#an amazon never leaves an amazon behind (donna asks)
lightofherces · 4 years
“ are you sure you’re okay? ” from Dick Grayson to Donna Troy.
Injuries Meme|Accepting!
Donna gave him a smile, nodding as she eased herself onto the couch. She’d taken a hit but she’d taken harder hits and she would be alright. “I’m an Amazon, Dick. I’ll be fine. He didn’t hit me that hard.” But she was sure to have a raging headache later. She’d deal with that on her own. “But yes, I’m sure that I’m okay. Stronger than the average man, you know.”
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
Say Your Name Softly
Read on AO3
“Jaybird what happened to ‘don’t call any attention to ourselves’?” Roy asks as he looks around the bar where Jason has absolutely just caused a scene.
“I’m improvising,” Jason says throwing a wad of bills onto the bar for the owner as an apology for the trouble he’s just caused. “And choose between Jaybird or your trachea, you can’t have both,” Jason adds on because he doesn’t need Roy giving him some stupid nickname.
Roy, naturally, doesn’t listen. Jaybird sticks and despite his reputation and vague threats Jason never actually does anything to put a stop to it. Jaybird becomes common vernacular for Roy.
First Jason’s pretty sure Roy does it just to annoy him, especially when he realizes Jason wasn’t really serious about the whole trachea thing, delighting in every sharp glare that has less and less heat behind it every time Jason shoots one back.
From there it just sort of evolves, Jason stops glaring every time Roy says it and it becomes an everyday friendly nickname that as much as Jason is loath to admit it out loud he likes.
He’s Jaybird and well that’s fine.
Roy takes a running jump from the ledge of the building reaching out for the grappling hook and landing with a grace that sometimes still surprises Jason.
He doesn’t stop moving as he rolls to a stand and takes off, arrows knocked and aiming at the goons cornering them.
“Cover me Jaybird!” he shouts as he goes, expertly dodging gunfire while hitting three of the goon’s square in the chest with stun arrows. Jason curses under his breath already in motion guns at the ready. Beside him Dick chuckles.
“Jaybird?” he laughs and questions simultaneously as he stands and does a complicated flip jumping into the fray. Jason ignores him taking out the kneecaps of several of the guys while Dick kicks and punches his way through a pack of them, the blue of his Nightwing costume moving like a blur. Off to the side he hears the familiar thwip of a bow and thud of knocked out bodies.
Between the three of them they deal with the lackies easily, to the surprise of no one Black Mask doesn’t even bother showing his ugly, bony face. Jason’s tying up the last of the goons when he hears the sirens in the distance, Montoya most likely leading the charge. Jason stands to his full height about to shout over to Roy that at least he needs to get going, he’s not exactly on the best of terms with the GCPD just yet even if he’s been cleaning up his act.
Roy however beats him to it, “Jaybird!” he shouts from the other side of the roof where he and Dick have been chatting. “We better motor!”
Jason turns and shoots a thumb out to the direction of the next roof over so they can make their escape quickly before the cops show up not needing to say a word for Roy to know what he’s meaning. Roy nods in return before turning back to Dick, the two do some complicated bro handshake that ends with a loud high five before Roy immediately takes off in a run shooting another grappling hook for he and Jason to slide across.
“See you soon,” Dick shouts at Jason as Roy already makes his slide over to the next building. “Jaybird,” he emphasizes with a big doofy looking smile that Jason hates. He does not have time for his big brother teasing him about going soft or something by letting Roy call him a nickname.
“Hopefully not too soon, Dickie,” he shouts flipping his brother a playful middle finger as he takes off in a run following close behind Roy.
Dick isn’t the first, or the last to comment on the little nickname as more and more people hear it. Kory always gives Jason this look, this soft understanding look that he doesn’t understand every time he lets the nickname slide. Alfred drops on comms one evening to invite him over for tea and calls him Master Jaybird and Jason can hear his teasing smile in the words. One by one his family and Roy’s friends all start to just make little notices of it, like it’s some big deal.
Which it isn’t. It’s not like the words become more and more a term of endearment than a nickname, like lately Roy hasn’t taken to saying it a lot softer than he ever had before and started accompanying it with these lingering soft little touches. It’s not like Jason hasn’t found himself feeling something a little deeper than friendship of late when Roy says it, like he doesn’t absolutely melt when those little touches brush his skin. It’s just a silly name, that’s it.  
“You good, Jaybird?” Roy asks his hand reaching out to turn Jason’s unmasked face to look at the cut along his cheek, all things considered it’s a minor injury.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Jason says not making any move to stop Roy’s hand from lingering. That is until he catches sight of a small pack of Titans out of the corner of his eye. He clears his throat and steps back a bit a small grateful smile that he knows only Roy will notice on his lips. Roy just nods his head resting a hand a little too lightly to be considered some sort of bro slap on his shoulder before he steps away over to the little group.
Donna starts walking their way brushing Roy’s arm in a friendly manner as she goes, Jason’s stomach does a weird fluttering thing at the action. He’s not jealous, there’s no reason to be jealous. He and Roy are friends. Donna and Roy are friends. It’s as unmeaning as the nickname is.
“Jaybird, huh?” Donna says with a tittering laugh as she passes. They’ve just thwarted an apocalypse; Superman is somewhere on the metropolitan battlefield and that’s what she chooses to focus on. Roy just shrugs winking at her as he goes a look of some understanding passing between them that Jason can’t quite read.
Jason turns around bending down to pick up his helmet where it had been rudely knocked off of his head during a fight. Donna’s boots come into his eyeline, the amazon standing firmly beside him. He stands to his full height mirroring her stance with her arms crossed and hip cocked. She watches over where Roy, Dick, Gar and a few others have gathered checking in with each other.
“You better treat him right, Todd,” she says turning the full force of her warrior stance on him. Jason squints at her, the sky has turned back from its bright red to the sparkling night it should be, it makes the little constellations and stars on her outfit shine even brighter and makes her somehow more intimidating.
“That’s all,” she says before he can scramble to say it’s not like that with a wide fake smile, she reaches out her hand and places it on Jason’s shoulder like Roy just had, but with a much firmer grip, a grip that means business. It takes every bit of his Batman training not to wince.
She smiles more genuinely after a moment and steps away her eyes trained upwards when she spots Diana fly above.
Jason just watches her go expression unmoving realizing that maybe everyone keeps pointing out the nickname for a reason.
Jason’s not totally certain how he ended up at an arrow family dinner, except for the fact that he’s weak in the face of a bright-eyed pouting Roy Harper. So when he’d asked Jason to come as a buffer in case things between him and Ollie got intense his big green eyes bright in the morning sun with a pout on his face as he gave Jason a giant mug of coffee just the way he likes it, well he didn’t have it in him to say no.
Roy had been dodging the invitations for nearly a year, but when Dinah showed up in person and asked him to come there was no way he could say no.
Plus they’ve been spending more and more time in the warehouse in Star City than the loft in Gotham these days anyway, so really it was more a matter of convenience than anything.
So here they all are surrounding a big green table, which Jason thinks is a little on the nose, and everything has been shockingly pleasant so far. Dinah had practically burst into happy tears when she saw Roy on their doorstep and she’d even welcomed Jason in with open arms.
It’s clear the other arrow kids love Roy he’s oldest of them and they all look up to him and it pains Jason to see how surprised Roy is by that fact all the time. He’s not a screw up in their eyes, he’s their hero who overcame a lot to still be sitting at this table today.
Connor and Cissie are fairly indifferent to Jason which is just fine by him, except for Emiko who keeps asking exceedingly inappropriate questions about Batman that Damian always refused to answer. Jason doesn’t have any qualms about answering them however and he’s certain he’ll be getting a stern call from Bruce in no time about it. Mia is even shockingly polite, which considering their history is the most shocking thing about the whole evening.
Even more shocking though is Oliver Queen himself who is nothing but cordial and corny the whole night through. He’s clearly trying to maintain an easy-going environment and watching his words carefully so that he doesn’t test any boundary or limit that will lead to even one tense moment between he and Roy.
He doesn’t like Jason, but he’s never liked Jason so the simple fact he’s made not one negative remark about Jason’s presence is just enough for him. Everything about this night is clearly a win in Roy’s book judging from the smile that’s rarely left his face all night.
Dinner is perfectly pleasant and even makes Jason a little nostalgic for his Robin days when he was still innocent and family dinners weren’t just the occasional tea with Alfred. They’re lingering after dinner clearly each just waiting to see who will be the first one to break and say they need to leave and go on patrol.
It’s a waiting game Jason’s seen and always been the first to break at every gathering of his own brood, the only reason he’s not tonight is for Roy’s sake. He’s not even really paying attention anymore just lingering over the Tupperware of insanely good chili that Oliver had pushed his way moments ago letting the family just be together.
“Hey, Jaybird,” Roy says startling Jason out of his staring contest with the chili. He looks up and meets Roy’s eyes followed by the amused little smiles of everyone else and Ollie’s wide eyed, confusion maybe? Definitely surprise. “You ready to go bust up that fight club?”
Jason raises an eyebrow. The fight club in question has been on their radar for some time now, they’re 99% certain they’re using meta’s against their will and have been planning a little coup of their own over the weeks. Roy has about one and half feet in the door as a high roller, playing the role of spoiled rich boy looking to blow money even better than Jason does.
The next time he shows up he’s certain it’ll be the clubs last night in operation, he didn’t think tonight would be that night.
“You sure?” Jason questions searching Roy’s eyes for confirmation that this isn’t because he missed something going sour. Roy’s eyes look clear and certain and Jason knows he hasn’t missed a thing, Roy just wants to get the job they started done. He nods grabbing the Tupperware and the rest of the arrow kids take that as their cue each signaling their own farewells. Ollie never stops watching the two of them however, he looks like his mind has been running a mile a minute as he leans against the counter.
He finally moves when they all makes their way out the door, Dinah hugging each of the kids and even Jason as they file out. Roy and Dinah chat for a few more minutes while Jason safely secures the chili to his bike.
Roy looks so light and carefree and it makes Jason smile against his will. They walk over to the bike together Dinah hugging Roy one more time before he turns to Ollie and they do a weird bro hug style farewell that’s only a little bit awkward.
Ollie grips his bicep when they pull back. “You sure you two won’t need any backup with whatever you’re messing around with tonight?” he asks eyes briefly flitting over to where Jason leans against his bike.
“Nah, we’ll be good, Jaybird’s got my back,” Roy says. Ollie gets this amused look on his face as Roy steps away and takes the spare helmet Jason offers him. Jason gets on the bike first ignoring whatever is going on with Oliver.
“Jaybird,” Oliver mumbles under his breath before shaking his head. “Well if you change your mind, Pretty Bird,” he says looking Jason directly in the eyes as he pulls her close and places a lingering kiss on her head. Jason can’t ignore the implication of that comparison the way he’s managed to ignore everyone else’s glances and little comments. “And I are just a call away,” Ollie finishes with a chuckle.
Roy gives him a smile and a salute as he puts on his helmet and slips onto the bike behind Jason sitting a little closer and holding Jason’s waist a little tighter than necessary. Jason throws down his helmet visor to avoid the way Oliver’s still looking at him all meaningful and vaguely threatening before speeding away.
Tearing down the fight club is a hell of a lot easier than Jason expected it to be. They gear up at home then they’re in and out and sending vans full of free meta’s to safe havens set up around the city by the Black Canary herself in under two hours.
They’re both a little banged up when they make it back to the warehouse, but it’s nothing a few band-aids and a little Neosporin can’t handle.
Roy starts discarding pieces of the fancy burgundy suit he was sporting as soon as they’re in the door, Jason follows suit pulling weapon after weapon from his person in what they lovingly refer to as the discard box by the door. It’s their go to spot for all the weapons that need a good cleaning or maybe a good recycling down in Roy’s workshop.
By the time Jason’s down to just his pants and an under-armor shirt Roy’s settled down at the kitchen island rifling through the first aid kit with one hand and holding his other to a spot on the back of his head.
Jason walks up behind him picking his hand up from the spot he’s covering carefully.
“Did someone slice you on the back of the head?” he asks grabbing the rubbing alcohol from Roy’s hand.
“Yup, not sure how, but yup,” Roy grimaces when Jason takes a cotton ball to the slice.
“Told you not to cut your hair,” Jason says as he keeps cleaning the wound out. Last month Roy had finally parted with his scraggly red locks for a new cut short on the sides and back and just a little longer on the top. It looks good on him, but sometimes Jason misses the tresses of hair that would always slip their way out of his hats and blow around in the wind when they stood on rooftops. The hair not even fazing Roy from making a perfect shot when they’d fly in front of his eyes.
Roy snorts. “You just miss braiding my hair.”
“Yeah during all our pillow fights and sleepovers,” Jason huffs as he finishes cleaning up the slice and moves to open the Neosporin. He can’t exactly bandage this up so he’ll just have to badger Roy to remember to keep it clean.
Roy sighs. “If only you’d accept all my invitations to those, Jaybird,” he says seriously and there’s implications not even an emotionally constipated Jason Todd can’t catch onto under those words.
“You’re always calling me that,” Jason says as he slowly finishes up on the wound.
“Jaybird?” Roy asks slowly turning around to face Jason when he gives him a tap on the shoulder signifying he’s done.
Jason nods swallowing the lump in his throat realizing this conversation is happening there’s no jumping around it anymore.
“Well aside from your attempts early on, it was pretty clear you didn’t mind it all that much,” Roy says leaning back against the island. He reaches out brushing the bit of hair that’s fallen into Jason’s eyes, it’s the part that’s shock white a stark contrast to the rest of his dark hair. “So, yeah I call you that all the time.”
“You know Oliver calls Dinah Pretty Bird all the time,” he says tracking the movement of Roy’s hand as it falls slowly down the length of Jason’s arm.
“That he does,” Roy hums as he reaches Jason’s hand and tangles their fingers together.
“And you call me Jaybird,” Jason says looking up from their joined hands to Roy’s eyes.
“That has been established.”
“You know some people might make implications based on those similarities,” Jason says holding Roy’s eyes.
“Yeah they sure might,” Roy says pushing himself off the island. They’re practically nose to nose, eyes locked. “Damn do I wish the right person would realize those implications already.”
Jason swallows again a small smile forming on his lips. He never thought this would happen, that he’d work up the courage and finally acknowledge this ever-growing thing between them. That it would lead to a moment like this.
“Well I think he’s catching on,” he says. Roy smiles bright and lifts his other hand to gently cup Jason neck.
“About fucking time,” he says before leaning in finally breaching the space between them and connecting their lips. It’s a slow, sweet glide with so much passion and over a years’ worth of tension all seeping through when their lips move and their tongues meet. Jason’s not sure how much time passes, but eventually breathing becomes a necessity.
Roy doesn’t let him go far, keeping his hand on Jason’s neck and their fingers intertwined. He tilts their heads together while they both catch their breath.
“Well that works, huh, Jaybird,” he says stroking his thumb up and down the side of Jason’s neck.
“It sure does, Roy Toy,” Jason says with a chuckle hating the nickname even as it leaves his lips. Roy’s head throws back in a deep laugh he can’t seem to restrain.
“No way, nuh uh,” he says still chuckling. “You’re gonna have to do better than that, I’ll have to take up your trachea idea if you try to make that a thing.”
Jason snorts. “I’ll keep workshopping then,” he says before leaning back in and kissing the bright smile off of Roy’s lips.
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xenophiliarp · 3 years
Soon only H’El himself could continue to hear Diana’s loud protestations, her insistence that she would never succumb to him, that she would defeat him, that she would find a way to stop him. He spared the other women of the throne room from her noisome sounds, instead letting them bask in the succulent noises of Artemis’ devoted worship, the red-head’s throat bulging with the girth of his cock, polishing it with her drool, her tongue sliding back-and-forth along it as she worked ever hard to fit more and more of her perfect King’s dick down her unworthy throat.
“ ❤️~Ahhhhhh~ ❤️ good…girl…yeesssssssssssssss~” Donna moaned, cooed, nuzzling into H’El’s grip like a docile kitten, demonstrating the Lord of the Amazon’s immense power. Next to his will Donna was nothing, a candle melting before the sun, she submitted to him quickly, moaning as she did, rewarded for her obedience with a pleasure beyond that any other man could ever hope to give a woman. It was good to obey, to serve, it was right. This was the state all Amazons, deep down, craved.
Not even Diana could stop how aroused she was becoming, trying her best to hide the way her breath hitched, the way her cheeks flushed and her thighs ground together. H’El had that effect on women, all women, and strong women such as the Amazons even more than normal. It was an aura of authority, of command, of dominance. Here, at last, was a man who could bring such strength to heel, to make it sit at his feet obediently and worship him as he deserved.
“That’s it, that’s a good little girl, let everything just melt away, become nice and empty, let Master’s cock be your only worry.” He slipped his thumb into her mouth, she’d likely taste the girls behind him on his fingers, gently rolling his digit along her tongue. He had to make sure her mouthpussy would be worth the fucking he was going to give it.
“Little Donna, tell me, have you ever been with a man before?” Handfuls of women here hadn’t, but they’d still had partners with each other. He wanted to know if he had to be rough with her if she had been, or extreme rough with her as his cock made first claim to her right little breedhole. He could practically smell it with his powerful senses, she broke so easily because she was likely fertile, a frustrated fertile little virgin, wasn’t she? He was practically salivating at the thought!
He didn’t turn to Diana to ask her, someone so uptight and resistant had to be a virgin, no one good enough for the perfect little princess! He was thinking he wouldn’t alter her mind, just use her, leave her to watch her friends, family, her mother, get railed as useless, lifeless dolls while she was forced to do the same but remain lucid.
“Your mother and I, Diana, are trying for a baby, you should be happy that cougar cocksleeve found someone to let loose with. She can’t suck cock worth shit like Artemis here, but she could spend all day with her warm tongue on my balls.” He wanted to draw her attention to his cock again, pushing her closer, his psychic barrier locking her into place again, her lips were nearly touching his shaft. It was slick and shiny from Artemis’ fuckhole as she fucked herself stupid on him, she hadn’t come up for air in a while. Not like it was as important as his cock! What was a few more lost brain cells in the end?
“My cock is nice and hard Artemis, you want to ride it and fill you up? Or you want to be a nice girl and let Donna get a feel first?” He’d likely reward her kindness by letting her share his bed with Hippolyta tonight and let her join in on the intense, hours long breeding sessions where he fills her over and over with his thick, Kryptonian seed.
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nebulousfishgills · 4 years
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Request by: Anonymous - Can I do an anonymous request for a Loki x reader where he returns to the reader after a few years and he is surprised to see that she has a child, but it turns out it is his child he didn’t know about.
Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Mild angst, I guess?
"How was school today, (D/N)?" You asked, carefully looking at your five year old daughter in the rear-view mirror. She looked at you with her bright green eyes and a wide grin. Her front tooth was missing, the beginnings of her new tooth starting to poke out from her gums.
"Good! We read a Curious George book and talked about colors!" Your daughter said enthusiastically.
You smiled, crinkling your tired eyes. "Do you have a favorite color?"
"I like yellow."
"Yellow's a very pretty color."
You turned into your neighborhood, scanning the street signs to find yours. It was a brief moment of quiet before (D/N) spoke again.
"Miss Amy also said Parents Day is soon. She sent this home for you to look at." She said.
You only slightly paled at your daughter's words as you pulled into the driveway and took the envelope from (D/N)'s hands. Parents Day was a day in mid September where the parents could come into the class and their child could show them what they were learning. They could ask questions to the teacher about how the children were being taught.
"It's on Friday? At noon?" You half asked to yourself. Gently, you turned around in your seat to face your daughter with a sad smile. "(D/N), I have to work that day. I don't think I can go."
(D/N) frowned and slightly slumped in her seat.
"You can never go to anything." She sighed. It crushed you to see her so sad.
"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I've already missed too many days for when you or I get sick. I can take you out for frozen yogurt that afternoon, though. Would that be okay?" You asked, biting your lip.
"I guess. I wish Daddy were here." (D/N) sighed.
"Me too, kiddo." You said, getting out of the car and shutting the door. She followed suit, dragging her Minnie Mouse backpack on the pavement behind her. "Me too."
You had seen the other parents' glances whenever you dropped (D/N) off at kindergarten in the morning. It was mostly mothers who dropped off their kids, so you coming in alone wasn't totally abnormal. Though it was like High School all over again: cliques of girls whispering about you in groups of three or four while glancing at you with pursed lips. Being a single parent was the abnormal thing. Your town was small, so gossip spread like wildfire.
"...Got knocked up by some foreign guy."
"...Left her to pursue an art career."
"...He left town as soon as she told him he was pregnant."
You honestly didn't know how some of those rumors spread. People's imaginations were limitless, you figured. Well, the detail about the father being "some foreign guy" wasn't too far off. But you couldn't really say the father was an actual god, they'd think you were crazy for sure. So, you let the rumors spread and eventually they had less and less effect on you. The side glances didn't exactly make you feel good, though.
You entered the small house, following (D/N) inside. She put her backpack on the hook and sat at the kitchen table.
"Do you want something to eat?" You asked. She nodded and you went to rummage around in the pantry for something. (D/N) wasn't particularly picky about her snacks. You settled on a half empty bag of pretzel sticks and poured some into a bowl. (D/N) took it and started to go up the stairs. "Remember, clean up your crumbs."
Once you heard her door close, you pulled a (favorite soda/seltzer) out of the fridge and sat at the table, resting your head in your hand with a sigh. You wanted to go to the parent night, you really did. But it wasn't worth risking your job over. Your boss already made it hard for you because she knew your situation. She was the type of person who believed in marriage before children and gave you your work with a slightly disgusted glance every day. This was your life, and the sooner you accepted that, the better.
There was a quick knock at the front door that shook you out of your thoughts. Sighting, you stood up to get it. You hoped it wasn't your nosy neighbor, always offering to babysit (D/N) because "there's only one you and I can make it easier." She always asked for a ridiculously high payment that you couldn't afford along with the offer. Luckily, you had most of the weekends off and (D/N) went to full day kindergarten on the weekdays.
"For the last time, Donna, I don't need your charity babysi-" you started as you opened the door, but abruptly cut yourself off. It wasn't your neighbor, or your mom that brought you pies sometimes, or the Amazon guy for that matter.
"Loki?" You asked, eyes wide. Sure enough, there was your estranged ex boyfriend. He nervously picked at the pilling green sweater he wore, barely meeting your eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I... Well..." Loki stuttered, biting his lip. You sighed and opened the door wider.
"Get in and pull yourself together." You said cooly. Loki nodded as he slowly entered the house, sitting on the edge of the sofa like there were needles poking out of the back cushion. You sat down next to him with your arms folded.
"I'm sure you're very angry with me." Loki started.
"What gave you that impression? My folded arms, my tone, or the fact that you've been gone for five years?" You snapped.
"(Y/N), I can explain-"
"You left me, Loki. In the middle of the night, no explanation. Just a note on the pillow saying that you love me and how much it hurt that you just had to leave right then. You didn't think that maybe explaining it to me when I was awake would be a better idea? No, because you just had me wake up the next morning with no you and a half assed note. So, yeah, I'm angry!" You yelled, not even trying to hold back.
"I know, and I'm so sorry. It's just... I was scared-" Loki tried to apologize.
"Scared? Of what? Loving a mortal? I thought that it didn't matter to you." Your tone started to form into a more hurt one than anything.
"No, it's not that." Loki said.
"Well, then what is it?"
"I was scared for you, your safety. I've done wrong in the past, my darling, and I've had people hunting for me, bad people. I didn't want you to get swept up in it. That was part of the reason why I left. But I wanted to figure out how to fix it. I always intended to come back, but not until I was sure we were safe." Loki explained. You sat in silence, considering his words.
"Well, you can't expect to be able to waltz back into my life like nothing happened." You said in a tone that probably didn't fit the words you were saying. A sympathetic tone with harsh words.
"I didn't expect to."
"Mama, I heard you yelling.... Mama, who is that?" You jumped at the sound of your daughter having come back down the stairs. You cleared your throat, trying to find the right words.
"Uh... Well..." You spluttered. "He's..."
"Have I been gone long enough for you to find the comfort of another man?" Loki didn't sound angry, rather he sounded sad.
"No, there's been no one else. (D/N), come here please." You said. Timidly, the little girl climbed into your lap and watched the strange new man intently. "(D/N), this is your daddy."
Both Loki and (D/N) looked at you in surprise.
"I found out a week after you left. She's your daughter. She has your eyes." You said shyly. "She's yours."
(D/N) took a second to process the information before giggling. She lept out of your lap and into Loki's arms. He caught her with an "uff" from the impact. He looked at the little girl carefully and did notice her eyes were the same shade of green as his. He felt a sort of familial bond with her as she hugged him tightly.
"Now that you're here, Mama can go to Parents Night!" She said enthusiastically.
"(D/N), slow down, he just got here." You laughed. "And we still have to figure things out. I still work, you know."
"Oh, right. Well, at least I have a daddy now!"
"If you'll have me back?" Loki asked you. You looked from Loki to the daughter you shared clutching him like a koala bear. You sighed and smiled. (D/N) needed her father, more than you wanted to admit. And you still loved him more than you wanted to admit.
"I can't forgive you right away, but we can build it back up." You agreed. "But in the future, just talk to me, okay?"
"Of course, my darling." Loki said, kissing your temple lightly.
Hope you enjoyed this, Nonnie!
Requests are open! Rules and characters are on the pinned post on my profile!
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
This Is Halloween
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This Is Halloween 3600 words, rated G for Genfic
Jack Kline, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester x Rowena, Castiel, Jody Mills x Donna Hanscum  Canon adjacent, mentions of loss, nothing spookier than a skeleton shark coochie tray
None of this would’ve happened without @dawnie1988 giving me ideas, feedback, and cheering me on. Read and repeated discussion by @there-must-be-a-lock as well as read by @mskathywriteswords. The title is a nod to my Squad who provide more love and support than I can ever say thank you for!
“Sam, Dean!” Jack’s voice called out over the balcony as the door to the bunker slammed behind him. 
Startled, Dean jumped up, reaching for the gun he kept tucked in his waistband. 
“No, wait.” Sam stilled him with one hand on his arm. He heard excitement, not alarm, in Jack's words. He spoke in a low voice. “I think this is good.” 
Jack clattered down the stairs and ran across the stone floor, sliding to a halt in front of the Winchester brothers. 
“Do you know about Halloween?!” he exclaimed breathlessly. Dean rolled his eyes, while Sam shook his head, each waiting for the other to answer. Finally Dean spoke up.
“Uh, yeah, Jack, we do. What about it?” 
“See, I went to the grocery store, for snacks, and there was a whole aisle of spooky stuff, skeletons, although they weren’t scientifically correct.” Jack’s brow furrowed as he thought about that. “And candy, so much candy! So I asked the cashier and she said it was Halloween, and people have parties, and everything!” 
“I looked it up in my phone. People dress up! There’s food and games!” Jack’s words tumbled over one another in his eagerness. “Do you think we could do Halloween? Do you think we could have a party?!” 
“Do you really think, a party, here in the bunker --” Dean began.
“What you have to understand about Halloween is --” Sam started to say.
Both of them trailed off into silence. Jack’s face, beaming up at them, was so eager, so hopeful. Sure, they had their own issues with Halloween. But why put that burden on him?
Finally Sam drew a deep breath. “Okay, Jack. What if we had a Halloween party, here in the bunker?” 
“We could invite everyone we know! Cas, of course, all of our friends! We could all dress in costume, have snacks, it would be loads of fun, please oh please?” 
Dean turned to Sam, concern written across his face. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” 
Sam nodded. “Jack is right. It sounds like fun.” 
“Yes, okay? Thank you, thank you so much. You guys are the best!” Jack hugged first Sam, then Dean, before turning to leave. “I can’t wait to text Cas! Of course he’ll want to come.”
Dean turned to his younger brother. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I know how you feel about this holiday.”
Sam set his chin, his lips thin. “We can’t live in the past forever. Too much has happened over the years.” 
“But Halloween-”
Sam drew in a deep breath. “Halloween was the last time I saw the love of my life alive and happy, okay? It still hurts, when I think about it. “But Jack is our family, you know? He’s really just a kid, and we both want the best for him. If this is what makes him happy, I’m good with it.” 
After a long moment, Dean clapped him on the shoulder. “Okay. As long as you mean that.” Sam nodded, so Dean continued. “I guess I’ve got to figure out what this kid thinks you eat at a Halloween party.” 
The brothers didn’t see Jack again until dinnertime. They soon realized that he must have spent most of the afternoon on the internet, researching Halloween. Ideas spilled from his lips, one right after the other: carving pumpkins, themed cupcakes, lights on the walls, presents under the Haunting Tree-
“Hold up.” Dean stopped him with an upraised hand. “I think maybe you researched a little too hard and are getting your holidays mixed up. We can do some of those things, not all of them. We have a week, let’s make a plan.” 
“Dean, you’ll cook for the party, won’t you? Sam can help me with decorations. Cas is already coming, and I will invite Donna and Jody. Oh, and Rowena!”
“No Rowena.” Dean shook his head sternly. 
Next to him, Sam smirked, knowing that it was a battle Dean would never win, outnumbered two to one. 
Jack decided the library was the perfect room for a party, and he had grand plans to cover every wall and shelf with decorations. His internet searches kept turning up more and more ideas and party themes, each more elaborate than the last. 
At first, Sam tried to keep things simple and inexpensive, but after a while, he gave in. He took Jack shopping, let him buy the silly spooky stuff that caught his eye. What the hell, he thought to himself, the credit cards were fake anyway. He only put his foot down when it came to anything gory or macabre. They had enough of that the rest of the year. 
Jack’s favorite purchase of all was a fake electronic raven. It was motion sensitive, and when someone triggered it, it would caw or cackle or call out “Nevermore.” He thought it was the most hilarious thing he had ever seen, and insisted that it was exactly what he needed to celebrate Halloween in style. 
Jack had as many ideas for food as he did for decorations, constantly making new suggestions to Dean. Finally Dean sat him down and pared down his requests to a few key treats, before assuring Jack that he could handle the rest of the menu. 
The next day, Sam headed to the kitchen for breakfast after a run and was surprised to see glossy magazines on the table. He turned the pages idly, realizing that they were all full of nothing but recipes and ideas for Halloween.
When Dean joined him, Sam shot him a teasing glance. “Got grand ideas for this party, huh, big brother?” 
“Hey, it’s important to Jack.” Dean might’ve blushed, but his face was earnest.
“You sure it’s important to Jack, and not to you, to make Spooky Seven Layer Salad and Stuffed Olive Eyeballs, and oooh, what are Mummy Fingers?” Sam raised his eyebrows. 
“I wanna make him proud.” Dean answered. Sam understood the things left unsaid - that food was important to Dean, after too many years growing up hungry or stealing just to eat. Having a kitchen where he could cook was one of the ways he made the bunker a home for his family. 
“I know he will be.” Sam said. “I always liked your cooking.”
Dean understood the affirmation behind Sam’s praise, and nodded gratefully. 
Seeing the others happy helped Sam accept the festivities. He hated Halloween, but he loved Jack. There were days when he remembered that the young man was the most powerful being in the universe. But most of the time, he just seemed like a kid, and the closest thing to a son he or Dean would ever have. 
If this was what it took to make Jack happy, bad memories be damned, Sam would do it. Plus, if he was honest with himself, he didn’t hate the idea of having a few of their friends together. For once, it would be something fun instead of another monster hunt. 
The one thing he couldn’t bring himself to get excited about was a costume. Jack was insistent on costumes all around. Dean and Sam both asked him what his costume would be, but he kept it a closely guarded secret. 
While they discussed costumes, they also argued about the guest list. Dean kept teasing that Rowena wasn’t welcome. Sam knew his brother’s opposition to his girlfriend was all bluster, but Jack still sometimes fell for the disputes. 
Finally one day, Dean approached Sam, a wide smile on his face. “I've solved your costume problem! We’ve made a deal, me and that little witch of yours. She can come to the party, as long as you wear the costume she picks out.” 
“Whoa, hey, how is that a deal?” Sam protested, although he knew it was futile. “You do nothing, and I have to wear whatever costume she decides?” 
“Have fun, Braveheart!” Dean smirked, clapping him on the shoulder. 
How Rowena got Amazon delivery to the Bunker was a mystery to Sam and an irritation to Dean. Still, the box showed up the morning of the party. When Sam opened it, the box held just one thing: a sort of crown, a gold colored circlet with branches - or were they antlers? 
Rowena’s only instructions were to dress like a hunter. Since he was a hunter, that was not especially helpful. In his room, Sam tried on the crown. With his usual flannel and plaid, it seemed out of place. 
Then he remembered Dean jokingly calling him Braveheart, recalling the case the two of them had worked where Charlie talked them into LARPing. Charlie. Sam shook his head with a sad smile. She would’ve loved to attend a bunker Halloween party! She would’ve had the perfect brilliant nerdy costume, too. 
He dug into his work disguises and found the loose tan tunic he had worn on that case. Even over jeans, it made the crown seem more fitting. He straightened his shoulders and took a deep breath. That was better. 
“Cas is here!” Sam turned to see Jack scamper down the hall. He and Dean arrived in the entry of the bunker just as Cas and Jack embraced at the base of the stairs. It registered to Sam that Dean was in a cowboy costume, but before he could say anything, Dean spoke up.
“Cas, I believe the invitation said, no costume, no party.” Cas was wearing the same thing as always, a tan trench coat over a white shirt and dress pants with a tie. He nodded, and reached into the inner pocket of his coat. 
“Agent Swift,” he declared, holding up a badge that said BSI. “Bureau of Supernatural Investigation.” Then he grinned, a wide smile that lit his face and crinkled the corners of his blue eyes. Dean laughed, and clapped him on the shoulder while Sam smiled and shook his head. 
“Okay, come help me with my costume!” Jack grabbed Cas by the hand and all but dragged him out of the room.
Sam turned to Dean and looked more closely at what he was wearing. He wore a buff vest over his usual plaid flannel and jeans, a hat hanging over his shoulders by a rawhide cord. “Dude, Tombstone?” 
“At least I’m not a - horny man?” Dean chuckled. 
Sam scoffed. “Shouldn’t you be cooking? Putting cat brains in jello or something?” 
“Actually, yeah, and I could use your help. Wanna wrap some mummies?” Dean took in the baffled expression on his brothers’ face. “It’s cocktail wieners and crescent dough.” Sam nodded hesitantly, following his brother to the bunker kitchen. 
The Winchesters made more than one trip from the kitchen to the library, carrying trays of food, bowls of snacks, drinks, and candy. Sam stayed back to make sure the lights were on and everything was ready while Dean made one more trip for his proudest creation - a tray of sliced meat and cheese arranged just so around a plastic skeleton.
“Gross, Dean,” Sam said, unable to hide either the admiration in his tone or his little smile.
“I know, right?!” Dean crowed, swiping a bite. 
Just then, Cas and Jack returned. At first, Jack seemed to be dressed like Cas in a long tan robe. But he had on a scarf and a headband with green ears and - 
“You’re Baby Yoda?!” Sam exclaimed. 
“I am dressed as the diminutive character portrayed on television’s The Mandelorian, although I am technically neither Baby nor Yoda-” whatever else Jack had to say was cut short by Sam’s engulfing hug. 
Dean rolled his eyes before he pushed Sam aside for a hug of his own. 
“How did this kid get to be such a nerd?” Dean asked Sam as Jack looked at his phone and then ran for the stairs.
“Like you don’t know!” Sam retorted.
“You are the one who showed him Star Wars.”
“You bought him comic books. Watchmen, and The Boys?” 
Jack’s excited voice cut into the brothers’ bickering. “Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel!” He gestured with a flourish as Jody and Donna entered the library hand in hand.
Jody was wearing jeans and a kimono jacket that was red across the shoulders, blue starred below, with a wide gold band. Next to her, Donna was wearing a blue dress with red and stars around the neckline. She wore a brown belt around her waist and tall boots that matched the belt. 
Sam and Dean welcomed their friends with broad smiles and warm hugs. Jack bounded around them like an excited puppy, showing off his costume and asking about theirs. 
“Come on into the spooky library,” Sam intoned with a deep voice and a wave.
“Let’s eat!” Dean exclaimed, clapping his hands. 
The six of them were comfortable together, talking and laughing easily. Dean’s themed food offerings were great, the presentation hilarious but the taste even better. The drinks flowed freely: beer and hard seltzer and sodas. 
Jack took great delight in making sure everyone passed by his electronic raven repeatedly so that it croaked out greetings as often as possible. Everyone loved Jack, so they indulged him and never once suggested that they might be tired of hearing it. 
Jody asked just once what Sam was meant to be, in his crown of branches or antlers.
“A horny man!” Dean joked.
“Rowena sent it,” was all Sam had to offer, shrugging. 
Jody nodded. She knew all about what a person would do for the woman they loved. She raised one eyebrow in query. 
“Where is Rowena?” she asked. “I can’t believe she would miss a chance to dress up. 
“Oh yeah, isn’t she gonna be here?” Donna spoke up.
“Actually,” Jack chimed in, looking up from his phone. “Sam, head out to meet her.” 
He walked out to the echoing entryway as Rowena appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed head to toe in shimmering black. 
“A witch is never late,” she spoke as she descended. “Everyone else is simply early.” 
Sam met her at the base of the stairs and she slipped one hand into his. He took in her costume slowly: a black dress that clung to all her curves, sparkling bits of jewelry at her throat and wrists. Most strikingly, she wore a cape of black feathers, iridescent with dark purple, green and gold. 
Her head was adorned with a thin circlet of gold, much like Sam’s, but where his had branches reaching upward, hers had feathers carved away from her temples. Her hair was dressed with braids and feathers and bits of jet black crystal woven into the riot of curls spilling down over her shoulders. 
The apparition of a raven trailed behind her, wings fluttering to keep up. Sam held out his hand and she took it so he could lead her to the library.
“A Queen of Ravens?” he asked. 
“The Morrigan,” she replied, sweeping her cloak around her in a swirl. “And you are my Cernunnos. Well done with the costume.” 
He bent down to brush a kiss on her upturned lips before they joined the others.
Jack was wildly jealous of Rowena’s raven, since his electronic toy was fixed to a shelf. But she praised his good taste and spoke a few words that allowed her familiar to follow his direction. That resulted in two ravens saying “Nevermore” in chorus, but it tickled Jack so much that no one had the heart to stop it. 
Donna and Cas commandeered the aux cord, playing a mix of pop and classic rock. Jody and Dean delved into a discussion of firearms. Jack bounded from person to person, handing out candy and eating at least as much as he was giving.
Sam and Rowena snuck off to a quiet corner of the library, which was where Dean found them with a big book on the table in front of them. Rowena was standing, pointing to the pages as she explained Cernunnos. Sam was fixated, not on the book, but on her face, on the way her eyes sparkled and her lips curved as she read. 
“Hey nerds,” Dean interrupted them. “It’s Halloween, time to party, not to read books and get heart eyes and make out in dark corners.”
“We weren’t making out!” Sam protested.
“Not yet,” Rowena cooed, taking his hand. 
As the night wore on, everyone took turns choosing songs, the playlist ranging from classic rock to blues to Scottish folk tunes to cheesy pop monster music. They cut loose and danced, together or alone. 
Rowena attempted to teach Jack a few heel-toe folk dance steps, but Dean picked it up faster. Sam danced by himself for a while, long-limbed and rhythmic. Cas surprised them all by knowing moves to viral music videos; apparently he had been doing research on TikTok. 
Jody and Donna were wrapped in one another's arms, slow dancing and sneaking kisses, whether the music suited it or not. Donna put on Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush” and sang along softly, lips next to Jody’s ear, for her alone. Jody let her eyes flutter close, resting her chin on Donna’s shoulder, melting into her embrace. 
Rowena watched the two of them with a fond smile on her face, while the boys turned to the snacks, giving the two of them their moment together alone. 
It was almost midnight when Jack turned off the music, clapped for attention, and announced that it was time for Trick or Treat. He would be going around the room with a plastic jack o’ lantern bucket, and each guest was to perform a trick. If he liked it, they got a treat. 
“So get this,” Sam started. “Trick or treat isn’t exactly-” 
Dean put a hand on his arm. “Hold up. This is gonna be good.” 
Jack approached the ladies first. Jody asked for a ribbon, which Rowena provided, and wove a Cat’s Cradle in her hands. Jack was fascinated, and made her repeat it several times before he gave her a treat. Donna pulled chairs aside to clear space, and did a cartwheel. Everyone clapped, and Jack decided that was worthy of two treats. 
Cas made his BSI badge disappear and reappear, using only sleight of hand, no real magic. Jack tried over and over to copy him, with no success. 
Dean walked over to one of the bookshelves and retrieved a handgun from behind the bound volumes. He had Jack blindfold him and then field stripped and reassembled it in under one minute. Sam recited a spell in Latin. When he was done, Dean stage whispered, “Isn’t that a recipe for laundry soap?” Sam laughed. It was, but he had recited it flawlessly. Jack gave them both treats. 
Rowena’s trick, though, was the best one of all. She had previously enchanted her raven to sit next to Jack’s toy. Now she commanded his to fly about and sit on his shoulder. He was overcome with glee at this, and offered her every last treat he had. 
When Jack skipped away, followed by a flutter of wings, Rowena turned to Sam, her hands full of candy. 
“He’s a dear,” she cooed. “But these are all ghastly American sweeties.” 
“Don’t worry.” Dean stepped up, holding a small box. “I’ll be happy to trade you.” 
“Oh, you have Lindt!” She dumped the chocolate she held into his outstretched hand and reached for the treat he was offering her.
“Really, Dean?” Sam was surprised, and impressed. 
“Well, I wanted everyone to have something, and I know how god awful picky she is.” Dean shrugged and then started as Rowena booped his nose with a smirk. 
“Do I have to learn corvid care?” Sam asked Rowena as Dean walked away.
“Oh no!” Her laugh was quick and bright. “It will be back to a simple electronic toy before the morrow.” 
The trick or treat was Jack’s last activity for the night, as he was soon on the verge of nodding off, his raven flapping lazily on his shoulder. Cas pointed him down the hall towards bed, where he fell asleep so full of candy and treats that he was still wearing his Baby Yoda headpiece.
The rest of the party drifted towards the kitchen, to the comfortable familiar space at the heart of the bunker. Dean gradually put away what was left of the more perishable food, sipping from a tumbler of whiskey as he walked in and out of the room. 
Donna and Jody snuggled together on one side of the table, trading kisses and feeding one another chocolate candies. 
Sam leaned back against the counter comfortably, Rowena wrapped in his arms. He had made her a proper cup of tea, and she sipped as she enjoyed her treats, the two of them whispering in low voices. 
Dean raised his glass and caught his eye. 
“I think this is good,” Sam said softly. “New memories.”  
Nothing could change the past, but he didn’t live there anymore. This was their home, surrounded by their family and friends.  This was their Halloween. 
Gay Screaming: @boondoctorwho , @cherry3point14, @cracksinthewalls, @dawnie1988 @fookinghelljensensthighs , @icemankazansky, @itmighthavebeenintentional , @justcallmeasmodeus , @lastactiontricia , @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @mskathywriteswords , @rockhoochie ,  @there-must-be-a-lock , @thoughtslikeaminefield​ SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons​ @defenderrosetyler​ @divadinag​ @emoryhemsworth​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @idreamofplaid​ @kalesrebellion​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @maddiepants​ @magssteenkamp​ @onethirstyunicorn​   @there-must-be-a-lock​ @tloveswriting​ Sam Girl For Life: @awesomesusiebstuff​ @lilsylvia​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ Dean Curious:@adoptdontshoppets​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @deangirl7695​ @deans-baby-momma​  @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @stoneyggirl​ @wayward-gypsy​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ Rowena My Queen: @delightfullykrispypeach​ @lilsylvia​ @marril96​ @pansexualdarling @songofthecagedmoose​
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lunarwondcr · 3 years
Tumblr media
❝ I accept the fact that tomorrow will come. And I'm going to rise to meet it. ❞
(img cred: x)
Name: Donna Troy
Alias: Wonder Girl I / Troia 
Age: 104 / appears 30 
Occupation: Photographer / Co-Owner of Aurora Photography Studio / Superhero
Gender: Cisgender female.
MBTI Type: ISFP (The Adventurer) 
Height: 5'9″.
Weight: 168 pounds.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Affiliations: Themyscira, The Amazons, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Titans, Justice League of America, The Nomads (?) 
Species: Themysciran / Amazonian 
Divine empowerment, accelerated healing, superhuman speed, strength and agility, flight, longevity, enhanced charisma. 
In her armour, Donna also possesses a pair of arm bracers strong enough to deflect bullets and the silver lasso of persuasion. 
Additionally, Donna has been trained by the Amazons in all forms of combat through thousands of years and with a plethora of weapons, although she has a particular proclivity for staff-like weapons.
+ Grounded; Where Diana may seem out of time, just a fraction out of step with the rest of man’s world, Donna has adapted in a very different way. She feels like a natural fit in this world and has the energy of “one of the boys” - easy to get along with and grounded in a way that other superheroes from outside man’s world so often are not. She’s quick to adapt with the times - both in knowledge and behaviour. This enables her to keep a good head on her shoulders, despite the swirling mess of history that comes along with her past. It’s very obvious that this flexible, easy to adapt nature is a coping mechanism for the longevity of her life and the rapidly changing world but it makes her an easy person to get along with and a teammate that is reliable on every count.
+ Charming; Part of this charm likely comes from Donna’s enhanced charisma - an ability that makes it nigh on impossible to lie to her face - but even without that, the odds are that Donna Troy would be a charismatic woman indeed. Approachable and funny, she is most at home when she is making others laugh and feel at ease around her. In truth, she’s very talented at it - teasing without ever being cruel, flirtatious without crossing boundaries, sheepish without self-deprecation. It’s a fine line to walk but often, Donna seems to do it naturally and it goes a long way in making people trust her. Of course, when she wants to weaponize this charisma, it’s even harder to deny her the truth or even what she wants from you.
+ Loving: Oh god, Donna Troy has so much love to give. So much that it seems to overflow from her very being. She is fiercely devoted to those she loves and there are plenty of those people - whether it be as simple as loving those she works with for their talent or loving her friends for their loyalty to her or adoring the very bones of her sisters for every atom in their bodies. She is affectionate in so many ways - from offering ‘date nights’ with dinner and drinks to unwind to wrapping anyone into one of the best hugs they could ever ask for to telling them, often and sincerely, that she loves them. For a superhero, Donna is remarkably open and frank about just how deeply she loves and she knows it often surprises the Gotham-adjacent people she calls friends. 
- Insecure: As is often the case when you are created to be someone’s mirror - a thing that definitely happens in all spheres of life, right? - Donna often struggles with the idea of her own identity. This is less of an issue these days but in her youth, she was plagued heavily with the concept of what it meant to be so closely aligned with Diana while still being very much her own person. On hard days, these feelings still rear their heads and she is forced to grapple with them and remind herself that she is not Diana and that is her strength. She has never found fault in Diana for this, ascribing the blame firmly with herself - even if that isn’t entirely accurate either.
- Blind Faith;  The flipside of Donna’s incredible loyalty is that she oft suffers from blind faith. She puts her utmost trust in the people she considers her friends and therefore, often makes the mistake of assuming that their values and morals will always align with her own. This isn’t always true and, when they inevitably disappoint her and the faith she puts in them, Donna can be easily wounded and lash out in ways that can seem unfair. She holds everyone to her own standards - and they can be high - and puts an immense amount of faith into the idea that they will always ascribe to these standards.
- Merciless; It’s not that Donna lacks mercy. She has quite a remarkable store of it, actually. However when that store of mercy has been used up? When you cross the lines of what she thinks is acceptable and show no remorse? Well then. Donna will always offer a hand rather than a fist to a fallen foe but when she decides you have gone too far, there is a ruthlessness within her - a steel heart that will do what needs to be done and she will do it herself. She is no coward and if someone must die at her whim, they will do so by her hand. It is not often that the charming, affable Donna takes a life but she can be downright stony when she does so.
PAST ;; 
Donna's story began not with a conventional birth from womb to cry. Instead, her story started upon a potter's wheel, as strange as it may sound. In the wake of her daughter's birth, Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira took to the wheel and began to sculpt a fine looking child from clay, a near perfect representation of her own daughter, Diana. This clay-child, not yet formed, would become a near double of her daughter and therefore, the perfect stand-in for her should young Diana's life ever be endangered.
It was perhaps not the kindest thing for Hippolyta to consider, despite being motivated through the urge to keep her daughter safe from harm. A noble motivation perhaps but one that, even in such early years, did not sit well with Diana. When the young girl overheard a conversation about how the clay-child would be raised to be a perfect mirror of her, Diana told her mother in no uncertain terms that it was an incredibly unfair thing to do. Right as she was, Hippolyta acquiesced to her daughter's wishes and so, the sculpted child was put aside, no breath in her chest and no flush in her flesh.
And so it remained for years upon years. The next time Hippolyta even thought of the clay-child was in the wake of tidings of rage and war and the end of all things. Diana had gone from Themyscira, making the choice to leave behind her ancestral home in favour of doing good. It was an admirable choice, truly, and yet Hippolyta was left quite alone. Antiope fallen in battle, so many casualties in such a short space of time. Yet the child still lay, untapped potential. Hippolyta took the child from its resting place and entreated the gods to put life in her breast.
And so they did.
Donna Troy took her first gasping breath centuries after her creation. A child of one was a child of all upon Themyscira and, much like her sister before her, Donna was raised in the throng of Amazons like an entire family. Everything was good for a while. She brought joy to the island which had once been so plagued with worry and grief and she got to live - something that seemed almost impossible before. Diana's shadow loomed over the island however and, in her youth, Donna hung on every single word about the woman she had once been created for. She seemed incredible. Truly a hero to idolise and she did idolise her for the longest, longest time. Yet, for all their strength and divinity, there is humanity within the Amazons and with that humanity came the seeds of insecurity. When everyone she loved only ever seemed to mention Diana, Donna began to wonder if she was ever truly good enough for Themyscira or merely a pale imitation of the first daughter they loved so dearly.
These thoughts began to plague her. Did she truly have a place on Themyscira or did they simply keep her around to trigger sun-drunk nostalgia? Donna pulled back a little from those that loved her most and spent far more time alone, learning who she was without the expectation of Wonder Woman above her head. All that soul searching meant she found herself a secure idea of who she was - and that person loved her sister, regardless of the expectations it put upon her.
So the decision was made. Donna continued to train. Head down, working hard, becoming someone her sister could be proud of too. When she was ready, when she had been given her own Amazon armour and a lasso hung from her belt, Donna took her mother's hands and apologised for all that she was about to do. She kissed her mother and told her that she had to go forth into man's world. Hippolyta allowed it and Donna promised that she would find Diana - that they would take care of one another.
She did, in the end. Donna took off into the mortal world, seeking her sister like chasing smoke, and yet, she found her. They found each other over and over again. The reality was better than the stories. Diana was wonderful and incredible and infuriating and Donna loved her, oh gods, she really did. When Cassie came along, their family became even stronger. It was the happiest time of Donna's life, if truth be told. When Diana agreed to join the Justice League, Donna struck out on her own - knowing that she could do so without there ever being ill will between them. She found her own team, working with the Titans for a while and finding friends to call her own there. Donna was a hero in her own right.
And then came a most fateful mission. A meeting between the Titans and Young Justice led to the activation of a Superbot that went rogue. It would have decimated the entire world. Donna Troy sacrificed herself in the name of man's world. To keep the world she had come to love as her own safe. It had been an easy decision in the end.
Her story ended there.
Or so she would have thought.
She does not know how long she has been dead. She does know that she came to, swinging in the cell of some ridiculous, overwrought organisation of villainy and listening to them detail all the terrible things they'd do to her in order to draw the superheroes out of hiding so they could enforce the Sokovia Accords. Donna decided to bide her time. This place would prove no match for her in brute strength but there was no need to spill unnecessary blood. She gathered intel, prepared for an escape in the dead of night, and trusted that she would be able to do so with ease.
For all their organisation, the ISA did not count on their own guards causing their downfall in this case. One got too bold, too used to Donna's easy, relaxed energy every time he visited, and in an attempt to rile her up, he threatened her sister. He threatened Cassie. Donna doesn't stand for that. It took her less than three minutes to tear the facility from its foundations.
Donna, unsure where to start, took to the internet to scour for clues and, spotting the news headlines about Wonder Girl, she rushed to her sister's aid. When she got there, she found nothing but a scorched out shell of a building and roasted bodies. She had to hope for the best. Hope is incurable.
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ethelphantom · 4 years
it’s a WONDERful day
Maribat March 2020, day 2: Training.  Because we do not have enough WW & LB solidarity. Or friendship. Or fucking anything.
This is Maribat -- don’t like; don’t read
“Aaahh, finally done. Never again. Chat, did you get the Peacock Miraculous? I need to get them to the Guardian,” Ladybug said, reaching out her open palm for Chat to give the pin to her. She already had the Butterfly in her other hand, so now as long as she got the Peacock from Chat, it would be great. He did hand it to her, after a moment.
“Do I— Do I have to give my ring away too?” he asked, hesitating. There was uncertainty and sadness in his voice, and it just broke Ladybug’s heart.
“I don’t know. I’m not taking it away from you, if that’s what you’re asking. If you do need to give it away, the Guardian will come to you and take it himself, just like he was the one to give it to you. I certainly hope he doesn’t want them back, I would hate to have to give Tikki back,” she replied. Ladybug put her hand on Chat’s shoulder and rubbed it with her finger. “But whatever happens, remember what we agreed on doing if we or one of us loses their Miraculous.”
Chat simply nodded before he took off, saluting to her and the woman standing behind her. Ladybug watched Chat go, a sad smile lingering on her face. Then she turned around to face the woman clad in red and blue armor, along with golden accents and a golden lasso. The woman smiled at her warmly.
“It’s wonderful to finally meet you, miss Ladybug,” she said and bowed to her. Ladybug was taken aback. She knew this woman was strong — after all, she had helped them defeat Papillon and Mayura, and she kept her emotions in check rather easily when Ladybug had told her how Papillon could and would use emotions against them, but she didn’t really know her. The woman continued speaking. “I am Wonder Woman, the champion of the Amazons, and the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, a previous—”
“Your mother was a Ladybug?”
Ladybug’s eyes were filled with fascination as they widened. Maybe there was a chance she could meet a previous Ladybug after all, if this woman indeed was Hippolyta’s daughter. She’d heard a lot about her from Tikki.
“Yes, yes she was, and when we heard there was a new Ladybug, we thought we would like to meet her. I was sent here to see how you were doing first, since the Ladybug is never brought to the world unless there is a great threat, and it seems I came at a good time. That man was your threat, wasn’t he?”
“Yeah. Papillon’s been a pain for too many months, but I’m pretty sure defeating him would have taken far longer had you not come and helped, so thank you for that!”
“It was no problem, I was happy to be able to help Ladybug. It seems you hadn’t managed to complete your training before being thrown into the war, so I would like to offer you a chance to train with my people. They are one the best warriors there are, so I am certain you would benefit of that,” Wonder Woman said and smiled at Ladybug.
Kwamii, the woman was gorgeous and she was offering her help, their help. There was absolutely no way she could say no.
Except, she was still barely 14 and had not finished school. Also, she was rather certain that they would not be here in Paris, so she would also have to come up with a reason to leave her parents, which was going to be much more difficult.
“I would love to do that, but… I’m not really sure I can? There’s school, my parents… I don’t think I know a way to avoid all that to be able to come,” she admitted, and Wonder Woman’s face hardened a little.
“Parents? School? Are you still in university?”
“No, I’m in middle school still. And I live with my parents — I’m not an adult yet.”
“You’re what? Were you put in the middle of war as a child?” The tone of her voice, while calm, radiated cold fury, but Ladybug got the idea that it wasn’t directed at her and rather at the person who’d chosen her — so Master Fu.
“I would certainly like to have a word with whoever your teacher is. They must have known that a child is not to be put to fight adults’ war, not when the evil you’re up against is far older than you are. You did wonderful considering that, though. Good job, I am proud of you.”
Wonder Woman was, for the lack of a better word, seething. She definitely wasn’t happy with Master Fu, but the reassurance she wasn’t angry with Ladybug (no, instead she was proud of her and said she’d done well!) brought a smile on her face. To be complimented by someone who certainly knew how to fight better than she did was an intoxicating feeling.
“Thank you!”
“Regardless, the offer of training stands. If it is a requirement, I live in the United States and know rather many influential people, so I could come up with something that would allow you to come with me. I understand revealing your identity is something you aren’t comfortable with, and shouldn’t be either, but that is likely necessary. If I know what you’re interested in, I could contact a person who could be responsible for you in your parents’ eyes while you trained with my people. Education would not be a problem either, that can and will be provided to you should you ask for it.”
Ladybug considered it. It was a wonderful opportunity and she didn’t want to miss it for the world. Besides, she had a feeling she could trust this woman. She was actually pretty certain that little voice in her ear telling her it was alright to have faith in her was Tikki.
“Alright, in that case, yes! Will you follow me so I can detransform somewhere safer? And if you could wear something more… civil, that would probably make things easier. My civilian self probably shouldn’t be seen near Wonder Woman,” Ladybug laughed nervously. She hoped it wasn’t too much to ask, but regardless she hurried to add, “it’s okay if you’re in a disguise even then, it’s just that I don’t want others to know my identity. My privacy is violated enough as it is.”
“Of course, Ladybug. Lead the way.”
Ladybug led them to a quiet alley where she could let her transformation fall. It was relieving to feel Tikki slip out of her earrings, and her suspicions about it being Tikki whispering in her ear were confirmed when Tikki didn’t complain about revealing herself to someone and instead flew to Wonder Woman and happily greeted her. “Diana! It’s so great to see you again! How long has it already been, at least two millennia, right?”
Wonder Woman — Diana — smiled and offered her hand for Tikki to land on. She did. “Yes, it has certainly been far too long. Is it alright if I take your Soul to Themyscira? It seems she hasn’t completed her training yet, which is unacceptable for a Ladybug.”
“She never did get any training. We didn’t have time before Papillon appeared. But yes, if she wants that, it’s all good with me. After all, I’d love to see your mother again, and all the others as well, but you know. She was my holder at some point too. Also, how did you know?”
“She what? And do you really think I wouldn’t be able to sense who the Soul you created belonged to? Tikki, you underestimate me. I’m no longer a child — she’s clearly the Soul of Creation,” Diana laughed and flicked Tikki’s head gently. It was rather adorable, if you asked Marinette.
The soul of creation?
“It means you’re the true holder of the Ladybug Miraculous, Marinette,” Tikki said, suddenly floating in front of her. “I created your soul — it seems it decided to be born as you in this time and this place. I didn’t know when you were to be born, just that you would, one day.”
Oh. She’d said that out loud.
Diana changed her appearance as well, and then they were ready to go.
It… It didn’t take too long to convince her parents. It worked even better since Diana found out she loved designing clothes because Diana herself owned a fashion company and knew a few people who she could create a collaboration with to give Marinette a chance to try her hand at creating an actual line. The fact Diana was going to be the one responsible also felt better since that meant she wouldn’t even need to lie to her parents, really. Diana would actually let her do it.
The flight to the States to first get to Diana’s boutique and to have one of her acquaintances in on her plan (Marinette was rather surprised how quick Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen were to create a collaboration with her but Marinette decided she didn’t want to question it. She felt like there was a story behind both she wouldn’t be too happy to know), and then they left to find the Paradise Island, the new Themyscira. Diana advised her to transform into Ladybug because the Island could exist anywhere and anywhen, so being Ladybug when entering would make it much easier upon finding it.
The Amazons welcomed her warmly and gave her a small bow as well. This time Ladybug had been expecting it as Diana had explained that any Ladybug would be held high in their eyes as their Queen had been Ladybug once upon a time. It didn’t make it any less weird, though. It was wonderful to be welcomed so well, though. It made her happy (and maybe a bit teary-eyed but that was another thing.)
While Diana went off to talk with Queen Hippolyta, Tikki and Antiope who had come back just because she’d heard Ladybug was back, Marinette took it as a chance to get to know Artemis of Bana-Mighdall and Donna Troy, as well as one of the Honorary Amazons: Cassie Sandsmark. It was nice to have (relatively) younger company, and she ended up especially liking Cassie who was the closest to her age. They’d all come just to meet the new Ladybug as well, all having at least heard the stories of Hippolyta as an Amazon.
Artemis had taken another look at Marinette when she offhandedly mentioned school and just stared at her before speaking, slowly, as though she couldn’t comprehend it (Marinette doubted it was that — it was more like she was just as scandalised by it as Diana had been earlier), “Gods damn it, why is the new Ladybug a literal child? Considering you aren’t an Amazon, that is far too young to be actually fighting in a war with the strongest Miraculous there is. Please tell me the Cat was an adult so you had someone supervising you, at least.”
“Nope! Just me and Chat, who is of my age, fighting against Papillon and Mayura, both definitely adults.”
“You did get to at least start proper training before you started fighting, though, right?”
“Again, nope. I got my Miraculous maybe twenty minutes before I had to transform for the first time because Papillon had attacked Paris.”
Artemis had buried her head in her hands and groaned something that sounded like “kids aren’t supposed to be fighting adults’ wars, what the hell.” Marinette just shrugged. Then, just as Cassie was about to take her to a tour around the Island, Hippolyta turned to look at them.
“Are you actually telling me you have no training? And that you were thrown in the middle of war with absolutely no training by your teacher?“ Marinette nodded; Hippolyta sighed. “Alright, we’re most certainly going to give you a proper Amazonian training so you will never again be the inferior one in a fight. Any Ladybug deserves that much, especially one with the Soul of Creation. Cassie, take her to the tour because you already managed to promise it to her, but afterwards, we’ll start your training. Artemis, if you can stay for a while to train her as well, that would be wonderful, but if you have to get back to the Outlaws, go ahead.”
Artemis stayed.
And yes, Marinette got her training, from the Amazons, but also a few superheroes both Artemis and Diana were in contact with, namely the Red Hood and Batman, since neither of the two had superpowers and the Amazons thought it would be good she got some training from people who were only human, like her. Superman was roped into occasional training sessions as well. All of the training sessions with Superman, Red Hood and Batman always happened outside of Themyscira, though.
Needless to say, the next time anyone dared to rise against Paris and especially the new Ladybug, it didn’t take long to end it all and return the world to its natural balance.
@freshbark @maribat-march2020 @catsandfanfic @fertileleaf @kris-pines04 @thethirdwheelfriend @daminett4life @abrx2002 @persephonebutkore @eat0crow
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dwqfwef · 3 years
Holder said he picked up five knives
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zayray030 · 4 years
5 times Jason surprised the Titans and 1 time they surprised him
Chapter Title: You were raised by strippers!?
Chapter: 5/6
Summary: The titans have to go to a gala hosted by Bruce but they're going to be late because Jason insists to do Rachel's outfit. However Rachel, learns something new about Jason and Diana and Donna wanna kidnap him to Themyscira.
“What the fuck are you wearing!” Jason practically screamed as he took in what Rachel was wearing.
Today they were supposed to go to a gala that Bruce had decided to set in San Francisco. He liked to say it was for a business trip but everyone could tell it was to see his youngest and his eldest. But they were soon distracted by Jason's near hysterical tone and turned to see Rachel.
“Clothes, dumbass.” she snapped. She did look nice. She had on a short black dress but her makeup was slightly heavy.
“No, no, no! What you're wearing is an abomination! And don't get me started on your makeup! Dark heavy goth look would be nice if it wasn't to see my dad! And try to do something nice with your hair for once!” he ranted waving his hands up and down to indicate each part he was describing. Everyone rolled their eyes at their dramatic teammate.
“Jay, maybe you're being slightly dramatic. Rachel looks-” Dawn tried to say to calm down the younger boy before he got into another fight with Rachel.
“Looks like she'll be the next meal course for some douchebags who don't know what no means. Hell, she can't even hide a knife behind those drabs!” snapped Jason already moving to Rachel.
Everyone had a slightly dumbfounded look but Dick plowed on. He was going to go to this Gala, even if it'll kill him.
“Jason, just leave her alone. We're going to be l-”
“Shut up!”and everyone stilled at the tone. It sounded distressed, as if he was on the near verge of a panic attack. Rachel quickly shook her head and sent him a look while putting her hands on her hips.
“Fine then, great beauty critic. I'll let you style me in whatever you want. You get free reign in all my clothes.” she said sarcastically but Jason's face lit up and he quickly started to drag her away to her room.
“We're so going to be late.” muttered Kory.
“Diana is so going to use this against me.” whined Donna.
“How's the kid meant to know anything though?” asked Hank in confusion.
Everyone just shrugged and waited.
~Rachel's Room~
“You're such a dick.” she snapped as he ruffled through her closet.
“No, that's Dick. I'm the designated assholes who was raised with strippers for most his life.” he said sweetly before finally deciding on something and throwing her some clothes on her bed. He turned away to face the other wall and closed his eyes. “Get changed. I'm not peaking.”
“Sure you aren't!” she snapped.
“I repeat, I respect women and most of my life I was raised by strippers. You get respect for women when you realise that most men are assholes.” he snapped back.
It was quite for a while before Rachel started talking and Jason could hear her getting changed. “Why were you raised by strippers?” she asked curiously.
“My ma was high most times and my dad was an asshole.” he replied and didn't elaborate more.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” she said sympathetically, already pulling on the dress that Jason had made her wear. She had to admit it was a really nice dress. It was a blackish dark blue dress with a golden belt. It was short at the front and stopped mid thigh before being long at the back and stopping just underneath her knees.
“I don't want or need your sympathy.” he snapped and he was glad that he had kept his eyes closed.
“But still, being polite is nice.” she said. “You can turn around now.” she added.
“Never happened to me.” he said simply before grabbing her hand and leading her to her vanity.
Rachel didn't say anything, just sat there as Jason began wiping at the makeup she had placed on, humming a little song to himself.
“Close your eyes.” he ordered, holding up a brush of some kind.
Rachel did as he asked and he continued humming a little melody, the only thing keeping the silence at bay, and before she knew it he was finished.
“There. The best I could do with limited resources.” said Jason “Open up your eyes.” he added.
“Wow…” she muttered, impressed and shocked. Her cheeks had a slightly pinkish hue in them to make it look more natural and her eyes had a sunset effect except with black and blue and her lips were a pretty pink colour. “You should open up your own beauty salon.”
“Don't exaggerate. If you hate it just say so.”
“One more self-crippling comment about yourself so help me I will turn into a demon.” she threatened the slightly taller boy. Jason didn't say anything but Rachel could see the small smile of happiness on his face.
“Come on. Before The rest think we've killed each other. Or worse!” Jason finally said. Rachel giggled and grabbed his hand dragging him over to the living room.
“Damn nerd. If I knew your hands could be useful I would have used them a long time ago.” said Rose as she looked Rachel up and down.
“Damn. You know, me and Diana live on this beautiful island with a bunch of beautiful women who would for you to-” Donna tried to say casually but was cut off.
“My baby brother is not going to be fed to the sharks.” snapped Dick, shooting Donna a glare.
Donna pouted slightly before looking at her watch and her eyes widened comically “Oh shit we're going to be late! All of you, hurry up!” and she ran, heals and all.
~At the Gala~
“What took you so long.”
“Bruce! Not the time! But you darling, truly do look beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the women in Themyscira. How did you manage this?” Diana asked Rachel appreciatively, interrupting Bruce.
“Umm, actually Jason did it.” Jason who had been quite up until now blushed bright red when Diana directed her look at him. She smiled real wide before putting her arms around him, dwarfing his already small body.
“Jason was it? You know me and Donna live on an island where a bunch of women would love if you would-”
“Don't even think about it Diana. My son is staying here.” Bruce interrupted, already moving over to them and grabbing Jason out of the Amazons hold.
Jason blushed bright red and looked down, cuddling closer to Bruce.
“Baby…” all the women whispered, taking their phones out to take pictures.
“Hey, Rachel? Wanna dance?” asked Gar.
“Sure.” she said, glad for the blush already on her cheeks.
“Grayson?” Kory asked.
“Of course, my lady.” he said, taking her hand in his and spinning her to the dance floor.
“Dawn, wanna dance. Might not be good at it but-” she cut him off with a kiss and nodded her head.
“Nerd? Can you dance without breaking my feet?” asked Rose, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah…” he said, stepping out of his guardian's embrace and quickly taking the girl on the dance floor.
“And you Donna?” Bruce asked.
“Nah, I'm just the cool older sister who's decided that Jason's too pure for this world and needs to be protected.” she added taking more pictures of her friends.
“That reminds me. Why did Dick call me about Jason's academic level? With how many times he's bought me an assignment he'd get 100% on, I would have thought he would be showing off at any chance he gets.” Bruce asked.
Donna stilled for a moment. “... Shit. You know, that blonde looks really cute. I'm going to go and talk to him.” she said before speed walking away.
“They're kids, Bruce. Now talking about Jason, I would like to be his Godmother.”
“For fuck’s sake.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
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kneesheee · 4 years
a surprising adoption
It all started with Hermes.
Of course, it did.
He was the god of thievery.
He was also considered the god of speed.
When his nephew, Kyle, started hanging around those mortal speedsters. He was intrigued. Diana, Donna, and Cassie tended to keep him away from their mortal friends.
He never met anyone that was as fast as he was. Even Apollo didn’t count since he tended to beat his friend on occasions.
Hermes was only the god of speed. These speedsters embodied speed. With a mischievous smile on his face, Hermes set off to pull of his greatest heist yet.
The person up next was Apollo and Hephaestus. They each took one looked at the redheaded archer that Jason was friends with, and both went: “Adoption time.”
It was awkward for both when they appeared outside of Roy’s workshop. They stared blankly at each other before both dived for the door. The two wrestled with Apollo coming out of top when Roy half asleep and more than a little paranoid had one of his exploding arrows pointed at their faces.
The stance. The detailing of the weaponry. The fierce look in his eyes. The half brothers shared a glance before nodding their heads.
With a slow smirk dancing on their faces, they reached for the mortal and disappeared from the earthly plane.
The next person to go was the man of willpower himself.
Ares had taken one look at Hal and just knew.
He kneeled with broken fists and knees. A part still untamed. He denied his truth self because he couldn’t stand to cause his friends pain. Ares decided to help him. This little mortal. This little child.
He understood where he was coming. Being the personification of war itself. He knew how hard it was to push down the urges. Maybe that’s why he always admired the little solider. From the second he saw him next Kyle.
It wasn’t his so-called willpower to overcome fear. It was his willpower to be better. He could see it in his eyes the need to cause destruction… the need to let all his grief and anger out being held back by a stubborn mindset and a sense of duty.
Ares knew rage. And he knew how deadly it could be when not properly managed. It had taken Kyle a while to learn how to use a weapon filled with an emotion he rarely gets to see.
The man of willpower was staring into nothing when Ares came for him. He could feel how the man reacted. The need to fight was strong.
He turned towards the god slowly with his ring beginning to glow. Ares smiled at him with all teeth before reaching out and taking him away.
After all, Ares wondered the same thing every day.
When will my war be done?
Kyle had just made it back to Earth when the Justice League called for a meeting. He was surprised to see Jason there. He knew that Jason was still considered public enemy number one. Yet, the other demigod had a blanket wrapped around him as Diana and Donna comforted him. Green Arrow was sitting beside them with his head in his hands and Dinah rubbing circles into his back.
He wasn’t the only one looking miserable or worried. Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, and Iris West-Allen were all sitting together. The woman was still crying. Not too far away from them Nightwing was sitting stock stilled. The emotions that Kyle was getting from him were filled with worry and confusion and pain. Wonder Girl and Superboy were huddled together around Red Robin as they all looked blankly around the room.
When he and the others stepped into the room, all eyes fluttered towards them. Dread filled Kyle when Diana and Donna’s face pinched. No. The last time the two of them looked so broken and closed to crying was when Jason died. Kyle couldn’t lose anyone else.
Donna walked towards him slowly wrapping him into her arms, “Oh Kyle.” He was already shaking his head. No. “Kyle, Hal’s missing.”
Hal? Hal who was basically his mortal dad. Hal who listened to him bitch and complain about his Olympian family and teased him relentlessly about the crush he had on Jason. Hal who was the reason that he was introduced to this group of highly weird people that he loved all the same. Hal who trained with him on using the rings and laughed when he used it the way his family taught him. Hal who told him that no matter what… never suppress his emotions. They are what make him.
He could feel John and Guy right behind him. He could sense Jessica and Simon moving closer to their group. “No. No. No,”
Superman stood up from his chair, “And he’s not the only one. Flash, Kid Flash, and Impulse were taken earlier today around 2 o’clock. Witnesses claim that it was streak of silver greenish light that snatched them away. And thanks to the Red Hood and Starfire, we’ve learned that Arsenal has also turned up missing. Taken directly from his workshop. Whoever taken him was good enough to not set off any alarms, but still decided that force entry was the key. We’ve only just realized that Hal was missing due to trying to reach him when witnesses also state that a bright blood red light taken him.”
Kyle could almost throw up. Two of his friends and Hal?
“Does anyone have any leads,” stated Batman as he gazed around the room. Kyle could sense the worry the man held for his children’s emotional state, but he did his best to shove them away. Donna led Kyle over towards Diana and Jason. Cassie huddled closer towards her effectively moving Superboy and Red Robin closer to their pile also.
[Neither Jason nor Kyle would admit how could it always felt to be around other godlings. Especially during times like this.]
The meeting dragged on and on. Jason had long ago zoned out. He was vibrating with worry about Roy. It was enough that only Kori could hold on to him now for comfort. The power of the sun and light burning in his blood making his unnaturally cold skin give almost third-degree burns.
He zoned back in when Donna’s face appeared in his line of sight, “Come back to us, little sun. Diana suggested asking the gods for help. Roy and Hal are close to you and Kyle. Wally and Bart are Cassie and I’s best friends. Maybe they have seen something if not, we could always ask Apollyon what he knows of their future.”
Jason nodded his head slowly. If anything, he was perfectly fine with this plan. His best friend was missing. What he needed right now was a hug from his dad and maybe some of Aunt Demeter’s hot chocolate. Anything to distract him from whatever torture Roy could be going through right now. He chanced a glance at Kyle who was turning a little pale.
Ah, Jason forgot that being the wielder of a literal mood ring and the son of love was bad for Kyle when he was in an unfiltered setting. There were too many emotions for the other demigod right now.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Jason, Donna, and Kyle all stared blankly at the sight of five grown men dressed in onesies. Adult size onesies with typical baby slogans that you’d find in the toddler section of Walmart.
“Dad,” Jason stated. “What’s going on?”
The four gods looked up from arguing over a feeding schedule to stare at them. Hermes was the one to break out into a smile first flying over to the speedsters’ sides. “Look, you guys, it’s a speedy baby! 3 of them!”
The three of them could only stare. The three mortal speedsters looked simultaneously happy and miserable. [Though it leaned more towards happy since Uncle Hermes provided them with an all you can eat buffet.] Roy was bent over Hephaestus’ favorite workbench messing around with Apollo’s third favorite bow. [Only Jason could touch the second, and only Artemis could touch the first.] While the Speedsters may have looked slightly sad, Roy was downright ecstatic.
Hal was the only one to seem at true peace. Him and Ares were doing one of the war god’s meditation techniques. Kyle was sure that Hal’s ring was flickering white.
Hephaestus smiled slightly from where he was holding onto his anvil while Roy rattled on about the quality of Apollo’s bows. Apollo turned to look at the others, “We all had the same idea. A little surprise adoption goes a long way. Meet your cousins and half-brother.”
“Kidnapping,” Donna deadpanned. “You kidnapped them.”
Apollo rose a brow, “By human laws, they are much too old to be kids.”
“But you’re not human,” Kyle questioned. The god of plague turned his gaze onto the White Lantern and Kyle decided to be quiet. This was the same god who threatened to rip his urethra tube out with only a toothpick for not so accidently drawing Jason in nothing but a chlamys.
Donna nodded her head at Kyle’s words, “He’s right. You’re not humans. You’re gods. Deities who have lived for more than millennia. They are so young compared to you all that you really can’t even call them children.”
Hermes clapped his hands excitedly, “Exactly. Besides, your little mortal friends weren’t treating them with the respect they all deserve. So… we’re keeping them. Okay bye.”
The herald of the gods quickly flies away cackling. Jason took one glance at the floor surrounding the kidnapped mortals. There was no one Hermes was going to just let someone steal from him. He was the god of thieves. He did the stealing.
It wasn’t on the floor, but on their clothes instead. A rune that didn’t release any of them unless the god that took them allowed it.
Apollo smiled a little mockingly, “We have a council meeting to get to about the Amazons. Jason? Kyle? We leave them in your care.”
Donna choked on her laughter as she turned to Kyle and Jason, “Congratulations, it’s a boy.”
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lightofherces · 4 years
Maybe some more children? Donna Troy && Aimee, and Natasha && Bucky?
If they had a kid|Accepting!
Donna & Aimee
Name: Darcy Cassia Troy-Ferris
Gender: Female
General Appearance: tall, athletic, dark hair, green eyes, tanned
Personality: Unlike her sister, Celene, she’s not as bossy but still demands respect that comes with being an Amazon. She’s a lot more laid back, more like Aimee than Celene is, however she’s very much an amazon warrior
Special Talents: Amazonian strength and talent with weapons, 10/10 don’t mess with her
Who they like better: she loves both of her moms
Who they take after more: More so Donna than Aimee
Personal Head canon: While her sister becomes Wonder Girl, Darcy continues her training to become the best Amazon warrior that she can be and eventually takes up the title when her sister becomes a Star Sapphire. Darcy later goes on to take on the Wonder Woman mantle
Face Claim: Katie McGarth
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Natasha & Bucky
Name: Ivanya Gracie Barnes
Gender: Female 
General Appearance: red hair and lots of freckles, fair skinned, tall and limber
Personality: Quiet. She mostly keeps to herself and works alone, is quietly funny and plays pranks on anyone she cans
Special Talents: Ballet. She’s a fantastic dancer, has super strength and also is an excellent marksman.
Who they like better: Bucky. She’s a daddy’s girl.
Who they take after more: It’s a toss up but leaning more towards Bucky
Personal Head canon: Ivanya eventually joins SHIELD but stays away from the Black Widow mantle and instead ends up taking up the Winter Soldier mantle
Face Claim: Freya Ridings
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maidenxfmight · 4 years
i will not bow
Tagging: @ofcosmicwonder, @daisyquakes, @ofalexdanvers & Kara When: The day the siege started Where: Central Park What: Donna tries to buy time for Alex to cure Kara. Donna loses. But so does Kara. Warnings: Violence, injury.
KARA: It wasn't enough, it wasn't enough it wasn't–
Kara's feet hit the pavement with a resounding crack, bricks and dust lifting up around her. She'd always been so concerned with restraint; carelessness led to destruction. Destruction led to fear. At one point in time, that might have meant something to her. There were those who proclaimed her a god, not to which they should pray, but rather contain.
They were the same people who wrote slurs on signs and screamed "roaches go home" from street corners. The very park in which she stood had played host to protests and anti-protests, to those who held up petitions and canvassed for hate. She'd once stood by the fountain with a notebook and asked for their thoughts and now all she wanted was to see it burn.
Dust and steam and melting bronze as the Angel of the Waters collapsed into the pool below. Her eyes lit red and she took one step forward before someone landed in front of her.
(No, not Donna. Just leave, just go, you don't want to–)
"Move, Donna."
DONNA: The tide of the news rose overnight and then the dam broke. Supergirl flying proud above the ruins. Destruction and chaos caused by the same hands that held a brush and painted with gentle strokes the beauty of a long-dead world. Something dark had infected Kara. Something dark like the demon Darkchylde that had controlled Illyana. Alex told her that it was some kind of kryptonite and the older Danvers sister had been working ceaselessly with Lena Luthor to find some way to reverse its effects, but time was running out. Each passing moment led to more violence inflicted under the crest of the House of El, and Donna knew each moment would only push Kara farther from her reach.
Donna had to reach her, or Donna had to stop her.
Shield strapped to her back, silver bracers on forearms, the same black and silver uniform that she'd first donned when fighting Darkchylde. Her lasso sat in pieces on the shrine in her room. The sword still hung on her wall. Whatever was happening, this was still Kara, and she would never raise her sword against Kara. No matter what the cost might be.
Donna landed as Kara's eyes glowed with a fire darker than any she'd seen before in the crystal blues that had always held a kindness and love deeper than any she'd seen in another. Even her voice didn't sound the same.
"No." A breath. "I can't. I won't."
KARA: Donna stood defiant and Kara burned. Her hands shook, her foothold on the Earth tentative at best.
There'd been something burning inside of her for so long. It had lit the moment her mother had but her on her pod and said go, even as the words 'let me stay' danced silently on the end of her tongue. She'd smothered it, stuffed it into every small space she could. She'd tried to shape it into something more suitable, let it out in bits and pieces every time her fist connected with a training mannikin, or the unfortunate villain of the week.
Donna helped temper it, once. She pushed and she gave in just the right amounts. She learned her language, said she loved her. And it always meant something, even if the pronunciation would never be quite right. They were sisters.
(They still were. Kara scrambled for purchase, even as her body took another step forward. She clawed at any logical thought she could find because ukiemodh w rrip eh donna and she always would. It mattered that Donna tried. Her traditions didn't have to be everything, so many of them were wrong. And Donna was right, Donna was– )
No. Because Donna didn't get the pronunciation right, she signed the Accords, she didn't get it. She only ever played at understanding, and Kara was done accepting it as enough. She was done accepting any of it as enough. Anger coiled hot and restless in her chest and there was no reason to hold it back anymore.
"Then I'll go through you." The heat behind her eyes pooled and released, uncaring that Donna was between her and the fountain.
DONNA: Kara took another step, but Donna held firm. An Amazon knew when to give and when to take, and now more than ever, Donna needed to be an Amazon -- with a strength of heart worthy of Athena's calling. It had been so long since Donna prayed, but now she prayed to the gods, to the Titans of Myth, to any deities that would listen... she prayed that they would bring Kara back to her.
The heat of anger rising from Kara was one possessed by Ares and his wars. Donna understood anger and war and lashing out against the ones held closest to your heart. She remembered a fight with Diana turned so physical that it had left their knuckles bloodied and chest heaving from the fire burning in each of them. She remembered other fights too -- ones not of this realm and universe. She remembered a world where her arm lay severed by her sister's sword. She remembered hurling Dick through a wall. She remembered the unseeing eyes of Teen Titans, dead by her own hands. She remembered the collapse of a universe and being alone, alive in its wake. She remembered a moon and a crest and being worshiped by mortals. A name humming in each reality: Troia.
Donna noticed the shift as Kara spoke and her hand reached instinctively for the shield at her back, rolling to the side in order to narrowly miss the beams of heat shooting from Kara's eyes. She lowered the shield in front of her body as she stood firm, even as she felt the intense heat of the water now steaming around them, obscuring her vision to whoever may have been in the background. She had eyes only for Kara. "Kara," she shouted. "This has to stop. You're angry? Okay. Then, we go somewhere and crush cars, and if you need to hit someone, then you hit me. You don't tear down the Brooklyn Bridge!"
KARA: "Okay." Kara laughed, something high and not quite right, before she launched herself at Donna. She imagined her shoulder driving through the shield, their bodies hitting water and steam and cement. She didn't think much at all when she felt herself connect, focused only on driving forward.
The laugh melted into a yell, and if somewhere, somewhere she was crying, the water rising up around them would hide it.
"You don't get to tell me how to be angry." She thought of Cat, of James and his cars. Of train yards with Peter, and the way she always shoved it away. Hid it in small corners like it didn't exist, swallowed around it as Lena offered up devices disguised as humanitarian efforts, and when Clark flew away again.
She'd been so angry for so long and she hadn't realized how much it hurt until she'd landed in that office with Erik.
"No one does." The words ground out, breaking just around the edges, and she tried to focus on driving forward. On getting her hands on the obstacle (on Donna, it was Donna, Rao just remember who you're–), "Not anymore."
DONNA: No one dared come close to this fight. Humans made movies and talked about what they thought the 'clash of the Titans' might look like, but they had no idea. They could not really understand. An unstoppable force. An immovable object. Two impossible extremes.
The Teumessian Fox and the Laelaps. Dionysus once set the giant fox upon the city of Thebes as punishment for their crimes, a beast to devour their children... one deigned to never be caught. The King of Thebes charged his general Amphitryon with finding the impossible solution of stopping the monster, and he found one: the Laelaps, a dog destined to always catch its prey. One, a fox who could never be caught, and one, a dog who would always find its quarry. A paradox for the gods.
Kara's shoulder slammed into Donna and she let herself be pushed back, water spraying up like a wave around them until she dug in her feet and brought them to a stop, shield pressed tightly against her body. Steam surrounded them like a cloud, cutting them off from the rest of the world. Just the two of them for the first time in weeks. Perhaps Donna had waited a few weeks too many. "Then, tell me!" Donna shouted back, pushing the shield out and gritting her teeth, forcing an imperceptible space between them so she could look Kara in the eyes -- eyes reddened from anger and pain and loss. "Kara, just tell me." Not yelling anymore but firm in her resolve of buying time of doing something, anything to help Kara.
KARA: The steam shrouded around them, and suddenly Donna felt close. It seemed like it had been so long since the two of them had taken a moment for just them. Their apartment was a revolving door of visitors, her cousins, Jean, Scott, Cassie, even Olivia. Lar knew when to give them space, but he was still there.
It almost felt like it did with Alex; there was a careful distance neither of them had meant to create, but had created all the same.
"Oh, now you want to talk?" Kara moved away in a blink, water trailing up in her wake. Her eyes still glowed red in the steam. "Let's talk, then. What about how I sat by your side as you almost bled to death, and we still haven't talked about why."
She moved right, her eyes dimming. "Or how you're sleeping with the woman who almost killed you, even though you've admitted it doesn't make you happy.
"No, we don't really talk. If we did, you wouldn't have to ask me to tell you anything." Kara moved forward again, only far enough to send a wave of water Donna's direction, pulling in a breath and releasing until the water turned to ice. It arced in shards towards–
It's still Donna. It's Donna and Kara ached, but she couldn't bring herself to stop.
DONNA: She knew she deserved it -- every word of what Kara said. The two of them hadn't talked the way they used to in so long, and that was down to the both of them. But if Kara was so desperate for them to talk, then this wasn't going to be how Donna would have it. Now, the only words spewing from Kara's mouth were words intended to hurt.
And they did hurt. But they hurt even more knowing that wherever they were coming from was just the tip of the iceberg of what was truly wrong with Kara right now. Kara. Her best friend. As close to a soulmate as Donna could understand...
A wave roared toward her and crouched down and lifted her shield, holding her breath in expectation of a flood. Instead, she was met with shards of ice slicing through the uniform at her calves like dozens of tiny little razors coming for her. Donna grit her teeth and plucked out the few that had stuck in her legs before standing back up and facing Kara once more. Small cuts would heal, but this wasn't stopping. An immovable object. That's what she had to become. If Kara was the Laelaps that would always catch its prey, then Donna had to become like the Fox, illusive and uncatchable.
She just prayed that Zeus wouldn't see it fit to bring about an end to this infinite loop of paradox before Alex and the Luthor found a cure for whatever plagued Kara's mind.
"If we're going to talk, then let's talk. But not like this Kara. Not like this." Donna could only brace herself for what was inevitably going to be another attack, and maybe the fog in her vision wasn't just from the steam surrounding them now. Maybe the mist also came from her own eyes.
KARA: Not long ago, Kara may have listened. She would have put it off, waited for a more opportune moment. Or bottled it up, shoved it down and down until–
Rao, she was so tired. Tired of fitting herself around what others expected; tired of shoving things down until they were crammed so tight they hurt. It wasn't a feeling she'd felt all the often with Donna. But then there were signatures and colors, dreams and swords and lassos shattered. Suddenly there was so much about Donna Kara didn't know, and yet she stood asking her to bare all.
Bottle it up, let it out in a controlled trickle. But Kara had no interest in light rain, she was a hurricane, gathering force as it approached landfall. Donna thought words could temper her as they had before, but she was wrong.
Kara laughed, just as cold as the shards of ice Donna was picking from her legs. "Then how, Donna? Over text? When I've finally pushed enough? You want to take this over tea in our apartment while we pretend we're the same? I'm not interested, not anymore."
(They are, they are. There was so much they had in common, and their differences were always understood and celebrated. Donna bled the same. Kara loved her, she loved her, she–)
She dropped her shoulder and charged forward. If Donna wanted to try to be an immoveable object, Kara was going to show her how she could plow right through her.
DONNA: Her eyes had lost their reflection. Where blue used to reflect the moonlight, red swallowed everything around them. Red veins and red eyes and what was next? Were horns and hooves going to appear like that had with Illyana? Was Kara that far gone? No. Donna couldn't -- she refused to believe that. Because if that was the truth, then there was a sword and a duty to something she could never bring herself to do. The unstoppable force and the immovable object. The fox and the hound.
And then Kara pushed, shoulder lowered and enough force to send any man through the nearest building across the park. But Donna wasn't human, and she couldn't pretend to be one. Her shield raised to take the brunt of the force, sliding through the water a few feet before Donna planted her feet firmly and felt the ground CRACK and cave until they came to a jarring stop, calf-deep in splintered granite. Donna grit her teeth. This wasn't what she wanted, but it was what she had to do. She had to buy Alex and Lena enough time to finish the cure. Letting out a grunt, Donna pushed back to create enough space to escape the damaged ground and float up before bringing the shield back and slamming down on Kara's face. Donna had to hope... because that's what Kara would do.
KARA: She couldn't stop, she couldn't stop, she couldn't stop.
Donna didn't even reply, she took the hit and followed it with one of her own. The shield landed home on her face and for a moment the world spun wildly around her. If anyone could pack a hit that would actually hit, it was Donna. Invulnerable was an adjective given only by those who didn't actually know Supergirl. The hit landed, the world spun, and Kara knew they were done talking.
They'd never actually talked. All there was left was the burn in her chest and the obstacle in front of her. Someone standing between her and a home, someone asking her to temper herself when all she could feel was rage. Any hesitation left, thoughts spiraling, morphing hurt into anger.
She'd been holding back since the moment she landed. Be less, Kara. Too much and you'll break something: crashing through walls, plates shattered, cutlery bent around her fingers. Too strong to hug Eliza or Alex, to pet a cat. No more. She was done holding back.
One hand wrapped around Donna's shield on the follow-through, trying to use Donna's own momentum to yank it to the side as she brought her other hand around in a swing of her own.
DONNA: Blood sprayed across her face as Kara’s fist collided with her nose. Fuck. Her roommate held none of her strength back and Donna grunted as she held in a cry of pain. Fuck. The world feared them — feared those with powers to be like this. Unfettered and unleashed on a world that hated what it could not understand. Alien, meta, mutant, Amazon. Raw power wrapped in skin and bones and roaring to be set free. The man Hercules had enslaved the Amazons out of fear of what they could do, and the warriors, once free, had made him pray the price for his persecution of them. A bloody price. Donna remembered sitting on Hippolyta’s lap as her adopted mother recounted the tale behind the bracelets they wore. Bracelets of submission: as a reminder of the time when they were enslaved but also to remind them of restraint. Vowing to settle with words first and fists second.
Donna grit her teeth and wiped the blood from her crooked nose as she staggered back from the blow. “I can’t let you do this!” She shouted as her boots sloshed through water, the mist setting an eerie haze around them like a wall keeping the world outside of this moment. How she wished that the world would never see or remember this Kara, knowing that the Supergirl in front of her was the image that Kara fought with pen and paper to tear down — a being to be feared, not a hero. Donna had sworn to care for all those that Kara cared for, but in this moment she hated Lena Luthor for having any kryptonite in the first place because maybe then Magneto wouldn’t be able to use her friend like this. “Magneto is just using you! This isn’t the way, and you know it.” Donna circled Supergirl, tensed for the next attack that was bound to come. Because while Donna played defense, the Fates string pulled Kara along as the ever hunting hound — the Laelaps in relentless pursuit. If Donna could only be as cunning as the fox, maybe she could get in close enough to knock her best friend out until Alex could bring a cure.
KARA: "He's promising me a home!" Her voice broke on the last word, falling into the noise of the water and her hand scraping against Donna's shield. It broke because despite the red snaking through her veins and way her worst thoughts plowed over every good thought she tried to throw in their way, it still came from somewhere deep inside of her.
She wanted the Fire Falls and the Jewel Mountains and for dragons to be more than a marvel but an accepted normal. She wanted Alura's arms around her before bed and her family prayers and Zor-El's laboratory while Kara snuck underneath tables and between his various experiments. Kara wanted normal, she wanted it so bad it felt like it would consume her (it was, it already was). But she was never going to have normal. The best she could as for was a world that didn't fear her simply for being who she was. It was as close to home as she would ever get.
(But Alex, but Eliza and Donna and Lar. But Kon and Jon and Kal. There were so, so many reasons Earth was home, if she could only hold onto them for more than a fleeting moment, thoughts slip-sliding over each other to make room for all the reasons it wasn't.)
"He's promising me a home, Donna." It was so much easier to fall back into her anger. Everything else was too hard to hold onto. She gripped the shield with both hands and drove forward, pressing it with all her strength into Donna's chest, pushing them both down into the water. Her eyes glowed red, close. "And you're in my way."
DONNA: "A home?" Donna's voice broke on the same word as Kara's had. "Then what have we been living in together for months?" The tears threatened to choke her. Donna would go to war if she thought it would give Kara a home, but this wasn't it. Because a home for Kara couldn't be found in the violence. It was in the quiet moments when she could hear Lar and Kara whispering stories to each other in their bedroom while Donna hummed contently while stirring a pot of noodles. It was found when she came home from a long day of volunteering at the community center when her heart was breaking for these kids that didn't have a home to go to and Kara was sitting there waiting with re-runs of House Hunters queued up on the television and a bowl of popcorn just for the two of them. It was found in texts in their native languages because even if they couldn't always spell things the right way or the grammar was just a little imperfect -- the words were still there and they tried.
When had that stopping being enough?
Kara slammed into her with renewed vigor, with a dark fire in her eyes that drowned out all reason, pushing Donna down and into the foundation of the fountain. A snarl formed on her own lips and reared forward, slamming her head into Kara's to stun her long enough to flip their positions -- this time Donna driving Supergirl back with the force of her shield. "If you think this is the way, then you are spitting on Krypton's grave. This isn't you. Whoever did this to you -- I won't let them get away with it."
KARA: No, no no!
Donna's head struck hers and for a moment her vision blurred. Her fingers went slack and her head spun, water settling around her. For a moment, just a moment, her eyes met Donna's. Actually met. Her face was wet and her chest felt like it was caving in on itself, hollow and empty.
That was it, wasn't it? Everything broken down into one simple sentence. Rao, she'd never asked to be the last. She'd never asked to be the only one left to honor her family, her traditions, her culture her world. She'd been pushed into a pod and told to do great things. Her home had turned to dust and she hadn't been given a choice.
At thirteen cycles old, Krypton was her grave to honor, and she'd never once been asked. All clarity left in a moment.
"Don't–" She struggled against the shield pressing into her, movements increasingly jarred. "Don't tell me how to honor my people! Don't–"
The words came out cracked around the edges. There was nothing left but the burn in her chest. She worked to get her hands free, shifting underneath Donna and getting nowhere. The water rose and splashed around them, and she couldn't move, and she didn't want this, she didn't want this (she really didn't want this). "Don't talk about Krypton!"
Her eyes lit red and released with a scream.
DONNA: She held the line, shield locked against her body as she pressed down and back against Kara like she'd been taught to as a youth on Themyscira alongside the fiercest race of warriors. An immovable object. But Kara was like the unstoppable force of the hound and something had to give -- one of them had to snap.
Energy pooled within her body until she no longer felt that her body was her own. Every fiber of being connected together until shield became an extension of muscle and became part of bone. A perfect unity even with the water foaming around them as Kara lashed back in frantic and stuttered movements. The moon reflected back at her and Donna felt its pull, calling out something deep within her. A raw energy in the dark that pulsed through her veins until she could feel pressure rising in her blood, rushing and pushing her. Every beat of her heart saying to consume and shatter and break the alien in front of her. Donna could see herself pulling at the moon to control tides until the fox became the hound. The hunted became the hunter. A white light of the moon shining through her eyes and stars dancing in her hair and the strength of a thousand gods coming forward to --
No. Donna closed her eyes and let out a yell, just as Kara screamed and a red so bright burst forth that Donna could see even through closed eyelids. A pain like a hammer hitting an anvil struck her body and suddenly she was flying and landing with a splash, eyes fluttering open for a moment so that she could see the stars. There. There they were in the night sky. The punishment for creating an ultimate paradox was mutual destruction, and the gods struck Laelaps and the Teumessian turning them both to stone and placing them in the sky. Canis Major and Minor. Donna smiled for a second through the pain before her eyes fluttered shut.
The unstoppable force had won, so maybe the gods would be kind and let the one still live.
KARA didn't feel, not anymore. Nothing but the fire that raked red hot through her veins. Her vision was bathed in orange and the only thing that mattered was getting up. Was wrapping her hands around the force that held her down and wrenching it in half. It didn't matter that it was Donna.
(It was, oh Rao it was Donna.)
Everything pooled into her eyes and then Donna was gone, the pressure released. Her breath left her in a rush, her throat raw, her lungs aching. She stood with water dripping down her temple, off the ends of her hair into the uneasy waters of the fountain. It was dusk when they started, now stars reflected bright off the pool around them. The glow of her eyes faded as she stepped forward, listening to the sound of Donna's heart beat once, twice...three times.
For a moment she was left with only the sound of the water as it settled, small waves lapping and broken stone. Somewhere a helicopter beat a steady staccato against the night sky. And nothing. And nothing.
Kara felt like she was collapsing in on herself. A moment of clarity rushing over her as her eyes widened, her breath stalling in her chest. What. What. Her eyes glassed over and she wasn't sure if it was with fear, agony, or anger that she began to reach forward, praying to Rao for the next beat of her best friend's heart.
DAISY: She had seen it by chance. A glimpse at a television that still had power in the city. A glimpse was all it had taken — a scrolling line of text at the bottom. Kara was fighting Donna. Daisy hadn’t wasted a second, she had given her companion a nod and an excuse that he understood — people were important. And Donna was important to Kara, which was why Daisy couldn’t wrap her head around what she had seen. She didn’t get a lot of what had happened, Kara destroying the bridges and keeping people trapped in a city that was burning — Kara cared about people. In a selfless — almost self-destructive way, so, what happened? What changed?
There was no time to waste, Daisy propelled herself into the air with her powers, she hadn’t quite perfected this, but there was no time like the present. She landed on a roof and then quickly traveled, jumping from roof to roof with the assistance of her powers, a careful balance of enough power to throw herself forward and not leave the building she had been on in ruins. (The Stark made gloves helped reduce the reverb, but knowing her limits? Daisy wasn’t particularly skilled at that yet.)
Flinging herself into the air again, once she was close enough to see the fight, she hit the ground with some buffering from her powers, a circle of cracked Earth formed around her. And Daisy inhaled as she stood up straight, eyes shooting up to see Donna lying on the ground a short distance from her. Unmoving.
Kara moved forward and Daisy immediately jumped between her and Donne. “Kara,” she said in warning, a hand up, her palm pointed towards Kara’s chest. A threat. Silent, but clear. Kara knew what Daisy could do if she wanted. “I don’t want to do this.” Don’t make me. Daisy kept her gaze locked on Kara, the expression on her face — she looked distraught... then why had it gone this far? What could have possibly happened here to lead to this. “But I will if you don’t stand down.”
KARA: She didn't even see Daisy, not at first. She only saw Donna, how her eyes fluttered closed, how the twitch of her fingers stilled. She waited and waited and Daisy was saying something, but Kara couldn't hear a thing. Not until Donna's heart gave another thump, and another. The pressure in her chest eased, and she could think, she could–
No no no it was all wrong. She was supposed to find a home on the other side of the flames. They just had to let her get through them. They had to.
Somewhere behind her, friendships were piling up, tattered and torn. It should register that this wasn't one of them. Daisy was spilled ink and confessions neither of them truly meant to make, but accepted anyway. She was once-a-week text messages, and stumbling over acceptance she deserved, even if she didn't fully understand it. Kara had chosen to love Daisy.
And Daisy was choosing to be another obstacle.
"Move, before I make you." Red snaked across her face, fire crawled beneath her skin. She didn't even wait for an answer before stepping forward; she was done with words.
DAISY: She had never imagined her friendship with Kara coming undone like this. She never thought that she’d catch Supergirl on TV beating her friend half to death — she never imagined that Kara would fall so far from the person she had been in that cafe, carefully keeping her composure while masking who she was. A broken pen the only show of force that Daisy could claim to have witnessed.
Every other moment had been touched on with kindness, with a softness — a gentleness that Daisy could have never have claimed to have earned. A whisper of family. The talk of value — that they mattered to each other. But Daisy was looking at Kara with this feeling building in her chest. A red glow just under Kara’s skin, a flicker of the color in her eyes. (A different meaning of seeing red. Or maybe the same... just more plain.)
Was this Kara? Or something else? Something like Hive? Crawling in her mind, drawing out the ugliest, meanest part of her soul?
Standing her ground, Daisy could feel Donna’s pulse behind her, the familiar beat of her heart — the quiet vibrations of her body that said that she was alive. (Would she make it? Daisy couldn’t claim to know that.)
“No. You’ve done enough.” The words came out harsher than Daisy had intended, but she didn’t back down. Kara took a step forward and Daisy... she couldn’t risk it. Daisy couldn’t wait for Kara to come ot her senses, couldn’t let her get any closer to Donna without risking Donna’s life. That had always been the line for Daisy. The lives of others. “Stand down,” Daisy commanded before focusing only one hand on Kara, holding back a fraction of her power, not wanting to kill Kara. The air around her hand shifted in a visible way, waves surrounding her hand and cutting through the air until it pushed into Kara. Strong enough to make each step Kara took more labored, but not enough to still her completely. “This is your only warning. Is this what you want, Kara?”
ALEX: It had taken longer than Alex would have liked to find a cure for the Kryptonite that Kara had been affected with. First she'd had to go over the research about the creation of the Kryptonite that Lena had brought her, then she had to find a way to reverse the effects it'd had on her sister. Blue Kryptonite was what she was testing now, it was the molecular opposite of green, which Alex had made by reversing the ionic charge of green Kryptonite, hopefully this would work because honestly she was out of ideas. Donna was trying to distract Kara, buy Alex some time to find a cure but from the updates her agents were giving her it didn't seem to be going her way. She'd just gotten the results back when one of her agents came into give her the latest update, Donna was down, they weren't sure if she was alive, but someone else had shown up to confront Kara now.
Alex knew she was running out of time with this cure, though the test results of the blue Kryptonite seemed to show it would reverse what Lena's Kryptonite had caused. It was liquid instead of a solid form so she would have to use a syringe with a green Kryptonite needle to inject it into Kara. Once the cure was in the syringe and the needle had been replaced by one of green Kryptonite Alex changed into Green Lantern and flew towards Central Park. It wasn't until she was there she saw who the other person was, Daisy, who seemed to be holding Kara's attention for now, she still had to be quick though if she was going to be able to get the cure to her sister. She landed behind Kara, moving to inject the blue Kryptonite into her neck hopefully before Kara realized what was happening.
KARA: "Yes!"
Kara tried to take a step forward, but her feet rooted to the ground. Her very bones rattled, her vision blurred. Why couldn't anyone just leave her be? She just wanted a home, she just wanted to be free. She didn't want to be hated, or revered, or held on a perfect pedestal where feelings didn't matter. She wanted to feel, Erik had allowed her to feel so much.
(Of one thing, of one thing, Kara.)
This was what she wanted, and Daisy was trying to stop her. Like Donna, like Jon and Kon. Her words fell into a scream as she tried desperately to step forward. Her eyes lit red, and–
Something pricked at her neck, and suddenly everything hurt. The fire in her veins pulling out like thousands of needles, like kryptonite. A red mist lifted from her and she had a moment, just a moment. A moment of thank you, and finally, and she could think, she could feel for the first time in days. She was Kara, and there was Daisy, and Donna.
And Donna. Her chest seized and she couldn't breathe and everything went black.
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angeltiddies · 5 years
Prompt: For Dean's birthday, Cas Googles "presents for loved ones" and inadvertently follows recommendations for romantic gifts.
Shit. Okay. Hi anon, i forgot how to see inbox notifs and have no clue if u sent this during my drunk promt ask or sober prompt ask but will fill now.
Alright nvm ^^^ that didn’t happen.
 I lost this prompt for days after I got drunk and I couldn’t find it in my drafts and alas, finally. Anyways, this was written fully sober, lmao.
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart, 2.2k, 
fluff, light angst, post s14. (ao3 link if u want)
It’s January 20th, 4 days out from Dean’s 40th birthday and he still has yet to decide on a gift. It’s his first time, really, buying Dean a birthday gift. Sure, there had been the pack of funny socks he had snagged in passing from the check out at a Gas-N-Sip, but there hadn’t been any thought behind that, no planning, nothing that Castiel thought constituted the socks as a gift. Not really. 
Not only that, but there had never really been occasion to purchase a gift for Dean until now. Sam and Castiel had decided that, with the world coming to an end and all, Dean finally deserved a proper birthday party. In years past, he had either insisted on drowning out his birthday’s with booze or insisted on ‘no gifts.’ 
Castiel isn’t sure why, maybe because the eldest Winchester brother would only feel more indebted to the others around him, or perhaps because he simply didn’t like gifts. Either way, that’s why it became his mission to get the perfect gift for Dean. Something that isn’t a curse, but a comfort. 
The time after Mary and Jack had passed away and Chuck opened the gates of hell had been rough for Dean and him. Sam had kept a protective arm’s length between Castiel and Dean, insisting Dean needed time. It hurt to feel their bond being stretched thin as he’d watch Dean across the bunker from the corner of his eye, careful not to step into his space. Castiel had decided to stay in the bunker despite the tension though, Sam insisting they needed all hands on deck as they began on the long road to killing God.
Still, despite their close proximity, and the time they’ve had to heal, he can’t help but feel further from Dean. 
Cas remembers when Sam told a story of the time he gave Dean a chocolate bar and some motor oil for Christmas. Apparently, Dean had lit up at the sentiment, but Castiel can’t handle settling for something like that. 
Dean deserves something special. 
Castiel begins his search on Google using the simplest, most “Dean” search terms he can think of. 
Men’s flannels
Not special enough
Classic records
Maybe some time, but still, not good enough.
A new pair of boots
Shoes are always too risky. 
Cowboy costume
Halloween maybe, but not for this. 
Dean already has one he trusts. 
It’s been nearly two hours browsing Google and Amazon before Castiel has to take a break and let his head loll back with a sigh. 
After stretching a bit and standing up to pace the length of the bunker, he finally settles on a Google search that he’s sure will bear fruit. 
Gifts to show you care for someone. 
Castiel takes his time clicking through the links and scrolling through many of the lists. He nearly gives up when finally, an article entitled, “Gifts to Connect You to the Person You Care About”  catches his eye.
Cas smiles at the headline and clicks through the list, cataloging the possibilities away in his mind.
However, all those possible gifts dissipate from his mind as soon as he sees it. It’s perfect, and they have some in stock at the Bed Bath & Beyond an hour and a half away in Nebraska. With that, Cas calls a “Be back later!” into the seemingly empty bunker and heads out to fetch Dean’s gift. 
When he finally arrives at the store, he makes his way inside and heads to the sleep section, his eyes lighting up when he sees what he’s looking for on the shelf below a big “As Seen On TV” sticker. 
Next to the sticker it reads: “Bed Beats” 
Bed Beats are a pair of wristbands and compact speakers that are connected via wifi anywhere in the world. Just slip the wristband on, place the disc speaker underneath your pillow and send a request to your partner through the app. When they slip on their own wristband, the device will relay their heartbeat to your speaker and vice versa. Never feel disconnected again.
Castiel grins, giddy, and picks up the first box on the shelf. It’s exactly what he and Dean need. It’s the perfect way for Cas to watch over Dean without invading his space. It’s anatomical communication without speech. Cas will know when Dean needs help as his heartbeat speeds up, he’ll know when he’s at peace, he’ll know he’s alive. 
He also blinks at the bursting yellow sticker that sits on the top left corner of the box that exclaims, “Great for Long Distance Couples!” 
They may not be a couple, but with the way that their souls and relationship has grown distant, Castiel decides that’s enough to classify them as ‘long distance.’ 
As he waits in the line to check out, Cas also grabs a simple card and a tube of discounted, red wrapping paper left over from the holiday season. 
When he gets back to his car, he decides it’s best to get everything in order before presenting the gift to Dean. When he finally gets into the heavily taped box, he pulls out one set of the wristband/speaker combos and sets it aside for himself. 
Before shrouding the other set in the metallic, red of post-Christmas, 99¢ wrapping paper, he syncs the devices and downloads the app to avoid the hassle of setting it up later. 
Then, he writes, with his thigh as a sort of table, in the card with an old pen he found in the console of his truck. 
I’m including the instruction booklet in this card (please don’t read until after you open the gift!)
I know I’ve made so many mistakes lately, and that perhaps we do not see eye to eye on everything any longer, but this is a chance to connect without having to agree. Just to sleep and not be so alone. 
Happy Birthday. I hope you like it. 
Yours, Castiel
However, he scribbles out the ‘yours’ as it feels out of place in this letter. With that, he seals the card, and the instructions, into a white envelope with Dean’s name in angelic script printed on the front.
The drive home is pleasant and he can’t help but feel butterflies for the moment he gets to present it to his charge. 
The next days pass silently, Castiel with his gift for Dean hidden in his own closet and nearly forgotten amid all the preparations for the party. 
Sam was in charge of inviting people and Dean had insisted on being in charge of food and drinks. On the day of the party, Castiel sits off to the side as many of the guests enter, most are hunters he’s never met before, and he can’t help but feel like an outsider as the day of barbequing and reminiscing devolves into pie and drunkenness by nightfall. 
He’s glad to see Jody and Claire, but even then, their conversations are stilted, both of them want to speak primarily to Dean, the ‘birthday boy’, while Cas isn’t allowed that luxury. 
He sits away from Dean all night, only making contact to say “Happy Birthday, Dean” after he blows out the ‘4’ and ‘0’ candles that someone stuck straight through the latticework on a sweet, cherry pie. Cas smiles as Claire goes up and whispers something to Dean that makes him throw his head back in laughter and begin a lively conversation with her. 
That’s when he realizes he’s on the outside looking in. 
From where he stands, nursing a finger of whiskey, he can see Alex and Garth discussing the medical anomalies of Lycanthropes, Sam, apocalypse-world-Bobby, Donna and Jody playing some sort of cards-and-drinking game, a few people he doesn’t know attempting beer pong in the war room and even a pair of local hunters musing over the library’s expansive collection. 
He’s an outsider like he’s always been with the Winchesters. When he’s not of use, he feels unwelcome. He knows there’s never any ill intent, but even now, when he doesn’t even need his angel mojo, he still doesn’t quite fit. He doesn’t understand half of the banter thrown around the room, he can’t get drunk unless he drinks the entirety of the Men of Letters scotch collection, and he can’t interact with the guests without Dean coming up. 
At this, loneliness overtaking him, he decides to retreat to his room to wait the party out. 
He sends a nod and a tip of his glass to Sam before motioning that he’s leaving, Sam acknowledges him with a grin, drunk on whiskey and the excitement of the party, and Cas slips out of sight. 
Before letting himself rest, he sneaks into Dean’s room to place the card and the gift on his bed. 
He decides it’s best that way.
Castiel keeps his personal speaker and wristband close to him, beside his phone on his nightstand, hoping that some night it will be of use. He feels the uncertainty drift in and out as each night passes without so much as an acknowledgment of the gift. 
A week passes before anything happens. It’s 3 am when Castiel’s ears pick up on the small ‘ding’ that pops out of his phone speakers. 
He rolls over and grabs his phone. On the screen sits a notification. 
Bed Beats
Dean would like to share his heartbeat. Accept?
Castiel grins into the dark and arranges the speaker underneath his pillow before securing the soft band around his wrist at his pulse point. 
With a tentative thumb, he swipes to accept and lays his right ear down onto his pillow to hear Dean. He can hear his heart beating quickly, possibly a nightmare, Cas thinks, and wills his own jittery heart to slow. He has to be the grounding one for Dean, has to be a comfort. 
His own heart beats deep like a drum, and soon he can hear Dean’s heart rate slowing to match his own. Soon, they’re in perfect sync with one another. He feels closer to Dean than he has in months and hopes Dean feels the same. 
He listens as his charge’s heart rate begins to slow even more, to around 75 beats per minute, he notes, and assumes he’s slipping into sleep. 
Castiel, usually one for wandering the bunker after the brothers are asleep, doesn’t dare lift his head from his pillow until Dean ends the connection come morning light. 
It continues like this for many weeks, Dean requesting Castiel’s heartbeat in the wee morning hours, disconnecting at sunrise, and going about the days as if nothing has changed. 
Nothing’s really changed during the day. They continue to keep their distance. Dean thanks him for making the coffee one Sunday morning and Sam tells Cas, “See, space is all you needed,” his eyes sincere, “It’s healing.” But Sam doesn’t know the reason the healing process has begun to speed up. Cas can tell Dean hasn’t told his brother of the gift, and he prefers it that way. It’s the first thing between them that Sam isn’t clued into since before Mary’s passing. That alone brings him peace.
It’s a Tuesday in early March when everything shifts. Cas is lying on his back in his bed, nerves nearly taking him. Dean almost always pings by 3 am, and now it’s 45 minutes past and he’s trying to keep calm. 
A sound makes Castiel’s ears prick up, but this time it’s not a sharp ‘ding,’ it’s the soft sound of knuckles rapping on his door. 
Cas, beneath the covers in his most comfortable shirt, one Dean loaned him for the brief period he was human, props himself up on one elbow and quirks his head as the door opens softly, revealing Dean in his doorway. 
He’s in a Led Zeppelin t-shirt with holes around the seams, and a pair of black briefs, and the “Send Noods” socks Castiel bought him. 
“Hey, Cas” Dean whispers into the darkness as he steps into the room, shutting the door behind him with care. 
Words die on Castiel’s lips and his breath hitches as Dean pads, soft and calm, to his bedside. 
He lifts the corner of Castiel’s blankets ever so slightly and looks down into the glint of Castiel’s blue eyes as if asking permission. Castiel gives him a slight nod and holds his breath as Dean lifts the covers further and slips in under them. He positions himself with his head resting on the left side of Castiel’s chest, ear right above his heart and arm draped across him, hand gently thumbing at the soft fabric on Castiel’s right shoulder. 
Castiel can feel his own heart rate pick up, it’s swift and uncontrollable and it’s filling his vessel up to the brim with hard thumps. He’s beginning to wonder if he’ll ever breathe again when a low thud overcomes his near panic. 
As bright as a bell in a void, he hears it, Dean’s heartbeat, drumming from the deep. This time it’s his charge’s heart that’s strong and steadfast and convinces Castiel’s own to join it in slow synchronization. 
Castiel takes in a breath and slows his own heart rate. He sees Dean’s eyelids flutter shut and he lets his chin rest in the soft of Dean’s hair, his left hand rubbing slow circles into his back. 
“I missed you.” 
Dean doesn’t speak, but Castiel can feel the whisper of a smile move on his chest. 
As he lets himself drift into peace, thoughts blink in his mind at the pace of his heart. 
I fit here. Dean fits here. This is my family. This is who I love. This is home.
(Gift based on this!!!)
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demiwonder-a · 4 years
like a train coming off the track // discord
WHO: Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Illyana Rasputin. 
WORD COUNT: 2041 words.
LOCATION: Central Park then the Sandsmark/Kent apartment.
GENERAL NOTES: Back dated to after the siege. Cassie sees the results of the fight between Kara and Donna and goes to help her. Illyana shows up at the apartment to do some healing.
WARNINGS: Mentions of injuries, blood, near death experience. 
CASSIE: had watched in horror, frozen in fear and dread as the live footage of the fight between Kara and Donna occurred. There was this need to watch disaster unfold before you, it was in human nature it seemed. You knew it was awful, you knew it was devastating, but you couldn't tear your eyes away. Flashes of Kon's death played back in her mind, her screaming as Superboy Prime threw him into the ground and he was unmoving. His clammy, cold skin as she refused to budge from actively sobbing over him. It made her stomach roll as Donna hit the ground. 
Get up, Donna. GET UP.
She wasn't moving. No. No.
There was no thinking involved, Cassie was just moving. A blur of red in the night sky as she flew as fast and hard as she could to where her sister laid. There were tears actively dripping down her cheeks she couldn't even feel at that point. Her mind was a constant of 'get to Donna, get to Donna, get to Donna' and she refused to stop. 
The girl landed hard enough that the concrete cracked under her feet, a bright crack of lightning behind her lit up the sky as she felt the rage overtake her body, red lasso tight in her grip. Even Zeus seemed to feel the rage that was flowing in Cassie's veins, untapped and never ending. She knew, somewhere in the back of her mind, that this wasn't who she was, what she did, but if someone got between her and her sister? They may just be taking their last breath. 
"Donna—" Cassie gasped out as soon as she finally spotted her and she surged forward, collapsing to her knees beside her sister. She smoothed a hand over her cheek to brush the errant hairs away and swallowed hard. "I got you. I'm gonna get you help. I'm right here, big sis. I'm not leaving."
DONNA: The stars had been so bright on Themyscira. Not in the glaring way of the city lights or the soft glow of candlelight. The stars were something unearthly. The gods map to the history of the world. But now Donna knew that surrounding those stars were planets full of people that she sometimes longed to meet, and sometimes those stars were long dead, their dying rays not yet reaching Earth. She dreamed of the stars, tangling in her hair and pressing into her skin and calling her home to other universes parallel to her own. There, she floated along as an observer of a hundred lifetimes passed her by -- beginnings and endings. But was there ever truly an ending in the infinite loop of time?
Something soft brushed against her cheeks and eyes fluttered open for a moment only to snap shut against the glare of harsh spotlights. A spatter of water on her face. Was it raining? A flash of blonde. "Kara?" she groaned. Something about Kara. Something was wrong with Kara. The floating -- that had been easier, she thought. Maybe if she could sink back into that then this could all go away.
CASSIE: "Fuck," the blonde whispered and her hands shook as she tried to figure out the best way to approach picking up the older woman. She let out a harsh breath and swallowed hard, gingerly pressing an arm under Donna's legs and the other under her back in an attempt at the bridal hold. She carefully stood with her in her arms and couldn't help the whimper that escaped her upon feeling the warmth of the blood that touched her arms, likely staining her suit too. 
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," Cassie whispered insistently, entirely unsure if she was trying to reassure an incoherent Donna or herself. It was so much easier to be angry than to feel this utter dread. She was strong, she was. It just felt...hard to be strong with her older sister, lying broken and bleeding in her arms. "I'm gonna get you help. I'll fix this." She said determinedly. She was smart, she could find a solution.
The apartment was the first safe place Cassie could think of. She laid her sister on their couch and tried to not let her hands shake too much as she got out the first aid kit. She'd call Tim. He'd know what to do. "I got you, Don," Cassie said softly.
ILLYANA: The fight between Donna and Supergirl had reached the news but it hadn't caught Illyana's attention until it was over. She watched the footage on the tv, Donna being picked up by her sister who she assumed took Donna to somewhere safe to tend to her injuries. This really didn't have anything to do with her, or maybe it did, she still had her doubts about how Magneto had convinced Supergirl to destroy those bridges. She could claim ignorance though, just turn the other way... instead she conjured a pentagram under her as she sat with her legs crossed, searching for Donna's energy. It was similar to how she'd found Donna when she was stuck in that pocket dimension just easier this time around. 
Once she'd picked up on Donna's energy she teleported herself there, from what she'd seen on the news it was a safe bet that Donna's sister would be there, who she didn't think would take to Illyana's presence kindly. As soon as she appeared in Cassie's apartment in front of her Illyana made her sword disappear. "I'm not here to fight" she said quickly, though she did keep a magical forcefield around herself just in case. "I can help her."
CASSIE: had so much blood on her hands, her eyes stinging with how many emotions swirled around in her chest. There was used gauze on the ground, Cassie digging constantly through the first aid kit to do what she could to take care of the wound. Red, red, red, red. Red the color of her uniform. Red the shade of hands. Red suddenly flaring in her vision the moment someone teleported into her home. She was up in an instant, lasso taut in her hands and rage coming back in an instant, roaring as loud as a wildfire in her veins. 
Of course. Of course.
Cassie's grip on her lasso didn't lessen and she looked at her sister before looking back at Illyana. "Help her then. This changes nothing. It's a truce at best." Reluctantly, she stepped back towards the end of the couch and kept her eyes on her sister warily.
ILLYANA: She was prepared for Cassie to yell at her, maybe even attack her and was a little surprised when she agreed to let her help Donna, even if it didn't change anything as she said. "Those things don't have the best track record against me so you might as well put it away" she said, nodding towards the lasso, she'd already cut through one with her sword. "She's more injured than I thought" she told Cassie as she walked over to Donna, standing in front of the couch as she looked at the injured form of the Amazon. She didn't like seeing people she... cared about? trusted? Honestly it was complicated but she didn't like seeing Donna like this. "I won't be able to heal her completely but enough that she'll survive and wake up, and ease her pain somewhat" she didn't have the energy to completely heal the extent of Donna's injuries but she'd do what she could.
Illyana took one of Donna's hands in both of hers and closed her eyes. She muttered a few words in demonic script and when her eyes opened they were glowing white as she started transferring some of her own energy into Donna in order to heal her injuries.
DONNA: Everything burned. Donna's eyes snapped open, but all she could see was red as she gasped for air, back arching in pain. She vaguely registered a hand gripping her own as her eyes threatened to roll back and she squeezed instinctively, unable to hold back what strength she had left. The burning increased until she couldn't bear it and then... a kind of numbness as the world drifted in and out of focus.
Donna groaned. "Kara. 's Kara?" she managed to slur, still gripping the hands holding her own. "Illy?" she frowned. Something was wrong. She jerked her hand away with a hiss as a fresh wave of pain reminded her just what was wrong. "You," she grit out. "Did you know?"
CASSIE: watched with a seemingly permanent scowl on her face. Her fingers were wrapped tightly around her lasso and could feel the anxiety thrumming in her veins as she kept her eyes fixated on the woman trying to heal Donna. She took a half step back as Donna finally came to, the anxiety lowering and relief coursing through her. 
Of course that could only last for a moment.
Cassie pushed in between them and a hand pushed back behind her. "Stop. You just got hurt, stay down." She said firmly. It had been awhile since she broke out her own leader voice, leaving it usually to Tim, but can't even remember the last time she had tried to use it on her sister. Her eyes fixated back on Illyana. "That's enough. You helped. Thank you. You need to leave. Now." Her voice was firm and unwavering as she held onto her lasso, it lighting up with the threat of a charge of electricity.
ILLYANA: She was careful not to use too much of her energy to heal Donna, just enough so the injuries wouldn't be life threatening anymore and Illyana wouldn't exhaust herself in the process either. Donna jerked her hand away when she woke up and Illyana stumbled a few steps back, even if she hadn't used all of her energy it had still taken a lot out of her to heal Donna. "Wait" she told Cassie before she turned her attention to Donna "did I know about what?" She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer, but she needed to know whatever information Donna had about Supergirl and what had happened.
DONNA: There was something about the way she asked the question. Something in Illyana's voice that assured Donna that her trust hadn't been so wrongly misplaced -- that even if they'd found themselves again on opposing sides, Illyana would never cross the line to hurt her family. "He used kryptonite," she said through gritted teeth. "Magneto. He did that to Supergirl." She tried to sit up again but this time let herself be forced back down by her sister's hand, biting back another cry of pain as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She turned away, hating that anyone should see her this week. "You should go." She didn't know who it was directed at -- Illyana, her sister, or both.
CASSIE: The girl's teeth grit in irritation, feeling her temper flare. Which was normal, the constant thrum of anger and rage that filled her on a daily basis. She had about enough of this, especially with the dried blood still staining her hands and arms, smeared over her uniform. It was enough to make her stomach churn and remind her of another devastating time in her life. "Leave my house. I don't want to have to make you. I'd be thrilled to actually, but I'm playing nice so just go. She asked nicely. I did too. Leave."
Without glancing back, her lasso still coiled tightly around her hands, Cassie replied to her sister, "I'll take you home in a bit."
ILLYANA: Magneto. He did that to Supergirl. She knew she shouldn't have believed him after she'd asked him about it and he managed to convince her nothing was wrong. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists together, her nails digging into her skin as they changed to claws, she needed to get out of here before she fully shifted into her demon form. When she opened her eyes again they were glowing orange and part of her armor started to cover her arm as her sword appeared in her hand. "I'm going to kill him" she said before she teleported out of the apartment.
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what more can you do?
WOO! this week’s episode was sad and weird and badly paced and startlingly, unevenly mature in true titans fashion. i loved it (with reservations)! let’s talk about it in excruciating detail:
1. i can’t say that i’m awfully thrilled about the show following up on a character’s literal suicide attempt by... not addressing said suicide attempt at all. maybe it’s the awkward way an entire episode’s worth of flashback was shoehorned in between the end of 2.07--where dick literally talked jason off the ledge while in the throes of a psychotic break of his own--and the beginning of this one, but it’s honestly not just bad storytelling, but irresponsible storytelling. 
1.5. in a general sense, tho, the tableau at the beginning of the episode is so egregiously unfair--so shockingly, plainly one-sided, with a slump shouldered dick facing the world, only kory on his side, that it’s quite apparent that it’s the lowest these heroes can go. and i do think their individual reactions to dick’s confession provide an interesting insight into their characters. hank and dawn have been operating alone for so long, each a reminder of their traumas and losses and very human frailty to the other, without even the resources that dick and the batman enjoy. it’s been them v the world for so goddamn long; is it any wonder that they were looking for the first excuse to bail out of there, to not Deal with the idea that what they were doing to deal with their traumas and guilt was clearly not working, and dick was--and has been always--so willing to be the scapegoat? hank punching dick was utterly unwarranted--but i can accept that as part of the unaddressed emotional outbursts arising out of years of accumulated head injuries from both college football and vigilantism. (this isn’t to excuse what he did but to contextualise it within hank’s history and personality.) their instinct when facing ugly truths is to retreat to what they think is familiar and what they need--except, as hank realises later in the episode, that’s exactly what’s fucking them up further.
rose is understandably upset at being lied to about her brother’s death and the titans being complicit in the same--but i’m curious that her reaction was to merely leave and not try and fight them. maybe after being defeated by dick while sparring and nearly being killed by rachel she was sensible enough to realise that she couldn’t take them on all at once? i don’t know--she’s curiously been a bit of a cipher this season. jason leaving with her made sense tho--unburdened of the weight of being the team’s scapegoat, understandably miffed at dick for keeping a secret that nearly cost him his life and left him with a great deal of trauma, just Angry at the world in general, he gravitates towards rose, the only other outsider/rebel who tried to reach out to him when everybody else shunned him or looked at him like an impostor. i think the decision was more impulsive than anything--they still look confused and uncertain in the taxi as they leave the tower behind. but--i don’t know. theirs is the storyline that i’m the most perplexed about. we just don’t have a lot of information about either of them, rose especially. 
(a part of me still thinks she’s slade’s mole in the tower. but why would she leave if she is? to keep up appearances bc to react in any other way to the news of her brother’s death would be suspicious? maybe she left because her job is done and the titans were splitting up? maybe she was part of the long game to seduce jason over to slade’s side--seeking revenge for dick swaying jericho over to the titans’? am i going to stop asking myself questions in this post? am i ever going to write a review that’s not just stream-of-consciousness nonsense? only time will tell.)
DONNA. oh, donna. her decision to leave seems to me a logical continuation of her s2 arc that i’d talked about in a previous review--paranoid, insecure, retraumatised, and taking out her frustrations on jason and dick. it’s also very interesting to me that she complained to rachel about dick treating them like “soldiers” and only told them things that he deemed that they “need[ed] to know.”  it was because of jillian and whatever mysterious business that themyscira was conducting in sf that she and garth and slade ever landed up in that airport at all; even worse, jillian deemed it was something that donna didn’t need to know until it was too late. donna lost so much in that fiasco--the man she loved, her friends, several members of her amazon family, and her sense of purpose, her belief in her strength and her destiny and her faith that other people trusted her as a warrior and as a leader. she’s projecting all that pain onto dick--who again, doesn’t deserve all this shit but takes it anyway because of his own issues.
1.8. and, like. as much as jericho’s death became the Traumatic Event that overshadowed almost everything else in dick’s life for the last five years and helps explain a lot of his hang-ups right from s1, it just doesn’t have the same significance for the others. don’t get me wrong--i’m sure hank, donna and dawn are devastated and guilty about the part that they had to play in manipulating jericho and his eventual death. but their issues with each other, with the titans tower and with their past run deeper and in different directions, and i think all of that came into play when they each decided to go their separate ways.
1.95. idek what the fuck is going on with rachel. i felt every ounce of dick’s heartbreak and devastation when she got up to leave with donna. for all that she saved dick in the first episode of this season, she still hasn’t reached the point where she’s willing to unburden her emotions and issues on him. it must be frustrating and sad for her to realise just how much dick didn’t trust her either. but there’s something else going on as well: maybe she’s realised she has no real control over her re-emerging powers, and, carrying on with the fatalistic attitude she had at the end of 2.05, she wants to spare the titans the chaos and darkness that she carries around with her. (she’s used to running away at this point, after all.) she goes with donna bc donna knows her the least: it would therefore be easy to fool her and escape. 
2. more faddei! and kory backstory! \o/ 
it’s curious that they never once bring up trigon, because s1 gave the impression that she’d come to earth with a specific mission to seek his portal out and destroy it before he could, y’know, Fuck The Universe Up. faddei makes it sound like kory just went on this fun little sabbatical before taking up royal duties, which kiiinda undercuts a lot of what was cool about her s1 arc. i realise you aren’t entirely happy with your freshman season, titans, and s2 looks like it might be a soft reboot, but you don’t have to mutilate it like this!
but seriously. the stakes just got upped exponentially for kory, and it would be really interesting to see where she goes from here. apart from a promise to rachel, she doesn’t really owe the rest of the titans anything--not that i think she views relationships in such transactional terms, of course. on the other hand, abandoning her responsibilities on tamaran has led to its takeover by an unfit leader and the deaths of several of her family and friends. the choice shouldn’t be a choice at all. she should go back home. and yet--she waited too long, and the choice has been taken away from her. faddei is dead, both of their ships are destroyed, and she is stuck on earth, grieving and frustrated and furious. kory is usually very clear headed about exactly where she stands emotionally, but after such a big event, she must be feeling so much pain, guilt, sorrow, anger, even resentment. it’s so easy to look at kory’s level-headedness and open, empathetic personality and use her to prop up other characters, but i hope that this isn’t always the case, and that she’ll be allowed to really work through these emotions while somebody else looks out for her. 
2.35. (the little snippets of faddei and kory just enjoying the shit out of the Little Things that humanity has to offer is just... it filled me with so much warmth. i wouldn’t mind an entire episode of them just chilling and exploring and annoying each other with badly-applied out-of-context pop culture references)
2.5. blackfire! i don’t know much about comics!blackfire beyond “she was starfire’s sister, Evil, and possibly sold her sister into slavery??? yikes” so i’m just going purely off what the show has revealed about her so far. it was honestly disconcerting to see so many references to her possible disability (?) and to see both that and the efforts to accommodate her spoken about in... i want to say mocking way? i don’t know. i just saw a murder mystery/thriller movie today where the serial killer was revealed to have been both disabled from birth and mentally ill, and maybe i’m just feeling extra sensitive to the truly disturbing and pervasive trope of having disabled characters be Evil--and tying their Evil to their disability. 
2.8. anyhow, blackfire appears to have accumulated a fair bit of power in the time that kory’s been gone: not only can she remotely possess other tamaraneans but she can blow up their ships too. (and didn’t faddei say that she had goons on the ground, looking for starfire?)
2.9. it’s a Lot to deal with this late in the season. maybe kory will leave for tamaran to deal with blackfire once and for all at the end of the season. and if titans ends up cancelled, wouldn’t that be a bittersweet ending.
(wherein ‘bittersweet’ translates to ‘devastating’ ofc)
3. oh where do i even start with dick
his worst fears came true. after his confession, not only did his old friends up and leave, but so did rachel and jason, which he found more heartbreaking than anything else. utterly consumed by guilt and convinced more than ever before of his culpability, he actively seeks out ways to self-flagellate, first by going to adeline to apologise, then by banishing himself, then by making sure he is punished (tho i have my doubts on that last one; will elaborate a little later). after watching him have an extended psychotic break and dash into not one but two suicide missions, watching dick grayson do this to himself feels like watching an extended feature on human suffering. it’s not fun, or pretty, and i can feel it reaching its nadir so that dick can bounce back up again, but i hope it happens soon.
(dick’s natural tendency to internalise guilt and responsibility into a hard little diamond core at his centre and his long training with batman with all the emphasis on secrets and subterfuge with a healthy underpinning of paranoia ironically means that he does so much goddamn emotional labour for this team. he’s the glue that keeps them together, that gives them purpose. he’s trying so hard to do good by everybody that he isn’t really able to achieve it with any of them, which leads to another self-flagellating spiral and him determining to try harder and the cycle just keeps going on. only kory seems to have ever broken this cycle, because she’s never demanded anything of him, nor he of her. it’s really sad to think how bereft dick feels right now, and more than that, how it’s stopping him from being there for the people who really do need him and trust him, like gar and rachel.)
3.25. adeline makes a very good point about how merely apologising doesn’t mean you’re owed forgiveness, and that seeking it out after all these years is a self-serving exercise in itself. but i can see dick taking it hard, especially after discovering that she’s letting slade--the man who actually killed her son--recuperate at her home. (and let’s be clear: however good her intentions, she participated in lying to her child about the truth of what his father actually does. wow, jericho was really just fucked over by pretty much every one he loved, wasn’t he?)
but i am glad to see dick isn’t so far gone that he takes the blame for jericho’s death in front of slade. he’s very aware that slade has permanently broken the team and very aware of the threat slade poses if they ever try to get back together again, but he’s not going to completely surrender every last shred of his self-worth and dignity to this man, and that was refreshing to see.
3.5. so he banishes himself to the farthest place he can think of with nothing more than the shirt on his back and a single duffel bag. it’s so over-the-top yet so... dick grayson.
ok so here’s what’s happening, all right? strap in:
a) jericho is one hundred percent inside slade. i have no doubts about this. adeline knows this too. it’s why she was so even-keeled while talking to dick, why she confidently said that jericho loved dick, and why she said “they” might be willing to forgive him. i’m thinking when slade crawled back home, jericho took advantage of his father’s momentary weakness to tell what was happening to his mother. 
b) jericho tried to communicate to dick. i saw something somewhere which said that slade had gestured something very specific in asl while conversing with dick? i’m willing to believe that was intentional.
c) when dick was turning to leave and slade called him one last time and gave his “banishment sentence” jericho likely jumped bodies from slade to dick
d) so why did dick get himself arrested at the airport?
- dick was going through, as others have speculated, a dissociative episode. given how he’s exhibited signs of mental illness throughout this season this isn’t that far out of the realm of possibility, but it’s a weak and redundant narrative bridge and wasn’t shot in a way that suggested that it was a mental break. so i’m ruling this out.
- jericho took over. maybe he felt that this was the only way he could force dick to stay in sf. maybe some of his father’s anger/resentment leeched into him and he wanted to dick to experience some actual punishment instead of scarpering again. maybe he was overwhelmed by dick’s own self-flagellating tendencies and chose the shortest route to maximum pain. maybe it’s a combination of all three.
- dick finally got his brain into gear and realised at the last minute that jericho had possessed slade and was trying to tell him something. why he then proceeded to get himself arrested instead of running out of the airport is a mystery.
personally, i’m leaning towards the ‘jericho possessed dick’ possibility.
4. gar is such a sweetheart and i am so glad that he took centrestage this episode, even though, like always, it was to support another character and ended up with him crying and begging for help from an unresponsive dick. *sighs*
4.5. much like dick himself, he’s trying to do good by everybody, only to end up badly misjudging a situation, and all alone. 
5. oof. this has gone on for far too long and i am Tired. more thoughts to come later, because right now my brain is as disorganised as... as disorganised as a titans episode. hah! self-burn!!!
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Curiosity Killed The Part (Part 1) - Gar Logan
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Gif: Unknown on Tenor
Word Count: 3.3K
Paring: Gar Logan x (f)Reader
Summary: When Rachel made plans to go to Themyscria, she made sure to invite Gar. Growing up on Themyscria, Y/N didn’t know much about the land of man, and so, obviously, was curious.
Warnings: N/A
Requested: @ninergirl1d​
When Rachel had invited him to accompany her to Themyscira of all places, Gar couldn’t believe it. Of course he said yes. It was Themyscira! What moron wouldn’t agree to that? He also just wanted to get away, away from everything that had happened.
“How much longer are we on this boat for?” Gar asked as he leaned over the side of the boat they were on. It had been a long, seemingly endless journey as it was, but the ship was pushing Gar over the edge. He wanted to throw up violently, but he had already emptied his stomach from vomiting. There was nothing left to bring up, and he was having trouble eating on the boat as well. The sooner they got to Themyscira, the better. The first thing Gar was going to do was hug and kiss the ground beneath his feet. It was something he had taken for granted, the solid ground, but not anymore.
“Not much longer,” Rachel said, looking at the words in the book in front of her. “According to this, we just got to go through that,” she pointed in front of her. Gar looked and groaned again, leaning his head over the rails again. Of course, the only way to get to Themyscira was through a storm. Protecting the Amazons from whatever dangers wanted to attack them.
“I’m going to lay down before my legs give way and I fall off.”
“Good idea,” Rachel nodded, eyeing Gar and seeing him pale before her eyes. The last thing this trip needed was Gar going overboard and Rachel having to rescue him.
Gar groaned and waved faintly at Rachel as he stumbled inside of the boat to his cabin. He crashed into the doorway and muttered to himself as he collapsed onto his bunk and stared up at the ceiling. Nausea rocked around inside of him with the movements of the boat, making him dizzier than he was before. The top of his head tingled then his feet as he swayed with the ship. Maybe he could sleep for a while.
“Gar, wake up!”
Gar felt himself being shaken widely, forcing him to open his eyes and come face to face with Rachel. He frowned and shifted himself into a sitting position. Blinking hard, Gar pushed his luminous green hair from his eyes and swallowed a yawn. How long had he been sleeping? It had only felt like ten minutes, but Rachel was wearing different clothes.
“What is it?”
“We’re here.”
“We’re at Themyscira!” Rachel said excitedly. Very few mortals had been lucky enough to set eyes on the hidden paradise on earth, of course she was excited.
“Yeah, come on,” Rachel tried to pull Gar to his feet. “You’re totally gonna want to see this!”
Gar didn’t fight as Rachel dragged him to his feet and let her lead him to the railings again. Rachel was right, Gar did want to see this!
White cliffs were the first thing that caught his eye, all of them crisp chalk white with green tops, towering higher than any normal cliff. Tumbling down the cliffs and other rock formations were a water that was so blue and clean that it almost seemed to glow, even water hidden amongst the shade. Hidden at the top of the cliffs, where the waterfalls led to, was the city itself. Themyscira. Whitestone houses and tall pillars with statues of Amazons, living and passed. Gar stared at the sight before him stunned into a silence of admiration as they approached the island’s golden beaches. There was a long, white stone dock with Amazons waiting there to greet them. When the boat was close enough, the women leapt onto the ship and started to help tie the boat off. The woman closest to Gar was a towering example of a woman with biceps and quadriceps that could put Olympic athletes to shame. He had to crane his head up to look at her, even then his vision was skewered put the blaring sun, but he could make out features of the woman. Older, he knew that much, she looked around Bruce’s age if he had to guess, she was wearing the garb of a general that he had seen in the books that Rachel poured over every morning, afternoon and evening. The woman looked as though she could take Connor down with a single flick to the forehead.
“You can get off now,” the woman told him.
“T-thank you, Madame Amazon,” Gar nodded as he stumbled to get off. The woman chuckled and shook her head in amusement.
“Trigona,” she said.
“Right, right,” he coughed and nodded again. Surely he was going to get a headache. “Thank you, Trigona.”
“You’re welcome, young man,” Trigona smiled. The emphasis on man reminded Gar that here, on Themyscira, he was an originality to the women, the Amazons. Not many, if any of them, had met a male before. He was like a display to them, something to mumble about to each other in stupefaction and curiosity.
“Gar, come on,” Rachel called. Gar turned and looked to see Rachel on the dock, her arms folded for him not coming quick enough.
“Right,” Gar said, he turned back to Trigona, “nice meeting you,” he said before leaping off the boat and onto the dock next to Rachel. The Amazons stood opposite them, looking at them intensely. Gar and Rachel looked awkwardly to each other before sighing and looking at the Amazons.
“It’s Donna, isn’t it?” said one of the Amazons. It was evident to the female warriors who looked at the teenagers. What happened was written all over their faces, the sadness in Gar’s eyes and the solemnness on Rachel’s face. The women knew it. There was no need to beat around the bush.
“Yeah…” Rachel nodded solemnly.
“Come, let’s talk, and see what we can do.”
“Young man, you look quite faint,” said another woman, who crouched down and placed a hand on Gar’s shoulder. He was still quite pale from the journey, and his legs were wobbling. Rachel smiled, sympathetically at her friend.
“Gar struggled a lot with seasickness.”
“Well then,” the woman said, “let’s get you nice and rested to gather your strength.”
“I’d like that,” Gar said.
“I’ll have Epione come and look you over,” she said as she gently guided Gar off.
For two days, Gar was on bed rest, especially after he stood up after Epione making sure he was alright and he practically crumpled to the ground. Rachel came and visited him between meetings with the Amazons, who had grown quite fond of her and Gar in their short time there.
“How're the meetings been going?” Gar asked as he and Rachel ate their meals together.
“They’re… complicated,” Rachel confessed, “they have so much knowledge and things here that I kinda feel a little behind…”
“Don’t underestimate yourself,” Gar assured her.
“Epione reckons you might be able to leave the bed,” Rachel said changing the topic.
“Thank God!” Gar chuckled, “I’m in Themyscira of all places and haven’t seen any of it. Not complaining though, if there is one thing I know about Themyscira I can say with complete and utter confidence is that the Amazons have perfected how to make the most comfortable bed ever!”
“Tell me about it, I’ve slept like a baby since being here.” Rachel smiled, “reckon we’ll be allowed to take our mattresses with us?”
“Probably not,” Gar shifted into a more comfortable position. “Don’t you have another meeting to get to?”
“Oh, yes!” Rachel’s eyes widened as Gar reminded her. “Thanks, I’ll see you later,” Rachel waved as she ran out of the room, leaving Gar alone in his room.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sofia lifted her eyebrow and folded her arms as she caught Y/N trying to climb out of her bedroom window. Her leg was sticking out of the window, and she was in the process of pulling herself out of the window to jump to the ground below.
“Out?” Y/N cocked her head to the right as she looked at Sofia.
“Where to?”
“The… er… the cliffs?”
“Want to try again?”
“Fine,” Y/N groaned as she pulled herself back into her room, “I was going to go look at the outsiders! That girl and the… the man!”
“Y/N, we have spoken about this,” Sofia scolded.
“I’ve never seen one of them before, let alone met one,” Y/N said, “all I want is a peak. He won’t even know I’m there.”
“Why not?”
“Because you are young, there is much to learn,” Sofia said calmly. “You, like Donna, need to train properly first.”
Y/N was a lot younger than Donna but had grown from an infant on Themyscira. Being a child from the world of man, but having none of the memories of the place. Donna had found Y/N on a mission with Diana. It was a lab, and whatever had happened, there had given Y/N Amazon abilities. The Amazons never really spoke about it, but Donna had let a few things slip. Y/N knew that she was experimented on as a baby, Y/N knew that she didn’t have any biological family. Y/N knew that the experiment was supposed to be able to create super-soldiers that could be used against those like Diana and Clark. Donna mentioned the name ‘Lex’ once or twice, but that name meant nothing to her. Donna showed baby Y/N to Diana, who had been looking through the files and knew what Y/N was being used for, immediately knew what to do. They brought her to Themyscira and had asked Sofia, an old friend of Diana’s who was a finalist for the title of Wonder Woman – of course, Diana trusted her to train Y/N as an Amazon, and Sofia was a warm-hearted, kind-souled woman. Perfect for raising a baby into a mighty Amazon.
“Come on, Sofia,” Y/N whined. “I’m only curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat,” Sofia warned, saying the expression that she learned from Diana and Donna when they came back to Themyscira. “Now, come on, time for training!”
“Okay,” Y/N sighed and nodded as she followed sulkily.
Y/N wasn’t going to give up that easily. She was dying to take a peek at the man that she had heard whispers about. Trigona had told her and Sofia all about the man when she stopped by for supper. Apparently, he had green hair. Was that normal for men? Y/N didn’t know, and she wasn’t going to ask. Sofia had always warned Y/N that men and their world were filled with temptations and dangers, things that she might not win battles against. Y/N didn’t blame Sofia for wanting to protect Y/N. While she didn’t know much about the world of man, she could tell that what they did to Y/N as a baby wasn’t right. It was a bad thing. The word ‘experiment’ sounded cold and heartless. Of course, Sofia wouldn’t want Y/N to have contact with the world that hurt her. All Y/N wanted was a peek, just a small one, to satisfy what was nagging in her brain, then she would never mention it again. That was all she wanted, all she needed.
She grabbed her sword, just to be safe, and went to look. Sofia was at one of those meetings with the girl that had come, as were most of the Amazons. Y/N was too young.
Y/N knew that the man was somewhere on the island. He had been taken off of bed rest and was free to roam. She just had to look for him. Where could he have gone? There was an awful lot to see on Themyscira, and even Y/N was still discovering new areas on her adventures. It was a needle in a haystack situation. Time to start searching.
The moment Y/N saw the mop of green hair, she dropped to the ground. She was minutes away from giving up, strolling atop the cliffs and kicking at the dirt beneath her feet and then a green-haired figure was seen in the corner of her eyes. Why she dropped to the ground, she didn’t know. Instinct, like hunting, really. When stalking your prey, you don’t want to be seen. On the ground, Y/N pulled herself forward on her elbows to the edge and peered over it, keeping herself as close to the ground as possible so not to be seen.
He certainly had green hair, but Y/N couldn’t really see anything else defining about the man. Man. Y/N was seeing a real man with her own two eyes. A man. Maybe she could get a closer look. She bit her lip and carefully got to her feet, creeping along the edges of the cliff, still not being caught. There were some rocks on the beach. She could hide behind them. With a gentle landing, Y/N leapt off of the cliff and landed on the sand, creeping behind the rocks. The man still hadn’t seen her yet. She peered behind the rocks and saw him closer. He was smiling to himself and squinting in the bright sunlight that hurt his eyes. His hands were in his pockets, and he strolled casually, taking in his surroundings. Y/N smiled and leaned a little further to look.
Carefully, Y/N started to follow him on foot, knowing she could hide behind the rocks a few feet ahead.
Finally, after two days, Gar could look around the island. Paradise on Earth. All the Amazons he had met were so lovely and absolutely fascinating, and he couldn’t wait to know them better, but they had meetings, so while they did that, he was free to roam.
The beach was, of course, the first place to go. Those golden bays looked so inviting on the boat. He strolled aimlessly, smiling and looking around. There were no stones, no shells, but there were large rocks thrown around the shores. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. Being on Themyscira, Gar felt all his troubles melt away. Though some doubt crept in when Gar thought he saw a figure move out of the corner of his eye. Something appearing in front of the cliff. But when he didn’t see anything, he thought it must’ve been a bird or something.
However, Gar couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Weren’t all the Amazons at the meeting?
He slowed his walk down ever-so-slightly and shifted his eyes to look over his shoulder subtly. There was a figure behind him, he knew that, but he couldn’t see who. They were close to him, so close he could hear them breathing. Quickly, Gar spun around and grabbed the figure, pinning them to the ground, growling, letting his eyes flash.
It happened so fast. Y/N was foolish enough to try and get closer to him and then her back hit the sand. She saw green, a lot of green. Using the hilt of her sword, Y/N shoved his chest, sending him backwards, then kicked his feet out from underneath him, pressing the blade against his throat. She pressed her knee into his chest to keep him still.
“Stay down!” She ordered
Gar was stunned, to say the least. His eyes weren’t glowing anymore, and there were no fangs, no growl, no nothing. His hands were by his head, and his eyes were wide open as he looked at the person pinning him to the down. He heard them speak in a firm voice, ordering him to stay down, and feeling the sharp blade against his throat, Gar wasn’t going to argue, but looking at the person, it wasn’t what he expected. A girl around his age was who was following him, who he pinned down and who was easily holding him down like he was a ragdoll. She had Y/H/C hair that shone in the light of the sun and piercing Y/E/C eyes that stared him down. He gulped. She was a powerful-looking young woman.
“Sorry!” Gar said quickly, “I didn’t know it was you… I, I, I thought you were going to attack me. I just wanted to be safe.”
The girl eyed him cautiously before slowly pulling her sword back. He could hear Cliff in his head telling him to ‘say something, dumbass’.
Yeah, Y/N thought, this guy wasn’t going to hurt her. She knew it by his eyes, they stared at her completely stunned and then when he spoke it just confirmed what she already knew. He was a man who didn’t want to harm. A rarity apparently according to what she heard of the land of man.
She pulled back her sword and let him get to his feet, but she kept a tight grasp on the sword and looked at him closely. He smiled, awkwardly at Y/N.
“Sorry, for, you know, attacking you…” he mumbled, shoving his hands in his pocket.
“You’re the man?” Y/N said instead of acknowledging what he had said.
“Erm, yes,” he nodded, “Gar,” he held his hand out, “nice to meet you.”
Y/N eyed the hand hesitantly before looking at Gar who smiled again, looking at his own hand, silently asking her to shake his hand. She did, cautiously. Y/N placed her hand in his and gave him a firm handshake.
“Gar?” Y/N repeated.
“Um, my full name is Garfield, but I prefer Gar,” Gar explained in a rambling voice, “You know, like a nickname. Garfield Logan is kinda a long mouthful of a name, so just going by Gar Logan, or just Gar really, no one really goes around wanting to be called by their first and last name, do they? Anyway, going by Gar is easier.”
“Well, Gar, I’m… sorry for concerning you,” Y/N coughed, retracting her hand which Gar was still slowly shaking, unaware, looking Y/N in the eye and smiling. “That was inconsiderate of me. I’ve just… I’ve never seen a man before, and I was curious.”
“Right, you’re an Amazon,” Gar nodded as though he just realised. “Hope I met the expectations you had,” he chuckled awkwardly. Y/N laughed herself, but before she could answer, Sofia came running towards them.
“Y/N, what did I tell you?” Sofia scolded her, grabbing Y/N by the arm and pulling her away from Gar.
“I was curious!”
“Curiosity killed the cat, Y/N, remember?”
Y/N groaned and let her head rollback. Of all the things Donna and Dianna brought to Themyscira from the world of man, that damned expression was the worst thing.
“It’s fine, really,” Gar said, drawing attention to himself. “Y/N, is it?”  Sofia and Y/N turned and looked at him, Sofia scowling and Y/N smiling a little. Gar smiled back at Y/N, which Sofia noticed, causing her to pull Y/N back further.
“Yes,” Y/N nodded.
“Y/N seems really nice,” Gar assured Sofia, who, while proud that Y/N was a nice young woman, was still not pleased. “It didn’t bother me.”
“That is beside the point,” Sofia said to Gar before turning to Y/N,
“Sorry, Sofia,” Y/N sighed, looking down.
“Come on, let’s leave the young man be and talk about this elsewhere,” Sofia said before they turned to Gar. “Thank you, young man, for being such a nice young man, but we ought to be going.”
“Farewell, Gar,” Y/N smiled, “I hope we can talk again soon.”
“Me too.”
“I’m sorry, Sofia,” Y/N repeated as she sat down.
“When I say something, I want to be listened to, Y/N.” Sofia scolded, “What if you had bothered him? What if this ended badly for one of you? What if someone had gotten hurt?”
“I know, I shouldn’t have disobeyed,” Y/N agreed, thinking to Gar’s glowing green eyes and how she had held a knife to his throat. Yes, they quickly mended the situation and found themselves getting along, but what if they hadn’t? “He’s really nice though, Sofia,” Y/N added.
“Yes, he appeared to be,” Sofia nodded, sitting next to Y/N, stroking her hair.
“He has a nice smile, doesn’t he?”
Sofia chuckled as she hugged her surrogate daughter.
“Gar, what’s up?” Rachel asked as Gar came back with a beaming smile.
“I met someone today,” he shrugged, looking at his friend.
“What’s her name?”
“Y/N, she’s… incredible.”
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