#and i had to make a very scary phone call at work today and cried for like 20 minutes straight while trying super hard to stop lol
depresseddepot · 2 years
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hello there I've got a fluff request because i don't fell like making myself sad today (yay) anyways can i request Stu x Billy x child reader (platonic for obvious reasons). Okay so Stu and Billy kill one of their classmate (as a student should) and then they find the classmate's little sister/brother. Naturally they where gonna kill the sibling but they just ended up feeling bad for the child and they adopt the sibling :D
This is such a cute idea, I had this idea on one of my slashers finding child reader but I thought it was too unrealistic so I scratched it but I like this!
I realised I made it too short
(Reader is gender neutral hope you don't mind and about 5-7)
Billy and Stu x Child! Reader
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"Who is this?" A deep raspy voice called out through the house phone.
"Who are you?" Your sister replied.
"First tell me who are you."
"Uh, cindy, who are you?"
"Do you like scary movies?"
You were upstairs drawing. Your sister was always out or away from you which made you alone most of the time, you don't know about your parents since you were about 2-3 which probably messed up your elder sister, she used to be very attentive but when it was around your 5th birthday she became distant. luckily she always left you food and things to entertain yourself with but you just wished you could have someone here with you.
Slowly drifting away a sudden scream awoke you from your almost slumber. Curiosity and thinking about the safety of your sister taking over you, you quietly walk downstairs and see your sister crying with an old house phone in her hand and her boyfriend in your backyard brutally beaten up. You started crying when a black robed man with a ghostly screaming face mask sliced your sister's boyfriend and just when you yelled for your sister to come to you another ghostface came up behind her and stabbed her in the back.
"RUN Y/N!" she heavily cried out.
Crying and panicking you ran to your room, you don't know why you just did. It was already too late anyways they were inside your room.
They looked at you. You were curled up in a ball with tears streaming down your chubby/thin face. You weren't even screaming or wailing you were just sniffling and pouting keeping your mouth letting out any sound. This for some reason made their heart break and when they looked around your room all they saw were pictures of you and your sister. No sign parents at all. This made them even more sympathetic as both their parents are mostly absent as well.
The shorter one slowly walked towards you and lifted its hand, out of instinct you covered your face and closed your eyes but then you felt a hand petting your head and you felt your body being raised off the ground. You were cradled in the arms of a ghostface and the taller one pinching your cheek lightly.
"can we keep them?"
"how do we look after a child?"
"we'll just figure it out!"
The shorter ghostface was about to decline (he was just in denial that he actually wanted a kid) when you hugged into his arm and let out a little soft whine. And then he started thinking. 'what if you go to an orphanage and the kids there mistreat you? Or worse you get adopted by an abusive family that will take advantage of your cute innocent self!' now he had to really take you in.
You heard some discussion about taking you in before drifting off to sleep. There are two ways they can 'adopt' you. Legally be your guardian or basically kidnapping you.
Let's say the first one because I have no idea how adopting works.
The first few days and weeks were awesome. You got everything you wanted, you were always sitting in the cart while stu ran around the store and Billy actually picking out groceries but also joining in the fun. You three may or may not have been kicked out a few times. They were extremely attentive except for when they have to go to school and you did too but after the school hours you were having continous sleep overs and hang outs and you were either in Billy's or stu's house. You have bullies? Now you don't they'll never speak to you ever again. Some immature grown ass person messed hurt you? They're seen hung upside down with a body bag on a tree.
Being with them means getting used to horror movies, if you already like them then bam you have their hearts on your hands and if you don't then you still have their hearts on your hands. A day is never dull with them. And just wait until Tatum and Sidney sees you. You don't have two but four parents! They may be high-schoolers but they do have a soft spot for a cute little child like you. Your days are now the most chaotic and fun there will be, your life's amazing and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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kiankiwi · 1 year
⟡⋆˚✿˖°ִ ༘࣪⋆ Request! ⟡⋆˚✿˖°ִ ༘࣪⋆
I was wondering, can you make Cg!Elvis with newborn!reader who’s sensitive, clingy, struggles with anxiety and depression if you can!
⟡⋆˚✿˖°ִ ༘࣪⋆ thank you for you time! ⟡⋆˚✿˖°ִ ༘࣪⋆
- ( #cg!elvis )
Decided to do a fic this time instead of a headcannon!
Elvis had a feeling you'd slip today, over the last few days you were just not yourself. You have struggled with anxiety and depression for a while and he could tell you were headed for a spiral. It was inevitable and he knew it was soon. And usually to cope with it, you regress to a very babylike state. Even though Elvis knew you were going to most likely slip sooner rather than later, he had a lot of work to do that he couldn't get out of, despite wanting to just take care of you. But he made sure that Jerry could hang out with you and you wouldn't be alone whenever you did end up slipping.
Jerry has never had to deal with you upset. Mainly because he was the fun uncle that spoiled you and gave you almost whatever you asked for. But today you were just too upset. "Baby girl, I don't know what the problem is, you're gonna have to help me out." Jerry said as he was holding you chest to chest on the couch in the Jungle Room as you cried and pushed your hands against his chest. "Wan' daddy!" you screamed. "I know sweetheart, I know you do. But daddy's with the Colonel right now." You screamed. You hated the Colonel, he took your daddy away from you all the time, usually when you needed him. And it just wasn't fair. "I know. He's a meanie huh." Jerry kissed your forehead.
"Here, do you want to rock with Jer, hm?" Jerry took you over to the spare rocking chair in the Jungle Room and sat in it with you. You fought him immediately as you tried to cradle you. "Oh okay, you wanna sit up and look around?" You sat on his knee and pointed to the door of the room, "Daddy?" "No, sweetheart, daddy's not home yet, do you want to call him, talk to him?" You nodded. You were feeling like trash mentally and you loved Jerry but you wanted daddy. He made you feel safest. All you wanted to do was cry and cry to your daddy. That's all you needed.
"Hello?" You heard your daddy's wonderful voice on the line. "Jer, what's going on man?" You held back the scream you wanted to let out.
"Hey, E, I know you're busy but we got an upset bubba. She seems to not want anything to do with me and is really just missing you. Can you just talk to 'er for me? You're on speaker."
Jerry let you hold the phone as Elvis spoke to you. "Baby, what's the matter? What's got you so upset darlin'?" "Daddy! I got the scary feeling 'gain!!" You yelled, rubbing your tiny hand over your chest.
Elvis immediately knew from experience that the 'scary feeling' was your anxiety. You often slipped from feeling anxious or depressed. "It's alright sweetie, we've been through this before and what does daddy always say? You're at home. You are safe. And daddy and Jerry will never let anything happen to you."
"B-but--" Elvis cut you off. "Aht, baby, remember don't play the what if game, that just makes the scary feeling worse."
"Daddy come home? H-h-hold me."
"Baby, take a big breath for me. In and out, remember. You can do it." You and Elvis practiced a few rounds of deep breaths. "Good job lovie. I'm sure Jerry's holding you right?" "Want you..." You whined. "I know sweet girl but daddy's hard at work in the studio working on songs so I can buy you all your little things okay? But Jer is there with you and I'll be home so soon." He didn't tell you when more because he didn't want to break a promise and besides, you were too little to understand the concept of time anyway. "Daddy! Want my daddy!" You screamed. You began screaming again as Elvis revealed he couldn't come home.
He couldn't take it, you were upset and he just couldn't have that. He just couldn't. He was s"Colonel," He yelled. "I gotta go. YN is upset." "There's no way, boy, we still have work to do!" He said, blocking the door to the studio.
"I don't care, Parker. My baby is upset and won't calm down. That means she needs her daddy. So, I'm going. End of story. Now get out of my way!"
In his haste to tell the Colonel he was leaving, he forgot to end the call and Jerry and you heard every word of the Colonel being put in his place.
"Hear that baby, daddy's coming home to figure out what's wrong!" Jerry said as you whimpered on his shoulder. "You'll be alright sweetie."
Thirty minutes later, Elvis came home and searched his mansion. "Jerry? Princess?" He yelled. "In here!" Jerry yelled from the jungle room. "Daddy!" You yelled, starting to sob all over again now that your daddy was home and close to you. You could tell you were getting more fuzzy by the second; feeling yourself drop even more from your current toddler headspace into a babyspace.
Elvis ran in and opened his arms to you. "Hi sweet girl! Hi honey, what's the matter? What's got you so sad?" You just continued to sob as Jerry handed you over and you snuggled into your daddy's arms.
You were too little to tell him why you were sad and anxious in the first place. You barely knew the reason yourself. All you knew is the anxious feeling started when you woke up from your nap and daddy was gone and Jerry was watching you.
"Okay baby, if you can't tell me what's wrong can you talk with your hands please?" It took you a minute to get your shaky fingers to cooperate but you eventually signed Scary, Sad and Chest to tell him your anxiety was sitting in your chest.
"Okay so you still have that scary feeling and it's sitting in your chest?" You nodded, fisting his shirt in your hands. "Okay okay baby, you're okay, I promise you're okay?" You shoved your face into your daddy's shoulder, just holding on to him.
"Was she like this the whole time?" Elvis asked. Jerry nodded. "I think she just got anxious when she woke up from her nap and found you were home, not me." You nodded wordlessly into daddy's shoulder.
"Is that it?" He cooed to you. You nodded again. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm home now, I'm not leaving again." You hugged him tight and finally took a deep breath.
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sincelastsession · 4 months
I'm so tired and overwhelmed.
Yesterday my partner helped me a bit and then went to do his own thing. I had to make sure to eat. I had to go find a nice tree and observe it. I had to shirk all responsibilities for the day. I fucked up on the shirk responsibilities.
I fucked up by calling my mom, my psychiatrist's office to change appointments, and cleaning when I should have left it. I'm not mad at myself, I'm not punished, he wanted me to relax, it's hard to relax on my own and it helped.
My mom and dad do not understand that I need to move. I don't think they take me seriously. My ptsd and autistic sensory issues are on fire. It's hard to get anything done without earplugs in or a headset. I have cried to my mother on the phone. She made everything about herself. She was nasty and cruel. I'm not speaking with my dad because I have gotten no apology or heard of changed behavior. Mom is often very difficult but easier to talk to. Yesterday she was very difficult and awful to me. It ruined my sense of accomplishment for the day.
Today is not going well. I'm worried my partner is mad at me because tone is hard to read over text and I said something stupid in response to something he was Thrilled about. It's making my stomach turn. I'm worried he will be done with me I always worry that.
Turned out my brain is very mean and scared like a feral animal. Oh wait. Isn't that part of my brain still there completely overactive and not wanting to go out of hypervigiliance causing me all the problems?
It is.
He called me and I tried my best to listen more because he didn't feel like I'd been listening. I have since forgotten half if what he said and I feel like an asshole but I know it's stress. Things just kept popping up that I was excited to tell him about and I was so scared I'd forget. I think I gave him most of the conversation this time. There was more I said in text later. He helped me shop today. I was having a hard time just leaving my apartment and I keep waking up extremely anxious. Today it was not easy but better than expected. Me and my partner covered so many subjects. He complimented me on many things and it was the longest conversation we've had in months. It's cool to have a partner who lol may be a pain in the ass and have his problems but he seems to want to grow and I love that about him. His truck broke later and he and his roommate handled it. We did talk about the Justin situation, every man I've consulted has been basically like "nah"
Ashley who I've had a thing for for years has been flirty and I'm a bit swoony abt that. It's literally never going to be a thing but we enjoy our chats.
I'm worried about Trav. He's taking care of the issue he's having though and not to worry he says. I'm a worrier so ofc I worried and asked him if he needed a break from my chatter. He said that wasn't it and I let him know to tell me if he was burnt out chatting ever.
It's scary when things are going well in an area of your life like your relationship and friendship. I keep waiting on the other shoe to drop.
My neighbors are getting thier kids to antagonize me. I'm going to start doing witchcraft on my balcony Joshua. (Kidding sorta) but honestly what does one do with nightmare neighbors? It's late as hell and I can hear them fussing again. No one will do anything about it. I'm pissed and triggered as hell by the noise. Earplugs and headphones won't help forever and it hurts my ears to wear em all the time.
My parents basically said they'd help me find a place then had a tantrum when I showed them places because they believe they aren't safe. Then they wanted to look at the most expensive places. Then I found other places outside of the bad parts of town and they weren't satisfied with those and told me to basically fuck off abt it. I mean I'm aware of the fucking time line I know dad doesn't work and start getting paid till late next month, I know mom is busy almost 24/7 and always has a reason not to talk to me.
I'm going to bed. Very excited to be asleep. Hoping for no dreams unless they're good. It's hard to get to bed for me. I fight sleep. We all can guess why.
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rot-room · 1 year
I feel like i am in a bad dream for the last 72 hrs. Im gonna share to document these trying times. Woke up so sick 2-3 nights ago (time does not exist rn). I thought it was usual anxiety/ssri symptoms but turned out to be much worse (food poisoning?) Was up all night on phone with mom. Next day i had shakes/chills/fever and body ache all over. Was too afraid to take my ssri for 2 days.
All of this is happening, and i was also following the news about the submarine, for some reason. Felt like a descent into insanity, me rotting in this room soaked in sweat and heart racing. Honestly, i have felt like that one scene in trainspotting:
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Anxiety is unbearable because you start to fear the fear itself. The worst part of my illness aside from the crushing nausea and stomach distress was the fear that came with it. I have severe emetophobia. The worst part of my anxiety is that it never stops. I am constantly afraid. I am afraid of being afraid, i am afraid of losing control. It is a never-ending cycle. The last two nights i fell asleep with my mom on the line. Just to be safe. She yelled at me two days ago and i cried like a child. A sick child. Sobbing and shaking in pain and making it worse for myself and none of the 'grown ups' in my life being gentle with me while i feel like i wounded bird. i called the nurse hotline and she put me thru to a doctor. The nurse seemed like she thought i was dying. I did too, as i originally thought i had serotonin syndrome. The doctor was very nice, she told me i am Not dying, and i can keep taking my meds. I am grateful for the doctor on the phone for being gentle with me, as i was crying while we talked.
I have been playing a moth game to keep me distracted and i love it, nd i have become even more fascinated with caterpillars and moths
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woke up last night at 3am having a panic attack. The worst part is, once i start having a panic attack i start to panic about how i am panicking.
My heart was beating so hard and i could anticipate the nausea and tingly face that would come with it but i knew if i kept this cycle up i will die. I can't even say for sure how much of my sickness was sickness and how much was a fear response. It all started to blend together into one big nightmare.
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i thought for once, hey i will actually do something productive instead of crumbling apart like a million shards of broken short circuited machinery thats frantically thrashing and quivering and oozing toxic waste.
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so i took some deep breaths. the 4-7-8 deep breaths. and miraculously within a few minutes my heart was slowing down. that really is the biggest culprit for me; the racing heart. It is the poisoned root that opens the pandoras box of symptoms. The nausea the shaking the salivating the tingling the hyperventilating. If i can slow the racing heart i can cut off those symptoms before they spiral out of control. And i stopped it. It was hard because i took gravol before and i was in a half-coma state. Trying to calm a panic attack while drowsy is very very scary. But i did it. And i had two other panic attacks today. And i stopped them myself. Now that i was so sick i feel like i stood in the gates of hell and the most comforting thing to tell myself when i am panicking is, "whats the worst that can happen?" Because the worst part of all of it, was the fear. The anxiety spiralling out of control. The sickness was horrible on its own but the fear only exacerbated it. I need to get a hold on it.
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this battle with anxiety and panic disorder controls my life. sometimes more than other times. I dont keep many secrets and i am an open book, but nobody in my life except maybe my mother will ever know the extent to which my GAD and panic disorder and emetophobia(and presumably OCD) controls me. I am dying. I am dying at work i am dying when i am with my friends, when i am laughing i am dying when i am sleeping i am dying. Because of my fear and panic. I cannot do it anymore. I need to win. I can do it. I cannot spiral anymore. I am not alive i am surviving. I am more afraid and alert than a caveman hiding from predators millions of years ago. I feel everything constantly. All the pain all the fear i feel it all.
I have seen this photo more in the last three days than i have seen another human, eaten food, got out of bed,
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When i look at this, i see a lovecraftian monster. I dont wanna talk about current events but sometimes things happen and i fixate on them when i am already in a dark place and this is one of them. Maybe its because i am so afraid right now, and i cant think of anything more terrifying than being in a tiny tube in the bottom of the ocean that implodes in on itself. The last three days i have been sick and i have not left my bed and i have not eaten and i have been scared to take my meds and i have gone back and forth from my bed and a cold shower. I have panicked so much. Such catastrophe, such fear. It lives inside of me. I dont know if i have anything poetic to say about the sub. I have just been morbidly obsessing over the situation and it felt like something i needed to mention in my memoir of the last fucked up three days. when i think of this transitional, dark time i will think of the sub, and vice versa. Rest in peace Suleman.
I watched Bound (1996) last night on the couch in the dark, it was on cable. I loved this movie so much. It felt like a light in the darkness. I hope one day i can have a girlfriend. I hope girls are real. That sure would be cool.
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I hope i can get better. I really, really want to. If i do not stop being afraid i will die. I will die anyway but, the fear will kill me much too soon and very painfully. I cannot live like this forever. And i won't, because I am brave and i have lived to tell everything up until now. I will be okay. I will be okay. I will be okay. I love you, i forgive you, thank you.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
The Nanny [Maxwell Lord x Dave York x F!Reader] SMUT
Summary: Dave York is cold and rough around the edges, but he’s all you’ve ever been used to. And you’ve never been opposed to the amazing sex that comes alongside working for him, as a nanny for his two young daughters. However, things seem to spice up when you’re requested to watch over none other than Maxwell Lord’s son, and the two meet in an unlikely situation.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: SMUT; threesome, unprotected piv, fingering, male receiving oral, female receiving oral, orgasm denial, creampie, cunnilingus, choking, slapping, use of handcuffs, use of vibrator (on Maxwell!), face fucking, degradation kink, voyeurism kink, praise kink, food mention, allusions to murder/missing person. The suburban murder daddy and my sexy capitalist boyfriend come with their own warnings ;)
Word Count: 7000>
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He was your best customer. You’d been a nanny for the York family for two years now, and Alice and Molly were sweetest children you’d ever worked with. They were good as gold, always doing their homework to the best of their ability, they had wonderful manners thanks to their parenting, and they played nicely together. However, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a second motive for babysitting the girls.
Dave York was a single father. Despite being close to the family, you never asked what happened to Carol (his ex-wife/Alice and Molly’s mother), you assumed it was a touchy subject and quite frankly, none of your business. It did pique your curiosity though, how she had just seemed to vanish into thin air. It was unexplained, and you assumed it was hard on the family, especially the kids. Although Dave had been handling it quite well all things considered. It was strange to you, how they never spoke a word of her. She was truly an enigma. You saw her face in the very few family portraits that were peppered around the house, but that was all.
When Carol disappeared two years ago, Dave figured he’d need an extra pair of hands to help around the house while he was at work. You had your own place, sure, but you practically lived with the York family anyway. You had the mornings and early afternoons to yourself because Molly went to school, Alice got sent to daycare and Dave went to the office, but it was at night when he needed you the most.
You didn’t know where Dave went at night. He’d call you, once or twice a week on short notice, telling you he needed you to watch the girls. Whatever he was doing, he called it business, and didn’t explain it further. Dave was super accommodating to you, immediately telling you that you could just make yourself at home in his beautiful, extensive sized suburban house. He was like family to you. In fact, he was more. Dave relished in his own independence, but the truth was, he relied on you more than he’d like to admit.
You had your own room-- a soft, plush queen sized bed all to yourself. He even let you decorate. You smiled fondly at the memory of getting the girls to help paint the walls with you while their father was out on a ‘job’ one night. Your smile grew even wider when you remembered hearing the front door open in the early hours of the morning, and shuffling about downstairs. Every time Dave would come home, he’d slide into your bedroom and climb on top of you, smelling suspiciously like blood and sweat (although you knew better than to question it). His demeanour was ravenous and primal as he’d slide his thick, calloused fingers along your body. He’d push your nightgown up, squeeze your thighs, lift your legs up and wrap them around his waist. You were fucking him, sure. And you had been for the past two years. He was the most attractive man you’d ever met, with dark hair and big brown eyes. He was rough around the edges, intimidating, but it only spurred you on even more. Of course, nothing was ever made official. You were nothing more than his daughters’ nanny, just lucky enough to have your own bedroom in the York family home.
Dave was your only source of income, and he provided you with enough to get by. You never requested a large sum of money for watching the girls-- to be honest, you’d be satisfied enough with just the sex, but the pay was decent. You hadn’t really gotten any other babysitting jobs, and when you had, you’d deny them for the sake of keeping Dave in good spirits. You’d favour him over any client. Except today.
Your phone rang and you dived into your purse to answer it. The girls were playing on the floor and Dave was buttoning up his winter coat. “Hello?” you answered, not recognising the number.
“Yes, hello,” a feminine voice replied. “This is Raquel, I’m an assistant to Mr. Maxwell Lord, the CEO of Black Gold Cooperative.”
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head upon recognising the name. “The oil guy from TV?!” you gasped, slapping your hand over your mouth in disbelief. Dave turned to you, quirking an eyebrow as he tried to gauge your reaction.
“As you may know, Mr. Lord is an esteemed businessman and well, he saw your advertisement in the paper saying you were a nanny-for-hire.” Raquel trailed off before pushing straight to the point. “He has a son, Alistair, six years old. He was wondering if you could watch him tonight? We’ve tried every other nanny in the area but no one else can take him short notice.”
“I- I’m actually on a job right now…” you bit your lip nervously.
“Mr. Lord will pay handsomely.” Raquel hummed, trying to coherese you.
“Just a moment,” you placed your mobile on the coffee table and looked up at Dave, whose dark eyes were already burning into you. They hadn’t left you once. He gave you a questioning look and a shaky exhale left your lips. You didn’t know why you were this nervous -- maybe it was just the intimidating aura Dave gave off. “Uhm… you know that guy on the television with the blonde hair who sells oil?”
“Maxwell Lord.” Dave said, matter-of-factly. You were slightly impressed that Dave already knew who he was.
“Uh… yeah, well. He has a son, apparently. And he can’t get a sitter. And he’s asked for me.” Dave’s expression didn’t change once.
Why was your heart beating this fast? Why were you so fucking afraid of pissing Dave off?
“I-- nothing. You’re right. I’ll just tell him--” you stammered, reaching to grab your cell again.
“--tell him that you’ll take the job, I hope.” Dave’s lips curled into a smirk as he finished your sentence for you.
That was… weird. He didn’t seem jealous or anything like he’d usually be. He fiddled with the rest of his buttons on his coat before flicking his wrist out and checking the time on his watch.
“Are you-- are you sure?” you asked cautiously.
“Of course!” Dave beamed. “How old is the kid?”
“Same age as Alice.” you hummed.
“Perfect,” Dave smiled before kneeling down to kiss the forehead of his two little girls. “Daddy’s heading out now but there’s gonna be a little boy coming over to play with you. So be kind to him, okay?”
“Okay daddy, love you.” Molly smiled, wrapping her small chubby arms around her father’s neck.
“Love you too princess.” Dave chuckled and your heart gushed with warmth upon witnessing the interaction. Dave York might have been a scary man but he was a hell of a good father.
“Hi,” you said, picking the phone back up and putting it to your ear. “I can watch his kid but-- he’ll have to bring him here. Uhm… how long for?”
“One second,” Raquel hummed, holding the phone to her chest and looking over at the blonde haired businessman who was sitting at his expensive oak wood desk, neck deep in paperwork. “Mr. Lord?” Maxwell glanced up at Raquel, his eyes tired and a strand of his hair falling in his face. “She can do it but she requests that you bring Alistair over to the house she’s currently working at. And she wants to know how long she’ll have to watch him for.”
Maxwell sighed, exasperated, before looking back down at the paperwork and trying to gauge how long it would take him. “Three… four hours maybe?”
Raquel nodded her head in understanding. “Four hours max,” she promised you. “What is the address?” You gave her the address of the York homestead, watching Dave as he left the house without even muttering as much as a goodbye. Raquel scribbled down the address and handed it over to Maxwell who stood up and fixed his tie. “Thank you Ms Y/L/N, your service is very much appreciated.”
“Oh please just call me--”
And then the line went dead. That was… weird.
Maxwell grabbed his suit jacket and straightened out his clothes, grimacing at the ache in his back that he had from sitting at his desk all day. He shuffled out of his office, took the elevator downstairs, and found his son Alistair playing with a train set in the lobby of Black Gold Cooperative.
“Daddy!” Alistair cried out excitedly, shooting to his feet and running up to his father.
“Hi buddy!” Maxwell grinned, forcing out some enthusiasm as he knelt down and wrapped his arms around Alistair, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Are you finished work now? Can we go home?” Alistair quizzed, and Maxwell’s heart broke at the hopeful spark in his eyes.
“Ah-- not quite,” Maxwell admitted and Alistair’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. “But I’m going to take you over to someone’s house… a uh-- a friend! And she will watch over you until daddy finishes work. I just don’t want you to be bored, okay? Raquel is going home now and I can’t… I can’t watch you. So…”
Alistair frowned sadly. “But I don’t want to go… I want to stay here. With you.” he mumbled.
“I know sweetie, but I won’t be too late, okay? And once I’m done tonight we can spend the whole day tomorrow together. How does that sound?” 
“You said that yesterday…” Alistair whispered.
Maxwell sighed and pulled his son into an even tighter hug. “I-- I’m sorry. You know I’m doing my best, don’t you?”
“I know.” Alistair sniffed.
“And I want to give you the best life. Better than all the other kids. And better than what your old man had when he was your age. So… I have to work hard, okay? And one day you’ll get your pool that you want. And the pony and the race car…”
“I don’t want that daddy, I just want you.” Alistair confessed, his dark eyes glazed with unshed tears.
Maxwell pressed a kiss into Alistair’s forehead and pulled off him. “Okay. Go get your coat and I’ll pack up your trainset.”
“Can I take it to your friend’s house?” he questioned, his lips curling into a smile.
“Of course.” Maxwell replied.
Holy shit. He was even more attractive in real life than what he was on television. You weren’t necessarily nervous when you heard the knock on the door, but when you answered it, your heart slammed against your chest. Maxwell Lord stood before you, holding the hand of his son, but your eyes were just completely fixated on him. He donned a slightly oversized power-suit that broadened his shoulders significantly. It was a pale blue colour and even under the dark evening sky you noticed the lilac and purple tie and matching pocket square. It made you smile. It was endearing, almost.
“Good evening.” Max grinned that same, charming, TV smile that was so familiar. 
“Hi.” you sighed longingly, your eyes wide and doe-shaped as you became lost in his gaze.
He looked like a fairytale prince. His hair was styled perfectly and despite the hour, you’d never expected his designer outfit to be pressed so perfectly.
“I’m Max Lord.” Maxwell greeted.
“I know.” you hummed, biting your lip as your eyes trailed down his body.
Maxwell chuckled, finding you absolutely adorable. He cleared his throat and gently pushed a begrudgent Alistair in front of him. “This is my son, Alistair.”
“Yeah…” you murmured. Molly tugged on your arm and pulled you straight out of your thoughts about Mr. Lord. “Uhm-- shit! Right. Sorry!” you gasped, becoming flustered. “Oh fuck-- I didn’t mean to curse-- I just--”
Maxwell raised his eyebrows and gently placed a hand on your arm. “It’s okay.” he said slowly and you felt your cheeks flush with heat.
“Um…” you took Alistair’s hand and grinned. “Hi love, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello.” Alistair said quietly.
“Now Ali, don’t be shy.” Maxwell chastised.
“It’s okay,” you reassured Maxwell. “Uhm, this is Molly.” you presented Alistair and Maxwell with Dave’s little girl who had been standing by your side the entire time.
Alistair’s eyes lit up excitedly when he saw Molly. “Hi Molly, I’m Alistair Lorenz--Lord. Do you maybe want to be friends?”
“Hi Alistair Lord. I’m Molly York. Do you like popcorn?”
“Yes.” Alistair nodded merrily.
“Okay. We can be friends. Come with me.” Molly said, grabbing Alistair’s hand and pulling him into the house.
“I don’t have many friends…” you overheard Alistair say as the children padded into the living room and your heart shattered. He was clearly such a sweet little boy. 
“Uhm, thanks for the favour. Short-notice and all.” Maxwell said, clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck.
“It’s honestly fine.” you assured Max.
“Okay. Good. It was uh-- nice to meet you.” Maxwell smiled, before taking your hand and brushing a soft yet polite kiss over your knuckles. His gaze didn’t break away from you once and the butterflies in the pit of your stomach were overwhelming. His soft lips against your skin felt like an electric and you couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel capturing your own lips with his.
“You too.” you gasped.
“I’ll… see you later tonight.” Max grinned, dropping your hand and straightening out his suit once more.
“Okay. Yeah. Tonight.” you replied nervously, fluttering your eyelashes.
“Good night.” Max said politely before spinning around on his heel and walking back down the lawn to his Cadillac.
“Night!” you called after him, and he waved his hand.
As it turned out, Alistair was the sweetest little boy you had ever watched over. After Molly insisted you make popcorn, and Alice begged you to put on The Little Mermaid, the four of you were lounging on the floor in a hand-crafted pillow fortress. The conversations between the three children were endearing, to say the least.
Alice: Y/N, what do you want to be when you’re older?
You: Well, when I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian and look after all the sick animals.
Molly: That’s what I want to do!
Alice: I want to be a princess. 
Molly: What do you want to be, Alistair?
Alistair: I want to be like my dad, I s’pose.
Alistair didn’t talk much-- he definitely was shy and you could tell he wasn’t used to being around other kids, which was truly a shame. He didn’t have the communication skills that Alice and Molly had and by the sounds of it, he was living a pretty sheltered life-- private school and all. But if one thing was clear, it was how much Alistair idolised his father.
The kids played well together, all three of them dressing up as different Disney princesses. Before the movie even finished, they passed out and fell asleep on the floor. You didn’t bother carrying them to bed, not wanting to wake them. They looked comfortable enough in their LED lit castle made from blankets. So you just left them there, and changed into your own pajamas. You settled down for the evening with a glass of red wine and changed the movie to something you figured you’d enjoy more.
You found your mind wandering, thinking about the businessman whose son you were babysitting. In fact, you hadn’t even thought about Dave once. It was a welcome change. Maxwell was definitely gone for over four hours but he was so handsome, you absolutely could not stay mad at him for one moment. When the knock came at the door, at around 2a.m., you gasped and raced over to the mirror to fix your appearance the best you could. You grabbed your silk robe and wrapped it over your body before padding to the front door and unlocking it.
Maxwell greeted you with a bouquet of roses, and your jaw dropped. “Oh my--”
“These are for you.” Maxwell beamed. “An apology for being so late.”
“You really didn’t have too…” you smiled but graciously took the bouquet from him nonetheless. “Where did you even get these from? It’s so late. Nowhere’s open.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Maxwell hummed, watching you intently as you turned away from him to place the roses on the side table in the entryway.
His eyes clung to your body and he admired the way the silk robe hung against your perfect shape, emphasising the curve in your ass and even the way your nipples poked through the material. It was cold outside, afterall. When you turned back to face him, you noticed that his eyes were almost black and lust blown. You swallowed and offered him a nervous smile. 
“Alistair is asleep. Would you uhm-- like to come in? For a nightcap?”
“Yeah,” Maxwell’s response came instantly in a breathy sigh. He let himself in, pushing past you and his broad chest grazing against your own, much softer chest. “Nice place you have.”
“Oh… thanks. It’s actually not my home-- I mean, I live here but…”
“I used to live in this neighbourhood,” Maxwell muttered, nosing around the different rooms. “Before my big pay rise, obviously.”
You gulped and looked down, following him around the house. You opened the living room door. “Alistair is sleeping.” you whispered and Max just smiled. “The kitchen is this way. What do you usually drink?”
“Do you have whiskey?”
Yeah. Dave’s whiskey.
“Um yes… I think so…” you mumbled, checking the liquor cabinet.
You gasped when a strong arm wrapped around your waist and gave your hip a little squeeze. Maxwell nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and pressed a soft kiss into your skin. “Is it okay if I do this?” he whispered, licking a stripe across your jaw.
Your eyes snapped shut as you tried to fight back a moan. “Y-yes.”
Maxwell skillfully navigated his hand to the ribbon that binded your robe together and tugged on it so the thin material fell open. His large ring clad fingers rolled over your stomach and grabbed your tits, squeezing them a few times as he nibbled down onto your skin.
“Your wife… I mean-- uhm… Alistair’s mother?” you huffed, leaning into his touch. You had to make sure.
“Divorced.” Maxwell promised, and you smiled longingly before turning around and pressing your palms flat against his chest. He chuckled darkly and pushed the robe off your shoulders, letting it fall to the tiled kitchen floor.
He swallowed upon seeing you in your short lace nightgown, that cut off mid-thigh. He felt his cock began to throb within the confines of his tailored suit pants just from looking at you. 
“So… hard day at the office?” you cooed, helping him out of his suit jacket and tugging on his tie.
“So hard.” Maxwell grumbled, biting his lip before leaning in and capturing your lips into a kiss. You moaned under his touch and pressed your body into his. His hands found your ass you began to rub your knee over his erection.
“I see,” you giggled. “Would you… would you like to see my bedroom, Mr. Lord.”
Maxwell grinned and pecked your lips. “Yeah, but please, call me Max.”
God, you were smitten.
You had been so caught up with Maxwell you had honestly forgotten about Dave. The same Dave who came home at around 3 a.m. every single night, who fucked you senseless until you couldn’t walk the next morning. He was a man who didn’t want to be messed with-- but shamelessly, you had completely forgotten about him. And poor Max hadn’t even got a warning. The second Dave got home and saw the discarded bouquet of roses on the side table, he saw red. Someone else trying to seduce you? That was never going to be okay with Dave. You were his and his only.
“Oh fuck Max please,” you gasped, thrusting your hips upwards as he needlily sucked on your clit. You arched your back, burying your face into your soft pillow. “So good.”
“You taste so fucking sweet.” Maxwell gasped, the curve of his nose nudging against your sensitive bud. You cried out with pleasure and grabbed a fistful of the blankets as you felt yourself begin to chase your oncoming high.
“Doesn’t she?” Dave’s deep voice came from the bedroom door, where he’d been watching Maxwell go down on you for the last ten minutes. Your heart dropped when you heard him-- and clearly, it was unexpected for Maxwell too. His chocolate brown eyes looked up at you as he tore his face from your soaking pussy. His lips were wet with the sheen from your arousal and he licked at them, relishing your flavour before turning around to face Dave.
Dave chuckled dryly. “No, please, don’t stop. I can't have you deny my nanny of an orgasm, can I?”
You felt your eyes go comically wide. “Dave I-- I can explain-”
“No need babygirl,” Dave reassured you, but his tone was dripping with malice. “Now… why don’t you show Mr. Lord how good you can be by cumming in his mouth?” 
Maxwell hummed in surprise and proceeded to press a sloppy kiss into the apex of your thigh before giving you a kitten lick between your folds. “Fuck!” you gasped, celebrating in the way his golden tongue felt like magic. He was a salesman, sure, and a persuasive one at that-- but Maxwell Lord knew how to use his tongue efficiently, that much was clear.
“Didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend.” Maxwell growled, pinching your skin between his teeth.
“I don’t.” you sighed, tossing your head slightly and reaching down to lace your fingers into the CEO’s hair.
“So who is he?” Maxwell interrogated. You held back, knowing that if you replied he might stop lapping you up. It felt too good to risk it. Maxwell plunged a thick finger into your entrance without warning, causing you to squeal at the intrusion.
“Shit!” you cried out. Maxwell steadied his finger inside of you and began to brush the digit against your sweet spot as he began sucking on your clit, his cheek even hollowing. “I can’t-- I can’t hold on. I’m gonna--”
Your orgasm struck you before you could even get the words out. The hot blaze of wildfire rushed through your body and your mind was filled with such haze you hadn’t even heard Dave discard his belt and unzip his own trousers.
Maxwell dug his fingernails into your inner thighs as you came undone in his mouth. Gently, he pulled away from you again and stood up. His eyes followed Dave who was now naked and pumping his cock by the side of the bed.
“Who are you?” Maxwell changed his tactic by asking the darker haired man this time.
“You’ll soon find out,” Dave shot back. He turned to you and raised his hand, slapping your cheek so you focused your attention on him rather than Max. Maxwell was taken aback by his action, but truth be told, sex with Dave was always on the rougher side. “Open your mouth.” Dave commanded, and you happily obliged.
Still laying on your back, you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue. Dave pressed one knee down onto the bed next to you and pushed his cock in between your lips before fucking your mouth. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you adjusted to his length, and he thrusted into you with no remorse. You were used to it though, gagging around his girth and letting a mixture of your saliva and his precum dip down your face.
Maxwell’s eyes darted between you and Dave. He didn’t think he’d ever been this turned on before.
“Take your clothes off,” Dave said to Max, before groaning as you swiped your tongue along the underside of his cock. “Baby, why don’t you watch him undress.”
Maxwell stood up, even feeling slightly nervous. He shouldn’t be nervous. He’d hosted thousands of high press business meetings before, he’d even spoken at the White House and done broadcasts that had been seen by millions all around the world. He stood up and began to slowly undo the buttons down his shirt, and, just like Dave had requested, you watched him with a primal glint in your eye.
He was so hot. He wore an undershirt too. And when he took that off, it revealed a gorgeous tan chest. You watched him pull down his tailored pants and noticed the small pink blush cross his cheeks. That’s when you decided you actually, really liked Max.
You liked Dave too. Dave knew how to satisfy you in every way possible. He was always there, ready to go. And Dave was your protector. Somehow, you just knew that if anyone ever hurt you, Dave would make sure they never got the liberty of meeting you again. Dave was brutal, and certainly a little rough around the edges, but you didn’t mind it.
This thing with Maxwell though was new. He was handsome and polite. You’d never had a customer bring you red roses as a token of their appreciation before. He was flirtatious but also, so far, sex with him had been a lot sweeter and passionate. It was a new experience and you certainly weren’t opposed to it.
Once Max was completely naked, Dave’s lips curled into a smirk. “Good boy,” he cooed, and Maxwell felt his cock twitch at the appraisal. “You can use her, you know? Do whatever you want. Why don’t you fuck her?”
Of course the thought had crossed Maxwell’s mind, but he’d never got off with a woman in front of another man before. His delay in a response prompted Dave to speak up.
“I see you on TV,” Dave chuckled. “I know you’re not shy.”
That’s when Max remembered he had a reputation to uphold. Dave was right, he wasn’t shy. Maxwell Lord was powerful and he exuded confidence and charisma. He wasn’t going to let Dave intimidate him anymore.
You pulled off Dave with a wet pop and gasped for air. “He’s right Max,” you assured him, wiping your lips. “Anything you want.”
“I want a blowjob,” Maxwell shrugged casually. Dave quirked an eyebrow. 
“From me or her?” He asked incredulously and Maxwell felt his cheeks heat up even more.
“Her obviously!” Maxwell said, his voice heightening an octave and you burst out into a fit of laughter.
“Okay,” you agreed and gave Dave a tug on his dick. “Change positions.”
Still hard, Dave padded over to the end of the bed and Maxwell knelt next to you.
“You’re so big Maxie,” you hummed, wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock and starting to jerk him off slowly. Your pace was teasing, but Maxwell didn’t press you to go further. He knew you would in your own time. The nickname ‘Maxie’ had the blonde haired man throb in your hands and you giggled, pressing a sweet kiss to his tip.
Dave turned around from the bed for just a second, and opened the bottom drawer of your dresser. He knew you kept a box of very special toys underneath all your panties, since he was the one who had bought them for you in the first place. Opening the velvet black box, he sighed in delight, reflecting on all the different things he could use.
Dave took out a pair of padded handcuffs and presented them to both you and Maxwell, the metal chain dangling before your eyes. He passed the cuffs to Max and pointed his finger.
“Tie her to the bed. It’ll keep her still while I fuck her.” Dave ordered and you felt your pussy clench around nothing as you anticipated what was to come.
“Are you alright with this?” Max leaned into you and whispered, wanting to be sure. His hot breath fanned over your earlobe and it sent a shiver down to your core. You nodded your head ‘yes’ and Maxwell unclicked the cuffs before carefully attaching them to your wrists, and then the bars of your headboard. You wiggled around, getting comfortable before spreading your legs wide for Dave.
You already felt yourself becoming increasingly sensitive from when you’d just come from Max’s tongue, but countless experiences with Dave meant that you could go at least another two or three times.
“Shit baby,” Dave muttered under his breath, drinking in the sight of you. Your folds were glistening and it was clear that Max’s thick finger had already stretched you open quite a bit. “You’re beautiful.”
“Come on and fuck me,” you moaned before turning to face Max again.
This entire time you’d been stroking his length, and like a good boy, he’d just been taking it. But Max had asked for a blow job and that was exactly what he was going to receive.
You started by giving him small kitten licks along his slit, collecting his salty precum on your tongue. You had to admit, he tasted delicious. He was thick though, thicker than Dave, and you managed to wrap your lips around just his head before feeling the need to take a moment to let your mouth adjust.
As you sucked on his tip, part of you wished that you weren’t cuffed to the bed. You would have brought your free hand down to the base of his cock and begin to cradle his balls, squeezing them and tracing your fingers along the skin there. The guttural whimpers that escaped Max’s throat were enough to soak your cunt again, which was just as well when you started to feel the bulbous head of Dave’s cock teasingly slide between your pussy lips.
The shock when Dave slid his entire length inside of you came without a warning, and somehow, it got you to open your mouth even wider so you could fit more of Max into your mouth. You supposed it all worked out.
The sound of the chain clanking against the metal bed frame filled the room as Dave began to thrust his cock in and out of you, his movements fast and rough just like always. He pulled your legs over his head, giving him complete access to sink himself right into you. You wanted to scream as he filled you up, his cock brushing against that sweet spot he had memorised inside of you every damn time.
Instead, you forced yourself to keep your cool and continued sucking off Max. You made the effort to open your eyes and look up at the boy who you had wrapped around your lips. His once styled hair was now disheveled and falling into his face, and you had to fight the urge to push it back. His chocolate brown eyes were on Dave though as he watched the man fuck you fast and hard. Dave’s pace was bruising and you knew that you wouldn’t last long.
Dave could tell you were close by the way your pussy walls clenched around him, aching to milk him of his seed.
“Want me to cum inside of you, pretty girl?” Dave asked, and you nodded your head desperately. 
“Jesus-- fuck!” Max gasped, his large ring clad hands coming down to hold your head in place. 
“You gonna cum down her throat, Lord?” Dave quizzed, but there was almost a taunting nature to his question that Max didn’t like one bit.
Getting a few more sucks out of you, Max doubled back and pulled himself out of your mouth completely, depriving himself of his own orgasm. You were surprised to say the least.
“You could’ve-- fuck-- you could’ve cum down my throat,” you moaned as Dave leaned over your fully exposed body and thrusted harder. “I would’ve let you.”
But Maxwell’s eyes had caught focused on the velvet black box Dave had left out. Curiously, he wandered over to it and took a look at the contents for himself.
While Max was momentarily absent, Dave made it his mission to get you to cum again. He brought his thumb down to your clit and began to rub tight circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves. You were so wet, the noises that were coming from your cunt were obscene and if you weren’t already so comfortable around Dave, you might have been embarrassed. His thrusts became sloppy and erratic as he started to chase his own high.
He knew that the second you came, the second your perfect pussy tightened around his cock, he’d spill inside of you. So that was his goal.
Maxwell familiarized himself with a small bullet vibrator, silver in colour, and switched it on. The buzzing noise alerted both you and Dave, your heads snapping to face him. Dave halted in his movements and you couldn’t hide the way your lips curled into a grin, seeing Max with the vibrator in his hand.
“Come here and untie me,” you requested of Max. Max gulped and removed the handcuffs from your wrists. You rubbed the skin where they’d been gripping you and took the vibrator from Max. “Have you ever used one of these before?”
“Huh?” Max asked, furrowing his eyebrows together. He’d initially planned on using it with you. Holding it against your clit while Dave fucked you.
You giggled and held the vibrator to the tip of Max’s cock. The vibrations ran through his body and his eyes snapped shut as the pleasure consumed him. How come he’d never thought of trying this before? It felt so good.
Dave resumed fucking you and now, with your free hands, it meant you could stroke Maxwell’s cock. The combination of the vibrator and your hand was enough to send Maxwell over the edge.
He came, all over your face, his milky white seed spurting out. His load was impressively big and you opened your mouth wide for him, hoping to at least taste some of it.
After that, it was like a chain reaction. Once Max had finished, the feeling of his warm cum dripping down your skin sent you into a frenzy and you came around Dave, your walls clenching around his manhood. The feeling of you gripping him tighter than a vice meant that on Dave’s final thrust, he spilled inside of you, just like he wanted. The heat of Max’s cum on your face and the warmth of Dave’s cum fill you up felt amazing. You laid there, panting and breathless, wondering how you had ever gotten so lucky.
You tossed the vibrator to one side and extended your arms, pulling Max down on top of you and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. “Was that okay?” you asked him, and he nodded his head, unable to hide the grin across his lips.
“Never done anything like that before,” Max admitted bashfully. “But I’d like to do it again.”
Helping Maxwell explore his sexuality like this could be really fun, you thought. You cupped your hands around his cheeks and he nudged his nose against yours. The intimacy between you both was outstanding and you loved every second of it.
“Good,” you smiled. “By the way, that’s Dave. He’s uhm.. I watch his kids.” 
Maxwell looked back over at Dave who was tidying up the little black toybox. “Hi.” Dave mumbled awkwardly.
You shot your employer a glare. “Really Dave? You just fucked the shit out of me in front of Max, and now you’re gonna be all weird with him?”
Maxwell reluctantly pulled away from you, stifling a laugh before putting his clothes back on. 
“You can uh, stay the night. If you like,” Dave offered. “It’s late and I’m sure you don’t wanna wake your kid up.”
Maxwell scratched the back of his head as he contemplated Dave’s comment. He made a good point. “I can take the couch?” Max asked. “I really don’t want to intrude.”
“Don’t be silly,” you smiled, interlocking your fingers with his and pulling him back over to your bed. “You can sleep with me… if you’d like.” 
And boy did Maxwell like the sound of that. “Do you uh-- do you sleep with her? I mean. Besides her?” Max asked Dave.
“He never sleeps next to me,” you replied for him. “Prefers to sleep alone like the cold man he is.”
“Whatever,” Dave sighed. “I’m going to bed. Night.” 
You rolled your eyes and blew Dave a kiss goodnight before turning back to Maxwell and pulling him back down onto the bed. You worked at the buttons of his shirt and pulled the expensive material off his broad shoulders.
“Is he… married?” Maxwell asked you nervously.
“Why? You interested?” you asked, a joking lilt to your voice, but Max just scowled. “No,” you told him. “His wife uh-- went missing a while ago. Before I worked here. She was presumed dead. Sometimes I think Dave killed her.” you scoffed incredulously and Maxwell’s jaw stood agape.
“Are you serious?” he asked and you laughed.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said, swatting his arm playfully. “Dave can be cold, and rough. But behind that mean face he’s actually a good guy. A good father.”
Maxwell nodded knowingly. “Well that’s good then.” he mumbled. It was so easy to compare himself to other dads out there, knowing he’d never be good enough for Alistair.
“Are you okay?” you asked Max, smoothing out his dark blonde hair and kissing his jaw softly.
“Yeah, of course,” Maxwell reassured you, suddenly flashing one of his famous, charming television grins. He picked the bullet vibrator up and twiddled it between his fingers. “What do you think about going for a round two?” he smirked. “Just us. And maybe this time I can use this on you?”
You smiled, roaming your hands along his soft chest. “I like that idea.” you whispered wantonly before attaching your lips to his and pulling him on top of you.
You liked Dave. He knew his way around your body, he knew how to make you feel good and safe. But Maxwell came with feelings. He was attentive and affectionate, things you’d never had in a sexual relationship before. You were excited to see where things went between you two.
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Fiasco At The Wayne Gala
Author’s note: This story was written by DC Fanboy and proofread by Maribat fangirl, as a reaction to Style Queen.  Maribat fangirl has been hard at work on Chapter 6 of “Hanging by a Thread”, while DC fanboy needed a break from the angst.  This is the result, enjoy.
Content warning: A dash of Chloe salt, mostly Audrey managing to piss off everyone. Ships: Jason Todd / Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Dick Grayson / Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain / Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake / Bernard Dowd (mentioned), Bruce Wayne / Selina Kyle.
Fiasco at the Wayne Gala
Jason stood at the driveway to Wayne Manor, bored out of his mind as he waited for Marinette to arrive. Another Wayne Gala was underway, with Gotham’s elite pouring into Wayne Manor. Marinette said she would be arriving with her roommate, Zoe. He took out his phone and messaged his girlfriend asking where she was. He was interrupted from his thoughts when a rude woman cleared her throat in front of him.  Jason was just able to look up from his phone before he was berated for not paying attention to her. 
“You! Valet! How dare you play on your phone when you should be attending to us guests?” the woman screeched. Jason cringed and immediately placed his phone back into his pocket, just as he was about to argue with this banshee that he wasn’t a valet, he was rudely interrupted again with another screech. “How unprofessional! Notify Bruce Wayne that I, Audrey Bourgeois have arrived,” she waved her hand as if to shoo him away.  “Now go and park the car before I fire you.” She tossed her keys to Jason, before promptly walking away with her chin held snobbishly high.
Jason looked down at the keys in his hands. He looked at the woman walking away and then towards her car, a jet black convertible. He walked around the vehicle, admiring the exquisite European sports car. A mischievous grin grew on his face as he looked back at the keys in his hand, he jumped in over the door into the car and started its engine. It roared to life, Jason couldn’t resist stamping both his feet on the accelerator and brakes at the same time. The tyres screeched from the friction, spewing smoke behind him. He then spun around, performing a doughnut around the driveway. He left behind a trail of black tyre markings on the asphalt below. Jason stomped his foot onto the accelerator, all the way to the bottom. The engine roared in response with an immediate burst of power, rocketing him out of Wayne Manor, speeding off into the distance. 
Meanwhile, Dick waited for the cloakroom attendant to return. In his hands he held Barbara’s coat. Him being the gentleman that he was, he volunteered to bring it to the cloakroom for her. As he patiently waited at the counter, he heard a throat being cleared behind him. He chose to ignore it but then the voice grew louder. He elected to ignore it again, but the person behind him then shouted “You!”
Dick turned in surprise, he looked around to the source of the voice, a woman wearing a black, white and gold ball gown with a white fur coat in her arms. Beside her was, what he assumed to be, her daughter. She wore a matching dress and an entitled look on her face. He looked around, thinking and hoping she was trying to talk to someone else.
The woman then threw her coat at Dick, it draped over his head completely. He looked as if he was wearing an expensive ghost costume, as the coat hung over his head. The rude woman continued, “Now put this in the cloakroom, bring me the ticket when you are done and make sure nothing happens to it.” Dick didn’t say anything at that moment, he hadn’t fully registered what had just happened. “It is an expensive Arctic Fox coat, if anything were to happen to it I will make sure Mr. Wayne fires you.” She stomped off with her daughter in tow, the two walked past Barbara with Haley napping on her lap. The two scoff in disgust at the sight of the dog, “Disgusting, don't you think?” Audrey asked her daughter.
Chloe repeated the sentiment, “Absolutely, Mother.” 
Audrey nodded towards her daughter in approval before turning back to face Barbara, “Now get that mangy, misshapen mutt out of here before we file a complaint and get that thing put down!” she threatened before walking away. 
Haley whimpered from the scary lady’s yelling, Barbara’s eyes narrowed as her hands moved to cover Haley’s floppy ears, “Oh no you did not just threaten Haley.” 
“Where did she go? I can’t see.” Dick asked, the coat still covering his head.
Tim stood near the food table, enjoying canapés and several other hors d'oeuvre while waiting for his date, Bernard, to arrive at the gala. A loud voice caught his attention mid bite, “Is that you Timothy? Oh it is you.” He looked up from his plate to see an obnoxious woman wearing sunglasses indoors, at night. 
“Do you remember me? I’m your Aunt Audrey.” the woman spoke.
Tim cringed internally, remembering the woman from past events. A horrible woman if he remembered correctly, always sucking up to his parents, pretending to be their friend. Most of all he remembered the constant attempts at matchmaking, doing whatever she could to pawn her daughter off to the Drake family to gain their favour. He quickly swallowed the appetizer in his mouth and answered “Hello Aunt Audrey.” with a strained smile. His mind was in a flurry, trying to think of a plan to get rid of her. 
“Oh how handsome you’ve grown, why don't you spend time with my daughter? I brought her here today.” she suggested, her voice devoid of any sincerity. 
Tim slowly backed off, looking around the room hoping to think of a plan to get her to leave him alone. “Well...you see…” he tried to stall for time. He then spotted a familiar plume of blonde hair standing near the performing band and rushed towards her. “Steph! You gotta help me!” he croaked. 
She turned in surprise, “Tim? You okay? What's wrong?”
“Pretend to be my date” he blurted out.
“What?” she cried incredulously, “No, I’m dating Cass. What would Bernard say?” she responded angrily.
“Please, I’m begging you. At least until this crazy woman leaves me alone,” Tim explained, “she’s been trying to hook me up with her daughter for years.” Tim grabbed on to her arms and gave her a shake.
“What is this, some kind of fake dating storyline? Did I wake up in one of your K-Dramas?” She answered in a voice dripping with sarcasm. She then peered over his shoulder to see two women in hot pursuit, shoving guests aside. She was already feeling her mood sour from their presence.
“You owe me for this, understand?” Stephanie said, her fingers jabbed Tim in the chest before she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Thanks, I’ll pay you back some day.” Tim then held out his elbow for Stephanie, which she held on to. 
Tim and Steph slowly walked up to Audrey, “Aunt Audrey, I’d like to meet my girlfriend Stephanie Brown.” He gestures towards his friend. Stephanie then kissed Tim in the cheek, trying her absolute best to not show just how irritated she was at the whole situation. 
Audrey’s eyes twitched at the sight, but it was unnoticeable under her sunglasses. “Nice to meet you too Stephanie.” she greeted, venom dripping from her voice. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I will attend to other guests. It was nice meeting you again Timothy.” She then stomped away with Chloe in tow.  
The two then breathed a sigh of relief as they were left alone, “I need a drink” groaned Stephanie, as she held onto her forehead. “I just hope that Cass didn't see....that.” She turned around to see Cassandra Cain right behind the two, a frown on her face. 
Both Tim and Steph both held up their hands, attempting to placate the girl in front of them. “Tim needed a fake date to get rid of a crazy old hag.” explained Steph, as quickly and concisely as she could. Stephanie gave Tim the evil eye, thinking of all the ways she would hurt him if his fiasco cost her her relationship with Cass. 
Cass spun her finger on the side of her head.  Tim and Steph released a breath they both had been holding, worried of what Cass’ reaction would be. Fortunately for them, Cass was able to see the whole thing. From watching Tim’s desperate plea, to the subtle signs of discomfort as the two spoke to Ms. Bourgeois. 
Damian clung to the edges of the party, he detested these events. However, as the son of Gotham’s Billionaire he had no choice but to attend. He wandered around, hands in his pockets, he hoped he could find a familiar face in a sea of strangers. Perhaps Gordon or Grayson would let him pet Haley, it would at least help pass the time better. 
For someone unaware of who he was, one could possibly mistake him for a delinquent. Then again, he was the grandson of the Demon. He spotted the dog on Gordon's lap, and made his way towards her. He was then intercepted by a raging woman pointing her finger at him and calling him a trespasser and an intruder.
The gall of this woman, he clenched his teeth and yelled back. "Shut up you hag, I live here!" 
The woman expressed a loud gasp, "How dare you call me that? Do you know who I am? I am Audrey Bourgeois, director of Style Queen."
Damian rolled his eyes, "What? A magazine giving fashion advice to shriveled old hags like you?" he shot back.
Audrey Bourgeois snapped, she yelled at the boy at the top of the voice "How dare you!"
Damian shouted back "How dare YOU! Do you know who I am?"
Their shouting match had drawn the entire attention of the ball room, eyes drawn to the argument unraveling before them. Tim and Dick walked closer, hoping to get a clear view of what was happening, and to intervene if necessary. Who knows what would happen with Damian around?
Alfred ignored the chaos unraveling around him as he pushed a food trolley through the ball room. However, a young woman with blonde hair rushed in front of his trolley. "May I help you?" He asked.
"My mother is being harassed by some miscreant, go get rid of him." Chloe growled towards the butler.
"Very well." Alfred complied and began walking to the two shouting their lungs off.
Damian spots the two former Robins approaching and calls out to them, "Grayson, Drake, tell her who I am and get rid of her."
Both Tim and Dick narrowed their eyes, annoyed about how all attention was now on the two of them. The two looked at each other, annoyed at their younger sibling. 
Tim had a plan to redirect that attention and knock Hell Spawn down a peg, "Who are you?" he asked. 
This infuriated Damian, he roared "Traitor!" and was about to throw fists at Tim before Alfred stepped in between them.
"Please, let us all calm down and enjoy this fine evening." Alfred attempted to calm the entire situation. 
"Not until you get rid of him!" Audrey yelled, pointing her finger accusingly at Damian.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Madam." Alfred deadpanned.
Audrey stomped her foot in anger, then she pointed threateningly at Alfred. "You're fired!" she yelled.
Alfred sighs and answers in a monotone voice "Madam, with all due respect, I don't work for you. I work for Master Wayne, and in turn I also work for the young Master Wayne." He gestured to Damian, who stood there angrily with his arms crossed.
Audrey Bourgeois recoiled in shock, she attempted to come up with a retort. Alfred continued, "As per the young master's wishes, please leave the premises immediately."
Audrey gritted her teeth, "Fine. Call the valet to bring my car over." She commanded before marching off.
Alfred and Damian looked at each other, intrigued at the request for a valet. "Pennyworth, we don't have a valet for this evening, do we?" asked Damian.
"No Master Damian, though I suspect we may have a case of grand theft auto on our hands. I shall go check the cameras for our culprit.” Alfred furrowed his eyebrows and left for the Batcave.
Marinette and Zoe stood near a window. Marinette was worried, Jason was supposed to be at the party. He did not answer any of her calls or reply to any of her messages. She paced about, worried Jason was away dealing with an emergency. 
Zoe on the other hand was red with embarrassment and shame. She was unfortunately related to the two wrecking balls tearing their way through the gala. She hoped to any and every deity above that they would prevent her mother from noticing her. However, this was to no avail as Zoe was spun around forcefully.
"...Zoe! Why did you not greet your dear mother?" Yelled Audrey.
Zoe began sweating bullets trying to think of an answer while being berated by her mother and half-sister. "I-I uh, I just got here." She shakily attempted to explain herself.
"What are you doing here Marinette?" Growled Chloe, annoyed at how such a clumsy girl would be even invited to this event. 
Marinette put the phone back into her purse, "I was supposed to be here with my boyfriend, but I can't find him and he won't answer the phone."
Chloe laughed at the girl's plight, "Who would even date a loser like you? Any sane person would leave you."
Marinette gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, much to Chloe’s delight. Her contained rage and shame were interrupted as Audrey began complaining about a valet.
"Where is my car? Where is that damn stupid valet?" Audrey shouted. 
Zoe and Marinette looked at each other, confused at the mention of a valet. "There was a valet?" Marinette asked nervously.
"Of course there was." Audrey told her. 
"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous," ranted Chloe, "He did not even dress properly and now he can't even deliver mother's car. Where is the idiot with the white streak of hair?"
Marinette and Zoe raised an eyebrow at the specific mention of a white streak of hair. 
"At least it explains what Jason is up to." Marinette thought to herself, "They won't be getting the car back for a while, if at all."
Alfred had reviewed footage of the driveway earlier that evening, and had discovered Jason was the culprit. Alfred sighed as he picked up the telephone and attempted to call Jason. Just like Marinette, Jason was not answering his calls. Alfred then contacted Jason through his Bat Communicator.
"What's the emergency, Alfred?" Answered Jason.
Alfred could hear the sound of a roaring engine and wind whipping through the air over the communicator. "Master Todd, you are the emergency. Please return the automobile to the manor.
"Alright, I will if you bake me two dozen cookies. Just for me and no one else." Negotiated Jason.
"Very well, Master Todd." agreed Alfred "Now please return the vehicle." Alfred closed the call and made his way to the ballroom.
Jason turned the steering wheel of the car harshly, sending it to a tight drift, making a turn back towards Wayne Manor. "Alright you two, we're getting cookies!" he yelled to his passengers beside him.
"Yaaaaay" cheered Roy along with Lian on his lap. 
Back in the ballroom, Alfred asked the guests to quiet down for he was making an announcement. "Esteemed guests, allow me to introduce Bruce Wayne.'' He stepped aside and gestured to Bruce atop the stairs with Selena Kyle. The two slowly walked down the stairs, and  thanked each of their guests for attending the gala. 
Audrey Bourgeois pushed past several attendees to get a closer look. Other guests gave her space, not wanting to incur her wrath. As she reached Bruce Wayne, she shoved Selena aside and wrapped herself around Bruce's arm. Taking extra attention to make sure her chest rubbed against his arm. 
Zoe sped to the bathroom in absolute shame after watching her mother attempt to flirt with Bruce Wayne. Marinette remained by the window, waiting for Jason’s return. She was then approached by Alfred, holding a small basket of fresh cookies. “Good evening Ms. Dupain-Cheng, I just spoke to Master Todd, he is on his way.” 
Marinette glanced at Audrey Bourgeois still attempting to flirt with Bruce, “the sooner he gets here the sooner she leaves.” she comments. She notices the cookies in the basket.  “Can I have a cookie?” she asked, salivating at Alfred’s baking.  Tikki peeked out from her small bag, enticed  by the smell of the cookies.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to ask Master Todd, I made these in order to entice him to return the car. Undamaged, I hope.” Alfred explains.
Fortunately Jason arrived at that moment, with Roy and Lian in tow, their hairs were messy from the wind. Alfred gave Marinette the basket of cookies and asked her to give them to Jason while he notified Ms. Bourgeois that her car had arrived. “Jason, where have you been? I've been trying to call you all night!” Marinette yelled.
Jason scratched the back of his head, “about that, some crazy lady thought I was a valet.”
Marinette crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, “I heard. But that doesn't mean you can take her car.” she huffed.
“ ‘Sup Little Wing,” Dick greeted Jason, “heard about your joyride from Alfred. How was it?”
“Awesome,” Jason replied, reaching into the basket of cookies. Roy, Lian and Tikki were already enjoying their share.
“Now that you’re back, that crazy woman can now go.” Dick said
“What did she do?” asked Jason curiously, hoping there would be a good story.
“For starters, she thought I was the cloakroom attendant. She threw her coat over my face, she pissed Babs off by calling Haley a ‘Misshapen Mutt’. Then she tried to hook her daughter up with Tim. On top of that, she managed to royally piss off Damian.” Explained Dick. 
Jason’s jaw dropped while chewing his cookie, a few crumbs landing on the floor. Before doing a spit-take with the cookie in his mouth, he burst out laughing.
Meanwhile Alfred walked up to Audrey Bourgeois, who was still clinging onto Bruce Wayne as if her life depended on it. “Ahem, Madam Bourgeois, your automobile has arrived. Please kindly leave the premises.” interrupted Alfred. 
“Come now, Brucie Darling. Are you really going to send me away after all we have been through?” Audrey asked coyly. 
Bruce took a deep breath, “Ms. Bourgeois, please leave. As you can see my date, Ms. Kyle, has been very patient with you.” He points with his thumb behind him towards a glaring Selena.
Audrey growled loudly, “Fine, we are leaving.” She stomped out the front door. “You, Valet! What took you so long?” she demanded an explanation from Jason. 
Jason spoke to her with his mouth full, spewing crumbs everywhere. “Having dinner, what's it to you?” 
Audrey and Chloe recoiled at Jason’s bad manners, as a force of habit Audrey yelled back “I’ll have you fired for this.”
Jason continued undeterred, still answering with his mouth full of cookies. “Well shit, too bad.” 
Frustrated at his aloof  response, the two quickly got into the car and drove off. Everyone but the two Bourgeois noticed a large scratch and several dents along the side of the sports car as it drove away. “Yeah, uh, forget you saw that. Let’s get back to the party shall we?” suggested Jason. Everyone laughed hysterically at the wild night, now that the human wrecking ball had left. 
As Marinette walked back into the manor, she pouted at Jason for keeping her waiting. “Come on now Pixie, are you still mad at me?” Jason asked.
“Yes, you stole someone’s car, drove off to who knows where. You didn’t answer any of my messages or calls. I was really looking forward to enjoying the Gala with you.” Marinette complained. 
Jason ran in front of Marinette, stopping her in her tracks. “Look I’ll make it up to you Pixie, I promise. How about a dance then? The night is still young.” Jason said, offering his hand to Marinette. 
Marinette contemplates for a moment before reaching out to hold his hand. “Fine, but this doesn’t mean I forgive you yet.”
The two then walked to the centre of the ballroom and danced the night away.
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Till Death (a Halloween one shot)
…in which Y/N and Harry share a flat but he cannot see her.
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Warning: DEATH, MENTAL ILLNESS, MENTION OF SU1C1DE AND SELF-HARM (inexplicit). There's a happy ending tho 😬
Inspired by Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride and this song.
Word count: 3.9k
“Oh, you’re home!” she said as he shut the door and kicked off his shoes. His hair was a mess, his eyes dark and weary. He leaned against the wall and released a long heavy sigh.
“Trouble at work?” she asked. He didn’t answer. He never did. But it was okay. She was used to it.
She watched him trudge toward the couch and slump into it with his head buried in his hands. It was so quiet. It was always quiet here, and most of the time, she enjoyed the silence. After all, it was all she ever knew. But she also liked his laugh and his voice when he talked on the phone. He never talked to her. He was a great listener though, and she liked to talk anyway, so she had nothing to complain about. He never interrupted her, never commented; he only listened.
He rested his head on the couch with an arm over his closed eyes. She sat down beside him, her legs together, her hands on her knees.
“Guess what I did today,” she said.
He let go another long breath.
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell ya.” She rolled her eyes, suppressing a grin. “I made a new friend. A bird. I saw him on our balcony this morning. I named him Steve. Can you imagine? A bird named Steve. I think Steve likes me as much as a bird could like someone–”
“Oh, shit!”
She flinched as he jumped to his feet.
“Where are you going?” she asked, slightly worried.
“Shit, I forgot,” he murmured, shoving his fingers into his already unruly hair as he reached for his phone on the coffee table. He sat back down and unlocked the screen. His handsome face was illuminated as he typed something into the chat. She rested her head on his shoulder and stole a glance at the screen, just enough to see who he was texting.
It was that name again.
She’d seen him text this person every day for the last couple of weeks. She didn’t know who they were or what they looked like or if they were male or female. All she knew was that they always got Harry’s full attention.
She thought it’d be rude to read other people’s texts, so she never did even though he would never stop her. Still, it didn’t mean she wasn’t dying to know what they said to each other. She would watch Harry as he talked to the person either on the phone or through texts. And he would always look so happy whenever a notification came and he saw the person’s name.
She bet they talked about more interesting topics, not just birds with human names. That thought alone gave a throbbing feeling in her hollow chest.
Sometimes, when she was with him, she forgot about its absence, which was good, because she wanted to forget.
But whenever she saw his eyes sparkle as he talked to this person, she would remember that there was somebody else out there with that thing in their chest, somebody he could feel and see and hear…
...and love.
Then she would remember what he was, what she was, and what they could never be.
After all, she was dead.
She didn’t remember how long she’d been dead. She only knew that she’d been alone for too long. Time didn’t really matter when you stopped growing older. She was stuck like this. Forever 21, as she would joke to herself. She didn’t know how old Harry was, but he had a job that stressed him out every day, so she assumed he was older than she’d been when she’d died.
She’d been trapped in this flat ever since. She’d watched people move her stuff out and other people move their stuff in. She’d forgotten about her loved ones or if she’d ever had them in the first place. She didn’t have any recollection of the life she’d had. She couldn’t even attend her own funeral. If she’d known that she’d be stuck in the place where she’d died, she would have probably not chosen to die here. She missed being outdoors, seeing new people. She wondered if she’d still be in love with Harry if he weren’t the only person she knew.
Honestly, she had never been in love when she’d been alive. She knew that, because even though the memories ceased to exist, she still would have remembered what being in love had felt like. It was funny, actually. When she’d had a heart, she hadn’t been able to use it, and now that she didn’t, she could feel it every day. Could someone love without having a heart? She didn’t know what love felt like to be sure that this was love, yet she knew that she’d rather spend an eternity with this man than to reincarnate into someone else.
They’d been living together for two years. Before him, there had been an elderly couple and a family of four. They’d been fun and lovely. But Harry was...different.
He was alone like her. She felt a deep connection with him in that way, as it was rare to find a person who appreciated isolation and not let it drive them insane. Almost everyone was terrified of being alone. Harry, however, found comfort in being alone. He always knew how to entertain himself. He read books. He sang in the shower. He cooked dinner for himself. He’d call his family to tell them about his day.
Sometimes, as she watched him talk to his mum and sister, she wished she remembered her own family. Would she still want to be alone if she remembered them? Well, she didn’t want to be alone now that she had him. It scared her sometimes. An attachment was a scary thing when you knew that you’d forever be temporary to the people around you. Like the elderly couple and the family, one day, Harry would leave, and she’d have to get used to new flatmates who would most likely leave again.
But that was for the future. Right now, what they had was enough.
“I’m seeing someone,” Harry said one day.
Y/N didn’t want to eavesdrop, but she was sitting by the window talking to Steve while Harry was on the phone with his sister. It was the first time Y/N heard him say the person’s name. He was smiling the entire time as he talked about her. Y/N loved seeing Harry smile, so it didn’t matter what made him smile. She just wanted to see him happy.
He told his sister that the woman he was seeing was coming over tonight. He seemed excited. Harry had only ever looked this excited except for when his favourite show came on. That was how she knew he loved this woman as much as he loved that show, which was a lot.
“Can I join you guys tonight?” Y/N asked him when he ended the phone call.
He put his phone back down and looked right at her. If she had a heart, it would combust right then and there. But what she didn’t expect was him marching towards her, thrusting his hand right through her chest and shutting the window. Steve flew away. Harry turned and left.
The place where his hand had been burned with its absence, leaving her frozen as she watched the bedroom door fall shut. He couldn’t feel her, but she could feel much more than a dead person was allowed to feel.
Dinner was nice.
And so was the other woman.
It was funny how Y/N would refer to her as ‘the other woman’ when she’d been the one getting all Harry’s attention. She was sweet, blond-haired, great smile. She sat at Y/N’s spot at dinner. Y/N didn’t mind as she wasn’t eating anyway, yet it saddened her that she didn’t get to tell Harry her boring stories; the other woman was doing most of the talking.
Harry listened to her and laughed at her jokes. He never responded to Y/N that way. She’d been fine with it before, but seeing how he interacted with someone else made her want to vanish into thin air.
It was the first time in two years that she’d seen another living person beside Harry, and yet she had never felt lonelier.
After dinner, Harry asked if the woman wanted to spend the night and she said yes, so Y/N retreated to her spot – the bathroom. For some strange reason, she found comfort there. She would just get into the empty tub and lie there until morning.
Before Harry had moved in, she’d stayed in the bathroom at night while the living were asleep. Since Harry, she would usually spend the night outside his room. He’d always sleep with the door open and a lot of pillows. She didn’t want to be intrusive, but she’d heard him crying one night. His stepdad had just passed away and she’d stayed with him to keep him company, even though he hadn’t been aware of her presence.
She’d sat beside him on the bed as he’d cried. She’d told him that dead didn’t mean gone, that his stepdad might still be around, or have gone to heaven to get a new better life.
To be honest, she didn’t know if heaven existed for she didn’t get to leave this place, but maybe heaven only existed for the ones who deserved it. She was too good for hell, not good enough for heaven, so she was still here.
That night, as she was lying in the tub, gazing at the shadows of objects cast on the ceiling, she couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d seen at dinner. A happy Harry. A truly happy Harry.
She’d always wondered what he looked like when someone made him laugh so hard he forgot about everything else, or when he blushed because of the things someone said to him, or when he looked at someone like they were the only person that mattered. Now that she’d seen it, it felt like torture.
She would never make him laugh. She would never get to hear him call her beautiful or tell her jokes just because he wanted to see her smile. He’d never get to know her. That was the worst part. It hadn’t bothered her before, and now it was too late to undo her feelings for him.
She didn’t have a heart, but as she lay her palms on top of her chest and shut her eyes, she could feel it breaking.
Ever since that night, the other woman would come over very often. It had hurt at first, then Y/N learned to get used to it. It didn’t mean it stopped hurting. She’d still feel invisible tears rolling down her cheeks every time they kissed in front of her. She’d spend most of the day avoiding them. It was hard to do so when she couldn’t leave the flat. She’d tried before. She’d tried to follow Harry outside, but the second she stepped through that door, she was back in the tub.
She was imprisoned in her own home where she felt like a guest. She had no one to talk to, and it had never been a problem before but now it was driving her insane.
Sometimes, she even wished that the other woman was dead. It was bad that love made her blind and envy made her cruel. Whenever that malicious thought crossed her mind, though, she’d think about Harry and instantly felt bad about wanting his girlfriend dead. It wasn’t a nice thing to wish onto anyone, especially when Y/N herself knew how overrated death was.
It wasn’t a solution. Just more problems.
And at the end of the day, it shouldn’t matter if she was hurt. After all, she was dead. Dead people couldn’t feel pain. This was just an illusion. Her pain wasn’t real. If Harry lost someone he loved, that would be real. And she’d take all the hurt just to keep him happy. Always.
Tonight, Harry came home alone.
She asked him what was wrong, knowing he wouldn’t answer. He went straight to the couch and buried his face into his hands. She wondered if he’d forgotten to take his pills again. She’d call them his happy pills. He’d been taking them for a couple of months now. He was always so sad and numb without them. Lately, it seemed like he hadn’t been taking them.
“I wish you’d tell me what’s on your mind,” she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder.
Silence sank in. The heaviness in her hollow chest became too much to bear.
Then, his shoulders began to shake.
He started crying.
She’d seen him cry before, but this time she could feel everything he was feeling. And it was even worse for her because she could not do anything about it. When a person cried, they’d feel better afterwards. There was no better for the dead. Just forever numbness. Forever pain. Maybe she hadn’t gone to hell because this was her hell. What had she done to deserve this?
Whatever. This wasn’t about her.
She wished she could wipe away Harry’s tears and tell him things that’d make him feel better. She felt powerless. There was nothing she could do to help.
She sat and watched him cry for what seemed like forever. When he finally stopped, he took out his phone and texted the other woman.
This time, Y/N read.
They’d broken up. The messages didn’t say why. All Y/N knew was that Harry was madly in love with the other woman. He’d sent so many messages asking her to stay, telling her he couldn’t live without her. And she never responded to a single one.
“Harry…” Y/N murmured.
Harry shook his head gently as if he’d heard it. Then, he got to his feet and padded to the bedroom. The door fell shut, leaving Y/N with the uncomfortable silence that could smother her.
She started pacing back and forth outside his bedroom. Her head swam with half-formed regrets. She wished she’d done something to stop him from getting to know the other woman and falling in love with her. But what could she have possibly done? She was dead. She was a ghost, floating around, haunting this place. She couldn’t keep two living people from falling in love. She couldn’t stop the woman from breaking Harry’s heart.
But that was one thing about not having a heart, you’d hurt twice as much trying to protect a heart that wasn’t your own.
Something crashed.
Glass shattered.
The world stilled for a second as Y/N burst into the bedroom.
There he was. Staring right back at her.
But there was also him. On the floor. The real him.
Those weren’t his happy pills.
“Harry!” she screamed and rushed towards the Harry on the floor. His ghost stood there watching in silence as she tried to wake him. She couldn’t touch him. She could only scream and if he’d never listened before, he wasn’t listening now. “Harry, please wake up...Please wake up…”
She lay her palm on his chest. He wasn’t dead. She could still feel his heart beating. His skin pale and his breathing slowed. Half of him was still fighting to live and as long as the other half didn’t overpower him, he might be saved.
“Who are you?” asked the ghost standing beside her.
She looked up. The other Harry was looking right at her, not through her. This one could see her.
“I’m Y/N,” she said, still in shock.
“Y/N,” he echoed.
She’d heard him tell the other woman that he would repeat a person’s name so he wouldn’t forget it. He could hear Y/N, see her and now he knew her name. Her invisible heart swelled for a second, but then she could feel it, the beating of that living thing under his chest. He was still half-alive. But he wouldn’t be for too long.
“You must hold on,” she told his ghost, panting heavily as she started freaking out. “You can’t...you can’t die...you must...I don’t know....get back into your body before it’s too late.”
“I don’t know how, and I don’t want to,” he said, staring at himself, and then at her. She didn’t like the look he was giving her. It was as if she was an exotic animal and he was a curious child going to the zoo for the first time. “Are you a ghost?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said, rising to her feet, trying to avoid his gaze. “I-I died here…”
“How long have you been here?”
She shook her head. “I don’t remember. When you’re dead, your memories start to fade. Now I don’t remember anything from when I was alive.”
“So there’s no afterlife?” Harry asked, his voice breaking a little. She looked up and saw him staring at his own body with a pained expression that could be regret. “You just...stay here?”
“I don’t know about the other ghosts, but that’s what it is for me,” she said, rubbing her arms.
“Aren’t you lonely?” he asked.
“Well, not really. I’ve got you.”
Her answer seemed to surprise him. He blinked. “But I couldn’t see you or talk to you.”
She raised a soft smile. “But I could see you and talk to you. That was enough.” Harry was giving her an expression she could not interpret, so she hurriedly went on, “Believe me. Death is overrated. You don’t want it.”
“But what if I do? I lost my job and someone I loved. I have struggled every day for the past few months, so why bother?”
“So you think it’s easy for me?” she asked. “I don’t have a heart, yet I still feel things and I can’t cry and the feelings won’t go away. They’ll still be here when everyone else leaves. Dead doesn’t mean gone but it’s the end of second chances. I’ll never get to celebrate my twenty-second birthday. I’ll never get to graduate. I don’t remember my family or if I ever had one. I don’t get to make friends. I don’t...don’t get to be loved…
“And if that doesn’t sound bad to you, just think about all the people you’d leave behind. Your mum, your sister. You won’t remember them but they’ll remember you. And they’ll have to carry the pain of losing you until it happens to them. I didn’t get to see them one last time because...if I tried to leave this flat, I’d just...just keep coming back here. I’d never get to apologise to them for abandoning them. I regret it every single day. And I don’t want it to happen to you.”
The Harry in front of her was quiet for a moment. The Harry on the floor was struggling to breathe.
“If I die,” he spoke, his eyes meeting hers, “you won’t be lonely anymore. Why are you trying to talk me out of it?”
She took a moment to think. Then, “Because I love you.”
His eyes widened as he parted his lips. He didn’t believe it. For the first time, Y/N could see herself in him. She wouldn’t believe it if someone told her they loved her, either. She thought she couldn’t be loved. That was why she’d chosen the easier way out. It wasn’t easy; she knew that now. So she wasn’t going to let him make the same mistake.
“You think no one cares, but I do,” she said, reaching for his hand. She held it, lacing her fingers with his. “So please hold on. If you fully give up, you cannot be saved.”
He looked at himself and then back at her. “Where did you die?”
A pause.
“The bathroom.”
Sadness set over his features. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she said, smiling. “I’ve never been better than I am now.”
“Harry!” shouted a female voice as the front door burst open suddenly and frantic footsteps rushed into the room.
The moment Harry saw the woman he loved, hope lit up his entire face. The woman screamed as she collapsed by his body and pulled out her phone to call an ambulance. She kissed his face and told him how much she loved him, that she was sorry, that she’d take back all the things she’d said, that she wanted to spend many more years with him.
Y/N felt herself losing grip of the other Harry. He started to fade. She tried to hold onto him, but it was no use.
And before he was completely gone, he smiled at her and said, “Thank you.” And she thanked him, too. For seeing her. And not giving up.
Harry didn’t remember anything when he came back from the hospital. He got back together with his girlfriend, who finally moved in with him. They lasted for two years and their relationship ended on good terms. After that, Harry, now with the job that he loved, started seeing other people and stopped taking his happy pills. He’d got better. He was happy all the time. He didn’t remember his conversation with Y/N, but sometimes she’d catch him staring at the bathtub. She’d pretend that he could see her and she’d smile and wave. Maybe he could, but he didn’t want to freak her out. Who knew?
He moved out of the flat after a few more years. The last night he was there, she’d lay on the floor beside his bed as he slept.
The ones after him were fun. Y/N liked meeting new people. One couple even had a pet and she finally had someone to talk to. Still, sometimes she would think about Harry and wondered what he might be doing now.
One night, while lying in the tub, she discovered a tiny word someone had written on the bathroom wall.
She’d been here long enough to know that it hadn’t always been there. She recognised that handwriting. Though she wished she’d found it sooner, it made her happy as she traced her fingers over it and imagined him thinking of her.
Y/N didn’t know how much time had passed.
But Harry did return.
When he came in, she almost didn’t recognise him. He was an old man in a wheelchair. She’d overheard him talking to his caretaker that he wanted to spend his last days in this flat. He stayed in bed for that whole first week and she’d lie beside his bed and talk to him each night.
He died of old age.
One night, he went to the bathroom and lay down in the tub and fell asleep and never woke up.
She stood in the doorway, watching him.
Then, she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned, she saw the same Harry who was young and handsome and wearing the same clothes as the day he’d first seen her.
“Hello,” he said.
“Hi,” she said.
Apparently, when you died, you got to choose the age you wanted to be. She’d chosen to be twenty-one, the age she’d died. Harry had chosen to be twenty-four, the age he’d met the ghost girl who had saved his life.
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softieteez · 3 years
ivy’s relationships with ateez
ivy and her relationship with each member
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{ hongjoong }
status: “father & daughter”
ship name: jijoong
popularity: 5/10
she messed with him sooo much
the amount of times he scolds her whenever she’s around wooyoung and san ✋🏼
besides that though, he jokes that she’s his most well behaved child
he is her mentor, especially recently, she’s gone to him to help write lyrics. she says she wants to try producing soon too.
she is the person that keeps him sane half the time, brings him food while he’s working, just making sure he’s staying healthy.
when they finish promotions she usually forced him to go out and buy a milkshake with her or something.
he always keeps an eye on her to make sure she’s always comfortable
he likes to tell this story about ivy when one time she walked into his and seonghwa’s room at 2 am without saying a word and just laid on top of him
you know how hongjoong once said “don’t look at other oppa’s”? yeah that rule kinda applies to her too
he’s so protective, anytime another idol or staff member flirts with her, he’s watching closely.
he likes with she get plain white acrylics because she lets him paint them how he wants.
she refused to buy her anymore stuffies and scolds mingi and seonghwa when they buy her more which is maybe too often
“leader hong in the houseee”
“ivy, i’m trying to sleep”
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{ seonghwa }
status: “mother & daughter”
ship name: ivyhwa
popularity: 5/10
she is his motherfuckin baby, no one touches her.
she’s clumsy so ever time she trips, falls, stubs her toe, he face palms and the helps her ‘injuries’ that she exaggerates
has to cover her mouth whenever they play explicit music during vlives because she will swear with pride
stuffie buyer #1
screams and closes her eyes every time he does something sexy for fan
back. hugs. either her giving him back hugs or vise versa.
plays with his hands when she’s anxious
scares him every time she does a flip on variety shows
whenever they’re at a fan sign or something and she starts doing sexy parts of their dances he just stands in front of her to block people from seeing, recently however she tells atiny to yell at him to move.
she organizes, he cleans. they’re a team.
dancing on vlive and killing every atiny there is.
on time he made a joke and called her ‘poison ivy’ and she punched him so hard. which shocked both of them because she isn’t that strong (jongho was proud)
“seonghwa got me a new stuffie !!!!”
“you weren’t supposed to tell ! hongjoong will yell at me”
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{ yunho }
status: “besties”
ship name: yunsoo or yunvy
popularity: 5/10
big back rides #1
they’re really close but a lot of atiny’s don’t see it 🤷🏼‍♀️
she makes him laugh so much
he’s older, taller, and stronger, but he is her baby
twerking 101
the reasons she got to see nayoung again thank you imitation
“yunho’s an actor now” literally any chance she gets
buys her food, so much food. even on diets.
she currently has one of his photo cards in her phone case
her contact name for him translates to “abnormally large puppy man”
she just stares at him. and then when he gets weirded out and asks why she says ‘because i can’ or ‘mind your business’
like to paint with her
“ivy, seonghwa yelled at me for letting you twerk on that on vlive”
“he’s the man that sexy danced to baby shark, i think he’ll live”
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{ yeosang }
status: “best friends”
ship name: yeovy
popularity: 7/10
gemini’s. need i say more ?
they make fun of the members behind their backs together
refuses to buy her anymore chocolate
she ?? keeps ??? wearing ?? his ?? shirts ???
she lowkey fangirls over how pretty he is
they’re too shy for their own good
she tried teaching him how to do flips, but he gave up after a kart wheel and seonghwa stopped it before they could even make it to round offs
he acts shocked every time the stylists give her sexy outfits even though he’s used to it by now
buys her chicken tenders all the time
he once said that ivy is giggly and clingy when she’s drunk and somehow he’s usually the one to take care of her
gives him weird looks, for literally no reason
she’s proud of yeosang because of his recent confidence boost
“why is hongjoong wearing that?”
“i don’t know, let’s go make fun of him”
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{ san }
status: “best friends”
ship name: sansoo
popularity: 7/10
they’re so cute until they get on stage
constant hugging, it never ends.
they compliment each other allll the time
he likes to flirt with her just to make her shy and flustered because he finds it funny
feeding each other for some reason ??
he buys her dumplings
she wants to recreate every hair color he’s ever had but she’s lowkey too scared
she wants him to get a facial piercing so badly !!
he held her hand when she got her first tattoo
random dance parties together >>>
san said he’s proud of her because her confidence has grown so much and shes been working hard lately
there was a time when she cried at a fansign because a fan gave her a really meaningful note and san immediately went over to hug her
“sannie, i just got called sexy!”
“you’re too young”
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{ mingi }
status: “they crushing?”
ship name: minvy
popularity: 10/10
piggyback rides #2
her number one cuddler
stuffie buy #2
literally do not separate them. e v e r
a lot of fans actually ship them because of how close they are. and because they’re cute asf
buying each other food >>>
she said that the time during mingi’s hiatus was the hardest for her because they had so much going on and mingi not being there made things worse
she was the first one to wish him happy birthday
he helps her a lot when it’s to like… everything. in airports when they feel anxious they hold each other’s hand, when she can’t stay focus he rubs her back.
ivy told atony that mingi was the first person she cried to before their debut
they were roommates with jongho before the room switches, now they both have their own rooms
when she was in high school still, he’d help her with homework.
“mingi looks very cute today”
“thank you jiji”
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{ wooyoung }
status: “dude he’s flirting”
ship name: woovy
popularity: 8/10
he flirts too much !!!
fans love them together because they pick on each other yes, but they’re also alike in a lot of ways that’s kinda scary
secret stuffie buyer
she likes to joke that one day she’s gonna leave wooyoung alone in a ditch
she gets soooo flustered when he flirts with her
when they were in america he asked her to take him to her favorite stores and restaurants that she grew up with
even though she doesn’t like video games, he forces her to play or at least watch
friendship bracelets >>
he buys her some random ass shit.
her baby picture is his lockscreen
his mom and brother love her.
cuddles >>>
“your moms so sweet”
“she told me to shut up so that she could talk to you”
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{ jongho }
status: “BEST FRIENDS” or “oh?”
ship name: jijong
popularity: 9/10
people love them together, some ship them, no one knows why
maknae shit
impressing people with his strength and her flexibility
she got so excited when he dyed his hair red
jongho’s character in imitation was her favorite and yunho got pouty when he found out
hitting high notes together !!!!!!
he breaks fruit. she eats fruit.
they act so shy whenever the spot light is only on them
sits on his lap, because she can.
man doesn’t like skinship too often, but he will hug her and hold her hand any day
she calls hun cute any chance she gets.
they post all the time when they have meals together
“why are you sitting on jongho”
“i don’t know san, why are you in my business?”
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corpsedaydream · 4 years
so, here i am with a new one shot.
so before anyone asks if i’m gonna be posting frequently again or anything, i process things by writing about them. if something is running through my mind over and over and i can’t think through it on my own in my mind, writing about it generally helps me. this past weekend was supposed to be a fun long weekend away w my friends but it quickly ended when i experienced something pretty traumatic. i haven’t been able to sleep at all the past couple nights and so i started working on this. originally it was just going to be something private to help myself w the panic i was feeling then i started adding a muse into it and then i realised i was still writing about corpse without even meaning to, so i guess he’s still got me feeling musey.
anyway, i thought about keeping this private bc i’m still rly shaken up about what happened but idk feels like a shame to just let it sit on my computer.
idk if i’m back to this blog yet, i still feel indifferent about it. i’m signed out on my phone and was signed out on my laptop until just now and haven’t opened my inbox.
anyway. here’s the one shot.
word count: 1666 words (i’m not kidding)
trigger warning: car crash, panic attack
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up wake up wake up.
The words repeated over and over in your head. You’d had dreams about crashing your car before, but usually you woke up just before the point of impact. This time you didn’t.
This couldn’t of happened, this can’t be real, this is a a dream, I’ve got to wake up.
But you were already very much awake, this was very much real.
The colour had already drained from your face, tears were welling up in your eyes and your heart had already sunk. Your hands were trembling, your chest was completely still, you weren’t breathing in that moment. Your body had reacted before your mind had completely caught up.
“Fuck.” Was all you managed to say as realisation had hit you. You’d gotten into a car crash.
You looked around you, wondering how the others cars on the road were still moving when it felt like your world had just come to a stop when your car had its collision. You heard your dad’s voice in your head, all the things he’d told you when he taught you how to drive, had - god forbid - you ever ended up in a situation like this.
You went through the motions as well as you could. You were in a state of shock and physically, you were definitely there, but mentally, you really weren’t present. You were having an out of body feeling in the most terrifying way, it was a defence from the panic that had overwhelmed you.
Corpse felt a surge of anxiety. He had no idea why, either. All he was doing was looking through fan art on twitter, he hadn’t seen anything that usually would make him feel like that. It just throttled its way into himself seemingly out of no where.
It was especially odd seeing that today had been such a good day. Waking up beside was usually something that put him in a good head space.
So he started to call you, you always made him feel better. But then he remembered you were driving and you were a cautious driver, you never answered your phone when you were behind the wheel. You’d told him in the past how tenacious your dad had been as a driving teacher and it had really stuck with you.
Just as he was about to hang up, knowing you weren’t going to answer, you did.
“Hello?” Something was off. Corpse heard it right away in just that one greeting from you.
“Are you okay?” He didn’t even greet you back, he already had anxiety running through him and the unsettling tone of your answer of the phone had only made it increase.
“I think so.” You were so monotoned. Corpse had never heard you speak this way. You were a lot of things, but monotone was not one. You were expressive, bright and dramatic.
“You think so?” He repeated in a questioning way, wanting to know what was wrong.
“Yeah.” You responded so plainly again. Corpse almost wanted to ask you who was he speaking to right now, because surely this couldn’t have been you. This person had your voice, but this was a person he did not know right now.
“What’s going on?”
“I crashed my car.” You said it to him so simply. There was no emotion behind it. His heart thundered as if a terrible hail storm had just broken out. 
“I crashed my car.” You repeated. Once again so eerily unemotional.
“Where are you?!”
Corpse shouldn’t have been driving in the state he was in, but he needed to get to you. His emotions were running so high and he couldn’t comprehend why yours weren’t.
After what felt like the longest drive of his life, he reached the crash site. His panic peaked when he spotted the ambulance, immediately thinking the worst. But then he saw you standing to the side of it. You were up and talking to the paramedics, that was at least a good sign you weren’t seriously injured.
“(Y/N),” He called for you as he got out of his own car. And just like your voice on the phone, your movements were so robotic.
You were normally so open with your emotions, you were such a readable and honest person. When you were happy, you shined, when you were mad, you yelled red, when you were sad, you cried oceans. But Corpse had never seen you in a true state of shock. He’d never seen your fight or flight response. And apparently it was a stillness and unresponsive, the complete opposite to how you were normally.
“Are you okay?” He knew you probably weren’t, but he couldn’t find any clue to how you were feeling. Until his footsteps brought him closer to you.
You didn’t respond to him at all. Even words felt like too much right now. As he neared you, though, he spotted the signs of fear your body displayed that your words did not. Your hands and arms were trembling, your shoulders were slumped, your face was completely pale, sweat dotted all over your forehead despite it not being a hot day, tears were slowly spilling from your eyes one by one, your chest was moving unevenly as you struggled to breathe properly.
“Baby, c’mere.” Corpse didn’t hesitate to gather you in his arms. Holding you so tenderly against him. That’s when he felt that it was more than just your arms and hands that were trembling, your entire body had a slight shake to it. He knew you were experiencing true terror in that moment.
The time between your banged up car getting placed onto a tow truck and arriving back at your apartment felt like a blur.
You’d just gotten off the phone with your insurance provider when you’d heard Corpse.
“Are you in any pain?”
"What?” You’d heard him perfectly but you hadn’t once thought about how this had affected you physically.
“Are you in any pain?” He repeated himself.
“I’m not sure.” And you weren’t, but the paramedics had said that adrenaline would be coursing through you right now and adrenaline was the biggest distraction from pain. “I’m gonna go have a shower.”
“Okay.” Corpse watched you with concerned eyes until you disappeared behind your bathroom door. He so badly wanted to help, wanted to make you feel better, break you out of this state you were in that he was so not used to.
You didn’t know how much time you’d spent in the shower. But it was long enough that the sky had grown darker and the moon had replaced the sun by the time you emerged. Once you’d gotten dressed, you made slow steps towards your bedroom. Your hands were trembling more violently than before and your breathing was speeding up.
The shock was finally wearing off and reality was getting ready to slap you hard across the face.
“Corpse...” Your voice was so silent, almost as if you couldn’t form a word due to the air that seemed harder and harder to breathe as a panic attack started to take control of you.
Corpse might not have even heard you had he not been on such high alert for you right now. But he was, and so he did he hear you and when he saw the state you were in, he instantly got up from his spot on your bed where he was waiting for you and was wrapping you up tight.
You were hyperventilating so dangerously, your heart felt like it was being encased in treacherous clouds that tightened with every intake of air you struggled to get.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had cried this way. You were breaking down.
Corpse was completely holding you up. Had it not been for him, you would be a crumbled heap on the floor.
The both of you didn’t sleep that night.
Every time you were close to drifting off, the crash would replay in your mind on an insufferable loop and you would jolt awake and the panic would restart all over.
And every time, Corpse was right there to hold you through it. He didn’t sleep due to how concerned he was about you.
The next day was a little easier mentally, but a lot harder physically. You’d gotten so much emotion out the night before that now the pain could have your attention.
Everything from your hips up felt sore, stiff and tense. Every time you moved your neck was scary because it felt like it was about to snap. But worst of all was your chest. It was hard and painful to breathe. The paramedics had warned you about this. The impact to your chest was going to take the longest to recover from. You kept your breathing shallow, any other kind of breathing made you wince and Corpse noticed.
“You’re hurting.” It wasn’t a question, he was stating what he noticed. He’d known the signs of someone in pain. Plus he had also taken note of the bruises that had appeared on your skin, the colouring of them looking like a painting of a galaxy, all purple and blue. 
“A little bit.”
“Mhm.” He knew it was more than a little bit, but he wasn’t about to argue with you. He looked over you laying beside him, grateful that you were still here, you were alive. A car could be replaced, but you could not.
You were flat on your back because that was really only the current position that felt even the tiniest bit comfortable right now. Corpse was on his side, one of his hands supporting his head as he leaned over you. His other hand began to soothingly run his fingers through your hair and you let your eyes flutter close at the touch.
“Yeah.” You mumbled back, keeping your eyes shut and feeling exhaustion take over you.
“Try sleeping, baby. I’ll be right here.”
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mehphoobia · 3 years
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Pairing- Tom Hiddleston x Reader (news channel anchor)
Summary- People say falling in love can be a scary experience. Well, that scary experience for you had a different meaning for you.
Warnings- blood, horror, mystery, thriller, suspense (I suggest get a water bottle for yourself)
"Susan Hive, another 25 y/o was found dead in her apartment approximately at 10:00 am today. Who is the mastermind behind these brutal murders? the mystery is still with the police to crack. The only witness in the case are the walls of the apartment which are covered in parts of human anatomy never seen before just like the other five murders. This is Y/N of NewsToday with cameraperson David on scene." You sighed after finishing your report and looked at the crime scene. The camera person packed his camera and headed towards the van as he couldn't handle the stench. With ripples on your forehead you contemplated your decision. Should you or should you not tell the officers.
But soon you let aside your dilemma. These were brutal murder cases that had everyone shook.
And you had a lead to follow.
"Who are you?" you whispered as you sat in your chair staring at the photo of the deceased Susan Hive with a man. The face was not visible as he wore a black hat and a black overcoat. "Typical" you said gesturing his attire, which was straight out of a murder mystery. Unfortunately, the officers couldn't find him. But the lead you had could directly deliver this man to you.
"North House please" explaining the address to the taxi driver, you couldn't miss his expressions. "You want to go to the North House?" he asked you with genuine concern. "If you are not comfortable, you can just drop me near the curb" you suggested understanding his hesitation. Reluctantly he drove the taxi and there you were. Standing outside the hospital for mental patients. "How much will it be?" asking the driver for the fare you rummaged through your purse.
"I will wait here miss. You can pay me later" he said. Of course, the deaths in this hospital would scare anyone. But you weren't here for the suicides, you were here for the murders.
"I am here to see someone. A Mrs. Hill." you spoke confidentially to the receptionist. "For an investigation, are we?" the receptionist questioned. "It's confidential" you replied with knitted eyebrows. "oh! of course it is." she chuckled.
The receptionist accompanied you to Mrs. Hill's room. She was the oldest patient, who had been in the hospital for for around thirty years. Every patient, every staff member; she had seen for herself. "Are you here for the investigation for Susan Hive?" the receptionist questioned. Your head whipped faster than the wings of a bee. "You knew her?" you enquired. "Yes, I knew all five of them. They were interning under me." she answered.
"Janice Dean" her ID card read. "Of course" you murmured. Ten days back you had found one of the victim's case file from the officers which had something in common. North House, all three of them worked here and now so did Susan Hive.
"Don't worry I won't bug her too much" putting a and on Ms. Dean's shoulder you reassured her. She offered you a tired smile. With that she unlocked the door and you saw Mrs. Hill sitting on her chair.
"He killed another one didn't he?" she enquired in her shaky voice as if she knew it was going to happen. "Yeah. Do you know you he is?" trying to keep your posture, you asked. "No, but I have seen him." she replied. "Black eyes which weren't even his. Long hair which covered his face and the cuts." "Everyone thought, something was wrong in his head. They tried all kinds of medicines but none of them worked. He kept screaming and yelling every day. It would echo you know. The screams. Other patients could feel it too. But the doctors didn't know something." she explained but suddenly trailed off.
"He was possessed" she declared.
"How did he get out. I mean the patient like--" "Demon" she corrected. "We saw a body lying in his room. We thought its him. He had cuts all over his face so it was recognizable. The post mortem reports found out it was one of our doctors. He escaped as his disguise." explained Ms. Dean.
You couldn't get the fact out of your head as you stepped outside the hospital. With quivering hands, you opened the taxi's door. Looking at your condition, the driver ran to the opposite side of the street and bought you a water bottle. "You should go home miss." the driver suggested. "Beverly Hills Apartments please". The driver nodded and drove you home.
Maybe you should tell the police. It was not your job to go after the killer. Of course it would be one of the biggest news article for your company but this, its not worth it. Just then your phone rang. All of that tension and weird feeling in your chest was replaced by a sense of comfort. It was Tom.
"Hey babe! dinner's ready, when are you coming home?" he asked in his cheerful voice. You chuckled and said, "I started right now. Is my kitchen all right?" you mocked. "Uh..sort of. I'll help you clean though" he replied like a child caught doing something wrong. It was comforting to have him in your life. Amidst all of this, he was the exact person you needed. "Love you honey" you said unexpectedly. He could sense your uneasiness and knew your line of work. It can be terrifying sometimes. "Love you too..Hey, I am right here." he said immediately putting a smile on your face.
You met him three years ago. How boring can news conferences be? it was something you knew very well. But it was a little bit tolerable when a hot shot investigating officer suddenly made his way to you. Tom and you immediately clicked. As if you were meant to be. One date led to another and suddenly he started picking you up from your work almost every single day. You remembered he had proposed on your cruise date which had you in complete awe. How could you say no to such a perfect man. His beautiful eyes which were a perfect peek to your universe, his warm embrace and how he fit in your life perfectly made it so much easier. He made it easier.
The sudden nostalgia calmed your nerves and you took a deep breath in. Within no time you were home. You leaped out of the taxi, paid the man and ran to your apartment. As you were going to ring the bell, Tom opened the door and picked you up in his arms. Both of you giggled as he kissed you passionately. With your fingers curling in his long wet hair and his arms coiling your waist, you could melt under his effect and you did.
"Tada!! Fish N chips" Tom declared in his voice that he called his disney voice. You chuckled at his endearing self. Both of you couldn't spend enough time with each other with all these murders. He too was tensed but never showed it in front of you. The least you could do was to help him out. You watched your favorite drama as the both of you ate your dinner.
After the chocolate ice-cream, he got up to get the wet wipe to wipe your face which was covered in chocolate. You were gone out cold because of the tiring day. He picked up the plates and noticed you had run out of kitchen soap. "Back in a few" he wrote on a post it and pasted it on the fridge. He wore his black overcoat and decided to forego his phone and left.
"Tom? babe?" you woke up around five minutes and searched the house. Suddenly the post it note grabbed your attention. You chuckled when you saw it and you knew a lot of unwanted things were gonna be purchased. Who could help it, its Walmart after all.
You saw his phone and found his headphones on the table. He would sit on his chair for hours and listen to his music but he never shared them with you. So you grabbed the opportunity and plugged in his headphones.
"19-21-19-1-14 8-9-12-12" the first song read. Then you realized it was a recording. "Mr Hiddleston sings?" you scoffed as you pressed the play button.
"Ahhh" a woman screamed and with that you immediately grabbed the headphones and threw them. "Oh God" you whined as you rubbed your ears. You played all the five recordings and all of them were similar. Screams. Then it hit you. The numbers were different and were too wrong to be dates. WHAT IF?
"19,S,21,U,19,S,1,A,14,N 8,H,9,I,12,L,12,L" you wrote on a piece of paper. "Susan hill?" you gasped. All the other four recordings added up to the all the other four victims. You sat there staring at the paper.
"It took you long enough" Tom spoke from behind you. You flinched as walked away from him. "Did you?" you asked. "The screams, oh my soul was cleansed" he said as he put his hand on his chest. Tears were rolling down your cheeks as you looked at his face. He was in content, in peace. "Why did you kill them? What had they done to you?" you enquired.
"THEY LAUGHED!!" he yelled. Your eyes widened as you looked at him. It wasn't your Tom, it was someone else.
He was possessed.
"They fucking laughed when I was being experimented on. I cried for help but they were too busy laughing. Fucking bitches" he scoffed. "You know when I made cuts on their skin how peaceful it felt. Slowly, deeply I dragged my knives on their skins and watching them slowly dying because of the pain. So good. They were the ones who cried and screamed and I was the one who laughed." He was a maniac explaining his masterplan. Little did he know everything he said, you were recording it all.
"You think you can run away with it?" you mocked trying to make him spill out. "How will they know Y/N? I am the chief investigating officer." he ran the tip of his fingers on your cheeks. But you didn't waver, he was a demon. "All this time I have been trying to erase all the evidence" he spoke as he turned his back on you.
"But you?" he turned and walked towards you. He bought his face closer to your neck and kissed your neck. If it were any other day, your eyes would slowly close themselves as he would press you against the surface. But today there was nothing but tears. "You are my favorite. I can't leave any witnesses. But don't worry, your screams will live in my recordings. You know how much I love making you scream now don't you my love?" He laughed sheepishly.
THUD THUD. The bang on the door grabbed his attention. He looked at you made a sign with a finger in his lips. Was this the man you loved? Who was he? You thought as you looked at him slowly unlocking the door.
"Ahh LEAVE ME GET OFF" he yelled in surprised as the police officers pinned him on the floor. Slowly you got your phone in front of him which you were hiding behind you and showed him the 911 number. The officers dragged him away but his hooded eyes would not leave your soul.
Two days later, while clearing his room. You found a notebook with all the five victim's name on it which was struck of with a red marker and also five knives covered in dried blood. "Why?" you whimpered as tears made their way down your cheeks. Your company had printed one of the biggest hit ever and were at the top. You were promoted and were appreciated by everyone but at what cost? You were scarred for life.
Back in the North House, Mrs Hill was sitting on her chair as the receptionist were cleaning her room. "Oh no" Mrs Hill exclaimed. "What is it Nana?" enquired Ms. Dean. "Y/N call her!! NOW"
Something was going to happen.
At the prison cell, all the officers were in havoc as one of the security guard was found dead in Tom's prison cell. Hysterical laughs and water droplets echoed through the hallway as Y/N was written on the wall and was struck of by the dead security guards' blood.
You were sleeping when Ms. Dean called you. "Hello" you spoke in your grumpy voice, the sleeping pills were slowly kicking in. "T-TOM!" her line was cut because of the heavy rain. Just then you got a message that Tom had escaped.
"What? where did he go?" you murmured to yourself and then you heard it. The hysterical laughter and the sound of the recording button being pushed.
"I am right here my love" he said.
A/N: Hey guys, here is my first Tom Hiddleston fic. For the those of you who don't know me personally I am a contemporary dancer and this fiction I had seen being performed on the stage. I loved the suspense and I loved writing it even more. Writing this was a challenge and it was a wonderful experience and I hope you all like this as well.😘
Tom Hiddleston is such a versatile actor and just fits in any character which is the main reason why I love him so much. It was very easy for me to visualize his demeanor in this character and I tried my level best converting it into words. Let me know what you think about this fic.😃
My requests are open. So ahead and check my masterlist and send me your plots.
Love yourself...you are worth it❣❣
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honeytae · 4 years
Stop running from love.
hey bubs! honestly..i don’t know what this is lol it kind of got away from me. but it’s loosely based off of safety net by ariana grande. which is like one of my favorite songs in existence. i hope you guys like this angsty little piece of nothing?? lmao
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy, @jjlovr2015 genre: angst, fluff? word count: 2.2k
if you would like to listen, here it is:
You were doing it again.
Sabotaging yourself. Running away. Ghosting a man who had only ever shown you the utmost care and respect.
He’d already called multiple times today, frantic texts showing that he was now beyond worried at the way you’d seemingly dropped off the face of the earth. 
You couldn’t blame him. You’d been exclusively dating for three months. Three beautiful and happy months alongside a great guy whose smile brightened every room he graced with his precious presence. Three months that you’d been able to not go into a panic about that very concept.
Until you fell.
The last time you’d seen Jimin was last week when he’d met with you after work for a quick bite to eat.
It was the same place you always went to; you didn’t even have to ask where you were meeting anymore, already on your way to the booth in the back corner with a stupid grin on your face.
The checker floored diner had become a regular spot for you two to stop at, as it was in the middle of the city and perfectly placed between both of your jobs.
That quick bite to eat had easily turned into a full dinner, along with a dessert that’s whipped cream ended up on the tip of his nose in an instant, your giggles causing him to grin wider as he played dumb.
It was simple, not extravagant or fancy by any means, but that was never needed with him. You always had so much fun with Jimin. He was gentle, sweet, caring. All the right things. 
And it was when he was walking you back up to your apartment, his hand gripping yours in a way that was soft yet secure, sparkling eyes pressing into crescents when he smiled over at you that you came to a stunning realization; you were falling in love with him. 
With a panicked last press of your lips to his cheek, you’d closed your door, leaning back against it as you stared ahead of you, absolutely paralyzed in the silence of your apartment.
You could not be in love. What even is love? Heartbreak, that’s what it is. One way or another, it will always end. You needed to pull back before you got too invested. But, fuck, was it too late?
Erupting into hysterics as you came to terms with what had to be done to protect both yourself and Jimin, you slid your back down the wood, placing your forehead on your knees as you curled up into yourself. 
Since then, you’d made it your mission to put him off, every text going unanswered and each call going to voicemail. 
And now here you were in your bed in the early hours of the afternoon, shades drawn to encase the room in pitch black. It matched your mood, frustrated and angry with yourself as you cried into your pillow. 
You hated yourself for doing this to him. Shutting him out with no explanation; he deserves more than you. In the end, this was to his benefit. He’d go on to find someone worthy of his companionship, someone who didn’t want to disappear at the concept of love. 
Someone with less baggage to drag along with them, someone who had a healthy idea of relationships and wasn’t shattered at their core. 
While it was painful to ignore him without giving a reason, you knew he’d give up on you eventually. Everyone always did, and it was just for the best. 
You hiccuped another sob as your phone buzzed on the table yet again, grabbing the pillow from beside you to sandwich your head between the mattress and the fluffy material, effectively muffling the noise of the vibration as you screwed your sore eyes shut. 
You froze at the sudden unmistakable sound of Jimin’s voice calling for you, head spinning as you shut your eyes tighter. 
Were you imagining Jimin’s voice beside you? Were you that far gone?
You were proven wrong when the blanket was pulled off of your body, cold air hitting the bare skin of your arms as the pillow was removed from atop your head. 
You gasped at the sudden exposure, prying your eyes open to look up at none other than Jimin, the hurt and worried look on his face immediately causing you to sob again. 
“Shit, baby, come here.” He rushed to sit down beside you, you easily crawling onto his lap as he wrapped his arms around your back, palm smoothing up and down your spine as he slowly rocked you back and forth. 
You sat there silently, letting yourself be comforted by him. For some reason, Jimin was harder to push away than the others. His arms felt so nice around you, like home. 
But this had to be done. You wanted him to stay like this in your memory, his image remaining undamaged by any painful breakup. 
“Jimin, I-I can’t see you anymore. We can’t be together.” You forced out, heart twisting in agony at the silence ensuing after your words, Jimin shifting you up his lap to look at you. 
“What do you mean?” He asked in disbelief, eyebrows knitting together as his eyes widened, you shaking your head instead of giving him a verbal answer due to the growing lump in your throat at his undeniably heartbroken expression. 
“We just can’t, Jimin.” You said lamely, your tight grip on his arm contradicting your words as his mouth gaped open at you. 
“Wh- what’s wrong? What did I do?” He asked desperately, causing you to sob harder at him blaming himself for this. 
“It’s not you, Jimin. You’re amazing, you deserve a better person.” You sniffled, Jimin immediately pulling a face of further confusion as he shook his head to dismiss your words. 
“A better- what are you talking about?” He asked, chasing your eyes as you chose to divert them to stare at the blank wall in front of you. 
“You deserve someone amazing just like you, Jimin.” You mumbled, the man sitting there in silence before he shifted off of the bed, making you think you’d finally pushed him away. 
The feeling of his weight being removed from the bed both pained and relieved you, happy for him to be able to move on now, but sad at that same idea. 
But you were taken by surprise when Jimin kneeled on the floor in front of you, forcing you to look at him as he reached up to hold your chin, eyes imploring yours to be more upfront with him. 
“You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. What are you talking about?” He repeated his question, silence lingering in the air at the words as you sat anxiously plucking the sheets below you with your fingers. 
“Baby.” He called for you, his hurt tone causing your nose to scrunch up with more tears, his thumbs catching the salty water as his expression became more pained by the second. 
“Let me in. Please, just let me in.” He pleaded with you, voice soft yet firm as he watched you break down in front of him, heart pounding in his chest at the mere thought of losing you from his life because of whatever insecurities you were not telling him about. 
“I’m fucking broken, Jimin. You don’t want to be let in, believe me.” You said, voice weak and wavering from the emotions bubbling up in your throat, shaky from the nights of no sleep you'd gotten in the last week. 
“Yes, I do. I’d accept all of you if you just gave me a chance.” He gripped your hands with his, intertwining your fingers to give a reassuring squeeze.
Staring at him, you did not know what to say. Nobody had ever pushed back on your walls like this. They accepted it, moved on, and lived a better life without you in it. You just wished Jimin would do the same.
But he was fighting you on it. Fighting you on something you didn’t even want to do in the first place. 
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. And that fucking terrifies me.” You explained shakily, concentrating on the feeling of Jimin’s palm running up and down your arm. 
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, either. It’s new, of course it’s scary. But I care about you, I want you, I miss you. I don’t want you to shut me out.” He said softly, his honeyed voice soothing you enough to make eye contact with his gentle brown orbs. 
It was silent as you stared at each other, fear in his eyes and the same reflecting in your own. Studying his features, your heart twisted at his uncharacteristically dark circles, realizing he was probably running on the same amount of sleep you were at the moment. 
“I don’t know where to go from here.” You sniffled, Jimin tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as his glassy eyes stared back at you. 
Feeling confident enough to stand from the floor and sit beside you on the bed, he let you guide him up against the headboard, resting your backs on it as you let out a sigh.
“Stop pushing me away. Stop running from love.” He responded, his words sounding so genuine that you nearly burst out into tears again. 
Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck, placing your temple on his shoulder as his arms encircled your torso. 
“I want to be with you.” You admitted in a hoarse whisper, head throbbing as you rested your weight on Jimin, body giving out in exhaustion as he held you to him, delicate as if you’d break. Hell, maybe you would. 
“Me too.” He said without missing a beat, eagerness evident in his tone as you let your aching eyes fall shut. 
“I just don’t know how.” You sighed, the man humming in response as he threaded his fingers through your hair, rubbing your scalp soothingly as he pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head. 
“We can figure it out together, okay? I don’t want to throw in the towel. Not without at least a little bit of a fight.” He joked, the heavy mood in the room being lightened a bit at the sound of your exhaled laugh. 
You lifted your head to look at him, opening your eyes to meet his own in the dark room, barely able to make out his features as the sun must have gone in behind the clouds outside your bedroom.
“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into, Jimin. I’m a mess. If you want to run, go now.” You spoke seriously, one corner of the man’s lips lifting as he bit down on his cheek, a habit you’d picked up early on as behavior he exhibited when he was hesitant to say something. 
“Listen, I’m a mess too. This is nothing.” He reassured you, your eyes studying his features as he seemed to express a vulnerability you hadn’t seen before with him. 
“Trying to break up with you because of my own baggage and insecurities? That’s nothing?” You asked with a humorless chuckle, causing the man to reach out for your hand, sighing out a breath of relief when you let him lock his fingers around yours again.
“Well, I guess that in itself is something.” He shrugged, shuffling to hover over you as your red eyes met his. 
“But I will always fight for you. You’re worth fighting for.” He said firmly, your eyes becoming glassed over again before you picked your head up off the pillow to catch his lips in a kiss, your palms sliding to the back of his neck as his plush lips worked over yours. 
Sensing your emotions, he pulled back only slightly to press his lips over your closed eyelids, the tender action causing your frown to deepen as you gazed up at the sweet man. 
“I’m not going to leave you. Whatever’s been done to you in the past, I’m not a repeat of that. I would never do anything to hurt you, I promise.” He said softly, his words seemingly making your heart alive again as it began to pound rapidly in your chest. 
And with that, you threw caution to the wind. Even if he broke your heart, you couldn’t stop that from cutting your experience with him shorter than it had to be. 
Because Jimin was the softest, sweetest, most lovable man you’d ever met. He showed time and time again that he cared about you, that he wasn’t like the others. And to give him up just because of some bad past experiences was just not worth it. 
“I trust you.” You whispered, almost scared to let the words fall from your lips, but relieved when you saw the wide smile on Jimin’s face. 
“I trust you, too.” He said softly, tracing his finger over your cheek as he leaned down to kiss you again, laying down beside you to spoon your body with his, pressing his lips against your shoulder in a soothing action. 
Laying in his arms, you felt more at peace than you’d felt in days. Being back in his embrace, you felt like you could breathe again, easily falling into much needed sleep with his warmth pressed to your back, his arms looped around your body as he pressed tender kisses to the shell of your ear. 
Jimin was your home. And it felt so good to be home. 
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 10
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You're having to work a lot more, feeling guilty that you're hardly around for your own hybrids. One night, Yoongi gets into trouble and needs you to bail him out. But what you didn't expect was to have new hybrids move into your house that very same day.
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“Ah...” You finally closed the main door of the house, slumping down on the ground. You had just finished a 36 hour shift because the medical residents were called back to campus for their exams, so the hospital was even more short staffed. 
“(y/n)?” You heard Jimin’s voice and opened your eyes, smiling tiredly at him. He stood up from the heating lamps and made his way to you.
“You’re home!” His tail moved excitedly. 
“Yeah.” You stroked his head. Behind him, Taehyung bounded down the stairs. He jumped into your arms, burying his head into your shoulder. You yawned tiredly, leaning into his warmth. It was lulling you to sleep. 
“Jagi, are you falling asleep on Tae?” A voice chuckle and you opened your eyes again, seeing Jin and Namjoon. One, two, three, four... Wait, you had 5 hybrids, not four. You stood up on your own, shaking your head as you looked at all the hybrids in the room. Where was Yoongi? His classes were supposed to end at 6 today. 
“Where’s Yoongi? He was supposed to be home 3 hours ago.” You frowned. The other 4 looked at each other. 
“We haven’t heard from him. His phone is off.” Namjoon informed. That made your blood freeze. Did they mistake Yoongi as a stray and capture him? 
“Wait.” Your phone rang and you pressed the device to your ear. As you listened on, the four in the room saw a frown evident on your face. That wasn’t a good sign. 
“WHAT?!... I-I’ll be right over!” You jumped to your feet.
“(y/n), what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked. You were giving off such strong emotions that all of them felt it. They knew that something was terribly wrong and it had to do with Yoongi.
“Yoongi is in trouble. Jin and Namjoon, you’re coming with me.” You mumbled and grabbed your coat, ready to leave the house again. 
“You two just stay here.” You told them and left. Where Yoongi was, it would be too much for Taehyung and Jimin. You were already distressed, you didn’t need two distraught hybrids to care for. Right now, you needed to get Yoongi out. When you pulled up to the gravel road, Namjoon and Jin immediately grew rigid at the vibe.
“Let’s go.” You gulped, stepping out. The three of you immediately held onto one another. This was a scary place to be. This place was only for feral hybrids. It was dark, run down and there were loud noises from coming inside. 
“Why is Yoongi here?” Jin asked. 
“I don’t know. I just got a call that Yoongi and some group attacked another hybrid and was brought in here.” You shook your head. Of course, that was ridiculous. Yoongi would never hurt another hybrid.
“Excuse me, I got a call about my hybrid? His name is Min Yoongi.” You went up to the warden in front.
“Right. Please come with me.” The male stood up and you all followed him through a door. When he stopped in front of a dark cell, you saw a small figured curled up in a corner. There was a shock collar around his neck and an ankle brace around his leg that chained him to the wall. 
“W-What did you do to him?!” You gasped, seeing the state that he was in.
“Madam-” The warden started.
“How dare you do this to him?!” You immediately went into a rage, screaming at the male. 
“Madam, your hybrid and a few others attacked another hybrid. But we were alerted and all of them were brought here. The collar and the ankle are there in case he goes feral again.” The warden explained. 
“He is not feral! Don’t you say that about him! He’s not part of some hybrid group, he is my family. Did you even ask him what he was doing there?! Of course you didn’t and just forced him here against his will. You have no right to treat him like this!” You continued to scream at the warden. Jin held your hand.
“Jagi, you can deal with this later. Your priority is to get Yoongi out of here.” Jin whispered softly.
“Unlock the door. Now.” You said through gritted teeth. The warden nodded, opening the door for you to enter. You choked on a sob as you entered. Yoongi was so distraught he didn’t even notice you were there. 
“Yoongi... Baby?” You called out softly. His eyes perked up first, hearing you call his name. He stood up, his nose and eyes red from crying. On instinct, he tried to rush to you but the chain that attached him to the wall held him back, making him fall to the ground. You ran forward instead, dropping to the ground to hold him in your arms.
“Well?! Are you dumb?! Unchain him now!” You sneered at the warden.
“Madam, I have to remind you of your behaviour.” The warden stated. Nonetheless, he proceeded to remove the chain and shock collar from Yoongi. Yoongi cried softly, pressing his face into your shoulder.
“It’s okay. I got you.” You whispered. 
“I didn’t hurt him. He was getting hurt and I wanted to help him. You need to help him, (y/n). He’s badly injured.” Yoongi’s whole body shook against you.
“The injured hybrid, where is he?” You asked. The warden confirmed that he was still in the building, in a different cell from Yoongi as there was still the risk of him being feral. 
“You idiots didn’t think to get him medical care? All you’re worried about is whether you will get hurt but did you think about him?! Bring him to me now, I’m a doctor.” You commanded, flashing your doctor’s card. The warden nodded and led the three of you out. You left Jin and Namjoon to comfort Yoongi in the lobby while you went to tend to the injured hybrid.
“You said you’re afraid of him being feral? He’s unconscious!  He’s got a fractured wrist and he’s all bruises up. I’m bringing him out of here.” You said, checking on the unconscious hybrid.
“No, you listen to me. You messed with the wrong family. I’m letting my mother know about this. You may know her, (y/l/n) (y/mom/n).” You frowned and the warden went pale. Your mother had that much of an influence and the warden knew he would definitely lose his job. 
“Get me a wheelchair.” The warden got it for you and you hoisted the unconscious hybrid onto it. You wheeled the injured hybrid out in a wheelchair. 
“(y/n).” Jin came up to you. Yoongi still looked shaken.
“He doesn’t look too bad. I’ll treat him at home.” You told them. Namjoon took over, carrying the unconscious hybrid while you held Yoongi. 
“If you have your hybrid’s papers...” The warden said and you showed him Yoongi’s papers. After that, you signed whatever papers you needed. Luckily, under doctor’s jurisdiction, you could take the other hybrid with you.
“Next time check his collar before you bring him in. What’s the point in making them wear collars if you’re just going to chain them up and threw them in jail cells.” You spat angrily, taking Yoongi’s papers back. Yoongi was still glued to your side as you went to the car. Jin drove you all back. 
“Remind me to call my mother in the morning.” You told Jin, who nodded. Entering a spare bedroom, you began to treat the injured hybrid. 
“Boys, let’s give them some space.” Namjoon ushered Taehyung and Jimin out of the room. 
“But...” Taehyung whined. 
“You’ll see them tomorrow morning.” Jin coaxed and they left, making you let out a chuckle. Yoongi stayed by your side the entire time. 
“Are you injured?” You asked as you gathered your supplies, Yoongi shook his head, keeping his head down. Looking at the unconscious hybrid, you tended to his broken wrist, placing it in a splint. Then, you cleaned his cuts, putting bandages over them.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” You asked softly, not looking up from what you were doing.
“I was leaving when I heard some crashing from the alley. After smelling blood, I went to see what was going on when I saw these strays ganging up on this other hybrid. He was already injured so I jumped into to help and we got into a fight. The security guard of the school saw us and called the cops. They thought I was part of that gang. But I swear-” He panicked. 
“I know, Yoongi. Breathe... It’s okay. I know you will never hurt someone. I believe you.” You held his arms, patting his head.
“I think he’s a golden retriever. I haven’t really come across that many domestic hybrids before.” Yoongi said.
“You should go rest, Yoongi. You’ve had a long day.”
“I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispered. You nodded your head, understanding him. Using your hand held ultrasound machine, you checked for any internal bleeding. 
“He’s fine.” You told Yoongi and he let out a sigh of relief. Leaving Yoongi to take a shower, you went downstairs to let the other 4 know of the situation, as well as tell Jimin and Taehyung the gist of what happened with Yoongi. It was sad and you knew Yoongi was definitely traumatised from the situation.
“If the boy wakes up at any point, let me know immediately. Goodnight, boys.” You smiled and hugged all of them.
“I promise you, they’ll be punished accordingly. I’m not letting this go.” You told Yoongi. He nodded and your eyes trailed to the cuts around his neck, where the shock collar had imprinted on his skin.
“Can you let me treat you?” You asked first. Yoongi nodded and you grabbed your first aid kit. As you moved closer to clean the wounds, Yoongi’s grip on your thigh tightened as he tried not to flinch. You whispered comforting words to him and you slowly wrapped the bandage around his neck, as well as his ankle. Once you were done, Yoongi finally relaxed.
“Kitten, do you have any more of those pills?” Yoongi suddenly asked.
“Yoongs, you know I really don’t like you being on those them.” You sighed. When Yoongi was still having nightmares, there were sleeping pills that you would give him to help him calm down and sleep.
“Please.” He begged.
“Yoongi... I...” You didn’t know what you should do. 
“I can’t even think straight. It was like I was back in the ring... I don’t want to think... Please, (y/n).” He cried in your arms. 
“Alright, just tonight.” You got up and went downstairs. Accessing your medicine safe, you unlocked it and took out the bottle, shaking out a pill into your palm. Grabbing a glass of water, you headed back upstairs to the room. Yoongi took the pill and downed it with the water.
“Go to sleep.” You held him as he slowly drifted off. You didn’t like giving him the sleeping pills since he could be dependent on them and they’re very potent but for Yoongi to beg you, you knew he was really desperate.
“Chim, don’t you want food?” 
“No... I want (y/n) to wake up.” You were woken up by a conversation happening outside your room. You chuckled, hearing Jimin. 
“She’ll wake up soon.” 
You got out of bed and went to wash up. The previous day and night had been so hectic that you slept in, waking up at 3 pm. Before leaving, you crawled on the bed, feeling Yoongi’s cheeks. 
“Yoongs, let me take your temperature.” You took the thermometer from your nightstand. Yoongi opened his eyes partially, obediently letting you put the thermometer in his mouth. Once it beeped, you removed it. You frowned when you saw that he was indeed running a fever. 
“Sleep more.” You whispered, kissing his cheek. Slowly, you opened the door and Jimin jumped into your arms. 
“(y/n)!” He smiled. 
“Good morning... or afternoon. Let’s lower our volumes, okay? Yoongi is not feeling well so he has to rest.” You said and he nodded happily. Walking down together, you were greeted by your other hybrids around the kitchen island. 
“Hey.” You smiled at them. 
“Yoongi’s running a fever. Probably from all the stress yesterday, I’m gonna fix him some porridge.” You told them. 
“I’ll do it. Why don’t you eat?” Jin said. 
“You’ve been doing a lot the past few days. You should rest too, let me do it then I’ll eat.” You smiled and kissed his cheek, going to the fridge to get what you needed. In the porridge, there were some vegetables and minced chicken. Yoongi liked meat and you knew if you didn’t put some sort of protein in there, he wouldn’t eat it. 
“Have you guys eaten?” You asked the 4 as you placed the lid over the pot to let it reduce. 
“We have but Taehyung and Jimin haven’t.” Namjoon shrugged. You looked at the two, raising a disapproving eyebrow at them. 
“We wanted to wait for you.” Jimin pouted. 
“Alright. But next time, just eat first, hmm? Wouldn’t want you guys starving.” You ruffled their heads and plated their food for them and yourself. Checking on the porridge one last time, you sat down between them to eat. There was sounds from upstairs. 
“He’s awake.” Jin stated. You tilted your head. 
“The stray.” Namjoon finished. You swallowed your food and pushed out of your chair, heading upstairs. You knocked on the door before entering to see him sitting there.
“Hey?” You called out cautiously. 
“Hi!” The golden retriever perked up, turning to you with a smile and wave. He looked so animated, as if he wasn’t injured and unconscious just a few hours ago. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh in disbelief. 
“Are you feeling okay? How’s your wrist?” You asked. 
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling fine. A little sore but nothing I can’t handle. But I see you fixed me up! I hope that black panther hybrid is alright... Thank you for helping me, by the way. I’m Hoseok!” The golden retriever rambled, holding his uninjured hand out to you. You blinked in confusion, processing what he said before shaking his hand in yours.
“Uhh... Hi. I’m (y/n). You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling fine and yes, Yoongi is fine. He’s resting now.” You smiled.
“Oh, that’s good to hear! You know, you’re really cute, you remind me of Jungkook. Oh no! Jungkook! I have to get back to him.” Hoseok’s eyes widened in realisation.
“My little brother!” Hoseok informed.
“Let me grab my keys and I’ll send you home.” You said and Hoseok nodded. Taehyung and Namjoon offered to follow you to send Hoseok home. But when you pulled up, it was an old, abandoned house. You followed Hoseok in and he was tackled to the ground by a bunny hybrid. 
“Hyung!” He stood above the golden retriever. Namjoon just hid you behind him for safety.
“Hyung! Where did you go? You’re injured!” The bunny hybrid checked his brother, seeing the bandage around his brother’s wrist.
“I’m fine, Kookie. These nice people helped me. I was jumped last night and this human’s hybrid saved me. She even saved me from the feral shelter.” Hoseok gestured to you. The bunny finally noticed your presence and stood up. He gave the three of you wary looks.
“Feral shelter?!” Jungkook looked like he was going to have a heart attack from his brother’s words. 
“Yeah but I’m out because of her.” Hoseok grinned. 
“Hi. Jungkook, right?” You started. 
“How did you bail my brother out without him being adopted? We’re strays, we don’t have tags.” Jungkook questioned you, ignoring your question.
“I’m (y/n) and this is Namjoon and Taehyung. I’m a doctor. Don’t worry, your brother is fine, except for a broken wrist and some superficial injuries that should heal in a few days.” You explained with a smile. Jungkook looked puzzled but nodded at your words. 
“Do you two have an owner?” Taehyung asked and the two stiffened.
“We did. She moved and left us behind. But we’re fine on our own.” Jungkook said coldly.
“I have no doubt that you can take care of each other. But this house is old and doesn’t look like there’s heating. I would actually like to offer for you two to stay with us. Just for the approaching winter. I can also care for your brother’s wrist.” You asked, making all the hybrids look at you in shock. Were you really ready to house 7 hybrids?
“(y/n)...” Namjoon didn’t know what to say.
“We don’t need your help!” Jungkook grew angry, his foot tapping against the floor angrily.
“Jungkook, be nice. They rescued me and nursed me without asking for anything in return. There are 5 other hybrids living with her. She’s a nice human.” Hoseok told the younger boy. 
Jungkook gave Hoseok a weird look, annoyed that his brother was so easily bought by you. You understood why he was so guarded. They were already abandoned before.
“You can stay for the winter and leave after that. I won’t stop you.” You shrugged. Jungkook still looked unconvinced.
“Okay!” Hoseok agreed.
“HYUNG!” Jungkook shouted in outrage.
“Oh, stop being a worrywart, Kookie. She’s right, we’ll freeze to death this winter.” Hoseok said. You couldn’t help but laugh. Hoseok was so positive and bright like the sun.
Here you were, driving home with Namjoon, Taehyung and two new hybrids in your backseat. When you pulled up, Jimin was rolling around in the sheets under the heating lamp, enjoying and basking in the warmth despite the cold weather outside. 
“(y/n)!” Jimin ran over to you but backed away slightly when he noticed the new people. 
“Hey, Chim. Where’s Jin?”
“He’s feeding Yoongi hyung in your room.” He informed. 
“Alright, I would like to speak to the 5 of you. Jungkook, Hoseok, I hope you don’t mind sharing a room.” You informed. The two brother nodded and you led them to the spare room Hoseok stayed in. The two were alright with sharing a bed, being brothers. Your hybrids all gathered in your room. Yoongi was awake but still a little disoriented. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” You asked. 
“Sleepy. Jin hyung said you have some news to share with us? Taehyung texted us while you were in the car to catch us up to speed.” Yoongi explained. 
“Well then, share your thoughts.” You looked up at everyone. Yoongi opened his mouth again but you cut him off. 
“If you’re gonna say that it’s my house, save it. This place is all of yours as well. I’m sorry I made such a decision without you guys but you know I can’t let the two of them stay in an old house during the winter.” You crossed your arms.
“I was gonna say, let them stay.” Yoongi said.
“Really?” You were shocked.
“I wouldn’t want them having to fight the cold either. It sucks that their owner abandoned them. They don’t deserve it.” Yoongi shrugged. The other four nodded in agreement. Taehyung was happy to have more people to play with while Jimin was still shocked when you told him that he had a say in the house too, even though he was not actually a permanent resident.
"Jimin, are you okay?” You asked. 
“I-I’m a little shy... B-But I’ll be o-okay.” Jimin stuttered, feeling anxious when he realised all attention was on him. 
“Sweetie, I don’t want you pushing yourself too much. You have been doing great since you started staying here so we’ll just take baby steps, hmm?” You rubbed his ears. 
“I know it’s hard that all 7 of you are going to live here. Thank you for letting them stay.” You said and gave them all a hug.
“I have more people to play video games with!” Taehyung cheered.
“Doesn’t Yoongi play with you?” Jin asked.
“But he sucks at games, keeps losing.” Taehyung pouted, making Yoongi glare at the tiger. You chuckled, happy to see them all getting along. The 4 healthy hybrids decided to watch a movie together downstairs while you called your mother. You explained to her the situation that happened yesterday and she took note of it, promising that this matter will be dealt with.
“Sleep here.” You insisted and Yoongi nodded, getting comfy under the covers. You gave him some medication to help with his fever. 
“I’m going to check on Hoseok and Jungkook.” You told him and he nodded. 
“Hoseok? Jungkook?” You knocked before entering. 
“I’m sorry it’s not much. We can go shopping tomorrow and get you more clothes. I’ll also get you separate beds.” You told them. Hoseok nodded his head while Jungkook raised a skeptical eyebrow at you. 
“Why are you being so nice? You don’t even know us.” Jungkook asked. 
“Well, you trust me enough to come into my home. I don’t know why I shouldn’t be giving you back the same trust. If you’d like, the others are watching a movie downstairs if you want to join them. I’m still tending to Yoongi in my room so you’ll meet him later.” You smiled. 
“Yoongi?” Jungkook looked over to Hoseok. 
“He’s the hybrid that saved me yesterday. He ended up in the feral shelter too.” Hoseok explained. 
“I’ll leave you guys to do what you want to do. Feel free to help yourselves to anything in the house, including the food.” You waved and exited the room. Jimin was waiting for you. 
“Can I stay with you?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, bringing him to your room, where Yoongi had fallen asleep. Getting back into bed, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist while Jimin got comfortable on your other side, letting you put your arms around him to comfort him and his nerves. 
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lovemeleo · 3 years
Please write one were Asher has an allergic reaction and Sirius and Remus freak
Um so hi, surprise. I finally wrote something again. This prompt has been sitting in my ask box for god knows how long and I finally wrote it. Sorry it took so long, anon, but I hope you all enjoy. The SW world and it's characters belong to always fantastic @lumosinlove!
If you haven't read the rest of my Asher series, here's the link for tumblr and AO3!
cw: allergic reactions, talk of medicines, IVs, and hospitals
It started as a normal day, as most days tend to do. Remus got up first, doing some yoga in the living room before turning on the coffee maker to run while he was in the shower. He had this routine down pat so of course, he was ready with Sirius’s cup of coffee when the taller man came up behind him, nuzzling into his neck.
“Morning, mon loup.” Sirius mumbled, his voice still rough with sleep as his arms wrapped around Remus’s waist.
A soft smile spread across Remus’s face as he pressed the steaming cup of coffee into his fiancé's hand, “Good morning, Pads. I can get Ash ready for Lily’s if you want a shower before practice.” Remus said quietly, already hearing movement from the toddler’s bedroom.
Sirius answered with a kiss to his shoulder, looking up at him with a grin, “You’re the best, babe,” He said as he pulled away, cheekily slapping Remus’s butt before making his way to their bathroom. Shaking his head fondly, Remus turned to start getting Asher’s breakfast ready, the oatmeal cooking on the stove.
Just as he was about to go check Asher was awake, a small pair of arms wrapped around his legs from the side. Asher rested his head on his Papa’s hip, letting out a loud yawn. Remus couldn’t help the chuckle he let out, their son so much like his daddy, it was ridiculous.
“G’Morning, Papa.” Asher murmured, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up.
Remus picked him up, resting the toddler on his hip as he finished up his breakfast, “Good morning, mon chou. Sleep well?” He asked as he put the oatmeal into a bowl, topping it off with some berries before getting him set up at the table.
The little boy hummed happily, sipping his milk as he waited for the hot cereal to cool down, “Yep! I had a dream that Harry and I were wizards and we got to battle a bunch of bad guys and we won of course and it was so cool.”
Remus chuckled, sipping his coffee as he listened to his son’s dramatic retelling of his dream, “Of course, you won. Most powerful wizards ever, obviously.”
Nodding happily, Asher started in on his breakfast as he continued to fill his Papa in on the wizarding world from his dream. He had quite the imagination and it definitely came through his dreams.
When he had finished, Remus helped him wash up and get dressed before Sirius came in with his bag for the Potter’s house. Lily always watched Asher during their practices, letting him and Harry tire themselves out together. They were the best of friends, constantly attached at the hip. When they pulled up to the Potter’s house, Lily and Harry were already waiting on the front porch, the boy already jumping excitedly as he saw their car pull up.
As soon as Asher was released from his booster seat, he was running as fast as his little legs would take him. And Harry, not one to be outdone in the dramatics department, met him halfway and slammed him into a hug.
Lily laughed, coming down off the porch to give the two men a hug, “Sorry, I’m not gonna sprint up to you two,” She said, giving them both a tight squeeze.
“Wow, I see how much our friendship means to you!” Remus teased, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “Now, where’s that husband of yours? Still doing his hair?”
A loud laugh came from the doorway, James appearing with his bag thrown over his shoulder, “Yeah, you know me. Very much worried about my hair when I’m putting a helmet on.” He said, throwing his bag into their car before giving Lily and Harry a kiss goodbye.
After saying goodbye to their own little munchkin, the three men were off to practice. Today consisted of some dry land training for warm-ups before moving on to some drills. They were about an hour into their drills when Coach Weasley blew the whistle from the sidelines.
“Black! Lupin! You’ve got a call!” He yelled across the ice, his eyebrows furrowed as he held out the phone.
Knowing that calls weren’t allowed during practice unless there was an emergency, the two men were to the bench in seconds, Remus quickly grabbing the phone, “Hello?”
Lily’s frantic voice was on the other side of the phone, already talking, “Remus, I’m sorry, I literally looked away for a second, and then he was screaming. I didn’t even see-”
“Lily, take a deep breath. What’s going on? What happened?” Remus said, trying to keep his voice calm.
A shaky breath came through the speaker before she continued, “I took the boys to the park across the street like I always do, and they were on the playground. It was fine then all of a sudden, Ash let out a really loud scream. I got over there as soon as I could, but he had already hives. Harry said he had a bee on his arm and got stung. I called an ambulance, and we’re at Gryffindor hospital now in the ER. I’m so sorry, I didn’t even know he was allergic.”
Remus was already unlacing his skates, the phone held between his shoulder and ear, “It’s not your fault, Lils. We didn’t know he was allergic either. We’ll be there soon.” Quickly handing the phone back to their coach, Remus and Sirius ran back to the locker room.
In less than 5 minutes, the two men were back in their car, racing towards the hospital. “Fucking bees,” Sirius muttered, quickly pulling into the parking lot.
As soon as they were parked, both of them quickly ran into the ER, their hearts pounding in their chest as they reached the front desk, “W-We’re here for Asher Lupin-Black.” Remus said to the receptionist.
She pointed them down the hall and they were off, seeing Lily waiting in the hallway outside of the room. Lily met them halfway, Harry on her hip sniffling quietly, “The doctor is in with him right now. God, I’m so sorry. I had just gone to grab my phone to take a picture of them, Harry said they were chasing the bee. I didn’t even realize there was one by them.”
Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “Lily, it’s not your fault. He’s a kid, these things are going to happen. You got him here as soon as you could and got him help, and we’re so so thankful.”
Sniffling softly, Lily wiped at her face, “I was so scared, all I heard was him screaming. The hives spread so quickly.”
The door opened as they stood talking, a doctor coming out of Asher’s room. His eyes widened at the sight of the two hockey players, probably realizing who’s child he had been working on before giving them a small smile, “Hi there, I’m Dr. Johannis. You must be Asher’s dads.”
“Yes, how’s he doing? Is he ok?” Remus asked as he stepped forward, already itching to get into the room and see his son.
Dr. Johannis was nodding before Remus had even finished, “Asher is doing fine. He came in with anaphylaxis from what appears to be a bee sting. Luckily, due to your friend’s quick actions, we were able to get him in the ambulance and give him a shot of epinephrine. He’s doing much better already, the hives have begun to fade. We do have him on oxygen at the moment as a precaution.”
Remus and Sirius both let out a breath as if a weight had been lifted directly off their shoulders. Asher was okay.
“Can we see him?” Sirius asked, his eyes flickering to the closed door behind the doctor.
Smiling, Dr. Johannis nodded, “Yes, of course. My nurse is just in there, double-checking his vitals. We want to keep him for a little bit longer to keep an eye on him but you should be able to take him home tonight.”
After thanking the doctor, Lily urged them on without her, “Go on, he was asking for you both. I’ll text Coach so he can let the team know. I’m sure they’re all worried.” Nodding, the two of them quickly made their way into the room. Asher looked so small on the hospital bed, an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth as he watched the nurse fiddle with the monitor. He quickly turned to the door as soon as it opened, eyes quickly filling with tears when he saw his dads.
“I’m sorry!” Asher cried, his voice muffled from the mask. Remus and Sirius were next to him in seconds, pulling him as close as they could without tugging any wires or IVs out.
Running a hand gently through his hair, Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “Oh mon chou, it’s okay. You didn’t know that was going to happen.”
“We’re just glad you’re okay, bub.” Remus said, running his hand gently over the little boy’s back.
Sniffling quietly, Asher rested his head on his Daddy’s side, “We thought it was a bumblebee, and Uncle James said those are fluffy and they don’t sting and they’re nice. But it wasn’t fluffy and it was not nice.” He huffed, wiping at his face.
Sirius couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling Asher closer, “Well now you know which ones to stay away from, right?” He asked, feeling the toddler nod before he let out a loud yawn.
“Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to give you a heads-up. The medicine we gave him through the IV might make him sleepy,” The nurse said from next to them, as he headed to the door. “Let us know if you need anything.”
Remus nodded, pulling the blanket over Asher’s legs as the little boy began to doze off, “Of course, thank you so much.”
Then it was just the three of them, the only noises coming from the monitor and Ash’s soft snores.
“Well. That was fucking scary.” Remus whispered, leaning over to rest his head on his fiancé's shoulder.
Sirius snorted, his head falling onto Remus’s, “Yeah, that’s an understatement. Thought my heart was gonna fall out of my ass when Coach said we had a call.” Remus nodded in agreement, remembering the moment he heard Lily on the other side of the line.
“The team is gonna spoil the shit out of him. Like he isn’t going to have to walk anywhere for months,” Sirius continued, his hand moving to run through Asher’s soft curls.
Rolling his eyes, Remus glanced over at Sirius, “You act as though they don’t already spoil the shit out of him. Leo carried him on his back all around New York last month. Nado sneaks him treats constantly. And if Dumo brings him one more toy, we’re going to have to move to a bigger house.”
Sirius couldn’t help the large smile that spread on his face because Remus wasn’t wrong. Asher was spoiled. The team loved him, and he loved them all right back. They were so lucky to have such a supportive chosen family, and Sirius didn’t really believe in God but shit, he was grateful to whatever deity gave him this life. He had a loving fiancé, a fantastic son, and the best damn family a man could ever ask for. There was nothing better.
And when their entire house was filled with hundreds of “Get Well Soon” balloons and an entire hockey team when they got home that night, all of the worry was entirely worth it to see their little boy’s face light up the room.
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youngbeezer · 3 years
number 5 for the tiktok thing with jon toews?
Referenced Post
Prompt-- 5. Running into each other's arms after not seeing them for awhile (w Jonathan Toews)
A/N: Here's another blurb from the 14 oddly romantic things blurb set. I only have one more after this, so this series(?) is coming to an end. I have enjoyed writing all of these sm! Welcome back captain serious!!!
Thank you for requesting, hope you like it :)
Word Count: 1345 (these have been so long lately idk whats going on)
Warning(s): mentions of his illness(?), but other than that i dont think any!
join my taglist :)
The sound of my phone’s ringtone awakens me from my deep slumber. It takes me a few moments to come to my senses and to rub the sleep out of my eyes, and once I am able to recognize my surroundings, I realize that I am once again waking up to a cold and empty apartment. It’s been the same feeling for almost the past four months.
Like usual, after last year’s NHL season ended, Jonathan and I went back to Winnipeg to spend our summers there in his hometown with family and friends. But this time, when I went back to Chicago for work in mid September, Jon did not come back with me.
During December, he started to experience these symptoms that left him feeling drained and lethargic. So, after seeing multiple doctors, Jon thought it was best to stay back at home to try and better understand his condition and get his health back on track.
Unfortunately, my job as a teacher was still in Chicago and needed me back right away, thus preventing me from staying in Winnipeg with Jonathan during this difficult time for him. It was definitely hard on our relationship being so far from each other, especially since Jon was sick and I couldn’t be there for him. But, we talked everyday and we both are very comfortable in where we are in our relationship, so we made it work.
So far, Jon does not know much on when he will be back in Chicago, and right now it is starting to seem like the next time I’ll be able to see him is when the school year is over and I am able to go back to his hometown.
I am brought out of my jumbled thoughts when my ringtone goes off once more signaling I have a text notification. I reach over to my bedside table to retrieve my phone off of the charger.
‘Good morning, beautiful.’
‘Hope you have a great day, say hi to all your kids for me.’
‘Love and miss you.’
I let out a sigh and go to wipe off the few tears that I feel running down my cheeks. Coming up on that four month mark has been extra hard lately. I miss waking up to his lazy morning kisses along my back. I miss the way we move in perfect harmony when we are doing our morning routines in the bathroom. I miss his goodbye kiss he gives me every day before going to practice. I miss everything about him. I also feel like such a bad girlfriend not being able to be there in support and to take care of him when he has been dealing with such a scary and unknown illness.
I wipe off the few remaining tears lingering on my cheeks and go to text back my boyfriend.
‘Love and miss you too! I’ll call you on my lunch break xx.’
I go to get ready for my day since I have to be at the school by 8:00 AM and it is already nearing 7:15. I take a quick shower and quickly blow dry my hair. I make a quick pitstop to check my phone and find another message from Jon.
‘Sorry baby, I think I have a doctor’s appointment during your lunch break.’
‘I’ll talk to you later, love you.’
I frown a little at his message. First, I worry that he has another doctor’s appointment-- since last time I heard, he was getting better; and I also frown at the idea of having to wait all day until I can hear his voice.
Today’s gonna be a long day…
Today was a long day.
First, I forgot to bring in the worksheets I printed out last night for my lesson plan so I had to switch everything around. Then, one of my students scraped their knee during recess so I had to take care of them and bring them to the nurse’s office, thus making me miss out on my lunch break (where I wouldn’t have been able to even talk to Jon anyway). And now, I am putting bandages on the back of my heels where my wedges gave me blisters. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to look cute today instead of being practical since I walk around and stand all day long.
My students were just dismissed, so I am currently just organizing everything that I’ll need to have ready for tomorrow. Once I finish up, I gather all my belongings and start making my way out of the classroom. I make sure to say good night to my favorite security guard before trekking to the parking lot.
When I make it out of the school building, I immediately go to take off my wedges. As I look back up in search of my car, I stop dead in my tracks.
Standing in front of my car, with my favorite flowers in his hand, is Jonathan.
Everything that was once in my hands has now clattered to the ground as my hands instinctively move to cover my mouth in both shock and excitement. Tears start to gather in my eyes as Jonathan gives me a huge smile.
Once the initial shock wears off and I realize it is actually my Jonathan standing right before me in person, I let out a little squeal and start jogging over to him. He sets the flowers on the hood of my car as I get closer and opens his arms to welcome my body.
He stumbles back a little when I jump into his arms, but he quickly recovers with a breathy laugh and by tightening his arms even more around my torso. As his arms wrapped around me, tears flowed freely.
“Oh my god. You’re really here.” I cried out, clinging onto him in fear that this was all a dream and he would soon disappear.
“I’m here baby. I’m right here.” He soothed into my ear, running his fingers through my hair.
At this point I felt like I was just uncontrollably sobbing. All the pain and loneliness of being apart, and the stress of not fully knowing how he was feeling and doing-- all of it is over now.
“Hey, y/n-- baby, please stop crying.” He shushed into my ear, trying to calm me down.
“I missed you so much.” I hiccup out. I pull away a little from his embrace to instead cup my hands around his neck to get a good look at him. “You look so good.”
Before I can ramble even more, Jonathan leans in and kisses me. Our bodies pressed together and our lips molded as though we were never apart. His lips were softer than I remember and tasted sweet against my own. I could feel his breath tickle beneath my nose as my left hand moved from his neck to his head to card my fingers through his hair.
It eventually started to grow sloppy as both of us could not contain our smiles any longer. I let out a little giggle when our teeth clack once more which prompts us to break apart from each other-- but not before Jonathan gives my nose one last peck.
“I love you so much.” I breathed out.
“I love you too.” He beamed back. “Let’s go pick up all your stuff in the middle of the road, eh.”
I look back at my belongings, totally forgetting that I dropped everything when I first saw Jonathan. We both make our way over there and gather all my stuff up before making our way back to my car.
Jonathan’s hands card through mine, giving it a little squeeze before mumbling out,
“It’s good to be back home.”
I smile but raise my eyebrows just a little up at him and ask, “I’m glad you are too, but isn’t Winnipeg technically you’re home?”
He gives me one last little peck before murmuring against my lips,
“Wherever you are is my home.”
Taglist; @heatherawoowoo @barzysandmarnersbitch @joelsfarabees @hockeyplayerstories @barzy-xoxo
tagging a few mutuals as well,,,,
@lovereadinghockeyy @carepriceisgoodathockey @prettyboyjackhughes @2manytabsopen @frederikanderson @bb-nhlqueen7 @cherrybarzy @jamiesdrysdales @luukasreichel @gigissports @cherrylita
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noyashighlight · 4 years
My little dove
Child!Suna x Mother!Reader
Warning: Angst, death.
A/n: was reading a manga and listening to “fourth of July” by Sufjan Stevens when I thought of this idea.
“ Could you at least try to make some time for your family? Rintarō and I miss you- yes I understand work is important but so is your fam- That asshole!! I can’t believe he just hung up on me. “ you huffed softly shoving your phone into your purse feeling defeated, not having a use for it anymore. It was a typical Wednesday currently as you and Rintarō rode in the back of a black Limo going to drop him off at daycare before going off to work. You had just gotten off the phone with the sorry excuse of a husband and father, the man being a total workaholic.
Rintarō opened his eyes widely hearing you curse for the first time in front of him. “ Mommy who were you on the phone with? Also, mommy what’s an asshole?” The innocent four-year-old said the curse word with such ease and purity, that no one could be upset with him. Scooping him up into your lap hugging him against your chest, he looked like a spitting image of his father but with bright eyes full of life. Your son was the best thing to have happened to you during this loveless marriage.
The boy's father had one goal from this marriage and it was to produce an heir for the family company who would take over once it was their time. You were a knowing pawn in this all, but at least you could keep the man you love close to you with this marriage. It was draining though not only being an emotional support for your child but also keeping your own mental health in check.
Smiling you peppered kisses his plump cheeks, he was the cutest child ever. “ My little dove, that’s a bad word that you shouldn’t say okay? You can never say curses or Santa is going to be upset with you.” If only you could have taken a picture of his face, mouth wide with shock. Other than you, Santa was the only person he looked up to. “ I was talking to your father..” you kept it short and sweet not wanting to trouble your child. Maybe it was cause he was getting older or just sharp in general he frowned at the mention of his dad.
“ I don’t like daddy, he’s scary!” He shouted shoving his head into your chest hiding as of his father was present. It shocked you that even your son felt his cold gaze. Even if you resented him you didn’t want Rin to feel upset with his father and never build a relationship. “ What do you mean you don’t like daddy? Don’t you have a good time when dad comes home and we go out to eat dinner?”
He rapidly shook his then pulled your face down so he could whisper in your ear, probably not wanting the driver to hear. “ No, I like it better when it’s just us Mommy when daddy is here you never smile or make me laugh! Daddy is always like this.” He made a face his eyes relaxing and no sign of emotion on his face, he looked like a carbon copy. 
To cover up your giggles you covered your mouth with your hands. Who knew your toddler could be so hilarious. At that moment the limo came to a stop indicating it was time for him to go. “ Well, my little dove we can have dinner together after I pick you up okay? If you’re extra good today I can sneak you a cookie before daddy tucks you in.” You kiss him on the head as the driver opens the door. Little Rintarō looked so adorable with his little backpack as he walked back to you while using his other hand to hold his teacher's hand.
“ Why do you coddle him so much y/n? He’s not a baby anymore and needs to start growing up. You’re so insolent when it comes to your motherly duties!” A now six-year-old Suna heard his father's voice boom down the hallway, rubbing his eyes he slowly got out of bed to see the commotion. Peaking his head out of the hallway he sees you and his dad sitting at the table. You looking down at your lap, it was visible you were shaking from trying not to cry loudly. A site he was used to this his household, his father never yelled in front of Rin.
“ He’s not too old for his mother to love him! I’m just trying to be a good mom, what about you? Do you even know his favorite color or what kind of cereal he prefers. “ you fought back at least trying not to be a doormat anymore, it was fine if he wouldn’t love you but he wasn’t just going to treat your son like some stranger. Not wanting his parents to fight anymore he walked into the dining room holding his blanket that was the cause of this argument.
“ Daddy, why did you make mommy cry again?” The two adults froze in their actions hearing the soft voice, he walked over to you and hugged you even though you were sitting. Climbing into your lap he glared at his father. “ You’re a bad man daddy! You always make mommy sad, when mommy is sad I get sad.” Hearing your young child stand up for you made your heartache, he really was your anchor even though you were the parent.
“ Mom why’d you come today?” Suna said raising his eyebrows as he got into the back of the limo, the now thirteen-year-old looked very handsome. Since he had gotten older it was rare for you to pick him up, but sadly you couldn’t make it to his volleyball game yesterday due to work so this was your way of making it up to him. You sometimes wondered if he got any of his genes on his outside appearance from you. “ Well, I thought you and I could get ice cream after school before we go have dinner with your dad.” You smiled smoothing out his hair, he leaned into your touch.
Your son smirked mischievous mirroring your smile, “ He’s gonna be pissed when he sees the driver took us to get ice cream before dinner. Why don’t we take a walk around the park to, make him wait a bit longer at the table.” Your husband had his hands full with you two being absolute trouble makers, he could never break the bond you two shared though it was his fault for his neglect.
Two hours later Rintarō received a call from his angry tell him that he’s been at the restaurant for over an hour. “ Sorry Sir, we’re on our way.” He held back his laughter. Rin never called his father in a loving tone anymore to him he was an empty shell of a dad. After getting off the phone you two look at each other bursting out in a laugh, soon quieting down feeling the sleepiness after eating all of that ice cream. Rin rested his head on your shoulder, your child was now taller than you and still growing.
“ Mom, can you sing that song, that you used to hum?” You thought he has fallen asleep he was silent for so long. The young male hasn’t asked you to sing in years, though you were happy to accept his request anyway. The song wasn’t a happy one but your soft voice made it a gentle lullaby.
“ Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head was it all a disguise, like Junior High. Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction. Now, where am I? My fading supply. Did you get enough love, my little dove? Why do you cry? And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best though it never felt right. My little Versailles, Shall we look at the moon, my little loon. Why do you cry? Make the most of your life, while it is rife, while it is light.” His breathing slowed signaling to you he had fallen asleep, it would be a pain to wake him up when you guys arrived to the restaurant but for now it was peaceful.
Suddenly the limo tumbled, Suna’s eyes shot open feeling his body being thrown multiple times. As quick as it happened it had come to a stopped the limo feeling less spacious. His body ached feeling glasses shard pricking his back as now he was laughing on the window, the vehicle on its side. Looking up was you on top of him caging him in like you were shielding with your own body. “ Are you okay?” You croaked out, blood trickling down from the side of your mouth. You looked pale and almost lifeless but still kept a warm smile not wanting your precious child to panic. You caressed his cheek softly glad he only had a few scratches. You frowned a bit seeing him now crying. He must have been hurt.
“ Don’t cry my little dove, help will be here soon to get you out of this.” You cooed wiping the tears escaping his eyes. “They are going to get us both out of here right mom?” He cried out with pleading eyes seeing you turn paler as the minutes passed. How could you tell him the truth that you were going to make it? You kept eye contact with him not wanting him to look down, because if he did he would see you were being pierced by a sharp metal-like object. Just the sheer worry that your son needed help kept you going.
You nodded your head slowly with a sweet smile, “ Of course, we are going to be okay.” You started hearing the sirens in the distance, feeling relieved they weren’t going to take long seeing as you were running out of time. “ You were always a bad liar mom, always saying you’re okay when you aren’t. “ he saw right through you, why wouldn’t he after all he was your best friend and son.
Letting out a soft chuckle even though it hurt you pressed a kiss on his forehead, “ I love you my little dove, make sure the old man gets you all the ice cream you want after you get all patched up or give him hell.” It was time to go, the feeling left your legs long ago now your body was feeling more peaceful.
“ Mom please don’t go, you’re all I have! You can’t leave me in this world with the old geezer! Please mom just stay awake a little longer!” He sobbed uncontrollably as he felt your thump lifelessly on his chest, he hopes his loud cries and shouts would keep you awake just like when he was a child wanting your attention. He let out an agonizing scream hearing the ambulances park, not cause he was hurting from his injuries no because he had just lost the most important person to him in the world.
Suna Rintarō’s eyes were cold and half-lidded as he stood at your funeral, the picture of you smiling staring back at him. He looked just like his father more than ever. Losing you meant he lost one of his reasons to smile, no one could replace the love of his mother.
“ Rin it’s time to go.” His father’s voice wasn’t so stern today, making Rintarō angry. His father didn’t have the right to be sad when he was one of the reasons you had cried so much. Well, he wasn’t going to take over this stupid company one day, remember how you would cheer him on to the games you would attend made his chest ache. Volleyball was his passion, he would succeed and make you proud no matter what.
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best though it never felt right.....
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