#also tags are out of character and non canon oops
hellsite-detective · 6 months
P.P.I, can you find this post for me??????
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Sorry for the huge screenshot, I found this crossposted on reddit and desperatly want to track down the full post
the user walked into my office lookin' for a post involvin' a writing prompt, resultin' in a user respondin' with a story about toddlers during the end of the world. now, i ain't seen this one before, but i was determined to track it down.
tragically, searchin' the author's username on tumblr came up blank, so i thought that was just a dead end. i decided to chase down the original writing prompt post by searchin' on their blog for "daycare worker" and managed to find it pretty quick. scrollin' through the reblogs, i quickly realized that the author in question had simply changed their username, so i quickly found the original post
here it is, pal. your post in all it's original glory. gotta say, this post was a real nice treat to read today. thanks for takin' me on this journey! have a nice day!
Post Case: Closed
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zgvlt · 2 years
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celebrating your birthday with the twst boys hcs part 4, ft. diasomnia, the after party w/ the first years
read part 1 here read part 2 here read part 3 here
general tags: gender neutral reader, sfw, hcs for both prefect and non-prefect reader, platonic and romantic hcs, food mentions, runs on the assumption that reader wants to celebrate their birthday, not beta read
author's note: oops forgot to post the last part! finally done with this series of hcs, after this... my next writing post will be another one-shot so see u then!
total wc: 4.9k+ words (700-1.2k+ words each character)
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If you consider him a friend at the very least, please send him an invitation should you hold a party (which, considering what we know of the NRC birthday culture, seems to be expected). 
If you’re a close friend and/or his partner, it should go without saying that you should invite him, else he’s definitely going to be more upset than usual with this particular instance. He’s not lashing out or throwing a tantrum about it, but he does feel saddened by the choice.
If you tell him in advance, he’s going to spend a lot of time thinking about your invitation and your birthday in general. He’s probably sitting down in Diasomnia’s lounge, looking as if he’s brooding over something incredibly serious like the state of affairs in his homeland, when in reality he’s thinking about what to give you as a gift.
In general incredibly grateful to be invited. Whether you tell him the day of or weeks before, he’s simply beaming at the thought. It looks a little ominous to an outsider, especially because Malleus is smiling with his teeth, fangs and all, but his inner circle get the details and they understand he’s just very proud of himself.
Sebek and Silver are probably applauding and nodding their heads in approval at the announcement because yes, who would be silly enough to not invite the Young Master, the chance to have someone like him celebrate you (Sebek) and finally, someone has not forgotten to invite Lord Malleus, and even invited him personally (Silver).
(If you’re not close to Sebek, Sebek is heavily contemplating if he should present you a gift as well since Malleus is doing so)
Meanwhile, Lilia’s teasing him about it. Malleus is in too much of a good mood to tell off anyone for what’s coming close to pandering, like yes, behold! An invitation! You just know if the invitation comes in a physical form, he’s presenting it to the three of them. His more childish side comes up just this once.
And then he keeps the invite somewhere safe somewhere in his room. 
In terms of helping you prepare a party… Well, he cannot say he actually has any experience in the preparation aspect, whether it be setting up the decorations or making food, but ahhh, since you’ve invited him he’s willing to show his gratitude. Magic will do the trick, won’t it?
(If you insist on doing things without magic, he’ll probably still do it, chuckling about how interesting it is for you to make demands of him. Also considers it a good learning experience, of which he can make discoveries from)
Let’s avoid having him set up any tech needed though.
If you’re the Ramshackle prefect, he does give you the option to host your party in his dorm, but he likes Ramshackle a lot so either place works for him.
During the party itself, reactions might differ in extremity depending on your relationship status with Malleus, and how public the both of you are about it. 
If it seems to be similar to the current canon friendship between Malleus and the Ramshackle prefect, expect a lot of people to carry mixed emotions. Surprise, shock, intimidation—all of it bundled up into essentially them finding you fascinating and terribly brave, perhaps fearless, at how you casually have the Malleus Draconia at your party, clapping along to the obligatory Happy Birthday song playing in the background.
Most guests will still find themselves a little intimidated at Malleus’ presence if it’s well known that the two of you are close (or dating!), but it’s easier for them to wrap their heads around it. This is not Malleus the prince, but Malleus, a person you find dear, and clearly adores you back.
If Leona is also in attendance and he is also a close friend of yours (or your significant other), expect a gift measuring contest. Yes, they’re mature, but they’re also boys in a boarding school. Enough said.
Malleus… honestly does not know how to party it up! unlike most of your guests probably do. Most celebrations he’s attended are terribly formal, or more festival as opposed to party, but with some observation on his part and guidance from you and/or Lilia, or whoever he decides to ask, you can probably get him to fit in well enough. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, after all.
Ah, but there’s no need to coddle him. As much as he enjoys time with you, he can manage on his own. He’s not the best at communicating but he was not born yesterday either. The day is about you and he is certain he is not the only one who wants to celebrate you, so go along and talk to everyone else. You are allowed to simply return to him when you’re done.
The fact that he’s trying, even when he’s not the most successful, is quite sweet.
In terms of gifts, Malleus is a good gift giver. Knowing who you’re giving a gift to so that you can best appeal to them is important in maintaining and forging diplomatic relations.
He remembers the things you’ve told him about yourself, about what you happen to like—of course he does, considering you actually listen to him talk about gargoyles, so he chooses a gift based on that. And even when he gets an idea, he spends a good amount of time pondering what specifically to get you. 
If someone teaches him how to order online, or someone does it for him, and you’ve shown interest, he’s getting you your very own special artifact… a Gao-Gao Dragon-kun (EN: Drago). Predictable, but still cute.
If you and Malleus are together, he’s obviously serious about you and definitely sees a future with you. Sees no problem in giving you more than a few gifts, but if you really insist on just one, well…
Jewelry is a traditional, and perhaps expected, gift from him. Obviously high quality, with the finest jewels and crafted with real silver or gold, whichever suits you best. Might get it crafted for you specifically, but he might also give you an ancient piece (or set), one with history and meaning behind it.
If you’re not into jewelry, it’ll probably still be something shiny, probably still bejeweled and created with the most precious of metals, something you can keep around you—a bookmark for the current book you’re reading, a hand mirror, a tassel on your bag. 
If you allow him, he’s going to attach a spell on it as well, just a little something to keep you safe.
Honestly, if you just make a request about something hard to find (but in his scope, particularly something more vintage or considered ancient these days), he’ll be able to procure it. If you’re human, will probably say something like, Fufufu, how bold of you to make requests from a fae. Are you prepared for the fate that would befall you should you not prepare something in return?
He says that knowing the price was already paid, a.k.a. getting to celebrate with you.
In conclusion, time may flow a little differently for someone like Malleus, but because it’s the day you were born, he takes special care to track the days leading up to your birthday. Yours is one celebration he will not allow himself to miss.
Silver, if you tell him, makes it a point to remember your birthday (especially if you’re someone special to him, but even as a friend — or even a friend of a friend — he does remember). However, if you don’t tell him in advance, he gets concerned that he fell asleep while you were telling him about it. 
Whatever it is, while he would never get upset with you, he would still appreciate a clarification that no, this really is the first time you’re telling him about it and he wasn’t being insensitive or anything of the sort. A gentleman to his very core.
Similar to Sebek, due to Silver’s training, he’s a good choice if you need assistance in setting up your party. Even if you’re not from Diasomnia, he’s politely excusing himself in your dorm as he helps you (and anyone else helping you) with lifting tables and chairs around, or lifting boxes of ingredients to be used in cooking, or lifting– basically, he lifts a lot.
Feel free to drag him along to cook with you, even though he and others are mentioning that the birthday celebrant shouldn’t be cooking their own birthday meals. Whether he convinces you to stay out of the kitchen or not, Silver’s putting his effort into making something you’d like… as well as practicing making meals for someone.
According to him, he has practice when it comes to baking cookies because he tried to make some for his father when he was younger, so he might make some for you.
Throughout your party he really does his best to stay awake to celebrate with you. You and everyone else think fate or some deity out there must have taken a shine on him because he does stay awake, always managing to catch himself before he falls asleep.
He’s not exactly the type to dance the night away with you (although if you would like a slow dance away from prying eyes, he might just be up for it if he happens to like you), nor is he as competitive as some of your other guests, but he’ll join a few select party games… of which he likely got dragged into by Sebek (trying to challenge him) or Kalim (for that second-year solidarity).
Silver is just willing to go along with whatever you want to do for your birthday. Since Silver doesn’t exactly have the luxury of time most days, this is a great opportunity to hog him for yourself for an impromptu hangout/date! 
And he really does mean anything. Do you want to go to town to visit a cafe or restaurant? Do you want him to take you horseback riding? Just hang around somewhere on campus and talk? Your word goes!
Let’s hope you’re not afraid of small and cute forest creatures because if you’re Silver’s close friend or lover, the little birds and the squirrels are going to drop by to give you a gift. It’s very much a “because Silver likes you, the animals like you by association” thing.
Silver’s one of those people who don’t care too much about keeping the gift a surprise, even as his significant other. If he’s unsure, he’ll ask you what you want — it can be specific or something general, and he’ll select a gift based on that. 
What he lacks in the element of surprise he makes up for in presentation — the gift wrapper he uses is very pretty and neatly done, and when you read the tag you’ll find his note to be, while formal, still full of heart. He’ll prepare flowers as well if you happen to like them! He seems quite serious at first when he gives you a gift, but after a few seconds he eases into a smile that’s very charming and prince-like.
(The only time he’d be a little clueless about what to do is if you were his father’s significant other and the two of you weren’t close. What should he give you? He feels like he’s in a weird position, having to ask his father about what he could possibly give you.)
To conclude, while Silver is normally quite serious, he goes out of his way to make your birthday as pleasant as possible, and it seems that everything really does go right for him — he manages to not fall asleep in front of you, he’s smiling more than he usually does, and he devotes the day to you as opposed to training. 
He doesn’t even seem to realize that his charms have been dialed all the way up to the point that it’s a little blinding to the untrained eye, but as his friend or significant other he’s a much appreciated presence and sight.
Dramatic baby boy. As an acquaintance he doesn’t particularly care if you tell him about your birthday a month before or on the day of… unless you’re friends with his Young Master Malleus or Master Lilia, in which case he does wonder how worthy you are to be their friend, but will pass on the message. 
As a friend will pretend he doesn’t care that much, but definitely remembers your special day if you tell him in advance. Strolls up to your party like “you’re not celebrating hard enough, good enough! You need my assistance, don’t you?”
Also if you invite him as a friend, his immediate assumption is to wonder if you’re telling him to get Malleus to come to your party as well, or to put in a good word about you to Malleus, or —
Has a bit of a hard time wrapping his head around that you might actually want him around not for Malleus related reasons. Have patience with him, please.
If you’re a close friend or significant other, he definitely wants to know in advance. He seems haughty, and to an extent that’s true, but the idea of failing someone important to him (e.g., Malleus, and in this case you), or not being good enough, both of those scare and motivate him simultaneously. He wants to prepare something special for you.
If you’re close, he freaks out if he finds out the day of. It sounds like he’s blaming you but his brain is already working twice as fast, wondering what preparations he can make and how he can celebrate with you. He disappears and you wonder what he’s up to, he’s actually asking for permission to skip some of his duties for the day. 
Strong boy! If you need help making the preparations, he is certainly one of the guys you can go to. He’s physically strong and an expert at running around all over the place (because of constant Malleus searching), so he’s a solid choice for an errand boy. 
Sebek and art… he can appreciate it well enough, but creation isn’t his forte. If you ask him about how to decorate and what looks nice, he’s either relating it to something to do with Briar Valley or Diasomnia, or, at the best case he’s relating it to the decor he saw his parents and siblings put up for his birthday parties.
Competitive. Whatever birthday games you have, he’s trying to win. It’s kind of funny since he’s so tall — especially if his opponent is Jack or another tall boy like Floyd, just watching these boarding school boys fight over some silly party game you chose only to get a cheap prize you bought from an online shop in bulk.
Winner of the “loudest happy birthday greeting” contest/game no doubt. “That’s not a real game?” Well, clearly someone put it as one of the games to rig the system so Sebek gets a win.
He eats a lot! The party guest that makes you feel reassured about your food choices because of his appetite. You might notice that the food he touches the least is the one he happens to know is your favorite.
Especially if you’re close, he watches you like a hawk just to make sure you’re doing “the important birthday activities” which is singing and dancing and celebrating and eating your favorite food. 
If you’re in a relationship, your guests may notice that he’s barely said a peep about Malleus today. Actually, hasn’t he just been praising you all day? The first years probably tease him about it, and won’t stop for a while (a.k.a., until they find something new to joke about, as most friend group inside jokes work)
Gifts… if you’re not that close, not quite friends, he really does think you’re just there to worm your way into his heart to get to Malleus, so he just offers to talk to you about Malleus. If that’s what you want, go ahead and listen, but try to let him know if that’s not the case because he will not be stopped, he can go for hours.
If you’re his friend, Sebek’s honestly quite thoughtful. The gift is still very much him, either some nice stationery or a book he thinks you’d like based on your interests, but it’s a good sign that he actually does treat you as a friend and listens to you as well.
If you’re Malleus’ or Lilia’s significant other, he also gets you a gift regardless of how close you are to him. It’s a matter of respect, of course. Probably looking for a sign of approval or praise, he doesn’t want to disappoint you because that might end up disappointing Malleus/Lilia.
As his significant other, he tries to be romantic… meaning, he takes advice from Lilia and books (note: many of the books he uses as reference are quite old) on what gifts one should give their significant other. He pens letters and poems that have odd analogies and big words, even pulls out the cursive, but if you’re his significant other you’re probably already used to it. It’s certainly not the first time. 
No clue about his budget/allowance, but the type to specifically pick out something high quality, that you can keep with you for years, and practical things that he can spot you using in public as well. It fills him with a lot of pride like yes, my significant other is using something I bought! Aren’t I a wonderful partner?
Overall the more you manage to worm your way into his heart and the more he thinks of you, and the better of a birthday party guest he makes. He’s surprisingly very enthusiastic about your birthday, and is incredibly willing to take the lead to “teach you how to celebrate”.
Lilia is the type of person who, even if he doesn’t know your birthday, talks like he does know it. Good at getting you to doubt yourself, if you actually told him, if maybe he has the ability to read your mind or if he overheard you while you were telling someone else. If you buy his bluff, you probably end up mentioning it casually, thinking he already knew.
“Oh yeah, I’m going to have a party tomorrow. Will you be able to drop by?”
No, Lilia did not know, but he’s definitely crashing, so thank you for inviting him.
But if you’re a close friend or partner, would definitely prefer that you tell him by your own volition as opposed to him getting the information out of you.
In terms of helping you out for your party, funnily enough he doesn’t always have the time for it, especially if it’s a last minute preparation, but he does want to help you whatever way he can! 
(He could just use magic, but that’s boring. Probably helps you hang some streamers and other aerial decorations, though)
Honestly, controversial opinion, I think you should let him in the kitchen (with supervision from you), especially if you’re not low on ingredients or anything of the sort. Not for all the food or anything, maybe a dish or dessert that interests him (or something with beans, because, you know… Master Chef Lilia). It’ll probably be a fun experience! The worst that can happen is that he sucks and gets a laugh out of you (if he makes you eat the food… just say you’re saving it for the party or something)
During the party itself he, Cater, and Kalim are singing happy birthday and dancing around. Definitely pulls you along to dance, it might surprise you with how easy it is for him to lead you around and even dip you — just how strong is he, actually?
Take lots of pictures with him and get them developed! Give him some as well! Sure his memory isn’t failing him, but he does want something tangible to remember a special day by.
In terms of gifts, it will depend on how “dear” you are to him. It should be a given that regardless, he will give you a “cute and cool, charming, boyish” gift. Maybe it’s a cute trinket with a mascot from Briar Valley/a game you happen to like, or a hairpin or tie with bat charms and ribbons attached to it, a choker or some other accessory in black or pink, something that screams, “you know what? this is on brand for Lilia/doesn’t this remind you of Lilia?”
Definitely gives it to you while he’s hanging upside down. Unless he knows you’ll be upset/mad, will also try to surprise you by popping up out of nowhere to greet you.
Not to be too redundant but food cooked by him is always a possibility. It’s the thought that counts, after all (though if you taste it, you’d find yourself surprised that it actually tastes quite good. He must have either asked for help or was particularly careful in cooking, maybe someone had to go through taste testing until he arrived on a “perfect” dish)
If you’re Silver’s significant other and you know about the fact that he’s Lilia’s father, he’s offering to show you Silver’s baby pics as a present (+ some stories to accompany it), and if it’s really serious he probably getting you something meaningful, maybe a nice accessory that reminds you of Silver’s eyes… or has a protective charm on it. Silver adores you, so he takes care of you by association. You might as well be one of his already.
If you don’t know he’s Silver’s dad, still gets you something anyway. It’s funnier if you’re not close to Lilia at all, like a “huh, Lilia got me a birthday present. Do you have any idea why, Silver?” moment
This probably also extends to an extent with Malleus, as Lilia’s very glad that spring has finally come for him, and even Sebek. Maybe not in the Silver level, but you do get some nice stories from their childhood, and maybe some advice 
If you and Lilia are close friends or in a relationship, your gift might come from a different land (and honestly, a different time), something with a culture and history behind it, one that Lilia can tell you all about. He’s an engaging storyteller, he talks like he was there when the item was crafted, or that he was the one who picked it up from some battlefield years ago. 
Lilia likes an element of surprise in his gifts, and if he jokes about getting you some object or decoration five times your size you have to wonder if he’s joking at all.
Especially if you’re in a relationship or his “platonic soulmate”, he gets a little… sentimental, particularly when everyone’s left the party. It might not be that obvious in his facial expression, but you can definitely pick up on it in his tone — rather, he lets you pick up on it. This especially applies if you’re human. He pushes aside the usual teasing compliments and jokes about his age to make way for more serious and meaningful praise and compliments.
Overall, compared to you, Lilia’s had a significant amount of birthdays, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t see the value of celebrating them. He finds life to be something precious, especially the lives of his loved ones, so he pulls out all the stops to make sure your special day is a happy and memorable one.
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If you don’t have any plans to go on a date with anyone (in which case Ace will complain about how you should put your bros before your you knows), the rest of your evening is reserved for the first years to celebrate — meaning, you, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek, and of course Grim. 
When they’re telling their Dorm Leaders and Vice Dorm Leaders about it (well, all of them except Jack. He doubts Leona really gives a damn where he’ll be), they’re like Oh no, we’ll definitely be back in our dorm rooms to go to bed! 
They won’t be. Riddle can see a sleeve of Deuce’s pajamas peeking from his bag, and Trey saw Ace opening a new box of toothpaste in the bathroom. It’s your birthday, so they’re going to let curfews and rules and whatnot slide this time.
Vil just has that motherly instinct so he knows Epel is going to stay up all night and fall asleep on some couch or unclean floor, so he simply instructs the lilac-haired boy to bring his night routine skin care products. Whether Epel actually uses it is a problem for the Vil of the future.
Sebek is just… a very obvious boy, who’s oblivious to the fact that he’s obvious. Lilia can read him like a book, and really has to spend a few minutes convincing him that no, he’s not abandoning his duties to the Young Master Malleus by having one (1) sleepover at a friend’s place. Malleus isn’t going to get in trouble tonight of all nights. Sebek only lets go of his reluctance when the Diasomnia Dorm Leader gives his approval.
Ortho’s probably the only good boy who actually just says it straightforwardly to Idia — there’s a 99.99% chance it’ll become a sleepover, so he asks his brother to help him prepare. 
Idia’s occasional sweet moments (that aren’t reserved just for Ortho) shine through. Aside from some party and board games, he loads Ortho’s bag with a bunch of unhealthy snacks. That’s what people eat in sleepovers, right? 
If people thought the first years were being particularly troublesome during your party, that was them holding back. When you choose to enable them? When they’re away from the eyes of their dorm leaders? They’re far worse, far more chaotic. 
(Although they all think they’re the most reasonable one in the group, the one with the most brain cells. Other than Ortho, they all lose brain cells when they’re together, bless them. As for Ortho, he just chooses not to use his big brain for the sake of having fun)
This includes Jack and Sebek, who genuinely just need a push to let loose. Competition is the easiest way for the both of them to relax and have fun. Especially Sebek. Yes, he WILL (try to) defeat everyone in a silly human game of TWSTer what about it?
Ortho is 100% the banker in TWST’s Monopoly equivalent. He’s the one stopping Ace from getting a few extra bills from the bank (because yes, they’re playing the old version with the bills and not the inferior credit card version). They also all have different understandings of the rules so they spend a good 10-15 minutes settling on which to follow and which rules they’re making up.
They have a good amount of food for the sleepover, from your leftovers from your party earlier in the day, to whatever food everyone else managed to bring. The only one who doesn’t bring any is Sebek, and he says everyone should be grateful he didn’t bring any, for reasons more obvious to him than anyone else.
It’s wiped out by sunrise though. Mostly because of Grim and Sebek.
They start a not-too-serious fight at some point, where you are obviously the one recording everything with your phone (or developing photos with the Ghost Camera). 
It’s Ace, Deuce, and Epel obviously, with Sebek yelling at them about their rowdiness (while not stopping them), Ortho making predictions about who will come out on top (also not stopping them), Grim laughing loudly while munching on food (obviously not stopping them), and Jack sighing deeply (stopping them… eventually)
Ace taps out first, lol. Everyone roots for Epel. 
The obligatory two in the morning truth or dare game involving everyone’s damaged egos and social media pages, and their seniors questioning them about what the hell happened last night and why did the prefect post a picture of you doing… the morning come.
Ace, Deuce, Epel, Grim are definitely the dare people. Ace in particular is all dares because he thinks people who pick truth are boring (in truth, he just doesn’t want to spill embarrassing stories about himself… which is a sentiment that doesn’t last that long)
Ortho is a mixed bag who alternates between truth and dare, but no one really goes that hard on him. Ortho still gives really interesting stories (most of which involve Idia) that make everyone go huh!
Jack and Sebek are truthers, but they do end up doing a dare or two if they don’t want to answer any particularly personal (or embarrassing) questions
(If you happen to be dating one of them… or, excluding Ortho and Grim, you’re dating multiple/all of them/y’all are a polycule, well, truth or dare gets even worse, but in a fun way!)
The truth or dare game is followed by the just as obligatory three in the morning heart-to-heart session where everyone gets embarrassed about the past and contemplates about their futures, and everyone also cries a little (or a lot, but no one’s going to admit that) 
Followed by the four in the morning passed out on the floor all huddled up for warmth because everyone was too lazy to get in a bed or on a couch.
To wrap it all up, the first years are at their most powerful and embarrassing when they’re all together but they’re also the only group ever, go stan the first years thank you.
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and we're done! while these hcs aren't my most... eloquent writings, i still had a lot of fun, and it was really cute seeing people in the tags/reblogs talk about how their birthdays were coming up/had just passed and that they enjoyed reading/were going to read it on their birthdays. so so cute!
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onlyplatonicirl · 13 days
i like how your fanfic shows how horrible of a parent ink would realistically be
I’m glad :)
That’s something I try to go kind of in depth on in this fanfiction, which is taking a lot of the more “non canon” aspects of character interpretations (Ink being a parent, Error/Ink as a relationship, Fresh and PJ having a friendship, yadda yadda) and I kinda turn them on their head a bit and subvert expectations and try to see how those tropes would realistically work with the characters while keeping them actually IN CHARACTER.
Error/Ink in the tags? Oops jumpscare it’s not really an errink fic cuz they “break-up” (to put it lightly) in chapter 4 and basically hate each other for the rest of the 200,000 words. It’s not a shipping story it’s a tragedy looking into an aroace trying to better understand how other people work for his own slightly selfish motives and a man who is so desperate for company and attention after being alone for DECADES that he becomes nearly dependent on the emotional validation of the one person that actually seems to remotely give a shit about him.
And also realistically, the multiverse would not approve of them even being friends in any capacity. It’s always slightly pissed me off when I’ve read fanfic and Ink’s like “guys me and error are friends/dating/whatever” and everyone else is like “ok.” Wdym you aren’t gonna start WWIII. It’s an inevitable (har har) failure doomed from the start.
(Something I also enjoy a out this story is that with minor tweaking you can read the whole thing as them just being close friends - the “romance” is not a crucial part, but it does help emphasize character development with what I’m trying to write.)
So along the lines of trying to keep the characters realistic, yes ink would be a shit parent. Not on purpose and not because he doesn’t care, but because he just as a person with his horrid memory and low emotional tolerance/processing would just not be good for raising kids. Plus, he’s always traveling for his “job”, rarely would he actually stay at home for longer than a day. He treats his house like a fun sims project, free plot of land to build a crazy house for fun. He didn’t design it for much more than that, he’s not living in it full time after all.
Plus that fucked up both his kids. PJ’s become callous and wary around anyone he doesn’t know that well mostly due to having to figure things out and deal with things on their own. (Council. He doesn’t like them.) He’s nearly had to raise himself age 8 onward since Ink wasn’t much help. He just wanders the multiverse by himself. Unlike gray, who’s a total shut-in nervous wreck who barely leaves his room u less dragged by the ankle. PJ’s basically had to raise Gray as well. Neither of them have ever met Error (aside from PJ’s “birth” and a brief run-in on another occasion in which no words were spoken and that lasted maybe thirty seconds before Error ran away in terror).
I cant Write so many essays on these guys do not try me HAHAHA
Tldr I’m mentally ill about character development and emotional depth exploration
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almost-a-class-act · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you for the tag @eoinmcgonigal, @softguarnere, and @onehelluvamarine!
How many works do you have on AO3?
79! What a fun non-round whimsical number.
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The One Direction fic where I killed half the band, plus three more One Direction fics and a Shameless fic. Fun right?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Special props to those comments where you guys say something cool that I hadn't thought of, which prompts me to go off on a tangent with my character thoughts. I hope that's fun for you, but if not then at least you delayed me having to call the exorcist for one more day.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
This one, maybe? It's one of the top five One Direction fics I mentioned earlier. "Louis is the medical android tasked with taking care of Liam in a world after nuclear war."
Honourable mention to my Roe/Spina based on the PTSD-as-time-travel aspect of Slaughterhouse Five.
Could also be the canon-era Cobb/Hoobler.
Or, gosh. Is it sadder if nobody dies but it doesn't work out? Then I have the Liebgott/Tipper for you!
Sorry team. It would seem I write a lot of angsty endings.
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
It's the SidMaryEugene y'all.
Do you write crossovers?
No, but I'm not like, opposed on principle.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wrote one fic in the Shameless fandom and had to turn off anonymous commenting. But by and large I've been lucky!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes - the odd PWP if I am in a super specific mood, but otherwise just whenever it works in a story. I wouldn't say I'm, you know, wildly adventurous or anything. Lmao.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep, the Shameless fic was a co-writing endeavour.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Luztoye. I just identify pretty strongly with both.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Tough one, genuinely. I don't like to write off my WIPs!
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and ghost stories.
What are your writing weaknesses?
World-building probably. I get too excited about the characters and I don't really care about what's going on around them, oops.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I try to keep it to a word or two here and there. I haven't figured out how to string whole exchanges in and have it feel organic.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Lord of the Rings or the boy wizard who shall not be named, probably. Actually. I did write some Four Brothers fic early on? Yes the 2005 action thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and Andre 3000.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Once I'm not busy with school I want to get weird in the Justified fandom. Obscure pairings here I come!
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I've got a soft spot for Where the Pieces Go, my Chuck/Lieb friendship fic. I dedicated it "to good friends everywhere" because friendship is kind of a big deal y'all. It's kinda the whole point.
Tagging (I'm sure you've all been tagged like 25 times because this fandom is a tiny circle but anyway): @frstcorinthians @terresdebrume @sonsofmahal @heystovepipeboys @blood-mocha-latte
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lizardlicks · 5 months
one vague ATLA idea I have in mind for AU stuff is less specific but more of a broad AU spectrum and the general point is that instead of Team Avatar being a fairly small central group, they pick up people as they go along so that the folk who join them in the Zuko Friendship Arc and flee at the begining of the Southern Raiders stick around since their introduction; Haru, maybe a few members of Jet's crew, perhaps Jee from Zuko's crew following the end of Book Water, Chit Sang after the boiling rock, maybe even Iroh throughout Book One as a more extreme AU where Aang accidentally incapacitates Zuko and takes him hostage early on and Iroh and Zuko's crew go 'oh nooooo you have captured us and we're with you now I guess' while Iroh low key attempts to provide Aang perspective on the Fire Nation for dealing with them and some basics on Firebending philosophy, but anyway who else do you think would be interesting to see in this kind of AU joining up with Aang and his mission to free the world
Answering this TEN DAYS LATER OOPS
Personally I haven't thought about anyone else joining the gaang outside of Zuko joining the gaang early plots. First, I wouldn't include any of the adults. While yeah, there's something wrong with their world in the fact that actual teenagers have to save it from a century of war, if we actually stuck one of the adults into the group dynamics, they would alter the story and themes in a way I don't find satisfying. Too many of their own motivations and personal hang ups. Iroh works for Zuko because Zuko doesn't really have friends or any other social support, but even so to get to the core of Zuko, we have to separate Iroh's direct influence on him.
So for the other kids: NGL I think Haru as a character is boring. he's dry wheat toast. He exists only as a vessel for katara's hero complex. Teo could be a lot of fun; him and Aang play off each other really well, and it would give us more non-bender rep.
Jet I could not see willingly giving up his leadership role and joining the gaang. He might butt heads with Sokka first, but eventually he would piss off "everyone works together and does their fair share" katara, "I don't respect any form of authority" toph, and even "we're all friends and equals here" aang when he won't give any slack to the reigns-- metaphorically but also possibly literally. Similarly, I don't think smellerbee or longshot would willingly leave jet.
I love The Duke and Toph's relationship. I would have thought of anyone in the gaang for him to latch onto he would have gone with Aang or Sokka, but him looking up to and becoming really good friends with Toph is just really good. And him and Pipsqueak are more non bender rep too!
Suki joining the gaang earlier than canon would be great, especially if she brought a couple other kyoshi warriors along with and we got to see more of their dynamic as a group! Plus more sukka, and Sokka in the kw outfit.
Yue. Alright I apparently lied above, Yue is definitely one that I've thought about joining the gaang. In AUs where Yue lives, her getting out of the North and coming into her own as a person who can assert her expertise and authority is a big deal for her. Might also add some fascinating conflict: did she leave with Arnook's blessing or did she see an opportunity and leap??
Thousands of words have been devoted to the "zuko joins the gaang early" tag, but here's mine:
Zuko knows Azula. He knows not to trust when she puts her hands up and claims defeat. It's an old, old trick, not even a clever one, and they both know it. When her smile falls on uncle, Zuko doesn't even think twice. He's burned before. He knows how. Sinks into that familiar pain like an embrace from an old friend.
Iroh is horrified when Zuko drops like a stone (sick with guilt that he has to see this again, again, it never seems to end). Zuko stays down. His nephew never stays down. He begs the gaang for help, pleads for a mercy he knows neither of them have yet earned. They hesitate, but Toph also insists; Mushi, Iroh, whoever he is, he was kind to her. Whatever his nephew did, the other kids are alive and whole enough to bitch about him, so it couldn't have been so bad as to deserve a slow, painful death.
Katara pulls back his clothes, revealing the burns, the deep purple-black bruises from his fight with the earthbender soldiers, his starvation and exhaustion. It's abundantly clear to everyone that Zuko needs more help than they can give just standing around in an abandoned desert town, and the kids are exhausted. Iroh asks one more favor, a big one: watch over his nephew and keep him out of trouble while Iroh tracks down some old friends who will help find someplace safe for them to hide.
It's only supposed to be temporary, but now the gaang have to deal with wrangling a cranky, ornery firebender who's ass much a threat to himself as he is to them.
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gendervapor14 · 7 months
two fights for freedom ~ chapter seven: turning leaves, pruning trees
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“I don’t want to owe him anything.” She clarified lowly, voice wavering on the cusp of breaking. “This goes beyond finances. When someone does something for you…you feel indebted to them. It’s human nature. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. I don’t want that pressure. I want to feel free. That’s all I’ve ever wanted!”
“That’s all anyone wants, Bell-mère.” Genzo grasped her shoulder to pull her up out of her slump. “But you’re never going to feel free if you keep carrying all this weight by yourself. You’re talking about human nature, but you’re forgetting one vital aspect. Togetherness. We’re not built to live on our own! Let us help you. And when you have the strength, you’ll be able to help us back with ease. You’ll enjoy helping. But the first step is acceptance.”
With a clogged sniff, Bell-mère nodded feebly. “You know I’ve been close to death, but…” When she met his eye, Genzo felt like he was bound to that chair. “Now it feels like I’ve been buried alive.”
“We’ll help you.” Genzo promised her sincerely, shaking her hand in a meager attempt to instill some confidence. “And you won’t be any less a mother because you accepted help from your friends.”
His words hit like a hammer to glass. Bell-mère stood and drove herself into his arms, nearly knocking him out of his chair. Luckily, he was spry enough to catch her and maintain their balance, although her cathartic sobs left him hurting anyway.
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oops i forgot to post this on here again but chapter seven is up and ready to go! my work schedule may change soon by proxy of me quitting my horrible job so the posting schedule of this fic may also change. i'll keep ya'll posted.
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title: two fights for freedom rating: M category: F/M, gen content warnings: graphic depictions of violence status: incomplete, seven chapters, 22,629 words relationship: rosinante/bell-mere, cora & law, rosinante & hatchan, bell-mere & rosinante & law & nami & nojiko, rosinante & genzo, bell-mere & genzo characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko, genzo, nako, hatchan, arlong, arlong pirates additional tags: canon divergent, fix-it, everybody lives, pre-arlong park, angst with a happy ending, angst and feels, fluff and humor, hurt/comfort, scheming, suggestive themes, sexual tension, limes (yes i'm bringing limes back), eventual smut, romance, slow burn, arguing, financial issues, broken bones, references to depression, referenced alcoholism, mental health issues, canon backstory, mentioned doflamingo, non-canon backstory (giving bell-mere a backstory), found family, medical inaccuracies, blood and injury, trafalgar d. water law is a little shit, developing friendships, past child abuse, more tags to be added later (?) summary: freedom for one means adventure. exploring all the world has to offer, while avoiding the occasional haunting. freedom for another almost costs an arm and two daughters. a home, a village. perhaps freedom is best sought back-to-back. {a cora and bell-mère lives au}
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dakogutin · 4 days
fic writer questions
tysm for thinking of me @squintclover<33 this was so much fun! i'm so late to this but here we goo
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
-read fics at first then craved specific flavours so decided to provide for myself
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
-oh god. i started in 2017...
to be fair it was p inconsistent like how rarely im active here lmao
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
-atm i read more as i dont have the headspace to continue my wips
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
-my overuse of adverbs/adjectives lmao. it's quite the challenge writing in my non-native language so i used to overcompensate a LOT and i noticed it turned out to be painfully obvious oops.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
-how i over stress about perfection so much that it would keep me from finishing scenes and sometimes even whole projects. i'd go back again and again to reread and edit and it'll become an endless cycle
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
-how chamber pots and the pipes worked in regency era houses lmao. there might be something weirder but it's the only thing i rmr off the top of my head
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
-that they reread it or that they really appreciate my plot or characterizations
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
...im going to assume that's actually 'cringe'.
-it was prob the daddykink one or any wip of mine with the presence of a very alphamaleChristianGrey!dom character lol i cant do it
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
-this is going to sound bad for me, but it's the stories where everyone is happy and it's all fluff no plot. i found it soo difficult. feel free to decide what that says about me.
also infidelity and pregnancy tropes. and anything with themes of sexual abuse.
🍏What is the easiest type?
-hurt/comfort, banter, the angst where i get to go into a deep dive of their thoughts and emotions
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
-gdocs in my pc, usually during the night where it's the most quiet.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
-i'd love to do a canon divergent and do my own take on the canon plot and the worldbuilding... someday
🍇What made you choose your username?
-it used to be something else but i wanted to separate my tumblr acc with that username so i changed it into something so random and stupid, which is 'bigdick' in my native language
no pressure tagging @thomasbrodiesandwich @asterhaze @pinklume @welshremus and anyone who hasnt done this yet:")
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jaelijn · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Was tagged by @quordleona03, thank you! It still blows my mind we're talking, haha.
I'd like to see this spread to the B7 folk, so if you've written for B7, even if you haven't in a while, consider yourself tagged!
How many works do you have on AO3?
227 - though as ever I need to remind people that this is not the total of my fics and certainly not the total of my fanworks (I have none of my art on AO3).
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
985.865 (I always have to do math here because I'm "co-author" on a fic I did the art for. So this is my *actual* words on AO3, not what AO3 says.)
CUT because oops it got long.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, Blake's 7 only, unless you count Drake's Venture, but then again I have no active projects on that.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
This is in no way representative because my most kudos-ed fic will probably always be said "I did the art" fic that doesn't count, and my fandoms are vastly disparate in size, so my older SPN stuff is automatically up there. But anyway - Destinies Entwined (SPN), The Kindness of Strangers (SPN), There is no sin except stupidity (Canon Holmes - this one actually crept up there! I archived it, backdating, but people seem to have found and loved it!), Fields of Gold (SPN), and finally, With Every Single Word (B7) - and with the exact same amount of kudos, Bitter Days, and Sweet (B7).
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! Sometimes it takes me a while, but yes.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
*filters works by MCD warning*... I mean I've written a lot of bleak things, but not every MCD thing is necessarily bleak - on the other hand, I am probably forgetting some angsty ones that have no MCD. Most recently, or most in my memory, are a few of the Whumptobers, which always seem to bring out the darkness: Impending Destiny is up there, as is Bitter Almonds, Death's Kiss, perhaps, though that has some measure of catharsis, A Grave Man, Poisoned Apples. Then there's Earth, Earth Sector, Greyscale... Whatever you consider angstiest, it's probably a B7 fic. If you'd asked me to pick one, it'd probably be Impending Destiny because it hurt me to write and I feel it's underappreciated.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm in a similar boat as Quordle - these universes are angsty. Most of SPN ones are just... kind of even, all things considered, nothing to happy and nothing too sad, same with the Holmes stories, as they are all set somewhere in the middle and I can't give an Ending if there is more canon to go (and I rarely write AUs). But when it comes to B7, I've written some incredibly sappy stuff that doesn't really have "happy endings" because it's a fluff one-shot in the first place. Longfic with the happiest ending is probably Bitter Days, and Sweet, if only because it's a happy ending PGP. I do tend to prefer bittersweet endings to "fix everything" endings though.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've got some... strange comments, but no outright hate, no, not on fic. But I also enable comment moderation on anything that might attract things, as a precaution. It hasn't been necessary, but perhaps people don't bother if they feel they might get moderated anyway. This is not an invitation to start sending me hate!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really. Being ace probably has something to do with that... I've found myself writing some intimacy, non-sexual or bordering on sexual kink or "draw the curtain" sex scenes lately, but I don't really get anything out of sex in fic for smutty reasons (and for a long time disliked pairing fic because it seemed so focussed on sex). I could see myself writing something more explicit if it served a plot point, but mostly I don't feel explicit detail is necessary for character development/plot progression. Intimacy, yes. But who cares who sticks what where and where the body fluids go?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, though I wouldn't say I do it *often* - I am generally more keen on conceptual mashups (what if B7 characters were in Victorian London) than pure crossover (what if B7 characters met Holmes characters), because I tend to be interested in single fandoms at a time rather than more at once. That said, I have done them. The most out there is probably my Doctor Who / Pirates of the Caribbean crossover, Dancing Star. I vaguely recall it being for a longfic challenge, but don't remember which. I'm still fond of that one and it's not even on AO3 (yet).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. (Don't do this.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have been asked, and I think I had a Holmes fic translated once back in the LJ days? I'm not generally against translation if it's with my explicit consent, but there are some fics where I don't feel comfortable with it, often long or very personal work or stuff that I'm still working with. It helps if I already know the translator before they come to me with translation requests.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have made attempts, yes - some never worked out, some are yet to be published, others were collabs more in the sense of "let me add a sequel to your thing" rather than true co-writing. I have done a few fic/art collabs, on either side of the line, but I don't think there's anything currently on AO3 that has been co-written, unless you count my meta with @comarum.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I am not going to make a claim on an "all time" favourite, particularly as I still feel I only found my niche with shipping fairly recently, and there are a few... fan-favourite pairings that I never really shipped but where I'm now wondering whether I would have jumped in more readily if I had been aware that this niche existed. Also is it still a ship if the pairing is canon, or is that just enjoying the original work?
My most long-standing active ship at this point is Avon/Vila, however.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
When someone says "doubt you ever will", I always immediately think of a project or two where I get defensive about the idea that I will never ever, even though I haven't touched them in decades. They are in long-term hibernation, but I balk at the idea of them being abandoned. That said, I have a good number of Red Dwarf fics that I'll probably never polish up. Dimensions was important to me, but this is where it'll probably end. Something about that fandom doesn't work for me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think: characters, dialogue, angst and long-form fics, though of course the short things will always outnumber the long ones because they take so long to write!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finding endings for fics that are supposed to be short. Writing characters that aren't neurodivergent. Writing characters/relationships that aren't ace, though I feel I've been getting better with that. Anything that demands I actually pay attention to the characters' gender. Homonyms.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the extensiveness. If characters are always speaking a different language, sprinkling single lines in that actual language is weird and having the entire dialogue in a language that isn't the fic's is tedious, but if a few lines of dialogue are in a different language, sure. I feel the same way about strong accents.
Besides, I'd argue that characters in my current fandom aren't speaking English (the language I write in) in the first place, but a future common tongue I call Standard, so unless I want to invent a conlang, I'm not using their actual language anyway. On the other hand, rendering other languages in English can ignore some special characteristics of that language - something I specifically think about when I write about SIGN (my concept of sign language in the B7 universe). In general, I tend to emphasise readability over accuracy.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Depends on what counts. The first things I called fic were for SGA. Never published. The first published stuff was Canon Holmes.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This changes constantly, and I also feel like I keep developing as a writer, so there are things I was very happy with at the time that I would not write that way now. They still were a favourite once - and in the same vein, if I didn't feel any of my recent stuff were favourites, I'd be doing something wrong with the craft. Consequently, right now I am very fond of Impending Destiny and my current longfic project.
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chemicalbrew · 11 months
12 + 18 (for whatever fandoms come to mind ...)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i really do not like this question, because i always have trouble gauging what characters are actually popular and not, help!!!
whatever, here's the easy answer: Schala (and the reasons why are deep inside her blorbo tag)
I guess Haze (Xenoblade 2) also counts, but honestly, I really understand why people don't pay her much attention. It's me who has an unreasonable tendency to get attached to nice girls who exist to get killed off\fridged to make a point, but god, her design was awesome. gender goals lowkey even to this day
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
these answers feel almost like obligations, especially given it's you who's asking (you already know my deal hahaha). oops
more people should consider how funny (and interesting!) Zero KZ and the receptionist are (I probably won't shut up about it for a while help)
most Russian gamers (at least the ones that used to be vocal when I gave a shit) need to get their head out their ass and expand their horizons, and I have been saying this for years
at this rate I think more Zelda fans actually need to learn emulation and play 2D Zelda. people in general should learn to emulate stuff instead of waiting for remakes\ports\rereleases, because this shit is exhausting
Falcom fans need to play Falcom games that a) are neither Ys nor Trails and b) were originally released before 2014
Hades fans need to play Supergiant's older games
Dual Destinies\Spirit of Justice are far from perfect games and it's admittedly fair to hate them, but they had a fair amount of interesting ideas that should not be slept on (i.e. I daresay I think the idea of Apollo living abroad is interesting and just was executed like dogshit)
this isn't exactly 'sleeping on' and more blatant ignorance, but canon non-binary characters (i.e. the Undertale\Deltarune kids and A Xenoblade) having their identity ignored is awful
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 9 months
work in progress (full time)
https://ift.tt/0mypxbs by AshWrecksEverything (ambirch) They fucked drunk, Roy on half a case of 8% and Jamie on his disgusting flavoured spritzers. Roy couldn’t even remember how it happened, afterwards. Not at first. He remembered snippets, like Jamie taking off his shirt, and unzipping Roy’s trousers with his teeth. He remembered laughing a lot. He remembered being almost dizzy after he’d come, and his vision swirling back into focus to see Jamie raised up on his knees straddling Roy’s hips, stripping his cock fiercely with one hand while he gripped Roy’s wrist so hard he could feel the fucking bones grinding together, and Jamie’s hungry gaze on him the whole time. The way Jamie’s eyelids fluttered, and the pinkness of his open mouth that had just had Roy’s fucking cock in it. He remembered kissing Jamie, when it was all over. The strange lurch in his belly as he realised they hadn’t done it before, not properly. The way Jamie still tasted of raspberry and vanilla, and kissed like he wanted to devour Roy whole. They didn’t talk afterwards for a month. Words: 24944, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt, others mentioned - Character Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: Bisexual Roy Kent, Bisexual Jamie Tartt, Light Angst, Internalised Homophobia, Age Difference, Power Imbalance, Relationship Negotiation, Feelings Realisation, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, a frankly excessive use of the word fuck because this is Roy Kent, not very explicit sex, mentioned blowjob and masturbation, implied Jamie’s Praise Kink, implied Jamie likes being bossed around in bed, self discovery, discussion of coming out, mentioned homophobia in sports, briefly referenced child sexual abuse (not of any named character), references to canonical child abuse, (your Fuck James Tartt warning), but Georgie is fucking awesome, Jamie’s mum is best mum fight me, Canon Compliant, Future Fic, also past fic a little bit, Post-Canon and Mid-Canon and Pre-Canon all at once, non-linear, Unreliable Narrator, (sort of), implied Jewish background Roy Kent (because Brett Goldstein is so why not), ill advised drunken hookup with your best friend turns your life upside down, finding out you’re bisexual in your forties because your best friend is a red hot little bastard, and oops you fell in love with him when you weren’t looking source https://archiveofourown.org/works/49968337 September 09, 2023 at 09:14PM
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akai-anna · 11 months
1/3 Szia!Láttam a bingót, és pont jól is jött mert azt hiszem, hogy nem értek valamit. [Sokmindent] Megtennéd, hogy választasz 3 tetszőleges párost a Detective Conan-ből, és kitöltöd velük? (Bocs, hogy szabályt szegek de fontos, hogy te válassz, mert kíváncsi vagyok, de még nem tudom, hogy ki-kicsoda, és szerintem hiányzik a képből egy-két más fontos mozzanat is.)
(For non-Hungarian followers: I was asked to pick 3 optional ships from Detective Conan for this Ship Opinion Bingo. Answering in English to make it available for anyone who might want to read it.)
In advance: I have no self-control and ended up making a whole project of this, my deepest apologies that it got quite lengthy, Lizzy, hope you'll still have some fun reading this essay.
me, failing right at step one: not 3 (i started thinking about, and kept coming up with more and more possibilities, then reduced them again to just A Few TM, I REALLY DID TRY) but 6 relationships which almost ended up as 9... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *Oops!... I did it again starts playing*
relationship: i mean the word in its broadest sense (felt like confirming this bc i see it around in only a romantic context these days, so not only OTP sense of shipping but BrOTP sense too), meaning every and all kind of connections between people/characters, bc as an ace+aro non-romantic connections mean a lot to me
i checked everything that apply, even if they seem contradicting at first glance (just like fic: in one This thing applies, in the other This other thing applies sort of way)
i love you and these characters too much to just do the bingo without Commentaries TM (you poked the door with a stick and it slammed right open)
I. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Mouri Ran
The Main Pair of DetCo (As you have likely gathered from osmosis knowledge + WATCHING THE FIRST MOVIE, I AM STILL SCREAMING ABOUT THAT)
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Elaboration on certain points:
Oh there's no way this will end well & I can make it so fucked up & I can make it so stupid: The Situation Is already fucked up, so I don't even have to do anything, and I'm here to see how it will unfold. And before it gets better (so not the ultimate end) they have to work through a really messy tangle of things. Also they are already endearingly stupid, so that is covered too.
I don't see them as romantic & In a Relationship & Most codependent bitches on earth: I do see them as romantic (DEFINITELY!) but they are so much more than just romantic; their relationship has so many wonderful layers. The deep connection they share is not just romantic; THEY SHAPE EACH OTHER. I view them as the Ultimate Example of the Soulmate trope: in every universe, they are connected and important to each other in one way or another. There is no Shinichi without Ran and no Ran without Shinichi. They can and do function without each other but also their driving force and motivation is very deeply rooted in each other.
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag: in progress, have been at it for a couple months now, still working on it.
Not dating but married nonetheless: ONLY DIDN'T MARK IT BC THEY ARE DATING (IT ONLY TOOK THEM ROUGHLY 1000 CHAPTERS!!!), AND IT'S A RUNNING JOKE THAT THEY ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE (Bless Suzuki Sonoko, the biggest ShinRan shipper and supporter out there).
A little ShinRan moment that I love:
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II. Takagi Wataru - Satou Miwako
The First Police Officer Romance of DetCo
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I can make it so stupid: THEY ALREADY ARE, YOUR HONOUR, and love them that way.
Oh the devotion: just one thing to say and one to show. *inhales deep* Takagi Wataru is absolutely besotted, the sweetest man, Malewife Material TM. *shoves these particular panels in your face*
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III. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Hattori Heiji
The Detective of the East and West AKA Detective Buddies And Bestest of Bros
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Basically canon to me & I don't really see them as romantic: THEY ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS YOUR HONOUR, SUCH HIGH QUALITY FRIENDSHIP, THE LOVE THERE, THE WAY THEY CARE SO MUCH ABOUT EACH OTHER, IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME I'm dYinG- (But also Heiji having the biggest Crush TM on Shinichi never stops being a source of joy because no one goes through the trouble of getting picked as a "Great Sherlockian" despite preferring Ellery Queen, to attend a Sherlock Holmes Fan meeting SO HE CAN POTENTIALLY MEET WITH HIS RIVAL HE MET THE ONCE AT THAT POINT, FCKIN DEDICATION THERE)
Compatible brand of freaks: they are definitely Weird TM, my little weirdo mystery maniacs, definitely forces of nature.
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IV. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID
To quote the creator: "But I wanted a rival that was an arch nemesis to detectives, natural enemy to appear. [...] who’s smart as Conan and can oppose him."
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I can make it so fucked up & I can make it so stupid: Been there, Done That, Canon Already Provides.
I don't really see them as Romantic & In a relationship: I can see them as many things, be it platonic, partnership, romance, friendship, really, I'm not picky about the nature of their relationship for some reason.
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag: as with ShinRan, it's a thing in progress.
They enable the worst of each other & Compatible brand of freaks: reckless tendencies, the both of them, Ultimate Chaos Bringer Duo, also Bastards To Each Other TM. On the other hand: they are already competent on their own, but they can work really well together too, these absolute gremlins, Scarily Compatible And Competent.
Oh there's no way this will end well & Thematically delicious: complicated situations, Detective-Thief (have always been weak to the trope) business, really, there's bound to be at least a disaster or two.
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V. Mouri Ran - Suzuki Sonoko ( - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan)
Childhood Friends since the start of time (or at least kindergarten, together with Shinichi they make my beloved Sakura Trio)
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General thoughts: THEY LOVE AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO MUCH, YET THERE IS SUCH LOVELY TEASING and the potential of stupid teenage shenanigans is STRONG. In any arrangement, they are dear to me, CHILDHOOD BESTIE SQUAD.
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VI. Takagi Wataru - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
Police Officer of my heart and The Lil Gremlin Partnership
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Basically canon to me & I don't see them as romantic: they proved time and time again that THEY ARE AWESOME PARTNERS IN MYSTERY-AND-CRIME SOLVING, SO MUCH COMPATIBILITY THERE, AWESOME WORKING TEAM, FCKIN CANON ON THAT ONE.
I can make it so stupid: as always, They Already Are, most endearingly stupid too.
brb gotta go through their whole partnership tag: I already have, and even tried other kind of searches to find more content of them, I'm crying. T_T
Bonus: Takagi Wataru, always the witness for his Cryptid Moments TM, and also is amazed by him since day 1 (even if he doesn't know Conan is Shinichi), and Shinichi feeling a kinship with him. (Amongst other things not mentioned here.)
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Hope you enjoyed this weird ride, and if you have any questions about who is who, what is happening, or anything you are curious about, you know where to find me, Lizzy! (✿◕‿◠)~★
Bonus: you seemed to like the Kitten Hold, so have a litter of kittens as a goodbye.
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nevospitanniy · 2 years
Hey remember when I thought I could read all of the ao3 sterek tag lol
The show just ended, we were all excited, the tag hit 50k, I wasn’t thinking clearly. That went nowhere fast, but I did get through a couple of thousand, so here are my favorites from that time. Some links are broken, use way back machine for those.
What you will find here: angst, fluff, humor, character death, porn, non/dub-con, underage (duh), emissary!Stiles, bonding, fuck or die, h/c, pack dynamics, knotting, AUs and more!
What you won’t find here: classic a/b/o, mpreg, halecest. Got nothing against those concepts, just don’t find them to be a favorite.
Read author tags, as you would. I usually forewent full tag/warning descriptions and summary quotes in favor of a short personal opinions to save space.
entanglednow gets multiple mentions. Not sorry.   
Why Won’t Somebody Think Of The Children (G)
Hypocrite by LLitchi // Stiles was the Hales' emissary and everyone loved him.
Never Been Kissed (T/teen)
Pick Ourselves Undone by elegantwings, orphan_account // technically not rated // lovely little introspective story
I just want to keep this dream in me by orphan_account // Stiles and Derek have something in common - a dead mother
Find (Me) by kototyph // forever mad Stiles/Gerard encounter has been so neglected in the show. Hurt!Stiles, what’s good. 
Entrapment by Saucery // the boys get real close, bring your crowbar
Things Thicker Than Water by Cheshyr // Stiles inherited his mother’s eyes, and her smile, and her antidepressants.
Good Intentions by Helenish // Sheriff totally misunderstands things, but also doesn't
If I could be Someone (Within an Hour or a Day) by Finduilas // Stiles doesn't want to be turned into a werewolf, but he kind of wants Derek to want to.
puppets on strings by kameo_chan // a two-parter, T and E // this one hurts, kids. Brain trauma. 
And Now I'm Sunk by pandacowhipster // Derek finds a new anchor
Between The Lines by witblogi // five times Derek played connect the dots and Stiles was unamused
Sometimes I Dream Of You by veritas_st // technically unrated // Stiles is right, Derek doesn't want him gone
They'll Take It All by someonelsesheart // friends, benefits and a lot of lies
Chase Away Every Monster by wangler // Gerard comes and goes, but the fun lasts
9/10ths of the Law by tsukinofaerii // one of the few demon!Stiles fics I genuinely enjoyed. A SPN crossover, no less. 
Pre-Emptive Strike by Brigantine // give me emissary!Stiles or give me death
Blackbird by skoosiepants // quoth the Stiles “Nevermore.”
Like an Anchor That Drags You Down by lindenmae //  “What did you do to me, Stiles?” Derek growls, and it’s so guttural even to his ears, he doesn’t recognize his own voice.
Almost There (M/R)
And Dwell Beneath My Shadow by lielabell // Lydia saves the day for insecure Derek
If You're Wondering, If I Want You To (I Want You To) by pandacowhipster // funny, fluffy, has Twilight jokes. Ladies. 
Of sharing shirts by sephirothflame // they also share bodily fluids
Quit Talking (or I’m going to rip your throat out with my teeth) by Kayevelyn // # shawty what that mouth do 
I Can Taste It, It's My Sweet Beginning by fio // petty Stiles is the best Stiles
And Yes, I Swallow Glass by lightning and a lightning bug (spoons) // 2x07 coda // talking about your shit is Good, as Derek finds out
you're my perfect little punching bag by lanyon // honestly, with the amount of canon head injuries, I’m surprised Stiles can still talk
Lone Wolf by Spikedluv // Derek needs help oh boy does he ever and Stiles obliges
Writ in Hecate's ink on willing skin by Lenore // Finger Painting: not just for small children
last night's dress (tiptoe out of this mess) by hito // an incredible delight of a fic with fake relationship 
And I Followed You Home by entanglednow // resistance is futile
I Could Find My Way Back by entanglednow // oops, we are bonded now: the fic
Aversion Therapy by entanglednow // his shoulder may be hurt, but the dick still works
To Have Outlived the Night by stillane // hunters are assholes, water is wet
Stop Crossing Oceans by howl-to-the-wind (greenleaf) // I love a well-executed broken pack fic and, by God, did this one deliver
Integral to Survival by asocialfauxpas (fuzzytomato) // nothing brings people closer together than shared torture
Lock All The Doors Behind You by entanglednow // it’s almost like getting a pet, only the pet is a grown-ass man with claws
Red-Handed Man by proxydialogue // #where Stiles gets to be a nerdodactyl and a badass and the two are not mutually exclusive
You know how it is with spaghetti ™ (E/NC-17)
Sluice by GoddessofBirth // keepitwet.gif
rifle to the heart by sunsetpanic // AHS: Cult wishes it was this (there is also no Lena Dunham)
Holy Water Cannot Help You Now by affectingly // a missing scene/coda to 2x02. Stiles should just go to his happy place.
Want by tylerfucklin (orphan_account) // two words - angry. spanking.
He Hit Me and it Felt Like a Kiss by Loz // *Kiss With A Fist by Florence+The Machine playing in the distance*
Outer Dark: A Pornographic Fever Dream by ahab2692 // man, none of the drugs I ever did were this lit 
know just where you've been by morphosyntactic // ooh, something smells good! It’s Stiles.
The Perils of Fungi by the_deep_magic // #traumatisedScott2020 
Never Been by Lenore // Stiles is saved from his Virginity, and there is also a magic cave
Shake my ash to the wind by rufflefeather // just a whole lot of firsts happening
I'm Coming Over Tonight by burntotears // he can be quiet, see? 
Red Velvet and Fur (A Hanky Code for Gay Werewolves) by orphan_account // I was hooting and hollering the whole way through, utter crack
I Forgot All The Rules Today by entanglednow // One of them is probably going to die before Stiles reaches eighteen anyway.
And Now For Something Completely Different by Ark // intense car sex with a touch of dubcon
Little Red Riding Hood (you sure are looking good) by aohatsu // Stiles dresses up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. It's supposed to be ironic.
Hale of Heart by Nahara // one of the most interesting (conceptually) fics I’ve read in TW, Christina Perri is weeping
Camaro '68 by ZainClaw // absolutely iconique hitchhiker AU
Mercy Has a Human Heart by the_deep_magic // usually the tag ‘established relationship’ is not my favorite, but I’m glad I stayed for this 
i fall, i fall, i falter by affectingly // normal relationship who? love-hate car sex
A Wild of Nothing by BewareTheIdes15 // feral!Derek is a God’s gift
How to Date Your Best Friend's Brother by veterization // All things considered, his best friend's brother is pretty cool.
Hide Of A Life War by Etharei // required fandom reading, as stated by me and supported by roughly 400,000 other people
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype //  As his eyes slip shut, the last thing he thinks is, "This is going to kill my dad."
Professional Misconduct by Calico, Habernero // this is some quality AU smut, y’all
Bonus! Ra-Ra-Rasputin (fics in Russian)  
Плохой день, ночь ужасна (Bad day, horrible night) by мобиус // T // это мой самый любимый фик в этом фандоме на русском и легко в топ-5 в целом. Его нет смысла описывать, его надо читать. Без спойлеров. 
В первый и не последний раз by fioletova // E // кноттинг в душе. Ты, да, вот ты, кому это нравится - это для тебя <3
Тот, кто меня целует by Sabira // M // АУ, где Стайлз и Айзек попадают в психушку по стечению обстоятельств. Практически на 100% состоит из диалогов, но от этого шарма не теряет.
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
@fancy-a-dance-brigadier tagged me on that "share the titles of your current unpublished WIPs" meme thingy, and for once I actually have Several unfinished things, ooh. I assumed that when there's no title yet I should just use the filename it's saved as. (Also I excluded the one or two things that I might end up posting as Anonymous for shame reasons. So there.) Sorted By Fandom:
"dax31" - this is the one where Dax(es) has for many years been working for Section 31 and so Sloan makes Ezri/Julian happen for Shady Espionage Reasons (and/or his own lust, because I can't *not* shove some Sloanshir in there, u kno?). It feels like I've been stuck on this one forever but I don't think it can be more than a few weeks actually. It's basically just a long conversation and some angst. Also it claims that Sloan/Curzon happened at least once, which is a concept I find both alarming and plausible.
"julzia lol" - That was when I started writing Julian/Jadzia in my head for a laugh/spite and actually I thought of an outline that seemed like it'd work but I may not finish this ever as I am not that into it. And it's unrequited so they don't even kiss in it anyway so what is the point of that eh? It's also in some ways more of a Julian/Dax-worm thing and maybe if I focus it onto that I'll be more inclined to finish it. Hrm.
"garashir spy angst shite" - May not finish this one because I feel like I don't ship Garashir enough to get away with writing breakup fic about them. It's basically my text post about "Sloan broke up garashir" but with more words and a lovebite.
"lauren2" - Not a sequel to The Only Julian/Lauren On AO3 but a different one in which it's apparently okay to chemically/medically make someone less horny even if they're not really into that idea but it's their way out of not-prison so they'll go along with it anyway. So it's kind of fucked up, yeah. Featuring "Foot Stuff", some of which happens in Quark's because well it's not like anyone noticed so it's fine probably.
The Marvel Loki Show That I Am Normal About
"casinopointless" - I called it pointless because it turns into porn halfway through (probably) but I am doing my best to fit in some Actual Non-Sex Content about chaos and hedonism and selfcest. I was working on this one earlier today and I like some of the dialogue so hopefully I will actually finish it. And it's a slightly different Loki(s) characterisation than I'd usually go for but I don't think anyone would notice that really. I was considering Anon'ing it if I can't think of enough Stuff to put around the porn, but I suppose I can't now. Oops.
"he lets her" - This is just one of those stories in which people have sex and angst about it. But this one is Radically Different because most of the angst happens during the sex. See, I have range!!
"lokiidk" - TBH this one is really just a disorganised set of scenes and ideas that *might* all fit into one story but some of them might get discarded or end up in something else. And it commits that fanfic sin of a third character who is in the story purely to talk to/about that story's main ship but then Mobius *is* deployed largely as a therapist in the canon, albeit as one with ulterior motives whose treatments are sometimes actually torture under the terms of the Geneva Conventions. (Which don't apply outside of normal space-time so he's probably fine there legally.)
"mirrormirror" - This one is only about half a dozen lines BUT it does have a title! "Mirror, Mirror" and GUESS WHAT it's all about the wonders and implications of selfcest.
Crossover!! :D
"missysylvie omg" - Dr Who/Loki crossover in which (as the title suggests) Missy and Sylvie meet up and instantly fail the Bechdel by complaining about male versions of themselves. (Actually, how *does* one apply the test to characters Of Variable Gender?) I don't know if they will kiss in it, but there is A Vibe there because Missy has already joked about knifeplay on a first date and has made the (as yet unanswered) offer of "time and space and a bit of sexual tension." Alas I am not sure if I will manage to finish it because I keep thinking "oh no this isn't really A Story it's just an excuse for two of my faves to have a chat" but that's an issue I struggle with often because part of me is pretentious about fanfiction and while that part is annoying and should not be listened to it is nonetheless quite loud.
So anyway that's what's in the C:\Users\[Name]\Documents\fik folder at the moment. Plus a large number of opaquely-named files that frankly could be pretty much anything and most of them I believe to contain about three lines of something I immediately gave up on and forgot the context for. Because I can't just *delete files* my god no how could I how dare you I can't even.
I am gonna tag anyone who wants to do this meme because I want to know what everyone has lying around in the shadows of whatever device they write on. (And if that's a phone then I am a bit scared of you because HOW those keyboards are TINY and the screens are so sore??)
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
Honorable Thieves
Honorable Thieves https://ift.tt/KQXZL0c by golbygloom After leaving his life to head out west, Castiel's somewhat overwhelmed by the number of possibilities he's never so much as thought of before, and he's not quite sure where to start since his only goal for so long has been to escape. Luckily, fate already has something ready for him in the form of two wanted outlaws known for robbing banks and lives alike, all because he dared to take a nap. Maybe he should've stuck with canning blackberries… Words: 28761, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Castiel (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Victor Henriksen, Jake Talley, Lucifer (Supernatural), Azazel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Outlaw Dean Winchester, Outlaw Sam Winchester, Criminal Dean Winchester, Criminal Sam Winchester, Hunter Dean Winchester, Hunter Sam Winchester, Hunter Castiel (Supernatural), Cowboy Dean Winchester, Cowboy Sam Winchester, Cowboy Castiel (Supernatural), Sassy Castiel (Supernatural), Oops, Grumpy Castiel (Supernatural), Flirty Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Poor Sam Winchester, sam is the only one with brain cells i'm afraid, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Castiel and Dean Winchester Behave Like a Married Couple, Insecure Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Has Self-Worth Issues (Supernatural), Gay Castiel (Supernatural), implied bisexual Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, castiel is making things up as he goes and just making an absolute mess of it, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), not apologizing for that one i'm afraid, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Child Labor, this takes place in the california gold rush era of 1840s-ish so, Canon-Typical Violence, they kill monsters but also animals for the purpose of eating, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, kind of, it's just a silly gay cowboy but with demons and angsty insecurities, Rewrite the Ages, POV Castiel (Supernatural), Implied poverty, Non Major Animal Death, Monster Hunters, Rewrite the Ages Big Bang 2024 via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/5nphkPJ April 08, 2024 at 06:09PM
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ao3feeddestiel · 2 months
Honorable Thieves
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AZI9Ecm by golbygloom After leaving his life to head out west, Castiel's somewhat overwhelmed by the number of possibilities he's never so much as thought of before, and he's not quite sure where to start since his only goal for so long has been to escape. Luckily, fate already has something ready for him in the form of two wanted outlaws known for robbing banks and lives alike, all because he dared to take a nap. Maybe he should've stuck with canning blackberries… Words: 28761, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Castiel (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Victor Henriksen, Jake Talley, Lucifer (Supernatural), Azazel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Outlaw Dean Winchester, Outlaw Sam Winchester, Criminal Dean Winchester, Criminal Sam Winchester, Hunter Dean Winchester, Hunter Sam Winchester, Hunter Castiel (Supernatural), Cowboy Dean Winchester, Cowboy Sam Winchester, Cowboy Castiel (Supernatural), Sassy Castiel (Supernatural), Oops, Grumpy Castiel (Supernatural), Flirty Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Poor Sam Winchester, sam is the only one with brain cells i'm afraid, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Castiel and Dean Winchester Behave Like a Married Couple, Insecure Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Has Self-Worth Issues (Supernatural), Gay Castiel (Supernatural), implied bisexual Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, castiel is making things up as he goes and just making an absolute mess of it, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), not apologizing for that one i'm afraid, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Child Labor, this takes place in the california gold rush era of 1840s-ish so, Canon-Typical Violence, they kill monsters but also animals for the purpose of eating, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, kind of, it's just a silly gay cowboy but with demons and angsty insecurities, Rewrite the Ages, POV Castiel (Supernatural), Implied poverty, Non Major Animal Death, Monster Hunters, Rewrite the Ages Big Bang 2024 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AZI9Ecm
0 notes
funnyincorrectmcu · 3 years
Saw you were doing an ask spree so I have a question! What are your ultimate favourite Marvel fanfics? (Ao3 answers preferable!)
I ALWAYS LOVE THIS QUESTION!! But it’s also always SOO hard, because I have SO many fics that I ADORE! <3 <3 <3 
Okay okay. Since you’re asking for ultimate favorites, but since you’re also in a sense kind of asking for recommendations, I’ll do you a solid and give you a list of fifteen (which is really doing myself a solid because it means there are fewer that I have to narrow down). 
That said, if you really want my full list, go to my AO3 account and check out my bookmarks (and some of my works, if you’re interested!). Because there truly are a LOT of AMAZING writers out there. <3 <3 
Alright. Here goes nothing. 
Also, I am SO sorry this took me so long, but it took me forever to narrow down to fifteen, and even with THAT, I cheated. XD
Also also, fair warning, 95% of these are Tony and Peter centric. <3 
Also also also (lots of also’s, oops XD), I’m gonna give a little bit of info on each one for anyone interested, but PLEASE, read all tags and warnings before you actually start reading, because some of these are a little rougher than others. (Btw, when I say “major warnings”, I’m referring to AO3′s “major archive warnings” list.)
1. More Ancient Than Magic by @ironfamjam 
This is a mini Hogwarts AU that I absolutely ADORE and think about at least once a week. The way the author melds the two universes is incredible and so well done, and I quote it all the time.  One-shot, IronFam centric, featuring Ned and MJ, with special guest appearances from the other Avengers and Peter’s classmates. No major warnings. 
2. Everybody Loves Skip by @baloobird
Okay, Kris is my favorite MCU fanfic author of all time, so you’ll see her on here a couple of times. This is by far my favorite story of hers, and it’s what made me fall in love with Interwebs. <3 <3  Multichapter, Peter centric, featuring Ace!Peter and Interwebs, with special guest appearances from Tony, May, and Tracy Leeds. Minor sexual harassment/non-con, but it doesn’t get too graphic. 
3. Ohana by @jen27ny
I read this story as a part of last year’s Irondad Big Bang, and let me tell you, I was SOOO invested. I got to the point where I had to send in play by play reactions because I was so emotionally invested. The story is so well told. <3 Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Pepperony, Spideychelle, and minor Stucky, with special guest appearances from the rest of the Avengers, HYDRA, and my fast beating heart. No major warnings. 
4. Come, My Darling, Homeward Bound by @i-am-irondad
ANOTHER Irondad Big Bang 2020 story that I became OVERLY invested in to the point that I had to send play by plays in to the author. It’s a Room AU, and she NAILS each and every one of the character dynamics. I never even saw Room, and I loved it. <3  Multichapter, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring the rest of IronFam, Spideychelle, and adorable sibling moments, with special guest appearances from Quentin Beck and my tears. Minor implied sexual harassment/non-con. (She also has a prequel and a sequel, just so you know.) 
5. The Lightning Strike by @booksxtvxsupernatural
Yet ANOTHER Irondad Big Bang 2020 story that hit me right in the feels. This is a canon-divergent post-Infinity War fic, and the way the author shows how events could’ve transpired is so realistic and beautiful. <3  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Harley Keener and Nebula, with special guest appearances from IronFam, May Parker, and several other Avengers. 
6. Family Doesn’t End with Blood by @baloobird
This is a series of one-shots by my girl Kris based off of the Irondad Bingo prompts, so there are a lot of different prompts and themes, but they ALL rock.  Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Ace!Peter, IronFam, and Interwebs, with special guest appearances from several other MCU characters. Warnings vary, so pay attention to the tags and read the notes. 
7. I love you more than anything (bio dad AU) by @iron--spider
Okay, so maybe this is cheating, because it’s technically a series, but every fic in it is so good that I couldn’t possibly pick just one. I just love the whole series, because I love how the author builds their relationship. It’s so cute. <3  Series of one shots, Tony and Peter centric, featuring the rest of the Stark and Parker family and baby Peter, with special guest appearances from Obadiah Stane, James Rhodes, and Happy Hogan. No major warnings.
8. sometimes, people just die (and sometimes, they don’t) by @snarky-drabbles
This one was for the 2019 Irondad Secret Santa (huh. No wonder so many of them are Tony and Peter centric. XD), and it’s an amazing time loop story that takes place during Endgame and has an ending you might not expect, but it ROCKS.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric from Peter’s POV, featuring Pepper Potts and Stephen Strange, with special guest appearances from a whole lot of fighting. XD 
9. A Rite of Passage by @baloobird
Another ADORABLE Interwebs from my favorite person, because she made me obsessed with this ship and now I can’t stop. XD  One-shot, Interwebs centric (wait, did I actually find one that isn’t Tony and Peter??), featuring Ace!Peter and Bi!Ned, with special guest appearances from Brad Davis, Flash Thompson, and Betty Brant. Minor sexual harassment/non-con, but nothing graphic at all. 
10. Where Dreams are Nightmares in Disguise by @baloobird
This one was actually written for me, by Kris, so obviously, it made this list. I seriously cannot thank her enough for writing this amazing fic for me based on my prompt, and for writing it so well! I LOVED IT! <3  One-shot, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring Pepper Potts and lots of LEGOS, with a special guest appearance from a really bad dude. No major warnings. 
11. harm and foul by @iron--spider
You know, there’s a lot of Tony protecting Peter out there, but sometimes, I just really wanna see Peter protecting Tony, and this is a GREAT example of that.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring IronFam, Ned Leeds, and bada** mofo Peter Parker, with special guest appearances from Justin Hammer and a few Avengers. No major warnings.
12. Sugar, Butter, Flour by @doctornineandthreequarters
Another one written for me, this time by the incredible Jaime for the 2019 Irondad Secret Santa, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. She took my prompts to heart and created some BEAUTIFUL sibling bonding and I LOVE it!! <3 <3  One-shot, Peter, Harley, and Morgan centric (whoa. Another one without Tony. See? I have variety! ...kind of. XD), featuring Pepperony and adorable sibling love, with a special guest appearance from a Karen. No major warnings. 
13. Bite the Bullet by @baloobird
In case you haven’t figured it out, yet, I love you, Kris. XD <3 Another amazing ace story that gets me feeling all kinds of validated and loved. <3  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Spideychelle, Ace!Peter, and Ace!Tony, with a special guest appearance from BFF Ned and lots of lovely ace acceptance. No major warnings. 
14. what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives by @lyssismagical
So, I started reading her works solely through Tumblr, and when I finally realized that she had an AO3, I went on there and bookmarked a TON of her stories immediately. This is one of her more recent ones, but it’s one of my faves, even with all the whump (being Whumptober and all). It has a positive ending, I promise.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring amazing BFF Michelle Jones, protective Peter Parker, and adorable little sister Morgan Stark, with special guest appearances from Pepper Potts, May Parker, and a lot of family love and support. Rape/non-con, but it isn’t super graphic. 
15. Peaches by @peterparkrr
This was yet another Irondad Secret Santa 2019 fic, and while this one wasn’t written specifically for me, I freaking loved it. There’s so much tension and mystery in this, and I seriously thought I was gonna pass out reading it from all of my worry. But, luckily, it has a happy ending.  One-shot, Tony and Peter centric, featuring canon divergence and lots of references to other Avengers, with a special guest appearance from a terrible government. No major warnings.
And there’s my top 15! But, because I said I was cheating, here are two bonus fics that cannot be found on AO3. I know you prefer AO3, but trust me when I say you cannot pass these up. 
1. This fic by @loubuttons
This was posted directly to Tumblr, but I have it saved in screenshots on my phone and I re-blog it all the time because I absolutely ADORE it. I will always be down for Peter and Morgan fics, especially when Tony is involved, and this one touches my heart like no other.  One-shot, Tony, Peter, and Morgan centric, featuring protective big bro Peter Parker and Tony being an amazing parent, with special guest appearances from equally awesome Pepper Potts and May Parker. No major warnings. 
2. He’s My Intern? by losingmymindtonight (if they have a Tumblr, I don’t know it, so if anyone knows it, please find them and tell them they’re awesome)
This one was posted on FF.net, and it was actually one of the first Tony and Peter stories I ever read, and it BLEW me away. This one is another series of one-shots, but each one is filled with soft Tony and Peter moments and I love it.  Multichapter, Tony and Peter centric, featuring Happy Hogan, Bruce Banner, F.R.I.D.A.Y., and all the hurt/comfort you could possibly want, with special guest appearances from Pepper Potts, May Parker, Ned Leeds, and several other Avengers. No major warnings.  
Okaaaaay. I think that’s it?? 
Wow. That took me FOREVER. 
And I’m not even sorry, because all of these authors deserve ALL of the credit I gave them. 
Thank you so much for asking this! I hope I didn’t bore you or babble too much. XD 
All of you should definitely check out these amazing fics! They 100% deserve the praise! <3 <3 
Thanks again for asking! <3 
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