#and I was like ‘OH that’s good! Young inside is good cuz ….’
sunlightfeeling · 9 months
Christmas Dinner Checklist:
Petted the dog ✅
Made some jokes ✅
Made some conversation ✅
Ate ✅
Drank about a bottle of wine ✅
Smoked up with the host ✅
Uh… ✅
Yeah ✅
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sidereon-spaceace · 10 months
boy howdy that dream was a doozy
#ramblings#started with my home city about to get wrecked by a flood so everyone's response to this was. take boats into the canal?#which was dangerous cuz my whole life ive been told if you fall in the current will pull you under#but then we came up over this. dry hill?? in the middle of the canal. which was weird and no one liked it so we turned back#except instead of going back to where we were before it was somewhere different#tried again. ended up in straight up another world. lots of beautiful people there who seemed to be having a good time#except this place was a prison. they all assumed WE had done something to be there like it wasnt even questioned#even gave us fucking prompts to chose from as we stated our crimes and got our pictures taken#one young woman from our group got into SERIOUS trouble and had to run and suddenly the dream was from her perspective#went back over that dry little hill into this. little lake? with a round building in the middle#she was being followed. she went inside. there was another room inside the building and she closed the door behind her#there was a desk with lots of little drawers and looking out the window... oh man#i dont know the name for the style of architecture but there was lots of detail and pointed spires and it was made of a dark material#down below was a dark and stormy sea with choppy waves and ahead a mountain range with sharp peaks#behind the mountain was. a whole world. definitely not earth. like i was suddenly on a moon#and around there is when my brain tapped out and i woke up at like 5:30 which. fair
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emacrow · 4 months
So you know the movie Ponyo
What I'm really trying to ask is do you know the mother and the father are like a little thing where the mother looks like an epic Sea Goddess cuz she is and he looks like a sad sickly old man
I'm just imagine that Klarion and Danny
Like Danny looks like an epic beautiful star Death god powerful in the way he moves but it's subtle like he's slowly comforting you to death
And Klarion looks like a crazy witch boy with a cat who look like he's out right feral and about to throw a pipe bomb at you just because he can
I'm just imagining what happens is Young/Dark Justice is worried about Klarion he's been gone for a while and they're wondering what he's planning I imagine they're surprised when they see him with a Lazarus pit
It's a specially surprising when electric entity sticks their head out of the Lazarus pit and starts talking to Klarion as the JLD and YJL hide there waiting for Klarion into demand help our power they watch this being completely start flirting with Klarion
I imagine Klarion and Danny's conversation going like this
Danny: Hello there my amazing chaos what have you came to talk to me about this time
He puts his hands up to pick up Klarion and bring him closer to his face
Klarion: It's that stupid Doctor Fate it's like he doesn't understand too much balance can ruin the order of the world I might love chaos but that would cause a chaos I couldn't even control
Klarion sits down and Danny's hands rubbing his head on one of Danny's fingers as comfort
Danny: Oh my love I could always talk to him and get him to try slow it down a bit if that's what you need
Danny's face turns into one of concern as he says that slowly starting to move around in the bigger than normal Lazarus pit that Klarion found for him
Klarion: No starlight me and Teekl have that old fart handled how about you tell me about your day instead did you find any more stars how is the balance between life and death doing for you
Danny puts him back down as a twinkle goes in to his eyes as he lays down in Lazarus water slowly starting to swim around as he say
Danny: oh Klarion life and death has been amazing and there's a new Star nursery that I found out there it's just wonderful
After Danny says that he pauses for a moment and presents to go underneath the water he comes out looking smaller with white hair and still wearing the same clothing he was wearing when he was larger surprising Klarion by grabbing his hands
Danny: oh Klarion my dear I have an idea how about we let Dr.Fate have what he wants for once in his miserable life let him have order without the balance that he needs that should show him that he needs you should it not
Klarion takes a second to think through It after he does he grabs Danny's hands right back
Klarion: that's an amazing idea Danny I'll stay with you in the infinite realms let's see how Dr Fate work without chaos helping him keep the balance
After that Danny kisses Klarion on the cheek using the the Lazarus pits to take him and Klarion to somewhere called the infinite realms
I'm sorry this is my first time really writing out Klarion I don't know how to write out characters that well I hope it was good that is what I really like is YJ and JLD was just reacting to this conversation since like the plan was listen and find information
You bet damn right that Dr Fate would have trouble keeping the balance, and would probably have the justice league trying to find Klarion because he thinks he up to something but in reality Klarion is in the middle of deep space, playing around with the stars as Danny is molding and feeding the baby star nursery to build a new universe in the making.
Dani is probably with him doing looping loops playing with star dust while Dan beat up any asteroids that had bad bacteria and let some of the good meteorites in that has good bacteria, and frozen water inside of them.
By the the time Justice league figured it out, probably the Green lantern, Hal. He probably gobsmacked and godsmacked straight back where he came form accidentally by Danny's star fueled cape.
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tizeline · 1 month
Giggling at the fact that Donnie probably has a lot of only child habits like only getting food for himself and eating it Infront of them and getting genuinely annoyed if they try to steal some. Astonished when they borrow anything of his without permission (WHO MOVED MY PENS?!). Being genuinely perplexed when one of his chores gets done randomly 😭
Poor Donnie isn't in on any of the inside jokes probably 😔
LMAO yeah I've been thinking about Only Child Donnie a lot XD
For example, Donnie having no idea how to differentiate between normal sibling bickering and genuine fights. After Raph starts hanging out with Donnie and Leo, he'll get to see way more of that classic sibling bickering in action. And considering Leo's tension with the rest of his family during this time because of the whole Dark Armor incident, he'd worry that Leo and Raph still feel some actual resentment towards each other. Leo and Raph are arguing with each other to the point they start play-wrestling and Donnie is all like "shit shit what do I do they're gonna hurt each other" and the next second Leo and Raph are laughing at random some joke and Donnie is just left confused over the whole interaction because what even was that?? Weren't they mad at each other just a second ago??
I will say though, me and my sibling weren't the type to just share each others stuff freely. Well, we did when we were young, most of our toys we both played with. But maybe because of that we got a bit possessive over our own stuff as we got older (we also shared a room until I was like 10-ish, so we were probably both a bit desparate to become separate induviduals at that point). Point is, if my bastard of a sibling even DARED to step foot into my sacred abode (my room) without my express permission, they would be forced to face my unbridled fury (I'd gently beat them up with pillows)! And if they were to steal as much as a single pencil from my treasury, my wrath would lead me to even more drastic measures (I'd snitch to our parents)!
That being said, I have no idea how The Drax Bros behaved regarding this when growing up. IF they were the type to just yoink each others stuff constantly (which I definitely think is possible) you are completely right that it would drive Donnie up the wall if they did the same to him XD
In my experience and from what I've observed with others, when you have siblings close in age to you, you tend to develop a very intense obsession with everything always needing to be 100% fair and equal. For example, if you're cutting up cake and your siblings piece is as much of a millimeter wider than your own piece, it's basically the end of the world. I can see Leo and Donnie sharing a pizza and afterwards Leo's all outraged over Donnie getting more pizza than him. Donnie's confused cuz they each got an equal amount of slices, but then Leo accuses Donnie of getting all the SLIGHTLY bigger slices and as such got a LITTLE bit more pizza than Leo! Completely unfair!
Actually, Donnie being a math nerd would be good at measuring food in this scenario, his brothers would constantly try to get him to divide any food they're sharing to make sure it's as even and equal as possible. Donnie quickly gets tired of this, but the alternative is the other turtles all arguing with each other over who gets which piece which is even more annoying so he just goes along with it lol.
And oh yeah, Donnie definitely feels quite left out whenever his brothers joke about or even mentions something they did growing up that he did not get to partake in (little does he know that his brothers feels similarly whenever he and April do the same thing and references stuff from their shared childhood that they did not get to be part of)
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mamayan · 1 year
Request: Male Minotaur Yandere x Female Human Childhood Sweetheart Reader
General Premise: Reader darling grew up as childhood friends with an adorable Minotaur neighbor. (She had to move away eventually and was unable to keep in touch with him, but they always remembered each other). He was really small and weak when he was young compared to other bulls of his species, so imagine her surprise when she meets him years later as an adult, and he’s fucking massive (in more ways than one…) He’s never letting her go again and is breeding/impregnating her constantly for the rest of her life. Making her his trophy wife/house wife too. (Sorry not sorry, I love babies and uxorious men who want nothing more than to seed me).
P.S. I feel like this man could either be like a farm boy…or like a rich, powerful man, who just confines reader to a large private island by Greece or something. Like…I’m so conflicted…
Also I love your stuff! Your sexy writing is the best and makes me go fish brain in the best way possible!
Love ,🧋🫖Anon
Oh my goodness 🧋🫖Anon—🫢♥️
Okay I wanna respond to this so you know I’m not ignoring~ This is so hot though?! I can’t do a full fic right now, but let’s do some headcanons cuz this has stewed in my brain.
NSFW under the cut!
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Minotaur BF who you had to protect as children. Out in the country folk didn’t take kindly to those who were different, and as a human you felt badly your friend was being bullied by your own kind. Sure he wasn’t human, but his heart was kind and he was your friend! He was an outcast amongst his own too because he was a runt, treated badly every which way, except by you.
Minotaur BF who would hold your hand at night because he was scared of the thunder storms, who would cuddle up cutely beside you and sleep after you held him. He took to you like a little stray kitten, reliant on your kindness and friendship like a life raft.
Minotaur BF who nearly lost his mind when you left home, unable to comprehend why you would leave him. Didn’t you know he needed you? It wounded his soul but he comforted himself with your promise to come back. You had too after all.
Minotaur BF who sprouted up to nearly double the size of his peers. He’s not little anymore and doesn’t need you to protect him, it’s others who should worry for themselves. He’s not scared of crushing skulls if they push too far or intrude on his land. He’s a simple farmer after all, he just doesn’t like trouble.
Minotaur BF who rejoices when you return, even more beautiful and grown up. Who adores your shocked expression because he towers over you now, and he wants you to praise him for growing so well. Now he can protect you, provide for you, care for you, breed you.
Minotaur BF who won’t let you leave back to your big city again. You said you’d come back, why would he let you run away again? Your tears won’t sway this monster, and you aren’t strong enough to resist his gentle but firm hold on you. You won’t be going anywhere but his bed. You’d better get comfortable, because this big male wants you in every way.
Minotaur BF with an enormous cock that trumps whoever or whatever toys you used in that big city away from him. Your cute cunt won’t be able to take him without an absurd amount of prep, and he’s more than happy to put that work in for you. His wide long tongue swirling inside of you, glossing you up in spit and saliva and making an absolute mess of your lower body. His big fingers prying your little hole open to stretch, making you cum until you pass out and waking again being spearing on his wiggling muscle as he devours you. He’s not afraid to slip his tongue further to your tight ring of muscle and lick there either, he’s ready to worship every inch of your body.
Minotaur BF who can cook, making you the most mouth watering home made meals with ingredients he grew or slaughtered, because he wants you healthy and happy for when he breeds you. 
Minotaur BF who is still the sweetest and most considerate as long as you don’t try to leave. Who wants to spoil you endlessly and fill your womb with hot sprays of his cum because you look too cute like that. You want that dress, game, etc.? He’ll get it for you, don’t you worry. He’s got you covered, literally. :3
Minotaur BF who finally gets your tight little hole to fit all of him, it took a lot of work and energy but when you’re drooling and fucked out on his meaty rod, it satisfies something primal in him. He fucks you slow and gently, because you can’t handle him entirely yet, but he loves you dearly anyway. He’s all to happy to take you apart slowly, rubbing your clit while you cream his cock and lower half with your arousal and release as he lightly rocks his hips. It still leaves you reeling, even the act of him pulling out slowly takes your breath away, has you clawing at his chest or horns and mewling.
Minotaur BF who pumps you so full of cum it’s like a solo bukkake porno, the level of fluid he releases in one orgasm unimaginable. You feel him filling you up because he’s overflowing from your womb and out, making a mess that only spurs him on to do it again. It leaves him wild and lubricates you up to take him again, his swollen balls ready to take on the task.
Minotaur BF who will intentionally replace your birth control with placebos, because he dreams of having a family with you as soon as possible.
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Dividers/ @benkeibear
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zyonsay · 3 months
Parisienne im Mund SKI AGGU
Summary: Shooting the Balla Balla MV!
Reader: Genderneutral
Warnings: Smoking
Now playing: 'Balla Balla' by Ski Aggu
AN: Heya everyone! Finally some Ski Aggu content! I feel like there's such a lack of fics about him, which probably is since he's a german artist who doesnt cater to anyone besides german speakers- At least thats how i imagine it?? Anyways! This was really hard to write cuz in my mind lil bro does NOT speak english, which makes it sooo difficult for me to make him speak english. Idk, maybe im just yapping. Alsooo!! I mostly write male readers but i thought since theres barely any ski aggu fics i‘d give a lil treat to fem aligned people too :)
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 Die, die ich date, hat uns Karten für die Oper gekauft Doch ich kann heut nicht, weil ich mich mit meinen Govas besauf' Jemand legt mir eine Peitsche, doch die macht mir nichts aus, Weil ich hab' viele tolle Ranzen wie Scout
A row of dressed up people stood around, waiting for their cue. You were currently doing a favor for your friend from Hamburg, Luca. Recently he made more time for his main passion, filming music videos and social media content. Long story short, his buddy needed a bunch of people for a music video and since you owe him a favor, you gladly came along.
Ja, ich bin ein heißer Atze, ich tanz' bauchfrei im Club Hol' meinen Perso raus, doch nicht, weil ich mich ausweisen muss
The camera panned around the entrance of the club and music filled the room. Just beforehand you were personally introduced to the man in whose music video you’d appear.
“Hey, das ist Y/N. Basically meine rechte Hand.” Luca placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you slightly into him while smiling widely. “Oh hey, danke fürs kommen!”, you blinked for a second, your german was sadly quite rusty. “Oh umm, sorry but my german is absolute shit.”, you pursed your lips shyly. The young guy in front of you smiled. “No problem! I’m Aggu by the way.” He held his hand out to dap you up. You interlinked your own hand with his. “Nice to meet you, love your music.” A genuine smile spread across your lips, which he immediately mirrored. He was known to wear a ski mask, but right now you were glad to be able to look into his blueish grey eyes. Something was drawing you to him, maybe his sharp features, his messy blond hair or the crooked but sweet smile. “Thanks! I’ve heard so much about you from Luca.” You tilted your head, nudging your friend who was still next to you. “Only good things, right?”
The smoke machines were going ham and the air inside the rented club was getting way too hot. Someone had brought along a bubble gun, so colorful glycerin blobs now bobbed through the air and occasionally landed on a person’s head. “Ok, nächster Take in 3, 2, 1!” Luca began filming and just how the instructions earlier had said, everybody started jumping around and dancing, mimicking the nightlife at a club. Music boomed trough a speaker, helping Aggu keep the pace and time his gestures correctly. The lights flashed, you purposely spilled your drink while dancing, the messier it looked, the better. It all began to feel more and more like a fever dream. Aggu had lit a cigarette and was wildly gesturing at the camera while singing to the lyrics, the melody of which flowed through the crowd.
Ich rapp' darüber, was in meinem Leben passiert, Treff' 'ne Granate im Backi, die meine Nägel lackiert, woah, mh Sie sagt mir: „Komm, wir gehen von hier“ Weil der Backstage Arsch ist wie ich später bei ihr.
Next up was a scene at the backstage, Luca had insisted stubbornly that you should play in that scene. Two seats were smushed into a corner and a few things were thrown around to make it look messy. You propped yourself in one of those seats, facing Aggu. He was rapping about something something nail polish, but all you knew is that you had to whisper in his ear for a take. Carefully, you leant closer to him, your back was turned against the camera. His scent was intoxicating, a light hint of smoke lingered on him. Feeling a bit cheeky, you laid your hand on the front of his shoulder, practically resting yourself against him. A slight flush spread across your cheeks at the proximity, you were thankful that the camera wasn’t filming your face.
Aggu leant over the bar and let out an exhausted huff. “Fertig!”, Luca grinned from one ear to another. The takes you had now were pretty damn good and even though it was fun, everybody was happy to finish the video shooting. “You ok?” You spun around on one of the barstools. “Hm?”, he hummed while tiredly lifting his head from where he was resting it, buried in his arms. “Yeah, just tired. But I’m happy with how it turned out.” You nodded lightly, stopping your endless spinning. “C’mon, I’ll sponsor you a Cig.” Even under the ski goggles you could see his eyes light up.
You placed a cigarette between your lips and then held out your pack of Parisiennes to him. The two of you were sat on the step of some stairs at the back entrance of the club, your legs touching. “You got fire?”, a slightly embarrassed look flashed over your face. Somehow you always forgot to bring your lighter – or you lose it by the time you need it. “Mhm.” Aggu hummed. He had taken the ski goggles off and once again you found yourself glancing at his eyes. He expected you to take the lighter into your own hands, but you just held your cigarette in place and leaned in towards him. A few strands of hair loosened and fell into your face. He couldn’t help his breath hitching at the closeness, he could smell your cologne. It smelled like green tea mixed with a minty undertone, or to put it differently, a breath of fresh air. It took Aggu a second to register your movement, but he then reached his lighter forward, holding the flame to the cigarette between your lips. The orange light illuminated your face and made it glow; he was mesmerized. Your eyes fluttered open and you caught him looking at you, a slight smile spread across your lips.
Ich bin balla-balla Komplett gaga Parisienne im Mund, ich bin ein toller Macker
With a sweet, slightly stupid grin he lit his own cigarette. A light chuckle escaped you, he seemed to fancy you as much as you fancied him. He took a long drag of his cigarette before leaning against your shoulder, the nicotine rush fuzzing up his mind.
Ich bin balla-balla Komplett gaga Ihr Swag 2010, sie trägt einen Rock mit Brakka
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pieroulette · 1 year
My Little Angel
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WARNING yandere fallen angel!sunghoon, noncon smut, pure filth. 🗿 minors don't interact but i'm not your mama that are able to supervise you, you have your own brain so consume content responsibly.
AUTHOR'S NOTE just a small practice of ehem yk, cuz i don't write smut rlly and this is my second smut story obv, since route 1 has me coughing sm. so it might be rlly bad. plus sunghoon's hair is just giving me sm feels 🗿
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SUNGHOON WOULD NEVER LET YOU GO, you who were his pretty little angel. One that had brought him to complete euphoria and at the same time to his demise.
The first time he laid his eyes on you was when the priests summons spiritual angels for a holy ritual, and you were amongst the young nuns presented. Your existence took his breathe away that it cause one sinful thought arising within him.
That alone had him shaking his head in pure agony, trying to shake those thoughts away but strangely, those sinful thoughts only multiplies, slowly devouring his innocence and turning his prayers to God into prayers for you.
His mind no longer whispers the name of God but rather consumed by your name.
For a couple of months, he watches over you with his presence invisible, that the nun with a great psychic ability beside you one day asked if you were aware that you had a guardian angel remaining by your side, and that your guardian angel's energy wasn't the colour of light but rather of darkness.
That ripped your peace of mind into ashes, praying to the God for protection, answers of what has fall upon you, and so on.
Sunghoon saw it all, only remaining silent. Sure, he had fallen in love with you but he chose to stay behind the curtains, but one day when a man came into the frame—it broke him to pieces, and another type of sin arises in him; greed and desire for a human blood.
It shook you to your core when an angel who you often imagine as supreme beings with the light enveloping their magnificent wings—were soaking in crimson blood.
That was the first time he showed himself before you, voicing out a rather simple sentence. "I'll return again."
Even when you dared to break off the rules he created for you and escape through the white door that was supposed to protect you from the outside world, just like he said.
But you didn't listen to him, so now you had to pay the price because you were a bad girl—ruining his image of you being his obedient angel.
Sunghoon pushes you off to the bed with his enormous strength. As an angel, he's far more stronger than you are and now that he had fallen to the underworld, strangely he gained more power and strength—feeding on dark energies from the underworld creatures.
And the day he turned into a fallen angel with his once glowing white wings drenching in pitch black ink, was also the day he took you away from the church, stripping your right of freedom.
Locking you inside this room bathed in silk red, where behind those doors were engulfed with dark creatures you were beyond frightened to lay your eyes upon. But what you didn't knew was how they were afraid of you, who Sunghoon absolutely adores. That's why it had them at the edge of their life when your existence was nowhere to be found in the room.
Yet, it was not difficult for Sunghoon to capture you back but oh did it irritates him beyond his expectation. He expected you to be good and obedient just like when he saw you for the first time.
But this, such an atrocious act for him that he desires to give you a suitable punishment.
Your small and petite figure aroused him even more, adding the fact that you're nervous and writhing like a prey waiting to be devoured.
You knew there was no escaping, not when the windows and doors were locked, completely sealing you from any escape possible, not when this boy in front of you were much stronger than you are.
You are truly doomed.
He climbs on top of you and grips both your wrists on the mattress amidst your protests and cries, mouth trembling as the hot breathe of his mouth slides down to your neck, and licks it with his tongue.
"I've been too good to you, love. I guess it's only wise I take what's mine now," his finger slids down to your tummy, in which you immediately tighten your thighs together but he was quick to put his hand in between, using his strength to open your legs again.
And in a split moment, his hand cupped your private part making you panic along with a hint of arousal hitting your core.
"I really wanna make love with you since the first time I saw you.." Sunghoon growls, pressing his finger inside your clit making your back arched in pleasure.
You don't want this. You really don't want this.
"To feel what it's like it to be inside you.."
You pressed your lips tight, tears threatening to come out from your eyes as he pressed his body closer to yours, the warmth of him engulfing your entire body.
"Hear your sweet little sounds.."
His eyes filled with nothing but love and lust.
"Make you cum and all.."
The desire to eat you raw and stain your innocence with his hands and mouth were driving him utterly insane that his eyes and hands rattled immensely.
"Because of what I'm about to do to you, is driving me crazy right now, love." Sunghoon presses a soft kiss on your forehead, his lips brushing down your ears as he uttered another dirty words that sent shivers down your spine. "You would be so cute under me, so fucking innocent and yet so fucking dirty just because of me."
"But I was too kind, too lenient to let you do what you want. It's my fault you turn out so bratty like this.." he softly murmurs, as his fingers dig even deeper and deeper into your clothed clit.
"I should teach you now then, train you on how to be my sweet little good girl.." Sunghoon breathe out, "My little angel."
"N-no.. I'm s-sorry!" You choked on your tears, begging for this to just be a dream.
"Shh.. then show me how sorry you are while I'm fucking you raw."
He pulled your skirt down but you tried to stop it, yet he was stronger and faster and now the cold air hits your bare thighs. His hands slapped your arm away, gripping it against the mattress as he kissed your neck and licked it.
He buried his knee between your legs and his other hands cupped your breast making you let out a tiny moan — a sweet melody to his ears. His fingers made its way under your shirt, giving you goosebumps as his hand travelled to your bare tummy up to your breast, then he pinched your nipples and played with it.
You could only cry, and take what he's giving you. The more you resist, the more he gets aroused. The bed creaking, blankets wrinkling, and wet spots forming on your panties as you felt his hard and growing bulge against your core.
You were getting a weird delicious feeling under your clit and you hate it that you like it.
In a split moment, he gets rid of your shirt, exposing your breast and all. You tried to cover yourself but he growled, eyes narrowing as his hands harshly prevented you from doing so.
"So fucking cute.." he breathes against your ear, his hands forming circular patterns on your bare back.
He licks your neck with his tongue then the edge of teeth sank just below your shoulder, marking you as his as blood trickle down to your bare chest, a mixture of arousal and pain engulfed your entire body as he pushes himself deeper and closer to you.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
All you can think of was to get him to stop but the way your body reacts to his sinful touches was saying a different thing.
The clock hanging on the wall across the room were the only thing you were left to observe as he devours your body with his lips and tongue, the edges of his fingers and hands travelling it's way every edge of your skin without your consent.
It has been nearly two hours since he was forcing himself on you, your clothes scattered around the floor with his and yet it doesn't look like it's gonna end anytime soon.
Your ears catches the sound of a belt unbuckling on its own and your tired teary eyes glanced towards the source of the noise, your breath hitched nervously as he unzipped his pants, his face were wild flushed and lips swollen with the amount of contact he forced against you and his soft hair gone into a wild mess, his toned body having bead of sweat on his neck streaming down to his torso.
He slowly puts his cock inside you making your back arched in both arousal and pain, your lower part felt so full, getting filled with wet and girth.
Then he starts to thrusts in you—loud, lewd and dirty slaps echoing through the room. The smell of sex strongly lingering in the air, beads of sweats forming on your forehead as your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging in his skin bound to form fresh red crescent marks that will serve as a form of achievement for him tomorrow when he sees it in the mirror.
Sunghoon's fucked up expression contorts even wilder as he shuts his eyes and his mouth hangs low and his head throws back, leaning back down again to kisses you roughly, tongue meets tongue, lewd sound forming along with it — everything was incredibly wet and dirty.
His hand gripping your left thigh up to let himself sink even deeper inside you, you could feel every part of him inside your body, it was as if you were being filled with so much pleasure and pain at the same time. Your toes curling up in the air, and you could feel wet liquid dripping down to your wet hole.
Soon you couldn't suppressed your moans even though you bit your lips, he chuckled at how cute you are under him. "Fucking cute.. my little angel."
You felt a knot forming under your stomach and he realizes you were coming, your knees weak and a burning arousal all over your body as he keeps thrusting in you, his cock hitting all the sweet spots inside you.
Then he bends down, taking your neck with his hands as he deeply kisses you as you experienced your first orgasm, knees vibrating in pleasure while his tongue plays with yours.
Hot and wet liquids trickling down to your thighs, seeing it gave him satisfaction that he was able to pleasure you and also be the first man to ever take your innocence away just like when you stripped the innocence of his mind away.
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「 © talesofyuan on tumblr 2023 」 all rights reserved. do not copy or post without permission.
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sadienita · 9 months
[1:01] “Joong, where- ugh!” You groaned as you spun around to find Hongjoong way behind you yet again. You were meant to be on a cute date, a first date in fact, because after a year of pining Hongjoong had finally mustered up the courage to ask you out. Despite his clear nerves it had been lovely.
Or mostly lovely.
Because despite taking you out to lunch and then to a cute cafe and now for a walk in the park, he had also brought his camera along. And he couldn’t seem to help himself, stopping at every pretty sight to snap a photo, not to mention about fifty photos each from the cafe and restaurant of your food.
It was cute really, but it did mean his attention kept wandering. If you didn’t know him well it might have been rude. But you knew how shy he could be and you could see how nervous he was even if he hid it well. So you simply gave him a smile when he met your gaze with a confused “huh?”
“I’m walking alone.” You chuckled.
“O-Oh, sorry.” He mumbled, scurrying to meet you. He looked even cuter as the blush on his cheeks matched the pink on the tip of his nose from the cold weather. “I got distracted.”
“Was it a good picture?” You hummed.
“Yeah I think so, I think I have at least a few good ones from today. It’s nice that it snowed.” He gazed over the hedge at a few young girls making snow ducks at the side of the walking path. “Everything looks pretty when it snows.”
“Even me?” You teased.
“Y-You always look pretty.” He said quickly. When you glanced at him he was blushing harder. You nudged him with your arm and he looked at you.
“You’re pretty too.”
“You’re just saying that cuz I said it.” He countered.
You put a hand over your heart. “I swear I’m telling the truth.” You reached over to pinch his nose which made him jump. “You’re adorable.”
“I think you just like teasing me.” He muttered.
“I liked teasing you before you asked me out.” You said. “It‘s familiar. It should comfort you.”
“It does the opposite.”
You stepped in front of him, stopping him as you grinned at him. “Do I make you all nervous now, Joongie?”
A blush rushed up his cheeks as he ducked his head. “Why did I think confessing to you was a smart idea?”
“Do I make your heart race?”
“I should have known you would just torture me.”
“Bet you wanna kiss me, don’t you?”
Hongjoong grabbed his camera again, forcing it between the two of you, almost as if creating his own little bubble to withstand your teasing. “Let me take your picture.” He said.
“You didn’t answer any of my questions.” You laughed. He nudged you backwards.
“You already know I like you, do I have to admit to everything?” He mumbled.
“It’s more fun if you do.” You said, wandering down the path as he found you in his viewfinder.
“Don’t I make you feel the same way, anyways?”
Yes, I feel butterflies in my stomach everytime you call my name.
Yes, I feel my heart racing a mile a minute each time you look at me.
Yes, I want you to kiss me.
But you couldn’t just say those things out loud.
“You make me feel…” You thought for a moment as you gazed up at the snow covered branches of the tree. “Make me feel-”
“Wait! Don’t move!” Hongjoong’s sudden exclamation made you jump a little but you held still after that, hearing the snap of his camera shutter. It went off a few more times before you looked at him, ending with him getting one more of you looking right into the camera. You could feel the heat warming you from the inside out as he shyly brought the camera down. He looked so pretty, the shy smile on his face, cheeks and nose tinted pink. The way he looked at you had your heart hammering in your chest, like you were his whole world.
“Sorry, you- it’s a really good picture.” He cleared his throat, tone hopeful when he spoke again. “What were you saying? About how I make you feel?”
A smile tugged at your lips. You didn’t say anything in response, instead waking back down the path towards him. Hongjoong let out a yelp as you dug your fingers into his scarf and pulled him in, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss that made your heart feel like it had an entire fireworks display going off.
When you pulled back Hongjoong looked just as dazed as you felt.
“You make me feel love.” You hummed, before kissing him again.
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distorted59 · 1 year
HIII! I have a request if you have time, but after seeing what you did for Larsy Poo I need, - in fact, I am on my hands and knees for head cannons for James Het PLEASE 🧎🏻‍♀️
Thank you 😊 MWAH
Hey lovely!!! sorry it took a whole while, I'm finally back home and school and work are biting my ass. but, here it is!!! hope you enjoy! @buzzbuzzbowie also asked for this, thank you both! <3
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Okay, so if we’re talking about 80s James, (like ‘81-’87), he’s definitely submissive asf!! he’s just… just… he was so shy and pretty LIKE SHUT UP SFKFSKSFSKJS. (he still is)
He def has mommy issues. So, he craves validation and care. Especially in the beginning, he’s still young and just into fame, could learn a thing or two. Once he gets older, more masculine, angrier and his voice deeper and deeper. He still has that need, it’s an itch no one can really scratch but you.
He was sexually inexperienced, (due to his family’s religions he had to leave health class and all that stuff). so just IMAGINE teaching young Jamie some things!!!! oml i’m melting!!!!! 
“Am I doing okay?” James pants from in between your thighs. He’s looking up at you through his bangs that are sticking to his sweaty forehead. His blue eyes twinkling with eagerness and lust.
“You’re doing great, baby.” You reassure him as you caress his hair lovingly. 
“Hmm, you taste so good.” He moans into your pussy and continues fucking you with his tongue.
Loves it when there’s a emotional connection, normally he’d fuck the shit out of girls/groupies without thinking twice. But, he loves it when he’s taken care of.
Loves the aftercare as well!! Cuddling or showering together, loves it when you wash his hair!
praising kink, mommy kink????? i dunno. I just know his whimpers and begging would be so pretty <3. 
Would get jealous pretty fast, he wants all of your attention on HIM. 
He’s also pretty protective of you, even as friends. Like, just imagine you and the bar hanging out at a bar, early Metallica days, and some guys are bothering you. This man would be prepared to throw hands. (just like he did for Larz, cuz he has a big mouth).
He has a big nose, so you can sit on it. (no headcanon tho, it’s the truth.)
He would call you all needy from his hotel room. (I see black album!James in my head). And i mean you know he’s fucking groupies, you know he is. but, he’s never satisfied, you got your fucking claws in him.
“Come on, pick up…” James mutters into the phone, he’s horny and desperate, only wanting to hear your voice.
“Hello?” Your tired voice rings through his ear.
“H-hey, sweetheart.” James stammers. “How are you? i miss you. Did I wake you?” he rushes through his words not wanting to be rude, but he is just so horny.
“hm, I’m good, baby.” you yawn. “You did wake me, but that’s okay.” 
He stays silent for a bit, he’s slowly stroking himself. Just your voice is enough to make him crazy. You can hear some hitched breaths through the phone and decide to play with him a little.
“What are you doing, baby?” 
“N-nothing, I’m just tired.” he quickens his pace, knowing what you’re doing.
“Do you miss me?” you ask, your hand wandering to your panties.
“Fuck, yes. Of course, baby.” 
“I miss you too, your voice, your touch…” You sigh. “you inside of me.”
“Oh, baby…” James lets out a strangled moan. “I need to feel you wrapped around me, I can’t take it.” 
James starts stroking his cock faster while you already have started playing with your clit. 
“Every night when I come off stage. I just think of you and I can’t….” James groans. “Can’t take it… need you here.” 
“You wanna know what I'd do?” 
“I’d ride you silly, until you’d see stars.” you moan.
“Fuck, so i can look at your pretty tits?” James gets closer to cumming.
“That’s right, darlin’.” 
“Are you playing with yourself too?” He asks, his mind is driving him wild. He is so jealous of your fingers right now. 
“Mhm.” you hum.
“Oh fuck, gonna cum, baby.” 
“Cum with me, babe.”
Both of you would cum all over yourself and say loving words to each other before falling asleep <3.
Now, if we’re talking about current James. holy fucking shit. the dilfiest fucking dilf on this fucking earth. 
His hands!!!! his fingers are super fucking skilled, this man can WORK them. stroking your hair, holding your hand, squeezing your thighs, making you suck his fingers while you look up at him innocently, lightly squeezing your throat with his other hand when you stop looking at him, finger-fucking you ‘till you cry… I can go on.
James and his cigars>>>>>>
Just imagine you sitting on his thigh, needy and desperate. He’s wearing some bootcut jeans that fit him perfectly. You’re in some comfortable pj shorts and slowly rubbing yourself on the material of his jeans. He’s really enjoying the view while smoking his cigar and puffing the smoke in your face. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” He places his free hand on your hip, secretly guiding your grinding. 
“Need more…” You whimper. “Please.” 
“Hmm… I don’t think so, baby.” he takes another drag and slowly blows the smoke in your face. “I think you can easily cum like this, can’t you?” 
He grins and holds the cigar close to your mouth, making you take a drag. You slowly inhale while maintaining eye-contact, James groans loudly and grips your hip tighter. You blow the smoke back into his face and try to kiss him. 
He gladly accepts the kiss and you can taste the cigar on his lips. You start grinding faster and moan into his mouth. James keeps guiding you and smirks up at your needy state. 
“Gonna cum all over my jeans, princess?”
He’d spoil you like crazy. You don’t want much, just him. but, he still takes care of you in every single way he can. 
 Feel like he might have a breeding kink, daddy kink and all that. He just wants to fill you all up and claim you. Mark you, show the world and everyone in it you are his. <3
 Imagine car rides with James???? I’d sell my left tit for that. (maybe not). Just a chill ride in one of his muscle cars, or his truck, love me some of that. Some music on low volume, the weather’s nice, the sun's about to set. Yes, just yes. 
Or staying at his house for dinner??? I would fucking love to chill in his backyard and he’s working over at the bbq. I just know this man can cook up a mean steak. 
Damn, now I’m hungry for James AND his cooking. 
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kamotecue · 1 year
meet by chance ・❥・ g. reiten
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pairing: guro reiten x reader
summary: you never expected to run into guro, well knowing the chances of meeting you did, however off the pitch, you didn’t think it would be this quick.
part two of here
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you finished training a while ago, now here you are in the locker room with your damp hair. you were just wearing a sports bra, and a black high waist trousers.
“you haven’t finished getting changed, mate.” katie said, throwing you the black turtle neck you had put on your kit bag.
“thanks, cap.” you said, throwing on the turtle neck ignoring the way you had gotten a notification from instagram.
“will you join us for lunch?” caitlin asked, taking a glance at you, the young irish defender. katie hummed, giving you a nod agreeing with the aussie.
“sure, why not—it’s not like i have anything better to do.” you said, quickly wearing the black button up coat as it was a bit cold
“lets go, then.” caitlin said, grabbing her kit bag. you grabbed yours as well, as you all headed to the car, a small conversation was engaged.
“still won’t tell me who gave you those?” katie said, as you groaned at her behavior. caitlin just laughed at your misery.
“i won’t, no matter how many times you ask.” you said, opening the trunk placing your kit bag first. the other two gently placed theirs, as you closed the door when they were done.
“oh, come on l/n. how bad can it be, it’s not like it’s a chelsea player.” katie said, as you ignored her. oh, how spot on your captain was.
you entered the driver’s seat, igniting the car as katie took the back seat. caitlin had the aux cord, plugging her phone in as she played strawberry kisses by nikki webster. what can you say, it’s a very good song.
“i’ve been missing your strawberry kisses.” caitlin sang, as you focused on the road. you already had the coordinates, as you simply followed what google map had led you to.
“cuz nothing’s as sweet.” katie continued, as you tapped your fingers against the driving wheel.
the drive to the cafe wasn’t that far, you were the last one to exit out of the car. the other two were the first ones to go inside, claiming a table.
you entered the building, not noticing a certain norwegian take a glance at you. why hadn’t she noticed that you were a footballer as well—not to mention an arsenal player as well.
you took the seat in front of caitlin, katie who was beside her handed you the menu.
“i’ll have a grilled panini.” you told them, returning the menu before taking out your phone. you had accidentally clicked on a notification, it lead to an instagram notification.
greiten has followed you.
“holy shit-“ you said, katie furrowing her eyebrows as her conversation with caitlin had came to a stop. the aussie looked at you confused but held concern.
“i said that out loud, didn’t i?” you asked, as katie chuckled. caitlin just gave you a nod, as you winced.
“i’ll just use the restroom.” you stood up heading to the restroom, not noticing a certain person following you. someone you hoped to avoid, but it was practically inevitable.
“so, y/n.” you paused before turning around to see guro, you took note of the clothes she was wearing. it was yours, she gave you a soft look as you avoided her gaze looking at the wall.
“guro.” you simply said, looking at your watch not noticing how she approached you. her hands were holding your hips, pulling you closer to her as you used your hands to steady yourself.
“you forgot to mention that you weren’t just an arsenal supporter.” the thick norweigan accent was noticeable, as you simply flushed at the close proximity.
“well, it didn’t really come up.” you hummed, knowing how she only thought of you as an arsenal supporter but never a fan.
“touché, what do we do now?” she asked, her eyes glanced at your lips.
“what do you want?” you asked, making sure you weren’t overstepping her boundaries.
“i’d like to take you out on a date.” your eyes widened, as she gave you a lopsided grin. you chuckled at her words, before giving her a nod.
“you know y/n, you’re so cute when you’re all flustered.” you shoved her as she laughed at your reaction. you gave her a soft look, as she gazed at your lips again.
“well, now that i’ve seen you. i have to go or else i’ll be late for my training.” you nodded, but she still had her eyes on you.
“no, goodbye kiss?” you joked, as she gave you a small smirk.
she tugged at your hands, guiding you closer to her as she pressed her forehead against yours.
“should i?” she hummed in amusement, as she watched you blushed under her attention.
“i don’t know, reiten. usually this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.” you said, giving her a look as she gave you a tender, yet sweet kiss on the lips.
you wrapped your arms around her neck, as she held your waist. it was like you felt your blood rushing through your veins.
guro pulled away as she looked back at you, you were breathless.
“i’ll see you later, y/n.” guro gave you a gummy smile, to which you softly nodded to.
let’s just say, the date went well. you both proceeded to go on dates, and kept it a secret from your teammates.
the day she asked you to be her girlfriend, she made you paper flowers, as well as a handwritten letter. you always wanted to experience the cliche parts in love, so she wrote on a sticky note, will you be my girlfriend?
there was two boxes below, one with yes and one with a no. you obviously checked the one that said yes, and that marked you both official a couple.
pt 3 coming soon
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rutozz · 7 months
The Bathroom
Pairing: Haruto x Reader
An: Heyyy!!~ so this is my first time posting here an I'm so sorry if it’s bad, I wrote it for the first time 😭. Also it’ll be very helpful if some gave me new ideas for other one-shots. Minors are a NO NO.
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synopsis: Dating Haruto was like a dream come true, he was the perfect guy your mom would have told you to find when you were young. He was kind, gentle, rich, handsome and etc. however other than keeping your relationship private due to his status, there was another demerit.. he was highly jealous of literally anyone.
I was sitting on Haruto’s lap, my hands on his shoulders as I buried my face in the crook of his neck while I bounced up and down on his length and my slow pace. Even tho I was relatively slow the thrust were strong and not to mention his size. Haruto wanted to relieve some stress before his performance and this is the least I can do.
“H-Haruto…” I moaned quietly in his neck as his hands on my rear continued with its cold grip. “Yea my love?” asked Haruto with that stupid grin as he knew exactly what he was doing to me. Suddenly the washroom door opened as I heard heels enter the washroom, since me and haruto were in a cubical, Haruto just had a thrill of getting caught while I was scared shitless.
“Just keep moving Princess” said haruto as I kept moving slowly. 
“Hey? You in there?” Asked the voice from outside and I recognized it. It was Mina, my best friend, she has no idea that I’m dating Haruto cuz if she knew, she’ll end me. 
“Damn you did Kai wrong by rejecting his proposal” said Mina as she fixed her lipstick.
Haruto stop as he gripped my waist and pulled me off, ‘a guy tried to hit on you?’ Thought Haruto. “Haruto please..” I whined, I was so close to reaching my climax and he just pulled me off. The next second I felt his hand grasp the back of my back and pull my face closer to his. “I don’t care who that Kai dude is.. but he better stay the fuck away from my girl” he growled  under his tone, his tone sent shivers down my spine as I nodded.
“Do you like Kai?” Asked mina , still oblivious of the situation inside the washroom stall. My eyes locked with Haruto’s as I notice the fire in his eyes, I quickly responded “No-o… I like someone-e else..”.
As soon as I said that, Haruto smirked as he picked me up and slammed me down on his length causing me to let out a loud gasp and grip his back, marking scratches on it. “Hey you good?” Asked Mina in concern as I just managed to whisper out a yes. “Yea-a I just hurt my ankle-e..”
“Oh alright.. anyway I’ll be in the art room. I’ll save a seat for you, come fast” Mina said as she left the washroom. I glared at haruto for pulling such a stunt but he just gave me a sly smirk as we both soon reached the climax. 
We both secretly walked out the washroom as I headed towards the art room and he moved towards the exit as he has his Chauffeur waiting for him outside. I saw how bright the flashes were as he stepped out the premises.. after all he was a star and I was A DUMB BITCH WRITING A FANFIC ABOUT THIS MAN (at least I’m self aware I guess 🎀) 
(Thank you for reading.!!)
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okaerina · 1 year
...bf!ricky 🐾
warnings! : kinda bad first work typa post but i might've went overboard with the loml 🤗
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bf!ricky is down bad for your affection. he is a bit awkward at initiating affection first but when you take matters in your hand and allow him to just bask in your warmth he is DEAD. he is squealing like a high school girl inside but tries to calm his rigid breathe and insane bpm.
bf!ricky is gonna spoil you rotten! expect lots of anonymous gifts and fancy outings from him (cuz he's young and rich)
"ricky i told you no more gifts without my asking didn’t i ?" you said in a slightly scolding manner as you open the lavish looking tiny box just to get blinded by the shine of a tiny yet gorgeous ring. ricky just shrugs and gives you a cute smile that has your hurt melting.
bf!ricky loves everything you do means EVERY SINGLE THING. it can be the most normal task like combing your hair infront him and he's swooning over you in no time but when you do something for him? he swears he's suffering from never ending cardiac issues but he isn’t complaining though 🤭.
bf!ricky gives you insane lover privileges. his double standard for you is so noticeable it has his friends crying how soft he gets when it's you. every mf can see how his gaze softens or how his face lits up just by the thought of you my boys ready to jump of a cliff for u fr. one fine dat ricky invited you to his practice in yuehua so he could show off his skills duh and when ollie just randomly comes up and says how hungry he is and begs ricky to give him a payback treat but he just keeps on pouring his attention all over you and proceeds to ignore ollie 😭😭😭.
bf!ricky will be pretty possessive towards you imo. how is he not supposed to get irritated when some random pest won’t stop gawking at what belongs to him aka you and disturbing his love life. one glare and those mfs are off to hell 😌💅. It's all fun and games till he gets mad for good oh boy.
uneasyness immediately took over your senses as soon as that barista in the cafe that ricky took you out wouldn’t stop staring at you and being the amazing boyfriend ricky is immediately starts to come for your aid not until that bastard just smirks at you with that nasty look when he shoots him a glare and the next thing you see is your boyfriend throwing the barista away like a trash bag after whispering smtg that has the man crawling away in terror "pathetic", ricky tsks clearly pissed but don’t worry he'll make it up to you ;)
bf!ricky who's literary the sweetest person in the entire universe he loves you sm he'll trade of everything just for you hell he'd sell his soul and do anything just for you so make sure to give him the love he deserves bcz you’re his lil happy pill his world his cutiepatootie <333
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© aenfilmz 2023
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captainmalewriter · 1 year
Founding Frat Father
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"Whewww FUCK yeah bro! Feels good to be a part of Alpha Alpha Beta! I gotta go recruit some more brothers, then we can party all night at the house!!"
"Cody" hyped himself up in the mirror. He looked, sounded, and acted just like a typical American frat bro. It'd be hard to believe only an hour or two ago, Cody was actually a computer science nerd who absolutely hated fraternities...
Earlier that same day...
Cody couldn't help but pat himself on the back as he watched the last moving truck drive away from the frat house. He had been hard at work for the past year and a half getting rid of all the fraternities at his college. Some were easy to get rid of, others required Cody to join and dismantle the organization from the inside out. It took him a lot of time and energy, but now that the only remaining members of Alpha Alpha Beta had moved out, the last frat standing had no choice but to disband.
"Ha! Checkmate, losers, and don't let the door hit you on the way out!"
Cody walked around the now empty frat house with a newfound confidence in his step. As he looked around the barren walls and empty rooms, it hit him just how much he accomplished within the last year. He couldn't stand the frats. In his mind, all frat bros did was party, drink, work out, and fuck. Cody made it his mission to get rid of the frats. He had a goal, and he accomplished it.
As Cody picked up his suitcase, he felt that he could breathe a lot easier now that the all the frats were gone. No need to worry about some jock bullying the little nerds like him anymore. Life was looking up for him! Cody then began walking towards the front door, but as he approached the exit, the doors suddenly slammed shut in front of him.
Where the fuck do you think you're going?
Cody heard a deep voice and quickly stepped back. His eyes darted around the room but saw no one.
"Who are you? Show yourself!" Cody called out. He was met with an arrogant, hearty laugh.
I thought you were supposed to be some know-it-all genius! All that studying didn't mean shit in the end, huh? Why, you're only as smart as the rest of us!
Cody kept scanning the room while the voice belittled him. His eyes then landed on the center of the main living room, where the former Alpha Alpha Beta's insignia was still painted on the ground. The insignia was the fraternity's code of arms, and it had all the names of the founding fathers written on it like scripture. Cody was standing directly on it, and that was where he heard the voice the strongest.
"Oh, don't tell me. You're some fraternity bro spirit that's here to haunt me after what I did. Ooooo I'm soooo scared!!" Cody mocked the voice back. The voice went silent while Cody laughed. Only after he stopped did it resume.
The founding fathers had a vision of genuine, hardworking men that were bound by brotherhood. All you see is the fun stuff and you knock us down because of that. Sure, some brothers may go a little overboard, but we also install the values of philanthropy in these young men-
"Is this gonna keep going for a while?" Cody feigned a yawn. "I've got a bus to catch, so I can't stay for much longer."
You listen here, boy! Over my dead body are you just gonna leave after destroying what we've built up! You destroyed it, now you're gonna help us rebuild it!
"Ha! Yeah, totally, and who exactly are you supposed to be? Cuz I ain't helping you do shit!"
I am one of the original founding fathers Andrew D. Matthews, and you're about to be our new founding father!!
A man's head popped out of the ground. The sight of it made Cody scream in terror. The spirit then rose from the ground and made a beeline for Cody's gaping mouth. Cody fell to the floor as Andrew began forcing its way inside of him. He gagged as he felt his mouth and throat getting filled to the brim with the spirit. Andrew slithered its way down Cody, taking control of every cell in his body as it passed them by. Then with one final shlurp, Cody inhaled the tail of the spirit against his will. He kneeled over unconscious onto the ground.
Cody's scrawny body began to inflate now that it was taken over by the spirit. The liquidy spirit filled him up like water. Once Andrew got settled into its vessel, he began transforming the body. Suddenly, Cody's body began taking on muscle mass all over. He was once thin and frail, but now he was toned all over. His baby face disappeared as a thick black beard began growing in. Within minutes, Cody had become an exact replica of the spirit who possessed him.
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"Fuck yeah! Feels so good to have real flesh again!!" Andrew said with his new host body. He had successfully possessed and transformed Cody to look like his old body back when he was alive. He rubbed his pecs and gave his growing cock a tug through his shorts. He ran his hand through his beard, and felt right at home as he felt his fingers getting caught in black curls.
Andrew caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror, and proceeded to smirk and flex for the mirror. At the end of the day, he applauded Cody for all the hard work he put into disbanding all the fraternities. But unfortunately for Cody, as long the spirits of the founding fathers were still around, the fraternities were never gonna go away. And now that Cody was possessed by one of them, he had no choice but to sit back in his own subconscious and watch as his own body was forced to bring back the frats.
"Alright, time to get to work."
Andrew took a moment to focus his mind. He then proceeded to transform his fleshie vessel back into Cody's image, although with some body adjustments of course. Cody was no longer a skinny computer nerd, he was now a bonafide jockhead and a founding father for the next class of Alpha Alpha Beta.
"Cody" threw on a baseball cap, gave himself a wink in the mirror, then waltzed out the front door, ready to recruit more men into the fraternity. Alpha Alpha Beta would return to its former glory, no matter what.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
I’m in love with your writing like omg🩷could i request what kind of lovers are Dazai, tecchou and Nikolai?
(english is not my mother tongue so i dont mean cheat btw…)
I have SO many headcannons about these fools oh lord. Also hoping I got what you meant cuz I won't lie I am a bit SILLY.
Headcannons: what kind of lovers are they? Dazai, Tecchou, Nikolai
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He sees his own misery inside of you, which he thinks is romantic. He thinks its beautiful that the two of you can understand each other's suffering in a way no one else can.
I don't think I need to state that while this is romantic in a literary sense, it's a major red flag
Dude would 100% want to do things that he thinks are "romantic" for couples to do together.
For example - murder-suicide, robbing stores together, double-suicide, arson, planning each other's funerals-
Man has a sick sense of romance and death
But he can be romantic!! Sometimes.
Despite being young he knows how to actually take care of his lover - at least in technicality
What he really enjoys, however, he has to suppress
That cold cold sick heart of his wants to isolate them, keep them away from everyone - but he knows that isn't really a human thing to do
So the type of lover he really is the kind of guy who can really only bond over either sex or when you're drunk/sad over the past
dude wouldn't even be able to have sex without crying or would have to do it in the dark, like he just gets too emotional and insecure
100% obsesses over your own trauma and will take any time he can to talk about it - but never his own
sorry dude has red flags ALL over in my mind, I just don't think he would do happy stuff because he would think it's very fake
He can't enjoy any happy occasion, especially dates
definitely thinks weed, deftones, and sex is a good date
Don't date this man if you try to break up with him he will come to your doorstep whimpering and crying telling you that he's gonna kill himself and that you're the only one for him even though he cheated on you
he just strikes me as a messy kind of person
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Wants to be your hero. He knows your strong - but he wants to be strong for you. You deserve to be protected from the dangers of the world.
He believes in justice and is a MASSIVE dweeb for "playing the hero"
Man has good intentions that are EXTREME
So yea, he is a bit of an extreme lover
If he can, he'll protect you from anything. It's just his thing
He will try to eradicate all of your fears. Scared of the dark? Your house is brighter than the sun. Scared of bugs? sad, but he will chase them away.
Does this mean he's good at romance? Not really. He'll do anything you tell him too though
Literally anything. Almost. He wouldn't kill someone, but yea that man would 100% try a lot of weird and freaky shit.
would also not care if you weren't into sex. pretty sure that if he likes someone he is just LOYAL lol
although tbh he doesn't strike me as the horny type he just is too dedicated to his job like I'd give it 20/80
idk if he's a freak either like he's probably seen some weird nasty shit so he either is the most vanilla man to walk this earth or is into some weird ass shit.
(I bet it's cake sitting or some food shit. He and Ranpo are too similar, they would both be into weird food shit)
ANYWAY Tecchou is one of those guys who would do cute shit like open the door for his partner everywhere and hold their bags
It's very sweet. Bro 100% lifts.
probably calls while at work which is terrifying and horrible cause you'll hear gunfire but he'll pretend it's normal
Man is also technically property of the state so just know that if you're in a relationship with him you will always have someone stalking you, as you are now a threat to national security
but it's worth it for Tecchou <3
also, he has a huge bank account I bet but would buy either useless gifts or upgrade everything his partner owns cuz he probably only wears his military uniforms and compression shirts.
What's he gonna spend his money on, really?
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The world is cruel and predictable, especially with people like him. He hates someone having control over him, so he would only love someone if he chose to - which is fickle at best.
AHHHH omg he's so hard to pin down because Nikolai 100% would be the worst person to have as a lover (jk)
Hot and Cold by Katy Perry esq
Like, 100% if he loves them he LOVES them but if he hates them? he HATES them
but I don't think he really changes his emotions that much, he's sensitive but not so drastically
Definitely is an interesting person to love - would do crazy and weird shit for his lover
doesn't do normal dates. he's a magician, everything is a trick with him
probably gives riddles and doesn't wait for them to be solved - they just lead up to silly dates or gifts. The gifts are probably tame like a drink they like or like, flowers. Maybe some random fingers if he saw that a server was rude.
Does the bottle up his ass trick a lot. or says "do you like magic in bed?" and then never pulls his pants down he just shows every single magic trick he knows.
Listen. that man is WAITING for an audience he will take any chance he can. He'll even pull out some tricks while in the middle of doing it. Let him show you his magic tricks, he practices very hard on some of them.
ranking him as the type to be an exhibitionist and a bit of a freak - how much? idk but he has his coat so who knows what kind of stuff he has on him.
also don't get into a philosophical convo with him this guy will start to talk all sorts of crazy
or political
unless ofc there's common ground then CONGRATS
also I feel like he would be a gentleman. Would probably bring his lover flowers and shit.
once brought oranges though. never explained why.
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sorry about the NSFW but I needed the giggles. I did in fact giggle
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ragzonacamrencruise · 4 months
Azutara #49
oooooh prompt 49 is boss/intern au
this is going to be fun 😈
Katara bites her lip in anticipation. "Should I be scared?"
"Oh, definitely." Sokka nods his head without taking his eyes of the screen. "Your knees should be giving way underneath you right now, trust me."
Katara gulps. She looks all around in nervousness. It's a huge bull-pen. Eight in the morning and the whole area is already bustling, telephones ringing insistently, loud chatter providing a strange ambience, exchanges of good morning and news about their weekends.
Everyone's pristine and crisp here at Agni Incorp., and Katara already feels overwhelmed. She has no idea how her brother does it sometimes, being the Head of Engineering at the most prestigious and posh company like this one. She's just managed to land an internship opportunity here, due to her brother's heavy recommendation, and it's just her first day! Because the company had been looking for young and brilliant minds to do their work, she'd been instantly selected by someone called Zhu Li.
She tries not to worry too much. But Sokka's recent updates on who'll be leading them for the next 6 months had already made her gut bottom out.
Azula Agni.
People knew very little about her. Mostly because she always worked in the shadows of their company, Sokka had told her. There's a reason the main hall, Which Ozai Agni runs, is somewhere below them in an easily accessible, busy floor, rather than high up at the top floor, which Azula was allocated to.
It also did not help when Sokka told her about the time Azula had made an employee literally pee his pants the very first day she arrived here at the Strategic Management Department. Sokka had been complaining the whole time about what an engineer is doing 'strategically managing', but then he'd also said that he's never worked more in his entire life. Azula's been taking over things here. She's brought forth humongous changes that always boost up the sidelines.
There's a reason they call her the Shadow Director of the entire company in just two months.
Sokka's eyes lift up to Katara from where he's stitting at his desk, a lowly shift from what he was accustomed to in Ozai's floor. "Don't worry. You're a smart girl. You'll fit in just fine. Also, make sure not to talk back. She hates that."
Okay, now Katara's pretty sure that Azula isn't that haughty. Sure she's a little intimidating from what she's been hearing from not just Sokka, but literally everyone present at the bull-pen, talking about how they need to get something right cuz if Azula finds even a single mistake, she's gonna burn the whole place to the ground.
But how bad can it be, right?
All heads suddenly turn to the elevator when it dings sharply at 8 on the nose. Silence falls heavily inside the great hall and Katara's heart rate increases tenfold. The elevator door opens and it first reveals a short woman with Harry Potter spectacles on her button nose, her hair in a bun and her body clad in official dark green, business suit. She has short bangs that frame her forehead and she walks out in crisp strides.
And then, Katara's heart really does stop.
Behind her, is one of the most beautiful girls she's ever laid her eyes on, if not the most beautiful girl in the world. Her skin is pale, compared to Katara's darker complexion, and her hair is also in a bun, but two strands of hair loose from the bun frame her face perfectly in the most mind-numbingly gorgeous way possible. Katara tries not to drool. But it's hard not to.
She steps out of the elevator, her posture as straight as a rod. Unlike the first woman, she takes slow, deliberate steps into the bull-pen, sliding in, right into the middle of the whole hall. She pauses.
From this angle, Katara can see that the girl is quite young. In fact, Katara's sure she's not older than herself. She's clad in a simple but quite a fine suit Katara's ever seen. It's a black shirt with a deep red blazer thrown over her delicate torso, completing the look with a black pant and a red tie.
The girl turns her head in deadly precision, sweeping the room with her eyes, looking at every single person present. If it's not for the occasional telephone ringing somewhere in the corner, you could've droped a feather and it would've made noise, Katara's pretty sure.
Everybody is on alert and that immediately puts Katara on edge, her body stiff as a post. The girl's head is turning, slowly, and for some strange reason, Katara feels like she's going to pass out, from all the anticipation and the stress that this whole situation brings her.
When the girl's head turns completely to her right, the first thing Katara notices is that her eyes are striking golden. A rare gold mixed with brown that she hasn't seen on anyone ever.
And she almost does pass out when those eyes suddenly fall directly on her.
She lets out a silent whimper, not really sure why she's having a physical reaction to the girl just looking at her. But it's not just any look. It's the kinda look that could melt stone if you point at it long enough. Katara feels her face heat up under the scrutinizing gaze, completely giving herself over to the girl's stare.
Then it's gone. The eyes are completely gone and they move on to Sokka standing next to her and then to the next person whoever that is, and Katara's breath returns back to her lungs.
She feels her head spin for a second, but she holds her composture. And suddenly, there's a snap of fingers in front of her face. She looks up and almost jumps out of her skin when she finds the girl looking directly at her, again.
But this time, she gestures with a finger to follow her into her office, and then, like a whirlwind, she's gone. Completely out of sight.
Katara remains frozen in place, her brain in a frenzy, not really sure what just happened. Chatter and indistinct noise returns back to the bull-pen and Katara feels the world come crashing down.
She feels a sharp nudge to her ribs. This time, she does jump out of her skin. "Wha-?"
"What are you standing here for?!" Sokka whisper-yells in her ear. "Azula just called you into her office!"
Katara blinks. "Wait- That's Azula?!"
"No, it was the queen of Ba Sing Se." Sokka gives her a look. "OF COURSE IT WAS AZULA! And if you aren't in her office in about 10 seconds, she's gonna burn the whole place down. Go! Go! Go!"
He pushes Katara heavily towards her office door at the end of the bull-pen. She stumbles across, trying to find the strength to face the golden-eyed girl again. For all the accounts she's heard, she didn't expect Azula Agni to be as pretty as that. In fact, to be honest, Katara was imagining Ursala the sea witch the whole time.
When she nears the door, she notices a big, secluded booth, where the lady with the Harry Potter spectacles is seated, her eyes lazer focused on the computer screen in front of her, looking like she's going over a dozen different things at once. And it hasn't even been like 5 minutes since she got here.
Feeling Katara's presence loom over her, she talks without looking up from her work. "Tell her I asked you to be here and she'll leave you alone." She states, her voice almost sounding like a robot.
Katara frowns, not really sure what that means, she doesn't really stick around for clarifications, seeing that the woman is already back to her work, not that she ever looked up.
Katara sucks in a deep breath before she raises her hand to knock but the woman's robotic voice beside her halts her. "Don't bother. She hates when people knock."
Katara's hand falls limply to her side. Okay, so this Azula seems to hate a lot of things. It's almost as if the things she hates are literally everything that makes a human, well, human.
She hesitantly opens the door, her body strangely building up confidence that she really needs right now as she steps through into the room.
It's huge. Everything is huge. The first thing she notices is the giant floor to ceiling glass window that has this incredible view over Republic City, as if it's some kind of a palace that governs over the whole of the city. The second thing she notices is the deep red couch placed right beside the window, and how fucking comfortable it looks. And only then does her eyes fall on the desk that is placed far inside the rectangle room, and the most comfortable swivelling chair she's seen, occupied by a tiny figure clad in red and black.
Katara looks at her nervously for a second, before walking inside, her confidence fading with each step. When she gets closer, Azula's face becomes clearer and well-defined and Katara has to physically stop herself from ogling.
A few seconds pass and Katara doesn't know what to do with herself, standing there awkwardly, staring at the girl. Then suddenly, the golden eyes fall on her and Katara has to stop herself from falling down on the ground with the sheer force of the glance.
"Who are you? Why are you here." The girl demands after a second, leaning back in her chair.
Katara blinks. "You called me here-"
"I was talking about your general presence in this building." each word is ice-cold, hitting like bullets inside Katara's brain. "Are you a spy?"
"To the Cabbage Corp."
"No. Of course, not." Katara's well aware of the rivalry between the Cabbage Corp., and Agni Incorporation. She'd even briefly considered applying for a job in the Cabbage Corp., before her brother pestered her to come work here.
Azula doesn't answer. Instead, she just narrows her eyes, and Katara knows that she's looking for an explanation. So she provides her with one instantly. "I'm the new intern here." Azula's eyes narrow to slits, and Katara continues, noticing it. "Today's my first day."
Azula still doesn't answer, her face now sporting a full-on scowl. Katara immediately panics, not really knowing what she should be saying here. She squeezes her brain in a hurry, and then suddenly, she remembers.
"I was selected by her." Katara jerks her thumb in the general direction of the robotic lady sitting outside Azula's office.
That seems to do it. Azula's eyebrows immediately raise up slightly. "Zhu Li selected you?"
Katara nods slowly, finally putting a face to the name Zhu Li.
"An intern for what?" Azula asks her sharply.
Katara gulps. "I was told I needed to be assesed for at least a week before getting assigned for a catagory of work that I would go to."
Golden eyes scrutinize her for a long minute silently, making her feel suddenly naked. She looks all around the office room awkwardly, not really strong enough to meet those sharp, calculating eyes anymore.
"You will shadow Zhu Li for not one but two weeks. Learn what and why of the things we do here. When I get a report from Zhu Li at the end of the two weeks, I'll decide whether to keep you or kill you."
Wait- Kill her?!
Katara's eyes widen comically.
"Dismissed." Azula waves her hand non-chalantly, and Katara feels her feet getting a life of their own, following the order Azula Agni's hand gave them.
When she comes out the door, Zhu Li's voice sounds beside her. "How long?"
Katara turns to her, her eyes still not back to normal from the shock. "Two weeks. I'm supposed to shadow you for two weeks before she apparantly keeps me or kills me."
And only then Zhu Li looks up from her hectic typing on the computer, giving her a smirk. "Then you better start right away."
It feels like a whole year was cramped into one week, cuz that's how long the week was for Katara. Her neck hurts, her feet hurt, her back hurts and even her butt hurts!
She now understands why this was such a big deal. Why when she got here, all heads were either buried in their work or drowning in copius amounts of diluted cactus juice, cuz this shit is hectic.
She was looking forward to her weekend like she was crazy. She'd followed Zhu Li around like a puppy, taking notes of her notes, keeping track of Azula's schedule that Zhu Li had provided her with, and typing through endless amounts of transcripts of meetings after meetings Azula seemed to attend.
It's Friday afternoon and Katara can't wait to hit the bed in the lovely apartment she shares with Sokka.
She'd had a couple of run ins with Azula, her golden eyes poring into her soul every time she looked at her. And if Katara has learned anything in the past week, it was that Azula was ruthless.
She always wears red and black, and always holds her poise. Every time Azula walks into the bull-pen at sharp 8 o clock, she scans the room completely before heading into her office without fail. Katara's never once seen her lose her composture, sharp and to the point all the freaking time.
Katara still hasn't had the privilege of attending Azula's meetings. But she can imagine what it's like, just by reading through the transcripts. Every word she types as Azula's is pure golden, akin to her eyes. They hold such brevity and clarity that Katara can't help but be fascinated by the girl.
Every time she walks into a room, she holds this kind of regality, as if she was born to rule over them all, and Katara shudders thinking of the way Azula's eyes seems to peruse her, leaving her breathless and unnerved with just a singe glance.
The intern shakes her head, to pull herself away from day-dreaming. She's almost done with typing out the transcript for the meeting Azula attended to in the morning. And another meeting seems to be going on now. If she's done typing that out too, she's free to go and enjoy her weekend. So, her fingers fly on the keyboard as fast as they could possibly go.
She suddenly pauses, her eyes drawing attention to one line from Azula in the meeting minutes laid out on her desk :
"Perfection is always one step better than what you thought was perfect."
Katara blinks, flabbergasted. That is one of the most thoughtful things she's ever heard someone say. Or in this case, seen. And Azula's said it in a room full of the board of directors. The amount of power she holds just stuns Katara. The way she demands respect from every one that meets her is mind-blowing really.
It takes a long moment for Katara to move on from that line, as she wills herself to start typing again. She gradually forgets what's happening all around her, as she drowns herself in her work, making progress at record speed.
She's almost done with the work when she hears her name.
"Katara." Zhu Li is looking directly at her, standing before Katara's desk with a phone pressed against her ear. When Katara looks up snapping her eyes away from the monitor, Zhu Li gestures with her eyes and a tilt of her head to follow her.
Katara immediately springs into action, grabbing her notepad and pen, to rush behind Zhu Li. If she's supposed to be Zhu Li's shadow, she's gonna be just that.
Zhu Li makes her way to the other side of the bull-pen, where the meeting room is. Katara's heart starts beating faster when Zhu Li leads her straight to the meeting room, opening the door.
Katara's stomach flips in excitement. She's never been to the meetings and she's eager to see one where Azula's at the top of her game. Zhu Li steps inside through the door, and Katara follows right behind her.
". . . preserving the quality but also the cost. Design B is fuel efficient as well." Azula's saying, standing at the head of the table. When Zhu Li walks in, Azula's eyes snap to her. "Anything important, Zhu Li?"
Her tone is dangerous, and Katara's been here long enough to read it as, "This better be important or i'm gonna fire you for interrupting my meeting."
"Are you sure you wanna hear it here?" Zhu Li asks, looking around the meeting table, filled with board members and Katara guesses, the top order people of the company.
Azula narrows her eyes, seeming to contemplate it. But then she nods once, giving Zhu Li a green light.
Zhu Li hangs up her phone, the one that was pressed against her ear before saying, "Our shipment's been stolen."
Katara's eyes widen.
So does Azula's. "What?" She snaps.
All eyes in the room swivel to Zhu Li.
"I got the news just now." Zhu Li says, her usually robotic voice now tinted with a dash of worry. "An entire shipment's been stolen."
Shocked whispers begin to erupt from all around the table.
"Which shipment?" Azula asks, her brows furrowing together.
"The one with the parts for our new airship design." Zhu Li is quick to answer.
Azula breathes out a quiet curse. "Okay. I'll look into it."
One of the board members pushes his chair back and stands up. "You'll look into it?! Really?! That's all you have to say?!"
Azula braces her palms on the table in front of her and leans forward, hanging her head.
"Yeah." Another member quips. "We've just lost our latest technology. And all you have to offer is looking into it?!?!"
Another voice speaks up. "Having our valuable shipments stolen isn't exactly very strategic of you, is it? And my sources have reason to believe that this has been happening for months now. Maybe it's time for you to step down and let Mr. Zuko take care of things here, Miss Azula. Shouldn't you be taking action already? Looking into it isn't really going to help, now is it-?"
Azula snaps her head up and the asshole that was talking shuts his mouth in a hurry.
The whole room falls silent when they notice the look Azula's giving the guy. A chill runs up Katara's spine, and she permanently decides that she definitely does not want to be at the receiving end of that piercing glare.
"Loosing composture in a time like this isn't going to help either." Azula's voice is even and cold. "So, unless you have a trick up your insolent little sleeves, I'd like to see you all presenting your design idea on another day. The meeting's adjourned."
Everybody shoots out of their seats in a hurry, wanting to get the hell away from Azula's raising wrath before they get caught in the middle of it.
"Your father will be hearing about this when he returns back from Ba Sing Se, Miss Azula." The asshole says before walking out of the room.
Azula just stares at his retreating figure, her face surprisingly even.
"Zhu Li." Azula says.
"Yes, Miss Agni?" Zhu Li perks up.
"My office. Now."
The door to Azula's office automatically shuts close the second Katara walks into it. Azula's already pacing back and forth in front of her desk as Zhu Li walks up to her.
"It's the Cabbage Corp., I'm sure of it." The secretary says.
Azula stops on her tracks, mid-pace. "Of course it is. Who else would it-" Then her eyes suddenly fall on Katara and she stops talking.
Zhu Li seems to follow her line of sight. "Oh, don't worry. Katara's fine. We need all hands on deck if we're gonna handle this."
"And you think she's capable of it?" Azula points a lazy finger at Katara.
"More than." Zhu Li says and Katara feels a rush of affection towards the woman.
Azula nods once before taking in a deep breath. "Zhu Li . . ."
Azula stares at her for a second long, before her sculpted full lips curve up in a smirk. "They swallowed the bait and the whole damn hook!"
Zhu Li's usually neutral face morphs into a genuinely surprised one. "Wait- WHAT?!"
Azula lets out a loud guffaw suddenly, throwing her head back and clutching onto her chest tightly.
Zhu Li looks at her like she's gone completely crazy. "Azula?!"
"Hmm?" Azula hums, before losing it and staring to laugh again.
"What is going on?!" Zhu Li panics, and Katara can't help but silently watch the whole debacle. "What bait?!"
Azula wipes at the corner of her eyes. "Oh god, this is perfect!"
Zhu Li blinks at her. "Should I be worried?!"
"No." Azula says before humming in mirth again, letting out a small chuckle.
Azula walks over to her swivel chair and plops down heavily. Zhu Li and Katara take the queue, confused out of their minds, and sit down on the chairs opposite to Azula's across the desk.
"Okay." Azula clears her throat. Then she looks at both Zhu Li and Katara in the eye with mirth dancing in her normally striking cold eyes. "What I'm about to say, must not leave this room untill and unless I give you explicit permission to do so."
Zhu Li nods and Katara does the same, already not believing her luck.
"Especially you, new girl." Azula's eyes fall on Katara. "If I find out you're a leak, it'll be years before the cops shovel out your bones."
Katara gulps, her eyes widening.
"Will you just tell us already?" Zhu Li impatiently asks.
Azula rolls her eyes. "Fine. The whole shipment? That was my bait. And the Cabbage Corp., gobbled it up hook and meat."
Zhu Li gives her a look. "So you're saying, you purposefully left a shipment unattended for the Cabbage heads to take it?"
"Yes." Azula leans back in the chair and crosses her legs, fingers clasping in front, her elbows resting on the arm-rest.
"Why would you do that?!" Zhu Li sounds annoyed. "You know they've been swiping our stuff for months right?"
"Yes. And that's exactly why I was forced to come up with this."
Zhu Li raises her brow. "You have a catch." It's not really a question but a statement.
"Of course I do." Azula leans forward, waving her hand. "I'm not an idiot."
Zhu Li holds her silence for a second before speaking. "Cameras?"
"The size of a pea." Azula smirks. "It can even fit in a pen." She says before tapping one one of the many pens kept in a cup on her desk.
"And if they found it out?"
"Oh, I'm counting on it. It'll be really nice to see the look on their faces if they discover it, don't you think?" Azula types something quickly in her keyboard and then a second later she turns the whole monitor of her computer towards us. "This is going to be my soap opera from now on. Zhu Li, make sure to get some fire flakes, yes?"
Zhu Li's too busy looking at the screen. There are at least 12 camera footage that Katara notices is definitely live, trained on a bunch of people gathered around a huge warehouse, playing Pai Sho. Near them are huge containers with the Agni Incorp., emblem on them. Clearly, they're unaware of the little eyes that are watching their every move. What's even interesting is that the emblem of Cabbage Corp, is blatantly visible behind their Pai Sho table.
Katara almost face-palms at their stupidity. Thank god Sokka insisted her on joining Agni Incorp., huh?
"Are they really this dumb?" Zhu Li's face screws up in disgust. "Good work, Miss Azula." She stands up. "I'll make some calls to Long Feng, arranging a meet up."
"Make sure you stay quiet about this." Azula warns. "I wanna see that scum's face personally when he realises what's coming for him."
Zhu Li gives Azula a smile before clip-clopping her way out of the office.
Katara should've left with her. She should be helping Zhu Li set up the meeting. Yet, the wheels in her head are turning and she stays rooted to her chair, mind racing a hundred miles per second.
A snap in front of her face, jolts her awake from the spiral she just fell into. She looks up to find Azula's fingers in front of her face, looking at her with a slight tint of annoyance.
"I said, 'dismissed'. And I believe that's your cue to exit my office immediately." Azula is saying, but Katara's not interested.
Katara's brilliant blue eyes snap to Azula. "What will your meeting with Long Feng be about?"
Azula stares at her. "Do not take advantage of your position, new girl. These are matters that do not require your concern."
Katara's face hardens. "I've typed enough transcripts of your meetings in the past week to know more about your management than any other person on this whole floor." She states. But then she tilts her head slightly to the side. "Well, except Zhu Li, of course, but that's Zhu Li."
Azula leans forward in her chair and places her forearms on the desk, clasping her fingers.
Katara mentally cheers herself for speaking up and continues, hearing no response from Azula. "If I were a spy, I'd be halfway to Ba Sing Se by now, selling all your information. But I didn't. So, tell me. What are you going to discuss with the Cabbage Corp's first director?"
Azula scans her face for a long moment. So long that Katara almost ups and leaves from the sheer weight of her gaze. It's piercing and calculative, making Katara squirm in her seat, feeling oddly heated and flustered.
Azula speaks finally, much to Katara's relief. "I was thinking of giving him the scare of his life. But I haven't really gotten around to the details yet."
Katara's face lights up.
This is it. This is the perfect opportunity laying itself in front of her and Katara reaches out and grasps it so freaking tightly, you'd think she's crazy.
"They've been giving you hell for the past few months, right? What if I tell you, that we can take their obvious stupidity and use it to bleed them dry?"
Azula's brows lift up ever so slightly. She stares at Katara a second longer before yielding. "What are you suggesting?"
The smirk that takes up Katara's face could've summoned a fleet of dark spirits. "The perfect scam." She sneers, her mind already racing, making out the details.
The clip-clop of Azula's heels probably alerted them or something, Katara isn't sure, but the moment they enter an empty warehouse for the meeting with Long Feng, the little group huddled together right at the middle of the room turn to look at them.
"Ah!" A guy, almost in his 50's, with long hair plaited behind him and adorned in an extremely exquisite kimono, tilts his chin up, turning to Azula and Azula alone. "Miss Azula. We were expecting you for a while now."
"No, you were not." Azula's quick to reply.
The meeting was set up for 4 o clock Saturday afternoon and Katara was pretty sure they were walking in right on the nose of it, given the obsession Azula had for being perfectly on time. No, scratch that. Being perfect all the time, Katara thinks.
Zhu Li had told her that Azula had specifically asked for the 'new girl' for the meeting, and Katara couldn't help but feel euphoric. Every time she's even thinking of her boss, she gets all dizzy and alert at the same time, it's annoying really.
Now, walking behind, just shy of Azula's steps, she's sure they look like professional demons, here to destroy Cabbages, not with swords, but with pens and words.
A smile almost takes up Katara's face at the thought, but she schools her features. No, professionals are supposed to hold a neutral expression, practiced and poised. She glances slightly over to Azula, the perfect example and straightens her back on instinct.
When they near the small group of elite officials, Azula halts abruptly, in a calculated step that only she can master, and Katara almost stumbles behind her, before regaining her composture just as quickly.
A young guy suddenly appears in front of us, carrying a huge video-camera on his shoulder.
Azula rolls her eyes. "Seriously, Mr. Feng? The camera crew again?"
"If we're going to make a deal, I need all the precautions, Miss Azula." The guy with the long plaites looks smug. Katara realises him as the First director of the Cabbage Corp. "I'm surprised you didn't arrange for the same." He cocks his head and gives a smirk that's supposed to indicate his silent victory or something.
Even Katara knows it's a pathetic attempt. And a poorer execution. She can't even begin to think how Cabbage Corp., even achieved this level of power in the market.
"Oh, I like to keep things simple." Azula says before tapping the suit pocket on her chest, which holds a rather unique pen.
Katara's eyes widen when she realises what's inside that pen.
Hot diggity dog! Azula's amazing!
Long Feng's smirk falters as he catches on too. But then he manages to boost his composture back. "Shall we begin?"
"Your resources just took a massive hit, according to my sources." Long Feng crosses his legs. "You're at the brink of collapse, if you don't recompense yourself fast. Why would I want to deal with you?"
Azula doesn't answer. She stares at him without a single expression on her face. Katara squirms in her seat. They've sat down for like, what, ten minutes? And this guy already thinks he owns Azula. It's pathetic because Katara knows what's gonna hit him. And the second-hand embarrassment that she's feeling for him right now is unbearable.
Long Feng, seeing that Azula isn't going to answer him any time soon, continues. "Since I have a particular interest in watching other companies shine and provide me with a better competition, I'd like to offer you financial aid. To recover from your loss. What do you say?"
Azula smiles. "I think you're very generous. But I had something else in mind."
Long Feng narrows his eyes. "Oh?"
Azula looks all around the warehouse, non-chalantly, before letting out a short breath. "A merger."
Her words hang in the air. Katara's face can't help itself but break out into a slight smirk. The whole thing was her idea and she's never been prouder for coming up with anything than when she came up with this. But Azula's making it 10 times better.
Long Feng looks at Azula for a long moment. Then he bursts out laughing. He laughs so hard that he almost falls out of his chair.
"Y- You're serious?!" He asks inbetween peels of laughter, before guffawing out loud again.
Azula looks at him with a smile on her chiseled face. She holds her hand out, and Katara immediately gets her cue. The blue-eyed girl carefully fishes out the laptop from the bag she's holding and opens it.
Live footage of the hidden cameras placed in Azula's stolen shipments, starts to play and Katara instantly places the laptop on her boss's extended arm.
Azula doesn't even look at it, when she turns it around towards Long Feng.
And, oh boy. Katara's pretty sure she would watch how the colour and mirth drains from Long Feng's face, over and over again for the rest of her life after she gets hold of Azula's pen camera footage. It's just so damn satisfying when his laughter slowly turns to chuckles and finally stops abruptly as he makes sense of what's being shown to him.
"I believe we have an excellent deal in our hands. It's a shame about your generous offer though, Mr. Feng. I might not accept it, considering my busy schedule of managing two companies simultaneously from now on. I'll even be kind enough to let you work in the inner circle of the board after the merger, if you're willing."
Long Feng's eyes almost fall out of his head in shocked rage. He grits his teeth to the point where it makes a racket and echoes along the large warehouse.
"My secretary will meet you in a week's time, with the necessary documents regarding our merger. Be sure to bring your camera crew too! They're most welcome! Good day, Mr. Feng."
Azula stands up and turns on her heels, walking crisply away from the chaos she just caused. Katara follows right behind, not exactly sure why she's so fucking turned on at the moment.
[Three months later]
Katara's desk is filled with notes and diagrams and draft proposals of anything and everything Azula's been engaging with. It's late. Friday night, 10 PM to be precise. Katara leans back in her chair with a sigh of relief, looking up and all around, having completed her work just moments ago, observing and absorbing how strange it is to see the bull-pen so empty.
She's beat and would do anything to have a nice, long, warm shower and a comfortable snuggle only her bed gives.
She packs her things up from the mess of her desk, tidying up a bit so that she won't have to worry about it first thing on Monday.
Then she hears it
And because it is so quiet, she hears it clearly. The soft clicking of keys on a keyboard. Her sharp ears pick out the sound immediately and she decides to follow it, trying to figure out where it's coming from.
She wanders around the empty desks for a few seconds before halting abruptly in front of Azula's office. The sound seems to be coming from there.
She hasn't gone home yet?
Katara frowns. Maybe she got too caught up in her work to realise that Azula hasn't gone home yet.
Pumping herself with some much needed assurance, she slowly opens the door to Azula's office. She knows the girl hates knocking.
Katara peeps inside the room tentatively. Her eyes fall on her boss, typing feverishly on her computer, brows furrowed in concentration. And Katara, knowing that it's too late to be doing heavy work like what Azula seems to be doing right now, decides to go interrupt.
She steps inside the room quietly. Her boss doesn't seem to notice. But when Katara starts walking towards the desk, closing more distance, Azula's eyes snap up to hers suddenly, without turning away from her computer. Katara stops dead on her tracks, panic griping her heart, faster than a race horse. She stares at her boss, not really sure about what she's doing with herself, praying to all spirits silently that she isn't overstepping any boundaries.
Azula considers Katara for a moment, her fingers halting for a second, before she snaps her golden eyes away to the screen again to continue typing. The blue-eyed girl's heart begins to beat faster.
She's not encroaching any boundaries?!
Katara takes a tentative step forward. And when she meets no resistence, she walks freely, closer to Azula's desk. Her boss, seemingly, is absorbed in her work. And Katara doesn't like it. It's Friday night for spirits sake! And she's the boss! She doesn't have to work this hard!
Katara reaches the desk and walks around it to the side where Azula's seated. It's a large desk, and it gives Katara ample space to lean her butt against the edge of it and stand facing Azula with her arms crossed over her chest.
She watches her boss type so fast, she's sure they keys are just minutes away from flying off the keyboard. It's silent between them. Katara knows that her boss is blatantly ignoring her, so she just waits in order to get her attention.
A moment later, Azula finishes up in a flourish, ending her furious typing, and shuts her computer down, before she turns in her chair to face Katara.
"Why aren't you home yet?"
"Haven't you gone home?"
They both speak at the same time. Katara purses her lips, and looks down at her feet, trying to hide her fast forming blush.
"And not to mention," Azula gets up from her chair, unbuttoning her sleeves, "You've walked in here without permission. I could fire you right here."
Katara looks up in a hurry. "No, you won't."
"Oh, yeah?" Her boss begins to roll up her sleeves. Katara gulps, tracing her eyes over Azula's hands. "What makes you so sure?"
The intern averts her eyes away to her boss' face. "I'm too valuable."
Azula gives her half a shrug. "Meh. You're tolerable."
Katara smiles in reply, teasing and taunting. She takes a moment before asking. "You know, you're the boss right?"
Azula finishes rolling up her sleeves before meeting Katara's eyes in an answer. So Katara continues. "You can go home whenever you please. Why haven't you gone already?"
Azula stares at her silently, reaching her hand up to the back of her head and pulling the band that holds her hair together in a bun. The volume of her hair comes crashing down to her shoulders and her back, and Katara can't help but not take her eyes away from the girl.
Katara knew she was attracted to her boss, months ago. But this . . . this is too much. This is like watching the always poised and alert exterior of Azula that she's spent half an year to build, come crashing down; and Katara's the glad witness of the mind-blowing event, all in slow-motion that her brain seems to put her in.
Her boss steps forward a little, getting a better view of Katara leaning against her desk. Golden brown eyes hold the intern in a daunting stare, before Azula looks away. "I had to draft a proposal."
"This late? You could've asked any of us in the bull-pen to do it for you."
"I don't trust them enough to do this." Azula moves a bit forward. She reaches for the red tie around her lithe neck and gets it loose with a few rough tugs. Then her delicate fingers wrap around her collar button and she unfastens it in the blink of an eye.
Katara's brain freezes over, her eyes trained on the sharp collarbone peeking out from under her boss' collar. "Y- You don't?"
Azula shrugs. "Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way."
Katara gulps as she snaps her gaze to Azula's striking ones trained on her intensely. "What about Z- Zhu Li?"
"Ah, Zhu Li . . ." Azula takes another step forward. "She doesn't fear me. And that's the only reason why I respect her enough to remember her name. The others could be eaten by spirits for all I care." She waves her hand dismissively.
"What about me? I don't fear you."
Azula steps closer, almost a foot away from Katara. "You sure about that?"
"Y- Yes."
Azula just smirks in reply.
Then something clicks in Katara's brain. "Wait- Is that why you keep calling me 'new girl'?! You don't even know my name!"
Her boss moves closer again, and this time, Katara can differentiate the various shades of brown sprinkled in those golden eyes from how close she's standing. "Your achievements shall make me remember you. Not your worthless name. So, tell me, new girl. What have you achieved in order for you to make an impression on me and urge me to remember your name?"
Katara presses herself against the desk behind her like her life depends on it. "I- I um . . . I gave you the idea for the merger deal with the Cabbage Corp!!"
Azula leans forward and places her palms on her desk, on either side of Katara, trapping her. Katara's heart rate increases tenfold. She almost whimpers at the intoxicating smell her boss seems to posess.
"And that's supposed to have impressed me?" Azula raises one chisled brow, silently mocking Katara with just her eyes.
Okay, now Katara's definitely sure that this isn't something that's supposed to be happening between a boss and her intern. But does she care? Oh, spirits no! She finds herself slipping into a daze, her mind filled only with Azula's scent and her goddamn eyes.
"I- I . . ."
"You're gonna have to do lot more than that." Katara feels fingers as soft as silk place themselves on her thigh. They find the gap between her suit-skirt and her burning skin and slides inside effortlessly like butter. Katara shudders at the touch.
"W- What are you doing?" The intern's voice is unstable, riddled heavily with something thick; something raw.
Azula stares at her, slowly moving her hand higher up inside Katara's skirt. "Waiting for you to tell me to stop."
Katara closes her eyes, overwhelmed with a rush of new feelings she knows she shouldn't be having for her boss. She feels hot breath hit her face just and inch away.
"Do you want me to stop?" Azula whispers against her lips, taunting her; teasing her in a way that drives Katara crazy.
And Katara makes a decision. "No." She breathes. "Don't stop."
A smirk takes up her boss' face immediately before she crashes her lips against Katara with such force that pushes Katara flush against the desk, the edge digging into her butt. She pushes back with equal fervour, clasping her fingers tightly around Azula's loose tie and pulling her forward with it.
But Azula's having none of it.
She pushes Katara's skirt up, massaging the intern's thigh with her hand as she spreads the girl's legs apart. She wastes no time, moving forward to come and stand in between her legs, giving Katara a delicious friction to rub herself against.
Their mouths dance against each other, fighting in the most intimate way possible to gain control. Azula's hand that is not presently engaged with Katara's thigh, comes up to untuck the intern's blue blouse from her skirt, dipping her hand inside to caress the soft skin there.
Katara jumps on cloud nine. Her hungry desire for her boss ever since she laid her eyes on the girl, hits her with full force as her hand find Azula's shirt to crumple under her fingers. She lets out a needy breath when Azula leaves her lips to dip her head down to place a hot, wet, open mouth on Katara's neck, sucking the supple skin there in a way that makes Katara pretty sure it's gonna leave a mark.
It's wrong. Katara knows it's absolutely wrong. But it feels so damn right and so damn good that she silences all the other nonsensical thoughts riddling her brain and pulls the dark, raw, unadulterated hunger she feels for her boss to the forefront, throwing away all reason. She doesn't know when exactly she became this shameless animal, wanting, no- needing to be satisfied by Azula, and only Azula, but she doesn't seem to care.
Especially not when Azula's caressing hand unbuttons her skirt and sneaks its merry way down to pure, wet, heat. Katara feels herself pounding in time with her heart, gushing wetness all over Azula's now bold and teasing fingers. She arches her back, aching for her boss' touch, and gasping out loud when Azula finally, finally puts pressure exactly fucking where she needs it.
Katara's hand flies out to grip the desk and accidentally hits the pen stand and it comes crashing down with a loud BANG!
Katara jolts awake.
She sits up straight in her chair, blinking rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the sudden hit of light. She looks all around, shocked to find that she's at her desk in the bull-pen. She must've fallen asleep on her desk or something.
Heat flushes into Katara's face as her brain catches up with what she was dreaming. She looks toward Azula's office, and most definitely, there's not a single soul there; lights out and door locked.
Her body's still buzzing, completely on edge, still not over the mind-numbingly vivid dream she just had.
God dang it!
Now she's never going to be able to look at her boss in the eyes again. She packs her stuff up and heads home in a hurry. She's taking the coldest freaking shower known to mankind when she reaches home, for sure.
"The proposal's been approved." Azula's sharp voice rings around the meeting hall. "I want the draft for the first design by this Thursday. Any delay on your part and I will not hesitate to terminate you from my office. Understood?"
There are terrified nods all around the hall.
"Good." Azula narrows her eyes. "Dismissed."
Zhu Li, beside Katara, gets up to go have a seat near Azula, to run over the details regarding the discussions in the meeting, just as everyone hurriedly scurries out of the hall. Katara follows her mindlessly. Even after 3 months, Katara still shadows Zhu Li around, learning as much as can from the secretary.
The intern thought that if she spent the whole of the weekend having slumber parties with her friends, it just might take her mind off of the dream she had last Friday.
But, nope.
She tried all the trick in her book, but nothing seems to be working. Sitting here in the meeting hall, along with Zhu Li and Azula alone, she can't help but let her eyes wander to her boss' tie, noticing the way it stands crisp and how it came so beautifully undone under Azula's sculpted fingers in her dream. She can't help but imagine what witnessing the real thing would be like. It also does not help when Azula picks up a pen and starts twirling it inbetween her fingers.
Katara sucks in a sharp breath and pulls her eyes away reluctantly to her notepad.
She hears her name and looks up instantly to find Azula's sharp eyes looking directly at her.
"Zhu Li's gone already. I said dismissed two minutes ago."
Katara looks around the hall, confused, and feels her cheek heat up at the realisation. She and Azula are the only ones in the hall. But then she frowns. "Wait-" Her eyes snap back to her boss. "You know my name?!"
Three months under Azula's leadership, and not once has Katara heard Azula call her by her name. And the same three months of experience tells Katara that the look Azula's giving her is the one she wears when she's confused.
"What do you mean?" The golden eyed girl asks.
"I- I thought you always called me 'new girl' cuz you didn't know my name!"
Azula arches her brow. "I always call you 'new girl' because you are a new girl."
Katara frowns. "Then . . . I'm not a new girl anymore?"
Azula snorts. "You've not been new since your mom pushed you out of her."
The intern scowls at her boss. "Not funny. My mom died when I was 5."
Azula stares at her employee for a second longer before shrugging slightly. "Sorry."
Katara perks up. Sorry? The great Azula, shadow director of Agni Incorp., is capable of uttering that word?!
Seeing that Katara's confused, Azula explains without prompt. "Look, you've improved the status of the company since you arrived here, so much so that I could kiss you with how pleased I am. So, it's importat that I don't treat you as just another employee although they're important too, but as a colleague."
Katara gulps. "Y- You could kiss me?!"
Azula raises her eyebrows. "Figure of speech." She says but there's amusement in her eyes. "Were you really about to say 'no' to Azula Agni kissing you?"
Katara's eyes blow wide. "What?! No! That's not what I was-" She notices Azula's expression. "You're playing me, aren't you?"
The corner of Azula's lips curve up into a smirk, her eyes twinkling. "You should've seen your face."
"I know, I know." Katara rolls her eyes. "Very funny."
Their shared moment hangs in the air softly, bathing Katara with an unnatural elation. She finds Azula staring at her with the twinkle never leaving her eyes. Her stomach flips involuntarily. She sobers up, playing with a strand of her own hair in sudden nervousness.
"Zhu Li's planning on resigning." Azula states and Katara looks up with shock at the sudden news. "I tried to keep her in, but it really is no use. She needs to work on her career and she can't do that wiping my ass for the rest of her life."
"When?" - Is the only thing Katara can ask.
"In three months." Azula looks down at the table. "She says she'll train you for another month and then issue me her notice."
Katara frowns. "Me?"
Azula's gaze finds Katara's confused ones. "Yeah, you. You're gonna be Zhu Li's replacement."
The intern's heart pounds against her ribs. Being Azula's secretary means being close to her at all times, arriving at her beck and call and . . . Katara really isn't sure if she's cut out for the job with the kind of dreams that she's been having.
"You . . . don't want to be?" Azula frowns slightly.
Katara decides to be honest. At least about one thing. "I don't think I'm cut out for the job is all."
Azula's frown deepens. "I just told you how I could kiss you because of how good you're at this job. Just . . . think about it and make sure to let me know before Zhu Li hands in her notice."
Katara knows that her decision is already going to be a 'yes'. But she nods to Azula's suggestion anyways, as if to mull it over.
Katara walks out of the meeting hall, with a light heart.
i've been writing this fic for THREE days. that's how long this is 😭🖐🏻
i hope i satisfied your prompt, anon!! if anyone wants a part 2 for this... all u need to do is ask me 👀 it's that simple.
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itz-pandora · 2 months
Oh nooooo!
Wanna talk about some of your headcanons you have for your Sonic AU?
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I'll just do ones I can think of off the top of my head
(image isn't mine)
Sonic doesn't like being indoors, it's hard for him to focus when being cooped up inside. He'd much prefer to be outside whenever he can. Ofc he can be inside, doesn't mean he has to like it tho.
Sonic likes being by water, and will only go into the shallow parts unless he needs to go fully submerged.
Sonic doesn't usually sleep for 8 consecutive hours, it's more like two 4 hour naps a day.
Sonic's eyes used to be dark brown. they turned green the first time he went Super
Tails is dyslexic, and he struggles to read. He's still down for a good book, he just takes longer to finish it.
Tails gets an attitude as he gets older, but he's still nice. He's more quippy.
Knuckles is a big history nerd. He loves learning about cultures and the past. Of course he's partial to Echidna culture, but he's still interested in other places
Knuckles is a vegetarian. He only would eat stuff that's renewable on Angel Island.
Knuckles is left handed, also his lil spikes are apart of his hand hand.
Amy is near sighted plus has pretty bad night vision.
Shadow's knowledge of Earth, prior to SA2, was through TV and novels. (Think like the captain in WALL-E, but with a lot more context.)
Shadows knowledge of slang is super outdated. He thinks gay just means happy lol
A lot of Shadows body language was built around Maria, so he can get pretty physically affectionate when comfortable (even if he finds it embarrassing.) Purring, tail wagging, etc. He also would get cuddly if he wasn't embarrassed.
Terios is Shadow's genetic donor
Rouge has two moms who run a casino together :)
Silver is pyrophobic. He's scared of fire because of the future with Iblis. Fire makes him anxious.
Silver has a bad leg from an injury that was never healed properly. He can't run as fast or as long because of it. He learned how to fly with his telekinesis as it was healing. His injury flares up with anxiety.
Blaze's ponytail is a headdress cuz I said so :)
Espio is fully bilingual with Japanese and English, and it's his accent sounds fluent but for both since he learned both at a young age. He'll sometimes talk in Japanese to himself (it's his preferred language)
Male Mobians tend to have longer quills/hair/whatever than females.
Hedgehog have lighter quills as they're young, they darken as they get older.
Ik I've said some of these before
I might add more later?
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