn’t realize.”
“That’s because you were too distracted with the girls crowding around you.” You joked, “Maybe if you met your soulmate, you wouldn’t be so distracted.”
Terushima had a smile on his face, “Well, if you look at that. ‘Ms. Serious’ has jokes.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, “It comes up on occasion.”
“Well, I know that now.” Terushima beamed, “So, where’s your next class?”
“I don’t have one actually. I’m done for the day.” You answered.
“Me either! Let’s get hangout” he invited.
“I don’t know. I’m kind of busy.” You veered.
You looked at his face and saw the slight disappointment. There was a part of you that wanted to give in, “But… I guess I can squeeze you into my busy schedule.”
Terushima grinned, “Great! I know the best place with the best bread!”
When you two got to the bakery, you grabbed some pastries. Terushima was ahead of you at the cash register, and you put your bread next to his, “I’ll pay for his food too.”
Terushima was taken aback, “What’s this about?”
You took out your wallet, “I feel bad since you found all the topics for the assignment. It had to have taken a lot of time because you got so many. So, consider this as my payback.”
You grabbed your bread and headed to a table to sit at. While eating, you got to know Terushima a little bit better. You asked, “Holdup. You played volleyball?”
“Played?” he repeated, “I still play! I’m on the school’s team.”
“How come I never noticed you, then?” you asked.
Terushima shrugged, “Maybe you just couldn’t believe such a perfect guy could exist.”
“Sure. That’s what it is.” You scoffed.
Once you finished eating, Terushima walked you to the station. Before leaving, you asked, “Next time, let’s meet up to research some sources.”
“I’m down.” Terushima grinned.
You planned to meet with the next couple of days, and after he walked you walked to the subway. You looked back one more time and saw that he was still looking at you. When he noticed you looking, he grinned and waved at you energetically. You couldn’t help but smile and wave back at him.
On the train, you couldn’t help but think that Terushima was an enigma. He was a flirt. That’s for sure, but it was strange. You thought with his direct way of speaking, you would have been able to get a grasp on him, but trying to see what he was actually feeling was more difficult thank you thought. One thing you did realize was that you got along with him more than you would ever admit.
The next day, you met up with your friend, Tendou. He hadn’t met his soulmate either, but you figured out quite early that you weren’t each other’s soulmate. You’d accidentally tripped, and he was quick to catch you. When there was no difference in your vision, you were disappointed. Sure, Tendou was a very eccentric person, but he was sweet and fun. But over time, you realized it was much better that you two were just friends. 
You had told him about Terushima and the group project. Tendou stuck up a finger, “That’s the wild guy on the volleyball team, right?”
“Am I the only person who didn’t know he played for the school?” you asked.
Tendou shrugged, “Hard to say. I used to play so maybe that’s why I took notice.”
“Maybe.” You sighed.
“Well, what’s your opinion of him?” Tendou got straight to the point, “You like him or something?”
You felt your face heat up, “T-Tendou!”
Tendou raised his brows, “That’s an interesting reaction.”
“No!” you denied, “It’s not even a reaction.”
“If you say so.” Tendou snorted.
You threw your hands up, “Let’s just change the subject!”
“Fine.” Tendou shrugged again, “Oh yeah! I’m starting a manga!”
“Again?” you laughed, “Please tell me you have better ideas than last time.”
The next day, you went to the library, and you texted Terushima asking where he was. He quickly replied, “I’ll come and get you.”
Within a couple of moments, you saw him waving at you, and you walked up to him. He whispered, “I already got started and found a few references.”
Once you got to the table, you saw there were a some of books and printouts. You grabbed a book and noticed that he’d even already bookmarked a couple of pages. You asked, “How long have you been here for?”
“I’m not really sure.” He answered, “I just came here after my class. I figured I might as well since I had nothing else to do.”
“Terushima, if you keep this up, I’m going to go bankrupt from buying you those hotdog breads.”
“I wouldn’t mind that actually.” He snickered.
He sat down in his seat, and you took the spot next to him. You opened your laptop and started looking for own searches to add to the collection. You knew that this class was going to be a lot of work, but you didn’t realize that it was going to be as much as it was. You were thankful that you had Terushima as a partner to complete the paper and presentation.
While reading an article, Terushima called for your attention, “Can you look at this article, and tell me if it’s usable for the paper?”
You tilted your chair to see his laptop screen a bit better. You were reading the part that he highlighted when you felt your chair start to dangerously lean over more. You quickly gasped, but Terushima grabbed your arm and caught you and pushed your chair back on the ground. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light. You flinched from it and closed your eyes. “Are you alright?” Terushima laughed, “Good thing I caught you. You really would have been a goner.”
You rubbed your eyes, and when you opened them, things looked very different. You could see color. Does that mean…?
In almost a breath, you asked, “Do you… see that?”
“See what?” Terushima laughed, “Your life flash before your eyes?”
“No! The—” You looked over at him, and you saw his golden locks. Terushima was blond. His eyes were a soft almond color, and his skin had a slight tan to it. He was... beautiful.
He was looking at you with a confused look, and your heart dropped. You could tell by his expression that he wasn’t seeing what you saw. He wasn’t seeing in color. You knew that could only mean one thing. Terushima was your soulmate, but... you weren’t his.
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flightsrsk · 4 years
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hello hello all !!! my name is riley and this is my actual trash son maverick, aka the flight risk !!! i am so so hyped to get the ball rollin on this, so check out info on my kid under ze cut !!
warning: this got rlly mcfreaking long and i am so sorry fjdklsjs i am incapable of writing a short intro post
unfortunately i will not be able to be around for the official opening bc i’m on vacation w my fam and godparents, but i will try and intermittently read intros and chat to you guys about plots !!!! PLS feel free to bombard me through IMs or through discord if any plot sparks ur interest or u think mav could fit well in one of ur plots!!! :’)
Name: Maverick Hobbes Braxton
Age: Twenty-one
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/Him
Major & year: Philosophy, Third year
Faceclaim: Alex Fitzalan
Occupation: N/A
Maverick Braxton, as you might see, is an enigma—or rather, has evolved into one, slowly: a transformation that begun with his first breath. In his early years, the stage had been set for him, line by line. Act One: attend prep schools, excel in classes. Act Two: attend Covington, take center stage—you know, all of the things his older brother, Richard had accomplished with ease, just one year prior to all of his expectations. It was simple, really: a blueprint laid out ahead of him, with little to nothing in his way.
The only problem was that Maverick didn’t exactly see the point in choosing that path, that stage, that story. To him, it wasn’t challenging.
That, and the fact that the life laid out in front of him offered him absolutely nothing.
A series of banal expectations, unfair comparisons, and heartbreaking betrayals, and the traditional life of the Braxton child was thrown out the window—at least, in his brain, it was. See, Maverick Braxton, while independent, coy, and arrogant, isn’t stupid. He knows if he pleases his parents just enough, they’ll still distribute his trust fund and still bail him out of legal trouble when he inevitably tiptoes too far down the delicate line between ambition and rebellion. Perhaps it’s a bit selfish, but what does he owe to a family who paid him no attention, who never asked of his well-being, his own ambitions, his personal dreams?
He’s the kind of person to drive down the highway, windows rolled all the way down, cigarette lit—not because he necessarily likes the taste of nicotine, but because he likes the way the smoke creates clouds that obscure reality. He’ll surprise you in class when he interjects with a sarcastic but surprisingly salient point before throwing up his hood and retreating to the back corner for the rest of class. He’s the kind of person to start reading a book, flipping incessantly through the pages, both impatient by the pace of the plot, yet put it down before he reaches the final pages because he doesn’t want to be disappointed by the ending. He’s the kind of artist who rarely finishes a sketch, the writer who is never satisfied by a poem—for fear, of course, by deep-rooted insecurities that nothing that he will ever do will be enough.
A once-broken heart had taken time to mend, even though it seems ice-cold and whole from the outside. It’s why he has commitment issues: he doesn’t want to be burned again. He plays off his flirtatious bit as a personality trait, someone who is bored by the prospect of being tied down—and yet those who share his bed might consider him Covington’s most surprisingly deep pillow-talker.
An enigma, you see—one who doesn’t stick around long enough for anyone to truly understand, truly a Flight Risk.
( You can read his full biography here! Still in the process of editing it a bit, but below are some important bullet points! )
Maverick was born the second of three children to the Braxton family—and as per usual with the Braxton children, he was born into a life filled to the absolute brim of expectation.
His father, a playwright, his mother, an actress. His brother, a theatre prodigy—what part did that leave him to play? The assumed expectations were to follow in his mother and brothers’ footsteps and take center stage; he excelled, for a while, but Maverick always felt lost.
Neighbors and family friends would always ask if he had measured up, in each and every shape and form: it was like the entire universe had a scoreboard with their names titling each section, and Maverick was always playing catch-up, never knowing where the finish line was.
For a while, he stuck to the script that was given to him: study, succeed, repeat. He tried to understand the ins and outs of his father’s work, of masterful acting techniques, trying to make a large enough splash to where his family would even notice the work he put into his life. Surprise: it didn’t.
It took him seventeen years to truly understand that his role in life was not exactly the story his parents had laid out for him, but rather, his sibling, instead.
Downcast emotions transformed quickly into cynicism. What used to make him feel sad now fueled a blue fire within Maverick’s chest, one that felt wronged by the system he was placed in: a complete first-world problem, but it was then and there when he decided to take advantage of his situation, given that he had spent his entire life dedicated to a part he wouldn’t play.
Hypocritical as he was, he still enjoyed the fruits of his parents’ work, cashing the unlimited checks with his name on them, as if it was some sort of sick version of love.
One piece of recognition that Maverick finally earned was an acceptance to Covington—and even that couldn’t be tainted by his brother’s success or his legacy status.
At Covington, Maverick has both lost and found his footing, multiple times. He’s quit acting, quit studying theater, in favor of a topic that stimulates his brain more than reading lines and
Maverick Braxton is certainly a paradox. He’s charismatic, funny, and has a witty sense of humor –– and is generally appreciated by his peers because he’s able to move conversation and discussion without making topics seem dry.
Despite his apparent inferiority to his sibling, the Braxton family still breeds the cream of the crop. He’s certainly a bit arrogant sometimes, given that he’s intelligent, innovative, and clever, and wants to be recognized for it –– however, even if he might not show it on the outside, he appreciates a good challenger. He thinks it keeps his wit sharp, and of course, his ego would never show it, but he does appreciate learning from people. After all, his passion in philosophy, his current area of study, makes him certainly interested in how the world works.
Those who happen to get to know Maverick outside of the surface-level stuff, outside the initial cockiness and flirtatious front he puts on will know that he’s actually quite thoughtful. His lonely childhood has made him extremely loyal to those who have shown him similar trust and friendship –– he would never turn his back on them.
He asks probing questions, is a good listener –– perhaps because he’s interested in human decision making, but is also because he doesn’t quite know what it’s like to be loved unconditionally –– though he wants to.
Deep down, what almost no one knows is that he’s really quite soft. He passes his curiosity off as wanting to understand people, when really it’s a mechanism for hoping someone asks him questions in return, to give him the time of day he wished his parents ( and the rest of the goddamned universe ) had given him.
Despite his theatre prowess, he isn’t actually a particularly good liar. Those who spend enough time around him can hear his tone of voice incline slightly and see him scratch his brow.
coffee-stained mugs, walking with headphones in but nothing playing, untied shoelaces, black hoodies, a cheeky smirk, small books in his back pocket, writing in the margins, unfinished poems, quoting old authors on a daily basis, incessant eye-rolling, pen ink stains, an unmade bed, mismatched socks, floral ties, empty bottles of liquor, rose thorn pricks, old worn poetry books, polished dress shoes, calloused fingers, unlit cigarettes between teeth.
Funnily enough, Maverick’s name means ‘independent, a noncomformist’, which is exactly the path that he has taken to stray away from his family’s expectations.
He does have one strong connection to his family, though: his grandmother, on his father’s side. She understands the pressure he undergoes, who saw the pressure Maverick’s father endured to obtain the success he has. She is one of the only reasons that Maverick has not just jetted off to take on his own adventure. He loves her dearly, and wishes that her empathy and wisdom would rub off on the rest of his family.
Maverick has some form of synesthesia, which allows him to remember a lot more than the average person. He associates colors, smells, sounds, to words –– and allows him to efficiently study any subjects he doesn’t have immediate passion for.
In the privacy of his own bedroom, he sometimes writes poetry and sketches his thoughts and muses –– when he knows he’s in complete privacy. Faces and features that appear in his sketchbooks are often those he’s thinking of often, those who intrigue him. He’s actually quite good a sketching, maybe not quite as good at writing poetry.
His room is spotless –– evidence that he is a bit of a control freak sometimes. It shows that during his adolescence, he reveled in the parts of his life that he could control and perfect.
tw drugs. He more than dabbles in drug use, smoking marijuana maybe every other day, while partaking in harder drugs like cocaine and adderall and others probably once a week. He feels like he’s in control of his use, but it may start to get the best of him. end tw.
Maverick is left-handed. He hates that he gets pen ink stains when he draws, writes poetry, takes notes. His left palm is probably perennially covered with ink.
Though he’s often wearing headphones ( airpods, of course, the nerve of this rich kid ), half the time, nothing’s playing. Sometimes he forgets to press play on his phone, sometimes he purposely likes listening to decision-making and conversations of strangers. it lets him think about the nature of mankind.
Maverick’s favorite philosopher is Albert Camus, known for his work that heavily developed the idea of absurdism ( much to do with the meaning of life, and human inability to discern an answer ).
Maverick’s preferred method of transportation is his skateboard. he loved it first because his parents hated it: pushing himself around on a board like that would get him injured—besides, why not just take the car to school, the driver had been paid for anyway? It was his first taste of rebellion. Now at Covington, where skateboarding is far more efficient than walking across campus, it comes in handy when he sees someone he’d rather not stop and chat to.
Maverick could die with a poetry book nestled on his chest—it’s the one thing he got out of the impressive book collection his family owned. There was something daunting and beautiful about the way poems would transform metaphors into something fantastical, like the emotions were clearly there, but the words were skirting the issue. Kind of like how his parents would never really tell him they loved him.
Maverick often has headphones in when he walks to class. not particularly because he’s actually listening to music or a podcast, but rather because he’d just … rather not be bothered to stop and talk to people.
Maverick loves to draw. He’s mostly self-taught, with a bit of mentorship from his high school art teacher. Evidenced by the rest of his fleeting personality, he rarely finishes a sketch or painting. He claims he never has time to finish them, but the number of crumbled-up, half-finished sketches in his trash bin might say otherwise.
** see my wanted plots tag here too! // and my plots page here !!
It wouldn’t be easy to make Maverick feel like even more of a disappointment than he already had with his parents, his family—but your muse proved this feeling wrong. He loved them, more than he’d ever loved anything before. In the midst of confusion about where he belonged, he felt safe with your muse; he’d do anything for them. Things ended, he felt betrayed ( though the break-up could have easily been due to a fault of his ), and the split made him the one who now struggles fully with commitment. He doesn’t want to have his heart broken again. See: this entire pinterest board.
but also if u give me this ……………… i’ll name my firstborn after u
Those who go through similar childhood traumas are often able to understand each other –– that was how it worked with Maverick and your muse, at least. They’re thick as thieves — and have likely seen the ups and downs of Maverick’s life in real time.
Self explanatory—and also probably knows about the pressures the Braxton family imposes on their children.
Friends who were close, close no longer. Maverick’s a real piece of work, and an asshole, too—there are myriad possibilities for why Maverick could have pushed them away. He wouldn’t openly admit that he misses being around your muse, but he certainly would feel a bit of guilt given that they’re no longer the closest of friends.
Your muse, in whatever unfortunate setting, saw a glimpse of Maverick’s soft side that hardly ever makes an appearance. He’s not going to let them tell the world about his vulnerabilities, though. Not a chance.
Maverick is sarcastic, cold, and sometimes emotionless. It’s not surprising that not everyone gets along with the middle Braxton. The possibilities are endless—throw in some sexual tension and I’d actually fall at ur feet.
Your muse, at one point, probably knew Maverick better than everyone else at Covington. They overheard some of his phone calls with his parents, saw his notes for how he was to achieve his life goals, heard him crying in the middle of the night when he thought your muse was asleep. They could be extremely close now, as in one of the few people Maverick opens up to, or could be distant friends who know about one anothers’ struggles. The possibilities are endless, tbh.
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moastays · 5 years
-eggs and vampires(f)
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vampire! hyunjin x reader
summary: you never expected your best friend of 4 years to be a vampire.
warnings: little mention of blood (not really), violence (a lil) , didnt proofread
you didnt want to walk to the convenient store that night at all. you were already snuggled up in bed reading a fanfic when your mother yelled at you insisting that you get her some eggs so she could bake some cookies for her bingo meeting. you pretended that you were asleep but that didn't work on her and she quickly yelled again that of you didn't go get it your phone privileges would be taken. so here you are in some gray sweatpants, a black crop top, your best friend hyunjin’s over sized jacket, and some fluffy bunny slippers walking to the convenient store. 
you walked quickly to the store, it was only a good five minutes away but you got an eerie feeling from the area tonight. you put in your headphones as you blasted some music walking down the street. 
you made it to the convenient store quickly and walked through the door. your mom needed eggs quiet often so you came here a lot so it wasn't a surprise when your normal cashier, chanhee flashed you a big smile. “hey y/n funny to see you here again, let me guess what it is this time is it.....bread?” he said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. “ha ha ha very funny you know why im here.” you yelled while picking up what your mom had asked for. you made your way to the cash register and chanhee began cashing you out.
you looked around and saw a guy in all black sitting at one of the tables near the front of the store.
“ hey whats up with mister badtz maru tease behind us.” you mumbled (a/n badtz maru is an all black saniro charcter if you dont know skksdhkhsk) as chanhee snickered at your joke. “i dont know hes been here for a while now but he was looking at you walking around the store, maybe thinks your hot under your trash ass outfit.” he said making you glare at him.
“you an asshole.” you retorted back.
“your total is 11.87″ he said with a devious smile as you handed him the money huffing a bit. he gave you back your change and you waved goodbye before walking out the store heading home.
as you were walking you felt a presence behind you as you walked home which cause you to pick up your pace slightly. when you made it around the corner you began to full blast run home getting scared that you were going to get attacked.
but that didnt help quite much.
you were aggressively pushed against a wall a few seconds as you began to run. you groaned at the sudden attack.
“hey beautiful.” the boy said in a low voice as your heart rate began to speed up. you tried your best to stay calm and stand tall as you struggled against his tight grip.
“hey asshole, can you let me go? this isnt a very great introduction.” you said tried to break out his strong hold.
he brought his face closer to your neck and sniffed it completely disregarding what you said. “you smell so good” he said in a mischievous tone. you heart began to race at his strange words.
oh my god im literally going to die.
you tried to fight against his strong grip but everything halted when you saw two pointy teeth coming out of his mouth.
“those are some pointy teeth you got there.” you rambled not quite sure what to do.
you tried to run away again but just ended up cutting your cheek on some sharp object against the wall. the all black emo guy’s eyes got a bright hazel color as you gulped slightly.
his face came close to your neck as you began to cry.
he’s literally a vampire im literally going to die because of some STUPID EGGS? you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes. “this will only hurt a bit love.” he said making you start repenting your sins.
but, when nothing happened you opened your eyes and looked around. you saw mysterious guy in all black tackled to the ground by some other familiar boy. they began to fight which meant this was your cue to run. you pick up your probably broken eggs and ran as fast as your legs could take you.
“im gonna die im gonna die i-“ you kept chanting until some grabbed you by the waist and covered your mouth.
“y/n dont scream its me.” a voice said which you quickly recognized as hyunjin. you turned around and faced him with a smile of relief. but when hyunjin quickly grabbed your face causing you to look into his very unfamiliar hazel eyes and licked your cheek where you were bleeding at, you could say your smile diminished.
so now you and hyunjin just stared at each other. his mouth covered in shock at what he just impulsively did and your mouth dropped to the ground as your face became redder and redder.
“y/n dont freak out let me explain.” he said as your mouth got even wider looking at his tiny fangs protruding from his mouth.
“oh my god your frickin vampire my best friend is literally a vampire HAH HAH HAH oh my god wow this is great what are you gonna suck my blood too-“ you said before he covered your mouth quickly and picked you up bridal style.
“you talk so much sometimes.” he said.
“oh bite me.” you retorted back.
“maybe soon.” he said smiling at you causing you to shut up immediately.
i guess you could say hyunjin used his “vampire speed” to get you both back to your house because you were there in seconds.
“sorry that im late mom i had to fight off a bunch of vampires before i made it home.” you said in a sarcastic tone causing her to laugh.
“yeah i’d pay a million dollars to see that if that were the case.” she said back causing you to mumble “well that was the case..” under your breath.
“hi mrs.______” hyunjin said before walking upstairs so she would see his bruises from his mini fight.
“hi sweetie!!” she said absentmindedly.
you went into your room and sat on your bed as hyunjin went into your drawer and pulled out some clothes he had left over here.
“care to explain yourself hwang.” you said he began changing causing you to cover your eyes.
he giggled at your cute gesture before sitting in front of you on your bed.
“well i guess yeah i am a vampire. i have always been one since i was little and my parents are also. vampires arent like how they are portrayed in movies; we live normal lives we die at a normal age and everything but we are just kinda sensitive to sunlight and we do need blood to survive kinda.” hyunjin said scratching his neck nervously.
“i hope this doesnt change anything between us im sorry i kept this from you.” he said quietly grabbing your hand and playing with it, like he usually did when he was nervous.
“no jinnie even tho is the wildest shit i have ever seen youre still my best friend and i love you.” you said causing him to smile. hyunjins heart raced at your understanding words. he grabbed your face and held i close to his.
“thank you for understanding i love you too.” he said before pulling you in for a kiss. your eyes widened at what was happening but you quickly responded by kissing him back causing him to smile. after a few more seconds you both broke the kiss and looked at eachother.
“well isnt this just a night full of surprises.” you said softly as he giggled.
“you could say that.” he said
“can i touch your fangs?” you blurted out making him giggle again.
“if you let me bite you sure” he said with a smirk making you blush.
“umm maybe another time lover boy” you said while rolling your eyes. you continued to lay down with hyunjin for the rest of the night, the kiss you shared racing through the both of you guys minds.
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olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT 3) Scarabia and Pomefiore
-Mama Viper: She’s on the quieter side, similar to Jamil. She’s a very hardworking woman and incredibly loyal to whoever she gets close to, which extends to Kalim as well. Seeing the two boys grow up together, and considering how I think Kalim didn’t get the most attention growing up (with thirty siblings and counting, plus having his father working all the time) she felt sorry for him and took him in as her own as well. She sometimes feels Jamil’s pain at being stuck in the life of servitude, but is incredibly proud of him for sticking up for himself and doing what she never got to do, even if she scolded him after word got to the household. She can’t put much focus on either of her children, which deeply saddens her, but she looks forward to watching them grow up to be strong, intelligent, and independent. I think she’s a little shorter than Jamil, with the same long black hair that she braids down her back. She has dark brown eyes that almost look black.
-Papa Viper: He’s on the more reserved side as well, but not by choice. He’s very talkative when talking about his experiences, often going into rants where he has to remind himself to not overstep his boundaries. I think Papa Viper and Papa Al-Asim have a similar relationship to Kalim and Jamil pre-overblot, where it’s very one sided and there’s a lot of bitterness. Despite this, Papa Viper remains loyal to the Al-Asim family. Deep down he wishes he could spend more tike with his children and deeply regrets telling them to lessen themselves to make the Al-Asims higher than them yet again. And, like Mama Viper, he is incredibly proud of his son for being so intelligent and independent, sticking up for himself and trying to break the chains that kept their family held down foe generations. I think he stands at the same height as Jamil, with shorter cropped hair with grey streaks going across the sides.
-Little sister Viper: A spitfire who’s not afraid to speak her mind, often getting scolded by other servants and the rest of her family. Very close with Kalim’s younger sister who she has to watch over- they have movie nights and makeover nights as often as possible. She often scolds her older brother, telling him little things he needs to change (“haven’t you been wearing your hair like that since forever?”), which often gets them in little passive-aggressive arguments. She and Kalim’s younger sister aspire to be as magicam-popular as the Vil Schoenheit- they even have their friend from the land of Pyroxene to help them boost their account and make their pictures look better (Yes, they call and chat with Cater’s second oldest sister all the time)! I think she has long hair tied in a way similar to their mother’s, with Jamil’s dark grey eyes. I think she stands shorter than the rest of the family, at around 5’2.
-Papa Al-Asim: A cheery, joyful man much like his oldest son! He’s a little dense sometimes, but is actually a very smart man (it’s not easy to own a company after all!). He tries his best to bond with all of his children and wives, but often struggles to juggle everything at once (which leads to him being very teary eyed at every little interaction with any one of his children). Will also spoil his children and wives as often as he can! He likes to see all their different interests, and is overjoyed when he can watch some of them perform during dinners or hang up their paintings or drawings or, if he’s lucky and has the time, he can attend one of their sport games! I think he’d be a little taller than Kalim, with white hair similar to his, with dark brown eyes.
-Mama Al-Asim: A princess at heart. A very quiet and patient woman, who adores her children with every ounce of her being. I think Papa Al-Asim might have four-five wives? Bc these poor woman cannot be having six plus children in the span of seventeen years. I think she gets along well with the others, but would rather it be her and her children getting closer. I think she’s enamored with everything each one of them does, whether it be something as small as a craft they made or a little magic trick they learned, and will keep pictures of every little thing they do. She tries to include every one of them when she does something, whether it be reading aloud to them and the other children, or teaching them how to knit and sew, or helping them learn new dances and wearing new things. She teaches them to be kind to others, often retelling the story about the Thief and the Princess to point out how kind each of the protagonists were. She teaches them as much as possible, from how to help their Papa to how to fix your mistakes and catch them before they happen. She will listen to whatever problems they have, and will offer her shoulder to cry on for each and every one of them. She is also very affectionate to them, still offering cuddles and forehead kisses whenever they look upset (no matter how old they may get). I think she’d have very long brown hair that she tries to add as many intricate little designs to as possible, with Kalim’s bright red eyes. I think she’d be around 5’1-5’2?
-I AM NOT DOING ALL THIRTY YOUNGER SIBLINGS SO HERES A FEW HONORABLE MENTIONS: Twins who get into as much trouble as they possibly can, driving the servants insane. One of them often sneaks out of the palace and comes back after everyone spent hours searching for them with souvenirs. Nobody knows where they went or how they got there, and they won’t tell anyone. His little sisters often dressing up as princesses and performing whole musical numbers during dinner, with the dances down and everything. Hide and seek. With all thirty plus of his little siblings. It’s insanity for anyone wandering the palace. Their drawings are all over the palace. Animals. So. Many. Animals. They have anything from birds, to reptiles, to insects, heck, one of Kalim’s little sisters even has a domesticated tiger! All of them plan as many movie nights and pillow fort building days as often as they can- seeing each other not only as siblings but as close friends! Of course, when their oldest brother comes home from school, they all sit around his room as he tells them stories about things he’d seen and learned, as animated as possible. Of course, he tells them classic fairytales as well, acting them out and jumping around his room, trying to get as many reactions to them as possible. Of course, many of the quieter ones prefer to stick away from the action and near Jamil, who will quietly talk with them in the corner of the room.
-Papa Schoapjfaojfpak: As already stated, a popular actor and stage director. With this comes the same publicity that Vil has to deal with, making him look nearly flawless and act as such when out in public. He keeps his son’s attitude when it comes to fans, keeping most interactions short and simple, putting on a show offstage nearly as much as he does onstage. Behind closed doors, however, he’s a very kind yet strict father, making sure that Vil takes proper care of himself and is happy at the same time. He struggled with the aspect of having to leave Vil alone for much of the time when he was a child since he had to work often. When these times were especially bad, he’d often bring Vil into the sets to help him get ready for filming or to watch his Papa from a little seat next to the directors. He would always chuckle and pat Vil’s hair whenever he told him something he could’ve done better after the filming process, glad that his son has an eye for these sorts of things. He’d even let him experiment with the expensive costumes and makeup, helping him fix his own small mistakes. He tries to make it to every show and movie that Vil does, often going undercover to ensure that fans don’t take his attention off his son. He has a box full of their own home movies that the two of them made, including action, comedy, even a few thrillers thrown in (of course, Vil was the strong hero who defeated the bad guy)(The bad guy being his poor father with fake blood smeared on his face). He watches them sometimes when he misses his son (and he cries about how far he’s come, not that he’d ever tell Vil). I think he’d be the same height as Vil, and a little muscular due to having to keep up appearances. He has Vil’s hair and eye color.
-Mama Hunt: Okay back to my headcannon page about species, I saw something that said that Rook was half beastman. So, I like to think that Rook’s mother is the beastwoman in the relationship. She’s a strong, loving caracal beastwoman. She’s kind and often spoils her son as much as possible, coddling him whenever he’s around, no matter the age. He get’s his poetic nature from her, an artist, poet, author, whatever she could get her hands on! Despite this, she’s still a woman from the Savanah, so she gets very protective over her husband and son, and is a lot stronger than she looks! She would be the kind of woman who’d tell you the most vague, unsettling threats with a smile on her face, and she’s had some pretty close scrapes with people who thought that they could try to hurt her son because he was half human (and also, due to Rook’s nature, likely trespassing on their property). She tries to show her son the beauty in the world, complimenting him on every little thing he did and poetically pointing out everything beautiful around her during their walks (even if it wasn’t)(Mrs.Hunt please don’t show your son that roadkill)(please don’t compliment the roadkill)(let it rest in peace im begging you). She and her husband are incredibly proud of everything Rook does. I think she has short blonde hair that goes black at the ends, yellow eyes, and is only an inch shorter than Rook.
-Papa Hunt: Where do you think Rook got his hunting instinct from? Not from his beastwoman mother, surprisingly. The infamous Mr.Hunt was but a hunter who had wandered too far away from where his friends had decided to go camping in the Savana. He, like his son, was enamored with any non-human species, his curiosity leading him to a beastwoman quietly painting not too far from her home. With her enhanced hearing, she quickly whipped around and glared at him, shocking the man to the point of falling down. And from that point forward, he was in love. He’s incredibly supportive of his wife’s artistry, complimenting her at every moment about how perfect she did and how amazing she is as what she does. He’s a romantic, like his son, so you can expect many, many mushy moments between the two of them (que baby Rook making a face at the display). He wanted to teach his son as much as possible about the world, to make him as curious as possible. Of course, he wanted to bond with his son for as long as possible. How would they do that? Father-son camping trips, in which Papa Hunt would teach the boy how to shoot a bow (it took him a minute to realize that his son’s laser-point accuracy could be because his beastman instincts tell him how to get the kill as fast as possible, and he was the proudest Papa in the Savana when he went to tell his wife). He also often took him to larger towns, letting his boy get acquainted with his beastman culture so he didn’t feel too left out around others. He is the same height as Rook, but with shoulder-length black hair and bright green eyes.
-Great-Meemaw Felmier: A very old and wise woman, shockingly stubborn and independent for her old age. She adores her great grandson and was the one who taught him how to carve apples in the first places. She’d tell him stories about when her father first bought the farm they lived on, and what things were like then, how they changed. Of course, she gets tired very quickly so these stories are often left with open endings, much to Epel’s dismay. She always knows what advice to give for any situation, and won’t be afraid to tell you the truth. She’s likely around her late nineties, and often carries around a walker that she smacks people’s ankles with. I think she’d have very, very long hair (“To preserve my youth”, she says) that she lets hang as much as possible.
-Meemaw & Peepaw Felmier: Two very sweet people. Both hailing from families of farmers who had lived in and around the village of harvest their whole lives, they grew up around each other and are practically inseparable. They care very much for their children and grandchildren, and often act as their grandchildren’s partners in crime whenever they get into trouble, patching them up when they get hurt and helping to clean the mess they might have made in the kitchen. would have shoulder-length light purple hair (almost white) that she ties back. They look like Mr. and Mrs. Claus that you see on those old Christmas animations that you can never remember the name of but see every year.
-Uncle & Aunt Felmier: A stern, but kind couple. Uncle Felmier is a gruff man, often being too blunt and too focused on work to take a break every now and again, and Aunt Felmier is strict with her child’s rules and schedule. Luckily, they have Epel’s parents to balance them out when they get too far. Uncle Felmier enjoys working out in the farm with his younger brother, and Aunt Felmier is Mrs.Felmier’s best friend, which made both the men very happy when Papa Felmier was getting ready to marry Mama Felmier. Whether it be cooking, baking, attending festivals in town, or even sitting near the fire and drinking tea/coffee, the four of them greatly enjoys each other’s company. Uncle Felmier is a taller man with light purple hair, with grey streaks going up the front, he’s more built due to working on the farm. Auntie Felmier is a stout woman, with light brown hair that’s often tied up in a low ponytail.
-Papa Felmier: A very kind and hardworking man, who lives for his family. He gets up at the earliest hours in the morning and goes to bed at the latest at night to keep the farm going and to help out their elderly neighbors. He’s a little strict with Epel, but that changed as Epel grew up and became less rowdy (not by a lot). He tries his best to understand his son and let him grow as his own person, hearing him out when he gets upset about others calling him feminine. He even tries to put a stop to his brother making comments about the boy, at least around him. He is a little scrawnier than his brother, but still fairly muscular due to constantly lifting things and operating machinery to keep things running. He has Epel’s purple hair and light green eyes.
-Mama Felmier: Another one where, if you hadn’t known she was a farmer, you’d think she was a lost princess. She’s a kind, generous, quiet woman who does her best to keep her chaotic household from falling apart. Similar to the Tweel’s father, she tries to protect Epel as much as possible, and him going so far away for school made her panic internally, as proud as she was of him. She does her best to calm her son down when he gets rowdy or frustrated at something, and often approaches him with hot cocoa or an apple tart to make him feel a little better. She solves everything with food, which mostly incorporates apples, and believes that by baking for him and by extension, his friends at school, she makes their days a little better, no matter how horrible they may be. She is welcoming to any of the boys from school who may have a hard time at home or who need a place to stay, and was happy to the point of tears when he told her that he made friends at school. Is another one who will proudly display pictures of their child, often having long conversations with their neighbors about how he is, what he’s doing in school, etc etc. She is incredibly beautiful (where else would he get that face?) and has long ginger hair with Epel’s blue eyes.
-Little cousin Felmier: Epel’s baby cousin is only around six or seven, and follows his older cousin as much as he can. He defends Epel as much as possible whenever people call him delicate and girly, and will go on long rants about all the cool things he’d seen him do over the years (“He jumped out o’ th’ tree! Without thinkin’!” “We were sleepin’ outside n’ he heard an animal outside o’ our tent n’ he scared it off!”). Is quick to help around the house, despite being stubborn and upset about not being strong enough to help his father and uncle work outside yet. He’s always quick to ask Epel about school, and has begged him on multiple occasions to let him go with him (“We already sleep in the same room! What’s the difference if it’s here or at your dorm?”). I think he’d have Epel’s hair color but with light green eyes.
Im just imagining Epel’s giant family living in the same farmhouse and it being this small, warm, friendly place out in the country with plaid red curtains and little apple accessories everywhere and quilts and a big fireplace they all talk by 🥺🥺
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guccybangtan · 6 years
Blue Side- Chapter I
Hello everyone and welcome to my new story! I’m not entirely sure how long its gonna be but I hope you all like it regardless! I don't have a summary for it right now because I'm just kind of rolling with the ideas so it'll be a surprise. I was inspired by @daydream-hobii with all of her hybrid stories so go check them out~
Pairing: Hybrid! BTS x Reader, Platonic! Reader x Jackson Wang; Features: Mark Tuan, Im Jaebum, Bambam;
Word Count: 1,487
Warning: TALK OF SEXUAL ABUSE!! READ WITH CAUTION! 🚨Mentions of physical and emotional abuse;( will be updated as the story progresses)
**Links Removed** see masterlist for other chapters
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Letting out a groan, Y/N sat up, smashing the snooze button on her alarm. She loved her job, she really did, but sometimes it had her working crazy hours, just like tonight. She worked with some of her best friends at a hybrid adoption center. They also were an emergency care center. Y/N always wanted to care for them, since a lot of the time they were mistreated. She still couldn’t believe that people treated them like such animals. After she managed to get up she  got dressed she made a cup of coffee to go. When she stepped out into the brisk night air, she decided to walk to the center as it was only a short distance there and she liked to walk. It didn’t bother her that it was the night, she actually quite enjoyed it.
“ Hey Y/N!” Jackson said cheerfully as she pushed the doors open.
“ Hey Jackson, how are you doin’?” She asked, still a little tired.
“ A little stressed, we got a few new patients. Mark said some won’t talk at all so I’m glad you’re here.” Mark was one of their doctors.
Y/N was good with hybrids, like strangely good. When they had hybrids that were scared,too nervous to open up, or afraid of males, she would be the one to talk to them and get treatment started. Bambam was the only other worker like Y/N that was really good with hybrids, so most of the time they did their rounds checking on everyone together. Their team was relatively small at the center but they did well.
“ Who should I check first?” She asked. She was alone tonight. Some of the hybrids would be in more distress than others, which could cause lasting damage if not dealt with immediately.
“Uh, there’s a bengal cat that keeps trying to escape the room, won’t stop hitting the glass. A red panda that won’t come out from under the bed and a wolf with some really bad lacerations.”
“Guess we’ll start with the wolf.”
After Jackson got her the mobile med kit, Y/N set out to find Jaebum. He was the one with all the keys to the rooms because he tended to make sure they were always in order. The hybrids were locked in at night for safety. Since there were so many different kinds they didn’t want any fights to break out. They were always allowed to play outside and hang out, with supervision from the daytime staff, for most of the day. After Y/N had found him and collected the key she make her way toward the wing that held all the canines and similar animals. Peeking in the window Y/N tried to make an assessment of the man without disturbing him yet. He was tall, very thin, with what looked like quite a few deep, angry, scratches down his chest and possibly down his back. He was sitting in the corner farthest from the door, all the furniture pushed to the opposite side of the room. Y/N reached for the clipboard attached to the door.
“Kim Namjoon.” She whispered
        Wolf Hybrid
        Age 23
       History of abuse
More facts were listed about him but she wasn’t too concerned with them. This was gonna be harder than she though. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door and stuck the key in to unlock it. As soon as she pushed open the door his head snapped up, fierce eyes meeting hers. An immediate guttural growl left his throat.
“ Hey there,” Y/N began, setting the kit down as she put her arms out in front of her, “I’m just here to clean your cuts.”
“ Don’t touch me.” He stated it with so much dominance Y/N almost contemplated leaving but she knew if she didn’t clean him up an infection could be fatal.
“Sorry, I really need to clean your cuts. If you get infected nothing good will come of it.”
He sat up, looking like he was considering rushing her. She began to reach for her radio on her hip to call Jackson, raising her other hand towards the man to show she wasn’t a threat. Before she pressed the button to talk, he seemed to reconsider.
“ Make it quick.” He spoke lowley
“ I’ll be gentle…?” Even though she knew his name she wanted him to give it to her. That way they could build trust.
“Okay, Namjoon. I’ll do my best, but I need you to take off your shirt.’’ This caused him to hesitate. All traces of the show of dominance seconds ago left his body. He looked down and began to shrink away from her. Something clicked in Y/N’s head. Maybe she was thinking of the wrong kind of abuse. She mentally cursed Jackson for not being detailed as she tried to diffuse the situation.
“ Hey, look, it’s nothing like what you’re thinking,’’ she began, moving backwards to give him some space. “ I just need to be able to see the cuts the clean them, I can call someone to get you some clean clothes for after I’m done and I’ll leave. It won’t take long, but this needs to happen. I’m sorry.’’
He looked up at her and nodded, and began to remove his shirt.
“Shit.’’ She whispered to herself as she could finally see them clearly. He looked as if he got jumped, not just a small fight. There were three large ones on his front, with some smaller ones around his neck and what looked to be a bite mark near his jugular. She grabbed her kit and began to make quick work of his front, while being as gentle as possible. She would concern herself with his back later.  Y/N was glad she had checked the clipboard, but she needed to have a serious talk with Jackson about important details.
As she cleaned him, she made mental notes to herself to see if she could get him to open up about what happened, that way they can help protect him from something like this happening again. When she was finished with his front she timidly asked if he would turn around. Again, he hesitated, but complied silently. As soon as Y/N saw his back, she quietly clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from letting out any noise; She sat up straighter and tensed uncomfortably. Not only was he covered in more cuts, he had many, many scars littering his whole back. They looked as if they were mainly from belts, like they were whipping him with the metal side, and riding crops. She worked even quicker on his back, almost unable to handle it. The poor hybrid had obviously been through a lot and she didn’t want to make him anymore uncomfortable.
Namjoon’s back had only two medium sized scratches and a few small ones but the torture that he had been through before seemed to carry the weight of a thousand worlds. She laid the last bandage and began to clean up. She quickly called Jackson on the radio and asked for some clothes for Namjoon began to bid him good night so he could change, but before she could leave he grabbed her bicep. Y/N tensed up and spun around quickly, removing his hand. He looked taken aback but spoke anyway.
“I just wanted to say thank you… most people would’ve gotten frustrated and just left, but you didn’t. Why?’’
“I know what it’s like to be abused,’’ She spoke, wrapping her arms around herself,  “not in the same way as you, but, it’s all the same anyway, isn’t it?’’
He nodded soberly and reached out for her hand. She took his and gave it a squeeze. Maybe they were more alike than they originally thought.
“What happened to you?’’ Y/N asked before she could stop herself. She immediately opened her mouth to retract her previous question but before she could he answered it.
“ I used to be apart of this group of show hybrids. They had a bunch of exotic and rare hybrids they would take to shows and banquets. There was probably eleven of us. They forced us to do tricks while at the shows and when we got home...’’ He trailed off, taking a deep breath, “ when we got home, if we messed up or didn't do something to their satisfaction,which was quite often, they would hit us, telling us they were doing it because they loved us and they wanted us to be better. They would also do things to us. Bad things. Looking back on it now, it’s not normal like they told us it was.’’
Y/N nodded as he opened up this little bit of his past. She understood. As she was about to respond Jackson burst through the door.
“We’re having a bit of a problem out here!’’
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irish-nlessing · 7 years
Ahhh those Drabbles look great! Are you doing them as well? If you are , I request 53 "I can't believe you talked me into this" im not sure what would be cuter Niall pouting and grumpy about something (like your icon) or Niall super excited about something and you have to be grumpy . (Though let's be real, he radiates happiness, sunshine and good thoughts. That shit is contagious.)
Anonymous said:number 3 for the prompt thing!
Anonymous said:Prompt 3! “Don’t fucking touch me”
I ended up combining these two - enjoy!!!!!!
Hot Yoga
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“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
Niall sank down another inch into the passenger seat of your car and let out an annoyed huff.  You’d caught him in an extremely weak moment last night and gotten him to agree to join you at your favorite Bikram Yoga studio.  He must’ve missed the part where you mentioned class was at 7am.  You couldn’t really blame him for being distracted - your hands had been shoved down the front of his joggers while you traced the freckles along his neck with the tip of your tongue.  
“Niall.  You’re pouting.  Relax, it’ll be fun and it’s good for you.  Might actually do you some good to sweat out the last four nights of pints with the band.”
He shot forward in his seat, twisting to face you.  “We’re building a rapport! Can’t go touring if I don’t even like the guys in me band!”  Niall’s voice keened with offense.  You just snickered softly to yourself at his outburst and patted him softly on his knee.  You tucked your lip into your teeth trying desperately to suppress the giggle in your throat.  He glared at you from the corner of his clear blue eyes and curled his lip into a sneer.  “Don’t fucking touch me.”  You snatched your hand back to grip the wheel and raised your eyebrow at the petulant man child seated next to you.  “Ok Horan.  I’ll remember that later.”  Mornings had never been Niall’s strong suit and today was proving to be just more of the same.  As you trained your eyes back on the road you caught Niall’s lips pulled down into a frown, probably realizing he’d just cock-blocked himself.
You pulled up to the small studio and clambered out of the driver seat, eager to feel the burn and stretch in your limbs.  Niall reluctantly followed suit,  and shoved his hands into the pockets of his golf jacket.  He stood off to the side and was toeing at a crack in the sidewalk while you grabbed your bags and mats from the back of your small SUV.  You thrust your extra yoga mat towards him, trying to get him to take it.  “You ready?”  He grabbed the mat from your hand and shoved it under his arm.  With a resigned sigh he motioned for you to lead the way.  “Ready as I’ll ever be.  Let’s get this over with.”
Making your way towards the back room, you nodded a greeting to a few of the other patrons you recognized from previous classes.  Coming during the middle of the week, so early in the morning, guaranteed there would only be a few other people in the class.  You figured this would be the best option for Niall - if pictures ended up online of him sweating his ass off while doing yoga poses he’d never let you forget it.  You pushed open the door and felt the hot, humid air choke your lungs.  It always took a few minutes to acclimate to the insane heat in this class so you were quick to drop your bag to start shedding layers.  You were down to your tiny yoga shorts and had just started to peel off your tee when Niall grabbed your wrist.  
“What’re you doing? You can’t take your top off!”  His eyes were a mix of panic and protectiveness, shifting around to see if anyone was an eyeful.  
“Babe, it’s gonna be like 100 degrees in here.  I always do it in my shorts and sports bra.  You should take your shirt off too.  Don’t want you passing out.”  You shrugged out of your top and grabbed your mat to get situated near the windows on the side of the room.  When you peeked behind your shoulder Niall had his face set in a grimace but had at least listened to your advice and stripped his shirt off.  You couldn’t stop yourself from staring as he loped across the room to settle himself in the space next to you.  The heat had already made a light sheen of sweat break out across his chest and shoulders.  As he laid out his mat you watched the lean muscles in his back twitch and shift under the pale expanse of skin.  You could feel your own heartbeat start to speed up in your chest as he lowered himself down onto his stomach.  His arms stretched out above his head, making divots appear in the top of his shoulders where the muscles criss-crossed from his arms.  Before you could think about it you were pressing the pad of your finger into the small dip in his flesh and trailing your hand down his back.  He startled at the touch and popped his head up to look at you.  
“What was that for?”  His voice was raspy and muffled behind his still-outstretched arm.
A hot flush spread across your cheeks at being caught ogling him.  You pulled your hand back and shook your head.  “Nothing, sorry.  Just couldn’t help it.”  You tried to ignore the smirk that tugged the one corner of his mouth up.  Thankfully, the instructor walked in and started the first movements.
A half hour into the session you were dripping with sweat and concentrating on your breathing.  Your legs were on fire, but you felt strong.  The burn and stretch in your muscles was cathartic for your body, but also for your mind.  Hot yoga had always forced you out of your own head.  There were so many things to concentrate on that if you got distracted, you were liable to pass out.  You’d seen it happen before.  A newbie would come in and underestimate the brutal heat of the small room.  Inevitably they’d topple over, with the instructor grabbing a fan and an ice pack to bring them to.  You arched your back and twisted, glancing back to check on Niall.  His gaze was stuck on your body, your long legs curled underneath your body.  He was sort of in the same pose, but just not quite as open with his torso.  He was hunched over a bit, almost as though he was nursing a side cramp from running too long.  
“Ni…you ok?”
“M’fine.  Just turn around.”
“What?  What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just….don’t worry.”
“Is it your knee?  Do you need to swit-”
His voice was low and hissed out at you, while his face was pulled into a dark grimace.  You scooted closer to him to whisper in his ear.  You didn’t want to disturb the rest of the class.
“Hey, if your knee is acting up just get into a position that’s comfortable.”
“It’s not m’fuckin’ knee.  Just leave it.”
He knelt down and spread his arms above his head, pushing back into child’s pose.  You knew this was his favorite because it was the only thing that would relieve the dull back ache he would sometimes get after hauling his guitar around for hours on stage.  You crouched down to badger him a bit more, genuinely concerned that he would push it too far and hurt himself.
“Seriously, if it’s your knee you shouldn’t do child’s pose Ni.  It’ll make it -”
“For Christ sake woman would ya shut up?  Been staring at your arse and tits for a half hour and you’re giving me a fucking hard on, ok?!”  
Your jaw dropped at his whispered confession.  You immediately darted your eyes around to see if anyone else had heard him.  Fortunately everyone else seemed to be fully engrossed in the next pose.  You swallowed harshly, trying to tamp down the buzzing in your body.  The knowledge that your poor boyfriend was trying valiantly to hide an erection that he got from watching you set your senses on edge.  You were flattered, turned on, and very flustered.  In a split second you grabbed your mat and stood up, pulling Niall off the floor with you.  You grabbed his wrist and draped your mat over your arm to hide his current “problem”.  He staggered out of the room behind you and barely managed to grab your bags as the door swung shut.  The cool air of the hallway hit you both like a bucket of ice.  Goosebumps cropped up across your skin and you could see the red patches of skin prickle under the thatch of dark hair matted down across Niall’s chest.
“What the fuck’re you doing?  Why’d you yank me outta there?  If you’d just left it alone for a minute I woulda been fine.”
You turned in a circle, looking desperately for something that would work for what you needed.  Grabbing Niall’s arm you pulled him desperately towards a small door at the end of the hallway, labeled “Laundry”.  With a silent prayer you tried the doorknob and let out a small squeal of victory when the door swung open.  Niall stumbled in behind you, bumping into the sticky skin of your back.  You could feel his hard length press into your lower back, his thin shorts not doing much to hide his arousal.  The feeling of him pressed into your flesh made you moan and as the sound left your mouth, Niall finally caught onto what you had in mind.
“You dirty little girl!  I got you all riled up, didn’t I?”  His warm breath tickled your ear and he pressed his fingers into your hips, pulling you back into his clothed cock.  There was an unmistakeable cockiness to his voice, a lilt that let you know he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him.  You spun around to face him, backing up to the low counter against the wall that was used for folding towels.  Grabbing at the waist of his shorts you pulled him in between your legs and hooked them around his waist.  
“I got you riled up first, Niall.  Said so yourself.”  You pulled him into your covered center, relishing the friction of his body rubbing against the thing material between your legs.  He braced himself with his hands on the counter and leaned down so you were eye to eye.  
“You’re right, ya did.  Didn’t realize I’d have to watch you bend and stretch and arch your back in nothing more than your knickers.  Been hard nearly the whole class.  S’almost kinda painful if I’m honest.”  He thrust his hips forward and let out a low hiss as he pressed into your body.  Your breath was coming in shallow pants, matching the adrenaline flowing through your veins.  Wiggling your legs, you managed to dislodge his shorts and push them down his hips and under the swell of his round bum.  His cock sprang free, the tip almost purple with want and leaking strings of precum as it bobbed forward.  You licked your palm and wrapped your thin fingers around the tip, pumping slowly and spreading some of the wetness down his shaft.  “Fuckkkkkkk that feels so good.”  His voice was low and breathy, and he had to bite down on his lip to keep from moaning too loudly.  As your hand swept back up his length you dipped your thumb into the slit at the top of his cock making him jerk forward into his hand.  “I’m so hard for you, please make me come.”  His eyes met yours, the deep blue in his iris’ was pleading for release, desperate to find some relief.  
You leaned forward and tipped your head up to nip at his pink lips.  They looked incredibly soft compared to the rough stubble that had been lining his jaw so often these past months.  You slotted your lips over his and licked into his mouth frantically trying to taste him, smell him, feel him.  You were desperate for him to invade all of your senses at once - to not know where your body ended and his began.  You withdrew your hand reluctantly from his length and hooked your fingers into your own yoga shorts.  “I need you to get in me.  Hurry ok? Just fuck me.”  You kicked your shorts to the side and looped your legs back around his waist.  His lips crashed down onto yours and he trailed his fingers through your slick lips, pushing his fingers deep into your core.  Your back arched, pushing your chest into his.  He pumped his fingers slowly while his mouth forged a wet trail down your neck and into the hollows of your collar bone.  
“You taste salty.  But still kinda sweet.  Like those salted caramels you make me get from the coffee shop.”  His teeth nipped across your skin and he pressed his thumb into your aching clit, rubbing across it gently.  You let out a whine, already feeling your walls starting to flutter around his fingers.  
“Shit - you’re so fucking hot Niall.  C’mon, I need you inside me.  I need it!”  You were practically begging for him, and he was never one to make you wait.  He pulled his fingers out of your body and sucked them into his mouth.  With a smirk he reached down and lined himself up with your entrance.  As he sank into you his eyes rolled back slightly and his jaw hung open.  You could only grasp desperately at his shoulders and tuck your forehead into his chest.  As your walls stretched around his pulsing length you could hear him muttering under his breath.
“Love you.  Fuck, love you so much.  Feels so good.  Love you.”
You pressed hot, wet kisses across his chest as he pulled his hips back and began thrusting into you.  You both had an arm braced against the counter, with the other wrapped around each other’s bodies - anchoring you to each other.  The hot coil of release was burning at the base of your spine and you could feel your toes starting to curl on their own accord.  You leaned back on both of your hands to gain some leverage and meet his thrusts.  Niall was staring down at where your bodies met, mesmerized at how he disappeared inside of you, only to pull back out slick with your wetness.  As his hips snapped unsteadily against you, you slid your fingers down to your throbbing bundle.  Just as you were starting to rub circles against it, Niall swatted your hand away and replaced it with his own calloused fingers.  He gripped onto your hip with one hand and carefully rolled your aching clit between his fingertips.  Over and over he coaxed your body to give him more.  More wetness, more noises, more more more.  In an instant you tipped over the edge, your body going rigid as your breath caught in your chest and your eyes squeezed shut.  A low, guttural noise started to roll from your chest but Niall leaned in and swallowed the moan into a kiss.  His hips stalled against you as he emptied himself inside you.  As you broke apart you both gasped for breath, your foreheads sticking together with sweat.
Silently he pulled out of you, gasping at the over sensitive feeling.  You grabbed some towels and cleaned up still not saying a word.  The only thing you could hear was the low thrum of the industrial washer and dryer and the soft meditation music being pumped through the speakers.  You got dressed and sorted out your mats and bags, still not saying a word to each other.  You checked the hallway, letting out a sigh of relief that the class had not yet ended and the rest of the studio was deserted.  Niall followed you back out to the bustling street, where morning commuters were still clogging up the sidewalks on their way to work.   You tossed the bags haphazardly into the back seat and slid into the driver’s seat of your car.  Niall was chewing thoughtfully on the side of his thumb and nodding slowly to himself.  You took a deep breath and dared to break the silence.
“Sooooooo…….that wasn’t usually how my yoga classes go.”  Niall didn’t seem to hear you, there was no acknowledgement or even a flutter of recognition that you’d been speaking.
“Niall.  Ni.  NIALL!”
“What?”  He finally dropped his thumb from his still-kiss swollen lips and looked at you.  His eyes were wide like a frightened animal and you could tell his head was somewhere else entirely.
“Are…are you ok?”  You were almost afraid to hear the answer.  You weren’t sure if Niall was going to cry or if he even knew who he was at this point.
He nodded slowly, seeming to choose his words carefully.  “I think…I think I need to call some people.”  You raised your eyebrows at him, an inkling of concern starting to take hold in your stomach.  “I need to find a contractor.”
You pulled your face in, confusion sweeping through your body.  “A contractor?  What the hell do you need a contractor for?”
His eyes focused on yours, and you finally saw a glint of mischief behind them.
“Cause I’m building a yoga studio in the house.  Immediately.”
You choked out a laugh and leaned over the center console.  Grabbing him by the thin cotton of his shirt you pulled him in and smacked a wet kiss to his lips.  He smiled against your mouth and growled playfully at you.  “You’re a nutter, you know that Niall Horan?”
He pecked another kiss to your lips and leaned back into his seat.  “Nah, just a man who knows what he likes.”
207 notes · View notes
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
"Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Coverage of Car Insurance for an Alien?
I am visiting USA and hold Indian Passport & Driving License. If I drive my son's car there in USA, will I be covered by comprehensive Car Insurance Policy taken by him on his car?""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Is this insurance Fraud?
My Fiance and I have very expensive car insurance right now and when we went to change companies the company we were at (its a certified insurance company) wanted to keep our business so they made our insurance allot cheaper by saying we are married, but we are only engaged. Can we get in trouble for this? Is it insurance fraud.""
Health insurance coverage or car insurance- accident?
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily Injury i am looking for some auto insurance ...can you please clarify me the difference between the above two .. also, when i get into an accident, who will cover for my medical charges .. is it insurance from the car insurance company or from employer's health insurance provider that covers my medical charges? i also have a health coverage from my employer""
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
How much might insurance be...?
On a car like a 2008 Hyundai elantra for a guy under 25 if it was new?
What is the best insurance policy for a child age 6.5 year?
What is the best insurance policy for a child age 6.5 year?
Speeding ticket and insurance?
just got a $241 speeding ticket for going 15 over. im not listed under my parents insurance or registration. what will happen to their insurance? cant remember if my dad has the insurace as my mom and dads name with 4 drivers...not listing my name or my sisters or just my mom and dad alone
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
How much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don't stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?""
""Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?""
I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this.""
Car insurance rate differences between the years question?
Okay, I'm almost going to be looking for car soon, and I'm wondering, since I'll only be a 16 year old boy, insurance will be really damn high for me, and I was curious, say you have two cars of the same model, trim, style, transmission, driving record, miles, engine wear, etc. One car is something made in the late eighties or early nineties while the other car is late nineties or early 2000s. What I basically want to know, is, which car would have a cheaper insurance premium? (approximately. I know you cant give me an exact number.)""
Car insurance rates for a new teenaged driver?
So we have State Farm car insurance and our 17-year-old daughter is attempting to get her license. She has straight A's and is doing their Steer Clear program. Does anyone have an estimation of how much this will increase our insurance rates?
How much would car insurance cost for me?
1) I will be 18 by the time I get my car 2) I'm a male (my friend said that counts) 3) I will have a weekend job, and go to college 4) I have never gotten a ticket, or into an accident 5) I will own the car, not rent it How do I sound to insurance companies?""
Advantage of auto insurance?
please provide me some information about auto insurance.
Car insurance coverage help!?
Currently I have a financed car. And is still currently paying for it monthly. After doing some research and purchasing my car insurance coverage - State Farm. My dad insisted he will help me with all the process. However, after he and I got done with everything. My coverage are, A - Liability P20 - Personal Injury Protection U, W uninsured and underinsured And finally these two: D - 500 Deductible Comprehensive G - 500 Deductible Collision which I learn online it is OPTIONAL to have: ( SO WHY DO I NEED IT EXACTLY THEN? my dad try explaining it but it didn't get through my hot head. ) So can anyone please tell me is it a requirement for me to have those to coverage D & G, if not I would really like to get it off and save some money instead of throwing it out the window. Thanks.""
Why is insurance on Motobikes Much lower for a 17 year old then insurance for a car of the same value?
I'm 16 and i'm looking how much it would cost me to get a car or a bike when i turn 17 next year so i can save up and get one of them i looked at insurance for both and ended up with a 3000 quote for a car worth 2000 and a 750 Quote for a bike worth 2300 they where both from the same insurer and all the details where the same I'm just ondering why is this the case and if it's actualy better for me to get a bike instead ofa car
Will I receive confirmation my insurance covers it?
I'm 19 and currently living at home with my parents and I am trying to keep this medical problem a secret and I found out that my insurance will cover the mini procedure. My parents keep track of the health insurance, however I have all my information. Will my parents get something in the mail saying my insurance is covering this, or will they never find out? Thanks.""
""Car insurance question. Help desperately needed, please!?""
Here's the situation. Before I start here, I will say I have never sold a car/transferred insurance in my life until now (I'm 37) and I'm panicking. (Please don't laugh; I am somewhat mentally disabled and have a hard time understanding business side of things). Please bear with me: I have a 2000 Chevrolet Malibu with 178,000 miles on it. Last Friday, my husband's brother decided to give his 2005 Hyundai Elantra (53,000 miles) to us as a free gift. We decided to sell the Malibu to some friends of ours (with whom we have been friends for quite a few years). My friends have already paid us and they have a Bill of Sale and next week we are getting a duplicate of the Chevy title in the mail (because we lost ours), at which time we will transfer. Here is where the confusion begins: My mother-in-law (who is a retired State Farm insurance agent) drew up a Bill of Sale that indicated as its last sentence at the end, Buyer will show proof of liability insurance at the time the car is received (or something like that; I don't have the Bill of Sale in front of me). We saw our friends today to get the Bill of Sale notarized (they already paid for the car; we're just waiting for the title for the Malibu to arrive via mail, as mentioned above). Their insurance agent is about 90 miles away, I find out, and will need pictures of the car. Our friends insist that my mother-in-law is just being a mom since we're new at such a transaction (our friends have owned and sold boats, cars, etc., so they are experienced at this, too), meaning that she's being overcautious by saying they need to present proof of liability insurance at the exact time I give them the keys to the car. So, once I give them the title and the keys, are they responsible for when they get the car insurance? My Hyundai is covered through my insurance agent (my mother-in-law called them and got coverage on it already), but she insists that I am not to get insurance verification on the Hyundai until the friends show proof of their insurance on the Malibu after they get possession of it. Is that correct, or is my mother-in-law just being overcautious? (I would think that once I switch the Malibu title to my friends' name and give them the keys, that would relieve me of any responsibility any longer to the Malibu). Help me, please. I am so confused; I have my mother-in-law telling me one thing, and my friends telling me another. Both sound correct. So would I be right if I did these (in this exact order): 1) switch the title over to their name & give them the keys to the Malibu. 2) call my insurance agent and report that I sold my Malibu, and ask them to type insurance vertification for the Hyundai. (would I have to be present in person for them to type the verification for the Hyundai? Also, would my report of me selling the Malibu mean that they would cancel the insurance on it immediately?) I am sorry this is so lengthy; I tried to explain this the best as I could. I just want to do what is correct in the eyes of the law.""
What is the cost of an insurance for a 250 cc scooter? (Louisiana)?
I know that there are many options, but a vague answer is fine. I just want to know if it will be around 100$ or 500$.""
""Can anyone advise me on a good insurance company , young drivers?
im 17 and just got my pass plus certificate . i have a 1.2 litre 1999 fiat punto. i have been quoted 3500 on a tracker insurance policy and i think that's a ridiculous price ! has anyone got a good quote and want to tell what company they got it with
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
Ok about a few Weeks ago I was involved in a wreak, I had no license and was not under my parents insurance. Luckily i didn't go to jail cause I was rear ended. Now I'm attempting to get A drivers license after SO long I've been begging for one, The only thing that's held me back from getting one was my parents because they said i would be tagged on into the insurance, and that I had to go under another address. Now after the wreak they said I cant get one, because once the insurance finds out im driving, they'll automatically add me on, is this true? I want to get back on the road and walking is pretty bad knowing i have a car ive been paying for the [ast two years for. BTW I live in Texas and under state farm.""
What insurance has the cheapest rate for teenagers in California?Is there a company that insures only a driver
What insurance has the cheapest rate for teenagers in California?Is there a company that insures only a driver
18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE""
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
""Financed car damaged,no insurance.what to do?!?
long story short... my car cost 7000 to fix and i dont have any insurance. i want to have the finance company to get the car.what happens once they get it? will i have to pay off the loan or just pay for the damages done?
How am I supposed to afford car insurance?
I'm driving uninsured right now because for me to get car insurance is $900 every six months. That would crush me financially right now. Between rent and gas, and what little Starbucks pretends to pay me, not to mention food (and sometimes that's one meal a day, and even then it may be stealing expired sandwiches and pastries from the garbage can at Starbucks). So, it's utterly naive of the government to think of driving as a luxury , when in reality- when you have to travel 20 miles a day to get to work at Starbucks- walking is unrealistic. The bus routes do not go by there, by the way. How the hell do they expect a 24-year old man to afford car insurance, when he has to work to earn the money to pay for it, and he has to drive to work, and in order to drive he has to drive illegally?! The @#*%ing system is completely screwed up if you ask me. Don't get me started on how the hell I'm supposed to afford gas these days, either.""
How much is insurance for teens?
Im almost 16 and im wondering cause my parents dont want to pay 300-400 a month. And i do good in school if that cuts costs down.
What type of car business insurance do i need?
i have a small take-away business and i want to let my employees to drive my car. i have 3 cars for my business. can you please give me list of websites
If I get 3 points on my licence for speeding how much will my car insurance go up next year.?
I paid 350 last year for my car insurance (pre 3 points)
What the best insurance company that affordable to get for a new car?
looking for car insurance?
My car insurance in RI?
I have car insurance in Rhode Island and my son lives with me. When I went to lower my coverage I found that my son had been included in the policy as a driver. I do not let him drive my car at all and they said that since he is licensed and living with me he is automatically included in the policy. This sounded to me as so much hogwash and I hope that someone can fill me in on this weird rule.
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?
""Looking for cheap car insurance,small car,mature driver? any recommendations?""
Looking for cheap car insurance,small car,mature driver? any recommendations?""
Car insurance rates dropping?
hello, after my first ever six months of car insurance will my rates drop or will things be cheaper ? I am 24 about to be 25 years old. I have only had one speeding ticket.""
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance?
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance! Is this a wise choice?
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
What 600cc's come under the cheaper insurance category. and look nice...?
Recently put my bike up for sale as im looking for a bigger bike... been looking at Honda hornets and Suzuki bandits. ideally I don't want to spend more than 800 on a bike, can anyone recommend a bike that's pretty similar to these?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a teen that's on a seperate policy?
I'm getting a car in about 2 months and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company would be for someone that's a new driver with their G2.
""Where can I find an affordable therapist in Orange County, CA w/no health insurance?""
I'm looking for a therapist in Orange County, California for depression and severe anxiety issues, but I have no health insurance. Can anybody help me figure out who I should talk to/where should I look to get affordable therapy?""
Misrepresentation of information for auto insurance in the state of florida?
What is the penalty for misrepresentation of information for auto insurance? Does the insured get sued by the car insurance company? Would that stop the insured form getting car insurance later on? Can that result in insurance fraud and if so...What happens then? this is serious so if you do not know the answer, doe not answer. no time for jokes.""
""Saving to buy a car, what do i need to know about insurance?""
so i just turned 21 and have been saving up for a car. i'm looking to purchase through the owner, not a dealer. this will be my first car purchase and i'm wondering how insurance works. do i just research different insurance companies and then call and talk to them to set things up? do i need to have purchased the car first or can it be handled beforehand without the title? just trying to get an idea before i dive in!""
Is my auto insurance too high?
i am 18 yrs old. my car is 2008 c class benz. my insurance for the car is 315 a month!!! aaghh!! is that too high or it is a good price for the car i drive? does the car model matter? please help!! i hate paying this price!
Am I covered on my dad's insurance?
I am 18, graduated from highschool, and leaving for the Marines in two months. I want to make a trip to Pensacola with some friends today. The only problem is the only way I can go is with my dad's truck. He is not letting me use it because he said I am not covered with insurance if I happen to get into a wreck. I have my own insurance for my truck and he has his own insurance for his own truck. So with me having my own insurance and his truck being covered with his insurance, if i got into a wreck or accident would my insurance cover me or how would that hole situation work out?""
Whats the cheapist car to run?
which car is the cheapist to run including the average price on fuel, tax, and insurance....thanks mikey maidon""
What do you pay for car insurance? per MONTH?
How old are you and what do you drive? How much would insurance for a brand new 16 y/o driver typically cost? just an estimate? thank you.
How to provide proof of auto insurance?
How to provide proof of car insurance? I have been offered a generous stipend for graduate school. One of the documents they ask for is proof of car insurance. Does anyone know how I can provide proof of car insurance? (I know for a fact that my parents have bought car insurance). It would be helpful to know what document I should be looking for, what it looks like, is it just my AAA card or is it a form. Thanks a lot for your help!!""
""Can I buy a car, Insure it under my moms name, and have myself as another driver on the policy?""
Basically I totaled my car, and my driving record already is bad. So I'm wondering if its possible to buy a car cash, insure it in my moms name(she doesn't drive) put the bare minimum aloud by state law(massachusetts) insurance on it. And also put me as another or secondary driver. Thank you""
How much will my Geico Insurance go up after my accident?
I have Geico Insurance. I had a DUI 2 years ago, and I pay $150/month for auto insurance. Two months ago I rear-ended a guy in bumper to bumper traffic (he stopped short. I've heard 90% of rear-end accidents, the person who did the hitting is at fault, but it was impossible to maintain a safe distance since people were constantly cutting in vying for an edge.) Anyway, neither of us told our insurance companies, we both took pics of each other's cars (mine looked way worse cause it already had a busted front end from someone who backed into it while parked at night and took off with no note). So I got an estimate from his mechanic for $1700. To fix my front-end, it's probably going to be $3000-4000. My question is (would LOVE to hear from a current geico or or other auto insurance agent) How much will my rates go up? How long will they go up for? Do I get a point on my license for this? Because if the amount they charge me (over time, in higher rates) is more than $4700 (i.e. his $1700 + my $3000) then I'll just pay for both on my own and spare myself the DMV point. But if it will be less than that (i.e. the higher rate expires before it reaches $4700 more), then I'll just tell my Insurance company and deal with the point. Can anyone help me here? Much appreciated!""
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
What are some good California medical insurance options?
What are some good California medical insurance options?
How to find insurance companies for joint ventures?
How to find Insurance companies wanting to do a joint venture of a $100 million and up. not insurance brokers
Cheapest car insurance for tri state area?
i heard cure is the cheapest car insurance? you guys know any other cheap car insurances?
What is mortgage insurance?
When having somebody co-sign for a morgage with no $$$ down, how does mortgage insurance work? 1) Is it required? 2) Is it permanent? 3) Is it like a car insurance policy - where the money is paid, and if the insurance is never 'claimed' then the money is gone? 3.5) Does a mortgage insurance payment go towards the principle price of the house?""
Top life insurance companies in india?
Top life insurance companies in india and its performances
Who are good for cheap insurance without any no claims?
previous vehicle was mobility and insurance was not in my name so I have no no claims
Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?
I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is ...show more
I just got into a car accident Please HELP insurance rate?
It's my fault. I rear ended him. My car is old and probably not worth repairing, smashed radiator, bumper, lights. The damage to my car is awful but his was very light, just his rear bumper yet an onlooker said bumpers cost a lot, maybe $800. Should I get my insurance company involved or pay this huge (for me) amount via a check to him directly? I've been a driver for two years only and I'm 30yrs old. If I reported it to my insurance company how much would my insurance go up? Let's pretend my insurance is a nice round number of $100 a month.How much would it affect my rate? Also what are deductables??? Please write an answer instead of sending me to some advertisement type link. Please help!""
How much is third party car insurance for a 2 litre car?
my dad might be giving me his car after i pass my test when i'm 17 so i was wondering how much roughly a 2 litre engine 5door mazda 626 would be to insure for a 17 year old boy on third party car insurance in the uk?
Motorcycle Insurance?
I am currently trying to get a motorcycle license and I'm wondering if there's any insurance company that would insure me. I'm 18, in California and I don't have a drivers license yet. I have passed the written test for a drivers license but haven't been able to schedule a behind the wheel test yet because my family's lack of cars (mom/dad uses them to get to work until ~8). So while I'm waiting for that to happen then I'm might as well try to get a motorcycle permit because we have my dad's old (but not so old) one. But question is, is there an insurance company that would insure somebody like me? Price isn't too much of an issue because I have a job with no added financial duties so to say.""
Car insurance for a 16 year old in miami?
how much do you have to pay monthly??year??
Car Insurance! I dont get it!?
I dont understand how it works, i have looked online for some quotes for a Proton Persona 1996, insurance group 12 and i get these results. Annual Premium 1800 total excess 250 ...show more""
What car modifications dont affect insurance price?
... if anyone knows any car modifications that dont affect insurance...
How much should I expect my car insurance to cost?
I am 20, female, in college, decent grades, this will be my first car, i will be driving a relatively cheap car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something along those lines. I live in a very small town. I will only be driving about 10 minutes a day commuting to work and school. i wont be added to my parents policy, i will have my own. I tried doing a free quote thing, but i guess my town is too small, it didn't recognize my address! but from people who actually pay car insurance and know a think or two about it, i am curious as to how much i should expect it to be!""
Whats the best and the cheapest insurance for a 20 year old?
im in las vegas but, can anyone help on how to obtain cheap insurance or whats a way to get cheap insurance even if its by getting on my mothers insurance""
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
How much will insurance go up on state farm now that a 16 year old has their licence?
i am turning 16 in a couple days and my rents were wondering about the cost of insurance and keep procrastinating it.
Can I get Car Insurance in Texas without a D-License?
Can I get car insurance without a license. I'm located in Texas. Is there ways around to do it?
What's the best option for changing cars and insurance?
Ok so I got my Service/MOT, Insurance and Road tax at the end of the month, I've been driving for 1 year now and touch wood I wont crash by the end of the month to get my 1st year no claims. I currently have a Renault clio 1.2 However in about 6 months I would like to change to a Audi A3 1.6 as my insurance will be cheaper with the 1 year no claims. (Had to get a 1.2 for the 1st year as Insurance would be crazy) I am currently getting quotes from Admiral and Diamond insurance for a annual fee of about 670 or Monthly installments that come to 1000, so Ideally I will just pay the full year off. But as I said in 6 months ill change cars and by the time Ill sell and buy a new car there could be 2 months where I'm not even driving, and don't want to pay for insurance for not even driving about. I can't find on these dam insurance sites about if i can put my insurance on hold (Admiral). Not sure if I will get charged if I put it on hold or not, as all these insurance company's are very sligh. and Should I pay the Road tax for the whole year or just the 6 months? Also what's the best place to buy/sell cars? ebay / auto trader? (I bought mine from the Motorline Renault garage)""
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
What is a good dental insurance company?
I am 21 years old and I am currently on my parents health and dental insurance plans. However, I get dropped off of the dental plan when I turn 22 and my birthday is just a month away so basically I am looking for a stand alone dental plan that is affordable. I have looked around but to be honest I don't really have a clue on what I am looking for, what is good, or what is bad. I am not sure if it helps or not but I am looking for something that will help pay for Invisalign, doesn't have to be a lot just something to help with the payments. Any help or information will be greatly appreciated!""
Rise in car insurance?
Im 18, female and passed my test a month ago. Last month Quinn Direct quoted me for 1400. I got my car today and went to get a car insurance quote and its went up to 2700 with the exact same details!! Any idea why this is?""
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
Getting car Insurance with a provisional license in Ireland?
I'm 17 years old and I just passed my theory test today (Woohooo!) I live in IRELAND and I'm wondering what would be the cheapest way for insurance? Insurance would be much too high to go on my own. My mom doesnt have a license or even a provisional license, she doesn't intend to drive either for personal reasons. There's nothing that can be done there is there? I could go on my brothers insurance,he has a full license for around 8 years. He lives a county away though so how would that work? What are the rules about me going under his insurance? I would appreciate any help as I'm new to this and I need help. Thanks!""
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Do i need insurance to title car?
do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?
Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK?
I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please?
How much would insurance cost for a yamaha r6?
I'm 16, male, and I live in va. And the insurer would be gieco. Thanks""
Can you cancel your car insurance?
I will be selling my car, and still have 4months left on a 6 month insurance..they have my bank account""
What is the cheapest insurance company to switch to for a descent price after a DUI?
I am 23 and have a 2005 chevy silverado single cab. It's paid off in full. I usually like to have basic & Im on my dads plan which is about 3-400 a year. & they are now increasing it to 800$. I would like to switch to a company that I can pay less to.
Does anyone know of good Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross HMO, and it really hasnt worked for me. I need surgery on my knee and i've been waiting for 2 months to get it done, thanks to the fact that my insurance requires me to see a general doctor first (who makes u wait for like a month for an appt for a simple referral) then get another appointment for a specialist (wait another month) then wait 3 weeks again for an MRI, and now i have to wait another week and a half for surgery. Please, help me find a good insurance. I'm tired of this! I live in southern california if that helps. Thanks""
Is there ANY way to get birth control without insurance and not have to spend an arm and leg?
I'm 20 and covered by my parents' insurance-i'm a student and part-time server and do not get benefits or insurance through school. My parents however do not want to ...show more
Cheap car insurance for young people?
i just turned 15. ive gotten a few quotes and all of them are around 300 dollars a month. who should i get my insurance with and what type of car will make it the cheapest.? Please help.
Cheapest car insurance in LA?
So, I had an accident last semester which made my existing insurance company geico hit me back with a pretty expensive new contract. Fair enough, but I would like to search for better quotes for southern california, if there is any out there. Thats why I am asking this mundane question. Thank you very much in advance!""
UK. Do you need insurance to learn to drive with your parents car?
i have my provisional Is the insurance expensive?
CHEAP car insurance in US?
I am trying to find car insurance because i am about to lease my own car but all of the places I have looked at are crazy expensive. I even got a quote of $300 a month from geico. The other places i checked were all for the UK. Can somebody help me and suggest a cheap place to try?!
Individual Health Insurance Plans - Medical history not perfect?
anyone know of any affordable insurance plans out there...health insurance, preferably with a deductable only on ER and Hospitalization costs.... and initial co-pay only on visits and such...Rx.... my medical history isn't the best, but no major health issues...just some past med. history that could make it difficult for me to be insurred.""
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
What companies offer good Business Insurance?
We are a small production/post production company for film/TV/marketing and need business insurance. We are located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Would appreciate suggestions for which companies we should reach out to.""
How much do you think it would cost to insure a 19 year old driver?
How much do you think it would cost to insure a 19 year old driver?
Where's the best place to get health insurance?
I was hoping that someone with experience could tell me whether buying insurance through the Maryland offered program or through a direct insure such as united healthcare or blue cross blue shield would be the better deal. Looks like a 80/20 silver plan is about $205/month trough Maryland with a $1500 deductible. I'm hoping to find an affordable 90/10 plan or better. If you have any suggestions or know recommendations please let me know! I'm new to this health insurance stuff...
Apply Unemployment Insurance california recently moved to NV?
I was a resident in california but recently moved to NV. i paid tax to CA in the last 5 years. will that be a problem if i use NV address ?
Why am I forced to buy health insurance?
I do not want to buy any type of insurance and am willing to live with the potential risk this involves. I respect that others might want to buy insurance, but do not force me to buy it. I respect the decisions of others when they decide to be insured, so in return they should respect that I do not want to be insured and live with the risk this involves. It would then be my own fault if I come into a situation where I would find myself unable to pay health-care costs and succumb to my disease/injuries. So why do some people and the government continue not to respect my way of life if I respect theirs? And please do not say that because public hospitals would be forced to treat uninsured people like me - the government should immediately repeal this socialistic law/practice, too!""
Insurance costs for new drivers?
I am thinking of getting my driver's license in about seven months (when i turn 18), but i am a bit discouraged by the quotes for car insurance that i have been given. I was told that car insurance for new driver's is about $3500 per year (and this is with a 40% discount for maintaining a 4.0 GPA). If i am put on my parent's insurance plan, it will still cost me $1100 per year (i have to make up the difference caused by adding me to their policy). Is this the normal rate for insurance for new driver's? Any other way to lower the cost? Any help would be greatly appreciated because i really want to learn to drive but the cost is so great...especially since i will be starting college next year.""
Should i buy car insurance through a family member ?
My grandpa is a insurance agent and I'm.wondering if i should.purchase car insurance through him
How much are geckos i found one for 7.00. at petco i thought they were a lot more money.?
a while back i went to petco and seen it. It was a bright green gecko. it looked like the one from the car insurance place and it was like 3-4 inches but it was 7.00 so i was just wondering.
Cheap full coverage insurance?
My brother is buying a 2008 Kia rio 5 and has to have full coverage. He is 20 years old. Where in Kansas is a good option for affordable full coverage insurance?
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving ...show more
Do you have to have insurance to drive a car if you dont own one?
My friend has been stopped by the police for driving an uninsured car. He borrowed the car from his friend while his friend was away, and his friend is an uninsured driver, my friend did not realise he was driving an uninsured vehicle as he believed his friend had insurance. He does not own a car, do you have to have insurance to drive a car and the police are telling him he has to go to court and pay fines,-is this right?""
Does anyone know the best car insurance to buy from with just the minimum required?
i am so sick of car insurance companies taking advantage of people with these super high prices just because the dumb law says you have to have insurance.
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
0 notes
crush-imaginesssss · 6 years
💖💖Crush Imagine💖💖 very long...
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hey so this is the first crush magine I wrote. it’s kinda bad but whatever😂also there’s a little bit of swearing just so u know. anyways enjoy!
summary:you are an outgoing person who happens to have a crush on a hot shy guy. he likes you too but you don’t know that and he doesn’t know you like him. he falls in love with you more everytime you speak to him.
y/n=your name
c/n= crushes name
y/f/n=your friends name
y/b/f/n= your best friends name
y/g/f/n= your guy friends name
y/h/s= your high school
e/c= eye color
h/c= hair color
shy guy crush imagine: story 1
monday morning:
Spring break is now over and now you have to go back to school. you arrive 15 minutes before the bell rings, as per usual. today was an odd day. there are only two good things about school,your friends and of course, c/n. y/b/f/n greets you. “hey y/n,”she says and leans in for a hug. “Hey what’s up?” “just the usual,come with me to my class?” “sure why not,” you agree. you remember that your locker’s on the way, and you sometimes see c/n around there. “So how are you doing?” “i’m doing great, thanks for asking y/b/f/n.” you didn’t care how you were feeling, you only really cared about how c/n felt because he means the world to you. on the way to her class, you see f/n, who also sees you and waves. of course, you wave back. she comes up to you and y/b/f/f/n. “have you talked to c/n lately? i just saw him. he seems a bit flustered and sad”. your heart sinks.
“where is he??” you ask. y/f/n points to the right. “his class is v205.”
“hey y/b/f/n do you mind if i—?” she cuts you off before you can finish, “of course girlie, go get your man!!” she smiles. you take off running in the other direction, towards c/n’s class.
background: you are a sophomore at y/h/s. you are a very bubbly and outgoing person, so you have a lot of friends at your school, both girls and boys. most of your guy friends happen to have crushes on you, but you don’t really care. you only want one guy, c/n. he’s a really amazing guy. you liked him right when you met him. you’ve never felt this way about anyone before. You guys have had a lot of interesting conversations, even though he was shy, he was really comfortable talking to you. somedays he’s chatty and sometimes he won’t speak at all, because he’s too into his feelings. c/n is gorgeous with his e/c eyes and shiny h/c hair. c/n is about 3 inches taller than you, which is sexy because you have a thing for tall guys. All of your friends know you have a thing for c/n, except for of course, c/n. You knew you could never admit your feelings for him. back to the story
you scan the hallways for c/n and don’t see any sign of him... until you look into his classroom, which was open, he was with his head down.
While panting you say,” hey, c/n are you ok? he looks up at you with his gorgeous e/c eyes, he looked like he wanted to cry. “y-yeah im f-fine, y/n I promise.”
bullshit. you are an expert at reading people and it is clear as day that c/n is not ok. “no,you’re not, c/n, come with me right now.” you grab him by the arm and drag him to a quiet spot in the hallways.
“where are you taking me?” “somewhere we can talk in private.” “y/n, look, im fine.really.” “nope just give up and tell me what’s wrong, so i can help you.” he yanks his arm from your hand. “ok fine, but can we talk about it outside of school?like, do you wanna come over?” your heart flutters,” uh, yeah sure. today?” “yeah. meet me by v220 after school today.” “okay.”you walked him back to class. you knew c/n for about 3 months and you never really hung out outside of school.
timeskip to your first class:
y/f was in your class so you talked to her about c/n. “yeah u were right he seemed really sad. he said he didn’t wanna talk about it here so he invited me over to his house after school today!” “WAIT REALLY?!” “YES!” “DUDE he’s like lowkey into you omg omg.” “hopefully” you sighed. “he’s so shy and hot, like why would he wanna date me since im, outgoing asf. like the total opposite of him.he’s actually perfect.”
“oh come on, y/n, you’re perfect too. and c/n probably thinks you’re really attractive too, because you are.” “aw thanks f/n.” she nodded. you texted your mom telling here where you were going after school, and who with ;), she happily approved and told you to have fun and be home by 7:30-8.
timeskip to after school
you walked to v220, the classroom c/n told you to meet him at. he was already there of course, looking sexy leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone. “c/n!” you called. he looked at you and his face lit up. “hey y/n. let’s go.” he lead the way. his house was only about a 5 minute walk from school. he lived in a southern style two-story house, it was beautiful. “wow I love your house!” “thanks y/n. put your stuff over there, make yourself at home.” you grinned.
you both sat on the couch with your phones.
“ok, c/n, are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” a tear fell down his cheek. “it’s m-my a-aunt. she had cancer. and she d-died.and I’ve been trying to keep myself together the whole day but now I can’t help letting it all out” he completely fell apart when he said that. you felt pretty awful for him,so you hugged him really tigthly,“omg it’s gonna be okay I promise c/n. please don’t cry. she’s in a better place now I promise. everyone goes through that.” “yes I know y/n, but i can’t believe she’s actually gone.” he broke down again. “she doesn’t have to go through the pain anymore, remember that. it was for her own good.” he cried for like 30 minutes or so, while you held him in your arms. when he stopped he sat up and noticed you were still holding him, almost falling asleep. that made him feel a little better. “y/n” he said that so suddenly which startledd you since he hadn’t said anything for a while.” “yeah?” you said startled. he laughed, “oh my bad, I didn’t mean to scare you.” “it’s fine.” “so y/n. it would mean the world to me if you came to the funeral. can you?” “I’ll do anything i can to go. for you.” “thank you so much. you’re like my savior, you’re like, like a god.” you couldn’t help but blush. “I do what I can to make the people I care about feel better,”you winked. you looked at the time. 7:49.“oh shit, I have to go home now or else my parents are gonna be hella pissed.” c/n’s facial expression went from happy to a little sad. “aw, okay. I’ll walk you outside.” he put his arm around you and walked you outside. “bye y/n, thank you. a-and see you tomorrow.”
“bye c/n. glad that I could help” you flipped your hair and walked home. even though it was a long walk but you didn’t mind. it was a good day;)) and a good night too
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the next morning:
“Y/N!!! GET UP!!!! YOU’RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!Y/N!!!!!” you were jolted awake by your mother. you could barely see anything. you tried looking at the clock and then the moment of realization hit you.it read 8:38. school started at 8:40. “SHIT!” “THAT’S TWO TARDIES!” you race out of bed and quickly change into something cute and casual. you chose black leggings,crop tank, jacket and converse. You grab your hairbrush and brush your long, luscious h/c hair. You put a bit of gold highlighter on your face since you’re late, and grab your bag and book it out of the house. you say bye to your parents and make your way to school. after running for 15 minutes to school, you take a little break until you realize how late you are. You open your phone, and it’s 9:05! “OH FUCKKKKKK!!!!” you pick up the pace and finally you arrive at school, go to your locker and get your books for your even class day, which means you have all classes with c/n today!Let’s gooooooooooo! on the way to class, you start to feel really nervous. And really tired.
your pov:
omg im so late today! how tf did i sleep in?! that like, never happens. hopefully the whole class wont stare at me when i walk in. and hopefully c/n doesn’t notice, he wouldn’t wanna date a girl who is late to class, he wants one who is always there on time. Hopefully i look somewhat decent. … i”m about to open the door, here it goes.
you open the door, panting. “h-hi t/n, sorry im late i slept in!” you say. “Its ok, y/n, do you have a slip?” shit. “ummm, no i don’t”. what else could go wrong? you try to move towards the door to leave again.“You know what? just take a seat please,” she says, a little annoyed. You walk over to your seat, which happens to be right next to c/n, luckily. y/f/n and y/b/f/n are also in this class along with your other friends. “yay y/n you’re here! “ “hey y/n whats up?” “y/nnnnnnnnn”
“Hey guys!” you say to your six friends in this class. you turn to c/n, who seems a bit preoccupied. with. omg. He’s talking to ivy, a girl who’s a bitch to you and happens to be one of the self proclaimed, it-girls. she’s flirting with him. Hell.to.the.no. a flash of jealousy goes through your body,you can actually feel it physically. You turn to your other friends,hoping to have something interesting to talk about, something that takes your mind off c/n and Ivy. that hoe. “Guys. do you see that” you whisper and gesture with your head to c/n. They look over. “Omg ewww. Why is he talking to her?” y/b/f/n asks. “Idfk.” “he probably doesn’t know what happened y/n its ok,” y/f/n says. Your other friends comfort you. The conversation continues and you see out of the corner of your eye, c/n is staring at you. And Ivy has an evil look on her face. She knows very damn well what she did. The sad part is that c/n seems a bit amused. Wtf. all of a sudden, you feel a little tap on your shoulder. You look over and. Well, take a guess who it is. Its c/n. Obviously you are not very pleased with him right now.
“Hey y/n!” he says very excitedly. “Oh. hey.” “how’s it going?” “okay.” “okay?”
“Yeah, you heard me. I am okay.” “nah, you’re not. I can see right through you.”he looked disappointed.
“No, really i am fine.” “stoppit. You’re not.so what is it?” you give up. You roll your eyes,”fine.”
“I saw you talking to ivy back there and ivy and i are on very bad terms and that really pissed me off for some reason.” now he looked really disappointed. “Oh i’m so sorry i didn’t know! But what did she do or say to you?” “it’s a long story.” “i’ve got plenty of time.” you sigh, “alright.” then you tell him the story. You and Ivy used to be best friends in sixth grade, you were both popular, but you were more popular. This made ivy really jealous, so she made up some rumors and spread them about you. She told everyone, and most of the sixth grade believed her. So you basically didn’t have many friends for a while, except for y/b/f/n, y/f, y/f, and y/f. Even the teachers hated you. And you were constantly bullied. It was horrible. You were actually contemplating suicide...
c/n’s jaw dropped, “y/n thats awful! Why didn’t you tell me?” he looked generally concerned. “Idk, i just didn’t think you would care.” “of course i care y/n, i care about you a lot.” he puts his hand on yours and quickly takes it off, realizing what he’s done, then he blushes. You laugh. “Thanks c/n, i care about you a lot too.” “it’s amazing how you bounced back from that y/n! Look at all the friends you have! im very impressed.” you get butterflies in your stomach. “Thanks. I try to talk and be nice to everyone.” “i wish i could be outgoing too, i’m tired of being shy.” “its ok, that’s just part of being you, and you’re great!” he blushes. “Do you wanna hang out again today?” he asks. “No i can’t, i have soccer practice today. Sorry. How about thursday?” “oh i can’t do thursday. My cousin is coming over to discuss the funeral arrangements…” “oh” you sigh. “When are you not busy,” you ask. “Next monday?” “hmmm, i will check my schedule.” the bell rings. Time went by pretty fast, only because you were with c/n. “U coming?” you ask. “Nah i’m hanging back in here to work on homework.” “okay. Have fun. See you next period.” “see you.” you flipped your hair and walked away like you own the place. Today was actually gonna be a decent day.
Your pov:
God i am so tired. I haven’t talked to c/n since yesterday, maybe i should say wassup? Lemme look over and see what he’s doing. Omg. is he seriously talking to ivy? Are they flirting? Are u shitting me. This can’t be happening. Ok now look away, look away before one of them notices you’re staring. *Small timeskip* look out of the corner your eye to see if they’re still talking and omfg. Is he, staring at me? Why is he staring at me, the hell? *another small timeskip*
Someone’s tapping me, wait who’s tapping me?let’s see. oh wow, look who it is. it’s him. What the hell does he want. i woke up late and i was late for school,im tired, my crush is talking to my worst enemy, today already sucks. “Hey y/n!” he says very excitedly. Why is he so happy right now? i’m so annoyed. I tell him, “oh. Hey.” “how’s it going?” awful. “okay.” “okay?” he asks. Do i have to repeat myself? “ yeah, you heard me. I am okay.” “nah, you’re not.i can see right through you.” he knows me so well. He looked disappointed. I don’t wanna look like a sensitive person so i’m gonna keep resisting. “No, really i am fine.” “stoppit. You’re not.so what is it?” he sounded more mad this time. I give up. Instinctively i roll my eyes.”fine,” “I saw you talking to ivy back there and ivy and i are on very bad terms and that really pissed me off for some reason.” now he looked really disappointed. “Oh i’m so sorry i didn’t know! But what did she do or say to you?” he aks. “it’s a long story.” “i’ve got plenty of time.” i sigh, “alright.” here it goes. *small timeskip* so.. I told him the story. c/n’s jaw dropped, “y/n thats awful! Why didn’t you tell me?” he looked generally concerned. “Idk, i just didn’t think you would care.” “of course i care izzy, i care about you a lot.you’re my friend” AHHHHHHHHHH! he puts his hand on mine omfg and quickly takes it off, realizing what he’s done, then he blushes. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!Why is that so funny? I laughed. “Thanks c/n, i care about you a lot too.” damn. “it’s amazing how you bounced back from that y/n! Look at all the friends you have!im very impressed.” here come more butterflies. I could feel my self confidence going up even more. “Thanks. I try to talk and be nice to everyone.” it’s true, i really do.“i wish i could be outgoing too, i’m tired of being shy.” but he’s already perfect and cute when he’s shy. “its ok, that’s just part of being you, and you’re great!” he blushes. Again. And it’s hot as hell.
His pov:
So it’s 8:51 and y/n is still not here. I hope she’s okay, probably just running late.again. Her friends are here, and i want to ask them where she is, but i don’t want to make it obvious that i like her. I liked her right when i met her, she’s really charismatic, and the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. “Hey c/n.” who’s trying to talk to me? oh its ivy. She’s a pretty girl, but nothing compared to y/n. She flirts with me for a while, and somehow it’s amusing. Even though she seems like one of those basic girls no one likes. Wait what the hell am i doing? I like someone else, and i think it might possibly be love. The more i talk to her, the more i fall for her. But it’s killing me because she probably doesn’t like me like that. She’s actually perfect, so why would she wanna date me? I’m shy and she’s outgoing, she would probably go for another outgoing guy, like one of her other friends. Most of her guy friends like her, even my friend, c/f/n likes her a bit. He’s even shyer than me. I have no chance, sadly.
9:05 she’s still not here. I hope she actually comes to school today, i miss her already. Ivy is getting really flirty and it’s kind of annoying, but i put a smile on to make her feel like she’s getting somewhere, and to maybe make y/n squirm a bit. You know, make her a little jealous. wait. that wouldn’t make her jealous if she didn’t like me. god dammit c/n you have no chance. just stop.
It’s 9:20 and finally she gets to school. God she looks so beautiful. I’d give anything for her to be mine.“c/n? Are you listening to me?” ugh. “Yeah.” Oh my god she’s coming over, she hasn’t said anything. She looks kinda pissed. I should leave her alone for a bit. *timeskip* maybe i should say something to her. Yeah lets do it. Just a little tap on the shoulder. She turns around. “Hey y/n!” i say. “Oh. hey.” yeah she’s not happy. “how’s it going?” “okay.” something is very wrong, she’s always so bubbly. “okay?” i question her.
“Yeah, you heard me. I am okay.” you can’t fool me y/n, i know better. “nah, you’re not. I can see right through you.” I’m a little disappointed that she can’t tell me everything she feels. she doesn’t trust me enough. I need to gain her trust.
“No, really i am fine.” Why won’t she just tell me? “stoppit. You’re not.so what is it?” ”fine,” she says, giving up. “I saw you talking to ivy back there, and ivy and i are on very bad terms and that really pissed me off for some reason.” I shouldn’t have done that to make her feel jealous. But why the hell would she be jealous if she didn’t like me? That was a horrible idea god i am so stupid. I just made things worse. I didn’t mean to hurt her..
“Oh i’m so sorry i didn’t know! But what did she do or say to you?” this is important, i need to know. “it’s a long story.” i have all the time in the world for you anyday, yn.“i’ve got plenty of time.” she sighs, “alright.” and then she tells me….
My jaw dropped. That is so horrible, i can’t believe she went through something like that. I feel horrible for that and i refuse to talk to ivy. y/n is so strong, she went through that and managed to pull herself back up. That’s incredible. “y/n that’s awful! Why didn’t you tell me?” i ask. I am very concerned.“Idk, i just didn’t think you would care.” why the hell wouldn’t i care?“of course i care y/n i care about you a lot.you’re my friend” (and the love of my life) i can’t believe i just said that, i’m being too obvious. Then, i do the craziest thing. I put my hand on hers. Fuck go back. I couldn’t control it but I blush. She laughs. She has the most adorable laugh. “Thanks c/n, i care about you a lot too.” hmm I like what I’m hearing. “it’s amazing how you bounced back from that y/n! Look at all the friends you have!im very impressed.” “Thanks. I try to talk and be nice to everyone.” she’s fucking perfect as always. “i wish i could be outgoing too, i’m tired of being shy.” it’s true i am. “its ok, that’s just part of being you, and you’re great!” that’s really sweet. I can’t help but blush again. Why am i like this? I wanna ask her to hang out again, let’s do it. “Do you wanna hang out again today?” bad idea bad idea. “No i can’t, i have soccer practice today. Sorry. How about thursday?” she prob doesn’t wanna hang out again. And i’m busy on thursday..“oh i can’t do thursday. My cousin is coming over to discuss the funeral arrangements…” “oh” she sighs. “When are you not busy,” she asks. “Next monday?” “hmmm, i will check my schedule.”hopefully she can make it. the bell rings. “U coming?” she asks. I wish i could come with you, y/n,“Nah i’m hanging back in here to work on homework.” “okay. Have fun. See you next period.” “see you.” then she flipped her hair and walked away. I think i might be in love, and i’ve never felt this way about anyone before...
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