#and he isn’t as brightly colored as he used to be
spacedace · 1 year
I just found out that the chonky stuffed dinosaur that I gave as a gift at a coworkers baby shower years ago is the little one's favorite toy and that he sleeps with it every night and yes I am crying oh my god my heart hurts its so cute 😭😭😭
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peachesofteal · 10 months
Simon discovers something unexpected:
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Light on masterlist
Simon Riley/female reader (single mom)
The first time Simon meets you, it’s on the rooftop of the apartment building in the middle of the morning.
He’s up here for a smoke, his first in hours, his body anxiously craving the nicotine after sitting on a cramped train for too long after the final debrief. His muscles are sore, stitches in his leg bothering him, mind is exhausted, and all he wants to do is smoke a cigarette and then collapse on the bed inside the flat that he hasn’t seen for months.
When he gets to the roof, after climbing four flights of stairs because the bloody elevator is broken, he’s greeted with two surprises. One, there is a garden up here now, multiple raised beds enclosed in sturdy two by sixes, and two… you are kneeling on the brick between them.
You’re on your knees, digging around, dirt smudged on your clothes, purple garden gloves caked with soil. You’re talking aloud too, rooting around in the plants and singing out names of vegetables and their corresponding colors, occasional pulling something green loose and stuffing it in a bag. He glances around the roof, confused, but sees no one but you, your voice carrying on the wind to where he stands by the clunky metal door.
When he gets closer, he realizes you’re not talking to yourself at all, but to a baby. A tiny baby tucked into a carrier, who’s eyes are wide and somewhat tracking your hand movements while you point to things in the garden bed, in the sky, on the ground.
“And this is a parsnip.” You say, brushing some rust-colored earth from the root and turning it in your hand. “They’re not very tasty raw but aren’t terrible cooked.” The baby watches you in awe, little feet and arms kicking and swinging while you smile and nod at them, like you think they understand anything you’ve just said. “Yeah! A parsnip!” You’re smiling, your face is bloody radiant as you nod down to the baby, one of your hands rubbing dirt from your skin onto your pants before you’re reaching out to grab a cloth from the baby’s lap and mopping up something on their chin. The action causes you to shift, your head turning enough to catch him in your peripherals, body tensing like you’ve been frozen, shoulders raising under your ears before you loosen and relax, squinting up at him in the sun. “Hi.” You blink, glancing back down to the carrier. “I uh, didn’t realize anyone else was up here.” He swallows, trying to give you a response, brain fracturing at the seam as it frantically attempts to recall words, civilian words like hello, or hi, or sorry. It’s difficult, because he’s a little distracted by how the light refracting in your eyes, the way it’s shining on your skin and hair, bathing you in the early morning glow like you’re some sort of angel. He’s still a few feet away, but he thinks he can see entire universes in your irises, every color ever imagined shimmering in the rays of the sun.
His brain finally catches up, and his mouth thankfully remembers how to form words.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you.” He’s polite and you shrug, nodding to your little companion.
“You’re not disturbing us. We were just harvesting some vegetables.” You smile brightly, casually stripping off the gloves while you rock up from your knees into a standing position. If the mask bothers you, you don’t outwardly show it, and your posture is relaxed when stand in front of him. “Isn’t that right, Emmaline?” You coo down to the baby, who wiggles in her carrier as a response, face lighting up at the sound of your voice, or her name. He’s not sure. Do you live here? Are you… her mum? The babysitter? Who are you?
You give him a once over, briefly, and he watches your smile shift from genuine to forced when your eyes land on his hands. The smokes. He’s holding a pack of cigarettes in one hand, and you clear your throat, brushing some dirt off the front of your clothes. “We were actually just finishing up.” You bend at the waist to pull the carrier into the crook of your elbow, supporting its weight with your hip, and slide the handles of the bag full of green things onto your opposite shoulder. “Roof’s all yours.” He feels a pang of regret, like he doesn’t want you to go, the sentiment unnatural to him, unsettling. You obviously live in the building, he thinks. But where? Do you lug that carrier up and down the steps all the time, just to get up here? He frowns.
“I can wait.” He tries to stop you, guilt running thick in his veins, and you shake your head.
“It’s lunchtime anyway.” You incline your head to little Emmaline, who’s face is growing a little scrunchy, like she’s upset, and he swallows.
“Alright, then.” You give him another nod, and head off towards the door. He grits his teeth, fingers tensing around the thin carboard in his hand, the little box holding his salvation safely in its grasp, but his eyes slide to where you walk away, and he can’t help but notice the way the carrier lightly bumps against your hips as they sway. Bloody hell.
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daycourtofficial · 6 months
Come back, be here
Azriel x reader
Summary: It’s the anniversary of your mating bond ceremony and despite his reassurances, Azriel is nowhere to be seen.
Author’s note: this is the end of my 1k celebration and ironically the first fic I finished for this week. I hope you guys enjoyed reading these fics as much as I enjoyed writing them
Word count: 2k
(1k celebration masterlist 🍾)
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Tick. Tick. Tick.
Every second you sat in your kitchen felt like an eternity, the fabric of the dress you’re wearing growing heavier with each tick of the clock.
You had bought the clock for your mate for your mating anniversary years ago. A rare antique that you knew he would love - thousands of years old, and you got it for an absurdly low price due to the condition it was in.
You spent months with a restoration expert, cleaning the clock, repairing pieces as you dismantled it. It was a labor of love, one you thought Azriel was deserving of.
The months spent restoring it were nothing compared to the time you’ve been sitting here.
Now you sit, practically taunted by its song. Tonight was supposed to be about the two of you. Objectively five years in a mateship isn’t a long time, a blip in the lives of fae, and yet the both of you were looking forward to the evening.
Despite his intimidating demeanor, Azriel was meticulous about celebrating your anniversaries, oftentimes mentioning an event you didn’t realize he knew the date of. You imagined he had an internal index of the days you two spent together.
“I waited five hundred years to meet you,” he had told you when he wanted to take you out to celebrate the anniversary of your first date, “I want to remember everything we do together. I want to celebrate us every day that I can.”
His words were incredibly sweet, but sitting in the cold kitchen, the tempting aromas of the meal you made long gone, you wonder just how much of it was words.
He waited 500 years for you, and you waited several hours before packing up the dinner you had made for him, tears running down your face as you packaged it all up.
Perhaps his overeager celebration of anniversaries led to the intensity of the sting you feel deep in your chest.
The clock chimes twelve times - he’s four hours late and your anniversary is officially over. You have no indication from the bond what he’s doing, it’s golden hum having gone silent hours ago.
You blow out the candles littering the house, taking off the ridiculous party hat you were wearing and throwing it on the ground.
It feels silly, the brightly colored hat with a pompon on top. It’s bright demeanor heavily contrasting the loneliness you feel inside. You sigh, looking around the downstairs of your home, deciding to leave the rose petals you had scattered so perhaps he’ll feel at least a little guilty when he came home.
Whenever that would be.
Trudging up the stairs, each step growing heavier, you wonder what could have kept him away. Rhys certainly wouldn’t have asked him to go away - Azriel had mentioned earlier in the week he’d be unavailable for a few days to celebrate.
Besides, Rhys knew how anal Azriel was about your anniversaries, and Feyre would chew him out if he forced Azriel to do anything on a day as important as your mating ceremony anniversary.
He had left this morning, promising you he’d be home at 8 because he had some tasks to do. You knew he was going to help one of your neighbors with a fallen tree, something that had to be done as soon as possible.
You move silently, going through your nightly ritual, an early end to the night you didn’t see coming. You pull back the covers on your bed, slipping into its cold grasp, ready to cry yourself to sleep, when you hear the door open downstairs.
You can hear Azriel moving through the house, a swiftness to his step as you hear him climbing the stairs quickly, taking them two at a time.
You make your way to your shared bedroom door, that you had locked upon entering, and lean against it, unsure if you’re ready for his excuses.
He tries the handle, then begins knocking.
“Baby, baby please be awake.” He pauses for a moment, listening. “I’m so sorry, baby please I know you’re awake I can hear you breathing.”
One of his shadows snakes underneath your door, checking you over to see how you are. It lingers on your cheeks, tear tracks still fresh. The shadow doesn’t return to it’s master, instead opting to stay with you, providing you company.
“Please, baby, I lost track of time. I was working on a surprise for you and I fell asleep. Baby I’m-“
You push off the door and turn to crack open the door, taking in the sight of your mate. Despite your annoyance, the bond made it practically impossible to want to avoid him. Every piece of you begged to be near him, to open the door further letting him in.
“You were working on a surprise?” Your voice cracks from all the crying, and he doesn’t mention how his heart cracks in response.
He nods gently, his hair sticking up everywhere from his hands having ran through it, and likely also from the flight home.
You’re still upset, but the frost you feel starts thawing. You can make him grovel a bit, and you’re about to open the door more, when the smell hits you.
He showed up late to your date for your mating anniversary with some lame excuse about falling asleep because he had spent the day with Elain.
Elain, who was mated to Lucien, but made her affections for your mate abundantly clear before your mateship. As far as you had known, Azriel had shut down her affections when the bond snapped for you both, but now you’re reconsidering everything that you know.
Had they been sneaking around? Is this the first time? Does Lucien know?
The questions swirl in your mind, and Azriel puts his foot in the door begore you can slam it on him, your emotions swirling inside of his chest.
“You spent the day with Elain?” You spat, “you were late because of Elain? You reek of her, Az!”
You push against the door, trying to shut him out, but he doesn’t budge, he won’t pull his foot out of the way, no matter how much it hurts.
“Baby, no let me explain-“
You laugh, “what’s there to explain? You are covered in her scent.”
The tears start pouring again, and the shadow starts wiping them up, more of them coming through the door to console you.
He starts panicking. Things with Elain have been great the past few years - her distance from Azriel allowing any lingering feelings of lust or awkwardness to dissipate, allowing the two of them to have a cordial friendship. Despite this, he was aware of how insecure you were around her.
You could never grasp why he’d want to be with you when he could have been with her.
Panic laces his tone as he tells you, “baby, no, I went to Elain’s to bake you a cake! We’ve been working all week on a recipe for you!”
You stop pushing so hard against the door, your movements stilling. An invitation for him to continue talking, but to stay where he was and not try to come in further.
“We spent the day baking you a cake. I laid down on her couch, and you know how damning that thing is. Lucien was there all day. I fell asleep waiting for the cake to cool so I could frost it. They must have left because-“
He pauses, his words rushing from his mouth, afraid you’d shut him out before they made their way to you. “I-they had me promise not to tell anyone, but Elain’s pregnant and they left for an appointment with Madja. They got back not too long ago, waking me up. I came straight here, forgetting the cake and your gifts.”
You lift your eyes to look at him for the first time and you know he’s telling you the truth.
“Gifts? Plural?”
A laugh breaks out from him, your obvious attempt to diffuse the situation. He pushes his hair back with a hand, and you finally take in how messy it was. He clearly had rushed over here, if it’s wind-blown look was anything to go off of. “I got you these incredible books that I spent ages tracking down. I was in Day earlier this week to pick them up.”
You perk up at that, “but you hate going to Day alone because Helion begs you to-“
“Then I had to stop by the jeweler’s.”
You perk up at that, your love of jewelry rivaling Amren’s.
“The jeweler’s?”
He smiles faintly, hoping he’s slowly convincing you to let him in.
“I had Winston take part of one of my siphons to make you a necklace.”
You still at that.
“Your- your siphon?”
He smiles softly, “yeah, I’ve been talking with him for years on how to best remove a piece to make you a matching necklace.”
You narrow your eyes, “years?”
“Yes, my love. We’ve gone through probably dozens of unused syphons to figure out the best method, he finally figured it out a few months ago.”
His hand taps his chest, where one of his siphons usually sits.
“I had a bit chiseled off of the one that stays on my chest.”
Your resolve crumbles, seinging open the door and launching yourself into his arms. He holds you tightly, and the two of you just stand there, enjoying the embrace.
The clock chines downstairs, but this time it’s tune is one of love, not dread.
You smelled him again, and as prominent as Elain’s scent was, you also picked up strong hints of Lucien and a soft, delicate scent.
“So nothing happened?”
“Nothing happened. And nothing ever will happen.”
Your eyes are lined with tears, pulling back from him, you place your hands on his face, bringing his face level with yours.
“If anything did happen, or ever happens, I’ll skin you alive.”
“My love, I think if I were to ever do anything to break your heart, Nesta would put my heart on a platter.”
You giggle, and he hums out, “actually I’m not sure who’d get to me first - Cassian or Nesta.”
Your soft giggles soothe the erratic beating of Azriel’s heart, “Gwyn and Emerie might take a chunk out too.”
He pushes the strands of hair away from your face, guiding the two of you further into the toom so he can shut the door.
“Let’s assume that if I did anything to hurt you, there would be a long line of fae coming to hunt me down.”
He kisses you, quickly pecking your lips several times as he guided you backwards until your knees hit your bed.
“However I did leave my mate all alone on our anniversary.”
He crawls on top of you, kissing your neck as you close your eyes at the contact, “and I am very good at groveling.”
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littlexdeaths · 3 months
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steve harrington x fem reader
warnings: injured steve, unprotected piv sex, car sex
a/n: this is an old blurb of mine that i’ve re-edited and added onto. i am the biggest slut for a injured man what can i say? enjoy xx.
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steve is bloody, bruised and completely exhausted.
fighting off demo-dogs and billy hargrove really did a number on him. the blossoming bruises beneath his eyes and the brightly colored band-aid on his forehead are a testament to that.
but that didn’t stop him from wanting you any less, his chapped lips beginning to roam the expanse of your throat after you dropped dustin off at home.
“steve, baby…” you sigh, gripping tighter onto the steering wheel. “let me get you home first, so i can clean you up.”
steve just groans against your skin, his hands starting to wander further south as you continue the drive towards his house. you don’t make it much farther though, having to pull off on the side of the deserted road as his fingers unbutton your jeans.
“steven,” your attempts to scold him are all but futile as his fingers slip beneath the fabric of your panties and it comes out as more of a breathy plea instead.
“we almost could’ve died back there, honey,” he answers, circling over your bud as he nips at your overheated skin. “just don't wanna waste another second with you.”
he quickly removes his hand from your center, helping you out of your jeans and into the backseat of his car. steve coaxes you onto his lap, gripping your hips tightly in his large hands. your thighs bracket his own, the heat from his body radiating through the denim.
your lips brush against his bloody ones with the utmost care, as to not cause him any more discomfort. but steve isn’t having it, pressing his lips more firmly against yours with a deep seated groan.
“no need to be so gentle, baby,” he chuckles. “i’m not gonna break.”
his words seem to be a direct contradiction of his current state, but there’s no use in arguing with him. especially when you want him just as badly. your hips grind down as he kisses you with an urgency you’ve never experienced before. your clit catches against the growing bulge in his jeans, the denim providing some much needed friction.
you can feel yourself getting wetter the longer steve guides your hips along his clothed cock. the combination of your heavy breathing begins to cloud the windows of the bmw, the air between you sticky with desire despite the cool temperature outside.
your body trembles in his arms as he continues to rock you against him until he can't take it anymore, his hands only leaving you to unbutton his jeans.
“shit— i need to feel you, honey.”
his desperation has you whining into the flushed skin of his neck as he pulls his cock from the confines of his jeans. he teasingly rubs the tip against your now soaked panties, catching on your clit once, twice, a third time before you’ve had enough.
you wrap your palm around the base of his shaft, sliding your panties to the side before you sink down onto his length.
steve's head falls back against the seat with a strangled groan as you allow him to fill you. your own face burying itself in the crook of his freckled neck, your breath comes out in small pants once you’re fully seated.
he’s just so big, and so deep that you could’ve finished from that feeling alone.
“stevie,” you whimper softly into his shoulder, allowing the male to lift your hips before guiding them back down.
it’s slow, intimate as he continues to bury his cock inside you, pulling the prettiest sounds from your lips. your fingers are tugging on the hair at the nape of his neck, his whines of your name filling the car.
he knows you both are getting close but steve can’t handle not being able to see you anymore. he gently coaxes you from your hiding place to meet his piercing gaze.
the moonlight that streams through the windshield highlights his battered and bruised features, and despite his injuries he’s never looked more beautiful. his eyes are molten honey as they take in the dirt dusting your cheeks and the small cut above your left eye.
but he’s looking at you as if he’s seeing you for the first time.
“god, i love you.”
the words are spoken before he can stop himself, his heart pounding beneath his rib cage. any doubt or fear leaves his mind as he feels your walls flutter and tighten around him in response to the confession.
“i love you, steve harrington.”
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stevieschrodinger · 17 days
Part One TwentyOne
The wig isn’t right, not really. More than a few seconds of close inspection gives it away, but in a small photograph, Steve figures they will get away with it. Joyce had wet it and then twisted it up into carefully pinned swirls that, in theory, means when they unravel it later it’ll be at least a little curly.
Eddie wears his hat to the hospital appointment, the wig resting on the back seat, “hops-itle,” he says, frowning.
“Hos,” Steve says slowly, “pital,” while driving them to his appointment. He’d given Eddie the option of waiting at home, knowing full well that Eddie wasn’t going to go for it. He didn’t, very insistent that they go together. At least today he let Steve choose his clothes; a belt was needed to hold the jeans up, but Eddie was happy enough in a polo and sweatshirt. He’s wearing Steve’s old parka in deference to the cold weather.
Steve turns into the car lot, putting the car in park he points at the sign, “hos-pit-al.”
“That’s it baby.”
“Stee love, it won’t hurt?” He asks carefully.
“No,” they make it up to the front door, “but you can’t call me love here, okay?”
Eddie frowns spectacularly, “why?”
“I’ll explain later,” Steve says, he probably should have explained the they can’t be a public thing but it had genuinely only just occurred to him; Eddie was a fish before he was a man, after all, and that wasn’t much of a concern.
Steve talks to the lady at the front desk, going where he’s told to wait, taking a clipboard of paperwork to fill in, Eddie trailing along behind him.
Eddie nudges Steve when they sit, wrinkling his nose, “hos-pit-al nose hear bad.”
Steve snorts a laugh, “yeah, that’s hospitals for you. And it’s smell, noses smell, ears hear.”
Steve’s foot feels kind of itchy where the stitches were, but otherwise he feels pretty good. He has two small raised pink scars, and some funny tiny little holes from the stitches, but otherwise he’s good to go. He has continued instructions to keep it clean and watch for signs of infection. When he comes out from the appointment, Eddie is flicking through a magazine, so it gave Steve a moment to just look at him. Just a normal dude, sitting in a waiting room. It puts Steve’s heart in his throat a little, and he wonders vaguely if he will ever get used to it. Just Eddie, being a normal dude out in the world.
And then Eddie looks up, and he sees Steve, and he grins so big. So genuinely happy to see him, “good? Stitches out?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. Lets go and get groceries.”
Steve parks in a corner away from the store, Eddie taking off his hat and letting Steve fix the wig as best he can. He thinks he lines it up pretty good, and then he undoes all the ties Joyce put in, fluffing the false curls up.
“Photo of Eddidie?”
“That’s right.”
“Same photo of kids?”
“Yeah, you got it.”
It’s nothing like Eddie’s real hair, but it’ll do for this.
Eddie sits in the booth, Steve lining him up and making sure his wig looks okay before he closes the curtain. They wait together after, the photos dropping out of the slot, Eddie looks at them, taking them and carefully putting them in his pocket for safekeeping.
Eddie’s head is on swivel in the store. Steve guesses everything is brightly colored, and there’s just so much of it if you’re not used to it. Steve chose this store because there’s a photo booth near the registers, but that means it’s also the biggest one nearby.
Steve wanders the aisles, getting all their usual things. Eddie still wants some pears, so he chooses a few loose ones for himself. He also chooses a can of soup for himself, clearly thrilled by all the variety, “Eddidie try?”
Eddie’s also keen to help unloading the groceries, and then carefully loads up the bags with Steve. He’s quiet in the store, Steve doesn’t know if he’s shy with all the strangers, or just a little overwhelmed.
“Stee, many dollars,” Eddie eyes their haul speculatively as Steve pays, “many work?”
Steve bags up their things, waiting until they’re leaving the store to tell Eddie, “I get three dollars an hour at work,” it’s a little more than that, but they haven’t covered cents yet, “less tax.”
Eddie trails after him, “Stee work four hours, grocery money today?”
Steve turns to look at Eddie, shocked that he’s worked that out, “yeah, yeah that’s exactly right! Well done!” Eddie beams.
“Called tax?”
“Oh boy,” Steve sighs, instantly regretting mentioning that, they get into the car while Steve thinks about how the hell to answer that one, watching as Eddie carefully clips on his belt. “Okay, so I get paid a wage and then-” Steve starts to say government but stalls out, no way is he opening that can of worms, “Hawkins. Hawkins the town,” Steve gestures widely, “takes a little bit of money to pay Hopper. Hopper keeps us all safe, so we all pay a little bit each. And it pays for...the trash guys. To come and take away the trash. It pays for...the roads, so we can drive cars. It pays for that stuff, yeah?” Steve has absolutely no clue how accurate he’s being, but it seems the simplest way to explain things.
Eddie nods, “yeah.”
There’s a gang of reprobates waiting at Steve’s door when he pulls into the drive, “kids,” Eddie informs him stoically.
“Yeah,” Steve sighs, “the peace and quiet couldn’t last forever,” the blow is softened slightly by the fact that Robin’s with them.
“Called forever?”
“All tomorrows,” Steve answers absently, putting the car in park.
Dustin’s got a massive book tucked under his arm, so Steve already knows whatevers about to happen isn’t going to be enjoyable. Steve grabs two bags of groceries off the back seat, Eddie grabs the other and his discarded wig.
“Here,” Steve cocks a hip out to Robin, “house keys in the pocket,” Robin grabs them, getting the door open for everyone to go in.
They all pile into the kitchen, the kids throwing themselves down on chairs at the kitchen table while Robin gets a coffee going and Steve and Eddie work together to pack away the groceries.
“We didn’t want to leave you to pick a name-”
Steve opens his mouth to protest, but doesn’t get far before Robin cuts him off, “you can’t have Harrington. It’s too suspicious. What are you going to say, that he’s a secret love child? A long lost cousin? Believe it or not but some sort of exchange student is way more believable.”
“Fine,” Steve sighs. He guesses it does make sense, “Eddie likes his sweet and milky.”
“On it.”
“So do you have any ideas?” Dustin asks, opening his book.
“Something not shit,” Mike adds.
“Really fucking helpful there Mike, thank you,” Steve snips, “I was trying to stay, you know, on theme. He’s named after Eddie Fisher, you know, the singer.”
Robin hums, “you want to stay on the mermaid bandwagon?”
“Well I’m certainly not letting you call him Eddie Smith or Jones or some shit like that, right baby?”
Eddie perches at the breakfast bar, a safe distance from the kids, “Eddidie called Eddidie.”
“Yeah, but you need another name. I’m Steve Harrington, Birdie is Robin Buckley, understand?”
Eddie nods.
“So what, you want to name him like, Eddie Waves, or Eddie Beach, or Eddie...Fishscales, or something?” Max asks, “because just so you know, they’re all shit.”
“Yeap, yeah thanks for that Max. But yeah...something...something good, you know? Something to do with water...like...tides or...rain or storms or something, something cool?”
“Eddie Hurricane,” Lucas snickers.
“I mean...no, but it is kind of cool,” Steve replies, “What do you think, Eddie Hurricane?”
Eddie frowns a little, shaking his head, “Eddidie Madison?”
Steve can’t help his smile, “yeah?”
“Madison?” Robin asks.
“It’s the name of the mermaid from ‘Splash,’” Steve explains.
Robin snorts a laugh, “what about Monsoon?”
“Not really a name though, right?”
“You could drop an ‘o’,” Dustin suggests, finally pulling his nose out of the book long enough to pipe up, “lots of names end in ‘son’.”
“Monson? Really?” Steve pulls a face.
“Hang on, I’ll look it up,” Dustin flicks through his book, and Steve suddenly understands what it is and why he has it. Of course there’s a book of names, and of course Dustin has it. He probably got it from the library, itching to do this. The giant nerd. “The surname Monson is derived from the Scandinavian personal name Magnus-” he reads
Robin cuts him off, “amazing, fits with the exchange student story.”
Dustin scowls at her before carrying on, “this name was bourne by several kings of Norway, the first of whom was Magnus the good...He was named after Charlemagne, whose name was rendered Carolus Magnus in Latin. Okay, that’s kind of cool. He’d kind of be named after Charlemagne.”
“That is kind of cool Steve.”
Steve doesn’t want to ask who the fuck Charlemagne is, simply because he knows they’ll explain it to him and he really doesn’t care, “Monson? You really think Eddie Monson?”
“Eddidie Monson,” Eddie says, nodding, “hear small tell different Madison.”
“Eddie! That was so good!”
“You like that baby?” He’s interrupted by Mike making gagging noises, which Steve chooses to ignore, “it does sound kind of like Madison.” Eddie nods in answer, sipping his coffee.
“Steve, I can’t believe how quick he’s picking this up that was like...a full sentence.”
“Yeah,” Steve smiles at Eddie, and Eddie smiles back, “he’s really, really smart.”
“Really smart,” Eddie parrots back.
Later, when they’re saying good bye at the door, Nancy waiting to pick them all up, Robin is the last to leave, “I can’t sell him on the family emergency much longer Steve. As it is he thinks you are pulling a fast one and you just wanted to take the week off over Christmas.”
Steve sighs, “yeah, yeah that’s fair, I-I’ll call in tomorrow, come back to work.”
“I promise I’ll get us on the same shifts, at least some times. I’ll tell him you’re fragile and I’m your emotional support.”
Steve sorts, “sure. That’ll absolutely work.”
Steve sighs in the silence left behind when he closes the door. Maybe having all those days alone by the pool have eroded his ability to put up with people. Or maybe it’s just the kids. Or maybe he just want to be alone with Eddie, who knows.
Almost like they sensed his peace and quiet, the phone starts to ring.
Steve huffs, then turns in time to see Eddie creeping closer to the phone, he picks it up cautiously as Steve watches, saying, “hello,” into the receiver. Eddie smiles after a moment, “hello Joyce.”
Oh good, Steve thinks, letting it go, they can talk, that’s fine, he doesn’t need to intervene. He watches Eddie frowning, and then he says, “yes. Will go out in car. Nancy drive. Little before.” He listens for a little while longer then visibly perks up, the bobble on his hat rocking, and says, “dinner food? Eddidie and Stee?”
Steve slides closer, leaning against the wall, as Eddie says, “wait there,” to Joyce and turns to Steve, “Joyce in-vite,” he says carefully, “Stee and Eddidie to dinner. Food. New. Years. Day. First January. Five and half,” Eddie relays everything carefully.
“Yeah,” Steve smiles, “yeah we can go.”
Eddie grins, “Joyce, Stee tell yeah, we can go. Thank you Joyce.” He’s frowning again then, “pie?” obviously parsing what Joyce is saying to him, and then he finally says, “pear. Banana.”
Eddie had recently tried a banana and quite enjoyed it, Steve smiles at the thought of Joyce letting Eddie choose the desserts. They say goodbye and then Eddie informs Steve, “food same Christmas food. After, dessert, banana cream pie and pear pecan tart,” Eddie tells Steve, slow but sure as he sounds out the new words.
“That sounds great, make sure you put it on your calendar,” Steve had taken down a picture in the hall, using the hook to hang Eddie’s calendar from a bit of string, and Steve stands and spells out the words while Eddie carefully writes in their dinner invitation.
Party TwentyThree
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faeriekit · 17 days
Health and Hybrids (XXVII)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts 💚 (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Danny has another hashtag breakdown! Diana helps mediate. Stinky Dad and the Alien Guy observe.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny’s space-watching time is very important to him. He’s pretty sure it’s on his schedule, even.
Every few days—and even more days in a week, now that people are relatively certain that he’s not going to start hitting the medical staff—Danny gets wheeled over to the big window to stare out at the moon.
The moon hasn’t changed all that much since his first few visits, since. You know. It’s in space. Still, the stars shift in their positions, and sometimes they face Earth, and sometimes they do not, and a couple times Danny sees people flying out there, which is super neat.
Sometimes Danny sees maintenance workers out doing repairs on their buildings, too. They wave back at him when they’re not busy or carrying something, which makes Danny’s core bubble and spark with joy.
So, Danny is watching the stars twinkle in the sky with all the meditative calm his Obsession requires when something plops onto his head. It doesn’t hurt, but it does put pressure onto his neck. Ow.
Danny hisses automatically, but he already knows who it is—the quick-fast-kid-who-hasn’t-introduced-himself practically vibrates against Danny’s skin, all excited by omg/omg/misch/iefomg.
Typical. Danny wants to feign a bite, but his neck kind of hurts. He settles for grumbling. “What?”
“Dude,” the teenager says, or, uh, Danny approximates he says something kind of like dude, anyway— “Want to come see a feoht?”
Uh. “A what?” Danny asks, ignoring how the guy’s chin keeps digging into his scalp. It might be the most non-medical physical contact Danny’s had since he broke down with Diana. Maybe.
The teen backs up, and models some very quick punches into the air, making his own sound effects to match. It’s all very impressive, or whatever. Danny’s not going to applaud, though; his arms are tired.
“…Sure.” It’s not like Danny has anything better to do.
“Berstan!” the kid chirps, and—
Danny clamps down on his wheelchair wheels because holycraptheyaremoVINGFAST. His wheels aren’t on the ground—the teen is carrying him, chair and all—!
He’s going to be in so much trouble for running. Danny’s wheels touch the ground, and he drops straight to the floor. His hands shake all the way up to his elbows as he grips his wheels. He is going to be in so much trouble when the nurses look for him and he’s not there.
Oh no. Oh no.
“Here we are!” the quickfast teenager announces, grinning. They’re in a room with a big, rubberized floor. It’s basketball orange. The rest of the room is virtually indistinguishable from the cloth folding walls Casper High uses to divide the gym into smaller gyms—giant cloth panels line every surface that isn’t the floor. Walls. Ceiling.
Well. It’s certainly…sound dampening. There’s vents, though. So. At least they can breathe.
The other teenagers Danny recognizes yell out to them, cheerful as ever. One waves—the kid behind him waves back, and then they’re all clustered together, pleased and breathing heavy and slightly sweaty.
“Feel alright?” one teen asks—Danny recognizes him after a second; he usually has a leather jacket on over his brightly colored shirt. He isn’t sure what the huge S is for, but hey, it’s a cool emblem or whatever. Danny used to have his initial on his…
…Danny doesn’t want to think about that, actually. He doesn’t want to think about anything about home at all.
Oh. Someone asked him a question, and now they’re all looking at him for answers. Danny nods jerkily—something sloshes inside his skull, though, which. Ew. He scrunches his face up when everyone else starts to look worried about his expression, though; it’s no big deal! It’s just! Gross!
The boy who is very fast pats his hand before sliding to the other side of the room. There are buttons there, which he presses; the room shifts, just a little, to make a piece of the floor turn away in favor of a rack of weapons. The teenager who’s always masked, but is now in an exercise shirt, whistles approvingly, and two of the teens—whoah—start flying off to grab at the equipment available.
…There’s some cool stuff there. Danny. Danny might…
He doesn’t want to fight, per se, but. Um. Weaponry is intrinsically cool. There’s no doubt about it. Half the reason he liked to play Doomed was collecting the newest and coolest weapon to blast at all his enemies with! And Tuc—
Something clicks right up in front of Danny’s face.
He flinches.
“You good?” the teenager asks, big blue eyes on him as Danny struggles to breathe. “Do you want hweorfan?”
Danny gasps around three uneasy breaths before his ears catch up. Or. Well, his ears work, but his brain doesn’t know what the teen is saying?? Danny shakes his head anyway—he doesn’t want more to happen. He wants less.
The teenager frowns. Danny immediately worries that he did something wrong. “Okay, but tell me if you change your mod.”
As soon as Danny figures out what that is? Sure. He’ll tell him.
In the meantime, the kids split up into groups; one set of two goes to one side of the gym and the other goes in the air, floating on the other si— wait, they can float??
…Danny stares, and two ostensibly human-looking teenagers take to the air, loudly teasing the two left on the ground, and, yeah. They’re flying. Danny watches as the one on the ground starts counting, ready to start their match, only to interrupt his own countdown for a sneak-attack at the start and a PIFF of a smoke bomb going off. Danny can’t see the buzzing kid disappear from sight as the air begins to thicken, but there’s a distinct taste of JOY/games/VICIOUS that flutters through him that tells Danny that, wherever he is in that smoke cloud, he’s living his best life.
 And. Well.
The fighting is—there isn’t a better word for it, it’s just so damn cool. There’s kicking and punching and throwing and tossing and—sure, Danny can take a few hits and deal out some surprise punches when he has to, but these kids know what they’re doing, which is so cool, because once Danny lost the benefit of gravity mid-fight basically everything Mom had trained in him had been thrown out the window. The physics were just never right.
(And— Mom—)
Like, all the punches are happening at speeds that Danny can only kind of follow. His neck starts hurting from trying to follow them—but he can’t stop watching, and the kids are really having a blast. They’re laughing. They’re teasing. They show off, even, stopping to pose and flex and be admired by their sole observer, which Danny obliges with some gentle claps. The others are quick to jump on any distraction, though, and are more than willing to have Danny be the center of attention while they sneak up on showstoppers, stick or lasso in hand.
On one hand, Danny should probably be more alarmed by the sight of kids acting as literal child soldiers training to be combat ready. He…he’s pretty sure he’s meant to be one of them as soon as he’s recovered enough to get trained.
And…it is scary. It is kind of a scary thought that Danny might have to go back to…go back to fighting and getting hit and hitting and everything that fighting means.
On the other hand, there’s no one here. All the kids here are Danny’s age, and they’re not fighting because someone is making them; they’re having fun, and their job is to help people.
…Danny puts his legs higher up on his wheelchair, until he can wrap his arms around his knees. They’re supposed to beat up threats, but they don’t think that Danny’s a threat. They’re letting him sleep in a bed and get medical care and making sure he gets medication and everything. They let him hang out with their children and he has toys and fidgets to pass the time, and maybe he’ll have to pay them back later, but… isn’t helping out because he got helped only fair?
And they let non-humans live on Earth! That one teen’s stinky dad said that they could help Danny stay on Earth, he thinks. Or, uh, it’s what he thinks the green guy translated that as? So as long as he doesn’t leave, they could even protect him from the— all the bad stuff on Earth! So really, all Danny has to do is work on getting better. He’s safe here. Diana is here, the stinky dad is here, and there’s a whole team of super-people with super powers ready to help people.
Danny’s safe. He’s calm. He’s fine. He’s…worried that Diana doesn’t know where he is, but she’s smart and there’s probably cameras.
He watches the teens play around with various weaponry like they’re his model rocket. There’re thrown projectiles and giant hammers and dodgeballs and sticks, staves, and lassos; someone pulls out a shield, of all things, glittering gold and gleaming with something that itches at the back of Danny’s eyeball, and there’s a gun that sh—
Danny only breaks out of the memory of RUNNINGRUNNINGRUNNING when he realizes that someone is holding him. He’s choking. He doesn’t know who’s holding him, but they’re not hurting him right now and he can see a crowd of other colorful figures around him, which means he’s not with the Guys in White.
He’s hyperventilating. He can’t help it. He can’t stop it! His lungs hurt and there’s no end to the stress pressing out of his chest. Someone is holding him; where’s his chair? Did he lose it?? That’s really expensive medical equipment—they’re going to be so mad at him—!
Someone lifts him out of the stranger’s arms. It’s one of the older quick-buzzing humans. Not the teenager, and not the oldest one, he thinks. Danny can’t tell. He can’t breathe, and it’s hard to focus.
He’s shushing Danny like he’s a kid. Danny would be insulted, except he can’t breathe, and he really wants someone to help him, and his eyes are all weird and he can’t see and he doesn’t know where he is and his core hurts and his chair is gone—
Oh. The guy puts Danny’s hand on his chest and models breathing in with one big, visible breath.
Danny breathes in.
The guy models breathing out. It’s a long, slow breath.
…Danny struggles through the follow-through, but he manages. Well. He chokes hard enough to cough, twice, but…close enough.
The colorful forms milling about slowly disperse, until it’s largely just Danny, and the fast guy radiating very measured levels of calm, and his friend in black and blue, who is eating a sandwich. They breathe in, and they breathe out. That one guy eats his sandwich.
Danny looks around. He’s…the room he’s in is really big. Tables. Benches. Little stands of foo… Oh. He’s in a cafeteria. Cool.
…He squints through the new haze of green in his eyes. He’s probably strained something, but there are more important things at stake here: can he get some real food here?
“Where is here?” Danny asks. Rasps. He’s mostly horizontal, so manipulating his head around to glance at his surroundings is kind of a strain on his neck. Is that a hot dog cart?
“Wistheall,” the two say simultaneously—the guy in black and blue and a bird on his chest swallows his sandwich. “…Want a snakka?”
You know what? Danny’s going to assume that this means a snack. Sure! Why not. Nodding his head so quickly hurts, but he’s also not walking anywhere, so it’s not like it’s a full-body pain. The buzzing-quick guy sort of just…carries him around and asks Danny what he wants, and the bird guy gets it for him.
The little vibrations the guy is giving off are tinged a little with wor/ryworry/worry, but the guy’s mostly…at peace? Forcibly shoved it all down? Danny and the guy are practically chest to chest at this point, so it’s probably just that Danny’s close enough to feel even really quiet things.
His suit is super smooth, by the way. It’s not, like, skintight—there’s a little armor underneath, Danny can feel—but the fabric itself is like super slick. It’s cool. Texturally.
Also, he gives Danny a tube of something that are clearly off-brand Prongles, so Danny’s mostly just enjoying that instead of wondering what’s up with this guy and his friend.
“Are you okay?” the guy finally asks, his chatter mostly winding down into a question Danny can recognize. Danny swallows his bite of chips with a swig from his water bottle, and nods. He’s…unsettled, but he’s fine. He doesn’t know where he is, but he didn’t know where the teenagers had left him either, so this is about what he expected.
Even under his red hood-and-mask, the guy’s eyes are kind. Kinda worried. Not mean. “Something bad happened?”
…Danny looks back at his chips. Something bad happened, but it didn’t happen recently. “No,” Danny muttered around the crumbs in his mouth. He swallowed dryly. “Not…not now.”
The vibrations slow, and dim, melancholy lacing through the air. The sensation makes Danny itch. “Before?”
Danny nods. He thinks about his body melting from the outside in, his face dripping off in chunks of wet matter, his throat torn open still screaming.
“It was a—“ Danny tries, but he doesn’t actually know their word for gun or blaster. He just forces his fingers to make a familiar symbol, holding his own middle and end fingers back, leaving a shaking, uncomfortable thumb and pointer.
The quiet pew pew sound effects probably aren’t necessary, but the more detail, the better, or something like that.
Danny remembers how hot it got. Just…all the heat and light, and he could smell smoke right up until he couldn’t. And his face…everything hurt—everything still hurts, even—but the scary point had been when suddenly his face hadn’t hurt, and there was nothing left to feel.
…The guy holding him pulls Danny’s fingers away from his face. Oh. Danny was pulling at his still-green, still-healing wound. He. Uh. He doesn’t remember starting to do that anymore.
“Sorry,” Danny whispers. He swallows something wet from his sinuses to his stomach, and has to fight back the memory of a blood-and-ecto-and-flesh slurry taking its place in his esophagus as he tried to crawl away to die. Again.
The man sends out pulses of sorrysorrysorry through his skin. “Me too,” he murmurs back.
Then Danny gets hitched up—Danny squawks—and gets thrown into a better position over one shoulder, so Danny has better height to see from and a better perch in the guy’s arms. Danny drops half his prongles on the floor in the process. “Want to go find your chair?” the guy asks, body vibrating just a touch outside of Danny’s conscious awareness. Still, even without seeing the guy’s face, his whole body radiates sympathy/curiOSITy/Hungry.
…Didn’t they just eat?
Either way, Danny’s not torn between staring sadly at the ground where his prongles lay cold and bared to the cruelty of the world or getting up to go find his chair. “Yes,” he agrees, and uses the flat of his forearms to haul himself up higher onto the guy’s shoulders. Kindly, the guy in red doesn’t even budge. “Thank you.”
“Na geswincan,” the guy reports back easily, which Danny is pretty sure is a less-formal you’re welcome. Too bad there’s a whole language’s worth of context Danny’s missing out on here. His friend even snags Danny an extra can of prongles, and is kind enough to rips open the seal for him.
Nothing beats recovering from a crying jag like chips. Danny takes them earnestly.
The quick-fast guy hooks his arm onto his friend’s, and the world starts to stretch and blend into the in-between planes of reality, slices of world layered atop each other. The guy smashes through each one and pulls them both along for the ride.
It’s not quite like dunking his head in the portal, but it’s not not like sticking his head in a homemade portal either. Danny shakily pulls out a chip and starts chewing. He’ll just take the ride as it comes.
Kon winces.
“Robin.” Wonder Woman’s eyes turn to the more remorseful end of the bunch. “Wonder Girl. Impulse.”
“Wedidn’tmeanto!” Bart wails into a pillow, which. Fair. Cassie is sweating from possibly every pore she’s ever had (and maybe even a few she doesn’t??), and Tim is doing that stoic-faced thing that means he’s flipping the hell out too much to even tell his face to make expressions about it.
Kon just looks…miserable. Just absolutely miserable.
“…Triggered by firearms, maybe…?” Tim mutters under his breath, which means that he’s theorizing about their guest’s symptoms rather than coming up with solutions-oriented paths out of this confrontation and Cassie wants to shake him because this is NOT the time, Timothy Jackson Drake, except he’s kind of made of mortal human flesh and if she actually shakes him too hard he might die.
“I hope you understand how deeply irresponsible it was to take our patient out of his rooms without any form of supervision from either myself, his medical team, or an adult up to speed with our patient’s medical and psychological needs.” Wonder Woman’s voice is sharp—and her eyes are on Timmy Wonder Boy, who’s barely paying attention, making it clear that the majority of her ire is currently on him. “All four of you are being taken off of mission rosters for the next month in favor of remedial training. I hope that you are all satisfied with the decisions you made.”
“Fiiiine,” Cassie groans. Kon slumps in place. Tim nods without really looking.
Bart, still wailing at lightning speed into his pillow, continues doing…that.
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clairdelunelove · 7 months
What Pining!Yuuji Would Do For You
itadori yuuji x reader
genre: insane amounts of fluff, comfort
warnings: slightly suggestive
synopsis: you're in for a crazy ride! pining!yuuji means having this loverboy absolutely head-over-heels for you. told in headcanons!
a.n. I can't stop writing about this beautiful boy. I'm so sorry but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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gives you random compliments
it could be a regular, mundane day where you’re carrying out your normal routine while yuuji accompanies you 
just doing some grocery shopping before the week starts,, attempting to get ahead before you’re inevitably caught up in work/school  
and spending some time with him was, without exception, bliss 
yuuji has this magnetic force that pulls everyone in– you included– and it’s no different when the two of you are strolling through the aisles 
he’s sociable, easygoing, and friendly; so of course he’s going to catch bystanders’ attention 
especially with how sincere his words are to you 
“oh,” he hums and points to a brightly colored package, “didn’t you say you wanted to try these last time?” 
and before you can persuade him that you don’t actually need it,, they’re just some silly limited-edition snack you wanted to try,, the blushy haired male places it into the shopping basket 
“I’ll pay! don’t you worry about it!” he’ll mention while placing a gentle hand on your head
he walks off while whistling like it’s nothing,, like it’s normal for friends to pay for each other’s groceries (which was an entire week’s worth) 
and oh boy, you should expect yuuji to carry the basket/push the store cart for you 
it’s basically his job whenever he goes shopping with you 
takes it on with such seriousness that it’s almost concerning 
“oi! you’ll hurt your hands,” he lightheartedly clicks his tongue before taking ahold of the basket in your hands, “it’s heavy. I’ll carry it!” 
and he's so adamant about how 'heavy' it is but uses a couple of his fingers to effortlessly swing it around
follows you through every aisle (even ambles back when you meekly tell him that you forgot an ingredient you wanted) without a complaint,, basically has the patience of a saint 
and each shopping run isn’t complete without yuuji secretly picking out a gift for you 
it could be anything: candied snacks, yummy dessert, a sugary drink,, he’ll just add it onto the conveyor belt before the cashier can finish scanning all the items 
this time though, he’s picked out a small bouquet of flowers for you 
“yuu,” you bashfully tug the bottom of his shirt to convey your appreciation, “you didn’t have to.” 
because they’re beautiful– a handful of radiant flowers that are bunched together in glimmering wrapping paper 
he seems genuinely confused, an emotion that you’re not used to identifying on his sharp features
brows furrowing, he finally adds, “oh, you meant the flowers? why not? they’re pretty like you.” 
his words seem straightforward, direct but they’re wholly genuine since it’s coming from him 
yuuji wouldn’t say anything he didn’t truly believe 
the cashier casts a knowing glance to you when yuuji’s turned away, digging in his pocket for his wallet to pay, and sends you a badgering wink 
you, on the other hand, are a flustered mess 
finds any excuse to get closer to you
was yuuji particularly concerned in the ill-kept secret you weren’t willing to tell him? 
not necessarily 
did that stop him from pestering you about it? 
if anything, he’s revitalized when you peer up at him through your lashes and murmur, “I guess I can tell you now.” 
and you’re so close to him,, he never even realized you obligingly closed the distance by scooting beside him  
“but yuu,” you pause so your lower lip juts out into a pleading pout, “you can’t tell anyone else because this is just between the two of us.” 
there's not a thought in his mind except the fact that he’s so screwed 
because at this angle you’re even more stunning; wide, imploring eyes that are solely focused on him 
and he inwardly melts when he manages to catch a whiff of your sweet perfume,, it never even dawned on him that a person could be the literal embodiment of his desire 
his tongue feels like sandpaper, he’s tumbling over his words but reassures, “you can tell me anything! my lips are sealed.” 
“you sure?” 
to respond, he gestures toward his mouth, zips it close, and metaphorically throws it behind his shoulder 
“good,” you’re obviously pleased at his obedience before you’re waving him closer, “come here then, I’ll tell you.”
you should’ve been puzzled about his unusual speechlessness but you’re buzzing from the excitement of the secret 
and there’s no one else around,, in fact, the spot that the both of you are situated in is surprisingly empty 
the top of the school building is typically bustling with students attempting to get a breath of fresh air before trudging back to class 
yet, yuuji’s alone with you now,, and he’s not about to waste his chance 
it’s almost pitiful how quickly he scurries to heed your every word 
he ends up softly knocking knees with you in his haste, mutters a hurried apology, but it doesn’t seem like you mind 
no, you just twist closer to him, invading his personal space, and he’s holding in his breath 
because if he concentrates hard enough he’s able to feel your warmth on the crook of his neck 
you raise a hand near your lips before your secret easily spills out, “I bought us tickets to the horror movie you were talking about a couple months ago!” 
and it’s silent 
you're beaming at him
yuuji’s speechless because he’s too preoccupied with, well– you 
and he’s consumed with the thought of how sweet you are to him, how your every interaction with him is genuinely wholesome, or how you’re completely oblivious to the effect you have on him 
“I know tickets were sold out in the first week but I pulled some strings,” you explain with a delighted smile, “and managed to snag two for us!”
immediately, his lips crack into the widest grin you’ve ever seen 
in true yuuji fashion, he throws his arms around you to encase you in a warm hug and your giggles are smothered by his chest 
and as he snuggles closer, he breathes you in and tenderly murmurs, “what did I ever do to deserve you?” 
answers your 2 a.m. phone calls when you can't sleep
“look who’s calling.” 
you recognize the lighthearted jest in his voice as it crackles through the phone’s speaker and immediately you’re put at ease 
it had taken yuuji two rings before he picked up,, he’s never failed to answer your calls whenever you needed him  
although he couldn’t see it, you playfully rolled your eyes at his comment and explained, “just wanted to talk and ask what you’re up to.”
he presses the ‘speaker’ icon on his phone, props it on his pillow, and shifts so his hands are folded beneath his neck 
honeyed eyes staring at the ceiling, he figures losing a bit of his sleep was worth it if it was for you 
“at this hour?” 
he chokes out a laugh, voice a tad bit rough as he jokes,, the sound is a kind of gravelly that would’ve caused you to swoon if it wasn’t for your inkling suspicion that he was fast asleep before you called 
instantly, your heart drops 
“yuu,” you hesitated with a hushed apology, “sorry for waking you up. I just couldn’t sleep so–” 
there’s a rustle on the other end of the phone 
he must’ve tripped on something because there’s a loud clang followed by a string of curses from his mouth 
“I wasn’t sleeping! I was still gaming when you called! I have my headphones on and everything. I’m on, like, level 29 now! so,” he clears his throat, “don’t be sorry that you called.” 
you felt the tips of your ears burning– his reassurance was too sweet,, yet you couldn’t help but shyly prod, “you sure?”
“totally, I’ll even send a picture if you don’t believe me.” 
after the words leave his lips, your phone dings with a notification and truth be told, yuuji’s contact indicated that he had attached a file 
your fingers click on it, curiosity drawing you in, and you’re greeted with a picture of him; perched at his desk with his dark gaming headphones draped over his head 
he’s featured with a lazy grin and has three fingers thrown up in a laid-back pose 
you’re not focused on that, though 
no, you’re instinctively pinching at the screen to zoom in at the enticing dip of his collarbones that peek underneath his nightshirt and how tousled his blushy hair is since it’s so late at night– a different side of yuuji that you’re rarely graced with 
you save the picture to your camera roll 
caught in a flustered daze, you barely hear him call your name over your ogling, “(y/n)?” 
“yup! I see the picture,” you quickly chirp before smoothly changing the topic, “I like the headphones, by the way.” 
he chuckles but softens his voice, almost bashful, “well, you are the one that got them for me for my birthday.” 
“oh my gosh, you’re right! that was so long ago!” 
“it’s only been a month!”
and when the two of you are enraptured in a fit of laughter, he pauses,, lets your gleeful giggle flow through his phone’s speaker and knows that you’re worth every second of his time 
“fair point,” you gasp for air as your lips curl into a smile, “what do you want for your next birthday, then?” 
yuuji manages to brush aside your inquiry, mentioning that he didn’t need anything, and the two of you chat until the sun slowly rises over the horizon 
his eyes lowly droop, threatening to close, but he speaks with the same enthusiasm as when the call begun 
you talk about anything and everything 
hobbies, worries, the future– the whole lot 
yet, you manage to include him in each and every topic 
“the beach would be nice in this weather,” you sleepily suggest and hum, “I feel like you’d really like swimming there. lots of fish and seashells to collect. we should go together sometime. maybe for your birthday.” 
when he hears your soft breathing over the line, indicating that you’d fallen asleep over the call, yuuji quietly chuckles 
“‘for my birthday’ huh? for my birthday, I just,” he repeats your words and confesses with a hushed, “want you to notice me, dummy.” 
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regressionschool · 1 month
the pull-ups to Pampers pipeline
Tim stood in front of the mirror, examining his reflection. He wore a pair of snug, brightly colored boxers that seemed slightly out of place on his adult frame. His girlfriend, Amy, had been encouraging him to wear them, claiming they looked cute. He had shrugged and decided to give them a try a few weeks ago.
"Come on, Timmy," Amy called from the bedroom, her tone playful. "Let's see how you look!"
He stepped out, feeling a bit self-conscious. Amy's eyes lit up when she saw him. "Aw, don't you look adorable!" she cooed, walking over and giving his bottom a gentle pat. "They fit perfectly!"
Tim blushed, not used to this kind of attention. Amy grinned and handed him a pair of Pull-Ups. "But I got you something even better," she said, her eyes twinkling. "These are even more comfy and fun."
Tim hesitated but then seeing Amy’s smile "Okay, why not?" he said, slipping off the boxers and stepping into the Pull-Ups. The snug fit and the crinkling sound they made were odd but strangely comfortable. Amy clapped her hands, delighted.
"You look so cute!" she exclaimed. "Now you don't have to worry about little accidents."
Tim laughed, thinking she was just being playful. Little did he know, this was just the beginning.
A few weeks had passed, and Tim had grown used to wearing Pull-Ups around the house. They were surprisingly comfortable, and Amy's constant praise made him feel good about himself. One lazy afternoon, Tim was lounging on the couch, watching TV. He felt a slight urge to pee but didn't feel like getting up. He thought, "Why not?" and let go, feeling the warmth spread through the Pull-Up.
Amy walked in just as he finished. "Did my little Timmy have an accident?" she teased, her tone light but condescending. Tim blushed but nodded, expecting her to be annoyed.
Instead, Amy smiled and hugged him. "That's good, sweetheart. That's what your Pull-Ups are for. Let's get you changed." She led him to the bedroom, where she had a fresh Pull-Up ready. Tim lay down, feeling a mix of embarrassment and comfort as Amy cleaned him up and put on the new Pull-Up.
"There we go," she said, patting his padded bottom. "All better. See? No need to worry about anything."
Tim stood in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. The Pull-Ups had become a regular part of his routine, even more so after he’d started having the occasional nighttime accident. It was just easier to wear them, he told himself, especially with how supportive Amy was. Still, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed every time he woke up in a damp Pull-Up.
One night, as they were getting ready for bed, Tim felt a familiar urge but was too sleepy to get up. He sighed, deciding it would be fine to just let go. The warm, spreading sensation was comforting in a strange way, and he drifted back to sleep without a second thought.
Morning came, and as Tim stretched and yawned, he felt a wet, cold sensation around his hips. The Pull-Up had leaked. He sighed, a bit frustrated with himself as he looked down at the damp sheets.
Amy came in just then, noticing the wet spot. “Oh, Timmy,” she said softly, her voice a mix of sympathy and something else—almost like she had been expecting this. “Looks like your Pull-Up wasn’t enough last night.”
Tim blushed, feeling like a little kid who had wet the bed. Amy, ever the comforting partner, quickly reassured him. “It’s okay, sweetie. It happens. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
That night, after dinner, Amy approached Tim with a different package in her hands. She pulled out a thick diaper, the crinkling sound unmistakable. Tim’s eyes widened slightly.
“After last night, I think it’s time we try these,” Amy said, her tone gentle but firm. “These will keep you dry all night, and you won’t have to worry about leaks anymore.”
Tim hesitated, glancing between the diaper and Amy’s reassuring smile. “I... I don’t know, Amy. Isn’t this a bit much?”
Amy shook her head and patted the bed, encouraging him to lie down. “Not at all, Timmy. This is just for extra protection. You’ll sleep so much better knowing you’re completely safe from accidents.”
Tim sighed and reluctantly agreed, lying back as Amy expertly taped the diaper around his waist. The difference in thickness was obvious, and Tim felt a bit more self-conscious as he stood up, the bulk between his legs making him waddle slightly.
Amy smiled, giving him a kiss on his padded bum. “There you go, all set for bed. Doesn’t that feel better?”
Tim nodded, though the crinkling sound that followed his every move was something he would need to get used to. As they snuggled into bed, Tim couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted.
Yet, as he drifted off to sleep, the thick diaper providing a strange sense of security, Tim found that he didn’t mind it as much as he thought he would. Maybe, just maybe, Amy was right—this was better and after all, he only had to wear them at night.
Early morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a soft glow across the living room where Tim sat on the floor, deeply engrossed in his video game. The crinkle of his diaper was barely audible over the sound effects emanating from the screen. He was completely absorbed, his fingers deftly maneuvering the controller.
Amy, still in her pajamas, walked in, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She paused, watching Tim for a moment, a fond smile tugging at her lips. Noticing the sag in his diaper, she approached and sat down beside him.
“Morning, Timmy,” she said softly, her voice still thick with sleep. “Why didn’t you wake me for a diaper change? You look like you’ve been up for a while.”
Tim glanced at her, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I didn’t want to wake you, Mommy. You looked so peaceful sleeping, and I was just playing my game. I didn’t mind the diaper.”
Amy reached over, gently squeezing his shoulder. “Sweetheart, you know I don’t mind getting up to take care of you. You shouldn’t have to sit in a soggy diaper just because I’m sleeping.”
Tim looked down, fiddling with the controller. “I know, Amy. I just… I kind of forgot. It really doesn’t bother me.”
Amy nodded, a smile dawning on her face. “Okay, sweetie. But remember, it’s no trouble for me. Let’s get you changed now, okay?”
Tim found himself in another pressing situation as he strolled through the park with Amy. The sun was shining, birds chirping, and everything seemed perfect—except for the growing pressure in his stomach. They’d been out for a while, and the nearest bathroom was all the way across the park. Tim tried to ignore the urge, focusing instead on Amy's cheerful chatter, but each step made it harder to hold it in.
“I think we should start heading back,” Tim suggested, trying to keep his voice steady. He could feel the sweat forming on his forehead as the urge grew more intense.
Amy looked up at him, noticing his strained expression. “Are you okay, Timmy? You don’t look so good.”
Tim bit his lip, trying not to panic. “I… I just really need to go to the bathroom.”
Amy’s eyes softened with understanding. She glanced around the park, seeing how far they were from the nearest restroom. “Oh, sweetie,” she said gently, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “I don’t think we’re going to make it in time. You might want to just… let go.”
Tim’s eyes widened in shock. “But… but I have to go poopies,” he stammered, his face flushing red. The idea of doing that in his Pull-Ups, out in public, was mortifying.
Amy’s tone was soothing, but there was a hint of firmness in it. “Timmy, it’s okay. I’m here. You don’t need to worry about accidents.”
Tim felt his resolve weakening. The pressure was becoming unbearable, and the bathroom was so far away. Despite his best efforts to hold on, his body betrayed him. A faint crinkling sound accompanied the warm, spreading sensation as his Pull-Ups filled up. Tim’s eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment, unable to believe what he’d just done.
Amy noticed immediately and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a comforting hug. “Shhh, it’s okay, Timmy,” she whispered soothingly into his ear. “You did your best, but sometimes accidents happen. There’s no need to be embarrassed.”
Tim leaned into her, his face buried in her shoulder. He felt a mix of shame and relief, the warmth in his Pull-Ups both uncomfortable and oddly reassuring. But this was different—worse, somehow—than just wetting himself at home. He had really tried to make it to the bathroom, but it was like his body just couldn’t hold on anymore.
Tim looked down, his thoughts swirling. He remembered how comforting the thick diapers had felt at night, how they made him feel safe and secure. He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. “ I don’t know. Maybe this is a sign that I should be wearing… you know… a diaper.”
Amy’s eyes lit up with surprise and excitement. She had been slowly guiding Tim to this point, but she hadn’t expected him to suggest it himself. “Oh, sweetie,” she said softly, her voice full of warmth.
Tim blushed as Amy carefully removed his messy Pull-Up and wiped him clean with gentle care. The crinkling of the fresh diaper as she unfolded it sent a shiver down his spine, the thickness much more noticeable than the Pull-Ups he’d been wearing. Amy expertly taped the diaper snugly around his waist, her hands moving with practiced ease. Tim felt a strange mix of emotions—embarrassment, yes, but also a deep sense of relief. The thick padding between his legs felt familiar and comforting, like a protective barrier against the world.
Amy helped him sit up, patting his padded bottom affectionately. “There you go, all snug and safe,” she said with a smile. “How does that feel?”
Tim shifted slightly, feeling the bulk of the diaper as he moved. It was a little awkward at first, but as he settled back into the car seat, he couldn’t deny the comfort it provided. “It… it feels better,” he admitted softly, his cheeks still tinged pink.
Amy beamed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before buckling him back into the seat. “I’m so glad to hear that, Timmy,” she said, her voice full of warmth. “Now you don’t have to worry about anything. Just relax and enjoy the ride home.”
As they drove, Tim found himself sinking into the comfort of the thick diaper. He stared out the window, watching the world pass by, when he suddenly felt a all to familiar warmth spreading between his legs. He blinked in surprise, realizing that he hadn’t even noticed the urge this time. The diaper absorbed everything effortlessly, and Tim felt a strange sense of freedom knowing he didn’t have to worry about holding it anymore.
Amy glanced over at him, noticing the slight blush on his cheeks. She reached over and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” she asked softly.
Tim nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Yeah… it does,” he admitted, his voice full of contentment.
Amy smiled back, her heart swelling with pride and affection. “I’m so proud of you, Timmy. You’re doing great.”
Amy watched from the doorway, a soft smile playing on her lips. She had seen how much Tim had changed over the past few months. The little hesitations, the self-consciousness—those had all but disappeared. In their place was a relaxed, carefree version of Tim, content and happy in his padded state.
"Timmy," Amy called softly, walking over to him. "How's my little boy doing?"
Tim looked up, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "Hi, Mommy!" he chirped, his voice carrying a hint of childish excitement. He gestured proudly to his legos. "Look, I made a farm!"
Amy knelt beside him, admiring his work. "Wow, that's amazing, sweetie! You're so good at building."
Tim beamed at the praise, clapping his hands together in delight. Amy ruffled his hair affectionately, then glanced down at his diaper. She noticed the slight sag in the front and the way the material was puffier than before.
"Timmy, did you use your diaper?" she asked gently, already knowing the answer.
Tim blinked, as if just realizing what she'd said. He shifted slightly, feeling the warm, squishy sensation around his bottom. A small giggle escaped him as he nodded. "Uh-huh, but I didn’t notice. I was too busy playing."
Amy smiled and gave his soggy diaper a soft pat. "That’s okay, sweetie. That’s what your diaper is for, remember? To keep you comfy and dry while you play."
Tim nodded, his attention already drifting back to his toys. Wet diapers had become such a regular part of his life that he didn’t even think twice about them. In fact, it had been days—maybe even weeks—since he last used the toilet. The diapers were just... easier. They let him stay in his little world, where everything was soft, simple, and fun.
Timmy sat on the plush carpet in the corner of the living room, surrounded by a colorful assortment of blocks and stuffed animals. He was humming a little tune to himself, entirely absorbed in stacking the blocks as high as they would go. His diaper, thick and crinkly, peeked out from beneath the pastel-colored onesie Amy had dressed him in that morning. The soft fabric was adorned with cartoon animals, and the snaps at the crotch made it easy for Amy to change him whenever needed—a task that had become a routine part of their day.
Amy sat on the couch with two other women, their conversation drifting between sips of tea. They spoke in low voices, occasionally glancing over at Timmy with fond smiles. He was blissfully unaware of the discussion, his focus solely on the wobbly tower he was building.
"And he’s like this all the time now?" one of the women, Karen, asked, her eyes wide with curiosity as she watched Timmy giggle to himself.
Amy nodded, a proud smile on her lips. "Yes, he is. It took some time, but once he got used to the Pull-Ups, things just… progressed naturally. He didn’t even notice when he stopped going to the toilet. Now, he’s just my sweet little baby boy."
The other woman, Laura, leaned in closer, her voice full of intrigue. "How did you do it? My husband would never agree to something like this."
Amy chuckled softly, glancing over at Timmy, who was now babbling happily to his stuffed bear. "It’s all about patience," she explained. "I started with the Pull-Ups, telling him they were just for convenience. At first, it was just around the house. Then, little by little, I encouraged him to use them. Made it sound like it was no big deal. He was hesitant at first, but I kept reassuring him, praising him every time he did. It wasn’t long before he started using them without thinking."
Karen watched Timmy with a mix of amazement and amusement. "And now he’s just… like this?"
Amy nodded, her smile widening. "He’s completely regressed. Doesn’t even notice when he wets himself anymore. It’s all second nature to him now. He’s happy, carefree, and he loves all the attention. Plus, he calls me Mommy now—it’s the sweetest thing."
Timmy, oblivious to the conversation, gave his block tower a final pat, then turned to his stuffed bear. "Look, Teddy!" he said in a high-pitched, sing-song voice, "I did it! Big tower!" He clapped his hands, giggling as the tower wobbled precariously.
The women exchanged knowing glances, each lost in their own thoughts about how this might work in their own relationships. Laura, who had been taking mental notes, leaned forward, her voice curious. "But doesn’t he… resist at all? I mean, he used to be an adult."
Amy shook her head, her expression calm and confident. "Not anymore. Once he started to rely on the diapers, he just let go of all those adult worries. Now, he’s happiest when he’s like this—no responsibilities, no stress. Just my little Timmy, playing all day."
Karen couldn’t help but smile as she watched Timmy shake his plush bear in excitement, his diaper crinkling loudly with every movement. "He’s adorable," she said softly, her tone almost envious. "And he really doesn’t care anymore, does he?"
Amy’s eyes twinkled with pride. "No, he doesn’t. He’s fully embraced being my little one. And honestly, I think it’s better for him. He’s more relaxed, more content. And I get to take care of him, just like I’ve always wanted."
Timmy suddenly crawled over to Amy, tugging gently at her skirt to get her attention. “Mommy,” he lisped, looking up at her with wide, innocent eyes. “Look what Teddy did! Teddy made a big tower!”
Amy beamed down at him, reaching out to pat his head affectionately. “That’s wonderful, sweetie! You and Teddy are so clever.”
Timmy giggled, clapping his hands in delight before toddling back to his play area, his soggy diaper sagging heavily between his legs. Laura noticed Amy’s gaze and followed it to Timmy’s soggy bum. "Does he need a change?" she asked, her voice full of curiosity.
Amy nodded, but there was no rush in her movements. "He does, but there’s no need to hurry. He’s perfectly comfortable, and it’s not like he notices anyway."
Karen chuckled softly. "You’ve really thought of everything, haven’t you?"
Amy shrugged modestly, though her smile was full of pride. "It’s just about knowing what he needs. And right now, he needs this—his diaper, his toys, his Mommy. That’s all that matters."
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attapullman · 6 days
During a visit in a sex shop A spots a weird toy. B suggests purchase as a joke. Little do they know A seriously wants to use it. With Bob?
this ask 🤝 my sleep deprived brain 🤝 hc that bob floyd is a little freak
18+ to be able to go on this ride
Drabble Day
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It’s hard to tell which is more bright: the cherry red dildo you’re holding or the tips of Bob’s ears. He’s a prude by no means, but you slapping the silicone cock around to test the bounce has him flustered beyond belief.
“Can you please stop swinging that?” His gentle hands come up to stop you, but your grin grows evilly as you duck his hold. 
“You’re the one who wanted to get a gag gift for Jake’s bach party. I want to make an informed purchase!” He rolls his eyes at you and hesitantly glances at the store clerk for the umpteenth time. The college kid reading Frankenstein and eating chips hasn’t even noticed you’ve entered the store.
Walking further down the aisle, taking in the array of brightly colored cock rings and butt plugs and vibrators, you’re overwhelmed with options. If this girl is marrying Jake you want to get her something he can actually use in the bedroom. You’re already planning several funny size puns to put on the card.
As you weigh the pros and cons of a cheekily named ‘My First Bondage Kit’, you suddenly realize you’re in the aisle alone. No pink-eared husband in sight. “Bob?”
Hidden behind a display of sex swings, you find him standing in the ‘specialty’ toys. Glossy eyes lost in rapture, you expect him to be clutching the holy grail when he holds up what has caught his attention. But instead it’s a thick multicolored dildo, covered in rows of suckers and deep grooves, glowing brightly in his hand. The Tenta-Cock, the sign says.
“Sweetheart, that thing is the size of me. You’re going to scare Jake if you show up with that in a gift box,” you giggle. You admire his commitment to the joke, but a pair of nipple clamps was more than enough. His eyes drag away from the thick suction base and skim up your body, tongue darting out to wet his lips as your eyes connect. 
The weak flutter of his chest under his tshirt says it all.
“Not for Jake.”
You cock your head at him, stepping closer. The monster cock practically shines in his grasp. For such big hands, his fingers barely fit around the hefty base. Even the narrow tip of the tentacle is wider than your thickest vibrator.
Head fuzzy and heart pounding, the poor clerk isn’t prepared when you hastily shove The Tenta-Cock their way and your credit card. You can feel the air moving behind you as Bob twitches his dexterous fingers, anxious to get home. Jake’s gift is completely forgotten as you’re handed a plain paper bag that barely fits under Bob’s jacket. 
The speedometer in Bob’s truck is ten over the limit the entire drive home. You don’t reprimand him. Every minute away from the privacy of your bedroom is one too many.
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jube-art · 2 months
Hi!! I really love your Kryptonian au. I’m just curious, what is Clark and Conner’s relationship like in this au? Another thought - would the bats be unsettled by the fact that Kon isn’t fully Kryptonian and has Tactile Telekinesis? Have a great day!
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The greenhouse had plenty to do in it, for the four hours a day the refugees could sit in it without adverse reactions. Plenty of plants they hadn't seen before, plenty of plants they had. Food larger than even back home on Krypton, growing freely to take and eat whenever one of them had enough energy to reach out and grab them. The large windows shows a barren landscape of nothingness, of blinding white and snow that reminds Bru exactly of Kandor, back when Kandor still existed.
They were brought things, while they rested in the greenhouse, to keep them warm. Fluffy strange towels used to wash off the water that they were allowed to bask in- water abundant and clear and overflowing, circulating constantly, filled to the brim unlike anything Bru had seen before. Little strange things that gave off heat to warm their bones, chords coming off of them leading away into the main chamber, brightly colored and strange. Plush chairs to rest on, shade to hide away under when they started to get dizzy.
Daym was already asleep, snoring gently as he drifted. Te normally floated around, bouncing slowly off the sides of the water enclosure, but Jae, Dic, and Bru, towards the end of their time in the greenhouse, usually just talked.
Today, like most days, the topic was of their generous hosts, the members of the noble house of El.
"-I heard that Kon-El was a clone of Kal-El." Dic whispers to them, wrapped up in a thick bundle of fabrics and with his feet towards the little portable heat source. "Can you believe it?" Bru can, he watches them both, a bit farther away and talking in that strange, disjointed language they do. They look remarkably similar, more similar than Bru and Dyam do, even, it's not unusual for a leading political or scientific figure to be cloned to continue on their work after the original has passed. A little odd to have them be so close in age, of course, but if Kal-El really does have a whole, living breathing clone, so vividly well done, then this world truly is a paradise.
Clark and Kon have their canon, comic relationship of being strange Brother-Uncle-Nephew-Cousin things, and are relatively friendly with each other. As for the cloning, we're saying that it's not unusual on Krypton (because they're all pod people) for important figures to be cloned over and over again to continue on their work. (Similar to if we just continued to clone FDR and elect him president every four years.)
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eternalxvenus · 9 months
୨⎯ Like a good neighbor, Gojo is there ⎯୧
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summary: You've just moved into a fixer-upper in a quaint neighborhood, excited to start building and designing your dream home. Everything's perfect…or would be, if it weren't for that gorgeous but obnoxious Satoru Gojo next door, who you fight with practically every day.
cw: smut 18+, satoru gojo x f!reader, smut, a little fluff, a smidgen of plot if you squint, gojo is annoying, no curses au, gojo is stupidly rich, pet names (baby, sweetheart), oral f!receiving, p in v, light choking, squirting
word count: 1.5k
notes: this is my first time writing smut so pls bear with me… the tile is bc that logo has been stuck in my head all damn day </3, im also debating on making a part 2… and lastly HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!
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You woke up to the sound of birds and wind, the sun shining brightly through your uncovered windows. As you stretched your limbs out with a groan trying to fully wake up, you thought about all the things you had to do today.
The clock shown 9:15am. Getting out of bed, the house was warm thanks to the summer morning. After doing your morning routine and eating breakfast you decide that you’re next project for the house will be painting the outside porch railing. You already had the paint, opting for a soft brown color.
Outside the air was warm and almost humid. The half empty coffee cup rested on the small table you had out there. Your clothes were already stained and rugged from previous projects done on the house. You picked up a paintbrush and promptly started on the porch.
About an hour or so later you were still painting, a light sheen in your forehead as you hummed a song stuck in your head. This was the peace you were looking for.
“Heyyy Y/N, how’s your morning going?” You roll your eyes, recognizing the all to chipper voice. Your neighbor Satoru Gojo. He was the most non-peaceful thing about the entire neighborhood. You tried to ignore him, but of course he was already making his way over. “I said good morning, what’s wrong too tired to speak?” he inquired.
A loud huff leaves your mouth. “No Gojo. I just don’t want to speak. To you at least.”
“Ah don’t be like that. I know what’s got you in a sour mood. It’s that ugly paint color isn’t it? Looks like shit— literally.”
“Gojo please do not come over here starting nonsense. It’s a pretty neutral brown. Now go away and leave me be.” You pick up the paint can and move to the next part of the porch. Gojo watches you lazily as you move about. He’s uncharacteristically silent and you almost forget that he’s even there. Glancing up to give him a look that says ‘What?’
With a no good smile on his face he says “Have lunch with me Y/N. Take a break and i’ll make us something good.”
You thought about declining but you were really hungry. As if on command your stomach growled rather loudly. “What’s the catch? You berate all my artistic choices thus far?” you deadpan.
With a hand over his chest in mock offense Gojo replies saying, “I would never!” He starts walking over to his house beckoning you to follow. “C’mon i’ll make us some sandwich wraps.”
You follow Gojo into his house and i soon as you step inside you see the stark contrast the inside has compared to the outside. Everything looks modern and sleek.
Gojo clears his throat before speaking. “Have a seat wherever. I’ll get started on the wraps.” You give a brief nod, walking into his living room to get a closer look at the decor. Fifteen minutes later, Gojo walks in empty handed.
“I put the wraps in the fridge. I usually let them sit in there about 10-15 minutes before eating so they have a better crunch and don’t get as soggy.” He plopped down on the couch stretching out his arms and legs. His eyes kept moving down to your ass as you walked around. “Come sit and let’s talk.”
You sit down next to him, making sure to leave a good amount of space between you both, before he scoots you closer by the hips.
“You know, I’ve never had such a pretty neighbor before…” Gojo’s voice is smooth and filled with seduction. Your heartbeat picks up as he places a hand on your thigh squeezing lightly.
“Gojo… what are you doing?” You ask in a breathy voice. His touch had an effect on you and you hated it. The last thing he needed was an ego boost.
“Oh come on Y/N, why do you think i’m always coming to bother you? I needed an excuse to see your pretty face.” He lowered his head to place light kisses along your jaw and neck. You moved your head to the side to give him better access. It couldn’t hurt to have a little fun…
Gojo moves from your neck and looks into your eyes. You see the dark lustful look in them before he pulls you in for a heated and bruising kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth, both of you barely stopping to get any air. You can feel the heat and arousal rushing through your body as he pulls you into his lap. Lifting his hips up slightly you can feel that he’s already hard and definitely not small. You break the kiss to pull off your shirt and Gojo nearly rips off your bra before taking one of your hard nipples into his mouth while working the other between his fingers. “Ah… Gojo-”
“Satoru” he says breathing heavily and looking into your eyes. “Please call me Satoru.”
“Satoru… don’t tease.” you nearly whine.
“Fuck… i need to taste you.” Without missing a beat Gojo lays you down on the couch, making quick work of getting your jeans and panties off. “You’re so wet, this all for me?” his lips formed that cocky smirk. “Shut up and do something.” you say squirming. He grabs your hips to still you then lowers his head to taste your arousal. “You taste better than I could’ve imagined… so fucking sweet.” He goes straight into it, sucking your clit into his mouth and teasing your hole with his tongue like he’s starved. Your hands immediately find purchase in his hair. You tug slightly making Gojo moan which only adds to the knot that’s already forming in your stomach.
You try to lift your hips but he has you in an iron grip. Heavy pants and moans slip past your lips as you feel that familiar sensation or your orgasm. “Ah! Sa-satoru! Fuck i’m gonna cum!” he continues working his tongue on your clit as he inserts two of his long fingers inside of you, curling them to hit that spot that has you seeing stars. Gojo eagerly licks and sucks all that you’re offering as you slowly start to come down from your high. He kisses your thighs and slowly makes his way up to your face. “I could eat you out all day” he breathes out. “But right now I wanna be inside you.”
You watch as he takes off his pants, seeing the wet patch on his boxers from his precum. After removing the rest of his clothing he now rests in between your legs, stroking himself as he rubs his tip against your clit. You buck your hips trying to get more friction but Gojo won’t budge. “Tell me what you want.” he whispers aligning himself with your entrance. “Satoru just fuck me please!” You say impatiently. The only warning you have is Gojo saying “If you say so.” before sliding his cock in until he bottomed out.
He threw his head back with a groan. “Shiiiit baby you’re so fucking tight.” He gave you a moment to adjust then started fucking you at an almost inhuman pace. All you could do was moan not able to form anything coherent. You felt Gojo’s hand come to your neck and squeeze just enough to heighten the force of his thrust. “You take me so well… this slutty pussy just keeps sucking me in.” His free hand slipped down to rub harsh circles on your clit causing you to practically scream. “Satoru! Too much!”
“You can take it baby i’m almost there. I want you to cum for me.”
Gojo keeps up his unrelenting pace and overstimulates your clit. You can feel him throbbing inside of you as his thrusts start to stagger and get sloppy signaling he was close. “Fuck baby I’m gonna cum… gonna cum all over those pretty tits.”
“Please Satoru! Feels so good… fucking cumming ah!” You feel a gush of warm liquid between your legs just as Gojo pulls out whimpering while spilling his cum all over your stomach. “F-fucking shit! Fuck baby…” you both lay there panting as Gojo gives you small feathery kisses. After a minute or two he gets up to grab a towel to clean you up with. He’s back in his boxers and had one of his shirts for you to wear. You blush taking it with a small “Thank you.”
Once you’ve sat up and slipped on the shirt you notice the wet spot staining the couch. “Shit… sorry about your couch Satoru. I’ll give you the money to replace it.”
Gojo laughs at your concern for his couch. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart.” He moves you both over to a the other side of the couch that isn’t ruined. “No really i’ll replace it, how much was it?” He mumbles something that you don’t understand. “What?”
You stare at him in shock. “Satoru what the hell!” He dismisses your shock with a wave of his hand and lays you both down. “I told you don’t worry about it. Right now just lay here with me.” Just as you both got comfortable and closed your eyes, your stomach growls loudly.
“I guess now would be a good time to get those sandwiches.” Gojo laughs.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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yandereforme · 2 months
Yan! Mafia! Batfam AU Dynamics
Part 1
TW: Murder, violence mentioned, light mentions of assault, torture, kidnapping
Also, since ages are weird in DC canon (often conflicting) I’m assigning my own choices
Like I mentioned in my earlier post, Bruce started working towards controlling crime at a young age. He first gets the idea after his parents died, and slowly over the years he starts cultivating skills that would later become useful(fighting, intimidation, deceptive things that you can do that aren’t exactly illegal, etc.)
He still takes that backpacking trip, and he still meets the league of assassins and has his affair with Talia. The reason he returns to Gotham isn’t a crime as vigilante. It’s to fight crime his own way.
He takes on a persona as the bat, no one knows his face or real name. He garners a lot of attention from criminals, and often steal men from people who he defeats to work lower level jobs(Think Red Hood’s system)
The rugs in the say, you are a mixture of actual criminals, and alternate mob bosses. However, Bruce still keeps the Bat and Bruce Wayne very separate, though he does not utilize a Brucie persona. Instead, he makes himself seem more quiet and soft-spoken so people tend to overlook him.(Bruce does not realize that his persona is someone that is one bad thing away from going full on crazy. Everyone in high society knows something is wrong with Bruce Wayne, and just does not comment on it.)
Bruce still has his no kill rule. That does not change, but any enemy of his will tell you that there are worse things than death.
He is 23 when he adopts 8 year old Dick Grayson.
Dick joins not long after he does in canon, or at least he tries to. After he figures everything out, he confronts Bruce and says that he wants to be a part of the business. He wants Zucco‘s head on a stick. Bruce gets him to compromise. They will capture Zucco and after a few years of training, Dick will be allowed to do what he wants and take on his own role. 
For a few years, he takes the role of Robin, a terrifying person who has seen as Batman‘s little shadow, constantly following him, and smiling brightly enough that people will forget about the blood covering his knuckles.( some believe he gives the smiles that Batman never has. Others believe he is the one thing that keeps the Bat from killing.)
As he grows, Robin’s persona of a vicious, smiling distraction slowly morphs into an amazing fighter who smiles unsettlingly and bends in a way that does not seem entirely human.(about 60% of Gotham’s criminals believe that the bat and robin and all of their associates are not human. Most of them of them think demons of some kind, though there is a smaller portion that believes that they are embodied souls coming back to enact justice)
Nightwing is not a reality in this world(since that is a story learned from Superman.) Instead, criminals learn to fear Nightingale, a distractingly, beautiful person whose voice tends to make you mesmerized so you don’t see the bloody intent behind it. The underground calls him a siren, and Dick is very good at making people tell him what he wants to hear.
In this AU, he switches to Nightingale after Tony Zucco is finally killed. Bruce had kept Zucco in a cell for years, until Dick was old enough to do what he originally wanted. Dick kills him in an act of final revenge, wearing his family’s colors. After the death, he decides he doesn’t want to dirty those colors anymore.
It becomes a commonly known fact that Robin doesn’t kill, and neither does the Bat. But once they get their own costume, you have to be cautious of the fact that some of them don’t have a no kill code.
Dick is 17 when 12 year old Jason is adopted
Instead of stealing from Batman, Jason is caught stealing tires of Bruce Wayne’s car. The rest of the interaction follows canon though.
Before Bruce formally adopts him, he tells Jason who is surprisingly okay with it.(Jason grew up in Crime alley. He knew what the Bat did with the worst of the worst, and how the Bat made life more live able.)
He and Dick don’t get along in the beginning, but after an attempted kidnapping at a gala, they get better.
The two incarnations of Robin are very different. Dick’s Robin was loud and haunting in his joy, beating people bloody with a smile. Jason’s Robin was softer in a sense, brash but polite. He was careful to only injure in places that they could recover from, and helped a lot of the victims(people whispered that he was the innocence that Nightingale had lost, that the Bat never had.)
The only people he didn’t care about hurting were the abusers and assaulters, men drunk on power. (More and more people started believing the re embodied souls theory with Jason. He seemed the most human of all the Bat family)
Then, when Jason was 15, he was kidnapped as Robin, and Gotham was never the same.
Note: Thank you all for being so interested in my writings. I don’t know if this is good or not, I’m sick at the moment and just wanted to finally write this. Let me know what you think!
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Smol snippet because the angst hit me all of a sudden.
CW: mentions of death, mental fucking breakdown djxkd-, grief, angst, Sunday is sad :’’’’)), 2.0-2.1 spoilers.
(Disclaimer with a 2.2 trailer/livestream spoiler: I’m aware that she isn’t actually dead, but this is made in mind with Sunday who doesn’t know that.)
No mentioned gender for reader.
Writing under the cut (SFW):
“My baby, my baby. You’re my baby say it to me.”
Cradled in your arms he cannot even cry. He feels empty and lost. Sunday… what use is the name Sunday if there is no Robin to call after him? He failed her. Her, the one who shone so brightly in his life.
He can remember every birthday, every scrape, every “good morning” and “good night”. He can remember every “I love you”. Thinking about these memories, holding that light cone with a moment in time held so dear trapped within it’s frame- It fills the emptiness with something.
Sunday tightens his grip on you, fingers twisting in the back of your shirt as a silent sob wracks his body.
That is the name of the emotion that colors his empty insides with dark and dreary hues of blues and blacks; his heart with the color of life as it bleeds in her absence.
You pet the back of his head, holding him back just as tightly as he finally allows himself to fall apart in only the company of solitude and you. The seraph finally allows his wings to rest. The figurehead finally takes off the perfect mask.
“Why did it have to be her?” He can’t understand how this happened. How could his lovely, perfect sister be gone?
“I don’t know. I’m sorry, Sunday,” is all you can say. But that much is enough. He lets his tears wet your shoulder as he hides away from the reality of her death and the world. He’s grateful you’re here at least. In the back of his mind that’s fracturing and breaking to pieces, he wonders what he’d do if he didn’t even have you to hold him together. Would he fall apart? Lose himself entirely?
A dash of gratitude and love colors his bleakness in a splash of warm pinks and oranges- Like the sunset he watched with you in the dreamscape not too long ago.
She was everything before he met you. Being the older brother, she was like his first child. He can remember looking at her tiny, chubby face when she was still too young to talk, and thinking- “This is my baby sister.” He was supposed to take care of her- protect her.
Thinking of how someone killed her in cold blood and made those starlight eyes close forever… Deep reds formed.
He would force the criminal into the light and bring about retribution for their evil.
“Will you help me?”
He asked, eyes almost manic and wings spread; looking almost like an angry, vengeful fallen angel in that moment.
You took his hand and he smiled, leaning down to kiss the hand that accepted his.
“Thank you, my love.”
I wanted to include how every older sibling’s first child is their baby sibling, lololol. And just. I can’t imagine how much grief he had to have been going through. OTL
I might edit this or add to it later this was just a blurb I wrote in like five minutes-
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yorshie · 2 years
Bayverse turtles x fem reader
Turtle fluff, kinda petty jealousy, nothing sexual
Second Person, no Y/N.
Inspired by a pinterest post I saw about having an office turtle and the punch line was "does the big man want his appy slices?" and it just snowballed from there
Aged up turtles
Your first vacation in a year, and you were stuck with a house guest for part of it.
Well, sort of a house guest.
You stared at the plastic kiddie pool taking up half of the living room, shoved between your TV and the L shaped desk you used as a work space. A sandy colored shell moved slowly around as Romeo explored his temporary digs, the large tortoise taking everything in with long, slow blinks.
“Boy, does your mother owe me one,” You informed him lowly, shaking out tired arms that still ached from carrying the large cat carrier up the stairwell. “Though, I guess she should be worried you won’t wanna go home on Monday. After all,” you leaned down, watched as Romeo turned those large, multicolored eyes in your direction, “I seem to have a growing collection of turtles.”
He let out a loud huff, the air whistling through his nostrils, and you snorted. “Sorry, tortoise, though I’m pretty sure the rest are turtles.”
He turned back to ignoring you, making slow movement towards the heat lamp you had attached to the back of a stool and swung over a part of his pad earlier per his owner’s instructions.
You hummed, watching him, then glanced over at your phone when it dinged from the couch.
Orange Crush: Hey babycakes, we still good to come get you after patrol? Donnie got ahold of that movie you wanted to see.
Uh oh. You bit at your nail absently, thinking, then typed back:
You guys are welcome to stop by, but I might have put a snag in movie night. I’ve got a house guest I have no idea what to do with.
You hit send, waited a beat, then hit accept before the phone even rang, expecting Leo’s name.
“Everything good?”
You decided not to comment on the speed dial. “Yea, everything’s fine. I’ve just… got a house guest.”
A beat of silence, “are you in danger?”
You frowned, stared across the room at Romeo, then had a light bulb moment as you replayed what was said. “Oh, god, Leo, no I’m fine! This isn’t a ‘help, there’s someone in my apartment’ type of thing.”
“Well that’s good,” he breathed, and you could hear his dry humor creeping in, “Though you almost gave Raph a heart attack just now.”
“Spiders almost give Raph a heart attack,” you deadpanned back. “But seriously, I’m just babysitting a pet for a friend. Um… actually.” You squinted at the tortoise sunning himself. “Don’t- don’t be weird when you guys get here.”
A longer beat of silence. “O-kay.” The word was drawn out. “We’ll be over in ten.” He hung up before you could squawk about cutting their patrol short, and you were left holding the phone comically to your ear.
Romeo chose that moment to let out a questioning chirp, his beak opening and clicking shut.
You turned your attention back to him. “Hm? You hungry, big boy? Let me go get your food.”
You got Romeo his salad, watching with slight amusement as he once again slowly moved toward the plate of offerings next to his sunken water bowl, high pitched chirps coming from him as he started to eat.
A light tap at your window pulled your attention, and you crawled over the couch to unlock the window, letting Leo do the heavy lifting to actually get it open.
“Heeeyyy,” You said, smiling brightly, trying to block the view behind you while leaning against the frame.
Leo rolled his eyes, “hey yourself. You gonna let us in?”
You pursed your lips, looking over the four of them crammed onto the fire escape, Donnie half hanging off the railing as he avoided Raph’s shell. You held up a finger threateningly. “Don’t be weird.”
You heard Raph scoff as you moved to press against the couch cushions, letting them step in over the furniture. “‘Don’t be weird’ she says to the mutant turtles.”
“Uh.” Leo pulled up short, one foot still on the couch, letting Mikey bounce off his shell as he noticed the kiddie pool.
Romeo looked up from the salad, took in the towering turtles staring back, and let out a low grumble that somehow managed to thrum through the room.
“Wow. That’s impressive.” You popped up on the couch, leaned over the arm, watching as the four turtles spread out a little, all still eyeing the kiddie pool.
“Sheesh, that’s nothing, babycakes,” Mikey said over his shoulder as he backed to the side to perch on the couch next to you, baby blues fastened on the tortoise like he’d disappear if he blinked. “That little rumble ain’t got nothing on Raph in the morning.”
“Huh. Really?” You glanced at the red turtle, but he shrugged, moving towards the kitchen counter and the cans of soda you’d set out while waiting for them.
“It ain't nothin special, sweetheart. How long you watchin mr. grumpy pants?”
Leo still hadn’t moved from his spot half on the couch, and with a huff Donnie pushed past him, the only one to take a step closer to the kiddie pool and crouch down to get a closer look.
“I have Romeo until Monday morning.” You tried not to sound too intrigued with what was happening, or not happening, but you probably failed judging by the quick look Raph threw your way, slight smirk curling his mouth as he watched you peer between Romeo and Donnie.
The tortoise had one eye on Donnie and the other on Leo, his head swiveled to the side to keep them both in sight as the ominous grumble sounded once more.
“Oh, goodness.” Donnie chuckled, perched as close to the plastic lip as he could get without touching the tortoise’s turf.
Raph whistled, long and low, as the noise lowered deeper until it was a threatening burr. Romeo snapped his beak at the sudden noise from Raph.
“Ok. What’s happening?” You asked, looking from Mikey to Raph for answers.
Mikey winced, fingers drumming out a fast staccato on his bent knees, so you turned your question to Raph, who simply shrugged.
“Donnie,” you whined, and heard him hum in answer. “What’s with the weirdness?”
“Oh, well, I suppose we’re making him a little uncomfortable.” He supplied, twisting around to address you from over Leo’s hip. Romeo let out an angry hiss, and Donnie swayed back out of sight. “Oops.”
“Now you done it,” Raph joked. “Touched the big man’s pool.”
“So I should have coached him instead of you guys?” You smirked, the notion that the bigger turtles were all being trash talked by Romeo amusing.
“Eh, probably wouldn’t have changed much,” Donnie chirped back at you, pulling another threatening beak snap from Romeo.
Raph chuckled. “Careful, Don. He might think you’re after his girl.”
“Oh so now I’m part of the problem?” You put as much sarcasm into the query as you could, moving to sit up on the couch, swaying into Leo’s space.
“Sure.” Leo answered, finally moving his foot off the couch as you brushed against him. “Bunch of big ugly rivals come into his place, touch his home, chirp at his girl. I’d be pissed too.”
“Would you?” You tried not to sound too amused, hand coming up to press against your mouth at the uptick in Leo’s cheek even as his gaze was kept on the tortoise. “So is he gonna get even more cranky if I leave with his ‘rivals’?”
“I’m sure he’ll live,” Raph pushed away from the counter, snapped his fingers under Donnie’s glasses. “Genius, quit harassing the poor dude. He’s stuck in a pool, we get to go watch a movie with his girl. Don’t rub it in.”
“Pretty sure I’ve known you guys longer than him,” You kicked out at Raph playfully as he passed close, connecting with his thigh and making him sway to avoid the pressure. “Think that makes him the interloper.”
“Ah, ok, I see how it is, you’re our girl. You want us to avenge your honor, teach this creep a lesson?” He jerked his head toward Romeo, grabbing your foot with ease as you went to kick at him again. You let out a quick giggle, jerked your foot away from his grip, leaning towards Mikey for protection as Raph made a grab for your retreating foot again.
“Hey, it’s all good babycakes, I’ll hide you from your loverboy’s rival.” Mikey lifted his arm, flashing the charm as he let you wedge yourself between his shell and the couch, feet tucked in the cushions where the larger brother couldn’t reach.
“We better get going before we rile your house guest up even more,” Leo commented, ignoring the playful banter as he stepped sideways out of Raph’s way. “You have everything you need?”
You hummed, twitching further behind Mikey as you felt the youngest brother’s fingers reach back and ghost your far side. “My bag’s in my room. Obviously, I’m gonna have to come check on Romeo tomorrow, but I think he’ll be ok for the night.”
“Especially if he doesn’t have to deal with us,” Donnie added, straightening and stepping around the pool to head down the short hallway leading to your room.
“Oh, shoot, hold on. Can’t forget.” You popped out from behind Mikey, wildly grabbing onto Leo’s arm to steady yourself as you overcorrected on the couch cushion. His forearm tensed under your hand, giving you something steady to push off of as you headed for the counter.
As you turned around with an apple and a knife, Mikey gasped. “He gets appy slices?”
“Yup, every Friday.” You responded, not looking up as you carefully started cubing the fruit.
“He’s get a treat after being an ass?” Raph sounded incredulous, and you blinked, looking up finally to find all three bigger turtles staring at the apple in your hand.
You took in the various looks of envy and mild offense, and reached behind you for the bag with the rest of the apples. “Do… do you guys want some?”
Donnie rounded the corner at that moment, stopping so hard his shoe squeaked on the floor. “He gets appy slices?”
“O-kay.” You pulled the word out long and slow, conscious that they were tracking you and the dish of apple cubes across the room to the kiddie pool. It had to be your imagination, but Romeo almost looked smug as he hurried over for the treat you set down.
Behind you, Raph made a noise of disgust deep in his throat, and you fought to keep the smile from your face as Mikey echoed the sentiment.
“I promise,” You rose and turned to face them, “I will bring the whole bag and make you guys as many appy slices as you want tonight.”
Raph took the few steps to the kitchen, grabbed the bag of apples, and crossed back over to the couch and window. His brow raised as though daring you to laugh as Mikey opened the glass and hopped out onto the fire escape.
You fought it successfully until Leo purposely bumped into you, a gentle reminder to get moving, and you followed Donnie out into the chilly air, careful as you pulled yourself over the edge of the window.
Donnie offered you a hand, grip cool and firm as he tugged you up the flight of stairs and passed you off to Raph, whose arms you curled into as he picked you up effortlessly.
“Where’s Fearless?” He asked, stepping up to glance back over the edge, and you gripped tighter as the buildings swelled down to meet the street.
Leo stuck his head out of your window as though summoned, taking a moment to close the latch before he scaled up to where the others were waiting. At Raph’s questioning look, he huffed, the lights catching briefly on his teeth.
“Just reminding Romeo down there that he’s only a house guest.”
You blinked, your face going loose with shock, “Leonardo, did you growl at that poor tortoise?”
The only answer you got was a smug smirk, and Mikey’s bright belt of laughter.
Much later, in the lair, you sat slumped in the middle of the couch, fingers sticky as you peeled yet another apple. You didn’t even bother to lean forward as you offered a slice over the edge. You weren’t sure how they knew it was there, the only light coming from the soft jewel tones of the older movie on the big screen, but the slice was always accepted, much larger fingers grazing your palm the only indication. 
You smiled, and cut off another slice.
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op ep 1116 thoughts
tl;dr, there were some choices made re: pacing and blocking that i disagree with, but there was also some new material added that i am very into.
went too fast. for an episode named for buggy’s declaration the balance of time fell way more on sabo et al
the ‘roger patting shanks on the head’ moment has young, beanie-wearing buggy in the manga, why redraw it with this teenaged, black kerchief buggy look?! :/ i wanna feel the weight of years of buggy feeling inferior in this moment
the blocking is so weird. why start the conversation with the two of them so far apart and add a beat of shanks walking closer to ask buggy to come with him? what does that serve? it’s awkward, makes almost no sense—why is buggy trying to talk about this at such a distance?—and barely adds at all to the runtime of the episode. if you wanted to draw out the scene, there were better ways to do it
and then, instead of using the wide shot when buggy turns to run, letting them look small and isolated while they’re separating, you zoom in tight on buggy’s face? and cut super quick from that face to present day buggy? if you want to draw out this scene, do it by extending this running sequence! start out with the wide shot of buggy running away from shanks in the rain, take a few beats of that before getting up in teen buggy’s face, then transition from his face to present day buggy’s
why bother having buggy’s hands pinned on hooks if they can come free that easily and painlessly? he picks up the snailphone no problem like ten seconds after his hands get knocked off the hooks
tbh i don’t like him having use of his hands in this scene at all, the desperation of buggy’s head rolling over to the phone in the manga hits way harder (and makes crochawk’s inability to stop him feel more plausible, here they literally watch him pick up the phone and do nothing about it)
big top blaster my beloved 💜 she’s such a brightly colored disaster, i love her. wish the reveal trip to see her had been drawn out even longer, tbh
“this isn’t how i wanted my life to turn out… how’d it come to this…” → sepia-toned flashback of rejecting shanks?! i am. ill.
adding roger pirates flashback material as buggy starts to monologue at crocodile and mihawk? *chef’s kiss*
especially buggy saying “we weren’t able to go to laugh tale for some reason” while we see images of sick buggy and ‘we’ll go there on our own ship’ shanks………
“i’m disappointed in you, shanks” and flipping from teen buggy to present day buggy for a second… just for an eye twitch… ohhh, that’s nice
the hand slap!?! not just a fist raised in denial of shanks’ request but literally slapping it away??? excuse me?!?
instead of having shanks voice the “?!” response to buggy calling him a coward, we get a gulp? shanks retreating back into himself? which fits more with shanks standing there watching buggy leave than a confused or outraged sound would have, imo
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wonkawinka · 7 months
we’ll meet again
“we’ll meet again… don’t know where, don’t know when…”
alastor x angel!daughter!reader
CHAPTER TWO: smile like you mean it!
— — CHAPTER THREE: weak ankles!
warnings/notes: EPISODE 6 SPOILERS! not proof read, no use of y/n, used she/her pronouns, reader is on the fem side, maybe vaggie x reader and maybe emily x reader if you squint but its all platonic
chère- french for dear
remercier dieu- french for thank god
court reporter- someone who transcribes everything said during a court meeting
wc: 2336
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ROLLER skates. flashy lights. bursting colors. street jazz at every corner. twists and turns.
NEW ORLEANS had it all. all you could need in your heart. soft, live jazz rung through the tiny diner that everyone got their morning coffee from. skating through the diner, you tipped your hat from one couple to another. there was the occasional (and by occasional you mean somewhat often) jerk who flirts with you, a teenager, but you brush it off.
ever since the stock market crash of 1929, people have been living off the hook ‘round these parts. you were lucky enough to snag a job, let alone have a father that's able to put food on the table for you.
the bell of the door rings exactly at 9:01 am, you don’t even need to turn around to check who it is.
“good mornin’ ladies! fine morning today, isn’t it?” alastor’s voice rang through the diner, sound waves bouncing the walls and into your ears. his presence was certainly not something anyone would miss. your coworkers nodded in agreement, saying their tiny welcomes, the occasional giggle for one of them.
pouring out straight black coffee into a medium sized cup, you skated towards the counter and slipped your dad a napkin and his cup.
“mornin’ papa.” you said with a smile, taking his coins and filing it into the register.
“good morning, my dear!” he said with his chipper smile, one that made the men grumble and ladies swoon, but it just made you happy to see your father happy. “day treating you well, i hope.”
he took the coffee and took a sip. a sound of satisfaction left his lips “perfection! you know me so well, chère.”
“pa, you drink the blackest coffee on earth. it’s not hard to mess up, dontcha think?”
“ah, don’t sass me now, little miss. i’ll have you know this is the best coffee i’ve had since yesterday mornin’!”
“i made that coffee yesterday morning.”
“hmmm, did you now? seems i dont remember…” he grinned teasingly, pushing up his glasses in ‘thought’.
“yeah, course ya’ dont, ya old man.” teasing back, slipping him a slice of pie “i know you didnt eat, pops, cant have ya flopping dead during your morning show. who knows, maybe the cannibal will getcha. then i’ll have to take over the show.”
he smirked at her words, ha, if only she knew.
“well, aren’t you the sweetest little thing?” he said, taking the to-go box from her hands.
“well, you raised me, so you tell me.” you smiled brightly
his laughter rang through the diner, and soon yours as their vocals mixed together in a medley of sounds. they nearly mixed together perfectly. nearly.
some people looked at you weirdly, but you both never really minded. everyone in town knew you were his daughter and everyone in town knew he was your father. the talk of the town, especially when people found out your father of all people adopted you all those years ago.
he smiled at you wholeheartedly, something you only get to receive from him. “thats my girl.” his hand cupped your face, thumb brushing against the skin.
you placed your hand on top of his and smiled. “love ya’, pa.”
“love you more, my dear.”
you patted his hand, signing him to let go. “now shoo, before you’re actually late. you got an audience waiting for you all ‘round the area. can’t have them sitting for too long, hm?”
with a tip of his head, he bidded you and the ladies of the diner farewell, grabbing his coffee and pie, slipping out the door.
one of your coworkers called out your name “hunny, you better help a girl out! is your fatha’ up for grabs?” she giggled, winking at you.
“oh hush, lonnie! that's my dad..!”
——————— PRESENT.
“OH, don’t worry, it’s really not that hard! you just flip the book and let them in! see? simple.” st. peter directed you to the golden podium of the pearly white gates.
“are you sure i’m even allowed to do this? look.. i’m happy to help. i just don’t wantcha to get in trouble with the Seraphims.” you floated down onto the podium, scanning the big book of entries.
“it wouldn’t be for long! thank you so much, by the way. you really are heaven’s little helper, huh?” he elbowed you and gave that big smile he had. it was almost blinding. literally.
“haha, yeahhh… if you say so.” you turned and flipped through the pages for what seemed to endlessly go on.
“who names their kid breakfast?”
“now, now, we dont go and judge what those humans name their offspring!” he placed his two hands on your shoulders in reassurance. you cock an eyebrow at his word choice, but next thing you know hes already flying off to do who knows what. ‘saintly duties.’
“huh.” you continued to flip through the pages to examine the very odd name choices, nodding at some and… skipping through others.
minutes, maybe even hours went by until sudden echoes from down the golden pathway filled your ears. they shoot up in reaction to the newfound sound.
“uhhh, heelloooo? helloooo!” the blonde hair girl called out
“hiya!,” you call out , “how may i help ya’? well, getting into heaven i guess, huh?” you laughed at yourself, watching the girl’s nerves calm down a bit. behind her was a recognizable individual. you know, it nearly looked like vagg—
“OH— uh, uh, uh— hello! my name is charlie morningstar. heh.”
“alright, lets see…” you flipped through the alphabetized record only to find every name known to man BUT a charlie morningstar.
panic fills your core when you cant find it, scanning the page over and over and over again to no avail.
“uhhhh, you see, slight problem, hun...” you start, throwing in a name to ease her name. “i, uhm, can’t find your name… but you know! the trek all the way to the uh, other place, is a long way. maybe i can like… sneak ya’ in—”
“OH, no, no, THAT won’t be necessary. uh— see, my dad got me this meeting, so maybe try lucifer… morningstar..”
“OH, uh.. uhuh.” you nod “i see.” you nod quicker. your eyes darted to the gray haired girl who looked at you with the same tense expression.
“i think there may have been a, um..” you put your hands together “mishap… but i am SURE it is a just BIG misunderstanding, haha!”
a mighty voice called out to you, one that could shake all of heaven’s foundation.
“remercier dieu…” you say, quite literally.
“don’t worry, we can take it from here.” sera’s voice reassured, the normal call smile present on her face. you bowed your head in respect which she kindly returns.
behind her was an excited emily which shot you an ecstatic wave. her smile was about to explode with happiness which only grew more as she approached charlie, the princess of hell.
st. peter pops out of nowhere and of course, starts singing his welcome song.
see, you didnt think it was bad, it was quite good, but hearing it over and over again for the past century really takes a toll on your ears.
after his musical number, em is basically ready to explode into a pile of rainbows and sparkles. “oh, oh! i gotta show you! the zoo, the petting zoo, the aquarium, the- the EVERYTHING!”
her and charlie jump for joy as they start running off.
“oh come on, do we need to ru— yEUP okay.” you’re dragged along the crossfire, em tugging on your wrist.
you catch a glimpse of adam and lute. they did not seem… very ecstatic.
“em. emily. emmy. e.” you bring her to the stop. her happiness was contagious, a sickness, her happiness basically flooding into your veins.
“i know you’re excited, sugar,” you start, “but maybe, i show them their room first. how's that sound?”
with some reluctance, emily allows you to guide the two girls to their temporary room.
“here, let me get that—” with an easy spell you learned, you pick up their bags weightlessly.
“follow me, i’ll show ya your room.”
— — — — — — — — — — — —
on the way there, you’re bombarded with questions from the princess. not that you were complaining of course, you found it quite endearing.
“wow, your sprinkles have RAINBOWS in them?!”
“yup, those are just rainbow sprinkles,” you chuckle lightly at her innocent excitement, “so.. about this hazbin hotel you were talkin’ about, mrs. morningstar…”
“oh, please, call me charlie!”
“charlie,” you smiled ,”i really do love the idea. quite innovative! you have my support. do you already have people staying?”
“oh, we only have.. two residents. but we do have lovelt staff! we have a maid.. nifty, she’s harmless, most of the time.. and a bar-tender, husker, he’s great, grumpy, but great! vaggie, my lovely girlfriend keeps the hotel safe,” she smiles brightly at her partner, “oh, and our host, alastor! he’s uh.. the radio demon, BUT HE MEANS WELL! i think.”
the name rung in your mind, bouncing off the walls and causing them to shoot jolts through your head. it was like a migraine, but worse. radio demon. it was strikingly familiar resemblance to your father (father?), but who knows! there are probably many alastors that loved radio.
“i see,” you nod, “well i wish you luck on the growth of your hotel.” you opened the entrance of there room and landed their bags perfectly in the corner.
“wow, okay, i LOVE heaven! everythings so clean and nice! AHH, and emilys going to bring me to a zoo where everythings fluffy and soft!” you zone out the rest of their conversation before charlie bids her goodbye.
“safe travels, charlie.” you bow your head in respect, earning a giggle from the princess.
“thank you sososososo much for your help! heh, alright SEE YOU LATER!”
silence filled the room.
“vaggie.” you started, not bothering to around and fully face her. “knew that was you, cant hide from me under all that hair. looks good, though.”
“uhhhhhhhhhhh—” she says your name in a frantic manner, causing you to cock your eyebrow “ah, fuck, i can’t think of an excuse.”
“look, vaggie, i dont know.” you sigh “you disappear for your ‘yearly outing’ to god knows where then you go missing for years, now you come back to be dating lucifer’s daughter.”
“i know, i’m so—“
“no no, don’t apologize. i get it. im happy for ya, vags, but damn, years. i dont know what you do on that one day, but adam and lute didnt seem very happy when they saw ya today.” pinching the bridge of your nose, you turned to her.
“look, adam tried recruiting me to god knows what when you went missing. said i got good aim or something. im just telling ya to be smart. i got no idea what he was trying to do with me, so im telling ya’ to not give in to that prick. i’ll be at todays meeting; i work as the court reporter.”
she pondered your statement for a bit, snapping out of her thoughts once you handed her the room key. you offered her a smile, which she hesitantly returned.
“ah, come on, smile like you mean it! though a smile may not mean everything, you’re never fully dressed without one.” that phrase rang in vaggie’s ears. that was oddly familiar.
a little too familiar.
it was your time to bid farewell, but before you did, she called out to you.
“thank you.”
“ah, don’t mention it. we’re friends, arent we?”
and with that you shut the door.
— — — — — — — — — — —
SCRIBBLING. writing. swirls of ink as you titled the paper in preparation. COURT ISSUE 36789127. it made you think, whos counting all these issues?
“WHAT’S UUUP, BA-BY!” the annoying ring of adam’s voice filled the court room. he was like a toddler, ironic as he is the oldest human soul known to mankind. he was mankind. a sick joke for it too.
every little thing he said you were required to write down, even if it was a dumb, immature response.
“we are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by the means of this Hazbin Hotel… Princess Morningstar?”
the blonde takes a stand and clears her throat,
“Webster’s Dictionary defined redemption as—”
you scribbled that down.
“..incredible progress..”
“… the porn demon …!”
“well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?”
that puts a halt in the discussion, causing you to lift your head and wait for an answer. she had a point. how did you get here in the first place?
a copy of adam’s terms were presented to your table: act selfless, don’t steal, stick it to the man.
well damn, if those were the terms, even your father (father?) would be in heaven, right now.
evidence was presented, words have been thrown, objections were made. the endless back and forth of right and wrong being thrown around the courtroom. not even the written word could convey the thick tension lathering the walls of the heavenly court.
all the evidence weights to charlie’s side, and yet, the judges say otherwise.
“wait, none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?”
this sparks a musical entrance from emily which you would say was surprising, but you would be lying to yourself.
good thing i took band and choir you thought. perfect pitch came in handy as you noted every chord and pitch in your work.
at this point, you were ready to combust. it was clear who won but the rulers of heaven seemed adamant to keep it from happening. it was suspicious, ironic even.
“..don’t you care, sera…”
“..just because someone was dead..”
“he blew the shot like the cocks in his…”
“..come down and exterminate you..”
your quill snaps in half as you look up from your paper. extermination.
from heaven itself.
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