#and i totally did not scream while streaming screw you guys
jerry-hornes-foot · 2 years
I'm Sorry, Robin...
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Feeling soft about my favourite friends
3525 words
18+ only
Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Tags: hurt/comfort; s3 offshoot; panic attacks; crying; descriptions of anxiety; nausea mentions; Barb's death; trauma; platonic love; friendship; cuddling; explicit language
A lot of Steve and Robin's memories of the hours after Star Court are blurred by a sickly mix of adrenaline and the mysterious cocktail of drugs they'd been given earlier in the day. Outside was an overwhelming mess of flashing lights, sirens, screaming voices, car engines, and thick, acrid smoke. The two of them had sat huddled wordlessly together, wrapped loosely in firemen's blankets, eyes glazed as the chaos around them slowly petered out as the night wore on. The sun was already starting to rise when the soldiers finally cleared them to go home.
Steve stood guard outside the phone booth as Robin called her parents. His eyes scanned the parking lot, taking a mental head count of the kids, making sure each of them was collected and taken home. Steve bit his tongue, fighting the lump that was rising in his throat at the sound of Robin's choked tears as she lied down the phone to her mother.
"I'm okay, mom, I promise... No, it's fine, I'm getting a ride... Yeah... Okay, I'll see you soon. Love you."
Steve couldn't even imagine calling his mother in a moment like that, let alone telling her he loved her.
He bundled Robin into the car, buckling her seatbelt for her since her hands were shaking too much to do it herself. Almost the instant the engine started, Robin broke down, tears pouring down her face and an incoherent stream of jumbled words spilling out of her mouth. Steve leant over and grabbed onto her, pulling her head down into his chest and shushing her gently. Robin was still babbling, voice so choked by tears he could barely make out what she was saying, but he still understood.
"I know, Rob, I know." He whispered, softly stroking her hair. "But it's over now. We're going home."
Robin stopped speaking, her words replaced with painful, violent sobs. Her hands balled into tight fists around Steve's shirt as she tried desperately to pull herself closer into him. Steve could feel his heart tightening in his chest, squeezing her harder as the realisation dawned on him that he really did love her, just not in the way he had thought. It took every ounce of strength he had left in his totally exhausted body not to cry as he realised that he'd never actually had a friend before. A real friend. In that moment, he would have given anything to be able to feel Robin's pain for her. Lost for words, Steve just held his friend as tightly as he could, screwing his eyes shut to stop the tears and gently kissing the top of her head.
After a little while, Robin managed to compose herself well enough to sit up. Her face was soaked with tears, skin red, and splotchy, but she still managed a weak smile at Steve.
"Thanks." She muttered.
Steve reached over and squeezed her hand in reply.
"Oh wait!" Robin announced suddenly as Steve went to pull out of the parking lot. "You didn't call your parents."
"It's fine." Steve lied. "I'll call them later."
Robin basically didn't stop talking for the full journey. Every single thought that flew around her head made its way out of her mouth in a basically constant stream of thought. Steve was thankful for it. The idea of facing his own thoughts now terrified him, and it was nice to see Robin in a slightly brighter mood. She must have asked 100 questions that she never bothered to pause for an answer to.
"And that guy, he was one of those kids' brothers, right? And he was like possessed or something? Wait, are ghosts real? No... that was the monster too, right? Like, he was the monster? Or was the monster him? It's left up here, by the way. And the girl with the powers, has she always had those? Or is she some kind of experiment? Is she like some kind of government secret? It's right on Pinewood once you get to the intersection. Wait, is that why the army was there? Or did they make the monster? But surely if they made it then - oh wait, that's our driveway!"
Steve pulls up by the side of the road at the bottom of the Buckley driveway. Robin is unusually silent for a moment, sitting still in her seat.
"Hey, are you alright?" Steve asks softly.
"Would you... It's okay if you can't, but... would you mind coming up for a bit? I just want to feel like my room is safe and I feel like... It's dumb but if you could..."
Steve stops her by placing a hand on top of hers. She smiles at him, then bites her lip awkwardly,
"My mom will probably be waiting for me, so you'll have to to um..."
Steve has been down this road many times before. The thought of going home and rattling around that big empty house was a little too much for Steve. He sighed and let out a little laugh that put Robin at ease.
"Which window?"
Scaling the side of Robin's house flooded Steve's head with memories. He couldn't help but think about Nancy, about that night he had climbed up to her window while Tommy and Carol watched and laughed. He couldn't help but think about what he had done to her the next day. Crouched on the rooftop outside of Robin's window, he began to doubt himself. Maybe he deserved Tommy and Carol. He certainly didn't deserve Robin. It was his fault this had happened to her, if she'd never met him she could have lived the rest of her life thinking he was just some dickhead from high school. A part of him considered climbing back down, thinking maybe that she'd be better off without him in the long run. Just as his foot began to slide away from the sill, the window was thrown open.
Robin's bedroom was small and busy. Her shelves were piled high with tapes, records, and books. Every surface was adorned with little trinkets, shells, pebbles, and old photographs. Steve felt a strange sense of comfort from the place, somehow it felt more like home than his own room.
"Thanks for doing this, Steve, I just needed a friend here."
Hearing Robin call him a friend made Steve's heart drop in his chest. Looking away from her he sat on the bed, staring at the floor at smiling at her from under his blood soaked hair. Looking around the room to distract himself from the sudden well of emotion Steve scanned his eyes over the posters on Robin's walls.
"Anyway, how come I had to sneak in the window? Surely it's girls your parents should be worried about you having over."
"Steve... my parents don't exactly know-"
"How could they not?" Steve cut her off with a laugh, pointing up at a scantily clad poster of Debbie Harry directly above Robin's bed.
Robin's cheeks flashed crimson, but Steve's boldness made her laugh all the same. The sound of Robin's laughter melted the tension from the room and for the first time in days Steve felt his shoulders untense a little.
"I'll be quick." She promised, slipping into the bathroom to get a shower and change into her pyjamas.
Steve hoped she wouldn't be. He was enjoying being there. It felt safe, welcoming. That wasn't a feeling Steve was used to. He sat on the bed for a while, letting the dull ache in his bones settle as much as he could. The silence gave his brain room to think, and he didn't like that. Getting up, he took a look around Robin's bedroom, admiring the little objects that scattered her shelves and counter tops. His fingers brushed over the ears of a dusty teddy bear who sat propped up on her dressing table. For a moment Steve truly started to relax, before his stomach dropped violently at the sight of one of the photos pinned to Robin's mirror.
If it weren't for her glasses, Steve might not have even recognised her, but there she was, clear as day. Robin couldn't have been more than 10 in the picture, wide-eyed with her hands clasped tightly around the waist of a young Barbara Holland. That poor girl Nancy had brought to Steve's house all those years ago. Steve stumbles, falling back onto the bed and swallowing hard to fight the sudden wave of nausea. That was his fault, too. Nancy had always said so. Pain rushed through his back and shoulders as his body tensed again. Robin was the first person he'd even known who had ever truly liked him for who he was, the only person who had ever taken the time to really get to know him, and he'd taken everything from her. Steve's fingers dug into the mattress in a desperate attempt to ground himself as his heart began to jackhammer in his chest. Sharp, ragged sobs broke through his lips as he desperately tried to level his breathing. The sound of the bathroom door opening jolted him, making him hold his breath to keep silent.
"Do ou hink ey'll end ops to meak oo us? Or oliers ayee!" Robin's voice was barely audible through the thick foam of toothpaste in her mouth. Steve had no idea what she was saying, but the sound of her voice alone made the room stop shrinking around him. "Do you think I'll need to change my name? Or maybe they'll want us-"
Robin's voice trailed off as she reentered the bedroom and flicked on the light. This was the first time she had properly seen the damage to Steve's face, with a clear head and in good light, and the sight of him made her heart drop.
"I'm okay." He said with a weak smile, spotting the concern in her face.
"No, you're not."
Steve grunted a little but protested no further as Robin dragged him into the bathroom. Under the harsh light, the swelling on his face was much more pronounced. Robin was certain that the gash under his lip needed stitches.
"Jeez, Steve, didn't the paramedics do anything for you?"
"They barely even spoke to me." He replied, wincing as Robin dabbed his wounds with iodine. "I think they just wanted all of us gone as soon as possible."
Robin furrowed her brow, taking a flannel and running it under the cold tap to gently dab the swelling around Steve's eye.
"Hold this."
Steve did as he was told, pressing the cloth to his face as Robin rifled through her drawers to find a small neon yellow plaster which she gently placed over the cut on his face. It dawned on Robin how little she really knew about Steve, how little she'd actually asked him about himself. The fact that he still hadn't phoned home rung like a bell in her mind. She felt a little guilty for not clocking it sooner.
"You can stay if you want." She said gently, taking the damp cloth from him and towelling his face dry.
Steve didn't say anything. He just nodded, trying his very best not to show how relieved he was by her offer. Robin snuck into the hallway and fetched a set of her dad's pyjamas from the clean laundry basket. Steve had a quick shower, he was so exhausted he could barely stand, but he couldn't bear to be dirty for even a second longer. He gritted his teeth until he got out, adamant not to let himself lose control again. He knew if he let go now he wouldn't be able to stop. When he came back Robin was sitting upright in the bed waiting for him. He stood awkwardly in the doorway for a moment, waiting to be offered a blanket for the floor.
"You can... um... you can get in the bed if you want..." She stammered.
Steve climbed in beside her, flashing her another weak smile then rolling over to face the wall.
"Well, good night I guess." Robin whispered, attempting a laugh that caught a little in her throat.
There was a pause, a harsh silence made more tense by the fact that Steve could feel that Robin was still sitting upright.
"Thanks, Steve. For staying, I mean. I feel a lot better with you here." The sheets ruffled in the silence as Robin awkwardly shifted her feet beneath the blankets. "You're my best friend, Steve."
Instantly, the dam of tears behind Steve's eyes broke. He couldn't have tried to hide it if he wanted to, his whole body was shaking with such force it was vibrating the mattress beneath them both. He pulled his knees up to his chest, clasping his arms around himself as the force of all his pent up guilt, and everything he had been through in the past few days, dropped on him like a ton weight.
"Steve!" There was an audible tremble in Robin's voice. "I'm sorry I didn't- What's wrong?"
His lungs burned, chest squeezing as though his body was about to fall in on itself. It took all the strength he had to take in enough breath to reply to her.
"I'm so sorry, Rob."
"What for?"
"For everything." Steve's voice was cracked with harsh sobs. "You deserve so much better than this, Robin, so much better."
"Steve... what are you talking about?"
"I'm an asshole! I treated you like shit at school, and I didn't even fucking remember you. And look at you know, this would have never happened to you if you hadn't been involved with me. I tried, Robin, I swear I tried to protect those kids. To protect you. But I couldn't do it."
"Hey, hey." Robin paused, just for a second, and then slid herself down the bed, wrapping her arm around Steve's trembling body and holding him tightly. "It's alright."
"It's not alright!" Robin could hear he was fighting for breath as he spoke. "No matter how hard I try, I just hurt everyone around me."
Robin pulls herself closer, tightening her grip on Steve's chest, and wriggling her free hand out from underneath her to stroke his hair.
"People change." She said. "You're not the same guy you were in high school."
She could feel a lump forming in her throat as she held her friend in her arms, listening to the pain in his voice as he sobbed relentlessly.
"I hate to say it," She continued with another attempted laugh, "but you're actually a pretty good guy. Those kids love you, and I didn't get it before, but I do now. I don't think I've ever seen anyone be that selfless, or brave. I've got to admit, I was impressed."
Steve clasped the hand that Robin had placed on his chest and squeezed it tightly in his own.
"I can't tell you how much you mean to me, Rob. It feels stupid, I barely know you..."
"It's not stupid."
"I just wish... I wish I could have stopped it, I wish I could have saved you."
"You did save me." She whispered, dragging her fingers gently through Steve's hair. "You saved all of us."
Steve felt his heart sink deeper into his stomach.
"Not all of you."
Robin stayed silent, letting Steve catch his breath and gather his thoughts. Although it was too dark to see, Steve's eyes moved across the room to where he knew that photo still hung against Robin's mirror.
"Barb-" The sudden feeling of over familiarity with the girl he'd barely said two words to made Steve baulk for a second. "Barbera. She died at my house. It was... it was my fault."
As much as it hurt, there was a slight sense of relief at finally saying that out loud. He had always insisted to Nancy that the two of them weren't to blame, but he'd never really believed that. He knew it wasn't Nancy's fault, he would never have lied to her about that, but that guilt that burned white-hot at the back of his brain was all too real for him to forgive himself any blame.
Robin had been quiet for a long time. She hadn't heard Barb's name in years, and the bluntness of Steve's outburst had caught her off guard.
"Steve... it wasn't your fault..." She says, finally.
"We just left her there, Robin. She cut her hand, and she went inside to clean herself and when she came back... me and Nance we just... we just went upstairs..." Steve doesn't describe any further. Even after all they'd been through, he still owed Nancy her privacy. "It got her, Rob. This... this monster-"
"Like the one we saw tonight?" Robin interrupts.
"No. It was smaller... more... it was almost human. But it wasn't. And it took her away, to that awful place, and we couldn't save her. I couldn't save her."
Robin's chest tightens. Steve's story confirmed what she had feared all these years, that Barb had been all alone. Robin had always worried that Barb had been afraid when she, but she had never realised quite how scared she must have been. She could never have imagined anything as terrible as the things she had seen that night. Lying there in the dark by Steve's side, Robin could almost picture Barb's face as clearly as if she had been standing by the side of the bed.
"You didn't know." She whispered. "How could you have ever known? No one could have. What happened to Barb was... awful, but... Steve, you could never have known."
For the first time since she'd taken him into her arms, Robin felt Steve's body relax. He was still crying, but his breathing had steadied out. Every now and then, he would make a sad little sniffing sound. Steve took a deep breath,
"Thank you, Robin."
Steve couldn't have described the releif he felt speaking to Robin if he'd wanted to. It felt as though he was breathing for the first time, like taking a first frantic gasp of air after being trapped underwater. It still hurt, and he still wanted to cry, but with Robin there he no longer felt that knawing, hollow feeling that had been keeping him awake at night since that visit to the Byers house. Steve let his eyes fall closed, partly out of exhaustion, and partly to brace himself for what he knew was about to come out of his mouth.
"I love you."
Robin's face flashed hot as tears spilled out onto her cheeks. She pressed her lips together, taking a breath and steadying her voice,
"I love you too."
They both fell asleep sometime after that. After the day they'd had it was hard to know if it had been seconds or hours since they'd stopped talking.
It was the middle of the day before either of them woke up. Robin's mother had left a stack of pancakes outside of Robin's door, which they shared while Robin got ready. Steve had to keep reminding her to keep her voice down. Following another sly trip to the laundry room Robin returned with a pair of her dad's jeans for Steve to wear. Rooting through her wardrobe she found an old Melanie tour shirt her uncle had given her that was just a size or two too big. It fit Steve perfectly. Robin went downstairs to speak to her mother, but insisted Steve wait in the car and that she'd be out soon. She was at least 40 minutes, but Steve had been more than happy to wait.
That day Steve drove them out to a field just outside of town. They lay in the grass under a tree and Robin revealed she had made them sandwiches and brought a flask full of lemonade. The pair of them lazed around in the grass, talking and laughing as if they were just two old friends that hadn't seen each other in a while. Neither of them spoke about the night before, but they both remembered, and it made the day feel fresh like the morning after a thunderstorm. Robin talked at length about all her favourite films. Long, complicated foreign movies that Steve had never even heard of. Steve lay beside her, smiling and listening, the sun warming his legs as it slowly dipped over the horizon. He asked her if she'd ever seen Animal House, she had not. Steve made a note that they would have to watch it together sometime.
When Steve dropped Robin back at home, she scribbled her phone number on a post-it note from her rucksack, and Steve made fun of her for being enough of a nerd to take post-it notes on a picnic. When he finally got home that night, he called out to see if his parents had come back from their trip yet. He wasn't surprised to find they hadn't. Remembering Robin's note he took it from his pocket and stuck it down beside the phone in the hallway and, for the first time in years, that big, empty house didn't feel quite so lonely.
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arceal-doodles · 6 years
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Thanks to everyone who came to the stream! Damn flirts.
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breemationfun · 2 years
True stories (s5) (special) #3: BOG-KAI (pilot episode script) (mid 2021)
Trantronomus:.  Well well well.. who do we have here....
*Bree in a tube with mist*
Bree: we have a 200 year old phantom with no more than 2 brain cells left.
2 brain cells left on the power meter* 
Trantronomus: ...checks his meter*
Meter:  you have 2 more brain cells. Reason: you spent the other 98 cells on buying apple products 
Trantronomus:  runs to get the stuff*
Me: oh great.. 
Mist: hm....looks around* 
Robot: '^' ....gambling*   ....aww
Cow: HA!      
Mist: hey cow. 
Cow: '^'..
Mist: '^' ..I had your mom with succulent cheese and pickles and lettuce last night.
Mist: '^'..she really hit the spot, along with her inter feeding jucies 
Cow: disgusted and pissed off expression*
Cow: ....OHHH YOU SO FRICKED!!!!!!!     stands on two leg and grabs lightsaver* 
Cow: runs at them*  Ò^Ó
Bree: seriously!?!? Q^O 
Mist: shurgs*  
Both take 3 steps back*
Cow: rams Into the tube and destroys it but gets knocked out*
Bree: O^O
Mist: where free aren't we? '^'..
Bree: 😅... let's get out of here.
*Loud but muffled  gurgling noises*
Bree: what was that..
Mist:..idk but it came from that room-
*Fluids stream from the door*
*A blob creature that looks like Trantronomus crushes through the wall*
Bree: OH MY GOD!! 
Bree: IDK!
blob creature: GRAAAAAAAUUUUGHHH. *shoots goo all over the place* 
Both: dodging*  
Blob creature: *chases them* 
Both running away while organs flood the walls and floor along with blast being shot at them* 
Both: retaliating with some blast of their own*
Bree:            speeds up* *  jumps onto a wall and crawls through a vent into a reactor room*  
mist: through a door*
Bree: presses button to close off the doors*     phew*...
Bree:   punches down and lands next to him*
*The room fills with organs*   
Mist: OH NO....      its breaking in..
Bree: !! ...         sees a rocket*      
Mist: *sees it too*
Both:...    have a idea*  
Blob creature: breaks in and looks like a mesh of different things*      
Mist: hello there.
Bree: ÒWÓ.   Lights the rocket on fire*
Rocket hits the creature and it rip through the whole ship*  
*The rocket heads towards earth with the blob creature still infront helpless*
Person: QMQ AAAAAAA...
Cop: '^' sir you need help.    The earth isn't gonna get bombed like how your dad did you m- 
Rocket crash lands*      explosion*
Mist and bree fling into the air along with other people near by getting wiped out*
People screaming and running*
Blob creature: emerges and starts eating people and it keeps getting bigger and bigger*
Bree: !!!!!!!!!!! COME ON! 
Mist: !!!!!
both: start attacking it*  
Blob creature:  shoots a ooze and it spawns tons of monsters that start attacking them*
*Bree and mist holding them off but kinda loosing*
*Nuclear explosion wipes out all the blob soldiers*
Both: ?..
Axel:  ...😡 
Bree: O^o axel? 
Mist: o^o
Axel: Sup guys 
bree: hey man! What r u doing here?
Axel: it all started 3 hours ago when I was bored and felt like kicking ass..
Axel: fast forward and the party has arrived.
Bree: well then.. let's get the party started..
*All attack  and there's just a huge chaotic war* 
News reporter: '^' as you can see,  my ex wife is destroying the city.    Pfft...  and she's  using her death ray to ruin our once good  day
New reporter:  what do you have to say about this?
Cop: .......do you have any sense,  WE ARE BEING ATTACKED AND WE ARE SCARED.    
New reporter: thats totally understandable my ex wif- 
Cop: JESUS CHRIST!.. grabs phone*
Hippie:....   yeah? 
Cop: .....'^'..use your powers 
Hippie: yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt-
Bree and axel notice a shadow slowly getting bigger*
Both: ...   OH GODD!!!  *Both dodge 
*Giant bubble gum hits the ground*
The blob slowly devours it but devours so much it blows up into pieces*
All 3:    ........  
Axel:...          '^' u guys wanna go to the tree house.
Both bree and mist : '^'..okay
Both leave*  
Guy:...   burns on fire*  AHHHH- 
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Random Characters with Singer S/O HC (...cause I can...):
Characters: Dick Grayson (YJ Robin), Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Bart Allen, Garfield Logan (YJ), Kon Kent (90’s), Random One (Batsib)
Dick Grayson (YJ Robin):
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·      You were John Constantine’s apprentice and daughter
·      Since it’s cannon that he was in a band, imma say it, you can probably sing
·      You grew up searching the world for your father since you were raised some by your mother until you fled her (demon mom) and ended up searching the world and practicing your magic with people that knew who you were based on your parents
·      You gained skills playing all sorts of things
·      The first time that John heard you was in your bedroom listening to music
·      Well he thought you were listening to music
·      You were actually playing guitar and singing
·      He was shocked and eventually you got to show him all of the songs you were actually playing guitar in
·      He took you to a recording studio one day for the hell of it and BOOM
·      You were off
·      Now about the team, you wore a mask just because of who you were
·      It was technically a magic mask and just kind of like a mind blur thing where if people already knew both sides of you, they’d know who you are but if it was someone new, they would just know you by your hero name
·      Pretty practical
·      So, when you had gotten big, you made sure not to sing or do anything that would give it off
·      But one day when you thought that the cave was empty, you had an idea for a song and just sang it into your phone
·      Then you started singing one of your own songs while making lunch cause you were bored
·      Robin heard
·      “Wait... WAIT”
·      You had that look that John does when he wants to roll his eyes and throw his head back in exasperation but if he did he’d die
·      “bullocks.” That was all that came out of your mouth
·      You told him, he knew, it was kind of just a thing
·      Now once you guys were dating, and even before, he’d go to every. single. concert (that you played near Gotham or where he was at least)
·      Loudest in the crowd
·      Got VIP seating
·      He’d be the one that knew ALL of the lyrics
·      Definitely not because he was a big fan before he knew .... oh no... “totally not”
·      He’s your date to every single event
·      Interviews together
·      When he takes you to galas, you’re both outshining everyone
·      You let him listen to every single song that you put on albums first since it’s important
·      John got jealous over that
·      Dick knows that some of the pyro that you have at shows is actually magic and that’s why it’s so cool
·      If there’s anything that’s like a hologram that flies over the crowd, he knows that that’s you
·      I think as a given, everyone in this wears your merch even if it’s a bit
·      If I say anything about it it’s cause they wear it a lot
Tim Drake:
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·      You two met at one of your own concerts
·      You were on tour and he got a VIP meet and greet pass
·      He was so nervous but really excited at the same time cause he didn’t want to screw up and look like an idiot
·      You two talked longer than you were supposed to actually
·      In the end, the two of you managed to exchange numbers
·      He almost died
·      When he got home he was smiling so wide Dick had to know what happened
·      Even Bruce commented on it
·      Dick squealed when he found out
·      BIGGGG time
·      You and Tim immediately started texting back and forth
·      First of all, you texted first since Tim was too nervous he’d bother you
·      You didn’t really know where to start so you guys just talked
·      That night you just knew this was going to be something good
·      You kept the relationship under wraps for a few months
·      Not until the two of you were comfortable with everything
·      Eventually, you went out for a gala and the media was blowing up
·      It was like an explosion
·      Tim was hesitant to take you to meet his family but you all got along very well
·      Even you and Damian
·      He complimented your skill
·      Everyone almost fell over dead
·      He loves to listen to your music
·      You are both up at inhuman hours working
·      Tim likes to have you by humming or quietly singing to something in your earbuds
·      Sometimes you’ll just interrupt the silence and ask if a line sounds good
·      He almost always says yes and if he doesn’t, he gives a suggestion on a change
·      He’ll come and watch videos be filmed which is always cool to him
·      Comes to every show
·      You guys hate being far away from each other for too long anyways
·      Eventually, you’ll get a penthouse in Gotham and move in together
·      Has the best security just in-case
·      It also has a recording studio built in
·      It isn’t uncommon for one of his brothers to drop in
·      He is always a blushing mess when a song is about him
·      It’s pretty funny to you
·      Likes to listen to you play an acoustic version
·      Those are his favorite no matter how much he likes the original
·      He will also help you pick out singles
·      Sometimes if you’re playing one he’ll just stop and say single and you know what he means
·      One time you were at the studio and doing a soundtrack song for a movie with another singer and the two of you killed it
·      The high notes were your best and Tim was floored
·      You laughed a ton at his reaction
·      “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Surprise Timmy.”
·      You have sweatpants in your merch just because you know he’ll always wear them
·      You also have coffee mugs and tumblers because you know he’ll use them
Damian Wayne:
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·      You both grew up in the LoA
·      You were his second hand from the start and also a top general
·      Got to leave to go on tons of missions
·      Before you’d leave, his only demand or request (after some time) was that you came back with a song that played from the outside
·      You always did
·      At night, you’d softly sing them on the rooftops looking out at the stars at night
·      He wouldn’t admit it but those were his favorite nights
·      After a mission, that was when the compound was attacked
·      You and Damian were swept off your feet
·      Into this new place with Bruce
·      You had learned to play piano very well so once you found that there was one, you were attached to it if it wasn’t training
·      Coping mechanism for you
·      Damian would hear it sometimes
·      Eventually you made your first record and skyrocketed
·      You were lo-key kind of terrified from the attention thinking it would get you killed somehow
·      Spoiler alert
·      It didn’t
·      Some of the songs you wrote were so sad and dark that in interviews when you’d be asked about it, you’d have to just straight up lie
·      You can’t just talk about being an assassin for your entire life and the repercussions of that
·      You’d say it was inspired by the moral compass of characters you read about
·      Damian knows what all of the songs are about since he grew up with you
·      In school, you got tons of attention and hated it
·      That was because you knew that none of those people were real
·      Not at all
·      When you and Damian went public a good percentage of the population at Gotham Academy was mad since they wanted to date you
·      Not for any reason but money a lot of the times of course
·      The press thought you two were really cute
·      You both also intimidated the hell out of everyone
·      No one really knew why it was just your demeanor
·      Late at night on the rooftops of the manor or even just the fields outside of Gotham is where you sing new songs to him
·      He loves it and admits it
·      You guys have the best conversations there
·      It’s something you look forward to every day
·      At shows, he sings along to the songs
·      When you wave to or wink at him he blushes and tries to hold in a smile but fails terribly
·      There’s always a video of it somewhere
·      If you get even a tiny bit of emotional on stage, he gets that way too
·      He understands all too well
·      Loves to go to the studio with you if you invite him
·      He says he likes every single song but you can tell which ones he likes best by his reactions
·      Those are a dead giveaway
·      If he gets that sad look, you know you’ve written a good song
·      If he gets a gleam in his eyes, you know you’ve written a good single or peppy song and it goes like that for everything
Bart Allen:
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·      You met right before the Outsiders phase
·      Just joining the team, you were a seriously famous singer and a metahuman
·      Everyone knew since you were open about it
·      Bart thinks you’re really cool
·      Listens to your music all the time but will never admit it and if he’s caught especially by you, he’ll be an embarrassed mess
·      When you were dating it was pretty public
·      He loves going out with you and showing off
·      It’s just kind of his thing to do that
·      You always think it’s funny or you roll your eyes jokingly
·      Either way he will do it without fail
·      Goes to all of your shows
·      You know that one person at big concerts that are lit up in lights screaming the lyrics?
·      That’s Bart
·      You cannot change my mind otherwise
·      Will actively try and make you laugh onstage but not mess up
·      Oh no
·      He would never
·      Now he just openly jams out to your music which at first was kind of awkward walking into but you got used to it
·      He likes it when you just randomly start singing
·      When you two leave the base, you end up getting your own place pretty close to it
·      Just not too close
·      Team listening parties to new songs
·      Some are just really sad and no one has dry eyes since they might be about missions or the aftermath of them
·      Watching the number of buys just sky rocket on an album’s release day is the most fun
·      Once you hit every thousand or so it gets really fun
·      It’s like a race in the sense that everyone is just pumped and wants it to surpass the last number of buys and streams from your last album
·      If Lex or someone criticizes the Outsiders for whatever reason, your fans are on it like crazy
·      You started an organization and another safe house for meta teens
·      Helped give funds to add another wing to the Star Labs base for the kids
·      Everything got updated with that as well
·      Benefit concerts for them
·      Once the meta teens get a grip on their powers, they get free passes to the concerts and VIP passes
·      You also drop by often to hang out with them
Garfield Logan (YJ):
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·      You had both known each other before Outsiders
·      You got along really well and were best friends
·      M shipped you guys along with everyone else and when that ship sailed, she was over the moon
·      Okay so when you got big, it was a bit before his acting career kicked off
·      The two of you paved the way for meta teens coming out as metas
·      It was a MASSIVE deal to have someone like you in the music industry and then Gar in the film world
·      Both go to award shows together
·      It’s pretty fun
·      When he decided that he wanted to cut back from acting more and more, you were supporting him through and through
·      He thinks that it’s cool that there are songs about it
·      They’re not too unobvious either
·      You have interviews together but have both decided that Grant is annoying and she is pretty obnoxious sometimes
·      Same with a lot of the other interviewers
·      They just want to know about EVERYTHING
·      No stone left unturned
·      You got to do music for one of the movies he was in which was really cool
·      You were both at the premier walking the carpet
·      Met galas anyone?
·      The public’s favorite couple of all time
·      There’s no doubt about it
·      You wear each other’s merch
Kon Kent (90’s):
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·      You probably did more indie and alternative which he thought was really cool
·      You were one of the only newer artists that he really liked
·      One day you just run into each other
·      He doesn’t know what to do for a second cause internally, he’s freaking out
·      Eventually, you pull him into a different building to avoid the mob of people
·      Of course, people see but it didn’t headline the next day which was amazing
·      “Sorry about that. I just figure the mob of people and pap aren’t worth standing outside for.” You said looking outside from behind a shelf of the store.
“N-no, it’s fine.” He replied running a hand through his hair.
“Oh, you’re Superboy, I’m Y/N.”
“You can just call me Kon.”
·      While he was at it, he got your number too
·      You guys actually spent a decent amount of time talking in the store before leaving separately
·      He texted first telling you he liked the album that you had dropped
·      From there, after a few days he asked you out which you were totally down for
·      Then when everything went public, there was no breathing room if you left your place or any other private property
·      He would go to all of your shows and be hit on by the locals
·      Not your fans though
·      Ohhhhhhhhh no
·      You’d tease him about it sometimes but if you could tell he was just dying in the crowd because of girls or boys, you jokingly call it out from stage
·      Think Harry Styles kind of calling it out
·      It’s those vibes and attitude
·      SOMETIMES he might loudly call a thank you or something funny that makes everyone laugh
·      Then the show goes on as normal
·      He sits in your dressing room during meet and greets most of the time
·      You’ve got his favorite snacks in there because of this
·      When you go to events like the Grammys or Teen Choice, you take over the red carpet
·      Everyone goes wild
·      It’s kind of nerve wracking but easier when he’s having to go through the same deal lol
·      The couple that wears disguises sometimes
·      It’s nothing too big, it is enough however
·      He teases you if you wear a wig or something
·      Vacations with no press or anything are amazing
·      They also keep you sane
·      Wears your merch
Random One (Batsib):
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·      Your entire family is on board with this
·      They support you throughout the entire thing
·      You have a hit debut album and tour for the next one
·      Eventually, Bruce will let you homeschool which is amazing for you since the people at Gotham Academy know no limits to weird
·      Someone literally tried to ghost write a song for you and then stuffed it into your locker before you were there
·      You knew immediately
·      It’s not that hard
·      During interviews they’re in the background as moral support
·      Extra attention from press at galas
·      Thankfully not really the old rich people though
·      Bruce and the entire family wear your merch
·      You have coffee mugs just for Timmy
·      Dick and the girls wear the merch the most
·      Steph and Cass are squealing if you win an award or drop anything
·      They and your oldest brother are publicly your biggest fans
·      Bruce is secretly your number 1 fan though
·      Plays the songs at the watchtower when he’s working sometimes
·      You know this
·      Everyone does
·      It just happens and you’re not complaining
·      Especially when Billy Batson found out about you
·      Part of Batman’s group AND a superstar
·      You do still typically do the vigilante thing but not as much on tour
·      It’s hard since you actively are trying NOT to die even harder since you kind of are a world -wide sensation
·      On tours, your family is the LOUDEST group in the crowd
·      No doubt
·      They try and make you laugh on stage
·      When you do, you’ll call them for it sometimes
·      *Brothers yelling something at the stage when you respond trying to roast you*
·      “That’s pretty rich coming from batarang ass lookin hairline over there.”
·      Or it might be something like, “Wait, what did you say? Sorry I can’t hear you over the 15,000 other people that are here watching my show.”
·      Those are the best moments
·      Hands down
·      If anyone goes after you on Twitter or something, they’re goners
·      They’re going to have a million other Batfam members and even leaguers coming for them
·      It’s pretty hilarious to see Clark Kent write an editorial on why a person was wrong and why your album was superior to all
·      Wonder Woman saying she listened to your music
·      *passes out*
·      Not that you didn’t already, know, you were just in awe of her lol
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moonah-rose · 3 years
Little Blue Eyes
A brief follow-up to this. Eleanor visits Michael during his reforming.
She had to hand it to Jason. If anyone had told her that it was possible to break a Janet out of Hell and get her away from an army of demons using just a Molotov, a single demon exploder gun, and a bag of weed, she’d have been very sceptical. But somehow he managed to bring their not-a-girl home, riding back in that hand-cart, grinning away as if he’d gone to a Jaguars game with her.
That was one problem dealt with. Now only a billion others to sort out.
As overjoyed as she’d been to see Janet back, safe and sound, she hadn’t been looking forward to reliving the most awful night of the year by explaining to her why their tall, dandy dressed demon wasn’t at her side, or hadn’t gone to save her.
It was easier to hand her the note that Michael had wrote (or possibly snapped into being after she slammed the door as she was sure even he couldn’t write that fast) before he’d pulled the trigger on himself.
I’m sorry.
I don’t want you to be worrying about how I might betray you or let you down again. If I’m locked up, you’re just going to worry that I’ve escaped. Just leave me in a tank on the other side of the map, or in Janet’s void if you bring her back, or just leave me in the Bad Place. If anything I just wanna ask that you make sure I’m all in there as I’d rather not come back shorter. Also if you can make sure no dogs are around to lap me up, I’d appreciate it.
I only ever wanted to save you all. I’m sorry I did nothing but screw up. I understand if you don’t want me back in the group after I’m back to normal. Please just get Janet back safe, even if it does mean going to the Judge. And give my best to Chidi when he wakes up.
I wasn’t lying about one thing; I really do love you all so much. I’m sorry it could never be enough.
Reading the goo-stained letter with shaking hands, she’d struggled not to burst into tears of anger or throw up. Standing in the middle of the empty room, her friend dripping all around her, she’d wanted to scream at him for this being his best attempt to make things up to her - to forking leave her! To take the cowards way out. 
Being angry was so much easier than accepting the guilt of what she had said to him before that moment. Of questioning if she had gone too far...if she’d just taken a moment to listen to him...Usually the dude had trouble shutting the fork up but that night, all he’d done is stand there and take everything she threw at him...until there was nothing left standing. Literally.
If she’d had any idea he would do something so reckless and stupid then of course she would never have said...
But you did know. You knew exactly what he was prepared to do to help you, if it’s what you said you needed. What you wanted.
She never wanted this, she admits to herself, barely a couple months later.
Running this experiment basically single-handed was...not overly difficult. In fact, she was pretty confident in saying they were doing okay, considering the circumstances. 
But it still sucked. She was alone. Again.
Obviously there was no way she was going to have Michael’s goo abandoned in some random, isolated location. She was mad at the guy but she wasn’t a monster...so she told herself. At the same time, she couldn’t give up the role he’d thrusted upon her by suddenly taking up the role of nurse-maid, as hot as she might have looked in the uniform. He’d chosen to do this so she could work without distractions. Without a liability. 
“He sacrificed himself to save me. We’re on our own now. Let’s make it count.”
Just get the fork on with things, same as before. No point in looking back.
Tahani is the one who volunteers. She’s able to separate herself from the other humans without causing too much suspicion, claiming the need for a private getaway up in the hills, deep in the valley, a hidden fancy lodge by a stream, surrounded by peaceful deer and mountains. Definitely not Eleanor’s scene, anything involving the wilderness or even resembling camping.
By the time Eleanor sees her off on a private car Derek conjured up, Michael’s goo already reached its first form. The blind, helpless demon larva showed no signs of awareness of his surroundings, curling up as small as possible, malleable as Tahani swaddled him in her fluffiest blanket. Eleanor was almost impressed at how quickly the sexy giraffe had overcome being grossed out at the slimy, squidgy creature, able to look almost maternal as she carried him into the car. And she made sure to say as much.
Tahani’s heavy hearted response would stick with Eleanor for the next few weeks; “I didn’t reassure him when he asked us if we could ever be friends with a gross monster. Best I can do is show him how much we truly care.”
Ouch. Way to kick her in the girl-nads.
“You sure you’ll be okay?”
“I’ve helped out in multiple animal sanctuaries and used to fly out to work with deprived children with my dear friend Angelina...But this is definitely new territory for me.” She’d said as she looked over the larva demon, making the tiniest cooing noise in his sleep (or what they assumed was sleep). “I’ll try my best.”
That was all any of them could do. She’d contemplated attempting to speak to the larva Michael in her arms. What could she possibly say? Could he even understand her?
She was still angry. And yet it was difficult to connect the anger towards the one who abandoned her to the pathetic looking being in the blanket. Best to save all those harsh words on the tip of her tongue for when he was back to being tall and slappable. 
Is he really the one you want to slap?
The question comes back to haunt her more frequently each night that follows, whenever she thinks back on that night, or wonders how the two of them are doing. She and Tahani send letters often via the birds who are happy to act as messengers. They just have to be careful none of the humans intercept them. She lets her gorgeous friend know how the experiment is going and Tahani offers her tips on how to improve John, in particular. Every time she goes to write ‘how is Michael?’ she erases it, chest tightening. Tahani tells her anything important.
The slug monster form that follows the larva is a lot more challenging, she reports. He’s now the size of a Tibetan huskie and just as hungry.
I just let him roam the fields and eat what he can find. Sometimes I have to pull him in on a leash if he doesn’t tire himself out, otherwise I worry he’ll slither off in the night. I try to talk to him but he just grunts or roars at me until I tell him off. I was a little worried he might try to eat me but I found playing music - 80′s classics, mostly - calms him down and makes him rather docile. I don’t think he knows quite who I am or remembers anything. Perhaps it’s like when Janet is rebooted? He may need time to restore his memories, as she did.
Oh, darn, I must finish - he’s in the rose bush again!
Sometimes the image of her prim socialite friend trying to restrain a two-hundred-pound slug monster is so hilarious she can’t help but laugh. Other times she feels more guilt tugging at her soul to go lend a hand.
Is Michael really little more than an animal, in his head, right now? She’s hardly proved herself the best at pet care, though it sounded like Michael overeating was the least of their worries. It pained her to imagine what his head must be going through right now. Is he scared? Confused? Lost? Does he have any emotions other than the instinct to feed?
Does he still blame himself? Does he miss her as much as she...?
The more she sits in that chair in the office, the smaller she feels. It doesn’t belong to her; she’s merely filling it in while he’s gone. She has lunch in silence, remembering the jokes they used to share, the games of trying to aim food in the others mouth across the desk. She remembers him snapping a margarita for her when he knew she needed it most. She remembers his hand on her shoulder. She remembers him finding her at her lowest point, when everyone else had doubted her, turned their backs.
She remembers him, always there. And now she’s lost him.
Was wanting him gone over a stupid lie really worth all of this?
When Jason returns with Janet, on the same day she’s hesitating whether to jump on the nearest unicorn and head towards the mountains, she takes it as a sign. She has no excuse to stay away now - not with Janet back to watch over things, though she’ll probably be paying Michael a visit soon too.
She rides up on the train Janet conjures for her, saving her from trying to figure out how to ride a unicorn without breaking her neck. Something tells her she might have more luck at taming a slug monster than her British friend, not that she has any experience, just a few encounters with the grosser men in Arizona. Besides, it was Michael, at the end of the day. Their Michael.
The same Michael willing to sacrifice himself to help a bunch of cockroaches.
It’s such an idyllic landscape she arrives at. A total holiday card photo, without the snow. Nothing but grass and trees for miles before a backdrop of purple mountains. She looks around, seeing the evidence of devoured flower gardens and broken fences. At least the solid, oak cabin by the stream stood in tact, smoke billowing from the chimney. 
Eleanor is so focused on keeping her eyes peeled for a rampaging slug monster that she almost fails to spot the little person sat on the front step of the veranda.
She frowns. That has to be the whitest child she’s ever laid eyes on. Granted most kids growing up in Phoenix were smothered in fake tan before they were three by their moms, but this is something else. The kid has long white hair, half-plaited, down to the shoulders of the cream dress she’s wearing. Her skin is so pale it’s nearly translucent. Fork, is she looking at an actual ghost?
Wait...She’s a ghost. That really shouldn’t freak her out.
There’s just something so eerie about the little girl, from her sickly appearance to how weirdly quiet she is for...However old she is. Six? Seven? Thirteen? Eleanor really knows nothing about kids, just that they’re usually much louder than this one, sat alone, playing with a set of shining...
The kid looks away from the chain of a paperclips they were linking, gazing up at Eleanor on the gravel path. As soon as she sees their eyes, she has her answer. Even without a pair of glasses, she’d recognise those sparkling blue eyes anywhere. It’s only then that she remembers the third form.
Spooky little girl.
Though far less spooky than she imagined. More...sad.
Despite her surprise, she tries to smile, not knowing how badly she needed to see those eyes look at her again after this past month.
“Hey, buddy. How’re you feeling?” She starts to approach.
The kid drops the paperclips and jumps up to their feet, beginning to tremble terribly, eyes wide as saucers. 
Eleanor stops. Is he afraid? Of her?
“Michael? D’you remember me? It’s Eleanor, dude..”
“‘Hani!” The child cries turning and running inside the cabin. Fork, she knew was bad with kids, but shirt! Eleanor rushes in to follow, unable to hold back.
She enters the cosily furnished cabin to see the pale girl run up to the leg of the six foot beauty standing at the stove and cling to her skirt for dear life.
Tahani looks over from the pot of spaghetti, face fearful at first before lighting up when she spots her friend stood in the foyer.
“Eleanor! What a lovely surprise.” She beams, turning the stove off; “I’m so glad you decided to visit.”
“Wow...You’re kinda rocking the whole rustic single mom look here, babe.” Eleanor says, looking around the place, everything making her feel so warm and comforted from the open fireplace to the heavy air of recently baked bread. 
Tahani looks down to her charge hanging onto her dress, reaching down to pick the little fingers off carefully.
“Well, it was rather nice to have a project to myself, and Derek was surprisingly helpful. Everything else I acquired myself, having learned to survive in the wild from a well known ‘Bear’ friend of mine.” She holds the kid’s hands and bends down to their eye level; “Michael, sweetheart, look who’s come to visit. Remember Eleanor?”
The demon child whimpers, throwing their arms around Tahani’s neck and hiding in her luscious dark hair.
Eleanor bites her lip; “He’s a lot more shy than the slug monster, I take it.”
“Oh, I don’t understand. They were fine with Jason this morning, they were playing video games for hours - he and Janet teleported over briefly to check in on us. So glad they got back safe.”
So Jason gets a teleport but she takes the train? The first time she’s not an immortal being’s favorite to spoil.
Eleanor shuffles her feet, trying not to feel wounded at how terrified her friend currently is of her, when apparently there was no issue with Jason. But then, Jason makes it difficult for anyone to dislike him. Eleanor makes it an open invitation. 
The kid whispers something to Tahani that causes the woman to pick them up.
“Oh, darling, don’t be silly.” She responds, rubbing their back; “That was just a nightmare.”
“Nightmare?” Eleanor asks. Is she the stuff of nightmares?
Tahani eventually convinces the pale kid to go back outside to continue playing while she catches up with Eleanor.
Questions Tahani has about the experiment and the subjects get quickly brushed aside. Eleanor is unable to focus on anything but the image of Michael’s eyes looking at her with so much fear. When Tahani hands her a fresh cup of cofffee, she wants to stick her hand in it, just to scold herself for the sake of it.
“He’s having nightmares? I mean...she’s having...” Eleanor frowns.
“I find it easier to use ‘they/them’, which Michael seems to prefer as well, currently.” Tahani explains; “Most of the time, they’re a calm, affectionate child. Such a welcome change from the beast I was putting up with a fortnight ago, as much as they grew on me. It’s just at night, while their brain is still reforming and all these memories are flooding back...It can be rather distressing. Trust me, it’s heart-breaking just to see them crying and screaming...”
She can’t imagine that recalling centuries of brutally torturing innocents along with the knowledge of why that was wrong is easy for anyone, least of all in the form of a small girl, creepy or not.
“Honestly, the creepiest I’ve encountered so far is them levitating at the end of my bed - and that’s usually when they’re just looking for a cuddle.”
Eleanor smiles a little, Michael never was the best at being a truly ‘frightening’ demon.
“And I’m in these nightmares?”
Tahani sighs; “I suppose the memories of their last night are mixed up with everything else. They just...were worried you were here to say something mean or...you wanted them gone.”
“I never wanted this, Tahani. I never wanted him to...Shirt, I didn’t even think he could, but...” She struggles to hold back tears; “I shouldn’t have come. I’ve just made him...Them more upset. Fork knows what I’d be in for if I stayed for the Teenage Boy phase. He’d probably set my hair on fire as payback.”
Bratty Michael in his fully grown form had been enough to handle. A hormonal one with amnesia was a whole other level.
“Eleanor. Just go talk to them.” Tahani presses; “This whole distancing thing you two are doing to deal with your falling out is dangerous. You’re not going to fix anything by staying away from them. As I kept telling my good friend Courtney when she had a row with my other friends, Lisa and Jennifer - you just need to communicate!”
“Babe, they’re afraid to even be alone with me.” She’s the monster under the bed now. All because she took one sin he committed to heart and forgot about all the good he’d done for her that outweighed it.
“Then stay, there’s plenty of room. Even if it means we swap and you stay here and I return to help with the experiment. Either way, this needs to be sorted out. I don’t believe demons are supposed to be this upset during their growth...You could help with that.”
Can she? She’s not the nurturing type, like her hot friend. She melted her own doll in the microwave as a kid. And she unwittingly talked her own demon bestie into exploding himself.
Tahani’s hand squeezing her wrist gives her some strength. 
“...Okay. I’ll try.” she meets her eyes; “Is Michael the only one allowed to snuggle in bed with you when they’re scared?”
Ten minutes later, she goes to find the creepy girl outside, this time sat among the flowers, being far more gentle with them than her previous slug form was. 
Eleanor approaches slowly.
“Michael? Buddy?”
The kid gasps, standing up again and flinching back. Eleanor raises her palm.
“Please don’t run away. I promise I won’t hurt you...and I won’t be mad.” She says, soft as she can manage, getting down to the ground; “And I’m not gonna make you go away anywhere. I just wanna chat...That ok?”
Michael doesn’t look too convinced, glancing over at the cabin. Looking for the one constant they’ve had, who’s been here for them, caring for them. Where Eleanor should have been, at least sometimes.
Okay. Time for the trump card.
“I got you something. Tahani said you have trouble sleeping. I thought maybe this guy could help?” She produces the minion toy from behind her back.
Michael’s eyes sparkle and he instantly reaches out to take it.
“So ugly!” They cheer, hugging it to their front.
Eleanor chuckles. Still so easily impressed.
“Can’t argue there...Also, I picked up those paperclips of yours. Did you know you can do this with them?” She holds up the chain; “Gimmie your wrist a minute.”
Michael frowns, hiding behind the toy a little.
“I won’t bite, dude. Kids are way too gross to eat. You’re too stringy and bony.” She wrinkles her nose.
They blink at her before slowly holding out their wrist. Eleanor takes the paperclips and links them around Michael’s arm, forming a bracelet.
The child gasps, clearly thinking they’ve seen it for the first time; “Holy motherforking shirtballs.”
“Damn, you kiss Tahani with that mouth?” That must have been another residue memory tucked away.
Michael sneers; “Kissing is gross.”
“It’s pretty weird if you think about it, yeah.” She concedes, glad they’re at least talking, as much conversation as she can have with a billion year old immortal that’s lost their mind as they regrow in the body of a haunting little girl; “...What about hugs? You like them, right?”
The kid nods, eagerly.
“...Maybe I could have one, someday? If we can be friends? I’d like that...” More than they could know right now. More than anything else, even having Chidi remember her. This...This is just as painful, because she can’t be sure if this is fixable. 
Eleanor crosses her legs as she sits, facing her friend.
“I’m so sorry, Michael. I know...you don’t understand that right now but...I’m sorry for why you’re scared of me...I wouldn’t ever wanna hurt you. Please believe me.”
Trust me? God, she’s such a hypocrite. 
The kid eyes her, up and down, before turning to the flowers. They bend down, picking a few up into a small bouquet of daisies. Michael turns and hands it out to her.
“Oh...Uhh....Thanks...” Eleanor reaches for them.
Michael’s blue eyes flash red. The flowers burst into flames.
“Forking shirt!” Eleanor jumps.
And still the kid holds them out; “Pretty, right?”
A heartfelt laugh tumbles out of her; “...I can tell Jason’s been here.” Or maybe that was part of her friend’s demon nature. Either way, it was adorable. “Thank you, Michael.” she says, taking the flaming daisies. “You know...if you want, I could show you how to make chains out of these? We could make a crown for Tahani?”
“And ones for me and you?” Michael asks, hopeful.
Eleanor’s lip quivers, a sudden lump in her throat. She reaches out to run her palm over her friend’s white hair, soft as it’s always been; “Yeah...Me and you too, bud.”
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thenightmaregrrl · 2 years
Orion's Body- A Transformers Shattered Glass Fanfic- Chapter 8: Best Friends Don't Keep Secrets
Megatron woke up on the couch with a gasp. He peeled himself off of it and wiped his face. He walked up the stairs to his room, he merely went to his bed and laid down on it, turning the light off, he was about to drift off when he heard a chipper voice.
Megatron jolted out of his bed with a scream and turned on the light to see Orion. He was no longer bloody and dirty, he was clean and full of life. Orion sat up.
“Geez Megs, stop screaming, you’re such a cliche!”
Megatron snapped, “GET OUT!”
Orion innocently smiled, “But we always shared your bed when he had slumber parties.” He crawled across the bed to reach Megatron, and sat up, gently stroking his armor, “I’m not gonna bite you.”
Megatron looked to see him dressed in a clean shirt, no bottoms, and pede warmers. The shirt looked familiar.
“Is that my Stan Bush shirt?” He asked, Orion merely smiled and gently kissed his lips. It was a quick and gentle peck, Megatron looked at him and soon reciprocated, gently pushing Orion back onto the bed, who happily reciprocated, he traced his servos on Megatron’s waist. Who soon opened his optics and pulled back in a flash.
“What the fuck is happening?!” He laid on his bed.
Orion laughed, “Oh my Primus, Megatron! I have never heard you drop the f bomb before!”
Megatron sat up, “I saw you! I saw-I saw- I saw the!” He was stuttering. Orion imitated his stutter playfully then giggled.
“Slow down, tardy slip. You sound like a sped.”
Megatron quickly said, “I’m gonna call the cops.”
Orion scoffed, “Yeah, okay. Why don’t you narc me out? I have the cops in my back pocket Megs, I’m fucking a cadet, remember?”
Megatron looked at him, “What do you want from me?”
Orion answered, “Just want to explain some things to you, besides, amica don’t keep secrets. Right? So, you remember the night of the fire? I got really messed up. And those guys from The Seekers? Totally evil. They’re basically like agents of Unicron with really awesome paintjobs…”
Back on that night, the van was driving down the road, a slow rock ballad was playing softly in the radio, Orion was sitting on the floor with the other band members. Goldbug is in the passenger seat, while Elita is driving.
Orion felt really awkward, “Where-where are we going?”
Elita ignored his question, “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.”
Orion looked around and saw books on witchcraft, sacrifices, used up candles, and a skull with wax on it. He realized he screwed up, big time.
“Are you guys rapists?” He asked shakily. He heard Elita let out a groan.
“God I hate boys.” She grumped.
Goldbug looked at her, “You sure this guy is a fucking virgin?”
Orion perked up and immediately answered, “Yes, Yes, I’m a virgin. I’ve never even had sex. So you should probably find someone… who knows how.” He trailed off. He saw Elita smack Goldbug in the arm.
Megatron asked, “What did they do?” Interrupting Orion.
“Just let me finish, so they drove me out into the falls. And I kept looking for a way to escape but it was so dark out there…”
When the van parked, Elita got out, as did the other members, Orion shoved one down and tried to make a run for it but was grabbed by Hot Rod, causing him to scream. Elita taunted, “Where do you think you’re going huh?” She looked at the sky, “We got a waxing moon tonight boys, just like the ritual said.” They carried him to a spot, while he was still screaming, Elita ordered he be gagged, “Do one of you guys have something we can shut him up with?”
They made it to the spot, tying Orion to a tree stump, he was still screaming into the gag but was also crying.
Elita said, “Get it nice and tight, I don’t want to be fucking clawed by a little boy.”
Orion was groaning and whimpering, tears streaming down his cheeks, the ropes cutting into his joints. He felt the broken edges of the stump digging into his back.
Goldbug said hesitantly, “I don’t know if we should go through with this.”
Elita groaned and looked at Goldbug, “Goldbug, do you want to be stuck working at Swerve’s for the rest of your life? I don’t okay? Or don’t you want to be rich, and awesome like that guy from Mayhem Suppression Squad?”
Goldbug swallowed and answered, “Mayhem Suppression.”
Elita nodded, “Okay. That’s what I thought, now fetch me the ritual brother.” She watched him scamper off and looked at the other bandmates, mouthing “What the fuck?” at them. Orion watched helplessly. Soon Goldbug handed Elita a simple datapad.
Hot Rod asked, “That’s it?”
Elita looked and answered, “Yeah, I found it on the internet.” She turned it on and began reading.
“ ‘We come here tonight to sacrifice the body of’-” She paused and removed the gag, “What’s your name again, Optimus?”
Orion said between sobs, “My name is Orion.”
Elita deadpanned, “Super.” She started over, “ ‘We come here tonight to sacrifice the body of Orion from Unicron’s Kettle’.”
Orion started begging while sobbing, “Please! Please! Please! Please! Don’t do this! I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything you want!” He heaved out a sob.
Elita sighed, fed up, “Do you know how hard it is to be taken seriously in the music industry as a female led indie band? It’s like, impossible, you either have to play the good girl virgin or the sexualized slut who gives blowjobs to the mic or producers. Not to mention the competition, there’s so many of them and they’re all so cute it’s like if you don’t get on Circuit or some stupid soundtrack, you’re screwed. We’re in league with the planet eater. And we have to make a really big impression on him.” She soon grabbed a large hunting knife, “So in order to make it without letting an old fat pig suck my tits, we’re gonna have to butcher you, and bleed you. And then Goldbug here is gonna wear your face.” She saw his horrified expression, “Relax, I was kidding about the face thing. But the rest is gonna happen.”
Orion’s lip quivered upon seeing the knife, “No. No.”
Elita was on a roll, “You bots think you’re hot shit. Especially hot bots. You think you can get away with sleeping around. Break every femme’s spark. Then when she goes after you, you call her desperate, slutty, a whore. Attention seeking. But it’s you who are the sluts!” She stabbed him, Orion screamed in pain, the blade deep and sharp. Elita kept going, “Selfish! Greedy! Pompous! Ignorant! Disgusting! Horrible!” Each word she said was emphasized with a stab to Orion’s torso, he screamed and cried out from each blow. Orion screamed in pain one last time. Before falling limp.
Elita looked at his dead body, his pink energon splashed across her chest armor, contrasting the black. She merely wiped the knife with her servo, and threw it into the pothole of the waterfall. It landed in the water with a splash.
Megatron was sitting there, disturbed, tears welling up in his optics, he was horrified at what happened to his amica that night. He finally spoke, “They killed you.”
Orion scoffed, “I’m still here, aren’t I? I mean they did go all psycho on my ass with that knife and it should’ve killed me, but for some reason, it didn’t.”
Megatron choked out, “Maybe it did.”
Orion shrugged, “Anyway, I don’t really remember what happened after that. I just know that I woke up, and found my way back to you.”
Megatron slowly nodded, “I remember.”
Orion continued, “I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you, I mean, I’m a really good friend. But I was just so hungry.”
After Orion left Megatron’s house, he walked down the street, his footsteps echoing into the night, his clothes still ruined and bloody from being sacrificed, still in a daze. He heard coughing and looked to see Fulcrum from Messatine, covered in soot and ash from the fire. He walked to him.
“Fulcrum.” He said to him, “You made it out.”
Fulcrum looked at him then nodded.
Orion asked, “Are you lost?”
Fulcrum nodded.
Orion asked again, “Does your host family know you’re alive?”
Fulcrum shook his head. This intrigued Orion.
“Does anyone know you’re alive?”
Fulcrum shook his head again.
Orion took advantage of this, “You come with me, we’re gonna sort this all out. Okay?” He took his hand and walked with him to the woods.
“And ever since then, I just knew what I had to do to be strong.” He smiled, “And when I’m full, like I am right now, I’m, like, unkillable.”
“Like, I can do shit like this. Watch.” He unsheathed a claw and cut a long line into his arm, drawing energon, Megatron gasped and flinched.
“It’s really cool, just watch it.” Orion said excitedly, the cut began sealing itself together, the oozing pink liquid magically sucking itself back into the cut, when it finished, the metal was smooth and shiny. Orion was smiling with glee.
“It’s like some Outlier shit, right?” Instead of enthusiastic agreement or heaps of praise over coming back from the dead. He got questions instead.
“What do you mean when you’re full? What about my Sire’s transport? Why were you covered in energon? You didn’t even look Cybertronian.” Megatron asked, wanting answers.
Orion frowned and seemingly feigned concern, “You know, Megatron, maybe you should talk to someone about these… disturbing thoughts that you’re having. We’re all really concerned. Especially Starscream, I mean he might be having second thoughts about you.”
Megatron got mad, and pointed out the door, “Leave.” He ordered.
Orion pouted, “Come on Megs, let me spend the night. We can play Conjunx like we used to.” When he saw no change in Megatron’s expression, he got up and grabbed a pair of long fuzzy pants. He put them on and went to the window.
Megatron looked at him walking to his bedroom window, “Where are you going?” He asked.
Orion snarked, “Uh you said to leave,” he got up onto the window ledge, “See you at school.” He jumped out.
Megatron rushed to his window and looked out to see nothing but darkness.
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thedeaditeslayer · 3 years
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Greg Nicotero Talks ‘Creepshow’ Season Two, His ‘Evil Dead’ Love Letter And Exploring More Iconic Horror IPs.
This interview with Greg Nictorero covers the season premiere episode that is a homage to Evil Dead. Recommended reading below!
The first season of Creepshow was a monster hit for AMC’s horror streamer, Shudder.
Becoming the most-watched program in the platform’s history, it smashed several records in terms of viewership, total minutes streamed, and new subscriber sign-ups. The show’s second season is about to drop, and a third has already been confirmed.
I caught up with horror legend and Creepshow’s showrunner, Greg Nicotero, to discuss the show’s killer formula for success, paying tribute to iconic multimillion-dollar franchises and what stands in the way of a new Creepshow movie.
Simon Thompson: How does making season two compare to your experience on the first season?
Greg Nicotero: Well, we got the green light to do Creepshow while I was shooting The Walking Dead, so we had to develop the stories, get the scripts written, prep in six weeks, so the entirety of season one was done between January and April. It was fast and furious. I’ve been in The Walking Dead world for ten years, so I was like, ‘How hard can it be? You build a bunch of sets, get some cameras, you get a bunch of great actors and a good script, and you shoot it.’ Man, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. You’re creating an entirely new universe, all new sets, all new cast and crew every three and a half days. I felt like it was grabbing the horns of a bucking bull and just holding on for dear life. We made it through by sheer will. I had to deliver something that stayed true to the spirit of George A. Romero and Creepshow. If I screwed it up, I wasn’t going to get another chance. So, I don’t know if I had any fun on season one.
Thompson: Season one of Creepshow was a massive success for Shudder in so many ways, from viewership to subscriptions as well as critically. Did you soak that in?
Nicotero: I didn’t read many reviews because I didn’t want my heart to be broken. I’m a sensitive guy. I would probably find the one sh***y one and just be devastated. However, one thing that people saw across the board was that I had a passion for the material and put my heart into it. That gave me a lot of confidence to go into season two, stand up straight, grab those horns and control the show and fight for the stories I wanted to tell. I also wanted to have fun with it. I feel like season two has got that heart and passion, but it’s fun and pays tribute to everything important to me and my upbringing, from building monster models and watching TV horror hosts to the loving nod to Sam Raimi. These stories all meant something to me. I feel like I’ve matured 100 years between season one and season two.
Thompson: That’s the Public Television of the Dead story in the first episode of season two. It blew my mind a little bit.
Nicotero: That makes me so happy to hear that. I worked so closely with Sam on Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness. When I read the script, I loved that it was a nod, but it became something else when we got into making it. There’s a  bit where Ted Raimi starts to float on the Appraisers Road Trip set; I put that in, and the camera work with the evil force going down the hallway; they weren’t in the script. I was like, ‘If I’m going to do this, I’m going to go all the f***ing way.’ I even adjusted some of the dialogue, like when Ted Raimi talks about the book being in his family for years and gathering dust in the fruit cellar. Any opportunity I had to buy into the fact that maybe the Necronomicon is a real thing and that Sam and his brothers went off and made this movie with his book, I took it.  Sam was shooting the Dr. Strange movie, but I reached out to him right before shooting it. Without a doubt, it’s probably the most respectful send-up of the Evil Dead universe. Every one of the actors was like, ‘F**k, man, I love Evil Dead II. This is so much fun.’ It was always intended to be a love letter to Sam and Evil Dead. Creepshow is all about paying tribute, little love letters, to the likes of EC Comics, Stephen King, George A. Romero, and so many other things. We got to change the Necronomicon just a little bit. We still wanted it to feel like the original, but we also don’t want anyone to feel like we’d infringed copyright. Even the appraiser’s name, Goodman Tapert, is a tribute. David M. Goodman was the transportation coordinator on Evil Dead, and Rob Tapert was the producer. If only I could have got Bruce Campbell down there, steal him out of retirement, to do something on Creepshow, that would have been awesome.
Thompson: You got a great cast together for the first season, and you have raised the bar.
Nicotero: I feel fortunate that we were able to get the caliber of talent we did. Kevin Dillon, Justin Long, D’Arcy Carden, C. Thomas Howell, Ali Larter, the list of great people who jumped on board for season two goes on. Every one of them did a great job. They all showed up, were prepared, and knew their lines, and they were excited to be back to work. It’s always funny when you bring actors into your world. They show up, work for three days, and leave. And I remember in season one, I went through my phone, and I convinced Adrienne Barbeau and Giancarlo Esposito to do it because they all knew me, and I had worked with them on different projects. When they walked onto the set, they saw how fast we were moving and how immersive it was, and they had a really good time. Many actors find a tremendous amount of freedom in immersing themselves in a role that will take up their life for just three or four days.
Thompson: Going back to you paying homage to Evil Dead in an episode this season, would you like to do that with more iconic horror IPs or pick up on previous Creepshow stories?
Nicotero: The freedom is the greatest part about it. We talked about potentially revisiting stories from the first Creepshow movie, but that is convoluted in terms of the rights. You can’t clear it. There are stories that I guarantee you, especially after you see season two and season three, that we would love to revisit and pay tribute to those genres that we love. If I had a way to intertwine a Jason Voorhees story, a Michael Myers story, or a Freddy Krueger story without having the people that own the rights to those franchises jumping up and down and screaming, I would do it in a minute. For me, it’s really fun to be able to take a story and look at it from a different vantage point like we did with Evil Dead. So often now, the world is about taking material you think you know everything about and giving it to you from a different perspective. I think Wicked was probably the first piece of material that did that. It took The Wizard of Oz, a story that everybody knows and loves, and looked at it from the witch’s perspective. I read the screenplay before there was a show because I think the writers wanted it to be a movie first. I remember reading it and thinking, ‘Oh my God, it changes how we do look at everything related to The Wizard of Oz.’ The idea that we can take the horror genre and tell it from a perspective that gives us a completely new take is exciting and allows people to pay tribute to the original material and put a new spin on it. It gives fans something exciting that they can’t get from the original material.
Thompson: It was great to hear that there will be a third season but what’s the latest on a potential new Creepshow feature film?
Nicotero: I would love that. We’ve talked about it. When you do a show like this, you do it for the amount of money that we do it for, it becomes successful, and people want more, to get someone to turn around and give you more money to do a movie, they’re like, ‘Why would we do that when we’ve got a great show right here?’ I would love to do a Creepshow movie and expand the world with bigger stories and a little bit more money. I’m sure that down the road, that will become a reality, but right now, part of the beauty of Creepshow is that it gives you these bite-sized meals, these little appetizers. With today’s short attention span, you can watch 20 minutes and then go back later and watch another 20 minutes. I think that is very much in tune with how today’s society devours content. The beauty of Creepshow is that every story is so different, and every theme is so different that you’re getting an entirely new experience with each story.
The second season of Creepshow lands on Shudder on Thursday, April 1, 2021.
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partnersatfazbear · 3 years
Analysis of The Real Jake (SPOILERS)
I can't decide whether to make this post a stream-of-consciousness style or group it into evidence for x... but since it's easier, I'll just write my thoughts as I go. Although a lot of this is factual ties to, say, FNAF 4, things like relating Margie to Henry are just my own headcanon and you can do with that what you will AKA don't take this all too seriously, but have fun with it. There’s also specific notes about Michael Afton, for those that just want to know what was said regarding him (presumably).
Before I start, please note I've had three hours of sleep in the last... 28 hours? IDK I can't math, especially not on this little sleep. So, there may be errors. I tried to make a note on things I was unsure about, too. 
Note: I wrote this before the Evan=CC theory was all but confirmed. Although I believe this theory from the logbook, I think a lot of these notes are still valid.
Read my notes under the cut:
Margie shares similar physical appearance to Henry: Pg 84 “The window fan blew a lock of her shoulder-length brown hair across her upper lip so it looked like she had a mustache.”
“Mrs. Afton” stand in is mentioned: Pg 86 “...it had been four years since his Mom had died...” (Jake is 9 in the story)
I notice when Scott mentions plaid. Pg 87 “...a green-and-blue plaid plush chair...” I mostly wanted to note this since canonically, Henry had a green plaid shirt.
“William” stand in is mentioned. Pg 89 “And you know he thinks about you [Jake] all the time?” “So, he has to concentrate on what he's doing... ...I don't want him thinking about me and end up shooting himself in the foot or something.” Pg 102 “Yeah, I did. [I spilled some chocolate ice cream] Right on my shirt!” Pg 122 “I did that today! [While playing a DDR like game, breaking a shoelace.]” (Admittedly, I only counted these because I headcanon William is much more of a bumbling fool than he appears. It comes up very often as you can see... although you could write it off as Evan just trying to relate to his kid.)
“William” stand in is mentioned. Pg 92 “...Margie was pretty sure Evan couldn't afford to replace a washer and dryer” and “...Evan, at his rank, could barely afford her” Pg 110 “Gillian's house shared stlying with Evan's, but hers was probably four times bigger.” (Again, I headcanon William and his family is on the low end of middle class, if not lower, in terms of income. Particularly, the house is cramped.)
“Mrs. Afton” stand in is mentioned. Pg 93 “First, Jake's Mom was killed.” Pg 139 “The mom's dead.” (You could infer that she died via something akin to a car crash in the context of the story, however if you reflect it to the games given the commonalities, I like to think of this as confirmation that William murdered her, given the word 'killed' is used.)
Margie records herself on her cell phone. Pg 93 (and on other pages) (Again referencing my headcanon for Henry, in which he records ideas/diaries often. At minimum, Henry is referred to as “Cassette Man” in PizzaSim so... I just thought it could make for an interesting comparison.)
Jake mentions his “friends”. Pg 99 “Patty and Davey... Vic... and the twins... Ellie and Evie... Kyle, Clay, and Garrett” (Also, he isn't mentioned until later, but there's his best friend Brandon, too. I noted these in reference to CC talking about his 'friends', either IRL or the plushies. I assume his IRL friends are the MCI victims. The number doesn't add up though. I really, really wanted to make a connection about the twins, considering Charlie and Sammy are twins, but there wasn't enough evidence to write it off as anything other than a coincidence. Also... Clay, really? We need another double name in this series? Ugh.)
What's your favorite flavor? Chocolate Pg. 102 “What flavor did you get?” “Chocolate. Duh.” (This is a stretch, but it did remind me of Help Wanted's final level in the main game, where you're asked to choose your favorite cake flavor. Although, they're discussing ice cream here.)
Maybe some insight into William's personality? Pg. 103 “You ever do that, Evan?” “What?” “Let off steam.” “Me? No. Steam is pretty much what keeps me going.” (Just more evidence that William is obsessed with his work. You could imply “steam” implies he runs like a machine, but that's stretching a bit.)
Pg. 113 -118 (Jake climbs out of his window to run off to play at the arcade with his friend. Obvious parallel to the child in Midnight Motorist, although it's daytime and no animatronics/fursuits luring him.) There is this, on Pg 121 also. Jake says, “We played all the racing games. I love racing games.”
PURPLE Pg 121 “...did you get a slushie at the arcade? I got one. I got grape. It turned my tongue purple.” “My tongue's purple, too!” “Purple power!” (Uh, do I really need to explain this? I should note that Evan is the one mentioning “grape”. I guess William likes grape flavor and purple.)
'Michael' is mentioned. Sort of a stand in for Michael Afton, but it should be noted that Michael and Evan are brothers in this universe. Pg 126, 127 “Michael...lived in Europe for a few years...” “Michael's a serious dude. He's, well, a little different. He's intense about making money...the way he is about it... can make him seem like he's not human.” “So, he's like a cyborg with bad programming?” Michael has some dialogue: “You must excersize caution. You could get chocolate on my suit, and that would be bad. Very, very bad.” (The very very bad thing is a running joke in the family, which is why this comes up. I don't have a lot to say about it, though. I think Michael [Afton] being obsessed with money seems a bit counter intuitive to how we know him, but who knows? I also want to note that Evan doesn't seem antagonistic towards Michael; in fact, he “hate[s] to ask him for favors”.)
Also, Pg 141 “His [Michael's] flat, gruff voice was unmistakable.” Michael is also the first one to hear his father is dead and informs Margie about it. “I have been notified that Evan's dead.” Pg 142 “She had only met Michael the one time, and she knew the way he processed the world was very different from what was “normal”” Michael also states to Margie: “I've got Evan's will... you're Jake's guardian and he left you the house and some savings. I'm the executor.” Margie also says: “He[Michael]'s a numbers genius, manages money for the wealthy people and has made a killing doing it.” “He's not a bad guy. He just doesn't know how to connect. He doesn't feel the way we do.” (Just more Michael characterization.)
Direct FNAF 4 easter egg references: Pg 128 “...the IV stand lurking in the corner of the room” Pg 129 “...and the line of perscription medication bottles marching across the top of the chest of drawers”
Margie is more than a nanny and possibly in love with Evan: Pg. 139 “She'd come to love Evan, too... like a brother.” Pg 140 “...she was included in the outings, movie nights, game nights, and storytelling time...” Pg 149 “...she wanted Evan to be more than just a boss, and being in his room when he was gone made her feel like a lovelorn stalker.” “Love him like a brother... She snorted. Boy, had she been lying to herself.” Pg 158 “What she was feeling called for a screaming fit or a total mental breakdown.” (Yeah, this is just me reading too much into this for Willry content, haha... But still. I am determined that Margie is a Henry stand-in.)
'I will put you back together' Pg 140 “I'm trying to bring you home whole.” (Evan is discussing “no man left behind” with his son, Jake. I think this is obvious.)
William's home office? Pg. 149 “When he was home, she'd go in and vacuum or put away laundry... ...when he was gone...coming in here felt like an invasion of privacy.” “Evan's room would be her room.” “...I'd feel like I was sleeping in your bed, she thought.” “...the room felt discretely masculine.” “The walls were covered in family photos.” “The shelves were stuffed with fiction... mysteries to classics, nonfiction... how-to books...from rebuilding a car engine to planting a garden.”
FNAF 4 reference. Pg 152 “Outside, a dog barked.” (You can hear a dog barking as ambient noise during nights when playing FNAF 4.)
Other notes:
It happens a lot, but one of the main things in the book is the doll Simon and how Jake talks to it. This is very blatantly a reference to the Golden Freddy Plush (“Psychic Friend Fredbear”). The story confirms it's Jake's father, Evan, talking through it. Although it makes the one scene in FNAF 4 a little wonky (the only scene where we see Purple Guy), I think it's pretty much confirmed that it's William talking to CC now. Obviously, we already suspected this due to Sister Location's “Secret Room”. In this story, Evan says he did it because he wanted to give Jake some hope he would live. Combined with both the IV/medicine bottle easter eggs (in the story and FNAF 4) I think it's plausible to assume that CC was taken home after the Bite of '83 for a period of time before he passed away. I will admit, also, that Evan definetly comes off as a very caring father (in comparison to how we presume William is based on what we've seen of him as a person; although I argued this before on this blog, I don't think William hates his kids. I think he's neglectful, moreso as the story goes on. I think he resents Michael for many reasons but I won't go into that here. I just don't think he's the abusive monster the fanbase interprets him to be—at least not early on.)
The cabinet reminds me a lot of the closets in the novel series. A built in shelf with a doll in it. A doll that represents a child. Considering Margie tends to this doll (see Pg. 130-135), I have to draw more parallels between her and Henry.
The fan is mentioned A LOT. I don't really know why, but I guess we can't help but think of every single FNAF office when it's brought up. Specifically, on Pg. 106, Margie mentions the fan in her room is as loud as a jet engine and the sound made her nervous. Once again, I'm reminded of PizzaSim. Seriously, screw you fan.
The heat is mentioned a lot, too. I know the story takes place in summer, but this did remind me of Pizza Sim.
Pg. 93 “Margie sat down in the faded blue webbed lawn chair that was set up, for reasons she never understood, in front of the shelves by the stairs.” (I noted this because it's specifically called out and I don't know why.)
Margie talks about why she's working for Evan: Pg. 95 “I didn't get the internship I applied for.” I like to think her and Mia (from 1280) were after the same internship. (I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure Mia mentioned an internship at the hospital.)
Jake is mentioned to have brown hair, green eyes. His favorite color is green. He also wears green often. I couldn't find anything really interesting about it. It would make more sense as a Puppet reference, tbh (because of the green bracelet (and eyes? I may be remembering wrong) I guess it's also worth noting that Elizabeth has green eyes.
Pg 135 “Are you afraid people will think you're murdering me?” “...I could end you so quickly you'd never make a sound.” (Just an odd conversation between Jake and Margie. Margie is joking here, obviously.) Also, Pg. 136 “I just figured your [Jake's] wires got crossed or your circuits were frying.” (Admittedly, I don't know what to make of this. Could be a reference to Robot-CC, if you believe that or MikeBot [I don't], but more likely just ironic dialogue. It could also reference Jake's future in the Stichwraith?)
Pg 139 “Sometimes, Margie wished she was like one of the robots Jake liked so much.” (Although I can't really compare this to Henry, I did write William with this mindset and thought it was worth mentioning.)
Pg 141+ So, Evan dies overseas (he's a soldier). (I think this could be hinting that William has been springlocked around the time CC passes away. Jake has been home for some time after his diagnosis so we can infer based on that and the easter eggs that CC was brought home to die in peace. At the very least, William's probably very absent during this time. Possibly brought in for questioning but not arrested. I don't know. I feel like there's something to this.)
Pg 154 “Dave's at work.” (Why? Can we not use established names? Aghhh)
Pg 155 “The ambulance arrived at 11:32.” (I don't know why this is stated so outright. I couldn't find a reason, except that a few paragraphs earlier they say it will arrive by noon. I don't know why it's so specific, but I felt like noting it anyway.)
Pg 159 “Five people. Five sets of eyes. And none of them noticed...” (Yeah. We all know how important 5 is in FNAF.)
Three medical personel are mentioned. One at the end is named Nancy [No Last Name Given], but I like to think its a reference to Man in 1280 and we're dealing with Heracles Hospital once more, although it's never said in this story. Speaking of, the only thing that really stood out to me in 1280's story was that a billionare funded the restoration of the hospital. I like to headcanon that was Henry's doing—I imagine him obscessing over overcompensating for his mistakes by giving back in every way possible, even if it isn't directly related to him.
So, this post only took two hours of my life. I hope someone gets some use out of it, be it for my intended Willry purposes or maybe those Michael fans that are curious about it. If you enjoyed this post, let me know. I'd love to write up more of these if I have the time.
I have other write-ups on this blog, too. Just search fnaf theories on my blog page!
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
The Years That Passed and the Years Past
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hey guys! this was a request by @ladythena for another stevie fic... this one is very angsty so BE WARNED! and also look out for one specific chi-*cough cough* CHARACTER who is going to rip your heart into shreds :)
Warnings: angst, death, mentions of death, sadness, pregnancy, fighting, relationship damage
Steve Rogers, your one hundred year old boyfriend. One of the sweetest guys you’ve ever met.
You two were close friends at the start and that evolved into something more, as everyone on the team expected. Dating him was like dating Prince Charming himself. He was there for you and did everything for you, no matter what.
You were very much a part of his life and became best friends with his best friend, Bucky Barnes. If you couldn’t tell Steve you could tell Bucky. Bucky was always right there for you too, and ready to give Steve hell if he did something wrong.
Your relationship lasted a total of four years, and they were basically the best four years of your life.
Well, for the most part.
Steve and you had an amazing relationship that everyone envied. Hugs and kisses after long missions, cuddles all the time, a general love for each other that you were sure would last forever.
No matter what life threw at the two of you, you were always there for each other and able to give one another attention. You always thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with him.
“How much do you love me, Steve?” you asked quietly one night as you layed on a blanket and stargazed on your balcony with Steve.
The super soldier turned and smiled at you softly.
“I love you more than life itself, my love,” he whispered back. His dirty blonde hair blew softly in the breeze and those killer blue eyes of his shined in the moonlight.
Your stomach was filled with butterflies as he leaned over to kiss you, gently caressing your cheek.
The “honeymoon phase” of your relationship lasted three years and ten months of your relationship, until personal things with the team erupted.
Longer and more challenging missions, conferences with SHIELD, trouble with the FBI... the Avengers breaking up...
Asking Steve to spend time with you became “Not now, (Y/N),” with a stressed out sigh.
Long and tight hugs became brief contact with no kisses.
Cuddling at night became your side of the bed and his.
Your once well-organized room became cluttered.
Your once sweet and bright boy became stressed out and angered.
One night as you sat on your bed reading a book, Steve walked into the dimly lit room and slammed the door behind him.
Bags under his eyes, hair unfixed, fists clenched, and suit halfway unzipped.
“Steve, honey, are you okay?” You asked concerned as you quickly got off your bed to try and help your boyfriend.
You put one hand on his shoulder and the other under his chin, looking into his dazed and angry gaze.
“(Y/N), I can’t anymore, I just can’t...” he replied back with slight annoyance. He ripped from your touch and walked over to the mirror on his dresser, you in back of his reflection.
“Steve, you’re tired and stressed,” you started calmly. “I know SHIELD has been on us about everything-“
“Screw SHIELD!” Steve raised his voice and turned back to face you sharply.
You felt so small and afraid, jumping back at his burst and hugging yourself. You’d never seen Steve like this, even at his worst.
Steve sighed, admitting defeat.
“I’m sorry (Y/N), I...” he trailed off as he ran a hand through his hair.
“We need to talk.”
Your stomach flipped and you lost all feeling. Was this it? The end of your relationship?
He moved to the bed and sat down, letting all his weight fall from him.
“(Y/N), I can’t give you the attention you need anymore...” he started off wearily. You said nothing as tears welled in your eyes and your head became light.
“I-I think... think we need to just-“ he stopped for a moment, choked up slightly himself. “We need to call things off... for the well-being of both of us...”
“B-Both of us?” you whispered as a tear fell from your eye. He looked at you and frowned genuinely. He sat up and tried to reach for your hand, but you shook your head.
“It’s not like our relationship has been perfectly lately,” Steve tried to reason with annoyance.
“You’re right Steve... You’re right. LIFE HAS BEEN HARD FOR THE BOTH OF US LATELY AND I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE ONE GOOD THING COMING OUT OF IT!” You screamed. You were filled with such hatred and everlasting sadness. You wanted things to go back to the way they were a year ago.
“Are we yelling now? IS THAT WHERE THIS IS GOING?” Steve started to yell back as he stood up to face you.
Tears streamed down your face and you and the love of your life stared at each other, his gaze burning into yours.
“I loved you-“ was all you could manage before you pushed him out of the way and ran out of your room.
Tears blurred your eyes and you started to sob with no volume control. You ran down the dark and empty hall to Bucky’s room and opened the door.
He laid in bed with a tank top and pajama pants, startled by your appearance.
You stood for a moment in your depressing state before collapsing into his arms on his bed.
“B-Bucky,” you sobbed. “I-I-It’s over,” you gasped shakily and let out another loud sob, tears wetting his tank top.
Five Years Later
In moments, your worst enemies began to turn to dust. You stumbled quickly to your reunited best friend, Bucky, and grabbed his hand.
You looked around breathlessly and watched the battlefield become inhabited only by your teammates. Your suit was scorched and torn, your hair a mess, and your lip was busted.
Five years of pain, agony, and loneliness all gone in the snap of a finger. You looked down at your free hand which was shaking and looked up to a smiling Bucky.
“Well, would you look at that...” he said with a victorious smirk. You hugged him tightly and began to softly cry.
“I can’t believe it,” you cried into his shoulder. He gave you a loving squeeze and let go, wiping your tears with his dirty metal arm.
Your life up until then had been challenging and rough, and it was astonishing to see all that melt away.
After Thanos snapped his fingers your life was over as you knew it, yet it was just entering a new chapter.
As you were fighting to save the lives of those on the planet, you found out you were three months pregnant with none other than Captain America’s baby.
You felt guilty not being able to give your full effort while fighting in order to at least save one life, the one inside you.
And with Bucky under ice and him being snapped out of existance, the only Avenger aware of your pregnancy was you.
It was a hard and sorrowful nine months. You were lucky enough to get your old apartment back in New York, only an hour away from the Avengers headquarters.
And sure enough Luca Grant Rogers was born, an exact replica of his daddy. His little wispy blonde hair and shining blue eyes reminded you of Steve every single day.
Luca was your sunshine and the only thing that kept you going. As he grew up, he became more curious about life and wondered about his daddy. When he was four you told him that Captain America was his daddy and he had the coolest dad. With all that knowledge you thought it would suffice, but he wanted to know the real reason why Steve was never around.
“Mommy,” Luca started one night as you wrapped him in a towel after a bath. “Why is my daddy never home?”
You should’ve known this question would be asked someday, but it just hit you this very second.
“Well,” you sighed as you rubbed his soft hair with the towel. “Your daddy is off saving the world and keeping you and I safe,” you lied to your baby boy with a smile.
“‘Cause that’s his job, in’t it?” Luca grinned back. Tears welled in your eyes at how strong your baby was.
“Yes it is,” you sniffed and smiled. You picked up your wrapped up son and carried him out of the bathroom. “No more questions tonight buddy, let’s get you tucked in bed,” you replied as you kissed his cheek and heard his joyful giggles.
That day the team came to your apartment to recruit you, you were lucky enough that Luca was at your neighbor’s so his identity wasn’t exposed. Your heart jumped and your thoughts raced.
“We need you, (Y/N).”
When you knew you needed to leave, your kind-hearted neighbor agreed to watch your son; “It’s a family emergency I don’t want Luca involved in.”
You laughed tiredly and looked around the smoky battlefield.
“Buck, where’s Steve?” You asked curiously as you sniffed and wiped your eyes. You could see Rhodey, Pepper, and Peter in a small group, Wakandan fighters helping people up and aiding the wounded... And among the other people, no Star-Spangled Man was to be found.
Bucky was startled by this question.
“(Y/N), I don’t think this is a good time...” He began to say unsurely.
“Bucky I need to talk to him.”
“(Y/N), he’s going to-“
“Bucky I had his baby,” you stated plainly. Bucky’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. You fiddled with your fingers awkwardly for a moment, trying to find words.
“I-I found out I was pregnant just before the snap, and...” Everything around you seemed different now. Not just the fact that everyone you loved was back, but you just told a huge secret to your best friend who you hadn’t seen in five years.
You inhaled slowly. “I need to tell him. Maybe things can be different now,” you confided in Bucky. Bucky’s blue eyes showed nervousness and conflict. He took both your hands and eyed over your entire ragged body.
“(Y/N), he’s going back...” Bucky said slowly. “Going back to be with Peggy.”
You ripped your hands from Bucky’s and looked around you.
Everything after that was a blur.
Bucky watched you run out of sight and sighed. Steve’s baby? You had been raising a human child on your own for five years... Bucky always knew you were strong.
He then began to quickly walk around the field, calling out for his best friend.
“Steve! Steve! Steve, where are you!” He yelled anxiously. He was suddenly faced with his best friend who ran up to him and hugged him tightly.
“Bucky,” Steve exasperated happily. He patted his back and pulled away, smiling at his best friend.
“We did it, the job’s been done,” Steve said proudly. Bucky couldn’t help but smile.
“Steve... It’s (Y/N),” Bucky finally said. Steve feelings of proudness and infallibility crumbled when he heard your name.
“What about her? Have you talked to her?” Steve asked. Even though the two of you weren’t involved, he still wanted to know about your well-being and check up on you since he wasn’t going to be around much longer.
“She says she has your kid... She had your kid sometime in these past five years,” Bucky explained. Steve’s heart jumped and his face went blank. His child? You had his child and didn’t bother to contact him?
“My child? Buck, are you sure she isn’t just saying that to get me to... to... I don’t know...” Steve began to try and make sense of the situation. Bucky shrugged.
“You need to go find her,” Bucky said. Steve shook his head.
“No, no, I-“
“STEVE!” Steve turned his head to find a deeply saddened Rhodey.
Pepper and Morgan walked solemnly down the stairs of their porch over to the river. All of the Avengers, new and old, stood in silence for Tony Stark’s funeral. The bright and sunny day was filled with sorrow for the heroes. The crowd was all dressed in black, some crying silently and others quite obviously, new people you had never seen before were there along with one they had never seen before.
You held Luca as tears rolled down your cheek and your little boy watched Tony’s memorial float down the river with sadness on his face.
You kissed his cheek and inhaled shakily, the he wrapped his arms around your neck and buried his head into your neck.
“It’s okay buddy,” you whispered. You felt small drops of water on your shoulder as his hair tickled the side of your face. “Tony did so many great things for this world-“ your voice broke. You rubbed your son’s back and looked around at the farmiliar and unfamiliar faces.
After the service ended, everyone in the crowd began quietly talking and slowly moving. You hadn’t planned to stay long with Luca, just enough to pay your respects to Pepper and Tony, maybe allow Luca to meet Morgan and some of your teammates.
You closed your eyes for a moment and allowed the sun to warm your entire body and you exhaled slowly. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned around.
“Steve?” You couldn’t believe your eyes. There he was, standing in front of you with a soft expression.
“Hey, (Y/N),” he smiled. You stared at him for a moment... Maybe a little older, but he had not changed a bit. You pushed back a strand of your (Y/H/C) hair and looked around.
“I didn’t expect to bump into you...” you admitted quietly. Steve gave a small shrug.
“Let’s just say I was,” he replied. Luca adjusted back up, slowly turning back around and met Steve.
Steve’s heart stopped and his blue eyes widened as he met replicas staring right back at him. Was this small version of himself you were holding his son?
You gently set Luca down in the grass and put your hands on his shoulders, your heart racing.
“Luca,” you said softly. “This is your daddy.”
Your baby boy’s eyes widened as he quietly gasped. His blonde hair blew sideways in the wind as he stared at his father in front of him. Steve smiled and kneeled to his son’s height. Luca grinned back.
“Hi Luca, I’m your dad.”
Luca ran into his dad’s arms and tears welled in your eyes. Steve looked up at you with tears too. You sniffed and looked up for a minute to prevent more tears from falling.
Luca ran his small hand through Steve’s hair. “You’re Captain America, aren’t you?” He giggled. Steve chuckled back and nodded.
“That’s me. Has your mommy been good to you?” Steve asked with a wink at you as he picked Luca up.
“Oh yes, my mommy loves me very much and tells me about you sometimes.” Luca nodded his head eagerly.
“That’s wonderful.” Steve locked eyes with you for a moment, staring into your (Y/E/C) eyes he forgot were so mesmerizing. He cleared his throat and kissed Luca’s head before putting him down and letting him run to you.
“Hey baby go pick some flowers for your daddy okay?” You told your son and pointed him in the direction of some daisies.
“Okay mommy, don’t go anywhere daddy!” Luca called as he ran off. Steve smiled and shook his head as he watched Luca joyfully go away from him.
All your impulses got the best of you and you suddenly hugged Steve. He was slightly taken aback but hugged you back.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about him sooner,” you apologized. Steve gave you a light squeeze.
“It’s not your fault...” he replied. You pulled away and Steve put his hand under your chin, sighing,
“I know what your plan is...” you looked down. Steve stayed silent for a moment.
“(Y/N),” Steve said quietly. The sound of him saying your name made your heart beat faster. “I’ve got to...”
“And you deserve it Steve, you do.” You smiled as you began to cry again. Steve gave you a sad smile and hugged you again. You cried quietly into his chest and he rubbed your back.
“I’ll always be with you (Y/N), here or not...” Steve whispered. You heard movement and turned around to find Luca holding a bunch of white daisies in his hand with the smiliest face on.
“For my daddy!” He exclaimed and held the flowers out for Steve. Steve put and hand on his heart and picked up his baby boy.
“Thanks buddy, I love them!” Steve responded happily. Luca looked at his daddy and you could tell this was the happiest moment of his life.
“I’m so glad I know my daddy now... are you glad mommy?” Luca asked as Steve looked at you. Two pairs of blue eyes looked at you and melted your heart.
“Yes baby, I am.”
Luca smiled and Steve gave him a bounce.
“Hey Luca, your mommy and I were talking, and...” Steve got the ball rolling for you. Luca cocked an eyebrow as he waited for him to finish.
“Honey, daddy’s gotta go again,” you told your son gently. Luca frowned at his dad and gave you a quick glance.
“But you just got here,” Luca said sadly. Steve gave him a kiss on the cheek and rubbed his head.
“I know buddy, and I don’t think I’ll be back for a while...”
Never, you thought.
“But I am so lucky I got to meet my awesome son! And I promise your mommy is going to take great care of you, and so are your uncles.” He told Luca earnestly. Luca inhaled.
“Okay daddy... I’m gonna grow up to be just like you, okay?” Luca tried to stay strong but started to cry. Steve put him down so Luca could give him a proper hug around his leg. You walked over to Steve crying too. He leaned down and kissed your cheek softly.
“Goodbye, (Y/N),” he whispered and sadly smiled at you. You grabbed your son and picked him up. Steve began to walk away and the two of you waved goodbye with tears in your eyes.
You’d always have your baby boy by your side to remind you of the blessing in your years known as Steve Rogers, your very own Captain America.
THIS RIPPED MY HEART OUT AND I WROTE IT! i sincerely hope you enjoyed, it took me a while to decide how i was gonna work a little happiness into this angst. can we make luca the official cap baby for any further fics? i think yes, he’s so freaking cute. anyway i hope you guys liked it and stay tuned for new content to come!💙
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Curtains - Part 4
Pairing: Roger x Reader
Summery: You turn Roger down
Warnings: Smut (18+), angst, an argument with some very mean words, rough sex, choking, badly handled Feelings
Words: 4,192 (longest chapter so far)
A/N: penultimate chapter is a bit of a downer lmao
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Taglist (though notifications don’t seem to be working so hopefully ya’ll see this):  @laedymoon​  @dtfrogertaylor​   @ezmina98​  @vee-ndetta​ @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​  @hannafuckingsucks​​
@bohemiansweede​​ @rogershoe​​  @lnnuend0​​  @funitrog​
You’d managed to avoid Roger for a solid three weeks. It hadn’t been easy considering you went to the same uni and lived next door to each other and you still hadn’t hung your curtains, but you’d been managing alright. There’d been a lot of ducking into bathrooms or around corners when you saw him on campus. A lot of studying on your couch rather than in your room to avoid him knocking at your door again. A lot of leaving early and sneaking home when you knew he’d be playing at the pub or else crashing on friend’s couches when possible. Anything to avoid Roger and the questions he was sure to have about your cancelled date.  
The night he’d asked you out had been a sleepless one despite what you’d told him, your brain keeping you up with misgivings about dating Roger. Sex with him was one thing but an actual date was a whole different ballgame, one you weren’t sure you wanted to play. You needed more time to think, weigh up what you wanted. Did you enjoy being around Roger? Or did you just like that he could get you off? Most of your conversations had happened just before you slept together, while you were too horny to think straight, or just after, while you were coming down from the high. Which made it hard to know if you actually liked him, or it was just the endorphins talking. He seemed sweet enough, if a little full of himself, from what you knew about him, but really he was a giant question mark. He might be a complete arsehole. Or a control freak. He might be a serial womanizer. Or a serial killer. So you’d called it off, the day after he’d asked you out. A purposeful accidental meeting on his way out of the house. It had taken hours of sitting by your front door, changing your mind over and over again as you waited for him to step outside and head towards his van. A small wave to get his attention and then, when he’d smiled and greeted you, an apologetic look and some bullshit about a family situation meaning you weren’t going to be able to see him on Saturday. The lack of sleep might actually have helped you sell your story. He’d looked disappointed but not half as disappointed as he was a minute later when he tried to reschedule, and you said you’d have to get back to him with a day that worked. Since then you’d done everything in your power to not see him. Ostensibly so you could think things through, give yourself some time to work out what you actually wanted, though the reality of it was closer to making excuses and hiding. Sometimes literally hiding. He’d come over a few times, sending you scurrying for cover in your bathroom. You’d found notes each time, once or twice accompanied by a flower, saying he really wanted to talk with you. You stopped reading them after the third one, though you didn’t throw them out. Just left them in a pile on your coffee table, waiting for you to get curious enough to take a peek. And now it had all gone to shit because you’d forgotten to account for his dumb friends. 
“Y/N, can you just tell me what’s going on?” Freddie asked you, having cornered you on campus before you could think to escape his notice. You hadn’t even considered Freddie or anyone besides Roger wanting to talk to you about it.   “Sorry Freddie but it’s really none of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got t-”  “Rog has been really bummed out since you cancelled on him. Moping around, playing the worst fucking music. Constantly, for two and a half weeks now. Just rubbish record after rubbish record. I think that entitles me to an explanation of what the hell happened between you.”  “It just didn’t feel right,” you shrugged.  “But fucking in the pub bathroom did?”  “That’s different,” you said, annoyed that he was inserting himself in your business, judging your actions, “The sex was just sex, I never signed up to get involved. Besides, Roger isn’t the sort of guy I date.”  “Bullshit,”  “What? You think because I'm shy and find it hard to approach men that I can’t have a casual fling? That I’m so desperate for attention I’ll say yes to anyone?”  “Darling you don’t have a monopoly on being shy,” He paused for a moment, eyeing you up, “Everything you just said is rubbish.”  “Excuse me?” You crossed your arms over your chest, waiting indignantly for Freddie to continue.  “It’s got nothing to do with things not feeling right or whatever else you’ve told yourself. It’s because you’re scared. I know you were scared to approach him when you moved in and you were scared to make a move on him at the pub. I saw you, hoping he’d notice you. And we all saw you after the show the other week, laughing at his jokes and all those little smiles when you thought no one was looking. You turned him down because you got scared.”  “Fuck off Freddie. We hung out one time, you don’t know me and frankly neither does Roger.”   “Isn’t that the point of going on a date though? To get to know each other?”  “Maybe I don’t want him to know me. He only thinks he’s interested because I’ve been sleeping with him. As soon as it stops being fun or he finds someone new, he’ll ditch me.”  “You need to give Roger more credit than that.”  “No, what I need to do is get to class,” you pushed past him.  Freddie's voice followed you as your stormed off, “Fine, Y/N, but can you at least talk to Roger about it?”  You threw him the V over your shoulder as you walked away.  
Still stewing over everything Freddie had said, you didn’t pay any attention to where you were walking.   Wanker, you thought to yourself, what’s it to him anyway. Not my problem Roger’s in a shitty mood and has crap taste in music. Says a handful of sentences to me while we hung out in the van one time and he thinks he knows a single thing about me. Thinks he can butt into my business. It’s got nothing to do with him if I never see Roger again! You spent the next few minutes cursing Freddie and coming up with a list of things you wished you’d said to him, only stopping when you realised you were standing outside your front door, yelling a single, loud, “SHIT” into the air. That summed it up really. Shit. Everything was shit. Missing a class you really should have been at was shit, being cornered and read like a fucking book by Freddie was shit, not seeing Roger was shit. You decided to call the day what it was – a total fucking lost cause – and have a nap. Your bag thumped against the floor where you dropped it by the door, your shoes making equally loud bangs as you kicked them across the room. The small pile of notes still sat on the coffee table, taunting you, but you ignored it heading stright to your room. You shimmied out of your jeans and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over your head to block out the sun streaming in through the curtain-less door. God I've really got to fix that. 
Just as you got settled you heard a tapping against the glass. You screwed your eyes shut, having a feeling you knew who causing the racket, and willed him to go away. He didn’t. Instead he tapped louder, his voice muffled by the glass as he called your name.   “Y/N, I know you’re in there! I heard you swearing!”  You buried your head under your pillow, trying to block him out. The constant tapping alone was getting on your nerves, never mind his voice.  “I can fucking see you moving around! Can you please just talk to me?”  “Go away Roger!”  “Not until you talk to me!”  “For fucks sake,” you hissed under your breath before throwing the covers back, “Fine!” You strode towards the door, yanking it open, “Fine, let's talk then.”  “Drop the attitude Y/N. You’re the one who blew me off and then fucking disappeared for weeks, I just want to know why.”  “Take the hint Roger, I don’t want to date you.”  “Jesus, yeah I got that. Why are you being such a cunt about it though?”  You stared at him for a few seconds, stung though you knew he was right.  “Well? Are you going to say something, or just stand there?”  You decided on neither, moving to shut the door in his face but he was too quick, wincing as it his his shoulder.  “No, you owe me an explanation Y/N,” he said pushing the door wide enough to get inside, “What did I do? Something happened between me leaving and the next day when you cancelled and I want to know what the fuck it was,”  “I came to my senses that’s what happened,” you stood your ground even as he invaded your personal space and a voice screamed in the back of your head to just stop and be honest.  Roger shook his head, “You think you’re being so fucking clever, don’t you? Well you’re not. You’re just being a bitch.”  “You don’t know me, Roger. You think cos we fucked a few times you know a single goddamn thing about me but you don’t.”  “I had it right the first time.”  “What?”  “The first time I fucked you. Left as soon as I’d finished with you, that was the right idea. All that hanging around after shit was a waste of time.”  “Yeah well, if you ask me none of it was worth it. Should have realised after the first time you weren’t a good enough fuck anyway.  “That's bullshit and we both know it. Do you have any idea how fucking pathetic you looked, how desperate, waiting for me to notice you? One fucking word was all it took to have you spread your legs for me, and in a room full of strangers no less. Literally begged to suck me off last time, like a proper slut. You’re the easiest pussy I ever got, Y/N. And It was stupid of me to think you were worth more than the time it took me to cum.”  “That’s how you feel is it?”  “Yeah, it is,”  “Really?”  “Yes.” His voice was dripping with contempt as he glared at you. 
There was a beat as Roger seemed to realise what he’d said, eyes widening in horror and then your hands were at his fly, nails catching against the denim as you almost tore the button off in your haste.   “Y/N wh-”  “Shut up and fuck me,”  He still looked a little shocked as you made to pull his shirt off.  “Jesus, do I have to do everything,”  That reignited his frustration and he managed to do what you couldn’t, tearing a few of the buttons from your shirt, sending them scattering across the floor, as he pulled it open to reveal your breasts. You got a hand into his pants, tugging at him as he pushed you towards your bed, door left standing open behind him. There was no time to think, no time to talk. One minute you’d been cursing at each other and the next you were lying on your back with Roger roughly pulling you towards the edge of the mattress. He let go of you long enough to get his pants down, moving your underwear to the side as he lined himself up. Your back arched when he entered you and you gasped as he paused.  “Fucking move, arsehole,”  “Still a pathetic slut,” he growled back bringing a hand to your throat as he leaned over and rammed into you. He’d been rough with you before but not like this. Careless. Inconsiderate. Brutal. Roger found a harsh rhythm and stuck to it, tightening his grip on your throat whenever you opened your mouth to hurl another insult his way. You grasped his wrist, nails digging into his skin which only seemed to inspire a rougher treatment. He didn’t bother to rub your clit, made no attempt to hold off his own orgasm and let you catch up. Left it up to you to get there or not. The familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach was only beginning to build when he grunted in your ear, hips stuttering. He left you feeling empty and unsatisfied, tucking himself away as you sat up and stared. There was a moment of quiet, both of you breathing heavily, watching the other.   “That’s exactly why I cancelled,” you said softly. You could feel your chest tightening, eyes prickling, but you were determined not to break down in front of Roger.   His shoulders slumped as he looked at you, absentmindedly raking his fingers through his hair, “Y/N, I’m, fuck, that wasn’t-“  “Get out,” Your voice was steady.  “That’s not how I wanted it to go. I didn’t mea-"  “Just get the fuck out of here Roger.”  He gave you a final apologetic look before flinging himself out of the door and disappearing around the corner. You held yourself together just long enough for him to leave and then you sunk to the floor, hugging your knees to your chest, tears falling onto them and rolling down your legs as your body shook with sobs. You hoped he could hear, door still standing open. You hoped the whole fucking street could hear.  
Over the next few days the fight was all you could think about. He, thankfully, hadn’t left any bruises or marks on your throat, but there was a dull pain where he’d thrust into you so roughly, like he’d bruised your insides. A constant reminder of what happened, not that you needed one. You heard Roger’s taunts almost in a loop, each word drilling into your skull. A cunt. Easy. Pathetic. Every time you closed your eyes you saw him, glaring at you, spitting out how little he thought of you.  But the hurt settled into a bitter vindication. So much for Freddie’s faith in Roger, you’d been right after all. Maybe you didn’t go about it the cleanest way but you’d done the right thing. You saw hide nor hair of Roger, not even so much as a glimpse of him on campus, though Freddie and Brian both tried to trap you. From what you could gather, they knew you and Roger had fought but knew nothing of the specifics. Every time you passed them they tried to stop you, but you ignored them, walked away as they yelled after you that Roger was sorry.   “He’s really fucking torn up about whatever he said to you,” Brian said softly, catching your arm as you walked home, “I keep catching him mumbling to himself about it. He swears he didn’t mean it, whatever he said.”  “Sounded like he meant it,” you wrenched your arm free and doubled your pace until you reached the safety of your living room. Eventually they stopped, giving up on trying to convince you, and you thought it was done. 
Until the day you got home from an evening class to find Roger sitting cross legged in front of your door. You stopped in your tracks, “What are you doing here?”  Roger jumped to his feet, dusting his hands off on the back of his jeans, “I Just want to talk,” he held up his hands like someone in a movie, trying to prove they didn’t have any weapons.   “I don’t want to talk.” The people in the movies usually had a knife or something hidden up their sleeve.  “Please, Y/N? I’m really sorry about what happened last time. I understand if you never want to see me again and if that’s the case then I’ll leave you alone after today. But I’d like to have a better goodbye than that.”  Crossing your arms over your chest, you considered him. Part of you wanted to tell him where to stick his apology. But he did look genuinely upset and sorry and you felt guilty, knowing the part you’d played, “Fine. Can you move so I can open my bloody door?”  “Actually,” he glanced next door, “I was hoping we could go for a drive. The other three are home and I don’t want them to overhear.”  “Worried they’ll take my side?”  “No. It’s just none of their business. So, do you mind?”  On one hand, a bit of privacy would probably be good and being elsewhere might stop another scene from erupting. On the other, though, it was harder to tell Roger to fuck off if he was your ride home.  “We wouldn’t go far, just away from here.” He looked over at his place again.   “Yeah, okay,” You said quietly.  Roger gave you a small smile, and held his hand out in an after you gesture, letting you lead the way to his van.  
The drive was almost silent. Music had started playing as the engine came to life but Roger turned it off before you could hear more than a few notes of the melancholy tune.   “Not your usual sound,” you said, awkwardly trying to make small talk.  “Spose not.”  You didn’t know what to say. Neither, it seemed, did Roger. Luckily, he didn’t go much further than a few blocks, pulling into the carpark of the local park. Usually the place would be crawling with children, screaming at each other and their parents. But now that the sun had set it was virtually deserted. A few people taking their dogs for late walks passed by as he backed the van into a spot.  “Let’s sit in the back, more space,” Roger said climbing through and opening the back doors.  “No instruments tonight?”  “Nah, not tonight.” Another small smile as he helped you through. You settled in the doorway, legs pulled in close to your body, taking up as little space as you could manage. Roger sat opposite, chewing on his lip as he turned his head to stare out over the dark park.  “I am very sorry about what I said the other day,” he looked at you and then back towards the pond, “I had an idea of what I wanted to happen except it didn’t go that way. I got pissed off and just wanted to hurt you.”  “Mission accomplished.”  “I know. Haven’t stopped thinking about it since. The second I left and h-heard you crying, I wanted to turn the clock back and undo it all. It was so cruel. Everything I said, did, was just needlessly cruel and I cannot apologise enough. I didn’t mean any of it.  “I know you didn’t mean it. Don’t get me wrong, it sucked but I pushed you on purpose,” You let your eyes wander over Roger’s face, watching his reaction, “I wanted to hear you say something like that. And then I instigated the sex because doing it confirmed what you’d said. It was just a way to prove I was right to not go out with you. Make myself feel better about being so horrid to you.”  He sighed, bring a hand up to rub the back of his neck “Like I said, not how I wanted it to go.”  You both stopped, waiting for the other to say something, though when it became clear Roger wasn’t going to continue, you stepped up.  “Guess I was looking for a fight. Freddie caught me off guard earlier, standing up for you, so I was already pissed off. I would have had a crack at just about anyone who came past but seeing you just made it worse,” you let yourself relax a bit, one leg slipping down to dangle out of the van, “We can talk now though. Promise I won’t bite your head off.”  “I just want to understand why you changed your mind. That’s all. Not to try and convince you to change it back or anything, I just want to know if something I did upset you or…”  “It wasn’t anything you did, Rog.”  He nodded, looking a little relieved, “Can I ask what it was then?”  “Yeah, umm” you sighed, trying to find the right words, “When you asked me out and I said yes, I was still on this high from the whole night. Hanging out with you and your mates was fun and fucking you in the pub was fun. And then you kissed me, which I wasn’t expecting. You’d never kissed me before. So going out with you seemed like a good idea. But then as soon as I was alone again, I freaked out about it. Freddie was right. He called me out for being scared and he was right.”  “Scared of what?”  “Everything? I don’t know. Scared you’d only asked me cos you’d been drinking or so I’d keep sleeping with you. Scared of getting hurt when you realised you didn’t really like me. Scared that one date would lead to two would lead to a serious fucking relationship. I panicked and decided it was easier to cut everything off thank risk anything. I handled this whole thing appallingly didn’t I?”  “Yeah, little bit.”  “Sorry.”  You both fell into silence again. Roger’s brow was furrowed as he looked at his own fingers. You stared out at the pond, the stars reflected in the water blurring the longer you went without blinking.  
It started to rain softly, the drops tapping against the roof of the van. You barely noticed the drops splashing onto your ankle or the chill wind that accompanied the shower, too caught up in your own head, trying to work out how to fix the situation you’d tangled yourself and Roger in.  “Shit, you’re shivering,” Roger said, breaking through the mess of thoughts swirling round your head, “I think I have a blanket back here somewhere.”  You watched, rubbing your arms to try and fend off the cold you’d only just noticed.   “Here,” Roger said at last, throwing a fuzzy blanket over your shoulders, “Wrap yourself up in that,”  “Aren’t you cold too?” you glanced at the t-shirt he wore.  “Nah, I’ll be right,”  “We could share,”  “I don’t want to overstep,”  “You wouldn’t be. Plus the extra body heat might help me warm up faster,”  “Are you sure you’re okay with it?”  “Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.”  Roger scooted closer, pausing before he came closer again, testing the waters. When he reached you he pulled the blanket around his own shoulders, one arm falling behind you so he was pressed in close.  “Definitely warmer,” you said, leaning your head against his chest, ready to spring back up if he said anything. It felt nice to be so close to him again, without the anger of the last time.   “I did mean it, when I asked you out. It was a genuine request not some ploy to keep sleeping with you or whatever. Just so we’re clear.”  You nodded, leaning into him. Without thinking you began tracing your fingers over his wrist, following some marks you couldn’t see properly. There was a pang of guilt as you realised your nails had left them there.  “It doesn’t hurt,” he said softly, reading your mind, “probably deserved it. Did I hurt you?”  “A bit yeah."  He shifted your hair, trying to see any signs of how he’d squeezed your throat.  “Not there.”  “Oh, Y/N,” he held you tighter, wrapping his second arm around you, pulling you against him, “I’m so sorry,”  “It’s okay Rog. Only hurt for a couple of days. And if anyone should apologise more it’s me. I was a cunt and you didn’t deserve how I treated you.”  “It’s okay. I get why. But why don’t we make an agreement to stop going in circles apologising to each other and put it behind us, if we can.”  “Go back to before?” You asked slowly, sitting up to look at Roger, trying to get a feel for what he was hoping for, “Hooking up casually?”  “If that’s what you want, I can do casual. We don’t have to though; I’d be happy to just be friends, or whatever. As long as we’re not fighting anymore.”   “Friends would be good. But maybe you should try asking me out again? If you’re still interested?”  “Really? I don’t want you to feel obligated to say yes out of guilt or because you want to make it up to me.”  “Ask me,”  This time when he spoke there was no hesitation, “Do you want to go out with me sometime?”  “I’d really like that.”  Roger tilted your head towards him. He paused, looking into your eyes. And then, when he was satisfied with whatever he saw there, he kissed you. Softly, one arm around your waist, the other resting on your cheek. 
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 13)
Bakugo X Reader 
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! 
Words: 2122
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“OI dumbass! What are you doing? Let me help you with that!” 
It was Christmas eve and you were just trying to organize the presents around the tree. Your baby bump was more like a baby basketball at this point. Only a few more weeks to go before the world had a new Bakugo. You groaned as you straightened up bracing your hands on your lower back. “Thanks babe... there’s only a few more. Your mom stopped by earlier today and dropped off a bunch of stuff. Like it took both of us like five trips to the car to get all of it unloaded. I’m assuming it’s mostly baby stuff.” 
“Wouldn't surprise me if it was all baby stuff.” He helped you over to the couch. “The old hag won't shut up about the little guy.” 
He organized the last of the presents before joining you on the couch. He pulled both of your feet into his lap and started to rub them. “She loves you and she's excited about having her first grandchild. I cant tell you how many times she's given me a speech about how you are too good for me and you’re the kid she’s always wanted and I cant screw this up.” 
“Aw babe she loves you too you know. All she could do was talk about how cute you were as a baby and how exceptional you were. Said our kid was going to be amazing with my heart and the Bakugo genes. Naturally she did throw in a couple jabs about your attitude but she does love you..” 
He leaned over and put his head in your lap, “She is right though... I dont deserve you. I’m thankful every day that you saw something in me and decided to give me a chance.” 
“That is not true! Bakugo Katsuki you take that back right now! I am not too good for you! If anything you’re the one who's constantly taking care of me.” 
He snuggled further into your lap, “I love you. So much. And I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
You giggled, “Katsuki if I didn't know better I would say that sounded like a proposal.” 
“So what if it was?” He pushed himself up and into a kneeling position on the floor in front of you. With sure hands he pulled a small red box out of his jacket pocket. “Y/n... I’ve been carrying this stupid ring around for probably six months now. It’s not that I didn't want to ask you sooner... its just you know how stubborn I can be. And for some reason I had made up my mind that I was going to propose on Christmas. I know it’s your favorite holiday and I dont know, its probably stupid but I just wanted it to be special.” He opened the box to show off the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen. 
“Y/n would you do me the honor of being my wi- Oi are you crying?” 
You had tears streaming down your face, “You try having the love of your life propose to you with the most beautiful ring ever in existence while being eight and half months pregnant full of fucking hormones on fucking Christmas eve of all fucking nights! Of course I’m fucking crying!” 
He just smiled, took the ring out of the box, and held it to your finger, “So is that a yes?” 
You wiped your tears with the hand he wasnt holding, “Yes! Of fucking course!” 
He slid the ring onto your finger before giving you a soft kiss. He cupped your damp cheeks in his hands, “Mrs. Bakugo... Has a nice ring to it.” 
You chuckled, “Damn I thought I was going to be Mrs. Zero... Is it too late to change my answer?” 
He squeezed your thigh, “I’m afraid us Bakugos don’t come with a return policy. So it looks like you’re stuck with me.” 
“OH! Yuuto will be so happy! At least once a month he asks if you’ve proposed yet. He’s always saying his quirk keeps telling him its the only logical outcome and it was making him anxious that we weren't engaged yet. Every time I would tell him no he’d just say ‘Any day now would be nice.’” 
Bakugo laughed resuming his place on the couch with arm draped around you, “Not much of a filter on that kid huh? Well I’m surprised he kept it a secret this long. I actually told him about this a month ago. He kept bugging me about it that one day I came to eat lunch with you and decided to hang out with the class the rest of the day. So eventually I told him so he’d calm down.” 
“Sounds like Yuuto. Did I tell you he took down Aizawa in his final exam? Took him all of ten minutes. I tried to tell him how awesome he was and all he had to say was, ‘I have him memorized at this point, all logical outcomes led to me passing.’ The kid spent weeks prepping by watching every video of every teacher fighting. He knew every move before it even happened. He's something else.” 
“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, he reminds me of Deku, except way smarter and honestly more tolerable. I love how blunt he is, even if he doesn't mean to be. He's honest and to the point and I can respect that.” 
It was obvious how much Bakugo cared for Yuuto. He worked with him every now and then when he had free time. It made your heart soar with how patient he was with him. In a way they both lacked social skills but they both strived to be better versions of themselves. Sometimes you thought Bakugo took more away from their training sessions than Yuuto did. You wouldn't be surprised if when the time comes Ground Zero got a new side kick. 
You flinched as the baby started kicking. It wasnt the first time but this time seemed to be bit harder than usual. You grabbed Katsuki's hand and placed it on your belly, “He’s kicking!” 
With his hands on your belly and his forehead on you shoulder... this was what true happiness felt like. “Babe? How would you feel about a Christmas wedding?” 
He turned to look at you, “I’d be fine with that. Would give us about a year to get everything figured out. The baby could be the ring barer, that’s be pretty fucking cute..”
“No... I mean like tomorrow. Fuck it. I dont need a fancy wedding. I just need you. We can renew our vows later if we want to, but I’m done waiting. I just want to be married.” 
He gave you a wicked smile, “Look babe I know you're desperate to lock me down but I honestly think you’ll be a little upset later down the road if we did the bare minimum. So how about we compromise? You call our parents, I’ll call our friends. Tomorrow night we’ll have a small courthouse wedding with just us, followed by a dope ass after party with all our friends and family. How does that sound?”
You threw you arms around his neck, “You are so perfect! Oh my gosh!” You pulled back, “Shit what am I going to wear? Im huge! I won't fit into any of my nice dresses! No where will be open either! It’s Christmas eve!” 
He sighed, “Okay just this once... I’ll pull the Ground Zero card. We can ask Sasha, the women who does all my hero costume alterations if she could have something put together by tomorrow morning. Let me make a call.” 
Half an hour later you were sending over a few pictures of dresses you liked to Sasha. She said not to worry and she’d have a dress ready in no time. Shit this was happening. You were really getting married tomorrow. 
You spun a few times in front of the mirror. You dont know how she did it but Sasha was really amazing. She came over a little after lunch and did last minute alterations and she somehow managed to make you look beautiful and not at all like an oversized marshmallow. 
Mina came over and helped you with your hair and makeup. She, Kirishima and you and Bakugos parents were the only ones that would be at the actual ceremony. Momo, Denki, Dylan and cementoss were over at the UA gym decorating it for the after party. You had decided that that it was big enough and secure enough that you all could have a good time without worrying about paparazzi trying to sneak in. Katsuki had gone a bit overboard with the after party invites. Claiming he wanted everyone to see you were off limits. As if they hadn't known that already. 
You felt like a total cliche with your shot gun wedding but honestly you didn't care. You were starting a family... starting a life with Katsuki. Its all you had ever wanted. So as you walked down that isle all you could do was beam your most endearing smile, and all Katsuki could do was return the gesture.
It was time for your vows. You knew Katsuki was nervous because he's not always the best with his words, or expressing his feeling for that matter but he surprised everyone in the room. “Y/n. A little over a year ago... One year, one month, and four days ago to be exact. You threw a snowball at my head. And shit are you lucky I was already so far gone over you already. That may have been the day we officially started dating but I fell in love with you years before that. I fell in love with you the day you pantsed me outside of UA with all of our future classmates watching and I’ve loved you every day since. Any girl who could be that pretty AND put up with my bullshit. Definitely a keeper. I may have had weird ways of showing it. And I’ll be the first to admit I was a dick from time to time. But you bring out the best in me and I cant imagine a life for me without you in it.” 
You stuck your lip out, “Aww Katsuki that’s so sweet. Oh shit you're going to make me cry again.” He slid the wedding ring on your finger giving your hand a quick encouraging squeeze. You have no idea where or how he got wedding rings on such short notice but you weren't going to ask. 
“Alright so I guess it’s my turn then. So we've obviously been friends for years now. But we've also been rivals for years as well. We always competed at UA in just about everything. We competed for better grades. We fought constantly, literally with our firsts just as much as we screamed at each other. Just the other day we tried to see who could fit more marshmallows in their mouth. But the only thing I've ever been better at than you was English. Which brings me to the only time you ever asked me for help... Your Oscar Wilde paper. It was in your dorm room that day that I truly fell in love with you because that was the first day I saw the kind, soft side of you that I’m so familiar with now. And like Oscar Wilde once said, ‘You dont love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.’ and baby you sing that song every day in the little things you do for me and I don't think it’ll ever get old.” 
A single tear fell down his cheek which he was very quick to catch before anyone noticed. “You may now kiss the bride.”
And just like that you shared your first kiss as husband and wife. 
Later you two were sitting at a table eating cupcakes at your after party. All of your friends dancing around you having a good time. You leaned over so he could hear you over the music, “I never knew you liked me all that time. I’m sorry it took me so long to catch up.”
He gave you a wicked smile, “I’m used to waiting on you by now. I’m just sorry you actually thought you were better at English than me... I never needed help on that Oscar Wilde paper... I just wanted an excuse to spend time with you.” 
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer ch 5
Two days had gone by and it was still super awkward in the bus. Everyone was uncomfortable with what had happened. Harry hadn’t spoke to Kayla since the big blow up. She had tried to but he just would shut it down immediately.
It had been raining literally all day. They had plans but because of the rain it was ruined.
“Why does it have to rain all day?” Maya whined.
“Because Mother Nature decided to ruin our plans.” Louis sassed.
“Louis can you please take a break from sassing today? My brain can’t take anymore.” Eleanor groaned.
Most of the bus chuckled but Louis looked high offended.
As silence overtook the bus, Harry randomly swerved sharply. Sending stuff flying everywhere.
“What the freak dude?! Watch where you’re doing you moron. You almost killed us. Gosh I can’t stand people sometimes.” Harry continued saying stuff under his breath about how idiotic people are.
“Uhhh Harry maybe you should take a break from driving and get some sleep. You haven’t slept much for this whole trip.” Liam suggested.
“Fine. But I’m only letting Kayla drive.” Harry looked at Kayla in the rear view mirror.
“Uhh I guess I can.” Kayla nervously but her lip.
Harry proceeded to pool on to the side of the road and hopped in the passanger seat.
“Okay when we get up here you’re going to have to merge on the interstate.”
“Oh so now your talking to me.”
“Baby I’m sorry. It just really messed with my head. When they started talking about it again it just made it feel like it had just happened and I couldn’t think straight.”
“I hope you know I didn’t mean to let it slip. When Gigi came out of the bathroom I just freaked.”
“It’s okay love. I still love you.” Harry leaned over and kissed Kayla. “How about we park the RV somewhere and have a picnic just you and me?”
“That sounds lovely”
“Okay now that you guys kissed and made up, Harry go to sleep you’re being a butthole.”
“Louis I just told you to chill your sass.”
“Sorry love. I cant help it.” Louis cheesed at Eleanor.
As they were approaching the interstate Kayla was a little nervous as she had never driven on it.
“You mean to tell me in your 18 years of life you have never driven on the interstate.”
“No reason to judge Harold.”
“I’m not judging just shocked is all.” Harry chuckled “Okay so you’re gonna speed up starting now.”
“Harry I can’t do this.”
“For the love of Pete please do not kill us!” Hollered Alyssa.
“Uhh who’s Pete?”
“Niall now is not the time to ask stupid questions. I’m trying to not kill us.”
“Babe I know you don’t want to do this but you’re gonna have to get over at some point.”
“Here’s goes nothing.” Kayla looked over her shoulder to see it was clear.
“AAHHHHHH” she slightly turned the wheel and merged onto the interstate. “Harry I did it!”
“Good job babe” Harry chuckled.
“Thank you for not killing us.”
“You’re welcome Louis.”
As the after noon rolled on no one really did much. Kayla continued on the interstate headed towards Chicago. While some of the others watched a movie and chatted about life.
“-and then Niall literally fell on the ground he was so scared. It was honestly the best moment of me life.” Alyssa had tears streaming from laughter.
“Babe you said you weren’t going to bring you scaring me up again. It’s embarrassing.” Niall pouted
“Oh whatever. It’s hilarious and you’re adorable Ni”
As the bus was overtaken with silence Louis’ road trip play list played the same song for the 4 time in a row.
“Louis I’m playing my music now. I literally can’t listen to this song again or I might kill myself.” Eleanor marches up to the front of the bus and plugged her phone in hitting shuffle.
“AHHHHHHHH” all the girls screamed as ‘She Looks So Perfect’ started playing.
“Turn it up Kayla. It’s the boyssss.”
All the girls, minus Kayla because she was obviously driving, started jumping around.
Then the chorus hit:
“You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down” all the girls were literally screeching so loud that they woke Harry up.
Harry looked around at all the girls and chuckled to himself
“What are you staring at Harold?”
“Alyssa I swear I’m going to disown you as my friend if you call me that one more time.”
“Oh whatever” Alyssa sarcasticly rolled her eyes, “you know you love it”
“Okay so there’s a Verizon in Chicago that we can stop at to get Alyssa a phone. Is that good with you Louis?”
“In all honesty I forgot I even threw her phone out the window, but yeah that’s okay with me”
“Louis you amaze me sometimes.” Alyssa laughed.
Two hours later and Kayla was still driving.
“You know babe you are honestly a pretty good driver. I should let you drive more often.”
“You definitely should” Kayla looked at Harry, “ are you reading my romance novel I brought?!”
“Oh my gosh guys Harry is reading a romance novel”
“Awww Harry who knew you had such a soft heart. Maya squeaked.
“Okay that’s it I’m done” Harry through the book back in Kayla’s backpack.
“Okay I’m getting sick of driving. So I’m parking in this field and we can have our date Harry”
“Can we order pizza?”
“Sure Niall.” Harry gets his phone to call it in.
“How are you doing to tell him where we are parked?” Kayla asked, “kinda difficult when we are in a field.
“Why don’t you just drive a little farther and park in the Walmart parking lot”
“Once again Louis you had a good idea. I’m starting to think it was a good thing that we brought you” Eleanor laughed while Louis pouted.
As Kayla pulled into the Walmart parking lot the pizza man was driving away.
“Niall sit your butt down and chill”
Instead of doing what he was told Niall jumped out of the moving RV started chasing the delivery car waving his arms and screaming.
Kayla finally found a good place to stop and pulled over as Niall was sprinting back to the RV.
“How’d you get him to notice you?” Harry looked at Niall.
“Well you see.... the dude stopped at the stop sign and I jumped on the hood of the car.”
“Niall, you didn’t. Like how am I with the most embarrassing person?” Alyssa wheezed she was laughing so hard.
“Hey at least we got the pizza. Just be thankful.”
“Okay, Kayla I got everything ready, should we go my lady?”
“Yes as long as you never say that again” Kayla chuckled.
As they left the RV to have their picnic in a Walmart parking lot in the middle of Missouri the rest of the group got their pizza and settled down for a movie.
“What do you think Kayla and Harry are talking about?” Louis wiggled his eyebrows.
“I hope they make up all the way so it stops being awkward because I can’t handle another second of being on this bus with them.” Gigi flopped down on the couch with her pizza.
“Babe I hope you know I’m still so sorry about being a jerk to you. I love you more than anything and didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I know Harry, it’s okay.” Kayla smiled up at her boyfriend of two years.
“I know love. You’ve said that ten times now.” Harry chuckled. “ I did have an idea though to make it up to you.”
“Oh really?? What would that be?”
“Well while you were driving I looked over an noticed a huge sunflower field about 10 miles from here. I know your favorite flower is a sunflower so I figured we could all go on a group date or something.”
“Oh my gosh Harold. That’s amazing!”
“Thanks babe. I thought it was too”
Kayla chuckled. “But seriously we are going to have to go to a laundromat somewhere because all of my good clothes are dirty.”
“You and you’re clothes Kayla Boydston I swear will be the death of me.”
“You know you love it” Kayla leaned in for a kiss.
After their date was over Kayla ran into the RV screaming.
All the girls started screaming and running around collecting their dirty clothes.
Soon Harry was driving around a tiny town looking for a laundromat.
“Wait I see one” Liam pointed from the passenger seat.
“Thank gosh. I was starting to thing I would have to wear these sweatpants tomorrow and that’s not a good look”
“Louis since when do you care what you look like?”
“I always have boo” Louis winked at Eleanor.
“I think I just puked.” Alyssa stated.
As they stopped in front of the laundromat everyone piled out with their arms overflowing of dirty clothes.
“My question is how the heck did we go through this many clothes in 4 days.?
“Well that’s what happens when someone spills their drink all over you” Kayla eyes Louis.
“I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again. It was not my fault. Blame your boyfriend who can’t drive.
“Says the one who almost hit a tree two weeks ago.”
“GUYS! Can we just go in here and get this done.” Alyssa yelled.
As everyone went into the laundromat the atmosphere changed. The group who was once happy and looking forward to tomorrow was tired and all around grouchy.
“Guys am I the only one that feels like this trip isn’t worth it. Like I mean Alyssa’s parents literally disowned her.”
“No you aren’t the only one I totally get it. Maybe we are wasting away are lives”
As silence overtook the room the only thing you could here was the slight sound of water swishing and the gentle tumble of the dryer.
“You know what screw this! Why are we all sitting here groaning about this trip. This trip is our last one before we go off to college. Instead of being grouchy and acting like butts we need to make this trip the best thing ever.” Alyssa got up and marched over to the speaker that was sitting in the corner and plugged her phone in. The first song that popped in was, ‘Year 3000’ by the Jonas Brothers.
“Oh my gosh I haven’t heard this song in forever.”
“Oh my gosh let’s GOOOOO”
Everyone jumped up and starting dancing around the room. Screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.
Quickly their moods lifted. As everyone looked at one another they realized truly how much this trip meant to them. Here they were after being friends anywhere from 7 to 3 years, on their last vacation as teenagers before they go to college. They were so thankful for this trip and each other.
After spending two hours in the laundromat they were finally back on the bus. They ended up just deciding to lock it up and sleep in the parking lot.
As everyone was falling asleep, Alyssa and Kayla were still sitting in the front of the RV.
“I’m so sorry excited for tomorrow.!”
“Me too Alyssa! I feel like we all need this!”
“We got to look fly for pictures”
“You know it boo” Kayla laughed.
Little did they know that tomorrow would change one of their lives forever. Or maybe both of their lives?
Well this chapter was pretty chill. Wonder what will happen that will change their lives?? 😜
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
title: sincerely (i hope)
pairings: pre-romantic analogical
summary: (prequel to together) logan is finding a lot of new things while sneaking out of the house. not all of them are good.
warnings: technically there’s no happy ending but in the context of the end of the story it’s just bittersweet so um.... yeah, virgil is kind of like a total asshole in this, lots of swearing, kissing, yelling, anger, verbal fighting, crying mentions, mentions of bad parents, arrest mention, vandalism mention, transphobia (not from the main characters), smoking, sarcastic use of pet names, and possibly something else
a/n: there is a possibility that i’ll write the intermediate portion of this fic and together. i’ve got an idea, but i thought it would be better to post this now instead of making you wait for another however many words
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Logan had found the stream when he was trying to escape his parents.
It was late at night--too late for an adolescent person to be outside alone, really, but Logan couldn’t stand the freezing cold of his house for another second. It was a metaphorical cold since the one place where the house didn’t lack warmth was the actual temperature, which was nearer to boiling than habitable. But the white walls and white furniture and white lighting and very obvious lack of decorations made the house feel as if he were in the Antarctic rather than sunny Mississippi.
Logan was only being mildly dramatic.
The stream was only about twenty feet wide with tall grasses and reeds growing up on either side. There were trees dotted around, but Logan hardly thought that it could be called a forest. In all honesty, he was surprised that he had never been there before. The stream was less than a mile through the fields near his house, and there were all sorts of interesting rocks and things to look at. It seemed just up his alley.
After a few minutes of walking along the edge, Logan settled down on a fallen tree that halfway hung over the stream and looked up at the stars. He didn’t go back home until much, much later.
It had been a few months since Logan had found the river, and he had made it a nearly daily occurrence to go out and look at the stars. This, however, was very different.
Someone was sitting in his spot.
Well, it wasn’t his spot because he didn’t own it, but it really felt like it was his spot. Plus, he’d never seen anyone else visit in all of the months he’d been visiting. And this person was just... sitting there.
The stranger took a long drag of a cigarette and blew out a slow curl of smoke.
“What are you doing here?” Logan found himself asking, and the stranger yelped, almost falling off the tree into the water before catching themself and glaring back at Logan.
“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Hasn’t anyone ever taught you not to sneak up on a guy? Jesus fucking christ.”
Logan quirked his head and took a look at the person on the tree. They were probably as young as he was; they had soft, round features and dark hair, and they seemed to have a penchant for excessive jewelry if their facial piercings were anything to go by. All in all, their whole aura just screamed angsty, no-good teenager.
“Hello?!” The stranger broke through Logan’s thoughts with an annoyed growl. “Are you going to say anything, or are you going to stand there and stare at me like a freak?”
“You’re in my spot.”
Wow, Logan, that was very intelligent of you to say in front of someone who very likely could kill you! 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
Logan winced, gesturing vaguely at the tree. “I always sit there.”
“Newsflash, asshole! The world doesn’t revolve around you. Suck it up.”
“Um, may I sit on the tree with you, then?” If he was being honest, Logan would rather not spend more time with this person than he had to, but he also didn’t want to go back home, so he decided to suck it up.
“Whatever,” the stranger snapped as they took another drag and moved to lay on the tree. Carefully, Logan climbed down the trunk to sit a few feet away from where their head was. They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before they continued, “Why are you even out here? You’re dressed like you just got back from the country club.”
Logan glanced down at his jeans and polo and almost disagreed, but instead he said, “I don’t like my parents.”
“Oof. Mood. I’m supposed to be on house arrest right now.”
The stranger laughed, which almost startled Logan to hear. “’Cause I got arrested for spray painting ‘be trans, do crime’ on the high school, and my parents got pissed. Fuckin’ squares.”
“Did you just call your parents ‘squares?’“ Logan asked incredulously as he watched them exhale smoke.
“Yeah. You know, boring and conservative. Lame-asses.”
“No, I understand what a square is. I just don’t think I’ve heard someone use it in that connotation in... ever. Especially not from someone who seems to enjoy using such colorful language.”
The person smirked and tilted their head back to get a better look at Logan. “I’ve always been full of surprises.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” Logan quipped. “Were your parents more upset about the being arrested part or the trans part?”
“Definitely the trans part, oh my god. They went fucking ballistic, dude. I mean, like, full on ranting.” They screwed up their face and aggressively waved the cigarette around as they mocked, “‘You’re not a boy! You’re a girl! That’s what you’ve always been and always will be!’ Then I took one of the knives in the kitchen and hacked my hair off right in front of them. Their faces were priceless.”
“You’re a boy, then?”
“Yeah. He/him.” He stuck out his right hand, presumably for Logan to shake. “I’m Virgil.”
Not wanting to be rude, Logan took Virgil’s hand and gave it an awkward shake. “Logan. I also use he/him pronouns.”
“Lit. So what’d your parents do?”
Logan rolled his eyes and groaned, “God, don’t even get me started...”
Logan very quickly became accustomed to his new routine. Every night, he’d sneak out of his house to visit the stream with Virgil. The other teenager would always bring a few cigarettes despite Logan’s many lectures on the dangers of smoking. The two would talk and laugh and stargaze and just exist outside of the bullshit that was teenage life. Days became weeks, which became months.
“It’s really weird to not see you smoking for once,” Logan said as he approached Virgil, who was idly blowing bubbles with chewing gum from his perch on the fallen tree.
“Yeah, well, I’m kinda tired of you getting on my ass about it every day. Can’t you just let a guy live?”
Logan smirked and got into his usual position on the trunk (sitting with his legs wrapped around it and feet hooked together underneath). He leaned forward on his hands so that he was hovering slightly over Virgil’s face. “Someone’s got to have some common sense here.”
“Hey! I’ve got plenty of common sense, asshole,” Virgil protested, swatting at him playfully.
He quirked an eyebrow. “You nearly fell into the water last week because you decided to be an idiot and tried to see how far down the tree you could walk before it wouldn’t hold your weight.”
“It was for science, Logan!”
“You can’t ‘for science’ everything, Virgil. That isn’t how life works.”
"Ugh, whatever. You never appreciate my experiments.”
Logan smiled down at Virgil. “That’s not true. I enjoyed the one where tested who could skip rocks better.”
The other boy pouted and whined, “You just liked that one ‘cause you won.”
“Smug bastard. You need to shut your damn mouth.”
“And how do you suggest I do that?”
It was Virgil’s turn to raise an eyebrow, and his fingers toyed with the open front of Logan’s jacket. “Do you remember the first time we met, and I said that I’m full of surprises?”
“Yes?” Logan answered, confused. “I don’t see why that’s relevant--”
The words were forced back into his mouth as Virgil simultaneously pulled down on the jacket and pushed himself up until their lips crashed together. And Logan--wow, Logan had never kissed anyone before, and he was nearly certain that this would be considered a terrible kiss to anyone else, but to him, it was incredible. Virgil’s lips tasted like cool peppermint, and a similarly cold sensation ran through his veins as his face turned hot.
After a few seconds, Virgil lowered himself back down, and Logan was left in a shocked haze as the other boy blinked up at him through his long lashes.
“Dude, you good? You’ve literally never been so quiet.”
“I--you kissed me,” Logan whispered, too startled to think anything else.
“Yeah? I was trying to get you to shut up. It’s no big deal, Logan.”
“What do you mean that it’s no big deal?! You kissed me, Virgil!”
Virgil rolled his eyes and snorted. “I’ve kissed tons of guys before. You’re not special, sweetheart.”
“Right,” Logan affirmed, straightening up. “Of course.”
“Atta boy!” Virgil crooned as he reached up and patted Logan’s cheek.
“Oh dear, I’ve just remembered that I have a test tomorrow that I need to study for. I’ll see you later, Virgil.” Scrambling up, Logan quickly shuffled up to the shore and away from the stream.
Virgil popped up into a sitting position and made a move to follow. “Wait, you just got here!”
“I know. I’m so sorry, Virgil, but I really need to go.” Logan heard Virgil’s feet hit the grass, but he just kept walking. If he tried to look at Virgil right now, there was absolutely no doubt that he would start crying.
“Will you let it go?! God, Virgil, just fucking waste your time smoking,” he snapped, not looking back.
“What is your problem--”
“MY problem?!” Logan screeched hysterically as he whipped around to face Virgil. “What the fuck is your problem? I had never had my first kiss, and you had the gall to not only take it from me, but you also told me that it meant absolutely fucking nothing! I can never get that experience back because your selfish ass decided that I was nothing more than a toy to you!”
“That’s not--”
“That’s not what? That isn’t what you meant? Wow, Virgil, I didn’t take you for such an actor!”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to be such a prick about it!”
Logan felt his blood run cold, and he snarled, “Get the hell away from me.”
“It didn’t mean anything--”
“It sure meant something to me, so speak for your own damn self.”
The other teen opened his mouth to respond, but Logan beat him to it. “I sincerely hope that I never have to interact with you again.”
With that, Logan walked away.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 44-45: Bakura‘s Back for More of This Nonsense
Man, I can’t believe we’re closing in on the 4th season of this show (still in shock I’m still able to make these.) Seems like just yesterday I felt like I had no idea what was happening, and now I’m like “they put in freakin Sans into Smash but not Bakura???” I’ve become one of those people now.
It’s been interesting how, because I have slowed down to watch these, I think I’ve been able to have a much more positive experience with the show. People have been talking about how binging has kind of changed TV from a place where fandoms could chat to a place where...you just watch it all in a weekend and hope no one spoils it and then wait for the next big thing to consume a week later.
But, when you’re watching a 15 year old anime you don’t have to worry about any of that. So it’s like a kind of nostalgic experience of a pre-streaming era despite the fact I’m totally streaming this.
But back to the show, now that the deep and reflective moments for Marik are over, my favorite storyboarder went home and left the rest of this to the night team who are clearly in a real rush to get this all finished. Again, the Yugioh whiplash is going from that high of “damn this is so goo-” then to the reality that the rest of the art direction in this show is “-acceptable. I meant to say acceptable. It’s perfectly acceptable”
Yugi Muto is still strung up by weird shadow magic restraints that must also be around his legs for some reason. I mean...it wouldn’t be so kinky if it wasn't also around his feet. More bits and pieces of Our Boy have been removed over the course of this endless card game, and he’s doing pretty good considering.
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Joey has decided he’s had Enough Of These Damn Ghosts.
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And so Marik decided that he’s been shamed by Joey Wheeler enough that he will just go away like Joey asks. This may be the only person who was actually bothered enough by Joey Wheeler to walk away in all of Yugioh.
(read more under the cut)
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Legit no one told her what had just happened.
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Just want to note that while Yugi’s leg burst out a stream of weird purple gas and Yugi screamed in pain, when his crotch disappeared, he did nothing but patiently look over at Pharaoh, who awkwardly winced. I guess the animation team knew better than to animate gas exploding out of that one particular spot, but it is still a rather funny contrast.
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Marik has achieved his final form of so many veins, and it is a still frame every time it’s on screen. You cannot animate this. You cannot.
On the other end of the field, Odion has somehow made it down these extremely steep stairs, only to look up and see so many more stairs.
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And back on the field is so many cards. So many cards, including the Card Poem. This awful Card Poem I tried so hard to forget.
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Bro brings up that maybe this poem sounds way cooler in Japanese but like...I doubt it, right? Like this was a poem that the writers threw together in 5 minutes and were like “we’re never going to actually say the shame poem, right?”
But anyway more cards things happen but why talk about cards when this eventually happens.
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I feel like Pharaoh was attempting to use Shadow Magic on Marik like just a few episodes ago so he could have done something now but...maybe he forgot? I dunno. Pharaoh didn’t feel like participating in this particular fight, maybe because his alter ego is holding on to life solely by having extra long emo bangs to count as lifepoints.
and so, Odion gives Marik a pep talk--and I kid you not, this is all Marik needed the entire time.
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That was it.
Like maybe Odion had to be awake since Odion has a spell or whatever on Marik but still it’s like...all you had to do was say “This guy is not even a person, Marik--you are the person, just nix him and we’re good”
And so the two alter ego’s fight with eachother in the same body and that must have been a treat for everyone watching.
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Man, it’s a good thing Mokuba already has so many PTSD situations under his several belts up to this point, because otherwise I’d be somewhat concerned about this very young kid who is privy to all this type of magical abominations every time his brother just wants to play cards.
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and then...Yugi plays a bunch of cards and...um......
......don’t ask me what happened........
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After the big group hug, Marik and Marik switch places.
This was because bad Marik was fused with a monster card--which turned bad-Marik into...the definition of a Monster.
So, if you kill the monster card then you can...
...switch places with your alternate half...
Basically it’s a more complicated version of what Pharaoh did to Ryou and Bakura in S1, except in S1, Bakura played Ryou as a card and Pharaoh just slammed his hands on the table and was like “Screw it, Bakura! I’m so tired of this! We’re all so individually tired of this! I’m just going to use my Shadow Magic and switch you with Ryou and then we’re all going the HELL BACK TO BED!”
This time it just had to be so much more complicated although we have seen Pharaoh willy nilly switch souls before just two seasons ago.
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So, just like Bakura did to his evil side in S1, Marik banishes his evil side to the shadow realm in a card game.
Which worked super good last time, amiright?
I guess we’re all just going to assume that this works now? Even though this absolutely did not work in season 1? Like Bakura went right back to a life of murder immediately?
Then again, Bakura’s an actual dude, and Marik’s alter Ego was a figment of his anger or something?????? Maybe that’s the difference? Maybe that’s why we can be rest assured that this works now?
Maybe they’re just tired of the Marik plot line and are like “listen, he’s kind of hard to draw and we don’t want to do it anymore. He’s dead now.”
For realsies though, from what I’ve been told, Marik never goes cray again and gracefully exits the show. But, if they ever want to continue Yugioh back in this direction, you can just have him snap at any time you feel like, we all know this type of exorcism is wholly reversible.
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Anyway, the clouds are lifted and we are reminded that it is still hardly even lunch time.
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It is at this point that Marik turns to his Brother and his Sister, who all three have no world skills outside of scamming museums and filtering sewer water, and waxes long about all the great times they’re about to have in the future.
Like what future though? You have to go to 20 years of actual real deal school, Marik, you can only read one Egyptian text. Hell knows how many people you possessed in order to get that motorcycle permit. You for sure aren’t ever allowed to play cards ever again. Like what are you going to do, Marik?
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...dude what if he just goes back on the boat and just sails away for the rest of his life with his cultists who are equally unqualified to live in the real modern world. OMG what if that’s the real Marik’s Boat Time all along?
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I almost forgot about you, Bakura.
Just in time for the British Bake Off to start updating episodes on Netflix, just in time, Bakura.
And following this is actual real thing that happened which, if you told me about, I would have just assumed was a joke or an edit to make it appear like this is happening. But no, it’s strip time.
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the hell?
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Yo can you believe that like a week ago I was like quoting “One Week” for kicks in these recaps and then this week Marik is, indeed, “in the history of taking off his shirt” ?
Anyway, Marik reminds us that his only purpose in life is to uh...be a book. A book that no one can read because Pharaoh didn’t have the foresight 5000 years ago that no one would be speaking Egyptian anymore and also that his reincarnation would be a 14-16 yo Japanese boy who’s entire brain power is used for selecting cards and selecting matching belts.
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I just...Pharaoh’s mind must have been in a real place 5000 years ago and that was before he ever became a ghost.
Also, it is kind of amazing how many times it has come up how illiterate Pharaoh is over the past season and he still hasn’t decided to do anything about it. Like, he’s just kind of hoping that someone else (probably Kaiba) will feed the answer to him like a baby because that’s just how this show has been up to now.
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In this case he has a one-ness moment with the tablet and gets the sense of “It’s fine, we’ll figure this out later” which um...
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I’m really happy that in this scene, Pharaoh is still tripping balls but everyone else is so used to him doing stuff like this, they just completely ignore it.
So glad I had 2 seasons to build up this back tatt in order to figure out that Marik’s back didn’t help Pharaoh at all. The tablet yes, the back tattoo--no, completely unnecessary. Congrats, Pharaoh’s mole people servants, you screwed up and did this weird ass ceremony on 12 yo’s for 5000 years trapped underground for NO REASON.
Anyways, preteens rejoice, Marik without a shirt is randomly 10 lbs more buffed now, which I’m pretty sure was never a thing when he was wearing that itty bitty pink hoodie. Like maybe the animators are just used to really buffed anime and this is them toning it the hell down, but uh...no actual 16 year olds will ever look like this, sorry to break it to you, preteens.
Man, the horny line running through this show lol.
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Letsee, Yugi now has the puzzle, Ishizu’s necklace, the Ring, the Rod, the...
...where’s the freakin eyeball?
Did...where is it? Where is the nastiest of the golden objects?
Did Bakura never bring the eye with him to this trip? Like...is it just hanging out in his desk at home near his secret stash he super hopes that his Mom doesn’t find?
Guys, where’s the eyeball?
Anyway, now that Mokuba has decided Seto can feel joy and smile again, he gives Seto the A-OK to blow the hell out of this moneypit island that has already been violently blown up just a few years previously.
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Like this begs the question, why even build this tower if you wanted to blow it up? But then again, that is the equivalent to a small child that builds block towers just to knocks them over, right? Like that part of Seto just never grew up?
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My bro, while looking this over, gave me the best spicy bro headcanon I’ve ever heard, and it’s absolutely too ridiculous for this blog that is mostly about what actually happens in the course of this show, but I’mma gonna share it with you anyway. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a common headcanon, but if my bro got it from some random fic he read off Ao3, I don’t know any better. So bro kinda squints at Roland, Seto Kaiba’s most incompetent bodyguard (if “bodyguard” is even an accurate description for the weird fake not-a-job that this guy has to do) and is like “do you feel like Roland has Noah’s hair color?”
and I was like “Bro, if you are suggesting that Roland is the illegitimate son of Gozobura because his hair is the same shade as the darker parts of Noah’s hair, that is one wild headcanon and I love it”
So--using Bro’s logic, lets say Gozaboro had a really stupid illegitimate son he had to hide from his wife. So he just...gives him a fake job. Considers “maybe I can use this son on A.I. Noah?” but Roland ends up being too much of a dumbass to intimidate Noah, so instead, he keeps Roland around on low-tier jobs so he gets keep an eye on him, torture him, etc.
And as the company falls out around him, Roland gets slowly promoted, as Seto and Mokuba fire basically everyone who worked with Pegasus and the Big 5. And Roland, who is just so bad at everything, forgot to attend the Pegasus coup (and would have no idea what is ever happening), so when the Kaibas returned from Pegasus’ island they still have Roland...sitting there at that long table covered in 4 identical idiot salads and orange juice he laid out for them in his patchy green moustache and his huge Gozaburo shoulders, they’re like “well.....I guess we have to take care of him now.”
And that’s the story my brother has in his head now every time Roland is on screen. It’s not canon at all that Roland is the secret 4th Kaiba brother but damn. What if he’s just the 4th Kaiba brother but has no idea, and Mokuba and Seto do, and that’s why they drag him all over the world with them? Hilarious.
I mean...Seto and Mokuba fire everyone. But they don’t fire Roland, their biggest dumbass. What a headcanon. (and if this joke ends up being real I’ll be very happy)
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ALSO, new thing, the necklaces around their necks with the cute picture of eachother that they had up till now to remind eachother of their forever brotherly love--also keys used to blow up things very violently.
I should have expected this.
Anyway, lets check up on Mai---oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Y’all this was WEIRD.
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So after that extremely insensitive joke that made us doubt if bringing back Mai was a good thing, lets have a reminder that we brought back someone else even worse, who, like a parasite, was devouring everything that they love.
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(Bakura’s font color has been changed to blue stripes because before he was just too similar to Joey’s yellow and my white. Eventually I will find the right system for coloring everyone’s font legibly, although I know that the patterns are sometimes harder to read for people that aren’t colorblind.)
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Ah, local nasty boy is back. I’d love if they had shown more of the food he ate, but they wisely decided to crop that huge spread out of frame. Bakura eating all of the donuts is canon though. Somehow every donut aboard this blimp fit inside of that small boy’s endless stomach.
PS Kaiba Corp makes their own milk. At some point, Seto Kaiba was just leaning back into his work chair, Mokuba on the couch watching TV, Roland completely unable to reload the Keurig, and Seto was like “But what if...I made CHEESE.” (BECAUSE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE KIDS LOVE CHEESE) and Mokuba was like “OMG you could sell the company back to them at 2 times the price for each share” and he was like “I KNOW.”
and so he marched down to the nearest cheese fields to buy some cows, only to find out that the agriculture market is so strained you can’t sell the shares at a times-two profit now and he‘s like “Ah dammit! I have to do real business! This freakin blows!”
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Makes you think.
Anyway, then Ryou throws some shade at us about “PS, I was in Hell! I love you, too!”
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Anyway, so it’s about time we ended this season, so how about it? How about we take off, watch it all blow up as a symbolic representation of all the hopes and dreams Kaiba had at the beginning of this tourney, and end this crazy ass season?
Oh wait, that relies on Roland being able to do even one thing competently.
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So, that’s where we leave off.
Really truly, honestly, we need to get everyone on this show matching cuff radios because the number of times they’ve needed to call Kaiba is insurmountable. Could have solved so many problems. Really surprised that Roland can’t like...call the Kaibas right now, but now that I think about it, we clarified several episodes ago that Mokuba forcibly kicked Roland off of the radio because he was unable to work it properly.
Good job Roland, the best Kaiba son.
Anyway if you just got here this is a link to read just the Yugioh recaps in chrono order
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ninjabobanekokyrie · 4 years
Undertale: No More; Chapter 5-Explanation
Frisk woke up on the bed of flowers with a small groan.
/Welcome back Partner. How do ya feel?/
Frisk frowned. /..Empty./
/Heh. That's normal./
Frisk rubbed at his head. "What exactly happened again, Chara...?" he mumbled.
"You went to the River Person and drowned yourself in a small pool in Waterfall." Chara explained nonchalantly. "Might wanna choose a less painful way this time 'round."
"All of the ways are painful." Frisk pointed out bluntly.
Chara nodded. "True. But some ways are less painful than others."
"I guess."
"Soo..." Chara giggled, lying on her stomach and resting her face in her hand as she kicked her legs back and forward absentmindedly. "Where do ya wanna go this time?"
Frisk hesitated, then said, "I'm thinking Hotland. Snowdin should be last."
"Okay. Might wanna choose a less painful way, again."
"Pills. Pills are less painful and easier."
"Alright," Chara smiled. Her smile suddenly dropped. "Frisk?"
"Be careful."
"I wi-wait, why?" Frisk gave her a perplexed look. "What do you mean?"
Chara sighed heavily. "The others found your body last time."
Frisk's eyes widened. It was quiet between the duo for a few beats. "...I guess we should choose somewhere more hidden from now on, then?" he finally suggested.
Chara's grin reappeared and she nodded eagerly. "Yeah! So let's get a jump on it now! C'mon, Frisk!"
"Okay Chara."
Sans yawned sleepily as he knocked on Toriel's door. Papyrus was beside him, looking very worried. Early this morning around five a.m., Toriel called him up and was sobbing on the other line, causing concern for the skeleton. She wouldn't say what was wrong, only something about Undyne and Alphys over, everyone freaking out and Sans couldn't make out much more than that before she hung up.
After a few minutes of hearing shuffling from inside, the door finally opened. Toriel stood there, tears streaking her face and red eyes puffy and bloodshot. Sans' mouth dropped open. "Tori-hey!" he yelped as he was yanked inside by the goat monster, and Papyrus quickly followed suit.
Sans looked at Alphys and Undyne. Their eyes were red and puffy. A cold dread washed over him as he clearly recalled what happened in the last timeline. There's no way that they could remember...
Toriel was pacing back and forward whilst clutching at her head, sobs escaping her lips as tears continued to stream down her furry face. "S-Sans, I d-do not know what to do...Frisk i-is gone...he is n-not in his r-room-"
"Tori-" Sans tried. "Frisk is probably just-"
"YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!" Toriel exclaimed, startling Sans. "I...I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE!"
Sans' eyes widened in shock. He stood there, breathless.
Undyne stood. "Frisk killed himself..." she choked.
Tears filled Papyrus's eyes. "I REMEMBER THE HUMAN'S DEATH AS WELL..." he whimpered.
Sans swallowed. "No way.." he croaked. "Y-You guys do remember...but...that's impossible!"
Undyne narrowed her eyes. "Remember...? Whaddaya mean by that Sans? Ya better start explaining, and ya better now!"
Sans sighed heavily whilst falling back on the couch. "Frisk isn't dead. At least not right now." Everyone's eyes widened. "He has this crazy power. To save and reset. After Frisk killed himself, he reset. Now we're in a totally different timeline. He's been resetting for the longest time, and for the longest time, I've been the only one able to remember. Now for some reason, you guys are able to remember too." he mumbled with narrowed eyes.
Undyne stood there, fists clenched at her sides. "Then what are we waiting for!? We have to go save him!"
"Undyne," Sans sighed. "First of all, we don't even know where he is. I doubt he's even in Snowdin!"
"That doesn't matter! We'll look for him! His life is in danger, Sans! He's makin' a big mistake!"
"I know that, but-"
"But what!? You're just gonna let him die?!"
"That's not what I'm saying!-"
"That sure sounds like what you're sayin'-"
"It's ain't-"
"Then what-"
"YOU DON'T GET IT!" Sans finally screamed angrily.
"WHAT'S THERE NOT TO GET!?" Undyne screamed back.
"He's not who ya think he is!" Sans exclaimed, silencing Undyne. "Frisk is not that sweet little boy we thought he was! He's a psychotic killer! In the last few timelines, he's been on killing sprees! He's killed all of you! You, Tori, Alphys, even Pap..." Sans choked as a few tears streaked his cheekbones. "I can't go through that again.." he trailed off.
Undyne's fists began to shake. "I won't believe it," she swallowed. "I'm not sayin' you're lying, Sans. I've known ya long enough ta know that ya would never lie about something like that. But I've known Frisk for quite a while too, and I know the kid would never do something like that. He's too sweet and pure to even think about that. There's something more. Something we're missing. I know it."
Everyone looked down silently.
Toriel spoke up next with tears streaking her face. "I believe you Sans, but I am with Undyne on this one. I've lost so many children before Frisk...I can't lose him too...if...if I do..." she buried her face in her hands, sobbing. "I...I won't be able to stand it!" she sniffled. "He is my child and I love him so much. Which is why I'm willing to do anything to protect and keep him safe. I can understand why you are angry, but I know you still care for him, Sans. You would not be so hurt if you did not. You two have become too close to go back on it now. You are basically his best friend and a second guardian to him. Which is why I'm begging you, please give him a second chance and try to see things in a different light. Frisk would never do this. There has to be an explanation. Please Sans, help us save him. I-we can't lose him...please..."
Sans hung his head mutely, looking away with narrowed eyes.
He finally sighed after a few minutes of hesitation. "Fine. Let's go find the kid." Toriel and the others smiled happily. "But I'm not trusting him again yet." Sans stated sternly.
He sighed again, patting his shoulder. "Grab onto me. Let's go."
The others all except Papyrus went over and grabbed onto his shoulder.
Sans gave him a look. "What're ya waitin' for, Pap?"
"You can always just walk everywhere bro."
Papyrus froze before grumbling, "...FINE."
Frisk sighed, taking off his sweater that had a small black tank underneath.
/Chara, it's so hot.../
/They don't call it Hotland for nothing, partner./
/It's pretty though. Hotland is./
/If you say so, then I guess it is./
/Frisk, do you have the pills?/
/Really?!/ Chara gaped. /I thought you forgot like I did./
/How'd you get 'em?/
/Remember the last timeline? When I ran upstairs after my breakdown?/
/I ran to Mom's room before I went to my own and grabbed one of her bottles of pills in her medicine cabinet./
/Wow./ Chara giggled. /My partner's sneaky./
Frisk blushed with a small smile and roll of his eyes. /I'm ready to take them now./
/Are you sure?/
/Yeah. Pills take a while to kick in, remember?/
Frisk went over and sat against one of the walls. Chara appeared beside him in spirit form.
/What was life like before you died?/
/It was okay, I suppose. I mean, it was fun while it lasted./
/If you had the chance to come back, would you take it?/
Chara frowned softly. /I don't know really. Probably not. Life was as painful as it was peaceful and fun./
/What was your relationship with Asriel?/ Frisk asked curiously.
Chara's eyes widened before giggling softly. /Ask a lot of questions, don't cha?/
/You don't have to answer./ Frisk frowned. /I mean, if it's a sensitive topic.../
/Shush Frisk. It's not a sensitive topic./ Chara sighed heavily before continuing with a small smile. /Asriel was my number one very best friend and brother. We pretty much did everything together. We were basically the troublematic duo./ She giggled a little at this. /I got him in quite a bit of trouble. But every time I did, he would always tell me that it was worth it as long as he got to spend time with me./ Tears began to fill her carmine eyes. /God, he was the best brother ever. I mean, he was so sweet and kind despite being a bit of a crybaby. He was so selfless it was stupid. Kinda like you in a way./
A small sob involuntarily escaped her lips. /I-I miss him so much...I just wish I told him how much I loved him and how I never want him to become like me, to never lay a single hand on a knife or kill a single human or monster...I don't want that for him...I want the opposite...I want him to be happy...I-I just wish h-he knew how much I loved h-him.../
Chara broke into sobs, tears streaking her pale cheeks.
Frisk watched in sadness. He gradually reached over and touched her shoulder. /Chara?/ No answer. /Chara./
/What!?/ Chara snapped tearfully.
Frisk frowned, opening his arms. /Do you..um...want a hug...?/
It took a few minutes for Frisk's words to process before she glared. /What?! Are you braindead or something Frisk!?/ She exclaimed harshly.
Frisk flinched gradually beginning to lowe his arms. Before he could, Chara let out a small scoff and dove into them whilst sobbing, causing Frisk's eyes to widen in surprise.
Frisk merely mutely wrapped his arms around Chara whose arms were circled around his waist as she sobbed. A few minutes passed, neither saying anything. After a bit, Chara's sobs slowly died down.
"Frisk?" she muttered into his golden chest.
"Let's take the pills now..."
Chara sniffled, pulling away and blushing profusely as she gazed at Frisk's wet collar. "Sorry...'bout yer shirt..." she mumbled.
"It's okay."
Frisk stood and went over to his bag, pulling out the stolen bottle of pills. He then pulled out a small bottle of water and took the cap off before screwing the cap off the pills.
/Take 'bout six. That should be enough./
Frisk did just that, popping each pill in his moyth before washing it down with water. He carelessly threw the rest in the smoldering lava, watching it melt.
The boy sighed as he sat back down. He could already fill the pills beginning to run their course.
/I'm surprised it's so vacant though..nobody around to see./
/I'd personally consider that lucky, partner./
/You're right./
/You said you wanted to do Snowdin last, right?/
/Uh huh./
/You know where?/
/Good. 'Cause I have a method, but I don't think you'll like where and how to get the material./
/I..I think I can handle it./
/If you say so./
Frisk yawned. He wanted to sleep.
/...Thank you, idiot. For...y'know.../
Frisk smiled a little. /Welcome, Chara.../
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mythicallore · 5 years
Strange and Creepy Encounter’s on Scotland’s Mountain of Mist
     Located at the western end of the Grampian Mountains of Scotland, looming up into the clouds over the grey landscape of the Scottish Highlands towers the majestic mountain called Ben Nevis, or Beinn Nibheis in Scottish Gaelic. Soaring up 1,345 meters (4,411 ft.) above sea level, it is the tallest mountain in all of the British Isles, an imposing figure and its perpetual wreath of clouds swirling about it have contribute to its name, which translates to “mountain with its head in the clouds.” Indeed, 355 days of the year see this land of fog, ice, rocky peaks, and jagged cliffs immersed in an impenetrable cloak of clouds and mist, making it a dangerous proposition for the many hikers and mountaineers who come here, finding their way through the haze through manmade rocks pile trail markers called cairns. It all has a rather ethereal, dreamlike quality to it, and although it is a beautiful, haunting landscape of craggy mist-shrouded peaks, icy fields, and sweeping cliffs, there have been reports over the years of very strange encounters out there in the freezing fog and ice.
One of the odder accounts I have come across, and the one which prompted me to look into reports of strange experiences here to write this article in the first place, was one relayed to me personally in the wake of my recent article of the mystery of a supernatural apparition seen on another Scottish mountain called Ben Macdui, known as the Big Grey Man of Scotland. Although this contact had never seen the Big Grey Man, he had had a rather similarly unnerving encounter while hiking out on Ben Nevis, when he encountered a group of what seem to have been very mysterious entities indeed wandering through the fog. He would tell me:
Not Ben Macdui, but I had a pretty strange experience that might be related as I was hiking up another Scottish mountain called Ben Nevis. I was hiking a trail with a friend there near the high cliffs of the north face, and on this day the fog was real thick, like a soup hanging in the air, and we had to be very careful because there was some difficult terrain there, good for scrambling but not ideal for taking a leisurely hike when visibility was so low. We were the only ones out there at the time and there was a very eerie vibe to it all, the only sounds our own voices as we made our way along the rough footing.
At one point we came up past a cairn and saw something moving through the fog ahead. It appeared to be three figures, and these individuals were tall, probably at least 7 feet if not more. It was disconcerting to see, and as they drew nearer we could see that they seemed to be decked out in some sort of robes which looked to be an off-white color but it was hard to tell because of the fog. They were just so tall and weird looking that my friend and I were taken aback, and what made it even stranger was that they were just sort of gliding along, moving incredibly smoothly over rock piles and loose footing that would have even a professional struggling to work over it. But these guys, they were just having no problem at all, moving far more fluidly and quickly than they had any business doing. It was unsettling and spooky to say the least.
These massive robed figures just sort of swiftly moved past us through the mist, totally silent and completely ignoring us, before disappearing out of sight into the fog and rocks. I have no idea what to make of what we saw that day, but it is definitely one of the oddest things I’ve ever seen and I’ve always wondered about who or what those figures were.
What were these strange wraiths? Were they ghosts? Illusions? Something else? This would not be the only time mysterious shadowy figures have materialized from the fogs of Ben Nevis. A report for Deadline News Agency tells the strange tale of brothers James and Alex Robbie, who in August of 2015 were at Ben Nevis to camp out there for a week in order to raise money for the children’s charity The Archie Foundation. They made a camp near the ruins of an old abandoned observatory that sits at the peak of the mountain and was once used from between the years of 1883 and 1904. One day, a mysterious stranger suddenly stumbled out of the mist blanketing the area and held out what appeared to be a stone graver marker bearing the cryptic inscription “Wilson 1810,” before disappearing back into the gloom as suddenly and inexplicably as he had appeared. Robbie described what happened:
We only had about two days left on our trip. This guy came up quite early, about 10 or 11am. He described the observatory and he said “I’ll show you something.” and he went to look for the stone. We could tell he knew where it was but could see he was playing for time. He actively used the word “gravestone.” There was this amazing inscription on it. He let us take a couple of photographs and then he disappeared into the mist, down the hill. Quite disturbing stuff, and I spent the final two nights wondering if some reprobate would come forth from his tomb, dressed in the garments of the grave, and visit us in our hut.
It is hard to say what could possibly be going on here. Was this a hoax or some sort of prank, or is there something more mysterious going on? It’s a rather unsettling encounter whatever the case may be. Interestingly, there have been quite a few sporadic reports from people seeing mysterious figures lurking in the fog of the mountain, which are often said to emanate a heavy sense of unease, fear, and even abject panic, usually vanishing into thin air when approached. Are these ghosts, spirits, or just the mind playing tricks?A decidedly even scarier account of an unidentified entity was reported by British Bigfoot Sightings Reports, and concerns some sort of shambling beast on Ben Nevis. The witness claims that he and a friend had gone to Ben Nevis to do some camping and hiking, and that on the second evening he had heard something very large and ominous prowling about in there in the dark just past the thin veil of the tent. The witness explains:
Sleeping in a damp cold bivvy is not at all pleasant. I did finally drop off to sleep but I woke up for some unknown reason in the middle of the night. As I lay awake I could hear footsteps walking round us. At first I was quite interested in this, as I thought an animal of some description had paid us a visit. But as time went on I began to realise this was definitely a two legged creature, with quite purposeful steps. The footsteps, by now, were really close – only a couple of feet away, and I started to get the chills and had a massive fear come over me from nowhere, I was on high alert instantly. Writing this I still get the chills about who, or what, it may have been.
It would later become apparent that the others had heard the very same sound, none of them were able to explain it, and it was frightening enough that none of them was in a hurry to ever camp at Ben Nevis again. Considering that noone in this case ever saw the actual source of the sounds it is hard to know what to think of this one, but there have strangely been Bigfoot sightings on the mountain in the past, so is that what this was? Or was it a ghost or just someone messing around with them? Who knows?
One phenomenon that could be indicative of mysterious creatures or spectral entities roaming the mountain are the occasional reports of unearthly howls, screams, or wails echoing out from out in the foggy wilderness, which serve to baffle just as much as they do to terrify. One such account was brought forward by a witness named Christopher Sleight, a producer for BBC Radio Scotland’s outdoorsman program Out of Doors. Sleight gave his own account of his spooky encounter with this mystery on BBC News, and claims that he was out ice climbing with a friend at a place called Comb Gully in February of 2015 when they were alarmed by a very bizarre and disturbing noise. Sleight says of the bizarre experience:
I was placing an ice screw when I heard the first scream. It started indistinctly, slightly muffled, but quickly became sharp into focus. It pierced through the mist – the most visceral, awful sound. People talk about blood curdling screaming and for the first time I understood what they meant. That noise sent a stream of cold blood around my veins and chilled the back of my neck. My first thought was simple but terrible: I was listening to someone who had just watched a loved one – not simply a climbing partner, but a loved one – fall to their death. There was so much pain and loss in that dreadful noise. At that moment I just wanted to be gone – off the climb, off the mountain.
The first impression that he and his companions had was that there had been a climbing accident, either from the victim or more likely someone who had seen the victim fall. They did an inspection of the area and could see no sign of anything amiss, yet due to this suspicion they kept an eye out for any sort of rescue activity or accidents on their way down the mountain after their climb, and along the way they met other climbers who reported having heard the same ear-piercing wail. However, it became obvious that there was no sign of any rescue efforts, no trace of any accident despite several other climbers having gone off to investigate the mystery scream as well, and it also turned out that no one had even been reported missing at all. Sleight would later say:
A brief search close to where we finished our climb revealed nothing. We headed down to Fort William. I later spoke to another climber I knew who had been on a route in the same corrie. He had abseiled off his route and gone to investigate the screams he heard, but he also found nothing. Other climbers have done the same. Nobody could find evidence of an accident and the police said no-one had been reported missing. So we don’t know who was screaming. We don’t know what happened to them. We probably never will. But I’ll never forget how a horrible scream coming out of the mist reminded me so vividly, so awfully, of the dangers of this beautiful game that we play. Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team was asked to investigate the reports of screaming, but later stood down after no trace of a casualty could be found. Screams and howls are still heard on the mountain by climbers to this day.
That last line there is rather ominous, implying that these sorts of screams are a continuous phenomenon, and indeed they have been reported in the area from time to time. Are they related? What is going on here? Although Sleight does little to speculate on what the origin of the mystery scream could have been, there is something rather enigmatic and ominous about the whole thing. Why would there be no sign of any accident or people in distress if a climber had just perished? Why was there no trace of activity related to a search or rescue, and indeed why wasn’t there any person reported missing on the mountain that day? More eerily, why have such mysterious screams continuously been reported over the years on Ben Nevis, all without any news of an accident or disappearance? Are these really the anguished howls of doomed climbers? Are they from some sort of nefarious creature, or even something more mysterious still? No one really knows.
Here we have looked at just a few of the strange mysteries of this isolated misty mountain, a selection of the truly bizarre from this fog shrouded locale. It is hard to know what could be behind any of these odd occurrences and encounters, whether it be supernatural forces, unexplained mysterious phenomena, or something more mundane. These cases are anomalies that deft any real clear explanation and serve to stir the imagination. Whatever may be going on, the imposing Ben Nevis with its crown of clouds sitting king over all it surveys can certainly be said to be a place of great magnificence, as well as one of great mysteries hiding within its mists.
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