#and finally id need to actually have the motivation to finish a project
moltengoldveins · 6 months
That TCU post…that is truly one of, if not the greatest thing I’ve ever seen come out of this fandom. I tried my own hand a while back at writing “the dsmp but taken seriously”; gave it a name and a playlist but didn’t really write much before I went back to my other projects. If you ever have the motivation to do more with that outline I’d be honored to be a co-writer or help out in any way, or if you want you could just use my title as a name for the series: A Ballad of Broken Dreams.
holy crap op this is so sweet. Thank you so much. I’m… wow ok. That. Wow. Thank you. That’s legitimately so kind and I’m so glad you enjoyed it XD. Id also Love to see your playlist and your thoughts behind the songs if you’re down?! That sounds awesome :D
funnily enough, I’ve had a drafted outline for this heccin thing running around in my head since the Butcher Army arc. Right around when SAD-ist dropped her animatic, I simultaneously realized ‘oh wow, I Adore this concept’ and ‘oh wow, I Highly doubt the CCs are gonna manage to do this the way I’d want to see it’ and lo and behold: I was correct. So painfully correct. (There were also People Involved whom I had Really Bad Feelings About from very early on that, sure enough, turned out to be exactly what i thought they were, rip) So the Emduo prequels, Icarus heccin Dying, and the end of Axe of Peace have been around for Ages.
I’d honestly love to do more with this concept, (i am designing movie posters as we speak) but due to Chronic Illness Pog I’m in a rather unstable financial situation? And don’t have a ton of free time for art. Any big projects are gonna take a While, or id need to find a way to use it or something adjacent to fund, y’know, Rent. That being said, I’m definitely writing the emduo prequels, both as movie scripts and as novels, as those are the films focused on, yknow, My Bois. I also think it’d be hilarious to release the novels and then the scripts and watch people Loose Their Minds over the ‘inaccurate adaptation >>:(‘
I’d absolutely love to work with other people in the fandom on this stuff, though I’ve never been the best at directly co-writing (my writing method and style is painfully specific (ie needlessly poetic) and I’m very autistic: I don’t like it when people touch that Specific Thing) but literally anything else? Im open ears. I love collabs.
and finally, I adore your name for the series, (excellent word choice there /srs, it fits perfectly with the symbolism of the whole story) and I think it works really Really well for the actual DSMP, but if I’m entirely honest… I’m not sure it fits the TCU? Like genuinely I’m so grateful for the suggestion, I love when people offer ideas and bounce things around like that. But one of the main things I tried to do with this concept was work out how the story could actually end Well. A deep-seated belief in the good-but-fallen nature of man, the importance of hope, and the inevitability of redemption kinda comes part and parcel with the whole Being-A-Christian Thing (if it doesn’t, you’re missing the Whole Point Of The Bible) and while the actual DSMP may have ended in broken dreams… this doesn’t. That was my first thought when writing that outline: This Is Going To End Well. Not for wish-fulfillment reasons, not because I’m naive or I don’t like bad endings, but because fundamentally, everything sad is a lie, and if the story has ended in tragedy, it hasn’t ended yet.
If I had to pick a series name now, I’m not sure what I’d pick. A part of me balks at referencing anything popularized by Our Local Redacted, but ‘unfinished symphony’ wasn’t his in the first place, it was from Hamilton. “The Finished Symphony” has a cool ring to it? I dunno. If anyone else has ideas please feel free to toss them in here aight, I’m not settling on anything for a While.
Anyways, thanks for Ted talking with me, drink water 💜
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verdantglow · 6 months
that makes so much sense actually. i also am making some aus (unrelated) and am wanting to seperate them into little ficlets/art pieces/comics of the pieces that motivate me before even touching on an overarching story but also god is it difficult for me. if thats what works for you as well id definitely say treat it like that (also i would LOVE to see any animatics you do for this)
i personally am mostly watching the hermits doing their hermit crafting (currently watching 18 hermits simultaneously the hyperfixation is b a d) and a couple SOS members, though i plan to watch more of the creators. I've really only seen up to double life (all through grians pov), and i havent even finished that. in my defence, the "its for your secret soulmate" line utterly and completely destroyed me and i have NOT recovered since (i stopped watching his hermitcraft videos after that too until the start of s10).
i have made the resolution to go watch other povs but i need to finish his first rip.
How often do you think the vflarp games effect their out of game relationships? like obviously it led to them becoming friends and desert duo becoming "moirails" but like. Did double life cause a rift between grian and scar? has rendog being absent from the games had any significance on anything? (i havent watched further so i cant really give too many other examples). Do the winners get anything other than the satisfaction that they alone won?
absolute behemoth of an ask my bad
Yeah! There’s just something so appealing about being able to just jump around & do mini projects that go together rather than one huge one. I’m hoping it’ll hold off the burn out I inevitably get for my AUs. **stares off into the distance thinking about all my mega fics that only ever got three chapters** I get it being hard to break it down though! I hope you’re able to land at a place where you can create as easily & painlessly as possible. ^^
I feel you on the hyperfixation lol. I was doing that hermitblr survey that’s going around & realized that I watch every episode of a third of the server, & some to most episodes of another third. & there’s a handful in the final third that I’ve been meaning to watch, but haven’t gotten to because I’m so busy watching everyone else & thinking about fanworks. This season is just slamming all the good brain chemical buttons!
Tbf, “it’s for your secret soulmate” hit so fucking hard, I do not blame you an ounce for wanting to take a break after that! When you’re ready, I highly recommend Martyn’s 3rd life, it’s so good! I never quite got the Renchanting/Treebark hubbub as someone who’d only seen Grian’s perspective of that season, but after watching Martyn’s… The drama is just. So. Good. Martyn + Ren is just a combo of theatre kid lore nerds & it honestly slaps. Gem’s Secret Life is damn good as well, just ‘cause she got to be a chaos gremlin & we love to see it.
Oh yes, their VLARPing affects IRL relationships all the time! A lot of early relationships developed due to playing 3rd Life & those relationships continued on to influence who went on which ship once they reached adulthood! Obviously, we’ve got Scar & Griann, but also there’s Scohtt & Jimmie who became auspitices, & Wrehnn & Martyn who stick together & eventually become matesprits. Jimmie & Tangoh hit it off after playing Double Life as soulmates & eventually enter a [matespritship? Moiraillegance? Haven’t decided] as well. & of course, my beloved Boat Boys developed their weird whatevership around the same time. (Joel swears they’re pitch. Eethos never comments on it. The truth is somewhere around them being hate friends who are flushed for each other??? But fuck if you’ll ever get either of them to admit it.)
Things were pretty rocky for Scar & Griann after DL; the whole secret soulmate thing was a case of Griann being mildly annoyed with Scar & thinking he could get back at Scar/make Scar jealous. This blew up in his face ~*~spectacularly~*~ & it took quite a bit for things to heal between them. (Mummbo spent a lot of that time being very confused why the vibes on Scar’s ship were so fucking rancid until he managed to get Griann to fess up.)
There definitely is a plot related reason Wrehnn hasn’t been playing, but I’m holding back on finalizing anything until I get more of the out of game plot mapped out. But yes, that definitely affects/is an effect of things in game!
I think, much like in real life, winning is just for the prestige of it. Like, in this AU, the Life series is just a bunch of games they’re playing for the heck of it. Though this does make me think that I need to decide where these games come from, whether it’s a mass market thing or something Griann threw together or if maybe it came from some other outside influence. Hm…
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starwolf53 · 2 years
Been thinking about opening commissions but idk how I'll go about it . but i might
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years
How I outline!
Helllloooooo it’s been ages since I promised to do this and I’m SO sorry it’s so late but I finally got around to actually writing this post today so here it is :P @abalonetea​ and @inkwell-attitude, I think you both wanted to see this! (sorry to everyone else about the long post incoming!) DISCLAIMER: This is just my process, I’m not claiming it’s the best or that everyone should do this or that it works for every project. I don’t do this for short or simple stories, only for novel-length WIPs with complicated facets, but the process *can* be distilled for something less complex. 
Step 1: Brain Dumping
At this point, I probably have some semblance of a premise and characters for this idea, and possibly also an endgame idea of where I want to take the story but not middle or clue of how to get from point A to point B. This is where you collect ALL the thoughts. Usually, I do this between phone notes and a document on my laptop for brainstorming, but you can use voice memos or whatever else works. I’ve drawn ideas on my hand in pen during a lifeguarding shift before and just taken pictures of my inked-over arm before I have to jump into the pool again. It happens. In any case, you have ideas.
Step 2: Put it in some semblance of order by using a map
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[Image ID] a blurry picture of a whiteboard covered in ideas in various covered pens looking something like a conspiracy theory board. This is the outline I was working on last night for the first book in the Laoche chronicles but it’s so vague at this point that I don’t think spoilers really matter. [end image ID]
The next objective is to put the random ideas in a linear order. I collect all the thoughts into one spot and dump them on the board. I color code, so first I write down all the set plot-points in the approximate order in the black pen, start to finish, and leave space above and below for stuff has to happen in the middle. 
Then the characters come in. I generally know backstories so those get dumped around the starting point in green. I figure out what characters are driving the plot and draw arrows between said plot points writing what the character does in the green pen. I include motivations, feelings, alliances, anything that might possibly be important to the plot too.
Then come logistics and filling in - that’s in red. You could also use conspiracy theory string. Where are they in the world? What needs to happen next? Where do I have plot holes? What makes the characters tick? What makes sense to happen next? What needs to happen to get to the end? What worldbuilding needs to get figured out to enable this plot point? Write it ALL down on a separate piece of paper and start brainstorming again. When you’ve got a good connection, add it. You’ll start to notice the board is starting to fill up. It won’t be linear anymore. That’s fine. 
Step 3: Flesh it out
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[image ID] a poorly lit photo of a board covered in sticky notes of different, some overlapping each other. This is only a corner of the board because it’s the outline for Storge and I only took a picture of the first few chapters [end ID]
This is where it starts getting real. I take everything I have on the whiteboard (which at this point is a disaster) and transfer every plot point, character interaction, motivation, worldbuilding thing, pacing notes, anything about unreliable characters, author notes about who knows what at certain points (both the characters and the reader), plot twists, and anything else from the notes that didn’t make it to the whiteboard and reconstruct the story on a board.
The reason I use sticky notes is because you can move them around, layer them, and space them to create a cohesive narrative. If I need to play with timing, I can do that easily. If I need to connect plot points to characterizations or anything else, I can do that with layering and spacing next to each other. I’m still color coding at this point. I can start slapping on stuff like “which day does this happen on? What kind of transitions do I need?”, chapter divisions, and thematic elements. You’ll notice there are more holes. Fill those in sooner rather than later.
Step 4: Outline Time
I obviously can’t take my carefully made board with me to school so now it’s time to put it into a document. At this point I should preface this with the fact that I really like the 3 act structure, so I start my outline with that before anything else, like so, using headings to make a document outline - that way I can jump around the outline using the outline quickly. Probably a bit extra but it saves a ton of time
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[image ID] a Microsoft word document outline with a hierarchical structure that shows acts, plot points, chapters, and chapter titles. [end ID]
Once that’s been filled out, I start putting the information from the board into the outline structure, and I make sure to cover EVERYTHING something like this: (with color-coding)
Chapter #/Title
Day of the narrative: this helps me keep time and iron out the pacing
The objective of the chapter: what does the reader need to learn, what is the one big thing that happens plot-wise
Main Plot Happenings - this goes in red text and details what actually happens in the chapter. For Storge, this is the plotline that follows Luca and the Laine family (when they’re together)
If there are subplots, these go here too in other colors. Orange for villainous cutaways. Purple for anything with the avian city/war subplot
Character arcs: these are green. I bullet point a list and name every major character in this chapter. anything important to their arcs goes here, as well as how I’m writing them. What are the emotions involved? This is normally the longest part because I have a lot of characters
Worldbuilding: What does the reader need to learn about the world from this chapter? This helps me space out the exposition. Details come up on a “need to know” basis, so there’s new worldbuilding in every chapter but no page-long dumps anywhere.
Themes: WHY is this chapter important? How is it contributing to what I want to say with this story?
Any other author notes about unreliable narrators, plot twists, foreshadowing, and what the reader should know at this point in the story. The goal is that you don’t anticipate the twist, but rereading it there’s a “HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT BEFORE” reaction, so this is more for my sake as a storytelling-craft thing.
Any excerpts or dialogue or description that I pre-wrote in the brain-dump phase and liked and think would fit well in this chapter.
Repeat with every chapter until you’re done.
This takes a long time, and I’m always revisiting and reworking that final outline once I’ve finished it but it’s such a huge help to set me on the right path without detouring 565479851321 times because I realized there was a plot hole too late. It’s overly complicated and incredibly intense and in-depth so It’s not for everyone but I like my 30-page long outlines, so here I am :P
If you’re still reading this, then wow good job, and thank you! I hope this was somewhat informative and not too tedious to scroll through! 
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Private. Hello there I would like a spirit guide reading please -Rochelle (RS) ♉️
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Hello 👋hi 👋 (🌺Rs)Rochelle are you a 🐂 ♉?
Really ... if I guessed you correctly you are Taurus in your natal birth chart (I am an aspiring astrologist and zlso do in-depth Astrology Reports based off of your natal birth charting so please do nog hesitate to ask for That next !
Your SpiritGuide is Cressida
💎🦋Galactic-Arctic Fox🦋💎
She is a mystical interterrestrial being from a galaxy through another realm not too far away but just out of reach !
Cressida has been with you since 2018 and should remain by your side as a companion, spiritual guardian 🙏 ✨ and your synchronicity lessons for the rest of your life.
Why is Cressida with me and trying to help or heal my situation and past situations or for future situations anyways? Well.. heres an in depth description of what this particular animal spirit totem means ..
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Whats Cressida doing? How can I place her in my life and recognize her?
🦋Whether the White Arctic Fox appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are to keep going, amid the test of your nature and character. Some powerful forces are working on your behalf to sort things out in a favorable outcome or way soon. Whatever you may be going through will soon pass. These tests and trials have made you stronger, and giving in is for the weak. You should realize how far you have come. You will be arriving to a place of rest and completeness soon. 🦋The Arctic Fox is a sign to trust yourself, above trusting anything or one outside of you. At least for the purpose of clarity. IN other words, it is time to pause, breathe, and receive insights from your oversoul or higher self. As a seeker of truth, you cannot allow someone or something else to dilute what you sense. Take time out to refuel so that you can come from a place of neutrality.🦋 You will need to be stubborn in a forthcoming opportunity and trust your instincts. Even if you collaborate with others, or cooperate with them, you must keep your eyes open as no one can look out for you the way that you can for yourself. In other words, watch your own back. Don’t give that responsibility entirely to others.🦋 The Arctic Fox teaches us that, we are only beings and we are all doing things to survive. Your trust is only owed to a higher source. You can cooperate with others, but the key is to look out for yourself always. Don’t just expect others to put you first. 🦋Always follow up, and if possible do things yourself when it comes to projects that require your creativity. The White Arctic Fox is a message that you want others to be better than what they are showing you. In other words, you are looking at the aspect of how a person can be and not what or who they truly are. If you are a part of a group of people who are being intentionally deceptive, it is best to clear up your acts now rather than later. 🦋The Arctic White Fox is about seeing beyond what we are shown, and hearing beyond what we are told. Your psychic senses will be heightened at this time.💎 Pay attention to what is being revealed. 🧿
⚠️This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. ⚠️
🦋What does She look like? 🥀
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Her fur is multidimensional and is actually the softest known material other than silk in this universe and all other universes including hidden realms..
Since she is a Galactic Arctic Fox you'll expect to see that she looks rather like a regular Arctic White Fox from our home planet Earth🌍But has different highlights and dimensions to her skin and her fur body. She has *fur tattoos* which are blue-- they represent the Element Water(do you have a lot of water 💧in your natal birth charting , I suspect you do 😉 )Her fur tattoos are like a war paint that was branded onto her when she became fully mature and with the seasons her other markings show up - each season - has a different shade of white to blue hue or even teal like transference that takes place , its quite magickal to see.
What is Cressida's personality like?
🦋Cressida has a strong, but warm and gentle but also courageous and brave personality and soul as a Galzctic Arctic Fox 💙 ❤ 💖 She conducts herself with a sense if integrity in every situation(no matter what!) 🦋Integrity is a personal trait that has strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide.🦋 She has a lot of compassion for all of humanity but especially you (Rs) ♉ This character traits example feels deep sympathy and pity for the suffering and misfortune of others, and you have a desire to do something to alleviate their suffering..She sees that you may be suffering maybe and has messages for you just about to come up .. old on we need to finish her character profile (bio)
🦋Cressida is an honest Galactic fox just as much of them are but there are more certainly the few bunches who are so mischievous that they are notdared to be messed with (worse than the worst fae)
🦋She has strong reliability. This SpiritGuidr's character quality can be consistently depended upon to follow through on your/her commitments, actions, and decisions. She does what she says you she will do.🥀🌍(88% of the time)
😷She hopes you wear a mask because she is very worried and concerned about your welfare during this coronairus. Please don't fall asleep 😴 🙏 😫 😪 😩 😭yet 😴you'll miss her message for you... im going to stop talking zbout her personality there id so much lol.
What is my SpiritGuide messages?
Cressida has a numerology message she has been sending you many other synchronicity but she asks that you pay attention next for the number # 536 if you haven't seen it by now already...
Number 536 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 5 and number 3, and the vibrations of number 6. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom and individuality, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness. Number 3 offers assistance and encouragement, communication and enthusiasm, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, broad-minded thinking, self-expression, talent and skills. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. Number 6 relates to love of home, family and domesticity, honesty and integrity, responsibility, compassion and empathy, finding solutions, grace and gratitude, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, provision and providing and the material aspects of life.
Angel Number 536 brings a message from your angels to maintain a positive attitude in regards to your monetary and financial circumstances as changes are taking place that will ensure that your material and monetary needs are met. Your positive affirmations, prayers and optimistic outlook have manifested opportunities to attract prosperity and abundance into your life. Trust that your Spirit Guide(s) especially Cressida.. will surround, support and guide you through these important changes.
Number 536 is a message to trust that the changes you may be going through are happening for your highest good. These changes may involve your career choices, your place of residence and/or an important relationship. Your angels support you through these changes and offer guidance and assistance to make transitions easier. Trust that these changes will have positive effects on your life and will ensure a continued supply of abundance to meet your daily wants and needs.
Number 536 encourages you to move forward with positive plans and ideas as they will prove to be most beneficial in all ways for yourself and your loved ones. 
Spiritual Messages...
Cressida wants you to be inspired, creative and most of all live out your destiny!!
🙏 Please take this advice seriously! You need to think about:
Surrounding yourself with people who reflect the character traits you want to embrace.
🦋They will inspire and motivate you to build these traits in yourself.
🦋Try to avoid people who have a weak character and make bad decisions.
🦋When you live your life being true to yourself and honest with others you manifest positive energies and desired results and outcomes. Speak your truths with gentleness and love and accept others with grace and understanding.
Monthly Message from your Spirit Guide ✨ 💛 ❤ 💖
A creak you hear in the dark could be the settling of an old house, or it could be a burglar creeping on the stairs. Loud voices you hear coming in through the windows could be your neighbors arguing, or it could be those same neighbors sharing good news. The lamp going out on your nightstand could be a sign that electricity has shut down, or it could mean you need a new bulb. There is often more than one way to interpret something, and usually there's nothing to worry about. Remember that today, Taurus, if you are tempted to follow worrisome thoughts. It's more likely there's nothing to worry about.
This is a great week(jan 11th to jan 17th) for you to finally finish one or two of those big projects you put on hold a while back. You may have thought you would never be able to get to them, but if you actually put this into your schedule and get started, you should see that it will all fall into place, and you'll get everything else done that needs to be done. This is also an ideal time to complete important conversations that were left dangling, maybe because there was no answer at the time, or because someone was being elusive about responding. You should find it easier now to get answers and receive honest reactions. Crossing all of these things off your long list will give you a great sense of satisfaction. You may even find that because of this efficiency, you will be inspired by a new idea that allows you to tap into a talent you have not used lately, and that would be a great idea. You have been very assertive in trying to attract an investor, team member, or partner for some project you want to take on. However, you are advised now to take a wait-and-see approach and be patient. What you need will materialize if you kick back a bit and let it come to you.
Thank you for meeting your Spirit Guide!! If you have any questions, concerns, or additional specific questions to ask your Spirit Guide you can always Astral travel and speak to her directly but; if you prefer that I take another independent in depth dive into your world I will 🌍🦋 🌎 I will answer up to 2 questions per ask Thanks for allowing this experience to take place, please 🙏
🦋Like && Share this post 📫 ✨
Much Love😍 ❤ Divinae
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canvaswolfdoll · 4 years
CanvasWatches: Id: Invaded
Okay, what if we could catch serial killers by entering their subconscious minds (referred to as an Id-Well), where the amnesiac avatar of a investigator must search for clues while also solving a murder mystery created within the bounds of a fantastic, mind bending world? Isn’t that an amazing premise for a combination platformer/puzzle video game?
Anyways, Id: Invaded is an anime. The only major complaint I have is how I would much rather be playing it than watching the proceedings, which probably just means it’s got a good concept.
Uh… it’s a mystery show with a season long arc and character progression so… spoilers? It’s a good show if you’re into that stuff. Handles grit and mature themes well, but… well, mature themes and violent images abound. So be careful of that.
So that’s the spoiler warning.
After watching the first episode and learning the basic concept, two truths were immediately evident: the young-looking police girl (Koharu Hondomachi) hearing the exposition is going to kill someone so she’ll be a candidate to dive into the id-well, and the elderly director guy overseeing the project is 100% the big bad.
Still, just because a couple things are easily solved by knowledge of narratives doesn’t mean there aren’t surprises. Like trepanning is a plot-important element in this for… some reason… it gives a secondary character superpowers!
Don’t… don’t blindly emulate your media, kids.[1]
The first couple of episodes telegraph what elements to pay attention to pretty clearly. Hondomachi is wide-eyed and overly interested in the Id Well machinations, and asks about how one becomes a candidate for entering the machine, and doesn’t look put out by the need to be a killer.[2] She also headbutts a drill to assist in the capture of the first serial killer of the show, so she’s not hesitant to take extreme measures. Which leaves the question: will she kill with the intention of joining the Id Well delving team?
Meanwhile, Takuhiko Hayaseura appears only long enough to be marked as important, but he doesn’t take an active part in the plot. Then the mysterious John Walker Phantom appears with similar old man body language, those dots are connected and you just have to wait for the plot to catch up.
Finally, our protagonist, Narihisago, dwells on wanting to save the perpetual victim of these murder dinner parties he’s investigating, signalling that Kaeru is more than a prop of the gimmick. I didn’t have enough details to take a guess at what her larger role would be, so the reveal in the later episodes was a successful twist.
There is a small tragedy with the structure of the anime course. While I typically prefer the 12 to 24 episode style, as it allows for limits for the artists to work with (like a trellis), and means that the series maintains a consistent narrative without flailing about to maintain momentum until given permission to die, we occasionally get a show like Id: Invaded where the central gimmick lends itself so well to an episodic, killer of the week style stories that I just want to watch the variations and not care too much about the myth arc. Because it’s set to conclude with episode 13, the show can only play with the gimmick for about half the course before having to buckle down and start telling the larger narrative, leaving me yearning for more new id wells and mysteries.
If the show were twice as long, it would’ve been able to play with the gimmick more, and have space to flesh out the investigative team to have actually interesting characters.
The first episodes introduce six characters watching Narhisago and analyzing the world around him to deduce the actual identity of the serial killer, but they have very little dialogue outside of exposition, and their mystery is opaque to the viewer until they solve it. The team could’ve been cut in half without losing anything.
But if Id:Invaded had two cours to stretch out and tell stories, the investigation team could have subplots and character revealing dialogue. But there’s no space for them, so… lost potential.
In fact, if this story was told as a video game,[3] there’d be plenty of space for the Wellside team to have incidental dialogue to develop them. The audience/player can also get more direct satisfaction out of solving the gimmick of each Id-Well, as they get to directly utilize the solution to complete the level. If the hypothetical game takes a page from Pheonix Wright, which is the game I most mentally aligned with the show, there can also be a section after the level where the clues found within the level can be analyzed and the player gets to piece together who the killed is.
It’d be fun.
But… er… the actual story.
It’s fine. The characters make a lot about learning who this John Walker fellow is, but the obvious culprit is sitting right there, so the viewer is just patiently waiting for the characters to catch up, amusing themselves with the episodic portion of the story.
Then, a twist: they find the device used to enter Id-Wells within an Id-Well. So, what would happen if someone used it?
So our protagonist does, and finds himself seemingly back in the real world, though before the death of his wife and daughter. He can set right what once went wrong!
Although… he knows this can’t be real. He remembers everything that led him here, so surely this is permanent.
But what if it is?
First order of business: Narihisago sequence breaks and puts a stop to the serial killer who murdered his daughter early, the fight placing him in the hospital, where he finds… Kaeru? Except her name’s Kiki, and when she sleeps, those around her experience her dreams.
Dreams where she’s constantly getting murdered, often in very brutal fashion. Huh.
Despite the characters attempting to lean into the mysterious nature of the machine allowing them to place people into Id-Wells, I took it for granted and assumed it wouldn’t need explanation.
Instead, we learn Kiki’s power is being exploited to enable the gimmick, which I should have seen coming considering how much the anime is built on women suffering.[4]
Eventually, Narihisago and Hondomachi (the girl who becomes a second Id-Well diver partway through) are able to use the time and space given in this recreated past to find a solid lead on who John Walker is. Just in time for the system to kick them out and for them to climb back out to actual reality.
Hayaseura, learning the jig is up, releases Kiki from the hidden chamber she’s been in, and lets her loose, where her powers rage out of control and pull everyone in the building into various Id-Wells.
He then goes to the chamber with the machines allowing the well-dives, and upon being confronted, he activates a machine to take him in as he shoots himself, intending to wreak havoc in the collective unconscious or whatever.
In hindsight, they probably could’ve just unplugged him and moved on to resolve the Kiki problem. Instead, our nominal[5] heroes follow him in for the final confrontation!
Then Covid-19 struck, and I had to wait three months for the final episode to get dubbed!
All my dubs are delayed. Which is fine. It’s fine and fair. I don’t want anyone to risk themselves just for my entertainment, but I’m allowed to be a little disappointed by fate.
So after a three month delay, I sit down to watch the final episode, not bothering to rewatch anything because I’ve waited three months and a not insignificant portion of my motivation was to just finish the dang thing.
The final episode was okay. The two detective characters work together to outwit John Walker, sending him to the time displaced universe via a machine in the Id-Well of someone who’s now dead.
Which… upon reflection, isn’t a permanent solution. Both Narihisago and Hondomachi went through that experience, and eventually got ejected to their original Id-Wells, and the death of an Id-Well’s owner doesn’t collapse the place (as proved by Hayaseura/John Walker using his own Id-Well to jump about despite being dead himself.
Outside the Id-Wells, the leader of the Wellside Team puts on a prototype suit version of the machine to attempt to get Kiki to stop making a mess of the building. He meets up with her, refuses to shoot her, and they all agree to put her back and maybe try and solve her problem.
So, at the end of the series, we’re mostly back where we started: using an applied phlebotinum girl to chase serial killers. Which keeps the premise open for a sequel,[6] but they’ll need to write a new overarching plot, as I don’t thinking curing Kiki’s dream projections lines up as a murder mystery. It’s possible, but I find it unlikely.
In the end, I enjoyed the show, and I’m glad I watched it. I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a more obscure anime after getting through the Canon of the artform. Still, the amount of female characters suffering, to the point that the plot itself operates off a woman’s suffering is uncomfortable. If there is more, hopefully they can lean off that element.
Also, let me reiterate one last time how Id:Invaded would make a great video game. I buy that Visual Novel in a snap.
Kataal kataal.
[1] Not that kids should watch this one. [2] The reason for this limitation is not explained, and is likely unimportant. [3] A desire I wasn’t being facetious about. [4] Most of the murder victims are woman, and there’s a worrying tendency for the killer’s methods to be based on maiming. [5] All three are killers: one a serial killer killer, a second a killer due to self-defense, and the last just a straight serial killer who happened to be useful. [6] And, indeed, a manga continuation started at the same time as the show, so the premise lives.
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Suspiria remake review from a shitty movie-goer
(this review is posted too late so excuse me for some timing inaccuracies I couldn’t be arsed to edit)
I actually hate to admit why was I interested to watch this movie in the end, but for once SOMETHING motivated me to go to a movie after countless tries from my family to get me to watch something in theatres at a “reasonable time” (daytime is what they mean, this movie was at 8pm our time, and this is when the cross-city bus transport (it goes from one big city to another) stops doing their service lmao).
I myself have a lowkey interest in moviemaking (I’m already getting there by editing my phone-recorded videos because whatever). I come up with my concepts in my head and I am mostly willing to put them down somewhere in my computer so I don’t forget it years later if I want to make that concept a thing in the end (because none of my concepts are finalized... well except for one short horror-ish story I posted on DeviantArt (see mom, I do like some horror stuff!). Reddit as of lately inspired me to edit some of my movie’s plot-lines based on irl events (not related with anything too SJW), and I’m not sure how an usual movie-goer would see this concept but I am going to try to execute it... whenever I have enough equipment to shoot my own little films or skits or whatever.
What’s that? There are people who scrolled past this and already yell at me that “YOU ONLY WENT TO SEE THIS MOVIE BECAUSE OF THE MAN WHO COMPOSED THE SOUNDTRACK~~~”? Ugh yes you exposed me, tea all over. I even had “Street Spirit (Fade Out)” on a bit of a repeat as of lately (how fucking come I wasn’t too couragerous to listen to this song before?? And “Pyramid Song”??? Man am I discovering their pearl(ie)s(*) too late). And I’m occasionally on the band’s subreddit as well. And the man himself is touring ‘round the USA, signing material of fans and have genuinely warm chats with them. Admireable.
But that’s only half truth.
I never thought I’d see Suspiria on cinema theatres in here. Until one time when I saw an ad on a completely random Lithuanian website that said this movie is coming to our theatres 14 December... I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. I made my goal to see Suspiria since then. I even dared to ask a couple of my new college ‘friends’ to see it with me, but one of them fell off the deal when I revealed that I’ll be going to see it on Saturday, and on the weekends he’s usually at home, far away from the city the college is in (he lives in college dormitory on mostly the work-weekdays). So my only movie companion ended up to be this 28-year-old coursemate (actually we both study different things but sometimes we attend some of the same lectures) who was intrigued by the Suspiria trailer herself so at least I’m gonna have her by my side of the movie, so I thought. Sweet.
I already envisioned seeing this in a mall cinema theatre but my companion offered me a cheaper alternative - her suggested cinema theatre was actually in renovation so the business is temporarily happening inside an actual drama theatre’s long theatre hall. I had to wait long until the ticket box opened and because of that I was lowkey frustrated as I finished my English test writing a little earlier, so I spent my time walking around the city until the time came and I wandered off to the old building of the cinema so then I remembered it was moved and I found the moved place. Yeah I bought the tickets before my companion could but I’ll skip ahead to the time that I almost lost the tickets because they were put down on a windowsill outside some children activity centre (Suspiria and children?? lol). I came back home late at night and was ready for the movie to happen the next day. Oh and before buying the tickets I coincidentally saw dance classes going on nearby that building... weird, as Suspiria has dance elements in there
The day came (December 15) and my family went together with me because they saw this as an opportunity to see the Christmas tree of our city (but not the movie). Needless to say, they were still visibly pissed at me orchestrating this idea, as I planned everything BUT the transport to go by. Well at least my mom and my sis. Dad was cool with it as he returned home to watch Home Alone. Aside all that, the cinema hall was cozy, Christmassy, not too small, there were a few trailers before the movie, no snack-seller places (as this is not a mall lol) - my companion was glad she wasn't at the mall as she found this place where we were at way lovelier.
Now with all that unnecessary long intro off my chest, let’s begin:
(definitely not spoiler-free, if you are sensitive to spoilers please watch the movie for yourselves before reading my review. But if you like being spoiled, I’m your friend then I guess lmao)
The intro to the movie felt like I ended up booking a wrong movie - I didn't expect that to be set somewhere in Germany, especially an American/Italian-shot one. Was that a thing in the original Suspiria? I don't know... (apparently it is, but the cities are different, never the country though)
Patricia (I didn’t know it was Chloë Grace’s role until reading the Wiki) looked like to be a really big deal here, with the dance pupils discussing her disappearance the other day and Susie overheard them, then Sara mentioned the Patricia thing to Susie after Susie revealed she was kind of chosen as the lead dancer for the Volk play... is it because Patricia was THE saviour that unfortunately knew a little too much?? Idk, it’s perhaps the reason we get to see the Klemperer guy subplot happen (I didn’t know it was Tilda Swinton behind him all the time either, must be because the way the male German accent was put on her lol). Turned out she was captured and kept under some dungeon where Sara had gone later in the movie, but looking like an almost melted and grotesquely old human being (or if Mary’s mother from “Chocolate with Nuts” was a person). Speaking of which, there is one more later in the movie, but I won’t tell just yet - we will need to get into such scenes discussion first.
Interesting deaths here, despite of them being grotesque and horrifically detailed. It almost felt like Susie, whilst doing her first dance as the probable lead dancer, temporarily turned into Olga’s voodoo doll or a violent bloodbender (that old lady from Avatar that could bloodbend was incredibly uncanny, damn) and left Olga completely fucked up, and the foam mouth later on... is this the effect myxomatosis has on a human being if it was ever humanly? She was twitching and salivating afterall. :P But no, she’s not dead until she gets to plead her death later in the movie! :O Several others occur throughout, but none is more prominent than this key scene I described, well at least according to TV Tropes.
The search for the evil person in this movie without Wiki helping me much was definitely a nice game for me to play. I kept thinking that Blanc might be that one, then I thought she’s not the one until she looked at Carolina (I think that was the tall tomboy’s name??) suspiciously and then she later passed out on the floor violently, with rabies foam and everything.
Anyway, don’t tell me Tilda Swinton wouldn’t make out a pretty good Thom Yorke post-Pablo Honey. She’s 8 years older than him, ffs! Also played a man before (e.g.: this movie I’m talking about) so the make up won’t be an unjumpable-over hurdle.
The sighs were for sure unsettling, especially because they oddly sounded like orgasm here and there. IDK why. I know fucking is referenced twice in this movie (well only fucking once and sex another time). Speaking of random things, the nightmare shots were completely random themselves, following up with some imagery we never see in the movie again, and some of that we see only a little (like the worms and bloody organs).
3 long scenes that were note-worthy for me. One is the Olga mutilation/Susie's first dancing scene that I already noted, and it was driven by music (the others will be too. Soundtrack of this movie still rules). Then there's the Volk play itself - girls go from one place to another, take poses of each other, dance individually, let their minimalistic red rope dresses flick in the air, interspersed with Sara in the underneath area and her broken leg (so broken, the bone went out of her skin!), and then the matriarchy getting her back on stage, but healing her leg with her witch powers before that. I haven't really listened to the rest of the soundtrack but I gotta check the song out so that I won't end up labeling it as a Kid A reject. No but seriously - intense dancing needed some intense drumming and painful instrument sounds just to project out the massiveness of the whole play.
Then I keep remembering the scene where Madame Blanc commands Susie to jump higher and higher in the mirror hall, up until she jumps as highest as possible. Also my companion’s favourite scene was the stare exchange between these two ladies during the part where people were singing some drinking song in a bar to celebrate ‘Volk’’s success - you hear them singing and then some chilling background noise slowly mixing and creeping its way into the atmosphere, then I think it leads into a scene where some sparkling aura entity wakes Susie up (and she’s nude) in the middle of the night and gets her to go down to this... dungeon orgy full of random stuff going on, complete with an Asian man doing something beyond explanation (I could say lewd but not quite), even more strange ritual dancing and the very much frightening Madame Helga... who looked like Jabba the Hutt for some reason. And then of course everyone slitting, slashing and twisting each other, and by the end Susie throwing us all a plot twist which makes her THE evil one who can finally let her ‘friends’ go of all that suffering they have been through thanks to the damn witches (and yeah apparently her dance friends haven’t completely died? THAT’S how they do - they tell Susie to end their suffering and she does). Also she cracks her chest open to reveal a... very graphic part of a female body that will by no doubt get this whole text review reported without consent so I refrain from any illustrations. Oh and this scene mostly has the possibly favourite this movie’s soundtrack song of mine, if not one of them, play - titled Unmade. It was a mind-boggling decision to do so but the movie editors do them I suppose, but still. I felt sad for the song having to be the background of such absurd but fair enough events? (Oh and I didn’t mention that everyone who voted for the other woman than Madame Blanc to be the leader of the witches (iirc) were rid of in this movie. Damn.)
Oh and the ending is rather an interesting detail, not talking about post-credits because as always I have to be this one movie goer who wants to do it but can’t because they’re urged to go back out of the movie theater. We turn into modern day Germany with a love heart carved on a brick wall with the letters A and L (perhaps?? at the time of finishing this review my memory towards it kind of erased some parts of the movie for me), a nice little remembrance of Lutz’s (the old man’s) love for his dear Anke, with which they have reunited during the movie, but Lutz was dragged out by some people related to the dance academy for probably wandering elsewhere than needed and somehow Lutz ended up as one of the sex dungeon victims, stripped of clothing and lying down quite powerless. That and before the modern day shot we are subjected with Lutz in hospital with Susie coming to visit, they discuss something related to the plot, Susie touches the guy speaks some more, leaves and according to the Wiki, Lutz “suffers from a violent seizure” that was nothing more than just a hard seizure. And it even erases his memories!
Anyway, as a whole, I felt more underwhelmed of this movie’s experience despite really wanting to see it. Like, “uhm yeah gore blood people getting slashed everyone’s a witch and everyone’s watched over by the witch and if you expose the witches you die” kind of underwhelmed. I didn’t want this movie to blatantly go through my head, but it did, that’s why I wanted to make notes everytime something notable happens. There was one startling moment, and it just was an innocent scene transition. And something within Olga’s mutilation scene made me chuckle (and made some other people leave the cinema hall ASAP). It’s more of a disgusting watch than scary. Also feels too dragged out in parts.
I’d only recommend it if you are gore-tolerant (there are people that can’t stand looking at blood so this might as well not be for you, especially if you’re younger than 16), like intense choreos that can impact other people literally, and... the soundtrack. Yes of course. If you dare to get through the movie with feeling its soundtrack, sometimes you might as well feel it right, but some of the soundtrack song usages might as well make you go “hmm” as much as me.
I'll remind myself to never watch a movie in theaters for soundtrack again (unless they're not THAT late). And the other 'trilogy of the three witches' movie remakes, especially if they come out at the time I haven't moved houses by now, because for sure as hell will my parents not like me going to cinema late once more. The movie is lowkey 7 out of 10 for me, can sometimes it's on the verge of falling down to 6 becaude of no completely proper comprehension of some directing choices... so 6.7/10 is good - as it still has 6 in it, but totally leans on to the 7.
Will probably watch it again. I need to remember some more of this movie sometime later. And looking for online uploads of this movie is unrecommendable - I'll wait until Lionsgate distributes it to America for wider audiences so that anything could surface 2 months (or even a few days) later from now. Though if I didn't need all that, I'd definitely not watch it again for a long time... unfortunately I want to.
Post movie feelings: my companion liked the movie, initially said to never watch it again but now wants to watch it again because it was so "wtf" she felt like re-experiencing it at some point. She liked the music (another bonus point for Yorke). She wished she could film the reactions of other people who watched this, as they mostly were confused, all being like "wtf did I just watch???". I'm already feeling bad for the 3rd companion who didn't join us but would also like to watch this - he’ll likely be one of those confused movie-goers.
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martymango0 · 4 years
Corona Quilt Part 8
As the sun returns, so does my energy & motivation!
I had a huge block of time yesterday where I needed to occupy my brain but needed to be able to interrupt what I was doing at any point before returning to it (y’all, it took 18 hours to pull files off my old laptop & get them onto the newer one; there’s a reason I’ve been putting off doing this for literal years) so I finally sat down and made the patterns I need for the black blocks on the quilt top.
I don’t actually have proper pattern paper, but I find parchment paper sheets - the kind meant for baking - suit my needs. We have it around for it’s intended purpose so it’s accessible on the few occasions I need it but isn’t a supply I have to store. All my projects are relatively small (we’re not making clothing over here... yet) so just a sheet or two is usually enough. It’s light & translucent but strong, plus the kind we buy has a two-inch square grid right on it which makes measuring out patterns way easier! I highly recommend it if you’re doing projects at the scale & frequency I do.
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[Photo ID: several sheets of parchment paper with shapes penciled onto them fanned out across a carpeted floor. END ID]
Also, be proud of me; I actually remembered to include seam allowances this time! (Though, I did that after taking the picture)
I’m not cutting them out until I’m ready to actually use them because it’s way harder to loose a big sheet than it is an individual piece. The next step is to figure out the most efficient way to lay them out on the fabric & get the pieces cut. 
If that doesn’t happen in the next week or two it’ll probably be a while ‘cause then it’ll be April & that’s poetry month so my creative energy will be focused on writing. Given the time frame for this project so far & that it’s been my big project for the duration of The Incident, I think it’d be nice if I could finish the quilt top by the time I get my shot (which, who knows when that’ll be, but hopefully before the summer) just because that would feel fitting. So yeah, that’s the goal!
0 notes
Title: Finding Home ch.1
Author: @blaineandsamevanderson
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Liam/Theo
Rating: PG
Summary: After the Battle of Beacon Hills, life goes on.
Notes: Thiam Secret Santa fic for @evinnschottmacher
“Guys, we might have a problem.”
The members of the McCall pack (well, most of them) looked up at mason’s ominous statement.  After the Battle of Beacon Hills, those who had returned opted to stay for a while and more wandering friends had trickled back.  It was reassuring after all the upheaval, having so many allies around was reassuring.  Strength in numbers and all.
Still, none of them wanted to face another big bad anytime soon.
“What is it?” Scott asked, putting down his textbook and highlighter.  The rest of the pack continued to watch mason, who took a breath.
“Look, I know Theo’s been less murdery since Liam brought him back, but…,” he hesitated a moment, “I was at Home Depot with my dad and saw Theo there.  He had a bunch of stuff in his cart, like a shovel, tarps, hammers….So you can see my concern….”
Around the room, people groaned.  Others sighed or rolled their eyes.  Stiles pursed his lips and gave Scott a look.  “I told you, we need to put a tracker on that little bastard.  Like, one of those ones ARGUS used in Suicide Squad.”
“We aren’t putting a bomb in his head,” Scott said patiently.  “We don’t know that he’s done anything wrong.  This time.”
Malia shrugged.  “I’m gonna agree with Stiles on this one.”
“It does seem like a safety net,” Isaac added with a nod.
“I hate to agree with Id and Impulse over there, but...he does have a history,” Mason said.  “Does anyone actually know what he does when he’s not with us?”
Everyone was shocked when Derek spoke up.  “He got a job and I let him stay on some land near the preserve.”  He stared back at the pack.  “What?  He’s living in his truck.  Being in the woods makes it feel more like camping than homelessness and he can get a tent or something.”
“So...where is this land where he’s probably burying bodies?” Stiles asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well, this is so much better than you were all assuming,” Liam said, standing beside Mason’s car.  Everyone had piled into vehicles and followed Derek’s shiny black camera out into the woods, stopping at a small clearing.
Theo’s truck was there, but so was a small house.  There were clear signs of ongoing construction and, as they stood there, the Chimera emerged from the house, a frown on his face.
He was wearing jeans, a tool belt and boots, shirtless torso dusted with sawdust.  Liam swallowed, feeling his heart thump a little harder and Malia tossed him a look.
“Hey,” Theo called, hopping off of the small porch.  “What are you all doing out here?”
Clearly feeling a little silly about the assumptions that had been made, no one spoke...until Jackson drawled, “So you aren’t planning a whole bunch of murders, right?”
That earned him a slow blink.  “Not presently,” Theo replied.  “Why?”
No one really wanted to say why, so Liam blurted, “Did you build this?”
“Yeah,” Theo told them with a nod.  “I mean, the guys from work helped me with the plumbing and electrical, but I did most of it.”
“Cool,” Liam replied honestly and Theo grinned brightly at him.
After that, it was not uncommon for pack members to be found ‘helping out’ at Theo’s.  Derek, Braeden and Isaac were actually quite handy and Danny worked some quasi-legal magic on the Chimera’s mobile hotspot so that the wo-fi was awesome, but the rest of the pack just tended to hang around, offering commentary and watching the work going on.
Liam tried to help, he really did, but after the fourth bashed finger, Lydia had ushered him over tot he picnic blanket she, Jackson, Ethan and Danny were lounging on.  They’d even brought snacks today.
“I’m fine,” he protested, casting a look over his shoulder to where Theo was bent over, sawing a plank of wood to a particular length.
Jackson snorted.  “Sure...but if you’re going to be distracted by someone’s dimples of Venus, maybe just help with the painting.  Werewolf healing or not, broken fingers suck.”
Having no idea what to say to that, Liam simply gaped, causing Lydia to pat his arm.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he finally sputtered, feeling his face heat up.
Danny reached over and thumped his back in a supportive manner.  “Oh, you do...The boy has a nice back.  Nice everything really, even if he isn’t my type.”
That made Lydia laugh and gesture broadly at Ethan.  “Really?  Tell us again how hot, hot bad boy twunk who has tried to kill us at one point is not your type?”
“She’s got you there,” Jackson laughed as Ethan shrugged and Danny flipped them off playfully.
“Well, she used to be your type Jackson,” Danny replied, a little smug.
“Yeah, but Lydia’s amazing and I was so closeted I may as well have been a hanger,” Jackson pointed out.  “What’s your type now then?”
A smile crooked the corner of Danny’s mouth.  “Tall, blond and dry witted,” he admitted, nodding over to where Isaac was leaping off of the roof, having finished with the shingles.
“Honestly, not surprising,” Lydia drawled after a moment, slipping her sunglasses on and sipping her drink. “That boy never knew whether he wanted to toss puppy eyes at Scott or Allison.  Good to know he learned both was an option.”
“Just not at once,” Danny, Ethan and Jackson chorused.
Lydia shrugged.  “Who knows, I don’t think he ever asked.  Pretty sure Allison would have been on board.”
After that observation, everyone was quiet for a moment before agreeing that Lydia was probably right.
She usually was about such things.
“Hey,” Ethan said brightly, turning to Danny.  “Since you’ve got some pull, maybe you can talk to Isaac about not plotting my death.  I’m pretty sure he and Malia are making plans on how to off me.”
“Babe, if he hates one of us, it’s me,” Jackson tried to assure Ethan.
Looking up from where he had begun to dig a hole, Isaac said, “I don’t like either of you.  But you’re not the only ones we have contingency plans for.”
Then he went back to his hole.
“Charming,” Jackson muttered.
“I kinda deserved that,” Ethan admitted, but Liam tuned them out for a moment.
Theo had emerged from whatever he had been doing inside the house (there had been hammering involved) and dumped a bucket of river water over his head.
Every day, Liam was getting more and more sure that he wasn’t quite as straight as he had once assumed...at least not where a certain ridiculously gorgeous Chimera was concerned.
Shaking himself, he asked, “Do I want to know what a twunk is?”
Danny laughed.  “Probably not.”
Less than 2 weeks later, Liam sat cross legged on Theo’s porch, a tin cup of cocoa in hand.  It was just the two of them...as had become common.  For some reason, Liam kept finding himself dropping by to visit Theo in the evenings.
The other boy didn’t seem opposed to the company.  He’d even started leaving the door unlocked for Liam.
Of course, that did mean that Liam risked walking in on a warm, damp, fresh from the shower Theo.  Who was not modest.  Nope.  Not at all.
Not that he had a reason to be.
“I haven’t really had a home since I was like 11,” Theo said out of the blue, staring into his own cocoa.  “After we left Beacon Hills...I don’t know what happened to my parents, not really.  They were just gone and there was that couple the Dread Doctors had pretending to be them to keep up appearances.  But that wasn’t home, this is.”
The admission surprised Liam.  Theo didn’t really talk about what had happened with his family or The Dread Doctors.  Gently, Liam asked, “So...you lived with those people?”
Theo shrugged.  “Not really.  Spent most of my time with the Doctors.  I was even home schooled.  Test results got mailed in, so I didn’t have to live anywhere particular.  Just needed a mailing address for appearances.”
Oh well, that probably explained a lot….
“You need to finish school!”
“Yeah, that’s not happening.”
“How did this happen?”
Theo honestly had no intention of going back to school.  He figured he could get his GED easy enough at some point, but finishing senior year was a big old no.
Of course, that had been before the pack meeting the day after his chat with Liam.  Even the adults (The Sheriff, Mrs. McCall, Chris Argent, Peter, Parrish, Derek and Braeden) had been there.  Everyone wanted to push him about school, how important it was.
Except Stiles, who pointed out that further educating a potential threat could come back to bite them in the ass.
His protests were part of the reason Theo had agreed to re-enroll.  Liam’s big, worried eyes summed up the rest of his motivation.
Fortunately, after all the chaos as of late, the school wasn’t asking many questions and didn’t put up a fuss when Theo went to register as a mid year transfer to finish his high school career.
Entering the school with Liam, Mason and Corey, he raised a brow as eyes turned towards them and conversations dropped away.  He could smell the nervousness and rolled his eyes.  “Really? Still?  Are they like this all the time?”
Liam huffed a sigh.  “Yeah, most mornings and when the jerk patrol is around.  It gets better.”
“They smell like guilt and shame,” Theo frowned.  “It’s acrid.”
Nolan popped out of the cross corridor and Theo whipped around to glare at the other boy.  He could hear the way Liam’s heart stuttered, a rapid patter of fear that the smaller wolf quickly reigned in.  He knew Liam had forgiven Nolan for what he had done, but clearly there were some lingering effects.
“Nolan,” Liam said, voice not betraying his internal struggle.  “What’s up?”
Theo shifted, letting his bicep press against the back of Liam’s arm, reassuring the other that he was there.
“You guys have been disappearing so fast after school, I never get to catch up with you,” Nolan babbled, not picking up on the ‘GO AWAY’ vibes Theo was trying to project.
“We’ve been kinda busy, Nolan,” Mason said and Theo could hear the faint hint of distaste beneath his words.  “You know, helping get everything settled after a good chunk of the town went a little evil and decided it would be awesome to murder a bunch of teenagers.’
That made Nolan wince.
Good for Mason.
“How’ve you been,” Liam asked, once again proving that he took after his Alpha.  Theo wasn’t so forgiving, which was why he understoood Stiles’s continued dislike of him.
“Who’s the jerk patrol?” Theo asked as they walked down the hall.  Clearly, he had some shit to handle.
He was right.  There were a few of Monroe’s pet psychos in training still lingering around, too dumb to realize they’d lost and generally making everyone nervous.  Most of their douchebaggery was confined to commentary and threats when there were no teachers around, but it was enough to create an unpleasant atmosphere.
The three main instigators were on the lacrosse team and after seeing a practice where they intentionally hit Liam with the ball repeatedly, Theo had enough.
Like most bullies lacking protectors in positions of power, they were cowards deep down.  The day after their little display on the lacrosse field, Theo cornered the morons in the locker room.  He didn’t want them filming anything after all and no one liked to be confronted naked...well, no one who couldn’t shift into a wolf.
“You’re going to stop all this wannabe hard hunter bullshit, right now,” he told them, speaking slowly so that even the dumbest of them could understand.  He flashed them a charming smile with a little too much tooth.  “ Cuz, unlike my friends, I’m not a nice guy.  I’m trying to be, but you’re making it really hard.  I don’t particularly want to dismember you, it’s a messy process, but I can, I will and I know where to get enough acid to dissolve your remains.  We clear?
He said all that in a bright, cheerful voice, but the lingering steam in the air carried the tang of fear.
The biggest of the assholes tried to puff himself up, thinking the 5” of height he had on Theo was any kind of advantage.  “I’m not scared of you, freak!”
Theo blinked at him.  “You should be,” Hesiod simply.  “I mean, decent people don’t have to worry, but I’m not a big fan of mouth breathing ass….”
That was when the idiot tried to punch him.  Theo neatly avoided the blow, letting the jerk break his hand on the tile wall.  Asshole’s screech mingled with Coach Finstock’s shout.  
“PETERSEN!  What the hell are you doing?  Do you not understand the concept of Zero Tolerance?  You’re off the team!  Put on some damn pants and get your ass to the principal’s office!”
“He attacked me!” The kid whined, but it was for naught.
Fin stock looked at Theo, standing there, trying to look as innocent as he could.  “I might believe that if I hadn’t seen you throw the punch,” Finstock said.  “PANTS!  Principal!  NOW!”
Petersen shuffled off, followed by his friends, who gave Theo a wide berth.  Finstock continued to eye Theo.  “Lose the ‘Who me?’expression.  I never bought it from Stilinski, I don’t buy it from you.  Good reflexes.”
Theo gave a little nod.  “Comes with the territory.”
“Oh...another werewolf,” Finstock said, then jabbed a finger at him.  “You play lacrosse?”
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multiversetomas · 4 years
Final Evaluation
What went well? 
What went well is that i finally got most of the stuff on the game done atleast the parts that i wanted to get done like the critical parts of the game as in the important assets, as the movement the camera and the hitmarkers and the ai actually working and everything is actually functioning now, especially the minimap the one thing i thought was going to be really difficult was actually easy to work around but i did have an issue as the First person character would change the camera and set it to the top one but its all fixed now and its all good
This is the HUD i created 
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Did i use/find new software? 
I didn’t find new software since i wanted to use unreal and the coding inside UNREAL as its really the only thing I’m focusing on and hopefully i can more in the future
I did use a tutorial which guided me throughout the entire thing and help me learn more about the unreal coding and what each node/ Function and more do and what i could do with them in the future and its really useful 
Have you enjoyed anything about working in lockdown?
Not really as i don’t really like working at home that much as its not really a work environment for me, id finish work at home after coming back from college when it was opened but if i stay home for a long period of time i don’t really get anything done as i lose the motivation to do so, i get “lazy” with everything as i don’t really want to do much, as id rather go to college as i see that as a work environment so i can get a lot done with some distractions and i can ask my course directors for help in person as i think that’s a lot more useful than asking them through discord, as they can actually see the project in person and make changes themselves to see if other things work and i wouldnt say i have “family issues” i have a sibling Issue, with them always starting arguments and making everyone in this household feel really annoyed and making himself like the top of everyone but he isnt and theyve made it very toxic to be around which is the main reason i prefer college to be opened than working from home and to be honest its not really a peaceful environment anymore and it can be really distracting most of the time.
What could’ve gone better? 
What couldve gone better is that college being opened and i know there is a worldwide pandemic which gets in the way, but im just saying if there wasnt i feel like myself and other people wouldve accomplished a lot more for this project and future project in case the pandemic gets in the way of more future projects.
Would being at college with our software and hardware helped? 
i mean not really as i have all of the software i need at home but it wouldve helped being at college and not home as it wouldve pushed me into doing better. 
Has the open brief been harder or easier? 
Yeah since we got questions to answer and knew what to post about in the blogs and it was actually a really big help especially for people like me who dont know what to write about half the time. 
Were you anxious due to the current situation or work? 
Yes since this is really something im not used to and it was just so weird and hopefully college opens soon so i can work better in class than at home since i dont get as much motivation as i would if i was at college.
What are you planning to do in the future?
Continue on this path in games since i know there is a lot more to it and it just feels right and its actually fun once you get a hang onto it and hopefully join a community that makes decently big games and be apart of something big like that and just bring entertainment and fun to a community thats created within the game.  
Has this put you off from working at home in the future? 
Yeah since i dont like working from home and i feel like if i was in a work environment id work alot better without the distractions and loss of motivation i do when i am home. 
Do you want to work from home? 
No. I prefer working at college or in a workplace.
What software do you plan on using for you next project? why?
Well i plan to continue using unreal because its actually a really big software i like to use and its easy to use yeah there can be some complications but that can be easily fixed or you can search online to solve the issue.  
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*screams of horror* oh my god, it’s my art!
i got bored and tried to draw my ides with this base from this post and im sorry in advance if my art breaks your screen
rambles about them under the cut, if anyones interested 
so from left to right....
first there's Pessimism, aka Rose -A combination of my anxiety and my depression -the Ultimate Drama Queen. I make one small mistake? "Oh my god, how could you, now we're all going to die and it's all your fault!" like, with the leg in the air and everything, hand draped across forehead. Actual drama queen. -either No Chill™ or So Chill™. Basically, the embodiment of that one post that's like, "me: *does something inconsequential* My Brain: "You Fucked Up You Fucked Up You Fucked Up!" Me: *does something horribly bad* My Brain: *sitting in a lawn chair with sunglasses, sipping a drink" "acknowledged." -Tries to be Edgy™. Just ends up looking adorable. -Internal Screaming™ is their Mood™ -"I don't care," they say caringly, as they care a lot. -actually really fashionable? most of the time? like, they're part anxiety, and im always terrified about how i look to other people, so that shows through in them. they always dress their best. their eyeliner is always On Point. -"I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color."
then there's Intelligence, aka Quinn -a Nerd™ -you thought Rose had no chill? this boy has No Chill™ -he’s the cause of my love of Biology, especially herpetology. this boy is a reptile nerd and is not afraid to show it. will bombard you with cool facts about snakes, if you give him the opportunity. -pretends he doesn't care. actually cares a Whole Lot about his fam. -Quinn: hey, you should be productive now. Me: hmmmmmm how about No™ Quinn: *internal screaming* -He always wants to learn new things. He's the driving force behind my passion for learning; the voice in the back of my mind telling me to study, or go on a wikipedia binge -the Ace-est Ace to ever Ace (thomas gave him the ace tie and he loves it) -Very Good at remembering random, odd factoids that i've learned throughout my life. can he remember the Important Things i spent hours studying when i need him to? that is a No. he Cannot. -is quite witty, and actually makes a lot of puns. It takes a quick wit to come up with so many puns, and he prides himself on his Quick Wit. the Master of finger guns.
-tries,,,, so hard,,,, to keep me on a consistent schedule so i can get work done,,,,,, but Thomas' Treat Yo Self mentality often undoes those schedules
Then there's Imagination, aka Celeste -Self Care? what's that? they only know staying up around the clock to finish a project -you see that face they're making in the picture? that's the face they make whenever im in bed, or at school, or anywhere else where i can't easily be creative, when they're about to spring a load of Inspiration on me. but when im sitting at the computer? staring at a blank page, the cursor's blinking driving me insane? yeah, no, sorry, they Cannot Work -"Hey, here's a new idea!" Me: cool! can i have some Motivation to work on this? Celeste: some Whot -wakes me up at FIVE AM with new ideas -when they do decide to work, they're actually really cool, especially when im being really productive -a Broadway Geek. will spend ten hours singing showtunes if given the opportunity. they're the reason i always get so many broadway songs stuck in my head -works with Rose when i'm writing angst (and those two are terrifying when they work together, and always end up with me crying), and works with Thomas when i need to write fluff (and i always end up with like ten thousand cavities as a result)
and finally, Optimism, aka Thomas -a Pure Boi -Can do no wrong -(can do wrong, that's just what he wants you to think, this Boy is mischeivous as all heck) -my ability to see the best in everyone and every situation, my determination to get through the bad things and find brighter tomorrows, and my refusal to give up, no matter what. -screams for ten minutes every time i see a dog. i got to pet a little corgi the other day, and i was sobbing and he was sobbing and everyone was sobbing and Quinn was Done™ -super romantic, Can and Will spend hours just gushing with me over Keegan -an unending source of light, even during the darkest days. he's always there to remind me of what's good in my life, when i'm feeling down -loves snakes so freaking much. he and quinn will often have moments where they'll just Geek Out over snakes, and Quinn will tell thomas all sorts of snake facts and thomas will just gush about how adorable they are and how much he wants one as a pet. one of their main arguments when im wondering whether or not to keep going is "you can't get a snake in the future if you give up now! imagine the snoots! you've gotta boop the snoots! -loves to sing. unfortunately, he'll usually pick one song that he likes to sing over and over, and that's how most songs get stuck in my head. also loves to dance, but im not a very good dancer and neither is he, and he usually ends up tripping over his own feet and landing on the floor -acts like he's on a Constant Sugar High. no one can calm this boy. he has No Chill™ -actually none of my sides have Any Chill which actually makes a lot of sense
mmmmmm anyway this was weird and rambly but i liked the way the drawing came out and wanted to write abt my sides so,,,,,,,, yall can just ignore this
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 2)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!) 
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Heavy angst, slight fluff (Warnings: Death)
❥ Word Count: 1,844
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills of computer science and engineering bring him back?
You woke up the next morning curled on your bed. Since you rarely ate dinner, the previous night being no exception, the growling of your stomach motivated you to get up. 
Despite still being an emotional mess, you were doing a lot better compared to the first year without Jisoo. That first year, you stuck to your bed and refused most meals. Your parents rushed you to the hospital almost every month from you dehydrating and starving yourself. Even though you found words of comfort from all corners, nothing could pull you out of the hollow shell you became.  
That was until a notice from the military came for you. 
Though it wasn’t a draft notice like Jisoo had received. Prior to the news of his passing, you were an exceptionally brilliant engineering student at your university, and you were all set to graduate at the top of your class and head straight to graduate school. Of course, all plans came to a halt when you lost the motivation to do your best. 
The military called for you because their current group of engineers was working day and night to build new weapons to combat foreign enemies. They wanted fresh faces to come onto the scene and help fill in the missing pieces to their plans. At first, you flat out rejected them, especially since you saw them as your enemy. However, they promised to pay for the rest of your education - including grad school - and provide plentiful benefits for you and your family.
At some point, you did come to realize how much of a burden you became on your parents. Jisoo’s parents moved away since their neighborhood reminded them too much of their son, and your parents were aging faster while figuring out how to pull you from your depression. As cliche as it sounded, you knew Jisoo wouldn’t have been happy with the way things were. 
In addition to that, if you were able to invent something that would end wars without as many casualties, another person wouldn’t have to suffer the loss of a loved one as you had. That was the introduction you were given to Project X. 
After washing up, you grabbed your notebook and went to your small-sized kitchen to pour yourself a bowl of cereal. As you ate, you reviewed the original notes you were given and the notes you made about Project X.
The purpose of this project was to build robot soldiers that looked like humans to save prisoners of war and fight the frontlines of battle. That way, the army wouldn’t lose much of their own men, and war could advance to something that wasn’t as bloody as it currently was. 
You knew there were cons, risks, and immoral decisions at hand. But the more you learned about Project X, the less you cared. All you could think was, “I could rebuild Jisoo.” 
As unrealistic as it first sounded, the technology the military exposed you to was beyond what you could’ve ever imagined. Robots can mimic human emotions, devices can go months without charging, reboots took seconds, and the line between real and fake blurred very quickly. When you finished graduate school, the military provided you with your own home in a quiet town for you to work on your own humanoid alone. They sent you the newest tech as soon as they test it and expected you to send weekly reports. Your job was to create a human, so that when you brought it back to headquarters, the specialists there would team up with you and help make it into a solider. You weren’t too fond of the idea at first, especially if you planned to make a replica of your former boyfriend. However, you were assured that you’d be part of every step of the process and if he was indestructible - you’d never have to worry about him leaving you. 
Although it’s been a year and a half since you started your solo work, you’ve advanced quickly but with many failed attempts. You became more obsessed with working than visiting or calling your parents. You ordered your food and groceries so you didn’t need to leave the house. Visitors were rare at your residence as well. 
It was just you and your machines - all day and all night. 
After eating breakfast, you walked to your front door to check for mail. Alas, a package small enough for the mail slot waited at your doorstep. No sender name, no address, just your own information on top of a brown box. You knew it was from the big guys when you opened the box to find three combinations and key lock on the enclosed package. 
You took the box downstairs and began unlocking it. It took a solid five minutes to get everything loose, but once the box snapped open, a small flash drive waited inside along with a letter. 
“Based on your last report, this might be the missing piece,” was all that was written. This would’ve excited you if it wasn’t the dozenth letter with the same words - plus, you didn’t have your coffee yet. 
With a yawn, you started up your systems and plugged the flash drive into the main CPU of your lab monitor. Once you typed in all your passwords and ID numbers, pressed all the buttons you needed to, and plugged in your wires - you clicked on the big, fat, ‘INITIATION START’ button.
You stretched your arms over your head and turned around to go back upstairs and make your coffee. “Hm... Caramel or french vanilla?” You knew how long it took just for the loading page to appear, so you didn’t bother to wait around and fall asleep. 
... It was a shame that you missed the first and only INITIATION SUCCESS - SYSTEM STARTUP page that appeared seconds after you left.  
“Okay, this creamer is goooood,” You thought to yourself as you sipped your freshly brewed coffee. You climbed back down to your lab, sniffing the sweetly caffeinated aroma of your coffee, and nonchalantly headed back to your monitor. 
To your surprise, the monitor was blank. “Heeeelllo?” You clicked around and typed on the screen, but the monitor refused to turn back on. “What the-” 
As you looked up to check the other parts of the main computer, you finally noticed your empty operation table. You eyes trailed down to the fallen gray cloth, then to the pile of unplugged wires, all the way up to a gray set of pants and a toned, bareback. 
The humanoid was up and running, carefully examining parts of your lab. It - he, looking very much like an actual person, a carbon copy of Jisoo - turned to you with a bright grin. 
You stood frozen in place as he walked up in confident strides. His hair, his face, his movements, they were all just like-
“Y/N,” He whispered softly with a voice as terrifyingly similar to the original human. Your rushing train of thoughts was very quickly cut off when he suddenly cupped your face and kissed your lips. 
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apworldhistory646 · 4 years
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essay writer
About me
Strategies For Essay Writing
Strategies For Essay Writing You can seek for information and facts provided by scientists who don't imagine in international warming. You can write a really enjoyable essay making a case for them, however you can also use those claims just to make clear the aspect of the issue that students and lecturers hardly ever think of. The mere reality that you just're being compelled to write an essay makes you hate the subject, irrespective of how onerous your professor tried to make it intriguing. Moreover, our on-line providers are able 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. There isn't any want to fret in case your paper is due tomorrow. We ensure one hundred% confidentiality by assigning you an individual ID quantity for inner communication. Your head is spinning from the rising number of written assignments at college, faculty, or uni? No worries, EssayHub essay assist service has obtained you covered. Our writers will assist to make an impression on those that doubt your abilities. So, should you order an essay or some other work from us, you’ll understand that your expenses weren't in useless. I’ve already ordered four papers from right here, and I love that I can all the time ask for the same writer I had before. Very handy, and they all the time know what I need. Moreover, you can communicate immediately along with your author because we perceive the importance of open communication. Our high-notch writers make sure that you not only get your cash’s worth but additionally score glorious grades in your essay. Also, we provide free revisions, and you're free to request for amendments till you're glad with the final copy. A safe network is the way we be sure that nobody breaks into our servers and finds your details or any of our essays writer’s essays. Our company is lengthy established, so we aren't going to take your cash and run, which is what lots of our rivals do. The company is devoted to offering excessive-high quality academic help with writing assignments of different ranges. You need our services in case you are out of time, have plenty of assignments due actually quickly, or completely no idea on tips on how to complete sure duties. We have the best individuals who’d be happy that will help you within an affordable time and at an inexpensive fee. Our essay service works hard to protect your private information and payment particulars. Even your author has no access to those knowledge, starting with your name and get in touch with information. I can recommend utilizing this service, it is not a rip-off. Cool factor is that you can truly chat along with your author and point out all the particulars you want within the paper. Our writers create every single sentence from scratch to make it authentic. The time period paper is a type of analysis project that’s supposed to point out your information on the ideas you covered in school. At the end of a faculty semester, the students are required to submit term papers based mostly on in-depth analysis and inventive/important pondering. A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with phrases. A author may describe an individual, place, object, and even reminiscence of special significance. However, this type of essay is not description for description’s sake. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper which means through the description. In a descriptive essay, the author ought to show, not inform, by way of using colorful words and sensory particulars. The finest descriptive essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, with a result that is extremely evocative. We are at all times ready to participate in your training and show your academics that you're a wonderful pupil with nice potential. Your particulars will be purged from our data after you have accepted the work of your essay author. This is completed to be able to keep your confidentiality, and so that you may buy with piece of mind. It makes it inconceivable for other people to seek out out that you used our essay writer service. When it involves the content material of your paper and personal data of the client, our company presents strict privacy policies. You went via varied essay titles and none of them motivates you to grasp a singular angle of your theme. You are bored by the mere considered the paper and you don't have any concept how to finish an essay quick. Everyone will hold writing about the identical things, however you are anticipated to offer something different.
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han100894 · 7 years
Some Thoughts of the Different Zeetha Series
So now that I have finished myf irst ever series of Fanfics, I figured I’d write out some thoughts about it:
I first came up with the AU/What –if idea of: what if Zeetha hadn’t managed to avoid getting enslaved by the pirates, several years ago, not to long after I started in the Girl Genius fandom. At the time I think only Leaving Skifander was on my account and I had only just gotten an Ao3 account just to put it somewhere.
I posted the idea up on Tumblr and got some interest. It was one of the earliest AU ideas that I have ever posted up there, though now I post them with some frequency, but for some reason that one in particular stuck with me. Years later I honestly don’t know what about it that got me so attached.
At the time when I first started writing In Which Zeetha Was Sicker Than She Thought, it was December, I had just missed nanowrimo again through forgetting about it up until it was already a few days in, and then failing to really keep up with it. So I was stuck wanting to be a writer but failing to find the motivation and ability to write both to completion and just to the point where a story could be called a novel.
At the time I had started a thousand and one projects and only ever finished one (fanfic at least) that was more than say a thousand word oneshot, a short story called Alone for the Mysterious Benedict Society (And yes it’s posted on the internet somewhere, if you really want to go find some High School trash—just know I really loved Kate and thought her underappreciated).
So with this AU bugging my brain (or at least I can only imagine it had been, I don’t really remember how it was like way back when) I decided that I was going to impose a challenge on myself—I was going to write this AU, and both prove to myself I could finish a multi-chapter story but also to use it as training wheels both to learn just how to write prose, and also how to write with any real length.
So I wrote and surprisingly enough over the course of winter break I started and finished In Which Zeetha Was Sicker Than She Thought. Was the prose great: not even close and the shortest chapter was 880 words but from there I got better and better, by the end I had 25,891 words total and my avg per chapter was about 2,500 words. It still had tons of grammar issues  and I’m not really sure it’s plot can really be called a plot, but It was mine, I started it and I finished it.
I posted it, got comments, got excited, and very quickly started on part 2. By this point I knew for sure that there would be at least three parts (with a possible forth for Skifander, something that one day may still happen) so I added something new to my challenge, each part would be significantly better than the last.
The second story, In Which Zeetha Takes a Stand was written almost just as fast. It was pretty much double the word count and my average words per chapter doubled as well, only the first chapter coming out under a 1000 words. I also felt my characters and prose had grew significantly, as had my handling of actual plot. I admittedly leaned heavily on the Girl Genius Novel now that I could, but I don’t mind that. The whole point of this series was to learn and grow, some training wheels only helped in that regard.
Then came the third story. By this point it was mid-spring and finals were coming up and I figured it might be a good idea to take a short break on the Different Zeetha universe as a whole for a little while. So I only really started writing it at the start on June once school was done.
The first 9 chapters came just as easy, but then I hit a snag. I went looking for help but unfortunately said help, if unintentionally, lead to a shattering of my confidence of my ability, and an honest sick feeling whenever I looked at those chapters. It took me a good 4-6 months, in which I wrote several others little one shots and stories before I came back to In Which 3.
By that point it had been about a year since I started writing In Which 1, and I was starting to feel guilty and ashamed for taking so long to finish for my readers. I started picking away at later chapters, and after a little more time decided after so long, and because the amount of chapter I already had was already had the same amount of words as in In Which 2 I would post it, if only to force myself to keep going.
So I did. It led to several hiatus and lost of stress and guilt, but it did get me to push back my nerves over the trouble chapters and keep going, and while it took another year before now, where I can finally say I have finished everything, I’m proud of what I have accomplished.
Especially as where In Which 1 was long enough to qualify as a <>, and In Which 2 was long enough to qualify as a <>, In Which 3 comes out to <> words and is long enough to qualify as a novel. Which mean my first and main goal was accomplished, and with it I learned a lot in grammar to plot to characters to style.
The Big Drag:
To focus some on just In Which Zeetha Fight for Mechanicsburg for a bit, as it’s my most current work, and also the one I had significant trouble with, to say the least it was a journey.
I went into it with just as much enthusiasm as the first two, so it makes sense that I stalled out at about the same length as the second was. But the hiatus that followed was a struggle. I never fully stopped writing on it; it was just a little here, a re-read there. But it was still enough that I honestly believe that the story suffered some. I lost track of plots and character development and style, I forgot things that I hadn’t realized I needed to write down in my notes. It wasn’t an extreme loss in any sense, but the story lost a little bit of it’s compactness with it. And I found myself realizing I wasn’t sure how a thread would work, or where it was going, or what to do with it.
For instance I had really wanted to do more with Tarvek and Zeetha’s relationship throughout—that didn’t come to pass, and while I have it set up to explore later if I want I’m still a little sad I couldn’t figure out how I meant for it to work.
Other open bits here and there I’m sure still exist, especially with my staggered updating and editing. Though some are on purpose, to be explored in possible sequels or are just questions I have, that I was sure the character in question would voice, of the Canon story that just simply hasn’t been answered yet in canon.
So while it did help in some ways, I don’t think I’ll ever start posting a story unfinished again, at least not one like this, it just lead to much stress.
Though to be fair, there was another problem I had with this part that I feel I overcame but likely played tribute to my issues in writing the story. It was simply I wasn’t really sure where I was going, what was the ending, and all that. With the other two I knew exactly what the ending would be, and while I mostly did for this one, it was also a lot more complicated and had a lot more “shrug” filling in blanks that made things more difficult that it needed to be. I likely would have benefited from planning more before starting chapter 1.
As a third thing, like the second story I stuck to canon pretty closely for lot of bits, the GMC was visited as was Lu’s lab, the stabbing still happened, ect, despite the fact I had plenty of chances to diverge and go extremely off course. And I know some would have preferred I did. And yeah I could have, but like before, this was my first big story/series, and I was mostly focused on the ides of managing on finishing one, so I wasn’t super ready to drop my training wheels so quickly. I’m sure to do it less in the future, but I’m pleased how it came out regardless of all the borrowing.
And that’s really it really. I’m not sure what comes next. I have an oneshot that’s almost done, several shorter chapter stories to maybe finish. Zeetha Wulfenbach, a second just as loved major AU idea, still burns in the background even if I still am not sure I’m a good enough writer to tackle that one the way I want to, though I do have a few snipplest almost ready to share. I could do another in the Time Skip series or another chapter of Through A Princess’ Eyes. I’m just not sure. But I hope people enjoy them regardless.
And once again, thanks to everyone who has commented and read!
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cuttingitklose · 5 years
What informed and motivated me with my design decitions the most in this project were the development of my packaging and how it could be used in a funtional way. The fact it was aimed at students allowed me to relate and think of this project in a way that would appeal to me. Looking in stores like tigar really helped me understand what packaging and advertising ideas i liked and wanted mine to be accosicated with or inspired by. Having information about the products themselves helped motivate the idea generation foward, including them in the actual making of the packaging allowed for many changes to being made and creative decisions. These changes being the shape of the packaging and designs on the three packaging and the name of the products. Also the colour palette changed and the whole style i visioned at the beginning is very different to what iv created. i was thinking of a much more colourful contempry artist design however i like the three block colours and the simple illustrations This makes sense as a creating decision to do this as the shape totally changed s i had to consider what would work on a much smaller package. Also a extra elemnet was added to the packets making them a multipack alond with the use of magnets changing the format of the lids. The funitionality totally changed throughoout the process. I had a vision for the poster that didnt go to plan and there was development with placing and the use of text in my poster. Time maagement in this project is what id consider to be one of the strengths, As i enjoyed this project in particular i was constently thinking about what i could be doing with my work and my awareness for packaging and advertising increased in my day to day life. I think i kept up to date and always had the required work for crits and tutorials as well as making independent progress. I found all the feedback in this project very useful and took onboard all comments made, especially about the shape and funtionality of my packaging and the crit was really good having a fresh opion on youre work and how the poster design works. What i considered my weakest poster idea was actualy praised the most and thereore i went on to develop that one when actually it wasnt my prefered idea and after some work i devloped it to where i wanted it. The thing that needs more practice is using after effects and developing my skills to make a more impressive annimated poster however i enjoyed what iv learnt so far. Also documenting my devolpment could be improved as i had a lot of changes but i should document them at the time. I found the nets creating quite simple and natural to do alont with actually making the packaging. In this project iv learnt alot about advertising and the higharchy of poster design. Having to incorporate the shape of youre packaging as well as the designs and funtionality is the main skill iv required. Finishing the project and creating all the elements is a acheievment to me in this project. Improvements i would make to my final outcome would be more developlopment with the poster campaign and animated poster, as well as developing the sleeve my box's sit in and maybe creating more of a step by step idea. Also printing colour both sides of my box and creating a design for the inside.
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aarc2017 · 5 years
[CLOSED] <Nominated Artists Only> Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio UCCN Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Program 2019 Application Guideline
Deadline:  Sunday, August 4, 2019 Entry Form
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The City of Sapporo, which is the capital of Japan’s northernmost island and the sole UNESCO City of Media Arts in Japan, holds an international call for artists from one of the thirteen other UNESCO Cities of Media Arts, in collaboration with the management team of the Sapporo Tenjiyama Art Studio.
The Sapporo Tenjiyama Art Studio, which opened in 2014 as an Artist-in-Residence facility, allows artists and practitioners from all over the world to stay in Sapporo at an affordable rate to pursue creative activities.
In this UCCN AIR program, we will invite one selected artist (or group of artists) from one of the thirteen other UNESCO Cities of Media Arts to experience and research the characteristics of our city, where almost 2 million inhabitants are living in harmony with nature, over a 60-day period.
We support emerging artists in the media arts field, in the hope of strengthening our ties with other UCCN Creative Cities, and to provide a new stimulus for cultural activities in Sapporo.
Theme: “redoing/recreating”
In 2019, the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio’s AIR programs will cover the common theme of “redoing/recreating”. We are focusing on our efforts on bringing new things one after another into this world, which is driven by the desire for convenience and novelty.Tenjinyama is an 89 meter-tall hill, located a short distance away from the Sapporo city center. This program invites participant(s) to revisit the town and its urban life from our studio situated on the top of this hill. We are looking forward to seeing your finished artwork or projects that inspire everyone to discuss what a creative urban life is.
Applicants must:
1)  Be nominated* by one of the following Cities for Media Arts of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN): Lyon (France), Enghien-les-Bains (France), Dakar (Senegal), Gwangju (South Korea), Linz (Austria), Tel Aviv (Israel), York (UK), Austin (USA), Braga (Portugal), Changsha (China), Guadalajara (Mexico), Košice (Slovakia), Toronto (Canada). *Please follow the nomination method of your own city.
2)  Be able to speak and understand either English or Japanese in order to communicate with staff, other artists and the local community.
3)  Be able to participate in the full residency program over the 60-day period.
4)  Be able to understand and follow the objective of the AIR program, and conduct their activities autonomously during their stay.
5)  Have experience in or demonstrate a strong interest in the field of media arts.
6)  Have graduated from university (minimum level: bachelor).
7)  Preferably, not have previously participated in an AIR program in Japan.
How to apply
Applicants are invited to complete the online entry form and upload required documents as indicated below. After submitting the application, an automatic confirmation will be sent to the provided e-mail address. If you do not receive the confirmation, please contact us at: application [AT] tenjinyamastudio.jp.
Entry Form →We closed the entry form, THANK YOU!
Required Documents
1)  Personal info 2)  CV and Portfolio 3)  Motivation for joining the program 4)  Project Proposal 5)  Personal ID 6)  Portrait Photo
1)  Deadline: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 (closed at 23:59 Japan Standard Time) 2)  Selection Results: Saturday, August 31, 2019 3)  Residency Period: Friday, November 15, 2019 - Sunday, January 19, 2020 (60 days) *Please note that the studio building will be closed during winter holidays from December 29 to January 3. We will consult with the artist(s) about where to stay during the holidays. 4)  Final presentation (TBC): Saturday, January 11, 2020 - Monday, January 13, 2020 *The format and the dates of the final presentation are flexible. The artist(s) shall determine the best way of preparing their final presentation through consultation with the AIR Director.
Support for one artist (or group of artists)
Selected artist(s) will be provided with: 1)   An invitation letter from the City of Sapporo 2)   Studio B rent (including bedding and heating expenses) 3)   Necessary coordination for research and production 4)   Travel cost (actual cost of 1 return trip from the country of residence to Sapporo, max. 150,000 JPY) 5)   Living expenses (for meals, daily life and research) 200,000 JPY / 60 days 6)   Production expenses (including the final presentation) 100,000 JPY
Selected artist(s) must:
1)  Sign the agreement according to the terms set by the City of Sapporo
2)  Be able to participate in events and activities organized at the studio
3)  Cooperate in terms of communication, documentation and archival activities during the residency period
4)  Participate in events including a talk session to connect the artist(s) with the local community
5)  Report their final results in a free format (for instance, as an exhibition) by the end of the residency program
6)  Complete and present their artwork or project within 2 years after the residency period, and provide records of the artwork or project presentation to the City of Sapporo.
Selection Committee
Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio’s selection committee will select artist(s) based on the application forms and portfolios submitted. During the selection process, interviews with the applicants may be conducted. All applicants will be notified of the results by Thursday, August 15, 2019.
The selection committee, consisting of internationally recognized artists and Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio’s AIR Director, will carefully review and evaluate applications.
Selection Committee: SHIMABUKU, Artist, Takayuki Yamamoto, Artist, Soichiro Mihara, Artist, Mami Odai, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio’s AIR Director
1)  Any expenses exceeding the support must be covered by the artist.
2)  Overseas residents who need a visa to enter Japan are responsible for obtaining the correct documentation.
3)  Artists from countries which have not concluded a tax treaty or a country with which Japan has concluded the tax treaty but where income is taxable may be liable for income tax on the sum provided to support their activities and transportation.
4)  Family and partner are acceptable (maximum 3 people), however the amount of support is only provided for the invited artist.
Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio
Tel: +81-11-820-2140
Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-20:00 (Japan Standard Time)
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