#am i having the time of my life in privacy? oh no question
You know what imma install again ikemen vampire thank to you know that I’ve became a Comte simp!! 😤😤
I always find asks/replies like this so hilarious because I never know whether to be like "omg congratulations!!!! you caught my brainworms!!!!!" or "Oh no. You caught my brainworms--" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
All jokes aside though I live to spread the Comte gospel, there is no other hill I would more voluntarily die on LMFAO I'm always glad if another person can appreciate him a little more 🥺💛💛💛💛💛
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whatswrongwithblue · 4 months
Imagine Angel Dust questioning you on your sex life with Alastor
Part 2
“C’mon toots, you gotta give me something!”
“I absolutely do not,” you say stubbornly, turning away from the spider demon but he just scooted closer to you on the couch, practically looming over you.
“Pleeeaaase. I can’t figure the guy out. He’s all flamboyant and goofy one minute and then terrifying and menacing the next. How does that translate in bed? Is he a bottom? A switch? A top?” Angel leaned impossibly closer, his voice taking on a more conspiratorial tone. “Does he let you peg him?”
“Angel!” you exclaimed, leaning over the side of the couch to get away, “that is really none of your business! And he would rip your arms off if he heard you asking such things.”
Angel Dust huffed, frustrated, and folded both sets of arms across his chest, practically pouting.
“This is just unfair. I tell you so much about my work, I don’t hold anything back.”
“I wish you would,” you mumbled, recalling the last disturbingly detailed conversation you were forced to listen to. You still shuddered when you thought about your friend participating in “sounding” or “donkey shows.”
“Alright, well you gotta at least tell me this much,” he said, sitting back up and holding two hands up in front of him. “How big is the guy?”
You shook your head, trying to pull out your phone and ignore him.
“This big?” he asked, holding his hands out about 8 inches apart. “Or this big?” His hands got a couple inches farther apart. “Or, I know, he’s gotta be like THIS big, huh?” Angel’s hands were now over a foot apart from each other.
“Oh my God, don’t be gross Angel, that wouldn’t even fit inside of me.”
“Okaaaaaay,” Angel said with a smirk, “so not as big as some of the Hellhounds I gotta take up the ass.”
“Please stop,” you groan, burying your face in your hands.
“Not until you tell me something juicy about your boyfriend.”
“Ugggghh, seriously, fine,” you say, defeated, and Angel sat forward eagerly, “I mean you’ve obviously seen him shape shift into taller forms. So, let’s just say . . . he’s as big as he . . . or I . . . want him to be.”
“Hmmmm,” Angel said, raising an eyebrow. “That’s not a lot to go off of but I think I like your way of thinking. So, like this big then?”
You didn’t even look over to see how far apart Angel’s hands were now.
“What’s the record for how many times he’s made you cum in one night?”
“Angel, you said you would stop!” you yelled, feeling a blush begin to heat up your face.
“A lot huh? Because that, my friend, is the face of a woman who’s lost count,” he said with a knowing smirk.
“I am not dignifying that comment with a response.”
“I’m just sayin,’ I’ve seen you first thing in the mornings. You have the look of a gal who’s well satisfied.”
“Well, I am,” you say, “but that’s all decency will allow me to say. Alastor is a very private man and you should respect that.”
“Decency Schmeecency,” Angel said, throwing himself back into the couch cushions and picking up his own phone, looking bored with the conversation now. “This is Hell, there’s no such thing.”
Relieved he seemed to be dropping the subject, you pick up your own phone and enjoy a couple minutes of silence to scroll through your Sinstagram feed.
“Oh fuck me!” Angel exclaimed, startling you and making you drop your phone.
“That guy has got tentacles!”
There was no stopping the rush of blood to your face then . . . or the little smirk you just couldn’t seem to stop, though you did try and look away.
“Ooooooooh, oh doll face, you can’t hide that look from me,” Angel said, practically crawling over the couch to invade your space once again, “he has totally used those on you, hasn’t he?”
You turned to look at Angel, another retort about privacy ready on your tongue, but your eyes widen in horror as you see two shadowy tendrils raising up behind your friend’s back.
Angel registered the look on your face and sat back an inch.
The tentacles grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him back to his side of the couch, and holding him down.
“I believe the lady said something about decency,” Alastor’s staticky voice said from somewhere behind the couch and then his shadow rose up from the ground before solidifying into the full glory of his demonic form. His body unnaturally long, antlers spread out wide, he towered over the spider demon he had pinned to the sofa.
“S-s-sorry man,” Angel said with a loud gulp, “I was just kidding around, you know,” he tried to chuckle nervously. “I-it was just girl talk.”
“Alastor,” you said, unbothered by your lover’s terrifying demonic appearance, “let him go. He’s harmless.”
“Hmmm,” Alastor said, tilting his head, eyes glowing brighter as he put on a show of considering the prey he had trapped in his tentacles. “Fine.”
Alastor dropped the tentacles from around Angel and within a blink of an eye, was back to his usual form, straightening his bow tie and brushing off the sleeves of his jacket.
“Ready for our lunch date?” you said, bouncing up off the couch and coming to stand by Alastor, who smiled down at you and looped an arm through yours.
“Sounds lovely, darling,” he replied, guiding the two of you around the back of the couch and towards the front of the lobby. “I’m positively starving.”
At the word “starving,” Alastor leaned over the couch, his glowing, toothy expression letting Angel know just how close he had come to being the cannibal’s lunch.
Angel sank deeper into the couch cushions in submission, eyes wide and fixed on Alastor, as the two of you headed for the front doors.
Alastor opened the door, but you paused after stepping through, grabbing the handle and shooting your friend a mischievous smile and wiggling your eyebrows in a suggestive manner at him. It was your own way of confirming his last line of questioning before Alastor had interrupted. You watched Angel’s jaw drop open and then closed the door, leaving him to his imagination.
Husk, who had been silently watching the entire thing from his place at the bar, began laughing.
“Yeah, he totally fucks her with those things,” he said, before taking a swig from his beer bottle. “Did you see the way she looked at them? She was almost jealous when he had you pinned to the sofa.”
“Jesus Christ,” Angel said, still panting a little. “Yeah, I don’t blame her. That was hot as fuck.”
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g-hughes · 3 months
maybe kinda like a part two of the quinn fic where she gets even closer to his brothers and family and quinn is just watching as the most important people in his life all fit together so well
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Yours Forever - Q. Hughes
part 1 || masterlist || g's graduation celly
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synopsis: it's the 2nd annual Hughes Bowl, and Quinn gets a glimpse at what his future is going to look like
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none!
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It was the eve before the second annual “Hughes Bowl'' and you were in a panic. Quinn had gone to the airport to pick up his parents, who made the trek across the continent to watch all three of their boys play together. It must’ve been such a surreal feeling for them, watching their sons on the ice, years of hard work and dedication paying off. From what you had gathered, Ellen and Jim were the Hughes boys’ biggest fans, and would try to make as many games as they could. And if they couldn’t make a game, they were always calling Quinn either right after or the next day to talk about it. 
“Are you sure that the couch looks okay against-” 
“Yes, for the tenth time, yes it looks fine against the wall,” Quinn said as you facetimed him. 
“Do not yell at me, Quintin, I am nervous,” You scolded and Quinn let out a laugh. Ellen and Jim haven’t been to your new apartment that you shared with Quinn. You were nervous for them to be staying with you. What if they didn’t approve of it? What if they hated your decorating skills? What if you weren’t a good homemaker? “Oh my god, I should’ve baked like cookies or something.” 
“You? Bake?” Quinn chuckled again, “Yeah and pigs can fly.” 
“Quinn,” You whined, “I want to make a good impression. This isn’t like going to the lake house or anything. This is our house.” 
Quinn smiled as the word ‘our’ fell from your lips. Almost as soon as the summer ended, he asked you to move in with him, and you, of course, said yes. But Quinn didn’t just want you to move into his apartment, for starters, it was a total man cave, with minimal decorations, one set of silverware he bought at target, and the standard blinds that came with the place. He wanted to get something that was going to be comfortable for you, and close to your work. So the two of you picked out a beautiful apartment in a small village area of Vancouver, it was close to your work, and felt like the two of you could have some privacy. 
“Baby,” Quinn said sincerely, “You have already made the best impression on them. They love you, and nothing is going to change that. . . well maybe your abysmal baking skills,” You giggled, “So please stop stressing. It’s going to be okay.”
You let out a breath and looked around the living room, “I guess you’re right.” 
“I know I am,” Quinn winked at you, “But I gotta go. They just landed. Oh! And the boys should be over soon.” 
“Boys?” You asked, your eyebrows knitting in confusion. 
“Yeah, Jack and Luke are on their way over.” 
“Bye, Love you!” 
You groaned, as the line went dead and you were left glaring at your lock screen of your boyfriend. Though you spent the whole summer with the Hughes brothers, you still felt a bit awkward around them. Every time you tried to get to know them a little bit better, one of their friends was whisking them away to partake in some event. You were cordial toward them, but you weren’t sure what you were going to do to entertain them until Quinn and their parents got home. Hell, you weren’t sure what you were going to feed them until Quinn and their parents got home. 
You couldn’t ponder the question long, as there was a knock on your front door. You smoothed the fabric of your clothes and fixed your hair before opening the door, revealing a smiling Jack and a somewhat smiling Luke. 
“Hey!” You greeted, “Come in! Welcome.” 
The boys lumbered in, taking in the place. “Well, it's obvious Quinn wasn’t allowed to decorate,” Luke joked. 
“Yeah,” You chuckled, “As much as I love Gretzky, I didn’t need a life size portrait of him in my living room.” 
“Oh, I bet Quinn was just devastated,” Jack feigned. 
“Cried for days,” You shook your head, a mock pout on your lips. The boys both chuckled at your response and settled in on the couch. You felt a sense of ease wash over you, a smile tugging at your lips. 
— — — 
Quinn leaned against the passenger side of his jeep, his black yankees cap pulled down low on his head to hopefully hide himself from fans as he waited for his parents. Not that he usually gets ambushed in public, but sometimes he was asked for a picture or to sign an autograph or two. Normally, he wouldn’t mind it, but tonight, he just wanted to get his parents and get back home to his girl and his brothers. He didn’t get a lot of downtime throughout the season to see them, so he was going to take advantage of all the time he could get. 
“Quinny,” His mom’s voice called out to him as they walked out of the airport. He smiled and greeted his parents with a hug, “Where’s Y/N?” 
“Nice to see you too, Mom,” Quinn scoffed, “She’s at the apartment. Jack and Luke are there too.” 
“Oh good,” Ellen smiled, and settled in the backseat so Jim could sit up front with his son, “How are things going? Liking the new place?” 
Quinn nodded his head, “Everything is going great, and yeah we really like it. There’s some nice trails and a park nearby. We try to go on walks every morning together.” 
“And?” Ellen asked. 
“And?” Quinn asked back, “And everything is good. Y/N just got a promotion at work, her hours are more flexible. We’ve even been looking at adopting a cat, Y/N says she needs a friend when I’m gone on roadies.” Quinn was not a cat person, not even in the slightest, but seeing the way your eyes light up as you showed him the adoptable cats on the city shelter page made his heart flutter. 
“And?” Ellen asked, once again. 
“And what, Mom?” Quinn shook his head, “Everything is good.” 
“She wants to know when you’re going to propose,” Jim said, filling in the blank that Ellen had left. 
“Oh,” Quinn blushed. He bit his bottom lip as his eyes darted to the glove box, “I uh. . . I might’ve bought a ring a couple weeks ago.” 
“Oh I knew it!” Ellen exclaimed, “Jack said you were asking him about what kind of ring styles Y/N would like.” 
Quinn rolled his eyes. He really needed to stop telling Jack things about his relationship. Jack was like his mom’s spy. 
“When are you going to do it?” Ellen asked, “How are you going to do it?” 
“I don’t know,” Quinn shrugged. 
He thought about waiting until the season was over, but it was only December, and he wasn’t sure he could wait that long without putting that ring on your finger. He also knew that neither one of you liked to be the center of attention, and a big proposal wasn’t what you would want. You guys had talked about it before, you wanted your proposal to be an intimate affair, and a small celebration afterwards with your family and friends. 
“Have you asked for permission?” Jim asked, “You have to ask for permission.” 
“Yeah I did,” Quinn nodded. He invited your dad, who was a lifelong Canucks fan, to a morning skate and then a chance to meet the guys afterward. Quinn had then taken him to a nearby brunch spot, where he had asked for his blessing to marry you. Your dad had never been a man to show his emotions, unless he was watching a hockey game, but he had teared up, and told Quinn that he was the only man he ever thought worthy of marrying his little girl. And those words made Quinn tear up too. 
“I’m so happy for you, Q,” Ellen leaned forward, putting her hand on his arm, “She’s a very special girl.” 
“I know, Mom,” Quinn looked over his shoulder briefly at her, “I’m lucky to have her.” 
Quinn pulled into his parking spot, grabbing his mom’s suitcase for her. The elevator ride was short up to their floor, Quinn talking about how the team was coming along this season. After last year’s historic turnaround and run in the playoffs, Quinn felt the pressure even more in his second season as captain. He needed to prove not only to his team, but to the city that last year wasn’t a fluke. That Canucks hockey was back, and Quinn was going to lead his team back to the playoffs and hopefully to the Cup. 
“Between Yogi and Krog, we’ve been working so hard on the powerplay,” Quinn shook his head, “It was our downfall last year in the second round, but I feel like we’ve really turned it around.” 
“I agree,” Jim nodded his head, “You guys look like a totally different crew when the power play comes around. Toch probably feels relieved to have someone else on that call.” 
“Yeah,” Quinn nodded as he neared his front door, pulling his key out, “Krog has been such a good addition. The guys really like him and-” 
“You fucking suck!” A loud curse came from the other side. He stared at the door for a moment before another loud yell came out, “I fucking hate you!” Quinn’s eyebrows arose in concern as he quickly unlocked his front door. 
“Hey! Everything al-” Quinn shouted as he walked into the apartment. 
“You two fucking cheated!” Jack exclaimed, jumping up from the couch, “You cheated! I know you did!” 
“How do you cheat in Mario Kart?” Luke asked, chuckling. 
“I don’t know! But she cheated!” Jack flopped down on the couch. 
“I’m sorry, Jacky, you just aren’t as good as you thought you were,” You laughed and a feeling of relief flooded Quinn’s body as the familiar sound of the video game filled the space. You looked over your shoulder, a bright smile on your face, “Oh hey!” Then your eyes widened as you noticed Ellen and Jim behind your boyfriend. You quickly jumped up from the couch, and made your way over to them, “Hey! Welcome to Vancouver.” 
You hugged them both, as Jack paused the video game and walked over to his family. 
“Thank you for inviting us,” Ellen beamed at you, “And kicking my son’s ass in Mario Kart.” 
“They ganged up on me!” Jack whined, “I was out numbered.” 
Quinn wrapped his arm around you, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. You blushed and looked at him, “How was the drive?” 
“Not bad,” Quinn shrugged, “How were the heathens?” 
“Could’ve been worse,” You chuckled, “Could’ve been better if Jack didn’t suck at Mario Kart.” 
“Alright,” Jack slammed his hands down on the counter playfully, “Rematch. Right Now.” 
“Oh you’re on,” You jested, rushing over to the couch with Jack and Luke in tow. Quinn shook his head with a laugh, his heart feeling full as he watched you interact with his brothers. His brothers’ opinions had always mattered so much to him, so seeing you so casually fitting in with them, made Quinn even more sure of his decision. 
— — —
Quinn love hated playing against his brothers. He loved watching them out on the ice, playing a sport that they’ve all grown to love, chasing their childhood dreams. But he hated having to be the opponent, the enemy. He hated that only one of them was going to go home victorious and with bragging rights for the next couple of months until they played each other again. Quinn loved seeing the bright smiles on his younger brothers faces when the final buzzer would go off, but he hated the feeling of letting his team down. 
You waited by the locker room for Quinn, his mother and father already headed back to the apartment. They knew that the only one Quinn would want to be around or talk to after the loss was you. For years, Ellen and Jim had tried to be the ones who Quinn would talk to after losses, but they gave up once he was about 15. But you managed to crack that tough interior of Quinn Hughes. You gave him a sad smile as he walked out of the locker room, his hair still wet from his shower. You were a bit surprised to see him back in his suit, normally he would have traded it in for some sweatpants and a hoodie. 
“Hi,” You whispered to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your fingers brushed over the red mark on his forehead from his helmet, “You did good.” 
“Not good enough,” He huffed, putting one of his hands on your hip, “We should’ve won,” Quinn shook his head, “But I’m happy the boys won.” 
“I know,” You said, “It sucks to lose, but I’m glad Jack and Luke got the win.” Quinn nodded his head, “C’mon, let’s go home.” 
“Wait,” He said, grabbing your hand, “I think I left my stick in the box. Come with me?” 
“Can’t you get it tomorrow?” Your eyebrows creased in confusion. 
“No!” Quinn said, quickly, “Uh no. The equipment guys want all the sticks accounted for the night after the game. They’re weird like that.” You nodded your head slowly, still suspicious of his motive, but agreed to follow him back towards the arena. 
The arena was dark, except for a single spot light in the middle of the ice on the Canucks logo, and the blue band lighting around the lower bowl. It was weird walking into the rink, and it being quiet, save for your footsteps on the concrete. You were so used to this place being loud and bursting with excitement, it was a nice change to see it like this. In the past year, Rogers Arena has felt like a second home, a safe space. 
“It’s weird seeing this place quiet,” You said, as you walked to the team bench, “I kind of like it.” 
“Then you’ll like this even more,” Quinn said, “C’mere.” He held his hand out, and you took it. There was a carpet laid out from the gate on the boards, to the center of the ice. 
You looked around, in awe at the sight before you, “This. . . is crazy,” You scoffed in disbelief, “I can’t even imagine what it is like twenty thousand people are yelling your name,” You cupped your hands around your mouth, whispering yelling, “Huggy Bear! Huggy Bear! Huggy Bear!” 
Quinn chuckled, reaching out to you and grabbing your hips, “It’s a pretty surreal feeling. Sometimes I can’t even believe that this is my life. That I’m really in the NHL, and I’m really living my childhood dream, playing against some of my childhood icons and-” 
“And beating them,” You winked. 
“And beating them,” Quinn added, “But I was going to say, and I get to do this with the love of my life by my side.” Your heart started beating faster, butterflies taking flight in your stomach as Quinn grabbed both of your hands in his, “Y/N L/N, from the moment you crashed into my life, literally,” You chuckled as tears started filling your eyes, “I knew that you were going to be it. I didn’t know I was missing something until you came into my life and it all just seemed to make sense. I felt complete. You made me feel complete.” 
At this point, both you and Quinn had tears in your eyes. He let go of your hand, as he got down on one knee, pulling out a small light blue box from his pocket. Your hands flew up to your mouth, as he opened the lid. 
“Y/N, will you please-” 
“I didn’t finish-” 
“I know, but yes!” You grabbed Quinn’s face in your hands, placing a tender, yet reassuring kiss on his lips. 
“But I have to finish asking you,” Quinn said. 
“Okay,” You nodded, standing back up, “Ask me.” 
“Y/N, will you marry-” 
“Yes!” Quinn chuckled, grabbing your left hand, and sliding the simple, yet beautiful ring on your finger. He stood up, as you threw your arms around his neck, crashing your lips to his. He stumbled for a moment, before wrapping his arms tightly around you. You leaned your forehead against his, “I love you.” 
“I love you,” You said, wiping away a stray tear from his face, “This is the best day ever.” 
“Just wait until we get to say ‘I Do’ for real,” Quinn pressed a quick kiss to your lips, “Now c’mon, Jack said he was getting us a cake to celebrate.” You smiled, as you took Quinn’s hand and walked off the ice. When you reached the locker room you froze. 
“Oh my god,” You gasped and Quinn looked at you in a panic. 
“What? What is it? What’s wrong? 
“Who’s going to be your best man?” You and Quinn both shared a look of momentary panic.
“They can play rock, paper, scissors for it.”
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animehideout · 9 months
please could you do jjk guys and their type of s/o what type of woman they would be attracted to headcanons
JJK Men And Types Of Women They'd Be Attracted To
Heyy anon ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
Thank you for this amazing request, I hope you enjoy it 🫶🏻💕
Characters: Gojo – Toji – Megumi – Geto – Yuji – Choso – Nanami – Sukuna ♡
Ps: I received a lot of amazing requests and I'm currently working on all them, I'll make sure to post them asap, sorry for taking too long, it's because I'm active on Wattpad as well. Thank you for your understanding 💖✨
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Gojo Satoru:
Strong, confident, playful woman.
Given his nature, I think Gojo would be attracted to a strong confident woman. Gojo is apathetic towards people who seem to be weak, so being strong both mentally and physically would stand out and capt his interest. He would like to playfully challenge and compete with his s/o. He also prefers that his partner has a witty side, to comfortably engage in playful banters without getting offended of his egocentric jokes ( that he means them 99% of the time.). “Oh baby but I am the strongest, you can take second place that's okay”
Toji Fushiguro:
Charismatic and financially independent woman.
Toji is a strong man with a strong personality so he prefers a woman that would keep up with him, a woman with a strong charisma that goes beyond words. She must be a badass that can manage difficult situations, defend herself and her rights and assert boundaries and limits with others, he finds it attractive. A strong presence totally intrigues him. It is more likable for him that his s/o is financially independent, who is willing to contribute to the well-being of their relationship and supports him monetarily. “I love it when you put others in their places”
Ryomen Sukuna:
Submissive woman.
This man is dominant, controlling and possessive. He wants an easily manipulated woman, so he can break her and own her, tame her and re-create her depending on his own needs. He wants a woman that would serve as his personal assistant, that would please and satisfy him without questioning his orders or giving him a hard time or resisting him. “Just like that, obey me”
Megumi Fushiguro:
Mysterious woman.
This man right here can't be phased by anything, but the moment he meets a mysterious, secretive woman, he would be instantly hooked. He is a mysterious, emo man himself so he wants a reserved s/o with deep secrets. He prefers privacy, so he would like to establish a world for him and his partner to share their deep thoughts, interests and opinions that they never share with others. Creating a safe space. “Your smile is enigmatic, it's intriguing”
Nanami Kento:
Responsible, mature woman.
Nanami is a mature man, he prefers a woman who is able to handle her responsibilities and duties both towards him and herself. A woman that can take wise and right decisions. He's also a very respectful man so he wants a well-mannered s/o with a civilized, heathy and effective communication style. It is important that his partner is emotionally intelligent, and can control overwhelming situations and unexpected issues. He also cherishes a loyal woman who commits to a long-term relationship. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you”
Choso Kamo:
Family-oriented woman.
Similar to Nanami, but wants his partner to be more family-oriented. He dates to marry, and to have a big family so he expects her to commit and build a strong lasting bond. His family and family traditions are sacred and valued, so his s/o must respect and adapt to them and also get along with his brothers. He likes to have discussions about their future concerning marriage, children and house hold duties. She also must have a caring and loving nature to emphasize the well being of their relationship. “Our family will grow, and we will grow old together”
Itadori Yuji:
Kind and empathetic.
Yuji is a moral man with a strong desire to protect and take care if his loved ones especially his partner. He wants his s/o to be empathetic and kind towards him and towards others. He desires a kind and a warm kind of relationship where both him and his partner treat one another with care, love and consideration. She also must have a positive outlook and is grateful for life and faces challenges with positivity. Supporting and standing with each other during highs and lows is a must. It is preferable for him that she's vocal About her empathy, where she stands up and advocates for others who are in need. “I respect your bravery”
Geto Suguru:
Ambitious and smart woman.
He prefers a woman who is driven by her goals. Suguru is an ambitious man with big dreams that he works really hard to achieve. So he appreciates determinations to reach the top, and this is a quality that his s/o must possess. He favours a partner that pushes him forward to succeed and that values hard work. Also, she must be a strategic thinker that sets good plans. Geto relies on his mind while he neglects his heart most of them while taking decisions, same thing must be for his s/o to not cause conflicts in terms of emotional needs. “I am you, You are me”
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imaginespazzi · 7 days
Golden Hour is so so good! I love the way you’re taking the story, I’m obsessed with the way they just need each other like you write it so perfectly. And honestly it’s how they seem in real life, just so entwined.
I don’t want to ask but if you have the time and it won’t delay golden hour updates... Can you write a chaotic family Drabble of the girls teasing Azzi and Paige for essentially soft launching the last few weeks. You just write them so perfectly! Hope you’re planning to be a writer one day!
Thank you lovie <3
Do I have time? In theory no but I found about 40 minutes to cook this up (this is my way of justifying the lack of editing) and it's probably more sappy than chaotic but I hope you enjoy it anyways my love. Let me know if it lived up to what you wanted :)
Paige lets out a soft sigh as she turns the ignition off, parking her car in the team apartments parking lot. It's almost one in the morning and the tired is practically vibrating from her body but she'd been determined to get them back to school tonight in time for classes tomorrow morning. She can't help the soft smile that flitters across her face as she looks over at the passenger seat. Azzi's head is leaned against the window, mouth slightly open as she hugs Paige's sweater closer to her body like a blanket. The younger girl had managed to keep her eyes awake for about an hour, tiredly responding to her girlfriend's chatter with one-word inputs until Paige had looked over after asking a question and found Azzi completely knockd out
She had heavily debated waking her up but ultimately decided against it, knowing that it was well past the shooting guard's bedtime and as cute as she found Azzi's cranky grumbling when she was woken up, she thinks the girl probably deserved her sleep after the weekend they'd had.
The weekend.
Truthfully Paige is a little sad for the weekend to come to an end. She's going to miss the privacy of their hotel suite and she's really going to miss seeing her girlfriend all dressed up every day (even if she's not going to miss the way other people had, had the audacity to ogle at what's hers). God it had been perfect; everything Paige had wanted to be. The experience itself had been wonderful but the best part of it was that she'd gotten to live it out with her girlfriend, her person, her Azzi. Whether it was sitting next to her at the fashion shows or sitting across from her at the Liberty game, they'd been together and that's all that had mattered.
Paige knows that there's people who will look at their weekend and still use the just friends moniker; knows that until she and Azzi publicly label themselves, there'll always be people who'll be willfully ignorant of what they are. But still, this weekend -this summer really- had felt different. And maybe it's because they're a little different now but something about it had felt cathartically freeing. It makes her hopeful for what's come in the future, when they can shed this barrier of being teammates and just be who they really are to each other. She can't wait.
"Baby," Paige whispers, slightly shaking Azzi, "we're here."
The other girl let's out a groan, slinking further into herself without opening her eyes, "shhh Paige, I'm tryna sleep."
Laughing to herself, Paige lets herself out of the car before walking around to open the door to the passenger side, leaning down towards Azzi, "c'mon big head, you gotta get up so we can go to bed."
"I'm already in bed," Azzi says petulantly, eyes still closed.
The blonde lets out a fond sigh, "you leave me no other choice Fudd."
"Wha-" Azzi squeals when Paige lifts her out of the car, using her waist to push the door in behind them, "oh my god Paige let me down. You're gonna drop me."
Adjusting the weight in her arms slightly, Paige smirks as she starts walking towards the apartment door, "I am way too strong to drop you."
"Oh my god the edits have gone to you head," Azzi groans dramatically, tightening her arms around the blonde's neck, "you're going to drop me and I'm going to die. I'm too young to die Paige."
"You have no faith in me," Paige guffaws, even if she's slightly struggling to get up the three steps that lead up to the door.
"Paige let me down," Azzi whines again.
"You sure about that princess?" Paige asks, a slightly devious plan forming in her mind as she finally makes into the soft fluffy mat right outside the door.
"Okay," Paige says with a shrug as she lets Azzi go, the younger girl falling on the rug with a slight thud.
"You asked me to let you go."
"Not like that," Azzi growls, rubbing her hips slightly as she gets up and shoves at Paige, "enjoy sleeping by yourself."
Paige's eyes widen as she watches Azzi open the apartment door and saunter towards the elevator.
"Oh hey wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry," Paige has to run to catch up to the younger girl, engulfing her from behind as she presses slobbery open mouthed kisses over every inch of her that she can touch, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't make me sleep alone."
"Ew stop," Azzi crinkles her nose, half-heartedly pushing Paige away.
"I'm sorry. Pleeeeeease," Paige begs as the two of them wait for the elevator, "besides I'm sure you can't fall asleep without me either."
"Oh you're sure are you?" Azzi teases, yawning slightly as the doors ding and open and the two of them step inside.
"I know you can't," Paige grins, nuzzling her face in the younger girl's neck as she presses the button for Paige's floor, making no attempt to press the one for hers as well, "see?"
"Shut up," Azzi blushes slightly, "it's only because I don't wanna deal with Ice in the morning."
"Sure it is," Paige sing-songs before her face morphs into something more serious and she presses her forehead against her girlfriends, "I had a really good time this weekend."
Azzi's eyes soften, "it was pretty great huh?"
"The greatest," Paige confirms, brushing their lips together, "I love you."
"I love you too."
Much to Azzi's chagrin -and to Paige's slight amusement though she won't dare say it- she does have to deal with Ice the next morning. And worse than that, she has to deal with KK.
"GOOD MOOOOOORNING LOVEBIRDS," a loud voice echoes way to early in the morning.
Azzi cranks one eye open about cuss somebody out when KK jumps onto their bed, tiny body creating such an impact that it has both her and Paige practically jolting up.
"Morning sunshines," KK grins happily as Ice snickers from where she's leaning against the wall, "y'all done with your world tour?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Paige asks groggily.
"What's wrong with us? US?" KK's voice is as loud as always, "y'all abandon your kids-"
"Again," Azzi says exasperatedly, "y'all aren't actually our ki-"
"EXCUSE ME?" KK recoils before turning dramatically to Ice, "did you hear that Icey? She said we're not her kids."
"That's so mean of you Azzi," Ice pouts, "you practically abandons us for a decade-"
"It was one week-"
"A DECADE! And now-" Ice fake whimpers, "and now you're saying we're not even your kids? What kind of parents even are you?"
"The kind who aren't parents?" Paige says coyly only tfor KK to throw a pillow at her face, "seriously?"
"I cannot believe this," the Wisconsinite shakes her head, "first you abandon us," she glares at the two of them in a warning to not interrupt her, "and now, when we come in here to finally spend some time with y'all, do you welcome your children with open arms? OH NO. No you don't. Instead you make us feel like you don't even love us. Y'all are SICK."
"So SICK," Ice choruses and Azzi narrows her eyes at them.
"Y'all came in here to spend time us?" she asks slowly, "really?"
"Are you accusing us of having other intentions?"
"Oh my god," KK jumps of the bed, fixing them with an offended stare, "can't two children just want to see their parents?"
"Not when it's the two of you."
"KK," Jana's voice interrupts from outside the door, "is it time for us to come in yet?"
Paige looks between the door and KK and Ice's caught-out face as Azzi buries her head into her hands, "what are y'all up to?"
"Fucking El-Alfy ruining the plan," KK grumbles under her breath as she steps outside and the noise of bickering echoes through Paige's door.
"When we have actual children, we're never letting these idiots babysit," Azzi says softly as she leans her head back against Paige's shoulder.
Something beautiful blooms in Paige's chest as she kisses a smile into Azzi's shoulder. It's the way Azzi says it, the way she talks about them having their own children, like it's an inevitability, like forever means each other.
"Whatever you say baby," she whispers.
"Can you guys stop being gross for one second," Ice chides from the corner, "a whole fucking weekend together and still being this sappy has got to be a crime or something."
"A crime of passion," Paige says airily, relishing the way it elicits a giggle from Azzi.
"What the fuck?" there's a look of disgust on Ice's face as she studies the two of them, "that wasn't even that funny Azzi."
"I thought it was," Azzi shrugs, smiling as she turns her head to press her lips to Paige's cheek.
"Oh my god y'all get the fuck in here," Ice calls out, "they're being sickeningly cute in here again and I feel like I'm suffocating."
Unable to help their curiosity at what shenanigans their teammates come children are up to, Paige and Azzi can't help but look towards the door. Their mouths fall open as KK and Jana wheel in one of the whiteboards from the lobby, Sarah diligently following in from behind them. On the whiteboard is a series of cutout photos of the two of them taken from the weekend. A large hand-drawn paper sign hangs right above the photos: THE PAZZI SOFT LAUNCH tm.
"Ta-da," KK and Jana flail their hands as they present the board to the two gaping girls on the bed, bowing dramatically, "we made you guys this. Isn't it amazing?"
"It was my idea," Sarah juts out her chest proudly.
"It was not. I was the one who said wouldn't it be cool if we could show them how disgustingly stupid in love they looked all weekend," Jana glares at the freshman.
"Right but it was my idea to make the poster board," Sarah defends.
"Girl boo. I'm the one who came up with the title so it was really my idea," KK chirps in.
"All three of you needa take several steps back," Ice warns, "because who was the one who actually made this whole thing?"
"Me," all 6 of them turn to the doorway to see Caroline standing there with an exasperated look on her face, "I did all the cutting and glue-"
"You were in on this?" Azzi asks, "what happened to being the sensible one?"
"I am sensible," Caroline defends herself sheepishly, "but you know I love a good arts and crafts project and you didn't see them Az. They were failing miserably-"
"ALL OF Y'ALL SHUT UP," Paige bellows and Azzi immediately flinches away from her.
"Ow Paige," she whines, rubbing deftly at her hear, "that hurt my ears."
"Sorry baby," Paige coos, pulling the younger girl back in to her arms and apologetically kissing her cheek as suddenly forgets why she'd needed to yell in the first place.
"SEE," Ice cuts, "this is why we needed to make the board. Y'all are so atrociously down bad and if we have to see how sickening it is, so do you."
"I think it's kinda sweet these dumbasses have finally figured it out," Caroline says with a smile.
"Nobody asked for your opinion-" KK grumbles as Paige sulks.
"We are not dumbasses," she says indignantly,unable to help herself from smiling when Azzi kisses the pout off of her face.
"Oh my god," Sarah gags as she looks at the rest of their teammates, "do they ever stop being disgusting?"
She's met with a chorus of "no"s from the rest of the girls in the room who've had to put up with Paige and Azzi for longer than she has.
"Y'all have a lot of nerve coming into our room and then calling us out for what we do in it," Azzi scolds.
"This is NOT your room," Jana corrects.
Paige glares at her as she tightens her grip around Azzi, "don't listen to them baby. My room is your room."
"Fucking hell. Y'all are hopeless," the Egyptian groans, "I give up. Congratulations on the soft launch or whatever. We're all very happy for you."
Azzi splutters, a series of indiscernible noises waterfalling from her lips, "we did NOT soft launch."
"Really?" Ice cocks her forehead, "so this," she gestures to the whiteboard filled with incriminating pictures, "this just looks like a completely normal best-friends kinda weekend to you?"
"Yes," Azzi replies stubbornly.
"Seriously?" Jana points to a series of pictures taken of the two of them practically pressed into each other at two of the fashions shows; there's a noticeable difference in how much space there is between them and the people on their other sides in comparison to the lack of air between the two of them, "y'all sit this close to all of y'alls friends like this?"
"Of course-"
"Hey," Paige wails, "who else do you sit that close to?"
"Not the time," Azzi hisses to her girlfriend, "I'm trying to prove something."
"Prove what? That y'all look at everybody like this?" KK smirks as she points to a set of images of them basically cheesing at each other like lovesick fools.
"That doesn't count as a soft launch-"
"Baby it does look a little bit like one-"
"Shut up Paige," Azzi scowls, digging her elbow into her girlfriend's stomach, "it doesn't count because it's not like we meant to do it-"
"So what you're saying is you accidentally soft launched then?" Sarah raises an eyebrow.
"That's not- I mean-" Azzi struggles to form a coherent sentences as Paige laughs into her shoulder, "your a freshman. Shouldn't you be nicer to your upperclassmen or something?"
"AHA!" KK cheers as she high-fives Sarah "deflecting because you can't deny it. Good job freshie!"
"Baby," Paige says softly, barely concealing her smile captures Azzi's chin between her fingers to turn her face towards her, "let it go. They're right."
"They're not-" Azzi huffs.
"Yes they are-"
"Well they don't need to know," Azzi says petulantly as she glowers at the other occupants of the room.
Jana regards her with an amused expression, "you know we can hear you right?"
Paige sighs, annoyed at having to look away from her girlfriend as she rounds on the rest of her teammates, "alright y'all made your point. Now will you get the fuck out?"
"That is no way to talk to you children," KK says as she crosses her arms across her chest.
"Ooooh," Sarah grins, "wait does this mean I'm one of your children too?"
"For the nth time-" Azzi begins but Paige covers her mouth with her hands, not wanting to start another bickering session that would inevitable prolong her not getting alone time in bed with her girlfriend.
"We'll think about it," she tells the freshman, a little touched when it seems to make Sarah gleam with happiness, "now please," she gestures to the door.
"Kicking us out so y'all can be all mush-gushy in peach eugh," Ice scrunches her face with disgust, "at least tell us y'all got us gifts or something."
"Even if we did you're definitely not getting them now," Azzi snarls at them.
"So what you're telling me is that there's definitely gifts," Jana says excitedly, "ugh I knew y'all would come through."
"Here," Paige points to both of their suitcases parked against the wall, "how about y'all take those and go to the living room and take whatever y'all want-"
"Wait no-"
"Will you be quiet for one second," Paige pinches Azzi's arms before smiling at the younger girls in the room, "all yours guys!"
KK narrows her eyes at the blonde, "this feels like a bribe-"
"Who cares Kamorea. She's giving us expensive free shit, don't argue," Jana chides as she starts to pull KK out of the room, Sarah following excitedly behind them.
"That's kinda low of you," Ice says with a disappointed look towards both of them, "but hey," she shrugs as she begins to follows the others, "if it belongs to my parents, technically it belongs to me."
"Well played Bueckers," Caroline, the last person remaining, smile as she moves to wheel the whiteboard out with her.
"WAIT," both Paige and Azzi yell in sync before shyly looking at each other.
"You can um-" Paige licks her lips, "you can leave that. It's kinda cute."
"I lied," Caroline shakes her head but does as she's told, "you guys aren't sweet because this," she points between the two of them and the whiteboard as she begins to move backwards, "this is just sickening behavior."
"Y'all are just jealous of our love," Paige calls out, ignoring the chorus of protests that she gets in return, happy to finally have the room back to just her and Azzi.
"So," the younger girl says carefully, as she turns herself around to straddle Paige's hips.
"So," Paige whispers back, hands resting on Azzi's waist as the other girl brushes a strand of blond hair out of her face.
"I think we might have accidentally soft-launched a little bit," Azzi says shyly, nibbling at her bottom lip.
"Accidentally," Paige grins as she nuzzles their noses together.
And as the sunlight peeks in through the window and the cacophony of their teammates excitedly unpacking their presents drifts in from the living room, Paige holds Azzi closer to her chest, and she lets herself think of what it'll be like when they hard launch. On purpose, this time.
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
A Good Night's Rest
Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Summary: Din was your best friend, but you wanted him to be so much more. Turns out he feels the same way.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: SMUT, drinking, helmetless din, virgin!reader, SOFT MANDO <3
A/N: we will all collectively just pretend there’s a little guest room in the razorcrest, otherwise everyone’s fuckin on the cold floor ok and we cannot allow it.
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“Dammit” You cursed at the dreaded transmitter that was probably older than you were.
Being a mechanic had its perks, but it truly had its challenges, too. Especially when you’d been assigned long-term work on a ship as old as the Razor Crest. Of course, a perk to that would be traveling with a Mandalorian. It was a rough couple of months getting him just to hold a conversation with you, but almost a year later, you'd never been more connected or closer to anyone else in your whole life. He was undoubtedly your best friend.
“Don’t worry about it. That thing has never worked right” Din said, startling you as he entered the cockpit. He was dismissive of the transmitter, which was all the more reason you wanted to fix it.
Sighing out in frustration, you accepted defeat. For now, anyways.
“I’ll get it figured out eventually” You assured him.
“If you say so" He chuckled softly.
"Are you doubting my capabilities?" You teased him.
"No, I am doubting the probability of that thing ever working again"
"That's fair" You smirked before looking back to your unfinished work.
"How are the engines looking? Are we good to go?" He asked.
"Yep. Everything else is looking good. Are we leaving tonight?"
"I'd like to get a good night's rest first. We can leave in the morning" He confirmed, leaning against the metal siding of the cockpit.
"Sounds good to me" You smiled back softly, subtly admiring his stance beside you.
"I'll probably go to bed soon" Din said, his sleeplessness showing itself in his voice.
A fun idea crept into your mind.
"Why waste such a perfect night to break this baby in?" You giggled as you pulled the bottle of liquor from the cabinet in the cockpit.
"How did you get that?" He said with a head tilt, questioning where and when you had the opportunity to acquire alcohol.
You raised your brows and shrugged your shoulders, "I stole it"
"Well, I assumed that" Din iterated, taking the bottle into his hand and observing the label, "but I am not surprised"
You watched as he looked around, as if trying to find some reason why he shouldn't indulge in some light drinking with his best friend tonight.
"I'll just be drinking all by myself, if you're not joining me" You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Fine” He gave in, sitting himself down in the pilot’s seat next to you in the copilot’s seat.
For a little while, you two indulged in the intoxicating effects of the liquor. You knew your limits and so did he. You stopped just before feeling your inhibitions slip away but felt fuzzy enough inside to enjoy the feeling.
Respectfully, you opted to look away whenever he took a sip, so as to not catch a glimpse of even his chin as he tipped the liquor into his mouth. His movements were slow as he set his glass down, and with your peripheral vision, you noted that he was done. With all the time you’d spent around him, you couldn’t actually imagine him actually having a face, he was just a helmet with a gentle voice. But you loved him.
Oh stars, you loved him…
The chances of him feeling the same were slim, but one more sip and you might just tell him.
As you stared at him, you were met with flashbacks of one particular night not too long ago. Din had accidentally walked in on you masturbating, and you didn’t notice he was there until a couple of seconds had passed. He couldn’t make himself look away from you in such a state, but the guilt of unintentionally invading your privacy ate at him every day since. Since that night, things had been a little bit awkward between you two
Not a single word was exchanged between you two, he just slowly walked out. You probably didn’t come out of your room for another day, and even now, you still hadn’t talked about it.
What he didn’t know it was him you were thinking about while you pleasured yourself.
“This stuff is…” You began, holding the bottle out and tilting your gaze at it.
“Strong?” Din finished your sentence.
“Very” you giggled in response.
Din stared at you for what felt like forever, the tension pulling tighter between your gazes. There was something so odd about the way his head pointed in your general direction just gave you butterflies. You wished so desperately to look into his eyes for real.
“I, um” He began, tripping on his own words before his thoughts were fully developed.
“What is it?” You tilted your head.
He paused, and looked at the ground, before turning back to you.
“I need to sleep” He sighed.
“Okay. It just seemed like you were going to say something?”
Please let him say that he loves you too.
“I don’t think I’ve drank enough to say it”
“Maybe I have” You pondered. It spilled off your tongue like honey, “I'm in love with you"
Okay where the fuck did that confidence come from?
He was still. More still than usual, if that were even possible. The thumping of your heart against the restraints of your chest rang terribly loud in your ears. If he’d said anything in the seconds that followed, you wouldn’t have even heard it. Any attempt to read his emotions was blocked by the shining reflection of his visor.
But he was silent, and you could only guess why…he didn’t feel the same way about you.
“I’m..” He tried to begin, but fell short of his words.
“Don’t” You began as mortification consumed you, “don’t say anything”
He remained stoic, and painfully quiet. Providing no goodbye or goodnight, you got up and made your way to your quarters on the Crest. Din didn’t stop you. He didn’t flinch, in fact, he barely breathed.
The frigid metal against your arms shot chills down your spine as you leaned against the door you had just closed behind you to your room.
The distant sounds of his footsteps carrying across the ship, led right to your door very shortly after you stormed off.
"Y/N" His soft, modulated voice rang the other side of the door, following a gentle knock.
What do you even say to him now that you've confessed something so bold to someone you're in such close proximity to all the time?
You slowly pulled the door open and were met with Din’s towering figure.
"I'm in love with you, too" He admitted quickly.
Now you found that it was you whose words were failing them. A choked breath hitched in your throat as you processed what he said.
"Y-you do?" You stuttered in disbelief.
"Yes. I did not know what to say before. I wasn't expecting you to say that" He said softly, his tone growing timid.
You stepped back and let him enter your crowded quarters, which truly was only enough space for your small bed and a cabinet. The forced proximity to him heightened the tension even further. You sat on the edge of your bed, and he mirrored you, finding only inches of space next to you.
"I want to kiss you" You blurted softly.
"I want to kiss you too, Y/N. I'm sorry I can't" He responded, cautiously placing his hand on your knee.
"I know what you can do" You suggested.
Your trembling fingers wrapped around the gloved material of his hand and guided it in between your legs. There was no resistance from either of you, but you sensed his nerves as well as your own.
The shifting of your hips told him you wanted him to move. He rubbed against your aching and sensitive bud through the rough of your pants. You wanted him bare against your skin, but you knew this needed to be slow.
Too shy to just let him watch the look of pleasure upon your face, you buried your head into his shoulder while he rubbed your clit. He groaned as you let a faint whimper escape you…a sound he’d only dreamed of hearing before.
"Are you sure?" He begged for reassurance.
"Are you?" You countered him.
“Yes” He assured with no hesitation, like he’d been waiting for you for years.
“I’ve never done this before” You muttered lowly, ashamed to admit it, but knowing it was necessary for him to be aware that you were a virgin.
“Ever?” He leaned back.
You shook your head in confirmation.
Din froze in his tracks, halting his rhythmic motions at your core. You worried he wouldn’t want to be your first. You worried it would be too much pressure for him to make it special for you.
He pulled away completely.
Something you’d never seen him do before caught your immediate attention. Slowly, his fingers curled underneath the bottom edge of his helmet and lifted it from his head. He didn’t hesitate for a second.
“Din what are y-”
You couldn’t even remember to breathe as his face came to view. His brown hair lay so perfectly pressed to his head, restricted for so long by the constraints of his mask. He wasn't a stranger. This wasn't unfamiliar. It was him.
And he was beautiful.
His creed meant nothing to him in that moment…the moment he finally was able to stare into your eyes for real. Nothing mattered to him except you. A lump grew quickly in your throat, and you welcomed it as a tear fell from your eye.
"You deserve for this to be special, Y/N. You deserve to look into the eyes of the man who loves you"
The rapid fire of your beating heart skipped over itself. His voice was smooth and raw...and scared. His entire life has been spent hiding away from everyone he has ever cared about behind that helmet. But now...he truly sees you.
"Din" You breathed.
The second that his lips brushed against yours, the world around you fell silent. Fingertips trailed along your jaw before moving to wrap themselves in your hair. Din was delicate and careful. He worried he'd break you if he didn't control his desire that had pent itself up for months of being near you.
You were tremendously overwhelmed with surprise and butterflies, which fueled your hunger for him as he found familiarity in your lips, and pressed harder into the kiss. His trembling hand returned in between your legs, applying pressure against your clit through your pants.
Din was no stranger to sex, but he was a stranger to your body, and a stranger to loving you in the way he was always aching to.
“I’m going to take care of you, Y/N” Din whispered against your lips.
He motioned for you to lie back, and guided you with his arm pressed gently into the curve of your back. You fiddled with the clasp of your pants, but his hand replaced your own and successfully unfastened it. You worked to remove them, but Din helped you peel them down your legs.
Nothing could have pulled your admirable gaze away from him. There were no words to describe how beautiful he was. Din hovered above you, staring right back in disbelief of having you beneath him like this. Your fingertips traced the line of his jaw, your palm finally resting against the scruff of his cheek. His eyes fell shut, being so touch-starved that he melted in your grasp.
Din knew that he wanted to stay like this forever, but he also knew how badly he needed to be inside you. As he stood to his feet and removed his armor, revealing the soft material beneath it that clung to his skin, your thighs clenched together in anticipation. With his continued help, he carefully lifted your shirt above your head, revealing you wore nothing beneath it. The guttural moan that grazed your ear when he saw your breasts sent a wave of heat between your legs.
His finger looped around the hem of your panties and awaited your confirmation before eagerly removing them.
You were nervous. Stars you were so nervous. Somehow you found comfort in studying his face, watching his reaction to seeing your exposed body on display for him.
Your lips intertwined again. The supple caress of his hand traveling up your thigh sent chills down your spine. It only took one light touch against your folds for him to feel how bad you wanted him. Suddenly you felt one finger slide inside of you.
He broke away from devouring your lips, “Is this okay?”
“Yes” You breathed.
What he did with his fingers felt beyond anything you’d ever done to yourself. He curled his finger as he pumped it in and out of you, savoring the sound of your slickness wrapped around his digits. You grinded against his hand, signaling him to move faster.
Din watched you, enamored with your expression and how you melted for him just by the touch of his hand. Stars began forming in your eyes as the haze of your orgasm crept up slowly. Din felt the walls of your cunt tightening slightly as he went faster.
“It feels so good, Din, please don’t stop”
And he didn’t stop. Stars, he’d do anything you asked of him. Especially now.
With the arching of your back, Din knew you’d reached your release. You cried out for him, digging your nails into the skin of his neck, shutting your eyes tight, overwhelmed with pure pleasure.
“Look at me, cyar’ika” He instructed. Your eyes flew up to stare deep into his beautiful brown eyes.
Your release overtook your entire body, sending a heated flash of vibration across your skin, tingling and centering at the thrusts of his fingers.
“There you go sweetheart, you’re doing so good” He praised.
You rode out your high as he talked you through it. Unable to fathom the total ecstasy you were feeling. Your breathing was heavy as you floated back down, and you then realized how tightly your hands were gripping his body. As you flashed him a smile, he softly smiled back, his eyes scanning your body and face.
As you reached for his pants, he hurriedly removed his shirt followed by his pants, now leaving him completely bare for you too. You stared at his cock, impressed by his size, and clenched your cunt around nothing as your body begged for him.
You spread your legs for him, as his hips situated themselves to fit perfectly between them.
“I’ll go as slow as you need me to” he assured you, “I don’t want to hurt you”. Just then, the tip of his cock pressed against your entrance, before he finally buried himself completely inside of you. A whimper of slight discomfort escaped you, and Din planted a soft kiss upon your open mouth to soothe you. You were so tightly wrapped around him that he almost lost it immediately. It was such a wonderful new feeling to experience being this close to Din.
Your body adjusted itself quicker than you anticipated to his size. He began to thrust slowly, still giving you time to relax. A lustful whimper fell from your lips, showing Din that you were experiencing pleasure rather than pain now. Once his thrusts found perfect and steady rhythm inside you, he began to moan softly with you. 
Your eyes meet and lock on each other while he continues to curl his hips passionately into yours.
“Does that feel good, Y/N?” He moaned and kissed your neck gently.
“Yes, Din” You managed to mumble through your new feeling of pleasure.
The sensation of him filling you was overwhelming, and your skin burned with such a wonderful fire. You were sure that you’d never get enough of his lips against yours.
“You are so beautiful, cyar’ika” He whispered, his hand traveling down between your breasts, familiarizing himself with the feeling of your skin against his. Taking one of your breasts into his hand, he squeezed it gently.
“Harder” You begged him. He looked at you with uncertainty, but wouldn’t dare deny you.
He began fucking you faster, now. As his cock brushed against your most sensitive spot inside you with every snap of his hips, your moans grew louder and more intense. Din loved every sound you made. He was quieter than you, but his whimpering was music to your ears.
“Y/N, I won’t last much longer” He faltered in his thrusts as he got close to his release.
You nodded and pulled his face into yours, kissing him hard. Your lips against his pushed him over the edge. His fist gripped the sheets as he came, his moans deeper and louder than before.
“Fuck, Y/N” He cried out.
The warmth of his release coated your walls, and you cherished the feeling of truly being filled by him. All of him.
The room was filled with only the sound of your beating hearts and the gradual rate of your breathing coming down to normal. Din was careful when he removed himself from you, and the second he did, you already missed feeling him so close. He lay next to you, your warm bodies still pressed close to each other. The silence between you spoke louder than any words you could manage to speak.
“Are you okay?” He asked while caressing your cheek.
You smiled warmly at him. There was a soreness you felt inside, but it was a sensation you welcomed if it meant that Din was the one to take your virginity.
“I’m more than okay” You assured him, “that was everything I ever hoped it would be”
“I love you, Y/N” He said sweetly, warming your soul as he said it.
“I love you, too”
Taglist: @lokigirlszendaya
2K notes · View notes
stormberry-12 · 10 months
faceless // P3: yes sir. negative ~ charles leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!driver!reader
includes/authors notes: language, lack of equal rights/ gender equality, readers an unknown figure in the races, fem!reader's gender assumed as male, use of "y/n". So sorry this took so long, I've had some mega writters block and no motivation really. But I hope it's still good and thank you so much for all the kind feedback, it means a lot! <3
Bold Italics are the past.
Normal Italics are thoughts.
summary: "There is a new mysterious driver on the grid. Nobody knows who he is, the only thing we know is that he races for Red Bull with the number 66. Other drivers call him the faceless driver for none have ever seen his face or heard him speak. The faceless driver is a legend in the making and even giving Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen a run for their money…”
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"No fucking way mate," Lando choked out his words, "Holy fuck-" 
Lando's face had never looked so shocked, he scratched the inner corner of his left eye as if he thought he was seeing something. And when his eyes focused back on you, you could see his mind filling with questions. His eyes flickered from the helmet sitting on the ground to the tears brimming in your eyes.
"Oh my god," you sobbed into your hands as your mind began to race. 
Should you run away? 
'Oh, sorry Lando, no you must have seen my celebrity doppelganger in the suit earlier. It wasn't me-"
"No wait, don't cry-" he protested, rushing over and crouching down next to you on the ground, "You're my idol, I'm like obsessed with your driving, you're frickin' amazing-"
"Oh, shut up Lando!" you snapped, instantly feeling bad for yelling in his face. He was silent for a moment, not taken aback by your outburst though. "Sorry," you whispered.
You looked up to see him scanning your face intently. "You haven't told Charles yet," he said matter-of-factly like he could read your life all of a sudden.
You shook your head.
"Who else knows?"
"Just you and Christian-"
"Heh, I'm so special,"
"Lando stop!" you cried quietly, feeling more tears forming. "You weren't supposed to find out and I'm so going to get fired for this-"
"Why would you be fired?" he asked,  "You're the driver keeping Red Bull afloat right now while Max is shittin' the bed,"
"Because. It's part of my contract that no one knows who I am,"
"Who came up with that shit?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "What shit?"
"Your contract rules," he said.
"We both did. I didn't want to be in the media, I've never liked it. And Christian just agreed I guess-"
"But you and Charles were just in a video together, you've been doing media anyway," He chuckled dryly.
"And you and Charles love each other, I can see it in your eyes, I don't think the media content is going to stop anytime soon. Frankly, they will ask you to do more now that you've already agreed once."
Also true.
"I understand that privacy is important to you but..."
"Yeah, I know, I know... you're right," you said, wiping tears away from under your eyes, thinking back to the tweets you had just read, "After the video went out I was expecting so much worse but nothing happened, I might need to take a chill pill."
"Maybe..." he said slowly. "And why should-"
"-I care what people on the internet think of me?" you stole the words right out of Lando's mouth, a smile growing on his face. "Charles tells me that every time I don't help with his Twitch streams,"
"Right, you're thinking like a media-trained F1 driver already!" he grinned. "Except, I don't think you're getting enough credit for your racing because you keep that helmet on all the damn time. Just one guy's opinion though,"
You hummed in response, getting lost in your own mind again.
"I won't tell a soul, I promise," He crossed his hand over his heart, "Scouts honor,"
For some reason, you felt you could trust Lando. You gave him a small smile and let your shoulders relax, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves. He stood up and offered you his hand, you took it gladly and rose to your feet. "I think you should talk to Christian about it,"
"I will, thanks Lan,"
"No problem," he winked, slowly stepping away, "And for what it's worth I truly meant what I said before. You're amazing, don't let them push you around or tell you otherwise. You gotta pave the way for all the little girls out there."
That shook you to your core. 
You had never thought about your career that way and it bothered you how oblivious you had been.
How could you not realize the impact you could be making for the girls who dream of racing just like you had? Who cared what some old guy on the internet thought about women in motorsport, he needed to grow up. And you needed to make a difference. It was all sliding into place.
Also, since when had Lando been that well-spoken in his life?
After a quick 'See you on track,' you and Lando parted ways towards your respected garages. Pulling your helmet over your face, you stepped out of the alleyway and marched towards the blue and red signs of the Red Bull garage.
Christian gave you a look through your visor as you walked up to the car, you just nodded, he hated it when you were late. You climbed into the car and tried to shake the nerves out of your body, you could see a camera in your peripherals, panning the garage and landing on you. 
Pave the way Y/n.
This newfound purpose gave you anxiety but at the same time a different kind of drive to your craft. You could feel the car hum beneath you, grateful for the all-clear from the team, you exited the garage to start warming up your tires.
"Radio check, you ready for this?"
"Yep. Copy." 
Shit, that sounded forced didn't it? Why were you acting so weird? Be yourself Y/n.
"Ah, not going to humor me today? That's too bad mate," Rick chuckled.
"Don't know why but it smells like barbeque in the car,"
"You've got a problem, change your fucking carrrr,"
"No, you change your car because Checo has been saying the car is fucked-"
This had Ricky howling with laughter over the mic.
"Okay, that's enough lads." Christian stepped in, pulling the plug on you and Rick mocking him.
"Fun police..." Ricky sighed.
"I'm not a fun police, do your job Richard."
"You are a fun police, I have it on record. I hAvE it, I hAve iT pRiNteD oUt!"
"Sorry." you replied, giggling to yourself and waving back at Lando as you passed.
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"Damn it!" Charles cursed stomping towards the Ferrari garage. He had just spun out two races in a row and had to, unfortunately, retire from the race.
Walking into the garage he could feel all eyes on him as he stuffed his gloves and balaclava into his helmet angrily. A few engineers and his trainer gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he walked past, but no one dared to interact with Charles while he was this livid.
He needed y/n.
She was who he always needed after a bad race, he walked to his driver's room remembering the spin-out from his previous race hoping that y/n would actually be there this time.
"Where's y/n?"
"I don't know mate, sorry. She disappeared a while ago," an engineer named Fred shrugged.
But of course, as he opened the door she was nowhere to be found once again. Thoughts ran through his mind a hundred miles per minute
Had she always left after he got into the car and never actually watched him race?
Is he not as important to her as she made it seem?
Was she just in this for the money like a few of the girls he had been with before?
No, y/n isn't like that. He told himself, but still, he felt that pang of uncertainty in his chest. It would certainly be the reason why whenever he asked for her opinion on his performance it was almost as if she didn't remember what happened, she would just nod, smile, and agree with whatever he said.
Charles sat down on the couch and shut the door to his room. The TV had the race on and he watched the 19 remaining cars complete lap after lap. 
He couldn't watch this anymore...
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"Ohh! That was a nasty hit from Verstappen from behind- SOMEONE HAS SPUN INTO THE WALL AND IT LOOKS TO BE THE OTHER RED BULL!"
"Oh my, it is! I can tell you right now Crofty, Christian Horner is not going to be pleased about that,"
"The race has just been red-flagged and we are currently awaiting more news on the second Red Bull driver. Here's a replay, there's Max Verstappen in third and his teammate ahead of him in second."
"And Verstappen was told to hold position because both drivers were in the podium places, Max is slightly slower than his teammate with very worn tires, but he pushes them anyway and tries to go for the very forced overtake. And there it is! Now why does he swerve into his teammate?!? This is mind-boggling to me-"
Charles looked up from his phone and back to the television. A bright 66 is painted on the Red Bull that is in pieces on the edge of the track. And as the camera zooms into the smoking race car, the eerie silence in Charles's driver's room makes his chest tighten slightly.
"Oh dear, it seems we have no verbal conformation from the driver so as you can see the medical car has made it's way to the scene."
Charles watches the unconscious driver slowly get pulled from the car and layed on a stretcher right there on the side of the track. They lift the visor of his helmet and shine a light across the driver's face as their eyes flutter awake. Beautiful eyes that Charles had engraved in his brain from the moment he met her.
previous chapter // next chapter
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lovelaurs · 3 months
hey could you write a mcd Zane x little sister reader who also never got attention as a kid pls 🙏
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you can find part 2 here!
pairing : mcd priest zane x gn reader synopsis : you enter the church of o'khasis in search of some solace, and find yourself within the confession booth. after living a life of being the neglected youngest sibling, you vent your frustrations to the mysterious church member on duty. but as you continue talking, the advice the person gives you seems almost... personal, and a bond begins to grow. tags : past neglect mention, trauma bonding, confession (as in the booth kind), advice, verbal comfort, slight (sacrligious?) romance word count : 1.2k a/n : first off, i'd like to mention that i am jewish, so if this fic is in any way innacurate, that is why! i decided, "hey, maybe i should delve more into the concept of priest zane a bit more for sillies!". so... here we are! if there is anything offensive about this at all, please tell me and i will change it! it is not in my intent! - also, i'd like to mention that even though the request said "sister", this is in fact gender neutral, as i have stated in my rules that i will not write gendered readers! do not be upset at this.
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You couldn’t help the frown on your face as you walked to the massive church ahead.
O’khasis was widely known for being the most religious village out there, so it was just your luck that you lived within the confines of the walls.
Almost as lucky as being the neglected fourth born to your family.
That was why you came here; in hopes of speaking to a member of the church to help seek out some sort of solace within your life.
As you pushed open the door to the holy building, you quickly noticed a nun nearby, packing up for the day.
“Um, excuse me, miss?” You asked as you approached the woman. She turned to look at you with curiosity. “I’m here for the confession booth. Is there any chance I could speak to someone?”
She shook her head with a sigh, as someone exited a room nearby, silently praying to themself as they weeped. “I’m afraid you just missed the cut off, hun. That was the last member for today.”
“Oh. I see…” The disappointed look on your face must have been evident considering her hurried followed up words.
“But- We open tomorrow at seven if you wish to seek an audience with one of our esteemed Higher Ups!” She gave a warm smile, hoping to cheer you up.
You nodded, beginning to turn away and go back to your lousy packed house. “Thank you, and I’m sorry for wasting your time-”
Before you could finish your farewell, the door in which the previous person had left had creaked open.
“Relax, Sister Clarice. I do not mind taking in another lost soul.” The voice had sent shivers down your spine as they spoke, and it seemed the same for Sister Clarice as well, who looked almost nervous to be referred to by the Higher Up. “Come now, do not be afraid to share your troubles with me.”
You took one look at Sister Clarice, who nodded in agreement, before you walked over to the room the confession booth was held in.
As you opened the door, you noticed the room was empty, only seeing the door to the confession booth closed as you entered.
I guess this Higher Up valued their privacy.
You slowly walked towards the confession booth as you heard a deep chuckle. “Do not worry, I don’t bite.”
Okay, well that just made you more nervous.
You gulped as you stepped into the wooden box, situating yourself in the cramped space before turning to the little hole provided.
As the wooden plank slides over, you once again heard that chilling deep voice, instead this time from the other side.
“Go on, child of Irene, what is it your mind struggles with?”
The question was so simple, and yet your response was so… complicated. What if they didn’t understand your grief, your struggles, your pain?
“It’s been a recurring thing ever since I was born.” You began. “I was born the youngest sibling, which in some families would garner me more attention… but in my family, all it garnered was neglect.”
You paused as the voice hummed, listening intently to your story.
“I’ve never been the focus of… well, anything. Even my day of birth was more-or-less about my older siblings instead.” You took a deep breath in as you recounted the day. “My parents always focused on my oldest sibling the most, working on helping them harness their craft and knowledge in order to succeed in their name-sake. But, the younger the child was, the less attention we would get. And me being the youngest? Well… I ended up forgotten by the end of the day.”
You allowed yourself to pause, hoping that maybe the church member on the other side would have something to say.
It was quiet for but a moment before the deep vibrato of their voice filled the air.
“I have actually experienced– sorry, heard such things before from others.” They cleared their throat, taking a second of pause. “It seems to be… an often occurrence in which parents would favor their eldest over their youngest.” They paused, before whispering to themself, “Even if the younger child is clearly superior to the elder.”
You couldn’t help but tilt your head at the muttering from the other booth. What did they say?
Again, they cleared their throat, before hesitating to speak.
When they did speak, it seemed to be more of a surprising response indeed.
“I do not wish to break the confidentiality that is my own life, but… I too have experienced this as well.” You raised your eyebrow at the comment. Them? A Higher Up at the Church of O’Khasis? What could they have suffered? 
“My… father tended to ignore me for many years. He always praised and pushed forward my older brother, always seemingly ignoring his other child; me.” And yet again, he began whispering to himself, “The bastard of a child, Vylad, doesn’t count… he never did.” He coughed before continuing. “It wasn’t until I took the reins of my own life into my hands that I finally felt free.”
When you entered this box, you weren’t exactly expecting advice, but more-so a verdict on if you were sinful in the way you did not completely adore your parents. The fact that you’re getting a relatable side back from whoever this was… it meant a lot. Being able to relate to someone in power felt helpful.
“I’m suggesting you work hard to pave your own destiny in life. Prove your parents wrong, and show them that they aren’t holding you back.” Their voice sounded almost softer, not the same grand deep voice you originally were greeted with. “Grow stronger and more powerful than them, so that one day you can overtake their lead.” Okay, maybe this is getting a bit too personal for them. What the hell was this going.
“So… I should carve my own path and prove myself greater than my parents ever thought?” You asked. “Precisely.”
You swallowed deeply, gripping your hands into fists. “Forgive me for saying this, but… you come from a place of wealth. That’s easier for you to say since you’re given more opportunities, even though some less than your older sibling.” You felt sweat pool at your forehead, who were you to question someone of the Church of O’Khasis within the church itself? “I am in no means able to simply make a name for myself without my family’s help…”
“Then allow me to help.” You could hear the opposite side’s door open, footsteps signaling them exiting the booth. “Come out, my dear.”
You hesitantly reached for the handle, slowly opening the wooden door. As you stepped out into the room, your eyes immediately widened as you realized to whom you have been speaking to.
Zane Ro’Meave, the Great Priest of O’Khasis.
Oh my Irene what have you done.
He approached you slowly, his hands held behind his back as he smirked, looking you up and down.
He brought his hand to his chin, seemingly pondering something. “Hm… I could see this working.”
Your nervousness grew even more so at the comment.
It wasn’t until he kneeled in front of you, taking your hand in his and kissing it that your heart started beating even more rapidly, your face flushing with color.
“How would you like a place amongst my staff?”
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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imahinatjon · 6 months
Dazai x Reader
I Don't like sad/bad endings.
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I'm leaving this short letter for you to read when you wake up. By now you should already know I'm not there. That's because I've left. During the night. I came to a conclusion that our relationship was not working, we weren't working, we don't belong together. It hurts me to say this, but it's true. I'm sorry. For leaving like this, but I'm afraid it's the only way. I'm sorry. I really am.
Love, YN"
Of all people is was Kunikida who came to see him. Of course, Kunikida's reasons weren't born from concern, but rather, annoyance. Dazai had missed work. Only for a day but, well, we all know how kunikida is with his schedule.
So of course he went to drag Dazai off to work.
Knocking the door felt wrong though. Call it a detectives intuition, but something was up. Something had happened, and it probably wasn't good.
So he let himself in.
The atmosphere was dark, sour. All colour and life drained from the small apartment shared by two.
Dazai wasn't hard to find either. He was sat quietly in the living room, thinking to himself. He didn't even flinch when Kunikida approached.
The letter was on the floor, inviting the blonde to invade the privacy of the couple living here. He didn't think Dazai would mind.
"Where are they?"
"I don't know"
"Why did they leave?"
"I don't know"
"What happened"
Dazai was silent then. He didn't know what happened. But had been forming an idea in his head on what it could have been.
"I'm not sure..."
"But I might need a favor"
Had this been anyone else who just up and went missing, Dazai would probably be able to find them. But, he wasn't in his best heads pace.
Even back in the office he was still somewhat moping around, despite the usual facade he tried to keep up.
If anyone could find where you went, it was Ranpo...
And probably anyone who was actually thinking properly.
"They went 'home'"
"Home? Wh- ohhh"
"Back to their parents, Guarantee that's why they quit their job too"
"Wait, quit?"
"Hmm. Fukuzawa hasn't exactly put that through yet though. Keeping the decision on hold"
Of course. If you'd come in and quit out of the blue, they were going to know something was up. And they wouldn't be just letting you go without so much as a question.
Now he knew where you were though. Back with your parents.
He knew something happened when you visited together. That your mother probably gave you an idea that had plagued your mind. He just wished he'd asked about it when he had the chance. Maybe you would have spoken to him?
No time for that now though. He had to go over to see you.
Convince you to come back.
Your parents house wasn't too far away. So he was knocking on the door in no time.
Your mother looked around thr sitting room, having heard the door knock. She rolled her eyes and reluctantly stood from where she sat, opening the door with a subtle scowel on her face.
"Oh, Dazai... right? What is it?" She asked, trying to ease her face somewhat.
"Is YN here? I need to see them"
"Yeah... what did they do this time?" she huffed
"Nothing. We just need to talk"
"It's not really your choice"
"Look, if they haven't reached out to you, then ovbiously they don't want to talk. So get off my doorstep... and don't bother knocking again"
This was not the woman he met that day.
Dazai stepped back, not really wanting to cause a scene. He didn't want to deal with your mother, he wanted to deal with you.
So he made his way around the back of the house, finding his own way to see you.
"Who was that?" You asked your mother, walking out of the kitchen to where she just sat back down.
"No one important"
"Kinda sounded like Dazai...?"
"If you knew that then why did you bother asking?!" She snapped.
You discreetly rolled your eyes and walked out. Heading up to your room, you noticed your door slightly creaked open.
You knew who it was. And you'd be lying if you said you weren't exited. But you were nervous, afraid of the consequences of just leaving the way you did.
Swallowing the nervous bile rising in your throat you opened the door fully, stepping inside your room to face the man you loved so dearly.
You don't even question how he got in.
You didn't say anything, just stood beside the door, keeping your distance.
He called you again. You should go to him. Talk to him, sit beside him. His face doesn't let you in on how he's feeling, but...
You needed to ask him. You hated this feeling of uncertainty.
"I'm sorry" you said. Shutting the door behind you, and leaning nervously against the wall beside it.
"I had to... y'know..."
"Why?" He couldn't fathom why you had to leave.
"Didn't you read my note? I told you, it wasn't right! The relationship, it just wasn't working"
"Then we make it work!" He didn't raise his voice, he didn't want to be discovered by your mother downstairs, but the expression he let slip was shouting, desperate. Only to be hidden behind an unsettling calm once again.
He released a breath "we talk about what's wrong, why you don't think it's working, and we make it work... unless..." He didn't even want to think about that option, but had to accept it was a possibility, so with a quiet voice, he asked
"Unless you really don't love me"
Your breath caught in your throat. He thought that? Really?
"It's not that dazai. I love you, more than anything. I want nothing more than to be by your side for an Eternity, but I know that it can't happen. I know I'm not good enough, I know I don't do enough, I know I'm useless, I know I'm difficult, and I know you don't love me the way I love you. I can't do that to you or myself" you curled in on yourself, sitting on the floor as you let your feelings spill to him, as you told him your truth.
"I can't selfishly keep you tied to someone like me"
Dazai stared at you for a while, contemplating what you had said.
It was as though you were reading his thoughts. You told him exactly what he'd been thinking. But... those were your thoughts?
"Whoever told you that?" He whispered, sad smile coming to his face and he moved to kneel down infront of you.
"Who said you weren't good enough? When have you ever beeb lazy? Or useless? Your everything to me, and more, your perfect, for me, to me..."
He held your hands up in his own
"How is it selfish to love a man who loves you tenfold"
"I'm... you what?"
"Surely you weren't so silly as to think I didn't love you? I asked you to live with me, I asked you to date me for a reason"
"And thinking back... you must have said yes for a reason?" He asked
You couldn't answer, words caught in your throat, tears threatening to spill. So instead, all you did was launch forward, wrapping your arms around his neck to hide and cry into his shoulder.
You should have spoken to him sooner. Maybe this would have been avoided.
Dazai gently stroked your hair, and held an arm around your back. He wasn't about to interuppt you. But... he'd probably have too soon.
"How about you gather your things and we go back home?"
Pulling back go wipe your eyes you nodded, smile small but present.
He helped you put the few small things you took with you in a bag. He climbed out of your window (telling you how he also got in) and took your bag with him.
You headed downstairs to leave through the front door.
"Where you going?" Your mother asked, standing in the living room doorframe.
She raised an eyebrow
"Whatever" she childishly huffed and walked off. Leaving you to your own devices.
So you left.
Kunikida sat impatiently in the car, tapping on the steering wheel waiting for you and Dazai. He came along because he was a concerned for your mental heath and wellbeing (and maybe Dazai's too) but now he wished he hadn't, as he waited for you two to get in the car, instead of standing outside hugging and sharing a few pecks and laughs like you spent a whole year a part.
It's been a day! Nearly 2!
When you did eventually get in the car, he was already speeding off, desperate to get back to work.
But not before telling you
"You two really need to work on your communication"
Not yet proofread.
Masterlist :3
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delusionalwriter02 · 8 months
Hiii your bsd instas are so fun to read is it possible for you to make one for Tachihara?
Insta as Tachihara's GF
a/n : hey dear! thank you so much for your request <3
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<3 liked by Gintonic, The_Hirotsu and 198 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : i won
Tachi_h : lie
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you're such a bad player
↳ Gintonic : Always knew you were a loser Tach
↳ Tachi_h : I'm NOT, it was rigged
↳ The_Hirotsu : Billard can't be rigged
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : He literally broke the cue
↳ Gintonic : Only loser break things
Chu_uya : Just go to a real casino, it looks like a child place
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : The plastic chair were so comfortable
↳ Chu_uya : omg you're in the mafia just learn comfort
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : BUT IT WAS comfy
↳ Tachi_h : Agree it was cool
Elisefather : I would like to see you two in my office, tomorrow at 8 am.
↳ Tachi_h : she just fainted
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<3 liked by Akutagawa, Gintonic and 198 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : we're alive
Gintonic : how did it go ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : go
↳ Gintonic : girl seriously
↳ Tachi_h : it was just for a mission
↳ The_Hirotsu : You should learn privacy, I don't think the Boss would like you to show your life with everybody
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : but it's funnn
↳ Ranthebestpo : Yeah I like to see how you're doing
↳ Tachi_h : Why is the agency following you
↳ Yosanurgirl : because we're friends with Yn ??
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : given the number of times we've worked together, I don't think they're really the enemy
↳ Daze_i : See @.Chu_uya ? We can be friends again
↳ Chu_uya : never
↳ Daze_i : you love me
↳ Chu_uya : I hate you
↳ Daze_i : love me hate me say what you want about me
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : DID YOU JUST QUOTE BRITNEY SPEARS ???
↳ Tachi_h : Yeah, he did
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Gintonic and 74 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : date night with the girls @.Yosanurgirl @.Gintonic
Gintonic : it was so fun being with you two, can't wait for next week
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : 100% agree
Tachi_h : I was kicked out of our house for them, I'm still in shock
↳ Yosanurgirl : She needs her girl time
↳ Tachi_h : And I need time with my gf
↳ Gintonic : you're ALWAYS together, let me have time with my girl too
↳ Tachi_h : yours ????
↳ Gintonic : yes MINE, i was friend with her before you
↳ Tachi_h : And I kissed her first
↳ Gintonic : you wish
↳ Tachi_h : WHAT @.Yn_theoneandonly YOU KISSED GIN ???
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yes ?
↳ Tachi_h : And I didn't know ???
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : apparently
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<3 liked by Gintonic, Akutagawa and 197 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : he questions his life
Gintonic : poor baby, he thought he was your first
↳ Akutagawa : How many of your friends have you kissed ?
↳ Gintonic : do you really wanna know ?
↳ Akutagawa : Actually, no
Tachi_h : my life is just a lie
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you're a drama queen, we weren't together when it happened
↳ Tachi_h : OH THEN IT'S OK
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you're impossible, i would never cheat on you ????
↳ Tachi_h : I know I just panicked
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yeah clearly
↳ Tachi_h : I love you honey I'm sorry
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I love you too, don't worry it's okay I was just messing with you, I never kissed Gin
↳ Tachi_h : WHAT
↳ Gintonic : nooooo girl I wanted to see him panicked for a bit longer
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I can't torture him more
↳ Gintonic : That's why we're the best
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Hey! I hope you liked it ? I had so much writing it so let me know, thank you so much for request!
See you <3
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shmaptainwrites · 8 days
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PAIRINGS — Violet Bridgerton x fem!Reader [Modern!AU]
SUMMARY — Violet and Reader spend some quality time with Daphne, August, and Caroline at an outdoor charity event.
NOTE — Extra big thank you to my flock this week for helping edit and tweak the ending so that it fit the chapter better! Can't wait for you all to see Grandma Violet in action :)
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“I really hope the weather holds up,” you looked up at the sky, noticing some grey clouds that threatened to block the sun. “What am I saying this is England, it’s going to rain.”
“The key is to always come prepared,” Violet informed you. “I’ve got a coat in the back.”
“The years of mothering eight children have done you well,” you chuckled as you continued your walk together to the venue. 
When you were standing in line to enter the outdoor tent Violet felt a tug against her pant leg and she looked down, and beamed. 
“Auggie!” she grinned and immediately bent down to pick up her eldest grandchild. 
As soon as he was in her arms, the small boy tucked his face in her shoulder and she cooed affectionately.
“Oh, is someone feeling a little shy today?” she asked and he nodded his head, just as his mother caught up with him. 
“Goodness, there you are,” she let out a breath of relief, a small baby that could be no more than a few months old in her arms. “Auggie, you need to tell me before running off like that.”
The boy mumbled something into Violet’s shoulder and she placed a hand on her daughter’s arm, assuring her everything was fine. 
The young woman turned to you, a smile on her face. 
“I don’t think we’ve formally met yet.”
“No, we haven’t,” you shook your head, holding your tablet in one hand so you could shake hers and introduce yourself. 
“I’m Daphne and this is Caroline,” she motioned to the baby in her arms. “And that’s August,” she pointed to her son who was with Violet. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you all,” you said. “I imagine life is busy with a new baby.”
“Very, my middle child, Belinda, has been feeling the lack of attention, so she and her father are doing a little outing today,” Daphne chuckled. “Do you mind if I ask why an event like this would require a financial manager?”
“Good question,” you looked over at Violet. “Your mother’s assistant is on leave right now so I’ve been helping to fill the position here and there and…well, let's just say I owed her a favour.”
Violet pressed her lips together and tried not to laugh thinking of the violent hangover she had woken up with the morning after celebrating with you. In the moment it was anything but funny, but in hindsight she wondered where she ever got the notion that all of a sudden she was a heavyweight. 
She heard a few clicks and looked around, noticing a photographer, probably paid for the event, taking pictures of them. 
“Daphne, are you sure it was a good idea to bring the children?” Violet asked quietly and Daphne saw the source of her mother’s concern. 
“Mum, this hardly ever happens to them,” she explained. “It’s not like how it was when we were kids, for the most part they’ve left us alone. And it’s not tabloids, it’s an event photographer. I think we’ll be okay.” 
Violet wanted to accept Daphne’s assurances, but she couldn’t completely bypass her own discomfort. Daphne did have a point of the photographs being taken by someone hired, but Violet’s preference would have been for her grandchildren to have complete privacy.
“Lettie,” August finally lifted his head and looked up at Violet. 
“Yes, my darling,” she said while moving up the line, drawing her thoughts away from the photos.
“Are you gonna be here the whole time?”
“The whole time,” Violet nodded. 
“Can I stay with you?”
Violet smiled and looked over at Daphne for an okay, who nodded her head, which allowed Violet to say yes to him. 
“Auggie,” Daphne spoke up. “Can you say hi to Nana’s friend?”
August waved at you and you smiled and gave him a small wave in return. 
“Nice to meet you Auggie.”
He immediately became shy once you spoke and wrapped his small arms around Violet’s neck again. She kissed his curly hair and savoured the feeling of having him still small enough to be in her arms. 
“So, Hyacinth has told me a lot about you,” Daphne turned her attention back to you. “You both seem to have hit it off.”
You laughed a little, “Yes, Hyacinth and I were fast friends.”
“It’s quite sweet, you seem to really understand not only what you do for work but how our family operates,” she mentioned. “I’m sure my mum appreciates that.”
“I think it’s actually been quite nice for me too,” you admitted. “Before, I was working for a holding company and everything felt so…cold. Everything was transactional, but working for your family has really reminded me that money can be used to do good things, especially in the right hands.” 
“My father used to say something along those lines,” Daphne smiled. “It’s part of the reason why I try to bring the children out to these events, it’s good for them to see what our family’s values are. Even if their last name is Basset, they’re also very much Bridgertons.” 
“Oh, absolutely,” you nodded your head and looked over at little Caroline, who began to fuss as they finally were admitted into the large tented area. 
“I’m not sure why she’s so restless,” Daphne commented. “I just fed and changed her.” 
Violet was quite focused on August, explaining why they were there and what they were doing while the small boy had the side of his head pressed against her cheek, simply listening to his Nana’s words. 
You turned your attention back to Daphne, taking in her comment before tilting your head and looking at the young girl. 
“Do you want me to try and settle her?” you offered. “Sometimes babies like to cooperate with me, it’s hit or miss, but might be worth a shot, if you’d like.” 
Daphne considered it before deciding that it couldn’t hurt and you swapped your tablet for Caroline. 
“I’ll just follow you around in case she ends up wanting you,” you said. “And so she doesn’t end up out of your sight. It might be nice to have your hands free for a bit.” 
“Yes, most definitely,” she chuckled. “Thank you, I know you probably have other things you need to be doing.” 
You shook your head. 
“I can be the assistant to Lady Bridgerton and the Duchess of Hastings for one day. Your mum is also quite busy with August, I’m sure she won’t mind.” 
Daphne smiled and placed a hand on your arm, giving it a squeeze while watching you bounce Caroline carefully in your arms,seeing how her small whines faded and instead, she just squirmed a little to get comfortable. 
As promised, you followed Daphne while she socialized and made some meaningful conversations with other donors and organizers and Caroline seemed perfectly content in your arms. In the moments between conversations, you and Daphne continued to chat and make jokes, bonding over that love you both shared for your respective families. 
Violet watched from afar, still holding August up on her hip, who was perfectly happy admiring the elaborate fountain display in front of him. She focused on how your arms carefully cradled Caroline, your touch affectionate and gentle; how Caroline would reach out to you at any given moment and you would give her the attention she seeked, whether it was a smile, a finger to hold, or a small adjustment of her blanket under her chin. 
“Lettie?” August tried to gather Violet’s attention, but her mind was still elsewhere. “Nana Lettie?” he tapped her shoulder and she turned her head to face him, a smile on her lips. 
“Yes, my darling?” 
“Is that your friend with Caroline?” he asked and she nodded her head. “Why is she holding her?” 
“Well,” Violet began. “I think your sister was being a little fussy for your mummy, so she offered to help.” 
“I think Caroline likes her,” August determined. 
“I think so too,” Violet agreed. “Would you like to go talk to her now that you know Caroline likes her? Or are you still feeling shy?”
August seemed to contemplate his Nana’s words before nodding his head, making Violet smile. 
“But Lettie,” he tapped her again. 
“Yes, Auggie?” 
“Can she come after to play with us too?” 
Violet’s heart warmed at the question from her grandson and she pressed a smacking kiss to his cheek. 
“You know what, why don’t we ask her?” she suggested in return. “I think she’s having fun with your mummy, maybe they want to spend more time together too.” 
August seemed happy with that suggestion and Violet continued to walk towards you and Daphne, a fluttering sensation coming over her when you looked up and smiled. 
“Violet, Auggie, you came back to join us,” you said. “How was your walk around?”
“Good,” August said, gaining a little more confidence to speak directly to you. 
“What was your favourite part?” you asked, a bright smile still on your face.
“I like the water fountain,” he pointed back to the display. “And Lettie.” 
“Of course, we can’t forget Lettie,” you nodded your head. “I think she’s the best part too,” you whispered to him, not so discreetly, and he giggled at your childish behaviour. 
Caroline made some babbling noises and you acknowledged her attempted contribution to the conversation, which made August laugh. 
“August, didn’t you have something you wanted to ask?” Violet reminded him. 
He turned and looked over at you, a shy smile on his face. 
“Do you want to come over and play later?” 
Daphne beamed at the suggestion and quickly agreed. 
“It would be so nice to have you for dinner. The house will be quieter without Simon and Belinda, we’d love to have both of you,” Daphne looked at you and then Violet. 
“Well, I don’t have anything planned,” you said. 
“And I already cleared my schedule after this,” Violet agreed. 
August was happy that his suggestion was accepted and was eager for the event to finish so you could all be on your way. 
When it did, Caroline was fast asleep in your arms and you helped Daphne buckle her in her seat in the car before going back to join Violet in hers, running so that the rain wouldn’t catch up to you too much. 
“I should have brought a coat,” you chastised yourself as soon as you got comfortable in the car. 
Violet saw your partially soaked clothes and found herself staring at the fabric of your white blouse now that it had become more…transparent. 
“I think you’ll survive,” she said, quickly pulling her eyes away and focusing on what was in front of her.
“Yes, but now I’m…wet,” you looked down at yourself and Violet bit her cheek hard to keep her mind from wandering too far. 
There were a few moments of silence when you realized Violet’s mind was clearly elsewhere and so you decided to ask her a question. 
“So, why does August call you Lettie?” 
She chuckled a little bit and moved a hand to rub the back of her neck, the other still on the steering wheel, her gaze on the road ahead. 
“August was born when I was still in my forties, so you can imagine I didn’t particularly want to be called Grandma or Grandmother,” she explained. “Daphne was quite set on Nana which I don’t mind too much, but I preferred something more along the lines of a nickname the children could call me. An ill attempt at keeping some of my youth.” 
You chuckled at that, surely it wasn’t an ill attempt. Even if Violet was a young grandmother, you knew she just had one of those faces where, if someone saw her on the street, they would never be able to pinpoint her exact age. 
“So you went with Lettie? I think it’s very cute,” you said. 
“So did I, but between me using Lettie and the kids teasing me and calling me Grandmama and Nana, I get a mix of names from Auggie and Eddie,” she sighed. 
“Eddie is Anthony and Kate’s son, yes?” you asked and Violet nodded. 
“They all have nicknames. They named him after Edmund.” 
You placed a hand on your heart, “That must have meant a lot to you.” 
“It did,” she smiled. “And I think it meant a lot to Anthony that Kate agreed.” 
It didn’t take too long to get to Daphne and Simon’s home from the venue and August was quick to drag both you and Violet out of the car and into the house. 
August showed you his toys and got you to sit down with him and begin a game with building blocks. 
Violet took Caroline from Daphne so she could figure out what the plan was for dinner. Before long, Daphne called everyone into the dining room to eat. August scarfed down his food and asked to be excused so that he could go play again and Violet and Daphne took shifts eating and holding Caroline. 
“Let me put her to bed,” Violet suggested after dinner was over. “You should both go and make sure Auggie isn’t making too much of a mess.” 
Daphne chuckled and nodded, knowing her mother wanted to spend more time with Caroline, so she indulged her, and after a brief argument with you about the dishes, where she ended up conceding and letting you help, you both made your way to where August was and took a seat to begin relaxing and visiting. 
“Do you have a big family as well?” Daphne asked and you shook your head. 
“Large extended family, but my immediate family is quite small,” you said. “But family has always been so important to me. I wouldn’t be where I am without them.” 
“I feel the same way,” Daphne said with a smile while August came up on the couch and sat himself comfortably in your lap, playing quietly with a few action figures. “I think, even after my father’s passing, seeing how my family was able to move past that and help each other through it, it made me want something like that for myself.” 
“Which you seem to have now,” you looked down at August in your lap and she smiled, reaching out to gently brush her fingers against her son’s cheek. 
“Yes, but not without a few obstacles,” Daphne tilted her head thoughtfully. “My husband lost his mother when he was quite young and his father was…distant, and that’s simply the polite way of putting it.” 
You nodded your head, your fingers fixing the tag on the back of August’s shirt. 
“We had a lot of conversations before getting married,” she said softly. “I wanted children and he didn’t, but we also loved each other too much to just give up on having a longer lasting relationship.” 
“This might be a bit of an invasive question, so you don’t have to answer it,” you said. “But do you ever worry that Simon regrets changing his mind about having children?” 
August was now cuddled into you, his eyes slowly closing while a hand of yours played with his curls, lulling him into a peaceful sleep while you and Daphne spoke. 
“I did at first,” she nodded, “but when Auggie was born, you could see it in his eyes. It wasn’t necessarily what he had wanted for himself, but something he was working through.” 
“I’m happy you guys decided to work through that together. Clearly, it’s what was meant to happen for you.” 
“I think so too,” Daphne smiled. “I didn’t realize how much work my parents put in to making their marriage work until I was also in the thick of it. I talked to my mum and went in thinking she wouldn’t understand because her marriage to my dad was so perfect, but there’s really a lot you don’t notice about your parents as a kid.” 
“I can definitely empathize with that. I’m still finding things out about my parents that are helping me understand them better,” you chuckled. 
“Yes, my mum never fails to surprise me,” Daphne agreed. 
“It’s always good to keep a little mystery,” Violet’s voice rang through the room and you both turned to see her leaning in the doorway. “Looks like you managed to get Auggie to sleep too.”
You looked down at the boy resting in your lap and smiled. 
“I guess so. Should we move him to his bed?” you asked. 
“Might be a good idea before he starts to drool,” Daphne warned you and you chuckled, adjusting August so you could hold him properly and stand up, while Violet said she would show you the way to his room. 
After you had put August down on his bed and Violet had tucked him in, you left the room together and she turned around to you to speak. 
“I never thanked you for coming today.” 
“Oh, no thanks needed,” you shook your head. “I owed you one.” 
“I won’t argue with that,” she nodded. “Had a lovely time explaining why I was feeling unwell to Hyacinth and Gregory.” 
You chuckled at the thought of the two discovering their mother had overindulged the night before. 
“You seemed to have hit it off with Daphne as well,” she noted. “Not that we are particularly hard to be around, although Eloise would say otherwise, you always seem to find something to talk about, something to…connect over.” 
“There’s an easy explanation for that, I think,” you said. “They’re your kids.” 
“That’s it?” she chuckled. 
“Well, we get along just fine and each of them have a little piece of you in them, when you find that, it’s easy to connect,” you shrugged. 
Violet’s lips curled into a tight-lipped smile and her eyes drifted down to her feet while you continued to walk down the hallway. 
She wasn’t sure how to respond, but Daphne saved her the trouble, passing by the end of the hallway with three wine glasses and a bottle. 
“You two coming?” she asked. 
“Too soon?” you asked, and Violet shook her head. 
“I’m fine,” she said. 
“Okay, well, how about just one?” 
“Shut up,” she said, but you could hear the amusement in her voice. 
Daphne looked at both of you, confusion etched on her face. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, boy, do we have a story to tell you,” you said as the three of you reached the dining room.
“I cannot wait to hear it.” Daphne uncorked the bottle and started pouring as you and Violet took your seats. 
When you looked to Violet, she nodded her permission for you to begin the story, and as you launched into it, she found her mind preoccupied with an incessant curiosity. You had said you could see parts of her in each of her children and she didn’t know why she cared, but now she desperately wanted to know exactly which parts you were seeing.
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@paola-carter @madde11 @thesamesweetie @cherrysxuya @philocalistwrites @mako-mermaids2021 @oh-mydarling @courtneyteal @amethyst-bitch @etherynn @lilisdarling @fictionalized-lesbian
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greynatomy · 2 years
Out of Love
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Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
another angsty fic. idk why but i’m always emotional on my bday and it’s my bday so you guys should be emotional with me.
idk where this came from but happy reading and lmk what y’all think
Lizzie and Yn have been together for three years. Best three and a half years of Yn’s life. She’s with the girl of her dreams, what more could she ask for?
For the past six months, she’s been planning something for Lizzie. Talking to many jewelers to get opinions on what ring designs. Even talked about it to your closest friend, basically a sister to you, Scarlett Johansson. In those six months, Lizzie noticed how secretive her girlfriend has been. She didn’t think anything of it at first, but every time she asks, she gets no explanation.
One day, walking to her usual coffee shop. Grabbing her coffee, she turns around, only to be hit by a force, spilling her hot coffee on them.
“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine. I wasn’t paying atten— Lizzie?”
Elizabeth looks up.
“Robbie! Hey. How are you?”
“Soaked as of this moment.”
“I am so sorry about that.”
“It’s totally fine. It’s my fault anyway. How ‘bout I buy you another cup while we catch up?”
“I would love that.”
After that moment, they started to hang out more often. They didn’t end their relationship on bad terms years ago, so she thought, why not befriend him?
She would go over to his place, have movie nights, cook dinner and he would come over to her place whenever you were out doing whatever that Lizzie stopped questioning.
It was surprising that the paparazzi hadn’t caught them hanging out together out of the comfort and privacy of their homes.
You were out running some errands one afternoon, when you decided to get something to eat. Walking to yours and Lizzie’s favorite coffee shop, you see her sitting at a table through the window. You pull out your phone and decide to give her a call.
Lizzie hears her phone ring, seeing your name on the screen, she silences it and out it away just in time for Robbie to come back from the restroom, not knowing you were outside watching the scene play out.
“Who was that?” He asked her.
“No one important.” She replied.
You don’t think much of it, just thought that she was catching up with someone, not being able to clearly see who she was with, you went home instead.
Some time has passed. You have three weeks until your four year anniversary, meaning three weeks until you propose. You’ve picked up the ring from the jewelers and it looked even better as you hold the finished product in your hand. You’re excited and can’t wait to spend the rest of you life with Lizzie.
Going home earlier than you told Lizzie, you picked up both of your favorite takeout to surprise her with. Not seeing her as you walk in, you set up all the food at the bar, going up the stairs to cal her down. Nearing your shared bedroom, you hear an unfamiliar voice.
“Give me another chance, please.” It was a man’s voice.
“Robbie.” Isn’t that Lizzie’s ex? You ask yourself.
“I like you, hell I still love you and these past couple of months prove that you have feelings for me too. Meet me at our favorite restaurant tomorrow at six pm if you feel the same way I feel towards you.”
There’s a small pause.
You couldn’t listen to anymore of the conversation. You quietly hurry down the stairs write a note and grab your keys and wallet and drive off, not having a destination in mind, just wanting to be as far away as possible.
Lizzie walks downstairs shortly after, hearing a car outside thinking it might be you. Once she gets down, she sees the table set up with food. Getting closer to the table, she sees a note.
Will be gone for a while. Don’t know how long. Don’t call.
She throws the note away and reheat the food to eat for dinner.
Three Weeks Later
In those three weeks, Lizzie did meet up with Robbie at their favorite restaurant. They’ve been seeing each other regularly without Yn being in the way, even forgetting about her existence.
They decided to go for a long scenic drive, turning the radio on high at a popular station.
“We have some new stuff that we’re gonna be playing in a bit. One song is from an artist that has not released a song in a long time. So, without further ado this is Out of Love by Yn Yln.” Lizzie’s breath hitches and her body tenses. She hasn’t heard about her for a while.
I won't tell you I'm lonely
'Cause it may be selfish
I won't ask you to hold me
'Cause that won't mend what's helpless
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
Did you find out about her and Robbie? How did you find out? When did you find out? When did she fall out of love with you? Did she actually fall out of love with you or just filling a missing void while you were gone?
I can't float in an ocean
That's already been drained
I won't cry at your feet now
I know my tears will fall in vain
There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing
Robbie hasn’t said a word. He knew what they were doing was wrong, but he was too caught up in finally having the girl back that he didn’t care for the consequences.
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
No use wondering
Why your change in heart has wandered
So I'll ask you this question
'Cause it might help me sleep longer
Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?
Oh, when did you run out of love for me?
Out of love (out of love)
Out of love (out of love)
Out of love with me
Lizzie was now full on sobbing. It made her remember all of the times she was with you, all the times she listened to your music and made being away from you hurt a little less. How did cheating on you suddenly become something she resorted to?
“That was Out of Love by Yn Yln. Wait, what?” The radio host mutes himself for a bit. “We’ve just received some very horrible news. Music sensation Yn Yln just passed away a couple hours ago.” Elizabeth’s world just came crashing down. She just froze, not knowing how to react to this news. “Her representatives have spoken and released a statement. Stress Cardiomyopathy or Broken Heart Syndrome, is what they said. Wow, she was so young too. That’s just crazy. Rest in peace to such a young and talented musician. She’s touched our hearts with her music. Thank you for blessing us with one last song.”
One. Last. Song.
Those words struck something in her. The song that just played was the very last one you released before you died. And it was you questioning her love for you, or lack there of. She felt guilty. You died from a broken heart. A heart that Elizabeth broke.
She never got a call about you when you passed. It seemed as though you removed her as your emergency contact. She stopped spending time with Robbie. He tried comforting her, but she didn’t want to be anywhere near her living and breathing guilt. She told him to stop contacting him and to lose all contact with her.
Leading up to the day of your funeral, dressed in all black and made her way to where you friends and family were gathered. Scarlett, seeing her come closer, stepped away from her husband.
“You have some nerve showing your fucking face here!”
Lizzie froze in her spot. All the attention was on her now.
“You don’t deserve to be here. I don’t give a fuck if you’ve been together for years because YOU are the REASON she’s GONE! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE! FUCK YOU!” Scarlett was getting pulled away by Colin. “LET GO OF ME!”
Lizzie breaks down, crying of guilt. Scarlett breaks down, crying of anger.
Lizzie eventually decides to leave, not wanting to upset Scarlett more. She knew how close the two of you were, how you passing is harder for her.
“Wait!” She turns back around seeing Scarlett walk to her with a box. “These are go you. You don’t deserve any of it, but she wanted me to give this to you. I don’t know if she knew of her dying, but she knew she wasn’t gonna see you anymore.”
With that, she drives back to you shared home with all the horrible memories with Robbie and the fainted ones with you.
Opening the box she notices three things. A letter, a flash drive and a small velvet box. Opening the velvet box, she sees a beautiful emerald ring. Knowing instantly the meaning of this ring, tears flood out of her eyes. Unfolding the paper it reads…
If you’re reading this, then Scarlett thought that it was a good time to give it to you. I don’t even know where to start.
Well, I found out. I came home early to surprise you with our favorite takeout and went upstairs to call you down for dinner and overheard your conversation with Robbie. I wanted to know if you went through with his deal and you did so I am writing this as a goodbye to our relationship or not a relationship anymore I guess and to you.
In the flash drive, there’s a song I wrote—
Putting the letter down, Lizzie quickly grabs her laptop and plugs in the dive. She sees one file. She clicks on it and a song plays.
(it’s Emerald Eyes by Anson Seabra you don’t have to play it, just the song I had in mind)
—and it was supposed to be played right before I got on one knee and asked you to spend the rest of our lives together.
(You know how much I love your eyes, so I decided to write a whole song about how they make me feel.)
But, that won’t be happening anymore. After four years of us being together, you still weren’t over Robbie. I just wish that you broke it off with me before getting back together with him. Make it hurt a little bit less.
The ring is something I’ve been working on or working with people on. Took six months. It’s why I was always gone and secretive, which ultimately made you go to another so this whole thing is actually my fault. I drove you away and I’m sorry for me, but glad that you found your way back to the person you love even if that’s not me.
Im just rambling on paper now. I won’t be coming back for any of my clothes or anything. Only took the essentials so you can throw everything out. This is goodbye, I guess. I love you. I always will even if you don’t love me back.
Forever yours,
How can you blame yourself for her infidelity, she asks herself. You loved her so much that you couldn’t even point the blame at her.
She wishes there was a way to apologize to you. To tell her everything she did was a mistake. Most importantly, she never fell out of love with you. You understood and loved her like no other. She’ll never find anyone to love her like how you loved her, not even Robbie could love her like you did.
She was too late. She can never gain back the time to be with you again, not even for a minute. You were gone, believing she fell out of love.
Lizzie took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.
“I do.”
But it’s too late.
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bluesest · 20 days
A House
Even in a place where you can do your private activities in peace it is not safe if the people who live there are enemies among them. In one home lived a "happy" family made up of the mother, father and… 4 brothers, exactly, a total nightmare especially if you are the youngest of them all:
Thomas: The oldest brother, he wears a red t-shirt with tight shorts almost all the time, he has a relaxed attitude with his family and nervous with other people, his hair is brown and he has a bit of a chin, he is the tallest among the 4.
Blake: The second brother, he is the toughest of them all, he always wanders around the house shirtless showing off his strong pectorals worthy of a gymbro, his sweaty smell floods the house and he is the least shy of them all when it comes to "basic needs".
Tony: The third brother, the most behaved of them all, always obedient to what his parents or Thomas tell him, he gets along somewhat badly with Blake thanks to their clashing personalities, however, they get to enjoy each other's company in different activities.
Alain: The fourth brother and the youngest, his personality is a combination of Blake's rebelliousness and cunning with Tony's shyness, he does not like to obey his other brothers despite being older and the orders of his parents: "Thomas is in charge", it is not that he does not like to listen, but he hates his brothers, they are cruel to him because he is the youngest of all, the most defenseless.
Life at home was hell for Alain, he heard several insults from his siblings, teasing and pranks, many times locking him in a basement just for fun, but his favorite activity is to take Alain's lunch, usually his mother would make desserts for the siblings and when she wasn't looking, they would take Alain's part and eat it threatening him that he was a little girl who can't take any jokes, this stopped Alain from expressing this situation to his parents because according to him: "I am not a whiny little girl".
One day like any other, Alain suffered from another cruel joke that included water balloons, his siblings mocked him again while with fury Alain went up to the second floor of the house where the bathroom was located, closed the door and began to dry his face with a white towel.
"Why won't they leave me alone?"
"I wish I could get revenge."
Suddenly his father Todd who was a man in his 40's, wearing glasses, dressed in a white t-shirt and was standing with a towel covering his hips as he enters the bathroom:
Todd: "Whoops, I didn't know it was occupied."
Alain: "I'm just drying my face dad, besides, don't you have your own bathroom?"
Todd: "I just came to take one thing out of here, you go on…wait why are you wet?"
Alain didn't want to answer that question, luckily a strange sound interrupted them both: *PPPFFT*. A wet fart appeared in the bathroom:
Alain: "Oh come on dad!"
Todd: "Oopsssss it slipped out son, sorry hahahahaha…"
Alain: "The smell isn't even normal!"
Todd: "Sorry, but recently I've been having problems with my own plumbing, I couldn't get all the crap out of me, I was constipated so I bought a laxative and it's taking effect. I only came here because when I finished my business, well, let's just say I didn't quite calculate how much toilet paper I would need, so I came here to borrow some." Alain: "I mean, your ass wrapped in a towel isn't… clean?"
Todd: "Yeah, but it's going to get even dirtier in a few minutes anyway, that fart was just a warning."
Todd: "Alright, I'll leave you alone."
Todd walked out of the bathroom closing the door leaving Alain in privacy again, "That really was embarrassing…wait a minute…that's it!" a bright idea crossed Alain's mind, "How about now they are the ones who will have an embarrassing moment…when they have diarrhea outside the house!"
Discreetly Todd walked into his parents' room and noticed two things: the horrible smell and the miralax laxative on the nightstand, he quietly picked it up and took it from there ready to begin his plan: "Intoxicate my siblings will be easy, they take all my food, I just have to find a way to make them Leave the house… right! They each have things to do out of here just for this day, so I have to take advantage of the situation!"
Alain arrived in the kitchen where with his skills he cooked one of the few desserts he knew how to make thanks to his mother: Brownies. After an hour and a half, they were finally ready, they looked great and smelled good, they were definitely not going to resist.
He walked around the house with the plate full of 9 brownies, when he got to the second floor he is seen by Tony while he was in his room, he approached him and said:
Tony: "Where did you get those, little guy?"
Alain: "Mom baked them for me and my friends coming over later."
Tony: "Isn't mommy supposed to have gone shopping?"
Alain: "Yes…b-but she left them baking and ordered me to take them out."
Blake appears on the scene:
Blake: "Do I smell chocolate? Give me some, little guy"
Alain: "They're for my friends!"
Blake: "I wasn't asking you!"
Both brothers began to struggle, Tony catching the falling brownies while Blake tried to pry the desserts out of Alain's hands, while Alain pretended that he really didn't want them taken away. With one more stretch of strength, Blake emerged with the victory by retrieving a plate of 6 brownies while Tony held 3 with his hands.
Alain: "Give them back to me."
Blake: "Or what, you're going to cry?"
Thomas appears annoyed in the hallway:
Thomas: "Stop yelling! You won't let me study in peace you assholes!"
Tony: "Excuse Alain, he's crying because Blake is bothering him."
Alain: "I'm not crying!"
Thomas: "Oh, and those goodies you got Blake?"
Blake: "Mom made them for the little girl, she wouldn't give them to me so I'm going to keep them to teach her a lesson about sharing."
Thomas: "Obviously that lesson involves me, give me some bro". Being 9, Blake hands out 3 to each brother, he starts eating and the taste is exceptional, albeit a little strange to the taste of mom's brownies, but they are still brownies, who cares if they have laxative in the recipe, right? He was followed by Thomas and Tony who more slowly enjoyed every bite of the dessert until in the blink of an eye they had finished it all.
Tony: "You really showed off with this treat bro."
Blake: "You know how I am, always so charitable to the poor needy souls."
Tony: "That's weird, the only one who looks like a shirtless bum here is you."
Blake: "Oops how dapper sir ("I need to scent the bathroom after I leave")"
Thomas: "Stop arguing, and let's thank the little girl scout for those delicious Brownies."
The three brothers in tandem thanked, "Thank you so much Alain!", Alain on the outside was frustrated and in real anger due to the insults and sarcasm, but inside his mind he thought, "Thank you to you"
Each brother after an hour left the home to go about their own business:
He arrived at the university in a bus, he had to take an important exam which he had been preparing for all week, it was difficult but not enough to overshadow his relaxed attitude. He set foot on campus and the first gurgles began:
He put a hand to his stomach, "It's just gas," paused for a moment, bent his knees a little thanks to the pain and:
"Wow", a long fart filled the fresh air, luckily there was no one around and besides it was still outside the premises, the smell was free in nature while Thomas without taking importance to this first warning headed to his classroom.
"Lucky it's only one hour of exam and I'll be back home, I hate going to this place on Saturdays"
The teacher arrived, a man in his 60's, skinny and with white hair, he was wearing a formal uniform and square glasses, with a serious look he gave the start of the exam.
"This is the A, This is The C, and this…this one will be random."
"Oghhh, again I have to…can I hold on!" *GRRRRRRRRRGRGGRGGGG* *GRRRRRRRRR*
"Nope, I can't, I'm just going to release some pressure by stretching and… *GRRRRRRRR* oh no…"
A silent fart came out of Thomas' sweaty ass, "I wish no one had heard it… or smelled it *GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* oh… what's happening to me?"
The final crash of the buttocks caused by the pressurized air echoed and it was obvious that some people noticed the noise and the rotten smell, "Will it be last night's lasagna… or… those brownies?"
"Whatever it is it's wreaking havoc in my gut *pffffffttttttt* I need to get this over with."
Thomas with sweat on his forehead set out to solve the exam as fast as possible, every minute that passed was suffering, in his head there were two worries: failing the exam because of his urgency or making a fool of himself in front of his peers with disgusting, loud farts heralding an even worse climax.
*pffftttttt PPPFFFFFttttttttttttttt* *GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*.
Time was ticking away, 20 minutes to go and Thomas had 80 questions solved, his stomach was making it known how upset he was as he released increasingly raucous air, small voices could be heard opining on the recent change of atmosphere in the room, the professor although looking just as annoyed as every day you could tell he also noticed the smell and possibly who was causing it, or at least that was what Thomas thought.
With 15 minutes left before the end, Thomas handed the test to a disgruntled teacher, then walking out of the room, closed the door and *PPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFTFTTTTTTTTTTTT* a huge fart echoed through the halls, Thomas knew he needed a bathroom, "No way I'm going to the bathrooms here, maybe someone will hear me…" and running he headed to the bus stop to return to the comfort of his home.
Like his brother, Blake took the bus, not to go take some silly test, but to meet his friends at the usual gym. On the bus he started to feel a slight stomach ache: "Must be the protein shake I took" he lifted his body a little and *PPFFFFTTTTTT* a short but loud fart was present on the bus, many people frowned at such a display of impoliteness from our gymbro, while he didn't flinch at all, it was the smell of a real man.
10 minutes passed and he finally arrived at the gym, upon entering he saw his two teammates getting ready for arm day (yep, a Saturday).
Blake: "Hey don't start without me!"
"Then take this barbell and get started bro!"
Blake sat down and with one arm did several reps, sweat was in the air, *GGGRGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*, Blake stopped, set the barbell aside and held his stomach.
"What's wrong bro?"
Blake: "Something's wrong with my stomach, I think…"
A stormy fart came out of him, even the weight bed couldn't properly catch the smell, his friends laughed along with him, but inside Blake knew something was wrong, but he wouldn't ruin his Saturday of arms and He continued with the reps.
"Wow it sure does stink."
"Yeah, it looks like your pipe is clogged with something and wants to get rid of all the crap you eat."
Blake: "Shut up, if yours are worse".
"No way bro"
Twenty more minutes passed and the pain wouldn't stop, Blake felt several gases inside him that for some reason he couldn't release, his tight sleeveless shirt was completely sweaty, not from a few simple repetitions, but from the pain and heaviness he felt.
"Hey, hand me that weight that's at your feet Blake."
Blake got up from the seat, moved forward a couple of steps and crouched down, a big mistake:
A big wet fart came out of his big butt, the smell spread quickly disgusting even his own buddies.
"Dude! What was that?"
Blake: "I think I have diarrhea…"
Blake held his belly and walked slowly to the gym bathroom, however, these were under maintenance, with no choice, he said goodbye to his gymbros and waited at the bus stop to get home.
He didn't have any special activity, every Saturday he always went to the park to get some relaxation from the dystopian home he lived in, he usually feels bad about what they do to his younger brother Alain, but he can't do much about it, he had to be the laughing stock of his other two brothers (especially Blake) until Alain finally grew up, At that moment they treated him more like one of their own, like a brother.
He arrived at a wooden bench in front of a small duck pond, thought about his life, how unlike his brothers, he had never had a partner in his life, it sounded nice, but it was obvious that, if he continued with those attitudes of a shy boy, he would never achieve anything with anyone.
His thoughts were cut off when a familiar sound came: *GRRRRRR* a small gurgle was present bringing with it an incredible acidity, to distract himself from that he decided to resume his walk, "Should I have eaten those brownies? Is that what's causing this heartburn? Was it the chocolate? Sugar? Or the guilt I feel?" 
He paused for a few seconds, closed his eyes, and... *PPPFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT*
"Wow, almost and I look like Blake's lol"
The acidity hit him even harder, Tony started sweating when another fart escaped from him: *PPPPFTFFFTFTTFTFTFTF*, it was a hot one, his rectum was starting to burn.
"I think, if it was the brownies, what did they have?"
He bent his knees as another flurry of farts attacked him: *PPPFFFFFFFTTTTTTGT* *PPPFFTFTTFTFTFTFTFTFTF* *GRRRRRRR* *ppftffttftftftftfPPPPPPTPHTTRTRT*
Tony has always had a pretty sensitive stomach compared to his siblings: "I think I need a bathroom right now," his walk went up a notch to become a race with the toilet in his house being the goal, there was no way he would go to those portable toilets in the park.
As he ran the farts became more persistent, smelly and wet, little by little Tony could feel an amorphous mass forming in his intestines struggling to get out.
Each step meant another exasperating fart announcing the inevitable, before accepting defeat and starting to defecate his beautiful pants, he could see the patio of his house where he could see his sweaty brother Blake.
At Home:
Tony: "Blake, what are you doing here?"
Blake: "I came back from the gym because I'm literally about to have a bout of diarrhea"
Tony: "You too?"
Blake: "I was at the gym when a greasy fart came out of me without warning, I felt my anus burn and the smell..."
Tony: "Ok I got it, I don't need explanations" *PPPFPFFTTFTFTFT*
Blake: "Just like that"
Tony: "Shut up"
After exchanging insults, Thomas' bus arrived and he ran downstairs holding his stomach ignoring his brothers, he tried to open the door, but it was locked.
Blake: "Wow calm down bro"
Tony: "Like everybody... One minute... the brownies"
Blake: "You think Alain..."
Thomas: "THAT BASTARD WILL PAY ME *GRRRRRRRRRR* after I sit on the porcelain"
The three brothers yelled at Alain from outside the house, while he watched them through the window suffering, it was so amusing that his "Super Cool" brothers were begging for his mercy trying to contain the monsters inside.
The brothers were looking for some entrance that Alain had forgotten, but there was no such thing, in desperation, Blake had an idea:
Blake: "Guys I can't take it anymore *Started walking while undressing*"
Thomas: "Where are you going? *PPPFTFFTFTFT*"
He went to a small bush in front of his house and...
Tony: "WHAT THE!"
Blake: "Leaves are natural, not porcelain"
Thomas: "Leave me a place bro"
Blake: "There's always a place for the bro family"
Thomas began to undress until a few drops of diarrhea stained his shoes, which changed his mind to look for another alternative.
Thomas: "Maybe I can ask the neighbors to use their bathroom"
Blake: "You miss it *HSHQSHQHSHSHSQHSHSHSHSHSH*, hey Tony, do you want to come with me?"
Tony: "I'll find another *GRRRRR* entry"
The two brothers parted ways, Thomas stepped on the neighbor's lawn when he felt his diarrhea about to come out, he rang the doorbell hoping for some answer, a young boy opened the door and greeted him:
Neighbor: "Hi Thomas! What can I do for you?"
Thomas was surprised by the fact that his neighbor knew his name and he didn't know his neighbor's, but there was no time to ask.
Thomas: "Good afternoon Neighbor, this is embarrassing, but can I use your bathroom please?"
His neighbor couldn't believe it, the reason he knew Thomas' name, even though the two of them didn't socialize was because he was deeply in love with him, and that, overnight, the love of your life knocked on your door and asked to use your bathroom urgently was a stroke of luck that wasn't going to be wasted by him.
Neighbor: "Go ahead, the bathroom is on the second floor"
Thomas started to run, but his speed was cut short by the pain and the strength needed for his legs to contain the demons inside, with both hands he began to hold his stomach and began to bend slowly, the neighbor asked if Thomas was okay and with a tired and weakened voice said: "No"
Thomas shit his pants at his neighbor's house, with his neighbor nearby staring at him, Thomas was embarrassed, sweating profusely and another seizure began:
Thomas: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to"
Neighbor: "No... Don't apologize, this can happen to anyone, and it doesn't bother me either..."
Neighbor: "Don't worry, I'll help you clean up later, let me... Blow... to the bathroom..."
Thomas: "Thank you..."
While this was happening, Tony was desperate, he was about to take the free place of Blake's bush until he saw something peculiar, the window that looked into his parents' room was open, something that reminded him that when he and his brothers were looking, that window was totally closed, did Alain take pity on him?, one more growl alerted him and very carefully opened the window completely and entered as slowly as possible to Let nothing from the inside be expelled to the outside without warning.
He entered the silent room, ran to the half-open door of his parents' bathroom, the urgency was so great that he did not notice the smell of the room and neither did the fact that his father was sitting on the throne.
They were both frightened, Tony covered his eyes and wanted to leave the spacious bathroom until he was stopped by his father's voice:
Todd: "Son, why did you come in through the window?"
Tony: "The house was totally locked, so I decided to come in here and use your bathroom dad."
Todd: "And why not use yours?"
Tony: "That's what I'm going to do at this... *PFPFPPPFPFFTFTFTTFTTF* moment"
Todd: "Looks like your *PLOP* knows what happened to my laxative, huh?"
Tony: "Laxative!? *GRRRRRRRRR* that bastard... Aghhh I can't even take a step, I'm going to shit on the floor."
Todd: "Of course not, use this bathroom"
After a choppy fart, Todd got up from the toilet unashamedly showing off his long, hairy penis to his son Tony: "All yours champ."
Tony: "You're going to clean up... or?"
Todd: "I Still Feel Like My Stomach Is Still Cooking, I'm Not Going To Waste Paper"
Tony ignoring the image in his head of his father's stained buttocks, began to undress in embarrassment as he approached the toilet, the water was brown, in the center was a large sausage, apparently several days old in Todd's stomach, Tony uncomfortably sat his pale butt on the sweaty and hot toilet lid:
Todd: "You weren't lying about the urgency..." 
Tony: "Not now, Dad..."
Todd: "Not even I, who have been constipated, have come to that, you can be a champion!"
Tony: "I want to die..."
After 5 minutes, Tony's stomach calmed down enough to leave his father's bathroom and continue in his own. 
Todd: "Well done son, now save me a spot, I feel like I'm going to break your record in a few seconds."
Tony got up and didn't clean himself, he turned around and saw the mess, the brown soup increased in size where several sections had different consistencies, colors and smells, and from this stood out his father's sausage now bathed in Tony's diarrhea.
When Tony left the room he saw Blake waving at him from the window, Tony covered his crotch and opened the door for him:
Blake: "Did you shit on yourself? And how did you get in?"
Tony: "None of your business..."
Blake: "After Tony arrives, the three of us show Alain who he's playing..."
Finally, after 1 hour, Thomas arrived with clothes borrowed from his neighbor, he didn't want to talk to anyone and locked himself in his room.
P.S. This will be the story that starts the week-long daily story marathon.
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
A/N: I’m back….again, hopefully for good this time. I’m working on a few more one shots and there may or may not be a couple series in the making. I also wanted to thank @kati-1997 for all the amazing ideas and help she gives (most of my writing is inspired by her ideas or at least incorporate her ideas).
I sigh as I finish up the autopsy as Max walks in. “Is everything okay Dr. Y/L/N?” I hum and look at him, “What? Yeah, yeah I’m okay. Why do you ask?” He tilts his head as he throws his gloves into the trash can, “It’s just today you’ve seemed quite perturbed and slightly irritable at times.”
I sigh again as I set my clipboard on my desk, “I’m sorry Max I didn’t mean to seem rude. It’s just.” I sigh as I sink into my chair and run a hand down my face, “Oh Max I’m sorry I don’t want to dump my burdens onto you.” He pushes his glasses up his nose and protests, “It’s hardly a burden, I consider you a close friend and I would like to help if I can.” I brush some hair away from my face and lean forward in my chair, “Its just, this morning I got into a fight with my boyfriend and I said some things, mean and nasty things, that aren’t true and I don’t know why I said them and now I don’t know what to do.”
Max leans against my desk before nodding, “I did not know you were seeing someone but it appears to me that you simply have to apologize.” I shake my head and groan, “You don’t get it, I can’t just apologize. He-, we-, it’s just, god Max it’s not that simple. What if he calls it off even after I apologize?” Max looks at me with serious eyes before asking, “Do you love him?” My eyes widen and I nod, “Yes! Of course I love him.”
Max nods as if he already knew the answer, “Then you at least owe him an apology, even if he does end it if you truly love him you need to apologize.” I nod knowing he’s right before jumping as a familiar voice cuts in, “Apologizing is definitely something that you should do, especially if you mean it. Speaking from personal experience a little remorse goes a long way.”
I spin around to meet the ocean blue eyes that I had watched break from my words just this morning. I lick my lips and nod, “I am sorry, truly and genuinely sorry. I never meant the things I said and I don’t know why I did it but I regret doing it.” I watch a smile threaten to give away his cover before he nods, “Just tell him that and I think you’ll be okay.” A small smile graces my face and I nod, “I will, I promise I’ll find a way to make it up to him too.” Steve nods before him and Danny look at Max, “Alright Max, what was it you called about?”
Once Max was done telling them the autopsy report on their latest victim they bid their goodbyes and start leaving. I bite my lip trying to decide what to do when I take off down the hall after them. When I get close to them I call out, “Commander McGarrett! Can-can I borrow you for a second?” He spins around to look at me before hesitantly nodding, “Yeah, here we’ll go in here so we have privacy, unless you don’t mind Danny hearing anything you say.” I know the silent question he’s asking with those words, is it about our relationship or about something else?
I point towards an empty room, “Privacy, please.” He nods leading us to the door before turning back to Danny, “I’ll be out in a second.” I see Danny’s concerned face before he nods, “Yeah, it’s fine I’ll wait here.”
When we get in the room and the door’s closed I grab Steve’s cheeks as tears threaten to spill down mine, “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry! I didn’t mean what I said, if I had a problem with you putting your life on the line I shouldn’t have ever went out with you. I don’t have a problem with it, well, I mean I do because I can’t imagine my life without you, but I’ve come to terms with it. I don’t know what got into me this morning but, i-if you feel that you need to go to North Korea, go. I just have this feeling that it’s a bad idea and I know that you’re a SEAL I know you’ve done stuff like this before but you’d be dealing with Wofat, and he wants to kill you. It’s just, I don’t know how to explain it. I guess, I guess I’m just scared.”
I sniffle as I watch Steve’s face soften before he cups my cheeks and wipes the tears that I didn’t even notice had fallen, “I know you’re scared, I see it every day, even before we got together you were always scared for the team. I promise you, I’ll be okay, I’ll come home to you.” I nod as I feel more tears threaten to fall as I bury my face in his neck and wrap my arms around his torso. His hands slide to hold me close and he rubs a hand up and down my back, “I’ll come home to you, I’ll always, come home to you.”
I pull back just enough to make eye contact with Steve and I nod, “S-Steve, there’s something else that makes me want you to stay.” He brushes a piece of hair from my face as his brows furrow, “What do you mean baby?” I snort at the irony of his words before sighing, “I’m pregnant Steve. At least I think I am, everything adds up and I’ve got a pregnancy test in my bathroom cabinet but I’m too scared to take it.” I step back a little more as his eyes widen and his mouth opens and closes, reminding me of a fish, “What? H-how?” I tilt my head with a small smile, “Stevie, you know how. There’s really only one way to get pregnant.”
I watch as he smiles and pulls me into him before leaving a quick kiss on my lips, “Take the test, before I go. I want to know before I leave.” I smile and nod, “Only if you’ll be there when I do it.” He nods and cups my face, “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” I blush and shrug my shoulders causing him to frown, “Y/N/N, sweetheart, light of my life, you are everything to me. I’ve thought about kids and I honestly never thought I would ever have the chance or meet the right woman but now. Fuck, now I’m standing in front of my secret girlfriend who just told me she’s pretty sure she’s pregnant and I honestly have never been happier.” My smile drops slightly as I ask, “What if I’m not?”
He runs his thumb across my bottom lip with an adorable pout on his face, “Well, if you aren’t, we have all the time in the world, there’s no need to rush. I mean no one except us knows we’re together because I’m worried Wofat will use you against me and I would never forgive myself if he hurt you, because of me. But I’d also be lying if I said a small part of me isn’t overjoyed at the thought of being a father and praying that the test says you are pregnant.”
I smile and grab the back of his head pulling him into a passionate kiss, “I’ll take lunch a little early and head home and you can meet me there before you leave. Just let me know when you’re about to leave.” He smiles his dazzling smile that swept me off my feet the first time we met before nodding, “Yes ma’am.”
When we exit the room I wipe the remainder of my tears off my cheeks as Danny looks between us confused and worried. “Steven what did you do to her?!” I chuckle a little as Steve’s eyes widen, “I didn’t do anything! We talked about what she needed to talk about and she got a little emotional she’s a woman Danny, an emotional one at that.”
I scoff at Steve, “Excuse me, did you just say all woman are emotional? Because that’s not true, my sister’s like a brick wall, in fact you’d be better off making a wall cry than her.” Steve and Danny both laugh before Steve pats Danny’s shoulder, “Alright Danno, we gotta go. See ya later Dr. Y/L/N!” I fake an annoyed growl before yelling after his retreating form, “How many times do I have to tell you?! Call me Y/N!”
The response I get in return is a sly wink and a, “Sure thing Doc.” I roll my eyes before heading back into the morgue.
I take a deep breath as I shakily grab the box that had been tucked away in my bathroom cabinet for a little over a week as a gentle yet firm hand rubs circles into the small of my back silently urging me on as I open the Clear Blue box and pull out the pregnancy test. As I hold the test in one hand I read the instructions. When I set the box and leaflet down I turn to Steve with anxiety bubbling in my stomach, “Are you sure about this? If I take it, and it says I am there’s no going back.”
He uses his thumbs to rub circles into my biceps before pecking my nose, “Babe, no matter what you do, whether you take the test now or not, if you’re pregnant, you’re pregnant there’s no going back.” I wet my lips as I nod, “O-okay, it says I can pee directly on the stick so uh, here we go? I guess.”
I put the cap on the test and set it on the counter before washing my hands. I dry my hands before grabbing onto Steve making sure I can see the test from where I’m resting against him, “Stevie?”
His hand continues rubbing up and down my back, “Yeah, sweetheart?” I nuzzle into the warmth of his chest before sighing, “I kind of hope it’s positive.” He places a kiss on my hair before whispering, “Me too.”
I suck in a breath as the last block fills the screen before gasping at the word on the screen. The one little world that just changed our life forever…pregnant. I turn to Steve with my mouth hanging open to see the same expression on his face before he blinks and looks at me. As soon as we make eye contact he pulls me into a hug that lifts my feet slightly off the ground, “You’re pregnant. We’re going to be parents.”
He sets me down and holds me at an arms distance with a huge smile, “You are going to be the best damn mother ever.” I blush and smile, “And I know you’ll be an amazing father.”
I grab the test off the counter and sigh, “I don’t want to throw it away. It feels like such an important thing now. Like I want to keep looking at it to make sure I’m not dreaming.” I lean into Steve as he wraps his arms around my torso and rests his head on my shoulder pressing kisses along my neck, “Keep it.” I roll my head to the side to give him more access as I choke back a moan, “What?” He chuckles as he runs his nose up my neck before nibbling on my earlobe, “Leave it in your purse or somethin’ that way when you think you’re dreaming you can whip it out and see the proof.”
I let out a laugh that quickly turns to a moan, “Whip it out? Are we talking about the pregnancy test or your dick?” He bit into the juncture of my neck causing me to release a whine, “Steve.”
He hummed before soothing the bite with his tongue. He pulls back slightly and groans when I grind into him, “Baby, I gotta go.” I growled and dig my nails into his forearms, “Steve I swear if you leave me all riled up.” He hisses slightly before chuckling, “Or what? Come on baby, tell me what you’re going to do?” I throw my head back on his shoulder and look up at him, “I’ll be mad at you.” He gasps dramatically before running his hands up my shirt, “We can’t have that now can we?”
I pant slightly, covered in sweat as I button my jeans up. I turn and lean against the counter as Steve zips up his pants and grabs my hairbrush and the pregnancy test off the floor that had been casualties of our escapade. He hands me the pregnancy test and kisses me on the cheek, “Here ya go momma, I do have to go now.” I bite my lip to hold back tears as I nod, “I know, just, promise you’ll be careful.” He smiles a sad smile before nodding, “I promise. I love you.” I pull him in for a kiss and when we pull away I brush his hair back, “I love you too.”
I glance up from my laptop on my desk when the door is thrown open and a disheveled Danny falls through it. He looks at me with wide worried eyes before asking, “Do you know where Max is?” I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head, “No, he said something about running an errand but he left like twenty minutes ago. Why?” Danny runs a hand through his hair as he anxiously paces. I jump up and grab his shoulders, “Danny! Snap out of it, you’re going to make me sick, what happened?”
He stops pacing and takes a deep breath, “It’s Steve.” I let go of Danny as if he burned me and I feel the anxiety that’s been in my stomach since he left turn into dread, “What do you mean? Danny, what’s wrong with Steve?” He sighs and shakes his head and I grab his arm and shake him slightly, “Danny! What the hell is wrong with Steve?!”
“He’s missing.” I step backwards slightly as Danny continues, “We found out that Jenna Kaye was lying to us and we’ve lost all contact with Steve. We think Jenna has been working with Wofat, which means Wofat has Steve.” I feel the blood drain from my face as I dart for the trash can. I retch as the last of my lunch leaves my body and Danny rushes towards me. “Y/N?! Are you okay?!”
At his words I fully process what he says and feel tears start to overflow no matter how hard I tried to hold them back. I try and fail to hold back a sob as I shake my head, “No, no, this isn’t happening. This can’t be happening. He promised.” Danny furrows his eyebrows before taking a step back, “What are you talking about?” My eyes search his face debating if I should tell him our secret and remember that Steve trusts him with his life, so I know he can be trusted. “We- Steve and I- we’re together. Like together together.”
Danny shakes his head confused, “What?” I wipe my tears as I run and grab my purse remembering that I took Steve’s advice and squirreled the pregnancy test in my purse. I willed the tears away as I dug through my purse before finding the little white and blue stick that I had tucked away in a pocket. I shakily hand it to Danny and watch as the confusion morphed into surprise, “You’re? And he’s?” I nod knowing what he’s trying and failing to say, “Yes, I'm pregnant and the baby is his.”
His eyes widen before his facial features soften, “How long have you two?” He trails off and I wipe the remaining tears from cheeks, “A little over a year.” His mouth drops and for a second I thought he was frozen but he snaps out of it and whisper shouts, “A year?! And neither of you said anything?!” I nod, “We were going to, and then Wofat started targeting people close to Steve and he got scared and made me promise to keep it a secret, at least until you guys caught Wofat.”
He nods following along before asking, “Are you going to tell the others?” My eyes widen and I shake my head frantically, “No! Absolutely not, I’m not going to tell anyone anything until Steve is back and we decide if we want to or not, it’s not just my life I’m considering, I’m thinking for three now because god knows Steve doesn’t do much of that.” Danny chuckles and I continue, “Danny, you have to promise me, you can’t tell anyone about this, about the pregnancy or me and Steve.” He nods but I want a verbal response, “Promise me.”
He hands me the pregnancy test before nodding, “I promise Y/N. It stays between us, but I better be the godfather.” I sniffle and nod as I put the test back in my purse, “Deal, now, I’m going with you, I want to know everything you do, he’s my boyfriend and my child’s father, I think I’ve earned that right.” He nods before gesturing me to follow, “Okay, I’ll drive.”
I tap my foot anxiously as the team decides what they want to do. When they finally come to a decision I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that if anyone can find Steve it’s this team (and Joe). As they’re leaving I run to grab Danny’s arm, “Promise you’ll keep me updated.” He squeezes my arm and nods, “I promise, stay here with Lori and I’ll call as soon as we touchdown.” I nod and silently thank him.
I fiddle with a pen that had been laying on Steve’s desk before jumping when Lori speaks, “I wouldn’t mess with his stuff.” I spin around and nod putting his pen back where he had it, “Oh, yeah, sorry I’m a fiddler when I’m nervous.” She nods before sitting on the couch and putting her feet on the coffee table, “Mind me asking you why you’re so concerned about Steve.”
I manage to not blush before sitting in one of the chairs and turning to face Lori, “Well, we’ve known each other for over a year and he has a way of working his way into your life, even if you don’t want him to.” I narrow my eyes as she sighs wistfully, “Yeah, I understand that.” I clear my throat and stand up from the chair, “Um, I’m going to run to the bathroom really quick. Do you want anything from one of the vending machines?” She shakes her head with a small smile and I spin around on my heal and rush towards the bathroom.
It’s not surprising to know someone else likes Steve but it’s awkward when someone outwardly shows it and it fills me with jealousy knowing that Lori works with him all day everyday and I only get him a few hours every few days. I splash my face with cold water hoping to quell my nausea before pulling out my phone and smiling at the lock screen. It was a picture of Steve and I sharing a quick kiss that I had managed to get a selfie of. I tilt my head back and blink, willing the tears away knowing that if I start crying now I’m not going to stop.
Once I’ve calmed myself down I grabbed some M&M’s from the vending machine and head back to Steve’s office. When I step into the office Lori is on the phone and I rush forward, “Are they there?” She smiles and nods before pulling the phone away from her ear and putting it on speaker. I sit beside her on the couch and listen as Danny rants about the poor excuse of a helicopter they call Tangerine and that when they opened the door chickens jumped out. He continues relaying the plan before asking, “Hey, Lori, is Y/N there?” I lean forward before answering, “Yeah, Danny I’m here, you’re on speaker.”
“Can I talk to you privately for a minute?” I bite my lip and grab the phone before turning it off speaker and walking across the room, “Yeah Danny, it’s just me now.” I hear him clear his throat before he asks, “How are you holding up?” I let out a noise of discontent and he sighs, “Yeah I figured, probably still dealing with morning sickness. Has that bothered you anymore since our conversation yesterday?” I shrug as I answer, “Yes but no, mostly just nerves, that’s what yesterday was about too. It’s honestly not all that bad.”
I hear him chuckle before he seems to sense the underlying anxiety and stress because his voice gets a little quieter and worried, “Hey, Y/N, listen. I know you’re worried and I can only imagine how you must feel right now but it’s not good for you right now. Just, try and relax, drink a cup of tea or do sudoku.” I snort, “That’ll just stress me out more, I don’t have the patience for sudoku I don’t understand the fun of it either.” I can all but hear the eye roll before he sighs, “Okay but seriously babes, you have to calm down. You worrying and stressing isn’t going to change anything. Look we’re 98% sure we have a lock on his location and I will call you as soon as we get him and I have a chance. I’ll bring him home to you Y/N/N, I promise.”
I bite my lip to hold back tears as I nod, “Thank you, I’ll try and drink some tea, maybe it’ll help.” He lets out a sigh of relief as he says his goodbyes. When I hand Lori the phone she lifts an eyebrow, “What was that about?” I blush slightly before smiling sheepishly, “I’ve been a little sick lately and I threw up yesterday when Danny told me and he was just checking to make sure I was relaxing.” She nods before standing from the couch, “Here lay down, take a nap, I’ll even go get you some tea if you want.” I smile and sit on the couch as Lori leaves the office to presumably get tea.
I sip my eighth cup of tea as Lori and I walk to her car to go to the military airport that the team would be landing at before I groan when my phone hits the ground. Lori spins around as I bend down to pick it up and check to make sure the screen isn’t broken. “Y/N/N, that’s like the third time you’ve dropped that thing today.” I tuck my phone ‘securely’ in the waistband of my leggings again before responding to Lori, “Yeah I know, I have a love hate relationship with these leggings. They don’t have pockets so my phone is constantly falling out but they’re so comfy. Literally feels like I’m not wearing pants.” She chuckles before motioning me to continue, “Come on they should be landing soon.”
I quickly catch up as excitement pumps through my bloodstream. We got the call about thirteen hours ago that they have Steve and would be home in about thirteen hours. I lean my head against the window and close my eyes as my stomach churns. I take slow breaths before opening an eye to glance at Lori, “Do you have any gum, a mint flavor preferably?” She hums before shaking her head, “No sorry, why?” I sigh before closing my eyes again, “Helps with nausea.”
When we pull into the airport I jump out of the car before leaning on the hood waiting for the plane to come into sight. I gag slightly before taking another sip of my tea hoping it’ll calm my stomach but all it does is stir it up more. I heave as I double over and groan when all that comes out is spit since there was nothing in my stomach to come out. Lori rushes over and lays a hand on my back between my shoulder blades, “You okay?” I take a sip of my tea once my stomach has decided to calm down and nod my head, “Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” She looks at me skeptically before nodding and then pointing to the ground, “You dropped something again.” I furrow my eyebrows and look down to see my phone, on the ground, again. “For fucks sake!”
I all but shake as the plane lands and oh so slowly the team starts to exit and there he was. He seemed okay, a little beaten and bruised but other than that nothing life threatening. I go to run forward but I’m beaten to it when Lori takes off and embraces him in a hug that is far from a friendly hug. I scowl but blush when Danny comes over, “You’re girlfriendness is showing. How’s the baby SEAL?” I smile and shrug, “I guess okay, making me sick every now and then though.” He chuckles and nods, “I remember those days, Rachel was sicker than a dog for her first trimester.”
I grimace thinking about how she must have felt before purking up as Steve starts walking towards me again. Danny senses my excitement and excuses himself and goes to stand by Joe. When Steve gets about ten feet in front of me I take off running and slow down slightly when I get to him so I’m not colliding too hard into his obviously sore body. I wrap my arms around his upper torso and bury my face in his neck as tears I’ve been holding back for two days start to fall. “I was so scared, Stevie.” He pulls me close and buries his face in my hair as he rocks us slightly, “I know baby, I know. I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to happen.”
I sniffle and nod slightly as I smile, “But you still came home, just like you promised.” I feel him pull back when we hear Kono, “Oh. My. God.” I spin around to face her when I feel the blood drain from my face as I process what she’s holding…my phone. I look at Steve wide eyed and his eyes immediately widen when he realizes what my lock screen is. I scramble forward quickly before grabbing my phone from her hands and making eye contact with her silently begging her to not say anything.
She must not interpret my look or she completely ignored my silent pleas, “You two are dating?!” My mouth opens and closes looking for an answer and glancing at Steve who looks just as helpless as me. I look back at Kono and say the only thing I can think of, “It’s not what it looks like!” She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, “Really? And how exactly do you explain why you and boss are locking lips?” My eyes dart between everybody and notice the surprised look on everyone’s face, except Danny, even Joe looks surprised. I feel Steve’s hand on my lower back before he speaks, “Okay, you’re right, there’s really no explanation for that other than the obvious.”
This time Lori steps forward and has the decency to look guilty and slightly horrified, “So, you guys are dating?” I glance at Steve and he gives a subtle nod that says he’s okay that we tell them. I sigh before nodding, “Yes. We’ve been together for a little over a year.” Everyone gapes at us as I smile finally relieved that I can show up when he’s at work to visit and that I can show him affection without worrying if some is watching.
After explaining everything and why we kept it a secret Danny is driving Steve and I back to Steve’s place after I promised him I would stay with Steve and make sure he was okay…and to call if we needed anything. His words to be exact were, ‘Call me if you need anything, and I mean anything, even if you can’t find a toothpick, call me.’ I lean forward resting my head on the side of the passenger seat before grabbing Steve’s hand, “I missed you.” Before Steve can answer Danny gags, “Alright love birds no PDA in my car.” Even though Danny seems perturbed at our fingers being interlaced on the center console I can see the faint smile threatening to curl it’s way onto his lips.
I see Steve roll his eyes before holding my hand a little tighter as if he’s scared I’ll pull away. I hum slightly as Steve finally speaks, “I missed you too, baby. How are you doing?” I rub circles into the back of his hand with my thumb as I answer, “Pretty good, I get a little sick every now and then but it’s not as bad as it could be.” He nods before relaxing into the seat, “That’s good.” I nod and place a kiss to his shoulder before shifting to lean on the drivers seat but maintain a grip on Steve’s hand scared that if I let go he’ll be gone.
When Steve and I are curled up in his bed finally settling down to get some much needed sleep I curl myself around him and he runs a hand through my hair while placing a kiss on the palm of my hand. I glance up at him from my position knowing he wants to talk and smile as I meet clear blue eyes filled with love. “I thought about you the whole time. I remembered my promise to come home to you and it gave me the energy to keep going.” I smile and place a kiss on his chest before snuggling further into him, “I know baby, you kept your promise and I believe you will for the rest of our lives and I’m making a promise to you.” He raises an eyebrow as he glances down, “What’s that momma?” I chuckle and roll my eyes at the nickname before answering, “As long as you keep coming home to me, I promise to always be here waiting, no matter what.”
He squeezes me a little tighter, “Promise?” I push myself up on my forearm before brushing away some stray hairs that had fallen into his face as I study his features that are illuminated by the moon before leaning down and kissing him. When I pull away with my lips still brushing his I whisper, “I promise, you just keep coming home and you’ll see I’m telling the truth.”
Tag List: @kati-1997 @djs8891 @natashamea18
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hollowwrites · 9 months
Ominis x MC
Part 15
Summary - Ominis has become sick of Sebastian’s possession of the dorm room and has temporarily moved into the Undercroft. Finally…some privacy…
Again feel free to swap Evelyn with MC or Y/N
Warnings - 🌶️ Fingering, Female masturbation, Mild Choking, Biting, Praise Kink (If you squint) the word gusset (I know some people hate it) all characters aged up 18+
Sorry if this seems really awkward. I personally hate smut that is written just a bit too smoothly. If I’m writing two people’s first time…it’s going to be awkward and slow. Sorry if that’s not what you’re into. Fair play to people who wrote smut I am deffo a fluff gal. Sorry if this is bad. No one look at me!!!
Word Count - 6173
“Thought I’d find you here”
Ominis raised his head as though it weighed a tonne when he heard Evelyn walk into the Undercroft.
As normal when Ominis occupied the space, a faint piano could be heard from somewhere within the cluttered room. The smell of tea filled the cavernous space and the singular large chair he favoured had been pulled into a more central position, as though he were looking over the Triptych like a window.
Obviously he wasn’t.
But none of that really registered with Evelyn.
What concerned her currently was the way he flinched when she entered. Like she’d startled him.
“Hmmm, were you looking for me?” He asked lazily pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Oh…only all my life” she whispered scared to shatter the peaceful ambiance he had created.
He exhaled a laugh as she approached him her hands finding his shoulders and kneading softly into the harsh panels of his shoulder blades.
It had been a few weeks since the last trial and Sebastians attempts to try and solve the Mystery of the spider egg had been fruitless. It had gotten to be a bit too much, the boys dorm now covered in silk and arachnids from his initial attempts to solve its puzzle…Arachnids or Acromantulas, they’re weren’t entirely sure.
But all Sebastian was left with was an empty room full of spiders and an exasperated friend sick of pulling webbing from his hair.
Each night he attempted to resolve it but so far to no avail. And finally, after weeks of arachnid related torture, Sebastian finally asked everyone for help.
Ominis agreed, of course, on the condition that he would not be returning to the dorms until the trail was done. And only after every last eight legged demon had been purged from the halls.
So for now he resided in the Undercroft, a makeshift bed tucked under the Triptych, all blankets and pillows and no mattress.
Not that it was unusual for Ominis to sleep soundly in uncomfortable locations.
“Did I startle you? That’s very unlike you” Evelyn mused, softly digging into his shoulders. A long exhausted moan left his lips and his eyes closed slowly as she did.
“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention…I haven’t been sleeping” Evelyn opened her mouth to fuss, to ask the inevitable string of questions she usually did upon hearing that. He waved her off dismissively “Don’t worry not nightmares…been trying to figure out the next trial for Sebastian”
“I see…” her hands reached a standstill at the apex of his shoulders and as she did, he reached up, soothingly, brushing across her knuckles until a familiar dull poking, pricked his fingertips.
He smiled wistfully.
”You’re wearing my ring” he said mutedly
“Of course I am…It’s beautiful”
“You don’t have to…” he adds, though in a much quieter voice; not quite a whisper, but close.
“I know I don’t have to…but you gave it to me. It means something” she replied in kind, her tone matching his. Filled with love and adoration.
He smiles softly, taking her wrist between his fingers and pulling her around to his front. He rested his forehead against her stomach and sighed.
It was as though he was pulling her in for strength, using her warmth and affection to fuel him. And for what it was worth, it worked. He pulled away moments later, a charming albeit lopsided smile on his face. He rose from his chair, taking her hand effortlessly and looped his arm around her waist.
“Dance with me…” he demanded in a soft tone
“Is that how you ask?” He had already spun her around slowly, bringing her back to his chest as she said this. The smile on her face oozed into her words making her argument…completely moot.
“Oh…I apologise profusely” he said sounding not the least bit sorry. He took one long step backwards, heels clicking together as he bowed deeply. Somehow, his eyes never left hers…
“Please…” the word was lithe as it slithered from his lips and into her ears, sending a shiver down her spine. He chuckled before continuing; “May I have this dance?”
“Hmm…” she took a step forward as he rose back to his towering height. “Do I have a choice?”
“I’m afraid not, dear”
Despite his words, and despite the distinct almost predatory look in his eyes…he extended a hand to her.
The slight twitch of his fingers commanded her attention, and though she would never deny him, there was a pull towards him. Like destiny…or fate.
If one believes in such things.
She took his hand, though her fingers glided along his palm, wrist and forearm up to his shoulder as she tucked herself into him. She wanted to tell him to wipe the smirk of his face, but something about the curl of his lip…the smallest display of teeth as his smirk grew wider…
He looked…
The eagerness at which he grabbed her waist was queue enough for Evelyn. She took his other hand gently in hers whilst his arm pulled impossibly closer. It had hooked itself just below her ribs and with his domineering height, pulled her almost off the floor entirely. She giggled softly, her toes the only thing keeping her grounded as their chests met.
Slowly, and with a more intimate nature than he showed her in the Common Room, he lead her across the desolate chamber.
Every now and then, he would stop to kiss her hand. Each time he paused, the kiss became less and less chivalrous.
First it was her hand, then her cheek, then his head stooped low so they could dance cheek to cheek.
And suddenly, he was nuzzling her neck, his nose drawing long arduous lines across her jaw.
Ominis took in a deep breath; her scent fuelling him further and made his eyes go glassy.
He strode forward, dipping her low causing her head to tilt back as he held her horizontal to the floor.
His hand splayed supportively across the small of her back, thumb stroking across her waist. His warm breath ghosted across her neck.
The sharp inhale from her lips snapped him out of his reverie. He gently shook his head and pulled her back to her feet, his hands sturdy as they held onto her waist just a touch too tightly.
His eyes remained fixed on her and unlike the usual calm pools she’d gaze lovingly into…
Two darkening wells stared back at her.
”How is it you never seem to fumble for my hands? You always seem to know exactly where I am….no matter what” she shifted uncomfortably under his direct eye contact.
She did want to know…it was a question she had on her mind for the longest time. But right now she just needed to move his gaze.
It wasn’t like he made her uncomfortable. It was the way he looked at her.
As she swayed, so did he.
As she leaned in closer, so did he.
It was one of an embarrassingly long list of things he did that caused her stomach to twist and turn.
And it was like he knew that too.
The look of calm and content happiness faded with the blink of an eye, replaced with this twinkle she rarely saw in Ominis.
She saw it almost daily in Garreth and Sebastian…but Ominis?
His devious nature wound the knot forming, tighter.
What is he concocting?
“Honestly?…” He started “…I’m not sure. Best I can come up with is my magic advances my sense of Proprioception, past what a normal person has”
“Pre…prop…what?” Evelyn tilted her head and he mimicked her, almost like he was proving a point.
“Proprioception…” he chuckled and the twinkle in his eye flared once more. “…let me show you”
He stepped away from her, his long fingers reaching up to undo the knot of his tie.
The last thing she saw before he wrapped the soft, silken material around her eyes was his wide, devilish smirk.
“Can you see?” He asked, amusement heavy in his voice.
“Not a great deal…” she muttered and lifted the tie slightly to peer at him. He paced back and forth in front of her before he disappeared just off to her right and behind her.
“No cheating…” Ominis scolded softly, plucking her wrist away from her body and keeping it there, letting the silken blindfold fall back to place.
“Do you see how you know where your arm is despite not seeing it?” He twirled her around as he had in the dance before and she gasped.
This is what he experienced on a daily basis and she can’t handle it for less than a minute.
It drove her insane.
She trusted him implicitly but the idea of him being in completely control of her in that moment…
…her stomach suddenly felt hollow and her lungs empty.
“That’s Proprioception, the sense of knowing where your body is in relation to itself” he let her arm fall back down to her side but not before kissing this inside of her wrist. She gasped again listening intently to the click of his heel against the stone as he started to circle her.
”Mine is just a little stronger. It extends beyond myself…things around me. So I can see you in front of me and so long as you don’t move…” he was silent for a beat, her breath catching when his voice was suddenly right next to her ear “…too quickly…I know where you are. What you’re doing…”
His words felt heavy as though they carried more meaning than a simple explanation of his abilities.
“I can focus it too like duelling. It’s much stronger if I have my wand” he continued casually, like the breathe upon her neck and his words weren’t setting her stomach ablaze.
He had to know.
He knew everything else
“I…see” she muttered shakily, her hands twitching to remove the blindfold. Once again, he caught her fingers, entwining them with his own, his chest flush with her back. He held their combined hands against her stomach whilst he pulled her hair from her shoulder. His finger danced across her skin as he did so.
She took in a sharp intake of air through her mouth, her lips seemed constantly parted as though she anticipated him kissing her.
Maybe it was wishful thinking.
He remained stationed behind her, his hand falling to her waist, feeling the steadily increasing rise and fall of her breathing against her ribs. His breath was warm against her neck and she could feel his lips against her ear as he breathed.
But…Ominis was a gentleman. And so released her, rather abruptly, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You know…” she whispered, a devious plan forming as she pulled the tie from her eyes.
He was showing marvellous levels of restraint.
Restraint she no longer had
Because of him…
“…‘Mystery Man’ still hasn’t asked me to the ball”
“Oh I know…” he grumbled, his voice low and strained.
“It’s starting to feel a little like no one wants to go with me” she sighed overly dramatically and took a step closer to him. His eyes went wide when he felt her getting nearer and nearer…until he could feel the heat of her chest against his.
He chuckled heavily.
“I don’t know. There was that Durmstrang…” he brushed some hair behind her ear, resisting every urge to pull at the strands and pull the noises he’d heard too few times. “…I think he learnt his lesson though. And there’s Prewett, but I think he knows better. It seems at least there’s some semblance of a brain between those ears”
Ominis laughed…darkly. It caused vibrations to emanate through both of their chests and he pulled away to ‘gaze’ down at her.
“I wonder why no one has asked me?” She pondered putting on the most saccharin, overly innocent tone.
“Probably because…” he growled out pushing forward slightly so their noses almost touched. He took in a calm breath “…they know you’re mine…”
“Have you staked your claim on me?” She whispered back, lips dangerously close to his to the point they brushed delicately against the full flesh of his bottom lip. “Because I don’t remember you asking…”
“I don’t need to ask…no one will take what is mine” his voice like music dancing it’s way across her skin but it sounded almost painful. The restraint he currently showed was…waning. “…I may no longer be a part of that family but…Gaunts are known for being quite possessive” His fingers brushed up her arms to cup her face, his fingers trembling against her cheek.
“Yes…of artifacts and trinkets…not really people”
“I’ve just found a different kind of treasure I wish to hoard away for myself”
“Stop…” she said sternly but playfully “Flattery will get you no where”
“Won’t it? Then why is that hummingbird of a heart of yours rattling agaisnt its cage” he whispered against the shell of her ear.
“Kiss me…”
“I…I can’t…” he groaned his hands dropping to her waist, fingernails digging into flesh there as though he was physically keeping himself back
“You need to get off me before I do something…” his voice trailed off, low and husky. And filled with an emotion she’d not heard from him much before. He sounded…embarrassed
“What if I want you to do something?” She urged trying to sound level headed and calm, though she sounded whiney and needy as the words came from her lips.
His head dropped to her shoulder, as it often did when he sought comfort. His lips remained a breath away from her neck, trembling at the temptation to just sink his teeth in.
But that was selfish.
And that’s what he wanted.
He wanted to make her happy. Make her feel loved. Make her feel…
“I don’t know what I’m doing…” he confessed against her skin.
“Nor do I…” she whispered back, her hand reaching up to trace tiny intricate patterns across his back. She hoped they were talking about the same thing, she hoped he wanted this to.
She hoped she wasn’t making a fool of herself…
“It’s not that simple” he sighed and rested his full weight against her shoulder. “You can see. You’ll know when you’re…doing something I like. And there’s only so much books can teach someone with my…disadvantage” his face buried further into to her neck and hair. Like he was trying to hide away.
“Do you have any idea how frustrating, how much it pains me, to have you within inches of me and all I can do…is this?”
This was strange.
Normally he was quite confident with his abilities. Not moments ago he showed off how he saw the world around him with almost arrogant levels of confidence. Most of the time she forgot he was even blind, with how capable and independent he was.
But maybe this all felt a bit much. A bit too real.
Then suddenly she felt guilty for trying to coax him further.
“We don’t have to go any further than y-“ she started before his head snapped back up to look down at her, shaking his head over and over.
“No no no no no that’s not what I’m…I definitely do. If you do that is. I’m just…apprehensive” he tripped and stumbled over his words, trying to get her to understand his unique predicament.
Then her mind spiralled to how she had helped him in the past, how she’d taught him Herbology and Potions techniques, shown him the texture of materials, guided his hand when he needed it.
And her heart sank as an idea formed in her mind.
“Ominis, Do you want to try…being intimate…with me?” She asked shakily, her hands snaking up his arm to cup his cheeks, imploring that he listen to her. Thank Merlin he was blind, or perhaps her cheeks may have blinded him with how hot they were glowing.
“Desperately…” A dry, humourless laugh left him “…it’s practically all I have thought about since the First Trail…but”
“But…” she interrupted “…I have an idea”
She took a step away from him, his head quirked curiously to the right as he sought her out. It wouldn’t take him long, her fingers gently took his and she pulled him towards the armchair he normally resided in.
“Do you remember that Divination assignment? The palm reading?” She asked gently taking his hand and absentmindedly tracing over the lines on his hand. As she did he muttered softly to himself…
“Heart Line…Life Line…Fate line…”
He recited with perfect accuracy, though that lesson was weeks ago.
Then everything clicked and his cheeks burned hotter than he’d ever felt. Or that she’d ever seen.
“Are you…suggesting you can…show me how to…” Ominis’ words were careful and calculated. He’d come this far, he wasn’t ruining everything on a simple misunderstanding.
“It’s what other couples do…” She reasoned, suddenly feeling dirty or sordid for even thinking such a thing “…Only their method is trail and error and ours would just be a little more-”
“…Hands on” he smirked.
Bastard…how is he always so…so…
“Ugh…” Evelyn groans pulling her hand away from his palm and covering her face. “…It’s all just so unromantic now I think about it” she muffled from the sanctuary behind her hands.
“Oh don’t worry…” his long fingers looped around her wrists pulling them away and to her side. He took a step closer to her, his head bowed low to meet her gaze if she wished “…I have romance covered. That’s not what I’m worried about. I just need to know you’re okay with this”
As he spoke, his thumb drew tiny circles across her palm. It was almost as though they were dancing again.
“I am…” she breathed.
The smile he then wore was unlike any she had seen before. It had a softness to it initially. Like he was pleased she trusted him and she couldn’t help but mirror it. But then the longer they stood there, swaying slightly, the harder it grew. An edge to lips she hadn’t even seen when he’d pushed her against his bed.
And whereas last time there was a nervous, sickly feeling in her gut, now there was just…need.
He spun her again as he had earlier though instead of pulling her back to the exact same position, this time he pulled her so her back pressed against his chest.
“I’m so glad you suggested this, Evelyn.” He murmured over the shell of her ear, his fingers combing the hair from one side of her neck to the other.
“I am a fast learner. I’ve already learned what you like and what you don’t like…” she could feel his breath against her neck as he whispered down to her, his cheek nuzzling against the side of her face.
“For example…”
The smug smirk that tugged at his lips was so blatant in his voice.
And before Evelyn could question him, or combat him or flirt back gently as she usually would…
His teeth dug into the flesh of her neck, just below her ear.
She bit into her lip to stop the gasp from ripping from her. But he must have known. Must’ve heard the restraint in the hitch of her breath, or the way her shoulder squared in his arms. Because his teeth pulled back and he lapped against the divots he left behind. He licked broadly up her neck to her earlobe, making her shiver. And once again his teeth were against her as he grinned.
“Don’t silence yourself…please” he purred “I need to hear you. I need to know…”
“I understa-aaah!” She choked out. His lips closed around her earlobe, suckling softly before letting it go.
“Good…” he praised and even that sent a shiver down her spine. “…you must tell me if you don’t like something…”
It felt a little like he was trying to demonstrate what he meant. Like the next thing he did, he almost expected her to say no.
But she didn’t…
And she wanted more.
His fingers came up from her waist to undo the bow around her collar. When it fell away, he tossed it to the side like it offended him. Like he had some sort of vendetta against anything that kept him from her.
Then his hands were everywhere again. One tugged at the collar he had freed whilst the other moved towards the buttons of her blouse, again freeing more of her soft flesh for him to devour.
The moment her shoulder was available his lips found it, mapping across her skin.
And she was fine for the moment.
Her breathing fast and shallow as she enjoyed his attentions but she was fine.
Then his lips brushed over the sensitive area between her neck and shoulder and she gasped under her breath. A tiny soft sigh of pleasure that not even she was certain she made.
But he heard…
And in response his teeth dug harshly into the muscle. And she crumpled and fell against him with a loud and needy whimper.
She felt him grin, though his teeth still sunk in. Then his cheeks hollowed and the pressure against her neck felt divine.
“Ominis…” she whimpered and pressed against him.
“Too much?” he murmured as his lips left her neck with a sinful pop.
“Not enough…” Evelyn murmured, barely able to get the words out before his teeth were on her again.
Everything ramped up.
The pressure at her neck, the speed of his fingers on her blouse. Not even he could keep up with himself as he ripped a button from the fabric, pulling it from her shoulder.
The button pinging off and cascading to the floor broke something in Ominis and he groaned.
Deep and guttural from his chest.
She felt it vibrate through her back, arching against him to feel more.
That’s when her leg stumbled back and she felt a hardened bulge press against her rear.
The tiniest amount of friction that must have put against him caused him to growl, his fingernails digging into the flesh of her stomach as his hands started to explore under her shirt.
She inhaled sharply.
And her hand flew to her wand, tucked haphazardly in her waistband, directing it towards the Undercrofts entrance.
“Colloportus” she whimpered and the light at the tip of her wand fizzled out.
Ominis’ tore himself from her neck with a groan.
“What are you doing?” He asked but his voice was heavy, husky, heady.
“I’m not having a repeat of last time…” she murmured, staring at her wand in confusion. She shook her wrist and tried again…
…as Ominis’ hand drifted lower, his fingertips delving just under her waistband.
“Collo-portus” she gasped once again the spell failing as she muttered the incantation incorrectly.
Ominis just laughed besides her ear.
“Am I rendering you speechless? Powerless?” He purred, his other hand wrapping around her.
That hand hadn’t yet touched her skin. It had remained somewhat reserved, tugging at her clothes. So when it graced the skin of her chest it was significantly cooler than his other, forcing a gasp from her lips and her skin to pucker and tingle with goosebumps.
“You’re…” she started with a flash of venom in her voice, wanting to be frustrated at him. “…just stop a second. Let me lock the gates…” she breathed.
He chuckled darkly and removed his hands from her holding them up in surrender.
“Apologies, my love.”
“You’re not sorry…” she muttered and shrugged her blouse back over her shoulder, approaching the gate with a death glare.
She tried several times to lock the gates to no avail. Her hands kept shaking, her voice breaking. And just as she was about to give up and do it the ‘old fashioned muggle way’, the mechanisms in the gate forced themselves closed with a heavy ‘clunk’.
When she turned, Ominis was sat casually in his armchair, wand extended to the gate with a smarmy grin on his lips.
She approached once again muttering under her breath.
“Shut up…”
“Oh don’t be like that…” he crooned smoothly “…I like that I’ve affected you in such a way.”
His wand twirled between his fingers as she approached and she stood before him, pouting rather obviously. He simply chuckled and tapped his lap.
His commanding tone sent a shiver up her spine and her knees buckled, bending to perch upon his thigh, despite her bratty and frustrated disposition.
His arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her back again, flush to his chest. His other hand lifted her knee to rest upon his, repeating the process for her other leg as he slipped it over his own.
Then as he spread his own legs, pulling and parting her along too, a startled little mewl left her.
“Tell me to stop…” he whispered against her ear, his hand stilling against her waist
“I don’t want you to…” she breathed shakily, arching into him and once again feeling that pulsing heat pressing into her.
“You’re shaking…” he stated as though it were a reason for him to cease his tormenting.
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing”
“Oh I know…” he smirked against her neck. “…I just wanted to hear you admit it”
He knew he was probably being overconfident. But that’s what Ominis did best. He was blessed with a silver tongue and so he would use it.
So far it was working.
Each gruff grumble from his lips sent a wave of goosebumps over her skin, and his fingers followed.
She shivered and this time they prickled along her stomach where his fingers lay dormant. It shot a pulse through him, his fingers twitching back to life to explore her.
Feel her.
He was learning so much.
He already knew about the scar across her waist, he thought perhaps she would flinch when his digits brushed across them but…she was moaning again.
Her marred skin was…sensitive.
So very…very sensitive.
Then he recalled she had another. Another Sebastian had given her deep in that Scriptorium across her heart.
What a perfect excuse to test his hypothesis.
He bought his hand up and over her clothed breasts, that simple act itself causing her to shudder and whine.
So what would happen if I did this?
His middle finger traced over the swirling pattern at her chest and once again a wave of goosebumps puckered beneath him.
For a second, he almost regretted asking her to be more vocal.
Her constant shallow breath filled his ears. Her soft sighs, and whimpers were more distracting than he assumed they would be
But, oh, how those noises were heavenly.
And thankfully, he found his body acting on instinct, no matter how distracting she had become.
His hands roamed, explored, squeezed, touched…delving to places he had never dreamed of finding on her.
Mapping curves and valleys of hers he’d only ever fantasised about.
When his fingers breached the soft lacey material of her bralette, she stayed silent.
She bit into her bottom lip to try and ease her need for him. Because this was too much. How had he not even touched her and yet she was a pooled and sodden mess.
Ominis mistook her silence for displeasure, and moved further in.
The books certainly hadn’t covered this. The few points of research detailed many erogenous zones across a woman. And though he wasn’t idiotic enough to think all women were the same, most books, most erotic novels he had read said the same.
So, purely for academic purposes, he gripped her just a little bit harder.
And was rewarded with the most beautiful and sinful whimper he had heard. With that very moan came another wave of goosebumps that he greedily followed. Like her very skin was speaking to him.
Ominis squeezed again, the soft flesh of her breast spilling out between his fingers as her manhandled her in the very best of ways.
He kneaded her, much for his own pleasure as for hers, and when he felt the tiny puckered nub between his fingers, he squeezed again.
Another sharp whine pulled from Evelyn’s chest. He felt it vibrate along her chest and for a second he was enthralled.
He copied that same action, kneading and squeezing and stroking, pinching her hardening peak near his knuckle.
Only his other hand reached up to her chest. Where he’d felt that vibration.
And with every gasp and murmur and coo he felt it.
So he chased it, rumbling up her chest to her neck where it was strongest before it left her lips.
“Ominis…” she muttered as her head rolled back onto his shoulder.
“I can move my hand if you want…” he spoke, somewhat strained after he realised his fingers wrapped around her throat.
“I…like it” she whispered, somewhat shamefully.
But Ominis was well past the point of caring. He’d built such a strong image in his head of her splayed across him, keening and mewling for more. For him.
And he had the luxury of hearing, truly hearing, everything he was doing to her. Perhaps he was better off…
His fingers tightened only slightly against her throat, feeling for each rumble of a moan his other hand was causing her.
Then his mouth followed in his hands stead.
Nipping, sucking, tasting every inch of her neck that he could access, the soft and gentle tugging of her flesh turned her to putty in his arms.
It was almost like he’d caught a nerve and her whole body squirmed with a moan. And she pressed deliciously against the painful throbbing in his groin.
He hissed at the sensation, both foreign and familiar to him.
And in that moment he realised she was learning just as much about him as he was her.
Because she did it again.
On purpose.
And as he gasped, he relinquished the hold his teeth had on her shoulder, panting against the wet skin of her neck.
So she did it again, rubbing herself across the length that was forced down his trouser leg, thanking every god there was that multiple layers of clothing were between them. Lest she be confronted with the slick she most definitely would leave upon his leg.
He gasped again, croakier and huskier than before.
And she laughed. A low seductive little laugh that triggered something in Ominis.
“Show me…” he demanded with a growl, snatching her wrist up and dragging it to her opened legs.
Perhaps she was a little too eager. He’d spent the past…Merlin knows how long, teasing her and her body ached. Her stomach had twisted and tightened with a desire she’d never felt before. Even when she was alone.
So she fumbled with his hand in hers, his other still tweaking and kneading at her soft mounds.
He ghosted over hers, softly, delicately copying her movements as she pulled her underwear to the side.
Then his hand left, straying to the fabric of her skirt, bunched around her hips.
“This is long enough, isn’t it?” He inquired flatly.
“Er…it’s comes to my knee why do you-“
Then he tore into her underwear, ripping along the gusset and exposing her completely. Whether he knew it or not, his knuckle dragged over her centre as he did and she twitched at the new feeling of someone else touching her so intimately.
“This will be hard enough without things getting in the way” his voice resonated from behind her, his chest vibrating against her back.
That was…understandable. And she would be lying to herself if the act of Ominis ripping her underwear from her didn’t turn her into a living puddle.
And it was getting ridiculous how long this had gone on for. So she snatched his hand from the hem of her skirt and positioned him over her again.
His hand mirrored hers the whole way. Like there was a second delay to everything she was doing.
Though when her finger dipped between her folds, and his shortly followed, he snatched his hand away in an instant, bolting straight upright. His finger and thumb rubbed together feeling her slick desire on his finger and his breath caught in his throat.
“You’re…” he held a note on his throat like he couldn’t think of the correct word. The appropriate word.
“…so…” he gulped and swallowed thickly, the bob of his throat brushing against her shoulder
And whilst he was struggling to think of words, Evelyn was struggling to not run her finger along herself like she knew she liked.
“For you…” she murmured on an exhale.
Ominis could feel himself twitching against her rear and again something snapped within him.
His arm scooped her up around her waist, pulling her closer and tighter to his chest.
“Show me…” he growled once more in her ear before his teeth attacked her neck once again.
His finger ghosted over hers again, shaking as they dipped into that pooling well of want.
Her fingers twitched back into action, immediately finding that bundle of nerves at the top that made her toes curl.
And made Ominis’ head spin.
Whether it was his hearing, how well they knew each other, or how quickly he picked things up when explained properly, he didn’t know. But soon he got the idea of what she wanted. And she was going too quickly for his liking.
He could feel her winding and coiling like a spring in his lap, her panting little breaths filling the air and his name tumbling from her lips. She writhed and whimpered on top of him.
Then suddenly his mind filled with fabrications of himself being deep inside of her, those same noises tumbling from her. That’s same warmth he could feel radiating on his finger, surrounding him. And his brain went foggy and instinct kicked in again.
Just as she reached and clambered for that peak.
And her thighs clamped closed for that little friction she knew would push her over the edge.
He ruined it.
All at once it was torn from her as long boney fingers dug into the softness of her thighs, pinning her eager hand to the side and spreading her legs once again.
She could’ve killed him.
“Keep. Them. Open.” he spat through his teeth, moving his leg to pin her ankles behind his calves. She gave a few tester pulls, desperate for any form of friction as she felt that heat slowly dying between her legs.
She couldn’t move.
And her breath stuttered and whimpered needily. She was about to cuss him, turning and demanding he continue before that knot tied itself back up again.
But Ominis had other ideas. Ideas that perhaps right now she wouldn’t appreciate but future her would.
His fingers trailed over her core mapping every fold and divot. Easily. He slid in between over and over, delighting in every time his finger circled that nub that sent her shivering.
Then his finger slipped down, deep, entering her slowly. Carefully.
He almost felt bad for a second. The noise that left her. It sounded pained. But he pulled from her and that same needy mewling spilled from her until he did it again, her back arching into him. And this time it wasn’t so pained, more of an anguished sigh of relief.
It was…delicious.
Every sinful sound from her lips and each soaked ripple between her legs. He was simply exploring yet to her it was everything.
Him feeling her
Him pleasuring her
Him filling her.
With each pump of his finger she felt that knot loosening once more and when his other hand joined his first, rolling tiny circles over her most sensitive spot…she halted.
She became undone.
That release so close to being hers.
And he knew it.
“Let me see…” he begged, his hand pulling from her and hovering just in front of her face, his thumb replacing his own absence with dexterous accuracy.
She pushed into his hand, not trusting her vocal cords to maintain a readable level. Imagine the Undercroft being discovered after centuries because she had moaned too loudly.
His fingers drifted over her features, taking in the small knot of exquisite ecstasy on her brow. The heat from her cheeks. Her swollen, plump lips from her own teeth.
And as his finger ghosted her lips she took it into her mouth, tasting her own desire faintly on his finger. Not that, that’s why. She just needed something to mute her…
Practically crying into his ear, her head lulled back as she mumbled his name through her own teeth clamped around his fingers.
A comfortable warm silence fell over them as she slowly recovered, the white spots of her vision fading. Only then was she aware of the gentle kisses he placed along her neck.
“Why…” she panted “…are you so good at everything you choose to do?”
He chuckled, deep and low.
“I had an excellent albeit impatient teacher”
genuinely if any of you have any tips or anything please tell me this genuine pained me to write but im proud my first smut
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truwaifu · 2 months
Hearts Entangled
Nanami Is tired of feeling foolish and finally does what he’s been wanting to do for a while, asking Chiyori out on a date!
Chapter five  in this series.
Read Chapter one, two, three and four here
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Chiyori (fxreader)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: None
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“Foolish.” Nanami grumbled. “Absolutely foolish.” Another dark and restless night consumed by thoughts of Chiyori. He had been so incredibly frustrated with everything she did. The way she joked with Satoru, the look in her eyes when she’s focused on her work. How she would put in extra time to help a fellow colleague when they were falling behind. It had been two months since Nanami and Chiyori declared they would be friends and yet, Nanami found himself teetering the line of what was appropriate for friends. Chiyori was composed of everything he wasn’t. He was methodical with everything he did. His time management was important and he absolutely detested having his time wasted. But above all things Nanami was frustrated by the look in Chiyori’s eyes every time she waved at him at the office. 
Before Satoru’s blatant disregard of the truth, she was timid and couldn’t look him in the eyes for too long, if at all. But after that “friendship” declaration? Chiyori had become more bold. She would come into his office at random times just because. She would tell him how nice it was to have someone from her outside life intermingle with her work life, insisting on inside jokes because it made her feel like a spy. “Childish.” Nanami would say but that would never deter Chiyori. His favorite moments were the ones when she would bring him coffee on random mornings or just bring her foot long sandwich to split with him when she noticed him working late. “Thoughtful.” He’d whisper to himself long after she’d left his office. 
Nanami didn’t know how much longer he could go with only knowing the surface level things about Chiyori. With Satoru away on a mission, he couldn’t use the sorcerer as a copout to hangout. Nanami was faced with a choice, would he continue to keep things as is or would he grow a pair and do something completely out of character for him like asking Chiyori out to dinner? “Am I not a man, dammit?” He spoke into the aether but felt foolish enough to resolve himself to his cause. He would seek out Chiyori the following morning to break down these walls he’d been tired of building. 
The next morning Nanami was on a mission. He knew what needed to be done and was ready for his own incessant nagging to end. He stepped into his work building and went towards the elevator. When the doors were closing Chiyori stopped the elevator doors before they could close. 
“Yes! I never fucking catch you in time!” Chiyori looked up from her victory dance and noticed Nanami. “Oh! Sorry about that. Good morning, Nanami-san.” The elevator doors shut leaving the two colleagues alone, together. 
“Good morning.” All the anticipation build up Nanami had prepped had fizzled out the moment he saw her. She wasn’t supposed to be in the elevator. She was supposed to be in her office where he could address her in the privacy of those four walls.
“Can I ask you something?” Chiyori’s question snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at her, expecting, waiting. 
“Right. Um, the glasses, how blind are you?” 
“I’m not blind at all, Shelts-san.” He stated flatly.
“So you’re telling me those things are for fashion? It’s certainly a choice.”
“Do you not like them?” 
“No! That’s not it at all. They’re very stylish. Also when are we going to stop with the whole “Shelts-san, Nanami-san” thing.” Chiyori tried her best to drop her voice into its lowest registry. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to intimidate him or seduce him. Maybe both. “Shelts will suffice.” 
“It was meant to show my respect, I apologize.”
“And I love that, truly but when it’s just us, can we just please drop the honorifics? Please? I’ll go first. How are you, Nanami?” Foolish he thought. She simply dropped a three letter word and the notion sent a shiver straight down his spine. He just stared at her. Chiyori noticed and felt something come over her.
“Come on now, Nanami. You can do it, go ahead and say my name.” She was teasing him and his eyes flared. The elevator felt small with the two of them, gravity pulling them closer together. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were teasing me.” He took a step closer to her on instinct. The pull between them getting harder to ignore. 
“Depends, is it working? Nan. A. Mi.” Chiyori put an emphasis on his name, driving him absolutely wild. 
Before they could continue this cat and mouse game the elevator doors opened. Chiyori straightened and when she looked ahead, she was already being summoned by Mr. Nakayamaha. 
“Always a good sign when the boss is calling you into his office before you’ve even taken off your jacket. I’ll see you later, Nanami-san.” Chiyori was smirking at him. She knew exactly what she was doing with the way she said his name again, adding that honorific back. Foolish. He set out to do something and couldn’t even execute it in the way he wanted. He was determined to try again before the day was out.
Nanami took a break from his work to get a coffee. He thought bringing Chiyori one was a good excuse for him to see her and finally ask her the burning question that had been gnawing at him all morning. When he entered the break room he saw Chiyori there. He was a little bummed to notice she already had a coffee in her hand. He tried to ignore the pang in his chest when he noticed her laughing with another male colleague. The more he looked, the more he noticed that her smile wasn’t meeting her eyes. That’s when he noticed Chiyori’s awkward posture, she was trying to put space between herself and Adam, the weird office colleague. Nanami couldn’t hear what she was saying but felt the urge to get her away from him. 
“Shelts-san, are you ready for our meeting?” Chiyori felt a solid wall behind her and she didn’t have to look back to know who it was but she must love being tortured because she turned to look up at him anyway. Beautiful. She thought. She had to fight the urge to melt into his chest. She never fully registered the height difference. 
“Yes, Nanami-san. I am so sorry, Adam-san, I really have to go. I’m so swamped, I’m flattered, truly but I have to decline your invitation.” Nanami dragged Chiyori away, his grip on her shoulders were firm but gentle. He felt himself grow angry. Of course other men would want her. What did he think? That he was the only one? Foolish. Fucking foolish. Once they arrived at Nanami’s office Chiyori jumped at how hard Nanami’s door slammed shut. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled, pacing in his office. 
“Are you okay, Nanami?” Chiyori began to grow concerned by his silence. Not being able to handle much more of it she went up to him and placed a hand on his back. The touch alone was enough to snap him out of his inner monologue. Namami looked into Chiyori’s eyes and heaved. “Foolish.” He whispered. It was almost inaudible but Chiyori heard it. The last time she was this close to him was when she was cleaning coffee off his chest. And maybe it was due to his whisper she felt the need to whisper as well. 
“Who is?”
“I am.” She felt a giggle erupt from the back of her throat.
“And why is that?” 
Before Nanami could answer there was a knock at the door and Chiyori had registered how close she was. 
“Excuse me sir, oh, sorry, am I interrupting?” Reggie. Of course it was Reggie at the door. Reggie was Ellie’s husband so Chiyori knew she would ask her about this. 
“No, not at all. I was just heading out. Thank you again, sir, for your insight. I appreciate it.” With a nod towards Nanami and Reggie, Chiyori excused herself. 
When she returned to her desk, no work had gotten done. Chiyori spent most of the afternoon thinking about the proximity between herself and Nanami, the intimacy. She was desperately trying to chase that high in her mind. There was no denying the effect he had on her but now Chiyori was starting to believe that maybe it wasn’t completely one sided. She stayed working later than she would’ve liked but considering how much time she spent avoiding work that afternoon, she knew the morning would be rough if she didn’t catch up.
By the time Chiyori was satisfied with her work most of the office was empty. When she passed by Nanami’s office she noticed he was still there as well. She noticed through his office window that he had his head back in his chair with a towel thrown over his eyes. Looks like he had a long day too. Not wanting to disturb him, Chiyori continued on. Ahead of her, she noticed Adam waiting by the water fountain and cursed to herself. He hadn’t noticed her yet so she made the quick decision to rush into Nanami’s office. Nanami sat right up when he heard her enter the office but she was too focused on Adam to notice him approaching. 
“What are you doing?” He spoke softly. 
“Hiding.” She whispered as though Adam might hear her. 
“No.” She didn’t even look back at him to acknowledge that she had cut him off. Nanami sighed. 
“Well you should at least look at me if you want me to address you in the way you would like.” Chiyori didn’t have to look at him to know he was close. Again. She was convinced she had Nanami senses hardwired into her veins. She slowly turned to him and her suspicions were correct. Here they were again in such close proximity. It was maddening to her more than anything.
“Better?” She kept her voice hushed.
“Much. Care to tell me why you’re hiding in my office?”
“Well I was heading out the door when I saw Adam was still here. I didn’t want to get caught riding down the elevator with him and I didn’t want him to see me avoiding him either. I hid, I’m awful, I know.”
“You’re not awful, we all know he’s eccentric.”
“Nanami, ever the gentleman.”
“Am I now? I guess that’s better than being known as the office creep.”
“Nanami! What about the bro-code?” Chiyori feigned shock.
“Please, Chiyori, do I look the type?”
“You said it! You called me Chiyori and you didn’t burst into flames! And for the record, no, you don’t seem like that type at all.” Chiyori didn’t mean to put such emphasis on the words but Nanami picked up on it. The look on his face let her know he wasn’t going to let it go.
“By all means, Chiyori, do tell me what exactly is my type.” Now he was the one teasing her. Something that caught her by surprise because he just didn't seem the type. Having him so close already left her breathless, if she didn’t do something about this proximity soon, Chiyori wasn’t sure they would ever actually make it out of this office. She playfully pushed Nanami away and made her way to his side of his desk to sit in his chair. 
“Well sir, that kind of information doesn’t come for free.” “I figured as much. Name your price.” Nanami followed her, now he was standing over his desk.
“I take payments in food and coffee.” Nanami finally felt like what he had been wanting to achieve all day was now possible. 
“Fine, have dinner with me this Friday night.”
“What?” It was Nanami’s turn to laugh at the expression on Chiyori’s face.
“Food, dinner, you and me. You can tell me all about the type of man you think I am.”
Chiyori simply nodded her head, yes, too nervous to trust her own voice to speak. Nanami was reeling at her expressions. He wanted nothing more than to grab her face and kiss her but that would have to wait for another time. 
“Shall we head out for the evening? It’s getting late.” Another nod from Chiyori. She slowly rose from his office chair and went towards the door. Unsure if he had made the wrong decision, if he had been too forward, Nanami needed some reassurance.
“Look Chiyori, if I crossed a line and you’re uncomfortable, please just-”
“No take backsies!” Almost as quick as Chiyori said the words, she covered her mouth out of sheer embarrassment. Nanami chuckled as he opened his office door to let her through. 
“As you wish, no take backsies.” 
Chiyori somehow made it home, had dinner and showered before bed that night. She was still unsure how it happened but she had a date with Nanami Kento. The Nanami Kento and it felt like a dream. She was exhausted but couldn’t sleep. There were so many variables to think of. Friday was two days away and she had no idea the time, the place, the wardrobe? A lot could happen in two days. I should’ve asked for his number. Chiyori was kicking herself for turning into mush the second he asked her out. What if he changes his mind? What if this was some kind of sick joke? No. He isn’t the type. Chiyori’s thoughts and emotions were running away with her when she realized she had never felt this way about anyone before. Nanami was the first of his breed to cause such internal chaos. 
She looked over at the clock, it read 10pm, it felt much later in the night. She stared at her phone when an unfamiliar number called. By the area code she knew it was a Japanese number. At first she thought it was Satoru but she touched base with him almost two hours ago. Nanami? Letting her body move before her brain got in the way she answered the call. 
“Hello?” Chiyori squeaked. 
“Chiyori? Good evening.” Yup. There was no denying that deep tone. It was Nanami Kento. 
“Hey, what’s up, how’s it hanging?” She was rambling. 
“How’s it hanging? I am not sure I understand.”
“Right, nevermind that. What can I do for you, Nanami?”
“I realized we didn’t exchange contact information so I asked Satoru for your information. I hope that was okay. I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”
“And what idea is it that you don’t want me getting wrong?”
“That I wasn’t serious about Friday.”
“Oh.” He left her breathless again. It was so easy for him to do that.
“Nothing, I’m really glad you called although a text message would’ve worked too ya know.” Chiyori was trying to sound laid back now.
“Oh, I know. I just wanted to hear your voice, that’s all.” Her throat dried up at his confession. “Well anyway, it’s late Chiyori. I’ll see you tomorrow at work, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Nanami.” Another whisper. Once the line went dead, Chiyori was left buzzing. She suddenly couldn’t wait until morning.
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