#and i gotta say? yeah i would've. felt. the same
pixxyofice · 5 months
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
Just Take It | Jeon Jungkook | Part Four
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Summary: After last night you don't know where you stand but tensions are still high and you don't know what you really want. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 5.6K~ Warnings: Smuuuuttt, Explicit Language and a crap ton of pet names (I'm sorry okay I love pet names lmao) Same warning as before cuz ya'll wanted more smut haha. Horribly edited too so have mercy on me y'all I just wanted to get it out. a/n: Aw shit here we go again 🤣 Anyways ya'll asked and I delivered lmao so another smut chapter but next one is gonna be mainly plot alight 😂 gotta save some more smut for later 🫢 Requested by: @kkusadmirer 💜
Waking up the next morning I feel incredibly disoriented. 'Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I naked?' and at that last question I feel all the memories of last night rushing back to me.
Echos of the pet names and praises and the ghost of his fingers all along my body make every cell in my body buzz with need for more. I've never done something like that, something so...scandalous and with and man almost twice my age at that.
I thought that if I ever did something like this before I got married I would've felt shameful but I feel confident...wanted by someone who respects me for who I am and wanted nothing in return. It felt different that I thought it would've, having him hover over me, meeting me with his heated gaze. I wanted him closer. I wanted him to crawl under my skin and give me everything.
It's selfish to say I wanted more because he owes me nothing, he's given me so much and what have I given him in return? Nothing...
He says I've given him plenty but I still feel unworthy of his kindness. I have to do something to show him my thanks, to show him that I'm grateful for everything he's given me. I just don't know where to start.
Getting up and out of bed after I get my bearings was more difficult than I thought it would be. I felt almost a little sore from what we had done last night and I don't know if I should love or hate the sensation. Should I be mad that it got rough enough to cause this feeling or should I feel excited from still having a sensation left over from the pleasure he had given me?
As I continue to go round and round in my head with more useless doubts that run through my head I'm suddenly met with a light knock on the door.
"Um, just a second" I panic, looking around for something to cover up and notice the silk robe that had been placed on the bed and throw it on without a second thought before telling him to come in.
He opens the door and takes in my form for a second, biting his lip at the barely there fabric covering everything he saw last night. "Good morning" he husks out, his voice sending a shockwave between my legs making me cross them unconsciously, which garners a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth.
"Good morning" I squeak out, exposing my flustered state right away, cursing myself internally. "How'd you sleep?" he ask, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning up against the door frame, giving me space but somehow making his presence felt throughout the room.
"Amazing" I say, looking down at my feet in embarrassment, being honest but hating myself for it. "Yeah?" he prods, satisfied by my answer but begging to get that confirmation. "Yeah" I reply, nodding but still averting my gaze.
"Lunch is ready if you'd like to come downstairs. I check on you earlier to see if you wanted breakfast but you were still sleeping like a baby" he teases and if his voice alone didn't make me drop to the floor then that pet name at the end surely did.
"You alright?" he chuckles and I clear my throat before responding, knowing my voice would be no good if I tried to speak without doing so.
"I'm great, perfectly fine" I answer, glancing up at him before adjusting my robe and closing it around me even more. "I'll be waiting downstairs then. You can take your time getting dressed but you're also more than welcome to wear that all day" he taunts, pushing off the door frame and turning to leave after looking me up and down once more.
"I'll be down in a second" I call after him and wait for him to get downstairs before following the path he had just been on and running into my room, quickly but quietly shutting it behind me.
Leaning my head against the door I try to collect my thoughts and stop my racing heart that bound to explode at the next Baby, Bunny or Darling that's bound to come out of his mouth. 'It's just Jungkook. He's been nothing but nice to me and he seems like a really great guy.
We just need to talk and figure things out before something like that happens again' I coach myself and turn to face my room where I'm greeted with a freshly made bed and a single flower in a small vase.
'I can never catch a break with this man' I smile, shaking my head and dropping the robe to change into something more comfortable.
"There she is" Jungkook say when he catches sight of me walking down the steps and into the kitchen where he has both of our lunches set out across the island from each other. "This looks so good!" I compliment the food he's made as he motions for me to sit down.
"I'm sorry it took me a while to come down" I apologize, sitting down and taking a drink of water before piercing a fork though the strawberry he has in a bowl full of fruit for us to share. "It's alright, I don't mind waiting for you. Seems like I tired you out last night so I'm glad you got some sleep" he say, smiling over the lip of his glass, making me choke on the next strawberry I had just placed in my mouth.
"You okay Darling?" he asks, handing me a napkin, with that last word aiding to my death by asphyxiation along with the strawberry lodged in my throat. "I'm fine" I choke out after a few more coughs and a drink of water.
"You seem rather jumpy today. Is something wrong?" he asks, tilting his head a bit and attentively waiting for my answer. "I'm fine, I think I'm still trying to wake up" I say, faking a yawn at the end to hopefully legitimize my claim. "Fair enough" he says, taking a bite of his food and grabbing his phone when it starts ringing.
"You can take that if you want" I say, taking a drink of water and glancing down at his phone before making eye contact with him. "No it's alright, I can take care of it later" he brushes off, silencing the call and taking a drink of water.
"So do you have any plans for the day?" he questions, looking at me as if I'm the most fascinating thing on earth. "Well, um, no not really. Do you?" I echo and when he goes to open his mouth to respond he's cut off by his phone ringing, not doubt from the same number again.
"Just take it. I'll be here when you get back I promise" I tease and he clears his throat, unbeknownst to me have flashbacks of when I asked him to take my virginity.
"It's for work, I'll be back soon" he says and I nod my head in response and close my eyes when he comes over to give me a kiss on the forehead like he's done time and time again but when I look up at him afterwards I see he hasn't made moves to leave.
His phone stopped ringing at some point which leave us with a lingering silence with so many words unsaid ultimately cut off by another incoming call. "I'm sorry" he whispers, his eyes glancing down at my lips before he turns around to head to his office answering with a curt 'What?' to whoever is on the other end of that call.
'I would hate to be that guy' I smile to myself, the vision of seeing him get mad comes to mind leaving my pressing my thighs together. 'Why am I so fucking horny these days?' I roll my eyes and continue eating my lunch, laughing at the sound of his frustration but hating that he's going through it at the same time.
It's been about a half an hour and he's still on the phone leaving me scrolling through mine until my brain feels as though it's turned to mush, a part of my brain occupied by him and only him.
As I hear another irritated sigh I decide I'll bring him some pain medication to help with the onset headache I'm sure he's having. It's gotta be a big problem if they're calling him on a Saturday morning.
I open the door slowly and peak my head in, being met with the sight of him with his laptop open and a mess of papers all over his desk. He looks up at me with an apologetic wince but waves me in nonetheless.
I raise my arms up, showing a full glass of water along with a bottle of pills and he mouths a silent 'Thank you' and I nod happily, proud that I made the right decision and place the glass on his desk while I open the pill bottle and drop a couple onto his palm to which he places them in his mouth and immediately chases it with the glass of water.
Watching as his Adam's apple bobs up and down as he gulps down the water has my head dizzy for some reason but I'm not sure why. While I'm trying to come up with an explanation some water spills on his cheek as he swallows the rest.
I feel as though my body has been taken over by an outer being because my reaction was to catch that stray drop of water off his cheek with my thumb and bring it to my mouth.
His eyes dart over to mine, wide in shock and leaving me feeling as though I'd done something wrong. My next move being to hightail it out of here but he stops me with a firm grasp on my hip, making me lean up against his desk next to him.
I make an effort to slip out of his hold but he gives me a warning glance, wordlessly telling me to behave and I do just that, shutting my mouth and watching as he works. He keeps a hand on my waist, making sure I'll stay, his thumb gently rubbing circles on my hip mindlessly where my shirt had risen up in my try to escape.
I do my best to keep my composure but the visions of last night flashing though my head makes it hard to control myself from rubbing my thighs together and I ultimately lose the battle.
Forgetting that he still has a hold on me earns me a knowing glance when he notices my actions, his gaze gradually getting more and more heated.
I lean back in an effort to get comfortable while I wait, my palms helping me balance on his desk behind me, leaving my chest sticking out a bit. I earn a tight squeeze on my waist as a warning to be patient and to stop squirming, which at the moment is very hard to accomplish with him looking so fucking sexy talking business with the man on the other line.
Was I relieved that it was a man calling him three times in a row on a Saturday afternoon? Yes, yes I was. It's none of my business though, nor do I have any grounds to have an opinion on it but his hand sliding up my waist says otherwise.
"Yes. Okay, okay alright was that everything? Okay well we'll pick this up on Monday morning. Thanks alright you have a good weekend too. Okay bye" he says, looking at me the whole time he finishes up his call, squeezing my waist now, making my breathing pick up and I know I'm in trouble when he hangs up the phone.
"You're a little minx you know that?" he says, turning his chair to face me and takes his hand off my waist only to slide it down my arms and hold my hand, placing kisses on my knuckles. "What do you mean?" I question, already breathless from the look of him sitting back in his chair, his legs spread wide and his gaze getting darker by the moment.
"You know what I mean. You came in here acting all innocent and helpful and next thing I know it you're licking water off my cheek? Seems pretty naughty Bunny. Don't you think?" he says while kissing the tips of my fingers, making sparks fly through my arms and straight to my head, keeping my gaze locked on his.
"I didn't lick it off your cheek" I say quietly but he lets out a dry chuckle in response. "Technicalities will get you nowhere sweetheart. Just admit that you wanted my attention, you were too impatient and couldn't even wait an hour for me to come back to you. It's okay, I won't laugh" he says, pulling on my hand and making me stumble onto his lap, my legs hanging over one of them.
"I- I just wanted to hel-" "I'm sure you did Darling and you were so thoughtful bringing me that medicine but I know you wanted something else huh?" he says while brushing away the hair that had fallen on my face when he pulled me down.
I shake my head but he cocks a brow at me, wordlessly telling me to tell him the truth so I in turn nod my head, admitting that deep down I did want his attention again.
"Now what was it that my Princess wanted? Did she just want attention or did she want to be touched again? Wanted me to take care of her again?" he taunts, taking note of all the times he's seen me rub my thighs together or get that breathless look on my face. I nod my head but he shakes his leaving me confused.
"If my Bunny wants something she's gotta use her words. Can you do that for me Darling? Can you use that pretty mouth of yours and tell me you want Daddy to touch you again?" he says, testing out a new name to call himself that's got me squirming again.
"Nuh uh none of that Darling, if you want something you've gotta ask for it. Now be a good girl and tell me what you want" he says, holding my hips in place, unbeknownst to me preventing me from rubbing my ass against him, still wanting to hold himself back.
His only priority and desire is to make me feel good and he wouldn't have it any other way. He knows I'm inexperienced and doesn't want to scare me away. He wants to take his time with me. 
"I want you to..." I start, trailing off from embarrassment, not being used to saying stuff like this let alone to someone as intoxicating as him.
"What was that Bunny? Didn't catch that" he presses, clearly enjoying the internal struggle that's shown all over my face. If he didn't know I had a shit poker face then he sure as hell knows now. No matter how you slice it he'll always be able to read me like a book.
"I want you to touch me" I whisper and he leans in as if he couldn't hear me but my lips at this point are inches from his, the slightest movement connecting mine with his.
"Lie back for me yeah?" he asks, his lips ghosting against mine before grabbing my hip and guiding me to sit on his desk before pushing all of his papers and laptop to the side dramatically making me laugh at the motion until I notice his laptop falling to the floor. His eyes follow mine and notice said device and simply shrugs.
"I can buy another one" he mumbles against my lips before connecting them in a short lived kiss as he guides me down, my back against his desk while he hovers over me. "You wanna try something else?" he says, watching my expression change from one of nervous excitement to intrigue.
"You trust me?" he questions, watching my face for any hesitation but finds none. "Yes" I say, nodding my head and he smiles before placing a kiss on my lips. "Close your eyes for me yeah? I promise I won't put it in. Well, not yet" he says and my eyes bug out at his words, my legs that are wrapped around his waist pull him even closer in an effort to close my legs.
"You like that? You like the idea of me claiming you as mine? Me being your first, your first everything" he says, leaning down and placing kisses on my neck, his warm breath against my sensitive skin driving me insane. I shudder at the feeling and he chuckles before placing a kiss under my ear, garnering another shudder in response.
"Answer me Bunny. You want me to be your first everything? Want me to learn and teach you everything you need to know about your body and what brings you pleasure?" he says while tracing his right hand along my torso, ghosting his fingertips along my waistband.
"Yes. Yes, I want you. Please just take it, take everything" I mumble and he tsks at me, again leaving me confused. "I'm not just gonna take everything. I'm giving you as much as I'm taking love. If you're letting me have you then you have me in return. Never forget that" he says and I nod my head. "I won't forget" I utter and he smiles in response before telling me to close my eyes again.
"Can I take these off bunny?" he asks in regards to my leggings and I mumble out a quick 'yes' trying to hold the whimpers at bay from the thought of me letting him have complete control over me. I know I have the power to stop everything but I wouldn't want to. Not with him.
As he slides everything off me he curses at the sight of me. "Fuck you're dripping" he rasps and I try to close my legs in response, now truly feeling that sense of vulnerability "You've gotta stay nice and still for me Darling. Can you do that?" he asks and I respond with a whimper which satisfies him, having mercy on me this time.
He drags a finger along my folds just as he had done before, gathering up my arousal before circling around my bud, gaining him a soft moan in response. "Be loud for me yeah? Wanna hear you moan my name" he prompts, wanting to hear what his name sounds like when it passes through my lips filled with ecstasy.
He doesn't wait for a response and just continues to play with me just as he did last night but as I feel myself getting closer he pulls away leaving me groaning from the feeling of getting that high again being taken away.
"Ready for something new princess?" he asks, caressing one of my thighs and placing a kiss on the inside of it. "W-wait!" I flinch nervously, not knowing how to feel about this. I've heard about it before but I never knew if it would be something that I'd like.
"You want me to stop?" he ask, pulling away a bit and letting me take control. "I'm scared, I-i I don't know what it'll feel like. I'm not sure if I'll like it" I admit, feeling as though I was about to cum just from the thought of him doing that to me.
"I can stop if you'd like, it's up to you princess. I wanna make you feel good and this is something I think you'll love. I know it's something I'd love to do to you if you'll let me" he says, coaxing me into it since he knows I'm just nervous, placing a few more kisses on my skin, this time switching to the other thigh.
I take a few breaths and think about it but decide to trust him, just as he asked me to. 
"I want you to do it" I let out, my cheeks burning up at the thought of what I'm asking for. "You want Daddy to eat you out?" he says smiling, loving the fact that I've still kept my eyes closed. I start to squirm, feeling his warm breath traveling further up my thigh, the anticipation driving me crazy. 
"P-please" I choke out, tears prickling my eyes as the intensity of the moment increases. "Patience Princess. Remember what I said about being loud?" he asks, his breath fanning directly over my core, making me lose all sense of feeling except for what he's barely doing to me. He hasn't even touched me and I'm about to cum. 
He leans in and gives a soft kiss to my clit, my legs spread wide and giving him full access to me. I take in a sharp breath at the sensation, my muscles locking up only for a moment but nonetheless catching his attention. 
"You want me to keep going?" he whispers into me, his nose nudging my clit, making me clench around nothing and he notices right away, utterly exposed to him. I moan out a ‘yes’ and he smiles, placing a kiss on my upper thigh before going back in, slowly making out with my clit, his tongue tracing circles around it before traveling down to my hole that's begging to be full. 
He licks inside me and watches my reaction, my brows drawn together and my lips parted, uttering curses when I feel him slip his tongue in further, the sensation driving me insane. My back arches off the table when he presses his face against me. His nose rubbing against my clit while his lip and tongue make out with my entrance. 
If I were to open my eyes now I bet all I could see was the world spinning around me, the feeling of being drunk on him being my drug of choice and I don't think I'll ever be able to live without it.
"Fuck Jungkook" I moan out, this being the first time I get close to screaming his name and he growls into me before going back to playing with my clit, making me do it again. "You sound so sweet Bunny, but you taste even sweeter" he groans, watching as my chest rises and falls in the baggy shirt I've still got on. 
"Do me a favor love and lift up your shirt, that's it. Wanna watch you play with your tits" he rasps out. Doing just as he asks I moan at the image of him watching me touch myself again, incredibly turned on by the though of it alone. 
"There you go, you're doing so good for me. Look so pretty laying here and letting me play with you in my office. Fuck you're driving me crazy" he praises making me whimper in response. 
"You like that? You like it when Daddy praises you? Like it when he tells you you're being so perfect for him? Pretty just wants to be worshiped doesn't she?" I let out a moan at the thought of him taking time and worshiping anything and everything about me. I try to close my legs again on impulse but he pries them open, growling at the thought of me hiding from him. 
"I'm not done with you" he says, biting the inside of my thigh leaving me arching my back off the desk again, squeezing my breasts and making him even hungrier for me if even possible. 
"Does my baby like pain? Does she want me to leave marks all over her as a reminder? A reminder of how you let me have my way with you while you were spread out for me on my desk. I'm not gonna be able to focus next time I have to work in here. Always gonna remember how sweet you taste and how adorable you sound"  he says, licking the area he just bit before sucking a mark into the same spot.
I groan at the feeling, the slight sting from the bruise making me want to ask him for more. To mark me everywhere like he said, always leaving a reminder. 
I scream at the feeling of him putting his mouth on me again, kissing, sucking, licking into me without mercy, catching me off guard by the intensity. I let out an incoherent string of curses, hoping he knows I'm begging for more and he moans against me, the vibrations sending shockwaves throughout my body. 
"Don't stop, please please don't stop" I scream, the first decipherable words I've uttered in a while. On the cusps of ecstasy he growls into me when he sees me throw my hand over my mouth, embarrasses by how loud I'm getting. "Louder" he growls as a warning, not a request and so I do. 
I get louder and louder, screaming his name with curses being the only other words in my vocabulary. I feel as his movements get more intense, now using his fingers as well and moments later a wave of pleasure is crashing down, making me let out any and every sound I could possibly make, my voice getting softer and softer and I start to come down. 
Just when I feel like he's gonna stop he doesn't, he picks up the pace again which makes me whine in overstimulation, trying to wiggle away from him. 
"You can give me one more can't you?" he asks, pulling back only to lick a stripe into me, taking time to suck my sensitive bud into his mouth. "N-no no I can't" I say, shaking my head and trying to push him off and he pulls back and chooses to lean over me. 
"Just one more Bunny. I know you can" he encourages. Although I'm reluctantly saying no we both know I want to experience it, wanna experience coming undone one right after the other. 
He comes down and kisses me, making me taste myself on his lips and I can't get enough of him, I want to be good for him, I want him. I whine when he delicately runs his fingers over me again "You're so swollen but I'm sure you can handle it, can't you Darling?" he taunts. 
He pulls away from my lips and trails his down, kissing and sucking marks all over my chest giving me a bit more time to recover before deciding. "Yes, fuck yes" I moan when he greedily sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. My back arches again when he moans around it, making me desperately want to cum again, wanting it as much as he does now. 
"Want you to watch me this time. Can you do that?" he ask, giving me one last kiss on the lips before sliding his tongue down my torso, stopping to bite my hip, breaking me out of the daze I'd been left in, asking me to answer.
I nod my head and he luckily takes that as a response, going easy on me since I'm still not fully there after what he'd done to me. What he's still doing to me...
After he makes me cum again I lose all sense of reality and I can barely tell up from down. He leaves the room only for a moment to get a warm towel to clean me up and I take that time to catch my breath, staring at the celling and trying to wrap my head around what just happened. 
I jump at the feeling of him cleaning me up gently and he apologizes, going a little slower with a lighter touch, doing just enough before helping me sit up. "You with me?" he asks, steadying me as I still sit on his desk, swaying back and forth. 
I turn my eyes to him and blink sleepily, smiling and taking in his handsome features and notice how red and swollen his lips have gotten. 
"There she is" he coos, brushing my hair back and cupping my face, looking at me as if I was incredibly precious to him. Little do I know that that's exactly what I am to him. 
That's a conversation for another time though. For now he'll just enjoy the dazed and freshly fucked look I give him, laughing at how adorable I look. 
"You wanna bath?" he asks and I nod, making the corner of his lips turn up before he scoops me up. I cuddle into him and link my arms around his neck, enjoying the slight bouncing sensation I feel with every step he takes. 
After he ascends the steps with ease I watch as we pass by my bedroom door and get confused as to why he's not taking me to bathe in there. I frown at him and he chuckles shaking his head and walking the both of us into his room.
"My bathtub is bigger and more comfortable" he explains and I nod, tightening my hold on him for only a moment before he guides me to sit on the edge of the tub. 
"You want a bubble bath?" he asks, turning to look through his cabinet and pulls out two bottles, one that smell of lavender and the other of eucalyptus. I point at the lavender and he smiles, nodding his head and putting the other one back before walking over to turn the faucet on, adjusting it until it's just the right temperature. 
"Do you take bubble baths Mr. Jeon?" I tease, earning a playful glare that breaks into a smirk moments later. "Who says grown men can't tale bubble baths? And it's Daddy to you" he says booping me on the nose, giving me butterflies. 
"You like being called Daddy huh?" I tease again and he crouches down in front of me, putting us at eye level. "I dunno, sounded like you liked it back there too" he says, smirking when he sees me avert my eyes, this time placing a kiss on my nose before straightening up. 
"Arms up" he orders and I lift them up so he can take off the last piece of clothing I've got left. "Who's shirt is this?" he asks, taking note of the oversize fit. "It's mine" I say truthfully, too quick for his liking though, making him suspicious of me. "Uh huh" he says slowly before throwing it in the corner of the bathroom. 
With a look like that even I can tell that I won't be getting that back anytime soon. It really is my shirt though...
After he pours in the bubbles and I'm satisfied by their bubbliness (which he reminds me is not a real word) I get in and moan at the feeling of the warmth enveloping me. My muscles losing all of their tension as I breathe in the calming scent of lavender surrounding me.
"You enjoying yourself?" he chuckles, leaning up against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest just as he had done this morning and I gulp at the sight. "Yeah, I needed this" I say, sinking further into it and being swallowed whole by the bubbles. "Well just call me if you need me" he says but before I can stop myself I quickly tell him 'No'.
He tilts his head to the side and smiles softly, taking in the precious sight of me surrounded by bubbles with almost a panicked look on my face, showing my honesty in wanting him to stay. "Can you sit with me maybe?" I ask, looking down and playing with the bubbles, shy that I'm begging for even more of his attention. 
"Sure Darling" he says, grabbing a stool that was tucked in a corner and placing it right next to the tub so he can stay with me. 
After a few moments of comfortable silence I break it with the one question that's been on my mind since I felt the air shift between us. 
"Can I ask you a question?" I say, looking up at him, noticing that he's started to play around with the bubbles that rest high above the surface. "No" he answers, pushing a dampened strand of hair off my face. 
"What?" I freeze, surprised at his answer. "I know what you're gonna ask so no. You can't, not yet. Let's get you cleaned up and well rested before we go there, alright?" he asks giving me a sad smile, so many words left unsaid behind those eyes, begging to be released.
I wait for a moment, studying him and notice that he looks almost...vulnerable. Something I had never seen from him before so I decide to just nod my head, returning the same smile before leaning back against the tub and sinking in a bit further, the water now just below my nose. 
"Aye! Don't you go drowning on me in there" he chuckles and my eyes smile, glad my efforts of lightening the mood had worked. 
Taking it a step further I choose violence and splash him, making the bottom of his shirt get wet. He gasps at the action and puts his hand over his chest "I make you a nice bath and this is how you repay me? The audacity!" he says dramatically before giving me a splash in return leaving me gasping just as he had done.  
After exchanging a few more splashes and laughs we call it a truce and we sit there talking and joking around until the water goes cold, going back to that sense of normalcy that I was so scared that we might've lost... 
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mrs-weasley-reid · 1 year
(Spencer Reid x fem!reader)
Summary: In which BAU fem!reader silently suffers an unnecessary heartbreak over Spencer Reid’s “crush” on Agent Seaver.
WARNING: little angst, a nice fluff at the end <3
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"Oh my god! You do think she's pretty!" Penelope squealed on what surprisingly seemed to be both a whisper and a shout as she walked alongside Spencer.
"I didn't say that. In fact, I didn't say anything." Spencer defended, clutching the strap of his messenger bag as he held himself back from glancing at your direction. He fought the redness to flow on his cheeks, averting his eyes at every possible object except Penelope's. 
Derek immediately turned to you with a pitiful gaze. You gave him a tight-lipped smile, shrugging his concerns off. You never meant for him to find out. Emily and Derek were very different from each other and there were a good amount of people between them in your contacts, but it never stopped you from sending him your confession, thinking that you had sent it to Emily as you fell into a weightless slumber.
Nothing could describe your feeling when you found out the next morning, reading his reply:
—well, that's an interesting way to finally start a conversation that's not about work.
The sun and moon were dragged down to earth when you begged him to keep his flirty little mouth shut or you wouldn't hesitate to take him as your first deranged kill.
"You like her!" Penelope added, pushing Spencer's scrawny build with such force he almost flew down the small flight of stairs. “Is it her beautiful eyes? She has pretty eyes. I gotta hand her that. I like her eyes.”
You managed to hold your breath, gripping the file in your hand, your knuckles turning white. You didn't hate Penelope. You love her with all your heart and soul and reason that she didn't know anything about your massive attraction to Spencer. You love her sweet smile, amorous words, and eccentricity, but you wanted to push her down the stairs at that moment. You wanted her to stop talking.
"Alright, now, babygirl. Enough torturing pretty boy. We have a plane to catch." Derek wrapped an arm around Penelope's shoulder and you were certain that he meant she was torturing you rather than the boy genius.
Penelope knitted her brows, "What? You never defended Reid about this kinds of stuff. You know something and you will tell me this instant." She pointed her fluffy pen towards him like a knife.
You walked around them, fighting the urge to scowl or show any type of emotion, at all. What made your mood worst was when you had to share the elevator with Spencer. Emily was with the two of you, but still, it was suffocating just the same.
"A serial killer's daughter? That's gotta be the biggest risk this team has taken." Emily crossed her arms on her chest as she sighed.
"I'm sure she's just as capable as all of us. Hotch wouldn't have approved it if she wasn't any help to the team." Spencer replied, a little too fast than you would've preferred. You were thankful to stand behind them, having the ability to hide your sullen face.
You couldn't help but agree with Spencer. Despite the sinking feeling that hurled in the pit of your stomach, your logical reasoning never failed to keep you away from irrationality. It felt like you were stabbing yourself, though.
Emily looked behind you, "What do you think?"
A weak smile rolled over your lips, swallowing the lump of nothing that sat in your throat. "I think fresh eyes are always helpful." Just not Seaver’s oh so beautiful eyes. Of course, you couldn’t say the last part. You would’ve sounded like an idiot.
"Yeah," Spencer stated defensively. "Having a combination gene that's vulnerable to schizophrenia doesn't mean you'll develop one."
"Reid, I'm not saying she's a serial killer." Emily let her arms fall on her sides, giving him a worried look.
Spencer sighed, finally letting go of his suffocated bag strap. "I know... I just think it's unfair." He gave her a tight-lipped smile, and you wanted to embrace him even if he wasn’t directly talking to you.
Emily snorted, "I guess Garcia is right. You do like Seaver—" She shut her mouth at the realization of your presence. Sometimes she just couldn't hold her tongue and today was one of the days she wanted to chop them off.
She glanced at you with an apologetic smile, but you dismissed it with a silent laugh. It was making you tired. The act of smiling or laughing their guilty looks off. The ache was starting to swell.
In your opinion, it was plainly stupid. Your feelings for Spencer, that is. After joining the BAU as one of the youngest member of the team, you immediately felt drawn to Spencer. Of course, it was a form of friendship at first, but as they say, girls develop faster than boys. It wasn't accurate. You knew that. But it applied just the same.
You quickly got off when the elevator dinged open, turning to face the two of them. "Forgot something in my apartment. I'll see you at the jet!" You waved with the happiest smile you could muster and ran to your car.
The moment you sat on the driver's seat and buckled up, tears fell like a dam crumbling down. You didn't know why it hurt you. It wasn't like you told Spencer how you felt. He was ever oblivious contrary to his IQ.
It wasn't a big deal, you badly wanted it not to be. Spencer simply felt relatable to Ashley. That was understandable, reasonable. And you, of all people, understood it very well. It wasn't like Spencer declared his undying love for her. But you just couldn't help but feel jealous and depressed.
A hand covered your mouth as you fought the sobs that escaped your lips. You couldn't blame anyone, not even yourself. And that was the most painful part. No one to get mad at. No one to curse.
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
"Stop gawking." You muttered as you watched the rapid residential image slide in and out of your vision.
Derek scoffed, "I'm not gawking."
You sat up straight on the passenger seat and turned to him. "Your stare can bore holes on my head." You said unimpressively, leaning your head against the headrest.
Hotch assigned the two of you to visit the family of the victim, and as if you didn't just bawled on your way to the airport, you nodded. You were silently thankful for everyone to leave you alone. Granted, you worked with profilers, but they didn't need their skills to notice the redness and puffiness under your eyes.
"Okay fine." Derek glanced at you then back to the road. "But you have to stop acting like you're okay."
You snorted a laugh, much to his dismay and confusion. "That's the thing, though, isn't it? I have to be okay. I need to do my job and it's not like he did something wrong. There's nothing to be not okay about." You sighed, pushing your hair to the back of your head.
"Garcia was just teasing him, anyways. Reid probably doesn't think Seaver's a woman." He attempted to joke, anticipating for a genuine smile or laugh from your end.
"It's fine, Morgan. I know I'm not exactly the first girl a guy would land his eyes on in a room full of people. Reid's a guy through and through, 187 IQ or not. And Seaver is pretty. I'm not going to lie about that. I know how to appreciate beauty when I see it." You sighed, shoulders faltering as you stared straight on the road to keep yourself from showing any emotions.
The SUV stopped, Derek turning off the engine as you glance at the house in front of you. "Then, maybe it's time for you to tell him how you feel." He said, looking straight at you.
"And what?" You unbuckled your seatbelt, avoiding his gaze. "Jeopardize the team's workplace? Ruin Spencer and I's distant relationship? Or get cut off the team by Strauss for fraternizing? It's not that easy Derek." You covered your face with your hands, gulping the tears that were threatening to slide down your cheeks.
"To get yourself some clarity." Derek placed a hand on your shoulder. You removed your hands and looked at his assuring smile. "You can't let the darkness bury you, Bambi. You have to let it go at some point.” He squeezed your shoulder lightly before he added, “And you’re a beautiful woman. Don’t ever think otherwise."
You smiled at his gentle use of his choice of nickname for you. He has called you “bambi” for years and at some point, it grew into you. Despite his flirty tendencies, Derek was a great guy and he has been the closest thing to a brother you could ever find.
"Who knew Mr. Playboy gives love advice?" You kidded, a playful smirk appearing on your face.
Derek rolled his eyes and tapped your shoulder before stepping out of the car.
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
As soon as the jet landed, you immediately strode out of it. You got the approval from Hotch to head straight home, despite having three more hours left on clock.
What you didn't expect was for Spencer to follow you, scream your name, and hold your wrist. You stood dumbfounded in front of him.
"Reid..." You trailed off, not entirely sure what you wanted to say to him.
Spencer gasped for air, one hand on his chest and the other held your wrist, afraid to let you go. Usually, you would've panicked inside your head and blew up from the hotness of your cheeks, but not right now. Right now, you felt like throwing up. You felt nauseous at the bare sight of him.
"I've been calling you." He managed to gasp out, now pushing his hair with his free hand.
"Oh," you said less enthusiastic than you planned. "Did you need anything?" You watched as he steadied himself, controlling his breath a little better.
Spencer nodded, "Yeah, you." He smiled.
If Spencer was seconds away from collapsing due to shortness of breath, you played it as a sport. Your breath hitched ever so subtly. You couldn't believe how much this man could make your heart skip a beat all while breaking it without wasting a single breath. Not that he did it on purpose.
"I know you love the tenth doctor because of David Tennant, and just so happens, I'm going to a convention that he's attending to. And I have an extra ticket!" Spencer beamed, squeezing your wrist subconsciously from excitement. His smile was so wide and handsome. His short hair was soft and messy.
"I can't."
It ached. The mere act of rejecting his invitation made you want to bang your head on a wall for crushing his innocent smile.
"Why?" He questioned, squinting, hand still wrapped around you wrist.
"I-I just can't that day—"
"You don't even know when it is. I didn't mention it."
"Take someone else? Why not, Seaver? I'm sure she'll—"
"She's not a David Tennant fan from what I concluded. She doesn’t even know what Doctor Who is. And I just met her today, she's a stranger."
"Penelope likes—"
"Are you mad at me?" Spencer's tone was different. The kind he only uses when he was frustrated and upset at the same time.
"No!" You exclaimed in a rush, finally looking at his chocolate stare that made you melt instead of the other way around.
Spencer's grip on your wrist tightened a little more, locking your gaze no matter how much you try to avoid his. "Then, why have you been avoiding me the whole week? I know you cried and I wanted to ask, but you always avoided me. I’ve been worried, so inviting you five months early for a convention seemed like a nice way to cheer you up. But you don’t want to come with me to see David Tennant. You would've choked me by now if I told you I'm going to see him and you're not invited. So I can only assume that you’re mad at me." A slight anger laid underneath his tone and even if you caught up to that, you didn't understand why.
You sighed, closing your eyes agonizingly. Derek was right. You had to let your feelings out or it would make you explode. And with your current situation, you’re already ruining your friendship with Spencer, so why not? When you gained vision once again, you twisted your wrist and held his own. 
"I love you."
Silence enveloped the both of you for five seconds until your anxiety took over you.
"No, wait. Too advanced. I meant, I love you, like I have special feelings for you. Wait. No. I mean, I like you. Yeah. That. I like you. Hold on. That's too vague. I like you more than a friend. Like I want to kiss you type of like. Not I like your personality. Wait, I do like your personality. I just meant—"
"I love you too."
Your lips halted, and you stared at him with your mouth agape. "Wait..."
Spencer smiled and pulled you in, closing the little gap by connecting your lips. You didn't know what to do. Your body froze, arms falling limp on your sides. And soon you melted in his touch. One hand on your cheek and the other at the small of your back, keeping you close to him.
He pulled away with the same soft smile, "I bought the tickets, so I can take you, not some random girl I just met. Not Garcia, who helped me searched the internet for the tickets." Spencer kissed the tip of your nose.
"But— Seaver—" You couldn't form a sentence. Your brain was still foggy from his confession.
"Garcia was teasing me because I won't tell her who the other ticket was for." Spencer briefly explained. "And I was hoping I could ask you out to go with me to see David Tennant on our first date..." He trailed off, a huge grin over his face as he unravel his little plan for you. "Then, maybe ask you out for a second date. One that you actually know that it's a date."
The corner of your lips slowly curved. A laughed roaring out of you as you leaned your forehead against his chest. "I was so ready to push you to another woman, because I thought you didn't like me." You playfully slapped his chest.
"I thought you didn't, until you told Morgan." Spencer chuckled.
Your eyes blew wide, swiftly looking up at him. "He told you?!"
He immediately shook his head, "No! No..." His arms snaked around your waist, just in case you storm off and beat Derek up. "I was with him that night, when you texted him. He went to the restroom and left his phone on the table. I didn't mean to read it, but his phone vibrated loudly and, well, I read too fast."
"I..." You didn't know what to say, and the burning on your cheeks weren't helping either.
"The funny thing was," Spencer rested his forehead on yours, leaving a soft kiss on your lips. "I was with Morgan, because I needed to tell someone about my feelings for you. It kept me awake at night and weirdly energetic than usual during the day."
You chuckled, "You're down bad."
Spencer scoffed, pulling you closer. "Says, you."
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yeostars · 28 days
I Hate You, I Love You.
-kang yeosang<3
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○ pairing- yeosang x reader ○ genre- academic rivals to lovers! early relationship scenario, basically a snippet into the times when two rivals get into a romantic relationship after finally confessing their undying love to eo (ahem, they still hate eo too, though) ○ warnings- none? slight 18+ scenes but they don't actually do IT haha ○ synopsis- sooo this one is the epilogue for my rivals to lovers yeo fic (down bad, but at what cost?) . basically this one is a study session turned into a pillow fight turned into an intense makeout session ;) i've tried my best to write this one even better than the actual long fic so i really hope y'all enjoy reading this. likes, reblogs, comments and follows are always immensely appreciated <3
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"Huh, to be honest, your room isn't half bad. Really." You admit, peering at every little thing your eyes land upon, in this giant, spacious room.
"If that was meant to be a compliment, thanks." Yeosang snorted, right behind you, watching you take everything in.
This was your very first time visiting your boyfriend's slash academic rival's room. Infact, it was your first time coming to his house itself. Saying that you were nervous was an understatement, but somehow you seemed to be relaxing in yeosang's presence by now.
The fact that no one except the both of you were present in his house right now, also relaxed you quite a lot. Yeosang's parents had gone shopping and his elder sister was hanging out with her friends. Yeosang, being the smartass he is, grabbed this perfect oppurtunity and ideal day to invite you over, to get your assignments done.
Yeah. to get those damn assignments done. nothing else, probably, right...? although you wished you were lying, as you thought about how amazing it would be, to make out with yeosang on his bed.....
It had been roughly a month since the both of you started dating now, and it seemed like neither of you wanted to rush things. But if either you or yeosang made the first move, the latter would passionately reciprocate it.
"I mean it, your room is much more spacious than i imagined it to be. And also, so clean.... bet it isn't normally this clean." You said, chuckling, as your hand gently patted and felt the soft matress bed sheets.
"Well, not gonna lie, i did clean it up cuz you were gonna come over, You should be grateful." He joked, carefully picking up your bag and placed it on one of the extra chairs around his study table.
"Should i touch your feet or something? Geez, thanks for cleaning your room, i guess." You let out, suddenly stopping in your tracks to stare at the mini posters stuck at the wall.
Yeosang noticed you staring at those posters at the wall and stood right besides you. Good thing it wasn't something embarassing- or else he would've torn all those posters than bear all the teasing from you.
"Seriously, yeo? Math symbols, geometry shapes, equations and formulas..... you know what, i am not even surprised, you math freak." You grinned, turning to look him directly in the eye.
"So what? I am working to be the best mathematician of the next century, Gotta make sure to look like one." He replied, sounding quite proud.
"Might as well wear printed t-shirts with mathematical formulas all over it, My anti-math ass could never. I might throw up if i stare at those posters again." You said, giving those posters one last glance.
"You and your dramatic ass, y/n.....well, take a seat, if you're done exploring, and lets get these assignments done." Yeosang murmured, taking hold of his own bag, as he bought it towards his huge study table.
You sat at the chair farthest to the window, where sunrays seemed to be shining beautifully at the ends of the study table. Yeosang sat right besides you, eliminating the third chair and reduced any distance present between the both of you.
You ignored your heart beating loudly in your chest, quietly placed your books and pens on the table, and peered at yeosang doing the same.
"Well then, lets get started? As we promised each other, you're gonna help me if i have any difficulty in maths and I'm gonna do the same for you in science. Hope that offer still stands." You said, not quite maintaining eye contact with him, choosing to stare at those books in front of you instead.
"Hmm, alright. Lets get this done as quickly as possible." Yeosang said, already getting started with his work.
Around 40 minutes passed, the both of you working in peaceful silence, and even if you asked each other about a certain question or concept, the atmosphere between the both of you was still, peaceful. calm. not chaotic- and that's where is started to feel slightly...wrong? This had to be the longest time you've both spent in each other's presence without teasing the hell out of each other or bickering.
You couldn't help but steal quick glances towards yeosang's direction, admiring his concentrated self, how unbelievably hot he looked even when he was literally just, studying. When he furrowed his eyebrows cuz he probably didn't understand something, or when he mindlessly spun his pen as he read content, you wondered how you even managed to have a boyfriend as attractive as him.
You stretched your arms quickly, leaning back toward the chair, stifling a yawn. You were quite tired now, but you still had one topic left. You glanced at yeosang, and he looked quite tired himself, too.
And besides, things felt too boring, between the both of you, right now. You wanted to spice things up a bit, get him to kiss you or something.... but how?
"I'm taking a quick break." You announced, getting up from your chair, heading towards the giant bed, sitting comfortably at the edge.
Yeosang spun his chair to face you, and just blankly stared at you as you scrolled through something on your phone.
"What, tired already?" He asked, having the audacity to ask you this while looking much more exhausted than you.
"You look like you're about to pass out, right now. Take a break along with me." This wasn't a request, it was an order. You wanted both of you to feel fresh and relaxed before you started working on the final topic to finish your assignments.
Yeosang didn't argue further, simply closed his books and joined you, on his bed. He mirrored your position, sitting quite distant from you, but you could still feel his feet brushing yours..
You sat there, feeling extra comfortable because of the giant, soft pillows behind you. Yeosang suddenly grabbed one of those pillows behind you and you glanced at him, quirking an eyebrow and met his gaze, which looked quite mischievous and playful...typical yeosang.
"Ever been in a pillow fight?" Yeosang asked, pulling the pillow close to his chest.
"Umm....no? I might have once, with Jia, though." You replied, registering the fact that he probably asked you out on a pillow fight. you, his girlfriend, into a pillow fight.
at such moments, you realised how yeosang was truly, yeosang. no one could ever be like him..
"Then accept this challenge. Whoever wins gets their favourite snack as a reward." Yeosang snickered, coming closer to you.
"Oh, ITS ON. Y-" You almost screamed, and you didn't even get to finish your sentence as Yeosang approached you and hit his pillow skillfully at your arm. You groaned, gaining your consciousness quickly and attacked him with another pillow, aimed right at his head.
Here you were, the both of you fighting each other in an impromptu pillow fight, laughing, giggling and screaming like little kids. Just when you thought you couldn't fall deeper for yeosang than you already were, you were proved wrong when you met his soft and playful gaze, him smiling at you, the reason for his laughter being you. You wished this moment could last forever..
Your bodies brushed again each other's quite often, but the both of you tried to ignore that fact, too caught up in adrenaline and playfully fighting each other.
With a well-aimed swing, you managed to knock the pillow out of Yeosang's hands, grinning proudly. "Gotcha!"
Before you even knew it, yeosang lunged forward and tackled you gently onto the bed. You both landed in a heap of tangled limbs and pillows, your breath hitching as you realised that you were pinned beneath him onto the bed...
For a moment, everything stilled. The air, filled with laughter and giggles and screams just a minute ago, was now intense, and all that could be heard was your breaths.
You gazed into each other's eyes, your faces mere inches apart, You could feel yeosang's warm breath forming goosebumps on your skin. Every single cell in your body seemed to be aware of your current position, you could feel yeosang's strong arms wrapped against your sides, as if you had no choice to run away,,,
Yeosang's eyes softened, his playful smirk replaced by something more tender. "Y/N...." He trailed off, not bothering to complete his sentence. Just hearing your name from his lips, him being so damn close to you, you could've sworn your heart was going to beat right out of your chest.
Your hand, which had been gripping a pillow, slowly lifted up to touch his shoulders, to touch those strong biceps... that got you thinking just how buff your boyfriend was.
He leaned down, his movements slow and deliberate, giving you every chance to pull away, his eyes never leaving yours. But of course, you didn't. Why would you? You were waiting since ages for this to happen..
You lifted your head slightly, closing the distance between you. Your lips met in a kiss that was both familiar and electrifying, a perfect blend of softness and urgency.
Until, it was no longer soft, no longer sweet- just mere urgency, passion and roughness arising, as yeosang's palms reached forward to cup your face and your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, bringing him impossibly closer to you.
You pulled apart just for a second, you asking him hurridely if the door was locked (as much as you loved kissing yeosang, you were not prepared for the utter embarrasment if his parents walked in.) and he just hummed in reply, wasting no time and bought your lips to his again.
The makeout session seemed to be unending, and you weren't complaining in he slightest. The next second you broke the kiss to catch some freaking air, you could feel yeosang's gaze strongly fixated on you, and you couldn't quite comprehend what he was feeling.
"God, you're so hot." He said, in such a low voice, you would have almos missed it if you weren't so damn close to him.
"What?" You asked, blushing, although you had clearly heard him. You took in the sight of his cheeks heating up so furiously that your shyness was now replaced with a proud smirk.
"Say it again. I didn't quite hear you." You said, grinning.
"H-hell no. You didn't hear anything." He said, now tearing his gaze off you, just to be met by your smirk yet again as you grabbed his chin softly to make direct eye contact.
"What, THE kang yeosang getting all giddy and shy because of me? Yeo, if you don't say that again, i WILL tease you about it for the rest of your life-"
"I hate you. Y-you're so hot." He said, and before you could say anything, he quickly sealed his lips with yours, once again. You hummed in pleasure as his thumbs lightly massaged your cheeks, and you felt so damn good in this moment, you wouldn't dare to stop.
That was, unless you had to, to catch your breaths once again.
"Have you kissed someone before, um, me?" You asked, looking quite shy now. He blinked, not believing that this was the kind of question you'd ask him in the middle of a makeout session.
"I did. What about you?" He asked, shrugging, his eyes curious for your answer to the same.
Something familiar settled into your stomach. Bitterness. Jealousy. That would explain how yeosang kissed you so damn well. He was experienced, someone had already felt those wicked, soft, irrestible lips before. And of course, they did. Have you looked at the guy? It would be impossible to believe that he hadn't dated before.
"Y/N?" He asked softly, after noticing that you didn't reply quickly.
"Uhh...well, you're my first kiss." You said, not adding anything further. Yeosang seemed way too shocked at that, smirking soon after.
"Are you being serious? You're telling me, your arch nemesis, your rival, the person you quite literally hate, ME, i'm your first kiss? Insane, if you ask m-" He didn't get to complete his sentence this time, as you bought your lips to his, again. and again. and again- until the both of you were completely satisfied- which you weren't, not just yet. You kissed in perfect sync, perfect harmony- you tilting your head slightly to give him more access, your tongues hungrily meeting each others, the unending bites and teasing making you even more desperate for each other.
You opened your eyes to be met with a pleasant, calm, flushed yeosang. His plush lips were now red and glossy and slightly bruised because of you biting them so many times (he did too, so that was only fair) and he just, looked so fucking pretty, so handsome, so ethereal. and you were just so damn lucky.
"You are my first kiss too, by the way." He confessed, now looking quite serious. You nearly choked on air.
"WHAT?? You lied to me before...?" You asked in disbelief.
"Yea, i just wanted to witness you being jealous. You are so cute, the way you were pouting when i said that, i wanted to bite you." He said, caressing your cheek softly.
"Shut up. I hate you." You let out, pouting yet again and yeosang looked at you with such endearment and adoration, one would have never thought that you used to be at each others throats.
"Nah, you love me." He chuckled, intertwining his fingers with yours. You smiled softly.
"That, maybe i do."
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cosmal · 1 year
leith ross — send me a headcanon or a prompt + a character and i’ll write you a blurb.
ok so. I just know when remus lupin is sleepy he gets clingy. usually he’s not overly clingy but when he’s tired it gets bad. do what u will with that gf <3
lovely hair
summary remus won't let you shower when you get home.
content remus lupin x fem!afab!reader
note um yes this is him <3
You finish work and there are about three things on your mind. Dinner, taking your horrible shoes off, and your boyfriend who you know is about somewhere. You suspect his bedroom.
You sit down at his ottoman and slip your mary jane's off. You leave them on the rug and decide to deal with them later. You can hear Remus's heavy footsteps across his flat.
You head to where you know he is and crack the door open. He sits on his bed with a towel around his waist and another in his hair. "Rem," you say quietly, not to disturb the blanket of quiet. He drags the towel over his face and looks at you. Smiling.
"Baby," he says. He never calls you baby.
"Hello," you chirp. Moving over to him, you unzip your skirt for more relief. You stand between his legs and sigh.
"Missed you," he mumbles as you throw your arms over his shoulders, linked behind his neck. The towel guards you against the water on his skin.
"Yeah?" you ask. You can't help it when you take the hair at the nape of his neck between gentle fingers. You twist and twist until water beads between your pointer and thumb and drags down your palm.
"Had a long day," he admits and sounds more tired than he seems. He looks fresh and dewy from his shower, cheeks a tinge of pink, eyelashes sparkling with drops of water. Still, he blinks slowly and you can see his breaths becoming more shallow.
You take his towel from his shoulders before his back can get any worse, and pout on his behalf. "I'm sorry, honey," you say gently. With even worse hands, you start to dry his hair.
You're much more gentle than you know he would've been. You can see it's started to frizz where it falls around his eyes where he's been rough with it. You work the excess water from his hair, slow where you squeeze and ruffle his soft locks.
"Feels nice," he says. Voice quiet and thick when he speaks. You watch him close his eyes and lean back into your arms. He's adorable.
"Yeah, you're mean to your hair," you say just as quietly.
"Am not."
"You're too quick, you gotta do it slowly," you tell him and throw his damp towel through the open door of his bathroom. "You have such lovely hair."
He leans back in and pushes his face into your abdomen. Nose pressing into the fat of your belly, he sighs. He wraps his arms around your legs and the barrier of your work tights feels horrible. You need to feel his skin some more if you're honest about it.
"Wanna take off your skirt?" he says into your shirt.
"Yeah," you say back.
He lets you go with a touch of excitement. You giggle and bend down to tug it down your legs and step out of it. He's back on you before you know it.
"Can I get changed?" you ask, holding his face in your hands. You tug his cheeks back gently and brush your thumbs over their highest point.
He shakes his head and mumbles a no.
"Remus, I'm all smelly," you say with a wrinkled face. You'd push him off if you had it in you.
"No, you're not," he says firmly. "You smell like you."
"I've been at work all day, I wanna have a shower," you tell him through a laugh.
"But, I've already showered," he says, mildly put out.
It's a treasure, really, to see him like this. It's rare, he's never this touchy, this wanting. You're used to his silent pleas, the grabs and searching hands that he tries to keep minimal. Though, when he's tired like this he hasn't an ounce of resolve. He's much more pliable, you think.
"Remus," you say as firmly as you can manage. Not very, if you're honest.
"Just lay down with me for a little bit." It's not really a question and you don't blame him for it. You've felt the same way several times - most of the time - and he's never denied you. He sleeps in later than he should with you in the mornings, he lets you sit in his lap when you ask him, and he never says no when you ask to cuddle on his sofa. It's not in his nature.
You look at him, the last sparkles of dampness, the towel that's started to slip off his waist, and his soft tummy, and you suddenly don't think it's in your nature to say no to him either.
"Okay," you say much to his delight. His droopy eyes brighten more than you thought was possible. "Okay, we can do that."
He doesn't say anything intelligible, just tugs you down with him into his bed. You curl in on yourself, tucked into his side with his arm behind your head. You lay your arm over his naked torso and realise this is much better.
“Not long, though,” you say but you don’t want to. You’d hoped this wouldn’t happen. “Gotta have a shower and make dinner.”
“Can I shower with you?” he asks, hand smoothing a pattern up your arm and into the rumpled sleeve of your blouse.
“You’re not serious, are you?” you laugh and look at him through the crush of your eyelashes.
He looks like you’ve slapped him. “Yeah, sweetheart.”
“Your hair’s just dried, baby.” You twist another selfish finger through his damp hair in front of his face. He keens.
“I’ll sit on the toilet.” You think he actually Is being serious.
"C'mon, Remus. You're tired." You kiss his cheek. "I'll shower and then make us some soup or something." Then his other cheek and his top lip. He chases you blindly when you pull back.
"You've just finished work. You shower and I'll make dinner, yeah?"
You sigh. You don't think you'll win with him. "You sure? It won't take me long."
"I don't mind." He kisses like you wished you would've. Slow and warm against your mouth until you're hiccuping a gaspy sound that makes Remus want to cry.
"You're unbelievable," you sigh.
"I know."
It takes you an hour before you convince Remus to let you shower.
hoping this fixes the readmore
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bluekidchaos · 8 months
Kinktober day 2 - Daryl Dixon
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader
Prompt: Virginity
Warnings: 18+, Oral (m + f receiving), awkward first time, hand-job, masturbation, age gap
Words: 1.7k
Can also be read on AO3!
Kinktober masterlist. Regular masterlist.
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You and Daryl had been dating for a while now, making it official once you found the peace and privacy of the prison walls. In the world before your relationship would've been unconventional, he was 15 years older than you, but you came to find that stuff didn't matter as much once you've experienced the fall of society. The two of you had developed a special bond pretty quickly and slowly fell in love. Daryl took a bit longer to truly open up and trust you but when he did it made your heart ache for him, all that he had to endure, and the fact that he would trust you with this information. Suppose one could say you fell first but he fell harder. He was head over heels for you, he would walk through fire for you if needed.
Pretty quickly into the relationship you told Daryl about the fact that you were still a virgin, it was a conversation you dreaded. Imagining that he probably had plenty of experience, but to your surprise, he had told you that he also was a virgin. It eased your mind to know and he assured you that sex wasn't a dealbreaker. "We'll take it slow, take it at our own pace," Daryl looked out over the prison yard from the lookout tower. "If ya' never wanna do it that's fine with me. No pressure y'know." You smiled at his reassuring words and rested your head on his shoulder, giving his hand an appreciative squeeze.
A month later and the sexual tension between you was unbearable. Maggie was constantly joking about how you were so tense all the time and just needed to get laid, she wasn't wrong. You wanted Daryl badly and you knew he felt the same. You just didn't feel ready to have sex yet and the consequences of sex became twice as bad in the apocalypse. Luckily for you, there are plenty of other things a couple could do when penetration is not in the equation. That's how you found yourself on your knees in front of Daryl in your shared cell. 
"You sure, sunshine? You really don't gotta do this." His concern for your comfort was sweet but you think you'd explode if you didn't get your hands -or mouth- on him soon. 
You smiled up at him and let your hands rest on his thighs, his pants already pulled down. "I promise, D. I wanna do this, please let me do this." You tilted your head a little and gave Daryl your best puppy eyes, knowing he couldn't refuse you.
He groaned at your words and looked into the ceiling as if praying, "Fuck, sweetheart. Yer gonna be the death of me." Daryl leaned back on his arms, looking down at you with adoration and love. He couldn't believe how he got so lucky.
You started slowly, feeling things out. Letting your nails drag over his skin, his cock twitching to life by your actions. Rising a bit so you were closer to his lap and bringing a hand to his dick, wrapping around him and slowly stroking. Daryl let out a quiet sigh. 
You were mesmerized by his member, the way it looked - not too long but a bit on the thicker side- and the way it felt heavy in your hand. Experimentally you lowered your head down and gave his tip a few kitten licks, hearing him moan encouraged you to lick longer stripes up the length of his cock. "Is that okay?" He let a strangled 'yeah' out before giving another moan at your next couple of licks.
Feeling more confident from Daryl's reaction you tried taking him in your mouth, closing your lips over his tip, and lowering your head. You tried to remember all the 'sex tips' you'd read back in the day in those stupid women's magazines. You started bobbing your head, taking half of him in your throat before feeling your gag reflex react. You pulled back up to cough and try again. Daryl was watching you the whole time, making sure you were okay but also just marveling at the view of you before him, pleasing him so willingly. 
You struggled to take all of him because of your -apparently- sensitive gag reflex and you made a frustrated noise, feeling disappointed in not being able to satisfy Daryl properly. 
He could tell you were getting a bit upset and brought a hand down to cup your cheek, making you look up at him. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this properly." He scoffed at your statement.
"Nah, yer doin' real good for me alright, just maybe focus on the tip and like.. use your hand for the rest?" He bent down to kiss you, letting his tongue sneak into your mouth for just a moment before pulling away. 
Feeling a bit more motivated again you did as Daryl instructed and only took his tip in your mouth again while using your right hand to stroke the rest of him. Letting your tongue swirl around his most sensitive part while twisting and stroking his dick. 
Daryl had become a moaning mess above you in a matter of seconds, encouraging you to continue and spilling praise. "Fuuck, sweetheart. Doing so good, shit your mouth feels like heaven." He threw his head back almost hitting it on the concrete wall behind him, hissing and bucking his hips up into your mouth. "I'm gonna.." 
Your ears perked at that and you slowed down your movements before removing your mouth from him. "I don't think I want it in my mouth." You almost whispered at him, anxious he would be mad but he once again put your fears to rest. 
"Shit, it's okay. Come here, let me take of you now." He had sat up and pulled your arms so you rose from the floor and landed straddling his lap. "Yer fucking amazing, you know that?" He planted a few sloppy kisses all over your face, making you giggle, before shifting you under him.
While Daryl was busy kissing over your stomach and down to your center, taking your pants off, you shrugged off the shirt you had been wearing. Hoping the air of the prison cell would cool down your heated skin. Leaving you in only a very basic and unsexy sports bra. You wish you could have been wearing something sexier, or at least a regular bra but Daryl was looking up at you from between your legs like you were the sun. 
"Ready?" God, he was a gentleman, always checking in with you. You loved that about him, he was always so considerate. You nodded vigorously at him but he didn't move, he wanted a verbal confirmation. 
"Yes! Daryl, please." Daryl chuckled at your eagerness and planted a kiss right on your clit making you moan. You hadn't known what to expect from Daryl, you had only experienced this once before and it had been nowhere near this good. 
He was tracing his tongue from the bottom to the top, letting it flick as it reached your swollen clit. One of his hands -that had previously rested on your thighs- moved to join the equation and while his mouth was focused on sucking and licking the clit he slipped two fingers inside you. You were impossibly wet from having sucked him off earlier and there was zero resistance as your hole accommodated his fingers. 
Daryl was playing you like an instrument, his fingers hitting a delicious spot inside you while his mouth worked magic on your most sensitive part. You couldn't do anything but moan and writhe beneath him, bucking your hips into his face. 
Your hand darted down to tug on his hair, pulling him closer to you. "Shit, fuck, D. I think... I'm gonna cum." Daryl quickened his efforts at that, adding a third finger inside you and sucking harder. You could feel your stomach tighten at that and after he hit that amazing spot inside you again and again the coil inside you snapped.
Both your hands were buried in Daryl's hair, holding him to you, almost smothering him. Your whole body tensed and you felt pleasure course through you like you had never felt it before. 
Your body finally relaxed and you let go of Daryl's hair. He had risen and now sat on his knees between your open legs, his eyes were raking over your body and you could see his face shining a bit from your juices. As you were looking at him you realized he was still rock hard and leaking pre-cum. "Oh! You didn't get to cum." 
Daryl grinned a bit at you, "We ain't done yet, darlin'." He climbed over you and straddled your stomach. "You wanna do it or should I?" 
You reached your hand out to him and closed your fist around him. Starting slow but fastening the pace as he bucked into your hand. Watching Daryl fall apart above you from just your hand was hypnotic.
"Ngh, quick, take your bra off. Wanna cum on your perfect tits." It took you a second but then you made quick work of removing your bra, it probably didn't look as sensual as you wanted it but it didn't seem to matter to Daryl. 
He was stroking himself at a fast pace now, watching you. You decided to tease him a bit. Moving your fingers over your boobs slowly, circling your nipples and pinching them. Moving back and pushing your breasts together. "C'mon, D. Cum on me. Claim me as yours."
That was the final straw for him, his body twitched and spurts of white shot out of his tip and painted your tits. "Holy shit." Is all he could get out before slumping onto the bed next to you, breathing heavily.
Daryl started rummaging around the clothes on the bed before whipping out his red rag and cleaning up his cum and yours with it. Wiping his face last before throwing it back and turning you around so he could look into your eyes. His eyes held so much adoration. "I really love ya, ya know?"
You kissed over his face, his nose, his cheeks, and ending on his mouth. Slow and sensual, he answered your kiss. Letting his actions speak for themself. "I really love you too, D."
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Percy: I will say, glad Camp Half-blood doesn't have a Lupa. Cos 12 year old me, yeah I'd have been fucked.
Frank: She's something alright.
Hazel: Got that right. I swear mine felt like it took forever but it was only a few days.
Frank: Same here.
Percy: One of the longest weeks of my life.
Jason: What are you guys talking about?
Frank: Just our tests with Lupa. Say, what was yours like?
Percy: Oh, oh this I gotta hear.
Jason: Test?
Hazel: Yeah, you know the test Lupa gives every Roman demigod.
Jason: Which one?
Frank: Er, the one where she tests our skills and worth.
Jason: No I get that but which one of the tests do you mean?
Percy: The test, the one test we did.
Jason: Oh, you guys just had one?
Percy:... What did you do?
Jason: My mum gave me to her when I was a toddler and so she raised me. Chuckles It was pretty much tests from day one.
Frank:... You were a toddler and you did, the same tests we did, heck you did more so... As a toddler
Jason: I mean when you put it like that it sounds bad.
Hazel: It is! That is so fucked!
Percy: Jase... I found that hard, now... How, how did you do that?
Jason: Shrugs I mean, kinda had too if I didn't pass she would've killed me soo... You know.
Percy:.. Okay so I'm adding slay a wolf goddess to my list.
Hazel: And mine.
Frank: Same here... What the pluto man...
Jason: I mean we all did it.
Hazel: Not like that! That is so wrong on so many different levels.
Nico: Why's everyone yelling?
Reyna: Yeah we can hear you from across camp.
Percy: Jason was just telling us he did his tests with Lupa from 2 years old.
Reyna:... What...?!
Frank: And if he failed, she'd have killed him.
Nico:...I'm gonna get the Greek Fire.
Reyna: Wait for me.
Jason: Don't you guys think you're overacting.
All: NO!
Reyna: You say that again and I'm telling your sisters.
Thalia: Telling us what?
Annabeth: Yeah, what's going on?
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not-goldy · 2 months
All I gotta say is thank goodness Jikook didn't let me down & enlist with someone else, because I would've threw in my shipper hat. The way everyone is losing their minds with excuses & miserable. Could never be me. There'd be no reason to stay in the shippersphere, cause it would be proven they're not real, cause I'm sorry, you don't enlist with someone else when you have a chance to be with your partner. You'd go ALONE if there was a reason you didn't want too together. Not disrespect your partner & go with someone else. And this is why everyone is mad, cause they know it too. Going alone is one thing, that wouldn't affect them being real. Going with someone else, yeah you wouldn't find me making a 100 excuses for them, cause the outcome would still be the same. My ship isn't real. I'd take the hint. You don't make a life decision to enlist like this with someone other then the person you are closest too. Does it mean they're dating? NO, I'm not saying that. I'm saying, would it mean they aren't dating if they enlisted with another member or outside friend, yes. It would be the straw that breaks the camels back. That or them claiming someone they have leaked pics with or go public holding their partners hand or out right telling me to get out of my imagination. I'd pack it up & peace out & immediately stop thinking they're together & just enjoy their friendship. You'd never hear me making excuses again because I'd always remember they chose someone else, when it really mattered & wouldn't bat an eyelash to their behavior anymore. And seeing how people still ship their favs after Taennie and now enlistment. I REFUSE to reach that level of braindead insanity. No thanks.
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I see what you mean but I hope you are exaggerating when you say you will throw in your shipper hat had jikook enlisted with other people.
Cos, if it were Vmin enlisting together that wouldn't be sooooo like ship shattering you know 🤧
I mean it's Vmin.
But then I get you cos if jikook are a couple you'd expect them to do couple things.
Enlisting together IS A BIG DEAL
If there were best friends or a couple in a group it's more likely they would be the ones to enlist together. And since Vmin didn't do it together, we are left with the couple.
I for one will not chalk it down to the fact Jikook are "friends" which is why they enlisted together for the simple fact they don't hold themselves out to be the besties of the group.
I recall saying to someone that Vmin calling themselves the soulmates of the group affects the status of Jikook as friends cos on the face of it,one would think Jikook were the soulmates of the group- for whatever soulmates means and whatever its worth.
You can't call yourselves best friends when yall are best friends with other people in the same group😩
Which of course is not to take away from Vmin's friendship.
But it begs the question, if Vmin are soulmates what are Jikook and I don't think Jikook themselves have cared to straighten it out.
Had they not enlisted together there are others out there who would never have assumed perhaps that they are the closest in the band. Simply because they are lost in the crowd and are drowned by lots of barrel ships making loud noises.
The barrel is noiseist when it's empty.
But of course if Jimin could serve 2 years with another person away from JK we would all pack our bags and close down shop cos then it would be so obvious we are WRONG about them.
I recall us expressing concerns about them not being able to handle being away from eachother for 2 whole years and the trip they took together before service was consoling because it's very normal for couples to want to spend quality time together before sending eachother off.
I won't lie, I felt that trip was too short and too close to service to mean anything to me💀💀💀💀💀💀
My reasonable expectations was for them to spend a whole lot of time (however short) together factoring in their schedules and the fact some of them were released from work so they could spend time with friends and family before leaving.
So when I heard they were still filming content for hybe so close to leaving for MS I was concerned. Either hybe wasn't thoughtful enough or sensitive enough or these people didn't really have intimate relationships or relations that mattered to them. Cos if they did they would want to spend sometimes with them before leaving.
Like I don't expect them to spend a week with their friends right before leaving, but a week with family would be reasonable.
I've said and will maintain this position, Jikook behave very much like any reasonable couple hiding their relationship in broad day would more so than any traditional ship I've seen in a decade.
You can lie about who you are intimate with but you can't hide that intimacy. not for this long.
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multiversefanfics · 10 months
Best Friends (Part 2)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: You and Steve are best friends, but your friendship is tested when someone tells you he has feelings for you.
Best Friends (Part 1)
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You woke up in your bed, trying to figure out how you got there, what day it was, what time. It was one of those sleeps, that deep sleep where when you wake up and you forget your own damn name. You grabbed your phone and checked the time, 2:30pm!? You jumped out of bed, quickly getting dressed, you were late for training, you texted Bucky letting him know you overslept and that you’ll be in the gym as soon as possible. You ran down the stairs and into the gym where Bucky was already starting his training “I’m so sorry, I overslept.” He smiled and nodded “It’s okay, I just started.” You were a little suspicious, Bucky would normally groan and make some sarcastic comment but he didn’t he smiled at you. You shrugged it off, and started your workout, usually you would listen to music but for some reason Bucky wanted to talk. “You and Steve have been getting pretty cozy lately.” You slowed down the treadmill to a walk “We’re best friends, that’s it.” Bucky chuckled “Steve is my best friend” You rolled your eyes and looked over at him “We can share, and besides so what you know I have a huge crush on him but he doesn’t feel the same way. So I’m trying to move on.” You shrugged your shoulders getting off of the treadmill, moving over to the punching bag, Bucky quickly followed. “All I’m saying is, don’t give up. Us men. We’re a little slow sometimes.” You groaned quietly placing your forehead on the punching bag “Dude, Im here to train not talk about my crush on Steve, so please can you drop it?” Bucky threw his hands up and walked away, you’ve never seen Bucky give up so fast before, it almost makes you think he’s hiding something from you. Bucky is also unpredictable, so this very well could be normal. You finished your workout and went back to your room for a shower.
Later on that day, you, Steve, and Bucky were sitting in the living room talking about a mission Steve was gonna be on, it was mainly them talking you would speak up every once in a while but ultimately you weren't listening, you were in your own little world thinking about the conversation you and Bucky had in the gym. Why was he so worried about your crush on Steve, did Bucky like you? No can't be Bucky is a very outspoken person although very private he would've told you if he liked you. You couldn't shake what he said, I mean men are a little slow but why would Bucky openly admit that. You realized you were zoning out when you felt 2 pair of eyes on you, you looked over and smiled "Sorry I was lost in thought." Steve chuckled and pat your head "It's okay, all I said was I won't be back until Saturday I was hoping we could watch movies when I came back" You nodded your head “Yeah, that sounds great.” He smiled at you then went off to go do something you weren’t really listening, you tried but you still couldn’t wrap your head around how Bucky was acting earlier “Whatcha thinking about over there?” Your head snapped towards Bucky’s direction but you didn’t make eye contact, you looked past him hoping he couldn’t see the gears turning in your head “Oh, I figured I’d get a jump on what movie we’d watch.” Bucky nodded like he didn’t believe you, and how could he, you weren’t very convincing. “You know you can tell me anything right?” You nodded and stood up to leave “I want to talk, I just need to gather my thoughts first.” Bucky nodded and watched you walk away, he wanted to follow but he knew that you’d talk to him when you were ready. You stayed in your room the rest of the day, you were trying to figure out how to ask Bucky if he likes you and if he does, you gotta figure out how to let him down so you two will still be friends, you valued your friendship more than anything in the entire world you would never jeopardize that and you know he wouldn’t either.
You got up and walked back down to the living room hoping Bucky would be there alone, and there he was sitting down with Steve watching a movie “Hey, where was my invite?” You pouted playfully plopping down between them “We’re sorry, doll we thought you were sleeping” doll? Bucky has never called you doll before you were confused but you also felt Steve’s leg tense up beside you, what the hell was going on with them, you rolled your eyes and stood up “Since neither of you smart guys got snacks, I’ll be in the kitchen making popcorn.” You walked over to the kitchen and started making popcorn. “Doll? Are you kidding me Bucky?” Bucky smirked and looked over at Steve “Funny how Friday is your cutoff day and you won’t be back until Saturday.” Steve tensed up again “This isn’t fair I have a mission.” Bucky nodded and looked at you struggling to open the popcorn bag “True, but you also had a day before you mission to tell her.” He slowly turned his head looking back at Steve, who was just staring he knew he should’ve done it already, and if he doesn’t do it tonight, Bucky would. Finally, you came back to them and sat down with a huge bowl of popcorn “So, what are we watching?” You looked between them then back at the screen “Sam suggested Scream, so we thought we’d give it a shot.” You nodded and glued your eyes to the screen, every so often the boys would jump at a scary part to which you would giggle, they fought some pretty scary stuff and they find this movie scary. When the movie was over Bucky suggested another scary movie but Steve wasn’t having it “I’m going to bed, you guys have fun.” You watched as he stood up and walked away “Goodnight, Steve” You turned towards Bucky looking at him “We need to talk.” Bucky looked up at you “Uh oh, I’m in trouble.” You shook your head, giggling a bit. “No no, uh I don’t know how to say this.” He raised his eyebrow “What’s wrong?” You shifted in your seat “I need to know how you feel about me” He furrowed his eyebrows “What do you mean?” You sighed throwing your head back “Do you like me?” He chuckled and nodded “Well, yeah.” You shook your head “No, I mean do you like me like me?” He thought for a second confused, then it hit him and it sent him into a fit of laughter “Oh god, no Y/N don’t get me wrong you’re amazing and very beautiful but you are like a sister to me and our friendship is too valuable to me.” You let out a breath “Thank god, I said the same thing I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship” You smiled wide and leaned over and hugged him, when you pulled back Bucky looked over, you followed his eyeline and there was Steve, he looked upset he didn’t say a word he just walked away. You were confused “What was that about?” You looked over at Bucky who had his head down “Shit, shit” He mumbled under his breath, he got up and ran to Steve’s room, when he got to his door he heard things being thrown around he walked in watching Steve throw his pillows around the room “Steve, calm down.” Steve was now pacing around the room, Bucky knew how much you meant to Steve, but Steve didn’t know that the hug was strictly platonic. “Steve, get a grip.” He stopped pacing and looked at Bucky “Get a grip? What the hell was that down there?!” Bucky put his hands out keeping the distance between them comfortable. “You need to tell her how you feel, she’s getting suspicious and she thought I had a crush on her.” Steve relaxed and sat down on his bed “Bucky, I have never been so nervous in my life. I have to tell her, but I need more time please.” Bucky shook his head “We had a deal, and we’re sticking to it.” Steve threw his head back “Fine. I’ll tell her in the morning.” Bucky nodded and put his hands down “Are you okay?” Steve nodded “I’m sorry for blowing up like that.” Bucky shrugged and chuckled “It’s okay, I understand.”
It was the next morning, and Steve is no where to be found he said he would say goodbye before leaving but it looks like he already left, you saw Bucky walk into the kitchen “Hey, is Steve still sleeping?” Bucky raised an eyebrow “He didn’t say goodbye to you?” You shook your head, you could see in Bucky’s face he was pissed but you didn’t know why, you didn’t question it either, it was better if you didn’t. He walked away and left you there wondering what was going on, why didn’t Steve say goodbye? Was it because he saw you hug Bucky the night before and now thinks that you two are a thing? What is going on?! The next few days seemed to fly by, although Steve was only gone for 2 days you still missed him and couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow night when he comes home, you missed the nightly movie, the cuddles, the snack, his laugh, smile, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles big, his smile was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen and you couldn’t help but blush at the thought of him smiling because of you. Suddenly you were pulled from your thoughts by a knock at your bedroom door, you knew it wasn’t Steve because he has a special knock, yeah corny I know but you loved it. You walked over and opened the door revealing Bucky “Hey what’s up?” Bucky looked like he was up to something but then again when isn’t he. “We gotta talk.” You nodded and stepped aside letting him come in, he didn’t sit down even though there were many comfy chairs just spread out “Steve likes you.” You froze while you were shutting the door “W-What?” You finally looked over at Bucky and he’s staring straight at you “Scratch that, Steve is in love with you.” Your throat got dry and made it hard to swallow “Why are you telling me this?” You couldn’t move, no matter how hard you tried you just couldn’t, Bucky sighed and walked over to stand in front of you. “He was supposed to tell you this morning and yesterday, and for the past year.” Your eyes widen, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Steve loves you, you love him too but you always thought it was one sided. “Okay, okay what do i do?” That’s when Bucky started to smile and that was scary sometimes “Steve actually comes back tonight, so why don’t we put together a little movie night.” You shook your head “No, I gotta do something big. Meet me on the roof in an hour.” He nodded and you both went your separate ways.
You went to the store picking up all the snacks he likes, you got him some flowers, you thought that might’ve been too girly but who doesn’t love getting flowers? You got some LED lights and candles a couple cute stuffed animals, you’ve never done this for anyone before and you were glad it was for Steve, he meant the world to you. You got back to the compound and went straight to the roof, where Bucky was setting up a white sheet and a projector he looked over at you and smiled “You look amazing.” You thanked him and looked around “Bucky this is great” You stood in awe as you watched him finish tacking the sheet to “Yeah, well don’t tell Tony about this he warned me before not to.” You smiled and set up the lights and candles you didn’t light them yet just in case he was late, laying out the comforter and pillows you two will be leaning on, you set up the bowls and put the snacks in them along with the various drinks you got because you couldn’t decide on what to get. You stood back admiring the cute scene in front of you “This is so cute it’s making me sick.” You playfully shoved Bucky’s shoulder rolling your eyes. “Just send Steve up when he gets here, tell him to come up here immediately” Bucky nodded and went downstairs to wait, you looked around smiling “I hope this goes well.” 2 hours went by and you got a text from Bucky saying Steve was on his way up, you hurried and lit all the candles and stood there waiting for him, you tapped your fingertips against the outside of your thighs you could hear him grunting at the top of the stairs before he opened the door “Hey, Bucky said- Woah what’s all this?” You took a deep breath and stared at him smiling wide “I like you too, Steve.” His eyes widened as he dropped his bag “Bucky told you?” You nodded watching him walk towards you “Believe me, Y/N I wanted to tell you I promise it just wasn’t the right time-“ You cut him off by placing your lips against his, Steve had a tendency to ramble on and on apologizing about nothing. Steve finally kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. The kiss was innocent and sweet yet there was something that laid beneath it that you couldn’t quite put your finger on, you wanted Steve in more than just a physical way, you wanted him for everything he is, mind, body, soul, his personality was the thing that struck you as hard as a rock, he was everything you’ve ever dreamt of and more. The two of you pulled back, breathless and happy “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that.” You smiled up at Steve, then led him to your makeshift bed where you two talked, laughed and watched your favorite movies together.
A/N: I hope you guys like it.
I hope you don’t mind me tagging you guys: @megamindsecretlair @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist - Steve Rogers Masterlist
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scarisd3ad · 10 months
Begin again
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Pairing(s) - billy Hargrove x fem!reader (past), Steve harrington x fem!reader
Summary- after the end of your 2 year long relationship with billy you finally go on a date again and realize how horrible billy really was to you.
Warnings - mentions of a toxic relationship
I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, this was my first date I was going on since I broke up with Billy and somehow, I can't shake all the old habits I used to have. he hated when I wore heals absolutely hated them because he said they made me taller than I actually was. I slip them off not knowing if Steve had the same preference. I decide on a pair of Mary janes that still had a heal but wasn't that tall it was barely an inch. this was just a first date down at the coffee shop around the corner, but I still felt this overwhelming pressure to look good.
I put my favorite cassette into my Walkman. Billy hated this song, and he always made it known when I listened to it. "God why do you like this shit" he'd mutter every time. I decided on walking to the coffee shop since it was a nice day, and the coffee shop was just down the road.
when I arrive, I assume Steve would be late because Billy always was. I just assumed all men didn't care about punctuality. but when I open the door Steve's sitting at a table in the far back corner. the bell from the top of the door pulls his thoughts from the menu he was looking at. he looks up and waves me over. when I walk to the table, he gets up pulling the chair across from his out for me. I smile, Billy never did this for me. "Thank you" he shakes his head as I take a seat "it's not problem."
'you dont understand how nice that is, but i do'
he throws his head back laughing when I tell a joke that I didn't think he'd find funny because Billy never did. he always said I wasn't funny, but Steve thought I was. "it's not that funny" I giggled as I push a piece of my hair back behind my ear. he continues to laugh, and I can't help but admire how handsome he looks. I've spent the last I don't know how long believing that love was a horrible thing that I never wanted to do again but right here in this coffee shop everything changed. it was like everything I ever experienced with Billy was erased and I was able to begin again.
James Taylor was my favorite singer and somehow was Steves too. "I've never met a girl who has as many James Taylor records as me" he laughs after I told him about my collection. Billy would've found that as me trying to say I was better than him in some type of way, but Steve doesn't. I laugh "ma-maybe you could come over one day and I Dunno check'em out" I say with a shrug he nods "yeah, yeah that would be fun."
he tells stories about his friends and his family and thinks it's weird I'm coming off a little shy. I was used to listening and not talking with Billy. "Are-are you alright?" he asks his brows furrowed together; I shake my head "ye-yeah I'm fine i-i I'm sorry" I mumble "it's alright you don't gotta be shy around me" he whispers.
as he walks me down the block to my house, I almost bring Billy up trying to forgive Steve for my nervousness, but he brings up the movies that he and his friends watch every Christmas and I want to talk about that. "Yeah, and we watch the grinch every year on the 24th and all the kids come and robin and Eddie too and shit its cool" he laughs. for the first time what's past is past and I don't want to bring Billy up anymore. I don't want to pretend I don't like my favorite artist or pretend I don't love wearing high heels for a man who wouldn't even kiss me. "y'know I really like you and I'd really like to do this again" Steve says as we stop in front of my house "I really like you too" I whisper as I look down at the ground flustered. he places his hand on my chin pushing it up so I'm making eye contact with you. "Can I kiss you?" he asks I nod before leaning in and pressing my lips to him.
'On a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again'
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stevethehairington · 8 months
okay so. overall review:
actually not as bad as i expected it to be! and not as bad as i thought it was going to turn out while i was in the trenches there lol. i still wished it focused a little more on eddie's home life/relationship with his dad and uncle AND his friends, and had way less of the romance stuff (read: none), BUT i will admit that there ended up being a lot less of the romance stuff than i initially expected and a lot less than it seemed like there would be while still in the middle of the book.
the paige stuff still made me uncomfy bc i didn't like the power dynamics there (paige had something eddie wanted desperately, and i don't like the idea that that could have had something to do with his "feelings" for her/why he engaged with them ((esp bc let's be real — he didn't seem super torn up over not getting to be with her in the end)) or that she used that to her advantage bc there was ALSO something in it for her) BUT i will say they did make it slightly less skeezy than i expected bc she was only a couple years older than him instead of like. significantly older like i expected.
i do wish there was more about eddie's friends and their fallout and reconciliation. his friends were super important to him and he just. dropped them. like that. and there was BARELY any blowback. like yeah there was a fight with ronnie, but we never actually got to see the reactions of any of the other hellfire/corroded coffin guys, and i would've liked to see that. same with the reconciliation, it felt very minimal — i would've liked to see more of how that played out too.
as for eddie — i think the author did an alright job finding his voice. there were times where i thought she really nailed it, but there were also A LOT of times where i thought "he would never say that!!" "he would never do that!!". it wasn't very consistent, but overall it wasn't awful and there were some good parts!
the other characters we know and love that made cameos — VERY fun to see them (gareth, chrissy, jason, hopper, will, jonathan!!!) gareth was ESPECIALLY fun to see because they really embraced that feral chihuahua boy energy we love to assign to him. BUT. i am SO incredibly upset with how badly they massacred my boy tommy h (whOSE LAST NAME THEY COULDNT EVEN GET RIGHT I MEAN W H A T!?) they fucking. got his characterization SO BAD. it was awful. i am. personally offended by it (joking, mostly rhsjsi). (as a tommy lover i am. devastated tho. HE WOULD NOT DO THAT!!!)
OH ALSO — reefer rick. WHAT a fun dude. hes out here in his robe and bunny slippers drinking darjeeling tea, living it up. what a guy.
id like to give a huge FUCK YOU to principal higgins too! they made that dude a straight up MONSTER. he was unnecessarily CRUEL and some of the things he said straight up to eddies face,,,,,,, sir what the FUCK. i know the 80s was a different time but jesus fucking cHRIST was casual cruelty and bullying from grown ass ADULTS commonplace? i sure hope not.
also, im gonna be real. the end of that book was actually INSANELY depressing. like, it tried to be positive because you gotta end on a positive note right? but it just fell. COMPLETELY flat. bc we all know what happens to eddie in canon. he's sitting there reenrolling in school, peacoking around about how he's GOING to finish high school and he's GOING to graduate and he's GOING to show principal higgins that he CAN do it and that he ISNT the fuckup deliquent he's convinced he is. BUT WE ALL KNOW HE DOESNT FUCKING GET THAT IN CANON. he's taking waynes advice and fully embracing who he is and he's learning to be comfortable in his own skin and to rise above all the noise of people who don't like him and think he's a freak. ONLY WE KNOW HE NEVER TRULY GETS TO DO THAT EITHER BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW HOW IT ENDS IN CANON. so yeah it just ends up being a REALLY fucking BLEAK ending because all of that "positivity" is absolutely tainted. it's fucking soured. and i am once again INSANELY INFURIATED about eddies death. so fuck the duffers, again.
also, eddie munson literally never caught a fucking break. not one fucking break. his ENTIRE life was just one series of tragedies after the other and it truly just continued on that way until he fucking died. honestly, its a goddamn MIRACLE that he has ANY ounce of positivity and optimism and hope left in his life when we get to him in s4. thatd how utter dogshit a hand he has been dealt in life. and it only.got worse from there. and i will NEVER forgive ANYONE involved in his creation for that.
so yeah! that concludes my journey reading flight of icarus. it was a wild ride lol.
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funnymemesandreblogs · 3 months
So I posted something about telling my friend I'm a lesbian some time ago and I must inform you of today's events. Few days/weeks ago I sent my friend, let's call her L, that I gotta tell her something but deleted it right away. Doesn't matter - she still saw it. She asks me about it the next day and I say I can't tell her right now but I will tell her after a few days/when I'm ready. Today, my fellas, we were ready to go outside. But I (as always) took much more time to get ready than expected, even tho usually she's the one that's even more late than me. Anyways, she came to my house because of that and asked me when will I tell her. But it was literally like my body doesn't let me say it out loud. I told her I will tell her outside so we went outside. First park - full of children, second park - full of children, found some benches and sat there talkin' bout some shit when she asked me again. I couldn't answer even tho I wanted to so I consitered writing it down but that would've been really weird so I waited a bit more. (I also was smiling awkwardly and uncontrollably, I just be like that when I'm embarassed.) I started saying some random shit about how it's not really that important so she better not be expecting something amazing but that it also could be a really big deal. L talked a while and when she stopped for a moment I felt that I could finally say it and was like, fuck it, if I don't say it now, who knows when will I so I just blurted out an "I'm a lesbian" in the middle of a conversation about god knows what. L then says that she actually expected that and asked me WHEN DID I DECIDE TO BE LIKE THAT, LIKE NOOO, WHAT THE FUCK, YOU THINK I WOULD JUST CHOOSE TO SUFFER LIKE THIS??? overreacting rn, anyways I explain to her I do not decide that and that it comes to me naturally and she's like "Oh, ok", and I. Think. She. Maybe. Understood. But I was so fucking wrong. L said "I support you (amazing, right, that's what I thought, too) BUT I DO NOT SUPPORT OTHER PEOPLE. YOU'RE MY FRIEND SO YOU ARE AN EXEMPTION." I was sad, also she will probbably have the best reaction out of all my friends so I. Am. Fucked.
Some time passed and she asks me, how did you think I would react?
Me: ...
I actually thought you'd react exactly like this.
L: Yeah, I think I reacted too casually/relaxed.
Me: [?????? what the fuck]
Haha, not really..
L: What do you mean? See how relaxed I am? [points at her way of sitting]
Me: Yeahh, but... (mumbling some random shit because I'm too sad and overwhelmed to even tell her about what I don't like.)
L: How do you think P (other friend) will react?
Me: I guess same as you.
L: When will you tell her?
Me: I don't know, probbably after a few weeks (definitely not, lol).
L: Any crushes??
Me: Nope. (Even tho I like this one girl soo much but I know L hates her.)
I am sorry. This post is so messed up and makes no goddamn sense, especially now at the end, but that was literally our conversation till P came so I guess it's okay. Also, my whole class thinks LGBTQ+ people are mentally sick but I'm still in a better position than some other people because she didn't discriminate me (even tho she will probbably soon). :D, bye my dear gay stranger, hope you enjoyed and didn't suffer much in life or through this post, :D
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folkwhorerain · 1 year
I wish I knew you wanted me.
tess servopoulos x gn!reader.
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gif not mine.
Summary: you have always liked Tess, but you were certain she liked Joel so you never made a move. When the lunch with two new people she's been talking to lead to a sensitive topic, your crush for the woman might get exposed.
Warnings: language (?), angst but with a fluffy end.
Author's note: I only wrote 3 fanfictions in my entire life so I'm sorry if this is lame or the writing isn't as good as you expected, but I promise I tried hard to at least make you enjoy an idea that's been in my head since I saw episode three. This was requested by me in a post I made a few days ago but then I pulled a Thanos and said "fine, I'll do it myself".
One last thing, English is not my first language so I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes. I tried my best to fix any error I could find.
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You and Tess didn't have friends… or rather, you didn't have friends beside Joel. So when you heard her say she was talking to a man over the radio you couldn't believe your ears.
"Him and his partner seem nice." Tess informed you, cleaning the counter next to the one you were sitting on. "If this goes well they could be a really good resource for us."
Us. Obviously she was talking about her and Joel, but you got a sparkle of hope she meant you as well, if just as a friend you didn't mind kinda.
”I thought we couldn't trust anyone." You told her the same words she told you not a long time a ago, wiggling your feet nervously.
She laughed. "Joel said the same." And with that she placed the rag into the sink. "He's not too please with this situation either, but I made up my mind."
Tess was the one who often made decisions for both you and Joel. Since you met her a few years ago, when you finally found the QZ, you can't recall the times when she really gave the opportunity for Joel to change plans when smuggling shit… or just in general. She liked to boss him around and, since you became her friend, she did the same with you. Not that you cared, though. She was better than you at making tough decision and you were better than her at getting her out of her shell when she needed it.
That's why your duo worked and you were great together. It would be amazing if you didn't have that stupid crush on her. It would've been even more fantastic if she didn't have a crush on Joel, or so you thought.
You sighed, licking your lips. You were tapping nervously the marble you were sitting on with your index finger, thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong. "We're not fucking going, Tess."
That conversation was a few days ago, but giving the fact that she can be very convincing and you can't say no to her, there you were: sitting at the table with Joel and Tess and two people who you learnt were Bill and Frank.
You had to admit the place was nice and well taken care of. Frank was a sweet person with so much love for the little things, Bill was quite the opposite with a paranoid nature, but cooked a meal that made your mouth water just by the sight.
Overall, you felt comfortable with them. Mostly Frank because Bill hasn't stopped staring at you, Tess and Joel like he wanted to shoot you for the entire time, and the gun he kept on the table like he was the hunter and you were the preys didn't really help either.
"Thank you for inviting us" said Tess, taking a sip of the wine Frank just poured in her glass a few moments before. "I gotta say that, gun aside, which I get by the way," she stopped to look at Bill, hoping all her gratitude could be felt by the most cynic one of the couple. "How nice it is to have a civilized meal in such a beautiful place."
Seeing how much Tess was relaxed with the presence of the men, you smiled a little. "Yeah, thank you for the warmth you showed us, too. We really needed that." You said, which was gladly appreciated by Tess, knowing that it has been hard for you agreeing to this meeting.
Joel, on the other hand, remained silent, looking at Bill the entire time. The whole situation started to look more like a staring competition.
Bill just put the gun off the table, not letting his walls down that easily just for a speech that, if you didn't know Tess enough to tell she was serious, could fairly enough pass for a fake praise.
"Well…" Frank smiled, taking Bill's hand who just side eyed him. "It's nice to see there's still decent people willing to work peacefully and help others. Help that will be returned, of course."
You let out a small thank you, not really being the talkative one of the group. Then Frank added something that made you almost choke on your food and your heart drop to your stomach.
"It's also nice to see a great couple like you and Joel try to fight for love in a shitty situation like the one we're living in."
You could've noticed Tess cringe slightly at that if your eyes didn't start watering.
If only he knew how her walls only crumbled down when she was with you. How she muttered an "I love you" whenever you passed out after a drinking competition with Joel or how she would steal your shirts because "mine are all stained with the blood of some motherfucker I hit during smuggling" when, in reality, she felt safe whenever she worn anything yours.
"Excuse me." You let out a shaky breath before getting up and fast walking to the back of the house.
Joel glanced at Tess and nodded to the brunette to check on you. She sighed quitely before smiling politely and excusing herself.
You were about to crumble when you felt a firm hand grab your arm, making you turn around.
"Hey, what has gotten into you?" Tess asked you with a concerned look.
You didn't answer. You couldn't or else you would've had to tell her why your heart ached everytime someone thought her and Joel were together and how you wished she never realises they might be right.
"What? Cat got your tongue or there's a fucking clicker around?” she whispered the last part, teasing you like she always did, a fake worry on her face to disguise the real concern she felt for you.
"Ah-ah! Very funny, Theresa!" You turned around again, not having the strength to look at her when your tears were urging to come out.
"Uh-oh!" she said, her teasing nature never leaving her. "You only call me by my full name when you're angry."
When she saw you weren't giving her an answer anytime soon, she frowned. She knew you could be as secretive as her, therefore she never forced you to talk about whatever was bothering you, but now it was different; as much as she didn't want to admit it, not knowing what was bothering you was killing her.
"Look, I know something's bothering you and I need to know, 'cause the silent treatment is getting fucking annoying." Her tone was firm and calm, but you could hear that hint of annoyance that was haunting her. "If I did something wrong—"
"You didn't do anything." You sighed, running a hand through your hair. The pressure you felt become unbearable when you closed your eyes to try and ease your headache that, of course, become persistent like the brunette who was waiting for some sort of explanation.
"Well, okay. Then what is it?" She placed both her hands on her hips, staring at you with so much force you thought you could turn into pudding in that very moment. You hated the effect she had on you. It was worse than the symptoms cordyceps caused. She was the reason you could lose your mind at any moment, the only reason you could really get violent if any motherfucker even tried to hurt her.
"You and Joel are so cute together!" You mocked what Frank said minutes before, the thought making you groan in frustration.
She looked at you with a puzzled expression, not understanding where the conversation was going. "What are you—"
Then it hit her. There was a deeper meaning to the harsh glances you always gave Joel whenever he would look at Tess much more for your liking. Now she understood why you never wanted her to go smuggling with him alone and she understood the reason of your overprotective nature anytime she was in trouble.
"Oh, I see…"
The frown on your face was inevitable when she stepped so close to you that you had to take a few steps back. Her stare was now holding a new light you didn't know the meaning of yet. "You're jealous."
The stupid smile adorning her face was infuriating. She was pleased by your jealousy? And for what? So she could tease you everyday for not feeling the same? So she could get even more clingy to Joel just to hurt you?
Her face softened when she saw your eyes were glossy, placing her hands on both your cheeks when you tried to hide your face.
"I wish I knew…" she breathed out, placing a strain of hair behind your ear. The sudden serious expression and the sweetness in her gestures surprised you.
Your head immediately snapped at her. "Why? So you and Joel can throw your relationship in my face?!"
She was a little taken aback by the hint of bitterness in your words, incredolus you would actually think she'd play you like that.
"You really think I would do that?" The hurt on her voice was evident, even though she tried to hide it with a harsh glance.
You shrugged your shoulder. You knew you weren't thinking clearly. Tess, your Tess, the one who has always been there for you through thick and thin, who helped you process your loved one's deaths, the one who almost killed a civilian who tried to rob you of your ration cards, she would never hurt you like that.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to ease the tension you felt on your shoulders. Angry at yourself for how your irrationality was getting the best of you. "No, you wouldn't."
"Good." She smiled briefly at your words. "There's nothing between me and Joel, Y/N. Quite the opposite… he's been fucking teasing me for months about my stupid crush on you."
You widened your eyes, not believing what she just confessed. You tried to process her words as fast as possible, then a smirk crossed your face. "So you like me, ms. Servopoulos?"
She rolled her eyes at you and took you by the collar of your shirt. "Fuck you."
You laughed at that, feeling like the weight of the world got off of you.
"You really never noticed?" She had this incredulous expression in her face and you suddenly felt dumb. Did you really never notice? Did that mean that the times she would touch your hand for a time too long to be considered just an affectionate gesture hid something deeper? That the steady looks she gave people in the streets who looked at you too much for her liking were just a consequence of her jealousy and not her just being the wary woman she has always been?
"No? I mean, you've always been so secretive with… basically everything!" You tried to defend yourself.
She laughed like you said the funniest joke she ever heard. "Y/N, you're so fucking oblivious!"
Now you were embarrassed as fuck. How could you be so stupid?
"But it's cute." She was quick to add when she noticed how mortified you looked.
You watched her carefully with a slight pink covering your cheeks and noticed her eyes shifted briefly to your lips, so you took the opportunity to ask something you wanted to ask for a really long time.
"Can I kiss—"
"Shut the fuck up." And with that she kissed you.
Suddenly the world went quiet and the hole you felt right in your chest was fullfilled by a feeling you have been chasing since you heard of it, but never had the pleasure to experience. All your life you've been seeking for survival, you thought the only thing that mattered was going on and not getting killed, but you were wrong. Oh boy, you were so wrong. You didn't seek for survival, you seeked for Tess' left hand on your neck when she deepened the kiss, you seeked for the wine hanging on her tongue when she explored the insides of your mouth, you seeked for her other hand grabbing your hips in a way that took your breath away. You seeked for the gasps only her she could let you out from now on. You seeked to live for her and with her for as long as the fate would allow the both of you.
When you broke the kiss and opened your eyes, you felt stupid for not realising the love and admiration she felt for you. It was all there, you could see it in her eyes how she craved you like a starving woman. How she wanted to get into you, to be all over your body and grow into your lungs, brain and heart, not leaving room for any other person who could have your smiles and good days alongside your bad ones. You saw how she wanted to claim you and cherish you. How she wanted to worship you like a believer does with God.
You gave her one last kiss and then hugged her, placing both your hands on her hips like the clingy person you could be around her.
"You already want to get into my pants?" She teased you, raising an eyebrow. "Geez Y/N. Take me to a fucking date first or shits like that."
"You idiot." You shook your head, giving her a peck on the lips. "Shall we go back to the table?"
She nodded, kissing the back of your hand. "We shall."
When you got back to where three men where waiting, Joel gave you and the brunette a knowing look and you slightly nodded at him.
"You okay, Y/N?" Frank asked you with a genuine concern you appreciated.
You just looked at Tess with a stare that said more than words could ever do.
"I'm more than okay."
Frank looked at the two of you and grinned, taking a bite of his steak, realising the mistake he made before you left the table.
"Well, I guess I got the person wrong."
Tess briefly chuckled at that, giving you one last look that held all the love she never knew she could feel again towards someone.
"You did."
Well, that was it. I hope it satisfied your expectations!
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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Overall, Full Meta Jackrick was decent. I liked it. It's not a personal favorite, but I won't mind it when I eventually rewatch the series. I just had the same problem with this episode that I did with the previous installment, Never Ricking Morty: it's not bad, but it's just...there? Meta episodes don't go anywhere because they CAN'T go anywhere. They're just twenty minutes of "Check it out, we're characters in a TV show!"
Still, I think this episode did a decent job of leaning into the meta without ruining the show. I was a little worried that Morty would realize that he's in a TV show and the entire universe would fall apart as he and Rick deconstruct everything, and then we'd have to act like nothing happened in the next episode. Luckily, Full Meta Jackrick didn't push the show's boundaries too far.
But yeah, I thought this episode was a little...pointless? It avoided cliches for the most part, but it also didn't say anything new. It wasn't a groundbreaking deconstruction of Rick and Morty or TV shows as a whole. It was just another take on the "Rick knows that he's in a TV show" concept, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it left me going "What was the point of that?"
The episode looked like it might have an anti-capitalist message with the Rick plushies, but that didn't really go anywhere, either. However, that might be a good thing--a preachy statement would've weighed down the episode even if I agree with it.
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Full Meta Jackrick had a little more substance than Never Ricking Morty because at least we watched "our" Rick and Morty go on an adventure. I enjoyed watching an episode with just the two of them again. Their dynamic is brilliant--EVERYTHING that Rick and Morty do together is entertaining.
The first half of season six was great, but the episodes felt a little "off" because Morty didn't have much to do in most of them. Now, he's finally stepping back into the protagonist role.
Bringing back Story Lord (and Jesus) and writing a follow-up to Never Ricking Morty in general is a little gutsy and unexpected, which I can respect. Did anyone think that we'd ever hear anything about that train again? Never Ricking Morty isn't particularly loved or reviled--it's just an experimental episode that we probably would've forgotten about if it didn't foreshadow the season five Birdrick reveal.
For me, Full Meta Jackrick is a slightly better version of Never Ricking Morty because it's canon and has a more cohesive storyline. Full Meta Jackrick, like all of season six, also has great callbacks to the first couple of seasons. They never feel pandering or like they're trying to trigger your nostalgia--instead, they poke fun at the series itself and show you that the writers really care about this universe.
I also thought that this might've been the funniest episode of the season. Gotta be honest, guys--I normally roll my eyes when people say "Rick and Morty isn't funny anymore blah blah," but season six is the first season where I'm like "Yeah, the jokes haven't been great." But this episode had a lot of funny lines.
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We did get some great character moments with Rick and Morty. Rick's still Rick: he's lazy, crabby, selfish and rude. But he's gentler with Morty, too. He treats him like a person and partner (in crime) instead of hoarsely shouting at him. He looks out for him and gives him his lab coat when they're freezing--boy, THAT'S been a fandom staple for nearly a decade.
This might be a stretch, but the scene in the garage caught my attention, too. Rick gently turns on Morty's goggles for him--you know, like an actual grandfather--instead of telling him to do it and then yelling that he's too slow or whatever.
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This is seriously the fanservice season. Rick in a suit and tie yet again, Rick draping his lab coat over a shivering Morty, Rick tearing off his clothes to reveal that he's jacked underneath (I guess he's still working on those abs? lol.) The new writers' influence is so blatant, and I don't think most of us are complaining.
And we saw Rick's favorite thing yet again: crystals. 💎✨ (Well, ore.) Someone needs to give him $100 and cut him loose in a New Age store for a couple of hours.
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I also want to note how much I love Justin Roiland's voice acting. Rick's voice is so complex and reflects his character development brilliantly. I hate how people dismiss Justin Roiland as a shouty guy who burps and yells into the microphone. Honestly, I don't hear Justin Roiland at all when Rick speaks--I just hear Rick.
Overall, Full Meta Jackrick was a decent return to the show after the six-week break. Those "Rick is a nihilist" YouTube videos need to go away forever because this episode's theme could have been "Nothing matters, we're just cartoon characters, blah blah," but it wasn't. Instead, Rick tells Morty that his life matters, and he looks at the audience as he says it.
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yernemm · 8 months
FNAF Movie :^)
Just watched it and I wanna write down my thoughts.
First bit of this post is mostly spoiler-free, I'll put spoilers under the read more.
If you're a fan and you're planning on watching it anyway, DO NOT READ ANYTHING ABOUT IT. TL;DR: it's good, we've waited so long for this, you'll enjoy it, don't spoil it for yourself :^)
First of all, I really enjoyed it. It felt very genuine, like it was made for the fans. Despite having a couple scares, it wasn't really scary. People who just wanna watch a horror film but don't really care for FNAF might be a bit disappointed there. Though as a FNAF fan, it's exactly what I hoped it would be tone-wise. It has a horror theme to it but doesn't take itself too seriously. It's pretty funny too, and has a lot of references to various things from the games and community (I'll elaborate in the spoilery bit).
There's a lot of small details sprinkled in throughout the movie, and I definitely missed some of them. I'll probably be rewatching it asap whenever it's available online.
Spoilers below (I have a lot to say about the lore) \/
I'm very interested about the canon of this movie. Although it seems like an adaptation of the first game, the plot and some major characters are very different. Game canon has always been pretty unclear but this movie contradicts a lot of what we thought we knew. It could be a retcon, or it be its own movie canon (that the potential movie sequels will follow). I'm very curious about the theories that people will have about it.
Here's some major points:
Mike Schmidt is Mike Schmidt, not a pseudonym for Michael Afton. Does Michael Afton even exist?? Who knows. Either way, William Afton immediately recognises his surname and immediately offers him the Freddy's job upon reading it. This could be because he knew Mike's brother, though I would've assumed that William was just killing random kids during MCI. Specifically picking Mike for the job due to this connection was very interesting. Also, what happened to Garrett? Like, yeah, William killed him, but he's not one of the ghost kids.
Abby / Vanessa -- who even is Elizabeth Afton?? The general theory before the movie came out was that Abby was the movie version of Elizabeth. Name is an anagram of Baby, she's Mike's sister, etc. But we now know that Mike and Abby are not William's children. Instead, Vanessa is William's daughter. It sort of makes sense, Elizabeth has been portrayed with blonde hair before and there is a loose connection between Security Breach Vanessa and Elizabeth. (Her actress is also Elizabeth Lail...) The timeline also lines up, Vanessa/Elizabeth was a child in the 80s, since the FNAF movie is set in 2000. One small problem though... Vanessa is alive. Is Elizabeth actually Vanessa's sister that died in the 80s, similar to what happened to Mike's brother? Why does William blame the missing children incident on Vanessa during the final confrontation? I have no idea. I'm really curious to see how this all connects.
There's a weird previously unseen springlock suit in the storage room??? It almost looks like an early version of Baby, based on the face... And Abby almost gets placed into it. Interesting.
I gotta refresh myself on the game lore, I do wonder how much of the game lore still makes sense if you assume the movie is also canon. Maybe the Schmidt family (Mike, Abby, Garrett) can work as the Afton children (Michael, Elizabeth, Crying Child) with William Afton actually having a different family to what we assumed (Vanessa). Though, assuming movie Vanessa is the same as game Vanessa, with Security Breach taking place likely 25-35 years after the events of the movie (which was confirmed to be in 2000), she would be in her 40s / 50s in SB. Maybe she just looks young for her age ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I suppose it's possible that in the 2030s, an unrelated woman who looks strikingly similar to Afton's daughter just decided to work for Freddy's. Maybe Afton controlled SB Vanessa because she reminds him of his daughter. Who knows.
Moving on from the lore, here's some other things I wanted to mention:
Chica's magic rainbow in the mall
The diner that MatPat works at is named Sparky's (reference to the Sparky dog hoax from early fnaf days)
Also... MATPAT IS IN THE MOVIE. And he says something like "Lunch is more important than breakfast, but that's just a theory." (or the other way round)
Dream theory being a book and major plot point
After the credits, there's a robotic voice reading out letters (similar to that one fnaf minigame). At first I thought it read something like HOME (I didn't quite hear the rest). But it could just have been SAVE THEM or HELP THEM like in the minigames. EDIT: After rewatching this part, it definitely says "COME FIND ME".
They actually played TLT's FNAF song in the credits.
There's some loose parallels to things that happen in the books, like foxy for Abby around arcade machines, similar to what happened to Charlie in The Silver Eyes.
Balloon Boy toy jumpscares were hilarious.
The animatronics teaming up to build a fort for Abbie was hilarious.
I just love how goofy this movie was in some parts...
The ending does establish some plot points for the sequel with Willy getting springlocked and Mike telling Abbie "you never know what may happen" when she asks to return to Freddy's.
What happened to the aunt's body?? Like, the people who broke in got stuffed so they are accounted for. Presumably golden freddy didn't take the aunt's body when he and Abby went back to Freddy's. So did Mike and Abby come back home to their dead aunt lying on the floor????
They used the profanity budget for the movie's age rating to let the pharmacist call Mike an asshole. Love it.
But Cupcake was the real villain all along.
That's all I remember for now. I might edit this later if I remember more. Very cool movie :^) 👍👍
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
R&H Cinder!Eddie
Out in the marketplace, Eddie hefted some boxes in his arms while his family continued to shop around. His stepbrothers Tommy and Jason bitched and whined at each other and while it was annoying, it kept their attention off Eddie. What they did to him was ten times worse than what they did to each other.
Pack mule duty wasn't so bad. It gave him the freedom to be lost in his thoughts while following behind. He thought of how surely there was more to life than this, being a slave in his own home. How he only needed to be patient and wait the sweetest sounds would find their way to him. Kind words he hadn't heard yet would reach his ears. And he would find that dearest of loves that was waiting somewhere for him.
Unbeknownst to him, there was someone close by thinking just the same thing. Steve, known to much others by his princely title and a much longer name, came among the common folk often, dressed to match. He wanted to experience something real. People and places that would treat him as he was, and not just kiss up to him for being a prince.
And of course, he was also looking for true love, sincere and deep. He was brought out of his thoughts when he saw a young man jumping out of the way of an oncoming carriage, dropping his boxes in the process.
"Shit! Asshole! Where's he gotta go in a hurry?"
Steve rushed over to help him gather his things and checked to make sure nothing was damaged.
"Just like a noble, huh? Wherever they're going is always more important than anything else", Steve said.
"Yeah, I hope they crash and their horses run off for all that rush", Eddie grumpily righted his family's things, then reached for what Steve had, pausing as he looked at him for the first time.
He was staring.
And he couldn't stop staring.
Luckily for him, Steve also couldn't stop staring.
The slight shift in the boxes reminded him of where they were. "Um, thanks. I'll take those." He grabbed what Steve had, did his best to hold it all together, and then turned on his heel.
Steve quickly followed, not caring for how he looked right now. "What's your name?"
"Eddie. My folks gave me the incredibly presumptuous name Edgar. I think you'd agree Eddie's a better fit."
Steve was inclined to agree, but he also felt like any name would've sounded beautiful coming from such a face. "So Eddie, what would a man have to do to get in your good graces?"
Eddie kept walking. This guy was handsome, devastatingly so. But that also meant he was dangerous. Good looking men always knew they were good looking and used that to their advantage. Eddie would never make himself an easy mark.
"My good graces? I don't know, I'm pretty cheap. You could probably buy my favor with a nice lunch."
"What if someone wanted more than just a lunch date?"
"I think whoever this someone is should get to know me better before they ask for anything more."
"Oh he'd like to." Steve nearly crashed into a flower cart as he spoke, so focused on Eddie and keeping up with him.
Eddie stopped for only a moment before continuing on. This guy was persistent and he couldn't for the life of him figure out why. He didn't have anything on that said 'money', except for maybe the excess of purchases, none of which were for him.
"I'm not sure I'd wanna meet this person. Bet he doesn't even know how to treat a guy."
"Like a prince?", Steve tried.
"Like a prince?", Eddie frowned. What did that even mean?
Steve thought about how people treated him normally, putting on airs, saying things they didn't mean just to placate him. He grimaced. "Maybe not. But he should be treated like someone important, right?"
Eddie softened just a bit at that. "Yeah, like someone important."
"Maybe like a gem? Something treasured and protected."
Eddie swallowed as his heart skipped a beat. "Sure...some gems like it a little rough too. They're tough like that."
Steve leaned in a little. "I could be rough."
"Have I taught you nothing about talking to strangers?!"
Eddie backed away as his stepfather's voice cut through. Murray didn't look too intimidating, but he carried himself with an air of superiority that bolstered it.
He met back up with his family, giving the stranger a final glance over his shoulder.
"I hope to see you again, Eddie", Steve said, waving at him.
Eddie hoped so too, although he didn't have the nerve to voice as much in front of the others. Instead, he simply watched as the handsome stranger walked away and into a carriage of his own. Murray shouted again and Eddie scurried to follow them, done with their shopping excursion.
Back in the castle, Steve had been immediately summoned to see his parents, the king and the queen. On the way there, his attendant Jonathan was berating him for yet sneaking off yet again.
"I just don't understand why a prince would try and get away from everything he has", Jonathan said as he helped to button Steve's shirt.
"All I have is just...surface luxury", Steve said.
"Yeah, well some people don't even have surface necessity."
"I just like it when people talk to me with no pretense."
"What about me? Huh?", Jonathan asked as he fastened the cufflinks.
"Would you curse me out to my face?"
"....If you deserved it, Your Highness."
"That's why you're my favorite Jon. And a true rarity. But I want more than that."
Steve disappeared into the other room while Jonathan rubbed at his face. One day this prince would be the death of him. Why he didn't just run through him with a blade and get it over with, he didn't know.
"You wanted to see me mother?"
Queen Genevieve was where he got most of his looks from from his chestnut brown hair to his big brown eyes.
"I just wanted to tell you that we're planning a little get together."
Steve sighed. He already knew where this was going but he let his mother go on.
"Just you and us, and you know, a few hundred of our closest friends-"
"-And their eligible children."
"You can't keep doing this."
"Doing what? Hen, what's he saying?"
Steve looked to his father for some assistance. King Hensley was in the middle of a game of solitaire and looked up at his son, then his wife.
"I believe he's saying he doesn't want another ball."
"Oh he's not saying that", Genevieve looked to Steve again and saw and expression that was saying exactly that. Her own smile dropped and she fell dramatically against her husband's chair. "What are we going to do about our son?"
And her husband's lack of response, she slapped him on the shoulder. "What ARE we going to DO about OUR SON??"
Hensley cleared his throat and stood. "We just want what's best for you."
"And that's getting married to someone I don't know? Someone I don't love?"
"You could learn to love them", Genevieve revived back into the conversation.
"I just had this silly idea, I guess. Of meeting someone, being infatuated, and courting them until they accepted my marriage proposal." Steve saw his parents melt as he basically recounted their love story to them.
"But there's nothing to say you won't meet that person at a ball-", his mother started back up again but Steve turned away and out of the room.
If they were going through with this anyway, then he wasn't necessary for the planning and preparation.
"Jonathan!", Genevieve shouted for him, summoning him right away as he was just outside the door. "Take a letter. And I won't hear you trying to dissuade us from this. I know you're soft on our dear Steve, but he'll thank us for this later."
Jonathan swallowed and disagreements and sat down to write up the proclamation as the queen cleared her throat.
"His Royal Highness Stefano William Delano Isadore James Adriano Killian Christopher Calderon Hansel-"
"Hansel?", Jonathan echoed as he paused in his writing.
Genevieve smiled at the choice in her son's names. "Hansel", she confirmed. "Is giving a ball!"
Part 2
AN: Any comments on my casting choices? Also give it up for Gen and Hen, the best Harrington parents Steve's ever gonna have. Also-also if I had a nickel for every time I've written steddie in a fairy tale musical au i'd have *counts fingers* 3 nickels. 4 if you count urban fantasy.
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