#and also if i go thru all of them too quickly i'll have to find something else to read during down moments at work
nonstandardrepertoire · 7 months
now that i have read Every Single Sherlock Holmes Story, i have moved on to reading Every Single Agatha Christie Story. her early output is. uh. u n e v e n, but! the current book does contain this crotchety MP whose sole desire is to never do any work and instead simply gad about vibing. his name is Sir Eustace Pedler and he is truly an inspiration:
Guy Pagett[, my secretary,] struggled up on deck after we left Madeira and began babbling in a hollow voice about work. What the devil does any one want to work for on board ship? It is true that I promised my publishers my “Reminiscences” early in the summer, but what of it? Who really reads reminiscences? Old ladies in the suburbs. And what do my reminiscences amount to? I’ve knocked against a certain number of so-called famous people in my lifetime. With the assistance of Pagett, I invent insipid anecdotes about them. And, the truth of the matter is, Pagett is too honest for the job. He won’t let me invent anecdotes about the people I might have met but haven’t.
(from chapter 12 of The Man in the Brown Suit — i'm reading it on Project Gutenberg, so i don't have a page number)
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moderator-monnie · 1 year
The First Days... (A COTH Story)
It was a night like any other in a small town known as Aislinn in the southern part of Mobius. Everything was quiet and Plutonium The Mongoose was sitting up in her bed, unable to sleep because of a mild case of insomnia.
Her husband, Copper, was asleep next to her, but he moved in a strange way. Plutonium didn't notice, of course, as she was too absorbed in the book she was reading. That was until he made a strange, almost eerie gurgling noise. She quickly turned to her husband, worried, and as soon as she did, he grabbed her.
With a broad smile on his face, his eyes were pure white, his mouth a gape and tears rolling down his face, he spoke in a slightly echoed voice. "You should go to sleep, join me in the world of dreams... Everything will be better, everything will be perfect, we can live better lives... You just need to sleep like I am. Go to sleep Plutonium The Mongoose."
Plutonium herself pushed him away from her, screaming at the top of her lungs. The sight before her frightened her beyond anything she could understand. She quickly ran out of her bedroom door and blocked it off with a chair, huffing and puffing, "C-Coppy hun, you just stay in there. I'll figure out what's going on. Don't worry!" She was determined to find out what had happened to her husband.
Copper began to slowly hit the door. Although he wasn't that strong, he spoke in that echoing quiet voice once more, "You needn't run... He will find you soon and we'll be joined together in our eternal sleep, where all our needs will be met."
Plutonium found the words coming out of her husband's mouth. Clearly, he wasn't in control of himself. All she needed to do was to find help, so she went to go open her door hoping someone, anyone even would be at the hospital.
But as soon as she opened the door, she looked up in horror, her hand still on the doorknob as she looked up at the sky. It wasn't black and full of stars, as one would expect at 3 am. Everything was a dark crimson. And the sun still seemed to be out, being a blinding white. Most of the grass on her front lawn even seemed to be a shade of purple.
So many thoughts ran thru the woman's head as she saw all that had changed in a matter of hours, but she didn't have long to process this as she heard a loud crash with some screaming and saw a few of her through running in fear while others slowly and calmly walked after them. 
All the ones who were walking calmly all had the same looks as her husband did, their eyes white as snow, tears leaking down their faces.
And something she didn't notice before was a strange symbol on their chests, a sort of marking perhaps.
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She didn't have long to react properly though, as a shadow soon loomed over her and all the mobians with the symbols on their chests turned to face her, staring blankly with wide smiles on broad faces. The looming shadow couldn't be seen, not at first just covering her and her entire house in a thick shadow.
The eyes of the affected mobians lighted the darkness slightly, before a small eye with a black pupil appeared where the shadow was being cast from and it grew larger within moments, and finally, the one behind the shadow could be seen. 
It looked like Sonic The Hedgehog but his face seemed to be a black void, with an eye in the middle of it that stared right down at her, his arms were also skeletal with rings around them and a sort of cape around his neck attached to which he could be seen as like chaos emeralds.
The towering hedgehog was 75 feet tall and as Plutonium looked up in terror, the figure spoke in a rough, deep, echo-laced voice, one almost in a similar manner to her husband's voice.
"Little Mongoose, you needn't threaten, you needn't worry... Rest your weary head for its time for bed, time to rest and help others like yourself rest, for I am the one they call Zepperaith and I've come to your town to help you and everyone here sleep... And dream sweetly into the forever night. I mean no harm, no anger, all I want to do is help... The question I ask is simple... Do you accept me?"
There Plutonium stood and shook in fear for a few minutes, the voices of her neighbors all saying at once, "Accept Our Lord, Accept Our Lord, Accept Our Lord, sleep like us, we're all happy, don't you want to be happy too?"
The Mongoose then ran away as fast as her legs could carry her out of town, while everyone else was gathered up and put into a sleep by Zepperaith. Of course, with his power and speed, he could easily find the mongoose. But he proceeded to giggle and put his hand to his face, finding her attempt to run from him quite entertaining.
He just wanted to help her and everyone in Mobius, but he'd let her run for now, wanting to see what she did for the sake of his own entertainment. In just a few days, he'd track her down again, but for now, he turned his sights on the town.
"Sheep, Sheep, Sheep... It's time for sleep. Rest your heads. It's time for bed... You need not worry about me for I'm your friend till the very end and all I want to do is help you all : )"
He spoke out loud to anyone in the town who could hear him he had not been put into a slumber. Plutonium herself just kept on running. She had to find help. She would save her husband ... right?
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djljpanda · 1 year
Hydrogen Anon, I know I'm back rather quickly, but I'm gonna talk about Creme Republic in the Self Aware AU because it's my favourite location in the game.
Some Cookie Odyssey Spoilers--
The Creme Republic would probably first take notice of Gingerbrave and company sometime around Chapter 10, possibly before, seeing as at the start of Cookie Odyssey, it's established they had tabs on the Ancient Heroes. Though the small group of people with access to this information would all be rather confused..
How are a group of young teens with a thief no less, able to go to all these locations and manage this?? So they keep even closer eyes on the group, maybe even sending some cookies to watch them in their travels. This is when they find out about MC, which is seemingly this mysterious sentient being, hiding away, yet advising them every time they get into a fight..
I also imagine that if MC ever ends up in Earthbread by some ridiculous circumstance, this would probably be a very, not bad per se.. (there is duskgloom and beast yeast after all). But just not great place to land in. You're in a city with no money, and people are giving you weird looks because you clearly aren't from here and don't know where you're going.
(Going thru some characters) - beware very ooc.
I feel like Clotted Cream would just be completely thrown for a loop, it kind of made sense until he was told that the cookies had never actually heard this figure "speak", MC just guided them into a battle formation and then they'd win. It sounds completely ludicrous. I think that CCC wouldn't suspect MC to be a higher power initially, but would suspect MC, whatever they were, had some level of strategic genius to lead a group that effectively, all while never actually being seen.
Financier and Madeleine don't initially think MC is a celestial or anything, that's jumping the gun a little, in fact when the Council of Heroes happens they find MC a little unnerving, MC has eyes everywhere, nobody can see them, and they never say anything. MC just keeps watching. By the time Ch.2 and 3 roll around they get convinced though. MC literally guided all of them, helping in fighting the masked cookies, as well as defending the republic when DE attacked, when they finally witness MCs bizarre guidance in person they walk away with a really different perception, MC being some kind of celestial isn't completely impossible.
When news of the weird entity reaches the elders, they've all got radically different perceptions of MC, (I won't go thru them all it will take forever) - I think Caviar wouldn't care in the slightest what they were, if they really are some higher power, and so far, mute, they probably won't be telling anyone anytime soon, speculation is fine, but the more important issue is if they're a threat or not, and so far, despite their suspicious demeanor they haven't *really* done anything bad.
Honestly I have no idea where Oyster would stand on this, wherever she stands though, she probably keeps her opinion very secretive, though. Or holds off on making assumptions until they have more information.
I'll do Expresso too, screw it. He subscribes to the belief that you're a cookie with incredibly powerful magic, plain and simple. (I could also see him not caring either, but in this case I imagine curiousity getting the better of him).
Though--out of the lot he finds MC the most unnerving, for exactly that reason. If they are a cookie, why do they never show themselves or speak, even in emergencies??
I hope you liked my *very* out of character rambles about the Creme Republic, use these HC how you want, they aren't very good lmfao.
Hello again Hydrogen, welcome back.
I do believe that CCC are very confused about Mc and want to find some understanding not liking how they know nothing of them.
I think when Mc first landed in Earthbread I felt like everyone at first could see them but for right now so unknown things happen where they are not invisible but only those they chose can see them.
And I think that the Mc can talk but when that unknown thing happened it kind of messed up their way of speaking. Kind of like tinkerbell where all you hear are bells when she speaks or they don't need to say anything but yet they still know what they are saying, or some form of sign language.
Just imagine those cookies shocked and confused when they see Mc leading them to battle. But I think Mc really cares about the main squad as to them they are also confused about this new place.
But I do think after Mc helps out with fighting the masked cookies more about their existence started to be talked about.
I do like your self aware hc better than what I can do, does make me want to write oneshots.
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pooplyface1423 · 7 months
~Hidden love ~
Warnings : Murder, usage of a gun
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"Please al have mercy.......we won't ever say anything about this, never we promise," says one of the men gossiping bout Al the day before
"YOU three should have thought that before talking," says Al with a smug grin in his face
One of the three was d e a d body cold and limp instantly. That made the other two plead more and whimper, trying to save themselves from this tragic situation. But Alastor wasn't going to hear their pleads. Two more gunshots were headed to both their foreheads.
"Good morning Al"
"Oh good morning to you too y/n"
After the small greeting, you both went into his host room to get things ready.But before anything else could be done, your manager came rushing in, saying that 3 staff members were missing. How? You asked
"I don't know, they won't answer, and I just came back from their houses and didn't find any of them"
"Oh my, what should we do now?" You asked with a worried expression in your face.
"Well, the broadcast will be a little late today since most of the other staff don't know how to operate the equipment correctly," says the manager
Then, after a 30-minute delay, Al finally got the green light and started the broadcast
"Good morning, everybody. It's quite the pleasure to have you allhere listening. Anyway, sorry for the small delay, and let's get started with the rest of the broadcast, " says Al as he looks over at you and gives you a warm smile, one that doesn't feel forced
"And that completes today's broadcast till tomorrow. Thank you and GoodBye "
After the broadcast ended, Al came up to you
"Hey y/n, I know we've just I known each other for less than 2 weeks, but would it bother you if I asked you out for a devine date?"
"Oh, sure! Today?"
"Yea, today I'll pick you up at 9:00"
While waiting for Al, you dressed in your beautiful red dress, so lost in the thought of going on a date.💃 . Then, a soft knock at the door got you out of your thoughts.
"Wow - you look beautiful, dear," says Al as he grabbed your arm
"Thanks, you look nice as well," you said, wrapping ur arm around Alastors.
The date was going amazing. You both talked a lot about the same things. You both liked the same things, or so you thought
After the date, which if I didn't mention it went great, he walked you to your house and when he was about to leave he kissed your forehead wishing you a good night's rest.
"Oh my, don't even think about it y/n" you thought right before kissing him in the cheek and also wishing him a careful way home and a good night's rest.
When Al got home, he quickly went to the bathroom and saw the slight pink in his cheek, which was the light tint of your lipstick.
With a slight blush in his face, he washed his face before being interrupted
"Baby, what happened?" Said Al's mom as she came up from behind, cupping his cheeks in her hands.
"Oh nothing, mom, I'm fine," says Al, clearly lying thru his teeth
"Oh no, I know when something is up, so tell me know before I find it out myself." Says his mom, still cupping his cheeks, but this time slightly harder
"Ouch, fine. I'll tell you, just stop holding my face so hard, " says Al after the pressure his mom was putting on him
"I went on a date with someone"
"Aw, my baby has a girlfriend. When will I meet the young lady who has my son wrapped around her finger? " says his mom, getting all excited
"She's not my girlfriend... yet"
"Oh well, tell me more bout her tomorrow, but for now, go to sleep, okay?"
"Okay, mom, good night," says Al, as his mom gives him a small kiss on his cheek
"Good night," says his mom, walking away
Hello, I finally finished pt 2. Yay! Randomly got inspiration to finish.
Anyway, I hope to finish pt 4 of the luci x reader fic soon
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Diamond Is Unbreakable Ep 18-29 Thoughts
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Ep 18-19
I feel like this arc would have worked just fine if it was a single episode. I think it drags a bit too long.
Our new character for this arc is Shigechi. I think his design and stand is way too good and it's a shame he is only in a few episodes before he dies. Characterwise he needs work, the show tries too hard to make you feel bad for him in the end. But that's because he only has like 2 episodes to build his character. I can't help but like him though. He is a prick but in his defense he is like 12.
Design wise they are both simple and unique (in Jojo). Which is a hard combination to find in jojo I think. Plus they are really goofy, especially Harvest. Onto the episodes:
It's funny that Josuke has a stronger reaction to having no cash on hand compared to Red Hot Chili Pepper almost killing Okuyasu. If I had Crazy Diamond my whole life I would be the same way too probably but It's still funny to think about.
Okuyasu is quickly becoming my favorite character. His expressions, his voice all come together to create an absolute goofball.
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I will never forget jojo fans for what you guys did to Kakyoin. He says one awkward line and the jojo fans won't shut the fuck up about it for years yet Okuyasu -who called someone's mom hot when he first saw them on multiple occasions- flies under the radar somehow. I am thankful for it, I wouldn't want Okuyasu to get the same treatment too.
Speaking of him, I've been looking thru sdc stuff and wow do people want him in part 4. Making "What if they were alive?" AUs are a common thing obviously but I've never seen it be this huge. Sometimes I'll see part 4 posts where Kak (Sometimes Avdol and Pol too) will be in it without acknowlegding that they are dead (missing in Pol's case). They are just there.
I do get why, Morioh is brimming with stand users and most of them aren't trying to kill people Kak's whole thing is that he is lonely because he can't find other stand users like him. Also I've read CDDH and apparently he is from Morioh. I think we don't need another crusader when Jotaro is part of the main cast already but the thought of Kak with heart shaped sunglasses is not lost on me.
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I was gonna use another screencap but this is funny out of context
Do they don't know they can jump high with their stands? Maybe it's something you have to learn.
Ep 20
Wow...... I wonder what the message of this episode is.
It's generic and subtle as a brick to the face but for someone like Araki? who only stumbles onto themes on accident? This is huge.
It makes a lot more sense for Yukako to be still be with Koichi, instead of, "Just being able to like him is enough for me" act she had going on.
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Our stand user for this arc is Aya. She speaks like she has low blood pressure and she like invading people's personal spaces.
I laughed out loud when I first saw her stand. Those are not boobas those are kikis. I do like her stand. It might just be my bias towards pink.
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He brings Koichi with him everywhere because he is the only person that can tolarate him. He is just some guy. Josuke is suppose to be the type of character you wanna be friends with but everyone loves Koichi cuz he is just a guy. The funniest thing is that is the exact reason Yukako gives as to why she likes him. He is like the token cishet of JoJo.
Honestly? I like Yukako. I wasn't really expecting it cuz I hate yandere/tsundere or whatever type characters but she is entertaining just because of how off of her rockers she is.
My favourite part of the episode is when Koichi tells Josuke and Okuyasu he and Yukako kissed and Josuke almost falls from the window from shock while Okuyasu looks like he has died.
And then Josuke goes "What did you say she did to you?!? That girl never learns" because of course he would think she forced him to do that, considering her track record and all.
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Josuke's reaction after hearing Koichi say he likes her to says everything. Like girl what.
I love how Josuke is just casually talking all the while Okuyasu is crying in his arms. Later Josuke still has one hand on his shoulder while Okuyasu cries but he is also completely ignoring him. Love that for them.
It's so wild that Koichi tells Aya to fucking *blind him* just so Yukako won't feel bad. Both of these people are insane and they deserve each other.
Nice attention to detail that he asks Aya to blind *his stand* since he can see through his stand's eyes otherwise.
Ep 21
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While I was watching this part i was like there is no way he is gonna li- ohh noo
One thing I really like about Kira is that we will sometimes see what he is up to from his perspective. It's partially here but really shows up in the Stray Cat arc. He is not the type of guy to be plotting or thinking about the heroes all the time so it's just Kira's adventures. His silly adventure. And he is being incredibly pathetic about it with the most smug expressionsyou've ever seen.
Plus it's fun seeing the heroes from an outside perspective for the entire episode.
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They say your stand reflects your soul. I have no idea what a wrestler cat with a thousand yard stare is suppose to say about Kira.
Killer Queen is the best stand btw. I will not debate on this. Just look at her. Kira doesn't deserve her, she is way too good of a stand for a guy whose whole thing is wanting a quiet life (besides the murders) (ignore the murders).
Ep 22
Araki reeeally wants to make you feel sorry for Shigechi. How am I suppose to believe people will just ignore a fellow student on the verge of death just because he is ugly. If it was some strangers down the road then yeah sure but this just looks stupid.
Shigechi going to heaven in the exact same state he was in when he died. Crusaders also get stuck in the same expression when they get their souls ripped out of their body. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not.
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"I doubt he'll come to my shop but I'll keep an eye out." Girl you have NO idea
Seeing Koichi next to Jotaro you'd think he is around 90cm or so but apparently he is suppose to be 157cm. I was looking at the Jojowiki and noticed that earlier. The canon weights for the characters make zero sense btw.
Koichi:"Rohan always forces me to go to places" Andkasjskdshsjs??
Ep 23-24
What the fuck happened here.
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Sheer heart attack is like the world's most evil roomba. If I was kire I would simply tape knives on that thang and set it loose inside my house.
I hate Koichi's shieking so much it's unreal.
I think the remote control stands are a really cool concept. Kira functionally having two stands though? Ehhhh... I not a fan of that to be honest. Sheer Heart Attack is basically it's own stand, sure, it's gimmicky but it's also really strong if you don't know how it works. I understand why Araki would want to break the rules for Killer Queen, It's hard to make her look like a threat compared to Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond.
Sheer Heart Attack bring completely neutralized by such a simple trick is why I love stands so much. Hamon is like if everyone had Mew but with different levels and moves. Stands are more like "everyone has different Pokemon but they are all at the same level". Some are obviously stronger than others but even the strongest ones have some sort of trick or Pokemon that counters them, or at least checks them.
I think Act 3 is less interesting compared to act 2 design and ability wise.
You know, I thought Kira's theme was too goofy for me to take seriously at first but it did hit pretty hard here.
I did say I don't like Koichi's VA very much but his confontation with Kira was pretty good.
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Fucking christ.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how good the English dub is. Especially Kira (and Jotaro but I already talked about him during part 3).
Ep 25
The way they handled Kira's new identity is genuinely cool. As mentioned in this episode, Kira doesn't have anyone he is even remotely close to. Not having any dynamics with other people could definitely work for a character but it could also make them boring.
Kira now has to deal with Shinobu who is in a full marridge feeling love for the first time when Kira replaces her husband, and Hayato who is definitely knows something is up because he has never seen his parents have a positive interaction before, ever.
This is before Araki had the most horrible case of same face syndrome so Kira's new face does look slightly different. I like that his pitch black eyes get a pink glow whenever he summons Killer Queen.
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I don't have much to say on this and the next few episodes. The Hand doesn't get a change to do anything, again, god forbid.
Ep 26
Rohan jumping in front of the bus Jesus style was pretty funny and I liked Rohan and Joseph's interactions. I also like Shizuka otherwise this episode sucks I don't wanna talk about it more
Ep 27
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This episode and the one after it straight up confirm aliens are a thing and knowing Araki, I doubt this will come up again ever.
Mikitaka is actually just like me for real because I too lose my shit whenever I have to hear sirens and alarms (Misophonia)
I think he is a bit too generic, I also don't like how mamy symbols he has on his outfit. Also someone buy him brown contacts.
It's really funny that the first thing he does with an alien friend who can shapeshift is: take Rohan's money in a bet and piss him off.
Ep 28-29
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Love that the op starts right after Rohan stabs himself.
He knows that Josuke wouldn't leave without healing him. Also because he is insane and willing the hurt himself and let his house burn down just to know how Josuke cheated.
I like the interactions between the two of them a lot. Josuke annoys him sure, but Rohan is a petty and stubborn asshole who gets upset just at the though of Josuke being happy. He is mad at Josuke for beating him up even though he knows Josuke beats the shit out of people who insult his hair. There is no way that isn't written in Koichi's files. He is just upset that he is experiencing the consequences of his actions. He is beefing with a 15 year old.
The action for this arc is pretty good.
I normally don't mention this because they tend to be brief but the sniffing and the walking noises Highway Star makes annoys me to no end. I am really bad with this stuff.
I especially like the addition of Koichi. He can be a piece of shit sometimes, like in the lock guy episode. I find that pretty funny personally.
It's been a while. I was on vacation for 2 weeks so I didn't have much time to write this.
I don't think I am going to do these posts for part 5 because I will not be able to finish the show otherwise. I don't watch new episodes before I write these (except for maybe a few) since I prefer it that way. I still might do something similar for part 6. We'll see. The issue is I wanna write all my thoughts but I am not good at being coherent.
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stonewallsposts · 2 years
16 personalities questions: 16-18
Going through these in a more in-depth way gave me the idea that when I finish all these questions, I'm going to go back and use these answers to give more thoughtful responses to where I am on the spectrum of each statement. Then I'll plug those into the quiz and see if it gives me a different personality type than the ENFP-A that I originally got. As I mentioned, I was so closely in the middle that I had assumed I could probably take this on four different days and get four different responses. So it'll be interesting to see where I land after taking this much time to delve into where I fit. But given that I'm doing around three per day, it'll take 20 days total to finish it up, plus maybe another couple to settle Where on each statement's spectrum I fall.  
Anyway, on with the responses.  
16. You enjoy participating in group activities 
In general, yes. I call myself an outgoing introvert, meaning that I enjoy group activities, but eventually I have to get away and be by myself in order to recharge my batteries.  
But I do enjoy getting together with groups of people. 
One of my favorites over the years has been our holiday meetings at my brother-in-law's place. His place has become THE place where I can get together with both my sons. While I talk to my younger son regularly on the phone, and visit him a few times a year in Vegas, and I also get together regularly with my older son, about the only place I see them together is when we all meet for the holiday get-togethers at my brother-in-laws.  
But I love big get-togethers with friends and co-workers as well.  
I had mentioned in a previous section that we have a pretty social office atmosphere. When covid hit back in 2020, and everyone was working from home, my boss was not happy. Our IT guy stayed on premises the entire time. I came back after a month, and a few others came back quickly enough too. 
But as the time stretched on, and people stayed working at home, he was definitely missing the interaction. As we've hired on new people, one of the criteria has been finding someone who is willing to come in. I suppose that selection process has brought in people who are more comfortable socially, but for whatever reason, our office environment is filled with people who like the social aspect. So I love whenever we have parties or office lunches. We regularly gather to chat over things. 
I used to do this at church when I was in leadership, but not anymore. Though we still get together after drive-thru prayer for dinner. Or at least we did last year.  
Anyway, yes, I love group activities. 
17. You like books and movies that make you come up with your own interpretation of the ending 
I think I do. I'm trying to think of some movies or shows that have done this. It's not so much my own interpretation of the ending, but I certainly like shows that make me think. 
I was watching a Korean show called One Spring Night a while back. It's a love story between a young single father, whose ex-wife had deserted him, and an independent librarian who falls in love with him. 
The real hitch, in Korean society, is that he is a single father. Apparently that carries some sort of stigma. People figure there must have been something wrong with him to make his wife leave him, or maybe he just has bad 'juju' that caused the misfortune. Then there is a whole stigma about the woman getting involved with him because she would have to raise a child that isn't her own, which again, is apparently a really big deal in Korean society. All this is complicated by the fact that the girl is in a long-term relationship with a guy who checks all the boxes for marriage material, but who she clearly doesn't connect with, and is feeling increasingly distant. 
When she does finally decide to end it, the boyfriend tries to override this by saying it's not just her decision to make. He goes behind her back to get her father's permission. And then the role of parents in their daughter's decision comes up. The perspective of how both guys match up on the list of marriage material comes into play. 
What made me think was that in the show, this is portrayed as societal pressure. But I was recognizing that here, some of these same pressures are being applied by women on themselves. For example the list of qualifications that many women judge potential mates by, is essentially the same as those employed by the Korean parents. Of course self-imposed restrictions are always more acceptable than those placed on you from outside, so there is that, but at any rate, there was a lot that I found interesting in that show. The role of society and the honor/shame culture that makes it so difficult to go against the grain. 
Another movie that made me think was Munich. The story is about the PLO's killing of Israeli athletes at the 72 Munich Olympics and the subsequent retaliations. The Israeli's decide to retaliate with a series of public executions of the responsible palestinians, with the stated goal that "the world will understand that killing Jews will be an expensive proposition." But then the palestinians begin to hunt the Mossad agents as well and exact even more revenge. The entire scenario brings up questions about following orders blindly, the moral questions involved in doing so. And in particular, it made me think of the Jews entering the promised land and needing to execute the people living there. We know from reading the Bible, that the Lord was finished with the people living in the land, and that they had been given ample time to repent, but hadn't. This judgment was on them for their sins. But the individuals that had to go into those cities and hack down man, woman, and child, didn't have that luxury. They didn't know what the history was, they were merely being told to follow this order, and that if they didn't, there would retribution not only on their heads, but on the entire congregation. That's not an easy thing to swallow. 
I remember the charge that the Israelites gave Joshua- We will listen to you, but only be sure that you are following the Lord.  
There have been a lot of developments over the last 100 years with regard to this. The classic Nazi defense at the Nuremburg trials was that they were 'just following orders'. They had no choice.  
This was overruled in that the sheer moral horror of the acts should have been understood as immoral, regardless of the command structure, and they had, as human beings, a moral obligation to not follow those orders. 
So would I, as a believer, follow an order from God to kill another human? There are all kinds of questions that pop up, I know, but these are the questions that the movie confronted.  
Anyway, yes, I do like books and movies that make me think. The specific statement- do I like such that make me "come up with my own interpretation of the ending"…. I'm not sure I can think of a particular book or movie that has made me do that. 
Perhaps some of the Italian movies, which don’t seem to have 'endings' per se. Their modus operandi seems to be to show a slice of life. Things happen and then the end of portraying the events comes, but there doesn't seem to be a resolution. American movies like to tie things up. Italian movies don't. I guess that's more true to life, but it also doesn't feel as satisfying.  
I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing they are talking about with finding my own interpretation. I decide to google this very thing. Some of the movies they listed, that I had seen were Lost in Translation, Total Recall, Gone Girl, Inception, Blade Runner, the Graduate, and the Prestige. I liked all those movies, so I suppose I do.  
18. Your happiness comes more from helping others accomplish things than your own accomplishments 
Interesting statement. I do love helping other people, and the times I'm most satisfied with in my life have been when helping others. We took in a friend from church who was essentially homeless and kept her dog for 5 months, and then she too stayed with us off and on until she got her own place again. Because of that, we ended up having another lady we knew stay with us for 15 months. She was homeless at the time, and without our help, I'm sure she would have been permanently homeless. She is now back on her feet and doing well. Those were difficult days, but at the same time, some of the things I'm proudest of. Any of the people I've prayed for, and spent time helping, those are moments I wouldn’t trade and I've found them the most satisfying in my life.  
So I suppose that my happiness does come more from helping others, but then again, I wouldn’t be in a position to help them had I not accomplished things on my own too. Or at least it seems that way to me. Perhaps the Lord would have blessed me enough to give out, even had I not been working towards my own accomplishments. 
Back around 2005 or so, I had the opportunity to go to work for Cartoon Network. I was doing freelance work for them on the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends show, and several of the guys that had been at our studio, had moved on to work full time for CN. I was offered the chance, but chose to remain freelance so that I could continue to devote more time to the ministry work I had been doing. Several of the guys have gone on to better careers because of that move. My freelance work eventually dwindled until I had to give it up altogether and move where I am now. 
I don't know if I would have had a better, more fulfilling work career, but I certainly wouldn't have had as many ministry opportunities as I did. So I have made specific decisions in my life because I wanted to serve others more than myself.  
In the last four years, after having been blessed with more financial stability, I've often wondered if I should have quit freelance earlier and gotten a job. Perhaps I would have been making more, and I certainly would have been in a better financial position, but I'm happy now, I was happy then, so I suppose, while we can always second-guess our decisions, I'm not going to. I'm just going to be content in the circumstances I find myself in and let it be. 
And since the statement was particularly directed towards not just helping others in general, but helping others "accomplish things", maybe I should try to address that as well. I do, when I have the chance, like to see others succeed. I'm not jealous of others accomplishments, I don't get envious when other people are given accolades or recognition. I will offer help to just about anyone that asks me... at least if I know them already. I'm not gonna hand out money to solicitations on the street. But if a friend, or co-worker needs a hand, I'm usually up to help as much as I can. 
The answer to the question then is yes, my happiness comes more from helping others. 
0 notes
littlewalken · 2 years
Oct 22
Well, my eyes themselves are perfectly healthy so the snow and all that is in my noggin. Fortunately its very light snow and it'll never change or get better but I'm used to it.
Now, if my eyes could be the same I could just keep using the readers at the strength I've been using but one has to need the next strength up and while my so called insurance still covers glasses I opted to get a pair. Should be ready before next year.
It's still good news as basically all I need are fancy pants basic prescription readers and not bifocals or anything. Picked out frames that I have discovered are called butterfly. It's not about how they look on me but how I'll be able to see when wearing them but I've been told I can generally wear most glasses shapes.
And aside from looking and being clean when I go out when have I ever given a shit about being fashionable?
It was a nice thought to find out Mathieu Hartley was at a recent Cure concert. Don't know if they did Play For Today during the show, how cool would it be for him to be in the middle of that? But we all know they did A Forest.
Robert wanted everyone in the band to be considered for the hall of fame and he fought hard but thou shall not have more members than Parliament Funkadelic. And if Snoop Dog fans aren't behind me on that shame on you. We have George Clinton and George S Clinton for a damn funky reason.
Do I have to teach y'all how to moonwalk too? I was in dance classes during a very narrow window where we had Fame, Flashdance, Thriller, and breakdancing at the same time. I just wish I knew I also had iron deficient anemia so I wouldn't have put myself thru all that torture and leg cramps.
I can also teach you some basic baton twirling skills because I started on the path of being Hollywood Kid until I was thrown under the bus for the Life Ruiner, never forget she was almost ____ in the ____ show, and caught on quickly that no matter what I did (hobby wise) it didn't matter because I wasn't cute any more.
You'll never see me on stage again but I can teach you how to do some fun stuff as part of my healing.
0 notes
aurumacadicus · 2 years
I'm sorry you are sad! :( A friend had an idea inspired by Tony's snark in Civil War about running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang--what if Tony actually did run a b&b and a group of bikers came thru, with Steve as their leader & Bucky as his second? it reminded me of a friend who was a waitress & always waited on bikers because the other waitresses were too scared, but the bikers were always the best because they appreciated her treating them like people. maybe Tony sasses right back at them, they start stopping at his place regularly when traveling, and pining might ensue. lol
"...This is the place you rented for us?" Bucky asked.
"Literally everywhere is fucking packed, so yes, this is the place I rented for us," Steve snapped, but even he looked a little green.
The bed and breakfast Steve had chosen--a cute-looking house with pink paint and white trim, shutters, and window boxes and cheerfully named Maria's Place--made them look and feel completely out of place. Typically the Avengers avoided places when there were going to be motorcycle meet-ups, mostly because they preferred to ride as their group alone, but this one had snuck up on them, an impromptu thing from what they could tell. Every other hotel, motel, and inn was packed and prices were through the roof. Steve had even checked out a camping area, but they had been rented out for weeks because of the fine weather. Maria's Place had been affordable and, most importantly, available.
"I'll go get us checked in," Steve finally muttered, shrugging uncomfortably as he threw his leg over his motorcycle. The white-and-pink stairs suddenly looked incredibly daunting. The curtains in the windows looked like lace. "You guys see if you can find a safe spot for the bikes."
"I'll come too," Bucky sighed, following him. "We're gonna hafta double up, yeah?"
"Natasha might get a room to herself, but yeah," Steve said, shrugging again. There was no one at the little desk just inside the door, but there was a bell. The bell had 'welcome' painted on it. He stared at it for a moment, then reached out and tapped on it, sending a cheerful 'bing!' through the house.
"Coming!" a voice called out cheerfully. Just as cheerful as the rest of the house.
"Smile. You're gonna scare him," Bucky whispered, nudging Steve in the side. Then he added, "Oh that's worse. Don't smile. Don't smile."
"What do I do with my face?!" Steve whispered back frantically, but then the most beautiful man in the world was coming out from behind a swinging door, and then all they could do was gape at him.
"You must be Steve Rogers. I'm pretty grateful!" the man said, smiling at them. "I had a few bookings but they all pulled out when they saw the house. I assume you're staying," he added, smile dimming a little. "Everyone else called from outside to cancel, but you're inside."
"Yes, we're staying," Bucky said quickly when Steve said nothing, too busy still staring at him with his mouth dropped open a little. "Thank you. The place looks nice."
The man brightened again. "Oh, good! Excellent. I have your rooms all ready." He pushed the visitors journal toward them. "Sign in here, please, and I'll get you all checked in. Breakfast service starts at eight, dinner service starts at four-thirty, and there are snacks in the bedroom in between. We can also provide a list of local restaurants that I can vouch for personally!"
"That sounds wonderful, thank you," Steve finally managed. "Is there a place we could put our bikes that's safer than out in the weather?"
The man frowned thoughtfully. "Hmm... I have a converted barn out back that you can put them in. I lock it up at nine, though, and I'm petty so I won't open it up again until I want to, especially if you wake me up."
"That's fine," Bucky answered hurriedly. They could bite the bullet and just park outside of it if they really wanted to be out late.
"Great," the man said cheerfully. "My name's Tony, by the way. I'm the one you'll call if there are any problems. Here are your keys, and I can show your group up if you like."
"Thank you, Tony," Steve said again. "We really appreciate it. Maybe you can show us the barn later? Wanna get some gas before we settle in for the night."
"Of course," Tony said, nodding.
Steve and Bucky walked out to gather the things they were putting in their room and Steve almost turned around to walk back in when he saw the smirks on everyone's faces. "What," he asked instead.
"Your ears are all red," Sam said, grinning.
"God," Steve whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Everyone be nice to Tony. He's small."
"Ah," everyone said, and visibly forced themselves to relax their stances.
"I said be nice, not pretend to be someone else," Steve sighed, then shook his head. "You know what, never mind. He's got a place for us to keep our bikes so we need to hurry and get gas before he locks up. Come on. He's going to show us to our rooms."
They all piled into the entryway, and Tony's head swiveled back and forth in surprise, as if it hadn't occurred to him that they would all be wearing biking leathers and carrying saddlebags full of clothes to stow. His eyes grew rounder with every new person that shuffled inside. Finally, though, Thor brought up the rear--although how helpful that was, they couldn't tell, because Tony's eyes went even wider as he looked Thor up and down.
"Is this too much?" Steve asked anxiously, wondering if he'd have to ask if they could at least sleep in the barn.
"Oh, no," Tony said after a moment. "This is fine. I think--everyone might have to double-up."
"That's fine," Steve said, relaxing a little. He stepped forward, motioning for Tony to lead the way. "After you."
Tony stepped around the counter, but instead of leading them further into the house, he grabbed Steve by the collar and dragged him down until they were eye-to-eye. "The last biker gang that stayed in my bed and breakfast left mud all over the carpet, smoked in their rooms, and threw coffee grounds down the sink," he growled. "They treated my cook like a slave and I had to call the cops to get them out because the other option was me throwing them out after using a baseball bat on them. You keep your gang in line or you're gonna have worse problems than an extra cleaning charge on your bill, you got that?"
"Yeah," Steve squeaked, terrified.
Tony glared at him a little longer, then released him, face smoothing back into a cheerful smile. "Right this way," he said, motioning ahead of him, and began leading them to the first bedroom, as if Steve wasn't crumpling to the ground at his feet.
Everyone stared after him for a moment, but eventually Bruce and Clint moved to follow him, carefully edging around Steve.
"Steve are you okay?" Bucky asked in concern.
Steve covered his face, groaning quietly. "I need a cold shower."
"Why are you attracted to people that are scarier than you?!" Bucky hissed, slapping his arm repeatedly.
"And you're not?!" Steve whispered, slapping him back.
"I hope you both get hit by a truck," Sam deadpanned, no longer concerned, and stepped around them for the next room.
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sweettodo · 4 years
⟿ Levi Ackerman x freader x Eren Jaeger
Includes : threesome, swearing, smut.
word count : 4,5k.
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for 300 followers, i promised i would bless you all with a few stories. this was a tough plot to come up with b/c the age difference, but i always come thru :)). enjoy. thank you for 300 friends, readers, and fans. one more story on the way, hope you like !!
Being in the scouts wasn't necessarily all that bad, especially when you had all the strong, agile men to look at all day long.
You didn't bite your tongue, the gushy, teenage girl flirtatiousness that you bestowed upon not one, not two, but a good sum of the boys you worked and trained with every day. Most of whom were your closest friends, who put up with your promiscuousness. For the most part, they fed into it, reciprocating the behavior. But it couldn't be avoided that you took a special liking towards your Captain; Mr. Ackerman himself.
Call it unnatural, call it unusual, but you had a justification for liking him so much. If he said the right thing in the right context, your knees would be shaky and weak, for instance, when he demanded you to 'shut up' half-jokingly for fooling around with Connie too much. You left training that day with a waterfall between your legs, leaving you stunned for at least a week.
The ideas in your head were endless and slightly disturbing. There was no denying you were captivated by him, and he knew it.
Not to mention he took a fondness to you too...
Well, not how you quite anticipated him too. He just believed you were a capable scout, thus him taking you under his wing with your friends. Leaving aside your whorish comments. He took your ignorant attitude with a grain of salt, not allotting you the time of the day- which only made it more of a challenge to get what you yearned much for.
He would scoff, walk away and roll his eyes, reprimanding you on behaving yourself and acting your age. You were 19, you were acting your age, 'I could be worse,' you mumbled under your breath.
Being the species of girl who was drawn to a particular type of man, power play, that sharp attitude which one with a level head and a drop of common sense would take as a definite red flag, the type of man that would punish you for being horny or bratty- you could only dream- it was also clear you couldn't bluff and say that you didn't favor the infamous Eren Jaeger: the strong-willed, wild, dominant and overbearing youthful man. He could command you to get on your knees, and you would in a flash.
Alas, you would not be seeing the pearly gates with what went through your mind about the long-haired, tall, demanding man. On the plus side-unlike Levi- Eren enjoyed the attention you gave him, he played the game with you.
And he played the game good- you liked it.
On numerous occasions, you would be more than touchy with Eren, the little 'not so serious' back rub, or a hand on his thigh under the table to make him hot and bothered. And once or twice, the rare make-out session in an alleyway while your friends shopped or by the stable of horses one time when you were sixteen. Though the sexual tension grew once you turned eighteen when you two were less apt to get in trouble for your conduct- yet you never took it all the way, liking the idea of having him on his toes every time he saw you.
Anyways, today was different than most days, you all were honored with a few days of relaxing, sleeping in, and extra time to eat and shower with no training, or missions.
Appreciating the peace, you lay in your bed buried under the blankets half asleep, taking in the unusual time of relaxation. While nearing slumber again, you're rudely interrupted. A pounding on your door riddles throughout your body, frightening you half to death, you flinch, sitting up in an instant.
"Food! y/n." oh, it was Connie.
You untangle from the blankets, sauntering to your wardrobe, and pulling out a regular old white shirt with shorts. The heat was not something to take lightly around here, you could collapse and suffer from a heat stroke if you weren't careful, so you rolled up your shorts a little and slipped on shoes, taming your hair and heading out of your messy room towards the mess hall, eyes finding your friends and groggily plunging into the bench besides Eren and your other buddies, "sleep well?" Connie laughs, you scowl at him.
"Yea! I was dreamin' about you too! Too bad you ruined it, I was just getting to the good part."
Connie laughs and shakes his head, shoveling food down into his mouth, "I don't even wanna know what that dream was about." Jean grumbles, ruffling his hair to remove it from his clammy forehead; Jean was a difficult one to crack, he usually blushed and would cut your trifling demeanor right off at the knees, he was more for Mikasa's quiet and ethical personality.
"Shut it Kirstein- I do!" Connie protests, you wink at him.
"I'll tell you when I get you alone, how 'bout that Springer?"
Eren could be heard from your left, snorting, you glance over and see his arm raise and head towards your back, yanking your bra and snapping it back against your skin, you unleash an 'ouch' and attempt to reach back and rub the area, "White shirt with a red bra underneath? Who're you tryna' impress?" You shrug.
"Captain, of course."
"More like you dressed in the dark this morning." Eren bullies.
"Captain, what?" Connie and Sasha childishly roll and bounce around in their seats, bellowing laughter while you slowly turn around to face your boss, he reiterates one more time before you chuckle and scratch the back of your neck.
"Talking about how good my boss looks today," the words that roll off your tongue make The tense up and sigh in annoyance, beginning to walk away, you pout, tilting your head, "am I wrong?"
"Keep it up, y/n, I'll have you in a cell indefinitely if you continue this adolescent behavior." He doesn't look twice at you, leaving as quickly as he came. Halting your comments right as they came flying out of your mouth, he had to have been enjoying them! Perhaps a little.
Right as the man in charge begins to leave the hall, he stops, peers his head over to meet your eyes.
"-In chains." Your eyes widen, a perverted grin growing onto your face, looking left to right baffled, 'in chains?' gawking to see if any of your friends noticed the innuendo, but it seemed they were well absorbed in their own business.
But someone heard him.
"In chains?"
You look at Eren, he shared the same shock as you, you wriggle your eyebrows and nudge his side, "I'm not the only one who heard it, so maybe I'm not going crazy." You giggle, finishing your meal and gossiping amongst your friends until it was time to go.
To pass time during the day, you all wasted hours cleaning up to your captain's expectations, finally relieving yourselves for the rest of the evening before dinner; walking down the streets of your town, stopping at the shops down the gravel streets. While everyone talks, your head is elsewhere; replaying that remark Levi made about the chains, borderline obsessing over it- rightfully so.
When he said the word 'chains', you instantly recalled the context behind his innuendo, unless you were going insane, but you had made a joke- your first endeavor at flirting with your boss, mentioning to him using the same chains he used on Eren in court a few years back, your friends condemning your extraverted behavior on the spot; when to no avail, Levi did not feed into that well, sending you to isolation shortly after. And then to Erwin's office to explain yourself... in front of him, Commander Hange, and Levi. Nonetheless, it didn't stop you from toying with the man.
You were somewhat... wild.
Enjoying the rest of your stress-free hours, you spend the evening sitting comfortably in the large common area after dinner; all of you except Eren, who didn't appear at dinner either. God knows where he was.
You lounge beside Armin and Jean, your head on Jean's shoulder per-usual.
"Jean, has Mikasa told you how good you look today?" You hum, his face is instantly soaked up in a rosy flush as he throws his hands over his ears to block your weird comments from reaching his ears, "Mikasa?" you quirk an eyebrow.
"Don't be absurd, y/n" she laughs, "Jean, don't listen to her."
"Jean, you look extra good today," you lean over closer to him, "just thought I'd tell ya'."
"Yeah, yeah." He cracks a small smile, you pat his shoulder then fall back into your seat.
"Awh- c'mon Kirstein, you know I-"
"Y/n, Captain needs to see you..." Eren's voice interrupts the chatting, his head peers into the room, you and your friends falling silent.
"You're probably in trouble again." Armin sighs disappointingly. You promptly stand, "good luck." dragging your feet towards your supposed 'escort', Meeting Eren at the door frame of the corridor, his hands stuffed in his pockets with a deadpan look, watching you begin to take lead ahead of him, "how do you know Levi wants to see me?" You question, examining him whilst walking through the hallways, up the stairs, and around the corner, a few feet away from your Captain's headquarters.
"We talked."
With an uncertain look on your face, churning with turmoil, Eren is knocking once, then twice before pushing open the engraved wooden door, 'Captain didn't even ask who it was at the door-' you furrow your eyebrows, his hand on your back, quickly whisking you into the large room, abruptly stopping in front of his desk.
Your feet are glued to the floor while Eren is closing the door. Levi stands there, propped up against his desk with his arms crossed. The room was eerily silent, you were becoming slightly intimidated. Do you stand? Talk? Sit?
The silence was unbearable.
"Do you need me-"
"I'm fed up, with your manner, cadet." Levi interrupts.
"If I may- Captain," He nods for you to proceed, "why is Eren here?" Captain was very much capable of taking care of reprimanding you on his own, you were almost irritated that Eren was lingering behind you, feeling his eyes burning voids in the back of your head, disrespectfully.
"Isn't that what you want?" Eyes doubling in size, you swerve your head to attempt and get a view of Eren, but Levi halts you once more, treading closer to you so you can look at him, "you don't need to look at Eren."
"I- I don't quite understand."
No one says anything. The air is now thick, more difficult to swallow for oxygen, you were entirely thrown off track with the way he was speaking to you, the way he was looking at you made you want to make a run for it, "Cat got your tongue? Y/n?" Chills rake up and down your body when you feel Eren's breath on your neck, sending your head flying behind you to see the blue-eyed devil almost pressed against your back, you look back at Levi frantically.
Without pause, your ass is planted into one of his chairs, "why aren't you being stubborn? Where's that attitude that constantly gets you into trouble?" Feeling as if you're shrinking, the two men are overlooking you, "go on."
"I- well,"
"She has nothing to say for herself, Cap." Eren looks at Levi, "told you she was all talk." He jabs, were you dreaming?
Your heart thumped out of your chest, you never dreamed of Levi taking it this far, especially when he was so professional... "y/n," Levi's finger touches underneath your chin, raising your head to look at the two men, "always teasing me when you do the same to Eren, so slutty, don't you think, cadet?"
Your mouth drops open at his use of words, finally- the game caught up to you, and you were facing the repercussions, "don't be all shy now."
"I'm not-"
"Then if you're not shy, get on your knees and show us how much you’ve wanted us.”
You hesitate to move, but eventually find yourself slowly sliding out of the chair and onto your knees, "not in my office, go in my room." Eren grabs your arm, walking towards his adjoining room, Levi opens the door and permits you to be ushered in by both him and Eren; Eren grabs you by the hair and directs you back onto your knees in front of your captain's bed, "she's so compliant now that she knows we aren't joking anymore," Levi scoffs, standing behind you while Eren is unbuttoning his jeans right in front of your eyes, a combination of anxiousness and warmth growing in the pit of your gut, looking up at him through your eyelashes, licking across your bottom lip hungrily.
"Be a good girl and open for Eren," Levi bunches up your hair from behind, removing it from around your face.
"Yes sir."
Sticking out your tongue, you try to relax your throat once seeing the size of the man, Levi's grip on your hair prevents you from getting a good look at it before his cock is nudging gently into your mouth, down your tongue, and to the back of your throat, fastening your lips around the base of his cock whilst swirling your tongue when he pulls out of your throat, groaning when your tongue works him with ease.
"So good," He hums, grabbing the sides of your face, Levi drops your hair from his hold so Eren can pick up his pace, using his hands to guide you; gagging and choking while he fucks your throat, saliva dripping down your chin, at the verge of tears, you take his length as far as you can manage. Eren grunting and huffing; only throbbing more when he sees the little tears drip down your cheeks. He heaves out of you, your tongue lolled out while strings of spit follow his cock, the men are astonished at the sight of you gasping for air, but they weren't going to tell you that.
"Are you gonna be good for me and our captain, princess?" Eren crouches down to meet your eyes, clever smile on his face, you nod and he stands you up by your armpit.
You had virtually no control over yourself, they were moving you to where they saw fit; right on your hands and knees into the soft plush sheets, "what do you want, y/n?" you listen from behind you, your head is yanked backward, Levi is there, his free hand wrapped around your jugular loosely, his shirt unbuttoned.
"I want you both to fuck me," you gasp out, they both snicker at you.
"Too easy, way too easy, such a fuckin' whore, imagine wanting both of us," Eren taunts, snatching your shorts down to your knees and lifting your shirt to grab onto the thin waistband of your underwear, "you want Jean to fuck you too? Got any other favorites?" Levi shoves you back onto the mattress, your arms catching you while Levi continues to remove your shorts from your knees, tossing them on the floor, rough hands caressing and pulling apart your ass, both men watch your panties slip in the separated cave of your ass, Eren pulling off your shirt and unclasping your bra.
"N-o, only you guys."
"Who do you want more? Me or your other little fucktoy?" Levi sneers, moving to your front, once again lifting you by your chin, keeping you still while Eren rubs his fingers against the soaked cloth. Pulling upwards against your cunt, the pressure making your clit spasm and scream for the touch of his actual fingers, looking desperate and hungry at your captain.
"I- I can't choose."
Your chest rising and falling, Eren is finally relieving you from your panties, fingers instantly meeting your folds and slipping past your entrance with his two fingers, you whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head, knuckles curving downwards to hook into you and find your sweet spots.
"Well aren't you lucky, you get both of us, even though you don't deserve it," Your captain smirks, getting on his knees, fiddling with the button of his slacks, zipping them down and pushing them past his thighs, "I think she needs to beg for it." He looks at Eren, his erection making itself known from beneath his boxers, fingers quickly scissoring the roots of your hair while he frees himself from his constraints.
"I wanna be your slut- please make me cum." They smile, pleased with your submissiveness.
Cock spilling with precum, he scooches towards your salivating mouth and holds your level to his cock, centimeters away, "so fuckin' wet, can't say I'm surprised you get off to this." Eren's tip rubbing between your folds, collecting the slick that was seeping from your hungry pussy. He pushes into you while Levi is pushing into your mouth, both holes becoming occupied by their pulsating cocks; they longed to fill you up, the torturous teasing you put them through the second you turned eighteen was bound to make them snap- you didn't know what you expected, to be honest, you asked for this.
Eren fucks you slow, savoring the feeling of you clench and suck him in further, pussy stretching from the sheer size of him, veins from the base of his cock hitting and rubbing against the very nerves that were screaming for him to go faster.
Levi fucks deep into your throat, he was about Eren's size, perhaps a little thinner, but he was no match for your throat, choking up the spit from past your throat to lube his cock further. You bring your hand up to assist you, twisting your hand back and forth- up and down while you stimulated his sensitive tip with your tongue, hollowing out your cheeks to suck him back in and repeat.
He was becoming unkempt, his mouth ajar with little moans slipping past his lips, hair dangling in front of the sides of his face while his hips bucked back and forth into the depths of your cave.
"My God, so wet."
You moaned against Levi's cock, Eren speeding up and reaching your cervix, your juices slushing and pussy squeaking while he stretches you out. When his hips connected to your backside, you only want to shrivel up more from the pace he was hitting the hole of your tight cervix. Initially, it hurt, but almost instantly it began to feel pleasurable for both you and Eren, he was reaching great lengths inside of you. He's always wanted to fuck you; almost disappointed in himself that he didn't do this before.
"Taking me so well, I can barely fit," he grunts, "you like my cock y/n? Isn't this what you wanted with your bullshit teasing?" he smacks your ass, crying out, his hips jutting back and forth against you mercilessly, sending jolts into every bone of your body.
He slaps you again, your right ass cheeks burning and tingling from the strength of his slap, "fuckin' slut, better be quiet."
Levi pulls out of your throat, finally able to audible out the loud weeps and cries, he throws his hand over your mouth, "shut up before you get us caught."
"Fuck, Eren!" you wail, ignoring Levis commands, gasps and moans fly around the room, his cock filling you perfectly to the point where you felt like you were made to shape him.
"Open." his hand is forcing your jaw open, sticking your panties into your mouth to silence you. You cry into the fabric, the coil twirling up in your stomach, clenching your walls while he drills into you, his cock rubbing against your g-spot, sending you into a frenzy.
Levi fists his cock for the time being while Eren is chasing his orgasm, knocking into you- inching you towards your orgasm. The back of your head tingling, your pussy twitching, and your stomach tightening, the room spiraling around you while you drop your head into the mattress, eyes screwed shut; Eren tearing an earth-shattering orgasm out of your body.
You see stars and a bright white consumes you, hands reaching to grasp anything, finding Levi's bicep and digging your nails into his skin for support while Eren's cock bathes in your cum, his hands pressing into the small of your back, "'boutta cum, right in this pretty little pussy." He spits, pinning your back to a better arch, you cry into the sheets when Erens thrusts loosen a little, sporadic and stabbing thrusts until he's panting and dumping a large load of his seed into your cunt, letting out moans and swears of approval. Your body convulsing, wanting to collapse.
Erin's lightheaded, dizzy and sweating, little bangs and baby hairs sticking to his soaked face, watching your cum drip down your thighs, the wetness from your pussy which had soaked his stomach, it was a fucking mess.
He pulls out of you, your cream coating his cock; snatching a shirt and wiping himself clean, hiking up his boxers, "you're not done. On your back, now."
Without warning nor regard, you're pushed forward into Levi's hands by Eren to get you moving quicker; you slide onto your back, Levi takes charge and steps off the bed, hauling you by the thighs until you're at the edge of the bed, Levi pressing his hands under your thighs, holding them up and letting his cock slap against your cum-filled cunt, biting onto his bottom lip, teasing his cock into you.
He leans down, taking out the pair of underwear from your mouth, "keep quiet, understood?"
Quickly nodding and bracing yourself, happy to feel warm again.
"Did Eren fill you good?" he asks calmly, you nod.
"Yes- Levi."
Levi halts mid-thrust, peeved look on his face, "yes what, y/n?" you swallow hard, throat dry from the cloth.
"Y-yes Captain, he did." You mewl, he nods once before finishing his thrust.
"This pussy is so tight, even after he stretched you out like this?" he huffs, head dipped down- eyes filed to your pussy sucking in his cock so well; hair flopping back and forth, "I told you I was gonna do something about that mouth of yours, didn't I?"
"Y-you did, sir." You wail.
Levi didn't hold back, each of his sharp thrusts made you more tender inside, little cries fall from your swollen lips while Eren sits beside your head, big arm reaching over your face and kneading your boob, he watches them bounce slightly as Levi ruts into you. Rolling your hard erected nipple in between his fingers, "look at that face, are you gonna cum again?" you look up at Eren, who wears a smug look on his face, "are you gonna cum on Captain's cock, y/n?" you whine, trying to remain quieter under your Captain's directions.
"Gonna-" Eren's hand moves once more- over towards your clit.
This was the first time tonight you had felt this overstimulation, hissing in air and biting onto the skin of your lip, hand grasping Eren's wrist as he swirls little- yet strong circles into your clit, your mouth slacks open, “please! Feels so-" another burst of spasms erupting, thighs shaking and clenching around Levi's waist, "f-fuck me- Fuck me harder Captain, please!" You cry, walls convulsing, cum seeping out of you, down your ass and the base of his cock while he fucks you silly, Eren bringing you that much closer to a euphoric feeling again as he rubs your spasming clit.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you like the whore you are, right?" Levi pants, cockhead rubbing against your sensitive and exhausted g-spot.
"Who can fuck you better?" Unable to audible, Eren moves faster around your num.
"Don't disobey our Captain, pretty girl- use your words." Screwing your eyes shut, the two men await your answer.
"I-I don't know- Ah!" Your back arches, core tightening for the second time tonight- body shaking as the following orgasm sends you over the moon, Eren's hand smacked over your mouth, you wail into his hand, Levi pins your legs open, leaning down to fuck into you harder, thrashing into your guts, pussy gushing around him until he is groaning and throwing his head back while he slams into you, his stomach nearly slapping against Eren's fingers, his dick twitching. His cheeks rosy and his muscles flexed.
"Fuck, so good- so tight- keep squeezing-" he breathes.
You're dazed from the rocking of his hips, he slows, catching his breath while he releases, coating your bruised walls with his cum. Your body left empty and quivering as Levi is slipping out of your cunt, Eren handing him the same shirt he used to wipe himself off with; your captain retrieving it and cleaning the amount of cum that was left on his softening dick, moving to you and carefully wiping the inside of your thighs and beaten cunt.
Catching your breath, Levi is picking his boxers up from the floor and pulling them up along with his pants, “don’t stay there forever, my sheets need to be switched.” He states, Eren reaches for your hand and helps you sit up, putting his shirt over your head and you slip through the arms, feet meeting the cold wooden floor, you attempt to stand, your knees buckling, Eren grabs you by the tricep before you land on the floor and sits you back on the bed.
“I think it would look suspicious if I carried you out of here, can you walk?”
You nod, “yeah.”
Standing again, you're able to succeed, reaching for your underwear, Eren already had it swinging around his index finger, “I’ll hold onto these.”
With no willpower to object, you just pull up your shorts and pick up your shoes.
“Walk her back, Jaeger, don't do anything stupid.”
You and Eren both leave your Captain’s office quietly, the hall empty and empty, you and he slowly walk back, you laughed at the thought about how it would be a tough one to explain why Eren was shirtless and you were- quite obviously- wearing his shirt while he holds your stained shirt in his hand.
With great luck, you and he make it without running into anyone, reaching your door, you and him enter and you shut the door behind him.
“Here’s your shirt.”
He watches you as you throw off his shirt, tossing it to him and opening a drawer, and grabbing one of your own.
Before you realize it.
“Uhm, Eren, I forgot my bra.” Glancing down at your bare chest, Eren shrugs it off and laughs.
“Captain wanted to keep something too, princess.”
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actualbird · 2 years
Omg I just started playing tears of themesis and its a lot of fun! I like that you actually have to find the clues, and actually solve the crime I think that's interesting. Any tips for a newbie lol
I'm so excited especially for the fact that I'm going to understand all the Luke posts on my dash because I love him already XD
wAAHH, hello and welcome to tot!! i hope you have a fun time playing :D (and yes, ur taste is Exquisite, luke is SO GOOD,,,I LOVE HIM SM,,,,,)
and i guess off the top of my head, i do have some tips!! feel free to take whichever u need and discard the ones that dont spark joy!
gameplay tips
do the daily and weekly tasks!: these give rewards each day/week that will help you in card leveling, overall player leveling, and collecting s-chips. sometimes events happen which add new tasks to do for certain rewards so like, basically whenever you see an Exclamation Point Icon anywhere, check it out! theres gonna be stuff to do and rewards to get from it
level up your cards!: if im remembering my own experience starting out, i recall that the debate power increase through the main story was a little bit steep in the beginning jHVKSJHDF. i used to get on by just fine with the EXP from debates itself leveling cards, but that quickly didnt give my deck enough juice. level em up with oracles so u can smoothly go thru the main story :D
take ur time exploring not just the story but also just the sheer amount of other stuff going on in the game: i was overwhelmed when i started, and i started on this game's Release. there was Less Stuff. idk how it must be for ppl coming in now, when theres More Stuff omg. but it's chill, take ur time, theres a bunch of neat stuff to discover
story tips
(idk how intuitive/already obvious these might already be, but when i started out i had no idea how these types of games worked so it took me a while to realize there were MORE STORIES JHSDJFH so i'll mention these tips too, aka tips i wish i knew in august of 2021, HAHA)
read card stories/content: every card you have that is not an R card (so the SSR, SR, and MR), has either a 6 part story in them to read or 2 audio messages for you to listen to and they are Wonderful. dont sweat it tho if u dont have a card and u wanna know its content, by this point, nearly everything is recorded on youtube so u can easily watch what u dont have!
play the boys' personal stories!: aside from the main story (which are the cases and investigations) each nxx boy has personal stories u can find by going to Ur Phone In The Game -> Click On Guy Of Choice -> Lower Right Corner.
if ur interested in nxx team plots outside of the main story, check out past events and their plots on yt!: the event plots are a Treasure Trove of interesting case stories And full ensemble cast interactions. i love this game the best tbh when i see the whole team interacting with each other, so i adore event plots. sadly, nearly all of the events that are done cannot be accessed anymore to newcomers in the game itself, but they can still be watched on yt. buuut thats just nearly all of the events which leads me to my next tip that rlly isnt a tip but simply just my personal recommendation as an intense enjoyer of this game---
download and play through the Mysteries of the Lost Gold event: the Lost Gold event originally ran through september of 2021, but it's been made available permanently as downloadable content in the game no matter when you start playing!! i highly recommend this event. it's by far still my favorite event in this whole game (everything from interesting plot/case to fun gameplay to delicious characterization, I REALLY LOVE LOST GOLD OK!! THIS IS A LOST GOLD STAN ZONE!!)
anyhoo, this event can be accessed by going to X-NOTE Story -> lower and rightmost button Event -> upper and rightmost button Past -> download Mysteries of the Lost Gold
really, i cannot recommend lost gold enough ajhfvjkahfa this is the One Thing i hope all players can experience it's just...I REALLY ADORE IT OKAY!!!
i hope some of these tips can help!! and i hope you enjoy playing this game :D
if ever uve got more questions, pls dont hesitate to shoot another ask hehe. it takes me a while to respond sometimes but i am Always down to be a tot-enabler thru sharing any info i can OwO
(also: jahsvfkjHVKJH SCREAM, have u been enduring my kilometric length luke posts prior to this with no context?? IM SO SORRY AJHVFKJAHSFASF HES JUST....I LOVE THAT GUY...)
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solasan · 3 years
mollie i am knocking down your door and asking about matty, jill & chris 👀
omg leah!!!!!! i am always happy to talk abt my babies thank u sm for askin abt them <333
(under a cut bc this got long, i don't know how to do anything concisely i'm so sorry shdsjk)
so jill & matty meet during the raccoon city incident; matty's a nurse working at the spencer memorial hospital under dr. bard at the time (and also lowkey working for umbrella against her will) and carlos finds her when he brings jill to the hospital. she's literally hiding in a closet lmao carlos almost shoots her when he finds her, but she's so panicked and wide-eyed that he's like ok. i am going to leave my friend with u. please don't let her die. i'll be super mad.
matty looks after jill while carlos goes underground, mostly just keeping an eye on her vitals etc to be sure she's not either a) going to keel over and die or b) mutate into anything deeply terrifying that will scar matty for life lmao. when jill wakes up it's to matty literally checking her pulse, and when she moves matty jumps so hard that jill immediately decides she's going to protect this poor doe-eyed nurse with her life lmao
after the events of raccoon city, they get together. it's pretty hesitant and nervous on both sides at first bc 1) it's 1998 and they are two women and 2) they're both pretty traumatised lmao. matty especially has a lot of nightmares n has to go to therapy to work thru the things she saw at raccoon city. but they're very happy!!! very domestic!!!! they have a Gentle kind of love that builds very slowly and makes me 🥺
jill introduces matty to chris pretty quickly, because he's her best bud. i think even by this point chris is in love with jill but hasn't. quite realised it yet? but he and matty get along very well!!! she's a very soft sort of woman and pretty easy to get along with, especially since she's turned on umbrella now; she hasn't yet joined the the fight against them bc she's. still very anxious about being in any kind of combat situation again, but she works as a nurse in a local hospital n her n chris become pretty good buds thru their shared love of jill
so things between her and jill get pretty serious!!! they talk abt exchanging rings and are pretty open about their plans to spend the rest of their lives together. it's very sweet. and then the spencer estate raid happens, and jill disappears and is assumed dead.
and matty is a mess.
she grieves for a rly long time lmao. and doesn't rly do it very healthily. this is when she gets involved with the bsaa (as a medic) because she's just. so lost and furious about jill's death. she's lost her whole future, yknow?
anyway during this time her and chris kind of get a bit codependent bc they're both mourning this wonderful woman they loved so much, and they dont feel anyone else understands? chris feels like it's his fault she's gone and his fault matty's lost her, n matty's like lmao it's jill she never did anything she didn't want to do!!! it isn't ur fault!!!!
they kind of fall in love by accident? and their love is massively shaped both by jill's presence in their lives AND by her absence; they fall in love with the way the other loved jill first, and then with each other as people not long after lmao. they both feel super guilty abt having these feelings too!!! chris is like i killed her and now i'm trying to steal the woman she used to call her wife and matty's like she's dead and now i'm moving on with her best friend, i'm evil. it's all very dramatic
they do work things out tho. and they get married like. literally 2 months before re5. it's a beautiful ceremony n they both rly wish jill was there for it lmao but yeah. they're happy!!! they're in love!!!! they're talking abt having kids together, which for matty is a big deal, because she was a teen mom and gave up her kid for adoption (something previously she'd only talked about with jill)
really. so much more complicated. once she’s herself again, jill starts talking abt going home to matty, and chris is so like. oh my god what do i do. oh my god i’m married to her girlfriend she’s going to hate me. oh my god i’m so glad she’s alive but we are so screwed
lmao she comes home and it’s been three years and matty doesn’t live in the apartment they shared anymore and she’s a married woman now and the next few months are just. very awkward and confusing for everybody involved? jill still loves matty and matty still loves jill but she also loves chris, who loves them both, and none of them know how to act lmao. chris talks once abt stepping back to let them be together and matty nearly brains him on the nearest hard surface she’s so mad.
anyway. eventually they do work it out. matty kind of preliminarily remains married to chris while also dating jill (consensually, everyone involved knows) and then uhhh jill eventually realises she loves chris too lmao and they all get drunk and hook up once and from then on it’s sorted. they are a package deal. they also eventually have a private lil ceremony where they all exchange rings w each other lmao they’re so in love it’s disgusting
and yeah. i still haven’t played village so idk whats going on w them by that point except they probably have a kid or two??? the end SHKDKD im so soz this is so long
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chaos-event-horizon · 3 years
If you're up to writing, can you do a drabble about the REAL first time Rian and hero!Toshi met that you've alluded to before?
I'm honestly a bit exhausted so I can't write anything good, but I'm REALLY excited to talk about this so have a kinda-drabble-kinda-outline thru bullet points! Long enough that it requires a cut so I don't flood anyone's feed with a wall of text! Thank you SO much for asking, I love talking about my boyfriend so much!
Rian, then named Rachel, was a 15 year old queer kid who was deep in the closet in more ways than one. Not only was he dealing with life trying not to out himself as trans... But his parents were notorious bank robbers, who kept their identities hidden while living lavishly in a high-end bit of Suburbia.
His mother's quirk allowed her to create doorways to get through anything up to a meter thick. His father's quirk allowed him to cause spatial distortions that could range from illusionary to actual physical mangling and crumpling of anything he picked within his line of sight.
They were horrible people. Besides just being criminals, the two of them were very neglectful and emotionally manipulative, often using Rian/Rachel's 3 year old baby sister as leverage to keep him in line. They would force him to do things and act certain ways in public, to keep up the illusion of a happy and legitimately wealthy family.
Rian hated them, and they knew it, and they revelled in his powerlessness to do anything about them without hurting himself and his little sister... But when they decided to use him and his quirk to pull off a heist at a particularly tricky bank, Rian decided he'd had enough. Using multiple accounts and varied amounts and degrees of information, he made several anonymous tips to different heroic organizations and government agencies about the robbery, emphasizing "the kid's" unwillingness and the fact that they were using a toddler to force him to do it.
He heard nothing back from a single place. Not a single American hero made any attempt to contact him. He was powerless to do anything on his own. On the day of the heist, as they entered the bank, Rian/Rachel sent one last pleading look at the nearest security camera, and...
"Greetings citizens!" Said a cheerful voice, deep and booming, as a large and warm hand gently gripped Rian/Rachel's shoulder and a gust of wind sent papers flying around the room from the speed at which it's owner suddenly appeared. Rian looked up to find blonde hair, a dazzling smile, and crystal blue eyes. "It's fine now... Why? Because I'm here to help! Allow me to introduce myself: I'm All Might, and I'm here to stop this before anyone has to get hurt!"
The air was tense. Rian/Rachel was effectively separated from his parents, and they hadn't planned on needing any other means of escape. They hadn't even brought their masks, as they were just going to force Rian/Rachel in and out of the vault by using pictures and having him make portals. None of them moved, though people around them were being quickly led away to keep anyone else from getting caught up in the situation.
The owner of the warm hand and warmer smile gave Rian/Rachel a grin. "Don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong. I'll handle this civilly, and then we'll take you somewhere safe."
Rian/Rachel's dad reacted first, throwing up a hand and preparing to use his quirk....but was waaaaay too slow. The Warm Man had moved faster than sight, putting a blindfold over the Father's eyes and pinning him to the ground while sending a more dangerous grin up to the Mother.
"Ma'am, I suggest you come quietly. I think you'll find that I'm not here to play games with people who rob banks and abuse their children."
She did not come quietly, throwing her handbag at the Warm Man and lunging towards Rian/Rachel... Only to also end up pinned to the ground, shrieking profanities.
"Well, I did try to tell you," said the blonde, who then gave the teenager another warm smile. "I'm sorry you have to see this. Again, we're all aware you didn't want to be here. Your little sister is already safe and in custody, and if you'd be so kind as to follow the person behind you, we'll make sure you get well taken care of.
Rian/Rachel nodded, turning to go... Then stopped. "Will... Will I have to see these two ever again?" | "That might depend on what court appearances you might have to make... But I'd imagine no one will force you, after everything you've been through." | A nod, then... "... Will I be able to see you again, so Lilly and I can thank you properly?" | A thoughtful smile, followed by a teasingly pointed look. "That also depends... I'm actually on loan right now. I'm supposed to be on vacation... But there were so many very helpful anonymous tips, that I was asked to take part in this. I hope I can see you again before I leave! You're very brave... I think you'll make a much better hero than a bank robber." | Rian blushed, then nodded, retreating in embarrassment. Maybe 50 tips was a bit too much.
Sadly, they did not see each other again until many years later... And so much has changed that Rian's not sure he'll ever be able to properly thank the warm man with the comforting smile and bright blue eyes.
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stonertransdad · 3 years
Life Update since I hadn't been on here in forever
The pandemic was/is wild! Lockdowns started literally around the time we were going to the fertility specialist to get her pregnant. I lost my job to COVID in March shortly before we did the procedure, but we decided there's never really a good time to have a kid. Why not during a global pandemic when one of us in unemployed? (BTW, I don't recommend having a kid during a pandemic. Not being able to go to all of the appointments and having to sit in the parking lot was brutal.)
Let's talk about May friends...it was rough. (TW for mention of suicide btw. I'll post a gif where it's safe to start again if you wanna skip over it.)
So May 1st is the anniversary of my father's suicide. It had been 4 years. I found his body and since he wasn't married, I had to handle his affairs and arrange his funeral. May 1st, 2020 my wife and I had a Zoom game night with our friends and I got drunk because everyone was drinking (except my wife because she was pregnant). After our game night at like 2am, I had a psychotic break. I threatened to kill myself numerous times. My wife tried to talk me down, but eventually called the cops to take me. I thank her for that because looking back, that was the moment I knew something needed to change. I was convinced the cops were gonna kill me because I'm a trans dude in rural West Texas. I legit took the phone out of my wife's hand, hung up on 911, and yeeted her phone across the backyard and tried to hop the fence. Eventually the cops came and talked me down. They took me to the hospital an hour away in handcuffs (for their protection I did nothing wrong). They took me to the religious hospital that I was born in. So when they looked up my info by my name and date of birth from my driver's license (I only changed my middle name) literally all my paperwork and my bracelet had my deadname and wrong gender despite all of my legal stuff saying male with my new middle name. I mentioned it to them and they didn't care. They misgendered me the entire time I was there. I had hit my head hella hard on the bath tub when my wife was trying to snap me out of it, did the hospital even check me for concussion? Nope. I had punched so many things and my hand and wrist were swollen and discolored. Did they check out my hand and wrist? Nope. I was there for over 10 hours before I was able to convince them I was okay and that it was just the alcohol. Did I mention during that 10 hours I was literally out in the hall on a gurney with no mask and this was when COVID was running rampant in Texas (the first time)? I heard people die that night. I had nothing to distract me because they took away all of my personal items and clothes. My wife picked me up and we went home and I have been sober ever since. It's not the first psychotic break I've had with alcohol in my system. Alcohol just doesn't agree with me, but I'm finding new things to replace it with.
TW has been lifted...it's safe now.
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A couple of weeks after that I began teletherapy because I had been on the same mood stabilizer and anti-depressant for almost a decade. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that I felt like it hadn't been working for at least a year. This is a reminder to check in with your doctor if you feel like your meds aren't working. You may just need a different dose or a new med. There's no shame in that. I bounced around on various medications trying to find the right combo, some side effects scarier than others, but we got there. Before this, I had been diagnosed with ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My therapist threw out my Borderline diagnosis and said it was CPTSD instead, which made sense.
Fast forward to December because my wife was pregnant, I was unemployed still, and we did absolutely fuck-all because the global panini was still raging.
Our son was born on December 3, 2020. He weighed 5lbs 9oz and scared the ever loving shit out of us. He wasn't breathing when he was born so they called NICU in ASAP. I'm freaking out because I can hear and see what's going on while my wife was asking if he was okay as they put her guts back in place to sew her up. 5 or so minutes pass and a nurse asks if I want her to take some pictures. I'm like is he okay, he still hasn't cried. She's like "oh yeah, he's chillin." This goon was being held by a nurse and was just looking around not crying or anything. Chillest baby ever (he still is btw). I held him next to my wife's head until it was time to go back to the room. Little dude did have to spend 4 nights in the NICU because he couldn't keep his sugars or temperature regulated, but he was healthy otherwise. He's now 4 months old and is starting to sit up on his own a little bit and he's OBSESSED with standing. He's still a little guy, but very healthy and growing like a weed. He saves my life daily.
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So after being unemployed for over 9 months, I started a new job working in a call center. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. It gives me anxiety and throws me into panic attacks, but I had been putting out hundreds of job applications since I lost my last job and this was the first offer I got. I wasn't really in a position to turn it down since my unemployment had ran out 2 months prior. It was 2 months of training, then we'd be on our own. I got thru the training and thought I could handle it...until they started putting us on live calls with someone helping us if we got stuck. My mental health hit the lowest point it had in a few years and my wife was terrified she was going to lose me. She convinced me to quit on February 28th (not because I didn't want to, but because I'm a stubborn ass who felt guilty). My meds got tweaked a little bit more dosage wise during this mess.
Starting about mid-February, I was experiencing severe shakiness, tremors, and spasms. I've always been a shaky person and never really thought too much about it, but at some points I could barely feed myself, or get a drink, or hold my son. On March 7th, I tried to make an appointment with my doctor about the weird symptoms I was experiencing, but she was out of town and her next opening wasn't until the 31st. My body said that won't work and my wife rushed me to the ER on the 9th...I had begun having seizures that day. I had no previous history of seizures. Got to the ER and had a seizure literally as I was walking thru the door, so they rushed me straight back. They took some blood and that was literally it. No MRI. No CT. They pumped me full of Ativan and said it was just a panic attack and to go home and chill.
Spoiler Alert: It wasn't just anxiety. I was having 20+ seizures a day. On the 10th, my wife rushed me to a different hospital...the good hospital over an hour away. First we had to drop off our gremlin with my mom to make things a little easier. Yet again, I had a seizure as I walked in the door and was taken back immediately. I don't really remember much because they kept pumping me full of Ativan and morphine because I had been in excruciating pain from the number of seizures I'd had. I do remember them doing a CT pretty quickly after I got there. Then they weren't happy with the results of the CT, so they took me to get an MRI, which showed possible signs of Multiple Sclerosis (but I didn't find that out until AFTER the notes showed up in my patient portal after being home a few days, so I raised hell...more on that later.) They did a 24 hour EEG on me and it showed nothing abnormal. Also, EEG glue is a bitch on your hair and scalp. After looking at everything and given my previous mental health history, they diagnosed me with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures, or PNES. It is a subset of Functional Neurologic Disorder, or FND. I couldn't walk well anymore and had to use a walker when I was discharged. I was in the hospital for 3 days.
When I had my follow-up appointment on the 23rd, I asked why the possibility of MS was never mentioned to me since it was very clearly in the notes. The doctor didn't have an explanation. He called in a referral to neurology so I could get a 2nd MRI to confirm MS and marked it as high priority. He also didn't take my pain seriously. My pain levels had been at a 5 or higher every single minute since they took me off of the morphine in the hospital. He told me to keep taking prescription strength doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol, which I had been. I let him know I had been and it didn't even take the edge off the pain. He ignored me. Leading up to this appointment, I had also added urinary incontinence to my growing list of symptoms and was forced to wear diapers so I didn't have to do laundry all the time. The doctor also took me off my ADHD meds because they were lowering my seizure threshold. He also took me off of my sleeping meds and nightmare meds for the same reason I'm assuming.
I kept my appointment on the 31st with my primary doctor because she's been my doctor for 5 years now and I knew she'd take my pain seriously. She did. She immediately wrote me prescriptions for a muscle relaxer and Tylenol 4. She also told me that my referral had been rejected by neuro. She said my case wasn't a good one for what she called a "wallet biopsy" and the doctors in neurology could be real assholes. She immediately sent the referral to other locations to get an approval. I am still waiting on that despite it being marked as high priority. She wrote me a prescription for a wheelchair because we both agreed my wheelchair was not enough for particular days.
Yesterday my wheelchair was finally ready for pickup, so my wife drove me to go get it. I'm still unable to drive due to my seizures and my tremors and twitches as it's predominantly in my legs and arms. I am an ambulatory wheelchair user now. Some days I can go short distances without my walker, some days I can't go without my walker, some days I can't even get out of bed, and some days I will be using my wheelchair. Don't judge a book by its cover, not all disabilities are visible. I have managed to keep my daily seizure count down in single digits and have even had a few seizure free days. They are still incredibly taxing on my body. I feel like I can't ever replenish my spoons fast enough to keep up with anything in my life.
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So all in all, life has been chaotic. We are moving from Texas to New Mexico in the next few weeks, which should be interesting considering I can't overdo it without throwing myself into seizures. We will be closer to my mother-in-law so she can help us with our son and I can start resting a bit more on the more difficult days. Being a stay-at-home dad with an invisible illness has been one of the most challenging things I've done in my life, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to update my followers since it's been over a year since I posted before a few days ago.
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1-800-hellraiser · 4 years
I Wanna Be your Girlfriend (BEN Drowned x Female!Reader)
Requested by: No one
Pages: 7.2 
Words: 2,637
Associated song: I wanna be your girlfriend - Girl in Red
!Tw! Swearing and mentions/a picture of facial scaring, that's about it.
"I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna be your bitch. And I wanna touch you but not like this."
   "Yo fuckers, I'm going down to the convince store, you want any thing?" You ask to the three pastas lounging on the couch. The other two pastas shake their heads, but the third one makes himself known. "Could you get me a blue raspberry slushie please?" He asks slinking his head upside down over the back couch, his golden locks flowing straight down. You chuckle at the childish nature of the virus. "Sure thing, BEN." You exit the mansion and begin walking. 
   As you're walking out of the forest, you itch your face slightly, your breath hitches at the painful sensation. When you first got to the mansion, a certain monochrome fuck decided to pick a fight with your unstable, shaken up ass. He left you with four long scars down your face. Thankfully, he didn't damage your eye at all. 
   You don't bother wearing a mask to hide your face. You simply don't have the energy to give a fuck. You understand why people stare, it's odd and unusual to have that type of scaring. You don't mind, curiosity gets the best of us sometimes.
   Anyways, you reach the convince store and pad inside. Inside was a wonderland of junk. Everything from Twinkies to state made craft beer. Your eyes wander around before spotting the slushie machine. There are four selections of slushie to choose from. There's Coke, blue raspberry, cherry, and green apple. You go to grab a cup, but then realize BEN had never mentioned a size. Quickly, you pull out your phone and text BEN.
Yo BEN, what size do you want?
    You decide to get your own slushie too. You pull out a medium cup and cover, then choose your flavor. You gently push back the lever and watch the mix of flavor syrup and crushed ice enter your cup. You take a red straw and poke it into the slushie. You almost forget about BEN's slushie until you feel your phone buzz in your non dominant hand. 
Lil' Green Bitch
Uhhhhh, get me a medium plz 
   You take another medium cup and fill it with the blue slushie. You grab another straw for BEN and stick it in the back pocket of your jeans along with your phone. You walk up to the  depressed looking teenage cashier and put both drinks on the counter. You pull out your wallet before hand, so it isn't as awkward trying to pay. The cashier looks up the price for the slushies, since there is no barcode. 
    "Your total is $3.25 miss." The cashier sighs out. You open your wallet and pull out exact change. You hand the cashier your money and slide your wallet back into your pocket. "Have a good day." "You too sir." You reply, grabbing the slushies and leaving. You start your walk back to the mansion. 
    "I'm back bitches." You announce, opening the front door. You look around for your favorite green midget, but he's nowhere to be seen. "Have any of you seen BEN?" You ask the two other pastas, who are still on the couch. You close the door with your foot and walk over to the couch. "I think he went to his room." Jeff rasps, you nod and thank him. 
   You know where BEN's room is by memory because you and BEN have weekly sleepovers. Speaking of which, you're having one tonight in BEN's room. Your heart flutters at the thought of such a thing. You and BEN are best friends, you hit it off when you two first met. You started developing feelings for the glitch, you've crushed on him for almost a year now. You always keep your cool around him though, as to not raise any suspicion. 
   You knock at his room door, waiting for him to come out. "Coming!" He says through the door. You hear some shuffling from the other side and a small 'ow'. A few seconds later, he opens the door. You try and hide your blush the best you can, as he us wearing a black tank top and white boxers with the triforce symbol all over them. 
    "Pfft, nice boxers BEN," you comment sarcastically. You see a hint of a blush across his cheeks. "Thanks, would you like to take a closer look~?" BEN flirts, you laugh. "Ew no," you laugh out, punching him in the shoulder. "Anyway, here's your slushie loser." You say, handing the slushie to BEN. "Thanks bitch." BEN replies, you chuckle. "See you tonight," you say, begining to walk away. "See you tonight," BEN concludes. 
   Walking back up to your room, you take a sip of your slushie. You wonder what you and BEN are going to do at the sleepover. You usually surprise each other, the last sleepover you had, BEN took you to McDonald's at three am and harassed the workers working the drive thru. Fun times. 
   You open your bedroom door and walk in. Your room is decorated with posters you stole from victim's homes. You also have LED lights (also stolen) around the perimeter of your room. They're off right now, so you pick up the remote and set them to f/c. You smile proudly at the LED's, you also have Polaroid's strung up on some wire you found in the mansion. You have ones with you and BEN, you and Clockwork, you and Jeff, and you and your old friends. 
   You have the photos because you snuck back to your old house to steal some of your most important possessions. You also have a lava lamp you bought from Spencer's, it looks dope. You take off your shoes and set them next to your door, and set your slushie on your nightstand. You decide to take a nice, hot shower.
   You grab a pair of black leggings that are ripped all over. You also grab a black long tee shirt that goes down to your mid thigh. It shows your s/t shoulders and has a graphic of a skeletal hand with a cigarette with the words 'smoking kills' in cursive, white letters. It has the classic two bold white stripes on the sleeves. You also grab some clean undergarments and socks.
   You pad into the bathroom and close the door behind you. You turn on the faucet and put your hand underneath the water flow to test the warmth. As soon as the water hit your hand, you reel back and hiss in pain. You turn the knob a bit and wait for the water to cool down. As soon as the water cooled down enough, you slip the rest of your body into the shower.
    You step out of the steaming shower and wrap yourself in a towel. You dry your hair and style it however you would like. You slip on your undergarments and socks first. Then, you pull on your ripped leggings, making sure you don't get your feet caught and rip them more. Then, you slip your long shirt on over them. You put on some deodorant and check your phone, Your phone clock reads 5:54.
   "Shit!" You whisper as you go back to your room and grab your shoes. You're supposed to meet in BEN in his room at 6 pm (18:00). You put them on quickly and grab a f/c drawstring bag sitting in the corner of your room. You snatch the bag and fill it with your phone, phone charger, a blanket, some extra cash, and your handy dandy pocket knife. 
    You almost fall down the stairs trying to get to BEN's room in time. You bust open his door at exactly 6 pm (18:00), panting like you just ran a marathon. "Hey princess." BEN greets nonchalantly, you wave at him back. "Alright, since you took me somewhere on our last sleepover, I was thinking I could take you to some places, if you're up for it." BEN nods and gets up off his bed. "Alright, let's get our stuff set up first before we go." You nod and take the blanket out of your bag. 
   You observe the setup you and BEN have made and nod proudly. BEN set up a t.v on the floor and you both built a pillow fort to watch scary movies in when you both are done being teenage hooligans. Next to the t.v is a mini fridge BEN kept in his room for your sleepovers. He also has it in his room because he will deck anyone that eats his leftovers. 
   "Ready?" You ask, turning to BEN, "Yup, ready." You grab your drawstring back full of essentials and leave with BEN. Once you get out side, BEN asks you where you're going. "I was thinking we could hit up McDonalds, then walk around until we find an abandoned building to hang in." You explain, BEN nods, "Sounds like a plan to me." 
   You both arrive at the pretty beaten up McDonald's and you both walk in. "Welcome to McDonalds, how may I take your order?" The cashier asks boredly, you turn to BEN. "I'll take a ten piece chicken McNugget please." BEN responds politely, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Okay, and what about you Miss?" "I'll  take a f/o (favorite order) please!" The cashier nods and rings the order up. "Your total is $13.45." You nod and dig in your bag for your wallet. 
   "Don't worry N/n, I got you." BEN states and pulls a twenty out of seemingly nowhere. "O-oh, thank you B." You gush, that was very kind of him. So kind of him, it made your heart beat harder in your chest. "Alright, your food will be out in a minute." The  cashiers words snap you out of your lovey daze. You nod and walk over to a table to sit at while waiting for your food with BEN. 
   "What's our order number?" You ask, BEN looks back at the receipt. "Uhhh, order number 69, nice." He chuckles, you giggle back. "I have another question, where did the twenty come from?" BEN chuckles again. "I always have spare change in my hat." He takes off his hat and hands it to you, you peer inside and see another ten dollars and five quarters. 
   "Woah, that is the most epic magic trick I've ever seen." You say sarcastically at BEN, he chuckles. "My pleasure, Y/n." "Order 69?" You her somebody shout, you turn to BEN. "I'll go get it." You say, standing up from the booth. "Thank you miss!" You chirp at the cashier that just gave you your order. You set the tray down and begin to eat. 
   After you and BEN are done, you take care of the tray and leave. "So, where to now?" BEN asks, you smile, a great idea popping into your head. "I know the perfect abandoned house to hang out in, its a 15 minute walk from here," You explain to BEN. "Ok, lead the way N/n." You clasp your hands together in excitement. Hopefully, your plan is going to go smoothly.
    Your plan is to go to the abandoned house, and explore with BEN for a bit. After that, you lead him up to a window that you can get to the roof from. You are going to sit on the roof with BEN and tell him how you feel. Hopefully, he feels the same way about you.
   You arrive at the abandoned house with BEN. You both walk up to the front door, "After you m'lady," BEN motions, tipping his hat. "Thank you my fair gentleman." You took a bow and enter the building, both of you giggling. You carefully step around fallen debris and rotten floorboards. You make sure that BEN was also being safe, you love BEN, but he is quite a handful. 
   You both walk into the dust covered living room.  There was an ugly yellow rug lying in the floor, and a black table sitting on top. Two beige recliners are sitting at opposite angles facing towards the wall. Behind that, was a window with spindly white curtains. You both investigate the living room before moving on to the rest of the house. 
   The house is very small, it only has a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and one bedroom. So, you move on to the kitchen. The kitchen had a pretty white wallpaper with pastel pink flowers all over it, it looks like someone painted the flowers with watercolors. Theres noting in the kitchen other than the cabinets and sink. You look in the sink and on the counters. BEN snoops through the cabinets. He finds nothing other than a single black marble. 
    "Yo, N/n, look what I found." BEN says, showing you the completely black orb. "Woah, that's sick!" You say looking intently at the black orb. You both exit the kitchen. "Do you wanna split up for the bathrooms?" You ask BEN, "Sure" he says. So, you both split up, you go upstairs and see two doors. You don't know which one is the bathroom, so you did the best thing you could to chose which door to go into first. 
    "Eenie meenie miney mo catch the tiger by the toe, if he hollars let him go." You end, your index finger pointing at the door in the right. You open the door to the bathroom and walk in. Pretty pastel blue tiles cover the walls. You see a sink with a mirror above it, it is one of those mirror cabnets. You push on the mirror, it inverts then squeaks open. Your eyes catch on a dusty orange cylinder. You pick it up, there's no label, interesting. 
   BEN enters the bathroom downstairs. The bathroom is covered in pretty white tiles. BEN notices the sink and the mirror, he pushes on the mirror and nothing happens. He steps over to the blue shower curtain and pulls it open. Nothing is there, so he turns around to meet you upstairs. 
   You both meet in front of the door on the right, you reach out and turn the doorknob and open the door. You both enter the room and look around. The walls are painted a nice gray. The bedroom is empty,  except for a lone window leading to the roof. You go over and open the window, you motion for BEN to follow. You carefully stick your leg out onto part of the roof, then walk up the slope. BEN follows you up and sits next to you. 
   "Hey BEN, can I tell you something?" You ask, BEN gives you a curious look. "Okay, what's up?" You take a deep breath. "I brought you up here because I wanted to to tell you that, I like you, a lot. And, I hope I can be your  girlfriend?" You end shrinking down a little bit, BEN smiles at you. "I'd love for you to be my girlfriend, Y/n." He says, gently putting his thumb under your chin and lifting it up.
   Your eyes meet with his, you both lean in. His lips met yours, they're soft, but cold. It sends a chill down your spine. You both melt into the kiss, but before anything gets heated, you pull away and hug him. "Thank you, BEN." 
Best. Sleepover. Ever.
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ladyxxdaydream · 4 years
Of course feel free to ignore this if its stepping boundaries. And if it is im sorry!! Im processing heartbreak of my own (3 years and it ended abruptly last summer) so I feel for you when you talk about yours (though I know yours was longer, im sorry). I actually found NATA a bit after and it seriously helped me through some of the toughest times, I kid you not. And then I'll Fall did as well and then all your others lol. And through falling in love with them I fell back into this fandom and back in love with writing and back in love with loving, honestly?? Despite the pain, those stories kinda made me a romantic lol. I was so hurt (still hurt) but I dunno.. they helped me really wanna do better, get better, strive for more. They helped me not give up on love and not close myself off which I always used to do. Ahh I dunno, I just wanted to let you know that your work has been a big comfort to me. And again if I overstepped, im really sorry!
I read this hours ago, and then re-read it several times, and then sent it to two of my friends, all while crying. I am so, so touched. this is probably one of the sweetest, most amazing things anyone has ever said to me.
i’m going to put the rest of my response under a cut because its gonna be long and your vulnerability is something i want to meet equally.
listen. when i first read this... i wanted to be bitter. bitter because I’ll Fall and NATA are directly influenced by my eight marriage that just ended; those are the only two fics I’ve written that are connected to my relationship, and ironically (or maybe not lol) my most popular and well loved stories. I’ll Fall is the story of how my partner and I met -- some of those scenes are directly lifted from my life -- and so much of myself and my wife are written inside Iruka and Kakashi in NATA, chronicling how our relationship grew over time. Of course, those stories are heavily embellished and transformed into a plot but my point is... reading that they helped you not give up and love, both broke my heart and healed me all at once.
I remember when my relationship ended, NATA was not yet complete, and I had this horrible moment where I thought: “if the seed that directly inspired them ended, then they also need to end.” I LITERALLY CONTEMPLATED DIVORCING THEM. But I am not a horrible person lmaoooo and of course they are a completely different entity than my marriage -- they were inspired by each other, not one in the same.
Even though that was my first reaction to your ask, it quickly faded away. Because... I find it absolutely beautiful and so incredible that my stories made you not give up on love, and to not close yourself off, and help you move on or let go. Because while my love (and your love) ended... it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. It existed. It was real. And it was beautiful. And then it ended. And that’s okay. Love isn’t finite. And it comes in so many forms. And every variation of it is unique and special. Love will come again. It’ll come many times. Even if it’s not in the form of a person--love is everywhere, and everything.
And you know, writing that final chapter for NATA, a few months after my break up, was actually cathartic. I thought it would feel like a lie, but it didn’t. Writing them reminded me of how beautiful love can be, and I’m really grateful for it. I, too, learned a lot from them. They also served as my coping mechanism so to speak, providing me comfort and security. And I am beyond humbled and thrilled to know it served someone else in the same way.
It’s still hard for me to even comprehend, to be honest; the fact that those two fics inspire such emotional responses from people. But I think the reason people have responded to NATA and I’ll Fall so strongly, is because I laid myself bare. All my vulnerabilities and insecurities, and flaws, and heartbreak (in i’ll fall) are written all over it, as well as my experiences with love, which i’ve been blessed with richly, despite what may have happened. People always say to write what you know, and I guess I took that very literally lmao
anyway. i hope things get easier for you, if they haven’t already. i’m... five months? post-separation and still very much raw. and i gotta say... experiencing a break up during the pandemic is extra hard and weird. our friends cant hold us while we cry. we cant go out dancing or to a bar or do anything even remotely social that might help us ease us down that river of moving on, or give us that feeling of being newly single? idk?  it makes an isolating experience even MORE isolating. and has made the finality seem less real somehow? like ... sometimes i feel like im just waiting to get back together... even though i know thats not going to happen... i dont know if thats just my experience but...fuck.
i think my only advice is just... let yourself feel it. my biggest tool is meditation and trying to stay present. my favorite set of mantras recently is very simple -- each word corresponds with an inhale / exhale:
present moment/wonderful moment.
And this quote by Louise Erdich:
“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”   
And this poem by Buddy Wakefield, which might seem like an odd thing to watch while heartbroken but shrug??? lmao it’s a tear-jerking but also a real honest show of love at it’s finest.
And music. Music has always been a balm for my soul. Or cracked me open. Sometimes I need to be cracked open. Crying is the best medicine.
Suit of Armor by Danika Smith
going thru by christian alexander
holy by jamila woods
chin up by yoke lore
conversation by lucy rose
plus a zillion more.
ANYWAY, anon. I’m here for you. And my stories will always be there for you, whenever you need them. 💖 sending all of my love!!!!!!!
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piplupod · 4 years
"i have adhd and forget whats in my fridge"
DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? even if u don't have adhd and just forget abt what you have in ur fridge, this guide might help you!!!
(sorry for the low quality pics, i was lazy)
first! find a whiteboard! i was using this one for outlining a novel but im done w it now!
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clean that sucker off! now find some whiteboard/dry erase markers!
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excellent! you've got what u need now!
NOW. u know t-charts? the kind that teachers love to make u draw and everyone would freak out bc they didnt have a ruler and it wouldn't be perfectly straight? yea we're gonna draw one of those on our whiteboards!
mark one side as "Fridge" and the other with "Freezer" (assuming you have a freezer!)
and then over towards the center line on the right, write down "Expiry Date" or something along those lines
(i wrote ExD)
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this is the hard part :(
go thru EVERYTHING in your fridge and write down every single item! leave the veggies + fruit until last!
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(i wrote down chopped garlic bc it's in a jar and lasts a long time)
now at the bottom put the veggies and fruit!
write down "purchased" instead of expiry date! fruit+veg go bad quite quickly (and sometimes dont have best before dates written on them) so thats why i do it differently!
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now go down your top list of food products and find the expiry dates on all your items! write those down to the right!
if the date is passed, decide whether it is still good. if it is no good, toss it :( if it's still edible, write down the due date and make sure you know it's from THIS year. (i put a little /20 to show it's from 2020)
if the due date is like two years from now, just write down the year lol (ex. maple syrup - 2022)
if the due date is next year, make sure u know that but still write down the proper due date w month + day! (i write mar 08/21 for example (march 8, 2021))
next step is to write down when you bought those veggies (or at least a good guess)
ur board should look smth like this (probably MUCH longer, i just did this as an example lol)
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good? alright NEXT STEP. which due dates are past? mark those with a RED chunky line!
which due dates are this month/soon? mark those with an ORANGE thin line!
which veggies were bought a couple weeks ago? mark those w a RED line! (depends on the veg/fruit! know how long ur stuff is good for!)
which veggies were bought a week ago? mark those w an ORANGE line! (same bracketed sentence as above lol)
here's my example! (today is Sept 6, 2020)
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OKAY GOOD? GOOD!!! im proud of you!!! look at u go getting ur life in order!!! WOO!!! 💗
next we're going to do the freezer!
unpack that babey especially if she's FULL!! we want to see every piece of her!! no items hidden!
write down EVERYTHING you have in there! i dont worry too much about expiry dates because it's frozen and i usually use everything up within a couple months of the initial freezing LOL
instead of expiry dates, i write amount! for instance, if i have three english muffins frozen up in there, I'll write "English Muffins x3"
if I have one and a half pounds of ground beef, I'll write down "Gr Beef 1 1/2 lbs" and maybe also a purchase date since meat does go bad faster :(
if the amount isnt important or I don't really know it (like a bag of berries) then I'll just leave it blank! no big dealio! 😊
then I'll put a red or orange mark next to whatever i need to use up soon bc it's been sitting in the freezer for a while!
here's an example pic in case u need it!!
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(the 1/2 lb of gr beef is circled bc i have two packages that need to be used, one is 1 lb and the other is a half pound, and i know the half pound needs to be used soon but not the 1 pound!)
The reason I do this on a whiteboard is bc it's easier for multiple colours PLUS the biggest thing: ERASING! changing! and if i make a mistake? just erase and write it again LOL
ALRIGHT THATS IT LADS!! GOOD LUCK!!! hmu if u need help or have a question!! if u have any organization issues u want help with lemme know and I'll try to come up w something!! 💗💪😤 get out there and punch life in the gut!!!
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