#and also (more importantly) that they are a color that absolutely no food is.
carfuckerlynch · 2 months
I know we're anti aestheticizing everything we do but I admit that there's something personally resonant and satisfying about putting a blue food service band aid on my t shot
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flavorcountry · 26 days
I got a cold and watched that Jenny Nicholson video about the Star Wars hotel (it's very good) and fully lost my mind: even after experiencing a comprehensive four-hour deconstruction of why it didn't work for Star Wars, I still think a version of this would absolutely work for Star Trek. Take my hand and walk with me on my journey into madness, where I have infinite money, talent, and team to make it all happen!!
Overall vibe
If you want to make a hotel/resort experience that takes place inside a fake spaceship, I still think Star Trek is the way to go: so much of Star Trek takes place on ships, and we've seen the rooms are pretty nice!! Like the Star Wars one, my Star Trek hotel is also a simulated starship, but with better rooms and more fun stuff to do.
Are you ready for this shit
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Can you tell I drew this myself
You'll arrive at Farpoint Station,* where the concierge checks you in and your luggage gets whisked away by station staff. Gift shop's also here. When you're checked in and ready to head to your room, you're brought to one of several transporter rooms. If you never went to the Star Trek Experience at the Vegas Hilton when it was active, I am truly sorry for you, because they had a ride whose boarding process included getting beamed away: you and your pals were herded into a zone where you were clearly meant to board a run-of-the-mill 20th-century simulator ride, and then there were jets of mist and a sound and suddenly you were in a transporter room on board the goddamn USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. It was fucking magical and I never, ever want it explained to me. Anyway, that's what happens to you at my Star Trek hotel: you step onto a transporter pad and get beamed from Farpoint to a Galaxy-class Federation starship. Exit the transporter room and walk down the ship's corridor to take the turbolifts to Cargo Bay 1, where a "temporary muster point" has been set up (this is where the guest services desks will be), or just follow the lit-up companel signs to your cabin. Yes, it will look like guest quarters aboard the Enterprise-D, more or less — maybe a little smaller — but it'll have the carpet, the plant, the glass coffee table, and most importantly a window that looks out into space.
Or!!! If you booked the resort, keep heading down the hallway and take another turbolift to a different section of the ship where the holodeck entrances are. The holodecks, naturally, are running a Risa program, so you walk through the doors and under the arch and suddenly you're outdoors looking at a beautiful landscape with a pool and whatnot, plus the resort accommodations where the more conventional fancy rooms are, and also the restaurants and entertainment venues, all themed. There's a Quark's. There's a Klingon bar and grill. A Bolian salon/spa. Talaxian arcade?? Nausicaan axe-throwing pit?!?! Come on!!!!!!!!!
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Here, have a floor plan
Key learnings
Two things stuck out to me that the Star Wars hotel fucked up that I think the Star Trek version can do better:
🤷‍♀️ LARP too complicated: Give 'em credit where it's due, the Star Wars hotel fucking swung for the fences trying to make a multi-hero story guests could integrate with, but it just didn't work. Technical failures! Possible conceptual flaws! Too much stuff packed into the schedule!
The fix: Just make it mostly a hotel most of the time. One or two weekends a month, there's a two-day fully-immersive LARP adventure that people explicitly book separately, and it's more expensive (more on that later). But at all times, hotel staff will be in uniform with division colors that make sense: concierge and guest relations in red, support and janitorial in gold, teal for any medical personnel. I think that means the people working in food services have to wear that plaid/vest combo the Ten-Forward staff have on, but there are certainly worse outfits.
🌴 No resort: The food at the Star Wars hotel was good, but there was no pool and no other luxury resort type stuff to do. It didn't sound relaxing.
The fix: Putting an actual resort in the Star Trek hotel under the guise of a permanently-running Risan holodeck program. The sheer elegance of it!! When the weather is bad, hotel staff in gold uniforms can make apologetic comments about how the sim's malfunctioning.
Roleplay though
People are going to want to stay onboard the ship. That's good! The thing about the ship cabins is you can build them in maybe two semicircular layers (the rooms will need to be curved because these are quarters onboard the saucer section, naturally) and just bury them underground. They don't need real windows — you're putting screens in that'll show a space view, especially when the ship goes to warp and you can see those rainbow trails. Inside the semicircle there's a lot of space where you can put the other, bigger sets: the bridge, main engineering, Ten-Forward, etc. None of those have real windows either, and also I don't think it matters where you put them physically: just stick a pretend turbolift in front of all the entrances and make guests take those whenever they need to go there! One thing we're also doing is putting little hidden speakers everywhere that put out a small amount of shipboard white noise; it may not even be noticeable on a conscious level, but it'll be there and it'll be soothing. This speaker network is also a great way to make an actual announcement if there's a real park emergency.
During most of the month, I think the bridge and main engineering are mostly just photo ops — maybe you have to book a timeslot? Just so you're guaranteed some time with just you and your buddies? But I also think there should be opportunities for what I'm going to call mini-LARPing: you and your pals can book an hour-long session and the staff trains and then runs you through a short scenario. If you've ever played Artemis or the actual Star Trek VR bridge crew game they put out a while ago, you know where I'm going with this: for however long, you and your friends are now the crew of a genuine-ass Federation starship trying to survive a battle! It's fuckin' Kobayashi Maru time, motherfuckers!! Everyone gets their own station! Lights flicker! Mist shoots out of stuff! The whole bridge shakes! There might be a warp core problem — better call down to main engineering! Whoever's down there gets escape room-style minigames and puzzles to work out and help their shipmates. At some point — and this will happen in every run of every scenario — there'll be a very mist-forward "coolant leak" near the warp core that forces whoever's in the room to duck and roll beneath a descending garage-style blast door before heading up to the bridge to activate their station up there; bonus points if the player can work in a "We lost a lot of good people down there, Captain." Maybe there's an actor in makeup who menaces the crew on the main viewer from time to time (pick beforehand from a list of villains! want to fight Klingons? Romulans? a rogue Borg tactical sphere? etc). Can you see it? I can see it, and it fucking rules.
I must at this point mention that in my world, you can buy an add-on where a camera crew joins you, and they cut up the footage afterward to make you and your pals your very own mini-episode. Yes the editing and post-production are expensive and time-consuming; I'm creating jobs here!!!! Maybe …… okay, hear me out: there's an array of hidden fixed cameras and microphones built discreetly into the set, and also players are issued a combadge with an individual RFID tracker that pings the cams and mics, so they only save footage when a player comes close. After the players are done, a machine algorithm uses the data gathered to assemble a rough timeline of each player's material and create a draft movie that a human editor can pick up and fine-tune. Yeah?? When you check out, you get handed a USB drive that looks like an isolinear chip with your mini movie on it, and maybe another one with all the raw footage just in case you're feeling ambitious!!!!
For one or two other weekends during every month, there's a heavily advertised, much more involved, and way spendier LARP for people who really want to get into it. It takes place over two days. There are lots more actors portraying characters necessary for the plot/gameplay. Don't bother packing for the daytime: all players are issued a uniform they get to keep afterward. Do I have any details on the scenario or RP? I do not. But I fully believe it's possible to construct something you could run over the course of a weekend that would keep a hundred paying guests occupied, amused, and delighted, provided you have a truly ridiculous amount of money and people, which I do because this is utter fantasyland.
Also it probably won't cost six grand. Probably??
Let's gooooooooooooo
The rest of the time — and I cannot stress this enough — the Star Trek hotel is just a very heavily and specifically themed all-inclusive resort that has nice, fancy rooms and luxury amenities plus bookable ship cabins and opportunities for photo shoots or quick one-shot roleplay adventures for the real heads. You don't ever have to enter those latter parts if you don't want to! You can just hang out at the resort and have fun with all the themed entertainment, which I must stress is going to be both in-universe plausible and great, with something for everybody. Yes, there'll be a daycare, and yes, Flotter will be there in some capacity to entertain the kids. The food hall is my favorite part by far; I could pitch you Trek restaurant concepts all day. Romulan gourmet soup stand. Gummi candy store staffed by Ferengi where all the offerings are shaped like alien bugs. A vending machine where you can get a jumja stick or a three-pack of those nutrient pucks Picard and his new friends kept getting in "Allegiance." There will be an entire plant-based food vendor with a wide variety of delicious options for all meals, and it will be run by Vulcans.
A word on the gift shop
Question for you: have you ever watched a Star Trek show and seen a Starfleet officer pull on a jacket or shoulder a duffel bag that had the words "STAR TREK" on it? If so, then friend, I want to know where you get your hallucinogens because I want to experience this exactly once. All of the gift shops on my hotel grounds sell responsibly sourced, highly thought-out, well-made items that would be in-world plausible and have no obvious branding. Of course you can get a hand-carved horga'hn, but let's go bigger. Why not a light-up Tox Uthat for your nightstand? Ressikan flute for you, queen? How about a whole-ass knife store that's nothing but various kinds of Klingon cutlery? There will absolutely be an entire tailor's shop whose whole job is to put you in the Starfleet uniform of your choice; there may or may not be a Cardassian managing the place who's got a 50/50 cheerful/menacing vibe going on. There'll be not one but two stores that sell little models of ships: the regular ones and the gold ones. Don't tell me you can't picture it!!!!!
I think that's about it
Thank you for coming along with me on this bespoke journey into 100% insanity; now can somebody put me in touch with the Star Trek licensing people and also give me a billion dollars to build all this? Okay, thanks a lot!!
For timeline purposes and because it's fun, I'm positing a version of Farpoint that got built after the events of the TNG premiere where the Denebians got their act together and just built a normal surface base without suborning an interstellar lifeform.
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meltingpotimagines · 1 year
Dating Kyojuro
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Warnings: Mentions of food
A/N: Happy birthday, b 🎉 I hope this helps makes your day even better
ah yes
the local himbo
i may not have a crush on this man but even i can't help but adore him
and i fully believe he'd be a great boyfriend
i'm talkin sweet, considerate, caring, unintentionally flirtatious
he doesn't really know he's doing it
he's just being genuine and it comes off v charming
like saying you look absolutely beautiful
to him, it's not flirting
it's just true
or winking at you from across the room
he just wants you to know that you've still got his attention even when you're not near him
he's a total teddy bear too
gives the b e s t hugs
he just kinda fully envelops you and squeezes tight
sometimes doesn't realize just how hard he's squeezing until you're hitting his arm while wheezing
he doesn't mean to, he just loves you so much that he can't help but hold you as closely as possible
definitely opens doors for you
he's a mama's boy, and he's going to treat you with the same love and respect that he gave his mother
loves sharing his food with you
food makes him really happy and he wants to share that happiness with you
always makes sure to hug you right before he leaves for a mission
spends some extra time with you beforehand too, if he can
he can't exactly promise he'll come back, so he tries to make the potential last memory as great as possible
will pull your hair back for you if it's getting in the way
always keeps a hair tie on his wrist for this exact reason
walks you to your door like the gentleman he is
gotta make sure you get home safe and yk, not eaten by a demon on your way home
you two don't tend to run into issues with your relationship, but anytime there is one, he goes to tengen for advice
i mean, mans has three wives, he has to know what he's doing right?
he's also just hot, kyojuro
usually ends up getting advice from them actually lollll
not that tengen doesn't know what he's doing, but they all have good imput for things like this
different points of view
sometimes he picks you up when he's happy
he just like grabs you by the waist and lifts you into the air
doesn't even say anything, just grins
can you really blame him tho?
he's v energetic and loves you too much to just hold that in
gosh can't you just imagine long conversations with him
him just chattering on about his day and the people he met and the things he saw and the food he ate
asking questions about your day and the small responses to what you tell him
i fully believe he loves dogs so i imagine his face lights up when he talks about a dog he saw or when you mention one that you did
he definitely likes taking you to restaurants the best
especially new ones
new flavors to experience with his favorite person? yes please
oh gosh moonlit walks
just walking hand in hand, the breeze ruffling your and more importantly his hair
the fluffy locs getting gently tousled while the color almost glows under the soft light of the moon
absolutely beautiful
and he's painfully oblivious to it despite your staring
you'll never understand how someone didn't snatch him up before you
but honestly it's because no one else was an option before you
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sardonic-the-writer · 9 months
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢
↳ summary: another day with the turtles in which you get dragged behind and have your worst fear materialize in front of you. or; a reader insert of season two episode ten, fungus humongous
↳ warnings: unreality, body horror, mentions of gore, reader is a bitch, reader can't express their feelings, 2012 april (that's a warning in itself)
↳ notes: hinted at the reader having a thing for donnie, but it's left up to interpretation. could be read as platonic or for any other turtle/character. also i kind of hate this verson of april from the show, so apologies. i made the reader a bit passive aggressive to her when i could sneak it in there. could just be viewed at jealousy for donnie liking her. also, reader is gn and hinted at being autistic
↳ song: never—mag.lo & o super
next part! | masterlist! | commisions! | carrd
New York City was a strange place.
You'd learned that from a young age. Instead of watching a mother skip down the sidewalk with her chubby cheeked child in hand, you'd grown up around men with the same faces filing down side walks and inside of vans. Arms filled to the bring with glowing canisters and talking in the third person. Sometimes, in the place of cute stray cats or pigeons that you'd scramble off to feed bread to at the park, you'd see montserous shadows. Humans with the bodies of animals, making noises that would bring you to have nightmares for weeks to come.
Adults never believed you, writing it off as an imaginary friend, or simply the smoke in the air getting to you. And why should they belive anything else? It was as bizarre as it sounded, even to you.
Still, with all this weirdness, there were somethings you'd never get over. Like the fact those men that used to terrify you were actually robot powered aliens. Or that your best friends lived in the sewers, taught ancient ninjistu by their rat sensei.
But more importantly, you'd never get over how Casey Jones was absolutely demolishing this gyro right now.
With black and white facepaint smuged all over your friends cheeks and nose, you had the pleasure of sitting on the arm of a wooden street bench, watching with a blank expression as one of your two human friends tore into the street food, getting a bit of meat on April's shirt. Who by now had begun to regret sitting so close to him.
"You know Jones, I think this is the most disturbing thing I've seen all week." You grimaced. The hockey player had now moved onto licking the juice off his fingers, something you mimed violently vomiting at. April just rolled her eyes as she continued to listen to music.
"Ouch man!" Casey smirked as he pretended to be hurt by your words, crumbling up the left over paper from his meal and haphazardly tossing it on the ground below him.
"There's literally a trashcan right next to us." April sighed and looked up from her phone shaped like a turtles shell; or t-phone as you had come to know it. So generously gifted to her by the one and only Donatello.
You looked over to where she had gestured, holding one hand up to block the afternoons sun as it beat down upon you all. Sure enough, there was a rusty little bucket not far from the bench all of you had taken refuge on. Posters of all sorts of faded colors and advertisements were plastered on the cylinders sides. More lay fluttering in the hot wind on the pavement.
With a groan screaming of false annoyance, Casey stood up and meandered over to the litter, eventually tossing it with a swoosh into the basket.
"He shoots and he scores! Ten points for Jones." He pumped his fist in the air triumphantly, not caring that passerbys were now staring. Both you and April were subjected to an extremely bad victory dance as he celebrated.
"Now only if you could do that on the actual ice, Case." You grinned slyly. Casey frowned back at you, abruptly stopping his little celebration.
"I told you to stop calling me that. And whatever. Like you'd know the first thing about hockey." He said sourly. "Maybe if Red here gave me a good luck kiss before my games, I'd score more goals."
"And that's our cue to go." April stood up with a huff, pocketing her odd shaped phone. You stood up not far behind her, adjusting the strings on your hoodie. You knew April wasn't actually that upset by Casey's comment, in fact sometimes you thought she rather enjoyed the extra attention, but anything to stop his incessant flirting was a win for you.
"How about we head on down to the lair?" You suggested, noticing that the three of you were already making your way over to the nearest secluded manhole. "It has been a while since I've visited."
"Don't remind me." April smiled as she struggled to lift the solid peice of metal separating New York from its sewer sytem. "Mikey asks me where you are everytime I come down. He's even started pestering me for your address at this point."
"As much as I love the guys, I'm not sure my heart could take it if they started showing up on my fire escape every night. I don't need any more visits from Dr. Prankenstien than I already get." You snickered, following after Casey as he dropped down the ladder. He nodded along with your statement, holding his gloved hand out for a fistbump which you happily returned, albeit with a bit more force than necessary.
"Ooh, was that a challenge I just felt?" He grinned misheviously.
"Come on you guys." April scoffed, rolling her eyes at how both you and Casey punched each other in the arms and snickered.
"Just because you don't know how to have fun Red, doesn't mean we cant." Casey slung an arm around your shoulders with a toothy grin, yelping seconds later as you shoved him off of you with a frown.
"Right. Fun. That's exactly what I think of when I think Casey Jones April O'Neal and a stinky sewer." You parried.
"Hey! I thought you were on my side!" Casey frowned, jumping back up and rubbing the place you'd pushed him sorely. You stuck your tongue out at him and responded that he should know better than to touch you, then.
"Lay off guys." April chided you, missing the way your lips downturned at her words. "Besides. It's not like this place stinks that bad. You just have to get used to it."
You sniffed the air for a moment, immediately recoiling in disgust. Yeah. Definitely not.
"Sick dude."
"Actually," April halted in her speed walking to let the two of you catch up to her. As soon as you reached her side, you noticed the redhead was pinching her nose with a confused expression.
"Something does smell weird. Like— moldy cheese and puke."
You would've responded to her, probably with some sort of quipy comment, but the shrill sounds of a scream stopped you.
It didn't take long for the source of it to pass by you, what looked to be a sewer worker blubbering nonsense about a giant squirell. You were quickly reminded of a day a few months ago in which a mutated squirell clawed itself into your stoumach and reproduced. You shut down that memory with a shiver, jogging after an equally as panicked Casey and April to catch the stranger.
It only took a few turns around the place before all of you stood to a hault in a more open tunnel, no longer hearing the deep thump of the guys boots as he ran away from an unidentified source.
"Should we call out for him." You whispered, not really liking yourself for suggesting such a thing.
"Yeah. Go ahead Casey." April whispered right back, shoving the boy forward and shushing his protests. With a huff he started forward into the wet cavern.
"Hello? Crazy dude?" He sang. After looking around a tunnel opening for a few moments, Casey turned back to the two of you, gesturing harshly to follow him. You begrudgingly stepped forward, refusing to be at the end of the group where something could sneak up behind you. That privilege would have to be left to April.
"Somethings not right." She murmered. You turned to supply her with a sarcastic 'no, really?' but instead paused as she was sprayed in the face with a yellow substance. Blinking, you watched as she coughed in the powdery looking material. Another blink, and wherever it had came from was gone.
"April? You alright? What'd you see?" A hand was placed on her shoulder now. You felt the presence of Casey next to you now. Both of you were now watching as she began to shake, and you were staring to think that the scared worker might have actually seen something.
April's eyes opened suddenly, snapping to your face ferociously. You got one good look at her eyes, the whites of them tinged with yellow and red veins, before she let out the louded scream you'd ever heard. With a sudden speed you had no idea that she even had, April clawed at your hand wildly. You yelped, bringing it to your chest and scrambling back. Casey looked at you with wide eyes before turning back to April, catching the back of her just as she began to sprint away.
"April? April!!" He yelled, not making a move to chase after her. You did no such thing either, cradling your hand to your chest in shock. You didn't notice the little bit of blood trickling down from the moon shaped scratches. It stained your shirt, fading into a rust type color.
The two of you looked at each other in shock before speaking.
"What the fuck?"
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Your lungs were screaming at you to stop by the time you'd reached the lair. You and Casey had both almost taken several breaks on your run along the abandoned railroad tracks, but once either of you got a look at your now less bloody hand— curtousy of a makeshift towel you called your shirt —the running would start again.
You thanked whatever god lied above for turnstiles as you flopped onto the cool metal of one, not even caring that Casey had to jump over both you and it to reach sight of the turtles. Who, from the sounds of it, we're watching a very loud episode of that old anime again.
"Oh hey guys. What's up?"
Before Casey could even open his mouth to respond to Raphael, a blur of orange and green was pouncing on you.
From his place sitting on your chest, Mikey yelled your name and smiled, clearly very happy to see you.
"Where have you been dude!" He laughed, getting off of you. Instead of allowing you to stand up or even explain yourself, he was suddenly grabbing you by your shoulders and bringing you into a spinning hug. Any other time you would have yelled at him to let you down and stop touching you, but now you were just yelling at him to shut up.
"Hey! You're here!" You heard Donatello call from afar, most likely waving. Maybe you did need to start visiting more if this is how they reacted to not seeing you for a month. Then again, anytime you came down here bad things happened. Like crushing hugs from a very strong mutant. Or best friends going insane.
"Guys! Stop!" Casey wheezed while waving his arms around wildly, succeeding in getting their attention. In turn Mikey let you down. Much to the appreciation of both you and your throbbing hand.
"April— sewers— gone crazy! Hurry!" He puffed, bending over to rest his hands on his knees.
The brothers all looked at each other with cocked eyebrows— save for Mikey; who was just now noticing the source of your discomfort.
"Woah, hey hey hey what happened to you?" He gasped with an overdramatic flair, picking your arm up by your wrist and pouting at the now dry blood on your hand. You smacked his own hand away from you, only feeling a bit regretful when he flashed a pair of sad puppy dog eyes at you.
"That's what we've been trying to tell you!" Casey groaned, extreamly annoyed at this point. "April attacked them! She went crazy! We were just on our way here, and next thing I know she starts acting all weird and runs off! She's gone!"
"Don't phrase it like that Case. Now Donnie's gonna—"
"You just lost April!?" You watched as the popcorn Donnie had been holding flew everywhere with the effort of him standing up. Well, standing up was a bit of an understatement. More like lept up.
With a sigh you watched Casey pale slightly, holding his hands up in preparation to defend the both of you.
"Relax!" Mikey sticks his tounge out at Donatello from next to you, still making grabby hands at you despite your efforts to keep him away. "I'm sure there's a logical explanation! Like she was eaten by a giant sewer snake or something. That's what you probably got bit by too." He turns to you at the last part and smiles. You resist the urge to smack him on the head.
"April clawed me you doofus. I didn't get bitten by a snake."
No sooner than the words were out of your mouth, you witnessed Casey get absolutely steamrolled by Donnie, yelling about how everyone needs to go find April. The action put a bit of a grimace on your face. Why, you had no idea, but you found yourself following after him anyway, grumbling that you better get free pizza for life after all you put up with for them.
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Water splashed around your now ruined shoes as you followed after the turtles, occasionally kicking at a stray rock.
The sewers were much darker than earlier now. The dim light was no doubt provided by the setting sun outside. It was surely getting late now, and your body ached with the pang of hunger you normally got around dinner time. It would've bothered you, but you were more focused on not tripping over concrete and landing face first in shit right now.
You came to a sudden stop behind Casey, faintly recognizing your surroundings. One of his hockey sticks poked you in the forehead as he turned to adress everyone, and you rubbed at the spot.
"I think this is where we lost her." His voice was punctured with a little stammer, clearly a lot more bothered than he let on. A quick glance up confirmed that this was the spot the three of you had climbed down from a bit ago. You couldn't help but imagine the people on the streets above. Walking around without a care in the world. Certainly not thinking about kids loose down in the sewage.
"You think!? Oh well thats not vauge or anything." Donatello's angry voice called from behind you. It was enough to make you jump, something you'd deny if pointed out.
"Back of stick-master!" Casey snapped.
"Who you calling stick-master, puck-head!"
"Shut up Donnie." Any other day, and their bickering would have amused you. But right now just wasn't the time— if the look on your face wasn't evident enough.
The purple clad turtle turned to look at you in slight confusion, not expecting backlash from anyone that wasn't Casey. The others shared his look, too. At least before Casey let out a smug laugh, crossing his arms and stancing up before Donnie.
"You too, Jones. We need to get moving." You glared at the both of them icily, shouldering forward without a care. You missed the way the turtles exchanged glances with each other behind your back as they followed after.
"You alright?" Leo had called your name, water rippling around the both of you as he sped up to touch your shoulder tentivley. It wasn't a surprise when you shrugged it off. You always did that.
"Yes, Leo. I'm fine. I'd just like to find April and get a bandaid before I need another tetanus shot. Or whatever bacteria comes with human fingernails."
"She really did that to you, huh?" He pursed his lips with thought. Or whatever turtles have in replacement of lips.
You looked back at him, a harsh response sitting on your tounge. It was only the curious look he gave you that stopped it from becoming a reality.
"Yeah. It's whatever, I'll just patch it up when this is all done." You sighed through your nose.
"I think Master Splinter might have some bandages somewhere." Leo supplied, a hand on his chin as he thought about it. "If not, I'm sure Donnie has some medical supplies laying around—"
"If it's fine with you guys, I think I'll just go home and do it myself. Yeah?" You turned, walking in an awkward sideways position to keep the conversation going while looking at him.
Leo's furrowed his brow, flitting his eyes around your face in favor of ignoring Mikey from behind, who was saying something about rats while Casey retched.
"It's nothing against you, I just—"
You stopped suddenly, attention drawing itself to something over Leo's shoulder.
He turned his head quickly, hand twitching in the direction of his katanas hilts as he looked for what you were eyeing. All he saw was Casey stumbling around, coughing while waving a hand in front of his face.
You brushed past Leo, making your way to the back of the group to approach Casey. To quote April from earlier, something didn't feel right.
"Dude? You ok?"
"Yeah." He sniffed loudly. Like he had a cold. You watched cautiously as he avoided looking at you, instead focused on a nearby tunnel that split off from the main one you all were standing in. "I just. Just thought I saw—"
You were sent backward with an omph as Casey jumped back, yelping like a wounded dog. Your eyes locked with his for one moment, and your own widened as you noticed the same yellowy-red veins as before. Only this time, they were in the edges of Casey's eyes. Not April's.
"Demon rat!" He yelled. Hockey gloves pawed for purchase against the concrete wall he had pressed himself against as Casey scrambled to get a hold of something. He looked crazed. As if he could see and hear something you all couldn't.
It only worsened. You watched in a combination of confusion and horror as he began to dance around, hitting at himself like he had just walked through the world's biggest cobweb; screaming at you all to get them off him.
With a nod of affirmation from Leonardo, Donnie and Raph slammed Casey into the wall opposite he had just been clinging to. You caught a bit of satisfaction on Donatello's face as he did so, something that made you sober up for a moment to roll your eyes.
"What is your malfunction?" Raph scoffed before letting Casey's left arm go. Donnie followed, backing up with his hands on his hips sourly.
All Casey could do was let out a sob. He dropped to his knees on the ground, unscathed hockey stick clattering next to him.
"Guys, I think I have an idea of what's going on." One more look at Casey's distraught gaze sold it for you, and you leaned over to tell the others.
Right as they turned to you, a shrill screamed pierced the air, setting itself apart from Casey's defeated moaning.
"That's her!" You heard Donatello gasp. "April!"
And then Donnie was off, sprinting in the nearest direction of the sound without a care. It was like everything else was background noise to him. Your eye twitched as everyone else filed after the tall turtle, not once stopping to take in anything else. You grit your teeth, looking down at Casey's slumped figure before deciding to follow after them, cursing silently under your labored breathing.
By the time you'd caught up with them, they were all surrounding the newly found April in a semi circle, with Donnie crouching down to gently touch her leg. You could hear words of comfort floating from him to her at a rapid rate, and you might have said something snappy under different circumstances.
"Do you guys hear that?" Leo's hand came up for a moment to silence everyone. The remaining turtles standing all turned to look behind them and were met with the sight of you.
"Just me guys. No monster." You sarcastically spread your arms out.
"No. That!" Leo's finger pointed to something below you, and you turned on your heel to observe.
There was a strange blue sphere on the ground at your feet. It bumped into you once before stilling and flattening to the ground. Strange white stripes patterned it, and you all watched as it transformed into a mushroom looking shape.
You were quick to fall back towards April, who was still screaming and grunting in horror, as the others surrounded it curiously.
"It's a mutant mushroom! With feet!" Mikey cooed, clasping his hands together. That only solidified your worries.
"I'd get away from that if I were you!" You called out. Donnie, Leo, and Raph all looked at you for an explanation while Mikey continued to gush over the thing.
"Listen, something weird is going on with April and Casey's eyes, and I think it has something to do with, like, spores—"
You were shut down as the small glowing mushroom attacked Mikey, attaching itself to his face. The youngest turtle screamed and clawed at his face whilst running in circles. His sounds of distress only increased as the organism appeared to suck at his face. For a moment your brain made the connection between Mikey jumping on you earlier, and the fungi gluing itself to his head. You blinked and got rid of that thought as soon as possible.
The boys immediately jumped into action, weapons coming out as soon as Mikey threw the thing off his face and at the nearest wall. It was times like these you really wished you'd taken up Splinters offer to learn martial arts, but you'd convinced yourself you already had too much on your plate for that. At least you knew how to wield a tazer well enough.
"Fascinating!" You heard Donatello grunt inbetween swings of his bo staff. "Evolved fungi!"
All it took was a few more jabs from Raph before a yellow haze drifted his way, emerging from the flaps underneath the mushrooms umbrella.
Without missing so much as a beat, the thing rose into the air and flew in your direction, looking as if to make a home on your face now. With a quick unholstering of the only defense mechanism you had, you produced your cheap tazer, nailing the thing straight between the eyes. Er, did it even have eyes. Either way, it dropped to the floor, and the air began to smell less like piss and more like sautéed shrooms.
"Just stab the damn thing next time!" You yelled, hands shaking and still holding out the tazer at arms length. All the turtles but Raph looked at your trembling arms with wide eyes, and you crossed your arms stiffly to cover it up. They didn't need to see how upset you were getting right now.
You would never understand why they all went for blunt force trauma instead of using the edges of their weapons to slice stuff. Maybe it was a ninja thing. A really, really stupid ninja thing.
"Are you alright?" Leo stepped forward with his arm outreached, voice soft with what you hoped to god was not pity. Donnie followed suit, and for a moment you though he might be the slightest bit worried about you. At least, until he brushed right past your shoulder to go cradle April again.
"Just peachy Leonardo." You growled at him, and he retracted at the use of his full name. "It's not like I've been trying to explain what I think has been going on for the past— oh come on."
You were immediately cut off as Raph began to scream at the sight of you all. With each passing second, the urge to bash your head into the wall was getting stronger and stronger. Now you remember why you stopped coming down here so often— if this tension headache you were getting was proof enough for that.
With a few more unintelligible shouts, Raph jumped at Leo with a battle cry, looking like he was out for blood. Leo simply crouched down, letting Raph fly over him and land plastron first on the ground.
"Donnie, explination?" Mikey shouted. He was now brandishing his own nunchucks and swirling them around hesitantly.
"Wish is knew!"
"I smashed you once roach and I'll smash you again!" By now Raphael was up again. This time he was ready to attack with more than just his bare fists, and was gunning right for Leo.
That clicked it all into place for you. With one more look around the tunnel, sounds of fighting echoing off the walls, you cupped your hands around your mouth.
"The mushrooms are spreading a fear toxin!" You shouted with the risk of losing your voice th next day. If you even stuck around long enough to see the next day.
"Thats why everyones eyes are turning different colors and they're acting so weird! The plants are making them see their worst fears!" This time you thought you might explode if the turtles didn't hear you. Thankfully, you watched as a bit of recognition creeped into Donatello's face at your words as he dodged another attack from Raph.
"Its fungi, not plants, but they're right!" He yelled over all the noise. With a yell, he caught one end of Mikeys nunchucks in his hand and wrapped it around Raph's torso, watching as Mikey did the same with his end. By the time they were done, Raphael was now a squirming mess on the ground, looking just as terrified as Casey and April did. Only he was more dangerous than them. A lot more dangerous.
"So what, you're telling me that that tiny little guy is causing all of this?" Leonardo huffed while standing to his full height. Mikey was the sole one restraining Raph now as you approached them all.
"That's what I've been trying to say for the past ten minutes when you keep inturrupting me!!" You seethed. Leo was the only one who had the chance to look sympathetic. That didn't stop you from hitting him on the top of his shell in frustration.
"Ow! We're sorry, we're sorry!" He winced.
"Good." You sighed, already starting to feel a little better about this situation. The hollow feeling of behind over looked still lingered, but you were focused on other more important things now. Like finding out how to counteract whatevers being sprayed around.
"Donnie, do you think if we got back to your lab you could test this for a solution?" You didn't even have to turn around to know that he was busy fawning over April, instead just amplifying your voice so he was sure to hear.
"Maybe—" He mused, bringing his hand up to rub at his chin thoughtfully. You'd been in his lab enough times to know what he was about to go off on a tangent, "—but it's more likely that there's an easier solution to this problem. Fungi normally spawn from a bigger sorce, and since there seems to be a cluster around here infecting our friends, there must be the orgins of it nearby."
"So we find it, and do some gardening." Leo smiled from beside you, bringing out his blades in a gaudy move. You just gave him a blank stare.
"What? It was a good line!"
"You need to work on your improv skills, Leo."
He sighed and lowered his weapons. Cocking one side of his hip up in the way that he does when he goes into leader mode, Leonardo went to say something else to you—probably that you all should get a move on—when a flash of neon blue entered your peripheral.
"Oh shit!"
A mouthful of nasty tasting yellow dust spread all over the bottom half of your face in a fine mist. It settled on your tongue, feeling like partials of a cotton ball had been sprinkled on it. Coughing, you stuttered in your stance to heave forward. This felt different than what you thought it would be like. You didn't think that the ground was supposed to be swirling like that.
The last thing you saw before the world flipped on it's axis was a bo staff cutting the mushroom above you in two.
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You woke up with your head feeling like someone had used it as a drum in a marching band.
"Did any of you get the number of that bus that completely fucked me over?" You groaned out sardonically, not willing to open your eyes and subject yourself to the light of the world just yet.
When no one responded, you reluctantly pried your eyelids open.
You were in a different tunnel now. It looked like it belonged to the same one connecting your friends lair to anywhere else in the city, but what did you know. It wasn't like you knew anyone who lived down here or anything.
Hauling yourself up took more strength than you wanted to admit. Half of your face felt numb, and the other hald itched something awful. The sensation was killing you almost as much as this silence was. Almost.
Standing all but a few meters away from you were six figures. They looked to be your friends, but something was off. They were all motionless with their backs faced to you, and covered in a thick layer of what looked like black goo. It dripped off of them and to the ground, pooling between their feet and leaking in your direction.
As soon as you take a step in their direction, all their heads snap toward you at an unnatural angle. You half expect a cracking of bones to follow the movement, but all you hear is the sound of your heart drop.
"What's going on." This time you take a step back, not forward.
It's at this point that you notice your surrounding changing. It never stays the same for more than a second, constantly twisting into something more frightening than the last; all plucked from your worst memories. The kraang cell you had been thrown in once. The pool you had been forced to take swimming lessons in as a child. Your eigth grade classroom, watching as your teacher explained to your parent that you'd never amount to anything.
Finally it settled on the lair.
You refused to be backed into a corner like all those horror flicks you'd seen with the boys. With each step the figures of your friends took, you took one back, shuffling around in circles to avoid getting trapped.
You were starting to get lightheaded with how fast you were breathing at this point.
"What?" You eventually murmered, your pupils pinpricks at this point. Your ears strained to pick up what sounded like words in response.
"Leave." Was what you eventually heard come from the clone of Raphael. Because that's what he was. A clone. Not the real thing. He couldn't be. The Raph you know wouldn't tell you to leave.
The more you thought about it, the less true that seemed.
"Leave?" You echoed. The back of your foot hit one of the arcade machines lying around before you scrambled to get around it.
"We don't need you anymore." This time your eyes snapped to the clone of Mikey. His eyes were nothing but static in that eerie black goo. You couldn't bring yourself to look at it for more than a second.
"I don't understand." Words were becoming harder and harder to pronounce. You tripped over them as your footsteps slowed.
"They never valued you. Even as a human, I could see that." The verson of Casey hissed through his distorted mask. It looked more like an actual skull than the crude spray painted verson you had grown so accustomed to.
"Why did you think we'd ever like you, when you've never even tried to like us." Leo was the second closest to you and approaching slowly. His speed should have reassured you, but something about the unrelenting and unchanging pace only made you want to hurl.
"I do like you guys!" Instead of a fierce cry coming from your throat, it was a pathetic whine. A round of hissing laughter passed through the ranks of your friends. Wait, your fake friends. These weren't the real ones. You knew that. You felt like you were supposed to know that.
"Pathetic." April's voice sounded like it came from a scratched record. Her teeth sharpened with each syllable. "I was here first. And I'll be here long after you."
"Shut up!" It was your turn to yell. You didn't mean for it to be so loud, you really didn't, but the words tore itself from you like a scream. You didn't scream. You really didn't. Not in front of other people. Not like this.
Your feet had stopped moving now. They felt like lead. Incapable of moving any further without the force of a hundered men. When you looked down, you discovered they were ensnared in metal cuffs that tightened the more you hyperventilated. Twelve chains lead away from them. You followed each with your eyes, eventually finding yourself staring right back at the soupy expanse of your six former friends. Twelve chains. Two for each of them. One in each hand.
You were brought to the floor and dragged forward. Your pants tore against the floor, leaving what was sure to be a plethora of holes if you were to check.
Fingernails broke off and bled as you desperately tried to clawed away. You reached at the hem of your pants to look for your tazer, only to come up holding a ripped picture.
It was the one you had taken of everyone after defeating the kraang. It had been a celebration. A time to bathe and relax in the fact that you all had won. Everyone had smiled as you set the five second timer on your phone, Mikey even sticking a pair of bunny ears over Raphs head without him noticing.
You looked at the spot where you were supposed to be, only met with the sight of a cut out hole.
"Out of all the delusions that have run through your head—" You looked up at the only one that had yet to speak yet. Donatello's gap toothed grin sneered down at you from your spot on the floor, your mouth drying at the mere sight of it.
"From us actually caring about you—" The chains around your legs were only spreading higher along your body now, growing past your hips.
"To thinking that we actually cared when you'd visit again—"
Donatello crouched down. The black ooze around his face parted for just a moment. Instead of the cool tint of his green skin being revealed, or that purple bandana you had hidden many times in a playful manner, all you saw were tissue sinew and blood. Flesh peeled away and drooped down his face like sad wallpaper. You choked on your own bile as he grinned at you without skin around his mouth, making a grotesque clicking sound with his teeth.
The only thing that remained normal was his reddish brown eyes. They looked at you, locking you in place with a liquid hate you had only seen from him in your nightmares.
"The funniest delusion of all, was believing that I could possibly like a person like you."
Your eyebrows pulled together in terrified confusion. Sweat dripped down your head and trickled uncomfortably to the ends of your earlobes. Your chest felt the tightest it had in your life; heartbeat practically nonexistent.
You wanted to say you had no idea what he was talking about. That he was being insane. More insane that what was already going on. But the way you reacted to his words, your ears ringing with hurt and eyes pricking with acidic tears, you knew there was some truth to it. Why you were constantly put out with his efforts to pursue April. How your face dropped at each lovestruck look he tossed at the back of her head. All those jokes you'd made about Donnie being insufferable when your friend was around; maybe not being as much of a joke as you'd thought.
You don't think you'd ever realized your ulterior motives in all those acts yourself. Maybe you wouldn't have ever if it hadn't been pointed out.
Nothing more was said, because nothing else had to be. Donatello's face sewed itself back up with a sick slurping noise, returning to fuzzy gray eyes and a black exterior. With prolonged movements, he reached for the staff on his back. It was also dripping with goo, a few droplets splattering on your already ruined clothes as he hovered one end over your face. You recognized it as the end a blade was set to come out of.
Looking back up at all of them, the chains in their hands were all gone. They didn't need them anymore. It's not like you would be going anywhere. After all, everything below your head was encased in metal. Set to rot for all eternity.
A flash a silver and the snap of a button being clicked was what sent you into darkness for a second time
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"I think they're waking up!"
"Get off my table Mikey. You'll break something again!"
"Is it too late to punch his face in?"
"Guys shut up. They're awake."
Taking a moment to steel your nerves against all of the elements suddenly attacking your senses, you inhaled with a hiss, an earthquake of deja vu sweeping over you with its delightful aftershock know as nausea.
The feeling of a cold metal slab underneath you alerted you that you were in Donnies lab. Most likely lying face up on his makeshift opperating table he'd crafted out of a d.i.y welding set and spare metal slab. And if any of the very poorly concealed whispering told you anything, there were going to be quite a few mutant turtles staring down at you when you opened your eyes.
You decided to peak one open to check.
Yep. Definitely a few of them.
"I saw that! Hey, did you guys see that! Their eye moved!" You heard what was most likely Mikey flail around somewhere on your left side. A few frustrated voices snapped at him to calm down, resulting in what you guessed was a raspberry to be blown back at them.
"We know you're awake." Raphael called your name blandly. You answered with what you thought was going to be a coherent string of curses, but instead was just a really scratchy sounding groan.
"I think they said, Michelangelo is the bestest turtle of all time. And also the handsomest." You felt three giant fingers grab onto the flesh of your jaw and move your mouth up and down as Mikey did a horrible impression of your voice. Treating you almost like you were a life sized ventriloquist dummy. With a grunt and a strain of your neck, you garnered enough strength to reach up and bite at his finger, inwardly pumping your fist in the air as you heard him yelp and the feeling of fingers left your face.
"Ok now we know for sure you're awake sleepy head." You felt another finger poke the side of your head, retracting fast enough so you didn't have to chance to bite them too.
Finally giving into the curse known as getting out of bed, you opened both your eyes and tilted your head down to stare at seven sets of separate eyes.
Even Master Splinter was here. You must have been out for a while.
"How long." Was all you could manage as you propped yourself up on your elbow.
"Ten years."
"How long, Donatello." You enunciated Donnies name this time, glaring at Casey who looked very amused at his own joke.
"Fourteen hours." He barely glanced up from something he was tinkering with in his lap, looking rather focused. "It's almost noon."
That was enough to shock you up, looking around to land on April's figure as you sputtered.
"Our presentation was due today." You coughed out. She nodded, bringing her t-phone out and gesturing to it.
"I already called the school. Said we had both spent the night together and got sick. They bought it like a charm."
"What about you Casey?"
"Eh. I never show up to class anyways." He shrugged. "What's another absent day for the Jones?"
"That might explain the lack of intelligence." You heard Donnie whisper. It was followed by a soft crack and him yelping in surprise. You looked and saw nothing but a faint red mark forming on Donnies arm. If you glanced at Splinter long enough, his tail twitched once as he smiled.
"Well that's good to know." You nodded at April. "Now can someone tell me why I'm surrounded by everyone I know this side of the Hudson?"
"Like Donnie said, you were out for fourteen hours dude! That's, like a whole day! We were worried." Mikey waved his arms in the air wildly and spun around in a rolly chair. You weren't sure where he got it from, but Donatello didn't look to happy about it.
"My sons told me about what happened." Splinter interjected. Everyone turned to look at him as he leaned on his emerald cane, eyes sparkling with a fierce emotion you couldn't place.
"You were all very brave in your mission. For that I comend you. But it seems that out of everyone, you were hit the hardest by the fungus." He ended his statement in your direction with a calm tone, doing nothing to ease your worries. Breaking eye contact with him was harder than you would have liked.
"So you guys figured out how to stop it then?"
"More like Leo did." April smiled. "We found him passed out and surrounded in shriveled mushrooms, looking like he had the fight of his life."
"Against a colony of shrooms?"
"The biggest one was at least fifteen feet tall."
"I take it all back. Leo you're the best." You snickered as you carefully slid off the table, feeling confident enough to stand now. You did your best to ignore the feeling of so many sets of eyes as you did so.
"So. What was your hallucination about?" Raph was the one to break the ice, scouring your face for any sort of hint. You barely held back a wince at the question. Maybe if the memory had come back to you in bits and pieces like it did to people in the movies, the question wouldn't have off put you that bad. But instead, you'd woken up and found yourself already remembering each and every bit of the nightmarish hell you'd been trapped in.
"Raph's was about cockroaches!" Mikey sang, laughing as he poked fun at his older brother. Raphael just growled and curled his fists into balls, probably holding himself back because Splinter was standing right next to him.
"Yeah? Well Mikey's was about alien squirells!" He pointed a finger at his brother angrily. And offended gasp punctuated his accusatory tone.
"It's squirellanoids! And they are much scarier than cockroaches or rats!" Mikey whined back.
"Rats?" You question, tossing a split second glance to Splinter. Somewhere next to you Casey groaned, clearly the culprit of what you assumed had been the fur induced visions.
"Can we go back to what your thing was now?" Casey said with hot ears, clearly not appreciating his fear being put on blast while April was in the room.
You pursed your lips and directed your gaze to the lab wall behind everyone. Peeling skin and puddles of oil looking sludge flashed behind your lids each time you blinked. With it left the stabbing sensation of tears. Something you despised; especially while in the presence of others.
"Nothing much." Was what you settled on, moving forward before anyone could say anything else. "What about you, Donnie? Did you end up getting sprayed?" It was almost ironic how you immediately chose to single him out after replaying the events of your nightmare in your head. A part of you scoffed at it.
"I uh—" His face grew warm at your query and he refused to met your gaze, "—I don't want to talk about it."
With a shrug you dropped the topic.
"Mind if I go get something to eat? I, uh, kind of feel like I'm dying here." You nodded toward the door nearest the kitchen, once again changing the subject. Mikey immediately ran to it at the mention of food, screaming about pizza. According to the others, he had been waiting all day to crack open a pizza to eat with you. And you weren't about to deny him now.
As everyone filed out into the common room, a light hand placed itself on your shoulder. Without even looking back you knew who it belonged to and only confirmed it once locking eyes with Master Splinter.
"My child," He began softly. "I know we do not have the bond you do with my sons, but if you ever feel troubled, my dojo is always open for you. The mind is your most powerful weapon, and it would be a mistake to let it stew in its own treachery."
You didn't make a move to shrug his hand away or even leave. Instead you looked at him curiously, searching for even a hint of insincerity. When you found none, you just nodded.
"Now go. I know you are eager to join the others."
Splinter watched as you retreated to the playful shouting coming from the other room, hands coming to rest on the peak of his cane once more. You reminded him of his sons. Too much of his sons.
He was just glad that you'd all found each other. He might have gone insane if he had to entertain those boys the rest of his life.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 month
A grundo neopet review, perhaps? For the soul?
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Grundo are somewhat under-appreciated in my experience, which is a shame, because I really like them. They occupy a specific niche in Neopets, being the only alien species (save for Aishas, but they seem to be related to aliens rather than just straight-up being aliens) and serving an important role in many of the original Virtupets-based plots.
Their designs are nothing fancy, just being monocolor (save for their eyes, which are often though not always red) and lacking any noticeable markings. However, their solid-color eyes, fairly rare among Neopets, pop really nicely, and their ears have this really nice doubled-tube shape that is one of the most memorable things about them. They're pretty cute looking overall, and I really like the facial anatomy on these guys, which is almost frog-like in a weird way.
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Grundos also faired really well when it comes to customization, in that they're exactly the same save for some standard unification stuff like shading adjustments. The bad news is that they were saddled with not one but two fists, but the good news is that they look at least somewhat natural and it's not like their hands were ever particularly well-drawn to begin with.
Favorite Colours:
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Transparent: Transparent is usually a pretty good-looking color by default, but the transparent Grundo goes the extra mile by embracing their alien nature and giving them these really cool looking glowing green organs, the only pet to get this treatment. The organs go great with the pale blue body color, and most of the anatomy looks solid. Granted, I'm not totally sure if the ears would have bones in them or not, and the ribs don't actually connect to anything... but then again, you can always say that's just because they're an alien and move on.
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Faerie: Solid-colored faerie pets are usually a miss for me, as they often just look like regular pets but with wings. The faerie Grundo, however, is abosolutely beautiful. The dark blue base with cyan eyes and toenails is unique (or at least it was until the stealthy Grundo came out, but I digress), and the dark color helps cover for how plain the body is. Most importantly, though, are the wings, which are designed to look like the night sky. It's a great nod to the Grundo's space origins and is super different than the standard faerie fair (say that five times fast).
A UC/styled version is available, though the design changed so little that the differences are pretty negligible.
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Woodland: I literally just went over this one in my woodland review so I'll keep this brief, but the woodland Grundo is super pretty. The leaf ears are absolutely perfect and the subtle gradient and leaf-like veins over the body are lovely.
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BONUS: It's always neat when pets get a species-specific color. In all honestly I have no idea why the mallow Grundo exists because there seems to be no rationale behind it and Grundos don't usually get food colours (unlike, say, Chias), but hey, I'll take it; its fun and silly.
Strictly speaking the UC/styled version is better because it looks way more marshmallow-y, but there's something just deeply uncanny about the face that I can't place but I really don't care for.
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For your event, I'd like to request L for Riddle, Jamil and Vil.
Hope the event goes well and thanks for the content!
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, manipulation, (more or less) imprisonment, being dependant on another, family problems, death, murder, blood, stalking
Riddle Rosehearts/Jamil Viper/Vil Schoenheit
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
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Tries to get close to you first
Riddle may be a dangerous fool in love but he is still smart enough so that he won't embarrass himself too much
So he tries to get in touch with you first
What do you like? What do you absolutely despise? But most importantly, what do you search for in a partner? Is it alright to keep you in one place without an exit? (He might have to ignore your preferences in that last one)
So when you suddenly feel a pair of eyes on you, no need to worry
That is just him. Always watching. Always. Al-oh you are going to the toilet. Time to let you have at least some privacy
Be there for you
Riddle knows that you are stressed out by many things
So when you come to him, your dear, absolutely reliable friend to ask him for advice and help he is there for you
Him always watching might also push you to him so... mhm
But there is no way he could be the one making you feel unsafe the last few days!
Once he sees that you could be interested he invites you fr some tea and cake
Riddle knows that relationships rely on beautiful experiences
So he tries to make a lot with you
All alone, in a garden... With no one but him and you
Once even someone blind could see that you like him more than just a friend he gifts you white roses painted red
Red roses aresomething deeply woven I into his life and a sign of love
So here he is, planting a few deep in the forest to make sure they are in perfect condition
White roses also mean young love and loyalty so it is perfect for him!
So here the roses are, painted red in a small vase in your room
But under all that paint there seems to be one that has wilted...
White is also the color of purity and innocence... could it be that even the flowers were aware that something was wrong?
But oh well, soon you are going to be his, just don't look at all the compared students
They just had the nerve to look at something they shouldn't have
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Short conversations
As much as Jamil would love to and is capable of doing he couldn't just abandon his position
Also, I think that he could also be a bit old-fashioned in this subject since he has to uphold the “family status” and all of that
So he opts for the small times he can talk to you
He is so skilled at finding out how you tick in your head that his prodding isn't even uncomfortable
Just... don't get lulled too deep into his oh so kind exterior
Making others find out more about you
Once more, he can't just abandon his job
But he can use that little thing called magic to get to know you on an even deeper level
The people he uses aren't even aware that there could be something weird with his questions even if they are aware of his unique magic
You see, he watches with whom you eat, have class and much more, then makes them tell them everything they talked about with you
Also a great opportunity to make them stay away from you
So why are you eating alone? Didn't that second year come close-oh, he is suddenly avoiding you...
Being your only friend
This is rather short
But Jamil makes sure that you are alone so that even those ten minutes of conversations with him are like light at the end of a tunnel for you
What can I say? Isn't he charming?
Becoming “that aunt” in a less platonic and more romantic way
Before you go for my jugular, hear me out
I mean that person that is always fretting over you, giving you food and love (just way less platonic than the usual setting)
And little touch-starved you sucks it up like a sponge
I mean, I also would do that if I was isolated from care and interaction without knowing why
It's just so warm....
Isn't he charming?
Not long and he doubts you can even think about anyone else besides him
What a great couple you are! (Blink three times if you need help)
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Polishing himself even more
I know, HOW??!
This shiny diamond is like “I need more” and pushes himself even harder
Is it unhealthy? Yes
But what do they say? “Everything is just in war and love.” (no it's not!)
Rook being Rook isn't helping either
I would recommend talking to him. That three-hour jogging is everything else but healthy, especially on an empty stomach
Slowly but surely making sure that you depend on him for everything
You are hungry? Take this healthy sandwich
Your on-and-only uniform has just gone bye-bye? Here is a fake “German” kimono (am I salty? Yes. Toboso, what were you thinking?)
No idea how to take care of your hair? Here take this.... you need to shower by yourself
But sooner or later you can't even do basic stuff by yourself
Have you seen the absolutely dashing state your skin is in? Wouldn't want to ruin that by eating the wring thing
So yeah, he is having a field day
Isolate you from everyone, even Rook
Vil knows how to talk to people so that they do what he wants
And you won't be any different, otherworldly being or not
Ok, he doesnt even know that he is that manipulative
But the thought of having to share you... no
He already has bodies to take care of, he needs to keep others away from you so that his composure won't falter yet again
If necessary a potion or two will also suffice
Being there for you
We could also call this, keeping you dependant on him
But he knows that he is getting closer to his goals
Maybe he has slipped a third potion in as well
No need to worry! He will always be here! Just for you! You don't need anyone else, right?
So when you two finally lean in he knows he has won
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lovrily · 2 years
speed of sound
steve harrington x reader | part 1 of 3 | 6k words
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as will byers' older sister, you vaguely know steve harrington. upon becoming steve harrington's (randomly and abruptly selected) lab partner, you realize you know him even less than you thought.
warnings: fem!reader, byers!reader, shy!reader, bickering, lab partners, classmates, starts in season 2 ends in season 4, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, pining, "unrequited" love emphasis on the air quotes, steve is popular and reader is not, doting mother joyce, running with the headcanon that jonathan dropped out of high school, hurt/comfort, language, blood/injury warnings level to what's on the show
PART ONE → 1984
When you knocked, Steve opened the door. 
An unpleasantly dry air curled into your nostrils as you shuffled in, breezing by him and sinking into your seat at the back of the lab. Something citrus was there, too- cleaner or something equally sterile. Your eye caught on the two dozen beakers and one dozen test tubes at the other lab stations; the beakers filled with clear liquid and the tubes filled with something distinctly pink. What is that?
“It’s just food coloring,” Steve mumbled. You nearly jumped as he slipped back into the seat next you, folding his arms. He wore that one light blue jacket that looked like denim but wasn’t, the one he always wore. A strand of chestnut hair hung over his eyes when he readjusted. “Miggins is pissed.”
Normally you might have argued, but it was true. Miggins was your chemistry teacher, and his name was perfectly fitting. He was somewhere between forty and sixty and had a comb-over. That was all you really noticed about him. Your mind was usually elsewhere during his class. 
Miggins glanced over his shoulder after a moment of intentional ignorance. “Oh. Hello.”
You flattened your lips into a small smile. “Hello. I’m sorry.”
“Finally gracing us with your presence?”
You opened your mouth to offer another apology, but Miggins was facing the board again before you took your next breath. 
“Told you,” Steve whispered. His breath ghosted over your hair, not quite touching your skin. He sat up and you did not look at him. This was sophomore year, so sitting next to Steve still made you stiff. You would still be stiff junior year, and senior year, but maybe not as much. Maybe more. But for different reasons. 
“It’s seven in the morning, quit breathing down my neck,” you hissed. 
He made a face. “So angry.”
You shot him a tiny glare, and he laughed with his mouth closed, eyes still glued in fake focus on Miggins. This was his game. Steve Harrington was a senior who everybody knew and everybody loved (or despised), but more importantly, he was your lab partner. Miggins drew names out of a jar to make pairs at the beginning of the semester. He drew Steve’s name first, and then, when your name came next, it absolutely humiliated you. Steve had plenty of friends in the class and it was pretty damn obvious that you were not his first pick. 
But guys like Steve adapt. Anybody who is quiet and also goes to public school just knows. Guys like Steve get to know you and entertain you just to by extension entertain themselves, because they have to. If he hadn’t struck up this game between the two of you; the useless bickering and the teasing and the whisper screaming, then he would have been impossibly bored. You wouldn’t have fallen impossibly in love with him, either, but unfortunately he had decided to pick on you and thus- this was your curse. 
Miggins turned you over to your projects. 
“What is this?” you asked, relieved when chatter filled the room once more. Sitting in silence listening to your own breath was torture. 
“What do you mean?”
“What are we doing? With the beakers, what’s the assignment?”
Steve snorted. “I don’t know.”
You set down your pencil. “Are you kidding me?”
“This is your job. This is what you do.”
“Do what?”
“You listen, and pay attention. And I help.” He smiled like a politician. 
“You don’t even help.”
“I try.”
You stared at him for a moment. Long fingers drummed on the desk, dangerously close to your side of the wood. He got prettier each year. Your freshman year and his junior, his hair wasn’t long enough to push back over his forehead, but now it was. His brows were darker and his eyes looked wider. He was always taller than you, not by a lot- but now, by a decent amount. Really it didn’t matter. You would probably still like him even if he had green skin and no hair. 
Steve’s brows crossed. “Are you planning something?”
You leaned back with a shivery feeling crawling up your neck. “No.”
“You looked pensive. You had a pensive look,” he crooned. 
“Ooh, vocab word.”
“Mhm. Learned it just for you, sweetheart.”
Your head snapped up at an embarrassingly sharp rate. But his eyes were already back on the packet in front of him, caving and trying to decipher the instructions for the assignment himself. You sat there and watched him like you often did and listened to your heart thumping in your ears. 
Steve had a girlfriend until a few days ago. They broke up on Halloween; you heard. Her name was Nancy Wheeler, and you knew her almost well. She was gorgeous. Your little brother, Will, was best friends with her little brother, Mike, and ever since Will went missing last school year, it felt like your lives had become irreparably intertwined. She spent a lot of time with Jonathan after Barbara Holland passed away. They were best friends, as far as you knew. You didn’t have a best friend, really, but you couldn’t even imagine how hard that must have been. You heard she was there when it happened, and that Steve was, too. How bad did it hurt him? Did he care a lot, or just a little? 
The two of you were teetering a thin line. Few people in Hawkins knew about the Upside Down. This should have been enough to nudge you into ‘friend’ territory, rather than just ‘bickering lab partners’. But for whatever reason, it hadn’t. Not even close. 
“Are you gonna help with this or just keep eyeballing me?” 
His voice drew you out of your thoughts. You sat up and pushed your hair out of your face.
“Yeah. Give me the packet.”
. . . 
When Will went missing your freshman year, your Mom was the first to realize what happened. The monster, the world underground. All of it. And then she told Jonathan, but she never told you. You found out about it anyway (as you often do) and asked her why she never told you. 
“Well, sweetie, I… Jonathan wasn’t supposed to know, either. I don’t know. I was so worried about Will, I didn’t want to worry that something might happen to you, too.” Her words. The sentiment made sense, but it ended up being useless. In the very late fall of 1984, evil returned to Hawkins, and this time you knew about it. 
“He’s insane,” Max remarked. 
Dustin grinned out the window beside her. “He’s awesome.”
You blinked out the boarded-up window behind them, narrowing your eyes. Steve stood there amongst the junk clutching a baseball bat dotted with nails. He swung it around and sucked in a breath, as if to bolster himself. Wearing that same blue jacket. Dart the demodog had escaped from Dustin’s house and more like him were out there lurking in the shadows, sniffing you out like prey. 
Ridiculously enough, you and Steve had only had one conversation about demogorgon matters prior. 
“How’s Will?” 
You glanced up from the bunsen burner. It was an uncomfortable angle befitting a conversation topic in uncomfortable territory; clunky lab goggles digging into your nose, hair pulled back in a less than flattering knot. It had only been three weeks since school started, and Steve had barely even begun poking fun at you, barely even begun playing your little game. His expression was calm but his wide hands gripped and un-gripped the thermometer, like he was trying to find feeling in his hands again. 
“He’s good,” you had nodded. Unsure. Steve knew about as much as you did about the Upside Down. He had seen a demogorgon- you hadn’t. Maybe he knew a little more. Regardless, your reasons for being involved with the entity were nowhere near the same. Steve had Nancy. You had your brother. “Thanks for asking.”
“Yeah. He, uh… yeah. That’s good, that he’s okay.”
And that was all. Now you were here, babysitting. You had a soft spot for Will’s friends (though all of your other spots were just as soft) and if they were going to go traipsing through the woods in search of a monster; it seemed better that there be two adults rather than one. Well, almost adults. Steve could not be called ‘adult’ by a long shot, and unbelievably, you were even younger than him. 
Truthfully, if you had been given the option, you would have gone with Will that night. Joyce was still hellbent on keeping you ‘out’ of the Upside Down business. Whether she realized her plan had already failed, you weren’t sure. 
Max turned to you. “Should we do something? He’s going to get himself killed.”
You could only cock your head in response, heart thumping in your ears. “I’m sorry. I don’t think he’ll listen.”
“He might listen to you,” Max bit. A glimmer of confusion rippled over your face, and then, a screeching sound tore across the metal wall of the bus and sent all of you reeling backwards. 
Talons dug into the steel. As they tore down the wall, jagged and molten, Dustin shouted- “FUCK! OH MY GOD!” and then repeated the tail end of the phrase over and over again while Max and Lucas barreled towards the gnarled steering wheel. She tried to wrench the door open and Lucas yanked her back, too shaken to say anything other than, “No!”
Your stomach leapt into your throat as you lunged for the door. Lucas peeled Max off just in time, and you threw it open, slamming it shut behind you. He’s dead, you thought, Steve’s already dead. 
But he wasn’t. You rounded the hood of the old school bus to find Steve driving his nailed bat into the neck of a demodog. It yelped and fell to the ground, writhing and diseased. Something sprayed your cheek. Steve teetered backwards and exhaled, running a hand over his face. Hair stood up on the back of your neck as you watched. 
The demodogs were dead. All of them. There was a pile of them on the ground, but their limbs blended together in bloody harmony, making it impossible to tell just how many of them Steve had actually killed. 
Your tongue darted out over your lips. A cloying taste filled your mouth, and you sniffled. Surprised. 
Steve’s head shot up, and he reared the bat in your direction.
“No!” The word tore from you. 
He made a noise that was something in between a curse and a wheeze and dropped the bat. Completely dropped it, and the nails made a thwacking noise as they drove into the dirt. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he panted furiously.
“I thought it was going to get inside the bus.”
“I thought it was going to hurt the kids,” you ignored him. “And you-”
“-might’ve already-”
“Stop,” Steve murmured, walking forward and rambling off words. “Stop, stop. C’mere.”
Fear filled your belly like acid. “What? What is it?”
“Stay still. You- seriously, stop it.”
You dug your heels into the ground and crossed your hands behind your back. “Okay. Sorry. Okay.”
Steve occupied the space in front of you, blocking the forest and the carnage decorating it. His eyes raked over your face and his brows flicked downward, eyes flicking up. “What is that? Is that your blood?”
“There’s blood?”
“On your…nose…” he replied choppily, leaning in closer. Distracted by whatever had painted your face. Then he reached up and swiped the pad of his thumb over the tip of your nose, there and gone in less than a breath. Your shoulders stiffened and your heart beat on the surface of your skin, everywhere. ���You don’t feel that?” he murmured. 
You swallowed. “Feel you?” 
“No, the blood. Your nose doesn’t hurt? Nothing got you?”
Idiot. “No, nothing got me. It probably landed on me when you killed the demodog.”
He examined your nose for a moment more, like he didn’t believe you. All you could do was stand there. This is hell. 
“Hey!” The door to the school bus blew open and Dustin tumbled out, hat sliding off his head. “Are you guys alive?”
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Steve replied, turning away from you. An icy breeze blew over you and the forest opened up once more, corpses and their slashed necks all on display before you. A moment torn in half. He was back on the bus before you even took one step. 
. . . 
All semester long, you had pretended to not recognize the string tied between the two of you. The Upside Down, the demogorgon. Now the demodogs. The string was getting longer and coiling up in front of you like a ball of yarn, a supernatural eyesore. But after that night in the woods, with winter close on fall’s heels, it became impossible to ignore. 
“Steve,” you whispered. The classroom was silent. Miggins sat at his desk with a book up to his nose, reading intently. 
“We need to talk.”
He looked up at you like you were crazy, but his voice wavered. “About what?”
His eyes went a little wide. “What does that mean?”
“The demodogs. The Upside Down, Will. All of it.”
He sunk back in his seat but tilted his weight until he was leaning against your desk, head dropped. “What about it?”
Oh. You sat up a bit, moving away. Was he taking you seriously?
“I just… I don’t know, I thought we should talk about it. We never do.”
“You want to talk about it?” he whispered, breath tangible against your shoulder. Miggins glanced up, and you separated, sitting stick straight in your seats. After a moment, he looked away. You glued your eyes to the wrinkled poster hanging over the door. Snow Ball, December 8th, 8:00 PM. A disco ball gleamed behind the chunky letters and each sparkle looked like snow. Your heart swelled at the sight of it. What it would feel like to have Steve’s hands on your back, soft and barely there, swaying like awkward teenagers do. But you would laugh about it. And his breath would tickle your nose, because he was that close. 
“Anybody home?” Steve murmured. 
Your head snapped back to him. 
“Yes, I want to talk about it,” you whispered. Even with Will safe and the kids settled again, it was weighing heavy on your brain. “You could have died last week.”
“I didn’t, though.”
“I know, b-”
“Pretty badass of me, actually.”
“Steve.” You looked right at him for what felt like the first time. He adjusted his head like you sent waves down his spine. “I’m being serious. Why did you go out there by yourself?”
He shrugged like it was obvious. “I wasn’t gonna let the kids go out there.”
“I could have gone with you. I should have. You wouldn’t let me.”
“No,” he scoffed. 
“Why not?”
Instantly his reply came- “No.” And then again, a moment later. “No fucking way.”
One of those rare moments passed where the two of you were actually looking at each other, rather than glancing at random posters on the wall or blinking at the desk. Still, it felt like he was staring straight through you, like you were clenching your fists hoping to become solid and yet all you were was mist in the air. 
“Alright,” Miggins huffed. “You’ve had enough time to go over the instructions. Turn your bunsen burners on.”
Steve sat up like someone had kicked him. “Alright. What are we doing?”
You breathed a sigh of relief as voices filled the silent room once more, talking and laughing. One hand reached out toward the bunsen burner. “Flame painting.”
He made a face. “Oh?” And before you could touch the burner, he flicked your hand away. “No, I’ll get it. Put your goggles on.”
You looked at him. “I don’t mind doing it.”
“No, it gets hot.”
You took a few breaths. 
“It’s a bunsen burner, Steve.”
He ignored you, lighting the flame as you slipped on your goggles. The instructions were quite simple. A list of colors and reactants laid before you on the worksheet, a guide to painting fire. Potassium chloride made purple, lighter fluid made blue. Road salt made orange, but that seemed redundant. Only a few of the options were available to actually try. 
“What’s your favorite color, Byers?” asked Steve. 
Byers. The tips of your ears flushed. “What’s yours?”
“Not what I asked.”
A grin tugged at your lips. “Green.”
He snatched the packet up and read over it, squinting like it was written in Latin. “Okay, yeah. Alright.”
“Okay?” you laughed. 
“Yeah. We can do that.”
His eyes roamed over the tiny jars of reactants in front of you. You followed his gaze and then gave up, just watching his eyes move. His irises were perfectly wide, round like marbles, warm like chocolate. He looked softer, somehow, then he had in the past. Though his attitude was certainly rougher. 
Steve took a small jar of white powder and cranked it open, setting the lid down on the desk. He ogled at it for a moment in his hand, veins flexing beneath the soft skin of his inner wrist. You swallowed, the back of your neck hot, too distracted to stop him before he brought the jar over the open flame and flipped it over. 
The fire roared and screeched like a braking car. 
“Steve!” you hissed. Then, horrifically, he smacked his hand down on top of the flame to put it out. “Steve!”
He cursed and recoiled, knocking into the burner plate and burning himself some more. Heads whipped around, everyone staring at him. When their eyes flicked to you in passing, you stiffened. 
“What?” Steve panted. “Something happen?”
His friends laughed up front. At the sound of it, Steve made a face, something that read like fuck off. A few of them glanced at you like an afterthought. That funny feeling came over you again, sinking in your stomach. 
Steve Harrington was not your friend. He deliberately chose not to be, in fact. He never said hi to you in the hallway, or sat by you at lunch, or even followed you out of class. You were a meager source of entertainment for one hour every weekday. 
Stuck together. 
“Is your hand okay?” you asked quietly, suddenly sobered. He shrugged. 
“No. Fuck.”
“Let me see.”
He raised his hand as if to let you look and then stuck his middle finger out. A glare shot out from your eyes like lasers. 
“Your fault. I need to run this under cold water, hold on.”
He walked off and said over his shoulder- “Your fault.”
“Oh, my god, it’s not really your fault. I’m kidding. At least it was green- fuck, this hurts.”
. . . 
Snow smothered Hawkins like icing one week later. The treetops and road signs were rusted with frost, and so were the mirrors on your car, steam gathering in the rearview as you drove. Blue lights flashed in the school windows and silver streamers trampled by heels hung over the door. When you pulled into the parking lot, there was a car next to your usual spot, already parked. Your eyes dropped to your lap instantly, afraid no matter who might be in there. 
Jonathan’s eyes caught yours in the rearview mirror, his tall frame cramped into the backseat of the Volkswagen. He flattened his lips and smiled a little, like he knew you were nervous but didn’t know what to do about it. Will sat beside him and doodled into a notebook, but looked up at you once the car stopped. 
“Honey, you are so beautiful,” Joyce cooed. 
You glanced over. “Thanks, mom.”
She smiled a corny smile until one grew on your own face, taking over your mouth and eyes until your cheeks were sore. Joyce wasn’t a beautician by any means, but she had done her best to make you look fancy- and she was beautiful herself. The most beautiful woman you had ever seen, really. Thinking about it made you think of Nancy Wheeler, and how beautiful she was, and then you were just sick to your stomach all over again when you had spent the entire drive to the school swallowing your nausea. You promised yourself you wouldn’t spend all night thinking about Steve. He probably thought school dances were stupid. He probably wouldn’t be there. 
You hadn’t even planned on attending the Snow Ball, but Joyce convinced you. Memories are important, she said, and just because you enjoy doing things by yourself doesn’t mean you can’t make important memories by yourself. You are your own best company, baby. 
It was a really nice sentiment. You enjoyed doing things on your own and often did. What Joyce didn’t realize was that you hadn’t chosen this life for yourself and it was actually the fault of your crippling inability to communicate with your peers that landed you alone on the night of the Snow Ball, but she absolutely did not need to know that. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get your hair all big,” Joyce murmured with her eyes still on you. She took to your face, grabbing you by the chin and shaking. “I just can’t figure it out!”
“Me neither.”
“Like, how do all the girls do it?”
“I don’t know, mom,” you laughed, wiggling your head back and forth until she finally let you go. “I can’t do it either.”
“It’s only your first dance, we’ll get better. We’ll have to buy more of those rollers next time. Bigger ones. Maybe a bunch of little clips, too, to get ‘em to stick better.”
“For your next Snow Ball,” she kept talking, rambling on and staring at you in adoration. “Or Prom.”
Whatever happens tonight might convince me never to go to Prom, you thought. When she finally snapped out of her doting trance, your heart catapulted into your throat. Her hand landed on the gearshift and you thought you might throw up. 
“This is where we leave you,” Jonathan teased.
Your lip curled. “Don’t go.”
Joyce frowned. “Oh, honey. Do you really not want to go? Or are you just scared?”
Tears pricked at your eyes. Heat stung your cheeks like bees, buzzing over your neck and cinching your throat tight. It was so embarrassing to be crying over a thing like this. 
“I’m just scared,” you shrugged, whispering to mask the tears. It worked, seemingly, and Joyce shook her head in response. 
“Everybody in there is going to be doing their own thing. What’s there to be scared of?”
“I know.”
“Our Snow Ball was last week,” Will mumbled. “It was fine. Nothing bad happened. And nobody came up to me or bothered me.”
“What about the one little girl who introduced herself to you? The one you told us about?” Joyce prodded. 
Will’s face was blank as printer paper. Jonathan snorted. 
“Alright,” Joyce huffed. “What-ever. We’ll be back at ten. Go on, kiddo.”
As you pried open the frozen door, Jonathan called, “You’ll be fine, Y/N.” You glanced back at him and wrinkled your nose, like you would not be fine, but his words were comforting if nothing more. A cracking noise like ice sounded from behind you as Joyce rolled down all the windows on the Volkswagen, singing, I love you, Jonathan and Will a meager choir behind her. 
She drove off like she knew you would get back in if she stayed. 
With her gone, a tear broke free and rolled down your cheek. Penny loafers covered your feet, snow dusting over the small strip of exposed skin around your ankles. All of your dresses were from church years ago, not anything like what girls wore to school dances, so you had settled for a mid-length skirt the color of sage and a copper sweater- knit chunkily enough that you could roll it up to your elbows and have it fall almost flatteringly, a pair of two tiny green crystals piercing your ears. 
It wasn’t what you imagined, maybe, but it was what you got. From Joyce. And that alone made you proud. You swallowed (most) of your tears and went inside. 
“No first of spring, no song to sing. In fact, here’s just another ordinary day.” 
Stevie Wonder’s voice echoed off the gymnasium ceiling, the dance floor a thick crowd of bodies sucking up sound. Blue lasers beamed around like flashlights. You stepped over fallen streamers and white paper circles, some of them cut to look like snowflakes. There was nothing grand about your entrance. No one turned when you walked in, but they didn’t when the next gaggle of girls came in behind you, either. 
You exhaled. It would be easy to blend in here. 
You whirled around. Oh, come on.
At a punch table dressed in blue plastic was a lean figure in a half-removed suit, blazer draped over his forearm, charcoal gray button-up remaining. His hair was styled as it usually was- immaculate- but there were no strays, no signs of wild highschool partying. You were pretty sure that kind of stuff only happened in the movies, anyway, but you also weren’t the person to ask. 
You stretched on a suspicious look. “Do I know you?” 
Steve laughed shortly, a smile breaking loose on his face before it settled into a crooked one, settling on your eyes and staying there like there was something to really watch. You almost turned around, maybe something behind you had caught his attention, but he started talking. 
“I, uh- I didn’t think you’d be here,” he said softly. His stuttering wasn’t nervous, only humble, an honest process of what was unfolding. Or maybe he was just a good actor. You folded your arms in front of you and stretched out your neck, shrugging. Quit looking at his arms, you creep. 
“Me neither. Are you- where are your friends?” 
Your stuttering was nervous. 
“They’re, eh- somewhere.”
“Very,” he nodded instantly. Still smiling. His mouth hung open a bit, like he had just eaten something hot. You both went quiet. That familiar feeling dropped in your stomach like a ship anchor. 
You look ridiculous. 
“I won’t keep you,” you started. 
“No, I was just thirsty,” he said, waving a cup at you. “Do you want one?”
“No, I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, this gown is worth millions, I can’t risk spilling anything on it.”
He laughed until he didn’t, brows flicking up and down like he was having this conversation without really thinking about what to say next and just saying it. 
“It’s great, Byers.”
“What is?”
“Your clothes.”
Shut up, shut up, shut up. 
“Oh,” you nodded, glancing down. A tiny scoff left your lips. “Thank you. That’s nice of you.”
“I’m serious.”
“I know.” Liar. 
“Quit making that face.”
“What face?”
“Like you think I’m lying.”
“I don’t!”
And there you were, back at it within minutes. He stared at you for a second while shaking his head, features drawn in an argumentative pose, waiting for the perfect comeback to strike. Then his nodding slowed and his face softened in a way you had never seen before, but wasn’t entirely unfamiliar. 
“Do you want to dance?”
You poked your head out and gawked. “Are you serious?”
“Yes,” he retorted. “Stop it.”
“Okay. I mean- yeah, okay.”
“It’s not a punishment, Byers,” he said, stepping away from the table. Heat snaked up your spine and clung to the back of your neck as he approached, excited and horrified. That dominant, always-slightly mortified part of your brain screamed at you to back away and go wait in the parking lot for Joyce. 
You dug your penny loafers into the floor and took a deep breath. Steve breezed by you and his hand was on your wrist suddenly, holding softly but gripping tightly enough to lead you into the swathes of students taking up the gym floor. About halfway into the mass of people your heart started beating on your face, so hard you thought you might pass out. Right on time, Steve stopped, sliding his other arm onto your other wrist and draping your hands over his shoulders. 
It took every ounce of restraint in you to not gulp like a coward. 
“I don’t actually know how to dance,” you murmured. “It might be bad. I’m sorry.” 
Steve made a face. “Nobody here knows how to dance. This is a high school. Look at these people, Byers. They’re swaying like cornstalks in a brisk wind.” 
You laughed, and another smile broke open on his face like a cracked coconut. It seemed like he tried to dissolve it, but it remained there at the corners of his mouth and eyes. Ever present. 
Suddenly two hands were on your waist, spawning out of thin air. Oh, my god. 
“Are you always this stiff, Byers?”
“Shut up.”
“Is it scoliosis or something?”
He laughed, and it vibrated against your skin, the sound of it buzzing in your ribs. His fingers had crept to your back without you even realizing. His thumb pressed down there between a wide-knit thread of yarn, playing with your sweater. 
“This really is nice,” he murmured. “I meant it.”
“I believed you.”
“No, you didn’t,” he mumbled. You almost laughed before clocking the look on his face; pensive and drawn, his eyes focused on the space between your shoulder and jaw as he lifted his right hand to draw a lock of hair from where it had become tangled in your sleeve. 
You shivered when his knuckles grazed your neck. And then the thought bubbled up in you at once, enough. This wasn’t what you wanted. What if his friends put him up to it? What if he was just trying to get you to come home with him? You wanted Steve, not one lone dance at a stupid Snow Ball he would forget about by tomorrow. In hindsight, maybe you were thinking rashly here, but your fear was real. This moment meant the world to you, and the idea of it meaning little or nothing to him made you sick to your stomach. 
“Steve,” you murmured. 
His eyes flashed to you. “What?”
You both looked up then. Something flipped inside of you, like a switch. He was waiting for something, not expectant, but hopeful. 
“Yeaaaah, Harrington!” 
You snapped out of his embrace. Behind you, Steve’s friends pumped their fists in the air, the others snickering to each other and hiding it behind lazily placed gestures. Laughing at you. The realization was painful but not surprising. 
You backed away from Steve and started making your way out of the crowd. Tears welled in your eyes, and you tried to force the acceptance to come on faster than the grief. 
“Aw, come on, Byers!” they hollered. You sniffled, back to Steve and his friends, back to everyone. Warmth came up behind you, a hand grazing over your elbow. 
“Y/N,” Steve bit off. 
“It’s fine.”
You turned. He came right up in front of you, even closer than you had been before. When you sucked in a breath, he did, too, his head tilting down to look over you. His breath fanned out over your nose. The two of you stood there, silent. Stevie Wonder echoed around you. “I just called to say I love you, And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”
A tear broke free and rolled down your cheek. Steve cursed; an instant, instinctive sound, the same way you hiss at a paper cut. He flinched backwards a tiny step. One hand came up to run through his hair, brows knit together. 
“Goddamnit,” he breathed. 
And then he disappeared into the crowd. 
You sat alone in the parking lot a few minutes later, leaning against the lamppost next to your usual parking spot. Joyce wouldn’t be back to pick you up for at least an hour, but your sweater was warm enough to cloak you if you rolled the sleeves down, and anything was better than staying inside. A chunk of snow fell off the car that was parked next to yours when you arrived- a burgundy BMW, polished underneath a few specks of regular winter-water-damage. There were plenty of spaces open up front near the door. Still, it was alone in the back lot, neighboring your own spot. 
You lied to everyone about the evening being “quiet but pleasant,” when you got in the car. Joyce clapped and squealed like a little girl. Back at home, you settled into bed with the sweater still on, a pair of fuzzy pajama pants kicking up static underneath your comforter. 
There was a knock at your bedroom door. 
“Come in.”
It creaked open and Jonathan poked his head in, glancing around like he was wary to enter. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you murmured, face buried in your pillow, blankets up to your neck. “How was your night?”
“Good,” he shrugged. “I just… School is stupid.”
Your act must not have worked on him. “I know.”
“I mean, I didn’t even finish it.”
“I know,” you snorted. 
“Well, I just wanted to tell you it’s stupid and if you had a bad night tonight that it won’t matter in the long run. At all. Seriously. But I’m sorry if it wasn’t what you hoped it would be.”
You poked your head out from underneath the covers, a little lighter. “Thanks, Jonathan. That’s really sweet.”
“Sure. Love you.”
“I love you.”
He shut the door and you clicked off the lamp. As darkness enveloped you, the knit bindings of your sweater clung to you, your skin hot as an iron. You threw the covers up and ripped it off, hurling it across the room where it landed with a pathetic little pitter on the carpet. You fell asleep sure of two things:
You would rather die than go to Prom. 
Steve Harrington did not deserve the benefit of the doubt that you gave him. And you would never, ever let him make you feel that stupid again.
◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ thank you for reading!!! thoughts or comments or reblogs or literally anything are appreciated! thank you 4 being here and i hope this fic makes you happy and i will post part 2 at the end of this week <3
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Metal Bat x Fem!Reader 🍋
A scenario in which reader finds themselves with a rare moment alone with their hero boyfriend, Metal Bat(Baddo) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You couldn’t wait for school to be done, your boyfriend had texted you earlier saying to come by his place for a special date night. Little did he know just how special it was about to be.
Packing your bag and tidying the rest of your belongings, you made your way to the gates of your school only to be surprised by the love of your life.
“Hey darlin, I hope you’re ready for our date tonight,” he said wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug and giving you a light kiss on the check.
“Is Zenko going to be joining us?”
“No, we got the whole place to ourselves. So i was thinkin’ maybe grab some food to go and make the most of it,” he said with a small smile.
There was just idle chitchat on the way to the ramen shop nearest his house, talking about his day of slaying monsters and your day of wanting to yeet yourself out a window from listening to your maths teacher drone on and on about nonsensical equations. Maybe the slight scolding from you towards Metal Bat for once again ditching. He whined about how he can’t be a supportive big brother, a hero, and a boyfriend without some sacrifices. You chuckled and looked at him with a soft smile squeezing his hand slightly, both of you opting to walk to his house in blissful silence.
Sometimes you were amazed with how you scored a Class-S hero as your boyfriend, you two were complete opposites. You were more soft spoken, gentle, and had the body strength of a singular dry noodle, while Bat was loud, intense, and had muscles chiseled out by the gods themselves.
There was many a night you couldn’t sleep due to dreaming about what it would be like to finally give yourself to your lover, you thought about the way his body would look and more importantly what his cock looked like, the length and girth, if he was more veiny or not. The way he would feel stretching out your tight, wet, virgin pussy.
“Ya good babe?” He asked. Uh-oh, you didn’t realize you had slipped off into a daydream, a slight blush forming on your face as you stepped through the gate.
“Yeah, just lost in thought,” what you wanted to say was more so along the lines of *no, i need you to ravish my whole being, take me and make me yours* but you were trying to play it cool. He absolutely saw right through your bravado. (What? You didn’t think you were alone in these feelings right?)
Metal Bat also had a dirty secret of his own, one involving using his hand and his own dirty thoughts about what you looked like underneath your school uniform. The nights he was too horny to sleep, he would often think about you, how your soft your breasts would feel opposed to his rough and calloused hands, how your pussy would feel and he pumps his hard cock in and out of you. How tight your walls would grip his dick as you come undone around him.
After taking off your shoes and putting the few bags on the kitchen counter, you made your way to the bathroom to change in privacy. Thankfully you remembered to bring the lingerie you had bought to school with you. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but the way the light blue coloring complimented your hair, skin, and eye color, you just couldn’t pass it up. Plus it was like five dollars on the clearance rack. You put on some old sweatpants and shirt Baddo had given you a while back and made your way to the living room.
You walked in to see Baddo spread out on the couch, already having a program on tv to watch while eating. While you did enjoy spending time with him like this, your thoughts from earlier still had you feeling hot and bothered. You couldn’t stop thinking about how he would feel on top of you, how soft his chest would feel against yours. You hoped the lacey bodysuit wouldn’t get ripped apart since he was known to be pretty impatient.
He looked at you from the corner of his eye, taking in your small frame, wondering how your baked body would feel pressed against his. How absolutely debauched your perfect face would look in wanton pleasure. How desperately he wanted to be the source of your moans, and how much he wanted to make you scream his name.
“Hey Baddo,” you spoke first, breaking the silence.
“I… I really want to fuck you,” you were surprised at your own boldness, but you had literally been dreaming about this man destroying you in the best ways possible.
“Yer serious?”
“Absolutely, i want you to be my first,” a blush spreading across your face.
He pick you up bridal style and carried you into his bedroom. Laying you on your back he hovered over you, peppering your face and neck with kisses while one hand was slowly reaching the bottom of your shirt. With a look and a nod from you he kept going, gently lifting it up and up until he hit a different fabric.
“What the hell is this?”
“Guess you’ll just have to keep going and find out.”
He kept dragging the cotton fabric over you until adjusting you to fully take it off, next thing to go was your sweatpants until the sheer lacey fabric of the bodysuit was all that covered your body. It was a shame to not leave it on but you shuffled it off so that it wasn’t in the way later.
“Holy shit, yer fuckin’ perfect babe,” he said nearly breathlessly, eyes not looking away from your body even as he got up to take off his own clothing. You could see his dick struggling against the confines of his boxers, and audibly gasped when it sprung out of it’s prison. He was a lot bigger than you imagined, you were almost concerned with not being able to walk afterwards. Almost.
“Like what ya see?” He coyly asked, taking his place on top you. Dipping his fingers into your soaking folds, his breath hitched. “Damn, yer already so wet for me babe. Are you ready?” He asked, eyes filled with lust and concern.
“Yes, please take me,” you said wrapping your arms around his neck as he lined up his cock with your soaking pussy.
You could feel him shudder in excitement as he slowly started pushing into you. His eyes scanning your face for any sign that you might want to stop.
“Holy shit, yer so tight,” he moaned out.
“Fuck, your cock is so big,” you were moaning, but aware of the foreign feeling in the pit of your abdomen. It didn’t really hurt, it just felt a little weird as you didn’t really know what it would feel like.
You couldn’t control your moans as he buried himself all the way to the hilt. Begging him to pick up the pace, he obliged your request. His own moans matching the volume of yours, neighbors be damned.
The sounds of skin slapping against skin and moaning filled his room.
“Fuck babe, I love hearing the sounds you make. Yer so fuckin perfect, and yer all mine.” The only reply you could muster was yet more moans as you felt that almost fiery knot grow.
“You’re.. you’re going…to…make me cum,” you sputtered out between moaning his name.
“Then be a good girl and cum for me. Ya dont know how much i wanna feel yer little pussy squeeze my cock as ya cum baby.”
That was all you needed to let go. Shaking and practically screaming his name, you came hard around him. He wasn’t too far behind you, picking up his pace and his thrusting becoming erratic. Groaning and and moaning your name he pulled out and came all over your stomach. Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabbed some tissues and cleaned his mess off you before laying down next to you
“I didn’t go too hard did I?”
“No, you felt absolutely amazing. I love you so much Baddo,” you said still trying to catch your breath.
“I love you too,” he said placing a small kiss on your forehead.
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sage-nebula · 6 months
Blueberry Elite Four Thoughts
She's trans! She came out as a transgirl when she was around 10 or so, and was very nervous about telling Clay. But when she did tell him, he just laughed and said, "Shoot, that all? I was worried you were gonna say you wanted to be a stay-at-home spouse."
She dyes her hair pink, since it's the cutest color.
Her mom died when she was young, so Clay has raised her as a single parent. She has spent a lot of time alone as a result since Clay commutes to Driftveil for work each day, leading to her responsible personality.
Clay finds it hard to connect with her since they have few common interests, but he tries very hard. Lacey recognizes and appreciates his efforts. One of these efforts was introducing Lacey to Elesa, who is an old friend of Clay's and an idol of Lacey's. Lacey was speechless and had a crying meltdown and Clay could not understand what he did "wrong."
Once one of Clay's worker's expressed sympathy to him for having a [slur redacted] son. The worker was never seen again. Clay said he merely fired him. One employee who asked to remain anonymous is quoted as saying, "Yeah, down into the mines."
Lacey likes fairy-types for being cute, but also many pokémon that aren't thought of as traditionally cute. Her excadrill is the cutest of them all.
She absolutely has a southern twang to her voice, just like her daddy's.
She's a loyal subscriber to the Iono Zone, and has a crush on Iono to boot.
Amarys is autistic, and this has manifested in the way that social cues have been hard for her to understand growing up, and she's been bullied and ostracized for it, and she's tried very hard to study people and social cues and social rules so that she can play by those rules better and therefore be better accepted, but she also has difficulties emoting and so even when she does her best it rarely seems good enough and—well. Her bullies often compared her to a robot or a computer. Amarys often felt that she liked robots or computers better than humans, because they were easier to understand and deal with. And that sparked her interest in steel-type pokémon, whom she felt a sort of kinship with. But more importantly, just because she has trouble emoting doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. She feels SO MUCH and SO STRONGLY and it's been so hard. She still tries her best to follow the rules in the hopes that doing so will yield the best result, but it's still so hard.
Carmine was the first person who ever stood up for Amarys. Other students were once again mocking Amarys for being a robot, and Carmine yelled at and threatened them until they ran away. Carmine explained that people liked to bully her little brother, too, but she couldn't stand people like that. And anyway, she was from Kitakami, so if Amarys was seen as a weirdo outsider at Blueberry Academy, maybe they could be weirdo outsiders together. Carmine was A Lot all at once, but Amarys liked the sound of all that.
Amarys likes spicy, sour, and bitter foods; she's not a fan of sweets.
She loves heights, but she is claustrophobic (albeit only mildly).
She has romantic feelings for Carmine, but thinks they could never be reciprocated and so she won't say anything about them. Carmine, meanwhile, thinks they are already dating.
She is actually not the best with technology, but she is a skilled artist, particularly when it comes to small models, like ships in bottles. Precision work is a natural talent of hers.
100% would fall for the "if you bake it at 400°F for 20 minutes, then if you crank it up to 4000° you can cook it in 2 minutes" rumor or whatever it was and would burn the whole academy down in the process.
If Lacey told him she was trans, his first response would be, "I thought you were Unovan?" His second response would be, "okay but you're still cute though!"
He has, on more than one occasion, melted plasticware in the oven. Despite this, he IS still a good cook.
He has many older siblings and is the baby of his family. Somewhere in his family tree are the Striaton triplets.
He has used his trusty frying pan as a drying pan.
He gets Big Mad when judges on cooking shows care more about style over taste and mouth feel. They are missing the whole point of food, he says.
Drayton has a complicated relationship with Iris. On one hand, she's great! She's a cool person! She's always fun to talk to and hang out with! On the other hand she's the literal fucking Champion of Unova and the shadow Drayton's been living in his whole fucking life, the ideal grandchild Drayden always wanted years before Drayton was ever born, the standard Drayton could never hope to live up to! And like, none of it's her fault, and he knows this and would never say as much to her, but the question of "why can't you be more like Iris" feels like it's always there and makes him not want to try at all, because he'll just fail anyway, right?
To that end, Drayton has failed his classes on purpose, because he doesn't know yet what he wants to do with his life. It is expected he will take over Opelucid Gym, but he doesn't want to. And that's fine, IF he has some other idea of what he wants to do. But he doesn't, so he's stalling. Not his best idea, but it's all he has.
Speaking of, in Unova, as Clay puts it, "When the people have a problem, it's up t' the Gym Leader t' put it right." The League Club had a problem with Kieran bullying the other members by abusing his power as Champion. Drayton, raised in a family of Gym Leaders, took it upon himself to fix the problem for the people. It's why he was proactive about it; it's what he was raised to do. (Lacey's dad is also a Gym Leader, and the one who said the original quote, but she's less inclined to rock the boat than Drayton is, especially since Drayton felt responsible by losing to Kieran in the first place.)
His accent is what we would think of as Brooklyn in the real world.
Drayton likes verbal sparring. It's like a sport to him. He likes riling up Carmine because she "hits" back. He sees it as playing and genuinely thinks she sees it as the same. She does not.
He also thinks Carmine and Amarys are dating.
Kieran has a negative opinion of Drayton because, when Kieran first joined the League Club, Kieran asked Drayton to make him strong. Drayton said, "I can't make you strong; you gotta do that yourself." Now, what Drayton MEANT was, Kieran has to find inner strength / determination to try and work hard on his own, and then with that perseverence and willingness to train, he and his team can grow. But what Kieran HEARD was, "fuck you, I hate you, you're pathetic, you're going to be a weak little pissbaby forever, go fucking die in a ditch, choke on your own vomit, I hope you get eaten alive by ten million trapinch in the savannah biome." Kieran's perception of Drayton never really recovered.
The hair dye that Drayton uses for his purple streak glows in the dark.
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sleepsentry · 10 months
Hi hello I just popped by to tell you just how much I absolutely LOVE your art. The dynamic poses, the color, your shapes, you’re very much an inspiration to me for my own art. I was curious if you’d be willing to share your own inspirations/process in drawing? No need to if you don’t feel like it though. Again, thank you for sharing your art with the world.
Gosh, I'm not sure where I'd even start for that...
I don't think I can get into process atm because it changes so much in such tiny ways all the time. I have a basic skeleton of a process, but the rest is all over the place.
As for insperations:
I follow many many artists online and have picked up many small things just from looking at their work and trying to "reverse engineer" their process in my head.
I've noticed I tend to subconsciously "study" artists just by thinking "how do I draw this? Oh this artist drew it that way! Lemme try..." and I do that many many times while drawing.
Example: I look at the way an artist draws hands, then I look at my own hand and try and mimick the position in the artwork.
I study both and try to connect the dots between them. I feel the way my hand moves and the way the bones and muscles flex and relax.
I try and draw broad shapes, then the underlying mechanics of the hand, then I finish things by drawing what we actually end up seeing on the surface.
I dont draw the bones and muscles of a hand and then the skin just to be clear! I just try and keep them in mind as a draw the outlines.
Like a sculpture having a "skeleton" made of two bits or wire. I don't draw the skeleton, I draw the rough blueprint of where everything goes in quick simple lines. Then I build the "clay" on top.
I don't go that in depth every time but it helps to stop and "be more considered" if you have the time and energy.
Now that I think about it, watch sculpting videos!
It's a very similar process to drawing but 3d instead of 2D! I recommend clay sculpture but I'm sure 3d modeling has similar principles too, even if a very different approach overall.
Here are some channels I recommend:
For cute character dioramas with ridiculous fidelity while being very stylised
For impressive fake food that really shows just how much of an illusion art is
For amazing Dino statues with an eye for detail and convincing naturalism
For 2d artists I follow current professional and/or hobby artists, or even old masters who's work is archived in artbooks and social media accounts. All ranging a wide variety or styles, cute, horror, cartoon, realist, ect... and most importantly, the styles wich aren't as easily definable.
The variety of influences is great! As long as you figure out how to pick and dissect the elements that drew you to the work and how to apply your findings to your own work.
My biggest inspirations as a kid where animation (Disney, pixar, ghibli, ect...), manga, Belgian/French comics my dad had as a kid.
I didn't have the patience or means to learn to animate, but these comics had so much life and motion in their panels! I always found American comics really stiff and more difficult to read because of the detail and "realism". I know American comic art can be very expressive and fluid, but for my undiagnosed eye/brain issues...
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Was leagues more "readable" than:
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They where literally easier to read.
That comic cover takes me a good few seconds to dissect and process, whereas the two examples above it are instant.
I'm terrible at studying from life due to my poor eyesight and spacial awareness issues, also I have ADHD so, not only is the information my eyes are giving to my brain suboptimal, but my brain is also terrible at processing and reconstructing that information.
Also tracing is a valid way of studying btw, that's how I learnt as a tot and it can be great to try and reverse engineer a finished peice and break it down to it's construction.
Obviously it's not the same as building something from scratch but we're talking within the realms of practice.
I also started trying to "re-learn" some art fundamentals in ways that work better for me, and it's been massively helpful.
I'm already working with fuzzy simplified abstractions of the world around me, so it's horrible trying to see accurately and THEN re-simplify it onto paper.
So something that has helped a lot and I mean A LOT with teaching my brain art basics in a digestible, step by step way, has been:
It's great for walking you through art fundamentals in a way that is digestible and no where near as overwhelming as just jumping straight in to a massive, complex, digital art programme.
It gets all the fuss of materials and subject and reference out of the way and let's you just focuse purely on the process of making art itself.
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This is the first drawing lesson:
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This is the lesson after that:
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This is all with the original DS version!
On a tiny screen with very primitive approximations of pressure sensitivity and no opacity or pen size options.
It mimics traditional art making in the sense that you make what you can with what you have and that limitation allows you to focuse on practice rather than get overwhelmed and over correct everything digitally.
These where tiny, crunchy, microcosmic, simplifications of digital art making back in 2009!!!
It's so refreshingly accessible and manageable.
I haven't even started the newer 3ds game that came out.
So if anyone reading is struggling with their art I highly recommend this little art exercise giver! It's helped me a lot.
OK hope that's readable and helpful. ^^
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bunnywithablog · 3 months
Hii, can I request fluff headcanons mangle with female reader?
of course i can!! i used she/they pronouns to refer to mangle btw. :) thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy! 💗
requests | rules | masterlist
pairing: FNAF 2 - mangle x f!reader - fluff hc's
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- it’s not hard to see that mangle is a,,, pretty odd animatronic, to say the least
- but what was probably more odd than them to both employees and patrons was the bond you had formed with the animatronic
- when kids weren’t pulling apart and piecing together mangle, they were usually avoiding kid's cove entirely
- but you?
- you would spend any moment mangle wasn’t swarmed chatting the time away
- really, there’s nothing they appreciated more than your company 💗
- it's nice to be treated as another being and not just a monster or something to be ripped apart without regard
- mangle takes a great interest in your life outside the pizzeria, especially your hobbies and preferences!
- not only do they wanna know more about the outside world, but more importantly, they wanna know what you like 🥺
- "what ab— about your favorite food? oh— oh! or how about songs? what songs do you— you like to listen to?"
- if any of your favorite songs are in the pizzeria database, she might just sing a few for you :>
- never gets tired of you going on and on about yourself 🥺💗
- they're so obsessed with your style, put on little fashion shows for them!! she absolutely loves it and thinks you look so adorable!! 💗
- one time you brought them a bow that matched the colour of your outfit and it immediately brought tears to their eyes,,,
- they were so excited, they almost completely crushed you with their hug!! ×_×
- its become a weekly ritual ever since!! :>
- every friday you show up with a piece of ribbon matching your outfit colours and tie it up into a pretty bow on her framework for both of you to rock the look!!
- in return, they sneak you any of the limited edition plushies you want from the prize corner whenever the monthly shipments come in >:)
- pretty please let her paint your nails?? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
- definitely paint hers too! especially if the color also compliments or matches with the weekly ribbon!!
- if you wear lipstick or colored gloss, they'll proudly parade around with your kiss marks all over their face 😌
- would leave kisses all over you too if she could!!!
- is the type to throw a billion compliments your way and genuinely means every one of them 💗
- and if you're too busy for her to flirt with you, they'll hang down from the ceiling and quickly nuzzle their nose against yours before darting up and away again
- also just loves seeing you get all flustered because of it
- they like being close to you in any capacity!! be it holding hands, laying her head in your lap, or even just sitting together 💗
- mangle is fiercely protective over you too!
- not only do they use their facial scanner to keep suspicious people away, but she'll also get confrontational with the other animatronics if they're hostile toward you
- let's just say toy chica almost lost more than just her beak once
- on slow days, they'll just follow you around the pizzeria whilst you carry out your duties
- peers over your shoulder or hangs above you watching curiously, tilting their heads this way and that to get a better look at what you're doing
- loves to chip in and help wherever they can!! it's also an excuse to do something together <3
- they'll even tap into the radio to play some tunes for both of you to jam out to while you work :p
- one time the two of you were cleaning out an old supply closet together when you practically squealed, saying you found a surprise for them
- couldn't believe it when you turned around with an old manual on her model clasped in your hands!
- "no way!" 😮
- "yes way!! maybe this thing has instructions on how to put you together the right way! c'mon, let's look through it!" 😁
- "oh, sweetie..." 🥺💗
- you already won over her heart the day you first approached her
- but from the moment you vowed you'd figure out how to assemble them correctly, she knew she'd be yours forever,,,, 💗
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enjoy what i write? consider helping with my transition! 💕
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littlemessyjessi · 1 year
"I Need A Favor": Naga Boyfriend Sef: Part Three
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"I Need A Favor": Naga Sef: Part Three 
Warnings:  Some mature content.  Monster boyfriend… if that can be a warning.  Maybe language.  Also, my unedited, un'beta'd work.  Maybe my grammar because I'm a troll.  Idk?  
Monster Boyfriend x Plus Size Reader 
Commissioned by the lovely @thickemadame  
Thank you so much, darling!  And I apologize that this took so long.  I was devastated when I lost everything on my old computer and I am permanently scatter brained but still… I am appalled that it took my so long.  I love you, darling! 
Never in my life had I been so nervous for someone to be in my garden. 
All this despite the fact that I had strangers in it all the time for photoshoots … and also the fact that Sef was my neighbor and literally saw it every day. 
Though somehow this felt different. 
While my nerves were turning my stomach into the equivalent of a washing machine with a brick inside… I was still quite proud of my the oasis that I had created in my time here. 
The lush foliage and blooming flowers. 
I'd put a lot of work into making sure that it was a garden that was beautiful year round and taking care to plant so meticulously so that when one thing was done another was coming to life. 
Strategically placed stone pieces reminiscent of a garden some ancient greek goddess might've had. 
Twinkling lights and no short amount of gorgeous focal points. 
It was my pride and joy. 
Despite the fact that I allowed strangers here for my side hustle all the time… it still seemed intimate to have a date here. 
I'd never done that before. 
I'd chose a simple outfit for the evening. 
Something comfortable and flowy to accent my figure in an ethereal way but also cozy enough as to not add discomfort to my growing anxiety. 
The scent of something cooking away caught my attention and l looked over the fence to see a trail of smoke spiraling into the air. 
I stood on my tiptoes and peeped over the fence to see Sef standing at the grill. 
I admired him for a moment before he began to chuckle. 
"You know, I've heard of Peeping Toms before but perhaps I should call you a Peeping Tammy." he said before those vivid eyes of his flicked up to meet mine. 
I was suddenly very grateful for the fence between us as I could feel the heat rise in my skin… and more importantly the weird face I pulled when I realized I'd been caught. 
"Sorry, I smelled the food." I said. 
"I'm glad to know you're hungry." he said.  "I may have overcooked a bit but it's alright.  Atleast, I know you'll be well fed with the leftovers this week."  
"If it's as good as it smells there may not be any left." I said.  "Would you like me to open the gate?" 
"That would be great." he said, turning the vegetables on the grill. "I'll meet you in the middle." 
I fiddled with the latch on my side and swung the gate door open at the same time he did his. 
At the risk of sounding terribly cliche, it was like a moment in the moment where the two romantic leads finally see each other in a certain light. 
And in a way… it was. 
Despite the rather comical last twenty four hours or so… I had never really taken notice of Sef in this way. 
Without a doubt. 
But I had never really, really looked at him as a pontential partner. 
And I had to say… he was looking very good. 
A slow smile spread across his lips, "You look absolutely breathtaking." 
"Thank you." I said softly.  "You look very handsome, yourself." 
And he most certainly did. 
He'd opted for a green button down that made his skin tone positively glow against it as well as matching his eyes incredibly well. 
I was also very pleased to see that he hadn't completely changed back into his human form. 
He was caught somewhere in between. 
The legs were gone, replaced by his long tail and little scales dotted his skin here and there. 
His eyes were the same beautiful color but if you looked closely you could see that the pupil of the eye was enlongated a bit. 
Apparently, I had been quite too long and mistook my admiration for gawking. 
"I, uh, I hope this is alright." he said gesturing towards his tail. 
"Oh!" I started, shocked and perhaps a little embarassed that I'd made him uncomfortable.  "Of- of course! Whatever you are most comfortable with.  I, um, well I was just admiring you was all.  I didn't mean to stare.  You just… you look very handsome tonight and I was a little taken." 
He smiled softly but only broke out into a laugh as I bumbled through my words again. 
"Not to say that you're aren't always handsome! You are! You always have been! I mean, you know that.  You see yourself in the mirror every day.  Oh god, someone please shoot me to put me out of my misery.  Excuse me while I go crawl under a rock and die now."  
He erupted into further laughter before he gently took my by the arms, "Relax, sweetheart.  It's quite the confidence boost to know that you're so taken." 
"Oh, great.  As if your ego needed anymore inflating." I said before I could stop myself. 
The smile turned into a fond little smirk, "Ah, there's that sassy mouth I love so much." 
"Excuse me?  You enjoy ridicule?" I asked. 
He laughed, "It's not ridicule. It's your duality.  I love that you are both sweet and salty. It's my favorite kind of snack actually." 
In favor of my thundering heart, that I have no doubt he could hear judging by the deepening smirk on his face… I chose to ignore to the double meaning to those words. 
Instead, I chose to prissily turn my nose up, "It's very rude to call your date salty, you know." 
"Oh, would you prefer sweet and sour?  That's another flavor combination I'm partial to.  I just love devouring things that dance on my tongue." 
My heart felt as if it were going to burst from my chest and I narrowed my eyes into slits when he actually doubled over in laughter. 
"I am so not your friend anymore." I said, huffing and turning away from him. 
It was all playful, of course. 
He was riling me up and despite the fact that my body was betraying me, I couldn't deny that I loved his attention. 
"Oh, come now." he whispered into my ear and I almost choked. "Don't be cross with me. I was only teasing.  It's just my nature." 
In his nature, indeed. 
His arms wrapped around me as well as his tail, "But you are correct about one thing." 
Curiosity having gotten the better of me, I turned in his embrace to lock eyes with him, "What's that?" 
"I don't want to be your friend." he said. 
My brows furrowed in indignation. 
"I want to be much, much more than that." he said, a twinkle in his eye again. 
I slipped out of his embrace after deciding that I needed to give my nervous system a break from his infuriatingly intoxicating presence. 
"Go finish the food." I said sternly. 
"Yes, ma'am." he said, bowing dramatically and slithering back to the grill. 
I huffed again and I could hear him snort in the background….but I would sooner fling myself off a cliff than give him the satisfaction. 
I soon lost myself in fussing over the area I had prepared for us. 
Earlier I'd made quite the little paradise in the best spot in the garden. 
I'd set up the projector and brought every pillow I owned outside under what I called the fairy grove. 
Twisting vines and twinkling lights. 
It was magical. 
"Where should I put these?" 
I turned to see him standing there with trays of food in his arms and a small bar cart trailing behind him being pulled by his tail. 
It would seem that it was quite dextrous. 
I shook the thought from my head before I could start drooling.  
"Just there." I said pointing to an open spot while I fretted over the set up. 
"Just relax." he whispered in my ear.  "There's no need to be so tense.  If you're trying to impress me, just know that I've been impressed since the moment I saw you.  I just want to spend time with you." 
And for some reason, my stress just slid off my shoulders. 
We ate- his skills as a chef were truly unmatched. 
We drank- he hadn't been lying about being a bartender. 
We laughed- he was incredibly funny with a sharp wit. 
Before I knew it, we were laid out, stomachs full and smiles on our faces as we watched the movie. 
We'd long since turned the volume down and decided to provide our own dialogue. 
He'd just finished making it seem as if the lead role was headed in for his routine colonoscopy causing me to fling myself backwards across the pillows in a fit of laughter. 
He laughed before laying back and joining me. 
We stared up at the night sky through the canopy of leaves and soft twinkling fairy lights. 
"You know, I've always thought this was the best spot in your garden." he said. 
"Thank you." I said before blinking, "Hold on.  You've never been in this spot of my garden.  You've never even been in my garden before." 
He gave a long that I could only describe as a child having been found out when they were being naughty. 
"Well, that's not exactly true…" he said. 
"Oh?" I asked. "Been trespassing have you?" 
I wasn't necessarily accusing him… though I was curious as to what might've provoked him to scale not only his gate but mine as well. 
"Kind of." he said.  "But you've actually seen me many, many times. You've even given me snacks and placed me in sunny places on particularly chilly days." 
"What are you talking about?" I asked. 
He sighed and before my eyes he transformed yet again into a tiny green garden snake. 
I gasped, "My little friend…" 
He slithered towards me and gently nudged my hand with his head until I ran my fingers over his scales. 
He changed back and looked at me sheepishly, "Honestly, I never meant to invade your privacy.   I've just always thought you had such a beautiful garden and, of course, you are possibly the most lovely creation in here.  I just… wanted to get closer to you. I didn't exactly have the confidence." 
I was shocked. 
"I've told you many, many secrets like that." I whispered. 
"And they're still just as safe with me as they were when you thought I was just a little snake." he pressed. 
"But why?" I asked.  "If you were so taken then why not just talk to me?" 
He chuckled, "Love, for all my pompous ego of mine… I am really no different than any man. I see a beautiful person and I am just as scattered and flustered as the rest of them."  
"What's changed then?" I asked out of curiosity.  "Forty eight hours ago, we weren't exactly chummy." 
"I've known for a long time that I wanted you, darling." he said. "But in my time of need, when you didn't particularly like me… you helped and it was that that told me everything that I ever needed to know about you. I wasn't afraid of asking anymore.  I was more afraid of not asking… and letting the opportunity slip away." 
I was quite then. 
Pondering all he'd told me. 
Here I'd thought it was simply a neighbor version of 'and they were roommates' but it was so much more. 
"There is this thing with creatures of my breed, the Scalenes, The Cobraeans." he said.   "Our animal counterparts don't always hold true to it but those of us who live between the two worlds of human and animal.  We're born with two eyes, two ears, many things in twos.  But we're only born with one heart… because we're supposed to find the other.  I… I think I've found that with you." 
I simply stared at him for a moment. 
Perhaps a moment too long because he seemed to be panicking a little. 
"Uh… could you say something?" he said before looking down at his lap, eyes widening.  "I don't think you're freaked out.  You're hearts not racing but your eyes are dilated. Oh my goddess, I've gone and thrown you into shock! By Medusa's gaze! Nice going, Sef! You've gone and-" 
His sudden monologue was cut short by my laughter and he whirled around to look at me. 
"Sorry, sorry." I said. "I just - you're quite funny when it's you having the come apart." 
He narrowed his eyes at me slightly. 
"I reveal my feelings to you and you laugh at me." he chuckled.  "Wow." 
"Oh, come now." I said with a mischeivious smirk of my own. 
He gave me a deadpan look, "It's not nice to toy with a man's libido after scaring the life out of him." 
I smirked, "And I thought you liked my duality." 
"Well the sour I get but I've yet to see the sweetness." he pouted. 
"Aw, I'm sorry." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.  "Whatever, can I do to make it better? Would you like a hug?  Perhaps, a cuddle?" 
"Not enough." he pouted childishly, already long over it but definitely gonna milk it for what it was worth. 
That much I could tell already.  
"You made my blood run cold I was so scared." he accused. 
"You're Scalene.  Your blood is always cold." I teased. 
He huffed but I could tell he wasn't finished, "The only way this absolute injustice could possibly be righted is by a kiss." 
I pretended to ponder it just for the sake of toying with him. 
"I could…"I trailed off, bringing my lips dangerously close to his, ghosting them against each other. 
He chased after me as I pulled away. 
"Tease." he hissed at me. 
I giggled ridiculously, "Perhaps, I have Scalene in my bloodline somewhere.  Teasing seems to be in my nature as well." 
He narrowed his eyes but the smile playing about his lips gave him away. 
I dramatically clasped my hands together in consideration, "I could give you a kiss to mend this obvious discontent I've bestowed upon you.  But perhaps, I've been too cruel.  Perhaps, it's not enough." 
He softened thinking I was serious, "Darling, you don't have to.  I was only playing." 
I winked at him, "Oh but I do.  I have giving you saltiness and sourness.  So now I shall give you something very sweet." 
I pulled him into a kiss that seemed to suck the very life from him. 
He was easy to roll over as I straddled him. 
"And now perhaps, I'll let you have that snack after all." I said flicking the bottom of my dress at his face. 
The man looked like it was Christmas Day and Santa Clause himself had arrived to give him his presents. 
And that is how two quarreling neighbors ended up finding the other heart they'd always been searching for. 
Fifteen years later and we're still together. 
We tore down our fence and built out two homes together into one just as we did with our own lives. 
Tore down the walls we'd both had around our hearts and built a new one together. 
Entwined together forever. 
And it all started with a favor. 
For my darling @thickemadame : I do hope I've done this justice and that you forgive me for taking so long.  I know it's not very smutty but I got caught up in the fluff of it all and I hope there was enough saucy bits to keep you happy.  All my love, darling. 
Hey, loves! I hope you liked it! I'm trying out new content styles! If you liked, it please let me know!
Love, K
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scribblestatic · 9 months
Have I ever made a Stalker Deku AU?
Well, now I am. Yay.
(Note, it's not taken so seriously here, but fiction =/= reality on a one-to-one basis, just have some fun okay?)
Like, the story is mostly the same, but Izuku has attachment issues, so he stalks his friends and enemies.
As a little kid, he would follow Katsuki around in general, especially after he was diagnosed because no one else would really talk to him or play with him anymore. Not even Katsuki's group of friends really actually talks with him when Kacchan's not around. His world of potential friends and associations shrunk down to his mom, Katsuki, and Katsuki's family, basically.
He doesn't want to lose them, so he starts following the ones closest to him, namely his mom and Katsuki. If he follows them around and finds out what they like, then he can find a way to make them like him.
Katsuki notices and bullies Izuku more, but Izuku doesn't mind. If Kacchan likes bullying him and that gives him attention, Izuku will accept anything. He just doesn't want to be left alone.
His desire to not be ignored also fed into his hero obsession. People listen to him when he talks about heroes online. He gets to have conversations with people! But they don't like it when he's wrong about something. So he has to stop being wrong. To stop being wrong, he has to study every detail he can find about all the heroes so he'll be right at least 90% of the time, if not 95%.
That requires detailed study on heroes, so he spends a good amount of time doing that. He also notices that his mom is happy when he makes good grades, so even as he studies heroes, he must maintain an A average in school
He records as much as he can about the people who give him attention. Their birthdays, favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite clothes, things they don't like eating, places they visit often, medical conditions if any, diet and exercise regimes, common routes they travel, hair growth rate if they're especially important to him.
When Katsuki calls him a creep, he's absolutely not wrong. At the very least, Izuku's plain but cute and has wide, unassuming eyes. He invokes the feeling of a nervous or happy puppy to others.
Though, his already dark habit can have darker implications. Like when he starts intimately studying villains so he can be of more use to heroes who need him.
However, because he has a very detailed view into each of their lives, Izuku comes to a rather surprising conclusion:
Heroes can be evil, and villains can be good, but desperate.
He stops seeing heroes as inherently good and villains as just "the bad guys," and he doesn't excuse certain intentional crimes from either side, especially extortion, sexual assault, or murder (not including self-defense).
Those who commit such crimes with vicious intent face the Izuku who has no light in his eyes. The Izuku with a shadow over his blank face. The Izuku whose blackened gaze stares right into their souls and decrypts the very things that make them tick.
And when he has enough details, he sends it to people he think are trustworthy. Though, from his investigation into the police, there are several he's gathered intel on that don't meet his expectations either.
Though, of course, he spends most of his time looking at the people he loves, wanting them to like him as much as possible. If push came to shove, he'd even risk his life to help them.
That's why, when All Might rescues him, he almost faints at the fact his most beloved hero (even with all his flaws, all his faults, all his mistakes, all his failures, all his weaknesses) is in proximity to him!! If they could hold hands, he'd cry.
That's why, instead of waiting for heroes to arrive, the instant he sees that Katsuki's the one suffocating, he doesn't hesitate to run. Most importantly, he forgets what his face is doing.
And he's glaring at the assailant with eyes that could kill. Of course, Katsuki sees this, too.
Izuku's able to get Katsuki's face out, and with his ears no longer plugged with slime, he hears what Izuku's mumbling.
"Let go let go let go let go let go he's mine mine mine mine mine--"
And he's able to yank the top half of Katsuki's body out, but since he hasn't built up enough strength yet, that's the limit of his abilities.
But, thankfully, All Might witnessed Izuku's daring rescue, knowing he's quirkless, and he buffs up once more to save the day.
Still, Izuku's frazzled. He's still in fight mode when the heroes come to talk to him and get the details. They find out that he's quirkless, and his heroic actions become ridiculous and endangering.
And since he's still hopped up on adrenaline, he slips.
"Oh, I guess I was supposed to wait for you to do nothing and kill my friend, then."
The heroes berating him pause, mouths dropping open. He stares at them, unblinking. He doesn't notice that one of the news people recording are picking up his voice.
"I guess I was supposed to just stand there and watch him die. Is that what you're saying to me?"
"...Listen, it was for your safety--"
Izuku points at each of them, one by one.
He tells them ways they could've used their quirks to help resolve the issue. Even if it wouldn't have done so completely cleanly, it would've immediately gotten the victim away from the assailant and restricted his ability to escape.
"I wasn't going to allow your lack of creativity kill my friend, and now I'm at fault for that?"
The heroes don't have much else to say when confronted with that information. Instead, as though licking their wounds, the ones scolding him continue to do so, and Izuku looks away, listening and filing them away in a special mental folder he has for people he has no hope in.
Of course, after the fact, Katsuki finds and yells at Izuku. Telling him he didn't need Izuku to save him. That he's not "his," that he's his own person.
And Izuku smiles so sweetly, happy. He's always happy when those he likes acknowledge and speak to him.
"I know that, Kacchan. You're amazing."
Kacchan couldn't escape this time, but that's because he was panicking. It's completely understandable for him to panic. But if he'd focused his firepower, he could've escaped by himself. But that's okay. The people he loves have flaws and aren't perfect.
Even so, they're the best.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
do you think you could review the swinub line? my little baby boy?
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Swinub is such a lad. Look at this thing. Absolutely one of the most huggable Pokemon, with a lil' pig snout, permanently closed eyes, and the general anatomy of a stress ball. These guys use those snoots of theirs to search for food under the snow, like wild Roombas.
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And visually, it's a very simple design. The pink nose provides a tiny bit of color, while the stripes on the back help define and break up the body. I also like that it's just A Creature, having a pig snout but having fur more akin to a small rodent. We can always do with more Creatures in Pokemon in my opinion, and it being more abstract makes up for a lack of real theme.
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Piloswine is basically exactly what you would want from a Swinub evo. It's still a lumpy, furry winter Roomba, just with a much taller, more humped body shape that make it look more powerful than its pre-evo. It also adds a pair of boar tusks, fitting given the pig-like nose. Most importantly, the eyes still remain hidden, just by fur this time instead of them just being closed.
My sole nitpick with Piloswine is that I wish it retained a few of the stripes from Swinub, given how overwhelmingly brown it is. Alternatively, I could see it having dark brown on the bottom of the body or the ears; just something to break things up a bit. Everything, however, is good.
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Mamoswine is a somewhat decisive evo due to being added to the line later on, but I like it—for the most part. The main addition here is ski-mask-like markings around the eyes, which, once again, help break up the body but also add some much needed color. It also gains some lighter brown fur around the mouth and snout, and even bigger tusks. The tusks, combined with the more defined body, make it look considerably stronger than either of its pre-evos.
(Side note: for some bizarre reason the 'dex claims the tusks are made of ice. What????)
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So what's the drawback? Well, it does lose a bit of the charm of Swinub and Piloswine. The line's main traits at this point have been no legs (or rather, legs hidden by fur) and equally hidden eyes. It's a shame that Piloswine throws out both of those things, especially because I don't think they were incompatible with the rest of its design. The eyes could once again be permanently closed, this time just with a more angry expression, and the legs could've easily had more fur or even be hidden by it considering it's similar to a woolly mammoth. This would've helped keep more of the original personality in-tact.
That said, for being an evo added in a later gen, Mamoswine does still fit with the rest of the line pretty well, and does add something to it with its more powerful appearance. In that respect, I'm glad we got it.
So overall, a pretty solid line of pig-mammoth-things. Swinub is adorable, Piloswine keeps all of Swinub's unique traits, and Mamoswine helps complete the line even if we lost a bit of personality in the process.
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Also, one final note, because someone ruined Mamoswine by pointing this out to me and now I need to ruin it for everyone else: Mamoswine's tusks aren't actually attached to its mouth, but its chest. Have fun never unseeing that!
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caluski · 11 months
If you were cooking for a dinner party (and money/space is not a problem), what would you cook? Would you make a playlist? Or maybe put some flowers on the table?
Ah I wishhhhhh I had more time to get into writing a long answer rn instead of getting ready for work bc I love planning imaginary parties so much........ But since money wouldn't be an issue, I'd definitely make baked salmon as main entrée. Just plain salmon I think, with tomatoes most importantly, but also other veggies that taste good baked on their own bc I think it's always fun to put up a plate where guests can just grab whichever veggie they like, as opposed to like... Them being mixed together, so u just grab a spoonful and then someone has to pick out something that they don't like (I always have that issue with onions...). Definitely a dressing on the side, maybe like a herbal/dill one since that goes well with salmon.
And then as an alternative meal, I think I'd serve a huge bowl of tagliatelle (it's such a dinner party pasta!!!) but sauce on the side (I feel like that's always more considerate of guests preference) , probably something with spinach and chicken and mushrooms? Id definitely have to think about what my guests like, and then think of something they'd enjoy too, obviously.... But I think I'd avoid meat in general. Definitely as little dairy as possible, too, so people don't feel too heavy after the meal. Nothing too spicy, either (unless I'm the only one in the company that doesn't like it).
And ah, obviously would prepare a bit of soup, too. I guess that depends on the season, but a good one is always green pea cream soup. It tends to feel a bit too bland in excess, but in small servings it's absolutely delicious, and so perfectly warm for the tummy. Maybe with croutons? I'm not sure.
And when it comes to dessert, that also depends on what my guests would enjoy bc I don't really eat cakes or whatever. If I really don't have the time/money limit, i think I'd like to try making the little tapioca puddings! I think they're fun and delicious, especially if I could serve them in like large shot/gazpacho glasses. Maybe alternate between fruity fillings at the bottom, perhaps cherry, raspberry, bilberry....
I think when it comes to alcohol, id make it vodka/beer-free :) if it's like my dream party then it would be probably a celebration of maybe a big promotion I'd get, or getting engaged, maybe welcome party to an apartment of my own.... And idk i just always found that vodka and beer don't really work with it you know? I'd serve wine. MAYBE coctails if there's space to make them (I guess then a little vodka would be okay but like, you know, no pure shots) bc it would be so much fun to make mojitos or margaritas for my loved ones. Everything in the fanciest glasses I could afford, looking lovely, stocked up on ice and slices of lemon on the rim.... Obviously non alcoholic drinks too, I think that goes without saying.
When it comes to music, i have my love and food playlist always ready to go :-) by now it's I think 13 hours long though, so I'd queue my favorite songs, like the more romantic/jazzy ones and avoid the tracks that are too sad. But with decor i am so so so bad 😭 so I'd probably just settle for something simple, like candle sticks in a cute color sticked into the two holders I bought on sale a while ago, and with flowers I'd probably end up asking for advice my mom or sister since they're so much better at this than I am.... Oh, I love how many different napkins they are in home decor stores tho, and I never get a chance to buy them and use them!!!! Sometimes they're like in rainbows or with kittens and puppies or with cute messages like "have a great day" and such..... I even bought a pack once, with a bus that was full of puppies, it was soooooo adorable and SO much more fun than the regular plain white/cream colored napkins. Even if they are cheaper :/ but again, this is like a big occasion so I'd splurge a little.
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
Do you think the triangle storyline this season is a detriment to EJ and Gina's growth as individuals? I honestly don't this so but I keep seeing this argument and I'd like to know your opinion on it.
I think being in any relationship is a detriment to EJ's growth. Not only has he canonically never spent Valentines Day (except the last one) without a girlfriend, more importantly, he’s learned absolutely nothing from any of the relationships he’s been in. pws always want to claim that he’s had so much character development, but that’s just simply not true. It only appeared that way because EJ wasn’t in a relationship during s2, which allowed much of the audience to forget about the kind of guy he becomes when he’s dating someone. Out of sight, out of mind...but that doesn’t mean EJ ever actually changed.
Nini sang “All I Want” two full seasons ago and the verse she wrote about EJ still applies to him (”found a guy told me I was star, he held the door, held my hand in the dark. He’s perfect on paper, but he’s lying to my face, does he think that I’m the kind of girl who needs to be saved?”) He’d still rather lie to his girlfriend and act like he did it for her benefit (in s1, that was poisoning Emily so Nini could get the lead in the camp musical. Nini was, rightfully, upset because not only was that a truly awful thing to do to someone, but it also made her feel like EJ didn’t believe in her enough to think she could get the lead on her own, playing into her insecurities. & in s3, it was hiding that letter from Gina, even after she went out of her way to tell him about her big news first, playing into her insecurities). 
I believe EJ, ultimately, has the best of intentions at heart, but that’s not the point. The point is that he keeps doing all the wrong things and this time he’s not even making an effort to fix it or apologize for it. At least s1 EJ wrote Nini a whole song about sorry he was and FaceTime’d Emily Pratt to apologized for giving her food poisoning. s3 EJ knew Gina wanted to spend the day with him, to win Color War together and what did he do? Instead of being there for her, he completely disregards what she wants and goes off to get directorial tips from Miss Jenn, missing her big basketball moment. He knew what she wanted and he didn’t listen because he thought he knew better.
He’s also just as uncommunicative and jealous as ever. Despite the fact that Ricky & Gina both asked him to come ghost searching in the woods with them, he preceded to call Gina out in front of everyone for going off with her “secret late night hiking buddy Ricky” the night before (hypocrite). This is pretty similar to that time in s1 where he went through Nini’s phone and, because he didn’t trust that there wasn’t something going on between her and Ricky, deletes Ricky’s voicemail to her.
& then, even though he’s consistently jealous of Ricky for being there for Gina in a way he can’t/won’t, EJ keeps going to Ricky to ask what’s up with Gina (”why is Gina mad at me?” “Gina hasn’t laughed at one of my jokes since, like, Wednesday.”) instead of just talking to Gina herself. 
So, EJ is fundamentally incapable of being in a good relationship and always has been, for the reasons listed above, but my hope is that this triangle storyline will actually help propel his character development...once he & Gina break up. He needs to recognize his own faults, take responsibility for them and commit to improving himself and I’d like to think that Gina breaking up with him will be the kick in the ass EJ needs to realize that.
Now, onto Gina. Do I think the triangle inhibits her growth in any way? Absolutely not. Gina’s relationship with EJ is teaching her not to see someone through rose-colored glasses. It’s teaching her that she deserves someone who’s going to go out of his way to be there for her, who can celebrate her success wholeheartedly and selflessly. Someone who doesn’t hide things from her. It’s teaching her that she can’t put all of herself into a relationship and accept the bare minimum in return. She deserves better, more. She shouldn’t settle for less, shouldn’t have to compromise herself in order to feel loved and seen in a relationship. Much like how Nini, among other things, taught Ricky what an unhealthy relationship looks like, EJ is teaching Gina the same thing. Sometimes you have to know what you don’t want before you can say what you do.
This triangle allows Gina to realize that she only ever loved the idea of EJ, that he was never going to be what she needed or wanted, and that’s okay. It allows the audience to see how much Ricky has changed/grown and lets Gina see just how much Ricky loves her. & it will, hopefully, give EJ an opening to realize that he needs to own up to his own mistakes and work to change them. 
So, ideally, this triangle ends with everyone better off because of it.
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