#and i STILL had to do a shit ton of lore researching before watching it
catching up on the kabsmp videos rn and i'm having normal person thoughts as usual anyway did you guys ask for a crazy ass idea on where i think the storyline is gonna go because i have a crazy ass idea on where i think the storyline is gonna go (this is gonna get long sorry in advance)
In Which I Lose My Mind Over Some Guy's Minecraft Persona In A Goofy Ahh Lore SMP
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cover image for sillies
So. Hear me out. Clown is still the overarching villain of the series. Whatever's happening with Kyle and the void is still """""important"""""" n stuff, but (totally not because i'm biased or anything (i totally am)) that's all a red herring covering up the real threat. The idea I have rn is that Clown is biding his time and finishing up whatever research he had on the void, then when Kyle is defeated, he's gonna swoop in, take the void for himself, and become basically unstoppable which'll lead into season 3 or smth.
Bits Of Info That Makes The Pepe Silvia Meme Cover Relevant
Time to be insane and dump every single bit of potential evidence on why I think Clown's a bigger threat than the others think he is, starting at the very beginning (i'll try to keep this as chronological as possible but i'm busting my brain trying to piece everything together i watched this so out of order at first).
First, obviously, is the whole him killing Pyro bit and betraying him to get to Rae, then killing everyone in the commune. hoWEVER bro just casually tore open a portal to the nether and back and none of the other people in the group can do that. It's kinda hinting that Muu knows how to make portals but other than that the original s1 group has been stuck there since the start (which maybe suggests Muu isn't from this dimension also but that's another thing to unpackage).
a side note here: lincu came from an end portal that clown made for maddy and they NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN????????? WHAT
In the Pyro POV that came after that, it was heavily suggested that Clown was originally a conqueror or insanely destructive pillager (not the actual mob) (like come on, "bow before the scythe emblem" or whatever the words are? just write your name in the book you're practically screaming it at this point). Then, when Branzy showed up in that cameo episode, he didn't shut up about how Clown destroyed entire villages and killed a fuck ton of people (i will scream more about this point in a second 😁).
In the Season 2 opener animatic, he dropped his manipulative buddy buddy act the moment the void appeared, stabbed Kaboodle, and fucked off. He was also shown going full aggro on Magic, trying to get information about the void from her. A little while later, he's shown reading books on the void and finds something "perfect" for whatever he's planning (brain explosion).
Looping back to the Branzy cameo, it was revealed that he, Branzy, and Ashswag worked together in a laboratory somewhere in a different dimension researching and experimenting with portals. Ashswag said that Clown pushed him into one they made, which resulted in him glitched out and broken (WHICH OPENS UP ANOTHER CAN OF WORMS ARE THEY SUGGESTING THAT THIS IS ALL ACTUALLY JUST A SIMULATION/GAME LIKE HOW MINECRAFT ACTUALLY IS???????????? holy shit if i think about this for too long i'm gonna have another huge scream fest again).
and THEN in the most recent one as of today (aka A New Issue) it's revealed that Pyro had his suspicions that Clown is otherworldly and unnatural. Bro casually soloed a 100-Piglin invasion. I already had the thought of "oh yeah this guy's definitely not from any of the three dimensions" but the only contradictory thing that popped up for that was he and Pyro used to live together for a bit with the Waste Walkers. HOWEVER with this new information that Clown was just this anomaly that popped up periodically in their group, he's practically screaming that he's not from any of the three dimensions.
i love overcomplicating silly lore as a pastime
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nora-durst · 7 years
i have a list just like arya stark that i recite to myself at night except instead of people i want to kill it's film critics i used to respect who have abandoned me in favor of the m*rvel cinematic universe
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atlafan · 4 years
Heal - One Shot
a/n: werewolffry is here!! I rewrote this like three different times because supernatural au’s are just not my thing, but I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. I didn’t research anything, I sort of just came up with my own lore, and based some of it off of the show Teen Wolf, but not by much. Feedback and reblogs are super helpful, I can’t wait to know what you think! I have some other Halloween requests, but keep them coming! I’m hoping to post one every week until Halloween. Enjoy! (not proofread)
Warnings: Fluff, a little angst, smut (pegging)
Words: 14.8K
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Harry, Niall, and Louis are all werewolves; it was that simple. What wasn’t simple was they were university students, trying to live regular lives. The three of them all came from different families, but these families had truces, so they were allowed to interact. Over the years, hunters had started breaking their codes, and wolf numbers were starting to dwindle, so many families were starting to extend their packs to keep everyone safe.
Harry’s family was probably one of the most important; they were healers. Healers were a rare and special breed of werewolf. They were basically the wizards of their kind. All werewolves had the ability to heal themselves, sure, and they could take the pain away from others, but healers had the ability to fix broken bones, extract bullets and close wounds without stiches, they had herbs and “potions” to help humans when they felt so inclined. They were pure, kind, and empathetic. Anne was the head, the matriarch, and Gemma was next in line. However, Harry, needed to be protected at all costs. Male healers…they were easily persuaded, and often got a little too attached to the people they mated with. The women were much more reserved, careful, so when Harry was in secondary school, and started dating…Anne had Gemma give him a little talk about the birds and the bees.
Now, there were no rules saying that wolves couldn’t date or mate with regular people. Because of the dwindling numbers over the years, many partners were being turned. It was essentially like going through the process of converting religions. There was some studying involved, some promises that needed to be made, and some understandings on both parties’ sides.
The boys had all grown up together, and they all learned how to fight and protect themselves, although, Harry hated fighting. As a healer, he had his qualms about hurting other people. He’d always feel bad if he accidentally hurt one of his trainers, rushing to their side immediately to help them. Louis, once a very free spirit, had become hardened after becoming the leader of his family’s pack. No one blamed him, his immediate family got murdered by hunters. Now all of his cousins and other family members looked to him for guidance. It was why he took a gap year before going to university. He also wanted to wait to be able to go with Harry and Niall. Anne was grateful that Louis would be watching over her son. Niall was great and all, but he could be a proper dolt in his own right. He was a skilled fighter, but that was about all he had going for him.
They were going into their second year, and this year they had a flat all to themselves. Being in the dorms…well, it was nothing short of a disaster. They were in a triple their first year, and that was just not enough space for three young werewolves. Now they all had their own rooms so they could do as they pleased. Harry was excited to start his new semester. There was a girl he enjoyed the scent of that worked at the bookstore café last year, and he hoped she would be returning. She was the only one that made his coffee correctly. Not that Harry was snooty, but he was practically royalty, so he had his moments where he acted a little spoiled. He wasn’t sure how someone could fuck up a small black coffee with a little butter in it, but if it wasn’t her who made it, it was fucked up. She was American, so he had no idea if she had just been studying abroad last semester or not.
As much as he frequented the bookstore café, he didn’t say more than his coffee order to her. It killed him. He wanted to flirt with her, tell her how good she smelled, and god, did she smell good. It’s what drew him into the café in the first place, the scent of honey and vanilla. He didn’t talk to her because he didn’t know her, he didn’t know her family. Anyone Harry dated in secondary school he had known his whole life. He knew if they came from a hunter or not. He wasn’t sure how things worked for werewolves in the states. He had no idea if the codes were different, and anytime he asked his mother about it she just told it was something he didn’t need to worry about. The girl seemed nice enough, but Gemma had explained to Harry long ago that male healers were gullible when it came to the people they wanted to mate with.
That’s not to say Harry didn’t mate…he mated often, but mostly with people he had no mental attachment to. He didn’t like the idea of not having a lot of control over his mind, so he stuck to random hook ups. At first he didn’t believe Gemma when she first explained everything to him once he hit puberty, but when he found himself in the woods one night with a rabbit in his teeth that he had killed for his regular girlfriend, he understood. He dropped it out of his mouth. “She’s not a werewolf, she won’t want that.” Gemma had said as she put a hand on his shoulder. “I know you want to please her, but this isn’t the way.” She had chuckled. His sister had laughed at him. He didn’t want to give her a reason to do that again. Granted, he was fifteen, and in puppy-love, but still.
He had learned to control himself, as did Niall and Louis, when it came to the people he was attracted to. He was cautious and observant, and perhaps would just admire from afar. Much to his delight, and surprise, as he was walking around campus with Niall and Louis before classes started, he saw the girl in the bookstore window helping put out inventory. Harry smiled to himself. Even if he was still too shy to get to know her, he could at least sleep peacefully knowing he’d be getting a decent cup of coffee.
Working at the university bookstore was an easy gig. Sure, once in a while Y/N would get a disgruntled student who wasn’t pleased about how expensive a book or a sweatshirt was, but other than that things were pleasant. She loved seeing prospective students and their excited families come in to buy their first piece of memorabilia. The bookstore also house a small café for students to grab some coffee and a pastry, and sometimes they’d stay to do some studying. Sometimes she was behind the bar making drinks, sometimes she’d be working the register, and other times she’d be in the back taking stock.
One of her favorite customers was a boy she barely knew, but had seen around campus plenty. His name was Harry, and he’d order a whipped black coffee with butter every morning. She didn’t work every morning, but any morning she was working, she’d make it for him.  Or, that’s how it was last semester, anyways. She had no idea what year he was, he could have finished school last year for all she knew. Y/N chose to study abroad for the entirety of her college career. She had done some traveling in high school, and loved it. She felt way more independent going to school in England, and way more adult. She and her roommates had their own flat this year, and she was excited to really make the space her own. She was in a cramped dorm last year, so having her own room was a major step up.
It was syllabus week, but she was dreading her Calculus class. It was the last math class she needed, thank god. In her first year she had to take algebra, and then precalc. She was a biology student, so she needed Calculus. It was just a lot to balance with her other major courses. Taking bio, chem, and math classes all at the same time was a pain in the ass. Another pain in the ass was that there weren’t a ton of other girls in her classes. Just awkward boys who thought they were smarter than her. She can’t help her jaw from dropping when she sees Harry walk into the classroom. His eyes scan over his options and then widen when he sees her. He knew he smelt something good. He smirks when he sees her obviously flustered, and he walks over slowly to sit down next to her. He flashes her his award winning, shit eating grin, and takes a notebook out of his backpack. He could feel her heart racing, and he almost felt bad, but her heart did that every time he came into the bookstore café. At first he thought it just did that because she was busy, but he realized soon he just made her nervous. Another reason he didn’t say more than a few words to her, until today that is.
Harry turns slightly to look at her, resting his cheek on his fist. She does a double take and sees he’s looking at her. She furrows her brows at him.
“Sorry, you just look really familiar.” He says. “Don’t mean to stare.” He was trying to play it cool. He didn’t want to seem like a stalker.
“Oh! It’s okay, um, I…I work at the campus bookstore.”
“That’s right! You’re the girl who knows how to make my coffee. I think you’re the only one who works there that can do it right.” He sighs.
“It’s not difficult.” She mumbles. “Maybe it’s just the unusual order that throws the others off.”
“Adding butter to coffee isn’t that unusual.” He rolls his eyes. He was talking to her like they were old friends. Maybe in his mind they were. She blinks at him. “What?”
“Nothing…it’s just, well, this is the most you’ve ever spoken to me.” She blushes slightly and takes a pull from her water bottle.
“I could say the same thing to you, you know?” He smirks.
“I’m not the one with the intimidating eyebrows.” She points at his face. “You’re very serious looking.” She gives him a soft smile to let him know she’s only teasing and he smiles back.
“I’m a bit shy, nothing more to it than that. Promise I’m not some scary monster.” God, the irony could have killed him alone.
“Um, how come you’re in calc one? Like, what’s your major?”
“Art History.” She blinks at him again. “I’m an allied health minor, need stats and calc for that.”
“Oh!” She laughs. “Makes sense.”
“What about you?”
“Biology. This is the last math class I need, thank god.”
“Not a fan of math?”
“It’s not that I’m not, I’m just annoyed. I took calculus in high school, but I didn’t know about the math placement assessment last summer, so I had to start out in college algebra last fall. Big waste of time.” She sighs. “Art History and allied health, that’s an interesting combination.”
“Needed a backup, you know how parents can be.”
Truth be told, Harry would go off to be a doctor if he could, but he’d expose himself no doubt. People would catch on to him working “miracles”. It was the empath in him, he just wanted to help anyone and everyone. His mother allowed him the minor for a couple of reasons. One, to scratch his itch for wanting to help people, and two, to learn more about how the body worked so he could properly heal others.
“I totally get it.” She scoffs.
“What do you want to do with bio?”
“I haven’t quite figured out my specialization yet. I don’t think I want to be a doctor doing surgeries, maybe forensics? Working in a lab, that kind of stuff?”
“That’s noble work.” He smiles and she smiles back. “Are you working at the bookstore again this year?”
“Mhm.” She nods. “Sort of have to if I wanna afford things.” She chuckles.
“Cool, good to know I can still get my coffee how I like it.”
“Is that all I’m good for?”
His eyebrows raise as her lips curl up. Oh, she was flirting with him. He has to suppress every urge in his body to not just yank her out of the classroom and take her home with him.
“We’ll have to see how well you do in this class. You may also be good for tutoring.” He wasn’t bad at math, but maybe he could pretend to be if it meant they could start hanging out.
She rolls her eyes at him and shakes her head.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” She says as the professor walks in.
“Harry.” He whispers, and the class gets started.
Y/N bursts through her door later that day. Her roommates were getting lunch started.
“You’ll never guess what happened in calc! That hot guy that used to come into the café last year is in my class, and he sat next to me! He remembered who I was, and he remembered the way I make his coffee. I swear to god we were flirting, oh my fucking god!” She squeals and her friends giggle.
“Slow down, Y/N.” Talia says to her. “He’s just a guy.”
“But he’s not.” Y/N pouts. “He’s so fucking hot, and he seems really sweet.”
“It’s not a great idea to shit where you eat.” Georgie says. “I hooked up with a guy in one of my classes last year and it was super awkward.”
“Who said I was going to jump into bed with him?” Y/N scoffs. “Maybe I just wanna be his friend.” She shrugs and grabs a cheese stick out of the fridge.
“Mhm, a friend who you’d like to bone.” Talia smirks.
“Well…it’s not like I haven’t thought about it. He’s so handsome…he probably sees lots of girls. Although, I’m pretty sure if he snapped his fingers I’d take my pants off for him.”
All of the girls laugh as they eat. This semester would be interesting to say the least.
Harry started chatting up Y/N in class after that first day, and he went to the bookstore café every time she worked. Even if he wasn’t in the mood for a coffee, he’d pretend like he was, but it didn’t go much deeper than that. His life was complex, and he had to be careful about who he brought into it.
As he got older, Harry realized he had the ability to shift completely into a wolf, but only on full moons. All werewolves could do this, they just needed to reach a level of maturity to do so, and it was extremely dangerous because if they stayed like that for too long, it was difficult to shift back. However, Harry enjoyed going out on the full moon and just running around it his heart’s desire. It also served to satisfy many of his primal instincts. He could go out and kill a small animal, eat, and feel zero remorse about it. The catch was you had to be naked before shifting, and you’d shift back naked, so you had to leave yourself clothes. Niall thought it would be funny to steal Harry’s clothes after he shifted back.
It was extremely early in the morning, and Harry was standing in the middle of the woods naked. Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal, he could just hop from tree to tree, and get back unnoticed, but he found himself in a well-traveled runner’s path. Plus, he was tired from a night out of wolfing it up, so excuse him for not being thrilled with Niall’s prank. He had learned to control his body temperature, so it’s not like he was cold, he was just annoyed. He needed to listen carefully to every little thing. From afar he hears music and someone breathing heavily. Normally he wouldn’t be so phased, but the scent was familiar. Harry freezes when he realized it’s Y/N, so he quickly hides behind a tree. If she was ever going to see him naked it wouldn’t be like this.
Her music wasn’t up terribly loud, she wasn’t an idiot. Running alone early in the morning meant she couldn’t just zone out, no, she needed to be aware of her surroundings. However, it was fall and she was running in a wooded area, so she strips over a hidden tree root. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but it catches her ankle the wrong way, and Harry can feel the ligaments snapping. He winces for her. That wasn’t even the worst of it. Because of the way she twisted as she fell, her head knocked into the stump of the tree, and it knocked her out.
“Shit.” Harry says to himself as he peers at her limp body.
He had a couple of options. He could easily pretend he didn’t see what happened, and continue to get home unnoticed and let someone else find her, or he could go over there, pick her up, and take her to his place to heal her. He goes with the latter, physically not being able to just leave her. He looks around to make sure no one else was coming, and he strolls over to her. He kneels beside her, putting his palm over her forehead to make sure she was really knocked out. He didn’t want to startle her if she woke up. Something about seeing a naked man over your unconscious body…it probably work out well for him. He closes his eyes for a moment, just to take a little of her pain away, then he hoists her up, carrying her bridal style. He takes a deep breath, his eyes glow red, and then he sprints through the trees back to his flat.
“Took you long enough, what did you do, take extra-long to make me feel bad?” Niall says as he opens the front door. His eyes widen when he sees Harry carrying the girl.
“Got a bit side tracked.” He grunts as he walks in.
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.” He scoffs. “She tripped, and got hurt. I need to take her up to my room to help her. Where’s Lou?”
“He went to the market, we were low on groceries.”
“Good, keep him occupied when he gets back. I don’t think he’d be terribly happy about this.”
Niall nods as Harry carries Y/N up the stairs. He lays her down gentle on his bed, and her eyes flutter open some as he walks to his dresser. She thinks she dreaming because she can faintly see a man’s ass, a perfect ass might she add, and then her eyes rolls back into her head, passing out yet again. Harry grabs some things from his closet, namely a first aid kit. He starts with her ankle. He wraps his large hand around it, taking her pain away. He couldn’t take it all, and he couldn’t fully heal her. That would be too suspicious. He’d need to leave her in a little bit of pain. He heals her ligaments, though, and leaves it to make it feel like she may have just twisted it the wrong way. He wraps a makeshift splint on her for show, and then he moves to her poor head. She had an egg growing out of it, so he takes a deep breath and pops it back in with his thumb. He rubs his palm over her skull to feel around for the potential of a concussion, but he doesn’t feel anything that serious. She’d have a headache at most so he gets up and grabs a water bottle from the case in his closet, and a couple of aspirin from the first aid kit. Since he’s dressed now, and she’s mostly better, he feels like he can wake her up now. He nudges her shoulder gently, and her eyes flutter back open. She flinches when she sees him.
“H-Harry?” She sits up, and winces, grabbing at her ankle. “What’s going on?” She whimpers, and he thinks it’s about the cutest thing he’s ever seen. Her bottom lip slightly jutting out as she assesses herself.
“I was going for a run this morning, uh, the same path you were on I’m assuming, and I saw you trip. You hit your head pretty hard, so I carried you back here, I hope that’s alright.”
“You…you carried me all that way?”
“You’re not exactly heavy.” He mutters, and her cheeks grow red. “Here, uh, do you want some aspirin?”
“Yeah, thanks.” She takes the two pills out of his palm and the water bottle. “My head really hurts.” She looks down at her ankle. “Do you make this splint?”
“I didn’t know if you twisted it or sprained it, so I thought it would be good as a precautionary measure. I think you caught it on a tree root.”
“I’m usually a lot more careful than that…I’m sorry if I troubled you, or ruined your run.”
“You didn’t.” He smiles. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Y/N.”
She gazes at him. Before she can speak his door flies open.
“Harry.” Louis says. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Hey, mate, thanks for knocking.” Harry grits his teeth.
“I need to speak with you and Niall, so take your friend home, now.” He leaves and slams the door shut. Harry sighs heavily and looks at her.
“Sorry about him, he, uh, gets uptight about house rules. Niall probably left the milk out overnight or something.” Harry shrugs. He could feel her worry radiating off her.
“It’s okay…you don’t have to take me home I should be able to make it.” She swings her legs over the side of the bed, and uses his shoulder to help her stand. She winces once her bad foot hits the ground.
“It’s really no problem. I’d feel better knowing you got back okay.”
“You’ve done enough, Harry.” She winces again as she takes a step. Maybe he should have taken more of her pain away. Now he feels guilty.
“I could give you a piggy back ride.” Her eyebrows raise at him. “Would you like that?” He chuckles.
“I…you’d really carry me all the way to my apartment?”
“It’s a flat, darling, we’re not in America.” He rolls his eyes and her face flushes at the term of endearment used so condescendingly. “And yeah, I’d carry you. I bet you’re not even that far away, c’mon.” He wraps his arm around her wrist to get her to stand behind him as he squats. She climbs onto his broad back and he lifts her effortlessly. “Light as a feather, you are. Now, where do you live?” He asks as he takes her out of his room and down the stairs.
“24D…Pine Street.”
“Pine’s barely a block away from here.” He looks over his shoulder and smiles at her on the way out.
“Won’t we look funny like this?” She nearly whispers as he carries her down the street.
“Nah, we probably just look like a proper couple. I’ve got no problem with that…do you?”
“No.” She rests her chin on his shoulder. She inhales some of his cologne and she likes what she smells. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but he just smelled really good to her. “You’re a proper cutie, Harry.”
“Look at you using our slang.” He chuckles. “I am pretty cute, huh?”
“Try being humble, hm?” She nudges the top of his head and it makes him laugh.
His grip on her tightens when they reach the front steps of her flat.
“Hand me your key.”
“I can make it from here.”
“I have to make sure you get inside okay.”
“I will, Harry. I…I’d like to run myself a bath, and I don’t need you there for that.”
“You don’t? Too bad, I’m an excellent bath buddy.”
“Put me down.” She says with a shaky voice, and he smirks. He gently lets her down to her feet and he turns to look at her. “Thank you for being so kind…”
“Do you often run alone?”
“Yeah, my roommates don’t really like it. I don’t blame them, running’s the actual worst, but I don’t really like lifting weights much, so it’s the lesser of two evils for me.”
“Text me sometime, I’d go running with you.” He fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to her.
“Yeah.” He smiles. “We could be two proper cuties out running together.”
“Mhm, okay.” She scoffs as she puts her number in his phone and texts herself. She hands it back to him.
“I mean it, you’re very cute.” She rolls her eyes at him. “You are! Especially in calc when your brows are all furrowed when you’re concentrating.” He steps a little closer to her. “You get this very serious pout on your face, it’s adorable.”
“Why…why are you watching me in class, and not paying attention?”
“You’re distracting.” It wasn’t a lie, and it wasn’t meant to be sexist. He wasn’t a little boy getting a stuffy from a bra strap, but she always smelled so good, and anytime she moved he’d get a fresh whiff of her. She looks down at her tattered sneakers and then back to him. She felt like she could easily get lost in his eyes. “Will you let me know later how you’re feeling?”
“Yes.” He nods at that and starts walks down her steps as she keys into her flat. “Harry?”
“I’m…working later if you wanna come by the café.”
He grins at her and turns to keep walking. She takes a deep breath as she gets inside. She had a lot of squealing to do with her roommates.
“Tell me again why you thought it would be a good idea to leave Harry, of all people, in the woods naked? I know you’re bored because you’re not allowed to be on the football team, I’m bored too, but that doesn’t mean you can prank him like that.” Louis was scary when he got mad at the boys. He didn’t yell, but you could hear the clear disappointment in his voice, and that was ten times worse. “Well? I’m waiting for an answer, Niall.”
“I guess I wasn’t really thinking.” He mumbles as he sits with Harry on the couch. The two of them looked like little puppies being scolded for shitting on the rug.
“No, you weren’t.” Louis huffs. “And you.” He looks at Harry. “You thought helping a girl, while naked, was an equally good idea?”
“I couldn’t just leave her there!”
“I know you couldn’t.” Louis sighs. “You just shouldn’t have been left alone. We’ve been lucky at this school so far, I’d like to keep things as easy going as they are. You brought a total stranger here.”
“She’s not a total stranger.” Harry mumbles as he twiddles his thumbs. “She’s that girl I’ve been crushing on from the bookstore, and she also happens to be in my calc class…so I know her.”
“We don’t know if she’s harmless or not.” Louis says.
“Looked pretty harmless when Harry carried her in like a limp noodle.” Niall chuckles, and Louis shoots daggers at him, getting him to shut up.
“Did she question anything?” Louis asks.
“No…I didn’t heal her fully so she wouldn’t be suspicious.” He runs a hand through her hair. “I had to help her, she smells to fucking good to not help.”
“You’ve mentioned that a couple of times, but I’m not smelling it.” Niall says. “Smells like any other regular person.”
“It’s because he likes her. You know how it is for us, we really like the way a person smells when we really like them. It proves the attraction.” Louis sits down on the coffee table in front of them.
“And I know she likes me back.” Harry says proudly.
“Yeah? How?” Niall inquires.
“Well, not only did she tell me I was cute, but she gets aroused around me all the time, especially today when I took her home. I could smell it. I’ve been trying to be careful and not act on anything, but I don’t think I can do that anymore.”
“No one ever said you couldn’t date.” Louis says. “You just need to be careful. You know how easily you lot can get attached.”
“I’m fully aware.” Harry rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t be going out into the woods to fetch her a dead rabbit.”
Harry started coming by the bookstore even more after that. Y/N had told her friends what happened, that basically Harry was her knight in shining armor. She got excited every time he’d walk into the bookstore. Even if it wasn’t a shift where she was making coffee, she’d make his for him. A flirty friendship had started to form between the two of them. Sometimes he’d come at the end of her shift so he could walk her home, or they’d go grab a bite to eat. She wondered why the most they had done is hold hands, but she didn’t mind that he was taking things slow with her, it was actually a breath of fresh air. And the antics they’d get into in class…he’d pass her notes, actual notes! Sometimes they’d do homework together too. He was slowly swallowing her whole, and she didn’t mind one bit.
“Hello, love.” He says to her as her shift is ending.
“Hi, Harry.” She smiles. “How was your day?”
“Good, better now.” He sighs with a smile and she blushes.
“I just need to take care of some things in the back, and change.”
“Alright, I thought you could come over for a movie tonight. I could order us some food and we can just hang out.”
“I’d like that.” She smiles and goes into the backroom. About ten minutes later she comes out good to go. “Could we watch something with a Halloween vibe? Nothing too scary, of course.”
“Sure.” He loops his arm through hers and she giggles as they leave the bookstore. “You’re into Halloween and all that?”
“Into it? I love it! We decorated our flat yesterday with a ton of Halloween stuff. You’re not a fan?”
“No, I don’t mind it.” He shrugs. “Just think people can get carried away with their costumes sometimes.”
“I agree, some people ruin it for everyone else. I don’t like the scary aspects of it, like, you won’t catch me at a haunted house.”
“Oh, but I’d protect you, Y/N.” He smiles down at her and she blushes.
He gets her inside and he tells her to go up to his room, and to get comfortable. Louis always preferred if they hung out that Harry brought her over, so she was no stranger to their place now. He grabs some menus from the kitchen and meets her upstairs.
“What are you in the mood for?” He asks her. “Chinese, Italian…?” He furrows his brows at the menus as he looks over his options.
“You pick, I’m fine with whatever.” She says.
“Chinese then, do you like dumplings and stuff like that?”
“Brilliant.” He sits down next to her and grabs his laptop so he can order everything online. He sets it on his desk, and turns his TV on. He sits up against his headboard and so does she. “Here.” He hands her the remote. “You can pick the movie, babe.”
Her heart fluttered every time he called her that. It was just like any other term of endearment, but she still really liked it.
“Hmm…” She flips on Netflix to look over her options. “Oh! What about Teen Wolf, the old one with Michael J. Fox?”
“Uh, that’s a little unrealistic, don’t you think?”
“Well…duh, it’s about a werewolf.” She scoffs. “The whole thing is unrealistic.”
“I just mean, um, oh, look…Hocus Pocus, now that’s a classic.”
“You’re absolutely right. Way better choice.” She hits play and he sighs with relief. “Besides, the show Teen Wolf is way better. I mean, the first two to three seasons were good, and then it just got really bad, but it was still fun.”
“Are you, like, a wolf fanatic or something?”
“No.” She laughs. “It was on MTV when I was younger and it was fun to watch.” She shrugs and looks up at him. “Don’t worry, I think you’re much cuter than the actors on the show.”
“You do, huh?” He puts an arm around her and she cozies up to him. “Good to know.”
She lets her arm fall on his waist as she gets comfortable, and her leg even goes over one of his. It was a proper Netflix & Chill and neither of them had any problem with it. About thirty minutes into the movie, there’s a knock on the door downstairs.
“That’s our food, I’ll be right back.” He pauses the movie and gets up.
“Do you wanna eat downstairs? I’d feel bad about making a mess up here.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s fine.” He chuckles and goes downstairs. He returns shortly with the food. “Alright, I got dumplings, sushi, egg rolls, rice, noodles, and veggies.”
“It smells so good.” She licks her lips and opens the sushi first, popping a piece into her mouth. “Which one’s your favorite?”
“The dumplings.” He mutters as he bites into one.
Eating a dumpling satisfied the more primal side of Harry. It was plump and juicy, like a small animal that he might be ravenous for on a full moon while he’s shifted.
“I like them a lot too.” She takes one and bites into it. She grabs a napkin to dab the corners of her mouth. “Mm, so good.”
“Want some water?”
He grabs her a bottle from the case he keeps in his closet. They eat a bit more while watching the movie, and then Harry puts everything away downstairs so they can go back to cuddling. He pops a piece of gum into his mouth, and offers her some as well.
“We’re gonna have a Halloween party, by the way.” She says to him.
“Mhm, would you maybe wanna come? Niall and Louis can come too.”
“We usually lay low on Halloween…lot of freaks come out that night, you know?”
“Please?” She pouts. “I have a really cute costume planned, and I want you to see it.”
“What is it?” He blushes.
“I can’t give it away, then you won’t be surprised.” She boops his nose and he smiles.
“I’ll…I’ll ask them to see if they wanna go.”
“Great.” In a bold move she kisses his cheek. His eyes widen as he looks at her.
“C’mere.” He says, and pulls her onto his lap. She straddles him and wraps her arms around his neck. “I like you a lot, you know that, right?” He tucks some hair behind her ear.
“I think so.” She says shyly. “I like you a lot too, Harry.”
“Can I kiss you?”
She nods yes, and he cups her cheek with one of his hands while the other grips her hip. He presses his lips to hers, and her eyes flutter closed. Her hands slide into his hair and he tugs her closer. His fingers dig into the skin between her shirt and pants. Their lips move along each other’s. Her lips were so incredibly soft, he just want to-
“Mmph!” She grunts as he bites down on her bottom lip and sucks on it.
Harry had learned a lot of restraint over the years, so he didn’t need to worry about his teeth growing sharper or his nails growing longer, or even shifting slightly. He just needed to keep his breathing steady. She seems to like what he’s doing because she doesn’t tell him to stop. In fact, she rolls her hips down on his and tugs at his hair harder. She opens her mouth slightly, and he takes it as a signal that he can lick into her. His tongue swirls around hers, and she moans again. Her breasts press against his chest, and she continues to grind against him.
She tugs his head back to get some air and she moves to kiss on his neck. She mouths and licks over the area just under his earlobe, and his hands squeeze at her hips.
“Y/N.” He breathes. “It’s getting late, do you wanna spend the night?” She pauses her actions and nods yes against his neck, causing him to chuckle.
“What, um…” She moves to look at him. “What do you feel like doing? Do you wanna stop?”
“Do you?”
“N-no, but I feel like we should. I really do like you, and I don’t wanna mess anything up by moving too fast.”
“I feel the same way.” He smiles. “Want something of mine to wear to sleep?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. He pecks her lips again before she moves off him.
Harry grabs her a tee shirt and a pair of boxers. He also gets her a spare tooth brush, and off to the bathroom she goes. She gasps when she sees Louis waiting in the hallway when she’s done.
“Spending the night, pet?” He asks her.
“Y-yeah, is that alright?”
“Course it is.” He smiles. “You know you’re welcome here.”
“Thanks, well, goodnight.” She smiles and makes her way back to Harry’s room.
“I knew you’d look cute in my clothes, but wow.” He blushes.
“Oh.” She blushes too. “Thanks.” She looks him up and down. “You’re gonna wear sweats to bed?”
“I didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Don’t be silly, you’ll sweat buckets if you stay like that. Sleep how you normally do.” She says as she slips into his bed.
“Can’t do that…”
“Why not?”
“Because I usually sleep naked.”
“M-maybe just your boxers?”
“You’d be okay with that?” She nods yes at him. “I’m just gonna go use the loo. I’ll be back.” Harry washes up quickly, and then turns the light off when he comes back in. He takes his clothes off, staying in his boxers, and then he gets into bed with Y/N. “Did you let the girls know you’re staying here?”
They both slide down and face each other. He slots a leg between hers and rubs at her side and back. Harry really liked being petted on, so he figured other people did too. He never got any complaints, anyways. She sighs slightly and moves closer to him. She nuzzles her face into his chest and she realizes it’s bare. It was pitch black in the room, so she couldn’t see any of his tattoos. He pets on her until she falls asleep. His eyes flutter closed, and he falls asleep holding her.
The next morning Y/N wakes up with an immense amount of pressure on her bladder. She was laying on her back, she never slept like that, and she couldn’t physically see Harry. She hears snoring from under the covers, so she pulls the blankets back to see Harry’s head in her lap, and his body wrapped around the rest of hers. It was a little bizarre, but not the weirdest way she had ever woken up with someone. She doesn’t want to startle him so she runs her fingers through his hair and scratches at his head. His hold on her thigh tightens and his eyes flutter open. He looks up at her dreamily, like a puppy, and then he flinches when he realizes his head is in her crotch.
“Jesus, I’m so sorry.” He says as he sits up and knuckles at his eyes. “I have zero idea how I ended up like that.” A lie, but he couldn’t very well tell her the truth.
“It’s okay! I just really need to pee.” She giggles and climbs over him to get up. “Be back in a second.”
Harry takes a deep, and gets dressed in some joggers and a sweatshirt as he waits for her. She comes back in, feeling much fresher, and smiles at him. Harry uses the bathroom next and walks in on her just getting her clothes back on.
“Do you mind if I keep the boxers?” She says as she zips up her jeans. “Men’s underwear is so much more comfortable.”
“Consider them yours.” He smiles and wraps his arms around her waist. She presses her hands to his chest. “I’m glad you stayed over. Can I make you breakfast?”
“I’d like that, but I have to get back to my place so I can shower before my shift in a couple of hours.” She bites her bottom lip. “But another time for sure.”
Harry nods, and walks her down the stairs to the front door. She kisses him goodbye, and he watches her walk away. He desperately wanted to go to her Halloween party, but he knew it would be tough convincing Louis.
“Hey.” Harry stands in Louis’ bedroom doorway.
“How was your night?”
“Good, Y/N just left.” Louis nods at that. “She invited us all to a party at the end of the month.” He mumbles.
“Oh, yeah? That was nice of her. When exactly?”
“Very funny.”
“C’mon, Lou, what better night of the year to blend in.”
“The hunters could be feeling the same exact way, Harry!”
“It’s not like we’d be party hopping.” Harry whines. “We could go, make an appearance, and then leave.”
“I think it’s a great idea.” Niall chimes in as he heard the conversation. “We could wear costumes that have masks or face coverings so we’re not as obvious.”
“What do you propose?” Louis asks. “The three fucking musketeers? The Justice League?”
“Well, we’d all look fabulous in spandex, so I’d be cool with that.” Harry smirks.
“No.” Louis shakes his head. “I’ll need to be able to see your faces. I’ll go as David Beckham.”
“Wait, you’re serious….we can go?!” Harry asks excitedly.
“We could use some fun.” Louis sighs. “And I know you really like this girl, and we’ve all started to trust her. She’s no threat. We can go for an hour, at the beginning of the night, and then we’re out of there.”
“Thank you!” Harry throws his arms around his friend. “I can’t wait to tell her.”
“Is she your girlfriend now?” Niall asks.
“I don’t know what we are. We only made out last night, I didn’t wanna take it too far in case I lost control. I didn’t think I would, but I could tell I was really fighting to keep my teeth from shifting. She smells so fucking good, I woke up with my head in her lap.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I feel really comfortable around her, you know?”
“Could you not be so stereotypical?” Louis smirks.
“Yeah, it’s literally puppy love.” Niall chuckles.
“Don’t make fun of me.” Harry pouts. “She doesn’t know that I know, but she sprinkles a little cinnamon into my coffee, literally giving me a treat. I’ll gladly be her puppy.”
Louis dresses as David Beckham, Niall dresses as a basketball player, and Harry dresses as Zorro, but without the mask, Louis wouldn’t let him. They all walk in, and plenty of people are there already. Harry scans the room and his jaw drops. Y/N was standing in front of a tapestry on the wall taking pictures with her roommates. The three of them were dressed like bunnies, classic 1960’s playboy bunnies. His mouth waters, she looked good enough to eat.
“How nice of her to dress as your favorite snack.” Louis nudges him. “Have fun.”
Y/N giggles as she looks at that photos. She turns in Harry’s direction and beams at him. They make their way to each other through the crowd of people.
“You made it!” She throws her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek, leaving a nice, red lipstick mark behind. “You look so hot like this.” She looks him up and down. “Doesn’t Zorro wear a mask?”
“Lou wanted to be able to find me easily.” He smiles nervously. “And…if anyone looks hot it’s you, I…this is the last thing I’d expect you to be wearing.”
“They were on sale at the costume store.” She blushes. “And the accessories were easy enough to find. We figured it would be fine to dress a little skimpier since we’re not leaving here.”
He circles around her, like he was checking out his prey, and he nearly loses it at the sight of the cotton tail at the base of her spine, never mind how perfect her ass looks with the nylons she’s wearing. He thinks of the thong she must be wearing.
“You’re not even revealing that much.” He clears his throat. “Still plenty left to the imagination.”
“Mm, well…” She tugs at the open collar of his shirt. “Hopefully not for long.” She says against his lips and then backs away. She smirks and walks away from him as his mouth falls open. He was a little shocked she’d deprive him of a kiss.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He walks after her.
“I need to mingle with all my guests, and be a good hostess, don’t I?” She raises an eyebrow at him. “Go on and have something to drink, Zorro.” She winks at him.
“Sure thing, Bunny Rabbit.”
She giggles and continues to walk away from him. Harry didn’t want to seem clingy, so he lets her go about the party, being a good little hostess with her roommates. He, Niall, and Louis all sip on the same drink to keep up appearances. Alcohol and drugs had zero effect on them, which at times was extremely annoying, but for the most part it was fine. They needed to keep their wits about them anyways. Y/N eventually finds her way to Harry, keeping her arm snaked around his waist. She felt special to have him as her guest. He was so fucking handsome, and she knew there were people looking at him, wishing they were the ones standing with him. His arm was draped around her shoulders, his thumb rubbing at her bare shoulder. She almost wanted to pull him upstairs, but she wasn’t the type to do that at a party. No, it could wait until everyone left, when they’d have a little more privacy.
“Hey.” She says to him, and he looks down at her. “I need to go use the ladies room, could you hold onto my drink?”
“Course, love.” He kisses her temple and off she goes with her heart fluttering.
After she’s done in the bathroom, which takes ten fucking minutes because the costume was impossible to get on and off, she makes her way through the party. She gets the distinctive whiff of weed coming from outside. She groans, and steps out and sees a group of people passing a blunt around.
“Guys, not to be a party pooper, but you can’t do that here…”
The group makes an annoyed noise, but they listen to her. Suddenly, she’s alone outside, and she realizes how fucking cold it was. She shivers, and moves to go back inside…
“Talia, have you seen Y/N?” Harry asks her. “She went to the bathroom twenty minutes ago, but she’s not in there now.”
“How do you know?” Talia slurs.
“Because Niall just fucked some girl in the bathroom, that’s how I know.” Harry says bluntly.
“Oh, then I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Maybe she went up to her room. You can go check if you want, she’s been dying to get you alone in there all night.”
“She has?” He perks up.
“Duh.” She rolls her eyes. “She’s crazy about you, mate.” She walks away from him.
Concern washes over his face because he knows she’s not in the building. He’d be able to feel her heart, he’d be able to smell her, but he can’t. He finds a freshly fucked Niall, and Louis and tugs them both into a corner.
“I think something’s happened to Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” Louis says.
“She’s not here anymore. She wouldn’t have just left without telling me, she had me hold her drink…she clearly thought she was coming right back.”
“I can feel how worried you are.” Niall sighs. “Do you think she might have gone outside for any reason?”
“No idea, but we could check it out.” Harry says, and they all make their way through the flat, and out the back door. All of their eyes glow red so they can see outside better. Harry takes a whiff, and his head snaps to the left. “Over there, there’s something…an object…” He runs towards it and the boys follow. It was one of he her heels. “Oh, no.” He picks it up and nearly wants to cry.
“Don’t worry, Harry, we’ll find her.” Louis takes the shoe and sniffs it to get her scent, as does Niall. “Hunters may have taken her to get to you, so we need to be smart about this. No fucking around, and no full shifting. Claws and fangs at best.”
“I don’t understand hunters.” Niall says. “If they just got to know us they’d see we’re not dangerous in the slightest.”
“We used to be.” Harry says. “But you can brush up on your history later, right now there’s a girl in the woods dressed like a bunny that we need to go rescue. Poor thing’s probably freezing.”
There Y/N was, cold, annoyed, and tied to a tree. She had tried to scream, but someone put their hand over her mouth. They dragged her out into the woods, and she lost one of her shoes. They were awfully expensive too. There were a few people with guns standing near her, and two others pacing around. She had zero idea what they wanted with her. She had cried out of fear, but she was quiet now.
“C-could I at least have a sweater or a blanket? F-fucking freezing out here.” She stutters through her sentence. “Not exactly dr-dressed for this sort of thing.”
“Be quiet, or we’ll gag you.” A man with a gruff voice says to her.
“G-gonna have to buy me d-dinner first if you wanna do that.” She musters up the energy to smirk, and a woman comes over to her with duct tape. She slaps it over her mouth.
“There.” The woman says. “Keep warm with that.”
Y/N tries wiggling her toes and fingers to keep her circulation going. It was only a matter of time until hypothermia would kick in, and she knew that.
“Where are they, hm? Bumbling idiots.” A man says to the woman.
“Maybe Harry doesn’t care about the bitch as much as we thought.” The woman shrugs.
Harry growls lowly when he hears that. He, Louis, and Niall had found the spot the hunters were keeping Y/N easily.
“How many total?” Harry asks.
“Ten.” Louis says. “Keep your emotions at bay. They may be willing to kill, but we can’t do that. Niall and I will knock out as many as we can, and then call for backup. You focus on getting Y/N out of there. Bring her back to our place, and give her something to fall asleep. Then in the morning tell her she was drunk and had a bad dream.”
Harry nods. All of their teeth and claws were out, but nothing more. He knew he had to look scary like this, but he couldn’t worry about it right now. The girl who he was seriously falling for was tied to a fucking tree. Her shoe fell off, but her bunny ears had managed to stay on, although they were a little dented now. The three take a deep breath, and jump up nimbly into the trees. Harry slips down the tree she’s tied to, and cuts through the ropes easily with his claws.
She looks down at herself as she feels the ropes loosen, but she stays put not wanting to bring attention to herself. Y/N sees two figures moves swiftly, knocking the various people around her over. They evade the bullets being shot at them (the guns have silencers). She has no idea what’s happening. The men around her suddenly fall, and she gasps. A figure with a broad back picks them up effortlessly and tosses them into a pile of other people. He turns to look at Y/N and her eyes widen.
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise.” His voice was deeper, and she felt sedated. “Need to get you out of here, trust me?” She nods quickly, and he wastes no time picking her up bridal style, he claws digging into the meat of her thigh, and he jumps up in the trees.
She felt like she was on a roller coaster ride as she clings to him. She didn’t know a person could move so fast, but clearly Harry wasn’t an ordinary person. He was a thing she had only seen on TV or read myths about. Once he gets her inside his flat, he retracts his fangs and claws, and his eyes turn green once more. He carries her up to his bathroom and sets her down on the sink counter.
“This is probably gonna hurt.” He says as he starts to tug on the tape covering her mouth. She nods and closes her eyes. She squeaks out a noise as he rips it off. “Took it like a champ, babe.” He rubs his hands up and down her arms and shoulders.
“Been getting my lip waxed for years, that was nothing.” She breathes.
He looks her up and down. Her nylons were all ripped up, and she had dirt all over her. Did they fucking drag her? He growls angrily just thinking about it.
“I found your other shoe.” He takes it out of his pocket, and she nearly melts. “Did they hurt you?”
“They dragged me through the woods, and slammed me against the tree when they tied me up.” She pouts. “Almost knocked the wind out of me, but I’m okay.”
“I can make you feel better.” He cups her cheek. “But I need to draw you a bath in order to do it. You’re freezing anyways, so it’s a good idea all around.” He moves to turn the water on, and he grabs some bottles from the linen closet.
“Yeah?” He doesn’t look at her as he sprinkles whatever’s in the bottles into the warm water.
“Who were they? What did they want with you?”
“They either wanted to kill me, or take me as a prisoner.” He turns to look at her. He takes his jacket and shirt off, and her eyes widen. “M’not getting in with you, I just need to mix it all together once the tub’s full, and I don’t wanna get my clothes soaked.” He defends himself.
“No, I just…you have so many tattoos. I didn’t notice it the other night when we slept.”
“It’s really not a lot, Lou has way more.” He bends down to take her other heel off, and he puts the shoes together neatly on the floor. He stands back up and grabs at the bunny ears. “You’ll wear these again for me sometime, yeah? Be a shame if you didn’t.” She nods at him and he sets them down on the counter. “Good, bunnies are my favorite.”
“Your favorite what?”
“Snack.” He says as he grips her hips, helping her hop off the counter.
“Right.” She swallows, and her eyes rim with tears.
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he turns the water off in the tub and starts mixing everything.
“Are…are you going to kill me?”
“Now, why would I offer to make you feel better and then turn around and kill you?”
“I don’t know! Nothing’s exactly clear, Harry!”
“Okay, be cool, yeah?” He stands up straight. “There’s no reason to freak out.”
“No reason to freak out?! I was just taken from my own home, tied to a fucking tree, and then you come and you have these big teeth and these talons, and…shit, I need to text my roommates and let them know I’m okay. Or, maybe that I’m not okay…”
“They’re claws, not talons. I’m not a bloody chicken.”
“What are you then, hm?” She puts her hands on her hips.
“I’m a person, same as you.”
“My eyes don’t glow red, Harry.”
“They could, maybe you’re just not trying hard enough.” She makes an exasperated noise at him, and motions that she’s going to leave. “Okay, okay…I…I’m a werewolf. I was born this way, I wasn’t turned, but a lot of us these days are. The hunters want me because I’m a healer, and I come from a family of healers. They must have caught wind that I go to school here, and they must have noticed that we’ve been hanging out so…to get to me they took you. I feel absolutely terrible about it because the last thing I would ever want to do is put you in any danger. It’s why I barely spoke to you last year. I didn’t want you getting dragged into all this, and here you are now…literally being dragged into it.” He huffs.
“Great, so now I can add bestiality to the list of things that are wrong with me.” She shakes her head, more so saying it to herself. She looks at him. “I’m in a lot of pain, so I’m going to disregard a lot of what you just said, I’m going to not ask any more questions, and I’m going to chalk this up to being an extremely elaborate Halloween prank or something.”
“It’s not a prank, Y/N. I know it’s a lot to take in, I’m so sorry.” He shakes his head. “And being with a werewolf doesn’t make you into bestiality.” He chuckles softly. “You saw me out there, I didn’t grow any extra hair, my ears didn’t get all long and pointy, and I’m pretty sure you’re the only one with a tail on tonight. It’s not like what you think, we blend in really easily. I can shift so I can look like what you may have seen, but it’s rather uncomfortable and unnecessary.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Are you scared?”
“Of me?”
“No.” He sighs with relief at that. “I’m scared that they’re going to take me again.”
“They won’t.”
“How do you know?”
“Because…we have ways of protecting ourselves and others. I have something I can give you to keep you safe.”
“Like what?”
“I…I have to bite off one of my claws, and put it on chain for you to wear.” She grimaces at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it in the morning, and it’ll grow back. I can even paint it a nice color, I have some nail polish.”
“C’mon, the bath is gonna get cold. I’ll step out so you can get in, and-“
“I want you to stay in here with me.”
“I’ll come back, I just wanna give you some privacy.”
“I need you to unzip the back of this stupid thing for me first.”
She turns around and sighs heavily. She looks at herself in the mirror, and is shocked at how fucked up she looks. Her mascara had run down her face, and her bunny nose and whiskers that she painted on had smeared.
“Do…do you have any face-cloths?” She mumbles.
“Yeah, babe.”
He steps over to the linen closet after unzipping her. He hands her a blue cloth and steps out of the bathroom. He hears the front door open and close, and races downstairs to Louis and Niall.
“Cleaned up and taken care of.” Niall says. “I need a shower.”
“Y/N’s getting into the tub. I ran her a bubble bath so I could heal her.”
“I told you to put her to sleep.” Louis grits his teeth. “I really don’t like it when you don’t listen, Harry.”
“M’sorry, she…she just looked so scared, and I couldn’t lie to her. We can talk to her in morning, can’t we? It’s not like she’s the first regular person to get involved with a werewolf.”
“True, but you should really have ran this by your mum first. She’s not gonna be happy.” Louis says.
“I’ll deal with her in the morning too. Let me go tend to my bunny, yeah?”
He goes back upstairs, and taps on the door before entering. She was in the water, covered by the bubbles. She had pulled her hair up into a bun on the top of her head. He sits down on the toilet and faces her.
“I need to stick my hand in.”
“Excuse me?” Her eyebrows raise at him.
“To make what I put in work, I have to stick my hand in the water.”
He leans forward, and dips his hand into the warm water. His eyes glow red, and she feels every cut and bruise on her body disappear. She feels better than she had before the night even started.
“Holy shit.” She breathes as he takes his hand out of the water.
“How’s the temperature, still warm enough?”
“Yeah…it’s…it’s perfect.” He nods at her and she sighs heavily. “So, you could literally rip me to shreds, and you’re choosing not to?”
“Why is it your first instinct that I’m going to kill you? It’s what the hunters think too, and it’s just not the case, love. Especially with my breed. Healers don’t like hurting others, even in defense. We’re too empathetic. I wanna keep you safe more than anything.”
“Are there others? Obviously Niall and Louis, but, like, in our classes?”
“Not that I know of. The three of us stick together because we’re all in the same large pack. Our three families came together for safety. Other packs just tend to leave others alone, you know?”
“No, I don’t know.” She snaps.
“I never meant to put you in danger, Y/N.”
“Do you have a towel for me, I’d like to get out now.”
He sighs and gets up. He grabs her a fresh towel, and hands it to her. He turns around so she can stand and wrap it around herself. She steps out of the tub and looks up at him. She groans and presses her forehead into his chest.
“I can feel how conflicted you are.” He says as he wraps his arms around her.
“Must be nice to just sense how someone’s feeling.” She scoffs as she nuzzles into him. A thought occurs to her and she looks up at him. “Is that why you curled up with me the way you did that night? Like…are you more dog than person when you’re sleeping?”
“Wolf, I’m not a fucking dog. And…I don’t really know. Sometimes we can do that when we feel really safe with someone.”
“You feel safe with me?” Her eyes widen.
“Well…yeah. And you always smell so good.” He mutters as his hands splay on her back, pulling her closer to him.
“I…I think you smell good too.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, but I can never quite put my finger on what cologne you’re wearing.”
“I don’t wear cologne.”
“It would fuck with my natural scent too much. I have to wear a scentless deodorant even.”
“So…you just naturally smell good?”
“I…” He thinks for a moment. He had read about this before, and from what Louis and Niall said about not being able to smell anything particularly special about her, some things were starting to connect. “Let’s go to my room, Niall said he needed to shower.”
She nods, and he grabs all of her clothes as they make their way down the hall. She sits down on his bed, after he sets her things down on his desk. Her eyes scan over the broadness of his back, and how his muscles flex while he digs through his dresser. She clamps her legs together after shaking her hair out of its bun. He stands up straight after getting a whiff of her. She was turned on? He turns to look at her.
“Nothing, here, you can wear these.” He tosses her some boxers and a shirt.
“What if I wanna be like you and sleep naked?”
“Y/N, it’s late and-“
“That bath gave me a second wind.”
Harry wasn’t doing anything in particular, but healers had a way of bringing out confidence and truths out in others. Especially when they seemed to be this connected. They could be soulmates for all he knows, but he doesn’t want to say that and scare her off.
She stands up and walks towards him, reaching around for her bunny ears, and putting them on. She smirks at as he swallows.
“You’re really okay with all of this?” He puts his hands on her shoulders.
“I know I wanna be with you. Maybe I shouldn’t want that, but I do. I…I don’t think I could stay away from you even if I wanted to.”
“I feel the same way.”
“Is…is someone going to tell us we can’t see each other anymore?”
“No.” He scoffs. “I’m like a prince, no one tells me who I can and can’t see.”
“Good, because…” She presses her hands to his chest and lets her towel fall. “I got all dressed up tonight because I wanted to look cute for you, and I’m really sad it all went to waste.”
“It didn’t.”
He cups her cheeks and presses his lips to hers in a searing kiss. He backs her up against his bed, and lays her down. He gets his pants off, and climbs on top of her. . She wraps her legs around his waist and he grinds his clothed dick against her. She groans and scratches her nails down his back. He kisses down her body, and looks up at her to make sure it’s alright before he dives in. She nods frantically, and he goes for it. He licks all around her folds, essentially making out with her other lips, and then he sucks on her clit. Her hands fly to his hair, and she tugs harshly. He moans against her, and her mouth falls open. Her hips buck up towards his mouth. He thought she tasted so fucking good. He was nose deep, moving his face from side to side, and she loses it. He licks her clean and pops his head up.
“Holy shit.” She breathes. He chuckles and gets his boxers off. He moves to sit up against the headboard. His tip was leaking for her. “Are…are you that big because of the wolf thing, or…?”
“Nah, that’s just good genetics, love.” He grins. “C’mere, bunny rabbit, come bounce on my cock for me.” Her mouth falls open and does as he says quickly. She swings her leg over his lap, and lines him up with her. “Wait, uh, do you, like, want me to use a condom, or-“
“M’on the pill, it’s fine.” She smiles at him and he nods. “Thanks for asking, though.” The head of his cock pushes inside her and she bites down on his shoulder as she takes him deeper, inch by inch. She lets out a puff of air once he’s all the way. She looks up at him with big eyes. “Will you help me?”
He bites down on her bottom lip as he moves her up and down on his hard dick. She was so snug around him, he was starting to lose control a little. His claws grow and he scratches at her love handles. She gasps into his mouth.
“Shit, sorry, I-“
“No, it feels good, it’s okay.” She smiles and moves around in a circle on him.
“Here I was thinking you were this innocent little thing.” He smirks and runs his nails down her back. Her head rolls backwards and he notices goosebumps raise on her skin.
“I usually am, but you’re bringing something out of me.”
“Do you feel good?” He asks as he nibbles on her neck.
“Yeah, really good.” She bounces faster up and down on him. “I’ve wanted this for a while.”
“Me too.”
He slots his mouth over hers, and licks into her. She moans into him. This is exactly what they both needed right now. He retracts his claws and before she has a second to protest he snakes a hand between them to rub her clit.
“Oh!” She gasps.
“Gonna make you come again, baby.”
She moans out as she feels it bubbling in her stomach.
“You can come inside me if you want to.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah, I really wanna feel it.”
He nods and rubs her faster. She cries out into his neck, and then he bursts inside her. He fills her to the brim, and it has her panting. He kisses her tenderly as she whimpers. He takes the bunny ears off her and tosses them elsewhere before carefully lifting her off of him. He lays her down, and grabs the towel she was using earlier to clean her up.
“Thank you, that’s so sweet.” She says tiredly.
“It’s the least I could, I made a fucking mess inside you.” He chuckles. “There we are, all clean.” He tosses the towel in his hamper and knees back onto the bed. She rolls over onto his chest as he turns the lights off.
“That was really great.” She nuzzles into his neck. “I’ve never felt so confident with someone before.”
“I enjoyed it too.”
“So, do you get, like, animal instincts or urges sometimes? Like, do you ever randomly chase after squirrels, what am I dealing with here?”
“No.” He laughs. “Nothing like that, although I really enjoy getting my head scratched, like, behind my ears like a dog would.” He mumbles the part about the dog. “The only time I would chase after another animal is I’ve fully transformed, and I only do that on full moons. It’s liberating to just run free like that.”
“Will you be able to tell when I’m getting my period, or if I’m on it?”
“Yeah. I have a keen sense of smell. My hearing’s enhanced too.”
“Oh my god.” She sits up a little. “So did they just hear everything?”
“Probably, unless they’re asleep already.” He shrugs. “It’s not a big deal, no need to be embarrassed, alright?”
“Are…are you gonna have to transfer schools since the hunters know you’re here?”
“We shouldn’t need to. We’ll need to see how many of them are here and what not. My mum might send reinforcements if need be. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have fucked you if I thought I wasn’t going to be able to stay.”
“Okay.” She settles back down and he pulls the blankets over them.
“Do you mind if I sort burrow under the blankets again? I could just rest my head on your stomach.”
“Sure.” She smiles and he pecks her lips. He shifts under the blankets, and rests his head just above one of her hips. She mindlessly scratches at his head and he sighs. “Comfy?” She giggles.
The next morning Y/N sits comfortably in Harry’s sweats in the kitchen while Niall makes her breakfast. Harry and Louis were on a video call with Anne and Gemma.
“Does it bother you that they’re having you babysit me?” She asks him as he sets a bowl of fruit in front of her. He was making pancakes as well.
“Not at all, love. The conversation doesn’t really concern me. Harry’s talking to his family, and Louis is a pack leader so it makes sense for him to be in on the chat.” He sets a short stack in front of her.
“Thank you.”
“So…” He drums his fingers on the kitchen island. “You know everything?”
“I wouldn’t say everything, but I know the three of you are…a little special.”
“And you’re not scared?”
“The three of you rushed into the woods to save me. I’m more scared of the people who dragged me out with guns on their hips.” They hear a noise from upstairs that sounds like a puppy just got kicked. “Jesus, what was that?”
“Oh…Harry must’ve just ripped out one of his claws.” Niall gives her a soft smile and digs into his own pancakes.
“What will me wearing it do, exactly?”
“Alright, so basically, we’ve got this stuff all around the house that makes it so we can’t be tracked. I can’t really explain it, it’s outside my expertise. You may notice we all smoke a lot of cigarettes?” She nods at him. “They’re not normal cigarettes, they have the same stuff in them. It would kill you if you tried in inhale one, so we give normal people pieces of ourselves and it has the same effect. You’ll need to wear it all the time.”
“It won’t just decompose?”
“No, he has something to put on it so it won’t. It’ll sort of look like a shark tooth or something to the untrained eye.”
Harry and Louis come downstairs. Harry’s face is flushed, and he comes around behind Y/N to clasp the chain with his claw on it.
“I panted it black.” He mutters.
“Are you alright?” She asks as he sits down next to her.
“Yeah, it already grew back, see?” He holds his hand up for her.
“We’ve been given the greenlight from Anne, Harry’s mum.” Louis says as he pops a blueberry into his mouth. “But you need to be sworn to secrecy. You can’t say anything, Y/N.”
“I understand.”
“Do you? Because we’re trying to live normal lives, and-“
“She’s not going to say anything!” Harry slams his hands down on the island. “We literally just spoke with my mother about this for a bloody hour! I trust her, there’s nothing more to it than that!” His fangs peak out, and Louis growls at him.
“Do I need to remind you that male healers are extremely gullible? Or did your mother not drive that point home enough for you up there?”
“H-Harry…” She puts her hand on his back and he looks at her. Her heart was racing.
“Oh, baby, we’re scaring you.” His fangs retract and he takes her hand in his. “I’m sorry, we’ll cool it.”
“You’ll need to stay here the rest of the weekend.” Louis says. “It may not be safe for you at your flat.”
“What about roommates.”
“I’m gonna go check on them.” Niall says. “I have a class with Georgie, shouldn’t be too weird.”
“Y/N, have you ever taken any self-defense classes or anything?” Louis asks her.
“No.” The boys all share a look. “Should I?”
“Harry will take you to the boxing gym that he goes to and show you some ways to defend yourself. You should be safe, but you can never be too careful.”
She looks at Harry and smirks at him.
“Wanna get into the ring with me?” She giggles and he giggles too. Louis sighs heavily rolls his eyes.
“I’m gonna take my breakfast to my room.” He grumbles and leaves.
Harry started going to the bookstore twice as often, setting up shop there for most of Y/N’s shift. If he could have curled up in her lap and sat on top of her in calculus he would have. Whenever he’d go over to Y/N’s place, he was always laying on top of her. Her hands were in his hair, and sometimes his foot would start shaking if she scratched him just right. He was in heaven. Her roommates, however, saw an extremely clingy and possessive guy taking up all of her time. So, they decide to talk to her about it.
“Guys, I can’t talk long. Harry’s gonna be here soon.” Y/N says as she packs her overnight bag.
“We know, it’s just…we’re a little concerned.” Talia says.
“With what?”
“He literally lives up your asshole.” Georgie says.
“He’s…clingy, but it’s not a bad thing. He gives me my space when I need it.”
“You told him to go home one night and I swear to god I heard him whimper, Y/N, whimper!” Talia says. “Also….he likes to call you ‘bunny’, and I I’m pretty sure that’s a weird BDSM nickname. Like, does he make you wear a collar or some shit, or-“
“Okay.” Y/N laughs. “You are so far off. He calls me bunny because I was dressed like one for Halloween, and sometimes I wear the ears when we have sex, but that’s the extent of it.”
It wasn’t the extent of it, but her friends didn’t need to know when they were feeling especially naughty, they would play a game of big bad wolf. Y/N had hot glues the bunny tail from her costume to a pair of lace panties, and she’d wear a lace bra, and Harry would hide somewhere in his room, and he pop out with his glowing red eyes, his fangs, and his claws. He wouldn’t scare her, it turned her on to see him so forceful. And then…once he “caught” her, she was in charge. She’d ride his dick, and tell him to be good for her while she squeezed and tugged at his curls.
“So, you’re both just a little kinky, but he’s not making you do anything you don’t wanna do, right?” Georgie says.
“Exactly.” Y/N smiles. “Look, I love you guys. I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do. I promise, if anything felt wrong with him I would tell you. We’re in a perfectly healthy relationship.” There’s a knock downstairs, and she slings her bag over her shoulder after getting her jacket on. “That’s him, I have to go.”
She goes downstairs, and opens the front door. She throws her arms around his neck and kisses him before he takes his bag for her. He laces his fingers through her hand.
“How’s my little angel baby?” He asks her and it makes her giggle.
“Good, how are you?”
“Good.” He nods. “Sorry I couldn’t be there during your shift today, I was a little busy with the boys.”
“Oh, it’s no problem. I don’t expect you to be there all the time.”
He gets her into his place, and he can’t stop grinning. She gasps when she sees a folding table set up in the living room, a nice tablecloth on it, and delicious food piled high.
“What is all this?” She says as she walks over to the table. Niall and Louis come out of the kitchen with biscuits and wine.
“You celebrate Thanksgiving right? Not like you can easily go home for that, so we cooked.” Harry says. “We looked up what all the best stuff is.”
“You…you did all of this for me?” They look at each other like they’re the only two people in the room.
“Well…yeah.” He takes her hands in his. “I…I love you, Y/N.”
“Oh, Harry, I love you too!” She throws her arms around him and slots her mouth over his. He groans into his kiss and pulls her closer.
“Ahem.” Niall says. “We’ve got hot food here…so…”
“Right.” Harry clears his throat and steps back from Y/N. “Let’s eat, yeah?”
Everyone enjoys the meal. Y/N giggles as they boys tear into the turkey and pretty much obliterate it. Usually they all had manners, but she thinks seeing the turkey ignited something primal in them. She eats until she’s the happy kind of full, and then she helps clean up. After cuddling on the couch (and making sure to go to the bathroom), Harry and Y/N go up to his room.
“I can’t believe you did all of that for me.” She pouts at him as she sits on his bed. He kneels in front of her and rubs his hands up and down on her thighs.
“Do you wanna do something for me?”
He grins and pecks her lips as he stands up. He goes into his dresser and grabs a few things, keeping them behind his back.
“I’ve been sort of preparing myself all week for this, and I feel really close to you. These last couple of months have been incredible, and we love each other so…I was wondering how you’d feel about topping me.”
“Harry, I top you all the time.” She giggles.
“No, I mean, like…” He takes a strap and a bottle of lube out from behind his back.
“Oh!” She gasps. “Oh my god…you’ve been putting that up your ass all week?”
“No, I used a butt plug, and I got all cleaned out. Wanna give it a try, bunny?”
“Will you fuck me first?”
She smiles and nods at him. He eagerly gets his clothes off, and he helps her get out of is.
“I just…l don’t wanna lick you down there like you’ve done to me, is that okay? I’ll use my fingers, but I don’t wanna stick my tongue up your ass.” She says as he kisses on her neck.
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’s why I got so much lube.” He smirks at her. “But you have no problem with me doing it to you, that’s cute.”
“That’s because your tongue works all kinds of magic.”
He growls at her and kisses down her body, getting between her legs. He sucks on her clit while he fingers her, knuckle deep. He throws her legs over his shoulders and relentlessly fucks her with his fingers. She was a heaving mess underneath him. She comes around him, squeezing tightly around his fingers. He takes them out of her and sucks them into his mouth. He takes her hand and sucks two of her fingers into his mouth. She groans watching him.
“Okay, I wanna fuck you now.” She says.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” She bites her bottom lip. “I’m really into it now. I wanna make you feel good.”
He kisses her quickly before grabbing the strap and the lube. He helps her into it, and she gets the lube on her fingers. He lays on his back with his legs spread for her. He had trimmed everything for her, which she greatly appreciated. Harry didn’t always manscape, not that she minded, but he clearly wanted to make things as comfortable as possible for her. She swirls her fingers around his hole and he spreads further apart for her.
“Wish I could have seen you with the butt plug in.” She grunts as she fingers him easily.
“I’ll happily wear it for you any time you want.”
“What made you wanna do this with me?” She asks as he gets the dildo attached to the strap lubed up.
“I’ve always wanted to try it, but I’ve never trusted someone enough.”
“God.” She breathes. “That is so sweet. Okay, I’m gonna start. Make sure to tell me if it hurts or something.”
“I will, go ahead.” He holds his legs back for her and she slowly pushes inside him. He tries to keep his breathing steady as she keeps going. Once she’s all the way in she waits for his signal. “You can move.” He grunts.
She slowly moves out, and then back in. She puts more lube on the dildo to add to his comfort, and then continues. Eventually she’s able to get a pace going, and she wraps her hand around his twitching, hard cock. His head falls back into his pillows and his mouth hangs open.
“Oh! Shit, do that again.” He groans. “Think you hit my g-spot.”
“Here?” She thrusts into him again and his eyes roll back into his head. She bites her bottom lip and she hits the spot over and over while pumping him silly with her hand.
“Feels so fucking good, Y/N.” He was starting to pant. “Will you sit on my face when we’re done? I wanna fuck you with my tongue.”
“Y-yeah, we can do whatever you want.” Her legs were shaking. She was extremely turned on seeing him like this.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, babe!”
She gives him one last good push while he comes into her hand. Some of his gets onto his lower tummy, but he doesn’t seem to care. She licks her palm clean of him, and he moans at the sight. She carefully pulls out of him and gets the strap off.
“Are you sure you wanna-“
“Get up here, now.” He growls at her, and his eyes flash red for a moment.
She didn’t dare fuck with him, so she crawls up his body, and he grips her hips harshly as he licks into her. She gasps, especially from the way he nibbles at her clit. She tugs at his hair as she starts riding his face. He moans against her, loving the way she tastes. She was dripping for him. No one had ever made her this wet before.
“H-Harry.” She moans and he presses her harder against him. “Fuck, oh my god, shit!” She comes on his tongue and he laps her up. He nips at her inner thigh before she gets off him. “W-wow, that was-“
“Wanna take a bath?” He asks, already getting up.
“Sure.” She shrugs. “How are you feeling?”
“Incredible, baby, you did such a good job. What about me? Was I good for you?”
“Yeah, Harry, you were really good.”
If his tail had been out he’d be wagging it. He grabs a couple of towels, and they head to the bathroom. Once the tub is full of bubbles and calming scents, they both get in. Harry sits in front of Y/N so he can rest his head on her shoulder, and so she can play with his hair.
“Are you going home for the holidays?” He asks her, turning slightly to make eye contact.
“Nope, can’t afford it. I just video chatted with my family last year, it was fine, why?”
“Well, how would you like to come to my house for Christmas? My family really wants to meet you, I want you to meet them too, of course.”
“I…I’d love to.”
“And you won’t be the only regular person there either, some of them choose not to be turned.”
“It’s nice everyone’s so cool about it.”
“Love is love.” He shrugs. “So, you really wanna come home with me?” He pouts up at her.
“Of course I do.” She squishes her nose to his. “Sounds like fun.”
“And we can travel a bit too, if you want.”
“I don’t care what we do, I’m just happy to spend time with you, Harry.”
He smiles and pecks her lips. After they get out they towel off, and go back into his room. They get cozy in his bed with his head laying on her chest.
“Do your parents know about me?” He asks as he fondles one of her breasts.
“Yes.” She giggles. “I told them I started seeing a very nice boy in my calculus class, and since my grades have been good they haven’t seemed to mind. They may come try to visit over winter break since it’s so long.”
“Would you let me meet them?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“I’d really wanna make a good impression.”
“I wanna make a good impression with your family too.” She whines slightly. “Your mom is this powerful matriarch.”
“Yeah, but she’s also like any other mum.” He kisses on her breast. “God, you are always as sweet as honey. I always wanna kiss you all over.”
“Mm, I like it when you kiss me all over.” She runs a hand through his hair.
“Your body is so perfect.”
“Harry.” She giggles. “No it’s not.”
“Sure it is. I love every little thing about it.”
“Thank you.” She leans forward to kiss his forehead. He yawns out and shakes his head. “Sleepy?”
She nods and reaches to turn the light off as he goes further under the covers to rest his head on her hip. It wasn’t the most conventional way to sleep, but he always made her feel safe, and he told her it made him feel safe to sleep like that. She wasn’t entirely sure what it meant to be in a relationship with a werewolf. It wasn’t too different from being in a relationship with a regular person, they just took more precautions than most. Sometimes being with Harry was like having a pet. He needed a lot of attention, and a lot of love, but it was okay, she had plenty of it to give him.  
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goosefeathercore · 4 years
14 days until The Broken Code book 4!!!
OH MY GOD WE’RE DOWN TO 2 WEEKS. excited cat noises. Idk if I need to say this but??? all of my countdown has broken code spoilers lol! Alright readers of cat books do y’all think Mistystar is gonna die in this arc?? I love Mistystar so much, but she has been alive longer than any other cat (since before the first arc!) and I think the Erins have stated that she only has one life left? Since Riverclan barely gets any attention we lowkey have no idea what the hell she’s been doing all this time and there haven’t been many conflicts to make her lose a life. I’m also pretty sure that the reason this has happened is because the Erins have a habit of losing track of all of the cats in their universe (which is kinda fair lol I know that not everyone is as serious about warriors as I am) and it seems that they have mistaken Mistystar for Graystripe’s daughter at some point? I think some other tumblr users have pointed out exactly where it happened but it makes sense because Stormfur and Stonefur are easy to mix up and Bluestar’s other kits have been dead for a long time. But she’s estimated to be 16.3 years old!! Mistystar’s omen and Mothwing’s secret were bomb af we Mothwing kinnies are eating good, but she’s lived wayyyyy longer than any other leader and we really need to see the opportunity for a new leader in Riverclan!
A refresher since I forgot most shit in Riverclan- Reedwhisker is current deputy and he’s also kind of old (and happens to be Mistystar’s kit) but I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Reedstar happen at all if he actually loses lives at a normal rate to keep the plot going. He’s kinda boring rn along with most of Riverclan but when he was a kit, he was saved by Fireheart and Graystripe and was later saved from drowning by Leafpaw. He was also deputy during the Darktail arc! During the initial attack, he actually fought one-on-one with Darktail after protecting Mistystar and preventing her from losing a life. He’s defeated and taken prisoner along with the other injured, but insists that Mistystar must leave him for the survival of the clan. He’s one of the injured cats held captive by Darktail and he remains defiant, refusing to give in to Darktail. This ultimately leads to him being starved, but Violetpaw sneaks the prisoners enough food for them to survive and they plan an escape. He even insists that he’s well enough to join the leaders and other cats who go to confront Onestar, despite just barely having escaped his torturer.
 In The Broken Code, Reedwhisker is one of the main cats to doubt Shadowpaw’s visions and abilities, but he has good reason. He is skeptical that Shadowpaw was struck by lightning which kind of sucked for Shadowpaw but it makes sense because Reedwhisker’s camp had just recently been struck and he helped evacuate everyone but ended up being separated temporarily from everyone in the disaster. He argues that if lightning had hit Shadowpaw, the apprentice would have died, which is a valid thought because he’s correct, any normal cat absolutely would have, Shadowpaw just went through some crazy shit with ghost cats so it was not a natural storm. He is also extremely skeptical and uneasy about Shadowpaw’s plan to ‘cure’ Bramblestar. At the time I was like damn he’s kind of an asshole, but he was so right it literally did end up being a trap!! It’s not Shadowpaw’s fault that he was manipulated of course, but Reedwhisker was still hella big brained to be on to something the whole time.
Reedwhisker is also the injured cat in Mistystar’s omen!! Before doing research on him rn I totally hadn’t realized that this was the same cat from all these situations. But he’s the cat who is bleeding out and Mistystar forbids Mothwing from helping her son because she doesn’t trust Mothwing to do it after finding out she’s an atheist. When Mistystar receives an omen from Stonefur to express Starclan’s approval of Mothwing, she gives Mothwing her trust again and Mothwing is responsible for saving Reedwhisker’s life then!!
In my opinion, the coolest deputies with the most potential to be good leaders are the ones who have had the most individuality in events. Some deputies we really only see in battle, on the border, or at meetings and they’re always just focused on the usual clan rivalries and drama. Deputies who have been involved in their own unique plot points and who have had verbal characterization are always the ones that stick with you. No one could forget deputy Bluefur, with her many tragedies and giving up her kits to stand up against Thistleclaw, or deputy Stonefur who watched his mother die minutes after he learned that he was her son and was slain defending Graystripe’s kits. Even deputies who served for a short time like Whitestorm are memorable because of their interesting upbringing and the surprise of being made deputy. Even if Whitestorm never got to be leader, him dying and telling Firestar that Graystripe was destined to be his deputy will always be a vivid memory of mine. Reedwhisker has so much cool lore and he has a ton of personality; he is seen many times speaking from his own mind! Because of the neglectful writing for Riverclan, I had totally forgotten about all of this cool shit! But, if he became leader and we actually got to read about him then it would all come back! They could even have a recap for those who are new or forgot like me, if we saw his nine lives ceremony, you could incorporate everything into it. There’s tons of cats who could give him lives for the tragedy of the kin! And Stonefur can give him a life in reference to Mistystar’s omen!! Reedstar please Hunters!!!
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connorspiracy · 4 years
Roasted and Ghosted || Connor & Rio
Timing: Current Location: Abandoned shack in the woods Description: Connor and Rio go ghost bustin’. Warnings: Ghosties
Orion hadn’t exactly decided what he was doing here. On one hand, his goal had partially been to determine whether this guy was for real or just try to use ghost hunting for fame or that thing other kids were saying these days…. Clout. But on the other hand, Rio had always been intrigued by those ghost hunting shows. Though he had never had the courage to watch them by himself at night or anything, trying to determine which ones may be legit or which ones were obviously fake had been a type of research for him. Ghosts and spirits were not Rio’s main focus or even a big concern of his, so he considered this little outing more of a hobby or something. 
He spotted Connor coming from afar, recognizing his face from the videos Rio had been binging ever since the two had made plans. The place Rio picked was one of the lesser known ones around town. Places like the Misery Manor and Strawford park that regularly did scary shows and ghost tours would have been too baiting. Just outside of town, Rio stood many, many feet away from a large abandoned house that Rio had heard horror stories about growing up. Kids in school growing up regularly dared other students to hang out around the abandoned property, and sometimes Rio would hear the kids in his college classes brag about hopping the fences and trying to break into the house. This wasn’t Rio’s thing at all. In fact, a few months ago Rio would have gotten a good laugh out of the idea that he had just asked this semi popular and objectively very pretty youtuber to go to a haunted location together. His friend gang really had helped Rio come a long way. 
Rio jumped up and down and waved at the guy as he lugged his equipment toward him. “Hey! You’re Connor! You look just like you do in your videos. Which makes sense. Because you’re you!” Maybe he was getting a little too excited about the idea of meeting a mini celebrity. “I’m Rio, nice to meet you in person. Do you need help carrying anything?”
It wasn't an unusual occurrence for Connor to meet up with people in the towns he visited, to be given tours, to have guides or people interested in contributing to his work. Rio hadn't been unique in the least, but that didn't mean Connor wasn't intrigued by him. Rio had offered to show him some cool places, and if there was anything Connor had learned over the last few years, it was that you couldn't overestimate the value of a local. 
He really hadn't had the chance to settle into White Crest before Uncle Joe had gone full-on polter on his dad and Connor had needed to go home to London. He was intrigued by whatever Rio was going to show him. Based on what he'd said in their DMs, it wasn't somewhere you'd find out about on the town map. 
"Alright, mate," Connor greeted, shaking Rio's hand. "Nice to meet you too." He handed Rio one of his cameras at his offer. "If you want to offer a hand, I might need some additional handheld shots, but I want to get some establishing stuff first. What's this place you wanted to show me?"
Orion grabbed onto the camera that Connor offered and fiddled with it for a minute, “Sure! I don’t have much experience with the stuff but I’m happy to help where I can.” He had watched a number of videos to get prepared, but it wasn’t until he started thinking about being with the Youtuber while he filmed that Rio realized just how much work must be put into each video. The number of cuts and changes in a video must have required multiple different shots and camera angles and takes. And that was just the groundwork filming at the location before going home to have to edit everything together. Rio was only getting a peek into the first portion of what went into making one of these videos. That didn’t make it any less fascinating.
“Yeah, definitely.” Rio waved his arms at the house behind him and began wracking his brain for the myriad of stories he had heard about the place. “Well, it’s a bit of a wild ride. This place has been abandoned since I was a little kid. And people have been talking about it for just as long.” Rio could barely remember the first story that he heard about the place because they seemed to blend together. “The general consensus is that a family died inside. But the rest of the story gets murky. Some people talk about seeing a woman in black and some say that they hear like little kids crying from one of the rooms. The stories aren’t all exactly consistent. I’ve never been brave enough to come here by myself to see if there’s any truth to it.” Rio laughed nervously and scratched at his neck, “But I figured if anyone knows what they’re doing I guess it would probably be someone who made a career out of it, right?” 
At least this way Rio could hopefully get a good read on whether or not this guy was legit. Rio already knew how he was leaning. He had used words like medium and exorcist. Not exactly unknown words outside of people in the supernatural know, but it had still made Rio curious. If this guy was legit, at least Rio would know an exorcist. Having connections was always good. “When you say establishing stuff do you mean like, filming the outside of the property? Or are you going to record yourself talking about the place?”
"Just keep it steady and keep me in frame unless you're filming something else specific. Pretty much the basics," Connor said. Maybe if Rio was really interested in this stuff and he was any good, Connor would be able to have an actual camera-person again. "You ever done something like this before?" he asked, curious as to what had made Rio decide to take up this opportunity. 
He listened as Rio spoke to him about the abandoned shack. The wood and brick was old and beginning to crumble. He could see rot and damage, evidence of weathering and bug activity. "Oh, sick," he said, probably a little insensitively as Rio explained the history of the place. "It's not uncommon for places to have their own local lore, rumors and stuff that start up. One thing we can do is check local records to see if there's anything officially on file." 
He looked towards Rio with a smile. "Good question. The answer is both. But since you're the one who told me about the place, you can do the introduction, if you want."
Orion flipped the camera on and started spinning with it, trying to get a feel for it, “Got it!” He hoped he wasn’t completely awful with it, that last thing he wanted was to screw up any of Connor’s takes. “Uh, depends on what you mean I guess. I don’t know much about ghosts or spirits. I wasn’t even convinced they actually existed, if I’m being completely honest.” Not until Blanche at least, but Rio decided to keep things more vague for the moment. Rio wanted to remain a bit skeptical. He’s been told he has a habit of trusting people too easily. “But like I said I like to keep an open mind. And honestly all this history and supernatural stuff is super fascinating to me.”
Rio nodded, “Yeah, well obviously if you came here you must know that White Crest’s local lore is pretty intense.” The only perspective Rio had into that were stories he had heard from others that moved into town. Apparently, not every town had as many horror stories as this one did. But for someone that had never known anything different, this had all seemed so normal to Rio until he had gotten older. “Wait, really?” Rio couldn’t hide the excitement, bubbling up and forcing him to hop back and forth, “You look at local records and stuff like that?” He had to admit, this was already more convincing than some of the other shows he watched. Plus, who could turn down the idea of doing research? “That’s a great idea! I spend a ton of time at the local library. I can see if there’s anything they can pull for us!” 
The offer actually took Rio aback for a moment. He was stunned at first by it, though it eventually developed more into stress as Rio thought deeper about it. He could feel his neck heating up and knew he was blushing from even considering the idea of him being in a Youtube video. “Oh uh- Wow. I mean I really appreciate the offer. Because that sounds really cool. I’m not much of a like… public speaker though. Even if there’s not a public right now. I know there will be a public. That’s terrifying. Does that not terrify you?”
God, if this kid broke his camera, Connor was going to flip his shit, but you had to give a little to get a little, so if this guy was going to help him out, Connor had to give him a chance. "What convinced you?" he asked, eyes bright and inquisitive as he looked at Rio. He liked hearing stories about people who had been skeptics and had changed their minds.
"White Crest's supernatural lore - if you wanna call it that - is exactly why I'm here." He snickered. "Usually I'd look up the records before I came to the building, but it's fun to shake things up. I like the surprise." The idea of being terrified of speaking in front of the camera was hilarious to him, and he gave a good natured laugh. "Nah. Never bothered me. Some people are more naturally inclined to it than others. I get that." 
How did Orion explain his introduction into the supernatural? No, it was probably better to stick strictly to ghosts for the moment. Among the many horrors that Rio had seen and knew existed, ghosts had always been more elusive to him. He had proof of werewolves and fae. He had no proof that ghosts or spirits existed. So while he always kept an open mind, certainly not refusing to believe in them, he had kept a healthy amount of skepticism too. Maybe it was idealistic, hoping that maybe one horrifying thing people believed in actually was fake. “A good friend of mine has had experiences with them,” Blanche was like Connor, a medium. Or at least what Connor claimed to be. “I’ve never really had much experience by myself with ghosts, but she wouldn’t lie to me. So I believe her and I want to experience it for myself.” He shrugged. This wasn’t exactly the truth, but it was the closest thing to it that Rio was able to go with someone he barely knew. 
“Yeah, fair. There’s uh- plenty of content to be had here. So are you just focused on like ghosts and spirits? Or anything supernatural? White Crest offers lots of stories of both.” Rio had to admit that he was impressed by Connor’s willingness to dive into what most would consider the more boring aspect of ghost hunting. Most seemed to go purely based on stories that fueled the ghost stories. It was nice to see that he actually wanted to dig a little deeper. “Well I’m happy to offer my help in that regard, if you want. Research is kinda my thing, y’know? History major and all.” It was easy to tell that the easy going demeanor that Rio saw on YouTube wasn’t an act, not completely at least. Connor seemed to have that ease in person too. Even his body language was more relaxed as opposed to Rio’s. “Yeah, haha. Awkward people probs, right?” He laughed nervously, cursing himself for not being more sociable. “But let me know what I can do, yeah? I’m willing to help with anything. I want to see what the whole process is like.”
"A friend, hm?" Connor began walking around the house, keeping his senses peeled for any sign of ghosts. There was nothing yet, but that didn't necessarily mean Rio was wrong about the hauntings. Maybe they were just shy. "Might be the same friend that I know." If there was more than one medium in town that he could liaise with, he'd want to know, but most people weren't exactly as open as Connor was. 
"I'd say ninety per cent ghosts, ten per cent everything else." He'd probably record a voiceover for this footage so he could add any information they might find in the archives. "Great. Research buddy." He grinned over his shoulder. "Don't suppose you have the key?" His grin widened. "Or are we doing some good old-fashioned breaking and entering?" 
“You know someone else that sees ghosts?” Orion questioned, running through the small list of people that Rio knew who was able to see ghosts. The very small list. But just because Rio only knew Blanche, that didn’t mean there weren’t others in town that could also see ghosts. For now, it was better not to bring her up. “That’s pretty cool. I can imagine that it can get sorta frustrating sometimes, seeing things that others can’t? So I’m sure it’s nice to have others that can.” 
Ten percent everything else. That ten percent could give him a lot of content in a town like this. As long as he wasn’t too reckless and got himself hurt hunting it down. But trying to film the supernatural wouldn’t always land well with the ones trying to protect it’s secret. Which left a sort of conundrum that Rio had never considered before. Would hunter’s break their own code about protecting humans if it meant protecting the knowledge of the supernatural? Either way, it was probably better to make sure he kept an eye on these videos. To make sure he was safe. Rio gave an awkward thumbs up, “I think being your research buddy would be super cool.” Something told Rio that this wasn’t the first time that Connor had considered breaking and entering. Not that Rio could judge anymore, since he had done his fair share of it himself now. Rio tried the front door, the knob catching and refusing to budge. Unsurprisingly, it was locked. But Rio pressed against the door a little harder this time, shoving it until the lock cracked and the front door swung open, “Hmm. Guess it was rusted or something. Opened right up.” He laughed nervously, standing to the side and allowing Connor to get the first look inside. Rio couldn’t believe he was actually doing this.
"Well, I know a few people through family contacts and networking and stuff, but one in White Crest." There were likely more, Connor knew. Zombies, vampires, banshees... but he only knew Blanche. "It's pretty validating to have someone who knows you're telling the truth. I spent ages thinking there was something wrong with me when I was a kid." 
Rio decided to answer Connor with his actions rather than words. He tried the locks himself, but they didn't budge. Rio, however, was stronger than he looked. "Would it be unprofessional if I said that was pretty hot?" he said with a grin. Once the door was open, Connor started filming, getting some shots as he walked through the door. "So we just got in, and apparently my new friend Rio is the Hulk in disguise," Connor narrated, flipping the camera to Rio for a second to smile at him. He turned the camera back to the house, slowly exploring. "Hey, anyone home?" he called. 
Orion considered what it would be like to not know anyone else that could see ghosts or spirits. Rio had grown up around people like him, at least genetically. Maybe his was the opposite extreme. Rio had spent most of his life wishing that he hadn’t grown up around other hunters. “I can’t say that I know exactly what that’s like. But it sounds pretty lonely.  I’m familiar with that feeling.” 
Rio’s face was on fire, and he could tell that it must be a bright shade of red. “Uhhhhhhhh” Rio drug that out for far too long as he tried to figure out how to reply to the compliment. “Thanks. I mean it doesn’t bother me. That’s very nice. And you’re very pretty. Like objectively pretty I mean.” Rio rambled, clearly not used to receiving any compliments like that. “I mean, I’m sorta dating someone right now. Now that you asked. Or that you were like flirting or anything. But just so you know. I’ll shut up now.” Please for the love of god, have Connor edit that part out of his filming. Luckily, Connor got right back to work filming the place as they walked inside, and Rio trailed behind him and held his own camera up to film as well. When Connor turned the camera towards Rio, he smiled and gave the screen a thumbs up. “So does that usually work for you? Asking if they’re home?” Rio asked curiously, wondering how many ghosts kept up with manners. Considering the two had just broken their door down, greetings probably wouldn’t be the first thing on their minds.
Connor turned the camera back on himself. “Do you hear that, lads, gals and non-binary pals? You heard it here. I’m objectively pretty.” He couldn’t hide his charming little smirk before he went back to filming the room. “Nah, not always, but I’m going into their place. It’s polite to announce myself, right?” He started slowly and carefully looking around the room for any signs of who might have lived here previously. Family pictures, old letters, things of that nature. Mostly all that was left was damp and rot. “We’re not here to do you any harm. My name’s Connor, and this is my mate Rio. We just want to say hello.” 
A shiver ran down his spine. Where there would normally be some kind of outline of a person, all Connor could see was a vague shape, like someone had left the stove on. “Whoa.” He stepped back, getting a look at the viewfinder of the camera. “You see that? The orb. That’s one of them. But it’s not.. I mean they’re not… they’re just a shape.” 
Orion accepted his fate of embarrassing himself in front of his new friend and the potential hundreds of thousands of viewers that watched his videos and resigned himself to focusing on the video instead of pondering that any further. He liked the ease that Connor talked while the camera was around, as if he was just talking to friends. He definitely had a lot of charisma that Rio wished he could channel. “Hey there” Rio called out into the house as a response to Connor introducing the two of them to the spirits. 
Rio spun around at Connor’s sudden find and trained the camera towards the orb-like shape that floated across the house from them. Rio could feel goosebumps running along his arms, but tried his best to keep the camera steady as he slowly trailed behind Connor. Why could Rio see this? He didn’t know nearly enough about ghosts or spirits, clearly. He didn’t to find something in the Scribrary and start reading. Especially if he wanted to continue being friends with and helping Connor out. Rio took an instinctive step back, but managed to keep the camera pointed at the orb. “I hate this. Why is it just floating there?” Rio mumbled, worried that the ghost wasn’t that concerned with manners at all.
“You come here alone?” The voice was nothing more than a whisper, but it seemed to come from all directions. “Bold mistake.”
Okay. That was less than ideal. The camera (and most people who accompanied him) wouldn’t pick up what it was saying, so Connor always repeated it back. “They asked if we came alone, and said it was a bold mistake.” He paused. “Why?” he asked the spirit, his voice casually inquisitive. “Why is it bold? You’re not out to hurt us or something, are you? Seems a bit unnecessary.” He kept his voice casual, not wanting to provoke it. “You got your bracelet?” he whispered to Rio. His own rested on his wrist, a leather knotted piece of jewellery with a glass vial containing salt. “It isn’t a hundred per cent failsafe, but they help a lot. Kind of like a condom.”
‘What are you whispering about?’ It asked. ‘Are you making fun of me?’
“No, of course not. We’re just… talking about the best way to help you.” He’d heard of spirits like this. They weren’t really ghosts in that they couldn’t take a human form, but they could still possess people, usually those who were emotionally vulnerable and isolated. “Are you here alone? I thought a family lived here?” he asked, keeping it talking while he took some supplies out of his bag on a rotting, dusty dining room table.  
All of his life, Orion had been the one that heard everything. His stupid hunter hearing was temperamental, but it usually picked up on sounds too far away from any normal person to hear or too private for Rio to be listening in on. For once, Rio actually found himself frustrated that he couldn’t hear something. Knowing that the spirit was saying something that Rio couldn’t pick up on was nerve wracking and left him feeling vulnerable. “Can they hear me?” Rio asked Connor, taking a step closer to the ghost hunter as he tried to unpack his things. It seemed like he had a plan. Rio nodded a confirmation that raised his hand to show off the bracelet that he had tied against his wrist. The salt center made sense. It seemed like a pretty common supernatural deterrence. At least for things no longer alive. “Connor’s telling the truth. I can’t hear you, but neither of us are here to do any harm to you.” Rio felt useless. It wasn’t an uncommon feeling for Rio, but it was something that he hadn’t felt for awhile. For once, Rio had finally started to feel like he was able to help. Now, he was practically back to square one. But he took a step forward and tried to block Connor’s path. If Connor had a plan the least Rio could go was try to protect him.
“They can hear you,” Connor said. “Sorry, I… dunno what to call you,” he said to the specter. It swooped around the room. In the darkness, Connor couldn’t see it properly in its flimsy shape, but he figured it might be trying to possess one of them, hopefully to no effect. He drew out the circle in chalk on the ground, making use of the space Rio was blocking with his body. Hopefully it would respond to the same ritual that had got rid of Uncle Joe. 
‘This one is stupid,’ the ghasper said. 
“That’s not very nice,” Connor answered, looking at Rio sympathetically. “It said you’re stupid.” He wiped the chalk from his hands. “Some people just don’t know much about spirits. He’s new to this, mate, give him a break, yeah? So how long have you lived here? It’s… nice, apart from the structural issues and dust.” Connor was trying to keep it calm while he prepared his tools. 
‘I don’t know how long I’ve been here…’ it admitted. ‘Years. There’s always losers coming in. I took hold of them sometimes.’
“Must be lonely,” Connor answered after repeating its words to Rio so he was clued in. “Make sure you get this on camera, okay?” he whispered. 
A ghost had just called Orion stupid, and all he could think to do was chuckle. “That’s fair, but you might be surprised actually. Ghosts just aren’t really my specialty.” He turned around and glanced at Connor over his shoulder. Maybe that comment was a little more information than he needed to give to either Connor or the ghost, but his goal was to keep the ghost busy. Whether that was by peaking its curiosity or annoying it, Rio hoped that it was working. He spotted that Connor was drawing something and didn’t want to risk the ghost being able to see it, so he turned back towards the ghost. 
“I think I knew those losers.” Rio agreed with the ghost after Connor had translated, “I grew up around here. I’ve always heard people bragging about coming here. They were usually jerks.” He nodded silently to Connor and readjusted the camera a bit, hoping that even though he was clearly scared out of his mind he was able to keep calm enough that he wasn’t ruining the shot. “But Connor here isn’t a loser. He’s the real deal. And I think he can help you.”
“Aw, yeah, massive wankers, Rio told me all about ‘em,” Connor chimed in. “Can you do me a favor though? I’m trying to help you, yeah? But I need you to come closer so I can see you.” Connor had left his camera on the table with a wide view of the room so it could record anything Rio might have missed.
‘You two don’t seem lonely at all. Well, maybe the stupid one, a little bit, but I can tell he has love in his life.’ 
Connor shot Rio a look, giving a low chuckle before repeating the ghost’s words. At least Rio was getting some. 
“Nah, and nobody should be lonely, so… what do you say?” 
There was a poignant pause before the ghasper decided to take Connor up on his offer, fluttering closer, like a little badly formed cloud of smoke. Connor stepped back, beckoning, until it was in position, right there in his chalk circle.
“Sorry, mate. Can’t risk you possessing some other poor bugger that walks in here.” He picked up his book of rituals, holding the ceremonial dagger that operated as his focal point, starting to recite in Latin. The wind seemed to pick up, walls shaking as the ghasper tried to resist.
‘LIAR! You lying bastard. You will suffer eternal damnation. My brethren will rip your insides out and use them to string you up!’ 
And so the threats continued, but Connor kept his focus, feeling his energy deplete. With a hard gust of wind, the ghasper vanished, and the building was calm once again. Connor had to lean against the table to keep himself upright. 
“Bloody hell. Oof… still kind of new at that part,” he murmured. 
Connor was sweet talking the ghost. Orion stayed mostly silent from then on, assuming that Connor had a handle on the rest. It was impressive to watch. And certainly cemented the fact that Connor was the real deal. This definitely hadn’t been his first run in with a real ghost. So that must have meant that Connor’s other videos had been real too then? Fascinating.
Rio’s face turned red again once Connor repeated its words. Even the ghost was embarrassing Rio in front of the cameras now? That had to be a new low for Rio. He decided to just shrug against the words. He couldn’t believe that he had just been called stupid multiple times by the random ghost. Though Rio didn’t have much time to dwell on it. The ghost was coming closer to the two and Rio backed away behind Connor to let him take over, making sure to angle it so that both the orb and Connor could be seen in the shot. Once the ghost got into the circle that Connor had drawn, the ghost hunter pulled out a book and started reciting Latin. Rio was familiar with the words, Latin being the only language that his parents had actually supported the twins learning. This was an honest to god exorcism. The orb seemed to go crazy, and Rio could only imagine what it must be saying. And then, the thing vanished as if it had never been there in the first place. “Holy crap.” Rio stares quietly, staring at Connor in wonder, but soon the excitement took over and he was hopping up and down and repeating himself, “Holy crap! You just did that! That was so cool! I couldn’t even tell that you were a beginner.”
Connor caught his breath. It always took something out of you to perform an exorcism, but Connor was still learning. He wondered if it got easier the more you did it, but from the way some of the contacts he’d tracked down spoke about it, he doubted it. “Thanks,” he chuckled tiredly, but his pride was evident in his voice and his expression. “Probably makes me a bit of a masochist to say it was fun, right? Luckily ghaspers aren’t very strong or dangerous.” He straightened up, his energy slowly returning to him. “Alright mate, let’s go back to my place and we can grab a beer and I’ll show you how I edit.” He grinned. “Unless there’s somewhere else you’d rather be.”
Still reeling from the exorcism that he had just witnessed, Orion had no plans of cutting off now and heading home. He had hoped that he could get a look into editing at some point but hadn’t expected Connor to invite him over immediately following this. “Seriously?” Rio asked him, still a bit confused at the idea of someone wanting to hang out with him. He shouldn’t be anymore. He had made friends that he knew wanted to be around him. Rio just supposed he had almost twenty years of evidence to the contrary that always kept him a bit skeptical. But this was a new year for Rio. He wasn’t about to let those doubts hold him back. “I mean yeah, definitely. Nothing better to do at all.” He didn’t break the news to Connor that he didn’t really drink, but figured that wouldn’t be important once the two got to work cutting all the footage together. “I can stop by and grab food on the way? I know a great diner.”
9 notes · View notes
mytastessuck · 4 years
Gorillaz: Gorillaz (2001)
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The history of my relationship is a long one...but I don’t like explaining stuff so I’ll keep it brief. I became a fan of the band when I saw a premiere of the “Clint Eastwood” video on Toonami. This could be attributed to the fact that I loved cartoons and I didn’t know there was a bunch of animated music videos back then. But there are. There are a like a ton of animated music videos. Even back then. Even before back then. Did you know one won an Oscar? It was by Tom Waits. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. We’ll get to him later. Anyway, I heard a couple more songs from them around this era but I couldn’t get into them because I was young, stupid and had no money. It actually wasn’t till around the Demon Days era (Phase 2 for us in the know) that I managed to get a hold of this album. My dad is also a fan of this band and gave a special edition version of this album. Thanks to that gesture, I really got back into Gorillaz in a huge way. Looking up lyrics, lore and cameos (these guys did a song with D12. For 9/11. Is The Rap Critic’s Patreon still open? I got a request to make...). 
We can get into more details later. Right now, I am going to rate every single song on Gorillaz (2001) US Deluxe Edition. 1. Rehash A nice breezy way to start off the album. Although, to be honest, if you picked this CD up and put it in a player after seeing of Gorillaz’ released singles, you’ll most likely be going, “Did I get the right disc?”. Still, that’s the reason I love the band. They can go into any genre and there is still something there that sounds like them. This song is pretty cool. 
Song Score: 8/10
2. 5/4
Now this is what I’m talking about. Classic British Alternative: Uncommon time, indecipherable lyrics, disgust when you figure out what the lyrics are actually saying and a sick bass. This song right here? It justifies the purchase of the whole album. It’s nasty and it’s cool, like Peanut Butter water ice.
Song Score: 10/10
3. Tomorrow Comes Today
Oh my lord, this song. I always have a soft spot for songs that I can pretend I was deep to back in the day. Very slow, very contemplative, very moody...just like a young me. It’s good that they made this their first single because it really showed up what they were capable of.
Song Score: 9/10
4. New Genius (Brother)
Ooooo...spooky. This song is pretty nice for a dark atmosphere and recommended for singing in a bar by with smoking patrons. Also nice of Gorillaz to give us the Stranger Danger spiel without sounding completely lame about it.
Song Score: 8/10
5. Clint Eastwood
AWWW SHIT MUTHAFUCKERS, HERE WE GO! This is the song that I obsessed over for a decade of my life. I sucked the entire life out of this song to the point that I skip over it in some playlists because it has nothing left to offer me. Still, I objectively love this song and I appreciate it for introducing to this band and for introducing me to Del Tha Funkee Homosapien. Seriously, how was I supposed to live the rest of my life without knowing a guy was capable of bars like that? This song fucks.
Song Score: 10/10
6. Man Research (Clapper)
I think I can blame this song for me getting into Electronica at a later age. High-pitched voices, nice beats, the feeling that I’m in a lab watching people being experimented on...everything a good track needs. This song was really fun to sing out loud to myself when I was younger. Probably one of the things that made my neighbors call my sanity into question.
Song Score: 10/10
7. Punk
Fuck yeah. Gorillaz was slaughtering some bands before they even got of their crib with tribute to the genre. Don’t bother with the lyrics because the words just basically become another instrument on this track and boy are the instruments on their loudest display here. I can only hear a dude telling his mom to shut up on it anyway.
Song Score: 9/10
8. Sound Check (Gravity)
Gotta admit, didn’t really appreciate this song when I was younger. It felt like the pieces were there but it didn’t come together into something of substance. Now that I’m older, I...am still of the same opinion. I like the breakdown but I feel like the high-pitched voice has been played out at this point in the album.
Song Score 7/10
9. Double Bass
Ah, an instrumental. Probably one of the first ones I listened to on repeat. I love the string work on this and the accompanying beats. Really good music to chill to...if you ignore that one line.
Song Score: 9/10
10. Rock The House
Hey, it’s our old friend Del! I was pleasantly surprised to see him on another track, kicking ass to a set of nice pan flutes. Man, this song ruled. But I can only listen to the album version. The music video version censors ass crack. Ass crack! How conservative can you get?! Luckily, Gorillaz never ran into this problem again.
Song Score: 10/10
11. 19-2000
I remember this album being the first time I heard the original version of this song instead of the Soulchild Remix. Obviously, I had to prefer this version because the original version is always the best. At least, that’s the way I thought back then. Nowadays...
But I do have a special place in my heart for this song. I like the woman in the background. Adds an ethereal quality to the song.
Song Score: 9/10
12. Latin Simone (Que Pasa Condigo?)
The first time I heard this, I was like, “Why is this song in Spanish?” This is because I listened to the G Sides album first (more on that next week). But the more I listened, the more I preferred it to the English version. This guy sings like he’s before an auditorium and he wants the people outside to hear him. Funny story: I tried to play this song for my Spanish class but my speakers didn’t work for them to hear it. Sucks for them.
Song Score: 11/10
13. Starshine
This is probably my least favorite song on the album. Just melancholy for the sake of melancholy. Kind of bothers me how there’s no substance to it I can find...nice instrumental though.
Song Score: 6/10
14. Slow Country
My second least favorite song on the album. Usually I like discordant noises in a song but the amateur piano with the honks...don’t really do it for me. Nice mumbling at the end though. Never change, Damon.
Song Score: 7/10
15. M1A1
I remember the first time I watched Day of the Dead and during the beginning I kept going, “WHEN THE GUITAR COME IN?!”. I know, I know, I’m hilarious. Especially when I’m by myself. But seriously, not even factoring in nostalgia, this is the best track on the album. Great song, great singing, awesome fucking solo. The only thing better than M1A1 on this album is M1A1 live.
Song Score: 12/10
16. Dracula
You know that when I heard the sound bite from this track, I thought it was from the original movie? It’s not. It’s from fucking Looney Tunes. Damn. Egg on my face. Anyway, I love the goofiness of this track. It tries to sound dark and scary but it’s like that nice goth kid in your class who always pick Edgar Allan Poe as his Powerpoint topic. Good kid, great song.
Song Score: 8/10
17. Left Hand Suzuki Method
And I did. Like a wise man once said, I don’t need drugs to enjoy this track, just to enhance my enjoyment of it. And you know what? I don’t want to enhance it. This shit sounds good by itself. See, Slow Country? This is how you mix in things that don’t sound good together and make them sound good together. You know what that track needs? Japanese children talking. That improves everything.
Song Score: 9/10
18. 19-2000 (Soulchild remix)
And the head honcho themself, one of the first Gorillaz songs I listened to. Man, this shit slaps like Dave Grohl in a Michael Gondry video. Whenever I heard this song when I was a kid, I was thinking about it all week. It just sounds so sunny, so uplifting, like something you should be listening to on an amusement park ride. Fuck, this track is tight.
Song Score: 10/10
19. Clint Eastwood (Ed Case and Sweetie Irie remix)
...Is it too late to change my least favorite track on the album choice yet?
Okay, Slow Country was on the original album so it can keep its title. This track is the worst track of all the bonus ones. It’s just...they were onto something with the breakdown but the goofy reggae singing and the way too fast to enjoy beat? Just rubs me the wrong way. Ugh, and now I’m thinking of Laika already...
Song Score: 5/10
Album Score: 8.8/10
Join me next week as I review G-Sides. It’s gonna resemble fun!
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The Look in Her Eyes- Chapter 12
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***While on a case, Dean and Sam meet a beautiful woman, Ava. She makes a large impression on the brothers, and ends up convincing them to take her on the road with them. It isn’t long before the shared experience, car rides, motel rooms, and risky cases pushes Ava and Dean together in an unlikely story of love, family, fate, and friendship. ***
Chapter Eleven, Part of Your World 
I applied my lipstick and slid into my heels as the boys tied their ties. I pinned back my hair, knowing how useful a spare Bobby-pin can be. I slid my new fake FBI badge into my blazer, and strapped my gun to my inner thigh.
Dean eyed me from across the room. His mouth was hanging open. Our cross country road trip had taken us to a small island off North Carolina where fishermen were disappearing.
"Alright Agents. Let's get going." I said, giddy. 
Dean winked at me, and Sam made a face like he was grossed out, but he literally asked for this so I figured he shouldn't complain. We got in the Impala, Dean and I upfront and Sam in the back.
Our four day road trip had been filled with laughter, rock singalongs, and greasy road food. Things with Dean so far were pretty blissful. Maybe it would work out after all.
We went to the morgue first. I lead the way in, my heels clicking. "Agent Williams, these are my subordinates Agent Wilde and Agent Morrison."
The boys flashed their badges, and Dean cracked a small smile.
"Agent Williams." The coroner nodded. "What can I help you with?"
I flipped my hair over my shoulder. "We are looking into the missing men in your town. I've heard that one finally showed up."
"Washed up, is more like it.” He frowned. “The FBI is interested in a drowning?"
Dean stepped forward. "It's protocol to look into any case with this many victims. These are five men."
"Take it easy." I said, cooly. "Just show us the body."
The coroner looked between us and unzipped the body from the bag. His skin was pale and slightly blue. He was swollen.
I leaned in to the corpse, and I picked up his hand. "What did you make of these marks?" I pointed at small cuts.
He shrugged. "It's hard to tell. Maybe scraping against rocks when he came to shore.
"Sort of looks like cuts made by gills." I frowned. "Like a Grouper." I examined all the small cuts. "Looks like he put up a fight with multiple fish."
"Unlikely. Those types of fish usually dwell deeper than he could've been in. Otherwise he wouldn’t have washed up."
I looked over the man a little more. I squinted. It looked like there was something in his mouth. "Open his mouth." I instructed. The coroner raised his eyebrow, and I grabbed a glove off the side table. When I turned Sam and Dean gave me a crazy look. I rolled my eyes. Babies.
The coroner propped open his jaw and I reached into his mouth with my index finger and thumb. Bingo. I thought as I pulled out a long piece of plant. "What do you make of this?"
"It looks like seaweed."
"So you think he sucked in this thing and choked to death?" Sam asked.
"No." I said, popping the mouth back open before pulling out a sharp piece of coral. "I think he was murdered. This ripped a hole in his windpipe. Doubt he was chewing on coral for fun."
Sam and Dean exchanged a look.
"That'll be all." I said with a smile. I handed him my card. "Call if anything else comes up."
"Will do."
We pushed out into the cold, salty air. "So, what do we think?" Dean asked me, meeting my strides.
I stopped and turned to them. "We are looking for something with sharp gills, that drown fishermen by stuffing things down their throat. I'm not the monster expert, so does that sound familiar to either of you?"
Sam sighed. "No. It doesn't."
I looked at Dean. "So what now?"
"Now Sammy goes and does some research."
"Why Sam?"
"Because I owe you a date." He said cheekily.
"We can't go on a date, Dean." I rolled my eyes. "We're working."
"We're always working." He countered.
"Fine. One beer, and we are going to still talk about the case." I said crossing my arms.
"I love when you’re bossy."
"Sam you'll call when you figure something out?"
"Roger that." Sam agreed before getting in the car and heading back to the motel.
Dean looked at me with a grin. "So."
"This is going well."
"Don't jinx it, Winchester." I said grabbing his hand. "Let's have that drink."
We walked to the bar, and both sat up at the bar rail. We ordered two beers and the bartender handed me mine. I turned to Dean and caught him staring. "What?"
"I was just thinking that this was dejavu, Detective."
I grinned. "It is, Agent." I smiled and took a swig of my beer. "I thought you were such an ass."
"I am."
"You're not." I said biting my lip. "You're just guarded. Just like me."
He reached his arm behind me and placed a kiss on my shoulder. "Two peas in a pod."
"Yeah." I smiled and took a sip. "Anyway, the case." I said, changing the subject.
"You're all business. It's sexy." He grinned.
"Focus, Dean." I snapped. "What do you think?"
He looked into his bottle. "I don't know. Never seen something like this before."
"You've never seen a creature that's sea dwelling?"
"No, but it may not be in the sea. Could be a spirit on a boat, or something."
"Very insightful." I laughed.
"Well, what's your idea?" He frowned.
"I don't know. Siren?"
"Nah, they don't live in the water. They don't really present like this."
"Maybe it's a shark ghost or a mermaid."
"Very funny."
I shrugged.
My phone rang, and I answered. "Sam."
"You guys won't believe this."
"Lay it on me. It's going to be way more than what we have here." I winked at Dean.
"I think... I think it's a mermaid."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"What?" Dean asked.
"Hold on, Sam." I said. "Dean we need to go somewhere private."
Dean nodded and we snuck into the back, one stall bathroom. I locked the door. "I've imagined this, but in my fantasy Sam isn't on the phone."
I rolled my eyes and clicked speaker. "Okay, Sam. We must've had a bad connection. Say it again."
I could hear Sam sigh. "I said I think it's a mermaid."
"Sam, have you been watching too much Disney again?" Dean asked.
"No. You know there's tons of lore on it. Everything I read says they're a bad Oman. Men showing up drowned. Some lore even says that they eat flesh."
"Creepy." I said with a shiver. "So if it is one, how do we kill it?"
"Stab to the heart."
"Easy enough." Dean shrugged.
"Except it has to be from a stake forged from the remnants of a shipwreck."
"Of course it does." Dean groaned. "Why is it never easy?"
"Then it wouldn't be any fun." I grinned.
"Sammy, did you find anything similar about the victims?"
"Other than the fact they're all fishermen? No. Not really. Although, I did manage to hear the latest victims 911 call. Which got me to this conclusion."
"Can you play it for us, Sam?" I asked.
"Sure... hold on."
"911 what's your emergency?"
"There's a woman! She's drowning! I'm going in after her, send an ambulance! We are at the pier."
"Sir, please remain calm."
The phone sounded jostled, a splash.
"Mam! Oh god. You're... no!"
There was screaming, splashing, and then nothing. The line goes dead.
"Shit." I said, looking at Dean from across the bathroom.
"Sounds suspicious for sure." Dean agreed. "So where are we going to find a shipwreck weapon?"
"In a town like this." I offered. "Should be pretty easy to find."
"Yeah, I'm working on that." Sam said.
Dean raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Give us a call when you find it. We have a date to finish." He reached out and turned off my phone.
"Maybe we should go by the pier make sure no more fishermen get pulled under." I said going to unlock the bathroom door.
"Hey." Dean said, grabbing my hand. "Are you okay?"
I turned to look at him, and my heart softened. "I'm great." I stepped closer to him and pressed my lips to his. "I'm just in the case. I have laser focus." I grinned.
He put a hand behind my head and pulled me into a hug. "Let's go to the pier. We can rain check this until after we catch our fish."
I smiled and exhaled with relief. "Thank you."
"Let's go before people get the wrong idea. Wouldn't want an internal affairs problem when they find out you're dating your subordinate." He winked unlocking the door.
"I was waiting for you to bring that up." I laughed.
"It's hot." He shrugged. "Let's go boss."
He patted my ass and we walked out of the bathroom, paid at the bar, and made our way to the pier.
I hooked my pinky with his and walked side by side. "How are you gonna run in those shoes?" He asked me.
"There are a lot of requirements for being a woman." I said flippantly. "We are expected to look pretty and be functional. So I chose to be more. I can run pretty good in these." I said shaking my foot. "But I can also kick them off in a pinch."
"Well, you don't have to wear them."
"You don't like them?" I asked lacing my fingers with his.
"I just don't want you at risk."
"That's sweet. So protective." I teased.
"I'm serious. Maybe stick to flat shoes. I don't want anything catching you." He said, stopping. He kissed my forehead.
"Come on Casanova." I said, pulling him to the pier.
My heels clicked on the wooden planks of the pier. I looked out toward the water, any signs of anything disturbing the glass. The ocean was calm.
"It's kind of messed up."
"What is?" He asked, looking at me.
"They're trying to be heroes. I wonder why they do it? Why they kill the men if they're trying to save the mermaids."
"Ava you'll learn pretty quickly that monsters are just monsters."
"Nah, there's exceptions. But they're far and few between."
I nodded knowingly. “Sucks when the world is so black and white.” I sighed and looked up at the night sky. "It's kind of peaceful out here." I murmured, mostly for myself.
"For a murder scene, sure." Dean grinned.
"Shut up." I grinned, glancing at him. Something was different about Dean. Since his confession in the rain he seemed more relaxed, like he finally let his hair down. Maybe he would let himself be happy. Maybe I could let myself be happy, too.
I looked back out at the water to see a head break through the surface. "Help!" He man shouted, gasping for air before he was sucked back under.
"Shit!" Dean said, before jumping up, and diving into the water.
"Dean!" I heard Ava shout as my hands hit the water.
It was dark, but I could vaguely see two shapes. They were thrashing together. I swam forward as fast as I could. I pulled the knife from my pocket.
The closer I swam the more defined the shapes were. The thing had its hands around the mans throat, and he was thrashing at her.
I swam closer and stabbed my knife into the things tail. It's mouth opened up to reveal layers of sharp teeth like a shark. Bubbles erupted from its mouth in a scream. It released the man and darted away, into the blackness of the sea. My lungs were burning as I swam up, towing the man with me. I gasped for air as soon as I broke through the top layer of water.
"Dean, oh my god. You were down there forever." She ran to the edge of the pier to help me pull the man out of the water. I pushed myself up and laid on my back.
"He isn't breathing." I gasped, coughing up some water myself. I rolled on my side and, I watched Ava press her hands to the mans chest and begin CPR.
After a few minutes he gasped out, spitting water. "Let's get him to the hospital." I said, making eye contact with her. "That thing will be back. This time we need to be ready."
Ava helped me load the man into the car and we left him at the ambulance bay. I let her drive because my head was pounding. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, reaching for my hand.
"I'm okay." I said with a cough. I squeezed her hand.
"Let's go regroup with Sam. Maybe he found a weapon."
"Good." I grunted. "Because the bitch still has my knife."
She pulled up to the motel and I walked into the room. I wiggled out of my wet jacket.
"Woah, what happened to you?" Sam asked, standing up.
"Went for a swim." I grunted.
"He saved another potential victim." Ava said, coming up behind me.
"Did you see it?" Sam asked.
"Yeah. Ugly motherfucker." I peeled off my shirt. "Any ideas on a weapon?"
"Actually, yeah. There's a museum that has genuine articles from a wreck that happened near here. Including an old sword. I think that'd work." Sam explained.
"When do we go get it?" I asked.
"Actually, I think you two should stay here. Rest and when I get back we can kill the thing."
"I think that's a good idea." Ava agreed.
"I'm fine."
"Give Sam twenty minutes to get the weapon and we will meet him. Come on, Dean."
I frowned. "Fine."
Ava and Sam nodded to each other and he jogged out the door.
"You better be glad you're cute." I grumbled at her.
"I am." She said walking to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm glad you're okay."
"I'm fine." I shrugged.
"I thought she drowned you."
"I wouldn't die by the little mermaid. That's pathetic..." Before I could finish my sarcastic thought she pressed her mouth to mine. My mouth still hung open in surprise before I corrected and kissed her back. "Hey." I said, pulling away a bit. "What was that for?"
"You scared me." She admitted quietly.
I ran my fingers through her hair. "This job is dangerous, but you can't get rid of me that easily."
"Yeah, you can't die before you take me on that date."
"I wouldn't dare." I grinned, pulling her closer to kiss her again.
Kissing Ava was unlike kissing any other woman. It was like the first kiss, over and over again. She made my stomach flip. She tasted delicious. With every kiss she breathed life into me.
"We should change." Ava said softly. "My skirt is wet."
I grinned widely. "I can help you with that." I started to unzip my slacks.
"Slow down pervert. It's not like that." She pointed to my soaked pants. "I was sitting on your lap and you got ocean water all over my skirt." She kissed my nose. "And as you pointed out earlier, this isn't exactly a fighting outfit." She walked to her suitcase and pulled out something more appropriate, including her pair of black converse.
Sam was back in record time, holding a big ass sword and two diving wetsuits.
"No." I said at the same time as Ava said, "Yes!"
We walked up the pier looking fucking ridiculous. Ava walked behind us, laughing hysterically taking a million photos. If I didn't care about getting laid later I would toss her phone in the ocean. We wore the wet suit, goggles, and Sam even wore flippers. The sword was over my shoulder.
"You look cute." Ava commented.
"I'm naked under here." I teased.
"Ooh." She winked back.
"Hey, what's that?" Sam asked, stopping.
It was a woman, she sat on the bench on the pier. She was completely naked. Her dark hair had pieces of seaweed twisted into it. She was looking away, but even from here I could see my knife suck in her leg.
"Son of a bitch." I said under my breath.
Ava saw it a second after I did, and both of us took off in a run. Sam fast waddled behind us in his fins.
Ava pulled her gun out quickly and shot at the mermaid. She hit it in the shoulder and it turned, hissing and showing it's rows of fangs. It's eyes were dead, like a fishes, and it's skin was almost gray like a sharks. The closer we got the more grotesque she looked.
"Come here, bitch." I said as I lunged toward her.
She slid out of my way and grabbed Ava from behind. Her jaw was open and ready to take a bite out of Ava as she struggled. "Let her go." I growled. Sam was close, I could hear his flippers smacking the ground. He wasn't exactly inconspicuous.
"Make me." It hissed.
Ava made eye contact with me, opened her mouth, and bit into the things hand.
It howled and unnatural scream and it's hand flew back. "I love sushi." Ava said, stepping out of the way so I could push the sword into its chest.
"And I love skewars, but after today I think I will stick with burgers."
It withered and screamed, its fingers curling into itself, then it almost seemed to melt into water, seeping through the cracks in the pier back into the ocean.
"You good?" I asked Ava.
"I'm great." She smiled back to me.
We both turned to Sam and burst into laughter. He was bent over, trying to take off the damn flippers. "Quit playing around, Sam. We are working a case." Ava grinned.
"Shut up." He grumbled.
I picked up the sword. "Guess we better get this back."
"We can't keep it?" Ava asked with a pout.
"Do you want it for sex things or work things?"
"Work!" She looked disgusted then she paused, an eyebrow raised. "Wait, what kind of sex things?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Is that a yes?"
"When have I ever said no to you?"
"True." She said, placing a kiss on my cheek.
That's what I loved about her. She was funny. She lit up the room. She was spectacular. She was mine.
Chapter Thirteen, The Beginning
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Bridge Over Troubled Water
👉 Read it on Ao3
Characters: Dean, Sam x any!Reader eventually, Castiel Summary: You might not be aware of it, but the boys noticed you’re not yourself and try their best to make you feel better. Warnings: mentions of depression, fluff Words: 4,874
A/N: This was written for @curly-haired-disaster​ sept. 2018 AKF Challenge [see here].
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The first day, you woke up feeling like you hadn’t slept enough. You stayed in bed, hoping to fall back asleep, in vain. You got up a bit later than usual, and, after your morning routine, you went to the kitchen. You found Dean cleaning his guns, telling you Sam was out for a jog and that there was some leftover fruit salad in the fridge. You didn’t feel like eating much, so you just had a coffee. The day went by. You went to bed but couldn’t sleep.
The second day, you woke up late but so tired again. You wondered why you slept so bad. You shut the thought out of your head, got dressed with the clothes that were on the chair from yesterday, and went to the kitchen. When you entered, Sam and Dean looked up from their computers and stared at you.
“What?”, you said. “You got a serious case of bed hair,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows. “I think you just forgot to brush it,” Sam said. You scowled. “What are you? My dads?” Sam tried to explain. “It’s just because you usually brush your hair a little before coming for breakfast, that’s all.”
You frowned. You flattened your hair this way and that. You knew it was not helping, but why does Sam care anyway? You’ve been crashing here for a few months now, he’s seen you with bad hair. What’s his problem this morning? What, Mister Winchester wants you to always be pretty? You’re not pretty, you’re a hunter. Come to think of it, actually, could you really call yourself a hunter? You were not a very good shot, you didn’t run very fast, and you didn’t know half as much on lore and monsters as Sam. So why were they letting you live here anyway? You wanted to tell him to shove it, but you’d make him angry, you’d fight, he’d tell you you were always useless anyway, Dean would say it was Sam’s idea to let you come and live with them, and then the boys would tell you to pack and leave and you’d be out on your own again, on the road, without an address.
The boys were still staring. Dean asked you, “Are you alright?” You answered, “I know, my hair looks bad. Big deal.” The brothers looked at each other, utterly confused. Dean said, “It’s not about the hair. It’s… it’s…” Sam caught Dean’s train of thought, “It’s because it’s unusual. If you were in your pj’s, OK, but usually, when you’re dressed for the day… Anyway. It’s fine, we all have bad hair days.” Dean chuckled, “Not me! haha!” He turned to you and, looking at you, became serious again. “But, um, yeah. It’s alright. Forget it.” He shot a questioning look at Sam. All this concern about your appearance put you on edge. “What the fuck is it with the focus on my hair this morning? Don’t you have anything else to do?” Dean snapped back, “What? Hey, wo!” You knew it. You knew you’d fight. This is it, you thought, the beginning of the end. You saw Sam turn to Dean and, between clenched teeth, tell him “Dean, come on!” Dean gestured in your direction and said, “But…” Sam just sighed angrily at him, and, with a look, shut him up. Meanwhile, you hadn’t noticed, but your heart felt heavy and you were certain that, if you’d been alone right now, you’d cry. What is wrong with me, you asked yourself, staring blankly at the wall.
You got pulled out of your trance hearing Sam say “Hey, hey, hey!” as he got up and quickly got to you. You just had time to look up to see his open arms close in around you, and feel yourself lifted up like a doll, too immobile in your head to remember you’re supposed to put your arms around him too. He put you back down. “[Y/N],” he said as he took your hair out of your face and put his hands on your shoulders, “What’s going on? Did you have a nightmare or something? What’s going on?” Your brain didn’t seem to work. You looked into Sam’s eyes. The only thing you saw is their colour. Actually, their colours, plural. There was some gr- “[Y/N], What’s going on?” You blinked. The only echo in your mind was Dean snapping at you. “Why is Dean mean to me?” As you heard yourself say it, it sounded idiotic. You heard Dean right beside you – when did he get there? “Look, I’m sorry.” He put his hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at him. He seemed worried. “Come on, come sit. I’ll bring you coffee.”
You sat at the table, your brain still empty. Sam sat beside you, his body turned to face you. A coffee mug appeared in front of you. You looked at Dean’s hand, a strong, masculine, yet gentle hand, as he turned the mug so the handle was just right for you to pick the mug up. You didn’t touch it. You watched Dean sit and look at you. Your brain echoed that feeling you had that you were probably going to have to pack everything today because the boys would be done with you. It suddenly seemed very stupid. But you still felt it. You looked at Sam, then Dean, realized they looked genuinely confused and concerned. Of course they won’t kick you out. But you still felt it.
Then it hit you. It had been so long, you had happily forgotten about it, that fucking Beast of depression. Everything made sense now. The tiredness, the irrational moods, the anxiety, the certainty that things would go wrong, so certain you’d acted out on it and made things go exactly how you feared they’d go. Except, they didn’t. In all fairness, Dean didn’t really snap at you. It was more of a surprised response to your snapping at him. Sam had run to hug you. Dean had brought you coffee. You felt like shit for being so weird with them and yelling at them. You felt a surge of hate for the Beast – because, to you, it was a Beast. That thing messed up your judgement about everything.
“Kiddo?” Dean got you out of your head again. You chose to not tell the boys. You didn’t want their pity, you didn’t want them to try to fix you; it didn’t work that way. You made a show of letting out a big sigh. “Sorry guys,” you said, looking at the table, “I just really didn’t sleep well. I’m just super tired. I’m so sorry.” You looked up through your lashes. They seemed to have bought it. Sam pulled you in with a big hug. “Hey, it’s alright. Don’t worry about it. Bad nights happen.” This time, you remembered to put your arms around him. You knew it calmed the Beast. Sam smelled good, too. You gave him a little squeeze and you let him go. Dean asked you, “Hey, I can make you breakfast. What do you want?” “Um, I’ll stick to my coffee for now. Maybe when I’ll be awake, I’ll be hungry.” “Fine by me. Just say the word when you’re ready.” You actually smiled. “Alright. Thanks.” You glanced at Sam as you were taking a sip of your coffee and he smiled and winked at you, and patted your shoulder before turning back to his laptop.
During the day, you all did some research in the lore for the current case. You listened to the boy’s conversations. You declined Dean’s invitation to clock some shooting time in the range in favour of a nap. The nap didn’t happen, but you had found fics on tumblr about Thor and Loki. Some of them were pretty funny; some of them got your mind busy with interesting images. Man, they’re brothers! What the… Anyway.
You heard a little knock on your door. “Come in!” The door cracked open and Sam asked, “Dean wants to know what you want for dinner. He’s going to head out for groceries.” Uh, that was new. Dean always just bought the food and winged it. Sure, sometimes, he’d ask if you or Sam wanted something in particular, but not for a whole meal. You were all used to eating what’s available. Dean also knew pretty much what everyone liked, so it all worked out anyway. “[Y/N]?” “Oh, sorry. Um, seriously, I have no idea.” Sam chuckled. “Yeah, me neither. We’ll end up with burgers and pizza again if we don’t come up with something.” You shook your head. “I’m really sorry, I really have no idea.” Sam hung on the doorknob. “I don’t know… Maybe something you haven’t had in ages? Maybe something your mom used to make?” Uh, something your mom made that you liked… “Oh, I know! But it’s a bit strange.” Sam gestured for you to continue, “hey, strange is our life!” “Haha… Yes. It’s spaghetti, no sauce, but with butter, and with corndogs on it.” Sam’s brows furrowed. “Corndogs.” You laughed. “Cut in slices and grilled in a pan. Plus, a ton of cheese, and the whole thing put to broil in the oven.” Sam’s eyes widened. “My god…” “I know. Starch, salt and fat heaven. Sorry Sam, no veggies allowed. Haha!” Sam shook his head as if he tried to shake the idea of that dinner off. He raised his eyebrows. “Fair enough. Starch, salt and fat heaven for dinner tonight!” You flashed him a smile as he closed the door.“
Corndoghetti? You even gave it a name?” Dean exclaimed, as he put your plate in front of you. “That’s awesome!” “Thanks!” you said, laughing, as you took your fork to attack the humongous plate Dean had made for you. “Seriously, Dean, you think I’m going to eat all that?” He pointed at the plate and looked at you. “Kiddo, you ate next to nothing for the last two days, so do yourself a favour. Eat.” “Alright, alright.” Dean had a knack for cooking and he had managed to make this ridiculous thing taste even better than you remembered. It was also fun to eat, that big pile of noodles glued in a glop by the melted cheese. As you battled with your food, you looked up to see if the boys liked it too. Dean seemed to be in the same heaven as you, and Sam seemed to enjoy himself too. In the end, you managed to eat half the plate. Dean seemed content with that.
Dean sat back against the wall, patted his tummy. “Man, that was surprisingly good.” You smiled and turned to Sam. He smiled, “Yeah. Not too often, but yeah, once in a while… Yeah. It’s oddly satisfying.” Dean turned to Sam, offended. “Oddly? I think you mean ‘Super’.” That made you giggle.
Dean changed the subject. “Hey kiddo, while you were slacking off this afternoon, we got intel on where to get the crystal we need. It’s a bit far, so we’re leaving at 7 sharp. We’re gonna pack our gear tonight.” Just thinking about getting up early for a big day of sitting in the car, fighting people or monsters, escape, drive back… you were exhausted. “I think I’m gonna pass.” Dean was surprised. “What? Why?” “I’m too tired. If I go with you, I’m going to be a liability. I’d rather stay here.” The boys looked at each other. Sam said, “You’re sure?” “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll take the day off, try to rest.” The boys looked at each other again. You knew they were understanding each other about something. “What? I see you, guys. What is it?” Sam said, “Nothing. We thought you’d like a change of scenery. Plus, you never stay back.” You probably looked like you were about to argue, because he quickly added, “No, but it’s fine. You need to rest, so stay. It’s OK.”
You went to your room since the boys were busy packing their gear. It didn’t take long before you heard a knock on your door. “Come in!” It was Dean. “Hey there,” he said. “Heyyy. Oh, thanks again for the corndoghetti. It was just… mmmmmm!” “Oh, thank you. I’m going to make that again. Maybe not this week, but sometime.” “You’re welcome.” Dean leaned against the door frame, crossed his arms and stuck his chin out at you. “Wanted to know, how do you feel about a movie?” You answered, surprised, “You… You’re done packing?” Dean laughed softly. “Sweetheart, how long do you think I’ve been doing this job? I’m packed, it took me 10 minutes.” “Oh. Um…” Dean walked the 3 paces from the door to you. He extended his hand. “Actually, I just decided that your answer is yes. Come on.” “Come on where?” “To my room. I have a bigger TV than yours.” “And Sam?” “He’s waxing his buttcrack.” You frowned, suspicious. “Really?” Dean threw his arms in the air. “I don’t know. And quite frankly, I don’t want to know.” He shook his arm at you, his hand extended again. “Come on.”
Usually, when you watched a movie with Dean, he insisted you get comfortable on the bed, him taking a chair, putting his feet up on the bed. But not this time. This time, he told you to scoot over and he sat right next to you. Seeing you take your distance to give him space, he objected. “No, no, stay close. If you fall asleep, I don’t want you to fall off the bed. Stay here.” You were surprised, but it was so sweet of him. You got back next to him. He started the movie, some lighthearted comedy. Funny enough to keep your mind busy – which was good – but light enough you soon felt groggy and you lay your head on Dean’s shoulder. He whispered a little “hey…” and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you in. You kind of smooched yourself in a little bundle against him. He gave you a little kiss on the head. He was warm. His breathing was deep and even. Your eyelids got heavier. You felt him move when he chuckled.
Next thing you knew, the silence woke you up. You took a deep breath, unbundled yourself from under Dean’s arm and sat up. Dean spoke softly. “Hey, you can sleep here. I’ll take another room.” You rubbed your eyes. “No, it’s fine. It’s just 2 doors down. Thanks.” You got up and walked to your room. By the time you had changed into your pj’s, you were somewhat awake. You had a hard time falling back asleep.
You woke up the next day to a silent bunker. You checked the time. 8:30. You kind of remembered sleeping through a bit of noise earlier. The boys were gone to get the crystal.
Having the bunker to yourself felt a bit like being more free than usual. For example, you realized you could take the longest shower and no one would complain about needing the bathroom nor that there’s no more hot water left. You also didn’t need to worry about carrying – or forgetting – your clothes to the bathroom. You liked this.
You stripped, went to the bathroom naked, and got the water running. You rummaged through Sam’s hair products and chose the most perfect combination of scents. You took your time and even gave your feet a good scrub job. You washed your hair and put some conditioner that needed to be left in five minutes. It stayed in 15 minutes. The scents were soothing. When you finally had enough, the shower was so misty it was like breathing a cloud.
As you walked back to your room, you heard a voice behind you. “Hello, [Y/N].” You jumped, almost slipped, screamed and covered yourself the best you could before you realized it was Cas. “Good lord, Cas! You scared me!” “Oh, I’m sorry. Why are you naked?” “I just got out of the shower!” “But you don’t usually walk around naked.” “Well, the bunker was supposed to be empty!” “Oh.” “Why am I… I’m going to get dressed now.” “OK. I’ll be in the library.” “Alright.”
When you got to the library, Castiel was reading a book in Enochian. “The amount of grammar mistakes indicates this is a poor translation.” You stopped short. “A translation… into Enochian?” Castiel looked up from his book and closed it. “Yes.” You wondered why the angels would need something translated into their language, but you had a more pressing question. “So, Cas, nice to see you, but why are you here? Cause the boys aren’t here, so…” “I came to see you.” “Why?” “Because I hadn’t seen you in a while. I like spending time with you.” You squinted at Cas. And it dawned on you. The boys knew you were a bit off these days. They had called Cas to make sure you wouldn’t spend the day alone.“
Cas?” “Yes, [Y/N]?” “How much exactly are the boys worried about me?” Castiel’s eyes widened, and he looked at the book in his hands. “What? They’re not… Um, I don’t know.” You walked to Castiel, took the book out of his hands, put in on the table. “Cas, it’s alright, you can tell me. It’s clear they sent you to babysit me.” “That’s not what they said. And you’re a grown human. You do not require babysitting.” You laughed a little. “Cas. Seriously. Tell me.” He looked at you like a puppy caught doing something wrong. “They said you seemed quieter than usual and you might need some company. They asked me to come and spend the day with you.” You decided to tease him a little. “So you didn’t come because you wanted to see me. You came because you had to.” The look of confusion and disbelief on his face was priceless. Fishing for compliments with Cas was so easy. “Why would you say that? I always love spending time with you!” You patted his shoulder. “It’s alright, I’m just teasing you.” “But it’s true.” “I know, I know. Love you too, Cas.”
“So, Cas, what are we going to do today?” “I don’t know. I saw a fair on my way here. People seem to enjoy themselves at fairs.” So you went to the fair. Castiel agreed to go on every ride, insisting on going on the rides you were unsure about. He explained he found it fascinating how humans devised ways to trick gravity in order to give the body sensations. He wanted to try them all. It was hilarious to see Castiel sitting stoic on every ride, studying its workings. He assured you he enjoyed himself. After lunch – Castiel didn’t let you forget to eat – you tried your hand at winning a plushie, but, being a so-so shot, wasted quite a bit of money. “I’m bad at this,” you told Castiel, after losing at the 6th stand. Castiel asked, “Which stuffed animal did you want?” You pointed, pouting, at a giant Toothless. “That black dragon with green eyes, there.” Castiel gave money to the man at the stand. He took the balls and threw them all exactly in the right spot. The man congratulated Castiel. “You’re very good, sir! You can have one big plushie or 3 little ones.” Your eyes sparkled. “Really?” “Yes miss. I believe you’re the one choosing. Just tell me which.” You chose a small Toothless for yourself, a Batman for Dean and a cute little monster for Sam. You were beaming like a child. “Thanks, Cas.” “Anytime, [Y/N].” For the rest of the afternoon, you walked around the fair and redid a few rides again. Before leaving, you bought a big pretzel for Dean.
Back at the bunker, the boys were in the war room, checking out the crystal they’d just fetched. As you descended the staircase with Castiel, they were all smiles. “Hey, look who’s back!” said Dean, as he walked up and hugged you. He gave Castiel a pat on the back. “So what did you do?” Castiel answered, “We went to the fair.” “The fair?” He looked at you. “OH! Is that a pretzel?” “Yes, I got it for you.” “Oh YES!” He took the pretzel and started on it. Sam walked up to you and hugged you too – a little longer than Dean. “You had a good time?” “Yes, and I brought you presents.” Dean beamed. His mouth was full of pretzel. “Presents?!” You laughed. “Yeah, it’s just stupid little things.” You handed out the little monster for Sam, who grinned and said thanks. You showed your dragon, Dean pointed at it and did a thumbs up. You fetched out Dean’s – “Batman!!! Haha!” he exclaimed, and he snatched it from you.
Sam, Castiel and you all stared at Dean. “What?” he said. You shook your head. “Dean, it’s fine. You don’t have to overdo it.” “Overdo what?” “The excitement. I know you boys don’t care about plushies. I just thought it was funny.” Dean gestured with the pretzel. “This is awesome, though.” “Yes. But it’s fine. The Batman is just a joke.” You turned to Sam. “The monster too. You can use the plushies in the shooting range, if you want. It was just for the fun of it.” Sam smiled, looking at his monster, turning it in his hands. Dean looked at his Batman and at you. He looked at his Batman again. “Yeah. Even if Batman is cool… Yeah. Well, maybe.”
You all sat at the war room table for dinner. The boys had gotten pizza. They discussed the case, told about their day. Castiel told about the intricate ways rides made your stomach churn. You sipped your beer. The conversation trailed off into silence. You sipped your beer.
Dean, sitting in front of you, gestured his beer at you. “OK, [Y/N], talk to us.” “What?” “Look. We know, you know, Cas knows, we all know you know we know… Come on, you can talk to us.” “And tell you what?” “Tell us what we can do. Something’s eating you. You can tell us what it is. We’ll figure it out. We’ll help you.” You really didn’t see that coming. “What?” Sam took over. “Look, we’ve noticed you’re a bit zoned out. You usually have an angle for a case, an idea, or, at least, you play devil’s advocate. You always challenge our theories, you help us. All the time. But these days, you seemed… lost in your thoughts.” You looked at the three men waiting for you to tell them what was going on. They were way too observant; you resigned yourself. “I guess… Look, Dean, it’s not a ‘thing’. You can’t ‘figure it out’. It’s just a wave of depression, it’s fine, I’m used to it, I know how to ride it out.” Everyone looked at you, thinking. Castiel said, “Can I cure it?” “Sorry, Cas, I don’t think so. It comes and goes. It’s a weird thing.” Dean insisted, “Surely, we can help, do something.” You shook your head. “Actually, you’re already doing it. You’re kind and caring, yet still normal. Tricking me into telling you my ultimate comfort food? And making it for me? That was good.” You looked at Dean, Castiel, Sam. “Really, guys, you don’t have to worry.” Sam put his hand on your arm and squeezed. “But we do anyway. You’re family.” You put your hand on his. “Thanks. But I’m better now. I’ll be fine. Promise.” Sam let his hand on your arm, looking you in the eyes. He smiled and let you go.
Everyone called it a night soon after dinner and went to their respective bedrooms. Castiel left for who knows where he goes when he leaves. You changed in your pj’s, something long and soft. You put your little dragon on the night table, turned off the light, got under the sheets. You stared at the ceiling and knew this was not going to help you. You thought, I need a distraction. Not your phone, because the light will keep you up even longer. In fact, you didn’t feel like doing anything. But you couldn’t keep staring at the ceiling, that much you knew. Sam’s face popped in your head. Yeah, you thought, I think Sam might agree to me hanging out in his room, doing nothing. That’s better than staying here, doing nothing. Alright, let’s try that.
You knocked on his door. “Sam, it’s me. Can I come in?” You heard him say “Of course” from inside. You opened the door. The first thing that caught your eye was the plushie monster sitting on the bedside table. Sam was lounging on his bed, reading a book. You caught your breath. It was like you were seeing him for the first time. His hair framed his face perfectly, drawing your attention to his jaw. “What’s up, [Y/N]?” His expression was the softest. You remembered why you came. “Can I just… hang out here with you? I don’t feel like being alone in my room right now.” “Of course,” he said, as he scooted on the bed and patted it, inviting you to sit beside him. “Do you want to talk about something? Watch a movie? Read a book, maybe? I have a few here you might like.” You looked at his hands. The book he was holding seemed so small in them. “No… I don’t want to do nothing… Just be here. You can keep on reading your book, I’ll just… be here. Is that ok with you?” “Sure, no problem.” You sat next to him. He turned back to his reading. For a few pages, you just stared at the book, thinking about nothing. Then, you got to looking at his hands again. His long legs. His big feet. He seemed so strong. Without knowing it, you found yourself leaning against him, getting your head comfortable against his shoulder. Sam rubbed your head with his cheek, still reading. You found a deep interest in a crease in his jeans. Sam’s breathing was like the slow, calming waves of a quiet sea.
“I’m sorry,” you said, out of nowhere. Sam rubbed your head with his cheek as he said softly, “Why do you say that?” “Because I’m not a very good hunter.” Sam let his book fall on his lap. “Nonsense. Why do you say that?” “Because I can’t shoot a gun like you do. Seems to me it’s important.” “But it’s not what makes a hunter. Sure, it helps, but in the end, it’s finding the right information and finding the right monster that counts. You’re good at helping with that. Hunting is a team effort. We all have strengths. Mine are different than Dean’s, and different than yours. Nobody has every talent, that’s why we’re stronger together. And, in case no one told you, you’re badass at close combat. You’re quick, strong and sneaky. It’s a real delight to see you beat up the bad guys. Sometimes I wish I could stop in the middle of a fight just to watch you.” You both said nothing for a moment, thinking about recent battles. Sam said, a little under his breath, “My god… You’re amazing.”
You backed away ever so slightly to look at Sam. You couldn’t help but try and count the colours in his eyes. Green, blue, hazel… Figure out how they merged and yet were well defined. Sam held your gaze as he passed his arm around you. He whispered, “You’re amazing.” You saw his eyes trail down to your lips and back again into your eyes. He pulled you closer and kissed you on the forehead, a long, immobile kiss, as he wrapped his other arm around you. You closed your eyes. He smelled so good, he was so warm. You wrapped your arms around him, under his flannel. You felt his hands grip you tighter.
You leaned back a little to look at him again, your hand coming back on his abs. He put a hand on your face, traced little circles on your cheek with his thumb. He whispered again, “You’re amazing,” and he came in slowly, giving you a soft kiss, closing his eyes, resting his forehead on yours. You kissed him back, a long, lingering kiss. You waited for your heartbeats to slow down a little. Sam said, eyes still closed, “Do you want to spend the night here? To sleep, I mean.” You said yes.
Sam gave you another kiss on your forehead, got up, stripped to his boxers and t-shirt, turned off the light, and came back to you. You both got under the sheets and you nestled into him, your nose in the crook of his neck. Your whole universe became Sam scented. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He rested his head against yours. His deep, slow breathing contrasted with his heartbeat. You squeezed him tighter. Soon his warmth made you sleepy and you felt yourself slipping away. You heard a whisper. “Goodnight, [Y/N].” You mumbled something. You felt a kiss on your head, a thumb stroking your arm. Your heart felt full as you fell asleep.
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lewnatic · 6 years
For the D&D asks, 1-20
Oh gosh, okay. This is gonna be long so I’m gonna do it under a cut.
What was your favorite Nat 1 Experience?
I don’t think a lot of my characters have had really funny Nat1 moments, sadly. I will always remember the one when @zhixx​ made a goblin named Spook’em specifically designed to have the least survivability possible. The first time he was downed he rolled a Nat1 on his first death save. The feeling of comedic timing was just beautiful.
Favorite D&D Inside Joke?
“You are a privateer! BUT ON LAHND.”
Favorite Item Your Character received in D&D?
Phailyn was supposed to get a tome to increase his strength, but when his crush said she wanted it, he immediately fucking dropped it so she could have it. So the DM let me sneak off and get a scrying orb we’d passed up earlier. He hasn’t used it yet, but I just like the story behind it.
Ves probably considers Sikrikta to be the best item she’s received has a lot of really expensive shit she’s keeping just because she has bourgie taste. She got a bottle of wine as a gift that would have been 400g if she’d left it unopened. She’s drinking it gradually through the adventure. It’s good, but not quite as good as what she’s used to.
Teeki has a gaudy diamond crown that Bing bought for 300 gold. It does nothing. It is purely cosmetic. She loves it.
Basically I love frivolous shit.
Preferred Animal Companion (if you had any)?
Vesxlit has a familiar, if that counts. He’s a parrot named Brilliant. He talks like a normal human (in a setting where that is definitely not commonplace) and is a member of the Bardic College in the capital city of the nation we’re traveling in.
He’s a posh gentleman who helps Ves sew dresses. They spend 90% of their time arguing because, being a bird, his fashion sense is incredibly bright and garish.
Favorite D&D Battle Encounter?
Every boss fight Skaaren has done is goddamn awesome, tbh. My favorite is the first just because of how scary it was.
Keep in mind, we’re level 1 in Pathfinder, an Oracle (Ves) and a Barbarian (Cato.) We’ve just watched a big hole open up in the ground, and our characters don’t know why, but we’re looking for missing people (including the barbarian’s boyfriend Fabius, he’s important) so we figure hell, this is probably where they’re missing.
We find some of the missing people at the bottom of the hole, but we haven’t found Fabius, so we go deeper in. We find this creepy old woman doing some kinda ritual or something by a pool of water? Barbarian charges in to kill her and save his man, and… kills her very quickly.
Silence. We go to check on Fabius, and we’re not sure if we can safely move him. I’m running out of heals from earlier stuff and I pop my last one on him, and after a while of debating what to do a ton of undead start coming out of the water. Just a goddamn mob. Whatever the hell creepy-lady was doing, we were suddenly way in over our heads. Even if we picked up Fabius and ran, we don’t have a fast way out of this hole. And we start taking damage fast. Including Fabius.
I don’t remember the specifics of the fight. I think that’s a testament to how much we were panicking. I remember feeling the helplessness of being a mage completely out of spell slots frantically trying to hit things with my stupid mace.
And I remember when the fight was over, I stayed down there panicking for several more minutes, trying to determine if Fabius was even alive while the barbarian ran to get the local doctor in a town of which he didn’t even speak the language.
In the end, Fabius was okay, and we both got out of it alive. It was just that sense of dread and fear, that we didn’t know how the DM’s rolls were going or if anything we were trying had any impact. Skaaren has always done a stellar job since of bringing that sense of genuine fear into the game when he wants to, but that first unexpected taste of it was so damn cool.
Favorite D&D NPC Interaction?
Varis Vrynn was my favorite villain. Not because of his fight, or how he fit into the greater lore, but because of how @extravagantshoes​ played him. He was a slimy uppity elf in the city of Galthiel, a city with heavy class divides based on magic ability. Varis was a powerful diviner, and a lot of our party interactions involved everyone in the party trying to piss him off and Varis looking down his nose in disgust at all of us.
Then Cedlanna, our young sorcerer, got a conversation with him alone in his manor, where he wanted to make a deal with her. And she just ripped into him. Cut to the core of his insecurities and how with all of his riches on display, his manor still was incredibly empty–that for all the parties he hosted he was completely alone.
He was doing some really irredeemable things and later tried to kill us all but I still managed to feel kind of sad that we ended up gruesomely killing him.
Dumbest thing You & Your Party Did
Charging through multiple spinning saws comes to mind. Every time I try to sneak around in heavy plate armor also comes to mind.
I feel like I need to make a separate post to discuss just all the impulsive things Cato does. Turning an entire city upside down just for the chance to punch a specific guy in the face was one.
Most Epic thing You & Your Party Did
I might also make a separate post about this, but Cato and Ves convinced a bunch of lizard people that they were their gods.
Basically in this setting, the level 1 baddies generally fought are called Rapia. They’re kobold-esque in design, but they have a faith-based culture and… well, kind of a faith-based biology. Rapia need something to worship, they undergo gradual physiological changes based on the thing they follow. (Say it’s a sea creature, they might get gills.) And if they don’t have something to worship, they literally become sick and presumably die.
We’d fought a few before and looted crap from their caves, including a tiny hammer that we never could have used but the barbarian held onto cuz idk??
We later ran into some others by falling through the roof of their cave, but they didn’t attack us. They started to assume that we were the gods depicted on one of their cave walls. For the sake of brevity, a fight broke out later when we were trying to leave, and Cato gave the hammer to one of the rapia who was helping us escape. It turned out in the DM’s notes, this hammer had significance to the rapia, and was supposed to be given to the religious leader of a tribe. And so the entire tribe turned to our side and protected us. And… they started following us.
It was about this time that the DM broke character to tell us he had no plan of this happening, and I guess we just have a tribe of rapia now. And we’ve had the goddamn campaign balanced around having a tribe of rapia ever since.
What did you like about your Campaign’s World?
I’m gonna try to sum these up quickly cuz these stories have already gotten long.
The Ascension world has elements of what I affectionately like to call Pop Fantasy, there’s some genre-awareness while not being parody, and all the work on the pantheon Spi did has been goddamn amazing. I also cannot figure out the overarching mysteries and that is awesome.
Nejj puts a ton into immersing us into the world. I can always very clearly get a feel for the sort of setting he’s putting us in, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with the political intrigue he’s been setting up.
Skaaren’s got the weirdest goddamn races in his setting and I love every single one of them. He’s also packed the setting full of little cultural details, I swear to god he’s done extensive research into what we’re having for breakfast in the morning based on where we’re staying.
What was the most Interesting Lore you Found?
I seriously can’t pick a favorite here so I’m going to give a silly answer, and that’s that acolytes of Ves’s goddess commune with her by getting super high. 
Summarize Your Campaign(s) in a Single Sentence
One for each campaign:A group of weird rebels and one very ordinary guy dismantle the ruling government.Goblins discover crazy politics and necromancy, what happens next will warm your heart.Tourists getting intimate with the horrifying hidden truths of nature
Describe your whole Party Dynamic in a Sentence
The best bunch of weirdos and one stupid shady paladin.Loner rogue becomes Team Mom by sheer force of how much the other two hate each other.Bug Jesus and The Angriest Boy discover family in the form of lizards.
What Alignment do your characters lean towards?
I have a weird time choosing an alignment for characters cuz motivations change a lot for my nerds. Teeki was True Neutral but has become more Chaotic Good. Ves is Lawful Good I guess?? And Phai is a goddamn mess whose alignment has shifted at least thrice since his conception.
How do you tend to Take Notes (if you do)?
Badly! Next question.
Prefer Story/Plot Driven or No Plot/Character-Driven Campaigns?
I tend to prefer plot-driven, but I honestly think elements of both should be implemented in your narrative–occasionally giving breaks from the overarching plot to give the cast some time to dick around can give a breath of fresh air to roleplay.
Combat or Role Play?
Roleplay, of course. I actually used to think I hated D&D combat. It took a lot of great sessions to make me realize that the RP doesn’t stop for combat, and that’s when I started really getting into learning and enjoying mechanics elements.
Favorite D&D Monster/Creature?
Illithid. I would love to actually play as one someday.
Magic User or Fighter?
Magic is more engaging to me, personally, but I like both.
Preferred Weapon/Spell in D&D?
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter. In large part because of how it’s roleplayed in Critical Role tbh. I also have felt the high of Sneak Attack enough times to really love it now.
What was your Favorite Nat 20 Experience?
One time I rolled a Nat20 perception while we were on the road and it was literally just to find a coin on the ground. That might always be my favorite. 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
The Hunting Academy
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Summary: The reader starts work at the brand new Hunting Academy where she runs into some new faces...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 5,300ish
Warnings: language
A/N: Inspired by this post about the boys...
This was weird. There was no curriculum for hunting when you were a kid. You had a swiss army knife and crappy motel rooms. These kids, it was like they were in freakin Hogwarts.
Maybe those British Men of Letters had been dickish assholes but it let the Americans realize one thing. A little bit of structure was good, at least for hunter’s with kids that wanted to tag along after mom and dad. Pretty much it was boarding school, a safe place where the kids could groan over trigonometry one period, then groan over latin the next, all while having a roof over their heads with some badass hunters to watch over them.
All of it was of course with the intention that the kids would choose different lives. Some did, some didn’t but at least they were better prepared for the real world one way or the other. When you got a call after busting your wrist if you wanted to teach half a semester, you figured why not be useful.
Until you were on your back, almost re-breaking your wrist again as some green eyed giant stared down at you.
“Sorry. I didn’t see you there,” he said, helping you to your feet. “You new?”
“Yeah. Trying to get to Lore 394. I’ve got a class on werewolves that I’m late for,” you said. He spun you around and pointed over your shoulder.
“Second door on the right. Try to remember your uniform for tomorrow,” he said, patting you on the shoulder.
“Excuse me?” you asked, spinning back around and catching his confusion.
“Well you aren’t even wearing flannel which is a big no no around here. You’ve got to be a third year if you’re going to 394,” he said.
“I’m the fucking teacher!” you said. 
“Really? I’ve got seventeen year olds that look older-”
“Oh, trust me sweetheart, you do not want to talk to a woman about her age,” you said. 
“Wait, you’re Y/L/N? The wolf girl?” he asked.
“I am not the fucking wolf girl! God! You take out one little pack and suddenly you’ve got that stupid nickname for life,” you said.
“You took out a shit ton. By yourself. That’s pretty awesome, wolf girl,” he said, giving you a wink.
“You’re Dean Winchester aren’t you?” you said, rolling your eyes. He was about to speak when you raised your hand. “The cocky charm gave it away. No offense but I don’t tend to hang out with people that die and don’t stay dead.”
“Wow, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he said with a smirk. “Bet won’t do that if you wake up in mine tomorrow.”
“I’ll pass,” you said, heading off down the hall as you heard a bell ring. 
“See ya around wolf girl,” he said, walking backwards before heading for his own class.
You were agitated when you got in your room, fifteen or so teenagers sitting on top of their desks talking. You went past, not paying them much attention, grabbing a marker and starting to write your name on the board. You heard a shift in the air behind you and ducked, catching the ball of wadded up paper in your hand.
“Who threw it?” you asked, everyone now in their seats, staring at the ceiling. “Black flannel guy, this you?”
“I don’t know what you’re-”
“You’ve got a torn piece of paper on your notebook edge,” you said, tossing it back to him. “Tuck your elbow in closer to your body, more accurate.”
“I freaking love this school,” said another student. You shrugged and finished writing your name.
“Alright, I’m Y/N. Who wants to learn the crap about werewolves they don’t put in the lore?”
You hated to admit it but it was kind of fun to sit in the safety of a classroom while teaching a bunch of kids stuff that normally came at a cost. You knew one of their moms, saved another’s brother once too. By the afternoon it hadn’t take them long to figure out you were wolf girl.
Or for the rumors to start spreading about how you and Dean Winchester had been giving flirty glances that morning.
You let out a sigh as you took a break in what was supposed to be a teacher’s lounge but looked more like a place for the adults to crash and watch TV during the day.
“Excuse me but I think you’re sitting on my phone,” said a man behind you. You spun around on the couch and looked up.
“You must be Sam Winchester,” you said, standing up, handing him his phone.
“I’ve heard you’ve had the pleasure of meeting the older, grumpier, less attractive Winchester,” he said with a smile. “You’re Y/N, right?”
“You’re the first person to call me my real name all day. Want to be work friends?” you said with a laugh.
“It’s not really ‘work’ around here so much as everyone just being part of the hunting community. I’d love to hang out though and get to know you better,” he said, walking away. “Sorry, I’ve got Lore Researching in two on the other side of the building.”
“We’ll grab dinner in the kitchen tonight?” you asked, hearing him shout back seven as he took off. He nearly knocked over a man in a trench coat who was on his way in.
“What are we doing at seven?” he asked, turning to you. 
“You must be Castiel,” you said, taking in the bright blue eyes and black hair. 
“Nice to meet you as well, Y/N. How’s your first day going so far?” he asked.
“Pretty good. I know most of the hunters around here so it’s nice to catch up, meet new faces too,” you said, nodding to him.
“I’m surprised the Winchester’s nor I have worked with you before,” he said.
“I was down in the caribbean for a while then traveled over to Europe a year or so. I was ready to come back home,” you said. “I didn’t even break this on a hunt. Slipped down a couple steps.”
“May I see it?” he asked. You held out your bandaged hand and felt it fill with a warmth. He started undoing the cast and smiled when you flexed your hand, good as new.
“Wow. You’re awesome,” you said, twisting it over. “I owe you one.”
“You were injured. It’s not a problem,” he said, a bell going off. “If you excuse me I have my class.”
He disappeared before your eyes and you shook your head. Well he didn’t have to worry about being late if he could do that. You took a seat back on the couch, laying down and turning on the news.
About forty seconds later you were being crushed by someone who decided to hop over the back of the couch without checking that no one was there first.
“Whoops,” said Dean, rolling to the floor. “I thought I was the only one with a free period now.”
“Nope,” you said, checking your hand again, just in case.
“Cas fix that for you?” he asked. You nodded and saw his smile as he peaked his head towards the door. “You know if we’re the only two in here…”
“Were you going to offer to make out?” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“I was going to say, wolf girl, you can help me come up with my lesson plan for tomorrow,” he said, lifting up your feet and taking a spot at the other end of the couch, setting them down on his lap.
“What exactly do you even teach?” you asked, tossing your arms back. “Flirting with monsters 101?”
“Hunting 101 and 501,” he said with a shrug.
“Wait, you’re telling me you got the job equivalent of Defense Against the Dark Arts around this place?” you asked, knowing that was the most important class there was in terms of being prepared to hunt.
“Hey Huffledor, I’ve died how many times and keep coming back. I must be doing something right,” he said.
“I heard you came back as a demon once,” you said. He sighed and glanced at his lap. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, I try to forget about that,” he said.
“Huffledor isn't a thing by the way. It's either-”
“Gah, I was messing with you nerd. You know how many wisecracks run around this place on a daily basis? Half the school calls me Snape,” he said, crossing his arms.
“Because you're all grumpy,” you said, laughing when he gave you the stink eye. “Oh come on, I was just joking. But you are kind of grumpy when you aren't flirting all the time.”
“Am not,” he said, looking at your feet in his lap that were keeping him seated.
“Of course not,” you said. “You want to get back out there and hunt but you're stuck until the end of the semester. I get it.”
“You don't get anything about me sweetheart,” he said, shoving your feet to the side and standing.
“Oh come on. I don't want to get in a fight. I'll never bring it up again,” you said, jumping up and running in front of him. “I promise.”
“Just...don't ask again why I'm here and we're good, alright?” he asked. You nodded but only grew more curious. “Still a no to the sleeping with me thing?”
“Dean!” you said, smacking him in the arm.
“The whole school already thinks we're an item. No harm now,” he said, licking his lips.
“To think I was going to help you with your lesson plan,” you said, shrugging and going past him back to the couch.
“Woah, no need to be rash. Seriously, I'm in need of dire help,” said Dean.
“What constitutes dire help exactly?” you asked, waving him to sit back down.
“My partner, a certain stupid and idiotic baby brother of mine, he volunteered his time to help proctor a test with Eileen after he said he'd help me. I can't exactly go and do defensive moves on myself,” he said.
“When's your class?” you asked. He told you and you knew you were free. “One condition. I get to show them someone my size can kick someone your size’s ass.”
“Alright then. I won't go easy on you,” he said, smiling to himself like he'd gotten what he wanted. “Here's what I was thinking…”
“I'm starving,” you grumbled as you headed downstairs for dinner that night.
“Well that's good,” you heard a voice right behind you say. You jumped and grabbed the railing, Sam’s hand already on your arm in case you decided to fall. “Let's not re-break that wrist already,” said Sam with a smile.
“I'd appreciate it,” you said, Sam letting you lead the way. “Are Paul Bunyan and Inspector Gadget joining us?”
Sam snorted and you heard a laugh come from another hunter as you walked by.
“Inspector Gadget. Never heard that one I got to say. They're busy I think. Dean said he was going out tonight so Cas probably went to make sure he behaves himself,” said Sam.
“So I know Dean will murder me if I ever ask him again why he's staying here but why are you here Sammy?” you asked. He paused in his step for a minute, wearing an unreadable expression.
“I'm here cause Dean is,” said Sam. “So is Cas. He was the one that wanted to try it out.”
“Really? He doesn't strike me as the teaching type,” you said, walking into the kitchen where someone had made dinner for the hunters.
“No he doesn't. But then again, he pretty much raised me. He's the best teacher I ever had,” said Sam. “What's with the wanting to know?”
“Most people come here if they're hurt or need a break. Dean's not either or at least doesn't seem like it so I was curious is all. But I can see the little bro protective side coming out so-”
“If he ever wants to let you know, he'll be the one to tell you. But...I'd try again when he knows you better. He uh, likes you I'm pretty sure,” said Sam.
“Yeah, I know exactly what he'd like to do with me,” you said, grabbing a plate and some utensils, serving up some food for yourself.
“Can you blame him? You are very pretty,” he said, your eyebrows raising.
“Woah, Sam. A girl can only handle one flirty Winchester at a time,” you said. He only smiled as he filled up a plate and followed you to a table.
“Well it's a good thing I'm the only flirty Winchester here right now,” he said, a small smile on your face. “See? It's working.”
“Sam, I thought we were going to be friends,” you said. “Just friends.”
“Ah, so you like Dean too,” said Sam, a barely there frown on his face. You laughed and ran a hand over your face.
“I don't make it a habit to have two guys going after me at the same time. Especially when they're brothers like you two. I'm not getting in the way of that,” you said. Sam nodded but gave you a fast smile regardless.
“Dean so owes me for this,” said Sam. You were more than confused, only adding to Sam's enjoyment of the situation. “Dean's in a...certain place right now. He needs someone who would turn down an offer like that.”
“Fucking weirdos,” you said, shaking your head. “So you don't…”
“You are pretty but not my type. I don't think I'm yours either if we're being honest,” said Sam. “You passed the test.”
“Awesome. No more tests now and Sam?” you asked, doing your best to not put on your hunter face. “Do anything weird like that again and-”
“Woah, calm down wolf girl, won't happen again,” said Sam, catching your scowl at your nickname. “It's better than a lot of the stuff we've been called.”
“Oh come on, you guys are like celebrities. Ya know, Moose and Squirrel,” you said, appreciating your chosen animal for once.
“You know what, someday you're gonna love wolf girl,” said Sam. You were quiet as you finally started eating, waiting for Sam to ask the obvious question. He made it about three minutes before his curiosity got the better of him. “Okay so how-”
“What's your favorite book?” you asked, knowing Sam wouldn't be able to resist that.
“Well depends on what genre. I mean you got your…” he started, going off on a tangent that somehow led to you both realizing you learned Latin from the same lore book. You yawned and stretched after a while, checking the clock and knowing you were already way past your bedtime.
“I'm calling it a night Sam. Oh, have fun with Eileen in the morning,” you said. “She more your type I'm thinking?”
“Well yes but what are you talking about?” he asked. You thought he was playing dumb for a minute until you realized he had no clue what was going on.
“I think your brother conned me into helping him with his lesson plan as an excuse to hang out,” you said.
“Sounds like Dean. Do things the hard way instead of acting like a normal person. Speaking of which, would you mind helping me out next week? I've got projects due and an extra set of eyes would help,” said Sam.
“Sure. Never hurts to rack up favors with other hunters.”
“Hey guys, you met Y/N yet?” asked Dean when you came into his class a few minutes late the next day, still horribly lost in the building. You looked around and saw older kids, probably all 18, most of the boys about the size of Dean when he was around that age, all of the girls with soft faces that you were sure could turn threatening in a second. You really shouldn't have assumed this was going to be for his 101 super simple overview class.
“She already turned me down for a date,” said one of the guys as you went past. You laughed and spun around after putting your bag on Dean's table.
“Did you forget that I know your mom Gavin? I've got a crap ton of embarrassing stories if you want to go that route,” you said. You'd never seen a teenager be quiet so fast in your life. “Anyways, I'm Y/N if we haven't met yet.”
“Also known as wolf girl,” said Dean, throwing you a smirk. You scowled but he only smiled wider. “Okay so as we all know, the girls have been asking the past couple weeks about self-defense. Guys, you should have been too. I can't tell you how many times I've been in situations where I needed a way out.”
“Word on the street is you still get caught quite a bit,” you said, returning his previous smirk, most of the class laughing under their breath.
“Keep it up, Y/L/N, keep it up,” said Dean, knowing you'd pay for that later. “As I was saying, self defense is a good skill no matter who you are. Now we don't allow you guys to do this crap on account you’re teenagers and probably stupid. Y/N and I are adults so we can be as stupid as we want.”
“You have such a way with words, Dean,” you said, shaking your head, earning a louder laugh that time. “They can practice this stuff in gym genius if you read the rule book.”
“I know that. You know what? You got what you wanted, let's do this,” said Dean, waving you and the class to follow him out of the room. The gym wasn't far off and Dean had laid out some mats already. You took up a spot across from him, letting the group settle in before Dean spoke again. You knew his plan was to start slow and go more advanced.
But Dean was moving before you knew it, doing the exact opposite of what you'd rehearsed yesterday afternoon. You found your arms pinned to your sides, his frame crouching over yours, Dean laughing a little.
“Anyone got any ideas on what Y/N should do?” asked Dean. He didn't get a chance to respond before you used the weight over you to flip him flat on his back. “That'll work,” he grunted.
“Leverage is everything. If you're on the smaller side, make the bigger thing trip over its own feet,” you said.
“What if it's a ghost? They don't have feet,” said one of the kids. You opened your mouth but Dean's hand on your ankle was yanking you down onto your stomach.
“Ghosts don't need feet. Better off with a crowbar against one of them,” said Dean, smiling as you tried to kick out of his hold. “Now lets see you get out of this one.”
“Get out of what-Put me down!” you yelled as he stood up, both hands around one of your ankles, practically lifting you off the ground. “This is not normal hunting practice!”
“That kiddos is what we call the panic talking,” said Dean, picking you up for a second, your hands scrambling around your head. “I won't drop you.”
“Yes you will,” you said, doing your best to sound afraid. Dean scoffed but started to lower you down. The second your hands were touching the floor, you wrapped your legs around his torso, rolling on your back, bringing Dean crashing down again.
“Ow,” said Dean, giving you an approving nod as you helped him to his feet. “Anyone know what she did?”
“Used sympathy to distract you and perceive her as less of a threat,” said a girl you had in your class earlier on. “Tricked you when you thought she was weak.”
“My mistake given Y/N’s abilities. Now if we are done playing,” said Dean to you, giving you a tiny smile. “Maybe we can go over some of the basics and how to do that sweet flip Y/N is so good at.”
“I have a question,” said one of the boys. “Do all hunters flirt like that or just you two?”
“Go run a lap Randy,” said Dean, pointing behind him.
“This isn't gym-”
“I don't care. Run. Now,” said Dean. “You still me owe me one if I'm not mistaken.”
“I was 7!” said Randy, grumbling past Dean.
“You're welcome! Look at all the running you can do now because of me,” said Dean, waving him off. “Now-”
“Behave Dean,” you said quiet enough for only him to hear. He mumbled but perked up when you elbowed him in the ribs. “Alright, let's slow that flip down so they can see how it's done.”
“Hey,” said Dean, cornering you in the hall on you return from the shower that night. “What was with the behave thing?”
“I'm going to go out on a limb and say that was probably a traumatic experience for him. You don't have to rub it in his face that you saved his ass,” you said, holding onto your towel tighter. “Can we talk at dinner? I'm soaking wet and freezing.”
“But I like this look on you,” said Dean, keeping eye contact and not glancing down. “I guess you're right. I'll behave from now on.”
“Good boy,” you said, giving his arm a pat as you started heading down the hall.
“If I can take you out Friday night that is. Ya know, a date,” said Dean. You spun around fast and forgot the goosebumps on your arms. “Never said I was a good boy.”
“Fine, you can have a date but no sleeping together and I get to pick where we eat,” you said. Dean pouted his lips. “Oh my...you man child, fine you can pick the place but we have a two foot buffer zone at all times.”
“Deal. You’re in my buffer zone by the way sweetheart,” said Dean, cocking his head. You wanted to be annoyed but you let a tiny smile come out and he definitely saw it. “I'll save you a seat at dinner, right next to me on account of that buffer zone not really existing.”
“No sex!” you yelled, just as Sam stepped out of his room.
“Dude, stop flirting, you’re bugging her,” said Sam, grabbing Dean to go to dinner. “Later Y/N.”
“Later guys,” you said, walking to your room. “Save me a seat?”
“Told ya she liked the flirting!” said Dean, smiling to himself.
You changed quickly in your room, coming downstairs to find the dining hall packed and full of a sea of flannel. Still, it was easy to spot Sam in the crowd and Cas’ trenchcoat on the back of a chair.
“Y/N, I heard you're very flexible,” said Cas. Dean was laughing as he chewed before he could help himself, spotting your face.
“He hasn't even seen me in action either,” you said, going to grab some food when Dean caught your hand. Cas slid his plate in front of you when you figured he must not eat.
“What kind of action we talking? Hunting or more extracurricular activities?” asked Dean, earning a kick from Sam. “Ouch! What’d you do that for?”
“Oh like you don't know,” said Sam, twirling his fork in his food. “I heard there's a ghost three towns over if you guys are interested. Get out of here for a few hours?”
“You go, I got an early class,” said Dean. You saw Sam's face who was looking to you for help. You weren't sure with what exactly but he wanted Dean out of there.
“Come on, give me a chance to say I worked with the Winchesters,” you said, bumping his arm.
“Alright, but this better be an easy one.”
You never quite understood why Sam wanted Dean out of the building until you were walking back in late that night. A stray balloon was bobbing up against the ceiling and you could feel Sam's annoyance come off him in waves. Dean seemed to ignore it until Sam suggested you three grab a quick drink before bed.
“What are you doing?” asked Dean, Sam shrugging. “You're acting weirder than your normal weird self.”
“First guy in here gets another date,” you said, waiting outside the room, already spotting his surprise inside. Sam pretended to go for it but Dean was there in a heartbeat, laughing like it was more a joke than anything else.
“Oh,” said Dean, looking around inside. “What's all this?”
“It's nothing,” said Sam. “The kids threw it together for the first annual teacher of the year.”
“Why didn't we help?” asked Dean, ignoring that the kitchen had streamers and balloons up.
“I volunteered us for the hunt. We’ll help with the cleanup in the morning,” said Sam. “Celebration award thingy at breakfast, remember?”
“Maybe. So I have to be up earlier when I don't have a class first thing. Awesome,” said Dean. It finally clicked for you and you had to hold back your smile.
“Drinks?” you said, trying to distract him before he figured it out himself. Both boys hummed and you pulled out three beers, handing them off and yawning.
“I think it's someone's bedtime,” said Dean, throwing you a smirk. You glanced at the clock and it was close to midnight. Definitely past bedtime on a school night. You looked at your unopened beer and put it back, deciding it could find better use with someone else. On your way up to bed, Sam pulled you into his room and you saw him smile.
“He's really hard to do stuff like this for so I appreciate you going along,” said Sam quietly. “I just hope he doesn't get pissed about the whole thing.”
“He earned a second date without going on the first, he's gotta be pretty excited right now,” you said, giving Sam a smile. “I don't really know why he's so excited but that's never a bad thing I suppose.”
“I think you remind him of himself, the happier parts of himself if that makes any sense,” said Sam.
“Oh yeah, I'm little Miss Sunshine,” you said, looking over your wrist. Breaking it had been an excuse to relax, get some down time in but after tonight you were itching to go back out there.
“See you in the morning Sunshine,” said Sam.
Dean was quiet during breakfast, unable to do more than nod his head a few times when he was given the first annual teacher of the year award. You knew a guy like that didn't take praise well but thankfully no one made a big deal out of the occasion. Breakfast was better than normal and the kitchen and dining hall were decorated but everything was seemingly routine once the first bell rang.
“So, why'd the Hell I get this?” asked Dean. “I'm the shittiest teacher here.”
“Shittiest at getting an award for sure,” you muttered, catching Dean’s smirk. “Oh come on, you're good at your job. Just say thanks and move on if you don't like it.”
“Thanks,” said Dean, taking the thing and putting it in his room. You wandered inside, your first class not starting for another half hour or so. “So, want to go on that date you owe me tonight?”
“It's Thursday,” you said. “Wouldn't you rather go out tomorrow, when we don't have to think about getting up early?”
“No one told you? No class on Fridays. Weekend starts tonight sweetheart,” said Dean, laying down on his bed, closing his eyes. “Date?”
“Alright. What do you want to do? There's a movie-”
“I thought I got to pick how the date goes,” said Dean, turning on his side, ready to sleep again.
“Okay. You feeling okay?” you asked, taking a step over, feeling his forehead and finding it slightly hot. “We should check for a fever.”
“It's nothing Y/N. It's...I'll tell you about it tonight. Let me get a quick nap in before class sweetheart,” said Dean, pulling the blanket over himself.
“Alright, I got a lesson plan to try and make anyways.”
“Tonight was fun,” you said to Dean, plopping down in his bed when you got back in the wee hours of the morning. “We should do it again.”
“Definitely,” said Dean, hissing a little when he bent down to take off his boots. “Probably just pulled something earlier.”
“Right...you never told me why you had a fever this morning,” you said. Dean shrugged and you rolled your eyes. “If you're not going to talk to me about more than music and hunts then we definitely aren't going on another date.”
“I'm sick alright? It's nothing,” he said, dropping his pants and landing on top of his bed, completely exhausted when five minutes ago he was fine.
“You call this nothing ?” you asked, Dean rolling onto his back.
“I want to go hunt, not teach. But I'm cursed with some stupid spell and no one has any idea how to get rid of it. I feel crappy all the time but it's just enough to be annoying and keep me off of most hunts. That's why I'm doing this,” he said, shutting his eyes, close to falling asleep.
“You know who I am right?” you asked, Dean nodding.
“Wolf girl,” he said, getting a groan from you. “Sound like one too.”
“I'm good at researching. Really good. Like tremendously good. I might be able to help,” you said, Dean sighing.
“Doesn't matter. Semester is only halfway done and I signed up for the whole thing so I'm stuck here until winter break,” said Dean.
“But you won't feel bad anymore,” you said. “Besides, you secretly like mentoring these kids, making sure they don't make the same mistakes we all went through.”
“Odds are most of these kids won't hunt thankfully but the ones that do, they still are either going to go out there and get good quickly or die quickly. There's no in between in this work,” said Dean, breathing softly. “I'm tired.”
“In the morning were going to talk more about this little curse of yours and figure out a way to get rid of it,” you said, standing and pulling a blanket over him.
“You are so stubborn Wolf girl,” said Dean, a sleepy smile on his face.
“Takes one to know one,” you said, turning off his light. “Goodnight Dean.”
“Night Y/N.”
Two months later
“Wolfie, we got to talk,” said Dean, your eye roll out of this world when he caught you in the hall, some of the older kids snickering at his pet name for you.
“Yes. I have a final to give in three minutes,” you said, trying to get him to walk with you there.
“You said you were coming back to teach next semester, right?” he asked. “I got to give them an answer today.”
“Dean,” you said, tugging him off into a quiet side hall. “You're all better. You've been dying to hunt again. Why do you want to stay on another three months?”
“My girlfriend is here for one,” he said, giving you a wink. “And maybe teaching the runts isn't so bad.”
“Well if you really want to teach some more we've got a problem. I told them I was going back in the field. I'm out of practice, especially stateside,” you said.
“Oh thank God,” said Dean, giving you a hug. “I do like it but I'd much rather just sign up for the sub list.”
“I saw your name on it already when I signed up. So you're ready to start hunting again?” you asked.
“Definitely. Maybe someday we'll run into one of these guys out there,” said Dean, the bell going off. “You're late Wolfie.”
“Only because of-”
“Excuses,” said Dean, shaking his head. “Oh, you don't mind Kansas, right?”
“No, why?” you asked.
“Well that's where you're moving to Wolfie. You, me, a moose, an angel and a whole lot of corn,” he said, giving you one last kiss before your class.
“Can't wait.”
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug @darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball @feelmyroarrrr  @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass @fangirl1802 @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke @secretlyfurrydragon @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love @heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen @missmotherhen @smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester
@tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @bennyh @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione @jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx @ayeeitsemry @mac5323 @atc74 @captainemwinchester @lemonadegazeelle @nanie5 @idalinette @quiddy-writes @sassyspn67 @pureawesomeness001 @poukothenerd @af112992 @mickey-m399 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @upon-a-girl @amazinntay @akshi8278 @baconlover001 @flufy07 @jayankles@alilianamendez @batmanprincesskitten @uniquewerewolfsuit @whit85-blog @spn-ficfanatic
@zeusmyster @maddieburcham1 @moonstar86 @kathaswings @my-blogging-skills-are-rusty @arryn-nyxx @amionthetumbler @kickasscas67 @fandom--shipper @mrsbatesmotel53 @kasialynn07
@acreativelydifferentlove  @bellastellaluna  @maximoffangel-girl @leather-moccasin-hero @milo-winchester-4ever 
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all i know abt transformers is the shia movie and the fact that darren criss plays one in the cartoons i think? should i get into transformers is what i'm asking
Oh god this is my favorite question. I’m not sure how to answer it but its my fave. Pull up a chair. I hope you’ve got some time on your hands.
The short answer: yes. You should at least give it a try. Transformers is a 30+ year old muti-media franchise that gets rebooted almost every 3 years so it basically has something interesting to offer almost any fan. If you end up not liking it that’s cool but there’s a lot to try before you decide.
The long answer is: yes you should and here’s why and here’s a rough idea of all the options you have to sample. I’m about to go on a long rant anon so you can check it out now or later or whatever but I’m just warning you ahead of time.
The basic Transformers plot (which I’m sure you know but I’m gonna go more in depth in a minute) is that a race of giant robot aliens who can turn into vehicles and other things have been engaged in a civil war that has lasted millions of years. This is the basic plot that all tf franchises spawn from although some explore slightly different subject matters. If that doesn’t appeal to you I mean there /might/ be a few other things you might find worth sticking around for because there’s just so fucking much of it, but you’re welcome to turn back now because that’s the basic things tf has to offer: giant robot aliens, cars and planes, fighting, some drama. Those are what tf is best at, with some variation.
It has a very active and long lived fan base and each section of the fan base is interested in different stuff with some crossover. There are people who literally only care about collecting the toys, people who wont try any other series except g1, people who only like the comics, etc. Etc. You’ll probably find people who like what you do pretty readily. If you like the toys there are toy forums and blogs. If you like the cartoons there are forums and blogs made for that too. If you like the comics, same. There’s a pretty active following of the comics and cartoon series on Tumblr alone; I would try searching the #maccadam tag since most tf activity has been moved there since the bay movies came out. Id also use the tf wiki liberally because it has pm all the information you’ll need to know about the fandom and the canon lore. There’s also plenty of fan fiction on Ao3 and ff.net if you’re into that and pm anyplace that hosts fan art has tf fan art.
Now there are several series, including comics, cartoons, the Michael bay films, the cartoon movie, spin off books, and video games. I’m gonna go over my personal favorites because I like and know them best but there are more than these if you’re interested in digging deeper.
(More under the cut)
G1: there are a lot of forms of what fans refer to as Generation 1 or G1 but if you live in the US its likely they’re talking about the very first cartoon series.
Summary: the autobots and the decepticons stripped their planet of resources and went looking for a new planet to continue surviving on. They both crashlanded on earth where they lay dormant for millions of years until conveniently awakened somewhere during the 1980s, where they continue their war all over again
Why you should try it: listen its cheesy as hell and full of nonsense plotlines and animation errors but not only is it good fun but at least watching an episode or two might give you a decent grasp on what spawned this enormous franchise in the first place.
G1 movie: this movie was a game changer. Its technically right in the middle of the g1 cartoon but it works as a standalone film too. while it has many trappings of the cartoon its better animated and has a more consistent and dramatic story.
Summary: Optimus Prime and Megatron fight, OP dies (yes he fucking DIES for the very first time. thousands of 10 year olds bawl their eyes out), Megatron gets mortally wounded, and the Matrix of Leadership (aka an autobot holy item/macguffin [this is the proto-cube btw]) has to choose a new leader.
Why you should try it: decent animation, classics lines, tons of 80s rock music, and it establishes a lot of tf conventions that would be carried over to all series that come after it.
Beast Wars: haha the 90s couldn’t be left out of the transformers fun, now could it? This was one of the first all-cg cartoon series in history and while its not much to look at nowadays, it was a big step in the 90s.
Summary: the series doesn’t center on Optimus Prime and Megatron but their decendants. The war is long over but some factions are starting to clash once again. Several members of these factions do the whole “crash land on earth while fighting” thing except they wake up during times before humans and instead of taking vehicle modes, they take animal forms, thus the name.
Why you should give it a try: it establishes the idea of Sparks for the first time, it has historical significance in the cgi realm, and it has a decent storyline with interesting characters. If you can muscle through the 90s-computer-animation look it might be the show for you!
Transformers: Animated: I dont think its a secret that this is one of my favorite tf series of all times. It was the first cartoon series I ever watched of tf and it also features my favorite toy line.
Summary: Optimus Prime is much less a war hero and more of a ..janitor really. He flunked out of the academy and spends his time repairing space bridges. One time during repairs though, they stumble across the Cube and just their luck, Megatron and some nearby cons are looking for it. They portal away to earth where they, you guessed it, crashland, until they’re awoken sometime in the future and go on adventures in futuristic Detroit.
Why you should give it a try: I like tfa’s art style and story and characterisation best tbh; Optimus is younger and more unsure of himself but also more earnest, with more visible baggage. The rest of his team feel like a ragtag band of misfits (which I have a weakness for no lie lmfao) who are still trying to find their place in this conflict and the future ahead of them. Sari is also one of the more beloved human companions and the show’s take on classics characters feels fresh and interesting, and the interpretation of the autobots and decepticons themselves is surprisingly nuanced.
Transformers: Prime: remember that 90s animation? Kiss that shit good bye my friend. This cgi is some beautiful shit. More than a few fans wish tfp is the art direction the movies had taken, storyline aside.
Summary: the autobots are already on earth, staking it out and fighting a more subdued sort of conflict with the cons. One day they get some human kids involved and stumble across some conspiracy shit and it all spirals out of control from there.
Why you should give it a try: great animation and atmosphere, gorgeous character designs, a solid interpretation go the characters, and it offers a more serious take on the story over all.
Rescue Bots: I’ve noticed this show doesn’t make the list a lot which is a shame? It has a much younger audience than any of then other series but its still quality and one of my fave tf series.
Summary: the ship of four non-combatants who were left in stasis before the war detect a transmission telling autobots to go to earth, so it…goes to earth. There they wake up on some island and are told they’ve gotta start building a repatoire with the native species…but they can’t reveal that they’re sentient aliens yet.
Why you should give it a try: ok ok, most of the series are made for 7-12 year olds with the teen and adult fans sort of in mind, this show…is a show made for pre-K kids, no joke. Its a lot less…murder-y, and this is especially saying something because it came out at the same time TFP did and in fact is supposed to take place in the same universe!
BUT, but it has a consistently well-written story and characterization, it addresses stuff I never thought it would, and its a nice break from the ridiculously high stakes of the other series. Honestly Rescue Bots is great and I wish more people talked about it because its a series totally worth watching, certainly as much as any of the others.
More Than Meets the Eye comics: there are a lot of comic series but so far this is my favorite one lol
Summary: the war is over, Optimus is done with everyone’s shit and splits the matrix in half, giving one to rodimus and they other to bumblebee. And what does roddy do with his newfound matrix half? Decide he’s going on a quest of course! And who better to go with than literally every unqualified misfit the autobot and neutral factions have to offer?
Why you should give it a try: ridiculous shenanigans, horror, drama, intrigue, strong characterisation, and a killer aesthetic. Damn it may not always give me what I want but its got a lot of exactly what I’m always looking for.
There are some video games (Fall of Cybertron, War For Cybertron, Transformers: Devastation), other comic series (Robots in Disguise, G1/UK comics), and the Robots in Disguise cartoon, however I don’t have a decent enough grasp on them to describe them super well I just know they’re pretty good and have had people recommend them to me. You’re welcome to try those as well of course.
Also if you’re into toy collecting or want to get into it there’s a lot of materials you can read and such but my personal advice is pretty simple:
1) go to walmart, target, a store that sells collectibles, a convention, or a garage sale
2) buy a cheap toy that you like. Don’t spend over like $20
3) decide if that was a fun experience or not and if you like having this toy or not
If you liked it enough to keep buying, then congrats, toy collecting might be right for you! Do your research, Don’t blow too much money too quickly, take it easy, have fun.
But yeah sorry this is really long but I do hope you consider giving transformers a try since I know I love it a lot and it really has a lot to offer. I hope this wasn’t like…a crazy response. That a crazy person might give. And that I didn’t scare you away or anything XS
the key is to try some stuff and have fun and if its not your thing that’s cool too! Have a chill night anon
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thebitchyangel · 8 years
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Here's the list the that nobody asked for! I made a comprehensive list of podcast recommendations from me.  
1. My Favorite Murder
hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark Non-Fiction Each week Karen and Georgia share their love of true crime with us by sharing their favorite murder.  These two comedians aren't great on facts or figures but will definitely make you question if you're a decent human by making you laugh out loud about horrible, horrible murders. Not before long you'll be repeating Karen and Georiga's hilarious but great advice such as "You're in a cult, call your dad.", "Get a job, buy your own shit, and stay out of the forest.", and "FUCK POLITENESS!" But ALWAYS "Stay sexy and DON'T GET MURDERED!" Favorite Episode: ALL! but #18 - Investigateighteen Discovery
2. The Last Podcast on the Left
hosted by Ben Kissel, Henry Zebrowski, and Marcus Parks Non-Ficton Three guys delve deep into a world of nightmares both real and imagined. Their humor is definitely not for everyone (for the love of god, do not listen to the Jon Benet episode first if you want to try this podcast). This podcast started off as a horror movie recap/review podcast but quickly became the end all be all podcast for information about aliens (THE PLEIADIANS MAN!), the secret lizard people controlling the government, <3 cryptids <3 , government conspiracies, satanism, magic, serial killers (or commonly referred to in the podcast as "heavy hitters").  They have covered more than their fair share of serial killers, a few I can remember are: Ramirez, Dahmer, BTK, Kaczynski, Kemper, Holmes, Chikatilo and MORE! Seriously, this is one of the best researched podcast out there! Favorite Episode: Dahmer. "THERE'S BONES IN THE CHOCOLATE"
3. Welcome to NightVale
hosted by NightVale Presents Fiction Turn on your radio and listen to updates about a small desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Cecil will update you on all the important going-ons in Night Vale. Like the new dog park! Dogs are not allowed in the park. That all angels are named Erika with a "K" but reminds you that it is illegal to recognize the existence of angels.   This podcast was the first podcast that I've ever listened too, and I still love it very much.  I can't even begin to describe it without sounding like a crazy person, because the story is so crazy and fun. You'll love it too! Favorite Episode: #13 - This is a story about you
4. Alice isn't Dead
hosted by NightVale Presents Fiction A woman truck driver takes to hauling after her wife goes missing from her life.  We listen to her radio messages from her truck in an attempt to some how get in touch with her wife. She soon gets caught up in a fight for her life and others when she encounters the Thistle Man.  I found this podcast to scary and had me on the edge of my seat. I'm looking forward to the new season coming out this Apirl! Favorite Episode: Part 1: Chapter 4: Factory by the Sea
hosted by Aaron Mahnke Non-Fiction The tag line says it all "Because sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction."  I love this podcast because it gives historical information in a cinematic way. It uses history to explain vampires, superstitions, and urban legends.  Soon to be a television show! Also, super embarrassing but this podcast made me terrified for trolls. I could barely walk my dog at night because what if there was a troll out there!? Also, this guys voice is nice. Favorite Episode:  23: ROPE AND RAILING and 9: A DEVIL ON THE ROOF
6. Unexplained
hosted by Richard Maclean Smith Non-Fiction This podcast looks at our reality and sees how it might line up with unexplainable phenomena. It has covered aliens, cults, ghosts, magic, and more! It's like if The Last Podcast on the Left had a baby with Lore. Favorite Episode:  2: RESURRECTED DREAMS
7. Casefile
hosted by anonymous Non-Fiction This is an Australian podcast so let me start out with *accent*.  Which makes helps make crime and murder just a little bit more enjoyable because I can't help but laugh anytime the narrator says "They went to hospital" or "They went to University." But on a serious note, this podcast is THE BEST true crime podcast! Because it's Australian based is awesome too, because Australia has some crazy crimes but I'm not as familiar with them as I am with American crime. (They don't just do Australian crime though) Overall, this podcast is excellently produced and researched.  They even do updates on cases if any new information comes out. Favorite Episode: 15 - Weepy Voice Killer
8. Dumb People Town
hosted by Daniel Van Kirk, Randy Sklar, and Jason Sklar. Non-Fiction This is a newer podcast, but I really enjoy it so far! Each week there are three REAL new stories brought to the table and read while everyone makes fun of it. The hosts often, if not always have guests on the show, even Jon Hamm. Super funny! Favorite episode: 2: Ryan Sickler – Sliced Cheese at CVS
9. How Did This Get Made
hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas Non-Fiction (loosely) This is actually a recommendation that my boyfriend gave me, because I told him I LOVE bad movies.  How Did This Get Made is all about how did horrible stupid movies get made, and is a riff fest just tearing apart a bad movie. This podcast is last, only because I want to listen to episodes about movies I've already watched.  BUT with that being said watching the movies is optional with this podcast, because it is hilarious!  Me and Josh will actually make plans to watch one of the movies they have podcasted about, and then listen to the podcast together. It has been a TON OF FUN Favorite episode: Deep Blue Sea
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asreoninfusion · 8 years
Vampire AU Chapter 4
..... I’m sorry. This is nothing but exposition. Literally. Just. Five pages of exposition. It’s got a whole heap of world-building elements, but this fic has been so poorly planned on my part (i.e. not planned at all) that all of that got shoved into this one chapter. >>;;;
Zack called during Cloud’s lunch break the next day. It was not the most coherent of conversations, since Zack started by apologising profusely without even explaining why.
“—and I know it’s such a pain, I really wanted to hang out with you more as soon as possible, but it’s just this thing’s come up, and I’m sorry, I swear. I’ll make it up to you when I get back, but they don’t even know how long—”
“Zack,” Cloud had interrupted. “Just tell me what’s going on.”
Nothing worthy of such a tirade, that was for sure. Zack just had a mission out of town, and would be gone for at least one or two nights. It was unfortunate timing, because that would take it into the weekend and Cloud had really wanted to spend more time talking with Zack and getting some answers. But it was hardly the first time Zack had been sent off, and it wouldn’t be the last. At least it wasn’t weeks this time.
The fact Zack had been making such a big deal out of it actually helped Cloud handle it better. It kind of stung that Zack was leaving so soon, even though Cloud knew full well it wasn’t his fault. Zack complaining about being tempted just to ditch the mission made Cloud laugh and put things into perspective. It was Zack’s damn job, and he had told Zack as much.
“I’m not going anywhere, moron. I’ll be here when you get back.”
Zack shipped out before Cloud finished work, so Cloud had just gone home to his own place. It felt a little weird – Friday nights had almost always been the one time he put aside to see Zack, no matter how busy the rest of the week had been. It was quiet without him.
Cloud hardly minded quiet. He would’ve killed for it back in his army days. But with quiet came the unfortunate habit for his brain to overthink.
Around Zack, everything seemed so straightforward. Cloud felt like Zack would always have his back, no matter what. So even if he didn’t know all the answers right then, between himself and Zack they’d solve any problem the world threw at him. He didn’t know everything about what being a vampire meant, but Zack did, and he knew Zack would tell him, piece by piece between games and food and kisses. Or more.
The longer Cloud was without Zack’s reassuring presence, the more he began to doubt.
He didn’t know what being a vampire meant; he’d barely scratched the surface. Sure, he knew a whole fucking lot thanks to his little obsession, but that was about fictional shit. His interest had previously only been an idea. Maybe something to turn into an incredibly hot roleplay with a lover. When it came to the reality of it, he was suddenly in over his head.
That was another thing. The sort of thing that made Cloud lie in bed and pull the pillow over his head, wishing he could smother his embarrassment out. It was one thing to have a fetish centred around a fictional concept, but if they weren’t fictional after all—there were real people who were vampires and Cloud had just fetishized the shit out of them as a group without even knowing—gods. He felt like the stupidest, most thoughtless pile of shit on the planet.
Worst of all was he hadn’t even changed; he still thought of Zack, Zack’s fangs, how it felt when they grazed against Cloud’s skin, and he still got as turned on as ever. Fuck.
Cloud rolled over aggressively, burying himself into the covers as if he could make himself disappear. He needed to stop thinking about it. There was nothing he could do about his actions thus far; all he could do was try to do a lot better in the future.
With nothing else to do on a Friday night at such short notice - and never having been much of one to go out anyway - Cloud had ended up staying in and going to bed early. He was regretting that course of action now, because it only resulted in longer to lay awake while his brain replayed ‘101 moments you hideously embarrassed yourself and made everyone hate you’.
“Fuck you too, brain,” Cloud mumbled into the pillow.
But maybe even that was better than the other worry that gnawed at his gut. Because then, on top of all that, there were the others. The other vampires who Zack was with. He didn’t even know how many, just that Zack seemed to have been talking in the plural.
He wasn’t going to judge. There had been a guy in his old unit who had a polyamorous relationship; they’d all been privy to that development, whether they’d liked it or not. Things hadn’t been working out between him and his girlfriend – they were so in love, but working for ShinRa just didn’t leave enough time for him to see her as often as she needed him to. Feeling shitty as hell but understanding, he’d actually helped her set up other dates, one of which was with a good friend of his. They’d hit it off. But rather than ending things and moving on with the new relationship, they’d come to an agreement to make it work with all three of them.
Most of the unit had given the guy tons of shit for it, assuming the girl was just with this new dude and keeping him hanging around for fun. But Cloud admired him. He’d fought tooth and nail for that relationship, and he’d ended up with something that worked for all parties involved. Cloud could tell he was so much happier after it all got sorted.
So, no. It didn’t bother Cloud that Zack had other lovers. But… he wanted to meet them, at least. Be on good terms with each other, be friends. Maybe they wouldn’t ever hit it off as anything more, but that was okay. To Cloud, it felt important to know about the other people who played such a significant role in Zack’s life.
He’d talk to Zack about it when he got back. Maybe then he could shake his vague feeling of unease about the whole thing.
It was a plan; or the start of one, at least.
That just left one last burning question in Cloud's mind. Or perhaps not so much a question as an entire topic. Everything about vampires, Cloud wanted to know. Had Zack always been a vampire, or had he become one somehow? How did that work? He clearly didn’t have a problem going out in the sunlight or eating garlic, where all those myths just bullshit? Was his enhanced strength and speed anything to do with being a vampire, or was that just from having been in SOLDIER before? What did ShinRa know about vampires, and what was their beef with them? What about the supposed ‘vampire threat’ Zack – and others, Cloud presumed – got sent out to combat occasionally?
It was fucking exhausting just thinking about it. He couldn’t even blame Zack for not having told him – there was so much Cloud needed to know, it would take forever to talk it through. They’d do it, though, piece by piece.
Of course, Cloud couldn’t get any direct answers until Zack got back. But, he wondered…  a lot of stuff out there was just the cycle of movies and books regurgitating the latest trendy incarnation of vampire lore, but Cloud knew of one or two places that might have some more relevant information. If he got a feel for what to expect, it might make that conversation with Zack faster and less one-sided. If nothing else, they could laugh over how wrong everyone was.
Yeah, he decided. He’d do that tomorrow.
By the time Cloud’s brain had finally stopped overthinking enough to let him sleep, it was already the early hours of the morning. That was probably the reason why he woke up a lot later than he’d intended the following day.
Cloud blearily informed his alarm clock that it was a piece of shit (though, of course, he was the one who had set it specifically not to go off on the weekends). After a quick bowl of cereal, a shower and getting dressed, Cloud headed out to the station.
Did he need to go to the library to do his research? No. He had a laptop and a phone that both would have been entirely capable, but… Zack had him getting paranoid. Cloud was absolutely not meant to know about the whole vampire thing, and he could get Zack in serious shit if anyone found out he had told Cloud.
He knew it was stupid. What were the chances anyone was gonna be checking his internet activity? Sure, his wifi was provided by ShinRa - a bonus they provided alongside the subsidised apartments they offered to their staff (it was the only way any of the lower level workers could afford to live above the Plate). That didn’t mean ShinRa was watching all the information that went through the network.
Whatever. It was nice to go out somewhere on his day off anyway.
Cloud hadn’t been to the library in a long time; it was pleasant to watch the familiar building roll into sight as the train approached. It really had been years.
When Cloud had first arrived in Midgar and joined the army, he’d never intended to stay there. His goal was SOLDIER. But he failed his first attempt to get in, and before he had a second chance the whole SOLDIER project was shut down. He drifted for a bit; to the logistics department first, then the engineering corps.
That was when he’d sought solace in the library; they were provided with basic training, of course, but Cloud had found a love in working with mechanics, and wanted to devour far more information than the army provided. He’d finally found something he excelled at. And excelled enough that he’d been picked out for an internship in the ShinRa’s general engineering department.
He’d been working in the engineering department since. Instead of just maintaining the equipment the military used, Cloud now got to play with anything from cutting-edge robotics to the mako reactors. As well as a few side projects of his own.
Although it had been a while, not much had changed. Cloud found himself drifting fondly to the non-fiction section; in particular, the shelves that housed the library’s books on mechanics. And of more immediate concern, the small study room behind that section that also housed a pair of computers for library patrons to use.
The room was empty, as Cloud had been counting on. Being small and out of the way, a lot of people didn’t know about it, or perhaps simply couldn’t be bothered to go all the way up to the third floor just to sit in a glorified cupboard to study.
Cloud slid into the computer seat and logged on.
The first thing he wanted to check was ShinRa’s official stance. Zack had said they viewed vampires as the ‘bad guys’ – why? They kept Zack employed, what was the difference between him and anyone else?
There was nothing on ShinRa’s own site. Just a generic statement about protecting the population from monsters, environmental disasters, and other threats.
Searching specifically for news articles featuring ‘ShinRa’ and ‘vampire’ as keywords turned out to be a little more useful. The oldest article was from five years ago, asking for ShinRa’s comment on a sudden surge in attacks in Midgar that were being attributed to vampires. The PR spokesman denied there being any such thing as vampires, suggesting instead that these were simply another vaguely humanoid monster that panicked victims were mistaking as something else. ShinRa would protect, as always.
Cloud noted the date down. Surge of vampire attacks – that could be relevant to something.
The newer articles didn’t seem to have anything of relevance. Cloud skim-read through a few; the only difference seemed to be that, over time, the PR department had picked up the public’s colloquial term, and now used ‘vampire’ themselves as a word to refer to the sort of monsters that preferred to kill by ripping their victims throat out with their teeth.
Attacks dropped to a steady rate, no more than any other kind of monster (human or otherwise) around, and the idea mostly faded from the public consciousness.
Next line of enquiry, then. What were these supposed ‘vampire’ monsters? ‘Cause they sure didn’t sound a damn thing like Zack. Or any of the types of vampires generally popularised by the media. (Cloud knew a lot about those ones – ahem.) In fact, the monster thing was new; Cloud couldn’t really find any mention of it at all anywhere between really, really old myths and then the reports starting five years ago.
Hesitantly, Cloud checked some of his old forum haunts. The awkward, hideously embarrassing forum haunts. That was… ahh. Cloud swallowed. A few minutes of clicking around turned into almost half an hour, but he determined one thing; that was nothing with any actual news there, that was for sure. These were the kind of vampires he was more familiar with. There were written stories, stills taken from movies, art of various characters, nothing more than that.
He could feel his face heating up, though. Just some of those picture, fangs sinking into flesh, seeing the blood well up beneath them… Fuck. Why was he like this?!
Cloud quickly clicked away, glancing behind him even though he was alone in the room. A whole fucking decade and he still hadn’t escaped his embarrassing vampire phase. And probably wasn’t ever going to now.
Anyway. There was one last site he particularly wanted to check – the reason he’d been so particular about not doing this anywhere he could be traced to. AVALANCHE. It was just a conspiracy theory website, but it had proven correct before. Namely, when SOLDIER had been shut down.
Cloud had been desperate for information. Of course he had been, his dream had just been fucking shattered. And on ShinRa’s end was nothing but radio silence. For literally months. All that had been issued was a generic statement about SOLDIER no longer running, but other departments being fully functional and ready to defend Midgar as much as ever.
So Cloud had turned to other places. Rumours had been rife, of course. But AVALANCHE was the one place that had come out with a statement and stuck to it, claiming there had been a mass desertion. Another year later, Cloud met Zack, an ex-SOLDIER, and that was confirmed to be true. Though even then, no one knew the reason for the mass desertion. Zack hadn’t elaborated beyond a tight-lipped; “ShinRa was doing some fucked up shit. They were right to get out.”
Of course, the problem was, AVALANCHE was incredibly anti-ShinRa. Even though Cloud wanted nothing to do with the rest of the organisation, just flicking through their ‘news’ page could get him in serious shit. Especially since he worked with goddamn mako reactors.
Best just find what he needed and get out.
He searched their archives for vampire stories and theories. Every hit was within the last five years; nothing older than that. That matched up to the other date Cloud had got, claiming a surge of vampire attacks around then.
The predominant theory AVALANCHE put forward was that ShinRa themselves were involved. The timing was almost too coincidental… the vampire attacks started almost exactly the same time SOLDIER was shut down. The one group of elite fighters who would be able to handle monsters like that, gone right when they were needed.
The hairs on the back of Cloud’s neck stood on end. He hadn’t even realised… he had been so preoccupied by everything going on with SOLDIER that he had barely registered the whole vampire/monster thing at the time, something that was fairly unusual for him. Normally just the mention of vampires made him sit up and pay attention, but having his life goal destroyed before his eyes had put a bit of a dampener on his enthusiasm for things at that particular point.
He hadn’t realised those events had been so close…
AVALANCE often stipulated that monsters in general were caused by exposure to mako. The feral ones had those mutations, those distinctive eyes. These vampires were monsters, but so much more humanoid. Were they too the product of mako exposure and mutation, but on people?
The SOLDIER process had involved using mako as an enhancement agent, Cloud knew that much. What if it had… gone wrong somehow, for some of them?
For all of them?
Cloud had enough information. His blood felt like it was running cold, and he was cursing himself for doing this at a time when Zack wasn’t around. Because oh, boy, did he have questions now. Even if it was just a yes or a no answer, he needed to know. Was there a link with SOLDIER?
If there was… Cloud wondered about Zack’s other lovers, the other vampires; had they been SOLDIERs once as well? Why were some like Zack, still human, while others had become monsters?
Cloud logged off the computer, his history automatically erased by the system.
The wait for Zack to get back was going to be torture.
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johannstutt413 · 5 years
After a strenuous few weeks of research, you and your friend believe you’ve finally done it: you’ve created a Duel Disk out of a Roomba, a ouija board, a projector, and some Ork-level kabashing work [WAAAGH] that pulled it all together; you’ve researched a shit ton of the arcane lore that mere uninitiated high schoolers should not be able to have access to (thanks, TOR!); and you’ve created a deck of forty of your favorite (safe-ish - no Ra, no giant dragons, nothing crazy like that) YuGiOh! Cards to, if this all works, bring to life. Sure, it cost you both your free time for about a month, some days spent playing hookey or forcing yourselves to be sick, a drop in your math grade you might never fully recover from, most of your allowance, and your buddy’s last paycheck, but in the end? If this works, it’ll all be worth it.
“Is it glowing?” Your friend asks as you don the “Duel Disk” and flick the switch on. “It should be glowing now.”
“Yep. Hey, is there any reason my Life Points should be at 4000 and not 8000?”
They shrug. “No idea. At least you didn’t start at 0, right?”
“Yeah, good point...so, what’s step one?”
“Deck’s in position?”
You nod, angling the Disk to show them. “Good to go.”
“You performed the sacrament as described?”
“Did it this morning after breakfast.” You smirk. “Had to explain to my mom why I smelled like rotten eggs after a shower, but it could have been worse.”
Your friend laughs. “And you remembered to drink the elixir?”
“I did with my lunch.”
“Oh, yeah.” They nod to themselves. “No wonder you weren’t there for fourth period...”
“Hey, it gave me time to build a side deck, just in case this thing actually works like we hope.” You take a deep breath. “Alright, I’m drawing my opening hand...Magician’s Valkyria, Winged Kuriboh, Red Medicine, Gemini Elf, and Change of Heart. What do we wanna try first?”
The two of you stare at each other for awhile. “Start with Valkyria.”
“Alright...I summon Magician’s Valkyria in Attack Position!” You set the card in the middle of the five slots on your board and watch as the projector beam shines out an image of the card, and then the Valkyria herself steps out of it and stands in front of you.
“Holy shit!” Your friend jumps to their feet. “It actually worked?!”
You blink. “Um, Valkyria? Can you hear me?”
“Yes.” Your summoned spellcaster’s voice is quiet and soft, but it still manages to carry rather well across the room. She glances around the room before taking a seat on your bed, setting her staff against the wall.
“So, um...hi.” Brilliant start, Casanova. “My friend and I have a couple of questions, if you don’t mind us asking? You’re the first Duel Spirit we’ve encountered, so we aren’t entirely sure about...well, a lot of things.”
She nods. “I understand. My friends call me Val, I’m around twenty-three years old, my bust size is-”
“Not those questions! We mean, like...can you stay in our world indefinitely?”
“Oh, I apologize, Summoner,” Val sighs. “I have grown more accustomed to...less interrogative masters. The only method to keep me in this world, besides having my card set up with a permanent projector, is daily mana infusions, which for most is a rather difficult task.”
You and your friend share a glance; you both played through some of the older Fate games, after all. “When you say mana-”
“There are other methods of transfer than that...but it is admittedly the most efficient.”
“Uh-huh.” Suspicions confirmed. “So having more than one Duel Spirit summoned beyond a Duel Disk is a rather daunting task, then.”
“Few are up to the task to maintain one, let alone two or three...”
You sigh. “Well, that nixes a few plans...but I think that’s okay.”
“You’re sure about this?” Your friend glances at your hand. “I mean, you still have that whole deck there-”
“I know, but...well, I already had to convince you to let me put her in, didn’t I?”
Val looks between you two. “I’m not sure I understand.”
“Val, you needn’t worry,” you reply with a bright smile. “I’ll take care of you, and only you. Can I take your card off the disk?”
“Once I have had a...transfusion..yes.”
Your friend heads for the door. “Well, I guess that’s my cue to leave. Text me when I can come back for the disk?”
“Sure, man. See you later.” They leave, and now, it’s just you and Val. “So, um...what’s the best way for me to give you mana? I understand what you said, but what’s really the best way.”
“Intimacy is the most efficient way to go about it, but purely physical proximity pales in comparison to the feeling behind it. If you wish for me to stay by your side without the aid of that device, you and I must have a bond that can withstand the drain.”
You think back to the history of the card on your kludged-together Duel Disk - one of your first, as the frayed corners indicated, and one you’d used to surprising effect on more than one occasion. She wasn’t exactly a game-winner by herself, but her sacrifice ability and decent attack power, along with some strange luck, had made her more prominent than one would expect from the card in and of itself. Is that the sort of bond that helps?
You set the Disk on the ground and take a seat next to her. “Would you like to hear a story, Val, about myself and the card on that projector?”
“You have a history with my card, then?”
“I do,” you nod with a nostalgic smile, “and I think this is the best demonstration of that. When I was in middle school, I saw the movie they made about YuGiOh at my friend’s house - same one who I built that Duel Disk with, actually - and I saw a version of you in it and thought to myself, ‘She’s so pretty. I want to play this game now.’ I looked up the effect, and at first I had some trouble getting your card to really fit the cards I had..so I bought more cards. I never got around to netdecking because I was too busy trying to build decks I could use you in, so I’ve ended up being something of a meme at my local card store. The ‘Hopeless Magician,’ they sometimes called me, back when Spellcasters didn’t have the most amazing support...but I managed to do better than they expected me to, and your card - or should I say you - were a large part of that. In situations where having you in my hand could make all the difference in the world, you were there, as if willed by fate itself. When my friend and I were thinking about actually going through this, we basically just put all the cards we thought we a) could use safely and b) we thought were attractive or would make good familiars, and I fought tooth and nail for you to be in it, saying I wouldn’t go through with it if I couldn’t see you, couldn’t touch you, couldn’t...well, talk to you, explain myself to you and and maybe thereby the world that doubted us...that doubted me.”
Val returns the smile. “That’s a wonderful story.”
“Do you believe it?”
“I do,” she replies, and the words set your heart aflutter as you hear them in an entirely other context. “I’m...I’m happy that you will be the last master I have; this connection between you and my card should sustain me more than sufficiently, and of course I will be entirely yours.”
The blushing starts, and it doesn’t stop easily for you in even the best circumstances. “Th-thank you. So...what should I do?”
“Simply relax, my master, and I will take care of everything...”
0 notes
A/N: Smut warning. Somewhat Dark!Gabriel. I don’t know if this will be a series yet or not. I have an idea for making this a series but it may also be a one shot as well. 
Summary: Gabriel is busy with the daughter of Bobbie Singer. The world is falling apart. Ellie knows there isn’t much time to figure out Team Free Will’s next move. With a nephilim about to be born, Lucifer on the rampage, and a boyfriend who has returned from the dead in a different state then how he went. Things are going to get crazy!
Words: 3, 414
Pairings: Gabriel x OFC 
He loved watching her. It was one of his most favorite hobbies. Gabriel had nothing better at the present time to be doing. Of course he could be dealing with one of his bone head brothers or dealing with the disaster known as heaven but he didn’t want to. Watching Ellie as she hovered over her laptop and a few books kept Gabriel well entertained. He loved the way her blue eyes focused on the screen in front of her and the way she frowned when coming across something that clearly made no sense.
After coming back from the empty Gabriel wasn’t the way that he went in. He was colder, meaner. In ways Gabriel was almost back to the stereotypical archangel that he should have been. He had went back to check on Cas to make sure that all was all right after that his sights turned to Ellie Singer. He knew that the Winchesters were absolutely livid that Gabriel had become interested in Bobbie’s only daughter but he didn’t care. Why should he? It wasn’t like they could tell him what to do anyway. He could knock them down a few pegs if need be.
Ellie’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. His golden eyes rolled up to her blue ones.
Ellie looked up at the archangel with a nervous smile. He sat across the table from her with one leg resting on the table top. Gabriel was no ray of sunshine by any means. He had been grumpy and seemingly only interested in getting her naked for the past few weeks but she went along with it. Part of it was in fear for her safety but the other out of sheer joy to have him back from the dead.
She had been with Sam and Dean when Gabriel “died.” Ellie was devastated when he died. Devastated didn’t even quite cover it. She and Gabriel had flirted off and on throughout his strained relationship with the Winchesters and the realization that she would never have a chance with him.
When he showed up and her doorstep a few weeks ago looking perfectly fine Ellie couldn’t help but be shocked. Sure he was different. A person just didn’t come back from the dead all sunshine and rainbows. The first time that she was really worried about her safety came when Dean called warning her to watch out for the archangel. Gabriel had ripped the phone out of the wall mid conversation and went off on Ellie for hours. After storming from the house Ellie was convinced that she would never see the archangel again.
He returned around midnight apologetic about his actions and turned on the charm. Of course Ellie fell right into his clutches like he wanted. Ellie knew that her father would be disappointed. She knew that he would be worried. In all the years that she had been raised a hunter Bobbie told her to stay away from something that was dead. Now here she was sleeping in the archangel’s arms every night and worrying to death about him when he was away during the day.
“What do you want Ellie?”
Gabriel’s voice sounded annoyed as she was pulled from her thoughts. She put the book on her lap on the table before looking back to Gabriel.
“Have you talked to Dean recently?”
Gabriel shook his head as he started shaking his foot that was propped on the table. Ellie knew that Gabriel hated her friendship with Dean. Since coming back Gabriel was almost jealous of the Winchesters depending on Ellie for a lot of research on their hunts. Yet another thing that worried Ellie when it came to Gabriel. His jealousy could be off the chain.
“Why would I want to?”
Gabriel replied. Ellie sighed, brushing her hair over her shoulders.
“It’s about Lucifer and Kelly….and their child.”
Gabriel shrugged.
“Yeah the nephilim kid. That is going to be a trip and not a fun one.”
Ellie kept her eyes focused on her lover. She needed information. Sam and Dean needed information. Cas definitely needed information! If she couldn’t get it for them how could she help? If she couldn’t find lore on nephilim why not go to the source? An archangel of all people would know. It wasn’t like that she could just call up Lucifer and ask questions. That would be a disaster! Michael was in the cage and Raphael was dead. Again that would be the last people that she would go to for help as well.
“I can’t find anything on nephilim…anywhere. The bible only goes so far.”
Gabriel chuckled.
“And that is no help at all!”
Ellie was quiet a moment before looking back to the bible verse in front of her on the computer screen,
“When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose.”
She looked back to Gabriel a moment not being able to wonder if he found her fair or was she just a sex object to him? Did he see her as wife material or would he just disappear one day never to return? She had been wondering it from the time that he came back to her.
Ellie had to get her head back in the ball game. She couldn’t let her unorthodox relationship control her thoughts….especially right now.
“Sam and Dean need to know what they are working with. I am afraid that team free will is about to be over their heads.”
Gabriel smirked.
Ellie sighed.
“Gabriel I need to know how it works. Fallen angel plus human woman equals half breed really doesn’t tell me enough to help them.”
Gabriel’s golden eyes rolled up.
“You think I know everything?”
Ellie crossed her arms over the table.
“I figured you would know something being one of Chuck’s archangels and being one of the oldest creatures in creation.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow.
“Calling me old isn’t a good way to butter me up for information cupcake.”
Ellie groaned.
“Not what I meant Gabriel! I just need to know something to help my friends! This world is in danger and you are seeming to not give a damn.”
Gabriel shrugged innocently.
“I really don’t. If shit gets bad I can blow this popsicle stand.”
The look on Ellie’s face told Gabriel that was the last thing that she wanted to hear. She reached up closing her laptop before standing up.
“Forget I asked. I knew I wouldn’t get anywhere.”
She grumbled before getting up and walking out of the room. Gabriel rolled his eyes standing to saunter after her.
“Sheesh mind the temper princess.”
Ellie had walked into the kitchen and was angrily putting dishes into the dishwasher. She looked up at him and contemplated throwing a plate at him.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
Gabriel said in a warning tone. Ellie didn’t even look up.
“Stop reading my mind! If you want to leave just go! I will figure this out myself.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow.
“Are you panties in a wad because of me saying that I would leave or me not being helpful with this whole nephilim business?”
Ellie straightened up.
“If you have to ask then you are blind.”
She went to walk past Gabriel. Ellie had enough for that day! All she wanted was to collapse in bed and pass out. Gabriel reached out, grabbing her arm, and slamming her against the wall.
“Come on precious. You’re my best girl. I wouldn’t leave you behind for some moron to take my place.”
Ellie tried to push him away but didn’t get anywhere. Gabriel was like a ton of bricks to attempt to move.  
“You are so jealous you can’t stand it. Gabriel I am not begging you to take care of me. I have more worry about my friends and this nephilim child that is about to happen.”
Gabriel growled.
“This child is going to be more powerful than any of us can comprehend. Nephilim are typically more powerful than the angel that sired them. Most nephilim have been killed before anything can come of them. The way I look at it right now is the time to grab something and run.”
Ellie swallowed taking in what he said.
“So from what I read that it is typically fallen angels that produce nephilim?”
The look in Gabriel’s eyes were unreadable for a moment. His hold on Ellie had eased a bit but kept her against him.
“Typically yes. Dad would have never let an angel who created a nephilim remain in good standing. To answer your question sugar I do find you more than fair. You I’m technically fallen too….so if you want to try an experiment.”
Ellie’s eyes widened.
“No way!!! Your brother is the one playing mad scientist not us!”
Gabriel smirked.
“Relax. I am not going to go do something that stupid. Besides I am not father material anyway. You know that.”
Ellie looked relieved as she moved to get away from her lover. She had to get back to work. Sam and Dean needed her. She didn’t have the time to waste.
“Where do you think you are going little girl?”
Ellie swallowed.
“I have work to do. You are going to have to let me get this done then I will play with you.”
Gabriel snapped his fingers leaving them in Ellie’s bedroom. Ellie turned shaking her head.
“Gabe come on. I don’t have time to be fucking around.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow as he closed in on Ellie again backing her against the wall. In one hand he held both of her wrists above her head before switching to having his grace hold her steady. Gabriel’s golden eyes  ran down her body. Ellie swallowed as he knelt down licking a path from her cleavage to her pulse point.
“You have all the time to be fucking around sugar. That kid isn’t going to be here for sometime and hell will still breaking loose when we get done. You can and will take five. Understand?”
Ellie nodded.
“Yes sir.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow looking pleased with her response.
“Good girl. You know when you are a good girl I will make you come like crazy. Isn’t sex with an archangel amazing?”
Ellie clenched her eyes closed as he snapped away her clothes making her tremble at the chill in the air. Gabriel reached out cupping her breasts. His fingers gently squeezed her nipples until Ellie was withering against her body.
“Gabriel please….kiss me.”
Gabriel quickly crammed his lips to hers in a firey possessive kiss. Ellie lost herself in his candy flavored kisses. She only became aware of the gentle rocking of his hips when Gabriel moaned against her lips. He pulled away looking down at her with his eyes shinning.
“You’re all mine! Forever. I’m never letting you get away from me. You know I won’t.”
Gabriel wanted to mark the girl for life. He wanted to make it clear for any angel who might come her way that she claimed. He didn’t care ripping apart any that tried. If angels thought Lucifer was bad for disintegration people they were about to have another thing coming. His mind briefly thought of hearing Lucifer say all the time
“He who hesitates, disintegrates.”
He knew that Ellie didn’t truly understand the full scope of his power and he wouldn’t be afraid to show her on some lesser being that irritated him now. Gabriel knew that this mind set wasn’t him but he didn’t care anymore. This was him now and when it came to Ellie he would bring down the world if he deemed it fit.
Ellie’s hands gently palming him through his jeans pulled Gabriel from his thoughts. He looked down at her with a pleased smile.
“See you want this as bad as I do. Don’t even try to turn me away in the future. It won’t get you very far.”
Ellie turned walking to the bed that was neatly made from their little romp earlier. Gabriel’s sex drive was almost insatiable. Gabriel was watching her like a hawk before yanking his shirt over his head and unbuckling his jeans. Reaching out he pulled Ellie to the edge of the bed as he took his cock out.
He commanded calmly. Ellie didn’t need much encouragement as she took Gabriel into her mouth. As she gently worked her tongue on the underside of his shaft Gabriel moaned lightly. He didn’t need to give her much encouragement after making his cock taste like her favorite lollipop getting a blowjob was a relatively easy task to accomplish.
“That’s it princess. Just like that.”
Gabriel moaned, rocking his hips. His golden eyes closed in ecstasy. If it was wrong to enjoy this human girl’s mouth on his body then he didn’t want to be right. Fuck being right. He would take on Lucifer’s role if it meant keeping this girl as his lover. Gabriel only wished that she could see the real him. The real Gabriel, minus the vessel. He frowned at how wrong that thought was. If she only looked at him she would be dead.
His golden eyes snapped open.
“Enough sugar.”
Gabriel growled in between moans. Stepping out of his jeans, Gabriel reached down to push Ellie back.
“Spread ‘em.”
He said in his authoritative dominating voice. Ellie didn’t hesitate in doing what Gabriel said. She knew if she didn’t and had to be told twice the archangel would be dissatisfied. A dissatisfied Gabriel was a Gabriel that would spank her ass red until she was sore and couldn’t walk correctly. After being spanked and fucked sore Gabriel would hold her on his lap soothing her reddened skin with icy fingers. That was one of the few perks in disobeying her archangel.
Once her legs were spread, Gabriel knelt down between them looking up at her with hungry eyes.
“You’re trembling.”
He stated matter of factly. Ellie swallowed.  
“Couldn’t imagine why.”
She whimpered as Gabriel lowered his lips to her soaking folds taking a slow long lick. Ellie threw her head back into the pillow as Gabriel increased the pressure with his tongue. Before she knew what hit her, his grace was holding her hands down so she wouldn’t move.
Gabriel chuckled. His voice sent vibrations that went all the way from Ellie’s tender clit to her core almost edge her over the edge without even being penetrated. That was his specialty though…making her come without ever being penetrated. He would make her come apart at the most random times with just a snap of his fingers. Gabriel didn’t care if she was doing dishes, research, or whatever task it may have been if he thought that she needed an orgasm she was getting one. When she hit the floor or was grasping to the counter screaming his name Gabriel would stand watching her with a mirthful smile.
“Love to watch you pleasing for my cock. Those sweet little cries of yours are music to my ears. I’m going to claim you soon sugar. You’ll never want another man inside you again.”
Ellie whimpered as Gabriel’s index finger massaged over her clit.
“Oh Gabe I don’t want another….just you.”
It felt like Gabriel remained between her legs for hours just licking and teasing her to orgasm after orgasm. Every swipe of his tongue made Ellie feel like a temple of glass that someone was taking a sledgehammer to.
“You taste better than candy cupcake.”
He cooed as he finally rose to take his place on top of her. Ellie’s eyes looked relieved as his cock finally pushed. Her body stretched to full accommodate him. Ellie was convinced that sometimes made his cock bigger just to test her limits and see just how much she could take.
“I want to do something…something different….but its risky.”
Gabriel’s voice was soothing. Ellie’s eyes fluttered open as his hand lovingly stroked her face.
“What do you want to do?”
She asked softly. Gabriel’s golden eyes flickered up to her looking almost wary for a moment before taking back on his arrogant glint.
“How about a little outside the vessel sex?”
Ellie’s eyes widened. This was the most crazy thing that Gabriel had even suggested doing. He hadn’t even shown her his wings let alone banging each other completely bare like this. Whenever Ellie had asked to see his wings the look of complete refusal was all over Gabriel’s face. He wouldn’t even consider it.
“Won’t that be dangerous? Like kill me dangerous?”
Ellie chocked out. Gabriel’s eyes watched her with a glint.
“If you keep your eyes closed…you’ll have to keep your eyes closed. If my voice bothers you too badly then we will stop and never try it again.”
Ellie nervously sat up before reaching over into her bedside table and taking out the black out mask that was in the first drawer. Gabriel looked at her with an amused expression.
“You think that is really going to help you? Sugar I am going to keep your eyes closed. Lay back and do as I say.”
Ellie lay back closing her eyes feeling Gabriel’s had stroke over her eyes and she was unable to open them.
“Everything is fine.”
He said soothingly. The next thing Ellie knew Gabriel’s voice was different than it had been a second before. His voice was more authoritative yet soothing and the most heavenly sound Ellie had ever heard.
“How is this sugar?”
“Gabriel you sound so different.”
She gasped as his hands locked around her. The feeling of his celestial body on hers was completely different. It was almost indescribable. Ellie’s body both froze and burned at every place he touched.
“I know. You should see how beautiful you look like this. Keep your legs spread sweetheart.”
Ellie whimpered the moment Gabriel’s lips eased over her breasts and body. This was by far the most erotic and sensual thing that Ellie had done. Sure she and Gabriel had sex that would make church goers blush but this by far was the craziest.  
Her breath was taken away the moment that Gabriel entered her. This was different then their sex life had ever been before. The cynical side of her thought,
“Of course it is you idiot you are being screwed by an archangel outside of his vessel.”
This feeling out fullness was different then ever before. Like before she was on fire and cooling at the same time. As Gabriel began to move she cried out his name. Gabriel meanwhile, was busy muttering things in Enochian. He had never more wished that she could open those beautiful blue eyes and look at him.
Ellie’s fingers grasped at the bed almost ripping the sheets from the bed until Gabriel took her hands wrapping them around his shoulders.
“Come, beautiful.”
His heavenly voice was too encouraging and when the pressure on her clit intensified Ellie came apart. Gabriel focused his energy on his lover’s body as she came. He tried to keep himself focused and not come quickly but that was a lost cause. Between all of the teasing that he had done earlier and the kinkiness of their new activity he couldn’t handle it much longer.
“Guns going off sugar.”
Gabriel gasped as Ellie’s body tightened around his once more. Ellie whimpered at the time he came filling her to the hilt. The sudden feeling of emptiness that hit her when he pulled away left Ellie feeling suddenly abandoned.
“You can open your eyes now sugar snap.”
Gabriel’s hand stroked back over her eyes allowing them to open. Ellie’s blue eyes fluttered open locking into his golden ones. Gabriel gave her a snarky smile before pulling her body back to his.
He chuckled cuddling her head under his chin.
“Amazing…out of this world? Yeah I know….we are going to have to do that again.”
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