#is there a way to train myself to stop crying so easily without like. causing irreparable emotional damage lol
depresseddepot · 2 years
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Clara Appreciation Post
I'm making this as contribution to Mairuma Manga's chapter 304
I'm surprised no one said shit on how Clara saved the day with her optimistic and fun personality. Honestly it was unexpected but also unsurprising and comforting that Clara was the one who stopped them. I genuinely thought Ameri was the one who would interrupt but you know, nevermind.
Also it makes sense in a way, Nishi didn't want to make Clara feel left out in the situation so she dropped the bomb (cliffhanger) on us so we would want to remember and look forward to what happened next and that's when Clara came in. The love trio does have to stick together afterall.
So without further a do here are 5 things I love about Clara Valac! Our adorable little charming playful demon!
Clara's amazing nicknames
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These three being the dorks that I wouldn't trade for the world.
Like literally Azz-azz and Irumachi sounds so cute wtf- and like other nicknames Eggy-sensei. It reflects her personality well and actually makes her unique. ( I want to say quirky but it sounds weird so no. )
Her voice actor is also delivering her lines incredibly accurate also her voice actor is also known to voice Valac's entire family. Now that's what I called fucking talent. Since we're getting off-topic, let's move on to the next one.
2. Clara's overlooked selflessness.
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I hate seeing Clara cry but I have to like put an image to showcase her selfishness.
You know how the netherworld always say that there are rarely other demons who would care for other people than themselves? If Clara was selfish, she wouldn't care for the other demons consent and she could easily force them to play with her.
But no, she wanted people to play with her with consent. She wants the other demon have fun as much as she has. There are many things that she could do but didn't because she cares for other demons feelings. She is a rare demon that wants to play and both side to have fun.
3. Clara has no doubt that Azz-kun and Iruma loves her.
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Her eyes shine with utter confidence.
I don't need to explain much just-
Read this amazing post.
Totally not because I'm lazy. Also credits to @somayants for this masterpiece  🛐 .
4. Clara's unique family.
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Shit I forgot the fucking twins-and the fucking brother-
Adorable as fuck. Wholesome as fuck. Cute as fuck.
Also her mum is such a MILF /j
Basically Clara's emotional support team besides the misfit class.
That's all I have to say.
Now I saved my best for last...
5. Clara's patience and endurance.
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This is just adorable-
Clara's patience and endurance is honestly so admirable. I kinda lost count on the times, she endured being left out. We know well that Clara loves Iruma and Azz-kun so much that she doesn't want to ever get separated from them.
So the fact that she endured the clinginess of hers and have patience is so amazing of her. She truly does act like the role of the big sister sometimes. Honestly this is probably one of the few things that Clara does better than Azz-kun because let's be honest, he wouldn't last two weeks of separation from Iruma ( without training that is.).
You can tell I lost motivation halfway through that but I really want to finish this so people could appreciate Clara more for who she is, and we wouldn't want to change her for anything.
Also if through chapter 304 I made this as a #ClaraValacAppreciation post. I just made that hashtag myself cause I'm an antisocial idiot.
But if you want to join in on the appreciation of Clara you can! By using this hashtag.
(This is probably gonna flop but I honestly don't care.)
~Claire has logged off~
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padme-parker · 3 years
Mizpah // the darkling x reader // ch 4
summary: The Darkling and Alina talk. You get a tour of the Little Palace.
warnings: cussing, getting drunk, maybe some violence maybe not. not proof read either </3
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AFTER showing you to your room, the Darkling hurried back to Alina. Inside, the sun summoner had been pacing relentlessly. What did he mean we weren’t together? The girl understood that the two had shared nothing more than a kiss. He didn’t owe her anything, so why did she feel like this? Hearing the door swing open made her stop in place.
“Forgive me, Alina.” He started. “But I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have kissed you that night.” Aleksander didn’t know what he was saying. He knew that he had to have the sun summoner by his side, and he didn’t know how to execute his plan if he didn’t have her. Truthfully, there had been some part of him that enjoyed indulging in her. He had convinced himself and Alina that it was them against the world, which he had believed. Until you showed up.
On the contrary, Alina was seething. She didn’t know whether to be angry with herself or the Darkling. “But you said-” She let the words die on the tip of her tongue, she couldn’t recall what he had said exactly. All she knew was that he made a promise that they would save the world, together. Had she interpreted his words and actions wrong, the girl didn’t know. She left Mal, she just let Mal walk out of her life for a man she had known for less than a year. A man who had promised her everything yet nothing. “Saints, I…”
“I really am sorry.” Alina knew something was off, the Darkling never apologized for his actions, deliberate or not. He had no problem taking up lovers in the past, so what had made him change his mind? He seemed so ready to give himself to her.
The sun summoner gave him a weak smile, “No, I understand.” She could feel the tender strings of her heart snapping. How could I let myself fall for someone like him so easily? She began to berate herself. She quickly excused herself, not wanting the Darkling to see the tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. As soon as she shut the door, she paused. Willing herself to calm in order to go to her room. On the other side of the door, the Darkling approached it yearnfully. He had risked everything for a whim.
With a sigh, the Darkling left the war room and headed to his sleeping quarters. He took a short bath before putting on his sleep attire. He found himself falling asleep to the thought that you would soon be in his arms.
THE DARKLING had been roused from his sleep, your screams echoing in the barren hall. Hurriedly, he threw open the doors of his room and gathered his oprichniki before entering your room. He ordered his guards to survey your room as he made his way to your trembling figure. He desperately wanted to reach out to you. To take you into his embrace and kiss your forehead until you stopped crying. But he couldn’t, not yet. It was still too soon. After no threat was found, he directed his guards to leave the two of you alone. He finds himself crouching down to you, his hand hovering over yours, asking for permission. He didn’t want to take advantage of you in such a vulnerable state like this.
With the nod of your head, he takes your hands into his, unconsciously rubbing his thumb along the soft skin of your palm. He does his best to subdue the emotion in his face as he sees the raw skin of your neck. His mouth seemed to dry, his throat feeling like the sands of West Ravka. With caution, he traces along the lines of your birthmark, noticing the shudder you had so deeply tried to suppress.
“I can call for Genya, if you’d like that.” You knew what he was insinuating. As humiliated as you were by it growing up, you wouldn’t get rid of it or try to hide it. Not anymore, not ever again.
“No.” You said sternly. The sunlight had completely changed the way your room looked. In turn you observed how the rays of light painted your room in a warm, welcoming tone. You had managed to finally calm yourself, his presence oddly enough brought you comfort. You should’ve been scared of General Kirigan, The Darkling, Starless Saint, or whatever it was he went by. He was a ruthless man who was willing to do anything he could to end the war. But was that not a good thing? You asked yourself. He would risk everything to end the war. Ravka needs someone like him. He certainly did far more for your country than the King ever did.
A realization came over you as you stared at him, a smile coming to your lips. “I think it’s time for that tour you promised me.” The Darkling lent his hand out to you, and you gladly took it. You dusted yourself off, pretending like nothing had happened. “Give me a second to get dressed.” Without waiting for his reply, you took the same undershirt and trousers from yesterday, and changed in the bathroom. Before leaving the room, you made sure to throw your raggedy soldier’s jacket over your shoulders.
The Darkling started with the obvious, his sleeping quarters and the war room. He had told you how the sleeping quarters connected to his war room wasn’t actually his bedroom. He found it too much of a hassle to move from the war room to all the way down the hall in order to sleep every night. The next room he showed you was his own, but he never granted you entrance.
“I don’t go in there often, it reminds me of..” His eyes briefly met yours, he cleared his throat and looked away. “..someone.” There was a flash of something, some emotion, that you couldn’t pinpoint. But if one thing was clear, whoever this person was really hurt him. You tried not to press on further as the curiosity got the best of you.
“I didn’t peg you as someone who would settle for a relationship.” You said as he started to lead you away from his room.
“I’m not.” He said solemnly. You could tell he wanted to say more. That there was something that wanted to escape his lips, but he didn’t allow those words to leave them. He took his time explaining the halls and rooms of the Little Palace.
“This is where the Corporalki practice, I don’t recommend going inside.” He stated. Their practice room had no windows, unlike the many other rooms within the Little Palace. You could only imagine the horrid smell in there. Perhaps they convinced a squaller to air it out once in a while.
The next room he took you to was where they all gathered to eat. He told you how Grisha were separated into their own tables. The Darkling had sat in the middle, while the Corporalki and Etherealki were seated to the right and left of him. However, it wasn’t often he made an appearance here. He usually ate in his war room.
After showing you the inside, he then took you outdoors towards the garden. He had managed to avoid large crowds inside, but due to nearly everyone training outdoors, there had been some people who stopped and stared as you walked past. The lake had begun to freeze, some Grisha ice skating on the shallow side where the ice froze first. The others had been practicing their magic. It had mainly been the Etherealki who practiced outdoors. Eventually everyone had to come outdoors though to train with Botkin.
“Perhaps I could train with him too?” You asked. Afterall, you were in the First Army. It would be a waste to sit in the palace and do nothing while you could be training and brushing up on your skills.
“If that’s what you want, sure. All Grisha are permitted from using their powers while training with Botkin. I can assure that you’ll be given a fair fight.”
“Oh, I won’t be the one needing a fair fight.” You mused, peering at your knuckles, remembering all the fights you had gotten into at Keramzin after Alina and Mal came. You’d come a long way from that damned orphanage.
“Well, I guess that concludes our tour of the Little Palace for now.” The two of you walked aimlessly, trying to make conversation. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted a small hut, encapsulated by the trees.
“What’s over there?” You asked. The Darkling looked in the direction you had pointed to before swiftly leading you away.
“That's where Grisha go to train one on one with a teacher.” He explained. “I have a meeting to get to, but I can walk you to Alina’s room if you’d like.” The Darkling had hoped you accepted his offer, and tried to hide his disappointment when you had told him you’d like to walk there on your own. As you left, the Darkling kept his gaze on you the whole time. And if only you had turned once, you would see the longing he had so desperately tried to keep back.
The walk back to Alina’s room had been uneventful since Grisha were off training, including Alina. As you return to her room, you traversed about. You were sure she wouldn’t mind you looking around. You and Alina had grown accustomed to sharing most things while growing up. Everything from food, toys, even to Mal. As you neared her desk, you noticed a red book that she failed to hide. The cover had a beautiful gold design and lettering on it, Istorii Sankt’ya, it displayed.
“The Lives of Saints.” You whispered as you flipped through the pages. You were confused as to why Alina had this, she was never one to believe in the Saints growing up. Surely there was no way she had converted to a believer in a matter of months. Then again, faith was a strong thing that could cause Kingdoms to rise and fall. You’d heard of the whispers, some calling her Sankta Alina. As you continued to flip through the pages, you abruptly stopped, one of the images catching your eyes.
Depicted was an image of Sankt Ilya in chains. Behind the Saint was a white serpent that splashed in the waters. At his feet was the stag you’d been tasked with tracking down. And in the background behind the Saint’s left shoulder was a bird. Your fingers traced over the antlers of the Stag, trying to recall why you’d been tasked with tracking it in the first place. You’d heard about all the myths. The Stag, the Sea Whip, and the Firebird. If the Stag had been more than a myth, more than a children’s story, then did that mean the Sea Whip and the Firebird were real too? If so, what could the Darkling possibly want with them.
The sound of approaching footsteps startled you, making you drop the book in your hands onto the desk. You quickly seated yourself on the chair in front of the mirror, trying to seem inconspicuous. Alina came in through the doors alone.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my sun summoner. How are you my friend?” You played off, which Alina squinted her eyes at.
“What do you want, y/n?” The question made you roll your eyes, letting out a huff as you got up from the chair.
“What, I can’t visit my friend while I’m staying as a guest here?” You noticed the furrow of her brows, reminding you of the conversation that you, the Darkling, and Alina had last night. “What happened to Mal? Why’d he leave?” You whispered, knowing she was still hurt from the events that took place.
“I.. He..” She began, the whimpering in her voice evident. “We got into an argument, he told me I had changed since I left. That the kefta and jewels made me different. He told me that he saw how the Darkling looked at me. One thing led to another, and then he just left.” She explained, a single tear falling from her eye.
“Did you?” You asked, “Did you like the way he looked at you?” You clarified. Your eyes never leaving hers as she stared at you.
“I thought I did. There was something that was luring me to him. I thought I wanted to be with the Darkling, and then something changed within him. Maybe I took his words the wrong way. But either way you're the only person I have left now. Mal is… gone. The Darkling probably only wants me here to get rid of the fold.” She sighed. You tugged her into her grasp, feeling her body let out small sobs.
“Mal will come back to us, he always does.” You assured while stroking her hair. “Now can we get something to eat, I’m starving.” She let out a laugh as she wiped away her tears. She walked towards a bell that had been sitting upon a tray. She rang it once, signaling a servant. Right after, a young servant had knocked on the door. Alina had promptly opened it and asked for a meal for two to be brought to her room. The servant obliged, bowing before leaving once more.
Soon after the servant had returned with a cart full of food. She served you several small plates of Zakuski, a pitcher of Kvas, along with some pickled herring on top of crackers. You grimaced at the selection placed in front of you.
“Well they’re certainly feeding you ...something.” You giggled. You gravitated towards the Zakuski as your other hand went to pour a glass of Kvas.
“The General orders we have a balanced diet, or something like that.” She replied. “Since when do you drink?”
“Ever since I got stationed at Caryeva.” You shuddered thinking about your time there. “It was my only escape. I remember that night, it was a quiet night, but it didn’t stop the Shu from attacking and capturing Grisha.” The words seemed to just slip from your mouth, it was the first time Alina had heard about what your time was like down in Caryeva. “I tried to fight back, to help the Second Army. Hell, I even suggested that they take me with them. But they spared me because I wasn’t Grisha. Of course I didn’t come out unscathed.” You said, referring to the scars she’d seen yesterday. “And ever since then, I’ve been drinking because why the fuck not.” You raise your glass in a toast before downing it in one go. You reached for the pitcher again as Alina began to talk about her experience here.
“It wasn’t easy at first. It still isn’t. Some of them still don’t believe I’m a sun summoner, that I’m doing some kind of illusion. But surely the Darkling would’ve killed me if I wasn’t what I claimed he was.”
“Can I see it?” You interrupted, while you only got a glimpse of her at the fete, you had yet to see her powers one to one. In an instant, the room is filled with a bright light. You set down the Kvas in order to shield your eyes. A smile came onto your lips, “I can’t believe it, my best friend is the sun summoner.”
“Whenever you return to the First Army, you can’t mention that you know me. Someone will use that against us and try to get us both killed.” She warned, “While we're on that topic, how long will you be staying?”
“Well, he did say I could stay for as long as I’d like; as long as you permitted it.” You said, taking another gulp of your Kvas. You could feel it begin to take its effect, a slight warmth blooming throughout your body while your cheeks were tinted with a light blush. Time seemed to pass quickly as the two of you continued to catch each other up on what the other had missed. Soon enough the moonlight had taken over, leaving you with nothing but candles and lanterns to light up the room. And Alina of course.
“Alright, I think it’s time I head back.” You announced, getting up from your chair seemed to be a difficult task made obvious by the wobble in your knees.
“Maybe you should stay here for tonight.” She tried to convince you.
“I think I’m fine, Alina. Besides who would miss out on being able to sleep across the hall from that hunk of a man.” You snickered as Alina stuck her tongue at you. “What, I know a hot man when I see one.” You admitted.
“Yeah well, good luck trying to get into his pants.” She countered, a smirk on her face. She walked you to her door before giving you a quick hug and wishing you goodnight. As soon as she closed the door, you were alone again. Even in a hall filled with people, you had never felt more alone, more out of place. At least with the First Army you were surrounded by fellow soldiers, while here you were surrounded by Grisha who didn’t know you even existed.
The journey back to your room consisted of you constantly hugging the wall for stability. You thought you hadn’t drunk that much but the effect of the Kvas had just started hitting you more harshly. You’d probably woken up a Grisha or two with your annoying giggling while you mumbled to yourself. Before you know it, someone is walking up to you, their arm supporting your waist as they rest your arm atop their shoulders.
“Oh, hello Mr. General, sir.” You tried to salute him, but failed miserably. You could see the corners of his mouth slightly turn up as he tried to fight it.
“I assume you had a good time?” He questioned as he made his way back to your room.
“Yes, it would’ve been better if you were there.” You suggested, wagging your eyebrows. Sooner than you’d like, you arrived at your door. The Darkling gently laid you onto the bed as he went to take off your shoes, leaving them at the foot of your bed. He lit the lantern that had been placed on the side table. Before he could leave, you grabbed his hand.
“Thank you for walking me back. Goodnight..” You didn’t know what came over you, but the words left your lips before you could even think to stop, “..my darkling.”
If you had stayed awake for a few more seconds, you would’ve seen the genuine smile that came to his face. His fingers stroking your hair, tucking some behind your ear.
“Goodnight, my darling.”
A/N: sorry this took so long lol. I was quite busy over the weekend. I usually post every other day. But my question is if y'all like shorter, more frequent updates, or longer updates. Obviously the longer updates wouldn’t be posted every other day. Most likely once a week though. However I enjoy writing and posting every other day because it keeps me motivated. 
Mizpah tag: @all-art-is-quite-useless @devilxangel @musicconversedance @parabatai-winchester @runawayolives @tartiflvtte @rbg1933 @thatguppienamedbae @batgal96 @thebarisinhell99 @5hundreddaysofsummer @kaqua @queenseneschal @benbarnes-supremacy @princessofpersia96 @takethee @dontjinx-it @freakytillthemoon @amortentiaaaa @marvel-ousnesss @coolninjavoid @areomalfoy @pansysgirlfriend @universalirwin @leavejuliaalone @xx-winwin-wednesday-xx @honeyofthegods @lunamyangel @d-list-goddess @comphersjost@telepathdestiel @the-celestial-kitsune @thestoryofmylife9 @s-corpionem @pancakeisreading @sanna2020 @secretsandtinyshadows @savannah-elliott @maliasblue @tea-effect @disneyandharrypotter @futuristicpinklemur @tanyaherondale @the-puff-is-strong-with-this-one @hxgreeves @yourboiialucard @thereeallink @ladyblablabla @wolfieellsworld @p3nny4urth0ught5 @louweasleymalfoy @the-natureofme @itsloveroflife @oddlittleminx @within-thehollowcrown @itsfangirlmendes @heyyimlaynna @jgtfvhsg @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @auggie2000 @itsnotquimey @jtownraindancer @sonnensplitter​ @sarcastic-and-cool​ @poulterfilms​ @spookybooisa​ @stickyknightflowerbailiff​ @hollandsweetie​
S.a.B. forever tag: @deceivedeer
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All Men Have Limits - XI
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,700+
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse
Previously on…
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How did she let this happen?
Y/N had tried to push her short-lived romance with Bruce Wayne out of her mind for two years. And the moment she sees him again, for the first time since, it all went to hell. 
Why did she let him have her so easily? 
Why was he so hard to fight? 
His presence was difficult to ignore. And when he acted on their mutual feelings, Y/N knew she’d do just about anything for him.
But could two stubborn, emotionally distant, and nearly impossible people make it work?
But then Dick…Dick Grayson. 
Whenever Y/N thought of him, a warmth spread through her chest. He wasn’t scared of her. Instead of trying to break down her walls, he patiently waited for her to open a side door for him. He was patient and kind. Though he adopted Bruce’s flirtatious and charming ways, it was backed by substance in a way Bruce never bothered to follow up with.
Both men loved her differently.
But that didn’t mean one loved her more than the other either. 
When Y/N reached the bottom of the cave, she found Dick training.
He was shirtless with a pair of shorts on, lifting himself up on the still rings.
She allowed herself to watch him for a moment. 
It was unreal the amount of strength he held to be able to move the way he was. He had clearly been modest when she asked if he could go to the olympics. 
Dick’s skin was shining, drenched in sweat.
How long had he been working out?
What she didn’t know was that Dick had been at it for hours, trying to work out his frustrations by making himself physically exhausted.
Finally Dick landed by doing an aerial dismount that consisted of so many twists and flips that Y/N just blinked in amazement. 
“Come to get your equipment?” Dick asked without looking at her. 
He was out of breath and clearly tired as he rubbed his face with a towel.
“Yeah,” she answered. “Jason’s bringing one of his cars to help me pack it up.”
She didn’t want to inconvenience anyone else in the family further. But she couldn’t exactly hire a TaskRabbit to help her pack up thousands of dollars worth of hacking equipment and ask them to drop it off at one of her many safe houses.
Plus, Jason owed her after the scene he cased at that infamous family dinner, and she made sure to tell him so.
Dick scoffed a bit. “So, you and Jason hang out now?”
Y/N smirked. “We started a club. We’re calling it The Club for the Parentally Abused and Recently Resurrected.”
Dick could help but let a smile slip.
“But I also came to talk to you.”
He walked past her now, and still hadn’t even looked at her since she arrived.
“You don’t owe me any explanation, Y/N. I got the message loud and clear.”
Y/N took in a deep breath. This was going to be hard. But she had to do it.
“When I was five years old, I left my stuffed animal at the park. I wouldn’t stop crying on the drive home. My parents started screaming at me to be quiet. Eventually they gave up, pulled over, and kicked me out of the car. It was 5 miles back to the apartment and it was 30 degrees out. Luckily, I knew my way home."
The story made Dick’s eyes snap up and he finally looked at her. And when he did, his expression was filled with rage and sympathy – rage towards her parents, but sympathy for Y/N. She should’ve never had to deal with such abuse.
Y/N shrugged. “And that’s one of the better moments.”
Dick took a step towards her. “Y/N…”
Her eyes were glued to the ground as she continued. “To this day, I jump anytime someone drops something. I can’t watch sports because the sound of men yelling causes panic attacks.” 
Then she finally found the courage to meet his gaze. 
“When I meet men, in my eyes, they’re all my father until they prove otherwise. And the reason I’m always waiting for the floor to drop out from underneath me... is because it always has.”
Dick waited. 
Y/N knew he was silently telling her he understood.
A couple tears managed to slip down her face, but she quickly wiped them away.
“Bruce was the first person I ever shared my past with. And now…now you’re the second.”
Dick still didn’t know what to say to her.
“I’m so sorry for hurting you, Dick. That was never ever my intention.”
Dick sighed, “I know.”
And he did. He did know.
Dick took in a deep breath, “I spent a big part of my life trying to stop myself from turning into him. I became terrified by the idea. I started disagreeing with his methods. He stopped looking like the perfect man to me. Eventually, I left Gotham because of it all.”
He shook his head in disappointment. “But I’m realizing those are the same things that make him the man that you love.”
His hand moved through his hair. “Now I’m starting to wonder…what if the only things you like about me is just everything that he made me be?”
Y/N couldn’t listen to any more of it. She couldn’t keep standing there and hear him tear himself down and compare himself to the man he had idolized for most of his life. Even if he saw Bruce as just human now, the man was still somewhat of a father figure to him.
“No,” she immediately stepped to Dick and clutched his face.
On instinct alone, he put his hands on top of hers, scared she’d stop touching him too quickly.
“Dick, listen to me. That’s not true. None of that’s true.”
“Don’t just tell me what you think I want to hear,” he begged.
“I’m not. I promise I’m not.”
Y/N took in a shaky breath.
By telling Dick what he needed to hear, Y/N was also exposing herself. It was scary for her. Talking to Dick about their complicated relationship was like speaking a different language compared to the way she used to communicate with Bruce. And she could admit that communication was often no communication at all.
“The things I love about you have nothing to do with Bruce,” her words were unafraid and sincere.
Dick blinked at the word ‘love.’
“You wear your heart on your sleeve, Dick. And I know you’re sometimes ashamed of it, because you’ve been convinced that you shouldn’t do that. But it’s…it’s so… different.”
She laughed lightly at herself, “Different than what I’m used to. Different than what I’ve ever expected from men.”
“I always know what’s going on in that heart of yours,” she continued. “There’s no guessing with you. I never doubt your feelings. Because you don’t hide anything.”
Y/N figured out what she was really trying to get at.
“Because you’re not scared.” She paused. “You’re not scared to love me, even when you think you don’t have a chance.”
“Do I have a chance?” He whispered.
Y/N finally dropped her hands from his face and stepped away from him. “I can’t – Dick, I can’t get between you two.”
He chuckled darkly. “It’s a little late for that.”
Y/N hid her face in her hands in desperation. “Please, don’t say that to me. Please.”
“He’s in love with you, too.” Dick declared.
“Dick, stop!”
“No, I won’t.” He snapped back. “Bruce is in love with you, Y/N. And you can’t keep lying and convincing yourself that he’s not.”
“It’s not that simple!”
But she could tell he was growing frustrated with her.
“Then tell me why you love him,” Dick surprised her by asking. “I need to know. I need to know why, because that’s the only way I’m going to be able to let you go.”
Y/N’s lips trembled as her eyes filled with tears again. She shook her head, “Please don’t make me.”
But when she looked up, his gaze was pleading.
So Y/N closed her eyes, the pressure of it made more tears escape and slide down her cheeks. She took in a deep breath, desperate for it to calm her down enough to even speak.
“That first night me and him shared...I hadn’t slept that soundly in years. And it was because I felt...safe. He’s always made me feel safe, like nothing could ever happen to me.” She shook her head and her eyes glazed over as she remembered the past. “I know I asked for this life. I’m always on the edge of being in danger, and I always have to be on the move. But it just felt like...like I could finally breathe.”
She gave Dick a sad smile. “And it’s been the same since I got here. I was just too stubborn to admit it.”
Then she shook her head. “I’m so tired of being scared. And I’m so tired of convincing myself that I don’t deserve to be loved.”
“Y/N,” Dick whispered her name as if he was begging. He moved to her and clutched her face and bowed until their foreheads touched. “I can keep you safe, too. I promise. I always will.”
“I know. Because you’re the only reason I’m alive right now.”  
“I love you, Y/N.” He murmured as if it was his most treasured secret. 
But they had both known that for awhile. 
“And I know you love Bruce…but I think you love me, too.”
Y/N hesitated before she whispered, “I do love you.”
Dick didn’t even try to stop himself from kissing her.
He pulled her hips to his, refusing to allow any space between their bodies. Her lips were wet with tears, but he didn’t care. This kiss needed to tell her everything he felt. This was his final statement. If his words couldn’t convince her, then maybe he could make her feel it all.
Jason Todd’s timing was like the rapture. 
His car screeched to a stop on the platform below them.
Except Dick didn’t give a damn if his brother saw them. He barely let Y/N pull away, but still tried to brush her tears away with his thumb as it grazed her cheek.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jason yelled up with a cheeky grin.
Y/N still shifted out of Dick’s embrace.
To both the men’s surprise, she didn’t glare down at Jason.
“Come on. I’ll help you get all this into his truck,” Dick told her softly.
Their moment had ended.
And Dick couldn’t help but believe that he’d lost her.
Jason helped Y/N carry all her equipment in the storage unit she had directed him to.
The young man had the same strength as three professional movers and she was taking full advantage of it.
“Don’t you want all this crap with you?” Jason asked when he finally moved the final piece inside.
Y/N pulled down the garage door, slamming it closed, and activated multiple locks before facing him.
Jason eyed her suspiciously. “Don’t tell me The Court traumatized you into retiring…”
“Of course not. But I am taking a break.”
He nodded, accepting the answer.
“Where to next?” He asked while nodding towards his truck.
“You don’t have to give me a ride. I think I want to walk.”
“Hell no. Bruce and Dick would kill me if I let you do that.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and slowly opened her jacket to show that she had one of her guns hidden away.
“You taught me well.”
Jason sighed heavily, “You wanna be alone. I get it.”
“Thank you for your help, Jason.”
He just shrugged, “I owed you.”
Y/N nodded and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket.
“You know what you’re doing?” Jason asked.
“Not really,” she admitted.
To her surprise, Jason's face was sympathetic. “Look, I know I give you a lot of shit. And none of it’s my business.”
He scratched the back of his neck.
“They both love you. OK? And I know they both go about showing it in completely different ways. But that’s just how they are. We’re all a fuckin’ mess.”
“I know,” Y/N mumbled as she looked at the ground, shoulders slumped.
“But I know what it’s like to be beaten down by life. So I just want to make sure you remember that you deserve it.”
“Deserve what?” Y/N asked, confused.
“To be loved.” Then his eyes turned the most serious she’d ever seen, and he pointed to her sternly. “Don’t let what happened in the past make you think otherwise.”
Jason already hated how preachy he sounded, so he gave a final nod and walked to the driver’s side of the truck.  
“Jason!” She called out.
He paused before he got into the driver’s seat.
“The same goes for you.” She smiled. “Remember, we’re in a club now.”
He smirked before giving her a final salute, and driving away.
Walking back to her safe house was therapeutic for Y/N.
Yeah, there were worse places than Wayne Manor to be kept on house arrest. But Y/N also couldn’t remember the last time she went on a walk like this. It did wonders to clear her head.
Though she was still paranoid and made sure to remain aware of her surroundings. And she probably looked over her shoulder too frequently to appear natural. But after everything she’d been through, her life still didn’t feel safe.
So, imagine Y/N’s panic when she walked into her safe house and immediately knew someone had been there.
She immediately pulled out her gun and started to do a perimeter check.
However, her panic slowly subsided when she saw a note on the kitchen counter.
Next to the note was what appeared to be a tracking device. Not as sophisticated as anything Y/N could make. But it was still rather advanced.
She walked closer to read it and instantly recognized Bruce’s handwriting.
“We had a deal,” was all he’d written.
When Y/N turned on the tracker, she quickly noted that the coordinates it gave matched the location of Wayne Manor.
A sad smile spread across her lips at the blinking light.
This was a strange way of expressing affection and trust, but that was Bruce.
There had been a part of her that didn’t believe Bruce Wayne would ever allow someone to always know where he was. But then again, he always found a way to surprise her.
Y/N looked around at her apartment.
It was cold and unwelcoming. The purpose was to provide a safe location and remain isolated. It was never meant to become a home – none of her safe houses were. Without her equipment humming, it felt even quieter than usual – unsettling even.
One thing was sure to Y/N…she couldn’t live this way anymore.
Dick was fixing up his motorcycle in the garage at the manor.
He was planning on driving it across the country and wanted to make sure it was in good ship before he put that kind of mileage on it.
His attention shifted away from it when his phone lit up and vibrated from a message.
To Dick’s surprise, he read Jason’s name.
“You should talk to her. I think she’s really going through it right now,” was all his younger brother texted.
Dick sighed in frustration and tossed his phone away a little too roughly.
He rubbed his face. 
He’d been suffering from a headache every day since he last saw Y/N. 
Maybe it was his punishment for submitting so easily.
Dick stood up from kneeling next to his motorcycle.
No, he wasn’t going to talk to Y/N.
But he was going to talk to Bruce.
While Dick had been distracting himself with his upcoming escape back to the Titans, Bruce drowned himself in new cases. He’d extended his patrolling hours so long that he barely had time to sleep and eat. Half the time, he didn’t even bring Damian along with him. 
Dick knew he would find Bruce in the cave, seeing as he hadn’t left it in days.
Bruce didn’t turn away from his research even though he heard Dick’s entrance.
But that didn’t slow Dick down as he marched to him.
“Are you really going to do this?” Dick shot.
He didn’t need to elaborate, they both knew what he was talking about.  
“We’re not having this discussion,” Bruce tried to shut it down without even looking at him.
“Nope. That’s not going to work anymore.” Dick reached out and pressed a button, turning all of the screens blank. “We’re talking about this whether you want to or not!” Dick snapped.
Bruce was clearly irritated. Not only did he finally acknowledge Dick and meet his gaze, but he also stood from the chair and sized him up.
Dick’s jaw clenched before he began. “I know you’d protect her with your life. But are you going to protect her from Bruce Wayne?”
The question was brutal, but necessary.
Dick wasn’t holding back any longer.
“Because we didn’t have any choice. We changed our expectations and adapted. But Y/N? She shouldn’t have to do that. So you’re either all in or you need to let go.”
The ‘we’ was Dick and his brothers, but Bruce didn’t need him to clarify.
Dick never had any intention of being cruel. But he had to be blunt with Bruce. And Dick wasn’t going to watch as he put Y/N through what he and his brothers had to in the past. 
She would bend and fold herself for Bruce, lowering her expectations and latching onto what little he gave her, putting it all on a pedestal and giving it more meaning than it deserved.
“If you promise to actually commit to someone for the first time in your life and put them before Batman, I’ll walk away. I’ll do it for you. And I’ll do it for her.” The fire in his eyes was blazing. “But I can’t sit back and watch as you treat her like shit. She deserves better than that. And you know it.”
There wasn’t a single lie in what Dick said. 
Over the years, Dick was always the most frustrated with Bruce’s lack of emotional competence. Jason was angry at Bruce for far more than just that. Tim didn’t seem to have many thoughts on it. And Damian didn’t see it as a problem, which was an entirely different issue.
But if it weren’t for Dick, Bruce would be far worse – even though that seemed rather impossible.
“Do you love her?” Bruce asked Dick.
He blinked at the question, taken off guard by how intimate it felt coming from Bruce.
“Yes,” Dick answered, leaving no room for doubt.
“What do you mean why?” Dick glared at him.
But Dick still jumped right into it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Y/N is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met in my life. She makes me laugh – even when I know her sarcasm and humor are hiding darkness. She’s selfless – more selfless than all of us. And she cares about everyone, even when they don’t deserve it. She dedicated her life to helping people and, until recently, she was fine doing it all by herself. ”
Bruce couldn’t help but smirk darkly at Dick’s list and crossed his arms, “You forgot to mention how beautiful she is.”
“Yeah. Well… anyone with eyes knows that,” Dick rumbled.
Bruce was quiet, clearly deep in thought.
What was going on in that head of his?
“She left Gotham,” Bruce finally stated.
Dick’s eyes widened. “Left?”
“Yesterday? So...what? You don’t know where she is or you’re not going after her?” Dick snapped.
“I know where she is.”
Dick’s face dropped. “You’re not going after her,” he muttered in disbelief.
Bruce didn’t have to say anything to confirm Dick’s suspicions.
“You’re an asshole and a fool, Bruce.”
“I’m doing the best thing for her,” he countered.
“That’s what you think. But how will she feel?” Dick shook his head in disgust. “But you never ask yourself those questions, do you, Bruce? You never consider other people’s feelings.”
“I promised to always put Gotham first, Dick.”
“Oh, come on, Bruce!” Dick groaned. “You made that promise – what? – 20 years ago? Don’t try to tell me that things haven’t change.”
“You think she wants to stay in this mansion by herself, wondering if I’m going to come back alive?” Bruce finally fought back. “You think she deserves a man who will always put her second?”
“Then don’t, Bruce! Don’t put her second! She chose you! Don’t make her regret it!”
But Dick had enough and he also wanted the final word.
So with that, he stormed out of the cave, leaving Bruce alone again.
Dick was about to go to his room and finish packing up his things to leave when Alfred called his name.
“This arrived for you,” Alfred informed him politely as he offered him an envelope.
Dick’s heart beat faster as he grabbed the letter, somehow already knowing it was from Y/N.
He ripped it open without hesitation, not bothering to wait for the privacy of his room to read it.
We both know I’m absolute shit at opening up. But I am hoping that maybe writing it all down will be easier. I figured it’s worth a try. 
I’m sorry for the way things happened. I hope you believe me when I say that I never meant to hurt the two of you.
It recently occurred to me that I haven’t experienced much of life.
I went from living in an abusive household, to living on the streets, to using all of my energy trying to bring down the corrupt. I’ve spent so much of my life either running or fighting that I realized I don’t actually know how to just simply…live.  
By the time you get this, I will have left Gotham. I think it’s about time I stop running and start learning who I am when I stand still. 
I don’t expect you to forgive me for pushing and pulling you.
But I hope you believe me when I say I love you. I really do, Dick Grayson. 
And the truth is, you scared the shit out of me. But I also know you deserve someone more than just me. And the idea of you realizing that at any moment, only to leave me, was too heartbreaking to face.
I hope this isn’t goodbye forever. 
“When did this arrive?” Dick asked almost panicked.
“Just this morning, Master Dick.” Alfred answered.
“Thanks, Alfred.”
He took a few steps toward the stairs before Alfred called out, “Master Dick?”
“It feels rather important to emphasize that there was only one letter…”
Dick’s gaze flickered to where the cave entrance was, the place they both knew where Bruce was currently hiding. 
Then he looked back to Alfred, showing that he understood what he was trying to silently tell him.
Y/N didn’t write a letter to Bruce.
Part 12 – The End
I’m sorry to tell you that there is only one more part after this. 
So please please please let me know what you think. Write me a book report. Write me a novel. 
A/N: The scene between Bruce and Dick was inspired by two things:
This conversation from the comics. 
And this scene from Sabrina. Obviously this is a much more comical take, but I’ve seen this movie probably 100 times and it holds a similar meaning to this story. 
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
hii so so if you're going to write for Levi, can you make a Levi x overthinker reader? I'm an overthinker myself so its really great if you can make one 👉👈, you can also decline if you want too:> thank you!!
“Endless Thoughts,” Levi x Reader
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This is actually going to be quite easy for me to write considering I’m a huge overthinker myself. My constant anxiety and paranoia really hits me 🤧
Summary: Levi being in a relationship with a overthinker
Warnings: none
It was very hard for you to not overthink every possible situation you were given. You would even catch yourself overthinking about breakfast or overthink what to do for the day.
It was hard for you to not always be worried or have that lingering paranoia weighing you down. It was a constant struggle, constant anxiety. You always felt like you couldn’t do anything right.
Levi, on the other hand, has always known about your endless thoughts and in simple terms, he was the only person who truly understood and balanced you out.
He has always been caring and has always given you that reassurance that you desperately needed. He was like your safety blanket, he secured you and knocked your mind back in place.
But one day it was unusually worse, you woke up and your brain was set on what it was going to do today- keep you paranoid until sundown.
During training, you had caught yourself zoning out and ended up not shooting your gear in time which caused you to tumble down on the hard ground, cursing under your breath.
Levi had caught up, landing on the ground and noticed how upset you were about failing the training exercise, you had even started crying from how terrible you felt.
The tears streamed down your face and Levi just kneeled down and hugged you.
“Stop overthinking it, you’re doing great.” He assured you, making you feel somewhat better but the pain was still there.
The lingering thoughts were still there.
Days passed and there was another day where you had endless thoughts and this time it was about your relationship, you felt not good enough and how he could do better.
You couldn’t help the thoughts running through your head, you couldn’t help the overwhelming weight on your shoulders as you stayed locked inside your own head like a prisoner.
It had gotten to the point where you just felt useless in many different ways.
Levi is a very observant person so when you go through your bad days, he can tell pretty easily and has no issue with settling down for the day and make sure you know your worth.
He had seen you still tucked in bed, nearing the afternoon and he sighed under his breath as he took the uniform off. He went around on your side of the bed, sitting down on the edge and carefully ran his fingers through your hair.
“You okay?” He asked, knowing you weren’t but maybe he was hoping you’ll open up.
Your eyes turned to look up at him, the pounding and aching feeling in your chest only increased and made you want to cry but you held it back as he caressed your cheek, brushing his thumb over your skin.
“I know you hate when I overthink about our relationship but it’s pretty hard considering you’re the best there is and I’m not.” You mumbled quietly, hoping he didn’t hear your pointless thoughts.
“Hey, look at me.” He shuffled on the bed, cupping both of your cheeks as you laid on your back, forced to stare up at him.
“I don’t want to hear any of that, okay? You are absolutely amazing, I don’t even know how I got this lucky to win a prize like you.” He chuckled, making you crack a small smile and roll your eyes.
“Oh shut up. You know you could do better, Lev.” He frowned, leaning down to place a quick kiss on your forehead.
“You’re the best there is, Y/N. I wouldn’t want anyone else for the rest of my life.” He stared down at you, love and happiness in his eyes as they sparkled, making you melt underneath his fingertips.
He leaned down, placing one last kiss to your lips and brushed the strands of your hair back from your face. He loved you with everything, he couldn’t see his life without you and seeing you in a state where you think otherwise actually really hurts him in ways you don’t see or understand.
But he always sucked down those feelings, he knows you don’t do it on purpose- to overthink and feel like he deserves better. Instead he would always lay with you and talk you through a lot of your emotions, making sure you know how much you’re loved and wanted.
Levi had ended up leaving the room only to bring you back dinner and some snacks knowing you’ll probably lay in bed for the rest of the night but he didn’t want you to be or feel alone because you weren’t.
He had made sure you eaten enough, making you feel better rather quickly. He knew how to make you laugh and smile even when you are upset and that’s what you loved most about him.
Most people tend to look at a overthinker and think that they’re just doing it to themselves and most don’t know how to even make them feel better or make them think less.
But when it came to Levi, he knew everything. He knew you better than himself and he would make sure every day that you felt loved and special, that’s all he wanted to do.
He could give you the world if he could. He would absolutely kill everyone if that meant you were happy and at peace for the rest of your life because it’s what you deserved.
Levi moved on the bed to lay beside you and secured his arms around your body as he held you close to his, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“I love you and I always will.” He mumbled, his fingers tracing soft shapes on your back as you buried your face into his chest.
“I love you.”
This is short🤧 I’m sorry
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amythedvdhoarder · 4 years
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word count: 4.3K
Warnings: Swearing, little bit of drinking, quite angsty and fluffy
A/N: (gif not mine) So this is my incredibly late entry to celebrate  @finleyjayne reaching 100 followers. Congrats hun you deserve it. So I picked the prompt ‘Feeling blue’ with Stucky. This is not beta read so I apologise now for any mistakes. 
Bucky let out a heavy sigh as he rolled over to face Steve in bed. Another night filled with restless sleep, the extra body in the bed missing making it impossible to sleep easily.
“What’s up? Steve grumbled still half asleep.
“You know what,” Bucky replied wistfully.
Steve stretches out lazily before turning to face Bucky and smiling sadly. “We had to let her go, give her a chance at a normal life. She couldn’t have that with is Buck.”
“Why can’t she have a normal life with us Steve? Everyone accepts us? We could have settled down, got married, had a few kids. No one would have questioned it.” Bucky knew the tiredness was stopping him from keeping a lid on his emotions.
“You know that’s not true,” Steve reached for Bucky’s hand and pulled it to his lips briefly, “nobody outside of the team knew about the three of us. It wasn’t fair on her, you agreed at the time too. We let her go before it got too far and we couldn’t. We had 6 happy months together, let’s just remember that.” Steve tugged on Bucky’s arm, encouraging him to come closer. Bucky shuffled over and rested his head against Steve’s chest.
“I know, I just miss her. I love her so fucking much it hurts.” Steve closed his eyes as he felt that familiar stab of pain that Bucky was talking about. Bucky was everything to Steve, they had been through so much together. But you. You were like the missing piece of their jigsaw puzzle they hadn’t even realised was incomplete. You fitted them perfectly, after everything they had been through they were happier than they had ever been but they noticed you becoming more distant, spending nights back at your own place, then suddenly it was all over.
You missed Steve and Bucky like hell. They had woven their way into your life and now that they weren’t in it, you felt lost. The first time you met them they had come into the coffee shop you were working in. Bucky’s fingers had grazed over yours as you handed him his takeout cup and Steve’s eyes met yours making your breath catch. You witnessed the pair of them having a quiet conversation and them both sitting down at a table despite ordering coffee to go. They spent the rest of the afternoon at the coffee shop, chatting away, their eyes searching you out and finding you already smiling at them warmly. When you were finally closing up they asked you to join them for a few minutes.
They explained to you that they were a couple but were interested in spending time with you. Surprisingly you weren’t put off by the idea but in fact excited, so you accepted their dinner invitation. Two weeks later you found yourself in their bed and after that a permanent feature in their lives. You spent most nights with them at the tower. On your days off you would explore New York together, looking like a couple and their friend just having a day out. Not that it bothered you. You understood why Steve was never affectionate with you outside of the tower, he kept his distance. He had only just started to feel comfortable being out with Bucky in public. Bucky was different though, he had spent too much of his life not being himself to hide any longer. He would tease you with small lingering touches, not so innocent looks whilst nobody was watching and whispering naughty thoughts in your ears as you peered into shop windows.
Everything had been going smoothly until Steve had gone on a mission that lasted longer than expected. Before that point you hadn’t slept with either of them without the other being there or joining in. But during this week Bucky felt himself getting more and more stressed and in need of release so he called Steve and asked if it would be ok for you and him to sleep together. Steve agreed at the time but when he got back from his mission to find you and Bucky curled up with each other on the sofa his face told a different story. Of course, you instantly panicked believing you were driving a wedge between them which was the last thing you wanted to do. After you voiced you concerns to Bucky he told you that you were being daft but Steve’s demeanour changed around you.
From that point you began to distance yourself from the both, you made excuses to avoid spending time with even though it made you miserable. In that short 6 months you had fallen insurmountably in love with them but realised it had to end. Bucky and Steve were meant for each other, you cared about them too much to come between them. And after one short, teary discussion between the three of you it was over. You made your excuses about needing the chance to have a normal life where you could be open about your relationships, have some proper stability. It was all lies of course, something to avoid having to tell them the truth and potentially cause them more pain. Neither of them fought or argued with you, they looked a little ashamed but ultimately let you go.
Truth be told you missed all of the people from the avenger’s tower; Sam and Nat had become good friends of yours. They had tried to contact you after you left but you ghosted them, unable to have any sort of connection to anyone linked to Bucky and Steve. Your life seemed quieter, mundane and as you cleaned the coffee machine up for closing time you didn’t even notice when a new customer came in.
“Y/N?” the soft voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Sam? What are you doing here?” you said moving towards the counter. “You want anything making?”
“Only if you’ll join me,” he smiled.
“I can’t. I need to close up and clean.” You could tell by the way his eyebrows raised that he wasn’t going to fall for your attempt to get rid of him.
“How about this. You lock up and I’ll help you tidy up. It’ll give us a chance to talk, I miss talking to someone who isn’t over 100 or a trained assassin.” Sam knew he had won when you burst out laughing.
“Fine, but only because I don’t want to clean up this place on my own,” you stuck your tongue out at him as you walked over to the door, clicked the lock shut and turned over the sign indicating you were now closed.  
You and Sam chatted away for the next 30 minutes talking about this and that, both delaying the inevitable topic of the two super soldiers. You handed Sam his payment of a cappuccino and you sat down in an armchair opposite him, nursing your cup of tea.
“So, you gonna ask me how they are?” Sam asks an amused tone to his voice.
“Sam, I-“ he shakes his head at you.
“I’m gonna tell you anyway. Y/N they’re not good, they really miss you even if they won’t admit it to us. Bucky is miserable, he barely laughs, makes a joke. Hell, he has even stopped teasing me. For some reason he only wears this one red t-shirt all the time, he is refusing to wash it. Like it actually smells now. And Steve. Steve is worst. His mood swings would put an adolescent teenager to shame. One minute he is snapping at everyone, breaking open punch bags and the next he weirdly calm and this look of despair just washes over him.” Sam’s eyes fixed on your face.
His words had clearly had an impact, making him feel instantly guilty. Your bottom lip wobbling, eyes full of tears threatening to spill over. He jumped up out of his seat and wrapped a comforting arm around you. At this the damn broke and you descended into sobs.
“Shit, I’m sorry Y/N,” Sam crooned softly, taking the hot tea out of your hand and placing it on the table. “Take a couple of deep breaths for me,” he instructed. Once you had finally had your breathing back under control and wiped away your tears, he finally released you and sat back down opposite you.
“I’m sorry Sam,” your voice croaky and raw from the crying. “I just miss them, I don’t feel like myself anymore. It’s like I’m hollow, does that sound crazy?”
“No, it doesn’t Y/N, I felt the same way when Riley died. The difference is they didn’t die, you could have them back in your life if that’s what you want?” he said solemnly.
“I would go back to them in a heartbeat Sam, but I just don’t think that’s what they both want,” you twisted the ring around your index finger.
“Did you not hear what I told you earlier? They’re lost without you,” Sam was thoroughly confused. His plan had been to try and talk you around to help you realise what a big mistake the three of you had made.  Nat was having a similar conversation with Steve and Bucky right now, informing them what she had found out by following you around for the last week or so since you’d left. But now Sam had a feeling that there was a bigger issue at hand.
“I heard you but they’ll learn to live without me. They love each other completely, I don’t think there is room for me in all of that.” It was the first time you had admitted the truth aloud, it stung but it felt good to have finally got the big weight off your shoulders.
“That’s the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever heard,” Sam scoffed. Your head shot up immediately, your mouth open in shock. “You can’t seriously believe that?”
You were quiet for a minute, not sure how to respond. “You don’t know them like I do,” you replied quietly.
“You’re right, in some ways I know them better. I knew them before you, they were happy but it was nowhere near what they were like when you were with them,” he folded his arms content that he had won.
“See that’s where your wrong Sam. You remember that mission that Steve went on, every little thing that could go wrong did. Well when he got home something was different, he was more guarded around me. I think it was because me and Bucky got closer whilst he was away, he didn’t want me anymore. I was getting in the way,” you reasoned.
“Y/N, I was on that mission with him. We went through absolute hell and back. I was distant from everyone for a while. Did you know he nearly died?” he looked at the way your eyes widened to find the answer to that question. “So, no then. Well he did and do you know what he said to me?” You shook your head. “I’m quoting here. ‘Tell them both I love them. Tell Bucky to look after our girl’. If you were really getting in the way, why would he say that?”
You sighed. “I don’t know. But he didn’t stop me from leaving.”
“Did you tell them the real reason why you were leaving?” Sam asked already knowing the answer.
You shook your head.
“And people call me an idiot?” he scoffed.  “Of course they let you go if that’s what they thought you wanted. You need to talk to them or at least see them and find out the truth.”
You picked up your tea and took a long gulp to avoid responding to Sam’s suggestion.
“Well whatever you decide you’re going to have to see them this weekend anyway?” he said smugly making you choke and cough as the now lukewarm liquid went down the wrong way.
“Sam what the fuck?” you managed to get out in between spluttering coughs.
“It’s my birthday party on Saturday, you promised you’d come ages ago.” He folded his arms at grinned.
“That was before,’ you stammered. “Besides, I’ve already said I’ll work another shift.”
“Liar,” he said getting to his feet. “Nat will come to yours and pick you up around 7. Think about what I’ve said Y/N. They really do miss you.”
You stood up followed him as he walked to the door. “Ok I’ll think about it. Don’t think I have much choice about Saturday, do I?”
Sam wrapped you up in a bear hug. “Nope, absolutely none.”
After you had locked up after Sam you sat back down and tried to process everything. Sam’s words played over in your head. There was no doubt that Bucky was missing you; he was wearing the shirt of his that you had slept in the last night you spent with them. It was Steve you were more sceptical about. If what Sam had really said was true then maybe Steve did care for you more than he let on. Perhaps some part of him doubted your affection and loyalty to them. There was no way to be sure except to see them. You just didn’t know if you were ready for that.
Nat showed up a whole two hours early with an array of outfits for you to pick from. She wouldn’t let you get something old and familiar out of your closet, she was determined to get you dressed up and into the party spirit. She only succeeded at one of those and by the time you both pulled up to the tower you were a complete bag of nerves.
“Will you quit fidgeting, you’re making me nervous,” Nat scolded you.
“Sorry,” you mumbled before pulling up the front of your dress. “Why a sleeveless dress Nat? They are so impractical.”
“Well -” she paused to twist the thin satin material at your hip, repositioning the perilously high thigh split, “- that may be true but I can guarantee one thing, those boys will certainly realise what they have been missing.”
You frowned at her and gave one final look over your appearance in the elevator mirror before the door pinged open into the loud and bustling party. She took your hand and led you to the bar where you were greeted by Sam who promptly handed you a drink. You knocked back the amber liquid quickly in an attempt to sooth your nerves, before anxiously scanning around the room for any sign of the two men you both longed and dreaded to see.
“Relax Y/N, they’re not here yet,” Sam leaned over and whispered in your ear. He gave you a small reassuring smile which mixed with warmth the alcohol was providing finally made you relax a little. Nat and Sam caught you up on everything that happened and the latest avenger’s gossip.
“Hey kid, we missed you. How’ve you been?” Tony walked up to you, his purple tinted glasses nearly falling of his nose as he threw his arms out to embrace you.
“Ok thanks,” you said quickly. “Great party as always Tones.”
“Well we have Mrs Stark to thank for that.” He turned to face Sam. “They’re gonna short-circuit when they find out she’s here,” Tony uttered, half amused before walking over to greet some other guests.
You rounded on Sam. “You didn’t tell them,” your voice low as you tried to control your emotions.
“Not exactly,” he shrugged. “Well guess we’re going to find out any second now,” he smirked at the entrance over your shoulder.
Bucky looked around the room, wishing at that moment that he could be anywhere else. He was walking towards the bar when he realised Steve was no longer walking next to him.
“Stevie?” he turned around searching for Steve and spotted him stood stock still, his eyes fixed on something across the room. Bucky walked back towards him and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Steve?” he said starting to get a little worried, he looked like he had seen a ghost. Bucky followed his line of sight and his eyes met yours across the crowded room. His breath caught in his throat and he could feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. He had thought of this moment every day since you had left and now that it was here he couldn’t quite believe it.
“Is she really here Buck,” Steve’s voice was barely above a whisper.
Bucky blinked and turned to Steve. “I think so. Steve, we have to …”
“I know” Steve said as he took Bucky’s hand and squeezed it.
When the men turned back around you had disappeared from sight. You saw them frantically searching for you but you had managed to tuck yourself behind a group of shield agents. At the sight of them part of you wanted to run to them and throw your arms around them and never let them go but there was still doubts niggling away in your mind. One thing was for certain, Sam was right. Bucky did look sad and Steve. Well Steve was the one you hadn’t ever been able to get a read on before and still couldn’t now.  
“Y/N seriously, hiding from them?” Nat shook her head at you.
“Well you found me so I’m clearly not hiding am I,” you sassed.
“You certainly won’t be in a minute” she smiled deviously before standing on her tip toes and waving at the two super soldiers.
“I fucking hate you Nat,” you hissed.
“No you don’t. If you’re still planning on hiding I would move now, they’re on their way.” You stuck your middle finger up at her and then scarpered. Sure, you were going to have to face them at some point tonight but you planned on having at least another couple of drinks before that.
Mid-way through your first vodka and coke a tall red-headed man approached you and Bruce as you were chatting at the bar.
“Hi, I was wondering if you wanted a dance. Seems a shame to be hiding that dress over here at the bar,” Bruce bit back a laugh as did you at the corny line but none the less you agreed.
You let the man who introduced himself as Tom, take your hand and lead you to the dancefloor. Thankfully the song was slow so you didn’t have to worry about your dress slipping down. Tom placed his hands lightly on your waist as you held onto his shoulders, gently swaying to the music.
Midway through the song he leaned over and whispered quietly in your ear. “Do you have any idea why the winter soldier looks like he wants to kill me?”
Your grip on his shoulders tightened. “Bucky,” you corrected. “No, I have no idea,” the tone of your voice sharp. As you spun around your eyes landed on Bucky who was gripping onto the glass tumbler in his hand so tightly you were surprised it hadn’t smashed. It was often that you saw this side of him but it sent a shiver down your spine. Your eyes sought out Steve who you assumed would be with Bucky but you couldn’t find him.
“Mind if I cut in?” a familiar voice spoke softly whilst still managing to carry an air of absolute authority.  
Tom stood still and turned to look up at the blonde man. “Sure thing Sir,” he stuttered, “thanks Y/N,” and with that Tom backed away and nearly ran from the dancefloor.
“That was mean,” your hands fell to your hips as you scowled at Steve. “Plus, do I not get a say in this?” His blue eyes flashed with panic briefly but then that classic Steve Rogers look of determination reappeared.
“So, what do you want Y/N?” you could sense the double meaning behind his question. “Because I know what I want Y/N,” he continued, his blue eyes boring into yours taking a step closer.
“Steve I…” you closed your eyes and bit down on your bottom lip trying to find the words you wanted to say. A calloused hand cupped your jaw and you opened your eyes as Steve traced the tender flesh of your lower lip. The sound of the party disappeared and all that remained in that moment was you and Steve. Instinctively you pressed your hand on top of Steve’s and inched yourself closer to him.
“I wish this were simpler Steve but it’s not,” you hadn’t even realised you were crying until Steve removed his hand and quickly wiped away the tears rolling down your cheeks.
“This was never going to be simple Y/N. But all I know is that I love you. These last few weeks have bit a shit show. I didn’t say it enough before but if you’ll have me then I will spend every day showing you exactly how much.”
“What about Bucky?” you asked quietly.
“What about me doll?” Bucky had walked up to the pair of you, a lop-sided grin on his face.
“You two are meant to be together. I don’t want to get in the way of that,” you looked from Bucky’s face to Steve’s.  
“You can’t seriously think that Y/N,” Steve said moving forward to try and get closer but you took a step back.
“I know that when you came back from that mission everything felt different,” your voice cracked as you tried to make Steve understand.
Steve’s face fell at your words. “I was scared Y/N. I realised on that mission how important you were. How much we needed you. When I saw you when I got back with Buck, I realised that you deserved so much more than someone who might not come home one day. You’re worth more than that. I was scared you were going to figure it out and leave. So, when you started pulling away I let you because I thought that was what you wanted, what would make you happy. Even if it meant we weren’t,” Steve rubbed the back of his neck.
“And you,” you rounded on Bucky, “did you think the same thing?”
“Y/N you didn’t seem happy and I thought we were to blame; doesn’t that sound familiar?” he was right of course. “All I know is it sounds as if you have been as miserable as we have. Doll, we’re not us without you. We’re a team. You, me and Stevie. We’re all yours if you’ll have us?” he shrugged.
“Maybe you need us to convince you?” Steve closed the distance between you and pressed his lips to yours with a softness you hadn’t expected. You felt yourself melt against him as his hands found the nape of your neck and held you to him, your lips moving against his as you became reacquainted.
When he finally managed to tear himself away from the sweet taste of your lips, his cheeks were flushed and his ragged breath matched your own.
“My turn,” Bucky stepped over, his hand moving to the back of your head as he crashed his lips to yours. The intensity of the kiss had both of you moaning against each other’s mouths. You wrapped your arms around him, not wanting to let go but you had to eventually.
You stood breathless looking between the two super soldiers who owned your heart, your mind made up.
“Yes,” you smiled.
Bucky was grinning like a kid of Christmas morning but Steve didn’t allow himself to celebrate to soon. “You sure about this Y/N because we won’t ever let you go again,” he said.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life,” and you meant it. You couldn’t imagine a version of your life without Bucky and Steve in it. “Now get over here,” you giggled at the look of pure joy on Steve’s face.
Steve was on you in a second, picking you up off your feet and pressing kisses all over your face. Bucky came up to the pair of you and took you out of Steve’s arms to repeat the whole process all over again before leaning over to give Steve a quick kiss.
Bucky finally slid you down his body back onto the floor and Steve cupped your cheek and was about to lean down to kiss you again until Sam interrupted.
“Um guys, as much as I am enjoying the reunion maybe you wanna, you know, take this somewhere a little less...” Sam waved his arm around at the crowd of people around you.
You hid yourself in embarrassment behind Bucky’s shoulder. “Sorry” your voice muffled by Bucky’s suit jacket, but you knew it was loud enough for them to both hear it.
Steve laced his fingers with yours and pulled you to face him. “What are you sorry for doll,” he stroked the side of your cheek with the back of his finger.
“I know you didn’t want people to know about us,” you looked down at the floor.
“I got nothing to hide doll. I love both of you and that’s all that matters,” he squeezed your hand and turned to Bucky. “Let’s get outta here.”
“Been waiting all night for you to say that Punk,” Bucky grinned.
He took your other hand and lead you and Steve out of the party. None of you caring what people may have been saying about the three of you, only caring about the fact that you were all together again, just how it was meant to be.
Taglist is open. Let me know if you want in or out 😊 (it is quite possible I missed someone 😬 just dm me)
@stargazingfangirl18 ,  @silentcoyotesong, @queenofstarliqht, @buckys-henley, @lonelyheartsm @alexa-lightwood-blog, @angrythingstarlight, @drabblewithfrannybarnes, @rogueheretic555 @rebekahdawkins @chrissquares @pumpkin-and-pine, @hereforbuckyandsteve, @drakelover78, @baddie-barnes   @its-izzys @thehumanistsdiary​
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: Y’all my heart 🥺 ngl I kinda cried as I wrote this
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
“Hi hi are you our grandma?” Rini said with wide eyes, you, Rin and Kauru were outside grabbing the last of the groceries and talking. It was like his mother was frozen in time, they looked exactly like her son when he was a kid, when she was still learning how to raise a tiny human.
She finally realized she was a grandmother because the looks were uncanny. “Yes I’m your grandma.” She replied and she kids ran and hugged her legs. “It’s nice to meet you, we’ve never had a grandma before but we promise to be good grandkids for you.” Rini said and Akira nodded. “What do you mean you never had a grandma before?” She asked the twins, they didn’t see the glint in her eyes. She needs all the information she can get to show her son that she’s not a good mother and he can fight for custody.
“Momma doesn’t talk to her parents. They’re mean and think she’s a dispointment.” Akira chimed in. Obviously the kid met disappointment which made sense. If Rin was a girl she’d probably do the same thing.
“Hey guys guess what grandma got!” Rin walked in, his hands full of groceries. He placed them down and pulled out the pack of the frozen Chuupets. The kids eyes widened and they ran to their dad to hand them a chuupet. “You are only getting one because you haven’t eaten dinner yet.” He said and the kids nodded. After he handed them the chuupet, they ran off. “How’s everything mom.” He looks down to see the shorter woman. “Could be better without your dog and your ex.” She answered and Suna frowned.
“At least try to get along with her? Please. She’s the mother of your grandkids and hopefully we can be together again.” He said hopefully and her eyes widened. “You wanna get back together with her.” She said almost disgusted and Rin sighed. “Yeah mom.” He replied. “You’re gonna regret it.” She hummed and Rin rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me..um...Mrs.Suna..?” You peered from behind the wall you somewhat heard their conversation but that’s a talk for another time, “What.” She raised a brow and Rin facepalmed. “When was the last time you checked the oil of your car? And your brakes?” You asked. “I don’t know. Usually we take it to a mechanic, but we’ve been busy raising someone else’s dog.” She said and eyed her son. “Mechanic? Rin nor Kauru don’t know how to do that?” You asked. “I have a sports car, no way in hell I’m fucking it up.” Rin replied.
“Is it okay for me to change the oil and the brakes? I would hate for you to get into an accident.” You asked. “Accident? You’d probably tinker with my car so I’d crash the next time I use it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. You were beyond confused, “Mom, stop.” Rin scolded and she rolled her eyes.
You left the car as is but made a mental note to ask Kauru for permission to add more oil and fix her brakes.
Other than that conversation you haven’t spoken to her the rest of the day. What bothered you was that she didn’t try to get close to the kids. You sat on the small picnic table in the backyard while Rin was throwing a chew toy across the backyard while his dog, Chewy chased it eagarly. When Rin came to the back yard he whistled causing the dog to turn its head, it stayed frozen as if not believing his owner was truly there. But eventually Rin called him and his ears perked up and he began running and whining at the same time. He tackled Rin and he fell back. Chewy licked his face and Rin was giggling with a big stupid smile on his face, you smiled lightly at the scene and Akira tugged onto your leggings to tell you that Rin was crying.
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and turned again to see Rin and then you saw it. The way he held on to his dog and a small tear streamed down. “Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy?” He talked and Chewy’s tail wagged. “Alright bud, sit.” He commanded and he sat obediently. You could hear a tapping noise but it was because Chewy was so excited to see his owner. “Chewy meet your brother and sister.” Rin introduced and you started laughing. “What do you mean he’s our brother? He’s a dog.” Rini pointed out, “Same difference.” Rin shrugged and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from snorting.
“Okay get close and tell him to shake. Then shake his hand.” He instructed, Rini was first and gasped when Chewy obeyed. Earlier they got around to playing but they didn’t know their dads dog—I mean brother was trained. Akira did the same thing and she giggled. “Alrighty, Chewy. Meet your new mom.” He introduced you and you stepped back. “Nope, not my son.” You waved off, “Are you really gonna leave him motherless.” Rin pressed, “Yeah mama, he’s our brother you can’t be like that.” Akira whined.
“I just never really liked dogs.” You admitted, “Me neither but he’s my best friend.” Rin said softly. You looked down at the brown dog with curly hair. His tail wagged as his tongue sticker out so adorably. Now you understood why Rin named him Chewy, he looks like Chewbacca. “Nice to meet you, Chewy.” You reached your hand out to pet his head but he jump and rested his paws on your stomach, causing you to lose you balance and fall back. Before you could fall and die from embarrassment, No one other than Rin was there to catch you. “I’m sorry he doesn’t really do that. He’s just too excited.” He said from behind and helped you up. “No it’s fine.” You said and you both stayed quiet.
“So are you gonna continue holding on to my waist or..?”
“Fuck..sorry.” He apologized with flushed cheeks and let go. The kids began scolding their dad’s potty mouth and you hated that feeling in your stomach from when he pulled away.
Rin’s mom looked from the kitchen window and gritted her teeth while scrubbing the pan a little too hard. “Good job, Chewy.” Rini and Akira quietly praised and continued to play with their new brother.
“Finally we can talk.” Rin’s mom said and sat at the head of the table, you and Rin both gulped and Kauru sighed. He just wanted to nap. “Okay I can tell without a doubt that those children are Rintarou’s. And it’s nice that they don’t look like you.” Rin’s mom spoke up and you gasped. “If you’re here just to fight then don’t even open your mouth.” Kauru told his wife and she gave a glare. “Okay first of all. Why didn’t you tell my son you were pregnant.” She crossed her arms over your chest and you cuddled with your fingers. “Well Mrs.Suna...like I said over the phone. We had just broken up and I was hurt and afraid. I wasn’t sure if he would support me in keeping them—“ “Well how could you know if you didn’t speak up?” She interrupted but you ignored the jabs she threw. “I also wanted him to continue on with his career, stress free. I guess at the time I still loved him a lot that I didn’t want him to suffer with me. Or else I could have easily filed for child support.” You said and Rin frowned slightly.
“That’s not a good excuse. Rintarou has missed out on so much because you were selfish. You just wanted Rin to go pro for the money.” She accused with a pointed finger. “Mom—stop!” Rin immediately said and Kauru raised his finger to stop his son. “Karin do you know that for sure?” He asked his wife. “Yeah. All she does is party and drink. I think the kids are unsafe under her care. All of her money is wasted on her fake breasts.”
“Ma’am I can assure you that these are real. Ask your son.” You waved off and she gasped before she could open her mouth to utter more stupid shit you said. “With all due respect Mrs. Suna, you don’t know me. You don’t know how I raise my children, you don’t know what I do for a living and you don’t know what I’ve been through. Please before judging me, see how I treat my kids and how I treat your son. I have been nothing but respectful and the least you could do is treat me like a proper guest.” You argued back but she just ignored you and went through her iPad.
Why does she have an iPad? She flips the device over so you and the two Suna men could see and Rin almost spit out his drink. Karin told Kauru to look away and your mouth hung open as she swiped photo after photo of you in revealing lingerie. In some photos you’re wearing a gag and in others you’re chained up but it’s all modeling for Jamie and her line. You looked at your stomach and thighs and you could see those stretch marks.
Even though the world has seen these pictures, you can’t help but feel nervous when Rintarou is looking at them. You weren’t the same athletic girl from highschool, you gained weight, developed stretch marks, and you hate working out. You know you’re beautiful, that’s why you asked Jamie to not edit the photos of you she posted on the web. Your stretch marks and tummy were there for the world to see. But their comments or praise didn’t matter. The only person’s opinion that matters is Rintarou’s. Which is ridiculous to say but, some part of you still wants his approval and to be with him.
“Is this a good example to show your daughter? You want her modeling and showing off her body like a filthy wh—“ “Enough!” Rin smacked the table and stood up. You flinched as well as she did and you began to cry. “You make it seem like I should be ashamed of myself...”
“You should be.”
“Have you told them why we broke up?” You turned to Rin and he saw the tears streaming down. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and say that it’s okay. “No..” he shook his head and you sighed. “You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go, it’s time for their history lesson.” You wiped your eyes and left the table. Quickly you grabbed your bag with all their supplies and you met them outside. “Come on, time for school!” You called with a fake smile and red eyes. The kids understood to not argue and to just obey.
You sat on the picnic table with your two kids across from you and Chewy was laying on the bench right next to you, with his head on your thighs. “Mama...” Rini interrupted your thoughts, “Yes baby?” You asked and looked up from their lesson plan, “I love you, and you’re the best mom in the world.” He said with a small smile. “I love you more than Rini and you’re the bestest momma in the universe!” Akira chimes in and you chuckled. “I love you guys to infinity and beyond, forever and ever! It’s called unconditional love.” You said and their eyes widened. “Unconditional love...” akira hummed and you nodded.
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“Hi Kuroo-san is everything okay?” You asked as you made your way to the patio outside. It was already time for the kids bedtime. “Y/N I’m sorry for informing you last minute but one of the commentators for tomorrow’s game is in the hospital so we were wondering if you could fill in.” He spoke calmly. “I—oh gosh I’m all the way in Hyogo..when does the game start?” You asked.
After going back in forth for tomorrow’s game you hung up after respectfully telling him you weren’t interested in going out on a date. You rubbed your face and looked at the time. The trains have already closed for the day, so you’d have to take your car.
“You good?” Rin asked as soon as you walked back inside. “I need to go in to work tomorrow. Another commentator is in the hospital. Nobody else can fill in.” You said and his eyes widened since it’s a very long drive. “Oh how fantastic, leaving your young children overnight to go work—“
“I’m taking them.” You interrupted the witch and her eyes widened. “What do you mean you’re taking them.” She asked. “They’re my children and I don’t want to leave them with you. I’d rather take them and ask Jamie to watch over them and I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.”
“Y/N...” Suna snapped you out of your rambling and you turned your head to see him. “I’m here now, remember? You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I can take care of them and watch them. I’ve done it before.” He assured. “I’m sorry but I really don’t want them near your mom.” You explained your reasoning. “Tomorrow we’ll be at Kita’s farm all day. They’ll be fine.” He said and patted your head. Without even realizing, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Suna’s torso, his face flushed and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. It means a lot.” You mumbled in his chest.
“It’s my job, partner.” He chuckled and you pulled away. “Fist bump?” He asked and presented his closer fist, you giggled and nodded. “Fist bump.” You did the same and your knuckles met. Rin’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking away to her room.
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You took a deep breath as you crossed lanes on the freeway going back home. You wanted nothing more than to stay with your kids or take them with you, but you can’t control everything yourself anymore. You gonna trust Rin.
You made it home by five am since the drive was eight hours but you made it in seven by speeding and automatically fell asleep in Rin’s bed. You decided to take the pull out bed in your office when Rin moved in and he slept in your old master bedroom. But you were too tired to pull it out so you slept in your old bed. You couldn’t help but notice how the pillows smelled like Rin.
His scent definitely changed, he doesn’t use the old spice fragrance from highschool. He now uses something more expensive and more subtle yet manly at the same time. You definitely needed to know what the scent was so you could buy more for him on a birthday or something.
You woke up at around 13:30 to get ready and leave by 15:00. You showered, did your hair and wore the white button up with the green dress pants and a green blazer on top. You slipped on some hot pink heels and some subtle jewelry and made your way. You called your kids and they said they were having a blast, they really missed you and wished you and their grandma were there and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
While Rin’s mom stayed home, her husband worked and Rin took the kids out, she began thinking about the day before.
“You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason.”
Rin’s mom was obviously confused and still annoyed at you. But then Rin sat her down after breakfast, the kids were outside and Kauru was already gone. He explained what he did with his friends and Karin couldn’t help but feel disgusted. If she would have been more involved in his teenage life then she could have prevented this. Prevented minors drinking, prevented her son getting sexually involved with you, and preventing an innocent girl getting hurt.
In reality you should have thrown a full can of coffee at Rin instead of an empty one. You should have cursed him and made him pay child support. That’s what she would do straight up. But you’re not her, and you explained why you did what you did. And she began to understand. “You have a lot of work to do in order to get back in her good grace.” She told her son. “I know I know..” he said softly. “That’s why we’re starting as friends. And eventually I wanna be with her romanticly and marry her. I want to be the man she can rely on and trust again.” He said and her mom smiled.
“I understand, I’ll make sure to apologize when she returns. And I’m rooting for you.” She said and Rin smiled. “Thanks mom.” She stood up and grabbed her bag, “I’m not in the mood to cook. How do burgers sound?” She asked Rin and he nodded. “There’s a place down the street that’s pretty good. I’ll be back in a few.”
Rin’s mother wanted to repent for her actions and she tried thinking of a proper way to apologize. She went into the restaurant to order and everywhere she saw, it explained that the food was made with peanut oil. But that’s what gave it the flavor. That’s why it’s so delicious. She happily payed for the food completely oblivious that her grandson was severely allergic to peanuts.
She arrived home and rounded up the kids. She gave them a kiss on the head and smiled as they showed her their drawings that she could keep. Rin’s mom passed around the burgers so Rin couldn’t see the bag that promoted the peanut oil being a main ingredient and the kids munched.
When Rini took the bite his eyes widened at the deliciousness. Bite after bite and his throat began to feel weird, as well as his stomach. He took a sip of the lemonade and he couldn’t swallow it properly. He began to cough and Rin patted his back confused and he face turned red.
“Rini are you choking?!” Akira asked scared and Rini shook her head. “My stomach hurts—“ he coughed and Rin’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.” He quickly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and looked through the bag with Rini’s inhaler and other vitamins. He saw the epipen and ran back out quickly unscrewing it. Rini’s face was turning purple and he continued to cough. Akira was crying and Karin didn’t know what to do. Rin fell to his knees and slammed the pen on his sons thigh. “Are you okay bud. Stay with me please.” Tears prickled his eyes. He seriously fucked up.
Rini’s chest heaved up in down as he tried to catch his breath. Rintarou instructed his mom to call 119 and an ambulance soon came and took Rini away with Rin in the ambulance. Akira was stuck with her grandma driving to the hospital.
Karin was so confused at the situation. And she was worried for her grandson. She tried her best calming the little girl who held the green pig plush and the fox plush in her arms. “Is Rini gonna die?” Akira pouted with watery eyes. “Of course not. Everything is gonna be alright.” She assured.
While all this was going down, you were talking and laughing as you talked about Sendai frogs and their intimating demeanor. You felt a weird feeling in your chest and felt like something was wrong. Your purse and phone was stuck in the lounge locker so you didn’t see the 20+ phone calls and messages you received from Rin.
He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. He really wished you were here by his side. He couldn’t do this alone and realized this is what it’s like being a single parent.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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cdarkheartzero · 3 years
Diary of a Security Guard
For the always wonderful Rissy @rissynicole who I promised this to for being just...amazing.
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Prequel found here-
Data log entry 6555
Been watching Zim battle his PAK for a few (days) now. It has been SO mentally exhausting just to see, let alone experience. But that determination to get his PAK legs working. Imma be honest, it’s downright inspiring seeing him spaz, spark and struggle just to get back up n’ try it again once he catches his breath.
He even got Skoodge trying to activate his- few of the other smeets too, actually. I can’t tell whether he knows it or not (he’s pretty oblivious to the world around him so I doubt it), but he has a lot of fans among the youngins. They might find him annoying (cuz let’s be honest here, he is) but he has this unique…. charm(?) to him. Little bastard just doesn’t know when ta quit.
I can see the stress and strain of his struggles are starting to get to him though. He just hasn’t been himself lately. Physically Exhausted. Less destructive (again- lemme be honest- I AM ALL FOR but under normal circumstances). Hasn’t been doing much eating or sleeping. He’s just so fixated on this that it’s basically taken over his entire life. Can’t tell you how many times I have found him in the incubation room the past few shifts, tryin’ so damn hard to stand on his legs he basically passes out.
The smeets should be sleeping now. It’s pretty late and I see all the other guards settling into their seats relaxin’. Now’s the time to piss around, the break we all deserve. Alas, I can’t get that little shit outta my head. The pain on his face. The dedication and exhaustion in his eyes. It’s been burned into my organic brain ever since I had to stun him the first time. I don’t think I have ever been that scared before. I thought… I thought I could have killed him. That he wouldn’t be there the next morning. That this little ball of chaos would be erased from my life. And it was worse than anything I coulda imagined.
I wanna do something for him. I know I shouldn’t. ‘Specially after all the shit he puts me through. And I really shouldn’t play favoritisms but I dunno. There is just something about Zim.
Now, don’t get me wrong. He drives me crazy. He’s a little demon spawn. A selfish little piece of shit. More than once have I seen him sacrifice a playmate to make a quick escape or use poor Skoodge as a flesh shield. His bomb gifts haunt me very soul- I swear I hear them ticking in the walls relentlessly, taunting me. But he brings me such a calming ease. It’s so weird. Like… I wanna ring his neck sometimes but just having his little body in my arms brings me such warmth. His voice makes me want to slam my face against a wall but I honestly can’t fathom it not being there. I just want to be there for him. And do everything in my power to make him as happy as I can.
What did he do to me?
Ugh. I’m pulling my lekku out at my desk. Think, Zara. Think. There’s gotta be something I can do. I’m mindlessly fumbling through my clutter, still rackin’ my brain around what to do next. Suddenly, a sweet scent fills the air and I realize I opened my candy drawer.
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Hmmmm…. it’s not much but it’s the thought that counts.
I look over to Kira and tell her imma need to take 5. “Candy break?” She asks, watching me sneak a few pieces away. “Something like that” I reply.
Walking down the hallway to the smeetery felt like an eternity. What do I say? How will he respond? Lord, what if he wakes the other smeets and I gotta clear out my whole snack stash to not upset the others? What if he cries? If his PAK spazes out again, what if I have to shock him again? What if I fail my mission? What will the control brains do to me? what if… what if I have to kill him? How would I live with myself if I...hurt my smeet? Shit. I gotta stop doing that. He’s not MY smeet. He belongs to Irk. I’m just a guardian, nothing more. But… I never want him to leave my side. But he also has a job to do! For Irk! I hope he never becomes an invader. Keep him here, where it’s safe. Maybe the science division or something… hmmmmm.”
“Uhhh…” I hear next to me, a random voice sounding concerned. It breaks my concentration and I see another guard, head slightly tilted, staring at me. “You good, man?”
Oh! Seems I have been standing at the door for some time. I laughed. “Yeah. Sorry. Just got a lot on my mind.”
“It’s cool” she smiled “just don’t let the higher ups catch you wandering around aimlessly.”
“I appreciate it. Thanks!” I said waving as she went about her way. “Higher ups?” Yeah. Not a whole lot of fear there. Nothing can be worse than what we’ve already experienced.
The door opened, inviting me to the darkness of the smeetery. Was it always so cold in here? The only light shines from a few wires and screens on the walls but other than that, it’s pretty pitch black. A totally different feel to the liveliness of the early shift when spirits are high and bodies are active. Luckily, our vision is enhanced in our tubes, far before we go online so nighttime is never an issue for us.
I creep over to the nesting area, where all the little bodies are snoozing (or snoring in Skoodge’s case) and see those ruby eyes staring at the ceiling. I notice his antenna perk and he looks my direction, instantly making a face of aggression.
That the hell kinda greeting is that? Little rude shit. I wanna smack him outside his little skull but I take a deep breath and calmly whisper. “Ain’t you supposed to be asleep?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“I’m your guard. It IS my business. Why ain’t you asleep?”
“I’m not tired.”
“Something bothering you?”
I can see it written all over his face in glow in the dark paint. “Ah-ha. You really are a bad liar. Is it cuz your legs?”
“NO.” He turned to face away from me.
“Hey. Listen: you’re going to get it. I know you will.”
“But how come Tak could so easily? All mine do is attack me.”
“Just because she got it faster than you, that doesn’t make her better than you.”
“Zim never claimed it did.”
He’s hurt. His words and his feelings are battling against each other. Tak being able to activate her PAK legs without any difficulties was eating him alive but he would never admit it.
“Listen… Zim. It’s going to get easier. You just gotta keep at it. Small steps get you far in life.”
He shrugged, sitting up, curling into himself. “Zim wonders about that sometimes. Maybe… he isn’t meant to get it.”
There it is. “Of course you are.” I said, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. “I believe in you. You are going to find a way. You never give up. I don’t think you know how.”
He looked my way, eyes wide and glassy. SHIT. Imma make him cry!? I didn’t mean to!
“You… you do?”
“Of course I believe in you, dummy. And I will be here every step of the way. I got you.” I said, grazing my thumb across his cheek. A smile took the place of that awful frown and his eyes lit. “Here. I got you a little something, but only if you try to get some sleep. You got a long day of training with your PAK and you need all the rest you can get. Oh, and don’t let anyone know I did this.” I said putting my finger to my lips.
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I reached into a belt pocket and grabbed a wrapped hard candy. With two fingers I held it in front of him, he looked at it inquisitively. His grubby little hands reached for it and I let him grab it. He stared at it, slowly unwrapping it and Then glanced back at me. I guess he didn’t trust it.
“It’s not drugged or nuthin’. Just some sweets.”
Again, he stared at me.
“Your accent is really weird.”
“Just eat the damn candy and shut up” I said, pushing the sweet into his mouth. He just huffed but suckled on.
“Now DON'T cause anymore problems and get some shut eye. I will see you bright n’ early.”
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He just puffed his cheeks and rolled over. Think I handled that well. And maybe, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for him.
Smiled and waved on my way out. Dunno if he saw me but it doesn’t hurt. Walked into the hallway, into dread. Leaned against the wall and slid down.
Us E.L.I.T.E.S can’t disobey orders from the Control brains but… I pray with everything I have in me that things stay like this forever. Cuz’ if i ever had my mission changed or if I had to hurt him… idunno what I would do.
Zara out
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mdelpin · 3 years
A Proper Send Off
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Gratsu Week 2021 Prompt: Goodbye Pairing: Gray x Natsu
Summary: Natsu is having trouble coping with everything he learned during the Alvarez War and tries to sneak away again, but Gray isn't about to let him go alone.
They take off together and find all their friends waiting for them at the Magnolia town marker. After all, no one is allowed to leave Fairy Tail without a proper send-off.
Gray caught up to Natsu and Happy about a mile from the Magnolia town marker.
“You going somewhere, Flame Breath?”
Gray’s heart caught in his throat when Natsu refused to look at him, his eyes staying firmly on the ground.
“I tried to talk him out of it, Gray, but he wouldn’t listen.” Happy complained, “It’s just like last time.”
“Don’t worry about it, Happy, I’m not about to let him make the same mistake again.”
“I have to go.” Natsu said in a strangled voice. “Please don’t try to stop me.”
Gray wasn’t really surprised. He’d been expecting something like this for days.
Tartaros, Alvarez, Zeref, END…
Any one of these was a lot to handle, but all of them at once? It was just too much.
For both of them.
Things still hadn’t gone back to normal between them, and truth be told, Gray was still worried that Lucy’s attempt to rewrite the book of END might have changed Natsu somewhat.
But he knew that wasn’t exactly fair. It wasn’t so much that Natsu was different now; it was more that he didn’t know how to act around others.
And who could blame him? Even the people around town who had always treated Natsu as a friend had begun to treat him differently.
On top of that, after spending years searching for answers to his past, he’d certainly learned more than he’d bargained for. Who his family was, how he’d ended up with Igneel, the connection he shared with Wendy, Gajeel, Sting and Rogue as well as Lucy’s ancestor.
Even more, he’d learned what he was and the purpose he’d been meant to fulfill.
How many people had been killed or had their lives destroyed because of Zeref’s attempts to resurrect him? How did anyone live with that knowledge?
It was something Gray could easily sympathize with. After all, guilt was something he dealt with daily. For the people who had died so he could live, for not returning Juvia’s fervent affections, and for not being able to offer his father the peace he’d asked for.
And now he could add trying to kill the person he loved most and breaking a promise to the list.
Gray didn’t know how they were going to come back from any of this, but he knew that as much as he wanted to tell him he was wrong, Natsu was on to something. He needed to leave to sort through all of his doubts and fears, including this new one that he was a danger to his friends.
Zeref might be gone, but that had never stopped dark sorcerers from searching out any vestiges of his magic, and that was part of what Natsu was now.
But Gray wasn’t just about to let him do it alone.
And he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Who said anything about stopping you?” Gray said. “I’m going with you.”
Natsu’s head jerked up and Gray pointed at the travel bag that hung on his shoulder.
“But what about Juvia?” He blurted out before adding in a softer tone, “And the others?”
“Juvia will never get over her creepy obsession if I stay, and as for the others,” he paused, because the truth is this part did make him sad. “They’ll be fine.”
The members of Fairy Tail had been his family for so long, he knew he’d miss them all terribly.
But everyone had to leave home sometime. It was part of growing up, and he truly felt that his future lay with Natsu.
He knew mending their relationship wouldn’t be easy, but it was important to him to try. Besides, he’d already discussed it with Gramps, and the old man had agreed. This was what was best for Natsu right now, and it would be much better if he didn’t go alone.
“I don’t know where I’m going.” Natsu said, looking a little embarrassed by the admission.
“I expected that from a Flame Brain like you.” Gray laughed. “That’s okay. We can figure it out on the way. I doubt it matters much, anyway.”
“Are you sure about this? It could get dangerous.”
“Standing next to you is dangerous,” Gray scoffed. “Don’t worry about me, love, I can hold my own.”
“Love?” Natsu said, sounding puzzled at hearing the familiar term of endearment. “But I thought…”
“Well, that was your first mistake,” Gray quipped, but when Natsu didn’t laugh, he gave up the pretense that everything was alright between them.
“I know I fucked up. Said and did things I didn’t mean, but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. And I know it won’t be easy, but I want to work on us again.”
Natsu searched his eyes for the briefest of seconds, and satisfied with whatever he found in them, he began walking, pulling Gray along with him.
Happy flew around them, looking much more cheerful now that he knew Gray was joining them on their journey this time around.
They heard the commotion before they saw what it was, and Gray groaned as they got to the top of the hill, only to find Erza and just about everyone else in the guild waiting for them.
“You didn’t really think you’d be able to leave us without a proper sendoff, did you?” Erza asked, looking incredibly pleased with herself as everyone else snorted their agreement.
Yes, he’d rather hoped so. Gray hated scenes and he could already feel Natsu stiffening next to him. He shot an annoyed glare at Gramps, but the old man merely shrugged his shoulders unapologetically.
Natsu was examining the ground again, and curious what brought that about, he looked around and noticed Lucy heading towards them.
“It’s alright, Natsu. I’ll be just fine this time.” Lucy smiled. “I’m even working on a book about all of our adventures. Levy is helping me.”
Natsu looked up at that. She wrapped him up in a quick hug, and Gray backed away to give them some space.
“I-I just wanted to say thank you for everything. All the times you saved me, and all the fun we had. These last couple of years I was able to find a family again, and it was all thanks to you. I’m going to miss you. You too, Gray!”
“We saved each other,” Natsu corrected with a fond smile, even as Happy flew into Lucy’s arms and hugged her.
“Don’t let him destroy too much, Happy, okay?”
Happy nodded solemnly and gave his customary, “Aye, sir!”
Everyone jumped in with well wishes and words of encouragement until there were only a few left.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t cry,” Wendy wailed as she hugged them tightly.
“It’s okay, kiddo. You’ll see us again!” Gray assured her, hoping that he was right. He didn’t know how long this journey of theirs would take, but he hoped they could return someday.
“Try to keep your pants on,” Cana said as she hugged Gray. She whispered, “Unless you don’t have to…”
“Cana!” Gray protested as he shoved her away playfully.
“I heard that,” Natsu grumbled.
“I know,” Cana winked, capturing him in a hug as well. “Take care of each other, and say hi to my old man for me if you bump into him on the road.”
Natsu nodded.
Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna came as a group. Mira handed Natsu a bag with food.
“Here you go, I packed you both some lunch.” Mira fussed over them, “Don’t forget to eat, and write us letters from time to time to let us know how you’re doing.”
Lisanna giggled, “Like Natsu would ever forget to eat.”
She gave him a big hug, “Take care of yourselves.”
She whispered something into Natsu’s ear that Gray did not catch, but his face turned an interesting shade of red, and he shushed her.
Gray had little chance to think about what she might have said because Elfman enveloped them in a hug and slapped both their backs hard enough for it to hurt.
“Elfman, are you crying?” Mira asked, watching her younger brother with an amused smile.
“Crying is manly,” Elfman wiped away at his eyes.
Warren stepped forward and handed them each a mobile lacrima device. “Here, take these, in case you want to get in touch or something.”
“You don’t have to-”
Gray got no further as Warren turned away, muttering “Just take them.”
“Is he crying?” Natsu whispered, and Gray could only shrug in response.
Macao and Romeo came next, and neither made any effort to hide their tears. “Take care, you two, and try to get along, will ya?”
Romeo only stared at them and it was then Gray remembered he’d been the one who’d never given up on them all those years they’d been stuck on Tenrou.
“You’re going to have to train hard,” Natsu told him, “Cause I’m leaving you in charge of the guild while I‘m gone, okay?”
Romeo nodded, and like Wendy before him, hugged them both at once. Gray found himself petting his head, as Macao used to do to them when they were younger. It didn’t feel like it had been all that long ago, really.
“I’m not gonna say goodbye, since I plan to pop in on you now and again.” Loke gave them each a fist bump. “So make sure you have interesting stuff to tell me.”
He stepped back to stand between Cana and Lucy.
“Juvia doesn’t see why Natsu has to take Gray-sama with him,” Juvia wailed loudly to anyone who would listen.
“Try not to get too lost in that little head of yours, alright?” Gajeel slapped Natsu on the back. He shook Gray’s hand and muttered. “I’ll try to keep the crazy away as much as I can, but you guys might want to hurry the first couple of days, so there isn’t a trail for her to follow.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Gajeel waited while Pantherlily and Carla said their goodbyes to Happy.
That left only Erza and Gramps. Erza pushed Makarov’s wheelchair over to them.
“I better not hear you two are running around destroying towns and bothering people,” Erza started off sternly, but by the end of her scolding, there were tears in the corner of her eyes.
Gray could feel matching tears coming on and he could hear Natsu sniffling next to him too.
“Come here, you two,” Erza said, grabbing them both into a fierce hug. “You’ve come so far. You’re going to be just fine, I just know it. I’ll- I’ll miss you.”
They held on to her tightly, letting her cry over them. Gray had known she’d be the hardest. For as strict as she’d always been on them, they shared the most history. Not to mention she’d also been the one to force them to get past their stupid rivalry.
They finally let go of her, smiling as they wiped away their tears.
“There’s only one thing left to do.” Gramps said, and everyone lined up behind him.
“While you are leaving us, always remember that Fairy Tail will always be your home, and should you, no, when you choose to return, it will be here waiting for you.”
“Now, as you know, there are three rules that any mage who leaves Fairy Tail must abide by.
Number One - You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.
Number Two - You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.
And Number Three - Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might. You must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live.”
Gramps looked so small in that wheelchair, fragile almost, and Gray had a passing thought that this might be the last time they got to see him. He felt his heart clench at the thought, not ready to think about losing anyone else that was important to him.
“Thanks, Gramps.” There was so much more Gray wanted to say to him, but he had a feeling the old man knew. “For everything.”
“Yeah, Gramps, thanks for taking me in.” Natsu smiled, the first genuine smile Gray had seen since the war had ended.
“The pleasure was mine,” Gramps grinned, “Well, most of the time anyway. Now, get going!”
“Take care of yourselves boys, and try not to be so reckless.”
“Bye everyone!” Natsu and Gray called out, waving to everyone before turning around and walking away.
Gray reached out for Natsu’s hand, wanting to test the waters, and was pleased to find Natsu didn’t fight him off.
Now that they were finally on their way, the wave of sadness lifted and the excitement creeped in again, and as they turned back one last time they saw everyone had lifted their hands in air making the Fairy Tail hand signal.
Even if we can't see you... no matter how far away you may be... we will always be watching you.
“We’ll be back someday,” Gray squeezed the hand he held in his.
“I hope so.”
Happy took one look at their joined hands and squeaked. “I knew it! You looooove him!”
“Do not, shut up!” Natsu yelled, pulling away from Gray and chasing after the Exceed.
“You looooove him, you looooove him!” Happy chanted, flying just out of Natsu’s reach.
Gray watched them and chuckled, glad to see Natsu acting more like himself. They had left their home behind, and it would be tough going, but in the end, he truly hoped Natsu could find the peace he was looking for, and he wanted nothing more than to share it with him.
But of course, there was nothing wrong with having a few adventures along the way!
A/N: This is immensely personal for me. Today is the last day of the last Gratsu Week hosted by @becausewhenyoupracticeyouimprove and the @gratsu-week blog on Tumblr. It was the first event I ever participated in back in 2018, and it's an event that I have helped organize for the last three years. It's very special to me.
So it is very fitting that the last ever prompt was goodbye.
More than just a story, this represents my goodbye to canon as well. I will go no further than this point.
I was one of those people who was really excited by the announcement that Fairy Tail would continue in 100 Year's Quest, because God knows I wasn't ready to let go.
But from the moment it first came out, I was horrified by what it turned out to be (a horrible story whose only purpose was to further the big 4, with even more fan service than before, and I won't even get into the character assassination). As such, I refuse to have anything to do with it. So I have ended things my way, because if the point of Fairy Tail is now ships, then I will sail with mine.
Hopefully, this will also provide some of you with the same comfort it gives me.
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snailsnfriends · 4 years
Dream SMP and the Effects of Grimdark Media: An Essay
Hello! For those who don’t me, I am snail, and I have been interested in the Dream SMP since October, but joined the Tumblr community not too long ago. As a writer and actor myself, the work of those on the Dream SMP has absolutely blown me away. However, I and others have noticed a trend in the writing of the Dream SMP: a good sum of it is very grimdark, and I began to notice people really feeling the effects of that, and I wanted to look more deeply into it, and how that can be altered. 
NOTE: I am completely aware that all of the writers on the Dream SMP are amateurs, and likely do not have any sort of “training” other than what they were taught in school. I would not be critiquing the writing of the Dream SMP if I did not believe that it could be “fixed.” Later in this essay, I offer suggestions to “fix” the problem that I’m bringing up. All references to factual information used in this essay will be linked at the end. 
Now, before we can talk about the Dream SMP and its writing, first we need to figure out what grimdark media is and how that affects those who watch it.
What is grimdark media?
According to the google the definition of grimdark is “(of fiction, especially fantasy fiction) characterized by disturbing, violent, or bleak subject matter and a dystopian setting.”
So now that we’ve established what grimdark is, how does depressing media, or any form of media for that matter, affect our emotions as the viewer?
As we are consuming any form of media, whether it’s a movie, a TV show, a book, a podcast, a live theatrical performance, or a Dream SMP lore stream, we as the viewers are completely aware that what we are watching is purely fictional, and that those who are performing are acting. None of the events are real, none of the characters are real, and none of the settings are real. 
So why do we react so heavily to certain moments? Why do we cry during heavy lore streams if we know that none of it is real? 
A lot of it has to do with the human capacity to feel empathy/sympathy. Empathy allows us to understand the experiences of others, even complete strangers. Sympathy, on the other hand, allows us to share the feelings and/or emotions of others. As we are consuming media, we are aware that all of it is fake, but we still feel empathy and/or sympathy for the characters. So much so that a physical response, such as crying, is a result. 
Even though the characters of the Dream SMP are not real, a lot of their characters’ responses to traumatic events ARE, so we as an audience sympathize with them heavily. For example, c!Tommy shows very clear signs of PTSD after being killed by Dream, such as extreme emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds the victim of the event (c!Tommy freaking out after taking fall damage), trying to avoid discussing the even or avoiding activities, people, and places that remind the victim of the event (c!Tommy refusing to go into depth about what happened to him), memory problems (does not really remember how long he was dead for), easily startled, always on guard, extremely irritable, angry outbursts or aggressive behavior, and difficulty keeping close relationships (his current relationship with c!Tubbo). 
Even though we as an audience know that c!Tommy and his experiences aren’t real, his reactions to these experiences are realistic, and can be relatable to a lot of viewers, those with PTSD and those without (which is why it is VERY important to be careful with your word choice when discussing these characters; this connects with the problem of villainizing characters with mental illnesses, but that’s another topic for another day). We as viewers empathize with c!Tommy because it is likely that we have reacted the same way to traumatic events, and we understand them fully. They may remind us of our past and/or current selves, so we react emotionally to them. 
We as people also mirror the reactions and emotions of others. If someone starts to cry, real or fictional, it’s likely that you will as well. If someone is angry, you will likely get angry as well. This is not odd, and is very normal for humans to do. Regardless, getting angry or crying are emotional responses, and will hurt you in some way. 
Another thing to note is that this fandom is made up of mostly minors, and some of the most traumatized characters on the Dream SMP are also minors. It can be hard to watch kids your own age go through so much, even fictional ones. As an adult, it can be just as hard to watch these young kids go through so much, especially when you try to compare those characters to who you were at their ages. 
Even those who have not gone through these events will likely sympathize with these characters heavily because what they have gone through is emotionally heavy. Because of all of this, watching heavy lore streams can have a negative effect on a viewer’s mental health. 
Okay, so why is the Dream SMP storyline at the moment so dark and angsty? Why do people keep engaging with it if it is negatively affecting their mental health?
This sort of “angst spiral” of sorts is usually something I notice in fanworks such as fanart or fanfiction. It is sometimes a lot more fun to write or draw heavy, emotional moments, and they garner more attention. 
It sort of goes like this: the plot has a normal amount of angst in it for the story, and at this point it is balanced with more happy or “fluffy” content, the angst gets more attention from fans, the writer (or in the case of the Dream SMP, writers) notice this and write more angst as a response but it is still bearable, the audience feeds off of this heavily and create more fanart/fanfiction/theories based on it, writer really notices this and (understandably) comes to the conclusion that angst/grimdark things are the best/easiest way to get the audience excited for the plot, the plot gets very very grimdark and is not balanced out with any upbeat moments, random angst plots are started with no real ending in sight despite that not being the original plan for the character/plot (feet are too small for the big shoes) and the rare upbeat moments are short/not given any attention, and at this point, it can be almost unbearable to watch because the plot has become too grimdark. Once we reach this point, or even a few before it, it can cause a big toll on the viewers’ mental health.
The reason why someone who has been negatively affected by the grimdark content of the Dream SMP may still watch it is because the Dream SMP has not always been this way, and the writers have proven that they can do upbeat/fluffy content, so they keep watching. A big example of this is the Disc War Finale. Although the first half of it was more angsty, the final parts where everyone came together to put c!Dream in jail and to protect c!Tommy and c!Tubbo was upbeat and even a bit cathartic to watch. C!Tommy and c!Tubbo sitting on the bench, listening to their discs together in the end was much needed for the audience. This can even be seen in smaller examples, like c!Tommy exclaiming, “I’m free!” while flying around with c!Dream’s trident, or c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo adopting Michael and getting married.
The Dream SMP also may be someone’s hyperfixation, so they are unable to simply stop watching. 
So now that we know all of this, what can the writers of the Dream SMP do to fix this, and what can we as viewers do to help ourselves out?
As I said in the note before this essay, I will be citing examples of a more balanced lore/angst plot that the writers have shown that they are capable of doing.
The writers: 
Make designated lore streams shorter
The best example of this is c!Tommy’s 25-30 minute prison streams. These streams were short, sweet, and to the point. We got all of the “lore” we needed quickly, and if you happened to miss it, it was easy to watch it back later. If the lore bits were too heavy to watch, then you would not be missing too much. 
I know that this is definitely not always possible, so this is most likely the best way to go:
Balance out lore and funny bits in streams
Cc!Tommy’s last lore stream, pretty much all of the Pogtopia streams, and most of cc!Tubbo’s streams are like this. They are a mix of lore and funny moments where the CCs are actually speaking and joking with each other. These are a lot easier to watch because it is not heavy the entire time. The joking moments provide a break in between the angst, and it can also be used as a good way to remind the audience that the Dream SMP is purely fictional. These streams are also better for those who do not really care for the lore and would rather just watch the CCs mess around with each other. 
For me, these funny moments are what caused me to fall in love with the Dream SMP and the creators behind it, and I know that the same applies to a lot of people in this fandom. I think this would probably be the best way for the Dream SMP to operate around lore. 
The viewers 
Try to take a break from lore streams if it becomes too much
As I stated before, the Dream SMP is not real, but the characters’ reactions to events can be very realistic and hard to watch. If things become too much for you, try to take a break from it. Stop watching the stream, don’t go on social media if you follow stan accounts or Dream SMP dedicated blogs, and go do something that calms you down. If you feel that you’re feeling good enough to go back to the stream, go ahead! If not, then that’s completely okay too!
Follow lore recap accounts/blogs to stay up to date on the lore
The fear of missing lore streams is centered largely around missing something crucial. There are plenty of accounts on Twitter and blogs on Tumblr that recap lore streams so you can stay up to date on the plot without having to watch the streams. 
The VODs will be there to watch later
If things are too much, remember that you do not have to watch the streams in real-time. You can always watch them later if you aren’t in the right headspace to watch them live. 
The Dream SMP’s writing and acting is very impressive. The amount of awesome fanart, fanfiction, analysis posts, and other work is absolutely amazing. It is so cool that so many people enjoy this Minecraft roleplay so much. The amount of people who love it is good proof that the writers are doing an amazing job, and the amount of people having an emotional response to it shows the same thing. However, the amount of angst can be hard to watch and can put the writers in a tough spot to get out of. 
I have a lot of faith in the writers of the Dream SMP, and I believe that it is possibly on the right track, with Tommy’s latest lore stream being an example of this. I really do think that the amount of grimdark content can be altered and streams can be easier and more fun to watch. Hopefully we’ll get a more mixed bag of lore and angst soon to make things more enjoyable for everyone involved.
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thefallennightmare · 4 years
Vas Prizrak-Fifteen
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader. Slight Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1711 
Warnings: swearing, some smut if I’m feeling frisky, tiny bits of fluff, and a whole lot of angst.
Summary:  Bucky and Reader’s life in Wakanda had been everything they ever wanted. But when they are told about the fight that was on it’s way to them, they fear that life would be dusted away for good.
A/N: IT’S FINALLY HERE! Here comes the big fight scene! I’m sorry if it sucks, I’m terrible at writing fight scenes ha. As always, enjoy! This will be the last chapter for tonight. It’s getting real late!
TAGS: @mggpleasedontlookhere @grey-force-jedi @austynparksandpizza @lovelyladymayyy​
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“Doll, you have to wake up.” 
“Come on love, you have to get up. 
“GET UP, Y/N!” 
My eyes snapped open with a sudden alert, fire shooting from my hands towards the man that loomed over me. 
“Hey, it’s me. It’s Steve.” He grabbed my hands, allowing me to calm my fear for a moment.
The pain had set in, deep into my bones, so I let Steve gently pull me to my feet. Our former home that was the Avengers compound laid at our feet in a pile of rubble. 
“Are you okay?” Steve questioned as he gave me a quick once over. 
“Besides the splitting headache, I’m fine. What happened?” 
He looked around, confused, before shaking his head. 
“I don’t know.” He answered. 
“When you mess with time, it tends to mess back.” Tony said coming behind us. “C’mon, you’ll see.”
He motioned towards the edge of the makeshift cliff made from the debris where Thor stood, staring down at something below. A gasp of horror fell from my lips when I saw what our current situation was; a large space ship floated idly in the sky and someone we never thought we would have to face again. 
Thanos sat waiting for something, possibly a fight. 
“How can this be? You killed him,” I mentioned to Thor. 
“I have no idea,” he shook his head, equally confused as the rest of us. 
“Where are all the stones?” Steve asked. 
“Somewhere under all of this.” 
I nodded. “Good, let’s keep it that way.”
“It’s probably a trap, right?” Thor stated. 
“I don’t much care,” Tony shrugged. 
Thor called Mjolnir and Storm breaker, lighting striking down around us, while I let the fire burn warm to my fingertips, the flames dancing in sync with the wind. Over the years, I mastered being able to let the fire burn without burning myself or extinguishing on its own. I had also mastered a few other tricks with my flames, others that no one had seen yet. 
But they were about too. 
“Let’s go kill this son of a bitch again. Properly this time,” I fumed while adjusting my mask. 
The strands of my hair had turned to flames, framing my face with a warm sensation. My feet had ascended from the ground, the flames from my hands keeping me up in the air as I floated with the wind. 
“What the hell,” Steve muttered, astonished at what he had just witnessed. 
“I see you’ve been practicing.” 
The familiar voice brought a smirk to my lips before I gave Steve my attention once more. 
“What, this?” I motioned to myself. “Pft, I’ve been doing this for years. 
While they walked their way down to Thanos, I flew above them, keeping a close distance in case they needed help.
“You couldn’t live with your own failure,” Thanos chuckled towards us. 
It was a dark chuckle that made your skin crawl in disgust. 
His speech had fallen on deaf ears as I took in the surroundings. Half of our team was missing, unsure where they had ended up after the blast. It was only us four against Thanos, surly we could handle it on our own. 
Thor’s battle cry gained my attention and within seconds we were all fighting against Thanos. 
Flames shot through my hands, blasting Thanos back against a large pile of debris, and once my feet touched down onto the dirt I cocked my head towards him. The urge to kill filled me to my core.
“You took everything from me,” I fumed. 
Thanos stood, towering over me. “I don’t even know who you are.” 
It was my turn to let out a deep chuckle. 
“Trust me, you will.” 
Raising my hands above me, I manipulated the flames making them grab a large piece of metal and threw it into Thanos’ face. A small trail of blood pooled from his forehead. 
“All that for a drop of blood,” he mused. 
“We’re just getting started,” I promised. 
We were all fighting him again, Steve tossing me his shield every once in a while to get a few good shots with it. With my flames and Tony’s beams, we held him back so Thor could smack him far away from us with his hammer. 
“So kid, any other new tricks you want to show us?” Tony jeered when we had a moment of peace. 
“A few,” I gave a quick wink. 
Moments passed, Thanos getting the upper hand on us, and with the three men scattered far away from me, I knew I was on my own until they could gain their strength once more. 
My body flew through the air towards Thanos, however, he had caught my foot and yanked me down to the ground. He grounded my body with several punches to the face and stomach, the taste of copper pooling in my mouth. He raised his large double sword above me, inches away from my chest. 
“What a pathetic excuse for a human life,” he spat. 
Pupils dilated, I stared up at him with horrendous fear for my life. Thanos was seconds away from ending it all before I even knew if our mission had worked; if Bucky had come home. 
“I didn’t train you to give up so easily.” 
The cool metal from Thanos’ sword pressed deep into my stomach, causing a high pitched banshee scream to erupt from my throat. It did absolutely nothing to phase him. 
Suddenly, he had been smacked away from me and I saw Thor’s hammer flying through the wind. Only it never reached Thor’s hand. It reached someone else entirely. 
Steve stood proudly with his shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other.
“What the fuck,” I cursed. 
Thor’s voice came through our coms. “I knew it. I knew he was worthy.” 
Winding up the hammer, Steve ran towards Thanos and connected with his face, sending Thanos flying hundred of feet behind us. With the quick break we had, Steve slowly helped me to my feet and winced at the open wound on my stomach. 
“Doll,” he breathed. 
“You guys wanted to see all my new tricks,” I pushed his fingers away from the wound on my stomach.
With flames from my left hand, I placed it over my wound and let out a large hiss as the fire cauterized the wound closed. Even with my super healing, it would have taken a long while for that wound to heal.
“Enough about me though,” I nodded towards the hammer in his hand. “When the fuck did that happen?” 
Steve opened his mouth to speak however a yell came out of mine when I felt Thanos attack me from behind, sending me far away from Steve. My body collided hard on top of a large rock and  I slowly tried to sit up on my knees but the wind had been knocked out of me. The taste of blood still remained in my mouth and with a defeated groan, I rolled off of the rock onto the dirt. I could barely lift my head to finally look at Steve. 
“No,” I wept with the sight that had just unfolded. 
Thanos’ sword had done the unthinkable; it had broken Steve’s shield in half, pieces lying scattered around him. His body had been thrown closer to me by Thanos’ sword so I tried my best to crawl over towards him. 
“C’mon, we have to get up,” I tried my best to cheer him on. 
Our eyes locked and even though his blue iris’ shone with so much light, I knew he was scared. Steve was worried that this was the endgame; we wouldn’t be able to stop Thanos this time. 
“What I’m about to do to your tiny little planet, I’m going to enjoy it very much,” Thanos vowed. 
The sky opened above us, thousands of alien species stepping their way through their own makeshift portals.  
Steve and I both helped each other to our feet, him tightening the shield so it helped stop the bleeding on the open wound on his arm. The flames crackled to life once more at my fingertips as the two of us stood tall against Thanos’ army. 
“All of my training led you to this, doll. This is what you were meant to fight for.”
An annoyed sigh fell through my lips at the familiar voice speaking to my thoughts once more. Noticing the large rip in the left arm of my suit, I yanked it away, displaying my tattoo of the Soldat arm to anyone who chose to look at it.
“I love you Bucky, I really do, but now is not the time to hear your ghost voice in my head again,” I grumbled to myself. 
“Who said anything about a ghost voice?” 
“What?” I uttered. 
“Hey cap, you read me?” 
Steve and I both looked at one another, dumbfounded at the voice we both heard now on our coms. 
“It’s Sam. On your left.” 
Suddenly, hundreds of bright yellow circles appeared in the sky, sparking to life around us. There was one circle, however, that we had our eyes trained hard on right in front of us. There was a sense of warmth, familiarity, and love that emanated from it. The type of love that I hadn’t felt in my veins in over five years. 
A lone body stepped through while another flew over us and the reality smacked me hard in the face when I realized that Bucky’s voice wasn’t speaking to me in my mind like it had been all those times before. His soft voice had been coming through the com in my ear this entire fight. 
Standing in front of me, in the same gear he had worn the last time I laid eyes on him, was the love of my life. The man that I had spent the last five years avenging and the man that I vowed to Natasha I would save. 
“Bucky,” I breathed his name. 
I wanted to believe that it was really him but also didn’t want to get my hopes up in case I was actually seeing his ghost again. 
“I’ve missed you so much, dorogaya.” Bucky’s plump lips curled up into an eye crinkling smile.
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ochabestgirl · 3 years
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I have so many good ideas and prompts for fanfiction, and I HAVE tried my had at writing, but it never turns out how I’m wanting it to. I would love for an experienced fanfic writer who loves kachako, to maybe feel inspired to write a specific prompt that has been in my head for years.
So the story starts out with an established Katsuki and Ochako relationship.
Ochako hasn’t been feeling her best, with fatigue and weakness, wt loss, easily getting winded which has been putting a dent in her hero training. Ochako has never wanted to be a burden on anyone, so she keeps how she’s been feeling to herself, brushing off any concerns from her friends and teachers, saying she’s just been overworking herself as an excuse.
Things then take a turn for the worst when she passes out after giving blood at the yearly blood drive that pops up at UA every November. Nobody really thinks anything of it, since it is a normal reaction to donating blood. She wakes up in recovery girls office 4 hours later with a passed out Katsuki in the chair next to her bed. He wakes up and is worried but she eases his worries and sends him back to his dorm room after recovery girl comes in to check up on her. Once their alone, she informs her that after running a few tests on some of the blood she had donated, they discovered that her labs showed an increased in the number of leukocytes which point to one think, leukemia.
Recovery girl wants her to run more tests and have a bone marrow biopsy to confirm and come up with a treatment plan but Ochako is in denial. She can’t possibly accept the fact that all her hard work the last two years at UA could all be for nothing, so she goes harder than ever and does her best to hide it from everyone, including Katsuki.
After getting pared up with Kirishema for a class hero project, Ochako starts having worse symptoms, like bleeding gums and nose bleeds. Recovery girl says that this is a sign of worsening leukemia so she gives her an ultimatum, she either go’s to get her biopsy done or she was going to tell Her teachers, HIPAA be damned.
Reluctantly she agrees, but on the days following, Kirishema notices that she’s been slacking and feels frustrated to be the only one doing the work. On the day of her biopsy, she dips out of training early. Kirishema, having had enough, confronts her saying it wasn’t fair to him if she wasn’t going to take their assignment seriously. Ochako ends up having a compleat meltdown saying, “ you wanna know what’s not fair, I have cancer!” Kirishema in shock tries to respond but she cuts him off “ I’m going to my first bone biopsy today, that’s why I had to leave early, I’m going through this alone, but I’m sorry if all of this is an inconvenience to you!” Tears rolling down her face she turns on her heals and walks away, leaving Kirishema standing there speechless.
After a few moment he takes off to recovery girl desperately looking for answers, now extremely worried about his friend. He grills her for answers. Recovery girl, not able to give him much information, tells him what she can. That Ochako isn’t wanting to tell anyone or be compliant, and where her biopsy is taking place.
Ochako is on the table and they are about to start but before they even take out the needle a nurse walks in and whispers something to the dr. He nods his head and the nurse leaves. She doesn’t thank anything about it, until the door opens and Kirishema walks in. She is confused. “I couldn’t let you go through this alone.” He says shrugging his shoulders with a wary look on his face and tears in his eyes.
He sits by her side holding her hand and brushing his fingers through her hair as she gasps and cries in pain. Tears both running down their faces.
* I don’t have much in between this part and the next. Mostly just Katsuki  worrying to death, seeing the bruising on Ochako body and the amount of weight she has lost, not to mention her lethargic behavior, and Kirishema wanting to tell him what’s been going on but not being able to because it wasn’t his place. Ochako swearing him to secrecy, wanting to be the one to tell him but not feeling ready, so she keep putting it off.*
Kirishema has enough when Ochako passes out during breakfast, right in the middle of eating. Katsuki beside himself with anxiety and worry, urging her to take it easy. Ochako looks at Kirishema, noticing the terrified look on his face and excuses herself to go to her dorm room, but not without giving her boyfriend a calming kiss saying she was going to take a nap. Katsuki watch’s her disappear through the elevator doors, with a hopeless look on his face. Kirishema has made up his mind and sneaks off after breakfast to confront Ochako.
They end up getting into an argument and Kirishema says that she has to the end of the week to tell Katsuki or he was going to and storms out of her room, leaving Ochako sitting on her bed staring off into space completely spent with the day already.
Katsuki comes up after cleaning up the dining area to find Ochako passed out rather uncomfortable looking on her bed. He adjusts her to where her head is on her pillow and draws the covers up over her shoulders. She is shivering so he looks for another blanket in her dresser drawers only to find a large plastic bag full of an assortment of colorful pills. (Ochako put them in a plastic bag so she could hide them better.)
Completely shook, thinking that Ochako has a drug problem, he takes the pills and leaves, and in typical Katsuki fashion with no warning or tact, confronts Ochako in the common room after dinner in front of all his classmates. Completely consumed with worry, frustration, anger, concern and sadness, he doesn’t even think that he probably shouldn’t have approached it the way he did, but he was too desperate to care.
He throws the bag of pills out on the coffee table in front of Ochako. “Care to explain why I found a bag of pills in your dresser?” He asks with so much tension he is shaking a little bit. “I should have noticed sooner, it makes so much since now.” He says to no one in particular.
“Katsuki it’s not what you think, let me explain, I….”
“Don’t even fucking lie Ochako, you’ve been lying to me for weeks, I’m sick of it damnit!” He is shaking uncontrollably now. “I’m telling Aizawa, and we’re getting you into the first rehabilitation facility we can find that has an opening!” He’s so unhinged that he doesn’t even notice the stunned looks of concern on his classmates faces.
“Ochako, is it true?” Mina asked with both hands cradled to her chest. “ If it is, we all love you and want to help you.”
At this point Ochako is slumped over with her face in her hands, trying to make herself as small as possible.
She had been sitting between Deku and Iida, who are now rubbing her back with worried looks on their faces. “Ochako we will get you help, everything will be okay.” Deku says with tears in his eyes and voice thick with emotion.
Ochako springs off the couch so fast it startles everyone. She’s pacing around the room, and the color looks to be drained out of her face. She’s breathing heavy with tears in her eyes, borderline panic attack mode. Katsuki’s face softens and he approaches her, arms lifting like he was going to try to calm her down.
Kirishema then decides to speak up “ Chako, I think now is the right time to tell him.”
Katsukis head snaps up and his eye meet the ones of his best friend. “What the hell are you talking about, you knew what was going on this whole fucking time, and kept it from me?!”
“It wasn’t my place to say anything bro.” Kirishema responded with regret.
Small explosions leave katsukis palms as he leaps over the couch grabbing onto Kirishema’s shirt getting a few punches in before Deku and Sero pull them apart. Katsukis is still thrashing trying to get out of Dekus grip.
“I have leukemia!” Ochako screams loud enough for everyone in the building to hear. She then falls to the ground curling into herself sobbing.
Everyone and everything just stops and everyone freezes, Kirishema is laying on the floor rubbing his face while katsukis just stands there, with a blank look on his face directed at Ochako.
“Leuko-what now??” Kaminari asks from his place beside Kirishema.
“But that’s” Deku starts “ That’s cancer right?”
A strangled gasp is heard from Tsyu, who is trying not to cry.
“How can this be? Your so young, you have your whole life ahead of you.” Iida says like he hasn’t processed the information yet.
This comment causes katsuki to spring to life, “ w-why the fuck are you still here then, we need to get you to a hospital! Som-someone go get recovery girl! Why are you all looking at me like I’m crazy! She needs to go to a fucking hospital!” He’s not pausing for breath and in a half second, he is crouching down next to Ochako, ready to pick her up and bolt to the closets hospital himself. “ W-whatever, I’m going to get Aizawa myself!”
“You can’t!” Ochako desperately clings to katsukis arm, both trying to ground herself and to stop him from leaving. “You cant tell anyone! N-none of you all can tell anyone.” She looks like a cornered animal.
Katsuki looks at her like she has grown a second head. “what the hell are you talking about?! Do you even get how serious this is?! You could fucking die Ochako!” He’s panicking now “ That is not a risk I am willing to take!”
Anger boiling up inside her she yanks her hands away and stands up, causing katsuki to fall over.
“This isn’t your decision ‘Bakugou!’” She seethes. “I have worked so hard and I have come so far! I can’t give all that up! I won’t!” She is standing so still, fist clenched and shaking slightly.
“Chako, you have to-“ Kirishema is silenced by Ochakos loud “No!”
“I don’t Have to do anything! This is my decision!” Ochako starts backing away, eyes darting around the room, obviously looking for an escape. “It’s my decision…” she whispers once more before she bolts to the door leading to the outside, having jumped over the couch in the process. By the time anyone had realized what had happened, she had already disappeared through the doors vanishing into the night.
The class explodes into a frenzy.
“What is going on down here.” Came the calm voice of their teacher from the elevator doors.
“Mr Aizawa…” Kirishema takes it upon himself to explain everything that had happened, all the while katsuki curls more and more into himself. He is still on the floor, head between his legs and hands in his hair.
Deku is close by, trying to talk to him but it is lost on def ears, he can barely make out the panic in his voice.
Trying to get control over his breathing he starts in though is nose and out through his mouth. He is filled with so many emotions he doesn’t know which one to focus on. Angry tears well up in his eyes, threatening to spill over.
He is aware of Kirishema’s face replacing Deku’s, and the ringing in his ears has stopped enough to hear him say that Aizawa, Mina, and , Tsyu have went after her.
He doesn’t remember when or how he winds up on the couch, and he doesn’t even care. He feels hands push him down so he is laying down with his feet propped up, and a cold washcloth is placed on his head.
By the time he starts to breath normally, he’s not sure how much time has passed. When he opens his eyes, he sees that some people were still lingering. Kirishema was sitting in a chair next to him with his head in his hands. Deku, Iida, and Todoroki were hovering by the door, looking for any sign of their return. Sero and kaminari sat on the love seat across from katsuki with sad, forlorn expressions on their faces.
When he slowly sits up, Kirishema lifts his head. Looking him dead in the eyes, katsuki asked, “Did all of that really happened? Is this really happening?” Katsuki hates how his voice cracks.
“ I’m afraid so.” Kirishema says gaze lowering to the floor. “ listen man, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It wasn’t my place.”
“ I understand why you didn’t. It’s okay.” Kirishema looked like he wanted to say something to that but suddenly the door opened.
Katsuki shoots up from his seat on the couch and faces the door.
Tucked underneath Mr. Aizawa’s arm was a rather small looking Ochako. Face puffy from crying, and bags under her eyes from exhaustion, she looked like the walking dead. Beside her with her arm locked with hers was Mina, face also a little read and puffy, Tysu bringing in the rear holding Ochakos shoes, despair written all over her face.
Ochako refused to look at anyone, even the remaining members of the so called “Deku squad.”
Katsuki makes a move to meet them at the door but one look from Mina makes him stop in his tracks. She shakes her head and mouths ‘not now,’ so not knowing what else to do he just stands there and dumbly watches them make their way to the elevator.
Katsuki tries to sleep that night, but can’t, his mind too full with visions of Ochako dying. Giving up he goes to his desk and opens up his laptop. He spends the next 3 hours researching leukemia, the survival rate, symptoms, causes, treatments, reactions to the medication, by the time the third hours came to a close it’s 2 am and katsuki has had enough. Without second guessing himself, he makes his way out the door, down the hall to Ochakos room and knocks.
It takes a few minutes before the door opens revealing a wide awake but an extremely exhausting looking girl he calls his girlfriend.
Her face contorts in pain and her eyes well up with tears when she sees him. “I’m so sorry katsuki” she sobs.
Without saying anything katsuki grabs her face with both of his hands and kisses her with the power of every emotion he had felt and is still feeling. Pushing her back into her room, he kicks the door shut. She’s on him in seconds, tears still leaking from her eyes as he kisses them away.
“I love you. I love you so fucking much cheeks.” It’s comes out as a choked whisper, like a plea for her to live. He’s got a lump in his throat but he pushes it down. She doesn’t need him breaking down too.
Ochako steps back for only a second to remove her shirt, then she leaps and wraps her legs around katsukis waist, opening up a whole other can of worms.
Not having any control at this point, he pushes her against the door, devouring her mouth like it was his only lifeline. “ I love you too! So much, I’m so sorry.” He silences her words with a Searing kiss. He moves them over to the bed and gently places her down. then settles himself on top of her. “Are you okay? I’m not hurting you am I?” He’s so afraid now.
“You could never hurt me.” She says with such certainty.
That night they gave themselves to each other in every way they could think of.
Him needing to feel her, to know that she was still alive and whole in his arms.
Her needing to feel alive and needing reassurance that she wasn’t alone in this, needing to feel close to the one she loves.
*So that is all I have so far. I do have some thoughts about her treatment and how katsuki struggles with watching her suffer. I would like the story to include weather or not Ochako makes it. But I’ll leave that up to whoever wants to take this story on. Also feel free to write smut if you want. I’m just not good at that, so I didn’t include it.
Please let me know what you all think and if you can make this fic come to life.
Disclaimer: Art is not mine! I got it off of google search. All credit goes to the artists.
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shade-romeo · 4 years
It seems I'm in a mood tonight lads.
Roman sat on Logan's bed, watching him walk back and forth from his desk to the pinboard on the other side of the room, hanging up different papers and pictures.
The two sides had been dating for a good while now, but Logan had requested that they kept it secret until he was ready to tell the others. Roman, wanting Logan to be comfortable, agreed.
So now, the two were peacefully hanging out in Logan's room, keeping idle conversation as Logan worked.
"..Roman?" Said side perked up, seeing Logan standing in the middle of the room, a paper in hand as he looked at him. "Are you alright?"
"Uh, yeah. Sorry, just got lost in my thoughts." Roman smiled sheepishly, as Logan smiled a bit and shook his head fondly, going over to pin up the paper in his hand.
"...Hey Logan?"
"Yes?" Logan acknowledged as he stepped back to look over his pin board.
"..Why can't we sit closer during meals and stuff?" Logan sighed heavily as Roman scrambled to elaborate, "Cuz, well, I just wanted to be closer to you, cuz we hardly get any time to actually be romantic, and cuddle and stuff, so-"
"Roman." The prince went silent, as Logan turned to look at him. "I love you, and I do wish we could have more time together like this, but I do not want to risk Patton finding out about our relationship."
"..You mean Patton and Virgil."
"Hm? No, I don't care if Virgil finds out." Logan hummed. Roman tilted his head, confused.
"..Well, why is Patton finding out a bad thing?" Roman asked.
Logan sighed, moving over to sit down on the edge of the bed. "Because Patton has a tendency to.. tease. He likes to.. basically make fun of me, for having feelings. And if he found out we were dating, that would increase tenfold."
Roman blinked, taken aback, "Wh.. Patton would never do that! He's the nicest person ever!"
Logan shook his head, "Of course you would believe that."
Roman made a little offended noise, "And what does that mean?"
"Patton has trained you to believe he can do no harm." Logan elaborated.
"Yes Roman. Listen, I mean no harm when saying this, but, you are Patton's figurative 'Lapdog' " Logan explained, causing Roman to sit up and cross his arms.
"I am not his lap dog! I am a prince!"
Logan rolled his eyes, "And tell me, when was the last time you did anything without getting permission from Patton?"
Roman floundered for a few second. "W..Well I started dating you without permission!"
"Yes, but as soon as it was official you insisted on telling Patton about it, and wouldn't drop it until I forced you to stop and listen to me." Roman stood up off the bed, standing in a way that obviously portrayed how defensive he was getting.
"Yeah-! Well-! I.. I'm- ...I'm my own side! And I can make my own decisions!" He exclaimed, and started to stomp out of the room, "You're wrong, and I'll prove it to you!" He finished with a glare, before slamming the door shut.
Roman huffed, and started heading to the kitchen, thoughts running wild.
He wasn't a stupid lapdog! He was a valiant prince, and a brave knight! He could make his own decisions, and he could certainly stand up to anyone, including-
"Patton!" Roman yelped, turning around quick to see Patton standing in the doorway to the kitchen, hands on his hips and a stern look on his face.
"Kiddo, what are you doing?" He asked, eyeing Roman in a way that made him feel tiny and vulnerable.
"I was just going to make myself a snack-"
"Kiddo, you know it's almost dinner time. And you shouldn't be eating anything before dinner, it'll ruin your appetite." Patton reprimanded.
Roman found himself starting to apologize, before remembering the conversation with Logan.
"Well.. It'll be fine. Dinner is still a half hour away, and it's just half a sandwich, I'll still eat-"
"Roman." That shut him up in an instant, "Put the food back. You know the rules."
Roman did indeed put the food back, and left with an apology, followed by a cheery goodbye from Patton.
As Roman made his way back to his room, he replayed what had happened over and over.
He.. he wasn't a lapdog! He was just.. just.. taking Patton's advice! Yeah! Patton just didn't want him to not eat, and was looking out for him! Yep!
Once he had convinced himself of this, he sat down at his desk, and started to draw, trying to think about something else.
From then on, he was hyperanalyazing every interaction he had with Patton, and he always came up with new excuses as to why he gave in to Patton so easily. And he refused to speak with Logan again until he had enough proof to show him that he was not Patton's little lapdog.
And it happened that way for a while, at least until.. the wedding.
Roman rose up into his room, tears forming in his eyes immediately. He sank to the floor, and let out a sob, curling up into himself as he cried. Oh god- Logan was right- he was right- he really was just Patton's little toy! Just something to play with and maneuver around until he was no longer relevant.
And it seems like his warranty has expired.
Roman sniffed and wiped his face as best he could, biting back any noises that might slip out as he rose up in front of Logan's door, and knocked.
He was right. He was right, and Roman yelled at him for it. He needed to-
"Ah, so all of a sudden you want my input? How convenient." Logan's voice came from inside.
..oh god. Logan was upset too, holy shit how could he overlook that?! He was ignored most of the time, and then Patton fucking skipped him, followed immediately by Janus taking his place- of course he would be angry. Why would he want to see Roman after he contributed to ignoring him?!
There were footsteps coming towards the door, and Roman panicked, sinking out just before Logan could open the door.
And when he rose up, guess which puppeteer was standing in the middle of his room.
"Roman, kiddo! Oh my gosh, you look terrible!" Patton exclaimed, rushing forward to try and cup his face.
Roman squeaked and ducked out of the way, staring at Patton with wide, untrusting eyes.
"Don't call me that. Get out." Roman glared, trying to force down tears.
Patton frowned, giving Roman puppy eyes, "Ro.. cmon, forgive me? I just wanna help you."
Roman almost did. Almost.
He glared harshly, baring his teeth. "You don't wanna help me! You just want me to smile and force myself to be happy, so you don't feel guilty!"
"Now that isn't tru-"
"Yes it is! Every time you comfort me it's always, 'Oh kiddo, I hate it when you're like this' and 'Gosh, it just hurts so much to see you like this.' Not once have you ever actually tried to comfort me! You're just getting me to force my feelings down so that I look happy, just like a pretty little decorational peice should!"
Patton was stunned silent.
"So why don't you just go and hang out with your new bestest friend! And fuck off!" And Roman forcefully sunk him out.
And then he collapsed, once again devolving into sobs.
He didn't know how long he sat there, sobbing loudly, before his door opened and there was another person sitting down next to him.
"May I hold you?" Logan asked softly, and Roman immediately unfurled and practically jumped on Logan, burying his face in his chest and crying even harder.
Logan wrapped his arms around the smaller side, holding him close and resting his chin on his head.
Roman sobbed, and mumbled over and over, "I'm sorry- you were right- You're always right- I'm so stupid- you're right- I'm sorry-"
Logan gently shushed Roman, planting kisses on the top of his head. "It's okay, it's okay, shh."
It took a long while, but eventually Roman was calm, tiredly laying in Logan's arms.
"Are you alright darling?" Logan asked softly.
"No." Roman answered immediately. "..I'm sorry, for ignoring you during the video." Roman continued before Logan could intervene. "A..and you were right, I.. I really am just Patton's little play thing."
Logan shook his head, "No, no, shh. I appreciate the apology, but you are far from just play thing. I never said that was all you were, because that would be a major falsehood. You mean so much to me, and it is not your fault that Patton is a manipulator."
Roman was silent as tears started to come up again. And Logan sat there with him as they did so, holding him and being there for him, when his so called "Padre" hadn't.
They had each other, and didn't need anyone else.
But maybe.. maybe a friend wouldn't be so bad..
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ua-scarfboy · 4 years
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Pair: Katsuki Bakugo x Gender Neutral!Reader
Synopsis: After defending him from some irritating third-year students, you notice that your friend, Bakugo, starts acting different for the rest of the day. When you try to figure out what’s wrong with him, sparks fly between the two of you. 
Rating: T
Words: 2773
Warning(s): Cursing and Kissing
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“Thanks for the help with the homework last night.” You said to Bakugo as the two of you walked through the gates of UA. “I guess I have a hard time understanding the different methods of solving equations.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “You just have to pay more attention in class, maybe then you wouldn’t need my help so damn much.” He grumbled.
“Hey! I do pay attention in class. It’s just that the methods Mr. Aizawa teaches us sometimes are a little hard to understand.” You rubbed the back of your head.
“They’re easy if you just do it correctly.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes and shake your head. A sharp whistle could be heard to your left, causing you to glance over in that direction. A group of three boys, who you recognized as third-year students, made their way over to you and Bakugo. One had dark red hair, one had blonde, and the other was a brunette.  
"Hey, muzzle boy," Blondie smirked.
The name caused Bakugo and yourself to stop in your tracks. Bakugo snarled as he turned to glare at the group. You cast them a confused look, furrowing your brows.
“What did you just call me?” Bakugo asked.
"Muzzle boy," the red-head confirmed. "You know, after they decided to put that muzzle on you and tie you up like the bitch you acted like at the Sport's Festival."
“You damn-” Bakugo began.
“Excuse me!?” You shouted, pressing your hand against Bakugo’s chest to stop him before you stepped in front of him, blocking him from the group. “You three better keep your damn mouths shut.”
"This doesn't involve you." the brunette scoffed.
“When you fuck with him,” you gestured back at Bakugo, whose hands were smoking and shaking. “You fuck with me. Now, you better not say another thing about him or-”
“Or what?” The brunette stepped forward, arms crossed.
“Or what?” You raised your brows before you violently shoved him back, causing him to stumble. “You stepping forward at me like you’re trying to start a fight with me? Trying to act all tough? I don’t care if you’re a third-year. You’re the shittiest third-years that I know, treating a first-year like that. Go fuck yourselves.”
The third-year regained himself before he growled. "Why you little…" he trailed off and raised his fist as if to strike at you. However, one of the other guys grabbed his arm before he could take action.
"Hey," the red-head mumbled to him. "We can't start a fight, dude."
“Yeah,” blondie nodded. “Remember what teach said would happen if we got in trouble for that shit again?”
The brunette looked between his two friends and then back at you and Bakugo. Bakugo twitched as if he wanted to lunge at him, but you had placed your hand back over his chest to hold him back. Brunette then lowered his hand and, without another word, stomped off towards the building. Red-head and blondie followed.
As soon as they were out of sight, you turned back to Bakugo. When your hand left his chest, he let out a low growl and clenched his fists.
“What the hell was that?” Bakugo nearly shouted.
You were taken aback by his tone with you, raising your brows at him. You then cocked your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I could have handled that! I could have taken all three of those bastards at the same time. There was no reason for you to step in like that! What, you think I couldn’t have defended myself? Do you think I’m weak or something!?”
“Weak? Of course I don’t!” You exclaimed, your voice almost getting as loud as his. “I know that you could take all three of them, but that was something that you didn’t need to deal with. I handled it because I care about you and I have a right to defend you if I want to.”
Bakugo opened his mouth, but nothing was able to come out. His hands were clenched tightly and his lip curled into a snarl. His eyes were scanning every inch of your face, swallowing the lump that was silencing him.
“W-Whatever, dumbass,” he grumbled and turned his back to you, placing his hands into his pockets. “Let’s just get to class before we’re late.”
You watched with rumpled brows as he walked away from you. As the final warning bell rang, you began to make your way to class, trailing behind Bakugo.
Throughout your class, you noticed that Bakugo was acting different than his usual, boisterous self. You were pretty sure that everyone else noticed it as well. There were no smart remarks that came from him about people's wrong answers or about anything that Bakugo's friends said. It was bizarre, and you were quick to pick up on it.
You didn’t have time to talk to him about it, though, before Mr. Aizawa called for everyone to get their hero costumes on and meet outside for a training exercise with All Might. Class 1A walked to the locker-rooms and changed into their costumes before they congregated on the training field outside. All Might stood tall and proud, fists on his hips and that goofy smile he wore every day on his face.
"Good morning, young heroes!" All Might spoke in the enthusiastic tone that he always had. "Today, we are going to be testing the limits of your quirks. I have paired you up with someone who, I feel, would push your quirk to its limits and make you stronger. So, starting off, I have paired young Bakugo and young (L/N) together."
You glanced over at Bakugo, giving him a small smile. Bakugo glanced over at you before looking away.
“The battle will go on until one of you have captured the other or until I call it.” All Might announced. “Young Bakugo, young (L/N), take your positions.”
You and Bakugo walked to either side of the training field. Thinking about it, All Might paired you with a good opponent. Your quirk involved manipulation of metals, which meant that you had to think about what kinds of metals to use when you were attacking Bakugo. His explosion quirk brought on some real heat, which was able to destroy and melt some of the metals that you were able to control. Overall, it was a smart choice on All Might’s part.
You adjusted the metal braces that were on your arm - a part of your hero costume - before you balled your fists. Bakugo had his fists balled as well, but his stance was not as confident as it normally was. It was odd, but you brushed it off.
“Ready…” All Might paused. “Begin!”
Bakugo let out a battle cry as he charged towards you, fingers flexed and palms sparking. Reacting immediately, you rushed towards Bakugo, narrowing your eyes at him. You grabbed your braces and pulled them off, throwing them at Bakugo's feet. As Bakugo stepped on one, it shifted around his ankle, causing a curse to fall from his lips. He tried to kick off the brace but was unsuccessful.
With the distraction keeping Bakugo’s attention away from you for a moment, you were able to press your hand against the concrete ground. It shifted underneath Bakugo’s feet, causing him to fall to the ground on his back. In an instant, the concrete formed around his wrists and legs, holding him down against the ground. You panted and wiped your hands on your legs as you stood up. When you looked down at him, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction. It didn’t seem as if Bakugo tried his best. He could have easily blasted off the braces that you threw at his feet - he had done it before during various training sessions. What you were wondering was why he didn’t seem like he was trying his best.
“Young (L/N) wins!” All Might said.
The students of Class 1A mumbled among one another. You bent down and pressed your hands against the binds. The concrete shifted back to its proper form, freeing Bakugo. He grumbled as he stood up and rubbed his arms. He glanced at you for a brief moment before he stormed back towards his classmates. You followed behind him, joining your fellow students.
The next duo was Iida and Tokoyami. As the two of them were battling, you couldn’t help but hear the mumbling of Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. They were discussing something with Bakugo, who seemed to look more and more irritated the longer that the four of them were talking. Eventually, he shoved Kirishima away from him before he stormed off of the field towards the locker rooms.
Raising your brows, you watched as he walked away. With All Might being distracted by the battle between Iida and Tokoyami, he wasn’t able to see Bakugo leave. You walked over to the boys and pressed your hand against Kirishima’s shoulder.
“I’ll go after him,” you told him before you rushed after your friend.
As you entered the locker room, you heard Bakugo grumbling underneath his breath. He stood in front of his locker, taking off his costume. He was already down to his tank-top when you entered the room. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“What was that?” You asked, causing him to tense and growl. “Why did you push Kirishima like that?”
“It’s none of your damn business.” He snarled, throwing on his uniform top before slamming his locker shut.
“Is it because of the battle? What even happened during that battle? You never get taken down that easily. You were supposed to give it your all.”
“I did give it my all, dumbass. You’re just…too good.”
"Too good, my ass! You know that you could do better than that. You could have blasted my braces off your legs as you have before." You stepped closer and closer as you spoke until you stood right next to him.
Bakugo glanced at you before scoffing. “Just leave me alone!’ He shouted before he turned to walk off.
However, before he was able to get far, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He gazed at you.
“Look,” your voice was calmer than before. “Bakugo, I know something is wrong, so if you just tell me, then I can-”
Before you were able to finish, Bakugo turned around, grabbed your shoulders, and slammed you against the lockers. His lips crashed against yours. At first, you were shocked, your eyes wide and cheeks hot. As Bakugo kept kissing you, however, you relaxed into the kiss. Your hands moved to his arms, gently touching them as you kissed back.
Bakugo pulled away from you, eyeing your expression. Slowly opening your eyes, you glanced at him. You ran your tongue over your bottom lip and swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat.
“So…” you trailed. “Is…is that why you’ve been acting so weird today?”
"S-Shut up, dumbass," Bakugo growled before he kissed you again.
You hummed and immediately closed your eyes, kissing back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his body closer to yours. You tangled your fingers through his spiky hair, giving a small tug. He grunted and forced his tongue past your lips. You yelped before letting out a small whimper. Your tongues danced around one another. Bakugo's hands traveled up and down your sides, the feeling of him touching you sending shivers down your spine.
Much to your displeasure, Bakugo pulled his lips away from you. However, he immediately pressed a kiss to your cheek. His eyes were still closed as he began to trail kisses down your cheek to your jaw, then to your neck. With each kiss he placed on your neck, he sucked on the skin ever so slightly.
“B-Bakugo….” you breathed out, slowly opening your eyes.
What you didn’t expect, was to be met with Kaminari’s wide-eyed gaze as he stood at the door of the boy’s locker room. It took a second for your brain to register his presence before your eyes widened as well.
“Kaminari!” You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart race.
Bakugo rapidly lifted his head and turned to face your classmate. He snarled. "What the hell are you doing here?" He nearly shouted.
Kaminari blinked rapidly. "All Might wanted me to check up on you guys once he saw that you weren't with the group, but I didn't expect to walk in on the two of you sucking each other's faces." He laughed.
The way he described the scenario caused the nerves inside of you to worsen and Bakugo to let out an animal-like growl. “I’m going to kill you!”
Bakugo dashed towards Kaminari, whose smile faded and eyes went back to being wide. He rushed out of the door with Bakugo trailing behind. You ran after the two of them, shouting their names. When you caught up to them, Bakugo had Kaminari’s shirt clenched in one of his hands while the other one was sparking uncomfortably close to his face. You grabbed Bakugo’s hand and pulled him away from Kaminari, making sure to stand between them.
“Bakugo, calm down,” you said, raising your brows at him before turning to Kaminari. “Look, Kaminari, please don’t tell anyone. I promise that I will make sure Bakugo doesn’t do anything to you if you promise me that you will not say a single word about what you saw.”
Kaminari glanced at Bakugo and then you before pursing his lips. “I’ll consider…” he trailed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“How about I explode your damn face!?” Bakugo shouted, causing Kaminari to jump slightly.
“Ah! Okay, okay! I promise.”
“Good,” you ran your fingers through your hair. “Now, go and tell All Might that everything is fine and that we will be there in a moment.”
Kaminari nodded. "Sure! Yeah! I'll go do that right now. Go tell All Might that everything is okay. I didn't see anything! Just, telling him that both of you are-"
“Denki Kaminari!” You raised your voice.
“Right!” He nervously chuckled before he made a mad dash back towards the training field.
As soon as he disappeared, you let out a heavy sigh and turned back to look at Bakugo. He was still obviously pissed off, his shoulders shaking, fists clenched at his side, and small sparks appearing from his palms. You reached over, slowly, and placed a hand on his left shoulder.
“Hey, we should probably get back to class.” You suggested.
He grunted. “You know that little brain-dead Pikachu is gonna tell everyone!”
You slapped him on the shoulder. “Be nice!” You scolded before shaking your head. “You know what? Let’s just forget about Kaminari right now.”
“Ah-ah,” you held a finger up to stop him from speaking. “We can talk more about it on the walk home, okay?” There was a moment of silence. “Okay?”
“Fine,” he mumbled.
“Great,” you smiled, reaching over and giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Now let’s get back to class.”
Bakugo looked taken aback, swallowing hard. “S-Sure thing…dumbass.”
Your smile only widened as you turned and made your way back to the field. Bakugo followed you, his cheeks as red as they could ever be.
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Rose Red’s All Hallows Eve: Hush Little Bird
Summary- 5.1k Curtis Everett x You. Your boyfriend got you tickets to a charity Haunted House, and the special features include immersed scenes from the movie of your choice. Once you hear that the one and only Curtis Everett from Snowpiercer is a part of the choices, you just have to go. Prepare for a night of apocalyptic fun! 
Warnings- Blood/Brutal Killing. I hate to spoil it, but children are killed in this chapter, so please if that bothers you, bypass this chapter. Non Con. Swearing. Violence. Anger/Aggression. Forced Feeding. 
A/N- Written for @jtargaryen18 Haunted House 2020. This is a 3 chapter story that will be posted within a few days of one another. Be sure to read the warnings for each chapter. The page dividers were made by @firefly-graphics​ , I highly suggest checking out her work, its really excellent and a bit of everything to choose from. The manor described in this story, Rose Red, is a piece of work from Stephen King, and I highly suggest watching the tv mini series, if you can find it. Perfect for this time of year. Special thanks to @what-is-your-plan-today​ for being my Beta in this project. Happy Reading and Haunting! 😈🎃 
Chapter One / Rose Red’s All Hallows Eve Masterlist
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“I don’t know what Wilford was thinking Little Bird, sending you back to me with this innocent act of yours. But don’t worry I will make you sing.”
The cheers and jeers echoed off the walls as Curtis dragged you through the car. You tried your best to break from his hold, your feet slipping in the blood, half falling over bodies but Curtis didn’t pay you any heed, you were nothing to him you realized as he seemed to believe you were from the front end.
“You don’t understand, I’m not from up in the front, I have nothing to do with Wilford.” you protested once more as Nam squatted before a panel. Just as Curtis reached it, the door swung open to reveal an empty car, various sleeping bunks scattered around as if they’d been vacated in a hurry.
“Close the door.” Curtis turned and ordered Nam, who nodded and set to get it to shut again and you realized in horror what this meant. As terrified as you were of all those people, you didn’t want to be left alone with Curtis. 
“No, no please! God I will tell you anything you want, not this.” You tried pleading with him as the whoosh of air behind you signaled the door shut, closing you in with Curtis. “Please… I really don’t know anything.”
His hand released its hold on you and you backed away, trying to put space between the pair of you. His cold eyes remained on your face for a second before he broke the stare.
“Wilford sent you to me for a reason. Why?” once again he seemed to inspect you up and down, stalking in closer, and you regretted now backing towards the door. It left you nowhere to go as your back pressed up against it shivering at the intense chill burning through your shirt. You knew you had to try again, try to make him see that you weren’t from the front end, but how? Curtis planted his right hand on the door beside your head and a knuckle from his left dragged down the side of your face. 
“I know you’re lying Little Bird, what did you do that pissed off Wilford so much he banished you into my care? Or are you spying for him?” His eyes narrowed as the soft gentle touch turned painful when he took hold of your cheek in his fingers. “Lie, and I'm willing to carve out your tongue. You can still be useful without one.” 
You swallowed at that, licking your lips nervously which seemed to amuse Curtis all the more. You shifted from one foot to another as you fought to find your voice. “What do you want to know?” you asked, your voice barely a whisper. He wasn’t going to believe you, and you were running out of options in this fun house of fucking hell at this point so you tried to change tactics, see if there was anything you could do to appease him.
“Exactly what I have been asking for, why Wilford sent you to me.” Curtis released your cheek so you could talk properly. And then you knew you were going to have to lie, it was all you had left. 
“Okay Curtis, Okay.” You whimpered a bit and lifted your arm to wipe at your face, trying to spin a tale he would believe. “I worked for Wilford, in the engine. But I can’t do it anymore, I tried to get sent into the greenhouses, make myself useful in other ways. Wilford wasn’t having it, he claimed I betrayed him wanting to leave him.” you took in a shuddering breath, praying that he believed it. He seemed to since he didn’t interrupt you. 
“He said if I can't be grateful, then I belong at the tail end.” you finished and held an anticipated breath. Curtis’ gaze seemed to go darker, a smirk as cold as the air around you. 
“Wilford’s personal girl huh?” he sneered and seemed to step in closer, caging you in further till he was pressed against you. “You're so warm, and it has been a long time.” 
You couldn’t help the sharp inhale rising your chest or the shake of your head as you realized what he was implying. “I wasn’t like that Curtis, no…” 
He snarled as he shoved his knee between your thighs roughly, making you spread them and he cocked his head as you whimpered in fear. “What makes you think at this moment I care?” 
Dawning came over you and with an almost instinctive reaction you screamed, trying to get off his leg but his hand was heavy on your face, the slap stunning you as he pulled away enough to yank your pants open and down enough to expose you to him. He spun you enough so your chest and cheek pressed against the train's wall, your scream dying into a sob as your tears carved tracks down your blood streaked face, the cold of the steel burning your overheated cheek. You knew it was pointless at this time to even beg him not to, but you still tried. Curtis Everett was a good man in the film, surely there had to be something of that left…
 “Please don't do this Curtis. You're not like this. I know you're not.”  
“You know nothing about me Girl.” he growled against the back of your head. “Hush Little Bird, it will probably be quicker than with Wilford, like I said, it’s been a while.”
You heard the tugging of clothing from behind, and his erection pressed against your backside and you resigned yourself to your fate.
Think of anything else, anything else.
You tried to think of mornings with Bryce, hanging with Stacey at the beach, your grandparent’s anniversary. But Curtis just overwhelmed you from behind, feeling him everywhere at once, and your legs shook with the threat that you were going to collapse. But he had you pinned, his weight feeling like it was crushing you into the side of the train. You heard him spit on his fingers and moments later they delved into your folds, stroking with precision and intent. Rough pads of calloused fingertips grazed your sensitive areas, and you clenched your thighs as much as possible in an attempt to fight him off, but to no avail. A few quick strokes between your folds as his heavy chest pressed against your back pinning you in place, you could feel the groan rolling through him as his fingers sunk into you. “So wet and tight Girl, I haven't felt this in so long.”
You choked a sob against the wall, trying not to make any satisfied noises at those strokes, he was thicker than Bryce was, even seemed to be able to find your sensitive spot, cause when he ran fingertips over you, you sighed and gyrated your hips for the fiction. 
“Ahhh, that's a pretty whore” he started to work you faster till you were so close, and he pulled his fingers away. Sucking them clean with pleasure while you tried to regain your composure. 
“I told you, I'm not Wilford’s whore.” You tried one more time, and Curtis slammed you against the wall hard enough to knock your air from your lungs in pain. 
“He wouldn't let anything as sweet as you be anything other than his whore. I know, I just tasted you.” 
Shifting your legs wider opened, he pressed the thick head of his cock against you, and started to inch into you, slowly. He seemed to relish the way your pussy swallowed him, both of you drawing in heavy dragging breaths for your own reasons. You tried to adjust to the fullness feeling, tilting your hips to relieve the pressure and he couldn't get over the way you were gripping him, flexing. 
“So fucking tight, and I can feel you taking me easily.” He hissed in your ear, and thrust his hips against you, grinding himself till you were gasping. A hand pressed against your stomach, and feeling his bulge deep at this angle. “Feel me so deeply Little Bird? I told you I’m going to make you sing.”
You noticed that he wouldn't properly kiss your neck, but he gave sucking nips up and down the column, his strokes precise and deep as he dragged his cock through you, still pressing that hand against your stomach till it dropped to cup your mound, rolling your clit with a steadiness you envied, because it was driving you crazy. 
“Come on now…” he panted slightly in your ear “You know you want this…”
“No, you're wrong, I don't. I swear!” You mewled a bit, causing him to chuckle behind you, filling you again in that way you couldn't stop the soft cry falling from you, wanting to plead again. 
“Just like that, give me that again.” Curtis hissed and aimed for that sweet spot of yours, having found it once. You bit your lip, fisting your hands against the train as you tried to hold back, but you couldn't. You couldn't stop the moans now falling from you to match his grunts the more he sped up, croaking out his name. “Fuck, Curtis… please.” 
“Thatta girl, come on.” He pressed against your clit further and the sensation lancing through you from his fingers, coupled with his controlled thrusts, had you cumming on his cock, the pleasure mixing with your shame at how your body had betrayed you made the rush more intense then you've ever experienced, the tingling shooting from your toes all the way up your spine. The slap of his hips against your ass told you he was chasing his own end, and a few deep thrusts later you felt the warmth flood you as his load shot into you, his weight crushing you into the train door. You could barely breathe while you tried pressing your hands against the wall enough to lift the two of you off. 
“Curtis, please, I can't breathe.” you whined a bit as tears fell down your face, and he shifted behind you with a grunt, pulling away, which you dragged air back into your lungs. 
After he pulled out, and his hands slid along your quivering hips and pulled your pants back up with a yank, he turned you around to face him once again. His hand cupped your face and dragged a thumb through the tears staining under your eyes and down your cheeks. You could smell yourself on him, on his fingers and your eyes fell down in shame as you could feel his scanning over your face. He reached up, his fingers biting into the sides of your cheeks as he gripped your face, tilting it up to look at him.
“Listen to me, you stick by my side, get me up to the front, you’re free to go.” He dropped his hand from your face and stepped back, tucking his now limp cock back into his pants. “You betray me because you’re secretly working for fucking Wilford and I will make sure you don't survive the end of this. Understand me?” He looked you up and down, shaking his head at your outfit. “Still can’t believe that bastard sent you here without any warm clothing.”
At that he glanced around the car you were in, which was bare for the most part as it was a sleeper car. Meticulously, Curtis started going through bunks, pulling up blankets, shoving around people's personal stuff looking for clothing. Trying to fix your shirt, you cleared your throat. “Curtis I can get you to the front, I know all that is ahead. I just want off the train.” 
He grabbed a large coat and shook it out, looking it over and placing it over his arm before sorting through more items, picking up a couple pairs of sneakers next, dirty but still usable. “Off the train? That's a death wish. More than you telling Wilford you didn't want to be his girl anymore.” 
“I wasn't-” You started but Curtis tossed you the jacket and sneakers he found, growling out. 
“I told you not to lie, m’kay? Don't make me have to remind you. I'm not an idiot. Put them on and let's continue.” his hand turned into a fist and banged against the door. “Nam, open back up.” You were tugging and closing the jacket with a sigh of relief. It wasn't warm, but at least it blocked some of the chill. The door sprang open, and your eyes lifted to see disappointed eyes and scowling faces that you were still alive. Curtis pointed at you. “Our ticket to the front. No one, and I mean NO ONE LAYS A FINGER ON HER.” 
After Curtis was satisfied everyone agreed, his cold eyes turned on you and arched his brow. “You said you know what was next, fill us in. Remember, you’re lying, it's all over.” He came up to you, and shackled your wrist in his hand, his fingers closed around and squeezed till you swore the bones were going to snap while yanking you into his side. Unprepared, you stumbled over your own feet and landed against him, trying to right yourself. “You are to stay by my side.” 
You wracked your mind trying to remember the movie. You paused for a second, thinking…and then remembered that after the fight, they cleaned up. “Water, next is water.” you blurted out “And there will be no one in there right now.” You hoped, fuck you hoped, that was right cause the look Curtis gave you promised to cut your head off if you were wrong.
Nam squatted before the door, and worked on prying the panel off. Soon it whooshed open to show you were right, Curtis pushed you back towards Gilliam, while the rest went forward to wash up. Gilliam looked you up and down for a moment from dirty glasses, and a hand grabbed your wrist to pull you in close. 
“You say anything to Curtis that he doesn't want to hear, it won't end well for you.” He warned and you yanked your wrist back to you, your eyes narrowing at him with distrust. You were about to hiss back you knew that he was working with Wilford, ready to betray Curtis when your jaw snapped shut. But what else did he know? If you were to say something, he might just have Curtis kill you to keep his secret. Plus Curtis thinks you're nothing more than a disgraced front ender at the moment, where Gilliam was his mentor. At this point, you know Curtis wouldn’t give a second thought killing you off if you are becoming a problem. Giving into Gilliam, you give a slight nod in understanding, now feeling like you were betraying Curtis yourself.  Your eyes darted back to Curtis who was ushering people into the water to wash off and you knew saying anything against Gilliam would probably result in your demise. 
It wasn't long till Curtis gathered a small group to continue on, you once more latched to his side with a grip that you thought might snap your bones. You stumbled onward alongside. “What’s next?” 
“Uh, the greenhouse.” You stutter and as you two enter you are blasted with the first feeling of warm air that actually settled beyond your skin. “And the next is a large aquarium”. Feeling more confident as you descend through the tropical heat, the others in your ragtag group couldn't hold back from exploring. But Curtis looked at nothing, focused on one thing only-getting to the door. The next barrier opened to a bright glow of blue pouring out of the now open door. Everyone's heads fell back, eyes upwards to look in amazement at the fish darting overhead, jellyfish shimmering in the lower sections, what looked like might be stingrays with large flapping wings gliding through the water. Even you couldn't help admiring the fish overhead. Curtis paid it all a momentary glance before leading you towards what looked like a bar. Sitting down, he took the seat next to you and the host immediately started making some sushi. Your eyes gazed down as your stomach clenched, oddly enough you started to feel hungry. 
How the fuck were you hungry? You felt guilty for that. Stacey, who was lying lifeless on the floor, empty eyes staring at nothing now, all because you dragged her to what should have been a charity event and you were fucking hungry. Nevertheless, as the host pushed a plate in front of you, you considered eating but were spared the decision as a dirty hand reached over and took it away from you. You were caught in surprise when Curtis passed it over to Tonya. You looked up at him, questioningly…and then as you recalled the events of the film you inwardly groaned as you knew what was coming.
“I don’t think so.” Reaching in his jacket pocket, he yanked out a black, gelatinous bar holding it up for you to see. “Here, this is your food. Since you joined the tail end, might as well act like one of us. You have years to catch up on.” He tossed it at you while your stomach rolled, and he watched you with amusement, a cold smirk playing as you looked at it in horror. You knew exactly what it was, and he did too. There was no way you were going to eat it. 
“No, I'm not hungry.” You tossed it back at him, and his expression changed from amused to rage as he snapped out of his seat, hauling you up by the back of your coat and grabbing the block, shoving it in your face even as you tried twisting away. 
“Gotta keep up your strength Little Bird.” His words bit just as much as his fingers digging into your cheeks to have your mouth pry open. “We spent 17 years shoving this shit in our mouths while you had what, Sushi, Steak, fucking fruits and vegetables?” 
You swore your teeth cracked under his hold, and your jaw popped when he wrenched it open shoving the gelatin block into your mouth and using the heel of his hand to snap your jaw shut around it. His hand smothered against your mouth, locking it shut while his other hand held the back of your head to keep you in place. Your hands tried slapping at him, but he had you twisted just enough away from him, that it was all useless.
“Swallow your shit or choke on it, either way works for me.” His hiss burned your ear, and in his rage he ended up biting your neck and you squealed in shock and pain while choking on the bar that had long since turned from gelatin to a slosh in your mouth. Swallowing it and choking behind his hand, Curtis released you to collapse, landing on your knees and palms, coughing and gasping while he went back to the sushi bar. The rest of the people there had ignored the whole exchange. When Curtis sat back down, he took an offered plate, picking up a piece of sushi carefully, and popped it in his mouth. You push yourself up to stand, wiping the drool off your chin and lips, glaring at him now. Only once did his gaze snap to you while he chewed his sushi and he bore no look of remorse on his face. 
“Everyone finished up?” Curtis brushed his filthy hands together like he was cleaning them, and grasped the ax he had been carrying with him, turning towards you. “Come on, what's in the next car and what do we expect?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously, and you wracked your brain while shuffling back to him slowly, trying to give yourself time. 
“Food, Meat. It's a meat locker. It’s safe.” You finally remember, glancing at the host behind the sushi bar, but he merely looks at you disinterested as he's cleaning up the leftovers. Curtis grabbed a hold of you and tucked you back into his side, giving Nam a nod to get the door open. You were confident that this was safe. It was the next one you had to warn him about. Once the door opened and you all started to march in, a feeling of dread settled deeper in your chest. Large hanging racks of beef swayed back and forth, chickens hung off the wall, and the freezing cold of the car sucked the air from your lungs. There was light chatter from the others, mostly marveling at the fact that meat still existed. 
But you weren't paying attention to that, you were focusing on your footfalls compared to Curtis’s long strides to get you all through, trying to dodge around the frozen man sized beef slabs hanging, and your eyes darted around, pulling in closer to your captor. “Curtis? Somethings not right.” you started to warn when a blade from seemingly out of nowhere went swinging at your head causing you to jerk yourself back out of instinct against the hard wall of muscle that made up Curtis. You knocked him off kilter enough so the sudden swinging blade missed him by inches, sparks falling down on the two of you from the brutal hit of metal on steel. At first you just saw the machete coming for you, as you tried to push away from it. Beyond that was a man similar to when you first got on the train. His all black protective gear blending him into the car's darker shadows. Curtis managed to shove you away while you scrambled across the frozen floor to get behind him as best as you could while more men came out of hiding from the back of the car, darting around the slabs of frozen beef.. Curtis raised his own ax and swung it down in a quick swoop, hitting your attacker on the leg, sinking it into the muscle below the knee, making him collapse. But that certainly wasn't the last as more came out of hiding, surging to destroy each other. You try to keep close to Curtis, your mind screaming ‘This wasn't what happened. Fuck Fuck Fuck.’ 
Pulling yourself to a stand using a side of beef, you could see the tail ender group starting to get overwhelmed and crowded closer to the door. Well those that were left that is, as once again for the second time since you had arrived, bodies were scattered around the floor. Granted, there was more of them dead than there were of Curtis’s group, but the tail enders were still outnumbered. Nam managed to squat next to the panel and pried off, yanking out wires in a haste to get them out of there, while Curtis swung the ax trying to keep them back far enough to let Nam work. His gaze turned towards you accusingly. “Safe huh?” 
The rage in his eyes spoke of ill-boding for you, and your head shook back and forth. “It was supposed to be Curtis, I don't know what happened.”
At that point, your back slammed against the wall, something biting in between your shoulders and you twist away from it, spinning around on your feet to see what it was, a key sticking out of the train's wall. Rolling your eyes up, you can see the track to move the slabs of beef to the front to collect, and deduce that it must be the key to turn the track on. Not hesitating, you flicked it on, the gears above you squeaking for half a second. You had turned it on full power, and the meat shot forward with force, slamming into the militant men. They fell forward from the force and sheer size of the frozen meat, stumbling and losing their footing on the icy floor. Curtis and several others dropped their axes on the downed people, the surprise giving enough of a chance to level the outcome.  
The door whooshed open and the happy singing of children filled the car as behind you, the screams and cursing started to die down once more. 
“Excuse me!” a petite blonde stood in the doorway, her hands to her hips, and beyond her were a load of children peeking around her, seeming to be un-phased at the rag tag survivors or the bodies scattered at their feet. You flick off the key to stop the track, the gears winding down and creaking to a stop, the frozen beef swaying back and forth as everyone stared at each other, your group all in shock as the adrenaline highs pumped through you all. The woman and kids, if anything, looked annoyed at being disrupted. Your nerves are jarred, since you recall this section of the movie, but would it be different this time? The meat locker certainly was.
Curtis glanced at you, mistrust in his gaze at you, and you could feel a sinking feeling in your gut. “It's dangerous Curtis.” You said low enough just for him to hear. “The eggs, the man who brings the eggs is dangerous. It's a way to smuggle in weapons.” 
His face just looked confused at what you were babbling to him, jerking you forward to weave forward. Curtis hold on you was painful, vibrating his anger. “Shut your mouth. I told you what would happen if you were lying, maybe I will roll your tongue out on one of these desks and cut it off.” 
Your jaw clamped shut, praying he didn't mean it. The teacher snapped her fingers to get the group’s attention, drawing herself up. “If you're coming into my classroom, don't be so disruptive. I’m teaching a class here.” 
Curtis brushed past her, looking at all the cheery children who had made their way back to their desks, falling into an eerie upbeat hum as they settled back down. “We were just having our music lesson.” The teacher clapped along happily. Edgar, somehow still alive, sidled up to Curtis, looking uncomfortable. “Creepy little bastards, aren't they?”
You stayed silent, but had to agree. They opened their desks in unison, faces hidden behind the blocks of wood while their teacher put on a smile in a sing-song voice. “Okay children, let's greet our guests properly. What would we do if our tail end friends come up to see us?” 
“We welcome them with a song and cheer.” The kids chanted, faces still hidden from everyone. You pressed in closer to Curtis, the tension in the air feeling at a snapping point. 
The teacher turned towards the pair of you, her hands clasped together and pressed to her mouth as if she was overcome with happiness and joy. “They are all so cute aren't they?” 
And no sooner had she said that, all the desks snapped shut, each child wearing a homemade mask, clutching scissors in their tiny hands. 
Once again, you were wrong. This was vastly different from the film as all the kids changed from humming to singing the song, the Wilford song, leaping from their desks, swarming over Tonya who had been still standing in the aisle. You watched in horror as they started stabbing her over and over with their scissors, singing as they plunged scissors in her chest of the shocked woman. “What happens if the engine stops? WE ALL FREEZE AND DIE.” Blood arched in the air, one of them must have hit an artery, or simply the sheer force of the kids motions. Tonya barely put up a fight, clearly overwhelmed by the multitude of children clinging to her, stabbing over and over as she sunk out of sight underneath them all. Curtis in surprise released you to sweep the horde of children off with a swing of the broad side of the ax, and like a pack of apes, they regrouped and loped along to attack again, leaping onto grown men and women, a bunny, a fox, a bear, all trying to sink their scissors into bodies.
“But when it stops or will it stop?” the teacher chanted, having scuttled to her piano when the kids first broke loose. The kids kept getting kicked back, their eyes glazed behind their masks, and their grins matching the militia groups.
“What are we supposed to do?” Edgar kicked at another kid who broke loose from the pack of masks, slicing his scissors at his thigh before Edgar’s foot pushed against his chest. “Kill the kids?”
It was wrong, you could see Curtis didn’t want to bloody his ax with a child. Another broke loose and weaved around Curtis to leap on you, scrambling up your front while sinking the scissors into the back of your shoulder, singing in your face. “NO NO! CAN YOU TELL US WHY?” The pain wasn’t anything you’ve ever experienced before, sharp hot heat tearing into your shoulder, and the girl gave a sweet innocent smile while giving a yanking twist before pulling out the scissors to sink in again.
You tried wrenching the little girl off you, gasping in pain as she kept screaming in your face to the song, yanking the scissors out and stabbing again in almost the same spot. “THE ENGINE IS ETERNAL YES, THE ENGINE IS FOREVER YES!” You did what you could to dislodge the girl from your chest, your hands turned into fists and hitting them against her when a thud crushed her body into yours, and the malicious child's eyes turned into surprise and pain before she was yanked off you. Curtis shook his ax to dislodge the girl from the end of his blade and your hand went to your shoulder, grasping the sunk to the hilt scissors and yanked, screaming out when you felt it slide from your shoulder. 
“Rumble rumble, rattle rattle, Who is the reason why?” The piano still playing, the teacher singing her heart out while her students started to be killed off, Curtis no longer letting guilt because they were children get in the way. Your hand still was fisted around the scissors, and the singing, the singing was driving you insane among all the chaos. At the last lyric, the teacher flung her head back, now singing alone as the last of the children were cornered and massacred. “Wilford Ya! Wilford hip hooray!!!” 
“Shut up bitch!” you screamed from behind her, and stabbed the scissors right into her neck where you could see the pulse fluttering, her hand coming up to grab your wrist, gasping as her artery squirted blood across the room, layers of fresh blood sprayed among all the dried on your clothing from earlier. Shocked at your actions, you released the scissor handle while she slumped forward to bang her head on the keys, making a musical note which resounded through the now silent cart. You were panting through a panic attack now, at how crazy this all was, and Curtis whipped you around to face him, snarling at you. 
“Snap out of it Little Bird, cause we're not done yet.” 
His words did nothing to calm you, at all. You continued to struggle for air as you realized that whilst you knew roughly what lay ahead, you’d been wrong now for two carts in a row.
And you weren’t sure how much more you could handle.
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victoria-daydreams · 3 years
Of Vices and Virtues
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Chapter Nineteen: The Embargo Line
AN: Sorry about the brief disappearance I needed to prep for a job interview and I got the job! The unemployment drought is over! Anyways, we are nearly to the end of this story, can you believe it?
Word Count: 2.1k
Trigger Warnings: none
Taglist: @azayamari​
Chapter Twenty: The Cuban Missile Crisis 
I woke up with an acute pain in my head and the bitter of taste blood in my mouth. Letting out a shaky breath, I slowly opened my eyes and everything around me seemed to be inverted. I then realized that I was seated upside down, unbuckling myself I fell to the floor, using my hands to brace myself. I pushed myself up and looked around just as I heard a groan at the back of the jet. Flipping my head to look back I saw both Charles and Erik getting up, once Charles' eyes met mine he quickly made his way over to me.
He held his hands out to me, "Are you okay?" Charles asked softly, scanning for any injuries as I pulled myself up.
"Peachy," I answered, with a strained smile.
"Are you sure you can fight?" Charles pressed, worry clearly written on his face.
"Yes, I'm perfectly sure Charles," I replied, pushing my now messy ponytail out of my face. "Now go help the others out," I ordered lightly, pulling my hair back into a neater ponytail.
Charles nodded and flashed a small smile before he moved forward to help Hank and Moira.
Erik walked past me and lightly patted me on the back, "Nice job, Blythe," he smiled to me as he helped Alex up.
"Thanks," I groaned, massaging my neck and the back of my head.
"I read the teleporters mind," Charles prompted, as we all moved around to look out the windows at the wrecked submarine, across the beach from us with Angel, Azazel, and the other man, Riptide, standing in front. "Shaw's drawing all of the power out of his sub. He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb," Charles informed, lips drawn into a thin line.
"We've got no time, the Geiger counter's going out of control!" Moira shouted, staring at the sensors and trying to make sense of them.
"All right Moira, this is what we're going to do," Charles began. "Get on the radio and send both fleet's out immediately," he ordered, and Moira went straight to work.
"I'm going in," Erik announced.
"Beast, Havok, Blythe, back him up," Charles continued and got nods back from all of us. "Erik, I can guide you through once you're in. But I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me. Then we just hope to god it's not too late for me to stop him," Charles finished, looking at all of us.
"Got it," Erik nodded and turned towards the massive opening in the back where the jet had ripped apart.
The boys and I all shared a look with each other before we exited the submarine. Erik, Alex, Hank, and I all stepped out the jet, our feet finally touching the sandy beach of Cuba. Stepping out into the open, we lined up with Azazel, Riptide, and Angel as they stood in front of their submarine. The submarine was only a few hundreds yards away from our crashed jet.
We all stared down at each other. Angel fluttered her wings and flew into the air, Azazel unsheathed his two swords, and Riptide created two miniature tornadoes that hovered above his hand. Without even a slight hesitation, Alex fired an bright, red energy beam at Riptide, making him fly backwards. He smacked the submarine with a resounding thud and Azazel soon disappeared afterwards.
The battle had begun.
I let out a yelp of surprise as Azazel appeared behind me instantly swinging his sword at my neck. Luckily, I managed to jump backwards, only earning a small scratch on my neck from his sword. As Azazel lifted his other sword up into the air, Beast attacked him, stopping him from taking another swing at me. However, Azazel had another plan and quickly grabbed a hold of Alex with his red tail Hank had grabbed onto the teleporter's shoulder and all three of them were gone.
I watched as Erik ran towards the sub as I stood up. I heard the tell-tale sign of insect wings and turned just in time as Angel attacked me. Ducking and rolling I threw out my hand causing Angel to fly back. She righted herself and floated above me, just as Riptide ran out towards me.
I took a quick look around to see if I could find Angel, but she was nowhere to be seen. Well, at least I only had one person to worry about now. But, I had to move fast before he could make another one of his tornadoes and blow me away. I narrowed my eyes allowing my violet aura to flare up around my hands in a show of power, waiting for him to get a little closer.
Once he was closer, I threw sphere of violet quickly threw it at his feet, I didn't want to kill him, but unfortunately this is a war and casualties are apart of it.
The blast sent him in the air and onto his back, I charged straight at him as soon as he landed, focusing my aura into my hand I jumped up and went to land a blow on his face, but he moved out of the way, rolling next to me. He got up and grabbed a hold of my leg, easily picking me up and throwing me to the side. I was able to land on my feet and straighten myself as he made his was closer to me.
Riptide swung punches left and right and I easily dodged them, sending him a few of my own. I had to rely on my hand to hand training that Erik taught me to get me through this as it was too dangerous to try and use my powers as I too could get hurt if I tried to use another telekinetic blast. Though I would never admit it to Erik because I don't want to inflate his already large ego, but I'm very grateful for my training with him for if I hadn't had any, I would have easily been done for.
Riptide went to hit my side and I slid down under him, pushing him from behind so that he'd fall on his stomach. I took this time to send a disk of energy and throw it at a Palm tree in front of us, causing it to fall down towards us. I quickly moved out of the way so that the tree would only hit Riptide, and it completed its purpose of successfully knocking Riptide out.
I looked up at the sound of Sean's shrieking and saw him falling down towards me with none other than Alex hanging onto his arm. Although I was very happy to see that they were mostly unharmed, I was more worried that they were about to land right on me at the moment to be glad to see them. Sean seemed to have one of his wings burned so he had to resort to a crash landing. I held out my hand using my hands to slow their fall, but they were coming too hot and just as I predicted, they landed right on top me.
I let out a groan as Alex's weight was pushed onto me, not gently what-so-ever at that. Sean had landed a little bit away from us, thankfully not on me as well, as Alex had.
Alex got off from on top of me, "Thanks for the help,"
"I try," I joked, as he moved to help me up.
I looked up to see Angel coming straight for us. I quickly maneuvered us and shot bolt towards her before she can reach us, sending her off course. Angel spat acid at me and it ended up hitting my leg, causing me to cry out in pain. Alex whipped around towards Angel and fired a beam in her direction, finishing what I had started, slicing off one of her bottom wings. Flipping around out of control Angel crashed to the ground with a shout, but she was still breathing.
"We work pretty well together don't we," I smirked up at him, ignoring my pained leg with the help of the adrenaline coursing through my veins.
I could hear Sean laughing from the side with relief after seeing Angel land on the ground with a thud after Alex shot her down. Alex helped put out the small flames on my leg while Sean tore away his ruined wing right.
My eye went to Alex's chest and I noticed that his plate was gone, "What happened to your chest plate?" I asked, amazed that he had been able to fire at Angel even without it.
"Angel got a hold of it," he answered gruffly, sounding very displeased as helped me to my feet.
I couldn't help but smile and laugh until a sudden, a sharp, searing pain entered my head. I collapsed to my knees, kneeling in the sand, clutching my hands to my head tightly. My screams grew louder as the pain grew stronger. It felt like something was being pushed through my skull. My screams grew louder and louder as I felt a small object float through my entire skull, it felt like my brain was being ripped right through. It had lasted for only for moment.
But it easily felt like an eternity.
"Claudia? Claudia!" someone was shaking me. "Are you alright? What's going on? What's happening?"
I blinked multiple time as my vision was blurred from the invisible pain before I was finally able to focus on Alex and Sean. The horror was over, but I still clutched my head as I still felt the lingering pain of whatever just tore through my skull. I was at a lost of words, I had no idea what had just happened.
"I don't-I-" I stammered, looking around of what could cause that amount of excruciating pain. "H-Help me up," I breathed out, and Alex and Sean quickly obliged, putting each of their arms around my waist to lift me off the ground.
My mind was clearing up, but the residual mind splitting pain was faintly pulsating in my head. As I recollected my thoughts I mentally did a headcount of everyone on the beach through their emotions. Something wasn't adding up, everyone on the team seemed a little worse for wear, but otherwise fine. Hell, even in Shaw's team were battered themselves...wait a minute.
What about Shaw himself?
"Holy shit...it's Shaw," I gasped, when it hit me not realizing that Raven and Hank were now with Sean, Alex, and I. "He's-" I started, but couldn't the finish the sentence.
The loud sound of metal creaking pierced through the air, looking over to the submarine my eyes widened to the size of saucers at the sight before me. Shaw's corpse was floating in the air, with Erik himself emerging right behind him now wearing Shaw's helmet.
"Today our fighting stops!" Erik shouted, as he levitated Shaw even higher. All of us, including Shaw's team, started walking towards him slowly. As we got closer I could see a line of blood on Shaw's forehead right as Erik let go and he fell to the ground with a sickening crush in front of us making me wince. Slowly, he descended to the ground, looking around at us. "Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there," he pointed to where the ships of the USSR and the US were. "I feel their gun moving in the water; their metal targeting us. Americans, Soviets, Humans!" He spat out the last word in disgust, as both Charles and Moira appeared, walking up to join him by the water.
"United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!" Erik looked over towards Charles and I, he was walking alongside him out to the shore. "Go ahead Charles, Claudia tell me I'm wrong,"
Charles narrowed his eyes at Erik, but reluctantly raised two fingers up to his temple. While I also looked to the water, probing out to sense what emotions were running through the heads of the men on the ships and sadly I felt it. I felt the ships running together and if I concentrated more I could feel the guns turning towards us.
"He's not," I whispered and felt all, Alex's, Sean's, Hank's, and Raven's eyes look to me and then to Charles.
Charles, who slowly lowered his fingers, looked to Moira and nodded. Quickly she took off to the jet, to call off the attack or something. We waited, staring out at the ships when I felt a shift in the air and automatically let out an audible gasp as missiles from every ship fired heading straight for the beach.
We would all be dead.
Chapter Twenty-One: Whose Side Are You On?
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