#and i was like 'that makes me feel like a lost cause' and g said 'youre not though! i just cant do this for you.'
jeanystillbeany · 2 days
BillFord Fic 3
yippee no pacing.
 “What do you mean the portal is destroyed?!”  The triangle sat atop a large throne made from the majority of Gravity Fall’s residents.  The lacky ticked nervously at Bill’s clear annoyance.  In fact, the whole Fearamid was silent in response to the demon’s rage.  
  “It-it was smashed-“ the green monster explained with a shudder.  His eyeballs were blackened with eight-balls as his pupils.  
  “Well thanks!  That’s exactly what I was- NOT asking for!  Details eight-ball.  Details.”  Bill Cipher seethed.  Eight-ball shook as he tried to explain without suffering from his ring-leader’s unhinged mood.  
  “We- m-me an-and Pyronica- we- we were g-going to move t-the portal here- like you said- but- but it- something smashed it.  N-nothing useful.  We-we haven’t found the creature-“
  “Get out.” Bill Cipher’s face darkened.  
  “Boss- look we-“
  “GET OUT.”  Eight-Ball was quick to rush out of the room as Bill’s typically yellow form turned a fiery red and twice its already exaggerated size.  
  After his henchman scampered out of the room, Bill let out a heavy sigh and laxed into his chair.  If he had temples he’d be rubbing them, but for now the space above his single haunting eyeball would do.  
  “Thirty years… thirty fucking years Stanford…”  Bill began talking amongst himself, “I waited.  I actually thought you weren’t dead!”  Bill’s voice breaks off into a cluster of unstable laughter.  The worst part of all this is that he knew it was his fault.  He pushed Ford.  He pushed him away.  He might as well have been the one to push him into that damn portal.  Ford was gone.  He always was.  That was it.  He has no one holding him back now.  Bill believed that the lack of anyone would push him forward.  He thought he’d be free… but if that were the case, then why does he feel so restrained?    He thought that if all connection to that nuisance was lost- he’d rather have the world than him.  Why is it the other way around?
  “FUCK!”  Bill yelled abruptly in frustration.  The world around him morphing with his emotions.  
  “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck- you stupid dumb- IDIOT!”  The demon groaned as he slumped back into his chair defeated.  Stanford was gone.  There was no denying that.  Cipher decided that it was time to stop throwing his little temper tantrum and cut himself off with a stubborn sigh.  
“I have living Pines to worry about. But first…”
  Bill snapped his fingers and two of his ‘friends’ popped into the room.  One of them looked like a pair of dentures with legs while the other was a pink woman with flaming clothes.  
  “Teeth, Pyronica.  I have a job for you two.  Go find the dumbass that destroyed the portal.  And make it pay.  Have fun!  -and I don’t want to hear that it’s even twitching!  Or I’ll be the one ‘having fun’.  Buy gold!  Bye!”  Bill didn’t give them a chance to respond as he teleported them to the remains of Ford’s lab with a maniacal laugh.  As soon as they were gone he ripped off his mask and groaned back into his chair again.  Or was that a sob?  He couldn’t tell anymore.  It’s not like it mattered anyway.  
  Sixer was gone.  
  And he was going to make everyone pay for it.  
  Sixer and Dipper conversed excitedly in the TV room.  It was as though they were two old friends reconnecting, even though they haven’t had much conversation until now.  The interaction began with Ford approaching Dipper about the modifications he made to the shield to keep Bill out.  Dipper explained that he found gnome hair to have a sort of repellency to unicorn hair- this caused the shield to nonchalantly cause the target to forget the shack was there. 
  “It actually ended up being surprisingly useful this far in!”  Dipper chirped, “it keeps us from getting any sort of Eye-Bat’s attention from up to 100 feet of the mystery shack.”  Ford nodded and began writing the new discoveries down in his journal while mumbling other theories.  Eventually the pair trailed off to talking about other topics and somehow got caught up on their favorite nerd game ‘Dungeons, Dungeons and more Dungeons’.  
  “Hey- if you’re up for it- I wouldn’t mind playing with you sometime.”  Ford grinned at his nephew.  
  “Yeah… after all this is hopefully over…” Dipper sighed.  
  “We must indulge in playing immediately!”  Ford claimed rising from his chair in enthusiasm.  Dipper was a little startled at the sudden attitude- yet appreciated the change from everyone else’s hopeless expressions.  While Dipper did seem to find some condolences in the gesture, fate planned on getting Ford back for his little scare anyway.  
  As Ford began to help Dipper search the shelves for their game, the door to the Mystery Shack suddenly slammed shut  rather clumsily.  Ford jumped in response and glared at the direction the door was in with a raised eyebrow.  
  The man took his curious expression with him for a moment as he paused his task and traveled to a nearby window.  Outside, he could easily distinguish where the barrier ended.  A trail of some of the survivors living inside the shack followed a certain Stanley pines out of the barrier.  
  “Stanley…” Ford muttered under his breath in warning as if the other could hear him.  
  “What is it?” Dipper asked curiously and followed Ford to the window.
   “Oh…” Dipper observed his Grunkle and his team leaving to get the supplies in the bunker.  
  “Does he even know where it is?  What if the shapeshifter is loose by now!”  Stanford sputtered.  Despite being much younger than the other twins, Dipper understood the feeling.  
  “You should go after him!  I can help too!”  Dipper said.  
  “No.  Absolutely not.  You are going to be staying in the shack where it’s safe.”  Ford commanded.  
  “C’mon!  Seriously?  I can do stuff too!  Why does Grenda get go then?!  She’s the same age!”  Dipper complained in response.  
  “I’m still your great-uncle Dipper.  We will play D, D and more D when I get back.”  Ford retreated from the window and began scouring around the shack for his coat- then realizing it was torn.  He grabbed all the items inside of it and placed them into his satchel.  In the meantime, Dipper followed him around like a lost puppy begging to come along on the adventure.  
  “Please Grunkle Ford!  I’ve been sitting around here for weeks!  Do you seriously expect me to just sit here?!”  Dipper pleaded.  
  “Yes.  Yes I do- now try and set our game up while I’m gone.”  And with that final sentence Ford left Dipper in the Mystery Shack.  
  Ford discreetly traveled behind the group set to the bunker.  He hid behind trees and trudged out of sight from his brother.  As the survivors and Stanford traveled, he noticed many familiar landmarks from the new Gravity Falls everyone was trapped in.  Weirdly enough, it seemed Stanley was leading everyone back to the lab.  Stanford supposed it wasn’t the dumbest idea.  The pure insanity of the state of the world has caused their usual surroundings to change immensely.  It was a decent idea to have a safe point in case someone got separated or they found the terrain has changed too greatly for them to find the bunker from memory.  It has only been a day and Ford found himself missing his now completely trashed lab.  After a few hours of walking, group finally made it to the lab.  The ghost of the mystery shack still stood atop of it.  The group decided to take a short break. 
  “I can’t believe boss did that?!  What’s up his ass today?”  
  “Yeah I know!  Seriously!  What’s so important about this dumb portal anyway?  We’re already out of that damned dimension.  I don’t see what’s so important about it.”  Everyone froze at the voices heard from the remains of the underground lab.  No one dared move a muscle as Wendy signed a few things to Stanley and everyone stayed silent.  For a moment all anyone could hear was sounds of Bill’s henchmen complaining while rummaging through debris.  Everyone began to slowly retreat away from the mystery shack silently- careful not to step on any sticks.  Ford observed with a clenched jaw, and he’d find five half-moons imprinted in his palm if he looked at his hands later.  One by one, each survivor made it out of the clearing and into the cover of the brambles.  The man still continued to stay in hiding until the final group member was out of sight.  
  Everyone was breathless as they silently waited for the monsters to leave the area.  It was quiet other than the loud clacking of metal from underground in the lab.  
  “Hey- where’d they go?”  A pre-teen boy emerged from the same direction the group and Ford had come from just minutes before.  He ignorantly stepped out into the clearing with a huff.  The entire group’s eyes swarmed the familiar voice.  Ford felt his hair stand on end at the tense atmosphere.  Ford began to sweat as Dipper carelessly walked away from all cover.  Wendy popped her head out from the bushes.  
  “Dipper!” Ford acknowledged the panicked look in her eyes as she frantically waved him over back towards the forest.  He also noticed Stan had poked his head out of the brush as well- attempting to aid Wendy in trying to get some sense of alarm into Dipper’s skull.  
  “Oh!  Hey Wendy!”  Dipper exclaimed- being too far away to accurately read her facial expressions.  Ford found himself among the two others that desperately tried to get Dipper to safety.  It was only about a minute when Ford realized the pace of Dipper’s understanding was much too slow for him to accurately comprehend the danger in time.  The boy’s newest uncle took note of the way his twin’s eyes widened in shock before scowling in disappointment as he revealed himself into the clearing.  
  “Hi Grunkle Ford!  Why are you all over there?”  The named Grunkle winced at his nephew’s volume as the noises in the bunker abruptly stopped followed by chattering.  
  “Did you hear something?”  
  “Yeah actually!  Almost sounded like one of those brats…” Ford grabbed Dipper’s arm and pulled him behind himself.  He carefully backed away in order to not make any noise.  He held his breath as he looked back at the distance between himself and the forest.  
  “Well, well well!  Look what we have here Pyronica!”  Ford’s attention darted to the voice that came from the teeth demon.  It then went to the named pink one who towered over him.    
  “Look, it’s the old man and his nephew!  Love the new look… didja… do something with your hair?”  The pink demon flicked the floof of his hair as he pushed himself further in front of Dipper.  
  “What do you say we do with ‘em?”  Teeth asked.  
  “I say, we feed it to the wretch that destroyed our best friend’s portal!”  Pyronica grinned- pinching Stanford’s cheek.  He glared as his hand slowly moved to his satchel.  
  “Aww… I wanted a few bites…”  Teeth said disappointed.  
  “Oh, I’m sure you can have your fair share-“ Pyronica cut herself off as she noticed Ford’s movements towards his bag, “oh!  That could’ve been bad now couldn’t it?” She gleamed as she tore Ford’s satchel off his shoulders and tossed it to the side.  Ford fell backwards- pushing Dipper aside and held his shoulder to lighten the impact.  
  “Hey!  You leave my Grunkle alone!”  Dipper exclaimed fiercely.  He sat up- but Ford held him back.  He gave his nephew’s shoulder a squeeze to signal to him to stop, but the fire in his relative raged on.  
  “Oh!  So we got ourselves a yapper!  How cute…” Pyronica said tipping Dipper’s hat as she leaned menacingly over the pair.  
  “I say we eat them now!”  Teeth jumped in.  
  “Oh- but Bill would be so much more pleased if we brought Stanley back… you know how much he despises him.”  Pyronica pointed out as she reached for Ford and Dipper.  
  “Hey!”  Everyone’s heads darted towards the new voice- shocked to be seeing double.  Stanley stood fiercely and moved in front of his brother and Dipper.  He had Ford’s bag draped over his shoulder and his brother’s gun pointed at the monsters.  
  “Is- is this just me?  Or am I a little crazy here?  I think I had too much Time Punch…” Teeth exclaimed.  He then got abruptly shot right on one of his front teeth.  
  “AHH A CAVITY!”  Teeth exclaimed taking shelter back in the lab.  
  “You stay away from my family.”  Stanley said sternly before pointing the gun at Pyronica who continued to look between the two.  She grumbled with her hands up and rolled her eyes.  
  “And what is that stupid little gun gonna do huh-“ Pyronica was caught off guard as a zap of an unknown blue energy zipped past her face- giving her a nasty burn on her cheek bone.  She hummed before snapping her fingers expecting the injury to heal immediately.  When she still noticed a burning sensation, she snapped again.  The pink demon began snapping repeatedly until realization finally got through her thick skull.  Pyronica huffed in defeat.  
  “Teeth!  We’re leaving these cowards.”  She growled before following teeth back into the abandoned lab.  A large force of pink energy shot out of the top.  Ford presumed this to be an indication of teleportation.  
  Stanley still stood there tense long after the demons retreated.  The gun was still pointed at the lab where the demons never reemerged.  Ford brushed himself off and helped Dipper up before placing a hand on his twin’s shoulder.  Stanley sighed before lowering the gun and standing there for a moment.  
  He slowly turned around and pulled Ford into a hug.  
  “See?  I told you!  I would’ve thought you remembered…”  Stanley mumbled.  Ford hugged his twin back- knowing exactly what he was referring to.  
  “What that you’re always right?”  Ford asked.  
  “Yeah,” Stanley pulled himself away, but firmly gripped Ford’s shoulders, “Now can someone tell explain to me what was going on inside of that stupid head of yours!  I told you to stay in the shack!  But then you not only go off but bring Dipper with you?!”  Stan glared at his brother. Ford opened his mouth to respond before Dipper cut in.  
  “…it’s my fault Grunkle Stan… Grunkle Ford told me to stay in the shack.  I followed him.”  He admitted with his eyes aimed at the floor.    Stanley let go of his brother’s shoulders and sighed.  
  “Hey Dipper… look at me…” Stan said in an earnest manner.  Dipper followed his instructions as his uncle put a hand on his shoulder.  
  “That was stupid,” his uncle said bluntly, “very, very, very, very stupid.”  Dipper awaited a second stanza to his Uncle’s statement but received none other than a sly ‘you too’ towards Ford.  Stanley gave Ford’s bag back to him and the gun (with slightly more hesitation and borderline begging to keep it).  The group emerged from the forest.  Wendy even came up and slapped her boss on the back in victory.  
  After that fiasco the resource retrieval team decided they needed a proper break.  They all sat down in a group and quietly chatted amongst each other, sipping water, and savoring rations.  Ford took to savoring the peace.  He leaned his back up against a tree as he began writing the recent events into his journal.  His knees propped the journal open sufficiently, tucked about a foot from his chest.  Dipper was huddled closely beside him, anxiously asking questions with the excitement of Mabel.  Eventually Ford caved in and stretched out his legs- putting the journal at a better angle for Dipper to see.  The boy quaffed the words  written as soon as he was given a chance.  As Dipper read, Ford ruffled through his bag.  
  “What are you looking for Grunkle Ford?”  Dipper peaked from the book for only a second.  
  “One moment Dipper… ah.  Here we are!”  Ford’s six fingered hand removed itself from the bag, holding out a second pen to Dipper.  The boy looked at it questioningly.  
  “Well, I wanted to write about our encounter just now.  I thought that maybe you could help.”  Stanford shrugged, still having the pen held out to Dipper.  The 13-year-old took it eagerly, looking up to Ford in admiration.  The Grunkle put the book between themselves- giving each other about a paragraph.  The first few sentences were messy trying to figure out some sort of system in journaling with twice as many people.  Though, they both figured it out just fine in the end.  
  Stanley sat by a tree across from them- nonchalantly eating a can of brown meat.  Ford couldn’t help but notice the occasional longing glances his brother stole from them.  Ford sighed with a fond smile before motioning for Dipper to pause when they got to retelling the events that just occurred.  
  “Is something wrong Grunkle Ford?”  Dipper asked stopping mid sentence.  
  “No, no Dipper.  In fact- everything is great.  Though… I thought that maybe the man of the hour should write his own part.”  Ford shrugged.  
  “Really?”  Dipper looked skeptical before shrugging, “Fine.” 
  Ford nodded satisfied before calling his brother, “Hey!  Stanley!”  He waved his brother over.  
  Stan perked up as soon as he heard his brother call him, but then immediately slouched again.  It was as though he wanted to suppress the smile that came from a feeling he thought he lost with his brother 31 years ago.  Stanley lazily sauntered over.  Though Ford could see the gleam in his eye whenever he chatted with his family.  
  “So what’d you nerds need?”  Stan sat down in front of them.  
  “Oh!  Grunkle Ford wants you to help us write an entry in his journal.”  Dipper exclaimed- sliding the book over to his other great-uncle.  
  Stanley’s eyes widened at the gesture and gave Ford a questioning look.  He never let him touch his work.  Stanley always thought it was because he believed that he’d mess it up somehow.  Ford only nodded in responds and handed Stanley a pen.  He grinned and began jotting where the other two left off.  
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whsprings · 2 years
"I feel like you're desperately holding onto your ed" that's because I am. next question.
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fumikoshi · 6 months
Sitting on his face
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✧ — SUMMARY; You are Gojo's personal servant, and today he wants you… to sit on his face.
✧ — CONTENT; 18+ ONLY // MDNI — fem! reader, nicknames, size kink, age gap, face sitting
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W-What? G-Gojo-sama? Sit on y-your f-face?
''Fufu, don't ask if i can breathe, just put that cute ass on my face. Use my face like a chair, mochi~ I want to feel your beautiful cunt against my face.~''
Your doe eyes widened at his offer, your cheeks turned a sweet pink color. You were so embarrassed. But he was your master, you had to do what he said and wanted.
''a-are you really sure, Gojo-sama? w-what if you c-cant breathe?''
As you position yourself against Gojo's face, you can feel the warmth of his breath against your skin, and his large hands tenderly grip your hips. His voice is deep, filled with desire, as he responds to your innocent concerns.
"Breathe? Who needs to breathe when I have your sweet little ass pressing against my face, my cute little princess~? Don't worry about me.~ Just focus on enjoying yourself.~" His words are filled with dominance and a hunger that matches the intensity in his eyes.
Gojo's hands slowly guide your hips, adjusting your position as he desires. You can feel his tongue gently tease and explore, his movements deliberate and tantalizing. His hands grip onto your thighs, holding you in place, ensuring that you can fully experience the pleasure he wants to give you.
"Now, be a good girl and relax. Give yourself over to the sensations, my precious little one. Let me taste every inch of you, my mochi.~" He speaks with a mixture of authority and tenderness, sending shivers down your spine.''
With that, he pulls you down onto his face, positioning you comfortably on his mouth and nose. He groans in pleasure as you press your wetness against his eager face. His warm breath fans against your pussy, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine. His tongue delicately teases your cunt, causing an electric jolt of pleasure to course through your young body.
His tongue skillfully traces every curve, exploring your delicate skin, making you squirm and gasp with delight. Gojo's lips and mouth take their time, reveling in the taste and texture of your innocence. His hands continue to hold you firmly, allowing him complete control as he guides you towards waves of pleasure.
With each touch, each lick, his desire ignites further, his own need growing. There is a powerful tension in the air, a palpable electricity that fuels your shared exploration. Gojo's deep voice breaks the silence, fueling your desire even further.
"Sweet more than kikufuku~ I can't get enough of you, my little angel~. Your innocence drives me wild, and I will make sure to give you the pleasure you deserve.~"
His words resonate in your mind as you give in to the overwhelming sensations. Lost in pleasure, you let Gojo explore your innocence, his gentle dominance guiding you to a place of pure bliss, leaving you breathless and floating in a cloud of ecstasy.
Your cute moans increases in each lick. you presses your hips on his handsome face
His skilled tongue continues to explore your pussy, his movements becoming more fervent as he responds to your increasing moans. The sound of your innocent pleasure fuels his desire, and he eagerly devours your sweetness.
Encouraged by your response, Gojo's hands tighten their grip on your hips, pulling you closer to him. His tongue delves deeper, seeking out every hidden crevice, as he expertly brings you closer to the edge of ecstasy.
The room fills with the intoxicating scent of your arousal, mingling with the sound of your moans and the wet, sensual noises of his mouth on your sensitive skin. The sensations overwhelm you, and you can't help but grind your hips against his face, seeking more of his skilled touch.
His large hands move from your hips to your thighs, his fingers digging into your soft flesh as he holds you in place. He wants to ensure that you receive the maximum pleasure, his touch both possessive and gentle.
Lost in the throes of pleasure, you feel a familiar tightening in your core, a sign that release is imminent. Your sweet moans grow louder, more desperate, as you approach the peak of your pleasure. Sensing your impending climax, Gojo intensifies his efforts, his tongue flicking and swirling with purpose.
And then, with a final, electrifying touch, you shatter into a million pieces. Waves of pleasure crash over you, your body trembling in ecstasy as you experience a pleasure you've never known before. Gojo continues to lap at your sensitive flesh, prolonging your pleasure until you finally come down from your high. His handsome face was covered with your juices
As your breathing steadies and your heart rate slows, Gojo gently releases his hold on your hips, allowing you to slide off his face. He looks up at you with a satisfied smile, his piercing blue eyes filled with adoration and desire.
"Did you enjoy that, my little princess~?" he asks, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and satisfaction. "Ahh~ you were absolutely delicious than any dessert~''
You nod, still catching your breath, your body tingling with the remnants of pleasure. The intensity of the moment lingers in the air as you both bask in the aftermath of your shared desire.
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sunniepoo · 2 months
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jj couldn’t help but love it when kitty got all possessive over him
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you’ve always loved the smell of the big supermarket stores, something so mundane never failed to put you in a good mood, hence why the blonde has dragged you along to pick up a few home essentials. he couldn’t help but notice the way you clung to the side him, lips grazing against the muscle of his arm as you nuzzled yourself closer - there was a slight confusion in what he’d done right but whatever it was meant that he had a chance of getting some nice sloppy head tonight, so he really couldn’t say much
a good few minutes passed by of you just running around picking up anything and everything, insisting that it was a need and by this point jj had lost you - wandering around the frozen foods isle hoping to see a glimpse of your dark boots in the corner so the both of you could get back home and get your pretty mouth to work.
“hey you seem lost” the feminine voice comes from the side of him, he figured it must have been a worker trying to trick him into buying some stupid shit he definitely didn’t need, “oh-uh no i’m good - just looking for my girlfriend, you seen her aroun-”
“silly of her to leave a guy as cute as you roaming around” she interrupts taking a few steps closer, hand raising up to graze against his chest. he was quick to shut the interaction down, readied to leave the situation and find you as quick as possible “umm- uh- no thanks?” he mutters out before pacing over to the end of the isle, catching a glimpse of your overflowing cart - you’d have had to be close
but before he could feel his self leave the breeze of cold, invited by the multiple freezers in the section - he could feel the same hand grab at his wrist, causing him to pause in his tracks “my number, so y’can call me” the frilled voice lets out before turning away, walking to the other side ignoring his call for her to take the small piece of paper back.
and to his luck, before he could chuck the piece of paper into the nearest bin and pretend the unwarranted interaction never happened, he was met with your mean glare in front of him eyeing the piece of paper and the figure of the girl who was making her way out
jj was many things but he wasn’t an idiot debatable, he was quick to rush and explain and ramble about whatever had happened “i mean i said no- and she just like grabbed me and gave me it- ill throw it away right now baby”
it was the first word you’d said this whole time, he was confused were you upset?were you mad? and if you were mad,was it at him? at her? before he could bombard you with a million questions you ushered the paper towards you before shoving it into the endless void of your purse. you continued as normal grabbing the blonde close to your side and strutting off towards the till, leaving him in his constant state of confusion
the ride back was quiet , unusually quiet - the air,which would typically be filled the sound of jj chattering away with your occasional inputs, was completely and utterly silent “uh- g-got anything to say kitty cat” the blonde pogue breaks first, voice booming through the undisturbed silence , hands drumming at the steering wheel
“nope” the soft pop of ‘p’ was the last sound before it fell back into the discomforting silence, “right..right - are you annoy-” the messy haired blonde begins, but is stopped as soon as he feels your hand creeping up his thigh - loosely playing with the button of his shorts
“you were saying something?” it was less of a question and more of a tease, eyes looking up at him knowingly that this could go two ways “what-uh-no-no…just wanted to say you look so so hot babe” he starts to ramble, hand engulfing yours before leading it down his cargo shorts “must be annoying being that hot n’ i just wow ok” the last words come out more of a breathy moan, as you play around with the tip of him, yanking his shorts down to let himself spring free - a soft groan following the action
it was almost like it was a game, watching him get harder with every touch, every gentle stroke. “eyes on the road” you remind him, leaning down to press a tender kiss on the mushroom tip of his dick - tongue swirling around on the head “fuucck-” the blonde clearly eager, utters underneath his breath, a quiet whimper leaving his mouth “cant wait to get home n’show that pretty pussy how much i love her” he continues making your cunt involuntary clench at the propsal
“bet she couldn’t make you feel like this” you challenge referencing the random girl at the store previously ,hands stroking up and down his aching length before sinking your mouth down his dick, bobbing up and down “not even a chance baby” he moans, hips thrusting upwards at the red light
the dingy car was filled with the sounds of choked breaths and loud groans as the blonde continued to fuck your throat “such a good girl f’me huh?” voice coming out raspy and breathless, pulling you off him, waiting for answer “aren’t you kitty cat?”
“mhmmmmm” he swore he could’ve cum right there, you looked so cock drunk for him, he let go of your hair - shifting his attention back to the road was harder than it seemed, with the way you went back to working your mouth on him - it was impossible not to cum but he resisted because he knew that the only place he was cumming tonight was deep in between your gummy walls, filling you with all his babies
it was feral. how quick he was to park the car and lead you into the empty home, lips colliding with each other sloppily throughout the whole way. the large clatter of your purse and his keys and whatever nonsense that you both held was blanketed by the wet sounds of your mouths, tongues swirling around each other. it was messy, so so messy but a care couldn’t be found in the world as the blonde pushed you against the shitty old couch, mouth peppering rough kisses along your jaw
“bet this pussy is so wet f’me” his hand made its way to roughly pull of the mini skirt you’d been wearing, throwing it to some random corner of the room, eyes focused on the damp spot on your panties. it wasn’t long before he was planting a deep long kiss to your now bare pussy, panties torn off the moment he saw them “she’s lookin’ so pretty” he pants, fingers reaching up to pinch at the little nub causing a slight hiss from you “jayy- ngh- fuck me please” the ache in you was so so prominent now, all you wanted him to do was pound your guts while he told you that he was all yours
“so so needy today…huh?” jj knew you too well, he knew exactly what that look in your eyes meant “don’t worry baby….g’nna fuck you so good- show you that this dick is allll yours”
the harsh whine you make as he sinks himself in is a sound jj wishes he could tattoo in his mind, it was so perfect, so needy -just like you. your hand scrambled to the tops of his head , fingers gripping the ruffled hair and bringing him down closer to you, kissing all over his face muttering the word ‘mine’ between each peck
“yeah- fuck- all yours m’promise” he pants, tongue darting out to wet his lips before nuzzling his head in the crevice of your neck, sucking harshly against the soft skin. he lifts his head up placing his forehead against yours, one hand gripping onto the armrest of the scruffy couch, while the other reaches inbetween your sweaty bodies pressed together to rub at your sensitive little clit making you let out an almost pornographic moan.
“jayyy m’so close…please” you had no idea what you were mewling at him for, but you needed to be in his bones, in his blood at this moment because the sight of his eyebrows furrowed and eyes focused on pounding into your cunt restlessly had you wanting him to live in your skin
“yeah c’mon baby….cum for me know y’can” his hips don’t falter, thrusting faster, harder and deeper, while his fingers rubbed at your poor clit and with one soft pinch you were coming undone all over him “ngh-m’cummin-fuck fuck fuck” it wasn’t long before the taller boy was joining you in your high, the feel of your velvety walls squeezing him was enough to make him coat your insides with his cum with a loud groan
you two lay there for a while, he was still inside you, both of your orgasms forming a white wring around the base of him “ i think i got her real good” the blonde mumbles into your neck, hand carelessly grazing against your clit, stopping after the squeal you let out “just checking up on her…kay?” body slowly lifting off yours as he pulls himself out, yanking up his cargo shorts, leaving you feeling empty. his head moving down to inspect your cunt. it was selfish but he couldn’t help but press a few chaste kisses against your quivering hole “jay….no more please” you plead, eyes all teary from the stimulation
“just givin’ her a little love baby, don’t worry” he argues, mouth hovering over your mound before kissing all over. god he looked so perfect, one hand moving to grab his phone, while the other tangled itself in his hair - taking a few pictures of him, face buried deep in your pussy. yours, he was yours
so it was no surprise to jj when he received a text later in the night from a random number calling him an asshole, opening it to find that someone had sent the photos from earlier in the afternoon
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starsinthesky5 · 5 months
down bad || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and joe go to your best friend’s wedding and it’s very clear that you both are soo down bad for each other ;)
a/n: bye i cannot believe i wrote this in 3.5 days because I was SO excited to write it. it’s just so 🤭 it’s definitely somethingggg 🤭🤭 also am i like one of the only people who thinks headband joe is peak joe. like his hair right now is amazing, but headband joe just makes me melt.
warnings: smut, language, and more smut, you both are perpetually horny
word count: 8.5 k
“Joe!” You moaned as you felt the hot shower water dripping down your body. Joe’s head fell to the crook of your neck, sucking the soft skin which would be sure to leave a purple mark. 
“Shit, don’t stop,” you cried as he pounded into you, your body starting to feel sore since you have had your arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist for a good half hour. He was helping you out by holding you up, but everything about what was happening in the shower made you feel sore, in a good way of course. 
“Y/N…” he groaned. “Fuck, you feel so good,”. 
You felt a familiar sensation in your stomach as he continued to thrust into you, his grip on your waist tightening.“I’m close,” you whisper as you throw your head back against the shower wall.
“Shit, hang on for me baby,” Joe said as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, pushing you up against the wall each time. You whined at the feeling of him pushing himself deeper inside of you, which you thought was impossible. 
“Joe,” you whimpered again. “Right there,”. Joe’s rapid pace and deep thrusts were pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm, his cock grazing your g-spot. 
You move one of your hands into his wet curls and push him closer to your face, capturing him in a sloppy kiss as he continues to thrust into you. One particularly rough thrust causes you to break away. You felt the rubber band in your core snap as were clenching around his cock, “Joe,” you moaned into his ear as you came. 
“Y/N,” he moaned as he felt himself reaching his own pleasure. A few more thrusts later, you felt hot spurts of his cum fill your slick core as his head dropped down to your shoulder again, pressing soft kisses on your collarbone. 
As the water continued to rain down on you both, Joe and You stood in each other's arms, your bodies entwined in the lingering heat of your love. You knew that in that moment, there was no place you would rather be than together, lost in the blissful embrace of the shower.
“I love you,” he pants while pressing a few more kisses on your lips.
“I love you too,” you say back with a smile.
A little while later, you're standing in front of the bathroom mirror in your pink robe as you inspect the new purple marks littered around your neck. 
Joe walks up behind you, cupping the nape of your neck with his hand and rubbing it. “Sorry about that,” he softly says. 
You look back at him and smile, “It’s Okay, I’m used to it by now,”. 
What was supposed to be a quick shared shower before packing for your best friend's wedding in New York this weekend had turned into another one of your many unplanned romps. 
“I should’ve known this would’ve happened if we showered together. Every damn time we say we’ll take a quick shower, I end up with a limp,” you giggle while leaning back into his warm body. 
“Can’t keep my hands off of you. You know that,” he whispers into your ear lightly before lightly kissing the marks on your neck. 
You playfully roll your eyes as you move forward and walk into Joe’s closet. You weren’t living with him just yet, but by the looks of his closet, you basically were. 
You were bringing Joe as your plus 1 to your bestie’s wedding this weekend during the Bengals Bye Week and came over to Joe’s house to pack since he hated packing and needed you to keep him company. You had only been dating for 4 months but were already acting like a married couple according to your friend, and you were starting to see why she said so. 
Flashback to a few weeks ago
“So, you’re bringing Joe?” she asked, a little surprised since you’d only been dating for a few months and you never brought a guy to your friends this early, especially since you lived a little far away from them. 
“Mhm,” you responded while putting the phone on speaker as you were attempting to find your keys to Joe’s house in his driveway while he was away at practice. 
“Already the plus 1? Damn, he has you whipped,” she giggles. 
You roll your eyes and say, “Really funny Sophia,”. 
“Am I on speaker? Your voice is echoing,” she questions.
“Yeah, I'm trying to find my keys,”.
She stays silent for a second before saying “You’re in his driveway aren’t you,” with a big smile she wished you could see. 
“Maaaybee,” you trail. 
“God, get married already. You’re always over at his place, just move in Mrs. Burrow,” she teases. 
You laugh and say, “That’s because it’s most convenient. You know my apartment is a good half hour away from him. Besides, I thought you liked Joe,”
“Oh, I do, even though I've only met him a few times. I’ve never seen you happier, I'm just surprised you’re actually bringing him,” Sophia says. 
“Honestly, me too. But it feels right. And he’s very excited to go with me which makes it even better,” you say as you finally find the keys. 
End of flashback 
Joe joins you in the closet and watches you pack your stuff for this weekend in your suitcase. Along with your basic necessities, you pack several party dresses, heels, your wedding day look, and a bunch of accessories. 
“Damn, I never knew girls needed so much stuff for 3 days,” he laughed. 
You turned around and gave him a look that had him immediately retreating.“Not that it’s a bad thing,” he says while raising his hands to soften the blow. 
You break out into a laugh and say, “Calm down Joey, I’m jussst kidding,” as you walk over to him and kiss him before moving behind him to grab his suitcase. 
“You’re turn,” you say as you drop the bag at his feet. 
“I hate packing,” he frowns.
“That’s why I’m here baby. Here to keep ya company,” you smile before sitting in the comfy armchair in the corner. 
He lets out a defeated sigh as he begins packing his things and you watch him the entire time. He was doing something so simple as packing but looked incredibly delicious while doing so. His wet hair flopping around, his bare chest on display, and his shorts hanging low on his waist and showing off his blonde treasure trail. 
He catches you staring deeply at him and smirks. “Like what you see?”.
“You know I do,” you say as you cross your legs in the chair. 
“You know, we coulddd go back to bed,” he offers.
“Nice try Burrow. Packing comes first.”
“Damn,” he whispers. He finishes packing all of his things for the weekend, similar to you. Basic necessities, some nice shirts, pants, and jackets; also packing his wedding day outfit and a few of his favorite shades. 
“Always with the shades huh?” You tease. 
“If you can bring 20 different kinds of earrings, I can bring my shades,” he deadpans. 
“Alright alright, that’s fair,” you say as you get up and walk over to him to inspect his packing, making sure it’s not a complete mess. Satisfied with the way he packed his things, you move your face closer to his ear and whisper, “Now, if you’re done, is that ‘back to bed’ offer still on the table?”.
Joe immediately puts down his bag and reaches for your legs, picking you up bridal style, and rushes you to his bed. He softly drops you against the silk sheets before untying your robe and moving in between your legs. 
“I guess that’s a yes,” you giggle and you wrap your arms around his neck, pushing him closer to your lips for a sweet kiss. 
“We can’t be too rough though, I’m still a little sore from the shower and we have an early flight to New York tomorrow,”. 
He plants another soft kiss on your lips, “No worries babe, soft and gentle is one of my specialties,”. You watch as he kisses down to your core, closing your eyes in anticipation of what is to come. 
The next day
The ring of your alarm wakes you up early the next morning. You reach over and turn it off before turning to face Joe, who looks incredibly adorable and still asleep. His head was angled towards you, his messy bedhead hair was sprawled out against the pillow, his soft golden skin looked flawless, his lips curled up in a smile, and his bare chest was littered with a few purple marks from last night on display. He looked absolutely gorgeous at 6:00 am and you were jealous since you probably looked like a hot mess. 
You leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose, hoping to wake him up. Lucky for you, it worked.
“Morning sunshine,” you whispered.
He groans, barely opens his eyes, and mumbles “Morning Baby,”. 
You felt your core throb at the sound of his morning voice but immediately gave yourself a mental lashing since you were sore from last night and you guys have a flight at 8:00 to NYC. His morning voice and bare chest combo made you weak in the knees so early in the morning. 
After laying in bed for 10 minutes to give Joe a chance to fully wake up, you both hit the shower again. This time, actually showering with no funny business. Joe loads up the car to head to the airport but makes a quick pit stop at your favorite coffee shop to grab you both some breakfast. 
You guys were on the way to the airport as you were reading off the events and itinerary for the weekend. “Okay, tonight we have the rehearsal dinner and then the party at the club after,” you say as you feel Joe’s hand migrate to your thigh, a familiar spot for it. 
“Sounds like fun,” he says while giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Then tomorrow we have the wedding and reception. And then the next day she said she planned a brunch for close friends so it’ll just be a small group of people,” you conclude.
He nods his head as he continues to caress your thigh. “So what do you think of Steven?” You ask Joe. Steven is Sophia’s fiancée and Joe has only met him a handful of times. 
“He’s a good guy,” he says. “We actually have a good bit in common and he’s a big football guy,” Joe says, turning the car into the airport entrance. 
“He likes the Eagles right?” You question.
“Yup,” he says.
“That tracks, you know Sophia’s a big Eagles fan,”.
“Oh I know, so are you,” Joe says giving you a look.
You look back at him, a little offended, and say, “Aye, slow down buddy. Were. Were an Eagles fan. My loyalty has changed, and I look better in orange anyway,”
“Oh I know,” he smirks, his mind flashing back to all the times he’s seen you in your adorable little gameday outfits. You and Joe had been dating since a bit before the season started and had been getting to know each other throughout the summer. When the first game of the season rolled around, Joe insisted that you come and watch him play. You were a little hesitant at first since you knew that a lot of people would be there, many of whom would notice a random girl in Joe Burrow’s suite, but ultimately said yes because you wanted to support your boyfriend in any way possible. 
Your first gameday outfit consisted of a black Bengals-themed baseball jersey which had ‘Burrow’ and ‘9’ on the back and ‘Bengals’ on the front. You left the buttons open and had a white crop top on underneath, with your favorite jean shorts. He loved your first gameday outfit, but the accessories made it even better. You had gotten an iced-out ‘9’ necklace and a vintage Bengals baseball cap you had on backward to pull the look together. You had him drooling the entire day and he couldn’t wait to get you alone, and when he did, you could hardly think or walk straight after. 
Flashback to Week 1
You were sitting inside the Burrow suite while the boys were warming up on the field before changing into uniforms. You were scanning the field to hopefully get a glimpse of your boyfriend but couldn’t find him. It's been about an hour since you drove over with his parents and hadn’t gotten a chance to see Joe yet, and you were feeling a little sad because you thought you’d have to wait till the end of the game. 
You heard the suite door open as you were trying to find your lipgloss in your bag and thought it was just his parents coming back from their tailgate. You felt a big pair of hands wrap around your waist and a warm mouth press a kiss on your cheek. 
You let out a shriek and immediately turned around, panicking because you thought it was some random creep, but it was in fact just your boyfriend.
“Woah Y/N. Calm down, it’s just me,” Joe soothes.  
You relax your muscles and let out a sigh, “Whew, I thought some rando creep found their way into the suite,”. 
“Nah, just me,” he laughs. 
You furrow your brows, slightly confused at what he is doing up here, “Wait, why aren’t you down there?” you say as you point to the field.
“I just had to make sure you were doing okay. I know this is all new for you and I want you to feel as safe and relaxed as possible,”. 
Your eyes soften at his response, “Awww that’s so sweet,” you say while wrapping your arms around his neck, a whiff of sweat making you grimace. “Ohhh that lovely football smell,”.
“Sorry about that,” he says while pulling you in for a kiss. 
He pulls away after a few seconds, observing your adorable gameday outfit that he was seeing for the first time. His eyes got stuck on the ‘9’ necklace. “And that is how people will know you’re my girl,” he says while touching the necklace. 
“Glad you like the fit,” you smile. 
“Oh, I love the fit. I could get used to this,” he winks. 
“Me too,” you say as your eyes travel around the room, taking in the feeling that this could very well be a constant thing in your life from now on. 
Joe looks at the time and his face drops, “I gotta go get ready now,”.
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine Joe,” you say while rubbing the back of his neck. 
He lets out a sigh, “Okay, but if you need anything, and I mean anything, ask my parents or come sit down by the locker room if things get overwhelming,”. 
“Okayy,”. “Now go back down there before they accuse me of hogging their star QB,” you tease. 
“Really funny babe,” he says while pulling you in for a hug. He pulls away before giving your forehead a sweet kiss and walking towards the door to head back to the field. “Knock ‘em dead shiesty,” you yell as he gives you a smile before leaving the suite. 
Although you were anxious about being noticed by thousands of people, you were having the time of your life. As time passed, you became more and more engaged in the game, screaming and shouting whenever Joe would throw a dime or a big-time play would happen. You didn’t give a damn about what anyone thought anymore and were not afraid to show people that you were his girl. And Joe noticed. Each time he would look up at the suite, he would see you jumping up and down with his family and looking incredibly focused on him; this was the ultimate motivator for him because he knew his girl was watching. 
End of flashback 
Joe parked the car in the lot while you got all your stuff together before boarding his private jet to New York. 
“Ahh, I can never get tired of this,” you sigh as you slip off your Uggs and lay back onto the cushioned chair. Joe drops down onto the seat across from you and immediately pulls your legs into his lap, massaging your feet. 
“You’re so cute,” he mumbles while giving you a warm smile. 
You brush your hair out of your face before sending him a flying kiss, “You are even cuter,”. 
You both ended up taking a power nap during the short flight to New York and woke up about an hour before you landed. Since you had some time to kill, Joe pulled out his Nintendo Switch and convinced you to play a round of smash-bros with him. 
“Noooo,” you whined as you just lost for the 2nd time in a row. Joe let out another laugh as he watched you struggle to digest that you sucked at Smash-Bros. 
“You’re laughing now, but once it’s time for Mario Kart, it is game over Burrow,” you growl. 
“Maybe, but at least I put up a fight in Mario Kart. You basically gave up halfway,” he laughed as he placed the controller down and grabbed his phone, opening his notes app to add to the win-loss ratio list you had going. You and Joe both had somewhat competitive natures and loved to play silly little games whenever you could, so you suggested you keep a tally of how many times each of you won or lost a game of anything. At the end of the year, the loser has to do whatever the winner wants them to do for a whole day. 
“What’s the tally right now?” You asked.
“34-45. I’m winning,” he smirks. 
“Damn,” you whisper. “It’s okay. I still have all of this month to get myself back on top,”.
“You can be on top whenever you want, just say the word,” he teases while motioning to his dick. 
Your eyes widen at his words as you grab a pillow from behind you and chuck it at his face. “Are you always horny?”.
“Well, when I'm with my drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend, I can’t help it,” he shrugs. 
Drop dead gorgeous? You looked like a sack of potatoes right now, wearing one of his old LSU sweatshirts that was too big on you, black sweats, messy hair in a claw clip, and your glasses on. “Joe, I look like a mess right now,” you say as you pull the hood of his sweatshirt over your head. 
“Well if you’re a mess, you’re the mess I want,” his face immediately scrunching up. “I don’t think that came out the way I thought it would,”.
You smiled, got up from your chair, and moved over to his lap, pressing a soft kiss on his smooth cheek. “I know what you mean,”. 
A few hours later 
After your plane lands, you both head over to Joe’s New York penthouse you’ll be staying for the weekend. You both unpack all your things and start to get ready for the night. 
You’re finishing up your makeup as you watch Joe walk into the bathroom, seemingly looking for his hairbrush. You look at him up and down in the mirror and he looks incredible. He’s wearing his black jeans, a plain white short-sleeve tee which showed off his bulging muscles, and his navy blue jacket in hand. He walks over to the sink and runs his hands through his hair, like usual, to perfect it. 
“Can’t find your brush?” You question while fixing your hair. 
“Nah, but it’s fine. This should do it,” he says as he pushes a few stray strands back. He turns around and feels slightly flushed as he looks you up and down. You were wearing a short baby pink dress that hugged your body in all the right places, strappy white heels, and an ensemble of jewelry which was all gifted to you by Joe. 
“Baby..” he breathes out, struggling to move from where he was standing. You looked absolutely sexy and he felt like he’d just had the wind knocked out of him, much like how he’d feel when that happened out on the field. 
You do a little twirl to show off your outfit, “You think it looks good?”. 
“Good?” He says as he walks over to you. “Looks fucking amazing,” he mumbles as he pulls you in for a kiss, one hand cradling your head and the other migrating to your ass. He gives it a delicate squeeze, making you moan into the kiss. 
You pull away and press your forehead against his, “We gotta behave tonight Joe,” you giggle. 
“Yes ma’am,” he says before giving you another kiss. 
You both finish up and then head out to the wedding venue just outside of the city for the dinner. You and Joe walk into the venue, hand in hand, and you’re in awe of how beautifully everything is decorated. The warm fairy lights that were all around the room made everything glow and highlighted the most captivating elements. 
You looked ahead and caught a glimpse of Sophia and released yourself from Joe’s grasp, immediately running over to her. 
“There’s the bride!” You yell. 
Her face instantly lights up as she sees you. She runs to meet you halfway, tackling you in a tight hug. “I misseddd youuu! Cincy stole you away,” she squeals as she sways you back and forth. 
Joe walks over behind you both, smiling at the cute interaction. 
Sophia opens her eyes and sees Joe standing behind you and lets go of you. “And here is the reason why Cincinnati stole you away,” she teases. 
“Guilty,” Joe says while giving her a salute. 
“Hey Joe,” she says while giving him a friendly hug. 
“Hey Sophia,” he smiles, hugging her back. You have a huge grin on your face as you watch your two favorite people get along, it’s the best feeling in the entire world. 
“What are you smiling at?” Sophia questions as she pulls away to wrap her arm around your shoulder. 
“Just happy that my favorite people get along,” you sing song. 
“Remember, she was mine first Burrow,” Sophia giggles, causing Joe to scoff and gently pull you into him as Sophia’s fiancée walks in behind her. 
“Well, I’m incredibly lucky to have her now, and hopefully forever,” he says as he stares lovingly into your eyes. Your heart feels like it’s about to burst at his words, add to the fact that his strong grip on your waist was making you feel butterflies in all the right places. You felt yourself getting lost in his deep blue eyes as you both were just stuck staring at each other. 
Sophia smiles at the sweet words that came out of Joe’s mouth for you and notices the way he’s looking at you and holding you. It’s like you were the only person in the room, like you were a diamond. “Aye, snap out of it love-birds,” Sophia claps as her fiancée joins you all. 
“Whoops, Sorry about that,” you blush. “Hey Steven!,”. 
“Sup, Steven,” Joe says as he lets go of you to greet your friend's Fiancée. 
You all have a small reunion and spend a few minutes catching up and talking about wedding details before the other guests start to arrive. The rehearsal dinner was great as you got to catch up with your old friends from home and got the chance to finally introduce Joe formally to some of them. 
Currently, You and Joe were sitting together in your own little corner at the table as a few speeches were being delivered, his hand once again on your thigh, and your hands wrapped around his, softly caressing his golden skin. You leaned your head onto his shoulder as you melted into his touch. 
“You alright?” He whispers, noticing the change in your body language. 
“I’m amazing,” you whisper back. 
“Good, we still have a long night ahead of us,” he laughs before planting a few kisses on your forehead. 
About an hour later, the wedding party makes its way back into the city to a club in the Upper East Side. 
Loud music and bright strobe lights fill the room as you take another shot of tequila at the bar with your friends. Joe was across the room with Steven and the rest of the boys, also taking shots but less frequently than you and the girls. You’re slightly buzzed, maybe a little more than slightly actually. 
“Come on, let’s go dance,” Sophia yells as she pulls you into the dance floor. 
You and the girls start dancing in the crowd, having the most fun when you hear the song change, which immediately causes you and Sophia to scream. 
“This is our song!” She screams. The song had just changed to ‘Blow’ by Kesha, a song that you had very fond memories of in high school. 
“Oh yeah,” you yell as you throw your head back and hands in the air. 
Joe watches you carefully from across the room as you dance with your friends, looking incredibly stunning and sexy while doing so. The tent in his pants was a sure sign that he was going to struggle for a few minutes. His eyes never leave you as he sips his drink while still talking to the boys. 
You keep dancing around with your girls as you feel a pair of eyes watching you. You turn around to where Joe was and obviously, it was him. You give him a playful nod and stare right back at him, still dancing like nothing mattered. 
“Damn, Y'all can’t be away from each other even for a little,” Sophia laughs. 
“I think I’m torturing him by being out here, especially dressed like this,” you giggle. 
“Y’all are soo Down bad,” she yells but you barely notice what she said as you hear the song change again. This time, to one of your and Joe’s favorite songs, ‘Feel So Close’ by Calvin Harris. 
You immediately look back at him, motioning him to come over with just a simple look. He smiles at the song change and doesn’t hesitate to get off the barstool, places his drink on the counter, and walks over to the dance floor. You turn around and keep dancing as you suddenly feel a familiar warmth behind you. Joe presses himself into your back as you dance back into him, making his boner even worse than before. 
You both were caught up in the moment as the loud music and flashing lights created a special scene around you both. Although you were in a room filled with people, right now it just felt like you two out there, dancing the night away. Joe placed his hands on you and slid them down your waist as you threw your head back into his chest. 
You felt the tent in his pants on your ass, causing you to let out a giggle, “Got you worked up, didn’t I?”
“You look amazing,” he whispers into your ear before fully wrapping his arms around your waist, turning you so you could face him. You were a little breathless as you closed the space between you both, capturing his mouth in a deep kiss while your hands wrapped around his neck. 
“Let’s get outta here,” he says breathlessly as he pulls away. You nod your head as he lets go of you. You walk over to where Sophia is and let her know that you’re heading out and that you’ll see her tomorrow.
“Me and Joe are going to head out,” you pant. She gives you a smirk and says, “Mhm, called it,”. You’re confused by her words, “Called what?”.
“You both couldn’t even last 2 hours in the club before getting so worked up over each other that you’d have to leave before the party was over,” she giggled. 
You felt a little red as she said that. Damn, she was right. You don’t know what it was about Joe that made you act like this or what about you that made him act like this, but you certainly weren’t complaining. 
“If you want me to stay, I can,” you say as you brush a few stray pieces of hair out of your face. 
“No, it’s alright,” she smiles. “It’s getting pretty late anyways, you guys should go rest,” she says.
“Are you sure?”.
“Positive. He makes you happy Y/N, I can see it. Go have fun, but not too much fun,” she winks.
You pull her in for a hug and tell her that you’d absolutely help her get ready for the big day tomorrow morning. 
You make your way back over to Joe, who has moved closer to the exit. He grabbed your hand and placed it in his, “I called Uber, you ready?”. 
“Yup,” you say while giving him a kiss. 
Both of you were wrapped up together in the backseat of the Uber. Your head once again on his shoulder, and his resting on top of your head. His arm was wrapped around you, and his hand was absentmindedly softly rubbing your arm. Your right leg was wedged in between his as his free hand was rubbing up and down your lower leg. Everything about this was comforting for you both. It felt so peaceful and natural.
Once you’ve arrived at the apartment, Joe helped you out of the Uber since you were a bit too drunk and were wobbling around; he was terrified that you’d fall in the heels you were wearing. 
He slowly helped you into the elevator and you moved to stand behind him. He pressed the number of the floor you were supposed to be on and immediately turned back around to face you as the door closed.
He looks into your eyes for a few heartbeats before leaning in and capturing your lips in a delicate kiss which you both grin into. Once again, your hands find their home wrapped around his neck, and you stay like this until the door opens again. 
A few minutes later, you both are back inside the apartment and are in the process of getting unready. You feel a gush of wetness pool your core as you catch a glimpse of Joe’s bare chest as he just got out of the shower. He looked so desirable and his bare chest always got you worked up.  
You walk over to him, take his hand, and lead him back to the bed. “What are you doing?” He questions.
“What I’ve been wanting to do all night,” you say as you push him back onto the bed, straddling his waist. You capture his lips in a fiery kiss as his hands grip your waist again. You slowly grind on his shorts, making him way more horny than he was before. You push your hand down to his dick and start palming him through his shorts when he suddenly flips you both over so that he’s on top, leaving you a little dizzy. 
“Hm?” You question his sudden change of mind.
“You can do that another time, I wanna make you feel good tonight,” he says. 
You don’t have a chance to argue with him since he starts to peel off your tank top; his lips finding the sweet spot on your neck, making you flutter your eyes as you let out a whimper. 
He moves down and presses a few wet kisses on your belly before getting right to business, sliding off your shorts and underwear. 
“Oh,” you moan as you feel him blow on your core which was already wet from earlier. 
He lets out a laugh before he moves closer to your core, attacking your folds with sloppy kisses. Your hands find themselves in his hair again as you pull on the strands. “Joe,” you whimper. 
“You’re okay,” he whispers as he goes back to lapping at your slick core. He takes one of his fingers and pushes them inside your heat which makes you let out another moan. The combination of his mouth and fingers, along with the alcohol in your system was making you feel like you were levitating. “Fuck,” you whined. 
He continued to pump his finger into your core as his mouth attached itself to your clit, rhythmically sucking on it. He inserts another finger, stretching you out even more which causes you to arch your back. His free hand pushes your belly back down to the bed as he continues to attack your core. 
“Baby,” you moaned while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You felt a familiar warmth in your lower belly, signaling that you were very close. 
“I’m close,” you whispered, pushing your head further back into the pillow. You continue to pull on his hair which causes him to groan against your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. 
His fingers pick up the pace as his mouth is replaced by his thumb. He rubs circles around your clit while continuing to pump into you, which intensifies the entire experience. A few seconds later, you’re cumming hard and fast. “Joe,” you loudly moaned. He removed his fingers from your core and his mouth begins lapping up your juices.
He helps you come down from your high by pressing delicate kisses around your core and inner thighs. After a few minutes, he walks into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth to clean you up. Also, bringing you Advil and water to get ahead of the morning hangover. You’re too drained to move so he cleans you up and wraps a blanket around you while he makes sure everything is locked up. He joins you back in bed and pulls you closer to him, “You comfy?” he asks.
“Mhm,” you say sleepily. He presses one final kiss to your forehead before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. 
You stay awake for a few moments, thinking about how lucky you were to have someone who cared so much about you and always made sure that you were comfortable. He was perfect for you, and you couldn’t get enough of him. Sure, you two were absolutely insatiable for each other, but you also had a healthy balance between lust and love that kept your relationship steady, strong, and tender. 
The next day
The next morning rolls by fairly quickly. You get up early to go over to Sophia’s hotel to help her get ready for the ceremony and leave Joe to get a few more hours of sleep, assuring him that you’ll be back in time to get ready with him. 
“Babe, have you seen my watch?” Joe asks as he walks into the bathroom, his mouth agape as he sees your completed wedding look. His eyes travel down your body, the slit in the dress showing off your bare leg; the black material of the dress hugged your body in all the right spots, especially your ass. He felt particularly weak when he saw the v-cut neckline which highlighted your perfectly round breasts. 
“I think it was on the entry table,” you say turning to face him as you get your last earring on. Your eyes widen at his completed wedding look; black pants and a silk maroon shirt with his signature shades. 
“You look stunning,” he says while keeping absolutely still. His heart was racing at how gorgeous you looked. Even though he got to see your beauty every day, he would still lose his mind every time. 
“Right back at ya,” you wink causing him to let out a chuckle. 
After putting the finishing touches on your look, you both head over to the venue for the ceremony. 
It was a wonderful ceremony. You and Joe were seated towards the front so you had an amazing view of the whole thing. You both were sitting close to each other, his hand in yours. You were struggling to hold back your tears the entire time since you were watching your best friend since elementary school get married, and when Joe looked over and saw, he melted. You were also tearing up at the thought of imagining yourself getting married. You would have all of this one day and you wondered if it would be with the man sitting next to you, you were praying that it would be with the man next to you.
He raised your hands to his lips, pressing a few soft kisses to them to make sure you were okay. 
“I love you,” you mouthed to him. 
“I love you more,” he mouthed back, not knowing why you were feeling extra emotional all of a sudden.
A few hours later the wedding reception had begun, and you both had found yourself in your own little corner once again. You were absentmindedly rubbing Joe’s thigh while you both were focused on all the wedding speeches, and it was getting him worked up. Once it was time for your speech, Joe had lost it. He watched as you swayed your perfect hips, hips that he loved to grab onto, over to the stage. Your soft skin was glistening in the spotlight and your perfect breasts were mocking him. 
“Now’s not the time,” Joe thought to himself as he felt himself getting hard. 
You wrapped up your special speech for your bestie with a toast to the newlyweds and made your way back to your boyfriend, who looked like he was struggling to sit comfortably. 
“Are you okay?” you giggle. All you get in response is a blank stare.
“What?” you question. 
He lets out a sigh and fixes his posture, “You in this damn dress, is driving me fucking insane,” he blurts out. 
You stare at him for a few moments, thinking about how funny it was that he was going gaga over you right now, just like how you were drooling at his sexy self. “Well, you in this whole look is making me insanely horny,” you whisper into his ear. 
He clears his throat as a way to compose himself. He thinks about if anyone would notice if you both stepped away for a few minutes. “There’s a bathroom around the corner,” he whispers. 
Your eyes widen at his offer. You both rarely had sex in public places like this, usually finding pleasure in your home, car, or anywhere private. But right now, you honestly could care less.
As the wedding reception raged on outside, You and Joe sneaked away to the bathroom for a moment alone. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the candles casting a warm and intimate atmosphere.
Your eyes locked, filled with desire and longing. Without saying a word, Joe closed the distance between your lips, capturing them in a hungry kiss. Your bodies pressed together, his hands roaming freely over your plush skin.
You moaned softly as Joe lifted you up onto the countertop, his hands sliding up your dress to caress the smooth skin of your thighs. You push your hands into his curls as his lips travel down your neck, causing you to let out a moan. “Yeah,” you whimper. 
Your clothes were quickly discarded, leaving you both naked and exposed to each other. You push your lips against him again as you reach down and slide your hand up and down his dick. You guide it to your core and leave the rest to him. You moaned in ecstasy as he buried himself deep inside you. 
Your head falls back against the mirror as your legs hook around his waist. “Shit,” you moan as Joe moves his face into the crook of your neck, pressing wet kisses along your collarbone. His steady pace was doing wonders but you needed him to go deeper and faster. 
“Joe,” you whimpered, causing him to move his face back into your view. “Fuck me harder,”. 
“Are you sure?”.
“Yeah,” you moaned. 
He smiles and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss as he quickens his pace, rapidly thrusting into your slick core. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the bathroom as you were drowning in pleasure. “Harder,” you whimpered. The sounds coming out of your mouth were driving Joe insane as he thrusted deeper and deeper into your pussy, completely forgetting you were in a public bathroom. 
“Y/N,” he groaned as he gripped your waist tighter, surely leaving a few bruises. 
“Fuck Joe,” you moaned, this time a little louder. Each thrust sends you further back into the mirror and your lower half becomes slicker and slicker by the second. “You feel so good,” you whisper. 
Joe smiles as he plunges into you harder and harder each time. You felt a familiar sensation build in your belly as he pounded into your heat, “I’m so close,” you whispered. 
“Fuck, me too,” he moans as he reaches down and starts to rub circles around your wet clit. You whimper at the sudden contact, eventually setting off your release. Your walls clench around his cock as you let out a series of pornographic moans into his ear. 
He continues to pound into you, harder than before, trying to reach his own pleasure. You whimper at his movements and your hands start to scratch up and down his bare back. 
“Y/N..” he moaned. 
“Mm,” you whined. A few seconds later, you felt his release coat your walls. You both were trying to catch your breaths and regain your senses for a few moments before Joe slid out of you. He cleans you up first and helps you put your clothes back on. Then, you clean him up and help him fix his outfit just like he did for you. You look into the mirror while fixing your hair and smile at how well fucked-out you look, and look back over to your boyfriend, also looking well fucked. 
Before leaving the bathroom, he pulls you in for a hug, whispering a few sweet nothings into your ear and telling you how amazing you were. 
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered, causing you to smile against his chest and hug him tighter. 
You walk back into the reception with a slight limp, pretending as nothing happened, and tell Joe you are going over to Sophia for a bit. Joe nodded and said he’d be grabbing you both something to eat. 
You walk over to her table and slide into the chair next to her, flashing her a giddy smile. 
“How does it feel to be a Wifey,” you questioned. 
She laughs, “Very Fun,” while looking over at you. She looks carefully at you, noticing your smudged lipgloss and slightly messy hair. Your radiant smile and limp told her everything she needed to know.
“Looks like you had a little bit of your own fun,” she winks. “I saw that limp,”. Your face immediately turns red at the fact that she figured it out. How could she not? This girl has known you longer than anyone, of course she could tell when something was up, good or bad. 
You heave a sigh, “I don’t know what about him makes me so-,” you pause as you can’t find the right word to finish the sentence. 
“Down Bad?” Your friend says. 
You stay silent for a few seconds, “Yeah. Down Bad.” You smile as you look over at your boyfriend who was currently balancing two plates of food in his hand for you both.
“I see the way he looks at you, you know. It’s like you’re the only person in the room for him,” she says. “He looks at you like you are the most valuable diamond,”. 
You blush while you think about the countless times you’d find Joe deeply staring at you whenever you were talking. “Yeah, he does do that doesn’t he,”. 
“And I also see the way you look at him,” she adds.
“What do you mean, how do I look at him?”.
“Well other than looking like you want to pounce on him every 5 minutes,” she giggles. “You look at him like he’s the one,”.
You are surprised by what she says. The one? You’d only been officially dating for 4 months, was he really the one? He made you feel things that you haven’t felt in forever and even things you’d never felt before. He made you feel seen and he made you feel loved. You were so lucky to have found something special with him, but was he going to be the one? Did he even want you to be the one?
“Sophia, we’ve been dating for 4 months,” you nervously laugh. 
“And?” She questions. “I know it’s early, but I’ve seen you look happier with Joe in the past few months than I saw you with your ex who you were with for 3 years. He really really really loves you and I can tell that you feel the same way”. 
“He’s the one, Y/N. Trust me, I can feel it,” she adds as you look back over at Joe, who flashes you a warm smile, setting off butterflies in your stomach. 
“Yeah,” you say softly. Maybe he was the one. God, you wanted him to be the one. 
You hear her let out a loud laugh, “See what I mean! Even across the room, look at you two!”. 
You turn over and playfully push her arm. “Y’all are sooo down bad for each other,” she teases. You break out into a fit of laughter as you spend a few more moments talking to her about the wedding and the brunch tomorrow before getting up and joining your boyfriend once again. 
“What was that about?” He questions. 
“Ohhh nothing,” you say. The playful tone in your voice makes Joe slightly suspicious but he decides not to question it. Festive music fills the room as you both sit and eat your delicious meals while watching all the couples fill the dance floor.
Joe hears the song change from upbeat to slow; “Can’t Help Falling In Love,” playing softly in the background. This song was another song that was special for you both. 
He meets your eyes before standing up. You were confused at why he was getting up since you were both comfy the way you were sitting now, and you both certainly were not about to dance. Joe never danced in public as the only time he would slow-dance with you was in private. You didn’t mind though, it felt more natural and intimate that way. The song currently playing was one of your favorites to dance to.
He extends his hand out and says, “Y/N, would you like to dance with me?”. 
You feel like he’s messing with you so you don’t say anything for a few seconds, but he remains in the same position so he means business. 
“I would love to dance with you,” you say as he grabs his hand and leads you to the dance floor.  
His hands wrap around your waist as yours hang from his neck, and your warm bodies find themselves pressed together once again. 
“You look gorgeous,” he says quietly while swaying you to the beat of the song. 
You blush, “You’ve told me that like 50 times today,”. 
“And I’ll do it 50 more,” he says while raising his brows. 
“Only you could be so romantic not even an hour after rearranging my guts,” you whisper as he pulls you closer, if that was even humanly possible. 
“You just have this effect on me Y/N,” he says. “Got me feeling down bad every minute of every day,”.
Your heart skips a beat at his words. “Have you been talking to Sophia?” you question. 
“I mean, Yeah, it is her wedding,” he says while shrugging his shoulders. 
“No, I mean about us?” you ask.
“A little, but not anything in particular. Is something wrong?” he says, his face turning solemn. 
“No, No. Nothings wrong. It’s just she’s been going on the entire weekend about how down bad we are for each other,” you giggle, his grip on your waist becoming tighter. 
“To be fair, she isn’t wrong. You make me do things and feel things that I never knew I could be capable of,” he says, once again staring deeply into your soft eyes. Your heart beating so incredibly fast as it felt like it was just you two dancing on the floor. 
“Joe,” you whisper, your face moving closer to his.
“I’m so lucky to have you Y/N. You have no idea,” he says before pulling you in for a sweet kiss. 
Your lips fit perfectly against his as you stay like that for a few seconds before breaking away, “I can’t help falling in love with you,” you say, reciting the lyrics of the song playing while you two are dancing.
“I love you, so fucking much. If this is what they call down bad, then fuck yes I’m down bad for the love of my life,” he says. 
A huge grin appears on your face, “Love of your life?” you question.
“Mhm,” he says as he pushes your head into his chest. “Take this as a preview of what our first dance will be like at our wedding,” he says. “Same song and everything,”.
You feel tears pool in your eyes as you look back up at him, “Really? You wanna marry me?”. 
He smiles and says, “Down the road, absolutely. You are exactly what I’ve been waiting for in my life. If you think I’m gonna let that go, maybe I need to do a better job of showing it”. 
Your heart felt like it was about to explode. He wanted to be the one just as much as you did. 
“If you were to do more to show your love than you already did, I think I would drop dead,” you tease. 
“Hey, that is not funny,” he deadpans. 
“Oops, Sorry Mr. Serious,” you say as you kiss his cheek. 
“Well, for future reference, I like princess cut,” you smile, causing him to break his serious expression and let out a hearty laugh. Your head finding its way back to his chest as you continued dancing. 
The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them entwined in a dance that seemed to last for eternity. The room was alive with laughter and chatter, but to them, it was as if they were the only ones in the world.
As the song came to an end, they held each other closer, never wanting to let go. The warmth of their love enveloped them, filling their hearts with a sense of pure bliss and contentment.
And in that magical moment, as they whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears, they knew that their love would always be the music that guided them through life's dance, forever intertwined and inseparable.
–The End–
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gyusimp · 3 months
I can't get over the idea of full on pussydrunk gyutaro like him being so whiney as he does it maybe that for a request:))
°•Pvssydrunk Gyutarō headcanons
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⚠️WARNINGS: NSFW | MINORS DNI! | 0r4l s3x | Fingering
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You had been busy lately, work and other things to do had consumed almost all of your time making your demon boyfriend get in a bad mood every time he came home and found you doing your chores of any kind.
The man grunted with reluctance every time you told him that you had to do something important and he ended up angrily returning to his sister and locking himself inside her for the rest of the night.
You apologized to Gyutaro many times but without caring that he always ended up angry. You promised him that you would make it up to him in a good way, however he wanted, and that led you two to tonight, right now. It had been a while, your thighs were burning and your waist was starting to tingle.
You had lost count of how long you had left your legs spread, letting Gyutaro bury his face in between them. It had been over an hour judging by the slight pains in your body. You stood on your arms on your futon and looked down to see Gyutaro who didn't seem to have any intention of stopping so you simply turned back to your spot and frowned at the sensation in your core.
"Ah-aah Gyutaro- are you going to finish yet?" You asked, your voice fragile.
You didn't want it to end because it was uncomfortable or you didn't like it, but a lot of time had passed and your body was beginning to ache and a heavy feeling invaded you. Gyutaro didn't say anything, he just looked up at you and continued doing his thing.
You couldn't take it anymore. You could feel your body damp with sweat, your legs trembling under your boyfriend's grip from being in the same position for too long, your entire cunt was wet and hot from Gyutaro's saliva, seeping into each of your folds every time. His tongue caressed your entire slit.
You could swear your clit was swollen from so much overstimulation and felt more sensitive than before making you squirm at the slightest movement of his lips.
Your moans filled the room as you moved your waist and tried to make the wet feeling of his tongue more pleasurable and maybe cum again. Your mind was empty until you heard more moans between your thighs, moans and whimpers from Gyutaro.
You leaned down to see him and sure enough, his voice trembled between your legs, saying incomprehensible praises to you and half-hearted curses into the air while he tasted you. His eyes were half open without taking an inch away from you, you could see the red painting his face and some tears threatening to salt the corners of his eyes while the sweat made the messy strands of his bangs stick to his forehead.
"G-Gyu-aah! Mmhh are you okay?"
An obscene snap sounded from between your legs as Gyutaro removed his lips from yours and looked at you. His gaze was lustful but somewhat lost, giving you the impression as if he were drunk, drunk on your taste.
"Oh babe, you're so fucking addictive...you're like a fucking drug to me..." His voice was raspy and shaky, his lascivious smile tilted sideways across his face and his sharp teeth were licked by his tongue to leave inside from his mouth every drop he had tasted of you. "You said you would make it up to me, now shut your mouth and spread your legs for me."
Saying this, Gyutaro lowered his hand towards you, introducing two of his fingers, making you arch your back along with a deep and loud moan that indicated your surprise.
You felt Gyutaro's fingers move inside you causing wet sounds as his big, thick thumb rested on your clit to press and move against your skin causing shivers to run through your body. You started moving towards him again, making his hand slide deeper and deeper into you listening to all kinds of dirty things he had to say to you until it was all too much and you cum on his hand for the fourth time in the night. Gyutaro's fingers immediately left you and he brought them to his mouth so as not to waste a single ounce of your release.
He opened your legs again and traced a line up and down with his tongue all over your cunt, completely licking your squirt in every corner. His lips sucked on your clit and his fingers finished overstimulating you until full of your flavor he dropped onto one of your thighs while he lazily kissed your skin and his fingers gently caressed your pussy.
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satorusugurugurl · 7 months
JJK Men Confessing That They Love You in The Middle of Smexy Time!
Summary: JJK men suddenly realize their true feelings for you while. . .inside of you. What better chance to tell you they love you!
Word Count: 3,485
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Choso Kamo
Warning: Smutty smut, language, choking, fluffy goodness!
A/N: I loved writing this!! Super sugary sweet goodness.
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Gojo Satoru:
Your moans flood the room as Gojo drapes your legs over his shoulders. His cock is buried deep inside of you, but he's not focusing on that. Instead, his eyes are transfixed on your face. The way your eyebrows knit together, how your mouth is in an ‘O’ shape. He notices everything. Every tremble in your arms, how your nails dig into the sheets, how into it you are.
His thoughts are flooded with you. Your moans, your laughter, the way you treat his students. Staring down at you while your bodies are connected makes him realize how much he cares about you. His heart races, and it feels like someone squeezes it as tightly as possible.
What better time than now to realize how much he cared for you? But caring didn't even come close to describing what you meant to the strongest man in the world.
No, he was—
“I love you.” He said out loud.
Hearing those words had your eyes shooting wide as you stared at him in disbelief. “H-Huh?” you asked, assuming you were so fucked out of your mind that you misheard him.
“I love you.” He repeated, emphasizing each word. Making sure you fully understood what he was saying. “I love you, Y/N god, I love you.”
Before he gives you a chance to respond, he pulls out of you before slowly pushing back inside. A moan passes through your lips as he leans in, pushing your thighs back towards your chest in the process. The intense bed-creaking sex session suddenly turns softer and more intimate, and it makes your heart slam against your rib cage as his confession sinks in. Gojo Satoru meant it; there was no teasing tone to his words, no hint of sarcasm.
Gojo Satoru was in love with you.
“Toru.” Your voice whined out as he continued his deep, passionate thrusts.
“Y/N, I love you.”
Gojo had to keep repeating himself as he fuvked you slowly. The words were so genuine, raw, and honest that it was egging him on. Like saying those three words was bringing the two of you closer to your release.
“I-I love you too.”
Your words had caused Satoru to freeze. His breathtaking cerulean eyes locked on your Y/E/C eyes. He stared for a long moment, letting your words wash over him. Once it felt like it had penetrated every nerve in his body, he smiled. It was warm and soft, full of the newly found love the two of you felt.
“I love you, Toru~”
“Again,” he said as his thrusts became rougher. “Say it again, Y/N.”
“I love you, Satoru~”
“Y/N,” he grunted, reaching down and rubbing your clit, “Yes, I love you.” You cried out, tossing your head back as the head of his cock slammed into your g-spot. “I love you, fuck, I love you so fucking much! I'm gonna cum, baby; I'm going to cum, cum with me.”
His words, movements, and love sent you tumbling over the edge. Your pussy squeezed his cock so tight he fell over the edge with you, his head falling into the crook of your neck as his hips still. His cock painted your insides white as he gently fucked into you, kissing and nipping at your neck as you both rode out your highs.
Pulling back, cheeks flushed and hair in disarray, Satoru kissed you deeply. You moaned, kissing him with mirrored enthusiasm before he pulled back. You were lost in each other's eyes for an eternity before Satoru kissed you softly.
“I love you.”
Geto Suguru:
“Suguru,” you whine, “yes Sugu, r-right there.”
Gritting his teeth, Geto keeps hitting your G-spot with a slow rhythm. You're on your hands and knees as he fucks you from behind. But Geto hates using the word fuck anymore. Sure, that's what had been in the beginning. The two of you mutually agreed to fuck after a stressful mission or when you were horny. It's better than random hookups with strangers. The fucking had been so good that it went from an occasional hookup to every weekend before you two were fucking every other night.
The sex was so good with you; Suguru started inviting you out to the Cafes with Nanako and Mimoko. The girls loved you. And you were so good with them. The fucking was so superb that you had a toothbrush at his apartment, that you made dinner for them. The fucking was so addictive that he had fallen for you. In the most intense way, a person could.
This wasn't fucking each other anymore.
“Love.” Suguru said out loud, his inner thoughts escaping his mouth, “Oh god, love.” He couldn't help the grin that tugged at the corners of his mouth.
You hadn’t heard what he said, too lost in his thrusts. “Hmm?” You asked as he leaned over you, pressing you further into the mattress. “Are you close?” You questioned as he fucked you at a slower pace.
You were expecting a nod, but what you felt instead was his lips against your upper back. The sensation of soft kisses trailing over your skin sent a shiver down your spine. When Suguru kissed you like that, gently and passionately, it made your heart ache because this was just a hookup. Nothing more than that.
“I said love.” His lips moved against your heated skin, inching towards your ear.
“Mm,” he responded, “love.” his right hand moved up the sheets, “This isn't mindless fucking anymore Y/N.” Suguru’s hand gently rested on top of yours, his fingers interlacing yours. “ I love you.”
Your breath caught in your throat as he kissed your neck, thrusting into you deeper. “Love.” You repeated as you cried out in pleasure. His thrusts, his groans, the smell of him, god, it made you realize that he was right.
Those quickies, 2 AM ‘wyd’ texts, had transformed into more. They had become dinners, movie nights, and outings. He was right; this was so much more than blowing off steam and fucking your frustrations out! And you felt the same.
You squeezed your conjoined fingers, your head turning to the side. Suguru had been watching you, waiting for either your rejection or reciprocation of his words. His uncertainty melted as you slammed your lips against his in a searing kiss.
“I love you, Suguru, I love you!”
He furrowed his eyebrows together as he trusted faster and harder into you. The headboard slammed against the wall as you cried out into his mouth. His grip tightened on your hand, digging it into the mattress as you reached down, rubbing your clit.
Feeling your pussy clamp down on him as you worked yourself in tantum with his thrusts, he had his balls tightening as he slammed as hard into you as he could before cumming inside of you. His final thrust hit your G-spot perfectly, sending you over the edge with him. You cried tears of happiness in pleasure as a string of his name passed through your lips.
You sniffled as Suguru laid you both on your sides. His softening cock was still inside of you as he kissed your tears away. “You're everything I've ever wanted, Y/N,” he whispered against your cheek. “I love you so incredibly much.” His arms tightened around your body, not allowing you to escape even if you wanted to.
“I love you too, so much, Suguru.” You felt Jim smile against your cheek before he planted a trail of kisses down your face.
Nanami Kento:
“Y/N.” Nanami groaned out as the couch groaned under the two of you. “Baby feels good.” He growled, letting his head fall back, taking the chance to watch you slowly riding his cock. God, this night was perfect, even if it didn't go as planned.
Nanami had the intention of taking you to a nice dinner tonight. But work had been long, hard, and exhausting. He had told you he would love to stay in, take a shower, and watch a movie. But he made reservations and didn't want to disappoint you. So imagine his surprise to find you waiting by his door with brown paper bags in hand.
You told him his comfort and happiness would make you happier than a fancy dinner. You wanted him to relax tonight. He got to take a shower and change. Nanami had offered to help make dinner, but you threatened him with a butcher knife. So, he instead watched from the couch.
And God, you went above and beyond.
You made a feast, freshly baked bread, barbeque steak, and a large salad. You not only made dinner but also cleaned the kitchen. And while he was showering, you also started his laundry. After all of that, you pushed him to the couch and told him to relax, and you sat yourself on his lap.
“Feel good, Kento~?” You moaned into his ear as you rocked back and further on his throbbing cock. “You nice and relaxed baby~?”
Nanami nodded, his fingers digging into your hips, assisting with rocking you. God, you spoiled him when he should be the one spoiling you. You were compassionate, caring, and so sweet. You put him first and made him feel at ease. It wasn’t just today, either. Every time the two of you spent time together, he fell harder. You were perfect, the perfect partner; god, he could only imagine marrying you, having you here with him daily.
“Ken?” You noticed the far-off look in his eyes. He seemed deep in thought. “Are you okay?”
His eyes slowly widened at your words. The genuine concern for him. Even after you had gone out of your way to make him feel better.
“I’m perfect.” His deep, gravelly voice made you melt. “I was just thinking.”
“Ooh~? Thinking about what?”
His hand left your hip, cupping your cheek. His thumb gently grazed your cheekbone as warm brown eyes bore into yours. “I was thinking about how lucky I am to have fallen in love with you.” Your hips stilled as his confession washed over you like rain.
The shock vanished almost instantly as you grinned wide, giggling happily. “I love you too!” You nearly yelled out before he moaned in pleasure and relief, pulling you in for a searing kiss.
Your lips melded in sync, moving in harmony as you rocked back and forth faster while Nanami began thrusting up into you. Your moans flooded his mouth, fueling his desire as the head of his cock kissed your cervix. The love that flooded between you two only intensified the endorphins coursing through your bodies, making the pleasure almost too much.
“Y/N, I love you; I love you so much.” He grunted out, wrapping his arms around your waist as he fucked up into you faster. “Stay with me~ stay with me~!”
“K-Keeento!” You cried out, throwing your head back as he fucked you faster. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I’ll stay. I love you!!” Your clit rubbed against his pelvis, threatening to snap the tightening coil in your abdomen.
Nanami felt you tighten around him. He knew you were close. You just needed a little push. “I love you~ stay with me forever, be mine and mine alone.” He snarled through clenched teeth as he drilled into you.
“Fuck! Fuck! Ken yes! I love you! I’m cummi—“ Your words were silenced as he kissed you, his body stiffening as he filled you to the brim with ropes of his sticky hot cum. You clenched around him, gushing around his cock, cumming on the man you loved.
Once your bodies came down from the ecstasy, Kento pulled back, both his hands cupping your face. “Y/N, I meant every word.” He whispered against your lips. “Please move in with me.” Your cheeks burned hot before you pressed your forehead against his.
“I would love to live with you.” You ran your hands up and down his forearms. Only to squeak as he lifted you, carrying you to the bedroom. “Wait, Kento, where are we—“
“I’m going to make love to you properly this time.”
And Nanami Kento always kept his word.
Toji Fushiguro:
What the fuvk was wrong with him?
He stared at your shoulder as his cock slammed into you at a slow and gentle pace. His large, calloused hand covered your mouth as he grunted against your neck. Ever since you showed up this afternoon, his heart was straining against his chest. Not because he was nervous or didn't want you around. It was the complete opposite.
Toji found himself wanting you around more often than ever. But you had to work, and he was busy caring for Megumi and taking jobs. The week had been crazy busy and stressful, but the second you showed up at his apartment with dinner for the three of you, he felt the tension leave his shoulders. Not only did you get them food, but you also made Megumi’s day.
“I heard someone aced their test this week!” You handed him a wrapped present, and his son’s eyes glittered with amazement. “Good job, Megumi!”
You so selflessly bought him the new book he'd been bugging him about for the last month. Seeing his son so happy, watching you grin down at the boy that wasn't yours, made his heart leap into his throat. Those were the thoughts rolling through his mind as he tucked you harder, your whines being caught in his hand.
Replaying today's events, trying to correlate them with the strain on his chest, suddenly hit him with a ton of bricks. It was so simple, so damn simple as to what was causing him to feel like this. And it was all your damn fault.
“Damn, brat,” he growled in your ear. “You are a pain in my ass sometimes, you know that?” His hips snapped forward faster. “Coming into my life, making me and my son happy.”
Your eyes rolled back as he so sweetly degraded you. God, it made your pussy flutter. It was a nice change from some nasty things he would say to you. Things you usually loved, but this was a nice change.
“Making me fall in love with you.” He snarled, kissing your neck feverishly.
That was unexpected.
You whined, pulling his hand away from your mouth, and it wrapped around your throat instead. “Toji, did you just say you love me?” You moaned out as he squeezed his fingers around your throat.
“Yeah, I did.” he nipped at your earlobe, squeezing tighter. “You're such a good girl, caring for me and my kid. So tell me, Y/N, what will you do about it? Are you going to take responsibility for this and love me back?”
His fingers released their hold on your throat, allowing you to gulp air. You giggled before crying out in pleasure. “Damn! G-Guess oooh! Guess it's a good thing I fell in love with you too.” Your snarky tone was silenced as Tojo barked out a laugh before choking you again.
“Yeah, you're going to take full responsibility and my cock like a good girl. Now relax while I fuvk you full of my cum and love, little slut.”
You choked out a moan as your eyes rolled back as Toji fucked you. Harder and deeper than he had before. Between the force and the choking, you came almost instantly, coating his cock with your essence as he slammed harder and harder into you before he stiffened, his balls emptying into your tight cunt. His hips lazily moved in and out fucking his cum into you before he grunted out a sigh of relief.
His cock slowly slid out of you as he released your throat. His fingers gently caressed your face instead, “I love you, brat.” he whispered as you leaned into his hand.
“I love you too, Toji.” you turned to smile at him.
“Love you more,” he whispered before kissing your lips.
Choso Kamo:
Choso’s eyes were shut tight as you bounced up and down on his cock. He gripped the sheets underneath him as he desperately tried not to blow his load already. This was bad, really bad, and it was all Yuuji’s fault.
The night had been normal! You came with popcorn and snacks for the brothers' weekly movie night. While you were getting the blankets and pillows fluffed, Yuuji watched Choso smile warmly at you. It was a goofy, lovesick smile that made the younger brother grin ear to ear.
“So, when are you going to tell Y/N?”
Choso blinked, looking at his brother. “Tell her what?” His head tilted to the side.
“That you love her?”
The soda can Choose had been holding crushed in his grasp as his cheeks burned. “What?!” he shouted hushedly, looking between Yuuji and you.
“Oh well, you love her, right?”
Choso threw the crushed can in the recycling. His heart pounding in his ears as he glanced back at you. You were everything to him. You had helped him adjust to his new life, gave him advice, and were always there to help him. To say you weren't the light of his world (aside from his brother) would be a lie.
“I-I mean I—” Choso ran a hand down his face, “I suppose I do.”
“You guys have been dating for a while. You should tell her, Cho!”
Choso sighed, looking at the marble counter. “How do I even do that?”
Yuuji grinned, patting him on the back. “Tell her tonight! I'm going to meet up with Nobara and Megumi after our movie.”
Things were going as expected; movie night was a success, and Yuuji took off, leaving the two of you alone. Choso may have told you how he felt if you hadn't dragged him to the bedroom the second Yuuji left. He had so many things he wanted to say, but he wanted it to be perfect.
And your tight pussy had his brain fuzzy with dopamine, and he was sure if he said anything, it would be a garbled mess.
To you, Choso seemed so out of it. His eyes were shut tight, and his pale skin flushed. He wasn't into it. And he usually went bananas when you would ride his cock. This lack of enthusiasm and nearly silent treatment all night had your hips rolling to a stop, causing him to open his eyes for the first time since you lowered yourself on him.
“Cho?” Your cheeks mirrored his own. “A-Are you not into it? I'm sorry I assumed maybe it was okay since Yuuji left. But if you don't want to do it, we can stop.”
“Huh?!” he propped himself up on his arms. “No, please don't stop. It feels really good!”
You stared down at him, frowning. “Then why do you seem so out of it?” he gently ran his hands over your thighs.
“I'm just trying to figure out how to say that I love you without making it completely awkward.” He whispered.
“You love me?”
“Yeah, I was—” Choso took a second to process his words before he groaned. “And I went ahead and ruined it anyways—” his voice muttered, “I'm sorry, Y/N can we tr-A-AH!” Choso’s head tilted back as you began bouncing up and down his cock, harder this time.
“Y-You love me?” Looking at your face, Choso was shocked to see you smiling as tears streamed down your cheeks. “You really love me, Cho?”
At that moment, Choso realized how stupid he was being. Telling you he loved you didn't need to be scripted or planned. He just had to be honest because all that mattered was the two of you. He sat up, pulling your legs behind him as he nodded.
“I love you, Y/N.” he held your face while kissing you deeply, “I love you.” You moaned and cried into his mouth as he rocked into you.
“Love you too~” you cried against his lips, “I love you too, Choso.”
Your hips rocked against each other as whispers of I love you were shared in between moans. The declarations only grew louder as Choso reached down, rubbing your clit with his thumb. You cried harder, pressing your forehead against his as you stated into his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N.” Was what sent you over the edge as he rubbed your clit in fast circles.
“Choso l-love you!!” You cried out as he gritted his teeth, his cockthrobbing as he came with you.
As you came down from your highs, Choso smiled and kissed your nose as he laid you both down. “I'm sorry I got lost in my head there.” he stroked your hair slowly.
“It's okay; it was well worth it.”
Choso kissed you softly, “It always is when it comes to love.”
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bitchiswild · 6 months
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Possessive Desires
G!P Wonyoung x F! Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: creampie,mean girl wony, smut, giving head, idkkkk 🤷‍♀️
Wonyoung was well aware of your interest in her friend, but he seemed oblivious to it all. Whenever you were around, being charming and friendly with him, he remained clueless, like an airhead who couldn't see beyond your niceties. This only fueled Wonyoung's jealousy, as she couldn't fathom how you could flirt with her friend right in front of her. After all, she knew she was attractive—every girl wanted her attention. But it seemed like you only had eyes for her friend.
The repeated occurrences of seeing you shower her friend with attention only intensified Wonyoung's envy. It irked her to see her friend effortlessly capture your gaze, as if she didn't deserve any attention herself. With her looks, intelligence, and wealth, Wonyoung couldn't understand why you weren't drawn to her instead.
Gradually, Wonyoung came to realize that her jealousy wasn't really about you—it was about her friend getting the attention she craved. The attention that she wished was directed towards her. Deep down, Wonyoung harbored feelings for you, but her pride and ego prevented her from confessing. Yet, amidst her internal struggle, she couldn't ignore the occasional glances you threw her way.
Feeling frustrated and determined, Wonyoung realized she needed to take action. She concocted a plan—a scheme designed to make you desire her attention, to prove that she was more than just a jealous bystander. Her goal was clear: she wanted to see you beg for her affection, to demonstrate that she had the power to captivate you, even if it meant embracing her reputation as a "mean girl."
There you were, looking stunning as ever, but who was it all for? That dim-witted friend of her. Wonyoung longed for you to dress up for her instead, to be her doll, a doll she could lavish with all her wealth. With determination burning inside her, Wonyoung rose from her seat and confidently made her way over to you.
As she approached, she took charge, moving your chair to face her, a smirk playing on her lips as she caught you off guard.
"Y/n," she purred, your name rolling off her tongue like honey.
"Wonyoung, hi, can I help you?" you asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.
Wonyoung clicked her tongue disapprovingly. "What are your intentions with Eli, hmm?" Her gaze locked with yours, causing a flutter in your stomach.
As you tried to gather your thoughts, Wonyoung leaned in closer, her gaze intense. "I've noticed how you've been cozying up to Eli lately," she continued, her voice low and compelling. "But let me make something clear, Y/n. Eli may be my friend, but I won't stand by and watch someone take advantage of him."
You could feel the tension in the air, Wonyoung's words hanging between you like a challenge. But instead of backing down, you met her gaze squarely. "I assure you, Wonyoung, my intentions with Eli are purely friendly," you replied, your tone steady despite the swirling emotions inside you.
Wonyoung's expression softened slightly, but the fire in her eyes remained. "Good," she said, straightening up. "Because if I ever find out otherwise, you'll have me to deal with." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away. She paused for a moment, then unexpectedly, she stopped and turned back towards you. "Oh, and you look cute today," she said with a faint smile, before turning on her heel and walking away, leaving you to ponder her words and the unexpected flutter in your heart.
You were in the midst of a conversation with Eli, the atmosphere light and easy between you two. His laughter was infectious, and you found yourself getting lost in the warmth of his company. However, the tranquility was shattered when Wonyoung approached, her steps deliberate and her gaze fixated on you with an unsettling intensity.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she drawled, her tone laced with thinly veiled disdain.
Eli's expression shifted to one of confusion as he glanced between you and Wonyoung. "Hey, Wonyoung," he greeted cautiously. "What's up?"
Ignoring his greeting, Wonyoung narrowed her eyes at you, her voice cutting through the air like ice. "Y/n, you seem to be spending an awful lot of time with Eli lately," she remarked, her words tinged with accusation.
Your stomach tightened as you braced yourself for what was to come. "We're just friends, Wonyoung," you replied, trying to maintain your composure in the face of her scrutiny.
A smirk played at the corners of Wonyoung's lips as she leaned in closer, her words dripping with venom. "Friends, huh? Funny, because it looks like you're trying a little too hard to get his attention," she whispered, her gaze boring into yours with an intensity that sent a chill down your spine.
Eli's brow furrowed in confusion as he sensed the tension between you two. "Wonyoung, what's going on?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Wonyoung straightened up, her facade of superiority firmly in place. "Oh, nothing, Eli," she replied sweetly, her eyes never leaving yours. "Just thought I'd remind Y/n here to stay in their lane."
With that final jab, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving you and Eli to exchange bewildered glances, the tension thickening in the air as you both grappled with the implications of Wonyoung's words.
As the days passed, Wonyoung's constant interference in your interactions with Eli became increasingly bothersome. Her persistent questioning and snide remarks left you wondering if there was more to her behavior than met the eye. Could it be that Wonyoung harbored feelings for you herself, explaining her relentless interruptions and scrutiny?
After class ended one day, you decided to retreat to an empty classroom to study, hoping for some peace and quiet away from Wonyoung's prying eyes. As you made your way down the deserted hallway, lost in your thoughts, you rounded a corner and nearly collided with Wonyoung.
"Y/n, fancy meeting you here," she greeted, her tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the unexpected encounter. "Wonyoung, hi," you replied cautiously, unsure of what to expect.
Wonyoung's eyes glittered with a mischievous glint as she stepped closer, her gaze locking onto yours. "So, still spending all your time with Eli, I see," she remarked, her voice dripping with insinuation.
You bristled at her remark, a mixture of frustration and curiosity bubbling within you. "What's it to you, Wonyoung?" you shot back, unable to mask the edge in your voice.
A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of Wonyoung's lips as she leaned in closer, her breath ghosting over your ear. "Oh, nothing, Y/n," she whispered, her voice sending a shiver down your spine. "Just making sure you're not forgetting who you really want."
With that cryptic remark, she pulled away and sauntered off down the hallway, leaving you standing there, bewildered and more confused than ever about Wonyoung's true intentions.
As you settled into the quiet confines of the empty classroom, books and notes scattered across the desk before you, Wonyoung's cryptic remark echoed in your mind. "Just making sure you're not forgetting who you really want." What did she mean by that? The question gnawed at you, distracting you from your studies as your thoughts drifted back to Wonyoung and the complexities of your interactions.
Despite your best efforts to focus, your mind kept wandering, replaying moments spent with Wonyoung and Eli, trying to decipher the true nature of your feelings. Did you truly want Eli's company, or was there something more drawing you to Wonyoung? The realization sent a jolt of uncertainty coursing through you, leaving you grappling with newfound emotions and the daunting task of untangling your desires. As the hours passed, you found yourself lost in a tumult of conflicting emotions, unsure of where your heart truly lay.
As you prepared to leave the room, the door swung open, and there stood Wonyoung, a smirk playing on her lips. "Wonyoung," you greeted, trying to mask the unease in your voice.
She stepped into the room, her gaze unwavering as she sauntered closer, the smirk never leaving her face. "Well, well, well, look who's here," she teased, her tone dripping with amusement.
Your heart raced as you felt the weight of her gaze upon you. "What do you want, Wonyoung?" you asked, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure.
Wonyoung's smirk widened into a knowing grin as she closed the distance between you, her movements deliberate and confident. "I'll be honest, Y/n. I've been eyeing you for a while, but you had to pick my friend. While I stood there waiting for you to give me the same amount of attention," she husked, her voice low and seductive. "But to sum it up, I want you."
Her words hung in the air, and before you could respond, she reached out and caressed your face, sending a shiver down your spine. You were left speechless, the intensity of her gaze leaving you powerless to resist her allure.
"I... I didn't realize," you stammered, your mind racing to process her confession. Your heart pounded in your chest, the air thick with anticipation and an undeniable undercurrent of sexual tension between you.
Wonyoung's eyes sparkled with amusement as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against your ear. "Well, now you know," she whispered huskily, her lips brushing against your skin in a tantalizing caress.
A shiver ran down your spine at the intimate gesture, your senses overwhelmed by the electrifying chemistry crackling between you. Despite the uncertainty swirling in your mind, there was no denying the magnetic pull drawing you closer to Wonyoung, igniting a firestorm of desire that threatened to consume you both.
Your eyes locked with Wonyoung's, the intensity of her gaze sending a jolt of anticipation coursing through you. In that charged moment, her eyes flickered down to your lips, a silent invitation hanging between you.
Without hesitation, she gripped your jaw with a firm yet gentle touch, pulling you into a kiss that ignited a blazing inferno of desire within you. Her lips were soft against yours, her kiss possessive and electrifying. As the heat between you intensified, her hands began to caress your sides, trailing down to your hips with an intoxicating urgency.
Breaking the kiss, she pressed feather-light kisses down your jawline, her lips trailing a path of fire along your skin. Your breath hitched as she pushed you against the nearby desk, the cool surface contrasting with the searing heat of your desire.
Lost in the heat of the moment, you surrendered to the intoxicating whirlwind of sensation, Wonyoung's touch igniting a passionate inferno that consumed you both in its fervor.
At the height of passion, Wonyoung suddenly pulled away, her movements swift and purposeful. With a seductive grace, she lowered her skirt, revealing the hard cock, which slapped against her stomach. The sight left you breathless, your senses overwhelmed by desire.
As you watched, captivated by the tantalizing display before you, Wonyoung seized control, pulling you down to your knees with a commanding grip. Your heart raced with anticipation as she looked down at you, her eyes dark with desire.
"Suck," she commanded, her voice husky and commanding, sending a shiver of excitement down your spine. With a hunger that bordered on desperation, you eagerly complied, unable to resist the irresistible pull of Wonyoung's dominance.
As you obediently took Wonyoung's cock into your mouth, a wave of primal desire surged through you. The taste of her on your tongue, the feeling of her hardness against your lips, sent a thrill coursing through your veins. With each eager movement, you elicited soft moans and whimpers from Wonyoung, her pleasure echoing in the air, driving you to new heights of arousal.
Her moans were like music to your ears, spurring you on as you lavished attention on her, relishing every gasp and whimper that escaped her lips.”Thats it baby.” Lost in the intoxicating rhythm of your actions, you surrendered yourself completely to the heady sensation of pleasuring Wonyoung, each moan she uttered pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy.
As Wonyoung's moans grew more urgent, you felt a surge of desire coursing through you. With each flick of your tongue and gentle suction, you sought to drive her pleasure to new heights. Her hands tangled in your hair, urging you closer, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Unable to resist the overwhelming urge to taste her fully, you took her deeper into your mouth, eliciting a guttural groan of satisfaction from Wonyoung. Her hips bucked against you, the rhythm of her movements matching the frantic beat of your heart.
With a swift movement, Wonyoung pulled you off her, drawing you close against her as desire blazed in her eyes. Before you could react, she guided you over to the desk, her touch firm yet gentle as she positioned you just the way she desired. Your heart pounded with anticipation as she pulled your skirt and underwear down, baring you to her hungry gaze.
Pressing her body against yours, she trailed kisses along your neck, sending shivers down your spine. With a low growl of need, she rubbed her hard cock against your ass, the friction igniting a fierce hunger within you both. The air crackled with electricity as you surrendered to the intoxicating heat of the moment, the boundaries between you blurring in a haze of raw desire.
With a husky whisper against your ear, Wonyoung's voice dripped with desire as she spoke, "I'll make sure you forget about Eli after this, and only I'm on your mind." Her words sent a jolt of arousal coursing through you, the promise of forbidden pleasure igniting a fire within.
As she continued to tease and torment you with her words, her hands roamed your body with a possessive fervor, stoking the flames of passion to new heights.
Wonyoung wasted no time in fulfilling her promise. Gripping your hips with a firm yet commanding hold, she positioned herself behind you, her hardened length pressing against your entrance with undeniable urgency.
With a guttural groan, she thrust into you with unbridled force, filling you completely with her throbbing cock. The sensation was overwhelming, a tidal wave of pleasure crashing over you as Wonyoung plunged into you again and again, each thrust sending shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through your body.
Lost in the frenzy of passion, you surrendered yourself completely to Wonyoung's relentless rhythm, the sound of your combined moans filling the air as she claimed you as her own. With each powerful thrust, you felt yourself pushed to the brink of oblivion, the intensity of your connection transcending all boundaries as you were consumed by the raw, primal heat of desire.
As Wonyoung relentlessly pounded into you, her voice filled with primal desire as she unleashed a torrent of dirty talk. "You like that, don't you?" she growled, her words dripping with lust. "You're mine now, Y/n. Mine to fuck however I want."
Her hands tightened on your hips, her grip possessive as she drove into you with unrelenting force. "I bet you've never been fucked like this before," she taunted, her breath hot against your ear. "But you're going to remember me every time you close your eyes."
With each punishing thrust, she pushed you closer to the edge of ecstasy, her words fueling the flames of desire that consumed you both. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the raw, unbridled passion that bound you together in a frenzy of pleasure and abandon.
Her words became a symphony of domination and desire. "You're mine to spoil, mine to fuck whenever and wherever," she groaned, her voice thick with lust. "You belong to me, Y/n, and I'm going to claim every inch of you."
With each powerful thrust, she drove the point home, her grip on your hips tightening as she took you with an intensity that bordered on primal. "No one else can satisfy you like I can," she declared, her voice a husky whisper against your skin. "You're mine, Y/n, and I'm going to make you scream my name."
Lost in the intoxicating whirlwind of pleasure and dominance, you surrendered yourself completely to Wonyoung, your bodies moving in perfect synchrony as you were consumed by the fiery passion that bound you together. In that moment, there was no doubt—you belonged to her, completely and utterly, and she intended to make sure you knew it.
As the intensity of your connection reached its peak, the air was filled with a chorus of moans and gasps, mingling with the rhythmic sounds of flesh meeting flesh. With each impassioned cry that escaped your lips, you found yourself calling out Wonyoung's name in a fervent plea for more.
"God, Wonyoung," you moaned, the sound choked with desire as pleasure surged through every fiber of your being.
Her own voice joined yours in a symphony of ecstasy, each moan and groan echoing the raw intensity of your shared passion. "Yes, Y/n," she groaned, her voice thick with need. "Scream my name, let me hear how much you want me."
With a swift yet commanding movement, Wonyoung flipped you onto your back, her eyes smoldering with unbridled desire as she hovered over you. The sudden change in position sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through you, your heart racing in anticipation of what was to come.
As she thrust into you with renewed vigor, each movement driving you deeper into the throes of ecstasy, you couldn't help but cry out her name in a symphony of pleasure and need. "Wonyoung!" you screamed, the sound echoing through the room as pleasure surged through every fiber of your being.
Her own moans mingled with yours, the air thick with the heady scent of desire as she claimed you as her own. With each powerful thrust, she pushed you closer to the edge of oblivion, her dominance igniting a fire within you that burned hotter with each passing moment.
As the sounds of slapping flesh echoed through the classroom, punctuated by gasps of breath and cries of pleasure, the intensity of the moment reached its peak. "F-Fuck, Wonyoung, I'm gonna cum!" you cried out, your voice trembling with ecstasy.
"Yes, that's it, baby," Wonyoung groaned, her thrusts never faltering as she drove you relentlessly towards the edge. "Cum all over my cock."
With a desperate cry, you felt yourself teetering on the brink of release, every nerve ending tingling with pleasure as Wonyoung's skilled touch pushed you closer to the edge. Her fingers found your clit, rubbing and pushing you to the brink, until finally, you couldn't hold back any longer.
You came hard on her cock, your body convulsing with the force of your release as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over you. The vice-like grip you had on her cock only served to drive her further over the edge, and with a guttural groan, Wonyoung emptied herself inside you, painting your insides white with her release.
As Wonyoung collapsed on top of you, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure, you wrapped your arms around her, holding her close as you both gasped for air. The intimacy of the moment was palpable, the heat of your passion still lingering in the air as you lay together in the aftermath.
When Wonyoung lifted her head to look at you, her gaze was intense, filled with a possessiveness that sent a thrill coursing through you. "I don't want you to talk to Eli anymore. You're mine," she husked, her voice laced with determination.
Your stomach fluttered at her possessiveness, a mixture of excitement and apprehension swirling within you. But as you looked into Wonyoung's eyes, you knew that you wanted nothing more than to belong to her completely.
With a soft smile, you nodded in agreement, your heart feeling lighter at the thought of relinquishing your ties to Eli. "I'm yours, Wonyoung," you whispered, your voice filled with conviction. "Only yours."
In that moment, you knew that your connection with Wonyoung was something special, something worth holding onto with everything you had. And as you held her in your arms, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you, knowing that you had found your place by her side.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 8 - "Give me that, before anything happens."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
"Don't touch that." Constantine said without even looking up from the book he was reading through for research. Phantom had joined the Justice League dark only recently and was still in that sort of mentor - glorified babysitting - state. It was just his luck that he lost in the stick draw and had now to 'mentor' the who-knows-how-old-he-truly-is Ghost King.
He should have stuck this job to Zatanna. The 'kid' was curious as a cat and apparently wanted to touch every good damn artifact in the House of Mysteries that Constantine had ever gotten his hands on.
"Don't touch that either." The Brite muttered without looking up, he was so close in figuring out the actual meaning of the curse placed on a good damn church bell that causes everyone who hears it to fall asleep at midnight sharp and wake up at 8 AM later like nothing happened. Behind his back Phantom stuck his tongue out at the man before reaching out to poke the artifact that caught his eye anyway. However the House of Mysteries had other ideas as it reconstructed itself at the right moment and put the artifact further away from Phantom.
The Ghost King pouted, crossing his arms and floated over to where Constantine was pouring over a curse seal. Phantom hummed as he looked over the Brites shoulder grinning. "Oh I didn't know you could use ghost speech for curses!"
"Say what now mate?!" John's head snapped to the side to stare at Phantom who was now floating over his shoulder. "It's in ghost speech? What even is that?"
The Ghost King had the nerve to give him an unimpressed stare that really made the Brite need a smoke, but he had given Zatanna his good damn word not to smoke around the 'kid', so that was a no.
"Ghost speech. The language of the Infinite Realms also known as the Ghost Zone, After Life, Hell, Home of the Damned, and so on and so on." Constantines eye twitched as the Ghost boy shrugged. He let out a suffering sigh and pushed his copie of the curse seal over to Phantom.
"What does it say?" The other blinked for a moment before turning his eyes to the photo. A scratching static white noise filled the Brite's ears and he yelped in pain, covering his ears. The noise instantly stopped and Contantine glared at the Ghost King who sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, I will say it again in English."
Constantine only grumbled something inaudible before motioning for the other to continue.
"You idiots don't sleep enough. Go and get at least eight hours of sleep. If you don't sleep by midnight I will be the one to make you sleep."
"The hell?"
"That's what's written there."
"Don't tell me we have another good damn Sandman problem on our hands." John gripped with one hand at his hair, he really hoped that wasn't it because dear good he did not want to get Batman or one of the other Not Dark heros involved.
"Nah, he goes by Nocturne, he never liked that name some philosophers came up with. But this does go against the agreement I had with him."
Was this how Batman felt when his Robins went against his orders? Or how the mentors of the Yonge Justice feel when the teens sass back? Because Constantine was sticking this ancient kid of a Ghost King onto Zatanna the next change he got.
"You know how to lift that curse then?" Instead of going further into a rabbit hole, Constantine decided it was easier to just find out if the Ghost King can lift a good damn curse he had been working on solving for days now instead of finding out who the hell Nocturne was now.
"Of course I know." Phantom answered easily, floating on his back around the room like he was going with the flow of water. Glowing green eyes going along the shelves where various books and artifacts were thrown on, in no particular order.
"Great. Let's go and fix this then." The man muttered, getting up from his chair and grabbing his coat. "I need a bottle of whiskey after this and a good damn smoke…"
Phantom just followed behind the man ready for his second official job with the Justice League Dark. He grinned happily of finally getting some outside action only to come to a sudden halt as the Brite man whirled around glaring at the Ghost King only inches from his the other.
"Yes?" The 'kid' answered nervously.
"Give me that, before anything happens. How often did I tell you NOT to touch anything of the artifacts? Do you even know what that thing does!"
Reluctantly like a reprimanded child the Ghost King handed over a golden plate with a glowing green crystal embedded into it, Constantine remembered it being the leftover part of a demon they had banished. The man narrowed his eyes. "The other one too."
"Fine…" Phantom handed over a crystal zepter, John had picked up from an ancient tomb. "Didn't think you noticed me picking them up, since you didn't say anything before I even touched them."
"Mate, you are forgetting who currently owns this house."
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chimindity · 3 months
Just a fun game
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Summary | John B is not at home so his bestfriend takes advantage of his little sister.
Pairing | John B's sister!reader x JJ
Warning | reader is innocent, but not a child! JJ making reader gag on a popsicle, blowjob
A/N | I fear writing this while being on my period and getting those awful cramps is not for the weaks...
Even though you've decided you were now old enough to stay at home by yourself John B insist and keep repeating that he can't leave you alone at home.
-"JJ! I'm old enough to be on my own while my brother is away" you huffs thumping your white frilly socks against the floor causing him to roll his eyes at your bratty behaviour.
He stands infront of you while looking down at your pouty face folding your arms against your chest, he pasts behind you walking to the kitchen.
-"are you gonna keep ignoring me?" You start feeling the anger in your stomach from being ignored, you follow him behind like a lost puppy, he stops suddenly in his track causing you to bump into him.
You step back and look at him without speaking, he turns back as he closes the door of the fridge your eyes lands on the strawberry flavored popsicle in his hands, there's an awkward silence in the room.
Feeling him checking you up and down while opening the popsicle at this point you're almost salivating at it, admiring the ice lolly.
JJ notices the way you are drooling at the sight of the popsicle, maybe it can keep you quiet for a while he thinks about it, glancing between you and the lolly and as you about to speak.
-"Uh can I g-" JJ rolls his eyes and without warning he brings the popsicle in your mouth making you gag on it, closing your eyes you hold with both of your hand the wand of the popsicle.
-"there we go maybe this will keep you quiet" he smirks looking at you struggling with the lolly, as you give him a death stare.
He walks out of the kitchen to go in the living room, he turns back when he hears sounds of footsteps following him.
He sits down on the couch looking at you suddenly an idea pops in his head a smirks forms on his face making you tilt your head to the side confusedly.
-"come here sweetcheeks" He holds out his hands to wrap them around your waist pulling you in his laps, you grip firmly your popsicle as you get comfortable on him.
-"taste good mh? What would you do without me uh?" He asks pinching your hips making you squirm and placing a hand on his chest to keep you steady, you mumble around the popsicle but your mouth is full he can barely understand what you said.
He pulls out the ice lolly making a popping sound from the suction while looking at you.
-"I would do nothing without you JJ" you say feeling vulnerable he nodds at your reply and pull it back in your mouth, but this time holding the wand in his hand.
You glance at him in confusion wondering why is he still holding it? You try to pull his hand away when suddenly he grabs your wrist with his other hand.
-"ya don't need to hold it, I got you, keep sucking on it" his cheeks bright red watching you struggling to lick the popsicle without using your hands causes you to look up at him.
He could have cummed from the sight of you worshipping that damn lolly, the silence is thick in the room only the sounds of wet noises leaving your mouth are being heard.
Your innocence is what make him feel guilty, not even the fear of your brother banging out the door and catching him taking advantage of his little sister, no not that, but the way his pants stiffen at your obedience.
Watching you sucking the popsicle only wishing it was his cock in your hands, being lost in his thoughts he didn't even realise his hand that holding the wand has lowered, now resting on his lap.
-"JJ! If you can't hold it properly just give it to me" you say getting annoyed as you get up from his laps, but he catches you before you fully stand up.
-"princess uh" he mumbles as he rubs the back of his neck, wondering if he should ask you that question, after all John B hasn't taught you anything about sex, so you wouldn't really understand.
-"shit, princess i'm hurt could you please uh, check up if it's bleeding?" Your eyes widens at his words, knowing he is in pain makes your heart aches, he may be annoying but you still loves him, as he sees you getting anxious he tries to hide his smirk.
-"s'here cutie" he points between his legs, you glance at his crotch noticing the bulge in his pants, shit, you've thought he must be really in pain.
You get closer to him kneeling infront of him, as his eyes widen, how could you be so innocent?
-"uh what can I do to ease the pain jayj?" You look up at him feeling concerned meanwhile JJ enjoys manipulating you, he start unblucking his belt.
Your hands immediately reach his boxer as soon as he slides down his shorts, your eagerness of wanting to ease his pain away makes him groan in pleasure, which make you pull back and glance at him.
-"i'm sorry jj! Does it hurt even more?" You say obliviously as you keep apologizing.
He only hushes you and brings you hand back to his bulge, -"sweetheart, you need to remove my boxer 'kay?" You do as he says and slowly removes it, letting his dick springs free, your eyes widens at it, never knew what it truly looks like.
-"what can I do to ease the pain jayj?" You ask innocently as he avoids to look at your worried face afraid he would cum at the sight.
-"uh y'know when John B used to kiss everytime you fall and get hurt, yeah? Do the same for me sweetie" he groans, grabbing gently the back of your hair and pull it closer to his cock, you blush holding onto his thighs as you start kissing it, noticing it throbbing against your lips.
You have a feeling this may be wrong, but how could it be? You're just helping out your older brother's friend.
You can't really tell if JJ is in pain by the way he whimpers but what you can tell is that it makes your private part feel tingly, the more he moans the more you feel the wetness between your tights.
-"shit yeah t-that's perfect sweetheart" he pushes your head further to his crotch, as he gets closer to his orgasm, you start giving him kitten licks when suddenly you feel a warm liquid dripping on your tongue.
You look up at him getting even more worried than later, only to watch his eyes closes, his eyebrows furrowing while biting his lip.
-"Jayj?" You nudge his arm to get his attention, not fully understanding what was happening, after he came from his high he looks at you as if he was drunk.
-"shit thanks you princess, the pain is gone now" He says feeling relieved, he pulls back his boxer and pants, you sit down beside him as he pulls you closer to him, giving you a peck on the cheek, but the only thing in your mind is, where did you put that popsicle?
-"you're the best, but hey we gotta keep it quiet a'right? Don't say anything about this to your bro" JJ says ruffling your hair as you look for your popsicle.
-"uh jayj? My popsicle, has melted i think" you say giggling as you pick up the wooden wand showing to him.
@nemesyaaa @sadfury
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exhaslo · 9 months
Puzzle Pieces Ch14
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, Ch13
Warning: Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, heavy abuse (pls call someone if you are dealing with domestic abuse), blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex, praise
Miguel sat in his living room with a small glass of vodka in his hands. The room was dark and cold. Miguel was waiting for you to come back with Lyla and Jessica. After what happened earlier, Miguel could not stay at Alchemax. He would have lost his cool to whoever came in with bad news next.
Upon hearing giggling, Miguel exhaled softly. He leaned back in his seat and ran his hand through his hair. He closed his eyes for only a moment as he brought the glass to his lips. He could hear your soft laugh as you opened the door,
"A-Are you sure...I can pull off that kind of dress?" You giggled, hiding your smile. Lyla followed behind you,
"Girl, yes!" She chirped and noticed how dark the place was, "Oh geez, Miguel, you are not a vampire!" She huffed, seeing his glowing red eyes. You flinched and turned towards Miguel,
"W-Were you waiting long?" You hurried over to him, wrapping your arms around his back. Miguel hugged you back,
"No, Mi pequeño conejito (my little bunny)." He whispered, placing his glass down, "Did you have fun?" He asked. You smiled and nodded,
"Yep~" You chirped and turned towards Lyla and Jessica, "It was one of the best days I've had with girls. T-Thank you so much for t-today."
"Of course. If you ever want another day like this, just ask." Miguel kissed your head and glanced at his two workers, "Good job, enjoy the rest of your night."
"Bye Boss!" Lyla chirped as Jessica just nodded in response.
You waved towards the two, happy to have hung out with them. You covered Miguel's eyes as the driver brought up the bags, not wanting him to see what you got. After you found a good hiding spot, you hurried back to Miguel and hugged him once more.
"Thank you," You whispered into his chest. Miguel picked you up,
"Amor (love), I don't want anything to feel rushed. What's mine is yours and this will be your home now too. Just be as comfortable as you want. I can have the rest of your stuff picked up tomorrow." Miguel said as he brought you to his large couch.
"I-I go too. I just...want to make sure everything is picked up." You frowned at the thought, "I...I just can't believe...t-the nerve of them! M-Marriage s-should be my choice! Not theirs!"
"Hehe," Miguel chuckled lowly as your face turned red, "Sorry, baby, but hearing you raise your voice is quite adorable. But fear not, you are not going to marry that asshole. I'm going to make sure of it."
"Mhm, Miggy, I'm sorry...I'm causing so m-many problems-"
"You're not," Miguel reassured you with a kiss, "I'm here for resolve all of your problems, no matter how big or small. Your parents can't marry you if they don't know where you are," He hummed.
You felt your heart skip a beat as you kissed Miguel back. Once you got the rest of your things, your parents had no way of finding you. It was a scary thought, but even changing your phone number seemed like an option at this point.
You needed to cut the toxic out of your life.
"I have another surprise for you, but I'll give it to you when you're completely moved in."
"Miggy, you're g-going to s-spoil me~"
"You deserve it, amor."
Miguel was against you going back to your place. He wanted to have his men take care of your belongings, but how could he say no to your begs? Your nerves were kicking in and you wanted to make sure that everything was grabbed.
Miguel only let you go as long as you messaged him every few minutes. He had this gut feeling, but he also had important meetings and deadlines to take care of today. Just to play it safe, Miguel had Peter join you.
"He better not say anything stupid." Miguel hissed lowly.
"Oh you should have seen Miguel's face when I brought Mayday to work one day! Ha! It was like he's never seen a baby cause so much destruction!" Peter roared in laughter as he should you pictures of his baby.
You chuckled towards his jokes, feeling a little bit better about the day already. You felt like there were butterflies in your stomach. Once you arrived at your apartment building, you heard Peter tell you to wait. Confused, you sat in the car as he got out and walked around the building.
"Um...I-Is e-everything...alright?" You asked in a whisper once he returned. Peter smiled towards you,
"Just gotta make sure it's safe. We all kind of have this gut feeling and act on it." He reassured you and helped you out of the car once the moving van arrived,
"I-I'll show y-you guys the way." You muttered, texting Miguel as you made your way upstairs.
This felt so surreal. It felt like just yesterday that you moved into this place. And now, once again, you were moving out because of your parents and ex. Hopefully, this would be the last time you do so.
You helped Peter and the others grab your things, making sure that everything you wanted was taken. Once the apartment started to get empty, Peter told you that he was going to meet with the landlord really quick. You nodded and stayed behind in your apartment to double check.
"It...feels so...empty," You whispered.
Glancing at the time, you were about to text Miguel before you heard a knock at the door. The movers had already finished and left, so this must be Peter. Whispering your final goodbye to the place, you went to the door and gasped in horror.
"Missed us, sweetheart?" Eddie said with a wide smirk.
"Y-Y-Yes. Fuck, still stuttering like a little baby. How the fuck did you manage to seduce anyone with that annoying habit?" Eddie spat as he pushed you back into the apartment, "Awe, what's wrong? Aren't you going to apologize for running away? Making me work harder to find your fucking ass?"
"N-No-Ah!" You cried as Eddie shoved you onto the floor.
"You FUCKING made my life harder! Had to waste time to hunt you down! I needed you to fucking HELP me for once and where the fuck were you?! Jumping on some other dude's dick!"
"S-Sor...S-Sorry." You cried, holding your head as Eddie went to kick you.
"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it! To make matters worse, the fucking supermarket got bought out! It's going to be harder for you to slide the drugs in now! So I'm going to need you to be a good fucking girl and sell my drugs with your body. Then maybe, just fucking maybe I'll forgive you."
You were a sobbing mess. Eddie was screaming in your ear, forcing you to listen to him as he pulled you up by your hair. It was as if you never left. Why did you even think you were going to have a better life in the city?
"M-Miguel," You cried loudly. Eddie tossed you onto the floor and was ready to kick you again,
"You never fucking le-"
At that moment, Eddie was flung into the nearby wall. You were shaking like a leaf, but felt something cover your body. Frighten, you poked your head from under your hand and saw Miguel standing before you, furious.
"M-M-Mig..." You whimpered, overwhelmed with joy. Miguel exhaled loudly, glancing down at you,
"Baby, I'm going to need you to close your eyes and cover your ears. I'm not going to be able to hold back."
You did as he said and proceeded to cover yourself under his jacket. The only thing you could hear were muffled grunts and screams.
Miguel came in like a rabbis beast. All he heard was that Eddie was near the area and Miguel came running. When he saw Peter knocked out, Miguel nearly lost all his reasoning. Well, he never had some towards Eddie to begin with.
But, everything changed when he heard yelling.
The mere fact that Eddie had the audacity to raise his voice towards you, was disgusting. No man should ever treat a woman like that. As Miguel grew closer, he heard your cries. It was when you cried for his name and Miguel broke the door down in a frenzy and punched the living shit out of Eddie.
Unable to think straight as he saw you on the floor, Miguel was about to kill Eddie right here and now. It was until you whimpered that Miguel threw his jacket over your body and came back to reality.
He needed to torture Eddie.
Not kill him.
Miguel rolled his sleeves up as he approached Eddie. The pathetic man already cussing over a broken nose. As if that was all he was going to end up with.
"So you're the new man, huh? Isn't she an easy fuck do-"
"Cierra la maldita boca, cerdo asqueroso. (Shut your fucking mouth, you disgusting pig)." Miguel spat as he swung another fist towards Eddie's face, "You're lucky that I'm not going to kill you here and now. No, I have much more saved up for you."
"Heh, you...have no idea...who you're messing with," Eddie spat out blood, smirking towards Miguel.
Miguel just laughed.
"Oh, it's the other way around." He whispered, his red orbs shining brightly, "You messed with the future wife of my family. It's you who fucked with the wrong mafia."
Eddie's smile immediately disappeared as Miguel threw another punch. Once Miguel saw blood, it was as if he could not stop. Miguel's fists kept swinging one after the other. He eventually stopped when Peter finally came by and called his name out. By then, you couldn't even recognize Eddie.
"Take him to the base."
"NOW!" Miguel roared.
Waiting for Peter to drag Eddie's unconscious body away, Miguel quickly washed his hands. He hurried over to you, carefully picking you up. His face was flushed with anger as he saw the state you were in.
"Aye, baby, I'm sorry I wasn't here any sooner," Miguel's tone was hurt as he showered you with kisses. You just sobbed and wrapped your arms around his neck,
"Y-You came!" Was all you kept repeating. Miguel groaned lowly as he held your head to his neck,
"I'm sorry, amor. Let me take you to the hospital to get you checked up." He whispered.
Miguel refused to let you go the whole time. You had cried yourself to sleep, which did worry the nurses at first; however, Miguel had a special relationship with the hospital so all was good. He was able to stay by your side the whole time.
You gasped, waking up with a cold sweat. Miguel immediately grabbed your hand, reassuring you that everything was okay. When you realized that you were fine, you started to cry again. Miguel came and saved you.
"T-Thank...T-Thank you," You buried yourself in his chest, ripping onto his jacket tightly. Miguel's hand was on your head,
"(Y/N), there's something I need to tell you," He said with a soft sigh. You rubbed your eyes,
"Hm?" Miguel's brows furrowed, "Miggy, you can tell me anything..j-just as I can with y-you."
"I know, I know," Miguel sat beside you on the bed and stroked your cheek, "(Y/N), I want you to know that I'm going to kill Eddie. But, it's not just for you, you see, he's been ruining my other business."
"Other? Not...Alchemax?" You questioned. Miguel wiped a tear away,
"No, conejita (bunny), I have another job. One a bit more sensitive and secret. I want you to know that I do my best to keep this city safe from a lot of bad things," He sighed softly. You were still a little confused, but scooted closer to him,
"It's okay, Miggy. I love you no matter what," You said shyly. Miguel groaned at your confession,
"(Y/N), I'm the leader of the Spider Mafia. I run this whole city and keep it safe, keep normies like you, safe, from people like Eddie." Miguel whispered, pulling you into his embrace, "I will never, ever, hurt you or break your trust. Which is why I'm telling you now. I am going to kill Eddie."
"..." You gripped Miguel's chest, biting your lower lip as tears started to form, "I-Is...I-Is it...Is it wrong...f-for me to be o-okay with that?" You asked with a whimper. Miguel reassured you with a smile,
"Of course it is. After everything's he's put you through. I'm going to make sure he suffers tenfold."
You cried softly as you hugged Miguel. You wanted to say you had an inkling to his secret life, but that would be a lie. You were so blinded by love that you didn't care. Right now, you still didn't. Miguel still treated you right. Miguel still cared about you.
"I-I love you, M-Miguel! T-Thank you. Thank you!" You cried on repeat. Miguel just held you close, stroking your hair,
"I love you too. I'm going to make sure everybody who's wrong you get's what they deserve."
next chapter
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline @vvampir3s @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @secretadmirerisnowonline @jadeloverxd @bunnibitez @oharasfilipinawife @randomgoosegame @lilbanas @daisy-artfield @axi-moore @mimiemie @darkfairy102190 @jazzyj1011 @mcmiracles @innercreationflower @spoderssimp @thel0velykey190 @moonvoidpng @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @scaleniusrm @love4saturn @nyxgoddessofchaos13 @slutty-chronicles @ghstypaint @migueloharastruelove @brainmatterdump @a060403 @trendyharold @yannauauau @kimivixen @angel-xx-1 @nxrdamp @miguelzslvtz @lynxslokley @wafflefries786 @pochapo @what-the-jams @flaps200 @ii-angelsrolltheireyes-ii @nakimushiohime @tojishugetiddies @aya-world @supercowgirl04 @mysteris-things @daisy-artfield @mcmiracles @alexa4040 @llama--drama @kpopscoups17130000 @havkjhdecs @ruexvn @tojishugetiddi @openup-yourmind @black-swan-blog27 @xstarsdiary @kiddisquacking @gachagator @yujyujj @emmyrxx @blackteamint @sockears @black-swan-blog27 @soraya-daydreams @byjessicalotufo @nanoinn @bunnibitez @aockskcw @l3laze @dimitri-needs-therapy
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lesvii · 3 months
You don’t own me.
One shot
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Just a lil something I had in my mind, also this is a fem reader !
Your relationship with Valeria wasn’t exactly the healthiest thing but you two tried to do what was best for both. Sometimes you just spends countless days alone in her hacienda surrounded with ‘’her best mans’’ just to always keep an eye out for you, when she disappear to make her business deals, it was her form of saying ‘I love you’.
It’s silly to think what could had been if she didn’t have this kind of job.
A drug lord.
Maybe in another universe you two actually had decent jobs and a normal life, but this wasn’t the case.
This time you two just got into a fight, again. It was common now, Valeria’s stress was overbearing since she had just lost over a huge deal thanks to the Mexican fuerzas especiales, it wasn’t your fault and you know it, she knows it too. But in this case everything for her was too much, too much noise, her man talking, you trying to reason with her to take a decent rest.
‘’ Valeria… please just take time to rest, how can you do all of this by yourself in this state?’’.
You said as your hands rested on her desk, pleading at her, she sighed irritated by your comment, you two already had the chat about leaving the cartel, oh how many times you pleaded to her, just for her safety, frankly you didn’t care about luxury and wealth when it came from the suffering of others. But she didn’t see it that way, she worked damn hard to get to the top, she wasn’t backing up now, not even for you.
‘’ I’m fine y/n.’’. Valeria said coldly.
You just stare at her, lost, you sighed as you stand up straight, that’s when she looked at you as she raised an eyebrow.
´´fine.´´ you said as you turn away to exit her office.
‘’Where do you think you’re going?’’ Valeria said with a cold demand.
You slowly turn away to face her again, as you gaze her slowly, analyzing which move would be the correct one and which one will guarantee you the bad side of Valeria garza.
‘’ Well… clearly away, since you wont listen to me anyways…’’ you said, as you crossed your arms.
Valeria gazed you from her desk office as she got up, slowly walking towards you, it was almost mesmerizing, like a lion stalking its prey ready to attack. As she stopped right in front of your face, just a few inches far apart.
‘’ Quién chingados te crees para hablar me así?’’ Valeria said with her strong Mexican accent, in that tone she used to yell to her workers.
Unbelievable you think, after all you’ve done for her, she dares to speak at you like that. You stand there not sure of what to say, at the end you were just as tired as she was.
‘’ You know what I’m not in the mood for this, I’m out.’’ You said as you sighed, closed your eyes to stop the headache. As you were leaving the door, she grabs you by the arm as she pushes you back to her office.
‘’ I’ve asked you a question corazón, huh?’’ Valeria said once again.
You pulled your arm off her grip, as you started to loose patience too.
‘’ I said I’m not in the mood for your little theatrics Valeria! God—‘’ you brushed her off.
She frowns her eyebrows, as she analyzes you with a cold gaze. You could see how the aura in the room changed, as you shook your head, trying to get off the awful feeling.
“I’ve done everything for you. And this is how you react?” Valeria said as she crossed her arms.
You sighed, for a moment you were going to explode but let’s be honest, her and you going mad wasn’t the right move, You chuckled.
“Really Val? Cause from about 6 months you’ve been disappearing every week, I dont even know if your hurt, if your alive even!” I finally said at her, she just looked at you as if she was looking for the correct words to say it.
“You’ve decided to stay with me, you know the consequences of it.” She said without flinching.
You stare at her defeated knowing once again you won’t win this fight, as if someone can win el sin nombre.
“I- you don’t get it do you? It’s getting so tiredly we can’t have a normal conversation every time you decide to turn it into a fight, I’m not sure I can do this anymore.” You said as you shook you head stepping away from her
She laughed, as you turned around confused at her.
“What? Do you think I you can just leave here?, asi nomas? ”. She said lastly as her Mexican accent.
You just stared at her, as your vision started to get blurry from the tears in your eyes. You hated when she talked like that. You stare at her confused. She walked around you as if a predator analyzing his prey.
“You aren’t allowed to leave anymore corazón, you decided to stay.. you’ve know too much by now” Valeria said.
You freeze for a second not sure what she meant.
“You don’t own me.” Was the only thing that came out of you, she smirked at you as she laughed.
“Oh… but you do”. Valeria said as she caressed your cheek.
Thx for reading this ! Once again English is not my first language, if I wrote something wrong please feel free to correct me ❤️
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worldlxvlys · 9 months
in one of the text series things w chris u wrote smth abt “like I've ridden you until you had literal tears in your eyes and begged me to stop” and i would thoroughly enjoy it if u (or anyone) could make a fic abt that thankyou. sub chris 🔛🔝
use me
dwb! chris x reader
warnings: nsfw (don’t read if it bothers you) + oral (male receiving), p in v, overstimulation, sub! chris
dwb! chris masterlist
hehe… hope u like <333
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"i really fucking need you right now baby” chris said in a low voice.
“yeah? what do you want baby?”
“want you to ride me so bad ma, need it so bad” chris wasn’t usually in the mood to let me take control, but we hadn’t seen each other in a few days and he was touch starved.
“yeah? ok baby i got you” i said as i gently pushed his chest down, making him lay on his back.
the only clothes remaining on our bodies were our underwear.
“gonna make you feel so fucking good baby”
i slowly pulled down his boxers, watching his dick spring up.
making direct eye contact with him, i brought my mouth to his dick. i swirled my mouth around the tip, making his hips buck up.
“shit ma, so fucking sensitive” he said as i started bobbing my head up and down, pumping any part of his cock that my mouth couldn’t reach.
“you’re so fucking good” he said as he pulled my hair out of my face, into a makeshift ponytail.
“take me so well, so so well ma” he whined.
his dick started to twitch, signaling he was close.
i focused on just his tip, licking and sucking relentlessly.
“fuck, i’m gonna cum baby”
his cum shot down my throat, and i licked him clean.
“holy shit ma”
before he could say anything more, i crawled onto his lap.
“think you can take another baby? wanna make up for lost time” i say, running my hands up his stomach and chest.
“fuck yes baby, wanna watch you get yourself off on my cock”
i pulled my panties to the side and lined his dick up with my hole, sinking down onto him.
“holy fuck you’re so tight ma” “fill me up so well chris”
once he was fully inside of me, i wasted no time in lifting my hips up and slamming them back down.
“holy shit, not gonna last if you do that baby” he meant it as a warning, but i took it as a reason to continue my rough movements.
“mmmm chris you feel so good”
my tits were bouncing in front of chris’s face, prompting him to take one in his mouth.
“shit chris”
“love your tits” he said into my chest.
“look so good using me to get yourself off”
i felt chris twitch inside me and quickened my pace.
the change in pace caused chris to release inside of me, coating my walls in his cum.
“fuck princess”
the feeling of his warm cum inside me caused me to clench around him.
“jesus christ ma” instead of stopping, i continued to slam down on him at a brutal pace.
“fuck fuck ma it’s too much, so fucking sensitive”
“you know your safeword chris, but you and i both know you can take it”
“can’t can’t” he kept repeating it, his groans turning into whimpers.
i changed the angle i was going down on him slightly, causing him to hit directly on my g-spot.
“fuck chris i’m so close”
“please please i can’t take it” his hips started writhing uncontrollably, his ab muscles flexing.
he looked so fucked out, tears forming in his eyes, whimpering and moaning.
“gonna cum chris” all he could do was whine in response.
i clenched around him again, making him let out a guttural moan as i came around his cock.
“oh my gosh chris”
i bounced on him a few more times, riding out my high before collapsing on top of him.
covered in sweat and cum, we both laid there for a minute while catching our breath.
gently lifting me up, chris pulled out of me and kissed my forehead.
“are you ok baby?” i asked him, caressing his face.
“i’m great baby, you’re fucking perfect. thank you i really needed that”
“always” i smiled before pushing my lips to his in a sweet kiss.
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hmmm… it’s almost like ? he’s in love with her ? but doesn’t realize yet ? wonder if he ever will ? 😈
lmk what y’all think
damn y’all got me out here posting fics like an actual writer tf😭
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chrissturnioloswifey @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn
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yujinnieswifeu · 3 months
can you do one where the reader feels like they have lost their sex appeal and asks a friend for help to understand the situation? (Here my inspo and can you do a g!p too plz)
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Pairings: sub!fem reader x g!p dom!wonyoung
Warnings: smut, g!p wonyoung (wonyoung has a dick)
a/n: hi anon! Just wanna say thanks for the inspo, i really like it when people request a plot which you did, and also i rlly hope you enjoy this cause i sure did when i wrote🥹. U didn’t request any specific idol so i just went w wony to complete ot5 and also cause i feel she would fit this inspo the best! (Btw, i recognise the fanart hehe, should i write for genshin too? 🤭)
It has been weeks since you and Wonyoung did that. Every time you try to initiate it, she would decline it, telling you she wants to go to sleep or that she was tired. It has you overthinking, what if she doesn’t like you in that way anymore? Are you just not attractive to her? So many thoughts whirl in your mind and you really needed to let it out. So who else than your bestie? Surely she can help you with this situation right?
。。。(it means time skip)
“I..I don’t know how to tell you this.” You say, feeling embarrass even thinking about the situation you were going through now, your cheeks feeling hot at the thought of telling something so personal to your best friend. But she was the only one who you could rely on whenever you had troubles. “y/nnnn, you better tell me now.” She dragged her words, rolling her eyes in slight annoyance. You had been this way for the past 30 minutes, and Rei was starting to get frustrated she was not able to get it out from you.
“Fine! Ugh, ithinkilostmysexappeal!” The words comes out quickly, the pout on your face as you look at the floor instead, suddenly finding that to be more interesting. The sudden sound of laughter floods the café instead, your head immediately shoots up, looking at Rei who was now laughing. You looked around, seeing some people stare your way and you glared at her. “Keep it down!” You whispered and she wiped the tears that escaped from laughing so much. “I-i’m sorry, i just can’t believe you just said that.” She said, now more calmly as you sighed frustratingly.
“Wony has been ignoring my advances when i try to initiate.” You say truthfully, your brows furrow in thought, your expression showing how worried you were that Rei becomes serious. “And what does she say?” She frowns, her fingers wrapping around the straw as she stirs her drink, taking a sip of it. “She just tells me she does not feel like it, sometimes she says it’s because she’s tired. I’m worried Rei.” You looked at the table as you let out your emotions, and Rei pouts as she stares at you.
“Maybe she’s just tired like she says? Honestly, i know Wonyoung could never stop loving you with how she keeps talking about you.” You looked up at her, tilting your head. “How do you know that?” You were surprised, Rei has never told you stuff concerning your girlfriend before, so it came off as surprising for you. That was until you could see the slight tint of red on her cheeks, a smirk appearing on your face instead. “Rei…don’t tell me…it’s Liz isn’t it?” You squealed, and it wad Rei’s turn to look at the floor, covering her face.
“Aha, i knew it!” You say rather too loud, attracting some eyes at your table once again, and you mutter a sorry in their direction, looking at your friend who only groans. “Yes but i can’t help it when she looks like a teddy bear most of the time!” It was your turn to laugh, but not as loud this time, with Rei quickly bringing you back to the topic at hand. “Anyways, i think you don’t need to worry so much y/n yah, maybe you just need to..up your game?” She raises her brows in a playful manner, which makes you giggle a little. “You mean…dress something that makes her want to do that with me?” She nods her head, and you give it a thought.
Dress something..what always makes Wonyoung go crazy? Your mind reeled with different images of you, and you were sure your face was red. Rei was giggling at your face, taking pictures from her phone as you groaned, trying to snatch her phone from her.
You were nervous, your heart was racing every millisecond at this point, you looked at yourself one last time in the mirror, the headband rested on your head was one with bunny ears, and you had wore a lingerie with her favourite colour red. When Rei told you earlier to wear something that would make her go crazy, you immediately thought of this since you had wore something similar before and it had made her go feral. You just hoped the outfit you had on would make her go as feral as that time.
Soon you could hear the sounds of keys jangling, the door opening, and her voice ringing throughout the house.
“Baby i’m home!” She had said, and instead of replying or your usual, where you would greet her with a hug, you immediately jumped on the bed, sprawling yourself out instead to look sexy for her. “Babes?” Her voice echos again, and you could hear the door to your shared bedroom open, your heart was racing as she opens the door fully, her eyes immediately on yours as she froze there on the spot. Her eyes were boring holes into your skin, it made you feel naked, the electric feeling running through you. “Welcome home Wony..h-how do you like my outfit? I dressed up for you since you haven’t been giving my body attention a-and though-” She stops your rambling instead by kissing you with hunger, her hands lost in your hair as she slides them down your back, feeling your skin on her fingers as you melted into her, moaning against her lips.
She pulled away, her eyes now a darker shade of brown, as she bit her bottom lip. “My bunny wants attention that bad huh?” There was that nickname, you only whimper at her words, her hand slides up to play at your headband, stroking the ears as her eyes stayed glue to yours. “Fuck..you make me so hard y/n..” She whispers against your ears, her tongue probes out, flicking against your earlobe as she grinds herself against you, making you feel how hard she was and you gasp, your fingers around her back pulling her closer to you. “Y-you feel that bunny?” Panting, she pulls away, giving you a show as she undo her blouse and unclasps her bra quickly, the bra falling off as she throws it somewhere across the room, leaving the blouse on as she knew what it does to you.
Moving next to you, she pats her lap and you get the message, your thighs over hers as you watch her undo her belt. The bulge was already obvious, poking at her pants wanting to be freed of its confinements. It only makes you squirm on her lap, watching her as she finally pulls down her pants, helping her to get rid of it fully as you throw it at the edge of the bed. You stared at her covered bulge again, a damp spot evident on her panties. It makes you bite your lips, and you hear her clicking her tongue. “Eyes up here bunny.” The nickname rolls over her lips, making you whimper again as you look up into her eyes, feeling like a prey as she stares into yours like a predator. “I want to see you bounce on me bunny, you’re good at that aren’t you? You’re a bunny after all” She cocks her head to one side, and you nod your head desperately. The feeling between your legs was uncomfortable at this point, just aching to be filled with her cock.
You feel her pressing her fingers over your clothed area, the pressure on your clit makes you move your hips, moaning softly for her. She bites her lips, watching you as you masturbate on her fingers, it only makes her harder. She stills your hips with her other hand, sliding your panties to one side, looking down at how wet you are, it almost makes her moan. “Fuck…you’re such a fucking tease huh bunny? Wearing my favourite colour on you..and those bunny ears, you know what it does to me.” She groans, feeling her squeeze at your hip where her hand stayed, before feeling her pull your body closer to her, reaching to take her cock, stroking it and slapping it over your clit.
You gasp, your hands gripping her shoulders as she continues to slap her tip over your clit, making it red and puffy just how she likes it. “So pretty for me, i love you like this bunny..now show me how you bounce on my cock.” She orders, making you whine out. Your hand goes to your panties, wanting to take them off before feeling her hands stop you. “Don’t. I want it on bunny.” She warns, her eyes glaring into yours to not talk back which makes you gulp instead, feeling her guide her tip over your sopping hole. Your eyes rolls to the back when you feel her tip past your hole, the feeling only makes you moan loudly, gripping at her shoulders.
She pulls you down slowly over her cock, letting you adjust to her size before she was fully inside of you. The feeling only makes you whimper, as you start to bounce on her cock. She groans as she watches you move up and down on her cock, her hands goes to your ass, giving them a small squeeze before spreading your asscheeks apart, stretching your hole. It only makes it easier for you to move all the way, the added sensation causes your body to tremble slightly, a shiver running down your spine as you continue to milk her dry.
“W-what a good bunny.” She praises you, pressing her lips on yours as you both make out messily, her tongue slides across your bottom lip asking for access and you part your lips, the feeling of her tongue around yours makes you moan softly, still bouncing on her cock. You could feel her fingers running up your spine, making you shiver as she goes to unclasp your bra.
Pulling away from the kiss, she watches you as you continue to masturbate yourself over her cock, the feeling of your walls wrapping around her makes her moan softly, her hand goes over to your breasts as they shake with each bounce, stimulating them. She could feel your walls tightening around her, making her head tilt to the back as she lets out a throaty moan. “S-so fucking tight bunny.” She groans out, before gripping on your hips, guiding you over her cock.
You could feel your stomach coil, the need to come washes over you “I-i need to cum please Wony?” You struggle to say, and she holds your hip in place, driving her cock in and out of your pussy instead. You cry out, head lost in her neck as she moves her hips even faster, fucking you roughly, making your eyes roll. “I-i’m going to breed this pussy full of my bunnies, o-oh fuck fuck fuck, cum with me bunny!” Her words only sends you over the edge as you cum all over her cock, your eyes rolls back as you see white, crying out her name as your walls closes around her, feeling her seeds paint your insides white.
She pants softly, your head nestled in her neck as you both take some time to come down from your shared orgasms. “Wow.” She wearily says, her fingers drawing lazy circles on your back. You look up at her, and she smiles down at you. “Finally back to earth?” She teases, and you roll your eyes playfully. “Well no, i’m still in heaven.” You reply, a smile forming on your face and you could see her cheeks turn slightly red. It was like a whole different demeanour from when she fucked you, but you liked it either way.
“You going to tell me why you dressed up as a bunny now?” She changes the topic, and it makes you bite your bottom lip nervously. “I just…just thought that i lost my sex appeal.” You tell her truthfully, and her brows furrows in thought, thinking back on how she has been the past few days, the realisation hits her and she sighs. “Baby, look at me.” She says, making you look up into her eyes and she cups your cheeks in her palms. “I’m sorry, i didn’t notice i was neglecting my poor bunny, but i swear i still love you okay? I’ve just been really busy with work and just want to sleep each time i hit the bed.” She pouts, her eyes now looking sad as she stares at your face. You gave her a comforting smile instead, before pressing your lips on hers once more.
“And i’m sorry i did not communicate this with you sooner, it was wrong of me too.” She giggles, her infamous grin appearing on her face instead. “Well, i quite like this one though, you looked so hot in that bunny outfit.” She bites her bottom lip, and you only hide your face against her neck, whining for her to stop teasing you. Giggling, she pulls your face to hers, pecking your lips. “I love you my bunny.” She says, her forehead against yours. “I love you too Wony. And we should wash up now.” You were about to pull away before she pulls you back into her embrace.
“No, let’s stay in this position for a while, i like being inside of you my bunny.” She teases, and you knew you had a long night ahead of you.
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drvirgus · 3 months
hiiii! can I request a sugar baby hanni x gp! reader? 🙏 thanks!
Hopefully you like it :)
My Sugar Baby
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Sugar Baby! Hanni X g!p Reader
wc: 1.2k
Warnings: Smut!!!
One Shot:
My head immediately turned back to where my- I meant my Sugar Baby, dressed only in a bathrobe, came from the bedroom and rubbed her eyes sleepily. A smile spread across my lips as I watched Hanni slowly move toward me and promptly sit on my lap.
My right hand rested on her thighs while my other hand wrapped around her waist. "Good afternoon," I said with a smirk as I glanced briefly at the clock on my laptop and then back to the woman on my lap. A hum escaped her throat as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"What's wrong? Still tired?" I asked, giving the younger woman a kiss on the head. The college student only nodded, taking a deep breath and lifting her head to look into my eyes. "Do you... have to work today?" she asked more quietly, causing my eyebrow to twitch.
I knew that tone.
She wanted something.
A smile spread across my lips as I closed the laptop and focused solely on the woman on my lap. "What's today? Shopping?" I asked, making Hanni shake her head slightly, a smile on her lips. "Online shopping," she replied, raising my eyebrow.
"You want me to stop working for that?" I asked, which made Hanni grin. Her arms immediately wrapped around my neck. "Let's play a game," she suggested, regaining my lost interest. Hanni's grin widened.
"A game? What kind of game?" I asked, visibly intrigued, which made Hanni grin happily. "You buy me everything I put in the cart. The timer stops when one of us comes, as you fuck me from behind during that time," Hanni said, quite vulgarly but still seductively.
My breath caught, and my mouth opened as I looked across her entire face. "You won't be able to concentrate," I said, grinning, which only made Hanni laugh. "We'll see about that," she replied, challenging me simultaneously.
Sighing, I tapped her thigh so she would stand up. I grabbed the laptop and took it to the bedroom. I placed the laptop on the bed. Hanni immediately took off her bathrobe and let it fall to the floor. Naked and completely exposed, she lay on her stomach and opened the laptop.
An amused laugh escaped my throat as I undressed. Almost immediately, I grasped my cock and kneeled on the bed. "Open," I ordered as I pressed the tip of my limp cock against Hanni's lips. Unlike usual, there was no foreplay with kissing; we just undressed directly. No wonder I wasn't aroused yet.
Hanni grinned slightly and opened her mouth, allowing me to slide my cock into it. A sigh escaped my lips as I felt the younger woman's warm, wet tongue on my cock. Hanni immediately began sucking, while her fingers navigated one of the shopping sites. Of course, she already knew in advance which sites she would shop on.
I could feel my cock growing harder. Fully aroused, I pulled it out of Hanni's mouth and moved to her thighs. My hands immediately kneaded her well-shaped ass as I rubbed my cock between her buttocks.
"Since I don't want you to spend all my money, there’s no foreplay for you today," I said, laughing lightly as I slapped her ass. I grabbed my cock with my right hand and spread her ass with my left. I positioned myself perfectly at her pussy and thrust in at once.
I heard her soft gasp as I entered her. A grin spread across my lips as I leaned forward, my hands on the mattress, my hips immediately moving against hers. My eyes were on the laptop. "Nice bag," I panted as I thrust harder into her. "Buy two," I added.
Hanni moaned louder, her fingers leaving the laptop. Her face pressed into the mattress as she thrust her hips back against mine. "What's wrong, baby? Keep shopping," I said, laughing, as I leaned back. My hands on her hips pulled her closer to me. I stopped moving, deep inside her.
"If you just want to get fucked, you don't need to play these games. I always enjoy fucking you," I breathed out, getting only a gasp in response. I had to laugh again as I watched Hanni get on her knees and throw her head back onto my shoulder, her mouth open.
"I'm done shopping," she said, prompting me to look at the laptop again. "Move," Hanni demanded, starting to laugh. My eyes focused on the number in the cart. I snorted in disbelief and shook my head slightly. "I forgot what a sly little thing you are," I hissed as I placed my hand on Hanni's head, pressing her back down onto the mattress.
In a flash, I threw the laptop off the bed to focus solely on fucking and ruining the younger woman.
Hanni's moans grew louder as I pounded into her relentlessly, over and over again. Her ass received light slaps, which I immediately soothed with gentle caresses. Hanni's mouth was open, her eyes squeezed shut as I continued to thrust into her.
Of course, I felt my own orgasm approaching, but I held it back. I wanted Hanni to come first. "Are you close?" I asked, a grin on my face, knowing exactly what those loud, resonant sounds meant. Hanni was on the verge of orgasm.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her upper body up. "You're close, aren't you?" I asked, receiving only loud, screamed "Yes" in response. A laugh escaped my throat. "Then work for your damn orgasm," I suddenly said, sitting back and pulling out of her.
Hanni's eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder at me in disbelief. But I just grinned and shrugged. Hanni snorted, rolled over, and swung her leg over my hips to sit on me once more. This time, she made sure my cock entered her again.
I could feel Hanni tightening her walls around me, stimulating my cock as she began to move up and down. Occasionally, she moved her hips sideways, ensuring my cock hit her sensitive spots. My eyes focused on her usually sweet face, now looking incredibly aroused.
A grin spread across my face as I began thrusting upward. I felt my entire cock disappearing into her, and Hanni started to tremble and shake on top of me. Her moans grew louder and dirtier. I focused solely on bringing the younger woman to orgasm.
"Fuck, Y/n," she screamed after a while as I felt her walls tighten even more around my cock, almost choking it, as she climaxed on my hips.
My eyes remained on her as I continued moving my hips against hers until I reached my own orgasm, releasing my cum deep inside her pussy. Her walls clenched down on me, making me gasp for breath. I didn't pull out, staying inside her and enjoying the warmth.
"Fuck... that was amazing," Hanni suddenly said as she collapsed onto me. A laugh escaped my lips as I simply nodded. "Definitely," I replied, my hand stroking her back, a smile on my lips.
"But... you're still buying the stuff, right?" she asked, looking up at me. I immediately rolled my eyes. "Alright. But only because you're so damn sexy," I said, finally connecting my lips with my sweet Sugar Baby's. Hanni kissed back, even deepening the kiss.
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 3
Click here to read the first part!
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Heavy angst, hurt, cruel Soldier Boy, reader gets hurt, mention of violence, betrayal, Soldier Boy being a dick, reader is a supe, Crimson Countess is a bitch
Word Count: 2194
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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Ben’s lips parted to say something when you told him that he would never hear you saying those three words again, but he clenched his jaw, and his eyes sharpened with fury.
“Don’t even bother, because those words already mean nothing to me.”
You caught him looking at your lips for a second, but he let go of your chin immediately and pulled himself together like he would kiss you if he waited for another second. His unreadable face was filling your heart with hope since you knew he would be far more different if he really didn’t like you at all as he told.
You walked over to him and gently touched his rough hand, asking, “Then why does it make you mad when I tell you I would leave Payback? If you don't really care at all, why do you want me here with your side so much that you threat me with hurting Noir? Ben, please be honest with yourself, at least. I know you won't be honest with me.”
You looked at him with desperation, pleading him with your eyes and touched his hand like you could never get that chance again. You didn’t understand what exactly caused his soft side to slip in your hands so suddenly, so sharp. What had happened to you exactly? You knew it wasn’t about Crimson or someone else, but you didn’t know the cause behind why you failed to solve the true reason behind all this pain.
You withdrew your hands just before he pushed them away. When you posed those questions, he seemed so confused and lost that you nearly thought he would finally crack and put a stop to the cruelty between you going on. Since you were aware that he wasn't good at expressing his true feelings from the very beginning, you were willing to push him a little. You would fight for it if you had to be the one to help him overcome his inner demons and open himself.
“I won't be giving a fuck seeing you fucking go away if I find a stronger supe than you,” he simply said.
You answered, “Neither the team nor you need a strong one,” knowing what he was talking about was just another lie. “Ben, you never care who is powerful or not as you know you are strongest. Your ego is too big to care about what other people are capable of.”
“What on earth should I tell you to get off my ass and stop bothering the Countess and me, huh, Y/N?” He inquired, showing no interest in what you had to say. It didn't even seem like he was paying attention to what you were saying. “I'm warning you; don't talk to me about love or other bullshit again.”
He retreated a step, sat on the couch, and sniffed the cocaine on the table before his eyes darkened. When your lips parted to respond, he lifted his hand menacingly, to prevent you from say another thing to make him angrier.
He yelled, “Shut the fuck up,” and started sniffing coke before you did, startling you with his unexpected outburst. “Do you think you know me? Are you fucking naïve?”
You also raised your voice, but it was rather shaky, saying, “I do know you.” You eventually lost patience with his attitude because of how much his persistence was getting on your nerves.
“You’re a fucking naïve then,” he chuckled, but his tone was rather angry than amusing. “Get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.”
You turned away, your eyes watering, and opened the door without saying a word to Ben, fearing that he would become enraged since he was too busy getting high like a real jerk. You heard Countess's voice in the distance. She gave you a tiny smirk to irritate you, as she usually does, but you left the trailer without looking at her and without creating any drama.
After a few weeks, you gave up attempting to get in touch with Ben because you could tell he was preoccupied with all the dumb advertisements and other bullshit. You also stopped participating in anything Payback-related, even though you were still required to perform these things along with the rest of the team. You informed Earving that you were completely well and needed some time for yourself, despite the fact that he had visited your home numerous times to check on you.
But it was a lie. You were either ill or simply lovesick. You had a difficult time falling asleep since you could recall every last detail of Ben and Crimson's interactions. They appeared in every movie, television show, and advertisement. It didn't matter if you simply vanished; you couldn't run away from your own sentiments that were killing you or their reality.
Earving told you that Ben was becoming crueler and harsher to him and the rest of the crew every day, but you couldn't really care because you were most likely going through the worst.
After a month, you were compelled to flee your home due to a terrorist attack, and all of the members required you on the battlefield. Ben was busy commanding the soldiers haphazardly, using heavy and hazardous weapons like toys, and showing off his whole range of abilities to them with an arrogant smile on his face.
He was taken aback to see you because you were the last person to enter the territory. Ben walked up to you with a sneaky smile on his face after he dropped the rifle on one of the twins from his shoulder, but you turned your back on him and continued talking to some soldiers to give him courage because you didn't want to hear what Ben was about to say to distress and upset you any more.
You were desperately missing Ben and were helpless for any kind of interaction or words to rekindle your already fading hope, but you were also proud. You were aware of everything that happened between you, and excepted the turth that the wonderful memories between him and you had long faded. More than anyone you didn't get to know, he was more of a stranger than any stranger. You were certain there was nothing left in you for him to break because he had broken your heart so many times. Struggling to change the past and pushing yourself too hard will only exacerbate your situation. You knew the pain wouldn’t fully disappear soon, but it would ease by time.
He didn't move again once you turned your back to him, indicating that you were right to let it go.
After Ben tormented him more severely than ever on your third day on the battlefield, Noir's patience ran out, and he kept saying Ben that he didn't deserve to be a leader and that he was simply a bully on cocaine. Despite your attempts to dissuade Earving from approaching Ben too closely and to push him back before things got physical, he was adamant about ending Ben's leadership.
“You don’t deserve to be the the leader of Payback. All you do is getting high and bullying all of us. All people here looking at us with hatred, not respect and the reasson behind this all is that we don’t have a respectful leader,” Earving said raising his voice.
Knowing that Ben was pretty nerveous espcially nowadays and fearing he was already ready to hurt anyone in the squad, you pushed Noir by his chest back trying to calm him down. He was right about everything, but it wasn’t the way to solve this mess Ben caused. Besides, no one would stand a chance against Soldier Boy. After all, he was indeed the strongest supe.
“Noir, please calm down,” you whispered him as if no one would hear you. “Don’t do this.”
Your body clenched with terror, knowing that he would be severely wounded by Ben, who was already looking for a small excuse to beat him up. Earving was digging his own grave for sure.
“What’s wrong with you?” Earving suddenly snapped, pushing your hands from him. “Why do you even support him?”
“Violence with get you nowhere,” you said sharply, implying he must stop or he’ll be the one to get hurt.
“And what the fuck will you do about this, huh?” Ben asked with an evil smirk on his face. “You just fucking disrespected me, you fucking weak fuckface. All you do is whining like a newborn baby yet you crave for respect and all shit.”
When you saw Ben make a move to face Earving, you stopped between them to prevent what was to come. Some soldiers were watching you all with curiosity, and some with fear.
“Ben,” you said with a serious tone. “Let’s not make a scene and let others talk behind you. How can they even respect you if you lay a hand on one of us? This won’t be good for your reputation; you know this.”
Instead of taking a step back and pressing his anger down, your effort to save Noir made him see red.
“Will you now fucking defend him against me?” Ben glared at your hands, which were tightly gripping his suit, and said, “Step fucking aside or you'll get hurt first.”
As you take a step back, you realize how you came so close to Ben without recognizing it, despite your repeated assurances to yourself to keep away from him. He had done many things to you lately, but it was the first time he threatened you with such severity.
Just as you are about to react, you hear Crimson approaching Ben.
Placing a touch on Earving's arm, you showed your understanding and concern for him when you noticed him fisting his fists and standing motionless. It was Ben's harsh attitude toward nothing that he got in return for all the respect he deserved, which was all he asked for. Although Earving had been performing rather well up until this point, everyone has their limitations.
“You know, you shouldn't let others treat Soldier Boy disrespectfully,” Crimson said as she gave you one of her venomous glances. “When Black Noir tries to seize control of the team and instigate a revolt, how can people still acknowledge Soldier Boy as the team's strongest supe and leader? How are you even going to support it, Y/N?”
She scowled and remained by Ben's side, uttering more venomous things to incite Ben's hatred of you. Simply because you were aware of Ben's vulnerability to manipulation over his authority, you took a deep breath and declared, “I'm not supporting any of this. Who the hell are you to read Noir's intentions that way?”
Ben raised his finger right up to your face, his eyes were darkened with disappointment. “So, that’s it. You fucking betrayed me for that cocksucker.”
Your eyes burned with fury as the corner of the Countess’ lips curled with satisfaction.
“Are you really talking about betrayal now?” You raised your voice as your hands were in fist now.
Earving felt your hazardous tension with Soldier Boy, and your fury subsided his own anger. You pushed his hands away from you, even though he touched your shoulder to convey his support for you in a gentle way.
You could see how effortlessly the Countess was able to influence Ben; your eyes were burning with pain. You had come to terms with the idea that he couldn't see his actual emotions through them, but it appeared he couldn't see yours either.
He'd pretended to be concerned about you, deceived you, threatened you, and now accused you of betraying him. But the truth was, he was the one who did them. You didn’t know if he was blind or just a coward who couldn’t even face himself.
“You know what?” Ben angrily remarked, “Since you wanted to go away from the team so much, you can fucking leave now. You are free to fucking go.”
With a heavy heart, you murmured, “Fine. Neither do I want to be a part of this.”
Next Chapter
A/N: I had planned Losing You to be a one-shot story, but it seems it will take a little more chapters to make a final. Comments and reblogs are very appreciated!
Taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @xmariakx @spnfamily-j2 @suspicious-stain-in-spain @atomicsoulcollecto @yvonneeeee @starryperson
Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series. <3
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