#also this bitch walks so weird. like its all normal for most of it and then he does this thing where he???? lifts his leg like up to his
florshedworf · 7 months
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i spent way to fucking long on this test animation so im posting it here
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authormars · 7 months
Since people liked my last headcanon, here's another one. What happens when it's molting season?
I want to make one thing clear and that is that I did no research for this so if how they molt isn’t accurate to the animal they resemble, sorry, but I am stubborn and refuse to do research right now.
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Absolute bitch. His feathers hurt, his body hurts, he is shedding everywhere, fuck you.
There's a reason the brothers and Diavolo call it his "Angelic Period"
The first day, he's just slightly uncomfortable because his feathers are crowded, but whatever. He'd just preen them tonight.
Every day after that for a literal week, he is uncomfortable and wants to fight everyone. He has threatened to punch Diavolo multiple times.
After that week, don't ask him about it, he'll pretend it didn't happen.
His lasts a week and is pretty bad, probably one of the worse ones out of everyone, and consistently happens every other month.
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His skin either comes off in little amounts or all at once. There's a reason Mammon has a full Levi skin in the corner of his room.
The second least uncomfortable brother when he's molting, due to it mainly just being he has to take off old skin and scales.
His is over in maybe three days and isn't as consistent as Lucifer's.
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Real quick, I have to clarify. In my headcanon, my universe, whatever you want to call it, Satan isn’t a unicorn. Based on his demon form in game, I’ve decided he’s a basilisk lizard — which is the Jesus lizard by the way — so he does legitimately shed.
His skin doesn’t normally come off all in one day. He has to take it off himself.
He isn’t bitchy like Lucifer because it’s not painful, but he is a bit more irritable because it is slightly uncomfortable. Like tight clothes, but for your skin.
His molting lasts three to four days and happens around once every four months or so
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Asmo’s molting is few and far between. Maybe once every year. He normally just stays in his room for the three to five days it lasts to take care of himself.
It doesn’t hurt, that same tight clothes feel, but he takes it as an opportunity to be rude because he has an excuse.
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He doesn’t mold like his lizard brothers, but sheds like Lucifer. Everywhere. You walk into a room while he’s shedding and its covered in fur and hair.
His occurs every spring, since he has to shed his winter coat for summer. The least uncomfortable brother due to it just being fur coming off, but the most inconvenient because it gets everywhere.
Lasts a week or two and then nothing until the next year
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Mammon and Beel don’t shed/molt since Mammon’s feathers burned off in the fall, leaving the weird bony wings he has now and Beel is a beetle so he doesn’t molt.
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I finished this surprisingly quickly, but I'm also procrastinating on my Valentine's Day fic that I have to finish so...
Also, thank you to everyone who commented on the last post I made, you are all so sweet and make my day so much better <3
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Any weird Soul Society specific superstions for care and maintenance of one's Zanpaktou?
There's a joke rumor that goes around Shinigami Academy that if you've tried everything else and your zanpaktou STILL isn't talking to you, you can always try getting into mortal danger so it has to come out and save your ass to save your own. The faculty loudly maintains that is false and even considering it is a great way to fuck up your spiritual connection with it. The problem is that unfortunately, the rumor is true- even the most stubborn zanpaktou tend to have at least one survival instinct and will force their wielders to fight their way out of a life-or-death situation. But the teachers are right that it WILL permanently fuck up your relationship with a sword if you intentionally harm yourself for it's attention, and it's important to note that just because your zanpaktou manifested, that doesn't mean either of you are strong or skilled enough to get out of your dipshit situation you caused.
A more commonly advised bonding practice is to practice putting trust in your sword and learning about its preferences by picking one day a month where it's in charge and you do everything it says. EVERYTHING. If your sword tells you to walk off a cliff, start walking - the key here is to teach the sword spirit that not only do you trust it, it's also responsible for you and can't go around giving you bad advice for shits and giggles. Most sword spirits never ask their wielders to do something dangerous, but they do ask to go see a weird movie or for their person to eat an unusual food so they can taste it by proxy, and thus the wielder gets used to trusting them and thinking of the spirit as a person unto themselves.
Doing proper maintenance on your weapon is an important bonding activity and the first time a zanpaktou has to be taken to a smithy to be properly re-sharpened is often a nerve-wracking experience for both sword and shinigami, a bit like a child's first doctor's appointment.
A practice that is not *recommended* but most people do anyway and that works is sharing gossip. Sword spirits can see each other when they choose to manifest, and have friendships and rivalries and THAT BITCH FROM THAUMATURGY CLASS YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE - and likewise, since sword spirits spend so much time resting they want to hear all the updates on the wielder's friends and family and rivals and OH MY GOD YOU NEED TO HEAR WHAT THAT MORON WHO TEACHES O-CHEM DID NOW-
Sometimes, a sword will bond with someone very deeply, very fast. There's a superstition that shinigami who bond with and master their zanpaktou quickly are either destined for greatness or to burn out and drop out of the court guard just as fast. Neither is true, actually. They're not prone to grand destiny or burnout any more than people who take a normal or long time to bond with their zanpaktou. They are more likely to get thrown out of the guard for really weird crimes though.
On the other end of the spectrum, if it takes a long time to bond with your zanpaktou, there might be something wrong with you. The rumor isn't *totally* unfounded- the main thing that keeps people from bonding with others is, you know, unresolved emotional issues, the same thing that prevents less stabby relationships. But it's just as likely that it's the sword is the one that's snake fuckingly crazy.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
do you think any of the companions drink? what would their habits be?
how the companions booze it 🍻
Cait; Hard drinker who, surprisingly, can't hold her liquor. She gets drunk quickly, but takes some time to drop out of the race, so to speak. Obviously, she used drink out of trauma response, but having gotten clean from the drug addiction, Cait drinks sparingly and rarely. Like, actually eats as she does so. Doesn't drink water because Cait isn't a water drinker. Her drunkenness depends heavily on her mood pre-boozing. Her booze of choice is beer.
Curie; does not drink. However, did try wine. Did not like it. She just makes sure there's water and food available for the local alcoholics, and badgers them to partake in such necessities. The worst days at the clinic are days after a party and she likes to lessen that load as much as possible.
Danse; Alcoholic. One of the alcoholics Curie is always after. Danse drinks when he doesn't have work, to sleep. No exception. And he drinks a fucking LOT. Like...opposite to Cait, he takes a lot to get drunk, and even more to fall down. He chugs vodka, whiskey, tequila...basically, if even one shot isn't for the faint of heart, Danse takes swigs right from the bottle. It impresses some people, but he isn't doing it to impress. Danse isn't that kind of person who takes pride in his alcoholism. This problem gets worse after BB, but he gradually gets better as time goes on.
Deacon; used to have a problem, so now alcohol is kind of a...soft no. He'll have a drink. A drink. And it won't be anything too crazy. A glass of wine, a beer or two, maybe a shot. He drinks as a social thing, just to be polite. Customs, yknow? Besides, he wants to keep his head clear. Also suffers from bad hangovers. The type to spend the whole morning puking even if he didn't have that much.
Gage: Also used to have a problem. He wasn't an alcoholic, but rather, weak to peer pressure. He wanted to impress all the big tough raiders by putting away as much crap as they could. And for the most part, Gage very much could outdrink most people. But being that drunk that often is not safe for a young man in his position, and he learned real quick that its better to the smart stick in the mud than the fun, cool, vulnerable target.
Hancock; the type of guy to think his problem makes him cool and fun. Im sorry, but he is. Hancock is the kind of person who's like "yeah man I was barely walking and shit, I had like, 30 shots or something? Haha I forget dude! So I'm like half crawling back to my place and its fucking...what, 10 in the morning? And I got work in 2 hours man, and everyone on the streets looking at me weird, ahah, shit was crazy!" Hancock drinks whatever he has, with no preference or complaint. However, there's a specific brand of whiskey that burns like a mother fucker that he likes to drink to show off. Doesn't eat or drink water. Curie has yet to give up on him in all but spirit.
MacCready; the most normal, healthy drinker. He likes the occasional beer, but his soft spot is a margarita. Or a sangria. Not into alcohol on its own. He doesn't want to taste it. He'll rarely have a drink without food. Drinking water is his weakness here, as he also isn't a water person. Mac will have a beer with dinner, and maybe another, and maybe another if the vibe is right, and if he doesn't catch himself, will end up tipsy. If he doesn't catch himself at tipsy, homeboy is getting pickled.
Nick; Used to enjoy a martini, a brandy, a wine, a rum. A gentleman of refined taste. At least, thats what he'll say. OG Nick bought his alcohol based on coupons or whatever was cheap. This man drinks bud light. Now, Nick mostly just babysits people who can get drunk. But he used to have his alcohol in accordance to whatever he was eating. Sub from the shop down the corner? Donuts? Afformentioned bud light. Dinner with Jenny, homemade seafood pasta? A wine. He's big on the idea that certain drinks have rules.
Piper; wine bitch. Drinks out of a coffee mug if ones clean. If not...girly gets a straw. She doesn't have a problem, but you wouldn't know it if you saw her while she enjoyed a drink. Wine is pretty much the only drink she likes. Beer is gross, moonshine has done enough to her, vodka is too strong to be enjoyed. She likes wine because it tastes good to her. Her taste sways towards the dry ones. Because she drinks for the taste, she isn't keen on getting drunk, so Piper is good about staying fed and hydrated. When she isn't, her hangovers are...demonic.
Preston; drinks occasionally, and never wants to get drunk. He doesn't like the feeling of being drunk, though he doesn't get hangovers. Even when inebriated, Preston mama-hens and keeps everyone eating and chugging water, so he ends up taking care of himself as well. His taste is both broad and limited. He'll drink anything—provided its local. Preston will not drink a name brand. He doesn't want Heineken, he wants Craig's magic wheat poison. He doesn't want Franzia, he wants a bottle of whatever the twitchy lesbian living in a boat house has fermenting amongst the seaweed and barnacles.
X6-88; the only alcohol you could get this man to drink is alcohol disguised as dessert. Ole Smokey banana cream moonshine comes to mind. He'll know its alcohol, you can't hide it from him, but provided its tasty enough...you might get him to indulge a little. If only for the fact that its basically candy. Otherwise, he isn't drinking. He probably can't even get drunk, not without causing a shortage.
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
Ran (p2 of 2)
If you don’t remember… :
@tenjikusstuff: omg i never requested anyone i just don't know how request work...but like. ANYTHING with Ran makes my knees week. From the most angsty thing to the most fluff thoot sweet one. I just love him THAT much. And same gors for Hanma fucking Shuji. These beanpoles have my heart attached to strings.
So basically I saw an alphabet thing where people did every letter for something regarding a character? Idk if that makes sense lol but here’s where I got credit from; (sfw) (nsfw)
A - Aftercare This poor man. He switches from ruthless to being the most worrisome man in the world. You might doze off, but you will wake up to food and water and be wrapped up in a blanket while he lies cold behind you.
B - Bff Similar to how he is as a bf, I think he would worry 24/7. He knew you were a little oblivious at times and couldn't help but hope no one bothered you while he was away from you.
C - Cum (legit so awkward to write this cause its interesting to describe lol) He has a bit of a shitty diet so this reflects that lol. It's more clear than anything else and sticks to legit everything. Still enjoyable to take in LOL
D - Domestic (settling down) If you were ready, he would be too. He likes to cook, especially with you, and wouldn't mind taking on the house-husband role outside of work.
E - Experience Might seem like big shit but is probably truly learning with you, prove me wrong. He might have a club, see ladies, and get bitches all the time, but sex? No clue.
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl's helper is a yes along with leapfrog. I think just anything to where he could see your body react to him would be fine. These are only 2 out of many though.
G - Gentleness SO GENTLE. GENTLEMAN. If you have a headache and you're into brushing your hair to relieve stress, you bet he is going to do it for you. Have stuff in your hands? He's taking them and walking in the door, he doesn't care if it's heavy, he's taking them.
H - Hugs? It might weird him out at first, but if you do it enough, he will ask for them every day almost.
I - Intimacy Not romantic enough to have music playing or anything, but he might light your favorite candle and take a bath with you...
J - Jealousy If it's in one of his places, and he owns a lot, he will get mad and fire any employee that looks you up and down.
K - Kiss No brainer, sucker for kisses. And if you pull his hair slightly? He's gone, buckling, like legit crumbles.
L - Location (to do it) Private places like the bedroom, not into others watching in public if he doesn't know them. Ultimately your choice tbh.
M - Mornings (with them) You can't tell me he isn't the one man we wish to wake up to. Messy bedhead hair, raspy voice, does the stomach scratch thing that reveals the slightest below the belt... AH
N - No’s (turnoffs) When a person doesn't care for themselves and/or their s/o bugs Ran sm. Also just not being a good person. Like sure, he smokes some, yeah, but he's not rude to people or bothered if someone tries to make small talk if they haven't done anything?
O - Oral (giving, receive) Opposite of Hanma, better with the mouth than with the fingers. Legit almost chokes on air if you give it to him.
P - Patience Surprisingly patient. Wants shit done but can wait if it's necessary.
Q - Quickies Perfectly fine with them. Although it's normally just a name since he likes to take his time and it turns into an hour in the bathroom instead of a few minutes.
R - Risks He's risky all the time. Like mentioned above, a little clueless when it comes to the deed so you might need to explain the quote 'risk' before he goes at it.
S - Security Cares about you SO MUCH. Ran >>>> bodyguard
T - Toys? He has them. They're still in the packaging.
U - Ugly Habits He has a bad habit of forgetting things. Important things. It could be a simple meeting, or it could be a bigger thing like forgetting to eat.
V - Volume Loud af. Doesn't really care if someone hears, but you're equally as vocal so... guttural moans every time with praises.
W - Would they be whole without you? Absolutely not. He would beat himself up, even if it wasn't his fault you left him. If he left you, it would only ever be because it was for your safety.
X - X-ray Girthy and 5-6 inches. Cute little mushroom top :)
Y - Yearning Depends. If he has been tired for the past week due to work, begs you for a taste. Ordinarily, honestly could care less if it's not important to you either. If you ask, ofc he will. But won't outright be desperate like when he is tired.
Z - Zzz Sleep for so long. IDK WHY HE IS SO TIRED??? Maybe it's just a bad sleeping habit that became a habit, he will sleep in most days and be late to work.
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
The Marauders as Asexuals.
(Because I'm ace and love representation, plus I think it's a good way to show the dynamics of different types of asexuality and how it can be affected by a person's personality.)
(Sex-Positive and Asexual)
Yes of course, the most dramatic bitch in the castle.
Flirts with literally everyone under the sun and never gets uncomfortable because obviously it doesn't mean anything.
Constantly referring to himself as a slut despite never having had sex in his life with zero plans to in the future.
Constant casual/flirtatious touches, but will shut down the second someone tries to give him genuine physical affection.
James' warm hugs and Remus' little hand squeezes are heartbreaking leave him alone.
Is depressed and masks it with EXTREME self confidence.
Constantly talking about his appearance and how hot he is.
"Smash." "Sirius you're asexual." "So?? I have eyes??"
Just a walking hypocrisy honestly.
"Just because I don't want to fuck a dude doesn't mean I don't want to THINK about fucking said dude."
*still self pleasures but absolutley wants no part in the act with another person*
Will 100% still make out with a partner if given the opportunity to.
Loves neck kisses.
Gets turned on actually very easily under proper circumstances.
But you don't understand, its not the act or the person, it's the IDEA.
Thinking about actual sex makes him sick ngl...
*asexual panicking*
^^Literally all the time
His friends always make jokes about how he's the world's worst asexual and he literally can't deny it.
(Sex-Repulsed and Asexual)
Hates everything to do with sex.
That's literally it. He just hates it.
Anytime people make inappropriate jokes he just groans because it's so GROSS.
Why would anyone want to touch where you literally PISS OUT OF??
Constantly having his ears covered during conversations.
"Guys! Not in front of Wormtail!"
Is referred to (much to his dismay) as the "innocent friend"
"Just because I don't want to swap disgusting bodily fluids with someone does NOT make me an innocent child, thank you very much."
People always somehow manage to find a way to make everything he says dirty.
And they have to explain it afterwards.
He gets frustrated quickly when he feels like people are making fun of him for it.
It's actually quite a sore-spot for him, growing up feeling like he was always so behind everyone else.
Sharing a dorm with James and Sirius and all they would talk about was how attractive certain people were.
Peter feeling like he was never going to be enough for anyone :(
But his friends were always there for him at the end of the day, reminding him that not every relationship is about sex.
Their friendship meaning so much more to him because THATS his version of love.
Peter wanting to understand jokes they make but at the same time desperately not wanting to know because sex-having people are WEIRD.
Peter just being a soft boi and everyone looking out for him and maybe being a tad bit overprotective.
(Sex-Indifferent and Greysexual)
Normally doesn't think about sex at all, it just doesn't cross his mind.
Gets flustered SO easily.
His friends constantly make fun of him for how nervous he gets. His whole face will turn red and they think it's hilarious.
*also asexual panicking a lot*
"Don't touch me." -constantly to all of his friends.
Refuses platonic physical affection, it's just confusing and it makes him nervous.
Remus also being a bit of a romantic behind the scenes, loving sensual touches with a partner like stroking hair, forehead kisses, anything soft and gentle and not explicitly sexual.
99% of the time experiences zero attraction to anyone, even people he's romantically involved with.
But that 1% he'll just get turned on like... randomly??
Out of nowhere he's being his usual self than BOOM sudden burst of desire.
But it literally only happens once in a blue moon (Ha)
Has a hard time fitting in with the Ace community, but an equally hard time fitting in with the allosexual community.
Doesn't feel "ace enough" to call himself it so he just skips the label most of the time, only using it when necessary to explain.
Sex isn't necessarily a bad thing to him.
He's just a quiet romantic who'd honestly rather spend his time doing something else.
Like reading.
Or eating chocolate.
(???? And Demisexual???)
Honestly nobody can figure him out.
James just gets absolutley obsessed with this person and never let's them go.
He'll be completely 'normal' with them, wanting all the things people in a neurotypical relationship want.
But before them experienced nothing for anyone.
And after them *if there is an after* is the exact same.
Literally just void of any sort of attraction physical or romantic.
He doesn't know how he feels towards sex as an act itself, he just knows how he feels with them.
His version of sex is just loving his partner???
Idk they do all the leading he just literally wants to worship them in every way possible.
He's the *needs to get closer even though they're literally laying on top of each other* type of boyfriend.
So, so, so fond of physical affection with this one specific person.
Oh dear lord the amount of puns.
He frequently refers to himself as a starfish because they reproduce through mitosis (a.k.a asexually)
"What? You think I have an ACE up my sleeve??" *whispers* "It's me. I'm the ace."
"Man I really ACED that transifguration essay."
"I quite literally don't give a fuck."
"We should go dancing, cause baby I'm the ACE of clubs."
Follows literally every joke up with "get it?? Cause I'm asexual??"
Wears ace pride merch. (Yeah babyyyy)
Being such an odd sight because this arrogant-seeming jock who's Head Boy, Quidditch Captain, and leader of the school's infamous pranking group is part of the LGBTQIA+ community???
(Just imagining him carefully packing it into his trunk has be sobBING)
He's so open about it too, always answers any questions people have to the best of his ability.
Constantly checks in with his partner because he knows how important consent is and how people's feelings are complex and can change from one second to the next.
So damn supportive of other ace people.
He honestly doesn't care to figure out his feelings.
He's just so deeply in love with his partner and that's really all that matters to him.
I fell a little too in love with this oh lord
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obsessedwithceleste · 1 month
HII i saw you doing this for another person so likeee bet (if i can tho <3)
i’m 5’5 with curly-ish hair that falls to my shoulders (i want it to grow out more tho) im a natural brunette (kind of dark) with brown eyes. im also a white hispanic so like yeah
my style is like downtown girl-ish but kind of more edgy? also things with red and hearts in them. I LOVR CLOTHES LIKE THAT BRO but it kind of depends on my mood too. ny go two styles are downtown and baggy clothes tho
i dont wear bold makeup, but i do wear dark to match my looks yk? so normally mascara, light blush, dark lipstick that kind of match my lips but are more redish. i also dont like glittery stuff so😭
i have adhd too so i could talk about everything and anything. i tend to interrupt people a lot which might make me seem like a bitch but i try not to lmao😭 im also very sarcastic. literally sarcasm is my love language fr
im an extroverted introvert. meaning that some days i could be quiet, while others i could be loud sometimes. but i tend to be very loud with friends too lmao. but i dont like loud noises myself which is weird.
on the topic of that, i tend to get overwhelmed easily so i prefer quiet environments. anything with a lot of people/noises will get me overwhelmed n stuff so
im literally a total book nerd. like the fantasy, enemies to lovers, they’d both kill for each other kind of books. im also a realistic hopeless romantic. i tend to destroy my delusions sadly
tbh im very hypocritical and somewhat toxic because of the household i was born in but in trying to change. i stick to what i think and have trouble apologizing and showing affection, so i normally just write “im sorry” or “i ❤️ u” on their skin whenever i cant say it. speaking of that, i also tend to get jealous easily but i never say it because im literally petty asf (but like im saying, im trying to get better <3)
i was born in a harsh environment where my parents argued a lot so if i get yelled at i would cry IMMEDIATELY. i would also get really pissed off.
speaking of me getting pissed off, i cry whenever im angry. i hate it when i do that because i think its weak but ive grown into it yk? it doesnt help that i have anger issues too though
my love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and giving gifts. (but also like uhhhhgg physical touch but also like GKDJDHHH PHYSICAL TOUCH yk)
my music taste is kind of unknown. chase atlantic, arctic monkeys, isabel larosa, ari abdul, the weekend, the neighborhood, cigarettes after sex, and lana del rey. thosr are like the ONLY music i listen to LMAO
im not really self confident (but i kinda am? idk (fake it til you make it)) and like i said, an introvert but i wont let you walk all over me or my friends. i have that “treat others how they treat you” mindset. (getting out of my people pleaser phase!!)
i love cats. like i LOVE LOVE cats.
Reading your desc. made me want to give your the biggest hug🥹🫶🏽
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire
Lorenzo Berkshire is Hogwarts’ resident pretty boy. And he definitely knows it.
He likes the attention. Thrives on it really. A magnet for the spotlight.
For the most part you really steer clear of the rowdy group of Slytherin boys. They’re loud, and egotistical, and just not worth the headache.
The first time you run into Enzo is quite literal. You’re agitated enough with the boy as it is, he and his friends had been causing a ruckus in the library for the past hour and you were just done.
You don’t realize that the boy had appeared behind you in the maze of shelves until it’s too late and suddenly you’re in a mess of tangled limbs, sprawled across the floor.
Enzo, of course, is used to girls melting in his hand and naturally tries to charm you, but you’re having none of it, stalking off before he’s able to even get a name.
But boy does he love a challenge.
The next day, he sidles up next to you in the corridor, ramping up the charm as he insists on walking you to your next class.
He’s not at all prepared for the sharp bite of your words. Usually girls are falling over themselves to agree with every little thing he says, but your witty, sarcastic responses catch him off guard.
Everything about you really throws him for a new one. And he’s just so intrigued.
He tries approaching you again in the library, attempting to talk up the novel you're reading. (It goes horribly. After that encounter, you're half convinced he's illiterate.)
But he's just obsessed.
He likes the way that you’re pretty and confident, and yet seem to slip into the shadows, hiding in plain sight. And the way you’re willing to go toe-to-toe with him.
He continues popping up, despite your rather clear initial disinterest. But as you spend more time together, he begins to grow on you slowly, more and more. Like a mold. Or a fungus.
One day, you notice that Enzo is significantly more agitated than normal. Broody and clearly in some type of mood.
You know it’s none of your business, but the library is unusually quiet and you can’t seem to get any reading done- so you bite the bullet and ask what’s bothering the boy.
And boy does it come pouring out. The wreckage that is his home life, the pressure of having eyes on him all the time, the fact that Mattheo and Theodore had somehow managed to flood their dorm.
It was a side of Enzo you'd never seen before. You weren't actually completely convinced that he even had human emotions before this. But it was nice.
He'll later be very shocked that his depressive rant is what somehow won you over. (Trauma Bond™️)
It all spirals from there though. It starts with hesitant fingers brushing each other from across the table, then "friendly" cuddling by the library fireplace, then stolen kisses in the crevices of the corridors.
Enzo loves showering you with love and attention. He has no qualms about planting a warm kiss on your lips in front of a crowd, but is equally content to smother you in the privacy of your own dorm room.
His favorite thing is the way you trace little phrases on the back of his hand or his arm when you don't want to say it out loud and has picked up on doing it himself when he can tell that you're stressed.
You balance each other out in the best way and Enz loves the fact that he has you all to himself.
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nonuggetshere · 2 years
PLS elaborate on ur hollow gets found out scenarios I beg
The most developed one (and one that even has its own variants) involves their first training session. They've been practising moves for a while and it was finally time to check their combat skills in a battle. Of course, they're like...7, so the knights go easy on them. Still, the hits hurt, and after 2 or 3 more they just burst into tears and can't stop crying even when the knights drop everything and try to comfort them. Pale King was watching them and is absolutely horrified, but pushes his impending emotional crisis away to go comfort his kid. Dryya is also the one that hit them and she's also absolutely horrified and feels guilty.
In another version, that's a variant of FaaF because of course it is, Pale King sort of breaks down one day early on because fuck he loves that kid so much and he wasn't supposed to love them, and they look so much like him and his beloved wife and it just crushes him. He's suddenly regretting all of it, regretting not keeping at least one egg. And when they're alone and he looks at them he finally just breaks down and falls to his knees. And then after a while of crying and apologising, he feels two little hands pet his head.
In a similar vibe to that one, there's one where Pale King and White Lady visibly mourn the child they think is dead, and after realising it PV decides to reveal themself. They end up getting named Joy in that one.
There's one that involves Pale King using weird mind powers on them. Basically, he links their minds together briefly to make sure they're hollow, expecting complete emptiness as he was so sure of his plan working out, only to be met with a very tiny very scared child instead.
There's a version where they just do not vibe with being taken away from their siblings and go back to the Abyss's door and scratch at it and cry, and Pale King finds them there like that.
There's one where they're having a bad dream or dreaming about having a normal life and loving parents (ouch) and they wake up crying. It's early in the day so one of the knights goes to wake them up and get them to the training grounds, but instead they find them crying in their bed.
There's one where Radiance realises they're not hollow very early on and decides to infect them. She can't do anything with a little kid, she just decided to be a spiteful bitch and hit Pale King where it hurts. She pushed her luck though because he's had enough and he's going to show her what a pissed-off wyrm is capable of. They recover, thankfully, but holy shit what a horrible way to find out.
The last idea is quite dark, so I'm gonna out it under a readmore
TW: physical abuse and child abuse, if you're sensitive to these topics please just skip that last one
The last one involves a staff member who decided to use PV as a punching bag to deal with their stress and problems because they weren't alive so it wasn't wrong, right? But they don't stop either when the poor kid starts crying and makes it clear that they are alive and hurt by this.
Thankfully, Pale King hears a kid crying and goes to check it out and walks in on this. And he damn near murders that fucker right there and then. The only reason he stops himself and calls the guards instead was because he didn't want his kid to see that, but he did scream his head off at the scumbag and gave them quite a bit of scratches after he threw himself between them and PV.
He coaxes PV from under the bed where they hid and gently pulls them onto his lap. They're still sobbing and sniffling and he tries to get them to show him where it hurts all the while speaking softly to them and rocking them in his lap. They pat their tummy and squeal quietly when he puts his hand on it, but calm down as he heals them. He then just holds them on his lap and comforts them for a long time, all the while rubbing their belly to try and soothe it.
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tomatosoupgroup · 2 months
hEY buster
ok so this is gonna be another one of those super-short ones that i update on sunday because frankly i am exhausted right now
(except this time, i'm actually going to update tomorrow. lmao)
here's what i can show you tonight!!!
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ok so. why is there a subway map here
so as you may have guessed, Neo Jericho is a BIG city.
and sometimes, getting from point A to point B can be
incredibly tiring
literally life threatening
just kinda lame bro
whatever will I do !!!!!
before you run off towards your nearest subway station, you gotta keep some things in mind!
it costs money!!! duh!!!! capitalism, bitch!!!!!!!!
depending on where you want to go, you may need to stop at an interchange and transfer to another line. in that case, your best bet is using the Nexus Station in Stellona.
lines can fail! mistakes happen, y'know?
there is no station in the Bolworks. if you want to go there, stop in a neighboring district and walk the rest of the way there.
also keep this in mind: it's OBVIOUSLY not done lol
the only line i've pretty much locked in is the blue line, known as the "Operum Line". this is typically used by commuters! It goes from the main residential districts (Stellona, Lumina, Episol, etc) and takes them to the main industrial and financial districts (Ironclave and Harborview respectively.)
I've noticed something a bit odd about that, though.
Y'see, when the train pulls into Cadron Station, only a few people get off. At most, I've seen maybe....15-20ish people? I'm not sure.
Now, that's pretty normal on its own. It's the end of the line, after all. That's to be expected.
That's because that isn't the odd part.
One day, I met up with a friend who works over at Agora Station, the station right before Cadron. Our lunch breaks perfectly line up, so we met every day to eat together.
I mentioned this to him in passing.
He said that was weird, because when the train arrived in Agora, almost the entire train would disembark.
I remember looking at him like he had three heads. I knew for a fact that some of those commuters worked closer to Cadron then they did to Agora.
I brought this up to him, expecting to get an "I dunno, people are weird." from him.
But unlike me, he knew the answer.
Apparently, some kind of urban legend has formed based on what happened there three years ago...sorry, four years ago. The incident back in '96. You know which one I'm talking about.
Cadron is seen as some kind of hub for bad luck now. If you step onto the platform there, you get... cursed? I've got no clue.
Frankly, I think it's a load of malarkey. A load of disrespectful malarkey, if you truly want my honest opinion...
But, what do I know? I just work here.
love you all
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yakultii · 5 months
I kid you not I was just sitting in the uni library and before getting up to give up for the day and leave I wrote in my notes app kinda jokingly but kinda not:
“maybe western beliefs are just so wrong maybe no amount of doctor can fix me maybe I am simply cursed lol for I have sinned many times and seek no forgiveness - a new level of insanity or clarity” (Ik my notes are full of weird shit.. I was also studying medical dominance and how westerners have made it seemingly superior to other forms of health practices/understandings such as religious sin etc for context)
AND I WALK OUT OF THE LIBRARY, START WALKING HOME WITH MY SAD MUSIC ON REPEAT, ON THE VERGE OF TEARS FOR NO REASON(bc life rough but im fine), ON THE EDGE OF CAMPUS AND AM FULLY FINDING MYSELF WILLINGLY BEING PREACHED TO BY A CULT about the heavenly mother oh my god they’re getting smarter LIKE SM SMARTER cause I almost believed this was just a hella feminist Christian for a solid 10 minutes help im out of practice I haven’t been approached by a cult member in like 6 months cos I rarely leave the house ANYWAYS luckily for me I have an unhealthy special interest? in the researching of cults and every single step of their indoctrination particularly the correlation of various korean cults indoctrinating australian white women (when I say cults I don’t just mean religious organisation, cos while there is valid argument that all religion could TECHNICALLY be cult-like, I need u to know I respect religion for others and what it is and am aware there are some prominent factors which differentiate normal religious organisation from genuine proper cult) luckily this particular cult wasn’t going to take me to meet its rapist leader in korea like most the other in melb but it does isolate u from ppl u know and force u to “donate” all ur money lmao fail bc im already socially isolated and I have no money LOLOOL anyways usually they ask for ur number but they also have half given up when u tell them u used to be religious and ur not anymore bc ur critical but this time they just gave me their number cos I think they thought I was like fully convinced cos I was stupidly engaging in the discourse with half interest (but only bc I was trying to make sense if what they were telling me was accurate or not from a religious standpoint bc I was raised Catholic) but sneakily she was telling me all about the Hebrew bible and shit with examples of Hebrew text I couldn’t read LOLOL and what I rlly should have said is god is not my mother or father bitch my (ex) god ain’t male or female, my god if existent be a genderless non human spirit referred to as “he” bc we live in a patriarchal society where male pronouns are pretty standard in referring to just about anything in English language ANYWAYS I lowkey love engaging w cult members while some ppl say dangerous I usually detach my interest while talking as further research into their communicative ways but today I was caught so off guard bc at my particular uni there are usually just religious preachers sometimes who have no ill intent and see my gay stickers on my laptop and give up before they even start knowing they are gonna fail but these ppl defs didn’t go to my uni they were just waiting on the outskirts for sad uni students to approach LMAO mission accomplished also they told me im a good listener when I was like zoning out bc I said yes yes yes when they asked me if I was aware of particular religions events and terms lol that was not very convincing bc I was not demonstrating good listening at all ANYWAYS this was a pointless and probably an incomprehensible story that I cbf reading over hope u enjoyed stay safe don’t go getting indoctrinated into a cult
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unicornachos · 2 years
personal post!
hey hi I’m alive sorry for abandoning my blog for like 1.5 yrs??? I had a bunch of health issues and mental health stuff too :’) 
Like very full on... god what HASN’T happened. 
My body had a weird reaction to the covid vaccines in 2021? I ended up in hospital etc and was sick with mystery fatigue and shit for months and months.... I think I went to hospital like 4-5 throughout 2021? My body seems fine with the MRNA boosters I’ve gotten so maybe something in my body just hated the astrazeneca vaccine?? I’m kinda bitter about it bc of the ambulance bills I had to pay, but still, thank god for vaccines amirite
then, the apartment I was living in and loved got bought by someone who then wanted to move in, so I had to leave the place I loved living to somewhere still nice but way more expenno, and my health issues kinda continued?
then I started a new job
then my mental health got REALLY bad over the 2021/2022 christmas period to the point where I had to call an ambulance for myself bc my mind was in such a bad place. 
Then I started taking SSRI’s for depression/anxiety, but I had this weird reaction to the drugs and we think I had serotonin syndrome because of its interaction with the asthma meds I’ve been taking all my life? But at the time no doctors would listen to me and basically gaslit me into thinking all the pain was just a physical manifestation of my anxiety. Anyway, it caused some of the most horrific pain i’ve ever experienced in my life, in particular nerve and muscle pain in my legs, and I had to shower sitting down for weeks, couldn’t walk much around the house, and needed super strong meds to knock me out so I could sleep. 
I slowly healed and could walk again and do normal stuff for me around... late April?
While I was recovering I stayed with my mum but still paying rent in Sydney bc all my shit was there, so in June I killed my lease, put most of my shit into storage with a friend’s parent’s mini warehouse they use for their business (absolute legends and wholesome humans and I sent them money every month lol) and moved back home.
I started studying a certificate level course I’d been wanting to get over and done with for ages, so at the end of June I started studying.
Then once again mental health got bad, I tried SSRIs again, thinking it was me who was the problem last time I took them. BUT ACTUALLY, NO. Same physical reaction to the meds as last time, if not worse. It wasn’t my brain making shit up, it was an actual fucking drug interaction issue that ppl had tried to tell me was my anxiety and/or imagination!!! Queue horrific pain, weird symptoms, and once again the inability to walk or clean or work from anywhere but the couch.
Dr and I decided any meds that effect my serotonin levels are a no-go probably forever, and so I’ve been looking into CBD oil over the past few months to see if that will work for things instead.
Now I’m about... 2 months from that reaction, and started CBD oil 2 weeks ago (no reaction, side effects, or really anything yet) and can work at my desk as long as I have a big ass XL foot rest under my legs to keep them propped up, because I get nerve pain if I sit normally :’) I still can’t really go anywhere or walk anywhere other than around the house and for super short periods of time.
Also I powered through and finished my course just last week, so that’s out of the way at least! 
Other than that, I’ve just been like. Sleeping, reading, watching shows, napping, sleeping more, trying to eat well.... my job is a bitch but I’m trying rly hard to skill up so I can do more of what I’m interested in! I kind of don’t have energy for much else at the moment??
I have no idea if I’ll post again as regularly as I did a few years back, but I love Tumblr and I always feel glad coming back here and spending time in this place for a bit. These days I mainly only post stuff on my locked private twitter lol. But I have always preferred Tumblr’s longer format and vibes hehe.
ANyway that’s all for now! I hope anyone reading this has been doing ok. These past few years have been fucking tough and if all you have energy for is working and sleeping... you’re valid, dude. 
And if you plan to take SSRIs for your mental health, just be wary of serotonin syndrome!!!! Not enough ppl talk about it and a lot of doctors seem to have no idea it exists or also know little about it, but there are lots of cases of it in settings where ppl have been taking other meds and been given SSRIs! I’m not saying don’t take meds if you need them, but just reaaaallllyyy do your research first if you can about adverse reactions and interactions :’)
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boypussydilf · 2 years
sherlock. what is it's gender. what is their deal. speak your trutg
oh dear with the state of my blog its now hard to tell when people walk up to me and say sherlock if they mean dgs sherlock the og or any of the several others ive started talking about. we need to like. color code them. anyway im gonna talk about dgs sherlock bc hes the one im most likely to have proper thoughts on and then probably also do one for mostly just. like. the general concept actually thinking about it i do have many thoughts on Non-DGS Sherlock i dont know why i allowed myself to think i didnt . i just get caught up in the bimbo dad but i like the entire folder hes stored in
dgs first tho <333333
Sexuality Headcanon: gay. Just gay
Gender Headcanon: If i had to make 1 decision. genderfluid <3 Sherlock Holmes (DGS) can fit so much gender in her !!!!!!!!!
A ship I have with said character: *looks at my blog* *looks at my pinned post* um i think you guys know . already. the only one i have . do i need to say it
A BROTP I have with said character: i mean. Iris. they r best friends for real ! they r like the most important people to each other ! they r this guy and their 10 year old daughter who packs peanut butter jelly sandwiches for them !!!
A NOTP I have with said character: im gonna be petty and say vanlock. i blocked the tag bc i got tired of seeing it. actually even moreso i like physically recoil when i see ppl shipping him with ryuu, it fucking. completely baffles me. like. nothing wrong with that. people who ship them aren’t weird in That sense. but theyre weird as in I can’t understand what compels you to do this . i dont like vanlock but i can Understand why people do i just got extra sick of it bc its semi common. i cant understand why people ship sherlock and ryuu. like youve misread the vibe badly. this is not it. oh dear god this just got 5 times as long as all the other sections of this fucking ask meme. power of being slightly annoyed sorry
A random headcanon: UHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD . I KNOW i have headcanons abou t this bitch he swarms around in my mind all the time. I am imagining Random Exploits of the DGS Cast on a daily basis where did the fucking Concepts and Ideas go. ill return to this once ive done everything else and see if i havent thought of anything fun by then. ive thought about it some more and my most recent thought on him has been like. she knows some russian and japanese right? actually a fucking lot of russian to be able to read entire newspaper articles but thats besides the point i just think that sherlock knowing several different languages is neat but, Like. its pure chance if she ever manages to learn enough to be able to …. use it. once every several months sherlock will get really really excited about a new foreign language and put in like 2 weeks of work before forgetting about it completely. he has the vocabulary of a very young toddler in half a dozen different languages and is remembering those vocabularies by sheer luck
General Opinion over said character: Im normal iam normal normal im normal and regular . im normal and im normal about him and i dont intend to put him under a microscope or anything. i am not putting him in a little plastic box and shaking him to find out what happens . *extends my hand ibuprofen style* who wants to speculate about dgs in hyperspecific ways with me. hello my like 3 dgs followers do you have thoughts on sherlock holmes. tell them to me. lets all be normal. Anyway uh hes funny
IVE GOTTEN THAT BITCH OUT OF THE WAY LETS TALK ABOUT …… im not even sure. The General Concept of Sherlock Holmes on a Wide Scale, which, like, ultimately probably just boils down to: acd holmes. time to get philosophical with it. thats not the right word.
Sexuality Headcanon: sherlock is either gay or aroace or some more specific combination of all previous terms. Hey does that… even count as headcanon? Ultimately my stance is “whatever as long as sherlock holmes is not interested in women” and it is stated very clearly explicitly and repeatedly in canon that sherlock holmes is not interested in women so . like.
Gender Headcanon: You know what’s funny is expressing disdain for women is an effective way to distance yourself from femininity in general, for instance, to assert masculinity as a trans man, or as a negative reaction to being a trans woman. So. Like.
A ship I have with said character: at first i was like “its just kind of an objective fact that sherlock and watson are gay but i dont have emotional investment in it” but that was a fucking lie
A NOTP I have with said character: The next time an adaptation tries to make him and irene adler straight together im going to thr authors house and shooting them point blank. shut up shut up shut up shut up. they would NOT
A random headcanon: man i dont even fucking know. he probably eats food off the floor and i mean this genuinely
General Opinion over said character: Sherlock Holmes is the ultimate Little Freak. Like 80% of the joy of any sherlock holmes media is “Watch this Freak Behave Oddly”. Some people think he would be hard to get along with personally i think we would make very good friends and i would love to hang out with the Freak.
Man. I hope this post isn’t actually as long and hard to look at as it looks in the mobile post editor. Unfortunately it probably is
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garset-grocery · 2 years
Alright you scallywags, listen the fuck up. I’m about to explain to you why fall is my favourite fucking season on the face of this earth. I massively Vibe with this season.
First of all, it’s the best weather you could ever possibly have, at least where I live. It’s not hot as balls like summer, and it’s not cold as hell like winter. Don’t get me wrong, all the seasons have their perks (except spring, fuck mud season) but fall weather is simply divine. I LOVE wearing multiple layers (for fashion, obviously) without sweating like a pig, while also not having to cover myself head to toe in snow gear just so I don’t die when I go out for lunch. Absolutely fantastic.
Second, I have SO much to say about the Vibe itself. This is a bit specific, but I have this weird thing where I feel more conscious of my surroundings when I’m outside in autumn? Idk, maybe it’s the knowledge that this season and its beautiful sights are fleeting, maybe it’s just the fresh air, but I feel like I take in more detail about my environment when the wind has a chill bite to it and the leaves are pretty colours. I’d compare it to mindfulness.
Third, A E S T H E T I C. This is a dead horse that’s been beaten so much it’s practically dust at this point, but I am a SLUT for the autumn aesthetic. I mean come on, what’s there not to love? You’ve got the aforementioned pretty trees, orange everything, and of course, the spooky. My entire personal aesthetic is based completely off of the fall/Halloween experience. The crunch of a dead leaf underfoot. The swirling storm of fiery colour when the cool wind kicks up a cloud of leaves. The feeling of temporary, of cyclical decay, the last death rattle. The final stages of decomposition before the long dark, when all the land slips into dreamless sleep. The preparation, the stockpiling, the harvest. The stubborn hope burning in all things that says if all goes well, I will wake up. I will see the sun and the colours of life again.
But I’m a spooky bitch, so of course my absolute favourite part is Halloween. I mean seriously. It’s HALLOWEEN. It’s the one time of year where it’s socially acceptable and ENCOURAGED to revel in all things dark and morbid and creepy. Any other time of year, if I walked around in a black hooded robe and goat skull mask in the shadowy undergrowth of a city park, I’d probably get the cops called on me. But during October? Normal human behaviour, probably doing a photoshoot or something. I just love, LOVE the fact that we have an entire holiday dedicated to spooky ghosts and werewolves and vampires and murderers and giant fucking spiders everywhere. And the fact that it hasn’t been TOTALLY commercialized like other holidays is a really nice bonus for me. There’s no month-long reruns of tired Halloween carols on the radio, no Halloween advertisements telling you to buy all of this year’s Halloween merchandise (ok maybe a little bit of that but it’s tolerable) and there’s overall only a marginal amount of Halloween oversaturation in the media during the weeks leading up to it (at least as far as I’m aware, I don’t have cable TV). The most that big companies are willing to do to dip their fingers in the spooky money pot is some horror movie reruns on TV and some themed candy bars. Other than that (and the entirety of Spirit Halloween, being an outlier) corporations don’t really want to do more with Halloween because it’s by definition a dark, scary holiday with roots in dark, scary folklore, which I imagine is difficult to tap into while also keeping your company image squeaky-clean and stakeholder friendly. And that’s where I think the beauty of Halloween really shines.
See, I might be totally wrong about this, but in my experience, Halloween is very much a Folk Holiday. Yes, it’s extremely widespread and mainstream, but what I’m getting at is that it’s not as forced on us as something like Christmas. It’s still mostly in the hands of the public to decide whether they want to celebrate it or not. And, my god, they DO. Like I said earlier, it’s one of the few times where people are openly invited to explore the darker corners of the human experience. Not only that, but to have fun with it. It’s FUN to go to a haunted house. It’s FUN to dress up as shadowy revenants of death and try to scare the shit out of each other. Hell, it’s basically the only time of year that you can hype your friends up to go try and summon a demon in a graveyard or something without looking like a total psycho. It’s very much all around a fun thing to celebrate fear and the things which cause it, instead of just avoiding them altogether. You can also express yourself really freely, either dressing up as something you or other people find creepy, OR dressing up as something you love and have an interest in. It’s basically the international Cosplay Day. And there’s free candy. Incredible.
So yeah, that’s about it I think. Just thought I’d dump this on y’all since nobody else will listen to me ramble about Halloween for hours. Related: I need to know the cheapest place I can get a lot of chicken wings. For Halloween reasons.
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neerikiffu · 10 days
I picked up and maxxed out collar x malice in just a week more (I watch anime on Sundays) ((24.05.24))
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maxxed out means, every single cg and every single ending
what can I say
I think it's the best one I played so far, maybe not in terms of themes but
just how heckin …smooth it was
the art is gorgeous it's written just brilliantly maybe it's just me having a bit more experience by now, but
I really felt everyone I really felt immersed I really didn't feel lost at the beginning at all, like I did in most otomes
everything was so believable
but what I DIDN'T like was (and sounds surprising given it's an otome)
…the LI cast in its majority
let's go over them from my most liked to least liked
I mean can you blame me he's just objectively the best choice comparing him to others may be more efficient in terms of explaining why I like him most, but, I guess I just love the type as well calm, rational and stable poker face all while sweet and caring, overall embodiment of health
what I hate about this type is that cause they usually have pretty cold resting faces, in fullscreen cgs when they draw them smiling they just … forget about the eyebrows. and they just look like … like they're really evil cause their eyebrows are still resting bitch face while they smile
and they just end up looking like they have really bad intentions smirking like that even when they're being genuinely sweet
this was the deal with akaza in OS, and if I'm not mistaken, with Shelby from cupara as well
as someone who looks like I've gone mad just yesterday with my asymmetrical eyebrows and a permanent resting bitch face I wish they'd compensate for that in some way
we look crazy enough the way we are, no need to worsen it
otherwise, really sweet, wanted more of that, I guess will have to play the fandisk
just a dumbass I guess I have two main types - dumbasses and "mature ones"
he's sweet, he's funny, he's chaotic not much about him
I constantly forget what his name is I HATE how hateful he is and I HATE how mc just eats it up
yeah I know he's got good intentions and that he's not being malicious on purpose
but he's a shitass
I just don't get it
the route ending was horrific by the way it was maybe good plot-wise, but I don't buy it no I kinda hate it
the whole route felt quite forced, relationship-wise
bro we don't even get a good ending in the good ending and also that shiraishi is voiced by the same VA that voiced Nicola from piofiore and gill from cupara. instant red flag lmao
okay you really f-ed up on him
he would've been at least remotely believable with the right setup but bruh
you set him up as a total weirdo (that walks in through the window with no explanation whatsoever) looking like a total weirdo (ghost-like) talking (sounding) like a ghost lacking common sense (being unable to care for himself)
then just trying to pull normal-human moves on you
I know you tried to go for something like orlok piofiore something kinda ethereal and out of reality, but orlok was raised in a cult-like environment with both mental and physical training/torture lasting for years and he was "weird" through and through, he was consistent in his disconnect from regular life stuff
HE REALLY IS JUST A REAL HUMAN HE HAS NO REASON TO BE QUIRKY and then just go on being totally normal in some aspects
and this whole "I wanna die for you" bullshit I get it he has reasons but bro really doesn't care about our take on this
and he's just casually controlling and overprotective? and mc eats it up? he legit just cuts her off from other people really just gives her no personal space
I hate okazaki least believable most useless my most hated
immersion broken
I didn't even play any of the additional events of the last 3, I just couldn't stand them that much i WILL be going for the fandisk or whatever it was maybe not immediately, but I kinda think that unlike with piofiore where I felt exhausted after finishing the first game, here I don't have that on the contrary, i am not satisfied with what I got
so I probably will just get up and go drop it onto the tablet though idk I kinda wanna sleep
other than that, my middle school is over I have not yet coped with having to make future changes to my routine and having too much on my plate so I'm just stressing out about it
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local man rants about eldritch horror.
is it
too much to ask for like
a good eldritch video game?
type of game: walking sim
type of horror: running segments, hiding segments basic bitch body disfigurement/body horror.
is the eldritchness explained even subtly: no
does the eldritch horror explain too much:no
did they explain it just right: i don't even think they tried
is it atleast an orginal concept: maybe. it might 4 real be an original concept but I think it was legit copied from an Scottish tv show called "the rig" which also does the entire eldritch horror thing with fog n all and weird lights. yeh they probably fucking copied off tv show.
the dev: the chinese room. which for u not playing the ballgame is an English dev studio.
i mean...the jokes write themselves.
also just for those playing the home game the Chinese room is most characistcally known for writing the most beautiful stories and the most boring god awful gameplay and their currently developing VTM2. {god save us}
WHY IS THIS SO FUCKING HARD. call of cthulu darkest corners of the earth came out like 2006. and its probably still one of the best jankiest eldritch horror game of all time. the jank really adds to the horror factor.
eldritch horror game done poorly is my eldritch horror.
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scentedchildnacho · 10 months
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Uhm the couple that came......this morning with shit and McDonald's...i only said to them your dog left shit over by where that homeless man goes and he won't appreciate that.....so I was screamed at to mind my own business or I would get slapped.....so I said im a homeless person i dont have any business people like me organize and find business unhygienic disgusting people just into fucking and acting dull...
People in business just dont appreciate all they have in life and i like the states my family has been from the states a long time and I even if its rough like people here
And those are harmless Germans so if it's not appreciated its displaced here then
That was when they brought the seven eleven then they brought the mcdonalds so I told her dont ever stare at me....they kept walking up at me
Then I was white so she wanted to call me a bitch so I said oh no you as everyone can see may not be anything here but an ass and you show that to everyone so it's you actually now that you let everyone see ass that will never be anything here but a bitch you can project that tragedy onto white but stupid is stupid and its to be behaved
You should know that here all you said was slap bitch and business and you do only have to be sentenced to bitchery....i think they will be more shocking then that but that's wrong because your a very wrong person
Well slapping or shitting or injuring people after outside detainment is a very wrong thing....so people will be very shocking and wrong to her
Bitch is just having to be unwanted hospie insurance but I don't think she will get away with being just a hospie i think she will get weird jail sentences like she is the library nazi that dance lady was to us....she accused me of being someone that did something a cop did so now she has to live that....
Well she will have threatened me someone in her weight class....but those are male serial killers and if you
Go around telling them you gang fight they will really watch you till they get to really really beat you
So quite frankly if your an ass bitch this place is really really frightening and i dont recommend to anyone that they allow themselves off house arrest
They came onto the public area because they claimed they were helping a homeless couple with food.......so I asked the homeless couple.....if they were their friends and they said yes....so I asked if they are why they sleep there because that place is less safe then other places....and she said no they don't tell them to do that to themselves....
They sleep in an area trucks drive up to so I was like maybe they are environmentalist and they train to protest wilderness destruction but it's been my experience segregative crime is just a mask terrorists wear if it's me it's also them maybe they beat up on....
Or their terrorist rapeists it's us it's children it's....
I think they just smoke some pot and don't like moving in the morning but friends that jail appears to me like they put them on foriegn dope the truck drives up and they just don't move
Now we all know that white bitch may only be from the states.....people who start business to cop people are foriegn....im from the states and the conflict is at a state of emergency and there is no positive cause to steal people's wallets till they die and justify it propagandically
I have been to white sands only feds do that naval dental....
Foriegn people have Paris agreements feds did that to me
Conscription to the union army is very cruel....English didn't do that feds did
If it's a creepy begger down at mc Donald's that will fuck ya over if you won't give it it's daddy allowance that is English....if you don't give English their pounds they pound your head in....
She wanted to accuse me of all the military knows of french torture that I don't know so I said no maam ya lie to yourself about paradoxical truth most people are normal and militants go to Him and tell Him their psychopathology so they may be comfortable and at greater peace.....you are who didn't get to be military....
I was white and I learn about life people enjoy predation and those are predators and they were upset and agitated
Well business is foriegn when people cant exhibit any common or normal empathy or compassion they kill you to send money to foriegn banks....im from the states no bank can fix what an incumbant has to do....
Growing power is an organization there is some business to it but those people refuse to treat people like their all the same and all deserve incrimination....
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