#and also i really only have the time to teach like... 6-8 different things bc we're not doing arts and crafts every day
milkweedman · 2 years
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I got a job as a summer camp counselor for kids ages like... 6 to 13 or so, and i get to teach arts and crafts ! Which i am just. So ridiculously excited about. But im having a hard time figuring out what kind of projects are kid friendly (especially for the little ones). Here are some attempts at making some sample projects. On top are two very simple friendship bracelets, which im very happy with and which is definitely going in the curriculum, and on the bottom are two crocheted pouches (the laptop im using as a background is tiny, btw, as are the pouches). Those im not sure about, if for no other reason than i only have 45 minutes with each group of kids, and i just dont think theres time. I made the small one in about 20 minutes, so its maybe doable. But if the beginning demonstration is 10 minutes or so, thats only half an hour for kids who are totally new to crocheting to make something.
Anyway, if anyone has any fun arts and crafts ideas for kids that take... a very minimal amount of time but still teach skills that arent cutting paper and glueing it to other paper, im all ears
#its rly hard bc... 1) time constraints and 2) my boss wants the kids who only want to spend like 10 minutes on something to still come away#with something cool#i completely understand why but also .... i really dont know any crafts that are done in 10 minutes#with the exception of the friendship bracelets#anyway i do actually have quite a few ideas but i dont really know how feasible any of them are#and also i really only have the time to teach like... 6-8 different things bc we're not doing arts and crafts every day#i would just kind of hate if the only things we do is collages or pipe cleaner things or popsicle stick whatevers#i remember doing a ton of that stuff as a kid in school and i hated it so much. and after the first time i didnt exactly learn new skills#if id been taught crochet as a kid i would have been so happy#and i mean i know i was not a very typical kid#and my experiences were not universal at all. which is good.#but i still think ill have failed if i dont teach them SOMETHING that has an actual use and function beyond 'something to do w your hands'#the previous arts and crafts leader wants to have them color pirate hats thatve been printed on cardstock#like.... i guess...? its not a bad activity obviously but esp for the older kids that is not gonna be fun or engaging at all#if you tried to get 13 year old me to color a cartoon pirate hat for 45 minutes i would have screamed#also that is something they absolutely are learning or have learned in school... and it would be cool to teach things they wont learn#in school.....idk#i cant tell if any of this is reasonable or not lol
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mpregjohnwinchester · 8 months
tagged by @deanwinchesterpregnant ty ❤
1. Are you named after someone? Yes I am named after a character in a movie because my mum was a fandom girlie I guess. I also got this name because she thought it would be really unique but then when I started school there were three girls in my class with the same name so. I don't think it's a trendy name at all anymore though.
2. When was the last time you cried? I had a little career related meltdown the other day and cried a little then... but it led to me realising I need to stop being so YOLO and actually think about the future and my ambitions a bit more so it was good in the end.
3. Do you have kids? No and I don't intend to 🥳
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Does teaching myself Irish lately dance count? Idk lol lots of dance related stuff really. I went through a zumba phase last year. It's as close as I get to sport.
5. Do you use sarcasm? No, never.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? I don't know really?
7. What's your eye color? They're green but they sometimes look brown in pictures and apparently blue when I have glasses on? So I have shape-shifter eyes. I'm basically David Bowie.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Neither. I like mundane misery.
8. Any talents? Writing is one of the only things I'm good at lolol. I'm pretty good at abstract makeup I guess. I also used to act and was fairly decent on the bass once. I do want to take both of those things up again someday.
9.Where were you born? A city in England that most people have never heard of. I'm so quirky and random.
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, yoga, wellness, aforementioned abstract makeup, music, fashion, fandom, dance. I'm also an avid theatre goer and I like talking trips to different cities to fuel my history geekery. I'm not sure if they count as hobbies or leisure activities lol but I'm sticking it here anyway.
11. Do you have any pets? Yes I have two sweet furbabies.
12. How tall are you? 5'7. My immediate family are all around 6 foot though so I've still somehow been the subject of short jokes my entire life.
13. Favourite subject in school? English, drama, history
14. Dream job? I have my dream job. Its harder these days bc of the state of my country lol but its still the thing I wanted to do the most so here I am!
tagging with no obligation @bossymarmalade @justamisthings @theangiediary @setyourfireonme @alaynestone @luulapants @beautyandthebestiality and whoever else sees this and wants to do this
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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I, uhhhh, had fully told myself to write today, because for the first time in 1.5 weeks my day wasn’t occupied with my thesis, but instead I thought to myself: “Hey, what if I work more on my thesis anyway?”
So, hi! Hello and thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @facewithoutheart, @artsyunderstudy, @larkral, @quizasvivamos, @cerriddwenluna​ and @captain-aralias for the tags.
I mean, I did talk about some angsty fic ideas on my blog, but nothing happened. I mean, I now have 3 ideas for the same premise, thanks to @cerriddwenluna and @thnxforknowingme, but I didn’t write and if I am going to write then I really wanna focus on finishing existing WIPs. I did call my mum on information re: the glass bottles. We’re donating them! My mother also almost cried when she heard the news.
So instead of new fic, I’m going to show you something fun. Or I think it is fun. For my thesis, I’ve had 7 interviews so far. I ask my respondents to talk about media and now I started analysing the first 6 interviews. While doing that, I wrote down which TV shows, movies and books have been mentioned by these 7 ladies. Under cut with the weather, because it is a lot:
The Bold Type
Killing Eve
Stranger Things
Outer Banks
The Last of Us
Adventure Time
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Heroes of Olympus
A Portrait of a Lady On Fire
Sex Education
The Danish Girl
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Star Trek
Deep Space Nine
Ocean’s 8*
The Prom
A movie with George Clooney and a chick*
Married At First Sight
Dix Pour Cent
Madre Solo Hay Dos
Black Panther*
The Owl House
Black Mirror: San Junipero
Puss In Boots 2*
One Day At A Time
Shadow and Bone
Once Upon A Time
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
A Court of Thorns and Roses
The Vampire Diaries
Orphan Black
Something from the Wachowski’s about a transgender bowling club
In The Heights
Ellen Degeneres on The Oprah Winfrey Show
Orange is the new Black
Pacific Drive
Girl, Interrupted
Your Place Or Mine
Heartbreak High
I Am Not Okay With This
It is cool to see different interpretations of them, especially from stuff that I also like. They teach me new ways to look at titles I love. Another note is that not every title was discussed in a positive light. In fact, some titles were liked by some, but disliked by others.
* indicates that they didn’t have anything to say re: queer rep, but the show/movie just came up.
Kinda interesting to see such a wide variety, and I am only halfway with my interviews. Some titles are mentioned by multiple people, others are only mentioned once. (For example, only one person mentioned Glee, which is maybe a good thing because I need to be totally neutral and pretend that what people say is completely new information, and I cannot be normal about this show.) (I’m literally listening to Glee while I type this.) (Although, okay, I do mention Glee myself, if needed, for the topic of queercoding/queerbaiting/heteroflexibility.)
Not really sure what to do with this and also not really sure y’all care, but hey, I am having fun!
And now, the weather: @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @cutestkilla @nausikaaa/@wellbelesbian @martsonmars  @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans
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tc-frog · 1 year
march tc challenge by @tryoutstc pt. 1 :)
i'm putting off school work and i'm bored so i'll do last month's challenge for fun :D i'll do the other parts some other time
day 1: if you could change one thing about your tc, physical or personality-wise, what would it be? i would make his hair shorter so he wouldn't wear it in a man-bun every single freaking day i see him. he's way too old for that hipster hairstyle😭
day 2: are they "your type", or was falling for a person like them completely unexpected? bc it's not a romantic crush as i said, i'll answer this according to which people i usually look up to otherwise. soo intellectually speaking, it's no surprise i find him fascinating because he knows so much about philosophy, books and humanities in general
day 3: if they were an ice cream flavor, what would it be? i feel like J would be a rare/unusual flavor like lavender. i had that once and i think it would fit lol
day 4: imagine you have a whole weekend to spend with your tc. what would you guys do? i'd let him teach me about all his favourite books and philosophers, maybe try to convince him to buy some of them, annotate them for me and gift them to me haha we also don't really know each other that well, so i'd definitely just talk to him a lot, especially about my problems and how he's perceived me these past years bc i'm a nosy little bitch. there would probably be lots of late-night talks bc he's such a night owl. he usually sends out messages at like 3 am or something😭
day 5: what's their biggest talent? to digress from the formerly talked about subject and end up somewhere completely different. happens every time!
day 6: be honest: would you guys be a power couple or not? our sexualities don't align so nope lskghslkghlsks
day 7: if they knew about your feelings, would they confront you about it or ignore it? bc i don't have romantic feelings for him there would be nothing to confront - even though in one of his messages to me, he lowkey implied something like him thinking i had a crush on him and if i'm okay with our conversation but generally speaking, if someone had a crush on him i think he would overthink it a lot until he couldn't take it anymore and confront the student to talk it out with them. he would be very understanding and empathetic tho in the same message i mentioned before he actually mentioned a certain experience which, in my opinion, sounded like he already dealt with someone crushing on him in the past. i wanna know if it's true and what went down sooo bad
day 8: are they a good singer? absolutely not😭😭 i only heard him sing one time and that was enough💀
day 9: if you could choose an outfit that your tc had to wear every single day, what would it look like? hmm difficult. probably a blazer over a cozy grandpa sweater, some slacks and dress shoes. i feel like that fits his vibe
day 10: are they more academic, artistic, or athletic? what about you?
definitetly academic, but in an artistic way. he's a very unique thinker
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kalikatze · 1 year
1, 15, 29, 50, and 89
1. What have you eaten today?
It's half past five in the afternoon, I've had breakfast and lunch so far. Breakfast was a bagel, one half with butter and cherry jam, one with chocolate spread. (And medication, but that isn't exactly food)
Lunch was a Brezel with butter and pieces of cheese (six different kinds, but don't ask which, I can only tell you one of them was a brie XD) and some iceberg lettuce with vinaigrette (rice wine vinegar, sunflower oil, mustard, honey and too much herb-salt).
I think I actually didn't snack anything between meals, which is rare, but I made East Friesian tea which is drunk with rock sugar and milk (well, cream traditionally, but I take milk), so I guess my desire/need for calories was satisfied that way.
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
Not the night club for sure.
Otherwise it depends on my mood and physical state (and what kind of museum).
On a bad pain day, definitely the library.
The museum is tempting if it's for something I'm interested in (shiny stones, science, art I like, historical fashion..) and if it has seats at regular intervals bc ugh are many museums unaccessible in that respect!
Forest is often lovely, but there's usually bugs and such, and no seats.. can you tell I struggle with fatigue and pain but can still walk XD
15. What is your style?
Mostly black jeans and t-shirts with prints. Very long hair up in a bun. Is that what this is asking? I'm not really going for a special aesthetic, I wanna be comfy and approachable to nice people but off-putting to bigots XD
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
So since I put the pillow in the last one, another highlight was ordering a German Russian course book, bc I'm losing my mind over Duolingo not teaching grammar. I know it makes some amount of sense and a lot of ppl starting from English don't know the concepts, but it's driving me nuts. From what I can tell, Russian shares a lot of grammatical concepts with German and I'm hoping the book will give me some aha moments
50. Favorite fruits?
Yaaaaas fruits! Raspberries are called 'cat berries' in our household bc I love them. I also love apples (braeburn or story), mandarines (though I have.. conditions they need to meet), cherries, peaches, strawberries (but only fresh and ripe), mangoes, granadillas, figs, apricots, litchis, .. I'm sure I'm forgetting some XD
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
Oh dear, money isn't the biggest hurdle, accessibility/my energy levels is, and a few other things play into it as well, but let's see
1. Visit @prettypangolins again. I love them and want to spend time with them
2. Glasgow. Loved it there, want to see what changed, want to visit the Yarn Cake and Purrple Cat Café again
3. Visit @catblog-weatherwax and finally meet them for real, and their family, including cats
And then it gets interesting bc we get to the territory of visiting ppl I'd like to meet who I don't know if they'd want me to visit, and places I'd kinda like to see but don't know if they'd be accessible/safe enough for me, but let's assume both, then I'd go to
4. LA
5. Texas (probably two cities, I'd have to ask XD)
6. Moscow
7. New Zealand
8. Japan (make that at least Tokyo and Kyoto, maybe Osaka)
With the brackets we're at 10-11 then, right? Else I'd add Brussels, I think, and somewhere to see aurora borealis
Thank you for the ask, that was fun!!
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darthsassacre · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@spyscrapper decided to let me inflict this on y'all, so blame them.
1: How many works do you have on AO3?
55, but most of them aren't exactly complete.
2: What's your total AO3 word count?
Apparently I've hit 1,015,917, which means I crossed the million mark and??? fucking when???
3: What fandoms do you write for?
I write for Star Wars and World of Warcraft mostly, but I have dabbled with Mass Effect, Star Trek, and even some Dragon Age WIPs on a back burner somewhere.
4: What are your top five fics by kudos?
This one is trickier, because a lot of my fics with higher numbers only have those numbers because of that fucking kudos bot that was running around rampant for several months a while back and it hit a lot of my KOTOR stuff, so I went in and manually counted the humans who have touched these things and left a kudos.
"Things The Crew of the Ebon Hawk Are Not Allowed To Do" is at the top with 47, which is amazing considering that it's literally just one of those rules shitfics that I crowdsourced rules on lol. I feel like this might be one I revisit at some point, though, once my KOTOR muse returns from the war.
"I don't wanna hear your absolution (hope you're ready for a revolution)" is at 38. That's a bit less surprising, but it is odd that every few months a new one appears. The fandom is really starved for Revan and gang fucking shit up in the prequels huh?
"teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me" is hilariously at 35. Hilariously bc it's legit just a High Republic Jedi sex ed class fic that I wrote while actually teaching (or rather just babysitting while the student teacher did the actual teaching) but yeah. It also started as a convo about a completely different fic so uh... bosovir's bathwater server this is y'all's fault.
"oh, should my people fall then surely I'll do the same" is at 26 kudos and just... this fandom really isn't okay huh. This started off as an angst one shot that became a two shot and oops I'm on the 7th installment of this fucking series now. I'm coming back to it for sure at some point these shits are getting therapy
"there's a line that we'll cross (and there's no return)" is at 24, which is also a bit surprising bc at times it feels like the KOTOR fandom is six people and a gizka, but hey. This one has also been tapped recently. It was shaken gently and a few words fell out, so progress.
5: Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For the most part, yes. There are some that I don't, and honestly that's because I genuinely just... forget. Chances are I'll approve a comment (I moderate those routinely) and end up doing something else and then forget to go back and reply. I love them all though (mostly. There's one guy I beef with in the comments but it's amicable).
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh this is a tricky one. Uh... it's probably a tie between "I am your ghost (a fallen angel)" in which I make Rising Storm worse and "I want you to lose (like I lose when I play what could have been)" which is Malak being his morose asshole self. Seeing as how both those titles are from the same song, well... yeah.
7: What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This one might have to be "we can light up the sparks in our eyes" which was my Jedi June 2022 fic and I just adore it so much. There's some angst here, sure, but it's got a really adorable ending that was honestly an accident but I will die for that headcanon.
8: Do you get hate on fic?
On AO3, no. There was some shit on ff dot net but eh. Joke's on them, I have improvised, adapted, overcome.
9: Do you write smut?
I'm going to let Hope (@geekygirlexperience) explain this one BECAUSE IT IS ENTIRELY HER FAULT THAT THE IDIOTS IN QUESTION ARE IN MY HEAD RENT FREE legit never once and then these two idiots took up residence and here i am. they're paying rent with smut i guess
10: Do you write crossovers?
Half my brand at this point is random crossover shit. Like legit almost all my fics on ff dot net were low traffic because they were all crossovers and nobody went into those categories really. I have like... five planned right now? And a few posted. There's even a death knight Darth Vader that I have poked recently for ideas because that's still funny to me. And because Koltira and Thassarian deserve more fics.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not by a person, but those scraper apps sure get on my fucking nerves for free.
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would love to see it happen! If anyone sees this and wants to, here's your permission. Go nuts, I wanna see how it goes! I can't read more than English yet but by god I can figure enough out to get the gist of it.
13: Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Also no, but I would also love to try at some point! Closest I've gotten was the peanut galleries offering ideas and crowdsourcing.
14: What's your all time favorite ship?
You know what, I don't actually have an all time favorite. I am a multishipper I have a whole goddamn fleet of these things. But we'll pick by fandom, yes? KOTOR is Revan/Alek/Carth and I will die on that damn hill it takes two idiots to manage the worse idiot. THR is a solid tie between the Firebrands (there's a trend here) and Kantam/Cohmac, though Reathbell is a very, very close second. WoW is Halduron/Aethas bc oops the fandom convinced me. I'm actually writing them in the near future bc the fandom has once again got me back on my disaster elves bullshit. Goddamn chris metzen just had to go and announce a quel'thalas xpac...
15: What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
As much as I hate to say that any of them won't be finished, for sure any prompt month or prompt series fics that aren't already finished definitely aren't getting a completed marking. I love the prompts, but... if I can't get them done that month I never will.
16: What are your writing strengths?
I'm passing on this one lol it's too late at night and my brain too fried from this week at work and other assorted bullshit
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
See above
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I rather enjoy it, it spices things up and you can learn a lot about how languages work by having to string together sentences. And sometimes it's fun to let your characters be assholes in their native languages and everyone else just has the knowledge that this was an insult but no idea who it was directed towards or what it actually was about. I'll do this with Mando'a a fair bit and then drop the translations in the notes, but try and get the general gist across in the writing.
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. Back in 7th grade and it's on paper never to be seen by the light of the internet.
20: Favorite fic you've written?
Surprisingly, it's "To Start Again", which is a modern AU WoW fic but like 9-1-1 and Grey's Anatomy flavored (don't ask me how I came upon this idea, there may have been strong pain meds involved at the time, that was the summer I almost broke my leg on the basement stairs). This particular fic has been idling for a bit, but uh... it's actually the bulk of my NaNo this year. I'll start posting the rewritten chapters and new content in the new year once I build up a cushion.
Anyway, if you see this (and that includes you Hope if you want to as I kinda made you see this XD) consider yourself tagged. I'm horrible about remembering most URLs honestly I had to check Discord to remember Lee's URL like???
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bluehwale-main · 10 months
i read ur other ask and i have a lot of some THOUGHTS
1) IM ALSO SO HAPPY THAT U DIDNT GIVE UP IN PREPARING FOR UR MOCK EXAM LIKE I AM SO PROUD OF U LET ME JUST KISS U ON THE FOREHEAD!! frr like trying not to give up is so hard to do so im rlly glad that u got thru that and that u did well on the exam :’-) I AM SO SO PROUD OF U I JUST KNOW THE RESULTS ARE GONNA BE GREAT I HAVE FAITH IN U <3
2) goodluck on ur final exams!!!!! i hope u had a good break on ur 15 days of study holiday + prepared well for ur exams!! sending u all my love and all the four leaf clovers i can find to manifest good luck on top of ur sexy brain 🍀🍀
3) INTROVERT SCORPIO????? are u hongjoong in disguise 🤨 but anyw LMAOO FR LIKE WHENEVER IM WITH MY FRIENDS I CURSE LIKE 14 YEAR OLD BOY TRYING TO ACT COOL (translation: i curse a lot) SO ABHSHSHSAHA U NEED TO TEACH ME UR WAYS!! but fr so happy for u that u get a break from exhausting toxic ppl during the holiday <3
4) WHAT IS THIS GUY DOING HE BETTER SQUARE UP BCS I CAN FIGHT POW POW 💥🥊 nah but fr one of my friends told me that guys won’t be friends with a girl unless they find her attractive and i was like LMAOO WHAT AHAHAHaha Haahaha.. aha… nthen i kinda realized that she’s 100% right :-/ men aint SHIT but anyw U CAN LITERALLY TREAT UR GUY FRIENDS SUPER PLATONICALLY LIKE STRICTLY PLATONIC FRIEND ZONE BEHAVIOR TYPE OF SHIT N THEY’D STILL BE LIKE oh so u’d wanna date me huh LIKE ??????????? get ur head out of ur ass
5) i hate false/misleading gossip w a passion bcs i’ve been a victim of it wayy too many times so hearing what u said makes me so MAD like ppl should mind their own business fr what. like i love silly little gossips i can giggle about but yeah it really sucks when u’re the one at the wrong edge of the sword i do not recommend nu uh mhm sucks big time
6) recommend me some kdramas pls
7) HES BLAMING U????? oh hell no HE HAS TO GO!!!! n btw u are not at fault at all for reaching out to him BCS U WOULDNT KNOW THAT HE’D START FLIRTING WITH U???? 💀 bro is kinda pathetic ngl. and yeah i do get that part abt wanting genuine male friends who only see u as a friend and like. i genuinely cant find any in my campus. i can only rely on my highschool guy friends to pull through but 95% of them study abroad so that sucks 😔
8) oooh yikes i dont like ppl who bash about their own friends :( that rlly sucks ugh ditch her!! and also hm i cant really tell who is it that snitched the gossip to the asshole BUT KEEP AN EYE ON BOTH OF THEM 😡 also its a good thing they unfollowed u bcs u R BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM <3
9) again, PROUD OF U FOR UR MOCK EXAMS AND I WISH U THE BEST OF LUCK FOR UR FINALS <3 ILY i hope ur mental peace wont hv to be ruined for u to get a degree 😭
10) honestly i have like 4 insta accounts all for different reasons (i need help ik) and i used to be so active but it just gets so tiring tht im honestly never on insta anymore. like i just repost my friend’s stories whenever they tag me lmao 😭😭😭😭 but yeah it feels nice to not be all up on ppl’s business all the time i feel u
11) IM STILL HAPPY U DID UR MOCK EXAM SO WELL‼️ DONT LET THAT SENIOR GUY GET TO U!!! keep ur head up ren ily goodluck on ur final exam and keeping ur mental peace intact <3
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
sfw full clear for nate and aria bc i miss them
You know what Macy! I miss them too! So let's do this!
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1. Who cooks?
Aria more so out of habit, but Nate does the cooking when she’s in the busy times of the year as she will also forget. This has been such a nice development for her friend Claudia that was always the one to make sure something was delivered so Aria would stop and eat.
2. Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
Honestly there’s this like constant messiness that isn’t overpowering but like the lived in kind of messy. Especially when they move to get more space once Drake offspring #2 comes into play.
3. Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Nate. Aria stands off to the side watching, handing over tools, and remarking on how it was his luck that caused this to happen and why couldn’t this happen some place nicer like near a gas station.
4. Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
Team effort that results in them having to call someone anyway like they should have done in the first place.
5. Who buys the groceries?
From a regular grocery store? Aria. She can be more focused and knows how to shop. However! Nate will go to the farmer’s market and those open kind of places to shop and he’s good at getting things for much better prices. (Yes the lack of security cameras helps in this. You can’t expect this man to change that much, but only for the people that are rude or are way overcharging for things never the little guys)
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
Both, its a fight of who get’s there first, yes even after they share a bank account. Depends on the time of year but it can on occassion be Aria. Both have the dessert, though not always at the place they just ate at.
7. Would they go to the beach?
Oh of course! They like going there fairly often!
8. Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
You’re dating/marrying a Drake you gotta know how to swim or else you’re learning the hard way. But both know how to swim.
9. Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
They both are multilingual and to different extents. They do try to teach the other the ones that aren’t common to the other (Aria will teach him Apache, Southern Ute, Hopi, and Navajo and Nate taught her some ancient languages along with getting her to a reading level of arabic) but most of the time neither can get to much of a proficency to be of use on their own other than like important phrases but its something!
10. Any pets? Or plants?
Pets do come with the children but I am unsure of just what pets. Plants were fairly common in Aria’s place but the ones that are easy enough to take care of.
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
Both and they do occasionally join the other and when they’re just having a bath for more comfort and non-sexual intimacy there are for sure bubble fights. (Aria will tell you not to believe Nate when he says it was her that started it, because its a lie, when we all know he’s for once telling the truth)
12. Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
They can on occassion. There’s plenty of times that Aria needs silence or at least a smaller amount of noise. Nate tends to talk more on a normal day though and really he’s just good at coming up with things to talk about. 
13. Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
Aria stays up late and Nate has to drag her to bed. This has been something from the beginning and the same tricks still work after all these years. 
14. Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
Neither of them are really high maintenance so this isn’t an issue.
15. Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
Aria. Last time Nate decided to plan a vacation well....his luck caught up with him and Sam joined and so that doubled it and then it almost turned into another wacky adventure. They will go to many different places with the most common vacation being one to see Aria’s parents.
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astrobydalia · 3 years
🌸OBSERVATIONS!! (finally lmao)🌱
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
It's been a long time coming! So happy for spring being finally here! Here's the long ass observation post you guys asked for. Since it's quite a big amount of observations, I've decided it'd be a good idea to number them so that it's easier to reference them. As always, enjoy them!
🌸 1. Lilith in the 2nd house can indicate something fishy going on with the relationship between the native’s parents.
🌱 2. Malefic placements such as pluto, chiron, Saturn or Lilith in the 12th indicates a lot of skeletons in the closet when it comes to family and family history
🌸 3. Chiron in Aries/1st house or Leo/5th house is kind of bitch placement. The person basically feels like they can’t be themselves and there’s a lot of self-denial and/or not accepting themselves, how they really are, what they really want, etc. Lots of self-esteem issues
🌱 4. People with sexual placements in the 2nd house (Mars, Venus, Lilith, Eros, ruler of the 8th house) base their self-worth on how sexually attractive they are. If they don't feel sexually desirable to everyone, they feel like they're shit
🌸 5. Lilith is what people think Pluto/Scorpio is!!!! All that stuff about magnetic, sexual and intoxicating but dangerous? Lilith.
🌱 6. Scorpio/Pluto in 4th could mean that the person had to work hard to survive something growing up. It could be poverty, their parents’ expectations, an early trauma, etc. Whatever the situation is, the native felt like they grew up in a high-stress environment where they had to endure and survive
🌸 7. When it comes to degrees, the higher the degree, the bigger or stronger the effect. For example Leo degrees (5º, 17º, 29º) are fame degrees. 5th degree would give small fame, 17th degree would be normal and significant fame or recognition inside the person’s field and 29th degree is moreso widespread or permanent fame
🌱 8. Saturn in the 5th house is a huge indicator of turning your hobby into your job. Also these people can be very awkward in their personality
🌸 9. I’ve noticed people with Neptune in the 6th (maybe 2nd) house may have been hospitalized and if Uranus or Pluto are placed here also indicates getting surgery or operations for health reasons
🌱 10. People with Uranus or Pluto in the 1st, 2nd or conjunct the ASC could get surgery due to aesthetic reason
🌸 11. Mercury dominant people (or strong Gemini energy in the chart) like to have or get things quick and easy. For example they prefer a straight forward summary over an in-depth and elaborated explanation with too many details
🌱 12. Your moon sign shows how you see your past. Your 4th house represent how you see your childhood. But your moon represents under which light you always view your past and everything that has happened in your life in general. It also shows the type of stuff from your past you tend to focus on. Since Cancer and Pisces represent past and remenaicence, that's why Cancer and Pisces moons have trouble getting over the past.
🌸 13. Your 10th house on the other hand is how you see your future. Whenever someone asks you “where you see yourself in 5 years?” your 10th house is the one that’ll be answering that question
🌱 14. Gemini moon/mars are the LEAST likely to hold grudges (unless chart says otherwise)
🌸 15. The house where you have your Neptune indicates the themes you tend to lie about, don’t give much info, say stuff about it that are misleading etc. and in consequence people might not have a clear/correct idea of this part of your life
🌱 16. Virgo risings rarely or basically never pose for pictures. They just look straight forward to the camera, sometimes smile and maybe make a small gesture like putting one hand in their pocket or tilt their head but that’s it. (Virgo = minimalism)
🌸 17. Scorpios really don’t give a single fuck they just DON’T 😭💀 Remember this sign is all or nothing, they either care too or don't care AT ALL
🌱 18. I said it once and I’ll say to a hundred times more: Geminis are not two-faced, it’s LIBRA!! Seriously Libras are the FAKEST people I’ve ever met. Why? Because it's ruled by the planet of love (Venus), which means Libra has a knack for being liked by everyone and making everyone feel liked. HOWEVER Libra is an AIR sign and air represents mind, NOT feelings. In conclusion, Libra can make you feel "loved" (venus) and still not give a damn about you bc its air nature makes them prone to emotional detachment. That's why they are able to roast you and make it look like they're complimenting you, specially when they have Scorpio mercury.
🌸 19. Just like you look at where’s the ruler of your rising sign to get more info on your rising, check the ruler of your Sun sign for more info on your personal identity (check sign and house). For ex. I have Virgo Sun in the 9th. Ruler of Virgo=Mercury. I have mercury in Libra in the 10th house which makes me more serious (10th house) and diplomatic/people pleaser (Libra)
🌱 20. If you found that you “couldn’t” do what’s previously described because you’re a Leo sun, check the degree and decan of your Sun
🌸 21. I’ve noticed mercury retrograde people are the type of individuals who always know exactly the right things to say. You’ll always see them take a couple of seconds before answering but they tend to give very good responses
🌱 22. I’ve noticed many women with Virgo Venus/Sun/MC/Lilith have been slut-shamed at some point of their life or they’ve been seen as promiscuous/sexual/etc.
🌸 23. Capricorn moons are not emotionless machines. The thing with these natives is that their mothers treated them like an adult the second they came out of the womb, so basically they skipped the “love and affection” stage and went straight to the “grow up” stage, but they can love really hard and real deep (Capricorn is deep down a very sentimental sign). They are very ride or die people tbh, they are very patient, accepting and understanding
🌱 24. I've noticed that people at first deny their rising sign in Vedic astrology, but eventually they end up accepting it and they actually end up relating to it a lot. I feel like this is because our rising sign in Vedic astrology is usually the sign of our 12th house in Western astrology, which leads me to believe that our 12th house sign is not our shadow side but more like our deep subcontious personality and that's why we have a hard time accepting it when we see it as our rising sign in Vedic astrology. It's like your rising sign (in western) is the director of the play but your 12th house is the energy that previously wrote the script
🌸 25. So many celebrities have moon in the 11th house. Also this placement indicates that you had a mother that put you out there constantly like posting everything about you on social media, bringing you to big events or your mom was “famous” in some capacity
🌱26. Gemini risings tend to believe everything they are told. More specifically, once they find someone that knows a little bit more than them they’ll believe everything they teach them and will most likely rely on them intellectually, for advice, guidance, etc. This is bc they have DSC in Sagittarius which makes them see the people they associate with as masters and mentors while, as a Gemini rising, they identify as an apprentice.
🌸27. Both 8th house and 12th house have been associated with secrets. The different is that the 8th house represents what you CONTIOUSLY and deliberately hide from others and most likely deny to yourself (or not, depends on the person). 12th house on the other hand represents subconscious, things that are hidden even from you and you didn’t even know were hidden. 4th house is not necessarily secrets, it represents privacy, like when people have a sanctuary to just relax, unwind and feel secure, that’s the 4th house.
🌱28. Sun or Moon in the 4th house will make you a sociable but private person.
🌸29. Sun or moon in the 8th house will make you an intriguing and mysterious person.
🌱30. Sun or moon the 12th house makes you a very elusive or wishy-washy person
🌸31. I’ve seen many Scorpio sun/moon/mars/rising individuals obsessed with the idea of being prepared for a catastrophe. They could be the type to, for example, have some saved cash just in case something bad happens with their bank money, have a backup account just in case their main one gets deleted, could have a “leave before you get left” philosophy, etc.
🌱32. Is it just me or the astro community talks a lot about Aries moons???
🌸33. I’ve noticed people with 4th house in Virgo could have been raised in a very judgemental household where there was lots of taboos and prejudice as to what’s right and what’s not and the family was too preoccupied with a perfect and immaculate reputation. For example could have been raised with values such as “only criminals wear tattoos” or “you should stay celibate till marriage or else you’re a whore”, etc. and if the native broke those rules they could have been very criticized and almost loathed by the family. They native could have been highly criticized in general by their family
🌱34. I’ve noticed women that have their moon harshly aspecting Pluto, Uranus and Mars or overall have a very afflicted moon tend to have very painful period cramps
🌸35. Something I have noticed with Venus or Moon conjunct Saturn people is that the concept of unconditional love sounds like alien language to them. That of course doesn’t mean they can’t love but they have this deep belief that they have to achieve something in order to deserve love and stuff like that
🌱36. Also, I just noticed that people with Saturn conjunct sun/moon/Venus/ASC, Capricorn big 3 or Capricorn degrees in personal placements have gone through IT man, specially on an internal level. I've noticed going through depression is a common theme for people with this Capricorn/Saturn influence
🌸37. Virgo Suns could often struggle to find balance between having healthy ego and being humble.
🌱38. Also people with Virgo+Leo energy are the MOOOOST judgmental people out there. Imagine ego mixed with a sense of knowing what’s correct. They tend to believe they’re morally superior and easily liable people as inferior
🌸39. The underdeveloped energy of a sign asimilates negative traits of its sister sign. For example underdeveloped Virgo is overly perfectionist and judgmental to the point where they have unrealistic expectations (Pisces)
🌱40. On the other hand the developed version of a sign is balanced out by understanding its sister sign. For example Leo knows they are unique and special and deserves recognition but understands everyone is also unique in their own way (Aquarius)
🌸41. I’ve noticed a person can very easily manifest the stereotypical characteristics of the sign that naturally rules the house where their chart ruler is. For example if someone’s chart ruler (ruler of the ASC) is in the 7th house the person can easily manifest stereotypical characteristics of Libra like being a people pleaser
🌱42. Sagittarius ASC/Mars people are all fun, amicable and outgoing.... until they don’t get their way. They will get away from people and situations that won’t give them what they want and they can genuinely dislike people solely because those people don’t let them have their way. They tend to go around life like they have a free pass to get away with everything they want.
🌸43. People with ASC-Neptune aspects don’t have a very reliable vision of reality or themselves to be honest. I don’t know how people with this aspect haven’t lost their mind already. They are prone to subconsciously manipulating or easily getting manipulated. With hard aspects this is a lot more obvious but I’ve noticed with easy aspects this energy tends to go almost unnoticed and they easily get away with stuff
🌱44. Have seen many famous people with North node in the 2nd, 5th, 11th and 12th houses specially
🌸45. Air risings or air dominance with Sagittarius placements/degrees are people who love cartoons/animations/videogames regardless of their age.
🌱46. When I got into astrology I didn’t understand why Sun is in detriment in Libra, but oh man... All Libras I’ve met had HUGE issues with trusting themselves. They doubt themselves 24/7 and that’s not even an exaggeration and I’ve noticed they actually may have grown up doubting themselves for some reason or they had a family (their dad) that caused this feeling in them. Also I’ve seen that those Libras with Scorpio placements feel like they have to hide something about themselves otherwise they’ll be rejected. Yes they are endlessly charming, but that's because they have essentially created their personality around the desire of being liked/accepted. They always need to feel they have SOMEONE. Their sense of self, INDIVIDUALITY, independence and assertiveness is lost in the process. Unless they have fire and specially Aries placements to balance this out they can feel like they have no personality and that’s why they are often perceived as fake or shallow.
🌸47. Literally ALL Virgo placements one way or another will always suggest a way to solve your problems when giving emotional support
🌱48. I have a theory that, since 4th house is how you were raised, your home and your parents, your 10th house is how you’d be as a parent yourself and the type of home you’ll create yourself
🌸49. Contrary to my expectations, I’ve seen priests having a much more prominent 4th house (many times combined with 8th house/Scorpio energy) than 12th house. People with 12th house placements or stellium seem to prefer artistic fields rather than classic spirituality
🌱50. The house where you have your Pluto is a house you just can NOT take lightly EVER. This area of your life feels like a heavy topic to you in some way (you are either obsessed with it, find It traumatic, get extremely defensive over it, find it spiteful, you feel everything goes wrong, etc, etc.) Can also apply to the house where you have the sign of scorpio
🌸51. In synastry, Venus falling in the 12th house creates a healing dynamic in the relationship, the connection can feel cathartic specially for the house person. The house person might tend to always be comforted by the venus person’s support, always feel better (or even energetically “cleansed”) after being with them. The venus person never judges the house person and accepts them and is always willing to be there.
🌱52. I’ve noticed this pattern in people with mutable moons where they have absent mothers in some shape or form. Their mother is very inconsistent, she always comes and goes. Very often the native may have felt like their mother always “left them be” (virgo moon moms put restrictions but eventually are rather flexible)
🌸53. People with cardinal moons have bossy mothers. In many cases they can have the type of mother that is constantly making decisions for them, like their mother decides what/where they’re going to study for example (the house tells what type of things the mother tends to make decisions on).
🌱54. People with fixed moons have possesive and protective moms. While mutable moons have absent mothers, natives with fixed moons have mothers that are ALWAYS there in some shape or form. At the very least the influence of the mother is always there and they always have this sense of “loyalty” towards their mom.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
That's it for now, next observation post is just as long but much better, stay tuned and safe loves 💕
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tarotnoob · 3 years
PAC: Jin's bday! What new phase are you starting?
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So... I thought of his song "Moon" and it's a new moon on his birthday. New moons are about new phases... this doesn't have to be associated with this new moon. I asked generally more - what new next phase are you starting in your life.
Pile 1: LA PTD Jin with flower on head
Pile 2: Sexy, suit-wearing Jin
Pile 3: Bandana-wearing on stage Jin
Pile 1
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I love that the Sag card came out right away, lol. Sag is such a confusing sign to me, even though I have it as my first house, have a stellium in it, my rising is Sag, my Jupiter is Sag - I know several Sags. But, that's the thing about Sags is they're a bit hard to pin down because they're perfectly happy doing their own thing. I am quite fascinated by Jin because he's the only fire sun sign in BTS. Sometimes Jungkook acts similar to him, but that's... Jin raising him. Jin and Yoongi have called each other soulmates. I watch content with Jin and he doesn't SEEM to care what others think. Even though last night he wore an RJ thing on his head and said he was actually embarrassed, but it's clear he does it for ARMY.
I've always really wanted to get a drink with him.
That aside, teach coming out is interesting; education is part of the Sag scope; interesting, too, that observer came out and the light card says "look to the space..." Confidence is your key to success and New Moon in Leo, would make you think that now's a time to feel more confident as you proceed in life. Btw, it was 3:13 as I looked at the clock if that means anything.
Temperance, Four of Wands, page of swords.
I did say short descriptions, I'm such a liar. Instead of 8 pages, I guess you'll get 6. Well, this is Sag new moon and Sag season, so I'll say that this is a fairly philosophical set of cards that I could go on about forever. I see these cards as about applying what you've observed about others, life, your self in a way that could help. This could be through literal teaching (we have teach here and the page of swords is often associated with learning) - but it doesn't have to be literal, though for some of you, you may be on the path to becoming teachers or you're feeling more comfortable where you're at with your studies, etc... but I feel this more as on a broader scale. Like, that person at a party who doesn't have to be a wallflower per se, they're just feeling subdued bc they've had some beers, so they're in introspective mode. And they sit back, observing all of their friends or family or strangers, and as they sit there, they come to some conclusion about life or themselves or how things work. And then they take that observation and apply it to life. It, for me, is a very particular trait that mostly solely belongs to Sag folk. You're seeing in between things, those.... areas of gray or the difference between what people say and what they mean or how they truly feel and then instead of analyzing it to death, it's more... observing the human behavior of the whole experience. This, for me, implies someone who has spent a long period of figuring out what life is about, particularly if it also involved healing of some sort as healing time is also a time where we do spend time thinking about... the world or people or how everything fits together, and in this I'm also feeling what I've heard Jin say several times is that... he just does what he wants now, if he wants to wake up in the morning and set off firecrackers, he does. If he wants to wear his hair in pigtails to make people laugh, he does. If they go on a variety show and to break the ice, he says something silly to make people laugh and loosen people up - he does. How does someone come to that epiphany that life's too short to give an f about what others' think? It's... life experience, thoughtfulness, taking time to think of the world outside of yourself while also thinking about yourself. In these cards, there's also a feeling of balance, stronger foundation, being more confident and comfortable with change. The page of swords is someone curious about life and learning; four of wands is about relationships or happiness or home; so there's a desire to seek out what makes you happy; a desire to feel balanced in this way; a better appreciation for home and relationships; valuing those things above others... I still feel there's a curiosity here to learn about life and other people... I feel like the things you're able to pick up this way - this wisdom - it's a way for you to help or teach others. Like, how Jin is the oldest in the group and reminds them about etiquette or manners or may share with them his own life philosophies without being pushy about it.
So, for you - this is a very bold and confident time for you to come into your own and ... be less resistant in joining the world around you, not seeing yourself as apart from the world, but being a unique part of it. I feel like you'll feel ok... or not guilty about searching or pursuing the kinds of things that make you happy. You may even carry a very confident persona on the outside. I also feel there's a message to let you know if you aren't already that you can enter the new year with more... optimism, childlike-curiosity, let to go of negativity like cynicism or resentment because, in the end, the goal here seems to be to find out what's really valuable to you. Which like I said, should be home, relationships, family. This is a very "look on the bright side" of life and then leading by example, showing others that you don't have to be a dick to be heard or to get your way and then if people are, you can let it slide off your back bc it doesn't matter. I mean it may matter that people disrespect you, but... it's not a reflection on you. There's some inner peace being found here for this pile, but it'll come more from within after coming to your own internal conclusion once you've finished... making certain observations. Which particularly seem to be about observing... people, nature, cultures, sociology, etc... I think then once this happens, you'll feel a lot more confident about your choices... or even how you enter a room. Instead of shying away or being anxious, you walk in with confidence, like you don't care, like you're just here to have fun, let go of drama, display a character that... people would look up to.
It's fun, too, that... like yeah Temperance has 14 on it but since it's Sag time and the 4 came out, I'd say Dec. 4 which is Jin's bday, haha. I think the cards show off Jin's energy pretty clearly, so I feel excited for you if your next new phase... you really feel good about yourself and don't feel burdened by others' opinions - in fact, it doesn't even come to mind or if it does, you're doing it for the benefit of someone else to make them laugh or feel at ease... like being home with fam or friends and doing a silly dance, wearing a silly costume to make your little nephew or niece laugh, etc... That's it for you pile 1. Short, my ass.
Pile 2
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Despite me being irritated when I shuffled today (which yeah you shouldn't do, but I wasn't going to skip Jin's bday), the cards are all really positive so far. Honestly, what's better than The World, Sun, and King of Cups?? I rejected a few oracles because I was, like I said, irritated and triggered about something minor but it still... I was like urgh was I thinking about how irritated I was should I take that card, and then I'd put it away and concentrate again to make sure I wasn't pulling for my own emotions... point being, pile 2 especially went through multiple times of me doing this, and this is the final result.
Two is usually the relationship pile, so no surprise you got "friends"... so this new phase may particularly be about current relationships or friendships or making new ones or releasing bonds that aren't satisfying any longer - though there's nothing negative here in the tarot. In fact, the world is the card of completion and success; the sun is about joy and fun; king of cups with these cards, for me, is also referring to relationships (platonic or otherwise), so I see this as a phase where... relationships will really be strengthened, there's joy and fun here; there's an end of a successful cycle, which for some of you may be the end of a semester at college... but some type of cycle has completed for you; it's done, and now you're entering a new phase that will (probably) be a lot brighter than before; perhaps because you've done some introspection regarding feelings or emotions, and you should be entering a time of "calm waters" in that area as the King of cups is a very even-keeled, emotionally mature person, and when things are going well, we're less likely to get upset over things anyway. We do have, though "step out of your comfort zone north node" card. North node is about our life path or destiny, it says comfort zone because it's the south node that supposedly represents qualities that ... make us feel "safe" but "safe" doesn't necessitate growth. Perhaps the cycle that ended involved having to somehow take risks, specifically about... relationships. Choosing to put yourself out there more or the new cycle will include some of that. You may also be... going after things you didn't think you could before, or going to do things you couldn't before... whether that's because of covid or there are more opportunities. Like pile 1, there's a sense of moving in a very positive direction that denotes a sense of... closure or peace because this seems like the product of some type of growth and reflection... like being OPEN to good things happening, as well. For me, I read this as the world being the first card, so this cycle completed, you're happier, and the reward is this king of cups card - a sense of calm, control, allowing yourself to be happy (For once?) And finding that happiness and joy and comfort in the relationships you might have cultivated during that cycle.
Clean it up, for me, sure this can be about any negative energies - but I'm sensing it more as literal... like organizing and cleaning up your space to make room for the new (great) things coming your way. To kick out any remaining negative energy or vibes or doubts. If you want to redecorate or decorate for any upcoming holidays. I also hear something like closing up any lingering details on a project you've been working on... like you have some essay due and it's 98 percent done... to go ahead and wrap it up so you can move on... like not that specific, it's also... a metaphor. Like there may be these tiny lingering traces of something that you just have to... grab a broom and sweep it right out the door. It's "finishing touches." Is how I'm seeing it.
I still strongly feel you will have at least one strong bond forming or coming in for you, like, some of you calling in really important and positive-minded folks who are on your higher vibe. Perhaps people who aren't on your frequency may need to go away or may be lingering, but you just gotta... push.
And just to reiterate through he numbers... you have a 10 and two threes... the sun is a 10, so it's like we have a definite END TO CYCLE x 2 here, and then 3s are... community or friendships, abundance... so I see an abundance in happiness and even abundance in potential social situations. And perhaps you'll have to go out of your comfort zone to embrace those social situations, but... I think you'll have a lot more fun for this new phase. That's it for you pile 2!
Pile 3
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Okay haha I'll start with what I just read in wisdom of the oracle for a "reversed" neverending story and that's "not my circus, not my monkeys." I want to get that down before I forget it. The vibe of the cards - even though totally diff cards - is very similar to pile 1 except with a slightly more elevated but similar "warning" i gave pile 2. all three piles have given very similar vibes/messages about a next phase, which may be related to the new moon or even a universe-cycle that will be concluding during sag season, too. every pile has received cards that indicate an end to a cycle. this one does, too bc neverending story is reversed and it's a 10... but... none of the tarot cards imply the cycle has completely closed... it's like right there but seems to come with some caveats that we'll discuss.
so like i told pile 2, there is a sense (they got the clean it up oracle) of tying up any loose ends. this has come up for pile 3, too. your dreams need a practical plan is... pretty obvious, particularly in reference to work or money, but it can be about the home. that it's the full moon in taurus and full moons are about things ending - maybe something regarding those issues really is coming to an end. like, closing up on a real estate deal, coming to the end of a semester, finalizing a loan, just examples. a time for healing/balsamic moon could make me think of the temperance card, but it also carries a message of... balancing everything out, but there may be lingering negative or toxic energies you still have to banish. particularly the negativity is a result of these "plans" or details that need to be finalized regarding something - whether it's someone keeping you from closure or wrapping up or it's your own issues such as being lazy, procrastinating, being stubborn. so there's that... message of needing to figure that stuff out before the cycle can complete officially.
like the other piles, there is a sense of entering into a time of more calm, peace, balance. i personally view that as the energy of a new moon, new moons are always meant to be restarts, fresh energy, so that's literally what a new phase or cycle would promise to you IF you close up the old cycle. with neverending story being reversed, i took the protection message which was AVOIDING OTHER PEOPLE'S DRAMA. not your circus, not your monkeys. mind your own, ignore people who cause drama or are negative in any way, you are not obligated to even tell them to their face what they did wrong, just avoid it altogether. upright, that's a card about constant drama and unending cycles, so these cards are saying "shut it down." block, delete, ignore, say bye felicia, idc, just get rid of it and focus on your own stuff bc it seems that perhaps it was distracting you from working on whatever plan you needed to nail down... it's taking away from your own time you need to heal and balance and... bring peace into your life. or it can be that a whole cycle of stress for you is finally coming to an end or conclusion and you can breathe again.
this night card says "find comfort in the night, where the world switches off and the stars burn bright" that fits right with this reversed neverending story... take a break, find some space to be calm and be alone, get away from any negativity, isolate yourself... like this peace card, you have to tuck yourself away inside a shell. so you may have to withdraw or go within for a bit and then re-emerge when you're ready to let go of old stuff that isn't working for you.
because seven of cups reversed would... it could represent some confusion or lack of clarity but it can also represent coming out of that type of mindset, so once you make the choice or a decision... or get your shite together, you enter into this 8 of cups energy which is walking away from something you've outgrown. it's just not doing anything for you anymore, whether it's relationships or mindsets or a shampoo that used to make your hair shine or now it's just greasy.
and king of pentacles would be end game, right. king of pentacles is what you get when you apply practical plans to your dreams. you get stability in the material sense. so overall, the tarot is talking about... getting yourself out of a hazy, confused, unclear mindset - making the decision to walk away or let go of things that aren't growing you toward a stable path - and then being rewarded with stability when you mark all of those things off your list. i feel like mostly this is about a confused mindset, lots of things may be going on to distract you, you haven't or can't focus - but what you need to simply do is "is this distracting me? is this restricting me? is this helping?" no? bye.
i feel like you're being stubborn and wanting to cling to it or there's a sense of "no i can make this work" after trying it the same way for 32434324 times and it's still not working. no. let it go. that's not practical. and seven of cups can also be about having too many options and then that leaves you very decisive too. so king of pentacles here is like... well... you have to make a wise, practical choice among these decisions. which choices are completely unreasonable, and which ones are attainable for right now. which ones will cause you the least drama or conflict or pain. which ones will provide stability and calm entering a new phase. then choose that one, okay. the choice for you if you were asking me even if stable can scare you or feel boring, but - i see here that of the seven cups, you don't want to choose the one that's unreliable or temporary. you want the one you feel most confident will work and won't fall apart.
and there are many moons that came up, with night here, too. i feel like another way i can offer help is to say trust your intuition on this one. if something feels bad, avoid it; if it feels good or trustworthy - go for it and let that stuff be your guide if you're completely confused on which direction to go. but right now it seems you're a bit stuck at the end of the cycle and need to re-route. bc something wasn't working or the result wasn't satisfying or productive or stable.
harsher than the other piles for some reason but... that's what i see for your next phase or what you need to do before getting to the next phase, pile 3.
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transpat · 2 years
I have seen someone say that we as a fandom kind of ignored korn harassing wai which is tbh not true cause we just appreciate him for being a better friend also another thing about patpran relationship is that doesn't matter how much they are whipped for each other they recognise the others mistake like that time when pat watched korn bully wai, though he didn't do anything but when confronted he did his best to help and redem like they don't let the others flaw get overlooked cause that's a part of being in love anyways pat best boy lol
wow no actually i remember most ppl being uncomfortable w korn and pat and the extent to which they took the rivalry bc the introduction made it seem like bullying. in fact, till ep 6 it didn't sit right w me it when we see korn planning to gang up on pat i realized 'oh this is really smth they just do'
thou tbh after ep 8 onwards, every time i watch wai getting rightfully bullied i think deserve or wish they went harder. pat was onto smth when he picked wai to beat up
yep that thing about pranpat !! and it's such a wholesome thing to do to call out someone you love and reprimand them gently while teaching them what they've done wrong and it's equally important to open ur mind and listen to that person it has to be reciprocal and what are pranpat if not that.
thou while pran was pointing out that what pat did was hardly different from being the bully himself, i don't think that was correcting pat in that context. i mean given how pran too expected his friends to go beat pat up, even back then he must have known that this is just their faculty thing there's nothing he can do. like remember the first ep? didn't it seem absurd back then that even pran seemed to shut up when pat said the thing about his dignity? bc he knew that's what this is about, its not bullying its carrying on their faculty legacy like they've carried their parents' and pat was the leader, being insulted like that he would strike back and pran understood that's why he stopped arguing and instead offer to get wai to apologize.
here, they hadn't been caught by authorities and didn't single-handedly suffer punishment when they weren't the ones that started stuff. later, when pran is mad, its bc his friends are being unfairly prosecuted while the engineering guys who started this roam carefree. and pat keeps trying to defend himself bc really he held back, he stopped actively taking part in this faculty nonsense for pran, but the boys did go too far, and pran's right in being mad. except for the rest of the faculty what pat did was expected, even pran knows that like what is pat supposed to do? fight his friends for wai?? pran refusing to talk to him is more like him sulking tbh like he's disappointed bc pat's the one person in his life he keeps any expectations from and pat's let him down and he knows rationally that its not pat but he needs to take it out on someone and pat's the person closest to him, the only person that would be bothered by pran's hurt and anger, the only person he feels safe enough around to express it at all.
pran wasn't really mad at pat he was just v annoyed and under so much pressure and he needed someone to know but didn't have anyone by pat to express it to so he does, and if pat didn't try so hard tbh once this was done they'd return to normal w a few fights in btw bc that's what he expected his fake rival! pat to do but pat wanted to play loverboy so we got pran falling in love deeper
one thing here thou, but i think the distance in the past 3 years did have an impact on pran's feelings, bc its impossible for it to not. like in the first few eps pran interacts w pat much easier, he's much more closed off but relaxed around pat bc his feelings here have mellowed they don't gush up and suffocate him every time pat comes closer, nor do they fill him w temptations of letting pat close at all so its easier for him to shove pat out of his room and life constantly.
but then pat butts his nose into this and pran falling in love all over again. he's reminded why he fell in the first place, but it's so much worse now bc pat's so close and pat's more nosy and caring than he's ever been and pat wants to spend time w him and pat kept his guitar and lend him his earphones and told him he smells nice and you can see it thru out ep 3 pran feels doomed. that's why we have so many shots of lovestruck pran in ep 3 when we hardly had much before, bc we're literally watching pran fall all over again a second time, helplessly, inevitably, like every time he's thrust into pat's orbit this is the trajectory his feelings will take.
there's a diff in pat too. hs pat would have never gone this far, hs pat would have tried, given it a shot, but hs pat would have given up easily bc he understands there isn't a lot he can be doing in such a situation. hs pat was nosy and in love w pran too, that's why he'd try at all. but hs pat never had pran snatched from him, never had stare across at an empty balcony, an empty room, never woke up in a world where pran was as good as gone. but this pat's experienced it all. that hell of three years that were depressingly lonely despite being what should have been the first time he was allowed to breathe. excepted he wanted pran more than he wanted air and now that pran's finally back beside him again he can't afford losing him.
so ofc he'd go to crazy lengths to keep pran in his life this time. but pran's changed. where pran was happy to play friends w him before he keeps him at an arm's length now. where he was shy before he's clammed shut now. where pran would extend him warmth before he'd turned cold now. and we know already that pat never considered their parents as much of an obstacle, much less in an environment where they were removed. which made his only problem pran. his only difficulty his only fear was pran. if anything happened that would make pran hate him, he'd lose him forever. if pran ever got a solid excuse to keep away from him, pran would slip from his fingers. if pran ever got so busy he refused to see him, soon he'd be erased from pran's life and memories. bc what importance did he have anyway to pran? he refused to even be friends w him.
so it makes perfect sense that pat would go that far he's desperate. that's why he unintentionally acts out romantically more than once. he's going too fast to stop and consider why it is that he can't lose pran but he knows he can't afford to lose him again so he plows on, baffles the heck out of pran. ink's introduction in his life gives him space, time to think about smth that isn't pran. but bc he's given that distance his thoughts fall back on his own behavior w pran and it finally hits him but his previous behavior has always been romantic already so from pran's pov not much changes (and nothing did except pat's slow brain caught up at last) so that leads to the rooftop confrontation.
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whackdreamer · 2 years
who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and relationships (platonic or romantic)? talk about them!
Heya anon! I’ll go with the top 10 BC relationships. Covering both platonic and romantic. I’ll put these instead of individual characters because you’ll also see which characters I like. You want me to talk about it and you shall receive my babbling.
10. Julius with his sons Yami/William
I would joke a lot about how Julius is a dad but I think he really has a wholesome platonic bond with his adoptive kids. Firstly Julius quickly took in Yami, who is an outsider, made an effort on teaching him the language, and gave him some purpose as someone who had to survive living in a foreign land. If Julius didn’t find him, I think Yami would settle living on the coast. He would be known as some weirdo fisherman. Second, for William he also reached out to him and gave him an opportunity to live differently. Julius made and gave William his iconic mask.
Headcanon: People used to look away from William because of his scarred face but now he gains attention because of one flashy gold mask. It took some time for him to get used to being stared at.
9. Dad Yami & Black bulls
Another dad & kids? Yami may be rough but he doesn't give missions the kids can’t handle. He knows just when to step in once something life threatening happens. He cares and wants his rowdy kids to be more responsible. And what I really like with the Black bulls is Asta and how he does errands without question. Asta is the most responsible of the bunch. Yes, he does the cleaning, does the pet feeding, and the toilet paper replacing.
-The seabed temple arc can be summarized as; Dad takes his kids on a field trip, it goes horribly wrong because the bad guys messed with the wrong family.
8. Charlotte & Sol
Even though Charlotte keeps correcting Sol's 'nee-san' she doesn't really get mad. I find it cute. *whispers* Charlotte actually likes being called nee-san🤭.
7. Julius & Marx
I like just how tired Marx is with Julius' antics. It is also amusing how significantly younger Marx is than Julius and yet their roles are reversed. Marx is the responsible adult and Julius the irresponsible kid. But! Marx is 25 and Julius is 42, that’s a 17 years age difference. So you can see how Julius has placed a huge trust to have Marx as his advisor who is basically a ‘kid’ to him. Also their scene after the elf arc is touching.
6. Mereo/Fuego/Leopold
I love the lion siblings. I mean they are so ‘fiery’. Heh, heh… Fire literally runs through their veins and it shows individually and with their sibling moments. Leo leans closer and relates a lot to his big bro Fuego. But Leo respects his older sister a lot although she can be very ruthless with her training. Meanwhile the only thing I would say for Mereo and Fuego is that they are BOILING HOT.
5. Yuno & Asta
I like them as bros. Yuno stopped being a crybaby because of Asta. Also them competing on who donates more money to the church… Good kids you two🤧😭.
4. Finral x Finesse
You can do it Finral ! You can overcome your curse! Langris lowkey wants them to be together but Finral has to prove himself worthy first.
3. Grey x Gauche
I like the reveal of Grey wanting to overcome her struggles after meeting Gauche. Though I still can't see them in scenes too romantic. More of inspiring each other to grow and become stronger. These two need a bit more character development, esp. Grey.
2. Yami x Charlotte
I don't ship them heavily but their scenes in the anime are something I find so hilarious. Charlotte's screaming “Yami!” after the elf incident gets me every time.
Number 1. Lumiere x Secre
Surprise, surprise! Woe is Whack to love such a sad, sad ship. As someone who loves the Faust tragedy did anyone see this coming? This one takes the cake because I must confess for also having a thing towards Master x Servant dynamics. My talk here is long for being my top 1.
Personal HCs incoming, buckle up!
-Lumire did eventually view and love Secre as a woman rather than as a servant. But he held back on his feelings for her as to not create any issues among the royals. Because remember that Lumiere is already viewed as an oddball and I'm sure Lumiere knows what people think about him.
-This man can sew! And did you see the dress he made for her? It was so cute and also far more revealing than Secre's servant clothes. He wants to see her in a cute dress. You sneaky prince!
-Secre during her days as a servant and assistant did not think of Lumiere as a romantic interest and only respected him as her master (not that Secre would also dare think of his prince as any more than a master). However, it was only when he battled demon Licht did she realize how much she cared for him. When she sees him bleeding after and attempts to save him, Secre admits to herself that; Yeah, she does love him so much that she would use forbidden magic to save the prince.
-Sadly, Secre during the present time is only left to reminisce about the past. The anime showed how she still finds the time to offer flowers where she sealed him. *sobs*
-Secre keeps the dress he made using her magic. As in either would seal it somewhere or preserved via sealing magic. She will treasure it forever.
Honorable mentions:
Nacht x decent sleep schedule
Morgen x being alive
Yami x toilet paper
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anakinthetrashking · 3 years
the batkids as things I did in school
take dance class and be friends with everyone even though there was some weird infighting going on between everyone. forget to do the assignment to make up a dance ourselves, just improv'd it and got a good grade, somehow. had the most fun slipping down the hallways in socks.
halfway through the year asked to have a free period instead of ASL 3, bc the teacher wasn't teaching us anything or even keeping it interesting so I spent the whole afternoon in Physics class instead.
went all out for 80s day during Spirit Week but turns out no one else did. got a lot of weird looks and concerned questions that day. one kid said I looked like a jumpscare. thanks dude.
missed more than half of my statistics classes but was still getting a better grade than the seniors I sat near. 😭
got really angry when the Pre-AP Bio teacher disnt know whether Carbon was 6 or 8 on the Periodic Table. 14yr old me thought that it was extremely important to know as a science teacher. failed the first 6wks, got moved to a regular bio class, was late everyday but the teacher still loved me. found and identified a tumor in the stomach of the pig we dissected in class. Can still sing the entire DNA song(to the tune of I Want it That Way) word for word over 10yrs later. Still gets stuck in my head sometimes.
kept getting told off in sewing class bc we weren't supposed to hold the pins in our mouth while sewing bc it's dangerous if we accidentally swallow them but that's what I was used to doing at home.
stunned the much older kids in my class playing Hangman by looking up and immediately guessing "Labyrinth" from the few letters that everyone else had guessed (one of them looked up what the hardest word was for the game and that was it. it would have been if I wasn't so obsessed with Phantom of the Opera and the David Bowie Labyrinth movie at that point in time)
read all of the short stories in that years English textbook within the first month of school every year
smile at people (esp teachers) so wide that id have to close my eyes, and then immediately dropping the smile. (it gave me a break from eye contact and trying to figure out what expression I "should" have in that moment)
Everytime I joyfully played in the rain during lunch and then froze my butt off during afternoon classes in the AC.
also the times I was late for afternoon class bc I was overjoyed at seeing snow.
was too overwhelmed to actually do the required amount of weekly reading so I just picked classic books I had already read and picked a random place to put the bookmark and easily answered the teachers questions on what I was "reading"
be a "gifted" student so I was put in the fast track math class but was too anxious to deal with that teacher's incessant yelling at the students so I begged them to put me in a different class. they put me in a regular paced class and told me to just go ahead and do the fast track by myself at my own pace. got distracted and never did the work. switched schools the next year and got put in the next math up and totally regretted it but was in too deep to back out.
dropped out of public school in 11th grade to have a mental breakdown ✌️ eventually finished HS later through online classes and stuff.
get hooked on Kpop bc the one friend I had made moved away and now I was stuck with her friends at lunch without much of anything in common so we had to make something.
fell asleep in class bc I was awake all night watching kdramas.
had to do a report on a European country and then got overly attached to the country of Moldova...
only got detention twice in all of the years of school. once for being late all the time and once for not turning in my homework on time(the teach didn't want to give me detention but she threatened everyone with it and it was only fair)
Always skipped Pep Rallys and hung out in the Orchestra room instead. also ate lunch in one of the empty practice rooms behind the band hall with friends bc we could :)
got overly excited about black hole radiation and decided to ask my then science teacher about it and was SUPER disappointed when she didn't know anything about it (despite it being a fairly new concept at the time and she only taught middle school non-specific science)
got put in theatre class to fill an empty spot on my schedule, enjoyed it IMMENSELY, got assigned "weirdo kid" role by the teacher for the end of year play. really went all out to play up the weirdo role. probably could have just been myself and it would've been enough.
managed to get into a Ceramics class without taking an applicable basic art credit first. the teacher thought it was weird but she didn't kick me out!
all three times I was asked out I turned them down brutally because I didn't really understand social convention. whoops. sorry dudes.
accidentally offended someone when I said that Art 1 was easy :/ (I think they thought I was saying art in general was easy, which. no. I was taking Art 1 as an online class and it was all the basic stuff about art I had learned from my older sis over the years)
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sterekficrec · 3 years
Lost fic masterpost 2.0
This is the new masterpost list for lost fics we haven't found ourselves yet and we need some help with finding. This list contains all asks that are asked after May 31st, 2018. If you asked us something before that date and it hasn't been answered, please check out our Last Chance Asks post first, if it isn't on there feel free to send us the ask again.
If you know what one (or more) of these are then let me know through an ask and mention the number.
Thanks in advance for all your help :)
Hii! I'm looking for this fic I read a while ago, it was on ao3 and kind of short I think.. Stiles catches Derek smoking weed naked, and it involves shotguning.. I remember it had embeded images of shirtless Derek(or some model who looks like Derek more likely) sitting on the floor by the bed.. Hope somebody knows this, I really want to find this :'(
Hi! I don’t know if you can help with this but I’ve been looking for a fic everywhere. Stiles is older than Derek and Talia brings him in to help Derek through his rut or heat. I can’t remember much else. I hope you can help!
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic where stiles thinks Derek doesn't find him attractive Derek doesn't get hard, and Derek thinks that stiles doesn't want him because of this and there's just hella miscommunication?
Hey I was hoping maybe you could help me find a fic? All I remember was that is was like a retelling of season one but Stiles was older and an FBI agent?
Hey there! I wanted to ask about a fic I read some time ago. It’s sort of au. Stiles doesn’t live in Beacon Hills anymore but helps out Deacon and him and Derek meet when he helps out Dereks pack with something. He’s a witch or something like that. I’m sorry for being so vague and in one of the cases Derek gets possessed by a demon, who kills people by dehydrating them. And Stiles gets the demon out of him. Have you guys recced anything like it? I really want to read it again. Thanks :)
Hey!!!! So I was wondering if you could help me find this sterek fic?? They are married and they have a few kids I think mpreg. It has a lot of chapters and in one of them their daughter I think her name may start with an l goes to a dance with a vampire, Derek isn’t so sure ab it. And one time stiles has to go on a trip for work or maybe a retreat with Scott and Derek has to console there few month old, as he hasn’t been away from stiles. Please please!!
I was wondering if you’d be able to help me find a fic? Derek and Stiles are on a date and they have Cora with them. When they’re buying tickets, the person at the ticket counter flirts with Derek and assumes he’s chaperoning a date between Cora and Stiles. I think Stiles yells oh hell no and then kisses Derek?? I wish I could remember more, but that’s all I recall..
I've been looking for a certain nsfw fic where someone "gives" Stiles to Derek as a birthday present, I'm pretty sure Stiles is tied up in a hotel bed or something like that. Thank you so much in advance 💖
Hello! I read a fic once and I cannot find it again and I would really like to reread it. Of what I remember the sheriff is an alpha and dies and Stiles has to take over and the sheriff left a lot of debt. So Stiles starts to sell off chunks of land and works a ton of jobs to try to pay it back.
Hey, I’m looking for a fic where Stiles is a spark, but he’s hella freaking powerful because when his mom died he kind of tried to bring her back, but it latched onto his baseball bat? I think Lydia is actually the alpha of the pack, and Laura and Cora are alive (I think the rest of the Hales are too?). Derek was like, literally married to Kate for a while and then they divorce and Stiles and him break into her house and totally trash it. Help????
I was wondering i you could help me find a fic (i'm desperate), the only thing i can remember is that derek keeps a 20 dollar bill by his door in case any girl scouts come by, but they never come because the moms think he's some kind og bad guy. Stiles meets a girl scout mom and konda confront her about it (and by confront i mean like really yell at) i think it might have been a slowburn fic Thank you:)
I've been looking desperately for this fic where Stiles gets Emissary/Druid training from Deaton but eventually Deaton refuses to teach Stiles anymore so Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in search of another teacher he leave sometime before the alpha pack he finds a teacher and travels a lot but eventually returns Beacon Hills after a few years very powerful helps them defeat somthing and eventually hooks up with Derek.
Hi please if u could help me this sterek fic? Both derek and stiles were deputies . Derek was new there and parrish like stiles which made Der jealous . I dont remember much but help ..
Hey I was hoping you could help me find a fic? It's been a while since I've read it, but I know it was based around the sacfricial killings, but they were being used to resurrect some people I think? It was magic!Stiles, and at the end he kinda changed the spell to resurrect the Hale family instead? Sorry I can't remember much else, but I know I really enjoyed it and I can't find it at all. It would mean a lot if you found it!
Hello. Love this blog helping find fics for other people some of which I’ve read and loved. I’d love if you could help me find a fix where stiles, Jackson, Erika, issac and Boyd are selected to be seventh to the hale family. Mr. Harris is the servant and the living family is Cora Derek Laura Peter and the grandmother. Stiles of course is Derek’s servant and finds the truth out about his forgotten pass and what he is to Derek’s. Changing him Erika and issac into werewolf’s. Hope you can find!!
Hello! I was wondering of you could help me find a fic. From what I remember, Derek comes home (from college I think) for the first time in years, and finds that his family loves Stiles, who he has never met. They hate each other in the beginning. Thank you for any help you can give, and thank you for all you do for this amazing fandom! :D
hi!im looking for a sterek fic that has stiles staying in beacon hills as a supernatural doctor? and then he gets an email from derek that says that derek is hurt. stiles also has a bunch of journals full of information about the pack. and them stiles has a really bad leg injury. and the sheriff is dead. stiles listens to either mozart or bach to calm down, i can’t remember. please, help me. sorry if my descriptions are a little messy, im stressing over it bc i want to reread it. thanks.
i’m trying to find a fic where the pack accidentally wishes on a shooting star about stiles, and they wake up in this alternate universe where stiles doesn’t know who they are and he’s being brought in by deputies, && they find out that stiles is a mage of some sort in another pack, i’ve been trying to find it forever. also thank you!
For the prompt you asked: what about Stiles going crazy trying to plan the perfect Christmas party with the pack but everyone has a different religion or belief and Stiles is squishing a little of everything in there, the party wont even be on Christmas eve but in a different neutral date or smthng. And obviously since most of the pack is still busy with school(or college?)he ropes Derek into helping with preparations. Obviously they end up making a big mess out of everything. they also fight a lot untill Derek snaps and Stiles realizes that Derek's only problem with Christmas is he misses his family so much(and the only reason Stiles wants to party it's bc it makes him remember his mother)And the pack arrives at the new Hale house to find them like that, depressed and with a burnt out dinner in the kitchen, ligths popped and tree destroyed. And it magicaly snows in that moment(or maybe it's Stiles?)
Hi, sorry for my bad english. I’m looking for sterek fic. I know I read it in AO3. I don’t remember much but almost in the end Stiles and Chris are arguing because all the stuff his family did. How bad Stiles was tortured by Gerard and I think Stiles was pemanently injured in one ear and one eye. And also Chris was yelling that he killed his father and Stiles said in the end it didn’t mather because He was damage forever. I really hope you can help me.
hi, so i was hoping you could help me find a sterek fic where stiles and derek are childhood friends, and stiles is pining after him but derek and paige are dating, and stiles gets jealous when paige is sitting in his seat and almost has a mental breakdown? i think stiles starts ignoring him, and derek realizes that he no longer sees paige as his future mate but stiles. thank you!!
Hi, Sterek fic I can't find. With Stiles drowning, bc of himself or feelings being too much, Derek notices and saves him, and the Derek warms him by turning into his alpha form? Stiles really like shifted Derek. Thank you guys! :)
Hi I was wondering if you could help me find these 2 sterek fics where: 1. Derek and stiles are on a stakeout looking at a bank I think when someone approaches the car and Derek pulls stiles into his lap and stiles begins to question his sexuality and if Derek likes him. 2. God I can’t believe I didn’t save this one but I can only remember a scene in the fic where stiles and Derek were at a drive though movie theatre and they were kissing and it was all about Derek self healing. Pls help.
Hey I'm trying to find this fic on archive that I read before but I can't seem to find it. If you don't do this sort of thing sorry in advance. But if you do all the teenagers are alive and Stiles is getting bullied by a group of douches so the pack challenge them to a series of games. Girls vs girls and boys vs boys. They win of course. Anyway if you know of this fic please let me know
I need help finding a fic pls. Stiles meets Derek young (around 4ish) and they're soulmates (Derek knew when Claudia was still pregnant). There is def an age gap. Stiles grows up knowing Derek is his mate, and tries to mate with him, but because they spent so much time together while he was young, stiles's wolf develops quicker than it should and goes into heat, so they try to separate them. Mama S. and Hale family is still alive, and theres an alpha/alpha mate convention at some point. Thanks!
hey! i'm looking for a fic where stiles is living on the east coast working for the government and then he saves somebody's life by recognizing that the agent was walking into a trap of a vampire coven so he starts working with this supernatural sector of the government (and people named jessica and jason i think) and gets sent to a national council thing and reconciles with derek and the pack after having left beacon hills and stuff
Hi! ❤️ thank you so much for taking the time, I was just hoping someone could help find that sterek fic where it’s established relationship, and stiles works for a company because he came up with a famous slogan for some type of candy/food and the company rlly loves him, at one point goes on a business trip where someone tries to have an affair and stiles is like WHUt NO and goes back to Derek immediately feeling guilty even tho he was 100% loyal? Thank youuuu ❤️
Hello! I love this blog a lot , keep up the good work. :) I was recently reading a fanfic where stiles is kidnapped by jennifer and she uses derek’s semen in a spell to make the “werewolf messiah”. Can you help me find it?
I am looking for a fic. Derek is the alpha and he and stiles get together and cook meals. First Boyd is added to the group and then Isaac. Isaac becomes a foster of Boyd's parents. Then Erica is added. They give Erica the bite after discussing it with her parents. Please help
Hi! Looking for a fic where Stiles is bitten by a fox at the zoo, changes into an actual fox, which means he’s terrified of the werewolves, including Scott and Derek. Derek has to lure him out with a trampoline (definitely inspired by that video of a fox on a trampoline). I looked everywhere I could think of but no luck :/ hopefully someone’s heard of it! Thank you!
Hi! I’m scouting the internet for an old sterek fic I read once where stiles and Allison bond over the summer after s2 and in a drunken mistake Allison gets pregnant but it’s not romantic? I can’t find even a trace of it anywhere but I VIVIDLY remember it
Not a fic Rex but could you help me find a fic? It’s been months apon months since I have read this fic but it’s a sterek fic and stiles was kinda of controlling and would never be a good bf to Derek so they never did anything derek wants to do only stiles. And I remember they talked about it and were getting better and Derek asked to go on a hike to show stiles this pond or something idk for sure and stiles almost says no and it’s angsty and amazing.
Hi! I've been looking for a fic that I read a while ago, I don't know if it's been deleted or not and I don't remember it clearly. But from what I remember, at some point Derek stayed with Stiles and his dad in his wolf form because he was traumatized and felt like he was inconvenient to everybody? Sorry I'm not being very clear but if that rings any bell... Thank you!
hi! There was this Sterek fic form Isaac's POV where he was Stiles' PA and he really shipped him with Derek, but all the other two do is fight-- and in the end, he finds out they've been married for around 5 years. Do you know it's linked, by any chance? :)
Hey! I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find this Sterek fic and was wondering if you could help me? All I remember is that Stiles is pregnant, him and Jackson are really close friends, and something about ‘is Thursday a good day to tell your ex you’re pregnant?’. Thank you so much if you could help! ❤️
Hello! Okay so I have my been here in a while, but I've ran out of fics to read. And I'm not sure if you guys are still active. But do you guys have some where Sterek start dating, but it's because one of them like the other and the other one thought, "why not?" But they end up falling for the other. Sorry I know this is too specific. :/ but thank you!!!
I'm looking for a fic that Stiles was invited to Derek's wedding to Julia/Jennifer, but it turns out he was magically controlled to go along with everything so she'd have control of the pack???? Eventual sterek.
Hiiii! I'm wondering if you can help me. I read this fic forever ago and it was a supernatural FBI type situation. Stiles was magic and sold potions on the side (I know to at least Ethan). Deucalion was selling drugs that were killing people. I remember that the drugs made you hover in the air before you died and Stiles got drugged (also pretty sure he was a suspect). Derek was an agent. Thanks in advance!
Hey I'm really sorry to bother i am looking for a fic were stiles and derek are in a long term relationship but derek starts to neglect stiles so he decides to leave for a new apartment and derek realizes how much he has been missing. thank you i hope you can help me
Hey! So I’m looking for 2 sterek fics that might have been deleted but I’m not sure. The first, someone is poisoning the wolves to makes them shift, and stiles and Derek get locked in a cage so that Derek would kill stiles. The second one, the pack goes to college, but Derek breaks up with stiles to keep him safe, and stiles starts taking pain killers. The Alpha pack shows up, but at the end Peter tries to kill Scott or Derek to become an alpha again. Any idea? Thank you!!!
Hey I'm looking for a sterek fic and going out of my mind because I cant find it! All I remember is that they had at least one kid together and in the epilogue or sequel or something they were having a family dinner where their college age oldest daughter was bring home her boyfriend to meet the family. And I think the younger brother was non-binary of some sort and they were worried how the boyfriend was going to handle that. And werewolves existed but still a secret. Thank you in advance!!
Im sorry i might be stupid but i cant find the askbox, im looking for a fic where stiles and derek are mates and there might be a abo dynamic, derek knows they are mates before stiles is born because he meet Claudia while she i pregnant, they start of young in the fic but get older as i goes. I must have been an explicit one. Sorry for any inconvinience
Hi! Looking for a stereo college au where stiles is obsessed with Greek mythology and even got a tattoo of it. Some internal homophobia in there too. Thank you in advance!
hi! i am looking for this sterek fic i read last year I think. Stiles and Derek are both in college and Stiles is crazy about greek mythology - has some of the stuff tattooed on him. Derek is kind of closeted and maybe a little internally homophobic but is crazy about Stiles. Stiles has some Dark Things that happened to him back in BH.....Eventually Derek gets him a ticket to go to Greece? Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
I think these two are asks for the same fic, if not I seperated them in a. and b. so let me know the latter if they are not the same.
Hello, sorry I have another ask. I'm looking for a fic where werewolves are known and the hale family is alive. Stiles has to spend time with every member of the pack to determine compatibility I think? They all dislike him. Laura hates him because they had a previous encounter and she bruises him. It's a sterek fic I think. Thanks!
there's a fic i read years ago about stiles and derek both being accountants and working together. i think stiles was a new employee? possibly a student/graduate? sorry i dont have much information, its been years since i read it and i just randomly thought about it but cant find it
Hey! I swear I got this Fic from y’all but I cannot find it now for the life of me. It’s a college AU where stiles rushes fraternities on a whim and meets Boyd. Boyd is a legacy for Derek’s fraternity and joins them, Stiles ends up rushing and joining Scott’s fraternity. There’s a whole bunch of pranking that ensues including Stiles stealing Derek’s pledge paddle... it’s a fantastic fic but I can’t find it
hi!!! i was wondering if you know the fic where the pack finds actual wolf cubs and decides to raise them??? i remember it being a WIP and the wolves names were sköll and haiti (?). btw: i love this blog so much 😭😭💝
hi! I’ve been looking for a fic where stiles (for a reason that I forget) pretends to be gay and ends up dating Derek while still pretending to be gay and then actually falls for Derek in the end. I can’t seem to remember what it’s called and I really wanna reread it. Hope you can find it!
Hi, I’m wondering if you could help me find a fic. One where Derek had to sacrifice his love for Stiles to keep his family alive (some sort of curse on him to make him fall out of love) and magic!Stiles does everything to break the curse? If you know it please help
Hi! I’m looking for a Sterek fic on Ao3 where the day after Stiles and Derek finally go forward in their relationship this random ass guy shows up, claims he’s an old friend of Derek’s from New York and convinces the whole pack, minus Stiles, too. From what I remember he used their names to place a spell on them to control them. Derek attacks Stiles then kicks him out of the group, Lydia shows up and helps Stiles break the spell because she’s queen, and they get the guy arrested. Plz help?
Hey guys no pressure but theres been a fic stuck in the back of my head for months and I can’t find it. What I remember is that the pack are in a bar when a siren does a siren thing and everyone in the bar is under his spell and it was something d&s could resist only because they were truely in love. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, English is hard for a dyslexic
Hey!! First of all...... thank u so much this is always so helpful..... Second of all, I can’t remember the name and hopefully you can help?? It’s Sterek, it’s not an AU. Derek leaves and moves to Montana? Colorado? Something like that and coincidentally Stiles ends up going there for college and slow build???? And knowing these boys, some Angst™️
UGH!! Can you help? Stiles goes to stay with Derek in Brazil?
HELP, goin crazy looking for fic I wanna reread, Remember tons specific odd details. Listing them w/ hopes someone knows what I'm taking about! ABO adjacent, Stiles heat is called a wetting, Stile's dad gives his hand away only cuz its good alpha Derek, marital/mate tradition w/ fancy ornate bathtubs, Stiles has skirt w/ embroidered list of his skills on it, Derek bad a verbalized emotions. Regency era. Stiles has a miscarriage w/ lot of self blame. Issac is Derek's ward since he's a kid. Aaah?!
Hello I'm trying to find a fic where when Stiles was young (and with the help of Lydia or Scott) did a spell to never find his soulmate. Like it was: he will have blue eyes, no green and brown; he will be strong enough to lift a car; he will play cello. The point of the spell being to not find him. Later he meet Derek and freaks out because he is perfect (multicolored eyes, werewolf strength...). Please help me find it! Thanks
I am looking for a fic that starts with Stiles and Derek researching but then Stiles gets turned on and him and Derek end up hooking up. It's a 5+1 fic
Hi! Can you help me find the fic where Stiles, Sheriff and a few other people from town were held hostage by werewolves(?) but also some humans I think and they were planning to escape but stiles said they should stay put. And at the end or towards the end Derek bursts in as a full wolf and stiles has to talk him down so he’ll shift back and the people who held him hostage know him as one of the most dangerous in the Hale pack.
Hi Mod(s)! I am currently looking for a fic about magic Stiles. I don't remember any of the pairings, but I vividly remember a conversation between Stiles, Allison, and Lydia. To prove that his magic is real, Stiles sets his lacrosse stick on fire. Allison is prejudiced toward magic and says that Stiles could probably light a house on fire, and Stiles responds that he could, but then he would die of organ failure. Thank you for your help! I appreciate the time and care you put into this blog!
Hey, thanks for all you do. Do you perhaps know a fic that is basically a rewrite of season 1 but Stiles has a dog, and Derek gets jealous of the dog, honestly I've been searching everywhere for this
I have a question
all I can remember is Alison is matriarch of the hunters, Stiles is sassy as fuck... I think he was magic. I believe there was a coffee shop showdown where Alison didn’t realize that Stiles was there... I can’t remember if it’s a recent fix or something I stumble across finding new docs to read.
Hello! I've been trying to comb my way through your blog and searching google but I haven't been able to find the fic I've been looking for so I hope you can help me (and I hope I'm not missing the post and making a duplicate)
The story is a sterek fic where Derek goes to stiles for help because hes developing a sexual problem and only trusts stiles to look up the answer. Stiles find out it's likely a mate thing and suggests derek figures out who hes been spending a lot of time with. Derek checks out and crosses off each of the pack before settling on Scott (because of his scent, thinking its what's triggering the response), turns out its stiles and that stiles has a very active libido and that's what's causing Derek's problem.
I swear I had it saved but I can't find it in any of my bookmarks. So, any help you can provide at finding the fic would be super helpful! Thank you!
hi, hoping for some help finding a fic? from around 2015 - sterek (either established couple or they got together during +), there's a big bad that mind controls or possesses Derek and makes him stab stiles. then in the next part stiles trains with the argents and they're still trying to fight the big bad. there's an OC that stiles is jealous of bc she is able to bring Derek out of the mind control/possession when he wasn't able to. that's everything I remember. any help is appreciated! thanks!!
There is this fic that I cannot remember the name of. It’s a very slow burn where stiles and Derek once they decide to be together, wait until 18 for kissing (before that they do Eskimo kisses) and then to like 21 or something for sex. It’s really sweet and cute and stiles is understanding of his trauma. It may have been a de-aged derek, cursed, bonded, or fake/pretend relationship? If you know, I will love you forever and ever +1.
I'm looking for a long Teen Wolf fic. Here's what I remember.
Stiles left to join the FBI. Cut ties with Beacon Hill. Never looked back. Becomes an FBI wunderkind.
On behalf of the FBI he goes to some werewolf or Supernatural Council event with his unit. It's a complete surprise the Beacon Hill pack is there, they're all cold shouldering each other. Everyone has grown into their own, and the pack is beyond thriving. Derek is some high muckity muck.
Scrooby doo mystery plot stuff, ends in Sterek.
It's long and has some time stamp sequels.
Does this sound familiar? I've been looking for it to reread.
I’ve been looking for this one sterek fic where stiles has a crush on Derek and Derek is like in high school while stiles is still a kid. And like stiles comes over to the Hale house to hang out with Derek and he catches Derek making out with a girl (maybe Kate) and it breaks his heart.
Hi :) I’m looking for a fic where Stiles and Derek fake being in a relationship when Derek has to go to some werewolf retreat. Stiles learns magick and can see strings that run between…mates, maybe? I think there’s also a toddler named Luca running around. Idk I remember reading this YEARS ago and would really like to find it again🥺
Hey. I was wandering if you knew of a fic that’s kinda oldish. But stiles and Derek meet and they’re like mates or soulmates or something. Anyway stiles pack which is like Scott, Allison, Lydia, Danny etc have been cursed by a witch and I thinks they’re getting their power drained or something? They’re lived are in danger and Derek helps coz Stiles is his mate. Possible chance they’re all at college
hi! I am looking for a sterek fic. stiles works two jobs and is really tired driving home one day and accidentally rear ends derek (who is a cop?) who then comforts him when he freaks out. it is abo au and the pack are included. thanks in advance!
Do you know a ao3 fanfic about sterek where stiles just presented as an omega and gets taken by the government to be the omega in dereks military group?
Hey I was wondering if you could find this fic for me? I’ve been looking lol night and I can’t find it anywhere. I know it’s on AO3 if that helps at all.
So it’s a royalty au and pretty much Derek is a werewolf and he invades stiles kingdom under peters orders but when Derek gets to the palace stiles father isn’t there as stiles has hidden him and he ends up marrying stiles and stiles is like tricky and stuff and there’s one scene where they are in the garden and dereks soldiers end up in a field of wolvesbane and gets really sick and stiles goes in to save him and he gets really mad at his guards for letting the wolf just walk into it. And Peter is bad and intends on killing derek and stiles realises this and tells him and Derek ends up killing him. I think it would be classified as enemies to lovers? I hope that’s enough info to go off of
Thank you so much in advance I really appreciate it if you find it!
Hi I have been looking for this fic for literally years, all I remember is that stiles and allison had a kid together years before when they were both on the outs from the pack in LA, but they come back and scott and allison end up together again, and derek left beacon hills for years but comes back and settles but keeps leaving and stiles is upset—eventual sterek of course—and there’s something big going on supernaturally? And stiles gets intense migraines? Honestly it’s been so long I could have imagined this haha but I will be so grateful if someone has heard of this! Thank you for all you do!
Hi there! I read a fic a looong time ago and unfortunately, I can't find it. What I remember, is that Stiles and Derek move out of Beacon Hills and also get their own dog. I also think at first Stiles was on his own and he moved away for himself, not necessarily bc he was pushed out of the pack, but that may have been in a different fic and I'm just mixing them up. So sorry for being so vague! I hope you may be able to find it
hi! i'm searching for a fix where the pack goes on vacation and derek and stiles have to share a room. basically stiles thinks that derek doesnt like his scent and leaves the windows open and they freeze their asses off lol. i think it was in a cabin or something in the woods.
Hiya! Not sure if you’re still taking SOS Fic Searches. I cannot for the life of me remember anything more than a sterek fic with stubborn Derek / Stiles where Jackson asked Stiles out on a date on Valentines Day knowing Derek would be jealous, but when Derek doesn’t step in immediately, after the “date” Jackson texts Stiles “you’ll thank me for this” and then kisses him on the porch and Derek wolfs out and chases him — thus allowing for them to discuss their feelings and get together (but also keep it a secret from the pack for being assholes and making group chats without them)
i’m looking for a fic that starts with stiles and derek getting into a fender bender. it’s in a universe where everyone registers as a dom, sub, or switch. stiles is a sub and derek is a dom. derek works with scott. after the accident stiles brings derek cookies and brownies at work. derek is some sort of officer or something that works with dom/sub rights or something?? there’s a protest which stiles goes to and it gets violent and at another point someone vandalizes where derek works. stiles and jackson are friends and jackson coaches lacrosse. i’m sorry if this is vague but i appreciate the help!
I'm trying to find a fic and I'm hoping you can help- I've read it before but can't for the life of me find it on Ao3, and it's killing me! It's one where Stiles is magical, Scott pretty much goes insane- and there is a super amazing scene towards the end where Stiles winds up magically taking Scott's wolf away and giving it to Melissa, who lovingly embraces it. It was a great read that I could have sworn I bookmarked :(
Hi! I’m not sure if you can help me find a lost fic. But I thought I’d give it a shot and ask. I read this Sterek fic within the last couple of months and i remember very little unfortunately. Basically I remember that stiles was allowed to sleep in dereks bed and Derek was acting like that was no big deal, but everyone else in the pack thought it was a massive deal because wolves and scent and stuff and I remember one of the women in the pack was pregnant but no idea who. This is so convoluted and I’m sorry. If you can’t find it no worries! Thanks!!
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Harringrove tag game! by @lovebillyhargrove
I was tagged by @mrsblackruby! tysm!! <3
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
Typically I say before, like at around Christmas time in ‘84. I think anybody in a small town puts aside character prejudices around the holidays and tries to make those connections with everyone, so I’ve always felt, especially since the fight was literally only a month before, that Steve would reach out to Billy the night of the Snowball and things would, well, snowball from there.
2. Who kisses who first?
Definitely Steve. I firmly stand by the hc that Billy’s never kissed a boy before Steve, and maybe Steve hasn’t either, but he’s the romantic, no way is he going to let Billy kiss him first.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
I don’t really have a solid answer for this? But definitely somewhere very spur of the moment, maybe somebody’s couch or the locker rooms?
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
Imma say Billy. Opposite of my last answer, I don’t feel like either of them would say they love each other on accident or like, in the moment. I think their first I love you’d would be very very controlled. I also think Billy has less experience with actually being in love, so when the time comes that he’s actually mustered up the courage to say it to Steve, I think he’s super nervous and practices the perfect scenario in his head a dozen times. It’s definitely not blurted out.
5. I believe this fandom is way past having hard feelings about it, so
BottomSteve! or BottomBilly?
I don’t have a strong opinion either way, but typically, I prefer bottom!Steve. No particular reason, that’s just the way I tend to read things!
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
Absolutely! Billy doesn’t have the disposable income to run out and buy Steve new things every time he wants to give him something, so I think he does a really cheesy like, giving him a kiss as a present and making a big deal out of it.
Steve is sort of the same way, in that he doesn’t like to give Billy material things, because he doesn’t want him to think he’s being pretentious or trying to hold his wealth over Billy’s head like he’s his mom or something, so he only gives Billy personal things. Old pilled t-shirts to wear to bed and a blanket to keep on the couch in his room that smells like him. Things like that.
They also try to make eachother things as presents, like food or little knick knacks in art class, but they always fail miserably and think it’s really funny when all they have to show is a smoking mess.
7. Where do they end up living? California, Chicago, Hawkins... Idk .. Alaska??)))) Any other location?
I honestly think they stay in Hawkins. I don’t think after everything Billy would be able to leave Max behind, and I also think that Steve would like having a connection to where he grew up, even if bad things happened there. If they did leave though, I see them going down south, maybe tourist trap Tennessee?
8. What are their future jobs?
In my mind that very much depends on if we’re following canon and this is post Starcourt or like, if it’s a whole new AU. Because after that I don’t think Billy would actually ever be physically well enough to work again. I know it’s a pretty unpopular opinion, bc the general hc is that he bounces back within a year or so with some scars (which is cool! I’m not knocking that I’m just sayin) but I think he'd be permanently disabled, on oxygen support 24/7, and just with all sorts of health complications from, you know, literally having a gaping hole in his chest, that would make it impossible for him to work. In that sort of scenario I usually think of Steve as a being teacher or an artist, something that he doesn’t have very long work hours or can do from home so he can be there to take care of Billy.
If we’re going with like, a no upside down or a Billy is never hurt au, I think he stays in Hawkins and just works in some sort of a mom and pop until he’s the new manager, like at an antique store maybe?
(p.s. stay tuned for an upcoming fic about Billy working in a fix-it shop!!)
As for Steve, I feel like he wouldn’t ever be able to settle on one career when he didn’t have limitations. I don’t really know what he’d eventually decide is his calling, maybe design of some sort? Jewelry making?
This is a hard question, I don’t really see them as being tied down to one career indefinitely, but I do know I don’t see either of them ever working desk jobs.
9. Who's a better cook?
Neither of them. Billy wasn’t allowed in the kitchen growing up because Neil said it’s a woman's place, and Steve is just god awful at following directions, like, can’t tell the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon or preheat the oven awful. They just eat takeout and like, cold sandwiches literally all the time until someone (Joyce) notices and teaches them how to cook on the weekends.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
Billy Harrington. I don’t see him wanting to be a Hargrove anymore. He has no positive ties to the name with his mom leaving and his dad being his dad, so I think he’d want to take Steve’s last name. Also this is kinda weird but I am VERY particular about my middle name hcs (I think it’s an ocd thing? idk) and I have an alliterative name for Steve that wouldn’t work if he was a Hargrove instead of a Harrington, so that’s also part of the reason.
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
I think probably just like, confusion. Not over Billy being with a boy, but over that boy being Steve. Like, she doesn’t know Steve well, but she knows he’s the responsible big brother to Dustin, and that’s the exact opposite of what her brother is like, so it catches her off guard. She’s definitely a little gossip though, wanting all the not-gross details about Steve from her brother. She’s basically just a little sister about it, I guess.
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
Not again.
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
I think she likes him. I have a little hc that she and him were together in an underground pre-gsa kinda thing in high school. She pretends she can’t stand him, but the two of them are quick best friends. (this might just be me but I think the two of them together would give statler and waldorf vibes)
14. What about Dustin?
Dustin I think actually thinks Billy is really cool. Like, he’s like a little double agent, hearing from Max all the annoying things about Billy, and from Steve the good things. He’ll gag if Steve gets too mushy over him and he’ll definitely join in with Max in calling Billy gross, and he also absolutely gives Billy a (very non-intimidating. he’s too soft) shovel talk, but I think he really likes and looks up to Billy as like, his other big brother.
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
Oh gosh, I can’t even pick. I think I like childhood friends aus best? They’re really fun to play with and it always ends up being super sweet. I’m a big fan of soulmates too for kind of the same reasons. I like mushy stuff.
16. Billy+Camaro=...??? (Not strictly Harringrove, but I can't not to ..)
I honestly don’t think Billy cares about the camaro that much. He’d be sad when it gets totaled because that was his only way of getting around and also his first car, but I don’t think the car itself has that much value to him. I mean, he treats it with absolutely zero respect, jumping curbs and driving too fast and slamming on those breaks. The camaro is just a car. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ll tag: @lifegaurd-hargrove85! @deardmvz! and @strangebrainrot! no pressure! and as usual, if anybody else sees this and wants to participate, feel free!
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Do elves have like elite classes for medicine ?
The Elf Body and how it works for level 7& 8
Reproduction and how to legally create ur own servants for level 8
Periods and how it's not good for your physical being to make any blood related jokes during this time for levels 7&8
Puberty and how pimples suck for level 7
I know this is a joke but this is a legitimate question that I have so I'm probably gonna get ramble-y. 
So, Foxfire is supposed to represent years 6-12, yet the last two levels (7 and 8) are what I think are made to represent College/University levels, since only people with abilities can enter, and it is required to get into the nobility.
Foxfire was founded before Bronte's time, and according to the KotLC Wiki it says that the latest was 2000 BC, meaning that Elves were way ahead of humans, since we were still mostly hunting and gathering, although a few state societies were founded.
I think that elves were definitely ahead of us, but that their norms and society as a whole changed rapidly over the development of different methods and new technology.
Their understanding of anatomy, sciences, inventions, etc. has probably changed a lot over the millenia that they’ve been alive. Foxfire would support that. The classes were probably all together, then maybe apart, then finally one-on-one. The content of the classes probably changed as the basic elven understanding of the world around them did too. So think maybe they originally had biology, but then maybe switched that to elementalism. 
I think the only subject that wouldn’t change would be the Universe, since I think that elves would have shared that curiosity that humans do about the stars and how to harness them.
That would also probably change and adapt with the human race as well.
So, what I'm getting at is Foxfire's education has been around a long time- and I bet the teaching system reflects that throughout history. I'm thankfully not giving a whole lesson on what I think Foxfire is like, but I do feel that we should take into account medicine.
Obviously we know that elves do not take the same things that we do into account. And I'm curious to see what their perspective is on the gnome situation, maybe an ancient, or an elf who really doesn't agree with the whole servent situation.
I know that Alden and Fitz were horrified that Sophie thought of them as servants in the first book, but I feel that someone with a different perspective could be like "Hey so, this is really messed up."
I feel like it'd be someone like Kesler--both rebel organizations have been shown to be quite apathetic towards the gnome situation, so I'm not going to count them-- who can see that the Elven Government is flawed, and even corrupt at times.
But on to the actual contents of your ask; wtf is wrong with the elven education system, and when do they learn to be a corrupt species? Well;
I'm assuming that the Elvin Body class would span over levels 7 and 8. I'd like to think that those going into the medical field would get a more detailed study, but everyone gets a basic understanding of it. (think of like a health class for us)
We could also assume that parents teach their kids, especially if they’re a physician or even animal rehabilitator (Sophie, Jolie, and Stina probably know a lot about not elvin animals just from being around their parents.) 
So, I think there would be more specific courses. Like maybe each year is broken into around four units, each giving students a better understanding of the subject. I also think they should let them choose as to if they want their classes to be one on one, in small groups, or all together.
The medical students would probably have more in-depth classes, and I think they’d pick a physician specializing in a certain field to apprentice under before they graduate.
Like, Elwin might specialize in healing and working with children. And maybe Keefe would want to be a medical student. So, Keefe would take all the required classes certain days of the week, then other days he would just go with Elwin and watch and learn how he does it.
Each medical student would be given a mentor, (and if there were a lot of them, they’d be doubled up with that mentor,) and I’m thinking that the valedictorian would be offered to serve the council after a few more years of training.
Here's what I'd think (read, want) the Average Elite Level medical student schedule to look like;
(Let’s say this is Keefe’s)
Monday: Elvin Body (AM)  Lunch  Empathy (PM)
Tuesday: Elixirs (AM)  Lunch  Elective of choice (PM) 
Wednesday: Day of Internship
Thursday: Reproduction (AM)  Lunch  Empathy (PM)
Friday: Day of Internship
So, yeah, there’s my really long explanation of what I think the average Medical Student would go through at Foxfire.
Can’t help with that servant problem though. Rumor is that certain triplets are planning something big to help the gnomes and upset the government- but I don’t know specifics.
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