#and idk i just feel like wow. isn't that such a special thing? to have someone know and respect u like this
seiwas · 11 months
a good cry always does wonders
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mementoasts · 1 year
in my fic writing era i love writing it's my new passion friendship ended with drawing i'm never drawing ever again
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baekuras · 1 year
God I love my gay coworker but sometimes it really hits me that he is ever so slightly more privileged than me or others in both general home life and also sexuality
Sexuality came up because he doesn’t understand why anyone would need pride flags to establish their identity and while I can agree that it’d be fucking nice if we could all just exist without having to fight for our right to live against homophobic shitheads-that isn’t the case It’s good for him if he doesn’t need something to show his identity and that he is valid etc but like As someone who is aroace, without flags etc making me aware that hey-these identities exist and are an established things for many I wouldn’t have a word to put on my sexuality other than “Ha! I am the chosen one, the special singular human who ISN’T into sex like the rest of the world tries to assure me I have to be-get fucked losers for I am free of your vices!”
+yadda yadda going back to the past (and even the present still) of fighting for basic human rights and uniting together to achieve that and such
idk it’s nothing big really but just coming from a lesser known umbrella term+immediately thinking back to old times or places nowadays which will still kill you if you so much look at someone ~gayly...just nah
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doberbutts · 8 months
You mentioned in response to another ask that you don't use "transandrophobia" because the trans theory you were taught by trans women told you that "transmisogyny" covered those things and that is a total revelation to me. I've been thinking for a long time that it seemed to me that the idea of transmisogyny *does* cover transandrophobia, it just impacts trans femmes and trans mascs differently a lot of the time. But I had no idea that there has been theory/discussion that says this. I'm more used to the idea of "TMA" with the implication that only trans women are affected by transmisogyny. Is that more of a new thing and transmisogyny used to be considered as a more broad term? And would you trace that change to the same issue you're talking about with a lot of current feminism forgetting how feminism is also a "men's issue"?
Idk if I would call it "new" per say. The word trans-misogyny was coined in 2007 and did not include trans men, but the book in which it was coined did mention that language was likely needed to describe the trans man experience as well. There have been a number of different attempts, but none have really stuck.
I went to college starting in 2010, so roughly 3 years after Serrano coined the word. While in college, my school's GSA wanted LGBT elders to come and talk to all the scared freshly-minted adults who were trying to figure out this being gay thing. The woman who ran my GSA found a Trans woman who was willing to be my mentor and sponsor, she wrote my letters for me back when that was still necessary for medical transition, and we met frequently for her to teach me more or less how to be trans safely. Some things she did not know- how to bind safely, how to attach a semi-permenant packer, etc. But others she knew very well, because she herself dealt with both being seen as a man by society as well as the effects of testosterone on her body for decades before she transitioned.
Anyway. This woman was great, and is a significant portion of the reason I'm still alive to this day. And she is who taught me the word transmisogyny, and that it should really cover all trans people because all trans people experience an intersection of transphobia and misogyny. Whether that was popular theory at the time or not, that is what us young kids learned directly from the mouths of trans women at my college, which to me means that others were also learning this particular version of transfeminist theory.
Unfortunately by the time I dropped out of college in 2013/2014, online trans spaces were having stupid arguments such as "transtrenders are bad" and "neopronouns are bad" and "nonbinary people are cis people who want to feel special" and "trans men should be hunted for sport" and "trans women are incel nazis" and. Well. I went "wow this place is a cesspit and I feel like no one here has actually talked to another transgender person face to face" and then did not engage with the online community. So I don't really know how common or popular the understanding I was taught was at the time, though it certainly seems quite rare now.
(As a caveat I don't really think trans people of any gender have anything that isn't similar with each other when it comes to oppression, outside of certain bodily things that can't be helped because that's literally the thing we're transgender about, and I think we all experience very similar oppression but sometimes with a different hat)
As for what caused this particular defining to fall into obscurity? I really can't say. I don't know how popular the transfeminist theory the trans women who spoke at my GSA meetings taught us actually was in the broader world. Every once in a while I meet someone who lived through that same time who remembers that theory, which tells me it had gained at least some traction if it was being discussed in multiple parts of the country, but... that's really it. And it's pretty unpopular theory nowadays, I get people calling me a scumbag and claiming that I say transmisogyny doesn't exist just for mentioning that the theory I was taught includes trans men in the discussion.
But I don't think it's specifically the whole TMA/TME thing. I think it's a lack of understanding of what oppression and what intersectionality are, how they operate, how they work, how we define things through them. There are many people who believe that men do not experience misogyny. But, they do, that's why it's an insult to a boy to call him a girl during a moment of femininity or vulnerability, as a means of calling him weak because girls are believed to be weak. There are many people who think intersectionality turns oppression into additives, as though stacking marginalizations like dnd buffs. This also falls apart because oppression is not like quick math where you add a +5 to every roll if any part of your identity is privileged and a -7 if any part is oppressed.
I've had people get mad at me for saying that straight people experience homophobia while we also have sitting politicians that make jokes on live TV about how they'd drown their (presumably straight) children if they found out their kids were gay. For saying that GNC cis people experience transphobia when butches are getting kicked out of bathrooms and drag queens are getting jumped in bars. For reminding people that when Sikhs are killed due to being mistaken for Muslim in this country that hates Muslims over a national tragedy our Muslim population did not cause, it's still considered and called Islamophobia, because just because Americans are too stupid to tell a Sikh from a Muslim doesn't mean they weren't spurred into that hate crime by their rampant hatred of Muslims and the sight of a turban and long beard.
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shesnake · 3 months
I wanted to know your thoughts on this but do you think it's fair to say either Louis or Armand are abusive in their relationship? Idek if this is a valid angle to view the characters from because I guess they're all monsters or whatever but a part of me thinks that it's kinda lukewarm to refuse to engage with the complicated themes of the show, which abuse is featured heavily and pretty clearly imo. This isn't aimed at you btw. Something I noticed is people tend to use some of Louis's less favorable moments to justify the violence he experiences. Like that post about Armand just matching Louis energy in ep 5, most of the notes are taking the stance that Louis is a cold, unempathic pimp who doesn't care about sa victims, that Armand genuinely is completely right when he says he is always cleaning up after Louis that he was only worried and tenderhearted and Louis escalated in the worst way and that after Louis said that he deserved everything that happened after. And I may be biased but to me that is so fucking crazy. To me it seems like fans, specially nonblack fans, have zero empathy for black abuse victims, actively enacting abuse culture even. But idk if that is a too reactive view. I don't want to say Louis isn't flawed because he is. But I mean we are watching the season about Armand getting Claudia killed on purpose and somehow people are still like Maybe Armand didn't do it, maybe it was all Louis, maybe Louis really asked for it. All of it. I think there's a problem there but idk I kinda feel a little crazy too. Btw disclaimer I fuckin hate Lestat this is not about comparing Loumand/Loustat lol
hi! and wow there is so much to discuss here...
I think it is fair to describe the actions of both Louis and Armand towards each other as abusive by definition but it's always important to remember that it is Armand in the position of greater power over him. Armand is older, stronger, owns dominion. He can walk in the sun, manipulate memories, and live without constant debilitating hunger for blood - all of which are things that impede Louis from being his own person outside of Armand.
Louis also faced this same predicament when he was with Lestat, but unlike Armand who uses his own innate powers against Louis, Lestat mostly used his social advantages of whiteness, wealth etc in addition to withholding key knowledge about vampirism to keep himself in control and Louis dependent on him.
and sure Louis can lash out all he wants! He can mock Armand's sexual trauma (trauma which Armand himself already gets them both to fetishise... but that's a whole different conversation...) he can hit back when Lestat hits him but when he's with either of those guys he is always going to be the victim. Nothing shitty he does to his partners, or to Claudia, or to Daniel, justifies what is being done to him by these men.
There absolutely has to be anti-blackness involved in any argument that says Louis deserves any of this. (Of course Armand as a brown South Asian man is not immune from fandom racism but his treatment is racialised in a different way that is also a different conversation). Any negative behaviour from a Black man is going to be seen by racists as exponentially more aggressive than it is, especially the cross-section with those you mentioned who aren't engaging with the complicated themes of this show exploring abuse.
They can see that Louis yelling at Armand is bad, but don't notice that Armand is being manipulative. They can see that Louis stabbing Lestat that one time during sex is bad (and still sexualise it), but don't notice that Louis is disassociating in every sex scene he has with Lestat afterwards (because they're too busy sexualising it). They can see that Louis making Daniel upset is bad, but don't notice that Daniel has been leveling dozens of racist and homophobic micro-aggressions at him since episode 1.
Armand got a few minutes to tell his tragic backstory in Louvre, Lestat had 2 or 3 different scenes in season 1 to recall his own. It's just been words. Meanwhile racists erase Louis' experiences with trauma because they never had enough fucking empathy for him to begin with to even register it happening to him! on screen! in real time! right in front of us!
And yeah Louis and Armand and Loumand are incredibly complex and compelling, and I do enjoy seeing Louis' moments of cruelty towards Armand! But he's never going to win against him in the game Armand built for him.
And in terms of Claudia, I do think that Louis failed her, as he has always failed her. And is responsible for her death in that regard. But that failure involved letting those other two fucking sharks eat her!!! I personally haven't seen anyone pushing the blame completely off Armand and onto Louis but I wouldn't be surprised. This week I've more pissed off about people levelling it all on Armand and think of Lestat as an unwilling participant.... this is of course the blonde white vampire show....
anyways sorry this is so long! thanks for the message this was really interesting to think about.
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Intro Post + FAQ!?!?!?
STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI!!!!!!!! (this is a joke)
I'm not replacing my pinned post because I like my pinned post. it's special to me. it describes my blog in a single gif. but I'll link this in my bio.
hi! I think this was long overdue. first of all, introduction!
I'm pink! she/her, 19, filipino-chinese, 🇸🇬
I am an asexual sapphic on the aro spectrum! I'm not repulsed in either department though, I consider myself mostly sex-neutral and romance... idk, ambivalent irl, favourable in fiction.
keep in mind that hazbin hotel itself has a lot of explicit humour, so canon-typical level of that kind of humour should be expected here. however, outside of text-only nsfw jokes, I typically don't post or reblog nsfw art (and IF I did, I would use community labels/appropriate tags). I may also tag certain text-only nsfw joke posts as #suggestive, just as a precaution.
and now the FAQ...
Other than one-sided RadioStatic, what do you ship?
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I've actually done this before, but decided I'd update it a bit.
cherrivel is only there because of the need for velvette to have someone at the hotel to be obsessed with, refer to this post. it is currently unserious and could easily never come up in my posts I just thought to include it because of that one time I brought it up. other crackships may come up if I find it funny (ie adam x mammon).
this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, I do not like any reciprocated romantic alastor ships, I'm not here to police anyone for what they do in fanon, but all I ask is no one send me anything of the sort. I interpret alastor as a repulsed aroace, and the dialogue in which his asexuality is implied in canon implies to me he would never pursue dating (rosie knows alastor wouldn't be dating charlie because he is aroace, which implies she knows he is an aroace that doesn't date**). so that is how I choose to portray alastor in my posts.
**TO BE CLEAR, there IS nuance to this. because action =/= attraction. funny situations such as a fake date with vox as a distraction that he doesn't like at ALL entertain me. but I do not believe he is the type to pursue it under normal circumstances.
regarding qprs... well, as you can see, I really only care for qpr radiorose, but this is the part where it comes down to personal preference. qpr radiostatic largely depends for me, maybe if it's like an au where they never had a falling out or something but otherwise, I don't personally really see it, but that isn't to judge anyone who does. HOWEVER, I do like thinking about their past friendship, here's a post I made before regarding alastor's side on it.
Who's your favourite character?
unfortunately, it is the stupid tv man in my pfp. alastor is my second favourite though if that's not immediately obvious (wow tumblr user @onesidedradiostatic's faves are vox and alastor who could've guessed?)
Do you know [insert pre-series information here]?
I need to clarify, I am NOT a pre-series hazbin fan. I only got into hazbin properly at episode 5-6's release, prior to that I had only watched episode 4 out of curiosity due to twitter discourse. any information I have regarding pre-series stuff comes from the wiki, tumblr posts or anons who have informed me of stuff. my main source of information is the main series, that is how I first consumed hazbin after all.
What the fuck is the "Lucifer's Commissions Saga"?
it all started with an anon talking about the most unrealistic thing about vox owning an alastor body pillow being that alastor was able to be printed on it without glitches. I then dropped a stupid idea I had in my head for a bit about lucifer being offered 50k to make a sexy alastor painting for vox. one reblog later. well. it turned into vox commissioning lucifer for the body pillow. and then a bunch of asks came in related to it and it turned into a saga which is now my legacy. feel free to scroll through this entire thing. also a fanfic of it by ChaoticAce2005 now exists. go check it out. AN ANIMATIC BASED ON ONE OF THE POSTS BY NATAKARANIA ALSO NOW EXISTS. CHECK THAT OUT TOO.
The original post mentions Val commissioning Lucifer for the art for Vox, Val is canonically a talented artist, why would he do that?
in my defence, I kinda forgot about that when I posted the original joke. later asks, I've mended that val HAS drawn for vox before but vox nitpicked too much and val's not always willing to do a fully rendered sexy alastor... so vox has to outsource. and he just happens to do so to the king of hell.
Hey, hey, listen! What if Vox doesn't have a crush on Alastor but wants XXX instead!?
hey, I respect you! I respect your opinion and hc. but this blog is built around that concept specifically, I like vox wanting something he can never have, wanting romance from a guy who literally cannot feel the same way about him. so I'm probably not gonna be as passionate about other takes. but your opinion is valid! I'm just not really sure what you want me to say other than respectfully disagreeing.
Why don't you use RadioSilence for one-sided RadioStatic?
radio silence is the name of another book made by the author of heartstopper, alice oseman (which I heard also has a canon aspec character!). even though it is already a used tag for this ship, I refuse to contribute to flooding the book tag with hazbin hotel. it's already an issue I see even when searching #radio silence with the space, I think those in that fandom should be allowed to search for content without being flooded by content from another fandom. please understand.
I instead use #onewaybroadcast in accordance with this poll. I still use the regular #radiostatic and #staticradio tags in addition to it for more reach and because vox's side still technically counts under it, if anyone doesn't like specifically one-sided radiostatic for whatever reason, they may filter out the specific tag or block me.
read more about the tagging issue here
Why haven't you answered my ask?
you see. once upon a time I used to answer every ask in my askbox. but then trying to come up with intelligent responses to every single ask was kind of draining so I gave up on that. so nowadays I just answer whatever I feel like, if you don't see your ask answered for a while it may still be answered later cause I do go back to old asks sometimes (and sometimes I just forget about asks I'd wanted to answer before). currently my askbox stands at 180ish unanswered asks going back to as early as end of february, that's how much I kinda just gave up trying to clear my askbox. DON'T be discouraged from sending new asks though! I'm actually more likely to answer new ones that I'm able to form a response for immediately.
Wait, I checked your time zone, why are you posting at 2-5am?
I haven't had a normal sleep schedule for like at least 4 years now, don't think too hard about it. and don't rely on my time zone for my active hours, I could be active at literally any hour 😁👍
Can I write a fic about [insert idea posted on this blog before]?
OF COURSE!!! I would actually be honoured if you did!! credit for the idea would be appreciated (although it depends if it's mostly me or my anons' ideas, sometimes it's a combined effort), but otherwise go ahead! and do send it to me if you please, if I have the time or motivation I may read it!
more may be added at a later time, but this is what I can come up with for now. I've been holding back on this for a while, trying to phrase every single little thing with tact, just understand that a lot of it is personal opinion!
#osrs.txt - all text posts, including asks #osrs.art - self-explanatory, art done by me #osrs.mp4 - videos which can range from compilations, shitpost edits to high effort edits #osrs.helluva - my helluva boss reactions/liveblogging and related stuff
#radiostatic parent trap subplot - the short series of asks joking about the torn picture vox has reminding them of the parent trap, turning into a crack subplot #projecting irl experiences onto radiostatic squad - where a bunch of anons came together to recount irl experiences with incels and say "yeah this is vox" #the ays - angel dust realising he and alastor are the reason for the vees' focus on the hotel and decides to brand both of them as the ays #lucifer's commissions saga - everyone's favourite as explained above, and also the biggest arc on this blog (my legacy) #alastor's modern sexuality label crisis - started with alastor misinterpreting "asexual" as asexual reproduction, continued on to him misinterpreting more modern sexuality labels #vox's stupid fucking turtleneck - it started with me trying to start up a debate on the colour of vox's turtleneck in the vox and val photo and escalated into people in my notes and askbox trying to gaslight me into thinking the turtleneck has stripes instead of it being a KNITTING PATTERN. this is what the STRIPES TRUTHERS DNI is referring to btw #cursed yellow val - tag name taken from andy-solo1, started as a response to the turtleneck discourse, I believe the turtleneck is a similar colour to val's wings therefore yellow turtleneck truthers are implying val's wings are also yellow #respectless anons - started with an anon trying to correct colour names and saying "not to be velvette..." and ended up with other anons being kin assigned characters #all the fucking parodies - there's been 2 parodies for you didn't know and 2 for respectless by others based on shit from this blog now, this tag is needed #the fanon val killjoy beef - tag made for the made up concept of valentino and katie killjoy beefing, started from this post
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issie-https · 1 year
A-Z Headcanons
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Axl Rose X Reader Headcanons
A/n: Heyyyy! First HC had to be the A-Z one(duh). Hope you enjoy xoxo
Word count: 1069(lol)
Warnings: SMUT, swearing😋
A - Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
To be honest, he's not an angel when it comes to aftercare but he's not against it. You wanna cuddle? Sure! Wanna shower or have a bath? Fine. But he's not gonna go over the top with it if we're being real.
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)
Axl's favourite part of himself is his hair or his hips. Have you seen that man shake it like Shakira?! Like, wow! And for his hair, my little strawberry blonde princess adores his hair.
His favourite part of you is your legs. Idk why but I feel like that man would love to see you walk around in short dresses and heels just to see your legs. He also probs loves being in between them😋
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
DIRTAY MAN! Will cum anywhere on your body and say sum like, "you look like a fucking work of art". Look, cum is a sign of a good orgasm and he likes to make you (and himself) feel GOOOOOD.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
That man has thought about fucking you in every position possible, on every piece of furniture at all times. He wants it all. Missionary on the floor, doggy on the bed, oral on the counter, 69 on the couch. Whatever you can do, he fucking WILL.
E - Experience (how experienced are they)
Very. Nothing more, just very. Sex machine if you will.
F - Favorite Position (self explanatory)
Doggy. Cannot convince me otherwise. He loves pounding into you from behind, slapping ass all day and watching yours and his cum drip down your thighs.
G - Goofy (are they more silly or serious in the moment)
He takes sex very seriously but if youse are both drunk, giggles will be let out at the sloppiness and the fact that on the way to the bedroom, you almost killed each other falling down the stairs.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
He trims but doesn't remove. He defo has a slight 80's bush going on but he keeps it clean. No bad smells here. And yes, carpet matches the drapes, maybe a tad darker.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Everyday sex isn't the most romantic thing ever but if it's a special occasion or you want it to be, he can be the most romantic love maker E.V.E.R.!!!
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
I can see him being into you watching him wank or vise versa but he won't do it unironically. Possibly into phone sex...🫣
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Exhibitionism, slapping, dirty talk, voyeurism, etc. . He likes to show people how good he makes you feel whether it be one of the guys or public sex, he adores it.
L - Location (favorite place to do the do)
As stated above, public, against windows, on worktops, backstage. Wherever he can dick you down, he will.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
You in general. That man sees you as sex on legs. You wear a certain outfit, boner. You look at him a certain way, boner. You breathe, boner. He worships you in a way.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
Piss play. Whether it be one of you pissing in or on the other or something like that, he won't do it. He won't judge you but he won't want to do it.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills)
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE. This man goes f e r a l if he is nose deep in your pussy or if he's balls-deep in your throat. Absolute god with his tongue, like H E L L O?!?!
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual)
Speedy gonzales. Rough in a caring way, if that makes sense. He loves to ravage you. However, if it's baby making sex(because we all know this man was made to be a daddy), sweet and sensual Axl comes out and is caring and slow for Jesus.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
50/50. If it's before a show, it gets his adrenaline going and he calls you his lucky charm. But if he doesn't have to, he won't.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment)
Yeah, I'd say so. But nothing too dangerous like carving names into each other.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
I'd say he has pretty high stamina but nothing unmanageable. He can go for 2-4 rounds before he calls it quits for the night(or until nighttime🫣).
T - Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them?)
Hear me out, butt plugs for you, vibrators, handcuffs(probably fluffy leopard ones💀), blindfolds and ropes. He doesn't use them every time but like once or twice a month, he treats himself to a play date😉.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tease of the century award goes to...
Axl Rose!
You laugh a little too hard with Duff and he edges you like a madman. He loves leaving you until your legs are shaking, tears have ruined your make up and your just babbling for him to let you cum.
V - Volume (how loud are they)
I WANNA HEAR YOU SCREAM. We've all heard him sing, he is louddddd! Loves to make you scream. He moans, grunts, etc etc until he's lost his voice. Loves making you do the same thing.
W - Wild Card (get a random headcanon)
This man loves to make you squirt. Like, this man lives for it. The harder the orgasm, the more you squirt, the harder he gets.
X - X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)
Not massive, let's be honest. But he's also not tiny. I'm saying 5-7 inches, slight curve to the right. But he knows how to use it, ya know.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Forny hucker. Fuck, horny fucker. This man is hard almost all the time. He's constantly begging for you to suck him or fuck him and if not, he's wanking to your nudes he keeps on Polaroids.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
You defo fall asleep first but like 20 minutes after you, he's snoring louder than he sings.
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relatableblorbopoll · 10 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 8
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
"there are so many things wrong with this man i feel a kinship with him. Also the neurodivergency"
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
"he's a young child who is incredibly autistic (maybe a technology special interest, tail wagging could be interpreted as a stim, he is a fox and foxes have a gene variant linked to autism, etc) and incredibly humble and loyal to sonic. however he does feel like he may be a burden to him, as discussed in sonic frontiers. T: sonic, am i a burden to you? S: wow, and how did you come to this well thought out concern? T: whenever there's a crisis, i'm either running away or standing on the sidelines! you're always rescuing me, and all i do is follow you around! in the adventure era, there was some character development where he learned to grow into his own person (well. you know what i mean) kinda (he saved an entire city which isn't why he's relatable it's the growing into your own person thing) he was also bullied for having two tails before he met sonic. sonic saved him from his bullies which is how they met 👍 he is literally me"
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
"- emotionally repressed - socially awkward - ace"
Ford Prefect (The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy)
"he’s very trans and autistic coded at least in my mind, and he has the fashion sense of a loser transmasc lesbian. he cracks stupid jokes all the time, changes the subject with absolutely no warning, he’s simultaneously the most likable and most annoying character in the book, he’s so me"
Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor)
"My brother got me into The Good Doctor. The only difference between my personality and Shaun's personality is my crippling social anxiety. I'm completely serious, my behavior when prior to developing social anxiety was identical to Shaun's (by which I mean I once shouted "I'm sharpening my pencil" in second grade completely unprovoked because I had no concept of it being socially inappropriate). Genuinely if I didn't have social anxiety, I would constantly be in a state of "hes just like me fr" and it would make complete sense to anyone who knows me and also watches The Good Doctor. Also keeping notes on flirting and keeping track of when people are flirting with each other around your workplace, which is a hospital, is a massive mood. That whole thing is basically him going around to colleagues and saying "this colleague was flirting with you! :D" and refusing to elaborate, then leaving. I love it and if I wasn't terrified of judgement I'd do the same thing."
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
"Transgender. To me. Also very sarcastic. Idk how to explain, my brain is too smooth and he just me"
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pagodazz · 7 months
Patrick and Michael hcs
for @freezingmcxn
These two are WAYYYYY more different than Evan and wow it makes me sick.
If Patrick was possessing another body, he would be pulling Michael into the biggest hug he could.
They're dynamic is something that is so special to me, something that is so gentle yet violent, but they know how to work with each other and its just so nice to see.
Michael is more than a vessel to Patrick, Michael is a friend. Michael is everything.
Patrick wants to take care of Michael, he wants to keep him safe, he needs everyone to understand that he's only doing what's best for MICHAEL.
it's not about anyone else, they don't matter. they're disposable, they don't matter the way Michael does, they are important like Michael.
Patrick is in his head like a guardian angel, something there to protect and guide him, all while rotting him from the inside out.
And Michael loves Patrick, it took him awhile to separate himself from him, but once he did, he found things to be just so much easier.
I'm so taking this from my mutual but, Michael and Patrick definitely have conversations in public through typing on the computer or writing stuff down on a little notebook Michael keeps around with.
Patrick will talk in his head, or take control of his hand and they'll have conversations. it doesn't always have to be about how to defeat Slenderman or figure out the whole clock thing. It could just be casual stuff, Like about how Michael is doing mentally. Did he eat? Patrick knows Michael didn't eat.
Michael doesn't exactly make friends easy, and he's always got Patrick to rely on. Patrick is always going to be there and he's always going to understand everything that Michael has gone through. Sometimes Michael thinks about what it'd be like to sit down face to face with Patrick, to be able to actually be in his presence.
Michael wouldn't want human Patrick of course, he would the true form, which to me, is wolf like, like HABITS or it would atleast be some sort of humanoid animal thing.. (maybe like an owl. An owl dragon fly type situation idk. they're just so Patrick to me.)
But he would want the real Patrick and he would want to be able to thank him for everything face to face, he knows that Patrick did everything he could, that he isn't evil.
Patrick is not human, he's not Michael, he's not related to Michael, he's PART of him the same way HABIT is part of Evan. But Patrick learned to adapt with Michael, he learned to communicate with him, he learned to be kind and he learned pain and regret thanks to Michael.
And Michael learned that HE is not human. and he learned he doesn't exactly hate violence. He doesn't exactly mind the way Patrick causes destruction, because it gives him something to feel. something he can hold on to.
Some guy could say something rude to Michael at a bar and Patrick will take over in seconds, slamming his face into the bar and kicking him out of his stool.
and Michael will feel GREAT after. nothing gets his adrenaline pumping more than the way it feels when Patrick takes over him..the phantom feeling of his fist hitting someones face could last on his skin for hours and it would have Michael itching for something more. Which is probably a reason Michael likes to get high all the time, he doesn't wanna always feel the need to be violent.
(Tw. self harm mention. I bring it up bc it's canon)
If it's not other people he's hurting, Michael will be hurting himself, especially if Patrick isn't present in his head all. whenever Michael is all alone by himself, he can barely TOLERATE IT. Somehow Patrick would always show up in his head just in time and he'd help speed up the healing process and he'd get all concerned and try to suggest maybe Michael needs the ward again but Michael HATES the ward.
So instead Michael will just tell Patrick all his problems and Patrick will give the best advice he can, and if someone hurt Michael, Patrick will make SURE he takes care of them.
They have something so calm and domestic going on and I love that for them.
I hope you guys enjoy these. comments are appreciated :3
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Doctor Who (1996) reaction
My hopes were for this to be quite cheesy and a little bit shit, and it turned out to be supremely cheesy and quite shit, so I'd say that was a good reason to watch the movie. I mainly wanted to see what the 8th doctor and his TARDIS looked like in action after listening to the big finish audios, so I got what I came for (plus a little bit more). On to the actual 'live' reaction (spoilers, obviously):
The time vortex looks really good!! I love how organic it feels.
Yeah, I suppose you would describe that control room as gothic. Not quite the way I'd imagined it though, a bit more stripped back, mechanical and certainly much larger and more open than I thought. I do recognise the Meccano pillars/cage around the console. He's got an armchair! Of course he's got an armchair.
The first five minutes are certainly very 👁️👁️ eye centric
Ah yes, the US. I knew that would feature heavily. Wow that's a lot of guns.
SDFHALFKHA WTFFF that death is the goofiest thing I've ever seeeeen
So we're in "the future" are we? New year's 1999! I'm about to be born in 3 weeks :)
Water snake.
BRILLIANT companion introduction (I'm assuming that's her?). The poise? The valour? This is the sincere commitment to drama that modern cinema is too cowardly to pursue.
They're making this regeneration soooo difficult for him fkajhhfa I'm loving it
The morgue guy is fantastic. So sorry but you're about to lose your marbles my dude.
Okay nvm he's actually watching Frankenstein, in a morgue, during a thunderstorm, on new year's eve. He's asking for this.
Das him!! 🫵
Idc if the dead guy just kicked in your big metal fridge door, that reaction is not befitting of that tiny little thing wrapped up tight in a littol blanket SKGNAFKAF the Frankenstein parallel is Hilarious. Sir that is a baby. Why are you fainting
Why can't movies commit to visuals this hard anymore I'm actually getting mad. Where in an active hospital do they have this apocalyptic wing you ask? I don't know, but don't you think every major hospital should be required to have a bad vibes room to attract the evil spirits and let the psychologically unstable see themselves literally reflected in their broken surroundings? This could be our future if you're not a coward.
hmmm... there's a green haloing effect behind the Master's head when his eyes go green the first time. Wonder what post production process created that artefact? I want to look into that later.
OOOOHHH THAT CLOSE-UP OF THE CLOCK!!!! IT'S THE SAME AS IN RORY'S HOSPITAL IN THE 11TH DOCTOR'S FIRST EPISODE!!! REFERENCE I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WAS A REFERENCE!!!!! (or maybe that's just what hospital clocks look like idk. It's a reference in my heart anyway. Also it's extra special to me cause I know it from this video, which is the reason I've wanted to make fan edits since I was 12.)
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She's even called Grace?! Perfection 👌
He's gonna get in the elevator with her isn't he? YES YES HE IS. Oh god he's so weird <3333
Pulling that thing from his chest was genuinely unsettling to watch 🥴
I saw someone say in a post that they thought the 8th doctor was Like That because of his regeneration being interrupted. I think I agree entirely
DKSJHGSKDHG even the tardis doors don't look the same on the inside. What a mindfuck. Wow that thing is HUUUUUUUGEEE. (edit: wait I think the inner doors were different for the 1st doctor as well? Maybe others too? Then no one came in immediately pushing the doors wide though, so it wasn't as jarring. You could imagine there was maybe some kind of gap between them since they opened in different ways.)
*squeal* he's ADORABLE (That's just what getting a good pair of shoes feels like though!)
"The cloister room" are you FUCKING kidding me 🤣 okay there's the gothic look I was missing—bats an' all! Is this where he keeps the error bell?
Did the audition process for the Doctor mainly consist of pained grunts and moans? I mean he does do them well, would check out if that were the case.
And there's the kiss, already knew about that one as well.
Those are some Crusty glass effects.
Things are just happening now. Guess we're on a bike?
"I'm half human" and I'm entirely sure canon never meant anything on this show (are the writer(s) aware this isn't Star Trek?)
Just gonna skip over the fact that the master slimed up all those men pointing their guns at him real quick I don't need to know how that happened (why is he goo?)
The cop drove into the TARDIS! And straight out again! Fantastic!!
THE CEILING CAN BE SEE-THROUGH I WAS RIGHT! Really neat feature I like it a lot 👀
Oh no we're breaking the 180 degree rule 😬 that's so jarring
Going heavy on the jesus symbolism what with first emerging from the death cave and now that spiked crown-vice thing aren't we? Also with the butchering a fish right as we arrived in the US. Was this written by an American or just heavily tuned for an American audience? (edit: the writer is British and has a history with the show, so probably just over-tuned for the American market appeal. They were trying to get the show picked up over there iirc.)
The hospital clock is back! :D
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Okay maybe don't put your main actor in a device that doesn't allow him to actually act? Just a thought.
This has too much physical confrontation for doctor who 😂 Unless the choreography can be done in a single take by a guy in his 50s (50s?? I thought he was older) wearing frills, I'm afraid it just won't compute.
"Life is wasted on the living" What a... line.
And there's magic fairy dust of ressurection now too? Canon really does mean nothing. Oh thank god they just hug.
Also apparently this doctor is ominously all-knowing? Yeah, definitely going heavy on the jesus symbolism.
Unnecessary final kiss.
And that's it!
Thoughts: It's fine. Loved the cheese. The romance added nothing, the Master had no personality (they turned him into the terminator 😭), and the Americanisation is rampant in more ways than just the jesus thing. It lacks much of the genuine passion and respect for the unknown that carries the rest of the show. The Doctor knows a lot of stuff because he loves exploring and finding out there's more to learn, not because he's god. There were flashes of this here and there, but it didn't carry the story.
My pet theory is that this is a common thing when comparing British and American stuff. Like with Ghosts: in the British one, they're all just stuck as ghosts because fuck them ig and there is no clue as to the rules. The point is they're all just trying to make the best of it, and how they succeed or fail in doing that. But in the American one there has to be a System, and figuring out and finding your purpose in that System is what makes you happy—and that's when you 'die', cause you've nothing left to live for then, have you? Apparently they have a 'go down' as well as being 'sucked off', which just reinforces the apparently cosmic importance of Rules (I didn't watch that far though).
Anyway, I really liked the beginning, as is often the case with stuff I watch lol. Probably the reason I love Merlin so much is that it all just feels like one long beginning, so that I can make the story what I want when I want it in my mind.
I'll give this movie two out of five stars ★★☆☆☆. Would recommend to weirdos and bad movie enjoyers. I am at least one of those, so I enjoyed it well enough!
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leivyathan · 1 month
Wow I can't remember the last time I posted something here that I made myself and I probably don't want to remember it lol
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Anyway, for a change I really tried hard to make a digital drawing with my relatively new tablet, I've only been learning how to use it consistently for a month so any mistakes are due to my inexperience.
This is a Fan Character from a silly VRCHAT show on youtube that sometimes makes me get too excited, just that, maybe I'll share some lore if I feel like making more drawings of her. Which isn't likely but who knows.
So she is Stella Diamond, a daycare assistant animatronic model, and for those who know what show I'm talking about I can at least tell you two things about her:
She's the replacement that Fazbear sent to Daycare to replace Moon when he stopped doing his job (a little while after Frank was sent to another dimension for the first time lol)
And she hates Sun, Moon, Earth and any other animatronic created by Zven with every fiber of her code. Let's just say that Fazbear programmed her to be competitive in order to prove that she's better than them. Idk, she have problems and imaginary enemies.
Special thanks to @owosa for helping me with the design
And to @seabright205 for giving me the motivation to finish
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gemharvest · 1 month
Gf for the character thing ? :] or maybe Nene if you received her already
I HAVEN'T RECEIVED HER YET THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! I'll do Nene too, I'll just make it her own post after posting this. :J
favorite thing about them: I love her dumbgirl swag. There's something so special to me that both her and Boyfriend are fuckin'. Dumb As Rocks. ALSO I LOVE THAT SHE'S CANONICALLY AN ARTIST that's such a sweet thing to me. I would pay one morbillion dollars for a GF commission (because she has no idea how they work).
least favorite thing about them: I WANT HER TO DO MOREEEEHGNJFN.. Like she's probably done as much as BF has so that's not a critique of the game, I just wanna see her do more. Because I love women. Oh also I think they should remake every canon piece depicting her and make her canonically fat. I often forget she isn't fat in canon and then I feel sickly when I look at like, the volume 1 cover and she's thin. W-Whe';re h.er tumm-.my go..,m,l,l,...,, <- sorry for crytyping but it fits.
favorite line: That's how you do it! <- I was gonna jokingly just go up down left right but then I remembered she says that in the tutorial. And I quote it to myself all the time so.
brOTP: Y'know what, similar to BF, I think a GF & Darnell friendship would be fuckin' s-tier. I often think abt this post Keyy made tbh. I know that's specifically the Funkycule AU and pup has them in a QPR but I do think abt it often. Also, before I was a romantic PicoGF guy my interpretation of RGB had Pico & GF as just friends, probably closer friends the longer they're in their relationships with BF cuz like, bonding over a shared partner or smthn LMAO so I'll give an honorable mention to Pico & GF friendship.
OTP: WOag. RGB. Wow I've never heard of that before. How many times can I joke about RGB being my OT3 for this game before it gets annoying LMAO anyways. I ALSO REALLY LOVE GFNENE I wish they had more fics. So bad. I'm actually shocked by how bare their tag on AO3 is. They weren't lying, fandom does hate femslash. /hj
nOTP: Is there anyone out there who actually ships her with Senpai. I think that'd be my only answer ALSO YOU KNOW WHAT. I chickened out on saying it with BF but I also consider BF and Senpai a nOTP but like, I DON'T HATE ANYBODY WHO SHIPS IT. OF COURSE. I don't think it's "problematic" to ship Senpai with either of them it's just, like, the most thought I have on Senpai is that I want to kick sand into his eyes. So that feeling doesn't really translate into a desire to see him shipped with anyone. I'm sorry to anybody who ships Senpai with either of them, I respect your grind, it is just sooooo not for me.
random headcanon: This headcanon is like, so deep into my personal GF characterization/ fuckin'. AU. If you wanna call it that atp. BUT ANYWAYS. Fuck this is gonna need quick background hold on. The canon explanation for her looking human iirc is literally just "true love" or whatever tf. But that's not as fun to play with. So instead I like to write her as being ashamed of being a demon, especially because of her parents' actions, so she masks her demon traits. And she reaaaalllly does not like letting them slip through, especially around a specific person (this is foreshadowing for something idek if I'll get to any time soon Sorry). BUT! She is on a limit for how long she can hide her demon traits until doing so starts to hurt her, either through draining her energy or like, it causing physical damage to continue hiding parts of her. And while she trusts Pico & BF, she's still got shit that she's just. Not. Sorting out. So when she feels she's about to reach a limit with it she locks herself away to rest until she's well enough to continue like normal. Girlie No (guy who is writing her to do this) (don't worry I'm going to also write her getting better abt this) I'm gonna eventually have to make a "Karl's Personal FNF Demon World Building" master-post or whatever just cuz this shit is so fun for me to work with Idk.
unpopular opinion: GEH once again idrk if this is an unpopular opinion but I've been using this to just. Complain. About stuff I have seen and disagree with so whatever I'm continuing the trend. Like Pico, I feel like I see. So many. Interpretations of her that just feel Wrong. Like I see people make her The Smart One or like. Dominant Girlboss with little substance beyond that. And it's like. Cool, yay, I love fandom misogyny. FUCK it's probably still rotting in my drafts but forever and always my reaction to this phenomenon with her is "This girl gets her hand stuck in peanut butter jars trying to eat pb with her hands. This is your Smart One?" and I should get it out of my drafts bc I'm real for that. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME WHEN I SAY THIS BTW. Interpretations that smarten up BF to the same degree do not flag this to me. When making more serious fanworks with these guys, you're gonna have to give them more smarts than canon will. My issue is specifically when I have seen people still write in a degree of stupidity with BF and then just. Don't? Do the same with GF?
song i associate with them: Very basic but I think the sound is cute with her. My secondary answer would be Nelward - "Werewolf" but that's more of a. Specific Instance. That I don't want to elaborate on. grins
favorite picture of them:
Like literally all of them The Fuck you're making me choose? /silly Here's the fruits of me looking through her wiki gallery:
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^ If I had to pick a single favorite, it'd be those panels from the Nendoroid comic. She was real for that. Anyways FUCK I love her. Statements improved when you remember I'm Boyfkin LMAOOOOOO..
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julyourwitch · 9 months
ꁝꏂ꒒꒒ꄲ 𝗍᥆ 𐒄Ꮍ 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 թҽօթlҽ/𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓼/sᴘɪʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟ 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒!
𝚂𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘, 𝙸 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚔𝚙𝚘𝚙 (𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸'𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚍, 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚜/𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚎𝚝𝚌 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎)
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽 (𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹) 𝚃𝚊𝚎𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙸 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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I did it because I found it interesting, I always ask permission from others to be able to connect with their energy, and mostly for fun. (𝙰𝚑, 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚘𝚜 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎>.<)
𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬! 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐭! 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐭, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥,𝔸𝕔𝕖 𝕠𝕗 ℙ𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥,ℙ𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥,𝟞 𝕠𝕗 ℙ𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥,𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥,𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
Okay wow well, first let me say that I really liked this energy that Taeyhung has and with all due respect to him and his (spiritual team) that allowed me to read about him.
He enjoys and generally likes to have the upper hand in everything related to his life, he wants to be in charge of it and no one else and I also feel that he wants and finds it necessary for everyone to be responsible for their lives, their decisions in general that includes everyone's life is worthy of their fate they say.
I feel that whatever he wants and when he wants something he claims it as it is and I feel that he is sure of what he conquers, and he can feel a little uncomfortable at first if things don't go the way he wants them - as he predicted! But sometimes, I feel like he repeats some patterns and behaviors that hold him back from expressing or doing what he really wants to show it the way he wants (sometimes things don't go our way for some reason, but most of the time the reason is ours). I feel like sometimes he can judge or comment on something without wanting to come across as over the top or "mean" in the way he will express it or it will sound completely different than he expected, and he can also be kind of hard on himself.
Okay I can see that Taeyhung knows how to make good money or to gain money in general, it's like as I said, what he wants he can get it(especially with the professional matter/money) HE ALSO LIKE TO LOOK AND FEEL ATTRACTIVE AND ELEGANT. Like, he really cares for his body and feelings, he cares for his mood and specially his appearance (if he likes it or not the outfit he chose, mostly if he also feels comfortable with it) when he doesn't like something, HE JUST DISAPPEAR he really doesn't like when he sees some bad behavior, acting, negative energy etc he just can't handle it. He also likes to help others and enjoy it seeing them happy, cuz he also feels happy when he's helping someone! He lowkey might be a gossiper (in a good way obviously! 🤣) or enjoy talking about something that really finds it interesting and not only, he's really really clever when it comes to find solutions or when something isn't good or off. Okay okay, he has his own way of expressing his way and it might be weird (for others not for him tho) but this is the way he might express it directly and correctly for him. Idk but he have some tendency to be um yk dramatic over something or likes to say stories about something he actually made in his head? (Idk but I laughed here 😭) Anyways, he also wants and tries different things, always a need and thirsty of learning something EVERY SINGLE DAY OR TIME lots of things! Oh wow, well he has a plenty of energy inside and outside of his body! He cares DEEPLY AND A LOT about those around him, his closed people and these who has interact the most, and tbh he can give you his whole heart as it is BUT he wants to be careful and wants to scan you first your energy/vibe if it's pleasant and likeable. This person already knows that he has a good voice and when someone need his help, his advice his presence he's there for them. HE LOVE TO LAUGH AND ENJOY HIS LIFE TO THE FULLEST WHEN IT COMES TO FUN&PLEASURE/SATISFACTION HAHAAHAH. (For some reason I get fiery rising or moon idk👀) but wow.. Well this person went through a lot of shit, transformations, "endings" a lot of memories and moments. Idk how to explain it but, he's a risky tasker he's not afraid if he fall, if he get hurt or something. But he gets easily angry(?) I mean when he's angry is like his mind is getting blurred and can't understand much at this moment. He really needs to make sure that you got the assignment right, that you have no problem with anything, that you can't make any mistake again (maybe the same mistake) and that you have everything under control. He might forgive(sometimes) but he won't forget.
It's a person tho who need to let go of his past(which he's doing it) and might be a person who has to surrender what is above/beyond his power and control..
Well, I must say that he's very confident but also have some flaws about it(?) Idk but why I do feel that his fame is very important to him? 😭 He knows how to talk in public with manners etc but when he's with someone very closed or yk, he can be mean and rude.. ☠️(obviously not because he can actually react or act like this, when something is off or someone doesn't understand him or someone is mean/rude to him)
Advice: He must do self worth and self improvement in order to align himself with his true self, his values and he doesn't have to seek for other's validation/opinion about it, he gotta be more positive , must seek balance with his feelings and emotions and find his values and respect them and himself too. (He also might get lazy easily and doesn't really know what he wants) he must also lift and work on his self esteem cuz money doesn't bring self esteem but poor consciousness. (It's not actually about money here) he doesn't feel that worthy some parts of himself.
That was the energy reading for Taeyhung! I hope you liked! <3
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howlingguardian · 2 months
hi hello i just wanted to let you know that i just binge-read your butcher!Taylor story and holy crap. wow. i'm amazed by how relatable you've managed to make the Butcher personalities—many of them, specially Firecracker, Nemean, Anchorage and Tactical, make me feel a bit like "and there, but for the grace of God, go I"—if it weren't for my heaps of sheer dumb luck (and the fact that this is isn't Earth Bet, obviously), that could have been me. it makes the entire story super interesting, and makes me kinda hope for the time Amy manages to get those letters to their destination—i really hope they get some closure, and not just Flinch's family. This last chapter—aside from making me despair about the cliffhanger—was really sweet: i loved the Amy interaction and I agree with Anchorage's Grandmaw that good food heals all, and helps always. I also really loved the Sophia, Taylor and mall guards interaction as well—Taylor was right in calling those fuckers out, and idk whether or not you're white, but you get internet cookies for that. I'm also a fan of Danny and Taylor rebuilding their relationship, Danny visibly getting better, and how despite Taylor gaining a newfound confidence bc of the Butcher's memories & life experiences, she isn't magically over what the Trio did to her—they still affect her, even if she's better equipped to dealing with them. It makes her more believable as a character. I'm also deeply curious about T—I'm hoping for an interlude from his POV eventually. He's been right there through a lot of it, and he's stuck by Taylor, and we don't really know what's up with him—there are some hints about helicopter parents who are overly supportive, but it sure stands out how he hasn't really told them he's a cape, which makes me think they're more overbearing than supportive, but I don't know. The way in which he covers himself in metal sure feels like burrito-ing in a security blanket, times 10. My heart goes to Vicky too—what she's going through sucks, hard. And I really appreciate how you've made an effort to make Brandish come across as a total bitch who has her reasons—she's not totally irrational, just differently rational. Really comes across how she's very obviously talking from a place of trauma and not casual cruelty. Also loving how you humanized Manpower—made it real clear even the "well-adjusted" capes are a lil fucked in the head (/non-pejorative—so am i, frankly). And I *really* love your Assault. I'm kinda hoping he breaks lines and has some words w Elpis, off the record—just because I really like him, and as someone who also has some misgivings abt the Gov, I'd like to see what Assault is thinking—that bit where they referenced Assault's past as Madcap as his "misspent youth" really made me grind my teeth.
This has been enough ranting I wager but anyways, the point is: awesome story, I love it, tahnk you for writing it!!!
Holy shit, this is, by a wide margin, the longest ask or message I've ever got. Thank you so much! I'm working on the next chapter as we speak, and it's going to be a big one!
I did aim to try and make the point that the Butchers, like a lot of villains, did not just decide to turn to a life of crime for shits and giggles. Many of them were forced into it by circumstance and spiralled down to stay alive. In the right environment, they'd have thrived.
The letters too- those will play a part, showing the Butcher's human connections and emphasising that they are human themselves. Even if they are currently disembodied voices in the head of a tenage girl.
Tarquin is... honestly, thinking some things about myself, I think he's got elements of myself in him. My parents aren't so hovering, but I do get the idea of putting up a facade to hide your vulnerabilities.
Characterisation is important in fanfiction, and maintaining nuance can make or break a story. Sometimes it's fun to exaggerate a character's personality, but I wanted to stick close to canon, so it's very encouraging to hear you approve of how I've written Vicky and Brandish and Manpower and a lot of other tricky characters.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoy Here Comes The New Boss! The next chapter's coming out sometime this week, but if you can't wait until then, you can try my spin-off Hostile Takeover for a bit of fun.
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findafight · 1 year
i agree w all of your r*nance thoughts. i also think a big issue for them would be nancy never being robin's Person bc of steve; i do not think that's something nancy could stomach. tho at this point, even if i had liked it originally, i would despise it bc of how often ppl have robin or nancy or both do absolutely sick and twisted things to steve. like the amount of fics where robin doesn't tell steve/actively lies to him about it for extended periods of time then he just has to be okay w it or they have robin just start putting nancy above steve in every aspect of life is ridiculous. then there's the really bad ones, like the fic i saw where the entire premise is r*nance fucking in steve's bed w/o his knowledge (and robin specifically doesn't feel bad at all which ???? like they have nancy feel bad but not robin? i will never understand) or the ficlet i saw where robin asks steve for sex advice then either 1) tells him it's nancy and he makes the advice specific (wtf) or 2) doesn't tell him but he figures it out later bc nancy thanks him since she realized the advice came from him (demonic). like what the actual fuck. sorry i had to complain about the things i've been forced to see against my will by tumblr.
so many things to complain about having seen on the hellsite. carry on fellow soldier 🫡
dsakjhfaksdhkf ya like. the concept of either of them starting to date someone they like and not immediately busting the other's door down like candace_momholyFUCK dot jpeg is just absurd to me. Robin would kiss a girl for the first time and as soon as she gets home she's dialing Steve up and twirling the phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs, giggling. They were having boobie talk in the car at 7am. they def share if they actually get a date with someone they have a crush on!! (the exception being if that person didn't want to come out, like I could see Steve telling Robin he kissed a guy or had a boyfriend but not saying who because the bf wasn't ready for other people/people he didn't know well to know? but robin would still know he had a bf and details about what they do, just not personal details.)
I find it actually laughable that people would consider Robin would put some romantic interest above her most specialest boy in the whole wide world. Like. She was obsessed with him when she held her tammy and bagel crumb grudge and hated him! Now she loves him? Do people thing she isn't obsessed with him now?? Absolutely not she's worse and she steals his shirts to prove it.
Which I agree with you. Nancy obviously wants to be her romantic partner's priority and number 1. Jonathan's priority is his family and we saw in both s3 and s4 that this causes strain in their relationship! To the point they kinda break up in s3 about it! Robin and Steve both can no longer give that to their partners, because they have each other, scoops troop, and, by extension, the Party. Which is wild because s2 Nancy was Steve's priority.
idk whyyy people have Robin be mean to Steve :( stopppp that's her special little guy. her sweet cheese. her rotten soldier. She might say or do something that hurts him but she would try to apologize as soon as she realizes!! Just like he would for her! I think it might come from people still prioritizing romo ships over platonic ones and trying to have those be the most important and special and deep relationship the characters have.
lldkfjlakdflkajlfdj anon those are WILD fics wow. I think some are trying to acknowledge past st4ncy, but neglect all the hurt that happened at the end of that relationship, and that for the characters, in s4, Steve and Nancy broke up less than a year and a half ago! very messily and hurtfully! (once again, regardless of whether or not steve knows Nancy cheated) that is so short between the end of the relationship to be hooking up with your best friend's ex! that he has expressed romantic feelings for recently! or trying to emphasize robin and steve's weird little qpr comfortable in one another's space and oversharing relationship but missing the mark. like. it's one thing to sleep in a friend's bed with a different friend. it another to have sex in a friend's guest bedroom. it's another level to have sex in your friends bed? that's bonkers.wild.
I do think it'd be funny for Steve and Robin to exchange sex tips/stories but the first time i think Robin asks and Steve just blanks and goes "cut your nails. watch your teeth." which like. yeah. Robin figured. They're weirdos who live inside each other's pockets and brains but they probably do have some levels of comfort to work up to (they've been friends for less than a year! even if it feels like they've known each other forever)
(also. there is a weird thing sometimes where Nancy is closer to Steve/cares more openly about him than she would. I think it might be a bit of a backlash to people pointing out that she cheated on him in s2 and then seemed to not talk to him at all between then and s3 and again between s3 and s4? hmm...)
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clonehub · 3 months
I found this interview with Leslye on episode 7 really interesting and it reminded me of what you were talking about in regards to dyads: https://nerdist.com/article/the-acolyte-showrunner-leslye-headland-interview/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1720650310
sorry anon i can't focus on the dyad bits because
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but beyond this. the moment where Aniseya starts disintegrating herself and Mae is apparently her trying to turn them into the Force without killing them. My theory was that she was going to disintegrate both of them to move them to safety, so in a way I was right! I really liked that and I wish we could have seen more of how the witches' powers worked. Unfortunately though they are all dead (confirmed by headland).
The witches also used the vergence to create the twins, and they're stronger together than they are apart, and the witches' as a coven was connected to the twins? its like when theyre together and if this "experiment" with the Force and vergences works, then they know that they can keep making children and keep making future leaders, or something.
reading this interview and keeping up with discussions and the like has helped me realize something crucial about myself as a star wars fan: if the Force isn't getting fucked up or fucking people up I cannot bring myself to keep track of any aspect of Jedi/Force/Sith philosophy. This is all largely a different language to me. People were arguing about the Thread/Force distinction in episode three, and then arguing about Qimir's flavor of Sithness in Episdoe 6 or whatever, and the whole time I was thinking "wow, a coven of all women? they're there for survival? they're a closed culture? the jedi are breaking in? they have the legal right to do so? its suspicious that there's no father?"
I can't...idk, once you see ideas from friends and fandom where the Force is doing wild and insane things to people, seeing canon presenations that barely change what's already been shown visually makes it hard for me to latch on. Like, okay, the girls are one soul with two bodies. They act normal, though? Mae has a stronger connection to the Force than Osha, yeah, but how often do we really see this in play? Osha has one hallucation/dream about Mae. Their vergence-birth was on Brendok; do they have a special emotional or Force connection to that planet? The vergence created life on Brendok--are the girls connected to nature? Did they ever have strange dreams or visions or things that would present as mental/emotional problems when really it was a soul struggling to hold itself together on opposite sides of the galaxy? Did they feel each other emotions? See what the other saw? Did their power ever fluctuate wildly?
Because, again, one soul, two bodies, but these are two special-birth Force users who's special birth doesn't really impact them physically outside of being twins. And I'm struggling to remember how much of an impact (real, visible) the details of their creation has on their arcs. One soul, two bodies, one twin has a corruption arc and seems weaker in the Force and the other is stronger, but that's it.
Of course, there could also be some glaring evidence that I'm just forgetting. I started rewatching the series last night and im only on episode two right now, so.
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