#and if i get accepted then i guess i gotta tough it out for another year/year and a half -________-
oflgtfol · 5 months
god i gotta quit michaels
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bubble-popping · 1 day
day 40! i couldn't stop thinking about soft punznoblade bc of this post so naturally i had to write for it <3
The fire crackles in front of them, gentle noises to fill the otherwise silence. It cast long shadows behind the two people, orange light dancing on their faces. A snowstorm raged outside, but its sounds were resolutely muted by the wood coverings Techno had long reinforced the windows with. That same storm that they had just escaped and caused the need for dedicated time by the fireplace. While Punz was fully preoccupied by warming up, Techno couldn't help but notice something.
Both sets of hands outstretched towards the flames, yet his own were considerably larger. Longer, thicker fingers, scars littered across the tanned surface, and calluses roughening the texture.
Free from their usual gloves, Punz's slender digits ended with short claws painted black. He wore a few rings, golden gifts Techno had given him--true intentions hidden by a simple "Got too many of 'em." Never mind how they fit perfectly.
"Such little hands..." Techno mumbled, not really meaning for them to hear it.
His ear flicked, disturbed by Techno's breath ghosting over the sand-colored fur. Their hair looked particularly lovely in this lighting.
"Not really," they replied. "Yours are just huge." Pale hands fisted and flexed, urging blood to run through them quicker. "Reminds me of something stupid Sapnap would say. Maybe you can confirm," he mused with a chuckle.
"And what's that?"
"Everything's bigger in the Nether?"
Techno snorted, shoulders bouncing as he laughed under his breath. "Never heard that one, but there's prolly some truth to it. Bigger animals, bigger plants, bigger structures..."
"Yeah, I think he just meant his dick, but all that works too."
The piglin hybrid scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Classy."
Wordlessly, Punz nestled closer, rubbing his hands together as he exaggerated a shiver. "Can't believe I let you convince me to stay in the Arctic. 'm not built for this weather."
"Ya get used to it. Here, lemme." Gently, allowing ample time for Punz to pull away, Techno encompassed their smaller hands in his and exhaled hotly on their still freezing skin. His hold was firm and caring, yet purposely non-restrictive.
If he looked hard enough, Techno swore he saw his cheeks tinge red. A muffled, shuffling sound started, a familiar noise that Techno came to recognize as a wagging tail.
"Any better?"
Punz jolted at the sudden question and cleared his throat. "My hands are fine, but..." He trailed off, gaze averting.
This guy probably thought he was so clever.
"Ya need another blanket? Mine's big enough for two," he offered, lifting his quilt.
They instantly filled the space, nuzzling against Techno's side with folded ears and a small smile. Techno draped the blanket and his arm around his shoulders.
He fit snugly in place, like he was always meant to be there. Or maybe that was just the hopeless romantic in Techno talking.
Punz propped his head atop Techno's chest and Techno turned to meet his bright blue eyes, causing their faces to be just inches apart.
"Tell me again why you let me in."
Techno knew what they were referring to. That night all those weeks ago, when they were little more than strangers, before Techno saw all the softness underneath their tough outer layers.
"Couldn't leave ya out there to freeze. I'd be a terrible host. I might destroy countries, but I treat my guests with respect."
They giggled, quiet and fond, eyes squinting from a warm smile. "That's all?"
"That and... I wouldn't have this." He leaned in to rub their noses together. That shuffling sound got faster.
Those hands, small and smooth and thoroughly blood-stained, cupped Techno's face as if he held the world in his palms. "Who would've guessed you're such a sap?"
Techno turned to kiss at their wrists, noticing the pleasant warmth they now exuded. "Ya gotta accept a lil responsibility there."
Punz scoffed, face only growing darker. "What, am I too 'loveable'?"
"There ya go. Yer gettin' it."
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voidandabyssal · 11 months
My Horrortale brothers HCs!
horror sans = axe
horror papyrus = crooks
much like the actual horrortale comic, Monsters resorted to eating human flesh in order to survive, in my HC, this includes Sans. Years of despreation and hunger eventually drive him to start eating the humans he hunts.
Axe used to feel guilt, at least in the beginning. Once Undyne cracked his poor skull, well, he was just too lazy to feel anything.
He's too far gone to care anymore, and fuck anyone who tries to make him feel guilty. He kept his brother alive, his community alive. That's all he cares about.
He's quiet, The skull injury makes it difficult for him to speak. He's not entirely mute but he his mind moves to fast for his mouth to move. So a lot of the times he'll say parts of a sentence, and it may be disjointed, or he may speak slowly.
he also struggles with memory loss. Remebering things that have happened recently is really tough on him. So hes taken to carrying around a notebook, when he wants to or needs to remember something he writes it down. Then he can just check whenever he needs to.
he stares. Seriously, when he likes something (or someone) he just looks at them. You can tell when he's looking at someone he likes because they'll have his full attention, and if he likes, likes them? His remaining eyelight will be all blown up.
It's cute, creepy, but cute
Once the barrier is broken he struggles to find something to do. Axe spent years just surviving, he never had to worry about what other people thought of him, or how to get a job, or how to get and maintain finances. His skull injury and processing issues make this even harder.
so he bounces jobs for a while, somedays he's a hotdog vendor, sometimes he's a retail clerk, sometimes he's a security guard. Sometimes he's unemployed. You can never guess what he's up to.
he, and every other Monster, receive government money. As restitution for their whole species being locked under ground to suffer. So him and Crooks aren't poor, they're doing pretty okay for themselves
Crooks feels horrible surviors guilt. In the first few years of being on the surface it's something that made him horribly depressed. Even if he hide said depression. He suffers from nightmares of the Underground and all the friends and neighbours he lost for years. It's something he never really gets over.
He wears braces! Crooks needs a lot of dental surgerys and treatments in order to correct the years of abuse Queen (horrortale Undyne) put his teeth through.
When all the identitys of the humans who fell underground and were killed are revealed, Papyrus writes letters to all their families. Apologising on behalf of everyone.
He gets a job as a nurse! After years of study (and therapy) he starts working in Ebott hospital.
He consitently wins employee of the month once he starts working
He and Axe still live together, they don't ever want to live apart from one another. Not after what they went through. So if you wanna smooch Crooks or Axe. You gotta accept the other brother. they're a package deal
he forgives Queen (ht undyne) and Doctor (ht Alphys) for what they did. He doesn't speak to either of them, however.
He largly still remains the same happy skeleton as before, just a lot of his naivite and innocence has been washed away. He's more of a hopful realist then an optimist now.
He and Axe have a cute three bedroom home in the suburbs. It's a quaint cottage. Perfect for the two of them. It's quiet to, which is important for when either of them are struggling with an episode.
did I mention that? Yeah both of them occasionally have flashbacks to the Underground. Sometimes they forget they're not starving, sometimes they're so stuck in a flashback that they end up physically lashing out.
Feel free to send me any askes! I'll answer anything!!
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Character Voice Tag!
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver (here)!!! I'll go with the main cast from Of Starlight and Beasts for this one (:
MY LINE WAS: Yeah, I deserved that.
YOUR LINE IS: I don't know what I was expecting but I'm disappointed in your decision either way - because what the heck was that?
Corah - "Well, one thing's for sure: that wasn't undeserved - I really should've seen it coming, that's on me."
Arammys - "Oh Gods, that went so wrong - I deserve what happened, that was a terrible idea, and I take full responsibility for it but still... that was such a bad plan, oh Gods."
Eidan - "I should've known that this would be the outcome but I was too hasty to notice. I deserve to face the consequences for my actions."
Nimwen - "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh, goodness, oh Gods that went so wrong so fast. If someone is to blame for what happened that person is me, but I still should've been more careful. I'm so sorry!"
Tomasa - "Yep, no use running from the inevitable. Time to face the outcome of my poorly planned decisions. Lay it all out for me, and don't be shy. I'm a tough cookie."
Masen - "Fuck. Yeah, I'm not sticking around to find out what that's gonna cause, sorry not sorry. So, no hard feelings whatsoever guys, but I've gotta bounce. See y'all around? (winks)"
Kyran - "Oh. That... isn't ideal. Okay. Okay, okay, I can handle this, I should've seen this coming after all. I hope I can handle this. So...here's what we're going to do: we're getting the fuck out of here, right now. Because I don't deserve whatever they've got in store for me. Does anyone have explosive powder? I think can improvise a plan."
Maryon - "That was well deserved, I will admit. I made a mistake and it caught to up to me. I guess it is only fair I face whatever comes next - running will only drag things out. It's best to just get it over with., like ripping out an old bandage"
Florynce - "(In a drawn out, wispy voice) Somethings gone wrong. (squeaks) Somethings not as it should be and it's not right and it's my fault. Should I stay and face my fate? Is it what would be proper? (gives a little vampiric squeak, clearly starting to panic) I don't know what to do anymore"
Rin - "Hells no I'm not facing the consequences of that. (pats the person next to him in the back) Sorry pal, this was nice while it lasted, but you know what they say - survival of the fittest, and all that. Oh and be a darling: do tell the guards I said hi, I'm sure you'll have lots to talk about if you still have your head after this. Don't be a stranger! (flies away)"
Elias - "Oh, sink me! (groans, exasperated) I told you this was a bad idea, but who the fuck listens to me in this fucking shithole, eh?! Where the hells is my cutlass?! I'm going to fix this mess - one you should've fixed yourselves but never fucking mind that - properly this time. That's what I get for listening to you bufoons. I deserve this one. Lesson damn well learned."
Leora - "This was the worst idea I've ever had and the execution of this plan made it even more atrocious. I admit my wrongdoing and sincerely apologize. These circumstances are to be expected after what I did - and what terrible leader would I be if I didn't admit my own mistakes. Tell me what I can do to fix this, and consider it done."
Bastien - "My actions were suboptimal and their consequences deplorable. I accept full reponsibility for whatever trouble my actions may have cause and am willing to atone for it fully, whatever your verdict should be it will have been deserved."
Scarlet - "Shit. Okay, yeah. That one is on me - I screwed up big time, I really did. That seriously didn't go the way I thought it would, I don't know why I'm still surprised."
Tagging (gently, no pressure):@littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @illarian-rambling @clairelsonao3 @conkers-thecosy @anyablackwood,and OPEN TAG
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Hi Ashley!
I’ve been dealing with a chronic pain issue for about a year and a half, and it’s recently gotten a lot worse— a day of work’s worth of movement that used to be doable now has me crying on public transit coming home from the pain. I’ve been advocating for myself at work to make my routine more accessible, which has gone well, and I’m long term working on getting access to surgery that should hopefully help, but all of that is emotionally exhausting.
I’m writing to vent, because it’s been a really upsetting couple of weeks. But also I’m thinking about potentially starting to use a mobility aid, which I’ve never done before and which I’m finding really intimidating for some reason. I guess it makes it real for me in some way? For a long time this has been something I’ve just taken upon myself to grin and bear it, and just deal with the pain when I get home, and somehow accepting that it’s a real problem that I’m allowed to be accommodated for—and to be seen in public using a mobility aid— is scary to me. If you have the time and energy, any words of comfort or advice you have to offer would be much appreciated :) thanks for everything you do.
oh sweetie, i'm so sorry, that sounds awful. though i gotta say i'm really proud of you for getting accommodations and planning surgery, that's not easy. i'm glad your job is working with you and i hope you can get the surgery soon.
i've been disabled with chronic pain and fatigue for more than 15 years now, and i think the crux of what gets people so damn freaked out about disability - both those who do and don't have them - is this: control.
we want to believe we're in control. we want to believe we're in charge of our lives and our bodies. we want to believe that if we do things right, bad things won't happen to us. we're absolutely terrified of admitting that we do not, in fact, control our health. that terrible, painful things can just... happen.
becoming disabled forces you to face those facts. your body can do things beyond your control, and you can 'grin and bear it' with all your strength and the pain can still break you down. it forces you to see that 'mind over matter' is bullshit, that pain can be stronger than you, that you're not as tough as you want to believe you are.
disability forces us to come to grips with our own mortality. it forces us to see our bodies as sacks of meat and bone. instead of a tool for freedom and creation, our bodies can become prisons we're helplessly trapped within. we are forced to realize that this is mortal flesh and it doesn't obey our orders.
all of that? that's scary as fuck. it is fucking terrifying for your body to become a torture chamber. i don't know if i'm as scared of anything as i am the knowledge that the pain i'm in every day is never going to end. that it might get worse, that i might lose more control.
it is really fucking okay to be scared, to be freaked out, to hate this force you can't see or confront that is pushing you into admitting your weakness. it's okay to hate an outward admission of that weakness, that lack of control, even though you intellectually know that disability isn't something to be ashamed of and mobility aids are good things. it's okay.
i can't really coach you through to the other side of it, though, i'm sorry, because this is a huge, messy, awful thing. losing control and confronting that lack of control fucking sucks. being in pain fucking sucks. getting stared at or asked invasive questions because of your mobility aid fucking sucks. i hope you can treat your pain and reduce it to tolerable levels, i truly do, but even so, this process is one you just have to wrestle with and walk through over time.
if i can give any advice, it's to quit grinning and bearing it. quit anything you physically can quit that makes the pain worse or doesn't relieve it. for one thing, you might be making the condition worse and harder to treat, and for another...
you may have heard it said, but fuck, suffering is just suffering. it doesn't make you stronger, it doesn't make you wiser, it doesn't teach you lessons, it doesn't make you a better person, it just wears you down. you're not braver or more admirable for holding it all in, for not treating it, not doing whatever helps to lessen the pain, you're just letting your pride and fear get in the way.
take medication. it's very fucking difficult to get now, but if it's a possibility, use opioids when you need them. try other treatments. sit down more often. wear more comfortable shoes and clothes. treat your body gently. don't punish yourself worse because you happen to be human and this is out of your control.
get the mobility aid. practice in private, and if it helps, then fucking use it. use anything that helps. for the love of all that's good, do not suffer worse than you must.
this is hard. it's scary. it's completely fucking normal to be overwhelmed, to be freaked out, to be angry, to not know what to do. but you're not alone, and none of us are in control. not really. the sooner we make our peace with that, the better off we'll be.
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plusvanity · 8 months
Weird question, but do you have any life advice? Shit can be kinda tough, and I just want to get away, or find a way to deal with it I guess. Lol
Also, your art is fucking amazing, I truly love your style:)
Thank you, man! <3 kinda general question, so I'll try to give wider advice, but if you have a specific situation that you would like to discuss, you can always dm me, bro.
The first thing that comes to my mind is self-acceptance. There are things that just can not be changed. I'm not talking only about 'the past is the past and what's done is already done'. Some aspects of ourselves can't be escaped no matter what. It can be undesired physical features, personality characteristics, etc, and the best thing you can do (in healing yourself) is to slowly begin the process of self-acceptance. It may take months, years even but this is the only way of making peace with your inner self and spiritually move on.
Another thing that's important in 'dealing with it' is emotional freedom.
Allow yourself to grief, to cry, to be angry, to ride all of the emotions that comes to you in both bad and good scenarios. Every feeling has a beginning, a high peak and an ending. Don't restrain yourself from the natural intensity of your emotions, they will only bubble up and lash out on other people later on.
If the place that you're in right now is not a favourable one, let the negative energy out so you can think clearer about what you have to do after. Also, be patient with yourself.
Now, talking about how to 'get away', I'd suggest you make a practical plan to follow.
If you're still in school (stuck in your hometown) you know that your priorities are to graduate and catch an opportunity to leave. Or, if you're already working, you gotta strike higher (a promotion or even another job), something that will allow you to leave your unfavourable place behind.
This is practical advice. Although not necessarily easy to implement it, it's mandatory in order to escape a seemingly 'dead-end'.
Keeping a journal to track your progress in the plan you stated can be very helpful to keep yourself motivated and on the right track.
You may have heard all the thing I've mentioned here before, but they work. Patience, self-acceptance, allowing yourself to feel the moment, and building up a plan to physically move away are some of the most important steps you need to make in order to regain control over your life.
I hope my words come in hand, anon <3
Things come and go, everything shall pass.
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cheiyunn · 26 days
Kimisute main story [5部] Part 6
Side: Fantome Iris
[Fantome Iris live]
???: Tonight, I shall grant upon you all, the pleasure of submission…
???: Now come, praise my being. Submit and offer the very proof of your existence; the red blood that flows within you, to me !
HARU: Don’t think you’re all getting home safe and sound tonight !
ZACK: We’ll drive you to the brink of ******** ! Gyah-ha–!
D: The evening banquet is upon us
LIGHT: Let us begin, my Lord
???: Feel the reverence and awe you hold within! My followers, shout our name! 
???: We are…. 「Fantome Iris」!
–[After the live]--
Fan A: Hah~~ The live was so good ~!
Fan B: Don’t you feel like FELIX-sama’s air has kinda changed recently ?
Fan A: Yeah, but thats what makes it so good !
Fan B: Really? Well.. I kinda liked the previous gentleman schtick FELIX-sama a bit more…
Mashu: ….
[Dreadnought Records office]
–[A few days after the live]--
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Tomoru: Thank you for finding time to meet me despite being so busy
Mashu: No problem. Since I also had something to discuss with you as well
Mashu: I want you to explain the new song situation for the 「Sales Ranking Game」
Tomoru: …It’s currently in the works
Mashu: Is that so
Mashu: Normally, the song’s concept is decided by your vocalist Felix no
Mashu: I watched your live the other day… it seems like his whole atmosphere took quite a turn
Mashu: Suffice to ask but, is everything doing fine?
Tomoru: ……actually–
– —
Tomoru: –is how it stands. Since his return from France, he’s been a bit uneasy…
Tomoru: Of course, the song creation is continuing on, but there’s a rift in the band in regards to the direction of it as of now
Mashu: I see
Tomoru: So erm, I was wondering what to do… um, I’ll follow any kind of instructions given out
Mashu: Up to you.
Tomoru: Pardon?
Mashu: I’m saying that I’ll leave this up to you
Mashu: For comparison, unlike the GYROAXIA that revolves around Asahi Nayuta, Fantome Iris follows a different path
Mashu: Is what I believe
Mashu: …Time is almost up. I’ll request a progress update on a later date 
Tomoru: (hm… up to us huh…)
Tomoru: (Maybe the reason Mashu-san said that was because he didn’t think it was best to move forward on another’s orders…)
Tomoru: (... to make me think for myself)
Tomoru: (But I’m sure Mashu-san would have been able to make a better decision than me..)
Tomoru: Gosh I’m in trouble… what to do…
Tomoru: Hah….
Jun: Ah, welcome back Tomoru
Tomoru: I’m back. Were you perhaps discussing something?
Daimon: No, we just happened to get together like this. I’ll go prepare the food
Tomoru: Thank you
Tomoru: …and Feli-san?
Koharu: He’s in his room
Tomoru: Is he still, just like that..
Koharu: Yeah. 「Wait with patience until I grant you an order」 and stuff
Jun: hUeUe… I have a feeling that whatever song Felix-san puts together is gonna be some jumbled crazed arrangement…!
Koharu: Me too… But, I guess we don’t have another choice other than letting him be
Koharu: For now, it seems like most of the followers have been accepting of this change but still…
Jun: It’s a long way ahead… wait no, this is more like misfortunes that never come alone ? or maybe adding salt to an open wound?
Koharu: We’re having a tough time as is, but from the looks of it, the other bands are in their own pile of problems.. Gotta hope this isn’t gonna be a repeat of LRFes
Tomoru: Did something happen with the other bands as well?
Koharu: You didn’t hear? Apparently Argona’s leader’s household mess got out and fans are runnin’ amuck
Tomoru: Wha–!
Tomoru: You’re right… I didn’t even notice this
Tomoru: (Goryo-kun’s having a really hard time huh… oh, was the thing he mentioned last time, regarding this?)
Tomoru: (...wait, this really isn’t the time to be worrying about others either though…)
Tomoru: (Since I gave Goryo-kun advice, it’d be lame if I wasn’t more stable on my end either..)
Tomoru: ( About Feli-san, about what to do from now on, we all need to think about this or else...)
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medea10 · 1 year
My Review of My Hero Academia
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It’s done. It’s taken me 10 whole years, but I finished Gintama. My long-running comedic/drama nightmare has come to an end until they decide to come out with another damn sequel. But for now, it is DONE. And now, I can finally sit down and make good on a promise I made with one of my best friends. I will now watch Hunter x Hunter.
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No. I said Hunter x Hunter.
Tough shit, loser. You’re watching this shit!
Sorry, Marcus.
Yeah, My Hero Academia has been around for a couple of years now. It’ll emerge every couple of years in the anime world and the manga has been a massive hit. Not as big as Demon Slayer, but then again, no one can be as awesome as Demon Slayer. I had my chance to pick this series up, but I picked Black Clover instead. I made my decision and I stand by it. But once I noticed this series had several films and over 100 episodes to its name, I thought it be best to save this anime for after finishing my long-numbered series. Once I was able to get through Gintama, we can set this up.
Quirks or super powers are in about 80% of humanity. These quirks can vary from being super flashy, awesomely strong…or it could be like the Crest Man.
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I was going to make this joke one way or another.
(He’s living in his car)
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Many of these people decide to become heroes, especially those with potential. Now what about those 20% of humans that don’t have a quirk? Can they one day become a hero even though they have no power to their name? I guess we’ll find out with a young lad named Izuku Midoriya (or Deku). He has no quirk, no chance of developing one in his later years, and yet still wants to attend an academy that’s specifically for those with quirks.
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It wasn’t until he was given a chance by Japan’s #1 hero All Might who sees potential in the young Deku to pass down his powers to him. Due to an ugly fight a few years ago, All Might can only stay in hero form for 3 hours at the most a day. In the span of two episodes, Deku was able to go through 10 months of All Might’s training, inherit his power, and get accepted to UA, the academy for potential students with amazing quirks who want to become heroes. Let’s enter UA to meet all the special students and administration with amazing powers and see who’s going to be a smashing hero one day.
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Do keep in mind that I’m only summing up the first couple of episodes from the first season here. Each season has much more going on as Deku and his classmates learn what it means to become a great hero.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: You know, the five years of me not picking this anime up, I would take a look at these characters and say to myself, “Yeah, you’re totally voiced by this person”. Look at All Might, if that guy isn’t voiced by Chris Sabat this world doesn’t make sense. Oh look, it really is Chris Sabat! Hey, it’s a main girl and loved by majority of fans. Gotta be voiced by Luci Christian! It’s like I’m fucking psychic! Sexy big girl, gotta be Jamie Marchi! Wow! Strait-laced megane boy! My lady-loins are on fire so that could only mean a role by J. Michael Tatum. Okay, let me give it a try in the Japanese.
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Nobuhiko Okamoto! I only need the word “screaming”. I didn’t need to look at any character profiles to know this. Thank God Bakugo’s screaming didn’t get on my nerves the entire time. I sometimes have a problem with characters who scream so much that you just want to rip their mouths off their faces. Bakugo…he makes me laugh. He’s a tsundere with a short fuse, what’s not to like?!
As you can tell, I watched the majority of this series dubbed. The cast had a wide variety of seasoned veterans and modern favorite voice actors. Juli Erickson was also in the cast for a short time before retiring from voice acting. I’m glad I got to hear her one more time. There was another replacement in the dub. Alex Organ voiced Mr. Aizawa for the first season. After that however, Christopher Wehkamp took over and has remained since then. Scheduling conflicts, I suppose. I wasn’t even aware of the change until I read about it.
Oof. Both the sub and the dub have some great people behind these heroes and aspiring heroes. Let’s just say I give a gold star to everyone here. Even Tomokazu Seki was in this series as the spotted seal hero Selkie. Love it. Love everything about it! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Deku is played by Daiki Yamashita (known for Goh on Pokemon Journeys, Yushirou on Demon Slayer, Joro on Oresuki, Umino on Sailor Moon Crystal, and Shion on UtaPri)
*Bakugo is played by Nobuhiko Okamoto (known for Gladion on Pokemon SM, Accelerator on Railgun/Index, Rin on Blue Exorcist, Garfiel on Re:Zero, Usui on Maid-sama, Ryou on Food Wars, and Liebe on Black Clover)
*All Might is played by Kenta Miyake (known for Giovanni on Pokemon, Scar on FMA: Brotherhood, Avdol on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 3, Cocytus on Overlord, Zodd on Berserk 2016, and Takaoka on Assassination Classroom)
*Uraraka is played by Ayane Sakura (known for Nero on Black Clover, Tomori on Charlotte, Gasper on High School DxD, Tsubaki on Your Lie in April, Haru on Nisekoi, and Shimotsuki on Psycho Pass)
*Todoroki is played by Yuki Kaji (known for Clemont on Pokemon XY, Eren on Attack on Titan, Koichi on Jojo’s Pt. 4, Finn on Black Butler, Issei on High School DxD, Kuga on Food Wars, and Kenma on Haikyuu)
*Aizawa is played by Junichi Suwabe (known for Greed on FMA, Yami on Black Clover, Victor on Yuri on Ice, Archer on Fate/Stay Night, Hayama on Food Wars, Undertaker on Black Butler, and Grimmjow on Bleach)
*Shigaraki is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Soul on Soul Eater, Rui on Demon Slayer, Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Benedict on Violet Evergarden, Ikuya on Free!, Yuuki on Shiki, and Ichijou on Nisekoi)
ENGLISH CAST: *Deku is played by Justin Briner (known for Shou on Fire Force, Luck on Black Clover, Yukito on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, and Mitarai on Danganronpa 3)
*Bakugo is played by Clifford Chapin (known for Connie on Attack on Titan, Touya on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, Cabba on DB Super, Langris on Black Clover, Kamui on Psycho Pass 2, and Hamazura on Railgun/Index)
*All Might is played by Chris Sabat (known for Armstrong on FMA, Vegeta & Piccolo on DBZ, Kurabara on Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoro on One Piece, Yami on Black Clover, Ayame on Fruits Basket, and Christophe on Yuri on Ice)
*Uraraka is played by Luci Christian (known for Wrath on FMA, Nagisa on Clannad, Yukari on Azumanga Daioh, Medusa on Soul Eater, Nami on One Piece, Huni on Ouran HSHC, and Alois on Black Butler)
*Todoroki is played by David Matranga (known for Tomoya on Clannad, Bertolt on Attack on Titan, Ookami on Wolf Children, Hinata on Angel Beats, Usui on Maid-sama, and Himura on ef – a tale of memories)
*Aizawa is played by Christopher Wehkamp (known for Ruijerd on Mushoku Tensei, Nyanko-Sensei on Natsume’s Book of Friends, Sylvester on Ascendance of a Bookworm, Hinawa on Fire Force, and Miles on Ace Attorney)
*Shigaraki is played by Eric Vale (known for Kimblee on FMA, Trunks on DBZ, Yuki on Fruits Basket, Sanji on One Piece, Tamaki on Deadman Wonderland, Kisumi on Free!, Arthur on Fire Force, and Nishiki on Tokyo Ghoul)
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I’ve gone through this over and over in my mind. There were a lot of characters I’ve grown to admire and ones I think are pretty nifty. I still can’t believe I was able to keep track of so many characters in this one series, but I think I did a pretty good job. Yes, I have a guilty pleasure for Bakugo. But that’s just it, he’s a guilty pleasure. I like him and am amused by him, but at the same time I can get annoyed with him. But if there was one character who I enjoyed the most out of all the characters that have appeared so far, it would be her.
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Tsuyu Asui (a.k.a. Froppy; Tsu)
I love Tsu. She’s best girl. And that’s all there is to it!
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: Ooh boy, you all knew I was going to discuss papa of the year over here! Long before I started this series, I was well aware of the existence of a shitty parent by the name of Endeavor. I thought if I sat through this long enough, I would switch my hatred from Endeavor to Overhaul. It didn’t happen. I’m still on this hate-train. Endeavor has had this unhealthy obsession and rivalry with All Might and wanting to surpass him. Thinking he could never reach that position of #1 hero, he stuck to the next generation by making it with another powerful quirk user and have babies.
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He had a total of four kids. One of his son’s is presumed dead due to trying to impress his father (wait until season six for the truth). One of his son’s hates Endeavor for what he’s done to the family. His daughter tries her best to keep things together, but you can tell she’s feeling uber stressed. And (Shoto) Todoroki still has daddy issues. I guess you can chalk all of this up to these kids upbringing. Todoroki witnessed his father’s physical abuse first-hand as he was rough with trainings. Not only that, but the abuse of his own wife that led to her mental breakdown giving Todoroki his trademark scar. And somehow Todoroki’s eldest had the worst of it all. All he wanted was his daddy’s approval and was just left for dead. Again, season six has the answers there. Bottom line, Endeavor was a very bad father. But, he is trying.
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You cannot expect your fully grown children to pretend that everything is okay now that you’re going to change and be father of the year. Natsuo was partially saved by his father and was unable to give him any satisfaction. And it seems like Todoroki is just using his father to further his quirk and can easily get into work study programs because of him. As for his wife, you know Rei may never forgive him for all that has happened to this family. That’s just my two cents on the matter. I think every one of the Todoroki’s might eventually forgive Endeavor…not the older two sons.
SHIPPING: Guys, seriously. There are more important things to discuss here than which characters should shack up. Japan has a severe problem with villains and these kids specifically signed up to be in an academy focused on serving the public as heroes.
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I support Uraraka x Deku
And aside from a few dropped hints by Uraraka, I seriously find no other ship that could…
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I also support Kirishima x Ashido
But aside from those two, this show is strictly about kids wanting to be heroes and let’s keep it that way.
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Mineta x his hand tonight
Yeah, I had to add that silly ship.
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ENDING TO SEASON ONE: It’s been well established since the beginning that All Might was one of the greatest heroes, if not THE greatest. A symbol of peace and justice! And now, he’s a teacher at UA. So, everyone pretty much wants a piece of him. During a field trip to a simulated area filled with terrains and weather patterns, Deku and his classmates were bombarded by villains. This is not a drill, these guys mean business and they also want All Might. While their teacher Mr. Aizawa was busy taking care of some of the bigger villains, the students were being separated so the enemies can learn about what quirks these kids have. Some of the more powerful classmates like Bakugo and Todoroki were able to get rid of their batch of baddies with little-to-no problem. Others, it was a little more challenging. Even Aizawa found himself in dire-straits. Meanwhile, where is All Might?
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We all know about All Might’s injury. It’s just that everyone else isn’t aware of it and All Might goes to great lengths to keep it a secret. Rightly so! If it’s learned by the wrong people that All Might has at most 3 hours a day in hero form, villains will swarm the area to cause havoc. Thankfully, dude shows up in the knick of time before these bad guys could do damage to Deku and the rest. Unfortunately, All Might already saved the day in another area and is at his max of what he’s capable of handling. Now these villains don’t know the specifics of All Might’s power, but someone controlling them from the shadows dropped hints about All Might being weaker than in his heyday.
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Bad guys Shigaraki, Nomu, and Kurogiri definitely put a dent in All Might, but All Might didn’t let up his bluff in front of the bad guys. But that steam coming from his body is not a good sign. And yeah, the only one who knows about All Might is Deku and Deku was worried about All Might dying on his feet or someone about to find out his big secret. Thankfully, Iida was able to escape and call for backup. The administration at UA came and they were able to put an end to the situation. It’s unknown how much extra damage was done to All Might and it seems like his time where he can spend in hero form has been cut drastically to only 90 minutes at the most. But for now, All Might and Deku can relax for a second knowing their actions saved a whole class of freshmen from being harmed or worse.
Now as for those bad guys like Shigaraki, who is filling his head with ideas that there might be something wrong with All Might? I guess that’s an answer to be filled in another season. Because now we’re about to head into a tournament arc!
Okay, good introduction to the students of UA. Get our feet wet with all the quirks the students have. Even though Deku isn’t a full zero to hero quite yet, he’s certainly one hell of a strategian when it comes to problem solving. And from here on out, the series gains more episodes. This season is the only one with 13 episodes. Every season from here on out will have 25. Just how many chapters are there for My Hero Academia?
SEASON TWO: One recap episode and one Anime Festa OVA later…
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The entire school is about to hold their annual sports festival. This sports festival is a big freakin’ deal. Hell, it’s even a bigger deal than the Olympics! Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. The students have opportunities of being discovered by a hero agency and might even become a sidekick for a famous hero. Other opportunities also include having kids from the lower-level classes get nudged up to a higher-level class. After the events of season one, Deku and the kids of class 1-A were getting a lot of fame and news coverage as the students who took out the league of villains that infiltrated a highly secured building of UA. As for the sports festival, Bakugo took home the gold.
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Pfft. Watching him bound and getting forced with the gold medal is truly a laughable moment.
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This season, we learn about what’s driving these students to excel at UA. Uraraka wants to earn money to help her struggling family. Todoroki wants to escape the grasp of his legendary father, the #2 hero Endeavor. Iida tries following in his big brother’s footsteps in a bit of revenge after someone injured him. And Deku wants to make a name for himself as All Might’s power has weakened significantly. Again, Deku’s the only one who knows.
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After the sports festival, the students end up as apprentices for either hero agencies or heroes themselves. This part of the story focuses on Deku learning to control his power and Iida finding the hero killer (Stain) who severely injured his older brother. Dealing with Stain was a very difficult task. Deku, along with Todoroki and Iida were all caught up in that fight. They beat the dude, but couldn’t get any credit due to bureaucratic issues with the police and certified heroes. As a repercussion, Iida ended up doing permanent damage to his hand and it might be the end of his career as a hero (unless the surgery is a miracle). They make this a big deal here, but I don’t recall hearing any more on that subject from season 3-6. Moving on!
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The end of this season consists of Deku learning the truth about his power One For All and the originator All For One. This guy is still out there, he’s a dick, and guess what, he’s the head of that league of villains that was behind the attack at the end of season one. Other than that, it’s exam time for class 1-A. Let’s have them fight against the teachers! Aside from two teams failing, everyone did pretty well considering they were up against UA’s greatest. And this was to be especially difficult for Deku as he had to be partnered with Bakugo and fight against All Might.
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The final episode consisted of Deku being cornered by Shigaraki. Yes, the guy behind the Nomus and the attack from season one’s finale. We finally see his face and we get a bit of foreshadowing of things to come from the League of Villains. The heinous group has recruited several new villains who we will see more of come season three. Speaking of…
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SEASON THREE: It’s time for summer training camp. And for funsies, let’s add class 1-B too. These kids will be pushed to their limits to enhance their quirks. Because while everyone has improved in other departments, their quirk powers haven’t moved much since the beginning of the semester! Gee, wouldn’t it suck if a bunch of villains come in and ruin everything? The League of Villains has arrived with new powerful members including Dabi and Toga. Their target this time is Bakugo! Their attack on the UA students kinda broke a lot of morale with not just the students, but the faculty as well. The end result was that many of the students and the faculty watching over them wound up injured and Bakugo was kidnapped.
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Saving face didn’t go as smoothly as anyone would hope. Deku got four of his classmates to defy orders to try and infiltrate the League of Villains to save Bakugo. At that very same time, several ranked heroes did their own rescue mission. It did not go well for either side! On the plus side, Deku and friends were able to save Bakugo without breaking the law by fighting crime without a license. But then All For One wrecked the whole place. He took out so many villains and heroes in his way. I think he might have killed one of them. Didn’t matter to him anyways because he was after All Might! This fight took everything from All Might.
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All For One exposed All Might to the entire world his ugly secret. Not only that, but dropped an unfortunate fact bomb involving All Might’s sensei and Shigaraki. And to top it all off, injured him so bad that All Might will never fight crime again. After all of that, the students of class 1-A were highly requested by the school to live in the school dorms from now on. Most parents agreed to it, though Deku’s mother was the most worried. Long story short, he’s living in the dorms now. Not before seeing this poor woman cry again.
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The next big arc after the fall of All Might was the provisional hero license exam. We meet a lot of brand-new soon-to-be heroes much like the students of UA from other schools across the land. The end result of that exam, everyone except two students from class 1-A got their provisional license. And surprisingly those two were Todoroki and Bakugo! Bakugo is so obvious that I don’t even need to waste the time explaining why he flunked. Todoroki on the other hand had someone from another school get under his skin with a comment likening him to his father Endeavor.
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While Bakugo was angry about not passing his provisional license exam, something else has been grinding his gears and for some time at that. Bakugo’s anger hits fever pitch when he confronts Deku alone after the exam about his relationship with All Might. And throwing punches! Despite that thick layer of anger he puts up, Bakugo is a sad boy who loves his favorite hero All Might. He was of course jealous that Deku got to be his protégé but guilty because Bakugo thought it was because of him being kidnapped that caused All Might to lose his powers permanently. All Might reassured the boys of everything. And then the boys were on lockdown for breaking curfew to fight. In the meantime, the League of Villains is still at it despite All For One being in a maximum security prison. Toga infiltrated the hero provisional license exam by posing as another student. Shigaraki is growing more menacing. And then there’s Overhaul…ooh boy, I can’t wait to talk about this guy in the following season.
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And class 1-A got to meet the top students of the third-year class (a.k.a. The Big Three). The strongest of the three (Mirio) wiped out the entire class by himself. Big difference between the power of the first years and this pant-less wonder!
Okay, this season had its ups and downs. But the ups were definitely worth it and we had a big payoff when it came to scenes involving All Might and All For One. Now let’s see what’s going on with that movie that came out around the same time.
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TWO HEROES: We got a glimpse of what to expect with this movie in an episode during the third season. Meaning, they gave us a filler in the middle of a tournament arc and are introduced to a movie character for five seconds. Let me guess how this movie goes; this in no way connects to any villain currently in the series, there is no character growth, serves no purpose to the main plot, and the new character introduced is the bad guy.
Most of what I said was pretty true! Deku gets invited by All Might to go with him to a special island that is full of people who manufacture AI technology. Most of the class ends up there under some special circumstances and yes, it’s just the popular ones fans like most. All Might’s friend from his younger days David wanted to help All Might regain his strength (he just doesn’t know the true story of why he’s losing his strength). And David ends up in cahoots with terrorists that took a whole island hostage. And these terrorists are also connected to All For One. Okay, I was wrong, All For One is somehow connected (or at least mentioned by the leader of the terrorists).
SEASON FOUR: So, it’s not just Bakugo that caught onto Deku and All Might’s relationship. It leaked to the press! One reporter knows there’s a protégé out there. And thankfully he has the right mind to shut up about it! Onto the main stuff! Deku and the rest of class-A are about to go through work study programs. And the League of Villains are ready for their next move. But right now, we gotta watch out for a lone Mafioso causing mischief.
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Deku winds up doing a work study with All Might’s previous side-kick Sir Nighteye. Several other characters like Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka also got a chance for a work study program. Deku unfortunately got a lot thrown at him in the drama department. He learned that Nighteye had a falling out with All Might due to the fatal injury All Might acquired and made worse once he decided to give Deku is One for All power.
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Next, all of these students I mentioned, plus their mentors, and the three 3rd years are all caught up trying to take down a lone Mafioso and some of the League of Villains in order to save one little girl. Overhaul was trying to use this young girl (Eri) and her power in order to suppress and end hero powers permanently. Eri has a quirk that can rewind a person’s body. But due to her age, she’s unable to control it properly and that has caused a lot of mental damage to her. Overhaul is quite the disgusting little shit abusing this poor girl. Thank goodness after this long, hard-fought battle, the heroes were able to prevail and save Eri.
But at what cost?
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Deku was able to survive with not so many injuries to his person. Some of the other heroes and classmates involved in the giant raid were not so lucky. Kirishima and Fat Gum sustained heavy injuries. Mirio’s power might have been altered permanently due to Overhaul and his gang having these serums that can erase quirks. And Eri (the girl they all saved) is forever haunted by the psychological horror she’s endured. But worst of all was Sir Nighteye. During the fight between the heroes and Overhaul, Nighteye literally got impaled and was at death’s door when All Might, Deku, and Mirio spoke to him. Up to this point, we really never saw death strike any of these characters. This was a heart tugger! Shit is getting real now for Deku. All I can say is…wait until season six. Meanwhile, Overhaul not only got his ass kicked by Deku, but was left powerless and crippled by Shigaraki.
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The last half of season four revolved around UA putting together a culture festival. This is both a wise and stupid decision. Wise because these students deserve a little fun after everything the students of UA (especially class 1-A) have gone through. Stupid because UA has been a giant target for villains since All Might became a teacher. And if one little thing happens with a villain coming near the area, the festival is going to be called off. At that exact same time, a new villain emerges and wants to break into the festival. Of course, he does!
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This guy is a tea-drinking gentleman with a side-kick I’m so not comfortable seeing together with him. I’m sorry, but this combination makes me feel a little ill inside and confused. Thankfully, Deku happened to be in the area and prevented the festival from getting shut down. Not only does he want to give his school this moment of peace, but because Eri is coming, he wants to make sure she has a great time. Thankfully, Deku was able to break through to this confused villain and he turns himself in with no more damage done. But most important for Deku, the festival went off perfectly. Class 1-A was commended for their performance on stage and Eri was able to smile and enjoy herself.
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We end the season off with some severe changes. First of all, Eri is going to attend UA. She’s stable enough to stay out of the psych ward and is all healed up. Deku and Mirio must protect this girl’s smile! And then my question was answered. I thought to myself, will there be another #1 hero now that All Might is retired? Yep, there’s a new top 10 and a new #1 with Endeavor taking the top spot. Will the world see him as the new symbol of peace? Endeavor is put to the test when he and #2 hero Hawkes got attacked by an overpowered Nomu. This was a tough fight as Endeavor was tossed around a lot. Thankfully, he won. He went beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
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Also, is anybody else thrown off by the Endeavor fanboy? It doesn’t help that he looks like Natsu from Fairy Tail, but did the English version REALLY have to get Haberkorn to play this guy too?
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HEROES RISING: In the second movie, it almost looked like we were getting some action between the UA students and the League of Villlains. In actuality, the villains of this movie get into an alliance with Shigaraki. These new villains end up attacking a lone island that Deku and his classmates just happen to be on as part of hero work. The villains want this one kid on the island because of this special quirk he possesses. We get some pretty primo fight scenes where Deku and Bakugo are actually working together to beat the villains. I’m going to be legit and ask, did anyone fall for that shit about Deku giving his One For All power to Bakugo? Yeah, me neither. There are two seasons after this movie. No way in hell Deku is losing his power this early in the game.
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SEASON FIVE: Endeavor’s fight with the superpowered Nomu came with a lot of baggage. His popularity as the new #1 hero is steadily rising. It’s just that people really saw him get his ass kicked pretty badly. And now, dude has a pretty gnarly scar on his face. Just like his son! I almost want to say something here, but…nah, bad taste. On top of that, Endeavor is now going to start acting like a real father instead of the bastard he’s been up to this point. Meanwhile, Deku has been getting visions during his sleep of the past One For All users and kinda using his power while sleeping. It got worse when his powers decided to go haywire during a class competition with class 1-B.
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I will say this. The stuff with Deku and controlling the powers of One For All was the only interesting part of the first part of season 5. I checked out when there were many episodes dedicated to class 1-A and 1-B fighting each other. I know several class 1-B classmates showcase their quirks in a big way in the following season, I just wasn’t a fan of this arc of the story. In the second part, work studies seem to be back in effect. And now that Bakugo and Todoroki finally obtained their licenses, they can finally catch up to the rest of their classmates. Geez, you only now realize that we’re halfway into season five with 100 episodes in and these kids are still only first years. Deku ends up joining Todoroki and Bakugo to work study under the world’s #1 hero…the current one.
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Okay Endeavor, let’s see if you can redeem yourself a little more. Actually, we only got a few episodes dedicated to Endeavor, his family, Deku, and Bakugo. There was an altercation between some rando villain and Endeavor’s son Natsuo. It happened, Natsuo’s safe, we moved on. Okay, now it’s time for My Hero Academia to turn into My Villain Academia. The League of Villains found themselves in severe trouble as another group of baddies ambush them. This was an ugly showdown as it pushed many of the league members to their breaking points. Himeko almost died and Shigaraki was pushed to remembering his own past.
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Yeah, we got the typical backstory for a villain of Shigaraki’s caliber. Misunderstood child, abusive father, enabling family members to abusive father, accidentally murders the entire family, yep, it’s all here on the checklist. Several seasons prior to this moment, we learned that Shigaraki’s paternal grandmother was Nana Shimura. Yes, the same Nana Shimura who was All Might’s mentor and previous carrier to the One For All quirk. Well, Shigaraki’s father was really resentful about his mother because he felt as though he was abandoned by her. That birthed a hatred for heroes and he would get angry if his children mention heroes or wanting to be one. So, there’s that. Shigaraki wound up gaining a quirk and much like Eri in season 4, his quirk went haywire and it took out his entire family. After being a sudden orphan, no one came to Shigaraki’s aid. Not one single hero! All For One did however. He took the boy in, gave him hands of his family members, and gave him a new name and purpose in life.
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Shigaraki, while almost broken to the point of no return, he took out Re-Destro and his gang of baddies. This led to an alliance. Shigaraki’s League of Villains and Re-Destro’s Meta Liberation Front have joined together under a new name, the Paranormal Liberation Front. We end the season with class 1-A showing off what they’ve learned from their work studies. Oh, and Hawkes is still infiltrating the newly formed league. Okay, I’m going to say it. This season was pretty lousy. Don’t get me wrong, I liked several moments in this season including Endeavor trying to atone for his sins, Deku’s new ability, and the My Villain Academia arc. But that class 1-A vs. class 1-B crap was for the birds.
There’s a third movie sometime after this. I really don’t feel like talking about it since I felt so disinterested with it. Blah, blah, Deku is wanted by the police, blah, blah, big fight, blah, blah, no one’s going to die here!
SEASON SIX: Hey, I caught up when it was airing!
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Shit’s about to go down! There’s a heavier tone in this anime everywhere you look. Even in the eye-catches halfway through an episode. The professional heroes, teachers from U.A., class 1-A of U.A. and even a few other students are all part of this sting operation to take down the newly united villain squad, the Paranormal Liberation Front. Besides going after that group, some of this sting is to get this doctor who was behind the creation of the Nomus and is also shielding Shigaraki until he’s 100% and then some. Shigaraki was in rough shape near the end of the fifth season, so he's being constantly monitored. But during the sting, Shigaraki awakened.
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The awakening of Shigaraki led to a domino effect of destruction everywhere. One of the giant villains couldn’t be controlled and ended up wrecking a lot of pro-heroes. Shigaraki’s decay power went berserk and took out the entire area. Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Endeavor went toe-to-toe with Shigaraki and ended up putting a dent in him. Shigaraki is terrifying now, but because he wasn’t finished with the doctor’s experiment yet, his power isn’t what it could be. That’s when All For One took over Shigaraki’s body for his own…even though he’s in super jail. Yeah, I know that doesn’t make a lick of sense, but just roll with it because Shigaraki is going to be a puppet for a while. Moving on!
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And now for the moment I’ve been anticipating! League of Villain alumni Dabi comes in to drop a bomb on the Todoroki family. After Shigaraki ended his rampage, Dabi came in to break the news to not just Endeavor and Todoroki, but to the entire world. He put out a video prior to the current chaos to announce that Endeavor, the #1 hero is his father and went into detail about what a horrible father he was. Dabi (or Touya Todoroki) was Endeavor’s eldest son who was thought to be dead. This broke Endeavor inside causing him to look upon both of his sons fighting. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this story. The Todoroki family story intrigues me.
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This giant fight that lasted several episodes (if not half of the season) is finally coming to an end without a happy ending. It’s much worse than anyone jumping into the anime without reading spoilers could have imagined. Many characters got messed up badly. Worse than in any other season. Deku winds up in a coma. Bakugo was impaled, but survived. Mr. Aizawa sliced off his own leg to prevent losing his quirk from one of those quirk deleters that got Mirio the other season. Midnight and several prominent ranked heroes are dead. On the antagonist side, Twice ends up dying by Hawkes after he admits to betraying the front. Many of the villains were arrested including the doctor, Re-Destro, Mr. Compress, and Machia. Himiko is on the loose. Shigaraki ended up torching several prisons releasing many convicts with powerful quirks on the public along with All For One. This leaves the public to wonder if they can ever trust heroes again. If it took all of these heroes to take down all of these villains and they still couldn’t complete the mission, what good are they?
That’s not my take, that’s just public opinion…except the public was a lot crueler when it came to the heroes.
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AND NOW THE START OF THE FINAL ARC: With All For One taking over Shigaraki’s weakened state, he can get what he truly wants. The quirk, One For All. Shigaraki mentions it during the giant battle during this season and it catches the attention of Endeavor, Hawks, and even the angry media demanding answers about everything that has happened. Deku decided to make some pretty big decisions once he got out of his coma. Up to this point, Deku’s quirk was only known to All Might and later on Bakugo. Now, he decides to let the rest of his classmates know before he leaves U.A. Deku teams up with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, and Jeanist to take down the rampant crime going on everywhere. Since season 5, Deku has been seeing past wielders of One For All and slowly unlocking their powers. A lot is riding on Deku with this ultimate power as he can’t pass the power down like All Might did. His life expectancy might be cut short. Kinda like Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan. And he’s getting prepped to take down Shigaraki with no regrets.
I make the Eren Yeager reference here because this is the part of the story that things take a harsher, somber-er tone compared to previous seasons. This includes the opening theme, ending themes, eye-catches, the preview, the background, the music, and Deku.
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Endeavor also made a promise to his family that he will take down Dabi (Touya). But for now, we are focusing on Deku teaming up with the top 3 heroes and All Might to take down every kind of crime from small stuff, misplaced anger, and anything involving the escaped convicts from the several jail breaks. With all of the other One For All quirks unleashed, Deku is able to make use of every one of them with his mission. It came in handy when going up against a former hero and present-day convict Lady Nagant. She is one of the escaped convicts. While All For One told nearly all convicts to do as they please, he had other plans for some special ones. He used Nagant to try and take down Deku. But Deku got through to her near the end of their match and it looked like she was going to see life for more than what she was used to. Unfortunately, things have a funny way of working out when All For One is involved.
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He planted explosives on Nagant. I’m pretty sure she’s a goner. This did not sit well with Deku. And neither did All For One’s taunt where he copied All Might’s infamous line, “now it’s your turn”. Rogue Deku is in quite the state. And now, let’s add his classmates to the mix. They’re going to bring him back to the academy by any means necessary. One Deku with 7 quirks vs. 19 classmates of his. With many flashbacks and a lot of push and pull, the class was able to subdue Deku and bring him back to U.A. which is currently being used as a refuge area. However, the people are not liking the idea of having Deku in the same place as them because Shigaraki’s looking for him and he has One For All. Thankfully, some kind words from Uraraka and a few supporters, the angry crowd came together to let Deku in.
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All For One and Shigaraki’s big threat seems to be looming closer. It’s hard to nail down how long the heroes have. All Might wound up getting this information from the hero-killer Stain. Yeah, you remember him, right? The guy that wrecked Iida and his brother back in season two. I remember Stain always wanting to kill All Might. But seeing All Might the way he is now, either he doesn’t know it’s really him or refuses to believe that’s really All Might. Well, rest up class 1-A because season 7 is gonna be a doozy from what I’ve heard. At least it will be for Bakugo from what I’ve heard. Oh, and we meet America’s #1 hero for a sec, Star and Stripe (voiced by Romi Park).
Wowee-wow-wow-wow! I did not expect to like this series the way I did. I mean, I really do love My Hero Academia. I know I had the opportunity to watch this but chose to watch Black Clover instead. I don’t regret that decision; I just wish I got to watch this a lot sooner and maybe start on the manga. Now that doesn’t mean this entire series is flawless, far from it. There were some seasons that fell flat on its face. I think we all can get on the same page of which season was the one that is the flat can of soda out of this six-pack.
The answer is season five. It’s always going to be season five. No amount of My Villain Academia you throw at the audience is going to undo that. But I suppose that’s where that arc landed and call it bad timing. Long-running manga series have really awesome arcs and really slumpy arcs. Case and point, the anime Food Wars is a good example to bring up here. Their first 2 seasons were really good, but after that is when things started falling by the waist-side. When it comes to My Hero Academia, I had several hits of highs and lows watching. The field trip at the beginning season three, the culture festival at the end of season four, and the majority of season five were my lows. I only put that moment in season three up as, I have to be honest in this review. That arc actually got really good faster than I thought. The other two I mentioned just dragged on. Especially the class competition! I love watching class 1-A in action, but this was just so exhausting to sit through.
I think I’ve beat that dead horse enough. Let’s talk about the characters. I’ve always had the hardest time keeping up with the many characters an anime might have. Especially animes that are set in school and we focus on one particular class. Despite my love for the series Assassination Classroom, I could not remember every single person from that class. With My Hero Academia, I think I was able to recall every classmate. Just class 1-A though. Maybe it’s because of their quirks, some of their looks, or their quirky behavior. The same can be said about characters outside class 1-A like the professional heroes, the villains, the townspeople, Bakugo’s mother…yeah, you have to see the woman who gave birth to a feral, screaming grenade of loud noises.
I do have a legit question for manga readers. Do these kids finally become second years at U.A.? You don’t notice that these kids are in the same grade until it’s season five and you see a Christmas episode and you’re like, “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me, they’re still in their first year”. Don’t answer that. I know they’re probably going to age soon. Okay, enough of my dumbassary here. If you have a lot of time on your hands, I give this a full recommendation. If you’re able to sit through 100+ episodes of this, yes definitely give it a watch. And also keep in mind that Studio Bones animates this and they’re the ones who did Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Mob Psycho 100, and Soul Eater. So, that’s a pretty big incentive.
I know I said some pretty rough things about several moments of this series. But here’s how I would break it down. Season one was a nice start as we get an introduction to Deku and what he’s going to go through to become a hero. Season two was wonderful with more of a build-up to the antagonists of the story. Plus, a tournament arc! Season three had a bit of a slow start, but once you get to Bakugo’s kidnapping and All Might vs. All For One, this season was a sure-fire hit. Season four starts great, but it hits a lull spot. Okay, I guess I can accept that as these kids do deserve some time off. Season five had some good moments with Deku learning a little more about the previous users of One For All and the My Villain Academia arc. Other than that, this season was nothing to write home about. Season six will rock you like a hurricane. It’s almost a little overwhelming in the first half with all of these heroes and villains going up against each other. But never a dull moment.
If you would like to watch My Hero Academia, several sites have the series streaming including FUNimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. It is also a staple on Adult Swim’s Toonami, so if it’s on, check it out.
Okay, now that I finished this long series, I think it’s high-time I watch Hunter x Hunter Urusei Yatsura! Huh? Okay, guess we’re doing something else instead.
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farfromdaylight · 3 months
i have a 600 person queue to chew through, so let's make another post.
i'm level 95 and have finished the third solo instance, plus a few quests after it (but not that far.)
this expansion feels very political in a way that's different from the previous expacs. ff14 doesn't really hide its politics and never has; it's always been a story about the power of friendship overcoming the most terrible of foes. and in that respect, it's very simple and straightforward. a little basic, maybe, but the core theme of "you should actually listen to what other people want" is very honest and true to itself.
wuk lamat wants peace. and peace is a wonderful thing to want, but what does it actually mean? it means looking at how your society is set up. it means looking at who has advantages, and who doesn't, and why that is. and then when you find out, you have to do something about it. a truly egalitarian society is a pipe dream, but it's the thought that counts.
that doesn't mean it's not worth trying. and even if you fail, you'll have learned valuable lessons in the attempt. this, too, is a constant refrain of ff14: you have to try, even if it's hard, even if you're not sure you're going to succeed. you have to put in the effort.
it's interesting how the claimants each display different parts of this struggle. koana's lust for innovation is all well and good, but there's no depth to it. bakool ja ja wants power for the sake of power, to justify but not right past wrongs. zoraal ja — well, i suspect we'll be getting more into him soon. i do not think he will accept defeat so easily.
and wuk lamat is so clearly meant to be the victor. this entire setup is perfect for her, and while she's plainly struggled along the path, she's still tried. she's given it her all, and she hasn't backed down even when it's tough. it's admirable, i think.
on the whole, i'm really liking this expansion! it feels very reminiscent of stormblood, in that the warrior of light is kind of just There and not particularly integral to the actual story. but after all the drama of the past two expacs this is nothing short of a relief. god knows we needed a rest.
some misc thoughts:
how the fuck is kenteramm still alive, lmao. i stopped msq right before going to his house (sidequests spawned and i had to do them) so i guess?? we'll find out?? most HD roegadyn i've ever seen tho, damn
i can Feel a twist looming. with the rite of succession nearing its end, there's gotta be something beyond "search for the city of gold" to carry us five more levels.
on a gameplay note, i have no idea when to use vice of thorns. it seems as though i have the freedom to use it whenever, which is nice, but i like a slightly more rigid burst window... i suppose i'll just use it after party buffs go out. other red mage changes are v good so far.
i did a leveling queue as summoner this morning to try and keep pace with red mage and lucked into the level 93 dungeon (the top one i could do, nice). these dps queues tho. killer. (i'd comment on summoner changes but l o l)
THE VALIGARMANDA TRIAL WAS FANTASTIC. i did it in trust (what a surprise! i never thought they'd do a trust trial again) and died when the boss was at like 12% health because....... i was trying to RDM LB3 and the avalanche got me and none of the NPCs broke me out of the snowball. THANKS A LOT, ASSHOLES. went fine the second time though.
as a red mage main, alisaie as your trust healer is fucking hilarious.
this goes without saying but the game looks so beautiful, goddamn.
i still have 83 in queue but i've run out of things to say. LET ME IN
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cherry-velvet-skies · 2 years
Welcome back to another installment of Rating Beatle Eras By What They Looked Like! (Still kinda working on the title 😅)
Part 2: Ringo 🥰 Now our sweet bby Bongo has had many eras so let's get right into it 😁
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Stormy Hurricane (Pre-Beatles Era)
Now I will say out of all the Beatles, Ringo definitely looked the best in the Teddy Era
The bit of facial hair he has paired with that sleek silver streak is totally working for him
Plus I see that he knew rings were going to be his theme from the very beginning
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7/10 we're starting off pretty strong here and I hope it stays that way lol
Tough Guy Attitude (1962)
Honestly still giving Teddy Era vibes even though he looks completely different
Ringo had baby bangs before they were cool
I know the outfit is kinda basic but he looks fabulous anyway
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8/10 nothing too extravagant but he's still handsome regardless
Aspiring CEO of a Hairdressing Franchise (1963-64)
The Mop Top has officially emerged
I feel like if he wasn't a musician the hairdresser thing would've totally worked out
The look is softer than the previous two eras and I feel like that suits him better
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8/10 again because even though it's a simple look he still rocks it
Human Sacrifice (1965-66)
I know y'all thought this hairstyle was atrocious but I gotta be honest it's not THAT bad
Like in the Help! movie I thought he looked really cute, and in '66 his hair is the same just longer
I will agree though that the whole longer sideburns thing did very little to help this look lmao
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8.5/10 and I know that's a high score but he looks adorable and I will stand by that
Master's Degree From Fashion School (1967)
No because I love this. I used to not like it but now I love it
This era didn't feel like Ringo to me at first which is why I didn't like it, but now I see how he embodies it and I'm so into it
This photo doesn't even need to be in color for me to know there are probably 17 different colors in that outfit and I fucking love that
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10/10 and I also love that little pin he's wearing it's so sweet
Textbook Definition of Tareme (1968) (pls google tareme if you don't know what it means I don't know how to explain it)
He officially entered Poor Little Meow Meow status when he looked like this and I will not accept criticism
I know I didn't choose a picture from it but the Mad Day Out photoshoot I'm- he looked so precious
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1000/10 I want to hug and kiss him NOW 😤
Tumble Starker (1969)
AWOOGA (sorry)
Ringo's best era change my mind (you can't)
I know it looks super similar to the previous one but there is something different here. The last one was cute this is just sexy I mean we can't lie
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37561239/10 this man could do anything he wants to me 🥴🥴🥴
500 BC Genetics (1970)
I'm- no. I'm sorry I can't.
Richie bby what were you thinking
He looks like he's wearing his hair and beard like a bicycle helmet
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1/10 only because I like his outfit. The rest is unredeemable.
Jesus Impersonator (1971)
The hair is cool but I'm not liking the beard so much
His sense of style is still going strong but between the last era and this I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster
How does his hair grow so fast
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5/10 I'm going right in the middle because I neither love nor hate this
Full Coverage (1972)
Well would you look at that the hair got better and the beard got worse
I swear he must secretly be one of those hair salon dolls where you press a button and their hair grows like ten inches in two seconds because HOW
I mean I'm sure it keeps his face warm so I guess that's a plus
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6/10 I like it slightly more than Jesus Impersonator but not by much
That'll Be The Slay (1973)
This look had me twirling my hair and giggling like bro he's so fine omg 🥵
I usually don't like this hairstyle but it so works on him
Plus the star earrings are yoU KIDDING ME
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100/10 also his character deserved SO MUCH BETTER IN THIS MOVIE I'M STILL MAD ABOUT IT 😤😤😤
Beard Redemption Arc (1974)
What a surprise the beard is back
But would you believe me if I said I liked it this time
It's like a combination of the last two eras and I think I've finally found a hair and beard combo I appreciate
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7.5/10 a pretty damn good hair to beard ratio
The Rise of the Silver Streak (1975)
I know he had already been a Dad for several years at this point, but this is the first era to actually exude that dilf energy we all know and love
Also I know that the little silver streak in his hair can be seen in many previous eras as well but I feel like he really embraced it here idk
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9/10 I'm really vibing with this one
Character Development (1976)
Why does every person who has such luscious hair have that one era where they decide to chop it all off
I mean if I remember correctly he was going through a lot during this time so maybe he just needed a drastic change or something
I do appreciate the silver streak being on FULL DISPLAY
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4.5/10 not for me but I respect it
Ognir Rrats (1977-80)
I must say his fashion was on point during this time
A lot of these eras start to blend together after a while since they all look pretty similar lmao
But that doesn't mean that the quality factor goes away. He still manages to pull off most of them
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8/10 and the Ognir Rrats movie lives in my brain rent free
YMCA (1981-82)
Why does he look so good like this omg
I'm not even attracted to the cop uniform usually but I guess that's just the power of Ringo
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9/10 this is my guilty pleasure Ringo era
*asdfmovie voice* I Like Trains (1983-86)
Even though I wasn't born yet when Ringo was the Thomas the Tank Engine narrator I somehow still remember hearing his voice when I watched it as a kid
Which is even wilder because he was the narrator for the UK version and I live in America
The conductor look does suit him though
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8/10 because watching the show now and hearing him make little voices for all the different trains is top tier comedy
Commercial King (1987-88)
Ringo did more ad cameos in this era than I can count
I'm also confused about the commercials where he couldn't even actually try the product because of his food sensitivities (looking at you, Pizza Hut)
This era is similar to Rise of the Silver Streak, except a little less dilf and a little more "rockstar who wants to branch out and try new things"
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8/10 and if you haven't seen the commercial he did for a Japanese sparkling apple juice company, I highly suggest you watch it it's hilarious 🤭
Volleyball Player Braids (1989)
You either get the title or you don't there's no in between
These little braids both suited him and looked very out of place
At least his hair was long enough again to the point where he could braid it
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7/10 not my favorite, but he looked good and he knew it too
Experimentation (1990-92)
This is pretty much his default look at this point but the title does have a purpose
He had a mullet briefly in '91 and then promptly got rid of it lmao
Something tells me he made the right choice because despite not choosing a photo of it, it honestly didn't look that great
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7/10 I respect him for not only experimenting but acknowledging when something is not working for him
Classic Rock Chic (1993-96)
When I tell you this look goes SO HARD 🥵
He IS a rockstar and is making sure everyone is gonna know it
I know he looked like this for about four years but I wish it lasted longer. This look peaked in '95 and there was nothing else like it 😌
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25/10 I feel like I have to file this under the dilf category because I'm too attracted to it for it to be anything else 🤭💕
Fountain of Youth (1997-2020)
I am not joking when I say that he looked EXACTLY the same for TWENTY-THREE YEARS STRAIGHT
He cut his hair short again in '97 and then said fuck it we're staying like this
I do think it's funny how he had so many different eras when he was younger and once he entered his sixties he just found one he liked and stuck with it
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5.5/10 I guess the short hair suits him but I'm just admiring the fact that he wanted something more low maintenance as he got older lol
All-Starr (2021-Present Day)
His hair is longer again and honestly I think he looks great
I love that the earrings and ombre sunglasses have not left since the 70s/80s because I absolutely love them
The peace sign necklace is also a serve and I'm not ashamed to say that he is the reason I bought one that looks exactly like it 🤭
8.5/10 he's really just adopted that rich guy aesthetic where he either dresses so cool it makes him look thirty years younger or he just wears tracksuits 90% of the time and honestly I love that for him 😌💕
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skylarkstarflower · 6 months
Here you go
Y'all wanted it so have an unedited, first draft rough copy of my fic I'm working on. Enjoy. Or not. I'll just say it's better than my old BMFM fanfic from the 90s. XD (If anyone out there remembers the old Unofficial Biker Mice From Mars fanclub site, I was just Skylark at the time.)
Author’s Note/Disclaimer: I don’t own Biker Mice from Mars, it belongs to Nacelle now. I hope they’re cool with fanfic, ‘cause I’m writing this one way or another. :B
So, I decided, before I heard about the Nacelle reboot, to write my own Biker Mice reboot fanfics. It’s taken me a while to get going on them, but I’m getting there now. Even if the new reboot comes out and is awesome, I’m probably still going to work on this little world, ‘cause I like it. ^_^ (Doesn’t mean I won’t write fic for the Nacelleverse, though!) And many thanks to my friend, Hamsuoffical, for helping me out with some ideas to get this thing going.
“So We Meet Again”
By Skylark Starflower
Started June 14th 2023
                   “Are you really leaving?” Charlene looked pleadingly at her neighbour. “You’re really giving up?”
                   “I’m sorry, Charlene, but we don’t have much of a choice anymore. After the local grocery store got bought out, it’s gotten far too expensive to stay. Peggy and I, we’re not young like you. We’ve got a sweet deal on a condo downtown near the kids, and we’re going to take it.”
                   Charlene sighed. “I get it, Otto, I really do. It’s just… you’re the last people I know here. You know I can’t sell the garage and leave, it’s too important to me. I don’t want to be alone in this.”
                   Otto smiled sadly, clapping her on the shoulder. “I know, but we’ll come by and visit. Someone’s gotta keep the old girl running for us.”
                   Charlene managed a smile of her own. “I can do that. You two take care, okay?” She gave the older man a hug. After a moment, he pulled away.
                   “You, too, Charley-girl. I’ll see you around.”
                   With a final pat on the shoulder, he turned and headed home. Charley watched him leave for a moment longer before heading back inside. She wiped the tears from her eyes and glanced around.
                   Her garage, The Last Chance, had been in her family for three generations. She loved the place; it had been home since she was old enough to run it by herself. She couldn’t just leave her family’s legacy.
                   Things were tough, though. A real estate mogul was buying up all the properties in the area, already starting demolition in several areas. Some not far from her garage. They were interested in The Last Chance, but Charley was the stubborn holdout in the area. Most everyone else had already left. Peggy and Otto selling off the apartment building they owned and lived in was just another nail in the coffin of her neighbourhood.
                   “What am I going to do?” she sighed, wiping her eyes once more. She had a small savings account, but with no people left in the area, there weren’t going to be any customers coming to get their vehicles repaired. No clients meant no money coming in. Her savings wouldn’t carry her for long. If she just accepted Limburger’s offer, she’d be swimming in cash…
                   “No! I can’t think like this!” Charley gave her head a shake. “I’ll figure something out. I always do.”
                   She smiled sardonically and glanced at the clock. It was quarter to six, almost time for her self defence class. Abandoning her worries for later, she gathered her stuff and headed out.
X        X        X
                   “Ms. Davidson! Are you paying attention?”
                   Charley jumped, snapped back to reality by the sound of the instructor’s voice. She gave her head a shake and blushed, noticing everyone else in the class staring at her.
                   “Sorry, sorry. I guess I got lost in thought,” she replied.
                   “If you can’t keep your mind in the game, someone’s going to get hurt, and it will probably be you. If you can’t concentrate, perhaps you should sit this lesson out. Try again next week, when you’re more focused,” said her instructor.
                   “You’re right, Mr. Harrison.” Charley stood from where she had been sitting and bowed. “My head’s just not in it today.” With that, she grabbed her things and left as the class carried on without her.
                   It was already getting dark, the cool, crisp autumn air a pleasant change from the stuffy hot air in the training center. Charley let her mind wander as she headed for home.
                   Her community was pretty much gone, completely bought up and awaiting demolition. Everyone she knew had already moved away. She was on her own. Usually, practicing her chosen self defence style would help her calm down and think rationally, but apparently not this time. She sighed, thoughts swirling about in her head. What if, this time, she couldn’t figure something out? She hated to think it, but what she really needed was someone to help her. Only problem was, who? There was no one left.
                   Suddenly, the night sky was lit like daylight, accompanied by a strange whistling, roaring sound. Charley looked up in time to see… something, brightly glowing, almost like a meteor, cutting across the Chicago skyline. Whatever it was, it was clearly falling. By her estimates, it was heading towards Quigley Field.
                   “What in the world?” she muttered. It was then that she saw three small objects detaching themselves from the meteor and start falling away from it. There didn’t seem to be any kind of order to the fall, the three figures separating and falling apart. Two of them looked like they were heading in one direction, but the third seemed to be heading right for her.
                   She followed the falling figures as best she could, losing the first two in the buildings surrounding her. The third was getting closer to her every moment, and she could have sworn in appeared to be a person riding a motorcycle. But why? Was this some sort of publicity stunt for an upcoming movie? Something told her that wasn’t the case.
                   She was running now, still following the falling figure. They were almost to the ground, and Charley lost sight of them between two buildings. There was a loud crash seconds after, and Charley darted into the alleyway it came from just a moment later. The light from the street lamps didn’t penetrate very far, so it was hard to tell what she was looking at.
                   She was caught off guard by a revving engine. Turning to look towards the sound, she found a motorcycle. She had the strange feeling that it was watching her, and she could tell something was wrong, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Then in struck her.
                   There was no one riding.
                   The driverless motorcycle lit up its headlight, catching Charley in its beam, nearly blinding her. Then it…beeped at her. She could have sworn it seemed almost angry, or worried even.
                   “Hey, calm down, it’ll be okay,” she said, feeling a bit silly for talking to a motorcycle. It beeped at her again, and revved once more. It seemed to be trying to communicate with her, which was strange enough, but what was it trying to say? “You seemed to have a rider earlier. Where are they? Are they okay? I just want to help.”
                   The bike seemed to consider this for a moment, before beeping for a third time. It turned its headlight about, lighting up a body lying on a pile of trash bags. Charley gasped.
                   The figure was humanoid, but something about it seemed odd. She ran over to investigate, the bike beeping again but making no move to stop her. They – no, probably a he to judge from the open vest he wore – seemed to be unconscious. He wore biker pants that appeared to be blue denim, a black leather vest, and an oddly shaped helmet. Despite all that, something still bothered Charley. It wasn’t until she touched his arm (yelping and drawing away in surprise) that she realised what it was. From head to toe, he was covered in soft, golden brown fur. He wasn’t human at all.
                   “But,” Charley thought, “He’s still hurt.”
                   She took up his arm once more, hoping his physiology would be at least similar to that of a human, and checked for a pulse. She was in luck, finding one. It seemed pretty strong, too.
                   Now she had to get him home, somewhere he could be safe and recover. Though it baffled her to think he could have survived the fall at all. How was he still alive?
                   Carefully, she picked him up in a fireman’s carry and started to head back to the garage. The motorcycle followed, once again beeping. She didn’t have time to think about the fact that it was moving on its own.
                   “If you’re worried about him, you’re welcome to tag along,” she said to the machine. She was already growing accustomed to it acting on its own. It was no weirder than finding a furry man, she figured. She could worry about the who’s, why’s and what’s later. Right now, someone needed her help.
                   The motorcycle trailed behind her as she made her way home.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 8 months
about Amias and Regaila; did amais actively dislike josie or was he mostly indifferent to her? and how would that affect the way he parented her compared to regaila?
(i'm enraptured with this story now but I'll try not to spam you with asks lol)
(als BABY JOSIE!!!! SHE WAS SO CUTE OMG SHE'S SO TINY AND BABY. i have a few questions about her design but I'm trying not to flood your inbox haha. ALSO I'M IN LOVE WITH HER OUTFIT)
at first he was indifferent, just like ok this is my kid now I guess? it doesn't matter of being around her reminds him what he lost or that hes not ready for another kid. she makes my wife happy so thats all that matters.
he cared about her but not as much as you should about your own child, burshed her off a lot didn't spend a lot of time with her, he thought of her as Regaila's daughter not his
when she had an allergic reaction when she was three he was genuinely terrified, he may not have loved her as much as he should but he didn't want to lose another child, she only because Forkle did end up helping in a disguise and making sure she didn't die, but both he and Regaila refused to ever give her another exiler so they wouldn't risk losing her again.
But as she got older she started to act oddly, would stare at Callista and Evander's wanderlings and ask people if they could hear them singing, which confused everyone because only Gnomes could hear the songs, she would write notes in a "secret code" that Amais recognized from his father's papers from the council but couldn't remember what they where for. the way animals seemed to just a little to friendly to her. she knew the names of every star because of all that she was mostly unpopular with the kids outside her family because they thought she was strange, so she mostly hung out with her cousins, and Amais just kinda brushed it off when she was picked on telling her shes gotta be tough.
when she manifests as a telepath at nine rumors start going around about how she’s some kind of weapon that was made by the council especially after people realize telepaths can't get her mind. (when originally the only rumor about her origin was that she was Oralie and Kenrics illegitimate child) some people around them even mention project moonlark. Ideila Cyrus and Regaila acknowledge to her that she’s possibly something like that, but tell Josie if that’s true whatever she was made for they won’t let them hurt or use her.
around that time Amias starts to actually say that Josie is not his kid when Josie and Regaila arnt around when people ask and just say she’s his wife’s kid, and when Josie overhears him saying that to some of his friends sue realizes he doesn’t love her for the first time. Josie goes to Regaila about it but shes is in denial for a bit before trying to convince him that Josie is still his child, because she loves them both, and Amias loves her, so he just had to learn to love Josie.
she pushes them to spend more time together and it really doesn't go anywhere, Amais just stops denying that Josie is his daughter because it upsets Regaila not because of it's effects on Josie.
When Josie is ten Regaila gets pregnant, she doesn’t tell Amais for a bit because she doesn’t know how he will react considering he still doesn’t accept Josie and its been ten years.
while Regaila is out with Athena asking her how to tell Amias asking her how to tell Amias shes pregnant, Amias goes in the tent exhausted and relaxes in his "room" leaving Josie watching T.v in the largest part of the tent. someone comes to the door for some arbitrary reason and Josie answers it and says her dad is in his room.
after Amias deals with the person at the door he turns to Josie and tells her to stop telling people he’s her dad because he’s not, Josie asks what he means. Amias tells her he just "only let Regaila adopt her because it made her happy to have a baby again and all he wanted was for her to be happy, he didn’t want another kid, he just wants his baby back, but that wasn’t going to happen, so he made a sacrifice for her sake. but he didn’t sign up for some thing who stares at trees and draws odd symbols in the dirt. and he definitely didn’t sign up for a kid who manifests four years early and who’s mind no telepath can get into."
Josie starts crying and saying she'll try to be normal promising nit to use her ability until the normal manifestation age. Amias starts scolding her saying it’s impossible for her and it escalates to the point that Josie manifests as a inflictor and inflicts on him. they both collapse and when Josie snaps out of it and runs over to him and starts shaking him trying to wake him up, when he comes to he shoves her away and tells her to stay away from him, she scoots closer crying and says “dad, i didn’t mean to hurt you!” and he backs away and says “i’m not your dad get away from me!!”
Josie starts crying harder and she starts to spark again and Amias realizes whats coming and runs to his and Regaila’s room and zipps the door shut, Josie follows him to the door and keeps apologizing through it but he keeps yelling at her to shut up and stay away from him sounding completely terrified of her.
Regaila comes home because of all the commotion and finds her 10 year daughter curled up at the door apologizing to her husband and promising she would be normal over and over.
Regaila scoops up her up and takes her to the couch and asks her what happened and Josie is to upset to explain properly so Regaila gets her to transmit the memory of what happened to her and Regaila is pissed, she takes Josie over to Idelia’s house and leaves her there over night while she and Amias talk (fight).
Amias spends the time trying to convince Reagila to leave Josie and they can move to a new village and start a new life there, because Josie is dangerous and not even their child.
Regaila spends the time trying to convince him that Josie isn’t dangerous, and she is their new life. But Amias doesn’t agree and ends up saying that Josie is monster who attacked him, Regaila says she wasn’t trying to but Amias is insistent that she did it on purpose. Regaila ends up kicking him out of her house and telling him to find somewhere new to live, not even mentioning her pregnancy because she didn’t trust him with how hes treating Josie.
they try to convince each other to change their mind for several months, Josie staying with her family during the late nights that her parents are talking thinking to herself how she definitely ruined her parents marriage
at the end of the few months Regaila picks up Josie from Idelia's tent and takes her home telling her that "Amias is gone and he won't be able to treat her like that anymore, apologizing for not noticing sooner and telling her that she loves her, and no matter how many abilities she manifests she won't stop loving her" trying to hide the fact that she’s upset about it but Josie notices she’s upset and reads her mind and finds out about the conversation and gets upset again almost enough to inflict and Regaila tells her "it wasn’t her fault, but thats why she shouldn't read people's minds, sometimes you're not being told information to protect you"
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 20 - No Going Back
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: You decided it was time to strike back and get back to your original size, but you must do it without Natasha knowing.
Series Masterlist
"Wake up! You're dozing off in our club?" I felt a pillow landing on my head and I woke up in shock. I looked up, seeing the slightly familiar faces. Everyone was slightly bigger, taller in fact. My eyes landed on her, the picture that Gin showed me.
I immediately dragged Hailey out of the room, ignoring the calls from others. "What's happening?" I demanded.
"Let go of me."
"Tell me what's happening? Why am I in this body? Where is Conan?" I held both her arms, panicking. So many questions were going through my head as I looked at the adult body of Hailey.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She shook my hands off. "Haven't we gone through this already? It's been years."
I looked at her, not understanding what she was saying. Gone through this? "You and Conan took the pill. He managed to change back but you didn't. Your body has built up a resistance against it because you keep taking the prototype. You're no longer able to change back."
"What?" Her words hit me like a bullet and I was not ready to face it.
"There's no life for the old me so I decided to stay as I am. We are already in high school, it's been 6 years Y/N, just accept it."
"You gotta be joking." I shook my head. "You're lying to me." I started running for the fence and used the trees to help me climb over the fence.
I refuse to believe this. 6 years have passed? I went into the compound to look for Natasha. As soon as I entered the living space, their heads turned to me. "Hey kid, aren't you supposed to be in school?" Steve asked.
"Where's Natty? You know what, nevermind." I went to Wanda and pulled her into an empty meeting room.
"Is this all true? 6 years have passed and I'm stuck?" I realised I was almost the same height as Wanda and it just made the possibility of this whole thing true to be a lot higher.
"Y/N, there's nothing that can be done. We tried everything."
"Nat..." She came into my mind again and I ran to find her. I asked FRIDAY where she was and she was still in the training room. Typical.
"NAT!" I shouted when I went into the training room.
"Allie, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" She stopped boxing and looked at me.
"Nat... I- I have to- tell you something." I stepped closer and slowly approached her. She looked at me with curious eyes as she took off the boxing gloves and tossed them aside.
"All these years... I've been hiding something from you. To tell you the truth..." I took a deep breath before taking off my glasses. "I'm Y/N all this time."
She smiled before taking a step towards me. "You know, seeing you grow up all these years, you definitely grew to look like Y/N." She caressed my cheeks before smiling. "There were times I thought it was her standing in front of me. You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better. I've waited for so long, 6 years... what's waiting another few more?"
She reached down to my hands and placed my glasses back on again. I looked at her with tears that were threatening to come out of my eyes. "But it's really me. I'm not lying."
"Allie, it's fine."
"Allie, Allie. It's okay, it's alright. It's just a dream." I heard someone say. What's a dream? I slowly opened my eyes and my head felt very heavy. It looked like I was in the hospital or in the medbay. I guess I'm not dead yet. Too tough to die I supposed.
"Bruce said you have a fever due to the infection. Your wound is likely going to take very long to heal but it should pose no problem in the future." Nat said as she sat by your side.
"You should thank Nat. You were already losing a lot of blood when you arrived and since Bruce used the last pack of O type blood on Wanda, she donated her blood to you." This time it was Tony who was speaking at the foot of your bed while looking through the chart that he probably knew nothing much about. So Wanda was the other person who was kidnapped.
"I'm going to go get Bruce." Nat said before leaving.
Once she left, Tony took her seat and whispered. "How did she know your blood type? Bruce just said he ran out of O type blood and your condition was too serious to have a blood test then and Nat just offered her blood straight away."
"I have no idea..." My voice came out scratchy. Bruce came in with Nat just as Tony was about to offer me some water. He checked through the general things before making sure that my banaged were still okay before leaving.
"How's Wanda?" I asked.
"She's okay. She's out of the bed either using the crutches or wheelchair. She'll probably come visit you soon." Nat said. I nodded still not talking much because I was feeling so tired. "How is it that you always get into trouble?"
"Sorry Natty."
"It's alright. As long as you are fine now. I can't tell you're tired. Go and sleep. I'll tell Wanda to come when you wake up." She planted a kiss on my forehead before making sure I was comfortable to sleep.
"Thank you Natty."
I think it was another few hours since I last woke up as there was less sound coming from the hallway. It was dark in my room and I assume it was during the night already.
"You're awake." I looked towards my left to see Hailey sitting. What was she doing here this late?
"They found me." She pointed a gun towards me. "They said as long as I kill you, they can forgive everything I've done and I can go back to them. I'm sorry Y/N, they don't like to leave traces behind."
"What..? Hailey, you can't be ser-"
She pulled the trigger and colourful flowers came out of the barrel instead of bullets. "What would you do?" She took the flowers and placed them in a vase. "If presented with such choices would you tell her the truth or continue hiding?"
Apparently, the entire group - George, Mitch, Amy and Conan all came to visit but I was sleeping while they were here. They didn't want to leave before seeing me so they slept over with the living room as their makeshift bedroom. Since all of them were in kids' bodies, there was lots of space for them to occupy.
Hailey and I stayed up for a while discussing our plans on taking down the Black Orgainsation. Since she hangs around Conan a lot more than I have, she was able to tell me things that they have experience that possibly link to them. Also, what's better than having the lady herself who was once part of it.
"We need to bring them down quickly, they have started to recognise more of the people we are hanging around with. It puts their life in danger."
While I was being kidnapped by Gin and Vodka, I had the chance to slip a tracker into the collar of their jacket. I needed to know where their base was located.
Instead of passing it over to Tony, I handed it to Hailey to track them for a couple days. I wanted to know their route and familiarise myself with it but from the updates I have gotten from Hailey, there wasn't much of a pattern.
"Allie." Natty's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Your friends are here to visit you again." She opened the door wider and all of them came streaming in.
I was still staying at the medbay much to my protest. Bruce wanted to make sure that I was healing properly since it was such a nasty shot. I have to wear a shoulder brace to restrict movement, Natty says I move too much.
"Don't make too much noise." Natty told them.
"Okay!!!" All of them sounded as they crowded around the bed while Natty had a talk outside with Bruce.
"Allie, look!" They all showed me the games that I missed out when I was away from school. Honestly, I tuned all of them out when they were going through the game and the demo.
Natasha POVBruce was going through her healing process and how she is going to feel in the future. Since it was still the school semester, I knew her grades were stellar but I wasn't too sure about sending her back but she had to meet the required attendance in order to graduate. Since she injured her right arm, I wasn't too sure how she was going to write or do most of her stuff. I'll have to contact the school to see if we can figure anything out.
"One more thing, she's likely going to be coughing every now and then since her immune system is down from the surgery." Just then, Allie was seen coughing while trying to defeat the boss in the game. George was making all sorts of sounds as it looked like she was failing at the game. All of them groaned when the game made a failed noise that was all too familiar to kids. "Allie! I told you to save the special power for the end!!" George stated.
"You and Conan are not very good at playing games, Allie." Mitch complained after taking back his console.
"That's fine, Allie. You're good at other things. George and Mitch can't match your grades no matter how hard they study." Amy tried to make her feel better.
I turned my attention back to Bruce once again, asking him if it was alright for her to go back to school or if alternative was the only choice. We went back and forth on decisions until we finally decided on one.
Bill came before dinner to pick the kids up and sent them back to their parents house. Allie was still stuck in the medbay even though she complained each day about wanting to go back to her room. I needed to talk to her regarding her school so I went to speak to her before Steve was done with dinner.
"What if I just take the test early? That way I don't have to go to school anymore." She asked. I was kinda surprised at her confidence in taking the test when the teacher has yet to complete teaching the syllabus.
"I don't think the teachers have set the papers yet. But I'll talk to the school and see if anything can be done." She nodded understandingly.
"When can I go back to my room?"
"Allie, I told you you still have to stay here for a while. It's much more sterile for your condition, especially since you just had surgery." She whined, kicking her legs. It's not like we have been keeping her in the room all day, she does get some time out in her wheelchair.
"Can I at least eat with the others? Please?" She gave me the puppy eyes which she knows I cannot resist.
"I'll ask the others to come out. I don't want you to be moving too much." Since she was right-handed she tends to stretch that side of her arm too much, even when she was adjusting or balancing herself.
>time skip<
There was one instant in the beginning when Allie asked for her phone being the teenager she was and she instantly asked if I looked through her phone. I teased her about having a crush but she shot down the idea quickly and guarded her phone.
Well, Hailey has been coming to visit her a lot more than the rest so I have been wondering if they fancy each other. Hailey was a lot more mature like Conan and quiet unlike the rest so I thought they'll be seeing each other. They really don't act like their age.
"Hi Hailey, here to see Allie again?" I greeted her once I let her in the compound.
"That's right Miss Romanoff." She said kindly.
"Nat or Natasha's fine."
"I think I'll stick to Miss Romanoff."
"Alright, whichever makes you feel comfortable." I led her to the room Allie was in before leaving them alone again.
Your POVWe were finalising our plan these few days. Conan and Hailey have been checking out a few possible places for their hideout and we have been slowly eliminating them one by one. Slowly but surely we are closing in on them. I couldn't wait till I am able to get back to my old body and get back to my old lifestyle.
Wanda barging into the room pulled me out of my thoughts as she was dragging Natty behind her and I furrowed my eyebrows as I specifically told her to come alone. We were supposed to go through the possible plans of action before telling Tony. He was the last I wanted to tell because he just has such a big mouth.
"So??" She wiggled her eyebrows as I looked at her confused. "Who's your crush?" My cheeks heat up at her question. I swear Wanda was having too much fun with this. I glared at her before covering my face with the blanket.
"I thought she liked Hailey." Natty said, making me groan even more.
"I thought Amy was more her type." Wanda adding fuel to the fire.
"Guys stop... I don't like any of them."
"Come on Allie, you can just whisper to me, I swear I won't tell anyone." She placed her ears closer to me and I felt myself turn red. It's you, stupid.
"I really don't have anyone..." Both of them continued on with the topic of crushes and I was internally dying laying down on my bed.
>Time skip<
"So you're telling me to create a fake mission?" Tony said after hearing your plans that I have discussed with Wanda. "Also, why are you telling me this last? I should have been here when you guys were discussing this."
"Because you were too busy. So are you helping or not?" Time was limited and I suspect that the Black Organisation will move within these two days.
"You want Wanda and I along with Nat on the mission? Why include Nat? I thought it would be better if she didn't participate in this."
"Initially, I thought the same. But I remembered that they were really good at encrypting stuff so I needed her to hack anything that's there. This way, she will also not notice that I'm not in the compound." I explained. It was planned that I will hide in the quinjet and follow them to the base as Bill will be waiting somewhere further out the streets just in case anything goes wrong and I need to bail. If we have any reward, I would take them and bring them to Hailey.
"It's going to be tough to convince why the unusual grouping but it should be okay."
"It needs to be an emergency mission. You can't give her time to figure out that it's fake." I reminded Tony before he left.
"I got it. Take care of yourself, you're still hurt."
I told Hailey that the plan was in motion and she and Conan can get ready when we bring the resources to them.
A knock on the door made me hide my phone away and it was Natty who came into the room. "Texting your crush?"
"Natty..." I whined. This topic needs to stop soon.
"Alright... I'm heading for a mission so stay here and don't go anywhere."
"Got it..."
When Wanda gave me the clearance to leave the medbay, I hurriedly went to my room and geared up as well. Making sure I took my enhanced shoes before heading to the quinjet. Wanda was already waiting there making sure I had a place to hide. Once I was in place, she placed a few crates around me so I was hidden away from Natty.
"So we are going in and killing two guys? Why do we need so many people?" Natty entered the quinjet and the door closed behind her before taking off.
"You're mainly here to get data." Tony passed her a thumbdrive. "Wanda and I are here to kill and cover you."
"Aren't we going to bring anyone back?"
"Not this mission."
Natty got herself ready as she went through the mission brief once again. It wasn't a long trip and soon the quinjet got ready to land and everyone stood up ready for the door to open. "Remember, this is a silent mission. No loud noises unless necessary." Tony said as Nat took out her batons.
Everyone nodded and left before I stood up from my hiding place. Checking once again that Bill was already at place, I followed behind them after they had cleared the place. Quietly, I made my way in and checked if there were any other things that could be used. Especially any files that could lead us elsewhere.
The critical place for me would be the lab where Hailey said they often gave her information when she was still working for them. When I came across files that I wasn't sure if it was needed, I took a photo of it before bringing it with me. Just in case I need to drop everything and run.
I came across a list, they have been doing experiments on a lot of other test subjects which I assume they just picked from the streets. I came across my name towards the bottom but its result stated unidentified. All the rest were dead. So I wasn't the first victim, but why wasn't I dead?
Before I brought it back with me, I noticed Miyano's last name. That was Hailey's real last name. She said her mother died creating this drug so it could only be her sister, as it was a female's name. She never told me she had a sister, does Conan know about this?
Deciding not to waste time here, I went further in and saw Natty in the control room. I needed her to take the data in the lab too, how am I supposed to go about telling her? I need to find Wanda. She can tell Tony through the comms and he can tell her.
Without audio cues, I have no idea where the rest were. I went further in to find her and thankfully, I managed to catch a glimpse of her red coat and I ran faster after her. Turns out, she has been eliminating quite a number of people.
"Wanda!" I whispered trying to get her attention.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" She dragged me into a room which she had cleared earlier.
"I need you to tell Tony to tell Natasha to get the information from the lab as well. That's the most critical part... for me to change back."
She looked at me for a while before nodding. "Stay safe." She said after relaying to Tony. "Nat is heading there now, be careful."
I gave her a smile before heading back. Since I was much smaller in size, I managed to stay under the cover without having to crouch much.True to Wanda's words, Natty was already there working things out. I watched as the screen filled with numbers and words and the download bar progressing.
Hailey checked in with me that she was receiving information. The thumb drive that Tony gave Natty was special, as it downloads data from the computer, it also sends the data to Hailey's computer at the same time.
Once Nat was done, I heard that she was heading back to the quinjet. Assuming that the job was done, I texted Hailey to check through the data while I was still here. Tony also sent two images of Vodka and Bourbon being dead. But I wasn't going to take any chances, I went to check their corpses and made sure they weren't wearing any masks.
Finally, they are dead. All that's left is to get back my body.
I ran back to the jet just in time before the door closed. Wanda saw me making my way to the hiding space and made up an excuse to leave her seat to distract Natty.
"Are you okay Wanda?" Nat asked.
"Y-yeah, just needed a breather from the mission." Wanda came up with something.
"Are you sure? The mission is a lot easier than others. Did you see anything?"
"N-no." Natty squinted her eyes but left it at that, not pursuing the issue any further.
When we reach the compound again. Tony told Natty to stay back so I had time to run back to the medbay and lay on my bed as if I had left. I was having a hard time calming down after running and I knew I wouldn't be able to fool Nat in this state so I called Bruce for help.
"My shoulder hurts... can you give me some pain medication so I can sleep?" I know this isn't a good thing to do.
"I'll see what I can do." Bruce went to the lab and got some medication for me and injected it into my bloodstream. Thankfully, until I fell back asleep, Natty didn't enter my room and I was able to get away with it. 
Natasha POV Again for some unknown reason, Tony was hosting a party and everyone was invited to go. It wasn't compulsory but when it is hosted at the place you stay, you kinda have to go. There's no way out of this.
"Natty, do you want to head out to buy some clothes for the party later?" Allie asked me.
"Sure. Do you have anything in mind?" She shrugged her shoulders. A couple of weeks have passed since then. Allie was able to move with more ease now, no longer having to wear the shoulder brace. Everyone had a tough time keeping her in place. She kept wanting to hang out with people and ended up being a monkey around. Not exactly the best thing to do when she has an injured shoulder.
After lunch, we went to the mall for some clothes. I was kinda surprised when Wanda said she didn't want to join us but she said she wasn't feeling it and there were enough clothes in her closet. I guess finding it fun in Tony's party has a limit.
"Natty, what do you think of this?" She showed me a yellow dress against her body.
"Looking good. Are you going to get it?"
"Hmm I don't know, I look around first I guess." She placed it back on the rack before walking around looking again. "Are you going to get anything?" She asked.
"If I saw anything that caught my eye. I have enough." She nodded before walking excitedly in front. Slowly, we started drifting away from the clothing and ended up in the accessories section. She was looking intently at some of the bracelets and charms.
"Did you see anything you like, Natty? I want to thank you for getting the dolphin for me."
"I told you there's no need to get me anything. You saved my life then. It's more than enough."
"I want to get you something..."
I shook my head at her adorableness and checked to see if there was anything that she could afford. I didn't want to put a hole in her wallet just because she wanted to get me something. Since she got the dolphin, I thought I should continue the theme of the sea animals and got a shark.
"A shark keychain?" She asked, making sure it was the one I chose.
"Yeah. You get a dolphin, I get a shark. You know, a shark is constantly moving." She nodded her head. "So, you getting any clothes? Or are you just here to get me something?" I asked.
"Like you, see if anything catches my eyes. But I think I'm getting the yellow dress earlier. Nothing else for you?"
"I'm good."
We walked back to the racks we were at earlier and she picked out the yellow dress and made sure it was her size before bringing it to the cashier. I thought she was going to just give the keychain to me but she actually went to ask the cashier if there was a box that came along with it.  She explained that it was so that I can keep the keychain in a safe place whenever I would take it out.
"I'll see you later at the party."
Your POV I got ready and went to the party on time. Some like to arrive later but personally, I like to arrive on time, on the dot. I hate having to greet people so by arriving on time, the rest would have to come and say hi and not me. Though, I prefer if they just stay away from me if I'm not close to you.
"Never saw a kid so enthusiastic for a party." Clint said as he came and sat with me. He cheered my glass of apple juice with his beer bottle.
"How many kids can say they came to a Stark party?"
"About 3 others?" He looked towards my friends. Seeing George, Amy and Mitch getting excited by all the gadgets and Tony more than happy to talk to display and talk about how good it is because... right, he's already drunk. Conan didn't join this event because he had other places to be in and Hailey, well, she's not a fan of parties.
"You keep the people sane here. Make sure they don't do reckless things and the best backup there is."
"You talk as if you've seen me in the field."
"I hear a lot around here. Especially when I have nothing to do."
I got up and found Steve talking to Maria at the edge of the bar. "Can't keep work away from the party?" I asked as I got a refill for my apple juice.
"That's not funny. I value my time off even if I have to fight with Fury. I'm not going to work forever until I'm old like a fossil over here." Maria complained.
"Hey, I didn't have a choice."
"Well, rest is needed especially in a leading role. Can't have you oppressing low level agents like us."
"Like you?" Maria raised an eyebrow.
"Like normal people. I represent them."
"Hey look, the fashionably late duo is here." Steve nodded towards the entrance and I turned my head to look.
"Well, it's the apprentice and the master so of course they are going to be similar." Maria commented.
Natty was wearing the most gorgeous red strapless dress as the light shone on her. She burst with confidence as she walked in ignoring the other men who were calling out to her. There were no words to describe her because my mind wasn't functioning enough to think of a descriptive word that fits her.
"You didn't even see me walk in did you." Wanda spoke into my mind, bringing me out of my trance.
"Well, when she is this amazing, I don't see anyone else." I whispered under my breath knowing she can hear it in my mind as well.
"You look great as well." I said.
"You look like the sunflower of the room." Wanda said as she walked around me. I just smiled at her without saying anything.    
We fell into a comfortable conversation talking about everything and especially teasing her about her crush in Vision. I enjoyed seeing her turning red at the mention of him and the small actions that Vision would do for her.
"Nat's free now. You can go over." She gently nudged me towards her and I gave her a look.
"Are you pushing me away because you want to go talk to Vision?" I placed a hand over my chest and leaned away slightly.
"That's not it!"
I chuckled slightly before pulling her along towards Vision who was with Tony. "Thanks for helping!" I yelled over the music before going over to find Natty.
She was just wrapping up her place and I managed to get to her before she packed everything. She looked at me but her hands were still moving. "Can I get fancy apple juice?" I asked. She shook her head before turning to get a tall flute glass and poured the apple juice inside. "Thank you." She placed the glass on the coaster.
I expected her to pour a regular apple juice but when I saw the fizz in the glass I looked at her with a sparkle in my eyes. "I go all out." I let out a satisfied sigh after taking a sip of the sparkling apple juice.
"Are you this happy just by drinking sparkling apple juice?" She asked after seeing the smile of my face not fading.
"I never had sparkling apple juice. I didn't expect my first experience to be so wonderful. From now on, I'll only drink sparkling apple juice like this." I lifted the glass and let it sparkle under the lights.
"Oh... what have I done?"
"Come sit next to me?" It's been a few months, almost half a year since I arrived in this state. I've met a lot of new people, but my mind was always filled with her.
As she sat down, I crawled to her lap but it was difficult since we were sitting on the high bar stool. She chuckled as she made sure I didn't fall off and helped me once she understood my intention.
"Why are we doing this here and not on the couch? I'm sure it's more comfortable there."
"There's fewer people here."
"Are you having fun at the party?" She asked and I nodded.
"Where do you think Y/N is right now?" I asked.
"Hmm, I'm not too sure. The last time we met, she was going to Italy either she's still there or maybe in Luxembourg, Uruguay? She could be anywhere really." Natty said as she has an arm around me and the other hand holding her drinks. It's a small stool after all.
We started chatting about school and all, it was great that I still managed to attend school. The teacher hands over the homework that needs to be completed and once I complete them, I give it to Natty for her hand to the school for marking.
"It's almost your bedtime. You're heading back with Bill today right?" By now, both of us have finished the drink in our glass.
"That's right."
"Then you probably get going. Your friends need to head back to their family as well." I hummed, not wanting to go just yet. "Come on." She placed me on the ground and took my hand to find Bill.
"Hey Bill. Having a nice time here?" He was talking about all the inventions he created with Tony. While it was not as amazing as Tony's, there were some that have proper functional and practical news such as my voice changer necktie.
"Yeah, this is great. I should probably gather the rest and send them home." Bill went to the dance floor and gathered the rest.
"I'll see you when you come back." Natty squatted down and came face to face with me.
I placed my arms around her neck. "I'll miss you. I love you a lot." I mumbled.
Natty chuckled and rubbed my back. "I love you too." I still refused to let her go until Bill came and announced that they were ready to go.
"I'll see you soon." I kissed her cheek before letting go and gave her a small wave.
Her smile on her face was the last thing I saw at this party.
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sneakyfox55 · 2 years
For the fruit ask thingyyy 🍉🍎🍒
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
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howlingday · 2 years
Pyrrha: For as long as I can remember, I had to be perfect.
???: Remember, Pyrrha, that you are not like the others. You are destined for greatness! You will rise above those around you, and stand at the top!
Pyrrha: I have to be stronger than everyone! I have to be smarter than everyone! I have to be perfect!
Pyrrha: Except... when you're always perfect, it's not an accomplishment, it's an expectation.
???: Huh? Only a 95? I thought you were the smartest in our class. But if you can't get a perfect score, I guess that means you're slipping.
???: Her hair is so long! She should cut it!
???: Just you wait! Pyrrha Nikos is the one to carry us all to the top!
Pyrrha: After I realized that, I learned my purpose wasn't to mine, but another's. I don't live for myself. I can't live for myself.
Pyrrha: But I've accepted this. I've accepted my destiny, my burden to become the greatest, and to be the greatest.
Pyrrha: And then this kid showed up to our school.
Cardin: Get over here, loser!
Jaune: Ack! (Ducks out of the way)
Pyrrha: Hm?
Jaune: H-Hey! You gotta help me!
Russel: Gotcha! (Throws him back to Cardin)
Cardin: (Grabs Jaune's chin) You should know better than to squeak. Mice like you shouldn't even be looking at cats, let alone talk to the queen of the jungle here!
Jaune: (Lips squeezed) Hy! Hy, oo! Lp me ut!
Pyrrha: (Looks at Jaune, Turns away)
Pyrrha: (Turns around, Sees Jaune running towards her)
Russel: Cardin, speak to me!
Cardin: (Holding his groin) Ugh! That damn no-aura-havin bastard!
Jaune: (Running past Pyrrha) Thanks for nothing.
Goodwitch: Ms. Nikos? Please, come and pick up your exam results. (Hands them over) Congratulations on another perfect score, Ms. Nikos. Class, you should all be following Ms. Nikos' example.
???: That's not fair!
???: Yeah, all this stuff is easy for her!
Pyrrha: Easy? None of it is easy. I have to work hard to get where I am. Physically and mentally.
???: Hey, did you hear? We won another spot in the tournament!
???: Well, of course we did. We have Pyrrha Nikos on our side! The Invincible Girl! I mean, if we didn't make it, I'd be so mad at- Ow!
???: Shut up! She's right there!
Pyrrha: And because I work hard, I'm the strongest. I'm the smartest. But what do I get in return?
Jaune: Ah~! Peter Pipe's Extra Spice Pep In Your Step Barbecue sauce! Oh, this is going to taste great on my nuggies! (Grabs it) Huh? Doesn't feel like there's much left.
Pyrrha: Hey.
Jaune: Hm? Oh, it's you.
Pyrrha: Hand over that barbecue sauce.
Jaune: ...No. I got the last bottle, so I'm going to use it. I don't care if you're the queen of the jungle, king of the world, or the thing that shattered the moon, you can't have this bottle, so back off. Ghk!
Pyrrha: (Menacing aura, Grabs Jaune's collar) Give. Me. The. Bottle.
Jaune: (Lowers the bottle, Yanks it over his shoulder) Oops!
Pyrrha: (Watches as the bottle flies into the trash, Everything blurs and whines)
???: Did you see that?
???: Somebody just outsmarted Pyrrha!
???: Not just somebody! It's that flunkie kid with no aura!
???: No way! What she gonna do?
Pyrrha: (Hyperventilates, Slams Jaune into the wall)
Pyrrha: He's nothing!
Pyrrha: He's beneath me!
Pyrrha: He's so far below me, he's not even trash!
Pyrrha: WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! (Kneels down, Grabs his collar)
Pyrrha: WHO ARE YOU?! (Hits Jaune)
Pyrrha: YOU'RE NOBODY! (Strikes Jaune)
???: Yikes! What's gotten into Nikos?!
???: I better get out of here before she comes after me next!
Pyrrha: I made it.
Pyrrha: I'm at the top of the food chain.
Pyrrha: I'm the best of the best.
Pyrrha: (Huffing, Tears streaming down her face)
Pyrrha: So, why do I have to follow the rules? Why do I have to live for other people's expectations?
Why can't I get what I want most of all?
Pyrrha: (Sighs, Scroll buzzes)
Jaune: (Texts via scroll) Hey, I just passed my Grimm history exam!
Jaune: Wanna grab lunch to celebrate?
Pyrrha: (Smiles, Texts back) Be there in 5. (Walks down the hall)
???: I heard Pyrrha went crazy yesterday. She took down all of Team CRDL outside of school!
???: Isn't that against the rules?
???: It's not the only one she's broken. I even heard she-
Pyrrha: (Walks through the gossip, Smiling)
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ptergwen · 4 years
peter and avenger!reader cuddling in bed after reader gets badly hurt on a mission so peter is kind of clingy/worried? 🥺
oh godddd 🥺 i genuinely love this
“does this feel okay?” peter checks with you, fluffing the pillow under your ankle for about the millionth time. you’d sprained it as well as broken a few fingers and hit your head. after bruce looked you over, he concluded that you have a slight concussion, so you’ve been confined to bed rest until you’re better. your very attentive and equally concerned boyfriend is keeping you company.
more like keeping an eye on you.
peter stayed home along with a few others because the whole team wasn’t needed for this mission. it was supposed to be lowkey, stopping some preplanned museum break in. it was lowkey until you got knocked into a statue and all banged up. steve was leading everyone, and he decided to take the loss, call damage control, and get you over to the med bay.
a few hours later leads you to be snuggled up with peter, who rushed to your side as soon as he’d heard what happened. bruce assured him it wasn’t that serious. at least, not serious enough for him to be freaking out in the place. that didn’t stop him.
“i’m fine, peter. really. you don’t have to worry so much,” you laugh down at him. he’s sitting at the end of your bed, insistently propping your foot up. “just wanna make sure you’re comfortable, baby.” he lets go of the pillow with a small frown. “c’mere,” you say softer. peter moves back up so he’s next to you. his arm wraps around your shoulders.
you curl into his side, peter’s free hand finding yours and carefully linking your fingers. “jesus,” he sighs as his thumb runs over your metal splint. “that’s gotta hurt. how long do you have to wear this?” you press the side of your face against his chest, mumbling out a don’t know. you didn’t ask bruce many questions. you’re too exhausted to care about the details.
peter brings your hand up to his lips and kisses the splint, then the rest of your fingers. it’s not always fun to be an avenger. all the scary thoughts, situations, the injuries that get worse every mission. seeing you go through the same things is tough for him.
“my head hurts,” you groan, voice muffled since you’re talking into his chest. “i know it hurts, baby,” peter coos and leaves a feather light kiss on your scalp. “it’s going to for a little while.” “i hate this.” you pull away from peter to look up at him, pouting. “why did i even have to be there? shouldn’t museums have, like, security?”
he winds his other arm around you with a chuckle. “yeah, and now their ancient greece exhibit has to pay for it.” the statue the robbers pushed you into kind of broke. it literally crumbled when you touched it. “it was old!” you excuse yourself, laughing in shock of his joke, peter hugging you closer to him. “exactly! that’s on the museum, not you.”
“look, y/n/n.” he’s getting serious again. “tonight was a lot. are you sure you’re okay?” “i guess.” you give him a half smile. half saying yes, half disappointed in how the mission played out. peter sees both sides of it. he brushes his thumb across your shoulder blade gently while he continues.
“i mean, you’re obviously in a lot of pain, which sucks.” you grab onto his torso and hum in response. “mentally, though. how are you doing up there?” his lips land on your temple, you closing your eyes, face fully hidden in his chest. “in the middle. good and bad,” you murmur into him. “i feel better now that i’m with you, but i’m upset about the mission.”
“how come?” peter asks, you letting out a breath. “because i messed it up. it’s embarrassing.” “no, no, no,” he immediately dismisses that and gives you another kiss on your cheek. “you did everything you could, baby. you got hurt.” “yeah, but-“ he’s not letting you finish that thought. “no one blames you, i promise.”
you sit with his words for a few seconds before accepting them. “ok. thank you, peter. that helps a little.” you kiss his chest, his arms tightening around you ever so slightly to say you’re welcome. peter smirks even though you can’t see it. “technically, if it’s anyone’s fault, cap was the one who called the mission.”
he’s too much.
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