#always trying to give her the benefit of the doubt or change the subject to something lighted
mystycalypso · 5 months
Screw it, nonsense theory for season 2
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They're related.
My evidence?
Traits both of them have:
Messy Brown hair
Love breaking and entering
Pair turquoise with orange
Eyewear on at all times
Hated by Theodore Peterson with a passion
Chin swirl
5 o'clock shadows as adult
Not sitting straight
Stick their nose in others business
Also Quentin is one of the only Hello Neighbor characters without a last name. Suspicious.
"Oh but Nicky's dad's name is Jay-" In the books. But also the books both are and aren't canon apparently and also as someone who works in radio/news, we use fake names in the industry all the time. So like Quentin could totally be a fake name just saying. I could be totally right here.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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CRK Twitter is shitposting again. Also might be using a different writing format for these shorts lol
The six of you were all aboard the Red Velvet Dragon, there was a new movie playing very soon and you all have to get there before a large line forms.
You: *sighs*
This irritated Pomegranate Cookie, how dare Affogato Cookie keep her Master and Lord/Lady waiting.
Pomegranate: Where is Affogato Cookie? He’s testing me and my Lord’s/Lady’s patience…
Licorice: He said he had to do his makeup or something before we left.
Dark Choco: It’s been 15 minutes.
Pomegranate: It’s a simple movie showing, I fail to see the need to try and woo my Lord/Lady at this occasion.
This statement ended up just making Pomegranate even more irritated, the scowl on her face worsening. You could sense it, so you try to change the subject to something that needed to be addressed.
You: So why was it the Barbie movie again?
Dark Enchantress: It was done by the draw of a slip of paper in a hat…
You: And who placed that suggestion in there?
Pomegranate: ….
Dark Choco: ….
Licorice: ….
Poison Mushroom: Licorice Cookie, I saw you place it in the hat-
Licorice: WHA-NO! I saw you write it and put in the hat! Why would I want to watch a movie around Barbie?! PAH!
Pomegranate: Are you lying to them?
Licorice: I’m not, I SWEAR! Y/N Cookie, you believe me, right?!
You: I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Pomegranate: Be grateful for their generosity, Licorice Cookie.
Licorice: Phew…
Dark Enchantress: It’s rather unfortunate that Red Velvet Cookie will not be joining us.
You: The theater doesn’t allow pets, he’s not going anywhere without Chiffon. So Dark Choco gets his ticket.
Poison Mushroom: Dark Choco is back yaaaayyyy
Licorice: I still don’t get why it had to be the traitor prince himself though-AAH!
Licorice is spooked when Dark Choco Cookie brandished his sword in front of him.
Dark Choco: Watch your words…
Dark Enchantress: Oh hush with your arguing, remember who paid for these tickets..
Licorice: Me!
Pomegranate: You could barely afford your own, again it was the generosity of my Lord/Lady to pay for all of us…
Licorice: That’s 1/6th, still counts as a portion of it.
You: It’s nothing, you can pick up on a lot of coins if you know where to look.
Pomegranate: May I get the seat next to you, my Lord/Lady? Between you and my Master?
Pomegranate fantasized being seated between you and Dark Enchantress Cookie, she imagines as you wrap an arm around her to bring her close. She sighs contentedly at the prospect.
Licorice: I’ve worked hard, lemme get the seat next to them!
Pomegranate: What?
Poison Mushroom: You’ll sit next to me, Y/N Cookie, rrrright?
Dark Choco: Their soul is already corrupted enough, I will get the seat.
Pomegranate: Let a traitor sit next to my Lord/Lady? I will not allow that! My efforts far exceed your own, Licorice Cookie!
Licorice: You always get cozy with our Lord/Lady, it’s bad enough that you always seem to follow them around. Let me relish this.
Dark Choco: You two get to be around Y/N Cookie more often, this movie may be the only time I get to be close to them.
Pomegranate: I get the seat next to them and that is the end of the story.
Licorice: You wish!
Dark Choco: Stubborn fools!
Dark Enchantress: Enough, all of you!
Affogato: Apologies for being late, I had to make sure I look dazzling for the occasion. Especially when I’m seated next to my Lord/Lady.
Everyone: What?
Dark Enchantress: The seats are designated by the purchase and Affogato got the one next to Y/N Cookie. I’m not even seated next to them. A load of rubbish is what I’m seeing
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The whole ride to the movies was Affogato, smug as a cat, cuddled to your side as he completely ignores the burning glares of 4 cookies, Poison Mushroom was just bummed out :(
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azalawa-scroggs · 3 months
On why I think the "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death" note was meant literally
I've had this in my drafts for a while after seeing a poll that elicited a little discussion on the topic. I know this is the fandom's majority take on the subject so I'll probably be preaching to the choir, but there (rightly) is discussion about it nonetheless so I felt like giving my arguments.
I'll put it under a read-more just in case people missed the warning in the tags. Considering the topic, naturally, here's a warning for discussion of suicide. Please take care of yourself!
The thing is that Justice For All is very, very ambiguous on that. It does what Ace Attorney is really good at doing - brushing a serious topic then waffling on it until it really doesn't say anything about it, giving itself the benefit of doubt but never making a statement. Both Phoenix and Franziska's dialogue strongly hint that they have a certainty that Edgeworth is still alive, and they're proven right. The narrative doesn't try really hard to sell us the idea that Edgeworth died - Edgeworth is even on the game's box art. I've watched a few JFA walkthroughs hunting for people's reaction to all the Edgeworth talk and his apparent death, and nobody really seems to buy it - either going through great confusion or immediately going like "oh he can't be dead there's no way - he's so coming back."
However. However. It's just impossible to ignore all the subtext that points at the note being real.
The game textually sets up Adrian Andrews as a foil to Franziska. In the parallel Edgeworth draws, Celeste is supposed to represent Manfred - a mentor she admired and whose guidance she lost. But it was a deliberate choice from the writers to have Celeste die by suicide. In the same game that spent a whole game-wide subplot on slowly revealing Edgeworth's apparent death by the exact same means. Edgeworth is the one who gives Phoenix the information about Adrian and Celeste's backstory. And Franziska revealed to us she wasn't seeking revenge for her father, but for her "little brother" - in the parallel between her and Adrian Andrews' stories, it's easy to see Celeste paralleling Edgeworth, not Manfred.
And in fact Adrian is also a clear parallel to Edgeworth himself. He, too, lost the guidance of his mentor and was left questioning everything. In the infamous scene where he interrogates her in the first phase of the trial, he even puts his own words in her mouth.
If you're going to say you would "choose death", that is of no concern to me.
If you consider Rise from the Ashes, Edgeworth's dialogue leaves even less room for doubt regarding his mental state. Compilation:
Edgeworth: Hmph. Some people need very little excuse to think ill of others. It's a fact of life. Impossible to stop. Some of them even go so far as to present me with toys like this… They think it's funny. (Referring to the award he was just given)
Edgeworth: Why, I ask you? Why!? All along, I've done only what I believe is right. I have nothing to be ashamed of! But still... Phoenix: (Wow, I've never seen him this out of sorts...)
Edgeworth: Hmph. I've had to live the past two years with rumors flying around. What's another allegation to me? Ema: Cheer up, Mr. Edgeworth! I'm rooting for you! Phoenix: (That's Edgeworth for you... Always trying to hide his real feelings.)
Edgeworth: There's no excuse for what I've done. Two years ago, I used false evidence to obtain a guilty verdict. That's what it all breaks down to, and nothing I do can erase that fact.
Edgeworth: I'm tired, Mr. Wright. I feel as if… something inside me has died. [...] I know the path I've walked. You don't need to tell me. And the path I've walked... hasn't been a just one. I can't forgive myself for what I've done... and no one else should forgive me either. Phoenix: (Uh oh. I think he's serious!)
Edgeworth: ... It's too late for me. No matter what anyone may say, I realized today that I can't change my own mistakes! Not only that, but I don't even trust myself anymore. Chief Gant was right...
And of course:
Edgeworth: If you'll excuse me… there are still some loose ends that need wrapping up. Take care, Chief Prosecutor. Phoenix: Edgeworth! What will you do now? Edgeworth: ... Phoenix: Well, whatever you do, just remember. What happened in this trial can either make or break you as a prosecutor. In the end, it's up to you. Edgeworth: I know... It seems I owe you my thanks too, Wright. But what I face now... is my problem. Phoenix: Edgeworth... I'll be waiting for you in court. Edgeworth:... Farewell.
I've pulled all my quotes from the wiki, which I believe takes the DS version, but the retranslation of the port makes things even more blatant. Instead of "either make or break you as a prosecutor," the line was retranslated as "You can let what happened kill the prosecutor in you, or you can let it help you grow."
I don't know how much more literal you can get.
Of course, none of this dialogue strictly refers to anything but a professional crisis for Edgeworth. But it is a true crisis, one he takes very deeply and personally - it is his entire moral system that is crumbling down. And the phrasing of some of those lines is downright chilling. "I can't forgive myself, and nobody should do it either" "I feel like something inside me has died" "It's too late for me" or even those ominous "loose ends"... Whatever his final conclusion, he is not doing well. That's one thing RftA makes abundantly clear.
But then why are Phoenix and Franziska so angry, you'll ask me? Grief, of course. Why is Franziska adamant he still lives? Grief, of course - specifically denial. Why does Gumshoe know Edgeworth still lives? Several options. Edgeworth contacted him knowing he'd need someone to help him come back once he decided to come back, or Gumshoe is the one that prevented his note from turning literal, or Edgeworth contacted him at some other point for another reason - it could have happened at any point in his little mental health gap year.
It just makes much more sense to me than the alternative. Why leave a note saying he "chooses death" so unambiguously only to rely on a play on words? He was shown writing a perfectly good resignation letter right before that - the note was meant to be one step further from resignation. And why leave his loved ones in the dark, mourning him, for one entire year if he just deliberately left for soul-searching purposes? The man is obtuse when it comes to feelings, and honestly I could see him pulling this, but... not in conjunction with everything else.
And his arc just makes it make so much sense as well. Depression is often a comorbidity of PTSD, which Edgeworth has, as close to canonically as possible without it being spelled out. He is in an extremely fragile place psychologically - two months earlier his trial dragged him across the coals emotionally, his traumatic past revisited and revealed in an extremely public way. His quest for "perfection" was shattered not just through the losses he suffered at Phoenix's hand but through the sudden, deep and complete betrayal of the man who taught it to him. He only had one moral high ground left - the fact that he never knowingly forged evidence - only for that to be ripped away from him too. Of course he could be nothing less than unstable.
So anyway I don't have any fancy conclusion but yeah I can't imagine "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death" wasn't meant literally. Even though I'm pretty sure that wasn't the authorial intent, I think it must have been somewhere in the works anyway, otherwise there wouldn't be so many hints to it.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Since you did a James HC post, do you have any Lily headcanons?
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Lilyyyy. Let's get right into it, sorry for the delay loves.
Kind. Incredibly kind. She would help a younger student in need, and always give friends and foes alike the benefit of the doubt. She wanted to see the good in people.
Part of her internal struggle, when she grew up, was grappling with the evils of the world. There are people who are truly evil, who want to see you hurt or dead just because of who you are. This painful realisation ultimately made her steely, stronger.
Short-tempered. She would get irritated, yell, even hex, very quickly, but it would also pass very quickly. She wasn't rancorous.
This is also why she didn't make peace with Severus even after he apologised. If she had just been angry about him calling her a Mudblood, she would have probably forgiven him. No, it was the realization, like we see in that scene outside the Fat Lady's portrait, that they had become fundamentally different people. They didn't share the same values, they didn't see the world in the same way.
And since she was a woman of principle, she couldn't accept being a Death Eater's “exception to the rule”.
She was popular but had few real friends. She didn't have the life-changing friendships James had (better yet, she did in Severus, but we all know how that went), so when they got together, his friends basically became her friends too.
She got on well with the Marauders, Remus most of all.
Still, I find it a bit sad (personally).
She probably had very cordial, even good relationships with the Gryffindor girls in her year, but it was the kind of friendship that dies down after school.
Good grades, but she also studied a lot. She wasn't naturally talented like Sirius or James, she earned every single success (and she had many, academically speaking).
Remus' study buddy in their last few years.
Very good at Potions, which was also her favourite subject. I think she would have grown up to work in the field if she had been given the chance.
Also a skilful duellist.
Idk if Hogwarts had a little student-run newspaper at the time, but if it did, Lily definitely wrote some very pro-Muggle articles in there. It got her more than some harassment from the Slytherins.
She grew up in a lower to middle-class background. She wasn't dirt poor like the Snapes were, but she wasn't by any means rich. She grew up with some of Petunia's hand-me-downs and listened to her parents' relief when they heard they wouldn't have to send her to university. This gave her an appreciation for money that James didn't have.
She wasn't superficial by any means, but as a teenage girl, it must have been wonderful to have a boy buy you gifts (even expensive ones for their age) and take you out on “fancy” dates.
Loved being a witch, used magic even for the most minuscule things, but was very proud of her Muggleborn heritage.
Had she lived, she would have loved Hermione. “Mudblood and proud of it!” is something I can see Lily saying.
Unlike Hermione, she wasn't a SJW-type. I don't see her as someone actively fighting for house-elf rights, for example. I can vividly picture a conversation between her and Hermione that goes a bit like some conversations between young feminist girls and their (still feminist) grandmothers when you try to explain intersectionality or something of the sort.
Bonded with Sirius over their shitty siblings.
James was her one and only boyfriend. She had crushes before, maybe even kissed a couple of guys, but she was one of those girls who just didn't have time for boys.
This being said, her crush on James Potter started way before seventh year. He was charming, popular, good with a snitch, funny. However, her dislike for him was absolutely genuine. She liked him but she would have never given him the time of day hadn't he changed.
She never hated Severus. Even years after they were no longer friends, the thought of him aroused more pain than anger. And I do think that, had she survived Voldemort's attack, she would have eventually forgiven him and patched things up with him (although it is my firm belief that things wouldn't have gone back to what they were).
Not even on her part. She wouldn't have fallen in love with him or anything, but he was one of the few things that was hers before it was her and James'. It was one of the things that connected her to her childhood, that sense of lost youth that we so often seek to find again when we grow up. No, had Lily lived, Severus wouldn't have seen her the way he did in canon. He was directly responsible for her death and spent his life crushed by that guilt. Whether you liked them romantically or platonically, being responsible for another person's murder shifts your whole world. If she had lived, he wouldn't have put her on a pedestal and she likely wouldn't have remained the most important person of his life even years after her death.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
Played Portal revolution
It was good cooking, but should've stayed in the Pan for a little longer and had a little too much salt.
Spoilers below
The Good Parts:
Stirling and Emilia are very funny. I liked their dialogues and interactions, as well as their designs.
Stirling felt very much like Wheatley, Virgil, and Nigel, while also being demonstrably different and personable.
Emilia was unique and I enjoyed hearing about her backstory, as well as the fact she's very human, which makes sense.
I like the the Player Character's design.
The first Dual Portal device looks really cool, the exposed wires, the cracked glass, the scaffolding beneath the cover being exposed are all very good. The Jiggle Physics on the loose prong at the front was a nice touch.
The Second was a nice Red color, and the new portal colors were cool. It looked nice as well.
Being able to be outside was a nice change of pace, you know, being able to see that sun and the sky.
The Added mechanics of the Breaker Switches was really cool, and it made sense - the Aerial Faith Plates and such turning off when there was no power was interesting.
The Linked Weighted Pivot Cubes were also very cool, and was a very much appreciated new mechanic.
Bringing the Pipes in as part of it was fun. I always liked their designs.
The Bad parts
We spent too little time with Stirling and Emilia, the amount of time we spent with the one-portal device felt excessive (I Audibly said "No Shit" when Stirling made the Quip about finally finding the Dual portal device) and I think having us change between the Red and Broken ones wasn't necessary - it was neat, but I feel like we should've had just one, because then it would've been our only constant ally when we would be separated from the Cores, as well as making the use of the portal Guns seem less special, given we find just a random working one.
What is Stirling plan? Bring Glados Back, and try to mitigate the damage she does to Aperture and the Humans and Cores inside of it? Glados started this (well Cave did, but semantics) She was killing Test subjects, and the one that survived had to kill her to survive. Maybe he's just scared of seeing his home fall apart so he takes his anger out on Chell, even though He's working to save it and put a killer on the throne.
The mechanics I mentioned above (Breaker Switch, linked Cubes, Pipes) were severely under utilized, especially when in the boss fight, it would've been so cool to have to use them to take out turrets and launch blocks and turn of certain sections of the Spire to traverse!
Some of the writing felt off? Like, Stirling presents the dangers of everything with way too much forwardness. he should've said something more like "Yeah try not to stand under that too long, You'll just make a Mess. I mean, who would guess skin would stick to panels so hard after sloughs off from that stuff."
Emilia is too smart for how human she is, which does break the immersion a little bit, and she doesn't freak out nearly enough for what happened to her. I think her voice is too clear as well, and should've had a filter on it.
Also there was a fair bit of Map Geometry that hindered movement an awful lot, getting stuck on random unseen objects and not being able to jump properly.
And the ending is Disappointing. In Portal you get out, and are dragged back in. in Portal 2 you get out. In PS: Mel, you get out, with Virgil is genuinely sad you have to leave. Nigel's a little bitch and kills you even if you extinguish the fire.
no matter what you do in Revolution, the Spire Blows, you're critically injured and on the moon. Presumably you do survive given you see stuff happening and Hear the record Emilia left, so either there's a sequel in the works, or it's just disappointing.
So I suppose I should give it the benefit of the doubt since you get dragged back in in Portal, but that was changed after Portal 2 came out I'm pretty sure.
There's a lot of little things I like, a few big things I thought were interesting.
There's some stuff I would've loved to see more of, some questions unanswered as of writing this.
There are a few things I disliked, but none of it ruined the game. I had fun, and will likely play again.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I’m really sorry people are being dicks in your inbox.
Curious if you have thoughts you’d like to share on Facade (the story from Dream Country). I don’t think it’s going to get adapted: the show is sticking closer to Morpheus’s story and I feel like that would be incredibly difficult to adapt well both from the perspective of Rainie’s character design as well as handling the difficult subject matter. But that was a story that got very lodged in my brain and I returned to mulling it over for years and years after I read it.
Thanks! I was very touched by the number of lovely asks I received that day following the weirdness in my inbox!
Facade is a delicate issue, that covers some very delicate topics. I have read that a lot of people view it as one of their favourite Sandman comic issues, which I guess makes sense if you relate heavily to concepts like isolation, loneliness, suicide ideation and putting on masks to hide your true identity... I'm not sure if the show will adapt it or not, but seeing as I view it as an early foreshadowing of the end of the Kindly Ones I would be interested to see if they DO adapt it. I agree that Rainie's character design will be difficult to bring into live action - but then I think the same thing about the entirety of Orpheus' arc, as well as quite a lot of A Game of You, so I doubt its impossible and they will figure out some way to do it if they truly want to.
I can't say that I personally enjoyed Facade all that much. I struggle with the topics mentioned above, and I'm very much of the view that life is always worth living and can always improve (aka the Hob Gadling outlook of life). Unless you are in constant agony all the time and have absolutely zero quality of life... but I don't want to turn this post into a debate about assisted suicide. I didn't view Rainie's situation as one that was worth dying over. She wasn't in agony, she was just lonely. She clearly didn't have a support network and even her only friend was more interested in talking about her own predicament as the pregnant mistress of a married man than to take any time to find out how Rainie was doing - partially because Rainie would not remove her masks (metaphorical and literal) to reveal just how badly she was struggling... anyone who has read through to the end of the Kindly Ones now may start to see the similarities.
There are so many themes to explore in this issue that tie into the wider themes of the overall story. She did not want the power she received, instead it was thrust upon her by an ancient god as part of some ancient battle that was already long since over. So the role she was literally created for was already redundant. Ra not realising this - because the old gods are still so set in their ways and in the Sandman universe this is partially the reason why they are slowly dying out (take characters like Pharamond for example who learned to adapt and change with the times therefore ensuring his own survival) - is just another example of how change and accepting the changing times of the world benefits everyone. Rainie was just another victim in the chaotic world of gods and monsters and powerful entities that care so little about the lives of the mortals they affect. So now she is stuck with a power she did not want or ask for, for a purpose that was over 3000 years before she was born.
I also found this issue to be the best example of how Death is not an entirely good character (as people often attempt to make her). She is completely and utterly neutral in all ways (the true neutral on the alignment chart should always go to Death imo). Whilst Death does try at first to get Rainie to see a brighter side, she doesn't exactly put in much effort, and in the end she gives her the information she needs to get what she wants, though I note that Rainie does NOT ask Ra to kill her, she asks him to make her normal again, though I think the point of it is to show that deep down her wish was just to die at that point, but I guess that's up for interpretation. Death is just that. Death. She is not the person to talk you off the ledge. She is the person who will be there for you after you jump. She saw that Rainie was in a terrible place, and she decided to be there for her whilst she made those decisions. But Death isn't really going to convince you either way. "your life is your own Rainie, so is your death."
I also note that the show used some of Death's speech in this episode in episode 6 when she is talking with Dream, so that's also worth considering when speculating on whether they will adapt Facade or not.
I think for the comic its an important issue and ties in heavily with the comic themes, but as I have often said, the show appears to be taking a different direction, and I don't think Facade fits with the more hopeful, optimistic route that they are taking. But we shall see.
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
I have conflicting feelings about the writing for Trina in response to Spencer's never-ending custody plan. I see what they're trying to go for in terms of Trina trying to draw a connection to her learning to accept an unorthodox family unit with her possible two dads and trying to get Spencer to accept that his psycho ex is his "brother"'s mother. But I can't shake the feeling that there's this dancing around of the truth between Trina and Spencer when it comes to this subject that's very unlike them.
Part of the issue is that the plot itself is nonsensical, and so the writing to justify its continuance is convoluted as hell. Trina's approach to Little Miss White Privilege has for the most part been to stonewall her and give her as little ammunition as possible. It's a frustrating but smart strategy because her inability to get in Trina's head clearly frustrates Esme, which is one of the reasons why she's so triggered by her. But I still feel like demon spawn has messed up Trina's threat assessment of Esme.
She keeps doubling down on this idea that Esme will make sacrifices for her child, that she can be reasoned with if it's for the benefit of her child. But that's not how a sociopath like Esme works. I feel like Trina wants it to be this way because she wants Spencer to have access to the family he has left in demon spawn, but she's also never really supported Spencer fighting for custody of demon spawn. So when Spencer correctly comments on what that would mean for Trina to be regularly in her tormentor's orbit, Trina just claims that she's gotten used to her and it's just something she has to deal with.
Spencer praises her for this response, and it's all very sweet, but it's also concerning. It doesn't really matter if Trina has gotten "used to" Esme, Esme is triggered by Trina's presence and will never get "used to" her. This is Trina once again making a calculus that Spencer is "worth" this risk while also not properly assessing the risk she's in. This is the downside of Trina's savior complex at work. She's biting her tongue about her discomfort over this proximity to that psycho and saying she can handle it because she figures if she says that then it's one less thing for Spencer to worry about and he can calm down faster.
I'm not liking the vibes of this because Trina downplaying Esme as a threat is coming at a time where all of a sudden characters who suggested otherwise like Laura and Sam, are admitting that she's probably a snake that can't change. So Trina, who has always been cautious with Esme, suddenly not being for Spencer's plans sake, makes me concerned that they're setting her up to be a sitting duck again. The last time they wrote her this way around that girl, Trina was drugged and framed for a crime she didn't commit. I feel like Spencer trusts Trina's judgment so much that it's not hitting him that her assessment is not objective and very much clouded by her wanting the best for him.
I'm also concerned because Trina did something similar when she was dating Rory, too. She bit her tongue until it bled about not wanting to go away to comic con with him because she was prioritizing his feelings over her comfort. And deep down Spencer knows Trina is engaging in her "sacrifice" pattern but he's following her lead that it's okay and so he continues with it. Trina focusing on protecting Spencer's feelings is also leading to her not being as honest with him on this subject as she usually would be. Its not just her, Laura too.
Spencer is developing an obsession with demon spawn that goes past the typical brotherly love. It may be "principled" but that doesn't mean it's healthy for him. His concern for demon spawn is wrapped up in complicated feelings of being preyed on and feeling like he failed as a son. Spencer is just moving from perceived obligation to perceived obligation with no clear indication that he's thinking about his own future in any way.
I doubt someone as goal-oriented as Trina isn't wondering about what it means for her boyfriend to have such a singular focus on this one thing at the expense of the rest of his future. But while as "friends," they'd call each other out on their crap by now. It's almost like Trina and Spencer are so protective of their relationship right now that they're censoring themselves, especially in the case of Trina. I don't think that's sustainable because that's not really who they are, and I'm curious to see when these unsaid things come to a head.
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By: Wokal Distance
Published: Feb 16, 2023
Recently there was another dust up about what we mean when we talk about “woke.” This was sparked by a Television interview where Bethany Mandel, who I consider a friend, was interviewed about her new book and was asked by the host Briana Joy Gray to define woke. Unfortunately, Bethany had difficulty giving an on the spot definition of the term, and simply responded by saying the Woke was difficult to define.
Predictably, this lead to something of a pile on as a tweet of the moment went viral on twitter. In short, a large number of left leaning accounts proceeded to say words to the effect that when conservatives call things woke, all they are doing is dog-whistling various bigoted sentiments. In other words, “woke” is just a term that conservatives use as a slur.  Here are just a couple of examples:
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This is all part of a strategy that is being employed by Critical Social Justice (AKA “woke”) activists in order to protect their ideology and worldview from criticism. As we will see, what they are doing is attempting to prevent us from giving their ideology a name or a label in order to protect it from criticism.
So I am going to explain how and why they do this, and what we can do about it. Let’s begin.
1.      Sketching the problem
No doubt readers of this substack have heard people who claim to fight for Social Justice say things like: "White privilege is a product of systemically racist social structures which center whiteness and marginalize people of color while reproducing white supremacy. This reinforces dominant power structures and a cultural hegemony that benefits cisgendered heterosexual white males at the expense of BIPOC, Latinx, and LGBTQS2+ folx."
We've all seen that jargon coming from people with similar views, politics, and ideas, all demanding sweeping social change from the left. They might be doing advocacy in different areas of society, and with respect to different topics, but the similarity of the language, the overlap of the concepts, and the fact that the arguments are always concerned with oppression, privilege, systemic power, diversity, equity, inclusion, inequality, ability status, sex, race, and gender indicate that here is clearly a coherent worldview at work here. However, every time we try give that worldview a name they say the name we pick is problematic, wrong, incorrect, bigoted, misleading or otherwise problematic.
Many names have been tried, but every time we try to name this ideology: woke, Critical Race Theory, Socialism, neo-marxism, cultural Marxism, Critical Social Justice, The successor ideology, and we are told none of this is appropriate or correct.
This inability to give the ideology in question a name prevents people from being able to talk about the project of social, cultural, and political change coming from the left. They want to agitate, advocate, and demand social change without acknowledging, much less defending, the worldview at the center of their project.
The result is that there is a large number of ideologically connected but formally unconnected social movements which all proceed from the same worldview while all denying that there is a single distinct worldview, mindset, or ideology at work. We have:
Defund the Police
Critical Race Theory
Queer theory (aka, gender ideology or radical gender theory)
Drag Queen Story Hour
Diversity Equity, and inclusion
And a host of other social and political movements, all of which use similar language, have similar policies, similar concerns, and which work together in “solidarity” with each other, all while claiming that there is no underlying common worldview which can be given a label.
They will tell you that they want to change society, change the world, and change the culture, but if you ask them to put a name to their ideology it always comes up empty. Sometimes they will say “oh, this is just kindness,” or “we call it fairness.” This is absurd. Most people do not think “society is constructed by systemic power which socializes people to accept the legitimacy of a system which reproduces white privilege at the expense of POC and which needs to be decolonized in order to make space for non-binary folx” when they are trying to talk about fairness.
So what exactly is going on here?
2.     The strategy at work.
So I would like to now explain what I think is going on using Zebras as an analogy. This will make sense I promise you.
Many animals have fur, feathers, or skin that blends in to their environment. This acts as camouflage so they can blend in to their environment and hide. This owl is a fine example:
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Zebras, however, are different. They use camouflage, but they way they use it is entirely different. Zebra’s are covered in black and white stripes even though the environment they live in is mostly brown and green. If you see a zebra by itself, it's very easy to see.
It's like they have a neon sign over them saying "lions, please eat me." Look at this picture below, this Zebra does not blend into it’s background at all:
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So how does Zebra Camouflage work? Well, its simple: Zebra camouflage works by making zebras blend with the herd so that lions can't focus on any one zebra and target it. In order for Lions to kill a zebra they need to be able to pick one Zebra, focus on it, and then go after it. If the lions are unable to pick a target then the Zebras are safe.
What Zebras Camouflage does is to make the Zebras blend into the heard. It makes them all blend in together with each other so that it becomes near impossible for the lions to select any one zebra to attacks. If lions can't pick a target to go after, then the Zebras are safe. And as you can see in the pictures below, when the Zebras are in a single herd it becomes nearly impossible to pick out any one of them:
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Scientists discovered this as they studied Zebras and got confused about which individual zebra was which, and that happened because the zebras camouflage causes them to all blend into the herd.
So, they tried to fix this by tagging a zebra with red paint so they could recognize it from the others and keep track of it.
Guess what happened?
The Lions killed the tagged Zebra. A tagged zebra stands out from the herd so lions can tell it apart and focus the hunt on it. The Lions don't catch weak zebras, they catch the *IDENTIFIABLE* Zebras they can focus on. If a Zebra stand out from the herd, or gets separated from the herd it no longer blends in with the rest of the herd and it loses the benefit of it's camouflage, at which point the lions can focus on it, target it, and kill it.
This is a great analogy for the game the woke are playing.
Once a worldview is named and defined, it can then be pointed out, highlighted, and subjected to criticism. Once you can *IDENTIFY* a worldview or set of ideas you can focus on it. Naming an idea lets us separate it from the herd of other ideas and examine it up close. The woke don't want anyone to be able to give a name or label to their ideology because if that happens we can "tag" examples their ideology with a label when we see it. This allows us to highlight it, point it out, and examine it when we see it.
We label and name things to help us "tag" them, so we can point them out and focus on them, the woke are trying desperately to destroy all of our linguistic "tags." Woke activists do not want us to be able to single out their ideas and subject them to criticism. Woke ideas really can't withstand proper rational and logical analysis. The lions of truth: evidence, logic, rationality, etc, will eat the Zebras of Wokeness, Gender Ideology, Critical Race Theory, and Critical Social Justice for lunch. But only if the lions of reason can focus on and identify the Zebras of woke ideology.
This is what the woke want to avoid. The woke think our criticisms are not legitimate and merely an attempt by us to attack them so we can hold on to "power and privilege." For that reason the woke seek to insulate themselves from our "illegitimate" criticism.
So, to avoid getting eaten by the lions of reason the woke want to camouflage their ideology in a way that makes it impossible to it to be seen, pointed out, highlighted, or (in woke parlance) "made visible." They want hide their worldview by making it impossible to focus on and impossible to tag, label, or name. so they can say they are "just doing history" or "just discussing gender," and "blend in" as though wokeness fits right alongside reason, evidence, logic, and rationality.
We need to use labels to be able to point at, highlight, and otherwise tag woke concepts so that they can be seen and then held up and examined for criticism. Using labels like "woke," "CRT," AND "Critical Social Justice," lets us tag woke ideas so we can hold them up to the light and examine them. Labels help us point out wokeness to other people so they can see it too.
This is what the woke want to avoid.
What the woke want is to act like all the bits of woke activism we see are unconnected phenomena spontaneously springing fourth in the name of justice in an organic and decentralized way.  They want to act as though things like BLM, Defund the Police, “Diversity, equity, and Inclusion,” and Drag Queen Story Hour are diffuse and unconnected movements when in fact they are all connected by their adherence to an underlying worldview and ideology.
The formal name of this ideology is Critical Social Justice,1 or in common parlance, wokeness.
3.     What is the solution
Do not let them do this. Do not let them play games and use linguistic and rhetorical sleight of hand to hide their worldview. You do not need to give an exhaustive definition every time they invent a new term, or every time they present you with some new bit of jargon. All you need is a definition of wokeness that communicates its ideas in a clear way so people can examine it.
I would like to provide what I think is an accurate definition of wokeness that even a person who is “woke” would be willing to accept.
Woke: (sometimes called Critical Social Justice) is a type of social justice politics that claims systemic identity based discrimination such as racism, sexism, homophobia, white privilege, and other sorts of injustice are baked into the fabric of society. In short, society is oppressive. They believe this occurs through “systems of power” which were created for the benefit people who are white, straight, and male, at the expense of everyone else. This power operates through cultural hegemony (cultural dominance) and by socializing people into accepting the legitimacy of this oppressive system, and accepting their place in it. Wokeness claims these systems of power warp every element of western culture in a way that harms people, and for that reason all of society must be radically restructured.  Everything, including science, knowledge, truth, beauty, economics, education, sports, music, film, agriculture, justice and everything else on society are full of bigotries, biases and self-interest which are a product of the systems of power which were created by and for straight white males. On this view even such things as math, biology, physics, and chemistry must be radically rebuilt with a focus toward diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, anti-racism, and so fourth.
To give you something that is a little easier to memorize and pull out in conversation, Neil Shenvi has offered a definition of wokeness which fits into a single tweet:
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Wilfred Reilly offers and even shorter definition that is excellent for use in everyday conversation:
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With a proper definition of wokeness now in view we should now proceed to make sure that we carefully, accurately, and carefully label things as Critical Social Justice or “Woke” when they fit that definition. We should have absolutely no hesitation in doing so.
These woke activists have labelled everyone they disagree with as:
white supremacist
They absolutely do not get to complain when we label them as “woke.”
Label fairly, use labels from their literature, and label accurately, do not hesitate to label those woke ideas and then subject those woke ideas to the bright light of rigorous criticism and analysis.
Thanks for reading.
1 Özlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo, Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, second edition. Teachers College press. 2017. P.19
An alternate approach is to ignore the definitions entirely.
I don't really care what name you want to call it when:
everything is seen through paranoid, invisible power dynamics and emotional abuse and manipulative lies are used to coerce people who have done nothing wrong;
or when the most fragile, most ideologically possessed can, and do, weaponize the worst, most intellectually dishonest reading of a statement or situation and insist you're a bigot if you don't accept it as true;
or when black kids are told that society is structured around "anti-blackness" and white kids are told that they are oppressors;
or when the liberal mainstay of colorblindness (reducing the social signifiance of skin color) is itself regarded as "racist", and the new morality declares the opposite is required;
or when equality and merit are treated as bigotry, and standards must be lowered;
or when racial segregation is rehabilitated as a virtue;
or when objective reality is denied, objectivity itself is bigoted, and truth becomes merely an opinion;
or when gay conversion therapy is being endorsed by supposed LGBT organizations;
or when parents transition their kids because they liked the wrong toys;
or when doctors and hospitals lie about the need for medical experiments on kids, or that they're doing them at all;
or when people keep pretending they don't know how babies are made;
or when organizations are consumed with ideological activism and become incapable of fulfilling their actual mission;
or when our knowledge-producing institutions are tearing themselves apart and dismantling our knowledge-making processes in order to restructure themselves instead for the production of religious piety as ideological convents;
or when words are redefined or eliminated entirely for the purpose of controlling thought and re-engineering society;
or when the most privileged, most entitled people in the world in the freest countries in the world are roleplaying as oppressed victims;
or when people in those countries voluntarily implement defacto blasphemy laws to suppress or punish wrongthink, and even arguing in favor of freedom of speech is recast as a "dogwhistle" for "hate";
or when it's somehow both the case that LiTeRaLLy nO oNe Is DoInG tHiS and you're a bigot for getting in their way.
I don't care what you call this.
It just has to end.
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raylin-creates · 2 years
13, 17, 39? Mayhaps?
13: what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Ooh that's a toughie. I'm a big fan of the thinking that every rule has exceptions and writing is such a subjective craft that it's difficult to find a rule that can have widespread use...
I guess I'd say "show don't tell" in the sense that it's always in the back of my head and I'm always questioning "is this something that the story would benefit from me showing in detail, or is this something that would be better suited to being told?"
I actually usually get annoyed when people give "show don't tell" as writing advice because it's usually just given at face-value without getting into what it actually means and when it's applicable and when it's not. Both showing and telling have equal roles in writing, and it's a good skill to be able to recognize which is useful in a given scenario.
17: What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
With writers block, I usually take a step back and do something else for a bit. Metaphorically banging my head against a wall trying to write doesn't actually help, but doing something to relax and clear my head can make it easier to remember I actually enjoy making stories and get the words flowing again.
Most of my stories are planned out well in advance of any actual writing happening, but if I'm having trouble with inspiration, I'll try to look to the real world for ideas. Things like looking into existing cultures and religions, just seeing all the different ways people can think of the world, is a great way to start looking at your own works from a different view as well. It can also be useful to look at stories and art by children, or see someone try to learn a new skill with no prior experience. Looking at how someone with no preconceived notions interprets something is a fascinating way to see how you can start thinking outside the box!
39: Share a snippet from a WIP
Alright, take a bit from what I'm currently working on. Plenty of Sky angst in this fic
He took a deep breath; the air changed on the surface at night. Everything felt a bit rawer, a bit thinner. As if the laws that governed the world during the day did not have as much sway over the night.
Link climbed to the top of the rail Groose had built. He dangled his legs off the edge and stared at the seal at the bottom of the pit.
“Ah, the stars are lovely, aren’t they?”
Link startled so bad he nearly fell off.
The old woman chuckled.
“I didn’t hear you at all! I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“Not at all. I rarely sleep these days. I have my own methods of refreshing myself without much need for it.” She rubbed the necklace of blue stones around her neck. “But I doubt the same can be said of young boys from the sky. What’s keeping you up, dear boy?”
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stampstamp · 2 years
Autobiographical manga by LGBTQIA+ artists are so thought-provoking. I finished the one that came out yesterday last night but I'm still thinking about it. It was great overall, but at the end the mangaka asked us not to hate the woman who dumped her. But although it was quite a cruel break up, I didn't think the ex was dislikeable; we only heard one side of the story and the author could have oversimplified events or ignored signs of trouble without realising. It's a sore subject for me because I accidentally hurt someone like that and if they had published a GN about how I broke their heart (in my case, after realising I was aspec and making myself sick from the pressure of having to do things I was uncomfortable with) without even changing my name I'd be livid! The mangaka included a lot of specific details about her ex!
I'm surrounded by self-absorbed people who complain to me when someone snaps at them 'out of nowhere' so unless they've done something really bad, I tend to give the other person the benefit of the doubt (I try not to make my stance clear though because I don't want to upset anyone). But apparently you're always supposed to side with the person who tells you their side of events first??
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angelofthenight · 2 years
Cardigans in August Pt.4
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(Bruce Yamada x Reader x Vance Hopper)
Summary: During the summer after a fight, (Y/n) cheats on Bruce with Vance. When school starts again Vance thinks he finally has (Y/n) until she tries to win Bruce back.
Warnings: Angst, Love triangle, Cheating, Breakup, Emotional breakdown, Sad!Bruce, Swearing, (Y/n) isn’t a very good person
Word Count: 2.4k
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
(I changed up the ages for the characters. So while Vance, Bruce and (Y/n) are highschool seniors, Finney and Robin are sophomores and Gwen is a freshman)
“Chase two boys, lose the one”
“Slept next to him, but I dreamt of you all summer long”
“'Cause you weren't mine to lose”
Finney Blake walked side by side with his little sister Gwen once they left school grounds after the school day. They talked about the latest things happening in town like how they were replacing everyone’s favorite bookshop with a seafood restaurant, how Gwen’s math teacher was a total know-it-all, how one of the girls in Finney’s grade was already pregnant, and eventually about Vance Hopper’s latest fist fight.
“-and Vance hadn’t even touched that pinball machine all summer. So I guess that guy, Kevin, thought it was okay to use it yesterday. But of course he chose the day that Vance came back. He looked to be in a way worse mood than usual, like he seemed to be fuming about something.” Finney continued his story of his eye witness report. “Then Vance lifted him off the ground and threw him to the floor, it was like WWE wrestling.”
All the talk of Pinball Vance reminded Gwen of the rumors she overheard in her homeroom. Her eyes lit up and she looked over to her brother. “Oh my god, speaking of Vance, did you hear that he’s with (Y/n) (L/n) now?”
Finney’s brows furrowed, trying to match the name with a face. “Bruce Yamada’s girlfriend?” “Mmhm.” Gwen hummed in confirmation before making a face that basically said she didn’t know as much as she let on. “Well… or that (Y/n)’s cheating on Bruce with Vance.”
Finney frowned at Gwen’s words. He didn’t know (Y/n) very well but she came to baseball practice a couple times with Bruce. He’d awkwardly talk to her a few times and she was always super nice and friendly, and based on how he saw her act with Bruce she seemed to adore her boyfriend in every way. So he tried to give her the benefit of a doubt. “How do you know?”
“Everyone’s talking about it.” Gwen shrugged. “Some girls in my homeroom were talking about how they heard that they were all over each other at the carnival.” She said, moving her hands around to put emphasis on what they were doing at the carnival. Finney opened his mouth to refute but was cut off by another voice nearing from behind them. “Finn! Gwen! Wait up!” The siblings stopped to turn around to see Robin running up to them. Once caught up, the three began walking together.
“What’re you guys talking about?” Robin asked straight away. Gwen answered before Finney had the chance to change the subject. “How Vance and (Y/n) are hooking up behind Bruce’s back.” “It’s just a rumor though.” Finney shot down, shaking his head at Robin.
Robin chuckled. “No way, dude. I saw them over the summer with my own eyes.” He said, pointing two fingers at his eyes. Gwen’s face lit up in curiosity, practically dying for the gossip. “Really? What were they doing? Did you see them at the carnival too?”
“When my family and I went to the beach, I saw them kissing under the docks. Hands rubbing all over one another, total french kissing, and practically dry humping each other.” Robin laughed a bit after he said the last part. “And I also saw them kissing at the park while I was walking home one night.” He added with a matter-of-fact tone.
Finney looked to the ground as his eyebrows curved up with sympathy. ‘Poor Bruce…’
Bruce tucked his mitt under his arm as he walked across the baseball field during practice. Out of the corner of his eye he saw several of his peers staring, snickering. He glanced down to make sure he didn’t have some stain on his uniform he didn’t notice. He didn’t.
Maybe it was just him being paranoid but throughout the whole week people have been giving him weird looks, some looked pitiful and some looking humorous. Groups would eye him then whisper to each other as he passed. It was like everyone in the school had some inside joke about him. He hated it. What did they put in the Denver water during the summer while he was away?
The second half of the baseball team who sat on the bleachers for the first three rounds switched with the second half who were on the field. Even as he passed his own teammates they would give him lingering, knowing looks. He walked up the bleachers to take a seat as the new people on the field set up their positions for practice.
Finney took a seat just one row down from him. “Hey, Finney.” He greeted. Finney turned to look over at him. “Oh, hey.” He greeted back before looking back away. An awkward silence invaded them as Finney rubbed his knees, trying to think of a conversation starter. He impulsively chose the first option that sprung into his mind.
Finney turned in his seat to look up at Bruce with a consoling expression. “Um, sorry about (Y/n). I heard about what happened.”
Bruce rose a bewildered brow alongside an unsuspecting frown. “What do you mean?” Finney tensely shrugged, slightly shaking his head trying to jog Bruce’s memory. ‘Poor guy’s so heartbroken he’s trying to play dumb.’ “You know, with Vance over the summer?” Bruce’s brow lowered to shift into a glower, slightly getting irked over how lost he was. “What are you talking about?”
“Them hooking-” Finney stopped himself abruptly. After seeing Bruce’s clueless reaction, Finney’s face slightly cowered and he began to regret his words. Bruce didn’t know. For a fleeting second, he saw an out and considered immediately bolting from the area. But instead he quickly said, “Nevermind, it’s just a rumor.” He pondered if that made things better or worse. But Bruce already caught onto what Finney was saying.
Bruce’s lips parted from each other, feeling his chest tighten around his quickening heart rate. Was Finney really saying that- Is that why everyone had been giving him weird looks? He almost felt humiliated over how much ground the rumor spread to. Would you really…? He felt his face sink into the appearance of a sad clown but he donned a poker face as quickly as he could manage. He could be upset later, in private.
He cleared his throat and stood up from where he was sitting. “I… I gotta go. I can’t be out past curfew.” He blankly said despite not even having a curfew. He felt lightheaded as he walked down the steps so had a hand on the railing for support. He hopped off the bleachers and immediately started walking away from the baseball field, ignoring his coach calling out for him.
Finney bit the inside of his cheek and felt guilt wash over him as he watched Bruce walk away. He regretted opening his big mouth but tried to comfort himself by saying he had a right to know.
After getting a call from Bruce saying where he was, that he needed to see you and that it was urgent, you biked over to his location. He was close enough to not drive but far enough to not walk so you resulted to biking. You hopped off your bike once you reached the road and walked around the corner to see Bruce in his baseball uniform sitting on the curb next to the phone booth with his head hung low.
A foreboding feeling creeped into your stomach but you quickly smiled and called out to him. He lifted his head to look up to you. He didn’t smile. That feeling began to feel haunting. He stood up to walk over to the brick wall of the small shop that was beside the phone booth, you rested your bike against the wall. You both leaned on your sides against the wall, facing each other.
“So, how was your summer?” Bruce simply asked. You felt a nervous, sick turn in your stomach but you forced yourself to think logically. If you and Vance didn’t tell anyone, how on earth would he know. “It was good. Went to the beach once and went to the carnival.” You said, trying to make it vague yet casual. “Cool.” Bruce said, nodding. A fog of silence passed before he dropped a haunting question.
“What’d you and Vance do together?”
Your heart dropped right down to your stomach, your senses spiking so alarmingly fast you felt as if you had been tased.
Bruce studied your reaction and by seeing your pupils shrink and your smile twitch downwards, he knew the rumors were true. “Oh my god.” He breathed out, horror gripping him tightly. He began to lose balance on his feet as he swayed and stumbled. “Oh my god. I didn’t want to believe it.”
The look on his face as he stared at you hurt worse than that one time you got a huge, nasty gash on your thigh when you slipped down a hill during a hike. Bruce cradled you so warmly that day as he gently treated your wound, kissing your cheek every pained sound you let out. But now he wouldn’t be kissing your cheek as the pain engulfed you. But you knew better than to think you were hurting anywhere near worse than Bruce.
Bruce slowly backed away from you with a look of utter betrayal and heartbreaking shock. You’d take a step towards with a hand reaching out for his arm but he took another step back. His eyes looked blurry as they became glossy with welling tears. His waterline was holding the tears up in his eyes for dear life.
“(Y/n)… did you.. cheat on me?” His voice broke, a fitting reflection of the way his heart was feeling.
“No!” You impulsively yelped but then retreated to a weaker tone. You didn’t have it in you to tell a pretty lie to his face but you also didn’t have it in you to tell the ugly truth out loud. “Well, I-I just-”
“Don’t lie to me, (Y/n). Please don’t lie to me.” He asserted, his voice falling apart into desperation as his frown quivered like a leaf.
You pursed your own lips together, guilty tears forming at the corners of your eyes. “…It’s true.” You said just above a whisper. Bruce stared at you as an exhale escaped his throat, like he had been stabbed. Figuratively, he was; stabbed in the back. “We’re done.” He glumly said with an aghast undertone. He turned around just when a tear finally escaped and rolled down his cheek as he began to walk away.
You tried to ask him to wait, but your words caught in the back of your throat, unable to be heard. You tried to mentally and ignorantly tell yourself that he might be fine, that he would likely bounce back as he always does, and things would return to normal the very next time you see him on Monday. But a haunting feeling deep in the pit of your nauseated stomach told you you were terribly wrong to assume that…
Bruce’s pillow became wet very quickly from his tears. After all that time he had just been fooling himself. He wished he could go back to when he thought he knew everything. Because now he was starting to think that everything he thought he knew was a lie.
He thought you were in love with him just as he was with you. Were you actually just stringing him along all this time?
“What a sick joke!” He spat bitterly. If you even gave a damn about him, you could have told him yourself in private. Or better, break up with him before deciding to run off with another guy and save him the humiliation of being cheated on after mountains of effort to get you into a relationship with him.
He sat up to his knees on his bed, his hair was a mess and his eyes were red and puffy from continuous tears that left streak stains on his cheeks. He threw a punch at his pillow. Then another. Then another. Then another until he grabbed his pillow to repeatedly slam it on his mattress. “Fuck you, (Y/n)! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! And fuck Vance!” More tears streamed down his grimacing face. “Fuck all your lies! Fuck your promises! Fuck your ‘I love you’s! Fuck your fake kisses!”
He wished he could break your heart the same way you shattered his. In all honesty, he would never actually do it. But just to have the option is all he really wanted, to know that you even cared enough to be bothered by his absence. But you didn't...
“Fuck your stupid, pretty face! Fuck your soft eyes! Fuck that cute, ugly laugh you only do around me! Fuck how supportive you are! Fuck your good time management! Fuck your stupid clothing style! Fuck your dumb jokes!”
His voice was shaking and breaking as he cursed all the things he loved about you. These thoughts were like pieces of glass inside him, cutting him deeper every time he breathed. The wound was flowing like a flood from his heart and he had no way to ease the pain.
All he could do was imagine what could have been if he had that ability within him. But no matter how he tried to comfort himself with fantasy, the only thing his mind would replay is the heartbreak he was subjected to. He was a record player, thrown away and stuck on the same song, repeating over and over. There weren't words to describe how he felt. What you did... it was just-
“Cruel…” You squeezed your eyes shut from the emotional turmoil. “God! What I did was horrible! And so stupid!” You wished you could take back what you did. You were just in a touch starved and weak state of mind and acted on foolish impulse. Not in a million years would you purposely try to alienate someone who cared for you so deeply. You were stressing the entire weekend, even wondering if you should call him to explain yourself but you knew he would just hang up as soon as he heard your voice.
You knew you had crossed the line, and you had no idea how to go about making it up to him.
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writing-shroom · 3 years
Little Blue Eyes
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Summary: It wasn't rare that a pillar would be absent from a meeting, be it because of a mission or because they're recovering from injuries. What is rare however is for a pillar to be late to a meeting. So the other pillars were rightfully upset that Giyuu came later than he usually does. But they definitely weren't expecting the reasoning of why he was late, especially not the two extra pairs of blue eyes staring at them curiously.
Words: 3,8K words
Warnings: Minor spoilers for some pillar's backstories. Mentions of punching and Inosuke wanting to start a war with a three year old.
Female reader!
a/n: I'll most likely make another version with a male or gender neutral cause i don't like singling out readers
−○❖○❧ •❁※❁• ☙○❖○−
The sun was high in the sky. It was a bright day, the birds were singing and the clouds look extra poofy. The night before was a good one, well not entirely good, there were still demons roaming about. But last night not a single slayer died! What joy, and plenty of demons were slain. So why one earth-
"Where's Tomioka??"
Tomioka Giyuu, the water pillar, was late.
Well he wasn't technically late, the meeting wasn't going to start in another 15 minutes.
"Do you think he's on a mission?"
Mitsuri suggested, but the others weren't buying it.
"Even if he was on a mission don't you think he'll be back by now?" quizzed a certain snake from the tree.
To be fair Mitsuri's reasoning would be pretty understandable, they were pillars after all. They're almost always busy on missions. But the last time they heard him being on a mission was two weeks ago and since he didn't show up at the butterfly estate either, they pretty much assumed that he was perfectly fine after said mission.
The love pillar pouted, "Still, it's not like him to be late," she had a point.
While he wasn't the earliest pillar, he certainly wasn't the latest one either. Normally he would be standing in waiting around the garden as the other pillars chatted amongst themselves, sometimes Mitsuri or Kyojuro tried including him in their conversations but after a while of short answers they learn to just leave him alone.
"Doesn't he know how rude it is to come late?" Shinobu grumbled. "He must be slacking off at this point,"
Some of the other pillars nodded in agreement, it's been a while since they've even seen the water pillar. He was going on missions like the rest of them sure, but he always seemed to get less somehow. Shinobu swore he had less missions than he did a few years back, she barely even saw him around the demon slayer corps and much less outside of it.
"Don't say things like that Shinobu-chan, at least give him the benefit of the doubt! Maybe he ran into a demon," the love pillar tried again "It's not like he's purposely trying to be late"
"Doubt it," Sanemi scoffed.
Mitsuri bowed her head dejectedly, so the others quickly tried changing the subject.
"Do you think he has a life outside the corps?"
Muichiro questioned from his spot on the ground, his gaze was still focused on the clouds but his body language implied that he was in fact listening. And Mitsuri's eye glistens at the prospect, maybe he had a nice family! Or maybe a relative who was ill, oR maybe he could even have a s/o! Yes that would make sense on why he was late-
"HA! Him? As if, he barely has life inside the demon slayer corps-"
He was cut off when a pebble hit his face, enraged Sanemi looked around to find the culprit. Another pebble hit the back side of his head so he whipped around to face the glaring snake pillar dangling from the tree.
"Pillars, Master Ubuyashiki has arrived"
Immediately the eight pillars kneeled before their master, and to Mitsuri's dismay, Giyuu still hadn't showed up yet.
"Good evening my children, what a wondrous day it is" He smiled softly as he gazed over all of the pillars. "It appears that one of the pillar isn't present yet,"
"Yes, I'm afraid Tomioka won't be joining todays meeting so it seems" It was almost baffling to see how Sanemi switched personalities in the presence of Ubuyashiki.
Oyakata-sama hummed in acknowledgement, the knowing look on his face made the pillars think there might a legitimate reason on why Giyuu was later then normal. "It is quite alright, he will be joining us nearing the end of our meeting,"
Low and behold he was right. Just as everyone finished giving their reports they heard footsteps approaching, but something sounded off. They were much too light to be Giyuu's, and they were quick ones as well. As if they person making them was trying to keep up with someone,,,
"Master Ubuyashiki, I apologies for arriving late to the meeting." Giyuu bowed, Sanemi and Obanai glared at the water pillar. How dare he come late to the meeting and expect to be forgiven so easily-
"Nonsense, there are no need for apologies my child. It was my request for you too bring Kiyoshi and Kimiko after all,"
The pillars tried looking around for the two people Oyakata-sama mentioned but they spotted not one person in the garden besides Giyuu. It wasn't until they heard Mitsuri gasp did they finally see a small portion of bushy black hair hiding behind Giyuu's legs.
"Go on, it's okay" they heard Giyuu softly coaxed the person standing behind him.
Their jaws all drop open involuntarily when a small boy shuffled out meekly. His bushy raven locks were tied back into a small pony tail —his hair was too short so it just looks like a small ball of fluff —and his big blue eyes that nearly popped off his face made him look even smaller.
He looked nervous as he fiddled with his small hands. Giyuu placed his hand on the boy's shoulder trying to calm him down, with a few more glances to Oyakata-sama to the pillars then back at Giyuu the boy finally spoke up.
"H-hello Master Ubuyashiki," his voice was so smol they could barely hear it. And it took Mitsuri every fibre in her being to stop herself from squealing, she had no idea who this child was but bOI WAS HE CUTE.
"Hello to you as well my child," the pillars all pried their eyes off of the small child when they heard their master laugh, "Kiyoshi, if i'm not mistaken, you've grown well it seems."
He looked around as if expecting another person, "Where is your sister?"
"She spotted Tanjiro and his friends on our way here, I believe they're still playing chase" Oyakata-sama laughed once again and nodded in understanding.
"Of course, she will be joining us in a few minutes I presume?"
Giyuu opened his mouth to speak again, but he was cut of by a-
It was then a small girl, who looks frighteningly similar to the boy and Giyuu, ran full speed into the garden. Her bright blue eyes met Sanemi's first, and he had to do a double take cause he swore she looked just like Giyuu, just smaller.
She immediately burst into a fit of giggles the moment she entered the garden, the sleeves on her water-lily patterned yukata was much too big so they envelope her arms as she swings them in the air happily. Seconds behind her, three boys — whom the pillars instantly recognise— crashed at the entrance falling in a heap.
Giyuu quickly picked up the giggling toddler and as he held her securely in his arms his lips curved gently into a smile, as if the pillars weren't shocked enough. The look on his face was so soft Shinobu thought she was hallucinating.
"How can you guys call yourself slayers when you let a girl out run you!" She said cheekily as she wiggled in Giyuu's arms to face the three boys laying on the ground.
"That's enough," before things could escalate further Giyuu placed his hand firmly on top of Inosuke's head, stopping him from declaring war on his daughter. "Go home, the three of you. You can continue playing later"
As Tanjiro profusely apologised for interrupting the meeting and forced Inosuke into a bow by holding him by the back of his head, Muichiro met the small girl's blue eyes. They were wide with curiosity, he however wasn't in the mood so he stuck his tongue out at her. To which she responded by doing the same.
"Hey, none of that," Giyuu lightly scolded, pinching the girl's nose as a gentle punishment.
She whined in protest, and at this point all the pillars who's mouths weren't open since the beginning definitely were now. Questions were running through the pillar's heads at the speed of light, never had they been this clueless about something happening right in front of them.
Their confusion was only broken when Oyakata-sama laughed again, the twins at his side had been narrating all that was happening since the little girl ran into the garden. "Ah, here is Kimiko I presume?"
"Yesh! I'm Kimiko," the girl, Kimiko apparently, chirped as she wiggled out of Giyuu's arms. The moment her feet touched the ground, she skipped over and grabbed the boy's hand. "It's nice to meet you!"
"It's nice to see you again my child," Oyakata-sama said softly. "How joyous it is to see that you and brother grown so well,"
It wasn't hard to tell that the two children were twins, they were practically identical. The only key difference was their personality it seems, Kimiko was bouncing on the heels of her feet while Kiyoshi — or at least Misturi thinks his name was Kiyoshi— glanced around the garden nervously, and when he met the stern gaze of the wind pillar he immediately shrunk back into Giyuu.
Noticing his timid boy grabbing onto the sleeve of his haori, Giyuu knelt down to ruffle their hair. "You and Miko can go play, don't leave the garden okay? Papa will be done in a minute,"
Obanai and Sanemi had to shake their heads, hearing Giyuu refer himself to "papa" felt like someone slapped them across the face. Mitsuri on the other hand couldn't keep quiet, she was doing the small internal screaming thing, the children were so cute. She couldn't help but flush.
As Kimiko ran off with her brother in tow, Giyuu took his place besides Himejima. It felt uncomfortable to have so many eyes following him so instead he switched his focus on his two children.
"Now, with all the pillars present, let's continue the meeting shall we?"
−○❖○❧ •❁※❁• ☙○❖○−
All the pillar bowed as Oyakata-sama exited, the meeting was over. Good. Now they could finally yell at the water pillar. Sanemi whipped his head to face the man at the end of the line, only to see that the two children had tackled him and are currently attacking him. With kisses.
"We missed youuu"
Both children chorused. Kimiko was on his back while Kiyoshi was snuggled comfortably in Giyuu's arms. Even when kneeling down Kimiko's legs were off the ground as she clung to him, she didn't seem to mind though, she had a blast hanging off his shoulders.
And what that a chuckle the pillar heard???
Low and behold it was, Shinobu could barely see it because his hair was covering a portion of his face, but it was there's a smile alright.
Maybe if he looked at the clouds they would be cubes instead, Mui thought. Not like that would be any weirder than the Tomioka Giyuu smiling and having children, twins no less.
Some how in a single motion, Giyuu manage to scoop up both children and set them in front of him. Kiyoshi, however, met with Sanemi's eyes again and he would've ran to hide behind Giyuu again if it weren't for Kimiko's hand holding his.
"Kimiko, Kiyoshi. Introduce yourselves to the pillars, they haven't met you before," Giyuu gave them a little nudge foward, Kimiko didn't need the encouragement however.
"Hello!!" The sleeve of her yukata flapped wildly as her waved to them "My name's Tomioka Kimiko! And this is my brother"
She tugged on her brother's hand motioning him to continue for her, "Uhm...Hi" The young boy said softly, his eyes flickering from the ground to the pillars and back again. "My name's Tomioka Kimi- nono w-wait,"
His face flushed red from embarrassment so he resolved to hiding it behind his tiny hands, they didn't do much considering that his hands were...well tiny.
Mitsuri couldn't help but coo at the small boy, he was soo cute. Kyojuro and Uzui were laughing their heads off, but quietly—since they felt somewhat bad, in their defence it was pretty funny. Even Kimiko thought so, currently giggling at her bother's misery. Oh she's never going to let him live this down.
Meanwhile, Giyuu was the only one not finding amusement in the mistake — well maybe a little, but his baby was upset and that's more important at the moment. He squeezed the young boy's shoulders, trying to reassure him.
After a few minutes of Giyuu whispering encouragement Kiyoshi tried again, "H-hi My name's Tomioka Kiyoshi. not kimiko" he said the last part quietly but the pillars heard him just fine.
"Yayyy" Kimiko cheered and clapped for her brother. It was more teasing then actual praise, and he knew it too. So he reached out to pinch her cheek in revenge, luckily for Kimiko she was quick enough to catch his hand and held it instead.
"We're three!" Kimiko proudly announced, holding up a two fingers instead. Noticing her mistake, Kiyoshi nudged her then pointed at her fingers before lifting up three fingers of his own. She puffed her cheeks and her eyebrows furrowed, she swore that was right, looking at her fingers again.
"We're two!" She decided, still holding up her two fingers. Her brother sighed and shook his head, "We're three Kimiko"
Mitsuri and Kyojuro had matching puffed up cheeks, they really wanted to laugh but they didn't want to upset the twins.
Don't laugh don't laugh
Mitsuri reminded herself.
Kimiko took it upon herself to find out every pillar's names and say hi to them, and poor Kiyoshi — who just wanted to take a nap in his papa's arms— was dragged along with her.
One by one, she and Kiyoshi walked up to a pillar and asked for their names. The first was Obanai, because he was at the end of the line, immediately they took notice to Kabukamaru. Who was just as curious as the twins, the snake slid off of Iguro's shoulders slightly and hissed at them softly. Delighted Kimiko hissed back while sticking her tongue out, which surprised Obanai but thankfully for him, his bandages covered the small smile he had on.
Moving to the next pillar-
oh oh
Kiyoshi was terrified, because next to the snake pillar was the wind pillar. Sanemi glared down at the two young children in front of him.
He didn't mean to be glaring
It was just how he reacted, the two reminded him of his younger siblings. For a split second he thought he saw a young Genya standing in place where Kiyoshi was.
Shaking his head, the vision of Genya disappeared and it was just the twins standing in front of him again. He scoffed but bent down slightly — Giyuu was watching closely incase something were to happen.
"Cute kid Tomioka," he said offhandedly while pinching Kiyoshi's cheek. Who was startled at how gentle it was, even Kimiko pinched him harder then this.
They quickly moved to the next pillars which were the butterfly, sound and mist pillar. Who all gave the twins head pats or ruffled their bushy locks of raven hair, save Muichiro who just stuck his tongue out at Kimiko again. She would have done it right back but she knew her dad would pinch her nose again, so she changed her mind she did it anyways.
"Nice ribbon you're wearing, very flamboyant!"
Uzui remarked. It was true, Kimiko was indeed wearing a red ribbon in her hair. Her mommy had tied it in for her this morning, she didn't have much hair just yet so it was just tied into a small ponytail like her brother. Both however look more like fluff from a rabbit's tail.
Last were the flame, love and stone pillar. Mitsuri immediately scooped them into her arms, she was waiting all this time to squish their chubby cheeks.
"oooo look at youuu, you're so cute and you are tooo" she cooed as the twin took turns getting their cheeks smushed by the love pillar.
As it was Kiyoshi's turn, Kimiko took interest in her bright pink and green hair. "You have very pretty hair miss love pillar,"
"Oh? Thank you very much~" she chirped while putting her hands together. "Who did your hair? It look very pretty too,"
Without skipping a beat she proudly said, "My mommy did it! She did Kiyoshi's hair too!" pointing her her brother's and her own hair with vigour.
Immediately everyone's heads turn to Giyuu, it completely went over their heads that he must have a wife as well. What they were expecting was him just standing there deadpan look and all, but just like everything else that was happening today — they were proven wrong.
Between the twins excitement by the mere mention of their mother to Giyuu's obviously fond look and relaxed shoulders, it was easy for the pillars to guess that who ever married Giyuu was loved beyond belief. And who ever this women is, Mitsuri wanted to meet her.
'Finally someone said it,' Shinobu thought.
Sanemi's screaming, no matter how much it voiced the pillar's thoughts, scared the two children. Whom immediately ran to hide behind their dad.
Kneeling down, he gladly welcomed them into his waiting arms. "Please don't shout, Kimiko and Kiyoshi get startled easily" he said patting their small heads.
To that, Uzui smacked Sanemi upside his head which only angered the wind pillar further.
"Tomioka~ Did you not bother telling us you have children? Or are you just that forgetful," Giyuu resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Shinobu's prodding.
"No one asked,"
It was her turn to resist the urge to smack him as the water pillar shrugged, but the twins were snugly tucking into his side so she'll save that for another day.
"So sorry for Shinzugawa's outburst little ones, he won't scare you again,"
Kyojuro tried to reason with them, but Kiyoshi could see the wind pillar trying to throw punches at Tengen — which Kyojuro was actively trying to hide from their field of view — and it didn't really give him high hopes that he wasn't going to yell again.
Kimiko on the other hand was already skipping over to Mitsuri and Shonibu, she wanted to see if they could teach her how to braid hair. To braid mommy's hair of course, but maybe she'll try some hairstyles on her dad if he would let her (He would).
"Kiyoshi," said toddler met his father's eyes, which were a mirror image of his own. "Are you sure you don't want to play with Kimiko?"
He thought about it for a minute, on one hand they were teaching her how to braid hair and he really wanted to braid his mommy's hair and make her happy, but on the other hand,,, he could sleep soundly in his papa's arms. Safe and sound.
After about a minute he made his decision and shook his head, choosing to latch on to his fathers haori for a nice nap and cuddles. He could ask Kimiko how to braid hair later anyways, now was nap time.
−○❖○❧ •❁※❁• ☙○❖○−
"Sooo, how was the meeting?"
(Y/N) asked her husband, who was getting a new hair style — curtesy of their little girl.
"It went fine," he said eating another piece of salmon, Giyuu wouldn't mind just staying in this moment for the rest of his life.
His beloved (Y/N) was sitting a few paces away with their son in her arms, they were singing a nursery rhyme she had made up on the fly. Her hair was in a bit of a mess considering the fact that Kimiko had just learned how to braid hair — speaking of their little princess.
She was happily using the techniques Mitsuri showed her that morning to braid Giyuu's hair, all the while singing with her brother and mother. He could already feel the tangles forming in his hair but it was fine, as long as little Kimiko was happy. Besides it gave him even more excuse to let (Y/N) brush them out later.
"Tada! All done, you look so pretty papa!" Kimiko beamed, proud of her work. "Doesn't he mommy?"
She looked up from Kiyoshi to see what kind of mess Kimiko manage to tie Giyuu's hair into, oh dear —
"It looks lovely dear,"
Giyuu knew, from the moment she started giggling, that his hair was indeed a mess. There were probably ribbons of all sorts of colours thrown in randomly, and with the amount of lose hair he could feel there was bound to be fly aways.
"Come on sit down Kimiko you haven't finished your daikon yet, little miss" (Y/N) chirped and she pinched Kimiko's nose softly.
Setting down Kiyoshi as well she stood up to sit next to Giyuu.
"Don't you look pretty yuu~" She teased running her fingers through his messy locks.
"Is it that bad," Giyuu whispered as to not alert their little stylist.
"Uhmm," (Y/N) grinned sheepishly, her head tilting as her eyes searched his hair and face.
Only to furrow her eyebrows when she noticed all the rice grains sticking to his handsome face, scoffing, she rolled eyes without malice as she picked up the napkin on the table.
"You're so messy Giyuu," she said smiling. "I swear I have to clean your face more then our twins,"
The water pillar pouted and tried to move away from her but to that she responded by plopping down on his lap. It's been years since he first met her but she still managed to make his heart race just as fast.
His blue eyes followed her face, committing every detail he could to memory. It was easy to assume that the twins were an exact replica of him but he would say otherwise. The bushy raven locks and blue eyes might overpower their other features but their cheeks, their nose, their faces, just everything about them was all (Y/N).
Every time he looked at his precious twins all he saw in them was his beloved wife, (Y/N). He won't ever say it out loud but one of the reasons why he loved making them so happy was because they got their mother's smile, the one he fell in love with in the first place.
He was brought back to earth when he felt a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
"There all done," she sang happily with her hand on his cheeks. Unsatisfied he leaned in to steal an actual kiss on the lips.
(Y/N) felt him smile into the kiss, causing her to giggle and pull away. He watch with gleaming eyes as she continued to laugh with a pretty blush spreading across her face, in the corner of his eye he could see Kiyoshi cheering his sister on as she shoves all the vegetables in her mouth to get it over with quicker.
God he loved them all so much.
−○❖○❧ •❁※❁• ☙○❖○−
Author's note: I was really inspired to write this fic after reading works by @lovely-angst and fluffy-mayari. Their works are amazing and i look up to them a lot, so please give them some love.
This is one of lovely-angst's works that's the main inspiration for this fic⇒ secret family Reblogs are always appreciated! I'll see you next week lovelies!
☼ Masterlist ☼
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
scenario with lee where the y/n starts acting suspicious around her and Lee thinks they're breaking up with her only to find out Y/N proposing
Lee had never been one to properly read social cues. Growing up away from normal society, and finding it hard to express her own feelings, she had to learn rather quickly. A smile when someone's happy, frown when sad. The basics that she learned with ease. Unfortunately for future reasons, she didn't learn much after that.
With how well she believed she was doing, Lee eventually decided it was time to find her place in the world. Moving into a small, but decently populated area, following her family's footsteps and opening a butcher shop - falling in love.
The latter was something she never imagined to happen. She hardly interacted with anyone beside customers, but one day there was just sort of- spark when she saw you. It was no help on her poor heart when you seem to acknowledge her subtle advances, seemingly interested in her as well.
Eventually, you began dating. She had actually been the one to ask you out, despite a subconscious fear of rejection. That feeling was new. It even fueled her to the confession; one that lead to you becoming a happy couple. She thought she was pretty good at gauging your emotions. The joy when she brought you a new gift; the sadness she'd try her best to wipe away, but recently- something seemed a bit off.
Lee first noticed it when dropping you off after a date. She planned to head straight home after, but it had begun to rain. She remembered leaving an umbrella somewhere in your home, asking if she could retrieve it as she reached towards your door. In a flash you quickly block the frame, a nervous smile on your face.
"You can't come inside right now."
"Why's that?"
"My apartment is.. super dirty right now. I don’t want you to see the mess."
Lee smiles with a small laugh. "Is that all? I don’t mind. I can even help you clean if you'd like."
"It's really bad.. Just hang on." You hurry inside, leaving her at the porch waiting. She's a little puzzled, but patiently waits for your door to open again. With the click of its lock, you poke your head outside and pass her the umbrella.
"Here you go. Love you. Bye!" You give her a kiss on the cheek and slam the door shut once more. Aside from the romantic gesture, she's left with more confused. From what she could see through the crack of your door, your living spaced looked perfectly fine. Clearer than usual - even. Another thing she noticed, was how you refused to look in her eyes. She gripped her umbrella tighter. That didn't seem like a good sign.
More odd behave followed. You weren't as talkative as before, and when you were it was about things like where her favorite spot in town was - something you already knew. You weren't as quick to respond to her messages, claiming you had some things to take care of. You were noticeably anxious about something when you were with her, but whenever she asked you'd change the subject.
Lee still wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Disregarding your behavior, the moments you still share were some of her favorites. Cuddling after a long day. You spending the night at her house and enjoying a new weekend together. Her love for you was stronger than every before, which is why it hurt so much more when she overheard a phonecall one evening.
"I don’t know when I should do it."
A voice from the patio. Lee had been woke up by the lack of a body next to her. She had always been a little sleeper, you could say she barely slept at all. Searching for you, she heard your voice before she even left the hallway leaning to the living room. Hiding in the shadows, she eavesdrops on the conversation.
"I don’t know how much longer I can hold this off."
Her breath hitches.
"I've kept her in the dark for long enough. She'll find out eventually if I don't just go ahead and do it...
I know.. I know- Look, I'll do it next weekend, okay?"
Lee's ears pick up a few things on the other end, but they fall deaf as her mind wonders to find a conclusion for she's already heard. What could you be talking about? You couldn't possibly be.. breaking up with her, could you? The signs lined up well with things she'd seen in media and read in books. Was the other person your new love?
With these thoughts in her head, she returns to bed, pretending yet again to be asleep as you join her. Her hand slightly pulls from yours as you go to grab it.
The following week, she's little more than a wreck. She keeps thinking of that night, counting the days until your dark confession. She wonders what she did wrong, what she could do differently to make you stay... if anyone would miss you if you happen to go missing.
What? No- she couldn't do something like that. As much as she loved you, to take away your freedom was the highest level of betrayl - no matter how badly her senses told her it was just.
Her mind was split in two. One side telling her to just talk it out with you, the other reminding her that you were hers. That no one could understand her like you; that no one could replace you if you left. A hole filled with a carnal rage where her heart once was.
When you meet that Saturday, she's eerily quiet. You had asked her to meet near a hiking trail; one of her favorites on the path and the place of your second date. She always had a love for nature. How cruel of you to break her heart in one of the places she loved most.
Before you could get on the actual road, you stop her; fumbling with your hands as you looked at the ground. She could hear out quickly your heart was beating; the nervousness on your face. This was it. The moment you'd kill her with your words. All parts of her being were screaming at her to not let you utter a single word. To drag you back to her home, and lock you from any who dared to steal you away.
They're yours... They're mine. Can't ever let them go. Don't give them the choice.
Her hands tighten.
Your voice breaks her from her thoughts. You hasn't even notice the malicious glint in her eyes when you spoke; it falling at the sound of your soft tone.
"I was gonna to wait until we got to a certain area, but I feel bad for how I've been acting lately."
You take a breath. She braces for the worst.
"I.. really enjoy the time we've spent as a couple. Being with you, I feel like I can just.. be myself. It's only been a couple of years, but I can see us having a long life together.... Will you marry me?"
You retrieve the small box from your pocket, opening it to reveal a ring. Lee stares in disbelief. The surge of emotion was unlike any other. You.. wanted to marry her? And she was dumb enough to believe that you were going to leave? She left like an idiot. The luckiest idiot in the world.
She touches her face, tears pouring from her eyes. It's been so long since something like that happened. She laughs through her sniffs.
"Yes... yes of course I'll marry you, Y/n."
You slide the ring on her finger before she pulls you into a hug, lifting you a few inches off the ground as she picks you up with all her strength and holds you tightly in her arms. She peppers your face in small kisses, fully letting her feelings take over for the first time that day.
"I love you so much, sugar. The second we get home, we'll go shopping for your ring if you want."
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rainy-day-coffee · 3 years
Vice dorm leaders with a fem!s/o who doesn't care about her, but cares hella for other people? She is someone extremely lovely, but doesn't care for go to extremes to help someone?
Make sure to take care of yourself everyone! Go drink water! Or tea! Or better yet, coffee! Go eat something too!
If this isn’t exactly what you wanted, don’t hesitate to send in another request! On an entirely different note, I just realized that if I wrote a confession scenario for Jamil it would contain a ton of angst, with some ending fluff in an attempt to heal the wounds. Or maybe more angst to squeeze lemon juice in said wounds.
Vice dorm leaders with a caring fem!s/o who does not care for herself
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Trey knows the feeling of burnout at the expense of others. He doesn’t tend to put the needs of others before his own, but he is used to leaving them for later if the situation calls for it. As vice dorm leader, he always has a steady stream of stress flowing all around him. It’s one of the last things he would wish upon anyone.
His dorm always seems to have a new source of trouble. You always try and lessen his burden even when he tells you it isn’t necessary. It melts him on the inside!
He’s thoroughly heart-broken when he realizes you care for everyone but yourself. He knew you had a tendency to prioritize others, he just hadn’t thought it would be this severe.
In his free time, he’ll sit you down and have a long talk with you. He needs to know why exactly you feel the need to do this and what he can do to help. If you aren’t confident enough to tell him, he’ll respect your wishes.
If you thought he radiated parent aura before, he’ll radiate nearly twice as much now. He sends you text messages throughout the day to remind you of things! For example, “If Ace and Deuce get into trouble again, let them. Riddle can chew them out later”
He’ll gently pull you away from draining situations you put yourself in. If you so desire, you can return to them later. For now, how about you help him bake a bit? It’s a great way to relieve some stress!
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Your thinking and way of being is almost the exact opposite of his. Why are you willing to give people everything and not take anything for yourself? Why do you push your own importance to the bottom of the list? That is, if it’s even there in the first place. You absolutely baffle him to no end.
Growing up in the slums taught him to put his needs first. He acts solely to benefit himself, or so he says. That mindset carried on into your relationship too. For the long run, you both will learn from each other. Ruggie will teach you that it’s okay to think about yourself. Everything you do will benefit someone important to him, you. You’ll teach him that not every act of kindness needs something in return. He won’t be indebted to anyone, especially not to you.
Every time you offer to help him with anything his heart explodes with happiness! It’s a strange feeling, but he loves it nonetheless!
He does get a little jealous when you help others. He knows it’s in your nature but he’s a little on the greedier side.
The moment Ruggie sees you biting off more than you can chew, he will sit you down and make you rest. You’ve done this countless times for him, it’s only fair if he does it for you too.
He’ll help you with absolutely everything you ask! Your happiness is something that makes him happy too. It’s well worth the investment!
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He’s guilty of exploiting you. Long before your relationship blossomed into what it is today, he would ruthlessly watch you diligently completing tasks for others. Even he would give you things to do! You were always willing to help after all. It didn’t matter if he threw a tsunami of different chores at you, you’d always do your best to complete them. It amused him greatly. A caring hard-worker with no strings attached? How excellent.
That way of thinking changes a bit when he starts to develop feelings for you. It changes even more when you two start dating.
Loves that you support his club activities! He likes inviting you to help him too. The Mountain Appreciation Club now has two members!
If he sees people dump their problems on you, he’ll send his dear brother after them. While Floyd has fun squeezing them, Jade will invite you to take a nice long break with him instead.
He knows that talking sometimes isn’t the best way to get things to happen. He’s aware that changing the way someone thinks is also something that will take time.
If you refuse to put your needs first, he’ll request things from you whilst simultaneously canceling all other plans. Those requests will simply include things he knows you enjoy doing and things he knows you need to attend to. You’ll do it for him no doubt, correct?
You managed to worm your way into a cold eel’s heart, you now must deal with the “selfish” love he gives. Though that love doesn’t seem all that selfish.
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At first he was very hesitant to let you into his life, much his less heart. People who were “kind” to him always hide their true intentions until the last moment. Usually, they would only be kind to him to get to Kalim, something Jamil always had to be wary of.
He’s used to people asking him for his services, not someone asking to help him with them. Although Kalim is always willing to help him, Jamil can never accept, not that he wants to in the first place. It’s a different case with you.
Mainly, he’ll give you tasks the two of you can do together. It’s a way to squeeze in more time with you! Apart from that, he prefers to do his work by himself. He doesn’t want to rope you into his life as a servant.
Jamil isn’t the best at speaking about emotions and such. When he realizes just how little you take for yourself, he feels pained but he won’t say anything about it. Instead, he takes it upon himself to help you just as you’ve helped him.
As hypocritical as he thinks it is, he wants you to take care of your own needs and desires too. Ever since Kalim granted him more freedom, he’s been trying to do the same. Although you two are different cases, it’s a lesson both of you can learn together.
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The moment you become his girlfriend, he technically starts to stalk you. He used to do so before the relationship started as, but whether you knew that or not is a subject for another day.
After watching you for a while, he starts to notice a pattern. Not one he likes either.
Rook sees the beauty in everything and everyone. He has a way of convincing people to see that beauty too. He’ll slowly make sure you extend that kindness you give to others to yourself. As eccentric as he is, he’s also a very patient man.
He’ll verbally remind you and ask what you really want to do. This includes the topic of his requests too. If he ever asks for something that you really don’t want to do, he’ll drop it. He tells you it’s your right to put your needs first.
“Mon amour, all people in the world are important and worth loving. That includes yourself. If you ever find yourself forgetting this, I will be here to remind you every day!”
He’s a very giving lover himself! He goes out of his way to do many things for you! 
He doesn’t want you to change who you are, he just wants you to be kinder to yourself!
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More likely than not, you’re some sort of friend to Idia. You probably met him through Ortho!
He’s very grateful to you, you’re one of the first real-life people who has tried to befriend Idia. You’ve probably tried to get Idia to practice some more healthy eating habits and the like too. Apart from that, you also try to understand both of them.
Ortho sees you as a best friend, maybe even an older sister! He doesn’t like to see such negative thoughts concerning your well-being.
Just like he does for his older brother, he tries to get you to practice some healthier habits. More specifically, he makes you promise to help yourself! It’s his way of showing that he cares for you greatly.
Be wary, he pops up randomly during the day to remind you to take care of yourself! If he sees you helping a friend, he will help you himself. Afterwards, he’ll drag you to rest! You spend lots of energy both physically and mentally, you need to recharge! Not even Ortho can run for forever without recharging his battery!
Lean on him! He’s very reliable, his brother has given him many different features!
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He’s met people such as yourself before. Right off the bat he knew how you handled yourself.
As much as he appreciates the amount of effort you put into helping him, he most likely will shoot you down from trying in the first place. He’s an old one, he can do such work easily you can rest assured!
He constantly tells you to enjoy your youth. Go on! Do crazy things! Be selfish! 
Lilia will be your personal cheerleader on your journey!
In all seriousness though, he’ll have a talk with you about this. Among other things, he’ll gently encourage you to push yourself forward. Though it will be a long process, stamping out the thoughts of needing to help others without helping yourself is the first step.
Nobody dares to ask too much of you. The vice leader of Diasomnia may look cute on the outside but he does have an intense aura surrounding him when he wants to.
He likes to rope you into spontaneous adventures in the great outdoors! It’s a perfect get-away from the stress at school. It also gives you some time to sort out your thoughts. 
Slowly but surely he’ll make you realize your worth is just as-if not even more-important as those around you.
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embretheworld · 3 years
back on my hyperfixation again so enjoy my hcs on how they all met and how it went
it’s an outdated doc so i might change stuff around a bit so yeah
Aviva's family has to be rich/she went to a private school because of FENCING, what kind of school teaches fencing aside from private, or who has their kid learn it if they aren't rich because that has to be expensive. She's an only child. She's met Zach before at a Science Camp and have been rivals since, and he went to the same school as her for a couple of years.
Koki has like 1 or 2 siblings. Literally the most normal person in the group, except for the fact that Zach also went to the same school as her one year and bothered(kinda but kinda not? really just butted in at the wrong time(like trying to help but not helping at the same time_ and children get annoyed at literally anything so yeah) her the entire year.
Jimmy came from a big family which is why he's so chill, he's just gotten used to the chaos that comes with it that he's essentially unphased with most things that happen in the group; excluding the adventure stuff they do. He also has an older sister who's a lawyer who he has on speed dial because Paisley has threatened to sue them, multiple times.
I feel like they all have met Zach before, I mean what are the chances 3 out of 5 people know him from childhood? Not many. But anyway now onto how I think they all met.
The Kratt brothers met Jimmy at an airport, kinda. Well, their luggage got switched because they had the same kind of luggage and neither of them checked the tags before they left and then they had to call the other to exchange luggage. If that never happened they probably would have never met, and also if Chris didn't spot the pilot license in the suitcase as well.
I like to think that Aviva and Koki met each other at an engineering convention and found each other's inventions clever and mutually admire each other.
Then the four of them excluding Jimmy met at an animal conference Chris and Martin was leading. Aviva and Koki admired their passion for the subject and soon enough the group was formed! At least it should have been if there weren't problems...
Aviva and Jimmy didn't get along first due to both conflicting ideas and since their upbrings were majorly different that's one of the reasons they don't mesh well. They also do not get along since Jimmy prefers to pirate the things he watches instead of Aviva who prefers to pays, just because the two were on the same side, it doesn't mean they got along.
Aviva didn't get a good first impression of him since she had the opportunity of a first impression with no prior knowledge of him while the kratt brothers told Jimmy good things about Aviva so he tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but it did not work. Aviva had viewed him as lazy, untidy, and someone who just doesn't really care about anything due to his appearance looking like an outfit someone threw together at the last minute, while Jimmy ended up viewing her after they met as bossy, hotheaded, and arrogant. They got along with the others just fine but not with each other.
They fought a lot at first, Koki tolerated the fights at first but eventually got tired of it and refuses to be in the same room as the two of them, it was even worse since they all had to share the same room along with work in the same room. Martin tried to lock the two in a room to sort out their issues, didn't work, while Chris tried a more tactical approach which was sending them on little, 'mini-adventures' together, did not work either.
The boiling point was when Aviva made them dinner and didn't ask if they had any allergies so since there were mushrooms in the meal and Jimmy's allergic to them that night was not a good night. The two avoided each other like the plague after that, Jimmy refused to take anything from her and Aviva tried to talk about it but Jimmy didn't want to and it'd always evolve into an argument. Neither of them was in the right.
Hell, even Zach noticed and pointed it out with this line: "So are you teammates or just mortal enemies?"
They started to get along after Jimmy, (begrudgingly) bandaged her up after she ended up getting hurt on one of the crew's mini-adventures and it was kinda a very tiny snowball effect after that.
Like Aviva having trouble and him volunteering to help her, patching her up when she gets hurt, etc, etc.
There was another incident involving mushrooms except it was due to a restaurant not being that transparent with the ingredients so Jimmy ended up sick and since when it happened Koki was out of town and the kratts brothers were on one of their many adventures so she just ended up making sure he was alright. So she went to the store and got him medicine because him sneezing every few minutes annoyed her.
They end up evolving into a routine of helping the other out when in an awkward situation or in a situation that only the other can solve. For example: No one but Jimmy can fly the Tortuga, and Aviva likes to do things legally so whether she liked him or not it was their only choice.
If feel like them kinda being friends would go like this:
Jimmy: "You know? You're only as half bad as I thought you were... Okay, maybe a quarter bad,"
Aviva: "Yeah, same here. May have misjudged you a bit, sorry,"
Jimmy: "Eh, it's fine, I get that a lot,"
And then it's just really smooth sailing from there, there are still occasions where the others think they're gonna go back to their old ways but other than that they're fine.
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angsty-nerd · 3 years
Meta: Echo’s Big Fight in 3x09
Let's talk about the Big Echo fight. Because wandering around in the fandom this past week, I’ve seen a lot of very specific conclusions as far as what they were or weren't arguing about, and I’m not sure my take on that scene really aligns with other folks. So let me try to break it down a bit and give y’all an alternative perspective on it.
To start with, the scene opens with Max on edge because they're breaking and entering. Liz is singularly focused on the mission, and he's kinda freaking out. Instead of responding to his concerns, Liz gets straight to business.
"Ooh, ooh, this is interesting. Heath left Genoryx two days after I did. Must have realized he didn't need to be working underneath their corporate thumb."
Liz is kinda projecting here. Heath never once displayed any discomfort with Genoryx as a company the way that she did. He wanted her to stay. He wanted the resources there. We know these things as an audience, and Liz would too if she was thinking through the big picture at this point in time.
Max, on the other hand, doesn't know any of that. Here's what Max hears from Liz: he hears surprise. He hears Liz acknowledge that this is unexpected news. And right as he’s processing this unexpected reveal...Max sees Heath's Wild Pony t-shirt.
Weird coincidence #1 from Max's POV was Heath (the guy who is currently so pissed at Liz that he won't take her calls) supposedly rescuing Liz's science out of the good of his heart so that Genoryx doesn’t get their hands on it? This doesn't add up.
Weird coincidence #2 was Heath quitting Genoryx - a decision Heath made that Liz wasn't expecting.
The Wild Pony t-shirt is now the 3rd thing that doesn't add up. And if the t-shirt clue isn't adding up for you, see my post about it here:
The T-shirt is strike 3 for Max. He can't really pretend that he's not suspicious of Heath anymore. So he broaches the subject with her.
"How much do you know about this guy, Heath? How close were you?"
Max is feeling uncomfortable and looking for more information. He's trying to make the clue make sense. Why would Heath have the T-shirt? Does he have a connection to Roswell that Liz doesn't know about? And Liz doesn’t listen.
"This isn't the time to be jealous about a boy I met."
For all that Liz is clinical and on mission, she jumps very quickly to assuming that Max is NOT on mission. Yes, Max is inherently more emotional than she is. But throughout the episode he's been asking questions about Heath and NOT JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS. That's one of the keys to me here. Max really is trying to give her the benefit of the doubt about him.
At Liz's house, he asked about "the boyfriend" but he wasn't doing it in a jealous or judgy way. If anything it could almost be interpreted as concern. He started with "were you happy" and only when Liz kind of metaphorically admitted that any happiness was a façade...that's when he brought Heath into it. And yeah, Liz says that he impacted her life and helped her grow, but she didn't exactly express romantic feelings that would make Max jealous. So when she basically jumped straight to the jealousy assumption instead of actually discussing this with him, he starts getting worked up. Because she is not hearing him. She is not acknowledging that the facts they have found during this investigation are not adding up. So he is honest and blunt about what he's thinking.
"I'm just saying it's possible that he took your one-of-a-kind alien spores and quit, so that, just like you, he could use the research himself, free of Genoryx."
Max is the one who brings the science into this conversation. Not Liz. And he's not criticizing or questioning HER application of the science. He's questioning the trustworthiness of Heath. Because the lies are starting to jump out at him like a friggin’ neon light.
BUT — now that he's specifically brought up the science, he has her attention. Because Max questioning her science is HER sore spot. So what does she say back to him? Something kinda judgy.
"That grand trust speech certainly had a short shelf life."
Side note: I really don't think there actually was a "grand trust speech" in this episode. I can think of a few scenes where there might have been an opportunity for one. In particular during the milkshake scene when he admits to saving her tapes. But they actually don't talk about trust in that scene. They talk about having hard conversations. They talk about moving forward instead of looking backwards. But they don't talk about trust. My guess is that there might have been content cut for time at some point in this episode, that may have included some grand declaration from Max, but that's really just speculation on my part.
Regardless…Liz's response to Max bringing up the science is to basically accuse him of not trusting her. Which is not what he was saying. He was not questioning her use of the science. He was questioning her trust in Heath through the context of her science. So he elaborates on what he IS saying, and as he does, he's getting more and more worked up...because this does relate directly to his personal fears, and, frankly, his buried trauma that he's never properly addressed.
"I trust you. Okay? But I don't trust some guy I have barely met with a secret that could endanger me, could endanger my family and break the frickin' Internet if it came out."
Max doesn't know Heath, and he doesn't trust Heath with a secret that could endanger Michael and Isobel. His emotions are escalating, because now he's thinking about the science that scares him in the hands of a guy that all signs points to being potentially untrustworthy, and he's triggered.
BUT he doesn't back up his argument. He doesn't point out the very specific evidence he's identified that Heath is probably lying to Liz.
And Liz is inherently reactive and sometimes overly defensive (see 1x09 list of Liz's flaws). So even though he's focused on Heath, she immediately reacts defensively and takes it as a criticism of HER.
"You think I would let myself be conned?"
"No, I think you came out here looking for a partner, and it could blind you."
*deep breath* and this is where it starts to get personal. And rough. Max isn't entirely wrong here. But he also kind of is. Liz didn't choose Genoryx for partnership. She was looking for resources, freedom to do the science she wanted to do, and to save her father from deportation.
But partnership? Yeah, Liz wanted that. But she wanted that from MAX. She was looking for partnership in life, not in science.
And now that Max has thrown that direct criticism out there, Liz is going to throw a bomb right back at him.
"Just because you sabotaged me when I thought you were mine does not mean that Heath would take the same path."
Ouch. This is the hardest line in this whole scene for me to work with. Because it is combative. And purposefully hurtful.
BUT…she is NOT TALKING ABOUT HER SCIENCE. She has not said a single word about her science in this argument. She moved past that. She had the epiphany that she was wrong and she apologized (3x03). That is in the past for her.
This argument, for Liz, is about betrayal. This is about her believing that they were going to be partners and move their lives forward together (2x12), and right when she believed in that future, Max made another massive decision that directly impacted her life (just like he did in 1x13) instead of working with her to make big decisions together.
"And just because you changed the wallpaper doesn't mean you've mended your blind spots."
I really hate this "change the wallpaper" line. It feels like they're mixing metaphors. Liz called her life a commercial. Max is saying that she's changed her decor. Like...pick one and stick with it.
That aside… I think this barb is about her arrogance. Earlier in the scene, she seemed baffled at the idea that Max believes she could have been conned by Heath, because Liz is used to always being the smartest person in the room. She thought she was smarter than Diego and he figured her out. She believed her lab was secure, but Diego (possibly) got in. Sometimes, like most scientists, Liz is so bogged down in the complicated, brilliant details she’s thinking through, that she misses simple things that contribute to the big picture. And I think that's what Max is getting at here. In her arrogance, she believes that she can control the Heath situation. But she's not acknowledging the human factor here - that Heath is a person who may have his own unspoken ulterior motives driving him. Just like Diego did. She's just not seeing what Max is seeing.
BUT - again I'll say. Max is also not communicating the scope of the evidence he is collecting. They're both wrong here.
"I have learned my lessons, but you... oh, my God, you sound an awful lot like the guy who blew up my lab. So forgive me, but you're making it perfectly clear why I felt like I had to go and change the wallpaper."
This is the only line where Liz even comes close to talking about her science, but again, she's talking about his betrayal. She's talking about him undermining their partnership. She's talking about her need for a change of scenery from HIM.
And that’s when Max blows out the safe and they put the fight on hold to finish their investigation.
But, to sum it up…the fight was all about trust and betrayal. It was necessary for them to work through it, though frankly? I wish they could have finished the discussion. Because instead of them coming to some sort of peace with their trust in each other, the truth came out about Heath, Liz realized that she was wrong, she apologized, and they moved forward together, on mission.
I can’t help pointing out though…after the fight and Liz's epiphany about Heath, Max and Liz spent at least 15 hours in a car together. And I'm sorry, I refuse to believe that they didn't talk about anything important for 15 hours. Fic writers assemble? 😆
Many thanks to @ober-affen-geil for doing a quick review and checking me on opinions vs facts. Very important.
And for my next trick… road trips, life choices, and Robert Frost! Coming soon to a Tumblr near you…
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