#and i have some cousins that are now older and driving themselves
neondiamond · 8 months
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kieran-granola · 1 year
I promised @krizariel that I would transcribe this one next, so here we go for older JayTim schmoop.
Bruce's funeral takes place on a sunny June day. It's early, too early, but living life the way he did and getting exposed to so many harmful substances and radiation has consequences. Everyone in the Batfamily shows up, no matter how strained their relationship with the Wayne name. Some of them come accompanied by their partner and/or children, and some alone.
Tim is on the cusp of forty, settled in his career, and happy with where he is. He doesn't wear capes anymore, instead he helps train younger heroes. He loves knowing that he's doing what he can to protect them and to help them stay alive to help others.
Jason will blow his forty-second candles in a few months. He still runs a criminal empire, but he's gone to university and gotten a degree. He now has a network of charities that are absolutely fronts, but he runs them in legitimate, ethical ways that enact good in the community. He also has two daughters, one in middle school and the other starting high school, and he has kept a good relationship with his now ex-wife with whom he shares custody.
Tim and Jason haven't exactly worked together or kept contact in over a decade. For all intents and purposes, they're now strangers. They have, however, both had the opportunity to work through their issues. Tim, because it was that or dying, Jason because he wanted to do the work for his daughters.
On the day of Bruce's funeral, they sit together and catch breakfast. They're the first ones awake in the Manor after they all spent the night sitting shiva, and their old enmity feels so far away. They actually get up and reintroduce themselves to each other with strong handshakes all around.
They spend the rest of the morning quietly chatting until the rest of the house awakens. Then the day truly starts, and Tim gets to see how soft Jason has turned out to be because… Well. His daughters are here and, as fraught as Jason and Bruce's relationship was, Bruce definitely showed up to be as good a grandpa as he could be for the girls. His passing devastated them, and Jason is doing everything he can to manage his own grief while being as much of a pillar of support for them as he can be.
It's intriguing and bittersweet for Tim because it makes him realize everything he missed when he decided to keep his distance from the family outside of cape work.
Anyway, eventually the girls need a break, and so Jason offers to drive them to their favorite bookshop for a spot of shopping and ice cream. On an impulse, Tim asks if he can tag along, and Jason agrees.
The "new" face helps get the girls' minds off their grief more than the bookshop does. Jason is incredibly relieved when Tim plays into it and lets them ask their questions. Still, everyone definitely has misty eyes when Jason's youngest picks a new edition of her favorite childhood book, because Bruce used to read it to her all the time, and she wants to read it with him one last time.
Having these interactions opens things up between Tim and Jason. When the girls join their other cousins back at the Manor, the two of them abscond to the patio and share their memories of their own fathers. The conversation goes from there to happier memories—childhood foods, shenanigans, broken vases and finger painting—and they find themselves smiling despite their shared grief.
They enjoy each other's company so much that they share phone numbers and make a promise to just... Catch up again. In happier circumstances.
As the weeks go by, their texting history lengthens. They chat every time they have a minute, and it takes a while but they eventually find a shared free spot in their schedules to grab a beer together. It's not a date—not in any of their minds at least, not yet—but they both sense the potential there when they're looking each other in the eye, feeling light and happy.
Eventually, after many months of meetings, they end one of their evenings with a spur-of-the-moment kiss, and they finally put words on the dating they've been doing.
They keep seeing each other for a while after that, now as romantic partners, and they do try out the bedroom when the girls are at their mum's place.
Then, Jason asks Tim if he'd be willing to have dinner with him and his daughters.
(He kept things on the down low at first, and he didn't really advertise his recurring meetings/dates with Tim, but the girls could see the way he smiled at his phone sometimes... and how he actually went shopping for more than his usual boring suits. They're not surprised when he tells them he's seeing someone.)
The girls absolutely hoot when Tim shows up with flowers for them, and wine for Jason and him. They then proceed to grill him over dinner while roasting the absolute hell out of Jason. Jason retaliates with the worst dad jokes and the threat of baby pictures.
Tim has an absolute blast, and that's when he realizes that Oh, it's more than just casual dating. He's falling in love with Jason. And obviously Jason is serious about this too, or he never would have introduced him to his daughters as more than a distant uncle.
The evening keeps going despite Tim's momentous realization. Jason and him start reminiscing about their younger days and the girls give each other a commiserating look of "ugh" at the dinosaurs and abscond to their bedrooms. Tim and Jason end up curled up together on the couch for one last coffee, then Tim heads back home, feeling warm down to his bones.
After that first dinner, the girls keep asking Jason if Tim will be there whenever their dad offers to take them somewhere. They insist on inviting him if Jason doesn't, because he obviously makes their dad happy, and eventually it becomes natural to include Tim in the family activities from the get-go.
The girls know they've won and gotten their dad to stop pussyfooting around his feelings when Jason shows up to his eldest's hockey match hand-in-hand with Tim and introduces him to their mom.
(She's very amused and tells him she's heard so much about him from the girls she already feels like they're friends.)
But… Jason isn't the only one with kids who care about him. Tim, as The Only Cool and Reliable Adult in most of his superhero protégés' lives, ends up being a surrogate father to quite a few of them. It's not rare for him to get random visits from young vigilantes in need of advice/a hug/someone to tell them they're proud of them and doing good.
Jason: "This isn't fair."
Tim: "What."
Jason: "My girls barely threatened you, meanwhile Wonder Girl 13 dangled me off a building because she thought I'd brainwashed you."
Tim: "Don't tell me you're scared of my students."
Jason: "Well, I can't exactly SHOOT them, can I?"
Tim: "I'd be very cross with you if you did."
Jason: "No shit. At least that explains why you were so good with the girls."
Tim: "Hmm?"
Jason: "You're a father of twelve, Tim."
Tim: "... I guess, I am. Though.... More like fourteen now, I hope?"
Jason: "You'll have to sort it out with the girls, but considering they keep sending me links to jewellers, I think it's safe to assume so."
Tim: "Nic— Wait. What?? They want us to get married?!"
Jason: "No, they think you need a new watch. Of course, they want us to get married."
Tim: "...I've never been married."
Jason: "I have."
Tim: "...Would you be opposed to doing it again?"
Jason, putting down his reading to look into Tim's eyes: "Why, are you interested?"
Tim: "...Maybe."
Jason: "..."
Tim: "..."
Jason: "..."
Tim: "...Nevermind this was s—"
Jason, interrupting him: "What's your band size?"
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oldfashionedbooklove · 4 months
tell me about your favorite lm montgomery novel please <3
Okay this is SO hard because her books are amazing but I just have to admit Rilla of Ingleside is my favourite, which is saying a lot because I LOVE HER BOOKS, okay! I adore the Story Girl duology and I absolutely love the Anne series and Jane of Lantern Hill.
But Rilla. This book is a heartbreaker. And it’s so beautiful.
I don’t know if I can fully express how much is to be found in this book. I have been reading it yearly for many years, and always come away with new thoughts. As I grow older, and see more of the world, I relate and understand more, and another level of the book is discovered.
The setting—a small P.E.I. town carrying on through WWI. I’m pretty tough when it comes to war books, but I have to take breaks from this one because it is so raw and real. The agony is intense. I cannot even cry over it—my heart hurts too much for tears. This shows exactly what the Great War was for people. You sway back and forth, feeling the dread and terror. You know how it ends but you are broken anyhow. And when the end comes, you too can only rejoice softly. You feel as if you have paid part of the price yourself.
“‘We’re in a new world,’ Jem says, ‘and we’ve got to make it a better one than the old. That isn’t done yet, though some folks seem to think it ought to be. The job isn’t finished—it isn’t really begun. The old world is destroyed and we must build up the new one. It will be the task of years. I’ve seen enough of war to realize that we’ve got to make a world where wars can’t happen. We’ve given Prussianism its mortal wound but it isn’t dead yet and it isn’t confined to Germany either. It isn’t enough to drive out the old spirit—we’ve got to bring in the new.’”
The characters in this book—they are alive. Splendid Jem, brave and merry and true; Jerry, steady and dutiful; Walter, sensitive and courageous; Carl, cheerful and fearless; Shirley, honest and reliable; Nan and Di and Anne, all heart-wrung and smiling; Gertrude, tragic and grasping for hope; the Doctor, determined and self-sacrificing; Susan, simple and true—and Rilla, who starts out a silly, frivolous girl and ends a strong, mature woman. Then there are all the minor and side characters—the Merediths, Cousin Sophia, Jimsy, Ken, Irene, Whiskers-on-the-Moon & his family, Mary and the Elliotts, Norman + Ellen, and everyone else. They’re all so alive, so real, so funny and terrible and beautiful—I swear Glen St. Mary exists and all the inhabitants thereof.
The story follows the Great War, from the first days in August 1914 to the bitter Summer of 1919, where peace has come but normal will never return. As a child, this story was simply World War One—a faraway, long-ago grief and horror and agony. Now, in 2024, as a woman, I have experienced a slight taste of what the people of 1914 felt, and it has humanized the story of the War. This, more than any other book I have read, brings the War and the world of 1914-1918 to life, showing how they were people just like us. The heart is wrung by their suffering, and there is no escape, for the war must drag on for long bitter years. And the price! Walter has become the face of unknown, forgotten heroes, and Jem has become that of the scarred heroes who returned. Every November we grieve the young men who never came home, and for the ones who came home missing a part of themselves, physical or otherwise. I have wept thinking of the children of Rilla, Ken, Faith, Jem, and the others—children who fought in WWII and whose parents were forced to relive the horrible conflict of mankind.
“It has been such a dreadful week,” she wrote, “and even though it is over and we know that it was all a mistake that does not seem to do away with the bruises left by it. And yet it has in some ways been a very wonderful week and I have had some glimpses of things I never realized before—of how fine and brave people can be even in the midst of horrible suffering.”
And yet the book overflows with humour—real laugh-out-loud scenes and witty, clever banter on princes and politics. It is another aspect of the humanity—the part that cannot fully let go of laughing despite the drain. Another angle is the shrewd commentary on principalities and powers, nations and cultures, is thought-provoking, as is the remarks that show us how the war truly changed the world.
“There was a time,” she said sorrowfully, “when I did not care what happened outside of P.E. Island, and now a king cannot have a toothache in Russia or China but it worries me. It may be broadening to the mind, as the doctor said, but it is very painful to the feelings.”
But the biggest things to me is the SPIRIT of this book. The spirit of perseverance, endurance, courage, and love. Of course, man is man, and there is suspicion, contempt, and a feeling of superiority—but this is not exclusive only to Anglo-Saxons. As someone who isn’t Anglo-Saxon myself, and actually of mixed cultures, I can attest every nation is guilty of such. World War One was a battle of good vs. evil—not of man vs. man, but Idea against Idea—the idea of civilization against militarism. Perhaps not on the part of the leaders—but when one studies the writings, letters, poems, and speeches of the everyday folks caught up in the war, one sees this distinction plainly. It was not a war of European against European, Anglo-Saxon against German—it was a war between an old, terrible Idea of Prussianism (Frederick the Great, anyone?) and the Idea of Respect and Peace.
“And you will tell your children of the Idea we fought and died for—teach them it must be lived for as well as died for, else the price paid for it will have been given for nought.”
May we never forget.
A REMARK: I discovered that Rilla of Ingleside was abridged by about 4,300 words (~14 pages), so I searched for an unabridged copy. I definitely encourage you to take the extra trouble to find an *unabridged* copy. It is SO worth it! I’ve read both versions and the unabridged is so much fuller, with a great deal more humour and fun.
I just have to pick out my favourite quotes, too…
“We all come back to God in these days of soul-sifting,” said Gertrude to John Meredith. “There have been many days in the past when I didn't believe in God—not as God—only as the impersonal Great First Cause of the scientists. I believe in Him now—I have to—there's nothing else to fall back on but God—humbly, starkly, unconditionally.”
“‘Our help in ages past’—‘the same yesterday, to-day and for ever,’ said the minister gently. ‘When we forget God—He remembers us.’”
Below her [window] was a big apple-tree, a great swelling cone of rosy blossom.... Beyond Rainbow Valley there was a cloudy shore of morning with little ripples of sunrise breaking over it. The far, cold beauty of a lingering star shone above it. Why, in this world of springtime loveliness, must hearts break?
And I can’t leave without some humour:
“‘The Germans have recaptured Premysl,’ said Susan despairingly… ‘and now I suppose we will have to begin calling it by that uncivilized name again. Cousin Sophia was in when the mail came and when she heard the news she hove a sigh up from the depths of her stomach, Mrs. Dr. dear, and said, ‘Ah yes, and they will get Petrograd next I have no doubt.’ I said to her, ‘My knowledge of geography is not so profound as I wish it was but I have an idea that it is quite a walk from Premysl to Petrograd.’ Cousin Sophia sighed again and said, ‘The Grand Duke Nicholas is not the man I took him to be.’ ‘Do not let him know that,’ said I. ‘It might hurt his feelings and he has likely enough to worry him as it is.’ But you cannot cheer Cousin Sophia up, no matter how sarcastic you are, Mrs. Dr. dear. She sighed for the third time and groaned out, ‘But the Russians are retreating fast,’ and I said, ‘Well, what of it? They have plenty of room for retreating, have they not?’ But all the same, Mrs. Dr. dear, though I would never admit it to Cousin Sophia, I do not like the situation on the eastern front. [But] Grand Duke Nicholas, though he may have been a disappointment to us in some respects, knows how to run away decently and in order, and that is a very useful knowledge when Germans are chasing you. Norman Douglas declares he is just luring them on and killing ten of them to one he loses. But I am of the opinion he cannot help himself and is just doing the best he can under the circumstances, the same as the rest of us.’”
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clambuoyance · 1 year
Do u want to talk abt ur ocs..... I actually followed you initially bc they seemed so interesting and silly and I want to know more if you feel like sharing :)
I still can’t believe some ppl follow me for my ocs bc it’s usually for my fanart so this is really nice to hear! I have a couple stories/universes but the main one I’ve been…developing (it’s on and off) since I was like 13/14 is about these two kids named Keiko and Rolin!! Im still doing a lot of world and lore building but the main gist is that Rolin is a teenage boy turning 16 who returns to his hometown to live with his aunt and meets a strange young girl named Keiko (debating on making her 10-12 idk she was originally 10). I won’t go too much into like Lore stuff but she has like..my own version of clairvoyance. They are kind of opposites, with Rolin being introverted and jaded, and Keiko being loud and optimistic but they are both silly.
I think it’s been said before but the whole driving relationship of the story is the two of them going on adventures throughout the city and solving mysteries while simultaneously becoming family and finding a real home within each other and the people they’ve met and learned to love 😚
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Now the story is centered around Rolin and Keiko, but a big focus is on the cast of characters that fill mostly Rolins life. Mira and Artie were friends with Rolin when they were kids before Rolin left with his mom, and all three grew up and have been living their own lives, but when Rolin comes back they get a chance to reconnect (with Keiko’s help). Valoryn (Val) is also new in town, and befriends Rolin and Keiko. This is just a messy fast doodle of them I have better art in my oc tags🙏
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Some old sketches
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The other major cast is Rolin’s family, and Rolin has always been Asian so as I worked on the story his family kept getting more and more relevant especially with a major theme of the story being about the connections you have with people in your life so like I can’t leave them out. And I’ve never settled on an Asian ethnicity until recently where I was like I might as well make him Filipino so I can base his family off my own🫡 Cousins (both blood and not) that are years older than you but treat you like siblings and give u silly nicknames 🫶
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Now Diana (or Deedee) is one of those characters I’ve had for a long time, and I made her because I liked those laidback mentor figures in anime (like Qrow from rwby) and wanted a laidback lady one 🤷🏻‍♀️ she also has some Misato from nge influence. She has always been written to be a mentor figure to Rolin and Keiko, and at one point I think I was going to make her his actual aunt but stuck to her being just a cousin so I could write about her relationship with her mom 🫶 Unlike her brother Darius, she does not live with her mom and Rolin has to go out of his way to meet her.
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And Rolin’s parents’ story aren’t the main focus (they aren’t really present themselves in the main story) and it’s mostly just flashback stuff but they r silly and sad and I love drawing them 😼
I could go into more detail but that’s an overview of some of the characters
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heretoreadfanfic1 · 7 days
New in Town
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of absent parents 
Word Count: 1,362 
Summary: You are the cousin of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. You were recently dropped off in Mystic Falls to live with them by your less than present parents. But something is not right with this town and you can feel it through the secrets being kept from you by Elena and her mysterious new boyfriend Damon. You sneak out one night to get away from Elena's hovering and meet a handsome stranger who relates to you more than you might think.
It had only been 3 months since you moved to Mystic Falls to live with your older cousins Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. Your parents, who had always been distant and withdrawn, decided they needed some time to themselves without needing to worry about being real parents, not that they ever were.   
It didn’t take long for you to realize that things in this town were not as they had seemed. There were new disappearances almost weekly with no real explanation. Not to mention Elena had some sort of mother complex towards you since moving in with them. She even brought her new boyfriend Damon into arguments you two got into letting him play a fatherly role in your life. This odd new relationship has been causing you to feel suffocated.   
Everything in this town was exhausting and Elena practically hired her friends to keep an eye on you no matter where you went, so you spent most of your time locked up in your room. Ever since you were young you took to reading and writing as a means of escapism but after being holed up in your bedroom for months it seemed to drive you crazy. You needed to get out, at least for a little while, without a chaperone to accompany you.  
This night, in particular, Elena was out with Damon doing whatever secretive things they did. Jeremy was locked in his room and hadn’t been out for hours. Now was your chance. You carefully got dressed and threw on a light jacket to keep warm from the chilly air of the night. Slipping on your shoes you quietly trod down the stairs and slipped out the front door making sure to keep the handle turned so as not to make a loud click as the door went back into place.  
Being out by yourself in the dark felt wrong and there was a pit in your stomach as you walked farther away from the house that felt more like a prison as each day passed. You were never one to take risks but as you began walking around the small town a weight lifted off your shoulders. Nobody policing who you spoke to or where you went was something new. Not being constantly watched felt freeing. You mindlessly followed the wet black concrete road looking up at the stars and thinking about what your life might have looked like if you were dealt a better hand of cards.  
Eventually, you found yourself at the old Wickery Bridge just looking out over the water. A sudden breeze against your back snapped you out of thought causing you to turn around quickly. Nobody was there and your mind chalked it up to being used to always having someone lurking over your shoulder. Either way it certainly freaked you out, especially with all the disappearances in the news and you decided it might be time to head back.  
“I’ve never seen you around here before and trust me I tend to remember seeing pretty little things such as yourself.” a man spoke from behind you. Whipping around with wide eyes you wondered where this stranger had come from. Taking him in, he was impossibly handsome with fluffy brown hair and mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes but that did not make him any less intimidating.   
“Cat got your tongue, darling?” He remarked walking towards you slowly looking you up and down while licking his lips.  
“Who are you?” you started trying to sound confident, but panic was thick in your tone.  
“Oh, how rude of me. The name is Kol, Kol Mikaelson. You do know girls like you shouldn’t be roaming around on their own at night. I hear killers are on the loose.” He said it with playfulness in his voice. “Now do I get your name?”  
“It’s (Y/n)” You replied. “The news said those were animal attacks, not murders. And might I say it’s not very innocent to sneak up on a woman this late at night.”  
“You’re right, but who said I was innocent y/n?” Kol chuckled. “You know consider yourself to be lucky you only ran into me. Let me walk you home.” He said as more of a statement than a question.  
“I try not to make it a habit of bringing total strangers home with me.” This was true, but something told you it was ok to trust Kol, at least at this moment. For the first time since being in Mystic Falls, it felt like a conversation wasn’t forced or like you needed to hide what you were feeling.  
“By the time we get there, we won't be strangers anymore, darling.” Kol said winking at you and extending his arm for you to take.  
You laughed taking it and saying “What are you from the 50’s or something, darling” in a mocking tone.  
“Ahhh, I never did get to see much of the 50’s unfortunately.” Kol said with darkness behind his eyes and a deep thickness to his voice. 
The both of you walked back towards the Gilberts house while chatting and getting to know one another but you couldn’t help but feel Kol was hiding something. Along the way, you were able to open up to him about your family and how you got dropped off in this town without even a second look from your parents. Kol mentioned knowing all about bad parents and complicated family dynamics but didn’t go into much detail.  
“It wouldn’t be so bad if only Elena left me alone or at least told her dumb boyfriend Damon to. I get enough orders from her I hate when he tries to step into a dad role when I don’t even know him!” You sighed.  
Kol narrowed his eyes, “Don’t get too close to Damon. He and his brother are... not to be trusted.” he exclaimed, choosing his words carefully. “He doesn’t hurt you does he?”   
“Of course not. He’s just a pest, but sometimes when he tells me to do something... I can’t explain it... it’s almost like no matter how much I don’t want to listen I have to. Like my mind has a fog over it and my body is no longer my own. I probably sound nuts.” You ramble  
“I know exactly what you mean, love.” Kol says with a hint of anger. “Trust me, I will take care of that, and you won’t have to worry about Damon and his tricks ever again.”   
You wonder what he means by Damon’s “tricks” but the look on his face tells you not to poke any further. For some reason, you trust him even after only knowing him for maybe an hour. You’re not sure how exactly he plans to help but you know he will. His passion and protectiveness seem to light a fire in you, and you never want him to leave your side. It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before, but you like it, no, you need it.   
Soon you were in front of Elena’s house again and the dread of going back in crept up on you. Noticing the change of demeanor Kol raised an eyebrow “You know I'd be happy to come save you from the Gilbert's house anytime, and not just because it would piss off them and the Salvator brothers. I quite like your company Ms. (y/l/n).” He said picking up your hand and giving your knuckles a soft kiss.   
“I think I'd like that Mr. Mikaelson. You’re not too bad yourself. How do I get in touch with you?”  
“I’ll be around. I give you my word.”   
Kol lets go of your hand and as you turn your head to look at the house, you feel another breeze like the one you felt by the bridge earlier. Turning back towards Kol you realize he was already gone. Almost as if he had disappeared into thin air. You make your way into the house careful not to make too much noise and creep back to your bedroom. Your mind begins to race with thoughts of the charming man you met tonight and the thrill of seeing him again is coursing through your veins.   
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absolutebl · 1 year
Well from your recent posts I've gathered that you are not a Big (with a capital B yes) fan of A Boss and a Babe so it's probly safe to say this . The reason i haven't watched this series is bcz I find the leads eerily similar looking?? Like if not siblings but atleast like distant cousins ??? Idk why but i can't unsee it now. Help .
Oh I don't think they look alike at all. Sorry, I don't know how to help you.
Maybe focus on specific features? Think of it like you were sketching them as a portrait artist? Like they have different mouth shape, eye shape/placement, cheekbones, and hair lines. Force (left) has a thinner straighter mouth more sculpted, slightly higher more prominent cheekbones, much heavier lidded eyes (he looks sultry and sleepy most of the time), slightly broader nose, longer face over all, and a prominent Adam's apple.
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Book (right) has more delicate and finer features, his face is more heart-shaped and proportions are different (where his features fall on his face), smaller slightly pouty mouth, thinner nose, slightly rounder cheeks, close but less deep-set eyes. He's also lighter skinned. For all these reasons he's cast as the uke in their shows, as they are pretty much the same height, age (Book is actually a little older), and deferential politeness IRL, it could have gone either way.
(I don't make the rules, the yaoi gods do.)
Your Moment of Academia
If you're still struggling, there could be more/other reasons for this.
There is something called the Cross-race effect which may be impacting you. (The way to train your brain out of this one is to just keep watching tons of dramas, fashion, MVs made by cultures not your own. More info and discussion on this in this episode of All in the Mind podcast: The human drive to connect – and divide)
There's also Prosopagnosia to consider, although that's a lot rarer than modern peeps make it out to be.
I've also always felt like Dunbar's number may come into play with this kind of thing too. Like perhaps the human brain just has a limited max capacity for facial recognition storage.
So you might do better if you focus on their mannerisms and way of speaking which are completely different. (Siblings usually share vocality and mannerisms especially if they were raised together.) Body language and their way of holding themselves, smiles, eye crinkles, use of eyebrows, etc... Very few actors can move on from these tells.
Book has a more mobile face (which is why he suits comedy so well) but Force's is more emotive and expressive in nuance. He's uses more micro-movements, like little eye crinkles and a little crooked smile.
Their voices are very similar, but Force's is more burred, and a little more monotone (rare in Thai). He has a mellow soft way of speaking especially around the ubiquitous krap. Book has a rounder, wetter way of speaking, his kraps are more sharp and clipped.
All that said, IMHO you don't have to bother to watch either of ForceBook's series. So far this pair has been ill served by GMMTV. So if it wigs you out, there is plenty other, better BL.
Also if you want to actually watch a BL where the characters are some iteration of siblings, I'm sure Japan is there for you. If not, there's always the stepbrothers trope...
I have to say, I tend to way MORE annoyed when characters in a show who are meant to be siblings look absolutely nothing alike. Like bone-structure level "qua?" I know blood siblings don't always look alike, but they rarely look so completely different as we often get in TV or film the world over.
Way back, I did a series of actors in BL who I thought SHOULD play brothers and these are my favorites:
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Mark Siwat Jumlongkul and War Wanarat Ratsameerat.
Now those two boys look related. To me, anyway.
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soap-lady · 10 months
My brain wouldn't let go until I wrote this
@idreamtofmanderleyagain @angelqueen13art
I'm back on my goofiness.
Family meeting
After a week of rearranging the house, scrubbing anything and everything with bleach, pine cleaner, scouring cleaner, more bleach on anything Julia could have touched and some bathroom cleaner with added bleach, they were finally ready to start moving in their new furniture.
Elliot and Tiffany refused to let Kirsty anywhere near the attic and cleaned it themselves. Elliot hadn’t really cleaned anything but himself before so Tiffany gave a crash course in housecleaning. Of course, she didn’t remember much herself but learning to use a broom and a mop weren’t complicated. Even though giving the horrible place a thorough scrubbing took twice as long as it should have, it gave Kirsty time to box up any remaining belongings Julia…and her father had left behind.
She decided to keep the nice jewelry for herself or to pass on to Tiffany when she was older and donated the rest to charity. Her dad had already put her mother’s and grandmothers’ jewelry in a safety deposit box for her so all he had was clothes. Elliot wore them until she could take him shopping. She threw all the pictures of Julia away, even those her father was in. Kirsty had plenty of photos of her father and mother in the same safety deposit box so she could dispose of any and all proof the woman had existed at all.
Next was deciding who would get what room. Kirsty didn’t want the master suite so Elliot took it. She and Tiffany took two rooms across the hall from him. They shared a bathroom so their captain made up a bathroom schedule so neither would cut into the other’s shower time. There was a guest bathroom on the third floor and two on the main floor so there shouldn’t be a problem.
Now they were ready for their new furniture so Kirsty decided to call a “family meeting”.
“A family…what?” Elliot was confused. He’d never heard the term before. His father had always dictated what they would do as head of the household and his mother and their servants had carried out his will. As children he and his brothers followed without question.
Tiffany smiled at him as she sat on the couch, confused but excited. She’d heard the word “family” and was just happy to be included.
A small family is still a good family if there’s love she remembered her mother saying and felt a pang in her chest. Bits and drabs of memory were starting to return to her and even though she welcomed them it hurt. Her mother loved old musicals and sang as she cooked. Her dad died when she was a baby; a semi hit his car when he was driving his parents from the airport. Her mother had been raised in foster care so she knew nothing about her heritage.
Elliot could tell she was upset and gave her a smile and a shoulder squeeze. She smiled back as best she could and although he still seemed concerned he didn’t press.
Kirsty flew into the living room with a notebook in her hand, looking flushed and eager. “Okay! The first meeting of the Cotton-Spencer family is now called to order.”
Tiffany looked pleased and Elliot raised a brow. “Sorry, ‘Cotton-Spencer’ ?”
Kirsty grinned. “Yeah. I figured it would be better if we said Tiffany was your second cousin.” She shrugged. “Everyone knows it was just my dad and…Frank…so me having a relative show up out of the blue would look weird. Unless…we said you were Frank’s illegitimate daughter which…wouldn’t be unlikely but I couldn’t do that to you.” She smiled at Tiffany. “Besides, they could do a DNA test or something and prove us wrong.”
Tiffany gave her a thumbs up. “As cool as it would be to be related to you, I’d rather not be Frank’s daughter either.”
Elliot turned a little towards Tiffany. “But, you’re all right being related to me?” The thought of having a…well, not a daughter…a cousin then…was very pleasing to him. It meant he had a place he belonged in the human world again. And someone to care for who needed him. He glanced at Kirsty. He thought she might need him too, if even only for company. He wondered how she felt living with the man who tried to drag to Hell…twice. He was afraid to ask; he didn’t want her to think about it too much or she might remember to fear him.
For the first time in a long time, he didn’t want anyone to fear him.
The memories of his human self, his life before, had rushed back to him, colliding with the seventy years of memories he had as a Cenobite. It was strange that he’d now spent twice as long as a creature of the Labyrinth than he had as a man.
His memories as the Hell Priest slept within him now, as did his powers. He tried to summon his powers but his chains did not appear. He’d carefully packed his tools and vestments in the back of a closet on the third floor and hoped he never had cause to use them again. The thought of never being a Cenobite again elated and worried him and he tried not to think about it if the girls were around.
His attention was brought back to Kirsty as she addressed him. “So…Cousin Elliot needed some identification so I called in some favors from my ex,” she grimaced as she thought of Steve, “and a friend of his from the State Department whipped up some very good fakes.” She handed him a fat manila envelope. “Here are your IDs, birth certificate, and work visa. I also had him throw in some legal looking documents saying you’re Tiffany’s guardian. You’re on your own for a driver’s license but this city has a pretty good transit system, so you should be fine for now.”
Elliot opened the envelope and poured out the contents to examine them. The passport and identification card looked authentic and even the birth certificate looked like a facsimile of the real thing.
Kirsty smiled at the look on his face. “Yeah. Steve was a crap boyfriend but he has connections.”
Tiffany tapped her on the arm. “What about me?”
Kirsty sighed and put her arm around her new best friend? Little sister? Both. Yes, both was good. “I found your documents in Channard’s office.” She rolled her eyes. I thought he’d keep this stuff at his house but he was too arrogant to think he’d ever get caught. It has your birth certificate, even your school records.” She grinned as Tiffany’s eyes widened. “Believe it or not, Tiffany really is your name. Tiffany Claire Harrison.”
Kirsty slid the file across the coffee table and Tiffany grabbed it with trembling hands. She opened and found pictures. Pictures of herself as a little smiling with her mother. They stood together in front of a house with green trim and various flowers. Her mother planted them. She loved flowers. Here was proof her mother was real and not a projection of Leviathan. Tiffany didn’t even realize she was crying until Elliot pressed his handkerchief into her hand.
Tiffany looked at both of them. “My mommy was real! She loved me!” She used the handkerchief to wipe her eyes and even though tears still streamed down her face she still smiled.
“And!” Kirsty pulled out Tiffany’s school records. “You were a brilliant student! You excelled at math and science and wanted to be an engineer when you grew up.”
Tiffany read over old report cards. All of her teachers had glowing things to say. “Motivated student…gift for learning…excels at complex problems…”
It was coming back to her. Until the puzzles took over she was a straight-A student, she had friends. But as the puzzles took over, as the need to solve them took over, all of that faded and her friends avoided her for being “that weird girl”.
Kirsty continued. “I’ve talked to a good private school in the area. You’ll have to take some placement tests but if you do well you won’t have to take a remedial year. But…” Kirsty smiled again. “You can learn more than either of us could teach you. And you can make friends your own age.” She winked at Elliot. “I’m sure you don’t want to stay with your Big Brother and Big Sister in the house all day. You want to have fun!”
Elliot frowned. “Are you saying we-” he pointed between himself and Kirsty, “-aren’t fun?”
She smirked a bit. “Sure we are,” she thought about it and then said, “well, I am.” He scoffed and she went on. “Hey, you haven’t been a teenager in a while and it’s been three years for me. I have no idea what teens are into these days. It’ll be good for Tiff to expand her social circle beyond the people she lives with.”
He nodded. “But, she’s going to need rules. And a curfew.”
“Hey,” Tiffany jokingly protested. “Cousin Elliot, I thought you were cool. Now I just see you’re a tool of The Man!”
Elliot blinked. “I have no idea what that means.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll introduce you to Wikipedia later.” Kirsty interrupted before their meeting could go off track. “Yes, you’ll have a curfew and you’ll have to call if you’re going to be late. Elliot and I,” she pointed between the two adults, “will do the same. Also, we’ll have our own curfew so at least one of us will be home when you get home. And we’re going to have a chore board.”
Elliot blinked because he had no idea what that meant. “A what?”
Kirsty smiled and pointed to a rectangular grid she’d drawn. “We’ll all have daily and weekly chores. Don’t worry, we’ll rotate. Everyone will be responsible for cleaning their own rooms and doing their laundry but we need to work together for meals and washing dishes. Also cleaning the bathrooms and the living room.”
He understood but still didn’t like it. “Really, you’re going to assign chores to me? Like a child?”
She nodded. “Yup. My house, my rules. I outrank you on my own property, Captain.” She pretended to glare at him when he started to protest then mock glared at Tiffany when she giggled.
Elliot sighed. Physical labor was not his forte. “We can hire people to cook and clean and take care of the yard.”
Kirsty shook her head. “I’m fine with a gardener but I don’t want strangers in the house.” Her jaw was firm and her expression was determined. “Besides, we don’t want everyone to know our business. People gossip, even when they’re getting paid not to. We have a lot to hide and we can’t risk getting exposed or blackmailed. They’ll take Tiffany away and throw us in jail if they don’t put us back in the Institution.”
He shook his head firmly and gave Tiffany a reassuring squeeze when she looked worried. “We won’t let them take her away from us,” he assured Kirsty and his expression turned as determined as her own. “We can’t.”
Kirsty nodded and met his gaze. A frisson went up his spine. He was rather happy to see this side of Kirsty; Tiffany clearly brought out her protective side. She was as strong as when she’d pushed the Pillar into Channard to save him. He felt a rush of pride for her.
There was a loud bang at the door and they all stood.
“Right. That’ll be the movers,” Elliot said as he moved to the side and let Kirsty answer the door. “Let’s all give them a hand, shall we? The sooner everything is moved in and arranged the sooner we can enjoy our peace and quiet.”
Bad mood vanished, Tiffany clapped on his shoulder. “And the sooner we can get to your first cooking lesson. No more takeout for us!”
He stopped and stood in the middle of the living room as his two girls laughed at him. He then sighed and followed them to the door.
“Hope you both enjoy food poisoning then.”
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runningwolf62 · 4 months
Wolfy's Pokemon OCs Web (Mostly)
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I blame this terrible thing's existence on @wardencommanderrodimiss and @deusverve
But I wanna talk about some of my Pokemon OCs. (It gets worse when I pull in the Ranger Games)
Gonna go (mostly) in release order, since that helps
Elio (Pokemon Sun): Champion of Alola, and most likely to lose that title. He honestly doesn't love being champion, he wants to relax and explore Alola, he only holds onto the title until he can find a champion he's comfortable giving it to. He and Hau have a healthy rivalry of pushing each other to get stronger, while he and Gladion have a more playful and competitive one, which might also be them flirting. Elio and Lilie are good friends, and often hang out with Elio's Solgaleo (Nebby). Tends to be quiet and dislikes the attention on him from being champion.
Blaze (Pokemon Sword): Champion of Galar, and fully intends to hold that title. Number 133, for Eevee, loving its potential. He and Hop aren't even rivals, even now they often play at each other's houses and have fun being kids. When Blaze arrived in the Crown Tundra, he ended up swept up in Peony's Adven-tour and loved it, he and Nia ended up clicking after her dad settled down, and the pair of them enjoy his company, as he loves exploring with Peony, and exploring raid dens with Nia. Penny, on the other hand, came home from school to find some stranger had become a close family friend. It's not that she fears she's been replaced, Peony is too affectionate for that, but Blaze tries to reach out and protect her too much, and she also thinks he's stealing her brand with the eevee thing.
Rory (Violet): A quiet boy from Unova, it was always just him, his mom, and his older brother. Until his aunt and uncle died and his life was upended to move to Paldea, to live with his now orphaned cousin. Rory struggles a lot to find his place, and has no ambition to be champion. In fact, he only did the gym challenge to get stronger to help Arven, he had no drive to be champion. He had no drive for anything in truth, and feared the future ahead of him, when he didn't know where he truly was meant to go.
Operation Starfall saw him and his cousin, Violet, forced to work together. Rory admired her skills in battling, and trained hard to try and keep up. To understand what made her want to be champion, to understand her dream. And as she came to understand him, they found themselves a dear friend in the cousin they'd never known well, and are now thick as thieves.
A school trip to Kitakami saw him cross paths with a former classmate, and he and Kieran finally spoke where they had once been too shy to do so. Their budding friendship ended up strained for some time, but Rory never hesitated to reach out to Kieran, finally getting through to him again. [There's a lot and this is the SHORT version]
Indigo (Pokemon Go): Called Go for his endless energy, Go helped his single mother a lot when he was growing up, until she pushed him to be a child, and not another parent to his brother. Go's energy and drive landed him a spot in Willow's research team, specifically Team Instinct. He and Spark are buddies, training together, while Go wonders at why Arlo shows up to fight him so much. Go is proud to see Rory truly come into himself, and wishes he could be home to watch it in person.
Violet (Scarlet): V knew she wanted to be a champion since she was a kid. That dream was all she had left after the accident that killed her parents, leaving her orphaned, and suddenly with an aunt she barely knew and a cousin her age living in her house. Filled with pain, and anger, and no idea how to deal with it, V ran from the past, throwing her all into the future, and her drive to be a champion.
Operation Starfall made her meet her cousin, a quiet boy, who didn't desire to be champion. His quiet determination though, made her pause, if he didn't want to be the strongest, what did he want? Encouraging his dreams, and realizing the dreams of others turned that rage and pain to a desire to protect, and steeled her resolve. Feeling Geeta is a threat to the region, V has sworn to be Champion one day, to see Paldea thrive.
The school trip to Kitakami was a blast to V, until Rory's friendship with Kieran fell apart with no clear way to fix it. When she was chosen for an exchange student program, she didn't even have to ask, Director Clavell had already quietly arranged for Rory to go with her. V spotted in Drayton, under his professed laziness, a talent for battling, and a desire to protect friends that she related to, and the pair became co-conspirators.
Akira (Pokemon Legends Arceus): That's not a typo, it's Akira. That was all he knew when Professor Laveton found him. That and Arceus had chosen him for a purpose. He and Akari had a good laugh over their similar names, and the younger (as far as anyone could tell, he was mid-20s) member showed him the ropes of the Galaxy Team. Akira's strange behaviors and memories put him at odds with Kamado, but he otherwise made friends easily, with the strange merchant Volo, and Adamant, the Diamond Team leader. Irida took longer to warm up to him, but by the time Kamado declared Akira the cause of the distortions and exiled him, she was firmly on his side. His strange memories, of being in the air, of the land from above, of always rising early, learned fear of electric and ice Pokemon, was finally explained when he met Cognita.
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
It’s HC time! Under the cut is a growing list of the ones I have for Huxley’s moms because we really don’t know anything about them and I think that’s downright criminal. So I had a lot of fun coming up with these instead. Some of them have shown up in my fics (and they will appear again). 
In three cords, I gave them names: Elena and Lorie.
Elena is based on my mom and all of my aunts/older second and third cousins (who I also call aunts) which basically means she’s Hispanic, a little on the short side, plus-sized, and likes to give everyone cheek kisses. And tries to feed people the second they walk in the door. It’s like a way of welcoming newcomers into the family; if you turn down the offer, it’s almost an offence. When Damien went home with Huxley for New Year’s she made sure to sit him down with a bowl of pozole, which is one of the best meals ever. I based her name on one of my favorite Wheel of Time characters (Elayne, because I think it’s pretty). Out of the two of them, she’s the one with a green thumb. 
Lorie is based on the owner of a crystal shop I mention later in this post, and a family friend. If you take every stoner New Age hippie in the PNW and sprinkle a whole lot of love on top, that’s Lorie. She’s white, also short, keeps her hair tied back in a singular braid and wears a purple bandana, and likes to forage. And knit. A lot of Huxley’s favorite sweaters were made by her. She also spins yarn as a hobby and wire-wraps crystal pendants, which both sell extremely well. 
I know this is a pretty common one, but they have a house out in the woods. You know when you’re on a road trip and driving through the mountains, and sometimes a tiny dirt road breaks off of the highway and there’s a little mail box right there, so you know it leads to someone’s house? It’s like that. The woods are their backyard and Huxley spent a lot of his childhood exploring and running around in the trees. They practically had to drag him inside every evening. 
They own a little rock/crystal shop in town. This one is based on one of my favorite shops that used to be downtown, until they moved locations to the next city over. The one Huxley’s moms own is small and cozy and it smells like incense. They make their own teas too and send Huxley care packages full of new ones for him (and now Damien) to test. 
They have a dog. He’s a big boi. They adopted him when Huxley was little and he’s a black lab named Rocky. Rocky’s a senior citizen now, a tired old man with lots of white on his muzzle, and he likes to lay at their feet and nap. He and Huxley are besties and when he was younger he’d keep Hux company on his woodland adventures. 
Also mentioned in the fic I linked at the top: they aren’t legally married. Neither of them liked the idea that a relationship has to be recognized by any kind of government for it to be taken as legitimate. They did a handfasting ceremony just for themselves out in the woods and the cords are hanging on permanent display in the living room, above the fire place. 
Neither of them understand how video calls work. It doesn’t matter how many times Huxley (and Damien) call, which is once a week. They just don’t get it. They’ll try to flip the camera around so Huxley can see Rocky but like. Not actually flip it, so the view on the phone screen is just really close-up shots of their faces and they’re like “do you see him?? :D” 
At this point Hux just lies and says “yeah I love him <3″
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crowdvscritic · 2 months
round up // JUNE 24
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This post is late 'cause I'm a writer, Though Austin Butler's cute in The Bikeriders, Who didn’t have time for post creation Before my big summer vacation. And it marks the 12th year Of this little blog now. With a 283rd post, I’ve know I got it down. Too bad anxiety don't do it for ya, John Wayne, he dream came trued it for ya, Bad Boys rebooted up for ya. Now I’m singin' Sabrina all night, oh, Is it that sweet? I guess so. Type it up, down, left, right, oh, Switch it up like Nintendo. Crowd vs. Critic, I know That's that me espresso
June Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
The fourth Bad Boys is functioning on three levels: 
It reminds us just how fun buddy cop comedies can be.
It’s a soft reboot of the franchise. 
It’s testing the waters for Will Smith’s future.
Read my full review for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10
2. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter (2024)
It may be technically too early to call the race for Song of the Summer, but it’s going to take a major earworm to dethrone Sabrina Carpenter’s caffeinated pop hit for me. I’ve started playing it on repeat and daydreaming dance routines while driving—is it that sweet? I guess so.
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3. Inside Out 2 (2024)
This sequel works because t’s a logical next step for Riley’s growth, but also because of its precision in identifying the competing emotions of middle school. That’s a lovely subversion of the neat endings in most family entertainment, and like most every Pixar entry, it did make me cry. Read my full review for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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4. Anxious People by Fredrik Backman (2019)
The narrator—a cousin of Arrested Development's—informs us this is a story about a bank robbery gone wrong. It’s also a story about realtors, falling in love, rabbits, therapy sessions, bedroom closets, police work, bridges, and strange coincidences. It’s a laugh-out-loud ensemble (with some scenes so non sequitur I could imagine them in the best Adam McKay movies) and a sentimental rom-com (with some scenes reminiscent of Nora Ephron’s tone). 
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5. Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
This action movie based on a true story more than lives up to its title. When Owen Wilson’s cocky Navy pilot gets caught, yes, behind enemy lines, he then, yes, has to go through a Top Gun-inspired arc. But neither Wilson nor Gene Hackman are phoning in what could’ve been a paint-by-numbers war film, which makes it both thrilling and poignant. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
MORE JUNE CROWD-PLEASERS // House Rules by Myquillyn Smith (2023) isn’t the restricting guide the title suggests but a collection of 100 decorating inspirations // Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) and Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) make me miss Adam McKay’s true comedy days, when his political views made his jokes more poignant instead of overwhelming the intent of his script // Poms (2019) is a fun entry in the recent trend of Older Screen Lady Legends Doing It For Themselves subgenre (See also: 80 for Brady) // I.S.S. (2023) is more thoughtful than a junkie space thriller needs to be // In the Land of Saint and Sinners (2023) is a classic Western that just happens to be set in Ireland // Snack Shack (2024) is more crass than I prefer, but what works has American Graffiti vibes
June Critic Picks
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1. The Bikeriders (2024)
It’s like Austin Butler overheard Robert Redford say, “Paul Newman and I are the handsomest white men who have ever been on screen,” and he said, “Hold my comb.” Butler knows he’s beautiful, and so does writer/director Jeff Nichols, who based The Bikeriders on a book of photography. Nichols also knows how cool guys in leather jackets look while smoking and riding motorcycles (even if we consciously know all of those things are dangerous clichés) and that it takes someone as gorgeous as Butler to make us believe a skeptical woman like Jodie Comer’s Kathy would sell her soul to have him. It’s one of best films of the year so far, and you can hear more thoughts in my review on KTRS's Carney Show. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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2. Double Feature - ‘40s Rom-Coms With With Political Twists: Without Reservations (1946) + State of the Union (1948)
In Frank Capra’s State of the Union (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10), Spencer Tracy is considering running for President of the United States with the help of lover Angela Lansbury and to the chagrin of wife Katharine Hepburn. In Mervyn LeRoy’s Without Reservations (8/10 // 8.5/10), famous author Claudette Colbert is road-tripping incognito (much like she did in It Happened One Night) after falling hard for returning soldier John Wayne. In both romances, politics are the force driving apart the couples we’re rooting for, and in Reservations, you also get a perfect rom-com BFF in Don DeFore. 
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3. The Cross of Lorraine (1943)
About the same time Casablanca came out, Peter Lorre played a supporting role in another World War II adventure filmed as people were escaping the Nazis in real life. This French POW drama (also co-starring Gene Kelly) walked so that Steve McQueen could jump that motorcycle in The Great Escape. Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
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4. Broadcast News (1987)
What’s a girl to do when she has no time to write a valedictorian speech? And what’s a girl to do when she has to choose between two terrible love interests while working in the world of TV journalism? In ep. 140 of SO IT’S A SHOW?, Kayla and I are digging into the ‘80s romantic dramedy Broadcast News and trying to figure out what the hey it has to do with Rory’s graduation in Gilmore Girls. Why is Lorelai comparing Rory to Holly Hunter? What ethical controversy (if you can even call it that) could make Holly Hunter break up with a dreamy news anchor? And how much do we love The Incredibles? Listen in for a special report on all of these stories.
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5. Fancy Dance (2023)
Part mystery, part character drama, all Lily Gladstone star power. Fancy Dance overlaps in plot and theme with Killers of the Flower Moon, but Gladstone has created a completely different character stuck in a world of crime and custody battles. Watch my full review on KMOV. Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
Also in June…
I reviewed Janet Planet for ZekeFilm, which was the opposite of Snack Shack: On paper it's a film I should've loved, but I didn't care for the execution.
Photo credits: Anxious People. All others IMDb.com.
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hetalia-club · 3 months
I don't know much about Game of thrones lore like you. But why is Prussia so childish in your au? I'm not saying I disagree I don't know enough about the world to dispute but I was just curious for the reason behind it if any.
Yes, I can tell you exactly why. When a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin. This means either they are completely nuts or they are sane/sane-ish. More often than not it lands on the wrong side of the coin. The Targaryen family practice incest often times marrying siblings and first cousins. They want to keep their dragon blood pure and don't want the other houses being able to ride dragons (Which this logic does make since if its where your power comes if everyone had dragons and road them you wouldn't be so special, but it does not make it right or healthy). On top of that the Targaryen's have blood of dragons inside of them. A lot of them have terrible tempers. they are from a hybrid human-dragon cross breeding thing that the Valyrians did thousands of years ago. They actually are part dragon.
Targaryen's have been royals since the start of the Seven Kingdoms. They are out of touch, selfish, often times cruel and could care less about the small folk. They don't know what it's like in the city because they hardly leave the palace unless they have to. A lot of them do act very childish their entire lives. They don't know anything outside the castle walls most of the time. Are you going to tell the King who is cracked in the head and who has a fire breathing dragon for a bestie that he's 'too old to play with toys?' no you won't lol. and if you do you're going to get... 'fired' if you catch my drift. They do it for less.
A lot of them also live very tragic lives, still births, babies being born half dragon with wings and claws and turning to ash as soon as they are born. On top of that some Targaryen's are plagued with 'Dragon Dreams'. These dreams are just that they dream that they ARE dragons. They fly through the sky and burn cities. Some Targaryen's have these dreams every night of their lives and it drives them crazy. They start to blur the lines and get it in their heads that the "are dragons irl" so they will act more like a dragon. They will become callous and uncaring, have a fascination with fire and burning things/people, their temper will get worse and they will start to mutter and talk to themselves in Valerian (the dragon language) and spend more time with their dragon. Also if the heir is actually crazy and a violent psycho they don't say "okay maybe we don't make him the king" that's just the king now unless he dies of natural causes or someone kills him. That's just the King whether he is a good/bad/great/terrible king that's just how it is. Prussia is not the best option for king but he's not the worst king they have ever had by far. He does listen to reason sometime and has never done anything too irredeemable or terrible. He just talks about it a lot and threatens it. Prussia is married to his older sister since a young age. His father died when he was young and the King needed heirs.
They are a very tragic family and all the cards are against them, it never gets better and only gets worse as they age. You unfortunately can't make a 'true to story' Targaryen family without giving them woes and ailments. if you did it would be taking away from the story and what makes them so tragic.
If you're interested in the Lore of the Targaryen's and want to know more of my thinking on it. You should watch "House of Dragon". You don't have to watch Game of thrones first and it's only just starting season 2 so it's not so much that you have to binge. It will help you understand the mind set of most Targaryen's and how some of them don't even really get a fighting chance and are just given a bad hand at birth.
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deputyash · 2 years
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hello!! i’m gonna admit, i’m a little nervous to send this off anon, but i saw your oc ask game thing and wanted to talk about my fc5 deputy! i also wanted to include some “references,” if you will.
(i apologize for the rambling i’m about to do and all of the silly clichés 😵‍💫 )
this is my deputy, Rachel (“Rook”) Leighton, 25 (Taurus), she/her.
the basics:
1. Has six siblings — Anna & Danielle (22, twins), Charlotte (20 - ends up joining the Whitetail militia after Rook takes up as face of the resistance, much to her sister’s displeasure), Thomas (18), Mary (16), and Elissa (12) — that she’s extremely protective over; it’s only gotten worse since their mom left.
2. Her mom, Catherine, is a member of Eden’s Gate, having joined not long after her divorce from Rachel’s dad, driving a wedge between herself and her children.
4. The (paternal) cousin of Joey Hudson, who was the one to encourage her to join the police force, after Rook found herself listless after graduating high school.
4. Born and raised in Hope County, Montana, just a little ways out from the town of Fall’s End.
5. Personality-wise, she’s a bit of a wildcard. She’s athletic and quite popular/friendly with the locals, despite being essentially a bundle of sarcasm, stupid jokes, and snarky comments. A lot of people know her and her siblings because their parents were such friendly people. Does not like hurting people — even the Peggies, or the Seeds themselves — and refuses to take any lives if she can help it.
6. Dislikes the Seeds, but especially has it out for John (it really doesn’t help that he’s tormented Joey like he has) and Joseph. Thinks Jacob is, in her words, “a prick,” and feels pretty sorry for Faith, despite all the messed up things she’s done.
7. Pretty handy with a bow (her weapon of choice) and a decent shot with both a pistol and a scoped hunting rifle.
8. Spends most of her time up in the Wolf’s Den with the militia, when she’s not sabotaging the cult, in an effort to take down Jacob (who she views as “the biggest threat”) and watch after her sister, Charlotte.
i’m sitting here staring at everything i’ve written and wondering if it’ll all even fit in the ask, so maybe that’s a sign to stop here 🤧 i hope you have an awesome day and i’m sorry this is so long 😵‍💫
No need to be nervous! I love hearing about everyone’s fc5 ocs! :D
Rachel sounds really cool!! I love how detailed her backstory and family dynamic is! I can’t imagine it’s easy for her to watch over her siblings while trying to combat Eden’s Gate. Does she still fight the Seeds despite her dislike of hurting people, or does she take a different approach?
And as far as getting along with my OC, I don’t think it would be too difficult for Rachel to get along with Dove. Dovie is generally kind to everyone. It takes her quite a while to open up to new people and become good friends, but when she does, she’s quite loyal. Dove is the youngest sibling (as of now). She has an older brother who still lives in her home state, Texas. Knowing what it’s like to have siblings, I think Dove would definitely help protect Rachel’s younger siblings if needed. She is very protective of kids (even if they’re older kids).
And then depending on the universe, the only area of potential conflict I would see is if Dove was with John. There would definitely be some tension between Rachel and Dove due to the complicated relationships between everyone haha. However, in a universe where she’s not with John, I think Dove would admire that Rachel is trying to stop the cult without just killing people. They also both seems to prefer long range, quiet weapons, so that’s an area they would agree on as well.
Thanks for sending in an ask! It was lovely to learn about Rachel! I hope you have an awesome day as well! 💞
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Three members of the Scott family were driving back from a dance competition. They had been up at five am on a Saturday to compete, only to have her papers lost and not allowed to compete. They were joking, listening to music, and hanging out on the way back home. A car jumps the divider on the highway. It drove the wrong way towards the car. Lyra shouted at her dad about the car. It smashes into them head-on.
When Lyra wakes up her ears are ringing. She unbuckles her seatbelt and smashes out the window of the back seat. She crawls through, cutting herself on the small pieces of glass. EMTs rush over as she collapses. "My parents," she points at the car.
"They didn't make it sweetie. Don't worry, you're safe. SHIELD is here to protect you. After discovering she has nothing more than a few scratches, the EMT checks her out and sits her down with Firefighters. She is clutching a stuffed animal after it was offered to her. She rides in a police car to the station. She informs them that her brothers are at their house. An officer is sent with her to get her stuff from her house and her brothers. They get to the house and after a long discussion, they pack their stuff. Lyra walks into her room. She picks up her large duffle bag and starts to pack with her superhero suit at the bottom. She grabs her favorite outfits, dance shoes, and grandmother's jewelry box with all of her jewelry in it. She grabs a couple of sweatshirts and adds them. She takes out her travel backpack. She packs her computer, phone charger, earbuds, a couple of her favorite books, two notebooks, two tiny pistols (in a secret compartment), and her spell book, a gift on her eighth birthday.  She grabs her stuffed Toothless plushie, puts her backpack on, grabs her duffle bag, and her violin case, and walks out of her room for what might be the last time. She sees her brothers with the same solemn faces. They put their bags in the trunk of the police cruiser, and hop in the back seat. The ride back to the station was as quiet as the one there even with the addition of two people. They unload from the vehicle back at the police station. Seeing a familiar man standing in the little office that was for the three Scotts made her smile. "Hey, Uncle Nick." Despite the circumstances, he still hated the nickname.
"Kid, how many times do I have to tell you it's Fury?" He says joking. He loved the three kids he had watched as a loving Uncle grow up.
"About a thousand more times," Lyra replied sarcastically.
"Why did I have to recommend Carol as a babysitter?" He jokes with the same sarcastic tone.  Andrew runs at Fury and hugs him
"Uncle Nick, are you going to take us in now? Are we going to be official agents?" Fury shakes his head. 
"No, you guys are still too young, even with all of your nightly activities." He gives the three of them a knowing look. The twins Lyra and Kaden had been heroes in the nearest city for about four years. Two years ago Andrew joined them for training and the easy patrol areas. They trained almost every day. They even had super suits that they made themselves. They were not very protective, but they hid their identity well. "We are going to help find some relative that will take you in, if not, we'll let you live with the Avengers." The siblings nodded in agreement. The kids sit down at the desk as Nick Fury leaves to talk with their social service worker. They sit in the small for what feels like hours before a happy woman in her forties comes in. 
"We found you a relative to stay with. It's your mom's cousin, Tony Stark." The two older ones look at each other and roll their eyes. They had heard about him from Uncle Nick, and they didn't want to be associated with him. They didn't want to move to NYC from their small town just outside Nashville. They would have to completely revamp their schedules and patrol routes for the bigger city. So, begrudgingly, they pack their bags into the back of the social worker's van and get on the road to their new home in New York. Lyra mostly listened to music, Kaden read some of his history novels, and Andrew played on his phone. He had gotten it two days ago for middle school and emergencies.  They stopped at two rest stops before getting to a nice motel right outside of the city limits of NYC.  They have a full night's sleep and wake up in the morning ready to meet their new guardian.
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183idfk10-24 · 2 years
Random ass vent that Lowkey is all over the place and I shouldn’t post this publicly but idgf maybe someone will read it and relate or be like “this bitch stupid idk”
Today my family is celebrating thanksgiving. I just weighed myself and turns out Im at my starting weight again. Starting tomorrow I’m going to watch what I’m eating. I don’t necessarily want to go hard core 500 cals just yet, but I want to eat healthy foods and count calories. I also wanna exercise. I just wanna make healthy habits and be healthy. I mean yeah I will probably eat a less amount of calories to keep me healthy but once I reach at least 120 pounds , that’s when I will starting eating a healthy amount of cals cuz I look like a cow. Even my cousins are getting smaller than me. I think that’s my problem. I mean I compare myself to a lot of people but I compare myself a lot to my cousin. Maybe because my mom compares her to me a lot. Or maybe because we where close in age. Or maybe because we use to be friends but then she turned into a fake bitch and now I feel like I need to be better than her to just prove something. Like today I’m at her house and I noticed she wrote “permit test” on her calendar. And that really makes me annoyed and stressed out because I am a year older (16) and I should already have it but I can’t take it yet because I’m still waiting for my birth certificate to come in the mail. It’s stresses me out because what if I fail? I mean I could retake it. I don’t know. I don’t need to be better than anyone. I just want to be skinny. I wanna have good grades. I wanna be able to drive. I want good friends. I wanna be closer to God. I just want inner peace. I know it sounds corny but meh idk . I just wanna go home to my cat and be alone in my room. What’s wrong with me. Am I even normal lmao? Am I just overthinking… overreacting? I know I can be so much better than this what the actual fuck is wrong with me. I’m such a btich. I always complain abt my mom yelling at me but then I treat my brother the same way. Am I gonna treat my kids like this in the future? Tf hopefully no. I need to change. I need to just be nicer and more positive. Not just in a mental form but also physically I need to be healthy. Like I have such good genes! I have a very curvy body and small bones and waist. It’s just covered in 60 each pounds of tucking fat. I have nice hair, a pretty face (I mean some ppl will think it’s normal not like supermodel, western beauty standard type of pretty) I mean I kinda got a non defined nose and uneven eyebrows but it’s alright bc it makes my features look softer and my eye shape is pretty. And my mouth reminds me of a pourcil doll (idk how to spell it lol) but anyways I’m just saying I like how my face looks, I like my hair and body (if I was skinny) and I like my skin color. I use to be embarrassed of how pale I am but idc anymore. Everyone should be happy with themselves and their skin bc everyone is different. Yk how boring earth would be if we all looked the same. Anyways I just needa loose weight and be nicer and stop overthinking so much. I’ll be alright I just need to make the changes.
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knxfesck · 2 years
I keep seeing kids in restaurants and just in general with phones and tablets and shit like that and not to be old or whatever but i hate it. First of all I hate the lazy parenting that comes with that but also just the fact that these kids have fucking ipads. I'm not saying kids dont deserve videogames, i think that that can be positive for kids but theres a huge difference between a 3ds and a smart tablet. A 3ds can just play games. and like 3 other things. An ipad can do so much more. Its too much more for children at least in my opinion. I hate how everything is marketed to them based on smart devices and the do-it-all tech older people use. Maybe its just me but i think its fucking with them. Bc if you get a game controller that can just play games then youre entertained but its just 1 thing. like how coloring books are 1 thing and playing with toys is 1 thing. It makes sense to them. And these parents are maybe slapping some scam ''parental control software'' on these kids devices like it does anything. No, now youve just revealed to your child that theres something on there you dont want them seeing, and naturally now they want to see it. Kids have insane drive, they *will* get around whatever shit you have on there. Theres no way to give a kid a smart device without making them aware of the huge world of the internet and devices that can Do Everything. Even those fisher price plastic baby toys are smartphone themed and not... normal activity themed. Kids dont need to be exposed to that much tech at such a young age, coming from someone who was left alone too much as a kid and saw shit i can never unsee on the family desktop. They need fun games they can bond with friends over and things they can enjoy by themselves. People my age + older who have nostalgia for the internet think of things like pokémon, minecraft, small online games (etc etc theres a lot more i didnt really look into as a kid). Because at that time kids didnt feel a rush to adultify their internet experience. Playing a mutliplayer game with friends or being the best on a tiny server was enough. Now 12 year olds are on tiktok with no skills about how to navigate such a huge space. I guess I'm just trying to say that i'm worried for this and future generations. I may have been messed up by being part of ''fuck around and find out'' age of internet parenting but at least I had experiences unique to childhood. These kids are still going to be on tiktok at 20, just like they were at 12. That can't be good. I don't think I can expect parents to see the writing on the wall, and I'm not good with kids. But introducing one of my cousins to angry birds is something i guess.
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shawnsprincesse · 2 years
Roaring engines (Shawn Mendes AU)
WARNING, this story contains:
Dirty talk
Pickering is a small town and nothing really happens there, so when Gina’s cousin takes her to an industrial area for some illegal street racing Gina doesn’t expect much. She definitely doesn’t expect to get fucked on the hood of a car in a deserted neighborhood.
I have a car kink, here’s some street racing and kinky sex.
AN: this is definitely a sidenote but I imagined Gina as Stephanie Beatriz for some reason. You can obviously imagine anyone you want.
”Ready?” The tall brunette asked as he looked over at me from the driver’s seat. I looked out the windshield where two guys had drawn a white line on the street with those crayons made for children. It wasn’t even a straight line but it didn’t matter as long as the cars were standing behind it.
How’d I end up with a stranger in his matte black, very expensive Audi you may ask. Well, the short answer is that my cousin Becky is in a different car, standing next to us behind the crayon drawn line, with her boyfriend and since everyone drive in pairs I ended up with this stranger whose name apparently is Shawn. 
Apparently street racing is what the kids in Pickering do during the weekends. There’s a industrial area that basically shuts down completely after five pm on Friday’s and no one sets foot in the neighborhood until 7am on Monday. The police probably know that the kids in town use this area as their own street racing venue but they probably don’t care at this point, maybe they even feel bad for the kids since there’s literally nothing else to do in this boring suburban town. 
I’m not even from this town and I can already tell that it’s probably the most boring town ever. I can sort of related to that though, I grew up in a rural farming town where there was literally nothing to do during the weekends. I moved to New York as soon as I could, I fought hard to get good grades in high school because I was desperate to get away from the small town I grew up in. I’ve lived in New York for a little over a year now and I love it. I love the people, the buildings and the pulse of the big city. I love being surrounded by people everywhere I go and I love that everything is always open and available, I can go shopping at nine pm if I want and I can go clubbing whenever I want using my fake ID. It’s such a different vibe from the small town where my cousin Becky is currently stuck.
I feel bad for Becky but then again she’s a senior in high school and soon she’ll be able to escape this town if she wants. Toronto isn’t that far away and I really don’t understand why she doesn’t just hop on a train and go there on the weekends but then again, knowing my aunt and uncle they’re probably super strict with her when I’m not around. At least the parents living in this suburb are rich and willing to spoil their children. I mean someone’s gotta pay for these expensive fast cars and I’m sure the kids themselves aren’t paying.
”Yeah.” I replied as I looked over at the car next to me where Becky was sitting with her boyfriend.
”Pretty bold of you to get into a car with a stranger…” Shawn grinned as he kept his hands on the wheel, he was more than ready to floor it the second his friend outside the car waved his arm in the air, indicating that the race was on.
Shawn was right, it was pretty bold of me to get into a race with someone I don’t know, for all I know he could be a shitty driver and get us killed by the second corner but since he’s managed to survive so far, I think we’re good. 
”You seem to know what you’re doing.” I replied with a shrug as I watched his fingers wrap around the thick, black steering wheel. The car was of a slightly older model but it had a lot of work done. I’m sure these kids have nothing better to do so they probably put all their free time, money and energy on their cars. ”Besides, I tend to easily trust men with brown eyes.” I said as  looked over at him in the driver’s seat. Not only did he have pretty, trustable brown eyes but he also had dark brown curly hair and a few tattoos scattered across his exposed light brown, tanned skin. He was my type of guy for sure and I wasn’t mad about the pairing at all. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get to have a good night and an even better orgasm.
”Oh really?” Shawn grinned as he looked out of the windshield, waiting for his friend to signal that it was time to start the race. 
The boring industrial neighborhood was made up of several blocks with dimly lit street lights, grey buildings and backyards full of garbage or whatever else was scattered across the lots. There was no people to be found and if Pickering hadn’t been filled with rich white families, the area would’ve probably been way sketchier and filled with drug addicts or homeless people but now it was just an arena for the town’s teenagers to mess around.
”Mhm.” I hummed as I too looked at the tall boy standing outside the car.
It was warm outside, summers in Canada are beautiful, there’s so much light and natural beauty once you leave the big city and Canada is filled with beautiful scenery. It was nine pm and the sun was still up, gracing the edge of the horizon and tinting the sky into a soft pin color. It was beautiful.
Shawn was dressed in a white T-shirt and despite the heat a black leather jacket with silver buttons on it. He’d paired everything with a pair of light washed skinny jeans and there was a silver watch gracing his right wrist and a matching silver ring wrapped around his middle finger on his right hand. He was tall, dark and handsome which was everything I was looking for in a man and I couldn’t believe my cousin hadn’t told me about him earlier. 
”Becky didn’t mention she has a hot, older cousin.” Shawn grinned as he glanced over at me in my seat. I was wearing a black crop top with a heart shaped cleavage, the straps were pimped up with some cute rhinestones and the black was low cut with cute criss-crossed straps. It was a typical go-out top and I may have been a little bit overdressed but it all worked out fine since I ended up in a hot stranger’s car. I’d paired my crop top with a pair of ripped jean shorts and a pair of cute black, heeled sandals. 
”Well, now you know.” I grinned as I leaned back in the premium leather seat.
The boy outside the car waved his hand and the race was on. All four cars that had been patiently waiting by the chalk white line zoomed down the street. Shawn pressed the pedal to the metal and I could feel myself sink into the seat below me as the car sped off. Shawn looked concentrate, his eyes focusing on the road ahead as he, without looking, reached for the gear shift to change gear. His legs moved swiftly, his knees hitting the bottom of the dashboard, as he pressed down on the clutch and released it over and over again before reaching the maximum gear. 
”Sorry, I didn’t get your name?” Shawn carried on the conversation as if we weren’t zooming down the street at 80 miles per hour. The streets in the industrial area only had one lane going in each direction but they were wide enough for the cars to pass by each other. There was no other traffic, the area was completely empty and it was like the street lights could barely be bothered to stay lit because they too knew that nobody was gonna walk or drive by them.
”It’s Gina.” I replied with a giggle. Shawn swiftly swerved around a large corner, his leg stomping on the break as he shifted down to a lower gear before speeding off again. 
I had no idea if there was a price involved in this race or if they were just competing for fun but Shawn seemed determined to win. The car roared loudly as he shifted gear again, his hand blindly guiding the stick into its right place as if he’d done it a million times before, he probably has done it a million times before.
”Gina…” Shawn repeated my name as if he wanted to taste every syllable and see what it would sound like coming out of his mouth. ”So like-” Shawn paused as we zoomed down another wide road. The road felt much smaller and shorter than it probably was. The grey concrete buildings zoomed by us way too fast and I could feel the butterflies inside my stomach come to life as I watched Shawn swerve around another corner. The tires squeaking as he stomped on the break in order to avoid making too wide of a turn. ”Did you guys grow up together?” His tone indicated that he had no idea what else to say and that he wasn’t really interested in my relationship with my cousin but he was too concentrated on the race to come up with an actual conversation starter.
”Yeah, we did.” I laughed softly as I watched his right hand grab a hold of the stick to guide it back into another gear. The car roared as he pressed the gas while simultaneously easing up on the clutch. So far we were in the lead, not that I cared. I was slightly impressed by his driving skills and I had to admit that if this was the only entertainment these kids had during the weekends, then it was at least a fun and thrilling experience.
”So is it like your mom and-” Shawn continued to small talk as his eyes focused on the road. I could tell that he was completely uninterested in my family tree but he still wanted to talk about something.
”My mom and her mom are sisters.” I giggled as I watched the buildings zoom by as we entered our second lap. 
”Right…” Shawn hummed as he reached for the hand break. Since this was an older model there was still a physical hand break instead of a button like the more modern cars have. Instead of breaking with his right foot, Shawn pulled the hand break as we entered the curvy part of the road. The car swerved and the tires shrieked as they rubbed against the warm asphalt. Shawn never lost control as he skillfully turned the wheel and followed along the cars movement. I’m pretty sure he was just trying to show off because the friction between the tires and the ground probably wasn’t the best thing for the sake of the car.
I winced a little as the car drifted closer to the metal fence closing off one of the industrial lots. I trusted Shawn not to total his car and kill us but it still made me a little nervous that we were surrounded by metal fences and concrete buildings.
”You’re not scared, are you?” Shawn sounded both worried and a little amused as he noticed my squint in the corner of his eye.
”No.” I replied with confidence as I straightened up in my seat, I refused to come across as a wimp especially now that there was a smug grin plastered across his perfectly sculpted lips.
”Good.” Shawn exclaimed as he looked over at me, giving me a quick wink before turning his attention back to the road. 
We rounded the last corner and Shawn once again pulled the hand break as we crossed the finishing line. I felt the force pull me forward as Shawn forced the car to come to a completely stop before shutting it off. He stepped out of the car and raised his arms in the air, celebrating his victory.
”Fuck yeah!” Shawn called out as the rest of the cars joined us by the finish line. ”You all owe me 20 bucks!” Shawn cheered as he watched his friends jump out of their cars. I let out a chuckle as I noticed the excitement on Shawn’s face. It was such a boyish thing to be excited over but I mean it was all for fun so I couldn’t really judge him or anyone else. ”Hand them over!” Shawn called out as he walked around his friend group and collected his reward.
”This was just a warm up.” Shawn’s friend called back as he bitterly handed over a twenty dollar bill to his friend. ”Imma win this round and then you owe me forty.” Shawn’s friend exclaimed loudly to make sure everyone heard him and Shawn laughed in amusement as if he was unbeatable.
”Alright, let’s go! You and I!” Shawn sounded vindictive even though he’d already won.
Shawn jumped back into the car and this time there was only two cars waiting at the white chalk drawn line. 
”If I win this, you can have half of it.” Shawn spoke proudly as he playfully roared the engine to challenge his friend.
”Thanks.” I laughed, I wasn’t in desperate need of twenty dollars but if he wants to give them away for free I’m good with that.
Shawn’s friend once again motioned for the raise to start and the cars sped off. This time the race was more even than before, Shawn’s friend was right there next to us as we swerved around the first curve. I could feel the butterflies twitch inside my stomach as the two cars almost brushed against each other despite the wide road. 
”So…” Shawn once again trailed off without knowing where the sentence was going. ”Are you like half Dominican like Becky?”
”Yeah.” I couldn’t help but to laugh a little at the awkward conversation we were having. It was clear to me that he didn’t know what else to ask or say while driving.
Shawn’s fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly as he blindly reached for the stick to shift gears. I let my eyes trail over his concentrated face as he kept his brown eyes on the road. There was something about them that made me trust him, maybe it was the dark color or the depth of them. Shawn pursed his lips into a thin lined pout as he concentrated on his driving. His long legs struggled as he pressed down and released the clutch, his thick thighs almost brushing against the lower part of the steering wheel as he continued to alter between the gas, break and clutch.
I was impressed and kind of turned on at the same time. There was something about the concentration on his face mixed with his skillset that made my pussy tingle. I usually don’t get turned on that easily but the thrill of going 80 miles per hour in an industrial area was probably also contributing to my arousal. 
We rounded the last corner once again and I watched as Shawn pulled the hand break right on time, stopping the car right above the finishing line only seconds before his friend. Shawn flashed me a cheeky grin as he looked over at me.
”Would you look at that, I beat your ass again.” Shawn rolled down the window as his friend pulled up next to us. He rolled his eyes at Shawn as he was once again found himself defeated. 
”You’re just lucky.” His friend called out dismissively as Shawn’s entire face was beaming in amusement. 
”Luck has nothing to do with it.” Shawn called back at his friend before rolling up his window. ”Unless, you’re my lucky charm.” His grin widened as he stared back at me. It was such a cheesy thing to say but I let it slip because he was hot. Hot people can get away with anything.
”Maybe I am.” I returned a cheeky grin as I looked at him. Shawn’s eyes shifted towards the curly black hair as I twirled it around my finger. Shawn kept his eyes on me, the car was still on even though the rest of the people were starting to exit their cars to take a break before the next round. I could feel the sexual tension between us and I didn’t want to ruin the moment by going outside and joining the other’s so instead I decided to improvise. ”Can I try?” I asked as my eyes met Shawn’s gaze. His eyes shifted as he stared at me slightly confused, the grin on his lips slowly faded as he realized that I was serious.
”Do you know how to drive a stick?” He asked as he looked at me skeptically. He stayed silent as if he was waiting for me to smack my forehead and say oh gosh golly, I totally don’t know anything, I’m such a dumb little girl. Okay, maybe he didn’t expect me to say exactly that, but he definitely didn’t expect me to say yes.
”Yes!” His eyes widened as he stared at me, slightly impressed by my answer.
”Are you sure?” He asked, wanting to make sure I was capable of driving his fast car. I rolled my eyes a little as another small grin spread across my lips.
”I grew up on the country side, I’ve been driving stick since I was 14.” I pointed out with a cheeky grin as I stared back into his brown eyes, challenging him to interrogate me further before he handed over his keys to me.
”Okay fine.” Shawn said as he pulled the car key out and placed it in my hand. He could’ve just left it in the ignition but for some reason he wanted to firmly place it in the palm of my hand.
The butterflies inside my stomach fluttered as I felt his large fingertips brush against my soft skin. A  smirk spread across Shawn’s lips as he stepped out of the car and held the driver seat open for me to climb inside before he seated himself in the passenger seat.
”If you total my car, I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Shawn spoke with a low, dark voice as he watched me fasten my seatbelt. I let out a small laughter as I pressed the key into the ignition. 
”Sure, but you’re gonna have to pay for my funeral.” I raised my eyebrows at him challengingly as the car came to life with a big roar. ”And you’re gonna have to tell my mom that I’m dead and she’s gonna be devastated.” I whispered with a low flirtatious voice as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes.
Shawn watched as I pressed down my left foot on the clutch. His eyes diverting towards my small delicate hand as I wrapped it over the large stick to pull it into the first gear. My left foot slowly eased up on the clutch as my right foot pressed down the gas and just like that, we were off.
”See, no problem.” I gloated with a big grin in amusement as I shifted into the second gear. I pressed down the gas hard and shifted straight from the second to forth gear before once again easing up on the clutch. Shawn looked a little taken back as I gave it my all, my hand once again swiftly shifting to the sixth and highest gear as we reached enough speed.
The car ran perfectly fine and it was a pleasure to be able to drive again. I hadn’t driven anything during my year in New York, there’s no point in owning a car or driving in the city. I kind of miss going on long late night drives every now and then.
”I can handle a stick.” I boasted as I looked over at Shawn with a smug grin on my lips. He was grinning too as he watched me shift down before the big curve. I swerved around the curve just like Shawn had done earlier and he seemed mighty impressed by my driving skills as he watched me stomp on the break and clutch while simultaneously shifting the gear all the way down to the second gear before pressing the gas and shifting back up again after the curve. 
”I never once doubted you.” Shawn replied teasingly as I pressed the pedal to the metal and sped off down the street. I didn’t turn where Shawn had previously turned, instead I continued straight as I maxed out the speedometer at 100 miles per hour. The car could probably go even faster but the industrial area was small and I didn’t wanna top out the speed if I had to turn around a few miles down the road.
”You look surprised?” I asked as I arched my eyebrows at him, my grin reflecting the confidence I was feeling inside.
”I mean-” Shawn shrugged as his eyes watched me intently as I focused on the blurry road ahead of me. ”Most girls don’t know how to drive stick.” Shawn shrugged as he watched my bare legs shift in my seat as I stomped down on the clutch and break.
”Well, I’m not like most girls.” I grinned as I spoke with a low seductive voice. My eyes gave him a quick glance as the car almost came to a stop before I managed to make a complete U-turn. “And I grew up on a farm.” I added with a chuckle.
”I can tell.” Shawn cooed as his eyes shifted towards my right hand as I pushed the stick into place before easing up on the clutch again. 
”So…” I hummed as I pressed the gas down. I didn’t know my way around this town and the easiest thing to do was to turn back around and drive the same way back. ”How long is this break gonna be?” I asked as I looked over at Shawn. I wasn’t driving nearly as fast as before because I wanted to be able to talk at the same time.
”I don’t know, like twenty minutes or something.” Shawn shrugged as he looked back at me, the two of us staring into each other’s eyes. I could feel the sexual tension between us, his dark brown eyes were unable to tear away from my body and I could tell by his facial expression that he was both impressed and a little turned on by my driving skills.
I wiggled my eyebrows at him as I swiftly swerved around a random corner. I had no idea where I was going but considering the entire neighborhood was empty, we were sure to have some privacy either way.
”Wanna fuck?” I asked boldly as I looked over at Shawn in the passenger seat. My sweet grin widening as his eyes widened in surprise. He looked back at me with beaming eyes as I turned around another corner. I couldn’t find a parking lot or anything else, just a bunch of fenced up industrial lots.
”I thought you’d never ask.” Shawn replied with a cheeky grin as he looked over at me.
”I’m kinda disappointed that I had to ask.” I whispered as I bit the corner of my bottom lip. 
”Why’s that?” Shawn asked as he looked at me with curious eyes. His brown eyes went from a pure chocolate brown color to a deep, dark brown lustful color as he stared me down in the car.
”I was under the impression that you’re the kind of guy that just takes what he wants.” I spoke with a flirtatious, low voice. I like my men dominant, maybe that’s why I’m such a sucker for guys with dark hair and dark eyes.
”Alright, stop the car.” Shawn cooed as he looked at me with serious eyes.
”What?” I snorted out a laughter, we were in the middle of a dimly lit street in front of what looked like a warehouse. 
”You heard me, stop the fucking car.” Shawn repeated himself, this time it wasn’t a request but more so an order.
”Fine.” The tires screeched as I stomped down with both feet on the break. I shifted the gear into neutral and turned the car off as I looked over at Shawn with my eyebrows arched. ”Happy?”
”Get out.” Shawn instructed me with a firm tone and I could feel my insides tingle as he stared me down with his dark lustful eyes. 
”Yessss Sirrr.” I purred sarcastically as I reached for the door handle and exited the car. Shawn slammed his door shut as he met me in front of the car.
The sun had finally set outside and the only thing illuminating the street was the warm street light. The sudden change in Shawn’s demeanor indicated that he understood exactly what I wanted and he was willing to give it to me. I more than happily leaned forward as Shawn grabbed me and pulled me up against his body. His warmed mouth came clashing down against mine as we stood underneath the dimmed street light.
His mouth tasted sweet like sugar and I was instantly swept off my feet. He kissed me hard, his lips rubbing tenderly against mine as he continued to devour my mouth. Our tongues danced together in union as we tasted each other and explored each other’s mouths. 
I let out a soft moan as I felt his tongue brush against mine, mixing our saliva together before sliding over my bottom lip and leaving me empty handed.
”Damn-” I whispered breathlessly as I stared up into Shawn’s wild eyes. The soft grin gracing his lips widened as I stared back at him in disbelief. 
I couldn’t say anything else before Shawn grabbed me by my hips, his large palms brushing against my exposed skin as he pushed me back against the hood of his car. I let out a soft moan as he attached his lips to mine again. He kissed me hard as he trapped me between the hood of the car and his large body. 
I ran my fingers over his white T-shirt as he continued to skillfully manipulate me with his tongue. It was hot outside and he was still wearing a leather jacket to my dismay. I brushed my hands over his shoulders, forcing my palms under the leather fabric to push his jacket off of him. Shawn let his jacket fall to the pavement as he was completely consumed by my mouth, his warm tongue exploring every inch of my mouth.
I continued to run my hands over his body, feeling every inched of his clothed torso before shifting my attention to his now exposed arms. My eyes quickly glanced at his lightly tanned skin and the black ink on his arms before closing themselves again. I was instinctively leaning into the kiss and my mouth acted on its own as my hands continued to explore every inch of his body. His skin felt warm and soft against my fingertips as I raked them down his muscular arms.
”Do you want me?” I whispered as Shawn finally broke away from the kiss. He nodded eagerly before he tried to contain his excitement. There was no point in hiding it, I could already see it in his eyes - and his pants.
”Yeah…” Shawn breathed out heavily as he looked down at me. My hand shifted from his wrist towards his lower stomach as I continued to trail my fingers down over the bulge in his pants. I rubbed the palm of my hand over the large bulge in his pants. I could feel the outline of his cock through the Demin fabric and from what I could tell, he was definitely above average.
My eyes focused on Shawn’s face as I continued to palm him through his jeans. His eyes widened as I added more pressure to the palm of my hand. He let out a soft groan as he watched me lick my lips in anticipation. 
Shawn quickly closed the gap between us, his mouth hungrily devoured me as I continued to rub my hand against his hard cock. I closed my eyes as I leaned into the kiss, his tongue swirling against mine as I continued to caress him. Shawn let out another soft groan as I increased the pressure against his cock, I could feel him get harder as I continued to stroke him through his pants.
”Mmm, do you want my pussy?” I moaned softly into his mouth as I opened my eyes to scan his face. 
His dark brown eyes stared straight into my soul, his cheeks were flustered and his lips slightly swollen from rubbing against my mouth hard.
”Yes, fuck.” Shawn let out a low grunt as I continued to stroke his cock.
”You’re gonna have to take it baby.” I whispered encouragingly. I wasn’t sure if he needed the confidence, he seemed to already have enough confidence and I’m sure I wasn’t the first person who’d wanna fuck him.
”Oh baby, I will.” Shawn grinned as he smashed his lips against mine again. He kissed me with his open mouth, his tongue now familiar with the taste of my mouth and the feeling of our tongues brushing together. 
He kept his hands on my hips as he lifted me slightly onto the hood of the car before hovering me. He pressed his large, heavy body against mine, trapping me against the large car. I continued to rub my hand over his bulge to show him just how much I wanted his cock and how desperate I was to have him inside me.
”Better get to it before I change my mind.” I whispered teasingly against Shawn’s lips. I let out a soft gasp as Shawn’s hands trailed over my chest. He squeezed my breasts through the fabric of my crop top before sliding his palms down the side of my body towards the curves of my hips. 
A soft grin spread across Shawn’s lips as he leaned in to kiss my neck. His warm mouth felt like heaven against my sensitive skin. I was purring like a kitten on the hood of his car as his wet tongue pressed against my warm skin. His hands reached over to unbutton my jean shorts. His long fingers slowly unbuttoning each button in a teaching manner.
I let out a moan in frustration as he sucked on my skin. His warm mouth trailed up and down every inch of my neck before returning to my mouth. His brown eyes looked deeply into mine as he passionately kissed me. His hands tugged my jean shorts down and I was left in my panties. I spread my legs slightly as his large hand trailed over the laced fabric of my panties. I let out a quiet moans as I felt his large fingertips tap against my entrance. I was already wet and needy for him and we’re barely even getting started.
My eyes widened as I felt his hand slide down over my exposed stomach, he pushed the thin laced fabric aside as he buried his hand between my legs. I swallowed hard as I laid on top of the hood of the car. Shawn’s fingers trailed over the soft, glistening skin beneath my panties and I inhaled sharply as I felt his fingertip press against my wet hole.
I bucked my hips against his hand, needy for his touch as he barely brushed over my entrance while I continued to rub his cock through his pants.
”You’re so wet already.” Shawn exclaimed as a smug grin crossed his lips. He sounded a little surprised but I wasn’t the least bit surprised, he was hot as fuck and I could just feel how hard his cock was through the fabric of his pants.
”Yeah…” I gasped as I felt his long fingers slide up my wet slit, exploring every inch of my soft and sensitive skin with his fingertips.
”Bet you’ll feel so fucking good around my cock.” Shawn murmured into my ear as he continued to hover me on the car, the only thing between us was his slow moving hand.
”Mhmmm.” I moaned as I felt his fingers press lightly against my clit. It was like his fingers tapped an invisible button that made my insides completely explode. I could feel the sharp tingles inside my body as he pressed two fingers against my clit and rubbed it slowly in circles. ”Yesss.” I gasped as he swirled his fingers over my clit. I could already feel my pussy pulse and clench in anticipation and he wasn’t even inside me yet.
Shawn stared at me intensely as he watched me enjoy his soft touch. He continued to swirl my clit around in circles, adding more and more pressure to my clit every now and then as I laid on the hood of his car, gasping and moaning already desperate for a release.
”Don’t stop.” I whimpered as I pressed my hand against his hard cock, a little too distracted by his touch to be able to continue my own teasing. My eyes shifted between Shawn and the moonlit sky above me. It was a beautiful night outside and inside my body there was chaos. ”Fuck!” I bit my bottom lip as I furrowed my eyebrows. My eyes refusing to look away from Shawn as he skillfully manipulated my body. ”Oh fuck, it feels so good.” I swallowed hard as I sucked on my own bottom lip, my voice desperate and pleading as Shawn continued to rub my clit even harder.
”Are you gonna come for me baby?” Shawn groaned, his voice low and seductive as he stared at me with glistening, brown eyes.
”Mmm yes.” I moaned as I curled my toes against my heeled sandals. My mouth stayed open as one moan after another continued to escape my mouth. I was completely consumed by his touch and it was like a fire was going off inside my body and there was nothing I could do to stop it. ”Oh my God.” I breathed out heavily as I reached for his lower arm, desperate to hold onto something as I laid on the bare hood of the car. 
”Can’t wait to bury my cock inside you.” Shawn dirty talked as his eyes focused on me. He rubbed harder, his fingers now pressing with force against my sensitive clit. I fought to keep my legs spread properly, my thighs were already aching and my stomach was clenching hard in anticipation.
It felt like I was swooning off the car as I bucked my hips against his touch. I couldn’t control myself any longer, I was so close to my orgasm and so desperate to come at this point.
”Are you gonna take all of my cock like a good girl?” Shawn continued to whisper into my ear, his heavy breathing tickling my ear lobe as his heavy body hovered me on the car.
”Yes, fuck yes.” I mewled like a desperate hoe. What can I say dirty talk and dominant men makes me weak.
”Think you’ll be able to handle it Gina?” Shawn whispered teasingly as he playfully licked my earlobe.
”Mmmm yes.” I moaned as I felt his entire palm press against my clit and rub over my pussy. I was soaking wet and I could tell that Shawn could feel it too. My pussy was dripping for him and the dirty talk made me a messy puddle. ”I can handle it.” I purred sweetly as I felt his mouth press a light kiss against my tragus. 
”Are you sure?” Shawn teased me, a smug grin spread across his lips as he felt my hips grind against the touch of his hand, desperate for a release.
”Give it to me and I’ll prove it.” I whispered challengingly as I looked into Shawn’s lustful eyes. 
”How badly do you want it baby?” Shawn asked as he used his free hand to undo his zipper. I still hand my palm on top of his cock but I was too distracted by Shawn’s touch to do anything in return.
”So, so badly.” I emphasized the O’s with loud desperate moans. My lips turned into a soft pout as I looked up at Shawn through my innocent black lashes. 
”Tell me what you want…” Shawn continued to taunt me as he looked down at me, my innocent gaze turning him on even more.
”I want your cock baby, fuck. I’m so fucking wet, I need to feel your cock inside me.” I begged sweetly as I looked up at Shawn, my doe eyes twinkling in excitement as I batted my innocent lashes at him multiple times.
”Fuck-” Shawn choked out as he looked down at my pouting lips. He wasn’t the only one that could dirty talk, I was more than willing to match his energy.
”Please baby.” I purred pleadingly. I was so close to the edge and I wasn’t sure if I was begging for a release or begging for his cock or begging for both. ”I’m so fucking close.” I whined as I felt his fingers rub my clit harder and harder. He didn’t stop as I bucked my hips higher and higher. I felt the intense sharp tingles take over my body as my pussy began to pulse in anticipation. ”Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” I moaned over and over again as he furiously rubbed at my clit, determined to make me come. ”Fuck, I’m coming.” I announced loudly. I probably didn’t have to announce it because I’m pretty sure you could tell by my scrunched up face and the way my body desperately swooned off the surface of the car but whatever. 
I came hard, it was like my pussy got its own heartbeat for a second. I could feel the walls inside me contract as my muscles clenched hard. My orgasm ripped through my entire body making me writhe against Shawn’s touch and the hood of his car. 
”Mmm.” I moaned as I felt the waves of pleasure consume me. My mind was completely lost and for a second it was like my soul had left my body. ”Fuck, that was good.” I breathed out heavily. ”I haven’t come that hard in a while.” I admitted with a soft, cheeky grin as I looked up at Shawn.
”That was just the warm up.” Shawn grinned as he looked at me with lustful eyes.
He hooked his fingers between my panties and pulled them down as I laid completely spent on top of his car. Shawn began to strip as he stood in front of the car, he pulled his white T-shirt over his head and dropped both his jeans and boxers to the ground. My eyes trailed over his perfectly sculpted body, his shoulders were broad, his chest toned and his abs and V-line perfectly cut out. I was almost too distracted by his muscular body to notice the hard cock between his thick thighs. It was definitely above average and I could feel my pussy clench just at the sight of it. 
The tip of his cock was already glowing from the pre-come coating it. It was like God couldn’t choose between thickness and length so Shawn’s cock was blessed with both and I wasn’t complaining. 
”Fuck.” I whispered to myself as I stared at the gorgeous man in front of me. I breathed in and out heavily, causing my chest to rise and fall as I let my eyes trail up the large cock. 
”You look surprised?” Shawn hummed teasingly, repeating my question from earlier as he flashed me a cocky grin.
”I am.” I moaned softly unable to tear my gaze away from the hard cock between his legs. Damn, I couldn’t even anticipate this even though I’d felt him through his pants. ”It’s so big.” I mouthed quietly as I looked at the light pink skin on the tip of his cock, all I wanted was to feel his soft skin against my tongue.
”I’m just gonna get a condom.” Shawn reminded himself as he walked over towards the passenger seat, he probably kept a stack of them in the glove compartment.
”Fuck condoms, I need to feel all of you inside me.” I groaned as I looked at him pleadingly. ”I swear I’m clean.” I’d gotten tested three weeks ago and everything was fine.
”Are you sure?” Shawn asked as he looked at me skeptically, his body already making its way back to me while is mind continued to hesitate.
”Do I look like I’m unsure?” I arched my eyebrows at him. ”If you’re clean we’re good.” I pointed out. 
”Alright then.” Shawn grinned as he returned to his initial position in front of me. 
”Good, because I really need to feel all of that inside me.” I emphasized the word ”that” as my eyes widened at the sight of his large cock. ”Bet it’s gonna feel so fucking good.” I moaned as I spread my legs for Shawn.
He hovered me on the hood of the car and I let out a soft groan as I felt his warm body press against mine. I could feel his cock grind against my pussy as Shawn pressed his weight against me. I moaned eagerly as I felt him slide his cock between my slit, coating his soft skin with my juices.
”Fuck, just put it in me.” I mewled desperately as I looked up into Shawn’s dark brown eyes. ”I need to feel your cock inside me.” I whispered pleadingly as I caressed his body with my soft hands, feeling every inch of his skin beneath my small fingertips.
Shawn winked at me as he reached down to adjust his cock against my entrance. I let out a soft gasp as I felt his soft tip against my wet entrance. He slid into me slowly inch by inch as I laid on top of his car.
”Oh my God.” I gasped as I felt his entire length inside me. My pussy clenched around his thick shaft as he buried himself inside me. I was dripping wet and his cock was already soaked in my juices. 
”God, your pussy feels so good.” Shawn groaned against my ear as he stayed buried inside me. I could feel my body slowly adjust to his large size as Shawn moved slowly inside me. Thank God we didn’t use a condom, holy fuck, his cock felt so fucking good I’m pretty sure a condom would ruin it. ”You’re so fucking tight.” Shawn growled as he grinding into me, missionary style. His heavy weight rested against my body as he grinded deep into my pussy, his butt clenching and his head buried against my ear as he humped me hard.
”Holy fuck, it’s so fucking deep.” I moaned as I felt the tip of his cock hit my G-spot. I don’t know anything about biology but I’m pretty sure he could literally break me or my cervix at this point.
”Shit, you feel so fucking good Gina.” Shawn groaned into my ear as he started to slide in and out of me with long, hard strokes.
I felt his cock slide through my tight walls and my body was instantly filled with pure desire. I forced myself to keep my legs spread, allowing Shawn to bury his cock even deeper inside me with every stroke. He picked up his pace as he shifted his weight onto his elbows as he hovered me. I watched as his muscles contracted while he thrusted deep into me.
”Just like that baby.” I moaned encouragingly into Shawn’s ear as I ran my fingers through his hair, my hips swirling around his cock as he continued to push into me with long, hard thrusts in a slow grinding motion. ”Your cock feels so fucking good!” I moaned as I continued to trail my hands over the nape of his neck, down his shoulders and along his contracting biceps. 
”You’re so fucking wet!” Shawn exclaimed as he unintentionally slid out of me. I let out a displeased moan as his cock left my hole empty. Shawn stood up properly and grabbed me by my legs, pulling me off the hood of the car. He motioned for me to stand up as I slid down the curved hood of the car. 
I let out a soft giggle as Shawn eagerly grabbed me and turned me around, bending me over the hood of his car. I let out a soft moan as he squeezed my ass and kneaded my cheeks before separating them to push his thick cock into me from behind.
I let out a loud moan as I felt him enter me all over again, this time I was a little more used to his size and my pussy was more than ready for him to fuck me hard. ”Who made you this wet baby?” Shawn growled into my ear as he hovered me from behind. I could feel his warm chest press against my back as he whispered the dirty words into my ear. His cock grinding slowly into me like before.
”Fucking hell.” I moaned as I felt the tip of his cock deep inside me. ”You did!” I whined as I pressed the palm of my hands against the matte painted hood of his car.
”Did I?” Shawn sing-sang teasingly as he slowly grinded his cock into my pussy.
”Yes, you did.” I purred like a kitten as he filled me up.
”You’re so fucking hot.” Shawn moaned against my ear before standing up properly. His cock thrusted into me with long strokes, his speed increased a faster grinding motion as he pumped into my tight hole. I stood bent over with my feet steady on the ground and my heels still on. ”Look at your tight little pussy, taking me so good.” Shawn groaned as he kept one hand on my hip and the other on my lower back as he pushed into me.
His cock moved all the way back to his tip before he pushed back into me. The long strokes were great for build up but I was already frustrated and aching for an orgasm. ”Mmm, fuck me harder.” I pleaded softly as I pushed back onto Shawn’s thick length. 
The desire was consuming me and my entire body. I couldn’t stop even if my life depended on it. His thick cock felt so good and I was completely consumed by his entire body and his overwhelming presence. ”Your thick cock fills me up so good.” I moaned as I pushed my hips back, adding force to our grinding movements.
”Fuck, your ass looks so perfect.” Shawn moaned as he squeezed my butt. I let out a soft whimper as he squeezed my ass cheek hard before smacking it in a playful manner. ”I love watching you push back on my cock.” Shawn groaned as he stopped for a second, watching me do all the work as I thrusted back onto his cock. I let out a series of moans as I worked my ass onto his cock, pushing back hard with every stroke. My breasts were almost spilling out of my tight crop top as I kept my elbows on Shawn’s car for support. 
My pussy swallowed his entire cock with ease and Shawn continued to watch as I fucked myself on his cock. ”Fuck!” I cussed to myself as I pushed back hard. Our hips colliding with force as I bent over Shawn’s car. He kept his hands firmly on my hips for guidance as I slid onto his cock. 
”Keep going!” Shawn moaned encouragingly as I kept thrusting back onto his length. My knees felt weak at this point, the feeling of his thick cock inside me was overwhelming to me and I could feel every muscle inside my body ache for a release as I unintentionally tensed up where I stood. ”Such a good girl, taking me so deep baby.” Shawn groaned as he grabbed onto my hips to help me slide back onto him.
He squeezed me hard as he began to meet my thrusts, his hips slammed against mine with force as he pounded into me. The sound of our bodies colliding echoed through the moonlit night as we stood in the middle of the street, bare and sweaty while fucking each other raw. I had never been fucked like this before, it felt so good that I almost got scared I would never feel this way again. Maybe this is the best sex I’ll ever have, I might as well enjoy all of it then.
”Fuck yes, you fuck me so good!” I moaned at the top of my lungs as Shawn thrusted into me from behind. His hands squeezed me tightly as he guided me back onto his cock. The two of us worked in union as I stood bent over with my hands on the hood of his car and he stood behind me. He was pounding into me at a slight angle from below, making me purr like a kitten with every thrust as he hit the perfect spot. ”You fuck my pussy so good baby, holy fucking shit.” I moaned as I felt him drill into me hard, his thick thighs slammed against the back of my thighs as he buried his cock deep inside me. ”Making me feel so fucking good…” I chimed encouragingly as I let my palms slide up the hood of his car as he forcefully pushed into me.
”You’re so hot-” Shawn choked out as he thrusted into me. ”And your tight pussy feels so good wrapped around my hard cock. You look so fucking hot, bent over while taking all of me.” Shawn praised me in return. 
”Mmm yes.” I whimpered as I felt myself stand up on my tippy toes in anticipation. He pounded into me with force as one of his hands reached over to rub my clit, making me swoon off the ground as the sharp tingles coursed through my body. 
”Are you gonna come on my cock?” Shawn growled as he felt my walls clench around him.
”Yes, God yes.” I moaned as I felt his cock force my walls apart. They once again had their own heartbeat as he manipulated my sensitive skin. ”I’m so fucking wet for you.” I whined as I felt his fingers flicker across my clit, making me go wild.
”I know baby.” Shawn cooed sweetly. ”You’re so good for me baby, taking me so deep inside your tight pussy.” Shawn continued to praise me as he swirled his fingers across my clit, rubbing me hard with every thrust as he slammed into me, making my entire body wiggle against the hood of the car. ”I’m so fucking hard for you baby, my cock’s literally throbbing.” 
I’m a sucker for anyone who calls me a good girl and tells me how good I am, that is literally my weakness.
”I’m gonna come.” I whimpered as I felt my tight walls clench around Shawn’s thick shaft. I couldn’t hold back any longer, his fingers on my clit was too much for me and I couldn’t fight the orgasm back any longer. The waves consumed me, making my legs shake as Shawn pulled me back against him as he filled me up completely.
He stayed still inside me as I came hard around him, my walls literally pulsing around his sensitive skin as he pulled me back as hard as he could against his body. ”Ohhhh fuck.” I whimpered, my thighs were aching and my legs almost shaking as he held me in his arms. My body writhed in his tight grip as I came undone hard around him, his heavy breath teasing me as he breathed into my ear.
Suddenly my orgasm was interrupted by a loud noise. I let out a soft groan as Shawn reached down for his jeans and I was left empty handed way too soon.
”What?” Shawn yelled into the phone as he answered.
”Where the fuck did you go? We’re waiting!” I heard Shawn’s friend coo through the phone and I let out a giggle as I looked back at him, his face flustered, his skin glistening and his forehead sweaty as he stood bent over with his jeans still in his hands as he spoke into the phone.
”Fuck, I’m coming, two minutes tops.” Shawn promised his friend as he ended the call.
”Two minutes?” I pouted as I looked over at him with a playful grin. 
”We might have to cut this short.” Shawn groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He seemed just as disappointed by this as I was.
”But you didn’t even get to come.” I pouted in disappointment as I watched Shawn grab his clothes off the ground.
”Dosen’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.” He grinned as he began to get dressed against his will.
”Can’t they wait a little longer?” I pleaded with a soft, cheeky pout.
”Connor’s already pissed.” Shawn groaned as he pulled half of his t-shirt over his head before opening the door to his car.
”Fine.” I pouted as I pulled my panties back on and swiftly buttoned up my short. I got into the car and Shawn quickly started it back up. I felt a soft tingle rush through my body as the engine roared and the car was brought back to life.
I glanced towards Shawn’s lap and quickly noticed that his zipper was still undone. I leaned over in the car seat and before Shawn could object, my hand was placed firmly on his crotch. He was driving just as fast as before, but as soon as he realized what I was about to do, he swerved around and took a little detour. 
I let out a soft moan as I managed to pull the large cock out of the little opening in his boxers. His skin was still warm and he was still covered in my juices. I slowly leaned over to lick at the tip of his cock as I looked up at Shawn through my lashes. 
”You sure you wanna do this right now?” Shawn asked as he reached over the shift gears. I let out another soft moan in response as I wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock. I kissed it slowly and swirled my tongue over it in a teasing manner.
”Yeah…” I whispered as I playfully wiggled my tongue over his cock. ”I wanna know what your come tastes like.” I whispered as I slowly inched my mouth down onto his thick length. I could taste myself on his soft skin and I didn’t mind. I tasted good. 
Shawn slowed down as he swerved around another block, taking another detour to prolong our cozy little roadtrip. His eyes looked down at me as I kneeled over the seats and took him into my mouth. I had to open wide to fit his thick shaft inside me. My jaw was almost aching as I forced my mouth to slide as far down his length as I could.
My mouth filled with saliva as my tongue slid across his soft skin. His entire cock didn’t fit into my mouth and I had to use my hand to compensate down at the base. Since Shawn’s friends were so eager for us to come back I wasted no time, instead I started to swiftly bob my head up and down as he pressed the gas. His legs shifted beneath me as he pressed the clutch down before quickly releasing it. His right hand reached for the stick to shift gears as he kept his left hand on the wheel. Between gears, he made sure to pull my hair away from my face with his right hand as I slid his cock into my mouth.
”Oh fuck baby, your mouth feels so good.” Shawn groaned as he gripped the back of my head and guided me down onto his length. I let out a moan as I felt him grab a fistful of my draping hair and tugged at the roots. 
I worked hard, my mouth and hand moving in union as saliva dribbled down his thick cock. I was such a hoe for his cock and I had no shame as I stood on my knees in the passenger seat of his car. 
Shawn let out several deep growls as I continued to take him into my mouth. I was a sloppy cock sucker and I loved to make a mess whenever I sucked cock, but I had to restrain myself since he was wearing light washed jeans and there was a risk that my little mess would leave stains.
”Good girl.” Shawn growled as I tried to inch my mouth down as far as I could, almost gagging around his cock before I pulled back to wipe my wet lips off. I could feel myself get wet all over again as I looked down at his saliva covered cock. It was so big and juicy and my pussy was aching to have him inside me again, but there wasn’t enough time so this would have to do.
”Fuck, I love sucking cock.” I groaned as I slid my mouth back down onto his shaft, almost taking all of him in one go before pulling back.
”And you’re damn good at it.” Shawn murmured as he fisted my hair with his free hand before turning another corner. His eyes kept shifting between my bobbing head and the road ahead of him as I continued to suck him off with wet lips and hollowed cheeks. ”And you’ve got such a pretty mouth.” Shawn grinned as he gently caressed my cheek before reaching for the stick to shift gears again.
”Mhmmm.” I hummed around his cock.
”I love watching that pretty little mouth take my cock.” Shawn moaned as he slowed down so that he could watch me while I sucked him off. My hand squeezed around the base of his cock as I continued to bob my head up and down, sucking and swallowing as saliva kept dribbling down my lips. ”You look so fucking hot with my cock in your mouth Gina.” Shawn praised me as he reached back to caress my face.
”Mmm, your cock tastes so good.” I hummed, sending vibrations against his sensitive skin. ”I bet your come tastes even better.” I moaned as I felt Shawn reach over and caress my back. ”Can’t wait to taste it.”
”Fuck, I’m so close baby.” Shawn growled as he leaned over to squeeze my butt through my jean shorts.
”Mmm yeah? I wanna taste you so badly, give it to me baby.” I moaned as I continued to suck him off, my tongue swirling teasingly over the tip of his cock before I sunk back down onto him.
”Don’t stop.” Shawn choked out through gritted teeth as he looked down at me, his gaze still occasionally shifting towards the road to make sure we wouldn’t crash into anything. 
”I want you to fill my mouth with your come baby.” I continued to moan encouragingly as I looked up at Shawn through my black innocent lashes.
”Ohhh fuck.” Shawn groaned as he twitched inside my mouth. I quickly pulled back, allowing him to squirt his come all over my tongue as I lapped against the tip of his cock like an eager kitten.
”Mmmmm.” I hummed in satisfaction as I felt his warm come hit my tongue. I savored the salty taste of it as I waited for him to empty his entire load in my mouth. I kept swirling my tongue around his cock, mixing his warm come with my own saliva as I refused to swallow before he’d given me every last drop.
I sat back up in my seat with my mouth filled with come. My tongue playfully swirled in my mouth as I looked over at Shawn. He looked at me with lustful eyes as the car came to a stop right where we’d started the race an hour ago. Shawn quickly tucked his cock away as his friends were about to approach our car and I let out a soft moan as I continued to savor the taste of his come. Shawn watched me with intense eyes as I swallowed hard right before his friends came up to the car.
”Where the fuck have you been? We’ve been waiting for like twenty minutes.” His friends cooed as they all looked at him questioningly.
”We went to 7/11.” Shawn lied with a shrug and I let out a giggle as I looked down at his still unzipped jeans.
”Yeah right…” His friends rolled their eyes at Shawn as they too noticed the unzipped pants he was wearing.
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