#also so sorry this sat for so long brain juice empty
cinderellatype-a · 2 years
Plots Please!
MONASTERY ASSIGNED KEEPER. when the blue lions receive a new face in the soft voiced darkflyer, nikolette is asked by the leader of the class and the professor to help andromeda acclimate to the unique . . . personalities of the blue lions, and keep the unsettling secret of andromeda bearing two crests, especially the fact that they bare the major crest of the holy kingdom’s royal family.
BRAVADO AND FOOLISHNESS ARE SYNONYMS. in nikolette’s travels, she comes across the familiar face, the heir to a minor fontainian noble house- who had withdrawn from the public nearly 4 years ago under rather interesting and suspicious circumstances.
IRON THORNS OF THE GLASS ROSE. a spinoff of above- as an attempt to win her way into her father’s good graces, nikolette is sent to inazuma after the sakoku decree is removed, to meet with the largest improter/exporter company of the land of eternity, and face to face with the young lady of the family, who has also returned to her mother’s homeland to facilitate the meetings on behalf of their maternal aunt and uncle.
plots please! @nobleburn
0 notes
jaylleoo14 · 10 months
An Indirect confession 
Unbeknownst to his knowledge of those simple words
A/N: For those who don't know, in Poetry there’s this thing where if you ask someone if the moon is beautiful it basically is an indirect way of saying “i love you.” And if the other person agrees then they are basically reciprocating and its mutual, so I guess you can get the gist of where this is going >:) muehehe (also sorry if the writing is kinda dry 😭My brain juices were not juicing 😔) This is also pretty lengthy so I apologize for the long read ^^;
[wc] 12.2k words
[disclaimer] Jade 
[characters] Jade, Ortho, Deuce, Jack, Grim, Floyd, Azul
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Normally students tend to avoid going to Octavinelle, the dorm that seems notorious for its shady under swept deals and the students residing there seeming to be all hushed and tight lipped about certain information. Some things they shouldn't know, yet they do and it makes you wonder how exactly they get such information. Yet one thing is undeniable, and it's the fact that they have a great cafe which tends to be overpriced, but usually of befitting prices for what they serve and provide. 
Mostro Lounge, a chic sea themed cafe which is managed by Azul Ashengrotto and runned with students from all other dorms who seek to make extra cash. Its meals and tableware, everything from the music to the decor and the overall vibe was perfect for one to leisurely dine in and perhaps hang out and study. The calming hues of blue and purple, a shimmering accent of silver which compliments the place helps create a nice pleasant place and provides a great aesthetic. It surely did look pretty and elegant, the food there being just as delicious and the drinks delightful as the jazzy music sets in the vibes. 
Nov - 12, XXXX
It was during the colder season where the sun usually starts to set earlier and the days would be shorter, the nights getting longer to be able to view the starry sky. Although not too late, the moon had already risen and was in full view. You sat near the glass wall where a full display of the waters were open and of view to you, nothing letting it shy away from watching eyes. Nothing roamed in the waters as you can make out, the only thing lighting up the dark void passed the glass being the lights illuminating the room you currently were dining in. Different colored corals and sea plants can be seen wavering around on the floor-the currents making it wave around slightly, its movements kind of enchanting you as you zone out for a bit watching the steady pacing. 
“If you aren’t going to eat your food then I call dibs!” Grim exclaims right at the same time he snatches up your plate of food, to which you ordered some simple and light vermicelli noodles. The bowled plate is taken away and you didn’t even seem to mind honestly. The soothing jazz music, the calm night in the lounge, and the background noises of side conversations from other students which can be heard as the workers walk by to drop off their orders or bust their tables. It was almost lulling you into a state of drowsiness, the temperature just right for you to even take a nap right here and now. 
“Tonight is very nice, don't you think Grim?” You say almost absent mindedly as you continue to stare at the empty waters. Your form is still like a doll as you keep your eyes on the glass pane window. 
“Because you’re treating me out for food? Heck ya! Nyahaha!” His response only prompts you to roll your eyes and a smirk spreads across your face as you sarcastically shake your head. 
“Yea well maybe I won't next time. After all, what are the chances of you getting all full marks on Crewel's potionology test?” Grim can only respond with a confident and upbeat response, ensuring that he is bound to continue to excel and this was just the beginning. You can only scoff but in all honesty, you can't deny that you were indeed proud of him for being able to reach a perfect score. 
And if it weren’t for Jade’s help Grim wouldn’t have done so well. 
“Are you enjoying your night here in our humble dorm, Prefect?”
Speak of the devil. Jade comes up with a hand placed over his chest, giving you his signature smile as you turn to look at him, your head no longer facing the pane glass wall. Grim is engrossing himself in the food, perhaps the reason why he isn't feeling too timid with his presence at the moment.
“Surprisingly.” Your answer was short and blunt, but it was enough for Jade to chuckle a little as he finds amusement in your rather tired honesty. 
“Well I’m pleased to know that you are enjoying yourself in our lovely sanctuary (y/n),” his usual politeness being one of his main outward characteristically point. A yawn escapes from your mouth, placing a hand over to try and show courtesy and politeness as you nod your head to his response, not being so responsive. 
“You seem to be quite exhausted, Prefect, perhaps you should start heading back. Or if you want, we can lend you a room. For a certain price of course.” You don't even need to look at him to know that he has this sly little smile plastered on his face until Grim interjects before you can respond.
“Nyah, we actually prefer to go back to Ramshackle now that we are done eating, right my henchman?” 
“Once I’m done with my drink, then we’ll head back,” and just as you said, you reached over to cup the blue wine glass that was filled halfway with a fruity and sweet concoction of juices that danced on your tongue when you took a sip. Wanting to occupy yourself with something, you play around with the metal tube as you proceed to enclose your lips around the straw to take a generous sip of the beverage. Its taste was able to freshen you somewhat as you closed your eyes and relaxed a little on the leather seat, the smell granting you a satisfied hum. Grim next to you could only whine for you to hurry up - not wanting to stay any longer in the presence of one of the eel twin, but just to play around spitefully you purposely started to drink a lot slower and Jade can only watch as he’s always done and squint his eyes a little as his smile widens. 
Jade’s attention is brought onto the glass wall that he noticed you were staring at before, looking up only to be met with the glimmering silver that soaks into the waters swaying waves. The full moon looks back down at him as he continues to stand in front of your booth, continuing to sip your drink as Grim starts to lay next to you to take a nap.
“The moon is quite beautiful tonight, don't you think Prefect?” He says it ever so calmly, saying those words as if to spark another conversation with you. Though it only prompts you to start coughing and hacking as you accidentally slurped in your drink a bit too fast and it ended up going to the wrong pipe. You’re practically hurled over, hitting your chest as you wipe your mouth and Jade can only watch with wide eyes.
“Nyahh!? What happened?!” Grim springs up from the sudden jerking motion of your coughing figure and you clench the ledge of the table sitting at the end of the cushion.
“My, did I say something out of the ordinary (y/n)?” Once you look up to find his full attention on you, you can only try to calm down and inhale a breath as his display of a friendly smile bore into you. Why are you making such a big deal? It’s not like those words had any meaning in this world, so there's no need to be making such a big deal (y/n)!
You’re quite embarrassed honestly, especially because you thought he just confessed right then and there. But of course, that can't be the case because those words don't mean anything in this world like it does in yours. Quickly reaffirming yourself in your head, you let out another cough to clear your throat and catch your breath. 
“A-Ah, no uhm, I thought I misheard you is all haha. But ahem, I would say that tonight is rather lovely haha.” And you try to regain your composure as you divert your eyes and finish up with your drink. A small hum can be heard from Jades tall figure as he places his fist over his mouth. “Well, I see you are rather more awake now. Pray do tell what you misheard, I am curious to know what got you so worked up dear Prefect.” 
Your cheeks are only decorated in more of a slightly deeper shade of red, and suddenly the straw is very interesting to look at as you twirl it around in between your gloveless fingers. “You won’t get it, it won't make sense anyways. Just some nonsense.” You can only wave your hand dismissively and he can't help but grow even more intrigued as your brows furrow and you continue to brush it off.
“How unfortunate you can’t seem to try and help me understand, even though I went through all the trouble to help you and Grim with your studies. I find that rather unfair especially since I see that you two have bore fruit in your success due to my aid.” 
His words help you gain back your composure, resteeling yourself as you straighten your back and shoot him a placate smile. “Hmm? Whatever do you mean Jade? I’m paying you back by visiting you and dining at the place you work at so you can gain income. I think that’s plenty enough to repay you.” He only squints just slightly at you in response and you’re pretty sure you can feel as if you’ve triggered something in him be it good or bad - that's something you don't really wanna find out though.
“Oya? You came to see me specifically? I don't see it as a valid reason enough considering that's how one would usually repay others when they are indebted to them.”
You slightly pout at him, and as usual Jade always seems to counter your attempt of being sly and snarky with his own silver coated tongue. “Whaaat? Are you saying my visit isn’t enough for you? How could you, even though I came all this way just to see YOU specifically.” You lean into the cushion almost dramatically and animated to further emphasize your offended playful nature. 
He seems to be fairly accustomed to your playfulness and responds accordingly. “Although you claim to come over to Octavinelle to come visit me specifically, I account this is the first we are talking since you made your appearance. I believe Floyd has interacted with you more than I have today.” 
“Okay well point is, I still came over for you. And to express my thanks I was helping the profit of the Mostro Lounge. Not only will you benefit but Azul would greatly appreciate my patronage! Plus, Floyd is happy knowing I'm here. See? Everyone’s happy!”
Finding the littlest details possible, you make it as important as ever. But Jade is not fooled by your little over exaggeration and nitpicking. Of course, one would know another's tricks well when they themselves do it. And he seems to find great entertainment from the way you carry on with this drag. He truly does feel a sort of fondness for you with the way that you are. Not that he’s ever said however. 
“Are you assuming that I am satisfied with what you’ve offered me?” When you look up at him you can see the way his eyes look more meticulous now, as if he’s observing your every move. Dissecting you piece by piece as he awaits for your response, patiently waiting for when he could strike and counter your words. You leave your mouth slightly agape for a moment thinking carefully for what your next words were to be, carefully trying to see what you could say in response - however the pressure of having to hurry and say something quick overrides you because if you don't, then it would be like you couldn’t match up to him. Not like you could ever, but it wasn’t a nice feeling when you let others know they have a winning upperhand. And he seemed to relish knowing that you were feeling this pressure from the way he was looking at you.
“I am assuming you aren’t dissatisfied with it.” Putting up an undeterred front, you do your best to try and keep a steel-like straight face as you stare at his mismatched eyes. 
With the way his eyes go back to their non-disturbing look you can only assume you satisfied him with your play of trying to be undisturbed. The tension is then suddenly broken when Grim lets out a complaint, saying how he’s tired already and that he just wants to go home now. Sprawled over your thighs as his back lays against them as if he was putty, an unprompted sigh escapes your mouth and you pick up grim in your arms, standing up as you begin to excuse yourself. 
“Goodnight then Jade, I’ll excuse myself now.” 
“And as is the same to you, pleasant dreams to you Prefect.”And with that, Jade goes ahead and picks up the empty porcelain dishes and the glass cup, remnants of eaten food and a little puddle of liquid to show it had been put to its intended use. 
‘I came all this way to see YOU specifically.’ Your words replay in his head as he walks back to the kitchen, a slight sulky pout on his face to which no one is able to witness. 
“I wish you could say that more often my dear (y/n).” Setting them down into the sink, the water runs as he turns on the faucet. The pressurized water splashes as the dishes make contact and he can only stare down at it as he begins to think of you. A little susurrus naturally slipped out under his breath as the sound of running water deafened his words of one sided longing. “Hmm, it seems that they were trying to avoid agreeing about the moon… ” 
On the walk back to your dormitory, Grim looks up at you from where you hold him in your arms. “Hey Henchman, did Jade say something funny back there?” 
Looking down at him, the pale ashen color of the moon's rays blanketing you both as it illuminates your path, you can only give him a slightly wide eyed response. “It’s nothing. Just something from my world is all. What he said about the moon, it means something in my world…” Your voice can only trail off as you think back to the incident, the familiar expression of embarrassment starting to bubble up again as your face heats up to which you can't help but bury your face in Grims fur as you recall what a stupid reaction you must’ve given. Grim is grumbling and complaining as you indulge in his fuzziness, seeming a bit shocked and confused from your sudden outburst. “Yer squeezin’ me ahhh!”
Loosening your grip on him, he lets out a dying wheeze as if he finally escaped from a crushed boulder on top of him. The sound of your shoes walking softly on the ground fills the air aside from the huff you let out as you try and sort yourself out. 
You’re overreacting here (y/n), Jade doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even know what those words mean! And even if he did it’s not like you love him either. Though that simple phrase was enough to have you thinking about him the entire walk back, perhaps going to give you some sweet dreams just as how he wished you back when you left. 
He definitely knew what he was doing-as the leech he is-was able to slither his way into your thoughts as planned and stick there. Something similar to a parasyte as one can compare. The way he just sticks in your head as you now roll in bed, constantly replaying his words. Why do you keep replaying these words? Why does your heart race when you replay the scene in your head over and over again and you remember how his voice sounded? Why were you starting to make random scenarios in your head, visualizing him and you wa- SNAP OUT OF IT (Y/N)! 
Sure no ones ever said those words to you before but you have to remember that it means nothing! So what if the moon is beautiful? That's all there is! You must be crazy if you think you may be coming down with something regarding that little slimy eel. He doesn’t know what those words mean anyways, why would he say that to you?
Point is, he doesn't know. End of discussion!
. . .
He knows. 
Oh he soooo knows, though you don’t know he knows. At least, not yet.
Moving the pawn over to create space for the castle to move, Jade makes his move while hovering over the wooden chess pieces. Closely calculating every piece carefully despite there being no other attentive player on the other side. Not wanting to catch your attention like a snake hunting for its prey, he goes ahead and advances forward quietly.
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Nov - 6, XXXX 
“Deuce! Jack! W-wait up for me, please!” You tiredly try to jog towards Deuce and Jack, though you would say it's less of jogging and more so walking at a jagged pace. Sweat drips down your form, drenching you and stains of sweat are pitted on your underarms and chest. You slow down, bending over as you place your hands on your knees to catch your breath. The sun's rays washing over the lands as you three stand beneath it, its heat adding onto more of excretion of sweat. 
“N-Never again. You two are trying to kill me!” Huffing and gasping desperately, Deuce comes over to pat your shoulder in hopes of comforting you. His hand placed softly atop of your draping shoulder as he slightly bent down to your crouched figure. “Sorry (y/n), I didn’t consider how today's club session would be like for people who aren’t accustomed to running so much at a consistent rate.” You can tell by the tone of voice that he genuinely felt guilty having you get put up with all that running, and Vargas being Vargas was not so lenient. 
“My feet are in so much pain. It feels comparable to wearing heels the entire day, I hate this so much.” A feigned sob is ushered out and as the reliable person he is, Jack comes over to try and comfort you as well. “I can lend you an arm if it helps. Really, you should have expected that much running at least when you offered to come participate in the track and field club.” To be fair, you only came because Deuce wanted you to check out the club in hopes that you’d be interested in joining. So you gave it a shot.
Never again. Jack shakes his head as if scolding a little child and the sound of him clicking his tongue can be heard, his brazen feathered white locks of hair swishing from side to side as he jerks his head. 
“I can lend you my arm as well! Please don't hesitate to ask for my help if you need it (y/n)! I’ll gladly let you rely on me.” Deuce’s sweet fluffy voice reminding you of a newborn hatched chick makes you soften up a bit, and despite being so sweaty you went ahead and latched onto Deuce as his offer seemed much more friendly and welcoming. He seemed to not mind it though, and Jack seems to not care whether or not you planned on relying on him. Though you acknowledge his outwardness to help. With a settled huff, you three began to walk down the dirt path that maps out the campus. 
“Maybe my feet hurt because I don't have the proper footwear.”
“Your preparation skills are even worse than I thought (y/n).”
“Look, what's done is already done okay? No need to keep saying stuff that would get me into a dour mood Jack.”
“You’re right, I didn’t mean to restate the obvious then if you’ve already acknowledged it.”
His words just make you hit him slightly on the arm, not in a hurtful way but a hit that was as light as when the waves would crash onto your feet in the sand. He didn’t mean to sound ill willed, but he has his ways of showing concern for those he cares about. He grimaces for a bit but simply overlooks it knowing that was just your usual play, noticing the way his ears would twitch from your usual playfulness - you guys had a comfortable dynamic and it showed.
“If you don't have any proper footwear, we can go stop by Sam’s shop and buy you some.”
Deuce suggestion diverts your attention back onto him, your arms still linked together as you lean on him for support while you stagger off, giving him a reaffirming nod. He seemed pleased to be of help to you, as if fulfilling the role of a good friend. 
 “Yea, let's go. I need to buy me some new socks anyways.”
“Socks? Not shoes?” 
“I don't think the problem is with my shoes. Although it may not be all the best to comfort me in running, it still gets the job done.”
Jack can only look down to observe your shoes as if to analyze what you said is true, trying to identify whether or not your words support your claim. His yellow sunset gaze which could be compared to how the sun's rays shined is heating you all right now as it bores down on you.
“Jack, before you say anything. Don't.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Don't look at my shoes, I’m poor okay. I feel like you’re secretly judging me.”
“Not exactly judging per say.”
“See! That doesn't make it any better.” A light chuckle originates from Jack as he playfully looks over to you, a small smile soon cracking on his caramel skinned face as his voice dies down. 
“How are you feeling Prefect?” A firm hand is now gripped on the other side of your shoulder, the feeling of your sweaty and sticky body meshing with your clothes as your scent muddles in with the fibers making up the cloth hugging your figure. Deuce has been walking alongside you now for the entirety of your guys walk as you head towards Sam's Shop, still quite a distance away. Feeling the need to check in on you, he continues to firmly lay his hand on your shoulder to better comfort you. 
“Deuce, you’re so considerate. I feel like I might just let out a heartfelt sob for how sweet you’re being right now.” You let out a feigned exasperated sigh - in response though Deuce’s reaction is one of surprise which you could feel without even looking at the way his body stiffens a little.
“E-Eh? This really is nothing though (y/n), you’re in pain after all. It would only be natural to help someone in need.”
“True, but you know this really helps a lot. I’m in so much pain, I practically don't wanna walk anymore.” 
“You’re over exaggerating a bit,” A little quip response from Jack makes you pout and shake your head to show you denied it. 
“Not true! Gosh if I had a significant other or something I'm sure they wouldn’t mind carrying me! Ah the convenience of having someone like that.”
“Do you really think they’d do something like that for you?” 
“Would you do that for your significant other?”
And without a second thought, he immediately answers. Only then does he seem to find how meaningless his question was upon answering yours. 
“I think having a significant other would be nice, but I don't think that's something I am trying to actively pursue right now.” Deuce chimes in his own thoughts and you let out a little laugh which also chimes just as beautifully.
“I think you’d need to be better at talking to girls first before you even consider trying to pursue one.” Light hearted laughter airs around you as you lean into his arm, your shoulders bumping up rhythmically. 
“The last time you talked to a girl, or tried to court one - if you can even call it that - was the ghost that kidnapped Idia.”
Deuce sputters out, feeling a sense of embarrassment as you tease him about his interactions with the ghost bride, his face burning a bright red like the cards in which glossed a new coat of red paint on white roses. Besides you both, Jack takes into consideration your walking speed. He truly was showing consideration in his own way and it was something you didn't mind at all, in fact it made you feel appreciative for what he was doing. He would be leaving the two of you in the dust if he wanted to, only showing that he does indeed care about you. Deuce does the same of course, considering you are latching onto him for support as you stagger about. 
“I would understand why Deuce would just freeze up like that. When it comes to expressing those types of feelings it’s always better to actually be sincere about it.” Jack has always been more on the serious side, always viewing the perception of love as something that should last forever between you and your partner. A sense of loyalty and something not to take lightly of.
Love has many different meanings to it. A vast broad way to make a connotation of sorts which could be related in any way whatsoever. Something that you blatantly already knew of course. “Ok mister love counselor, I get that part alright? Besides, it’s not like you have to actually say you love them, I think it’d be harder to believe if you did say ‘i love you’ though.”
With his ears flattening with your sarcastic remark he should’ve known better than to say something that has at least more than once been thought about. 
“She didn’t require you to say ‘I love you.’ As long as you were a good enough candidate to fit her unrealistic, old fashion, and cliche ideal standards then you’d be good to go.”
“Okay but I meant it in a general sense. Not just for the incident with Eliza.” 
“What do you mean?” His question beckons to be answered as his tail waves from slight confusion, Deuce also sharing a similar if not more confused look. 
“Well if someone told you they loved you in a romantical sense, would you believe them?”
“Am I supposed to doubt them? That’d just be rude and disrespectful to their feelings.”
“Me personally, you could say it would also depend on who's confessing to me.” 
“That's true too Deuce. I could say the same. But I don't know. How could you believe someone who would confess such strong words towards you? I find it a bit surreal.”
“Has anyone ever confessed to you (y/n)?”
“Shut up Jack.”
A low snorkeling chuckle comes out unprompted as he muses himself in your dejected response and Deuce can only shake his head a little from the way the two of you have been slightly bantering with each other. Usually it would be Jack to be the one shaking his head, but you tend to bring out the mischievous and playful side of him. 
“I’m going to take this personally and hope that you also take me not taking your arm personally too.”
Jack is visibly taken aback with your proclamation as his ears perk up. “How childish!” 
“No it's not! You basically just told me that I'm not attractive!”
“Don't put words into my mouth!”
“Or! Perhaps you do have secret admirers and they are too scared to confess (y/n)”
Silence fills the air as you both have failed to think of such a possibility during the small moment of your little bantering, both your heads turning to look at Deuce who gives you guys a more serious face.
Relaxing a bit as Jack and you jaunted down, you go back to your usual casualness as the three of you continue your way to Sams. Your destination is not too far off as you three have been filling the time with conversation, making the walk feel shorter than usual. “Oh that might be true for most people. People may just be scared to confess to others.” 
“I mean you can always indirectly confess you know. A lot of people do that instead of outwardly confessing.” 
Deuce's eyes widen a bit with a type of child's curiosity and it only prompts you to further expand on what you meant. “Do you mean like a love letter?” Jack inquires and gives off from your earlier proposition. 
“Yeah, basically. Or you can say something to convey your feelings to them.” 
“Such as?” Deuce with his ample experience seems to show quite the interest despite stating some time ago that pursuing someone was not something he was actively trying to do. Though he still valued it as something to consider for future references in the case that a situation were to spring up and prompt him to initiate. 
An endearing smile scrawls on your face as you peer over to Deuce, Jack also listening intently as well. All this talking seems to have distracted you from the pain in your feet, but despite your hold on Deuce’s arm loosening you continue to keep your arms linked together anyways as the cool breeze comes to freshen you three up.“Well, there is this saying in poetry back in my world some people were fond of using some time ago. You basically ask someone if the moon is beautiful, and that's basically saying that you love them. If they agree with you then that's them reciprocating your feelings.”
“Ah, really? That’s some interesting and creative way of doing it. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to tell at all and only see it as a regular question though.” Deuce still nonetheless finds it rather intriguing. “Really? I’m sure there must be a saying similar to that here.” As you make it up to the shop, finally arriving after what felt like a short time despite the lengthy conversation, you find a familiar face. 
“Oh, is that? Ortho!” Waving over to Ortho, he reciprocates the friendly gesture and waves back. Seemingly, it appeared that Ortho just came back from some shopping from Sam's shop, quickly walking over in a spring-like gait.
“Ah! It’s (Y/n)(L/n), Deuce Spade, and Jack Howl! What a pleasant surprise to see you guys. Are you guys planning on getting something from Sam's shop?” His friendly personality was warming as usual and he was one of the people here whom you got along fairly well. 
Finally latching off of Deuces arm you decide to give it a try to stand as you also intend to approach Ortho with a welcoming and friendly smile. No longer leaning your weight on Deuce to help support yourself, you wince a little but endure the pain as you apply your usual weight onto your feet. Ortho seems to automatically notice and with the way his brows furrowed to show concern, Deuce and Jack come from behind standing close in the case that something happens.
“Ah prefect, you seem to be in pain! Your pain receptors and heart rate along with your tissue sensors seem to indicate you have a sense of soreness on your feet! Have you been over exerting yourself perhaps?” And as usual, due to Ortho’s inbuilt sensor indicator he seems to be all the more observant about your throb. 
“Aha you could say that. I joined Deuce and Jack in their club today so that's why. So here we are to buy some comfortable socks for me in the near future if this does happen again.”
Your lighthearted laugh doesn't seem to shake off Ortho’s concerned looking face however, so he offers to try and heal you up with some ointment packed on him. You’re grateful really, but you don't really feel all that comfortable taking your shoes and socks off right now in front of your friends after a hearty run.
“Oh no thank you Ortho. I really appreciate it but I’m sure I’d be better with some rest after. On another note, how about you search something up for me?” Your sudden change in topics catches Deuce’s and Jack’s attention as they both stare at your back as if knowing what you plan on asking. 
“Oh sure! If you insist so then I’ll leave you be then Prefect. What is it you wanted me to search up? I can get it in a blast!” His enthusiasm felt infectious and it quirks a small smile on your face despite the enduring pain. His body language conveying as such similar to how a human normally would if not for his obvious robotic decals and constructure. 
“Could you see if this saying means anything? ‘The moon is beautiful, isn't it?’” In a docile manner he quickly gets to it and with a few audible beeping computerized clicks he announces some articles and other works of literature where such a line would be found; similarly fitting the words or having the words exactly but not in a way to express someone's affection for another.
“Ah, I see. So your world really doesn't have that saying around.” You didn’t sound disappointed per-say, but you didn’t really expect much either. Upon noticing your lack of reaction, Ortho tilts his head curiously. 
“What were you hoping to find Prefect? I’m sure whatever it was we can find it together!”
Shaking your head lightly you only cross your arms and let out a slight sigh. “You see, back in (y/n)’s world, that saying is an indirect way to say ‘I love you,’ something you say to confess your feelings apparently.” Jack comes from behind and now to the side of you as he makes his presence more prominent. With an intrigued shine in Ortho’s eyes, he grips on his grocery bag slightly and brings a delighted fist up over to where his mouth would be. 
“Ah! On the way here were you guys perhaps talking about ways to confess to someone?”
“Er, not exactly. The topic kinda just happened as we were talking about how to indirectly confess to someone in general.” Deuce also comes in to step up from behind and by your side now as he too makes his presence more prominent. 
“Oh I see, the topic of love and confessions! How wondrous, should I search for some other ways to indirectly court or express your feelings towards someone?” 
Bringing a hand up to stop Ortho, you give him a little small smile to assure him that it wasn’t needed. “Thanks for the offer Ortho, but that was all I wanted at least. Everythings rather copacetic right now anyways haha.” 
“Anyways, we should better get going since I have some plans later.” Jack begins to announce as he proceeds to walk up and you soon follow after in a wobbly state, though still managing, as Deuce follows behind intentionally there to look out for you in case you’d need assistance. 
“Aww well alright then, it was nice talking to you guys. See you some time!” And with a fleeting goodbye wave, the three of you go ahead and approach Sam’s shop. Ortho now off with a tune playing as he goes down the dirt path road back to Ighynide. 
“Oh? How fascinating. To think such simple words convey tremendous feelings, fufu. Perhaps I should try saying it to them sometime when I have the courage.” Near the building of Sam’s shop, a ludicrous tall shadow looms behind a fairly covered tree.
Sneaking behind one of his towers, Jade picks up one of his pawns and sets it forward, diagonal to yours. Now swallowing and taking out one of your pawns he’s able to decrease your chess pieces. Moving your king further back out of sheer blindness and fear, all to which you know you should protect, Jade proceeds to think of his next move; now eyeing the knights in the back row which was still perfectly not in use aligned with his king and queen. 
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Nov - 6, XXXX
“Sometime ago from the mirror chamber over to the botanical garden I saw Jack, Deuce, and my darling pearl (y/n) coming from the field as I made my way. I must admit, I indeed felt irked that they were clinging onto Deuce like that. However I kept my composure and decided to stay hidden and observe, something that I have always reaped benefits from.”
“To continue along, as I was listening to what they were talking about it appears that they were on the subject of how to court someone indirectly. Oh what a valuable insight to what my dearest has to say!”
In the botanical garden there sat the infamous student, Jade Leech. With no one around in the greenery place, there he sat talking to his mushrooms to which he cared for tenderly. In the placement of actual companions who could listen to his lovesick woes and scheming little ploys, it seems that he much prefers talking to his own plants which grow healthily from his careful attentiveness and candid affection. 
“Would my little shrooms care to know what it is my dearest had said?” To no response from the fungi planted in its bed of components, he only lets out a more passionate look to compel more. 
“The only thing they talked about was this saying back in their world. The person who asks if the moon is beautiful is quite frankly another way to profess your love in poetry. If the person who you asked it to agrees then they basically are reciprocating your mutual feelings. Isn’t that lovely?”
No response. If someone were to witness this surely they’d think that Jade would be a little crazy. Not like he’ll let anyone see him in this state though. Lest if they do then pray to the sevens that they would be able to see the next day come.
Adjusting the lighting to perfectly fit the conditions to aid its growth, Jade lets out a beaming smile as he thinks about the two things he tends to show more prominent love aside from his familial relations. You and his mushrooms. 
“If I continue to engage in social interaction with (y/n) then I am positive the likelihood of them returning my feelings would be higher. I’ve been doing so for the past few months now, perhaps I should start planning my confession.”
Sitting on a bench, he slumps in his folded arms ensuring that his head or arms were away from the bedded fungi; the edge of the earthy wooden table. Flashes of your face and scenarios playing in his head arise like a continuous movie film on repeat, the sound of your laughter and the feeling of his heart racing in his chest felt like he was immersed in the movie he was watching. Oh how he could replay them over and over again, a goofy love-stuck smile curling on his face as he buried it deeper into his arms.
“Jade! There ya are!” A sudden voice calls out to him and he springs up from surprise. He didn't hear anyone come in, just how long has he been in his own little world?
“Ah Floyd, what are you doing here?” Standing up from where he sat, he began to approach Floyd as he was coming over towards his way as well. A prime smile on his face yet he looked brighter than ever. 
“Azul needs ya. You’ve been gone for awhile, thought ya went out to the mountains again,” swinging down with a huff as he sits himself on the bench, he leans his head back to give him a rather laid back smile. “Good thing you were in here though, wasn’t plannin’ on tryna get you back all the way from the mountains.” 
“Oh my, did I perhaps lose track of time? Thank you for letting me know Floyd, I'll be sure to hurry along then.” The materialistic multitudes of sound coming together as Jade brushes and pats himself come together to accompany the brightful air around him. “Ah? Yer bein’ all smiley Jade, is it cus of these damn mushrooms or somethin?” 
“You could say it’s part of the reason, Floyd.”
With a click of the tongue and his brows slightly twitching, Floyd bounces up with a swift swing of his legs and starts walking alongside Jade. “Ugh, is it shrimpy again?”
“Gasp! How did you know?” As Jade makes a feigned gasp and his hand placed over his mouth, Floyd can only roll his eyes and shake his head from his fake and obvious display of faux surprise. “Urgh, keep yer lovey-dovey thoughts to yerself. I aint tryna hear all that sappy and weird stuff again.” 
“Oh dear, and here I thought you actually secretly liked to hear my woes Floyd.” With the both of them now walking off, Floyd and Jade start to talk about other affairs as they head back to Mostro Lounge.
Without realizing it, you move your castle over and take out his pawn resting on the black squares making up the chessboard. Too infatuated with his own plans, he fails to see you make a move with your knight and you proceed to place it on a white square. Ready to defend what you have left or ready to steal his pieces. 
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Nov - 8, XXXX
The indifferent sounds of inharmonious male voices fill up the school halls as they go by their constructed schedule of schooling. Classes are left empty momentarily as students leave to head on and transition over to their next subject whether it be magic history or astrology, or perhaps they may skip and find the chance to slack off. 
A diversity of students are scrambling around and covering the school grounds, if seen above it might be like seeing a field of colorful jelly beans laid out on a structured maze platform. Stepping out of the classroom which is labeled at the top “1-A,” you and Grim along with many others go by the schedule as well; stepping out of the classrooms to head on over to their next classes. 
“Raaah~! I almost fell asleep there. Can you believe we’re gonna have an upcoming test in Crewel's class?!” 
A yawn can be heard and ushered out from your little fur ball of a companion, Grim. Resting on your shoulders you can only respectively share the same tired stare on your face as you step out into the school corridors. “We have a day or two maybe to study for it, it should be enough time to cover what we need to go over.” 
The wintery dim skies makes the air around you a bit more chilly than normal, making you feel a little drowsy even. “Mrmgh, why’d we have to get out of bed ~? It was the perfect temperature to sleep in!” As he then closes his eyes while resting on your shoulder, you can only give a sigh and roll your eyes as you make your way over to your shared class. With heavy eyelids and heavy limbs dragging your feet, you lazily make your way past the cluster of students. 
“Yea no kidding, I wanted to sleep in too. Any second longer and I would’ve succumbed to the comfort of our bed.” Bringing your hand to your face you start rubbing your drowsy eyes. “God the weather is so perfect to sleep in. A cold morning is so nice.” 
“I agree, I feel rather closer to home the more the temperature drops.” 
As you and Grim jump up into the air - his fur all frayed and animated looking like those Halloween black cats up on display windows during the spooky-season sales - Jade stands behind the two of you with a casual smile on his face. 
“Fufu, well I see you are rather more awake now.” Alongside him stood Floyd and Azul, the most recognizable sea trio ever. Floyd seemed to also be in a sleepy state as his slanted eyes were closed and his stance being all lazy and slump-like. Azul, ever the dashing man he is, looks back at you with a formal smile. 
“I must agree with you there Jade. Although the weather cannot nearly compare to the temperature at home, I find the cold to be rather comforting.” 
“W-What the hell Jade? Don’t pop up out of nowhere like that.” As you place your hand over your chest, the feeling of your heart beating rapidly due to the fright can be felt and heard in your eardrums. “Apologies, my intention wasn’t to scare you, Prefect.” Although you can't be too sure if he really was genuine with that apology, the look on his face said otherwise. And with a slightly scoffing click of the tongue you fix your posture and stand up with a straight posture to address him. 
“What do you guys want?” After you’ve calmed down, you press your palms on your hips, giving him a more stern expression. Grim is practically still recovering from the sudden scare as he clings onto your leg. “Oya? Asking us what we want? Why aren’t you a generous one (y/n).
“Indeed, if that's the case then I would like-”
“You know damn well that's not what I meant!” 
“Oi, shut it will you? Yer loud voice is botherin me.” Floyd speaking up in irritance causes you to divert your attention onto him and you flinch back a bit, making note of controlling your volume. Coming up to stand in front of Jade now, your attention is now placed onto Azul, his pristine air around him calling for professionalism. “To be quite frank, we heard your little call of distress just now and would like to offer assistance.” Smiling ever so politely as he places his hand on his slightly puffed up chest, you can only feel a sense of dread for what's to come. 
“You want to help us study for our upcoming potionology test? Why? What’s in it for you?” 
Feigning a shocked and offended look, Azul shakes his head slightly and you continue on just stare at him with disinterest. “Why, out of the goodness of my heart of course! I’m just trying to help my dear friend, yes? I’m just trying to show my comradery because friends are supposed to support and help each other.” Hearing his words make you snicker, and Jade can’t help but be amused a little at the show displaying your interactions with Azul. 
“Hmm? Shrimpy and little seal needs help with their studies? Oooh count me in~ hehe” Finally feeling awake with a sense of amusement, Floyds demeanor shifts to a more sneaky and cunning air around him. “Wait, I didn't even agree to this!” Grim lets out a similar statement as well, picking him up into your arms as you hold him for a sense of comfort. 
“Now now no need to be so rude. We merely just want to help.” You know damn well that he has other intentions other than to simply just “help,” and what other perfect way than to try and take advantage of the fact that you two had an upcoming test. “No way, I'd rather have someone else tutor us.” 
“Oh how your words and hostility wound me (y/n),” bringing a finger to swipe at his fake tears Azul then moves to the side and switches back up once again. “Very well, if you refuse to take my assistance then why not choose between the Leeches to tutor you?” 
Giving him the most “Are you serious” look ever towards Azul, you divert your eyes to look over at Jade and Floyd who stood beside each other. It was like you were in a bachelorette/bachelor show right now having to pick between which twin you wanted to date as Azul was the host. “W-Wait I never-”
“Time’s ticking Prefect, unfortunately we all have classes to attend so hurry won't you?” 
Grim being firm with his whine and response simply says he doesn't want either and jumps out of your arm, scrambling off to class without you, seeing that you really were left alone in this situation. Thanks so much “companion.” Darting your eyes back and forth to Jade's polite yet somehow eerie aired smile and Floyd’s amused and up-to-no-good lazy smirk, you frantically blurt out one of their names without much thought. 
“J-Jade!” It wasn’t an easy pick, but in all honesty at least this eel can try and be tame for the most part. So scratch that, it was a rather easier and obvious pick. With a pleased smile on his face, Jade simply places a hand over his chest as if he was glad to have been chosen. “I will do my best to tutor you well then Prefect. Thank you for choosing me.” Ding Ding Ding! And it seems that (y/n) chose contestant number 2! Jade Leech! 
“Ehhh? Why didn’t ya pick me shirmpyyyy? It would’ve been so much more fun. Oh well, I’m not really feeling like tutoring ya no more anyways.” 
You guess calling Jade was a good call, but the slight glint in his eyes causes some uneasiness in you. Letting out a slight chuckle and a one-sided crooked smile, you look up to Jade who now as well stood in front of you. “Aha, yea.. I look forward to it as well.” As you make up your quick plans of when and where to meet, you four all go your own separate ways to head over to class. Thinking to yourself, you really had no choice or say in this with the way they gave you no options whatsoever.  
“Look at you looking so chipper Jade.” Floyd slightly remarks as out of the three, Jade's smile is ever so radiant. 
“Yes, I'm quite pleased that the plan went rather well.”
“‘Pleased’ is such an understatement. You seem more ecstatic to say the least, like how you are always with those batches of mushrooms.”
“Urgh, don't even mention 'em Azul. It's already enough having to hear him talk about his mushrooms and “Shrimpy this” or “Shrimpy that,” blergh.” 
“I’m glad to know I am not a direct victim of his ramblings with you in my stead.”
“Oh how you both wound me so.” And as the three walk off in the opposite direction, the show of bachelorette/bachelor has ended with you and Jade going to meet up for your little date. With Grim being there of course, but under Jade's care he is a rather easy case to take care of and Jade will ensure that things will be under control now. 
The first drops of snow in your heart flutter down as the first lingering thoughts of Jade come hither to rest in your mind. And as Jade proceeds to move his knights in places to ensure his next move winds up being a success, slowly breaking down your wall of pawns to get to the heart of what makes you stay in the game, to obtain your king and end the game. Slowly but surely, his methodical and strategic thinking would lead him to success and only then, would he be able to have your king. A game of chess to where you don't know you’re playing as he stares down at the chessboard.
I’ve been seeing him more often lately… A lingering thought nestles in as you make your way over to class.
Three pawns down, no moves made, and a clear break through heading towards your unprotected king. An open line is presented and clear for him to make a bold break for it. With slight hesitation as he's about to pick up his knight, he then draws back his hand and proceeds to bring his king up instead. 
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Present Day 
Nov - 15, XXXX
“Hey Henchman, is it just me or have we been seeing Jade a lot more often recently?”
“Glad to know you’re finally noticing Grim, I've seen him around much more frequently since a couple months ago too. It’s quite…. Odd honestly.” 
I kinda wanna see him some more though…
 “You think he’s trying to get something from us?” Perched on the top of your head, Grim tilts his head forward a little to try and make curious eye contact with you. With his pitchfork-like tail wagging around in the air, you casually make your way down the stairs from NRC’s main building to head back to Ramshackle dorm.
“I hope not. Not like I'll just let him anyway, man I hope we don't see him again.”
I wonder where he could be right now… could he… be busy? It’d be nice to see him again…
With a lift of your foot, another step is placed off the hard slate wooden stairs as you now continue onward. Classes have ended and an assortment of dispersed students with colors consisting of their respecting dorms filter through the halls quickly. Some going back to rest in their dorm rooms, others maybe attending after school club activities, or perhaps some going to pursue their other hobbies. Whatever time is available, every student here uses it to the fullest.
“Ya could say that again. If he comes by again then I’ll just blow out my flames and cook him dry! Nyahaha!”
His arrogant laugh makes you roll your eyes as a soft smile forms on your face, slightly shaking your head with Grims weight on top. “Hah, sure, whatever you say Grim.”
“It's THE Great Grim!” 
With a flick of your wrist and a scoff, you couldn't bother to resay his name just for his own satisfaction even in a sarcastic manner. Tilting your head in a mischievous manner, you feel the weight of Grim scrambling and jumping off with a hoarse yelp coming from him. As he lands on his paws, you let out a giggle watching his scowling face directed towards you. 
“I was trying to look at the sky, but you were in the way, Grim hehehe.” Knowing that was not at all the case, before Grim could retort he pauses and it causes you to stop in your tracks as well. Standing on the gray pavemented pathway near the open ended exit from which you both came from, you looked down at Grim a bit curiously. “Grim? Why’d you stop?”
Now on all fours, Grim perks his head up as if tailing an annoying fly around his head. With more cat-like animatics, Grim starts swirling his head just slightly and sniffing as if he can see a delicious aroma in those cartoon episodes. “Somethin’ smells good…” 
The cold weather makes it hard for odor particles to pass through due to the more compact molecules, however you can tell just how drawn Grim is to whatever may be causing the smell. Taking a big inhale, you try smelling whatever it is that Grim may be smelling, your chest puffing up as you take in a big amount of air in your lungs. 
“I don't smell anything Grim, what are you-”
“Ah! Over there!” It seems he has found the source of whatever it may be he was smelling, pinpointing it rather quickly as he scurries off. “Ah! Wait Grim! Where are you going?!” Before you can follow suit, not so far off a voice calls out and grabs your attention. 
“Ah, good evening prefect.”
Turning your head around, you’re met with no one but Jade. His voice divulging you and making his presence known. Although so suddenly and randomly, you can’t help but feel a sense of tingling in your chest.
“J-Jade! What are you doing here?” Changing your position from almost sprinting off, you shift yourself back to face Jade instead to properly converse with him. Upon looking up at him, you note the clouded and dull gray skies as it soars vastly. 
“Classes have ended some time ago, I was merely on the way back to my dorm. I would assume that it’s the same for you, yes?” Jade stood comfortably, not another layer of clothing on him in sight to withstand the colder weather while he sticks to nothing but his usual uniform wear. You, on the other hand, had a thicker jacket on top of your uniform to help adapt to the temperature around. 
“Well, I was. That was until Grim ran off somewhere again. Hah, seriously I might as well forget about trying to chase after him. He can come back whenever he wants.” With a defeated sigh, you slightly slouch forward with your arms swinging from back to back. 
“Hmm well if that's the case, may I walk you back to your dorm?” 
You’ve been getting used to how casual he’s been lately, considering the amount of times you’ve been seeing each other through mere “coincidences.” Though recently whenever Jades around you can't but help to have that lingering feeling of wanting to stay with him just a bit longer. Whenever he leaves he immediately fills up your mind whenever you allow it to and you can't help but let your mind wander. Is this perhaps…?
“Hello? (Y/N)? Are you spacing out?” With his hand waving in front of you to snap you out of your daze, your unfocused stare comes back into reality and out of your thoughts. “Huh? What?” 
How adorable…
“I asked if I could walk you back to your dorm. If you aren’t feeling well then-”
“Oh no! I’m perfectly fine! I just spaced out for a bit haha. But uhm, I don't mind if you did accompany me back.”
In the way you responded allowed you to give you a sense of freedom to where you aren’t actually giving him a direct and decisive response. More so an indecisive one. Slightly fidgeting with the hem of your jacket you give him a lightly aired chuckle to ease up the atmosphere. 
“So I would say you want me to accompany you back, correct?” 
“Well I didn’t say that I didn’t want you to accompany me”
“You’re rather indirect with what you want (Y/N).” With a slight tut, shaking his head like a common motion of showing one's dismay you can only rile backup to defend yourself with reason. 
“No I'm not! I said I didn’t-! Hah, whatever. Fine, I would like it if you were to accompany me back to Ramshackle Jade.” 
“Fufu very well then. It would be my pleasure too.”  Seriously, he seems to always have a way with words. Putting you on the spot like that so easily and casually. 
But at least we’d be able to spend time together again.
The two of you make your way back over to Ramshackle, following the usual pathway you commonly take when out of classes. The silence lingering between you both causes you to fidget some more as you try to make it obvious you're not at all bothered by it. Staring straight ahead while you see Jade in the corner of your eye next to you as you both walk along-side each other, you can only wonder why he isn't saying anything. Usually Jade makes conversation with you whenever you two are together, perhaps he just isn’t feeling all that talkative. An unfamiliar tension is slightly there, one that wasn’t there before and you can't understand why but to only question it. 
Perhaps it's the cold, but you feel your cheeks slightly growing a little red. What other reason could there be? Next to you Jade remains silent while peacefully walking next to you, and without your knowledge, he smiles just slightly feeling a slight of anticipation.
“Curious, but do you maybe know why Grim ran off (Y/N)?” Jade finally breaks the silence by asking a question, you feel a slight relief in your chest. 
“Aha, I don't know. He said that he smelled something good… Maybe food? Probably someone is snacking around here and he may be a victim to Grim’s antics and persistence haha.”
“That is not the case” Looking over to Jade who sounds so sure of himself, it quizzes a question out of you. “What do you mean? How can you be so sure?”
“Why, I would know of course. Because I was the one who placed some salted steamed fish near the bushes.”  
“What? Then why’d you ask?!” With a nonchalant smile on his face it can only be contrasted to your taken back and startled reaction. Placing a hand on your back, Jade continues the path while guiding you along to continue further with him. “Wait, more importantly why did you do that?”
Jade stays quiet, that smile still on his face as he continues to keep his hand on your back. Wait, now that you think about it you two are going off course and straying from the usual path you take to head back to Ramshackle. With your heart quickening in your chest, you can only start to nervously sweat at where this is going. “U-Uh Jade? Where are we going? What are you doing?” 
As his eyes slowly turn to look at you, his head still facing forward however and his smile ever the same, you can't help but to shiver a bit and get a feeling that whatever he’s planning isn't going to go well. “Oya, there’s no need to be so nervous now. I thought we might take a detour to enjoy the weather a bit more.” 
“No but uh, you didn't answer my ques-” Suddenly bringing his hand from your back to wrap around your shoulders, he draws you close into his side and it prompts you to stop your walk and just freeze from the surprise. “Why? Well I simply wanted to be alone with you of course.”
Your whole right side of your body is pressed up against his left side. With wide eyes, you don't dare to look over to Jade, refusing to let him see your sudden flusteredness. Your heart is beating so loud that you’re hoping that he can’t hear it as well. His arm around you almost longingly, the sudden stillness as you both don't move a muscle, and the sound of your heart beating at a rapid pace as if on a roller coaster. You really wish you could say that the whole reason your face is red is because of the cold and your body temperature just suddenly dropped! But it would make more sense that you’d be blue and purple then red… So then why exactly are you-
“Oh dear, look at you getting so red in the face. Do you perhaps like the weight of my arm around you?” You didn’t even notice, too occupied in your own thoughts and spacing out, that Jade had proceeded to lean forward to be face to face with you. “Wha-!”
A pleased smile is formed as he sees you snap out of your thoughts and he leans back up and adjusts his arm around you to let it sit more comfortably. Looking back up at the scenery the sky has to hold, he holds you ever so lovingly and affirmably. 
“J-Jade what is- what are-! What’s going on!?” Matching the weather, you freeze stiffly in his hold, unfamiliar to his loving touch. It was rather unusual for him to make such a bold and tender move, a foreign feeling yet for you to adjust to. 
The sky is covered in splotches of clouded gray cotton, the meek shine from the sun is still blocked by the airy cold sheet of gas yet still blinding to look at. Inhaling the dewy air that gives oneself a sense of refreshment, Jade closes his eyes and tilts his head up to admire the brightened gray scale that vasts above you both. 
“Tell me, Prefect,” beginning to speak calmly, you try to distract yourself from your close proximity and focus on what he had to say next. “The moon is quite beautiful, is it not?” 
“What?” Killing your stiffness, you’re found to be quite dumbfounded and caught off guard. “What are you talking about Jade? It’s still daytime and the moon isn’t even-”
Pausing, you let his words sink in. The moon isn’t out. His arms are around you. You both are together, secluded. You are alone with him. No Grim. No Deuce. No Floyd. No Azul. Just you and him. 
Badum. Wait, is he…
Badum. Did he just tell me…
Badum. Badum. Badum. He knows what that means…
Badumbadumbadumbadumbadum! He just told me he loves-!
“Cat got your tongue? I hope that isn’t the case, it was the only reason why I sent Grim away from us after all.” His thumb is soothingly rubbing circles into your arm while he keeps you in place, ensuring you don't spring up or leave from his hold in any way. This was like his own way of trying to calm you down, fully aware of how thunderstruck you may be at the moment; the motions of his gesture somewhat helping. 
“Back in the lounge…. You….”
“Yes, indeed. I said the same thing then as well.”
“Then you… Are you saying- that you… Did you just…”
No longer looking at the sky, he turns his head to give you his full undivided attention, waiting for you patiently to make your conclusion. Still refusing to look him in the eyes, you droop your head lower just a little as you feel yourself getting smaller in his arm. Bringing your hands together, your fingers start to fiddle with each limb and cloth it can find near its reach, usually playing around with the hem of your uniform under the blanket of your jacket. 
Slightly opening your mouth, your brows furrow and you swear you can feel your knees go slightly weak if not for the support of his arm grounding you. “I…”
This man is playing with me right now. 
Without even having to look, you can just feel his eyes on you. Finally reverting back to your more casual self, you shake your head with a sigh feeling more calm. “Hah, okay Jade I love you too.”
“My, what a bold confession there.” 
“At least I didn’t confess indirectly.”Finally looking up at him, you give him a bit of sass as you roll your eyes and a chuckle escapes his lips. His grip becomes slightly more firm and if you were to lean on his chest, you can swear that his heart was beating just as loudly as yours. 
“You’re finally looking at me, my dear Pearl.” His eyes soften as you look into his olive and golden eyes, his voice laced with such affection that it makes your body feel tingling with how much warmth it held despite the cold air. “Pearl…” Slowly repeating what he said quietly, letting the words sink in further more, your eyes widen and a slight sparkle glosses over. His other hand comes over and cups your cheek, rubbing his thumb against the softness it brings. “Yes, my Pearl.” Jade droops his head lower till your foreheads touch, releasing his hold on your shoulder to then cup the other side of your face. Your cheeks might just be comparable to that of a hand warmer, but you can't help it. Not when he’s being so tender like this. Not when he’s locking eyes with you while giving you the most love-stricken smile ever. Not when you two are so close. “The moon is very beautiful right Jade?” You softly lull out, the growing thoughts of him filling up your head space.
“Very, it really is beautiful.” A little giggle ushers out, a giddy smile and tender hands. A loving look and a fond voice. A dovey feeling and a pacing heart. There, on the side of the public pavement road, stood two lovebirds where the trees bristle through the wind and hide them both perfectly. “It’s very enchanting if I must add. The moon that is. In fact, its shape and glow is similar to one of a pearl. A very beautiful one indeed.”
Tilting your head a little closer, your foreheads staying connected as he continues to hold your face and your hands on his, his words only make you quirk a wider smile. “You know, you’re making my heart beat very fast right now you know that? If I die because of you, you’d be put behind bars.” 
“Hmmmm, really now? And what makes you so sure I'd allow them to catch me so easily?” 
“Why do I like you?”
“In fact you don’t. You professed you love me not too long ago.”
“You’re right, unfortunately. I do, in fact, love you Jade Leech.”
Months of preparation, months filled with longing, months filled with shadowed moves, months filled with perseverance and patience, Jade Leech has finally accomplished what he’s worked for in one swell swoop from you. A kiss to the lips from the person who he always loved from the sidelines, now here in his hold as they reciprocate his mutual feelings. 
Can we stay in this moment forever?
Watching you with the way you close your eyes just to kiss him, can he just stay in this moment forever? Forever to see the way your lashes sprawl out, long enough for him to count each and every piece of hair. Forever to feel your lips against his, long enough to remember the sensation and feeling of your soft lips. Forever to engulf himself in your natural aroma, long enough to have a sense of peace when he smells your scent. With his eyes open, even in the kiss he can't help but to just close it. Not when someone so beautiful is right in front of him. The first to place a kiss and the first to draw back from it, you quickly turn back around and bury your face in your hands. 
Ah, they're getting all shy now. I wish it would have lasted longer…
“Ohmyfuckinggodijustkissedhimmmmm!” Whilst squealing in your hands Jade comes over and wraps his arms around your hunched figure, fully embracing you as he starts to feel gushy himself and nuzzles his cheek on the crown of your head. A big goofy silly smile on his face. 
“Oh what’s wrong my dear Pearl? You’re so red that it can rival Riddle's hair.”
“Hah, I wonder who’s causing such a symptom.” Removing your hands away from your face, you turn your head to meet Jade's beaming smile and red cheeks with your slight pouty and red face.
“I would gladly like to proclaim that I was the cause of such said symptoms.”
“Gosh why did I even-”
Turning his head closer to yours as he leans over your shoulder, his voice suddenly becomes low and serious. The way he can suddenly change the mood with his tone tickles your ear and sends chills down your spine in a good way. His arms around your figure hugging you securely like a vine wrapping itself against a gate. 
“I want to be the only one to make you feel this way, to have you look this way, to have you react this way. I would gladly like to be the reason for it knowing your affections for me are genuine. Just for you, I’d love to be that reason.” 
“Fufufu, oh? To think your face couldn’t get any more red. Look at you, oh how wrong I was~”
“Jade you little-!” 
Turning around to engulf him in the same manner, you bury yourself in his chest. There you go, now you can confirm for real that his heart was indeed beating just as fast as yours. Standing still to hold each other in your arms, your red and burning face finding shelter in his bosom while he radiates a silly smile with red coated cheeks, you take the time to remember how things even came to be the way they are now. And as the two of you indulge each other, far off in Ramshackle dorm Grim is looking around to see if you’ve yet arrived. 
Moving his king up now in front of yours, thinking you’d make no move, he’s caught off guard as you pick up your king and take his. After all his chess pieces have eaten yours, nothing left but your king stood hopeful for him to take. Yet what a surprise of events that your heart took in the final move. It was a checkmate, and in the palm of your hand you gently held his king close to your heart. 
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tag! - @thehollowwriter @pandaforcexd @officialdaydreamer00
I hope you guys enjoyed this read, sorry it took forever!
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taeyongsfemdom · 7 months
| Sweet |
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•femdom!reader x sub!taeyong
•contains: food play, nipple play, degradation, Taeyong has female parts but the reader fucks him with a strap (surprisingly no futa ik) also taeyong is a literal super soaker, light fluff at the end!
•i wrote this because it popped in my head since I was horny lol
•enjoy loves 💋 also TAP drops in like 3 days!!
"Another long work week done! Finally get to be at home and spend time with my little rose!"
You were on the way back home from work, your phone going up to your ear to call Taeyong but the phone kept ringing for a while
"Hm, odd. He usually answers me right away, he's probably taking a nap after his deep clean days"
On the way, you decided to stop by your favorite bakery and pick up a tray of red velvet cupcakes that you and Taeyong enjoyed eating together after dinner sometimes, you pulled up in the driveway and headed inside to see your sunshine.
"Little rose, I'm home!!"
Your mansion was empty and quiet with the only sound of your heels on the floor filling the room, the cupcakes still in your hands as you looked around for Taeyong. The cleaning supplies was neatly put away where they supposed to be so that was a good sign.
"Little rose? Where are you? Little roooooosssseeeeee?"
You looked in all the rooms he would be in, his bedroom, laundry, gaming and the loungerooms but there was no rose in sight. Your last instinct was to check the master bedroom (which was yours) to see if was there, your hand was about to touch the doorknob until you heard light noises that sounded like whimpers.
"What on earth?"
The door creaked open as you peeked in, your eyes growing wide as you saw a naked Taeyong grinding lightly on your silk pillow, his pretty petite figure riding it like it was you fucking his brains out, sweet moans leaving his lips as he thought of you.
"Mhmmmm...mmmhh! G..goddess! Mmmmm"
You bit your lip as you quietly sneaked in, tiptoing your way across the room as you stopped in front of the bed, his eyes glued shut until he opened them to see you standing in front of him.
"Well, well, well....this is where you've been hiding from me"
"G..GODDESS!!! I..I didn't know you were h..home"
He scrambled off the pillow and covered his privates with it, a dark blush appearing on his cheeks as you pulled his hair to keep him in place.
"Ah ah, you're not going anywhere. I just got home, I called your phone a few times and you didn't answer. You know to answer the phone when I call, little rose"
"I..I know goddess, I'm sorry! I u..uhm got horny after I finished cleaning...I couldn't stop thinking about you fucking me"
You let his hair go as you sat the cupcake tray on the nightstand, your hands grabbing his little ankles and pulling him towards you, his back against the bed as you looked down on him like you were gonna eat him alive.
"The way you were grinding on that pillow and moaning my name like a whore really gave it away"
"Y..you heard me?!"
"Of course I did! You're so loud, little rose"
He covered his face as you pulled out your favorite strap that was 12 inches and really thick that made Taeyong absolutely soaked, you stripped down to your bra and panties as you attached the strap to your waist, your panties were soaked from seeing him act all slutty on a pillow. Your hands roughly grabbing the pillow that was coated in pussy juice from how wet he was.
"My god, you're soaking wet! How about you spread those legs and let goddess see what she has to work with"
Taeyong's legs were already open when he saw the strap you had, he loved getting fucked with big ones since he would always get split open by you, his nipples were rock hard from the air as he watched you unwrap a cupcake from the tray, you took it and rubbed the frosting on both of his nipples all the way down to his flat tummy.
"G..goddess w..what are you doing??"
Your lips latched onto his sensitive nipples as you licked and sucked the icing off, loud moans leaving Taeyong's mouth as his cunt clenched around nothing, the other nipple got licked as you pinched the other, the shaft of the strap rubbed against his hole as your tounge slid even lower.
"So fucking delicious...I could swallow you whole if I could, you want my dick inside you? You think you deserve it?"
"P..please! Fuck me! Fuck me till I scream"
Your tip slowly started sliding inside him, sweet cunt juice coating it as you moaned lightly, Taeyong's mouth formed an o-shape as you thrusted inside him, a lil bump appearing in his belly from how big you were. He wrapped his arms around your neck as he pulled you close since you had him in a mating press.
"Is this what you were craving while I was work, slut?"
"YES!!!!! I wanted your cock deep inside me, I wanted it because I'm a filthy slut"
You smiled as you tugged on his nipples again as you picked up the speed of your thrusts, moving like you were trying to get him pregnant (which you dream and think about all the time) ragged moans blessed your ears as you kept pulling, his sensitive spot was his nipples and he breaks everytime you touched them. You changed positions where he was on his side but the strap was still inside him.
"Spread that flat ass cheek for me, slut"
He obeyed as he moaned more, his tounge hanging out as you fucked him deeper, that brain of his shutting off from being fucked out.
"Goddess I'm gonna cum all over your cock!!!!! May I cum please?? You're fucking me so good"
"Is that pretty pussy gonna coat my cock in cum? Hm? Who owns your holes, slut?
"Y..you!!! You own all my holes! I'm a whore who wants to get fucked everyday until I pass out"
"Good girl! You can cum on my dick"
You thrusted harder as pussy juice coated your entire bed, Taeyong turned into an actual fountain while drooling and cumming, your lips crashed into his as you kissed him deeply while still ruining his hole.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck goddess!!!!!! Thank you for letting me cu-
"I'm not done with you yet"
You shoved a cupcake in his mouth to shut him up as you kept going, pussy juice getting all over the both you as you kept fucking him until he came for a second and third time in a row, his eyes rolling back as you finally pulled your cock out, liquid was all over bed as you sat up, Taeyong was fucked out and breathless from how you handled him.
"You said that you wanted your cunt ruined, so I did it"
a cupcake went in your mouth as he sat up slowly, causing you to giggle.
"O..oh, you fucked the shit outta me"
"As I always do, little rose! Now get on your knees and suck my strap"
Taeyong slowly slid down on his knees in-between your legs, watching you rub frosting on the strap that was still covered in juices, his fat lips wrapping around it and sucking away like a little pornstar.
"See if you taste as good as a red velvet cupcake"
You licked your fingers as you watched Taeyong suck you off, laughing evilly as you rubbed his hair slowly in circles then gripping it to pull his head away before putting him in your lap and cuddling him.
"You know I was being nice tonight right? I would usually punish you for doing something like this"
"I know goddess, are you mad at me?"
"Of course not, I actually found it really cute how you grind on pillows like that, you're so desperate for me, aren't you?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Don't forget to wash these sheets you soaked too little rose, you were like a fountain"
He giggled as you pulled his chin to yours, a smile appearing on his face as he cuddled you closely while you held him and kissed his cheek. This boy was your entire world and made everything the sweeter.
•slayy okay bye 💋
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reaperandscythe · 2 years
Broken Needle 💉
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Writen to Marilyn Mansons' 'Broken Needle' AU, Tully doesn't kill juice and both on the outside, domestic, mentions of PTSD, alcohol use.
Inspired by TCD's 'My Comforter' series on AO3, following 'that light lies hid from men" also on AO3. @ineedthesons on tumblr
I don't own any of the characters, Juan Carlos 'Juce' Ortiz & Ron Tully belong to Kurt Sutter and Fx Original.
🌿 🌿 Home 🌿 🌿
The nightmares came again breaking him of the comfortable sleep he'd been in moments before, a tightness in his chest making his waking hours uncomfortable, the solitary comfort of Tully in their bed next to him long since fallen asleep doing little to calm him this time. "Sleep well, love" kissing Tully's forehead, Juice slipped out of the bed and into his jeans and am old samcro tee, no longer patched he found himself struggling to adjust, unsure of his place, not a son, not AB, that was Tully's place "I'll be back by morning" he grabbed a hoodie and socks, quietly padding out to the entryway of the home they'd made together.
Being a light sleeper, Tully stirred at the sound of keys scraping against a bowl, arm racking out to Juice's side of the bed, abandoned but still warm. "Shit" reluctantly crawling out of the arm bed, he pulled the blanket around himself and sauntered out "Jesus, Juice, it's...." Tully squinted at the wall clock reading shortly after midnight. "...12 in the morning baby" he cocked an eyebrow as the man's head shot up to look at him, started in the middle of tieing his boots.
"Nightmares, a-about you, prison, Chibs, loosing you" his heart was heavy, his brain craving the fresh air, freedom. "It's all noise, the only time I feel like I can escape it i-is on the road" Juice ran a hand over his face, sighing as Tully came over kneeling in front of him. "'m sorry for waking you papì" he smiled softly, a hand clasping his knee, reassuring him as best as Tully could.
Unable to argue with the need for freedom, Tully chewed at his bottom lip, thinking before speaking "the noise is just that, noise" he squeezed Juice's knee, taking on a gentle manner as the Puerto Rican watched him "do what you gotta do, as long as you come back, you hear?" Tully ran his free hand through his black hair, humming as his boyfriend laid a hand on top of the one of his knee. "You'll find your place, you always do."
Nodding, Juice brought his other knee up, foot on the bench as he continued tieing his boots "I will, I always do Tully" he stopped for a moment as Tully's hazel eyes weathered an anxious look "I'll be okay papì, and I'll come back to you" Juice let go of a breath, smiling as his boyfriend pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Go back to bed, read some poetry or something" he spoke blowing a kiss in Tully's direction of the way out the door.
Retreating to the couch not wanting to go back to an empty bed, Tully ran his fingers over the ring on his finger 'JCO' the inscription of Juice's christian initials. "That boys unwraveled me" he titled his head back eyes starting up at the ceiling as the roar of the motorcycles engine tore down the road away from their little piece of heaven. "And he fucking knows it." Shaking his head, he smiled as his phone lit up, a text from juice, 'I'll be home around 9, expecting breakfast.'. "lovely, he wants breakfast, so he expects to be back then." Tully took the chance to fall back asleep
🌿 🌿 Tig's & Venus's 🌿 🌿
Meeting with Venus, Juice kicked at the rock under his feet as the woman handed him a hot cup of tea. "Sorry for waking you, just needed a friend to talk to" he knew it was dangerous being here, unsure of where Tig stood as far as him still being alive. "I mean... Tully's good, but you.... you go out of your way to be a friend, he's my boyfriend so he has to."
"It's okay, Tigger's passed out anyway, got in late from a run to Nevada" sitting on the step, Venus invited Juice to sit down "not sleeping darling?" She wrapped her robe around herself as Juice sat, leaning back on his elbows. "And I get it, sometimes...." Taking a sip of her tea, Venus looked at the man "I'm a familliar face, easy to talk to despite being Tig's old lady." She smiled when Juice gave hee that hundred watt smile.
"H-ow is he? B-eein' VP and all?" He let the warmth of the cup deep into his hands as he watched the stars above. Their friendship was trivial, complex but they made it work. "Heard it from Tulls, and Chibs is president now?" Juice relaxed as Venus rubbed a hand over his shoulder, a motherly like gesture he had to fight against not to start crying on the stoop.
Listening as the boy talked, Venus took a breath in, sighing as the mention of Tig's title came up "he's doing alright with it, makes it hard at times when he has to play nice with the AB though." Tully was an exception to her scorn of such syndicates, the very basis of what threatened her being. "Chibs certainly is, that's why the green light was pulled, could bear to keep that order on you." She squeezed his shoulder as Juice shifted, hand disappearing in his hoodie sleeves.
Laughing at the AB comment, Juice grinned when Venus swatted the back of his head "ohh god, don't I know it, you know they could have killed me anyway" he reminiced, humming as his heart warmed "Tully gave up the shotcaller position to stay with me" running a hand over his jeans, Juice froze, hearing stirring from inside the house.
"They could have" she pulled the former son into a side hug and pressed a kiss to his temple. "But Tully never would have allowed it, fought for you constantly, he's so scared he could loose you" Venus had kept in touch with the once shotcaller, for sake of making sure the man didn't crack when he fell for Juice. "And don't you worry about Tig, he'll get over you being here." She met eyes with the man she'd fell in love with, lips pursed as he took a drink of the beer in his hand.
"As far as the record goes..." Tig, still in his cut, dropped into the rocking chair on the porch "...I never saw you and we never spoke" he'd been playing devil's advocate with the club and Venus lately. "I'm glad you're alive though, kid, you deserve a second chance at this life thing" Tig smiled when Juice looked up at him "damn it, I fuckin' love you Juicey" he quirked at the ring on juice's finger "is that a..." Questions, many of them.
Juice grinned at Tig's omission, willing to lie to keep him protected "deal, and thanks, I'm not exactly ready to die just yet." He liked at his ring, thumbing it as the glod shine between the black. "Something like that" Juice perked up as Tig asked about it "we're not legally married yet, I know I shouldn't be asking" hjs breath shook, body ceasing to shiver when Venus took his hand "but could you two....could you witness for us, city hall, next week?"
"You've got to much life left to live baby" Venus brushed her thumb over his cheek, smiling when Tig watched fondly, just like he did when Joey was around. "If that's what you want, we'd love to" answerjng before Tig could object "Alexander foendtnhsve much say here, as far as I'm concerned." She was happy to see that Juice found someone who appreciated him.
🌿 🌿 Home 🌿 🌿
Walking through the door, Juice groaned at the smell of bacon and eggs wafting from the kitchen. "Good morning to you" he eyed the man who greeted him with a hot coffee, grey sweat set low on his hips and no shirt as Tully kissed him softly. "You look comfortable" Juice smiled, half yelping when a hand connected with his ass.
"You ever do that again and I'll greenlight your ass all the way to fucking mexico" Tully had been startled awake at 5 in the morning by a call from Venus telling him Juice was at her place. "I thought something bad happened when I heard her voice on the phone." He herded the man into the kitchen and hugged him from behind "I'm too old to be scared awake like that"
"Just needed a friend to talk to" he leaned into the man's hold, muscles tight but relaxing slightly at the smell of tobacco and vanilla, Tully, mixed with the smells of breakfast "you smell like home, Tulls" Juice welcomed a kiss to the top of his head and a gentle squeeze to his waist. "But there's times I need Venus, she's kind of all I've got right now." He nezzled into his boyfriend, taking a sip of his coffee.
Regaining his center, Tully buried his head in Juice's neck, leather and lemon. "That's okay, she's good to have around" He ran his hand up the man's arms, reassurance that his boy was still alive. "I know, you do too, baby boy" Tully squeezed juice lightly before releasing, letting him beeline to the breakfast nook. "D-id you get a chance to talk to Tig? About next week?" He asked, carrying their plates over and siting down.
"She really is, kind of motherly, more than Gemma was at least." Perking up at the sight of chocolate pancakes, Juice mumbked a thank you against Tully's lips as they kissed. "I did, Venus didn't give him a choice, they're game for it" he quieted saying a silent thank you to the universe for Tully, for this moment, and the love they shared. "I guess that would..." Pressing a kiss to Tully's nose, he grinned wide "...make you my old lady, if I was still patched" Juice laughed as he recieved a glare sure to make anyone else shit themselves.
"That she is, it's good for you, to have her influence" Tully had benefited from her being around as well, made the adjustment to living outside easier. "she's got the VP wrapped around her finger, and she fucking knows it." He took a fork full of egg handing it out to juice. "You're not patched" thinking about it and looking to his own outstretched hand, it clicked. "For fucks sake I fucking am your old lady, aren't I " cringing at the application of club culture, Tully settled into his role of dotting fiancee as Juice took the bait.
🌿 🌿 1 Week Later 🌿 🌿
Eyeing the clock, Tig's leg bounced under the table, his closed fist resting just over his mouth. "K, we gotta wrap this up Chibby" he spoke up, ignoring the looks from happy and Chibs. He'd made a promise to Venus and damn it, he wasn't going to be late.
"Somewhere yeh need teh be Tiggy?" Shifting his seat so he was facing Tig, eyes cooking as his VP sat forward, arms resting on the table top, the man had been anxious all morning, quite uncharacteristicly for that matter. "I was just about to wrap up enywhey" Chibs pointed out before slamming the gavel down and closing out chapel.
"Actually, Yes, I...have to meet Venus down town" a half truth, but a lie enough that Chibs's Glasgow smile turned down "Jesus Chibs, you don't want the full answer" Tig didn't want to rip the rug out form under his friends feet like this. It felt wrong to lie though, even though he wasn't, not in theory. "I, fuck, come with me."
Heading the door to the makeshift shift space he'd been using to get ready, Juice froze when he caught not only Tig's but also Chibs's reflection in the mirror. "You brought hi-" he set his jaw, straightening up as his former flame looked him over, threatening to shared him to pieces without speaking. "God J-ust...Venus" Juice turned to the woman "could you and Tig give us a minute?"
"I didn't have time to warn you, he saw through my lie" he gave the man a hug and smiled as Juice looked pretty good in a suit, like a proper godfather. "Be easy on him, yeah?" Taking Venus's hand, he led her out to the hallway, closintthe door behind them. "Listen, baby, I'm so sorry" he looked down as her expression was uncertain.
"I don't know, maybe it'll be good for both of them" Venus straightened Tig's cut, runnifnber hands over the leather and brought him into a hug "just know if it ruins today for Juice, I won't hesitate to kill you myself." She pecked his lips and smiled as man grinned. "Maybe fuck you death but that's beside the point."
His eyes scanning the man in from of him, Chibs noted the ring in Juice's finger, the suit and the marriage license on the small desk. "You found someone then" he finally spoke, accent thick as it dawned on him he'd lost his boy a long time ago. "I-i'm happy for yeh Juicey." Chibs shifted from foot to foot, unsure of what to really say.
Juice nodded, seeing Chibs with the president patch felt right, like the Sons might have a running chance at survival. "I have, it's uhh...it's Tully" the finality in his voice startling even himself, he was getting to marry the man he loved, thanks to Chibs pulling the green light. "Holy shit, thank you Chibs, you're the whole reason I get to do this today" Juice lunged at the man, hugging him tight.
The admission on one hand stung but on the other made Chibs feel like he'd done something right "you sure have weird taste in men, boy" he smiled as Juice hugged him, the boy's head pressed against his cut. "I guess in a sick way I am, I couldn't let that be the end, you're too special." Chibs could rest assured the man didn't hate him.
"C-ould you stay?" Juice let go and looked up at the Scot, heart fluttering as his once brother regained his compsure. "Please? For me?" He smiled as Chibs took his hand, Inspecting the ring "it's black onyx and gold" Juice spoke "the Chinese say onyx teaches the wearer to have strength and perseverance and to trust in themselves" all things he needed to remember, Tully's way of saying he wouldn't let him forget.
Initially taken aback to see Chibs next to Tig, Tully chose to be civil figuring juice had asked him to be here. "God you look... beautiful Juan Carlos." He smiled as Juice held his head high, black slacks, white shirt accenting the man's Puerto Rican and black skin tone and tattoos barely visible. "Shit, I can just imagine Jeff stroking out right about now." The idea of a former shotcaller marrying a biracial Puerto Rican black American would have gotten him killed if he still held rank.
"Let him, you've done your bidding" Juice took Tully's hand, his thumb grazing the spot where a swastika once marked the man's skin “In times of adversity and change, we really discover who we are and what we’re made of. Howard Schultz" he'd watched Tully I've the last few years rediscover hismelf void of a title, it was inspiration at the best of times."
🌿 🌿 Home 🌿 🌿
The first night they spent as a married couple Juice hauled a long since ignored box in from the garage, the remnants of his past as a son, a part of him Tully had picked the broken pieces of up and pieced back together. "I should burned this shit ages ago" he spoke, taking the cover off and sitting it aside, smiling when his husband looked up from the copy of Bronte's work he'd gotten as a 'wedding' gift from venus and Tig. "Guess I sort of reaped what I sewed" juice dropped his eyes to the box, muscles ram rod straight as his hand fell to the leather of his cut, full patch still present.
Tully knew enough of biker, specifically sons, culture from hearing juice talk about it that he could decypher the 'reap what you sew' comment. "Burning it would feel good in the moment" he gave the man a knowing glance, acknowledgjng he'd heard him. "knowing you Juan Carlos, you'd feel miserable after and be all mopey." Juice's sudden tension cluing him into a possible crisis as the man swallowed, eyes flicking to the cut Juice had picked up.
"Holy shit, thi-" he wasn't sure if he should process it as a mayhem call or if it was the club's way of letting him have a means to an ending of one chapter as he started a new one. "You know..." Juice lifted his head, eyes meeting Tully's as he was being analyzed. "I could think of a few uses for this" he tipped his head, grinning as Tully followed his thought process. "Why they don't know about what happens here can't hurt them." Juice bit his lip, laughing when he was pulled onto the couch.
"I believe, Juan Carlos, that you have a death wish" pulling Juice into a passionste kiss, he sat up and swung Juice into his lap. "Shirt off, cut on" Tully's fingers ran over the ink adorning juice's chest, toned muscles rippling as movements were calculated. "How many fuck you's is this now?" They'd almost made it a past time in their acts of blasphemy against the club.
Sliding the cut over his shoulders, Juice steadied his breathing, warding off the reaper that was his past. "I lost count somewhere around the night you beat the shit out of Happy" he focused on the hand flexing against his chest, remind him to breathe, he'd seen a different side of Tully that night, the side that was willing to cause a possible war with the Sons for him. "The rest were less calculated than that" Juice let his eyes open, Tully's hazel ones staring back, a look he couldn't quite read crossing the man's face.
In a twisted manner it was almost like the cut offered Tully a glimpse into the man juice once was, it strangely tuned him on as his husband excused both anxiety and confidence, two sides of the same coin. Sons of his past and attonement offered in sweet blasphemous want. "I-i'm so-orry, I know you were talking but I don't think I heard any of that" he admitted, it had been like the world around him stopped for a moment, he questioned if he might have a leather kink, cheeks bruning red when Juice stood up a hand outstretched to him.
🌿 🌿 Fin 🌿 🌿
**I know alot of this wouldn't fly in MC culture, Juice having left into he trems that he did, getting excommunicated, greenlit then not, the letting him live after what he did, etc...but again, it's fanfiction it's neither cannon or MC.
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paintedelm · 1 year
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i made two more wawas and an angry bug robot
my brain is infested with these things i am insane im crazy absolutely bonkers even
Anyways lore lore hmmm *shuffles my notecards and immediately drops them, scrambles to pick them up all in the wrong order*
The Gladiator and The Luminant are two wild slugs who travel everywhere with eachother and are like cute little bonded cats., (please go look up bonded cats they're SO CUTE I SOB EVERY TIME I SEE BONDED CATS) and Gladiator really really hates lizards because they could hurt Luminant (and they have already hurt Gladiator before) and also because they need to eat alot to hibernate, so lizards are the best food source since they're quite abundant in the area.
Despite Gladiator's rather violent tendencies toward lizards, they respect scavengers, paying for tolls and helping them fend off attackers.
These two don't stay in a single spot for very long, being quite the pair of nomads. The longest they've stayed in a place was nearby Clawing Against the Tides's can.
*stares at my cards while trying to read the smudged handwriting*
Clawing Against the Tides never held much of positive feelings for the ancients atop his can, especially after the mass ascension. Her disdain for them grew into anger, feeling betrayed that they could ascend while leaving her to waste away, prohibited from achieving his own ascension by taboos. What most upset him was how quiet it was, the only task left for him to do was finding a triple affirmative, nothing else left by the Ancients who wouldn't even see the work of Tides and her fellow iterators.
Time had past, Clawing Against the Tides had stopped working on the Great Problem cycles ago. He sat alone in his chamber, reviewing messages of other iterators in the local group, when suddenly he became aware of another presence in the chamber. A small slugcat, yellow markings and tail glowing faintly.
And sure it wasn't much of two-sided conversation material, even after receiving a mark of communication, it listened, when not messing with the pearls in his chamber, or flailing about in his anti-gravity. And Tides found herself to envy the small creature. It could come and go as it pleased, do whatever it wanted to, and judging it's appearance, it lived quite well out beyond his can.
She began to modify her puppet, allowing for it to detach from her can, and taking inspiration from her slugcat acquaintance in retractable claws for climbing. (Of which the little thing did quite alot of)
It took quite a few cycles- more than Tides would ever admit- to build up the courage to leave his chamber. But eventually, she followed her small slugcat friend out of her chamber, then out of her can entirely.
The outside world was almost overwhelming. He'd seen it through his overseers, but this was different, feeling the humidity of the air for the first time.
From there, the small slugcat she'd been calling The Luminant had brought her to a shelter and introduced her to another slugcat, The Gladiator.
...and then they go back to living as regular, except plus an iterator tagging along on their misadventures. Sorry im out of detail juice my tanks running empty its 11 pm and I'm tired and gotta be up for school tomorrow
anyways im going to bed goodnight *explodes like a prince rupert's drop*
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sevens-binarycode · 3 years
I have an unhealthy addiction to this boy.
Saeyoung x Reader (fem)
Smut: Female masturbation, oral sex, vag penetration, insecure reader (Saeyoung is a little forceful at first but it all comes together in the end as to why he did what he did. Please don’t send hate, I do not promote pricing someone into an uncomfortable situation but Saeyoung was doing it so he could comfort the reader and help them in many ways)
This took a different turn from what I intended, it is sort of yandere/stalker-ish which I have never written about and don’t really read much about ssssoooooo….. Yeah. Warning again I guess.
Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes
His warm, soft tongue circled your clit and his fingers twisted your nipple. Your skin felt hot, so, so hot. Your chest was heaving up and down trying to fill with air. You were so close. Your voice mixing in with the lewd sounds from your pussy. Almost there. You were grateful Saeyoung had sound proofed every room in his house for privacy reasons. It's coming. “Saeyoung…”
“Y/N?” His voice seeped through the crack in the door. Your mind snapped out of its illusion, your orgasm being ruined as you hand retreated from your nub and yanked the blanket out from under you and wrapped your front.
“I’m changing! One second!” You called, scooting back farther on your bed. The only light in the room coming from the crack in the door and the dimmed lamp on the nightstand. Saeyoung had practically dragged you to his house after the hacker had broken into Rika’s apartment. He couldn’t risk losing you. Obviously, you were the party planner, RFA needed you. That’s what you told yourself anyway. Your heart was pounding, you were almost caught fantasizing about an almost complete stranger and the person who graciously let you in his house. You must be a real pervert to get off thinking about his soft red hair in your hands, his cushioned lips touching your thighs. Your eyes were wide as you waited for the door to close. Your heavy breathing reaching his ears caused him to stay.
“Are you ok Y/N? Did something happen?” He asked, sounding concerned, the door creaking open a little more. Your heart rate picked up and you brought your arms closer to your body. Your legs pushed your self closer to the headboard with their little strength. He can’t come in here! He can’t see you like this! Your hair was knotted, your stretch marks sowing, your unshaved limbs and jelly like tummy. He would be disgusted. Your breathing picked up at the thought of him seeing you like this.
“Everything is fine! Please don’t come in here!” You pleaded, your voice sounding weak and shaky, a voice that would make anyone concerned. You closed your eyes, willing the man on the other side to go away and never see this shameful sight.
“I’m coming in!” He stated while opening the door. Light hit your eyelids and you tucked your head under the blanket trying to stay out of his sight. His footsteps rushed to your side and you felt his presence just outside the thin sheet hiding you. A hand grabbed the blanket and gently pulled the fabric, Your sweaty hands clutched the blanket close to your body and you pulled yourself into a tight ball.
“You have to leave Saeyoung! Please!” You blurted. He can’t see you he can’t see you he can’t see you he can’t see you. The blanket tugged harder as he tried to get to you.
“Y/N what did you do? Did you hurt yourself?” He asked, finally ripping the blanket off of your body. Your hands reached for your head, your knees pulled to your chest and feet covering your shining pussy. His eyes took in your form. He hated the fact that you were scared but he couldn’t look away. He couldn’t stop. Your form was shaking and he could see your shoulders rise and fall with every jagged breath you took. He dropped the blanket in his hand and used it to gently touch your shoulder. You flinched and shot your head up to look at him. The fear and humiliation in his eyes sent a spear through his heart and the tears soaking your beautiful face made him internally hit himself. Nevertheless, you were stunning. Your bright eyes, soft lips, plump curves. You were everything he found beautiful stuffed into one person. Your eyes scanned his but the light prevented you from making out any features on his face.
“Don’t look… Please…” You cried softly, moving away from his hand. His figure stiffened and you could only assume he was shocked by your disgusting state. Fresh tears fell out of your eyes as you thought about your next decision. “I’ll leave by tomorrow. I’ll set up the party but you will never have to see me again. I promise.” You said shakily. Your breath speeding up and mind racing. The man in front of you felt a crack in his heart at your words. ‘Why would you leave? Why would you never see him again?’ So many things ran through his head, but he could only say one thing.
“Why?” You felt your body cringe at the question. Why did you fall for him? Why did you think you had a chance? Why would someone as disgusting and perverted as you even dare think of him in such a lewd way?
“Because you’re perfect! You’re caring, and handsome, and you always take care of everyone else, making sure they are safe even if it means spending hours and hours on end without food or sleep! You are all I’ve ever dreamed of! That’s why I did it!” You shouted all at once, your voice breaking but you didn’t care. It felt somewhat nice getting all these things off your chest. Like it was easier to breathe. After a moment of silence you realized your eyes were closed and you were still naked in front of the man you were fantasizing about just moments before. You slowly opened your eyes and started to look up at Saeyoung. You couldn’t read his face, his thoughts, everything was a mystery. Your chest was now soaked with all the tears flowing from your eyes and falling down your face. “I know you are disgusted, I know that you never will see me that way, that’s why I will leave and you will never have to see m-“ You were cut off by his lips suddenly attacking yours. With his face so close to yours you could finally see the freckles on his face, his long eyelashes that almost hit his glasses. Your brain was empty, your eyes wide and body still. ‘What is happening?’
“Close your eyes.” A husky, low whisper sounded against your lips. Blindly you obeyed the command, two hands gently pushing you down onto the bed and slowly removing your knees from your chest and hands from your head. The bed shifted under his weight as he climbed on top of you. His teeth grabbed at your bottom lip and tugged, your mouth opening slightly. His tongue wasted no time and shot into your mouth. You could feel his hands start to explore your chest, messaging your breasts and teasing your nipples. His warm tongue danced around yours and his breath caressed your face. ‘What is going on? Is this real?’ Saeyoung pulled back causing you to open your eyes.
“Please, never leave me.” He pleaded, eyes tearing up a little. You stared at him, dumbfounded at his request.
“Aren’t you disgusted?” You questioned, the tears on your face now drying and feeling cold in the air. Saeyoung looked at you, a small smile on his face as he held back tears. He removed his hand from your chest and reached for your own, slowly moving it further and further down his body until it touched something hard, something you never expected to touch.
“No. I’m not. I am so happy.” He said quietly, eyes never leaving yours. You felt your face heat up and your clit throb. ‘I made him like that?’ You thought. You slowly grabbed the outline in his jeans, moving your hand up and down slightly. Saeyoung sucked in a breath and your movements and removed his hand from yours. His eyes closed, finally feeling your touch after so long. He opened his and saw you looking at your hand, caressing his crotch, face red and embarrassed. He could feel your thighs close and your body wiggle with impatience. He lowered himself to his elbow, using his free hand to gently grab your chin and lift your face up, lips meeting in a slow kiss. He prayed you couldn’t feel his heart pounding, but also hoped if you could, you would realize just how much you meant to him.
His hand cupped your face and his thumb rubbed your cheek. His breathing was shaky from the kiss and your hand becoming more aggressive. It felt so much better than he could have ever imagined. Slowly his mouth and hand travelled down your face to your neck, to your chest, and landing on your nipples. His tongue circled your nub and his fingers rolled the other. Your hand paused its assault on his dick for a moment, head shooting back and mouth opening, a loud moan escaping your lips. Your hand started to rub his dick again, speeding up from before and applying more pressure. He let out a groan into your chest, the vibrations sending a shiver down your spine and goose bumps all over your skin. His lips moved down, his body following, slowly removing his cock from your reach, your hand trailed his torso feeling the abs under his shirt. It was surprising as his diet consisted of chips and soda and he sat at a computer all day. His mouth left sloppy kisses down your stomach, making its way farther and farther down your body until his hands were gently opening your thighs.
You looked down at his face, his eyes were gentle but had a sort of need behind them. He kissed your knee, then your thigh, his hands slowly rubbing your legs to try and convince you to show yourself to him. You caved and opened your thighs, your arms immediately covering your face to hide your embarrassment. A thick smell hit the red heads nose and his entire body shuddered. ‘Finally. She is in my arms.’ His mouth led a trail of kisses, working his way from your knee to your inner thigh, stopping briefly when he met his destination. He stared at your folds, the juices from earlier having dried in the chilled air, a few days worth of hair blanketing your skin, but none of that mattered to him. You were beautiful to him no matter what you looked like or how long you had gone without shaving.
A loud gasp escaped your lips as a warm, wet muscle landed on your clit. Your hands wanting to grab his head, to push him away from the filthy part yet pull him closer to feel more of him. You felt your toes curl at the sensations coming from your sensitive pussy, still aching from your ruined orgasm. The feeling was starting to be too much, your clit was too sensitive, juices poured from your pussy as you finally came undone. Loud moans filled the air, taking over Saeyoung’s thoughts. His tongue continued to work magic on your pussy, carrying you through your high and leaving you a twitching, shaking mess. Your hands weakly pushed him away, snapping him from his thoughts and made him pull back. Your chest was heaving and your head was thrown to the side, you were completely exhausted.
“Beautiful.” He whispered, feeling an ache come from his lower region. He slowly undid his belt and released his cock from its confinements. The tip of his dick was as red as his hair, angry from neglect. He carefully wrapped his hands around it and began stroking, looking at your body completely wrecked from just his tongue. A low moan came from his mouth causing you to look at him. His hand was pumping the most beautiful dick you had ever seen. It was thick and long, the tip leaking some pre cum causing it to shine in the light. Your mouth watered at the sight and you slowly started to sit up, reaching for it.
“No no no. I can’t have you do that” Saeyoung said in a playful yet desperate voice. He ripped off his clothes and pushed you back down on the bed ignoring your whines of protest. “Another time baby. I can’t wait any longer.” He whispered into your ear, spreading your legs further apart to accommodate his hips. He grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed causing you to yelp at the sudden movement. Your ankles were on his shoulders, his arms holding your legs to his body. He grabbed his dick with one hand and smacked it against your folds. You both groaned at the contact, wanting more than a mere smack. He positioned himself at your entrance before slowly piercing through your hole. Your body squeezed his tip making him almost lose his mind. It was so warm and soft inside you, nothing could ever compare to it.
After ensuring he was not going to come by just putting his tip in, he slowly moved his full length in. Your hands flew to your stomach, feeling full from his dick. You moaned at the sensation, wanting to feel like this forever. Slowly, he pulled out, watching his dick leave your body now shining with juices, it was almost too much for him. The thought made him go crazy and made his hips snap back into you. The movement made your eyes shoot open, head thrown back and mouth wide open shouting lewd moans. Your voice started to bounce as he pistoned in and out of your body, losing himself in the feeling, the sight, and the noises of you. Your mind was going blank, too overcome with pleasure to even think to breath.
“Y/N… Y/N… Y/N!” Saeyoung chanted, sweat running down his form as he desperately thrusted into you. Your head turned towards the door, eyes half closed. You didn’t think you would be able to process anything at the moment, your mind was too hazy. But one thing was for sure, there was a red blinking light in the corner of the room. The same light that was on his security cameras in the living room, hallways, outside of his house. He had known what you were doing prior to this. He had seen everything. He had heard everything.
He knew everything.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Playing truth or dare with college!Peter and MJ dares you to give him a (private) lap dance
This turned out to be much longer than expected
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (Lap dance?ish?kind of? i went a bit of script im sorry, thigh riding, grinding, dirty talk, dom!peter, innocence kink, corruption kink?, masterbation, oral[male rec], mild degrading), alcohol consumption, everyone is 18+, kinda fluffy in the beginning but we do be getting smutty real quick tho, MJ being your personal wing woman
Also please dont take drinks from strangers this is fiction and not real life, always drink responsibly :)))
Word Count : 4.8k
Behind Doors
Fratboy!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
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You tried to keep your staring to a minimum, you really did. But how could you when he stood in the middle of the crowd, glowing like an angel amongst everyone. He was laughing with his friends, his head tilted back with his eyes squeezed shut and a smile that could make anyone's day so much brighter. You wanted nothing more but to run your hands through his floppy brown hair bouncing on his head as he told his mates a story, his facial and hand movements lively when he moved them around, accentuating the words falling from his mouth.
His fit didn’t help either. A tight white t-shirt paired with blue jeans and a gold chain that hung from his neck, begging to be played with in any way. It was simplistic but made you swoon all the same. His muscles printed through the fabric didn’t help much either, his biceps almost tearing through the sleeves a mouth watering contrast to his cheerful face.
It was like staring at a greek god that radiated puppy dog energy.
“You’re not being subtle you know,” MJ whispered into you ear nudging your side with her elbow, “Just go talk to him,”
You shook your head, heat rising to your face as you averted your eyes from the brown eyed boy, turning to face your best friend, “You know i can’t do that,”
“Not with that you aren’t,” she pointed at the red solo cup you held in your hand filled halfway with orange juice. She quickly snatched the cup away from you, dumping the contents in the grass of the backyard.
“Hey!” You gasped, but made no effort to stop her.
“You need to loosen up,” she stabbed her finger into the middle of your chest, shoving her drink into your hands, “All of it, now,”
You took the cup hesitantly swirling the contents inside around for a bit, watching as the liquid moved smoothly around the sides of the plastic. You looked back up at MJ, feeling small when she stared you down with a stern look. You knew you weren’t finding a way out of this one.
“Fine,” you grumbled before tilting your head back, chugging the alcohol down. You let out a few coughs afterwards, giggling as MJ started to cheer.
“That’s my girl!” She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her side, “Now for about five more,”
Two hours and four drinks later, or maybe it was six you weren't keeping count, the party finally started to die down. The liquor running through your system did its job well in letting you loosen up so you could enjoy the party without being distracted by a certain brown haired boy.
You had lost MJ halfway through the night, your mind finally processing that she wasn’t by your side when you reached for her to dance with you. As you busied yourself by looking around the room, you felt someone place their hand on your lower back, sending shivers up your spine with the touch. You whipped your head around, expecting your equity intoxicated friend but only to be met with the same brown eyes you’ve been fawning over at the beginning of the night.
“Hey,” he said into your ear so that you heard it over all the noise. He moved his hand off your back after he got your attention. You tried your best to keep the tiny whine from escaping your throat at the loss of his touch. The free feeling you felt with the alcohol completely vanished with the sound of his voice turning you into that shy nerd all over again.
“Looking for someone?” He said, pushing the tips of his fingers into the front pockets of his pants.
You stood speechless, you mouth agape that Peter Parker, the Peter Parker was talking to you. MJ was wrong, no amount of alcohol could’ve prepared you for the moment. At least you didn't scurry away like a mouse like you would’ve if you were fully sober.
“I- uh,” you coughed, trying to get some words out but failing miserably.
“Sorry, It’s just I saw you looking around,” he scratched the back of his neck, chuckling at your flustered state. His cheeks starting to turn a light pink which made you swoon even harder, “I assume you’re looking for MJ, since you were with her for most of the night,”
“Oh, right,” you mumbled, laughing awkwardly, looking down to the ground, “How did you know I was with her?”
“You guys are always together!” He smiled showing off his pearly whites, “Around campus you know? I’ve seen you guys together in my classes as well,”
“You noticed me?” You whispered, mainly to yourself but he managed to pick up your words, making you even more embarrassed than before.
“Of course!” He passed his hand through his hair, looking straight into your eyes, “How could I not Y/n?”
You stood speechless, your mouth opening and closing as if you wanted to say something but changed your mind last minute. Millions of thoughts ran through your brain per second, the most frequent being your name rolling off his tongue.
“Anyways, uh, the main reason i came was to bring you to MJ,” he chuckled nervously, seeming just as flustered as you, “She’s in one of the spare bedrooms with some of the boys, we’re playing a good ole’ game of truth and dare,” he voice raised adorably, making you giggle lightly, “You don’t need to join or anything, but i don’t think you would want to be alone out here,”
“Yeah!” you replied a bit to quickly, shaking your head at your enthusiasm, “I mean, yeah, I would like to join you,”
“Sick!” He smiled brightly, grabbing your hand. Your eyes widened at the action as he pulled you through the crowd, you looked down at the ground, allowing him to maneuver you around the mass of bodies.
“Just so you don’t get lost,” he said, looking back at you, pointing out your intertwined hands.
“Of course!” You said back, holding back your squeals of excitement.
You were honestly surprised with how sweet he was acting towards you. Despite his status as part of the biggest frat on campus, his reputation upholded him as the good boy of the group, the one who helped old lady’s across the street or bought lunch for you when you didn't have the money. Sure, you saw this on multiple occasions but to experience it for yourself was a nice change, and just solidified your crush on him even more.
When he reached the stairway vacant of anybody, he still didn't let go of your hand, only tightening his fingers around yours. He walked down the dark hallway and approached a door ,giving you a reassuring smile before turning the knob and pushing it open, revealing around eight or nine people. Some laid on the bed, beers in hand as they laughed while others sat on the couch. You spotted MJ on the floor, laughing with Harry Osborn.
“Who’s the chick Parker?” One of the boys said, silencing the room and putting everyone's attention on you.
“This is Y/n,” he gestured towards you, “Y/n, everyone,” Peter finally let go of your hand, popped himself on the edge of the bed, picking up a beer from the side table and nodding his head at the empty space besides him.
You looked towards MJ panicked, but all she did was mouth ‘go’ with a shit eating grin. You sneered back at her, rolling your eyes as you walked up to the bed, bending your right leg back to sit on your calf while the other dangled over the edge.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Peter leaned into your ear, whispering gently, “Again, you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to,”
You pouted at his actions, melting at the fact that he was so observant with you. You looked down at his beer, before looking back up at him. If you were going to get through the rest of the night, you needed to be absolutely wasted.
“Do you have another beer?” You asked him, pointed to his bottle.
“You could just have mine,” he offered his drink, passing it off to you.
You bit your lip, taking a long swig of the liquid, “Thank you,”
Before the both of you could converse any longer, a girl with short blond hair you knew from English, called out from the corner, “Okay, okay, who wants to go next?”
“I think Y/n should go,” flash said, holding up his bottle towards you, “She’s the new one isn’t she?”
Peter looked at you, silently asking if you needed him to say anything. But you decided to take things into your own hands for the first time that night.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you said, taking another swig of beer.
“Alright Y/n,” Harry said smugly, leaning back on his forearm, “Truth or dare?”
You thought about it for a bit, missing the smug look on MJ’s face as you muttered, “Dare”
“I dare you to give Peter a lap dance,” she said immediately, leaning back as she held in her laugh at your washed out face, “I mean we could send you to the other room if you want more privacy,”
You sat speechless and once again wanted to melt into the sheets beneath you. You felt Peter’s hand wrap around yours, giving him your attention.
“Only if you want to,” he muttered, giving you a soft smile.
“I-,” you took a deep breath, trying to gather the little confidence you had left, “Which room?”
Hollers and shouts bounced off the walls, as everyone hyped both of you up. Peter stood, pulling you up with him, leading you out the room.
“Take as much time as you need!” You heard MJ shout after you before the door closed, leaving you and Peter alone once again.
Your heart pounded inside your chest as Peter guided you once again to another room. You gulped, wondering if you had made the right decision so give a lap dance to your crush. He didn’t say anything as he knocked on a door, opening it when he didn't hear any noise come from the room.
“After you,” he said politely.
“Thank you,” you said shyly, walking to the middle of the room.
Peter closed the door behind him, leaning against the wood, “Sooooo,” he dragged looking you up and down, “I- uh, didn't expect you to say yes,”
“Me neither,” you chuckled, looking down to the floor.
“I mean if you don’t want to, it’s just a silly bet,” Peter said, fiddling with his fingers.
“Do-,” you coughed, “Do you want me too?”
“It’s up to you really,”
“But would you mind if i-“
“I mean I wouldn’t be against it-,”
You both laughed nervously falling into silence after that. You looked around the room, finding interest with everything besides him. You were fidgety, playing with your fingers while tapping your foot on the floor rapidly to calm your nerves. It was stupid, you’ve been dreaming about him for so long, and now that you were finally in a room together you clamed up, not knowing what to do in his presence.
Peter on the other hand kept his gaze on you, his eyes racking your body up and down. He wasn't going to lie to himself and say that he’d never thought of this moment, the moment where you and him were finally together, in a room, all alone.
You were different from the girls he was used to in the frat. You were untouched, well to his knowledge, you were a clean slate and from the small confrontations he’s had with you, he could tell you were obedient too.
He wanted so bad to just have his way with you, to absolutely ravish you like he did in his dreams. But he wanted to savour it. After so long of watching you pin over him, purely to feed his ego, he was ready to take things to the next level and what better way than with a good lap dance. Sure he was the good guy, both as himself and as his alternate persona as a hero, but when it comes to you, all his morals were thrown out the window.
Besides, you were both intoxicated and he didn't want your first time together to be at a stupid party in a room he was barely familiar with.
After a few more seconds of silence, Peter decided to take things into his own hands, to make his fantasy a reality, or to just get it started at least. He was the first to make a move, walking right up to you, taking your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up to look at him while his other hand made its way to the side of your waist, pulling you closer.
“Y/n?” He asked, swiping his thumb across your lips. He may have an unhealthy obsession with them but it didnt matter because in the next few moments he would make them his, “I’m not stupid you know,”
You blinked rapidly, tilting your head to the side at his statement, confused and slightly hurt.
Peter only chuckled, slipping his thumb between your lips for a split second before pulling it back out and resting it back on your plump lip, testing the waters, “I said i noticed you, and when I mean I noticed you,” he leaned forward, placing his lips near your ear, “I meant everything, down to the constant heart eyes,”
You held your breath, not knowing how to feel, what to think. Peter Parker, the Peter Parker, was standing in front of you, playing with your lips with such close proximity, telling you that he was aware of your existence. That there was a chance that he might feel the same way about you.
You had to remind yourself that this was just a bet, that he didn’t mean anything he was saying. He was only doing it because he had to. Even if he was a sweet boy by heart, he still had a reputation for sleeping around, that to him you were just another girl to add to his collection. 
But when he pushed his thumb into your mouth, you knew you'd fall victim as well.
“Mhh,” he hummed, “such a good girl, just like i knew you’d be,” suddenly, he pulled his thumb out of your mouth and sat back down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap, “Now, i believe you have a dare to fulfill,”
“I- uh,” you stuttered, hesitantly placing your hands on his shoulder as you settled into his hold.
“You’ve never done this before, have you princess?” Peter mumbled, hovering his lips over yours.
“i-,” you shook your head, lost for words when he called you princess.
He hummed, one of his hands gripping your waist while the other laided on your cheek, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb, “Let’s start off slow then,” his thumb moved to your mouth once more, playing with the bottom lip. You sat frozen, letting him take control. You didn't trust your body to move, you could barely even talk.
“I’ve always wondered what it was like to kiss these perfect lips,” he whispered, moving to kiss your neck, trailing his way up to the corner of your mouth, “I’d imagine you’ve though the same,”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his shoulders. Peter laughed, his breath hot on your face.
“You’re going to need to say something if you want me to continue princess,”
“Yes,” you squeaked, clearing your throat, embarrassed by your quick response, “Yes, I-uh, I’ve thought about this, yeah,”
“Hmm, good,” he mumbled before finally latching his lips on yours, keeping your face close with his hand.
His lips were rougher that you imagined, probably from constantly licking them for most of the night. But the more you kissed, your mouths opening and closing with each other like its own dance, the more wet and lustful it became. You could feel your body begin to relax into his, melting into the warmth. His confidence only grew with the soft moans escaping your mouth, quickly slipping his tongue inside when your lips parted, exploring your mouth with vigour and purpose.
Your breath hitched in response, using your own tongue to match his movements and tangling it with his, fighting for dominance you were sure he was going to win. Your fingers ran through his hair, tugging at the short curls at the base of his neck, smiling when he groaned into your mouth. You beamed at him when you finally pulled away, a string of spit connected your lips.
“This seems more than just a lap dance,” you let out a shaky sigh, resting your forehead against his.
He chuckled, using his hands to bring your hips closer to his crotch, your dress rolling further up around your waist.
“Then what are you waiting for,” he said cockily, leaning back on his forearms, looking back at you expectantly.
You let out a breath, readjusting yourself on his lap before moving your hips slowly. Your pussy barely made contact with his now hard cock poking through his jeans, teasing it ever once in a while when your panties brushed the tent. You smirked, despite not knowing what the hell you were doing, it seemed like you were doing a decent job.
“Don’t get to cocky princess,” he groaned, squeezing your waist tightly, “You forget that I’m the one in charge here,”
You bit your lip, muttering a soft sorry.
He hummed, nudging his nose with yours, “Let me help you then,” 
He grasped your hips, pulling your it closer to his crotch, grinding it against your core. You let him guide you with his hands, following his lead supporting yourself with your own hands clutching on to his shoulder.   
He let out a long sigh, his head falling back. You took that as the queue to grind faster, enjoying the effect you had on him with such a simple movement. Your confidence grew with the noises escaping his throat along with the occasional praise only fueling your need.
In a rush of the moment, you moved your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him into a needy kiss. It was much more sloppier and messier than the previous one, your focus more on moving your hips than keeping your lips in sync with his.
But you wanted more. As much as you enjoyed Peter’s eyes trailing your body, his hands exploring your waist and the angelic look on his face, you couldn't help but wonder if it stopped there. If you could make his moans louder, his hips jut against your with need, just as much as you needed him.
After a few more moments, an idea popped into your head with the faint sound of music coming from downstairs.
“Peter,” you decided to purr in your ear, biting your lip when his eyes fluttered open, dark and filled with lust.
“Yes princess,” He cooed, moving his hands back to your waist while keeping eye contact, brushing his lips over yours. But before he could fully kiss you, you pulled away, giggling at the little whine he let out.
“What is it?” he pouted, rolling his eyes when you didn’t respond, only biting your lip in thought. He grabbed your jaw, focussing your gaze back on him, “You were being such a good girl, what happened hmm?”
“I- I have an idea,” you gulped, the confidence you felt seconds ago melting away under his stare, “Do you have a speaker?”
He nodded his head, pointed to a desk in the corner with a small black speaker sitting on top. You smirked, hopping off his lap and running to the box. Peter leaned back on hands, watching with curious eyes as you pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket, tapping it open and typing in your password.
“What’s going through that head of your princess,” he mumbled, but loud enough for you to hear.
You only giggled in response, playing around with the speaker to turn in on. After a few more seconds of fiddling, you spun around with your phone in hand and a teasing smile on your face. Your finger pressed down on the screen, the room filling with the song Love Is A Bitch by Two Feet.
He scoffed, “And here I am thinking you were just an innocent little thing,” 
You bit your lip, looking down shyly and placing your phone on the table, your back facing him, “I just wanted to set the mood,”
“Was grinding down on me not enough?” he teased, “Are you always this greedy?”
You let out a breath before turning around, your heart practically beating out of your chest, “Only with you,”
You glanced up at the brunette face, nervous that maybe you took it too far. It was just a simple lap dance, nothing more and nothing less and you should've kept it that way. But the kiss was addicting, keeping you in a daze where all you wanted was more. More of his touch, his mouth, his taste.
You’ve wanted him for so long and now that you dipped your toes in the waters, you wanted to dive in and never come out. What really kept you going was his reactions to your touch, the small grunts and moans escaping his mouth because of you. He wanted this as much as you did or else he would’ve shut you down by now, right?
You were just getting ahead of yourself.
“Come here Y/n,” he almost growled, his eyes never leaving you while you shuffled your way between his legs, yelping when he gripped your waist and pulled you back down. Instead of straddling his waist, he moved you so your legs were on either side of his left thigh.
You went to speak but the gripped your jaw with his forefinger and thumb, forcing your eyes on him.
“You never fail to surprise me princess,” he whispered, his free hand trailing up your waist, brushing past your breasts, “I thought I had to treat you like a good girl, take my time with you” he chuckled darkly, “Turns out you need this just as much as I do, my greedy, desperate little thing,”
You bit your lip, tucking your head in the crook of his neck to avoid his stare. The pet names he gave you was already enough to leave you a mess but adding ‘my’ in front of it made you melt. You wanted to be his, you wanted him to take control of your body and use you as he pleased. He adjusted his thigh, having it bump against your clothed pussy. Heat rose to your face when you let out a small whimper, settling back on his leg, craving the friction but you didn’t move, waiting for specific instructions.
“You weren’t so shy before, what happened?” he kissed the shell of your ear, “Go on princess, ride my thigh like the desperate whore I know you are,” 
Without thinking you began to grind your pussy along his thigh, your face growing hotter when you felt the wetness seep on to his jeans. Peter kept his hands on your waist, keeping your movements at his own past, occasionally bouncing his leg, enjoying the little whines you let out. When you started moving faster, he knew you were nearing your high.
“Princess, look at me,” he grunted,“I want to see that pretty face when you cum,”
You let out a shaky sigh, pulling your head up to face him but you could barely keep your head up, too concentrated on moving your hips against the rough fabric of his jeans. He quickly recognised this and wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing lightly to get some of your attention. 
“Peter,” you whimpered, near to tears with how close you were to climaxing, “Peter please,”
“What is it princess? You want to cum? Is that it?”
You nodded quickly, “Please,”
“Go ahead princess,” he grinned, smashing his lips against your to swallow your moans as you came on his thigh, your hips moving in slow strokes to prolong the feeling. You pulled away after a few moments of feverish kissing, your arms falling limp around his shoulders.
“Fuck,” you sighed, your forehead falling against his with the breathless laugh, “That was-”
“Great? Amazing? The best experience of your life?” he laughed, falling back against the mattress, pulling you down with him. You giggled, shoving your face in his neck and inhaling his comforting scent.
“Yeah,” you turned your head to face him, pouting when a piece of his hair fell in front of his stunning eyes. You moved it out of his face, kissing his nose in the process, “I liked it a lot,”
“That’s good, that’s good,” he whispered, tightening his arms around you.
All of a sudden you felt something poke at the inside of your thigh. It took you a few moments to realise that he was hard and was probably aching to get off at this point in the night. 
“Do- do you want me to help?” you said shyly, sitting up on your hands to fully face him.
“You don't have to princess,” his hands passed up and down your waist, “Seeing you fall apart from my thigh is all I needed tonight,”
The twitch of his eye and dryness of his lips told you otherwise. 
“Are you sure?” you bit your lip, moving your hand slowly down to his hard on, “because I don’t mind helping Petey,”
You didn’t know where the nickname came from but it was too late to take it back. Judging by the dark look in his eyes and the almost cynical look on his face he didn’t mind.
“You want to help me princess? Are you sure you know what you’re in for?”
You shook your head eagerly, “Just tell me what you want,”
“And what if i want you to suck my cock?”
“I would do it,”
“Do what?”
“Su- suck your cock,” you replied bashfully looking down at your hands now intertwined on his stomach.
“Aww, is my princess getting shy?” he fake pouted, “After getting off on my thigh like a slut, you’re getting shy about taking me in your mouth?”
“It’s alright princess i’ll guide you through it,” he reached down to unzip his jeans, shuffling awkwardly to push them down so he could get his member out. You watched as his hard dick slapped against his chest, big and throbbing.
He moved your hips back so that you straddled his legs this time, taking your hand and raising it to your mouth.
“Spit,” he instructed, looking up at you with hunger, “Now,”
You hesitantly spit into your hand, watching in awe as the wad fell into your hand.
“Good girl,” he sighed, moving your hand to wrap your small finger around the base of his cock, “Have you ever jerked someone off princess?”
“Just two,” you respond hesitantly.
Peter gritted his teeth, trying to get the idea of you touching anyone else out of his mind, “Well let's make this your third and final guy hmm?” his breath hitched when you started to move your hand up and down his cock, “You’re mine now princess,”
In the spur of the moment you leaned down, licking the red tip of his member, “Only yours,” you whispered before taking him halfway in your mouth, gagging and pulling yourself back up.
“Take your time princess,” he gulped, “fuck but you could do that again if you’d like though,”
You giggled, licking and kissing the sides of his cock and taking it once more, reaching further than this time than you did the last. You bobbed your head continuously only raising your head to take a breath and going in again.
“Fuck princess, I knew your mouth would be good,” he groaned, “You’re doing so well, taking my cock so good down your throat, fuck!”
You smiled around his length, the back of your throat contracting around the tip making him moan your name. Before he could praise you even more, someone's voice cut his words off.
“Everything alright in there?” MJ said through the door but you were too lost in your daze to answer or recognise her voice.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Peter smirked, pushing you to take the rest of his cock, “We’re just going to take longer than expected,”
Part two maybe??
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7@wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r
Crossed out means i couldn't tag :(
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
Spoonful of Sugar (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: spoonful of sugar
Request: yes! (a super fluffy spence x reader one shot in which she's sick with the flu, a high fever or something similiar, so he has to take care of her. Usually i'm not that super whiny and wouldn't request things like that buuut i'm in a desperate need for spence to take care of me while i'm ill and home alone.)
Couple: Spencer Reid/gen-neutral!reader
Category: fluff
Content Warning: spencer’s pov, anxiety about an ill partner, none that I can think of. If something does need to be tagged, please message me
Word Count: 1,638
Summary: Spencer stays home from work to take care of his partner, who’s sick with the flu
A/N: sorry this took so long to get posted. i forgot I had it written and it was just sitting in my drafts. it is a little on the shorter side... thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
The person who usually slept beside me did not sleep last night. I only know that because whenever they tossed and turned, it’d wake me up. But also, they kept stealing all the blankets from me. Whenever I tried to take them back, they’d wake up and steal them again. Or they’d be suddenly up in a coughing fit. And then, they finally fell asleep around the time I had to get out of bed for work. Leaving me with another restless night of sleep. I was used to it at this point, but not because of them.
When I left the bedroom, I made sure to be as quiet as possible. I didn’t want to be the reason why they woke up for the day. Clearly something was on their mind and keeping them up. I also made sure they had all of the blankets on their body. While I did that, I sneakily rested my hand on their forehead, and the back of their neck, just to check their temperature.
They were on fire. I’d never felt someone as hot as that in a very long time. It would explain why they got no sleep and kept waking up, and stealing the blankets. They’d need to get medicine and fluids in them, and quickly. But I’ll do that when I’m finished getting ready. They just fell asleep and I’d rather them sleep off their fever.
So that’s what I did. I quickly got ready for work, doing all the necessary things I had to do. I wanted to make sure my person had everything they needed before I left for work.
Which meant a quick stop at the market down the street. The market had their favorite soup, juice, and snacks. If I was going to go into work today, I needed to make sure they had everything they needed before I left for the day. And if they wanted me to stay, I’d do that for them.
“Hey Emily, I’m going to be late to the office today,” I said into my phone as I grabbed a basket. The store had several people, just enough for me to be cautious of where I was going. And it pressured me to be even quicker inside.
“Oh! Of course! Is everything okay?” Emily asked, the concern in her tone sounding genuine. I sighed before nodding.
“Yeah, just... Just need to take care of someone who’s sick,” I explained as I grabbed a bottle of orange juice.
“Take all the time you need! We got everything covered here.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Of course, call me if you need anything!” She proclaimed before bidding farewell. I sighed deeply before pocketing my phone and headed towards the deli to get some soup. They always gave me chicken noodle, with the good thick egg noodles. Since they also enjoyed White Chicken Chill, I got that for them, too. Anything to make them feel better sooner.
Once I got both soups, enough juice for a small household, and plenty of healthy snacks, I made the trek back home. Whether they enjoyed the things I got them or not, I knew they’d enjoy the thought. Because that’s all that matters, right? The thought?
When I got home, I prepared the chicken noodle in a bowl, and grabbed a bottle of juice with electrolytes, and brought it to the bedroom. They were still asleep, however slightly stirring. Instead of just leaving right away, I waited a moment for them to wake up.
“My head is pounding,” they groaned as they brought a hand to rest on their forehead. “Like I drank a fifth of whiskey,” they added. I held back my chuckle and sat on the edge of the bed.
“You’re hot.”
“Thanks so are you,” they blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.
“You have a fever, Dear,” I corrected as I handed them the bottle of juice. “I got you soup, juice, and healthy snacks.”
“You’re too kind, Spencer,” they hummed as they struggled to open the bottle. I watched as they sighed and handed the bottle over to me. I smiled as I cracked the bottle open.
“I have to go in, but if you want me to stay I can.” I handed the bottle back to them. They smiled brightly before taking a big sip of the juice.
“No, no, you’re the breadmaker here. You’d be no use to me here.”
“I can help you,” I breathed out a laugh. They lazily smiled before shrugging. “I’m gonna get you medicine.”
“If you don’t come back with Day and Nyquil, don’t come back at all,” they teased. I laughed as I looked back at them.
“Eat your soup, I’m getting you medicine,” I repeated as I pointed at the bowl of chicken noodle on the nightstand. They glared at me before picking up the bowl. I was quick, grabbing the medicine they asked for and a bottle of Aleve.
“Do you need anything else?” I looked down at them as I placed the bottles on the nightstand. They shook their head as they looked back at me, watching as I sat back down beside them.
“I’m all good here.”
“I can stay if you need me to,” I whispered as I looked over at them. They looked away from the bowl of soup with wide eyes. “Surely Emily won’t care. Family first.”
“As much as I’d love for you to stay, Spence, they need you just as badly there,” my person slurred their words. I could only imagine just how congested their sinuses and how blocked their nasal passages were. Which would only cause a migraine. “Besides, I don’t want to get you sick. You’re a baby when you’re sick.” They smirked at me.
“Am not!” I exclaimed as I looked at them. They shrugged before rubbing the underside of their nose. Should have grabbed them tissues while I was at the store. “Seriously, I’ll stay.”
“Seriously, go to work.”
“If I didn’t know any better it sounds to me like you’re trying to get rid of me.”
“I am,” they mumbled as they blew softly onto their spoonful of soup. I rolled my eyes before standing up off the bed.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go.” I lifted my hands as a sign of surrender. They looked up at me with a soft smile. “Good to know you can get rid of me so easily.”
“I’ll call you if I need anything.” They placed the soup back on the nightstand before shifting down the bed.
“And I’ll let Emily know I’ll be on desk duty.”
“Spencer,” they warned.
“I’m going! I’m going! Gone! See! Gone!”
“Love you!”
“Love you, too!”
I should have stayed home.
Okay, maybe Spencer should have stayed home because… I really miss him. I thought I’d be fine if he went in, and I’d get by… But I really want him. God I’m never whiny and asking for things, and the only thing I want… I sent it away.
I could call him… He’d drop everything and come right over. But… He should work. There is a reason why I sent him to work. That was where he was most needed. What if I was wrong though? What if he was most needed here, with me? No, no he’s the brain of the BAU.
But it’d be really nice if he stayed home with me.
Yeah, I made a mistake sending him to work. I’ve never felt so clingy in my entire life. Damn my stupid clinginess.
Did he know I was thinking about him? I must’ve, because he was calling me. Probably just checking in on me. I could ask him to come home. Unless he’s in the middle of helping a case and can’t come home.
“How are you feeling?” Yep, just calling to see how I was doing. It was probably a good thing that he was calling me. He probably just knew I wasn’t feeling any better.
“Could be better,” I paused as I looked over at his side of the bed. It was made but a little tousled around because of my sleeping. “Kinda wish you stayed here,” I whispered, mostly to myself.
“Already on the way home,” he stated like it was no big deal.
“Really?” I asked, feeling a little bit of excitement in my tone. Surely it just sounded like I was stuffy to Spencer. He laughed.
“Finished early. And… Emily noticed I was too distracted thinking about you. I’m about halfway there, do you need anything?”
“You… To get here quickly and give me all the cuddles in the world,” I dramatically sighed as I curled in on my side. “But… Safely!” I quickly added.
“I will be there soon, Dear,” Spencer mused before chuckling lightly. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I should be okay.”
“I’ll be home soon."
“Okay, bye,” I whispered before hanging up. I tossed my phone into the empty space beside me before curling back onto my side. Now that I knew Spencer would be home any minute, maybe I could sleep. Or maybe I should stay awake and wait for him.
Whatever, it didn’t matter. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, Spencer was crawling into bed beside me and I was slowly waking up.
“Shh, go back to sleep,” he whispered as he pulled the blanket back over me. Although it felt like I was on fire, the blanket felt safe over me. Or maybe that was Spencer’s arms wrapped around me that made me feel safe.
“No, no,” I mumbled as I moved as close as possible to him. Spencer laughed lightly before pressing his lips to my forehead. “Don’t leave me again,” I whispered into his chest.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
if you have any comments/questions about this part, let me know here! please consider reblogging or leaving a comment if you’re a part of the taglist. it’s so much work tagging everyone.
not able to tag: @isabellasimps
@thebluetint @mggsprettygirl @muffin-cup @misshale21 @spenciegoob @reidspoet @ash19871962 @babebenhardy @flipperpenguins @kuolonsyoja
@broken-stardust @beepbooptoop @ray-lia
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the day after ~ aaron tveit
word count: 1505
request?: yes!
“Aaron Tveit smut?”
“Can I get Aaron Tveit smut?”
description: after a night of rough sex, he decides to make her feel good before he has to go to work
pairing: aaron tveit x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (oral f receiving, mentions of sex from the night before)
masterlist (one, two)
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You woke up to the sound of someone shuffling around your room. You rolled over - although your aching body protested against this action - to find the space in bed next to you was empty. You opened your eyes and found that the source of the noise was your boyfriend, Aaron, attempting to silently get ready for work. When he heard the bed make a subtle noise, he turned to see you looking up at him and smiled.
“Hey,” he said, his voice soft. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You shook your head. “You didn’t, don’t worry. Do you have to go already?”
Aaron nodded, a solemn look on his face. You pouted at him, which made him chuckle. “I know babe. I’d much rather spend the day in bed with you.”
“Not like I can really go anywhere after last night,” you muttered. You meant for it to be a comment to yourself, but when you saw the cocky smirk on Aaron’s face as he pulled his shirt over his head, you couldn’t help but feel a tingling sensation between your still sore legs.
“I really did a number on you, huh?” he said. You nodded. “Mind if I inspect the damages?”
You opened your mouth to question what he meant, but he moved before you could answer. He slowly pulled the blankets from under your chin, pulling it down just enough to expose your still naked breasts. In almost a perfect line from your jaw down your chest and over your breasts was a trail of hickies that Aaron had left. To say he had attacked your neck with kissing and sucking would’ve been an understatement. It was like he was making it his life mission to make you as his, while also railing you till you couldn’t walk the next day.
He smiled at his work as he ran a finger gently over the hickies. You shivered, feeling goosebumps rising where he had touched.
“You’re gonna have trouble covering those,” he commented.
“Who says I want to cover them?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He smirked as his hand trailed to your breast. He flicked one of your nipples with his finger, causing you to gasp. He seemed to like the response and began to play with your breasts, cupping them in both hands and kneading at them, occasionally pinching or flicking your nipples. You started to moan, your throat burning and feeling scratchy from the screaming the night before.
Aaron took one hand from your breast and used it to pull the blankets the rest of the way down. You were laid on your back and still completely naked, your legs slightly apart to give him a good view between your legs. Your pussy was still pink from the excessive abuse it got the night before, a fact Aaron looked at with pride.
“Maybe I should just call in sick today,” he said. “I wouldn’t mind spending the day like this with you.”
His hand started to trail towards your swollen clit. While you would normally encourage this, you pushed it away before he reached there.
“I don’t think I could physically handle you having the day off today,” you told him. “I’m still sore from last night, I think you’d break me if you tried to have sex with me today.”
Aaron’s smile dropped and he looked genuinely concerned. “Is it really that bad? I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to go that hard last night.”
Trying to conceal your wince, you sat up so that you could reach Aaron’s level. You cupped his face and kissed him lightly, looking into his eyes. “Don’t actually worry about it, love. I’m okay, just a little sore. It happens! I’m not upset about it, and I’m not actually hurt. If anything, I would love to re-create the actions of last night when I’m no longer sore.”
He smirked and kissed you again. You felt his hands on your ass, giving it a squeeze for just a second, before they ran up your back. Gently, he lowered you down onto the bed again. He took your legs and positioned you in such a way that they were hanging off of the bed. He hovered over you for a moment, kissing all over your face before moving to kneel in front of you.
“Well, even so, I’d like to help you feel better,” he said. “If this hurts too much just tell me to stop.”
Before you could ask anything else, you felt his tongue against your clit. You gasped and moaned, arching your back involuntarily as he started with long strokes. A tingling sensation went through your entire body as you tried to grab for whatever was within reach. One hand gripped at the sheets beneath you as the other found its way to Aaron’s hair. You tightened your grip, holding him against you as you did so. He must’ve liked that, because he moaned against you, the vibrations radiating through your body.
The aching feeling you had felt since you woke up started to dull a bit. It was replaced with the cool feeling of Aaron’s tongue against you, a well needed cool down, as well as immense pleasure. Of course, being a singer, Aaron was particularly skilled with his tongue.
You felt the tip of it poking at your entrance as his strokes became quicker and shorter. Every time he teased you like this, your body twitched with pleasure. You wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of you, although you knew you should take some time to rest after the night the two of you had just shared.
You looked down to watch Aaron concentrating on his work. His hair was falling in front of his eyes, creating a sort of barrier between the two of you. You let go of the back of his head to run your hand through his hair, pushing it back so you could see him. He looked up at you, the breathtaking blue eyes capturing you the moment they locked on you. Despite his mouth not being visible, you could see the smile in his eyes as he looked at you. You tried to smile back through the whimpers that were escaping your lips.
“Oh,” you breathed, feeling his tongue teasing your entrance again. “Oh fuck, Aaron, that feels so good.”
He hummed in response, a new kind of pleasure building in your body.
Usually, you could take foreplay for such a long time without the fear of finishing. You loved when Aaron prepared you like this, and you loved to prepare him in return. But you were so lost in lust that you could feel the familiar pressure building within you. Your legs started to tense as you draped one of them over Aaron’s shoulder, trying to keep him as close as he could be.
“F-Fuck,” you moaned. “God, Aaron, I think I’m g-gonna c-cum!”
He pulled away from you just long enough to tell you, “Cum in my mouth baby” before pressing his tongue as far into your entrance as he could. His dirty words were enough to drive you over the edge and you threw your head back, screaming his name and tightly holding his hair as you moaned in pure ecstasy.
He continued to lick around for a while, lapping up your juices as you came down from your high. You were having a hard time trying to focus your eyes. When Aaron pulled away, you whimpered at the loss of contact.
You looked up at him through the fog of lust that clouded your vision. Seeing his mouth and chin slick with you was enough to turn you on again. You’d be ready for a morning quickie, if only the aching feeling between your legs hadn’t been trying to make a reappearance.
You sat up and pulled Aaron close by the loops of his belt. You started to fiddle with the button on his jeans, attempting to open it but struggling with your post-orgasm brain. Aaron chuckled and took hold of your hands, pulling them away.
“I have to go to work,” he told you.
“But don’t you want me to do the same to you?” you asked, furrowing your brows together in confusion.
Aaron smiled and cupped your chin. He kissed you lightly and passionately, the taste of you still lingering on his lips.
“I just wanted to make you feel better,” he said, “and I think I’ve successfully done that. If you’re not as sore when I’m finished, though, we can gladly do a second round of last night.”
You smiled back at him. “Oh, I think I’ll definitely feel better for that.”
Aaron kissed you again before getting his things together to leave. You laid back down on the bed, laying in a way that showed Aaron everything he was going to miss. He let his eyes linger over you for a moment, cursing under his breath before finally walking out the door.
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accioxreparo · 4 years
entranced | f.w.
synopsis: Fred finds himself taking a different approach to get your attention. Little does he know he already has it. 
pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
warnings: none!
a/n: This idea is straight from the discord chat earlier with my babes! This concept is honestly so amazing and completely inspired by @levylovegood​ and also this picture so hopefully I did it justice 😭💖
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The Gryffindor table was uncharacteristically silent as Fred Weasley approached late for breakfast. That was typical though. More often than not he was rushing in right before classes started and just as quickly rushing back out.
What was unusual though, and the source of everybody’s shock, was the pair of glasses framing his face. Glasses he didn’t need. Glasses nobody was sure even belonged to him.
“What?” Fred barely acknowledged them as he started putting food on his plate. “What’s with the staring?”
“What’s with -” Ginny let out a heavy sigh as she shared a glance with her siblings, every one of which was just as confused as she was. “What are you wearing those for?”
“Wearing what for?”
“Those obviously!” George reached across the table and flicked the frame of the glasses, skewing them sideways on Fred’s face. He ducked out of the way before he could retaliate. “Didn’t even know you owned any glasses.”
“Well I do,” Fred answered easily. Now that he was looking up he couldn’t help himself. His eyes scanned the Great Hall until he found you hunched over a book and scribbling something on some parchment.
“Well yeah but what for?” Ron frowned through a mouthful of food.
“To see, Ronniekins,” Fred looked away from you quickly when you glanced up abruptly, almost immediately looking right at him. “That’s what most people use them for.”
“Yeah but that’s not what you need them for,” Ron was oblivious to the fact that Fred wasn’t paying him any attention. His gaze had gone back to you the second you went back to your reading. “Think one of us would’ve noticed if you really needed them.”
“Spill it,” Ginny leaned forward while narrowing her eyes. “I can almost guarantee you didn’t own those before last night. Now why do you need them?”
“Need what?”
A groan resounded between the three siblings, each of them coming to the realization that Fred was paying absolutely zero attention to their conversation.
“Okay new question,” George kicked Fred underneath the table, forcing him to look their way again. “What’s got you so -”
But before he could get the question all the way out Fred threw back his goblet of pumpkin juice and practically tripped over himself getting up from the table. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Well that was something.” Ron shook his head, staring at the empty spot his brother had just left.
Ginny nodded towards the entrance of the Great Hall where Fred had stopped, apparently finding one of the suits of armor very interesting. “Look at that.”
“Makes sense now,” George only shook his head as the three of them watched Fred wait a few seconds after you had left the Great Hall to follow you. “McGonagall changed our seats in Transfiguration the other day and since then our dear Freddie’s been infatuated with none other than Y/N Y/L/N. Has a perfect view of her from where he sits now.”
“You’re kidding,” Ron couldn’t help but scoff at the revelation. “She’s top of her class, always in the library. There’s no way she’d even give Fred the time of day.”
“Maybe that’s why he likes her,” Ginny shrugged, going back to her own breakfast. “Or why he’s intrigued at the very least.”
George hummed before a smirk flashed on his face, leaning in towards his younger siblings a little more. “Place your bets, kids. Do we think Fred’s little glasses plan is going to work or not?”
You tried your hardest not to stare, you really did.
Of course you’d noticed Fred Weasley of all people hanging around you for the past week or so, who wouldn’t? The fact that he happened to go out of his way a little to talk to you meant absolutely nothing at all though, you’d convinced yourself of that. Especially not when you knew you’d stuttered through practically every conversation you’d had with him so far.
Finally you thought maybe, just maybe, you were getting somewhere. Maybe you could work up the courage to say more than a few words to him next time you spoke. But then you caught sight of the glasses sitting comfortably on the bridge of Fred’s nose. They framed his face perfectly and it really wasn’t fair how they somehow made his eyes shine more than they usually did.
Any kind of coherent thought you were able to form left your brain when you laid eyes on him from across the classroom.
This really wasn’t you. You were smart, you knew that for a fact. Sure you mostly kept to yourself but there wasn’t a single time you hadn’t been able to think of a quick comeback, even if it was only muttered to yourself underneath your breath. That was how all of this had started after all.
He’d overheard a particularly hilarious quip during Potions one day and his burst of laughter had earned him a detention. He had promised you he didn’t mind when you fumbled your way through a quick apology the next day.
Now, though, you were speechless at the mere sight of him because how was it possible for one human to look that good? It didn’t help that you quite literally had the perfect view of him from across the transfiguration room. You weren’t sure how you hadn’t noticed him in his glasses before. Had he even worn them before?
Just as you were about to search your memories for any kind of recollection of Fred and his glasses you were interrupted. It was then you realized that you were openly staring at him, and apparently not very subtly.
“Would you like to tell the class what it is you find so interesting, Miss Y/L/N?”
You weren’t sure how long Professor McGonagall had been standing there or what answer she expected of you. Before you could say anything she turned around and took a few steps, effectively blocking your site of the very person you’d been distracted by.
“What about you, Mr. Weasley? You seem to be just as distracted.”
Fred, for once, seemed to also be at a loss for words. He’d barely managed to blink owlishly and start with the beginning of an excuse before he was shushed again. McGonagall looked between the two of you for a moment before pursing her lips. “Detention tonight, both of you.”
Frankly, you were too scared to argue. So instead you turned back towards the very thing that had been the cause of your distraction only to find him already looking at you. You could feel the heat rush to your face when Fred offered you a smile as he pushed the glasses up his face a little and mouthed, this should be fun.
Much to your surprise, you were in fact not the first one to reach the transfiguration room at exactly seven o’clock that night. Fred pushed himself off the wall immediately upon seeing you walking his way, a look on his face you couldn’t quite read.
“And here I was thinking you were going to ditch me.”
“I think,” You gulped as you looked anywhere but at him. He was still wearing his glasses and you were positive you’d get distracted again if you looked at him for too long. “I think I’d just get another detention if I did that.”
Fred, on the other hand, was looking right at you with a small smile playing on his lips. This detention was more than worth it in his eyes, especially if it meant getting to spend an hour alone with you. Well almost alone anyway. You were fidgeting a little too much though, something he noticed rather easily. “Is this your first one?”
“First what?”
You frowned then, stopping your nervous movements and looking up at his towering figure. “Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know really,” Fred shrugged and couldn’t but smile at the sight of you looking at him curiously, head tipped to the side and arms crossed in front of you. “Maybe it’s just cause you’re always so quiet.” The memory of you cursing at Snape under your breath a couple weeks ago made him laugh suddenly. “You do have a mouth on you, though, don’t you?”
You knew what he was referring to immediately and a flush spread across your face once more. “I’m sorry about that, again”
“Don’t worry about it,” Fred leaned against the wall again and slid down until he was sitting on the floor. “So is it?”
“No,” With a sigh you followed his movements and sat down cross legged next to him. “Though I guarantee my reasons probably aren’t as fun as yours.”
“Try me,” Fred turned then so he was facing you, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. “You first.”
Slowly your nerves started fading away. Your gaze however stayed focused on the wall in front of you. “Fine, One was for ditching History of Magic to read in one of the broom cupboards.”
“Well aren’t you a little rebel.”
“Oh always,” That comment made you laugh. You could hear the grin in his voice and finally worked up the nerve to look at him, trying your hardest to focus on the conversation and not on the way his school robes had been abandoned and the sleeves of his button up shirt rolled up his arms. “Now your turn.”
Talking to Fred came easier than you thought it would. A couple well timed jokes had you relaxing completely and soon enough the two of you were laughing together right there, sitting on the floor in a random hallway.
The reason behind you being there had slipped your mind completely. That is until you noticed Professor McGonagall walking down the hallway. Both of you scrambled up from the floor, simultaneously recalling the fact that you had detention.
“Professor,” You nodded and quickly straightened out your clothes.
Fred, meanwhile, gave a smirk as he leaned against the wall once more. “You know I think we ought to give you detention for keeping us waiting, Professor.”  
“Did neither of you get my owl?” McGonagall ignored the comment as she moved to unlock the door to her office.
You turned to look at Fred, both of you sharing a confused look. “Owl?”
“Your detention was cancelled,” Once the door was unlocked she stood in the doorway and glanced between the two of you. You didn’t miss the ghost of a smile that flashed on her face. “Though I suppose it’s just as well. The two of you two certainly got to know each other better. Perhaps you can now find it in yourselves to keep the staring to a minimum in my class.”
Then without another word she walked into the room and shut the door behind her.
Your stare was blank as you glanced quickly between the office, Fred, and the spot Professor McGonagall once stood. “Did she -”
Fred chuckled again and followed as you started walking down the hallway towards your common room. “Did she what? Trick us into going on a first date? I think so.”
You weren’t able to keep the grin off your face as you shook your head a little. “It was not a first date. It was talking.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
“Well in that case how about this weekend? We can try not to get ourselves another detention while sneaking out to Hogsmeade.” Fred stopped when you did and couldn’t help but notice the surprised look on your face, one that faded quickly. “How about it?”
“I’ll agree if you tell me one thing, first.” You challenged, eyes narrowing and arms crossing as you stared directly at him for the first time.
“Anything.” Fred’s answer was just as confident.
Your eyes flickered across his face, taking in the sight of him wearing those glasses just as you had earlier. “You’ve never worn those before have you?”
A beat passed and Fred knew he’d been caught. You could see right through him. “Yes I have.”
“No you haven’t,” Your arms fell to your sides, being able to see his hesitation clearly. “I’d remember.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you look good in them.”
“Do I?” Fred chuckled when your eyes widened at your own comment. One you evidently you hadn’t meant to actually tell him. “Since we’re confessing I suppose I should tell you that you’re right.”
“I knew it!” You were quick to respond and nod in satisfaction. “What are you wearing those for then?”
For a moment Fred only looked at you. This wasn’t where he’d seen his day going. Maybe some more pining, wondering if you’d noticed him at all. Now that he was here beside you, both of you apparently smitten enough with each other for one of your professors to meddle, he was ecstatic. “I’ll tell you but you’re not allowed to laugh at me.”
“I promise I won’t.”
“Fine,” Fred started walking down the hall again but stayed focused on you to see what your reaction would be. “I thought they’d make you notice me more since you always seemed to be avoiding me.”
You tried not to smile, you really did. But the corners of your mouth started turning upwards and Fred stopped again, not being able to resist grinning along with you. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“I’m not!” A laugh really did escape you then and you quickly put a hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. You looked up at him then, a little more serious. “I swear I’m not laughing at you. I just think it’s cute.”
“Well I’m glad you think so cause I quite like these. Think I look rather dashing.” Fred pushed the glasses up a little bit from where they’d slipped and smirked. “And apparently you agree since the whole reason we’re here is your staring.”
“Hey, both of us were staring, thank you very much.”
“Well I couldn’t help myself, darling. You’re entrancing, you know.”
“Entrancing,” You repeated the word and your grin softened, looking away as butterflies formed in your stomach. “Is that right?”
“It is,” Fred gave a firm nod, giving you no room to argue. “You’re beautiful, love, you must know that.”
When you dared to look at him he was smiling at you, a completely genuine sparkle in his eyes as he looked only at you. You weren’t sure yet what the warm feeling that erupted in your chest and fluttered through your body at the sight of his gaze trained on you was. He was looking at you like you were the world and it overwhelmed you with emotions you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Fred on the other hand? You were positive he was definitely somebody you could get used to. Him and his smile that never faded. Him and his laugh that was practically infectious. Him and his eyes that were full of life, showed you entire worlds, and sat behind a pair of glasses he didn’t need.
“Thank you,” You couldn’t help but beam back at him, a flash of confidence suddenly coursing through your veins. “So are you.”
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aetheternity · 3 years
Hello! I’ve read your work and fallen in love! I don’t know if your requests are open, but I really like the Armin x you x Levi post you wrote🥰 may I please request a smut of this? Thank you!
First of all thank you! I'm so glad you're in love with my work. 😊 Second of all I'm sorry this took a while I got sick and writing smut while being sick is honestly disgusting. Plus I recently fell in love with Saiki K and have been binge watching it . 🤭 N e ways! Hope you enjoy this.
Warnings: Polyamory, threesome, Nsfw content.
Ok you'll be honest with yourself four years ago you didn't expect to be as happy as you are now. 
After you'd grown sick of your living arrangement with your parents. You'd left that life behind. Moving into the small empty bedroom your best friend since your last year of middle school had open in his surprisingly tiny apartment. 
And when you said tiny. You meant tiny. 
Some rooms in the apartment weren't even big enough for someone to stand in with their arms outstretched. Not to mention a couple of your nights were spent huddled next to Armin on the couch with a huge blanket around your bodies because the heat randomly shut off. 
You'd think a situation like that would be worse. But weirdly enough it had been the best for both of you as your relationship had always had a sort of looming sexual tension that went unexplored. 
Long lingering touches to your waist got just a little bit longer while trying to squeeze past you in the bathroom. "Sorry I just need my brush." Armin would whisper. Warm palm against your hip. The ghost of his pelvic bone so close yet so far away. Just the realization making you arch in his grasp. You'd hold his gaze and in the back of your mind you could watch the soft slither of his tongue as it wet his gorgeous pink lips so many times over. 
Of course it escalated with neither of you ever saying a word about your feelings. You spraying water from the sink on a shirtless Armin during a heat wave that just wouldn't let up as he walked into the kitchen wearing only grey sweatpants. (Yup.. only sweatpants.) The way they hung so low on his hips practically begging for your tongue to stretch across the expanse of his pelvis. 
Him hugging you tight around the waist for literally any reason he could think of. (And he found a new reason everyday.)
And then it escalated a little further.. you pulling back the shower curtain to "complain" about him eating your leftovers. Him pulling you into his lap while the two of you watched tv. 
And one day it just ended. And by ended it meant you two opened a bottle of wine on New Years and the ball wasn't the only thing that dropped. He had you laying ass up, legs spread and pussy sobbing as he rocked your hips for eight fucking hours with no stop. Did that table break? During hour five but Armin managed. 
And then you guys moved. After a mutual agreement that the two of you were aware of each other's feelings and wanted to be together. You'd both managed to pool enough money together to afford a bigger place with two bedrooms. One unused and one that was immediately broken in with Armin over stimulating you the second the boxes were halfway unpacked. 
Fast forward to a man named Levi moving in across the hall, him developing feelings for you over a long period of seeing you daily thanks to his best friend absolutely adoring you and constantly inviting herself into you and Armin's home.
After a while you'd started picking up on the signs of his affection too. His long glances that sometimes didn't even break when you looked back at him. The little gifts that began to show up at your door. The way he'd bring over food when he knew Armin wasn't home. 
Once you'd started to develop feelings too Armin allowed you a night. One night to see if those feelings were actually real and what they might mean. Cue a night of carriage rides, roses (lots and lots of roses), stargazing and a kiss that damn near floored you and it was more than one night. 
Two nights and Levi had had you on his couch with him snuggled in what would soon become your favorite blanket. Three nights and Levi had you eating his mom's homemade spaghetti. And by a week you were begging for Levi to fuck you harder, fingers shaking on his white tiled kitchen floor. His relentless thrusts still causing your thighs to tremble hours after. 
He looked so lost in bliss in a way you'd never seen him before and you hugged onto him so tight you didn't even go back to Armin that night. Just curled up under your favorite blanket on his couch with his cock nestled deep inside you. His kisses littering your face till the moment you fell asleep. 
It was definitely a cause for fear. An unrelenting kind and you sat down on the couch with Armin the next day explaining how deeply you loved them both. Only to be shocked when he brought up the topic of polyamory. It definitely shocked you a ton when Armin agreed to it after some explanation of his own feelings but the real surprise was Levi explaining how he'd also thought about it and would be up for it. 
And thus began the beautiful bloom of a poly relationship after him and Armin had gotten better acquainted. You know after you guys all moved because Levi hated living in the apartment. 
The three of you left to live in a gorgeous house. (For once you were living in a place with more than one floor and an island in the kitchen.) A place you'd been calling home for over a year now. 
Your breath hitched soft moans stuttering off your lips. You don't even remember who started it but here you and Armin were, his breath tickling every bit of your face with sweet languid kisses. One hand brushing over every curve you possessed while the other was softly brushing in between your pussy lips. 
Your body perched in his lap as he sat against the headboard. Pillows scattered around the two of you as you writhe and begged for more of his touch. 
You were probably drawing blood where you were grasping his shoulders but you couldn't even begin to think about it. Armin's warm breath tickling your lips in a soft chuckle. The tips of his fingers softly caressing your clit as you let out little whimpers of pleasure. 
"You promise you'll moan nice and loud for daddy's fingers?" He asked, closing the distance between your lips with a much slower kiss. 
"Yes." You could feel his nail brush inside and you almost buried his fingers but his harsh grip on your ass paused your movements. Your thighs shook and you rubbed your forehead against his. Leaned into his broad chest with both hands. "Please daddy.." 
"Good girl." 
With one more small kiss he laid you out flat on the bed free hand coming up to squeeze your areola. With a tap of your outer thigh you spread for him watching the way his spit dribbled off his lips and directly onto your already wet hole. The mixture making a much wetter sound as he pumped two fingers fully inside. 
With a gasp you yanked the sheets hard, almost squeezing your thighs together. His fingers curling, snatching your breath away. The bed creaked a little as he repositioned himself, stomach flat against the sheets with his mouth on your thighs. Spreading a soft array of little open mouthed kisses. 
"Keep your ankles in the air, love. I don't wanna punish you tonight." He breathed 
You sucked in a breath, reaching out to hold your ankles. Almost immediately you felt embarrassed by the high pitched moan that fell off your lips at the first long slide of his flat tongue over your pussy lips.
And then right in between them in a beckoning motion over your clit that had you biting into your lip. The smile on his lips so evident over your core. 
You lifted your head in time to watch the slow drip of more of his saliva stretch between your clit and his bottom lip. Tongue immediately outstretched with eyes drawn to your features as he lapped it back up again. 
With his free hand he spread apart your pussy lips a little further giving your clit an almost harsh knead with his thumb. The friction making you cry out and almost drop your legs onto his back. 
His fingers carefully slipped out of you to your own dismay. The slow drag against your walls almost painful, that is until his tongue was sliding in to replace them. Giving your inner walls a massage that made your gaze fall white. 
You felt him hum. Sweet vibrations flowing through your cunt as he slurped down every bit of your juices. His arms snaking around your legs to yank you so much closer as he pushed his tongue impossibly deeper. 
"Daddy.." You begged 
"Shh, keep moaning for me baby.." He hummed, flicking your clit with his thumb. 
You obeyed with an arch that probably could've launched you off the bed if not for Armin's tight hold. Your eyes squeezed shut, brain going completely empty. 
"Such a good girl." He breathed "So good for daddy." 
The pad of his tongue stretched over both sides of your lips with little nibbles. Sucking the skin into his mouth roughly. You could feel his eyes on you, practically see those bright blues pop with lust as he pressed his tongue back inside with languid thrusts. 
Your heartbeat pounded in your ear and you felt the hold he had on your legs loosen. His two fingers delving and sliding back into your warm fluttering cunt. The overwhelming pleasure forcing your hands back on the bed holding out for dear life. 
"Daddy.. daddy please.." You cried 
"Getting close baby?" When you nodded vigorously he smirked. "Come on baby almost there." He hummed 
He sped up his tongue, fingers stretching you open quickly adding another. Your breath caught with a high pitched cry that left tears  flowing over your cheeks. An endless chorus of his name flooding off your lips. His own moans sending vibrations through your core. 
Your stomach tightened, toes curling in the air as you tried and failed to steady your breathing. One of your hands unfurled itself from the sheets now sticking to your sweat soaked body. Carding it in the beautiful blond locks between your legs. 
"Baby.. baby I'm about to-" He sucked your clit into his mouth and your eyes went hazy, head falling back. 
"Finish baby, come on.." He whispered 
Your lips spewed curse words between every breath lost. When his fingers tapped smoothly against your g-spot you knew that was it for you. And with one last shudder you came around his fingers, screaming his name as your orgasm racked over you in a loud burst. 
And he licked up every drop, nose buried to collect it all like it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. 
"A-Armin.." You shuddered body flush and hazy. 
His fingers feel wet, a combination of your pussy juices and the sweat between both your bodies. You slowly blinked in the darkness combing strands of his hair back as your lips made contact. The mixture of your taste and his on your tongue, in an almost overwhelming way. 
You tensed under him. Hands stretching over every part of him you could reach only for him to back away a bit. With your nails still gently grazing over your back he pressed his damp forehead into yours, fingers sweeping over every bit of bare skin. 
With barely any warning he hoisted you to your feet next to the edge of the bed. And you reached out for his shoulders as he slipped his boxers down his legs. Inching himself back up to the headboard. 
"Take a seat." He gestures, laying back. 
He's got a hand around your waist in seconds. His cock soon just below you, so so close to where you wanted it. Where you needed it so badly. 
Your knees came down on both sides of him, carefully administering your weight evenly until every inch of his hot cock was stretching you open. His tip soon resting firmly against your cervix like it always did and you both relinquished a sweet gasp. 
"F-fuck.. so full.." You huffed 
It felt like it had been so long when in reality it'd probably only been a week. And yet you were moaning like you'd been starved of him. Rocking your hips like he'd punished you with no cock for months. 
Suddenly his arm wrapped itself around your waist again. He hoisted you up with a strong hold moaning directly in your ear as he thrusted up into you like it was the first time. His knees pressing your thighs open.
A hiss falling off your lips as he kissed over your shoulder and collar. Hands squeezing both your breasts like they were his personal stress balls. 
You hadn't been aware of how hard Armin was going until the rough knocks of the bed hitting the walls finally began to settle in your ear. But you could barely care Armin's cock was hitting every spot inside of you and your leg was starting to twitch where it was forced outward. 
His breath grew more ragged with every thrust. Sweat dripping off your forehead onto his. His sweet murmurs of praise turning you on even harder.
"Love, you take me so well.. You're doing so amazing…." He moaned 
You leaned your head into him, feeling that sweet familiarity deep in the pit of your stomach. You reached around to the back of his head, yanking a little rougher than intended on his scalp. 
The uneven slaps of your skin meeting managed to keep the two of you distracted  until the sound of the door practically slamming into the wall shook you both to a halt. 
Levi's dry sigh filled the once noisy bedroom. "Do you two have to make so much noise? I'm busy with a work project." 
Despite Levi's gripes Armin angled his cock back towards your g-spot barely grazing it but it was enough to force a little mewl from your lips. 
He laughed, pulling you a little closer. "Mm sorry Levi. Didn't know we were being so loud." 
There was a small glint in Levi's eyes. The quick dart of his pupils to where you and Armin were joined and then back up to your face putting a devious grin on your face. 
"You should take a break, daddy." You said 
"Tch." Levi huffed, "This thing needs to be done by tomorrow. I don't have time for this." 
You reached out for him with one arm. An arm that unsurprisingly didn't even reach close to him from his stance near the bedroom door. By this point Armin's thrusts were going at almost the same pace as before. Not as rough but enough to resume the gentle rock of the bed. 
You let out a soft moan as Levi took the bait, slowly walking over to the bed. His finger carding affectionately through your tousled hair. He leaned in, pecking your kiss swollen lips. 
If there was anything you knew for a fact about Levi it was that he always had a hard time saying no to you. 
To be completely honest it didn't surprise you that Levi was already more than a little hard. Though it did surprise you how easily he gave in today. Watching with unchanged expression as you pulled his belt from the loops and buckle, undoing it with a light clatter which quickly followed the almost inaudible sound of his zipper being pulled down.. 
You let out a relaxed hum, lip pressed between your teeth at the sight before you. His thick cock poking out over the hem of his underwear. You grasped at the sheets with one hand a little shaky as you slipped his boxers down over his ass until they pooled at his ankles. 
Armin slipped his hand under you right up against your stomach. Levi immediately followed suit already knowing what he was doing. He stepped over to the edge of the bed as Armin laid you down on your stomach. Levi's wet tip dangling in front of your lips. Before you could even register it Armin had your hips in the air slipping all the way back inside with a loud gasp. 
Meanwhile you were wetting your lips. Hand curving up and down the length of his dick. You inched forward on your elbows to slowly surround Levi's dick in the warm confines of your mouth. The hiss he let out sending shivers over your spine.
"How's it feel? I know how much you love taking two dicks." Levi grunted 
Armin reached forward, tugging your hips in close with one hand. The other hand on your ass as leverage. Allowing him to ease out to his tip before slamming back inside. Your eyes rolling back with pleasure. 
As if it wasn't already difficult enough to take Levi he wasn't even fully hard yet. Just expanding in your mouth as you coaxed your throat into relaxing enough to slide every thick inch down. 
"I know that pretty mouth can do so much better than this." He reaches out with zero warning to grab a fist full of your hair. Yanking you forward with barely any restraint. 
Though you must admit the sound that leaves his throat when he does is almost worth the tears pricking over your hollowed cheeks. 
"Baby I'm so fucking close.. I'm gonna fill your pussy." Armin sighs, his hand comes down to wrap around the base of your throat angling your mouth into Levi's rough thrusts. 
Your heart is hammering but you close your mouth as best as possible without biting to take Levi's cock. Already feeling the effects on your jaw as he presses in a little harder with a deep moan. 
By now his cock is fully hard rocking you back into Armin with deep rough thrusts that almost make you gag. 
"That's my g-irl.." Levi grunts, even though they're small his nails dig into your scalp so roughly you could swear you felt something trickling down to the back of your neck. 
You grip the bed sheets with both your toes and fingers, the creaking around you unmistakable. 
"I'm cumming.. I'm cumming!" Armin cries out and you'd honestly give anything to see his gorgeous blue eyes roll back and the little smile that curves against his lips as he climaxes. 
You finish just a couple seconds ahead of him. Eyes unfocused where they roll into shut. Little sounds muffled by the thick dick stretching open your throat. The feeling of Armin's cum flooding your walls makes you whimper and he lets out the softest moan as his orgasm slowly whittles away. 
Your gaze soon fixes on Levi only to be met with the prettiest tint of pink brushed right up against his cheeks. His eyes pressed tightly closed, lips parted over every harsh breath. 
It didn't take long for the sweet drag of Armin's cock to begin again. His light touches to your spine making you arch a little higher. 
"You look so fucking pretty, you know that?" Armin mummered, cock slamming into your g-spot. "Doesn't she look gorgeous, Levi?" He asked with a little whimper. 
Levi's eyes fluttered open a hint of a smirk cresting on his lips. "Like she's gonna.. pass out.." He combed your hair back again gripping it a little tighter forcing your head up. He paused at the back of your throat. "Can't take it baby? Want me to pull out?" 
You grunted at every slam of Levi's dick until that all too familiar sound flooded your ears, followed by almost every curse in the english language. 
"You're doing so well.. f-uck.." He moaned "Swallow my cum.. swallow it. I'm almost there.." 
Levi hoisted his leg up against the already shaky foot of the bed using as much leverage as possible. His fingers tugging your head forward on every pump of his thick cock. Mixing with the loud gasps of Armin behind you as he also neared his end. 
And with one more deep thrust Levi was spilling down your throat with a choked groan. Cock head nestled deep in your tired throat holding you still as his orgasm flooded from his body. 
You were a little relieved when he stepped back allowing your jaw to relax. The still wet tip pressing sweetly against your lips. 
"Such a pretty girl.." He said, so low you thought you imagined it. 
"Switch with me." You heard Armin say 
You sighed as his cock left you, feeling yourself immediately being flipped onto your back. His large hands coming down from where he now stood over you to perfectly envelop your breasts. Meanwhile Levi was pulling your hips close and sliding in as effortlessly as he always did. 
"Levi!" You threw your head back 
Armin smirked over you, his hands kneading a little rougher. You arched into his touch pressing the balls of your heels into Levi's back, pushing him just a little deeper- 
God it was perfect. The feeling of his dick so much different from Armin's but honestly just as perfect. The moan you let out was downright pornographic and you pressed your head back into Armin's thigh. 
One of Armin's hands came up to your face brushing aside your hair soaked in tears. "You look perfect. But I wanna make you more perfect." 
He pulled himself off the bed, sliding a hand over your cheek. "I wanna paint your face baby. It's so perfect.." He mumbled already pumping his long dick over your face. "You'll let me right.." He whimpered 
When he leaned in again it was to press a little kiss to your lips. "P-please.." 
The curve of his lips made your heart flutter in your chest. "Mm.. let Levi see when I'm finished." 
One of Armin's hands sat rather aggressively on the edge of the bed. And you could see the way every vein in his hand moved. Grip tightening a little with every pump of his cock, back and forth his knuckles practically ripping through his skin. 
You gasped as Levi leaned over you, fat cock pressing into your G-spot. "Stop ignoring me." He grunted 
He slid his teeth beneath your earlobe administering a barrage of sweet nibbles mixed with more aggravated bites. 
"Levi.. Levi!!" 
Armin gasped above you, "Almost there.." He moaned 
A bright white was starting to take over your vision as you shut your eyes, mouth hung open for Armin's cock with absolutely no sound coming out as Levi continued to use your tired pussy. 
Small huffs of fuck littering the air. You bore your nails into Levi's back and chest. His leg shaking against you as he pushed through his last thrusts. 
"I-I'm.. I- shit!" Armin came first, missing Levi's head by a hair (literally) as ropes of hot cum plopped onto your face, you barely registering it as your own orgasm hit you like a two ton truck. Levi's thumb coaxing small spasms from you through your clit. 
Levi huffed, face scrunched, lip bitten and eyes shut as he came for the second time with a hard gasp. 
The room went quiet for what couldn't have been any longer than 2 minutes before Armin was pulling himself up from where he'd slumped over the bed. 
"Levi, look how sexy she looks with my cum all over her face." He cooed 
It stuck to your eyelids as you blinked though ultimately chose to keep your eyes shut. You felt Levi's small chuckle and the brief feeling of him slipping out of you to your own disappointment.
"Open baby." Armin said 
As soon as you did his fingers slipped into your mouth. The salty/sweet residue of his cum littering your tongue. Quickly joined by Levi who swiped his thumb across your eyelids before pressing it into your mouth. 
"How're you feeling?" Armin asked as you opened your eyes slowly. 
You blinked in their faces standing above you with a small smile. "Tired." 
"You can't sleep until you've washed off. It'll be better for you anyway." Levi replied, heading into the bathroom. 
Armin quickly followed after carefully lifting your fatigued body off the bed. It took a couple minutes for Levi to get the temperature to perfect but once he did you slowly felt yourself sinking into perfectly warm water. 
The soreness in every part of your body already beginning to dissipate as you leaned back against the edge of the tub. 
"We did a number on you hmm?" Armin asked, carding your hair back. 
"I'll make you some tea once you're cleaned up. Then we can cuddle under your favorite blanket." Levi said 
"Thank you guys but I feel like I could fall asleep here." You say lifting your thighs for Levi to clean under. 
"I promise I'll pay you back big time tomorrow." Armin replied, rubbing your arm with soap. 
Your lips curled up deviously, "Now that I look forward to." You grab his chin pulling him into you, pecking his lips. 
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Trust Me
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Request by @adela-topaz-caelon: So, I love Juice, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a Juice x Female reader, in which the reader is Opie's younger sister, and helps the club in her own way. She's bubbly, but very ferocious when needs be, and the scenario I have in mind is they've always been attracted to each other, and good friends. When Potter first tries to coerce Juice, she knows something's up, works the truth out of him and goes on this mission for Juice that results in a fluffy coming together
Warnings: language, light angst, Juice being a soft and slightly sad boy
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: I’m here for all these requests about helping Juice dig himself out of the hole he put himself in during this series haha. Love that for him. Also, this was the most I’ve ever written for Opie as a character and it was actually very enjoyable haha. Hope y’all like this! xo
SOA Taglist: @mijop @garbinge @masterlistforimagines (As always, let me know if you'd like to be tagged!)
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You walked across the lot at T-M, scanning the garages for your brother, waiting to see him towering over everyone. He was nowhere to be found, though. With a quiet sigh, you walked up to the garage and waved to get someone’s, anyone’s attention who could give you an answer as to where he was.
Juice had spotted you the second you stepped down out of your car. He jogged over to you, a smile on his face as he met you on the pavement. His grin was one that was impossible not to return. He was wiping grease from the palms of his hands onto his pants so he could hug you without leaving any stains on you.
“Y/N, hey,” he wrapped you in a brief embrace, “All good?”
You stepped back and nodded, “All good. Just looking for Ope? Said he was gonna need help with a couple things tonight and to meet him here.”
Juice nodded, “Think he’s in the clubhouse.”
“Great! Thank you. I’ll see you in a bit,” you flashed him a smile before turning and walking across the lot to the clubhouse.
Juice was left there, unable to do anything besides watch you walk away. He couldn’t help but to be mesmerized by the way you walked, so lightly but with just enough authority to let people know that you weren’t someone to be messed with. Your smile was just inviting enough to let people know that you were kind, but not so disarming that you were setting yourself up to be taken advantage of. If growing up with Opie had taught you anything, it was how to carry yourself.
“You’re askin’ for trouble, brother,” Jax materialized behind him with a chuckle.
“What?” Juice tried to feign ignorance.
“Opie will stomp you out like the bug you are if you ever try to get too close to her.”
Juice shook his head, “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure,” he chuckled and clapped him on the back, “Whatever you say.”
Despite the fact that Jax had just called him out, he still couldn’t make himself walk back to the garage until you had disappeared into the clubhouse, the door shutting behind you. Juice let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. With a shake of his head, he walked back to the truck that he had been working on, his brain now running at a mile a minute with so many different thoughts of you.
Juice had fallen a little in love with you the first time he’d seen you. He hadn’t been in Charming all that long, and was just starting to slip into the role of prospect. He was in the clubhouse, stacking cases of beer behind the bar when you came striding in. It felt like the wind had gotten knocked out of his lungs as he looked you over—he was certain that you had made a wrong turn somewhere. There was no way that a girl like you purposely landed yourself in a place like the Samcro clubhouse.
You’d walked up to the bar, given him a smile that made him weak in the knees, and asked if he had seen your brother.
“Wh-who’s your brother?” he stammered out nervously, now jittery not just from the fact that he thought you were beautiful, but also from the fact that you were the sister of one of the men in the MC.
You laughed as you sat down on the stool directly across from him, “Ah, so you’re the new guy,” you looked him up and down before finally answering his question, “Opie.”
His eyes went wide, “Opie?”
You chuckled, “I know—I got the all the looks and he got all the height. Unfortunate division of genes.”
“Thought I heard trouble,” Opie’s voice cut through the clubhouse before the conversation between you and Juice could continue any further.
You laughed as he walked up behind you, resting his hands down on your shoulders and pulling you back into him, you head resting back against the leather of his kutte. Opie had dismissed Juice, granting himself some privacy to be able to talk to his sister without any interruptions. However as Juice left the clubhouse that day, he knew that you were someone he wasn’t going to be forgetting about any time soon.
The two of you had become friends rather quickly after that. You loved all of the guys in the MC—they were your brothers as much as they were Opie’s. But you couldn’t deny that there was something different about Juice. He had a type of light and kindness emanating from him that you just didn’t see in Charming very often, let alone in the club. Your brother had kept a close, scrutinizing eye on you when the two of you first started spending time together, but as time went on he conceded that maybe it was a good friendship for the both of you. You were level-headed enough to keep Juice reined in, and he kept you from taking yourself too seriously. It took some time, but Opie eventually stopped feeling like he had to constantly be looking over your shoulder whenever you were around Juice.
That first day felt like it was lifetimes ago now, though. You made your way back to the dorms once you didn’t see Opie sitting in the main area of the bar. The door to his room was closed, so you gave it a couple knocks and waited for your cue to enter. A few moments later, Opie pulled the door open and offered up a tired smile as he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.
“You look like shit,” you said with a laugh as you sat down on his bed.
“Good to see you too,” he chuckled and shook his head, trying to smooth out his extremely disheveled hair.
“Everything alright?”
“Need to ask you for a favor.”
You nodded, assuming that that was where this conversation was going to be heading, “Whatever you need.”
“Got some club business to handle. Most of us are gonna be outta town for a few days. Was wondering if you would be willing to stay here and help keep things running smoothly?”
You shrugged, nodding, “Yea, of course. Who’s gonna have the kids?”
You nodded, a little surprised that your mother was still willing to take the kids when Opie had club business. You weren’t going to get into that discussion with him, though, “Who else is staying behind?”
“It’s just gonna be you, Chucky, and Juice. Gemma’s got family shit going on so we could really use you here at T-M. Mechanics will still be on deck and everything, but I’d feel better knowing we had someone else here who was Samcro.”
You loved that you got to be part of the inner circle of everything happening with the club. You didn’t get to know everything, but you got to know more than most. The fact that Opie trusted you meant the world to you. There was something exciting about the fact that every now and then he talked about you like you were part of the club.
“I got you,” you said with a nod, “But I’m crashing here. I don’t trust what might be on the sheets in anyone else’s dorms.”
He laughed, “Smart,” he ran his hands over his face, “Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it.”
“You guys heading out tonight?”
“Couple hours,” he sighed, “Sorry for the short notice.”
You shrugged, “No big deal. We always figure it out,” you stood up and gave him a hug, “I’m gonna go pack some shit to bring here with me for the next few days. I’ll try to be back before you guys head out.”
“Alright. Love you.”
“Love you back,” you called to him as you walked out of his dorm.
Later that afternoon, once all of the guys had peeled out of the compound, you realized just how quiet things were at T-M when they weren’t all around causing trouble. It was peaceful but it also felt a little empty. The chaos is what made it feel like home.
You walked into the clubhouse and saw Juice sitting at the bar, typing furiously away at his laptop. You smiled as you sauntered onto the other side of the bar, grabbing one beer for yourself and one for him, popping the caps off on the edge of the bar. You set his next to his laptop and you saw the smile creep across his face even though he didn’t take his eyes off of the screen in front of him.
“Just you and me for the next few days, Juice,” you said with a smirk.
That got his eyes to flick up to you for a moment. He smiled, a nervous laugh slipping out past his lips, “Looks like it.”
“Don’t look so nervous,” you chuckled, “You know I don’t bite.”
It hit Juice that this was the first time that the two of you were going to be left to your own devices for an extended period of time. The idea of it was exciting and terrifying for him all at once. For years he’d admired you and kept it to himself so he wouldn’t catch any of Opie’s wrath. But he had never been able to shake the feeling that maybe, possibly, you felt the same way about him. He was never bold enough to ask, but there was always a feeling in his gut that his feelings weren’t one-sided. There had never been the chance to even try to discuss it, there were always so many other people around, namely your brother and your father. Neither of those men were people that Juice felt like pissing off.
“You crashing here?” he asked.
You nodded as you sipped on your beer, “Yea. Taking Ope’s room. You?”
He nodded, “Always do when the guys leave town. Someone’s gotta stay here and make sure the bad guys don’t get in,” there was a childish grin on his face.
You laughed, “The bad guys just rolled out of town a few minutes ago.”
The two of you existed peacefully with each other as the afternoon bled over into the evening. You were camped out on the picnic table outside the clubhouse, a drink in one hand and a book in the other. You were laying on your back on top of the table, book perched carefully on your chest as you absorbed another page of the story.
You heard Juice’s phone going off, followed quickly by the sound of him answering it. You wanted to eavesdrop, but he was just a little too far away to be able to make out what he was saying. You sat up on the table, swinging your legs so that your feet landed on the bench. You stretched and waited for Juice to step outside.
He came out a couple minutes later, shrugging a hoodie on over his kutte. You saw the confused look on his face and just as you were about to ask him where he was going, he turned and looked at you, “Be back in a bit. Got some shit I gotta handle.”
“Everything okay?”
He nodded, “Yea. Just lock the gate behind me, don’t want you here by yourself unprotected.”
You agreed, fighting the urge to ask all of the questions that were bubbling up in your mind. You watched as he pulled his helmet on and hopped onto his bike. He looked at you and offered up a half-hearted smile before peeling out of the compound. With a heavy sigh, you did as he asked, shutting and locking the gates behind him once he had left.
Your original plan had been to head to bed, but you knew that you weren’t going to be able to fall asleep without knowing that he was back safe and sound in the clubhouse. A million different scenarios were running through your mind as you made your way back to Opie’s dorm. You tried to tune out your own brain as you changed into an old hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. You figured you would just hang out in the clubhouse and wait for Juice to get back—there wasn’t much else to do otherwise especially now that you were locked onto the compound.
Not too long after Juice had left, you got a check-in text from Opie. You didn’t mention that Juice had left you on your own. It was either one of two scenarios: it was club business and Opie knew about it, or it was personal business and Opie didn’t need to know about it. You reassured him that all was quiet.
Juice had been gone for a couple hours and you were starting to get worried. You wanted to reach out, send a text or give him a call, but you refrained. If he needed your help he knew how to reach you. You were sprawled on the couch in the clubhouse, eyes resting shut but still incredibly awake.
You heard the clubhouse door open. You slowly sat up and looked over at Juice, who was clearly trying to step quietly because he thought that you had been asleep. Embarrassment flashed across his features for a moment when he saw you looking at him attempting to tip-toe on the creaky hardwood floors. He looked so much more exhausted than when he had left.
“You okay? Was starting to get a little worried.”
He nodded, “Fine. Just some personal shit going on.”
He had never been a good liar. But you knew that it wasn’t the time to press the issue, “Alright. I’m here if you wanna talk, you know. Every now and then I even have good advice.”
He forced a smile, “Thank you.”
He disappeared back towards the dorms and left you alone in the open expanse of the bar. You sighed, leaning your head back against the arm of the couch. Running your hands down over your face, you let out a quiet groan. You got up off the couch and shut off all the lights in the main area of the bar. It was one of the only times you’d ever seen it empty, clean, and quiet. You headed back towards the dorms.
Stopping just outside Juice’s door, you took a deep breath in to pluck up some courage. You tapped your knuckles lightly on his door that was slightly ajar. You heard some shuffling around before his voice called out for you to come in.
You walked in to see him in a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Your breath got caught in your throat, and for a moment you forgot that you were popping in to check on him. You shook your head to dispel the thoughts. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, feet planted firmly on the floor. He wouldn’t look up at you and it made your heart sink inside your chest.
“You sure you’re alright? If you want some company I—”
“I’m fine,” he cut you off, something he’d never done before, “Goodnight, Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You tried to hide how much it had stung to have him be that short with you. Your voice was soft, “Goodnight.”
You laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. You hated that Juice being short with you had such a negative effect on you, but he’d never been that way with you. The club had been through some serious ups and downs, and even when things felt like they were crumbling, he was always kind and soft with you. It concerned you as much as anything else.
It was reaching into the small hours of the morning and you still hadn’t been able to fall asleep. You huffed, swinging your legs off the bed and standing up. You flipped the hood of your sweatshirt up and made your way out into the clubhouse, hoping that maybe a shot or two of something strong would help put you to sleep. You were fumbling around in the dark when you heard the click of a gun behind you.
“It’s me,” you knew it was Juice, so you didn’t bother to turn around.
“Jesus Christ,” he clicked the safety back on his gun and let his hands drop to his sides, “Why are you up so early?”
“Late,” you corrected, “Never fell asleep.”
“Seriously,” you grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took a swig, cringing as the liquor burned down your throat.
“Whoa, whoa,” Juice walked over and took the bottle from you, “I don’t think that’s the answer to the problem.”
You looked at him, still seeing worry etched into his features, the light in his eyes just a little duller than usual, “What’s going on with you?”
He glanced over at you as he put the bottle away, “What?”
“You heard me. What happened tonight?”
“Is that why you haven’t been able to sleep?”
It felt childish to say, but you did anyway, “You’ve never snapped at me like that.”
He sighed, running his hand along his fauxhawk as he did. He forced himself to look over at you. He couldn’t lie to you but he didn’t want to tell you the truth either. There was too much on the line for both of you.
“It’s nothing that you need to get roped into,” he answered honestly.
“I’m not just Opie’s sister, you know,” you waited for him to look you in the eyes, “I’m your friend. I’m…I’m someone who cares about you. You can talk to me—I’m not just gonna go running to my fucking brother.”
“I know,” his response was immediate, “I know you won’t. It’s not that. It’s just, fuck,” he shook his head, “The whole thing is a mess.”
“C’mon,” you waved for him to walk with you back towards the dorms, “sit and talk with me.”
The two of you found yourselves sat on Juice’s bed. You were both sitting cross-legged, facing each other. Juice twisted his hands nervously in his lap as he started to tell you about everything that had been happening with him and Roosevelt and Potter. He told you about what they had said to him at the meeting that night, about the position that they were putting him in.
“I can’t go to the club with this.”
“Why not?” you knew the situation wasn’t ideal, but there was no one that the club hated more than the feds. If anything, they would be more than willing to help take them down or at the very least run them out of Charming.
“I can’t risk losing this,” he gestured around him to the dorm and clubhouse around him, “It’s the only home, the only family that I’ve got,” he paused, eyes searching your face for a moment, “And I can’t lose you either.”
A wave of warmth washed over you at the sentiment. You reached forward and placed your hands on top of his, “Juice, like it or not, you’re never going to be able to get rid of me. You’re stuck with me now.”
He chuckled, trying to make it seem like his emotions weren’t about to get the better of him, “Promise?”
“Promise,” you nodded towards his nightstand where his laptop was resting, “Grab that for me.”
He did as you asked, but couldn’t hide his confusion as he handed it over to you. You smiled at the expression on his face as you began to start typing away on his keyboard. In that moment he realized he’d never seen you use a computer—you’d never had a reason to around him. He watched in awe as your fingers flew across the keyboard.
You were lying on your stomach on his bed, laptop propped up on his pillow. Juice was lying down beside you, close enough for you to feel the heat radiating off of his body and soaking into yours. You tried not to focus on that as you continued to click through windows and move things around on his desktop.
“Do I get to ask what you’re doing?”
You chuckled, “I’m doing a little information recon,” you glanced over at him with a smile, “You’re not the only one with tech know-how around here, Juicy. I just never wanted to steal your thunder in front of the guys.”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “How kind of you. What’re you looking for, anyway?”
“Dirt,” you replied simply.
“On Potter?” when you nodded in response, he couldn’t hide the doubt that was warping his features, “You’re not going to be able to find anything on him. There’s no way his shit isn’t locked in a vault somewhere behind twenty million walls of encryptions.”
You shook your head, “Oh ye of little faith. No one is clean,” you sighed, “Especially not the fucking feds.”
Juice laughed, “Now you’re sounding like a patch.”
You chuckled, “Might as well be.”
Your typing faltered when you felt his hand slide underneath the warm fabric of your hoodie. His palm rested gently in the center of your back, and he didn’t make any comment about it. You fought to keep your composure, but the warmth seeping into your skin from his was making it difficult.
He rested his chin onto your shoulder and you felt like you were about to combust. He spoke up, his tone gentle, “Thank you.”
“Yea,” you fought to keep your tone even, “of course. You know I’ve always got your back.”
“And I’m sorry. About earlier, I mean. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that—I know you just wanted to help.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” he slid his hand so that his arm was wrapped around you and pulled you close to him, prying your attention away from his computer, “I was just hit with all these thoughts of losing everything that I have here. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
You reveled in the feelings of his arms being wrapped around you. Gently, hesitantly, you reached out and traced your fingers down the side of his face. He let his eyes flutter shut as he leaned into your touch and you could feel your heart swelling inside your chest. There was a softness to him that you hoped he would never lose.
“We’re going to figure this out,” you leaned in and pressed your forehead to his, “Do you trust me?”
He took a deep breath and nodded as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Yea, I do.”
“Juice?” you asked after a few moments of silence.
He pulled away from you just enough so that he could look into your eyes, “Yea?”
“Can I stay here with you tonight?”
His heart was beating fast enough that he could’ve sworn that you could hear it, “Y-yea. Of course.”
You smiled as you shut the laptop and placed it back onto his bedside table. You shimmied yourself underneath the covers and waited for him to do the same. It was going to be a long few days of trying to get as many answers put together before everyone got back, but those were problems for the morning. For now, you focused on the feeling of Juice’s heartbeat against your cheek as you snuggled into him. His hand caressed your back and you let out a quiet hum of contentment. You felt him smile against your forehead before he placed a gentle kiss there.
“Goodnight,” he said softly.
You finally felt your exhaustion starting to kick in, “Goodnight.”
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writingmanaged · 4 years
The Answer
Request: Hey there, I have a request if you want to write it! :) So obviously set in the Marauders Era, the reader is a Ravenclaw and has had a long and rough day and just can't answer the riddle to enter the Ravenclaw common room. So she gets really frustrated and starts crying when for some reason Remus notices her and sneaks her into the Gryffindor common room so she can have a place to sleep? I think that would be really cute :')
A/N: This was so cute and so much fun to right! Thank you SO much for the request, I loved it.
Ship: Remus Lupin x Ravenclaw!Reader
T/W: Anxiety in a way?, a panic attack
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(Y/n) had had enough already. The day was simply terrible. First, it was waking up late. Then, stupid Quirell just had to spill all of his juice on her. By the time she had gotten back to her dorm and changed her clothes she was already late for class. Not only did she loose points for that, but she also had less time than everyone else to complete a test.
The rest of her day wasn't any better. She had gotten into this huge fight with her best friend and she had to spend the rest of her evening alone. She was both physically and emotionally exhausted when she reached the top of the stairs. All she had to do was answer than silly riddle and finally get into the comforting embrace of sleep.
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?
(Y/n)'s mind was completely blank. What? She could barely even hear the riddle. Her mind was blank and she simply couldn't process another thought. No, no, no...
She was way past curfew. Is she couldn't find the answer, then there was no way anyone else could. Because everyone else was inside, in their warm beds, while she was outside and unless her brain started working again she were to sleep there on the cold floor.
Her breathing became unsteady and all she could hear was her blood boiling. She was panicking. Wrong move, she knew it. But she simply couldn't calm down. She hadn't even noticed that big tears had found their way down on her cheeks, like a broken sink that couldn't be closed.
Remus Lupin was pissed. He had never lost a bet before. But how was he supposed to know Lily would agree to dance with James? What had gotten into her? Honestly...
It wasn't like he wanted to stay at that party any longer. Partying wasn't his favourite past time. He'd simply rather stay inside his dorm, under his blanket, with some chocolate and a nice book. But nope! Thanks to his dear Padfoot, he had to go all the way to the Ravenclaw common room and come back.
He thought he could use this as an opportunity to relax into the deadly silence of the empty hall. But instead of that, another bitter melody intruded into his ears and scattered his heart. It was the echo of someone sobbing.
He approached the (y/hc) haired girl and sat down next to her. She seemed familiar, but he couldn't be sure while her face was covered in tears. Remus placed his hand on her shoulder, looking at her in concern. "Are you alright, miss?"
(Y/n) recognised that voice. It couldn't be anyone else but Remus Lupin. He hanged out with those popular Gryffindors but he wasn't arrogant like they were. Or at least she didn't think he was. She had seen him in the library tutoring the first years. He had even given them chocolate.
"I'm fine." She mumbled, not sounding fine at all. Remus was very familiar with behaviours like this, both for his friend and himself. "You don't look fine. Please, let me help you."
(Y/n) wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "Aren't you a Gryffindor? What are you doing here this late at night?"
"Well, one should never have bets with any of my friends." Remus said and laughed, in that soft tone only he knew how to. It helped (Y/n) relax and take deep breaths.
"What's the problem?" He asked her as soon as she relaxed a little.
"I-I can't seem to find the answer to the riddle..." She admitted in embarrassment.
"Let me see if I can help you." He told her and approach the door only to make a confused expression as soon as I heard it. "That is definitely the most weird riddle I've ever heard."
At that (Y/n) laughed. "Isn't it!?" But soon the smile dropped. He couldn't find it either. She was stuck outside, at Peeves' mercy.
Remus looked at her thoughtfully. "You know, there will be a free bed in my room tonight."
"Huh!?" (Y/n) exclaimed, once more embarrassed. Sharing a room with some of the most popular boys in her year?
"Well there is a party in the dormitory tonight. My friends will spend most of the night there if not all of it." He explained. (Y/n) seemed hesitant. "I don't know, Remus... I wouldn't like to make your friends uncomfortable." More like, it's going to be too uncomfortable for me.
"It'll be fine! I promise! Sirius is definitely spending the night outside. He always does." He promised. She was still opposed to the idea, but it sounded better than sleeping on the floor and so she agreed.
On their way down to the Gryffindor common room, Remus kept asking her questions. It turned out he remembered her name from classes. She was right when she thought he was a nice guy. Only nice was definitely not enough to describe him.
The common room was very lively. But (Y/n) didn't even have the strength to turn and look. She simply followed Remus all the way up to his room. "Wait. Won't you get in trouble for this?"
Remus shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Not if no one tells McGonagall."
(Y/n) smiled and sat down on a bed as she looked at the room. It was very odd. As if an invisible line seperated the room. The first two beds were alright. Not too neat, not too messy. The one she was currently seating on, was the definition of cleanness. She was almost terrified of ruining it by sitting. The last two, were a complete mess.
"So um... This one is my bed that you're sitting on. On your left are Frank's and James' beds and on your right are Sirius' and Peter's. Take your pick." Remus told her sweetly.
"Um... Could I maybe take yours? It's alright if not! It's just, I don't even know if the other guys are okay with me sleeping here!" Also, your bed is a dream, she wanted to add but didn't.
"Sure, no problem. I'll just sleep on Sirius'." He agreed without giving it too much of a thought. (Y/n) took off as much of a uniform as possible. She was left in her shirt and skirt, but it still felt rather uncomfortable.
"Would you like one of my shirts for a pijama? I don't mind." He suggested gently as she shyly nodded. He had already let her in his bed, why not?
She tucked herself in his bed, enchanted by his smell, and Remus sat on the messed up sheets with a book on his hand.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)."
"Goodnight, Remus. And thank you..." And like that she drifted into the nicest sleep of her life.
She had probably slept in, but who cares? It's Saturday. She wouldn't have woken up at all if it wasn't for all those male voices discussing something. Their conversation was blurry at first but soon she sorted it out.
"So yeah, apparently she had a bet going on with Marlene..." Someone said. She recognised that voice as James Potter's. Laughter echoed in the room immediately.
"Keep it down, will you!? You'll wake her up!" Remus scolded them. Her sweet Remus... Wait, her?
"Yeah guys, you'll wake up Moony's girlfriend~" Someone, who (Y/n) couldn't recognise said and the guys laughed again. After laughing a bit more (with the exception of Remus who told them to shut up) they kept quiet.
"Has anyone noticed that all our names contain the letter S except for Peter?" James Potter says.
"Ah! That's suspicious! I don't trust you anymore, Pete!"
"Funny, Padfoot..." Peter Pettigrew, (Y/n) guessed, answered to the comment that must have been made by Sirius Black.
And then it hit her. "Oh, merlin's beard..." She mumbled as she stood up.
"oh, (Y/n), good morning. Sorry if we woke you." He smiled weakly towards her.
"It was the letter M..." She sighed.
The guys looked at each other in confused. "Blimey, Lupin, your girlfriend's as weird as you!"
"The letter M..." She repeated. "was the answer to the riddle."
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rat-father · 3 years
Had to build up some confidence but finally decided to write some scp whump <3 well d-class whump more specifically
for my whumpers who aren't in the scp community : scp 012 for more context
Tagging; @sideblogformindtrash
-- tw;; blood mention / unintentional self harm, blood loss, passing out, lab whump, multiple whumpees, panic, mild implied dissociation / derealisation, implied previous child abuse, temporary whumpee turned caretaker, miscommunication, multiple whumpers / caretakers --
„I said that I was cold, not that I wanted to cuddle.“ Vivek complained.
„Well, this is what my dad would do in the winter when it got really cold. We would sleep in the same bed and share our body heat to keep us warm,“ Sakari said. „And considering the fact that you're hugging me back, I don't think you're against it.“
He huffed, chin resting on top of their head as they hid in the crook of his neck. Their hair was still damp from the shower, smelling mildly of cheap shampoo. „I guess it does help,“ he begrudgingly grumbled.
„Doesn't mean I like it! And don't you dare say that I do.“
Sakari's laugh got muffled by the fabric of his shirt. A mix of feelings stormed inside their brain, feeling that everything went by too fast those 3 short days. From the invitation with promise of money, to the pick up in the lone street, the pain of fresh ink burning letters into their skin, and now laying in bed with a murderer. Ultimately, their thoughts kept bringing them back to their dad, sick on the streets with nothing to help. It was stupid accepting such a sketchy thing, 30 days of work for 50k, it was too good to be true. But what other choice did they have?
A hiccuped sob escaped them, accompanied by silent tears.
„I miss him,“ they admitted, more to themselves then the prisoner next to them.
He hummed sympathetically. „Homesickness is something you'll get over.“ He was quiet for a couple seconds, quickly adding. „Maybe 'home' isn't the best word, uh.“
They gave a small smile. „I get what you mean.“
„If they take you for testing, then,“ Vivek inhaled deeply. „You don't have my permission to die.“
„Wasn't planning to, but I'll keep it in mind.“
Vivek attempted to focus on the words coming from the blabbering prisoner sitting in front of him. He was more interested in whatever he was going on about than the mushy food they expected him to eat. It was better quality then other prisons he'd been to at least, and didn't taste like salted cardboard. He couldn't ignore the other's foot constantly tapping against the ground, leg twitching in sync. He looked like he had to much sugar and caffeine for breakfast, words rolling off his tongue non stop while making wild gestures with his hands. Vivek didn't even know his name, he hadn't bothered introducing himself before starting his rant.
„Were you zoning out just then, Vi?“ 83' chuckled.
83' didn't care to give his name either, but he was distinct enough to recognize even without proper name. Significantly older then everyone else, hair whiter then his skin and surprisingly fluid in his movements. He wondered how his muscles still worked so well. His voice was gentle, albeit croaky.
Vivek glanced at the others, deep in conversation. „Yeah. Don't care for what he's saying.“ He leaned back, reading the numbers on the shirt of the guy in front him. 6499.
83' clapped him on his back. „He is a talkative young man for sure. My son had ADHD. He also used to talk for what felt like hours on end sometimes.“
He nodded along, mind drifting back to Sakari. They certainly enjoyed starting conversations as well. He remembered seeing them talk to minimum 4 different people before the introduction speech.
„You don't have my permission to die.“ His own words echoed in his head, replaying like a broken record. Those words meant nothing beyond the surface, it wouldn't stop them from getting killed in this place. Permission to die was stupid. He might as well pretend to put a spell on them to make then invincible, that would be about as useful.
Sakari's heart pounded in their chest, deafening the voice attempting to reach their ears. Worry and dread knotted together in their stomach, confusion blanking their mind of rational thought. Their stayed fixated on the paper in front of them, stepping forward without a choice. It was harder to breath. Humidity around them heating their body. They felt awfully aware of their own existence, yet distant from the world. It was one blur, except for the urge to finish the song. That one. That song. The song and dance they played. The one their dad played. Pain seared through them as he hit them, as blood trickled down. Clotted blood running down their arm. Seeping in their fingernails, burning through paper like acid. Acid he spat as he insulted them, cutting deeper inside. Pounding got louder to the beat. It was a joke he was. A small joke. A small note on the page. The face they saw, they closed their eyes. The skulls were nice. The bunnies weren't prevalent. Speedy bunnies running, hitching their breath, invading their lungs. Those unwritten notes, unwritten until end of time. Their legs felt weak under them, fountains of water rolling down them. Written welcoming warmth.
Vivek held back a sigh hearing the metal door open once more. He sat up in his bed, expecting to see another guard there to take him. He nearly jumped in relief instead seeing Sakari walk in, clutching their lower arm. They meekly smiled at him, sitting down next to him. They curled up on their side as he moved to give them more space. Their feet were inches away from his leg, digging into the hard mattress.
„Are you okay?“ He asked. A stupid question, he thought to himself, the answer was pretty clear.
„Could be better,“ they mumbled, thumb absentmindedly rubbing over their arm.
„What happened? You look like you're about to pass out.“
„Lost a bit of blood is all. Wouldn't be an issue if I had eaten beforehand. But alas.“
„Let me see,“ He didn't wait for them to react, pulling their arm away from their chest. He rolled up their sleeve, inspecting the bloodied bandage wrapped around them. They sat up, wincing at the grip.
„What did they do?“
„Would you believe me if I said I did it to myself?“
He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He shook his head. „You wouldn't do that.“
„You haven't known me for that long, I very well could be someone to do that,“ Sakari paused. „But you're right, I wouldn't do it. I'm not entirely sure what happened. I do remember waking up in some infirmary, and getting a cookie.“
„A.. Cookie?“
„Yeah! And apple juice. That was good. Turns out you pass out faster from blood loss if you haven't eaten for hours.“ They laughed.
Vivek sat appalled, staring at them with wide eyes. „You nearly died and you just.. Don't care?“
„I'm not dead, am I? After all,“ they leaned forward. „I don't have your permission to. So what's the point in worrying about something that could've happened, but didn't?“
He rolled his eyes. „Alright. Fair point. I guess I'm just worried about you,“ he mumbled quietly.
„You? Worried about me?“
„Shut the fuck up.“
His words cut them deeper then the wound, flinching before they could stop it. They silently climbed out the bed to move up to their own. He called after them, grabbing them by their sleeve to hold them in place.
„What's wrong now? I wasn't being serious!“
Sakari glared at him through the corner of their eye. He groaned.
„I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know you were sensitive.“
He caught a glimpse of their teary eyes as they shook their head. They pulled themselves out his grasp, entering the small bathroom off to the side. He stood in place, baffled by what happened. Reluctantly he jumped back onto the bed, crossing his arms. The shower turned on, steaming water filling the empty silence for the rest of the night.
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beck-a-leck · 3 years
I had a crappy day today. Could you please cheer me up with some fluffy drabble? It could be from any fandom.
Oh, Nonny, I'm so sorry you had a bad day! I can't physically be there to give you a cup of hot cocoa, wrap you up in a blanket, and give you a kiss on the forehead, but I hope you know this is me doing so in spirit 💜 I hope you day gets better! Or at the very least, you have a quiet, relaxing night and a fresh start tomorrow.
I hope Trio of Towns is a good fandom choice. It's been on my brain recently. Enjoy some HollyxLudus care taking.
Holly pushed into her house with a low, long sigh. Today had been extremely long and trying and she was about ten seconds or one small inconvenience from giving up on everything entirely and crawling into bed.
Nothing had gone right today. She'd tripped over one of her chickens this morning and dropped and broke the entire basket of eggs she'd just collected. She'd tried to help around town and do some deliveries, but got them all mixed up and then delivered late. She'd gotten mud all over a brand new dress, spilled a glass of milk at lunch, messed up an entire batch of cheese, gotten stung by a bee, and had only realized as she was walking to her house, defeated, hungry, ready for dinner and an early bedtime to just get this crappy day over with, she had forgotten to set out the meat to that so she could cook dinner.
That was Holly's last straw.
She looked at the clean and empty plate she'd meant to put the frozen meat on, sitting there innocently on her kitchen counter, and burst into tears.
Stupid, pointless tears, because crying over this wouldn't fix anything (she was literally crying over spilled milk). But as Holly cried, all she could hear was her father's voice, repeating every self-deprecating and doubtful thought she'd been telling herself all day. If this was the way she was going to act facing a few minor inconveniences, then maybe she wasn't ready to live on her own and be a farmer.
And that just made Holly cry more. She collapsed on her couch, buried her face in the pillows and cried until her tears ran dry, and she was left feeling hollow and miserable and pathetic, and on top of everything now she had a headache.
Holly's sniffles had just faded when there was a knock on her front door. Four confident, rapid strikes against her door. She knew those knocks.
Holly didn't get up to open the door.
The knocks came again, accompanied by Ludus' voice. "Holly? You in?"
Holly didn't want to see Ludus. Sure he was her boyfriend, and he was kind of supposed to be there for these things, but they'd only just started dating a few weeks back. Seeing her mid-breakdown might send him running, and Holly didn't think she could handle a broken relationship on top of everything else tonight.
Still, instead of just lying there silently in her house, out of sight from the windows, and waiting for Ludus to assume she wasn't home, she called out plaintively, "Noooo, Holly's not here," and buried her head beneath a pillow.
"I'm letting myself in."
Holly heard the door latch click, the hinges squeak slightly as the door swung open. Ludus stepped in, dropped something on the table before walking slowly over to her.
Holly didn't move the pillow from her face, but also didn't stop Ludus from lifting it away. He was crouching next to her, frowning in quizzical concern.
"You okay, kui'po? What's wrong?"
Holly sniffed, still feeling particularly pathetic. "I had a bad day."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Okay." Ludus smiled gently. "You hungry? I brought dinner."
Holly considered it and nodded. Dinner sounded nice. She sat up, wiping her eyes and nose. "Can I help?"
Ludus chuckled, and kissed her on the cheek. "I've got it handled. You just take a minute to relax. It's mostly ready. Sit tight."
Holly did as instructed, and in just a minute Ludus was delivering an iced, fruity drink into her hands - paper umbrella included.
"Coconut water, mango juice, passion fruit; should help the headache."
Holly laughed weakly and took a sip. "How did you know?"
"I always get a headache when I have a bad day."
And just a minute later, Ludus was setting two plates on the coffee table. "Pineapple curry, courtesy of Carosello."
"Thank you." Holly graciously dug in, and after a few bites things began to feel a significantly better.
After they finished eating, she leaned into Ludus, sitting next to her on the couch. "This was exactly what I needed. Thank you."
"I'm just glad I could make your day better, kui'po. That's what boyfriends are for, yeah? Fixing the bad days." He put his arm around Holly, pulling her into a hug.
"Well, not just that. But I appreciate you fixing mine. How did you know?"
"When I saw you earlier, you looked a little frazzled. I thought if I could surprise you and take dinner off your hands, that might help."
"It did. It really did." Holly snuggled up into his side. She sighed in contentment. "You know, when you showed up, I almost pretended I wasn't home. I was going to just stay home alone and be miserable by myself. I didn't want you seeing me like this. All snotty and pathetic."
"Nana always says sometimes you feel so much better after a good cry. There's no shame in it."
"She's a smart lady, your grandmother. I'm glad you came over. Maybe crying made me feel a little better, but dinner helped a lot more."
Ludus pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I guess now's a good time to mention, I brought ice cream for dessert, too."
Holly smiled. It was kind of funny how quickly a bad day could be turned around with a little love and care (and ice cream).
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
Temptation (pt. 3)
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RATING: M/smut (cw: prior sexual harrassment mentioned)
WORD COUNT: 14.6k jesUs
CATEGORIES: fratboy!harry
He paid the price in Nora not being his. He couldn’t say anything when he saw guys looking at her from across the room, he couldn’t hold her hand when they walked down the sidewalk on campus, he couldn’t touch her whenever he wanted in public. There was a barrier they maintained during daylight hours—no contact in public. At night when everyone else was drunk they broke that rule and could barely keep their hands off each other, lasting on the dance floor of the parties for a mere thirty minutes before going up to Harry’s. But he couldn’t show her off the world, couldn’t sing her praises, couldn’t call her his. At least, not in the way that mattered. He called her his during sex, but that wasn’t the same, he couldn’t distinguish the fervor of sex from the reality of his feelings. And it pained him more than he had expected.
Because he was Nora’s.
She just wasn’t his.
Nora can’t figure out what she wants and Harry gets hurt in the process.  (part three of this / fratboy!harry)
Harry woke to the sound of his door opening and an empty bed. Nora was standing at the end of his bed tugging on her pants, hair a beautiful mess.
“Oi, what’re you doing?”
Nora looked up and saw that Harry was awake, sitting up on his elbows and staring at her in confusion. She didn’t want to run out, but she had to. She had a fucking UTI and she was going to have to pee every five seconds, she needed cranberry juice, and she wanted to deal with all of those things not at a fraternity house. “I gotta run,” she said simply.
“Where?” Harry looked over to his alarm clock. “It’s eight AM on a Sunday. Where’re you going?”
“The store,” she replied. “Gotta pick up some things.” She buttoned her jeans and reached for her shirt, long forgotten on the ground.
Harry sat up fully, confused. Who would go to the store at eight in the morning on a Sunday when they could stay in bed? Especially with him? He didn’t want her to leave. “And get what?”
“Jesus Christ, you’re so nosy.” Nora pulled her shirt over her head, exasperated. “I’ve got to get some cranberry juice, okay? And then I have to go home and spend all day by my toilet.”
“What? Why?”
This boy was clueless. But then again, he was also a boy, so what was she to expect. “I’ve got a fucking UTI, H.”
Realization dawned on his face immediately. “Oh.” And then suddenly, he was out of bed, grabbing a fresh pair of boxers, a shirt, and a pair of jeans from his drawers. Nora watched him and tried not to ogle at his muscles as he lifted hisi arms to get his shirt on, or the way his hair flopped into his face ever so slightly when he pulled on his jeans.
“What are you doing?”
Harry stood up and grabbed his keys from his dresser. “Going to the store for you. Now get back in bed, put on some of my clothes that are comfortable, and tell me what exactly you need.”
He pulled her into his body and pressed the most soft and delicate kiss to her cheek. “I’ve got an older sister. Know how much these things suck and I seriously doubt you want to move much farther than to and from the toilet. So get back into my bed and let me take care of you, okay?”
Looking back, that was the moment that Nora fell for him. Right there, Harry holding her close and telling her to let him take care of her. “Okay,” she said, because how was she going to deny him? Plus, his bed was more comfortable than hers, and he was right, the idea of getting in an Uber and going to the store and then home sounded horrific because she already had to pee again.
“Now, what do you need?”
“Pure cranberry juice,” she told him. “No sugars, no sweetener, no mixed with anything else—pure, unfiltered, cranberry juice, and two bottles of sparkling water.”
Harry nodded, memorizing her words. “That it?”
Nora bit the inside of her cheek. “Some Monostadt if you’re feeling courageous.”
“What’s that?”
“Medicine of sorts. Probably will be in with the tampons and stuff.”
Harry’s cheeks reddened—he couldn’t help it—but he just nodded. “Text me if you think of anything else, okay? I’ll be back in a jiffy. And ignore anyone if they tell you to hurry up in the bathroom.” He kisses her forehead with such kindness that Nora possibly melts right there on the floor, and then he’s out the door.
Harry finds Nora curled up in his bed in his Fleetwood Mac shirt, hair pulled up in a messy bun, and reading his copy of Americanah that he was reading for a Literature class. Looking back, this was the moment Harry fell for her. His heart stops a bit at her in his clothes, in his bed, waiting for him, but he pushes the thought from his brain.
“Got a few different kinds,” he says, rousing her attention from the book. “Wanted to make sure it was right.”
Nora sits up and watches him pull three cartons of cranberry juice out of the bag, two bottles of sparkling water, a pack of Monostadt, two bars of chocolate, and some chips. She hadn’t asked for the snacks, but he thought she would want them and that warmed her heart, and the fact that he braved the tampon aisle for her gave her immediately more respect for him. She surveyed the options and saw he had gotten two that would work. “Those two are good,” she said.
“Perfect,” he said. He grabbed a cup from his desk and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Supposed to mix the cranberry juice and sparkling, I assume?” She nodded. “And the juice is pretty strong?” She nodded again. “Ok. Let me mix something and you tell me if it needs more of one or the other.”
“Ok, Mr. Bartender,” she said and Harry chuckled. He poured the two together, focusing on making sure it wouldn’t be too strong for her to sip on. He handed her the cup and she took a sip—perfect. “S’good,” she said. “Thank you.”
He smiled at her, proud of his ability to make the perfect thing for her. “Course. Now shove over so I can get in with you.”
Nora blushed, scooted over, and watched him get undressed. He stripped down to just his boxers, and then crawled into bed next to her. “Thank you for doing this,” she said softly, carefully edging closer to him so her head was on his shoulder. “It’s a bit awkward, you know. We just...” Had sex, she almost said.
“Hey,” he said softly. He pushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of her bun behind her ear, fingertips trailing down her cheek. “I wanted to do it. Don’t care if it’s awkward.” He pressed another chaste kiss to her forehead, and then grabbed a remote from his bedside table. “Now, want to watch a David Attenborough nature documentary with me?”
“I’ve been meaning to watch Our Planet,” she said, settling in next to him.
Harry decided that she couldn’t get more perfect.
They laid in bed for most of the day watching nature documentaries and ended up cuddling without even thinking about it. Harry discovered that he loves Nora’s head on his shoulder, their legs tangled at the end of the bed, a thin blanket tugged over them to keep them warm in the late January cold that the heat can’t keep out. Sometimes her fingers found his skin and drew outlines over his tattoos, which never ceased to pull a sharp inhale from him and a plea that she didn’t pull away. But she always did. Nora was better at keeping her boundaries up—she didn’t hold his hand, she didn’t snuggle into him too much—there was almost a reticence to the way she relaxed into him. She wouldn’t stop fidgeting and even when she relaxed, he knew she wasn’t letting her full bodyweight lean into him.
She was up and down constantly to go pee and he kept pouring her more glasses of cranberry juice and sparkling water, but her UTI didn’t go away. He asked about it hesitantly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, and she just blushed before shaking her head. After another trip to the toilet, she reached for the Monostadt from where it’s been sitting on his dresser.
“You okay, Cherry?” The nickname popped out and he immediately remembered saying it the night before, balls deep inside of her and the image made him harden immediately. He tried to disguise it with the blanket, but Nora saw it without him knowing. The image made her smile inside, the reality of what she did to Harry making her quite happy.
“S’not getting better,” she said. “Gonna take this and hope it helps.”
“Need anything?” He asked and she shook her head before heading back to the toilet. He leaned back against the pillows and sighed, keeping the documentary paused so she didn’t miss anything in her absence. His phone buzzed with a text and he grabbed it, swiping it open. It was Nash.
Who’s the girl who is going in and out of the bathroom and your room?
Nash lived upstairs, but he must’ve been cleaning the house and noticed Nora. Her name’s Nora. She’s not feeling too great.
Aren’t you a gentlemen
Harry chuckled before placing the phone back on the nightstand, the sound of Nora re-entering the bedroom making him want to forget everything else. She was on the phone, he realized when she stepped inside, but she was speaking in another language.
“Je vais bien, maman,” she said. It was French, he realized. He didn’t know she spoke French and the sound of it falling from her lips turned him on more than he wanted to admit. “Mon ami prend soin de moi.” She leaned against the door as she spoke to her mother, Harry understanding that much. “Non, un garçon. Non, on ne sort pas ensemble. Maman, arrête.” She sighed, her eyes catching with Harry’s, and she rolled her eyes. Sorry, she mouthed and Harry shook his head, as if to say No matter. “Maman, je dois y aller, d'accord? Je t'appellerai plus tard. Je t’aime. Salut.”
“You speak French?” He asked, amazed.
She nodded. “My mom’s French.”
“That’s so cool that you know French and German.”
Nora tried ignore the way the fact that he remembered that she spoke German made her heart warm. Without a word she laid down next to him, pulling the blanket up around her shoulders. “You can start it,” she said, and Harry followed her directions.  
They laid in his bed until almost five o’clock, at which point Harry suggested they order food. They decided on sushi and they picked out a bunch of rolls and dumplings to try, and Harry grabbed the food when it arrives, making a spread on his bed for them. He didn’t tell her that he usually doesn’t let people eat on his bed because he made an exception for her, not being able to bear the idea of making her go downstairs and eat when she looked so cuddled up and warm in his blanket. They finished another documentary and it was seven o’clock when Nora declared it was time for her to go home. She was feeling better, she reassured a worried Harry, and Maddy was at home to take care of her. He insisted on driving her and Nora wore his Fleetwood Mac shirt with her jeans out of the frat house, since Harry wouldn’t let her give it back to him. He made sure she didn’t have to talk to any of his brothers downstairs, coming to grab her when he knew the coast was clear, and she appreciated it—she didn’t want to get whistled at or questioned, just to go home.
His car was a Prius, which Nora smiled at. He was so unlike any other fraternity brother she had ever met and he intrigued her more than she wanted to admit. When he turned on the car, Elton John blasted from the speakers and when Harry went to turn it down, Nora grabbed his hand and shook her head, telling him to keep it. He drove her home and they sang Elton John at the top of their lungs, both grinning from ear to ear, catching each other’s eyes sometimes. Harry loved seeing her in his car, loved having her around all day. When he dropped her off, she hopped out of his car without a kiss and he tried to ignore how it made his heart sink. He hated watching her walk away from him and inside her building.
It’s just sex, he thought to himself. It was what he had told himself time and time again and what he kept having to remind himself of.
The thing was, though, he was starting to have doubts.
In class, Harry checked in with Nora about how she was feeling and when she told him she was all better he smiiles warmly at her. They went and studied together after class, but Nora picked up her books around three and told him she was heading out, barely a look over her shoulder at him as she walked out.
She was creating distance. She needed it—after she’d spent all day with him she needed to remember that it was just sex, nothing more. When he dropped her off, she had gone into her apartment breathless purely from being around him and that whole night all she could think about was him. She needed space to figure out what was going on, to get her feelings in check. Nora had a life that she needed to focus on, grades to keep up, friends to see, an internship to search for. She filled her nights with homework and the job search instead of texting Harry, her mother reminding her that she needed to turn in applications soon if she wanted her dream internship position in London with the archival research department at the Museum of London. (She’d gone the past summer with her parents and fallen in love with the history of the city and decided she had to work there.) It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be around Harry, it was that she couldn’t. Everytime she was around him she felt this itch to fucking touch him and she couldn’t handle it anymore. She couldn’t handle how much she wanted to kiss him and curl her fingers in his hair and feel him between her legs. Nora needed air, she needed to re-calibrate, she needed to remember that she didn’t want to date and especially not a fraternity boy.
Harry’s texts went unanswered for the most part, other than the occasional quick response to something related to their classwork. He tried not to wonder if he’d done something wrong, but it was hard when he went from caring for her and her UTI to feeling iced out. Nora acted normal in class, small talk and shared laughter when their professor did something funny. But it wasn’t the same as usual and Harry was confused. When he asked Nash about it, he looked at Harry and said, “you’re just hooking up, right?” That made Harry self-concious—was he having feelings for her? And if so, did she not feel the same pull that he did between them? Being around Nora this week made him realize how much he just enjoyed her company, whether they were talking or studying or just sitting next to each other in class. He simply missed her, despite how much he tried to convince himself he didn’t.
He invited her to a party that weekend, hoping the weekend would mean he would be able to see her, but she responded a few hours later with a simple Sorry, I can’t :(. He spent the party sulking in the corner, sipping on whiskey and watching people have fun before going upstairs and calling it a night earlier than normal. Nash noticed and when he asked, Harry just replied, “She’s not here.”
The next week was just like before. They chatted in class, but beyond that it was radio silence. She responded to his texts even less and Harry was a confused mess. He threw himself into his school work, getting ahead on readings that he didn’t need to do for two weeks. All he wanted was an explanation, but he was too scared to even ask why she was doing it. Did she wants to stop hooking up? Had she been freaked out by his kindness? Maybe it was the nature documentaries. Did she want him to be more like Nash? More aloof? Did she want him not to care? Because he didn’t know if he could.
That weekend DSig had another party, but this time Harry told Niall, who was seeing Nora’s friend Maddy, he discovered, to invite them. Niall did as Harry had asked, but he didn’t know if they would come. And when Friday rolled around, Harry was stood in the kitchen, alone, drinking whiskey. Again.
Maddy and her friends had arrived, but Nora wasn’t with them. When Harry had asked her about Nora, Maddy had shook her head and said that Nora “wasn’t feeling it”.
“Harry!” It was Nash and he was properly drunk. “My man! Why aren’t you drunk, bro?”
Harry raised at his cup. “I’m drinking still.”
Nash looked in the cup and grimaced. “We’re doing shots,” he declared, looking around the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of tequila, two limes, and handed a shot glass to Harry. The shots were doubles and Harry wasn’t looking forward to it, but he did it anyways, because if Nora wasn’t going to be there then he at least wanted to have fun. He was entitled to have his fun—after all, he was Harry Styles, as Nash kept reminding him. He was hot and people were into him right and left, guys and girls alike.
So Harry decided to have fun. He did four shots, his mind whirring by the end, and followed Nash to the sweaty dance floor. The music overtook him and he let go, blissfully and fully. He danced with girls who he could tell were interested, but everytime he looked at them all he could think about was how they weren’t Nora. Sure, they were pretty, but they didn’t look at him like she did. He danced with them anyways, but when they leaned in to kiss him he stepped away and found his friends again, not wanting someone else to touch his lips because Nora had touched them last.
It was after midnight when he stopped dancing. He was hot, trashed, and wanted Nora. He just wanted her, not some other girl to fill the Nora-shaped hole in his night. It wasn’t until this moment that Harry, drunk off his ass, realized just how deep he was. Something was different with her and he didn’t know why or what it was, but he needed it more than he needed to be at this party. So he pulled out his phone and called himself an Uber, not even telling Nora he was coming because he didn’t want her to turn him away.
The knock on the door had Nora looking at her clock and sighing. It was almost one and she was exhausted—she was winding down for bed and watching a documentary on deforestation, finishing a glass of wine, skin fresh from a face mask. Maddy was out with Taylor and Lauren, but Nora had stayed in. She wasn’t sure why, but when they’d asked her to come to the party with them, she had said no. The idea of seeing Harry made her nervous—the last time she’d been at his party they had hooked up, and she didn’t know if she was in a place where she could do that and not have questions after. So she avoided the situation entirely.
But when she opened the door to find Harry standing in front of her, she was just as lost. “H?”
Harry smiled at the nickname, it settling the part of him that was nervous to see her. “Cherry. Hi.”
“What’re you doing here?”
“Seeing you.”
“I noticed,” she replied. “Why?”
“Wanted to see you.”
She took another look at him and realized he was drunk. Quite drunk, in fact. “How’d you get here?”
That was a relief at least—he hadn’t drive himself. “Come on inside. You’ll freeze out there.” He’d not brought a jacket and Nora could see the raised goosebumps on his exmposed arms, the tattoos littering his body open for the world to see.
He kicked his shoes off in the entryway and watched as Nora poured him a glass of water. She rummaged through the cabinets before pulling out an Advil, which she handed to him. He took both, murmuring a thanks under his breath. She leans back against the counter and watched him, his presence in her apartment all consuming and more comforting than she had expected. He smelled of sweat and alcohol, but underneath it she could taste his cologne, the memories of it rushing back to her like a freight train. Him, close to her as he fucked her deep and fast, begging for her to finish. She pressed her legs together at the memory.
“Why are you here?” She asked him again, breaking the silence stretching between them.
Harry leaned on the kitchen island, his elbows digging into the granite countertops. “You didn’t come tonight.”
“Didn’t feel like going out,” she explained. She hadn’t expected him to be so disappointed, but she could read it on his face.
“You’ve been dodging my texts and not spending time with me.”
“I’ve been busy.”
“Bullshit,” he replied, his voice hard in the quiet of the room. She wasn’t answering him and he was about done with it. She was standing there, staring him down, and completely ignoring the meaning behind his questions. He wanted answers, goddamn it—he wanted to understand her. “We’re all busy. It’s more than that and I don’t get it. Did I miss something? Did I do something?”
The way his voice trailed off at the end, emotion radiating through his words, had Nora’s heart aching. She hadn’t meant to hurt him—she had been selfish, needing the time away from him and ignoring how it would affect him, or that it would affect him at all. “I needed space,” she said, trying to find the words.
Harry’s eyes met hers and the way they bore into her soul made her stop fidgeting for once and concentrate on him. “But why, Nora?”
The way he said her name made her realize she had to be honest with him. “We’re just hooking up,” she said, the words sandpaper on her tongue. “And I needed space to make sure it stayed that way. I’m not in the position for anything more and I didn’t want you to be confused.”
Harry didn’t reply. He just looked at her. Maybe it was the alcohol or the hour, but Nora thought she saw disappoint and defeat in his eyes. And if she did, she had nothing to offer him. She didn’t have the psace in her life for someone else right now, only herself. People were complicated, especially relationships, and Nora didn’t want that. She wanted simplicity and hooking up with Harry would only stay simple if she kept it that way.
“I know we’re just hooking up,” he reponded finally. The lie was bitter on Harry’s tongue, because she did need to. The minute her words met Harry’s ears he knew that he was craving more. He had fallen with her, one way or another, somewhere in the week he had known her. His crush was full-fledged and suffocating, because when he looked at her he could barely look away. In her oversized sweatshirt and tiny shorts, her hair loose and messy, face clean of makeup and eyes weary with exhaustion. So when he looked away from her, it took every bone in his body, but he knew if he continued to look at her she would know he was lying. And he wasn’t ready to lose her yet. “You didn’t need to avoid me to make that clear, you know.”
His answer brought comfort to her—he felt the same way, that it was just sex. He didn’t need more, he wouldn’t complicate her life. He would let her be her and not ask for more. “I’m sorry,” she told him. “Shouldn’t have done it.”
He watched as she rounded the corner of the kitchen island and came up to him, her body mere inches away from him. Harry could smell her coconut shampoo and see the wrinkles between her brows from when she frowned. The desire to touch her was almost too much for him. “I survived.”
Nora wanted to touch him with every bone in her body. She wanted to feel his skin under fingers and watch him inhale as she scratched down his back. Since they were on the same page, she realized she had no reason to stop herself anymore.
Watching closely, he exhaled sharply as she touched him for the first time. It was soft, reticent, a reminder and a memory of before. A simple brush of her forefinger down the length of his bicep that had his heart beating faster in his chest. “Cherry,” he said, his voice gravely with desire.
When their eyes met, a simple understanding passed between them in seconds. And then Harry was pulling her up, her legs were around his waist, and he was walking her into her room, their lips melded together as if no time had passed. They hadn’t forgotten how to kiss one another, it was like muscle memory, the need for one another feeding through their skin as they kissed, a shared desire for more and more.
Nora dropped to her bed and she wasted no time with shedding her clothing, her shirt and pants coming off before Harry could even tug off his shirt. He wasn’t drunk anymore—their conversation had sobered him—but when he looked at her skin, he thought he might be intoxicated again because he couldn’t get enough. Sheets curled in her fingers as he pressed his lips to her body, murmurs of how beautiful she was and how much he wanted her flowing from him freely. Gasping, she reached for his chin and pulled him up to her, needing him to kiss her properly again. Which he did. He ground into her, desperate for her to feel him, and Nora moaned at the feeling. How had she managed to go two weeks without him between her thighs?
“Need you,” she said, breathless.
He looked up from where he was attached to her nipple. “Where do you want me, princess?”
“You know where.”
Once he might’ve made her spell it out, but he was too spellbound. He lowered himself flat on his stomach and tugged her panties aside without another word, pressing his tongue to her hot skin.
Things passed like that for a few weeks. They texted each other when they needed one another, Nora went to Harry’s parties just for Harry, and they flirted all through their class. Nora was comfortable with where they’d left things—clear and precise on the fact that they were nothing more than friends who were fucking. No relationship and no future of one.
Harry, on the other hand, couldn’t shake the disappointment he felt that night when she told him they were just hooking up. It poured through every fiber of his being and the more time he spent around her the more he knew that he had messed up. Royally. He had missed the opportunity to tell her how he felt, he had missed the opportunity to steer their relationship in a different direction and he was going to pay the price.
He paid the price in Nora not being his. He couldn’t say anything when he saw guys looking at her from across the room, he couldn’t hold her hand when they walked down the sidewalk on campus, he couldn’t touch her whenever he wanted in public. There was a barrier they maintained during daylight hours—no contact in public. At night when everyone else was drunk they broke that rule and could barely keep their hands off each other, lasting on the dance floor of the parties for a mere thirty minutes before going up to Harry’s. But he couldn’t show her off the world, couldn’t sing her praises, couldn’t call her his. At least, not in the way that mattered. He called her his during sex, but that wasn’t the same, he couldn’t distinguish the fervor of sex from the reality of his feelings. And it pained him more than he had expected.
Because he was Nora’s.
She just wasn’t his.
It was a Friday night and Nora wasn’t at DSig—a rarity. Maddy, Taylor, and Lauren had convinced her to go to the bars with them, telling her they needed a girls night. That she had been spending all of her time with Harry (a lie) and they missed her. So she dressed up, looking hot as fuck if she said so herself, and got drunk with her girls. They played drinking games in her and Maddy’s living room until they were all perfectly wasted, before taking an Uber to Slots.
At first, it was just the girls. The music flowing, dancing at the table they get in the corner, dragging each other onto the tiny and cramped dance floor. It was sweaty and drunk and so much fucking fun.
But then, some boys who Taylor knows came over, and one of them had eyes only for Nora. He was tall, but not as tall as Harry, with dark brown hair, but not as curly and gorgeous as Harry’s, and blue eyes, but they didn’t pierce her heart the way Harry’s do. His name was Leo and he stuck to Nora all night. She let him too, basking in the attention, loving when he bought her drinks and asked her about her classes and her life. She asked him about his and the more they talked the more Nora thought he was cute. Not in the way that Harry was—Harry was hot—but Leo was cute in his own way. A bit unsure, fumbled for words, searching for the way to say something in a way that Nora would like. She loved the power that surged through her veins at knowing that she was desired by someone other than Harry.
Leo was a Economics major and planned on working on Wall Street after college. He was from a few towns over from their college and had planned to go here most of his life. He wasn’t in a fraternity, but he was in a couple of clubs and they discovered quickly that they had some mutual friends. He was kind and made horrible jokes that Nora laughed at anyways because she saw that he wanted her to laugh. No—he needed her to laugh. He listened intently when she told him about her major, about her interest in German history, about her time abroad. He asked her questions and listened, diving deeper and asking her more and more. She felt like he wanted to know her in a way she wasn’t used to and she was surprised, but also flattered. Harry didn’t ask her these things, they just came up in conversation. But Leo sought them out, desperate for more information about her.
So when he asked for her number at the end of the night, she didn’t hesitate to give it to him. She didn’t know what to expect, but it couldn’t be anything big.
But when he texted her in the morning asking if she wanted to get coffee that afternoon, she was thrown off guard. She had told herself she wasn’t going to date anyone. But it was almost March and she had been seeing Harry and a part of her was intrigued by Leo. She wanted to get to know him, see what he was about. If all else failed, she could always tell him it wasn’t going to work out, she decided. So she said yes.
Harry was working Saturday afternoon shift, aka his least favorite shift. He usually spent the afternoons in the library or his room working on readings or writing papers. He had to work on his paper for the Urban Studies class he had with Nora, actually, he realized as he flipped the switch on the espresso machine. Would she want to help him outline maybe? It would be an excuse to hang out with her in a purely PG environment, something he was increasingly trying to find excuses for. He wanted more from his relationship with Nora and had decided he was going to try and ease into the idea—take it slow. Maybe they’d just…end up dating?
Somehow he sensed her presence the second she stepped in the door of the coffeeshop. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, a simple white tshirt and jeans that showed off her body in the ways he loved seeing. He watched her eyes lift from the floor and then they met his, a look of shock running across her face. Somehow they’d yet to have the discussion about which coffee shop he worked at, but here she was when he was working behind the bar making espressos and fancy coffees. Then, her eyesight shifted without even a smile in his direction, and he watched helplessly as she made her way over to a boy who had come in 15 minutes earlier—he was seated in the corner. He’d ordered some flavored latte, and Harry decided that was reason enough to hate him. He had never seen the kid before, but that wasn’t impossible at their school, especially if he wasn’t in a frat or in his classes.
“Harry.” He turned and Lauren, the other barista was looking at him in confusion. “You okay?”
He glanced back at Nora, her eyes bright and a smile dancing across her face. “Fine.” He grabbed the coffee cup Lauran handed him and turned back to the espresso machine, placing the cup under the drip and staring daggers at the back of this kid’s head.
Not too long after, Nora rose, her wallet in hand, and made her way to the bar. This guy wasn’t even going to buy her coffee? Maybe it wasn’t a date, he thought to himself. Any guy who didn’t take Nora out was an idiot, but that was a thought for another time. He heard Nora order her coffee, the same drop coffee and skim milk that he remembered, and tried to avoid making eye contact with her until she was standing right in front of his station and said his name.
“H,” she said, words soft. The nickname she used jolted through his body and he hated it. How dare she use while she was on a date with another guy? But then again, she wasn’t his, was she?
“What?” Harry knew his voice was gruff, but he didn’t care. She should know that he was pissed, even if he had no right to be.
She sighed as he filled her cup. “Why are you acting like this?”
Harry grabbed the milk and filled the cup the amount he knew she liked, and then looked up at her again. He rested his hands on the corner of the counter and leaned towards her—he wondered if she could feel the tension radiating between them. “You on a date?”
“I—“ she looked over to the guy who waved at her, and then back at him. “I don’t know.”
Fuck that. It was obviously a date. “Did he ask you to coffee, no studying or other excuse?” He handed her the coffee, but she didn’t move.
“Then it’s a fucking date, Nora.”
Her fingers slid up and down the cup, moving the sleeve with them. “Are you mad?”
The laugh that left his lips was dry, mocking almost, and Harry didn’t have it in him to care. “No, I’m perfectly fine, Nora. We aren’t doing any more than fucking, right?” He ignored the way the hurt look on her face stabbed his heart and turned away, desperate for literally anything else to do. A beat later, her heard her footsteps as she moved away from the counter, and Harry tried to blink the tears from his eyes.
Nora knew she had fucked up, but how did she fix it?
She was lying on her bed, staring up at her ceiling and running through every moment she had shared with Harry in the past few months. The sly gazes in class, the conversations as they cuddled in his bed, the sex—the sex. And him. He was unlike anyone she’d known, he was unlike Jonas in all the ways that mattered and the ones she didn’t know were important. Harry was someone she never saw coming and the feeling she had for him she’d been trying and trying to push down since she’d met him, because if she let herself feel them then she would be ripped open for him to see. All of her demons out of the closet laid bare for him to investigate, to judge, to tell her how handle. And she didn’t think she wanted that.
And Leo was simple. He might want to date her, but she didn’t feel the need to share everything about her life with him. He was…easy. They could date for a while, just enough to get her mind off of Harry, and then she could break up with him. She didn’t want something serious and Leo didn’t scream serious at her—he screamed pure, kind, caring. The kind of guy who wouldn’t push her when she didn’t want to talk, wouldn’t bed to know everything about her. And that was exactly what she needed.
And the exact opposite of Harry. Harry desperately wanted to know her—she could see it in the way he looked at her, and it scared the shit out of her. He knew all the surface things and was begging to see the depths of her in a way that wanted her to lock a door and never reopen it. But she had hoped to at least stay friends with him, she enjoyed spending time with him. After the way he’d acted today, though, she didn’t know if that was possible, though. He seemed royally pissed off, despite the fact that he didn’t technically have the right to be, she told herself. She wasn’t his, not in any real way. Despite the way he had said the words, they were true—they were just fucking.
Her phone buzzed next to her and she rolled over to see who it was—Leo.
I had fun today. Study tomorrow?
Nora considered her thoughts, the things she knew and the ones she didn’t. Leo was something to be explored, she decided. See you at noon, she replied, pushing the sinking feeling in her stomach aside.
When Harry saw her on the dance floor, his heart lept in his chest. She’d come to another DSig party, despite the date on Saturday he’d seen. Despite the fact that they’d barely spoken this week, no funny texts during the evenings or study sessions or picking up coffee before class. Just words shared about the lecture and reasons given for goodbye. He could see her messy waves bouncing as she jumped and he smiled, he’d always loved how she danced. Carefree, not giving a fuck what anyone thought of her.
He wanted to go to her, touch her, make her his. But then the face of that other guy flashed through his brain, and he couldn’t rationalize it. She was seeing someone else unless she said otherwise. Off-limits, at least for right now.
“That Nora?” Nash leaned against the doorjamb next to him, handing him a beer. “What’s she doing here?”
“Fuck if I know,” Harry replied. He’d told Nash about what had happened in a rare moment of honesty over one too many beers on Saturday night, but now he was thankful to have someone who got it. “Think I misread the situation?”
Nash shrugged. “Dunno man. She’s coming over here, though, I think.”
Harry whipped his head towards her and saw Nash was right—she was weaving her way through the crowd alone and heading straight for him. Nash left his side so he could be alone, and Harry was thankful for it. Nash was one of the rare good ones.
“H,” she said, voice barely audible over the thud of the bass. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He wanted to talk to her with every fiber of his person, but his brain was screaming at him to walk away, leave her alone, let her figure out her shit and come back to him after. Her fingers ghosted over his chest and Harry sucked in a breath. He looked at her eyes and realized she was pretty drunk—drunker than he was, at least. Is that what it took for her to touch him—alcohol? “Nora,” he said, covering her hands with his, “what are you doing?”
“Touching you.”
She shrugged, her tumbling down her back, “want you.”
Harry gulped. Did he have the self-control? “What about that guy?”
“He’s not here.”
“Are you dating him?”
Harry considered her words, the look in her eye that was begging him to fuck her. And for some reason, he decided to do it. “I’ll only do this if you’re sure you want to.”
She nodded, curling her fingers into his black t-shirt, slightly damp from the sweat of being in a room this crowded. “Positive.”
And with that, he decided to shove all of his thoughts telling him that she was just using him to the side and kissed her. Her arms wrappd around his neck immediately and he grasped her waist, pulling her flush to his body. Fuck, he’d missed how she felt against him, like she was made for him. Nora’s fingers curled in his hair and tugged slightly, a moan falling from his lips that he couldn’t stop. “Upstairs,” he said, voice rough with desire and hurt and disappointment.
She followed him up the stairs, hand grasped in his, and pulled off her clothes the minute she was inside his room. He raked his eyes over her, knowing it might be the last time, and decided to fuck her like it was. Slow, deep—make her remember that she wanted him. Make her know how much he wanted her, that he regretted not telling her when he’d had a chance.
And so he did. He left hickies all over her body, telling whatever boy she was talking to other than him that she was his, fucked her so deep she moaned his name like a prayer, held her so close that their skin felt like one, and didn’t let her go after. When she rolled over and crawled down his body, he let her, wanting to have her go down on him one last time, to feel her mouth and watch her grip his hips as she bobbed up and down. And he fucked her again, this time a little faster, a little rougher, but just as deep. And he licked into her after, drawing another orgasm from her, trying to memorize her taste on her tongue, how his name sounded off of her tongue, the way it felt for her fingers to curl in his hair and pull. After, when she was curled up in his arms, eyes shut and asleep on his chest, he prayed that she wouldn’t regret it in the morning. That maybe she’d tell him it meant something, that she wanted him and not the other guy, that she was his and only his.
But when he woke up, the only trace of her was her perfume on his pillowcase.
Weeks passed without more than a few words in class and it pained Nora, but she understood. When she’d woken up in his arms, him holding her close so her faced was smushed in the crook of his neck, she knew it was going to be a bad idea to let herself do this again. He’d barely returned his texts or replied to her in class, the smiles she adored were forgotten. She avoiding the coffee shop where he worked and told Maddy she wasn’t going back to DSig. He didn’t want to be her fuck on the side anymore and she would respect that. She spent time with Leo in small doses, trying not to give too much to him, and when they had sex, she tried not to think of Harry. But it wasn’t as good, it wasn’t the same.
Leo introduced her to his friends and she struggled to stay interested in the conversation, her thoughts anywhere and elsewhere. When they studied together, she found herself on her phone stalking Harry’s Instagram, wondering who the girls in the photo he’d just posted were. It came time to work on the second paper for the class she shared with Harry and she missed his insights into her outlines. Leo couldn’t provide the same help and got frustrated when she didn’t take his suggestions (which weren’t good).
The trees changed colors and as she laid out on the lawns with a book, Nora wondered if Harry liked the Spring as much as she did. Maddy laid next to her with an iced coffee and her computer, working on an assignment for her GIS class, eyes flittering over to Nora every once and a while.
Finally, Nora heard her voice break the silence. “What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing,” Nora lied. She was thinking about Harry.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“So you’re thinking about Harry,” Maddy said. She closed her computer and laid her head on her forearms. “Spill.”
Nora shut her book and sighed. She’d avoided talking about Harry with Maddy or any of her friends, never really telling them why it fizzled out. Just that it did and it was fine. Maddy had seen straight through her lies, but didn’t push. “I miss him,” she said simply.
“Then talk to him.”
“He doesn’t want me to.”
“Valid,” Maddy replied.
Nora whipped her head to her friend. “You’re supposed to say he’s stupid.”
“Well, he’s not,” Maddy said. “He’s got every reason to not want to talk to you—you started seeing another guy and then fucked him a week later.”
Maddy sighed. “If you tell me you were just fucking, I’ll literally kill you.”
“We were, though!”
“Nora, you’re not stupid, so why are you acting like you are?” Nora narrowed her eyes at her best friend. How dare she?
“You’re supposed to always be on my side, you know.” “I am. You just aren’t thinking straight.”
Nora rolled over and shoved her face into the blanket they’d brought with them. “What am I supposed to do then?”
After a beat, she heard Maddy’s voice. “Do you like Leo?”
“He’s fine.”
“Fine.” Maddy parroted Nora’s word back to her and Nora grimed at how it souned. Bored, uninterested, which was exactly what she was most of the time. The interest she’d had in Leo had fizzled after the first two weeks, their conversations stalling, the desire dissolving.
Lifting her head nad making eye contact again, Nora said, “He’s boring.”
“And Harry?”
Harry. What was there to say and what wasn’t there to say? He consumed her thoughts and her dreams and she hated it. She’d had a sex dream about him last week while she was in Leo’s bed which was quite possibly the worst thing of all time. Sitting next to him in class was hell because she had to be close to his body, smell his cologne, just be around him, but she couldn’t switch spots because the other students would throw a fit. She missed the way he kissed her and touched her and said her name and laughed with her.
“He’s…Harry,” she said simply, becuase that’s all there was to say.
“Nor, I love you,” Maddy said, giving her a small smile, “but you fucked up.”
And Nora knew it the minute Maddy said the words. She’d hurt Harry and she just hoped there was some way she could fix it, because if she didn’t she didn’t know if she could forgive herself.
Leo was her first task. She texted him to see if he was at his dorm and when he said “yes!” she walked over, backpack thrown over her shoulder, a pit of dread in her stomach. Leo was perfectly nice, just not nice for her. He needed someone simple, easy, and most importantly, not completely infatuated with someone else, all things that she was not. Leo lived on the other side of campus in one of the nicer dorms, known for not having too many parties and only upperclassmen and thankfully for her, lived alone. If she had had to go in there and deal with a roommate after she broke up with him, nora didn’t think she could do it.
He answered his door immediately, a wide smile on his face, a pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt for their college adorning his body. “This is a nice surprise,” he said, kissing her cheek sweetly.
Nora nodded, making her way inside. “Are you busy?”
He sat down at his desk chair and gestured to the notes spread out in front of him. “Studying. Or trying to, at least.”
She sat down on his bed, the plaid bedspread reminding her of the nights she had spent cuddled up next to him in his Twin-XL, much too small for her tastes. Harry’s double bed in the frat hour was far superior. “I wanted to talk to you about something,” she said, the words rough on her tongue.
Leo cocked his head to the side but said nothing, shutting his laptop and giving her his full attention. Somehow, this was worse, having him stae directly at her. She almost wished he didn’t have the courage to look at her because she sure didn’t.
“I want to break up.” The words were blunt in the quiet of the room, the only sounds the soft echo of a door shutting in the hall. Leo blinked at her and Nora’s eyes shifted down to her lap, winding and unwinding her fingers. She knew she didn’t care deeply about Leo—not in the way she suspected he did—but she didn’t expect the words to come as easily as they did.
“Why?” Leo asked, his voice broken at the end of the word. Nora expected if she looked at him he would be tearing up; he was always more open with his emotions than she was. Vulnerable, something she did not excel at.
“I—I just…” Could she tell him? Be completely honest with him? Her eyes met his, trying to gauge what she should say.
But he beat her to it. “Is it Harry?”
“What?” She hadn’t even told him about Harry. Nora had kept those two parts of her life as far apart as possible, other than when Harry saw her first date with Leo. Otherwise, she made an effort to never mention Harry to Leo. She didn’t know if it was because she couldn’t bare it or if she said his name it would be harder to be around Leo. Either way, he wouldn’t have gotten Harry’s name from her.
“I saw his name on your phone one time. Asked around. Someone said that you and him were a bit of a thing before we started seeing each other.”
Thankfully this person seemed to have left out that Nora and Harry had last hooked up once she’d started seeing Leo. That was a truth that Leo didn’t need to hear. “It’s Harry,” she agreed, “but it’s also me. I’m…I’m just not right for you, Leo. I’m sorry it took me this long to figure that out, but it’s—this—just isn’t right.” That was about as honest as she could be with him without hurting him. And she didn’t want to do that, as much as she didn’t really care about him, she still cared about his feelings.
Leo studied her, his straight brown hair not falling into his face like Harry’s curls did. She loved Harry’s hair and somehow Leo’s always reminded her of Harry’s. Maybe that was the problem with Leo—he was a constant reminder of Harry, particularly of his not being Harry. “Why aren’t you right for me?” He asked, eyes darting around her face. “Like, how can you make that decision for me?”
God, so many things were wrong with them. “I’m not trying to make that decision for you,” she said, trying to backpedal, find her thoughts. “I—it’s...”
“So what you’re trying to say is that I’m not right for you.”
He was right. “Yes,” she said, voice soft. “But, fuck, it’s not like there’s something wrong with you. It’s just that I need someone and something else.”
Leo bit his lip, blue eyes hard as they looked at her. “And that someone is Harry?”
It was silent in his room, Nora’s eyes falling to her hands still clasped in her lap. She didn’t have a plan for how to leave the room, but now she felt like she needed one. “Leo, I’m sorry—“
“Jesus, Nor, don’t fucking apologize.” She hadn’t heard Leo curse before, not even during sex, so the word was jarring. “If that’s how you feel then that’s how you feel, I can’t argue with you about it. I mean, I wish you’d been more upfront with me about how you felt, but I’m not going to sit here and say I thought we were completely fine. I just thought you needed more time or something…I just liked you so much, I thought you’d get there.” He swiped at a tear that fell from his eye and Nora softened. Just because she didn’t care for him in the way he did didn’t mean she was completely immune to his pain.
“I was hoping I did too,” she admitted. “You’re a really good guy, Leo. I hope you find someone who loves you in all the ways I couldn’t.”
Leo exhales and wipes his palms on his sweats before looking up at her. “Can…can you go now?”
“Fuck, yeah, ok,” she said, eager to get out of there if he wanted her out. She scrambled to grab her backpack and her shoes, tugging them on at the door. “I’ll see you around, I guess?”
Leo stood behind her in the doorway and just nodded. “Bye, Nora,” he said, and then shut the door in her face.
Which she guessed she deserved.
Harry didn’t know who—or what to expect when he heard a knock on his door at 12:30 at night. There was a party still going downstairs, it being a Friday night and all. Harry didn’t feel like attending tonight though, and had decided to spent the evening curled up in bed with a pint of ice cream watching re-runs of That 70’s Show on Netflix. He’d get up early and go for a run, he decided, and forcing pledges to clean up the mess downstairs. He’d probably end up helping them, though, because that’s just who he was as a person, no matter how many times Nash told him the pledges were supposed to do it.
So when he opened his door in just his boxers and a shirt, his glasses on the tip of his nose, the last person he expected to see was Nora. She stood probably a foot away in leggings and a big sweatshirt, her hair in a messy bun, and Harry wondered what looks she had gotten downstairs when she’d tried to get in. Although basically all the guys knew her by now, since she’d spent so much time in the house when they were…fucking.
Harry leaned against the door, waiting for her to say something. He decided after the last time that he wouldn’t hook up with Nora again, not unless she was properly his. So unless it was to tell him that, he decided he would kick her out, tell her to go home. Have one of the guys call her an Uber though, since it was late and all.
“I broke it off with Leo,” she said finally, brown eyes staring at him with such hope in his eyes he didn’t know what to do with it.
“Good for you,” was all he could come up with to say. What was he supposed to say? Thank god, I’m kind of obsessed with you still?
She looked at him and then into his room. “Could we talk…please?”
Harry stepped back and let her into his room, shutting the door softly behind her. She stood in the space as if she was meant to be there, a piece of art that had been on loan but was finally back home. Harry couldn’t shake the fact that he had been waiting for her to come and see him for so long and now that she was here he had no idea what to say to her. So instead he was quiet, waiting for her to speak, and went and sat down on his bed.
“Are you going to say something?”
“What do you want me to say?” That I can’t decide if I’m happy you’re here or mad it took you this long? That you look gorgeous? That I want you, but all of you not just the bits you give me? He didn’t have the words for what he wanted to say, which was everything.
“Just…fuck. I guess I’ll talk first?” She said, her words rambling—he could tell she was nervous. “I fucked up, okay? I pushed you away and I don’t even know why—well actually I do. But it wasn’t a valid reason. I should’ve talked to you, told you what I was thinking, not just started seeing someone else without any explanation.”
“Why did you push me away?” He asked, the rest of it blending into the background, zeroing in on those few words.
“I—can I sit?” She asked, gesturing to his bed.
He nodded, shifting over to give them space and so he could face her while she talked. Harry had this feeling that this was when he might finally know Nora after being on the outskirts of her emotions for so long. And he so desperately wanted to know. It felt like the only way to know her before this was through sex, through seeing her when no one else was looking and her emotions and her pleasure took over and she was just…her. But if she could give him words and context for the rest of who she was, that would be even better. Then he might, finally, know all of her.
“When I was in high school I dated this guy—Charlie—and we dated for a year, almost a year and a half. And he knew everything about me. All of my secrets, all of my past, all of the things about me that I was scared of people knowing. But he was a year older than me and so when he was going to graduate I wanted to break up because I didn’t want to be that high school girlfriend left behind, you know? I didn’t want to be worrying if he was going to cheat on me with some college girl, and I thought if it was meant to be we’d find each other again. But then, when we did break up, he spread this video of me going down on him around the school and it destroyed me.”
Harry’s heart stopped. Of all the things he thought Nora would share with him, this didn’t even make the list of things he expected. He wanted to hold her but she was sitting bent over, her eyes not even meeting his, and he knew that she had to do this on her own.
“And he didn’t even care? Or get it? Like he didn’t understand why I was so hurt--or he pretended not to, because if he didn’t think it would effect me then why did he even share them in the first place, you know? And then he graduated and he could just leave, but I had a whole nother year there in that place. And it was hell. My friends stuck by me, thankfully, but everyone else treated me like I was trash. And I couldn’t bring myself to file a police report or something because rehashing it all to some police officer felt even more horrible than just dealing with it on my own. But anyways,” she said, running her hand through her hair, “ever since then I’ve had trust issues with relationships. Especially when I have feelings for someone and trust them. And so with you, it was like I had this trust in you from the beginning and you were so good but also wanted me so much and it just…it was too much for me. But Leo I could hold at a length, you know? Like I could keep him away from my heart, but you, you wormed your way in without me even realizing it.” Her eyes met his then, and they just looked at each other for a bit, Harry struggling to find the right words. If there even were such a thing as the right words. Which there probably weren’t.
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Harry said, picking his words carefully. “For him to have done that to you…it’s horrific. And I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
She gave him a small smile, her hand flickering up to wipe a tear from her eye. “Thank you.”
“When you said I…I wormed my way into your heart,” he said, breathless, “did you mean that?”
She nodded, hair falling into her face.
Harry scooted closer to her, so close that their knees were touching. They both sat criss-cross-applesauce on his bed and somehow it felt so intimate, more intimate than anything they had done before because they were just looking at each other. “You wormed your way into mine, too,” he told her, a light chuckle leaving his lungs. “And you haven’t left. Did I?”
He ran his fingers over her knee and he could hear Nora’s inhale of breath. “No,” she said softly. “I just refused to believe it.”
“Well,” he said, taking her hands in his, finding joy in the feeling of her skin under his again after so long. “Do you believe it now?”
Her fingers interwined with his and when her eyes met his, Harry knew that she did. “Yes,” she whispered, and Harry didn’t pause before taking her face in his hands and kissing her the way he had been craving ever since he woke up in an empty bed.
Nora’s reaction was immediate, lips melding with his, body falling into him in the way he had missed. Her fingers scrambled up his back, pulling at the fabric with a desperation that Harry felt in his bones. After weeks apart, he wanted to see her—all of her—and feel her against him.
“Will you take this damn thing off?” Nora mumbled against his lips, pulling at the neck of his shirt. Harry smiled at her frustration and pulled it off, groaning from the way Nora traced his tattoos. Her mouth attached to her favorite spot—the place right above his swallow where she’d sucked a lovebite into the skin so long ago—and it felt like coming home. The pain of her teeth nipping the skin sent goosebumps up his spine and he couldn’t stop the helpless hum that left him, loving the feeling of her so close to him. He could smell her shampoo in her hair when he leaned his head down to rest on top of hers, and when he tugged her head up and traced a line from her earlobe to her neck, wrenching aside her sweatshirt that he wish was his instead, the scent of her laundry detergent filled his senses.
“Your turn,” he said, nudging up her sweatshirt so he could grab onto the bare skin above her leggings. “Wanna see you.”
Nora leaned back and smiled at him, one of the smiles she gave when she was perfectly at ease. The same one he earned when he brought her ice cream to the couch or tucked the blankets in around her in bed or wiped at a bit of toothpaste at the corner of her mouth. The fact that she was at ease with him again meant the world to him—he was safe for her. After so many men who weren’t, she trusted him, and Harry was never going to give her reason to think it was misplaced. She pulled off her sweatshirt and he helped her get it over her head when it got stuck, muffled curses leaving her mouth before their lips could reconnect.
But Harry missed her skin. So he gently laid her back and set about recreating one of their first moments together, kissing a line from the top to the bottom of her body. Trembling mewls fell from her lips as he went about his work, sucking on her nipples like it was his God-given duty. “I, missed, you,” he said against her skin, each word with a suck of his lips, earning him a wanton hiss that left his aching for her. “All of you.” He licked a stripe from her rib cage to her belly button, softly nipping at the skin of her belly. He loved digging his fingers into her skin and adored the fact that she let him suck marks onto her. Most girls hated them, but Nora didn’t mind in one bit, and Harry was an arrogant son of a bitch and loved the idea of her looking in the mirror and seeing proof of how much he cared for her.
When he made it to her leggings, Nora wasted no time in lifting her hips so he could peel them down her legs. Harry pressed his forefinger to the fabric right over her center and gasped, looking up to catch her eyes. “You’re dripping, love.”
The blush that colored her cheeks felt so out of place in the moment, but Harry loved it all the same. “Your lips are…” She paused, searching for the right word before settling on, “good.”
“Good?” He hooked his fingers in the hem and pulled them down. “You need to work on your vocabulary, baby.” He loved using that pet name on her and he loved even more when it made her smile.
“It’s not my fault I’m not a—fuck—literature major,” she replied, cursing when his tongue licked a circle on her folds. “H, please, Jesus.”
Harry peeked up at her and sucked harshly on her clit, a sharp squeal reverberating in his ears. “Not Jesus,” he teased, rubbing circles on her clit as he nosed at her skin, “just me.”
Nora snorted, but when Harry dipped his finger inside of her, it quickly changed to a gutteral cry that only rose as he found an even rhythm of his finger sliding in and out of her, his tongue licking cirlces on her clit at an even beat. It was like music to him, the most perfect symphony of sound. Her fingers wound into his curls and when he curled his finger inside of her she tugged on his locks, a groan leaving his lips and falling on her skin, drawing a gasp from her. It was give and take and give and take and it was Harry’s favorite game.
“H,” she said, tugging at his head, “need you.” She groaned as he sucked on her clit again, Harry ignoring her words. He had missed the taste of her on his tongue and he wasn’t about to give it up. “Please,” she cried, “I’m too sensitive, I want you.”
“What do you want?” He asked, adding another finger just to torture her for a little bit longer. He lived for her little whines and moans, he decided, the way her eyes fluttered shut and then open, desperately trying to keep him in view. “Use your words, princess.”
“Your dick,” she said, not even wasting a second. “Deep. Please. Please, H.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, drawing his fingers from her, storing the groan that left her deep inside of him to remember for later. Harry wasted no time in pulling at his boxers, tugging them off and dropping them to the floor. She bent at the waist, sitting up and pulling his glasses from his face—he wasn’t sure how they had survived his assault on her skin—and tugging open the drawer in his bedside table, searching around for a condom.
“You’re out,” she said, turning to look at him with a surprised look on her face.
Harry let out a string of curses and clambored over to the table to look inside. She was right though—the brothers must have stolen them in the weeks since he’d last seen her. He’d been low before then, but he hadn’t had any reason to restock. “I—I didn’t need to restock,” he said, looking at her, trying to gauge her reaction.
Nora wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him back down against her, his body resting on top of hers, his dick pressed against her skin. “You haven’t been with anyone else?”
He shook his head. “You…and him?”
She nodded slowly and Harry tried to ignore the part of him that hurt. She was with him now. In his bed, with him, no intention of leaving. “It wasn’t as good,” she whispered, runing her fingers across his jaw. “He didn’t know me like you do.”
That sure as hell made him feel better.
“And we always used a condom,” she continued. “So I’m clean.”
His eyes widened at her meaning. Bare? With her?
Harry thought he might cum from the thought itself. “Me too.”
Her voice was small when she asked him, “Is that okay with you?”
Harry took her face in his hands and kissed her nose, begging her to see how much he cared for her, wanted her in every which way. “Baby, that sounds like fucking heaven.”
She smiled, her lips crinkling at the edges, and Harry kissed a line across the freckles that danced on her cheeks. “I want to know what you feel like,” she said, testing the words, “bare. Inside me.”
The deep growl that left Harry was one he’d never heard before, but it perfectly encapsulated how he felt at hearing her speak like that. “You…are magnificent,” he told her and then he leaned his body up, just enough so that he could reach down. Her fingers drew circles on his arms as he pumped his dick once, twice, a hiss between his teeth filling the silence around them. When he brushed his tip against her folds, they both moaned and Harry recaptured her lips, wanting to feel her moan against his mouth. He wanted to not miss one single sound that left her when he pressed into her.
And when he did it was like remembering how to speak.
Nora’s hands grabbed at the skin at his shoulderblades, begging for purchase—something to grip as he pulled back and then in again. The feeling of being bare inside of her, of feeling the velvet of her walls and the way she gripped him when she clenched without meaning to, Harry decided this was better than any high. “Faster,” she mumbled against his chin, but Harry shook his head. He wanted her slow, he wanted to feel her.
“Want this to last,” he whispered, words threatening to expose his deepest fears.
But she knew immediately, her hands cupped his chin as he thrusted deep inside of her and she said, “I’ll be here in the morning. And every day after. Okay?” She kissed his nose, then his eyelids when his eyes shuttered closed at the grip she had on his heart. “We have all the time in the world.”
Harry gathered her in his arms, wanting to be as close to her as humanly possible, and drove himself as deep as he could. Her legs hooked around his waist, begging him deeper, the neverending stream of moans spurring him on. But he tried to hold back, wanting to enjoy every second of this. Because she—she was heaven and Harry didn’t want to leave.
“I know you want slow,” she said, digging her fingers into his skin, “but I need slightly faster. Please, H. Please.”
That was all he needed. He would have slower later. He wanted to please her, he wanted to give her everything she asked for and more. So he leaned her down on her back and lifted her foot to rest on his shoulder, earning him a deeper angle and drawing a gutteral moan from her chest as he slammed into her. Their hips met over and over again, the only sounds the sound of skin on skin and the moans and breaths that left them both. Harry drove deeper and deeper, wanting to find every inch of her and when he hit a spongy spot she keened, back arching up into him, her breasts bouncing up and down in a way that begged to be touched.
So he did, never wanting to let her be without his touch. “You’re perfection,” he mumbled against her skin as he licked patterns on her skin, kneading into the other breast as he drove his dick deeper inside of her, hitting the spot repeatedly. “Utter perfection. Goin’ to tell you all the time, yeah? Never want you to forget it. How perfect you are. Nora. Nora, fuck, you feel so good,” he said, words a mess in his brain. He didn’t even know what he was saying but from the way she gasped and clenched around him, he knew she liked it so she kept going. He told her that she was all he thought of, of how he’d tugged himself off in the shower to the thought of her, how he could barely stand to sit next to her in class knowing he couldn’t have her. How she ruled his every thought and dream.
“I’m about to come,” she said, arms hooking around his shoulder so he could press closer to her, “you?”
He nodded, hair sweaty against her shoulder where his face rested. Her legs had fallen back to the bed and they were impossibly close. Harry didn’t know two people could be this close, but with Nora it didn’t feel like enough. He wanted to be inside of her skin somehow. To see every nook and cranny of her. He dug his knees into the bed and kept up the pace, hands kneading every inch of her skin, words whispered in her ear for only her to hear, and she did the same. She told him how much she cared for him, how she missed him every moment of the day, how being with him was a new kind of solace. Her fingers drew lines down his back that he decided he would treasure for the rest of time.
Suddenly, her walls fluttered around him and then clamped down and Harry knew she was coming. Her back arched her hands scrabbled for purchase on his skin, his name leaving her mouth in an echo, a prayer, a desperate desire for salvation. Harry could feel himself falling after her and he slammed into her once, twice, and again, and then he fell, holding her still against him as he came, her name whispered in her hair.
She held him against her, arms a cage around him and Harry didn’t want to move. He didn’t have muscles left, he didn’t think.
“H,” she said, kissing his shoulder, “I should pee so we can sleep.”
“But I want to hold you.”
He could feel her smile against his skin. “After. Promise.”
“Fine.” He rolled to the side and she kissed his nose once before pulling on her sweatshirt and his boxers, padding over the door to go pee. Harry’s eyes fell to the sheets which they had claimed as their own and he smiled. He had missed her—everything about her, but this was how they had started in so many ways. This was where they learned each other, memorized one another.
The door opened and she was back, a smile on her face, a flush on her cheeks. It was quiet downstairs—the party must have ended while she’d been here, he realized. “C’mere,” he said, arms outstretched.
She answered by stripping off her clothes and falling back into him. Her chest pressed against his, legs intertwined, and they lay there. “Missed you,” she said softly. “A lot.”
“Me too.”
There was a pregnant pause before she asked him, “H?”
“Can you…” She trailed off and Harry swiped at her hair, pushing it back so he could kiss her neck.
“What is it?”
“S’awkward,” she said and Harry chuckled.
“We just had sex, baby, you can’t say anything that’ll be awkward.”
She ducked her head so her chin rested on his arm which was wrapped around her. “Can you put it back inside me? Miss the feeling.”
He stilled. Fuck, he thought, where did she come from? “Course, love.” He lifted her leg slightly so he could fit there, and then tugged at his cock a few times before pushing gently inside of her. “Still wet,” he choked out. “How?”
“Always want you,” is what she replied and Harry keened.
He pressed kisses to the back of her head and tugged her closer into his body. “Sleep now, huh?”
“Love you,” she breathed out and Harry’s blood stopped in his veins. It was so sudden, but at the same time, so right. The words were what he needed to hear always, he realized. The ones he had been missing.
“Love you,” he answered and closed his eyes against her hair, thankful that she’d be there in the morning so he could say it again.
Waking up next to Harry, shirtless and holding her close, was a dream in of itself.
Nora blinked her eyes sleepily, adjusting to the sun streaming in his windows. He had these soft grey curtains that didn’t do much except hold off the harshest parts of the sun, so whenever she slept over she usually woke up fairly early. Not that she minded too much—it meant she got to watch Harry as he slept, which he hated her doing when he was awake. He always got twitchy under her gaze and ended up distracting her, usually with his lips.
She rolled slowly in his arms so that she could look at his face. His brown curls were smashed against the pillow, long eyelashes framing his cheeks with an impossibly sharp cut to themm. His nose—Nora had always loved his nose—and his perfectly soft lips. Nora reached out a hand and brushed her fingers across his jaw and Harry’s eyes fluttered, but didn’t open. Nora decided that was a good sign, and continued to trace the outlines of his features. She’d missed looking at him studying him, just being with him. She didn’t realize it until she was gone, how much she ached to be with him. And now that she was here, she wasn’t going anywhere. She pressed her lips to the column of his neck, right above his adam’s apple, before gently pulling his arms away from her waist. He was pliant under her touch, adapting quickly to her absence, which she tried not to think about too deeply.
A collection of paper had caught her eye. It sat in the opposite corner of his room, shoved up next to his guitar. It was the one he still had on loan from the guitar shop downtown. He’d taken Nora there once, wanting her to see guitars and understand them like he did. She tried to, but her favorite part was watching him appreciate them—that was enough for her. She slipped on his tshirt that was closest to her and her underwear and made her way over to the stack. Maybe it was snooping, but the truth was that Harry didn’t share this side of him with her all that often. She’d tried to get him to sing for her, but he had refused time and time again. Nora tucked her legs in and sat down on the floor, grabbing the stack to investigate further. The first couple papers were scribblings—words and letters—chords, she realized, Harry had shown them to her. Some chord diagrams too. But when she got fifth page, it was different. Full lines. Chords matched up with it, his handwriting crossing out things and changing them. It was lyrics, she realized. A song.
She looked up at Harry, still curled up in bed, the sunlight hitting his face perfectly, and wondered if this was too much of an intrusion. But when she glanced down at the pages, she couldn’t resist. She wanted to know his brain, that was all. She wanted to know what he thought about and how. And so she read.
Don't you call him "baby" / We're not talking lately / Don't you call him what you used to call me
I, I confess / I can tell that you are at your best / I’m selfish so I'm hating it
I notice that / There's a piece of you in how I dress / Take it as a compliment
Don't you call him "baby" / We're not talking lately / Don't you call him what you used to call me
I, I just miss / I just miss your accent and your friends / Did you know I still talk to them?
Does he take you walking 'round his parents' gallery?
Don't you call him "baby" / We're not talking lately / Don't you call him what you used to call me
She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes because the lyrics were about her. About them. About when she ended things and started seeing Leo. About her calling him “baby” over the phone when he was being annoying, about him seeing her with Leo and the pained look on the face, about the graphic t-shirts that he’d bought that resembled her own. About her accent when she spoke in French that he always loved, how Maddy told her that Harry still would stop and talk to her in the quad. Leo’s parents owned a gallery a few towns over and he’d taken her there on a date, and she’d mentioned it in class one day. “Don't you call him what you used to call me” hit her the hardest, because she never could. The nicknames that she gave Harry, baby especially, they were all just for him. Leo would give her pet names and she could never do the same. The words came easily with Harry, but for Leo, they would’ve been forced and even she couldn’t do that.
When she left Harry it had caused him so much pain—pain she didn’t even stop to consider. It was a snap decision, Leo, and when she thought about him she thought only of herself. How it would be easier for her to leave Harry, to stop what they were doing, to shove her feelings to the side, ignore them. But she had forgotten that she wasn’t the only person in whatever relationship they had. And she had hurt him, despite that being the utter last thing she wanted to do. She had wanted to save him from the trainwreck that she was, from her inability to care for people in the deep way that Harry did for her. But she had surprised herself, because what she had said to Harry last night after they’d had sex, right before they went to sleep, it was true. She did love him. She loved him with every bone in her body, every hesitant, dubious part of her soul.
She was his, even though it scared her.
She looked up at the nickname, one he hadn’t called her in a while. He was sitting upright in bed, looking at her on the ground with his papers in her hand. “I was curious, I read them. I’m sorry if they were private, I just—I wanted to understand.”
Harry shook his head at her, giving her a warm smile that immediately put her at ease. “It’s fine, love. What do you think?”
Nora looked back at the paper she was holding and then up at him. “Is this one about me?”
Harry’s eyes widen and she can see the panic on his face. He must not have known this one was in the pile or that she’d read it. “Fuck. Um, yeah—I’m sorry, I just…I needed to process, you know? And then I wrote it, I’m so sorry, it’s so personal, I—“
“H, stop.” She got up, feet padding on the rugs on his floor over to his bed. She laid the paper on the duvet and crawled over to him, throwing her legs over his so she could sit comfortably at his waist. “Don’t apologize, yeah? It’s okay. You have every right to write all about me, about how I make you feel, about your pain. It’s not mine just because I cause it, it’s yours because you feel it.”
Harry’s eyes searched hers, trying to discern if the words were honest. But he would find no hint of a lie, because Nora wasn’t mad. She was angry at herself for being so blind to how her actions had made him feel. “Are you sure?”
She nodded, curling a finger in his hair. “I’m sorry for hurting you,” she said, and shushed him when he tried to speak. “I didn’t think about how I was going to hurt you, I was thinking about how to protect myself. I tricked mmyself into thinking that somehow by distancing myself from you I was protecting me and you, and in the end I just hurt us both. So I’m the one who gets to be sorry here, ‘kay?”
He brushed circles on her thighs, chin dipped to think about her words. “It was so hard,” he said softly, words quiet in the silent house. No one else was up yet, it was just them, wrapped in their own world. “Seeing you with him. Knowing what you were doing with him and not with me. Having to see you all the time—it was like my own specialized torture.”
“Never again,” she said, pressing a kiss to his browbone. “I promise. I’ll tell you what I’m feeling, what I’m thinking. No secrets.”
Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her body in close, and rested his head right between her breasts. It felt so intimate in a completely different way than anything they’d done before. This felt vulnerable in that way where your heart is completely bared open, ready and willing to be taken from you. “Love you,” he said, words muffled in his t-shirt that she still wore. “No secrets.”
Nora kissed the top of his head and rested her cheek against his soft curls. “I love you too, H.”
They sat there on his bed, their body curled up against one another like two commas, perfectly aligned. Meant to be, as long as there were no letters separating them. And for now, it was just them, the two commas, in a sentence all of their own.
YEEEE SHE’S DONE!!!!! this took so long to get my shit together to write--I had like half written and just couldn’t figure out how to finish. there were supposed to be four parts, but I ended up just rolling it all together in this one. I’m planning to do an extra (#italy!harry anyone!?!?!?!!) and lmk if you have any requests for Nora + Harry. love u all to pieces!
ask me about fratboy!harry here | masterlist here | fratboy!harry tag
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