#and a happier and healthier one if possible
theancientwise · 1 year
While rewatching old series
I'm rewatching season 1 of "Knightfall"...
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And I still believe that these two had a thing going on much more interesting and tragic than Queen Joan and Landry.
I mean, just look at how they're looking at each other here. Particurarly, at William's eyes.
It's obvious that they loved each other. In a dark and very twisted way indeed. But they did love each other.
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pureva · 3 months
oh it's been nearly a year since i got crazy about hockey...
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willow-schmillow · 7 months
Traumagenic disorders (like most disorders, I believe) can look very different in remission or during/after successful treatment than they do when someone is at their worst.
In the traumatic situations I was in, my DID presented with frequent amnesia and dissociation (depersonalization and derealization,) flat affect, and uncontrollable mood swings. Out of the situations but before treatment, it looked like frequent flashbacks and possessive switching, more amnesia, and several conflicts between alters.
Now, after a few years in therapy, my DID looks like functioning as one unit, co-consciousness and easy communication, frequent blending, and fusion being possible between even parts who had high conflict with each other.
I still have DID. It just looks different in treatment (especially since I'm working towards final fusion, it's not going to present the same way someone with untreated, unmanaged DID will present.) I've lowered dissociative barriers via work in therapy - I'm still a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
I personally don't see it as "recovering from DID" but "recovering with DID." When I fuse, I will hopefully have the skills to deal with stress in a way that doesn't trigger splitting again, but I don't negate the years I struggled with this disorder. That doesn't stop being a part of my history any more than recovering from my eating disorder did.
This is not even to mention people who pursue functional multiplicity - their DID doesn't stop being DID because they're in a healthier, happier state.
No syscourse interactions.
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sunkissedchld · 9 months
𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one has the silver airpods, pile two is the pink cord phone, and so on and so forth.
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don't be afraid to say if the message resonated or not; it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it's "bad".
this PAC is a collab with @icanseethefuture333, so be sure to check out their post also!
good luck to you, reader 🌷
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"i don't forgive you", harboring anger towards someone, heavy fire (aries, leo, sagittarius) in birth chart, red, passion, danger, hera, broken marriages/family, non-committal, metatron, spiritual power, turtles, tigers, turkeys. broken headphones, "you're not listening"
"Montero (Call Me By Your Name)" by Lil Nas X
"Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen
"Blow Us All Away" from Hamilton the Musical
"Intro" by J. Cole
"Angels We Have Heard on High" by Pentatonix
"Sorry, I Love You" by Stray Kids
Four of Cups, Knight of Cups (Rx), Six of Swords (Rx), Two of Wands, Five of Wands, Seven of Coins, The Fool (Rx), Turtle (Rx), Tiger, Turkey
For those who chose pile one, one lesson you will encounter will be in regards to you seemingly sitting on the sidelines in life. At one point, you may feel disconnected and apathetic about life; you may think, "what's the point of doing what I'm doing if I'm not seeing any results for it." There will be times when people will try to help you enjoy life more instead of being moody and unhappy with what you're doing, but J. Cole says it best when he asks, "do you wanna be happy?". Someone might literally ask you that (or people have done so in the past), and you often say "no" without saying no by not taking action to be happy. 
Those who chose this pile may have a lot of unresolved emotional baggage they refuse to acknowledge, but your lesson will be in recognizing that baggage and unloading it. You may have been resisting a transition period in your life for as long as possible, and in 2024 that won't be allowed anymore. Saying "no" to happiness will not be an option; you will be thrown into tackling your anger, former traumas, apathy about life, etc. head on. The only real thing you can decide at this point is whether or not you're going to plan for it now that you know it's coming or allow life to take you through it however ough that may be. 
You will be pushed to be competitive about what it is you want. There may be a lot of conflict, and you may even feel jealous of others at one point; you may think, "why is it that my growth and transition is so much harder compared to everyone else's?". There may even be a point during the year where you feel as if you're guides or the universe or whoever/whatever you believe in isn't listening to you, but the truth is everyone experiences growing pains, and you have to figure out how to persevere and get over your fears the same way everyone else does. As stated before, refusing to grow and transition is not an option, but your attitude as you experience it is a choice you make; you can make it easier or harder on yourself by having an open mind. 
This year, you will be going from being a turtle to a tiger. You will no longer be allowed to take your time in regards to things in your life that are keeping you from growing into someone who is healthier and happier: mentally, physically, emotionally, and everywhere else. You will be stepping into your own power and your attitude will determine if you step into it gracefully or not. Overall, your lesson will be in learning how to free yourself from your own chains.
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"be free", the sun, heavy fixed sign energy, ceres, gemini, pluto, neptune, feeling disconnected from venus placement, having trouble speaking, 111, manifestations, "coming in", "i'm walking", "be realistic", mercedes, goose/geese
“Love Like Woe” by The Ready Set
“One Step At a Time” by Jordin Sparks
“Are You That Somebody” by Aaliyah
“This World” by Ateez
“Can You Stand the Rain” by New Edition
“What Comes Next?” from Hamilton the Musical
Eight of Coins (Rx), King of Swords (Rx), Five of Wands (Rx), The Hanged Man, King of Coins, Seven of Coins, The Sun, Fixed, Ceres, Sagittarius (Rx), 111, Mercury (Rx), Venus (Rx), Neptune, Pluto
If you chose this pile, your lesson for the year deals with your self-worth and self-determination. “One Step At a Time” by Jordin Sparks seems to fit your energy best for this next year. It seems some of this energy may be lingering from last year also, but during 2024 you may feel as if you’re doing a lot of work but receiving no benefits from it. Eventually, this lack of success and recognition could wear on you, and you could wonder if what all you’re doing is even worth it. With your work, it could seem as if you do so much, but it’s just not quite enough to other people - even if you’re trying your absolute hardest. You could end up feeling unappreciated and as if you’re not advancing anywhere. 
It seems someone could be turning people away from you. For some people, this is a literal person who you may get along with, but you don’t really confront them when it comes to what they’re doing. For others of you, this is the universe purposefully blocking things from you because you’re trying to speed up the time you get certain things, and it’s telling you, “this isn’t how that works”. Regardless, there is someone or something in a higher position keeping you from reaching the success you think you deserve. This conflict will frustrate you throughout the year, and it could prove difficult for you to deal with. 
With the Hanged Man and Five of Wands (Rx), you’re being asked to compromise and re-think why you think you deserve recognition or success in a certain way. Is your reasoning valid or in good faith? Is your way really the only way you can gain what it is you’re wanting? Is what you’re wanting the best for you? I’m reminded of the meme (I guess is what it is) where a little girl is holding a small teddy bear or something, and Jesus is asking her to give it to Him, and she’s refusing, but the audience can see that He has an even bigger teddy bear for her; I feel like this will represent how your success for this year will be. You may have one view of how you want it, but that result keeps getting pushed back or thwarted because you’re thinking too small. 
The action of patience will be your most important lesson this year. “Can You Stand the Rain” fits really well for this closing part of the reading. You will be learning how to wither the storm of seemingly being overlooked and having your ideas of abundance not being given to you how and when you want in exchange for even better and more success to meet you at the end. As is always said, “patience is a virtue”.
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222, swan, itchy left palm, losing items, “i’m so sorry”, prominent sagittarius and/or gemini placements, heavy mutable energy, neptune dominant or many aspects to neptune, ducks, water, lust for nostalgia, being lost in your memories
“In Love with Another Man” by Jazmine Sulllivan
“needy” by Ariana Grande
“Halazia” by Ateez
“Home” by Todrick Hall
“6 Foot 7 Foot” by Lil Wayne (feat. Corey Gunz)
“Put It On Da Floor Again” by Latto (feat. Cardi B)
Queen of Cups (Rx), Six of Cups (Rx), Ace of Wands, Ten of Coins, The Sun, Six of Coins, The Emperor, Memories (Rx), Mutable (Rx), Sagittarius (Rx), Planetary Retrograde (Rx)
For those choosing pile three, your lesson during the year will relate to you recognizing yourself more. Those who chose this pile may feel disconnected from their emotions or feel very emotionally drained last year and entering the new year. You may be very used to letting people utilize you in their lives however they want while when it comes to you needing people, they often are away or too busy to care about you. You could be prone to co-dependent relationships where you feel like you need to be needed or of help to someone and they to you, but you let them give you the bare minimum while you give your all. 
Earlier, I thought you might be someone who doesn’t like remembering things or has a hard time with their memory, but it’s actually the opposite! You’re someone who loves to get lost in the past and what used to be; the song “Could’ve Been” by H.E.R feels relevant. For some reason the energy for this pile feels very connected to a relationship that you may miss during the year. It seems you will eventually come to the realization that you’re losing yourself to the past and recognize you need to garner up the willpower to keep going for the present. You will gain the energy to begin doing things for yourself instead of for the sake of pleasing others. You will be recognizing how important you are to yourself, and/or you will be building up that importance. 
During this year, you will be building a new foundation where you do things for you. You will be focusing on your own growth and prioritizing self-care. You will learn how to put your happiness above other people's, which might be an issue you have been avoiding for a while. Rather than relying on others for emotional stability and to qualify your self-worth, you will likely end up doing a ton of introspection to discover what makes you happy solo. If you’re someone who is chronically in relationships, you may take a well-needed break in order to discover yourself like you’ve been putting off doing. 
Overall, your lesson for the new year involves being your own rock so to speak. You will be learning how to set boundaries to protect yourself from people who are no good for you because they want to be like vampires in using you. Instead, you will focus on yourself and your ideals, wants, desires, and emotions. Your lesson this year will be learning how to focus on you.
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having a lot of conjunctions in natal or solar return chart, heavy fixed energy, being born on a new moon, heavy uranus energy, “i don’t forgive you”, heavy fourth house placements and energy, “i don’t forgive you”, (oak) trees, miracles, unicorns
“Focus” by Ariana Grande
“Hello” by J. Cole
“Lonely St.” by Stray Kids
“On It” by Jazmine Sullivan (feat. Ari Lennox)
“Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen
“New Money” by Leikeli47
Ace of Cups, Four of Coins, The Devil, Temperance, Knight of Coins, King of Cups, Judgement, The Fool, Conjunction, Fixed, New Moon, Uranus, 4H, Trees, Miracles
Those choosing this final pile, your lessons this year may relate to embracing new beginnings and a fresh start. For you, I’m reminded of all these rituals people are engaging in as we all enter the new year: eating black eyed peas, not washing clothes, having someone with money enter the house first, eating grapes under a table at midnight, and everything else. It seems you’re in the energy of “new year, new me”! With that, your lessons seem to relate to putting that quote to the test and seeing if you’re actually ready to embrace what comes with newness. 
You could be losing things and people this year; maybe you fall out with certain people in your friend group, or you lose your job, or you graduate from school, or you’ll find a whole new group of friends. In general, the concept of not getting so attached to things or people to the point where you’re unwilling to separate from them comes to mind. Not that you can’t also develop strong attachments and relationships! But, when it’s time to let a situation or person go do not spend so much time trying to get them to stay. “When it’s time to go; it’s time to go”. 
Do not become obsessive about things and people you come into contact with this year. The phrase, “there’s a time and season for everything” is very important! “Be flexible” is the best advice I could give for those reading this pile. Being flexible does not entail not working hard though; find a balance between being hardworking and putting in effort and also being open to change and loss. There is a major emphasis on balance and being in control when it comes to your emotions but also overall this year. 
Overall, your lessons deal with being open to the change that comes with a new year and declaring that you’re ready for new things. You still need to put in work and go about life and strive to achieve what it is you want - in relationships, friendships, work, your daily life, and more, but you also need to be willing to let people and things go when the universe tells you they’re no longer serving or helping you. Truly, be open to the new beginnings you’re saying you want. 
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phefics · 9 months
hii, i've send the last request. maybe then discovering that you're pregnant?
content warnings for pregnancy (i know some people are not into this!!). let's pretend this is an au where there is no risk of your children being reaped (post-war universe i suppose??)
peeta is ecstatic. he's always wanted to be a father, dreaming of a healthier and happier family than the one he grew up in. he cries tears of joy when you tell him, kissing your belly and immediately wondering about names and outfits and nursery plans. he strikes me as a girl dad, so i think he hopes it will be a girl, but he is overjoyed regardless.
gale is a little worried at first. he isn't sure if he'll be a good dad. he's also spent so much time taking care of others, his siblings, that he worries he's grown bitter and tired and selfish. but when he sees the happiness in your face, sees your stomach begin to grow, feels that baby kick...well, he can't help but start to melt. if you have a boy, he'd ask to name it after his father.
finnick is the perfect mix of happy and terrified. he has that pre-parental panic that plenty of people have, mostly because he never imagined a world where he could bring a child into it willingly. he would start talking about teaching your child to swim and fish and get this giddy look on his face. he gets very protective over you while you're pregnant, not letting you do any chores.
coriolanus is really torn. on one hand, having a perfect family, a possible successor, will be an asset, but it would also make him vulnerable, having a partner and a child that he loves. he also worries he won't be a good father, due to his own father being so cold. he doesn't strike me as a very involved parent, honestly, so i think he would be pleased with the concept but not incredibly mushy about it. he wants a son, i think. a little mini-him.
sejanus wants a big family, so he's more than happy to find out. he honestly strikes me as the kind of guy who would either burst into tears or faint upon finding out, lol. he wants to tell his ma immediately, have her knit the baby's first outfit. he constantly kisses your stomach, wants to feel them kick, is already buying everything well in advance.
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akindplace · 9 months
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For the past few days I kept posting several pictures of my dog asleep in her most treasured possession, her pillow. I never actually told you why she loves it so much. Some years ago, my mom saw a dog being rescued in the street with all her puppies. Turns out some of the people involved with rescuing her worked with my mom, and they decided to make a whatsapp group to help pay for vet bills and to find a place for her and her puppies. They found their home, but it’s harder to find homes for adult dogs, and she was very scared, and untrusting of people from living in the street her whole life.
They called her Valentina, because the name was very popular, but also because the word valente means brave in Portuguese.
She was in bad shape, thin, and with a skin condition. It would be hard to find a permanent home for her.
For whatever reason, my mom told me she wanted to foster the dog for a few days, until we found permanent shelter for her. Just a few days, she kept telling me. So the day comes, we took her in, my mom took her out for a walk, and when she came back, I looked outside and there she was sitting with Valentina on her lap. I asked her for how long the dog was really staying with us, and she said “if possible, forever”. I still don’t know why she wasn’t honest from the beginning because she knows how much I love animals; there was never going to be a way either of us would ever not want to keep her, anyway.
She was terrified of people, and would hide out under the car on her first days here, and it was hard to get close to her for a long while. But one of our dogs started playing with her, and slowly she would hang around us more. My mom felt bad because she would sleep on only a mat, so she gave the dog an old pillow and Valentina took that pillow as her favorite thing. But she would still run away if we came close to pet her while she was on her little bed.
Months later, Valentina finally sat next to me while I was eating to ask for a piece of my food (pão de queijo, because she has good taste). And I was so happy, I cried a little. It took over a year until she trusted us fully.
She learned how to ask for food, for treats, for pets. But she has also learned that in the morning, she wants us to take her pillow from its place my mom’s room and put it in the living room. And at night, she wants us to put the pillow back in my mom’s room. And she knows that if she sits in the specific spot for her bed and stares at us in judgement, we will bring her the pillow. It’s been years now. She is absolutely close with my mom, it almost seems she understands that my mom was the one who decided to adopt her. She got healthier, fatter, happier.
It took years of building trust, and now she lets us pet her, and doesn’t run away in fear. I don’t know what happened to her while she was living in the street but it made her so scared. But what matters is she found safety and belonging here. And everywhere she goes in this house, her little bed has to come along.
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And sometimes, my other dog likes to lie down on Valentina’s bed (she has one of her own) and Valentina just stares at us with profound disappointment.
Life is good. I’m glad we could make a difference in her life, because she changed ours too.
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: sorry for the long wait guys! Work has been crazyyyy - anyway. Here it is! Lil bit of progress with Simon - I reckon it’ll be 1 step forward, 2 back for a little while. Simon and Laika are both as fucked up as each other!! It’s a long chapter to make up for the wait. Hope you enjoy!!
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I'd been warned during dinner last night that I was going to be 'put through my paces' today. The Captain told me to get a good nights sleep. Kyle and Johnny dropped me off at my room - Kyle said goodnight with a soft kiss to my cheek, and Johnny told me not to let the bed bugs bite. He also kissed me on the cheek, but it was far too close to the corner of my mouth. He must have missed his target. I spent all night trying to brush it off.
*Johnny's POV*
The pizza had been good, Kyle was bold and kissed our little lass on the cheek. I couldn't stop myself, had to one up him.. Her little blush and awkward reaction made it worth the risk. Gaz and I practically ran back to our shared room - we needed to rest up for training tomorrow. We finally get to see what our little Lass is made of.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Knock Knock Knock
"Lass? Can we come in..? Y'ready for us?"
I'd just stepped out of the shower. "Uhh - two seconds.. I'm just getting changed" I shout back through the door. I rush to pull on some workout shorts and a black sports bra. I glance at myself in the mirror. I swear that I already look healthier - I'd gone sort of gaunt during my time at the facility. My skin looks brighter, I'm cleaner and relaxed... and happier.
"I'm dressed but still need to braid my hair.." As soon as the words have left my mouth, Johnny barrels into the room, followed closely by Kyle. "Mornin', Lass" - "Hi Johnny" I reply, softly. Kyle puts his arm around my shoulders and smiles brightly at me "ready for today? Cap's in charge of what we're doing.. just need to see where we are at with you.. apparently there's shit going down in Mexico so we might need to step in over there... Just before Christmas too.." he sighs sadly.
I furrow my brows - "Christmas? I thought it was October??" - "Ignore him, Lass, he is one of them crazy people who wants to put the tree up straight after Halloween".
I look at Kyle and giggle. "I thought it was winter when you first found me" - "It's always winter in Russia to be fair" Kyle jokes back. "Yeah but you can't go confusing me like that.. I've not been aware of seasons or dates for years, I was just starting to grasp it again.. so no Christmas stuff until December...?" I explain, feeling more and more relaxed around the two younger Alphas everyday. "You promise to be here for Christmas, then?" Johnny bargains. There's that sad flip in my stomach again. "I - I don't know where I'll be, Johnny.. I don't think I am in control of that decision".
"We'll not let you leave.." Kyle jokes "Aye, hide you away from the others" Johnny continues, nudging Kyle. They both laugh but I just shake my head.
We are interrupted by the Captain who stands in the open door, not stepping inside. "Laika, didn't I tell you that those two shouldn't just let themselves into your room like this...?" - "I - I let them in, Cap- Sorry- John" he huffs a laugh "If you say so. Put your trainers on and let's get to the gym before the basics turn up for the day. Ghost's there already". he grumbles, rolling his eyes at the possibility of basic training turning up mid-session.
"You don't have to worry if the rookies turn up, Lass. They're a bunch of prats, think they're all Billy big baws and like to throw their scents around and show off.. if any of them bother you, we'll sort 'em out" I look at Johnny and nod with furrowed brows. I was nervous.
The Lieutenant is loitering menacingly at the sparring mats when we all arrive at the gym. "Took your fuckin' time" he grunts. I try not to react but I can't help the guilt that washes over me. "Laika, on the mat" he jerks his head toward the mat. I obey and step onto the mat, ringing my hands together nervously, chewing the skin inside of my cheek. "Gaz, I want you to go through basic sparring movements, see what she's made of" the Luitennant orders. Kyle looks between the masked Alpha and myself with unsure eyes. "Are you sure..?" I look up at him nodding "I'll be ok.. orders are orders" I reassure myself, trying to slip back behind my own mask. Trying desperately to become the asset again. Unfeeling, cold and calculated.
My eyes start to take in Kyle's movements, analysing when and how he will move. He is the leanest of the pack of Alpha's, meaning he is probably the fastest. But I'm smaller and, hopefully, smarter. He steps, hesitantly onto the mat and raises his arms into a defensive position. "Gaz, for fuck sake, move!" the Lieutenant barks "She ain't going to throw the first punch!" Something inside of me screams 'NOW'.
I leap forward and slide to the ground taking Kyle's legs out from under him before he has the chance to react. He was too busy concentrating on the upper half of his body.
Kyle falls backwards and lands just beside me, so I scramble to get nearer, using my legs to restrain his arms and placing my forearm over his throat firmly so he couldn't move. I meet his eye, and he looks completely shocked. Then a slow smirk starts to form on his face. He reaches up and taps twice on my back. Impressive, lovie" he chuckles. I release him and clamber away from his body, which is still laying flat on the mat, I start apologising over and over again..
"Soap.. your turn. Try not to get distracted like Garrick did, this is all pointless if you go easy on her.." Ghost barks. I look at Johnny with sad eyes. "C'mon, lass.. you heard the man. Lets have a proper tussle" he wiggles his eyebrows. My body betrays me, as it so often does, falling victim to Johnny's flirtatious comments. I blush and look away. This time Johnny is on me as quickly as I look away. I'm the one caught off guard this time. SHIT.
He gets us both to the ground and I can tell he is attempting to use his weight advantage against me. He just wants to get me pinned which will win him the match. I realise that I need to get back to my feet, and fast. I allow him to roll me far too easily which gives me the momentum to push away from him. I knee toward his crotch while we roll and manage to catch him lightly, just enough for him to curl in on himself slightly, giving me a small enough window to climb back to my feet.
He tries to get up quickly but he is on his knees. I grab his neck and use all of my body weight to pull him to the floor, practically wrapped around his torso like some sort of demented koala bear. He chokes slightly and taps twice on my upper arm, which is currently holding his neck in a headlock. I immediately let go, "Sorry.. I'm sorry. I hate this..." I panic, thinking that I'd pissed him off. "Lass, nothin' to be sorry for. You're a feral little madam on the mats.." He brushes his legs off and grabs me around the shoulders, pulling me towards his chest. He presses a quick kiss to my hair and pushes me gently back towards the mat, not before whispering in my ear "Clever little Lass".
"Not bad" Ghost says. "Tell me what you think of knives.." - "the winner of a knife fight is whoever dies second, or finds help quickly enough to survive. No one stays clean in a knife fight.." I murmur. The luitennant tilts his head and narrows his eyes at me. It's difficult to read his thoughts when he has the mask on, but what I'd said obviously struck a nerve with him. "Show me what you mean by that - here.." he hands me a dummy knife and steps toward the mat behind me..
"Wi-with you..?" I ask nervously. "Problem?" he grunts back at me. I shake my head.
He stands there with confidence. I must look ridiculous. I don't know what to do. The lieutenant suddenly takes a wide swipe with the knife, it narrowly misses my stomach thanks to my quick survival instincts telling my body to jump backwards. I suddenly snap back into the 'asset' mindset. I leap forward and aim for his head. His eyes, to be specific. I see a flash of surprise cross his eyes before he slams the knife from my hand, pain shoots up my entire arm but I ignore it. I react by kicking his outstretched arm so that he is also knife-less. I then leap at him and try to clamber up his back. He grabs me by the shoulder and slams me hard on the ground winding me. I slide backwards, terrified at the behemoth of an Alpha towering over me. I whimper, scared trying to get away, still winded and pain still shooting up my arm.
"Stop. STOP" he bellows. I whimper again, confused and terrified. I can see a storm brewing behind the masked Alpha's eyes. "GAZ - get her up, for fuck sake.." the Lieutenant storms away from the gym, the Captain following closely behind him. My eyes don't leave his form until the gym doors swing shut and Kyle and Johnny are cooing at me, trying to calm me down.
FUCK, she's not a trained soldier by any stretch. But Christ, she goes into a desperate survival mode. Kill or be killed is the only description I can think of. Watching how she sparred with Kyle and Johnny, she was scared. Acting out of fear, and fear alone.
I wanted to see her knife skills - I don't know why I decided I should spar with her. She suddenly switched. That look in her eyes. She was feral. She was genuinely trying to hurt me. She had no differentiation between training and real fighting. It was all real to her. Kill or be killed - and she thought I was trying to kill her... She thinks I'm a monster.
I try to stop her by disarming her, I know my thumping blow to her arm must have hurt. It had to, but she barely even flinched. She was in survival mode. She caught me off guard and disarmed me. Clever girl, leveling the playing field - if this was a real fight that is - but I was trying to halt the fight. She needed to cool off before she went even more feral.
I was NOT expecting her to leap at my back and try to choke me. It left me with only one option - to flip her and get her flat on the ground. It worked for a couple of seconds. She paused, the look in her eye no longer murderous. But within a split second, she stunk of pure fear. Like she was staring at death himself. Me. I try to step forward with a hand out to show that I was no longer armed but she backed away, eyes flashing like a cornered dog.
SHIT. Why'd my stomach do that. I'm trying to help her and she's fuckin' terrified of me. Fuckin' hurt her too.
"Stop" I try. It doesn't work. "STOP" fuck Simon, why can't you be fuckin' gentle for once?! Brute - my brain shouts at me.
"Gaz - get her up, for fuck sake.." I shout. She looks helpless but, fuck, I feel helpless as well. I've never felt like this.
The sharp, sour smell of her fear. It makes my eyes water. Makes me want to fuckin' hurl. I turn and leave, not feeling well all of a sudden.
She has two Alpha's she actually likes to help her. Fuck, I hope she isn't hurt.. I don't deserve nice things. My Pack are probably going to drop me now. The fucking brute that you are Simon Riley.
The anger at my own stupidity boils over. I'd almost made it back to the Pack room but my fist meets the wall before I get there. I roar, angrily - or did it sound more broken than that? FUCK. Then I smell Price. He is fuckin' seething. I can already smell him.
I slam the door to the shared room and slide down the wall, grabbing angrily at my mask. I rip it from my face. "ARGRGHHHHHH" I roar again. I grab fistfuls of my hair. Fuckin' prick.
I hear the door close and then a presence sit beside me. It's Price.
"What the bloody hell happened back there Simon?" he growls. I can tell he is holding back his rage.
"She was feral" I grunt. I didn't know what else to say..
"And why was that..? Why did you let it get to that stage..?" he asks. Fuck sake, he is treating me like a fuckin' child.
"Wasn't just me. The girl doesn't know the difference between practice and survival.. She was fighting for her fuckin' life" I growl, pulling at my hair.
I feel his hands pry mine away from my head. "Simon. C'mon. Look at me.." - "Alpha - I need some time..." I break slightly.
"Time for what, Simon?" - "Time to think. I don't understand what is happening.. I can't stand the girl. I can't be near her"
John stays silent beside me, knowing that I needed to find my own way out from this maze.
"But.. but when she had that look in her eye, I needed to protect her. Protect her from me.. It's either me or her, Cap. I can't be near her. I'll kill her".
A warm hand grips my shoulder and squeezes. "Simon. You are too hard on yourself. You are the glue that often holds this pack together. Laika is finding her place in a new world. You've been in a similar position. I have a feeling you two are more alike than you think. Please, give it time. I'm not throwing you out of the pack, Simon. I'm not even angry at you. Never doubt your place or importance here, Simon - Never. Is that understood?"
My eyes furrow. I grab my mask and pull it back over my face. "Yes, sir. Understood" - "good, now come. The boys will have calmed Laika down by now" - "I hurt her" I interrupt. "You didn't mean to. I know you were trying to stop the fight. I saw it" - "she will need the medic.. I hit her hard. Can't do anything gentle. Fuckin' brute" - "Simon.. you did what you had to... she was going feral. C'mon, no more sparring. We will move onto target practice and finish with a five kilometer run - together. That'll be enough to fill in her file. We can make up the rest. She is on the team, I don't care about all of the tests".
I can feel my head clearing, the pack Alpha had successfully dragged me from a dark spiral. My panic attacks were not pretty. I get back to my feet when he offers me a hand to help hoist me up. "Sorry.." - "No Simon, save your apologies. Small steps, yeah? Let's work on chipping away at that wall you put up around Laika first. The boys adore her already.." - "I know. Johnny reeks of her at night time. Felt like I was wakin' up next to a fuckin' Omega this morning" - "Simon, she hasn't presented. I had her tested - results aren't back till next.." - "John - she is a fuckin' Omega. Stunk of honey and oranges since the first time I saw her tied up against the wall when Johnny found her. Can't you smell her..?"
"Faintly. The doctors said her scent will settle once the drugs leave her system. But her scent - it's barely there, Simon. She smells more like Johnny and Kyle right now" he shakes his head at me as if he doesn't believe me. "That's impossible.." - "I'll talk to the doctors tomorrow, Simon. We've got to get through today. I've got Kate on at me about Mexico - we will need to decide what to do about that - so the sooner she is cleared to work with us, the better, understood?" - "Yes, sir" - "Right, screw your head back on and come with me. I'll take the lead for the rest of the day. You sit back with Johnny and cool yourself off, ok?" -
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Kyle and Johnny saw what happened. They saw me trying to kill their pack mate. "I'm sorry - I don't - I don't know what happened.. I'm.." - "Shhh Love, hey, look at us - you need to look at us. We aren't angry at you. The Captain is with Simon, he will be ok. We need to check your back and your arm. You got hit pretty hard.." Kyle explains, stroking my cheek.
"Aye, Lass, c'mon, let us have a wee look, just want to make sure you're ok.." - "I'm fine.. I'm ok.." - "You sure..?" - "Yeah, promise" I assure them, even though I am feeling the aches from Ghost's hits. I jump slightly when the gym doors crash open. It's them. The Captain and Lieutenant. Ghost stops about 10 yards from the rest of us. I try not to look toward him, still feeling nervous. I see the Captain nod Johnny in Ghost's direction and Johnny immediately walks toward the massive Alpha and comforts him.
The Captain steps closer to me. "You're ok to continue? Not hurt?" - "No, Captain" I pretend. "Ok, we are going to the shooting range.. boys, lead the way" He directs toward Johnny and Ghost. They both turn and lead us to the shooting range. It's a huge open field. Targets and metal human-shaped silhouettes peaking out from behind pretend trenches and sand bag walls.
There are a couple of sergeants already shooting when we arrive. I get handed a set of ear protectors from John. He then walks me to a locked metal shed and explains that this is one of the gun-stores on the base.
"You said you were a sniper?" _ "Yes" - "What'd you use..?" - "Uhm.. A gun..?" - "You don't know what model of rifle?" - "Oh.. sorry.. no - I just used what they gave me, just happened to be quite good" I admit shyly. He huffs a small laugh and then grabs a large case and lays it gently on the ground, opening the top to reveal a huge, dark green rifle.
"This is an Accuracy International rifle.. we've used them for a long while now, best you'll get. We can alter sights and scopes to suit you. They're quite lightweight compared to other manufacturers. In all, it's probably seven kilos - give it a try and see what you think, Love". I stare at the piece of metal as if it would jump out and attack me. "This is the L96 model.. I assume that you used a Russian SV-98 type? They're popular over there. Poor mans sniper they are, if you were good with one of them, you'll be impressive with one of these" the Captain rambles. It's all pretty pointless to be honest because I know nothing about guns. I was just thrown one by a guard and told to shoot it, and punished if I missed. You learn fast that way.
I listen to him talk anyway, enjoying the gruffness of his voice and the fact that he seemed quite interested and excited to talk about guns. I nod along as if I understand what he is saying. "Ok, Let's give it a try then, love" -he hands me the gun and stands closely behind me. "See that target over there" he points "I want you to hit that - take your time". I nod and get comfortable holding the rifle. It feels different. Foreign. I lower myself to the ground and eye up the target in the scope. I breathe in and hold my breath. One, two, click.
"Well done - slightly left but hit the target" the Captain says. I furrow my brows, confused. "Can I try again?" I ask, disappointed. He shrugs and nods. I aim again and concentrate more this time. Breathe in. Hold it. One, Two, Shoot... Fuckin' left again.. what the fuck?
"You're doin' well, Lass. Why are you pissed off. It's not like you're missing.." Johnny pipes up. I scoff at him. "It should be hitting dead center.. I don't miss, Johnny.. I can't miss like this.." I rant. "I'm trying again, I think the guns sight is off.." I get into position the same as the last two tries but this time I aim half a line further to the right of the cross hair. One, two, Click. I huff a laugh. "Got it.. I need to aim off to the right to make a clean hit. I'll get used to it.." I mumble, continuing to eye the scope and point the rifle in different directions, pretending to aim at things. "Whoa, lass. Dinnae point it at us, fuck sake" Johnny jokes as I start turning slowly towards the pack. I was totally in my own little world there.
"We can have the sight adjusted if you like?" John offers "although I doubt it's this one that's been off. I reckon the one you've learnt to shoot with is off - so you naturally drop your rest arm to allow for the difference. Have you noticed that..?" John questions. "Uhm, no.. I've only ever used that sniper rifle.. I don't really know much about guns - was just given a crash course to be honest.."
He smiles and pats the top of my head "Well you ain't half bad for just having had a crash course, love - those hits would have passed you as a sniper here anyway, yet here you are complaining that you're a couple of millimeters left of where you wanted it.." I laugh nervously and look down at my feet.
Kyle walks up beside me and removes the gun from my arms and places it gently back in its case. "Better shot than most of us, anyway.. I reckon with a bit of familiarization with the new scope, you'll out-perform LT" I immediately glance back to the ground and feel nervous, scared to feel the wrath of the Lieutenant again. I subconsciously rub my sore arm before the Captain speaks up. "I wanted to end the day with a quick five kilometer run. It'll give Laika chance to see the perimeter of the base and also good exercise for you three lazy buggers!" he jokes. Johnny clutches his chest in false offence, Kyle just laughs and walks himself over to the Captain, giving him a gentle shove. "Lazy, sir? I'm not sure about that.." I blush - was he flirting with his Alpha? I shouldn't be witnessing this. I'm not one of them.. The Captain chuckles darkly and jokingly grabs Kyle by the scruff of his neck and growls softly at him, causing the younger Alpha to groan and blush. I turn away.
Johnny just laughs along, elbowing Simon who still looks pissed off from this mornings encounter.
The gun case gets placed on the floor of the large cabinet, stood upright. The Captain goes and chats to the supervisor and takes a small paper ticket and signs something. I watch from a distance, assuming he was just signing the gun back into storage. He returns to the group and smiles "Right, get your arses in gear. Take the first km steady as the warm up, then we will see who's the fastest. Finish is back here. Full lap of the base.. no cheating, Simon". I furrow my brows again, god I do that a lot, I'm going to get a frown line if I'm not careful. The Lieutenant didn't strike me as the type to cheat on a simple jog. I shake my head and watch the others limber up and stretch. I don't join them. Just watch, confused. I only ever ran when I was forced or chased. Never for.. leisure?
"Right, Kyle - lead us off for the first few hundred meters, just to get us onto the outside loop" - "Yessir'" Kyle chirps back. He strides off quickly. I try to stay with Johnny. Simon and John jogging gently behind. I stay on Johnny's heels for a few minutes but can feel myself getting tired. He keeps looking round at me as if he is surprised I'm still that close to him. Kyle is away out in front. How does he make it look so easy?! He is barely breaking a sweat, looks like he is just floating. I guess he was the best runner of the team. Johnny runs like a man possessed. I huff a laugh, his run matches his personality. All elbows and fast movements. He looked busy but he was still fast. I glance behind to try and spot the other two Alphas.
"Dinnae' look back when you're running Lassie, you'll trip!" Johnny shouts, while running backwards. What a showoff! I scoff and roll my eyes at him before wiping the sweat from my brow. "The two big'uns are slow, lass! Too heavy to be speedy like me and Kyle.." He jokes, speeding up and slowing down. "Johnny!" I pant, struggling to talk while gasping for air "Stop showing off!" - "No, Lass - I'm impressed, you're doing well! Didn't think you'd keep up with me to be honest - Gaz ran track when he was at school, he coulda been a pro runner, fucken bullshit. He has the record on base - as if I didn't almost bust a fuckin' gut to beat him to still lose" he laughs. I glance up ahead and Kyle is barely even trying. In fact, it looks like he is on his phone.. he has slowed right down as if he is waiting for us.
I just concentrate on forcing my feet to keep hitting the ground one in front of the other. I couldn't say that I was enjoying this, but it was better than being forced or chased.. It was weirdly satisfying. My lungs were on fire but I wasn't in danger.. I was just running for the sake of it - something I never thought I'd ever manage to do again. I felt like a child in a playground. The strange nostalgic feeling helps to push the pain and fatigue away. I actually somehow manage to pick up the pace. I glance back behind me and can no longer see the two larger Alphas. Just Kyle a couple of hundred meters ahead, and Johnny about ten meters in front of me.
I fall into a relaxed state, all I could hear was my own breaths and all I concentrated on was keeping them even. In Out In Out In Out. A few meters we turn a corner and I spot the Captain and Lieutenant ahead of us all. HANG ON A FUCKIN' MINUTE - CHEATS. I speed up, as does Johnny. "Ya see that, Lass, fuckin' Cap dinnae even take his own advice. Let's get them!" He shouts back to me mischievously. I giggle and shake my head fondly, but push myself faster.
Kyle goes past them first and obviously makes a comment because Ghost gestures with his hands and John throws his head back and laughs while still jogging slowly. I don't quite hear as Johnny and I are still about fifty meters behind them. C'mon, lass - you jump Cap, I'll get Ghost.."
"Jump... wait Johnny - what do you mean...?" Johnny had already shot off and almost caught up to them. I push myself into a sprint and my face splits into a huge smile. Johnny had leapt onto Simon's Ghost's back and bundled them both to the ground. I don't quite know what came over me in the moment. I laugh and leap at John in the same style that Johnny had with Ghost. John huffs as I hit into his back and stays running for a few strides before eventually loosing his balance and falling to the ground. He rolls so that he is underneath me and takes the brunt of the fall. He grunts as his back hits the grass. I can hear Johnny cackling like a madman and then the Captain speaks from underneath me.
"Johnny's bad behavior is rubbing off on you, love.." I blush and look away, only to meet eyes with Kyle, who is smiling brightly at the scene in front of him. I decide to be very brave. I stop laughing along with Johnny and sit back on his lap and reply back playfully "Bad behavior, Sir? It wasn't us who broke our own rule of not cheating.." I trail off, feeling nervous at how he was going to take my response. He goes silent before growling. I freeze momentarily before I feel his warm arms around me. He stands easily holding my weight and drops me off in Kyle's arms. "Cheeky little thing, you are. I'll need to ask Kyle to teach you some manners, you little minx.." My face heats up and I hide in Kyle's shoulder, giggling. I look over to Johnny who is beaming even though he is pinned by the largest Alpha. Christ, the Lieutenant is massive. Something inside of me makes me whimper, thinking that Johnny is in danger. I wriggle slightly and Kyle turns me away from the scene and whispers into my ear "Simon would never hurt any of us.. trust me on that, yeah?" I whine a reply along the lines of 'mmmhmm'.
*John's POV*
Simon and I decide to treat the final run as a leisurely jog. I already knew that the two young Alphas would shoot off like bloody rockets. They always did the same. What I don't expect is for little Y/N to keep pace with Johnny. Yes, she looks like she is struggling slightly, but the girl has guts. She keeps the pace.
Simon grunts at me around half way through, says that we should meet them at the end so that they 'don't get up to any mischief'. Of course, I agree, and nod in the direction of the best short cut. My knees aren't getting any younger, after all.
Simon and I rejoin the outer perimeter, having cut the top loop out. Kyle jogs by and tells us that our cheating isn't going to go down well with Johnny. Simon tells him to 'do one, Garrick' and something about how we aren't all 'failed athletes' like him which forces a laugh to bellow from my mouth. Such a back handed compliment.
The next thing that I do not predict happening is for Johnny to fell Simon like a fuckin' tree - the boy near on rugby tackles the lad. I watch it all happen from the corner of my eye, laughing as Simon hits the deck and Johnny crawls over him. The boy is like a terrier. Insatiable and endlessly energetic. The next thing I don't reckon on happening is for Y/N to creep around my peripheral vision and leap onto my back.
It's a given, she is much lighter that Johnny, but she also carries herself with much more grace. Her 'rugby tackle' method was rather cat-like. I manage to stay upright for a few strides until her leg taps mine, causing me to trip. It was one of those falls when you know you're going down. It gives me time to spin and take the fall so that I don't land on her, or catapult her, face first, into the grass.
I land on my back and stare back up at her happy face while she is draped across my chest, clung like a Koala. Her walls were down in this moment. She is genuinely happy. I have to move heaven and earth to not grab at her. Her scent is rolling off of her - as strong and sweet as I have smelt it. Control yourself, John!
She blushes like crazy at my comment - about how Johnny is rubbing off on her. She then sasses back at me and Christ, I need to get away from her before I do something that will scare her away. But I'm a greedy man. I stand with her, not quite able to release her yet. I drop her off with sweet Kyle. He wouldn't take advantage of her like I would. I cant help myself. I make an overly sexual remark about Kyle teaching her manners. We all know it wouldn't be Kyle who taught her manners. That job is down to Simon and I. Kyle and Y/N blush, I notice that Kyle nuzzles into her neck when she hides her pretty little blush in his shoulder. Cheeky boy couldn't help himself could he?
Something changes in her expression when she looks up to see Simon pinning Johnny. Then, almost within a split second, her scent changes to a sharper, sour scent. She is scared again. Simon notices the change without even looking. I can tell by his body language. He softens his hold on the younger Alpha and leans down to scent him, Johnny laughs and nuzzles all over Simon's mask. I glance to see how Laika reacts but Kyle had already turned her away. Damn it!
When will she ever see the soft side of Simon Riley?
I take a deep breath, to try and calm myself down from the earlier excitement. As an Alpha, I hadn't had a woman - let alone a possible Omega - sitting on top of me for years now. Of course, my body reacted accordingly. Once I've successfully chilled out, I turn and step back towards a smirking Kyle and a happier Y/N.
I push the loose strands of her hair back behind her ears. "C'mon love".
She giggles and apologises for her earlier behavior. "Don't ever say sorry for having fun, love. I enjoyed seeing you like that. Even Simon chuckled at your little sassy comment.." I wiggle my eyebrows. She blushes again and looks down. She really is unsure of Simon.
I'd - We'd - need to rectify that...
- two days later -
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Darkness, wet, blood, pain, screaming...
Another nightmare. I thought they were getting better. I cannot get myself out of this one, tossing and turning. I can feel the sweat and tears falling from my face. Was that real or just the nightmare?
*Ghost's POV*
A blood curdling scream echoes the hallway at about 1AM. I was sitting in the kitchen with my feet up on the coffee table, reading a book. I stand up immediately and follow my nose to her room. What the fuck am I supposed to do. The others are all asleep, she is fuckin' terrified of me but she is whimpering and crashing about in there. Fuck it. I'm going in. The annoying Alpha voice inside of my brain is screaming to help her. I wish it would shut the fuck up to be honest. It's been louder than ever since the second she turned up.
I bang on the door - no answer. I step into the strange room hesitantly. Stupid girl didn't even lock the door. I know that Alphas shouldn't intrude Omega's nests, but she needed help.
She isn't on the fuckin' bed. She's ran away, heard me fuckin' coming. She is hiding somewhere. Stupid fuckin' bastard - should never have come in here. She probably thinks I'm coming to kill her.
Over the sound of my thoughts, I hear another pained whimper. The cupboard. Don't tell me that she's-
She is in the fuckin' cupboard. In a fuckin' nest. A nest with Johnny and Kyle's clothes and - is that Cap's missing towel? He lost that yesterday..
I find myself staring at the sight inside of the cupboard. Probably for too long, because I'm drawn back to the situation when she starts breathing erratically.
I try to gently tap her arm. She doesn't wake up. I squeeze her arm now, she flinches, but still doesn't wake up.
"Laika.. it's - fuck - it's me.. Ghost... Wake up..." - nothing. Just more thrashing around.
"Fuckin' hell" I grumble. I lower myself so that I am knelt on the floor in the doorway of the open cupboard. I grab her shoulders and shake. It's the only option I have, having tried everything else.
She snaps out of her nightmare with a shriek, slapping and scrabbling at my chest and face. "Fuck girl - it's me.. I'm - I'm tryin to fuckin' help you" - "DON'T TOUCH ME - GET AWAY" she yells at me.
I'd be lying if my heart didn't freeze over when she says that. Such fear in her voice. Fuck it. Only option left. I grab her around the waist and hold her in one arm, flinging her over my shoulder. She is crying and crashing my back with weak, panicked punches. I hardly feel it. Too numb from her words. I march her out of her room and down the hallway. "Pl-please - please don't" she cries. What the fuck did she think I was gonna do to her?!
I reach the door I was looking for and open in, storming in and dumping her on the bed. She clambers quickly away from me, over the limbs of my pack mates. John wakes up abruptly, instantly in defense mode. She flies towards him and clings to his torso as if she fitted there all too perfectly. She is sobbing now. John growls as he blinks away sleep.
"What the fuck, Simon. What've you done..?" He looks between the sobbing mess clung to him, and me. Great, my own fuckin' Alpha thinks I've 'done' something to her.
By now Johnny and Kyle had woken up too. They move to the space between myself and the girl. Were they creating a barrier?! Didn't they trust me..? Of course they don't. You're a monster.
I sigh, feeling broken, and turn to leave the room. Christ knows where to, but I needed to disappear for a while. I'm almost out of the room. I stop when I hear her. "Si-simon..?"
I don't turn. I just face the doorway, still intending to leave.
Then the Captain speaks up "Answer her, Simon.." I sigh again.
"What?" I snap over my shoulder at her. I see her flinch, "I'm - I'm sorry.." she whines "S'fine" I grunt back, still not turning to face her.
"What happened?" Johnny asks. I don't expect to feel his hand in mine, tugging me back toward the bed. "Get off Johnny" I shake his hand away from mine, but ever persistent, he grabs at my hand again. "Si - what happened?" he asks again.
"The girl was havin' a fuckin' nightmare. Heard her screaming from the kitchen. Didn't even wake up when I banged on the door. She was hiding in her fuckin' cupboard. Didn't even lock her door".
"So.. you helped her..?" Kyle asks hesitantly "what else was I 'sposed to do? Fuckin' let her scream the place down all night?" I snap back - ok fair, that was uncalled for. I have my own fair share of nightmares. Those in glass houses 'n all that bullshit....
"S-sorry.. I didn't mean-" - "I said s'fine" I grunt at her. She hides behind John's shoulder now. She's terrified of me.
"Y/N.. what do you want to do..?" Kyle asks her "Don't want to be a-alone again.." she whimpers back at him. He strokes her cheek. Why can't I be gentle like that?
"Alpha.. can - can she stay here for tonight..?" He asks John nervously. I forgot Johnny was still holding my hand, but he squeezes it excitedly when Kyle asks if she can stay.
"Y/N.. would you feel comfortable here..? I give you my word, we will not touch you.. not hurt you..it's your choice.."
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"Y/N.. would you feel comfortable here..? I give you my word, we will not touch you.. not hurt you..it's your choice.." The captain asks me.. I sniffle into his shoulder. His bare shoulder. "Please.. please, if it's ok - ok with everyone.." I stutter and sniff. "Shhh sweetheart, it's ok.." John reassures me, rubbing my back softly.
He lays me down between him and Kyle. I glance towards Johnny and Ghost. Johnny has finally succeeded in dragging Ghost into the bed. He is as far away from me as he can possibly be on the massive bed. Johnny snuggles up to him and rests his head against Ghost's chest. I can almost see some of the tension leave Ghost's body. I look away and roll to face Kyle. He is already looking at me as I turn around. He smiles softly down at me and whispers "you ok, love?" I nod against the pillow. He motions towards himself and as my eyes meet his motioning hand, I notice that he is also shirtless. Do none of these men wear a shirt to bed?!
I furrow my brows at his gesture "C'mere love, snuggle up to me" he chuckles. "I don't want to be a burden" I sniffle, my face still red and puffy from all of the crying. "Never, now come here" he motions towards himself again. "Gaz.. behave" John warns from his position behind me. "Behaving, sir" - "Better fuckin' be" he grumbles back. His voice was extra gravelly at this time of night. I shuffle towards Kyle and he engulfs me in his arms. He is so warm.. His scent calms me down almost immediately. I push my head so it's resting atop his chest. He slots his chin over the top of my head.
I drift off to sleep, quicker than I had for years. The last thing I feel is a strong, hairy arm wrap around both of us and pull us slightly closer.
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awkward-halfhug · 2 months
probably not the best sedative | eleventh doctor x reader
summary: pseudo-morning shenanigans
chapter 1 2 3 4 5
contents: fluff, some name-calling, the doctor being a 'genius'
(also on my ao3)
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After that first successful sleepover situation, it became a habit. A routine. A tradition. When you get back from adventuring, you both go your separate ways to freshen up, grab a book to read (in your case), or a a gizmo to fiddle with (in his case), and meet up in one of your usual spots in the TARDIS to decompress, until finally you both fall asleep. 
After he woke up that first time, curled up in a ball on your lap, your legs tucked under you and your upper body curled around his in a way that made him cringe in sympathy for your poor back, he had felt an odd mix between embarrassed, endeared, and incredibly proud of himself for such a great idea. 
For one thing, one of your hands had somehow found its way into his hair at some point. The pressure of your fingertips on his scalp was completely foreign and entirely thrilling. He had been almost afraid to move for fear of breaking the peace and beauty of the moment. 
Almost. But he had really needed to pee. 
Your groggy, half-asleep state had been endearing and if his bladder hadn't been about to burst he would've liked to enjoy it longer. 
Fortunately for him, he would be getting to see a lot more of that cute pout in the weeks to come. 
He's looking at it now, in fact. 
"Hey sleepyhead", the Doctor murmurs into the pseudo-morning air. 
A few simulated birds chirp in the distance to each other. Coupled with the holographic display of the sun rising, the effect is incredibly peaceful. That, and the (safe amounts of) solar rays the TARDIS stores and emits through her projected 'sun', is apparently effective in its goal of keeping you on a regular sleep schedule. The Doctor, too, has been benefiting from these modifications you requested. He feels healthier somehow, more energized. And, surprisingly, happier. Although he's not about to admit this to you, or to the TARDIS for that matter. 
You smile sleepily as you stretch out your tired limbs. 
"M'rnin'" you mumble, before curling back into the Doctor's side. 
The Doctor chuckles in response and tugs you closer. He's never been one to pass up an opportunity when it's right in front of him. The cuddling and the holding each other has grown in frequency and ease since that first sleepover/snuggle session/whatever it was, but it still hasn't lost any if its novelty. Or its comfort.
He holds you close for a little while longer until he feels himself starting to drift off again. He's almost asleep when he hears an animal, very close, and from the sounds of it, possibly very angry. 
His senses on high alert, he whips his head around the room searching for the danger. If he can identify the creature quickly enough he can hopefully protect his companion in time, should it attack.
Had he left the door to the hatchery open again? He wouldn't put it past himself. It's happened plenty of times in the past. Although, the particular species residing there these days isn't one he feels keen on introducing to you. At least not this way.
He's just creeping off the couch, slowly, not making any sudden movements, when he hears it again.
Finally he identifies it.
You crack one sleepy eye open and frown at him when he busts up laughing. He leans back to his original position and scoops you up into his arms. 
"Should I start keeping you in the hatchery?" He asks between chuckles.
You just blink at him in confusion. Suddenly your stomach growls, loudly, demanding it be paid due attention. Your eyes widen and your cheeks color.
"I think I'm hungry." You say, timidly.
The Doctor just laughs louder. You smack him lightly on the chest and he calms down a bit.
"Come on then, we better feed the little beast before it goes on a rampage."
You both climb off the couch reluctantly and let the TARDIS lead you to whatever hallway she placed the kitchen in today.
After eating their meal, you sit together in companionable silence, allowing your brains to wake up for the day. Well, allowing your brain to wake up. His is wide awake now.
His mind is usually spinning a hundred miles an hour every waking minute of the day. And keeping him awake at that. But lately his mind seems to have calmed considerably. It's amazing the affect the woman sitting across from him can have, without even trying.
When you're apparently awake enough to think clearly, you break the silence. "What was that about a hatchery?" 
The Doctor manages to restrain himself from laughing any further at her expense, but he can't keep the smirk from his face as he replies.
"Nothing, dear."
"Dear?" You lift a bemused eyebrow.
Panic. Panic panic panic. That's all his mind supplies him at first. Maybe you've made him a little too relaxed. He still manages to come up with a genius cover for his blunder.
"Er, the hatchery. It's nothing. Have one here. Was talking about that. You gonna finish your tea? I'll finish it if you don't want it."
Before you could comment further on the sudden term of endearment, the Doctor swipes your teacup out of your hands and starts guzzling it as though it weren't scalding hot. Which it is. 
"I was drinking that!" You cry, your face warring between outrage and confusion. Good.
"Sorry. Just couldn't resist. Yours just looked so much better than mine." The Doctor emphasizes this statement by grabbing his half-full tea cup and tossing it in the sink a few feet away, without even looking behind him. It lands with a crash and he flinches.
You blink owlishly at him. Crisis averted.
"So, where to today, my love?" The Doctor can feel his eyes bulging out of their sockets. His mouth has a mind of its own apparently and it's scheming against him.
You barely have time to get out a confused little "Wha-?" before the Doctor ploughs on ahead for some damage control.
"I was thinking we could visit Burr. Lovely little planet. Bit off the beaten path in the next galaxy over, but the views are spectacular. Interesting people, the Burrans. Manners are a bit different in every culture, you know. Have to follow their rules or risk offending them. Wouldn't want to end up in another jail cell would we?
You look a little distracted but you nod in agreement. "What are their rules of conduct then?"
The Doctor swallows. "Oh nothing too different from what you're used to. Cursties, bows, sirs and ma'ams, the like. And we have to call each other pet names."
"Pet names?" You repeat, as though you hadn't heard him right.
"Pet names." The Doctor smiled innocently.
Suddenly your expression changes from dazed to comprehension. And..is that disappointment?
That is definitely disappointment! It was just a twinge of it and it's gone now but it was there! The Doctor feels like he's won something, though he's not sure what.
You're smiling at him now, clearly amused. "So, are we practicing now then? Um...sweetie?" You cringe after you say it, hiding your face in embarrassment.
He laughs in relief and delight. "Oh, come now, you can do better than that, sugarplum." He's positively beaming now but he can't help it. He's enjoying himself too much with this.
You pull your hands from your face and look him straight in the eye, determination etched in every feature. "Cupcake" you say, clearly fighting off a silly grin.
"Pumpkin" he retorts.
"Honey bear" you fire back.
"Gumdrop" he laughs.
"Cuddlebug" you smirk as you say it. You're  teasing him, the minx.
He raises an eyebrow. "Sugar lips" 
Your mouth hangs open. "You are not calling me 'sugar lips'"! 
The Doctor laughs at your expression. "Why not?"
"We've never kissed, so how would you know if my lips are sugary or not, hm? So you can't use that one." You arched a brow as if to say 'checkmate'. 
The Doctor just hums a bit. Nodding to himself and debating.
Internal debate over, he leans across the table and places a kiss right on your smirking mouth. You gasp at the contact and he takes the opportunity to pull your bottom lip in between his teeth and sucks on it gently, running his tongue across quickly. You make a little noise and he pulls back just slightly, releasing your bottom lip and placing a little peck to your mouth before returning to his original spot across the table.
The Doctor has never seen you look more flustered than at this moment. You're gaping at him like the cutest little fish and a blush is covering your entire face, your neck, and your ears. He couldn't wipe the smirk off his face if he tried. 
The Doctor stares your straight in the eyes, licks his lips and says "Yep. Sugary. Almost too sugary. You really do put quite a lot in your tea, don't you?"
You try spluttering out an answer but it's basically gibberish.
"What's that, sugar lips?" The Doctor lifts a smug eyebrow.
Realization dawns on his companion's pretty face. "You- you did that for-? Just because of-?" 
Well not just because of the pet-name. Not really because of the pet-name at all. But you don't need to know that.
"Am I well-informed enough to be able to call you sugar lips now, sugar lips?"
The Doctor makes a move toward you again, but you splutter quickly "Yes! Okay, yes! You are well-informed. I am in total shock of how well-informed you are." You huff and he sits back down in his chair, well pleased with himself. 
"That settles it then. Go get dressed, we'll make a quick pit stop and then off to Burr!" He drums his hands happily on the kitchen table and skips away to set the coordinates.
First stop, a nice little bakery with a nice long line the Doctor can leave his companion in while he sneaks back to the TARDIS.
Second stop, Burr, a century or two before he plans on taking his companion. Spread a rumor here, make a comment there. Pet names will be commonplace etiquette before they know it.
Third stop, back to the bakery, his companion none the wiser.
And then obviously, fourth stop, back to Burr with you. 
The Doctor sighs. Another genius idea. The rapid torrent of his thoughts may have calmed down some lately, thanks to his lovely companion, and he might feel more relaxed, but his mind is still as sharp as ever. Sometimes he amazes even himself.
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thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging/commenting, it means a lot! ♡
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blessedwithabadomen · 8 months
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in love with the mess - day zero
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : fluff
length : 3.2k
tags : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81
a/n : hi everyone!! I hope you'll enjoy this, comments and reblogs and asks are always more than appreciated!!
day zero
Time moved differently on tour. It always had, as long as I’d worked on them. Go away for a week and it’ll simultaneously feel like you only left home yesterday and as if you’ve been on the road for a month straight. 15 days didn’t seem too bad this time around. I’d done double that, triple that, easily. I basked in the feeling of how it fucked with time perception. Days flying by so fast I couldn’t quite grasp it, memories so fleeting and yet so fully anchored to my being. At the same time, in between, I already knew that I’d have days where this tour felt like a lifetime. Too many places in too little time, so many faces, different venues, different people, fans, the same setlists every night. And afterward, life wouldn’t be quite the same. Not this time around.
“There she is!”
Oli’s voice was much too loud in the hotel lobby. Several people turned around, even if I wasn’t sure if it was because they recognised him or simply because they were questioning who was being so damn loud in this rather nice place. He crossed the room in long strides as I quickly gave the receptionist a nod while she handed over my room key.
He looked different than the last time I’d seen him in person, which, admittedly, had been… a while. There had been constant texting, a familiar voice in my ear whenever I needed it, video calls at any opportunity, all based on a friendship we’d both worked hard to grow over the last decade or so, but lately both of us had been busy on such opposing schedules that any in-person meetings got delayed and delayed again.
Whenever he was on the road, I was stuck at a job far away and when I was working on a different local tour, he was busy recording in a different country. It was why he made sure that now, when he was embarking on a massive arena tour with his band and I was miraculously free for all of January, he got me a job allowing me to tag along. It was so much more than I could ask for.
Still. It had been longer than I’d like to admit since the two of us had met in person and none of the pictures I’d been looking at or the video calls we’d been chatting through had done Oli Sykes any justice. He’d been hitting the gym, I knew that much, but the way he now filled out his frame had me giving him a once over as he approached. His hair was longer now, too. He looked healthier, I thought. Healthier and happier.
At least I wasn’t crushing on him anymore. I had spent a good few years with a special place in your heart reserved just for him, well aware that it had never been reciprocated. Nothing had ever happened, save a few harmless flirtations here and there. One of us had always been in a relationship, had someone else on their mind or simply enjoying their single life. It wasn’t like he’d be interested in me either way, I told yourself. And I was over all of that, even if both of us actually were available at the same time for once. It didn’t matter.
I greeted Oli with a smile as both of us immediately went for a hug. He’d always been a very touchy person, something that had been feeding my crush in the most unhealthy ways, but as someone who was also constantly in a state of touch starvation, I appreciated it either way. His arms held me tightly. I was convinced I could feel every individual muscle under my fingers as they traced his back and I just knew he was smiling into my hair as he rested his head on mine, his perfume engulfing me, and-
Yeah, fuck. I wasn’t over him. Like, at all.
I let go of him a little too abruptly, terrified he could feel the way my heart rate was speeding up, but he didn’t mention it. The weight of my realisation was hitting me hard.
I was going to have to spend the next two and a half weeks with him, as close as ever. And I was going to be crushing on him as much as ever. Great.
“Thank you for getting me on this tour,” I said anyway because truly, having someone basically fight to create a job for me just to make sure I could tag along and get paid for it out of pure friendship wasn’t something I was taking for granted. It wasn’t Oli’s fault my feelings weren’t under control.
“I’ll have you know that I missed three meetings to convince them that I needed a personal assistant to keep me on track.”
“Damn, so I’ll actually have to interact with you and make sure you are where you need to be at all times?” I joked.
“You also get to go on burger runs after the show. You’re basically my slave now.”
I decided to ignore the way his statement makes a shiver run down my spine. He didn’t need to know how far my services would extend, if he ever asked for it.
“Everyone in the tour group chat is making fun of me by the way. They’ve all very lovingly changed my contact name to ‘Oli’s slut’, so you’re not that far off.”
“Wait, there’s a groupchat I’m not part of?” Oli was halfway to pulling out his phone, apparently shocked at the idea that other people working this tour would connect without him being the centre of attention or even included at all, but he was interrupted.
The interruption came in the form of Noah Sebastian, tall, all smiles, and, somehow, even more beautiful in person than I’d gathered he would be from pictures and videos. One of his hands came to rest on Oli’s shoulder, making him look up with a bright smile, as the other reached out to me.
“Noah Sebastian,” he introduced himself, as if there was any chance I could possibly not be aware. “I sing in Bad Omens.”
“Hi! I’m Oli’s slut.” A brief pause. Panic as I gripped his hand tighter upon realising just which words had left my mouth. “No! Wait! Personal assistant! Oh my god. Aubrey. That’s my name.”
I couldn’t tell whose laughter was louder out of the two of them, but I was mortified. This was possibly the worst first impression I had ever made. And I’d made a lot of them.
“Where did you find her?” Noah laughed. “I like her already.”
Oli slung his arm around me, pressing my blushing face to his chest. I both wanted to burrow myself into the fabric of his hoodie and withdraw immediately before the heat in my cheeks got any worse.
“Oh, years ago, mate. She’s a keeper. A little socially inept though, obviously.”
“I fucking hate you,” I mumbled as I untangled myself from Oli. “I’m gonna go to my room and hide away until I’ve learned how to behave in public again.”
Grabbing my bag from off the floor and double checking that the key card I’d been handed hadn’t, somehow, vanished into the abyss, I turned to take the handle of my suitcase only to find it was already in Noah’s hand.
“I’m going to join you,” he said. I didn’t miss the way Oli raised his eyebrows. “In going upstairs, I mean, not going to your room. I’m… very jetlagged.”
“You two are a right pair,” Oli commented with a chuckle and a shake of his head. “This is going to be a great fucking tour.”
“Is this the first tour you’re working on?”
I stopped at the door leading to my hotel room, Noah coming to a halt next to me and pushing my suitcase in my general direction. I was unreasonably nervous. Somehow, even though we were in a pretty public hallway in a pretty public hotel, no one else was around. I hadn’t counted on being alone with him so quickly, even if it was possibly the least conspicuous situation imaginable. Leaning back against the door, I fumbled with the keycard to keep my hands preoccupied.
“Oh no, I’ve done my fair share, actually. It’s how I met Oli, years ago, on one of the first jobs I ever had. I’ve mainly been doing merch or helping out as someone’s assistant, usually a tour manager’s. When he found out I was going to be free for this tour, he really wanted to get me on it, but they’d filled all positions already, so he convinced management that he needed a personal assistant. And here I am!”
“What’s that entail then? Your job? I might be in the business of hiring a personal assistant for myself, some time in the future.”
The way he was towering over me as he leaned against the wall, a smirk on his lips, eyes travelling over my face… was he flirting with me? I’d always been terrible at telling. Especially when it came to attractive people. There was a constant fear my interpretations could just be down to wishful thinking.
“Knowing Oli, it’s probably going to be a lot of running around to fetch him food and the most random assortments of items that he suddenly needs for no reason whatsoever. Other than that, I’m responsible for kicking his ass and keeping him on time for everything. I’m allowed to use physical force if necessary, he gave me that in writing. I’m definitely going to enjoy that part.”
“Sounds like Oli’s your slut, to be honest.”
If there had been any liquid anywhere near my mouth, I would have done a spit take. The implications of it, as well as the tone of his low voice muttering the word slut was enough to do me in. There wasn’t, though, so I simply gaped at Noah for a moment before erupting into laughter.
“You know, it really does. I’m going to remember that. Don’t tell him though. He likes to think he’s the dominant one in this situation.”
Noah pushed himself away from the wall, giving me another smile that sent shivers down my spine, before turning to walk away. “I can’t wait to see you put him in his place. I’m going to be watching.”
The room was nicer than any I had ever been put in while working on a tour and, even more importantly, I wasn’t sharing it with anyone. I didn’t know what kind of strings Oli had pulled to make this happen, but I would thank him thoroughly for it. In any way he deemed acceptable.
I shook the thought from my head.
It didn’t work.
So, I did the only thing that made sense. I called my best friend.
“Lia, I’m in fucking trouble,” was the first thing I said to her. We’d never been too fond of greetings.
“Did you get arrested before tour even started again?” Her voice came through the phone, somewhere between accusatory and amused.
“That never happened! It was a case of mistaken identity and they let me go immediately. Anyway. No. My problem is that I want to fuck my boss.”
“And that’s news to you how?” she scoffed.
“What! How is it any secret, or ever has been, that you want to bone Oli Sykes?”
I fell down onto my bed in defeat. It was extremely comfortable, which did ease my pain momentarily. I would get an amazing night’s sleep here.
“I thought I was over it,” I whined. “I thought I was going to be fine but he’s fit as fuck and I’m gonna have to spend every fucking day with him. Never mind Noah.”
“Noah? Okay, now you have my attention.”
“I didn’t have it before? Rude.”
“Less complaining, more talking about Noah please.”
“He’s fucking dreamy, I’ll tell you that. And a flirt. I think? I’ve yet to determine it for sure. And I’ve only seen him and Oli interact once but Oli looks at him like the sun shines from his arse so he’ll probably be around all the time, too.”
Lia didn’t say anything for a long, long moment. Long enough that I pulled the phone from my ear briefly just to check that the connection hadn’t dropped. When she finally spoke again, she sounded much more serious than I’d heard her in a while.
“Aubrey. I know I make fun of you a lot.” True. “And I know that I don’t always give the best advice.” Also true, sometimes painfully so. “But I love you and you need to listen to me for once, yeah? Have some fucking fun.”
I had to admit, that wasn’t the advice I thought I was going to hear.
“You have this weird thing about not allowing yourself to let loose and enjoy yourself but I’m giving you explicit permission. Do whatever feels right. Flirt with anyone who’s attractive to you and wants to flirt back. Make a move on Oli. Make a move on Noah. I don’t fucking care. But stop depriving yourself of happiness because you, for some unexplainable reason, think you don’t deserve it. Please, Aubrey. Have some fun on this tour. Okay?”
I was dumbstruck. For a while, I didn’t know what to say, but Lia stayed silent, waiting it out. Waiting until her words seeped into my brain. Started to make sense. And I knew. I knew she was right. I’d been focused on chasing after job opportunities, constantly trying to prove myself, travelling from one place to another, and never had I stopped and taken a moment to allow myself to really be happy. I hadn’t had a relationship since… I didn’t want to think about it. Hell, I hadn’t even touched anyone in forever. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gotten drunk, stayed out until sunlight, sang my heart out, let go.
And this tour… Oli had given me the job because he wanted to hang out with me. I didn’t have anything to prove. So I took a breath. And I told Lia a single word.
I was almost asleep, clad in a pair of shorts and an old shirt and covered under the blanket, when my phone chimed with the tell-tale jingle I’d assigned to Oli. He was my boss, after all. I felt like I should at least make an effort to make sure I’d notice his attempts to contact me, even if it only came in the form of a personalised ringtone.
Oli u up? Aubrey Is this a booty call Oli come over
I knew I didn't have a good enough reason to refuse. Double checking that I had noted down his room number, I grabbed my key card and phone and quickly padded down the hallway, thanking the lords that no one bumped into me. Oli opened the door the second I put my knuckles against it to knock. He didn't waste any time pulling me into the room and onto his bed by my hand.
“Wow, forward much? Normally I at least get dinner before jumping into bed with someone,” I joked.
“Love, I’ve taken you out for food so many times, you should get on your knees without me having to ask.”
I landed a good slap to the back of his head for his comment. It seemed better than to acknowledge the fact that I would, definitely, without question, get on my knees for him, and now my head was once again flooded with inappropriate images. Settling on the mattress next to him, I tried not to get too close to Oli, which shouldn’t have been a difficult feat on a double bed, but as soon as he had grabbed his laptop again, he shuffled so close that his thigh was touching mine.
“Can I show you some stuff?” he asked, blissfully unaware of the turmoil in my heart, as he was rapidly opening and closing tabs on his laptop. I simply nodded, waiting for him to continue. “I know you’re going to see most of it tomorrow, I made sure the sound tech people are cool with you staying at the sound desk if you want so you can get a good look at the whole show, but look, we did a whole video montage that’s going to play before the encore, and…”
Oli talked and talked and talked, about the show, about the planning of it all, about their rehearsals, showing me pictures and videos and blueprints and all I could do was sit and listen and fall in love with the sound of his voice a little bit more. He was catching me up on everything I could have possibly missed, letting me listen to everything he was expecting to happen in the next two weeks, and how he couldn’t believe I was actually there and part of it all.
“Having you and Noah here is the fucking best,” he grinned, somehow snuggling even closer into me. I let him, against my better judgement, as always.
“Someone’s a bit in love with him,” I teased.
“Everyone is a bit in love with him. You’ve met him. Prettiest dude on tour.”
“Apart from you.” It slipped out before I realised the thought was even in my brain, but Oli seemed delighted.
“You think I’m pretty?” He fluttered his eyelashes in a way that would have been purely obnoxious, usually, but all I could focus on was how fucking pretty he did indeed look. “You think I’m cute? You wanna kiss me? You wanna hold my hand?”
“Oh my god, I take it back,” I groaned, pushing him away and attempting to crawl out of his bed, but his arms grabbed onto my middle and pulled me back before I got anywhere at all. He seemed to anticipate me trying to fight his grip, because as soon as I made any further move, his fingers found the skin under my shirt and began tickling my stomach in relentless cruelty. Within seconds, I was reduced to a shouting, giggling mess, tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I wriggled underneath him, to no avail.
“Please, please, Oli!” I gasped, breathlessly. “You’re- fuck, you’re the prettiest!”
His torment stopped immediately, but our position didn’t change. I was still trapped under his broad frame, his hands still on me, his hair almost tickling my face, he was that close. My breathing was going fast, trying to calm down after his attack, but his proximity didn’t help at all. For a moment, a long moment, we simply stared at each other, all fight leaving our bodies. Then, just as I wondered if anything was actually going to happen, he sat back up, busying himself with his laptop and fixing the blanket.
I almost missed it when he muttered, “For the record, I think you’re the prettiest, too.”
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Im going through your blog again and the symbolism with Mrs.Rosehearts and making her a lionfish is so good! Similarly to how lionfish are an invasive species in the Atlantic because of how they could potentially harm the existing species there remains me of how Mrs.Rosehearts was harmed the potential friendship between riddle and trey and chenya and created a unhealthy environment and mindset for riddle. The coral reefs could’ve flourish and prosper if not for the danger of lionfish just like how riddle could’ve been a happier and healthier child if not for his mother’s teaching methods.
There’s also the possibility that Mrs.Rosehearts methods could be a product of her childhood or something that we just don’t know. If that were the case then it adds even more symbolism as lionfish could’ve be a released or escaped from marine aquariums and are just trying to survive in a environment that isnt made for them just like how Mrs.Rosehearts could have trauma of their own (which of course doesn’t excuse what she did to riddle but it makes her more human than just a evil person) and is trying to raise riddle the best she can
Anyways i hope this makes sense and thank you for feeding my floyd x riddle thoughts :D
Thank you!! I'm glad you noticed, I wanted to connect her with a lionfish for a few reasons, like the ones you listed, but also because they're prey for moray eels! If the eel is able to bite on the lionfish head down and face first, their spines collapse down and become harmless.
I wanted to kinda show how she sort of met her match with the Leeches, but a lionfish's spines aren't just to look pretty. They're to protect themselves, and I do like to speculate how she had to grow up to become the prickly woman we're currently familiar with.
I love your analysis tho! I like hearing these sorts of thoughts from people a lot!!
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multi-fandom-simp · 1 year
Can I request another Garrett soulmate au? This one the mate he finally finds is blind and has been since birth. When she's changed they're not sure if she will gain eyesight as Carlisle said there are some things even venom can't fix. I think it would make Garrett melt being the first thing she's seen. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Please and thank you!!
(A/N: I apologize for how long this fic took, I was having a few problems with my computer. Nonetheless, I enjoyed writing this! Garrett and his human soulmate may just be my favorite thing to write🤭. I found the dynamic between Garrett and this reader to be so refreshing to express. I added a bit of my own twist to the end with the readers abilities, so I hope you don't mind. As always, Enjoy!)
Eye of the beholder
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Garrett x Blind!Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the twilight characters, nor do I claim them as my own. This work is purely fictional.
Summary: You had come to terms with the fact that you would be blind for the rest of your life, and the fact that you would never know what your lover, Garrett, looks like. But what if there was an accident, and you had to be changed? Would the venom grant you your eyesight?
‼️TW‼️: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, slight angst
Word count: 2,331
“Describe it again”, Your voice holds a pleading edge as you lay your head back on Garrett’s lap, “Please?” 
“I’ve already described it two times, my love” Garrett chuckled, his thumb traced over your cheekbone. He was looking down at you, you could tell by the way his voice echoed. 
You closed your eyes, snuggling further into him, “A third time couldn’t hurt.” 
“ I guess not,” Garrett hummed, “ The snow, as I said is white-”
“White is the color that feels like pillow feathers right?” You inquire, rubbing your fingers together as if you could imagine the very feeling. 
“Mhm-hm”, Garrett hummed in agreement, “ The snow itself is falling fast. Some of it is hitting the window beside us, while most of it is landing on the ground. The pine trees, the spiky ones, are covered in it.”
You shifted before he could continue, “ What does it make you look like, the snow? Does it make your hair a different shade? Do you get paler, if that’s even possible?”
“ I thought my appearance wasn’t important-”
“-It isn’t!” You reassure, “ I love you for who you are, obviously. I just want to know how you change with the seasons.” 
“ His hair is a shade lighter. It goes from a cold tone to a warm tone, and no, it isn’t possible for him to get paler” Kate’s voice echoed from down by your feet. The Denali’s had been your makeshift family for quite a while, that’s how you had originally met Garrett. Kate had befriended you, despite the fact that you were just a human. You were a ‘fun soul’ she had insisted. 
Then, after a visit from her cousin Carlisle, Garrett randomly appeared. Apparently, during Carlisle’s visit, he had come to the conclusion that you were the type of warmth Garrett needed, and he was right. The two of you clicked instantly. With Garrett, it was like you could see the world, even if you physically couldn’t. He made you feel whole, despite the rest of the world thinking you weren’t. Garrett never figured out how Carlisle guessed you would be his mate, but he’ll be forever grateful nonetheless. He had since then become happier, and healthier as the Denali’s would put it. Garrett hadn’t touched a human in the years he’s known you. 
“Thank you, Kate, at least someone is helpful” You snort teasingly. 
Garrett scoffs sarcastically, “ If I’m not helpful, then I guess you’ll have to find another mate who will read to you.” 
“Carmen would” You huff, folding your arms stubbornly.
“Speaking of Carmen, she wants Garrett to take care of a bear problem” Kate informed, she must’ve been standing in the doorway now since you could barely hear her. 
You didn’t need perfect eyesight to know that Garrett had rolled his eyes, “ and here I thought Kate had come to visit because she missed us”
Tanya had been gracious enough to let you and Garrett stay in the guest cabin, which was only a ten-minute walk from the main family house. It gave the two of you all the privacy and independence you needed but still remained close enough for the others to pop in and out. 
“Will you remain here while I take care of the bear, or would you like me to take you over to chat with Kate-”
You sighed, cutting him off before he could worry anymore,“-Darling, we’ve lived in this cabin for years now, I can handle myself long enough for you to handle a pesky bear.” 
“Yes, I know, and I’m not doubting you” Garret paused to cradle either side of your face, “ but leaving you in this house so far from the others just worries me. I'm sure Eleazor can handle the bear.” 
You pulled Garrett’s hands from your face, “Garrett go, I will be perfectly fine while you’re gone.” 
“Stubborn as ever” Garrett grumbled underneath his breath.
You snorted, “I heard that.”
“ You were meant to” Garrett replied before turning away, “I’ll only be gone a moment. Don’t venture outside the snow is getting worse-”
“-Gooooo” You groaned, tired of the princess treatment. Garrett mumbled a quick, ‘fine, fine’ under his breath before whisking away. The rush of air he left behind aided the deep breath you took. The house was now silent, and normally you hated silence. This, however, was nice. A moment of true independence is what you needed. Not that Garrett didn’t give you that, because he did, but he also smothered you sometimes. You had dealt with the challenges of being blind long before you met Garrett, and you would continue to deal with it even when he wasn’t there. 
A thump near the door caught your attention. You cocked your head to the side just in time to hear it again. It was heavy and repetitive. Your palm slid flat against the living room wall as you moved closer to the door. Normally you would use your walking stick when venturing outside, but you only planned on opening the door this time, not exiting it. 
“Hello?” You called out loudly, hoping that whatever animal it was would scurry away before you opened the door, but as you paused, the thump sounded once more. You opened the door slowly, cracking it just enough for you to step one foot outside. The sound was louder now as if it was right next to your head. You took your hand off the door for only a second, a second too long apparently. Before you could comprehend what was happening, your foot lost its grip on the first step and you were descending downwards. The icy steps met your back harshly, probably cracking a rib or two upon their greeting. Your head received the worst of the fall it seemed. It hit the cold step so hard that the ice turned warm, or perhaps that was just blood that you were feeling. Your heart stuttered at the pain, and Garrett had heard it. He was back by your side before the muscle inside your chest could beat again. 
“ No, no, no, you were supposed to stay inside” Garrett panicked, he slipped a hand under your neck so that he could assess the damage. His undead heart would’ve dropped to his stomach if it could’ve. Sat at the bottom of your head was a gnarly gash that trickled blood onto the snow. 
He put his other hand to your cheek swiftly, reminding you of his presence, “Yes, my love?”
He could see struggle decorate your features momentarily, “ I can’t move anything. Why can’t I move?”
Garrett stilled,“ Don’t worry about that. I’ll call Carlisle and he’ll fix everything-” 
“-Why can’t I move?” A phantom ache spread across Garrett’s chest at the panic in your voice. 
“Carlisle will explain everything, I promise” Garrett slid his hand away from your face and place it beneath your legs. Slowly, and carefully, he moved you back into the house. He placed a towel beneath your head and called Carlisle at the same time. The blonde doctor was quick to reassure Garrett that he would be there as soon as possible, and that he was. Carlisle took no more than a half hour to reach the Denali residence. Kate had been the one to greet him at the door. She explained how bad your condition had gotten, and just how much blood you had lost. Carlisle knew what he would have to do before he even entered the house, and it seemed Garrett did too. 
“ Carlisle” Garrett greeted. 
Carlisle nodded in return, “Hello again, Garrett. How is she?” 
“ She is still awake, no need to talk about me as if I’m not” You spoke quietly, though to you it sounded loud. 
“ My apologies” Carlisle chuckled, “How do you feel?” 
“ I don’t feel anything, that’s the problem” You sighed.
“ My sight had already been taken from me, Carlisle” Your voice didn’t quiver or hesitate, “ I can’t lose my mobility as well, please.“ 
Carlisle looked to Garrett before speaking again, “ What would you have me do then?” 
“ Garrett knows what I want” The silence afterward was heavy. There was no need to ask if you were sure, or if you knew what it would entail. Garrett knew you were serious, but he also knew that he couldn’t be the one to do it. He had only become vegan a few years ago. The taste of human blood, especially yours would send him into a frenzy, and Garrett would never forgive himself if he couldn’t stop. 
“Garrett” Carlisle was asking permission, he wouldn’t just turn someone else’s mate without their consent. 
Garrett nodded, “ I trust you, Carlisle.” 
“ This may hurt, I’m sorry” Carlisle apologized before leaning in. You didn’t feel the bite, but you sure felt the venom. It was as if your blood had turned to glass within your veins and then shattered into a million different pieces. Each and every one of those pieces then drove themselves deeper and deeper into the very mapping of your body. Garrett gripped your hand tightly as your back bent off the couch. He watched the muscles in your body tense and tears leak from your eyes.
Garrett looked to Carlisle solemnly, “Will she be able to see?” 
“I’m not sure,” Carlisle answered honestly, “ There are some things that not even venom can fix. Truth be told, I have no way of telling if the transformation will work.” 
“ It will, I told her it will” Garrett mumbled.
Carlisle’s lips pursed, “You know it isn’t up to us.” 
It took a full day for the venom to work its way through your body. Garrett sat by your side the whole time. Kate and Tanya stayed for the first few hours, but once the sisters realized that the transformation would work, they left. Everyone knew Garrett would want a moment alone with you when you awoke. 
When you finally did wake up, you didn’t bother to open your eyes. You had gotten so used to using your other senses that you were overwhelmed with how sharp they were. Every noise outside, from the birds chirping to the crunch of a hiker's boot that was acres away reverberated clearly throughout your ear. The fabrics of the couch beneath you felt like individual threads rather than twine that had been sewn together. Eventually, when you did open your eyes, a familiar stranger was there to greet you. You had never seen this man in your life, but you knew who he was. It didn’t take the auburn hair or golden eyes to know that he was Garrett, your Garrett. You reached out, a bit shakily, to touch his face. He was real, very real. You watched your hands meet the porcelain of his cheek. His skin crinkled under your palm as he smiled widely.
“Kate wasn’t kidding when she said you couldn’t get any paler, huh?” Your voice was even different, more melodious.
Garrett wanted to laugh, “ You’ve finally seen my face for the first time and that’s what you choose to say?” 
“Would you rather I list every physical feature of yours that I find intriguing?” You jest, “because I could’ve sworn you insisted that your appearance wasn’t important.” 
“It’s a relief to see that immortality didn’t take away her sass. I’m not sure we would’ve survived without it” Your eyes flickered to where Carmen’s voice sounded from. The brunette stood in the doorway with a smile just as warm as her voice. 
Your eyes lit up with joy, “Carmen, it’s wonderful to finally see you.” 
“ Oh come on, why does Carmen get a warm sentiment? I was the first person you saw-” 
You shot Garrett a look over your shoulder, “Hush up, you child.” 
It took not even a second to realize that Garrett had actually gone quiet. Both you and Carmen shot him puzzled looks. To which you received the same. Garrett's eyes were wide with confusion and his jaw was clenched tightly. He had indeed gone quiet, just as you told him. 
“ I think we’ve figured out your gift already” Carmen chuckled,  “ You’ll have to tell him to speak again.”
You let out a sarcastic snort, “And how would I do that?” 
Carmen moved to stand at your side. Her hands positioned your head to look at Garrett once more, “ Look in his eyes and tell him to speak.” 
You roll your eyes in disbelief before clearing your throat, “Alright, um..you may speak now.” 
“ How did you do that?” Garrett sputters the second his mouth opens, “Nevermind, I know how, but wow that’s….that’s kind of hot actually.” 
A laugh tumbles from your lips, “Only you would think that’s hot.”
“Not only is it hot, but it’s brilliant. Do you realize how much power your eyes now hold? I mean you made me do something with the slightest of eye contact” Garrett had moved to hold your face in his hands, his lips pressing gently beside each eye. 
“Not sure it’s something to brag about-”
Garrett scoffs, “ Oh please, if you won’t brag about it, then I will. I want everyone to know just how brilliant my woman is.” 
“Oh, your woman?” You gape in mock offense. Garrett hangs his head with a deep chuckle before attempting to correct himself. Carmen watches from the side with a smile on her face. Eyesight or not, you were still the same person, but the way your eyes refused to leave Garrett truly warmed her heart. The two of you continued to bicker as she backed away, leaving the two of you to explore your newfound gifts. Which you indeed did. The two of you used your newly bestowed abilities to travel the world. You were able to see so many things for the first time, and with Garrett by your side for all of it. Just like he would be for the rest of your eternal lives.
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krmzyn · 1 month
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Before I start yapping, I want yous to read this post because its quite possibly the realest thing to happen to shiftblr in forever. Ill wait 😚
Read it? Good, now i can start 😇 (remember take this w a grain of salt, this was my experience, maybe not yours.)
If you’re not shifting, it’s probably because you’re a serial procrastinator (like me).
I don’t think ppl realise that we affirm in our day to day life. ‘I’m gonna go to the gym today’ - affirming. ‘I’m gonna eat healthy today’ - affirming. You literally affirm on a daily basis.
So, when you don’t commit to those affirmations, you’re basically telling your subconscious that you’re a liar. Telling it that when you affirm, nothing happens.
Now, this isn’t me saying ‘oohh you should never try to better yourself!!’ bc no thats bs 😭 I’m telling you to set reasonable goals!!
For example, if you’ve literally never exercised a day in your life, you’re probably not gonna start going to the gym everyday without fail, are you?
But, you might start going to the gym once a week, maybe twice. That’s reasonable.
Telling yourself ‘I’m going to the gym everyday this week!’ is basically telling yourself that your affirmations don’t work. But, telling yourself ‘I’ll go to the gym once this week’ is showing you that your affirmations work! And if you end up going twice, three times, maybe literally all week? Then they’re just massively effective.
The change starts with you!!! Listening to me rant is great, but nothing’s going to change if you don’t try. Why do you think most people who shift are so disciplined? Why they have schedules and hobbies and are overall happier? Because they’ve showed themself that their affirmations work!!
I always see people saying ‘ohh, my affirmations don’t work!’ because you’ve taught yourself that they don’t!! No-one’s peeked into your head at night and magically changed reality so that you somehow can’t manifest/shift. Even if it’s not intentional, you’ve done that!! No-one’s gonna fix it for you, you have to do it yourself.
So, start simple!! Don’t tell yourself ‘I’m going to eat completely healthy this week’, say ‘I’m going to have a healthier meal today’.
Remember, it’s all about mindset! If you show yourself that you changing the 4d (imagination/mindset) has no effect on the 3d (what you experience), then it won’t.
You need to reinforce that changing the 4d (‘i’m going to go to the gym once this week’), affects the 3d (actually going to the gym).
Then, I think you’ll find shifting just a little easier 🙄😇
Anyways, thanks for listening to me rant 😚 Make sure to look after yourself and PLEASE check out the linked post, if you haven’t already (it’s also my last repost, if somehow the link doesn’t work. No excuses babs 😇)
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altschmerzes · 1 year
imagine any show ever entertaining the possibility that maybe actually an abuse victim would be happier, safer, healthier, and completely valid in NOT ever forgiving or speaking to their abuser again. imagine that possibility being allowed to exist at all. but nah that would require society at large to not prioritize a parent’s eternal right to keep their child in their life forever and ever no matter what for one minute. consciously or not, the default is a narrative putting itself in the parent’s shoes and asking ‘wouldn’t it suck if my child decided to be done with me, wouldn’t that be the worst thing ever’ and never asking ‘how bad would it have to get to make that choice, and don’t abuse victims deserve to be safe and free’
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willow-schmillow · 3 months
The Is and Isn'ts of Fusion
(copied from my reddit post x3)
Hiya. I'm someone undergoing fusion-focused therapy to treat DID. Every day I open this app to some new and fascinating misconception about fusion, so I wanted to clear things up.
Please note that I am not a student of psychology or mental health practitioner. The advice I share comes from my personal experience of fusion, as well as my therapist's - who has multiple clients with DID - understanding of fusion-centered therapy. I have also done talk therapy, parts work, cognitive processing therapy (a modified form of CBT to treat PTSD), and DBT.
Fusion isn't...
- **A convenient way to get rid of alters.** I can speak for myself, and other fusions within the system have said the same, that we carry on our personhoods and identities and memories, and even relationships within the system. I was V and M, and now I'm both of them.
- **A loss.** As said above, my personhoods carried over when the parts of me that make up me fused. If anything, I view it as a gain - Ariadne has everything V and M had, plus a bit more because I am a calmer, more controlled, and more mentally equipped person.
- **The death of an alter.** In a literal sense, alters cannot die. And, also, as said above, my personhoods carried over.
- **The end of the involved alters' relationships.** This isn't a problem for us with other people, because we operate as a package deal in our relationships with others. But also, within the system, some of our insys relationships carry over. Gabriel was Monika's best friend, and he's still mine. Some of our insys relationships are different, too (Fray and Cal are no longer romantically involved,) but like all changes we can adapt to it.
- **Purposely killing an alter.** Shut up.
- **The same thing as integration.** Integration is any type of processing and work that results in the system "running better" - smoother communication, greater continuity of memory or experience, more willingness to work together, and fusion are all some examples of integration.
- **The only choice to get better.** Some people with DID find that functional multiplicity suits their recovery goals more.
Fusion is
- **Healthy.** I'm happier fused than I was apart, for sure, even though it was a difficult adjustment at first. I've had to overcome knowing a fuller picture of my childhood. It's difficult, but I know this is what I want and I'm doing better.
- **Stable.** Lots of fearmongering happens in DID spaces, with the idea that once you fully fuse you're prone to splitting apart again. While that is possible, fusion does not happen without *significant* healing and trauma processing. By virtue of being able to fuse, work has been done. New, healthier coping skills have been learned.
- **A fluid experience.** Within our own system, we experience fusion in different ways. Fray is one alter who holds many experiences. I'm Ariadne, but Monika and Val are still two distinct parts within me. There's absolute continuity of experience, consciousness, and emotion, so I don't consider us separate the same way our alters are. But, I'm one and two at the same time.
- **Achievable.** With sufficient trauma-processing, many people are capable of fusing.
- **The right choice for some people.** Functional multiplicity works for many. I'm not devastated by the thought of remaining multiple for the rest of my life, but I'd also like to work towards fusion because I know that's what would make me happiest.
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
Do you ever think about Porsche and Chay bullying their idiots into self care? No, you can't sequester yourself in your office, I'm kicking the door down and making you eat lunch.
I actually don't see this for either of them? or like, I do absolutely see situations in which they'd interrupt Kinn and Kim, but I don't see it being for self-care reasons because I don't think Porsche or Chay think about self-care in that way.
for Porsche, I see him interrupting Kinn's work to distract him with his ass or desecrate his desk. reasons for this could vary from Porsche just being a horny shit (Kinn approves) to Porsche pouting that Kinn's been too distracted for too long and wants to spend more time with him (Kinn definitely approves). but also like...Porsche was working himself to the bone with at least one full-time job, fighting ring jaunts, raising his brother, and being at least a part-time student and sweeping up after his uncle, and possibly/probably extra sex work. if anyone understands needing more hours in the day, it's Porsche. he's free-spirited and doesn't respect work, so i see him interrupting Kinn's without issue if he wants attention, but Porsche wouldn't raise his eyebrows at skipped meals or not delegating work.
Chay's a little trickier. I still don't see him as a big proponent of self-care, but I do see meals with family as being extremely important to him as a result of his acute loneliness. the way to spoil Chay is for his loved ones to take time off to spend a full day with him with zero distractions. and while I don't think Chay would ever be able to ask for that outright because he sees himself as a burden (at least a little bit) and wouldn't want to inconvenience Porsche or Kim like that, he would have an easier time asking to share a meal. (and I think that after the first time Kim gets so lost in work he misses one, he makes a point to set timers and reminders so as to not miss the next one, because Chay insisting he's okay even tho Kim knows he's upset is the worst.) so like, this can effectively become them taking care of themselves/each other if they have regularly scheduled shared meals, but self-care is not a driving purpose behind it either, you know?
tl;dr- I don't see either Porsche or Chay advocating self-care, but I do see all four boys being happier and healthier together thanks to the cocktail mix of their individual issues ❤
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As cliché as it sounds, life is incredibly fleeting (insert rolling eyes)... and if I'm being sincere, it seems to rush by even more quickly the older I get. I made this chart (under the assumption that I'll live to see 90 yrs old) and put a sticker on every month that has passed.
Seeing one's life in tiny red stickers does a few things… instantly provides a clearer perspective, increases my strong desire to be more grateful, inspires me to fill what is remaining with wonderful/adventurous days, let that which does not matter - go, reconnect/reach out to friends and family I've neglected or hid behind "I'll call later" and never did, ignites nostalgia (and a few regrets), and gently reminds me that what is gone is gone… and all I can do is strive to be better tomorrow… happier & healthier… live with intention and love.
I have more months behind me than ahead and I plan to cram as much life as I possibly can into those yet to come.
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