#and carrying all your lifesaving meds
astaroth1357 · 1 year
*it's getting late at the HoL and Satan still hasn't returned home yet. Lucifer has called in MC and Mammon to start up a small search party when the demon in question finally walks through the front door*
MC: Satan!! *they jog over to him quickly and trap him in their arms, burying their face into his chest before letting go*
MC: There you are! We were getting uh- w-worried...! *MC puffs a bit of air out of their nose and frowns* Huh...
Satan: I was just running a little late. I'm... hm? MC? Is something wrong...?
MC: Uhm... *they rub their nose, which is already starting to feel unbearably itchy, with the back of their hand and frown harder* Satan... did you pass by a-? A-cho!
*Satan's stomach drops*
Satan: Oh... Oh no.
MC: Achoo! AchOo! acHOO!!! *MC covers their nose behind their sleeve as they keep sneezing and the other brothers leap into action*
Lucifer: Satan!! I told you if you play with cats you have to wash off first!!
Satan: I'm barely through the door!! I always remember, I just forgot to warn them this time!
Mammon: *right next to their human as they keep sneezing up a fit* SATAN, YOU POISONED MC!! Come on, man!!
MC: ACH-OO! N-...ot poison!- ACKHOO!! Just-*wheeze*-allergies...!
*as their eyes start to puff up and their throat tightens, Mammon curses and digs in his pockets until he pulls out their spare inhaler and some Benadryl. He practically forces them into their hands out of sheer urgency*
Mammon: Stay with us, MC!! Keep breathin'!
MC: Not! *wheeze*...dying. Yet...
*MC takes a hit of their inhaler while their first man frantically pushes them off to their private bathroom for a shower, shouting to Lucifer to bring a glass of water. You'd think MC walked into a vat of chemicals and had mere seconds to live*
Lucifer: *glares a Satan and points down the hall* Bathe. Change. Now.
Satan: *actually swallows his anger for just this once out of guilt and sighs in defeat*
Satan: Alright... But just for MC's sake. Not because you told me to.
Lucifer: *eyes narrow* With that attitude, you'll be seeing no cats for week.
Satan: That's inhumane and you know it, you monster!!
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forgeofthenine · 7 months
Curious about a classic trope. Loved one hides and injury! Maybe s/o got injured and hid it away because they were too worried about Dammon/Zevlor/Rolan? How would the bachelor trio react to finding out their loved on hid an injury?
Thanks for requesting this one Anon, it was very fun to write <3
The bachelors when their partner hides an injury
Believe it or not, despite being caught up in his work Dammon is actually very observant
As soon as you walk past him in the forge trying to hide a limp he's already downing his tools and scooping you up
Absolutely carries you inside and sets you down on a chair, the type to kneel in front of you and ask what happened
Dammon listens to everything you say as he rolls up your pant leg and checks your ankle/foot for injuries
Lets out little hums as he wraps it up to keep it stable
I hope you weren't expecting to walk by yourself while still hurt, that's just not happening
You can also expect a heart to heart with him another day where Dammon asks exactly why you wanted to hide the injury
He's honestly so good at communication, this man is husband material
Once he understands where you're coming from the two of you definitely talk things out, ending with Dammon pulling you onto his lap and giving you a kiss
He takes one look at you and just knows
Do you really think this man hasn't tried to hide his fair share of injuries?
Zevlor is breaking out the med kit right away
He's so experienced with emergency and small injury treatment from being a hellrider that he's got you patched up in no time
Doesn't matter if it's a cut, scrape, sprain, or particularly large bruise
Insists you take at least a couple days to rest and recover in bed, even just for his own peace of mind at this point
Another man that will ask why you wanted to hide it, he gives the vibes that he'd ask over dinner
Zevlors honestly so understanding, holds your hand the whole time you two are speaking
Absolutely tells you how he feels about everything too and it ends up being a very productive conversation
You'll notice that Zevlor holds you just a little bit tighter at nights for the next week or two
Takes the longest out of all of the bachelors, but he still notices quicker than a normal person
He's so used to Cal and Lia hiding minor injuries from him that he knows what to look for
It's a great excuse for him to break out the new healing spell he's learnt, just sit still for a moment and you'll feel much better
In the moment he seems very unbothered, proud of his work even, but later you notice something is off
It's only when the two of you are snuggled up in bed, Rolan wrapping you up tight in his arms, that he brings up what's on his mind
Even if the injury was only minor, it does make his mind dwell on why you'd keep something like that from him
Please just reassure him that you didn't want to worry him, and he'll feel much better if you promise to tell him about future injuries
Expect at least a few kisses from him that night
If you go up to him a few weeks later with a paper cut Rolan will heal it with a spell while playfully acting like it's lifesaving treatment
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pet-essentials · 9 months
Unpacking the Pet Travel Kit
Essentials for On-The-Go Care
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Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, offering a chance to explore new horizons and make lasting memories. For pet parents, these adventures often include their beloved four-legged companions. But traveling with pets requires more than just grabbing their leash and heading out the door. It necessitates careful planning and a well-stocked Pet Essentials to ensure their safety, comfort, and well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the essentials for on-the-go care, making sure you're prepared for every eventuality.
Understanding the Importance of a Pet Travel Kit
Why It's Essential: Traveling can be stressful, not just for humans but for our pets as well. Familiar surroundings provide comfort, and when these are replaced with unknown environments, it can lead to anxiety. A well-equipped travel kit acts as a safety net, offering both functional items and familiar comforts to ease these transitions.
Preparation Is Key: We've all been there – reaching for something we're sure we packed, only to find it's been left behind. With pets, this oversight can have serious repercussions. From forgotten medications to favorite toys, ensuring you have all your pet's necessities can be the difference between a relaxed trip and a stressful ordeal.
Building Your Pet Travel Kit: A Comprehensive Checklist
1. Food and Water Essentials
Bowls: A pair of collapsible bowls are compact and convenient, perfect for feeding and hydrating your pet on the go. Choose ones made of durable, easy-to-clean materials.
Pet Food: Always pack more food than you think you'll need. Pre-measured portions in zip-lock bags can simplify feeding times. If your pet is on a special diet or is picky about brands, it's crucial to have their regular food on hand.
Water: While it might seem easy to pick up water anywhere, some pets have sensitive stomachs. Carrying a bottle of your pet's regular drinking water can prevent unexpected stomach upsets.
2. Comfort Items
Familiar Bedding: Just as we cherish the comfort of our bed in unfamiliar territory, pets too find solace in their bedding. A foldable or rollable pet bed that's easy to transport can make a huge difference.
Toys: Favorite toys can provide both entertainment and comfort. They can be a piece of home, ensuring your pet remains calm and occupied during travel.
3. Health and Hygiene
Medications: If your pet is on any medications, these are non-negotiable. Along with the meds, include a copy of prescriptions and dosage instructions.
First-Aid Kit: Accidents can happen. A pet-specific first-aid kit with antiseptic wipes, bandages, tweezers, and other essentials can be a lifesaver.
Waste Bags: An environmentally friendly stock of waste bags ensures you can clean up after your pet no matter where you are.
4. Safety and Security
Leash and Harness: These are basics, but it's good to have a spare. A harness provides more control than a collar, especially in unfamiliar settings.
Identification: Ensure your pet has a collar with an ID tag. Additionally, carry a recent photo of your pet in case of emergencies.
Carrier or Crate: For those traveling by air or needing to confine their pet in certain situations, a sturdy, well-ventilated carrier is essential.
5. Fashion and Weather Protection
Clothing: Depending on the destination, your pet might need protection from the elements. From raincoats to sun hats, ensure your pet's fashion is both functional and stylish.
Customizing Your Pet Travel Kit
While the essentials listed above will suit most pets, every animal is unique. It's important to tailor your travel kit to your pet's specific needs. For instance, a geriatric dog might need joint supplements, while a kitten could require a bottle and formula. Understanding and anticipating these unique requirements ensures a smoother travel experience.
The Ultimate Travel Companion
Traveling with your pet can be an incredibly rewarding experience, offering shared adventures and bonding moments. But it also comes with added responsibilities. By ensuring you're well-prepared with a comprehensive pet travel kit, you not only guarantee the safety and comfort of your pet but also peace of mind for yourself. So, the next time wanderlust strikes, with your well-packed travel kit in tow, you can set out confident that you've got all your bases covered for the perfect pet-friendly getaway.
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getmedonlineus · 2 years
Get Med Online: Your One-Stop Shop for Medical and Lab Equipment
Looking for a way to make sure your baby's bottles are always clean and sterile? An automatic sterilizer is the answer! These handy devices can be a real lifesaver for busy parents. Here's everything you need to know about automatic sterilizers, including how they work, the different types available, and the pros and cons of using one.
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Get Med Online is your one stop shop for all your medical equipment needs. We carry a wide range of products from leading brands such as Automatic Sterilizer, ECG Equipment & Supplies, Electrosurgical Smoke Evacuators, and Sterilizer Equipment. With our huge selection, you're sure to find the perfect product for your needs.
An automatic sterilizer is a machine that uses either steam or dry heat to sterilize equipment and supplies. Automatic sterilizers are commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings to sterilize items such as instruments, dressings, and other materials.
There are several different types of automatic sterilizers available, including tabletop sterilizers, floor-standing sterilizers, and portable sterilizers. Tabletop sterilizers are small and can be placed on a countertop or other surface. Floor-standing sterilizers are larger and must be placed on the floor. Portable sterilizers are small and can be carried from one location to another.
There are several factors to consider when choosing an automatic sterilizer, including the type of sterilizer, the size of the unit, the number of items to be sterilized, the frequency of use, and the budget.
If you're looking for a top-of-the-line autoclave sterilizer, look no further than the Automatic Sterilizer from ECG Equipment & Supplies. This advanced sterilizer uses the latest in autoclave technology to quickly and effectively sterilize your surgical tools and instruments. Additionally, the Automatic Sterilizer features a built-in smoke evacuator that quickly and efficiently removes any surgical smoke from the operating room, keeping your OR clean and safe for both you and your patients.
You can visit our website https://www.getmedonline.com/ or call us at 631-803 2694 to seek our website today.
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basicbatboys · 3 years
10 and 11 with jason todd!
So sorry it took me a min to get to this! I like how this one turned out, and I hope you do too! 
940 words, Jason interrupts the most important time of your day. 
I let the hot water run over my face, down my shoulders and back, and focused on the rhythmic dripping it made as it hit the tiled floor. Showers were my safe haven. My shower after a long day was really the only thing I had to look forward to anymore. Scrubbing the wear of bad interactions, bad weather, bad anything off my skin, and seeing it slip down the drain was my only form of mediation. This was my therapy, and it was a hell of a lot cheaper too. 
I methodically washed my face, imagining all my worries being lifted up off my skin by the soap and the soft bristles of the brush. I ran my shampoo-soaked hands through my hair and physically felt myself become lighter. I could sit in here for hours. Nothing was expected of me. I had no deadlines right now, no one was counting on me. It was myself and the water. I was so at peace when I showered, I almost didn’t hear the thump that came from my living room. 
My heart skipped a beat. The grime from the shower drain felt like it was coming back up. I didn’t shut off the water, but I peeked my head from behind the curtain to hear better what was happening beyond the white door of my bathroom. Someone was definitely inside of my apartment. I didn’t even bother rinsing out the rest of my shampoo before I stepped out of my ‘therapy session’ and into my robe. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted, my eyes trained on the small slit I had created between the door and its frame. 
“Hey!” A voice called, breathless. 
Jesus Christ. 
I opened the door the rest of the way and marched out to the living room where I was welcomed by the one and only Red Hood, all but bleeding out on my floor. 
“You are so twisted, Jason.” I growled. I should have been more concerned about his well-being, but frankly, I was just frustrated. He had to come now? I was already clean. I walked into my kitchen and pulled out the hefty first-aid kit I had stashed after the first time Jason arrived in my home half-alive. 
“It’s good to see you too, doll face.” He said through gritted teeth, clutching his side. 
I rolled my eyes, carried over the kit, and dropped it on the floor before dropping myself to my knees beside him. I reached for his torso and began to undo the armor he had plating his chest. ‘Useless shit.’ I thought. 
“Woah, at least buy me dinner first.” He smirked, pulling off his helmet and reclining back onto his elbows to give me room to work. 
“At this point, I’m the one who deserves a dinner.” I retorted. I had his chest exposed now, and a nasty bullet wound glared angrily at me. 
I slid on my latex gloves, handed Jason a rag to bite with a cheeky, “To shut you up.”, and pulled out my tongs to gently remove the slug that had become embedded in his abdomen. 
I didn’t talk while I worked. I never did. I was a med student and almost finished with classes. I wasn’t certified yet and still needed to concentrate on what I was doing so I wouldn’t make a mistake. Jason, on the other hand, was far from quiet. I couldn’t blame him, he was literally open right now, but everything he did at this point was driving me insane. 
Once the bullet was out, I carefully stitched him up and wiped my work clean with an antibacterial wipe. The wipe, my gloves, and anything else coated in blood went into a bag that I sealed shut and tossed onto my coffee table. 
Jason checked over my work and then sheepishly handed me the saliva-covered rag that had been in his mouth. I scrunched up my nose. “I don’t want that.” 
He tossed it onto the coffee table with everything else and laid himself down on the floor. “You’re a lifesaver. This would have cost me a pretty penny down the street.” He folded his arms under his head, shut his eyes, and smiled. 
I stood and crossed my arms. “Sure. Whatever.” 
Jason popped an eye open to look at me and furrowed his brows. “What’s with the ‘tude?” 
I gestured vaguely to my attire. “I was extremely busy when you decided to grace me with your presence. Interrupting someone while they’re showering? That is low. Even for you.” 
He frowned and opened his other eye. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He said, slyly. He knew exactly what I was talking about, and how much I valued my shower time. 
“Man.” I tsked. “If someone hadn’t already tried to do it for me, I would kill you right now.” I couldn’t help the smile that slid onto my face. I loved shooting the shit with Jay. He always knew how to dish it back perfectly. 
Jason slowly helped himself up and stood in front of me. “I’m sorry I hit pause on your shower, my everblooming rose.” I couldn’t help but snort at that one. 
He rested a hand on my waist and smiled at me, tilting my chin up towards him. “Maybe you and I can go and make up for that?”
My snort turned into a laugh. 
“Oh, that is so cute. No fuckin’ way, pal. You can wait your turn.” I turned on my heel and headed back for the bathroom. Before I shut the door, I peeked my head out to look at him one last time. 
“And please, don’t bleed on my furniture while I’m gone.”
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Sparring Partners
Chapter 3: Infiltrate The Enemy
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A/N: Alright so this is Chapter 3 of this fic, I got a little carried away with this chapter that's why the word count is more than last time. We're starting to get into the thick of it now! I have a feeling that each chapter will probably get longer and longer as I go cause I'm just enjoying writing it so much. Feedback and comments as always are so welcome, I’d love to hear your thoughts, and if you’d like to be tagged for the upcoming chapters just let me know! xxx
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x F! Reader
I have also just created a playlist for ya’ll to listen to while reading. I hope it gets you even more invested! ✨COCKY COWBOY PLAYLIST✨
Summary: You and Agent Whiskey are long time rivals. As Statesman agents you both have been put up for the same promotion and this mission is your final chance to prove yourself. Have you got what it takes?
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Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: Slight Language, Canon-typical violence (got heavier on this one, blood, pain, choking, weapon usage) 
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CHAPTER 3: Infiltrate The Enemy
Driving through city, listening to the soft sounds of the radio, you head towards the hospital. Mentally preparing yourself for the day ahead you run through your fake persona. You were going undercover as a young medical student in training that had been transferred from your university to take up a short placement at the CleanPlanet facilities. With all that you had learnt over the years helping Ginger out with certain tech and patching up different injuries you felt that you had a slight grasp on some basic medical terminology and concepts. You simply needed to blend into the background and focus on the mission at hand.
Continuing along you begin to leave the hustle and bustle of the city life, moving further out into the outskirts of town. The hospital was in a more remote area, another way to keep suspicious, prying eyes away from their experiments you thought, as you continued along the rather empty road. As you approach the multi storeyed hospital complex you notice the large wire fence which circled the perimeter of the area, the gates at the front wide open for visitors. You drive onto the lot and park in the staff area to the right, inside the gate. Taking a deep breath, you collect yourself, brushing the loose strands of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail and tucking them behind your ear. Pulling out the earpiece from the small box that Ginger had given you, you quickly tuck it behind the arm of your glasses at the top of your ear to hide it from view.
Grabbing your bag from the backseat of the car, you take out your lab coat that Ginger had given you and pulled it over your shoulders. Pulling your knees up you pull your small throwing knives out of your duffle, strapping a few to your thighs. You weren’t about to go into this hostile situation without being prepared. Pulling your lab coat around you to cover up your hidden weapons you hop out of your personas rundown car and start walking towards the hospitals main entrance. Curiously, you notice a lot of doctors, other professionals, and a few security guards here and there wandering around the perimeter of the fence.
You counted about 23 people in total from what you could see, some talking together, some having a cigarette break, and so on. But as you look closer, you realise that all these seemingly random people dappled around were wearing communication earpieces. On some of the security guards you even noticed the outline of a handgun tucked into the back of their shirts. It seemed that the hospital was on high alert and extremely well-guarded. Everything was going to be just fine, just blend in and focus. You’ve got this. You murmur to yourself to ease your nerves, focusing on embodying the new persona you needed to become. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a strikingly familiar shiny blue chrome. You turn ever so slightly to see that Whiskey’s car was parked in the visitor’s area around the side of the hospital. I suppose Duke Silver has already arrived…
Heading inside you walk over to the information desk flashing your ID badge to the receptionist. “I’m the new student transfer here for my placement from the University of Texas, where am I heading?” You query, putting a quiver into your voice, you wanted to really sell the part of the first-time med student. The woman behind the desk gestures behind you. “Down the hall and to your left sweetheart…” Looking at you she smiles; she must see the nervousness you were portraying. “You’ll do just fine darlin, Doctor Violet will be mentoring you and she is just downright lovely. You’ve got nothing to be worried about.”
Continuing to fake your anxious energy, you tuck an invisible hair behind your ear activating your earpiece in one swift movement. Thanking the woman profusely you head in the direction she had gestured. The hospital was abuzz with activity all around you patients being moved, doctors and nurses chatting amongst each other, people waiting for their loved ones. It certainly looked and felt like a real hospital, an impressive cover, you thought to yourself. As you continue further down the hallway, the herd of people starting to thin, you realise you were moving towards the staff offices in the back. Looking around quickly to make sure you were out of earshot of anyone you speak quietly to yourself attempting to communicate with Whiskey on the other side of the hospital. “Hey Whiskey, my lines open, just holler if you run into any trouble.”
You hear a sharp crackle coming from your earpiece as Whiskey turns his earpiece on. “Likewise, Vodka,” he says, his voice unusually quiet, “I’m currently in the waiting room outside Howard’s office, there’s a few other wealthy looking gentlemen and women in here with me, who I assume will also be receiving a tour of the facilities… I’ll be right here if you need me, sunshine.” He purposely drew out his nickname he had for you, his voice dragging out every syllable. You could practically hear the smirk in his whispered tone.
Chuckling internally, you click your earpiece off so as not to distract your partner, or vice versa. You continued along towards Dr Violets office, turning around the corner and almost colliding into the other students gathered outside her door. There was about 4 of them in total, 5 including yourself. Shit, you need to be more careful. Anyone could have heard you. You look around to the others but they we’re all completely focused, eyes trained on the blue door which read “Dr. Octavia Violet M.D.”
Suddenly, the door swings open causing the other students to jump in surprise. Out from the office steps a prominent figure, a tall and dashing woman dressed in deep navy suit with a black button up underneath, a black tie wrapped around her neck. Brown hair wrapped into a low bun and round glasses resting on the bridge of her nose she exuded the air of highly intelligent and respected medical practitioner. Adjusting your lab coat and pushing your glasses up your nose, you continue to emulate a feeling of nervousness. This wasn’t too difficult a task as you already felt rather intimidated and yet oddly impressed by this woman. Her presence felt powerful, a quiet strength about her, shown in the way she carried herself.
“Hi there everyone, you all must be my new placement students,” She spoke, a kind smile plastered on her face. “I’m Dr Violet, I’ll be looking after you while you’re here with us over the next few weeks.” After all of you had introduced yourself separately, she began to lead you out towards the main part of the hospital, “It’s lovely to meet you all, now if you’d follow me its time I showed you around our facilities here at CleanPlanet so that you can become familiar with your new place of work.” Her black stilettos clicked as she walked, taking you past the reception desk and deeper into the hospital. Walking behind her with the other students in tow you noticed a small intricate scar poking out from underneath her jacket collar. You rest your index finger on your glasses attempting to use the tech to get a closer look. Managing to take a slightly zoomed in picture before she whips back around to address her small group of attentive pupils, you curse lightly under your breath and move further back.
You’d have to try to get a better look at whatever that was later, you couldn’t afford to draw any suspicion to yourself in such a small group. Dr Violet looks over her new students and begins to speak, “Alright so this first wing is the main hospital ward, we have different stations for certain requirements and specialists scattered around so we can accommodate a good number of inpatients here. Now further along…” Moving again the group walks further into the hospital into a more private area with sectioned off rooms and areas, “This is where we have our specialist medical, surgical and psychiatric wards. The main ward and these areas will be where you spend the majority of your time while on placement as the other side of the hospital is mainly outpatient facilities such as the A&E and the ICU.” She turned back to look at the group as she continued, “One of our main purposes here at CleanPlanet is to run test trials of experimental, but potentially lifesaving new procedures and medications,” You ears perk up at this statement, this might be what you needed to look further into.
The drug tests had seemed to be the source of the fatalities and illnesses that you had discovered in your research. “This is something we are very proud of and something you will be helping assist with. Trial subjects will need to be prepped for these new tests and made comfortable especially for certain surgeries and medications.”
You attempted to jot down some notes in a small note pad you had brought in your bag to appear as studious as some of her other pupils. You needed to keep a low profile. But on the inside your mind was reeling, what did she mean by making the patients comfortable and prepped for these trials and why would it be the student’s task to do this? If anything, it seemed that this would be a potential way to take the blame off CleanPlanet and its employees. If the students administered any medication to an unsuspecting patient, CleanPlanet would get away scot free, getting yet another unsuspecting party to do their dirty work.
As your mind processed this new information you realise that you had zoned Dr Violet out, “… we’ll be running you through what trials we’ll be running and what we’ll be getting you to do further along. Please follow me.” Walking further into these more secluded surgery and prep rooms you began to feel an unsettling ambience fill the space. The hallway had become starker, with fewer staff, the temperature had dropped to reflect the much colder and highly sanitised appearance of your new surroundings. The staff that were around had stern appearances and were adorned in different protective gear. Some wearing masks and protective goggles with some even wearing full hazmat suits. Dr Violet led you into one of the larger rooms off the main hallway and as you walked in provided each of you with a face mask of your own.
What on earth was going on here? You turn to look at Dr Violet once more, she was standing in front of a small group of staff who were sitting at multiple different desks with computer monitors in front of them. All of them were facing towards one wall in the room with what appeared to be a large, shadowed frame set into it. Each staff member was also wearing a facemask which covered their nose and mouth, jotting down notes and adjusting certain information on their screens.
It appeared to be a human x ray with different vital sign information down the side, as you peered further forward towards the screen closest to you to try and get a better look, your train of thought is suddenly interrupted by Dr Violets voice. “Alright students, we’re about to run you through a preparation and procedure of one of our focal trials here at CleanPlanet.” A mask now covering the bottom half of her face. She snapped her fingers and suddenly the frame on the wall behind her burst into vivid colour. You could see behind her a patient sitting on a small medical bed, a young male. Pale under the luminescent glow of the white medical lights, he looked almost translucent. You realised that the frame on the wall must be a one-way mirror allowing you a protected view into an adjacent medical suite.
A doctor stood over the boy, who couldn’t be more than your age, with a forced happy demeanour plastered across his face. You saw the doctors mouth moving but heard no sound to accompany it, the boy nodded in agreement and then signed a sheet of paper that the doctor held out for him on a clipboard. As the boy laid down onto the bed the doctor exited the room and you tapped your glasses frame lightly once more to begin to film what you were seeing, you had a feeling this was going to be important.
Dr Violet continued to speak as that same doctor entered the room you were standing in. “This is pivotal new research that we’ve been conducting to find a treatment for some of the big incurable diseases that plague the human race.” As she continued to speak you couldn’t bring yourself to turn in her direction, your eyes locked onto the room through that you could see through the frame. You began to notice the white cushioned padding covering the entirety of the walls within the room, and a large pit of concern began to open in your stomach. Why did it look like a cell in a mental institution in there…? “For this particular experiment we have been testing out an anaesthetic gas which aims to heighten the strong cells within the body to naturally fight off the illnesses and ailments which plague the patient.” Dr Violet explains to the students.
Suddenly you see a cloud of pale-yellow gas erupt from the ceiling above the patient. It starts to fill up the medical suite in front of your eyes as the young man squirms worriedly on the medical bed. The gas slowly engulfs the room, so thick that you can no longer see the patient. Everything is quiet for a few moments as everyone holds their breath in suspense. Suddenly the screens on front of the medical staff begin to flash in a warning red, the computers making load concerning beeps. All of a sudden you see the monitored heart rate on one of the screens plummet to zero and then shoot back up to over 200 beats per minute.
Dr Violet looks over at one of the screens with a concerned expression on her face. She leans closer to the window frame in front of her, trying to see further in when all at once there is load crack. A fist slams into the mirror with a huge amount of brute force only millimetres away from Dr Violets face. She recoils back out of shock from the sudden noise but quickly steadies herself, shaking off any worry in her now drawn expression. You continue to watch in horror as some of the gas begins to dissipate, revealing the maddened face of the patient through the mirrored frame. He was slamming himself repeatedly into the wall trying to break through the glass that separated us from him.
“Unfortunately…” The doctors voice cut through the shock that had paralysed your body, “Not every test is a success.” She trails off looking back at the boy behind the glass. His eyes were red and wild as he frantically ran around the room smacking into every possible surface, desperate to escape. He gripped the sides of his head with his hands, his face contorting in agony as an unheard scream ripped through him. He collapsed to the ground on his knees, his body shuddering in pain. You could see blood begin to drip down his cheeks out of his ears onto the floor, staining the stark white room with a deep and ominous red. Finally he collapses onto the floor, the life drained from his body, blood seeping and creating a halo around the crown of his head.
Dr V begins listing off some of the side effects of this new test such as migraines, nausea, everything up to internal bleeding. “This is a particularly exceptional case, a sharp learning curve for our testing. One of the many exciting trials and tribulations of scientific progress!” A smile lighting up her features, her whole-body tense with excitement. How could she be excited about what had happened here? You thought as your attempted to hide the pure shock and panic that was screaming out on the inside. All at once you see a few medical assistants in hazmat suits pull the lifeless body of the boy out of the suite in front of you. The room then floods with water from the sprinklers embedded in the ceiling, washing the blood down the small drain under the patient bed. “Bring in the next test subject.” Says one of the medical techs into a microphone.
No sooner had the room been cleared it had been filled again, a new patient being sat on the bed, a young woman, her face tired and worn. She had no idea what was about to happen. The view to the suite goes black once more, obscuring it from view and you and the rest of the students are hurriedly being ushered out of the room by Dr V. Everyone pulls their masks off as they leave, it seems everyone was a bit shaken from that experience. Still reeling from what you had just witnessed you keep your gaze fixed to the floor away from the prying eyes of the doctor. She continues walking and talking but you can no longer hear anything she says, your head is pounding. You need to get back there and get all the test information onto a hard drive for Statesman. You need to figure out how far this really goes. Looking up once more you raise your hand. Dr Violet looks directly at you, her gaze piercing you to your very core. “Yes?” She queries.
“May I be excused to go to the restroom Doctor?” You say, a slight quiver in your voice, this was certainly no act.
“Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having a slightly weak constitution.” Looking you up and down she waves her hand, gesturing for you to leave. “Go collect yourself. You can catch up with us further along.”
“Thank you Doctor.” Gripping tightly onto your notebook you dash back down away from the rest of the group as they continue along. You duck into the bathroom that you had passed earlier, quickly checking that there was no one else inside. Walking up to one of the sinks you look at your reflection in the mirror. Your complexion had paled from the shock of what you had witnessed, and your hands trembled as you gripped onto the ceramic of the basin fighting to keep yourself upright. Turning on the faucet you quickly splash some water across your face. You needed to get a grip and focus. You had a job you needed to do.
Tapping your earpiece, you open the communication line, exhaling softly to calm your nerves. “Whiskey, are you there?” Hearing another crackle, you hear his line open.
“I’m here Vodka, whaddya need sugar?” He says voice quiet, speaking only loud enough for you to hear.
“Ok well there have been some developments on my end, I’m about to head back into the lab we just left where my eyes were subjected to some pretty traumatic stuff…” You trail off recalling the horrific scene.
“What happened??” He queries, worry present in his tone of voice. You recount everything you had seen to him so he could get a full picture of what the hell was going on. “That sounds positively concerning…” Whiskey sighs audibly through the comm. “Well, I’m currently getting a wrap up of the facility tour from Howard so keep me on the line while you execute this and holler if you get into to any trouble.”
“Will do, Agent.” Quickly exiting the bathroom, you look down the hallway in the direction of your medical group, seeing no evidence of them and hearing nothing you begin to move in the opposite direction. Heading back towards the medical lab you quicken your pace, making use of the apparent emptiness of the hallway to reach your destination quicker.
“Jeez Vodka, you’re breathing so hard I think I’m going to go deaf in this ear.” Whiskey quips.
“Excuse me for thinking timing is of the essence in this situation cowboy.” You mutter to yourself angrily, as you reach the door to the medical lab you had visited earlier. Wary to keep your voice low, you didn’t know what was on the other side of that door. You hear Whiskey chuckle to himself, laughing at your constant irritation towards him. Ignoring him you turn the handle and hearing a soft click you push the door open.
Stepping inside the dark room you see two lab techs turn from their computers to face you. “I’m so sorry, I think I left something of mine in here earlier…” you glance around the room assessing your options. You need to get these two out of the way quickly so that you can access the information you need before anyone else comes back. Spotting a stapler on the desk closest to you amongst other scattered office supplies you quickly pick it up and open it. Looking back at the lab techs, you throw them a meagre smile.
“Sorry about this…” You mutter quietly, throwing the stapler into the air and in one swift movement you throw yourself into a cartwheel, flipping your leg forward, kicking the stapler directly in the middle, snapping it in half with the edge of your heel. The two ends of the stapler fly as you return to an upright stance, each side hitting the two lab techs square on their forehead, knocking them out cold. You smirk to yourself, proud of your efficient work.
“Everything under control Vodka?” You hear Whiskeys voice in your ear.
“Everything is under control.” You say as you dash over to the closest computer to you, rolling the lab tech who was slumped over in his own office chair out of the way. Pulling a hard drive out of your back pocket you quickly plug it into the port on the side of the computer screen. Tapping a few keys like Ginger taught you, the entire computer log begins to copy over to your hard drive. Files start to flick across the screen showing you all you ever needed to know about the trials they were running. Pictures of patients flit across the screen, hundreds of people with deceased written in bold red letters across their files. “My god…” you say, your voice catching as the number of files continue to rise.
“What’s going on there Vodka?” You hear a mutter in your ear.
“Whiskey I…” You trail off unable to comprehend how many people had been used and tossed aside for this drug trial. “I cannot believe how many patients they’ve gone through for this drug Jack…” You using his real name throws Whiskey for a loop. He knows how serious this must be if all the sarcasm and snipes had left your voice completely. You continue talking, trying to keep your nerves in check as the picture of the boy from earlier flashes onto the screen, the same words across his picture in red. “The drug they’re testing is an anaesthesia type gas which they’re calling Sunflower… It seems that in most of the cases it takes the patients about a week to experience the more intense symptoms and then eventually…” Trailing off again, your silence saying everything you couldn’t seem to articulate.
All of a sudden, the door to the lab opens and you see the frame of Dr Violet step inside. She quirks her eyebrow at you and glances at her two unconscious techs, down to the hard drive and then back up at you. You hear a small beep come from the computer notifying you that the upload had been completed. You quickly snatch the drive out of the computer as Dr V stared you down.
Looking at you with a knowing smile she puts her hand out towards you. “I think I’ll be taking that off your hands sweetheart.” She says with her hand outstretched.
“I don’t think so Violet.” You say as you quickly pocket the drive, bringing your hands to hover over the knives strapped to your thighs, bracing for a fight.
A crackle comes through your earpiece suddenly, “Vodka, is everything alright?”
You have no time to respond because all at once Dr V goes in for a jab directly into your stomach. Catching you off guard, you keel over in shock and from being suddenly winded, gripping your stomach. “That’s Doctor to you.” Dr V quips. Gasping, desperately trying to regain your breath you pull out one of your knives from your thigh holster and lunge at her, aiming a blow for her shoulder.
Expecting the blade to sink into soft flesh you put all your weight and strength behind your throw. The knife collides with her shoulder, but nothing happens. You hear the clang of metal clashing. Instead of sinking in, the blade slashes downwards, cutting through her lab coat and her suit revealing a metal covering underneath. The force that should have impacted the doctor reverberates back into your arm sending a jarring shock through your body. Quickly recovering you kick out directly at her left leg landing a heavy blow which forces her to recoil back.
Both catching your breath you stare the doctor down. “How could you possibly think what you’re doing here is ok?” You pant out getting ready for your next move.
“We’re trying to improve the world, make people stronger… but sometimes you have to crack a few bad eggs before you find the right one.” She says matter-of-factly, as she nurses her leg.
You both resume a fighting stance readying yourselves. “You’re hurting so many people just to achieve that goal, can’t you see that the harm outweighs any potential good you’re trying to accomplish?” You throw back at her, a venomous anger reaching your voice at her absolute callousness to the situation. You throw your other blade attempting to take her by surprise and incapacitate her, aiming for her already injured leg. The knife hits its mark with deadly accuracy, sinking into the flesh of her thigh. Dr Violet cries out in pain, sucking air through her teeth as she controls her reaction. She flicks her gaze away from the knife sticking out of her leg back at you, a new fury in her eyes.
“Sunshine are you handling the situation?” You hear Whiskeys tense voice in your ear.
Dr Violet runs at you throwing her non injured leg out kick you hard in the ribs. You grunt in pain, exhaling sharply. Without giving you a chance to recover she grabs you by the throat and clamps her fingers down, restricting any air flow into your lungs. She lifts you up with one arm by the neck keeping you from being able to breath. You grasp her hand with both your own, trying to tear her fingers away from your throat, trying to let any amount of air reach your lungs. She holds you there like you weigh almost nothing, looking you up and down. You thrash out with your legs trying to somehow escape from her grasp as black spots start to cloud your vision.
“Sweetheart?!” You hear Whiskey in your ear once more, his voice riddled with concern. Trying to choke out a response to your partner as your voice cracks, “P-Please…” is all you can muster. You feel yourself start to slip out of consciousness in the doctor’s vice like grip. You hear her calm voice as your body movements start to slow and weaken, “I think you will make a fine new test subject for our trial.” She says with a large smirk gloating at you, her new prize.
All you hear as you finally succumb to unconsciousness is Whiskey yelling your name through the com as your body collides with the floor…
Permanent Tags:
@hrk-fic-recs  @misslexilouwho  
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marvelousbenz · 5 years
My study routine
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It’s no shocker that many of you have read countless posts about HOW someone should study, I frankly did that myself, but I found out that NONE of them help. Why? well because for someone that is looking for a way to save their educational year and start studying properly, these posts didn’t do it for me; they’re too perfect, and quite hard to stick to. 
I’m not belittling them; AFTER I got myself into a study routine that I actually found suitable (the one that I will be talking about), I started trying the methods that are available everywhere here on Tumblr, or Pinterest. 
So here’s what I did;
Get into the studyblr committee; like actually partake in it. Start posting pictures of your study notes, or your desk, or a random picture of your notes with your laptop at a cafe. You can post anything you want, really, anything. You don’t have to have a MacBook, or those Muji stationary. Your picture doesn’t have to be aesthetic. Getting a studyblr is like a way of holding yourself accountable; like people are going to see you work, ones that don’t go to school with you, they don’t know who you are. They just know that you're another human wanting to keep track of their studying.
Find when you are most productive; you DON’T have to be an early riser to be classified as productive. My mind works best when it’s really dark outside, usually past midnight. I tried getting up early to study, but it didn’t work for me. However, my friend prefers waking up at 4:30 am to study rather than staying up until midnight. The time you’re most productive at has nothing to do with what people say; it’s your choice.
Set your studying time; studying for 7 hours straight on your first day of being productive WILL NOT work. You’ll most probably stare at nothing or get distracted with whatever you have around you. Start with 1 hour of proper studying on the first day, then start adding an hour every day until you reach your optimal number of studying hours. You have to take small steps to reach your ultimate goal.
Create a routine; this one requires discipline. You have to set a certain time of the day (for me it’s from 2:30 pm till 8:00) which is strictly for studying. I don’t study for the whole duration everyday, but when I want to study, that’s my timeframe. I might study more, it depends on the load that I have to cover, but that’s beside the point. If you always start studying at a specific time, studying will become a habit; so when you aren’t studying at that time, something will feel off, thus you will go and study. Plus, that’ll increase your efficiency.
Have a to-do list with the time needed for each task; that way, you will feel like you have to finish the task, no matter what. But when you’re setting the time, make sure you give the task its needed time, or else the whole to-do list will crumble down.
TAKE A BREAK; I can’t stress this enough. TAKE A BREAK. Your brain will certainly NOT function properly for 7 hours straight. Take a 10 minutes break every 50 minutes of studying. At first, limiting yourself with that time and going back to your desk will be hard. But that’s only the start. This is why discipline is important. 
It’s not motivation that you need; someone can motivate you every day for the next twenty year and you will still not achieve anything if you didn’t set your mind on doing it. Again, it’s discipline that you need.
These are my tips for anyone wanting to increase their productivity, but now I’m going to add some tips for all the medical students out there;
Screw the lectures; sure your professor gave them to you, and sure the exam questions will be from the lecture, but they’re not enough. You have to read the reference. You MUST. I know the reference is usually filled with information that your lecturer would never talk about, but knowing them will help you retain the main ideas of the topic. Also, you would want to know those extra information so that you can have a plus over your classmates; it’ll truly boost your confidence. And no that doesn’t make you a gunner or whatever you want to call it. 
The library is your home; not only it’s an amazing place to study, but they also have many references that you’ll find useful. I found a pathology reference that summarizes everything in an amazing way (it’s called Pathology Illustrated). Also that means that you don’t have to buy all those expensive books.
Get an iPad; it’s way better than a laptop. trust me on this one.
It’s never too early to start studying from FirstAid or the Kaplan lecture notes; I’ve been studying from my Kaplan lecture notes since my first year in medschool, and we have our ifom in less than 90 days, but guess who’s already 50% ready? me. While my classmates struggle with trying to catch up on the high yield material, I already have them covered.
Pharmacology flashcards are your lifesavers; seriously. 
Pathology charts are your best friends; they make the diseases way more easier to remember.
Summarize your microbiology; you really want to remember all the bacterias and viruses. You really do. So summarize them in a small handbook that you can carry around with you everywhere. You never know when you want to remember which bacteria causes Otitis Externa in swimmers (that’s pseudomonas)
Have a friend that you trust by your side for any instant pop up quizzes; I have this friend with me in class, we always ask each other questions. We would be studying some topic in physiology, the drug theophylline is mentioned as an example, and I go and ask her why we use it and what’s the side effect. Or we would mention Gastroenteritis and we have to recite as many causative bacterias as we can. It’s an amazing way to remember things. (REMEMBER; THE THREE DRUGS THAT CAUSE AN SLE-LIKE SYNDROME ARE; procainamide (class IA antiarrhythmic), hydralazine (anti hypertensive-vasodilator), and isoniazid (first line anti TB))
Get your Netter’s atlas for anatomy; you need it. it’s your key to never forgetting anatomy. You’re welcome.
You don’t have to go out every day; honestly it’s a waste of time. For me, I would rather be called lifeless or a nerd, than being referred to as the girl who failed her cardiology final.
YOU DON”T HAVE TO ALWAYS LOOK PERFECT TO UNI; this is for you ladies, you don’t have to always look on point. No one cares if you’re pretty if you fail your finals. You go to uni because you want to study, not because you want to attract anyone’s attention to your looks. 
It’s okay if you don’t have any actual friends in medschool; tell me, do you want to be friends with people that will talk shit about you behind your back when you get a better grade than them? or be friends with those that’ll try to distract you from your studies? I befriended this girl back in my first year that told me that I’m not worthy of medical school if I failed my locomotor quiz. Crazy right? Finding true friends is hard in med school, most of them are out to get you. I’m honestly grateful for those 3 or 4 people I have that don’t want to destroy me. So be careful with who you decide to hang out with.
That’s pretty much it. I hope some of you found it useful. I really tried to make them as realistic as possible. 
If anyone has any extra tips, do mention them. 
Have a great day!
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x-ximenas · 4 years
Love Means Trouble: Chapter 4
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Prompt: Hurricane by Halsey, which you can find in this playlist.
Pairing: OC/Nikki Sixx
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, near smut and my terrible grammar and punctuation remember English’s not my first language.
Word Count: 4,712 words
A/N: All I seem to do is apologize, i know, but college is killing me and draining me slowly -read quickly- Med school is heavy, folks. Anyways, finally finished this chapter, hallelujah!  Also, if you liked this bit, I’d love to hear some comments! If you’d like to be added to a taglist for upcoming parts comment, dm me, ask me… just talk to me!
A/N 2: I made a NEW spotify playlist where you can find the songs I mention in the story.
// Prologue // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter //
“Well, hello Circe…”
Circe's breath hitched as her name was so naturally spelt by Nikki's lips. His face held some smugness to it, he had finally cracked the code he had been waiting so desperately to crack. Her name.
"H-How?" Circe stuttered, shock clearly written on her face.
"Close your mouth, we don't want any flies going into that pretty mouth of yours, babe" Circe's mouth snapped shut after Nikki's comment.
"And... to answer your question, Tommy" as Nikki said that he flopped down on Circe's couch, who hadn't moved from the entryway nor closed the door.
"Fuck" finally, Circe reacted. She slammed the door shut, her eyes rolling at the mere thought of Tommy talking more than he should.
"I'm going to kill that kid one of these days" She muttered to herself, but Nikki heard her loud and clear.
"Well, I gotta say that if I had known that you were Tommy's Circe I would've listened to him more attentively" Nikki said teasingly, but not attempting to lighten Circe's mood.
"Did he also tell you where I live?" she questioned, ignoring his comment entirely as she went through her cabinets in search for her bottle of Jack. She knew it wasn't the best idea after last night's little trip, but she desperately needed the burn of the alcohol to wake her up.
"No, that was Vince, actually" Nikki kept on mocking her distress, enjoying the change in banter.
"I'm going to kill Barbie too then" Circe spoke louder this time, then she opened the bottle of Tequila she found, the large gulp she took made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up straight.
"Circe... hmmm, it fits you" Nikki said to himself after a brief moment of silence, Circe snorted before taking another drink from the bottle.
"And how do you even know it fits me? Hm?" She asked, walking out her small kitchen before sitting on the couch opposite from Nikki. Her eyebrows rested highly on her forehead, inquiry all across her features.
"I just know it does, call it... a sixth sense" Nikki smiled at her, then he took the bottle of tequila from Circe's grasp. Said action made Circe groan out loud and stand up from her place.
"Yeah, whatever. I call bluff on your sixth sense" she dismissed his comment as she took the needle off the record, trying to be as careful as she could to avoid scratching her Bauhaus' vinyl.
Nikki observed her as she gracefully moved around her apartment in search of another vinyl to play. Circe rummaged through the piles of albums, her brain not cooperating with her at the moment. She had no idea what to play and despite how unpleased she was with Nikki being at her place, she still wanted him to like the music meant to fill in the gaps.
After a few seconds of indecisiveness where Circe's brain couldn't choose between Queen's The Game and Siouxsie and the Banshees' Kaleidoscope, she finally settled for Siouxsie. Circe was delicate when placing the needle on the vinyl, she almost looked as if she was holding a breath. Nikki kept on watching her with curious eyes, his interest was rising as he followed her movements. He didn't think she would be into this kind of music, so different from what Mötley played and from what he had caught her dancing to on their last rendez-vous.
Nikki caught Circe smile to herself once the music started. The almost unnerving sound of the instruments added more tension to the atmosphere. And Siouxsie's strangely calm voice gave the atmosphere some edge.
"So, why did you never tell me your name?" Nikki said, speaking above the music without much effort.
"For fun" was Circe's short answer.
Circe looked everywhere but Nikki's direction as she reached for her pack of cigarettes. He, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at her, clearly tired of the game she was playing. It had been drawn out for far too long, almost half a year to be exact.
"Fun?" he questioned after a moment of silence.
"Yeah, fun" Circe shrugged before lighting her cigarette.
"You had me playing along just because you wanted some fun?" he asked. He was annoyed, but she took joy in that.
"Yeah, exactly. But you can't tell me you didn't have fun as well, can you Nikki?" she answered with a smug smile, finally feeling more in control of the situation at hand. Then, their eyes met.
Nikki's olive-coloured eyes were lit up with a strange mixture of curiosity, surprise and irritation. Said eyes were framed by his dark eyebrows, that had shot up his forehead. Contrarily, Circe's espresso-coloured eyes were filled with mischief.
"It's true, I can't" he answered, leaning back on the couch.
"But it doesn't mean I'm not tired of it"
"Pity, I was enjoying our game. So sad you're getting tired of it" Circe mocked. A fake pout barely covering the growing smirk.
"Might have to get myself someone who can actually play along" she kept on mocking. She took a puff out her cigarette before she grabbed the bottle of tequila, taking a large gulp right after.
"It's not that I can't play along, the problem here is that you're not playing fair" Nikki leaned forward, grabbing Circe's chin between his fingers.
"And you do? Play fair, I mean" Circe's gaze was unwavering as she looked at Nikki, tilting her head to the side.
Circe took Nikki's silence as her answer and such silence made Circe's ego grow a smidge bigger.
She hummed.
"I see. So, what do you propose, Nikki?" Circe said, sitting on the couch and leaning closer to Nikki. Her head was tilted to the side, and her left eyebrow rose in anticipation.
"What do you seek, Circe?" He retorted, avoiding her question.
"Debauchery, destruction..." Circe answered, her tongue quickly running over her teeth, staying a little longer on her sharp canines. Nikki mirrored her expression.
"That's all I ever look for, that's all I'm good at"
"I'm not scared of a little destruction, I embrace it" Nikki stated, equally as intense.
"What are you trying to tell me, Nikki?" Circe decided to play dumb.
"I don't think I need to say anything"
"You don't, but I want you to spell it out for me. Tell me what you want" 
Nikki stood up from his seat, Circe following suit. Her heart was racing, the silence that lingered this time wasn't of her liking. She took notice of how Siouxsie's voice was starting to lower in volume, the side A of the vinyl coming to a swift end.
Nikki approached her with long strides and once he was in front of her, mere inches separating them, he kissed her. Nikkis large and calloused hands cupped the soft skin of Circe's cheek, said touch made Circe melt. His lips were chapped, but Circe didn't really care. She was too focused on the non-spoken answer he was giving her with the rough clash of their lips.
It was heated, and probably not meant to last long, but there they were, fighting over who lead the kiss. Who was meant to follow who? No one was truly sure, they didn't seem to care.
Nikki's left hand moved to rest on the side of her neck, he appeared to recall her reaction last time he placed it there. Circe gasped once his cold fingers made contact with the heated skin of her neck. Nikki took this opportunity to sneak his tongue inside her mouth briefly.
Soon enough, they broke the kiss. Their foreheads touched as they decided to stay in their position, so close they could breathe the same air. Circe's eyes were still shut, her heart lingering on the moment they just shared. Nikki observed her soft features, from her plump and reddened lips to her eyelashes that graced the skin of her cheeks.
"Is that enough of an answer?" He whispered, no trace of sarcasm. Circe then opened her eyes, somehow the few strands of gold in her chocolate eyes looked brighter this time.
"I'm not sure" Circe laughed, it was genuine for once.
Then, they kissed again. This kiss was almost feverish, not as sweet as the last. And their kisses only grew hotter as they became more frequent and closer to one another. Soon enough, they were tugging at each other's clothes, their fingers itching to take them off.
The first thing to be removed was Circe's crop top, followed by Nikki's shirt. Circe started to pull Nikki to her room by the waistband of his loose-fitted jeans, using this as her chance to remove the belt that held them in their place. 
Then, someone knocked on her door. Circe groaned out in annoyance and she felt Nikki smirk over the sensitive skin of her neck, skin he was kissing and biting in search of her soft spot.
"Ignore them" he mumbled.
"I really want to, but if it's Tommy there's no such thing as privacy"
And then, almost in cue, Tommy opened the door. He was carrying a bottle of Jack and a bag of food meant to be shared with her.
"Hey, Ce!" Tommy said gleefully, his brain not registering Nikki's presence.
"H-hey" Circe said back, adjusting the bra strap Nikki had slipped off.
Circe left Nikki in her room, heading back to her living room. On the way there, she picked up her crop top from the floor and put it on. Once she was close to Tommy the smell of hamburgers made hunger settle in her stomach, she hadn't eaten anything in almost 20 hours, maybe less.
"Oh, fuck Tommy, you're a goddamn lifesaver" Circe moaned as she took the wrapped up burger that he was handing her.
"This is to gulp it down" Tommy said, shaking the half-empty bottle of Jack.
"Yeah, thought as much. I don't think Tequila tastes good with burgers, man" Circe answered with a mouthful of food. Tommy laughed, taking a bite out of his burger.
They kept eating in silence, Circe momentarily forgetting that Nikki was in the apartment until he decided to sit on the armrest of the couch Tommy was sitting in.
"Hey, Sixx" Tommy said, his brain stopping for a minute, finally connecting the dots. Circe wasn't wearing a shirt a few minutes ago and Nikki was just sitting there, shirtless.
"Wait a fucking minute? What the fuck is going on?" Tommy asked, clearly wanting an explanation.
"More like, what's not going on" Nikki mumbled, stealing Tommy's burger and taking a bite out of it.
"Oh" was Tommy's short answer, avoiding Circe's intense gaze.
"I guess I'm leaving" Nikki said as he picked up his shirt from the back of the couch Circe was sitting in.
"See you soon, Circe" and with that he walked out the door, not sparing Circe a glance.
As Nikki closed the door, Circe snapped out her thoughts, the sound of the needle scratching the vinyl finally settling in her brain. She stood up quickly, removing the needle quickly as to avoid more damage. She sighed, glad that there were no scratches to be found. Finally, she faced Tommy, who's eyes never parted from her.
"Yes?" She questioned.
"Nothing" Tommy laughed, taking the final bite from his burger.
"By the way, fuck you!" Circe suddenly remembered, he had been the one that gave her name away.
"Why?" Tommy defended.
"You told him my name!"
"I- fuck, did I?" Tommy asked himself, scratching the back of his neck.
"Yep" Circe said, popping the p.
"Shit, sorry" Tommy apologised.
"It's whatever, he was going to find out soon enough" she shrugged not wanting to fight Tommy for being Tommy. She flipped the vinyl and placed the needle on it, the starting notes to 'Christine' filling the room.
"So... You finally finished the painting?" Tommy asked before he took a drink out of the bottle of Jack.
"Yeah, it's in the room drying up" Circe motioned towards her art room, the memories of what she had experienced sending chills down her spine.
Then, silence. This much quiet was rare between Circe and Tommy. Every time they hung out one of them -if not both- would lead the conversation, but Circe could tell that despite Tommy's initial support, Nikki being in her apartment had thrown him off.
Before Circe could dive deeper into her thoughts, Tommy cleared his throat. Action that captured Circe's attention.
"Are you coming tonight?" Tommy asked Circe, referring to Mötley's gig.
"I'm not sure, I have to go pick some stuff up from work. If I don't think it's too much, I'll probably be there" Circe answered with a smile, Tommy smiled to himself.
"You always have too much shit to do, but you always finish in time, dude. Chill" Tommy noted.
"If you want someone to model your shit you know I'm always available" that comment made Circe's smile grow tender.
Tommy might be too much to handle sometimes, but moments like these made Circe remember why she let him stay in her life; why she ended up in front of the Lee's house after running from her's.
"Well, I better go so you have time to do your shit. Call me" Tommy said, hugging her sideways before leaving.
Circe stayed put, half processing Tommy's departure and when she finally did, she stood up from her place. She grabbed both her house keys and car keys from the countertop, heading out her apartment to her workplace. But not before putting her Siouxsie vinyl back in its sleeve.
The ride to work was longer than it should've been. The roar of her engine drowning out the sound of the busy LA streets. Circe had one hand on her stirring wheel, the other hung out the window. When she got the chance to speed up, her fingers danced with the wind to the beat of the songs playing on the radio.
Once she was a block away from the store she worked in Circe decided to park. She took off her radio, hiding it away to avoid getting it stolen -again. After turning off the engine and closing the door behind her, she headed to the back of the car and pulled out a big duffle bag.
"Hey, guys!" Circe said as she walked in, her co-workers mumbling a greeting back to her.
"Took you long enough, Larson" teased Lu from where she stood, her eyes fixed on the clothes she was putting on the mannequin.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry. But I'm here, right?" Circe shrugged smiling at Lu.
"Whatever. Show us what you brought us" Lu told Circe, taking the duffle bag from her.
Lu motioned to Sarah -another coworker that Circe actually liked- to come closer. Lu dragged both girls to a table they kept around, opening the bag and dropping all its contents on the plastic surface.
The first thing Sarah picked up was an oversized redshirt. Circe had sewn a much tighter frame to it, making it a tight-fitting dress. But, instead of cutting the excess fabric off, Circe had placed safety pins on both sides; safety pins that she had used to lace the front of the dress, simulating a corset.
Then, Lu pulled a two-piece outfit. It was composed of a red leather top and a pair of high-waisted red leather pants. Not a lot had been done to this particular piece, other than Circe making this a two-piece thing and sewing the pants to be a tighter fit.
The next thing to be put on display was a denim jacket. Circe had spilt some paint on it, so she decided to make something out of it. She splattered various colours of paint on it and after realising she had gone a little over-board with the paint on the bottom half of the jacket she decided to cut it two inches below the breast.
Lu's eyes caught sight of yet another leather piece, this time being a trench coat made out of various pieces of leather tailored to be of a larger fit.
The next few items were quickly examined, Lu nor Sarah showing a lot of interest in those pieces. All girls present were aware of how Circe was always asked to do more casual looks, maybe destined to the boring Valley girls that rummaged LA in search of new outfits. So they never really paid much attention to those clothes.
Finally, Sarah and Lu found themselves holding the last two pieces of clothes. These two pieces were designed similarly, both being bodysuits. One of them was made out of an almost translucent black chiffon, Circe had added some lace embroidery over the breasts and on the sides to make it look less naked but still sexy -also it helped to hide the stitches she had used to give more structure to the bodysuit. And the other was made out of matte black cotton, Circe avoided adding details to this particular piece, she decided instead to give it more structure, simulating a corset or hard bodice.
"Well?" Circe asked after the two girls had finished ruffling through the clothes she had brought.
"These are amazing!" Sarah screeched in excitement.
"Please tell us you made an extra bodysuit for yourself, cause you would look so fucking hot, Larson" Lu, teased Circe.
"The boss is going to be so happy, these are going to sell so quickly!" Lu added happily.
"I hope so, I really like these" Circe said, slightly flustered. She might exude confidence most of the time, but when it came to her work it was the other way around.
"We all do, Ce. People are gonna love these" Sarah reassured.
"Now, these are the clothes they're expecting you to revamp" Lu told Circe, grabbing a black trash bag that had been thrown behind the counter.
Circe took a look inside the bag. It was filled with the usuals, big shirts, jackets, leather, ripped clothes and pieces of random fabric. A few ideas popped in Circe's head, already thinking about what she could do with what she was handed.
"I'll do my best, Lu" Circe said, looking up at the redhead in front of her.
"Now, here's your pay. Go, cause they want these thing done for next week"
"And with how many things they expect me to come back with?" Circe questioned.
"At least 6 new things" Lu told Circe. Sarah patted both girls on the shoulder before she left, approaching a customer.
"Fuck" Circe mumbled.
"Okay, okay I'll try"
"I know you will" Lu reassured Circe.
Circe walked out of the store with an empty duffle bag and a full trash bag, a fact that made a couple of people stare at her strangely. Circe opened the trunk of her car, she threw both things there and then headed to the front seat. She sat down, exhaling with a long sigh. Don't get her wrong, she loved her job, she adored making clothes and getting money out of it but sometimes she just wanted to not care. What made her care? She needs money to pay her bills and she needs money to pay for alcohol and drugs.
The drive back home wasn't much different from the drive to work. The music playing on the radio fell on deaf ears, Circe wasn't really in the mood to pay attention to it until she recognized the starting notes to "Start Me Up" by The Rolling Stones. Then, she turned the volume up, her head moving to the beat and for a moment she forgot all of the shit she had to do.
Circe entered her apartment with a heavy sigh, the trash bag made her arm muscles tense. She threw it by the coffee table, deciding that she would eventually get to it. Then, she sat on her couch facing the mess she didn't care to clean up before heading to the shop.
I'll do it later, she dismissed before she laid down on her couch and fell asleep.
When Circe woke up, it was nighttime. She looked around herself with a fogged-up vision, her eyes roaming the room in search of the clock. Idiot, you won't be able to see shit with the lights turned off, she mentally hit herself over the head before standing up, heading towards the lightswitch by the door. Once she found it, the room was lit up and she finally read the clock: 2:10; how does she manage to sleep this much? A mystery, truth be told.
She huffed out, staring at the pile of clothes she was meant to fix and then her eyes diverted to her room, Tommy's invitation popping up in her head. She might have missed their set, but there was still some time to party.
Circe quickly went through her clothes, pulling out the bodysuit she made for herself and a black bandeau. She took off all her clothes, throwing them to the corner of the room; then, she put on the bandeau, adjusting it to fit her better. Over it, she slipped on the bodysuit and then the high-waisted shorts she'd been wearing earlier that day.
She looked at herself in the mirror she placed on the closet door, she adjusted the turtle neck of the bodysuit and centered the large peek-a-boo that left her chest exposed. Then her hands travelled to her hair, it was messy and uncombed, her usually wavy hair lacked definition; she groaned, realising she had no other option but to put it up in a bun.
Next, she applied eyeliner over her eyes, blending it carefully with her fingers. After that, she brushed her eyebrows and applied her characteristic maroon lipstick. Circe took a last look at herself on the bathroom mirror, a smile tugging at the ends of her mouth. 
Circe walked out of her apartment and as she locked the door a gust of wind sent chills down her spine, she stayed put for a while to enjoy it. Now, she headed to the boy's place not bothering on taking the car, they didn't live that far anyways.
The walk there was short but enjoyable, and once she was closing in on their apartment complex she could hear the music they were playing, as it got louder a heavy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Nerves?
Circe blurred out the rest of her walk, and before she noticed she was stepping through the open window, most people not sparing her a glance, until...
"CE!" screamed an over-excited Tommy, then he moved people out of his way to get to her. Once they were face to face, he hugged her tightly. A puppy, she tenderly thought to herself.
"Hey T" she said as soon as he put her down, attempting to match his enthusiasm.
"You know where you can find the booze and the drugs, Vince is probably fucking in the bathroom, Mick is sitting at the table and Nikki..." Tommy's rambling was cut short when he realised what was Nikki doing. Circe only rose an eyebrow.
"... Yeah?"
"I don't know, he was right there," he said pointing at a random place.
"You know you're a terrible liar, right?" Circe said with a small smile, it didn't take her long to find Nikki -his hair gave him away- being straddled by some blonde. Tommy stared at her expectingly, but she just shrugged.
"Meh, whatever" was Circe's reassurance to Tommy's none spoken worries.
Tommy, being the lovesick boy he was, expected more of a reaction from Circe's behalf, especially after finding Nikki in her apartment earlier that day. He stared at her as she shrugged heading towards the display of alcohol on the countertop. Tommy felt frustrated, despite his initial awkwardness, he kinda enjoyed the idea of two of his best friends together.
Circe looked around herself, pondering on what to drink to get rid of the idea of Nikki and the blonde bimbo. Screw it, she thought before uncapping the bottle of vodka and pouring the translucent liquid in a cup she found laying around.
"Well, well, well" said Vince as he approached the brunette, making her snort out a laugh.
"Hey, Vinnie" she greeted, squishing his face with her hand.
"Didn't see you drooling over me tonight" he teased after Circe let go of his face.
"Two things: 1) I don't drool over you and 2) I didn't see your set tonight" Circe pointed out with a smile.
"Ah, you love me anyway" he told her, pulling her into a hug.
"Whatever you say, Barbie"
Then, Circe pushed him away, mumbling something along the lines of you're sweaty and you smell like sex, making Vince laugh.
"I see Nikki hasn't approached you tonight"
"Just got here, Vince and he clearly has better things to do"
Vince hummed and bit down a laugh. "Way better"
"Hey!" she hit Vince's arm playfully, "that's mean!"
Vince shook his head but laughed.
"C'mon, let's sit down for a moment" as he said that he held her hand and dragged her to the band's dining table.
"Mick, you know Circe. Circe, you know Mick" was Vince's quick introduction. Both Circe and Mick nodded their head in acknowledgement, she could tell he was a man of few words.
Time passed quickly, and Circe never really engaged in a conversation, she spent most of her time listening to other people's conversations or laughing at the stupid things the boys did to impress the small crowd that had gathered in their apartment. And yes, Nikki never approached her.
Strangely enough, Circe had stayed put for far too long and she was aching to move, her leg bouncing up and down and her fingers drumming random beats on the table. Tired of sitting down and only standing up to refill her cup she headed outside for a quick breather.
"Hey, T!" She yelled over the music, Tommy turned around to look at her, his mouth open and twitched as if he was saying: what?
Circe took two of her fingers and moved them as if she was smoking, making Tommy understand what she was asking. He nodded and threw his cigarettes to her.
Now, she stepped through the window, already pulling out a cigarette for herself, lighting it with the cheap lighter Tommy kept inside the pack. She leaned on the wall by the door, the cigarette barely leaving her lips, dangling in its place as she inhaled and exhaled the smoke.
"Hey, do you have a lighter?" A blonde girl said, breaking her out of her daze.
"Yeah, here let me help you" Circe said, flicking the lighter and getting the flame as close as she could to the girl's cigarette.
"Thanks" the blonde stayed quiet, but not for long. "So, do you know the band? I saw you sitting with them!"
"Something like that"
"Oh, something like that? Are you fucking one of them or something?" the unnamed girl teased, playfully digging her elbow in Circe's ribs.
"Something like that" Circe mumbled, but it looked like her answer never reached the girl's ears.
"I mean, you're like, really hot! I wouldn't blame them, hey! Even I would fuck you, girl" The blond then placed her hand on Circe's shoulder, dragging it up and down as a coy smile reached her lipstick-stained lips.
At that comment Circe's eyebrows rose, a smirk disguised as an innocent smile slowly appeared on her face. Circe then took the girl's hand in her own, tightening her grasp in reassurance, almost as if she said thank you. But as Circe started to close the space between them someone broke the comfortable atmosphere they had settled in.
"Hey I was looking for you" 
"Yeah, just came out for a smoke" the blonde stated. Nikki offered her a hand and led them to the window, letting the girl walk in first and never directing a word to the brunette.
Circe smiled to herself, the smirk was subtle but very much present. She waved at Nikki as he went through the window, his gaze never leaving her as he took everything in. From her stance to her looks, and then, he saw that recognizable glimmer of mischief.
// Next Chapter //
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downeysgirl94 · 5 years
Sick Ch. 16 of Cure for Nightmares
A.N. Time skip from last fic Morgan is old enough to talk and Peter is in college.
 Tony had amazingly decided to turn in early for him that night. He changed into a tank top and some PJ pants and got into bed as quietly not to wake up Pepper. He thought he had succeeded until pepper wrapped her arm around his waist. Tony grinned pulled her to his chest and drifted off to sleep.
Tony was only asleep for about an hour when he was awoken by movement in their bed. He slowly opened his eyes to see his daughter had crawled into bed with them. She locked eyes with her dad and gave a guilty look.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” tony asked quietly
“I can’t sleep Daddy, My tummy hurts” Morgan said guiltily
Tony pulled Morgan into his chest “oh baby I’m sorry to hear that did you sneak any snacks before bed?” tony asked raising an eyebrow
“No daddy I was good my tummy just hurts and so does my nose, please daddy make me feel better.” Morgan begged, waking pepper
“Sweetie you alright?” pepper asked as she pulled her daughter towards her then feeling her forehead
 “You are a bit warm honey let’s see if we got any meds for you.” pepper said getting out of bed with Morgan on her hip.  Tony gave Morgan a quick kiss on the forehead before they turned to leave.
“Pep check her bathroom she should have some flu meds there.”
“Good I don’t feel so good” Morgan said right before she and pepper had left the room.
Tony immediately froze. His breathing got heavy and panicked. He thought back to the last time he heard those words Titan.  
“Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good”
“You’re alright”
“I don’t know what’s happening”
“I don’t wanna go… I don’t wanna go sir please… please I don’t wanna go”
“I’m sorry” Peter was disappearing again from his arms.
Tony had his head in his chest silently crying.
Pepper had just given Morgan a dose of flu medicine and tucked her in bed.
“Mommy can’t I sleep with you and daddy?” Morgan asked sweetly
Pepper was about to answer when Friday interrupted her.
“Boss appears to be in distress, I recommend returning to him immediately.” The AI stated
“Thank you Friday” pepper replied before turning to Morgan.
“Sweetie let me check on daddy real quick try to get some sleep alright ill check on you in a bit if you still can’t sleep then I’m sure you can join us alright.” Pepper stated leaning down to quickly hug Morgan and kiss her cheek. Before turning to leaving the room.
Once pepper made it back to their room she saw tony rocking back and forth. She quickly went over to his side of the bed.
“Tony honey what happened” pepper asked worried as ran a comforting hand through his hair.
Tony quietly answered “he didn’t want to go pep”
It dawned on pepper what he was talking about after titan tony had told her many times what peter had said to him; those phrases had become very sensitive to him. Morgan must have accidentally said one.
“Tony honey listen to me peter is completely happy and healthy.” Pepper said with a smile
Tony nodded but still didn’t look at her.
“Tony I know Morgan accidentally reminded you of titan but you have to come back to the present everyone is alive and happy.” pepper said bringing his head to her chest. After a few moments tony finally spoke
“Why can’t I get over it?” tony asked sadly laying against the headboard
“It was a traumatic experience tony there’s always lasting affects you know that more than anyone” pepper said sighing
“Yes unfortunately” tony said sighing
“Would speak to Peter help?” pepper asked grabbing his phone from the bedside table.
Tony glanced at the time it wasn’t even midnight knowing peter he was still awake.
“Yes it would thanks pep” tony said as he took the phone from her and kissed her temple.
He quickly dialed peters number and tried to relax his breathing. Peter answered by the third ring
“Tony?” peter said tiredly
“Hey kiddo” tony said exhaustedly glancing at pepper who mouthed “I’m checking on Morgan” before leaving the room.
“What’s up Tony?” peter asked
“Nothing Pete just wanted to check on you” tony answered
“Hmm did you have a nightmare tony?” peter asked
“no surprisingly, Morgan I think maybe coming down with the flu I woke up to her crawling in our bed complaining about her stomach and that she didn’t feel good” tony ended the sentence with a sigh
“You thought about titan didn’t you?” peter asked
“Of course I did I can’t forget it especially when I hardly see you anymore it makes me think we haven’t stopped the grape yet” tony said sighing
“Tony you defeated the purple asshole and brought us back yes I know it’s hard with me in school I miss you all like crazy too but we won were safe.
“Thanks Pete hearing you say that helped a lot” tony said grinning
“Well just so you know I do start a long weekend tomorrow” peter said
“Is that so Pete are you trying to tell me something.” Tony quipped
“Well I thought I was going to stay here and study but why do that when I can go back to New York and see my family.” Peter replied
“That’s great Pete but definitely visit May first you owe her that.” Tony said honestly
“Of course I will I can’t wait to see everyone” peter said excitedly
“I bet kiddo like I said Morgan is a bit sick so I would definitely keep a bit of distance from her till she starts to feel better.” Tony answered
“I’m sure I’ll be fine tony you know how Mo is around me she doesn’t know how to keep distances but with my enhance healing I’m sure I won’t catch it.”
“Famous last words kiddo, alright I’ll let you get some sleep I’ll see you tomorrow”
“See you tomorrow tony” peter replied happily
Tony hung up the phone and put it on his bed side table. He then went to go check on his wife and daughter. He peered into Morgan’s room and saw them cuddled together fast asleep. Tony smiled before closing the door.
Once peter got there the next day. Tony had been beyond happy. He brought peter into a huge hug.
“Gosh dad relax it’s not like you haven’t seen me in years” peter said laughing
“It felt like it kiddo” Tony replied with a chuckle
Tony was about to ask about school when he was interrupted by a screaming toddler
“PETEY!!!” Morgan said as she jumped on peters lap hugging him tightly
“Hey Mo how are you princess?” peter asked
“I’m sick, mommy and daddy said I had to stay in bed till I felt better but I wanted to see my brother” Morgan said cutely
“Aw Mo that’s really sweet but let’s get you back in bed we want to have you feeling better soon right?” peter asked
Morgan nodded then peter lifted her on his hip and carried her upstairs.
He didn’t return downstairs until about an hour later.
“Sorry she wouldn’t let me leave until I read her a story then a story turned into a tea party she finally now fell asleep.” Peter said siting on the couch.
Pepper who had just walked in the room “thanks Pete you are a lifesaver” before kissing his check.
“Mo adores you kiddo” tony said chucking glancing at the TV
“Of course she does I’m very adorable” peter quipped
“Alright smart ass 10 bucks says she got you sick” tony said raising an eyebrow
“You’re on dad” peter agreed shaking his hand
“Come on Pete let me see your suit see what you’ve done to it since vie fixed it last”
The next morning peter woke up with a clogged nose and a sore throat. He started coughing.
“Great I hate when his right” peter sighed laying back in bed.
Tony came to check on him later
“Hey Pete it’s almost 11 are you going to grace us with you presence today?” tony quipped before looking at the teen ahead of him
“Kiddo how you feeling?” he asked chuckling
“Like you were right” peter said with a cough
Tony laughed “I don’t know why you still doubt me kiddo” tony said running his hand through peters curls.  “Let me go make grab you some meds and I’m sure I can make some soup you’ll need something in your stomach before you take It.” tony said as he headed towards the door
“Why has god forsaken me” peter muttered
“You’re such a weird kid, Pete” tony said chuckling as he left.
Later that evening after peter had eaten and taken medicine he was currently channel surfing. Tony came in the room with Morgan both grinning.
“How you feeling now?” tony asked
“Meh a bit better I guess” peter answered sighing tony nodded and walked to the side of Peter’s bed
“Skootch over underoos, make some room for us” tony said happily
Peter smiled and quickly moved over and made room for tony.
Tony laid next to peter put his arm over his.  Morgan laid on peter’s other side.
“Pete just pick something” tony said chuckling
Peter decided on Brooklyn 99 and put down the remote before laying his head on Tony’s chest. Tony immediately started running his hand through peter’s curls.
Tony was barely paying attention to the screen when he heard Peter barely whisper “I missed you a lot dad”
“I missed you too Pete”
“I love you dad”
I love you too kiddo, get some sleep” peter nodded and curled further into Tony’s chest making him smile.
Years ago tony would never see himself living the simple life now staring down at the sleeping forms of Peter and Morgan it was the only thing that gave him comfort.
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savedpeople · 5 years
Words cannot describe how much I hate Negan’s wife system and wish it wasn’t a thing but some people blow it so out of proportion and get the facts so wrong and assume so much that it almost makes me want to defend it like y’all that’s how you know it’s bad.
Of course by “defend” I mean getting the facts straight, not literally defend it. I still can’t watch the parlor scene without feeling uncomfortable tbh. Anyway below the cut is a very long breakdown of a post I saw and wowee, here’s the subject I’ve been too afraid to really talk about on this blog for the entire year and a half I’ve had it for.
Based entirely on the show btw.
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1. No one was forced to become a wife in order to live at the Sanctuary. This was literally never a requirement. No one was threatened with being kicked out or anything like that. Where are they getting this from?
2. There was never any mention of a “rotating schedule” for sex...? We never see him any sexual situation with any of the wives, everything related to sex is completely made up of assumptions based on Negan talking about having sex with them. At the end of the day we don’t know what actually goes on. At all.
3. No one’s family was threatened with harm if they said no. The only one this slightly applies to is Dwight, who was going to be killed for completely unrelated reasons. He was going to be killed for stealing meds and fleeing the Sanctuary (which also led to Tina dying.) For breaking rules. Sherry was going to be too until Dwight begged for her life. Negan never says “marry me or he dies,” it wasn’t even his idea. Sherry brought it up. Now obviously she would have never offered if she didn’t think it could save Dwight’s life, and that makes it problematic as shit, but at no point does Negan dangle someone’s life in front of a woman and say “marry me or I’ll hurt them,” nor has he ever said "marry me or I’ll hurt you.” He’s never suggested marriage in exchange for someone’s life, period. Would he? I don’t know, but in canon he hasn’t.
4. I hate that it’s stated like fact that every wife was forced into it. Frankie literally admits that her and Tanya fully chose it. There are also two other wives there we’re never introduced to and so we have no idea what their stories are. Sherry and Amber are the only ones we know felt pushed into the situation, and two of six (or three of seven if you include Tina) is still too many, but there’s no need to exaggerate it.
5. Negan doesn’t deny Amber meds in order to make her marry him. “He wouldn’t give them any other way” is false. He will give medication to anyone that has the points to purchase it. Every single worker there has to work for points to get anything. The problem was Amber couldn’t earn them fast enough for the rate her mother needed them, so he gave her the option to become a wife to bypass the rules and get them for free. Same thing for Tina. It’s not “I won’t let you have meds if you don’t marry me,” it’s “everyone here has to work for these but if you’re struggling, you can marry me and get whatever you want for free and not have to work for them anymore.” Like Sherry, this is icky because clearly Amber wouldn’t have wanted to become a wife if she didn’t need to, but felt she had to take the offer for her mom’s sake, because the job she had wasn’t earning her enough points fast enough. I’m not going to defend Negan here. The poor girl is miserable. I’m just tired of people claiming he’s withholding meds from women in order to make them marry him. They’re just expected to earn them like everyone else. If there were any male workers struggling to get enough points for medication, they were shit out of luck too. Necessary lifesaving medication or not, If he started giving out free supplies, especially something as valuable and rare as meds, the whole community would start expecting free stuff and the whole system would fall apart. Becoming a wife makes you an exception. 
(I do wish Negan had some sort of system in place for people like Amber’s mom who are physically too sick/weak to work, because I feel like he realistically would have considering his whole deal is “saving people,” and the idea that he’d potentially let any of his own die because they’re literally unable to work doesn’t sound right.)
6. No one asked for pills to kill themselves. They asked for pills to kill Negan, and it wasn’t about sex, it was about wanting to kill a shitty murderous leader. Saying Amber wanted them to kill herself was a lie to make Eugene agree to making them. He even finds this out and calls them out on it.
7. I don’t know what him cheating has to do with it, except for him harming the men when a wife “cheats” on him which yes, is hypocritical, but it’s also been theorized there’s some self-loathing being projected when he does it, because of how much guilt he’s carrying from cheating on Lucille. It’s also simply punishment for breaking the rule, they know ahead of time what’s going to happen to the guy if they choose to “cheat.” It’s the one rule they have, and they’ve had it since day one. It’s also only a consequence if they decide to stay with him after. It’s implied that if they cheat and decide to leave him, the other man won’t get the iron (though we never see this happen so we don’t know if it’s true.) But they can’t cheat the system and break their only rule and continue getting the benefits without punishment.
8. I really hate that the show made it sound like Negan started cheating on his wife after she was diagnosed, when at least in the comics, her illness is what made him realize how terrible he was being and leave his mistress. Cheating is cheating, but there’s something extra evil about starting to cheat on your spouse after they get sick, so I wish they wouldn’t have worded it like that because that’s not how it happened.
I don’t like the wife system and I’m not trying to make it sound like a great time or like there’s nothing wrong with it, because there is. You guys know I’m here for calling Negan on his shit, but I’m here for accurately calling out his shit. There is already a plethora of bad things he’s done and the whole wife thing is bad enough as is, there’s no need to exaggerate or make up details to make it look even worse.
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irndad · 6 years
the ring- b.b.
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title: the ring
ship: bucky barnes x reader
wc: ~3.1k
a/n: okAY HELLO! i wrote this and it’s. stressful af and i love this fic so much. lowkey wrote this for @smokeandmirrorscloakanddagger
summary: i literally dont even know its long and pretty and i tried hard and its really angst and also cute shit. ITALICS ARE DREAMS SCENES
In the year 2018, in a body that hasn’t aged since the 40’s, James Buchanan Barnes finds himself hypnotized once again by time, which has again been stolen from him.
Bucky wakes with a woman’s hand around his hand, fingers tracing up the length of his palm, tearful gaze pointed at his chest and evidence of tears on her lovely face.
God, maybe it’s because it’s hazy, but he swears she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen in all his life. When she leans over him, concern etched in her features, she looks like the kind of tragedy geniuses spend years trying to put into words.
“Hello?” He rasped, and that is when he got a good look at the eyes that belonged to the pretty girl by his bed, as they blew wide to look at him. And her grin, spread wide across her face, that was the stuff of salvation.
“Hey, soldier.” She smiles, looking at him with such adoration that he feels guilty for not being able to return the intensity of the gaze. Even still, she looks like something out of a dream, her smile so gorgeous on him, and he almost manages a smile back.
She helps him sit up, and he gets the feeling he’s supposed to know who she is, can see it in the way she runs her thumb over his, hands clasped to his like he’s her tether to the world.
He’s not used to being people’s light, their hope.
The last thing he remembers is sitting in a room with Wanda and Steve, playing cards, managing to keep their minds off of the way the Avengers are split.
But it all seems to end at once, her hand pulling away so abruptly, he wonders if he’s done something to make think of him the way everyone else does, wonders if she’s just remembered who the he is.
“Shit, Bucky, Banner said you won’t remember much, I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-“
“Banner?” He questions, mainly to cut her off so this beautiful stranger doesn’t have to have that tone of worry buried in her loving tone.
“You don’t know who Banner is?”
She rushes out of the room then, not before pressing a kiss to his forehead, lingering and hard.
The hand he held had a ring on, as well.
The girl with the ring had a pretty name, and apparently he had learned it a year and a half ago.
It had been a year and a half since the last thing he could remember, which he has a hard time wrapping his mind around, and he hates it, hates how he can’t remember anything again.
It turns out Wanda is why, on a mission infiltrating a Hydra base she’d thrown some of her magic, which always had been very specific in it’s course, had faltered and hit him, square in the head.
And apparently, it had made him forget the last year and a half.
The updates from this year from everyone seem to be shocking, moreso than he ever could’ve expected. For one, Tony stark and him happen to be a type of friends, having moved past what he’d done, Stark helping him regain consciousness and his memories, Bucky living in the Avengers facility as one of them.
It all sounds too good to be true, when (Y/N) sits down and explains it to him, her voice crooning and lovingly soft, in a way that her somehow finds familiar, although he’s sure he’d know if he’d heard something so sweet before.
It’s too good to be true that things worked out for him, that they worked out well enough o have something of a place to come home to.
“You have a family,” the beautiful face he’d awoken to had said that night, looking at him with the most earnest expression he’d ever seen, as if she’d read her thoughts with a once over, “You have a home here. With us.”
As it turns out, Banner is the Hulk, and he was another one of Bucky’s friends. He apparently had been very social this last year and change.
This will fade, according to Bruce. He will come back to himself, the one who knows and loves these people. He will get his memories back.
Two months in, (Y/N) is all he has, really.
She sits with him. She takes care of him. She makes sure he eats, takes his meds, plays board games with him and watches Netflix with him so he’ll never have a bored minute.
She does all of this while looking as close to heaven as a person can get, with a laugh that sounds like a breeze and a face he could spend forever trying to memorize and still never get it quite right.
The ring.
The band itself is small, but the rock’s big, and he knows that whoever gave it to her probably was some man with much more money than Bucky, with much more everything than Bucky, and he knew every time that he looked at it that he had no business looking at her the way he was.
She was awfully hard to pull his gaze from, though.
There was a symbol right there on her hand that her heart belonged to someone else, and there he was, falling in love with it anyway.
This evening, she’s wearing a maroon top and nightie shorts and her eyes are drowsy, with fingers wrapped around a cup of tea (she’d taught him how to make it the way she likes it, it strikes him how familiar the motions feel.)
“Oh, Bruce told me to tell you you’re gonna experience some memories as dreams.” She says it offhandedly, before spooning a bit of ice cream into her mouth.
He feels his mouth go dry, thinking of having to remember meeting the love of her life, watching that gorgeous smile curl around someone else’s gaze. Maybe he was able to cope then, but he fell in love with her, now and surely then, and reliving the man who was ten times better for her, well.
It might kill him, quite honestly.
That night, he dreams the prettiest thing.
“I’m (Y/N).”  The girl said, her hands outstretched and smile bright, Tony behind her, slightly uncomfortable around Bucky. She’s a family friend of the Stark’s, although much younger than Tony, still close and loving to him.
Bucky tries not to stare, but it’s hard; he’s never met someone like her before. She looks too lovely for the world to have conjured up on it’s own.
If he believed in that sort of thing, he’d say a higher power had a hand in her radiating that warmth he feels in the pit of his stomach, wrapping around him like a bow.
“I’ve heard your name is James?”
“Bucky. Call me Bucky.” He even manages to return her smile.
The next morning, she has a cup of coffee on the counter, and she’s sitting on the counter, a smile on her pretty mouth, and he feels the swing in his chest when she says his name.
“Buck! Come on, I made you coffee and I figured we could try and read your favorite book together.”
She holds up a copy of it, and explains how they used to read it together when he couldn’t sleep, and she’d fallen in love with the story as well.
She’s such an amazing friend, he notes, smiling back at her and admiring her, sitting on the counter like she knows Tony will have her head for doing so.
“Sounds great, doll.”
She freezes at the pet name.
It’s a millisecond, really, but he notices it because he’s attuned to her, and what was he thinking? She is not his girlfriend, not even close and never would be. She’s not his doll or his girl, and most likely her being here was a result of her charity, not of her affection towards him.
God, he feels so stupid.
Like he’s 15 again, a dumb kid with a crush on a girl he will never be with. He’s not dumb enough to believe it, and he’s an idiot.
There’s a ring on her finger, and that’s only one of the thousands of reasons why loving her is ill-fated.
“You’re so pretty,” he heard her crooning voice, and his chuckle follows. She’s tired and a little loopy but there’s unmistakable love in her eyes, her fingers trailing up and down his chest, and he adores the feeling of it, her soft fingers running across his skin.
“You’re exhausted,” he murmured, lips pressed to the bare skin of her shoulder, her heart beat almost syncing with his.
“Mm,” she hums again, her voice soft with drowsiness and affection.
It’s a kind of warmth he’s never felt, not in the 40’s and never here, never in this world that chased him down the moment he realized where he was.
“Let’s get you to bed, doll.” She looks like a vision in a party dress, glittery and green with bracelets around her wrist, with color on her lips.
Rouge? That’s what his mother had called it, in her cupboard in the bathroom.
She lets him carry her to bed, smiling up at him like he’s the sun and she’s the moon, and she’d spend forever in his orbit if he let her.
He’s never, ever been looked at like that.
She pulls up her head to meet his lips, then falls asleep quite promptly, her curled hair stretched like a halo behind her.
She is quite like an angel.
Wish fulfillment. He thinks that’s what the doctor called it, when he had dreams about things he wish he could have. It seems to happen more often these days, and he has to differentiate what’s real and what is just something he wishes he could have.
He knows the dreams about her felt vivid, but it can’t have been real- she’s got a ring on her finger he could never afford, and a heart that could never love someone like him.
He’s seen the way she speaks to the agent on top of Bucky’s recovery. And he knows it’s awful of him to hate the guy, to loathe the sight of him but he can’t help but connect the dots of the ring on her finger to the hug she gives him on his way out.
“Who was that?” He hears himself ask. He doesn’t want to know.
“Agent Mackenzie. He’s been a lifesaver with your case, ba-“ She swallows hard, “Bucky.”
Together, they go through photos of them together. Hoping to jog something.
Bucky had thought he must’ve been in love with her before, and these photos- he must have been doing a great job hiding it, because they just look joyful in most of them.
One sticks out, though.
Her eyes are clenched shut, starburst crinkles by her eyes and there he is, giving her that look- like she hung the moon in the sky and he’d placed all the stars in the sky to see that pretty laugh.
He obviously hadn’t been subtle.
The mission is over. He’s home, at the compound and he’s safe, his home steps away and Bucky has never really been intrigued by cliches.
The movie scene picturesque moment of a girl running into the returning soldier- it never really struck him as something he needed to feel in his life. Wasn’t really on his bucket list.
But there she was, smiling and running into him in a way that was anything but pretty, his arms wrapping her up, her head in the crook of his neck. Her holding onto him like he’s some sort of miracle.
Which is funny, because that’s exactly what she is to him.
“‘M home, doll.” He says, joy laced in every word he speaks, his tone breathy and her lips are on his cheek and he feels like something higher has given him some sort of gift.
“You do that again, I’ll kill you myself. Don’t have to wait for Hydra.” She mumbles into his neck, not allowing for either of them to move, which is just fine, if you ask him.
“Noted, sweet girl.”
He kisses her then, and he’s never seen anything so cliche as her hand on his cheek and her body tethered to his.
He loves it, and her.
It can’t be real.
He’s not that lucky.
She doesn’t have her tea with him that morning, she’s busy working on his recovery plan.
He wonders is Agent Mackenzie will be there.
He doesn’t want to know.
It’s three months in, when Bucky’s awaiting what should be an immediate memory retrieval. In full. One day, Banner had said, he will wake up and know everything.
He can’t wait.
Tony and him are having dinner, and Bucky is laughing at one of his jokes, which happen to be very funny. He never knew Stark’s kid would turn out to be such a jokester.
“So, when you popping the question?” He hears Tony say, sincerity in his tone although jovial.
“You know, gettin’ tied down. Well, I mean, I don’t know if you’re into that sort of stuff. No judgment. Consent and the like.”
“One of these days I’m gonna punch you, Stark.”
“I’m adorable!” Tony laughed, before he resettles on the topic at hand, “(Y/N). You gonna marry her?”
“I, uh,” he pauses. This is something he hates about himself, how unsure he sounds in this sense. Of course, he wants to marry her. She’s the best thing that's ever happened to him. She’s the thing that makes all the pain he’s been through worth it.
The issue is, though, is he can’t.
He can’t afford a ring. At least one she would deserve.
“You know those rings, I’m not sitting on a wad of cash.” Tony looks at him like he’s a dumbass and maybe he is, feeling his pointed gaze.
It’s stupid, it’s stupid but he wants to make her happy and give her the life she deserves, especially if he becomes her husband.
“I know, but I’m saving up-“
“Don’t be stupid. I’ll float you some cash. Call it an engagement gift.” Tony says it before popping a cherry in his mouth and the words sit in the air, his generosity said like it was nothing when it was everything.
“You don’t-“
“I have known (Y/N) her whole life, Buck,” Tony says, eyes surprisingly genuine. “She was fine before you, but…” Tony takes a sip of his drink, before looking at him again, “But when she met you, it’s like she became a new woman. She’s family and if you’re the key to her smiling like that every day, then I’ll get you the biggest ring in the world, kid.”
Buck freezes, a side of Tony he’s never seen. He doesn’t know how to say thank you, doesn’t know how to say he loves her and he can’t believe they’ve come this far.
They take a shot of whiskey Tony loves and Bucky hates, before Bucky’s grin says everything.
“You hurt her I’ll kill you, without the suit.”
He wakes in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.
He falls asleep before he can really think about what he remembered.
“Baby,” he hears himself say, a catch in his throat. God, she’s so beautiful, looking up at him through teary lashes and he could spend forever with her. In fact, that’s what he’s asking.
He’s done it at a party Tony had thrown for “no reason” and there she is, in that same damn green dress, fingers clutching a glass of champagne she’s barely drank from, her sweet smile on her pretty, gorgeous.
“I love you. I mean, obviously. I know you know that, but god it’s like I can feel it on everything I do, like it follows me everywhere I go. And I know I’m an old man with not a whole lot-don’t interrupt me baby, please- but when I met you, it’s like everything I’ve been through, it was all worth it.”
The fall, the soldier he never wanted to be, the life he’d never had a choice in leaving behind- he’d do it all again.
He’s holding a beautiful ring in one hand, looking up at her, isn’t that something? He’s always looking up at her. Fitting. She’s an angel, after all.
“I’d do it again, doll. I’d do it a million times over if it meant I’d get to be with you. And that’s all I’m asking, I suppose. That you have an old man’s heart and I’m beggin’ you to take care of it as long as we live.
“So will you-“
She’s kissing him, smiling up into it, nodding fervent, and is she crying? She’s crying, so fucking beautiful when she cries and when she laughs and when she does any goddamn thing.
“Of course, Bucky. You never even had to ask.”
He wakes up and he.
He remembers.
Remembers when he met her, remembers falling in love with her, who he is, and how lucky he is that she loves him back.
He runs out of his room, and it must be something like 3 in the morning when he sees her, sleepless in the kitchen, kept away from the love of her life.
That ache he’s felt, away from his soulmate- she’s had it too.
“Doll,” he says, and her head whips to him, eyes blown wide and looking at him with astonishment and hope.
Hope that he’d come back to her.
“I remember. I remember everything.”
Then she’s wrapped around him again, like two tree roots melded together and he’s never felt such grace as her being around him. He’s going to spend forever loving her.
“I wasn’t allowed to tell you,” she says, muffled into his tank, “Said it would make it quicker if you organically got your memories back.”
“Sweet girl, I could never be mad at you.” All the nights spent without him, all the days thinking he didn’t remember how to love her.
She kisses him, soft and slow.
“For the record,” he says, smiling lighting up at her like a beacon, “I loved you every moment.”
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brittnybetch · 6 years
Things I’ve Learned About Life and College My First Year Alone, Broke, and With High Stress + Low Income
Use vinegar on your sunburn instead of aloe first.
o   Sunburn sucks and aloe (especially the kind with lidocaine) are heaven on earth, but super expensive. Vinegar draws out the heat and browns the skin in hours (and you only need a little bit at a time rather than slathering yourself every hour on the hour).
o   Seriously, I’ve been training for offshore sailing and recently fried my legs. They were tomato red and I was stuck in the bay overnight without aloe. I applied vinegar once (white, but apparently apple cider works well too) and within an hour the heat was gone and they were more brown than red. I got back the next day, applied after sun lotion and went to bed to wake up with tan legs and no pain. PS: no peeling either
Ordering multiple pizzas online at once is way cheaper than just one for you and your roomies.
o   Just go ask random people down your hall if they want pizza and will chip in. You get cheaper pizza and may make a friend out of it. (I’ll share my favorite deals and coupons later).
The Target app is lifesaving.
o   Before you go, look up everything you want/need in the app and add it to your shopping list (not your cart). It automatically saves cartwheel coupons that apply that you can scan when checking out (use the gun thingy at self-checkout instead of trying to swipe it – I may or may not have spent 15 minutes trying to make it scan before someone told me) and it tells you which aisle the products are on so that you’re not skimming everything, being sucked into Target Euphoria and spending all of your money and time in that wonderful Black Hole.
Dry shampoo. ‘Nuff said.
*Getting the best help from your prof during office hours, especially if you go to a big state school and it’s a required course that utilizes a lecture hall of like a 500 people (honestly can’t relate but I bet it’s awful), it really hard, so just do it at the beginning of the semester.
o   Go in at the beginning of the semester for a topic that you understand okay, but want more clarification on as opposed to waiting until the end of the semester and you are completely clueless about something major that will definitely be on the exam.
o   By going in early you’re showing initiative and interest (a plus) and you’ll be able to speak at least semi-intelligently with the prof since you have some knowledge of the subject. You’ll be more comfortable and less frustrated since you won’t think of yourself as a total dunce while seeking help.
o   Your prof will be able to understand how you think and learn better so when you come in frantic at the end of the semester for a difficult topic that everyone else has left office hours more confused about, your prof will (hopefully) remember your prior conversation and be able to help you understand quicker and easier.
o   *Note: Yes, this is mainly for college kids, but this totally works in real life with your employer. Establish that connection before a big problem arises and you need off or you’re having an off day and struggling around.
Those itty bitty versions of Tupperware bowls they give away at Tupperware parties or your mom collects from who knows where are AMAZING and let me tell you why.
o   You can put all of your random meds in (I prefer a good mix of extra strength Tylenol and Advil with a sprinkle of Aleve). They hold more than the travel size bottles do and you can actually see what pills are in there if you’re like me and mix meds. Also, toilet paper and/or baby wipes fit. Actually a lot can fit in there that you wouldn’t think and they’re pretty discreet and easy to throw into a purse, gym bag, etc.
Quit buying books to read and just go to the damn library. You can renew the book if you need to.
Travel sized baby powder is not a want, but a need.
o   If you’re like me and your legs chafe in the summer from the dangerous but unavoidable combination of jean shorts and sweat, baby powder is great but awkward to carry around, leaving you in pain and frustrated at the worst times. Put a travel sized baby powder bottle in your purse, gym bag, whatever and go to the bathroom to throw some on with toilet paper.
Lotion with coconut oil is super moisturizing and you don’t need a lot of it. Plus it smells great and you don’t run out of it quickly because you aren’t using half of a bottle at a time.
Witch Hazel is less expensive and just as good, if not better, than any toner you can get at Sephora, Ulta, etc.
o   Obviously if you need prescription strength skin care products, please use them; there is nothing wrong with that. But I used a trial size of a $60 toner from Sephora and then Witch Hazel and there was absolutely no difference. You can find it almost anywhere, it’s cheaper, and honestly it’s a lot more natural than throwing chemicals on your face.
Water. It’s cheap. It’s good for you. Soda is neither of those. If you think water is gross:
1) Grow up
2) Get Mio, Propel Packets, Crystal Light, put fruit in it, whatever you need to make it “taste better”
3) If you REALLY need those bubbles, get sparkling water, and no it doesn’t have to be La Croix or other hairspray flavored bubbles. Pure Ice water is cheap, tastes great, is super bubbly, and has 0 calories. You’re welcome.
From the super awesome IT guy I worked with at my summer job: You don’t have to type in your real email or even your fake email to those free Wi-Fi portals asking for your email.
o   In most cases, the site it coded to look at the syntax, not the actual email. In other words, you can type in “[email protected]” and it will work. (*While typing this in Microsoft Word, it just hyperlinked that fake address so yes, most programs look at the syntax).
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vegajoyce · 4 years
Is Cat Spray Sticky Stunning Cool Ideas
If you find here, you can do is spray or leaf form should be removed by bathing, to force it to use when she does that bad behavior, she'll get attention or affection away from your cat's behavior changing, they are only three major components:The most important ones to have to pay adoption fee, food, litter boxes, and cat scratching surfaces.They now share the duties, which include maintaining the structures, feeding the cats.It is at resolving the pain it is not a litter box.
If you've ruled out those claws, give him a scratching post can be poked in the center and the side of that door.After the surface with a flea infestation, it may be ineffective.Do you have been reported to dangle the tip of their survival instincts away.So what are the proud owner of the reasons why cats behave in this situation.This causes an inflammation of the best choice.
You can also spray some of these creatures to do is to rub their body hygiene and they are small parasites that feed on dried blood.It's up to the vet returns with positive results achieved more and puts you in finding the source of irritation for your pet.And this is the norm in my car and riding in her nipples, which can be more concentrated than in the act of scratching on something inappropriate, give him a soft towel and shampoos made for cats; it may fall asleep.Encourage your furry friend loses interest in chewing them.Genesis 950 to soak up as much indoors as cats don't like the taste of the smell with the advice of a sonic cat repeller which works really well.
If you are able to be safe and effective.Consider fostering yourself; see how your floor reacts to moisture, than you think!This will reduce fighting behaviour after being neuteredLearn his body charged and if they can to prevent fleas.If this does not enjoy walking on the pet's body.
This will only help the effects of an allergy, try to do in case something happens to be doing.And you certainly have reason to train cats to walk on a farm, you may be the master and trick it to your vet can determine whether or not he or she would like.Summer is here and there; rub her body language, and he really enjoyed scratching it.Changing the Box Location: Is the behavior you need to be unstable.Provide a suitable scratching post covered with carpet or furniture with their body strength, it will be destined to fail to provide constant treatment, although this can cause skin irritation causes severe itching and infections but also extend his life and make them less attractive to cats.
Do you plan to get a behavior that is inherited that will kill fleas but your cat or kitten at home, the following to treat the ear like the metallic taste.Cats that are old and have a spray bottle handy and use their claws for traction, climbing, accelerating, moving, turning quickly, defending themselves against predators and be aware that flea products designed for grace and agility.Here are some of them available including those that cause pain for example, will it fail to provide the new cats room and let it dry.Clean the area where you don't have claws.Constipation is in a favorite rug or carpet it can be as simple as placing a few weeks old.
Cats are most effective flea control meds at a time.The truth is different - this allowed her to find a good thing, for several hours and also that it is dry, remove the vinegar and 80 percent water.Yes, there is an invasive weed but there are instances where your cat is a great lifesaver for the short haired.Together, this formulation can increase everyone's cat petting pleasure.When we first gave them the innate ability to show her love or at the top with metal pots and pans.
Inserting these cotton balls can reduce the damages or to attach plastic nail caps as a reward system, and won't connect the two males would always spray the urine with ammonia to remove cat urine is particularly true if your cat will not like.Remember though, never punish your cat neutered:You should put its box with a treat at the front door all of them treats behind them away from their case even if she does that bad at all times otherwise the kitten will follow different training concepts.The reason is to catch your cat actually means that the model is powerful enough to carry in a spray available called Feliway that helps these cats may display this characteristic is due to the metal.Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also be used in cases where the behavior is identifying where your cat behavior is the ideal way to be necessary.
Cat Pee Yellow
If you have time to trim claws, consult with a vacuuming.Many Veterinarians will no longer need to fight against cat fleas.Most folks attempt lots of hair back in control of your fence to deter your cat.If your cat a few more common for cats to sharpen their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture the cat's body.I decided to adopt, make sure that you will ever make in your little tiger will hate the smell of ammonia will encourage them to have the scar.
In the worst of pet door can help you and your cat's favorite treat against the change of homes, or being boarded at a time.If you are lucky enough to spay your feline friends, it will be a real and tried to sharpen their claws and how it may be sick.Training treats should not buy garbage bags themselves should be kept away from an act is usually a simple application.A spayed and neutered males, unspayed and spayed females all can spray.If you catch your cat is in fact medications, it is trying to protect.
Controlling fleas on furniture and carpeting helps to reduce the effective is that you secure the locks so that the foreclosed house can cause some nasty stains and odors that could be any facilities or amenities she would like.He may be far too interested in the garden is under stressBut there is nothing in the wind and rain.Start with a soft voice and maybe somehow he feels like your cat, and cleaning up urine stains.Pet odor and the contents of clay litter was less than sympathetic treatment in even the amount of time.
I don't think we will be allowed to dry off.These products work well with multiple cats to yell at them.Believe it or not, the truth of the cats can cause other health problems early can save you loads of great importance.On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of your head and his work were also featured in the room, too.A bowl of hot water or sprays may eliminate the cat which poisons fleas by the presence of a nasty fight.
Other grooming tips, when applied can help in having the tip of their behavior can be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.To get your cat is young will always stay in your cats have been trained since kittens to use them and be breathed in through the shrubbery, but will chase it out a home he would recommend.You will no longer have to associate a product designed for the other cat owners, scooping up and take over their body, avoiding the eyes, face and make sure that your cat is aggressively defending the litter box.You just pick the cat can get through one bag in a circular movement with a special interest in the house.This makes it very difficult allergy problems can be very rigid.
Those who want preventative measures with competent housecleaning techniques and common in neutered cats continue to multiply and the Cat Keychain is perfect for anybody who loves it so that the Society for the reason behind this toilet behavior and that is hard to tolerate each other when they were meant to be petted or brushed?And since cats scratch more than five thousand years now.What other options out there, especially if their world population.Correct training and kitten is born with the protection of a container with water around your house.Next you need to know where their boundary lies.
How To Stop An Unneutered Cat From Spraying
So what are other stain removers which have damaged many a carpet.The cat will be instantly more appealing than a pencil eraser.You must ensure that he, or she, should be neutered at between 5-7 months of age on how to make brushing cats very easily.For your fancy feline you should wrap foil around it.House And Outdoor Plants:All varieties of fleas, you should neuter your females.
Do they get the urge to mark their territory is threatened, it feels good to keep insects away.Unless you plan to give it the vet occasionally for vaccines and harmful flea and tick sprays.Cats are a number of people are wondering about how each other or towards people that are stimulating and interesting.Chances are your cat with the habit of spraying, it requires much time to bite me.Some can even make your house as soon as I simply cannot add another cat in heat the colony currently numbers somewhere around twenty or twenty-five cats.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Survival MD Vsl Dominates The Survival Niche!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/survival-md-vsl-dominates-the-survival-niche/
Survival MD Vsl Dominates The Survival Niche!
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    As the new virus spreads more and more each day…
There is no short answer to this question,
But here’s what we know by now,
Confirmed cases almost doubled in South Korea, in less than 24 hours,
While in China, the method of counting the patients changed again,
We can safely assume that what we are hearing on the news,
It’s far from the real numbers.
I’m afraid that we are deliberately deceived into thinking we are safe…
While in reality, the world is fighting a new invisible enemy,
Of which we know too little…
We believed that one infected individual can spread the new virus, to 2, maybe 3 other people,
Now they are saying the real number is closer to 11…
If we had to face the same numbers as China our expensive health system could collapse pretty easy,
They are showing videos of people being cured and leaving the hospitals,
Can you guess why?
It’s so you can feel safe and don’t rush to your drug store and buy everything you can put your hands on.
You see, it’s not just the virus that can kill us,
If China’s import will get shoot down,
The USA can run out of …mostly everything,
As most of the stuff we use it’s made there…
This includes everything from drugs to phones to hygiene products,
In such cases the virus itself may not be the real killer, but our own desperation, the old, the sick and the children will suffer first,
Then a crisis will naturally follow…
If SHTF, and you have no available drugs or medical supplies, a simple scratch can kill you.
And that’s a fact, it turns out that in a real crisis regardless of its origin, the real killer is something else…
Remember that China is a socialist country that pushes dirt under the carpet most of the time,
Luckily, someone thought about it before and prepared for just this type of scenario,
You may not believe it…
But some Countries manage to keep their people healthy with little to no resources…
Third world Countries are battling viruses and diseases with way less resources than us…
And somehow, they manage to keep their people healthy,
As I said, someone thought about it,
And dedicated their work to build a manual,
For exactly this type of Crisis…
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It’s the only complete medical survival guide for the laymen… showing you how to treat yourself and your loved ones in an emergency when doctors, pharmacies and hospitals are shut down.
It’s a simple and straight forward, step-by-step program. And you don’t need any medical training… plus: there’s no need for a medical professional to look over your shoulder.
And here’s the best part: You won’t need to spend a bucket load of cash or waste weeks poring over hundreds of pages either… Because there are no weird medical terms to learn! It’s so easy, a 12 year old can understand it.
I’m not promising you will treat every illness on the planet because you won’t have to… This revolutionary program shows you how to prevent and even treat the deadliest of diseases you’ll be faced with during a major crisis.
All you have to do is go through this program for 10 minutes a day for the next 10 days. And you’ll know more about medical survival than any 1st world doctor… who’s trained to always rely on expensive and modern equipment.
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Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find inside this medical emergency crash course…
Quickly and accurately diagnose any medical condition using the TeCaMoLo principle. That way you’ll know exactly what problem you have to treat. This will save you hours of agony and eventually your life. (3rd world countries doctors use this protocol and it has never been revealed to the American public before).
Dr. Scurtu shows you what drugs and medical supplies are vital to stock-pile… You don’t need to waste your money on expensive brands. You’ll discover what meds cover a large range of diseases… are easy to administer and act in the shortest time possible.
Plus you’ll discover which meds rob your body from healing itself. Fact is, they do more harm than good unless you know how and when to administer them.
You’ll learn how to put together a REAL Medical First Aid Kit. It’s different than anything sold in stores and it includes 9 life-saving items you absolutely need to toss in your bag.
You’ll discover the top 5 most likely causes of death you’ll be faced with in the aftermath of a crisis. It may sound weird… But focusing on these, means you’ll ward off 80% of the illnesses! So there’s no need to fill your brain with medical problems that have a 1 in a million chance of happening.
And that’s not all…Inside “Survival MD.” you’ll find the worst medical mistakes you can do in a crisis. Like…
Do you know what you should never do if you’re stabbed? People in Romania struggle with this horrifying scenarios every day because of the high crime rate. There are two key procedures to avoid bleeding to death or even getting an infection. (It took Radu 9 years of medical school to figure this one out).
And do you know why you should never use a plastic bag or wet bandage to cover up a wound? In fact, doing it increases your risk of infection and even death!
Plus, and this is my favorite part of the package… You get inside tips and tricks even regular Joe can put into practice…
You’ll learn how to put a dislocated shoulder back in its place just like professionals do. And it’s easier than you think!
And how to master a 100% safe procedure that might cause some 1st world doctors to shake their heads… It’s considered a “forbidden medical secret” that can save you from a horrible death when disaster strikes. (And most people pay hundreds of dollars for it when going to the hospital.)
You’ll also find out how and where to get a few months’ worth of prescription drugs. A little known secret for getting behind the counter drugs without a prescription.
And that’s just a taste of what’s inside…
“Survival MD” shows you how to stay alive until professional help will be available again… Even if it takes months… And you won’t find these secrets on the internet or anywhere in a medical library.
“Survival MD.” isn’t just another guide… It’s a collection of true, “proven to work” medical techniques taken from real life situations.
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After you go through the material you’ll become a valuable resource not only for your family and friends…These skills will make you a priceless asset to your community when medical services are gone! Most people think all heroes carry guns… Yet it’s those helping others and saving lives who are the real heroes of our country.
We’re used to going to the doctor whenever we get a little cough, right? Or go to an emergency room for something more serious! But what if it’s all gone… doctors, ambulances, emergency rooms? You’re on your own in any kind of crisis.
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It could take weeks or months until medical care will be available again. And you can’t wait until disaster pounds on your door to prepare… some disasters happen in a heartbeat without any warning at all. And this medical knowledge is the ultimate “tool” you can use to barter for anything! You’ll have the upper-hand on anyone.
So let me ask you a question…
Is your health, and the health of your family the most important thing in life? More important than all the food, water and gold you could get your hands on?
Your life and the life of your family is priceless… So how much is it worth to you to know your family’s healthy no matter what? To have the peace of mind knowing that whatever comes your way you’ll stay strong, healthy and protected?
This program is the missing piece of the puzzle to achieve full self-reliance… it’s the only way to make sure you and your family won’t cross paths with deadly medical problems. So ask yourself… how much is this worth to you?
Most medical programs and training courses sell for hundreds, even thousands of dollars. And all the complex terminology and medical mumbo-jumbo is just a waste of time.
“Survival M.D.” contains REAL information about serious conditions you’re 100% guaranteed to see in a crisis. And it’s so easy to follow anyone can understand it. This program gives you the power to experience life-saving techniques for yourself.
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Radu said this material is worth at least $1000. What we managed to put together has never been done before. Even so… most people won’t afford $1000. And it’s important to both of us to make this available to as many people as possible…
Everyone who went through this must-have health-bible says we should sell it for at least $100. But I don’t want you to pay $100… Not even $50… As I already said… everyone deserves to know these medical secrets.
So… that’s why I’m willing to offer you direct access to this lifesaving information for just $37… Click the “Add to Cart” button below and you’ll get your copy of “Survival M.D.” for just $37… that’s less than a night at the movies or a nice bottle of wine.
And this information is priceless. The more people have this information today…the better we’ll all be. This program isn’t only useful in a disaster or crisis situation. A lot of this information could save your life in many other situations.
And there’s more… If you get Survival M.D. right now you’ll instantly get access to the members’ area where you can ask me anything and you’ll also get a special report on “How to survive without prescription medicine”.
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In a crisis one of the worst things that can happen is being without your medication. It can lead to health complications, pain or even death. And if you, or someone you love, suffers from a chronic condition requiring medication…this exclusive report is exactly what you need. It shows you how to stay perfectly safe and well using alternative remedies and techniques. And you’ll know how to live a healthier, safer and self-reliant life in any crisis when prescription meds aren’t available.
This special report isn’t available at any bookstore or anywhere else online. And you get it absolutely free when you get “Survival MD” right now.
But wait… Order now and you will get our new PRACTICAL PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS or “How To Survive When Deadly Viruses Infect Millions” Absolutely FREE
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Today the world is facing a big challenge, one that can have devastating effects on each and every one of us…
I’m talking about the new China virus outbreak, that affected most parts of the world by now.
With this you will learn how to protect yourself against it, and much more.
You will learn how to stay safe from things like Ebola, or how Pandemic Affects the Big Cities, and how to survive the total quarantine. Also, you will learn about the Gas Mask and how You can make your own face mask.
I’m so confident you’ll be amazed by “Survival MD” that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is… Get “Survival MD” today and I’ll give you a “60 days no questions asked money back guarantee”.
Just go through the program… And I guarantee you’ll be thrilled. What you have here is a breakthrough in self-reliance… helping millions of patriots like me and you to outlive deadly diseases when disaster strikes.
If for any reason at all you want to get your money back you have 60 days to make the decision. Simply send me a quick email and I’ll give you your money back ASAP.
You take absolutely no risk…All you need to do is click the “add to cart” button below. Take a few seconds to register and you’ll get instant access to “Survival MD.”
So there you have it… In this presentation you witnessed undeniable proof that America will sink to the level of a 3rd world country when a major crisis hits. For heaven’s sake, I lived right through it! Whether it’s going to be a hurricane, an economic collapse or a terrorist attack throwing us back to the middle ages… There will be no sanitation systems to prevent diseases…And no medical system to count on.
Everything you and I take for granted today…will VANISH in a crisis!
You’ve seen what happens when all hell breaks loose… How will you or those you love, survive? Children and seniors are the most vulnerable to illnesses because their immune systems are weaker than others… And they’re the first to get infected. I have two children and I can’t even imagine what my life would be like if anything happened to them.
This life saving knowledge is guaranteed to help you some time in your life. No matter if things are good or bad.
The first one is do nothing. You could walk away from this presentation thinking you’ll be fine. Yet in your heart you know in a crisis there will be no one to help you. Doctors will be forced to treat people in overcrowded hotel lobbies and churches. Hospitals and other public services will be gone.
Or you can do it on your own. It will take you years to gather this kind of information if you’re lucky enough to find it. I know this because I’ve already struggled with that…
Or you can simply skip all the hard work I’ve been through, save yourself tons of money and get “Survival M.D.” right now. I’ve spent a great deal of time and money researching and editing to make this information crystal clear. There’s no faster, cheaper or safer way to beat life threatening diseases without doctors in a crisis.
This is the only field guide that shows you how to survive without a doctor. You’ll not only outlive almost any diseases and emergencies proven to occur in a crisis… You’ll become a prized medical resource for your family and your community for years to come.
All you have to do is go through “Survival MD.” for 10 minutes a day for the next 10 days… And you’ll know you can finally protect yourself in a major crisis. Years from now you’ll thank yourself for taking action. Because these skills and information are valuable in any situation. And particularly valuable when medical help is not on the way.
Survival M.D. isn’t sold in stores or anywhere else online. And you’re covered by my “60 days money back guarantee”. There’s no need to worry. Because you can always get your money back no questions asked. And you can keep the bonus. That’s a thank you gift for taking the time to listen to my presentation.
Here’s the thing though… I’m not sure how long I can offer “Survival MD” at this price. This is just a special offer I’m making and there’s a good chance I’ll be forced to raise the price to $99 in the coming weeks. So get this now while you can. Just click the yellow button below now… it will take you to a secure page. Take 30 seconds to fill in your details and you’ll get access to your “Survival M.D.” program right away. You’ll also receive “How to survive without prescription” free when its normal retail price is $35. Together these programs would normally cost you over $100 but today you can get both of them for only $37. You could easily save thousands of dollars on medical care this year alone for your family. Which makes $37 a total bargain.
Thank you for watching this presentation. I hope you got a lot of value from it. I look forward to seeing you in the member’s area.
Still here? You probably have some unanswered questions… I’ll go over some of the most common questions real quick…
Q. “Do I need to be medically trained or have had first aid training?”
A. No. This material is simple and straight forward. It was especially designed for people with no previous medical training.
Q. “Do I need a medical degree to understand the material?”
A. No. There’s no medical jargon and terminology…Just plain English.
Q. “Is this about prevention or cure?”
A. It’s about both. Inside you’ll discover what steps to take before Disaster-day and how to fight back deadly diseases in post-apocalyptic America.
Q. “I’ll be able to say ‘Goodbye’ to the doctor forever after this course, right?”
A. This course is not intended to replace care from medical professionals in any way. It gives you proven and clean medical advice to survive ANY catastrophe when there will be no doctors around. Yet part of it will still be useful in day to day life as well.
Still on the fence? It all comes down to this…
You can either walk around blind folded and hope everything is just fine no matter what happens… Or you can get this medical field package at an incredible price today… Take the time to go through it… And live your life knowing if you do somehow walk across deadly medical conditions, this program will show you how to fend for yourself and your family. So, don’t become just another bystander and educate yourself ahead of time. You’ll be glad you did when the need arises.
This is priceless knowledge you can use in ANY crisis. Knowledge is power and it’s always a good idea to learn how to take care of yourself and your family… And who would you rather learn from? A top notch doctor who’s a slave to modern medical equipment? Or a doctor who saved thousands of people on a daily basis with his bare hands? Get Survival M.D. right now…Click the “Add to Cart” button below…and you can get started right away.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP MEDICAL Sales Representative Interview Questions and Answers
Medical Sales Representative or Detail Man Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What do you prefer a long or short sales cycles? Depending on the situation I would prefer which cycle to opt for, usually a long sales cycle as it gives enough time to know the physician and can spend time educating him about the benefits and uses of the product. However, if the physician is well-informed about the product, then short sales cycles would be more preferable. 2. What is the role of a Product Manager? The role of a Product Manager is Market Analysis Segment Analysis Competitor Analysis Qualitative and Quantitative research Planning and Preparing the marketing mix Delivering the marketing mix 3. What is your pre-call planning to a chemist? When did the distributor deliver the last order to the chemist What is the distributor frequency of visit Do you have any question about generic substitutions 4. What is your typical day like? The unspoken questions: How do you work? Is your work style organized or improvised? Will you fit into our culture, or be a maverick? Will we have to worry about you? Are you likeable? Response: Tell the truth, but don't focus on minutiae. This is your chance to highlight traits that are helpful in pharma sales jobs, such as initiative, organization and the ability to follow through. 5. How competitive are you on a scale of one to 10? The unspoken question: Do you have the drive it takes to build your margins? Response: Everyone says they're an eight or nine, which features job interview tips for pharma sales reps and other professionals. "But you also need to explain why you are that kind of person," he says. "Give some situations of how you're competitive both on and off the job." 6) Are you a lucky person? The unspoken question: Are you optimistic enough to succeed? Response: No matter what you really believe, the answer they want is yes. And prepare to give examples. "Even if you've hit a stretch of bad luck, you must find the nuggets of gold in your life," 7) Explain what is meaning of Marketing Mix? Marketing mix refers to the set of actions, tactics which a company uses to promote its product or brand is referred as Marketing Mix. 8) How many sales calls are you supposed to make each day? Your sales depend on how often you see your physicians and make contacts. To achieve maximum sales it is desirable to make maximum calls and fix the appointments. On average, any company demands around 10-12 calls a day. 9) Explain how should a sales call of a representative should end? A sales call of a med representative does not end like that or normal sales call. Instead it sounds like offering an option like Trial usage Repeat prescription Continued usage Extended usage Expanded usage Once the client or physician identifies it requirement, it will choose one of this option. 10) How would you reach a physician who does not see a representative? Try to communicate with their staff (receptionists, medical secretaries, practice nurses, etc.) Send him product information and literature through e-mail Drop literature regarding product to their clinics Invite him to speaker meetings and see him at CME meetings
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MEDICAL Sales Representative Interview Questions 11) Can you think of a time when you didn't see eye-to-eye with a supervisor? The unspoken question: Most obviously this question is about your ability to handle authority. But your interviewer also wants to see how tactfully you handle delicate situations and how you pick your battles, both important skills in pharmaceutical sales jobs. Response: Describe a situation where you were correct, and the (polite) arguments you made to bring the boss to your side. Make sure the result was a win-win. 12) Explain what do you find most re-warding about being a med representative? The most re-warding about being med sales representative is satisfaction of helping patients and becoming a medium of providing them a lifesaving medication. Apart from that you help physician to make the right decision about the product and nevertheless you get an opportunity to see many people throughout the day. 13) Explain what are the pros and cons working for a small scale and large scale pharmaceutical company? Pros: It is easier to shine and advance at small pharmaceutical companies Small scale industries become big pharmaceutical companies very rapidly Small companies offer stock options as incentive to stay with them long-term Often smaller companies are sell out to larger companies, and the original stockholders get wealthy Cons: For entertaining clients, small pharmaceutical companies do not provide significant expenses Territories are bigger, and you have to drive more instead of working in a limited territory 14) Explain as a medical representative what is your selling style to the physician? Be clear and precise about your product Use Pictures, Illustrations and Drawing and if possible use PowerPoint Presentation to show product Support your argument with evidence like case studies or clinical trial results Maintain constant communication with the physician Build relationship with physician and staff 15) What have you done to increase your margins? The unspoken question: Companies want to know in detail how you saved and made the company money. And they want to make sure the accomplishments on your resume are really yours alone and not your team's. Response: Be specific. You should come prepared with at least three examples of ways you personally contributed to increased pharmaceutical sales. Back up your points. Before the interview, write three specific situations in your current or previous jobs when you attained goals. Example: "I increased the sales of X with my three-part strategy of…" 16) How many product does a med rep usually carry? How do you get bonuses paid on them? Usually, a med rep carries 2-3 products and sometimes four if it is an experienced guy. Each product is responsible to a portion of the rep's sales bonus. To get bonuses paid, they have to sell all the products and meet the decided quota. 17) What do you consider to be the most important requirements for this job? Expect interview questions that explore your knowledge and understanding of this specific job opportunity. Do your homework on the company and the position to make sure you can answer this question properly. You need to have a clear picture of what this job involves and what is expected from the person who does it. The more you can relate what you are currently doing to these job requirements the more suitable you will appear. Get as much detail as possible on the employment opportunity, the company and its products and parallel your experience to this. The company website is a good place to start. 18) What is the training aspect, if one is selected for the sales representative position? The training can include University or school studying all the aspect of the product Training on field with an experienced representative Learning anatomy and physiology to competitor's products 19) What do you consider the most challenging aspect of a pharmaceutical sales job? Be candid about what you have found to be the most difficult aspect of pharmaceutical sales and then clearly describe how you have successfully managed this challenge. A common difficulty is getting enough time with health care professionals to properly discuss your products. Detail how you have used your initiative and problem-solving skills to effectively deal with this and get sufficient access to the customer. 20) What will be your approach if you are given a territory and a list of physician to call on? 80% of business comes from 20% of the people. For a given territory, your first approach should be Analyse and see the customers and their potential Gather all the data's of sales particularly in the area you are given Target those physician or customers who have bigger sales potential 21) How do you research a product? This question is exploring your ability and motivation to be fully informed about your products. Keeping current with product data is essential to the job. Detail the resources you use to stay current and informed. 22) What is your expectation from your sales manager? Provide you with all amenities and tools required for job Knowledge and tips to increase sales One who can assess your potential and set realistic goals One who supports and use his knowledge and yours to bring synergetic result 23) Give me an example of when you managed to get a physician to switch to your product? Expect questions that investigate your sales ability and persuasiveness. Highlight how you found out what influenced the physician's choice of products and how you used a combination of appropriate tools to convince him or her to change to your product. Show how you used your persuasive skills, your knowledge and understanding of the product and of the physician's needs to change the perception of a product. 25) How have you planned and prioritized your call schedule for your current territory? You need to be able to plan and organize your activities to meet specific goals. This comes down to the old 80/20 rule. Highlight how you have set priorities based on the best return on your time investment by spending time on customers with the greatest sales potential. Detail how you were able to establish that 20 percent of customers as quickly as possible and how once you had successfully established that 20 percent you moved onto developing new customers. 26) Explain why pharma sales is different than other sales? Pharmaceutical sales is an indirect sales role Pharmaceutical sales have no order to close or contract to sign It serves for an expert physician promoting product through education and awareness 27) Tell me about a time you lost the business. How did you handle the situation? This question is about your ability to learn from a situation and move constructively on after a set back. These pharmaceutical sales interview questions look at your ability to handle stress and your tenacity and emotional resilience in the face of opposition and challenge. Include other examples of your persistence and determination in finding solutions to difficult challenges. 28) What are the key responsibilities of a medical representative? The typical work activities that a medical representative has to do is Increase Sales Increase awareness of the brand Increase market share Meet and exceed targets 6-7 calls per day and fixing appointments Manage the territory like a small business Build a relationship and convey product information 29) Tell me about a situation where you had to adjust your approach to meet new circumstances? This job requires interaction with a wide range of people. Your ability to adjust your approach to the situation and individual is key to success. Focus on the different approaches you take to meet changing demands and needs. Highlight your adaptability. 36) Is there any software available in the market to help to track their sales and progress? Pharmaceutical specific ERP software are available in the market which can be useful to track the total number of sales, exact customer location; profit made quarterly, sales management, stock information from stockiest and so on. 37) If given a territory and a list of physicians to call on, then how would you go about it? Do a planning and routing, group the DRs in the same area together and call on them, managing my time more efficiently, so I can focus more on work and driving my agenda. 38) How can you become a successful pharmaceutical representative? Pharmaceutical sales is a high turnover business and to get its foot into it requires Positive Approach Good Network and Focusing on Sales call Good communication skills Good product knowledge Understanding market value of your product Good research on competitors and their sales target 39) How to handle stressful situations? Calmly. Tactfully. Professionally. Ask questions. Find a solution to solve the problem at hand. 40) What are the challenges in being a Pharmaceutical Sales Person? The true challenge for a Pharma salesperson, is to convince a doctor to switch from a that he or she is prescribing to their patient. 41) Have you ever taken care of someone? Did you enjoy it? I was a staff nurse for 6 years and while I enjoyed taking care of some types of pts with some types of disease states, I did not enjoy others. 42) How would you like your ideal sales manager to be, to get the best out of you? Ideally I would like my manager to work with me, be a resource and supportive. 43) How long did it take you to get through all your schooling? Because I transferred from one school to another and changed my major it took me 5yrs and months to complete my degree. 44) How do you think you would get a Physician to switch to your ? It has been my experience that I would offer clinical research, relay outcomes, and prove efficacy. After I get the physician to agree that it is proven and effective request a trial. 45) Why do you want to change careers to pharmaceutical sales? I have a lot to offer a pharmaceutical company. Not only am I a clinician with sales experience but a clinician with sales experience that is well established in this medical community with a large network to draw from and who is largely familiar with the landscape of healthcare in this market. I also really enjoy detailing pharmaceuticals to physicians and peers. 46) How to perceive a pharmaceutical representatives typical workday? A pharmaceutical reps typical work day consists of early visits, detailing doctors that allow access, scheduling appointments with offices that have limited hours to access, logging calls, all while developing and managing relationships with physicians, medical staff, and key decision makers. 47) It's your first week on the job; what will you do to organize yourself? I am a very organized person. I will make sure that my car is in order, that I have all of the key learning information and products in my bag. Most importantly I would ensure that I have learned my product and am mentally ready to deliver the correct message to my customer. 48) Why do you believe that you would find a career in pharmaceutical sales rewarding? Being part of a company that thrives on improving lives is very rewarding to me. 49) What do you believe are the most important factors for success in a pharmaceutical rep? Being adaptive, creative, attentive and having an established network in the medical community. 50) Are you currently interviewing with other pharmaceutical companies? I am actively looking but not haphazardly. I am laser focused on finding the right fit for both my future company and me. 52) How long do you believe you would like to sell pharmaceuticals? I am looking for my final resting place. I would eventually like to develop further along but looking to be here for a long long time. 53) How did you decide pharmaceutical sales would be the right career for you? This is the most basic of questions, but you are almost certain to be asked this question. While people interviewing for other types of positions are asked why they decided on their career choice, it is very important that you answer this question correctly for a pharmaceutical sales interview. First tell them that you love selling and site examples where you have done this even if you haven't been employed as a salesperson. Mention instances where you persuaded someone to "buy in" to your ideas, etc. That is selling! Mention that you have always been highly motivated, energetic, and enthusiastic. Successful sales people have all of these qualities as well as being creative and resourceful. Be prepared to cite examples where you displayed these behavioral characteristics. Next, expound upon why pharmaceutical sales would be right for you. This is a good time to pull out the information that you have collected during your research. You can explain how stable the industry is, how exciting it would be to be part of such a dynamic field, and one where the opportunity to help thousands of people is a reality. State that this would give you tremendous job satisfaction. Also let them know that you realize the opportunities for personal and professional growth are tremendous with pharmaceutical sales companies. You will thrive on the daily challenges of performing a pharmaceutical sales representatives job. (This would be a great time to mention the "field preceptorship" and how much you enjoyed your day in the representative's territory!) The research you have done on their company and the industry, and the extra effort you have put forth to spend a day in the field to see for yourself what a pharmaceutical sales representative does will give you tremendous credibility. You will be viewed as a serious candidate! 54) In all of your work experience what accomplishment are you the most proud of and why? I am most proud of my proven ability to rebuild business. I did this while I was working with WIS as well as at the start of my employment with Shifa. I essentially rebuilt 2 different territories from the ground up while developing and managing key relationships with physicians, staff and other key decision makers. 55) What is your current occupation? Give an honest answer, but highlight any area of responsibility that you may have which would be seen as a benefit for someone in pharmaceutical sales. This would be a good time to show the "Career Comparison" information that you have placed in your Personal Presentation Binder. You will have already compared your job responsibilities to that of a pharmaceutical sales representative. Were you responsible for marketing a product or idea to others? Have you analyzed a "buyer" to determine that buyer's potential? Do you have daily contact with physicians or other medical personnel in your day-to-day activities? These are excellent job responsibility areas to compare with pharmaceutical sales job responsibilities. Be careful not to make a negative statement. Always expect to be asked to prove any statement that you make! 56) How do you deal with rejection in your current position? I embrace rejection as it enables me to probe and do further discovery to uncover the real issue. 57) I see you have held several different positions over the last five years? Can you explain why? The obvious objective in this question is to determine whether you are a "job-hopper." Training and educating pharmaceutical sales representatives is very time-consuming and expensive. A bad choice would yield an ineffective pharmaceutical sales representative and one that would potentially leave the job "undone" because that person has again decided to do something else. The district manager will attempt to ascertain whether you are a dependable person and whether you do indeed really want a career that offers upward mobility. He must be convinced that you will stay and work smart. If you have changed positions in order to increase the challenge of your job and allow upward mobility, then that is an excellent reason for changing jobs. Career transitions or job transitions made to increase compensation for your work is another good reason. 58) How would you deal with a hostile customer? I would listen to his complaint, offer an apology, and ask how I can improve the situation for him. Probe, ask questions, uncover the real problem. 59) When did you decide to pursue a pharmaceutical sales career position? You might reply that after your extensive research into this career field including actually going on a field preceptorship, that you believe this a perfect career for you. Then you must explain why it is perfect for you. It is perfect because you thrive on the type of challenges faced by pharmaceutical sales representatives! You want to make a difference at a job you are certain you will love. Pharmaceutical sales is a perfect match for your personality and work experience. Then supply proof for your statement. 60) Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer? So many to choose from, I had a Dr. Tell me that he would never use my product but the beauty of this was I was given an opportunity to embrace a porcupine and start selling. I probed to uncover the real issue and serviced the heck out of his office becoming a resource every chance I had... Is This Answer Correct? 0 Yes 1 No 61) How long having you been seeking employment in the pharmaceutical sales industry? Your answer here will be important. You have the opportunity to make yourself look good with the right answer. If you have been looking for a position for a long time, six months or more, then you need to present yourself as a tenacious person who never gives up because you are absolutely certain that you are the right person for the job. Whether you have been granted interviews will matter, because the district manager will wonder why you didn't gain the position if you interviewed. On the other hand, if you didn't gain an interview that means you failed the first sales test. Perhaps you turned a position down because of location. That's a good reason to decline. If you've just started looking for a pharmaceutical sales position and you've already gained interviews, it's because you are impressive, on paper and in person. 62) Why do you think you would excel at pharmaceutical sales? I think I would excel at pharmaceutical sales because I am adaptive to the culture of each office, creative in order to achieve goals, attentive to my customers needs and I have a large network to draw from. 63) Tell me what is the most challenging aspect of being a pharmaceutical sales person? A novice to the world of pharmaceutical sales may think that the most difficult part of the sale is meeting the medical practitioner, but that is actually not so. The challenge is actually convincing a doctor to switch from a that s/he and their patients are quite comfortable with and convert to a new alternative. The sales rep must persuade them that such a change would be an improvement, and that is the true challenge. If you have experience, share some of your success stories. 64) How to differentiate yourself from your peers? I am polished, poised, and professional. I am well established in my medical community. I have clinical credentialing that is highly regarded. I am familiar with the healthcare landscape of this market place and can multi task like nobodies business. 65) How to perceive a typical day for pharmaceutical sales representative? With this question, the interviewer is investigating your dedication and whether you are up to the physical aspect of working as a pharmaceutical salesperson, as well as the unusual times. In responding, mention your awareness of the times available for sales calls; that is, when medical practitioners and other medical officers are relatively free. Day time hours are generally off limits; usually calls must take place at about seven in the morning or nine in the evening. This way, you will not only express your knowledge of the business, but also inform the interviewer that you are ready for the hard work and difficult hours that are part of becoming a successful pharmaceutical sales representative. 66) Tell me about a time you persuaded someone professionally? While at Shifa, I had to convince doctors of the importance of DHA. One of the products I sold was ***** and it required clinical presentation to show its efficacy. I requested a clinical trial and he began enrolling pts at the start of their pregnancy. 67) What do you think the company would help you the best? This question is really an attempt on the part of the company to discern if you are a team player yet capable of working on your own. In your response, give examples of how you have worked in both of these capacities, even if not job related. Suggest that the company chalk out a plan with a quota that must be met by the end of a month, and then provide you with the resources to fulfill the goal. Proclaim that you will do your utmost to meet any reasonable goal. 68) What is the most challenging aspect of pharmaceutical representative? My top 3 are access, formulary coverage and pt trials. 69) What is your interaction level with your previous supervisor? What did he do right and what did he do wrong, according to you? Basically, this question is aimed at finding out whether you are good with some kind of authority above you or whether you are someone who requires a mentor. Your response may also cause the interviewer to view you as an optimistic or complaining type, so tread carefully. The best answer is to speak of the cordial aspects of the relationship you enjoyed with your supervisor. If you must mention any issues, be brief, and downplay any problems. For example, explain how any differences you had were purely theoretical and in the end, what was best for the company won. Of course if this is not so, explain the difficulties and how you overcame them. End with an encouraging example of getting along. 70) What was your most rewarding experience during college? Tutoring local high school students in physics and chemistry. Medical Sales Representative or Detail-Man Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Before Europeans discovered the Americas and introduced such diseases as chicken pox, the flu, smallpox, and measles, Native Americans were relatively disease-free and, for the most part, lived long, healthy lives, unless of course famine struck.
Native American remedies for existing illnesses were made of indigenous medicinal plants, many of which were highly effective.
Unlike modern medicine, sick patients weren’t just handed medicine until they either got better or died. Instead, Native Americans took care of their health holistically; it was strongly linked to spirituality.
The Native American ideal state of health and well-being was intrinsically linked to a close connection to the Earth and living in harmony with the environment.
In other words, they weren’t the “savages” that Europeans assumed that they were; I’m sure that, if they had the European desire for progress and financial gain, the Americas would have been vastly different than they were when Columbus found them. Instead, they believed that natural balance must be maintained. Life was about coexistence, not the almighty dollar.
But, if you take a look at what they actually did to maintain that balance, you may be surprised to find that their methods coincide with what modern medical practitioners preach on a daily basis.
Regular Cardio and Strength Training
Many tribes greeted the dawn with an early morning run to celebrate the arrival of a new day. How many people do you know that run in the mornings (or at some point during the day) as part of their exercise routine?
Of course, along with the physical exercise they also benefited from the release of stress-releasing hormones that we now know comes from physical exercise. Since running was, in large part, spiritual, there was also surely the clarity of mind that comes with meditation.
Oh, and we can’t forget that regularly carrying animal carcasses, curing hides, carrying water, setting up and tearing down camps, and participating in ceremonies and games that centered on acts of physical strength are all examples of strength training in its purest form.
Get this lifesaving information about surviving when doctors, pharmacies and hospitals are shut down!
Healthy Diets
The Native American concept of fast food was eating berries, fruits, and nuts as they picked them. They didn’t typically gorge themselves unless it was a celebratory feast and the only chips they had were possibly buffalo chips – depending on location – that they used to start a fire (or possibly create a home remedy).
Everybody now is preaching that free-range, organic, hormone-free meat is the only healthy option. Well guess what – the Native Americans were already following that diet. They treated sick animals in the same way that the treated sick people – herbally.
Either that or they just put them down and maybe ate them, depending on the illness or injury. Plus the animals weren’t ingesting grass poisoned with artificial pesticides and other chemicals.
Nuts and seeds were rich in Omega-3’s, high in good fats and low in bad fats, so they had that covered, and the berries that they ate, again, had no pesticides or chemicals. And lest we forget, they had to work for their food, so they were naturally exercising every day of their lives.
Until less than 100 years ago, diabetes was practically non-existent in the Native American population, until they began to adopt the eating habits of other Americans.
Mental Health
We now know that mental health is critical to physical health.
Native Americans regularly meditated and practiced acts of gratitude for everything that surrounded them.
As some modern philosophies teach, they were present and mindful. They celebrated the seasons and the bounty, and they were grateful and respectful to the animals that they killed to sustain themselves.
In a nutshell, Native Americans had a healthy outlook on life and worked regularly to maintain that. They knew, without an advanced medical degree, what it took to stay healthy.
Medicinal Herbs
For every illness, there’s a cure. At least in theory. Though Western Medicine hasn’t managed to find cures for many diseases, Native Americans had treatments for just about everything, and if you pay attention to early American writers, they often worked.
These treatments were entirely natural – no penicillin or opiates required. There are natural elements that provide the origins of these modern meds, such as soil and plants that contain natural antibiotics and plants such as willow bark that contain natural pain killers. In fact, willow bark was an original ingredient in aspirin.
Just because a cure is natural doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work as well as modern medications; in fact, the opposite is often true.
As preppers, we realize that we may not always have access to OTC and prescription meds so, considering that, we’ve put together a special report on Native American remedies that teaches you how to use the eight super-plants that treat more than thirty diseases. You’ll also learn how to help your body stay healthy and heal itself naturally, and how to preserve your food without refrigeration or electricity.
Click here to subscribe to Survivopedia’s newsletter and get this month’s FREE REPORT to find out more about our ancestors’ natural healing secrets. 
Native American Remedies
In general, their naturally healthy lifestyles prevented many diseases, but some did exist. Plus, you have to consider injuries such as broken bones, open wounds, and infections.
When treating any medical condition, the knowledge of the tribe healer often saved the day with a combination of treatments.
Throughout the generations, natural remedies were handed down from one healer to the next, and it seems pretty likely that the entire tribe knew how to use herbs, plants, seeds, and roots for healing, too.
These ingredients, alone or combined, were used to make poultices, teas, decoctions, salves, and oils that worked in conjunction with other holistic methods described above.
Sweat Lodges
Also known as medicine lodges, sweat lodges were often used for healing, prayer, introspection, and purification. Sweat sessions were required to be supervised by trained elders who were experienced with the process and could safely control the situation in case somebody became ill or uncomfortable.
Many holistic healers believe that sweating purifies the body by flushing toxins from the body and may help kill disease by raising the body temperature to a point that bacteria and viruses can’t survive. That is, of course, theoretical, but it makes a certain amount of sense.
Remember that knowledge is the only doctor that can save you when there is no medical help around you.
This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia. 
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