#and generally clean my house up and get organized for the week
southislandwren · 1 year
Ah my poor decision making skills are rearing their ugly head. Guess who just bought cult of the lamb: cultist edition the day before finals week
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machveil · 13 days
General König Headcanons
just some personal thoughts I have about him as a person
he’s very organized, everything he owns has a place and if it’s not in it’s place he throws a fit
why is his coffee table moved over an inch? who did this? it’s not lined up perfectly with the couch anymore >:( and his coaster is missing! ruins his mood for an hour
and it’s noticeable when he lives alone if something is off. he lives extremely minimalistic. he has the bare bones essentials, the only decorations are things he’s super interested in (a bookshelf absolutely bloated with original copies of historical and military books, a display case with antique weapons, etc)
that changes if he has a pet, but I talked about that already here
as much as he likes to keep his home organized and neat, he’s artificially clean I’m so sorry
yes, his home looks spotless… that said, if he wipes up a little spill with a paper towel he’s definitely the type to rinse it under the faucet, squeeze it out, and let’s it dry if the spill wasn’t ‘that bad’. yes, it’s gross, but “look, I can use it again, Maus.”. you have to keep an eye out for him when he cleans stuff because he cuts corners sometimes
only dusts things he specifically uses - his desk, the coffee table, the cabinet by his front door. he neglects to clean his bedside table. coated in a lining of dust except for a rectangle patch where he keeps his latest book. forgets that he should definitely clean his computer keyboard and phone screen. complains about allergies but it’s “only in my house” - denies that the dust is the problem. is pleasantly surprised his allergies magically went away after you dusted everything for him… still denies the dust was the problem, his immune system ‘just kicked in’
always forgets that his vacuum doesn’t have infinite storage. the first time you went to empty it all the lint and dust in the cage didn’t come out because it was so compressed. he’s broken at least one vacuum before because the cage broke (yes, all the gross contents spilled out onto his floor, he was pissed for a week)
if you ever become his roommate prepare to be cleaning. it’s not that he doesn’t clean, it’s just that’s his version of clean is… “look, everything is spotless— don’t open the closet”
that said, he always changes the batteries in the fire alarm, always makes sure the fire extinguisher under the sink is within it’s expiration date, and double checks all doors and windows are locked at night - cleaning he’ll side-eye, safety he’s dead staring at
if you, for any reason, get wigged out because “König, I think I saw something move outside :(“ he wouldn’t hesitate to buy a security system. it’s not for him, he’s built like a behemoth, it’s entirely to ease your mind
definitely buys a ring doorbell so he can talk to you when you’re coming in (“don’t forget to lock the door behind you, Maus.”)
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eepyfaggoth · 3 months
Job Opportunity in Boston
Hello! I'm a multiply disabled medically complex wheelchair user in greater boston who relies on caregivers and i am hiring! No experience necessary, just be resourceful, patient, covid cautious, dependable, and an enthusiastic learner. Especially looking for other fat people! Hoping for someone who drives but I am accessible via the T.
Turning to tumblr as a bit of a hail mary because i am having a really hard time finding someone who can do the job, show up, and also be normal to me as a fat disabled queer through local channels, and i have one worker now who comes as often as they can, but ive been without adequate support for a while. i would appreciate anyone and everyone who reblogs, to possibly get this in the eyes of someone who might be a good fit! welcoming advice as well!
I have the sweetest esa cat
Pay is 19$ an hour funded by masshealth, i have 30-35 hours available and you can work as many or as few of those as you want
Im still very much trying to figure out life with my disability and how to function and organize and communicate my needs and navigating what I'm emotionally able to accept help with, but in general I need help with housework, cooking, managing my medical care, pushing me in my manual wheelchair, sometimes help using a slide board, and I'm still trying to figure out what things look like on a daily basis. going places with or for me. helping me get in the car, helping me pack a backpack if i need to go somewhere. getting mail, helping clean and pick things up off the floor, organizing medical appointments, making phone calls, unpacking medical equipment. emptying a pee jar. Helping me manage/charge medical equipment. I have a hard time lifting my arms a lot because of really bad neck issues, and i have really limited stamina. Putting drinks in smaller bottles, taking packaging off things. I also kind of need help with dressing and bathing sometimes but I have a really hard time coping with that and so like. That happens when it happens and is what it is. I have some systems for washing my hair without actually getting in the shower. I have variable conditions so things might not be the same all the time, on a good day I might be able to sit up for a while and do tasks, on a bad day it's very hard to bring a drink to my lips.
There's no physically lifting my entire body, but I do need someone who can lift the 50lb largest piece of one my wheelchairs and standard everyday heavy stuff like groceries or boxes of protein shakes. And sometimes my limbs. There's also likely things like reaching and stooping, alas, I drop a lot of things on the floor. I have a lot of allergies and some tasks are more complicated than they otherwise might be, and Im really hoping to find someone who can pay attention to detail and is comfortable working through things slowly.
i have a lot of allergies so memory and attention to detail are important, as is a willingness to wash hands frequently. i have a disorder called mast cell activation syndrome and frankly the precautions i need to take feel absurd
covid precautions:
Masks required! I'm hoping to find someone who also takes other precautions.I also need someone to be careful about monitoring yourself and not coming in if you are sick with *anything* because I *will* get it and it *will* be a multiple week ordeal where I likely experience dangerous symptoms. must be able to test weekly and mask with a k/n95 while around me. ideally be someone who lives low risk (masks everywhere, doesnt attend crowded events / spaces, etc). cannot be someone with a high risk lifestyle (has kids in primary school, unmasked in food service areas regularly, etc) we can talk about my precautions too, right now i havent left my house in weeks, i have two way masking with my current pca, and occasionally an unmasked delivery person will come into my apartment though id like to work on solutions to this. i need to like. revamp my precautions. but i dont go anywhere without a mask, i only have unmasked contact with another person if someone comes into my apartment and i cant get to my mask, i am eating while my pca is here and they are masked, or when my also homebound and careful partner is visiting. if someone was working for me more than 25 hours a week and lived a very low risk life i might be open to having a bubble with them during non surge times with precautions like air filters?
i really try to create a calm and positive work environment, though i have complex and real needs and i've been struggling to survive for a long time and i am very overwhelmed. i care deeply about a humanizing workplace, and i am looking for someone who will care enough about my needs as a human being to take the job seriously even though i am as flexible as possible.
About me, in case that helps?
Fat genderfluid dyke. I'm on my third medical leave from college (like a champ!) but I study medical anthropology, disability studies, and linguistics. I don't get out much or do a lot right now because of my illness but i like fiber arts, music, I don't do tons because I spend most of my time in bed but im really passionate about mutual aid, it's been a a minute but I've been wanting to get back into d&d, I think the magicians is the greatest work of television ever written, and I've been trained as a clown and want to try stand up (well, sit down) comedy at some point. I'm a bit neurotic but very self aware. trying to sort out anticonsumerism in the context of my disability. i value creativity, resourcefulness, autonomy, and consent.
(if this went like really well, i am also potentially looking to apply for housing assistance with accommodation for a room for a live in aid, but probably in western mass. idk)
Gwen :) he/they
Message for details
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maddiethedogstories · 3 months
The Birthday - Part 1
I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend the morning of my 35th birthday. It had been a beautiful, spring Saturday morning. I got up a little later than usual, put on my khakis and a polo shirt, grabbed breakfast at the club house with my best friends, and spent the entire morning playing golf.
Usually, weekend mornings are full of 'Daddy-duties' for me. Wake up, turn on some cartoons for the kids, change the baby's diaper and get everyone out of pajamas, make breakfast, then load everyone up in the car for the youth sports game-of-the-week. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love being a dad. I love spending time with my kids. But, today, my birthday, my wonderful wife Madeline let me make the day just about me, and I love that too.
It was about 1:00 pm by the time I got home. I staggered into the house a little more unbalanced than usual, having had a few more than my normal share of beers on the course. In my slightly drunken state, it took me a second to recognize that something was different than normal in the house, but, after hanging my keys on the key hook and wandering into the kitchen, things started to feel off.
First, the house was clean. The toys, normally spread across the house, were all in their proper place. The kitchen counters were crumb free. The sink was clear of dishes. Now, I am not saying our house is normally a mess, but with kids, it's generally impossible to keep the house cleaner than 'slightly cluttered.'
"Love?" I called out, "The house looks beautiful? Did you and the kids spend the whole morning cleaning?"
My yell was met with silence. That was also odd. With the kids around, the house was always noisy. However, at that moment, there was nothing. No one was crying, or laughing, or yelling. The sounds of the latest episode of Bluey or Pokemon weren't blaring from the playroom. There wasn't even music playing. I started to become suspicious. Was anyone home?
With growing concern, I turned and left the kitchen and heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Maybe my wife was taking a nap? Maybe she convinced the kids to nap to? It seemed unlikely, but, in my happy, half-drunk stupor, I was ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I walked upstairs briskly, now more cautious about yelling out, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. As I made it to the second floor hallway, I was greeted by more of what I had seen downstairs. An impeccably clean and quiet house.
As I passed each of the children's bedrooms, I peaked in, hoping to get some sign of what was happening. I got no hints. Each of my kids rooms was clean, organized, and devoid of life.
I finally made it to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. As I approached the room, I noticed that the door was shut. Much like the house being clean and silent, that never happened. Cautiously, and still a little unsteadily, I approached the white door to my bedroom, grabbed the handle, and cautiously pushed the door open. As I did, I was greeted by the sultry voice of my wife.
"Why hello there big boy! I see someone finally made it home for his birthday surprise!"
Like a dog anticipating a treat when they hear their master reach for the treat bag, I suddenly was overcome by an overwhelming sexual anticipation for what was coming next. I could feel my cock, flaccid and unnoticed just moments before, grow larger and harder, pressing against my khakis in a way that made my feelings for my wife obvious to anyone who could see me.
Now driven by lust, I abandoned my previous sense of caution. I flung open the door to my bedroom to reveal my wife lying on top of the comforter of our king sized bed.
My eyes were instantly drawn to my wife, lying across the bed seductively. She was wearing the sexiest, laciest black lingerie I had ever seen. It emphasized her cleavage and ass perfectly. Her long, brown hair, styled wavy, was draped over her shoulder. In her hand was a riding crop, a favorite tool for administrating 'punishments' in our house.
"Happy Birthday Baby! I thought maybe we could celebrate together today?" My wife, Melody, said seductively, smacking the leather end of the riding crop in her empty hand for emphasis. I felt blood flow to my penis as she spoke. Suddenly, my member was straining against the confines of my boxer briefs and khakis. This was going to be a good birthday.
Noticing my arousal, Melody climbed off the bed, leaving the riding crop behind, and walked up to me. She grabbed my now rock hard penis over my pants with one hand and used her other hand to pull my head down into a passionate kiss. I immediately reciprocated.
As we kissed, Melody, despite being 8 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me, used the leverage she had from handling my penis to maneuver me to a position where my back was to the bed as we kissed. Once I felt the back of my knees brush against our king-sized mattress, Melody surprised me with a shove to the chest, forcing me to lie on my back on the bed. Then, with a mischievous grin on her face, she reached for my belt and the buckle of the pants, expertly undoing both and ripping my pants off.
"We can't have you wearing these! They'll just get in the way!" She exclaimed as she through my khakis to the ground unceremoniously. I grinned in anticipation as Melody climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist, and began rubbing her still panty clad pussy on my still underwear covered penis.
As she continued the motion, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Oh, you like that big boy?" I just moaned in response. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my penis into my underwear.
"Yeah, I bet you do, you naughty little boy," She continued. I just moaned again. However, the friction felt so good, along with the dirty talk, I suddenly was becoming worried that I was going to cum even before we started to have sex. I tried to turn my head away and think of something else, just to extend the amount of time this would last.
Melody laughed as I turned my head away, clearly aware of what I was doing. I started to blush in embarrassment at the realization that she new I was at risk of losing control even before we started fucking.
"Oh, does this feel a little TOO GOOD for you baby? We can't have that! Let's slow things down," Melody said, climbing off of me, and, thankfully, giving me the chance to slow down. I looked down at my blue boxer briefs and saw a distinct wet spot from where my pre-cum had soaked into my underwear. Melody looked at it to, frowned playfully, but didn't say anything about the stain immediately.
"I want to make this last all day for you, so let's try something else," Melody said as she walked over to our nightstand. I followed her shapely, barely covered ass as she moved around the bed. Then, for the first time, I noticed some new things about the room.
First, on the nightstand were a number of 'supplies' I had never seen before. On the nightstand was a blindfold, a contraption with leather straps I couldn't quite identify but looked like it was meant to go around a person's head, and a pair of large, noise cancelling wireless headphones. Looking closer to me, I noticed that our bed was slightly different as well. Rather than being covered in our normal comforter and pillows, the bed was covered in nothing but black satin sheets. Also, interestingly, there were now wrist and ankle restraints attached to each corner of the bed, waiting patiently to pin down whoever was strapped into to them. I couldn't help but grin. Today WAS going to be a good day. I'd never been so glad that we slowed down early.
Melody turned around from where she stood, bent over the nightstand. "Like what you see?" She asked, wiggling her ass playfully as she grabbed the blindfold in her other hand.
I laughed, "Oh yeah."
"Well, big boy, I've got something special in mind for you today, but, its a surprise, so I need you to let me take control," she said as she returned to my position on the bed. "So, first, put this on." Melody handed me the blindfold.
"Kinky," I said playfully, complying with her command and blindfolding myself.
"Oh, you don't even know," Melody said. "Now, lay back on the bed and spread out your arms and legs. Today is about me taking care of you."
Excited by where this was going, I did as she asked. I spread out my arms and legs and felt as she, with surprising expertise, strapped me into the wrist and ankle restraints.
"What's gotten into you Melly? You never want to play like this?" I asked as she strapped me in, a little disappointed that with the blindfold on, I couldn't see my wife's marvelous body.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now, no more talking, baby!" She said. Suddenly, I felt something soft and rubber brush my lips. "Open up and take this," Melody suddenly said.
I did as she asked and let the rubber object enter my mouth. As it filled my mouth, I felt it suddenly stop as a hard piece of plastic hit the outside of my lips. Panic suddenly hit me as I realized what this was--a pacifier.
Since before Melody and I had even started dating, I had an ABDL fetish. Specifically, I loved the idea of diapering, babifying, and humiliating strong, independent women. I did not know where it came from, and in a lot of ways, I loathed the fetish. The idea that humiliating and infantilizing women turned me on, despite my actual strong feminist values, disgusted me.
As a result, I never acted on it and had never shared my fetish with Melody, or any other woman for that matter. That had not stopped me from viewing, reading, and eventually writing copious amounts of ABDL porn during our relationship though.
The feeling of the pacifier being pressed into my mouth created so many concerns.
First, how had Melody found out about my fetish? Had she found out about my fetish? Was she upset about it? Second, despite having an ABDL fetish, the idea of being infantalized myself disgusted me.
In my fantasies, I was ALWAYS the dominant daddy, slowly helping my partner become the helpless, infantalized adult they deserved to be treated as. I was never the one being babied. If Melody's plan was to do this to me, that was NOT what I wanted.
In the time that all of this went through my head, I was able to spit out my pacifier and yell out, "What the fuck?!?" I struggled at my bonds as I felt the wet rubber of the giant plastic nipple land on my chest. No matter how much I pulled I could not get free. Frustratingly, I couldn't see Melody's reaction to my struggles, but I could hear her laugh.
I felt the pacifier that had just been in my mouth being picked up off my chest and pressed into my lips again.
"Take this in you mouth, big boy, or suffer the consequences," my wife's voice commanded. Melody emphasized her point by squeezing my balls almost uncomfortably with her free hand.
I wasn't going to give in that easily. I closed my lips tight and turned my head to the side. When I thought I was safe from the childish soother being shoved in my mouth, I responded. "What the fuck is going on Melody, what are you doing? Is that a pacifier you are trying to get me to suck on?" I asked.
Melody with impatience in her voice, refused to answer my questions.
"You'll know precisely what is going on soon enough. Now, suck on this before I make you suck on it," she ordered, attempting to shove the rubber nipple in my mouth a third time. I refused again.
"Have it your way," she said, "this makes it more fun for me anyway."
I felt the mattress I was tied to move as Melody got off of the bed. I then heard the sound of something being moved around on the nightstand. The bed shook again and Melody got back on. I became nervous as I could feel her kneeling next to my prone form.
Suddenly, without almost any warning, I felt a sharp smack to my penis and balls. The pain, while not particular intense, as the slap was blessedly light, was unexpected and sharpe. I raised my head and yelled out. "Owww!"
As I opened my mouth, what must have been a different pacifier, given the much larger size of the rubber nipple was shoved in my now open mouth. At the same time, what must have been the leather straps I saw on the nightstand earlier, were quickly shoved over my head. I tried to spit this new, larger pacifier out. I couldn't. I could feel that with one hand, Melody was now holding the pacifier into place. With her other hand, she was tightening the straps wrapped around my head. A thrashed my head back and forth, but I couldn't stop the process. Within moments, I felt my wife stop pushing the pacifier into my mouth. However, even without that pressure, I couldn't spit it out. Given the days of my life I had spent masturbating to adult baby porn, I knew what I was wearing--a pacifier gag.
I heard Melody sigh in satisfaction as she pulled away from my body, leaving me to struggle against my restraints. "Much better," She said triumphantly, "this will go much smoother if you can't talk."
"Mmmmrrrppphh," I said, unable to form any words due to the size of the large pacifier stuck in my mouth.
I heard Melody walk around the bed, stopping at the foot of the bed. I felt her reach her hand up to my underwear and poke at the wet spot made from my pre-cum earlier.
"Oh my! Look at this, it looks like my BIG, ADULT husband had a little accident in his undies, didn't he?" she chided me with a condescending tone. I growled into the pacifier shoved into my mouth, horrified at where this was going. "I though I was married to a grown up who could keep his pants clean, it doesn't look like it though, does it?" she continued. I growled in the pacifier and thrashed around again. "Clearly, you aren't ready for big boy undies. I think you would look much cuter in diapers anyway. Let's just get this underwear off."
I felt the weight of my wife leaning over the bottom of the bed before I felt the cool metallic feel of scissors sliding up to the bottom of my boxer briefs. I bucked my hips as I felt Melody begin to cut my underwear free. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I had read this story so many times. Fantasized about it. Fuck, I'd even written something close to this once. But, every single time, I was the one removing the underwear, not the one having it taken from me. This was horrible.
"Stop that baby!" Melody said, giving my balls a warning slap as I bucked my hips and tried to prevent this indignity from continuing. "Do you want me to accidentally cut you? These scissors are sharp?"
As she spoke, I realized she was right. Even this humiliation wasn't worth injuring myself. I stopped struggling long enough to let Melody continue cutting my boxer briefs off. "Good boy!" she said encouragingly as she pulled my destroyed underwear free, exposing my ass and crotch. I felt my penis, rock hard only minutes earlier, shrivel up from the cold air and the humiliation of what was happening.
"Oh, how cute! It knows where it's going, so it shrunk up appropriately," Melody said, playfully pinching my penis. "Alright, stay here baby, I'll be back in a second."
I groaned inwardly as I heard Melody leave the room. Where was I going to go? Strapped to the bed, blindfolded, half-naked, and forced to suck on a pacifier, I was firmly detained at this point. It didn't take long before I heard Melody re-enter the room. I listened closely and could clearly hear the rustling sound that I knew must be the diaper she was holding. I listened further as Melody retook her position at the foot of our bed and placed the items she was carrying down.
"Alright, big boy, time to get you diapered for Mommy!" Melody said as I felt her lean over my spread legs.
I immediately started to thrash and scream into my pacifier. This was not going to happen to me. I was an adult. I was in control. I was the Daddy Domme! If anyone in this house was going to be diapered, it'd be Melody, not me! My struggles proved useless though. Try as I might, Melody had been prepared. The ankle and wrist restraints were too solidly attached to the bed frame, and she clearly didn't skimp on the quality of the restraints themselves. I was not going to break free. After what felt like minutes of struggling, I gave up, embracing my fate.
Melody, for her part, just giggled at my struggles. "What a silly boy, thinking he can get free of Mommy that easily?" Melody teased me as I thrashed. When I finally gave up, she said with the tone I had heard her use with our toddlers so many toys, "A you done throwing your tantrum? Good. Now, let's get this diaper on you before you make a mess on the bed!"
With that, I felt Melody lean back over the bed and place what had to be the diaper down near my resting ass.
"Lift!" My wife ordered me. Resigned to the futility of my situation, I complied, lifting my hips into the air. I felt the diaper slide underneath me.
"Drop!" She indicated. I let my ass fall onto the surprisingly soft padding.
"Good boy," She said, and I felt her begin to spread lotion over my skin. The sensation of her rubbing me brought some life back to my penis. I felt myself getting aroused again. I turned red with embarassment. The idea that I could get any sort of enjoyment out of being treated like this was humiliating.
"Oh, it looks like my little friend wants to come out to play!" Melody said as she saw my member grow harder. She immediately redirected her attention. "Well, if he wants to play, let's play!"
I started to moan as Melody gave me the most enthusastic hand job she had ever given me. She laughed as I thrusted my dick into her hand and grunted into the pacifier.
"Oh, baby likes that, does he?" She said breathily, quickly moving her hand up and down my shaft. After years of being together, Melody knew almost exactly when I was about to cum. Right as I was on the verge of bursting, she let go of my dick. Then, quickly, she folded the diaper over my penis and held it there as I came into the thick padding.
"Gotta be careful to not get any icky juices on you during diaper changes, just like with the boys!" Melody said as I moaned and came into my diaper. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as she compared me coming into my diaper to a baby boy peeing during a diaper change. Despite the orgasm, this entire situation was torture.
Melody then quickly taped me into my padded, and now sticky, prison. She then crawled on top of me, in some sort of twisted call-back to our earlier sexual encounter, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my padded crotch a couple of times mockingly.
"Oh, this is much better," She laughed, as she bent over and pulled the blindfold off of my face. "Why don't you take a look big boy?"
I squinted as the light hit my eyes for the first time in at least a half an hour. The first thing I saw was my wife's face, staring down at me. Her made up and sexy appearance that was so attractive just earlier was just mocking me now.
"Well, take a look," She ordered.
I lifted my head as much as I could and looked down at my body. Past the ring of the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth I could see my polo shirt. Past my polo shift, sticking up just enough to be seen was a big, disposable ABDL diaper with a baby blue waist band. I groaned as I knew from my peculiar porn viewing proclivities that these particular diapers proudly labelled the wearing as a "POTTYPANTS" on the rear. The childish undergarments stood in stark contrast to my wives sexy panties, that were pressed against it.
Looking at my state, imagining what I must look like to her, I started to tear up in shame.
It only took moments for Melody to notice my building tears and place a hand comfortingly on the side of my face.
"Oh, is it embarrassing to be diapered and forced to use a pacifier, baby?" She said with mock caring in her voice, "You must be wondering why I am doing this?"
I nodded my head in affirmation, doing my best to hold back my tears.
"Well, I'm sure you've guessed by now, I've found the little 'secret' you've been hiding to me. Masturbating to the idea of grown women in diapers? What a dirty little pervert you are!" Melody began. I blushed. "I'm going to admit, at first, I was just shocked that you hid something that you were clearly so into from me. But, I was ready to show you that, despite not really being into it myself, I'd indulge in your fantasies." Melody continued.
I struggled to attempt to respond through the pacifier in my mouth, to explain that this wasn't my fantasy. I couldn't get words out though. Melody put a finger on my pacifier in a shushing motion.
"Hush, babe. I KNOW this isn't YOUR fantasy. I found the disgusting erotica you wrote. You've always claimed to be a feminist, to love women in power, and, I'll be frank, you actions had me fooled. But, the fact that all of your fantasies seem to be about belittling, infantilizing, and humiliating powerful women, I am afraid that that doesn't seem to ring true to me anymore." Melody continued.
I swallowed nervously. This was my worst nightmare come to life.
"So, for your birthday, I decided I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. I'd treat you just like you treat those poor women in the stories. By the end of this weekend, I plan to have you acting like my perfect adult-baby boy. I've sent the boys to my parents for the weekend, so it'll just be us. I even cleaned the house so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to spend the whole weekend teaching you what its like to be the victim of one of your stories," my wife explained.
I attempted to speak through the pacifier gag again. To plead for forgiveness. To explain my shame. Melody hushed me again.
"No, baby. Nothing you can do is going to change my mind. Don't worry though, by the end of the weekend, I'll let you be a big boy again… maybe," She said with a wink. Then, without warning, she pulled the blindfold over my head blinding me again.
"Now," I heard her say, no unable to see what was happening again, "Mommy has some things to set up, so why don't you be a good baby and take a nap and listen to some of my special music."
I felt the wireless headphones be pulled over my head. I tried to shake them off as best I could, but, somehow, she had tied them into the strap of the pacifier gag, tying them in place.
Once the headphones were placed over my ears, I found myself almost completely cut off from the world. I couldn't see what was happening around me and all I could hear was what was clearly some sort of hypnotic track. As I realized what was happening, I let my head fall slack to the bed and closed my eyes in defeat.
I knew, at least for the next few days, I was well and truly fucked. What a way to spend my birthday weekend.
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Hi Luna!
You wanted requests so i thought of something.
What about a blurb/fic of Cedric Diggory x fem!hufflepuffreader, in which fem is a very bubbly, happy sunshine character but the better they get to know each other, he finds her jealous side,which she trys to hide because she is always so nice. Maybe this surprises him but he finds it cute/hot. 👀
It’s very general but english isnt my first language so i don’t know.
Have a great day lovely 🫶🏻
Sweet As A Daisy Smells
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You remember your first day at Hogwarts like it was yesterday, even if years have passed. The beautiful architecture, the food, the Witches and Wizards of your year, of course, nothing would beat the year below you and their entrance, seeing as Harry Potter had joined your school that year. However, one small thing might beat what the fourth years have, being placed in Cedric Diggory's house.
Yes, you were like every other star-struck 5th year and younger following Diggory. The only difference between you and them is you actually accidentally made friends with the male. It was purely an accident, not a perfectly strategic mastermind plot between you and your friends to 'plop' you in his path.
It was innocent, really; you had a notorious reputation for being one of the sweetest Witches and Hufflepuffs. Someone needs help with homework: you're on it. Someone needs a quick snack: you're in the kitchen helping the house elves. An animal is wounded and hurting: you're on your hands and knees in the dirt, healing the animal as best you can till Hagrid can assist you. You were overall a genuinely nice person even the Draco Malfoy ran out of insults to throw your way because you were so unfazed: just telling him gently, "I know we all have bad days and feel the need to belittle others, it's okay, I won't judge you for it."
Your masterful plan to 'plop' you in front of Diggory was simple and well executed; you took the initiative to help the quidditch team clean and organize their equipment one night. Your roommate, Elaine Mellonfellow, was the one who came up with the idea, as she was usually one of the three on the team that ended up with that job. She would simply suggest to her captain that you take her place for a handful of sessions so she could 'serve detention.' This was a convincing plan, especially considering Elaine's tendency to doze off during Professor Snape's lectures.
Taking the bait, hook, line, and sinker, Diggory happily agreed to an extra pair of hands to help keep the team's quidditch equipment in top shape. This is what led you to now. It went from a handful of crafted detentions by Elaine to her simply stopping showing up, and you always did. Some would say you should be mad at your friend's obvious ruse to get out of a daunting chore, but you saw it simply as a good friend making sure you got close to your crush and close you definitely got.
Weeks of small talk turned into life stories and learning in detail about one another. You learned about his father's work in the ministry, about how he knew the Weasely brothers through their fathers, how he worked hard to become Quidditch captain, and that his almost least favorite color was, in fact, yellow. However, his years in Hufflepuff definitely helped change that.
While you were learning about Diggory to the fullest extent, he quickly learned much about you. Your fierce loyalty was the only thing preventing you from being in any of the other houses. You never gave up on a task, consistently achieved the highest marks in your year, and helped everyone out as often as possible. Always putting others before yourself, especially Elaine, who he has caught multiple times not being in 'detention' and though he would like to reprimand his chaser for skipping out on duties. He couldn't bring himself out of fear you would stop coming to help every week. Course, this could be solved if he could buck up the courage to talk to you outside of the quidditch tents, but there is a reason why he isn't a Gryffindor. It was fair to say that you were the sweetest, warmest human he had ever met, and he was addicted to you like a bee to a daisy.
All of these stolen moments have led up to today, the day Cedric found out you were, in fact, not just the cutest human in the world but also a vicious opponent in the arena of love.
After dinner in the great hall, you and Elaine make your way to your normal departure point, where she would 'go to detention,' and you would take her place as the ever-faithful cleaner of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. "Elaine, you are becoming far too obvious that you are not in detention when I am out there with him. What if he thinks I am a weirdo stalker chick who told you not to do your duties?"
Elaine snorted before speaking, "Yeah, cause Mister Lovey Goo Goo Eyes is definitely going to give up on spending time with his precious Y/N." You roll your eyes in frustration, with a slight blush present when Elaine speaks up again.
"Don't believe me, Y/N. He talks about you during our entire rest period during morning and evening practices. You might as well already be his girlfriend. If I hear him preach about how your favorite flowers are daisies again, I will puke." Elaine made a fake puking motion before laughing again at you.
"You look like a maniac, dork." you begin to laugh at Elaine's theatrics. Shaking off your nerves from Elaine's words, you begin to wonder. 'Does Cedric really talk about me that much...What if this is all being read horribly wrong, the man has half of Hogwarts on his side 24/7'
"Hey, now get out of your head; I know that look and that lip bite. Come on you are practically my sister, and he is practically my brother with all the time we spend together as a team. I promise you you got this. Just woman up and ask him out already before someone else does." As Elaine spoke to you, she followed the silhouette of Cho Chang on her way toward the quidditch pitches.
Sighing and following along as well, you felt a slight pang in your heart. Everyone knew that Cho Chang was in love with Cedric—so much so that she even rejected Harry Potter. She was perfect, the best representation of smarts, beauty, and poise that you definitely weren't. You were out there every week helping clean in the dirt and mud, for Christ's sake. You would never compare to her, and that ate you alive. Cho had shown her face at a few of your cleaning nights with Cedric. At first, it didn't bother you; they were the same year, and she could have needed help with classwork. Then, the day Harry asked her out, she turned him down only to show up that night laughing and hanging on to Cedric, making it very, VERY clear to him how she didn't like Harry. You knew right then and there. Game On.
Straightening your back, you turn to Elaine, a smile scarily plastered on your face. "I am going in," you begin to walk towards the pitch when you hear from behind, "Maybe don't smile like that; it's a bit unnerving, love! I'll be in the room of requirements with the twins!" Waving by to Elaine, you finish your trek to the pitch to see none other than Cho Chang clinging to Cedric. The slight pang boils into a full-blown constriction.
To onlookers that night, the smile on your face went from mildly unnerving to straight terrifying. Like a Lioness hunting her pray for her young. To Cedric, he just saw his girl walking up to him. Pulling away from Cho, he ran up to you. "Hi, Y/N; I was beginning to worry you got 'detention' too." Using air quotes around detention, your attention moved from the shocked female to the lovely boy before you. "Oh, Cedric, I would never miss this. Who else would help you? Elaine seems to be getting in trouble often lately. Must be all that time with the twins." A warm blush overcame your face as you rubbed the back of your head gently.
"She sure does. Why don't we get started? I was thinking of a full revamp of the whole broom closet. For some reason, half the team thinks that just haphazardly throwing their equipment in there is the best thing to do." Cedric smiled down at you, eager to start his routine and banter with you. Nodding gently, you began to walk into the tent with Cedric when a small voice spoke out behind you. "So that's what you two do in there; clean. I could always help Cedric. Here, let me lend a hand, too." Cho's voice rang like a small bell. A small bell that made you want to grit your teeth and commit a crime. Cedric just shrugged and turned to you. "I guess the more, the merrier, right Y/N?" You gently nodded your head when the constricted feeling in your chest slowly turned into a whole ball of hate.
The cleaning started like any other day; a soft, small conversation began between you and Cedric. Then it happened...that voice. That smooth, high, annoying voice that made you see red. It was bad enough that she pretended that you guys weren't always cleaning when she was hanging around. Even more annoying was her almost consistent interjecting in the conversation. You could feel your shoulders tensing every time she talked, and it didn't go unnoticed by the two peers helping you clean, either. "Everything alright, Y/N?" You could hear the concern laced in Cedric's voice, pulling you from your thoughts. "Yes I am just fine, a little tired is all but I can keep going theres not much left to do tonight anyway." Cedric nodded softly, placing a hand gently on your mid back in a comforting manner.
Then that voice again: "Cedric, it is getting awfully late, and curfew will be hitting soon. You're a prefect; maybe you could escort me back to my dorm so I don't get into trouble?" You saw it right there—the threat, the classic back-down girly pop, he's mine, the 'I get what I want because I am Cho Chang.' Not Today. "Actually, Cho," a sizeable fake smile plastered across your face, "Cedric and I have a pass from Madam Hooch to be out here past curfew to finish cleaning. You, however, seem to not have one of those. Maybe it would be best if you went back to your dorm now. Alone. Since curfew is in the next thirty minutes." You tilted your head sweetly at the girl, your forced smile still present. To others, you looked like your usual sweet self, maybe even regular sweet, with a little bit of derangement. However, Cedric picked up on your tone. That wasn't your normal tone at all. Holding back his smile, he watched the scene unfold.
"Oh, is that right, Y/N? Well, I am sure that Cedric wouldn't mind walking me back and letting you continue. It's just a short walk to Ravenclaw Tower. I know you would 'Hate' to see someone get into trouble after 'helping' you." Cho looked at you with the same false sense of kindness. You step towards her when Cedric interjected. "Cho is right; it's late, and it won't take long for us to walk up to the tower." You look at Cedric, defeated, Cho smugly standing behind him. "I will be right back, Y/N. Then we can finish cleaning." After his words, he walked to the tent's opening and guided Cho out. You couldn't describe the feeling you were having, sadness, hate, fear like you were going to throw up from anxiety because how did you lose to Cho Chang after everything Elaine said about Cedric liking you. A deep, heavy sigh left you as tears pooled in your eyes, watching the two return to the castle.
You grabbed one of the brooms nearby, not even realizing it was Cedric's, and took to the skies. You should get the heat out of your system. Now, you wouldn't say that you were a Quidditch player by any means. You were simply just fast and graceful on a broom. If they had synchronized broom work like the muggles had synchronized swimming, you would 100% join. However, Quidditch is a rough, dangerous sport, and something about a giant ball coming at your head screamed no, not for me. However, nothing mattered tonight except swoops, dives, quick turns, and sorting through the goals. Anything to take your mind off him with Cho. Cho touching him, Cho kissing him, Cho anywhere near him. As your mind raced, you went faster and faster. Not even noticing Cedric had made his way back.
Cedric stood at the opening of the pitch, arms crossed, watching you sore. Why you hadn't tried out for Seeker was beyond him; your speed rivaled that of Harry Potter. However, knowing your soft, sweet personality, he understood why you wouldn't. However, something about watching you zoom around in a jealous rage was very enthralling. Not only are you the pollen the bee is attracted to, but you are also the bee's sting. Jealousy was a perfect look on you. Smiling softly, he waited for you to calm down and land.
As the adrenaline and tears faded, you figured enough time had passed between them leaving and him returning, probably in a happy new relationship. Landing softly, looking up at the sky, you sighed, then turned to the pitch opening. Freezing in your tracks, you saw Cedric Diggory standing there with a smug look and his arms crossed. "Oh uh hey Diggory um, what's up?" You tried looking everywhere but him. "Nothing much, Y/N," He peered his head at your left hand holding the broom, "is that my broom you decided to use so gracefully in the sky." A deep red blush consumed your face as you hid the broom behind your back, shaking your head. Great, not only did he see you flying, but he also is going to think you're a crazy stalker who doesn't know her place using his stuff. A small laugh left Cedric's mouth as he walked up to you. You kept your head down, hoping he would disappear or maybe you would wake up in your bed, and this was all a horrid dream.
Cedric stopped in front of you and placed his hand gently on your head. "I turned her down, you know." You froze, eyes wide, still looking at the ground. "She asked me while we were walking up to her dorm, but I had to tell her I had given my heart to someone else." You slowly looked up at Cedric, and a soft red glow was on your face. "Though I will say Y/N jealousy is a good look on you. Why haven't you joined my team?" A snort left you, and not believing his words, you rebuttled. "I don't want to get hurt, is all." Cedric smiled, pulling you into a gentle hug. "I would never let anything hurt you, not a Quaffle or Cho Chang." You buried your head in to his chest a small laugh escaping you hugging Cedric back. In your soft embrace, you both failed to notice a displeased Madam Hooch approaching the pitch. "LISTEN, YOU TWO, I GAVE YOU A PASS TO CLEAN, NOT SNOG. GO TO YOUR DORMS." You both pulled away quickly, looking at her before running off laughing hard.
You and Cedric made it to your dorm hand in hand. Sadly, he still had prefect duties for the night while you needed to go to bed for a potion exam tomorrow. Taking your conjoined hands, Cedric places a soft kiss on your knuckles. A rose blush consumes your face. "Get some rest, and I will pick you up in the morning. We can go eat breakfast tomorrow in the great hall." You smiled widely and nodded. "Sounds good, Cedric. I will see you then." As you began to pull away, Cedric yanked you back into him. Looking up, Cedric cupped your face gently and kissed your mouth. The peck only lasted a second before he let go. "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. The bee is just too attracted to the Daisie's pollen." You snorted before standing on your tip toes and kissing him again. This time, neither of you pulled away. Your arms snaked gently around Cedrcis shoulders, hands getting lost in his soft hair. While Cedric held your waist gently in his hands. When you pulled away this time, you rested your heads together. "Maybe I should be jealous more often if this is my reward." Cedric laughed softly before hugging you one last time and sending you to sleep.
*peering around some barrels in the kitchens, watching you two have your sweet moment."
Elaine: You both owe me 20 galleons.
George: This is ghastly, but I can't believe he turned Cho down. She is like THE it, girl, right now. She even turned down Harry.
Fred: You are mad he turned Cho down. I am angry that I owe Angela a week of butter beers cause he rejected Cho and confessed to Y/N all on the same night. I swear that woman is a mind reader.
Elaine: Both of you are horrible...I love it. Alright, now to prank Filtch.
(Thank you all so much for reading. This is my first official story back into writing. I am sorry if it is choppy or odd. I am getting back into the rhythm of things. I hope this is good enough to showcase the beginning of my writing journey!)
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eoieopda · 1 year
the one where hoseok comes home
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x gn!Reader Type: Drabble // Fluff // Established Relationship AU Rating: PG-13 — Minors DNI w/ my content, regardless! CW: None 💕 Summary: It’s October 2024 and your life finally — finally — resumes its orbit. WC: .5k A/N: Deviating from my WIPs (ope) because I needed a fix-it fic for, like, reality? Nobody requested this lil baby blurb, unless you count… me. Dedicated to (m)y jihope-biased emotional support moot, @here2bbtstrash
You’d learned more in eighteen months than you had in over eighteen years of formal education.
The first lesson came on your second morning alone: hotteok tastes better when it’s made for you. Even if the cook gets distracted by the background music they themselves are generating. Even if the edges are crispier than they should be, and the centers are a bit gooey, or there’s pre-packaged mix dusting over your previously clean countertops. Even if that hotteok is cold by the time you stop kissing and start eating, you know now that few things in life are sweeter.
He is, of course, but the point still stands.
Showers, you’d learned, are colder when you take them alone. This was a surprise you grappled with for weeks and a confounding reality you still struggle to square. A scientific mystery, then and now.
All of the hot water was yours — exclusively — to use as you pleased. You didn’t have to scramble, soap-covered and squealing, for the prime spot under the shower head. Cold air didn’t nip at your damp skin when you lost territory because you didn’t have to compete for any in the first place. Still, without whole-chested laughter to echo off the walls, not much existed to separate your body from cold porcelain.
The absence of personal space isn’t something you intend to ever take for granted again.
Of all the things you’d realized in your uncharacteristically quiet apartment, one thing hit a little harder:
Love looks different every day.
Sometimes, it comes at an odd angle. It’s spending all thirty minutes of a daily allowance with a phone propped against a faucet. It’s staring up at someone’s chin, watching fondly as they brush their teeth, and smiling when they remember — without being told — to put the cap back on the toothpaste.
Other times, it looks like an Excel spreadsheet of pop culture news, fastidiously collected and organized so that no groundbreaking celebrity gossip goes unreported. It’s incredulous eyes and a scandalized mouth hanging open, interjecting occasionally with, “Wa, jinjja?”
Every now and then, it looks like handwritten letters with thick, black redactions applied after the fact with a far heavier hand. Though you couldn’t tell where in the Republic they came from, you knew — without question — that government censorship does not apply to hastily doodled hearts.
Today, however, love doesn’t look like much of anything because its hands are covering your eyes.
It sounds like clean spoons clattering back into the dishwasher you’d been emptying, entirely unaware that the door down the hall had opened and shut out of earshot. It smells like army-issued shampoo and Thai milk tea from that little spot near the train station, where surprise journeys home occur two days ahead of schedule. And it feels like the ground shifting beneath your fluffy house slippers; the Earth now back on its axis and ready to resume spinning like it should.
Tonight, love will taste like hotteok for dinner — and you won’t have to make it yourself.
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septembersung · 1 month
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@citadelofthestars You are in luck because I just overhauled our entire chore system for the new school year so this is all fresh on my mind.
Context: this was from the post about making chores fair for kids and not requiring more domestic labor of girls than boys or having sisters clean up after brothers but never vice versa.
The following sounds complicated but it’s not? It evolved organically based on what our house needs and fits into how I organize the rest of my life. And, ymmv based on kids’ ages, temperament, and varieties of neurodivergence. My kids are all under 11 and we homeschool and half of us are probably adhd, so we’re still learning skills and also in our space making messes a lot. I would also like to emphasize that I am so bad about chores. Hence the system. When we follow through… it’s amazing. And then we don’t and we start over again (distant screaming.)
We do chores 2-3 times a day on school weekdays (or… sometimes once… but that’s a rough day for cleanliness) and everybody helps at mealtimes. Everybody gives me an hour or a set number of chores on Saturday. We aim to have the house “Sunday ready” by dinnertime Saturday.
Morning chores: this is their chance to take care of their personal space: bed, desk, laundry tidy, that sort of thing. It’s part of general getting ready. After this, the big 3-4 kids help with animal chores (and gardens when applicable) except when they’ve fractured a bone like kid 4 currently has. In some seasons the big 3 will each have an easy first thing kitchen chore like “empty the dishwasher” but not usually during the first part of school year. Mornings are hard for us so we have to get into school routine fir a whole first.
Afternoon chores: By age and ability. Mostly, one-off jobs like change out laundry, put away your laundry, take out trash, entertain a little for 20 minutes so I can have free hands for a separate task, help make the afternoon snack, etc. (Our lives run in 20 minute increments it feels like. I have a timer for everything. It’s what keeps me on task.) I expect big kids (7+) to do 2-4 tasks in this time depending on what the tasks are and under 7s to do one or two things tops, with me. Laundry is a coveted job but the rule is you have to be able to read the label on the knob and reach the bottom of the washer. We’re always behind so I decide as we go what the next load is, and if it’s your basket you’ll be called to help me load even if you’re not big enough to do it independently. Everybody folds (except the 1yo. Because she thinks it’s a keepaway game.)
We have a basic laminated grid on the wall with a column for each kid and little chore stickers with Velcro buttons on the back. (Well, we will when I print and hang the updated version.) Stuff no one likes doing I assign in 2 month increments or more (for habit and technique building) like scrubbing the bathroom; things everyone wants to do, like dust mop, they trade off each week or so. My oldest is so possessive of his sweeping job it’s possible no one else will ever sweep that bit of floor again. But there’s so much else to sweep I’m not too worried tbh.
I try to reset the chart for changeable chores every weekend. In my new and improved version there’s a section for each chore time, and separate for meals, instead of one long column under your name, and you have two columns!, so you move your little chore sticker from “undone” to “done.” Also contemplating have a little sack of random chores to draw from, like a scrabble tile bag, because “contribute positively to the family” is our go to consequence for misbehavior.
Evening chores: This is when we “get in the zone”. Your zone is one specific area of the house you are responsible for. You can do it on your own as you like to stay on top of it or wait til during the fast zone tidy which comes right before or after dinner. And it is fast, like maximum 20 minutes and 10 is better. Big 3 kids rotate between dining room, living room, and main bathroom. Little kids share the playroom. Everybody helps in their own bedroom at the end for 5-10 minutes. I cycle through and help everybody as needed unless something urgent calls me.
Meal time jobs include: table, chairs, floor, dishes (load up or wash by hand.) We’re working up to include kitchen floor and counters as the big kids take on more responsibility for cooking. Again the big 3 kids rotate among the more skilled jobs, while the little 3 trade out what they help scrub and sweep and carry.
Saturdays the kids will do a more irregular job, like “clean out the van” (which is all hands on deck together) or a periodic job like “mop or vacuum your zone” or “scrub cabinets.” We mostly discuss these jobs each week depending on what seems most needed instead of having a specific thing on the chart. (In my improved version the Velcro buttons say “Saturday chore time” in the little Saturday section at the bottom.)
This is probably way more detail than you ever needed in your life, but here we are. Happy planning!
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
can you share some of your writing/planning process for thirteen? i adore the non-linear format - how do you decide what scenes to put where?
ahh thank you!! idk how much of a defined process I have, but there's definitely a lot of planning that goes into it and i can show you some of that.
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i keep all the chapters in one doc organized by month, and then i plan everything out in bullet points in a timeline at the beginning. here i just have october and november as examples bc after december things started to get more detailed/messy
all of the scenes (especially at the beginning) set the stage for things i’ve planned to happen later, or establish something that feels relevant to adrien’s character by the time we meet him in canon. the task of condensing an entire month into about 2-3 scenes has been a bit difficult; i’ve found out that i’m a very present-moment kind of writer so it’s harder for me to describe the passage of, like, weeks of time. so i’ve been pinpointing specific threads of adrien’s story that i want to be sure to tell and choosing scenes from each month that build on that.
i’ve had the idea for this fic in the back of my mind since about 2021 so i’ve had several scenes cemented in my mind, ways i’ve decided things played out, etc. some of the writing process has been building the narrative around those things or figuring out how we get there. that’s what i love about prequels in general, honestly - it’s inevitable where we’re going to end up, but how do we get there?
adrien’s situation, at the moment we meet him in origins, is SO endlessly fascinating to me. he is in the process of doing something reckless and rebellious and bold - running away - against the will of his father, a man he spends the rest of the series struggling with his compulsion to submit to. we find out, via the rest of the show, exactly how difficult it is for adrien to stand up to his father. and yet, in his very first appearance, adrien is running away from him.
how did he get here? what, exactly, pushed him to this point? was this the final escalation of a steady build of rebellious behaviors, or an impulsive breakthrough after one awful day too many? what has this small boy been through in the last year, and why does public school seem to be his only fathomable escape?
and WHY, if his circumstances are so dire as to compell him to rebel so boldly in the first place, does he still throw it away to help the old man in the road? what makes him so kind, when he has everything to lose? what happened? how did he get here?
i’m interested, obviously, in the character of émilie. i think that the hole she leaves in the narrative is a compelling silhouette and i’ve been having a blast trying to pencil in its details. it’s obvious that adrien loved her deeply and had a stronger connection to her than with gabriel. but also, adrien was still shut off from the world while she was alive. he was still, presumably, an exploited child star while she was alive. she was an actress and a mother and died by broken magic and never told her son the truth about any of it. figuring out who i think she was and then how to show that through young adrien’s eyes has been a huge part of planning this story for me.
as far as the twenty three year old adrien sections, those have been less involved as far as planning goes. i only recently mapped out which areas of the house i want him to visit during the different months. i wanted his sections to line up at least thematically, if not physically, where thirteen year old adrien is at in his story. for example, in december twenty three year old adrien cleans out the dining room where thirteen year old adrien was having terrible christmas dinner. and in january they’re both in the garden, etc.
it’s a bit harder to map out twenty three adrien just because it has to also make sense geographically - i can’t have him running back and forth up and down the stairs, let’s be real he doesn’t have the energy for that. i’ve also opened up the agreste mansion page on the miraculous wiki so many times while trying to map this out 💔💔 did you know that apparently there’s a third floor we never see in the show. yeah i have to figure out what to do with that now
ANYWAY long story short: the planning process for thirteen is kind of a mess, but the whole story is built around some central plot points that i knew i wanted to hit from the beginning. the details change a lot (as you can see from the outline above - it’s not quite right) but i keep the end in mind. just have to figure out how we get there.
thank you for asking!! mwah<3
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polito0 · 28 days
Brief life update:
🍂 For the last year I've been in a rather rough spot mentally, my procrastination issues have been worse and worse and the last months it's been terrible, but last week I got sick from the change of season, and I took the chance of being all locked up at home to organize and categorize all my drawings (it took 2 whole days whew) and clean the house in general
🍂 Unsurprisingly getting that out of the way made me feel a bit better, so this week I've been slowly but steadily getting back to focusing on college stuff and I finally started getting some medical appointments, to check my general health and to check how the hormone therapy is going (this guy now has the same amount of testosterone on his body than a healthy cis man :)
🪴 With all the procastination and anxiety, I have been really disconnected from my self, I've been avoiding absolutely every responsability, even those that made me feel well
🪴 So lately I've been working on not pressuring myself so much and I'm slowly achieving to feel more like me and allowing myself back to drawing and things that give me joy and a sense of self :)
Thank you for sticking around even if I don't post art as frequently as before
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo x Gender neutral reader that’s struggling with self harm/depression (only if you’re comfortable with writing something like this, I’d not I completely understand) :)
hi!! thank you for the request! ; and I'm totally okay with writing this, considering I'm fully healed from my very depressive middle school state and the only things bothering me haven't hurt me that much in a long time 🫶 I hope that you're doing okay anon 🫶🫶🫶
RANBOO ; it's okay to not be okay
summary ; ranboo does his best to help you while you struggle with depression
warnings ; language, talk of self harm & depression, talk about relapsing, mentions of ED
genre ; angst/fluff
word count ; 627
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he'd known for a while that you were struggling and even suggested taking a break/breaking up if you needed it as to not overwhelm you with managing a relationship
obviously you didn't want too
but that came with a negotiation that he was going to genuinely help you no matter what
literally came over after a stream, like 9pmish and went straight to your bathroom
they got a little trash bag and threw out all the razor blades in your house, like looked everywhere, tore the whole place up to even get secret stashes
you followed and watched them do this, fearing they'd yell at you afterwards because they were totally silent while doing so
they also stashed the knives in a drawer with a child lock which you genuinely couldn't open, using the smart logic to use a butter knife if you needed to cut something up
if you were making food and needed to cut up meat, call him and he'd open it for you, considering you lived like 5 minutes away from each other
after he threw all the razors and pencil sharpeners and anything you didn't need that could hurt you away, he sits you down on the couch
you have a long talk about how you need to stop hurting yourself and you talk about safe self harm
from coloring on your body, listening to music really loudly, experiment with guided imagery, holding ice, punching a pillow/cushion instead of yourself, eating sour/spicy candy, etc
they're just trying to give you safe alternatives to substitute the actual harming tactics because they know you won't be able to quit immediately
every week you have a long talk about your feelings, how you're doing, etc so ranboo can determine how to help you/get an idea of how you've been doing
you talk to him frequently that you're worried about relapsing and hurting yourself somehow, from cutting to slapping or punching yourself
if you run to him thinking you're gonna hurt yourself, he wraps you in a hug and doesn't let you go until you feel more calm
frequently sends you texts to uplift you a bit and make you smile
sometimes you'll just have tight hugs on the couch where he just talks to you to get your mind off of everything and make you a little happy and joke around
usually takes you on long walks to clear your head if you express being stressed or very upset about something
he gets you on a nice healthy diet and helps you not under/overeat and possibly give yourself an ed
also helps you get into a routine to feel more clean and organized
refers you to therapy and towards yoga/working out
they'll happily do yoga or work out with you, 100%
anytime you smile, he just looks at you with like love in his eyes because he's clearly doing something right
loves taking you out into nature to listen to the birds singing and smell the fresh air, he can tell it does wonders for you
loves bird watching with you too
he'll find a show with like 7+ seasons for you to watch together so you can get interested/fixated on something and think about that more then your fear of hurting yourself or relapsing
in general they'll do whatever it is to help you cope, knowing they can't magically make you feel any better
so supportive as well
when you reach sobriety milestones (a month, two months, three months, six months, a year etc) he throws a little party
over time all your friends get more and more proud of you and show that well
ran however is definitely the most proud, seeing as you'd found a way to overcome the pain that tormented you
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maddiethedog2 · 6 months
The Birthday
I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend the morning of my 35th birthday. It had been a beautiful, spring Saturday morning. I got up a little later than usual, put on my khakis and a polo shirt, grabbed breakfast at the club house with my best friends, and spent the entire morning playing golf.
Usually, weekend mornings are full of 'Daddy-duties' for me. Wake up, turn on some cartoons for the kids, change the baby's diaper and get everyone out of pajamas, make breakfast, then load everyone up in the car for the youth sports game-of-the-week. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love being a dad. I love spending time with my kids. But, today, my birthday, my wonderful wife Madeline let me make the day just about me, and I love that too.
It was about 1:00 pm by the time I got home. I staggered into the house a little more unbalanced than usual, having had a few more than my normal share of beers on the course. In my slightly drunken state, it took me a second to recognize that something was different than normal in the house, but, after hanging my keys on the key hook and wandering into the kitchen, things started to feel off.
First, the house was clean. The toys, normally spread across the house, were all in their proper place. The kitchen counters were crumb free. The sink was clear of dishes. Now, I am not saying our house is normally a mess, but with kids, it's generally impossible to keep the house cleaner than 'slightly cluttered.'
"Love?" I called out, "The house looks beautiful? Did you and the kids spend the whole morning cleaning?"
My yell was met with silence. That was also odd. With the kids around, the house was always noisy. However, at that moment, there was nothing. No one was crying, or laughing, or yelling. The sounds of the latest episode of Bluey or Pokemon weren't blaring from the playroom. There wasn't even music playing. I started to become suspicious. Was anyone home?
With growing concern, I turned and left the kitchen and heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Maybe my wife was taking a nap? Maybe she convinced the kids to nap to? It seemed unlikely, but, in my happy, half-drunk stupor, I was ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I walked upstairs briskly, now more cautious about yelling out, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. As I made it to the second floor hallway, I was greeted by more of what I had seen downstairs. An impeccably clean and quiet house.
As I passed each of the children's bedrooms, I peaked in, hoping to get some sign of what was happening. I got no hints. Each of my kids rooms was clean, organized, and devoid of life.
I finally made it to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. As I approached the room, I noticed that the door was shut. Much like the house being clean and silent, that never happened. Cautiously, and still a little unsteadily, I approached the white door to my bedroom, grabbed the handle, and cautiously pushed the door open. As I did, I was greeted by the sultry voice of my wife.
"Why hello there big boy! I see someone finally made it home for his birthday surprise!"
Like a dog anticipating a treat when they hear their master reach for the treat bag, I suddenly was overcome by an overwhelming sexual anticipation for what was coming next. I could feel my cock, flaccid and unnoticed just moments before, grow larger and harder, pressing against my khakis in a way that made my feelings for my wife obvious to anyone who could see me.
Now driven by lust, I abandoned my previous sense of caution. I flung open the door to my bedroom to reveal my wife lying on top of the comforter of our king sized bed.
My eyes were instantly drawn to my wife, lying across the bed seductively. She was wearing the sexiest, laciest black lingerie I had ever seen. It emphasized her cleavage and ass perfectly. Her long, brown hair, styled wavy, was draped over her shoulder. In her hand was a riding crop, a favorite tool for administrating 'punishments' in our house.
"Happy Birthday Baby! I thought maybe we could celebrate together today?" My wife, Melody, said seductively, smacking the leather end of the riding crop in her empty hand for emphasis. I felt blood flow to my penis as she spoke. Suddenly, my member was straining against the confines of my boxer briefs and khakis. This was going to be a good birthday.
Noticing my arousal, Melody climbed off the bed, leaving the riding crop behind, and walked up to me. She grabbed my now rock hard penis over my pants with one hand and used her other hand to pull my head down into a passionate kiss. I immediately reciprocated.
As we kissed, Melody, despite being 8 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me, used the leverage she had from handling my penis to maneuver me to a position where my back was to the bed as we kissed. Once I felt the back of my knees brush against our king-sized mattress, Melody surprised me with a shove to the chest, forcing me to lie on my back on the bed. Then, with a mischievous grin on her face, she reached for my belt and the buckle of the pants, expertly undoing both and ripping my pants off.
"We can't have you wearing these! They'll just get in the way!" She exclaimed as she through my khakis to the ground unceremoniously. I grinned in anticipation as Melody climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist, and began rubbing her still panty clad pussy on my still underwear covered penis.
As she continued the motion, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Oh, you like that big boy?" I just moaned in response. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my penis into my underwear.
"Yeah, I bet you do, you naughty little boy," She continued. I just moaned again. However, the friction felt so good, along with the dirty talk, I suddenly was becoming worried that I was going to cum even before we started to have sex. I tried to turn my head away and think of something else, just to extend the amount of time this would last.
Melody laughed as I turned my head away, clearly aware of what I was doing. I started to blush in embarrassment at the realization that she new I was at risk of losing control even before we started fucking.
"Oh, does this feel a little TOO GOOD for you baby? We can't have that! Let's slow things down," Melody said, climbing off of me, and, thankfully, giving me the chance to slow down. I looked down at my blue boxer briefs and saw a distinct wet spot from where my pre-cum had soaked into my underwear. Melody looked at it to, frowned playfully, but didn't say anything about the stain immediately.
"I want to make this last all day for you, so let's try something else," Melody said as she walked over to our nightstand. I followed her shapely, barely covered ass as she moved around the bed. Then, for the first time, I noticed some new things about the room.
First, on the nightstand were a number of 'supplies' I had never seen before. On the nightstand was a blindfold, a contraption with leather straps I couldn't quite identify but looked like it was meant to go around a person's head, and a pair of large, noise cancelling wireless headphones. Looking closer to me, I noticed that our bed was slightly different as well. Rather than being covered in our normal comforter and pillows, the bed was covered in nothing but black satin sheets. Also, interestingly, there were now wrist and ankle restraints attached to each corner of the bed, waiting patiently to pin down whoever was strapped into to them. I couldn't help but grin. Today WAS going to be a good day. I'd never been so glad that we slowed down early.
Melody turned around from where she stood, bent over the nightstand. "Like what you see?" She asked, wiggling her ass playfully as she grabbed the blindfold in her other hand.
I laughed, "Oh yeah."
"Well, big boy, I've got something special in mind for you today, but, its a surprise, so I need you to let me take control," she said as she returned to my position on the bed. "So, first, put this on." Melody handed me the blindfold.
"Kinky," I said playfully, complying with her command and blindfolding myself.
"Oh, you don't even know," Melody said. "Now, lay back on the bed and spread out your arms and legs. Today is about me taking care of you."
Excited by where this was going, I did as she asked. I spread out my arms and legs and felt as she, with surprising expertise, strapped me into the wrist and ankle restraints.
"What's gotten into you Melly? You never want to play like this?" I asked as she strapped me in, a little disappointed that with the blindfold on, I couldn't see my wife's marvelous body.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now, no more talking, baby!" She said. Suddenly, I felt something soft and rubber brush my lips. "Open up and take this," Melody suddenly said.
I did as she asked and let the rubber object enter my mouth. As it filled my mouth, I felt it suddenly stop as a hard piece of plastic hit the outside of my lips. Panic suddenly hit me as I realized what this was--a pacifier.
Since before Melody and I had even started dating, I had an ABDL fetish. Specifically, I loved the idea of diapering, babifying, and humiliating strong, independent women. I did not know where it came from, and in a lot of ways, I loathed the fetish. The idea that humiliating and infantilizing women turned me on, despite my actual strong feminist values, disgusted me. As a result, I never acted on it and had never shared my fetish with Melody, or any other woman for that matter. That had not stopped me from viewing, reading, and eventually writing copious amounts of ABDL porn during our relationship though.
The feeling of the pacifier being pressed into my mouth created so many concerns.
First, how had Melody found out about my fetish? Had she found out about my fetish? Was she upset about it? Second, despite having an ABDL fetish, the idea of being infantalized myself disgusted me.
In my fantasies, I was ALWAYS the dominant daddy, slowly helping my partner become the helpless, infantalized adult they deserved to be treated as. I was never the one being babied. If Melody's plan was to do this to me, that was NOT what I wanted.
In the time that all of this went through my head, I was able to spit out my pacifier and yell out, "What the fuck?!?" I struggled at my bonds as I felt the wet rubber of the giant plastic nipple land on my chest. No matter how much I pulled I could not get free. Frustratingly, I couldn't see Melody's reaction to my struggles, but I could hear her laugh.
I felt the pacifier that had just been in my mouth being picked up off my chest and pressed into my lips again.
"Take this in you mouth, big boy, or suffer the consequences," my wife's voice commanded. Melody emphasized her point by squeezing my balls almost uncomfortably with her free hand.
I wasn't going to give in that easily. I closed my lips tight and turned my head to the side. When I thought I was safe from the childish soother being shoved in my mouth, I responded. "What the fuck is going on Melody, what are you doing? Is that a pacifier you are trying to get me to suck on?" I asked.
Melody with impatience in her voice, refused to answer my questions.
"You'll know precisely what is going on soon enough. Now, suck on this before I make you suck on it," she ordered, attempting to shove the rubber nipple in my mouth a third time. I refused again.
"Have it your way," she said, "this makes it more fun for me anyway."
I felt the mattress I was tied to move as Melody got off of the bed. I then heard the sound of something being moved around on the nightstand. The bed shook again and Melody got back on. I became nervous as I could feel her kneeling next to my prone form.
Suddenly, without almost any warning, I felt a sharp smack to my penis and balls. The pain, while not particular intense, as the slap was blessedly light, was unexpected and sharpe. I raised my head and yelled out. "Owww!"
As I opened my mouth, what must have been a different pacifier, given the much larger size of the rubber nipple was shoved in my now open mouth. At the same time, what must have been the leather straps I saw on the nightstand earlier, were quickly shoved over my head. I tried to spit this new, larger pacifier out. I couldn't. I could feel that with one hand, Melody was now holding the pacifier into place. With her other hand, she was tightening the straps wrapped around my head. A thrashed my head back and forth, but I couldn't stop the process. Within moments, I felt my wife stop pushing the pacifier into my mouth. However, even without that pressure, I couldn't spit it out. Given the days of my life I had spent masturbating to adult baby porn, I knew what I was wearing--a pacifier gag.
I heard Melody sigh in satisfaction as she pulled away from my body, leaving me to struggle against my restraints. "Much better," She said triumphantly, "this will go much smoother if you can't talk."
"Mmmmrrrppphh," I said, unable to form any words due to the size of the large pacifier stuck in my mouth.
I heard Melody walk around the bed, stopping at the foot of the bed. I felt her reach her hand up to my underwear and poke at the wet spot made from my pre-cum earlier.
"Oh my! Look at this, it looks like my BIG, ADULT husband had a little accident in his undies, didn't he?" she chided me with a condescending tone. I growled into the pacifier shoved into my mouth, horrified at where this was going. "I though I was married to a grown up who could keep his pants clean, it doesn't look like it though, does it?" she continued. I growled in the pacifier and thrashed around again. "Clearly, you aren't ready for big boy undies. I think you would look much cuter in diapers anyway. Let's just get this underwear off."
I felt the weight of my wife leaning over the bottom of the bed before I felt the cool metallic feel of scissors sliding up to the bottom of my boxer briefs. I bucked my hips as I felt Melody begin to cut my underwear free. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I had read this story so many times. Fantasized about it. Fuck, I'd even written something close to this once. But, every single time, I was the one removing the underwear, not the one having it taken from me. This was horrible.
"Stop that baby!" Melody said, giving my balls a warning slap as I bucked my hips and tried to prevent this indignity from continuing. "Do you want me to accidentally cut you? These scissors are sharp?"
As she spoke, I realized she was right. Even this humiliation wasn't worth injuring myself. I stopped struggling long enough to let Melody continue cutting my boxer briefs off. "Good boy!" she said encouragingly as she pulled my destroyed underwear free, exposing my ass and crotch. I felt my penis, rock hard only minutes earlier, shrivel up from the cold air and the humiliation of what was happening.
"Oh, how cute! It knows where it's going, so it shrunk up appropriately," Melody said, playfully pinching my penis. "Alright, stay here baby, I'll be back in a second."
I groaned inwardly as I heard Melody leave the room. Where was I going to go? Strapped to the bed, blindfolded, half-naked, and forced to suck on a pacifier, I was firmly detained at this point. It didn't take long before I heard Melody re-enter the room. I listened closely and could clearly hear the rustling sound that I knew must be the diaper she was holding. I listened further as Melody retook her position at the foot of our bed and placed the items she was carrying down.
"Alright, big boy, time to get you diapered for Mommy!" Melody said as I felt her lean over my spread legs.
I immediately started to thrash and scream into my pacifier. This was not going to happen to me. I was an adult. I was in control. I was the Daddy Domme! If anyone in this house was going to be diapered, it'd be Melody, not me! My struggles proved useless though. Try as I might, Melody had been prepared. The ankle and wrist restraints were too solidly attached to the bed frame, and she clearly didn't skimp on the quality of the restraints themselves. I was not going to break free. After what felt like minutes of struggling, I gave up, embracing my fate.
Melody, for her part, just giggled at my struggles. "What a silly boy, thinking he can get free of Mommy that easily?" Melody teased me as I thrashed. When I finally gave up, she said with the tone I had heard her use with our toddlers so many toys, "A you done throwing your tantrum? Good. Now, let's get this diaper on you before you make a mess on the bed!"
With that, I felt Melody lean back over the bed and place what had to be the diaper down near my resting ass.
"Lift!" My wife ordered me. Resigned to the futility of my situation, I complied, lifting my hips into the air. I felt the diaper slide underneath me.
"Drop!" She indicated. I let my ass fall onto the surprisingly soft padding.
"Good boy," She said, and I felt her begin to spread lotion over my skin. The sensation of her rubbing me brought some life back to my penis. I felt myself getting aroused again. I turned red with embarassment. The idea that I could get any sort of enjoyment out of being treated like this was humiliating.
"Oh, it looks like my little friend wants to come out to play!" Melody said as she saw my member grow harder. She immediately redirected her attention. "Well, if he wants to play, let's play!"
I started to moan as Melody gave me the most enthusastic hand job she had ever given me. She laughed as I thrusted my dick into her hand and grunted into the pacifier.
"Oh, baby likes that, does he?" She said breathily, quickly moving her hand up and down my shaft. After years of being together, Melody knew almost exactly when I was about to cum. Right as I was on the verge of bursting, she let go of my dick. Then, quickly, she folded the diaper over my penis and held it there as I came into the thick padding.
"Gotta be careful to not get any icky juices on you during diaper changes, just like with the boys!" Melody said as I moaned and came into my diaper. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as she compared me coming into my diaper to a baby boy peeing during a diaper change. Despite the orgasm, this entire situation was torture.
Melody then quickly taped me into my padded, and now sticky, prison. She then crawled on top of me, in some sort of twisted call-back to our earlier sexual encounter, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my padded crotch a couple of times mockingly.
"Oh, this is much better," She laughed, as she bent over and pulled the blindfold off of my face. "Why don't you take a look big boy?"
I squinted as the light hit my eyes for the first time in at least a half an hour. The first thing I saw was my wife's face, staring down at me. Her made up and sexy appearance that was so attractive just earlier was just mocking me now.
"Well, take a look," She ordered.
I lifted my head as much as I could and looked down at my body. Past the ring of the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth I could see my polo shirt. Past my polo shift, sticking up just enough to be seen was a big, disposable ABDL diaper with a baby blue waist band. I groaned as I knew from my peculiar porn viewing proclivities that these particular diapers proudly labelled the wearing as a "POTTYPANTS" on the rear. The childish undergarments stood in stark contrast to my wives sexy panties, that were pressed against it.
Looking at my state, imagining what I must look like to her, I started to tear up in shame.
It only took moments for Melody to notice my building tears and place a hand comfortingly on the side of my face.
"Oh, is it embarrassing to be diapered and forced to use a pacifier, baby?" She said with mock caring in her voice, "You must be wondering why I am doing this?"
I nodded my head in affirmation, doing my best to hold back my tears.
"Well, I'm sure you've guessed by now, I've found the little 'secret' you've been hiding to me. Masturbating to the idea of grown women in diapers? What a dirty little pervert you are!" Melody began. I blushed. "I'm going to admit, at first, I was just shocked that you hid something that you were clearly so into from me. But, I was ready to show you that, despite not really being into it myself, I'd indulge in your fantasies." Melody continued.
I struggled to attempt to respond through the pacifier in my mouth, to explain that this wasn't my fantasy. I couldn't get words out though. Melody put a finger on my pacifier in a shushing motion.
"Hush, babe. I KNOW this isn't YOUR fantasy. I found the disgusting erotica you wrote. You've always claimed to be a feminist, to love women in power, and, I'll be frank, you actions had me fooled. But, the fact that all of your fantasies seem to be about belittling, infantilizing, and humiliating powerful women, I am afraid that that doesn't seem to ring true to me anymore." Melody continued.
I swallowed nervously. This was my worst nightmare come to life.
"So, for your birthday, I decided I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. I'd treat you just like you treat those poor women in the stories. By the end of this weekend, I plan to have you acting like my perfect adult-baby boy. I've sent the boys to my parents for the weekend, so it'll just be us. I even cleaned the house so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to spend the whole weekend teaching you what its like to be the victim of one of your stories," my wife explained.
I attempted to speak through the pacifier gag again. To plead for forgiveness. To explain my shame. Melody hushed me again.
"No, baby. Nothing you can do is going to change my mind. Don't worry though, by the end of the weekend, I'll let you be a big boy again... maybe," She said with a wink. Then, without warning, she pulled the blindfold over my head blinding me again.
"Now," I heard her say, no unable to see what was happening again, "Mommy has some things to set up, so why don't you be a good baby and take a nap and listen to some of my special music."
I felt the wireless headphones be pulled over my head. I tried to shake them off as best I could, but, somehow, she had tied them into the strap of the pacifier gag, tying them in place.
Once the headphones were placed over my ears, I found myself almost completely cut off from the world. I couldn't see what was happening around me and all I could hear was what was clearly some sort of hypnotic track. As I realized what was happening, I let my head fall slack to the bed and closed my eyes in defeat.
I knew, at least for the next few days, I was well and truly fucked. What a way to spend my birthday weekend.
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techmomma · 4 months
Various things I have learned while working at this mitigation company:
different insurance providers are more or less willing to cover more things. some companies are real lenient and will give you a lot of leeway. some will absolutely not and will find every means possible to not pay. we tend to keep an unofficial list (at least among employees) of which ones we love to work with (aka which ones will approve and pay for the most and be easiest to deal with) and which ones we hate working with (they will usually reject the claim meaning NO mitigation work is done at all because you think most regular people can afford $20K mitigation out of pocket?). you can ask us which ones we like working with.
if the overhead sprinkler system is activated, then even if nothing burned, you will still need so much mitigation. modern sprinkler systems aren't just full of water, they have various fire-fighting chemicals in them that should not come into contact with people for extended periods. and definitely not food.
not every business is willing to pay for fire sprinkler mitigation. sometimes they just decide to paint over it! one of the local grocery stores decided to do that! remember what I said about exposing those chemicals to food?
mold can start growing from a water leak within like 48 hours. faster if it's a sewage leak. if you had a leak and you waited a week to call anyone, you need a mold inspection too.
we get screwed over by churches so, so much.
all houses must be tested for asbestos before any mitigation can begin. it used to be that we only really needed to test on houses built before about 1990, but as asbestos was used in building materials LONG after that, they've finally cracked down and now all houses needed to be tested. my coworkers aren't as happy about this as I am.
if the building was built before 1978 though then we have to test for asbestos AND lead! I think we should test them all for lead frankly but the law says 1978.
asbestos and lead usually have to be removed by special companies. we use subcontractors for that since we don't have the equipment ourselves.
subcontractors! your mitigation company usually can't do everything themselves, so they'll enlist the aid of another company. so for example, when we have to test for asbestos and lead, we use a subcontractor who has the equipment to analyze samples.
generally, if you can see damage, whatever is inside the wall is so, so much worse.
there is so so much mold in like every building
even with industrial cleaners and professional equipment, mold is so hard to actually get rid of permanently. if it's gotten into an organic material like wood or cloth, you can count that as pretty much permanently affected. they will almost always be unsalvageable.
this counts for say, the wood beams of your house. we can clean them down and spray mold killer and seal them, but it'll ever be a 100% guarantee, ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIVE IN A WETTER CLIMATE. LIKE, IDK, WASHINGTON.
houses on the water are so full of mold
if you have a sudden Emergency, please make sure you decide if you're going to use a mitigation before you actually call us. especially for emergencies where there's water like actively flooding your house. please, for the love of god, don't call us and say "we have an emergency and need help cleaning this up" and then call a short while later saying "well, actually, can we be put on hold, we're not sure if we'll go with mitigation yet...". our technicians are almost always working on a job, we don't have anyone just sitting around the office we can send at any time. and sometimes those jobs can be like an hour away from our office
that means the tech has to pack up their equipment on the site (meaning making sure the site is secured especially if it's going to rain), get back to the office (remember the hour drive from before), get the right equipment for your emergency, and head out there. if they've been pulled from their previous job site they had to drive an hour for, we're not going to fucking send them back.
meaning if you cancel, that's like half of our day wasted and now that other job is going to be behind, too, because they're minus an extra five hours that could have been spent doing the work for that job
please. please don't do your own mitigation work. oh my god.at the very least because sometimes insurance companies get super super picky about that and might reject your claim for it.
if you can see water damage on the other side of a wall, it means the water has gone through the drywall. the longer it's wet and uncared for--I'm talking like, 2 days or more--the more likely things will need to be removed and/or demolished. certainly after 2 days the insulation will almost certainly need to be removed and new insulation installed. this will cost money.
the older the building, the more likely anything in that building will fail at any given time. sure maybe the piping lasted 100 years but that's because it took 100 years to eat away the piping until it finally gave out on the 101st year
meaning the older the building, the more likely it becomes that you'll experience pipe bursts, leaks, electrical mishaps, sewage leaks, etc. etc.
when it comes to water mitigation, there's two kinds: cleanwater and blackwater. cleanwater is what comes out of your tap. blackwater is poopy sewage. blackwater is, without fail, a gazillion times more expensive because it will, as a requirement, involve some form of demolition. it should. that's a health hazard man. you don't know what (else) is in poopy sewage water.
if you can't have the water turned off to do any mitigation, then you HAVE to get a specialist before we can do any restoration. if the pipe is still leaking, then mitigation work will kind of be for nothing.
if you're planning on filing any claims, do that FIRST before you call anybody. the insurance company will have a list of people to call and will tell you how to go about things so that your claim is solid. filing online is fine but it's usually a good idea to have an actual name and contact information for an adjuster (the person who'll be looking at the damage and seeing what needs to be done)
don't fret. sometimes even things I thought would be totally unsalvageable were salvageable! they have lots of tips and tricks, and the technicians and their managers are usually happy to talk about their trade with you
a lot of these technicians really do care, even if they're mostly in it for the work. so many of these guys would do this because this kind of work is pure enrichment for them, but they got families to take care of. it gets genuinely frustrating sometimes to know what work needs to be done and wanting to do so, but the insurance company won't pay out, so nothing can be done.
if your insurance company is giving you the reach-around and you think they're fucking you over, there's something called the insurance commissioner. they're who you can report insurance company fuckery to and the commissioner is usually pretty on top of it. I've seen customers be fucked over for months by their insurance company call the commissioner, and within a few hours the insurance company ~*~magically~*~ has a fire lit under their ass and just so so happy to help you out.
you get what you pay for. whether construction, mitigation, whatever. you pay for cheap mitigation work, you will get cheap results.
something you really don't want cheap results for: mitigation work
things landlords are absolutely fucking notorious for: wanting cheap mitigation work. don't listen to any stupid schpiel they give you about caring or whatever work they said they put in. sure they did pay $10k for restoration work--because it was a job worth about $20k, and they went with the rock-bottom contractor who put a half-assed half day's work in that will fall apart in a few years
fuck landlords and property managers. but you already knew that if you follow me.
Lastly, if you have time to spare and want to make a technician's day, ask them what their worst or most fun job was. they are so happy to tell you.
they have so. many. stories.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
i loved this line you wrote in the recent yan alphabet post about rollo wanting to have a domestic routine like he’s just your husband coming back from a long day at work… i would love to know your thoughts on what married life with him would be like. he sounds like he’d adore the traditional side of things the most
I know you sent this ask in reference to one of my yandere posts, but I assumed you wanted regular marriage headcanons here rather than yandere ones! If I misinterpreted please let me know! I actually have a ton of headcanons about what Rollo might do once he leaves NBC, but I’ve mostly left them out of here otherwise I’d go on a tangent haha
Rollo would be an incredibly dedicated husband. In general, he’s not the type to crush easily, much less fall in love. If he proposes to you or accepts your proposal, he truly sees this as a lifelong commitment. You two are the subject of plenty of laughs amongst the townsfolk of the City of Flowers, mostly because that Rollo is so obviously smitten with you that it’s almost sickening. He often brings you up in conversation, always comes to your defense, and visibly brightens up whenever you’re near. If you’re out together in public, he vastly prefers to be holding your hand. Some may be jealous, others can only hope that one day they will meet someone who looks at them the same way, but all have to admit you have something special.
He would indeed appreciate a more ‘traditional’ and domestic life, though he has a more nuanced idea of it. He simply wants to do simple things together with you, to live a life of calm in which he can truly be at peace. Some of his favourite moments would be spending time together in the same room, each just doing your own thing. To him, it’s not about getting home to a clean house and a dinner ready on the table, regardless of who fills what ‘role’, it’s about togetherness. He wants to clean, cook, bake, garden, or whatever else, together with you. After years of herding teenagers into keeping Noble Bell College tidy (no matter the shape of their soul, and no matter their inclination towards or appreciation for purity, no teenager truly likes to clean, and most adults don’t either), he is an incredibly skilled housekeeper. Despite his usual work ethic, he doesn’t care if it would be quicker to do all on his own, he’d rather do it with you.
With Rollo as your spouse, you should not come to expect spontaneity. If you yearn for someone who keeps you on your toes and brings excitement to your life, Rollo would not be the partner for you. He keeps the same pace, and tends to show his appreciation for you through the little things. When you’re busier than usual, he’ll make sure there’s less for you to do around the house. He’s a very attentive listener, and always returns to earlier things you’ve mentioned, like asking how an appointment went or a friend of yours is doing. The birthday gifts he gets you are always things you actually want, and he never has to ask you what that is. Rollo simply just cares a lot. He’ll end up getting a modern (as he calls it) phone to send you texts and, among the driest texts you’ll ever see in your life, you’ll get him sending things that remind him of you frequently.
Rollo likes to keep himself busy, and frequently volunteers to assist with events in and around the city. Rollo may be not found on the dancefloor, but he ends up playing a leading role in the organization of the Topsy Turvy festival, among other things. (And makes some what he calls ‘historically accurate’ changes, such as more focus on what believes to be the origins of the festival: the appreciation of the magicless.) He always makes sure to have at least one day a week entirely free though, and he’s put in a horrible mood if anyone tries to bother him then. If you want him at home more often, he’s very easily swayed if you just tell him.
The flip side of his ‘devotion’ to you is that he can have a bit of a jealous streak. Rollo is a rather private person overall, someone who keeps the people he’s actually close with rather limited, so he can start feeling left behind easily. He wouldn’t attempt to try and limit who you interact with, but he’ll get noticeably snappy as time passes. It’s something he’s trying to work on, though he’s struggling with it.
…At least he’s trying to work on that aspect of himself. There are other things, layers of himself he’s only allowed you glimpses of, no matter how much you try and convince him to get professional help. He’s hated and wished and yearned for so long that it’s become a part of himself, that he cannot imagine himself without it, and even the prospect of change is terrifying. (Giving up would be forgetting him.) Though his grand plans have all failed to bloom to fruition, he cannot let any of them go. For a day or two, he may get so lost in his work that it’s not at the forefront of his mind, but then you’ll catch him staring into nothing again, muttering a string of how it’s all disgustingdisgustingdisgusting. As much as Rollo loves you, he fails at loving himself, and cannot let go.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 8 months
as someone with OCD if i see another one of those “im so OCD i clean my room once a week! here’s my best friend organizing my colored pencils being so quirky OCD!” or generalizing OCD as neat freak cleanliness im going to flip my shit and here’s why (under the cut)
yes OCD can manifest in obsessive compulsive cleaning behavior but OCD DOES NOT MEAN NEAT FREAK. OCD manifests in so many different ways, and everyone’s experience is different especially if you have co-occurring conditions like depression or anxiety or if you’re autistic or have ADHD. people think OCD is just cleaning and being neat and clean but they don’t understand the thought processes behind OCD so let me explain it to you. OCD is a condition where someone experiences unwanted obsessive thoughts, and in an effort to ease these thoughts engages in a compulsion. obsessive thoughts are often based in fear and trauma, and the compulsions try to ease the fear, but it’s often short term and doesn’t work for more than a few seconds.
here’s an example. green equals obsessive thought, red equals compulsion.
im scared that something will happen to my pet when im not near her/in the same room as her, so i’ll check on her twice every hour and will pet her five times each time i check on her
(this is actually close to one of my own compulsions btw)
as you can see this is an irrational response to a fear that is irrational if your pet is perfectly healthy and safe. many times OCD fears and compulsions are extremely irrational. it can even be something like “if i don’t tap my door handle three times after leaving this room my family will die in a fire”. it’s not fun, it’s scary, and we’re (usually) aware of how irrational our fears are but the fear is still very real and the compulsions are irresistible. symptoms of OCD also include checking. for me one of my obsessions and compulsions in relation to checking is i’ll get the thought of “what if i accidentally said something offensive/cussed/said something bad abt my teacher in my college paper” and even though i know I didn’t do any of that i’ll have to check my paper 3 times or more just to make sure I didn’t. another example of this is checking to make sure you turned the stove off like 5 times before you leave the house.
OCD can also lead to rumination and thought tunnels. this is prominent in all forms of OCD but is extremely prominent in relationship or friendship OCD. an example of rumination in OCD would be:
“what if my response to that text message sounded stupid?”
“if i sounded stupid what if they think im stupid”
“if they think im stupid they’ll leave me”
“if they leave me I won’t have anyone to talk to”
and so it goes on and on and on . and not just for a second or two, it can last for hours.
BUT i’d like to circle back and say that im not invalidating people with OCD in relation to cleaning. it DOES exist and it IS valid, and cleaning and organization in general can be a big big comfort and regulator for people with OCD. im talking to the people who think it’s quirky or fun or on purpose to have cleaning related OCD. compulsions aren’t cute, they aren’t quirky, they’re scary, and OCD is a disorder. it’s not fun. I grew up with a mother with very extreme OCD in relation to cleaning/sanitization and it has taken a huge toll on both of us. I watch her get upset and panicked and burned out because of her organization and sanitation OCD. and i watch myself get into the same cycles because of my OCD, even if our obsessions and compulsions are completely different. it’s not something enjoyable.
if you’d like to read more about OCD , or the related condition that is OCPD, here are some sources to do that. PLEASE educate yourselves on disorders before posting about them, especially tiktoks that are meant to be comedic. to that one girl on tiktok: it’s not funny that you moved all your OCD friend’s shit around her room and left her deodorant and toothpaste open in the bathroom! get a life!
anyway. some sources:
Cleveland Clinic’s Explanation of OCD
Friendship and Relationship OCD Explained by Mashable
Co-Occurrence OCD and Autism
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veneritia · 1 year
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when comes the dawn monthly update { 9.30.23 }
And here's to the revival of WCTD and the first ever WCTD monthly post! But first things first, let's get some basics out of the way
FENICE VI AETIER, a portent of ill omens and the estranged daughter of the Vasilier, ignites a dangerous succession game between her and her half-siblings, where losing means death and winning means an empire. But to compete in this game requires the acknowledgement of the Vasilier himself, one that he isn't willing to give Fenice unless she gives him something in return: the head of the deposed king of Hesperia.
When Comes the Dawn is a new adult fantasy court intrigue novel featuring succession battles, an aro/ace lead, shifting alliances, cut-throat relatives, and a family that's torn themselves apart in the name of ambition for eons. You can find the wip intro here or follow the wip's main tag (#series.wctd)
I've had this wip for a long time but have never made much significant progress before shoving it to the side because of work, school, life, or just being burnt out. WCTD Monthly is my way to try and motivate myself by giving myself a space to talk about all of the different work I've done on this wip. (And to pressure me into actually working on it so I have something to talk about.) You can follow along with my updates with the #wctd-monthy tag
outline → the first 9 chapters have been outlined. outline document is currently at 4k+ words. The main plot beats for Act 1 and Act 2 have been outlined
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notion → I rebuild and organized my wip notion, as well as all of the character pages
series → because of the different character arcs and plot beats that I wanted to explore, I decided to officially make WCTD a duology as opposed to a standalone like originally planned. No official title for book two as of yet, though Crowning of the Sun is a tentative one.
worldbuiling → realized that the majority of book 1 takes place in the now subjugated kingdom of Hesperia as opposed to Aetier, where I focused the majority of my worldbuilding. This means that I'm starting to worldbuilding from...almost the ground up. It helps that I'm mostly focused on the province of Isidore.
characters → the vi Aetier family has been expanded! Fenice and Charles now have 3 other half-siblings (Euphemia, Konstantine, and Basil) as well as their siblings' respective mothers. I've added 9 noble houses to form the unofficial oligarchy of influence in Isidore, and I've given Leda a rival-turned-girlfriend-turned-ex to help flesh out her character.
extraneous content → attempted to make the vi Aetier family tree starting from the beginning of the vi Drochona dynasty (I'll probably clean it up and post it separately at a later date). I also added another god to the pantheon (Heleia, goddess of the wild nature, the hunt, liberation, and childhood), and finally re-introduced wctd (linked above)
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events → I participated in WTW's character event week! You can find all posts here: protagonist / tropes / representation / antagonists / relationships / traits / wildcard
I'll be using preptober to outline as much as I can for nano! My goal is to finish outlining act 1 and my stretch goal is to reach half-way to act 2
posting 1 or 2 character intros or worldbuilding posts
Find more WCTD content with the series tag #series.wctd and keep an eye out for monthly progress updates with #wctd-monthly
↳ Taglist under the cut (ask to be +/-):
GENERAL → @charlesjosephwrites | @bearunicorn154 I @seasteading| @writting-in-blood | @trapped-inadystopianovel | @inky-duchess | @thats-my-type-writer | @serpentarii | @myhusbandsasemni | @aphaimaniis | @writinglyra | @belialwrites | @amoranza | @pseudepigraphic | @mel-writes-with-her-dragons | @uppoffringar | @fantasydisease | @sourrcandy
WCTD → @zmlorenz | @andiwriteunderthemoon | @ryns-ramblings | @marchdove | @cielnocturnes | @wren-is-writing | @lord-fallen | @tragicbackstoryenjoyer | @bloomingwrites | @kaatiba | @writerjodie | @worldbuildng
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squided · 6 months
Has anyone else experienced their parents getting progressively more rude, intrusive, and hypocritical as they got older? Like my mom had me pretty late in life (she was 37) so I recognize I have an older mom than most. And yeah during my teenage years and stuff I thought she was annoying but she was genuinely a good and caring mom. But honestly I've noticed since she's hit her 60s and went through a bad second marriage, she lashes out a lot, expects me to be productive 7 days a week, essentially work all day long, spend 1 hour of relaxation, and then sleep. Anytime this gets me agitated, she goes on about how she needs to work two jobs and 7 days a week and SHE never gets rest and I don't see HER complaining (she is literally complaining about it all the time). Essentially since ive had to live with her again temporarily I've put up with it and have taken on the same workload as her and I've discovered.... there's no way to please her. Every day I should be studying so I can get certifications, I should be looking at new jobs because she doesn't approve of how my managers treat me at my minimum wage job (every job I've had so far), I need to clean the house and my room, I need to go to work, I need to look at universities, I need to make 10 phone calls that will keep me on hold for an hour at a time, I need to pull the weeds in the yard. If I fail a single task, it's met with disappointment and talking about how much work she does and how little I do. If I do all the tasks, then come a list of questions: how's my money doing? Have I been saving it or spending it recklessly? Have I tried quitting smoking yet? Have I cleaned some obscure thing she mentioned a month ago and I forgot about? This keeps going until I give an answer she doesn't like and then we are back at my generation being so lazy, how the younger people just don't work as well as her generation did.
And the thing is... she never used to talk like this. She was always far left, full equality, against classism and ageism. But then the "unbiased" news changed. It stopped covering certain things the US didn't want covered. Suddenly I'm explaining to her that in Israel, people will have parties while watching the bombs drop, there are "settlers" going into Gaza and just claiming other people's land. And she says that's not true, she didn't see it on the news, she looked it up online and the major news sites never covered it once since 2014. Every time I bring up some horrible thing that's definitely happening, she just says I've become a conspiracy theorist and MY thinking is really dangerous and she's worried about me (at which point I snapped a bit and told her that actually her willful ignorance is extremely dangerous and what leads to all these atrocities getting swept under the rug. She threatened to kick me out for being so incredibly disrespectful to her).
I don't know what the point of this post is anymore. Maybe I just wanna ramble about someone I truly respected slowly becoming someone I can barely stand to hold a conversation with. Maybe it has something to do with how people are told to only trust big news organizations for real news and then they censor it so all real news looks like conspiracy theorist trash. Or maybe it just has something to do with age, some sort of thing that naturally occurs as you approach a certain age, and the only way to prevent it is to be aware it's occurring and reject its falsehoods. Or I don't know dude... I've been stuck inside for a month... I think I just needed to fucking vent to the Great Void. If you're listening, hey there Great Void, I hope you're doing better than I am.
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