#and his ironkids
youblogzz · 1 year
Zabelle Eugenio, Euan Ramos run the show in IRONKIDS
Zabelle Eugenio, left, and Euan Ramos after ruling their respective categories in the IRONKIDS Philippines in Subic Bay. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO MANILA, Philippines-Euan Ramos kicked his way to the top in the bike stage and went on to claim the boys’ crown while Zabelle Eugenio took charge in the opening swim leg to complete a wire-to-wire victory in the girls’ side of the IRONKIDS Philippines in…
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Finally on chapter 5 of Vision's story! Once done and edited there will be a little warning before posting!
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funnyincorrectmcu · 3 years
Peter: So I guess that makes me co-captain. Harley: Excuse me? I’m the co-captain. Peter: Nope. I called it. I’m in the chair. I’m co-captain. Harley: What?! That is so not how that works! Peter: Totally is. Peter: Mr. Stark, will you tell him I’m co-captaining? Tony: You’re co-irritating me, both of you!
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
Sticky and Sweet (Ironkid!Reader x Peter Parker)
Requested by anonymous for #25 -  Peter Parker x Ironkid where Peter accidentally webs them together while on a date. 
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“Are you proud of yourself, Peter?” you ask coldly as Peter blushes, your noses barely an inch from each other.
“I feel like there’s a specific answer you want to hear.” Peter mumbles. “And I kinda want to give you the one that leads to us kissing.”
You snarl. “Peter, you blew up your web shooter and stuck us together. There is no situation where this leads to kissing until you get us out!”
“We have four hours until it dissolves.”
“You are not making this any better.”
“Sure you don’t wanna-”
You sigh. “We have two options. We call May.”
Peter shakes his head. “Nope. Not a chance.”
“Because May will ground me for getting web on my boyfriend.”
“No she won’t!”
“Okay, fine. But she’ll tease me soooo much.”
You growl. “But if we call my dad he’ll tease us more!”
“But May can’t do anything about this. So if we tell her, she’ll just call Mr. Stark and we’ll have both of them teasing us.”
“You owe me so much for this. Parker.”
He nods. “I’m sorry, Y/N, the most amazing boyfriend in the world. I’ll do anything you say for a week.”
You call your dad and explain the situation. He requests to be put on Face Time and you awkwardly shuffle with Peter so he can see you two.
After about a solid minute of laughter, Tony adopts a stern look.
“Kid, didn’t you think to use protection? You got web all over my son!”
Peter blushes. and you glare.
Tony grins at you. “Wow, you must have really, uh... excited Underoos, huh?”
“Dad, do me a favor. Shut up?”
“Ha. Sure, kid...”
Rest assured. This moment goes down in your father’s memory.
And he tells May.
So they both tease you.
Whenever you go off alone together and one of them sees, they’ll mention “Peter, make sure you take off your web canisters!”
“Or Y/N, leave your boyfriend’s web cans alone!”
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MCU: Logan Barnes-Stark- Iron Man 2 (part iv)
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Pairing: Tony Stark x IronKid!OC (Logan Barnes)
Summary: Another show-down occurs, leaving Tony and Logan to fight for their lives. An opportunity opens up for Logan, allowing them to be a kid again.
Warnings: curse words, blood, mentions of death, bullets + missiles, other weaponry, electric shocks, death threats, hospitals, IVs, explosions, fire, etc.
Word Count: 4696
May 12, 2010, Flushing New York, USA
“You ready, kid?”
“Yep. Find Pepper and Natasha while you land, keep an eye on them, lay low.” I repeated the plan.
“Atta girl.”
I snorted. It sounded demeaning, but I knew Tony didn’t mean it the way it was meant for a dog. I was in the suit, ready to help Tony fight, as a girl. Since I had found out about the palladium poisoning, I had stayed a girl for the most part. I felt vulnerable, and I had let myself stay that way. And Tony knew.
“Alright, show time.”
We approached the Expo, and Tony made a beeline for the stage. Eyes stayed on him as I circled over the audience. JARVIS beeped as he found Pepper and Natasha, putting their seat numbers on the top corner of my screen. I made my way up to the rafters, settling in the connection of two beams.
“JARVIS, power-saving mode.” I whispered as Tony landed.
The audience went crazy, and I could see the disgust on Hammer’s face from here. My reactor went dim, my repulsors turned off, and the suit finally stopped whirring. My connection to Tony was still open, and if I had wanted to, I could pull up information on anybody in the audience.
“We got trouble.” Tony walked toward the center of the stage.
Mark II, blinged out and armed to the max. I snorted. Did they really believe the old suit could handle that much?
“Is that Rhodey?” I whispered.
Tony hummed as Rhodey spoke to him, something about civilians and orders, and not right now. Tony joined him at his side.
“Give them a wave, come on.” Tony waved at the audience, who was still screaming.
“Hey, alright! Yeah!” Hammer took control of the situation back.
“All these people are in danger, we’ve gotta get them out of here.” Tony waved again. “You’ve gotta trust me for the next five minutes.”
Rhodey waved weakly, and Tony leaned in so I could hear Rhodey through his microphone.
“Yeah, I tried that. I got tossed around your house, remember?”
“Listen.” Tony hissed. “We think he’s working with Vanko.”
“Vanko’s alive?” I watched Rhodey’s head turn as Tony started walking toward Hammer.
“JARVIS, can you get me a connection with Rhodey?”
JARVIS fell silent as he hacked through Hammer’s firewall on the Mark II suit. Tony reached Hammer, head held high.
“Where is he?”
“What?” Hamer turned around.
“Where’s Vanko?”
“Tell me.” Tony pressed.
“You now have a connection with the Mark II suit. I have to warn you, Miss Barnes, I’m not sure how secure it is.”
“Doesn’t matter, thanks JARVIS. Hey, Rhodey?”
I watched as he looked around the stage, head swiveling.
“It’s Logan. I came with Tony, just staying out of sight.”
“Logan, what’s going on?”
“Hammer’s working with Vanko. We’ve gotta get these people out of here, ASAP.”
“What are you doing here, man?” Hammer scoffed.
I went to pinch the bridge of my nose, but all I got was my suit against my face. I sighed, and Rhodey gasped.
The connection cut. “Shit. JARVIS?”
“Somebody’s hacked his suit, Miss Barnes.”
“Yeah, us.” I kept my eyes on Rhodey.
The machine gun at his shoulder went up, and Tony was at alert. “Is that you?”
“No, I-I’m not doing that, that’s not me.” Rhodey was frantic.
“Dad?” I called, ready to take off.
“Lay low, kid.”
Rhodey began to shout. He was locked up. Hammer’s army of drones powered to life, arms going up.
“Dad.” I urged.
“Get Pepper out of here.”
“Go, the whole system’s been compromised!” Rhodey cried.
“Let’s take it outside.” Tony flipped off the stage and went up.
My suit whirred, and I put my arm up just in time to avoid a bullet to the helmet. Hammer’s drones were firing at Tony. I cursed to myself as I maneuvered off the rafter, diving down into the crowd. The air wasn’t safe right now, I couldn’t just pluck Pepper and fly her off.
“JARVIS, where is she?” I barked.
The screen beeped, trying to find her in the mess of people. Rhodey’s suit took off after Tony, and I could hear his shouts as half the drones followed.
“JARVIS, break in, I need to own him!” Tony hissed.
“Yes, sir.”
I could hear Tony’s suits taking shots, and I grimaced. People shoved past me, screaming as they ran. I looked around, but Pepper and Natasha were nowhere to be found. I took a deep breath, hoping Happy was with them.
I was interrupted by a screech that made my blood freeze. The drones left on the stage were now moving.
“Miss Barnes?”
“Stop looking for Pepper. We have to keep everyone safe now.” I took off, heading straight for the heaviest-armed drone I spotted.
It engaged, meeting me in the air. I huffed, breaths shaky. It made the first move, heading for me as shots fired. They dented the suit as they bounced off. I let it come closer, lungs tightening.
“Come on, fucker.” I hissed, waiting.
The drone came for my arc reactor, missile arm out. I grabbed it and pulled, momentum pulling it down to the floor. I anchored my feet against the chest of the suit and took off, hands locked on the arm. It tore off the drone, and I barked at JARVIS to disarm it as I dove.
“You’re mine, bitch.” I growled as the drone raised its other arm.
I landed over it before it could shoot. I smacked its arm aside and grabbed it by the head, twisting. I grunted as I yanked the head off, leaving the machine fizzling as it died. I grinned and turned, seeing the rest of the drones with their attention on me.
“JARVIS, turn on external speakers.”
“Yes, Miss Barnes.”
I held its head up and began to sway back and forth. “That’s right, motherfuckers. I killed your brother.” I sang. “Come and get me.”
I took off into the air, and my screen beeped.
“Whatcha got for me, JARVIS?”
“Miss Potts has been located.”
“That’s not helpful right now.” I glanced over my shoulders to see the drones gaining on me. “Is she safe?”
“She’s on the phone with the NYPD.”
I huffed. “Good enough for me. Dad!”
“I can’t get his suit, Logan.” Tony hissed.
I heard screams from below, and I looked down to see explosions. I looked over my shoulder again. Only a quarter of the drones were following me now. I cursed to myself.
“Dad, what do we do?”
“Is Pepper safe?”
“As safe as she’s gonna get, Dad. What do we do?” I pressed.
“Just gimme a sec, kiddo.”
We evaded shot after shot. I groaned as an idea popped into my head. Tony noticed, grunting.
“What is it?”
“Just trust me.” I hummed as I cut the thrusters.
A drone flew under, and I landed. The others began to shoot, targeting me. I closed my eyes and counted. Tony screamed in my ears. I powered back to life and jumped off just in time. The drone exploded, and the rubble took down a second one. My armor took a shot to the shoulder, and I grimaced. My skin felt like it was burning, and the soreness spread.
Tony bounced between the air and the floor, protecting people and taking out all the drones he could. One was targeting a kid with an Iron Man mask on. He took it out and thanked the kid before coming back up into the air.
“Alright, we gotta get this away from the Expo.”
“Loud and clear.” I responded as I followed his lead.
He led us through a parking structure, and car alarms began to blare. One drone crashed into a support beam, and my stomach began to knot. Tony was silent, and I swallowed hard. Whatever his plan was, I needed to trust it.
Cars exploded as we dodged the shots coming from Rhodey’s suits. Tony groaned as we flew through the air.
“Kid, listen, a pack just went back to the Expo.”
“Got it. Be safe!” I peeled off, heading back.
I shut my eyes and aimed for the river by the parking garage, diving. Alarms blared in my ears, and JARVIS began to shout at me.
“Miss Barnes-”
“Just trust me!” I hissed as we broke into the water.
My repulsors malfunctioned, and the drones fell in with crashes. Their weight was enough to pull them down, and they didn’t have the power to get back up. I smacked the reactor in my chest, but to no avail. I sighed.
“JARVIS, how long for the reactor to dry off?” I started to swim for it.
“Fifteen minutes minimum.”
“Cool. Kill it.” I broke into the air. “My turn.”
My shoulder throbbed as I took off into the air. My chest burned, and the line rang. I groaned, shaking the water off of the helmet.
“Expo, now! I’ve got a plan!”
I put it into overdrive as I flew over the freeways, no longer being tailed. The fires started three blocks down, buildings collapsed and cars on their sides all over. I watched as drones fell into the water, trying to follow Tony through the fountains. More took off, leaving the sidewalk and coming after us both. I watched from behind as Tony flew through the metal globe, bouncing around and popping out from beside the North Pole. The drones didn’t have the same ability, as they crashed into the other continents and exploded.
“Nice!” I grinned.
One drone was left, and I followed Tony’s technique, bouncing off South America and coming out the side. The drone took out the Falkland Islands and crashed to the ground, in flames. I chuckled before taking off after Tony and Rhodey.
“Sorry, buddy. Had to thin out the herd. What’s your twenty?”
There was no response from Rhodey, and I watched as he t-boned Tony, sending them crashing into the woods. I groaned. The golf-course we had crashed in had been built around three miles of area, most of it shrubbery. That meant we only had three miles to eradicate the drones before they spread back out into the city.
He was sprawled in a creek, and Rhodey was getting to his feet.
“Miss Barnes, the arc reactor is ready.”
“Perfect timing. Kick it!”
I aimed for Rhodey and tackled him, sending us tumbling over Tony’s suit. Rhodey reared back and kicked, pushing me off and onto my back. I groaned, shoulder aching. Rhodey straddled my suit, one hand keeping me down as the machine gun shoulders deployed.
I struggled, but I was in no condition to worm my way out of this one. I took a breath, watching as Rhodey’s gun came an inch from my face. After ten shots, the faceplate would be gone, and I would be dead.
I heard Tony’s voice as he came behind Rhodey, pulling him into a chokehold. I dodged the shots that fired before getting to my feet. I peered at Tony over Rhodey’s shoulder, forcing his arms out and the bullets away from us.
“Ready?” I asked.
He sighed. “Ready.”
We fired our repulsors, and two feet off the ground, Rhodey’s suit went dead. It fell from our hands, and the overcompensation of the repulsors sent us flying.
“JARVIS, cut the power!” Tony shouted as we came to the verge of spiraling out of control.
We landed on our feet in the creek. The external line rang, and Tony answered with a huff.
“Reboot complete. You’ve got your best friend back.”
I grinned. Natasha had gotten it done.
“Thank you very much, Agent Romanoff.” Tony tried to catch his breath.
“Well done with the new chest piece, I’m reading significantly higher output and your vitals all look promising.”
I rolled my eyes as I heard Tony’s scoff.
“Yes, for the moment, I’m not dying. Thank you.”
“What do you mean you’re not dying? Did she say you were dying?” I heard Pepper’s voice on another line.
I whistled, looking at Tony. He and Pepper began to argue, and a video feed of Natasha popped up onto my screen. She looked back and forth, eyebrows furrowed.
“I was going to make you an omelet and tell you!” Tony scowled.
“Hey, hey, save it for the honeymoon.” Natasha cut him off before he could start another sentence. “You two have incoming.”
“Incoming?” I looked at Tony again. “I thought we took them all out.”
“No.” Natasha shook her head. “Looks like the fight’s coming to you.”
“Okay.” Tony sighed. “Pepper?”
“Are you okay now?” She pressed.
“I am fine. Don’t be mad, I will formally apologize-”
“I am mad!”
“When I am not fending off a Hammeroid attack.”
I bursted into laughter, and I heard Pepper sigh. They continued to bicker as I knelt by Rhodey, tapping a finger on his helmet.
“Rhodes?” I looked up. “Come on, man, we need you.”
“They’re coming, let’s roll.” Tony’s suit whirred.
Rhodey’s helmet opened, and he let out a huff. “You can have your suit back.”
Tony chuckled as we pulled Rhodey to his feet. “You okay?” Tony lifted his faceplate.
“Yeah. Thanks.” Rhodey sighed. “Tony, look. I’m sorry, okay?”
“Don’t be.” Tony shook his head.
“No, I should’ve trusted you more.”
“I’m the one who put you in this position, forget it.”
“No, it’s your fault.” Rhodey waved a hand. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.” Tony grinned. “That’s all I wanted to hear. Partner.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m right here. Look, these fuckers are coming any second. What’s the play?”
“Well we want the high ground, so let’s put the biggest gun up on that bridge.” Rhodey pointed.
“Gotcha. Where do you wanna be?” Tony began to walk off.
“What’re you talking about? I meant me.”
“No, you have a big gun, you are not the big gun.” Tony scoffed.
“Tony, don’t be jealous.”
“No, it’s subtle, all the bells and whistles.”
“Yeah, it’s called being a badass.” Rhodey retorted.
“Fine.” Tony scoffed, rolling his eyes.
I popped my faceplate and stood in front of them, rolling my eyes once more.
“Look, you go up top, Tony and I’ll draw them in.” I pointed.
“Well you two can’t stay down here, that’s the worst place to be.”
“Okay, you’ve got a spot. Where’s ours?” Tony groaned.
I looked up to see the drone’s lights. I put my helmet back into place.
“This is the kill box, this is where you go to die!” Rhodey began to argue back.
“Hey morons!” I fired up my repulsors. “Let’s rock.”
The drones landed all around us, enclosing us in a circle. The three of us formed a triangle, backs to each other. The drones stepped forward and began to fire, and we shot back. One stepped forward for Tony, who took it down single-handedly.
Rhodey shot another, splitting it down the middle. I took a missile to the shoulder, flying back into the dirt. Alarms beeped in my ears as I scrambled to stand. I grabbed the missile off the ground and chucked it as far as I could. A swing came at my head, and I latched onto the arm as it missed, pulling it up into the air with me. I did the same thing I had done at the Expo, ripping its arm off. This time, I used it to beat its own head in. Tony fired three mini-missiles, ripping his targeted drones to shreds.
“See that?” He teased.
“Yeah yeah, nice.” Rhodey was annoyed.
I kicked another drone’s head in, watching as more landed. “What the fuck?” I groaned.
“Rhodey? Logan. Get down!” Tony ordered.
I grabbed Rhodey by the shoulder before he could protest, pulling us down to Tony’s knee-level. Tony punched his fists together and spun in a circle, lasers cutting down everything within a mile radius. Trees crashed, and the rest of the drones dropped, dead.
“I think you should lead with that next time.”
“Yeah. Sorry, boss, I can only use it once. It’s a one-off.”
“Think there’s any more?” Rhodey and I got to our feet.
I huffed, grabbing my shoulder through my armor. “God, I sure hope not.”
The line rang, and Tony answered.
“Heads up, you’ve got one more drone incoming.” Natasha warned. “This one looks different. The repulsor signature is significantly higher.”
The drone landed five yards from us, head down. I groaned. A suit, not a drone. It stood and the helmet rose to reveal Vanko.
“Good to be back.” He grinned.
“Oh, this ain’t gonna be good.” Rhodey whined.
Vanko pushed his arms out, and electrified whips ten times the strength of the first ones came from his wrists. I shuffled backwards, now by Tony’s side.
“I got something special for this guy.” Rhodey spoke. “I’m gonna bust his bunker with the Ex-Wife.” He stepped forward.
Tony and I shared a look through our helmets before looking at him. “With the what?”
His suit whirred, and a tiny missile powered up from his shoulder. It flew at Vanko, bounced off his suit, and fizzled in the water. I groaned.
“Hammer tech?”
Rhodey only sighed.
“I got this.” Tony’s own shoulder-missiles took off, but Vanko put his helmet on back in time.
He stepped toward us, cracking the whips. Each time they moved, they seemed to get stronger. He cracked them between us. Tony backwards, Rhodey off to his right, and me off to his left. We landed on our feet, firing at him. Rhodey’s bullets did nothing, and Vanko’s whip popped one of his shoulder-weapons off. I shot into the air, but Vanko’s whips wrapped around my torso, throwing me back against a boulder. I landed with a grunt as Tony fired at him. Again, the repulsors did nothing, and Rhodey fired with the weaponry he had left. I got to my feet and ran at Vanko. He caught me, sending me flying over his shoulder.
I landed in a tree, and Tony flew around him to come to my side. Vanko hit Rhodey down. I latched my hands together, and Tony wedged his foot in, flying at Vanko with a roar. He hit him in the head, distracting Vanko enough for Tony to get a few punches in. I followed after him, but Vanko reared his head back. I crashed back to the ground as Vanko wrapped a whip around Tony’s neck, dragging him along as he stepped toward Rhodey.
Rhodey kept firing, but Vanko stepped on his middle, boot of armor tightening. Rhodey groaned, and Vanko removed his helmet. I got to my feet, ready to take the chance. Tony yanked back on the whip around his neck. Vanko tugged tighter, grabbing Rhodey by the neck and pulling him to his feet. I caught Tony’s eye as I ran, trying to make it to the bridge. I pointed at Vanko, whose head was still exposed.
“Rhodes, I got an idea! You wanna be a hero?”
“Put your hand up!”
“This is your idea?” Rhodey scoffed.
They put their hands up, as they had during the fight at Tony’s party. They shouted to each other, both ready to fire. The repulsors fired, and I watched as Vanko tried to undo the whips, but to no avail.
“Go!” I shouted to them as I took off from the bridge.
The repulsors exploded against each other, and I latched onto Vanko’s back, pushing him face-first into the ground. Tony and Rhodey flew backwards, and I got up, breathing heavily. Vanko’s suit was busted, reactor light dimming. His helmet opened, and I grabbed him by the hair, tugging him forward to lean against a rock. He looked at me through bloody eyes. I straddled him, pulling my arm up to beat his jaw in.
“You lose.” He spoke weakly, a grin on his face.
His reactor began to beep from beneath me, joined by the dozens of others from drones we had beaten.
“Dad!” I shouted, hearing their suits whir as they got to their feet. “They’re rigged to blow, we’ve gotta move.”
I stood from my spot over Vanko and scoffed. I kicked him in the face, and Tony grabbed me by the scruff, pulling me into the air with him. I fired my own repulsors as we took off, Tony frantically calling Pepper. He took off ahead of us, headed for the Expo.
“Dad?” I called.
“I’ve got her!”
The connection cut out, and I cursed, powering ahead. “JARVIS, where is he?”
I spotted Tony’s reactor light before JARVIS could answer. He was pulling Pepper into a kiss on a rooftop. I grinned, slowly landing behind Tony. Rhodey joined, and we crept to lean against the edge of the building.
“Weird.” Tony hummed.
“No, it isn’t weird.” Pepper smiled at him.
“It’s okay, right?”
She nodded at him, and he pulled her back into a kiss.
“I think it’s a little weird.” I spoke with a grin on my face.
“You guys look like two seals fighting over a grape.” Rhodey joined in.
“I had just quit, actually, so I was just-” Pepper scrambled to explain.
“You don’t have to do that.” Rhodey shook his head.
“We heard the whole thing.”
“You two should get lost.” Tony pointed at us.
“You two should get a roof.” Rhodey shot back.
“I thought you were out of one-liners.”
“Yeah, that’s the last one.” Rhodey sighed.
“You kicked ass out there, by the way.”
“Thanks, you too.” Rhodey got to his feet. “Listen, my car got taken out in the explosion, so I’m gonna have to hang on to your suit for a minute, okay?”
Tony shook his head. “Not okay. Not okay with that.”
“It wasn’t a question.” Rhodey’s faceplate dropped and he took off.
I waved the smoke away from my face and joined Pepper and Tony, leaning against him with a huff. “So you’re quitting?”
She chuckled, brushing a strand of stray hair behind my ear.
May 18, 2010, Undisclosed SHIELD Location
I cracked my knuckles as I paced. SHIELD had grabbed us and dropped us here, where we were supposed to meet with Fury. Tony swiped a file off the desk and went to open it, but Fury’s hand came down on it.
“I don’t think I want you looking at that. Logan, take a seat.”
I sighed as I sat down next to Tony.
“Not sure it pertains to you anymore.” Fury picked up a second file. “Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff’s assessment of you.” He handed it over. “Read it.”
Tony flipped it open and groaned. “Personality overview. Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior.” He looked up at Fury. “In my own defense, that was last week.”
Fury said nothing, and Tony turned back to the papers.
“Prone to self-destructive tendencies. I was dying.” Tony shrugged. “I mean, please. And aren’t we all?”
Fury still remained unimpressed, and Tony continued to read.
“Textbook… narcissism? Agreed. Okay, here it is. Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Logan Barnes-Stark? Yes. Iron Man? Yes.” He put the file down. “We gotta think about it.”
Fury shook his head. “Keep reading.”
I took the file from Tony and flipped it back open. “Tony Stark not recommended.” I scoffed.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Tony frowned. “How can you approve me but not approve me? I got a new ticker, I-I’m trying to do right by Pepper. I mean, hell, Logan’s gonna go to school.”
“Excuse me?” I snapped, turning to look at him.
Fury sighed. “We’d only like to use you as a consultant.”
Tony thought about it, stood, and held his hand out. Fury shook it and Tony gave him a smile as he cupped his hand over theirs.
“You can’t afford me.”
He waved at me over his shoulder as he began to walk off, and I got up from the table with a scowl. Tony turned on his heel, back-tracking.
“Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favor. Rhodey, Logan, and I are being honored in Washington and we need a presenter.” Tony grinned.
Fury nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“You are not sending me to school.” I hissed. “Right?”
“Sorry, bug. Non-negotiable.”
May 20, 2010
“It is my honor to be here today to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, Mr. Tony Stark, and Mr. Logan Barnes-Stark.” Senator Stern stood at the podium, speaking through a pained smile. “Of course, those two are national treasures.”
He made his way to us, pinning the awards on our suit jackets. He did Rhodey first, pinning it gently.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel, for such an exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this.”
“Thank you, sir.” Rhodey didn’t waver from his spot.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark, for such an exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this.” Stern dug the pin into Tony’s skin and muttered an apology. “Funny how annoying a little prick can be, isn’t it?”
He turned to me, and I held my hand out. “I’ll do it myself, thanks.”
I stuck the pin onto my jacket, shuffling over to Tony’s side as the press began to swarm us for pictures. He grinned, satisfied with Senator Stern’s discomfort.
“I’ve got news, kid.” Tony leaned in.
“What’s up?”
“I got you into a school in New York. If you wanna go, the spot’s yours.”
“Dad…” I kept my smile for the photos, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.
“I just… we always talk about how you never finished, and you’re a smart kid, and I figured you should at least have the option.”
I broke the pose and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and patted my back with a chuckle.
“Thank you, Dad.”
June 1, 2010, Queens, New York, USA
“Well?” Tony spoke from the other end.
I sighed as I looked up at the building, bag slung over my shoulder. “It’s big.”
I sighed again. “Nervous. Wish you were here.”
I heard him chuckle, and I looked down at the screen to see him grinning, arm around Pepper. Her eyes were shut and her head was nestled against his neck. I smiled, happy for them. It had taken them long enough.
“I should get going, Dad. I don’t wanna be late.”
He chuckled again. “You’re such a dork.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’ll call you once I get back to the apartment?”
He nodded. “Sounds good to me, kiddo. Be safe.”
“Love you.”
“I love you too, now go.” He whispered.
I took a deep breath as I hung up, sliding my phone into my pocket. I tightened the blue bracelet on my wrist and began to walk up the stairs. A girl rushed beside me, her shoe catching on one of the steps. On instinct, I reached out and caught her arm before she could hit the ground face-first.
“You okay?” I asked, pulling her back onto her feet.
“Thank you.” She blushed. “God, that is so embarrassing.”
I chuckled as I bent over, helping her pick up her books. “It’s alright, I fall down the stairs all the time.”
I handed her pile of books back as we straightened out, and she cocked her head. She was pretty, loose brown waves cascading over her shoulders. Her eyes were the color of beans, and her lips were pink and plump. She broke into a grin as she pushed her circle-rimmed glasses up.
“You’re Logan Barnes-Stark, aren’t you? Iron Man’s kid.”
I chuckled. “You caught me.” I held my hand out. “And you are?”
“Magnolia Ortega.” She shook my hand. “Could I walk you to class?”
I took my hand back and readjusted my bag. “I’d like that.”
“Come on, then.” She started up the stairs, eyeing me over her shoulder.
I couldn’t help the idiotic smile spreading over my face. Maybe New York wouldn’t be so bad. I cleared my throat and skipped over the steps, trying to catch up to her.
Previous: Iron Man 2 (part iii)
Next: The Avengers (part i)
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themculibrary · 4 years
can i have some cute ironstrange family one shots? 🥺
Sure! I hope you enjoy one of these:
Family Matters (ao3) - amaryllis (Lilly0)
Summary: There is not much Stephen Strange knows about Tony Stark, aside from the obvious. Billionaire, superhero, scientist. Sometimes their paths cross when Stephen helps the Avengers.Stephen never cared much. Until one faithful day he sees Tony with his young child Peter at the pediatrist. Seeing how he cradles his son in his arms, strikes something in Stephen.
Peter is shy and antsy around everyone who isn't his father. Surprisingly though he warms up towards Stephen.
(Basically papa!Tony with his son Pete, who meets Stephen)
Field Trip (ao3) - GoringWriting
Summary: Peter loves his family, Tony and Stephen are awesome parents...Until they refuse to let Peter skip a field trip to Stark Industries.
Holding Hope (ao3) - Beau16
Summary: A one night stand leaves Tony with an unexpected result. Tony's not sure he can raise a kid on his own, not with his own upbringing ringing in his ears.
Second Chances (ao3) - nanosorcerer
Summary: Six months after the Battle for Earth, and Tony's anxiety is still getting the better of him. He's finding ways to work through it, though, and feels it's about time he confessed his feelings to a certain sorcerer.
AU where Carol used the gauntlet instead of Tony, and he gets to be alive and be a slight traumatized, but happy house husband + one (1) sorcerer. Ironkid fluff and shenanigans intermixed with some Ironstrange angst as they work through what the aftermath of the Endgame battle has left them with.
Your Turn (ao3) - IgotItAtTheHotTopical
Summary: It’s Stephens turn to fight the monsters. More like a crying rascal.
- Tori
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bruhelpimgay · 4 years
little avengers ship things
Peter and Harley both being super overprotective
Peter in Harley’s lap
Them working together on an AI
Peter loving all Harley’s little pet names like “darlin, spider, baby, honey etc”
Steve taking care of Tony when he’s sick, but Tony insisting that he’s fine
Tony giving all these huge gifts to Steve for EVERY occasion (on valentines day there’s this 30 foot tall heart outside their apartment)
Them both taking care of all the ironkids
Them ‘fighting’ but not really 
Pietro always winning at everything - except archery - and them being really competitive
Pietro falling asleep with Clint and freaking out when he wakes up
Clint trying to teach Pietro to shoot
Their nicknames for each other are like “dumbass bird” and “old man” or something because they still sorta pretend they hate each other
Sam is actually really protective of Bucky
Steve convincing them to do a couples photoshoot for the media
Bucky letting Nat do his hair and then Sam not being able to handle the adorableness
Wanda and Vision (sry idk the ship name):
Wanda trying to teach Vision to cook
Vision being way overprotective
Wanda getting Vision to cuddle and watch a movie
“Vis, we talked about this” moments
these are not my only marvel ships, but i just thought of these things so
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burnt-coffeebeans · 4 years
The Return of Superman AU (Irondad ver. )
For those who don’t know what “The Return of Superman” is, it’s a Korean reality tv-show that features Dads (mostly celebrity/sport dads) taking care of their kids. It’s really cute and definitely people should watch if you love dad and children moments
Tony was reluctant on joining the show because he didn’t want to put his kids in the spotlight at such a young age. However, he agreed to do so he can show people and disprove rumors that he is a bad father. (It was Pepper’s idea)
The first episode starts of with Kid!Peter (around age 3) waking up and going to the living room. He sees a bunch of cameras in tents, but he went up to the camera crew and smiled at them! Followed by Harley who is kinda cautious. He leads Peter away from the camera crew, and calls for Tony and ask who are the people/cameras.
Tony’s kids are Harley (age 5), Peter (age 3), and Morgan (not born yet.)
Tony’s introduction to the kids went like this:
“Harley is kinda like a mini me, but better. He is smart, a bit sassy at times, and a very good big brother to Peter. Always sticking out for him, and protecting him in anyway he can. He’s not that spoiled but, he can outsmart you in ways you’d be surprised he can do at such a young age.”
“Peter is...he’s an angel. He’s sweet, kind, and sometimes too selfless. Even at a young age. He’s also very smart. His smile will brighten your life, any day. He can understand situation that most kids can’t normal understand. Like a cute wide-eye Bambi.”
“I want my kids to be better than me. I won’t get too deep into family details. But all I can tell you is that, I want to raise them better. I don’t want what happened to me, to happen to them. Especially with one on the way...”
Harley and Peter’s interactions are kinda like William and Bentley’s. But Peter has William’s smarts/ cheerful nature and Bentley’s metabolism. And Harley with Bentley’s wits and William’s smarts/brotherly nature.
Tony takes them out for fun little trips, like the park, kids cafe, playground, etc.
The special guests are of course the Avengers as they are the aunts and uncles of Tony’s kids. (let’s pretend Civil War didn’t happen.)
The most frequent uncle/aunt is either Clint, Nat, and Rhodey
They have a Father’s Day special episode, and it shows Harley and Peter going to a graveyard with Tony. It’s the grave of Howard and Maria Stark.
Tony talks to Howard’s grave telling it that “You weren’t a good father. I’m not sure if you even made an effort to be a good one, but all I can say is that...it wasn’t good. However, you did show me to avoid what you have done to me, to be a good father to my kids. Im not sure whether to be thankful for that or not...”
He goes over to Maria’s grave and kinda tears up. “I wish you could see them, Mamma. They are the best grandchildren you could ever wish for. They are the best children I never thought I’d have. You would have loved them to bits. Grazie, mamma. Ti amo.”
The next scene is of Peter and Harley hugging their father as he tries to hide his tears from his kids/camera. Then, they walk up to have hamburgers for lunch.
They leave the show for a while because Morgan is about to be born, and they want to spend some quality time together as a family. So they leave the show for a bit as a small hiatus from the Stark family.
They come back after a few months with a Baby Morgan (around 8 - 9 months old). Peter is like 4, and Harley is like 6.
Tony says that “Harley and Peter are the best big brothers to Morgan. I don’t know what I’d do without there help as big brothers.”
Morgan’s first walks and first words were recorded on the show. Tony’s face of joy was also shown.
Harley and Peter’s antics are very clever and it even amazes the camera crew on how smart they are really are.
The Starks’ final episode was set with them going to Coney Island, with Pepper. They have their fun and enjoy their time at the beach as a family.
They leave the show when Morgan turn 1 years old, as Tony didn’t want his kids to stay in the spotlight for too long. As Peter is already 4, and Harley is 6 (going to kindergarten).
They do show up as special guests and on anniversary episodes, to show how much they have grown and interact with the new kids on the show.
The avengers rewatch episodes Tony and his kids were in because they think Tony as a dad is very cute.
Peter, Harley, and Morgan rewatch the show when they are going to Highschool, and smile at the fun times they had as kids.
Spiderman was a guest on the show because Peter begged Tony to be on the show.
#Irondad and. #ironkids was born because of this show
That’s all I have in this headcanon for right now. I seriously wish they have a fanfic like this but a headcanon is alright for now. Fun fact: the actor who played Ned on Spiderman, was on William and Bentley’s segment on the show “The Return of Superman”. He gave William a limited signed poster of Spiderman movie and also a suit.
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Steve comes to visit because reasons and Harley, Peter and Morgan booby trap everything and tony and Stephen just watch and give ratings like is a cocking show.
Ironkids: *causing chaos*
Steve: *screaming*
Stephen: *reading his newspaper* Kids, stop, bad, no. *continues reading*
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jelly-pies · 4 years
Okay I have waaaay too many I'm intrigued by! Firstly, the old piano and space fix-it, what are those about? And Rhodey and Peter captured together sounds very interesting, can't wait! I also can't wait for the IronKids fluff and the time travel ones!!
Hi Catchy, thank you!! ❤️
The old piano: Tony learns piano on Maria's lap... and later teaches it to Morgan too
Space fixit: where Tony is on Carol and Nick Fury's ship (from the post credits scene of FFH), getting treated for his Snap injuries far into space
Rhodey and Peter captured together: yeah, basically, that 😅 I don't have much of a plot yet though 😅
Iron Kids fluff: just a bunch of fluffy ideas I may or may not turn into a 5+1 fic one day
Pepper time travel / Peter and Future Morgan time travel: a couple of ideas I could not get out of my head!! I'm excited about them, too. You'd be familiar with the "Pepper time travel" idea, you sent me the prompt! 😄 So I won't reveal a lot but, I have an idea that made this one turn out longer than the originally intended short story 😉😄
Send me an ask about a WIP
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starryknight09 · 4 years
Unforeseen dangers ch. 4
Summary:  As Peter recovers from his capture by Ross, a photo of him with Tony and the Avengers leaks and is splashed all across the media. Luckily, no one can figure out who he is and everyone thinks the buzz will die down. However, the public’s interest has been ignited. While Tony worries it’s only a matter of time before Peter’s identity is exposed, Peter isn’t as concerned. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen anyway?
Read on AO3.
A knock sounded on Peter’s bedroom door just as he finished the last equation of the problem set in front of him.
“Kid, can I come in?” Tony’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Sure.” He answered.
His dad walked in, a tense expression on his face.  He wondered if it was from the same thing that’d put a similar look on Pepper’s face.
“Doing your math homework?” Tony asked when he got close enough to see the open textbook and the sheet of paper with the completed problem set to the side of it.
Peter nodded.  “I just finished it.”
Tony ruffled his hair.  “Want me to check your answers?”
“No I got it.” Peter said, trying to fix his mussed up curls.
His dad watched him fondly for a moment, amusement warring with worry on his face.
Peter frowned.  “Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s fine,” Tony answered quickly, “but there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Peter’s heart leaped to his throat.  Had Tony figured out Peter’s plan to change his name?  Was he unhappy about it?  But how had he found out?  Pepper wouldn’t have told.  Had someone else?  Or was it just his dad’s uncanny ability to somehow know everything that happened in his Tower?  Maybe FRIDAY had squealed?
“Um what-what’s up?” He asked, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt.
His dad sighed, sliding his homework off to the side so there was a clear spot on his desk where he could sit down.
“Watch any TV recently?” Tony asked.
Peter blinked.  That was not at all what he’d been expecting.
“Um I watched a few episodes of Love it or List it last night.”
“I thought I told you that show would rot your brain.”
“I like it.”
Tony shook his head with a sigh, but Peter could tell he didn’t actually care.
“What about today?  Did you watch anything today?”
“No.  Why?  Did something happen?”  Had some sort of world catastrophe occurred that he was unaware of?
“Yes…and no.” Tony answered.
“Wow that’s cryptic.” Peter joked, trying to lighten the solemn mood that’d fallen over his room.  “Are you actually going to tell me or am I supposed to guess?”
Tony took a deep breath as if to bolster himself before he answered, “Someone leaked a photo.”
“Ok…” That answer was just as vague.
“A photo of us.”
Peter’s mouth fell open as he tried to absorb the words and what they meant.  “What?  But who would—?  When did—?”  He could only get out clipped, incomplete fragments, but his dad seemed to understand all the same.  
“Some government aide leaked the photo of us together on the couch after the Accords signing.  The press is having a heyday with it.” Tony answered.
Peter winced.  Oh.  That was bad.
Tony continued, “It’s playing on all the major network stations.  Everyone wants to know who you are and what your connection is to me.”
Peter frowned, staring blankly at his math homework for a moment as he tried to process the news.
“What-what does this mean?” He asked, looking up to meet Tony’s worried eyes.
Tony licked his lips and answered slowly, “It means…we’re going to have to be a lot more careful in the future to not be seen together.”
“But why?  If they already know who I am?” Peter didn’t really understand.  Why did they need to be careful if the cat was already out of the bag?  
“No.  They don’t know.” His dad shook his head.  “The photo isn’t very good quality.  I can barely tell it’s you.  They just know I was sitting with some kid.”
Peter scrunched his nose, not really loving that description.  “So what are we going to do about it?”
“Nothing.  We’re going to do nothing and let it run its course and eventually it’ll die down.  We’re not telling anyone who you are or what your relationship with me is.  But like I said, we’re going to have to be careful.  We can’t go out in public together for the time being.  One good photo and they might be able to figure out who you are.”
“And that would be bad.” He said, but it came out more as a question.
Tony frowned as he answered, “Yes Peter, that would be bad.  If the press found out you were my son, they’d hound you nonstop, and it wouldn’t be for only a couple weeks.  It’d be forever.  The unfortunate curse of being a Stark.”  
Peter swallowed hard, thinking of the paperwork he’d just signed to officially make himself a Stark.
“And that wouldn’t even be the worst part.” Tony explained, looking stricken.  “Certain people might see you as a tool they could use to try to get to me.  You’d never be safe, and I don’t want that for you.”
“They could try,” Peter smiled, trying to reassure his dad, “but I’m Spiderman.  I’m not so easy to get to.”
“Don’t underestimate the crazies.” Tony shook his head.  “It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
“So, if we’re not going to do anything about it, then why are you telling me?” He asked.
“Because I want you in the loop.  In case things come up or go wrong, I want you to know how serious it could be.”
“Ok.  I guess that makes sense.” Peter’s brow furrowed as another thought struck him.  “Wait.  Is this the emergency Pepper got called back to deal with?”
Tony nodded.  
Peter immediately felt guilty.  Because of him, because of something to do with him, Pepper had needed to run back to work to deal with the fallout.
Tony must’ve seen the guilt on his face.  “Don’t worry kid.  Compared to some of the things I’ve put her through, this is nothing.  And the game plan’s simple.  We’re doing nothing.  We’re not confirming or denying anything or making a statement.  It’s literally no extra work for Pep.”
“I don’t know.” Peter mumbled.   “She looked pretty stressed.”
Tony waved a hand in dismissal.  “She’ll be fine.  Believe me.  The woman’s as tough as nails.”
That got a smile out of him.  “I know.”
“Good.” His dad ruffled his hair again and he groaned in fake complaint.  “You’re done with your homework, right?”
“Yeah.” It wasn’t exactly a lie.  He’d done the problem set he’d been working on, but he still had a mountain load to do by the end of winter break.
“What do you say we go down to the workshop and work on the new updates to my suit?”
“I’m in.” He stood, always eager to work on the Ironman armor.
Tony got off the desk and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as they walked out of his room and to the workshop together.  It should’ve been comforting but Peter still didn’t feel completely at ease.  Even though Tony had tried to reassure him, he couldn’t shake the troubled look on his dad’s face from his mind.
“Hey Ned.” Peter answered his phone as he laid on his mattress.  Tony had sent him to bed an hour ago but he still hadn’t been able to fall asleep.  The phone call was a welcome interruption from staring at the ceiling.
“Dude you’re on TV!  You’re famous!” Ned erupted in excitement.
Peter groaned and rubbed his eyes.
“Have you seen the news?  Like literally everyone is talking about you.  I’m friends with a celebrity!”
“I haven’t seen it yet but I’ve heard.” Peter sighed.  “And no one can know it’s me Ned.  You have to keep it to yourself.  You can’t even tell your parents, got it?”
“Oh man.” Ned whined.  “Are you serious?”
“Yes.  I mean it.” Peter reiterated.  “Tony will flip if someone finds out that I’m the one in the picture.”
“You don’t think someone’s going to figure it out?”
“I don’t know.  Tony didn’t seem to think so.  I guess it’s not that great of a picture.”
Ned hummed.  “Yeah it is pretty blurry.  I might not have even known it was you except I knew it was you.”
Peter snorted.
“That sucks though dude.  I thought I was going to be famous by proxy.” Ned said with disappointment.
Peter grinned.  “I don’t think it works that way.”
“I already had an awesome tag line idea for my twitter.”
“Uh huh.”
“Do you want to hear it?”
“Sure.  Why not?”
“It was going to be, ‘Best friend of Ironkid.  Friend of the Avengers.’  What do you think?”
“I think maybe keep working on it.” Peter laughed.  “And my name wouldn’t be Ironkid.”
“Are you kidding?  The media’s not all that creative.  If they found out you were Ironman’s kid I’m pretty sure they’d dub you Ironkid.”
Peter made a face in disgust.  “Oh god I hope not.  That’s reason enough to make sure they don’t find out.”
Ned laughed over the phone.
“So I guess for now I have to stick with secretly being Spiderman’s guy in the chair?”
“And Peter Parker’s best friend.  Sorry.”
“It’s all right.  I like that role better anyway.” Peter could hear Ned’s honest smile in his voice.  “Besides, we both know I probably do better work behind the scenes than out in the spotlight.”
“Yeah and it might sound fun at first, but it would totally suck to not be able to go anywhere without being recognized.”
“Yeah you’re right.  Although, I bet we could get some sweet Comic-Con tickets if people knew who you were.”
“Tony can get those for us anyway.”  Peter rolled his eyes.  “And if no one knows who I am, we can go and not get mobbed, and actually have fun.”
“I guess you have a point.” Ned agreed.
Peter heard muffled voices coming from across the speaker of Ned’s phone.
“Um sorry dude but my mom says I have to go to bed.” Ned said.  “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Ok.  Good night Ned.” Peter said with a smile.
“Good night.”
Peter plugged his phone back into the charger and set it on the nightstand.  Fatigue leadened his eyelids, and he closed his eyes as he settled into his soft pillows.  Talking to Ned had at least helped him finally destress.  Sleep was no longer so hard to find.
“How does that feel?” Ross sneered at him as he stabbed a knife straight into his thigh.
Peter couldn’t hold back a cry of pain.  He instinctively tried to grab the offending object but he couldn’t move his arms.  They were tied behind him as he sat helpless in a chair.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Ross said with grim pleasure as he slowly twisted the knife.
It burned.  Electric shocks of agony danced through his leg.
“Stop.” He moaned and crumpled forward at his waist, but he only had enough slack to make it a few inches.
Ross snorted in amusement.
“You want me to stop?  Oh no.  We’re just getting started.” Ross said and ripped the knife out of his leg.  It hurt almost as much as getting stabbed in the first place and Peter cried out again.  He panted as blood bubbled from the wound, too much too fast.
Ross leaned forward and placed the edge of the blood coated knife on his bare chest.
“No.” He pleaded.  “Please.”
The corner of Ross’s lip twisted up in a crazed smile and he pressed down.
Peter watched as blood flowed out and around the knife as it carved into his skin.
“No!” He tried to thrash away but he couldn’t as Ross trailed the knife across his chest to form a burning line of red.
Peter couldn’t help it.  He was crying now.  It hurt.  And there was so much blood dripping down his chest and out of his leg.  He was going to die.  Oh god.  Ross wasn’t going to stop.  He was going to keep going until he slowly killed him.
The man placed the knife a couple inches below the line of open skin and repeated the process, forming another crimson line of open flesh.  Peter didn’t want to look but he couldn’t help it.  The cuts were deep enough he thought he could see flashes of white bone underneath.
“Stop.  Stop!  Please.” He begged through his sobs.
Ross ignored him and continued the process, dragging the knife over his skin to make a third line.
Peter screamed.  He didn’t want to die.  He didn’t.
“Help!  Someone please!  Help!” He yelled hoarsely even though he knew it was hopeless.  He was all alone with Ross.
“No one’s coming to save you.” Ross taunted.  “Not even Daddy.”
Peter whimpered at that.  He wanted his dad.  Ross carved another slice across his front.
“Dad!” He screamed this time, clenching his eyes shut at the pain.  He knew it was pointless and that Ross was right.  Tony wasn’t coming to save him, but he couldn’t help instinctively calling for him.  “Dad!  Help!  Please.  Dad!”
Ross gripped his shoulders and gave them a firm shake.  Why had Ross stopped hurting him?  Peter’s eyes snapped open in confusion.
Instead of Ross, all he saw was a darkened figure leaning over him, holding his shoulders.
“You’re all right.” The figure soothed.  Not Ross.  Peter blinked and immediately recognized his dad.  He took in the rest of his surroundings.  He was in his room.  In bed.  He spread a hand across his chest but there was nothing there.  His leg was fine too.  Nothing hurt.  It’d all just been a bad dream.  Ross didn’t have him anymore.  Right.  Tony had saved him.  And Ross was dead.
Tony sat perched on the edge of the bed and Peter wasted no time in sitting up and wrapping his arms around the man.
“You’re all right.” His dad repeated softly into his hair.
Peter closed his eyes and melted into the comfort.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.  He had no idea what time it was, but Tony was wearing pajamas so Peter knew he’d woken him up.
His dad shushed him and rubbed a hand over his back.
After a long minute of silent comfort, Tony said, “You were calling for me.”
Peter knew it was a question as much as a statement.  His dad was offering him a chance to talk about his dream but he wasn’t going to force it.
“I was back there.” Peter whispered into Tony’s chest.  “Ross had me.”
Tony made a sound of displeasure but Peter continued, “He was hurting me and he wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t get free and no one was coming to save me and I just wanted you.”
“I’m right here.” Tony said, squeezing him even tighter.  “You’re safe.”
“It felt so real.” Peter mumbled.
“It wasn’t.” Tony tangled a hand in the hair at the back of his head.  “You’re not there.  And Ross is gone.  He’ll never hurt you again.”
“I know.  It’s stupid.  I’m sorry.”
“It’s not stupid.” Tony said firmly.  “What you went through was traumatic.  Someone took you, held you hostage, and hurt you.  I’d be surprised if you weren’t having nightmares about it.  Hell, I’m having nightmares about it.”
“You are?” Peter pulled back and saw the truth in his dad’s eyes.
“Yeah.” Tony tried to smile as he palmed his cheek, but he just looked sad.  “Of course.  Someone took you from me and hurt you as a way to get to me.  That’s the very definition of my worst nightmare.”
“Yes.  Really.” Tony rubbed a thumb over his cheek.  “You’re the most important thing to me.  How many times do I have to tell you that before you finally start to believe me?”
“Lots.” Peter said and grinned.  “Maybe because I like to hear it.”
Tony let out a short huff of amusement and dropped the hand on his face so he could ruffle his hair.  “You seem better.”
“Yeah.” He agreed.  He did feel better.  With his dad so close, the fear from his nightmare seemed miles away now instead of lurking in the room.  “Thanks.”
“Think you’ll be able to get back to sleep?” Tony asked.  “It’s still pretty late.”
“I think so.” He said even though he wasn’t sure.  The yawn that escaped him a couple seconds later seemed to contradict his doubts.
Tony nodded and stood, fluffing his pillow for him and then gently guiding him backward to land on it.  Once he was settled, his dad pulled the covers up to his chin and brushed the hair off his forehead before lightly pressing a kiss there.
“Get some sleep.” His dad whispered.
Peter hummed in response, eyes already drifting closed.  He expected to hear the door click shut as Tony walked out, but instead, a few moments later, he felt the other side of his bed tip.  Peter cracked his eyes open and watched with a frown as his dad crawled into the other side of it.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Shh go to sleep.” Tony said, reaching a hand across the space between them to place it briefly over his eyes to close them.  “I’m keeping the nightmares away.”
“Mine or yours?” Peter joked.
Tony chuckled.  “Both.”
“Night dad.”
“Good night kiddo.”
“I love you.” He mumbled as sleep pulled irresistibly at him.
“I love you too.” His dad said back and Peter could hear all the fondness and love infused in the sentence.  “Now go to sleep.”
Peter hummed tiredly in agreement.  With his dad next to him, a sense of safety encompassed him, and he had no trouble slipping quickly back to sleep.
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official-impravidus · 4 years
Irondad and his Ironkids just playing monopoly and Harley and Peter are just stunned when Morgan beats them because Morgan is both Tony and Pepper’s kid and is great at business stuff even though she is like five and they are just staring in shock as Tony is looking at her so proud. He promises the boys ice cream though for a good game and makes sure they know they are loved.
i’m not sure if this is a prompt or just you sharing and idea, but that’s a great concept!
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funnyincorrectmcu · 3 years
(Loud Bang) Tony: *runs in* What is going on out here? Harley: *on the floor covered in glitter* Peter: *hanging upside down from the ceiling by one foot and covered in webs* Morgan: *standing on a chair holding onto Peter* Peter: Well...uh.... Tony: You know what? Never mind. Don’t wanna know. Tony: *walks away*
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 4 years
by fandomsandshit
SI Intern @ironkid Hello everyone! This is an account where I talk about my internship at SI. Ms. Potts said it would be good for PR sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 SI Intern @ironkid I just watched Mr. Stark drink his 15th cup of coffee. I am genuinely terrified of him entering cardiac arrest.
Words: 858, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Harley Keener & Pepper Potts, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Twitter, Social Media, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Swearing, Pepper Potts Deserves a Break, that should be a tag, Fuck the daily bugle, and JJ Jameson, ill add more as i write more
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Paparazzi: saying that Ironkid is mean
Ironkid on his Twitter: I have been told that I am too negative and too hostile towards all of you. so, if you have been offended by my tweets, I humbly apologise. I didn't know you could read.
Ironkid is absolutely savage on twitter and doesn't care
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MCU: Logan Barnes-Stark- Iron Man 2 (part iii)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tony Stark x IronKid!OC (Logan Barnes)
Summary: Tony is roped into a continuation of Howard's research by SHIELD. Upon a new discovery, he promises Logan a new beginning.
Warnings: curse words, blood, mentions of death, bullets + missiles, other weaponry, electric shocks, death threats, hospitals, IVs, explosions, fire, etc.
Word Count: 5263
May 8, 2010
I put my phone up to my ear, feeling angry enough to see red.
“What?” I hissed.
“I think I figured it out.”
“What, that you’re a massive dick and everyone else was right about you?” I shut my book and set it aside.
“The palladium, Logan. There might be another way. I think I can fix it.”
My heart thundered.
“That thing in your chest is based on unfinished technology.” Fury spoke.
I looked from him to Tony, who looked astounded. “No, it was finished. It has never been particularly effective until I miniaturized it and put it in my-”
“No.” Fury shook his head. “Howard said the arc reactor was the stepping stone to something greater. He was about to kick off an energy race that was gonna dwarf the arms race. He was onto something big, something so big that it was gonna make the nuclear reactor look like a triple-A battery.”
“Just him, or was Anton Vanko in on that too?” I spoke up, crossing one leg over another on the table.
“Anton Vanko is the other side of that coin. Anton saw it as a way to get rich. When Howard found out, he had him deported.”
I flinched. It sounded so cruel, so unlike the Howard I had known.
“When the Russians found out he couldn’t deliver, they shipped his ass off to Siberia and he spent the next twenty years in a vodka-fueled rage. Not quite the environment you wanna raise a kid in, the son you two had the misfortune of crossing paths with in Monaco.”
“You told Tony he hadn’t tried everything. What does that mean? What hasn’t he tried?” I leaned forward, putting my feet back on the floor.
“Howard said that you,” Fury pointed at Tony, “were the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started.”
“He said that?” Tony huffed.
Fury hummed, taking a drink of water. “Are you that guy? Hm, are you?” He leaned in. “Cause if you are, then you can solve the riddle of your heart.”
Tony shook his head. “I don’t know where you get your information, but he wasn’t my biggest fan.”
“What do you remember about your dad, huh?”
“He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me, he never even told me he liked me, so it’s a little tough for me to digest when you’re telling me he said the whole future was riding on me and he’s passing it down.” Tony said it all in one breath. “I don’t get that. You’re talking about a guy whose happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding school.”
“That’s not true.” Fury shook his head.
“Well then, clearly you knew my dad better than I did.” Tony leaned back in his seat.
“As a matter of fact, I did. He was one of the founding members of SHIELD. Just ask Logan.” Fury’s attention turned toward me.
“What?” Tony’s eyebrows furrowed.
“I’ve got a 2:00.” Fury got up as two SHIELD agents dropped a large case in front of us. “You’re good, right? You’ve got this.”
“No, I’m not good.” Tony shot up from his seat, bewildered.
“You’ve got it.”
“Got what? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to get.” Tony huffed.
“Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact.” Fury put his coat on. “And, you remember Agent Coulson, right?”
“Yeah.” Tony and I huffed.
“Oh, and Tony, remember. I got my eye on you.” Fury gave him a look before walking off.
I sighed and turned my attention to Natasha, who was dressed in a skin-tight black leather suit, the SHIELD logo on the side.
“We’ve disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world. Good luck.” She walked off too.
We turned to Coulson. Tony huffed.
“Please. First thing, I need a little bodywork. I’ll put in a little time at the lab. If you could send one of your goon squad down to The Coffee Bean, Cross Creek, for a Starbucks run, or something like that, that’d be nice.” He directed.
“I’m not here for that. I’ve been authorized by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on premises.” Coulson gave a smile. “If you attempt to leave or play any games, I will tase you both and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet. Okay?”
I pulled Tony back from Coulson and scowled. “We got it, yeah.”
“Enjoy your evening’s entertainment.” Coulson turned on his heel and left.
We lugged the case down to the garage and set it down on the couch. Tony looked at me with a sad face. I sighed, looking away. I was still incredibly angry with him, but I knew that if the palladium couldn’t be fixed, I would lose him within the next few days.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
I stayed silent, staring at the suits across the shop.
“I’m sorry for not thinking of you. I was being a dick.”
I snorted. “That’s for sure.”
“I just, I got so caught up in thinking that it was my last birthday, a-a-and I wanted to have fun and be reckless. I didn’t stop to think that it meant you would lose me. And I’m sorry for that, Logan. Really.”
I picked at my fingernails. I had chewed them down to the skin last night when I couldn’t sleep. Tony took a deep breath. Tears began to roll down my cheeks, and my heart ached.
“I’m really sorry, Logan. I know it’s not an excuse. I know. I’m sorry.”
I took two steps and crashed into him, pulling him into a hug. I let my cheek rest on his reactor as I sobbed. He rubbed my back and rocked us both and forth softly. I pulled away, face wet and nose running.
“I can’t lose you, Dad. I can’t, I-I can’t.” My body shook.
He nodded, then glanced at the case. “Then let’s figure it out.”
We knelt in front of the couch in silence. Tony reached out, hands shaking as he undid the latches. He glanced at me, and I nodded.
No matter what.
He pushed the lid open, revealing stacks of paper, an old blueprint rolled up neatly resting on the top. He grabbed it, squinting at the side.
Arc Reactor - TFTR-1. Anton Vanko - Howard Stark
He unrolled it to reveal the arc reactor. He handed it to me, and I set it behind us, still unrolled. He rifled through the newspaper, the headline reading that Vanko had defected to the US. He put it down and went for two tin canisters. He huffed.
“What is it?”
“They’re Kodaks.”
May 9, 2010
I paced as the projector whirred. The film rolled, starting on what looked like an antique reactor and then panning to Howard, who was sitting on his desk.
“Everything is achievable through technology. Better living, robust health, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace.”
Tony flipped through one of the workbooks we had found. It was formulas and writing I couldn’t read. I pinched the bridge of my nose. We had been looking through the case’s contents for the last day and night, and Tony had yet to have his ‘aha’ moment.
“City of the Future? City of Tomorrow? City of…” Howard trailed off on camera, sighing to himself.
Tony pulled out his phone, glancing at the workbook between every few taps at his screen. Howard tried to start over, pacing around his office, just as I was doing in Tony’s shop. The camera panned out of focus for just a second, revealing a young Tony in the back, grabbing the toy train from the model city.
“Tony, what are you doing there?”
Tony’s head whipped so fast I was worried he had hurt himself. On the video, Howard scolded him, and I watched as Tony’s eyes glazed over from his spot on the couch. He sighed, turning back to his calculations. The blooper reel continued, and Tony huffed, tossing the workbook into the trash.
He shook his head with another sigh. “Nothing.”
We both looked up. Howard was sitting on his desk, hands in his lap.
“You’re too young to understand this now, so I thought I would put it on film for you.” He gestured to the city. “I built this for you. And someday you’ll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people’s inventions. It represents my life’s work.” The camera panned over the city. “This is the key to the future.”
A flash of the old arc reactor, and I watched as Tony’s eyebrow twitched.
“I’m limited by the technology of my time, but one day you’ll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest creation… is you.”
Tony’s eyes changed from glazed to glossy, and his expression changed to a sorrowful one. The film ended, and I walked over to the back of the couch, resting my hand on his shoulder.
“I know I didn’t know him when he was your dad, but I bet he was proud of you, Tony.” I whispered.
He took a shaky breath, eyes falling shut. “I…”
“Who wouldn’t be?”
May 11, 2010
“Hey, look, strawberries!” I pointed with a childish grin on my face.
Tony pressed the brakes and guided the car onto the side of the road, stopping right by the make-shift stand.
“Hola, señor, señorita.” The man greeted us with a smile.
“Hola, cuanto?” Tony nodded at the strawberries.
The man said the price in Spanish, and then in English, and Tony patted himself down. He cursed under his breath and looked at me.
“You got cash?”
I shook my head with a frown. Tony snapped, pulling his watch off his wrist.
“We don’t have any dough, but can you take this?”
“Oh, no, señor, that’s too much.”
“No, here, it’s okay, just take it.”
“No, señor.” The man shook his head, adamant.
“It’s fine.” Tony insisted, handing the watch over my head.
The man took it and held out the strawberries. Tony eyed them, and I chuckled before taking the box.
“Thank you.” I smiled as Tony put his foot on the gas.
“Are you Iron Man?” The man titled his head.
“Sometimes!” Tony called over his shoulder.
“We believe in you!”
“She’s on a call right now, I’m afraid you can’t see her.” Pepper’s secretary gave us a polite smile.
“We’ll just let ourselves in.” Tony strided toward the door.
She rushed ahead of us, pushing the door open. “Miss Potts? Mr. Stark is here, he refuses-”
“No, I don’t.” Tony pushed the door open the rest of the way.
Pepper waved her secretary off and told us she’d be just a second before putting the phone back to her ear. “Listen, it’s our position that Stark has and continues to maintain proprietary ownership of the Mark II platform.”
“When Mr. Stark announced he was Iron Man, we trusted that he would look out for us. But he didn’t.” The reporter on the TV spoke.
“No, we own that suit.” Pepper’s tone was firm. “No, you’re not-”
“Now we learn that his secretary, a woman named Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts, has been appointed CEO of Stark Industries. What are her qualifications?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose as I heard Pepper’s sentence be interrupted once more.
“No.” Pepper scowled.
I read the captions on the screen before the reporter spoke. They called Pepper a pinhead, and I huffed, going for the remote and hitting the mute button. Tony sighed and began to walk around, and I settled on the back of the couch, arms crossed over my shoulders.
“Burt, Burt, Burt, just listen to me. Don’t tell me that we have the best patent lawyers in the country and then not let me pursue this.”
Tony rifled through his old boxes, mumbling to himself.
“Well then tell the President to sign an order.” Pepper sighed. “We’ll talk about it at the Expo. Hammer’s giving some presentation tomorrow evening.”
Tony pulled the sheet off a large frame leaned against the wall. I tilted my head as I studied it. It was the city from Howard’s films. The Expo.
“Will Tony Stark be there?” Pepper eyed Tony, who pulled his old chair to sit in front of her desk. “No, he will not.”
“I would like to be.” Tony piped up as Pepper hung up the phone. “Got a minute?”
“No.” Her voice was a whisper.
“Come on, you just got off the phone. You’re fine, thirty seconds.” Tony set the strawberries down and leaned back in his chair.
Pepper looked at her watch and began counting the seconds. I chuckled as Tony leaned forward.
“Alright, I was just driving over here, and uh, I thought I was coming to basically apologize, but I’m not.”
“Oh, you didn’t come here to apologize?” Pepper raised her eyebrows.
“Look, that goes without saying, and I’m working on that.” Tony fiddled with his hands. “But I haven’t been entirely upfront with you, and I just wanna try to make good.” He looked over the moving sculpture in front of him. “Can I move this? This is crazy. It’s like a ferris wheel going, I’m trying to-”
“No.” Pepper shook her head.
He sighed and rolled himself to the side, clearing his throat. “Do you know how short life is? And if I never got to express… and by the way, this is somewhat revelatory to me. I don’t care, I mean, I care. It would be nice. I’m not expecting you to, to… Look, here’s what I’m trying to say. I’m just gonna say it.”
“Let me just stop you right there.” Pepper cut him off. “Because if you say ‘I’ one more time, I’m gonna actually hurl something at your head, I think.” She leaned forward as Tony mumbled. “I am trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?”
“Yes.” Tony huffed, playing with something on her desk.
“People are relying on you to be Iron Man and you’ve disappeared, and all I’m doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat for it.”-
The object slipped from Tony’s hand, and Pepper’s own slammed down on it. I swallowed.
“I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do.” Pepper stayed firm.
Tony leaned back, rubbing his eyebrow.
“Did you bring me strawberries?”
We said nothing, and Pepper cracked a smile.
“Did you know that there’s only one thing on Earth that I’m allergic to?”
“Allergic to strawberries.” Tony huffed, pushing the box aside. “This is progress, Pepper. I knew there was a correlation between you and this.”
“I need you-”
“I need you, too.” He cut her off.
“To leave. Now.”
They both fell silent, and I got up from my spot. I made my way to the desk and put a hand on Tony’s shoulder.
The door opened, and Natasha popped her head in. “Miss Potts.”
“Hi, come on in.” Pepper sighed, relaxing her shoulders.
“Wheels up in twenty-five minutes.” Natasha handed Pepper an envelope.
“Need anything, boss?” Happy asked, still in the doorway.
“No, Hap-”
“No, I’ll be just… another minute.” Pepper and Tony spoke over each other.
“I lost two kids in the divorce.” Tony tried to joke, but nobody was having it.
He looked over at me, and I put my hands out. It was a bad joke. Pepper signed the papers as Natasha stood over her. I scratched the back of my neck, and Tony cleared his throat. I glared at him.
“Are you blending in well here, Natalie? Here at Stark Enterprises?”
Natasha turned to him with a glare.
“Your name is Natalie, isn’t it?” He pointed between her and Pepper. “I thought you two didn’t get along.”
“No, that’s not so.” Pepper handed back the envelope with a smile.
“It’s just me you don’t care for.” Tony huffed.
I pinched the bridge of my nose as he complained, once again getting no response. Pepper rose from her seat.
“Actually, while you’re here, maybe you and Natalie could discuss the matter of the personal belongings.” She gestured to the mess of boxes in the corner.
“Absolutely.” Natalie smiled.
Pepper walked off with Happy, who gave Tony a look before shutting the door.
“I’m surprised you could keep your mouth shut.” Natasha snapped at him.
“Boy, you’re good.” Tony leaned in. “You are mind-blowingly duplicitous. How do you do it?”
She gathered a few things off Pepper’s desk and straightened herself out with a dead-pan.
“You just, you’re a triple imposter, I’ve never seen anything like you. Is there anything real about you? Do you even speak Latin?”
She walked off, speaking, of course, Latin. Tony spun the chair, following her. He squinted, confused.
“It means you can either drive yourself home or I can have you collected.” Natasha stopped by the door, then turned to me with a polite nod. “Logan.”
I waved half-heartedly as she walked out the door, slamming it shut. Tony huffed, trying to stop Pepper’s moving sculpture. It was no use, and he got up, angrily shoving a strawberry in his mouth.
“You want any?” He turned to me.
I only shook my head. He walked over to the trashcan and dumped the box, letting the strawberries themselves fall all over the floor. He grumbled to himself and went for the door handle.
“Wait, Dad.” I stopped him, reaching for his sleeve. “Look.” I pointed at the frame.
“What about it?”
“It’s here, we saw it on the films. It has to mean something.”
“Logan.” Tony gave me a bitch-face.
“It’s worth a try, come on.” I pulled the sheet the rest of the way off, letting it pool around our feet. “Just look at it.” I urged.
He rolled his eyes with an exaggerated sigh, stepping toward the center of the frame. He squinted, then put his hand up to his eye, circling something in particular. I couldn’t tell what. His eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth lifted just slightly.
“We need to take this with us.”
I pushed the garage door open, watching as Tony spun a holographic projection of the frame. He began to circle it as it spun, talking to himself.
“I got coffee.” I held up the Starbucks cups.
He grinned, waving me over. “Uh, what’s that look like to you, kid?” He pointed at the globe in the center of the Expo projection.
I shrugged. “No clue. What is it?”
“Not unlike an atom.” He enlarged the projection. “In which case, the nucleus would be here.”
“Huh.” I titled my head.
“Lose the footpaths. Get rid of them.”
“What is is you’re trying to achieve, sir?”
“I’m discovering, uh correction, I’m rediscovering a new element, I believe.”
My eyes grew wide as Tony began to discard other aspects of the Expo. Trees, parking lots, entrances and exits. He flicked a few things away.
“Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework.” He made the globe larger again. “Dad.” He sighed, running a hand over his face.
I watched as everything left condensed itself into the globe. Tony sighed and threw it wide open, leaving us surrounded by tons of small blue orbs. Tony spun around, eyes wide.
“Dead for almost twenty years, and still taking me to school.” He pulled the projection down until it fit in the palm of his hand.
“Dad, does this mean-”
“The proposed element should serve as a viable replacement for palladium.” JARVIS cut me off.
I couldn’t help the happy yelp that escaped from my mouth. I jumped, pulling Tony into a hug.
“Thanks, Dad.” Tony whispered before pressing a kiss to the side of my head.
“Unfortunately, it is also impossible to synthesize.”
My heart fell to my knees, but Tony didn’t seem fazed. He brushed JARVIS off before giving me a grin.
“Get ready for a major remodel, fellas! We’re back in hardware mode!”
May 12, 2010
Tony and I had ripped the floors and walls apart, rewiring cables all over the place. We installed new machinery and updated it all. It had taken most of the night, and Tony had crashed on the couch after four am hit. I tightened the last bolt, watching as Coulson walked down the steps.
“Dad.” I whispered, setting the wrench down and walking to the couch.
He mumbled as I nudged him awake, and Coulson struggled with the door. Tony sat up with a grunt, and I snorted as Coulson finally got the door. He marched in with a huff, and Dummy whirred as he followed him.
“I heard you broke the perimeter.”
“Uh, yeah.” Tony scoffed. “That was like, three years ago. Where you been?”
“I was doing some stuff.” Coulson walked toward the center of the room.
“Yeah? So were we.” I grinned as Tony stood, eyeing the machine I had just finished setting up. “And it worked.”
Coulson said nothing as he began to touch the things scattered over Tony’s desk.
“Hey. We’re playing for the home team, Coulson. You and all your Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.” Tony put his level on the machine and frowned. “Now, are you gonna let us work or gonna break our balls?”
“What’s this doing here?”
We turned to see Coulson holding up a proto-type of Captain America’s shield. My shoulders slumped, and Tony’s eyes lit up. I fiddled with the blue bracelet on my wrist, feeling sick to my stomach.
“That’s it. Bring that to me.”
“You know what this is?” Coulson raised an eyebrow as he walked over.
Tony met him halfway. “It’s exactly what I need to make this work.”
Coulson handed the shield over, and Tony instructed him to lift the coil. “Put your knees into it, come on.” Tony slid the shield under the coil. “Alright, drop it, drop it.”
He put the level over the machine and smiled. “Perfectly level.”
I rolled my eyes and joined him at the machine coil, crossing my arms over my chest.
“We’re busy, what do you want?”
“Nothing.” Coulson shook his head. “Goodbye. I’ve been reassigned.”
“Huh.” Tony didn’t seem impressed.
“Directory Fury wants me in New Mexico.”
“Fantastic.” Tony snorted. “Land of Enchantment.”
“So I’m told.” Coulson tilted his head.
“Secret stuff?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Something like that. Good luck.” He held his hand out.
“Goodbye.” Tony shook it. “Thanks.”
“We need you.” Coulson smiled.
“More than you know.” Tony snorted.
“Not that much.”
“I’ll walk you out.” I gestured to the door.
Both men knew it wasn’t an offer, and Coulson strided forward. I looked at Tony over my shoulder, and he gave me a thumbs up, a questioning smile on his face. I nodded, letting the garage door fall shut behind me.
Coulson and I walked up the stairs and to the front steps in silence. I grabbed the door handle and stopped, sighing.
“Coulson, I gotta ask.”
“Yes?” He raised his eyebrows.
“How do you not know who I am?” I tilted my head.
He hadn’t flinched when we first met, Fury barely acknowledged me until Howard was brought up, and even then, nobody seemed fazed that I was there.
Coulson gave me a polite smile. “I do. SHIELD just doesn't talk about it anymore.”
He saw the confusion in my face and continued. “You see, after Alex Danvers was revealed to be HYDRA, the director and board figured it would be better if the slate was wiped clean. As far as SHIELD is concerned, you never existed out of your past with Steve Rogers.”
I nodded slowly, pushing the door open. “Drive safe, Coulson.”
“Initializing prismatic accelerator.”
I snorted as I walked into the workshop. “You started without me?”
“What, you said you were going to shower.” Tony put his hands up.
I rolled my eyes as I made my way to his side. The coil whirred, and I looked over my shoulder. It began to shake, and the floor rumbled. Tony and I looked at each other, his eyes wide. We bolted over, and Tony grabbed the wheel, trying to force it just the slightest.
“Approaching maximum power.” JARVIS’s voice was strained.
“I need that pipe wrench.” Tony spoke through gritted teeth.
I crouched and slid under the machine, grabbing the black tool and handing it to Tony. He put it on the wheel and held steady. His arms shook with the force of the machine, and I felt a knot grow in my stomach. The machine screeched, and I couldn’t help but flinch. The core of the machine began to shoot a laser, burning straight through the wall.
“Oops. Logan, you should move!” Tony had to shout over the noise.
I slid myself back under the machine, putting my hands over Tony’s as we turned the wheel. The laser continued to cut through the wall, slicing right through the metal cabinet of flammable chemicals. It, thankfully, didn’t explode as the top crashed to the floor.
“Come on.” Tony hissed.
I nudged him, and he stepped aside, pointing to the reactor on the table. “I need it there.”
I nodded, clenching my jaw as I turned the wheel, ears on fire. The beam hit the mold, and the indents in it began to light up, filling with the light. My teeth rattled inside my head, and the screeching got louder.
“There we go.” Tony leaned forward and hit a button on the machine.
It turned off, and the beam disappeared. I let go of the wrench with a huff, stumbling backwards. My shoulder hurted.
“You alright?” Tony put a hand on my back, helping me steady myself.
I nodded. “I’ll be fine.”
“Rest for a second, I got it.” He pushed me back toward a table.
I hoisted myself onto it with a sigh, watching as Tony crouched under the coil and made his way to the piece of metal, which was bright blue. He stared at it, and I could only imagine how wide his eyes were. He grabbed a pair of pliers and picked it out of the mold, holding it to his face. I pulled at a loose thread of the pink bracelet on my wrist.
“Congratulations, sir. You have created a new element.”
I grinned as I pushed myself off the table. Tony was walking slowly, holding the core away from his face. He settled at his desk, where the latest model of the arc reactor was sitting. He sighed, looking up as I rested a hand on his shoulder. I gave him a soft smile.
“Moment of truth, kiddo.”
I took a deep breath as Tony placed the metal in the reactor, which automatically closed around it. It began to beep, light growing brighter. Tony swallowed hard.
“Sir, the reactor has accepted the modified core. I will begin running diagnostics.”
I smiled, grabbing Tony by the wrist. “You did it, Dad.”
He let out a breath. “We did it, bug.”
I pushed my way into his arms, letting out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on my head and began to sway us back and forth. I let my shoulders relax. I wouldn’t lose him anytime soon.
The smell of burning reached my nostrils, and I pulled back with a sigh. The top of the chemical cabinet was now in flames. Tony groaned, hands on his hips.
“Hey, Dummy, you, can we clean up this mess?” He looked at me. “I dunno how-”
“Incoming call with a blocked number, sir.” JARVIS cut him off.
“Our phone privilege is reinstated.” Tony scoffed. “Lovely.”
I snorted, hitting the button on the computer screen. The ringing stopped, and Tony leaned forward on his desk.
“Coulson. How’s the Land of Enchantment?”
“Hey, Tony. How you doing?” There was a laugh.
My blood ran cold, and I looked at Tony, who immediately stood straight. It wasn’t Coulson, it was Ivan.
“I double cycle.”
“You what?” Tony looked pale.
I snapped my fingers, catching Tony’s eye.
He’s supposed to be dead. I mouthed.
He nodded, hand up as Ivan spoke again.
“You told me double cycle’s more power. Good advice.”
“You sound pretty spritely for a dead guy.”
“You, too.” He laughed again.
Tony’s eyes fluttered shut as he thought. He hit the mute button and ordered JARVIS to trace the call.
“Sir.” JARVIS protested.
“Just do it, J.” Tony sighed.
“Now, the true history of Stark name will be written.”
“Come on, JARVIS, where is he?” I leaned forward.
“Accessing the Oracle grid.” The screen beeped. “Eastern Seaboard.”
“Shit, write-”
“I’ve got it.” I grabbed a post-it from the desk and began to scribble.
“What your father did to my family over forty years, I will do to yours in forty minutes.”
Tony hit the unmute button as JARVIS worked, the screen bouncing between locations.
“Sounds good. Let’s get together and hash it out.” He hit mute again.
“Tri-state area. Manhattan and outlying boroughs.”
“Got it?” Tony asked, finger hovering over the mute button.
I nodded, and he hit it.
“I hope you’re ready, Stark. Bring your daughter, she will make a lovely prize.”
Tony opened his mouth, face red, but the dial tone rang. I put a hand on his shoulder, trying to keep his temper in check.
“It’s gonna be fine. We’re gonna beat him.”
“Nobody’s touching you.” He hissed.
I nodded. “I know. I know. We got him last time, we’ll get him again.”
“Call trace incomplete.” JARVIS notified.
Tony sighed and looked over the screens. His eye twitched, and he took off, making a beeline for the new reactor.
“Is it ready, JARVIS?”
Tony shook his head. “No time.”
“Dad!” I watched in horror as he unclicked the old reactor, placing it on the desk.
He clicked the new one into place, swaying slightly. I ran forward, hand on his shoulder to steady him. He took a breath, and the color began to return to his face. The lines of poison in his chest were dark. I shut my eyes and kept my mouth shut.
“You wanna run some tests, run them.” Tony huffed, trying to catch his breath. “And assemble the suit while you’re at it. Put it together now.”
“We are unclear as to the effects-”
“I don’t wanna hear it, JARVIS.” Tony barked.
He coughed, stumbling forward. He hacked and tried to clear his throat, groaning in disgust. The reactor whirred, glowing brighter by the second.
“Dad.” My voice wavered.
“That tastes like coconut.” He coughed again. “And metal.”
The light stabilized, and Tony took a deep breath. I watched as the black faded from his veins.
“Holy shit.” I mumbled to myself.
“Okay.” He sighed, eyes wide. “You’re not coming with me.”
The smile dropped from my face. “What?”
“Logan, you ended up in the hospital last time. You’re staying here.”
I snorted, and it evolved into a chuckle. He gave me a death-stare and my shoulders dropped, but I continued to smile.
“Dad. I end up in the hospital like twice a year.” I shook my head. “I’m coming with you.”
“You are not, and that is final. I am putting my foot down.” Tony crossed his arms over his chest, feet staggering backwards once more.
I raised an eyebrow, and he sighed. “JARVIS, make two suits.”
Previous: Iron Man 2 (part ii)
Next: Iron Man 2 (part iv)
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