#and even if they pay a lil less that sounds so much better than going to multiple events a week and probably traveling and being stressed
the-bluestreak-cat · 11 months
I’m so excited about my five cheese ziti
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yakketymax · 4 months
Here's your motivation: I've had a crush on Funnel since you made them. Please. A crumb. A shred. Give me and the people Funnel kissing content. Please.
CW for neck kissing and the implications that it comes with + the most unnecessary reaction to a neck kiss in the history of neck kisses
To say it wasn't easy to get to this point with the carnie whose lap you're currently occupying would be the biggest understatement you've ever heard. It had been a messy and rough few months with ups and downs here and there, but even so, your Funnel put everything they had into trying to make it as smooth as they could with their promises and efforts to change and be better with you so long as you were patient and understanding with them in return. It was rickety, but hey, it was working! And besides, you figured at least most of it had to be worth it- I mean, how else would you have been able to learn that the Ringmaster makes cute sounds when they get kissed?
Despite having been the one to pull you into their lap when you brought up wanting to kiss and giving you a sly little quip about needing to get into the right position, it's not hard to notice that Funnel is shaking a little as you press your lips against theirs. Overcome with a desire to soothe, you shift to trace your fingertips across the swell of their chest and settle at the center on top of the muddy mark spanning between their pecs (a Brewse they called it) and start to rub small, comforting circles there. Your fingers tingle with the fizzled out scraps of leftover dark magic still inside your lover that're bleeding through the mark, but you have no mind to pay it any attention, not when Funnel is sighing against your mouth and pressing harder against you as they drag you more firmly into their lap with a hand on your lower back and a tug on your thigh. Your giggles at their eagerness are muffled between the two of you and even though they let out something close to an embarrassed whine, they don't pull away an inch.
Funnels hand slides up your back and cups the back of your head with another one of those weak, growly noises you're rapidly growing fond of. They press on you and push themselves forward into you with a tilt of their head, surprising you with the bold move of shyly tracing your lips with the forked tip of their serpentine tongue. As much as you would love to (and you would really love to), your lungs can't hold the same concerning amount of air theirs can and you need to pull back to breathe. You can't help but smile at the questioning sound they let out as their eyes crack open when the kissing stops, but the whimper that leaves them soon after is too sad sounding for your liking.
"Did I..." They're breathless, looking up at you with concerned, shiny eyes. "Did I do something... wrong?"
Immediately, you shake your head. No no, you just need to breathe, that's all! You cup their face and rub your thumbs across their cheeks and have to hold back a "less than appropriate for the situation" noise of your own as they rumble a genuine purr and lean into the contact. They turn their head and start to press soft kisses against your palm and it's in that moment that you decide that, despite you still working to catch your breath, you can't let such a precious creature go kissless, not when they're yearning for it this bad. You pat their face to get their attention and ask if you can try something when they open their eyes and raise an eyebrow at you, earning a curious nod in return.
"Tell me if this is too much, okay?" You say, tilting their head up gently.
"Uh. Alright...?"
Ducking your head, you press a lil' smooch to their neck.
A brief blast of pure terror cuts through you like a bolt of white, hot electricity and you snap back to push at Funnels chest. You heave through shaky deep breaths as they spout apology after panicked apology, hands hovering close but no longer touching. It's almost sweet, the way they're more freaked out than you are getting got by their dark aura. You wheeze out that it's okay, you know they didn't mean it, and you reach out to clasp their hands with your trembling own, guiding them back to your body. Again, they tug you closer and brush their arm up your back to encourage you to lay down against them, an offer you're more than happy to take up. Flopping down against their cushy chest, you breathe a sigh, taking a comfort in the sound of the crackle of their magic flame as you let the fear dissipate.
"You startled me, is all," they mumble after a moment, rubbing your back. "I-It felt nice. I guess I just didn't expect how nice it was gonna feel."
You tilt your head to look up at them and smile at the sight of their darkened cheeks and their worried gaze turned away from you, only glancing back for a brief moment to look into your eyes to presumably reset their facial illusion. You smile, charmed to see them this way, and shift around so you can sit up and ask if they want to try again. They go through several different starts and stops of sentences as their rosy cheeks only get that much darker, the ringleader stammering and tripping over their words before they hang their head and murmur a flustered, "Yes please..." with their face burning.
With a gentle laugh, you cup their face again and, with a coy mention of your own about "getting in the right position," you settle yourself more comfortably in their soft lap. You playfully bite at them about not putting you in their fucked up mirror dimension this time and Funnel chuckles that they won't, they promise. After giving them grief about how they better promise they won't, you grant them a kiss on their lips before you tilt their chin up and lower your head, tentatively placing your lips against their neck.
You freeze, bracing for their dark aura just in case, but all you get is the flexing of their large fingers against your thigh.
If you were further along in this relationship, you might have teased them for this reaction, given that you haven't really done anything yet. Ever careful, you try a real kiss this time, harder than a press of lips but still chaste. The weak "aha~..." that whispers out of Funnels throat delights you and so, you press another. And another. And another. And another and another and another until the carnie underneath you is squirming and letting out sweet, broken little sounds with every kiss- now open-mouthed and with the slight swipe of your tongue here and there. They grip the bend of your leg and the back of your shirt as you litter them with your affection and it leaves you idly wondering if their neck is particularly sensitive, taking a risk and starting the workings of a proper mark where their neck meets their shoulder.
"Wh-? Wh-What are you-... Why are you- suckin- ooooh sweet caramel christ- who cares who cares- oh good god, that feels so good, please don't stop-"
You honestly probably keep your lips locked there for a little while longer than what's necessary, but who can blame you, really? Your name is tumbling from their lips like prayer.
You eventually pull back with a pop and lick your lips as you take a moment to admire your handiwork. There's a thrill in the way Funnel lets you move their head to the side with ease with a hand under their chin, the poor thing hissing breaths through their bear-trap teeth as you smile at the fresh, darkening bruise. There's a whine at the crest of every breath they take and you look up at them and their flushed face. Hell, with their teeth bared and their eyebrows drawn together like that, you would think them in pain if you weren't actively giving them the opposite.
You think they'd damn look nice with a few more marks and you enjoy the frantic nod you get when you express this sentiment. Twirling a lock of their fluffy hair along your finger, you dive back in, kissing and closing your mouth over any little spot you could reach, emboldened by their adorable "yes-!"s and "right there!"s It's mindless thing when you suddenly sink your teeth into them with a little nibble, being as drunk off their noises as you are. They snarl, startling you, but the animalistic noise melts into a noisy, needy whine when you pull back in shock.
"Please please, pleasepleaseplease don't stop-"
Just like that, you settle back into your rhythm, blowing a gust of air against the marks you've left already.
"Fuuuuuck, mate, don't- don't tease..." they beg, shuddering with your breath. "I-I think I like it when you mark me up like this."
They think? Well, you're going to have to do better than that! Pressing your lips against their bared throat, you ask if they want more, already knowing the answer. They shakily swallow and the movement against your lips almost makes you dizzy, the carnie nodding despite you being right under their chin.
"Yes, more, A-As much as you're willing to let me have, darl'..."
Oh, Funnel. You shouldn't have said that. ♥
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softhairedhotch · 11 months
lil pre-relationship hotchgan fic that could be seen as platonic but i didn't write it with that in mind!!
comfortember day seven: sick/illness
aaron hotchner x derek morgan
jack is sick and aaron, in his panic, asks derek for help.
word count: 1k
warnings/content: jack is ill, worried aaron, derek saves the day, mentions of food and painkillers, pre-relationshup hotchgan fluff
comfortember masterlist here!
also on ao3!
spider-man and soup
Derek's phone rings in his pocket and he fishes it out, muting the song he's listening to as he checks the contact information. At the sight of Aaron's name, he almost sighs. "We got a case?" 
"What? No, no, sorry, do you think you can come to mine, please?" 
"Of course," Derek replies, stomach dropping at the panic in Aaron's voice. It's rare to hear his voice waver from its usual tone, much less sound as panicked as it does right now, and Derek feels uneasy. "What's wrong?"
"Jack's sick. Really sick. He needs, uh, some medicine, and Jessica isn't available so I guess I thought to call you." 
Derek silently wonders why he hadn't called JJ instead as he locks the front door and makes his way to his car but he refuses to voice that out loud. Now's not the time for that. "What do you need? I'll pick it up, Hotch, anything you want." 
"Cough medicine, some painkillers, cough drops if there's any available just in case, and a few snacks, if you can." 
Derek nods to himself, repeating the list as he starts the car. "Got it. Anything else?" 
"That'll be all, thanks." 
"I'll be over ASAP."
Finding the items for Jack proves much more difficult than he assumed it'd be. There's too many options, ones he's never even had the need to look at before, and he feels rather lost. Glancing around for a nearby employer and coming up short, he lets out a sigh and digs his phone out from his pocket, scrolling through his contacts before finding his mom's and calling. 
She answers on the third ring. "Sweetheart! Oh, what a lovely surprise." 
"Hey, mama," he replies, grinning at the sound of her voice. "Sorry for the random call, I just need some help with something." 
"Never apologize for calling me, Derek, it's always nice to hear your voice." She shuffles around on the other side of the line. "What do you need?" 
"Well, what do I buy for children? For medicine, I mean. When they're sick." 
She laughs, amused. "Derek Morgan, is there something you're not telling me?" 
"Wh– No, ma," he chuckles, "Jack's really sick." 
"Hm, you mean Aaron's boy?" There's a smirk in her voice. 
"Yes, ma, Aaron's boy. He asked me to grab him a few things and I'm a bit out of my depth here." 
"He asked you specifically, hm?" 
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just messin' with you, sweetheart. So, you're gonna wanna grab some Tylenol. Children's one, not the one for adults. The one with the oral suspension, if they have it, that always goes down much better from my experience. And then you'll want soup. Any soup will do but one without any bits in it, like tomato or chicken, also goes down better than anything else. You getting this, honey?"
Derek hums as he throws various items in his basket. "I am." 
"Good," she replies, before listing off a few more items he can grab. 
"Thanks, ma," he says once he's gotten everything he needs. "Really appreciate the help, you're a saint." 
"Takes one to know one." 
"Yeah, yeah," Derek chuckles. "Well, I have to go now, I'll call you sometime later this week, okay? I'll find out when I'm next free to visit and we'll arrange a date. That sound good?" 
"That sounds great. I love you, honey. Take care of Jack, yeah? And Aaron."
"I love you more, ma. And I will." 
He makes his way to the counter and pays for the items when his eye catches onto a mini Spider-man plush. "You wanna buy it?" The cashier asks, already grabbing it from where it's placed on display. "It's the last one." 
"Yeah, sure, why not?" 
It takes fifteen minutes to get from the store to Aaron's, fifteen minutes he's sure the poor man is stressing over in his panic. He pulls up to the apartment and parks beside Aaron's car, ensuring he has everything with him before making his way to the front door and knocking a specific pattern he picked up when he was younger that's become like second nature now.
The door opens immediately and an unkempt Aaron greets him with a relieved smile. Derek feels a flutter or two in his stomach at that but he pushes the thought away and smiles back. 
"Got you what you needed," he says, handing Aaron the bag. "You need me to do anything else?" 
"I think that's all. Thank you, I appreciate it." 
Derek nods and steps inside, ignoring the confused look Aaron sends him. "C'mon man, you're freaking out over here all alone, I'm not gonna leave you like this."
Aaron is speechless. 
"Besides, you'll need some company once Jack's settled down." 
"Will I?" 
"Yeah," he nods, heading to the kitchen and grabbing Jack's favourite bowl from the cupboard. "Don't want you losing your mind, do we? Wouldn't be good for the team's morale." Derek reaches out and takes the bag from Aaron's hand, pulling out the soup and a few more items before giving it back. "Now go be there for your kid, man. I'll make him something to eat." 
Aaron's shoulders drop and he looks like he might cry. "Thank you, Morgan." 
"Anytime, man." 
Later on in the night when Jack is fast asleep with a stomach full of soup, Spider-Man plush wrapped up in his arms and thumb in his mouth, Derek coaxes Aaron out into the living room. He forces him to relax on the couch before going back into the kitchen, coming out moments later with a tray of food. 
"You didn't have to do this, Morgan," Aaron says, sounding guilt-ridden. He looks down at the soup on the plate and the cheese toastie beside it. "I'm grateful, of course, but you didn't have to do all of this." 
"I know." 
"But you did it anyway." 
Derek drops beside him on the couch and grabs the remote, switching on the TV and putting on a random movie. "Of course I did." 
He misses the look of adoration that crosses Aaron's face. 
tag list: @hotchs-big-hands @criminalskies @ssahotchnerr @citrusiove
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #68: 2017
Tumblr media
[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Ed Sheeran, Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, Bruno Mars, Kendrick Lamar, The Chainsmokers, Migos, The Chainsmokers, Sam Hunt, Imagine Dragons, Post Malone. End description]
More information about this blog here
It's easier more than ever to see the effects of streaming on the pop charts. As electropop and club music become a distant memory, the pop music of the late 2010's works better with individual listening. As mentioned before, streaming works better for album listening, much more than the iTunes era which encouraged the purchasing of individual songs (which was great for singles artists, but not necessarily for albums). Some artists were able to hack this system. For example, Drake's Views (featured on the previous poll) was notable for having 20 songs on its tracklist -- which is a lot for a pop release. Unlike the iTunes era or even the CD era before, longer albums with shorter songs flourish more in the streaming landscape.
Streaming also helped to continue blurring the line between genres and audiences. Without going too much into it (because this is a topic I could ramble on about endlessly), genres were not handed down to us from Mount Olympus or something. Genre is a tool of marketing, and the lines drawn between them can have a variety of cultural, racial, economic, gender, religious, and other variables between them. These lines were more prominent in previous years before streaming made it easier to access just about every kind of music at once. This is when we start to see the rise of a concept known as the "monogenre". In order to cater to as wide an audience as possible, everything starts to sound like everything. A little rock, a little indie, a little trap, a little tropical house, a little festival EDM. There were also those who criticized the streaming era in how it promotes a more "passive" listening style, since playlists and algorithms could continue playing ad infinitum without the listener needing to seek out new music themselves. While I certainly see the evidence of that on the charts, I don't think this tells the complete story.
As a less cynical counter-argument, streaming has made it easier for listeners to find music that otherwise wouldn't have been marketed to them. I believe that this could be one of the factors behind reggaeton finding a growing audience among English speakers. Obviously reggaeton did not originate this year. The roots of the genre can be traced back to the 1980's in Panama where it would later grow an even larger audience in Puerto Rico. The genre would grow in popularity in the States as well, especially in the early 2000's. But if you weren't paying attention to Spanish language music (and you didn't grow up in the Southwest), it was easy for mainstream audiences to miss it. Reggaeton includes influences from dancehall and hip-hop, so it makes sense that the genre would find a mainstream English-speaking audience when those two genres were also shaping pop music. Because Despacito wasn't just big for a reggaeton song. It wasn't even big for a Latin pop song. Despacito led to Daddy Yankee becoming the sixth most listened-to artist on Spotify in 2017, and led to an influx of Latin and reggaeton artists who were able to cross over without English language remixes. Billboard magazine has an article here about the "Despacito Effect".
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vonartsy · 11 months
Poisonous Flowers [1001] - Ch 4
Chapter four.
First chapter. Previous chapter. Next chapter.
     Reflexively, the man yanked his hand away from the vine that had attempted to latch itself onto his glove, and sprinted for dear life.
     Oh dear. Things were not going well, not at all. The worst part was that it was all up to Vance to get them back. No offence to him, of course, but Vance wasn’t really the most… ideal person of choice. Not for a task of this much importance, and to do by himself no less. 
     Oh no, oh no—nononono… Vance quickly paced through the alleys without paying much attention to where he was walking, his hands absentmindedly playing with his left glove he took off. “This is all bad—really really bad…” He took even breaths so as to keep calm while his mind thought and thought about what his course of action should be. “Sooner the better, but I gotta put some thought into this too…” He continued to mutter under his breath, aimlessly wandering through the city. Then, Vance found a man leaning against a brick wall in a sort of dark and ominous alley. It would almost be cartoonishly scary if not for the cigarette held between his lips, golden yellow smoke being exhaled rather than the expected smoke. With his height, he was like a tree compared to Vance.
     The two exchanged glances. Both were expecting someone, but, well, other people. The stranger lifted a hand out his jacket’s pocket and took the cigarette out. “And who might you be?” The man had a distinct Russian accent.
     “Oh, hi. Vance. ” Vance waved a hello. As suspicious as the stranger looked, Vance wasn’t cautious at all about him, for some weird reason. “You happen to see a lil’ plant kid that’s, like, ye high?” He made an estimation of its size by putting one of his hands at about knee height.
     The stranger thought for a few seconds, then remembering that he actually had seen something like that. “It was bigger than that, but I think I know what you’re talking about. Thing went down that way.” He pointed with his cigarette at a slim entrance to a separate area that Vance would have totally missed if he hadn’t asked. 
     “Thanks man!” Vance shouted as he ran over to go in that direction. “‘Preciate it!”
     The stranger watched as he scurried off. Lab people are so interesting…
     Strangely, Vance felt somewhat happier from the stranger. Maybe it was because he helped him, or because he just wanted some social interaction after having not talked to anyone for a solid 15 minutes—he’s the kind of guy to hang out with someone 24/7 if given the chance after all. Whatever the reason, Vance would probably try to find him again and be friends. ‘Can’t have too many friends’ is what he basically lived by.
     As he got closer to where he was told the anomaly was by, it smelled like… cut grass? Vance sneezed. Oh dear; it seemed like there was also an abundance of pollen. There’s probably a good chance it really was still around there then, and hopefully, it hadn’t sucked the life out of his missing team members. He didn’t know what he’d do without them; just an abrupt and forced goodbye. Best to not think about it, however, as he felt positively certain he was on the right track.
     Then he heard them, just faintly enough that it could have been bypassed without a second thought, but he recognised them instantly. It was hard to make out any words though, so he needed to get closer. Vance sprinted to where the echoing of their voices seemed to be originating from, focusing more than he ever had before on a task to try pinpointing where they were.
     “Erikson! Phillips?!” he called out.
     “Vance!” It sounded, and seemed, like Phillips was close by.
     If anything, Phillips sounded like she was… above him. He looked up, and above him was an amalgamation of brambles, leaves, fungi, and basically every other plant Vance couldn’t think of off the top of his head. The anomaly wasn’t even in a specific shape, just some sort of mass that fumbled around with the use of vines to pull itself. In this case, it was using the vines to stick to the two buildings making the narrow alley. It was encroaching on him, and fast.
     The man blinked a couple times to see how true this was until it was only a metre or two away. He jumped as he realised the freak really was there, running out onto a sidewalk. The anomaly chased after him like a feral animal, leaving trails of moss and fungi spores in its wake. Vance walked backwards and onto the road while loading his tranquillizer, glancing up at the anomaly every other second to see how fast it was gaining on him.
     “C’mon c’mon, just load already!” he growled. His gun just happened to be jamming at the absolute worst possible time. Finally, after enough hits, the tranquillizer decided to properly work for once, and so Vance raised it up and fired two darts.
     One flew just above the anomaly, the other lodging itself right into the core of the target. It shrieked, flailing its plant appendages in rage, but despite the fact the poison was designed for anomalies, the rain seemed to be reinvigorating the entity and washing out the effects. All his attempt at defence did was make it furious. The anomaly lunged at Vance, only to be rammed by Bravo Team’s van.
     Vance stared dumbfoundedly as the anomaly flew across the road, the van skidding to a halt.
     One of the front windows rolled down. “Get in, loser.” Oh. It was Dipaulo sitting in the passenger side. Did… did he have a flower crown on?
     “Yeah, yeah,” Vance grumbled, climbing into the back seat. It looked like Brit was driving. “Where’d ya’ find Brit?”
     “The plant freak had a nest, or… something like that—on top of a building. He was just chilling in there.” Dipaulo whispered something about running over the anomaly to Brit, to which he shook his head. 
     “And what’s with the flower thing? On your head?” 
     Dipaulo shrugged. “Brit was bored when he was stuck with the anomaly.”
     While those two continued chatting, Brit left the van and cautiously made his way over to the anomaly. It looked like it was, unsurprisingly, knocked out. Thing is, it was far too big to stuff in the back of the van though, so they’d just deal with that later and hope it didn’t wake up by the time they got back from getting the rest of Bravo. Brit went to the van, driving down the road to the building with the entity’s nest. If it behaved the same, then Phillips and Erikson were expected to be there.
     Brit parked in front of the building and turned to Dipaulo and Vance. “Alright, so, you lads are going to stay here and watch for the anomaly. I’m going to check if Erikson and Phillips are in the nest, and if they are, I’ll bring them out. Got that? And please, no funny business. This mission is already spelling out way too much paperwork that I don’t have the time or energy for.”
     Vance and Dip both looked at each other before nodding.
     “Good.” With that said, Brit promptly left.
     “So…” Vance got comfortable, and since he had the backseats all to himself, laid down with his hands placed on his stomach. “How long were ya’ looking for Brit ‘til you found him?” He asked curiously. “Like, considering we didn’t stay long at the lab at all, and y’ already left, you must’ve been searchin’ like a dang hound.”
     “I was… worried.” Dipaulo looked out the window at the building.
     “Mmm, yeah, fair.” The van got mostly quiet, the only sound being Vance softly humming a cheery tune to himself. 
     It wasn’t long before Brit came back with Erikson and Phillips tailing behind him. Brit got in the front, Erikson shooing Dipaulo to go in the back (which he did with a pout), and Phillips sitting in the back as well. Now they were all in their usual placement.
     “Oop, that was fast,” said Vance. “So we gon’ get that thing now?”
     Brit nodded, driving them all to where it was, and somehow, the anomaly was still there. Actually, it seemed too still… Eh, not that much of their problem. Bravo Team got out of the van, staring at it until Phillips had an idea of how to bring it to the lab.
     “What if we, uhm, we took it and like… put it… on top of the van? You know?”
     Vance grinned at the idea and put his left glove on again, briefly giving Phillips a thumbs up, and then grabbing a couple of vines. He managed to pull it towards the van a little bit, but he’d definitely need some help if they were going to get it on top anytime soon. Vance turned to the others, gritting his teeth while he still kept pulling it. “Am I gonna do this all by myself?”
     The rest took the hint and helped to drag it all the way over and onto the top, and to keep it on the van, Erikson tied some of the vines around the bars on the roof of the car.
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or-ng-c-ss-dy · 2 years
my brain is broken today, i’m about to drink a fourth cup of coffee, and i’m ignoring every single one of my responsibilities for as long as humanly possible so
let’s talk porn au lmao, nsfw under the cut
au where dustin, needing to do something with his production degree, ends up responding to some ad for a small studio that ends up being a pretty low budget pornography studio. and he needs the money, and the work is fairly easy, he just stands around and films mainly women who also need money. and he gets sort of a reputation for being a good guy because he’s not some creep, he’s just there to earn some cash to live, he didn’t sign up to look at naked girls.
but, also, working in porn sorta kills porn for him. like he used to watch it like any guy, just some material to get off to but, now, it’s like work to him lmao. like he can’t watch a finished video without picturing some broke dude fresh out of college, standing there with a camera, getting that angle from behind that no one really likes, all while some other poor asshole fresh out of college stands besides him with a mic to get the fake moans of “ooo yes daddyyyy right there~”
anyway, he does it for long enough that he ends up getting a much better, much higher paying offer from a company with actual production value, some modicum of respect for the performers, and just less seediness all around. the studio just happens to be gay porn but that’s fine, he didn’t take the job to look at women, it’s just...now the people watching actually want to see that angle from behind, and the fake moans are deeper, it’s the same thing, there’s just two (or more) men.
first day on the job, he’s checking out the camera they’ve provided for him, a lot higher quality than the one from his old job. he’s messing around, zooming in and out, when he happens to zoom in on a hot lil bod, all abs and what looks like fuckin gils, and wow, this guy is good looking. he zooms out, sees blond and a trim little beard and pink pink pink lips, and dustin has to put the camera down to take in the whole picture.
“who is that?” he ends up asking his new co-worker, some guy similar to him, a little further out of college, needing money still.
greg’s worked there longer than him, and he looks at him for a long time like he’s stupid, which is annoying because the first words that greg said to him that morning upon first meeting was asking him if he sits or stands to wipe his ass.
“that’s jim. he’s like...one of the lead stars here, did you do no research?”
“...i’m not gay...” which doesn’t even sound convincing when he’s still looking at very pink lips, but greg doesn’t seem to notice.
“neither am i, man,” greg says, sounding way more sincere than dustin, “but still, you gotta watch a video or two to see what you���re working with.”
which sounds dumb because porn is porn, it’s work. he points the camera at the action and then someone edits it and posts it online. he’s used to being around dicks, so what if there’s more than one this time?
anyway, the whole thing freaks dustin out, he records hot little jim doing porn, all abs and slender hips, definitely fake moaning while he takes some guy’s dick only it kinda sounds real as it hits his ears, and then has to go home and do.....research.........
watching jim work doesn’t feel like work though, fisting the arms of his chair, pants too tight, and it’s going to be a real big problem for everyone involved, but mainly dustin!
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eggcompany · 5 months
The Knees Creak Part 2
Frank kept to his word. Two days float by, Daryl gets his hands on Frank's cock when he got out of the shower and Frank smiled and told him he’d pay him back. 
Daryl was playing on his Switch again after one overly stressful day at work. He was in a shitty mood and just wanted dinner and a beer and to go to bed. 
“Hey beautiful~ wanna get a pizza for dinner?” Frank asked as he walked over to kiss his frumpy partner. Daryl grumbled a noncommittal response. 
“Alright grumble-bumble I’ll call it in.” Frank said and kissed Daryl’s cheek and went to the landline to call the pizza place nearby. Some good ole greasy cheese and meat would at least make the other man less grumpy because he was hungry. 
Frank was used to Daryl’s shitty moods and grumpiness, it was just a part of who Daryl was. He wouldn’t bother him too much but he needed a check in just to make sure Daryl wasn’t really struggling and to let Daryl know Frank was there for him. 
Once Frank had returned to the couch where Daryl was hunched over, he just sighed and relaxed into the fabric. Their couch wasn’t all that big so when Frank relaxed and let his knees spread apart, they met Daryl’s own stiff ones. 
Daryl huffed and scooted away from Frank. He had a pout painted on his face, all scrunched eyebrows and unmanageable scruff. 
Frank just looked over at him lovingly. It was easy to love Daryl. He was like a kicked puppy, but most people who really knew Frank said that about him. Maybe Daryl was more like a hosed cat, jumpy and grumpy. Frank smiled a bit at that thought, Daryl being a scraggly old alley cat, and himself being a beat ole dog. They were so… similar but different. Maybe that’s why they fit so well together. 
“Had a bad day at work.” Daryl said after a while of Frank staring at him. 
“Yeah? What’d make you feel better?” Frank asked and scooted over so he could wrap his arm around Daryl’s shoulders. Daryl just shrugged and kept playing his game. He didn’t want Frank to pull his arm away, he wanted to just be close to Frank. The shorter haired man was like balm on a burn most days. Just gentle love and nice big warms to wrap up in. 
“Pizza, a beer, your game…” Frank listed out and moved his hand to stroke up and down Daryl’s back who just shrugged, he did relax a bit though. 
That did sound like it would help. Frank just patting his back and being there but being quiet sounded nice. Just playing his game and getting a full stomach would make him feel better and a beer would make him more relaxed. Daryl just shrugged but nodded a little bit with it. 
Frank looked at him and dug his fingers into the tense muscles of Daryl’s upper back a bit, rubbing at the spot that was always tense between his shoulders. 
“Yeah? How ‘bout I pay you back from the other day? Huh what goes better with beer and pizza than a lil TLC…” Frank said and moved to massage at Daryl’s upper thigh. He always waited for a go ahead. Usually the yes bit was the best part, hearing someone say they want him. 
Daryl’s breath caught in his throat and his face started heating up. 
“Um… if you… if you wanna, that would be okay.” Daryl said and kept his eyes on his game even though he paused it and felt his face burning up. The feeling of Frank's warm palm rubbing so tenderly at his sensitive thighs made him want to whine but that was… no that was no.  
“We got a little time before the food gets here. I’ll try and make it good for you baby.” Frank said and leaned over to kiss Daryl’s neck and massage at his speedily hardening cock through his pajama pants which Daryl threw on as soon as he got in the door. 
Soon Frank was sucking hickies up and down Daryl’s neck, paying attention to the special little spot behind his ear. Frank liked the way Daryl’s hair usually covered his ears and neck. Daryl’s ears and neck were always so sensitive, always made him whine and shove Frank away. 
Daryl was huffing and sighing with pleasure by the time Frank slid off the couch to kneel on the floor. 
“Poor baby havin a bad day… hate when people are bad to you honey.” Frank said and rubbed his hands up and down the outsides of the other man’s thighs. Daryl let his head fall back and put his game on the side table to grab at the couch fabric. Frank just rubbed his hands up and down on Daryl’s thighs, just getting him warmed up and more comfortable. 
“Can you scoot forward a little for me baby? Lemme get these cute lil pants outta my way.” Frank said and put his hands on Daryl’s hips and pulled him forward when Daryl nodded. Daryl looked down and watched Frank’s hands, his face. Frank always had this look of… adoration. Something deep and feeling in big puppy dog eyes. It made Daryl feel safer.  
Frank gently pulled the fuzzy green fabric down so Daryl’s cock could pop out. Daryl gasped brokenly and grabbed the fabric under his hands. 
“Yeah that’s pretty.” Frank said more to himself than Daryl as he gave Daryl a few good slow strokes. Daryl whined and bit into his bottom lip. Frank had… very nice hands. Callused and big and strong and they felt really good wrapped around him moving from base to tip like t hat .  
“Frank, fuck Frankie, that fuckin feels nice” Daryl groaned and moved to grab at the fabric on this thighs. He tried not to whine or cry out but just ended up panting and letting out more little “ ah ah ah” s. 
“That’s good baby. That’s good. I wanna hear all them sounds. Lemme hear ya darlin” Frank grumbled and leaned forward to kiss at the crown of Daryl’s cock. 
Daryl cried out loudly and his knees rose up a bit so his feet were on their tiptoes on the floor. His brain felt like it was melting, it had been… forever since someone had done this for him. No one had done it when he was sober. Ever. 
“That’s it. Now really gimme somethin.” Frank said with a smug little grin as he moved to suck on Daryl’s tip. 
Daryl wasn’t really particularly vocal. He just let out whimpers and whined and short “fuck Frankie”s. He grabbed at Frank's hair and his knees bucked up until Frank pulled them to sit on his shoulders. Daryl’s thighs weren’t as plush or as thick as Frank’s but they were just as warm as they pressed tightly on the sides of Frank’s head. 
When Daryl cums it’s in Frank's mouth and down his throat. Daryl’s a mess. Panting, sweaty, with tears steaks down his face. He looks down to see Frank thumbing some of his spilled cum into his mouth and swallows, his cock gives a valiant twitch. 
Frank gave the softening tip and kiss and pulled Daryl’s pants back up and tucked him away with a smile. 
“That was wonderful, baby. Thank you. So pretty, so fuckin pretty.” Frank said. He grunted when he stood back up, knees cracking. He flopped onto the couch next to the still dazed man. 
“Felt really good Frankie wanna make you do it too…” Daryl slurred and reached over to palm sloppily at Frank's hard cock still trapped in his work jeans. 
“Quick though babe. Foods gonna be here soon.” Frank said and Daryl just shoved his hand down Frank's jeans as Frank unzipped and unbuttoned them. Frank just groaned and grunted as Daryl sloppily jerked him off. 
Frank was blissfully smiling and kissing Daryl as he held his hand out which was covered in thick heavy cum. The doorbell rang and Frank just pulled his pants the rest of the way off so he was in his boxer briefs, socks and his t-shirt.  
He got their food and set it on their bar. 
“Can I have a rag?” Daryl called out to Frank as he eyed the jizz on his hand. Frank handed him a damp rag. He wasn’t really ready to put… that… in his mouth yet. 
“Frankie… can I…?” Daryl asked sort of as he knelt down beside Frank as he yawned and scratched his side. 
“Hmm? What!” Frank said slurrdly and looked down at Daryl’s fire truck red face. Daryl just hid his face in Frank's bare knee and kissed it. The short haired man petted through Daryl’s brushed hair and hummed. 
“What’d you want, baby? Ya hair’s brushed, honey.” Frank asked and kept combing through Daryl’s soft hair. Usually when Daryl was low or struggling with something in his mind, he’d ask Frank to brush his hair or hold him. But his hair was brushed. And he wasn’t shoving himself into Frank's lap. 
“Wanna um… want…” Daryl struggled with as he shakily moved his hand to lay on Frank’s thigh near his morning wood. Frank caught on and smiled and scratched at Daryl’s head around his ears like he likes. 
“Go ‘head, baby” Frank said and pulled his boxer briefs down. Daryl swallowed and just reached up to stroke at the large cock in front of him. 
“Frank, I wanna do what you did…” Daryl mumbled and gave Frank another long stroke, squeezing a bit tighter at the tip. The other man yawned and leaned over himself to kiss Daryl’s head. 
“Only gotta do what you want. Don’t gotta do it how I did it. Wanna make me feel good? Anything you did gonna make me feel good baby, looking so damn pretty down there.” Frank encouraged and Daryl relaxed. This was Frank. Frank who had waited months to even make out with him. Who always apologized and never did anything to make Daryl uncomfortable. 
Daryl just gave him a few more strokes before leaning forward and kissing right on the crown of Frank's dick. Frank sighed and petted lightly at Daryl’s hair and used his other hand to lean back on the bed. 
Daryl just took his time stroking and kissing up and down Frank's cock, which drooled out warm precum and Daryl used it to slick the slide of his hand. He didn’t want to get any in his mouth uit once the slightly tangy taste was on his lips he figured… he didn’t quite mind. 
“That’s it baby, that’s so nice. Squeeze a little tighter- there it is. Feels so good.” Frank groaned out and let out some deep rolling sighs of pleasure. Daryl’s lips on his cock felt nice and the grip on him felt really good.
Daryl kept kissing but pulled back when Frank started grunting and getting louder. He stared at the ruby red tip and swallowed. This was okay. If it was too hard he could stop. Frank wouldn’t let him hurt himself. 
Daryl leaned forward and opened his mouth wide, hiding away his teeth, and sucked the tip into his mouth. 
“Oh fuck yeah that’s it baby, such a good boy. Good boy, good.” Frank moaned out and grabbed lightly at Daryl’s hair. 
Daryl just sucked and pulled away and quickened his strokes. He thought back to what felt good when Frank did it to him and he leaned back in to suck at Frank's tip and lick across the slit. 
“Daryl, baby, ‘m gonna cum. You ain’t gonna want it in your mouth.” Frank's warned and pulled at Daryl’s hair a bit. Daryl ignored him as the taste in his mouth was sort of nice. Sort of bitter. Plus Frank had put his cum in his mouth. 
Frank flipped back so he was laying on the bed as he used both hands to grab onto Daryl’s hair. 
“Baby, baby, I’m gonna cum, Cmon now.” Frank warned again and pulled at Daryl’s hair but Daryl just licked around Frank's tip and stroked him faster. 
Daryl finally pulled back and Frank groaned and cam, splattering his spend all over Daryl’s face and in his hair. 
Frank panted and relaxed against the bed. Best way to wake up. 
Daryl opened his legs to sit down on his butt and put his feet in front of him. He could feel the hot spend on him and it made him feel… pretty. It was sticky and heavy on his eyelashes and he could feel it stuck to his scruff. It was gross, definitely gross, but it was… it was proof he was good enough to make Frank feel good. 
Frank sat up with a groan and looked down at Daryl. 
“That’s fucking somethin” he said and kept leaning forward till he could close his lips to Daryl’s, unbothered. Daryl just looked at him in awe because… he literally just had his dick in his mouth. 
“Prettier than a god damn picture baby. Thank you.” Frank said and stared at Daryl, really making Daryl understand how perfect he looked. He couldn’t help but to kiss Daryl again. 
Daryl smiled and looked down and his hair fell into his face, it was clumping a bit in places where the cum was wetting it. 
“You’re gross.” Daryl mumbled and looked back at Frank. The cum was cooling on his face and he was starting to get an itchy feeling in his scruff. 
Frank smiled and kissed him again, pulling him up by the armpits to stand. Frank liked being able to carry Daryl, made him feel strong and just fulfilled in a way. 
“Maybe but that was damn amazing and you look so beautiful.” Frank said and pulled Daryl against him to kiss him deeply again. 
“I need to wash my face. Kinda feels gross.” Daryl grumbled with a shy smile and moved to stand and go to their small bathroom. 
Frank kissed his cheek and nodded. 
“I need to get a shower and brush my teeth too. Don’t mind sharin do ya?” Frank asked and followed Daryl to the bathroom once he pulled his underwear back up and tucked his dick half-assedly into them. He was waiting for an answer outside of the door. 
“I already got a shower. Go ‘head” Daryl said pink faced and refusing to look and Frank's grin. 
Frank passed him and kissed his cheek again. He stripped down and stretched his arms high above his head and groaned which drew Daryl’s eyes over to him for a moment before he rushed out of the bathroom. Too many things to take in without staring at Frank’s thick plush ass. 
When Frank walked out of the bathroom wearing a towel around his hips and saw Daryl putting on his jacket, he just walked over and wrapped his arms around Daryl from behind. 
“I love ya, baby.” Frank said and kissed Daryl’s cheek and squeezed him. Daryl squeezed back on Frank’s arms with his own. 
“Love you too Frankie."
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beatthegame · 7 months
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I just beat Final Fantasy (Pixel Remaster). Available on pretty much every modern console. You can even download it on your phone! But I played this one on the Nintendo Switch. Which is appropriate since the original game first released on the Nintendo Entertainment System way back in 1987. The very first Final Fantasy under more than 16 entries in the franchise! Perhaps the very game that pioneered the template for turn-based JRPGs for decades to follow. Who still remembers the little details and artworks in the Nintendo Power Strategy Guide?! Nostalgia aside. Final Fantasy was one of a kind. But how does it hold up against modern games today?
In a nutshell: It's Japanese Dungeons & Dragons without the awkward live human interaction. You choose 4 out of 6 warriors to travel across an 8-bit open world of repetitive turn-based battles via random encounters in order to reactivate the planet's elemental crystals and save the world. This might sound cliche, but keep in mind that this game originated that entire trope! The Light Warriors walked before Cloud, Squall and Lightning were even born. You can choose between several classes: warrior, thief, monk, red mage, white mage and black mage. Each warrior class offered unique pros and cons. You can assemble your own group of 4 warriors and you can even create unique names for your characters! I don't know about you guys/girls, but I had a lot of fun naming warriors "FART" or "BUTT". It provided tons of laughs during future dialogue interactions. But perhaps I'm missing the point? How does this game stack up overall?
The Good: Aside from naming your Red Wizard "TITS" this game offers a lot of depth for an 8-bit game. Although the pixel remake offers updated graphics and sound, the base game is still in-tact. They didn't stray too far from the source material, which is a relief. They preserved the old asthetic and truly improved upon the pixel art. Which better represents Yoshitaka Amano's character designs. Speaking of which, it was a nice addition to include Amano's original concept art in the bonus gallery. I never made the connection first playing it as a child. But now, you can appreciate how well the pixel remaster adapted from that concept art. Definitely a cool supplement.
It's not gory, so it's safe for everyone. However, there is a lot of reading and quick item management involved. So it's not recommended for younger kids or anyone without patience. Which leads to...
The Bad: The random battle system, while innovative at the time, will continue to be an annoying game feature throughout the entire game experience. Unless you are walking around in a town? You are gonna fight. This game does not chill! You're trying to walk across a single hallway to open a treasure chest and you're getting into a battle every two steps. It can get really frustrating. You can't even chill on the fucking WATER without getting into a fight lol! Although, in their defense, the ocean is pretty violent and terrifying in real life. But I digress. Random encounters suck. But, one of the neat new features in the pixel remaster is the auto battle option. It breaks the monotony of repetitive battles and allows you to breeze through most battles and essentially level up faster. While this might seem like a decent fix. It doesn't really offer anything to make the gameplay less monotonous. Also, you really need to read and pay attention to the clues given in this game. You can't just run through and beat this like any old game. You gotta follow the clues, run one fetch quest after another. It's a linear experience but you can get lost fast! Like, my lil nephew would NOT have the patience to play through a game like this. You are not going scratch that Fortnite itch with Final Fantasy. But comparing those two types of games wouldn't be fair (for either genre) But if you can set those superficial flaws aside, you'll find a unique gaming experience that has spawned over a dozen more epic adventures like this one. The tip of the iceberg!
Overall: Final Fantasy is epic! A large world full of unique characters and monsters. Working together for your entertainment. This game was purchased during one of Nintendo's online sales. So it was a great deal for the amount of game you're getting. A nice little slice of nostalgia for veteran gamers. Or perhaps a new experience for those who want to know their roots behind great JRPGs? At all starts with Final Fantasy!
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firelord-frowny · 2 years
there are like 0 world class violin soloists who don't make an audible tapping noise against the fingerboard in MAAAANY instances, particularly when playing larger intervals and/or coming from an open string, and/or playing really fast, slurred passages where the notes only have a split second to be heard before the next note needs to start,
and yet there are stilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll all these fucking pedagogues out there wanting to die on the cross of You Don't Need To Press The String All The Way To The Fingerboard And It's Actually Bad To Make A Tapping Noise.
ok which one of you is gonna go tell hilary hahn that she's doing it wrong? hmm? who's gonna tell rachel podger to withdraw her latest release of the bach toccatta arrangement for solo violin which has VERY AUDIBLE TAPPING NOISES all throughout??? HMMM??? Somebody better snatch all those prizes out of Soo Been Lee's hands! let's call James Ehnes and Ray Chen and Midori and Gil Shaham so they can sit in a masterclass where some adjunct professor at some unremarkable university can lecture them about how they're all using Too Much Tension.
!!!!!!!!!! I legit Do Not Get It.
Same vibe as when my old evil violin teacher showed me this famous clip of heifetz pulling off a near-impossible bow stroke, and then criticized him for having a "bad bowhold."
It occurs to me that a possible caveat may be that when it comes to orchestral playing, maybe the extreme clarity and crispness that's achieved with a firmer touch isn't necessary because the lil imperfections in the tone quality are more easily swallowed up by the resonance of all the other unison pitches. Which I mean, I don't know that to be true, but it seems like a safe hypothesis, in which case, then sure, you could lessen the chances of muscle/tendon strain if you use lighter pressure.
HOWEVER!!! If you're doing solo repertoire, there's basically a 100% chance that it's waaaaaaaaaay more physically demanding than even the longest, most difficult full orchestra pieces. So if a soloist can bust out Brahms and Tchaikovsky and Paganini and solo Bach several times a week for years on end while using a firmer touch all the while without suffering any adverse consequences, then an orchestral player should DEFINITELY be able to do the same, and have even less of a chance for adverse consequences since their music isn't as physically complicated and demanding.
and i just???? Do Not Understand why there's so much eagerness to reject the things that the worlds greatest players do that are the REASON why they sound great, in favor of sticking to whatever insufficient philosophies that have gotten them to a medium level of professional playing and no further.
don't you wanna sound better???? don't you wanna BE the player that other professionals are gobsmacked by? Don't you want people to hear you play, and have no idea how you pulled off what you just pulled off? How did you land that enormous fingered octave shift so flawlessly? How did you nail every single note of that hella fast four octave phyrgian scale?? How did you get those double stops to ring with such fullness?
If you fuckinnnn PAY ATTENTION to the actual motions of legendary players, you realize that the reason they sound as amazing as they do is because they straight up just do things differently than the rest of us. Their bowholds are unique and idiosyncratic and can change several times in a single phrase. they initiate shifts with a different part of their hand. they contort their wrists into seemingly awkward positions to nail awkward chords. Their bows are often visibly NOT ~parallel to the string~. they do NOT always start every note ~from the string.~
And yet you expect to be able to ever accomplish any of that same shit without making similar adjustments along the way? Without setting aside those ~basic rules~ that are really just meant to help beginners get off to a good start without straining theirselves before their bodies are ready for more demanding techniques??
ljjkfkldlgkhfskjd ghehjrkr jgfsoj g fdfkgjsdf dsgh i cant
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yikimiki · 3 years
poolboy jean and rich milf reader😫
> scorching (+18)
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⚠️ warnings: smut, age gap (22-32), reader is divorced (mentions of past infidelity), unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, rough sex, semi public, mixture of degradation and praise, lil bit of pregnancy kink, breast play, Jean calls reader “ma’am” as a joke // 2k words
Of all of the things that Jean expected to come out of a stupid summer job, this scenario was more of a hopeless dream than an actual, palpable desire. Because come on: what were the chances that, out of every copy-paste house in this boring high-class neighborhood, he’d be thrown into yours? Into the house of a ridiculously hot, rich, divorced woman that wanted him just as bad as he wanted her?
Pretty high chances, it seems.
His eyes are directed towards the clear blue waters of your pool, but his peripheral vision is focused on you. Jean can see your shadow moving behind the flowing curtains of your living room, the sound of glass and silver making him think of the sweet lemonade you had offered him just a few moments prior. It’s a abhorrent huge house that you have, and an even bigger loneliness ever since you got your divorce finalized and the kids started spending more time at school. It’s no wonder you call Jean twice a week even though there’s nothing left for him to clean. Not that he cares.
“I’m so sorry, sweets, I hope I didn’t put too much sugar,” your voice shakes him off his daydreams, and Jean takes the chance to look at your figure, all dolled-up and wrapped in that beautiful pink bikini, as you walk towards him. You’re such a gift from above, he can’t understand why your shitty ex husband needed to get his dick wet somewhere else. You look like everything he’d ever need. “I got a little distracted.”
He runs the back of his hand against his sweaty forehead, and grabs the icy cup. “It’s okay, thank you, ma’am.”
You smile. “I told you to stop calling me that, Jean,” you tell him. Yeah — you said it makes you feel old. But he doesn’t think you’re old: he thinks you’re perfect. If anything, time only made you look better, more mature. It has treated you kindly. “Aren’t you tired? Come get inside before you have a sun burn or something worse.”
An excuse is hanging right on the tip of his tongue, but he swallows it down along with the lemonade. Jean is tired of all those games, both of you know where this conversation is heading anyways. It’s going where it always goes. “Of course. I’ll be right there.”
Jean watches your ass move as you walk away, all those fake restraints washing away as that familiar, unspoken truth hangs between the two of you. You’ll go inside, he’ll follow, and he’ll fuck that tight pussy of yours until you’re begging for him to cum inside. It’s a perfect deal — and you don’t pay him any less.
Today, however, he thinks he wants to switch up that routine. Jean knows you don’t appreciate boredom: that’s why he’s there, after all.
“Ma’am,” Jean calls, even if he knows you don’t like it. You turn around before you can step inside, one hand on your hips and a frown on your face. “Don’t you want to enjoy the sun instead? It’s a beautiful day.”
There’s hesitation in the air as you immerse yourself in his words, into the hidden meaning they carry. Your shoulders tense up, then release. You look at the tall walls of your property as if to check if your noisy neighbors could get a glimpse inside, then turn your gaze back to him.
“You’re such a nice boy, Jean. You’re right,” you tell him, walking towards one of your sun-bathing chairs. “But only if you help me put on sunscreen.”
Not even in a million different universes, Jean would say no. So, within a minute, his pool cleaning equipment is forgotten and he’s sitting besides you on the chair, his big hands spreading the white lotion all over your upper back.
“You’re tense,” he murmurs, taking his chance at massaging your shoulders. You hum in agreement, melting into his touch as he digs into your warm skin. “Rough week?”
You sigh. “The worst,” you admit. Jean only clicks his tongue, squirting a little more sunscreen on his palm as he starts to move down, towards your lower back — he knows as well as you do that you’ve covered your whole body with sunscreen already, but, well, he likes to touch you as much as you like being touched. “Problems with the kids.”
“Sorry to hear that. Lay down for me?” Jean asks. You nod and lay on your stomach, placing the side of your head against your crossed forearms. He knows you don’t like to talk about your kids, even less with him, so he doesn’t push the subject. “Something I can do to make you feel better, ma’am?”
You laugh. “You can stop calling me that, Jean.”
He smirks. “I like to tease you.” His hands are now on your ass cheeks, spreading them between his palms as he poorly covers you with the thick sunscreen. You sigh under his touches, allowing for his hands to push your legs apart as he moves towards the back of your upper thighs. “And I like to make you feel good.”
“I know, baby, you always make me feel so good,” you praise. Jean dips one finger against the fabric of your bikini pants, pushing it aside. Your folds are glistening for him and, when he brushes against it, he can’t hold back the grunt that fights up his throat. “Jean?”
He blinks. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Look at me,” you call, and he listens. Instantly Jean feels as if the world is closing in around him, his very soul magnetized by the deep, luscious glow he sees in your eyes. They’re his favorite part of you, he thinks. They always make him feel like he’s so important, like he is your favorite thing to look at. “Really need you inside me right now, baby.”
Like magic, your words snap him out of his transe. Jean swallows dry, pushing your panties aside even further so he can watch as you soak yourself for him. He hasn’t even touched you there, didn’t even tease you, but you’re always so ready to take him. “Fuck, I need to be inside you too.” He almost chokes on air when you wiggle your ass, positioning yourself on your knees. His mouth salivates at the sight, and he aches to touch you. There is only one problem. “My hands are all dirty, let me just—“
“Just put it in,” you interrupt him. Jean knows you’re wet enough: he can see it. He doesn’t know what’s going on with you or why you’re so worked up, but he’s in no place to question it. “Please.”
He clears his throat. “Fuck, okay.”
Jean throws his tank top away like it’s on fire, only half-aware of the way your eyes burn onto his skin, watching the ripples of his defined muscles as he moves to undo his swim shorts. Jean is tall and considerably muscular, has no problem manhandling you around or fucking you as hard as he wants to. You don’t know what a guy his age sees in a woman like you (though you’re not looking bad at all, there’s a certain insecurity that comes with being ten years his senior), but, well, you’re also not in a place to complain.
“Hurry,” you whine, “I feel so empty.”
Your sweet voice almost makes him cum when he pulls his cock out, a groan perishing on his throat as he places himself on his feet behind you, meeting the scorching stone beneath. His strong hands hold onto your hips, moving you around until you’re sideways on the pool bed and his achingly hard cock is shoved between your plump ass cheeks.
“Beg for it, please,” he says. “You know I love it when you do.”
You want to laugh at the contradicting nature of his words. He’s such a sweet boy, even when he’s trying to be rough, it’s as if he can’t hold back the odd, loving devotion he feels for you even when he wants to destroy you in the best way possible. And of course you want to make him feel just as cherished. “Please, Jean,” you plead, pushing your ass back against him. Jean groans, grabbing his cock and rubbing it against your soaked folds. He bumps your clit with his tip once, twice, making you shiver in exasperation. The next time you beg, it’s completely genuine. “Please, I need your cock, please.”
Jean is not the most patient man ever, and this is no exception. He pushes his cock inside your pussy with a languid thrust, feeling as your walls clench around his girth the deeper he goes. He feels lightheaded, like his knees will give out at any moment, so he holds onto your hips for dear life as he begins to thrust. “Oh my god, baby, you feel so fucking good,” he moans, throwing his head back. Through his closed lids, the sun threatens to blind him, but he can’t even think straight. “Best pussy I’ve ever fucked.”
You collapse under his praise, your hands holding onto the plastic handles of your sun bathing bed as his thrusts become harder, needier. Your moans are loud, echoing around the backyard and mingling with the sounds of his heavy grunts. It’s only a matter of time before your neighbors hear something and accuse you of disturbing the peace or the innocence of their children and—
“Bet you fuckin’ like being so full of my cock,” Jean’s words cuts your paranoia off. “You couldn’t even wait for us to get inside, you just begged for me right here, where — shit, so wet — where anyone could hear you getting fucked.” He chuckles, leaning in until his muscular chest is pressed against your sweaty back, his mouth kissing up your shoulder until it’s aligned with your ear. Everything feels so hot, as if summer itself is living inside your skin. “Didn’t know you were so naughty, ma’am.”
“I’m not— fuck, I...” you can’t even find the words right now, not when his cock is drilling in and out of you so hard that your tits are falling out of your bikini top. Jean hums in satisfaction as his large hands cup your breasts, pressing upwards on your chest until you’re arching back, meeting him halfway. The new angle makes you shriek his name, cockhead pounding right into your sensitive spot until your vision goes black. “J-Jean! Oh my g-god... There, there— god, I’m... I’m so... c-Close.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me?” He husks, squeezing your breasts as you nod. It feels so good that you think you’re delirious, succumbing into the overwhelming heat of summer and the constant feeling of his fat cock splitting you open. He chuckles. “Bet you want me to cum inside too, uh? Give you another baby?”
“Yes, yes, I want it,” his filthy questions are shooting straight at your core, to the knot that tightens more and more at every second. Your entire body feels like it’s dancing in paradise, weak hands holding onto his larger ones as you become pudding in his grasp. “Gimme your cum, Jean, please, fill me up.”
For a second, he actually allows himself to fall into that fantasy: fucking his baby into you, watching you grow big and round with his kid. He’s sure he’d be a much better husband than that prick you married. But it’s just not gonna happen — he’s not foolish enough to believe it. So, for now, he does what he can, and, with another handful of thrusts, Jean comes hard inside your pussy, shooting his cum again and again until the feeling of it dripping out makes you reach your own high. You moan and shake as you come down, chest heaving and cries of delight echoing past the chirping of birds, into that boring, copy-paste neighborhood that Jean has learned to love so much.
It’s only when he regains his breath that he speaks up again. “So,” Jean says. “Same time next week?”
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quindolyn · 4 years
Better Kisser Part 2 || James Potter and Lily Evans
Request: “istg i need a fic or a blurb or something about being in a poly relationship with lily and james...after reading Better Kisser it’s all i can think about 😭” -anon
“hiii !! first of all, i love your writings they’re so amazing honestly !! could you maybe write something with hot lily from “better kisser” ? i’d love it if it was both sensual and fluff :) thanks so much if you ever do something like that! hope you have a nice day/night!“ -anon
imagine a part two to better kisser but like smutty bc Lily starts bragging about how she thinks she’s better at other things since she’s the better kisser so they make it a competition over who can like... get the reader off fastest... and then it’s like a competition to see who can get her off the most...
good ideas here right...? N E ways love u bestie <3″ -anon
Word Count: 4,752
Notes:I got three separate requests for this so obviously y’all wanted it and I want to write it. This is smut! I could also do headcanons on Jily x reader and even if you guys don’t request it I’ll probably still write them because it sounds like fun.
Warnings: poly sex, jily x reader, dom!James, dom!Lily, sub!reader, LIly’s a sex god, prove me wrong, they’re both cocky as fuck
Part 1
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Lily Evans was the stars, she was mesmerizing and mysterious. Just as they decorated the night sky, accentuating the darkness through their beauty she too brought out the best in those around her without dulling any of her own shine. She was sly smiles and gentle touches, slender pale fingers and long, swishing red hair. She was wondrous and beautiful, complex and absolutely gorgeous. Lily Evans, she was the stars.
James Potter was the sun, he was bright and glowing and impossible to ignore. James was messy black hair, and goofy grins, strong hands and bear hugs. He attracted all of those around him, sucking them into his gravitational field, giving them purpose, warming their souls. A centering person when the rest of their lives were crazy and unpredictable and scary. James Potter, he was the sun.
Where Lily was understated and controlled with her witty remarks and sharp quips James was loud and boisterous, trying to get the biggest reaction out of people. Where Lily was calm James was chaotic. Where she was focused on her end goal he was everywhere, practically bouncing off the walls.
Together they were perfect.
And somehow they were yours.
One thing was for certain, Sirius Black was an upright prick, and you owed him, bigtime. If it weren’t for Sirius Black you would’ve never kissed Lily Evans on a dare. You would’ve never kissed James to satisfy his curiosities. You wouldn’t have spent weeks exchanging tense glances with the two, holding your breath whenever one of them so much as sat down one seat away from you in the Great Hall. Lily would’ve never found you, hiding away in the common room in the wee hours of the morning, pouring over your Transfiguration notes preparing for your test the following morning, or rather later in the day. She never would’ve brushed the hair out of your face with her elegant fingers, nails painted in a berry shade, complimenting her pale skin. She never would’ve told you that you really needed to go to bed, she never would’ve leaned down, meshing her lips with yours, allowing you to answer that question that had plagued you after you kissed Lily. 
What did her lips taste like when she wasn’t drunk?
The answer?
Well at that moment, morning breath. Which brought a new question to the forefront of your mind, what did she taste like when she hadn’t just woken up in the middle of the night?
It didn’t take long for you to find out the answer. She’d brought you up to bed, her hand clasped with yours, telling you that she and James wanted to talk to you in the morning resulting in you tossing and turning all night in anticipation of the conversation that would take place the next day.
If it weren’t for Sirius Black you never would’ve had that conversation with James and Lily by the Black Lake. You never would’ve even had the opportunity to accept their offer not to join their relationship but to start a new one, with all three of you. You never would have never learned what Lily tasted like, it was maple syrup and cherries by the way.
If it weren’t for Sirius Black you wouldn’t be sitting in your dorm room with the two of them, skimming over notes for your potions midterm. Well you and Lily were looking over your extensive notes, James on the other hand was sitting behind you, pressing kisses to the side of your neck.
You hissed as he dragged his teeth over a bruised spot on your neck, sending ripples of both pain and pleasure through your body, leaving your fingertips tingling, dying to get themselves on his skin.
“Aw, baby,” He cooed in your ear as he registered your reaction, it’s not as though he could’ve missed it, not with your back pressed flush against his chest, “You a little sensitive there?”
“Come on Jamie,” You giggle trying to hide your neck from him, pressing your ear to your shoulder, “You already know I am.”
James slipped his rough, strong fingers under your jaw, using them to lift your head back up, away from your shoulder, “Don’t hide from me darling, wanna see the marks I left on you.” He returned his lips to the same spot on your neck, lapping slightly at the purple mark with his tongue.
Lily snorted from where she laid on her stomach a couple inches away from you on the same bed that had been transfigured to accommodate all three of you.
“What’s so funny Lils?” James inquired, peeking up from the delicate skin covering your thrumming pulse.
“Nothing,” She sang, twirling her pen in between her fingers, her feet hanging lazily in the air, “I just think it's funny you think you left that mark on her.”
“Well I did,” James said plainly, obviously not amused by Lily’s comment, “Didn’t I poppet?” He asked, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear.
You ducked your head, trying to hide your wide eyes and heated cheeks from the two of them. 
“It’s okay (Y/N),” Lily cooed, setting her quill down in her book, marking her page as she closed the book, dropping it onto the floor, “You can tell him it was me who left that, his ego can take it.” She held eye contact with you for a minute, managing to keep a straight face before a smile broke out across her lips, chuckles erupting from the soft cushions of her lips, lathered in a light pink gloss, “Okay, it probably can’t but that shouldn’t stop you baby, Jamie needs to remember that he’s not the only one who can make you feel good.”
“I know I’m not Flower, but I left this one, I can tell, it's one of the darker ones.” And he was right, the entire left side of your neck was littered in bruises and bites, some lighter than others, some darker, but none as dark as the one he was currently tracing with his index finger.
“Nope,” Lily countered, popping her p before pushing herself up off of her shins in order to settle between your open legs, “I distinctly remember, I had her pressed up against the wall before you got back from Quidditch practice, she moaned so pretty for me, prettier than she ever has for you.” She grinned victoriously, turning her gaze back to you, and only you, “It’s like he cares more about that fucking snitch than he does us.”
“That’s bullshit love and you know it,” He murmured in your ear pressing a kiss against the corner of your mouth before dragging his lips, considerably less rough than they were before you started dating him as you’d made it your mission to apply lip balm to his lips every time you saw him, across the side of your face back to your ear, “She’s just trying to turn you against me, she’s so mean isn’t she.”
They loved doing this. Making you choose between the two of them, or trying to anyway. The power struggle between the two of them was hot as fuck.
Before you could so much as open your mouth Lily was responding for you, “I’m not mean doll,” She crooned, not looking at you but rather focusing on the dark haired boy whose nimble fingers were expertly pulling at the hem of your shirt, slowly but steadily rolling up the material until it covered just was much as your bra, “Jamie just needs to remember who the better kisser here is, who makes you feel the best.”
Ignoring her jab James murmured a quick, “Want this off,” In your ear before pulling the shirt over your head and arms, tossing it off the bed and onto the floor paying it no mind as soon as the material slipped from his fingers. 
Desperate to prove his worth, to prove his dominance James’ hands ran up and down your thighs, inching your skirt up them, “You’re not the better kisser here Flower, you’re not the best anything. Our baby here loves me the most.”
“She told us James,” Lily sighed, clearly exasperated with your boyfriend, “After she kissed you for the first time she told us. I’m the better kisser, just accept it. She likes me the most don’t you (Y/N/N)?”
“Jamie you make me feel so good,” You began, hoping to soften the blow, “But Lily’s tongue is magic, feels so good in my mouth, in my-my…” 
“It’s okay pretty girl,” She simpered, “You can say it, where does my mouth feel good?”
“My pussy,” You forced out, willing yourself not to stutter. 
“That’s right my pretty little kitten,” She grinned, tilting your chin up with her index finger so that you were staring into her swirling emerald irises, darkened with obvious desire. “I make your pussy feel so good, better than Jamie.”
“Off.” James demanded, not taking kindly to Lily’s teasing, as he aggressively undid the clasp on your bra, the snide remarks obviously doing no damage to his ego as he pulled the straps from your arms. Taking no care with the expensive, luxurious garment that he himself had bought for you he flung the clothing over his shoulder. Clearly not caring about the money he’d spent on it as the silky material crumpled next to the bed.
“Not just my tongue that makes you feel better isn’t that right my darling?” Lily smirked, beginning to undo the buttons on her button up, “S’my fingers too, stretching you out on my fingers, they can reach so much further in you than his can.”
“Pfft,” James shook his head, one hand settling on your waist, gripping with a frankly frightening strength, no doubt melding dark purple bruises in the shapes of his fingertips on your soft skin.
“Gimme your hand Flower, let me show our baby that you’re wrong” James demanded as the hand not on your waist extended towards the redhead. When she dropped her hand in his he immediately lined them up, palm against palm, fingers against fingers, and much to James’ chagrin his hands were only barely larger than hers. His palm was much larger than hers leaving his fingers slightly shorter than his girlfriend’s.
Feeling benevolent, you grabbed his hand before it dropped down to his thigh in defeat, pressing your hands together as he had pressed his to Lily’s. Yours were considerably smaller than his, and therefore her’s too, your palm nearly half the size as his, your fingers dwarfed by his. 
“See Jamie, your hands are bigger than mine.” You comforted, mesmerized by the contrast, “Your fingers make me feel so much better than mine ever could. They don’t even come close.” 
“But that’s besides the point right poppet?” Lily questioned, grasping your jaw in her graceful hand, you noticed her ivory dress shirt now hung open, revealing her red lace clad breasts as she once again tilting your head up to look her in the eyes, “Because you’re not allowed to touch yourself, not without my permission.”
“Or mine,” James piped up.
Rolling her eyes at her boyfriend Lily released her grip on your jaw, “Keep your eyes on me darling, be my good girl.”
“You even like my strap more than you like James’ cock, stretches you out so much better than he ever could. Not to mention we don’t have to wait for his little blue pill to work do we?”
Being a muggle born you understood her joke but James was utterly bewildered by your shared laughter.
“You’re not laughing at me are you, you little slut?” James spat, his voice hard and unwavering as he turned your face with a single finger so that your neck was craned to look at him.
“N-no,” You shook your head pathetically, your eyes flashing downwards not being able to meet him.
“Open,” He commanded, tapping your bottom lip and you instantly obeyed, not daring to disobey him. You were rewarded for your obedience by the male spitting into your mouth, the taste of his saliva bleeding along the expanse of your tongue.
“What do we say to Jamsie, pretty girl?” Lily raised an expectant eyebrow.
“Thank you.”
“Good girl,” James muttered, watching as you swallowed the gift he’d given you, “Thought you’d forgotten your manners for a second.”
“Not our good girl,” Lily grinned, somehow now only in her thong, “No, she’s such a good girl for us.”
“Guess she is,” James agreed, leaving a trail of kisses between your shoulder blades.
“Bet I can make our baby cum first James,” Lily boasted, beginning to work on the zipper of your skirt, expertly pulling it off of your legs, “Being the better kisser and all.”
“Don’t get cocky Evans,” James tutted, pulling his shirt over his head as he had yours, “You know I love your strap baby but it just can’t compare to my cock. Mine’s real.”
Clearly unimpressed by his comment Lily pressed her lips to yours, maneuvering you so that you too were on your knees, giving James time to strip down to the same level of clothing as the two of you. 
Smiling into the kiss she put but a millimeter of distance between the two of you to catch her breath, “You taste so good kitten.”
“You’re the one who tastes good Lily.”
“So nice to me, don’t deserve you,” She planted a kiss to the hollow of your throat, “Let me make you feel good baby.” 
Not complaining, you let Lily lie you back on the bed where James was no longer standing, instead now standing behind Lily, letting his hands settle on her hips. 
Once you were lying down she hooked her hands under your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the bed as James helped her off the mattress, helping her plant her feet on the floor. It was things like this, the subtle loving gestures and actions even when they were practically at each other’s throats, that reminded you of how much they loved each other. Of how much they loved you.
“Look at these,” Lily lilted, her finger hooking under the silky material of your panties, “So pretty aren’t they J?”
“Very,” He whispered in her ear only loud enough for you to barely hear him, “Like her in red.”
Lily hummed in affirmation, tapping your hip as a non verbal clue to lift your hips so she could pull them off of you.
She didn’t waste a single second before kneeling down before you so that her face was level as your glistening pussy, already so wet from them just talking about pleasuring you. 
After running a single finger through your folds Lily brought her finger to her lips, a hum leaving her lips. “You taste good down here too (Y/N), you have such a pretty pussy.”
“Thank you,” You murmured, attempting not to whine and be their good girl even though you desperately wanted them to touch you. 
Without any warning Lily inserted two slender fingers into your cunt causing you to gasp at the sensation. “Lily,” You whimpered, trying not to buck your hips towards her hand, not wanting to let on quite yet how desperate you really were. 
“See J?” You could hear the smirk on her lips as she slowly moved her fingers in and out of you, paying you no other mind, instead directing her attention to her boyfriend who still stood behind her, his hands now on her bare shoulders. “She’s really not all that hard to please when you actually know what you’re doing. Had my fingers in her two seconds and she’s already so needy for me.”
“Shut up Lils,” James growled, “Stop talking like I don’t know how to get her off, she’s my baby too, I know exactly how to get her desperate.” In his efforts to prove his point he moved onto the bed, taking one of your nipples into his mouth resulting in a whine to tumble from your lips as he raked his teeth over the sensitive bud.
As his mouth sucked on one his hand moved to the other nipple, rolling it between his fingers before pinching harshly making you gasp in pleasure.
Lily allowed James to have his moment before taking your clit between her lips and sucking. If you gasped for James you absolutely screamed for Lily, thank Merlin for silencing charms because otherwise someone would’ve probably thought you were being tortured. Once she had your sensitive bundle of nerves in her mouth she began humming, making wave after wave of intense ecstasy roll through your core and up your spine, leaving your nerve endings frayed and responsive to every single touch.
You could feel everything, the soft material of the duvet beneath your back, James’ tongue circling your nipple, one hand caressing your heated cheek while the other traced shapes down your stomach. You could feel Lily’s fingers continuing their assault on your cunt, reaching so deep inside of you that they almost touched your g-spot, but not quite, as your clit was set aflame by her mouth. 
“You’re not even trying,” Lily snarked, coming up for a breather from in between your legs, “You really think you’re gonna get  her to cum from playing with her nipples? I never realized you were that daft Jamsie.”
“If you’d give me a turn,” He began before Lily cut him off.
“Doesn’t look like she wants me to stop does it?” She nodded in your direction where you were writhing on the bed merely from her fingers. “Do you want me to stop, baby?”
“No,” You begged, “Please don’t stop, please! Need your fingers in me, make me feel so good.”
Grinning triumphantly Lily returned her mouth to your pulsing cunt, sucking with a new found vigor that had your back careening off of the mattress, hips bucking towards her mouth.
“Hey,” James scolded, moving his arm to keep your hips firmly on the bed, “Don’t be a desperate slut, take it as she gives you it okay? Be good for us.”
Nodding feebly you willed your hips still but it was nearly impossible as Lily replaced her fingers with her tongue, moving her digits to pinch your clit. Feeling the pleasure bubble up in your stomach you focused on your girlfriend’s ministrations, lapping at your hole with her tongue sent you into a whole new level of pleasure.
“Feels so good! Lily, that feels so good, please don’t stop!”
You could feel her smiling into your opening as she sped up her movements, bringing you closer and closer to the precipice of climax. “Am I allowed to cum?” You asked desperately, the only thing keeping your hips where they were being James’ strong forearm, digging into your hip bones.
“No,” He growled, slapping at your tit bringing you even closer to something you were apparently not allowed to do. 
“Come on James,” Lily said replacing her tongue with her fingers as she moved her head to talk to the dark haired boy, “You can’t just tell her she’s not allowed to cum because it’s not you who’s going to make her cum,” Turning her attention back to you she smiled, “Of course you’re allowed to cum baby, don’t listen to him. Are you close, m’love?”
“Uh huh,” You screwed your eyes shut, the pleasure becoming overwhelming and only intensifying when Lily’s mouth returned to your clit, licking broad stripes up and down it. 
“Baby look at me,” James’ deep voice commanded you, to which you promptly obeyed, “Wanna see you when you fall apart on her tongue, wanna see you cum baby, you’re so pretty when you cum.”
James’ words accompanied by a particularly harsh nip by Lily to your clit has you tipping over the edge, letting out a high pitched scream as pleasure took over your body, drowning you in the feeling of your lovers still working on your body, obviously not satisfied with leaving you with just one orgasm.
As you came to, your orgasm slowly seeped away from your cloudy mind, reentering you into your dorm room where you heard Lily’s melodic voice, “See James, told you I could make her cum first.”
“Didn’t even get a chance,” He grumbled from his place next you, brushing the hairs off of your forehead. “Wanna make you cum poppet, tell Lily to give me a turn.”
“L-lils,” You managed in your post orgasmic haze, “Want Jamsie, want his- want his…”
“Look at how good of a job I did on our baby,” The redhead boasted, “Just one in and already a blubbery little mess. How do you think she’s gonna be fairing when I have her on her fourth?”
“Only shooting for four Lils?” James raised a defined eyebrow, “I was thinking I could get at least five out of her myself.”
Your eyes widened, slightly in alarm, slightly in anticipation. “F-five?”
“Shh kitten, let us talk,” Lily chaisted lightly. “You really do think highly of yourself don’t you Potter?”
“I’ve done it before,” He countered.
“No, we’ve done it before, both of us. Neither of us have ever gotten her to five by ourselves.”
“Don’t think you can do it Flower?” As he rose from the bed and moved towards Lily you caught sight of his cock, already painfully hard, the tip a bright red and leaking with precum.
“S’not me I’m worried about, don’t wanna overwhelm our baby.”
“I can do it,” You piped in feebly, “I can take it, make me feel good please, wanna feel good.”
“See Lily? If she says she can take it, who are we to question her?”
“You sure poppet?” Lily asked you, her eyes on yours.
“Yes Lily, I’m sure.”
That was all James needed to nudge Lily out from between your legs, spitting on his fingers before rubbing them up against your pussy. “You need me to stretch you out darling?” His voice laced with absolute adoration as he took in your perspiring figure from this new angle.
You shook your head but James wasn’t satisfied, “Wanna hear your voice poppet, come on not too fucked out yet are you?”
“No, don’t need you to stretch me out, want your cock.”
He grinned, lining up the tip of his cock with your quivering entrance, “There’s my good girl.”
As he pushed into you you faintly questioned why you didn’t have him stretch you out beforehand, but once he was fully sheathed inside you all you could think about was the way his dick pressed perfectly against your g-spot. 
You moaned out as he began thrusting into you, ruthless in his efforts to make you cum. He moved his hands to hold your hips at an angle where he could better reach deeper inside of you if that was even possible.
“So pretty baby girl,” His grin was wicked as he watched your cunt, reveling in the sight of his cock going in and out of your dripping pussy, “You look so pretty on my cock, you gonna make a mess f’me?”
“She’s not gonna cum yet you himbo,” Lily interjected, “You’ve been inside her what? Five seconds? You need her to cum soon? You close?”
Using Lily’s mocking as motivation he pistoned his hips in and out even more viciously, leaving you a bouncing mess on his cock as he pulled his prick almost all the way out, so that only the leaking red head was still inside of you before fully sheathing himself in you once more.
“Fuck!” You cried out as the tip of his member brushed against your cervix, “Don’t stop!”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” James managed through gritted teeth, throwing your legs over his shoulders so that he wouldn’t have to hold them in his hands any longer, giving him the ability to grip your hips.
So lost in your pleasure you hadn’t registered where Lily was until she sat next to you on the bed, moving her fingers to massage your clit pulling a strangled gasp from your throat.
“L-Lily,” You stuttered out.
“Hey there baby,” She cooed, like she was talking to an actual child, “Jamie making you feel good.”
You nodded, keeping your eyes locked on hers.
“You close, kitten? You gonna cum soon?”
A whimper escaped your lips this time as you nodded once more.
“Let me see if I can help with that then, wanna see you cum again pretty girl.”
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against the mattress with a soft thud as Lily’s fingers started working magic on your clit, bringing you closer and closer to your second orgasm.
A slap against your clit, combined with the deep, hard thrusts of your boyfriend, reaching depths within you you could’ve only imagined before him sent you careening. Your climax washed over you in waves, each stronger than the last making you twitch and spasm on the bed.
You hadn’t even registered that you’d squirted, not until Lily’s delicate hands were rubbing your release up and down your thighs, “Well would you look at that?” James grinned, “I didn’t see you make her squirt Lils.”
“Oh, you don’t get points for this one pretty boy,” Lily grinned, not making eye contact with him but rather focusing on your pulsing cunt.
“What?” James was incredulous, “What do you mean I don’t get credit for that one, she came on my cock.”
“Yes, technically, but she only came when I started on that pretty little clit of hers, so responsive isn’t it, doll?” She asked, punctuating her remark with a gentle slap against your still throbbing cunt and a quick wink that James was too bewildered to pick up on.
Over the next couple of hours they were able to lull a number of orgasms out of you, James making Lily sit in a chair next to the bed so that she couldn’t touch you at all and take credit for any of his hard work.
You’d cum on her tongue and his, both of their fingers, once at the same time, they split the credit for that one but it was worth it, getting to watch your cunt stretch around both of them. You came on James’ cock more times than you could count, and of course on Lily’s strap on because Godric, did she know how to move her hips.
By the end you’d cum a grand total of nine times. You weren’t quite sure how’d you’d done it but you had. And they were both so proud of you.
The final score was Lily, five. James, four. You’d better believe that James was butt hurt about it, not quite willing to accept his obvious defeat, instead of acknowledging it and conceding to his very talented girlfriend, working on getting you cleaned up.
Once James had left the dorm to run you a bath Lily scooped you into her lap, running her hands up and down your thighs but being careful not to touch your sensitive cunt. 
“You did such a good job for us baby,” She cooed, pressing kiss after kiss to the back of your head, “Came nine times, can you believe that?”
“Is Jamie going to be mad that you made me cum more?” You asked in your degenerative head space not wanting to upset your boyfriend.
“Of course not,” Lily squeezed your hips, soothing your woes. “Especially not at you, he might mope around a little bit because he is a man,” She pulled a light giggle out of your lips with that one, “But he’ll get over it, it's just gonna push him to work harder next time when he’s making you feel good.”
“Flower,” James called from the bathroom, “Bath’s ready.”
“Come on baby,” Lily said, easing you up onto your feet, “Let’s get you in the bath and all cleaned up for us alright?”
“Okay,” You yawned, understandably exhausted by the events of the night, “Will you take the bath with me?”
“Of course my pretty girl, not gonna let Jamie join us though, s’my reward for being the best.”
You chuckled, nodding your head in agreement, “Sounds good Lils.”
As she settled you into the bathtub Lily ordered James out before he could step into it with you.
“Fine! Fine, I’m going!”
Lily was the stars and James was the sun, and fuck did they know how to make you feel good.
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts​ @kittykylax​ @amourtentiaa
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trashytummiez · 3 years
The Worst Heartburn
I wrote yesterday's fic before seeing those last two pics @fungusfangs drew of Shiggy puking and chugging milk. So I decided to make a followup fic to cover the ending :3
Warning: contains belly kink bloating burps emeto hiccups indigestion nausea tummy play tummy rubs vomiting
Fallen pride was a bitch. Shigaraki just ate a massive bucket of Wumbo Extra Spicy Shrimp Ramen just to prove to Dabi he could. It left him with a big pooching tummy and a momentary high of smug satisfaction that quick went crashing down when his stomach began gurgling the worst gurgles Shigaraki had felt in ages. The immensely bloated young villain cradled his belly in a sickly manner burping heavily while Dabi watched with a smug grin on his scarred face.
But then Shigaraki gave a really deep and rumbling burp that started getting really wet at the end making Shigaraki cover his mouth and muffle the rest. His eyes widened like he felt something come up with that burp.
"...Unnf...ohh fuck I don't feel good..." Shigaraki grumbled until he gave an incredibly rich and gross closed mouth burp that got so wet at the end something else came up with the gas. When he tried to burp in his mouth again something even wetter rushed up and his eyes practically bugged out of his young but wrinkled face.
Dabi's grin dropped as fast as Shigaraki's did.
"...Oh shit..." Dabi uttered when he saw Shigaraki's body tense up. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Aim for the cup! Dude aim for the cup! Aim for the-"
Too late.
Because Shigaraki lurched forward with a large sloppy burp that brought with it a surge of vomit that splattered onto the ground...right next to the big noodle cup funnily enough. Shigaraki grabbed his bare stomach and held it firmly as he violently threw up those painfully spicy noodles.
"...Goddammit Tomura..." Dabi groaned and looked away with a shade of green on the patches of pale flesh he had across his face.
Dabi possessing the weak stomach that he did turned away and clamped his pierced nose shut. For as stoic and cheeky as he was the sight of anyone throwing up was enough to make him sick.
Shigaraki panted with his mouth hanging open as strands of drool seeped from his fangs.
"Unnngh...unf...mruhhh..." Shigaraki croaked weakly with tears streaming down his face. He thought it was over until another lurching feeling made his eyes and his mouth widen in time for another surge of bile to expel from his system. He puked heavily into the sick practically puking up the majority of noodles he ate which made his incredibly bloated tummy shrink down to the point where it was only bulging out in a normal bloat the way it had very early into his spiteful binge.
Dabi looked as miserable as Shigaraki did by the time he finally stopped throwing up.
"...Better?" he asked while looking away.
Shigaraki spat and panted giving a lifeless "uh-huh" as a response to his often antagonistic underling.
Shortly after some time had passed Dabi looked aside grouchily while using his cremation quirk to light the sick ablaze. The smell alone would've made Dabi puke his guts out as violently as Shigaraki did but because his flames were strong enough to burn someone's bones down to ash it made quick work of the mess Shigaraki left behind in no time flat and almost completely incinerated it to the point where even the smell was burned away.
While Dabi burned the ground a really wet burp caught his attention. He turned to the source which was Shigaraki all cleaned up and sitting on the couch ahead of Dabi chugging a gallon of milk. After showering himself clean Shigaraki changed into more casual wares that Twice was kind enough to get him. He was wearing an oversized gray t-shirt with sweatpants. His bare toes curled into the carpet while he brought the gallon back to his lips and greedily guzzled it down. Milk dribbled down his chin sloppily and spilled onto his chest while he kept one arm wrapped protectively around his still bloated stomach.
"...We might need to move y'know," Dabi uttered in a dry not remotely amused way while he watched Shigaraki cool his burning his mouth with the richness of heavy weighty and cold milk.
After pulling the gallon away Shigaraki gave another really deep burp and groaned.
"GruuuhblUurhp!!! Ungh...I have the worst heartburn right now..." he mumbled.
"...I can't imagine why..." Dabi replied and continued burning the spot where Shigaraki threw up until the spot itself was nothing but heavy smoldering soot on the ground.
Shigaraki was too miserable to pay Dabi's snark any mind. Instead he tried to take another swig of milk. But he had to stop before the bottle could reach his lips so he could burp again. He looked unsatisfied so he pounded his chest and gave a much bigger burp that left him moaning with relief. Satisfied he brought the bottle up to chug more milk and burped into it when he did so.
He just kept chugging more and more milk to cool his mouth and throat while also settling his aching tummy. It was definitely helping but again Shigaraki's belly swelled out from all the milk he was guzzling. Milk weighed so much more than water and gave his pooching tummy a more bottom heavy quality than it did when he was stuffed with noodles.
That cool creamy liquid felt so good going down. Usually too much cold at once was painful for Shigaraki but because everything burned it struck a perfectly cooling balance helping to settle everything instead of giving him brain and tummy freeze. But shigaraki's belly was getting so bloated that even his oversized shirt looked like it was barely containing his tummy after a while.
He got about halfway into his gallon then pulled the bottle away from his lips. Shigaraki panted breathlessly while milk continued dribbling down his chin and then he let out a really long burp. After wiping his mouth and chin clean Shigaraki set the bottle down and dropped his hands down on his big rounded belly. It jiggled heavily beneath his hands and made Shigaraki burp so loud that Dabi almost flinched at its harsh sound.
"Shit you weren't kidding about the heartburn were ya," Dabi complained as he rang his ear out.
Shigaraki huffed and pulled his shirt up. Straight away his big pale belly practically flopped out and spilled heavily against his crotch pushing his sweatpants down just a bit. It looked incredibly soft and jiggly from just how much milk Shigaraki had chugged. When he gave the side of it a pat the whole thing rippled under his hand and made all the liquids in his tummy slosh heavily and noisily.
"...Fuck I'm so goddamn bloated..." Shigaraki mumbled while he rubbed his smooth ample ball of a stomach tenderly. His fingers sank into his flesh while they ran up and down his tummy. Shigaraki ran his hands down until he was cupping his underbelly in both hands. The villain bit his lip and leaned back to scoop his belly up in his hands and lift it. He was kind of surprised at how good it felt and just marveled at the size of his tummy.
He gave his belly a little jiggle which made it sway heavily in his hands from all the milk sloshing around which made Shigaraki hiccup loudly. Then Shigaraki released his belly and let it bounce down over his pelvis then slapped his hands onto his belly to stabilize it with a satisfyingly fleshy thump. Doing so caused a massive burp to escape Shigaraki's mouth. The force was so strong that the flesh on his tummy quivered slightly.
Shigaraki's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he moaned and arched his back with relief curling his bare toes even more. "Fffffuck that was a good one..." Shigaraki groaned like he was in an almost sexual euphoria. That could've just been because Shigaraki was shameless and had no barriers to speak of.
Though the honest truth is the feeling of his stomach this full and feeling it up had an odd appeal to it for Shigaraki. Especially when one of his fingers began to fondle his deepened belly button. That feeling made shigaraki's spine tingle in a way he couldn't quite explain.
Dabi happened by when Shigaraki was playing with his navel and whistled as best as he could with his limited lower lip function. "Jeez when's the lil bastard due anyway?" He teased and patted Shigaraki's round pooching tummy.
The pat dislodged a gas bubble and caused Shigaraki to burp ferociously in Dabi's direction which made the scarred villains face sour.
Rather than look embarrassed or apologetic Shigaraki grinned a shameless almost drunken grin back at his subordinate. "It's due around the time someone finally gifts you a less thotty personality."
Dabi glared at Shigaraki and lightly punched Shigaraki's big jiggly belly. "I resemble that remark motherfuck-"
The cremator couldn't even finish his sentence before a giant burp erupted out of Shigaraki from the punch. Dabi could feel Shigaraki's belly reverberate and jostle from the pressure being released and immediately closed his eyes with a stoically murderous look. Shigaraki looked insufferably satisfied with how that played out.
"...Right well...fuck you very much," Dabi simply said and started to walk away.
"You're not going anywhere," Shigaraki said before Dabi could exit the room.
"Come again?" Dabi asked with a bemused look on his face.
Shigaraki held up a finger and grabbed his thick churning tummy with one hand. Then he balled his finger into a fist and brought it to his mouth in time to give a huge closed mouth burp that rumbled so hard in his mouth that his lips could barely hold it back. He carelessly blew the gas out of his mouth and gave Dabi a shiteating grin. "You hear this thing?" He asked and shook his engorged tummy around which made it jiggle and slosh while he hiccuped and burped afterwards. "Unf...I'm gonna be burping for at least an hour straight. And I'm definitely gonna want an audience for that..."
To prove his point Shigaraki slapped his glutted belly and gave a giant burp that crescendoed into a relieved sigh that had Shigaraki's tongue sticking out lewdly.
Dabi's facial expressions fell completely flat. His only response was to very slowly raise both of his middle fingers in Shigaraki's direction and point them as hard as he could at his villainous boss to really drive home the big "f u" he was getting at.
Shigaraki cackled which made his tummy jiggle heavily with his evil giggles.
Maybe riding this out wasn't going to suck as much as he thought.
Misery loves company after all.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs Part 2.
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Summary: Part 2 is here! While in part 1 it was mostly adoption and how he'd behave with you as a roommate, part two is him ✨ realizing things ✨ followed by how he'd be in a romantic relationship.
Word Count: 2k words [ oops, I did it again ]
Notes: So I said it'll be out in a few days but three [3] people asked me for part 2 and I'm a sucker soooooooo!! I could've just written a long ass fic but whatever, I thought I'd make it shorter in headcanons... hah lol right. Enjoy!
Part 1 here!
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× he's a wild wolf so he's very active; like you need to understand he needs to go outside if not he'd get impatient, more aggressive, snappy, so once you took him on an easy hiking trail near your house and he loved it so once or twice a month you both go together to different places [ he demands it ]
× it's hard to keep up with him bc he's literally genetically engineered to be better than any very fit human being but he slows down for you
× morning runs at 5 a.m. bc he's insane
× is also a grandpa
× watched all documentaries on any streaming platform you could provide to him, also loves reading
× as months pass and you start to have your routine in order, word comes to you that an acquaintance is looking for a security guard at his mechanical shop two streets away from your house
× you casually mentioned it to Bakugou because he was starting to act anxious whenever you'd leave the house, so you assumed he was extra bored
× seriously, the house was spotlessly cleaned, he cooked amazingly and was occupied with your old laptop and going around the city to explore, but you guessed he wanted more independence?
× little did you know you were right but so wrong lol
× so Bakugou stared at you intensely and asked "Where?"
× it was as easy as telling him the location, him nodding and you thought he'd consider it; you didn't put any pressure on him because he already did so much to help around anyway
× well guess what bitch, next day he comes up to you saying you gotta co-sign his contract [cuz fuck society] meaning he got the job
× he was perfect for it because tall, intimidating, muscular wolf guy? who'd even mess with him? do they have a death wish?
× well, even before this he started to be... soft
× but once you really did show him you support whatever he wants to do, you give him his freedom and liberty of choice, he just reaaally changes, man
× he gets touchy, like his hands stay one second longer on your skin, he uses any excuse to have them on you, even his eyes follow you everywhere
× like c'mon, it's obvious but you didn't wanna put too much thought into it because we're respectful here
× not like you had a big fat crush on him and slowly started to realize it too
× sike bitch he knows
× you think his super-hearing didn't catch the way your heartbeat spikes up every single time he touches you? *please*
× i think he knows before you know
× meanwhile he is working to discover his feelings too
× so your relationship slowly turns into a couple's like relationship but without anything official and of course no kissing or such [ sadly ]
× would get jealous easily
× basically because nothing is talked between you two and deep down is insecure
× why the hell do you smell like other people? was it just a hug or something else? hell, why would you even hug people when he's right there??? just ask and don't touch some extras????
× another thing he does is getting very close to you while you talk to somebody else; scoffs and glares at them too
× ok so!! gifts! he really appreciates any gift you give him but scolds you if you do because you genuinely don't need to do that
× of course he just scolds you and calls you an idiot so I do hope you already learned his language
× it basically means that you shouldn't have done it, he's really grateful but seriously you shouldn't have
× like that one time you saved up money to get him a good computer and he forgot how to speak for like an hour
× the softest thank you ever afterwards
× still sounded rough but he was shocked as fuck
× one thing that remained in your brain were his friends, as sometimes he'd mention them
× so you took it upon yourself to find them, of course with his permission
× gets genuinely overwhelmed and plays it off saying he wouldn't mind knowing where those idiots ended but you didn't miss the way his voice trembled
× for you to find them you needed names and any information he could provide so that's when he, after a long silence and a mesmerized look on his face, started really talking about his life
× which was fucked; won't get much into detail but he was indeed in a fighting ring, people came and bet on whoever was stronger, he even had to fight his friends, everything was filled with abuse and their conditions were subhuman...
× just overall awful
× you couldn't help but hug him tight, feeling him shake in your arms
× with a hesitant voice he asked if you really did think there was a chance to find them
× just couldn't believe how amazing he felt in your arms
× or how your determination that night made his heart clench and took a big weight off his shoulders
× anywho;;;; after his first paycheck he takes you out on cute dates
× never calls them that, just demands you dress up [helps you out cuz boy got style] and takes you to a nice coffee shop or something
× AND on your fifth not date cuz you're not official but there's this weird tension between you date he finally kinda s n a p s
× you honestly didn't expect the waiter to flirt with you, he came out as very pushy and even if you were a lil uncomfortable you smiled and brushed it off
× when the waiter suggested giving you his number the sandy blond hybrid growled
× which i shit you not made the whole coffee shop freeze
× and you froze too
× but neither of you could say anything because the oblivious fuck kept talking
× basically joking about how you should keep your pet in a leash, to which you got up, threw some money on the table, grabbed Bakugou by the hand and leave before he'd rip someone's head off
× it only took you to touch Bakugou's arm to calm him down as he followed behind you wordlessly
× so you stood outside, angry, deep red eyes on your figure
× and silence
× his hand still in yours
× it was warm and amazing and you felt angry but your heart was beating loudly; angry at the waiter that you wanted to go full Karen on and get fired but excited because that growl shook you to the core, as if you could tell it was territorial and it was because of that pig flirting with you and did Bakugou Katsuki just lace his fingers with you?!
× "Oi." he interrupted your thoughts
× he turned your frame towards him and pulled you [kinda harshly] into him
× you'd make a comment about it but brain empty, just Bakugou Katsuki blushing
× "You're mine, you get it?"
× skdjflglykshs
× it sounded like he asked but it was a demand so oops you're his now ok bye
× like I said, boy isn't dumb so he lowkey knew you felt something too
× legit from there on he's just soft as fuck
× has a hard time opening up but visibly tries for you
× still continues to be a pain in the ass, Bakugou Style, but with a loving teasing attitude behind it
× his eyes give him away all the time
× they shine whenever you're in his field of view so congrats because, and this is the best part:
× oh yeah, he's yours, no takebacks
× he isn't one to half-ass the relationship; you're his now and he'll do anything for you
× big time touch starved it hurts
× because he is shy
× so whenever you introduce him to hand holding and cuddles, he can't get enough
× not big on PDA [ and not recommended since human-hybrid relationships are kiiiinda frowned upon but it's getting better ]
× although at home it's another deal
× seriously cuddle him; he's big into the protector vibe so he's a big spoon almost exclusively unless it's to sleep on top of you
× speaking of! accept that even if your relationship isn't that intimate, he'd still hint about sleeping together in the same bed
× so you better catch on when he does because he'll just click his tongue and call you needy
× while dragging you to bed
× sleeps holding you, his nose in your hair or in the crook of your neck
× unless it's summer then stay on your side 💅
× you know those kisses that just scream "I can't get enough of you"? that's his whole kissing vibe in a sentence
× hell, even the gentlest kiss gives that vibe away and it'll 100% leave you breathless
× doesn't have experience but is a very fast learner
× pays very close attention to your body language
× really into biting your skin enough to leave marks
× wear his hoodies
× no, I'm fucking serious, wear them now
× his chest puffs and he turns into a blushing mess when you do it the first times because his scent is on you
× scenting is a big thing for him so of course he's gonna love it
× 10x more territorial because now he has a mate to protect
× jealous but trusts you
× still very jealous though
× let's all pretend he is definitely not scenting you before you go out because it's in his nature and it is embarrassing
× the first time he tells you he loves you it's when he's feeling vulnerable
× the search for his friends is still on-going, he feels less than adequate as a providing mate, is pissed at the world for treating him like an inferior animal when they created him, everything is piled on his shoulders and whenever than happens he closes off
× you notice immediately
× will not tell you at first
× it's only when you go to bed and he turns his back to you when you really know it's bad
× even if you fought before, he'd angrily snuggle you at night-time
× now it's so different
× hug him, whisper sweet nothings in his ear, pull a blanket all over you both and big spoon him, he'd start shaking and talking in no time
× will hide his tears from you but you'd know
× "You're the best fucking thing that happened to me, [Y/N]... I—... Shit... I love you so much."
× neither of you slept that night
× excuse you? drink some water and pray to jesus;;; you talked about feelings, ok? communication is key in a relationship, puh-lease
× [ i have this whole nsfw hcs post already cookin in my brain so maybe I'll make it happen cuz y'all know he has a mating season and all that comes with it 👀 ]
× back to being children of jesus here
× thanks the moon, the heavens and all the gods for putting you in his life; boy didn't believe in destiny but deep down he thinks you were meant to be
× you still better wash the dishes or you'll get your ass kicked.
× you did find some of his friends, little by little, and even if he acted nonchalant, like k das cool, it was obvious he was extremely happy
× so they did get adopted too
× you got in contact with them on social media and they were all very excited about meeting
× so it was a chaotic meeting with a dog hybrid called Kirishima and a mouse like vibrat yellow guy called Kaminari
× they all were looking for Bakugou too since they were very worried about where he ended
× Kirishima shed manly tears when seeing Bakugou
× as they instantly welcomed you in their small group, they informed you both that the majority of the squad was adopted and they're in contact, while they're still actively looking for the others
× cue to the softest expression you've seen on Bakugou in public followed by "That's good"
× silence
× shock and silence
× Kaminari turning to you and whispering "You did this" with a hand on his heart, lips trembling as he wiped an imaginary tear
× insert instantly snappy Bakugou
× when everyone laughed and continued to make plans to meet up with the others, he just looked at you conversing with them, soft expression again on his features and his chest warming
× "Oh! Look, he's doing it again! Quick, take a pictur—"
× "SHINE!"
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 11 - zuko x fem!reader
Memories, where'd you go?
part 10 | masterlist | part 12
a/n: alternative name for this fic: y/n gets a crush on every pretty girl she meets. yue, katara, and now suki. she can't help it (and she questions why they're all connected to sokka in some way lmaoo)
anyways, this is kind of filler but it establishes some more with relationships and finallyyy gets us into ba sing se at the end. i know it's a lil annoying because there's a lot of episode-to-text writing, but i promise it'll get more freeform as it goes on
also i know that i just posted something yesterday but i have literally zero patience. like i cant hold chapters i have to post them as soon as i write them loll
wc: 5.3k
warning(s): some feels over zuko as per usual, but overall a pretty tame chapter
chapter title comes from memories by panic! at the disco!
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Zuko could barely sleep anymore.
He didn’t know when his life became so complicated, but he wasn’t a fan of it.
Back when it was just him, his crew, and the open sea — it was simple. He had a job, a straightforward mission. Find the Avatar, capture him, return home to the Fire Nation and regain his honor.
Now, the waters were more muddied than ever. Now on the run from the Fire Nation just like the boy he was chasing, all he really felt nowadays was anger.
Angry at the world for setting him on this path, angry at the Avatar for refusing to see what was necessary, his sister and her friends for turning against him, angry at the waterbender for making things so damn hard.
He didn’t want to hurt her. A part of him wished that she had never come back into his life, if it meant he wouldn’t have to constantly be fighting against her. He hated himself for the thought, but maybe it would have been easier for her to remain a memory of a lover than his active enemy.
Late at night, when he was reaching fruitlessly for sleep that would never come, he saw her face. The carefree energy from their childhood morphed into the shock and disappointment from both the North and their fight with Azula, and…
It made him wonder what in Agni had happened to them.
He didn’t know. The way he felt about her, it was different than anything he had experienced before. Zuko didn’t know what it was, but he understood that it was special. And now… it felt like he had just thrown it all away.
Zuko couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened with her in that town — what he had done to her.
He had burned her to try and get to the Avatar, and he hadn’t even allowed a glance back at the damage he had done. He had heard her cry out in pain, pain he had caused, and he didn’t even look back.
What had happened to them? What had happened to him?
He kept telling himself that the mission was the only thing that mattered. And it was, wasn’t it? Capture the Avatar, regain his honor, get his old life back and finally be enough for his father. He didn’t have time for friends, or for these feelings he had, or— or for anything but capturing the Avatar. Because the Avatar was the key to everything, to his honor, and that was all that mattered.
But now…
Now, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He didn’t know what was right, or what was wrong, or what path was the one he had to take.
Zuko just wished things could be like they used to be.
She didn’t really know when everything had become a mess again.
It all started out fine, like it usually did. Toph had become fully integrated into the group, any past squabbles put to rest in the name of a stronger friendship emerging between all five of them. Katara continued to work on Aang’s waterbending (oftentimes Y/N joining them in their sessions) while Toph slowly but steadily beat earthbending into him — literally.
They had all been working hard for so long that, by decree of Aang, it was ‘vacation time’. They would all get to pick out places they wanted to spend as a break, and after it was over they would get back to work.
Aang had chosen some sort of field with musical groundhogs, and Y/N had opted to revisit an Earth Kingdom village that she had passed through on her journey to the North. Sokka had complained the whole time about how they were ‘wasting valuable planning time’, but had finally conceded after the promise of ‘all the planning his heart could desire’ from Katara after their mini-vacations were over.
Y/N was actually feeling somewhat relaxed for once, but she had forgotten the golden rule — never let your guard down. Everytime she let her guard down, something bad happened without fail. So it shouldn’t have been any surprise with what happened in the desert.
Because after one trip to the Misty Palms Oasis and a journey into the desert with a professor to a long lost library, Appa had been taken by desert raiders.
It was… less than favourable. During their escape from the library, Professor Zei had insisted on staying behind, and now the five of them were stuck in the middle of the desert with no way out and zero guidance. Add some brewing tensions between Aang and Toph because of her being there when Appa was taken, and they had a recipe for a huge disaster.
And a disaster they had. Multiple disasters, actually.
There was only so much she and Katara could do to hold the group together, but by some miracle, they made it out of the desert with only one Avatar State mishap.
(And an incident with cactus juice, but… she didn’t really want to talk about that.)
....at least they had the information about the Eclipse. That was about the only thing keeping her together at the moment.
They had to get the information to the Earth King so they could formulate an attack with his warriors, but without Appa, they had to resort to more traditional methods of travel. Add in one passport problem, and that was how Y/N found herself braving the Serpent’s Pass alongside a refugee family with a baby on the way.
It was… intimidating, to say the least. Despite being surrounded by her element, Y/N didn’t feel any safer from the challenge that faced them. She took a deep breath, trying to tamp down on her fear the way her mother had taught her, as she followed the group, but her thoughts were soon interrupted.
“Hey.” She turned to see who the voice belonged to and was greeted by the girl that had teased Sokka early — Suki, if she remembered correctly. “I haven’t seen you around; are you with the Avatar or that family?”
“I’m with Aang,” Y/N explained. “I’m from the North, and they offered me a spot with them after they helped us defend our tribe against the Fire Nation. I’ve been with them ever since.” Suki nodded as they settled into a comfortable stride.
“That’s cool. Are you a waterbender?”
She gestured to her waterskin and smiled. “Yeah. I’ve been training with Aang and Katara ever since I left.” Y/N then turned her gaze back to Suki, raising an inquisitive brow. “Your makeup — what’s it for? I heard you talking about the Kyoshi Warriors back there; is that some kind of thing with Avatar Kyoshi?”
Suki grinned, her every expression heightened by the sharp reds and blacks above her eyes. “We’re a group of all-female warriors that use the teachings of Avatar Kyoshi and her partner Rangi to defend our home and the place she founded, Kyoshi Island. I’m the leader of our village section.”
“Wow,” she murmured, her eyes falling to the ground for a moment before finding their way back up to the warrior. “That’s really cool. You’re really cool.”
She laughed and shrugged. “Thanks. I’ve been training as a warrior for almost my whole life, so it just comes naturally. I like being able to protect people, and there’s no better way to pay back my home for all it’s done for me like protecting the whole village.”
“Wow,” she repeated with a small laugh of her own. “That’s really brave. I gotta say, I’m kinda jealous — I would love to see what would happen if Master Pakku met you all. Katara literally had to beat the sexism out of him in order to train to be a master.”
Suki chuckled. “Sounds like what I had to do with Sokka. Guess it’s a thing with Water Tribe guys, huh?”
At the mention of Sokka, she internally laughed. There had to be some kind of connection between the two of them, the way their interests kept aligning. “Sokka… he’s had it hard. I can’t blame him that much for any kind of attitude he had before he met you. Pakku, on the other hand? He had to have had something better to do than fight teenage girls.”
“You would think so, right?” Suki agreed. “And Sokka… I know. He’s got a heart of gold underneath all that, he just needed a little push to get it out.” As Y/N glanced over at the girl, noticing a slight pink tint under the white makeup, she gasped.
“La’s fins, are you two a thing?” she exclaimed with a grin.
Suki flushed even harder as she suddenly became very interested in the ocean around her, but she couldn’t help the smile on her lips. “No! I mean— yes— but… but—” she stopped to gather her thoughts before making eye contact again with a sheepish smile. “We’re not… really a thing, but… I do like him a lot. I didn’t really think I was going to see him again after they left the island, so this is really nice.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Y/N asked. “I can already tell that he cares about you — have you seen how careful he’s being with you?”
“Well—” Whatever kind of excuse Suki would’ve made up was interrupted by a rock falling out just under Than, one of the refugees they were with, saved in the nick of time with Toph’s earthbending.
“I’m okay!” he reassured, but no sooner had the words left his mouth before the Fire Nation ship in the distance started firing.
“They’ve spotted us!” Sokka yelled. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
Aang flicked his glider open and deflected the blast, and Katara grabbed Y/N’s hand as they all began to run. Another blast rocked the mountain, causing several boulders to fall just above Suki. Y/N didn’t even have time to shout out a warning before Sokka tackled her out of the way, but it was ultimately more of Toph’s quick earthbending that saved him.
“Suki, are you okay?” Sokka brushed dust and pebbles off of her uniform as he examined her, and once he was satisfied he grabbed her hand and helped her up. “You have to be more careful! Come on!”
As the two of them caught up to Y/N and Katara, she gave Suki a knowing look. The warrior only blushed once again and glanced away.
After hours of navigating the pass, they were only about halfway through. Sokka made the executive decision to set up camp for the night to give everyone time to rest, and then they would get up at the crack of dawn to finish their trip. It only took a few minutes for Y/N to get a fire going, and soon everyone had settled in with their sleeping bags. Sokka got up from his spot as Suki wandered closer to the edge, and Katara nudged Y/N with her shoulder.
“Hey. How are your hands doing?”
“They’re fine,” she answered with a small smile, flipping her hands over as proof. Where there were once red burn scars on her palms only tiny white marks remained — one benefit to healing via waterbending was that most injuries were able to fade away completely after enough sessions. Her burns weren’t very serious and she was able to heal them almost immediately, so both her and Katara were sure that the marks would be completely gone soon.
The mental scars wouldn’t fade as easily.
“That’s good. And you’re taking care of them, right? Like, you’re not beating up people while we’re not looking?”
Y/N grinned. “No. I think I’ll leave that to Toph.”
Katara chuckled and nodded, turning her hands over in a final examination before nodding. “Good,” she repeated. The silence between them, although comfortable, stretched out for a little too long before she spoke again, this time much quieter. “He did this to you.”
“I know,” she said. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this from me, or really at all, but… I’m worried about you. Zuko isn’t good for you. Every time we’ve run into him, he’s hurt you. And you deserve so much more than that.”
“You don’t understand,” she countered. “You don’t know Zuko like I do. You weren’t there when I was. I know you think I’m insane for still believing in him, but I— I can’t let go of him, Katara. I know the Zuko I love is still in there somewhere, and I have to try and find it. For me and for him.”
Katara’s eyes were full of nothing but sympathy as she sighed — it was obvious she didn’t believe her words, but in true fashion she was still trying her best to be supportive.
“Okay. I don’t understand it, but… I don’t think I can change your mind.” Y/N chuckled sadly and nodded, Katara’s piercing gaze meeting her own once more. “It’s just… Why are you playing with fire when you know you’re going to get burned?”
And for once, Y/N didn’t have an answer for her friend.
The night went by quickly, which Y/N was thankful for. It meant that the nightmares didn’t last as long.
After a quick headcount to make sure no one had fallen off the pass overnight and an even quicker gathering of their things, they set off to finish their journey.
It went just as well as she had expected — a giant serpent, the namesake of the pass, had attacked them while crossing through an underwater section. Thankfully, she was able to aid Katara and Aang in defeating it with waterbending with no casualties
But in the wake of one disaster there was always another, and before Y/N knew it a baby had been born. She was mostly there for moral support — Katara had it all handled, and Y/N didn’t expect anything less.
But finally, they had made it across the pass, and they were so close to Ba Sing Se that she could almost smell the city air. Sadly, though, that meant it was time for them to part ways — Aang to find Appa, and Suki back to her warriors. After some sad but hopeful goodbyes with Aang, it was time to bid farewell to Suki.
“Are you sure you can’t travel a little longer with us?” Y/N questioned, apparently not above pleading to try and get the girl to stay. “You’re— you’re amazing, and we’d really love to have you with us.”
“I can’t even imagine what travelling with the Avatar would be like,” she smiled, causing Y/N to get her hopes up for just a moment before they fell back down. “But I can’t stay. I have to get back to the Kyoshi Warriors.”
Y/N sighed, her gaze falling slightly downcast. “I get that. I just really wish you could stay. Or that I could meet your warriors. You seriously don’t know how cool you are, Suki.”
“Well, if you’re ever in town on Kyoshi Island, find us. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out and do you one better than just meeting them all,” she said with a grin. “I think it’d be pretty cool to have the first waterbending Kyoshi Warrior.”
Y/N was unable to prevent the heat rushing to her cheeks as she smiled shyly, once again averting eye contact. “That would be amazing. I’ll have to find my way back there after the war.”
Suki bumped shoulders with her, causing a startled laugh to spill from her lips. “We’d love to have you.”
“Wait, why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye to her?” Sokka questioned as he walked up to the two of them. Y/N winked at Suki and gestured at him with her head, walking off before Suki could protest to find Katara.
The conversation the two girls were sharing was an extremely thinly veiled excuse to eavesdrop on the lovebirds, and when they kissed Y/N actually had to hold back a scream.
Sokka deserved this. She knew how much he beat himself up over every little thing that went wrong, and it was about time he got to relax even for a moment. She only hoped that Suki would be in their corner of the world sooner rather than later.
What could she say? She was already fantasizing about life as a Kyoshi Warrior.
Although they had parted ways, they soon found themselves reunited with Aang to stop yet another Fire Nation threat.
“For the love of Kuruk,” Y/N murmured as she stared into the distance, her eyes wide at the sight of a large mechanical drill. “That was Ty Lee who just took down all those soldiers. And if she’s here, Mai and Azula are with her too. Guys, It’s one thing to stop this drill, it’s another thing to take those three down with it.”
“The question is, how do we do it?” Aang questioned.
“Why can nothing ever be easy?” Sokka lamented. His gaze remained trained on the drill for a moment before he realized theirs were on him. “Why are you all looking at me?”
“You’re the idea guy,” Aang said.
“Wait, so I’m the only one who can ever come up with a plan?” he protested. “That’s a lot of pressure!”
“And also the complaining guy,” Katara muttered, drawing a chuckle out from Y/N.
“Now that part I don’t mind,” Sokka admitted.
“Well, Sokka— you were a huge help in the North, and you figured out a way to defeat the Fire Nation during that eclipse at the library! Plus, there’s all that stuff that Katara told me you did before I joined.” She patted him on the back. “If anyone can figure out how to take that thing down, it’s you.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his ego only slightly bolstered. “...okay. I think I can do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” she said with a smile.
Unfortunately, that smile faded as a young guard came running up to the wall. “Excuse me, Avatar and friends — I’ve heard that you’ve dealt with that… that pink girl down there before.” They nodded and he continued. “It would do us a great deal of help if you could come down and look at our injured soldiers, then.”
Y/N and Katara nodded in unison and started to follow the guard, the remaining three trailing after them. They ended up inside the wall, in what looked like an infirmary of sorts with all the cots and soldiers lying around, and the two waterbenders exchanged looks.
“You know what to do?” Katara asked.
Y/N hummed in acknowledgment, and they both knelt down next to separate cots. “This definitely looks like Ty Lee’s work,” she murmured as she bent water up from the pot and molded it over the man’s arm.
“What’s wrong with him?” the general questioned. “He doesn’t look injured.”
“His chi is blocked,” Katara explained. “Who did this to you?”
“Two girls ambushed us,” the soldier said, moving his arm as he regained feeling. “One of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs and suddenly I couldn't earthbend anymore and I could barely move. Then she cartwheeled away.”
Katara sighed as she bent the water back into the pot. “You were right, Y/N. That was Ty Lee — she doesn’t look dangerous, but she knows the human body and its weak point. It’s like she takes you down from the inside.”
As if struck by lightning, Sokka lit up. “Oh, oh, oh! What you just said — that’s how we’re going to take down the drill; the same way Ty Lee took down all those earthbenders!”
“By hitting its pressure points!” Toph exclaimed with a grin.
The breakthrough brought a steely determination to Aang’s features as he looked out into the distance. “We’ll take it down from the inside.”
Like everything they did, it seemed so simple on paper. But now that she was actually inside the drill, it felt a lot more nerve wracking. Toph opted to stay outside where she could see and try to slow down the drill with the earth at her disposal, which left the four of them to somehow take it down from the inside.
Sokka led them through a hallway with a myriad of valves and pipes as he thought out loud. “I need a plan of this machine — some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find its weak points.”
“Where are we gonna get something like that?” Aang asked.
Sokka thought for a moment before he took his machete out and hacked a valve off a pipe. Y/N instinctively took a step back and shielded her face from the hot steam. “What are you doing?” she cried. “Someone’s gonna hear us!”
“That’s the point!” he exclaimed. “A machine this big needs engineers to run it, and when something breaks—”
“Someone will come down to fix it!” Katara finished with a smile at Aang, a sentiment the boy returned happily.
It was surprisingly easy to take down the engineer once he arrived — with a little bit of frozen mist on Katara’s end, they had the plans they needed. Sokka’s expertise combined with the blueprints got them to the beginning of the outer shell.
“Wow,” Sokka muttered. “It looks a lot thicker than it does in the plans. We’re gonna have to work pretty hard to cut through that.”
Katara crossed her arms. “What’s this ‘we’ stuff? The three of us are gonna have to do all the work.”
“Look, I’m the plan guy!” Sokka explained with a gesture to himself. “You three are the ‘cut up stuff with waterbending’ guys. Together, we’re Team Avatar!”
Katara and Aang looked wholly unamused while Y/N chuckled. “Team Avatar. I like it.”
“Thank you,” he smiled. “At least someone appreciates my genius.”
“Tui’s gills, why do you have to keep boosting his ego?” Katara complained. “Let’s just get this done before it gets worse.”
The three of them got in position — Katara and Aang on opposite sides so they could pass the stream of water between them, and Y/N making the point of the triangle to work on the other side on her own. They were hoping it would be more efficient being able to cut through both sides at the same time, but it was proving to be much more difficult than they had imagined — halfway through the three of them were already exhausted.
By some feat of strength they were able to completely cut through the brace, but their hard work didn’t pay off in quite the way they had imagined — when the beam only shifted a few inches she groaned.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” she breathed as she wiped sweat off of her forehead.
“At this rate,” Katara paused to inhale deeply, “we won’t do enough damage before the drill reaches the wall.”
“I don’t know how many more of those I have in me,” Aang said sadly.
A large creak suddenly rang throughout the large chamber, and they all looked up for the source.
“Did you hear that?” Sokka asked, already backing up to make an exit. “We took it down! We gotta get out of here, fast!”
Just as they reached the door on the other side, a crackle followed by the sound of a man’s voice dashed their hopes. “Congratulations, crew. The drill has made contact with the wall of Ba Sing Se. Start the countdown to victory!”
A collective silence hung in the air between them, the threat now even more imminent as their situation sunk in. Mai and Ty Lee had proven effective in taking down any Earth Kingdom threat posed at them, and despite Toph’s skill they knew she couldn’t take down something like this on their own.
They either had to figure out a way to destroy this drill, or the Fire Nation was going to make it into the city.
Sokka ran back over to the brace and pushed against it, putting all his strength into the feat but to no avail. “Come…. on! Move!”
Katara started pacing around in a small circle, crossing her arms again as she tried to think of something. “This is bad. This is really bad.”
“Sokka, that’s not going to work!” Y/N didn’t mean to snap, but the grinding of metal on metal combined with her nervousness got to her. She sighed and ran her hand over her face. “I— I’m sorry. But it’s still not going to work.”
He groaned as he leaned against the brace. “We’re putting everything we have into busting these things, but it’s taking too long!”
Suddenly, Aang jumped up from the ground with stars in his eyes. “Maybe we don’t need to cut all the way through! Toph — she’s been teaching me that you shouldn’t put a hundred percent of your energy in any one strike. Sokka, get in a fighting stance.”
Sokka complied and as Aang talked through his points, he demonstrated it on Sokka. “You've got to be quick and accurate. Hit a series of points and break your opponent's stance. And when he's reeling back, you deliver the final blow. His own weight becomes his downfall, literally.”
As Sokka fell over from the attack, Katara lit up. “So we just need to weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through—”
“—then I can go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow!” Aang finished.
Y/N helped Sokka up from the ground, his spirits not dampened at all. “Then boom! This whole thing goes down!”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Y/N asked, flexing her fingers to refresh them for all the bending she was going to have to do. “Aang, Katara and I can handle the braces. Focus on getting up to the top before anyone sees you.”
He nodded and they all met each other with determined eyes. “Everyone inside that wall, the whole world — they’re all counting on us.”
“Here, take this. You need this more than I do. ” Katara took her waterskin off and handed it to Aang. “Good luck. And be careful.”
Y/N noticed a slight blush on her cheeks and she had to hold back her smile. That was definitely something she was going to tease her friend about later — when they weren’t trying to stop the Fire Nation from breaking into Ba Sing Se.
“I will,” he assured. Aang slung the strap of the waterskin around his shoulder and took off, and Y/N and Katara got to work breaking through the rest of the braces.
With the knowledge that they only had to cut through half of each column and the revitalization that came from having a plan, their work went by much quicker. Just when they finished the final brace, it all went wrong.
“Good work, Team Avatar!” Sokka cheered. “Now we— Y/N, duck!”
She didn’t question Sokka as she immediately dropped to the ground, something she was immensely thankful for as a blast of blue fire seared past her. Her eyes snapped up to the source of the attack and narrowed in recognition.
“Of course they’re here,” she growled as she pulled herself back up. “We gotta go, now!”
Katara and Sokka nodded and they all started running. Bringing up the rear, Y/N was able to hear Azula’s words right before they split off into an intersection:
“Follow them! I’m going to find the Avatar.”
Sure enough, when she allowed a glance back, Mai and Ty Lee were closing in on them. She flicked open the cap of her waterskin and bent some out, managing to freeze it at just the right moment to block the incoming daggers from Mai. Still running, she melted it quickly and let it fall to the ground before freezing it again, creating some ice on the ground that would hopefully give them a few more seconds of leeway.
“That should give us some time!” she yelled as they turned a corner, finally turning her attention back to the path in front of them. “Any idea how we’re gonna get out of this thing?”
“Maybe!” Sokka yelled back, slowing to a stop as they came to a dead end, a large hatch the only thing at their disposal. He started tugging on the wheel in an attempt to open it, and when Y/N joined in they were able to wrench it open.
“Slurry pipeline?” Katara frowned as she read the sign on the wall and looked at Sokka. “What does that mean?”
“It’s rock and water mixed together,” he explained as they looked into the rushing liquid underneath the hatch. “It means it’s our way out!”
Katara nodded and climbed in, Sokka following close after. The sound of metal footsteps got closer and closer, and Y/N ducked inside just as Mai’s knives clanked against the hatch. Never before had she been so happy to be floating in a stream of slurry.
The rest of their mission went by surprisingly easy — at least, on their end. All it took was some waterbending — earthbending, when Toph joined them — and encouragement from Sokka (though unappreciated by Katara). Whatever magic Aang was working at the top of the drill had done its job, because soon enough the drill had collapsed in on itself.
And now, they had reunited on the top of the wall overlooking the sunset. After the chaos that had been their day, it was nice to just relax for even a moment. And there was no better way to do so than with her friends.
“I just want to say, good effort out there, Team Avatar!” Sokka exclaimed as he threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulder.
“Enough with the ‘Team Avatar’ stuff,” Katara said dryly. “No matter how many times you say it, it’s not going to catch on.”
“I like it, Sokka,” Y/N smiled. “I’ve liked it this whole time.”
“You always appreciate my genius, Y/N,” he mused. “That’s why I appreciate you.” She laughed and leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to list off names.
“How about… the Boomeraang squad! Eh? See, it’s good because it’s boomerang, and it has Aang in it—”
“Yeah Sokka,” Toph interrupted. “We got it.”
Aang grinned and scratched his head. “I kinda like that one.”
“The Aang Gang. Ooh, the Fearsome Fivesome!”
“You’re crazy,” Toph muttered as she walked away.
“Wait, Sokka—” Y/N pulled away from him and held up her pointer finger. “Aang Gang — what if we combine it, so it’s just the Gaang? But still with Aang’s name?”
And at that moment, Sokka looked more proud than ever. “Oh, you— you are a genius.”
“Oh, spirits,” Katara groaned. “Why do you insist on encouraging him?”
“You’re just jealous of our name-making abilities,” Sokka said haughtily.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “You two are completely ridiculous, you know that? Let’s just get into the city before the trains stop running.”
Y/N and Sokka winked at each other as they all started walking, unable to keep the smile off of her face. She always thought it was amazing — they went through insane things every day, but at the end of it all she was always able to smile because of them. And as her gaze drifted towards the city in the distance, she hoped it would hold true.
She had no idea what Ba Sing Se had in store for her.
shit is gonna happen next chapter so i hope you all are READY bc im not
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny @selfship-mishaps @i-belong-in-fandoms @ilistentotayswifttocope @i-make-questionable-choices @3leni
300 notes · View notes
Thank you @eldritch-and-tired for commissioning this lil’ /Reader piece of @megalommi‘s Sans, Baggs. I will ALWAYS be a simp for this sexyman. Enjoy!!
Tw: injections, unwilling hypnosis/mind control
You giggled.
The light was so pretty. Swirling, undulating, cyan and magenta warping and shifting in and out of one another in an endless hypnotising rhythm. It made you think of a funfair... spirals everywhere, from the tops of the stalls to the decorations on the rides, to the signs leading you around to those huge lollipops that tasted tooth-meltingly sweet. Happy memories, carefree, far away and non-solid but still wonderful. What were you doing? You couldn’t remember anything. You liked blue and purple, they were everywhere, all around you, such pretty colours. 
Pretty, pretty...
“... there we go. easy now.”
... You didn’t realise he was even there until he (somewhat cautiously?) spoke. Your senses were just colours. The voice was odd and a bit disembodied at first but slowly, slowly, you became aware of its source- a face hovering just over you. The awareness spread to your body, too... you were bent at an odd angle with your feet just barely lifted off the floor, your back flat on a rather uncomfortable table, gravity pulling your hair and cheeks. And he... he was just a few inches over you, pinning you by one of your wrists.
A tight and tense, cutting smile, clear signs of stress around his face and shoulders making it obvious that this was the smile of a man on the edge and not one of any particular joy. Deep sockets, so wide they looked borderline painful, glaring down at you with so much intensity...
... You could feel his body heat. And his breath against your face. Your heartbeat, your slightly itchy nose, how tight he was holding your wrist.
“... Mh... Huh?” You said, ever-so articulately, vision spinning in the same direction as the swirls emanating from his left socket. A similar way to how the world rocked when you were dizzy... except for you, it never righted itself. It just kept spinning and spinning and spinning. Everything was so bright, as you fell under a pleasant fuzzy sensation burrowed into your chest and mind, blanketing your thoughts as if you were just in the middle of a nice dream where nothing much mattered.
When he gently closed his gloved fingers around something you had gripped in your pinned hand, you put up no fuss, loosening your hold and allowing him to take it... when did you pick up a scalpel? What an odd thing to have. The back of your head hurt and your knuckles felt the telltale aches of having been tense a few moments ago, even though they were now just an unwound coil like the rest of you.
... Dr. Baggs let out a long slow, breath. You could feel it against your nose and neck, he was that close... his mouth open barely a crack, the magenta hue of his tongue glinting against his fangs. 
“... alright.” He said, voice silky, gentle on your thrumming ears and head, sockets easing around the edges as he calmed down. The bluish shadows of sleep deprivation under them became more apparent as the tension in the room, face and posture waned. “that’s better.”
... Yeah. You thought, relaxed and calm. It is.
... He gave you the bare minimum of personal space, leaning back and helping you to sit, lifting you with the perfect combination of gentle but firm as if he knew you’d immediately feel so dizzy when you became upright. Your hands moved up and held onto his shoulders to steady yourself- the fabric of his lab coat was surprisingly soft, it was very nice to touch. 
... He was so close. Supportive but strict hands on your elbows, your knees on either side of him, he smelled like... the artificial flavouring they added candy that just wasn’t quite natural. And a specific, scented brand of antiseptic; clean and sterile and prepared.
“... well.” He hummed, reaching out of sight for something with one hand. Your forehead would bump his collarbone if you leant forward any more. His voice was so soothing and calming, especially since you were only a few inches from his clavicle... you were getting pretty close to shutting your eyes at this point, but a prick in your arm kept you from completely nodding off- you barely noticed it, too busy studying the aesthetically pleasing purple trim to his coat and enjoying the funny fuzzy sensation in your chest and temples. Oh, he suddenly had a full syringe in his hand that he was putting a cap on... where did he get that? 
“i knew from the start you’d be uncooperative, but... not that kind of uncooperative.”
He held something up to your face. You opened your mouth, (wait, why am I opening my mouth...) and he quickly placed it on your tongue. You swallowed, again, without knowing why... it was like your body was following a list of instructions that you couldn’t see or hear. Someone else had taken the wheel; tugging the right strings to make the right parts of you move when they were needed. 
... You didn’t think about it much. No panic, no confusion, no considering the implications. The thoughts were disconnected... just ships in the night, sailing by your muffled brain. All you could really think about was how whatever he’d given you was very strange and bitter and ew, you cringed, an odd acrid taste lingering in the back of your throat.
... Another prick in your arm. That’s weird, he keeps pricking me. Oh well. This time, you looked just in time to see him removing a now-empty syringe; he wiped where he’d poked your forearm with something very cold, then placed a little circular red band-aid over it.
There were six other band-aids on that forearm. Two green, three navy, one black... and now the red one.
Hm... I feel like I should be alarmed by that...
Again, all you could think about was how nice you felt right now. Dizzy, warm, safe. Like you’d had a little too much to drink, but now you were laying out in the sun with your friends... I miss the sun...
“most of my ‘patients’ are at least... consistent.” Baggs hummed, continuining to hold you carefully by the elbows, predicting your post-jab swaying. He didn’t seem to realise he was talking aloud, just a scientist observing his experiment, and you weren’t really paying enough attention to what he was actually saying- too many words to process, boooring. “uncooperative awake, uncooperative under. you’re always displaying aggression toward me... and yet as soon as you have no control, there’s an obediency so immediate it’s borderline subconscious. rather fascinating.”
Instead, you...
“... Sexy voice.”
“... what?” 
Apparently, that was enough to finally break him out of his thoughts. You glanced up at Baggs’ face, still only a few inches away, you kept forgetting where things were around you... the cushion around your soul never wavered but for a moment there was a little blip in the swirls. A slight interruption.
... His expression sort of... well, ‘melted’ was the wrong word. It was more akin to the sun peeking out from between two clouds. The detached, observational, scientific air to him thinned and began to evaporate... revealing something a little more warm.
The razor and unfriendly edges of his smile were rounding into something organic. Perhaps even, daresay, resembling forward. 
“my.” He purred. “how forward of you.”
“S’very nice. Very smooth...” Your tongue felt... eh. And your arm, where he’d poked you, was starting to itch. “And you have a nice face too... handsome man. I think so.”
His smile started growing even more, and he leaned back an inch or two as if to look at all of you and make sure you were really the same person he’d brought into this examination room less than an hour ago. “... oh really?”
“Yeah...” ... Your hands had been just holding onto his coat... but, spurred on by your sudden drunken confidence, you properly looped them around his neck.
... He blinked, but he only let himself appear taken aback for a moment or two. Despite how ominously his magenta eyelights glowed in his dark, shadowed sockets... you could tell he was enjoying himself, and this sudden turn of events. “i’m flattered.”
You laid your head on his chest. It was getting kinda hard to stay upright. 
... Your nose scrunched.
“Funky smell, though.”
That was enough to get an actual laugh out of him- albeit shortlived, his skull cocking like a curious mirthful bird. “are you... genuinely telling me that i smell, darling?”
“Yeah. Because it’s true. You’re gremlin.”
 “i’m... gremlin?”
“stars. i wish i could tell pap about this.”
Your body shifted, enough to make you lightly squeak- things were spinning so much that it took you a minute to realise Baggs had picked you up, an arm hooked under your legs and another around your back.
“you’re all done for the day, pet.” His eyelights had become a thrumming, almost amethyst colour as he looked at you, a far gentler shade of purple than his previous headache-inducing magenta. You weren’t sure what’d caused that but you weren’t complaining. You weren’t sure what’d caused him to carry you either, considering he usually just brought someone to collect his ‘patients’ for him... but, again, not complaining. “it’s time to get back to your room.”
“I feel funny.” You mumbled.
“that’s normal.”
He started walking. The halls all looked the same, as he moved through them, blending into one another... white and sterile, a few doors dotted inbetween if you were lucky but mostly just the exact same tiles and patterns and lack of anything that would clue you into the fact that people had actually (at some point) existed in this area. 
“Hm... is this where you work...?”
A little chuckle. He was sounding further and further away. “yes. this is my job, dear.”
“It’s so g... ug-ly.”
“oh? you think so?” Baggs’ tone had become... light? Perhaps a little teasing. 
“Jus... put up some nice posters, or something.” Your head was so heavy. Since when was it this heavy? You had to rest it against his chest, feeling that nice fabric against your cheek, hearing an equally nice humming sound from inside his ribcage. “Paint the walls. It’s so... white. Clini... ...clinicic... Calic...” 
“... Yeah.Tthat.”
A gloved phalange touched your arm. It was probably an attempt at a comforting gesture- stroking the skin. “good to know. i’ll make sure to pass that eloquent advice along to the decorating team.”
He brought you to a cell-like room. It was... vaguely familiar? A bed with one pillow, thin white sheets... some strange posters and a window with bars over it. You felt like you’d spent a long time in there, but it was impossible to think straight enough to actually muster up any memories.
Baggs laid you down on the bed, slowly, handling you like you’d fall apart at any moment. You made a little noise- it wasn’t a very soft bed... but it was good enough. And your body felt so strange and tired that any soft surface honestly was nice enough to lay down on forever.
“comfy?” He asked. Since when did he inquire if you were comfy?
“M... no. S’whatever.”
You peeked at him, crouched by your bed... and you reached out, pressing your inexplicably heavy finger against the top of his nasal cavity in a booping motion. You mumbled a little victorious “Silly skeleton.” 
He took your hand in his gloved one, gently, before it could go limp and flop down. You couldn’t really make out his expression at this point.
“don’t tell the other subjects...” He murmured... he sounded amused, at least. “but i think you’ve become my favourite.”
“Course.” You shut your eyes. “I’m... m’amazing.”
“... yes. course.” 
A feeling, like a kiss on your hand, before he placed it by your side.
“... go to sleep.”
And just like that, your body obeyed him before your head could even process what he’d said, and you were asleep.
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jiminrings · 3 years
can we get a fratboy Jimin and good girl oc with pinning from both sides 👀 ahhhh thank u in advance love ur writing!!
Tumblr media
cherry king
drabble week: day four
drabble week masterlist
pairing: fratboy!jimin x goody two-shoes!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "y-you uhm, you-? y'know, you like... doing that? is that why it's your nickname?"
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
great!! the line’s moving :D
that’s only like the 87th time jimin has heard the word next and it makes him wonder how much more would it take him to bring him to the front
(it’s actually only been 14 times and jimin might just be a self-admitted impatient bitch!!!)
he understands that yes, it’s ten in the evening!!! and reasonably-large stores/pharmacies like these can have less staff at the time compared to ten in the morning
sure, checkout machines and cashier lanes could be broken down!! or they could just not be open at all
jimin gets that alright, maybe the self-checkout machines are close at this time of the night because it is ten in the evening
what’s not clicking in his mind, however is that at the exact time that he comes here
as in the EXACT time that he’s here (!!!) — there happens to be dozens of people in a store at ten in the evening, and there happens to be a grand total of one (1) cashier lane
atleast random store music would be entertaining :((( all he hears are the beeps of a scanner and the chatter of groups of people who came here
jimin was eavesdropping on some guys in front of him and he wAS invested but lmao turns they were just discussing the plot of die hard or any testosterone-jacked movie like it
he’s also tried looking at the smaller middle-aged woman’s phone in front of him who’s scrolling through her facebook feed, but quickly decides against continuing it
because what if u could see his face and when she turns it off, she’d see a college guy deeply-invested in the baloney article she was reading about how subway sandwiches are the work of the devil
so uh yeah he’s just looking everywhere besides the front, back, and the sides of him and in all angles basically
he’s,,,,, aimlessly scrolling through his instagram feed he’s already scrolled through tHREE times and his explore’s page a little too dry
it’s a good thing that jimin’s entirely sure he’s the nosiest person out of this line and no one else is trying to figure him out
might be wrong though
“cherry king?”
hold the fuck on
jimin’s eyes widen, head snapping up and clueless to the fact that he doesn’t look discreet at all, and his head-cocking’s the most movement he’s done the whole time in this store
it can’t be a coincidence either because as far as he’s concerned, there isn’t anything named cherry king that’s being sold here
there is literally NO other plausible scenario happening here besides the fact that someone who knows him is in the store!!!!
his gaze falls to the person behind him, brows knitted in confusion until it clicks
that was you?
“jimin? huh, it really is you. i thought i was losing my mind for a second.”
okay maybe hE’S the one who’s losing his mind here
he knows you!! you’re the smart girl in his year who’s known for being pristine and stuff!! you’re like the good-est girl he’s ever known and heard of
.... quick question lads is that weird to know someone by
“you could’ve just called me by my name, y’know,” jimin chuckles heartily, still a little dumbfounded to see you here but he’s grateful for the interaction nonetheless
you look casual today?? like you still look like yourself but everyone else would think it’s an out-of-body experience to see you out of your pretty dresses and monochromatic get-ups
it’s you..,.. in a hoodie three sizes larger than your size with your pristine shoes traded in for socked-feet wearing slides
jimin thinks that you look like grace under pressure
“i wasn’t sure,” you smile right back and it’s the first time he realizes that there’s glasses atop your nosebridge, softening your image more from the usual composed look you carried
“how were you sure enough to say my nickname out-loud though?”
jimin questions you, bringing light to how he’s wearing a plain white shirt and is looking as relaxed as ever with how he’s dressed — his hair long enough to be put into a messy sprout of a bun
you clear your throat, the amusement bubbling in your scratchy throat
“you have yourself as your lockscreen, jimin.”
oh my gOD
he winces when you say it, eyes screwing shut in embarrassment that he whines in pain with how direct you put it
“n-no way — fuck you respectfully, y/n. i-i’m not- i’m changing it right now!!”
does he look the vainest person alive rn
the way he has a mini freakout entertains you to your core, giggles unable to be suppressed as he finds the latest-taken picture he has of dogs that he comes across with
that’s 10/10 an experience he doesn’t want to repeat again
“it’s okay. i won’t tell anyone.”
he hears you reassure and he believes you, a flustered blush on his cheek still as he coughs to make up for a diversion topic he couldn’t think of
frankly, you’re getting bored too and jimin’s the only form of entertainment you have because using your phone atm would be too disorienting
“what are you doing here, by the way?”
your head tilts in query and he’s relieved that you address something else, not being relieved seconds later when he realizes his answer
“just a little supply run for our frat. we weren’t supposed to run out of things for three more days, so this is just a lil emergency haul for awhile.”
you nod in understanding, glancing down at his basket and uh
uhm 1/4 of the space is literally occupied by boxes of condoms
jimin’s confused to why you turn silent, thinking that he must’ve gotten boring to continue talking to until he follows your gaze to his basket
NO WAY?!]>|>]%%[%]%]
“i-it’s not l-like that!!!” he crouches and immediately gets the food and the bottles of shampoo and conditioner to bury the condoms in the bottom of the pile, attractively getting more attention from you who’s ready to let it go
“i-it’s not — it’s ours — n-no!! t-they just gave me a list and i just put it because it’s on the list b-but like it wasn’t my-...”
how many more times will the universe fuck jimin up in front of the person he has a lil happy crush on
you only smile meekly, tilting your head and he thinks this is the part where you tell him how much of a douche he is
"y-you uhm, you-? y'know, you like... doing that? is that why it's your nickname?"
“t-that?” jimin clarified albeit confused, thinking back to his nickname as he tries to rapidly connect the dots to not look like a fool
cherry king? that?? what do you-
“nO!! o-of course not!!”
he almost shrieks and his voice sounds ultimately defensive, shaking his head no
why does he look so frantic
“hey, hey, i believe you! — calm down, jimin. you don’t have to explain anything to me.”
but he argues that it iS the truth though!!!
but why won’t you just ask him why he’s called cherry king though >:(
you’re already content with the silence after the conversation but he isn’t, still wanting more
is it so bad that he wants redemption D:
“how about you? what are you doing here?”
you don’t answer instantly and it’s because you’re nudging jimin to continually walk, the cashier looking much more visible now as he’s nearer in line
he takes a look at the handful of things that’s in your basket —
electrolytes, hot pockets, soup, cup noodles and fever patches...?
“oh. i think i’m running a fever.”
what are you doing here aLONE if you think you’re running a fever???
he’s not gonna lie about the fact that you don’t look too good
what if you pass out and no one’s there for you and all the graveyard shift employees do is put a wet floor sign around your figure???
“y/n?? what are you doing here alone then?? are you oUT of your mind??”
the panic in jimin’s voice is clear as day and you’re a little startled, instead responding to tapping him on the shoulder to point that he’s already the one on the cashier
what he does is grab your basket before he is, putting it in front of the conveyor belt because he couldn’t even wait for it to roll out
“i said i think i’m running a fever.”
jimin stops from simultaneously rummaging for his rewards card and putting his items on the counter to unceremoniously drop the box of condoms down jUST to put his hand on your forehead
“you are.”
you surely don’t think low of jimin but you can’t help be surprised either at his concern for you when this is the only time you’ve had a conversation with him!!!
“you drove here?” he asks in seriousness, sending you a look while waiting for the total amount
“walked. the airconditioning makes me even more sick,” you answer with no fuss because even thinking about car fresheners while you’re sporting a fever makes you want to gag. “let me-...”
jimin already pays for both your items in cash, getting them bagged separately as he’s not gonna take no for an answer for what he’s gonna propose next
“then i’ll keep the windows down. i’ll drive you back to your dorm.”
he grabs both your bags in one hand and uses the other to beckon you over, holding you still because it’s dark out and a fever vision wouldn’t exactly help
it’s only when he straps you in and (true to his word) puts the windows down and starts his car that you start asking
“why are you doing this for me?”
why IS he doing this for you??
jimin thinks about his answer in a second
“would you do the same for me?”
if you were in front of him at a godforsaken line, had yourself as your lockscreen, realize that jimin’s behind you with a fever and is by himself in a store at 10 in the evening
“of course i would.”
jimin smiles, steering away from his parking spot
“then i would too.”
( ♡ )
maybe you’re thinking of jimin
no wait you’re dEFINITELY thinking of jimin
you’re much better now and your fever’s already subsided enough for you to go back to class!!!
the whole interaction with him was three days ago and maybe your head is just full of him at this point
“are you sure you’re okay to handle this by yourself??”
jimin worries when he drops your bag to your hands, briefly coming inside your dorm to set it down
“mhmm. i’ll just sleep it out.”
“i think if you’re missing a couple of steps.”
you snort as his paranoid features, waving him off. “i’ll eat. then go to the bathroom. and then sleep.”
okay good enough
“what if this just-“ jimin trails off, his expansive mind suddenly running as he points to your chest, “stops????”
“i have a smart watch.”
“would you put me as one of the emergency contacts? please?”
he’s making you take down his number without malice because jeez he’s gENUINELY worried!!!!
it may not always be great sharing a house with his frat brothers, but he knows that if he has a fever, atleast half of them would dote over him and you have atleast one who would go into hysterics!!! it’e a full package!!
“i’ll be okay, jimin. i’ll call you when i need someone to hand me my puke bucket.”
“please do. i’m not even kidding. get better now because i miss your dresses.”
“n-no i meant your usual style!! wait, not that there’s anything wrong w-with your style right now. i-i was-...”
“yeah. i miss them too. now go home, jimin.”
“you sure?”
u never really had the impulse to invite a guy to go inside your place but maybe now you do
“mhmm. drive safe.”
“good night, y/n. call me whenever.”
classes were a bit rough today because you’re still easing yourself on getting back to the groove of things, but it was tolerable!!!
you’re getting your key out of your backpack when a lock clicks open a couple doors away from you, the hinge noisily squeaking
it’s jimin who leaves it, with seri who’s the actual occupant of the dorm leaning on the doorframe
he squeaks the moment his eyes land on you
your hand automatically waves, the same meek smile for him to see
( ♡ )
the last interaction you had with him is still on jimin’s mind, a whole week later
it’s been bothering him recently that you know what it looks like the last time around!!!! but he could swear up and down that it wasn’t
he just feels this great urge to explain even if you haven’t asked
“oh. so we have to move out for the time-being?”
jimin clarifies with namjoon, the head of the frat, and he’s met with a solemn nod
it makes sense!!!
the house got checked today and there were mULTIPLE fire hazards!!! and it needs to be fumigated anyway under new campus protocol so it indeed makes sense
practically everyone's going home because it’s a long weekend anyway because of a holiday
and he’s not sure if he wants to take the same route.
jimin squeaks the moment you open your door, surprise evident on your face but not shock to the point you’d close the door on him
okay maybe he’s gonna go straight to explaining
“frat house needed to be closed because of some complications, and it wouldn’t be open to us for another three days. most of the guys are coming home,” jimin clears his throat, his head down while he shyly scratches the back of his ear, “i have one, but i’m not sure if i wanna.”
it’s that problem
it takes one, two seconds before it all registers in your head, nodding surely
“you can take my bed. i’ll take the couch, it’s a pull-out anyways.”
you open the door for him widely and the only thing you ask if he’s had dinner and if he’d like some
god you’re really throwing him in a loop here
it’s after a batch of your cooking that jimin’s only ache is why you were the way that you were, half-dazed the whole time he’s met you properly
“why do you never ask me?”
“hmm?” you hum as you dry the dishes that you’ve used, wanting to get it done as soon as possible so your full attention would be on him
no, actually. jimin WANTS you to pry!!
he wants you to worm your way into his privacy and into the confines of his mind
but it seems like you’ve already did without even asking.
“ask me why i’m called the cherry king.”
you tilt your head in confusion, that time playing in your head of why jimin looked confused when you didn’t continue to ask further
maybe you’ll indulge him
“why are you called the cherry king?”
jimin smiles, leaning to your couch with his arms relaxed
“we did secret santa for christmas at our frat house. taehyung thought it would be nice if he pranked me by gifting me a jar full of cherries, but i thought that was his actual gift, and i liked it to the point that i finished it in one sitting.”
cute, even
“ask me why i came out of seri’s apartment last week.”
oh that’s.,.,. that’s a bit higher in level compared to nicknames
“why did you come out of seri’s apartment last week?”
“because seri’s the ex-girlfriend of hoseok, my frat brother, and he wanted me to return all her stuff because he doesn’t want to be reminded of his cheating ex.”
well that was definitely weighted
jimin plays with the hem of his shirt, the words tumbling out of his mouth
“ask me why i love you.”
why do you wHAT
your mouth drops open, the new position you took on the other end of the couch taking an impact on him
“w-why do you love me?”
jimin’s a lot of things but he’s not drunk tonight
he doesn’t know why he’s letting his feelings slip either, but it’s the bottomless need that he feels when he’s around you
“i feel wanted. i feel needed.”
he smiles cheerfully even if he feels shy dropping this on you all of a sudden
“not sure if you want me nor need me, but i feel welcome with you if that makes sense.”
“you just make me feel loved, i guess.”
jimin looks at you for the first time since he’s opened his mouth, an equally fond look on your face
you said no words but what jimin receives is a gentle tug, your hand on the side of his face until he’s leaning on your shoulder
“i wanna know what's up there.”
he points a finger to your temple, an amused lilt to his tone, “surprise me.”
it’s an unfolding of things that was weeks in the making but months in developing, the distant glances leading you to recognize jimin in the shop in the first place
“i feel the exact same with you,” you answer honestly and it makes his laugh from his chest, his cheeks warm and his heart content
and you just wanna suspend yourselves in this moment forever
“oh! and if i were to lose my virginity to anyone at the moment, it'd be you!!”
jimin swats at your shoulder to which you only giggle at, a toothy smile on display as this is the warmest he’s ever felt
“i wasn’t kidding!!!”
you yawn when you defend yourself, predicting that you’d fall asleep sooner or later on the couch, but for the time-being, you just stroke jimin’s hair to soothe the both of you
jimin is now the furthest thing from sleepy
"what? you told me to surprise you!!"
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