#and be like yk looking @ me won't kill you right
reanimatedgh0ul · 10 months
i think it'd be so funny for valerie to try decapitating danny only to then realize that it didn't work bc time and again this girl fails to understand that this boy is basically unkillable
so now she's forced to hold the sides of danny's face so that his head can start reattaching itself to his neck and now this is totally not awkward for either of them
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corollaservant · 27 days
Lotus // Choso x f!reader (18+)
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Synopsis: He was supposed to have his brother's undivided attention. Until he invited you over for summer break. Since he loves him that much, you're the one who's paying. (5.8k)
Warnings: 18+ dark, dubcon/noncon, humiliation, college, f.masturbation, use of "nii-chan" from Yuji, obsession/yandere brother, degradation, violence, dacryphilia, breath+impact play, dom!choso, reader gets a sunburn but it's mentioned 1x? and only as feeling pain
A/N: yk how everyone always makes Choso the nerdy, creepy, virgin perv? well i kinda want it reversed (he has killed people btw) [ao3]
Choso loves his family. That's why he doesn't like you.
Seriously, couldn't his brother not bring you over his place for summer break? He gets it, Yuji is young and can never say no, his best friend turned him down for a summer course and Choso guesses you were his second choice. Though Yuji would never tell him that. Or you for the matter. Choso can't wrap his head around why Yuji likes you so much. He knows his brother, no actually, he loves his brother so he knows it's not some crush otherwise Yuji would've shyly approached him and confessed. It seems like his brother just genuinely has a great time with you and that pisses him off. You're loud, that's fine, so is Yuji. But Yuji’s smart, caring, sensitive. You on the other hand... you break things on your way, stumble, laugh obnoxiously and make a mess in his clean kitchen. You're insufferable. So of course, Choso scoffs and rejects Yuji's offer at first.
"She's not coming over, Yu." He tells his little brother, "This was supposed to be our bonding time, remember? I planned out both weeks for us." Choso was excited—he really was. Getting to have his brother around was the best thing that could've happened to him. He'd take Yuji to the movies, carousel, beach, for beers; ok, no, he laughs, he'd definitely get them in a club, maybe a casino? Some strip show? Yuji was an adult now and Choso couldn't wait to listen to his college stories; though he knew there probably weren't many, judging by how nice his brother was. Really, a very likeable kid (adult, he corrects himself).
Yuji begs him. Tells him you'll help around the house, says you've never travelled before, you don't have any plans and you won't cause trouble. It's when Choso starts doubting himself. Ok sure, Choso isn't young per se, but he's definitely fun to be around, right? Does his brother seriously not think he's cool enough anymore? Would he be sad if he said no? He can't stand the thought of making his brother sad. Not because of him, that's certain. This is why he now has you in his house strutting around in flimsy shorts and a barely covering shirt, puffy eyes from your sleep and messy hair. On his kitchen counter asking if there's coffee. He scoffs.
"I made some. For Yuji. You can get some yourself.” He's been up hours ago, went for his run and excitedly waits for his brother to wake up. But now you’re there. Choso couldn't wake Yuji up, he practically spoiled him anyway he could, sleep was no exception. However, you and Yuji unfortunately do not share the same schedule so he is cursed (because blessed would be a euphemism at best) with your presence.
"Alright, damn." You groan, ever since you got there, he seems constantly pissed off with you, but you just woke up, you’re groggy and in his house so you can't do much but yawn. You walk past him, he's too absorbed in his phone, not bothering to look. 
"When do you think Yuji will be up?" He asks, as the smell of coffee suddenly makes you feel alive again.
"Oh I don't know, I'll wake him up soon, we'll go for a swim today." You giggle, you'd been so excited to go to the beach, swimsuits were the first thing you packed. Yuji told you about this beach he wanted you to go to, you’d promised to bring your polaroid and take pictures.
"No, you're not." Choso lifts his head up as he puts the phone down. "Me and Yuji have plans today. You can chill here, we'll be back before 9." It’s sharp and sounds non-negotiable as you stop in your tracks.
"What plans? I didn't know—"
"Why would you? This is our day, you guys can hang later or whatever." But Choso is already pissed. Like actually pissed. If you don’t know then…hadn't Yuji told you or were you just that dumb? He weighs in on the latter. Regardless, he can't argue with a girl his brother's age.
"But I–" You try to protest, as you stand next to the counter, your mug in your hands and you haven't even taken a sip when you’re cut off.
"I'll go wake him up now. Oh, and wear some proper clothing, will you? You've taken this family trip way too seriously." He spits and heads upstairs, leaving you dumbfounded. Coffee suddenly doesn't make you feel that alive. 
Yuji is sad. Sad because none of you want to compromise. Choso arranged for them to rent bikes and tour around town; the boardwalk along the seafront was ideal for the activity. His brother had always been athletic and loved the idea so Choso had contacted the shop owner to rent in advance. He knew he was creepy, who the hell rented a bike a week prior? It’s not like they wouldn’t find one. Still, the store closed at 4 PM and it was already past one (Yuji and his sleep) so they’d have to hurry. He’d prepared lunch and was excited for some brotherly time. As for you? Choso honestly didn’t care. You could go for a walk for all that mattered, it’d be four hours at most, you’d be fine. But then there was you, reminding Yuji of the impulsive promise he gave you twelve hours ago. The truth lies in the middle. Yuji mixed up the days—could you blame him? You and Choso bombarded him with plans and ideas meanwhile the poor boy only wanted to rest and enjoy his vacation. So he’d told you about today, when he’d promised Choso days ago. 
‘’Guys, I’m so sorry.’’ Yuji frowns as you both look at him. ‘’I promise, we can do both! One has to call it off so we can do theirs tomorrow.’’ His eyes gleam like usual, but he looks anxious. Probably because he knows both of you. 
‘’But you promised me first.’’ Choso speaks, he doesn’t sound condescending, he’d never raise his voice at his baby brother.
‘’Yeah, well he promised me yesterday!’’ You retort childishly. It’s like a race you two have, who will answer first, a competition, who can win Yuji over.
‘’Please don’t fight, we can do both, come on now, who wants to do their activity tomorrow?’’ Yuji sighs, looking across the kitchen table. He’s the youngest, but he sounds like a kindergarten teacher at the moment.
‘’Yuji, what do you want?’’ Choso emphasizes. Good, that should give him his answer, he thinks.
‘’Yeah, Yuji, why don’t you tell Choso our plan is waay more fun?’’ You consider sticking out your tongue but one look at Choso and you keep your mouth shut.
‘’You know I can’t choose! I love both.’’ He pouts. ‘’Don’t make me do this, can’t you guys figure it out on your own? I’m serious. I’m sorry…” Yuji’s eyes fall. Choso can tell and he suddenly feels responsible. Not for his plans, no. For seeing a sadness cross his brother's face. His heart aches seeing him so passionate to end this stupid debate, so caring, never wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. He deep down wishes he came first. Choso’s older now and he realizes he can’t continue; a sigh leaves his lips as he speaks up. 
‘’It’s fine, Yu. Be back soon.’’ He backs off. Again. He has to put up a front for his brother. He doesn’t bother giving you a glance, as he exits the kitchen. He wonders if he’s ever despised someone that much before. To the point of choking them…no, not that. That’d be too nice for you. You deserve an agonizing death. He imagines your body stretched out on a medieval rack as your limbs crack one by one. You hadn’t been there more than a day and you were already fucking up his schedule. And in his own house, too. As if dressing like some whore wasn’t enough, seriously what ever happened to modesty? In his head his thoughts make sense, a stranger meddling in his newly amended relationship with his brother. Did you even know how much he cherished him? The lengths he’d go to protect and be there for him? This summer break was supposed to be more than a brotherly reunion. He wanted to be Yuji’s friend this time. He bets you don’t even know what it’s like to have no one around. 
He might go for another run, he considers. You’d be gone within a week. But even when his thoughts subside, he still thinks of ways to put you in your place for good.
By the time you’re home, polaroids in your bag and salt on your skin, Choso is pacing up and down the living room. It’s 8:30 PM and Yuji hasn't texted him since noon. 
‘’Where the hell were you, Yuji?’’ Choso completely ignores you as he looks at his brother, who is licking off a half melted ice cream and flaunts a newly acquired tan.
‘’Did you get a sunburn?’’ Choso’s anxious, damn it that kid, always failing to reapply SPF.
‘’I’m fine, nii chan.’’ Yuji laughs, as some ice cream falls on the floor. ‘’I’ll go take a shower or do you wanna go first?’’ He asks you.
‘’She can go first.’’ Choso tells him and you’re taken aback.
‘’Really?’’ You sound surprised. There’s no way he’d ever be kind to you, you knew that seconds after you met him. 
‘’Yeah, want to have some time with Yuji, before we head out.’’ He sounds casual as he brings a wipe to clean Yuji’s ice cream. His back muscles flex under his compression shirt, he looks kind of messy, had he worked out again? Unruly hair falls on his eyes as you try to tear away your gaze.
‘’C-cool.. I’m going upstairs.’’ You announce and leave, stumbling on the first step. What did you think of right now? 
Choso’s bathroom is spacious and allows you to take your sweet time rinsing salt and sunscreen off your skin. Yuji may have not been sunburnt but you couldn’t say the same. Your skin aches as you lather your back and thighs, were you sunburnt everywhere? You make a mental note to apply some moisturizing cream you brought. You had a good time with Yuji, he told you about his best friend’s summer course (financial crime, corruption and money laundering— dude sounded weird) and not being able to make it, how they’d meet and how his relationship with Choso had drastically changed in the span of a year. Yuji didn’t even know about Choso and took some time to warm up to him. As his brother, that is. But Choso was the best brother he could have, he told you. You had trouble believing that. Choso’s demeanor was far from.. best. You sigh remembering your brief coffee encounter. How he’d looked at you above his phone, his cold eyes with tired bags under as his long hair fell on his face, unruly and..sexy. What? Why do you think that? Your mind goes through images like a film projector—his long torso peeking under his compression shirt as he stretched and accidentally revealed a v-line and a happy trail. You feel a sting as water falls down the drain; the lotus and white tea fragrance from the body foam he has envelops your face. You close your eyes and think of him in more…compromising scenarios. Behind you for example. Strong arms snaking around your waist as he presses against you, droplets falling between you while his mouth latches on your neck. A muscular, veiny hand finding your chest and caressing gently…only to move to your lower belly and lazily circle around the entrance. You fight the urge to let a soft moan as you imagine him teasing. Yeah, he’d definitely tease your slit up and down, pecking on your neck until you begged. ‘’Choso..please! J-just one finger!’’ and he’d laugh, mouth contracting on your delicate neck and rubbing around your clit. You’re getting yourself off, what the hell are you doing right now? But could you really blame yourself? You never thought of Choso like that but you do now so you can’t question it further. You let a finger slip slowly inside you. It’s wet and fills you up well—not as good as you think Choso’s thick, calloused fingers would, but it does the job. You wonder how good he’d feel and you’re getting yourself off only by picturing his fingers. You’re suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. 
‘’Aren’t you done yet? It’s been half an hour. Get out.’’ Choso growls behind the door, you remove your finger and quickly gulp down. 
‘’I’m almost done.’’ You faintly say, shit, the man you had fingers in your cunt for, interrupted your daydream…of him. You quickly rinse off excess shampoo and exit. God, you needed to get laid instantly. 
When you come downstairs, Yuji is nowhere to be found. Choso is sitting on the couch, the TV plays a show he doesn’t watch as he scrolls on his phone.
‘’Where’s Yuji?’’ You’re wearing Yuji’s old T-shirt from when he was a gamer and skater and nothing under it. In your defense, it’s long and covers almost up to your knees. He doesn’t turn around.
‘’He left. Sent him off to meet his friend, his parents dropped him off.’’
‘’What friend?’’ As far as you knew Yuji told you all his friends were busy with summer courses.
‘’His best friend, Megumi, don’t even know that?” He sneers. Megumi? The money laundering guy?
But he—
‘’He’s not staying long.’’ He has to be joking. 
‘’Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted to meet him, Yuji told me–’’
‘’Why should I? Yuji needs time with some real friends. Told him you felt sick or whatever.’’ 
‘’Are you serious? Why would you do that? Where are they?’’ You can’t believe this guy, first he treats you like a pile of shit, then he’s nice to you by offering you to go first…wait. Did he send you up first so he could convince Yuji to go out without you? Could he be so shitty?
‘’Oh my fucking God, that’s why you told me to shower first didn’t you? What did you even tell Yuji?’’ This guy is unbelievable and you fight the urge to rip his hair out from the back. 
‘’Does it matter? He’s already gone. Serves you right.’’ Choso sounds relaxed, like he just stated tomorrow’s itinerary. 
‘’And what am I supposed to do here, huh? God, you’re so fucking annoying, I swear I’m texting Yuji right now.’’ You realize your phone’s upstairs and before you can turn around, a strong palm grabs your wrist forcefully.
‘’One more step and you’ll be spitting blood.’’ His eyes burn as you feel the pain from his grip.
‘’Let— go...’’ You ask, more like beg as he throws your hand away, it burns, partly due to the sun but also from the pressure of his grasp. 
You slowly drag your feet to the kitchen as you think of ways to hurt him. You hate this guy, you simply exist and he decides upon making your life living hell. Sure, he doesn’t do anything dramatic but he’s constantly interfering with your friendship. Yuji wants you there, he acts like he’s some unprotected child and constantly monitors him. You grab a glass from the cupboard as you feel the words slip out your mouth involuntarily.
‘’Yuji doesn’t like you.’’ You lie and before you even have the chance to have a sip, the glass soars in the air and falls with a loud thump, shattering in a million pieces as you’re turned to look at him. 
‘’What the fuck did you just say?’’ He spits. He scares you, you think, the way he’s hovering; he seems really angered.
‘’I said–’’ You can’t continue. Because he slaps you. On your face. With his palm. And it hurts so badly, you feel tears prick at your eyes, your wrist hurts and you can’t move around— each time the burn catches up to you. 
‘’Why don’t you say that again?’’ He goes on, he has not moved and still waits for your answer.
‘’S-stop..!” You muffle, as you bring a hand to your face, you want this resolved immediately, you’re kind of defenseless, since your phone’s out of your reach and you are alone. He also is extremely strong and it doesn’t help that you anger him, his muscles tense and you notice the veins on his neck pulsating.
‘’Useless bitch.’’ He hisses, ‘’Yuji doesn’t like me? Look at you and your pathetic self. You think he likes you? Yuji likes everyone, wake the fuck up. At first I thought he fucked you, cause why else would anyone want to hang out with you?’’ Choso is fed up with you. Fed up with being nice, fed up with compromising. In all honesty, he’d probably be fed up with anyone but Yuji, but you’re just the cherry on top. Did you seriously think you could try to contact Yuji? The fact you even dared to speak on his name angers him even more. And that’s why he continues while you break down slowly. 
‘’You come here, in my place to hang out with my brother. Dressing up like some common cockwhore and you know what? I really wouldn’t give a fuck, but taking him away from me? Did you two have fun at the beach? You wanted him to fuck, yeah? Otherwise, what are you even good for?’’ He goes on to bring a hand on your cheeks, squishing and bringing your mouth to open like a fish. Tears that welled up in your eyes now fall sideways as he mocks. Your back slams against the counter, you think you feel your feet touch glass splinters as you tremble. You ache everywhere and he keeps going. 
‘’S–ow-’’ You manage, you can’t articulate coherently and feel nauseous. 
‘’Wanna speak up?’’ His mouth twitches but he still isn’t fully smiling. He has to hide it for now. Each moment that goes by, he feels an immense pleasure. It’s like he takes out all his anger that he kept inside the previous days and he doesn’t want to stop. Not when his palm moves your pathetic face left and right, like he’s viewing some artifact. In the insanity of it all, he feels his cock hard. He is unconsciously rubbing on your t-shirt (Yuji’s t-shirt) and your face looks oddly pretty, puffy cheeks adorned with tears and wide pleading eyes. 
‘’L-uh- oh’’ You try to speak out and he gets exactly what you’re trying to communicate. 
‘’Y-Yu- i’’ You call out his brother's name. Seriously, it's like you’re asking for it.
‘’What about my brother, huh?’’ A hand is removed as more air fills your lungs. You sob. You feel searing pain in your chest, among all other body parts— fingerprints sit on both of your cheeks. 
‘’Y-Yuji— is.. he..is not..’’ You can hardly keep up, he is in close proximity and your tailbone hits against the counter from the way he has his body pressed onto you. A hardness pokes at your belly and you think that this wasn’t what you had in mind in the shower. He is aggressive and looks like he won’t back off soon.
‘’Not what? Speak the fuck up.’’ 
‘’N-not like this.’’ You cry. You can’t understand how these two are even related. Yuji’s a sunshine, the kindest soul you’ve known, of course he wouldn’t want to fuck you, he just felt sorry that you didn’t have plans and offered up some company. He’d do it for anyone. You were naive at times but you knew it was the reason you were there. Yuji couldn’t say no. He must’ve also not been aware of his brother’s rage otherwise you wouldn’t find yourself in this position. 
‘’You’re right.’’ Choso takes you out of your thoughts. ‘’He isn’t. But I am. It’s your lucky day.’’ His left hand is on the counter behind you, so there goes your chance to leave. To your left, there’s an exit. You could run. But your eyes betray you and his palm abrasively pushes your left shoulder back. 
‘’Don’t even fucking consider this.’’ He says as his knee nudges yours to the side. You’re standing the whole time and the rough poke makes your legs buckle—you almost fall but you’re brought to stand upright as he lifts Yuji’s shirt.
‘’Shit, wearing his shirt and everything, as if you’d ever be good enough to be his girlfriend.’’ He mocks, but his eyes aren’t on you, they’re on your chest as you wriggle under him. 
Choso is determined this punishment exceeds medieval torture. And you should definitely look on the bright side, you’d enjoy it by the end.
‘’Finger yourself.’’ He orders and your eyes widen. 
‘’W-what..’’ You tremble. He raises his right hand and you flinch but he goes on to move a strand stuck on your lips.
‘’Stop playing deaf. Touch your cunt like you did in the shower. What? Think I didn’t listen? That’s the type of nasty whore you are.’’
You can’t do it. You can’t— so he does it for you. His right palm brings your hand in between your open legs as you feel your own palm push against your entrance. He touches on your middle finger and slowly brings it in between your lower lips. He slips in your finger, which has to contract by the pressure he’s applying but his rough hand touches you too and you cry.
‘’C-Choso.. s—stop..’’ He moves your finger up and down your pussy, which lubricates steadily the more something’s thrusted inside it and then decides to stick his finger too. You gasp as it fills you fully and he finally breaks out a smile, seeing you cute and vulnerable like this really makes his cock hard. Your pretty eyes beg for him to stop but he can’t; it’s too good and you’re almost enjoying it already. 
‘’That’s right. It feels good, doesn’t it? Bet you were thinking about Yuji in the shower, weren’t you? It’s okay, I can show you how I fuck too.” Choso wants to turn you around and stuff his cock inside you without protest but that wouldn’t count as torture so he has to suppress his strained urge. He’ll make good use of that nuisance of a mouth you have first.
Both hands are removed from your cunt, slick trickles down your forcibly open thighs— the position makes your hips automatically open and buck up and you’re panting, scared and embarrassed that your body betrays you. Choso’s face is flushed, a red scarring which you hadn’t seen up close, seems even more crimson, as he gets you off the counter and pushes your elbows down. You’re dropped on the floor, right in front of a long bulge—you can pretty much expect what’s to follow but still make a timid effort.
‘’Cho–Choso, please..’’ but before you know it, his sweatpants are removed and you’re cut off by his cock in your mouth. Salty precum lingers on your tongue—not long, before he starts thrusting his hips in your mouth, fucking your face. You choke and gargle; he’s big and his girth squeezes around your palate as he hits the back of your throat, “Fucking finally..” he groans, “..good for once.” He praises, as if you make some conscious effort. 
He suddenly pulls out—spittle falls down his cock as he grabs you by the roots of your hair. You must be a funny sight, plush, swollen lips, puffy eyes, a wet, anticipating cunt and precum staining his brother’s shirt as he brings his face closer. Something urges him to kiss you. He wants to taste your desperation. He brings his mouth on yours, it’s wet and he pushes his tongue inside, he can taste the fluids as you cry. 
‘’Kiss me.” He says and tries harder. This time you comply, his tongue searches your open mouth as you follow his lead. His right palm rests on the counter behind you, trapping you in an embrace, which oddly enough creates a heat in your core. His mouth, despite the forcefulness, feels soft and you aimlessly try to close your legs in hope the nasty feeling goes away. You smell his scent, it must be his shower gel, lotus…and something else you read on the label but can’t remember now. You let tears fall from your eyes as you try to inhale only through your nose— mouth too occupied being devoured by him. 
Choso loves kissing you. He thinks to himself you are perfect, in your own way. So pretty with your mouth distracted and your legs open. For him, only. Yuji would be off limits after that. Not that you’d approach either one after, he guesses. Your kisses only make him eager to stuff your cunt more, his cock aches by the minute, that’s why he lifts you up. You’re so pliable, he thinks. He manhandles you and all you’ve said is a couple broken ‘’please’’. Did you actually want this? He considers the possibility, he isn’t unattractive in the slightest.
Your shirt has to go. He knows it’s Yuji’s but that doesn’t matter now that it has his precum on it. He finds himself wondering whether he fights internally against Yuji or you right now, seeing how he feels a pang of jealousy towards his little brother. But the idea is crazy so he brushes it off hurriedly. Your soft, squishy tits rise and fall to the pace of your anxiety. 
‘’You have pretty tits, does this hurt?’’ He asks as he slaps across your nipple, the skin around burns tenfold and you cry out.
‘’...h-hurts..’’ You yelp and he feigns sorrow.
‘’Aww, sorry, let me make this feel better. We’ve neglected her for some time, haven't we?’’ He looks at your cunt— glistening and lovely, ready to be defiled as he brings a thumb to play with your clit. 
‘’Spit.’’ You’re not that wet, what? It’s okay, he will change it.
You shyly gather spit and let a small glob fall down his digits as he pumps two fingers abruptly inside. Three strokes and your cunt starts drooling, he enjoys the sounds. But more than anything, he enjoys your tormented face, fighting to admit the pleasure you’re getting. His rough thumb circles around your clit as you’re forced to touch behind his neck to not fall off, you grip down his nape, failing to conceal your moans. 
‘’Cho-choso..mhm’’ You whine, brokenly, it pains you to feel so good, so fast. You don’t want this. You don’t.
‘’...Already squeezing down like some slut huh..’’ It takes Choso a lot of strength to not cum in the air like some loser, he’s delayed this too much and now you look irresistible, being fucked by his fingers on his counter. While you cry. And his brother’s out. 
‘’-Mm- Cho- Choso.. stop!’’ You moan, feeling close to an orgasm as he pumps faster and circles the nub simultaneously. Your fluids stain all the way up to his knuckles and if he keeps this up, you’ll probably coat his palm entirely.
‘’---f-fuck Cho–’’ He removes the fingers just before you can give in to the feeling— you pant frustrated. 
‘’Enough. Let’s test out how well that cunt feels… for a slut like yourself.’’ You want to protest, want to tell him to fuck off and leave you alone, but that’s clearly not an option. In a split second you’re turned over, thrown across the kitchen table, your limbs are stretched out and the direct contact makes you wince, as you clash with your chest. Choso admires the view. He spreads your legs out and you look ready to be fucked into oblivion.
He gives his stiff cock a couple thrusts, his red tip leaks his precum and he groans before his cockhead bumps with your entrance. You moan and he hasn’t even entered you yet as he brings a hand on the curve of your ass and smacks it. 
‘’Stop being so desperate, it’s embarrassing.’’ He sighs as he rubs his cockhead across your slit.
‘’P–please Cho–Choso..’’ You moan, understanding that you have it bad. ‘’W-want you in me...’’ You can’t even lie to yourself at this point, you’re pent up and need him. The rest of unresolved feelings is something you’ll deal with later. 
‘’Fucking needy slut, maybe Yuji was right bringing you over here. Gonna get fucked by his bro like some passed around whore? Want him to stuff you too?’’
‘’N-no! Choso! P–please- ugh.. need you..only you!” You beg as you move your hips, your dignity dissolved a long time ago. 
Choso mumbles something under his breath and pushes his cock to slide in your creamy walls as you moan—desperately. His cock is large and it hurts way more than his fingers, he hasn’t bottomed out yet but you already feel suffocated.
‘’What is it, slut? Be patient.’’ He huffs, but he isn’t patient himself as he prods at your cunt deeper, you’re way too tight to take him, squeezing down the entirety (or at least most of what can fit) in your little hole and he has to sigh. Your back muscles contract as your helpless hands tug at the table while he thrusts deeper and deeper, he brings his torso close to yours so he’s next to your hair, which he removes.
‘’Does that feel good? You take me so well for a common whore, baby.’’ He whispers on your neck, you shudder and cry out. 
‘’Mhmagh- Cho-Cho! Y-yes..feels s-so good! Don’t stop! Cho–’’
‘’Are you fucking stupid? Don't…don’t tell me what to do.’’ He straightens himself and grabs your hips. His cock lunges in your cunt, he’s poking at what feels like your cervix, when he slaps your reddened ass. It should appall you, it should make you wince but he notices your pussy tightening and clamping down. So you’re enjoying this? What a nasty fucking slut that you are. 
‘’C-Cho– i ughn I’m cumming fuck!’’ You sob and he fastens his pace. You’re overstimulated, overly teased and over the edge. Your hands scratch against the table as his palms hold your head firm and to the side, he pushes you downward and thrusts his cock in and out, each pump making you gradually lose eyesight until you do… fully. Your vision darkens completely and you blink rapidly as you let go screaming.
‘’C-choso aagh!’’ But he doesn’t listen, his head’s too clouded with the need to fill you up, the need to have his cum seep out your hole as he grabs Yuji’s shirt next to him, rolls it around and hangs it over your neck. You’re being lifted—your back is arched upward, the angle is excruciatingly painful; you’re too sensitive and his cock slides way too deep.
‘’Shit– don’t have much to say now, huh?’’ He asks but you’re choking and fighting for air, your ass bumps against his groin and he needs about three thrusts and a hard final slap on your flesh to finish. 
‘’Fuuuck–shit, r-right there, stay the fuck up!’’ He orders, but it’s not like you have many places to go as you feel a warmth filling you up; it’s funny, you’ve never had anyone come inside before. His load spurts and trickles out and he lets go of the scarf made on the spot, falling on top of you.
He slowly slides his softening cock out and doesn’t tell you another word while his chest rises and falls on your back. He can’t lie to himself, you were too nice. The softness in your shivering skin and sad eyes was too kind. Maybe he shouldn’t have been that hard on you, slapping you like some fly. He clears his throat as he climbs off you. You remain laid out, you seem passed out or freshly dead—you sport multiple marks and semen falls down his counter.
‘’We have to clean up before Yuji gets back.’’ You can barely register what he says but you make out the ‘we’ in the beginning. At least he acknowledges your existence, you think as you try to find your friend’s shirt. 
When Yuji returns Choso tells him you’re asleep. He can’t let him know he was cleaning bodily fluids off the kitchen counter. Yuji doesn’t ask more, he is excited to let Choso know about Megumi’s course and Choso listens, though he’s tired. By the time Yuji wakes up, you’re gone, having left a note behind that you ‘’didn’t feel well and changed the flight tickets.’’ When he tries calling you, you don’t pick up and he tells Choso.
‘’I’m sure she’s fine.’’ Choso made breakfast— it’s biking day, the sun shines and Yuji actually woke up earlier than expected (11 AM). His house feels silent, empty in a funny way, almost like you left and took its joy with you. Yuji is visibly upset but Choso reassures him everything’s fine.
‘’Yeah… I guess you’re right. You did say she felt sick yesterday..’’ He reminds him. Did he say that? Well, Choso thinks, it definitely sounds better than letting his little brother know of the sickening things he did— your punishment for daring to be his friend. Maybe he wasn’t lying to Yuji when he said that.
‘’I’ll try again later.’’ Yuji smiles. His voice doesn’t have its usual excitedness but Choso will work on it. He doesn’t have much time. 
‘’We’re still going, right?’’
‘’Sure.’’ Yuji smiles half-heartedly as he stands up.
He heads upstairs and Choso picks up the breakfast plates and puts them in the sink. He stands right at the spot he had you pinned twelve hours ago—defenseless and crying as he slapped you, facefucked you, fingered, choked and ultimately humiliated you. He knows the excuse that he made you cum and the way you looked at him barely holds up. Even if you liked him, it wasn’t right.
He is suddenly overcome by a wave of inexplicable emptiness. It’s a vicious cycle, he thinks. If it wasn’t you, it would’ve been someone else. He would have driven them away from Yuji in an effort to have him to himself. Then Yuji would be sad and he would feel responsible. It wasn’t ever really your fault. Yet, this wouldn’t have happened if you never showed up. It would have benefited all three. Maybe this was never a cycle; the loop would require equal components. You were a labyrinth, a complicated, long path and Yuji was the center. 
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nicksbestie · 2 months
i know it won't work - C. Sturniolo
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Summary : "part of me wants you back, but i know it won't work like that"
Warnings : very angsty. crying, heartbreak, yk the drill. nothing triggering though!
Word Count : 1000
Pairing : Chris Sturniolo/Reader (past romantic)
A/N : i was listening to this song in the car this morning, and boom here comes this fic idea!
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You regretted ever moving to Boston.
You hated the city, hated who it reminded you of. You couldn’t leave your house without feeling trapped in the space that you had once adored to travel with the person you had loved with your entire heart. If you had the money, you would have moved far away by now. All you could do was be so grateful that the two of you hadn’t moved in together, because you would have actually had to leave. As much as you hated that you were still here, leaving would have torn the pieces you were already in right into shreds. 
You sat in front of the empty closet in your guest room, tears rolling down your face as you processed that it would stay empty for a long time. You couldn’t bring yourself to fill it, wanting it to stay empty just on the off chance that he came back, that he needed someone, somewhere to stay, somewhere to put his things. If he needed space that he could only find in your home, you would have space for him. He could inhabit that space for as long as he wanted, as he inhabited your heart still, living in it despite how tightly it was clenching in pain, as if to squeeze him out.
You couldn’t bear the thought that he might never come back, that you really may never see him again, that you might not get to love him again like you used to. How could you bring yourself to deal with the idea that this might be it? Your number wasn’t blocked, but it seemed like he couldn’t find a way to softly tell you that there was no chance he was coming back, so he simply left all of your texts on delivered. Despite how heartbroken you were, you knew there was no way that you could go back to loving him in a non romantic way. There were two ends of the spectrum, and you knew that you would either love him endlessly, or hate him relentlessly. You hoped it never came to be the latter.
Chris knew you were still waiting on him. He knew you were hoping he would change his mind, that he would turn around and run back to him, and the breakup was killing him as well. He couldn’t lie to himself like he could to you, he had thought about going back. He had thought about claiming it was all a lapse in judgment, that he still loved you with everything in him, but he worried that he wasn’t worth all of the hope you were saving for him. He’d paced around his room so much that he had nearly worn holes in the floor, and even his brothers had begged him to fix things, but he just couldn’t do it. He really did believe that this was the best move for the both of you, but he couldn’t deny the doubt creeping into the back of his mind. After all, it had been a long relationship, one spanning just over five years. How could he just let that go?
You’d run into each other in a store, and you’d both seen your face on the other person’s. The dark under eye circles, the bloodshot eyes, the signs of sadness sinking into your bones. Neither of you could speak to the other one, simply staring before Chris broke the eye contact, walking away. It killed you to look into his eyes knowing that he clearly didn’t want you back, an opinion so different from how you felt. You didn’t know that he did want you back, desperately, but was trying to make it easier for you by cutting things off. He wished that you would find someone else, that you’d put yourself out there, because seeing you with someone else might help him snap back into reality, help him get over it as well. 
He was torn. He knew you were still holding on to him, and part of him wanted you to let go, wanted you to move on, to love someone who wasn’t him, but the other part of him wanted to shrivel up and die at just the thought of your arms around anyone who wasn’t him, your lips on anyone else’s skin. But it would make it easier for him to realize that you really weren’t his anymore, and maybe that was just what he needed. Maybe. He had broken up with you in person, knowing that he owed you at least that, but the call to you to ask when he could come pick up his things from your place had been one of the hardest calls you’d ever received. The ghost of your relationship being inside your apartment had made the entire building feel haunted.
He knew he was being an idiot, but he wanted to think that his heart was in the right place. Both of his brothers knew he was being an idiot, to the point that Nick showed up to talk to you, and Matt was talking to Chris, desperately trying to fix things between the two of you. The conversation between you and Nick just ended up with you sobbing in his arms, him trying to convince you that it would be okay, that Chris loved you, that he would realize and he would come back. The one between Matt and Chris wasn’t going much better, Chris having angry tears streaming down his face, trying to convince Matt and himself that it was for the best.
“It isn’t going to work.” 
“Make it work.” 
You were in Nick’s arms, silent, enjoying the comfort but hating why you needed it, when your phone dinged from behind you. Nick picked it up, checking who it was before nudging you.
“Here. You want to read this.” 
Chris <3 : I know I tried to cut all ties but you’ve never left my mind. Can we make this work?
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taglist : @blahbel668 @mattsgirlfrieeend @69isabella69 @mayhem-72 @iculdstealurgf @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @sturnioloslife @heartsforkarina @nervousrebelglitter @sturniclo @elliegrace-7 @mattsturnioloisbae @strnilo @dazsha19 @patscorner @hailee22sstuff @tworosesblackthorn @h3arts4harry @getosuckers @knhxa @scoobydoosnack @tapesmatts @st7rnioioss @st7rnioiossblog @jamiesturniolo @sofie-1 @muwapsturniolo
~ if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here!
~ my inbox is open, come chat!!
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delusionalwriter02 · 5 months
hi hope youre doing well i wouldlike to request something a bit different from what i saw you did so feel free to refuse ! it'll be like a social media with Dazai yk like a instagram feed where f reader is with dazai and with little jokes ect... thank you so much!
Insta as Dazai's GF
a/n : Thank you for your request anon!! I never did this type of post but I hope you'll like it !
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<3 liked by Chu_uya, Atsushiii and 78 others
Yn_theoneandonly : his wheel has broken, I can't take it anymore so i'm selling him, auctions start at €10
Chu_uya : he's not even worth them
↳ Daze_i : you're worth €3, so shut up
↳ Daze_i : she's just joking am i right love ? @.Yn_theoneandonly
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'm not joking at all
↳ Chu_uya : @.Daze_i LOSER
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<3 liked by Atsushiii, KunikiDA and 109 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : too cute to be sold actually
KunikiDA : well go tell him to WORK instead of picking up papers
↳ Daze_i : But I am working honey
↳ KunikiDA : 1.Do not call me "honey", 2. You were supposed to sort your files, 3.You're not a baby so ACT LIKE A GROWN UP
↳ Daze_i : I'm sure @.Atsushiii can do it
↳ Atsushiii : Actually no i'm on a mission with Ranpo
↳ Atsushiii : Waiting for Ranpo
↳ KunikiDA : I'm done
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : stop fighting you three it was supposed to be a cute post
↳ Daze_i : Kunikida's fault
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<3 liked by Ranthebestpo, KunikiDA and 90 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : He's been chatting with this cat for 10 minutes. I'm at a loss for words.
Chu_uya : He looks so dumb
↳ Daze_i : Don't talk about him like that, he's great
↳ Chu_uya : was talking about you, dumbass
↳ Daze_i : Don't hear the haters
↳ Chu_uya : I'm so so so going to kill you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Omg you two are impossible
↳ Daze_i : But love it's Chuuya, he's still a child it's normal for him to attack
↳ Chu_uya : A WHAT ?! Dare to leave your house, believe me I'll be waiting for you
↳ Daze_i : It's a date ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : We already have a date tonight so Chuuya you'll be kind to wait tomorrow, thank you
↳ : Daze_i : See ? @.Chu_uya, I got a date and not you
↳ Daze_i : I'm so excited
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<3 liked by Atsushiii, Ranthebestpo and 104 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : Painting with the love of your life, a different kind of happiness
Daze_i : I love you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I love you too
↳ Ranthebestpo : it's cheesy but you're cute
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Shut up but thank you
↳ Yosanurgirl : Passive-aggressive is wonderful
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I know
↳ Ranthebestpo : I was trying to be nice
↳ Yosanurgirl : Try harder apparently
↳ KunikiDA : @.Ranthebestpo I'm still waiting for your report
↳ Daze_i : Try using something called message instead of commenting
↳ KunikiDA : If you ANSWER me by message I won't need to comment.
↳ Daze_i : Fair enough
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'll never get a normal comment section apparently
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Hey so I hope you liked it ? It's my first time writing in this "style" so tell me how to improve ! Thank you so much again for your request
See you <3
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mins-fins · 2 months
&&. its easy to let go around you, mark is so glad he has you as an escape.
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pairing: mark lee x m!reader
genre: angsty but it ends fluffy, idol x regular joe
warnings: mentions of overworking
word count: 1.4k
notes: wrote this for the n01 markf ever in the world!!!! if yk who you are, yk who you are 🫶 anw, i am so terribly in love with mark this is absolutely vile 🙁 save me from this insanely pretty canadian man (DONT SAVE ME), if you can forgive me for not updating for literally TEN DAYS, take this as my apology.. i am so so very corny so those little ending love confessions come from real words i have said to my own very real bf 😞 again sorry for not updating for very long my knee is pretty injured AND life is so shitty.. okay i love you all bye 😓
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you won't try to come up for an explanation as to why you were up at one in the morning.
yeah you were tired, but you were still up making coffee in your kitchen. your mind was racing with thoughts of work, god your job stresses you out so much, it's going to end up killing you one day, you can't close your eyes without hearing the loud shouting of your manager and overbearing customers who think they own the world.
sleep has never came easy to you, so coffee at one in the morning it is. the aroma of roasted beans makes it's way around the air of your kitchen, a smell that has become a staple of comfort to you, yeah the excessive coffee intake might kill you someday, but right now? right now you felt like you were in heaven.
your coffee drinking is interrupted by a knock at your day, your head shoots up like your a deer caught in headlights, and you blink at the unmoving wooden door of your unit. you're not expecting anyone, and especially not at one in the morning. your mind races with questions as you place the heated mug onto your kitchen counter, groaning silently as you make your way over to the door.
you can't think of who could possibly be at your door, maybe your manager? one of your coworkers? a guy from amazon delivering a package originally for your neighbors?
the last option seems like the most probable one, so when you open your door, you prepare a small sentence for the delivery person you expect to be at your door. "for the last time unit 17 is on the second floo—"
you pause as you open the door, it is not a random delivery guy from amazon. when you look up to meet the eyes of the person who had knocked on your door, you come face to face with a person you had missed more than anything.
you find a small smile coming to your face at the sight of your boyfriend, but your smile falls as you take in how he looks. his eyes are red and puffy, he's fidgeting with his sweater strings, and he's bitten his lips so hard that they've begun bleeding. your lips turn downward at the sight before you, he looks stressed, he looks miserable.
"oh god, hi babe, i didn't even know you'd come around".
mark blinks at you, continuing to fidget with the strings of his sweater, the sweater he's wearing is one you bought for him back last year when you went on that trip to vancouver. "sorry" he whispers, blinking again. "i just— i don't know i feel overwhelmed".
you tilt your head, immediately getting what he meant by that. you open your door wider, pausing mark's fidgeting momentarily to grab his left hand to intertwine it with yours. "come in" you don't wait for his response, just tug his hand gently, lurching him forward into your unit and smoothly closing the door behind you.
you catch on to mark's heightened anxiousness, but he seems to be want to be avoiding that topic as much as possible. "did something happen?"
mark is quick to shake his head, way too quick, you narrow your eyes at him and his weird change in behavior. "no, nothing, i'm just.. work, it's all becoming just a little too much for me".
ah, a small frown forms again on your lips. mark is a hardworking person, you know that, but it sometimes all gets to his head, those unbearable thoughts that he's not doing well enough, the unbearable feeling of anxiety that settles whenever he thinks about his future as a musician, the feeling that he's not doing enough even though he already does so much.
you hate that this has become a familiar sight. a distressed mark with tears welled up in his eyes, clearly trying his best to stay put together as he stood in front of your door, each time, it seemed to be getting worse and worse.
you've seen mark at so many of his lows, many more than you like to count, and just the thought of him feeling like he isn't doing enough upsets you.
you're not thinking about anything else when you step forward, not your untouched coffee on the counter, not your shitty job, nothing but making mark feel better. your arms wrap around him instinctively, and you loop your left arm around his waist to pull him into a hug, a hug he doesn't try to fight.
you hear a small sniffle leave mark as you tighten your hold on him, a few years escape his eyes, wetting the top of your sleeve, but you don't care, much too busy embracing him. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" your words are nothing but a small whisper in the expanse of your apartment, as if a secret shared only between the two of you, but mark hears your words well, he hears everything he has to. you raise and press a kiss to his forehead, an act of affection that just makes mark even more emotional than he expected.
"you shouldn't have to feel like this, you work so hard, you do so much.."
your mutters only get a small chuckle in response, and you just snicker as well.
mark has always found it easy to let go around you, it's been a staple of your relationship since forever, even before you began dating. around you, he doesn't feel like he has to put on a show, he doesn't have to live up to all of these unrealistic expectations. with you, he doesn't have to be world famous idol mark lee, he doesn't have to be star trainee mark lee, he doesn't have to be perfect, flawless mark lee.
with you, mark can let go, he can just be himself.
mark has no idea what he'd do without you.
when you pull away, arms still caged around mark, he doesn't let go immediately, head still pressed against your shoulder.
nothing else matters at the moment to you. so, instead of trying to move away from him, you let him begin moving you backward, you just allow for him to, lightly squeaking when he pushes you onto the couch and quickly moves to lay on top of you.
you giggle at his dedication, but he doesn't say anything more, just wraps his arms around you and lays his head onto your chest, listening to the beating of your heart. "you tired?"
mark just nods against your chest, letting out a small sigh as he cracks one eye open to glance at you. "y/n?"
"i love you.." he mutters, grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours. "love you so much, i'm so happy i have you".
you laugh. "mark—"
"hush" he places a finger against your lips, cutting off your oncoming words. "let me finish" he gives a tired smile as he continues.
"i can't believe how lucky i am to have you, your always here taking care of me and i.. i can never figure out how to repay you, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, everything becomes much more bearable with you, i love you so so much it's literally driving me crazy".
you blink as you listen to mark pour his heart out to you. he has always been like this, oh you're so in love, even at some of his lowest points, he never fails to remind you that he loves you, and that he feels so deeply for you. his words always strike you in a strange place, they always get a smile and red face out of you.
oh mark lee always knows how to leave you speechless.
"hey" you whisper, noticing mark slowly looking away from you. "you don't have to repay for me for anything, i'm your boyfriend, i'm always going to look after you because you're wellbeing is important to me, and don't start with all of that, you're one of the best things to happen to me".
mark snorts silently. "love you".
"love you more".
mark leans closer, moving his soft hand against yours. "i know" he whispers.
you run your fingers through his hair, slowly coaxing him to sleep with your ministrations.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Ok imagine lightweight Gojo getting drunk and Shoko calling reader to pick him up. Special grade sorcerer yn who is already busy with an army of curses kills them in a slash of her technique, because shoko told her that he is fighting with y/n's ex in the bar
So an angry reader drives at full speed to stop bring him home but he is already sitting because her ex just ran away . Reader is angry but when she sees a girl flirting with him she gets insecure ( because that's how her ex cheated on her) but Gojo insults the girl and pushes him to the ground when she tries to touch him ( like Gabimaru from Hell Paradise if u watched it )and runs towards yn asking her to take him home
Reader's heart melts and she kisses him on the cheek and Gojo is a blushing mess. Reader is driving and Gojo is just looking at her complimenting her and when they reach home reader cleans him , gives him water and changes his clothes. While doing that Gojo decides to sleep shirtless so he also removes y/n 's uniform and leaves her just in her short shorts ( in a non sexual way , Yk just to feel skin to skin intimacy) and carries her on his shoulder and they cuddle and eventually fall asleep
Can u plz write it. If u do plz add few scenes from ur ideas to. I really like ur stories
Have a good day
My Big baby is drunk
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Drunk Gojo x reader fluff
You took your phone out of your pocket when you heard your ringtone.
He completely ignored the large group of curses coming at you because it was so weak. You were able to deal with it quickly, and you didn't really want to finish everything at once, because you don't want to miss the smallest piece. And with some curses magnitudes, it's more likely.
Especially when curses are the size of flies' heads...
So small but dangerous.
"Yeah, Shoko?" You asked, listening to your friend's voice on the other end.
"Are you busy?" she asked.
"As if. There are groups of curses coming for me right now, but speak up if it's important." You smiled as you watched the curses slowly gather around you.
You were special. You are not afraid of such weak curses.
"Gojo is drunk." She said.
You furrowed your brows slightly.
"Did he do something about you calling me?"
"We're in a bar now. And Gojo is drunk. And he's fighting your ex here right now."
"The fuck?!" You groaned hearing this. "He will die!"
"I wouldn't worry about Gojo, just about your ex."
"I don't care about my ex. And he will die. If only he would piss off Satoru in that state." You laughed, and in your rage you used an energy wave to kill all the curses around.
"For now, all I know is your ex has a broken nose because he kicked it and fell on the counter. They're both drunk."
You wiped the sweat from your forehead as you walked quickly down the sidewalk.
Satoru often sleeps when drunk.
His low alcohol tolerance is such that he can be drunk after a very short time.
He's sleepy, but it's often easier to piss him off that way.
Even though once he had a low-alcohol drink with Shoko, as soon as his head was on your thighs, he slept and wouldn't let you go.
Drunk Satoru is like glue. Once he gets to you, he won't let go. Suggestive jokes when he hugs you or tries more.
But often none of that. Because you manage to calm him down.
He's just a big baby when he's drunk.
And all you can do is be with him. Because he whines when you're not around.
What if your ex is yours instead of you?
He will kill him. They're both drunk. So because of that, they're more likely to fall over and hit walls and furniture.
Unable to think about what might be going on there, you drove as fast as you could to get there, knowing that the sooner you got there, the sooner you can calm things down with your drunk boyfriend.
The strongest sorcerer in the world who is drunk?
This could be trouble.
When you walked in, you immediately saw your friend at the bar, sipping her beer in a glass.
And you saw your boyfriend lying on his back on the floor with a woman crawling between his legs.
No one around reacted because everyone else was just as drunk.
You walked over to Shoko, but then heard the voice of a woman who groaned as your boyfriend pushed her away.
She's drunk too. Her face was red from the alcohol.
Her hands moved to be placed on his thighs covered by black pants.
Then she moved closer, placing her hands on his chest.
Right now you wanted to walk over to her and pull her out of there by her hair so she wouldn't touch your boyfriend.
But you didn't because you wanted to see if Satoru would let her.
Shoko told you that your ex ran away, but you're left with your boyfriend and you're have horny problem who is next to him.
"will we go out? I have a hotel room." She whispered in his ear.
Gojo was so stunned by alcohol that he didn't even want to listen to what she was saying to him.
That's why he ignored it. But he knew she was touching him.
And that touch is not your touch, so he doesn't want that touch.
"How much did he drink?" You asked, looking at the stage.
You want to hit him so bad, but he has a delay when he's drunk. Once he allows her more, you'll hit him and her.
He is your boyfriend and you love him. But you don't like it when he's drunk because women always flock to him.
And this is your boyfriend.
"Two or three fruit drinks." She laughed as she sipped another glass of cold beer.
Yes... Your boyfriend has a very low alcohol tolerance. And the only alcohol he could drink was sweet. But he still hated alcohol
So he probably had a drink that had little alcohol but a lot of juice.
But even that can do such a thing to him!
You saw him turn around and look at you.
His eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately threw the woman to the floor, quickly standing up.
"(y/n)-chan~!" He groaned as he jumped on you, hugging you.
Asking for your touch.
"Take me home baby~"
He leaned over you, making you hold some of his weight.
And such a big man cannot weigh little.
You kissed him on the cheek when you heard that. You smiled slightly.
He was so hungry for your touch and your presence.
His cheeks turned pink as he hugged you tighter.
You sent a knowing look to Shoko, and suddenly pulled his hand to leave.
You took him to the car and waited for him to get in.
And then you took the driver's seat and started the engine of the car.
The glasses on his nose were askew and down. And he was making grunts.
And he started fiddling with the reclining knob, turning it up and down.
Like a little kid...
"My head is bursting..." he moaned, suddenly looking to the side of your face while you were focused on driving. "You look so cute~..."
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye, his eyes fixed on your face.
"You're so pretty... I love you so much..." he moaned, leaning the side of his head against the backrest as he looked at you with a smile.
Intoxicated by the alcohol he drank.
You gave a short laugh at his wacky lines, but you ignored it. Because the priority right now is to get him home and put him to bed in peace.
When you parked at your house, he left himself, walking straight ahead to enter the house.
You quickly caught up with him, grabbing his hand to drag him to the bathroom. To refresh himself.
And when you got in there, you saw him standing next to the shower, staring at you like a lost child.
With a sigh, you gave him a large glass of water, and walked over to the tub, filling it with warm water.
His face landed on your shoulder as you leaned over to add some bubble bath to the water to make it lather.
"Baby..." he purred as he hugged you.
He was really eager for a nice touch.
Fortunately, there was nothing sexual about it so far.
Because when he's sober, he acts more like a pervert than when he's drunk.
You managed to free yourself from his grip, but his hands chased you as he followed you around the bathroom.
When you stood on the other side of the bath so he wouldn't reach you and you could do what you had to do, he put his feet in water, soaking his pants legs, and tried to grab you.
When he couldn't, he stood in the bath with a sad face, pretending he was crying.
Thirsty for attention big baby.
You walked over to him and let him hug you as he got out.
When he almost slipped on the tiles, you pushed him against the wall to keep him from falling and started unbuttoning his shirt so he could take a bath.
Once he was shirtless he stood motionless in front of you and you took off his pants, ordering me to take off his underwear himself.
You walked away, taking his hand to walk over to the tub. But he hugged you again. His naked body pressing against your clothes.
He doesn't care if he's naked or not. He wants to hug...
Without a word, you gestured for him to get in the tub and he complied, looking at you with childlike (drunk) eyes as he waited to see what you would do.
You gently washed his face and neck. Feeling like you had a cat in the bathtub because you felt like he was purring the moment you touched him.
You brought him clean clothes, and you made sure your big baby was clean. You dragged him into the bedroom and pushed him onto the bed.
You started changing yourself to go to sleep with him.
Maybe he won't fuss if you let him stick with you all night.
But as you turned around, you saw him quickly take off his shirt and pants, remaining in the underwear you gave him, and then, lying on his stomach on the bed his hands shot out to take off your shorts. He pulled your thighs down so you fell onto the bed, and lunged at you to take off your pajama top.
His body wrapped around yours as he closed his eyes next to your head.
And you stayed still as his hands held you and his legs were tangled with yours.
And your big baby wanted the touch of your skin on his.
Because all he wants is your love.
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
Could you do a megumi x reader where he find out about ur selfh@rm or yk something along those lines... 💕I understand if u won't write smth like this tho
Trust me there isn't anything I wouldn't write for. (Except for illegal age gaps) ANNYYWAYYYS here goes nothing
TW: Self harm, low self esteem and angst.
NOT PROOF READ and obvi mentions of self harm, but not close to death. And for some reason I made a whole polit so...it's really extreme so I might write a toned down version later if that's what u wanted.
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Even if you were still a student, even if you were to young to drive or drink, you could understand life. Your life as a Jujutsu high student as a sorcerer was something you never really thought about, you were born different, had something special and you had to put it to use as a sorcerer. The killing of curses never bothered you as you understood it was for the greater good, rather it was how you came to be a sorcerer.
You were born and almost shunned at birth, you grew up in a poor suburb with criminals. You could remember moving out of the house as soon as your parents sent to to Jujutsu high, now your parents were no god sends but they were good when they were sober.
"I wont let Yuji die" You said staring blankly at Megumi.
It was Yuji's first mission and Gojo had entrusted you and Megumi to watch out for him as he did you.
"But there's no chance of him living Y/N his hand is gone and Sukuna ripped out his heart, he isn't going to live-"
"I WONT LET HIM DIE" You screamed exorcising the curse in front of you.
you took in deep breaths as you saw Sukuna laugh and turn back into Yuji, you rushed over and held up his body before it could hit the ground.
"YUJI" You scream trying to shake him
"YUJI COME ON, YUJII" you felt Megumi's had touch your shoulder and try move you away but it was no use, you let him die.
"I'm sorry Yuji. I didn't mean to I swear! I tried but your right, I should have tried harder, after all they would have needed you more then me." You said gliding the pocket knife smoothly down your arm letting the red spill out and onto the floor.
You whinced but immeditaly thought of Yuji and his dearth again
"Your the second one I let down, I keep letting people die, why do I let you die? I have no right to cry for anything other then your death." You said holding back tears.
"Y/N!" You heard a horrified yell. You turn your head only to be met with Megumi rushing over to you.
"I let them die Megumi, I'm a killer. I'm so sorry." You said dropping the pocket knife on the floor.
"I LET THEM DIE MEGUMI! MY BROTHER, YUJI, I LET THEM DIE, I DID" You said face streaming with tears as Megumi grabbed your arm and wrapped his uniform around it so the bleeding would lessen.
"NO YOU DIDN'T" Megumi yelled looking at you.
"No you didn't Y/N" he sighed as you felt your knees weaken and sank to the ground followed by Megumi.
"Megumi, you should help me leave jujutsu tech, I can't be here anymore, i'm just a burden. Don't you all get sick of pretending that i'm not?" you asked hiding your face in your free hand.
"Your not one Y/N. Look i've never told anyone else this but I have an older sister, she's in hospital and I can't save her. I don't think her eyes will ever open again but thats why i'm here, fighting for her, hoping that one day she'll be free of the curse and the world will be bright and safe for her." Megumi said taking ahold of your other hand pulling it away from your face.
"You can't save everyone." He said looking right into your eyes.
"But I could have." You said in defeat your body slumping forward, head into Megumis chest.
Shit how much had you bleed out?
Your blood dropped through his uniform. Without thinking Megumi scooped you up and ran to Shoko. She did her job and fixed you up but you had to stay in the clinic over night while she moniterd your recovery because you never woke up, your body was still in shock of the amount of blood loss.
The while night Megumi held onto your hand next to your bed. You woke up to see his mess hair on you bed.
You squeezed his hand
"I can never forgive myself Megumi, but I can live with myself for now." You whispered.
"Then I'll make you see it's not your fault and never was." Megumi said rising his head groggily.
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AUTHORS NOTE: okay so I may have made the self harm a but extreme but if you ever feel remotely suicidal or depressive reach out and find help, I'm always here, sure I'm just another person in the internet but I'm still a person and have sent with these things multiple times before. Obviously reach for close or professional help first though. Have a good whatever time.
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historicalvandal · 8 days
*gasp!* You do requests?! Oooh, get ready to have me swamp your inbox. Sorry in advance 😆
What are your thoughts, headcannons, everything about koba slowly (500k slow burn, enemies to friends to something???? lol) getting used to *cough* catching feeling *cough* for a human Ceaser brought into the colony, and said human got interested quickly with koba and kinda bugs him like a cat.
💚- anon
I do I do!! :D I'm excited about having requests open rn- you are practically my first requester lmfaooo- So thank you sm! :DDD <333 My thoughts first off - To start off I think it'd make such a sweet but also soul crushing fanfiction, and I would thrive writing that lmao- But thoughts on it, my thoughts about how the relationship would start is somewhat obvious, Reader follows him around like a cat all the damn time, and Caesar does nothing to stop it because maybe this is a chance for Koba to learn that not all humans have such a harsh hand that they can be gentle, they can care, and Koba is just so peeved about that- Why should he have to teach the stupid human how to integrate into ape society? Why does Caesar think that this job is well suited for him out of all the apes? I think somewhere down the line, possibly after a bad hunting trip when he's gotten himself hurt, when reader has to drag him back to the colony or they have to hide it out because it's raining too hard and they're too far from the colony, forcing them to be in close proximity, he has this feeling that he can relax because Reader asks if they can tend his wounds, is gentle with him once he gives permission, because obviously he doesn't want to deal with getting an infection if reader knows how to tend wounds with what they have on hand, possibly learning how to heal someone through the insistence of maybe Maurice or because they spend time with the healers to begin with when they first entered the colony, nearing like the antithesis of him having dreams about Reader, how they looked drenched right through, shivering and freezing, droplets of water running down their smooth and soft looking skin, but not a care for if they'd get sick because Koba is hurt, he dreams about how they looked at him, how their bottom lip jutted out in concentration as they gently ran whatever dry piece of their clothing they used to quell the bleeding from his wounds, he'd dream about reader a lot I mean in my thoughts yk? Some headcanons for a fanfic like this ; - Koba is less then gentle, he's downright mean toward reader in the beginning, because he hates humans but also because he believes they don't belong, but mainly because reader just won't leave him alone! - Something more softer when they begin to get close, Koba starts to feel as if he can trust Reader, so he asks Caesar if their nest can be closer to his, and he goes to reader to tend his wounds, more then happy to sit in silence as Reader gently tends to him, as if they are his mate. - Further down the line, when he finally realises he has feelings, Koba would try and listen to what Caesar tells him to do- Leading to Koba gift giving but not being able to say out loud that he has these feelings. - If Reader and Koba are together, they become a mated pair, he's the type to be jealous if any male ape tries to speak in any other manner other then in passing, still it makes him jealous. - Reader is the only one who gets to touch Koba as much as she wants. not even Caesar is allowed to touch him unless it's a friendly pat on the back, Koba would be addicted to how gentle Reader is with him. - Reader would be the type to tell Koba about human romantic traditions, so he's taken to calling their hunting trips together a date, mans does not understand why that made Reader all giddy but it has made him crack a small smile once or twice. - Koba can and will die for his mate, but would prefer killing for Reader instead, he's there at Readers beck and call, it is readers name he whispers at night, and Reader who whispers his name at night, he is Readers and Reader is his. - He is also just very loyal in my opinion, would not look at anyone else in any way other then kindly. I hope these are all alright, i've never written much like this before but I'm excited to see the reactions I garner from this!
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gojonish · 6 months
one could only dream || ᵏᵃᵏᵘᶜʰᵒ
he told you he'd protect you. so why is he the one threatening your life right now?
pairing: kakucho hitto x fem!reader
context: szn three spoilers, angst (no comfort), character death, violence and guns, definitely some grammar/spelling mistakes
note: i quite literally forgot the name of this timeline but it was the timeline where kakucho kills takemichi and naoto yk yk
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growing up, you and kakucho were inseparable.
ever since the day you met him at the convenience store, you knew he was going to be your other half. despite you being a big figure in toman and him being tenjiku's second in command, both of you still figured out a way to be together.
now that you two were older, your relationship had taken the next step. you officially moved in with him and left all the gang stuff behind, wanting to live a nice and quiet life.
kakucho still stayed in a gang, but you didn't mind it. he knew how to separate his work and personal life, which you were grateful for. you were also thankful he didn't bring up his best friend, izana, because you absolutely despised him. you still hadn't forgiven him for plotting emma's death.
but somehow you could forgive kakucho and you didn't know why.
maybe it was the way he kissed you so gently and held you so warmly. maybe it was the way he told you he loved you every single day. maybe it was the way he put your safety first, promising to protect you from anything and anyone.
so why was he pointing a gun at you right now?
you thought he cared about you- he loved you. he told you he'd protect you.
one could only dream.
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two hours earlier
"when are you and your man going to get married? i swear, you guys are attached at the hip at this point."
you and your friend were currently hanging out at a cafe, the coffee in your hands still steaming hot.
you chuckled, "to be honest, i think he's hiding something from me."
your friend gasped, "no way! do you think he's hiding a ring?"
"maybe! i don't know! i don't wanna get my hopes up," you smiled thinking about how kakucho had been oddly suspicious lately.
"girl, trust me, that man is head over heels for you. what has he been doing that makes you so suspicious of him?"
you pursed your lips, "well, he's been a lot more nervous around me recently. i don't know why!"
"it's definitely cause he's scared to propose."
"kaku's always been nervous about things like that. it took him all his courage to ask me to be his girlfriend."
"okay, say he proposes tomorrow. are you ready for marriage?"
you've been with kakucho for years. you know he could be an amazing husband, with his caring nature and loving aspects.
"yeah," you smiled, "i'd love for him to be my husband."
"it won't be long before kids start coming too."
you spit out the coffee you were drinking, "okay that's a little too far into the future!"
she laughed at your reaction, but you couldn't help but think of having a family with kakucho. him taking care of the kids and taking them to school. you could get used to a life like that.
one could only dream.
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after coming back from the cafe, you entered your and kakucho's house.
you should've known something was wrong when you saw izana's shoes on the doorstep.
"kaku? i saw your car out, are you home?" your voice rang out through the house.
no answer.
you exhaled and called out kakucho's name again, but he still didn't answer. from the window, you saw small droplets of water drip down the clear glass.
"hm, it's raining."
looking away from the window, you glanced over at the living room to see if there was any evidence of him being there.
that was when you saw it.
your white couch, stained with something red. it wasn't a lot of blood, just a smidge of it.
something was wrong.
"kaku?" you called out as you ran upstairs, trying to find him.
that was when you heard a grunt coming from your master bedroom.
you swallowed the lump in your throat and pushed open the door to see your boyfriend, bloodied and beaten up. izana was right next to him, smiling at the kakucho while whispering sayings to him.
"kaku?" you called out and ran to him, "oh my god, kaku what happened?"
ignoring the white-haired man beside you, you cupped kakucho's face and examined his injuries. "who did this to you? oh my gosh, you have bruises everywhere, what happened?"
you didn't notice that kakucho didn't give you a single glance when you came into the room. when he finally looked at you, his eyes were blank. it looked like the life had been sucked out of them.
you had no choice but to get answers from the male next to you, "kurokawa, what happened?"
the white-haired man just shrugged and smiled, "he seemed to forget what his priorities in life were. i had to reteach them to him."
"you did this to him?"
izana nodded, causing your hand to fly up and slap him across the face. you clenched your jaw, raising your hand to do it again when someone grabbed your wrist to stop you.
kakucho did.
"kaku, let go! he hurt you!" you wriggled in his grip, but he was too strong.
"stop, y/n, he's right. i have forgotten what's important in this world."
"baby, what are you talking about?"
he let go of your wrist and glared at you. there was a certain look in his eyes, a look you knew was dangerous.
you were scared.
"you," he started, "are a problem."
"don't problems need to be taken care of?"
"what?" was the only thing you could muster out.
"he met takemitchy the other day," izana said from behind you, "it was a real eye-opener for him."
kakucho spoke, "takemichi is an obstacle and only causes problems, so-"
"i killed him."
you stared at kakucho, tears starting to build up in your eyes, "k-kaku, i thought you said you didn't kill."
he ignored what you said, "you- you are causing problems because you are distracting. you distract me from izana's real goal. you distract me from izana. i am loyal to only izana."
it sounded like he was trying to convince himself of that too.
you were panicking. this wasn't your kakucho. your kakucho wouldn't look at you like that. your kakucho wouldn't say these things.
there's a gun. he pulled it out of his pocket. you didn't even notice he had one on him.
he's pointing it at you. his finger is on the trigger.
"did kurokawa say something to you? is that why you're like this?"
"i only told him what was right. it seemed like he was living some fairytale with you, so i told him to get rid of you," izana smiled, "kakucho, do it."
you saw kakucho's lips go into a fine line, then replied, "yes, izana."
you didn't feel it at first. you didn't know why but you just didn't. it wasn't until a few seconds later that you felt your breathing intensify and red liquid trickle onto your skin. you dropped to the ground, small and quick breaths escaping your mouth.
kakucho crouched near you, watching as the life slowly left you eyes.
"k-kaku," you mustered out, tears running down your face, "i loved you. i always l-loved you. how could you do this?"
he let out a heavy sigh, "i'm sorry, y/n."
"i w-wanted to marry you," you choked and saw your vision get blurry.
he sighed, "one could only dream, y/n."
he shut your eyes after seeing you breathe out your last breath and stood back up.
"one could only dream,” he repeated softly, not knowing if he was saying it to you or to himself this time.
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sewinrat · 6 months
Yk the older sis hcs u did ??
Well i was wondering if u could write an kind of "what if" scenario where instead of luther waking up so damn late and stopping robert from getting killed what if instead she woke up and stopped ANY of the rats from getting killed and kept them as pets and started absolutely spoiling the ratmen
How would the rats and the other ivories react to this? :3
Awe this would be so cute if you ignore the fact that she is technically capable of watching them suffer in pain but she won't.
You hear a baam from outside your bedroom and sigh out, "Oh dear..." Standing up from your desk and stopping you from whatever you were doing, you went out of your bedroom. Walking down one of the hallway where the noise was coming from, you were met with Nyen cleaning out the inside of a ratman. Your nose scrunched up in displeasure and took out a spray bottle. "Nyen," you called out. Said cat flinched at the sound of your voice and turn around hesitantly.
Approaching him with the bottle in hand as he slowly backs away. Holding up the spray bottle you asked, "What did I tell you about murdering pests inside the halls?" You spray him. He hissed and his ears lowered either from distaste and mad. However he's not mad at you, he's mad at himself for not cleaning it faster. "Now shoo. I have things to deal with." He doesn't want to but he has no choice to obey so he went away grumbling.
After making sure he's gone, you then crouched down in front of the dead ratman, "Oh, you poor thing.. I'll fix you right up." You took his body in your arms, and bring him to your room where you'll be fixing all of his organs. Once you're done, you put something of yours on him to let everyone know that he now belongs under your name. You put him in a big enough cage so he'll recover safe for a while. But for now, you have somewhere to be. Sensing another chaos happening near the kitchen, off you go quickly before another one dies of Nyen. Sighing, you shook your head as you're walking at fast speed mumbling, "I know that Luther is stressed but doesn't mean that I'm not stressed from you murdering all these rats..."
Arriving in a dark room, you menacingly called out at the cat in front of you that is strangling another rat but this time with three eyes, "Nyen." Nyen immediately dropped the rat. Looks like he has learned his lesson on the last rat but that doesn't mean he's stopping. It was cat instincts. "Have you not learned?" You took out the spray bottle once again, "Bad kitty." You spray him as you uttered the words he doesn't like to hear. "Now go back to your bed," you pointed to somewhere that is not near your location or the kitchen. Nyen begrudgingly left, not wanting to push your limits. He knows how badly your punishments are so he's not wanting to experience it, ever.
After he left, you straightened your blouse and skirt, "Now, where was I...? Ah yes, the rat." Sharply turning towards the three-eyed rat who flinched, you pick him up from his collar like he was a cat... Ironic. "Stay still. This wouldn't hurt a bit," you imprinted your mark on him and now he's part of your pets. You let go of his collar, "From now on, you belong under my name, got it?" To which he nods rapidly, probably relief to not die. You walk off with nothing else to say. The ratman hesitates in following you but figured he'd try because technically he belongs to you so he's safe right?
You found Nyon on the ground and help him off the ground, dusting anything off. "Nyon, I'm gonna need you to find one of the rats and bring them to me. Use force, okay dearie?" Nyon trembles a bit but nodded obedient. You pat his head and send him off to find one of the rat.
In one of the kitchen you saw Randal and his pet accompanied with another scared ratman, this time in a sailor outfit. Calling out, "Randal dear! Would you be so kind to bring that rat to me?" Said creature perked up at the sound of your voice, you can hear him excitedly say sure and immediately dragged the - squirming - rat to you. The three-eyed rat behind you, hides his body using your figure from behind. "Good boy, Randal. I'll reward you later but now I need to do this," You put your mark on the squirming rat, to which he struggles more - not understanding what's happening. You sighed and told Randal to hold the sailor outfit rat down and to sit down while you search for the others. Randal nods eagerly and drag both Sebastian and hold the rat tightly in his hold. The three-eyed rat sweat dropped but doesn't make a comment in order to not trigger the happy boy with glasses.
It didn't take long to find another one. You found a rat with a crying eye hiding and you grab the hand that holds a weapon and took it away, "You should know better that I know every part of the house. Now be a good boy and stay still." He didn't however and instead continue to struggle. This makes you irritated but you managed to stay calm and took out a tranquilliser. You put the dart in his neck, and slowly he started to cease his squirming, making it easier to put your mark on him. Bringing him to Randal to also hold the 'crying' rat down in case he wakes up.
That leaves one more rat, you thought. It might take long because Nyon isn't physically capable in comparison to Nyen but he can manage. Looking over at Randal rambling to your rats with Sebastian looking pitifully at the three of them. You figured that you can cook for the family. Standing up and grabbing your apron, you get started. Making a perfect portion of food for your family while making a slightly larger portion for your rats.
It took a while but Nyon came back with an aggressive ratman that's wearing circular glasses who's trying to attack Nyon even if technically he's weaker. "Good boy, Nyon," petting the Nyon who enjoyed the pats that can make Nyen jealous, you grabbed the newest rat addition by the collar and immediately put your mark on it. "Oh! Before I forget," you snap your fingers and Jeff showed up with the ratman with a long nose from it's containment in his hold. Jeff put the ratman down on one of the chairs upright. "Thank you Jeff, you can go now," snapping your fingers once more and Jeff is gone.
"Now, all of you ratmen are now under my name. That means you can stop stealing our food. All of you better sit down and eat, okay?" With the threat lacing the last word, all the rats scrambled to take a sit at the table while Randal is just excitedly rambling to everyone about how good your cooking is. "Nyon, go get Nyen and interrupt my brother's sleeping. I'm sure he'll be needing my food when he sees the mess," you can see Nyon nods and leave the room as you put out the dishes to everyone present.
Soon, Nyon came back with Nyen and your brother, Luther who almost fainted at the sight of the ratmen before you explained that they now belong under your name. To which, he has no choice but to accept it. So they all joined in on dinner. Although the ratmen are hesitant on eating because they thought it might be a trick to poison them. All of them seem to also glance at each other, especially at the 'crying' ratman. However to no viewer's surprise, the one to eat it first is the rat wearing the sailor outfit who complain about being too hungry to care. Seeing as he's not dropped dead, they all then eat it slowly besides the sailor ratman. They were so cute so you gave each of them a pat on the head, some even lean into it. Slowly but surely they accept everything that's happening.
Randal whined out about wanting a head pat too since he helped in keeping them in check! Sebastian would rather not have you touch him but he can't have a say in it or anything for that matter. Luther can't say he doesn't mind you starting to like the ratmen but he can't stop you. However, he will try to cut the time if you are spending more time with them than your family. After all, family is important♡
Nyen is seething. He doesn't like that the ratmen are now part of the family. While he won't kill them, in front of you that is, he'll torture them more than with Nyon. Speaking of, Nyon is just there. He doesn't mind and he doesn't question your decisions. Plus, he might have a friend in the house with one of the ratmen.
In the end, all of you enjoyed the food you made. The company however? That's 50/50.
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
what about gangster reader (but pretty dangerous yk) have a conference with silco and meets sev and she just falls like (why reader so fucking sexy) and maybe reader is Dom or a switch 🫣
omg... brilliant!!!
men and minors dni
"who're we meeting with again?" you ask over your shoulder. tiny, your body guard, pulls a clipboard out from his jacket's inner pocket.
"silco. that skinny guy whose been runnin' all the shimmer down here. wants our help launderin' his money." you nod as you trudge through the streets of the undercity. tiny gives you directions to the last drop, a bar you've been to a few times before for birthday parties and shady dealings. you swing the door open, entering the empty bar.
"are we early?" you ask. tiny shakes his head no as he scopes out the bar. "you think it's a setup?" you ask. he shrugs.
"we haven't even met yet, there's no reason to set us up until they get something from us." he says. you huff.
"hello?" you call out.
"hello." a gruff voice replies. you and tiny spin around. you try to control your reaction as your eyes settle on the tall, strong woman standing before you.
"...we're looking for silco." tiny fills in for you while you try to subtly check out the woman in front of you, biting your lower lip. he elbows you in the ribs and your eyes snap up to hers.
"you're in the right place." she says to tiny. her eyes snap away from him to quickly flash up and down your body as she licks her lips. you raise an eyebrow.
"you're silco? you're much more attractive than i remember you being." you say. the woman laughs.
"sevika." she says, reaching her hand. you gladly shake it. "silco will be here in a moment. he sent me to welcome you." she leads the two of you to a corner booth. you slide in across from her, and tiny stands outside the booth.
"and what do you do around here, sevika?" you ask, eyeing the woman across from you. she huffs.
"almost everything except get credit." she grumbles. you laugh.
"that's how it was for me until my old boss died." you say with a wink. she chuckles.
"and you had nothing to do with that?" she asks. you laugh.
"you've heard the rumors?"
"hard not to." she says, shrugging. you roll your eyes.
"you'll just have to find out, won't you?" you flirt.
tiny clears his throat above the two of you, nodding over his shoulder at silco approaching the table.
the meeting goes well. silco and tiny talk numbers while you and sevika eye fuck each other across the table. once in a while she'll lean over to whisper something in silco's ear, and once in a while tiny will whisper his own questions into yours. besides those few interruptions, you and the woman keep smoldering eye contact the whole afternoon. she sucks on her cigar seductively, so in return, you inch your foot forward until your ankle is hooked behind hers.
before any final deals are made, silco asks for a moment in private to speak to sevika. you and tiny agree, and the two disappear from the booth. tiny shakes his head at you.
"what?" you ask.
"you know what." he says. you giggle. "i'm not waiting outside for you to finish this time." he grunts. you roll your eyes.
"you're a shitty body guard." you mumble. he huffs.
"you'd be dead ten times over without me." he grunts.
the four of you celebrate your new partnership with a round of drinks. tiny and silco discuss inflation while you and sevika inch closer and closer to one another as sevika shows off different functions of her mechanical arm.
"so..." you say as you walk your fingers up her forearm. she stiffens beside you. "'s silco the type of boss who lets his employees have a bit of fun? or am i gonna have to kill him to be able to get you to myself for a few minutes?" you rasp in her ear. she shudders.
"i'm free for the rest of the day." she says, stumbling out of her barstool and grabbing your hand.
"perfect." you say, laughing as sevika drags you through the bar and into a storage closet.
you push her against the shelf full of cleaning supplies and turn to close the door behind you. when you turn back around, you grin to see sevika clenching the shelf behind her, her bronze fingers digging into the wood.
"nervous?" you ask. she shrugs.
"20% nervous 80% turned on." she replies truthfully. you laugh, then attack.
sevika whimpers against you as you kiss her, your teeth sinking into her bottom lip, your hands gripping her ass and hair. her hands scramble to pull you closer to her, and you gasp as the claws of her mechanical hand pinch your hip. "take your pants off." you demand as you begin clawing at sevika's shirt, quickly popping the three buttons open. sevika quickly shimmies out of her pants and you begin biting down her neck and chest as she kicks them aside. she whines each time you nip her skin.
you bring a hand down to cup her cunt, still covered by her boxers. the fabric is hot and wet, and she gasps as she begins grinding into your palm. you pull away to observe her for a moment. "how long have you been this wet?" you whisper in her ear. she whines and buries her head against your shoulder.
"since-- shit-- since you walked in." she grunts.
you laugh. "poor baby." you whisper. she bites you in retaliation for the nickname and you press your palm against her cunt harder. she jolts. "god you're fuckin' pathetic!" you laugh. she huffs against you.
"bet your clit's just throbbing, isn't it?" you whisper in her ear. she gasps. you tug her hair and she moans. "answer me." you say, grinning.
"yeah i--"
"yes." she says. you grin, then tug her boxers off her hips, placing your hand on her bare cunt. you both groan. sevika's leaving a puddle of arousal in your hand and you just have to kiss her for it. you guide her lips to yours with your hand still tangled in her hair, licking into her mouth, groaning at the taste of whiskey and tobacco. between her legs, you start swiping your fingers up and down her wet folds. she jolts and jitters each time you flick past her clit, gasps when you tease her hole. her hands are clawing at you, drool falling down both of your chins as you kiss her through her moans dirtily.
"here, honey." you whisper, finally rubbing firm fast circles into her swollen clit. she gasps.
"oh fuck."
"you close?" you ask. she nods, her head falling back against the shelves behind her. you laugh and move your fingers from her clit, sinking two into her cunt. she groans as you begin to fuck your fingers in and out of her pussy. "oh baby, listen to how fuckin' wet you are." you groan. sevika whimpers. her pussy squelches as a ring of cream starts forming on the base of your knuckles. you sigh dreamily at the sight. a glob of cream falls to the floor beneath you and you chuckle.
"shut unh up!" sevika gasps out. you laugh and pull your fingers out of her cunt, giving it one swift smack. she jumps and you laugh. "why'd you stop?!" she whines. you smile.
"take your bra off." you say, nodding to her covered chest. you lick your fingers clean then bring your hands up to pull your shirt over your head, unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down your thighs. sevika moans when she sees the 7 inch cock you've been hard packing with. "thought it was stupid to wear it today-- all my meetings were with old men-- 'm so fuckin' glad i did anyways." you say as you spit onto the tip of your cock jutting out between your legs, spreading it across the head. sevika shudders, completely naked, chest and neck and cheeks flushed, her glistening clit poking out of her bushy folds. "god-- when's the last time you were fucked properly honey?" you ask. sevika huffs and rolls her eyes. you grin. "been a while huh?" you ask, bringing your hands up to caress her hips.
"shut up." she whispers. you flip her around, pressing her ass to your strap. she gasps.
"bend over." you grunt. sevika bends over, both hands bracing herself on the sides of the shelf in front of her. you tease your cock between her folds to lubricate it. her thighs shake each time you bump her clit. "fuck. you're seriously the sexiest woman i've ever seen." you whisper. sevika gasps. "how committed to silco are you?" you ask as you nudge your tip against her hole.
"think i can convince you to leave him and come back with me? i'll pay you double of whatever he's paying for you to be naked in my bed every night." you grunt as you slowly start fucking the head of your cock in and out of sevika's tight cunt, teasing her. sevika chuckles.
"maybe. depends how good you fuck me." she says. you raise an eyebrow at her snark, smacking her ass. she moans.
"you don't think i'm fucking you good enough?" you ask.
"you haven't even put it all the way in ye-ahhhh shit!" sevika moans as you sink your cock in her with one quick thrust. you laugh at the way she's gasping for air. with one more swift smack to her ass, you start pounding into sevika, her ass jiggling against your crotch, her cum slowly dripping down onto the floor beneath you. "shit, shit, shit, just like that, please don't stop, shit!" she gasps out. you grin, reaching one hand forward to grab her tiny pony tail and pull her back into an arch.
"'s that better?" you ask. sevika groans.
"so fuckin' good, so fuckin go-o-o-o-o-d!" sevika moans out, her voice choppy with the thrust of your hips. you laugh.
"you're noisy-- i love it. didn't think you'd be noisy. your boss is right outside this door and you just don't give a fuck, do you?" you grunt out. she gasps. you wrap your free hand around her waist to rub her clit. "gonna let him hear you cum too?" you ask. sevika whimpers, her cunt squeezing around your cock. you have to thrust harder to fuck into her clenching pussy. "come on, give it to me honey." you demand.
sevika comes with a howl. she moans loud and long and shakily, gasping when her cunt starts squirting half way through her orgasm. you groan behind her, cumming from the sight of it and biting her neck. below you, a puddle grows with your thrusts. sevika is shaking in your hold as you ride out your orgasm.
with one final thrust, you release her hair and collapse against her back. she's huffing and puffing for air, her heartbeat loud in your ear where it rests on her back.
outside the supply closet, tiny clears his throat. "boss?" he asks, his voice filled with discomfort. you laugh.
"thought you said you were leaving me behind this time!" you call out. in your arms, sevika's chuckling.
"we've got another meeting in an hour." he says. you groan.
"fine. fuck off i'll be out in a minute." you say. you wait until his footsteps fade before standing up straight, releasing your hold on the woman in front of you. she grunts as your strap moves inside her. you smack her ass and pull out as she jumps. you watch in adoration as her fucked out hole clenches around nothing. "cute." you mumble. sevika groans and turns around to glare at you. you smile and kiss her lips. "you okay?" you ask her. she nods.
"can't believe you're leaving me right now. wanted to get my hands on you." she grunts out. you laugh.
"my offer still stands, you know." you say, as you begin buckling up your pants and tugging on your shirt. you reach out to steady sevika when her shaky legs nearly give out as she's trying to put her pants on. she flutters her eyelashes at you, bashfully, like she didn't just squirt on your cock. you press a kiss to her lips. "please say yes." you say. she chuckles.
"how about we start with dinner?" she whispers dreamily. you grin.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay
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rowretro · 6 months
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Warnings: Kissing, nth else I think
✧tag list✧: @chlorinecake @nikisdubblchococake @enhypensccstarlight @strwberrydinosaur @sunghoonsbeautymark
Upon arriving in South Korea, Heeseung, Jungwon and Sunghoon were already there. They drove to Riki's villa where Sunghoon treated Y/n's wounds and Heeseung was trying to process the chaotic events that had unravelled in Japan "Ok so I don't have to kill you for getting my sister knocked up?" Heeseung asked as Riki sighed.
"Does the baby even look anything like me you idiot? I'm only keeping that demon spawn because your sister didn't want to leave it in the dumpster." Riki said as he rocked the baby gently. "Riki looking after a baby is nothing like looking after a dog... you know that right?" Heeseung asked as Riki sighed as he lit up the cannabis roll up that he was fiddling with.
"And you can start by not smoking." Heeseung added, sternly as Riki glared at him "Ki..." Y/n trailed off as the male turned to face her, taking a puff out of his roll up "What is it?" he asked as the girl walked toward him "We need to shop for baby items... like now-" She said as she gently pulled the roll up out of his hold and gave it to Jungwon who smirked at Riki.
"Why can't we go tomorrow?" Riki asked, groaning as he slumped in the arm chair "where will the baby sleep? what if he gets hungry? plus we need to take him to the doctor's tomorrow we don't even know how old he is, let alone his name." y/n explained as Riki got up. "Okay okay lets go-" he defeatedly said as he slipped on his jacket and took the baby from Heeseung. "Hyungs you can go home now-" Niki simply said.
"No- Sunghoon's going with you. he works in a daycare and he mostly takes care of babies so you need him." Heeseung sternly said as Riki groaned "babe he has a point... we're taking care of a tiny human yk?" Y/n admittedly said as she took the baby and made her way to the car.
The 4 were now going through may stores buying all the necessities needed for the baby. Riki was throwing in many items baby related as Sunghoon was there regulating his shopping spree "Ki we need some books on parenting too" y/n added as Riki whined "I hate books" the male said causing many heads to turn, judging the couple, as y/n awkwardly smiled.
When arriving home, Riki sunk into the comfort of the sofa as his maids carried in their shopping. "He's a nine month old and he hasn't even been named yet... I checked the baby's records, he has something called rare epileptic disorder, so you can't let him hear any extremely loud noise, it could make his heart stop..." Sunghoon explained as he gave y/n some special headphones.
After a little rest, Riki finally got up to build the crib in his bedroom. Y/n was busying herself with some chores after setting up the baby chair. She helped Riki build the crib, as well as paint the guestroom, so it could be the baby room. While she was busy, Riki found himself stuck with the baby, "eat it little riki- oh come on dont be a bummer- eat." He frowned as the baby, turned away from the spoon of baby food that Riki was trying to feed him.
"If you eat this I'll buy you ice cream- ok what about my prada bracelet? come on junior niki- eat ittttt!" Riki whined as Y/n frowned at the duo. "Why are you bullying the poor child?" y/n asked with a frown. "He won't eat-" Riki said as he gave her the spoon and the baby food. "Look here little one- daddy's going to take a bite of this yummy food~" Y/n said in a baby voice as she turned to riki, the baby, staring at the duo, confused.
"Yeah she's gonna- WAIT WHAT-" Riki leaned back as Y/n tried to feed him "here comes an aeroplaneeeee~" y/n cooed, as she fed the male the baby food. Riki froze, of course it didn't taste disgusting- but he's eating goddamn baby food. "see? daddy likes it? now it's your turn~" Y/n cleaned the spoon, as Riki forced a smile, she fed the baby, in the same manner.
Riki watched as Y/n flawlessly fed the child, the genuine smile that was on her lips, the way the little baby clapped, just everything about the two made him smile... where would he be if she wasn't by his side?...
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could i have the bros reacting to a hispanic mc?
nightbringer has given the brothers so much more equal screen time and im obsessed w em
so basically, the nb!demon brothers dont really expect for you to cook that well since the only human food theyve ate recently is from solomon and um well... yk..
beel/belphie maybe have eaten in the human world when they were angels but honestly its been a century... theyve probably alr forgotten and they probably ate at burger king or smth😭😭
so then hispanic!mc comes around and one night, when diavolo asks them to come for dinner he tells them that mc will cook,, at first they were EXTREMELY worried and tried to get out of it because what if mc was as bad as solomon? what if they were worse?
they see the traditional food and at first theyre like "what is this" since theyve never seen it before but for respect cuz theyre infront of the cook and diavolo they eat it and then theyre like "wait actually this is so good??!!??" and just shocked
- 🍭 anon (if its taken then 🦑 anon)
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Yes of course. The length is fine haha the more detail it has the easier it's for me to write it. I also started nightbringer while I'm not even close to finishing the original game, I'm on lesson 19 of the original game and on lesson 6 from nightbringer haha. I am not hispanic though so I hope I did this right and if not please feel free to correct me in the comments.
Requests: open <3
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When Diavolo had announced that mc would be cooking for them tonight the brothers weren't sure what to expect. The only human food they had tried recently was from Solomon and that almost killed them.
What if mc was worse than Solomon, what if all human world food is like that. Everyone had tried multiple excuses to get out of eating mc's cooking but Diavolo expected everyone to be there so Lucifer made sure that all of his brothers and him would show up.
So when they came in for dinner they looked at the table of dishes confused. What was this? It at least didn't look like something that Solomon had made so that was progress. But it also wasn't anything that they were able to recognize. But once they sat down and hesitantly tried it, afraid it would be like Solomons cooking. They were shocked that it was actually good, it tasted great actually.
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。lucifer 。
‣ Checked up on you every once in a while in the kitchen to make sure you didn't burn it down and to make sure it wouldn't be as bad as Solomons food.
‣ To his surprise you actually knew your way around the kitchen without turning it into a big mess.
‣ But still her food you are making isn't anything that he recognizes so he is still slightly hesitant to try it.
‣ But when he does try it it's actually quite good.
‣ Asks you where you learnt to cook and is willing to listen to you explain that you learned it at home in the human world.
。mammon 。
‣ Probably already sort of knew that you could cook but just expected it be some basic standard dishes that anyone could cook.
‣ So is surprised when you cook traditional dishes to your culture.
‣ Is probably one of the first to try it having trust in you that you can't create worse food than Solomon can.
‣ When you ask him if he likes it he will pretend he won't because he won't admit that your cooking is actually pretty great.
‣ You know he likes it though because he goes back for seconds.
。leviathan 。
‣ Probably already has seen an anime including the food that you have cooked but is still hesitant due to the experiences with Solomons cooking.
‣ Tries it and absolutely loves it, will ask you to watch the anime he saw this food in with him.
‣ Will now ask whenever you are watching anime together and you point a dish that you know how to make if you will make it for him to try out.
‣ Will ask you to bring him food whenever he is binging a new anime or trying to play out a gam as fats as possible.
。satan 。
‣ Is kind of in shock when he first tries it, is one of the few people that had refused to touch Solomons food but he had seen what that had looked like and yours already looked better than his.
‣ Will ask you what everything is and what the ingredients are, he will listen to you explain everything patiently. Might even try to look up some human world recipes for the food that you have made.
‣ Asks you for recommendations on food from the human world and asks if u could maybe show him how you make it.
‣ Is very interested to hear that different cultures have different signature dishes.
‣ Will order new books about human world culture and food.
。asmodeus 。
‣ First thing that he notices is probably that you don't look that good after standing in the kitchen for so long and will probably tell you so too.
‣ Thinks the food looks passable, he prefers it when the food is completely plated and made to look good.
‣ Still tries it and is pleasantly surprised that it tastes good. Now that he knows this he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the food for his devil gram and tags you in it.
‣ Will ask you to make desserts for him to try out and plate it nicely so he can post those on his devil gram too.
。beelzebub 。
‣ As soon as he saw this didn't look like Solomons food he was already willing to try it.
‣ Is shocked at how good at tastes as he remembers the last time he at Solomons cooking he was sick for the rest of the week.
‣ Will ask you to cook for them more often.
‣ Tried every possible dish that you had made: paella, empanadas, rice pudding etc.
‣ Whenever you are cooking in the kitchen he now comes by for a taste test of what you are making.
。belphegor 。
‣ Beel probably had to drag him downstairs for dinner, even with Lucifers threats he didn't feel like risking it trying your food. It might be as bad as Solomons or even worse.
‣ Tries to pretend to sleep to escape having to eat your food.
‣ As soon as he hears Beel talk about how good it is he slightly opens his eyes. It looked better than that from Solomon, so maybe it wasn't that bad.
‣ Hesitantly tries it and is surprised that you can actually cook, maybe it wouldn't be that bad to let you cook more often. Will now try to make you take his kitchen duty when it his turn so he can sleep while you cook.
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mmorw · 2 years
haven’t sent a request in yet so~ how about renren with an equally obsessive alpha?
based on this. ren would definitely be happy with an alpha just as obsessive as he is, knowing that there is also a person just as 'sick' (especially if it's you) worrying about seeing him, taking pictures of him and keeping your attention focused on him makes him gasp with happiness, definitely.
“ angel, this is why you didn't want me to enter your room? ... how cute. ♡ ”
It's almost charming, renren has no friends or family to spend time with, so he's more than content to be alone with you. you two alone. alone. whether it's your room or not, it's always nice how you two "share" love, perfuming him or just nibbling on the tattoo he has with your name on it.
“ your skin is— soft. really soft. ”
“ uh-oh, mister- I think we have a problem down here. ”
has some weird fetish with you just perfuming him in your scent, filling him up and branding him with you, asking him every time he goes out to take a piece of your clothes or pulling his shirt down to his shoulder so that your teeth marks show just to let everyone else know who he belongs to.
renren won't complain, he won't even have to waste words from his pretty mouth because there's not a single day in which you don't perfume him or tuck him in your clothes - it's not like ren would go out without you, if you need him to go for something, he will! but he prefers to go out with you, hand in hand, eating something sweet and kissing, while sitting on a park bench.
“ I like when people look at us, that way they know more surely who you belong to. ”
“ I-I swear to god if you don't stop, I'm going to lose myself right. here. ”
Imagine what this kind of obsession started since you were kids, depending on the canonical factors where leon makes a face at ren and throws the ring away, speaking for you to say that you're not interested in it ( even if you are ) just to take you to another side of the arena and you, with words in your mouth and your sudden change of city, have to somehow or other stalk him back.
keep the ring and take care of it like a treasure, know how hungry for touch what is ren how to "prepare" you for the moment where you see him and go straight to the caresses in a hurry, the two are equally hungry for each other, so I do not see more problems than the lack of air every time you two kiss. ♡ ♡
the moans that renren gives when u two separate from each kiss make you come back and wrap him in your arms and press him on you so well until you guys are drooling over and over again. yk.
❝ your crotch throbs harder with need, the light warm gasps you give each time the omega comes closer and kisses you make you hold back the urge to move at least a little; to want to wrap him in your arms and lie down on the bed, only to keep going more and more.
the smell of renren is sweet and spicy, it almost burns your skin; it's addictive, intoxicating. you'll never get tired of it. there's no going back, all you want is to keep him for yourself, to have him at your disposal and take care of him - yes, he can kill as many pretty boys and girls as you come across, you wouldn't mind in the least.
just to nibble and mark him as yours is more than enough, right? —
and if we go to a time skip here and there~ where we duly AND responsibly want to form a family with our dear mate; it's clear that you two are going to be a bit too overprotective of the future pups you'll beget under your roof. [redacted] is more than happy to see you just carry the pup and walk all over the hospital room with that small creature in your arms, directly approaching renren to shower him with compliments and sweet kisses- get so gooey that even the security guards would have to come and get you out because— ren needs you urgently! ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
as first time parents, you two absolutely adore your puppy- he is small and fragile, he barely falls into your arms and apparently adapted too quickly to renren's pheromones to let go of him. as he gets older, you two's obsession grows for a bigger family, even if you give somewhat... toxic advice to the pup, you both let him know that it's for his own good! if he loves something, don't let it go! you two are here now, even if you neglected the poor ren for a few years, you are still together after all this time, a weird family with weird goals and objectives, but united and loving to each other.
ㅤㅤㅤ what else do you need ? ♡
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suction-cup-fan-man · 3 months
Forbidden Love
Alastor x Vox
It was an ordinary day in the Vee Tower like no other. Valentino comes home from work all pissy, Vel doesn't have time to care, and Vox is stuck with his boyfriends temper tantrum. "Val... just calm down. Angel Dust will be back soon enough for his big, fantastic film. I'm sure of it!" Vox said resuringly, yet quietly. Val groaned and spoke up. "YOU. KNOW. NOTHING!!!" Valentino yelled, throwing a glass bottle at Vox. Vox stepped aside in time and sighed. "Val--" "Don't you vAl me, bitch. If that slut isn't back by tomorrow, I am KILLING EVERYBODY!!" Val flopped on his couch and kicked his feet a little. "...He just moved into a hotel, Val..." "BUT HE'S SO FAR AWAY!!! UGHHH!!" "Val chill--" Vox tried to reason with Valentino but got cut off by a slap. Vox fumbled back and looked up at Valentino with wide-eyed. His eye glitched out (yk when he hypnotize(s) ppl? Yeah, that) and put his hand on his TV screen, where his cheek would be. "WHAT THE FuÇƘ VAL?!" Vox yelled, clearly pissed off. "Shut it, Vox! I'm fucking tired of you! You'll NEVER understand how I feel!!" "Yeah! I won't!! Because you're mad over stupid shit!!" Val gasped and growled, stepping closer. "Oh yeah? You wanna be bitch, Vox?!" Valentino's eyes glowed a darkerish-lighterish shade of red. Vox's antennas started spreading with electricity. "Call me a bitch again. I dare you." Vox's voice became deep and static-y. "...Bitch."Once Val said that, Vox grabbed Val's collar and pulled him closer to his face, his face/screen glowing to catch the moths attention more. "NOW YOU'RE FUCKING ASKING FOR IT, YOU SLUTTY PRI--" "Vox!! What the fuck?!" Velvette burst through the door. "What are you two doing?!" Vox and Val turned their head towards Vel, a short pause in between the three until Valentino huffed and pushed Vox off of him. Vox let go of Val's collar once Val pushed him off. Vox's antennas started to just spark and it went back to his blue/teal color. There was another pause until Vox sighed and the sparks disappeared. Vox dusted himself off and turned to the door. "I'm going out. I won't be back until later." Vox reached the door until Vel stopped him, grabbing his wrist. "You're just gonna leave?!" "I've made up my mind, Vel." Vox snatched his wrist back and walked out the door, leaving a stunned Velvette, and a mad Valentino behind.
Vox walked down the sidewalks of hell, scrolling through his phone angrily. He keeps walking until he bumps into someone, making him drop his phone. Making him even more pissed.
"Watch where you're going!" Vox growled and bent over to pick up his phone.
"Haha! Well, I am terribly sorry! Old Pal."
Old Pal?... No! It couldn't be!! Vox stood up and shot his head up with him.
"...Alastor..." Vox growled angrily
"The one and only!~" Alastor had his usual toothy grin plastered on his face, leaning on his microphone/cane with his hands. "The fuck are you doing here?" Vox scoffed, not letting all of his anger show. "Now now, Vox! Anyone could be on the streets of hell! Even an angel!~" Alastor chuckled, his radio filter slightly cracking and glitching. "No shit... you're just... not really and outside person. Just been staying at that... tacky hotel." Vox looked down and put his phone in his pocket. "Now, if you were inside your tower, YOU wouldn't know that!" "I've BEEN inside my tower excuse you!" "But you aren't right now!~" "And you aren't in the hotel right now, now are you?" Alastor took a long pause before sighing. "Touché..." "Exactly!" Vox made a 'hmph' noise as he turned his head away. "You're such a child." Alastor said which made Vox gasp. "Am nAt!!" Vox's voice cracked making Alastor laugh. Vox blinked and he blushed a little. Alastor's laugh seemed... genuine. Vox couldn't really tell because of the radio filter, but decided not to ask. Vox sighed and crossed his arms, turning his head away, blushing still. "Shut up.." He mumbling. After a while, Alastor's laughter calmed down. "Hah! Still an idiot, I see~" Vox huffed. "Still annoying, I see!" Vox remarked back, looking at Alastor's grinning face. "Whatever you say, old friend! Now, I must get going." "Heh, where? Back to Rosie's?" Vox smirked smugly, raising a brow. "Surprised you still remember her." Alastor mumbled. Vox chuckled a little. "Eh, every once in a while!" Vox smiled a little. It was... genuine. "Yeah yeah. Anyway, I shall get going!" Alastor put his hands behind his back, still holding his microphone/cane. Al leaned forward, a few inches away from Vox's face. "See you soon~" Alastor then stood up straight and walked away, leaving behind a VERY blushy TV.
Hours later after going to bars and hanging alone, Vox returned to the V Tower. Vox made it in and sat on the couch. Vox was still blushing a bit. 'Why do I feel so... fuzzy? My chest feels... weird... what... what is this?...' Vox stared at the ground until he was snapped out of his thoughts by Velvette. "Yo! Vox! You good?" "H-Huh? Oh, yeah. I-I'm fine... um... where's Val?" "At work. 18 hours again." Vel said, sitting down next to Vox when she finally noticed the blushing on his face. "You sick or something? Your cheeks are kind of... flushed." Velvette pointed out, putting her fingers on her cheeks to represent what she was talking about. "I--... No, its... ..." Vox's voice trailed off. He couldn't explain it! "...Did you go to a bar??" She asked "Ye--" "Go to bed, weirdo! You're probably drunk!!" Velvette huffed, puffing out her cheeks and putting her hands on her hips. "Huh?..." Vox mumbled. But he didn't drink anything... "But I--" "GET!!!" Velvette raised her voice, making Vox jump. "Jesus Chrsit... FINE!! Yeesh!!" Vox huffed and stood up, walking to his room.
Vox got changed and took off his hat, sighing. He groaned and plopped on his bed. He turned off the lamp and turned on his phone, scrolling through photos. Most of them were of him, Val, and Vel. He started getting deeper and further the more he swiped. He made it to a photo that caught his eye. It was his birthday, and Alastor was there. He stared at the photo for a while. 'Man I miss him...' Vox thought as he sighed, looking at Alastor's smiling face in the photo. Vox had his arm wrapped around him, smiling and wearing a party hat. While Alastor had a big genuine smile on his face, laughing, only having one eye open, and having a party hat on as well. Vox huffed and turned off his phone, placing it down on the side table as he shifted to lay on his back. Vox looked up at the ceiling and thought about the encounter he had with Alastor earlier. Vox frown slowly crept up into a smile and his cheeks became a light teal blush, chuckling lightly to himself. After a minute, his smile faded and his eyes widened as he shot up, with a fearful look in his eyes
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saladbroth · 2 years
can the theerapanyakul men please learn how to flirt i am BEGGING
the most identifying factor that
kinn 👉👈 "if you were a girl would you find me attractive?" "let me just shoot an apple on your head and look smug, i'm sure you'll think it's hot" "you know there's ghosts here right.... u should sleep with me" theerapanyakul
kim "do you have a crush on anyone? u should write them a love song yk haha (i know you have a crush on me i saw the shrine i'm still twirling my hair at you)" "i'm following you around and threatening people who try to give you drugs then yell at you that i don't care" "fuck my brothers they'll be fine i'll kill 6 men with my bare hands and you won't know a single thing until you turn around" theerapanyakul
vegas "lets make merits together, also i'm groping you in a temple" "I bought these condoms for myself, but lets make sure you see the size" "i'll stare at you covered in blood with a man's cochlear that i just ripped out" "i have one move and that's appearing out of nowhere with a lighter and staring at you longingly" theerapanyakul
are related is really just. how fucking bad they are at flirting. like wow. they are so incredibly lucky they're pretty and/or have great tits and/or are just pahtetic little men because that shit wouldn't work on anyone else and probably wouldn't even work on their partners without those assets
"oohh i'm big mafia guy/ooohh i make music and have perfect gender/ oohh i'm so mentally disturbed and scary" shut the Fuck Up and learn how to flirt
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